Pojasnilo 11. 6. 2024


Seznam tujih revij, ki so vključene v mednarodno bazo podatkov
* CAPlus (Chemical Abstracts Plus)
do 2013


ISSN Revija Založnik/Izdajatelj
0424-9399 ?The ?Emporia State research studies Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia. Graduate School.; Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia. School of Graduate and Professional Studies.; Emporia Kansas State College. School of Graduate and Professional Studies.; Emporia State University. School of Graduate and Professional Studies.
1607-9884 'Ulūm-i pāyah; علوم پایه Dānishgāh-i Alzahrā
1074-5610 "Cold fusion." Wayne Green,
0373-0689 [Aciers spéciaux] Chambre syndicale des producteurs d'aciers fins et spéciaux (Paris)
0365-6683 [Aciers spéciaux et leurs emplois] Aciers spéciaux et leurs emplois,
0365-1045 [Actualités cardiologiques et angéiologiques internationales] Expansion scientifique française,
0300-8274 [Actualités psychiatriques] Actualités psychiatriques
0002-1148 [Agressologie] Service de propagande édition et information
0569-1494 [Aluminium abstracts] Aluminium abstracts,
0301-4452 [Anesthésie et analgésie] Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation.
0517-8487 [Annales d'astrophysique. Supplément] Caisse nationale de la recherche scientifique.
0003-4258 [Annales d'embryologie et de morphogénèse] Laboratoire d'embryologie (Paris)
0073-8573 [Annales de l'Institut Pasteur de Lille] Éd. médicales Flammarion
0395-9147 [Annales de la Direction des études et de l'équipement. Section 2] Service d'exploitation industrielle des tabacs et allumettes (France)
0003-4096 [Annales de médecine et de pharmacie de Reims] Association régionale pour l'étude et la recherche scientifiques.
0292-627X [Annales des composites] Association pour les matériaux composites (France)
0365-6535 [Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon. Botanique] Université de Franche-Comté.
0365-656X [Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon. Zoologie et physiologie] Université,
0153-923X [Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Reims et de l'ARERS] Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne; Association régionale pour l'enseignement et la recherche scientifique et technologique (Champagne-Ardenne)
0365-1940 [Année endocrinologique] Masson,
0003-9586 [Archives d'anatomie, d'histologie et d'embryologie] Alsatia,
0003-973X [Archives d'ophtalmologie, Revue générale d'ophtalmologie] Masson et Cie.
0373-2770 [Archives d'ophtalmologie] Delahaye et Lecrosnier,
0003-9616 [Archives de biochimie et cosmétologie] Varia,Editions,
0365-4656 [Archives de médecine générale et tropicale] Société de médecine de Marseille.
0365-5466 [Archives de pharmacie] [s.n.],
0365-5369 [Archives de physique biologique] Vigot frères,
0365-057X [Archives de physique biologique et de chimie-physique des corps organisés] [s.n.],
0003-9713 [Archives des sciences physiologiques] Centre de documentation du Centre national de la recherche scientifique,
0365-2912 [Archives Hospitalières et Revue Science et Santé Réunies] [s.n.],
0301-455X [Archives médicales d'Angers] Soc. de médecine d'Angers,
0367-7818 [Berichte] Federation Internationale des Producteurs de Jus de Fruits
0399-0311 [Biologie cellulaire] Société française des microscopies.
0292-8418 [Bio-sciences] Innobio,
0006-7660 [Bordeaux chirurgical] Journal de médecine de Bordeaux,
0395-3904 [Broncho-pneumologie] Association internationale de broncho-pneumologie.
0366-8290 [Bulletin] Union intersyndicale des industries françaises de biscuiterie biscotterie entremets et desserts instantanés aliments diététiques et de régime, Centre de formation technique et de perfectionnement.
0497-672X [Bulletin] Union des fabricants de biscuits biscottes aliments diététiques et divers, Centre de formation technique et de perfectionnement.
0096-0993 [Bulletin] - IBEC Research Institute IBEC Research Institute.
0366-4589 [Bulletin d'histologie appliquée et de technique microscopique] Masson; Institut d'histologie de la faculté de médecine
0396-1362 [Bulletin d'information] Institut textile de France-Nord.
0366-4767 [Bulletin de guerre des biologistes pharmaciens] [s.n.],
0004-5373 [Bulletin de l'Association des diplômés de microbiologie de la Faculté de pharmacie de Nancy] Association des diplômés de microbiologie de la Faculté de pharmacie de Nancy.
0365-883X [Bulletin de l'Association francaise des techniciens du pétrole] s.n.
0374-6003 [Bulletin de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires] Institut national polytechnique de Nancy,
0013-449X [Bulletin de la Direction des études et recherches. Série A, Nucléaire, hydraulique, thermique] Électricité de France.
0013-4503 [Bulletin de la Direction des études et recherches. Série B, Réseaux électriques, matériels électriques] Électricité de France.
0301-1194 [Bulletin de la Société des sciences vétérinaires et de médecine comparée de Lyon] Soc. des sciences vétérinaires et de médecine comparée de Lyon
0366-1083 [Bulletin de liaison du laboratoire] Laboratoire de la profession des peintures
0395-4374 [Bulletin de médecine légale, urgence médicale, centre anti-poisons] Association lyonnaise de médecine légale.
0007-4365 [Bulletin de médecine légale et de toxicologie médicale] Association lyonnaise de médecine légale; Groupement français des centres anti-poisons
0399-2519 [Bulletin des GTV] [s.n.]
0366-113X [Bulletin des sciences de la Terre de l'Université de Poitiers] Université de poitiers.
0007-6104 [Bulletin du Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières. Section 1, Géologie de la France] Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières
0367-4304 [Bulletin du GRA] Groupement français pour le développement des recherches aéronautiques.
0181-0154 [Bulletin médecine légale, toxicologie] Masson,
0081-1092 [Bulletins et mémoires de la Société française d'ophtalmologie] Société française d'ophtalmologie.
0395-7519 [Bulletin technique] Centre de recherches zootechniques et vétérinaires de theix,
0335-3710 [Bulletin technique apicole] Office pour l'information et la documentation en apiculture (Echauffour, Orne)
0150-889X [Bulletin technique des mines de fer de France] Editions Le Lorrain,
0068-5208 [Cahiers] ORSTOMFrance.
0575-1136 [Cahiers] ORSTOM (France)
0366-6328 [Cahiers de la thermique] Institut français des combustibles et de l'energie.
0366-5569 [Caoutchouc moderne] [s.n.],
0578-0497 [Chronique d'hydrogéologie] Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières,
0009-9902 [Coagulation] Simep Editions,
0366-7510 [Colloïdes en biologie, clinique et thérapeutique] [s.n.],
0246-1293 [Colloque d'endocrinologie ...] Doin; Masson
1149-0268 [Colloque international sur le soudage et la fusion par faisceau d'électrons] Centre d'études nucléaires (Saclay, Essonne)
0768-3154 [Colloques INSERM] Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (France)
0293-9908 [Comptes rendus de thérapeutique et de pharmacologie clinique] Bancquart,
0300-8010 [Comptes rendus du Congrès national des sociétés savantes. Section des sciences] Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques (France)
0365-2130 [Conference] Association française des chimistes des industries du cuir
0366-5992 [Congrès du Groupement pour l'avancement des méthodes d'analyse spectrographique des produits métallurgiques] Groupement pour l'avancement des méthodes d'analyse spectographique des produits métallurgiques.
0750-0785 [Convergences médicales] Association convergences pour la publication de travaux médicaux convergents.
0366-774X [Cornue] Association des élèves et anciens élèves de l'Institut de chimie de l'Université de Rennes.
0399-6239 [Corrosion marine, fouling] Centre de recherches et d'études océanographiques
0366-7758 [Cosmétologie] Ed. Varia,
0301-4649 [Cours international de transplantation] Fondation Mérieux.
0366-9475 [Documentation du biologiste practicien] Association syndicale des biologistes pharmaciens.
0180-9555 [Documents pédozoologiques] Laboratoire de zooécologie du sol (Dijon)
0151-1629 [Dossier K2 O] Société commerciale des potasses et de l'azote,
0243-7694 [Echos du groupe CEA] Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (France)
0013-0524 [Economie et Médecine Animales] Expansion Scientifique Française,
0013-9084 [Entropie] Editions Bartheye,
0423-5789 [Etudes néo-natales] Centre international de l'enfance,
0397-4693 [European journal of toxicology and environmental hygiene] Edifor,
0428-254X [Fertilité] Editions SEDA,
0367-2549 [Flamme et thermique] Association amicale des anciens élèves de l'École de thermique (Paris)
0016-5557 [Gazette médicale de France] Gazette médicale de France.
0245-8608 [Ichtyophysiologica acta] Société d'ichtyophysiologie fondamentale et appliquée.
0337-2219 [Industrie du pétrole dans le monde. Gaz chimie] O. Lesourd,
0339-6045 [Informations chimie hebdo] Ed. et documentation industrielle
0367-9152 [Instantanés chimiques] Melle-Bezons,
0243-3354 [Journal de biophysique & médecine nucléaire] Société française de biophysique et médecine nucléaire ;; Centrale des revues,
0766-5717 [Journal de biophysique et de biomécanique] Centrale des revues
0021-7905 [Journal de médecine de Strasbourg] Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg). Faculté de médecine.
0292-2509 [Journal de psychiatrie biologique et thérapeutique] MPH,
0531-4186 [Journal européen des stéroïdes] [s.n.],
0021-8219 [Journal européen de toxicologie] Ed. DIMEO,
0399-0435 [Journal français de biophysique & médecine nucléaire] Gauthier-Villars,
0246-1323 [Journée d'actualités biopharmaceutiques de Clermont-Ferrand] Technique et Documentation
0246-1420 [Journées angéiologiques de langue française] Expansion scientifique française
0075-4439 [Journées annuelles de diabétologie de l'Hôtel-Dieu] Flammarion
0755-5016 [L'Eau, l'industrie, les nuisances] Pierre Johanet,
0337-9329 [L'Eau et l'industrie] Pierre Johanet,
0537-5606 [L'Industrie chimique] [s.n.]
0151-4377 [La Journée vinicole. Export] [s.n.],
0981-6003 [Le Biologiste] Biologiste,
0007-2222 [Les Bronches] Doin,
0221-0347 [Les Cahiers de l'ENSBANA] École nationale supérieure de biologie appliquée à la nutrition et à l'alimentation (Dijon)
0399-001X [Les Mémoires techniques du CETIM] Centre technique des industries mécaniques
0368-7740 [Lille médical actualités] Faculté de médecine et de pharmacie,
0336-4933 [Lithoclastia] Centre de recherches et d'études océanographiques
0246-1269 [Médecine actuelle] Médecine actuelle,
0399-6417 [Médecine aéronautique et spatiale, médecine subaquatique et hyperbare] Société de physiologie et de médecine subaquatiques et hyperbares de langue française; Société française de médecine aérospatiale
0047-6412 [Médecine et chirurgie digestives] Centre d'enseignement d'hépatologie de l'hôpital Saint-Antoine.
0302-9263 [Méditerranée médicale] s.n. ;; Groupe Région santé,
0369-2124 [Mémoires de sciences physiques] Gauthier-Villars,
0376-1819 [Mémoires ORSTOM] ORSTOM, Service central de documentation,
0300-0702 [Mises à jour cardiologiques] Société d'étude et d'information médicales.
0337-1565 [Note d'information technique] Laboratoire central des Ponts et Chaussées,
0546-2126 [Note technique] Centre technique forestier tropical,
0182-0745 [Océanis] Institut océanographique (Paris)
0336-1837 [Pétrologie] Doin
0031-9368 [Physiologie végétale] Société française de physiologie végétale
0031-8876 [Phytiatrie-phytopharmacie] Société française de phytiatrie et de phytopharmacie de Paris.
0079-5666 [Problemes Actuels d'Endocrinologie et de Nutrition] Expansion Scientifique Francaise
1148-5825 [Proceedings of the ... Rencontre de Monriond] Rencontre de Moriond
0370-257X [Procès-verbaux des séances de la Société des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux] [s.n.],; Gauthier-Villars ;; Feret et fils,; Faculté des sciences de Bordeaux
0369-9080 [Publications de la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Clermont] Université de Clermont-Ferrand
0369-9382 [Publications du Bureau d'études géologiques et minières coloniales] Bureau d'études géologiques et minières (France)
0367-2638 [Publications du Bureau des recherches géologiques, géophysiques et minières] Bureau des recherches géologiques, géophysiques et minières,
0750-7305 [Rapport technique] Laboratoire de recherches et de contrôle du caoutchouc
0246-1234 [Réanimation et médecine d'urgence] Expansion scientifique française
0484-3800 [Remèdes actualités] Organe de la ligue des droits de l homme malade, Fresnes.
0370-4505 [Répertoire de pharmacie] [s.n.],
0373-0913 [Revue bryologique et lichenologique] Museum national d'histoire naturelle
0370-5358 [Revue d'hygiène] [s.n.],
0370-5285 [Revue d'hygiène et de médecine préventive] [s.n.],
0370-582X [Revue d'immunologie et de thérapie antimicrobienne] Masson,
0035-2462 [Revue d'informatique médicale] Commission d'informatique du CHU de Paris, Secteur Necker-Enfants malades, Boucicaut, Corentin Celton, Laënnec, Vaugirard, Centre national de transfusion sanguine.
0181-7582 [Revue de cytologie et de biologie végétales, Le Botaniste] J.-L. Hamel, G. Mangenot, L. Plantefol,
0375-975X [Revue de gérontologie d'expression française] Lépine,
0035-130X [Revue de l'alcoolisme] Groupement médical d'études anti-alcooliques (Nantes); Association nationale de prévention en alcoologie et addictologie (France)
0004-5470 [Revue de l'Association francaise des techniciens du pétrole] Edirep
0020-2487 [Revue de l'Institut Pasteur de Lyon] Institut Pasteur de Lyon et du Sud-Est.
0014-9365 [Revue de la Fédération française des sociétés de sciences naturelles] Fédération française des sociétés de sciences naturelles.
0300-0559 [Revue de médecine du travail] Groupement national des médecins du bâtiment et des travaux publics (France)
0183-9187 [Revue de nématologie] ORSTOMFrance.
0370-453X [Revue de phytothérapie] Ecole française de phytothérapie.
0035-1806 [Revue de zoologie agricole et de pathologie végétale] [s.n.],
0370-4904 [Revue du foie] [s.n.],
0556-7742 [Revue européenne d'endocrinologie] Gauthier-Villars,
0370-5056 [Revue générale de chimie pure et appliquée] Revue générale de chimie pure et appliquée,
0370-5080 [Revue générale de l'industrie textile] [s.n.],
0370-5048 [Revue générale des colloïdes] s.n.,
0556-7904 [Revue internationale d'hépatologie] [s.n.],
0294-474X [Revue internationale de rhumatologie] Revue internationale de rhumatologie,
0370-4408 [Revue internationale du soja] [s.n.],
0301-5017 [Revue internationale du trachome] Ligue contre le trachome (France)
0397-1724 [Revue méditerranéenne des sciences médicales] Comptoir de représentation européen et nord-Africain,
0370-7970 [Revue textile] SODIEP
0370-7598 [Revue textile Tiba] SODIEP.
0370-7733 [RUSSA] [s.n.],
0370-7741 [Rusta-Rayonne] [s.n.].
0036-8652 [Sciences et techniques] Société des ingénieurs et scientifiques de France.
0750-7682 [Sciences vétérinaires médecine comparée] Société des sciences vétérinaires et de médecine comparée de Lyon.
0302-9271 [Semaine des hôpitaux de Paris. Thérapeutique] Expansion scientifique française,
0399-1172 [Spectra 2000] Cité nouvelle,
0301-7923 [Sud médical et chirurgical] s.n.,
0585-9840 [Surfaces] Ampère
1140-812X [Symposium sur le désherbage des cultures tropicales] Comité français de lutte contre les mauvaises herbes
0040-5922 [Thérapeutique] Expansion scientifique française,
0371-7461 [TIBA] s.n..
0249-6402 [Toxicological european research] Ouranos,
0371-7488 [Transactions of the International ceramic congress] Confédération des industries céramiques de France.
0399-3884 [Travaux du Laboratoire de micropaléontologie] Université de Paris six
1660-2323 +Pat+ Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum (Bern)
0253-5653 |La |Minería en Cuba Dirección de ciencia y técnica, Ministerio de minería y geología
0085-4271 °Arbok Norwegian Polar Research Institute.; Norsk polarinstitutt.
0522-9189 °Arbok for Universitetet i Bergen, Matematisk-Naturvitenskapelig Serie Universitetsforlaget.
0522-9197 °Arbok for Universitetet i Bergen. Medisinsk serie Universitetet i Bergen.
0409-1035 °Arbok - Universitetet i Bergen. Naturvitenskapelig rekke Universitetet i Bergen.
0365-8252 °Arsberetning vedkommende Norges fiskerier Norge, Fiskeridirektoratet.; Norges Fiskeristyrelse.; Norge, Departementet for det indre.
0082-0016 °Arsbok SGU.; Sveriges geologiska undersökning.
0368-7171 °Arsskrift - Den Kongelige Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole Kongelige Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole
0567-4670 °Arsskrift for norske skogplanteskoler Norge, Landbruksdepartementet. Skogavdelingen.; Norge, Skogdirektoratet.; Planteskoleutvalget.
0917-5792 13C igaku Society for the Medical Application of Carbon Thirteen.
0340-3386 3 R Vulkan-Verlag Classen
0097-6156 A.C.S. symposium series American Chemical Society
0096-5359 A.M.A. archives of dermatology American Medical Association.
0096-5979 A.M.A. archives of dermatology and syphilology American Medical Association
0375-8532 A.M.A. archives of general psychiatry American Medical Association.
0567-3933 A.M.A. archives of industrial health American Medical Association.; American Academy of Occupational Medicine.
0096-6703 A.M.A. archives of industrial hygiene and occupational medicine American Medical Association.
0375-8540 A.M.A. archives of neurology American Medical Association.
0096-6886 A.M.A. archives of neurology and psychiatry American Medical Association
2330-9601 A.M.A. archives of neurology and psychiatry (e-vir) American Medical Association,
0096-6339 A.M.A. archives of ophthalmology American Medical Association.
0096-6894 A.M.A. archives of otolaryngology American Medical Association.
0096-6711 A.M.A. archives of pathology American Medical Association.
0096-6908 A.M.A. archives of surgery American Medical Association.
0096-6916 A.M.A. journal of diseases of children American Medical Association.
0156-0972 A.P.P. Australasian plant pathology Australasian Plant Pathology Society.
0097-7187 A.S.R.E. journal American Society of Refrigerating Engineers.
0386-1902 A & R. Analysis and research Sangyäo Kaihatsusha.
1097-167X A%C% Vicon Pub.,
0164-0429 AAAS selected symposium American Association for the Advancement of Science.
1028-3056 äAb va muîhäit-i zäist Shirkat-i muhandisäi-i äab va fäaìziläab-i kishvar.; National Water & Wastewater Engineering Company.
0400-2229 Aachener Blätter für Aufbereiten, Verkoken, Brikettieren Institut für Aufbereitung, Kokerei und Brikettierung der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen
1232-1966 AAEM. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Institute of Agricultural Medicine.; Instytut Medycyny Wsi im. Witolda Chodźki (Lublin)
0892-2578 AAMI technology analysis and review Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.
0887-6460 AAMI technology assessment report Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.
0149-1423 AAPG bulletin American Association of Petroleum Geologists
0271-8529 AAPG memoir American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
0271-8510 AAPG studies in geology American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
0218-2203 AAPPS bulletin Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies
2309-4710 AAPPS bulletin (e-vir) Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies
1530-9932 AAPS PharmSciTech (e-vir) American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
0253-682X äAräogya. Journal of Health Sciences Kasturba Medical College Trust.
0065-7433 AAS photo-bulletin American Astronomical Society.
1532-8813 AATCC review American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
0721-4197 Abfallwirtschaft an der Technischen Universität Berlin Technische Universität.
0171-175X Abfallwirtschaft in Forschung und Praxis
0934-6422 AbfallwirtschaftsJournal Vieweg.
0365-2874 Abhandlungen aus dem Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in Berlin-Dahlem Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
0138-1873 Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Hirnforschung und Verhaltensphysiologie Fischer.
0365-429X Abhandlungen aus dem Institut für Metallhüttenwesen und Elektrometallurgie der Technischen Hochschule, Aachen [s.n.]
0023-7906 Abhandlungen aus dem Landesmuseum für Naturkunde zu Münster in Westfalen Westfälische Vereinsdruckerei
0365-3749 Abhandlungen aus der Kinderheilkunde und ihren Grenzgebieten S. Karger,
0408-1552 Abhandlungen - Baden-Wuerttemberg, Geologisches Landesamt Geologisches Landesamt Baden-Württemberg
0302-8054 Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR Akademie-Verlag
0138-1059 Abhandlungen der akademie der wissenschaften der DDR. Mathematik,Naturwissenschaten,Technik [S.n.]
0568-4307 Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht
0341-9843 Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
0068-0737 Abhandlungen der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
0065-5090 Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Chemie, Geologie und Biologie Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Chemie, Geologie und Biologie.
0065-5112 Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Mathematik, Physik und Technik Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Mathematik, Physik und Technik.
0515-8869 Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Mathematik und Allgemeine Naturwissenschaften Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Mathematik und Allgemeine Naturwissenschaften.
0568-4250 Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Medizin Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Medizin.
0365-1746 Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse.
0065-5074 Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse für Bergbau, Hüttenwesen und Montangeologie Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Bergbau, Hüttenwesen und Montangeologie.
0378-0864 Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Geologische Bundesanstalt
0002-2993 Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse - Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Steiner-Verlag-Wiesbaden-GmbH
0365-5792 Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse.
0365-5342 Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie des Wissenschaften Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften
0171-1105 Abhandlungen der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
0365-6470 Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Akad.-Verl.
0365-7000 Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft.
0365-1657 Abhandlungen des Deutschen Kältetechnischen Vereins Verlag C. F. Müller
0365-2521 Abhandlungen des Geologischen Dienstes Berlin
0440-7423 Abhandlungen des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung Hessisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung
0340-3718 Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein
0070-7228 Abhandlungen des Staatlichen Museums für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden VEB Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie Leipzig, etc.
0012-1339 Abhandlungen und Berichte - Deutsches Museum Oldenbourg; VDI-Verlag
0301-2697 Abhandlungen und Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg Parey
1023-0149 Abḥāṯ al-Yarmūk Ǧami’aẗ Yarmūk
0324-2129 A biológia aktuális problémái Medicina
0365-0758 ABM-Noticiário Associação Brasileira de Metais.
0096-5987 Abrasive and cleaning methods Metal Industry Pub. Co.
0096-5995 Abrasives Penton Pub. Co.
0097-5761 Abridged scientific publications from Kodak Laboratories Eastman Kodak Co.
0065-0412 Absorption Spectra in the Ultraviolet and Visible Region Akadémiai Kiadó
0020-3033 Abstract bulletin of the Institute of Paper Chemistry The Institute of Paper Chemistry.
0567-526X Abstract Journal-Institute of scientific information. Informatics [s. n.]
0001-3390 Abstract review National Paint and Coatings Association.
0020-305X Abstracts Institute of Petroleum
0096-5340 Abstracts of bacteriology Society of American Bacteriologists,; Society of American Bacteriologists.
0001-351X Abstracts of Bulgarian scientific literature Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
0001-3498 Abstracts of Bulgarian Scientific Literature Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
0365-0839 Abstracts of Bulgarian Scientific Literature National Agroindustrial Union
0567-5332 Abstracts of Bulgarian Scientific Literature Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
0001-3471 Abstracts of Bulgarian Scientific Literature. Biology and Biochemistry Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
0001-3536 Abstracts of Bulgarian Scientific Medical Literature Centre for Scientific Medical Information
0001-3579 Abstracts of entomology BioSciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts.
0001-3617 Abstracts of mycology BioSciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts.
0703-1203 Abstracts of papers. Joint Conference - Chemical Institute of Canada. American Chemical Society [s.n.].
0001-3633 Abstracts of photographic science & engineering literature Columbia University.; Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers.; Rochester Institute of Technology.
0376-124X Abstracts of Published Papers and List of Translations - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization CSIRO.
0365-6373 Abstracts of Researches, Tobacco, Salt, Camphor Nihon Sembai Josha.
0365-6330 Abstracts of Romanian Scientific and Technical Literature Editura I.N.I.D.
0001-365X Abstracts of Romanian Technical Literature s.n.
0515-1066 Abstracts of soviet medicine Excerpta Medica Foundation
0567-5502 Abstracts of soviet medicine [s.n.].
0567-5510 Abstracts of soviet medicine Excerpta Medica Foundation
0365-0855 Abstracts of the papers communicated to the Royal Society of London Printed by Richard Taylor
2053-9134 Abstracts of the papers communicated to the Royal Society of London (e-vir) Printed by Richard Taylor; Royal Society Publishing
0365-5695 Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London Printed by Richard Taylor
2053-9142 Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London (e-vir) Printed by Richard Taylor
0345-004X Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of medicine Almqvist & Wiksell.
0346-6353 Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of pharmacy Uppsala universitet. Farmaceutiska fakulteten.
0345-0058 Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of science Uppsala universitet; Almqvist & Wiksell
0567-5545 Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations in medicine Almquist & Wiksell.
0001-3676 Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations in science Almquist & Wiksell
0044-5819 Abstracts on health effects of environmental pollutants BioSciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts.
0521-4378 A Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Mezőgazdasági Kémiai Technológiai Tanszékének közleményei Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem. Mezőgazdasági Kémiai Technológiai Tanszék.
2383-0905 Ab va fazilab (e-vir) Muhandisin-i mushavir-i tarh va tahqiqat-i ab va fazilab
1024-5936 Āb va fāz̤ilāb; آب و فاضلاب Muhandisīn-i mushāvir-i ṭarḥ va taḥqīqāt-i āb va fāz̤ilāb
0001-3706 Abwassertechnik Udo Pfriemer Verlag GmbH.
0932-3708 Abwassertechnik Bauverlag
0342-4022 Abwassertechnik und Abfalltechnik Pfriemer.
0515-1392 Academia Republicii Populare Romine Baza de Cercetari Stiintifice Timisoara Studii si Cercetari Stiinte Chimice Libraria Academiei Republicii Populare Romine
0365-6950 Academia Sinica, Memoirs of the Institute of Chemistry Huaxue Yanjiusuo
1671-8267 Academic Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an Jiaotong University
1311-4360 Academic open internet journal (e-vir) "Prof. Dr. As. Zlatarov" University
0373-7063 Académie royale des sciences d'outre-mer. Classe des sciences techniques. Collection in 4 Académie royale des sciences d'outre-mer
0940-225X Academiespectrum Spektrum d. Wiss..
0044-586X Acarologia Acarologia
2107-7207 Acarologia (e-vir) Acarologia
0001-6616 Acata Palaeontologica Sinica [S.n.]
0365-1347 Accademia Medica Edizioni Minerva Medica.
0272-5088 Accelerators and storage rings Harwood Academic Publishers.
0515-2291 Acciaio inossidabile zeta Avesta
0365-1088 Acción farmacéutica Asociación Farmacéutica y Bioquímica Argentina
0887-056X Accomplishments in oncology General Motors Cancer Research Foundation.
0001-4842 Accounts of chemical research American Chemical Society.
1520-4898 Accounts of chemical research (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0949-1775 Accreditation and quality assurance Springer-Verlag
1432-0517 Accreditation and quality assurance (e-vir) Springer
0376-2432 Acetylene Journal
1020-5586 ACGC chemical research communications Asian Coordinating Group for Chemistry.; ACGC.; ANAIC.; Asian Network of Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry.; NCBNP.; Network for the Chemistry of Biologically Important Natural Products.; IFS.; International Foundation for Science.
1217-8969 ACH, models in chemistry Akadémiai Kiadó
1038-6920 ACIAR proceedings Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.
0816-7923 ACIAR technical reports series Australian centre for international agricultural research.
0824-880X Acidic precipitation in Ontario study Ontario. Atmospheric Processes Studies Unit.; Ontario. Ministry of the Environment. A.P.I.O.S. Coordination Office.
0375-832X Acier Centre Belgo-Luxembourgeois d'Information de l'Acier.
0365-7094 Aciers spéciaux, métaux & alliages [s.n.],
0889-325X ACI materials journal American Concrete Institute
1944-737X ACI materials journal (e-vir) American Concrete Institute
1356-5389 ACN Reed Business Publishing
0567-7114 Acofar Agrupación de Cooperativas Farmacéuticas
0097-2282 A collection of papers presented at the annual Symposium on Fundamental Cancer Research M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute.
0161-5750 A collection of technical papers on ... American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0273-4508 A collection of technical papers on ... American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.; American Society of Civil Engineers.; American Helicopter Society.
0065-0870 Acoustical holography Plenum Press
0270-5117 Acoustical imaging Plenum Press
1063-7710 Acoustical physics MAIK Nauka /Interperiodica
1562-6865 Acoustical physics (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
0140-1599 Acoustics letters Multi-Science Publishing Co
0920-5268 ACP Nijhoff/Junk
0391-5557 Acqua Aria Editrice Arti Poligrafiche Europee
0365-1207 Acqua e gas Associazione del gas e degli acquedotti.
0365-155X Acqua industriale Etas Kompass.
0567-7149 Acqua industriale, inquinamento Etas Kompass.
0075-4463 Acquisitions médicales récentes Expansion scientifique francaise.
1370-5997 Acros Organics Acta Acros Organics.
1554-8929 ACS chemical biology American Chemical Society
1554-8937 ACS chemical biology (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1947-5918 ACS symposium series (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0370-2138 Acta Pontificia Accademia delle scienze
0001-5105 Acta Academiae Aboensis °Abo Akademi.; °Abo Akademi.
0860-2832 Acta Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis. Agricultura Akademia Rolniczo-Techniczna w Olsztynie.; Olsztyn University of Agriculture and Technology.
0860-2611 Acta Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis. Protectio Aquarum et Piscatoria Akademia Rolniczo-Techniczna w Olsztynie.; Olsztyn University of Agriculture and Technology.
0860-2859 Acta Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis. Technologia Alimentorum Wydawnictwo ART; Publishers ART
0860-2840 Acta Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis. Veterinaria Akademia Rolniczo-Techniczna (Olsztyn)
0860-2603 Acta Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis. Zootechnica Akademia Rolniczo-Techniczna w Olsztynie.; Olsztyn University of Agriculture and Technology.
0505-3935 Acta Academiae Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis Almqvist och Wiksell
0587-2405 Acta academica University of the Free State
2415-0479 Acta academica (e-vir) University of the Free State
1436-7947 Acta acustica united with Acustica (e-vir) Hirzel
1610-1928 Acta acustica united with Acustica S. Hirzel
1861-9959 Acta acustica united with Acustica (e-vir) Hirzel
Y504-7927 Acta acustica united with Acustica S. Hirzel
0001-5113 Acta Adriatica Institut za oceanografiju i ribarstvo
1846-0453 Acta Adriatica Institut za oceanografiju i ribarstvo.
0065-0919 Acta Agraria et Silvestria Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0065-0927 Acta Agraria et Silvestria Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0065-0935 Acta Agraria et Silvestria Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0515-2690 Acta Agraria et Silvestria Polska Akademia Nauk. Oddział w Krakowie. Komisja Nauk Rolniczych i Leśnych.
0906-4702 Acta agriculturæ Scandinavica Taylor & Francis
0906-4710 Acta agriculturæ Scandinavica Taylor & Francis
1651-1913 Acta agriculturæ Scandinavica (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1651-1972 Acta agriculturæ Scandinavica (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0001-5121 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Almqvist and Wiksell / Gebers Forlag
0065-0943 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Almqvist and Wiksell / Gebers Forlag
0365-043X Acta agriculturae Suecana Kungl. Lantbruksakademien
0065-0951 Acta Agrobotanica Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne.
2300-357X Acta Agrobotanica (e-vir) Polish Botanical Society
0001-513X Acta agronomica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Akad. Kiadó
1588-2527 Acta agronomica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
0238-0161 Acta agronomica Hungaricae [S.n.]
0515-2712 Acta Albertina Ratisbonensia Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Regensburg e. V.; Bibliothek des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins
0139-3006 Acta alimentaria Akadémiai Kiadó
1588-2535 Acta alimentaria (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó
0302-7368 Acta alimentaria Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Akadémiai K.
0137-1495 Acta Alimentaria Polonica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0001-5148 Acta allergologica Munksgaard
0065-096X Acta allergologica Northern Society of Allergology.
0044-5967 Acta Amazonica Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia
0001-5156 Acta anaesthesiologica Editrice "La Garangola".
0001-5164 Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica Publications "Acta Medica Belgica"
0374-4965 Acta anaesthesiologica italica Editrice "La Garangola".
1399-6576 Acta anaesthesiologica scandinavica (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing.
0001-5172 Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Munksgaard
0515-2720 Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. Supplementum Munksgaard
0365-0332 Acta anatomica Karger,
1421-9654 Acta anatomica (e-vir) S. Karger
0001-5180 Acta Anatomica S. Karger AG; S. Karger Ag
0258-0357 Acta anthropogenetica Saraswati Press.
0001-5202 Acta Arachnologica Arachnological Society of East Asia. Biological Laboratory. Ohtemon-Gakuim University
0094-5765 Acta astronautica Pergamon Press
1879-2030 Acta astronautica (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0001-5237 Acta astronomica Fundacija astronomii polskiej im. Mikołaja Kopernika
0400-3977 Acta belgica de arte medicinali et pharmaceutica militari Société scientifique du service médical militaire.
0001-5253 Acta biochimica et biophysica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
0237-6261 Acta biochimica et biophysica Hungarica Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
1672-9145 Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers
1745-7270 Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica (e-vir) Blackwell
0001-5261 Acta Biochimica Iranica Tehran University of Medical Sciences
0001-527X Acta Biochimica Polonica Polish Scientific Publishers
1734-154X Acta Biochimica Polonica (e-vir) Committee of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Polish Academy of Sciences; Polish Biochemical Society.
0350-5901 Acta biologiae et medicinae experimentalis Society for Biology and Experimental Medicine SAP Kosovo; Academy of Sciences and Arts of SAP Kosovo. Division of Natural Sciences
0365-0820 Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Polish Scientific Publishers.
0563-0592 Acta biologica universitas Szegediensis.
0001-5288 Acta biologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
0567-7319 Acta biologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Academia Scientiarum Hungaricae.
0001-530X Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Polish Academy of Sciences
1898-0295 Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Biological Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences
0001-5296 Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica Zakład Narodowy imienia Ossolinskich
0567-7327 Acta biologica Debrecina KLTE
0065-1087 Acta Biologica et Medica Gdańskie Towarzystwo Naukowe.; Societas Scientiarum Gedanensis.
0001-5318 Acta biologica et medica Germanica Akademie-Verlag
0567-7335 Acta biologica et medica Germanica Akad.-Verl..
0236-5383 Acta biologica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
1588-256X Acta biologica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
0021-3225 Acta biologica Iugoslavica Unija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije
0581-1538 Acta Biologica Iugoslavica Unija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije
0301-2123 Acta Biológica Paranaense Universidade Federal do Paraná. Departamento de Zoologia. Setor de Ciências Biológicas
2236-1472 Acta Biológica Paranaense (e-vir) Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Zoologia
0001-5326 Acta Biologica Venezuelica Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Ciencias, Escuela de Biologia
2531-6745 Acta biomedica (e-vir) Mattioli 1885
0392-4203 Acta bio-medica dell'Ateneo parmense Società di medicina e scienze naturali,; Mattioli 1885,
0325-2957 Acta bioquímica clínica latinoamericana Federación Bioquímica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
1851-6114 Acta bioquímica clínica latinoamericana (e-vir) Federación Bioquímica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
1852-396X Acta bioquímica clínica latinoamericana (e-vir) Federación Bioquímica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
0138-4988 Acta biotechnologica Wiley-VCH
1521-3846 Acta biotechnologica Wiley-VCH-Verl..
0001-5342 Acta biotheoretica Rijksuniversiteit
1572-8358 Acta biotheoretica (e-vir) Kluwer
0065-1109 Acta borealia Tromsø museum.
0001-5350 Acta botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
0365-0588 Acta botanica Croatica Division of Biology, Faculty of Science, University
1847-8476 Acta botanica Croatica (e-vir) Division of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
0001-5369 Acta botanica Fennica Societas pro fauna et flora Fennica
1253-8078 Acta botanica gallica Société botanique de France
2166-3408 Acta botanica Gallica (e-vir) Société botanique de France
0236-6495 Acta botanica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
1588-2578 Acta botanica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
0044-5983 Acta botanica neerlandica North-Holland
0095-4195 Acta botanica sinica Plenum/China Program
0139-9047 Acta botanica slovaca Academiae scientiarum slovacae Slovenská akadémia vied.
0365-0766 Acta Brevia Neerlandica de Physiologia, Pharmacologia, Microbiologia E. A Swets & Zeitlinger
0365-1517 Acta Cancrologica Geréb Pál
0001-5385 Acta cardiologica Acta Medica Belgica
0373-7934 Acta cardiologica. Supplementum Acta Medica Belgica.
0365-8074 Acta chemica, mineralogica et physica Sodalitas Amicorum Universitatis Francisco-Josephinae.; M. Kir. Ferencz József-Tudományegyetem Barátainak Egyesülete.
0302-4377 Acta chemica scandinavica Munksgaard
0001-5393 Acta chemica Scandinavica Munksgaard
0302-4369 Acta chemica Scandinavica Munksg°ard
0904-213X Acta chemica Scandinavica Munksgaard
1335-0579 Acta chemotherapeutica Slovenská lekárska spoločnosť.
0001-5407 Acta chimica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Akadémiai K.
0231-3146 Acta chimica Hungarica Akadémiai K.
0256-7660 Acta Chimica Sinica Science Press
0001-5415 Acta chirurgiae orthopaedicae et traumatologiae Čechoslovaca Avicenum
0001-5431 Acta chirurgica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Magyar Tudományos Akadémia.
0001-5458 Acta chirurgica Belgica Publications "Acta Medica Belgica"
0515-2763 Acta chirurgica Belgica. Supplementum Acta Medica Belgica.
0001-5482 Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica Almqvist Wiksell
0301-1860 Acta chirurgica scandinavica. Supplementum Almqvist & Wiksell periodical company
1233-2356 Acta chromatographica Akademia Kiado
2083-5736 Acta Chromatographica (e-vir) Institute of Chemistry, University of Silesia
0379-5411 Acta Ciencia Indica Pragati Prakashan
0253-7338 Acta ciencia indica. Chemistry Pragati Prakashan.
0253-732X Acta Ciencia Indica. Physics Pragati Prakashan.
0001-5490 Acta científica Argentina
0567-7378 Acta científica compostelana Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Facultad de Ciencias.
0001-5504 Acta científica venezolana Asociación Venezolana para el Avance de la Ciencia.
0375-8370 Acta científica venezolana. Suplemento Asociación Venezolana para el Avance de la Ciencia.
0001-5512 Acta clinica belgica Acta Clinica Belgica]
0567-7386 Acta clinica belgica. Supplementum Association des Sociétés scientifiques médicales belges.
0108-2701 Acta crystallographica Munksgaard
0108-7673 Acta crystallographica Munksgaard
0108-7681 Acta crystallographica Munksgaard
0365-110X Acta crystallographica Munksgaard
0567-7394 Acta crystallographica Munksgaard
0567-7408 Acta crystallographica Munksgaard
0907-4449 Acta crystallographica Munksgaard
1399-0047 Acta crystallographica (e-vir) Munksgaard
1600-5368 Acta crystallographica (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
1600-5724 Acta crystallographica (e-vir) published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard
1600-5740 Acta crystallographica (e-vir) Munksgaard
1600-5759 Acta crystallographica (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the International Union of Crystallography
1744-3091 Acta crystallographica International Union of Crystallography
0001-5539 Acta cuyana de ingeniería Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
0861-0509 Acta cytobiologica et morphologica Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
0001-5547 Acta cytologica S. Karger
1938-2650 Acta cytologica (e-vir) S. Karger
0365-1606 Acta Davosiana Ärzteverein (Davos)
0231-5335 Acta dendrobiologica Veda
0065-1176 Acta Dermatologica Kyoto Daigaku. Igakubu. Hifubyäogaku Kabidokugaku Kyäoshitsu.
0376-0189 Acta dermatologica. English edition Kyoto University. Faculty of Medicine. Department of Dermatology.
0001-5555 Acta dermato-venereologica Almqvist & Wiksell
1651-2057 Acta dermato-venereologica (e-vir) Scandinavian University Press; Acta dermato-venereologica
0365-8341 Acta dermato-venereologica. Supplementum Almquist & Wiksell Periodical Co.
0302-4466 Acta dermatovenerologica Iugoslavica Udruženje dermatovenerologa Jugoslavije
0940-5429 Acta diabetologica Springer Internat.
1432-5233 Acta diabetologica (e-vir) Springer
0001-5563 Acta diabetologica latina Casa Editrice "Il Ponte"
0970-2881 Acta Ecologica International Society for Environmental Science.
1872-2032 Acta ecologica Sinica (e-vir) Elsevier
0001-558X Acta Electronica Laboratoires d'électronique et de physique appliquée
0391-9706 Acta embryologiae et morphologiae experimentalis "Halocynthia" Association.
0567-7416 Acta embryologiae et morphologiae experimentalis Istituto di zoologia.
0065-1184 Acta embryologiae experimentalis Istituto di zoologia.
0001-5598 Acta endocrinologica Periodica
1841-0987 Acta Endocrinologica Editura Academiei Române
1843-066X Acta Endocrinologica (e-vir) Publishing House of the Romanian Academy
0300-9750 Acta endocrinologica. Supplementum Periodica
0515-281X Acta endocrinologica cubana Sociedad cubana de endocrinología.
0001-5601 Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca Academia
0365-1959 Acta entomologica Lituanica Mintis,; Mintis,; Mokslas,; Academia,; Baltic ECO leidybos centras,
1335-0285 Acta Environmentalica universitatis Comenianae Univerzita Komenského
0587-2421 Acta Europaea fertilitatis Piccin Medical Books
0231-5785 Acta Facultatis Forestalis Zvolen Príroda
0065-1206 Acta Facultatis medicae Fluminensis Medicinski fakultet
0521-2561 Acta Facultatis medicae Universitatis Brunensis Státní pedagogické nakladatelství; Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity
0303-2698 Acta Facultatis Pharmaceuticae Brunensis et Bratislavensis Universita J.E. Purkyně, Farmaceutická fakulta
0301-2298 Acta Facultatis Pharmaceuticae Universitatis Comenianae Univerzita Komenského
1338-6786 Acta Facultatis Pharmaceuticae Universitatis Comenianae (e-vir) Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave; De Gruyter
0374-5163 Acta Facultatis rerum naturalium Universitatis Comenianae Univerzita Komenského.
0524-2312 Acta Facultatis rerum naturalium Universitatis Comenianae Slovenské pedagogické nakladatel'stvo
0524-2320 Acta Facultatis rerum naturalium Universitatis Comenianae Univerzita Komenského.
0524-2371 Acta Facultatis rerum naturalium Universitatis Comenianae. Botanica Slovenské pedagogické nakladatel'stvo
0139-8423 Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae. Formatio et Protectio Naturae Slovenské pedagogické nakladateĺstvo
0524-2355 Acta Facultatis rerum naturalium Universitatis Comenianae. Physica Slovenské pedagogické nakladatel'ství
0373-8205 Acta Facultatis rerum naturalium Universitatis Comenianae. Physiologia plantarum Slovenské pedagogické nakĺadatelstvo
0524-2363 Acta Facultatis rerum naturalium Universitatis Comenianae. Zoologia Slovenské pedagogické nakladateĺstvo
0326-2383 Acta farmacéutica bonaerense Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
0001-5636 Acta forestalia Fennica Suomen metsätieteellinen seura
0567-7432 Acta Fytotechnica [S.n.]
1335-258X Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica Slovenská polnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre
1336-9245 Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica (e-vir) Vydavateělstvo SPU
2469-1119 Acta gastroenteorológica latinoamericana (e-vir) Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterología
0001-5644 Acta gastro-enterologica belgica Acta Medica Belgica
0253-5513 Acta gastroenterológica boliviana Institutos de gastroenterología boliviana-japonés
0300-9033 Acta gastroenterológica latinoamericana Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterología
0001-5660 Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae Casa Editrice Cappelli
0365-2785 Acta genetica et statistica medica S. Karger,
2571-743X Acta genetica et statistica medica (e-vir) S. Karger AG
1214-9705 Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia Institute of Rock and Structure Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences od the Czech Republic
0001-5695 Acta geologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Akadémiai K.
0365-253X Acta Geologica Alpina Istituto di Mineralogia e Petrografia-Università
0567-7491 Acta geologica et geographica Universitatis Comenianae. Geologica Slovenské pedagogické nakladateĺstvo
0567-7505 Acta geologica hispanica Instituto Jaime Almera; Instituto Nacional de Geología (España); Universidad de Barcelona. Facultad de Geología
0236-5278 Acta geologica Hungarica Akadémiai K.
1588-2594 Acta geologica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
0567-7513 Acta geológica lilloana Fundación Miguel Lillo
0001-5709 Acta Geologica Polonica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
2300-1887 Acta Geologica Polonica (e-vir) Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Nauk Geologicznych
0361-6886 Acta geologica Sinica Plenum/China Program
1335-2830 Acta geologica Universitatis Comenianae Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave.
0001-5725 Acta Geophysica Polonica Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee of Geophysics. Institute of Geophysics.; Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Geofizyki, Warszawa.
0001-5741 Acta gerontologica Università degli Studi, Pavia. Istituto di Gerontologia e Geriatria.
0001-575X Acta Gerontologica et Geriatrica Belgica Centre de Recherches Gerontologiques.
0001-5776 Acta ginecológica EDIMSA
0001-5784 Acta gynaecologica et obstetrica hispano-lusitana Mário Cardia
1421-9662 Acta haematologica (e-vir) S. Karger
0001-5792 Acta Haematologica S. Karger AG
0001-5814 Acta Haematologica Polonica Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
2300-7117 Acta Haematologica Polonica (e-vir) Polskie Towarzystwo Hematologów i Transfuzjologów.; Instytut Hematologii i Transfuzjologii (Warszawa)
0300-970X Acta hepato-gastroenterologica G. Thieme.
0365-2858 Acta Hepatologica [s.n.]
0001-5822 Acta Hepato-Splenologica Thieme Verlag,Georg
0354-4311 Acta herbologica Herbološko društvo Srbije
0065-1281 Acta histochemica =Gustav= Fischer Verlag
1618-0372 Acta histochemica (e-vir) Urban u. Fischer.
0567-7556 Acta histochemica. Supplementband =Gustav= Fischer Verlag
0044-5991 Acta histochemica et cytochemica Japan Society of Histochemistry and Cyotochemistry
1347-5800 Acta histochemica et cytochemica (e-vir) Japan Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
0567-7572 Acta horticulturae International Society for Horticultural Science
2406-6168 Acta horticulturae (e-vir) International Society for Horticultural Science
0365-1215 Acta Horti Gotoburgensis Göteborgs botaniska trädg°ard.
0065-132X Acta Hydrobiologica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe Oddz. Kraków
0559-9385 Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica [s.n.]
0323-4320 Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica Akademie-Verlag
1521-401X Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0065-1338 Acta hydrophysica Akad.-Verl..
1734-1515 Acta ichthyologica et piscatoria (e-vir) Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries, WPUT and Polish Zool. Soc.
0137-1592 Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria Akademia Rolnicza (Szczecin).; Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny (Szczecin); Szczecińskie Towarzystwo Naukowe.
1432-0525 Acta informatica (e-vir) Springer
0001-5903 Acta Informatica Springer-Verlag
0231-8040 Acta Instituti botanici Academiae scientiarum slovacae Slovenská akadémia vied.
0001-5911 Acta Isotopica Casa Editrice Dott. Antonio Milani.
0910-1489 Acta Japonica medicinae tropicalis Taihoku Teikoku Daigaku. Nettai Igaku Kenkyäujo.
0065-1362 Acta Leidensia Schola Medicinae Tropicae.; Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde.; Institute of Tropical Medicine.
0001-5938 Acta Leprologica Sovrano militare ordine ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta.
0251-1797 Acta limnologica indica Hindasia Publishers.
0365-3870 Acta Litterarum ac Scientiarum Reg. Universitatis Hung. Francisco-Josephinae Magyar Királyi Ferencz József Tudományegyetem Barátainak Egyesülete.
0365-4001 Acta litterarum ac scientiarum Regiae Universitatis Hungaricae Francisco-Josephinae Regia Universitas Hungarica Francisco-Josephina.; M. Kir. Ferencz József-Tudományegyetem.
2248-6054 Acta mâedica colombiana (e-vir) Asociaciâon Colombiana de Medicina Interna
1359-6454 Acta materialia Elsevier Science
1873-2453 Acta Materialia (e-vir) Pergamon
1614-3116 Acta mechanica Sinica Springer.
0567-7718 Acta Mechanica Sinica Science Press
0365-4346 Acta medica Odeon.
1805-9694 Acta Medica (e-vir) Univerzita Karlova v Hradci Králové, Lékařská fakulta
0001-5997 Acta médica Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Escuela Superior de Medicina.
1211-4286 Acta medica (Hradec Králové) Univerzita Karlova-vydavatelství Karolinum
0001-5989 Acta medica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Magyar Tudományos Akadémia.
0303-8173 Acta medica Austriaca Hollinek
0303-8181 Acta medica austriaca. Supplement Hollinek
0324-1750 Acta medica Bulgarica Medicina i fizkultura
2719-5384 Acta Medica Bulgarica (e-vir) De Gruyter Poland
0001-6012 Acta Medica Costarricense Colegio de médicos y cirujanos de Costa Rica.
2215-5856 Acta Médica Costarricense (e-vir) Colegio de Médicos y Cirujanos de Costa Rica
1330-0164 Acta medica Croatica Hrvatska akademija medicinskih znanosti
1848-8897 Acta medica Croatica (e-vir) Akademija medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske
0001-6020 Acta médica de Tenerife Universidad de La Laguna. Facultad de Medicina
0567-7734 Acta Medica et Biologica Niigata Daigaku Igakubu
0365-4257 Acta médica hidalguense [s.n.].
0236-5286 Acta medica Hungarica Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
0044-6025 Acta Medica Iranica Tehran University of Medical Sciences, the Faculty of Medicine
1735-9694 Acta Medica Iranica Tehran University of Medical Sciences, the Faculty of Medicine
0365-3285 Acta Medica Italica di Malattie Infettive e Parassitarie Clinica delle malattie tropicali e subtropicali - Università.
0001-6039 Acta Medica Italica di Medicina Tropicale e Subtropicale e di Gastroenterologia
0375-8338 Acta medica Iugoslavica Medicinska akademija Hrvatske
0386-6092 Acta medica Kinki University Kinki University Medical Association; Kindai University Medical Association
0365-4478 Acta medica Medianae Medicinski fakultet; Podružnica Srpskog lekarskog društva u Nišu
1821-2794 Acta medica Medianae (e-vir) Medicinski fakultet
0001-6055 Acta Medica Nagasakiensia Nagasaki Daigaku Igakubu.
0386-300X Acta Medica Okayama [S.n.]
0365-4540 Acta Medica Orientalia Israel Medical Association.
0365-4559 Acta medica patavina Istituto Clinica Medica Generale-Università.
0001-6071 Acta Medica Philippina College of Medicine
0001-608X Acta Medica Polona Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
0001-6098 Acta medica romana Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma. Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia.
0001-6101 Acta Medica Scandinavica Almqvist & Wiksell
0365-463X Acta medica Scandinavica, Supplementum Almqvist & Wiksell periodical co.
0567-7750 Acta medica Turcica Ankara Üniversitesi
0303-8475 Acta medica Turcica. Supplementum Ankara Üniversitesi
0001-611X Acta Medica Universitatis Kagoshimaensis Editorial Board in the Library of the Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University.
0001-6136 Acta medica veterinaria Editoriale scientifica.
0001-6144 Acta medica Vietnamica Faculté de médecine. Université de Saigon
0065-1397 Acta Medicinae Legalis et Socialis Académie internationale de médecine légale et de médecine sociale.
0365-4435 Acta Medicinalia in Keijo University Imperialis in Keijo.
0001-6160 Acta metallurgica Pergamon Press
0956-7151 Acta metallurgica et materialia Pergamon Press
2194-1289 Acta metallurgica Sinica (e-vir) Springer Internat. Publ.
1006-7191 Acta Metallurgica Sinica Editorial Board of Acta Metallurgica Sinica
0567-7785 Acta mexicana de ciencia y tecnología Consejo Editorial del Instituto Politécnico Nacional.
0001-6187 Acta microbiologica [S.n.]
0324-0452 Acta microbiologica, virologica et immunologica Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0204-8809 Acta microbiologica Bulgarica [s.n.]
1217-8950 Acta microbiologica et immunologica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
1588-2640 Acta microbiologica et immunologica Hungarica (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó
0231-4622 Acta microbiologica Hungarica Akad. Kiadó
0137-1320 Acta Microbiologica Polonica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0567-7815 Acta Microbiologica Polonica Państwowe Wydawnicto Naukowe
0567-7823 Acta Microbiologica Polonica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0098-9150 Acta microbiologica sinica Plenum-China Program
0365-8066 Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica JATE5
0365-1398 Acta montana Academia
1212-1576 Acta Montana. Serie AB, Geodynamics & Fuel, Carbon, Mineral Processing Ústav struktury a mechaniky hornin Akademie věd České republiky
1211-1929 Acta Montana. Serie B, Fuel, Carbon, Mineral Processing Ústav struktury a mechaniky hornin Akademie věd České republiky
1335-1788 Acta Montanistica Slovaca Fakulta BERG Technickej univerzity
0204-9139 Acta morphologica Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
0001-6217 Acta morphologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Akadémiai K.
0236-5391 Acta morphologica Hungarica Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
0001-6225 Acta morphologica neerlando-scandinavica Swets & Zeitlinger : :; Oosthoek
0001-625X Acta Mycologica Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne.
2353-074X Acta Mycologica (e-vir) Societas Botanicorum Poloniae
1128-2460 Acta myologica Gaetano Conte Academy for the study of striated muscle diseases
0392-419X Acta naturalia de "l'Ateneo parmense" [Società di medicina e scienze naturali]
0365-4850 Acta naturalia islandica Náttúrufraeđistofnun Íslands
0365-4907 Acta Neerlandica Morphologiae Normalis et Pathologicae Oosthoek
0065-1400 Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology.
1689-0035 Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis (e-vir) Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology; Polish Neuroscience Society
0942-0940 Acta neurochirurgica Springer
0001-6268 Acta Neurochirurgica Springer
0001-6276 Acta Neurologica Università di Napoli "Federico II", Facoltà di medicina e chirurgia, Clinica neurologica.; Università degli Studi, Napoli. Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia. Clinica Neurologica.
0300-9009 Acta neurologica belgica Acta Medica Belgica.
2240-2993 Acta neurologica Belgica (e-vir) Springer Nature Switzerland
0001-6284 Acta neurologica et psychiatrica belgica Acta Medica Belgica.
0001-6306 Acta Neurologica Latinoamericana Hospital de Clinicas, Instituto de Neurologia.
1600-0404 Acta neurologica Scandinavica (e-vir) Munksgaard
0001-6314 Acta Neurologica Scandinavica [s.n.]
0065-1427 Acta neurologica Scandinavica. Supplementum Munksgaard
0065-1435 Acta neuropathologica Springer
1432-0533 Acta neuropathologica Springer
0001-6322 Acta Neuropathologica Springer-Verlag
0365-5091 Acta neuropsiquiátrica argentina Fondo Julián Cortazar.
0365-513X Acta neurovegetativa Springer
0375-9245 Acta neurovegetativa Internationale Gesellschaft für Neurovegetative Forschung.
0910-1497 Acta Nipponica medicinae tropicalis Taihoku Teikoku Daigaku. Nettai Igaku Kenkyäujo.
0001-6330 Acta obstetrica et gynaecologica Japonica Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai.
0001-6349 Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica Wiley Blackwell
1600-0412 Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica (e-vir) Wiley
0300-8835 Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica. Supplement Scandinavian Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; distributed by Almqvist & Wiksell
1869-1099 Acta oceanologica Sinica Springer
1502-3850 Acta odontologica Scandinavica (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0001-6357 Acta Odontologica Scandinavica Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
0365-530X Acta odontologica Scandinavica, Supplementum Acta odontologica Scandinavica,
0243-7678 Acta oecologica. Oecologia applicata Gauthier-Villars,
0243-766X Acta oecologica. Oecologia generalis Gauthier-Villars,
0243-7651 Acta oecologica. Oecologia plantarum Gauthier-Villars,
0284-186X Acta oncologica Almqvist & Wiksell
1651-226X Acta oncologica (e-vir) Taylor&Francis
0001-639X Acta ophthalmologica Scriptor.
0065-1451 Acta ophthalmologica Scriptor.
0001-6403 Acta ophthalmologica Iugoslavica Udruženje oftalmologa Jugoslavije
1395-3907 Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica Scriptor
1600-0420 Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0001-6462 Acta orthopaedica belgica Acta medica belgica
0001-6470 Acta orthopaedica Scandinavica Munksgaard
0300-8827 Acta orthopaedica Scandinavica. Supplementum Munksgaard
1651-2251 Acta oto-laryngologica (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0001-6489 Acta Oto-Laryngologica Almqvist och Wiksell
0365-5237 Acta oto-laryngologica. Supplementum Almqvist och Wiksell
0001-6497 Acta oto-rhino-laryngologica belgica Acta medica belgica
0365-1436 Acta Paediatrica Almqvist & Wiksell.
0365-5741 Acta paediatrica, supplement Almqvist & Wiksell.
0001-6527 Acta paediatrica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Magyar Tudományos Akadémia.
0001-6535 Acta paediatrica belgica Acta Medica Belgica.
0231-441X Acta paediatrica Hungarica Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
0374-5600 Acta Paediatrica Japonica Overseas Edition Nihon Shäonika Gakkai.
0365-5504 Acta Paediatrica Latina Editrice Age.
0001-656X Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica Almqvist och Wiksell
0300-8843 Acta paediatrica Scandinavica. Supplement Almqvist & Wiksell Periodical Co.
1230-2821 Acta Parasitologica Witold Stefański Institute of Parasitology
1896-1851 Acta Parasitologica Witold Stefański Institute of Parasitology. Polish Academy of Sciences.
0350-3658 Acta parasitologica Iugoslavica Društvo parazitologa Jugoslavije
0567-7939 Acta parasitologica Lituanica Lietuvos TSR mokslu akademijos Biologijos institutas,; Lietuvos TSR mokslu akademijos Biologijos institutas,; Valst. polit. ir moksl. lit. l-kla,; Mintis,; Mokslas,; Ekologijos institutas,
0065-1478 Acta Parasitologica Polonica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0108-0202 Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica Munksgaard
0108-0210 Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica Munksgaard.
0108-0164 Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica. Section A. Pathology Munksgaard
0108-0180 Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica. Section B. Microbiology Munksgaard
0108-0172 Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica. Supplement Munksgaard
0105-0656 Acta pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica Munksgaard.
0105-8703 Acta pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica Munksgaard.
0304-131X Acta pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica Munksgaard.
0365-5555 Acta pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica Munksgaard.
0365-5563 Acta pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica Munksgaard,
0365-5571 Acta pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica Munksgaard,
0065-1486 Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica, Supplementum Munksgaard International Booksellers and Publishers.
0365-4184 Acta pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica. Section A. Pathology Munksgaard.
0304-1328 Acta pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica. Section C. Immunology Munksgaard.
0001-6632 Acta Pathologica Japonica Nippon Byori Gakkai.
0001-6640 Acta Pediátrica Española Mayo
1450-7188 Acta periodica technologica University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology
2406-095X Acta Periodica Technologica (e-vir) Faculty of Technology. University of Novi Sad
0125-9407 Acta pharmaceutica Lembaga Penelitian Farmasi, Departemen Farmasi, Institut Teknologi Bandung.
1330-0075 Acta pharmaceutica Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo
1846-9558 Acta pharmaceutica (e-vir) Croatian Pharmaceutical Society
0356-3456 Acta pharmaceutica fennica Suomen Farmaseuttinen Yhdistys.
0001-6659 Acta pharmaceutica Hungarica Ifjusági Lapk.
0216-616X Acta pharmaceutica Indonesia Jurusan Farmasi F.MIPA Institut Teknologi Bandung
0400-4116 Acta Pharmaceutica Internationalia Foederatio Pharmaceutica Internationalis.; Fédération Internationale Pharmaceutique.
0001-6667 Acta pharmaceutica Jugoslavica Savez farmaceutskih društava Jugoslavije
1100-1801 Acta pharmaceutica Nordica Swedish Pharmaceutical Press
0001-6675 Acta pharmaceutica Suecica Swedish Pharmaceutical Press
0340-3157 Acta pharmaceutica technologica Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft
0341-0854 Acta pharmaceutica technologica. Supplement Deutscher Apotheker-Verlag.
1300-638X Acta pharmaceutica Turcica İstanbul Üniversitesi
0001-6683 Acta pharmacologica et toxicologica [S.n.]
0065-1508 Acta pharmacologica et toxicologica. Supplement Munksgaard.
0253-9756 Acta pharmacologica sinica Shànghǎi käexěue jìshù chäubǎnshè
1671-4083 Acta pharmacologica Sinica Science Press; Blackwell
1745-7254 Acta pharmacologica Sinica (e-vir) PubMed
0001-6705 Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Akadémiai K.
0001-6713 Acta Physica Austriaca Springer
0065-1559 Acta Physica Austriaca Springer
0001-6721 Acta physica et chemica Szegedi Tudegy. Természettud. Kar
0567-7947 Acta physica et chimica Debrecina Universitas Debreceniensis de Ludovico Kossuth Nominata.
0231-4428 Acta physica Hungarica Akadémiai K.
1219-7580 Acta physica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
1588-2675 Acta physica Hungarica (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó; Springer-Verlag
1589-9535 Acta physica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
1786-3767 Acta physica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
0587-4246 Acta physica Polonica Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki; Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Physics
1898-794X Acta physica Polonica (e-vir) Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki; Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Physics
0001-673X Acta Physica Polonica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0587-4254 Acta Physica Polonica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
1509-5770 Acta Physica Polonica (e-vir) Jagellonian University
1004-423X Acta Physica Sinica Science Press
0567-7955 Acta Physica Sinica Abstracts
0323-0465 Acta physica slovaca Veda
1336-040X Acta physica Slovaca Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
0231-889X Acta physica Universitatis Comenianae Slovenské pedagogické nakladatel'stvo
0137-5881 Acta physilogiae plantarum Polish Academy of science
1861-1664 Acta physiologiae plantarum Springer
1748-1708 Acta physiologica Blackwell Publishing
1748-1716 Acta physiologica (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing Ltd
0327-6309 Acta physiologica, pharmacologica et therapeutica latinoamericana Asociación Latinoamericana de Ciencias Fisiológicas.; Asociación Latinoamericana de Farmacología.
0001-6756 Acta physiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Magyar Tudományos Akadémia.; Academia Scientiarum Hungaricae.
0323-9950 Acta physiologica et pharmacologica bulgarica Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
0326-6656 Acta physiologica et pharmacologica latinoamericana Asociación Latinoamericana de Ciencias Fisiológicas.
0001-6748 Acta physiologica et pharmacologica neerlandica North-Holland
0231-424X Acta physiologica Hungarica Akadémiai K.
1588-2683 Acta physiologica Hungarica (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó
0567-7971 Acta physiologica Latino Americana Asociación latinoamericana de ciencias fisiológicas.
0001-6764 Acta physiológica latinoamericana Asociación latinoamericana de ciencias fisiológicas.
0044-6033 Acta Physiologica Polonica Polish Physiological Society.
0374-5627 Acta Physiologica Polonica Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Medical Sciences.; Polska Akademia Nauk, Wydział Nauk Medycznych.; Polish Physiological Society.
0365-5687 Acta Physiologica Polonica. Suplement Polish Physiological Society.
0001-6772 Acta Physiologica Scandinavica Karolinska Institutet, Editorial Office
0302-2994 Acta physiologica Scandinavica. Supplementum Karolinska institutet, Editorial office
0365-5393 Acta Phytochimica Iwata Institute of Plant Biochemistry.
0065-1567 Acta phytomedica
0001-6780 Acta phytopathologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Akad. Kiadó
0238-1249 Acta phytopathologica et entomologica Hungarica Akad. Kiadó
1588-2691 Acta phytopathologica et entomologica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
0001-6802 Acta phytotherapeutica Steinmetz
0515-3085 Acta politécnica mexicana Escuela Superior de Medicina Rural Prologación de Diaz Miron y Plan de San Luis
0001-6837 Acta Poloniae pharmaceutica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0097-5958 Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica Polskie Towarzystwo Farmaceutyczne.
0323-7648 Acta polymerica Akademie-Verlag
1521-4044 Acta polymerica Wiley-VCH.
0365-5512 Acta polytechnica Acta polytechnica publishing office
0365-561X Acta polytechnica Acta polytechnica publishing office.
0365-5628 Acta polytechnica Acta polytechnica publishing office.
0375-8354 Acta polytechnica
0375-8362 Acta polytechnica Acta polytechnica publishing office.
0375-8400 Acta polytechnica Acta polytechnica publishing office.
1210-2709 Acta polytechnica České vysoké učení technické
1805-2363 Acta Polytechnica (e-vir) The Czech Technical University in Prague
0322-7510 Acta polytechnica. Řada 1. Stavební Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0554-9183 Acta polytechnica. Řada 2, Strojní Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0374-2474 Acta polytechnica. Řada 3, Elektrotechnická Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0554-9205 Acta polytechnica. Řada 4, Technicko-teoretická Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0001-687X Acta polytechnica Scandinavica Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences.; Finnish Academy of Technology.
0355-2713 Acta polytechnica Scandinavica Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences.
0781-2698 Acta polytechnica Scandinavica Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences.
1239-0518 Acta polytechnica Scandinavica Finnish Academy of Technology.
0355-2721 Acta polytechnica Scandinavica. Applied physics series Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences
0001-6853 Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica. Chemistry Including Metallurgy Series Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences
0355-2705 Acta polytechnica Scandinavica. Ci Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences.; Teknillisten tieteiden akatemia.
0001-6845 Acta polytechnica Scandinavica. Electrical Engineering Series Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences
0001-6888 Acta polytechnica Scandinavica. Ph, Physics including nucleonics series Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences
0065-1583 Acta protozoologica Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
1689-0027 Acta Protozoologica (e-vir) Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
0365-5636 Acta psiquiátrica y psicológica argentina [s.n.]
0001-6896 Acta psiquiátrica y psicológica de América Latina ACTA, Fondo para la Salud Mental
0365-558X Acta psychiatrica et neurologica Levin & Munksgaard.
0365-5598 Acta psychiatrica et neurologica Scandinavica Ejnar Munksgaard.
0365-5067 Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandinavica, Supplementum Ejnar Munksgaard.
0001-690X Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica Munksgaard
1600-0447 Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica (e-vir) Munksgaard
0065-1591 Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. Supplementum Munksgaard
0001-6918 Acta psychologica Nijhoff; North-Holland
1873-6297 Acta psychologica Elsevier Science
0365-5679 Acta psychotherapeutica, psychosomatica et orthopaedagogica International Federation for Medical Psychotherapy; International Society for Special Education
0365-5822 Acta psychotherapeutica et psychosomatica International Federation for Medical Psychotherapy; International Society for Special Education
2571-757X Acta psychotherapeutica et psychosomatica (e-vir) S. Karger AG
0378-7648 Acta química compostelana Facultad de Química. Departamento de Química Analítica
0001-6926 Acta radiologica [s.n.].
0348-5196 Acta radiologica Acta radiologica,
0567-8056 Acta radiologica [s.n.]
0567-8064 Acta radiologica Acta radiologica
1600-0455 Acta radiologica (e-vir) Munksgaard International Publishers
0349-652X Acta radiologica: Oncology [s.n.]
0284-1851 Acta radiologica (1987) [s.n.]
0365-5954 Acta radiologica Supplementum Munksgaard
1214-9691 Acta-Research Reports Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics
0377-8185 Acta reumatológica Cátedra de hodrología Médica.; Agregaduría de Reumatología. Universidad Complutense.; Instituto de Reumatología y Lucha Antirreumática de la Cruz Roja Española. Madrid.
0365-608X Acta rheumatologica Ligue internationale contre le rhumatisme
0001-6934 Acta rheumatologica Scandinavica Steinsvik.
0065-163X Acta Rheumatologica Scandinavica, Supplementum s.n.
0250-4642 Acta rhumatologica Société royale belge de rhumatologie.
0378-9497 Acta rhumatologica belgica Société royale belge de rhumatologie.; Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging van Reumatologie.
0365-6446 Acta salmanticensia. Ciencias Universidad. Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico
0400-423X Actas bioquímicas Colegio de Doctores en Bioquímica y Farmacia de la Provincia de Santa Fe.
0301-1291 Acta Scholae Medicinalis Universitatis Imperialis in Kioto Universitas Imperialis in Kioto ;; Kyoto Imperial University. Faculty of Medicine
0001-6950 Acta Scholae Medicinalis Universitatis in Kioto Kyoto Daigaku Igakubu
1807-8664 Acta scientiarum Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa de Pós-Graduação.
1415-6814 Acta Scientiarum Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Centro de Ciências da Saúde
1679-9283 Acta Scientiarum Universidade Estadual de Maringá.
1679-9291 Acta Scientiarum Universidade Estadual de Maringá.
1806-2563 Acta Scientiarum Universidade Estadual de Maringá.
1806-2636 Acta Scientiarum Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá.
1807-8621 Acta Scientiarum (e-vir) Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa de Pós-Graduação.
1807-863X Acta Scientiarum Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa de Pós-Graduação.
1807-8648 Acta Scientiarum Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa de Pós-Graduação.
1807-8672 Acta Scientiarum (e-vir) Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
1679-9275 Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá.
1644-0730 Acta Scientiarum Polonorum = Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej
1898-9594 Acta Scientiarum Polonorum = Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej
0365-7183 Acta Scientia Sinica [s.n.]
0365-1584 Actas de la Clínica Yodice [s.n.]
0449-1653 Actas de las Jornadas Geológicas Argentinas Librart SRL
0325-2620 Actas del Congreso Geológico Argentino Asociación Geológica Argentina
0001-7310 Actas dermo-sifiliográficas Academia Española de Dermatología y Venereología
1578-2190 Actas dermo-sifiliográficas Doyma.; Elsevier Doyma
1695-4734 Actas dermo-sifiliográficas (e-vir) Academia Española de Dermatología y Venereología
0300-5062 Actas luso-españoles de neurología, psiquiatría y ciencias afines Garsi
0001-6977 Acta societatis botanicorum Poloniae Institute of plant biology - Instytut biologii Roślin
2083-9480 Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae (e-vir) Polish Botanical Society
0365-1711 Acta Societatis medicorum Fennicae Duodecim Duodecim.; Suomalainen lääkäriseura Duodecim.
0365-172X Acta Societatis medicorum Fennicae Duodecim Suomalainen lääkäriseura Duodecim.
0365-1738 Acta Societatis medicorum Fennicae Duodecim Suomalainen lääkäriseura Duodecim.
0001-6985 Acta Societatis medicorum Upsaliensis Upsala läkareförening
0365-4680 Acta Societatis medicorum Upsaliensis Upsala läkareförening
0365-6721 Acta Societatis scientiarum Fennicae Societas scientiarum Fennica.
0365-6748 Acta Societatis scientiarum Fennicae Societas scientiarum Fennica.
0001-7019 Acta stomatologica Croatica Hrvatsko stomatološko društvo; Stomatološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
0716-0402 Acta sud americana de química Raúl G.E. Morales.
0001-7035 Acta technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Akad. Kiadó
0001-7043 Acta technica ČSAV Academia
1121-2098 Acta technologiae et legis medicamenti Casa Editrice Maccari
0378-0619 Acta therapeutica Acta Therapeutica
2190-3743 Acta theriologica (e-vir) Springer
0001-7051 Acta Theriologica Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
0327-9286 Acta toxicológica argentina Asociación Toxicológica Argentina
1851-3743 Acta toxicológica argentina (e-vir) Asociación Toxicológica Argentina
0393-635X Acta toxicologica et therapeutica Casa Editrice Maccari.
0001-706X Acta Tropica Verlag fuer Recht und Gesellschaft AG
0365-1541 Acta tropica. Supplementum Swiss Tropical Institute.; Institut tropical suisse.; Institutum tropologicum helveticum.
0365-7531 Acta tubercolosea et pneumologica Scandinavica Munksgaard
0365-7299 Acta Tuberculosea Belgica Acta Medica belgica.
0001-7078 Acta tuberculosea et pneumologica belgica Acta medica belgica.
0365-7612 Acta Tuberculosea et Pneumologica Scandinavica, Supplementum Munksgaard.
0567-8161 Acta tuberculosea Japonica Kyoto Daigaku. Kekkaku Kenkyäujo.
0365-7574 Acta tuberculosea Scandinavica Munksgaard.
0365-7604 Acta Tuberculosea Scandinavica, Supplementum Munksgaard.
0365-3056 Acta - Union internationale contra cancrum Ligue nationale belge contre le cancer.
0524-7403 Acta Universitatis Agriculturae. Facultas agronomica Státní pedagogickë nakladatelství
0524-7438 Acta Universitatis Agriculturae. Facultas Silviculturae Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0524-742X Acta Universitatis Agriculturae. Facultas Veterinaria Vysoká škola zemědělská
1211-8516 Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis Mendelova zemědělská a lesnická univerzita
2464-8310 Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (e-vir) Mendel University in Brno
0001-7124 Acta Universitatis Carolinae Univerzita Karlova = Charles University; Karolinum
0001-7132 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Geologica Universita Karlova
0567-8218 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Geologica, Monographia Univerzita Karlova
0001-7116 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Medica Univerzita Karlova
0567-8250 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Medica. Monographia Univerzita Karlova
0515-3239 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Medica. Supplementum SPN
1583-5030 Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis Editura Universităţii "Lucian Blaga" din Sibiu
0365-7817 Acta Universitatis Debreceniensis de Ludovico Kossuth Nominatae Tankönyvkiadó
0365-7930 Acta Universitatis Debreceniensis de Ludovico Kossuth Nominatae KLTE
0208-6182 Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
0208-6190 Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Uniwersytet Łódzki
0001-7159 Acta Universitatis Lundensis, Sectio 2: Medica, Mathematica, Scientiae Rerum Naturalium Gleerup
0355-3191 Acta universitatis Ouluensis Oulun yliopisto
0355-3221 Acta Universitatis Ouluensis Oulun yliopisto.
0301-2506 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
1212-2025 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Geologica Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého
0232-0061 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultas rerum naturalium. Chemica Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0301-2514 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultatis Medicae Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0472-8998 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultatis Medicae. Supplementum Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0355-5232 Acta Universitatis Tamperensis Universitas Tamperensis.
0496-7909 Acta universitatis Tamperensis. Series A Tampereen yliopisto
0137-1053 Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0084-2966 Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Matematyka, Fizyka, Astronomia Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0137-4605 Acta Unuversitatis Lodziensis Pánstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0001-7183 Acta urologica Belgica Acta Medica Belgica
0567-8315 Acta veterinaria Veterinarski fakultet
1820-7448 Acta veterinaria Veterinarski fakultet
0001-7205 Acta veterinaria Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Magyar Tudományos Akadémia.; Academia Scientiarum Hungaricae.
0001-7213 Acta veterinaria Brno State Pedagogical Publishing House
1801-7576 Acta veterinaria Brno (e-vir) Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita
0236-6290 Acta veterinaria Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
0365-8198 Acta veterinaria Hungarica Facultas Veterinaria Universitatis Scientiarum Agrarium.
1588-2705 Acta veterinaria Hungarica (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó
0044-605X Acta veterinaria Scandinavica Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica
1751-0147 Acta veterinaria Scandinavica (e-vir) BioMed Central
0065-1699 Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, Supplementum Soc. Vet. Scand.
0001-723X Acta virologica Academia
1336-2305 Acta virologica (e-vir) Slovak Academic Press s.r.o.
0001-7248 Acta Vitaminologica
0300-8924 Acta vitaminologica et enzymologica [s.n.].
0001-7272 Acta zoologica Blackwell Publishing
1463-6395 Acta zoologica (e-vir) Blackwell Science Ltd.
0001-7264 Acta zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Akadémiai K.
0324-0770 Acta zoologica bulgarica B''lgarska Akademija na Naukite
0001-7280 Acta Zoologica et Pathologica Antverpiensia Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Dierkunde van Antwerpen
0065-1729 Acta zoológica lilloana Fundación Miguel Lillo; Tucumán
1852-6098 Acta zoológica lilloana (e-vir) Fundación Miguel Lillo
0065-1737 Acta zoológica mexicana Instituto de Ecología.
2448-8445 Acta zoológica mexicana (e-vir) Instituto de Ecología
0567-8331 Acta zootechnica universitatis agriculturae [S.n.]
0761-3962 Actes de colloques IFREMER.; Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer.; Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer.
0373-1952 Actes de l'Institut national genevois Institut national genevois
0365-6896 Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux Société linnéenne de Bordeaux
0365-6918 Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux Société linnéenne de Bordeaux
0365-6934 Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux Société linnéenne de Bordeaux
0365-0103 Actes et comptes-rendus de l'Association colonies-sciences Association colonies-sciences (France.
1340-4512 ACTH related peptides Iyaku koukokusha.; Mitsubishi kagaku.; Mitsubishi toukyou seiyaku.; CRH ACTH kenkyuukai.; Kannou kasuitai fukujin kenkyuukai.
0001-7353 Actinides reviews Elsevier
0365-1533 Action Medicale "Les Publications Nolet Enrg.".
0567-8528 Actions chimiques et biologiques des radiations Masson,; Masson :; Academic press,
0888-7497 Activated sludge process control series Arthur Technology :; Butterworth
0001-7604 Activitas nervosa superior Avicenum
0198-0181 Activities report of the R & D Associates Research and Development Associates for Military Food and Packaging Systems.
0096-9583 Activities report - QM Food and Container Institute for the Armed Forces Research and Development Associates, Food and Container Institute, inc.]
0099-6335 Activities report - Research and Development Associates for Military Food and Packaging Systems, inc Research and Development Associates for Military Food and Packaging Systems.
0304-3584 Actualidades biologicas Universidad de Antioquia. Departamento de Biologia
0365-0804 Actualidades biologicas Instituto Rocha Cabral, Oficinas Graficas
0365-7965 Actualidad médica [Asociación de Antiguos Alumnos de la Facultad de Medicina]
0365-107X Actualites biochimiques Collège de France.
0515-3646 Actualités biologiques Association française de biologie médicale
0222-030X Actualités de biochimie marine Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France)
0373-9805 Actualités de chimie analytique organique pharmaceutique bromatologique Masson,
0567-8714 Actualités de physiologie pathologique Masson,; Expansion scientifique,
0065-1826 Actualités endocrinologiques l'Expansion scientifique française,
0223-4661 Actualités gynécologiques Masson
0567-8757 Actualités hématologiques Masson,
0567-8811 Actualites Nephrologiques de l'Hopital Necker Editions Medicales Flammarion
0001-7817 Actualités odonto-stomatologiques Association d'enseignement odonto-stomatologique à l'hôpital
1760-611X Actualités odonto-stomatologiques (e-vir) Éd. SID; EDP sciences
0567-8854 Actualités pharmacologiques Association des pharmacologistes (France)
0337-8292 Actualités protozoologiques Université de Clermont-Ferrand.
0365-6861 Actualités scientifiques et industrielles Hermann
0338-8999 Actualities de chimie therapeutique Societe Chimie Therapeutque
0360-1293 Acupuncture & electro-therapeutics research Pergamon Press
0001-7884 Acustica S. Hirzel Verlag
0516-3668 Acustica, Akustische Beihefte Hirzel
1369-5312 Acute coronary syndromes Remedica
2040-3860 Acute coronary syndromes Remedica Medical Education and Publishing
1366-0071 Acute pain Saldatore
0733-4230 AD American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0320-720X Adaptivnye sistemy avtomatičeskogo upravleniâ.; Адаптивные системы автоматического управления Tehnìka; Техніка.
0099-8559 AD ASTIA Document. United States Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services
1355-6215 Addiction biology Carfax
1369-1600 Addiction biology (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers.
0065-1885 Addiction Research Foundation bibliographic series Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario.
0094-0267 Addictive diseases [Spectrum Publications]
0416-8283 A Debreceni Mezőgazdasági Akadémia tudományos évkönyve Debreceni Mezőgazdasági Akadémia.
0204-3327 Âdernaâ ènergetika Institut atomnoj ènergetiki.
0044-0027 Âdernaâ fizika Nauka
1729-2689 Âdernye izmeritelʹno-informacionnye tehnologii Izdatelʹskij dom Tehnologii.
0135-7417 Âdernyj kvadrupolʹnyj rezonans Kaliningradskij universitet.
0536-2237 Âdernyj magnitnyj rezonans Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0136-1732 Adgeziâ rasplavov i pajka materialov.; Адгезия расплавов и пайка материалов Institut problem materialovedeniâ; Институт проблем материаловедения.
0001-8198 Adhäsion Vogel-Fachzeitschriften-GmbH
0044-6254 Adhésifs Editions Charles Vincent.
0260-4450 Adhesion Elsevier Applied Science
1025-9287 Adhesion communications Gordon and Breach.
0515-4138 Adhesives & Resins A.S. O'Connor & Co. Ltd.
0950-8678 Adhesives & sealants Polymers Paint Colour Journal.
0001-821X Adhesives age Communication Channels, etc.
1462-0146 Adhesive technology DMG Business Media
1550-2082 Adipocytes New Century Health Publishers
1349-1318 Adiposcience Fuji medikaru shuppan,
1018-5275 Adli tıp dergisi Adalet Bakanlığı
0096-0500 Adrenal cortex Joseph Macy, Jr. Foundation.
0099-8532 AD Report. United States Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information
0099-8575 AD Report. United States National Technical Information Service National Technical Information Service (NTIS).
0367-567X Adrikhalut [s.n.]
0320-7218 Adsorbciâ i adsorbenty.; Адсорбция и адсорбенты Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0929-5607 Adsorption Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8757 Adsorption (e-vir) Kluwer
0917-9917 Adsorption news Nihon Kyuchaku Gakkai; Nihon kyuchaku gakkai
0263-6174 Adsorption science & technology Blackwell Scientific
2048-4038 Adsorption science & technology (e-vir) SAGE Publications
1065-7355 Advanced cement based materials Elsevier
0883-5551 Advanced ceramic materials American Ceramic Society
0924-3046 Advanced composite materials VSP
1568-5519 Advanced composite materials VSP International Science Publishers
1356-0417 Advanced dairy chemistry Elsevier Applied Science.
0169-409X Advanced drug delivery reviews Elsevier
1872-8294 Advanced drug delivery reviews Elsevier Science
0365-1789 Advanced energy conversion Pergamon
2352-5657 Advanced energy conversion (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
1438-1656 Advanced engineering materials Wiley-VCH
1527-2648 Advanced engineering materials (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
Y503-8545 Advanced engineering materials Wiley-VCH
1616-301X Advanced functional materials Wiley Interscience
1616-3028 Advanced functional materials (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0935-9648 Advanced materials VCH
1521-4095 Advanced materials (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0882-7958 Advanced materials & processes American Society for Metals
1057-9257 Advanced materials for optics and electronics John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
1099-0712 Advanced materials for optics and electronics John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
1357-2490 Advanced materials news Industrial Minerals Information
1022-6680 Advanced materials research Scitec Publications; Trans Tech Publications
1662-8985 Advanced materials research (e-vir) Trans Tech Publications
0262-5083 Advanced medicine Royal College of Physicians of London.
1065-0555 Advanced packaging IHS Pub. Group
0929-1881 Advanced performance materials Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8765 Advanced performance materials (e-vir) Kluwer
0921-8831 Advanced powder technology VSP
1568-5527 Advanced powder technology (e-vir) VSP; Elsevier
0172-4207 Advanced series in agricultural sciences Springer.
0219-1776 Advanced series in ceramics World Scientific,
0218-0324 Advanced series on directions in high energy physics World Scientific
1615-4150 Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH
1615-4169 Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (e-vir) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH
0515-4669 Advanced Waste Treatment Research Publication
0001-866X Advancement of science Academic Press.
0567-9826 Advances in acarology Cornell University.
0065-2091 Advances in Activation Analysis Academic Press.
0147-6866 Advances in aerosol physics Halsted Press,
0065-2113 Advances in agronomy Elsevier; Academic press
1369-5886 Advances in air pollution WIT Press/Computational Mechanics Publications
0270-3106 Advances in alcohol & substance abuse Haworth Press
0065-2121 Advances in alicyclic chemistry Academic Press
0065-2148 Advances in analytical chemistry and instrumentation [Wiley-Interscience, etc.]
1080-5354 Advances in analytical geochemistry JAI Press
0749-7431 Advances in analytical toxicology Biomedical Publications,
1072-4109 Advances in anatomic pathology Raven Press
1533-4031 Advances in anatomic pathology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0301-5556 Advances in anatomy, embryology, and cell biology Springer
1075-8593 Advances in antiviral drug design JAI Press; Elsevier B.V.
1053-4490 Advances in applied biotechnology series Portfolio Pub. Co. :; Gulf Pub. Co., Book Division,
1743-6753 Advances in applied ceramics Maney Publishing on behalf of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
1743-6761 Advances in applied ceramics (e-vir) Maney on behalf of Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
0065-2156 Advances in applied mechanics Academic Press
0065-2164 Advances in applied microbiology Academic Press
0140-2625 Advances in aquatic microbiology Academic Press
0162-8003 Advances in archaeological method and theory Academic Press
0065-3438 Advances in astronautical sciences Distributed by Plenum Press
0065-2180 Advances in astronomy and astrophysics Academic Press
0256-1530 Advances in atmospheric sciences China Ocean Press
1861-9533 Advances in atmospheric sciences = Science Press; Springer
1049-250X Advances in atomic, molecular, and optical physics Academic Press
0065-2199 Advances in atomic and molecular physics Academic Press
1068-5561 Advances in atomic spectroscopy JAI Press,
0099-6246 Advances in Behavioral Biology Plenum Publishing Corp
0147-071X Advances in behavioral pharmacology L. Erlbaum
0065-2210 Advances in biochemical engineering Springer.
0724-6145 Advances in biochemical engineering, biotechnology Springer
0065-2229 Advances in biochemical psychopharmacology Raven Press
0360-9960 Advances in bioengineering American Society of Mechanical Engineers.; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0065-2237 Advances in Bioengineering and Instrumentation Plenum Publishing Corporation.
0065-2245 Advances in biological and medical physics Academic Press
0378-7354 Advances in biological psychiatry S. Karger AG
0065-2253 Advances in biology of skin Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press
0272-3840 Advances in biomaterials Wiley,
1057-8943 Advances in biophysical chemistry JAI Press,
0065-227X Advances in Biophysics University of Tokyo Press; University Park Press
0970-0315 Advances in Biosciences Dr. Hira Lal Charitable Trust.
1061-8945 Advances in biosensors JAI Press,
0736-2293 Advances in biotechnological processes Alan R. Liss
1074-3944 Advances in blood disorders Harwood Academic Publishers.
0065-2296 Advances in botanical research Academic Press
2162-5948 Advances in botanical research (e-vir) ScienceDirect (Online service)
0253-6226 Advances in bryology A. R. Gantner Verlag KG.
1233-3212 Advances in Calorimetry and Thermochemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physical Chemistry.
0190-4817 Advances in cancer chemotherapy M. Dekker
0065-230X Advances in cancer research Academic Press
1068-7394 Advances in carbanion chemistry JAI Press,
1079-350X Advances in carbene chemistry JAI Press,
1047-3645 Advances in carbocation chemistry JAI Press
1062-0044 Advances in carbohydrate analysis JAI Press.
0065-2318 Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry Academic Press.
0065-2326 Advances in Cardiology S. Karger AG
0378-6900 Advances in cardiovascular physics S. Karger,
0360-0564 Advances in catalysis Academic Press
2163-0747 Advances in catalysis (e-vir) Academic Press
1566-3124 Advances in cell aging and gerontology JAI Press; Elsevier
1875-5224 Advances in cell aging and gerontology (e-vir) Elsevier
0065-2350 Advances in cell and molecular biology Academic Press
0065-2369 Advances in cell biology
2080-2218 Advances in Cell Biology (e-vir) De Gruyter Open
0275-6358 Advances in cell culture Academic Press
1381-1932 Advances in cellular and molecular biology of plants Kluwer Academic Publishers
0270-0794 Advances in cellular neurobiology Academic Press.
0951-7197 Advances in cement research Palladian Publications
1751-7605 Advances in cement research (e-vir) Thomas Telford
0730-9546 Advances in ceramics American Ceramic Society
0362-1634 Advances in cereal science and technology American Association of Cereal Chemists.
0065-2377 Advances in chemical engineering Academic Press
2375-6756 Advances in chemical engineering (e-vir) Academic Press
1074-7559 Advances in chemical kinetics and dynamics JAI Press,
0065-2385 Advances in chemical physics Wiley
1934-4791 Advances in chemical physics John Wiley & Sons
0065-2393 Advances in chemistry series American Chemical Society.
0097-0972 Advances in chemoreception Appleton-Century-Crofts.
0567-9877 Advances in chemotherapy Academic Press
0065-2415 Advances in chromatography M. Dekker
0270-773X Advances in chromatography University of Houston.
2153-991X Advances in chromatography (e-vir) CRC Press; M. Dekker
1066-5005 Advances in classical trajectory methods JAI Press,
0272-9237 Advances in clinical cardiology Foundation for Advances in Clinical Medicine.
0065-2423 Advances in clinical chemistry Academic Press.
0250-4197 Advances in clinical enzymology S. Karger AG
0001-8686 Advances in colloid and interface science Elsevier
1873-3727 Advances in Colloid and Interface Science (e-vir) Elsevier
0096-5324 Advances in colloid science Interscience Publishers,
1362-9646 Advances in color chemistry series Blackie Academic & Professional.
1462-4761 Advances in colour science & technology University of Leeds
0938-2763 Advances in comparative and environmental physiology Springer.
0065-244X Advances in comparative physiology and biochemistry Academic Press
0267-4874 Advances in contraception MTP Press
1573-7195 Advances in contraception Kluwer
1012-8689 Advances in contraceptive delivery systems Reproductive Health Center
0065-2466 Advances in control systems Academic Press
0065-2474 Advances in corrosion science and technology Plenum Press
0065-2482 Advances in cryogenic engineering National Bureau of Standards.; Cryogenic Engineering Conference.; International Cryogenic Engineering Conference.; International Cryogenic Materials Conference.
0747-7767 Advances in cyclic nucleotide and protein phosphorylation research Raven Press
0084-5930 Advances in cyclic nucleotide research Raven Press
1052-2077 Advances in cycloaddition JAI Press,
0084-5949 Advances in cytopharmacology Raven Press
1473-8791 Advances in damage mechanics WIT Press.
1063-0619 Advances in detailed reaction mechanisms JAI Press,
1064-2722 Advances in developmental biochemistry JAI Press,
1067-568X Advances in DNA sequence-specific agents JAI Press. ;; Elsevier.
0065-2490 Advances in Drug Research Academic Press
0272-4790 Advances in drying Hemisphere Pub. Corp. in cooperation with McGraw-Hill,
0065-2504 Advances in Ecological Research Academic Press
0938-5193 Advances in electrochemical science and engineering Wiley-VCH
1865-3014 Advances in electrochemical science and engineering (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0567-9907 Advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering Wiley
1810-0384 Advances in electrometallurgy E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute
0096-6002 Advances in electronics Academic Press
0065-2539 Advances in electronics and electron physics Academic Press
0065-2547 Advances in electronics and electron physics [Academic Press]
1061-8937 Advances in electron transfer chemistry JAI Press,
0065-2512 Advances in Electron Tube Techniques [s.n.]
0932-3031 Advances in electrophoresis VCH.
1093-0191 Advances in environmental research Pergamon
1093-7927 Advances in Environmental Research (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0141-8106 Advances in environmental science and engineering Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0065-2563 Advances in environmental science and technology Wiley & Sons
0095-4535 Advances in environmental sciences Wiley-Interscience,
0065-2571 Advances in enzyme regulation Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press; Macmillan Co.
1934-4694 Advances in enzymology and related areas of molecular biology (e-vir) Interscience Publishers
0065-258X Advances in enzymology and related subjects Interscience Publishers
0892-726X Advances in epileptology International League against Epilepsy.; International Bureau for Epilepsy.
0065-2598 Advances in experimental medicine and biology Plenum Press
2214-8019 Advances in experimental medicine and biology (e-vir) Springer
0732-8060 Advances in fertility research Raven Press,
1353-808X Advances in fluid mechanics Computational Mechanics; WIT Press
0567-9931 Advances in fluorine chemistry Butterworth
0065-261X Advances in Fluorine Research and Dental Caries Prevention [s.n.]
1043-4526 Advances in food and nutrition research Academic Press
2213-6797 Advances in food and nutrition research (e-vir) Elsevier
0065-2628 Advances in food research Academic Press
0065-2636 Advances in food research Academic Press
1431-7737 Advances in food sciences Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Analytische Chemie, Technische Universität München
0930-9535 Advances in forensic haemogenetics Springer.
1878-075X Advances in free radical biology and medicine (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
8755-9668 Advances in free radical biology and medicine Pergamon Press
0065-2644 Advances in free-radical chemistry Academic Press, etc
1071-9687 Advances in gas phase ion chemistry JAI Press,
0146-3810 Advances in general and cellular pharmacology Plenum Press.
0065-2660 Advances in genetics Academic Press
1067-5701 Advances in genome biology JAI Press,
0065-2687 Advances in geophysics Academic Press
1566-6182 Advances in geotechnical engineering and tunnelling Logos-Verl.
0065-2709 Advances in gerontological research Academic Press
0065-2717 Advances in heat transfer Academic Press
0065-2725 Advances in heterocyclic chemistry Academic Press
1557-8429 Advances in heterocyclic chemistry (e-vir) Academic Press
1067-571X Advances in heterocyclic natural product synthesis JAI Press,
0065-2733 Advances in high-pressure research Academic Press.
0065-2741 Advances in high temperature chemistry Academic Press,
0361-2961 Advances in holography M. Dekker.
0732-0566 Advances in host defense mechanisms Raven Press,
0747-7759 Advances in human fertility and reproductive endocrinology Raven Press,
0065-275X Advances in human genetics Plenum Press
0891-7396 Advances in human nutrition Chem-Orbital,
0272-068X Advances in human psychopharmacology JAI Press
0276-2412 Advances in hydrogen energy Pergamon.
0094-7032 Advances in image pickup and display Academic Press.
1076-5670 Advances in imaging and electron physics Academic Press
0065-2776 Advances in immunology Academic Press.
0197-8322 Advances in inflammation research Raven Press
0309-426X Advances in infrared and Raman spectroscopy Heyden
0736-9093 Advances in inorganic and bioinorganic mechanisms Academic Press
0190-0218 Advances in inorganic biochemistry Elsevier
0898-8838 Advances in inorganic chemistry Academic Press
0065-2792 Advances in inorganic chemistry and radiochemistry Academic Press
0065-2806 Advances in insect physiology Academic Press
2213-6800 Advances in insect physiology (e-vir) Elsevier
0065-2814 Advances in instrumentation Instrument Society of America.
1054-0032 Advances in instrumentation and control Instrument Society of America.
0065-2822 Advances in internal medicine Year Book Medical Publishers
0250-4995 Advances in invertebrate reproduction Peralam-Kenoth.
0264-8423 Advances in laser spectroscopy Heyden.
0065-2849 Advances in lipid research Academic Press
0360-2486 Advances in liquid crystals Academic Press.
0887-6193 Advances in low-temperature plasma chemistry, technology, applications Technomic Pub. Co.,
0065-2865 Advances in Macromolecular Chemistry Academic Press.
1057-2732 Advances in magnetic and optical resonance Academic Press
0065-2873 Advances in magnetic resonance Academic Press
0065-2881 Advances in Marine Biology Academic Press
0568-000X Advances in Mass Spectrometry Applied Science Publishers Ltd
0568-0018 Advances in materials research Wiley-Interscience [etc.]
1435-1889 Advances in materials research Springer.
0885-2405 Advances in meat research AVI Pub. Co..
1067-5698 Advances in medicinal chemistry JAI Press
1042-4156 Advances in membrane fluidity A.R. Liss,
0065-2903 Advances in metabolic disorders Academic Press
0587-4394 Advances in metabolic disorders Academic Press,
1075-1629 Advances in metal and semiconductor clusters JAI Press,
1045-0688 Advances in metal-organic chemistry JAI Press,
0147-4863 Advances in microbial ecology Plenum Press
0065-2911 Advances in Microbial Physiology Academic Press
0065-292X Advances in microbiology of the sea Academic Press
0065-2938 Advances in microcirculation S. Karger
0065-2946 Advances in microwaves Academic Press
0276-5063 Advances in modern environmental toxicology Senate Press,
0145-3718 Advances in modern nutrition Hemisphere Pub. Corp. :; distributed by Halsted Press],
0146-8588 Advances in modern toxicology Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1521-4451 Advances in molecular and cellular immunology JAI Press,
1057-8951 Advances in molecular electronic structure theory JAI Press
1054-0954 Advances in molecular modeling JAI Press
0378-4487 Advances in Molecular Relaxation and Interaction Processes Elsevier Publishing Co.
0001-8716 Advances in molecular relaxation processes Elsevier
1087-3295 Advances in molecular structure research JAI Press,
1063-5467 Advances in molecular vibrations and collision dynamics JAI Press,
0065-2954 Advances in molten salt chemistry Plenum Press
0065-2962 Advances in morphogenesis Academic Press,
1058-4382 Advances in multidimensional luminescence JAI Press,
0218-0227 Advances in multi-photon processes and spectroscopy World Scientific.
0938-4065 Advances in mutagenesis research Springer.
0270-4056 Advances in myocardiology Plenum Publishing Corp.; International Study Group for Research in Cardiac Metabolism.
1075-8585 Advances in near-infrared measurements JAI Press,
0084-5957 Advances in nephrology from the Necker Hospital Year Book Medical Publishers.
1074-7575 Advances in neural science JAI Press,
0098-6089 Advances in neurochemistry Plenum Press
0960-5428 Advances in neuroimmunology Manchester University Press.
1878-0903 Advances in neuroimmunology (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0091-3952 Advances in neurology Raven Press
0302-2366 Advances in neurosurgery Springer
1521-4478 Advances in nitrogen heterocycles JAI Press,
1068-672X Advances in nonlinear optics Gordon & Breach,
0065-2970 Advances in nuclear physics Plenum Press
0143-7178 Advances in nuclear quadrupole resonance Heyden
0065-2989 Advances in nuclear science and technology Plenum Press. ;; Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
1090-3097 Advances in numerical heat transfer Taylor & Francis,
0149-9483 Advances in nutritional research Plenum Press,
0568-0077 Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology Williams and Wilkins Co.
1123-8364 Advances in occupational medicine & rehabilitation Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri. Clinica del Lavoro e della Riabilitazione.
0065-3004 Advances in ophthalmology S. Karger,
0065-3012 Advances in Optical and Electron Microscopy Academic Press Inc, Ltd
0065-3020 Advances in oral biology Academic Press.
0065-3047 Advances in organic chemistry Interscience Publishers
0271-1885 Advances in organic coatings science and technology series Technomic Pub. Co.,
0065-3055 Advances in organometallic chemistry Academic Press
2162-7614 Advances in organometallic chemistry (e-vir) ScienceDirect (Online service)
0065-3071 Advances in Oto-rhino-laryngology Karger
1044-4696 Advances in oxygenated processes JAI Press,
0146-0722 Advances in pain research and therapy Raven Press
0065-308X Advances in Parasitology Academic Press Inc, Ltd
1041-004X Advances in parenteral sciences M. Dekker,
0065-3098 Advances in particle physics Interscience Publishers,
0099-1147 Advances in pathobiology Given Institute of Pathobiology.
0065-3101 Advances in pediatrics Year Book Medical Publishers
0731-1400 Advances in perinatal medicine Plenum Medical Book Co.,
1197-8554 Advances in peritoneal dialysis Peritoneal dialysis bulletin
0568-0107 Advances in pest control research [Interscience Publishers],
0568-0115 Advances in petroleum chemistry and refining Interscience Publishers
0739-8352 Advances in petroleum geochemistry Academic Press
0065-3136 Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences Academic Press.
0568-0123 Advances in pharmacology Academic Press
1054-3589 ADVANCES IN PHARMACOLOGY Academic Press,Inc.
0065-3144 Advances in pharmacology and chemotherapy Academic Press.
0253-2093 Advances in pharmacotherapy S. Karger,
0065-3152 Advances in photochemistry Wiley-Interscience; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1934-4570 Advances in photochemistry John Wiley & Sons
1382-4252 Advances in photosynthesis Kluwer Academic Publishers
0722-3269 Advances in physical geochemistry Springer-Verlag,
0065-3160 Advances in physical organic chemistry Academic Press.
1460-6976 Advances in physics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0001-8732 Advances in Physics Taylor and Francis Ltd
0269-0071 Advances in pineal research John Libbey.
1554-4516 Advances in planar lipid bilayers and liposomes Elsevier; Academic Press
1071-9695 Advances in plant cell biochemistry and biotechnology JAI Press
0743-8931 Advances in plant nutrition Praeger
0736-4539 Advances in plant pathology Academic Press,
0972-9917 Advances in Plant Physiology Scientific Publishers.
0970-3586 Advances in plant sciences Academy of Plant Sciences, India.
0065-3187 Advances in plasma physics Wiley [etc.]
0272-9504 Advances in plastics technology Van Nostrand Reinhold
0376-480X Advances in pollen-spore research Today & Tomorrow's printers and publishers
0160-2179 Advances in polyamine research Raven Press
1058-7489 Advances in polymer blends and alloys technology Technomic,
0065-3195 Advances in polymer science Springer
0730-6679 Advances in polymer technology Van Nostrand Reinhold
1098-2329 Advances in polymer technology (e-vir) Wiley
1042-8860 Advances in powder metallurgy Metal Powder Industries Federation.; American Powder Metallurgy Institute.
1065-5824 Advances in powder metallurgy & particulate materials Metal Powder Industries Federation.; American Powder Metallurgy Institute.
0065-3209 Advances in printing science and technology Pergamon Press,
0732-8141 Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane, and leukotriene research Raven Press
0361-5952 Advances in prostaglandin and thromboxane research Raven Press
0065-3233 Advances in protein chemistry Academic Press
0775-051X Advances in protein phosphatases Universitaire Pers.
0065-3241 Advances in psychobiology Wiley-Interscience,
0065-3276 Advances in Quantum Chemistry Academic Press
0065-3284 Advances in quantum electronics Academic Press.
0065-3292 Advances in radiation biology Academic Press
0065-3306 Advances in radiation chemistry Wiley-Interscience,
0309-2534 Advances in raman spectroscopy Heyden & Sons
1053-9506 Advances in regulation of cell growth Raven Press,
1362-9670 Advances in reproductive endocrinology Parthenon.
0065-3322 Advances in Reproductive Physiology Academic Press.
0376-7329 Advances in research and technology of seeds Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Pudoc.; International Seed Testing Association.
1068-719X Advances in research on neurodegeneration Birkhäuser,
1040-7952 Advances in second messenger and phosphoprotein research Raven Press
1472-2445 Advances in sepsis Remedica.
0098-0137 Advances in sex hormone research Urban & Schwarzenberg [etc.,
0195-878X Advances in shock research Liss.
1059-4256 Advances in silicon chemistry JAI Press
0145-5346 Advances in sleep research Spectrum Publications; distributed by Halsted Press
0176-9340 Advances in soil science Springer
0731-8618 Advances in solar energy American Solar Energy Society.
1046-5723 Advances in solid-state chemistry JAI Press,
1438-4329 Advances in solid state physics Springer
1569-2868 Advances in sonochemistry JAI Press
1569-2574 Advances in space biology and medicine JAI Press
1875-5380 Advances in space biology and medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
0164-0046 Advances in space exploration Committee on Space Research.
0273-1177 Advances in space research Pergamon
1879-1948 Advances in Space Research (e-vir) Elsevier
0065-3365 Advances in space science and technology Academic Press.
0892-2888 Advances in spectroscopy Wiley
0568-0174 Advances in Spectroscopy
0065-339X Advances in Steroid Biochemistry and Pharmacology Academic Press Inc, Ltd.
1061-8902 Advances in strain in organic chemistry JAI Press,
1064-6000 Advances in structural biology JAI Press,
0065-3403 Advances in Structure Research by Diffraction Methods Vieweg
1068-7459 Advances in supramolecular chemistry JAI Press,
0065-3411 Advances in surgery Year Book Medical Publishers
0065-342X Advances in teratology Academic Press
0065-3446 Advances in the Biosciences Pergamon Press; Vieweg
0272-0434 Advances in the mechanics and physics of surfaces Harwood Academic Publishers.
1046-5766 Advances in theoretically interesting molecules JAI Press,
0741-238X Advances in therapy Health Communications Inc.
1865-8652 Advances in therapy (e-vir) Springer Healthcare Communications
0192-2734 Advances in thermal engineering Hemisphere Pub. Corp. [etc.]
1064-3788 Advances in thermodynamics Taylor & Francis,
0065-3454 Advances in the study of behavior Academic Press
2162-8823 Advances in the study of behavior (e-vir) Academic Press
0196-4992 Advances in the study of birth defects University Park Press,
0961-5415 Advances in the synthesis and reactivity of solids Jai Press
1075-2099 Advances in the use of synthons in organic chemistry JAI Press,
0065-3497 Advances in Tracer Methodology Plenum Publishing Corp.
0271-2334 Advances in transport processes J. Wiley
0065-3500 Advances in tuberculosis research Karger,
0044-6378 Advances in urethane science and technology University of Detroit.
1072-0618 Advances in vascular biology Harwood Academic Publishers.; CRC Press.
1366-185X Advances in veterinary dermatology Pergamon.
0065-3519 Advances in veterinary science and comparative medicine Academic Press
0735-0104 Advances in viral oncology Raven Press,
0065-3527 Advances in virus research Academic Press
0309-1708 Advances in water resources Elsevier
1872-9657 Advances in water resources (e-vir) Elsevier
0303-2671 Advances of clinical pharmacology
0065-3543 Advancing Frontiers of Plant Sciences Impex India
0260-647X Adverse drug reactions and acute poisoning reviews Oxford University Press
0964-198X Adverse drug reactions and toxicological reviews Oxford University Press
0301-4479 Adverse effects of environmental chemicals and psychotropic drugs Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co.
0942-2242 Adverse effects of herbal drugs Springer
0519-3346 AE AB Atomenergi, Studsvik.
0067-0367 AECL. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories.
0567-3720 AEC Symposium Series Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.
0365-1851 AEI Engineering Associated Electrical Industries Limited
0514-9169 AEI Engineering Review [s.n.]
0096-669X Aero/space engineering / Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences (U.S.); Institute of the Aerospace Sciences.
0096-4344 Aero digest Aeronautical Digest Pub. Corp.
0568-0549 Aeromedica acta National luchtvaart-geneeskundig centrum
0096-4352 Aeronautical engineering review The Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences
0001-9275 Aéronautique et l'astronautique Air et Cosmos
0572-3159 Aeronomica acta. A Belgisch Instituut voor Ruimte-Aeronomie.
0515-5282 Aeroplane Temple Press Limited
0001-9186 Aero-Revue Schweizerischer Aero-Club.; Aero-Club der Schweiz.; Schweiz. Eidgenössisches Luftamt.; Schweizerische Luftverkehrsunion.; Schweizer Stiftung Pro Aero.; Organisation scientifique et technique internationale du vol à voile.; National-Zeitung und Basler Nachrichten.
0392-1239 Aerosol Associazione Italiana Aerosol.
0001-9291 Aerosol age Industry Publications, etc.
1680-8584 Aerosol and air quality research Chinese Association for Aerosol Research in Taiwan
2071-1409 Aerosol and air quality research (e-vir) Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research
0101-2010 Aerosol e Cosméticos Associação Brasileira de Aerosóis; Associação Brasileira de Cosméticos
0001-9313 Aerosol-Report Dr Alfred Hüthing
0278-6826 Aerosol science and technology Taylor & Francis
1521-7388 Aerosol science and technology Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
0941-0295 Aerosol-Spray-Report Hüthig.
0954-5832 Aerospace composites and materials Shephard Press.
0001-9402 Aerospace medicine Aerospace Medical Association.
1521-7396 Aerospace report Aerospace Corporation.
1270-9638 Aerospace science and technology Elsevier; Gaulthier-Villars
1626-3219 Aerospace Science and Technology (e-vir) Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier
0568-0727 Aerospace technology American Aviation Publications
0001-9453 Aerotecnica Arti grafiche Cav. Mariotti
2524-6968 Aerotecnica missili & spazio (e-vir)
1071-6947 AES American Society of Mechanical Engineers.; American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Advanced Energy Systems Division.
0391-7339 AES. Ambiente e sicurezza ERIS Edizioni per l'Industria.
0272-9245 AES Coatings for Solar Collectors Symposium American Electroplaters' Society.
0001-9569 Aesculape Société internationale d'histoire de la médecine
0408-2583 ąEserlerinin tematik mąečmuąesi - Aząerbajčan elmi- tąedgigat barčylyg, uzumčuluk vąe subtropik bitkiląer institutu Aząerbajčan elmi-tąedgigat barčylyg, uzumčuluk vąe subtropik bitkiląer.
0361-0411 AES research report American Electroplaters' Society
1090-820X Aesthetic surgery journal Mosby-Year Book
1527-330X Aesthetic surgery journal (e-vir) Mosby, Inc.
0385-0447 AEU. Asia electronics united Dempa Publications
1013-7009 æUngyong mulli Korean Physical Society.; Han'guk mulli hakhoe.
0521-3886 A Fémipari Kutató Intézet közleményei Fémipari Kutató Intézet.
0365-2246 Afhandlingar i fysik, kemi och mineralogi
0001-9704 Afinidad Asociación de Químicos e Ingenieros del Instituto Químico de Sarrià
0498-2924 AFOSR-TR S.l.]
0400-6968 African beekeeping African Beekeeping
0253-5955 African journal of agricultural sciences Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in Africa.
1608-5914 African journal of aquatic science NISC.
1727-9364 African journal of aquatic science African journal of aquatic science.
1684-5315 African journal of biotechnology (e-vir) Academic Journals.
0253-052X African journal of clinical and experimental immunology South African Drug Association Foundation.; University of the Orange Free State. Department of Pharmacology Research Funds.
1996-0794 African journal of food science (e-vir) Academic Journals
0309-3913 African journal of medicine and medical sciences Blackwell Scientific,; Spectrum Books ;; College of Medicine, University of Ibadan and the University College Hospital
1010-5263 African journal of science and technology UNESCO-ROSTA. ANSTI Secrétariat
1010-5271 African journal of science and technology Unesco-ROSTA. ANSTI Secretariat
1607-9949 African journal of science and technology = African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions.
0189-6016 African journal of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicines (e-vir) African Networks on Ethnomedicines
0365-2122 Afrique Francaise Chirurgicale
0254-0517 Afro-asian journal of ophthalmology Afro-asian journal of ophthalmology.
0190-5007 AFS research reports American Foundrymen's Society.
0272-5096 AFWAL-TR Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories.
0001-1258 AFZ Moderne-Communication-Verl.-Ges.
0549-7221 AGARD advisory report AGARD.
0468-4443 AGARD AG Document [s.n.]
0549-7191 AGARD conference proceedings AGARD
0549-7213 AGARD lecture series AGARD.
0376-4435 AGARD manual North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
0365-2467 AGARDograph Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
0365-2475 AGARD report AGARD
0546-3858 AGARD specification AGARD.
0016-5409 A Gazeta da Farmácia Gazeta da Farmácia.
0092-0037 Ag chem & commercial fertilizer [Industry Publications]
0161-9152 Age The Association
1574-4647 Age (e-vir) Springer Science+Business Media
2331-3765 Age (e-vir) American Aging Association
0002-0729 Age and ageing Oxford University Press
1468-2834 Age and ageing (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1568-1637 Ageing research reviews Elsevier
1872-9649 Ageing research reviews (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0065-4299 Agents and actions Birkhäuser Verlag
0379-0363 Agents and actions supplements Birkhäuser
0400-7263 Age nucléaire Compagnie française d'éditions
0515-6610 Aggiornamenti sulle Malattie da Infezione Istituto di malattie infettive - Policlinico.
0002-0958 Aggiornamento Pediatrico
0096-140X Aggressive behavior Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1098-2337 Aggressive behavior (e-vir) [A.R. Liss]; Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0115-5679 Agham De La Salle University
0160-2721 Aging Raven Press,
0394-9532 Aging Editrice Kurtis.
1474-9718 Aging cell Blackwell
1474-9726 Aging cell (e-vir) Blackwell Science Ltd
1594-0667 Aging clinical and experimental research Editrice Kurtis
1720-8319 Aging Clinical and Experimental Research (e-vir) Editrice Kurtis.
1745-509X Aging health Future Medicine
1745-5103 Aging health (e-vir) Future Medicine
0002-1105 Agrártörténeti szemle Magyar Tudományos Akadémia.; Mezőgazdasági és Élelmezési Minisztérium Agrártörténeti Bizottsága.
0365-2815 Agrártudomány Mezőgazdasági Tudományok Tájékoztató Intézete.
0407-5722 Agrártudományi Egyetem Agrárközgazdasági Kar Kiadványai Agrártudományi Egyetem. Agrárközgazdasági Kar.
0407-5749 Agrártudományi Egyetem Agronómiai Kar Kiadványai Agrártudományi Egyetem. Agronómiai Kar.
0407-5773 Agrártudományi Egyetem Kert- és Szőlőgazdaságtudományi Karának közleményei Agrártud. Egy. Kert- Szőlőgazdtud. Kar
0365-1894 Agrártudományi Egyetem Kert- és Szőlőgazdaságtudományi Kar évkönyve a Agrártudományi Egyetem Kert- és Szőlőgazdaságtudományi Kara.
0365-1908 Agrártudományi Egyetem Mezőgazdaságtudományi Karának évkönyve Agrártudományi Egyetem. Mezögazdaságtudományi Kar.
0521-4041 Agrártudományi Egyetem Tudományos Tájékoztatója Agrártudományi Egyetem.
0002-1113 Agrártudományi közlemények Akadémiai K.
0174-5689 Agrar- und Umweltforschung in Baden-Württemberg Baden-Württemberg
0002-1032 Agra University Journal of Research Sri R. S. Agarwal, Registrar
0938-0337 Agribiological research Sauerländer
0002-1237 Agricoltura Ministero Agricoltura e Foreste.; Italia. Ministero Agricoltura e Foreste.
0002-127X Agricoltura d'Italia Gesualdi.
0400-776X Agricoltura delle Venezie Consulta per l'Agricoltura e le Foreste delle Venezie
0515-6920 Agricoltura Italiana [s.n.]
0365-2653 Agricoltura nuova Associazione nazionale giovani agricoltori.
0365-270X Agricultura Katholieke Universiteit . Fakulteit der Landbouwwetenschappen
0365-2750 Agricultura Secretaria de estado de agricultura
0515-698X Agricultura Direcção-Geral dos Serviços Agrícolas.
0044-6793 Agricultura em São Paulo Instituto de Economia Agricola
0365-2033 Agricultura experimental [s.n.].
0567-431X Agricultural & veterinary chemicals
0002-1369 Agricultural and Biological Chemistry Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan
0970-1907 Agricultural and Biological Research Young Environmentalist Association.
1459-6067 Agricultural and food science MTT Agrifood Research Finland.
1795-1895 Agricultural and food science (e-vir) MTT Agrifood Research Finland
1239-0992 Agricultural and food science in Finland Agricultural Research Centre of Finland
0371-0998 Agricultural bulletin of the Federated Malay States Govt. Press
0371-1145 Agricultural bulletin of the Straits and Federated Malay States Printed at the Federated Malay States Government Press
0096-6681 Agricultural chemicals Industry Publications
1229-2737 Agricultural chemistry and biotechnology han'gug nonghwahaghoe
0438-7341 Agricultural Economics Bulletin. Hawaii, Agricultural Experiment Station
0002-1423 Agricultural economics research U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0002-1458 Agricultural engineering American Society of Agricultural Engineers
0365-186X Agricultural Engineering Journal Philippine Society of Agricultural Engineers
0365-2505 Agricultural gazette of Canada Canada. Dept. of Agriculture.
0002-1474 Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales Government Printer.
0319-0692 Agricultural Institute Review Agricultural Institute of Canada.
0365-3579 Agricultural journal of British Guiana [s.n.]
0365-3641 Agricultural Journal of India Imperial Council of Agricultural Research (India)
0002-1520 Agricultural literature of Czechoslovakia Ústav vědeckotechnických informací pro zemědělství
0365-2637 Agricultural Newsletter National Federation of Sugarcane Planters
0096-6673 Agricultural news letter E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
0065-4493 Agricultural Progress Agricultural Education Association
0002-161X Agricultural research U.S. department of agriculture
0002-1628 Agricultural Research Journal of Kerala Agricultural College and Research Institute.
0198-019X Agricultural research manual United States.
0193-2853 Agricultural research results United States. Science and Education Administration.; United States. Agricultural Research Service.
0193-3809 Agricultural research results United States. Science and Education Administration.
0568-2886 Agricultural review Hulton Press
0193-3760 Agricultural reviews and manuals United States. Science and Education Administration.
0193-3787 Agricultural reviews and manuals United States. Science and Education Administration.
0253-150X Agricultural science digest Agricultural Research Communication Centre.
0789-600X Agricultural science in Finland Agricultural Research Centre of Finland
0970-0722 Agricultural Science Progress Academy for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences.
0002-1652 Agricultural Science Review ????.
2210-450X Agricultural sciences in China (e-vir) Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
1671-2927 Agricultural Sciences in China Editorial Department of Agricultural Sciences in China
0378-2182 Agricultural services bulletin FAO.
0141-4607 Agricultural wastes Applied Science Publishers
0365-2807 Agricultura técnica Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
0717-6333 Agricultura técnica (e-vir) Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
0568-2517 Agricultura técnica en México Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas.
0365-2793 Agricultura tropical Asociación Colombiana de Ingenieros Agronomos,
0002-1687 Agriculture Corporation des agronomes de la province de Québec.; Ordre des agronomes du Québec.
0002-1695 Agriculture Her Majesty's Stationery Office
0551-3677 Agriculture Plant production research centre
1338-4376 Agriculture (e-vir) Plant Production Research Center Piešťany
0167-8809 Agriculture, ecosystems & environment Elsevier
1873-2305 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (e-vir) Elsevier
0515-7366 Agriculture algérienne [s.n.].
0515-7374 Agriculture and Animal Husbandry [s.n.]
0304-1131 Agriculture and environment Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co.
0705-3983 Agriculture and forestry bulletin Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Alberta.
0365-401X Agriculture and Live-Stock in India
0568-9074 Agriculture bulletin (Edmonton) University of Alberta. Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry.
0065-4612 Agriculture handbook U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0065-4639 Agriculture information bulletin United States.
0097-3300 Agriculture monograph United States.
0002-1776 Agriculture Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Central Publication Branch
0515-7412 Agriculture romande Union des syndicats agricoles romands.; Station fédérale d'essais agricoles (Lausanne); Service romand de vulgarisation agricole.
0976-0547 Agricutural science digest (e-vir) Indianjournals.com
0002-1172 Agri Hortique Genetica Weibullsholms Vaextfoeraedlingsanstalt
0126-0537 Agrivita Lembaga Penerbitan Fakultas Pertanian, Brawijaya University.
2302-6766 Agrivita (e-vir) Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya
0302-7104 Agroanimalia Landbou-inligting.
0002-1849 Agrochemia Hortpress.
0002-1830 Agrochémia Alfa,
1335-2415 Agrochémia Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita
0919-5505 Agrochemicals Japan Japan Plant Protection Association
0302-7112 Agrochemophysica Landbou-inligting.
0002-1857 Agrochimica [S.n.]
0304-3746 Agro-ecosystems Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co.
0204-7748 Agrofizični izsledvaniâ Bʺlgarska Akademiâ na naukite, Sofiâ.
1722-6996 Agro food industry hi-tech Teknoscienze
2035-4606 Agro food industry hi-tech (e-vir) Tekno scienze
0369-240X Agrogeologisia julkaisuja Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus.
0369-0873 Agrogeologisia karttoja Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus. Maantutkimuslaitos.; Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus. Maantutkimuslaitos.
0002-1865 Agrohemija Jugoslovensko društvo za proučavanje zemljišta
0002-1881 Agrohimiâ Nauka
0587-2596 Agrohìmìâ ì g̀runtoznavstvo.; Агрохімія і г̀рунтознавство Urožaj; Урожай; Ìnstitut g̀runtoznavstva ta agrohìmìï ìmenì O.N. Sokolovsʹkogo; Ìнститут г̀рунтознавства та агрохімії імені О.Н. Соколовського
1029-2551 Agrohimičeskij vestnik.; Агрохимический вестник Agrohimičeskij vestnik; Агрохимический вестник; Redakciâ «Himiâ v selʹskom hozâjstve»; Редакция «Химия в сельском хозяйстве»
0365-2734 Agrokémia Magyar Földmivelésügyi Minisztérium.
0002-1873 Agrokémia és talajtan Akadémiai K.
1588-2713 Agrokémia és talajtan Akadémiai Kiadó
0002-1903 Agronomia Escuela de Agricultura y Ganaderia.
0365-2718 Agronomia Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Agronomia, Departamento de Fitotecnia
0365-2602 Agronomía Escuela Nacional de Agricultura y Veterinaria; Alumnos de agronomía de la UNALM
0377-9424 Agronomia costarricense Colegio de Ingenieros Agronómicos, Universidad de Costa Rica.
2215-2202 Agronomia costarricense (e-vir) Colegio de Ingenieros Agronómicos, Universidad de Costa Rica
0002-1911 Agronomia Lusitana Biblioteca da Estacao Agronomica Nacional
0044-6858 Agronomia moçambicana Instituto de investigação agronómica de Moçambique.
0400-8111 Agronomia sulriograndense Instituto de Pesquisas Agronómicas.
0002-192X Agronomía tropical Centro de Investigaciones Agronómicas
0515-7595 Agronomía y veterinaria Ed. Lozano
0249-5627 Agronomie Institut national de la recherche agronomique
0002-1954 Agronomski glasnik Hrvatsko agronomsko društvo
0065-4663 Agronomy American Society of Agronomy.; Crop Science Society of America.; Soil Science Society of America.
0725-4792 Agronomy Branch report Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, South Australia.
1773-0155 Agronomy for sustainable development (e-vir) EDP sciences
1774-0746 Agronomy for sustainable development EDP sciences
0002-1962 Agronomy journal American Society of Agronomy
1435-0645 Agronomy journal Springer.
0365-2661 Agropecuaria [s.n.]
0302-7139 Agroplantae Landbou-inligting.
0002-1970 Agros Associação dos Estudantes do ISA.
0365-2742 Agros Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel. Diretório Acadêmico Dr. Nunes Vieira.
0304-8802 Agro sur Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Austral de Chile
0568-3114 Agrotecnia de Cuba Centro de información y documentación agropecuarias.
1320-1271 AGSO journal of Australian geology & geophysics Australian Geological Survey Organisation.
0400-8243 Agua Centro de Estudios, Investigación y Aplicaciones del Agua (Barcelona)
0365-2548 Agua y energía Dirección General de Agua y Energía Eléctrica.
1023-8581 Ahbori Akademiâi ilmhoi čumhurii točikiston Akademiâ ilmhoi čumhurii točikiston
1026-3047 Ahbori Akademiâi ilmh̦oi c̦umh̦urii Toşikiston Akademiâi ilmh̦oi c̦umh̦urii Toşikiston
1533-385X AIAA journal American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
0001-1452 AIAA Journal American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
0146-3705 AIAA paper American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
0096-7645 AIBS bulletin American Institute of Biological Sciences
2326-1331 AIBS bulletin (e-vir) American Institute of Biological Sciences.
0001-1541 AIChE journal Wiley
1547-5905 AIChE journal (e-vir) American Institute of Chemical Engineers
0065-8804 AIChE monograph series American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
0065-8812 AIChE symposium series American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
0515-779X Aichi Gakugei Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku. Shizen kagaku Aichi Gakugei University.
0044-6912 Aichi Gakuin Daigaku Shigakkai-shi Aichi-Gakuin Society of Dental Science.
0301-0902 Aichi Ika Daigaku Igakkai zasshi Aichi ika daigaku igakkai; Aichi ika daigaku igakkai; Aichi ika daigaku igakkai
0302-1297 Aichi journal of experimental medicine Aichi Medical University.
0387-0812 Aichi Käogyäo Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku. B Senmon kankei ronbunshäu Aichi Institute of Technology.
0515-7803 Aichi-Ken Eisei Kenkyushoho Aichi-ken Eisei Kenkyusho
0286-262X Aichi-ken Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa häokoku Industrial Research Institute, Aichi Prefectural Government.
1344-1949 Aichi-ken Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Aichi Prefectural Government. Industrial Research Institute.
0365-3765 Aichi-Ken Kogyo Shidosho Hokoku Aichi-ken Kogyo Shidosho.
0388-7995 Aichi-ken Näogyäo Säogäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Aichi-ken Agricultural Research Center.
0388-7944 Aichi-ken Näogyäo Säogäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku. A: Sakumotsu Aichi-ken Agricultural Research Center.
0388-7952 Aichi-ken Näogyäo Säogäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku. B: Engei Aichi-ken Agricultural Research Center.
0388-7960 Aichi-ken Näogyäo Säogäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku. C: Yäokei Aichi-ken Agricultural Research Center.
0388-7979 Aichi-ken Näogyäo Säogäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku. D: Sangyäo Aichi-ken Agricultural Research Center.
0388-7987 Aichi-ken Näogyäo Säogäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku. E: Chikusan Aichi-ken Agricultural Research Center.
0365-5040 Aichi-Ken Nogyo Shikenjo Iho Aichi-Ken Nogyo Shikenjo.
0365-494X Aichi-Ken Nogyo Shikenjo Nempo Aichi-ken Nogyo Shikenjo.
1347-9296 Aichiken sangyo gijutsu kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku; 愛知県産業技術研究所研究報告 Aichiken sangyo gijutsu kenkyujo; 愛知県産業技術研究所
0286-0732 Aichi-ken Seto Yäogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokokusho Aichi-ken Seto Yäogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa.
0916-0973 Aichi-ken Shokuhin Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa nempäo Aichi Prefectural Government. Food Research Institute.
0388-7758 Aichi-ken Shokuhin Käogyäo Shikenjo nenpäo Food Research Institute, Aichi Prefectural Government.
0385-6860 Aichi-ken Tokoname Yäogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa häokoku Aichi Prefectural Government. Tokoname Ceramic Research Institute.
0365-3722 Aichi Kyoiku Daigaku Kenkyu Hokoku, Shizen Kagaku Aichi Kyoiku Daigaku
0269-9370 AIDS Gower Academic Journals
1473-5571 AIDS (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0179-3098 AIDS-Forschung Schulz
0889-2229 AIDS research and human retroviruses Mary Ann Liebert
1931-8405 AIDS research and human retroviruses (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1742-6405 AIDS research and therapy (e-vir) BioMed Central
1056-1080 AIDS research reviews Marcel Dekker,
1121-855X AIFM. Galvano tecnica & nuove finiture Associazione Italiana Finiture dei Metalli
1529-8663 AIHAJ American Industrial Hygiene Association
1542-8117 AIHA journal American Industrial Hygiene Association
1542-8125 AIHA journal (e-vir) American Industrial Hygiene Association.
0814-4346 AIMM bulletin Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
1138-1795 AINE Publicaciones Permanyer.
0002-2144 Ain Shams medical journal Ain Shams Clinical and Scientific Society, Ain Shams University
0094-243X AIP conference proceedings American Institute of Physics
1551-7616 AIP conference proceedings (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
1935-0465 AIP conference proceedings (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
0567-3860 AIR. Arquivos Interamericanos de Reumatologia [s.n.]
1073-161X Air & waste The Association
2374-7625 Air & waste (e-vir) Air & Waste Management Association,
0568-3408 Air and water pollution Pergamon
0568-3440 Air Conditioning, Heating, and Ventilating Heat. & Piping
0096-5308 Air conditioning & oil heat Heating Journals, inc..
0096-8536 Aircraft & missiles Chilton
2059-9366 Aircraft engineering (e-vir) Bunhill
0002-2667 Aircraft Engineering Bunhill Publications Ltd
0365-3412 Aircraft production Iliffe Production Publiations Ltd
0568-3459 Air engineering Business News Pub. Co.
0161-3901 Air pollution control Wiley-Interscience,
0097-1936 Air quality instrumentation Instrument Society of America.
0568-3653 Air Quality Monographs American Petroleum Institute, Division of Environmental Affairs.
0096-6665 Air repair Air Pollution Control Association.; Air Pollution and Smoke Prevention Association of America.
1528-5855 AISE steel technology AISE
1346-5805 AIST today Sangyo gijutsu sogo kenkyujo,
1000-467X Aizheng Gai Kan Bianjibu
0285-3248 Aizu Tanki Daigaku gakuhäo Fukushima Kenritsu Aizu Tanki Daigaku.
0285-323X Aizu Tanki Daigaku gakuhäo. Shizen kagaku-hen Fukushima Kenritsu Aizu Tanki Daigaku.
0209-4304 A Juhász Gyula Tanárképző Főiskola tudományos közleményei Juhász Gyula Tanárképző Főiskola.; Academia Paedagogicae Szegediensis.
0075-5397 A kémia újabb eredményei Akadémiai K.
0368-5217 A Kertészeti Egyetem közleményei Mezőgazd. Kiadó
0368-6817 A Kertészeti és Szőlészeti Főiskola évkönyve Kertészeti és Szőlészeti Főiskola.; Academia Horti- et Viticulturae.
0368-6825 A Kertészeti és Szőlészeti Főiskola közleményei Kertészeti és Szőlészeti Főiskola.; Academia Horti- et Viticulturae.
0365-1630 Akita Daigaku Gakugei Gakubu kenkyäu kiyäo. Shizen kagaku Akita Daigaku. Gakugei Gakubu.
1345-7241 Akita Daigaku Käogaku Shigen Gakubu kenkyäu häokoku Akita University. Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science.
1342-8306 Akita Daigaku Käozan Gakubu, Sozai Shigen Shisutemu Kenkyäu Shisetsu häokoku Akita University. Mining College. Research Institute of Materials and Resources.
0385-6879 Akita Daigaku Käozan Gakubu Chika Shigen Kenkyäu Shisetsu häokoku Akita University. Mining College. Research Institute of Underground Resources.
0389-8040 Akita Daigaku Käozan Gakubu kenkyäu häokoku Akita University. Mining College.
0913-9907 Akita Daigaku Käozan Gakubu Shigen Chigaku Kenkyäu Shisetsu häokoku Akita University. Mining College. Research Institute of Natural Resources.
0365-1649 Akita Daigaku Kyoiku Gakubu kenkyu kiyo. Shizen kagaku Akita Daigaku. Kyoiku Gakubu.
0386-6106 Akita igaku Akita University. School of Medicine.; Akita Medical Society.
0286-7656 Akita-ken Ishikai zasshi Akita-ken Ishikai
0286-1313 Akita-ken Jäozäo Shikenjäo häokoku Akita-ken Jäozäo Shikenjäo.
0385-3152 Akita-ken Kaju Shikenjäuo kenkyäuu häuokoku Akita Fruit-tree Experiment Station.
0389-8423 Akita Kenritsu Näogyäo Tanki Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku Akita Prefectural College of Agriculture.
0075-6792 A Korányi Sándor Társaság Tudományos Ülései Akad. Kiadó,
0135-2806 Aktualʹnye problemy onkologii i medicinskoj radiologii Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut onkologii i medicinskoj radiologii.
0320-7374 Aktualʹnye problemy serdečno-sosudistyh zabolevanij Moskovskij medicinskij stomatologičeskij institut im. N.A. Semaško.
0132-5140 Aktualʹnye voprosy biohimii ateroskleroza i klinika.; Актуальные вопросы биохимии атеросклероза и клиника Čitinskij gosudarstvennyj medicinskij institut; Читинский государственный медицинский институт.
0320-7269 Aktualʹnye voprosy dermatologii i venerologii Belorusskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij kožno-venerologičeskij institut.
0374-5945 Aktualʹnye voprosy dermatovenerologii.; Актуальные вопросы дерматовенерологии CIUV; ЦИУВ.
0365-3803 Aktualʹnye voprosy èpidemiologii Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut èpidemiologii.
0365-3811 Aktualʹnye voprosy farmacii Stavropolʹskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0320-7242 Aktualʹnye voprosy gastroènterologii Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut gastroènterologii.
0572-337X Aktualʹnye voprosy oftalʹmologii.; Актуальные вопросы офтальмологии Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0320-0000 Aktualʹnye voprosy onkologii i rentgenoradiologii Uzbekskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut onkologii i radiologii.
0172-4606 Aktuelle Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel Thieme
0341-0501 Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin Thieme
0300-5704 Aktuelle Gerontologie Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gerontologie.; Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geriatrie.; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gerontologie.
0174-2744 Aktuelle Onkologie Zuckschwerdt.
0070-2064 Aktuelle Probleme der Dermatologie Karger
0340-1901 Aktuelle Probleme der Intensivmedizin Steinkopff.
0253-5297 Aktuelle Probleme der Neuropathologie Facultas-Verlag GmbH.
0572-3396 Aktuelle Probleme in der Angiologie Huber,
0065-5597 Aktuelle Probleme in der klinischen Biochemie Huber,
0344-2780 Aktuelle Psychiatrie Fischer.
0324-0959 Akušerstvo i ginekologija Bʺlgarsko družestvo po akušerstvo i ginekologija
0385-6828 Akushäu no kenkyäu Odor Control Association of Japan.
0002-3906 Akusherstvo i ginekologiňińa Medicina
0320-7919 Akustičeskij žurnal Nauka
0365-382X Akustische Zeitschrift Hirzel.
0090-8843 Alabama marine resources bulletin Alabama Marine Resources Laboratory.
0002-4406 Alambre Meisenbach.
0065-5791 Alaska, Division of Mines and Geology, Special Report
0196-0776 Alaska open-file report Alaska. Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys.
0572-2721 Al awamia Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
1110-2535 Al-Azhar Bulletin of Science Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University
2636-3305 Al-Azhar Bulletin of Science - Basic Science Sector (e-vir) Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University
1110-1601 Al-Azhar Journal of Microbiology Al-Azhar University
1110-1644 Al-Azhar Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University
2535-1958 Al-Azhar Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (e-vir) Al-Azhar University. Faculty of Pharmacy
0002-4848 Alberta medical bulletin Alberta Medical Association.
0851-0040 Al-Biruniya Association Al-Birumiya.; Ğamiyyatć al-bäiräuniyyatć.
0002-4929 Albrecht-Thaer-Archiv Akad.-Verl..
0065-6100 Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie J. F. Bergmann :; Springer
0376-0200 Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für Ophthalmologie Springer; J. F. Bergmann
0002-5011 Alchimist Chemical works.
0741-8329 Alcohol Ankho International; Pergamon
1873-6823 Alcohol Elsevier Science
0735-0414 Alcohol and alcoholism Pergamon
1464-3502 Alcohol and alcoholism (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0883-1386 Alcohol and drug research Pergamon Press
0090-838X Alcohol health and research world U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
1530-0277 Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Inc.
0145-6008 Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research Williams & Wilkins
0099-5045 Alco Products Review
0002-5100 Aldrichimica acta Aldrich Chemical Company.
0861-0657 Aleko Meždunarodna fondaciâ Aleko Konstantinov.
0002-5151 Alergia Sociedad Mexicana de Alergia e Inmunología.
1341-7584 Alerugika Kagaku Hyoron-sha.
0367-5173 Alex. L. du Toit Memorial lectures Geological Society of South Africa
0097-1820 Alexander Blain Hospital bulletin Alexander Blain Hospital.
1110-0168 Alexandria Engineering Journal Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University
2090-2670 Alexandria Engineering Journal (e-vir) Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University
0044-7250 Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Research Faculty of Agriculture
1110-1792 Alexandria Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy University of ALexandria
2536-9784 Alexandria Science Exchange journal (e-vir) Alexandria University. Faculty of Agriculture. A. M. Balba Group for Soil and Water Research
1110-0176 Alexandria Science Exchange Journal Prof. Dr. A. M. Balba Group for Soil and Water Research
0367-0813 Al-filāḥaẗ [s.n]
0105-3639 Alfred Benzon Symposium Alfred Benzon Foundation.
0365-8597 Algemeen zuivelblad Nijgh & Van Ditmar
0365-8546 Algemeen zuivel- en melkhygienisch weekblad Nijgh & Van Ditmar
0568-9864 Algérie agricole Ministère de l'agriculture et de la réforme agraire
0365-3943 Algérie médicale Maison du médecin
0002-5356 Algodón A. Miro Quesada
1748-7188 Algorithms for molecular biology (e-vir) BioMed Central
0305-6201 Alicyclic chemistry Chemical Soc..
0002-5402 Alimenta BAG Brunner
0100-9397 Alimentação Associação Brasileira das Indústrias da Alimentação.
0212-1689 Alimentación, equipos y tecnología Alción
0300-5755 Alimentaria [s.n.]
0269-2813 Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics Blackwell Scientific
1365-2036 Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1746-6334 Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics Blackwell Publishing
1746-6342 Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0516-6586 Alimentazione [s.n.].
0392-7512 Alimentazione, nutrizione, metabolismo Società Editrice Universo.
0002-5429 Alimentazione animale Associazione italiana allevatori.; Associazione nazionale tra i produttori di alimenti zootecnici.
0365-3889 Alimentazione Italiana Istituto di tecniche e propaganda agraria.
0365-4036 Alimenti
0716-0968 Alimentos Sociedad Chilena de Tecnología de Alimentos
0103-4235 Alimentos e Nutrição Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas
2179-4448 Alimentos e Nutrição (e-vir) Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas
0516-6594 Alimentos y nutrición animal [s.n.].
0302-4164 Aliphatic, alicyclic, and saturated heterocyclic chemistry Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0142-7318 Aliphatic and related natural product chemistry Chemical Society (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0305-618X Aliphatic chemistry Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0065-6275 Aliso Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden.
0364-2763 Alkaline Pulping Conference Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0516-6624 Alkaliudvalgets vejledning Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut.
0099-9601 Alkaloidal Clinic
0735-8210 Alkaloids: chemical and biological perspectives Springer
0002-5496 Alkohol-Industrie Team-Verlag Müller
0365-3560 Alkohol-Industrie. Wissenschaftlich-technische Brennereibeilage Stamm
0356-2654 Alkoholitutkimussäätiön julkaisuja Alkoholitutkimussäätiö
0365-3900 Állatorvosi lapok Magyar Országos Állatorvos-Egyesület.
0365-4052 Állattenyésztés Hirlapk
0230-1814 Állattenyésztés és takarmányozás Lapk.
0321-4605 Allergiâ.; Аллергия Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0375-8443 Allergie und Asthma Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allergie- und Immunitätsforschung.; Gesellschaft für Allergie- und Immunitätsforschung der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
0323-4398 Allergie und Immunologie J.A. Barth
0301-0546 Allergologia et immunopathologia Sociedad Española de Alergia e Inmunología Clínica; Sociedad Latinoamericana de Alergía e Inmunología; International Association of Asthmology; Sociedad Española de Inmunología Clínica y Alergología Pediátrica
1578-1267 Allergologia et immunopathologia Doyma.
0211-6448 Allergologia et Immunopathologia. Supplementum Sociedad Española de Alergia e Inmunología Clínica.; Sociedad Latinoamericana de Alergia e Inmunología.; International Association of Asthomology.
0344-5062 Allergologie Dustri-Verl. Feistle
1440-1592 Allergology international (e-vir) Japanese Society of Allergology; Elsevier
1323-8930 Allergology international Blackwell Science
0105-4538 Allergy Munksgaard
1398-9995 Allergy (e-vir) Blackwell
1600-549X Allergy (e-vir) Blackwell
0108-1675 Allergy. Supplementum Munksgaard
0099-3182 Allergy Abstracts CV Mosby Co.
1088-5412 Allergy and asthma proceedings OceanSide Publications
1539-6304 Allergy and asthma proceedings (e-vir) OceanSide Publications
1046-9354 Allergy proceedings OceanSide Publications
0735-8032 Allertonia Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden.; National Tropical Botanical Garden.
2328-1995 Allertonia (e-vir) Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden
0365-4087 Allevamenti e Veterinaria [s. n.]
0365-4923 Allgemeine bordische Annalen der Chemie für die Freunde der Naturkunde und Arzneiwissenschaft im russischen Reiche [s.n.]
0365-0707 Allgemeine Brauer- und Hopfenzeitung Carl.
0002-5828 Allgemeine deutsche Imkerzeitung H. Medlinger
0012-0960 Allgemeine deutsche Weinfachzeitung Dt. Weinwirtschaftsverl. Diemer u. Meininger.
0365-2432 Allgemeine Fischwirtschftszeitung Görg
0365-2211 Allgemeine Forst- und Holzwirtschaftliche Zeitung Österreichischer Agrarverlag
0002-5852 Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung J. D. Sauerländer's Verlag
0002-5860 Allgemeine Forst-Zeitschrift BLV-Verlagsgesellschaft
0002-5879 Allgemeine Forstzeitung Oesterreichischer Agraverlag
0365-5202 Allgemeine Oel- und Fett-Zeitung Alggemeiner Industrie-Verlag
0365-5199 Allgemeine Oesterreichische Chemiker und Techniker-Zeitung [s.n.]
0002-595X Allgemeine und Praktische Chemie Verlag B. M. Leitner
0002-5976 Allgemeine Wärmetechnik Verlag Allgemeine Wärmetechnik
0365-8538 Allgemeine Zeitschrift fuer Bierbrauerei und Malzfabrikation [s.n.]
0365-8570 Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie und ihre Grenzgebiete de Gruyter.
0099-7358 Allied Veterinarian
0065-6429 Allionia [Dipartimento di biologia vegetale dell'Università]
0096-6010 Allis-Chalmers electrical review Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company.; Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company.
0002-6123 Allis-Chalmers engineering review Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company.
0096-8544 Alloy casting bulletin Alloy Casting Institute.
0516-7310 Alloy Metals Review High Speed Steel Alloys
0099-734X Alloy Pot The New Jersey Zinc Co.
0002-6212 Alluminio Istituto sperimentale dei metalli leggeri
0365-3927 Alluminio Editoriale Alluminio
0446-9283 Al-maǧallaẗ al-ṭibbiyyaẗ al-urdunniyyaẗ.; المجلة الطبية الاردنية ʿImādaẗ al-baḥṯ al-ʿilmī, al-Ğāmiʿaẗ al-urdunniyyaẗ; عمادة البحث العلمي, الجامعة الاردنية
1605-2587 Al-maǧallaẗ al-urduniyyaẗ li-l-’ulūm al-taṭbīqiyyaẗ. Al-’ulūm al-ṭabī’iyyaẗ ’Imādaẗ al-baḥṯ al-’ilmī fī ǧāmi’aẗ al-’ulūm al-taṭbīqiyyaẗ (al-ahliyyaẗ)
1121-9750 Alpe Adria microbiology journal Emmezeta
0253-9659 Al-ṣulb al-arabī Al-ittiḥād al-arabī li-l-ḥadīd wa-al-ṣulb
0002-6557 Alta frequenza Associazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica Italiana
0065-6623 ALTECH Alagappa Chettiar College of Technology, Director
0737-402X Alternative methods in toxicology Mary Ann Liebert,
0275-6234 Altex chromatogram Altex Scientific (Firm)
0942-3818 Altlasten-Spektrum E. Schmidt
0002-6689 Aluminium Giesel
0365-4079 Alumínium Magyar Bányászati és Kohászati Egyesület Alumínium Szakosztálya.; Magyar Alumínium és Könnyűfémkutató Intézet.
1216-4844 Alumínium & színesfémek Druck
0365-3978 Aluminium and the Non-Ferrous Review Aluminium and the Non-Ferrous Review.
0365-4060 Aluminium-Archiv [s.n.]
1590-9603 Aluminium extrusion Edimet.
0365-3994 Aluminium Ranshofen Mitteilungen Vereinigte Metallwerke Ranshofen-Berndorf
0365-4028 Aluminium Suisse xx
0364-085X Aluminum United States. Bureau of Mines.
0276-5039 Aluminum and bauxite in . United States. Bureau of Mines.
0099-7331 Aluminum and Magnesium
0096-9001 Aluminum news-letter Aluminum Company of America.
1521-0200 Aluminum transactions ABC Pub. Co.,
0706-0580 ALUR. Arctic Land Use Research Program Indian and Northern Affairs.
0161-0929 ALZA conference series ALZA Corporation.
1552-5260 Alzheimer's & dementia Elsevier, Inc.
1552-5279 Alzheimer's & dementia (e-vir) Elsevier
1093-5355 Alzheimer's disease review (e-vir) Sanders-Brown Research Center on Aging.
1356-918X Alzheimer's research Alzheimer's Research Trust.
0893-0341 Alzheimer disease and associated disorders Western Geriatric Research Institute
1546-4156 Alzheimer disease and associated disorders (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1608-8298 Alʹternativnaâ ènergetika i èkologiâ NTC %TATA%.
0340-7683 AM + R Sprechsaal-Verlag
0365-4605 AM+R. Angewandte Mess-+ Regeltechnik Verlag des Sprechsaal Müller u. Schmidt
0913-5146 Amagasaki Shiritsu Eisei Kenkyäujohäo Amagasaki Shiritsu Eisei Kenkyäujo.
0368-9751 A Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet évi jelentése az ... évről Műsz. Kvk.
0368-9778 A Magyar Biológiai Kutató Intézet munkái Magyar Biológiai Kutató Intézet.
0368-9859 A Magyar Gyógyszerésztudományi Társaság értesítője Magyar Gyógyszerésztudományi Társaság
0369-0814 A Magyar Mérnök és Építész Egylet közlönye Magyar Mérnök és Építész Egylet.
0541-9468 A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Biológiai és Orvosi Tudományok Osztályának közleményei Magyar Tudományos Akadémia.
0025-0333 A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Biológiai Tudományok Osztályának közleményei Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Biológiai Tudományok Osztálya.
0369-0067 A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Kémiai Tudományok Osztályának közleményei Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Kémiai Tudományok Osztálya.
0025-035X A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Matematikai és Fizikai Osztályának közleményei Akadémiai K.
0375-9539 A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia V. Orvosi Tudományok Osztályának közleményei Akad. Kiadó
0133-4948 A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Veszprémi Akadémiai Bizottságának értesítője Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Veszprémi Akadémiai Bizottsága.
0971-4987 Amala Research Bulletin Amala Cancer Research Centre.
0099-9792 Amalgamator Milwaukee Section of the American Chemical Society.
0099-7323 Amateur Builder's Manual
0365-1282 Amateur Cine World Gordon Malthouse
0002-6840 Amateur photographer Business Press International
0044-7447 Ambio Royal Swedish Academy or Sciences
1654-7209 Ambio (e-vir) Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien
Y505-5164 Ambio (e-vir) Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
0301-0325 Ambio special report The Academy [Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien]; Pergamon Press [distributör]
0002-6980 Ambix Taylor and Francis
1745-8234 Ambix (e-vir) Taylor and Francis]
0120-2448 Amc Acta medica colombiana Asociacion Colombiana de Medicina Interna
0160-8835 AMD American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0045-0707 Amdel bulletin Australian Mineral Development Laboratories.
0025-777X A medicina contemporanea Typ. de Cristovão Augusto Rodrigues,
0003-1607 America's textile reporter Frank P. Bennett & Co..
0737-0040 America's textiles Textile Quality Control Association (U.S.)
0890-9970 America's textiles international Billian Pub. Co.
0095-8921 America's textiles reporter/bulletin [Clark Pub. Co.]
0002-7316 American antiquity Society for American Archaeology
2325-5064 American antiquity (e-vir) Society for American Archaeology
0096-4913 American aviation Ziff-Davis Pub. Co.
0002-7626 American bee journal Dadant & Sons
0749-3223 American biotechnology laboratory International Scientific Communications
0002-7723 American brewer Master Brewers Association of America.
0002-7812 American Ceramic Society bulletin The Society
1945-2705 American Ceramic Society bulletin (e-vir) American Ceramic Society.
0096-4085 American chemical journal [publisher not identified]
0065-7751 American Chemical Society Monograph D. Van Nostrand Co, Inc.
0569-3845 American Christmas tree journal National Christmas Tree Growers' Association, Inc.,; National Christmas Tree Association,
0002-7928 American cinematographer ASC Holding Corp.
1041-3235 American clinical laboratory International Scientific Communications,
8750-9490 American clinical products review International Scientific Communications
0096-7432 American contractor. Construction news edition F. W. Dodge Corp.
0090-5852 American cosmetics and perfumery Allured Pub. Co.
0517-0958 American Daffodil Yearbook
0002-8169 American dairy review Watt Pub. Co,,
0096-946X American documentation American Documentation Institute
1936-6108 American documentation (e-vir) American Documentation Institute
0096-4379 American drop forger National Iron and Steel Pub. Co..
0002-824X American Druggist Hearst Corp.
0099-7366 American druggist and pharmaceutical record American Druggist Pub. Co.
0002-8258 American drycleaner American Trade Magazines
0002-8266 American dyestuff reporter SAF International, etc.
1051-2306 American environmental laboratory International Scientific Communications, Inc.
0002-838X American family physician American Academy of Family Physicians
0572-3612 American family physician/GP American Academy of General Practice.
0002-8444 American fern journal American Fern Society
1938-422X American fern journal (e-vir) American Fern Society
0096-6657 American fertilizer Ware Bros.
0097-0964 American fertilizer & allied chemicals Ware Bros..
0892-2284 American Fisheries Society symposium The Society,
0002-8541 American forests American Forestry Association
2163-3541 American forests (e-vir) American Forestry Association.; American Forests (Association)
0096-9028 American foundryman American Foundrymen's Society [etc.]
0002-8568 American fruit grower Meister Publishing Co.
0002-8584 American Gas Association monthly American Gas Association.
0096-4387 American gas engineering journal [American Gas Engineering Journal, Inc.]
0096-4409 American gas journal American Gas Light Journal
0096-4395 American gas light journal American gas light journal [etc.]
1537-0003 American genomic/proteomic technology International Scientific Communications, Inc.
0002-8649 American glass review Commoner Pub. Co.
0065-8499 American Heart Association monograph American Heart Association.
1097-6744 American heart journal (e-vir) Mosby, Inc.
0002-8746 American highways American Association of State Highway Officials.
0002-8797 American horologist and jeweler United Horological Association of America.
0065-860X American imago Johns Hopkins University Press
1085-7931 American imago Johns Hopkins University Press
0002-8894 American Industrial Hygiene Association journal Williams & Wilkins Co.
2163-369X American Industrial Hygiene Association journal (e-vir) American Industrial Hygiene Association,
0096-820X American Industrial Hygiene Association quarterly American Industrial Hygiene Association.
0002-8916 American ink maker MacNair-Dorland
2156-8251 American journal of analytical chemistry Scientific Research Publishing, Inc.
2156-8278 American journal of analytical chemistry Scientific Research Publishing, Inc.
1546-9239 American journal of applied sciences (e-vir) [Science Publications]
1554-3641 American journal of applied sciences (e-vir) Science Publications
0002-9114 American journal of archaeology Archaeological Institute of America
1939-828X American journal of archaeology (e-vir) Macmillan Co.
1553-3468 American journal of biochemistry & biotechnology Science Publications
1558-6332 American journal of biochemistry and biotechnology (e-vir) Science Publications; Science Publications
0002-9122 American journal of botany Botanical Society of America
1537-2197 American journal of botany (e-vir) Published in cooperation with the Botanical Society of America by the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens
0099-7374 American journal of cancer American Association for Cancer Research.; American Society for the Control of Cancer.; Columbia University.
1175-6357 American journal of cancer Adis International
2230-6064 American journal of cancer (e-vir) Adis International
0887-7971 American journal of cardiac imaging Grune & Stratton,
1175-3277 American journal of cardiovascular drugs ADIS International
1179-187X American journal of cardiovascular drugs (e-vir) Adis International
0277-3732 American journal of clinical oncology Masson Pub.
1537-453X American journal of clinical oncology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0002-9173 American journal of clinical pathology Oxford University Press
1943-7722 American journal of clinical pathology (e-vir) Oxford University Press; American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP)
1533-0311 American journal of dermatopathology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams, & Wilkins
0002-922X American journal of diseases of children American Medical Association.
0096-8994 American journal of diseases of children American Medical Association.
1097-9891 American journal of drug and alcohol abuse (e-vir) Taylor & Francis]
1175-9038 American journal of drug delivery Adis International
2230-6072 American journal of drug delivery (e-vir) Adis International Ltd.,
0099-7218 American journal of enology American Society of Enologists.
0002-9254 American journal of enology and viticulture American Society for Enology and Viticulture
1943-7749 American journal of enology and viticulture (e-vir) American Society for Enology and Viticulture
1553-345X American journal of environmental sciences Science Publications
1558-3910 American journal of environmental sciences (e-vir) Science Publications; Science publications
0002-9262 American journal of epidemiology School of Hygiene and Public Health of the Johns Hopkins University.
1476-6256 American journal of epidemiology (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health
1079-2082 American journal of health-system pharmacy American society of health-system pharmacists
1535-2900 American journal of health-system pharmacy (e-vir) American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
0361-8609 American journal of hematology A.R. Liss
1096-8652 American journal of hematology (e-vir) Alan R. Liss, Inc.
0002-9289 American journal of hospital pharmacy American Society of Hospital Pharmacists.
0002-9297 American journal of human genetics University of Chicago Press
1537-6605 American journal of human genetics (e-vir) University of Chicago Press for the American Society of Human Genetics
0096-5294 American journal of hygiene Published by School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University through the Johns Hopkins Press
0895-7061 American journal of hypertension Elsevier
1941-7225 American journal of hypertension (e-vir) Nature Pub., Co.
0271-3586 American journal of industrial medicine Alan R. Liss
1097-0274 American journal of industrial medicine Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0272-6386 American journal of kidney diseases Grune & Stratton
1523-6838 American journal of kidney diseases (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0148-8759 American journal of medical technology American Society for Medical Technology.
0002-9351 American journal of mental deficiency American Association on Mental Deficiency.
1421-9670 American journal of nephrology (e-vir) S. Karger
0250-8095 American Journal of Nephrology Karger
0002-9378 American journal of obstetrics and gynecology C.V. Mosby Co.
0002-9394 American journal of ophthalmology Ophthalmic Pub. Co.
1879-1891 American journal of ophthalmology (e-vir) Elsevier
0002-9416 American journal of orthodontics C. V. Mosby
0096-6347 American journal of orthodontics and oral surgery C.V. Mosby Co.]
1557-847X American journal of orthodontics and oral surgery (e-vir) C.V. Mosby Co.]
0002-9432 American journal of orthopsychiatry American Orthopsychiatric Association
1939-0025 American journal of orthopsychiatry American Orthopsychiatric Association; Educational Publishing Foundation of the American Psychological Association]
0196-0709 American journal of otolaryngology W.B. Saunders Co.
1532-818X American journal of otolaryngology W.B. Saunders
0002-9459 American journal of pharmaceutical education American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
1553-6467 American journal of pharmaceutical education (e-vir) American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
1175-2203 American journal of pharmacogenomics Adis International
2230-6021 American journal of pharmacogenomics (e-vir) Adis International,
0093-4712 American journal of pharmacy Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science.
0002-9467 American journal of pharmacy and the sciences supporting public health Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science.
0730-7780 American journal of pharmacy and the sciences supporting public health Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science
0002-9483 American journal of physical anthropology Wiley-Liss
1096-8644 American journal of physical anthropology (e-vir) Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0002-9491 American journal of physical medicine Williams & Wilkins.
0002-9505 American journal of physics A I P Publishing LLC
1943-2909 American journal of Physics (e-vir) American Association of Physics Teachers
0885-8276 American journal of physiologic imaging Munksgaard International Publishers,
0002-9513 American journal of physiology American Physiological Society
1099-209X American journal of potato research The Association
1874-9380 American journal of potato research (e-vir) Springer
0749-3797 American journal of preventive medicine Oxford University Press
0275-2565 American journal of primatology A.R. Liss
1098-2345 American journal of primatology (e-vir) A.R. Liss]; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0002-9548 American journal of psychoanalysis Human Sciences Press.
0002-9564 American journal of psychotherapy Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy.
2575-6559 American journal of psychotherapy (e-vir)
0090-0036 American journal of public health The Association
1541-0048 American journal of public health (e-vir) American Public Health Association
0271-7352 American journal of reproductive immunology American Society for the Immunology of Reproduction.; International Coordination Committee for the Immunology of Reproduction.
1046-7408 American journal of reproductive immunology Munksgaard International Publishers
1600-0897 American journal of reproductive immunology (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
2374-8192 American journal of reproductive immunology and microbiology (e-vir) American Society for the Immunology of Reproduction,; International Coordination Committee for the Immunology of Reproduction,; Israel Society for Reproductive Immunology,
8755-8920 American journal of reproductive immunology and microbiology Alan R. Liss
1073-449X American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine American Lung Association
1535-4970 American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine (e-vir) American Lung Association
1044-1549 American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology The Association
1535-4989 American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology (e-vir) American Lung Association
1175-6365 American journal of respiratory medicine ADIS International
2195-8343 American journal of respiratory medicine (e-vir) Adis International
1050-6586 American journal of rhinology OceanSide Publications
1539-6290 American journal of rhinology (e-vir) OceanSide Publications
0361-803X American journal of roentgenology American Roentgen Ray Society; American Radium Society
1546-3141 American journal of roentgenology (e-vir) American Roentgen Ray Society
0096-6738 American journal of syphilis, gonorrhea, and venereal diseases American Venereal Disease Association.
0096-672X American journal of syphilis and neurology Mosby
1600-6135 American journal of transplantation Munksgaard International Publ.
1600-6143 American journal of transplantation (e-vir) Blackwell
0002-9645 American journal of veterinary research American Veterinary Medical Association.
1943-5681 American journal of veterinary research American Veterinary Medical Association
0044-7749 American laboratory International Scientific Communications, Inc., etc.
0002-9718 American laundry digest American Trade Magazines.
0096-4425 American lumberman American Lumberman
0002-9858 American machinist McGraw-Hill
0096-5154 American machinist, metalworking manufacturing McGraw-Hill.
0096-5278 American manufacturer [American manufacturer]
0002-9998 American metal market Fairchild Publications
0096-0934 American milk review Urner-Barry Co.
0096-0926 American milk review and milk plant monthly Urner-Barry Co.,
0096-5642 American miller [National Miller Publications,
0096-5650 American miller and processor National Miller Publications,
0003-0082 American Museum novitates American Museum of Natural History
0003-0198 American nurseryman [S.n.]
0003-0252 American Orchid Society bulletin American Orchid Society.
0098-5430 American paint & coatings journal American Paint Journal Co.
0096-0918 American painter and decorator American Paint Journal Co.
0003-0317 American paint journal American Paint Journal Co.
0003-0333 American paper industry Paper Industry Management Assn.
0096-0896 American perfumer Allured Pub. Corp.
0003-0392 American perfumer and cosmetics Allured Pub. Corp.
1099-8012 American pharmaceutical review Russell Pub.
1938-2669 American pharmaceutical review (e-vir) Russell Pub.
0160-3450 American pharmacy American Pharmaceutical Association.
0097-577X American photography American Photographic Pub. Co.
0003-0589 American potato journal Potato Association of America
0517-4465 American practitioner Lippincott,
0097-658X American practitioner and digest of treatment Lippincott,
0192-9933 American printer and lithographer Maclean-Hunter Pub. Corp.,
0096-0349 American Professional pharmacist [American Professional Pharmacist]
1935-990X American psychologist American Psychological Association
0096-0357 American Public Health Association year book American Public Health Association.
0099-5401 American quarterly of roentgenology American Roentgen Ray Society.
0096-0373 American review of Soviet medicine American-Soviet Medical Society.
0003-0996 American scientist Sigma Xi, etc.
1545-2786 American scientist (e-vir) Society of the Sigma Xi
0898-672X American Society of Hypertension symposium series American Society of Hypertension.
0096-0403 American sugar industry Beet Sugar Gazette Co.,
0517-5682 American Tung News American Tung Oil Association.
0066-0906 American Tung Oil Topics Pan American Tung Research and Development League.
0365-818X American Veterinary Review
0095-9936 American Welding Society journal American Welding Society.
0191-0655 American wine & liquor journal Liquor Publications.
0003-1569 American zoologist American Society of Zoologists.
2162-4445 American zoologist (e-vir) American Society of Zoologists
0172-8725 AMI-Berichte Institut für Arzneimittel des Bundesgesundheitsamtes.
0309-5592 Amino-acid, peptide & protein abstracts. Special publication Information Retrieval.
0066-1244 Amino-acides, peptides, protéines Société de chimie organique et biologique (Commentry); Alimentation equilibree (Commentry)
0402-236X Aminoacidosi Centro Studi Aminoacidi.
0939-4451 Amino acids Springer
1438-2199 Amino acids (e-vir) Springer
Y502-5966 Amino acids Springer
0306-0004 Amino acids, peptides and proteins Chemical Society.
1361-5904 Amino acids, peptides and proteins Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0269-7521 Amino acids and peptides Royal Society of Chemistry
0386-3441 Aminosan Tanabe Aminosan Kenkyäu Kikin.
1015-0951 Amīr Kabīr; نشریه امیرکبیر Dānishgāh-i ṣan̒atī-i Amīrkabīr
0360-7011 Ammonia plant safety (and related facilities) American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
0540-5564 A Modern textiles magazine handbook Rayon Pub. Corp.,
0324-5705 A Mosonmagyaróvári Mezőgazdaságtudományi Kar közleményei Agrártudományi Egyetem Keszthely
0250-5002 AMPI Medical physics bulletin Association of Medical Physicists of India.
0192-317X AMRL-TR Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory (U.S.); Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories (U.S.)
0498-1707 AMS United States. Agricultural Marketing Service.
0340-7551 Amts- und Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung.; BAM.
1350-6129 Amyloid Parthenon
1744-2818 Amyloid (e-vir) CRC Press
1471-180X Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1748-2968 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Taylor & Francis
1466-0822 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other motor neuron disorders Martin Dunitz
0099-7161 Anachem News
1075-9964 Anaerobe Academic Press
1095-8274 Anaerobe (e-vir) Academic Press.; Elsevier ScienceDirect
0003-2409 Anaesthesia Published for the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland by Academic Press and Grune & Stratton
1365-2044 Anaesthesia (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0301-0864 Anaesthesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Therapy Towarzystwo Anestezjologów Polskich.
0133-5405 Anaesthesiologia és Intenziv Therapia MART
0323-4983 Anaesthesiologie und Reanimation Thieme,
0066-1341 Anaesthesiology and resuscitation Springer.
1362-2013 Anaesthetic pharmacology & physiology review Castle House Publications.
0966-7954 Anaesthetic pharmacology review Castle House Publications.
0003-2425 Anais Azevedos Laboratórios Azevedos Sociedade Industrial Farmacêutica.
0365-0596 Anais brasileiros de dermatologia Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia
1806-4841 Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia
0365-0618 Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia e Sifilografia Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia e Sifilografia.
0365-0677 Anais Brasileiros de Ginecologia Sociedade Brasileira de Ginecologia
0001-3765 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias Academia Brasileira de Ciencias
1678-2690 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências = Academia Brasileira de Ciências.
0365-0073 Anais da Associação Brasileira de Química Associação Brasileira de Química
0365-0383 Anais da Associação Química do Brasil Associação Química do Brasil
0100-218X Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Goiás UFGO, Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária.
0075-9767 Anais da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública e de Medicina Tropical Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública e de Medicina Tropical.
0071-1276 Anais da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
0365-2025 Anais da Escola Superior de Química, Universidade do Recife Escola Superior de Química, Universidade do Recife.
0365-2173 Anais da Faculdade de Farmácia do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto
0365-2181 Anais da Faculdade de Farmácia e Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo , Faculdade de Farmácia e Odontologia.
0365-2262 Anais da Faculdade de Medicina da Bahia Universidade da Bahia Universidade da Bahia, Faculdade de Medicina da Bahia
0365-2289 Anais da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina
0365-2416 Anais da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Faculdade de Medicina
0365-205X Anais da Faculdade de Medicina de Porto Alegre Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Medicina.
0365-4699 Anais da Faculdade de Medicina do Recife Universidade do Recife, Faculdade de Medicina do Recife
0365-7086 Anais da Sociedade de Farmácia e Química de São Paulo Sociedade de Farmácia e Química de São Paulo.
0301-8059 Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil
0003-2441 Anais de farmácia e química Sociedade de Farmácia e Química de São Paulo.
0485-1854 Anais de Microbiologia Instituto de Microbiologia. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
0365-3307 Anais do Instituto de Medicina Tropical Instituto de Medicina Tropical
0301-2158 Anais do Instituto de Medicina Tropical. Suplemento Instituto de Medicina Tropical.; Portugal. Instituto de Medicina Tropical.
0365-3544 Anais do Instituto do Vinho do Porto Instituto do Vinho.
0365-3404 Anais do Instituto Pinheiros Instituto Pinheiros
0365-2971 Anais do Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa.
0365-477X Anais do Sociedade de Biologia da Pernambuco Instituto de Antibióticos, Universidade de Recife
0370-0275 Anais - Junta de Investigações do Ultramar Junta de Investigações do Ultramar.; Portugal. Junta de Investigações do Ultramar.
0402-298X Anais Paranaenses de Tuberculose e Doencas Toracicas Sociedade Paranaense de Fisiologia
0003-245X Anais Paulistas de Medicina e Cirurgia [s.n.].
0146-3837 Analabs, inc. research notes Analabs, inc.
0372-3925 Anale Universitatea din Craiova
0569-9797 Analecta geologica Mineralogisk Museum.
0365-5148 Analecta veterinaria Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias
1514-2590 Analecta veterinaria Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
1666-2954 Analecta veterinaria (e-vir) Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
0567-6045 Analele Academiei Republicii Populare Române Academia Republicii Populare Române.
0254-8607 Analele Academiei Române Editura Academiei R.S. România
0365-0022 Analele Institutului de Cercetæari Agronomice Institutul de Cercetæari Agronomice Bucureşti.
0253-1682 Analele Institutului de cercetæari pentru cereale şi plante tehnice Fundulea Centrul de material didactic şi propagandæa agricolæa
0365-6462 Analele Institutului de Cercetæari pentru Cereale şi Plante Tehnice Fundulea Institutul de Cercetæari pentru Cereale şi Plante Tehnice Fundulea.
0365-575X Analele Institutului de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Protecţia Plantelor Conphys,
0365-0162 Analele Institutului de Cercetări pentru Cereale şi Plante Tehnice Fundulea Centrul de Informare şi Documentare pentru Agricultură şi Silvicultură,
0365-5431 Analele Institutului de Cercetări pentru Cereale şi Plante Tehnice Fundulea Centrul de Documentare pentru Agricolă şi Silvicultură,
0074-0373 Analele Institutului de Cercetări pentru Cultura Cartofului şi Sfeclei de Zahăr Braşov Institutul de Cercetări pentru Cultura Cartofului şi Sfeclei de Zahăr; Centrul de Informare şi Documentare pentru Agricultură şi Silvicultură
0074-0381 Analele Institutului de Cercetări pentru Cultura Cartofului şi Sfeclei de Zahăr Braşov Institutul de Cercetări pentru Cultura Cartofului şi Sfeclei de Zahăr; Centrul de Informare şi Documentare pentru Agricultură şi Silvicultură
0538-2238 Analele Institutului de Cercetări pentru Îmbunătăţiri Funciare şi Pedologie Institutul de Cercetări pentru Îmbunătăţiri Funciare şi Pedagogice
0538-2246 Analele Institutului de Cercetări pentru Îmbunătăţiri Funciare şi Pedologie Institutul de Cercetări pentru Îmbunătăţiri Funciare şi Pedologie
0365-3218 Analele Institutului de Cercetǎri pentru Îmbunǎtǎţiri Funciare şi Pedologie Institutul de Cercetǎri pentru Îmbunǎtǎţiri Funciare şi Pedologie
0258-6959 Analele Institutului de Cercetări pentru Pedologie şi Agrochimie Editura Tehnică Agricolă
0365-4869 Analele Institutului de Cercetări Zootehnice Bucureşti Editura Agrosilvică
0365-3099 Analele Institutului de Studii şi Cercetæari Pedologice Institutul de Studii şi Cercetæari Pedologice.
0365-4591 Analele minelor din România Asociaţia Inginerilor şi Tehnicienilor din Industria Minieră,
0365-0189 Analele Secţiei de Pedologie Editura Agrosilvică
0557-4684 Analele Secţiei de protecţia plantelor Institutul Central de Cercetæari Agricole Bucureşti.
0041-9109 Analele ştiinţifice ale Universiţæatii 'Al. I. Cuza' din Iaşi Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza"; CARTIMEX
0365-7256 Analele ştiinţifice ale Universitæaţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi Universitatea "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi.
0448-9071 Analele ştiinţifice ale Universitæaţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi Universitatea "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi.
1221-5341 Analele ştiinţifice ale Universitæaţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi Universitatea "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi.
1582-3571 Analele ştiinţifice ale Universitæaţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi Editura Universitæaţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi
1841-5318 Analele ştiinţifice ale Universitæaţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi Universitatea "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi.
2247-2711 Analele ştiinţifice ale Universitæaţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi Editura Universitæaţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi
0379-7902 Analele sţiinţifice ale Universitæaţii "Al. I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Secţiunea II b, Geologie-geographie Universitîaţea "Al. I. Cuza"
0041-9117 Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi Editura Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza"
0250-2895 Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi Editura Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza"
0365-6594 Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi Editura Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza"
0448-9039 Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi Editura Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza"
2248-3276 Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi (e-vir) Editura Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza"
0041-9141 Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza" din Iasi, Sectiunea 1b: Fizica Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza"; CARTIMEX
0041-9133 Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza" din Iasi, Sectiunea 2a: Biologie Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza"; CARTIMEX
1223-6578 Analele ştiinţifice ale Universitaţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iaşi Editura Universitaţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza"
1221-4574 Analele Universitæaţii "Dunæarea de Jos" Galaţi Universitatea "Dunæarea de Jos".
1453-083X Analele Universitæaţii "Dunæarea de Jos" Galaţi = Galaţi University Press
0068-3124 Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti Universitatea din Bucureşti.
0068-3132 Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti Universitatea din Bucureşti.
0068-3140 Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti Universitatea din Bucureşti.
0068-3191 Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti Universitatea din Bucureşti.
0254-8887 Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti Universitatea din Bucureşti.
0524-8310 Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti Universitatea din Bucureşti.
0524-8329 Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti Universitatea din Bucureşti.
0524-8337 Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti Universitatea din Bucureşti.
0524-8345 Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti Universitatea din Bucureşti.
0378-8989 Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti. Biologie Universitatea Bucureşti
1220-871X Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti. Chimie Editura Universitæaţii din Bucureşti
0254-8895 Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti. Fizicǎ Universitæatea Bucureşti
1013-4123 Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti. Geologie Universitǎtea Bucureşti
1224-9718 Analele Universitæaţii de Vest din Timişoara Editura Universitæaţii de Vest
0257-7488 Analele Universitæaţii din Timişoara. Ştiinţe fizice Universitatea din Timişoara
0524-8302 Analele Universităţii "C.I. Parhon" Bucureşti Universitatea "C.I. Parhon"
0068-3272 Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Matematica-Mecanica Universitatea Bucuresti
0524-8353 Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Seria Stiintele Naturii, Matematica-Mecanica Universitatea Bucureşti
0253-1860 Analele Universităţii din Craiova Universitatea din Craiova
0254-7236 Analele Universităţii din Craiova Universitatea din Craiova
0378-9764 Analele Universităţii din Craiova Universitatea din Craiova
0378-9772 Analele Universităţii din Craiova Universitatea din Craiova
1011-4025 Analele Universitaţii din Galaţi Universitatea din Galaţi
0082-4453 Analele Universitǎţii din Timişoara. Seria Ştiinţe Fizice-chimice Universitatea din Timişoara
0066-7145 Anales Dirección Nacional de Geología y Minería
0302-5756 Anales Laboratorio de Ensayo de Materiales e Investigaciones Tecnológicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
0372-3941 Anales Editorial Universitaria
0570-8397 Anales Instituto Nacional de Geología y Minería
0365-0421 Anales Agronomicos Ministerio de Industrias y Obras Públicas.
0325-4186 Anales - CIDEPINT CONICET. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Tecnología de Pinturas.; CIDEPINT.; LEMIT.; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.; CONICET.; Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.; IC.
0003-2484 Anales científicos Universidad agraria, Departamento de publicaciones
0569-9894 Anales de anatomía Heraldo de Aragón.
0517-6786 Anales de Ars Medici
0003-2492 Anales de bromatología Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España). Departamento de Investigaciones Bromatológicas; Sociedad Española de Bromatología
0365-1797 Anales de edafología y agrobiología Instituto Nacional de Edafología y Agrobiología %José María Albareda%
0365-1835 Anales de edafología y fisiología vegetal Instituto de Edafología y Fisiología Vegetal
0365-219X Anales de Farmacia Hospitalaria Anales de Farmacia Hospitalaria
0365-2076 Anales de farmacia y bioquímica [s.n.]
0211-6243 Anales de física Real Sociedad Española de Física
0211-6251 Anales de física Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química
0365-4818 Anales de física Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química
1133-0376 Anales de física Spanish Royal Society of Physics.; Real Sociedad Española de Fisica (Madrid)
0365-2351 ANales de física y química Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química
0120-0429 Anales de ingenieria Sociedad Colombiana de Ingenieros,
0365-334X Anales de investigación textil Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros Industriales. Comisión Técnica Textil
0365-0995 Anales de la Academia de Biologia Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
0365-1185 Anales de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de Buenos Aires Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales
0365-4796 Anales de la Academia Nacional de Farmacia Academia Nacional de Farmacia (España)
0365-0324 Anales de la Administración Nacional de Bosques. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. República Argentina Argentina. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería.
0365-0391 Anales de la Asociación de Química y Farmacia del Uruguay Centro Farmaceútico Uruguayo.
0365-0375 Anales de la Asociación Química Argentina Asociación Química Argentina
0301-3839 Anales de la Casa de Salud Valdecilla Casa de Salud Valdecilla
0524-9880 Anales de la Comisión de Investigación Científica Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación.
0517-6808 Anales de lactología y química agrícola Instituto Municipal de Higiene.
0365-5261 Anales de la Dirección General de Oficinas Químicas Nacionales Argentina. Dirección General de Oficinas Químicas Nacionales.
0365-1681 Anales de la Dirección Nacional de Química Dirección Nacional de Química, Biblioteca y Publicaciones
0456-0930 Anales de la Escuela de farmacia de la Facultad de ciencias médicas Universidad nacional mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de ciencias médicas. Escuela de farmacia
0365-1800 Anales de la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei Estación Experimental de Aula Dei; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)
0365-2165 Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Concepción Universidad de Concepción. Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas.
0365-2084 Anales de la Facultad de farmacia y bioquímica Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica
0365-2106 Anales de la Facultad de farmacia y bioquímica Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica
0069-8229 Anales de la Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Concepción Universidad de Concepción. Facultad de Ingeniería.
0041-8722 Anales de la Facultad de medicina Facultad de medicina
0365-2297 Anales de la Facultad de Medicina de Montevideo Facultad de medicina, Universidad de la Republica
0300-9912 Anales de la Facultad de Química y Farmacia Facultad de Química y Farmacia, Universidad de Chile
0463-3237 Anales de la Facultad de Química y Farmacia Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay.
0373-1170 Anales de la Facultad de Veterinaria de Leon Universidad.
0365-2424 Anales de la Facultad de Veterinaria del Uruguay Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad de la Republica.
0210-704X Anales de la Facultad de Veterinaria - Universidad de Zaragoza Universidad. Facultad de Veterinaria.
0365-4834 Anales de la Facultad de Veterinaria y del Instituto de Investigaciones Veterinarias de Madrid Universidad de Madrid; Instituto de Investigaciones Veterinarias (Madrid); Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)
0034-0618 Anales de la Real Academia de Farmacia Real Academia de Farmacia
1697-4271 Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia (España)
0034-0634 Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina, Madrid Real Academia Nacional de Medicina
0034-0871 Anales de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Fisica y Quimica, Serie A: Fisica Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química
0034-088X Anales de la Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química. Serie B, Química Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química
0378-9543 Anales de la Sección de Ciencias del Colegio Universitario de Gerona Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
0037-8437 Anales de la Sociedad cientáűfica argentina Soc. cientáűfica argentina
0365-6586 Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina, Sección Santa Fe Sociedad Científica Argentina, Sección Santa Fe.
0365-6624 Anales de la Sociedad Científica de Santa Fe Sociedad Científica de Santa Fe
0365-6489 Anales de la Sociedad de Biologia de Bogota Sociedad de Biologia de Bogotá.
0365-6675 Anales de la Sociedad Espanola de Fisica y Quimica Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química.
0365-6969 Anales de la Sociedad Mexicana de Oftalmología Sociedad Mexicana de Oftalmología.
0583-7596 Anales de la Sociedad Mexicana de Otorrinolaringología Sociedad Mexicana de Otorrinolarinogología
0365-7078 Anales de la Sociedad Mexicana de Otorrinolaringología y Broncoesofagología Sociedad Mexicana de Otorrinolaringología y Broncoesofagología.
0365-7124 Anales de la Sociedad Química Argentina Sociedad Química Argentina
0037-8631 Anales de la Sociedad Rural Argentina Sociedad Rural Argentina
0504-9903 Anales de la Universidad Catolica de Valparaíso Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
0365-7760 Anales de la Universidad Central del Ecuador Universidad Central del Ecuador
0365-7779 Anales de la Universidad de Chile Universidad de Chile
0365-5385 Anales de la Universidad de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco Consejo Superior de la Universidad de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"
0210-4849 Anales de la Universidad de Murcia Universidad de Murcia
0365-7973 Anales de la Universidad de Murcia Universidad de Murcia
2171-7664 Anales de la Universidad de Murcia Universidad de Murcia. Servicio de Publicaciones
0463-9847 Anales de la Universidad de Murcia. Ciencias Universidad de Murcia.
0365-7825 Anales de la Universidad de Santo Domingo Universidad de Santo Domingo.
0586-9919 Anales de la Universidad Hispalense. Serie : Medicina Universidad. Facultad de Medicina.
0374-5880 Anales de la Universidad Hispalense. Serie de ciencias Universidad. Servicio de Publicaciones.
0365-1274 Anales del Centro de Investigaciones Tisiológicas Centro de Investigaciones Tisiológicas
0365-1401 Anales del Colegio Nacional del Médicos Militares, México Colegio Nacional del Médicos Militares.
0569-9908 Anales del desarrollo Instituto de Investigación F. Olóriz, Centro Coordinado del C.S.I.C.; Instituto de Investigación Federico Olóriz.
0365-1614 Anales del Dispensario Público Nacional para Enfermedades del Aparato Digestivo Dispensario Público Nacional para Enfermedades del Aparato Digestivo.
0457-8996 Anales del Hospital militar Central Hospital militar Central
0365-0790 Anales del Instituto Botanico A. J. Cavanilles Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Botánico A.J. Cavanilles
0003-2530 Anales del Instituto Corachán Instituto Corachán
0076-7174 Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
0368-8267 Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Serie Biología experimental Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Biologiá.
0368-8305 Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Serie Ciencias del Mar y Limnología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Biologiá.
0074-0071 Anales del Instituto de Farmacologia Espanola Instituto de Farmacología Española; Fundación Marqués de Urquijo
0076-7182 Anales del Instituto de Geofísica Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Geofísica.
0365-3072 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad de Nuevo León Universidad de Nuevo León. Instituto de Investigaciones.
0365-3102 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas. Universidad Nacional del Litoral Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Química Industrial y Agrícola. Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas.
0365-3536 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Veterinarias Instituto de Investigaciones Veterinarias (Madrid)
0365-3358 Anales del Instituto de Oncología "Angel H. Roffo" Instituto de Oncología para el Estudio y Tratamiento del Cáncer.
0365-3137 Anales del Instituto Español de Edafología, Ecología y Fisiología Vegetal Instituto Español de Edafología, Ecología y Fisiología Vegetal
0365-432X Anales del Instituto Médico Nacional Instituto Médico Nacional
0558-6267 Anales del Instituto Municipal de Higiene de Zaragoza Instituto Municipal de Higiene.
0210-2463 Anales del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (España)
0210-2471 Anales del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (España)
0210-248X Anales del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (España)
0210-2501 Anales del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (España)
0211-4682 Anales del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias. Serie agrícola Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (España)
0211-4674 Anales del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias. Serie ganadera Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (España)
0376-1843 Anales del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias. Serie producción animal Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (España)
0376-1851 Anales del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias. Serie producción vegetal Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (España)
0365-3420 Anales del Instituto Radio-Quirurgico de Guipuzcoa Instituto Radio-Quirurgico de Guipuzcoa.
0365-4206 Anales del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"
0300-9025 Anales del Programa académico de medicina Universidad nacional mayor de San Marcos
0365-6802 Anales del Servicio geológico nacional de El Salvador Ministerio de obras públicas
0003-2506 Anales de mecánica y electricidad Instituto Católico de Artes e Industrias. Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros
0517-6859 Anales de medicina de Sevilla Sociedad Médica de Hospitales (Sevilla); Real Academia de Medicina de Sevilla; Universidad de Sevilla
0365-4230 Anales de medicina y cirugía Academia de Medicina. Barcelona
0211-1330 Anales de química Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química; Real Sociedad Española de Química
0211-1349 Anales de química Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química; Real Sociedad Española de Química
0211-1357 Anales de química Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química; Real Sociedad Española de Química
0365-4990 Anales de química Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química
1130-2283 Anales de química Real Sociedad Española de Química.
0302-4342 Anales españoles de pediatría Asociación de Pediatras Españoles; Asociación Española de Pediatría
0584-7141 Anales - Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias, Madrid Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias. Madrid.
0020-4129 Anales - Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agronómicas Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agronómicas (España)
1071-569X Analgesia Cognizant Communication Corp.
0517-6972 Analitičeskij kontrolʹ proizvodstva v azotnoj promyšlennosti Himiâ.
0254-1874 Analitika New Chemical Publications Pty Limited.
0365-4877 Analusis Société de productions documentaires
1286-482X Analusis (e-vir) EDP Sciences; Wiley-VCH
0179-7247 Analyses of hazardous substances in biological materials Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.; DFG.
0066-1503 Analysis and Characterization of Oils, Fats, and Fat Products [s.n.]
0882-5785 Analysis instrumentation Instrument Society of America.
0164-0453 Analysis of drugs and metabolites by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Dekker.
0309-2313 Analysis of organic materials Academic Press.
0003-2654 Analyst Chemical Society
0365-4885 Analyst De Boer
1364-5528 Analyst (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0003-2670 Analytica chimica acta Elsevier
1873-4324 Analytica chimica acta (e-vir) Elsevier
0003-2689 Analytical Abstracts Chemical Society
0570-0027 Analytical Advances Hewlett-Packard Co.
1618-2642 Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry Springer
1618-2650 Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry (e-vir) Springer
Y504-5843 Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry Springer
Y505-9305 Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry (e-vir) Springer
0190-0471 Analytical and quantitative cytology International Academy of Cytology
0884-6812 Analytical and quantitative cytology and histology Science Printers and Publishers
0003-2697 Analytical biochemistry Academic Press.
1096-0309 Analytical biochemistry (e-vir) Academic Press
0066-1538 Analytical calorimetry Plenum Press.
0921-8912 Analytical cellular pathology Elsevier; IOS Press
1878-3651 Analytical cellular pathology Elsevier; IOS Press
0003-2700 Analytical chemistry American Chemical Society
1520-6882 Analytical chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0167-6350 Analytical chemistry symposia series Elsevier
1359-7337 Analytical communications Royal Society of Chemistry
1364-5536 Analytical communications (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0743-5797 Analytical instrumentation Marcel Dekker,
0861-4938 Analytical Laboratory SPEKTROTEX.
0003-2719 Analytical letters M. Dekker
1532-236X Analytical letters (e-vir) M. Dekker
1063-5246 Analytical methods & instrumentation Wiley
0570-0035 Analytical methods for pesticides, plant growth regulators, and food additives Academic Press,
0091-7486 Analytical methods for pesticides and plant growth regulators Academic Press,
0144-557X Analytical proceedings Chemical Society
0099-5428 Analytical profiles of drug substances Academic Press
1075-6280 Analytical profiles of drug substances and excipients Academic Press
0910-6340 Analytical sciences Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
1348-2238 Analytical sciences (e-vir) Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
1348-2246 Analytical sciences Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
0583-8894 Analytical sciences monograph Society for Analytical Chemistry.
0926-4345 Analytical spectroscopy library Elsevier
0146-3829 Analytical spectroscopy series Dekker.
0172-3596 Analytiker-Taschenbuch Springer
0402-3420 Analyzer
0570-006X Anan Käogyäo Käotäo Semmon Gakkäo kenkyäu kiyäo Anan College of Technology.; Anan National College of Technology.
0174-1837 Anästhesie, Intensivtherapie, Notfallmedizin Thieme
0170-5334 Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin Berufsverband Deutscher Anästhesisten e.V.; BDA.
0171-1814 Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin Springer
0341-2555 Anästhesiologische Informationen Perimed-Verlag Straube.
0517-7146 Anatomia e Chirurgia E.R.O.S..
1552-4884 Anatomical record Wiley-Liss,Inc.
1552-4914 Anatomical record Wiley-Liss
1447-073X Anatomical science international (e-vir) Blackwell Pub. Asia
1447-6959 Anatomical science international Blackwell Pub.
0003-2786 Anatomischer Anzeiger Fischer
0340-2061 Anatomy and embryology Springer
1432-0568 Anatomy and embryology Springer
1358-6122 Ancient biomolecules Harwood Academic Publishers
0735-1348 Ancient TL University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
1439-0272 Andrologia Blackwell.
0303-4569 Andrologie Grosse
0324-6620 A Nehézipari Műszaki Egyetem közleményei Nehézipari Műszaki Egyetem.
0324-6671 A Nehézipari Műszaki Egyetem közleményei Nehézipari Műszaki Egyetem.
0324-6728 A Nehézipari Műszaki Egyetem közleményei Nehézipari Műszaki Egyetem.
0540-3413 A Nehézipari Műszaki Egyetem közleményei Nehézipari Műszaki Egyetem.; Politehničeskij institut tâželoj promyšlennosti.; University of the Heavy Industries.; Université de l'industrie lourde.; Technische Universität für die Schwerindustrie.
0505-3919 A Nehézvegyipari Kutató Intézet közleményei Nehézvegyipari Kutató Intézet.
1342-2979 Aneruba gihäo Anelva Corporation.
0201-7563 Anesteziologiâ i reanimatologiâ.; Анестезиология и реаниматология Medicina; Медицина; Media sfera; Медиа сфера
0324-8216 Anestezja, Reanimacja, Intensywna Terapia Towarzystwo Anestezjologów Polskich.
0570-0779 Anestezja i Reanimacja Towarzystwo Anestezjologów Polskich.
0209-1712 Anestezjologia, Intensywna Terapia Towarzystwo Anestezjologów Polskich.; Polskie Towarzystwo Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii.
1526-7598 Anesthesia & analgesia (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0096-0144 Anesthesia abstracts Burgess Pub. Co.
0003-2999 Anesthesia and analgesia Elsevier Science
0003-3014 Anesthésie, analgésie, réanimation Masson,
0003-3022 Anesthesiology American Society of Anesthesiologists
1528-1175 Anesthesiology (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
0889-8537 Anesthesiology clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
0270-7748 A New image of man in medicine Futura Pub. Co.,
0066-1759 Angewandte Botanik Parey
0044-8249 Angewandte Chemie VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft
0570-0833 Angewandte Chemie VCH-Verl.-Ges.
1433-7851 Angewandte Chemie Wiley-VCH
1521-3757 Angewandte Chemie (e-vir) Wiley
1521-3773 Angewandte Chemie (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
Y503-6577 Angewandte Chemie Wiley-VCH
0172-7710 Angewandte Chromatographie Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer und Co. GmbH.
0003-3138 Angewandte Kosmetik Terra-Verlag.
0570-0868 Angewandte Meteorologie Meteorologische Gesellschaft in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
0003-3162 Angewandte Parasitologie Fischer.
0174-271X Angewandte UV-Spektroskopie Bodenseewerk-Perkin-Elmer-und- Co.-GmbH.
0969-6970 Angiogenesis Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-7209 Angiogenesis (e-vir) Kluwer
0003-3170 Angiología Sociedad Española de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular.
1695-2987 Angiología Viguera.; Elsevier España
0003-3189 Angiologica Karger,
0003-3197 Angiology Westminster Publications
1940-1574 Angiology (e-vir) Westminster Publications
0003-3200 Angiopatias Instituto Brasileiro de Angiologia.
0003-3332 Anglo-German medical review Schattauer
1000-2162 Anhui Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1672-2477 Anhui Gongcheng Keji Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-7872 Anhui Gongye Daxue xuebao Anhui Gongye Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
1007-5240 Anhui Jidian Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-1098 Anhui ligong daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-352X Anhui Nongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-1492 Anhui yi ke daxue xuebao Anhui Yi Ke Daxue
0253-3693 Anhui yixueyuan xuebao Anhui yixueyuan xuebao bianji weiyuanhui
0972-8066 Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (e-vir) Anil Aggrawal
0972-8074 Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (e-vir) Anil Aggrawal.
0365-4982 Anilinokrasočnaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Анилинокрасочная промышленность Vsesoûznyj trest anilinokrasočnoj promyšlennosti; Всесоюзный трест анилинокрасочной промышленности.
0003-3472 Animal behaviour Baillière Tindall
1095-8282 Animal behaviour (e-vir) Published for the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour and the Animal Behavior Society by Academic Press
1049-5398 Animal biotechnology Taylor & Francis
1532-2378 Animal biotechnology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0003-3480 Animal blood groups and biochemical genetics Centre for agricultural publishing and documentation (Pudoc)
1058-7586 Animal cell biotechnology Academic Press,
0377-8401 Animal feed science and technology Elsevier Publ. Co
1873-2216 Animal Feed Science and Technology (e-vir) Elsevier
0268-9146 Animal genetics Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2052 Animal genetics (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
1466-2523 Animal health research reviews CABI Publishing
1475-2654 Animal health research reviews (e-vir) CABI Publishing
0972-2963 Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology A. K. Garg.
0003-3561 Animal Production Longman Group
0378-4282 Animal regulation studies Elsevier
0378-4320 Animal reproduction science Elsevier
1873-2232 Animal Reproduction Science (e-vir) Elsevier
1627-3583 Animal research EDP Sciences
1627-3591 Animal research (e-vir) EDP Sciences
0572-0222 Animal Research Laboratories technical paper CSIRO. Animal Research Laboratories.
1748-748X Animal science (e-vir) CABI Publishing
1357-7298 Animal Science Durrant
0918-2365 Animal science and technology Japanese Society of Zootechnical Science
1344-3941 Animal science journal Japanese Society of Zootechnical Science
1740-0929 Animal science journal (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0003-3588 Animal science journal of Pakistan Pakistan Animal Science Association, East Pakistan Agricultural University; Bangladesh Animal Husbandry Association, Bangladesh Agricultural University
0860-4037 Animal Science Papers and Reports Polish Scientific Publishers
2300-8342 Animal Science Papers and Reports (e-vir) Instytut Genetyki i Hodowli Zwierząt PAN
0962-7286 Animal welfare Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
2054-1538 Animal welfare (e-vir) Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
1522-7553 Animal Welfare Information Center bulletin Animal Welfare Information Center (U.S.)
1171-9281 An Industrial Research Limited report Industrial Research Limited.
1006-8376 Anjisuan he shengwu ziyuan Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0365-8511 Ankara Üniversitesi. Ziraat Fakultesi Yayınları Ankara Üniversitesi
1015-3918 Ankara Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi dergisi Ankara Üniversitesi
0377-9734 Ankara Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi mecmuası Ankara Üniversitesi
0365-8104 Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi mecmuası Ankara Üniversitesi
0365-2238 Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi mecmuası. Supplementum Ankara Üniversitesi
0372-7696 Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi yıllığı Ankara Üniversitesi
0192-3188 ANL Argonne National Laboratory.; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Technical Information Service.
0276-5071 ANL/CNSV-TM Argonne National Laboratory.
0271-2458 ANL/CT Argonne National Laboratory.
0191-7803 ANL/CTR Argonne National Laboratory.
0275-1283 ANL/EES-TM Argonne National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Systems Division.
0197-4491 ANL/FPP/TM Argonne National Laboratory. Fusion Power Program.
0197-4521 ANL/OEPM United States. Energy Research and Development Administration.
0197-6095 ANL/OTEC United States. Dept. of Energy.
0198-8751 ANL/OTEC-BCM Argonne National Laboratory.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Division of Central Solar Technology.
0197-6079 ANL/OTEC-PS Argonne National Laboratory.; United States.
0191-7781 ANL/PHY Argonne National Laboratory. Physics Division.
0195-7236 ANL-HEP-CP Argonne National Laboratory. High Energy Physics Division.
0254-1882 Annale Universiteit van Stellenbosch
0365-804X Annale Bibliotekaris, Universiteit van Stellenbosch
0365-8058 Annale Bibliotekaris, Universiteit van Stellenbosch
0072-4122 Annalen der Meteorologie Deutscher Wetterdienst
0365-5490 Annalen der Pharmacie Verlag Chemie GmbH
0003-3804 Annalen der Physik J.A.Barth
1521-3889 Annalen der Physik (e-vir) J.A.Barth
0083-6133 Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Naturhistorisches Museum
0255-0091 Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Naturhistorisches Museum
0368-489X Annalen - Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Geologische wetenschappen Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika
0250-5010 Annalen van de Belgische Vereniging voor Stralingsbescherming Belgische Vereniging voor Stalingsbescherming.
0303-4135 Annales Academiae Medicae Gedanensis Akademia Medyczna (Gdańsk); Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny.
0458-1474 Annales Academiae Medicae Lodzensis Medical University of Lodz.; Akademia Medyczna (Łódź)
0208-5607 Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis Śląska Akademia Medyczna im. Ludwika Waryńskiego (Katowice); Śląska Akademia Medyczna (Katowice); Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny (Katowice)
1734-025X Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis (e-vir) "Via Medica"
0504-0736 Annales Academiae Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis Almqvist & Wiksell
0066-1988 Annales Academiae scientiarum Fennicae Academia scientiarum Fennicae.; Suomalainen tiedeakatemia.
0066-1996 Annales Academiae scientiarum Fennicae Suomalainen tiedeakatemia.; Academia scientiarum Fennica.
0066-2003 Annales Academiae scientiarum Fennicae Academia scientiarum Fennicae.; Suomalainen tiedeakatemia.
0365-2300 Annales Academiae scientiarum Fennicae Suomalainen tiedeakatemia
0365-673X Annales Academiae scientiarum Fennicae Academia scientiarum Fennica.; Suomalainen tiedeakatemia.
0066-1961 Annales Academiae scientiarum Fennicae. Series A2, Chemica Suomalainen tiedeakatemia
0066-197X Annales Academiae scientiarum Fennicae. Series A3, Geologica - geographica Suomalainen tiedeakatemia
0570-1538 Annales agriculturae Fenniae Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksen
0003-3839 Annales agronomiques Dunod
0365-0731 Annales belges de médecine militaire Société de médecine et de pharmacie militaires.
0106-1003 Annales biologiques Conseil international pour l'exploration de la mer
0517-8452 Annales Bogorienses Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
0003-3847 Annales botanici Fennici Societas biologica Fennica Vanamo
1797-2442 Annales botanici Fennici (e-vir) University of Helsinki
0365-0960 Annales botanici Societatis zoologicae-botanicae Fennicae Vanamo Suomalainen eläin- ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo.
0355-9521 Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae Duodecim
0003-3855 Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae Fenniae Finnish Medical Society Duodecim
0066-2038 Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae Fenniae Academia scientiarum Fennicae.; Suomalainen tiedeakatemia.
0003-3871 Annales d'anatomie pathologique Masson,
0365-0367 Annales d'anatomie pathologique et d'anatomie normale médico-chirurgicale Masson,
0365-0499 Annales d'astrophysique Caisse nationale de la recherche scientifique
0003-4266 Annales d'Endocrinologie Masson
0003-4355 Annales d'histochimie Société française d'histochimie.
0365-2882 Annales d'hygiène publique, industrielle et sociale Baillière,
0365-2904 Annales d'hygiène publique et de médecine légale Baillière
0300-4910 Annales d'immunologie Masson
0003-4371 Annales d'oculistique J. B. Tircher; J. B. Baillière; chez le rédacteur en chef, éditeur; chez le rédacteur en chef, éditeur; H. Cousin; chez le rédacteur en chef, éditeur; Germer Baillière; chez le rédacteur et directeur-gérant éditeur; Victor Masson; C. Muquardt; Doin
0365-4931 Annales d'oto-laryngologie Masson
0003-438X Annales d'oto-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Masson
0003-4401 Annales d'Urologie Expansion Scientifique Francaise
0709-8502 Annales de biochimie clinique du Québec Société québécoise de biochimie clinique.
0003-388X Annales de biologie animale, biochimie, biophysique Institut national de la recherche agronomique
0003-3898 Annales de biologie clinique Expansion scientifique française
1950-6112 Annales de biologie clinique (e-vir) J. Libbey Eurotext
1705-6322 Annales de biologie clinique du Québec Société québécoise de biologie clinique.
0003-3928 Annales de cardiologie et d'angéiologie Expansion scientifique française
0151-9107 Annales de chimie Masson
1958-5934 Annales de chimie, science des matériaux (e-vir) Lavoisier
0365-1053 Annales de chimie analytique [s.n.]
0365-5016 Annales de chimie analytique appliquée à l'industrie, à l'agriculture, à la pharmacie et à la biologie et Revue de chimie analytique réunies [s.n.]
0365-1010 Annales de chimie analytique et de chimie appliquée et Revue de chimie analytique réunies [s.n.]
0365-1444 Annales de chimie et de physique Crochard
0003-3944 Annales de chirurgie Expansion scientifique française
0003-3960 Annales de chirurgie plastique Expansion scientifique française
0365-1177 Annales de cryptogamie exotique Laboratoire de cryptogamie (Paris)
0003-3979 Annales de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie Masson
0303-9099 Annales de Gembloux Faculté de sciences agronomiques
0003-3995 Annales de Génétique Expansion scientifique française
0003-4002 Annales de génétique et de sélection animale Institut national de la recherche agronomique
0003-4029 Annales de géophysique Editions de la Revue d'optique théorique et instrumentale
0570-1597 Annales de l'abeille Institut national de la recherche agronomique
0066-8842 Annales de l'ACFAS Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences.
0003-4053 Annales de l'amélioration des plantes Dunod
0003-4061 Annales de l'anesthésiologie française Association des anesthésiologistes français,
0464-6096 Annales de l'Ecole Nationale d'Agriculture d'Alger [s.n.].
0365-1827 Annales de l'Ecole nationale des eaux et forêts et de la station de recherches et expériences Berger-Levrault
0365-4753 Annales de l'École nationale supérieure agronomique de Montpellier École nationale supérieure agronomique (Montpellier)
0365-6853 Annales de l'Ecole supérieure des sciences, Institut des hautes études de Dakar Institut des hautes études de Dakar, Ecole supérieure des sciences.
0365-2017 Annales de l'Est Berger-Levrault
0246-0211 Annales de l'IHP Gauthier-Villars
1879-2839 Annales de l'IHP (e-vir) Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
0365-2963 Annales de l'Institut agricole et des Services de recherche et d'expérimentation agricoles de l'Algérie [s.n.].
0365-0405 Annales de l'Institut Central Ampélologique Royal Hongrois Institut Central Ampélologique Royal Hongrois.
0301-8601 Annales de l'Institut d'hydrologie et de climatologie Expansion scientifique française
0365-3390 Annales de l'institut de physique du globe de l'Université de Paris et du Bureau central de magnetisme terrestre Les Presses universitaires,
0409-1086 Annales de l'Institut expérimental du tabac de Bergerac Service d'exploitation industrielle des tabacs et allumettes (France); Institut expérimental du tabac de Bergerac; Régie française des tabacs
0020-2339 Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré Gauthier-villars
0365-320X Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré Presses universitaires de France
0073-8565 Annales de l'Institut Michel Pacha Laboratoire maritime de physiologie de Tamaris-sur-Mer, Institut Michel Pacha.
0570-1643 Annales de l'Institut national de la recherche agronomique Institut national de la recherche agronomique (France)
0375-8486 Annales de l'Institut national de la recherche agronomique, Série B: Annales de l'amélioration des plantes Ministère de l'agriculture
0365-4761 Annales de l'Institut national de la recherche agronomique de Tunisie Institut national de la recherche agronomique de Tunisie.
0078-9682 Annales de l'Institut océanographique Institut océanographique (Paris)
0020-2444 Annales de l'Institut Pasteur Masson
0769-2625 Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Immunologie Elsevier; Institut Pasteur
0769-2609 Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Microbiologie Elsevier; Institut Pasteur
0769-2617 Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Virologie Elsevier; Institut Pasteur
0365-5814 Annales de l' Institut phytopathologique Benaki Institut phytopathologique Benaki
0020-2568 Annales de l'Institut technique du bâtiment et des travaux publics Institut technique du bâtiment et des travaux publics
0365-1312 Annales de l'Office national des combustibles liquides Office national des combustibles liquides (France)
0251-4214 Annales de l'Université d'Abidjan Université d'Abidjan
0302-4814 Annales de l'Université de Brazzaville Université de Brazzaville
0376-4532 Annales de l'Université de Brazzaville Université de Brazzaville
0365-7884 Annales de l'Université de Lyon Université de Lyon
0365-7892 Annales de l'Université de Lyon Université de Lyon
0365-7906 Annales de l'Université de Lyon Université de Lyon
0365-7922 Annales de l'Université de Lyon Université de Lyon
0365-060X Annales de la brasserie et de la distillerie Institut Pasteur
0582-8376 Annales de la Direction des études et de l'équipement Service d'exploitation industrielle des tabacs et des allumettes
0378-2263 Annales de la Faculté de médecine et de pharmacie. Université nationale du Zaïre Université nationale du Zaïre. Faculté de médecine et de pharmacie.
0418-2952 Annales de la Faculté des sciences, Université de Dakar Université de Dakar, Faculté des Sciences.
0250-5029 Annales de la Faculté des sciences, Université nationale du Zaïre. Section Biologie, chimie et sciences de la terre Université nationale du Zaïre. Faculté des sciences.; Université de Kinshasa. Faculté des sciences.
0365-2386 Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Marseille Université d'Aix-Marseille. Faculté des sciences.; Faculté des sciences (Marseille)
0003-4037 Annales de la nutrition et de l'alimentation Centre de documentation du C.N.R.S
2726-9264 Annales de la nutrition et de l'alimentation (e-vir) Centre de documentation du C.N.R.S
0483-8009 Annales de la recherche forestière au Maroc E.T.N.A
0365-0146 Annales de la science agronomique francaise et étrangère Berger-Levrault et cie,; Berger-Levrault ;; Association des anciens élèves de l'Institut national agronomique,; Berger-Levrault,
0365-6527 Annales de la Société belge de médecine tropicale Société belge de médecine tropicale.; Belgische vereniging voor tropische geneeskunde.
0365-0650 Annales de la Société des brasseurs pour l'enseignement professionnel Société des brasseurs pour l'enseignement professionnel.
0037-9271 Annales de la Société entomologique de France Mequignon-Marvis
2168-6351 Annales de la Société entomologique de France (e-vir) La Société
0037-9301 Annales de la Société entomologique du Québec Société entomologique du Québec.
0037-9395 Annales de la Société Géologique de Belgique Société Géologique de Belgique, Université de Liège
0365-7159 Annales de la Société royale des sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles Société royale des sciences médicales et naturelles.
0049-1136 Annales de la Société royale zoologique de Belgique Koninklijke belgische vereniging voor dierkunde = Société royale zoologique de Belgique
0365-7175 Annales de la Société scientifique de Bruxelles Société scientifique de Bruxelles
0365-7191 Annales de la Société scientifique de Bruxelles Société scientifique de Bruxelles
0037-959X Annales de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles, Serie 1: Sciences Mathematiques, Astronomiques et Physiques Secretariat de la Societe Scientifique, Institut de Physique
0365-2939 Annales de la Station centrale d'hydrobiologie appliquée France. Direction générale des eaux et forêts.
2100-000X Annales de limnologie (e-vir) EDP sciences
0003-4088 Annales de Limnologie Masson et Cie
0365-4893 Annales de médecine Masson,
0301-4444 Annales de médecine de Reims Association régionale pour l'étude et la recherche scientifique.; Faculté de médecine de Reims.; Société médicale de Reims.
0003-410X Annales de médecine interne Masson
0376-2440 Annales de médecine légale, de criminologie et de police scientifique Société française de médecine legale
0365-4451 Annales de médecine légale et de criminologie Société française de médecine légale et d'expertises médicales
0003-4118 Annales de médecine vétérinaire Université. Faculté de médecine vétérinaire
0300-5410 Annales de microbiologie Masson
0003-4150 Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee Masson et Cie
0242-6498 Annales de pathologie Masson
0066-2097 Annales de pédiatrie Expansion scientifique française
0365-5644 Annales de physiologie et de physicochimie biologique [s.n.]
0517-8533 Annales de physiologie végétale de l'Université de Bruxelles Laboratoire de physiologie végétale de l'Université libre de Bruxelles.
0003-4169 Annales de physique Masson
1286-4838 Annales de physique (e-vir) EDP Sciences
0029-0793 Annales de physique biologique et médicale Société française de physique biologique et médicale; Société française de médecine nucléaire et d'imagerie moléculaire
0003-4177 Annales de phytopathologie Institut national de la recherche agronomique (France)
0365-5008 Annales de radioélectricité CSF Service de documentation technique
0003-4185 Annales de radiologie Expansion scientifique française
0003-4193 Annales de Recherches Veterinaires Institut national de la recherche agronomique
0570-166X Annales des épiphyties Imprimerie nationale,
0365-1991 Annales des épiphyties et de phytogénétique Service des épiphyties.
0242-6110 Annales des falsifications, de l'expertise chimique et toxicologique Société des experts-chimistes de France
0003-4274 Annales des falsifications et de l'expertise chimique Société des experts-chimistes de France
0365-2157 Annales des falsifications et des fraudes Société des experts chimistes de France
0365-480X Annales des fermentations Institut Pasteur. Service des fermentations.; Institut national des industries de fermentation (Belgique)
0003-4282 Annales des mines Dumas
0365-4273 Annales des mines Carillan-Goeury et Dalmont; Dunod
0003-4290 Annales des Mines de Belgique Editions Techniques et Scientifiques
0365-4397 Annales des mines et de la géologie Service géologique de Tunisie.
0365-446X Annales des mines ou Recueil de mémoires sur l'exploitation des mines et sur les sciences qui s'y rapportent Treuttel et Wurtz; Carillan-Goeury1; Dunod
0003-4304 Annales des ponts et chaussées France
0003-4312 Annales des Sciences Forestieres Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique,Service des Publications
0003-4339 Annales des Sciences Naturelles Masson et Cie
0003-4320 Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique et Biologie Vegetale Masson et Cie
0003-4347 Annales des télécommunications Centre national d'études des télécommunications
0003-4223 Annales de technologie agricole Institut national de la recherche agronomique
0242-5017 Annales de virologie Masson
0003-424X Annales de zootechnie Institut national de la recherche agronomique
1297-9651 Annales de zootechnie (e-vir) EDP sciences
0365-8619 Annales de Zymologie Société belge de zymologie pure et appliquée.
0379-427X Annales du Centre d'enseignement supérieur de Brazzaville Centre d'enseignement supérieur de Brazzaville.
0402-4656 Annales du génie chimique Institut du génie chimique (Toulouse)
0365-0537 Annales du Service botanique et agronomique de Tunisie Service botanique et agronomique de Tunisie.
0366-8142 Annales du service des mines et du service géographique et géologique - Comité spécial du Katanga M. Hayez.
0399-0206 Annales du tabac Service d'exploitation industrielle des tabacs et des allumettes
0399-0354 Annales du tabac Service d'exploitation industrielle des tabacs et allumettes (France)
0003-4428 Annales entomologici Fennici Suomen hyönteistieteellinen seura
0365-0944 Annales et Bulletin de la Société royale de médecine de Gand Société royale de médecine
0365-0928 Annales et Bulletin de la Société royale des sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles Société royale des sciences médicales et naturelles.
0750-7658 Annales Françaises d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation Barcelone; Masson
0365-2149 Annales françaises de chronométrie Observatoire de Besançon.; Institut de chronométrie (Besançon); Société chronométrique de France Paris.
0517-8576 Annales géologiques de Madagascar Imprimerie nationale
0755-0685 Annales geophysicae Gauthier-Villars; Annales geophysicae
0980-8752 Annales geophysicae Société européenne de géophysique
0980-8760 Annales geophysicae Société européenne de géophysique
0992-7689 Annales geophysicae Springer Internat.
1432-0576 Annales geophysicae Copernicus Publ.
0066-2151 Annales Guébhard Fondation Adrien Guébhard-Séverine.
0365-2769 Annales Guébhard-Séverine Fondation Adrien Guébhard-Séverine.
0365-2866 Annales Hébert et Haug Laboratoire de géologie de la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Paris
1424-0637 Annales Henri Poincaré Birkhäuser
1424-0661 Annales Henri Poincaré (e-vir) Birkhäuser
0521-4726 Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici Hungarian Natural History Museum
0373-3629 Annales hydrographiques France
0570-1708 Annales immunologiae Hungaricae Institute for Serobacteriological Production and Research, Human.; Impfstoffproduktions- und Forschungsinstitut Human.
0020-2185 Annales - Institut belge du pétrole Institut belge du petrole.
0365-3005 Annales Instituti Biologici (Tihany) Hungaricae Academiae Scientiarum Institutum Biologicum (Tihany) Hungaricae Academiae Scientiarum.; Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Tihanyi Biológiai Kutató Intézete.
0003-4460 Annales médicales de Nancy Annales médicales de Nancy
0221-3796 Annales médicales de Nancy et de l'Est Centre hospitalier régional et universitaire (Nancy); Société de médecine (Nancy)
0003-4479 Annales medicinae experimentalis et biologiae Fenniae Duodecim.; Finnish Medical Society Duodecim.; Suomalainen lääkäriseura Duodecim.
0066-2178 Annales medicinae experimentalis et biologiae Fenniae Duodecim.; Suomalainen lääkäriseura Duodecim.
0365-4362 Annales medicinae internae Fenniae Duodecim,
0365-4427 Annales medicinae internae Fenniae Suomalainen lääkäriseura Duodecim.
0379-0371 Annales médico-chirurgicales du Hainaut Société médico-chirurgicale du Hainaut :; Société de médecne de Charleroi.
0003-4487 Annales Medico-Psychologiques Fortin; Masson
0176-3970 Annales mycologici Natura, Buchhandlung für Naturkunde u. Exakte Wiss. Budy.
0517-8614 Annales paediatriae Fenniae Duodecim,
0570-1732 Annales paediatriae Fenniae Duodecim,
0365-4966 Annales paediatrici Karger
0365-5539 Annales Pharmaceutici Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0365-5474 Annales pharmaceutiques belges Association pharmaceutique belge
0003-4509 Annales pharmaceutiques françaises Masson; Doin
0365-6764 Annales scientifiques de Franche-Comté Institut d'études comtoises et jurassiennes (Besançon)
0409-2368 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besancon Université de Franche-Comté.
0365-6500 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon Université,
0523-0551 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon Institut des sciences naturelles
0523-0586 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon Institut des sciences naturelles,
0523-056X Annales Scientifiques de l'Universite de Besancon, Geologie Institut des Sciences Naturelles
0366-3973 Annales Scientifiques de l'Universite de Besancon, Zoologie, Physiologie et Biologie Animale Institut des Sciences Naturelles
0365-6543 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon. Institut des sciences naturelles
0249-7654 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon. Biologie végétale Institut des sciences naturelles
0365-6497 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon. Médecine Université de Besançon,
0224-5264 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Franche-Comté-Besançon. Médecine, pharmacie Université de Franche-Comté.
0365-687X Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Jassy [s.n.]
0365-7264 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Jassy [s.n.]
0448-9098 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Jassy [s.n.]
0003-4517 Annales scientifiques textiles belges CENTEXBEL.; Centre scientifique et technique de l'industrie textile belge.; Wetenschappelijk en technisch centrum voor de Belgische textielnijverheid.
0137-9844 Annales Societatis Doctrinae Studentium Academiae Medicae Silensiensis Ślęaska Akademia Medyczna w Katowicach.; Ślęaski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach.; Ślęaska Akademia Medyczna (Katowice); Ślęaski Uniwersytet Medyczny (Katowice)
0208-9068 Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae Polskie towarzystwo geologiczne
0365-6772 Annales societatis scientiarum Færoensis Føroya Fróúskaparfelag,
0066-2232 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
0066-2240 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
0137-6853 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
0137-6861 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
0301-7737 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
0365-1029 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Uniwersytet Marii Curie Skłodowskiej
0365-1118 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Uniwersytet Marii Curie Skłodowskiej
0365-1169 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Uniwersytet Marii Curie Skłodowskiej (Lublin)
2083-3563 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska (e-vir) "Versita"
2083-358X Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska "Versita"
2083-7380 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego; "Versita"
2083-7402 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska (e-vir) "Versita"
2300-7559 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska (e-vir) Wydawnictwo UMCS; De Gruyter Open
0080-5165 Annales Universitatis Saraviensis Universität <Saarbrücken>
0003-4533 Annales Universitatis Saraviensis, Medizin Universität des Saarlandes
0365-5105 Annales Universitatis Saraviensis. Naturwissenschaften Universität des Saarlandes.
0365-5121 Annales Universitatis Saraviensis. Scientia Universität des Saarlandes
0173-6973 Annales Universitatis Saraviensis medicinae Universität des Saarlandes, Medizinische Fakultät Homburg-Saar.
0365-088X Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae Tankönyvkiadó
0524-8949 Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae ELTE
0365-0634 Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Tankvk.
0003-455X Annales zoologici Fennici Akateeminen kirjakauppa
1797-2450 Annales zoologici Fennici (e-vir) University of Helsinki
0365-8627 Annales zoologici Societatis zoologicae-botanicae Fennicae Vanamo Suomalainen eläin- ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo.
0584-2352 Annale van die Geologiese Opname, Departement van Mineraal- en Energiesake Government Printer
0001-4443 Annali Accademia nazionale di agricoltura.; Accademia nazionale di agricoltura.
0368-0649 Annali [s.n.]
0365-0774 Annali Biologia Normale e Pathologica
0365-4842 Annali d'igiene Istituto d'igiene della Università di Roma
0365-3161 Annali d'igiene sperimentale Loescher & C..
0365-3986 Annali dei lavori pubblici Istituto poligrafico dello Stato.
0515-2178 Annali dell`academia Italiana di scienze forestiali [S.n.]
0304-0577 Annali dell' Instituto sperimentale per la valorizzazione tecnologia dei prodotti agricoli. Milano Istituto sperimentale per la valorizzazione tecnologica dei prodotti agricoli
0021-2431 Annali dell'Istituto Carlo Forlanini Istituto Carlo Forlanini.
0391-4836 Annali dell'Istituto sperimentale per il tabacco Istituto sperimentale per il tabacco.
0304-0526 Annali dell'Istituto sperimentale per l'elaiotecnica Istituto sperimentale per l'elaiotecnica.
0304-0569 Annali dell'Istituto sperimentale per la frutticoltura Istituto sperimentale per la frutticoltura.
0365-7043 Annali dell'Istituto Sperimentale per la Nutrizione delle Piante Istituto Sperimentale per la Nutrizione delle Piante
0365-348X Annali dell'Istituto sperimentale per la viticoltura Istituto sperimentale per la viticoltura
0365-3498 Annali dell'Istituto Sperimentale per la Zootecnia Roma, Istituto sperimentale per la zootecnia.
0304-0461 Annali dell'Istituto sperimentale per le colture foraggere Istituto sperimentale per le colture foraggere
0021-2571 Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità Istituto poligrafico dello stato
2384-8553 Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità (e-vir) Istituto poligrafico dello stato
0365-5318 Annali dell'Osservatorio Vesuviano Osservatorio Vesuviano.
0071-4550 Annali dell'Università di Ferrara Università degli studi di Ferrara.; Università degli Studi, Ferrara.
0365-7833 Annali dell'Università di Ferrara Università degli studi, Ferrara
0365-785X Annali dell'Università di Ferrara Università degli studi di Ferrara.
0373-5923 Annali dell'Università di Ferrara Università degli studi di Ferrara.
0374-518X Annali dell'Università di Ferrara Annali dell'Università di Ferrara.
0391-5573 Annali dell'Università di Ferrara Istituto di mineralogia dell'Università di Ferrara.
0428-240X Annali dell'Università di Ferrara Università degli studi di Ferrara.
0430-3210 Annali dell'Università di Ferrara Università degli studi di Ferrara.
0374-4981 Annali della Facoltà di Agraria Università degli studi di Perugia, Facoltà di agraria.
0540-049X Annali della Facoltà di Agraria Milano, Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Facoltà di agraria.
0003-4576 Annali della Facolta di Agraria, Universita degli Studi, Milano Universita degli Studi, Milano, Facolta di Agraria
0365-0502 Annali della Facolta di Agraria, University di Bari Facolta di Agraria, Universita di Bari.
0365-2068 Annali della Facoltà di agraria della R. Università. Pisa R. Università di Pisa.
0365-0510 Annali della Facoltà di Agraria di Portici della R. Università di Napoli Università degli studi, Napoli. Facoltà di agraria, Portici
0365-1762 Annali della Facoltà di Economia e Commercio Bari, Università degli studi, Facoltà di economia e commercio.
0543-5579 Annali della Facoltà di Economia e Commercio Messina, Università degli studi, Facoltà di economia e commercio.
0365-2270 Annali della Facoltà di medicina e chirurgia della Università degli studi di Perugia che pubblicano gli atti della Accademia anatomico-chirurgica Biblioteca della Facoltà di medicina e chirurgia.
0365-4729 Annali della Facoltà di medicina veterinaria di Pisa Facoltà di medicina veterinaria. Biblioteca
0496-4748 Annali della Facolta di Medicina Veterinaria di Torino Biblioteca della Facolta di Medicina Veterinaria, Universita degli Studi di Torino.
0365-799X Annali della Facoltà di Scienze Agrarie della Università degli studi di Napoli. Portici Napoli, Università degli studi, Facoltà di scienze agrarie.
0365-0030 Annali della R. Accademia d'Agricoltura di Torino Reale accademia d'agricoltura di Torino.
0365-7167 Annali della R. Scuola Superiore di Agricoltura in Portici Portici, R. scuola superiore di agricoltura.
0021-3071 Annali della sanità pubblica Ministero della sanità.; Italia. Ministero della sanità.
0365-642X Annali della sperimentazione agraria Ministero dell'agricoltura e foreste, Fondazione per la sperimentazione agraria.; Italia. Ministero dell'agricoltura e foreste. Fondazione per la sperimentazione agraria.
0365-6454 Annali della Stazione chimico-agraria sperimentale di Roma Stazione chimico-agraria sperimentale di Roma.
0365-4389 Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale Giacomo Doria Museo civico di storia naturale Giacomo Doria
0365-3447 Annali del Regio Istituto Superiore Agrario di Portici Portici, Regio istituto superiore agrario.
0376-0561 Annali del Villaggio sanatoriale di Sondalo Villaggio sanatoriale.
0365-0812 Annali di botanica Università "Sapienza", Dipartimento di biologia ambientale
2239-3129 Annali di botanica Università di Roma, Dipartimento di biologia vegetale
0003-4592 Annali di chimica Societa chimica italiana
1612-8877 Annali di chimica Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0365-1037 Annali di chimica applicata Società chimica italiana
0365-1231 Annali di chimica farmaceutica [s.n.].
0365-1371 Annali di Clinica Medica e di Medicina Sperimentale [s. n.]
0365-2378 Annali di Fisica
0365-2556 Annali di geofisica Istituto nazionale di geofisica
0066-2267 Annali di Laringologia, Otologia, Rinologia, Faringologia Pacini Mariotti.
0003-4630 Annali di medicina navale Ispettorato di sanità della marina militare.
0365-4494 Annali di medicina navale e coloniale Marina militare, ispettorato di sanità.
0365-4516 Annali di medicina navale e tropicale Marina militare. Ispettorato di sanità.
0365-4613 Annali di Merceologia Siciliana Istituto di merceologia. Università degli studi.
0301-5211 Annali di microbiologia Stazione sperimentale di batteriologia agraria di Crema.
0003-4649 Annali di microbiologia ed enzimologia DISPAM.; Università degli studi di Milano, Dipartimento di scienze e tecnologie alimentari e microbiologiche.; Università degli studi, Milano. Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari e Microbiologiche.
0365-5113 Annali di neuropsichiatria e psicoanalisi [s.n.]
0365-4788 Annali di nevrologia Napoli, Centro neurologico L. Bianchi.
0003-4657 Annali di ostetricia e ginecologia Presso Instituto ostetrico e ginecologico "L. Mangiagalli"
0300-0087 Annali di ostetricia ginecologia medicina perinatale Mattioli
0003-4665 Annali di ottalmologia e clinica oculistica Maccari Editore.
0003-4673 Annali di radiologia diagnostica Cappelli
0393-1366 Annali di radioprotezione Associazione italiana di protezione contro le radiazioni.
0003-4681 Annali di stomatologia Università degli studi La Sapienza. Clinica odontoiatrica.; Università degli studi di Milano. Clinica odontoiatrica.; Università degli Studi La Sapienza, Roma. Clinica Odontoiatrica.; Università degli Studi, Milano. Clinica Odontoiatrica.
0375-8516 Annali di stomatologia e dell'Istituto superiore di odontoiatria G. Eastman Istituto superiore di odontoiatria George Eastman.
0003-4614 Annali Idrologia Maccari editore.
0402-4702 Annali Isnardi di Auxologia Normale e Patologica Casa editrice Idelson
0003-469X Annali Italiani di Chirurgia Cappelli,Licinio
0365-169X Annali italiani di dermatologia clinica e sperimentale Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore.
0003-4703 Annali italiani di dermatologia e sifilologia G. Denaro Editore.
0003-4711 Annali Italiani di Pediatria Istituto di Puericultura.
0517-8681 Annali Medici Terme di S. Pellegrino.
0402-4710 Annali medici di Sondalo Ospedale "E. Morelli".
0365-6829 Annali Schiapparelli S.A. Schiapparelli.
0003-472X Annali Sclavo Istituto Sieroterapico e Vaccinogeno Toscano "Sclavo".
0365-7582 Annali triestini Università degli studi di Trieste.
1898-2263 Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine (e-vir) Institute of Agricultural Medicine
0570-1783 Annals of Agricultural Science Ain Shams University
1505-7216 Annals of Agricultural Sciences. Series E, Plant Protection Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee of Plant Protection.; Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ochrony Roślin.
0003-4738 Annals of allergy American College of Allergists.; American College of Allergy and Immunology.
1081-1206 Annals of allergy, asthma, & immunology American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology
1534-4436 Annals of allergy, asthma, & immunology (e-vir) American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.
0940-9602 Annals of anatomy Gustav Fischer
1618-0402 Annals of anatomy (e-vir) Elsevier.
1744-7348 Annals of applied biology (e-vir) Association of Applied Biologists
0003-4746 Annals of Applied Biology Association of Applied Biologists
0570-1791 Annals of Arid Zone [s.n.]
0365-0642 Annals of Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine
0970-0153 Annals of Biology Bio-Publishers.
0090-6964 Annals of biomedical engineering Pergamon Press
1573-9686 Annals of biomedical engineering (e-vir) Springer US
1095-8290 Annals of botany (e-vir) Academic Press
0305-7364 Annals of Botany Academic press
1344-6835 Annals of cancer research and therapy Nihon Gan Byōtai Chiryō Kenkyūkai.
0570-1805 Annals of Chemistry Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
0004-5632 Annals of clinical biochemistry British Medical Association
1758-1001 Annals of clinical biochemistry (e-vir) Blackwell Scientific Publications for the Association of Clinical Biochemists
0091-7370 Annals of clinical laboratory science Institute for Clinical Science
0095-9944 Annals of clinical medicine American College of Physicians.
1476-0711 Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials (e-vir) BioMed Central
0003-4762 Annals of clinical research Duodecim.; Finnish Medical Society Duodecim.; Suomalainen lääkäriseura Duodecim.
0066-2291 Annals of clinical research. Supplement Duodecim.; Suomalainen lääkäriseura Duodecim.
1427-4426 Annals of Diagnostic Paediatric Pathology Springer.
1509-5762 Annals of Diagnostic Paediatric Pathology (e-vir) "Blackhorse"
1092-9134 Annals of diagnostic pathology W.B. Saunders Co.
1532-8198 Annals of diagnostic pathology (e-vir) W. B. Saunders
1286-4560 Annals of forest science EDP sciences; Elsevier
1297-966X Annals of forest science (e-vir) EDP sciences
0260-3055 Annals of glaciology International Glaciological Society
1727-5644 Annals of glaciology International Glaciological Society.
0939-5555 Annals of hematology Springer international
1432-0584 Annals of hematology (e-vir) Springer-Verlag France
1665-2681 Annals of hepatology Asociación Mexicana de Hepatología, A.C.
2659-5982 Annals of hepatology (e-vir) Elsevier España
0301-4460 Annals of human biology Taylor & Francis
1464-5033 Annals of human biology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare
1469-1809 Annals of human genetics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0003-4800 Annals of Human Genetics Cambridge University Press
0044-8338 Annals of Immunology Polish Immunological Society.
0019-4263 Annals of Indian Academy of Medical Sciences Indian Academy of Medical Sciences.
0003-4819 Annals of internal medicine American College of Physicians
1539-3704 Annals of internal medicine (e-vir) American College of Physicians
0365-3846 Annals of Library Science
0003-4835 Annals of Library Science and Documentation Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre
0785-3890 Annals of medicine Finnish Medical Society Duodecim
1365-2060 Annals of medicine (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Ltd
0099-7137 Annals of Medicine
1590-4261 Annals of microbiology Springer
1869-2044 Annals of microbiology Springer
0364-5134 Annals of neurology Little, Brown and Co.
1531-8249 Annals of neurology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0972-7531 Annals of neurosciences
0976-3260 Annals of neurosciences (e-vir) Indian Academy of Neurosciences
0306-4549 Annals of Nuclear Energy Pergamon Press.
1873-2100 Annals of Nuclear Energy (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0914-7187 Annals of nuclear medicine Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine
1864-6433 Annals of nuclear medicine (e-vir) Springer Japan
0302-2927 Annals of nuclear science and engineering Pergamon Press.
1878-2078 Annals of nuclear science and engineering (e-vir) Elsevier
1421-9697 Annals of nutrition & metabolism (e-vir) S. Karger
0250-6807 Annals of nutrition and metabolism S. Karger
0003-4886 Annals of ophthalmology American Society of Contemporary Ophthalmology.; International Association of Ocular Surgeons.
1530-4086 Annals of ophthalmology American Society of Contemporary Ophthalmology
1558-9951 Annals of ophthalmology American Society of Contemporary Ophthalmology
2300-6706 Annals of Parasitology (e-vir) Polskie Towarzystwo Parazytologiczne.
0365-4915 Annals of philosophy Baldwin, Cradock and Joy.
0365-5547 Annals of Physical Medicine Baillière, Tindall and Cassell
0003-4916 Annals of physics Academic Press
1096-035X Annals of physics (e-vir) Academic Press
0972-1959 Annals of Plant and Soil Research Rajendra Singh
0148-7043 Annals of plastic surgery Little, Brown
1536-3708 Annals of plastic surgery (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1135-0776 Annals of psychiatry Prous Science Publishers.
1464-505X Annals of science (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0003-3790 Annals of Science Taylor and Francis Ltd
0734-1997 Annals of sports medicine American Medical Joggers Association.; American Medical Athletics Association.; American Academy of Sports Physicians.; International Council of Sport and Physical Education.; President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (U.S.); New Mexico Health Enhancement and Marathon Clinics Research Fund.
0003-4932 Annals of surgery J. B. Lippincott
1528-1140 Annals of surgery (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
1958-9395 Annals of telecommunications (e-vir) Springer Paris
0733-9313 Annals of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.
0027-1446 Annals of the College of Medecine Department of Public Health and Hygiene.
2309-6217 Annals of the College of Medicine Mosul (e-vir) University of Mosul, College of Medicine
0013-8746 Annals of the Entomological Society of America Entomological Society of America
1938-2901 Annals of the Entomological Society of America (e-vir) Entomological Society of America
0146-6453 Annals of the ICRP Pergamon Press
1872-969X Annals of the ICRP (e-vir) Pergamon
0300-533X Annals of the Institute of Child Health, Calcutta Institute of Child Health.
0003-4959 Annals of the International Geophysical Year International Council of Scientific Unions.; International Geophysical Committee.
0066-2321 Annals of the IQSY
0309-8710 Annals of the Israel Physical Society Adam Hilger.
0048-4733 Annals of the Medical Section of the Polish Academy of Sciences Polska Akademia Nauk, Wydział Nauk Medycznych.
0026-6493 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden [Missouri Botanical Garden Press, etc.]
2162-4372 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (e-vir) Rumford Press
0379-038X Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences. India National Academy of Medical Sciences.
2454-5635 Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) (e-vir) National Academy of Medical Sciences (India)
0077-8923 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences New York Academy of Sciences
1749-6632 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0078-4311 Annals of the Oklahoma Academy of Science Oklahoma Academy of Science],
0003-4967 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases British Medical Association
0377-9904 Annals of the Rhodesia Geological Survey Rhodesia Geological Survey.
0035-8843 Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England British Medical Association
1478-7083 Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (e-vir) Royal College of Surgeons of England
0303-2515 Annals of the South African Museum [S.n.]
0082-4704 Annals of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory University of Tokyo.
1223-5288 Annals of the University of Craiova Universitaria
0253-0481 Annals of the Zimbabwe Geological Survey Zimbabwe Geological Survey.
1425-9524 Annals of Transplantation Polish Transplantological Foundation; Warsaw Medical School. Transplantation Institute
1364-8594 Annals of tropical medicine & parasitology (e-vir) Academic Press [etc.]
0003-4983 Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology Academic Press
0517-8711 Annals of tuberculosis Research Institute for Tuberculosis
0208-5704 Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University SGGW-AR Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa); Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego (Warszawa)
0208-5712 Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University SGGW-AR Warsaw Agricultural University.; Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa); Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego (Warszawa)
0208-5739 Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University SGGW-AR Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego (Warszawa)
0208-5747 Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University SGGW-AR Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa)
0208-5771 Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University SGGW-AR Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa)
0208-5755 Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University SGGW-AR. Food Technology and Nutrition Warsaw Agricultural University.; Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa.
0208-5763 Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University SGGW-AR. Veterinary Medicine Warsaw Agricultural University Press.
1224-9513 Annals of West University of Timişoara West University
2784-1057 Annals of West Univesity of Timişoara (e-vir) [s.n.]
0375-9059 Annexe ... au Bulletin de l'Institut international du froid, Bulletin of the International institute of refrigeration [s.n.]
1547-6294 Annexins Landes Bioscience
0003-5092 Annotationes zoologicae Japonenses Nihon Däobutsu Gakkai.
0365-7787 Annuaire de chimie, comprenant les applications de cette science à la médecine et à la pharmacie, ou Répertoire des découvertes et des nouveaux travaux en chimie faits dans les diverses parties de l'Europe J. B. Baillière,
0570-2259 Annuaire roumain d'anthropologie Editura Academiei Române
0192-2998 Annual book of ASTM standards ASTM
0074-4484 Annual bulletin - International Dairy Federation International Dairy Federation.; Fédération internationale de laiterie.
0078-5040 Annual Conference Ontario Petroleum Institute.; Ontario Petroleum Institute.
0250-0418 Annual conference, proceedings - Electron Microscopy Society of Southern Africa University of the Witwatersrand, Electron Microscopy Society of Southern Africa.
0270-1928 Annual Conference on Materials for Coal Conversion and Utilization United States.
0097-0956 Annual Conference on Protein Metabolism Rutgers University.
0145-0085 Annual Connector Symposium proceedings Electronic Connector Study Group.
0096-8218 Annual feed bulletin Minnesota. State Dept. of Agriculture.
0097-3181 Annual Field Conference IAG,
0544-8972 Annual Field Conference. Guidebook - Montana Geological Society Montana Geological Society.
0706-1293 Annual international conference Canadian Nuclear Association. International Conference.
0097-675X Annual ISA Conference proceedings Instrument Society of America.
0271-9967 Annual meeting National Mastitis Council (U.S.).
0363-8669 Annual meeting Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0097-4978 Annual meeting - American Drug Manufacturers Association American Drug Manufacturers Association.
0098-6119 Annual meeting - American Institute of Oral Biology American Institute of Oral Biology.
0099-7234 Annual meeting of the American Institute of Dental Medicine American Institute of Dental Medicine.
0097-1219 Annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society Florida State Horticultural Society.
0517-5259 Annual Meeting of the Inter-Society Cytology Council, Transactions
0270-7837 Annual meeting of the Minnesota Section, AIME and ... annual Mining Symposium American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.
1080-5362 Annual meeting of the Minnesota Section, Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, SMME (AIME) ... annual Mining Symposium Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (U.S.).
0146-3977 Annual meeting proceedings - International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers, inc International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers.
0469-6786 Annual number - National Academy of Sciences, India National Academy of Sciences.
1460-1494 Annual plant reviews Sheffield Academic Press ;; CRC Press; Blackwell
0099-7072 Annual Priestley Lectures
0309-9393 Annual proceedings of the Phytochemical Society Phytochemical Group.
0068-7499 Annual report Fisheries Research Board of Canada.
0072-9108 Annual report Geological Survey Department
0082-5352 Annual report Torry Research Station.
0084-9162 Annual report National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); IEEE Electrical Insulation Society.; IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society.
0096-6576 Annual report Coordinating Research Council
0099-7277 Annual report American Gas Association.
0099-7838 Annual report Northern Nut Growers Association.
0161-598X Annual report Air Pollution Control District, County of Los Angeles,
0281-9562 Annual report Research institute of physics.; Forskningsinstitutet för atomfysik.
0365-6292 Annual report Agricultural Research Council,
0366-2896 Annual report British Non-ferrous Metals Research Association.
0367-0066 Annual report East African Agriculture and Forestry Research Organization
0368-2536 Annual report John Innes Horticultural Institution.
0369-8246 Annual report Pakistan Association for the Advancement of Science, Ismail Aiwan-i-Science
0370-7032 Annual report Rubber Research Institute of Malaya
0447-8584 Annual report Ministry of Agriculture.
0560-9941 Annual report South African Wool Textile Research Institute
0367-8679 Annual Report Indian Lac Research Institute
0368-0312 Annual Report Indian Tea Association, Tocklai Experimental Station
0096-2791 Annual report / Published for the Hormel Institute by the University of Minnesota Press
0365-9623 Annual report / Cancer Research Campaign (Great Britain)
0510-002X Annual report / National Vegetable Research Station (Great Britain); British Society for the Promotion of Vegetable Research.
0568-2827 Annual report / Letcombe Laboratory.; Agricultural and Food Research Council (Great Britain); Agricultural Research Council (Great Britain)
0560-9062 Annual report - Atomic Energy Board. Republic of South Africa Atomic Energy Board.
0068-1652 Annual report - British Columbia Research Council British Columbia Research Council.
0372-7068 Annual Report - Cocoa Research Institute, Tafo Cocoa Research Institute.
0374-714X Annual Report - Cocoa Research Institute, Tafo, Ghana Academy of Sciences
0095-8913 Annual report - Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, Colorado State University Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station.
0310-1924 Annual report - CSIRO. Marine Biochemistry Unit Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Marine Biochemistry Unit.
0372-7262 Annual report - Department of Hop Research. Wye College Wye College. University of London.
0581-8109 Annual report - Department of Mineral Resources Saskatchewan. Dept. of Mineral Resources.
0069-7311 Annual report - Division of Computing Research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia). Division of Computing Research.
0365-1916 Annual report - East Malling Research Station East Malling Research Station
0559-1961 Annual report for the year Scottish Horticultural Research Institute.
0374-7646 Annual report - Freshwater Biological Association Freshwater Biological Association.
0365-5075 Annual Report - Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo Toshokan, Tokyo Daigaku Genshikaku Kenkyujo.
0367-746X Annual Report - Institute of Dental Research, United Dental Hospital of Sydney United Dental Hospital of Sydney, Institute of Dental Research.
0376-1800 Annual Report - Kentucky, Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Experiment Sta., University of Kentucky.
0369-0385 Annual Report - Macaulay Institute for Soil Research Macaulay Institute for Soil Research
0368-9042 Annual report - Mauritius Department of Agriculture Mauritius Department of Agriculture.
0368-9050 Annual report - Mauritius Sugar Cane Research Station Mauritius Sugar Cane Research Station.; Department of Agriculture.
0369-2043 Annual report - Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute.
0365-9356 Annual report - Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources. Province of British Columbia British Columbia. Dep. of Mines and Petroleum Resources.
0091-1917 Annual report - Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station.
0096-7661 Annual report - Mississippi Agricultural Experiment Station Mississippi State University.
0097-2673 Annual report - Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station University of Nebraska (Lincoln campus).
0099-7811 Annual Report - New York State Association of Milk and Food Sanitarians New York State Association of Milk and Food Sanitarians.
0096-0950 Annual report - New York State Veterinary College, Cornell University New York State Veterinary College.
0078-2386 Annual Report - Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association.
0474-7828 Annual Report of Biological Works, Faculty of Science, Osaka University Osaka Daigaku, Rigakubu.
0095-9359 Annual report of Ohio Conference on Water Purification Ohio Conference on Water Purification.
0916-457X Annual report of Osaka Prefectural Radiation Research Institute Osaka Furitsu Häoshasen Chäuäo Kenkyäujo.
1341-741X Annual report of Sankyo Research Laboratories Sankyäo Kabushiki Kaisha Säogäo Kenkyäujo.
0365-6209 Annual report of scientific works, Faculty of Science, Osaka University Osaka University. Faculty of Science.
0307-8035 Annual report of studies in animal nutrition and allied sciences Rowett Research Institute.
0096-767X Annual report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute Alabama Polytechnic Institute.
0097-0948 Annual report of the Board of Control of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station New York State Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-3327 Annual report of the Department of Agriculture and Markets for the year ... / New York (State).
0365-5903 Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture and Stock, Queensland Queensland. Dept. of Agriculture and Stock.
0365-6306 Annual Report of the Director of Research, Philippine Sugar Association
0097-3947 Annual report of the Division of Laboratories and Research New York (State).
0317-1914 Annual report of the Entomological Society of Ontario Entomological Society of Ontario.; Ontario. Dept. of Agriculture.
1348-3730 Annual report of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University,
0367-3863 Annual Report of the Geological Survey Geological Survey Department
0077-8435 Annual report of the Geological Survey. New Hebrides Condominium Geological Survey.
0081-9999 Annual report of the Geological Survey and Mines Department Geological Survey and Mines Department.
0082-7215 Annual report of the Geological Survey Department Geological Survey Department.; Geological Survey of Uganda.
0331-2879 Annual report of the Geological survey Division Geological Suvey Division.; Geological Suvey Department.
0474-7658 Annual Report of the Institute for Fermentation, Osaka Hakko Kenkyusho
0075-7357 Annual Report of the Institute for Virus Research. Kyoto University The Institute for Virus Research
0285-3175 Annual report of the Institute of Geoscience, The University of Tsukuba University, Institute of Geoscience
0304-5293 Annual report of the Institute of Physics, Academia sinica Academia sinica. Institute of Physics.
0096-0942 Annual report of the International Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors International Association of Milk, Food, and Environmental Sanitarians.
0097-093X Annual report of the International Association of Milk Sanitarians State Dept. of Health.
0365-611X Annual Report of the Japanese Association for Tuberculosis Japanese Association for Tuberculosis.
0546-0840 Annual report of the Japanese Society for Tuberculosis Japanese Society for Tuberculosis
0096-6649 Annual report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics United States.
0452-3148 Annual report of the National Institute of Nutrition Kokuritsu Eiyäo Kenkyäujo.
0369-5484 Annual report of the National Research Council of Canada National Research Council of Canada.; Medical Research Council (Canada)
0099-9520 Annual Report of the New York State Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors
0365-6160 Annual report of the Orient Hospital, Beirut Orient Hospital
0365-6225 Annual report of the Pakistan Central Jute Committee Government of Pakistan Press
0365-5733 Annual Report of the Philippine Sugar Association Philippine Sugar Association
0474-7879 Annual Report of the Radiation Center of Osaka Prefecture Osaka Furitsu Häoshasen Chäuäo Kenkyäujo.
0469-4759 Annual report of the Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University Nagoya Daigaku. Kankyäo Igaku Kenkyäujo.
0365-6314 Annual report of the Saranac Laboratory for the Study of Tuberculosis of the Edward L. Trudeau Foundation for the year Saranac Laboratory.
0096-7688 Annual report of the secretary of the State Horticultural Society of Michigan By Authority,
0096-6363 Annual report of the Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station University of Tennessee.
0365-6365 Annual report of the Tobacco Institute of Puerto Rico Tobacco Institute of Puerto Rico.
0096-8676 Annual report of the University of Maryland, Agricultural Experiment Station University of Maryland, Agricultural Experiment Station.
0095-9340 Annual report - Ohio Conference on Sewage Treatment Ohio.
0469-0192 Annual report on mines Nova Scotia. Dept. of Mines.
0078-1746 Annual report on research and technical work of the Ministry of Agriculture for Northern Ireland Northern Ireland.
0075-8558 Annual report on scientific results / University of Leeds.; University of Leeds.
0517-9475 Annual Report on Stress
0365-6241 Annual report on the progress of rubber technology Institution of the Rubber Industry.
0369-9226 Annual Report - Pomological and Fruit Growing Society
0370-5390 Annual report - Research Council of Israel Research Council of Israel.
1460-4760 Annual reports (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1460-4779 Annual reports (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1460-4787 Annual reports (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1384-2811 Annual reports in combinatorial chemistry and molecular diversity ESCOM Science Publishers : :; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1574-1400 Annual reports in computational chemistry Elsevier Science
0092-1335 Annual reports in inorganic and general syntheses Academic Press
0065-7743 Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry Academic Press
0097-644X Annual Report - Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution.
0454-9244 Annual Reports of the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University.
0306-1353 Annual reports on analytical atomic spectroscopy Royal Society of Chemistry
2050-831X Annual reports on analytical atomic spectroscopy (e-vir) Society for Analytical Chemistry.; Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0066-4103 Annual reports on NMR spectroscopy Academic Press
2163-6052 Annual reports on NMR spectroscopy (e-vir) [Academic Press]
0069-3022 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry Chemical Society
0069-3030 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry
0260-1818 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry
0260-1826 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry
0308-6003 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry Chemical Society
0365-6217 Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry Chemical Society
0082-1993 Annual Report - Tasmania, Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture.
0099-7617 Annual Report - Vegetable Growers Association of America Office of the Exec Secy, Peter C. Crolius.
0511-6996 Annual Report - Western Australia, Geological Survey Government Printer.
0080-4967 Annual research conferences of the Bureau of Biological Research Rutgers University Press,
0250-4065 Annual research report - Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research KISR.; Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research.
0066-4138 Annual Review in Automatic Programming Pergamon
0084-6570 Annual review of anthropology Annual Reviews Inc.
1545-4290 Annual review of anthropology (e-vir) Annual Reviews Inc.
1545-4282 Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0066-4146 Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics Annual reviews
0066-4154 Annual review of biochemistry Stanford University Press
1545-4509 Annual review of biochemistry (e-vir) Annual Review, Inc.
1523-9829 Annual review of biomedical engineering Annual Reviews
1545-4274 Annual review of biomedical engineering (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0084-6589 Annual review of biophysics and bioengineering Annual Reviews
1056-8700 Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular structure Annual Reviews Inc.
0883-9182 Annual review of biophysics and biophysical chemistry Annual Reviews, Inc.
1081-0706 Annual review of cell and developmental biology Annual Reviews Inc.
1530-8995 Annual review of cell and developmental biology (e-vir) [Annual Review, Inc.]
0743-4634 Annual review of cell biology Annual Reviews, Inc.
0743-9539 Annual review of chronopharmacology Pergamon.
0195-8488 Annual review of clinical biochemistry Wiley,
0084-6597 Annual review of earth and planetary sciences Annual Reviews Inc.
1545-4495 Annual review of earth and planetary sciences (e-vir) Annual Reviews Inc.
0066-4162 Annual review of ecology and systematics Annual Reviews.
0362-1626 Annual review of energy Annual Reviews Inc.
0066-4170 Annual review of entomology Annual Reviews Inc.
1545-4487 Annual review of entomology (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0066-4189 Annual review of fluid mechanics Annual Reviews
1545-4479 Annual review of fluid mechanics (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0376-0782 Annual Review of Food Technology [s.n.]
0066-4197 Annual review of genetics Annual Reviews, inc.
1545-2948 Annual review of genetics (e-vir) Annual Reviews
1527-8204 Annual review of genomics and human genetics Annual Reviews
1545-293X Annual review of genomics and human genetics (e-vir) Annual Review, Inc.
1049-0787 Annual review of heat transfer Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
2375-0294 Annual review of heat transfer (e-vir)
0732-0582 Annual review of immunology Annual Reviews Inc.
1545-3278 Annual review of immunology Annual Reviews
0066-4200 Annual review of information science and technology Learned Information
1550-8382 Annual review of information science and technology John Wiley & Sons
1531-7331 Annual review of materials research Annual Reviews
1545-4118 Annual review of materials research (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0084-6600 Annual review of materials science Annual Reviews
2375-0308 Annual review of materials science (e-vir)
0066-4219 Annual review of medicine Annual Reviews, inc.
1545-326X Annual review of medicine (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0066-4227 Annual review of microbiology Annual Reviews
1545-3251 Annual review of microbiology (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0147-006X Annual review of neuroscience Annual Reviews.
1545-4126 Annual review of neuroscience (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0066-4235 Annual Review of NMR Spectroscopy Academic Press
0163-8998 Annual review of nuclear and particle science Annual Reviews
1545-4134 Annual review of nuclear and particle science (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0066-4243 Annual review of nuclear science Annual Reviews
0892-6883 Annual review of numerical fluid mechanics and heat transfer Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
0199-9885 Annual review of nutrition Annual Reviews Inc.
1545-4312 Annual review of nutrition (e-vir) Annual Reviews
1553-4006 Annual review of pathology Annual Reviews, Inc.
1553-4014 Annual review of pathology (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0066-4251 Annual review of pharmacology Annual Reviews, Inc.
1545-4304 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology (e-vir) Annual Reviews]
0362-1642 ANNUAL review of pharmacology and toxicology Annual Reviews Inc.
0066-4421 Annual Review of Photochemistry Interscience Publishers.
0066-426X Annual review of physical chemistry Annual reviews inc.
1545-1593 Annual review of physical chemistry (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0066-4278 Annual review of physiology Annual Reviews Inc.
1545-1585 Annual review of physiology (e-vir) Annual Reviews, Inc.
1545-2107 Annual review of phytopathology (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0066-4286 Annual Review of Phytopathology Annual Reviews Inc.
0066-4294 Annual review of plant physiology Annual Reviews Inc.
1040-2519 Annual review of plant physiology and plant molecular biology Annual Reviews Inc.
0066-4308 Annual review of psychology Annual Reviews.
1545-2085 Annual review of psychology (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0163-7525 Annual review of public health Annual Reviews Inc.
1545-2093 Annual review of public health Annual Reviews, Inc.
0090-287X Annual review of the schizophrenic syndrome Brunner/Mazel.
0365-5989 Annual Reviews of Biochemical and Allied Research in India [s.n.]
0096-7203 Annual reviews of industrial and engineering chemistry American Chemical Society.
0253-9357 Annual reviews of plant sciences Kalyani Publishers.
0097-0468 Annual science conference proceedings - Yeshiva University, Belfer Graduate School of Science Yeshiva University.
0085-3429 Annual statistical summary Michigan. Geological Survey Division.
1461-5711 Annual surfactants review Sheffield Academic Press :; CRC Press,
0096-4107 Annual survey of American chemistry National Research Council (U.S.)
0272-5223 Annual Technical Conference Society of Plastics Engineers.
0270-2622 Annual technical conference - American Electroplaters' Society American Electroplaters' Society.
0731-1699 Annual technical conference proceedings The Society,
0197-6117 Annual UMR-DNR Conference on Energy University of Missouri at Rolla.; Missouri.
0277-8238 Annual Uranium Seminar Society of Mining Engineers of AIME.
0495-2685 Annual Visiting Lecture Series, College of Pharmacy, University of Texas
0371-3261 Annuario Conegliano, Stazione sperimentale di viticoltura e di enologia.
0365-0235 Annuario della Reale Accademia d'Italia
0370-9205 Annuario - Stazione Chimico-Agraria Sperimentale di Torino Stazione Chimico-Agraria Sperimentale di Torino.
0402-5555 Anotaciones pediatricas Sociedad Antioqueña de Pediatria,
0546-8205 A növényvédelem időszerű kérdései Földmüvelésügyi Minisztérium.
1671-1556 Anquan yu huanjing gongcheng Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1009-6094 Anquan yu huanjing xuebao Anquan yu Huanjing Xuebao Zazhishe
0379-5861 ANSA tip bülteni Antibiotik ve Ilac Hammaddeleri Sanayii A.S.
0097-5796 Ansconian General Aniline & Film Corporation.
1000-1654 Anshan gangtie xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-4410 Anshan Keji Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1030-7745 ANSTO/E Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation.
1343-4284 Antarctic meteorite research National Institute of Plar Research
0066-4634 Antarctic research series American Geophysical Union.
0134-4781 Antarktika.; Антарктика Nauka; Наука.
0365-4621 Anthologica medica santoriana Giardini editori e stampatori.
0003-5629 Antibiotica Università degli studi di Roma, Istituto di microbiologia.; Università degli studi, Roma. Istituto di microbiologia.
0376-0227 Antibiotica et chemotherapia S. Karger AG
0099-5029 Antibiotic medicine MD Publications.
0570-3107 Antibiotic medicine & clinical therapy [MD Publications]
0402-5849 Antibiotic medicine & clinical therapy. British edition MD Publications.
0097-4668 Antibiotics Springer-Verlag,
0518-0066 Antibiotics United States.
0570-3123 Antibiotics & chemotherapy Washington Institute of Medicine.
0066-4758 Antibiotics and chemotherapy Karger
1662-2863 Antibiotics and chemotherapy (e-vir) S. Karger AG
0570-3131 Antibiotics Annual
0518-0074 Antibiotics Monographs
0003-5637 Antibiotiki Medicina.
0301-5408 Antibiotiki.; Антибиотики Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0235-2990 Antibiotiki i himioterapiâ Medicina.
0233-7525 Antibiotiki i medicinskaja biotehnologija Medicina
1294-5501 Antibiotiques Masson
2214-8086 Antibiotiques (e-vir) Elsevier Masson
0892-7049 Antibody, immunoconjugates, and radiopharmaceuticals Mary Ann Liebert,
1871-5206 Anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5992 Anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
0266-9536 Anti-cancer drug design Scientific & Medical Division, Macmillan Press.
0959-4973 Anti-cancer drugs Rapid Communications
1473-5741 Anti-cancer drugs (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0250-7005 Anticancer research Hellenic Anticancer Institute
1791-7530 Anticancer Research International Institute of Anticancer Research; Iäoannäis G. Deläinasios
0003-5599 Anti-corrosion methods and materials Sawell Publications
1758-4221 Anti-corrosion methods and materials (e-vir) Emerald Group Publishing
1871-5214 Anti-infective agents in medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6018 Anti-infective agents in medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0946-4832 Antiinfective drugs and chemotherapy Futuramed-Verl.-Ges.
1871-5230 Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy agents in medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publsihers
1875-614X Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy agents in medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
0066-4804 Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy American Society for Microbiology.
1098-6596 Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
0570-3301 Antimicrobial agents annual Society for Industrial Microbiology (U.S.)
0193-0079 Antimony United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0044-8389 Antioquia Medica Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Medicina
1523-0864 Antioxidants & redox signaling Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-7716 Antioxidants & redox signaling (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1521-4486 Antioxidants in health and disease Marcel Dekker,
1087-2906 Antisense & nucleic acid drug development Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1050-5261 Antisense research and development Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0956-3202 Antiviral chemistry & chemotherapy Blackwell Scientific Publications; International Medical Press
2040-2066 Antiviral chemistry & chemotherapy (e-vir) International Medical Press
0166-3542 Antiviral research Elsevier/North-Holland
1872-9096 Antiviral research (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1359-6535 Antiviral therapy International Medical Press
2040-2058 Antiviral therapy International Medical Press
0003-6072 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-9699 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (e-vir) Kluwer
0210-8623 Anuario Instituto de Orientación y Asistencia Técnica del Oeste; Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada (Salamanca)
0402-6454 Anuario Bagó de investigaciones científicas Instituto Bagó de Investigaciones
0365-0626 Anuário brasileiro de economia florestal Instituto Nacional do Pinho.
0570-4065 Anuario de estudios atlánticos Patronato de la "Casa de Colon"
0365-1223 Anuarul Comitetului de Stat al Geologiei Comitetul de Stat al Geologiei.
0376-0871 Anuarul Institutului de Patologie şi Igienæa Animalæa Institutul de Patologie şi Igienæa Animalæa.
0365-3188 Anuarul Institutului Geologic al României Institutul Geologic al României.
0254-5969 ąNyengu ąnyobo - Hangug doąnryeg jaąnwen ąnyenguso Hangug doąnryeg jaąnwen ąnyenguso.; Korea Institute of Energy and resources.
0073-9294 ąNyengu bogo - rimmog ąnyugjoąn ąnyenguso Rimmog ąnyugjoąn ąnyenguso.; Institute of Forests Genetics.
0253-9292 ąNyengu tügbo - Jaąnwen gaibar ąnyenguso Jaąnwen gaibar ąnyenguso.
0253-9764 ąNyensübrim bogo - Seąnur daihaggyo noąngwa daihag Seąnur daihaggyo noąngwa daihag.
0253-4223 Anyi xuebao Anhui yixueyuan,
0376-1606 Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Springer
0065-535X Anzeiger der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Springer
0365-5156 Anzeiger für Maschinenwesen Girardet
0365-6608 Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde Parey
0340-7330 Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde, Pflanzenschutz, Umweltschutz Parey
0340-7322 Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde, Pflanzen- und Umweltschutz Parey
0003-6307 Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde und Pflanzenschutz Paul Parey
0570-4480 Anzen kogaku Anzen Kogaku Kyokai; Anzen kogakkai; Anzen kogakkai
0731-4183 AOCS monograph / American Oil Chemists' Society.
0369-7126 äOita Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kenkyäu kiyäo. Shizen kagaku Oita University. Faculty of Education.
0285-2632 äOita Käogyäo Daigaku Kankyäo Kagaku Kenkyäujohäo Oita Institute of Technology. Environmental Science and Technology Laboratory.
0285-2624 äOita Käogyäo Daigaku Käogai Kenkyäujohäo Oita Institute of Technology. Environmental Science and Technology Laboratory.
0912-0416 äOita-ken Käogai Eisei Sentäa nenpäo Oita Prefectural Institute of Health and Environment.; Institute for Environmental Pollution and Public Health, Oita Prefecture.
0389-2913 äOita-ken Onsennetsu Riyäo Näogyäo Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Oita Research Station for Agricultural Utilization of Hotspring, Beppu.
0289-4033 äOita-ken Ringyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Oita Prefectural Forestry Research Institute.; Oita Prefectural Forest Experiment Station.
0288-6081 Aomori-ken Eisei Kenkyäujo shohäo Aomori Prefecture Institute of Public Health.
1349-0400 Aomoriken furusato shokuhin kenkyuu senta kenkyuu houkoku Aomori Prefectural Local Food Research Center.
0917-1924 Aomori-ken Kankyo Hoken Senta kenkyu hokoku Aomori-ken Kankyo Hoken Senta
0910-1268 Aomori-ken Käogai Chäosa Jimushohäo Aomori-ken Käogai Chäosa Jimusho.
0389-9373 Aomori-ken Käogai Sentäa shohäo Aomori-ken Käogai Sentäa.
0387-0138 Aomori Kenritsu Chäuäo Byäoin ishi Aomori Kenritsu Chäuäo Byäoin Kyäosaikai :; Aomori kenritsu chuuou byouin.
0912-1056 Aomori-ken Suisanbutsu Kakäo Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Aomori-ken Suisanbutsu Kakäo Kenkyäujo,
0713-102X AOSERP report Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research Program.
0822-2509 AOSTRA journal of research Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority.; Alberta Scientific Publishing Group.
0385-7573 äOto kemikaru Jidäosha Sangyäo Tsäushinsha.
0385-6801 Aoyama Gakuin Joshi Tanki Daigaku kiyō Aoyama Gakuin Joshi Tanki Daigaku
0369-8017 äOyäo däobutsugaku zasshi Japanese Society for Applied Zoology.
0286-3189 äOyäo Denki Kenkyäujo gijutsu häokoku Hokkaido Daigaku. äOyäo Denki Kenkyäujo.
0030-7726 äOyäo Denki Kenkyäujo häokoku Hokkaido Daigaku Oyo Denki Kenkyusho.
0369-7118 äOyäo Denki Kenkyäujo ihäo Hokkaidäo Daigaku äOyäo Denki Kenkyäujo.
0369-8025 äOyäo konchäu Nihon äOyäo Konchäu Gakkai.
1340-3494 äOyäo täoshitsu kagaku Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience.
0365-5709 Aparato Respiratorio y Tuberculosis Instituto Chileno de Neumotisiología
0001-2122 APAVE. Associations de propriétaires d'appareils à vapeur et électriques Société anonyme de documentation sur les appareils à vapeur et électriques
0001-2130 APCA Abstracts
0514-9924 APCA News
0518-1291 Apicultor Americano F. Rodríguez Ycart.
0518-1305 Apicultura Comitetul executiv al asociatiei crescatorilor de albine
0378-2425 Apicultura în România Asociatia Crescatorilor de Albine din Republica Socialista România]
0003-648X Apicultural Abstracts Bee Research Association
0044-8435 Apidologie Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute für Bienenforschung e.V
1297-9678 Apidologie (e-vir) EDP sciences
0096-5073 API technical abstracts American Petroleum Institute.
0271-051X APL market newsletter Southwater Corp.
0001-2211 APL technical digest Johns Hopkins University.
1600-0463 Apmis (e-vir) Blackwell
0903-4641 APMIS Munksgaard
1600-5503 APMIS (e-vir) Blackwell
0903-465X APMIS.Supplement Munksgaard
1360-8185 Apoptosis Rapid Science
1573-675X Apoptosis (e-vir) Kluwer
0480-2616 Apothecary American University of Beirut, School of Pharmacy
0303-6219 Apothekerpraktikant und Pharmazeutisch-Technischer Assistent Deutscher Apotheker-Verlag
0365-5830 Apotheker-Zeitung Dt. Apotheker-Verl..
0365-5350 Apparatebau [s.n.]
0365-4141 Apparatura i metody rentgenovskogo analiza.; Аппаратура и методы рентгеновского анализа "Mašinostroenie"; "Машиностроение".
0195-6663 Appetite Academic Press
1095-8304 Appetite (e-vir) Academic Press
0365-5660 APPITA A.P.P.I.T.A.
1443-5454 Appita annual conference .. Appita,
1038-6807 Appita journal Technical Association of the Australian and New Zealand Pulp and Paper Industry
0278-6230 Application news ANTEK Instruments.
0093-8815 Applications of cryogenic technology Cryogenic Society of America.; Illinois Institute of Technology.; American Vacuum Society.
0141-5115 Applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy Academic Press,
0143-716X Applications of polymer emulsions Solihull Chemical Services.
0378-5963 Applications of surface science North-Holland
0179-0374 Applied agricultural research Springer
0099-2240 Applied and environmental microbiology American Society for Microbiology
1098-5336 Applied and environmental microbiology (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
0954-6642 Applied and theoretical electrophoresis International Electrophoresis Society.
1063-6358 Applied biocatalysis Marcel Dekker,
0147-0248 Applied biochemistry and bioengineering Academic Press,
0273-2289 Applied biochemistry and biotechnology Humana Press; Springer Nature
1559-0291 Applied biochemistry and biotechnology (e-vir) Humana Press
0003-6838 Applied biochemistry and microbiology Consultants Bureau
1608-3024 Applied biochemistry and microbiology (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
1175-5636 Applied bioinformatics Open Mind Journals
2230-603X Applied bioinformatics (e-vir) Open Mind Journals; Adis International
1341-5573 Applied biological science Osaka Furitsu Daigaku. Seibutsu Shigen Kaihatsu Sentäa.; Osaka Prefecture University. Institute for Advanced Science and Technology. Center for Research and Development of Bioresources.
0197-1352 Applied biology Academic Press.
1175-9534 Applied biotechnology, food science and policy Open Mind Journals.
0309-1791 Applied botany Horticultural Education Association.
0166-9834 Applied catalysis Elsevier
0926-3373 Applied catalysis Elsevier
0926-860X Applied catalysis Elsevier
1873-3875 Applied catalysis (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
1873-3883 Applied catalysis (e-vir) Elsevier
0169-1317 Applied clay science Elsevier
1872-9053 Applied Clay Science (e-vir) Elsevier
0929-189X Applied composite materials Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-4897 Applied composite materials (e-vir) Kluwer
0219-1792 Applied crystallography [conference proceedings] World Scientific,
1743-2758 Applied earth science (e-vir) Institution of Mining & Metallurgy
0003-6854 Applied electrical phenomena Consultants Bureau Enterprises.
0306-2619 Applied energy Applied Science Publishers
1872-9118 Applied energy (e-vir) Elsevier
0003-6862 Applied entomology and zoology Japanese Society of Applied entomology and zoology; Japanese Society of Applied entomology and zoology ;; Springer Japan
1347-605X Applied entomology and zoology Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoolgy
1018-6247 Applied fluorescence technology Lambda Probes & Diagnostics
1175-5644 Applied genomics and proteomics Open Mind Journals Ltd.
0883-2927 Applied geochemistry Elsevier
0096-3933 Applied hydraulics Industrial Pub. Corp.
1062-3345 Applied immunohistochemistry Raven Press
2331-3722 Applied immunohistochemistry (e-vir) Society for Applied Immunohistochemistry.
1533-4058 Applied immunohistochemistry & molecular morphology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1541-2016 Applied immunohistochemistry & molecular morphology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0882-8032 Applied industrial hygiene American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
2375-0413 Applied industrial hygiene (e-vir) American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists,
0937-9347 Applied magnetic resonance Springer
1613-7507 Applied magnetic resonance (e-vir) Springer
0271-1958 Applied Magnetics Workshop IEEE Magnetics Society.
0570-4847 Applied materials research Heywood-Temple Industrial Publications, for National Trade Press
1425-1655 Applied mechanics and engineering Technical University Press
1660-9336 Applied mechanics and materials Trans Tech Publications
1662-7482 Applied mechanics and materials (e-vir) Trans Tech Publications
0003-6900 Applied mechanics reviews American Society of Mechanical Engineers
0167-2843 Applied methods in oncology Elsevier/North-Holland
0003-6919 Applied microbiology American Society for Microbiology
0175-7598 Applied microbiology and biotechnology Springer
1432-0614 Applied microbiology and biotechnology (e-vir) Springer
0302-2773 Applied neurophysiology [S.n.]
0379-0398 Applied Nutrition Indian Dietetic Assoc..
1047-322X Applied occupational and environmental hygiene Applied Industrial Hygiene, Inc.
1521-0898 Applied occupational and environmental hygiene (e-vir) Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
0003-6935 Applied optics Optical Society of America
0066-5495 Applied optics Optical Society of America
0197-8535 Applied optics and optical engineering Academic Press
1539-4522 Applied optics-OT (e-vir) Optical Society of America
0268-2605 Applied organometallic chemistry Longman Scientific & Technical
1099-0739 Applied organometallic chemistry (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
0340-3793 Applied physics Springer
0946-2171 Applied physics Springer
0947-8396 Applied physics Springer
1080-9198 Applied physics M. Dekker
1432-0630 Applied physics (e-vir) Springer
1432-0649 Applied physics Springer.
Y503-4949 Applied physics Springer
0721-7250 Applied physics. A, Solids and surfaces Springer
0721-7269 Applied physics. B, Photophysics and laser chemistry Springer
0277-9374 Applied physics communications M. Dekker,
0003-6951 Applied physics letters American Institute of Physics
1077-3118 Applied physics letters (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
0570-488X Applied Physics Quarterly Association of Applied Physicists, Secy
1715-5320 Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism (e-vir) 2006-
Y506-3310 Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism (e-vir) 2006-
1715-5312 Applied physiology, nutrition and metabolism National Research Council Canada
0365-5776 Applied plastics Scientific Press
0003-696X Applied plastics & Reinforced plastics review Scientific Press Ltd
0570-4898 Applied polymer symposia Wiley
0969-8043 Applied Radiation and Isotopes Pergamon
1872-9800 Applied Radiation and Isotopes (e-vir) Pergamon Press
1430-6395 Applied rheology Kerschensteiner
1617-8106 Applied rheology (e-vir) Kerschensteiner
0003-6994 Applied scientific research Nijhoff
0365-7132 Applied scientific research Nijhoff
0365-7140 Applied scientific research Nijhoff
0003-701X Applied solar energy Allerton Press [etc.]
1934-9424 Applied solar energy Allerton Press
0066-5533 Applied solid state science Academic Press,
0194-2891 Applied solid state science Academic Press
0003-7028 Applied spectroscopy Society for Applied Spectroscopy.
1943-3530 Applied spectroscopy (e-vir) Society for Applied Spectroscopy
0570-4928 Applied spectroscopy reviews M. Dekker
1520-569X Applied spectroscopy reviews (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
0964-1807 Applied superconductivity Pergamon
1879-1530 Applied superconductivity (e-vir) Elsevier
1873-5584 Applied surface science (e-vir) North-Holland
0169-4332 Applied Surface Science North-Holland
1359-4311 Applied thermal engineering Elsevier Science
1873-5606 Applied Thermal Engineering (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0365-5857 Appretur-Zeitung [s.n.]
0002-5917 APR. Allgemeine Papier-Rundschau P. Keppler Verlag KG
0430-0947 Aptečnoe delo "Medgiz".
0365-5873 AQEIC Asociación Química Española de la Industria del Cuero
0003-7214 Aqua Blackwell Scientific
0147-3298 Aqua Pergamon
1365-2087 Aqua (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0972-2262 Aquacult Nature Conservators.
0138-9092 Aquacultura Hungarica Fisheries Research Institute.
0044-8486 Aquaculture Elsevier
0266-996X Aquaculture and fisheries management Blackwell Scientific
0967-6120 Aquaculture international Chapman & Hall
1573-143X Aquaculture international (e-vir)
1353-5773 Aquaculture nutrition Blackwell Science
1365-2095 Aquaculture nutrition (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1355-557X Aquaculture research Blackwell Science
1365-2109 Aquaculture research (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0356-7133 Aqua fennica Vesiyhdistys
1357-5325 Aquarium sciences and conservation Chapman & Hall
1573-1448 Aquarium sciences and conservation Kluwer
0144-8838 Aqua scientific and technical review Marlborough Publishing Limited.
0304-3770 Aquatic botany Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co.
1879-1522 Aquatic botany (e-vir) Elsevier BV
1386-2588 Aquatic ecology Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-5125 Aquatic ecology (e-vir) Kluwer; Springer
1463-4988 Aquatic ecosystem health & management Elsevier Science
1539-4077 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0142-2499 Aquatic environment monitoring report Great Britain.
1380-6165 Aquatic geochemistry Kluwer
1573-1421 Aquatic geochemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
0990-7440 Aquatic living resources CDR Centrale des revues; Elsevier
1765-2952 Aquatic living resources (e-vir) Elsevier
1015-1621 Aquatic sciences Birkhäuser
1420-9055 Aquatic sciences (e-vir) Birkhäuser
0166-445X Aquatic toxicology Elsevier/North-Holland
1879-1514 Aquatic toxicology (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0570-5169 Aquilo. Ser. Botanica Oulun luonnonystäväin yhdistys
1015-4442 Arab Gulf journal of scientific research Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States.
1319-8025 Arabian journal for science and engineering King Fahd University for Petroleum and Minerals.
0385-7387 Arakawa nyūsu
0003-7567 Aramco world Arabian American Oil Company.
0003-7575 Araneta Journal of Agriculture Araneta Institute of Agriculture
0115-0820 Araneta research journal Araneta University Foundation.
0365-0219 Arbeiten aus dem Anatomischen Institut der Kaiserlich-Japanischen Universitaet zu Sendai Kaiserlich-Japanischen Universitat zu Sendai.
0585-7856 Arbeiten aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Stuttgart Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut der Universität Stuttgart
0341-4167 Arbeiten aus dem Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie an der Universität Stuttgart Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie an der Universität Stuttgart
0936-8671 Arbeiten aus dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Bundesamt für Sera und Impfstoffe, zu Frankfurt a.M Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Bundesamt für Sera und Impfstoffe, zu Frankfurt a.M.; Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Bundesamt für Sera und Impfstoffe, Langen, Hessen.
0066-5665 Arbeiten aus dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, dem Georg-Speyer-Haus und dem Ferdinand-Blum-Institut zu Frankfurt a.M Georg-Speyer-Haus.; Ferdinand-Blum-Institut.; Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Bundesamt für Sera und Impfstoffe.
0365-6705 Arbeiten aus dem Staatlichen Institut für Experimentelle Therapie und dem Georg-Speyer-Haus zu Frankfurt am Main [s.n.]
0365-0901 Arbeiten aus der Biologischen Reichsanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Berlin-Dahlem [s.n.]
0910-1446 Arbeiten aus der Dritten Abteilung des Anatomischen Institutes der Kaiserlichen Universität Kyoto. Serie A: Untersuchungen über das periphere Nervensystem Kaiserliche Universität zu Kyoto. Medizinische Fakultät
0365-0243 Arbeiten aus der dritten Abteilung des Anatomischen Institutes der Kaiserlichen Universität Kyoto. Serie D, Untersuchungen über die Physiologie der Lymphbewegung Kyoto Teikoku Daigaku. Igakubu. Kaibäogaku Kyäoshitsu. Dai-san Käoza.
0365-4249 Arbeiten aus der Medizinischen Fakultät Okayama Medizinische Universität Okayama
0365-4672 Arbeiten aus der Medizinischen Universität Okayama Medizinische Universität Okayama
0365-1665 Arbeiten der DLG DLG-Verlag
0365-3684 Arbeiten der Kaiserlichen Biologischen Anstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft [s.n.]
0365-5326 Arbeiten über Physiologische und Angewandte Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem [s.n.]
0720-3594 Arbeitsberichte Ökologie, Umwelttechnik Fakultät für Biologie der Universität Konstanz :; Fachkommission Ökologie, Umwelttechnik der Hochschulregion Konstanz-Oberschwaben.
0365-2254 Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein- Westfalen. Natur-, Ingenieur- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften Opladen; Westdeutscher Verlag
0518-2565 Arbeitsmedizin Stutz.
0365-0863 Arbeitsphysiologie Springer
0003-7788 Arbeitsschutz Kohlhammer
0365-0987 Arbeitsschutz [s.n.]
0232-573X Arbeitsschutz bei der Anwendung chemischer Technologien Bundesvorstand des FDGB, Abteilung Arbeitsschutz.
0722-8635 Arbeitstechniken der pharmazeutischen Industrie Thieme.
0365-6071 Arbeit und Gesundheit Deutschland; Deutschland; Deutsches Reich
0105-063X Årbog Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse
0096-4115 Arboretum bulletin of the associates University of Pennsylvania.
0066-5878 Arboretum Kórnickie Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0003-794X Arboriculture fruitière Arboriculture fruitière
0003-7958 Arborist news International Society of Arboriculture
1517-3011 ARBS. Annual Review of Biomedical Sciences Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho
1806-8774 ARBS. Annual Review of Biomedical Sciences (e-vir) Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho
1472-3646 Archaea Heron Pub.,; Hindawi Publishing Corporation
1472-3654 Archaea (e-vir) Heron Pub.
0003-8008 Archaeologia Austriaca Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
1816-2959 Archaeologia Austriaca (e-vir) Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
0267-0151 Archaeo-metallurgy Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies.
0003-813X Archaeometry Blackwell Publishing
1475-4754 Archaeometry (e-vir) Blackwell
0003-8148 Archeia tīs Farmakeutikīs.; Αρχεια της Φαρμακευτικης Stella Papadakī; Στέλλα Παπαδακη
0365-3145 Archeion Iatrikäon Epistäimäon K. Charitakäis
0891-2920 Archeomaterials Archeomaterials,
0365-3714 Archief voor de Koffiecultuur in Indonesie Kolff.
0365-6144 Archief voor de Rubbercultuur Rubbersproefstations.
0365-7035 Archief voor de Suikerindustrie in Nederland en Nederlandsch-Indie Ingen.
0365-7019 Archief voor de Suikerindustrie in Nederlandsch-Indie Ingen.
0365-7388 Archief voor de Theecultuur Algemeen Landouw Syndicaat.
0096-9451 Architect and engineer Architect and Engineer, Inc.,
0365-0693 Archiva biologica Hungarica Institutum Hungaricum ad Biologiam Pervestigandam.; Magyar Biológiai Kutatóintézet.
0365-4168 Archiva Medica Belgica Les éditions Acta Medica Belgica.
0003-9489 Archiva veterinaria Institutul de Cercetæari Veterinare şi Biopreparate "Pasteur"
0518-3189 Archiv der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg Universität, Institut für Biowissenschaften
0003-8881 Archiv der Julius-Klaus-Stiftung für Vererbungsforschung, Sozialanthropologie und Rassenhygiene Julius-Klaus-Stiftung für Vererbungsforschung, Sozialanthropologie und Rassenhygiene; Orell Füssli Verlag
0365-6233 Archiv der pharmazie VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft
1521-4184 Archiv der Pharmazie (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0376-0367 Archiv der Pharmazie und Berichte der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Berufsvertretungen Deutscher Apotheker.; Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft.
0340-5540 Archiv des Badewesens Deutsche Gesellschaft für das Badewesen e.V.; Verein Deutscher Badefachmänner e.V.
1432-0673 Archive for rational mechanics and analysis Springer.
0003-9527 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis Springer-Verlag
2300-1895 Archive of Mechanical Engineering (e-vir) Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Budowy Maszyn
2363-9822 Archives animal breeding (e-vir) Institut für Nutztierbiologie; Copernicus Publications
0301-8636 Archives belges de dermatologie Société belge de dermatologie.
0003-956X Archives belges de dermatologie et syphiligraphie Société belge de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie.
0003-9578 Archives belges de médecine sociale, hygiène, médecine du travail et médecine légale Archives belges de médecine sociale, hygiène, médecine du travail et médecine légale
0365-4648 Archives belges de médecine sociale et d'hygiène et revue de pathologie et de physiolgie du travail Acta Medica Belgica
0395-501X Archives d'anatomie et de cytologie pathologiques Expansion scientifique française
0003-9594 Archives d'Anatomie Microscopique et de Morphologie Experimentale Masson
0003-9608 Archives d'anatomie pathologique Expansion scientifique française,
0003-9624 Archives de biologie Editeur Vaillant-Carmanne s.a.
0365-3196 Archives de l'Institut d'Hessarek Ministère de l'agriculture
0365-3153 Archives de l'Institut du radium de l'Université de Paris et de la Fondation Curie Institut Curie.
0020-2460 Archives de l'Institut Pasteur d'Algérie Institut Pasteur (Alger)
0020-2495 Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Madagascar Institut Pasteur de Madagascar.
0020-2509 Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis Institut Pasteur de Tunis
0004-6620 Archives de l' Institut Pasteur Hellénique Ellīniko Institouto Paster; Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Παστέρ
0041-6940 Archives de l'Union Medicale Balkanique Union Medicale Balkanique
0365-4311 Archives de médecine des enfants Société de pédiatrie de Paris.
0365-4575 Archives de médecine et de pharmacie navales Imprimerie nationale
0365-4745 Archives de médecine expérimentale et d'anatomie pathologique [s.n.],
0365-3382 Archives des Instituts Pasteur d'Indochine [s.n.]
0365-4117 Archives des maladies de l'appareil digestif et des maladies de la nutrition s.n.,
0003-9683 Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux J.-B. Balliere
0365-4419 Archives des maladies professionnelles [s.n.],
0003-9691 Archives des Maladies Professionnelles de Medecine du Travail et de Securite Sociale Masson et Cie
1775-8785 Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l'environnement Masson
1778-4190 Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l'environnement (e-vir) Masson
0252-9289 Archives des sciences et compte rendu des séances de la Société Société de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Genève
0365-7116 Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles A. Cherbuliez; Bibliothèque universelle; A. Delafontaine; Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles; G. Bridel
0003-9667 Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale Germer Baillière
0365-8600 Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale Schleicher
0365-4664 Archives du Musée Teyler Musée Teyler.; Museum van het Teyler's Genootschap.
0365-091X Archives du service de santé de l'armée belge Hôpital militaire.
0340-3696 Archives for dermatological research Springer
0066-6424 Archives for meteorology, geophysics, and bioclimatology. Series B, Climatology, environmental meteorology, radiation research Springer
0003-9764 Archives francaises de pédiatrie Doin; Masson
0003-9772 Archives françaises des maladies de l'appareil digestif Société nationale française de gastro-entérologie.
0570-6920 Archives géologiques du Viet-Nam Phong Dia-Chat
0373-4897 Archives - Institut Grand-ducal de Luxembourg. Section des Sciences Naturelles, Physiques et Mathematiques Institut Grand-ducal de Luxembourg Section des Sciences
0003-9810 Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences Éditions Hermann
2507-038X Archives internationales d'histoires des sciences (e-vir) Brepols
0365-3315 Archives internationales de médecine expérimentale Vaillant-Caymanne.
0365-3323 Archives internationales de neurologie Librairie médicale O. Berthier
0003-9780 Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie Heymans Institute of Pharmacology
0301-4541 Archives internationales de physiologie Archives internationales de physiologie.
0778-3124 Archives internationales de physiologie, de biochimie et de biophysique Vaillant-Carmanne.
0003-9799 Archives internationales de physiologie et de biochimie Vaillant Carmanne
0003-9829 Archives Italiennes de Biologie Università degli studi di Pisa
0365-415X Archives médico-chirurgicales de l'appareil respiratoire.. Doin & Cie,
0365-4958 Archives néerlandaises de physiologie de l'homme et des animaux Nijhoff; N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij
0365-5059 Archives Neerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles Société Hollandaise des Sciences.
0365-5024 Archives néerlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles. Série 3 a. Sciences exactes Nijhoff
0365-5032 Archives néerlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles. Série 3 b. Sciences naturelles Nijhoff
0365-5164 Archives neerlandaises de zoologie Brill
1875-3019 Archives néerlandaises de zoologie Brill
0137-5075 Archives of Acoustics Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
2300-262X Archives of Acoustics (e-vir) "Versita"; Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
1476-3567 Archives of agronomy and soil science (e-vir) Akademie-Verlag
0899-4811 Archives of AIDS research World Federation of Contraception & Health.; World Academy of Population & Health Sciences.; IVF/Andrology International, Inc.
0148-5016 Archives of andrology Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1477-2817 Archives of animal nutrition (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1745-039X Archives of animal nutrition Taylor & Francis
0096-9621 Archives of biochemistry Academic Press.
0003-9861 Archives of biochemistry and biophysics Academic Press.
0570-6963 Archives of biochemistry and biophysics Academic Press.
1096-0384 Archives of biochemistry and biophysics (e-vir) Academic Press
0375-8567 Archives of biological sciences Nolit
1432-069X Archives of dermatological research (e-vir) Springer
0003-987X Archives of dermatology American Medical Association.
0096-6029 Archives of dermatology and syphilology American Medical Association.
1468-2044 Archives of disease in childhood (e-vir) BMJ Publishing
0003-9888 Archives of Disease in Childhood British Medical Association
1933-8244 Archives of environmental & occupational health Heldref Publications
2154-4700 Archives of environmental & occupational health (e-vir) [Heldref Publications]
0090-4341 Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology Springer
1432-0703 Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology (e-vir) Springer
0003-9896 Archives of environmental health Heldref Publications, etc.
0003-990X Archives of general psychiatry American Medical Association
0167-4943 Archives of gerontology and geriatrics Elsevier
0924-7947 Archives of gerontology and geriatrics Elsevier
1872-6976 Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (e-vir) Elsevier
0170-9925 Archives of gynecology Springer Internat.; Bergmann
0932-0067 Archives of gynecology and obstetrics Springer-Verl. New York; Springer; Bergmann
1432-0711 Archives of gynecology and obstetrics (e-vir) Springer
0914-9465 Archives of histology and cytology International Society of Histology and Cytology
0739-4462 Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology Wiley-Liss
1520-6327 Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology Wiley-Liss, Inc.; [Alan R. Liss]
0003-9926 Archives of internal medicine American Medical Association.
1735-3947 Archives of iranian medicine (e-vir) Academy of Medical Sciences of the I.R. Iran
1029-2977 Archives of Iranian medicine Academy of Medical Sciences of the I.R. Iran
0587-1735 Archives of Mass Spectral Data Interscience Publishers
0373-2029 Archives of mechanics Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
2083-8514 Archives of Mechanics (e-vir) Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
0003-9934 Archives of Medical Hydrology Nistri-Lischi,
0188-4409 Archives of medical research Subjefatura de Investigación. IMSS
1734-1922 Archives of medical science Termedia
1896-9151 Archives of Medical Science (e-vir) Termedia
0860-7052 Archives of Metallurgy Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee of Metallurgy, Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science.; Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Metalurgii, Kraków.; Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Metalurgii i Inżynierii Materiałowej im. Aleksandra Krupkowswkiego, Kraków.
1733-3490 Archives of metallurgy and materials Dom Handlowy Nauki Sp z o.o. PAN
2300-1909 Archives of Metallurgy and Materials (e-vir) Polska Akademia Nauk
0302-8933 Archives of microbiology Springer
1432-072X Archives of microbiology (e-vir) Springer
0860-7001 Archives of Mining Sciences Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
1689-0469 Archives of Mining Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee of Mining; "Versita"
0003-9942 Archives of neurology American Medical Association
0096-6754 Archives of neurology and psychiatry American Medical Association.
0003-9950 Archives of ophthalmology American Medical Association
0003-9969 Archives of Oral Biology Pergamon Press
1879-1506 Archives of Oral Biology (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0003-9977 Archives of otolaryngology American Medical Association
0886-4470 Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery American Medical Association
0302-9530 Archives of oto-rhino-laryngology Springer
0363-0153 Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine American Medical Association
1543-2165 Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine (e-vir) College of American Pathologists
0003-9985 Archives of pathology & Laboratory Medicine American Medical Association
0096-6630 Archives of pediatrics [E.B. Treat, etc.]
0253-6269 Archives of pharmacal research Pharmaceutical society of Korea
1976-3786 Archives of pharmacal research (e-vir) Pharmaceutical society of Korea
0096-6622 Archives of physical medicine American Congress of Physical Medicine.
0003-9993 Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation Saunders
1532-821X Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0096-6037 Archives of physical therapy American Congress of Physical Therapy.
1381-3455 Archives of physiology and biochemistry Swets & Zeitlinger
1744-4160 Archives of physiology and biochemistry (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.
1477-2906 Archives of phytopathology and plant protection (e-vir) Akademie-Verlag
2008-9872 Archives of Razi Institute Razi Vaccine and Aerum Research Institute
0365-6381 Archives of Rubber Cultivation ????.
0004-0002 Archives of sexual behavior Plenum Press.
1573-2800 Archives of sexual behavior (e-vir) Kluwer
0004-0010 Archives of surgery American Medical Association
0365-7337 Archives of Tea Cultivation Balai Penjelidikan Perkebunan Besar.
1231-0956 Archives of Thermodynamics Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
2083-6023 Archives of Thermodynamics (e-vir) "Versita"
0340-5761 Archives of toxicology Springer
1432-0738 Archives of toxicology Springer
0171-9750 Archives of toxicology. Supplement Springer
0304-8608 Archives of virology Springer
1432-8798 Archives of virology Springer
0365-5725 Archives Portugaises des Sciences Biologiques Societe Portugaise de Biologie, Facultade de Medicina
0004-0037 Archives Roumaines de Pathologie Experimentale et de Microbiologie CARTIMEX
0365-4524 Archiv for mathematik og naturvidenskab I kommisjon hos Olaf Norlis bokhandel
0003-8938 Archiv for pharmaci og chemi Danmarks Apotekerforening
0302-248X Archiv for pharmaci og chemi. Scientific edition Danmarks Apotekerforening; Danmarks farmaceutiske Selskab
0365-1363 Archiv fuer Chemie und Mikroskopie [s.n.]
0003-9012 Archiv fuer die Gesamte Virusforschung Springer
0570-6750 Archiv fuer Lagerstaettenforschung in den Ostalpen Institut fuer Mineralogie und Gesteinskunde der Montanistischen Hochschule Leoben
0365-0340 Archiv für Acker- und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde Taylor & Francis
0365-5806 Archiv für Anatomie und Physiologie
0342-1694 Archiv für Arzneitherapie Duncker und Humblot.
0003-8954 Archiv für Bienenkunde Deutscher Imkerbund
0003-8962 Archiv für das Eisenhüttenwesen Verein Deutscher Eisenhüttenleute und Max Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung
0365-6020 Archiv für Dermatologie und Syphilis [s.n.]
0003-9187 Archiv für dermatologische Forschung Springer.
0365-5083 Archiv für die Gesamte Naturlehre [s.n.]
0365-2823 Archiv für die Gesamte Wärmetechnik Beucke.
0003-9020 Archiv für Druck und Papier
0003-9039 Archiv für Elektrotechnik Springer International
0365-1819 Archiv für Erzbergbau, Erzaufbereitung, Metallhüttenwesen Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhütten- und Bergleute e.V., Berlin.
0003-9055 Archiv für experimentelle Veterinärmedizin S. Hirzel Verlag
0003-9063 Archiv für Fischereiwissenschaft Heenemann
0570-6718 Archiv für Forstwesen Akad.-Verl..
0003-908X Archiv für Gartenbau Akademie-Verlag
0003-9098 Archiv für Geflügelkunde Ulmer
1612-9199 Archiv für Geflügelkunde = (e-vir) Ulmer
0300-984X Archiv für Genetik Julius-Klaus-Stiftung für Genetik und Sozialanthropologie.
0003-911X Archiv für Geschwulstforschung Verlag Theodor Steinkopff
0365-2564 Archiv für Gewerbepathologie und Gewerbehygiene Springer
0003-9128 Archiv für Gynäkologie Bergmann
0003-9136 Archiv für Hydrobiologie Schweizerbart
0342-1120 Archiv für Hydrobiologie Schweizerbart
2700-1555 Archiv für Hydrobiologie (e-vir) International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology
0365-2890 Archiv für Hydrobiologie und Planktonkunde Schweizerbart.
0365-2955 Archiv für Hygiene Oldenbourg
0003-9144 Archiv für Hygiene und Bakteriologie Urban u. Schwarzenberg.
0365-3269 Archiv für Innere Medizin Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
0003-9179 Archiv für Kinderheilkunde F. Enke.
0066-6378 Archiv für Kinderheilkunde. Beihefte Enke.
0365-3706 Archiv für Klinische Chirurgie Springer
0365-3773 Archiv für klinische Medizin Bergmann. ;; Springer.
0300-8614 Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Dermatologie Springer-Verlag.
0003-9195 Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Ohren-, Nasen- und Kehlkopfheilkunde Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie.
0003-9217 Archiv für Kreislaufforschung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kreislaufforschung.
0003-9225 Archiv für Kriminologie Schmidt-Römhild
0365-3838 Archiv für Lagerstättenforschung Akad.-Verl.,
0253-097X Archiv für Lagerstättenforschung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Geologische Bundesanstalt
0003-925X Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene Schaper
0365-4303 Archiv für Metallkunde Verlag Chemie.
0003-9276 Archiv für Mikrobiologie Springer-Verlag
0365-4125 Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsmechanik Springer
0003-9284 Archiv für Molluskenkunde Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft; E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
0365-6136 Archiv für Naturgeschichte Nicolai
0003-9306 Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung Akademie-Verlag
0365-5245 Archiv für Ohren-, Nasen- und Kehlkkopfheilkunde Deutsche Gesellschaft der Hals-Nasen-Ohrenärzte.
0003-9330 Archiv für Orthopädische und Unfall-Chirurgie J. F. Bergmann Verlag
0003-9349 Archiv für Pflanzenschutz Akademie-Verlag
0376-1630 Archiv für physikalische Therapie Gesellschaft für Physiotherapie der DDR.
0323-5408 Archiv für Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz Akademie-Verlag
0003-9365 Archiv für Protistenkunde Fischer
2213-5553 Archiv für Protistenkunde (e-vir) Elsevier
0003-9373 Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten Gesamtverband Deutscher Nervenärzte.
0365-7221 Archiv für Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygiene [s.n.]
0720-1893 Archiv für tierärztliche Fortbildung Schlüter.
0003-942X Archiv für Tierernährung Akademie-Verlag
0003-9438 Archiv für Tierzucht Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology
0003-9446 Archiv für Toxikologie Springer-Verlag
0365-8228 Archiv für Verdauungskrankheiten
0365-8325 Archiv für Verdauungskrankheiten, Stoffwechselpathologie und Diätetik S. Karger; S. Karger
0365-8236 Archiv für Volkswohlfahrt [s.n.]
0365-8481 Archiv für Wärmewirtschaft
0365-8422 Archiv für Wärmewirtschaft und Dampfkesselwesen VDI
0365-8473 Archiv für Wissenschaftliche und Praktische Tierheilkunde [s.n.]
0365-8406 Archiv für Züchtungsforschung Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften Berlin.
0365-3234 Archivii Italiani di Laringologia Clinica otorinolaringoiatrica.
0004-0061 Archivio "De Vecchi" per l'Anatomia Patologica e la Medicina Clinica Istituto di anatomia patologica-policlinico di Careggi.
0004-0193 Archivio "E. Maragliano" di patologia e clinica Istituto di Patologia Medica dell'Università.; Università degli Studi, Genova. Istituto scientifico di medicina interna.
0365-3366 Archivio degli Istituti ospedalieri Santa Corona Pio istituto Santa Corona.
0365-3013 Archivio dell'Istituto Biochimico Italiano Istituto biochimico italiano.
0365-8309 Archivio del Ricambio C.E.P.I.
0365-1487 Archivio di Chirurgia del Torace Sansoni edizioni scientifiche.
0365-527X Archivio di chirurgia ortopedica e di medicina Pio istituto di Santa Corona.
0365-2394 Archivio di Farmacologia Sperimentale e Scienze Affini [s.n.]; Arti Grafiche Pacini Mariotti,
0004-0096 Archivio di Fisiologia Società Italiana di Fisiologia
0066-667X Archivio di oceanografia e limnologia Istituto di biologia del mare
0004-0118 Archivio di Ortopedia Istituto Ortopedico Gaetano Pini
0004-0126 Archivio di ostetricia e ginecologia Università degli studi di Napoli, clinica ostetrica e ginecologica.; Università degli studi, Napoli. Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica.
0004-0134 Archivio di ottalmologia Università degli Studi, Torino. Clinica Oculistica.
0004-0142 Archivio di Patologia e Clinica Medica Cappelli,Licinio.
0365-6276 Archivio di Radiologia
0004-0169 Archivio di Scienze Biologiche Cappelli Licinio
0394-2953 Archivio di scienze del lavoro Università cattolica, Istituto di medicina del lavoro.; Università statale, Istituto di medicina del lavoro.
0365-7426 Archivio di tisiologia e delle malattie dell'apparato respiratorio [s.n.]
0489-4189 Archivio ed Atti della Società Medico - Chirurgica di Messina Società Medico - Chirurgica
0004-0215 Archivio Italiano delle Malattie dell'Apparato Digerente Casa Editrice Cappelli.
0004-0223 Archivio italiano di anatomia e di embriologia Sansoni Edizioni Scientifiche
0004-0231 Archivio Italiano di Anatomia e Istologia Patologica Casa Editrice Cappelli.
0004-024X Archivio italiano di chirurgia L. Cappelli
0365-3129 Archivio italiano di dermatologia, sifilografia e venereologia Cappelli.
0300-8991 Archivio italiano di dermatologia, venereologia e sessuologia L. Cappelli
0390-7422 Archivio italiano di medicina sperimentale [s. n.].
0301-3685 Archivio italiano di otologia, rinologia, laringologia e patologia cervico-facciale Istituto per la diffusione di opere scientifiche.
0004-0258 Archivio italiano di otologia, rinologia e laringologia Istituto per la diffusione di opere scientifiche.
0004-0266 Archivio italiano di patologia e clinica dei tumori Tamburini
0004-0274 Archivio Italiano di Pediatria e Puericoltura Cappelli,Licinio.
0365-3471 Archivio Italiano di Scienze Farmacologiche Soc. tipografica editrice modenese-mucchi; [s. n.]
0004-0282 Archivio italiano di scienze mediche tropicali e di parassitologia Policlinico Umberto I. Clinica malattie tropicali dell'Università.; Università degli Studi "La Sapienza", Roma. Policlinico Umberto I. Clinica malattie tropicali.
0365-351X Archivio Italiano di Urologia Licinio Coppelli.
0004-0290 Archivio Italiano di Urologia e Nefrologia Cappelli,Licinio.
0365-3277 Archivio italiano per le malattie nervose e più particolarmente per le alienazioni mentali Società freniatrica italiana.
0004-0185 Archivio Monaldi per la tisiologia e le malattie dell'apparato respiratorio Università di Napoli.; Università degli Studi, Napoli. Clinica Tisiologica.
0030-624X Archivio ospedale al mare Ospedale al mare.
0004-0312 Archivio per le Scienze Mediche Edizioni Minerva Medica.
0365-6756 Archivio per lo Studio della Fisiopatologia e Clinica del Ricambio Ed. C.E.P.I..
0004-0320 Archivio Stomatologico [s.n.].
0004-0479 Archivio Veterinario Italiano Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie.
0365-8562 Archivio zoologico italiano Unione zoologica italiana.
0066-7811 Archivo de anatomia e anthropologia Universidade de Lisboa. Faculdade de Medicina. Instituto de Anatomia.
0365-4443 Archivo de Medicina Legal Instituto de Medicina Legal de Lisboa.; Portugal. Instituto de Medicina Legal.
0066-6750 Archivos argentinos de dermatología. Archivos Argentinos de Dermatología Asociación Civil
0004-0495 Archivos argentinos de reumatología Sociedad Argentina de Reumatología.
0004-0509 Archivos argentinos de tisiología y neumonología Hospital Tornú
0250-5037 Archivos de biología andina Dirección universitaria de biblioteca y publicaciones, Universidad nacional mayor de San Marcos
0004-0533 Archivos de biología y medicina experimentales Sociedad de Biología de Chile
0365-0871 Archivos de bioquímica, química y farmacia Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
1405-9940 Archivos de cardiología de México Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez
1665-1731 Archivos de cardiología de México (e-vir) Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez
0365-2114 Archivos de farmacia y bioquímica del Tucumán Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
0304-8616 Archivos de farmacología y toxicología Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España). Departamento Coordinado de Farmacología; Patronato Ramón y Cajal
0066-6769 Archivos de investigation medica [S.n.]
0515-118X Archivos de la Academia Ecuatoriana de Medicina Academia Ecuatoriana de Medicina
0365-1304 Archivos de la Clínica e Instituto de Endocrinología Imprenta Rosgal.
0374-0684 Archivos de la Facultad de Medicina de Madrid Universidad Complutense de Madrid
0558-6291 Archivos de la Facultad de Medicina de Zaragoza Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Medicina
0016-271X Archivos de la Fundación Roux-Ocefa Fundación Roux-Ocefa
0365-6519 Archivos de la Sociedad de Biología de Montevideo [s.n.].
0365-6691 Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología Sociedad Española de Oftalmología
1989-7286 Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología Sociedad Española de Oftalmología; Elsevier España
0365-7051 Archivos de la Sociedad Oftalmológica Hispano-Americana Sociedad Oftalmológica Hispano-Americana; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)
0010-0641 Archivos del Colegio médico de El Salvador Colegio médico de El Salvador.
0018-5884 Archivos del Hospital Vargas Hospital Vargas (Caracas). Sociedad Médico Quirúrgica.
0490-2270 Archivos del Instituto de Aclimatación Instituto de Aclimatación. Almería.; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Patronato "Alonso de Herrera"
0020-3750 Archivos del Instituto de biología andina Instituto de biología andina
0365-3080 Archivos del Instituto de Cardiología de México Instituto de Cardiología de México.
0004-0568 Archivos de Medicina Experimental Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto National de Ciencias Médicas
0301-732X Archivos de medicina veterinaria Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Universidad Austral de Chile
0717-6201 Archivos de medicina veterinaria (e-vir) Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Austral de Chile
0004-0576 Archivos de neurobiología Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría; Sociedad de Neurología y Psiquiatría de Madrid; Fundación Archivos de Neurobiología
1028-5938 Archivos de neurociencias Departamento de publicaciones científicas, Instituto nacional de neurología y neurocirugía.
0365-5210 Archivos de oftalmología hispano-americanos [Archivos de oftalmología hispano-americanos]
0004-0584 Archivos de pediatría del Uruguay Prensa académica latinoamericana
1688-1249 Archivos de pediatría del Uruguay (e-vir) Sociedad Uruguaya de Pediatría.
1885-4494 Archivos de zootecnia (e-vir) Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Córdoba
0004-0592 Archivos de Zootecnia Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Zootecnia
0365-4222 Archivos do Instituto de Medicina Legal de Lisboa.. Typ. do Annuário Comercial
0373-1863 Archivos do Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro.
0004-0614 Archivos españoles de urología Iniestares
0402-9097 Archivos farmacéuticos Bagó Laboratorios Bagó
0004-0622 Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición Sociedad Latinoamericana de Nutrición
2309-5806 Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición (e-vir) Sociedad Latinoamericana de Nutrición
0365-4265 Archivos médicos [s.n.].
0365-4486 Archivos médicos mexicanos. Publicación científica mensual Oscar Chavarría Andrade.
0518-3707 Archivos mexicanos de neurología y psiquiatría [s.n.]
0365-4702 Archivos mexicanos de venereología y dermatología Asociación Nacional de Venereología.
0365-5652 Archivos peruanos de patología y clínica Hospital "Dos de Mayo", Departamento de patología
0365-7957 Archivos uruguayos de medicina, cirugía y especialidades Federación de las Sociedades Médico-Científicas del Uruguay.
0301-5130 Archivos venezolanos de medicina tropical y parasitología médica Universidad Central de Venezuela. Instituto de Medicina Tropical.
0365-8260 Archivos venezolanos de nutrición Instituto Nacional de Nutrición.
0004-0649 Archivos venezolanos de puericultura y pediatría Sociedad Venezolana de Puericultura y Pediatría.
0208-4198 Archivum Combustionis Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0365-1622 Archivum de dermatologia experimentale et functionale Università di Pisa, Clinica dermatologica.
0004-0681 Archivum histologicum japonicum Nihon Soshikigaku Kirokukai.
0004-069X Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis [Springer International Publishing AG]
1661-4917 Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis (e-vir) [Springer International Publishing AG]
0365-7280 Archivum Societatis zoologicae botanicae Fennicae Vanamo Suomalainen eläin- ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo.
1230-5359 Archivum Veterinarium Polonicum Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee of Veterinary Sciences.
0004-0738 Archiwum budowy maszyn Polish Academy of Sciences
0365-1290 Archiwum Chemji i Farmacji Państwowy Zakład Higjeny.
0004-0746 Archiwum ELektrotechniki Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0066-684X Archiwum Energetyki Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
0004-0754 Archiwum Górnictwa Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0518-3774 Archiwum Górnictwa i Hutnictwa Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0004-0770 Archiwum Hutnictwa Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0375-8559 Archiwum Immunologii i Terapii Doświadczalnej Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Immunologii i Terapii Doświadczalnej im. Ludwika Hirszfelda we Wrocławiu.
0004-0797 Archiwum Inżynierii Lądowej Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
0004-0800 Archiwum Mechaniki Stosowanej Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0324-8267 Archiwum Medycyny Sęadowej i Kryminologii Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
1689-1716 Archiwum Medycyny Sęadowej i Kryminologii (e-vir) Polskie Towarzystwo Medycyny Sęadowej i Kryminologii.
0066-6912 Archiwum Mineralogiczne Wydawnictwo Geologiczne
0138-032X Archiwum Nauki o Materiałach Polska Akademia Nauk. Wydział Nauk Technicznych. Komitet Nauki o Materiałach.; Polish Academy of Sciences. Department of Technical Sciences. Committee of Materials Science.; Polska Akademia Nauk. Wydział Nauk Technicznych. Komitet Nauki o Materiałach.
0324-8461 Archiwum Ochrony Środowiska Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Podstaw Inżynierii Środowiska.; Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Podstaw Inżynierii Środowiska (Zabrze); Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Inżynierii Środowiska.
1642-5308 Archiwum Odlewnictwa Polska Akademia Nauk. Oddział Katowice. Komisja Odlewnictwa.; Polish Academy of Sciences. Branch Katowice. Foundry Commission.; Polska Akademia Nauk. Oddział (Katowice).
0044-8761 Archiwum Procesów Spalania Polska Akademia Nauk, Komitet Termodynamiki i Spalania.
0208-418X Archiwum Termodynamiki Polska Akademia Nauk, Komitet Termodynamiki i Spalania.
0324-8224 Archiwum Termodynamiki i Spalania Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Termodynamiki i Spalania.
0004-0819 Arcispedale S. Anna di Ferrara S. Anna di Ferrara.
0365-6055 Arco e Gas
0365-6012 Arcos Arcos, SA
0307-1588 ARC research review Agricultural Research Council (Great Britain)
0004-0843 Arctic Artic Institute of North America.
1923-1245 Arctic (e-vir) Artic Institute of North America
0004-0851 Arctic and alpine research Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research, University of Colorado
2325-5153 Arctic and alpine research (e-vir) University of Colorado (Boulder campus).; University of Colorado Boulder.
0518-4010 Arena tekstil Institut Teknologi Tekstil.
1340-2358 Arerugäi no ryäoiki Iyaku Jäanarusha.
0021-4884 Arerugi Nihon Arerugi Gakkai
1344-6932 Arerugi, men'eki Iyaku Janarusha
0377-5011 a Revista de igienă, bacteriologie, virusologie, parazitologie, pneumoftiziologie. Pneumoftiziologia Editura Medicală
0365-6357 Argentina textil [s.n.]
0501-5340 Argonne National Laboratory Reviews Argonne National Laboratory.
0324-1203 Arheologija Bʺlgarska akademija na naukite
0365-6926 Arhitektura i stroitelʹstvo Leningrada.; Архитектура и строительство Ленинграда "Lenizdat"; "Лениздат".
0004-1947 Arhiv anatomii, gistologii i embriologii Medicina
0365-3692 Arhiv biologičeskih nauk.; Архив биологических наук Vsesoûznyj institut èksperimentalʹnoj mediciny im. A.M. Gorʹkogo; Всесоюзный институт экспериментальной медицины им. А.М. Горького.
0375-8575 Arhiv bioloških nauka Srpsko biološko društvo; Institut za biološka istraživanja "Siniša Stanković" et. al.
0004-1955 Arhiv patologii [S.n.]
0004-1963 Arhiv za farmaciju Farmaceutsko društvo Srbije
2217-8767 Arhiv za farmaciju (e-vir) Udruženje farmaceuta Srbije
0375-8591 Arhiv za higijenu rada Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada
0004-1254 Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada
1848-6312 Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju (e-vir) Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada
0365-3730 Arhiv za kemiju Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo
0004-1262 Arhiv za poljoprivredne nauke Savez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara Jugoslavije
0365-5601 Arhiv za poljoprivredne nauke i tehniku [S.n.]
0518-5327 Arhiv za rudarstvo i tehnologiju Institut za rudarska i hemijsko tehnološka istraživanja
0365-7558 Arhiv za tehnologiju Institut za rudarska i hemijsko tehnološka istraživanja
1434-5641 Ari Technical University of Istanbul.; ITÜ.
1434-565X Ari Springer.
0385-6844 Ariake Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kiyo Ariake Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
1532-4990 Arid land research and management (e-vir) Taylor and Francis
1532-4982 Arid land research and Management Taylor & Francis
0160-8304 Arid lands resource information paper University of Arizona. Office of Arid Lands Studies.; United States. Office of Water Resources Research.
0890-3069 Arid soil research and rehabilitation Taylor & Francis
0066-7366 Arid zone research Unesco
0066-7412 Arizona Geological Society digest Arizona Geological Society.
0004-1556 Arizona medicine Arizona State Medical Association.; Arizona Medical Association.; Medical Society of the United States and Mexico.
0004-1785 Arkansas farm research Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Arkansas.
0097-4161 Arkansas Water and Sewage Conference and Short Course, Proceedings
0004-1920 Arkhimedes Suomen fyysikkoseura
0004-2048 Arkiv för astronomi Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademien.; Vetenskapsakademien.
0365-2459 Arkiv for Det fysiske seminar i Trondheim Fysiske seminar i Trondheim.
0365-2440 Arkiv för fysik Almqvist & Wiksell
0004-2064 Arkiv för geofysik Almqvist & Wiksell
0365-6128 Arkiv för kemi Almqvist & Wiksell
0365-3781 Arkiv för kemi, mineralogi och geologi / (e-vir) Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien
0365-4133 Arkiv för matematik, astronomi och fysik Vetenskapsakademien
0004-2099 Arkiv för mineralogi och geologi / (e-vir) Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien
0004-2110 Arkiv för zoologi Vetenskapsakademien
0157-1400 ARL/TR Australian Radiation Laboratory.
0364-4499 ARL TR Aerospace Research Laboratories, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
0515-9628 Armânskij himičeskij žurnal Akademiâ nauk Armânskoj SSR.
0097-4293 Armed Forces chemical journal Armed Forces Chemical Association.
0004-2420 Armor U.S. Armor Association
0097-3688 Armored cavalry journal U.S. Armored Cavalry Association
0099-5002 Armour Research Foundation Report [s.n.].
0365-6047 Arms & explosives Arms & Explosives.
0097-3696 Army ordnance Army Ordnance Association (U.S.)
2832-8701 Army ordnance (e-vir) The Army Ordnance Association
1345-4722 Aroma research Fureguransu Jānarusha
0305-9715 Aromatic and heteroaromatic chemistry Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0097-4072 Aromatics International Publications.
0365-6187 Aromatikkusu Nippon Bokozoku Kagobutsu Kyokai.
0918-4295 Aromatopia Fragrance Journal Ltd.
1260-9978 Arômes ingrédients additifs PCA média,
0102-0935 Arquivo brasileiro de medicina veterinária e zootecnia UFMG, Escola de Veterinária
1678-4162 Arquivo brasileiro de medicina veterinária e zootecnia (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Veterinária.
0004-2714 Arquivo de patologia Instituto Português de Oncologia de Francisco Gentil
0066-782X Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia.
1678-4170 Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia.
1677-9487 Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia.
0004-2730 Arquivos brasileiros de endocrinologia e metabologia Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia
0365-0723 Arquivos brasileiros de medicina ECN
0365-074X Arquivos Brasileiros de Medicina Naval Diretoria de Saúde da Marinha
0365-0782 Arquivos Brasileiros de Nutrição Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Nutrição.
0004-2765 Arquivos Brasileiros de Tuberculose e Doencas do Torax Instituto Brasileiro para Investigação do Tórax
0365-8384 Arquivos da Escola de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Veterinária
0365-2203 Arquivos da Faculdade de Higiene e Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde Pública
0365-2319 Arquivos da Faculdade Nacional de Medicina, Rio de Janeiro Faculdade Nacional de Medicina. Universidade do Brasil.
0365-8139 Arquivos da Universidade da Bahia, Faculdade de Medicina Universidade da Bahia, Faculdade de Medicina.
0100-2481 Arquivos da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro.
0004-279X Arquivos de Biologia Laboratório Paulista de Biologia.
0365-0979 Arquivos de Biologia e Tecnologia Instituto de Tecnologia do Paranã.
0403-2527 Arquivos de Bromatologia Laboratorio Bromatologico
0374-5686 Arquivos de Ciências do Mar Universidade Federal do Ceará, Laboratório de Ciências do Mar,; Universidade Federal do Ceará, Instituto de Ciências do Mar,
0365-1703 Arquivos de Dermatologia e Sifiligrafia de Sao Paulo ????
0004-2803 Arquivos de gastroenterologia Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos e Pesquisas de Gastroenterologia
1678-4219 Arquivos de gastroenterologia Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos e Pesquisas de Gastroenterologia.
0571-1274 Arquivos de Geologia ????
0004-2811 Arquivos de Higiene e Saúde Pública Secretaria da Saude Publica e da Assistencia Social Estado de Sao Paulo.
1678-4227 Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria Academia Brasileira de Neurologia.
0004-282X Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria Academia Brasileira de Neurologia
0365-6268 Arquivos de Oncologia Liga Bahiana Contra o Câncer, Hospital Aristides Maltez.
0376-0235 Arquivos de patologia geral e de anatomia patológica Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Medicina
0066-7862 Arquivos de Tisiologia Estancia Sanatorial do Caramulo
0066-7870 Arquivos de zoologia Museu de Zoologia da Universidade
2176-7793 Arquivos de Zoologia (e-vir) Universidade de São Paulo, Museu de Zoologia
0100-0012 Arquivos de zoologia do Estado de São Paulo Secretaria de Agricultura, Departamento de Zoologia.
0365-1142 Arquivos do Centro de Estudos da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Faculdade de Odontologia.
0365-303X Arquivos do IBIT Instituto Brasileiro para Investigacao da Tuberculose
0365-2998 Arquivos do Instituto Bacteriológico Câmara Pestana Instituto Bacteriológico Câmara Pestana
0020-3653 Arquivos do Instituto Biológico Instituto Biológico
1808-1657 Arquivos do Instituto Biológico Instituto Biológico.
0551-5823 Arquivos do Instituto de Anatomia Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Medicina.
0520-8149 Arquivos do Instituto de Biologia Animal Instituto de Biologia Animal, Departamento Nacional da Produção Animal.
0365-3048 Arquivos do Instituto de Biologia do Exercito, Rio de Janeiro Instituto de Biologia do Exerciso.
0484-1085 Arquivos do Instituto de Pesquisas Agronomicas, Recife c/o Universidade Rural de Pernambuco.
0551-5734 Arquivos do Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinarias "Desiderio Finamor" Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor.
0365-3242 Arquivos do Instituto Militar de Biologia, Rio de Janeiro Instituto Militar de Biologia
0365-4508 Arquivos do Museu Nacional Museu Nacional
0403-2608 Arquivos Mineiros de Leprologia Sociedade Mineira de Leprologia.
0518-7346 Arquivos portugueses de bioquímica Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica.
0158-071X ARRB research report ARR Australian Road Research Board.
0313-3842 ARR report Australian Road Research Board.
0348-7849 Årsbok Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala
0371-2885 Årsbok ... Societas scientiarum Fennica
0098-2946 ARS-H Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,
0365-3439 Ārshīv-i Mu̓assisah-i Rāzī.; آرشیو مؤسسه رازی Mu̓assisah-i taḥqīqāt-i vāksan va sirum/sāzi-i Rāzī
0097-4056 ARS journal American Rocket Society.
0092-1785 ARS-NC United States. Agricultural Research Service.; United States. Science and Education Administration.
0092-5918 ARS-NE United States.
0146-3713 Arson analysis newsletter s.n.] :; distributed by Systems Engineering Associates.
0004-2927 Ars Pharmaceutica Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Farmacia
2340-9894 Ars Pharmaceutica (e-vir) Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Farmacia
0092-1939 ARS-S United States. Agricultural Research Service.
0092-6035 ARS-W Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
0004-2994 Art and archaeology technical abstracts Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
0276-5047 Arteriosclerosis American Heart Association.
1079-5642 Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology The Association
1049-8834 Arteriosclerosis and thrombosis American Heart Association
0098-6127 Artery [publisher not identified], etc.]
1529-0131 Arthritis & rheumatism (e-vir) J.B. Lippincott Co.; Arthritis Foundation]; American College of Rheumatology
2326-5191 Arthritis & rheumatology Wiley
2326-5205 Arthritis & rheumatology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
Y507-973X Arthritis & rheumatology Wiley
0176-5167 Arthritis + Rheuma Schattauer
2567-5753 Arthritis + Rheuma (e-vir)
0004-3591 Arthritis and rheumatism American College of Rheumatology
0893-7524 Arthritis care and research Elsevier
1465-9913 Arthritis research (e-vir) Current Science Ltd.; BioMed Central
1478-6354 Arthritis research & therapy BioMed Central
1478-6362 Arthritis research & therapy (e-vir) BioMed Central.
1467-8039 Arthropod structure & development Elsevier.
1073-1199 Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology M. Dekker
1532-4184 Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0571-2041 Artificial earth satellites Plenum Press
0160-564X Artificial organs Raven Press
1525-1594 Artificial organs (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0924-3054 Artificial organs today Japanese Society for Artificial Organs.
0365-6349 Artificial silk world Skinner
0004-4008 Arts & métiers Société des anciens élèves des écoles nationales d'arts et métiers (France)
0389-4118 Arukäoru kenkyäu to yakubutsu izon Japanese Medical Society of Alcohol Studies.
0021-5244 Arukoru Kenkyu Japanese Medical Society of Alcohol Studies, c/o Kyoto Furitsu Ika Daigaku.
0285-5224 Aruminyumu Kenkyäukaishi Japanese Anodizing Association.
0972-2432 Aryabhata Research Journal of Physical Sciences Society of Physical Sciences.
0004-4172 Arzneimittel-Forschung Editio Cantor KG
1616-7066 Arzneimittel-Forschung = Thieme
0518-8369 Arzneimittelstandardisierung Deutsches Institut für Arzneimittelwesen.; VVB Pharmazeutische Industrie.; Deutsches Institut für Arzneimittelwesen, Berlin, DDR.; Vereinigung Volkseigener Betriebe Pharmazeutische Industrie.
0723-6913 Arzneimitteltherapie Wiss. Verl.-Ges.
0365-8589 Arzt, Apotheker, Krankenhaus [s.n.]
0001-947X Ärzteblatt Baden-Württemberg Gentner.
0001-9496 Ärztliche Forschung Werk-Verl.,
0340-5702 Ärztliche Kosmetologie Braun
0001-9526 Ärztliche Laboratorium Medicus-Verlag GmbH
0365-639X Ärztliche Monatshefte für berufliche Fortbildung GBS-Verlag,
0365-6403 Ärztliche Wochenschrift Springer
0197-1662 ASAE publication American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
0365-2599 Asahi Garasu Käogyäo Gijutsu Shäoreikai kenkyäu häokoku Asahi Glass Foundation for Industrial Technology.; Asahi Glass Foundation for the Contribution to Industrial Technology.
0004-4210 Asahi Garasu kenkyu hokoku Asahi Garasu K. K. Kenkyusho
0919-9179 Asahi Garasu Zaidan josei kenkyū seika hōkoku Asahi Garasu Zaidan
0916-7064 Asahi Garasu Zaidan kenkyū hōkoku Asahi Garasu Zaidan
0365-379X Asahi Kasei sen'i no kenkyäu Asahi Kasei Käogyo Kabushiki Gaisha. Sen'i Kenkyäujo.
0389-9306 Asahikawa Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kenkyu hobun Asahikawa Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0162-1432 ASAIO journal American Society for Artificial Internal Organs.
1058-2916 ASAIO journal Published for the Society by J.B. Lippincott Co.
1538-943X ASAIO journal (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0889-7190 ASAIO transactions Published for the Society by J.B. Lippincott Co.
0066-0566 ASA special publication American Society of Agronomy.; Crop Science Society of America.
0004-4237 Asbestos Stover Publishing Co.
0127-7324 Asean food journal Asean Food Handling Bureau
0129-4881 ASEAN journal of clinical sciences Melirwin Enterprises.
0065-6437 Asea research ASEA.
0365-6713 Asetäeto Asetäeto Kenkyäukai.
0365-0561 Asfalti, bitumi, catrami Fiaccola casa editrice.
0287-086X Ashikaga Käogyäo Daigaku kenkyäu shäuroku Ashikaga Institute of Technology.
0092-573X ASHRAE handbook & product directory American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.
0001-2491 ASHRAE journal American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
0001-2505 ASHRAE transactions American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
0301-0368 Asian archives of anaesthesiology & resuscitation Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Research Forum.; Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education & Research. Dep. of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation.
1011-2367 Asian-australasian journal of animal sciences Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
1976-5517 Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences (e-vir) Asian-Australasian association of animal production societies
1369-684X Asian ceramics Industrial Minerals Information.
0971-9822 Asian Chemistry Letters Anita Publications.
0972-9488 Asian Dyer G.P.S. Kwatra.
0116-2993 Asian environment ASEAN Journal.
1541-8219 Asian-information-science-life Nova Science Publishers,
1745-7262 Asian journal of andrology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1008-682X Asian Journal of Andrology Science Press.
1815-9923 Asian journal of biochemistry ANSInet
1815-9931 Asian journal of biochemistry (e-vir) Academic Journals
0970-7077 Asian Journal of Chemistry Chemic Publishing Co.
0971-0523 Asian Journal of Chemistry Reviews Chemic Publishing Co..
0253-6595 Asian journal of dairy research Agricultural Research Communication Centre
0971-5444 Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences Dr. R. Mathur.
0129-4024 Asian journal of infections diseases Medical Book Centre.
0301-0376 Asian journal of medicine Far East Trade Press
0972-3005 Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences EM International
0377-8932 Asian journal of modern medicine Far East Trade Press.
0129-4172 Asian journal of pharmaceutical sciences Medical Book Centre.
0066-8419 Asian Journal of Pharmacy Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations.
0971-3093 Asian Journal of Physics Anita Publications
1682-3974 Asian journal of plant sciences ANSInet.
1812-5697 Asian journal of plant sciences Asian Network for Scientific Information
0971-9237 Asian Journal of Spectroscopy Spectral-Force Publications.
1875-8568 Asian journal of water, environment and pollution (e-vir) IOS Press
0972-9860 Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution Capital Publishing Company.
0004-461X Asian medical journal Japan Medical Publishers, Inc :; Japan Medical Association.
0125-877X Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology Allergy and Immunology Society Thailand.
0971-3425 Asian Textile Journal G P S Kwatra.
0377-9920 Asian Wall Street Journal Dow Jones & Co
0389-2328 Asia-Oceania journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Medical View Company.
0219-0303 Asia-Pacific biotech news KH Biotech Services.
1793-6721 Asia-Pacific biotech news (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
0960-2739 Asia-Pacific chemicals Reed Business.
1468-1412 Asia Pacific coatings journal DMG World Media
0964-7058 Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition Smith-Gordon Journals
0217-9687 Asia Pacific journal of pharmacology K. C. Ang Publishing.
0365-7272 Askania-Warte Continental-Elektroindustrie-Aktiengesellschaft
0198-8514 ASLE SP American Society of Lubrication Engineers.
0569-8197 ASLE transactions American Society of Lubrication Engineers
0001-253X Aslib proceedings Aslib
1758-3748 Aslib proceedings (e-vir) Aslib
0097-3912 ASM transactions quarterly American Society for Metals.
0197-8632 A Specialty conference on: state-of-the-art odor control technology Air Pollution Control Association.
0066-8656 Aspects of adhesion University of London Press.
0066-8664 Aspects of Allergy and Applied Immunology [s.n.]
0097-3955 Asphalt Institute quarterly Asphalt Institute.
0270-2932 Asphalt paving technology Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists,
0365-4044 Asphalt und Strassenbau Verlag für Fachliteratur.
0365-7566 Asphalt und Teer Allgemeiner Industrie-Verlag
0365-7698 Asphalt- und Teerindustrie-Zeitung Allgemeiner Industrie-Verlag
1540-658X Assay and drug development technologies Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-8127 Assay and drug development technologies (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert
0097-7063 Assembly & fastener engineering Hitchcock Pub. Co.
1522-3949 Assisted reproduction B.C. Decker
1051-2446 Assisted reproduction reviews Williams & Wilkins
1094-8465 Assisted reproductive technology/andrology ARTA
0099-2607 Association Bulletin, International Association of Milk Dealers
0887-8390 Association for International Cancer Research symposia Association for International Cancer Research.
1347-4650 Asthma frontier Iyaku janarusha
0365-7205 ASTM bulletin The Society
0066-0531 ASTM data series publication American Society for Testing and Materials.
1531-1074 Astrobiology Mary Ann Liebert
1557-8070 Astrobiology (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.; [Available from]; CatchWord
0320-9318 Astrofizičeskie issledovaniâ Nauka. Leningradskoe otdelenie
0324-1459 Astrofizičeskie issledovanija [S.n.]
0571-7132 Astrofizika Akademiâ nauk Armânskoj SSR.
0097-7179 Astro-jet Glendale Rocket Society.
0582-8198 Astrometriâ i astrofizika.; Астрометрия и астрофизика Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0004-6205 Astronautica acta Pergamon
0571-7159 Astronautical Sciences Review
0097-7152 Astronautics American Rocket Society.
0099-264X Astronautics American Interplanetary Society.; American Rocket Society.
0004-6213 Astronautics & aeronautics American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
0066-9954 Astronautische Forschungsberichte der Deutschen Raketen-Gesellschaft e.V Deutsche Raketen-Gesellschaft e. V
0365-2327 Astronautische Forschungsberichte der Hermann-Oberth-Gesellschaft Hermann-Oberth-Gesellschaft e. V
1055-6796 Astronomical and astrophysical transactions Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1476-3540 Astronomical and astrophysical transactions (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0374-2466 Astronomical Herald Astronomical Society of Japan; Nihon tenmon gakkai
1050-3390 Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series The Society
0320-930X Astronomičeskij vestnik Nauka.
0004-6299 Astronomičeskij žurnal Nauka
0004-6337 Astronomische Nachrichten Akademie-Verlag
1521-3994 Astronomische Nachrichten (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0004-6361 Astronomy & astrophysics EDP Sciences
1432-0746 Astronomy & astrophysics (e-vir) EDP Sciences
1286-4846 Astronomy and astrophysics (e-vir) EDP Sciences
0365-0138 Astronomy and astrophysics supplement series Les Editions de Physique
1366-8781 Astronomy and geophysics IOP Publishing
1468-4004 Astronomy and geophysics (e-vir) IOP Publishing
1063-7737 Astronomy letters MAIK Nauka /Interperiodica
1562-6873 Astronomy letters (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
1063-7729 Astronomy reports American Institute of Physics
1562-6881 Astronomy reports (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.
0004-6388 Astrophysical letters Gordon and Breach.
0067-0030 Astrophysica Norvegica University of Oslo. Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics.; Det norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo.; Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk.
0571-7256 Astrophysics Consultants Bureau
1573-8191 Astrophysics Kluwer
0004-640X Astrophysics and space science Reidel
1572-946X Astrophysics and space science (e-vir) Springer
0067-0057 Astrophysics and space science library Reidel; Kluwer Academic Publishers; Springer
1810-6528 Astrophysics and space sciences transactions Copernicus Publ.
1810-6536 Astrophysics and space sciences transactions (e-vir) Copernicus Publ.
0365-6438 Asutustoiminnan aikakauskirja Asutushallitus.; Suomi.
1110-0184 Aswan Science and Technology Bulletin Faculty of Science in Aswan
0489-5460 A Symposium of the Society for the Study of Development and Growth Society for the Study of Development and Growth (U.S.).
0371-3458 A Szegedi Tanárképző Főiskola tudományos közleményei Szegedi Tanárképző Főiskola.
0134-0476 A szilárdtestkutatás ujabb eredményei Akad. K.
1434-9302 AT Bauverl.
0910-1810 Atarashii ganka Medikaru Aoi Shuppan.
0365-0898 Atas da Sociedade de Biologia do Rio de Janeiro Sociedade de Biologia do Rio de Janeiro.
0371-8506 A Távközlési Kutató Intézet közleményei Távközlési Kutató Intézet.
0365-7302 ATB Metallurgie Benelux Metallurgie.
0341-3055 Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten Dustri-Verlag Feistle
1139-7357 Atención farmacéutica Rasgo
1335-2253 Ateroskleróza Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Lekárska fakulta.
0133-2082 A Textilipari Kutató Intézet közleményei Textilip. Kut. Int.
0365-7396 Athena Consorzio neoterapico nazionale
0365-5288 Ätherische Öle, Riechstoffe, Parfümerien, Essenzen + Aromen Barsch.
0250-4677 Atherogenese Verlag Wilhelm Maudrich
0301-0678 Atherogenesis Excerpta Medica
0021-9150 Atherosclerosis Elsevier
0170-0626 Atherosclerosis Springer.
1567-5688 Atherosclerosis Elsevier
1879-1484 Atherosclerosis (e-vir) Elsevier
1524-4636 Atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology (e-vir) Lippincot
0362-1650 Atherosclerosis reviews Raven Press
1528-9311 ATI, America's textile industries Billian Pub. Inc.
0997-7554 ATIP ATIP
0378-8148 ATIRA Technical Digest Ahmedabad Textile Industry's Research Association
2632-3559 ATLA (e-vir) Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments
0261-1929 ATLA. Alternatives to laboratory animals Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments
0097-7101 Atlantic fisherman Atlantic Fisherman,
0099-2593 Atlantic Medical Journal
0160-4759 Atlas Pennsylvania. Bureau of Topographic and Geologic Survey.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0170-575X ATM. Archiv für technisches Messen + messtechnische Praxis Oldenbourg
0365-7418 ATM. Archiv für technisches Messen und industrielle Messtechnik R. Oldenbourg Verlag
0340-4021 ATM+messtechnische Praxis Oldenbourg
0705-5900 Atmosphere-ocean Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
1480-9214 Atmosphere-ocean (e-vir) University of Toronto Press
1024-8560 Atmospheric and oceanic optics Optical Society of America.; American Institute of Physics.; Institut optiki atmosfery (Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR)
2070-0393 Atmospheric and oceanic optics (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1680-7316 Atmospheric chemistry and physics European Geophysical Society; Copernicus GmbH
1680-7324 Atmospheric chemistry and physics (e-vir) European Geophysical Society; Copernicus GmbH
0004-6981 Atmospheric environment Pergamon Press
0957-1272 Atmospheric environment Pergamon
0960-1686 Atmospheric environment Pergamon
1352-2310 Atmospheric environment Pergamon
1873-2844 Atmospheric environment (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1392-0332 Atmospheric Physics Institut of Physics
0360-8778 Atmospheric quality improvement technical bulletin National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement (U.S.)
0169-8095 Atmospheric research Elsevier
0715-0806 Atmospheric sciences report Alberta Research Council.
0004-7015 Atom Information Services Branch. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
0365-1878 Atom Enerjisi Komisyonu. Bilimsel Yayinlar Seri Atom Enerjisi Komisyonu
0365-7515 Atomes Société d'éditions scientifiques
0365-754X Atomes et radiations [s.n.],
0044-9954 Atomic absorption newsletter Perkin-Elmer Corp.
1018-5577 Atomic and plasma-material interaction data for fusion International Atomic Energy Agency
0004-7082 Atomic data Academic Press
0092-640X Atomic data and nuclear data tables Academic Press.
1090-2090 Atomic data and nuclear data tables (e-vir) Academic Press
0365-7345 Atomic Energy Australian Atomic Energy Commission.
1063-4258 Atomic energy = Consultants Bureau
1573-8205 Atomic energy = = Kluwer
0376-4575 Atomic Energy Centre Atomic Energy Centre.
0004-7090 Atomic energy in Australia Australian Atomic Energy Commission.
0004-7112 Atomic energy review International atomic energy agency
0587-3797 Atomic energy review. Special issue International Atomic Energy Agency.
0090-6360 Atomic physics; American Institute of Physics [etc.]
0099-2631 Atomic Power
0365-7493 Atomics Leonard Hill Technical Group
0365-1967 Atomics, engineering and technology Leonard Hill Technical Group
0365-7469 Atomics & nuclear energy Leonard Hill Technical Group
0365-0480 Atomics and atomic technology Leonard Hill Technical Group
0365-6616 Atomic Scientists Journal Taylor & Francis Ltd.
0365-6993 Atomic Scientists News Taylor & Francis Ltd.
0195-5373 Atomic spectroscopy Perkin/Elmer Corp.
0365-7663 Atomic world Leonard Hill Technical Group
0126-1568 Atom Indonesia National Atomic Energy Agency of Indonesia.
2356-5322 Atom Indonesia (e-vir) Pusat Pendayagunaan Informatika dan Kawasan Strategis Nuklir, Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional
0266-3481 Atomisation and spray technology Elsevier Applied Science Publishers
1044-5110 Atomization and sprays Taylor & Francis/Hemisphere
1936-2684 Atomization and sprays Begell House
0004-7147 Atomkernenergie Verlag Karl Thiemig
0171-5747 Atomkernenergie, Kerntechnik Hanser
0004-7155 ATOMKI közlemények MTA ATOMKI
0571-818X Atomlight New England Nuclear Corp.
0004-7163 ATOMNAÂ ENERGIÂ [S.n.]
0424-8686 Atomnye stolknoveniâ Zinātne
0571-8198 Atompraxis Verlag G. Braun
0365-7620 Atomtechnikai tájékoztató Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. Központi Fizikai Kutatóintézet.
0004-7066 Atom und Strom Verl.- u. Wirtschaftsges. d. Elektrizitätswerke
0004-721X Atomwirtschaft Verlag Handelsblatt
1077-4181 AT-onsite InfoScience Services,
0365-7507 Atoom Anorganisch Chemisch Laboratorium.
0004-7228 Atoomenergie en haar toepassingen Reflex
1077-419X AT-PROCESS Infoscience Services,
0066-9830 Atti Associazione genetica italiana.; A.G.I.
0365-3528 Atti Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
0392-6680 Atti Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
0365-3552 Atti - Accademia Italiana della Vite e del Vino, Siena Arti grafiche Longo e Zappelli
0391-4860 Atti - Convegno nazionale sugli olii essenziali e sui derivati agrumari Stazione sperimentale per l'industria delle Essenze e dei Derivati dagli Agrumari Reggio Calabria.
0066-9849 Atti del ... Convegno annuale Associazione geofisica italiana.
0010-1257 Atti del collegio degli ingegneri di Milano Collegio degli ingegneri di Milano.
0365-1266 Atti del Congresso Internazionale delle Materie Plastiche
0390-7783 Atti dell'Accademia dei Fisiocritici in Siena Accademia dei Fisiocritici in Siena.
0365-589X Atti dell'Accademia dei Georgofili Stamperia editoriale Porenti.
0365-0057 Atti dell'Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. Classe di scienze fisiche. Rendiconti Accademia della scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna.
0365-0464 Atti dell'Accademia delle scienze di Ferrara Accademia delle scienze
0390-7686 Atti dell'Accademia gioenia di scienze naturali in Catania Accademia gioenia di scienze naturali.
1828-6550 Atti dell'Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. Classe II, Scienze medico-biologiche (e-vir) Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti
0365-0529 Atti dell'Accademia scientifica Veneto-Trentino Istriana Accademia scientifica veneto-trentino istriana.
0365-298X Atti dell'Istituto Botanico dell'Università di Pavia Università di Pavia, Istituto di Botanica
0041-8978 Atti dell'Istituto di Geologia dell'Universita di Genova Universita degli Studi di Genova, Istituto di Geologia.
0365-317X Atti dell' Istituto geologico della Università di Pavia Tipografia del Libro
0371-0424 Atti della ... riunione Società italiana per il progresso delle scienze
0365-0154 Atti della Accademia dei Fisiocritici in Siena. Sezione agraria Accademia dei Fisiocritici.
0365-0308 Atti della Accademia dei Fisiocritici in Siena. Sezione medico-fisica e studi della Facoltà medica senese Università degli studi di Siena,Facoltà di medicina.; Accademia dei Fisiocritici, Sezione medico-fisica.
0515-2143 Atti della Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. Classe di scienze fisiche. Memorie Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna.
0001-4419 Atti della Accademia delle scienze di Torino Accademia delle scienze
0365-6322 Atti della Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Arti di Palermo Accademia di Scienze Lettere e Arti.
0365-0448 Atti della Accademia di Scienze Lettere e Arti di Palermo, Parte prima: Scienze Accademia di Scienze Lettere e Arti.
0365-0316 Atti della Accademia Medica Lombarda Clinica chirurgica generale
0365-0251 Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie della Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali.
0365-026X Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie della Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali.
0365-0286 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie della Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali.
0065-0757 Atti della Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia. Rendiconti Accademia nazionale italiana di entomologia.
0365-0359 Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali = Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti
0365-0294 Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Medico-Biologiche Arti Grafiche "La Sicilia"
1825-1242 Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matemàtiche e Naturali (e-vir) Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti
0365-0081 Atti della Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati.
0365-141X Atti della Clinica Odontologica e della Società Napoletana di Stomatologia
0365-1428 Atti della Clinica Oto-Rino-Laringoiatrica dell'Universita di Palermo Clinica Oto-Rino-Laringoiatrica, Universita di Palermo
0015-606X Atti della Fondazione "Giorgio Ronchi" Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi
0365-236X Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi e Contributi dell'Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi
0365-5946 Atti della R. accademia d'Italia. Rendiconti della Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali R. accademia d'Italia. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali.
0001-4435 Atti della R. Accademia dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali R. Accademia dei Lincei. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali.
0370-5935 Atti della R. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie della Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali R. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
0365-7361 Atti della Reale Accademia delle scienze di Torino. Classe di scienze fisiche matematiche e naturali Reale Accademia delle scienze.
0365-0278 Atti della Reale Accademia ligure di scienze e lettere Reale Accademia ligure di scienze e lettere
0365-592X Atti della Reale Accademia Peloritana Grafiche "La Sicilia".
0365-5520 Atti della Reale Accademia Peloritana. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Biologiche Grafiche "La Sicilia".
0365-7027 Atti della Società dei naturalisti e matematici di Modena Mucchi
0518-3588 Atti della Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie Società Italiana di Scienze Veterinarie.
0393-1382 Atti della Società italiana di buiatria Società italiana di buiatria
0081-069X Atti della Società italiana di cardiologia Società italiana di cardiologia.
0037-8844 Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali; Museo Civico di Storia Naturale
0365-690X Atti della Società lombarda di scienze mediche e biologiche Società lombarda di scienze mediche e biologiche.
0365-6977 Atti della Società medico chirurgica di Padova e della Facoltà di medicina e chirurgia della Università di Padova Società medico chirurgica di Padova.; Università degli studi di Padova. Facoltà di medicina e chirurgia.
0365-706X Atti della Societa Oftalmologica Lombarda Societa Oftalmologica Lombarda.
0037-8860 Atti della Societa Peloritana di Scienze Fisiche Matematiche e Naturali Societa Peloritana,Universita di Messina
0365-7450 Atti della Società toscana di scienze naturali Edizioni Plus, Pisa University Press
0365-7655 Atti della Società toscana di scienze naturali Edizioni Plus, Pisa University Press
0365-7108 Atti della Società toscana di scienze naturali residente in Pisa. Memorie Società toscana di scienze naturali residente in Pisa.
0365-7477 Atti della Società toscana di scienze naturali residente in Pisa. Processi verbali Società toscana di scienze naturali residente in Pisa.
0365-1576 Atti del Museo civico di storia naturale di Trieste Museo civico di storia naturale
0041-8986 Atti del seminario matematico e fisico dell Universita di Modena Seminario Matematico e Fisico, Unniversita di Modena
0365-6837 Atti del Simposio Internazionale di Agrochimica Universita degli Studi di Pisa, Istituto di Chimica Agraria.
1122-1437 Atti di conferenze Editrice Compositori
0365-3951 Atti e memorie Accademia nazionale di scienze lettere ed arti di Modena.
0365-4710 Atti e memorie Accademia Virgiliana
0365-5717 Atti e memorie. Parte I. Atti Accademia Patavina di scienze, lettere ed arti
0365-0014 Atti e memorie dell'Accademia d'agricoltura scienze e lettere di Verona Fondazione cassa di risparmio
0365-4109 Atti e memorie dell'Accademia di Storia dell'Arte Sanitaria Accademia di storia dell'arte sanitaria.
0365-7485 Atti e notizie della AIM Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia.; AIM.
0373-3475 Atti Erassegna Tecnica Societa degli Ingegneri e degli Architetti in Torino
0365-5458 Atti e relazioni - Accademia pugliese delle scienze. Parte 2. Classe di scienze fisiche, mediche e naturali Accademia Pugliese delle Scienze.
0365-7310 Attualita di Chemioterapia
0004-7309 Attualita di Laboratorio
0004-7317 Attualità di Ostetrica e Ginecologia Società editrice universo.
0004-7325 Attualità mediche Istituto biochimico sperimentale, Sezione scientifica.
0365-7434 Atualidades Medico-Sanitarias Ministério da Saåude.
0365-8414 Atw. Atomwirtschaft, Atomtechnik Handelsblatt-GmbH, Verlag für Wirtschaftsinformation
1431-5254 Atw. Internationale Zeitschrift für Kernenergie Verl.-Gruppe Handelsblatt
0001-2785 ATZ Franckh
0365-771X AUARA Annamalai University
1421-9700 Audiology & neuro-otology (e-vir) S. Karger
1420-3030 Audiology and neuro-otology S.Karger
1023-618X Auditory neuroscience Harwood Academic Publishers.
0004-783X Aufbereitungs-Technik Verlag für Aufbereitung Schirmer und Zeh
0004-7856 Aufschluss Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie
0519-4334 Aufschluss, Sonderheft Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie e. V
0404-0228 Augsne un raža Latvijas PSR Lauksaimniecäibas ministrija.; Latvijas Zemkopäibas zinäatniski päetnieciskais institäuts.
0385-8146 Auris, nasus, larynx SOciety for Promotion of International Otorhinolaryngology
0519-4555 Aus dem Walde Schaper.
0365-7981 Aus der Natur Bermühler
0138-2152 Aus der Zentralstelle für Korrosionsschutz Zentralstelle für Korrosionsschutz.; VEB Zentralinstitut für konomischen Metalleinsatz, Zentralstelle für Korrosionsschutz.
0818-3848 AusIMM bulletin and proceedings Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
0571-9283 Australasian Annals of Medicine Royal Australasian College of Physicians.
1036-7128 Australasian biotechnology Australian Biotechnology Association
0156-9465 Australasian bulletin of medical physics & biophysics Biophysics Group, Australian Institute of Physics and the Austalian Regional Group, Hospital Physicists Association.
0004-833X Australasian Corrosion Engineering ????.
0004-8348 Australasian Engineer Maxwell Newton Pty Ltd.
1440-0960 Australasian journal of dermatology Blackwell Science.
0004-8380 Australasian Journal of Dermatology Australian College of Dermatologists
1323-3475 Australasian journal of ecotoxicology Australasian Society for Ecotoxicology.
0004-8399 Australasian Journal of Pharmacy Australasian Pharmaceutical Publishing Co Ltd.
0374-5376 Australasian Journal of Pharmacy Science Supplement Australasian Pharmaceutical Publishing Co Ltd.
0004-8429 Australasian oil and gas journal Technical and Industrial Press.
0158-9938 Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine Australasian College of Physical Scientists in Medicine.
1879-5447 Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine (e-vir) Springer Netherlands
0157-9738 Australasian physical sciences in medicine Australasian College of Physical Scientists in Medicine and The Australasian Association of Physical Sciences in Medicine.
0815-3191 Australasian plant pathology Australasian Plant Pathology Society
1448-6032 Australasian plant pathology (e-vir) [Australian Plant Pathology Society]
0004-8461 Australasian radiology Royal Australasian College of Radiologists
1440-1673 Australasian radiology Royal Australasian College of Radiologists]
0365-0049 Australia, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Aerodynamics Report Aeronautical Research Laboratories.
0365-6810 Australia, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Guided Weapons Note Aeronautical Research Laboratories (Australia)
0428-5107 Australia, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Metallurgy Note Aeronautical Research Laboratories.
0430-6074 Australia, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Metallurgy Report Australia Dep of Supply, Aeronautical Research Laboratories.
0365-1592 Australia, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Metallurgy Technical Memorandum Aeronautical Research Laboratories.
0430-6082 Australia, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Structures and Materials Report Aeronautical Research Laboratories.
0365-5180 Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Chemical Research Laboratories Technical Paper Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.
0519-5470 Australia Bureau of Mineral Resources Geology and Geophysics pamphlet Bureau of Mineral Resources Geology and Geophysics.
0365-6632 Australia Defence Standards Laboratories Technical note Defence Standards Laboratories.
0004-8291 Australian and New Zealand journal of medicine Royal Australasian College of Physicians
0004-8682 Australian and New Zealand journal of surgery Blackwell Scientific
0365-0472 Australian Atomic Energy Commission, AAEC/E Report Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Research Establishment.
0365-1770 Australian Atomic Energy Commission, AAEC/TM Report Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Research Establishment.
0313-7511 Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment. Lucas Hejghts. AAEC/S Australian Atomic Energy Commission. Research Establishment.
0365-7744 Australian Chemical Abstracts Royal Australian Chemical Institute.
0004-8828 Australian Chemical Engineering ????.
0365-1258 Australian Chemical Institute Journal and Proceedings Australian Chemical Institute.
0365-1452 Australian Chemical Processing Lawson Press.
0365-5415 Australian Chemical Processing & Engineering Lawson Publications Pty Ltd.
0365-1495 Australian Corrosion Engineering Australian Association for Corrosion Prevention.
0045-0421 Australian dental journal Australian Dental Association
1834-7819 Australian dental journal Australian Dental Association.
0365-7841 Australian Finishing Bell Publications Pty Ltd.
0004-9131 Australian Food Manufacture and Distributor Lawrence Publishing Co Pty, Ltd.
0004-9158 Australian forestry [s.n.]
2325-6087 Australian forestry (e-vir) Institute of Foresters of Australia]
0365-7868 Australian Gas Bulletin Australian Gas Association.
0004-9166 Australian Gas Journal Australian Gas Association.
0004-9174 Australian Gemmologist Gemmological Association of Australia.
0004-9409 Australian Journal of Agricultural Research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
0572-1156 Australian Journal of Applied Science Comm. sci. res. org. Melbourne
0004-9417 Australian journal of biological sciences Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
0819-3355 Australian journal of biotechnology Australian Industrial Publishers for the Australian Biotechnology Association.
1444-9862 Australian journal of botany CSIRO Publishing..
0067-1924 Australian Journal of Botany Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
0365-3587 Australian Journal of Botany, Supplementary Series C.S.I.R.O..
1445-0038 Australian journal of chemistry CSIRO Publishing..
0004-9425 Australian Journal of Chemistry Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
0004-9433 Australian Journal of Dairy Technology Australian Society of Dairy Technology
0365-3595 Australian journal of dentistry S.n..
0365-3609 Australian Journal of Dermatology Dermatological Association of Australia.
0812-0099 Australian journal of earth sciences Published for the Geological Society of Australia by Blackwell Scientific Publications
1440-0952 Australian journal of earth sciences (e-vir) Published for the Geological Society of Australia by Blackwell Scientific Publications
0307-692X Australian journal of ecology Blackwell Scientific Publications
0816-1089 Australian journal of experimental agriculture CSIRO
0045-060X Australian journal of experimental agriculture and animal husbandry CSIRO.; Australian Institute of Agricultural Science.; Australian Agricultural Council.
0004-945X Australian journal of experimental biology and medical science University of Adelaide
1322-7130 Australian journal of grape and wine research Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology
1755-0238 Australian journal of grape and wine research (e-vir) Blackwell
Y502-2762 Australian journal of grape and wine research Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology
0310-6810 Australian journal of hospital pharmacy Society of Hospital Pharmaceutical Chemists of Australia.
0045-0626 Australian Journal of Instrumentation and Control Institute of Instrumentation and Control.
0365-3625 Australian Journal of Instrument Technology [Australian Society of Instrument Technology].
0067-1940 Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0158-4960 Australian journal of medical laboratory science Australian Institute of Medical Laboratory Scientists.
0312-956X Australian journal of medical technology Australasian Institute of Medical Technologists.
0310-1177 Australian journal of ophthalmology Royal Australian College of Ophthalmologists.; Australian College of Ophthalmologists.
0310-7116 Australian journal of pharmaceutical sciences Australasian Pharmaceutical Publishing.
0311-8002 Australian journal of pharmacy Associated Pharmaceutical Organisations of Australia.
0004-9506 Australian journal of physics Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
0572-1164 Australian journal of physics. Astrophysical supplement Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0310-7841 Australian journal of plant physiology Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
0365-3676 Australian Journal of Scientific Research Commenwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
0365-365X Australian Journal of Scientific Research, Series B: Biological Sciences CSIRO.; Australian National Research Council.; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Australia)
1446-568X Australian journal of soil research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
0004-9573 Australian Journal of Soil Research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0004-959X Australian journal of zoology C.S.I.R.O.
1446-5698 Australian journal of zoology (e-vir) CSIRO Pub.
0004-9719 Australian machinery and production engineering Institute of Machine Tool Makers (Australia)
0365-4281 Australian Mechanical Engineering Tait Publishing.
0004-9743 Australian meteorological magazine Australia. Bureau of Meteorology.
0004-976X Australian Mining Tait Publishing Co Pty Ltd
0004-9824 Australian National Clay [s.n.].
0045-0774 Australian OCCA proceedings and news Oil and Colour Chemists' Association, Australia.
0819-1794 Australian official journal of patents Australia. Patent, Trade Marks and Design Office
0004-9891 Australian official journal of patents, trade marks and designs Australia. Patent, Trade Marks and Design Office.
0004-993X Australian paediatric journal Australian Paediatric Association.
0004-9948 Australian Paint Journal Bell Publications Proprietary Ltd.
0365-8007 Australian Plastics Australian Trade Publications.
0365-8015 Australian Plastics and Rubber Bell Publications Pty. Ltd.
0005-0016 Australian Plastics and Rubber Journal Australian Trade Publications.
0310-933X Australian process engineering I.P.C. Business Press Australia.
0005-0148 Australian refrigeration, Air conditioning and heating Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating.
0005-0164 Australian road research Australian Road Research Board.
0365-8031 Australian Rubber Bell Publications Proprietary Ltd.
0005-0229 Australian science index Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Australia)
0567-1019 Australian Scientist Tasman Productions.
1030-1887 Australian systematic botany CSIRO Australia
1446-5701 Australian systematic botany (e-vir)
1751-0813 Australian veterinary journal (e-vir) Blackwell
0005-0423 Australian Veterinary Journal Australian Veterinary Association
0725-4695 Australian Water Resources Council conference series Australian Water Resources Council.; Australia. Dept. of National Development and Energy.
0725-2293 Australian water Resources Council occasional papers series Australian Water Resources Council.
0155-2643 Australian Water Resources Council technical paper Australian Government Publishing Service.
0725-0150 Australian weeds Council of the Australian Weed Science Societies.
0005-0431 Australian welding journal Australian Welding Institute.
0045-0960 Australian Welding Research Australian Welding Research Association.
0310-7833 Australian wildlife research CSIRO.
Y507-6072 Austrian journal of forest science (e-vir) University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
0891-6934 Autoimmunity Harwood Academic Publishers
1026-7859 Autoimmunity (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1607-842X Autoimmunity Harwood Academic.
1568-9972 Autoimmunity reviews Elsevier Science
1873-0183 Autoimmunity reviews (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0146-4116 Automatic control and computer sciences Allerton Press.
1558-108X Automatic control and computer sciences (e-vir) Allerton Press
0005-1055 Automatic documentation and mathematical linguistics Allerton Press [etc.]
1934-8371 Automatic documentation and mathematical linguistics Allerton Press
0005-1292 Automatic monitoring and measuring Scientific Information Consultants
0005-108X Automatic Welding Welding Institute
0005-1160 Automation [Penton Pub. Division, etc.]
0005-1179 Automation and remote control Consultants Bureau [etc.]
1608-3032 Automation and remote control (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
0005-1241 Automatisme Dunod
0005-125X Automatizace SNTL, Nakladatelství technické literatury
0095-0963 Automedica Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0572-2314 Autometry Consultants Bureau.
0005-1381 Automobile engineer IPC Transport Press
2192-8800 Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift Springer Automotive Media
0097-708X Automotive abstracts Penton Pub. Co.
0097-7071 Automotive and aviation industries Chilton Co.,
0098-2571 Automotive engineering Society of Automotive Engineers
0005-1527 Automotive industries, the automobile [Class Journal Co.],
1474-8665 Autonomic & autacoid pharmacology Blackwell Science.
1474-8673 Autonomic & autacoid pharmacology (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing Ltd
1566-0702 Autonomic neuroscience: basic & clinical Elsevier
1554-8627 Autophagy Landes Bioscience
1554-8635 Autophagy (e-vir) Landes Bioscience
0365-8090 Auto-Technik Vektor-Verlag
0005-1896 Avances en alimentación y mejora animal [s.n.]
0378-4509 Avances en producción animal Departamento de Producción Animal, Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Universidad de Chile
0210-3397 Avances en terapeútica Salvat Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
0120-0178 Avances tecnicos Cenicafe Centro Nacional de Investigaciones del Cafe,
0505-3927 A Veszprémi Vegyipari Egyetem közleményei Veszprémi Vegyipari Egyetem.
0549-7019 Avhandlinger - Det Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo. I, Mat.-naturv. klasse Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo.
0869-530X Aviacionnaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Авиационная промышленность [Aviatehinform]; [Авиатехинформ]; Nacionalʹnyj institut aviacionnyh tehnologij; Национальный институт авиационных технологий
0233-528X Aviakosmičeskaâ i èkologičeskaâ medicina.; Авиакосмическая и экологическая медицина Slovo; Слово.
0005-2086 Avian diseases American Association of Avian Pathologists
1938-4351 Avian diseases (e-vir) Cornell Veterinarian, Inc.
0307-9457 Avian pathology World Veterinary Poultry Assoc.
1465-3338 Avian pathology (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0970-1273 Avian Research Indian Poultry Club
0097-7098 Aviation [McGraw-Hill Pub. Co.]
0095-6562 Aviation space and environmental medicine Aerospace Medical Association
0097-7128 Aviation week McGraw-Hill Pub. Co.
0005-2175 Aviation week & space technology McGraw-Hill
0365-8163 Avtogennoe delo Ministerstvo himičeskoj promyšlennosti SSSR
0005-111X Avtomatičeskaâ svarka Naukova dumka
0572-2691 Avtomatika Naukova Dumka
0005-2329 Avtomatika, telemehanika i svâz' Transport
0005-2310 Avtomatika i telemehanika Nauka
2413-9777 Avtomatika i telemehanika; Автоматика и телемеханика (e-vir) Nauka; Наука
0132-4160 Avtomatika i vyčislitelʹnaâ tehnika [S.n.]
0132-2222 Avtomatizaciâ, telemehanizaciâ i svâzʹ v neftânoj promyšlennosti.; Автоматизация, телемеханизация и связь в нефтяной промышленности VNIIOÈNG; ВНИИОЭНГ; RGU nefti i gaza (NIU) imeni I.M. Gubkina; РГУ нефти и газа (НИУ) имени И.М. Губкина
0365-3757 Avtomatizaciâ himičeskih proizvodstv Opytno-konstruktorskoe bûro avtomatiki.
0365-821X Avtomatizaciâ himičeskih proizvodstv.; Автоматизация химических производств Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0572-4546 Avtomatizaciâ i mehanizaciâ processov litʹâ.; Автоматизация и механизация процессов литья Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0320-0825 Avtomatizaciâ metallurgičeskogo proizvodstva Metallurgiâ.
0320-6920 Avtomatizaciâ proektirovaniâ v èlektronike.; Автоматизация проектирования в электронике Tehnìka; Техніка.
0132-9758 Avtomatizaciâ tehnologičeskih processov himičeskih proizvodstv.; Автоматизация технологических процессов химических производств Vsesoûznoe himičeskoe obŝestvo im. D.I. Mendeleeva Altajskoe kraevoe pravlenie sekciâ avtomatizacii; Всесоюзное химическое общество им. Д.И. Менделеева Алтайское краевое правление секция автоматизации.
0320-6947 Avtomatizacija proizvodstvennyh processov v mašinostroenii i priborostroenii Izdatelʹstvo Lʹvovskogo universiteta
0135-1710 Avtomatizirovannye sistemy upravleniâ i pribory avtomatiki.; Автоматизированные системы управления и приборы автоматики Izdatelʹstvo pri Harʹkovskom universitete; Издательство при Харьковском университете; Harʹkovskij nacionalʹnyj universitet radioèlektroniki; Харьковский национальный университет радиоэлектроники
0320-7102 Avtometriâ Nauka. Sibirskoe otdelenie
0005-2337 Avtomobil'naâ promyšlennost' "Mašinostroenie"
0005-2345 Avtomobil'nyj transport "Transport"
0365-8368 Avtomobilʹ "Avtotransizdat"
0365-8376 Avtomobilʹnaâ i traktornaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Автомобильная и тракторная промышленность "Mašgiz"; "Машгиз".
0365-8171 Avtomobìlʹnì dorogi ì dorožnê budìvnictvo.; Автомобільні дороги і дорожнє будівництво Budìvelʹnik; Будівельник; Tehnìka1; Техніка; Nacìonalʹnij transportnij unìversitet; Національний транспортний університет
0320-7129 Avtomobilʹnyj transport.; Автомобильный транспорт Tehnika; Техника.
0321-2564 Avtomobilʹnyj transport i dorogi Belorusskij politehničeskij institut.
0365-8392 Avtošlâhovik Ukraïni.; Автошляховик України Deržavnij avtotransportnij naukovo-doslìdnij ì proektnij ìnstitut; Державний автотранспортний науково-дослідний і проектний інститут
0365-835X Avtotraktornoe delo.; Автотракторное дело Narodnyj komissariat srednego mašinostroeniâ SSSR; Народный комиссариат среднего машиностроения СССР.
0366-2888 Avulso Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral, Laboratório da Produção Mineral.
0372-4697 Avulso Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Escola de Geologia.
0524-2991 Avulso Departamento Nacional da Producao Mineral
0366-1288 Avulso - Divisao de Fomento da Producao Mineral Biblioteca do Departamento Nacional da Producao Mineral.
0368-038X Avulso - Instituto de Tecnologia Industrial, Estado de Minas Gerais Instituto de Tecnologia Industrial, Estado de Minas Gerais.
0365-8430 AWF Mitteilungen [s.n.]
0568-9406 AWRE report O HMSO.
0541-6175 Axel Heiberg Island Research Reports, Geology, McGill University McGill University.
0389-1836 Azabu Daigaku Jäui Gakubu kenkyäu häokoku Azabu University. School of Veterinary Medicine.
0404-4509 Azabu Jäuika Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku Azabu Juika Daigaku.
0521-4068 Az Agrártudományi Egyetem Állattenyésztési Karának közleményei Agrártudományi Egyetem Állattenyésztési Kar.; Životnovodčeskij fakulʹtet Universiteta agrarnyh nauk.; Fakultät für Tierzucht Ungarische Agrarwissenschaftliche Universität.; Faculty for Animal Husbandry Hungarian University of Agricultural Science.
0365-1886 Az Agrártudományi Egyetem közleményei Agrártudományi Egyetem.; Universitet selʹskohozâjstvennyh nauk.; Universität für Agrarwissenschaften.; University of Agricultural Sciences.
0524-8639 Az Agrártudományi Egyetem Mezőgazdasági Gépészmérnöki Karának közleményei Agrártudományi Egyetem Mezőgazdasági Gépészmérnöki Kara.; Faculty for Agricultural Engineering of Agrarian University.; Fakul'tet mehanizacii sel'skogo hozâjstva Universiteta.; Landtechnische Fakultät der Universität für Agrarwissenschaften.
0521-4130 Az Agrártudományi Egyetem Mezőgazdaságtudományi Karának közleményei Agrártudományi Egyetem Mezőgazdaságtudományi Kara.; Faculty for Agricultural Sciences of Agrarian University.; Fakul'tet sel'skohozâjstvennyh nauk Agrarnogo universiteta.; Landwirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität für Agrarwissenschaften.
0521-3703 Az Állatgyógyászati Oltóanyagellenőrző Intézet évkönyve Állatgyógyászati Oltóanyagellenőrző Intézet.
0139-469X Az Alumíniumipari Tervező és Kutató Intézet közleményei Alumíniumipari Tervező és Kutató Intézet.
1029-7472 Azarbajcan SSR elmlar akademijasynyn habarlari Elm
0231-2700 Az atomenergia- és magkutatás újabb eredményei Akadémiai K.
0005-2531 Azerbajčan himiâ žurnaly Elm; AMEA akademik M.Nağıyev adına Kataliz və Qeyri-üzvi Kimya İnstitutu
0005-2523 Azerbajdžanskij medicinskij žurnal Ministerstvo zdravoohraneniâ Azerbajdžanskoj SSR.
0365-8554 Azerbajdžanskoe neftânoe hozâjstvo "Azneftʹ" obʺedinenie
0014-0031 Az erdő Lapkiadó
0521-4521 Az Országos Húsipari Kutatóintézet évkönyve Országos Húsipari Kutatóintézet.; Hungarian Meat Research Institute.; Gosudarstvennyj issledovatel'skij institut mâsnoj promyšlennosti.; Ungarische Forschunginstitut für Fleischwirtschaft.
0474-7607 Az orvostudomány aktuális problémái Medicina
0130-500X Azotnaâ promyšlennostʹ NIITÈHIM.
1608-1927 Azťarbausan ťaszaçìlìq jurnalì Mìnìsterstvo zdravoohraneniâ azerbajdžanskoj respubliki.; Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan Republic.; Učenyj sovet farmačevtičeskogo fakulʹteta azerbajdžanskogo medičinskogo universiteta.; Academic Council of the Pharmaceutical Faculty of Azerbaijan Medical University.
0567-3305 Azúcar Asociación peruana de tecnólogos azucareros
0076-5589 B Max C. Fleischmann College of Agriculture. Agricultural Experiment Station.; Max C. Fleischmann College of Agriculture.
0067-2734 B.B.A. library Elsevier
0005-2906 B.C. professional engineer Association of Professional Engineers of the Province of British Columbia.
0323-9918 B'lgarsko geofizično spisanie [S.n.]
1302-5570 Baægűmlűlűk dergisi Özel Baægmlűlűk Saæglűk Hizmetleri Ltd.
0005-383X Bäcker und Konditor Fachbuchverlag
0067-2777 Bacteriological proceedings American Society for Microbiology.
0005-3678 Bacteriological reviews American Society for Microbiology
0301-7338 Bacteriologie, virusologie, parazitologie, epidemiologie Editura Medicală
1532-169X Baillière's best practice and research in clinical anaesthesiology (e-vir) Baillière Tindall; Harcourt
0950-3501 Baillière's clinical anaesthesiology Baillière Tindall
1521-6896 Baillieres's best practice and research. Clinical anaesthesiology Bailliere Tindall
1342-2634 Baioimējingu Nihon BaioImējingu Gakkai; Nihon baioimejingu gakkai; 日本バイオイメージング学会
0913-4549 Baiomasu Henkan Keikaku kenkyu hokoku Norin Suisansho. Norin Suisan Gijutsu Kaigi. Jimukyoku
1347-7080 Baiomateriaru =.; バイオマテリアル Nihon baiomateriaru gakkai; Nihon igakukan (Hatsubai); 日本バイオマテリアル学会 ;; 日本医学館 (発売); Nihon baiomateriaru gakkai; 日本バイオマテリアル学会
0914-8981 Baiosaiensu to indasutoräi Bioindustry Development Center, Tokyo.; Japan Bioindustry Association.
1349-7448 Baiotekunoroji janaru Youdosha
0253-3707 Baiqiu'en Yike Daxue xuebao Baiqiu'en Yike Daxue
1009-9921 Baixuebing linbaliu Gai Kan Bianjibu
0191-6114 Baker's digest Siebel Pub. Co.
0005-4119 Bakers Weekly American Trade Publishing Co.
0005-416X Baking industry Clissold Pub. Co.
2199-5761 Balkan journal of medical genetics (e-vir) de Gruyter
0005-4402 Balneologia Polska Polskie Towarzystwo Balneologii, Bioklimatologii i Medycyny Fizykalnej.; Polskie Towarzystwo Balneologii i Medycyny Fizykalnej (Ciechocinek)
0067-3064 Baltica Institute of Geology and Geography
1648-858X Baltica (e-vir) A.Grigelis; Institute of Geology and Geography
1407-0944 Baltic Journal of Laboratory Animal Science Company GRINDEX
0522-0718 Balwant Vidyapeeth Journal of Agricultural and Scientific Research Balwant Vidyapeeth
0366-1296 BAM-Berichte Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung
0289-2111 Bamboo journal Japan Society of Bamboo Development and Protection.
0005-4577 Bamidgeh Fish Breeders Association
0366-1210 Banaras Metallurgist Metallurgy Society, Dep of Metallurgical Engineering
0198-0068 Banbury report Banbury Center.; National Cancer Institute (U.S.)
1001-5868 Bandaoti guangdian Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0253-4177 Bandaoti xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
0005-3848 Bänder, Bleche, Rohre Vogel
0522-8980 Bangla Academy Biggan Patrika Bengali Academy.
0379-4288 Bangladesh horticulture Bangladesh Society for Horticultural Science.; Bangladesh Agricultural University. Department of Horticulture.
0379-4296 Bangladesh journal of agricultural sciences Bangladesh Agricultural University, Old Boys' Association
0253-5408 Bangladesh journal of agriculture Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council.
0379-430X Bangladesh journal of animal science Bangladesh Agricultural University.; Bangladesh Animal Science Association.
0045-1428 Bangladesh journal of biological and agricultural sciences Department of Biochemistry, University of Dacca.; Bangladesh Society for Biological and Agricultural Sciences.
0253-5416 Bangladesh journal of botany Bangladesh Botanical Society.
0253-5424 Bangladesh journal of jute & fibre research Bangladesh Jute Research Institute.
0304-9809 Bangladesh journal of scientific and industrial research Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
2224-7157 Bangladesh journal of scientific and industrial research (e-vir) Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
0253-5440 Bangladesh journal of soil science Soil Science Society of Bangladesh.
0301-4606 Bangladesh pharmaceutical journal Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Society
0378-8113 Bangladesh veterinary journal Bangladesh Veterinary Association.
0253-4231 Bangsaseonbang-eohakoeji; 방사선방어학회지 Daehan Bangsaseon Bang-eo Hakoe; 대한방사선방어학회
0254-4539 Bano biggyan patrikäa Forest Research Institute.
0365-8759 Bansilal Amritlal Agricultural College Magazine Shri V. R. Jambhekar, Assistant Secy
0367-6412 Bánya- és Kohómérnöki Osztály közleményei M. Kir. József Nádor Müszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem. Bánya- Kohó- és Erdőmérnöki Kar.
0365-9011 Bányaszati és kohászati lapok Péch Antal,
0522-3512 Bányászati és kohászati lapok Lapkiadó,; Delta; OMBKE; Római Kiadói és Nyomdaipari Bt.; OMBKE
0572-6034 Bányászati és kohászati lapok Lapkiadó,; Delta; OMBKE; Montan-press; OMBKE : Agenda-Editor Kft.; OMBKE
0005-5670 Bányászati és kohászati lapok. Kohászat Lapkiadó
0375-9504 Bányászati és kohászati lapok. Öntöde Lapkiadó
0521-3711 Bányászati Kutató Intézet közleményei Bányász. Kut. Intéz.
0365-9003 Bányászati lapok Országos Magyar Bányászati és Kohászati Egyesület.
0385-7301 Bäoei Daigakko rikäogaku kenkyäu häokoku National Defense Academy, Yokosuka.
0386-8133 Bäoei Ika Daigakkäo Shingaku Katei kenkyäu kiyäo National Defense Medical College, Tokorozawa.
0385-1796 Bäoei Ika Daigakkäo zasshi National Defense Medical College.
1007-1261 Baoji Wen-Li Xueyuan xuebao Baoji Wen-Li Xueyuan Zazhishe
0385-7352 Bäoken report Japan Spinners' Inspecting Foundation.; Boken Quality Evaluation Institute.; BQE.
1001-8352 Baopo qicai Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1008-214X Baoshi he baoshixue zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
0010-9355 Bäoshoku gijutsu Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering.
1001-1455 Baozha yu chongji Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1001-3563 Baozhuang gongcheng Guojia Jixie Wei Wusi Yanjiusuo; Baozhuang Gongcheng Bianjibu
0301-8210 Baroda journal of nutrition Biochemistry Dep., Baroda University.
0099-7579 Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories, Bulletin
0385-6925 Barukäa rebyäu Nippon Valqua Industries, Ltd.
0867-7824 Barwniki, Środki Pomocnicze Instytut Barwników i Produktów Organicznych (Zgierz); Instytut Inżynierii Materiałów Polimerowych i Barwników (Toruń).
0115-6403 BASC bulletin Bulacan Agricultural State College.
0170-6055 BASF BASF-Aktiengesellschaft, Public Relations Department.
0170-7442 BASF review BASF-Aktiengesellschaft, Public Relations Department.
1742-7835 Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology Nordic Pharmacological Society; Blackwell Publishing [distributor]
1742-7843 Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology (e-vir) Nordic Pharmacological Society; Blackwell Publishing
1439-1791 Basic and applied ecology Urban u. Fischer
1618-0089 Basic and applied ecology (e-vir) Urban u. Fischer
0391-7258 Basic and applied histochemistry Edi. Ermes
0941-9772 Basic and clinical aspects of neuroscience Springer.
0731-1672 Basic and clinical cardiology M. Dekker,
0277-7886 Basic and clinical endocrinology [Marcel Dekker],
0270-4978 Basic and clinical nutrition Dekker,
1073-0028 Basic and clinical oncology Marcel Dekker
0083-8497 Basic data report Geological Survey (U.S.); West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey.
0076-4817 Basic Data Report - Maryland Geological Survey Maryland Geological Survey.
0502-8442 Basic-Data Report - Utah, State Engineer's Office
0160-9548 Basic data series Kansas Geological Survey.
0090-5542 Basic life sciences [Plenum Press],
0459-8415 Basic Records Report. Louisiana, Department of Public Works Louisiana Department of Public Works.
0300-8428 Basic research in cardiology D. Steinkopff
1435-1803 Basic research in cardiology (e-vir) Springer
0096-6371 Basin planning report Erie-Niagara Basin Regional Water Resources Planning Board.; Geological Survey (U.S.); New York (State). Division of Water Resources.
0361-4379 Basin planning report Black River Basin Regional Water Resources Planning Board.; New York (State). Dept. of Environmental Conservation.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0192-4303 Basin planning report ARB Allegheny Basin Regional Water Resources Planning Board.; Geological Survey (U.S.); New York (State) Dept. of Environmental Conservation.
0362-0077 Basin planning report ORB New York (State). Water Resources Commission.
0522-4535 Baskerville Chemical Journal City College of New York.
0869-8406 Baškirskij himičeskij žurnal.; Башкирский химический журнал Reaktiv; Реактив
1563-1737 Baspäar Sayyid Maîhmäud Kaísäiräihäa.
0365-9135 Baths and bath engineering National Association of Bath Superintendents.
0365-9046 Batrūl Al-Muʼassasaẗ al-Miṣriyyaẗ al-'Āmmaẗ li-l-Batrūl
0146-9509 Battelle Institute materials science colloquia Pacific Northwest Laboratory.
0522-4772 Battelle Memorial Institute, Defense Metals Information Center, DMIC Report Defense Metals Information Center, Battelle Memorial Institute.
0522-4810 Battelle research outlook Battelle Memorial Institute. Columbus Laboratories.
0522-4829 Battelle technical review Battelle Memorial Institute
0146-3969 Batteries Dekker,
0365-9054 Batteries Drotschmann
0005-6650 Bauingenieur Springer
1436-4867 Bauingenieur (e-vir) Springer VDI
0522-4950 Bauingenieur-Praxis
0365-8988 Baulicher Luftschutz [s.n.]
0366-1350 Baumaterialienkunde [s.n.]
0916-2402 Baundaräi Konpasusha
0171-5445 Bauphysik Ernst
1437-0980 Bauphysik (e-vir) Ernst
0721-2690 Bausteine zur Tübinger Universitätsgeschichte Universitätsarchiv
0323-3057 Baustoffindustrie Verlag für Bauwesen
0323-4886 Baustoffindustrie Verlag für Bauwesen
0365-9089 Bautenschutz Ernst
0170-9267 Bautenschutz + Bausanierung R. Müller
0365-8732 Bau und Betrieb [S.n.]
0365-9070 Bau und Werk Oesterreichische Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereines
0005-6855 Bauwelt Bertelsmann-Fachzeitschriften-GmbH
0193-0060 Bauxite United States. Bureau of Mines.
0405-072X Bayer Colorist Farbenfabriken-Bayer-AG
0341-048X Bayer-Farben-Revue Bayer-AG
0367-3049 Bayer-Farben-Revue. Special edition Bayer AG, Leverkusen.
0375-8621 Bayerisches landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch BLV-Verlagsgesellschaft
0375-863X Bayerisches landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten.
0005-6987 Bayer-Mitteilungen für die Gummi-Industrie Bayer-AG.
0067-4672 Bayer-Symposium Springer.
0005-7266 Baylor geological studies Baylor University.
0361-4352 Bayou tech Louisiana State Society for Medical Technology.
0343-8155 Bayreuther Hefte für Erwachsenenbildung Mühlscher Univ.-Verl. Fehr.
0005-2825 BBC-Nachrichten Brown, Boveri and Cie
0340-3874 bbr. Brunnenbau, Bau von Wasserwerken, Rohrleitungsbau R. Müller
0937-3756 BBR. Wasser und Rohrbau Müller
0365-9410 BCE & process technology IPC Industrial Press Limited
0386-1945 BCG Men'eki Ryäohäo Kenkyäukai kaishi Society of BCG Immunotherapy.
0365-9321 BCIRA journal British Cast Iron Research Association.
0705-3274 BC-X - Pacific Forest Research Centre Pacific Forest Research Centre.
1476-5373 BDJ online (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group; British Dental Association.
0131-5773 Bdžìlʹnictvo.; Бджільництво Urožaj; Урожай
0365-9712 Be'olem Hadelek Petroleum Science and Publications Ltd.
0365-9607 BEAMA. British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association Journal [s.n.]
0365-9593 BEAMA journal British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association
0921-8637 Beam modification of materials Elsevier
0005-7533 Bebidas Associación Nacional de Productores de Refrescos y Aguas Carbonatas.
0365-9836 Beckacite-Nachrichten Reichhold-Chemie-AG, Werbeabteilung
0374-2695 Beck-Isoliertechnik BASF-Farben und -Fasern AG, Beck-Elektroisolier-Systeme.
0405-1319 Beckman Bulletin Beckman Instruments, Inc, Scientific Instruments Division.
0099-7544 Beckman Instruments, Inc. Applications Research Technical Report Beckman Instruments, Inc.
0005-755X Beckman-Report Beckman-Instruments-GmbH, Abteilung Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.
1521-4613 BED American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Bioengineering Division.
0303-4127 Bedrijfsontwikkeling Ministerie van Landbouw en Visserij.
0365-9933 Bedrijfsontwikkeling Ministerie van Landbouw en Visserij.
0572-6069 Bedrijfsontwikkeling Ministerie van Landbouw en Visserij.
0097-6865 Bees American Bee Breeders Association.
1744-9081 Behavioral and brain functions (e-vir) BioMed Central
0163-1047 Behavioral and neural biology Academic Press
1557-8003 Behavioral and neural biology (e-vir) Academic Press
0005-7932 Behavioral neuropsychiatry Behavioral Neuropsychiatry Medical Publishers,
0735-7044 Behavioral neuroscience American Psychological Association
1939-0084 Behavioral neuroscience American Psychological Association
0001-8244 Behavior genetics (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-3297 Behavior genetics Kluwer
0005-7959 Behaviour Brill
1568-539X Behaviour (e-vir) Brill
0166-4328 Behavioural brain research Elsevier/North-Holland
0955-8810 Behavioural pharmacology European Behavioural Pharmacology Society.
1473-5849 Behavioural pharmacology (e-vir) Clinical Neuroscience Publishers
0376-6357 Behavioural processes Elsevier
1872-8308 Behavioural processes (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0301-0457 Behring-Institute-Mitteilungen Behringwerke AG.
0067-4885 Behringwerk-Mitteilungen N.G. Elwert.
0375-846X Beiblätter zu den Annalen der Physik
0253-2247 Beifang yixue Heilongjiang Sheng Keji Qingbaosuo,
0480-2640 Beihefte der Pharmazie Verl. Volk u. Gesundheit.
0342-6858 Beihefte zu den Veröffentlichungen für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Baden-Württemberg Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg.; LfU.
0340-9546 Beihefte zu Müll und Abfall Schmidt,
0366-5143 Beihefte zum Zentralblatt für Gewerbehygiene und Unfallverhütung Springer.
0375-9075 Beiheft zur Internationalen Zeitschrift für Vitaminforschung H. Huber,
1009-4822 Beihua Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0479-8023 Beijing Daxue xuebao Beijing Daxue Chubanshe,
1671-167X Beijing Daxue xuebao Beijing Daxue
1001-0564 Beijing Fuzhuang Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjishi
1000-5609 Beijing Gangtie Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-1513 Beijing Gongshang Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0254-0037 Beijing Gongye Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1001-5965 Beijing Hangkong Hangtian Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian Wei Hui,
1007-2640 Beijing Huagong Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-4628 Beijing Huagong Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1000-5668 Beijing Huagong Xueyuan xuebao Beijing Huagong Xueyuan
1001-053X Beijing Ke-Ji Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1006-673X Beijing kouqiang yixue Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1001-0645 Beijing Ligong Daxue xuebao Beijing Ligong Daxue,
0253-2255 Beijing Linxueyuan xuebao Beijing Linxueyuan
1000-1522 Beijing Linye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0476-0301 Beijing shifan daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-1530 Beijing Yike Daxue xuebao Beijing Yike Daxue
0253-9713 Beijing yixue Zhonghua Yixuehui Beijng Fenhui
0379-4210 Beijing yixue yuan xuebao Beijing yixue yuan,
1006-2157 Beijing Zhongyiyao Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1860-5397 Beilstein journal of organic chemistry (e-vir) Beilstein Institut
2195-951X Beilstein journal of organic chemistry Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften.
0408-8042 Beispiele Angewandter Forschung Fraunhofer-Gesselschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V.
0067-5016 Beitraege zur Gerichtlichen Medizin Deuticke,Franz,Verlagsbuchhandlung
0365-9801 Beitraege zur Mineralogie von Japan Herausgegeben von Tsunashiräo Wada.
0005-8025 Beiträge aus der Plasmaphysik Akademie-Verlag
0323-4673 Beiträge für die Forstwirtschaft Akademie-Verlag
0378-8679 Beiträge zu Infusionstherapie und klinische Ernährung S. Karger AG
1436-5685 Beiträge zur Abfallwirtschaft Institut für Abfallwirtschaft und Altlasten, Technische Universität Dresden.
0365-9585 Beiträge zur Agrarwissenschaft Landbuch-Verlag.
0005-8041 Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen Duncker und Humblot
0005-805X Beiträge zur Entomologie Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut
0323-5130 Beiträge zur Forschungstechnologie Akademie-Verlag
0582-1630 Beiträge zur Geologie der Schweiz Schweizerische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften. Schweizerische Geotechnische Kommission.; Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Schweizerische Geotechnische Kommission.
0365-9798 Beiträge zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz Schweiz. Landeshydrologie und -geologie.; Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Schweizerische Geologische Kommission.; Schweizerische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften. Schweizerische Geologische Kommission.
1023-2028 Beiträge zur Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedizin S. Karger AG
0366-0966 Beiträge zur Klinik der Tuberkulose und Spezifischen Tuberkulose-Forschung Springer
0300-9696 Beiträge zur Klinik und Erforschung der Tuberkulose und der Lungenkrankheiten Springer.
0365-9771 Beiträge zur Krystallographie und Mineralogie [s.n.]
0067-5148 Beiträge zur Meereskunde Akad.-Verl.
0366-1369 Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie Springer
0067-5156 Beiträge zur Neurochirurgie Barth
1438-1923 Beiträge zur ökologischen Technologie Gesellschaft für Ökologische Technologie und Systemanalyse e.V.
0250-3220 Beiträge zur Onkologie S. Karger AG
0005-8165 Beiträge zur Pathologie Fischer
0366-2446 Beiträge zur pathologischen Anatomie und allgemeinen Pathologie Fischer.
0365-9909 Beiträge zur Physiologie [s.n.]
0522-7011 Beiträge zur Radioastronomie Ferd. Dümmlers Verlag
0376-0243 Beiträge zur Silikose-Forschung Hauptverw. d. Bergbau-Berufsgenoss.
0067-5229 Beiträge zur Silikoseforschung, Pneumokoniose Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft
0376-026X Beiträge zur Silikose-Forschung. Sonderband Hauptverwaltung der Berbau-Berufsgenossenschaft.
0005-819X Beiträge zur Tabakforschung Verband der Cigarettenindustrie
0173-783X Beiträge zur Tabakforschung international
1612-9237 Beiträge zur Tabakforschung international = Verband der Cigarettenindustrie.
0301-567X Beiträge zur tropischen Landwirtschaft und Veterinärmedizin Karl-Marx-Universität
0005-8203 Beiträge zur tropischen und subtropischen Landwirtschaft und Tropenveterinärmedizin Karl-Marx-Universität
0340-949X Beiträge zur Umweltgestaltung Erich Schmidt
0948-5538 Beiträge zur Züchtungsforschung Bundesanstalt für Züchtungsforschung an Kulturpflanzen.
0379-7295 Běi yäixué bào Táiběi Yäixuéyuàn.; Taipei Medical College.
0366-5151 Beiztechnik Garrels.
0005-8246 Bekanntmachungen des Amtes für Erfindungs- und Patentwesen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Amt für Erfindungs- und Patentwesen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, HA Information und Dokumentation, Abt. Dokumentenbereitstellung.
0773-6177 Belgian journal of food chemistry and biotechnology CEPIA
0035-0842 Belgian Plastics Federation des Industries Chimiques de Belgique.
0166-2686 Belgisch-Nederlands tijdschrift voor oppervlaktetechnieken van materialen Vereniging voor Oppervlaktetechnieken van Materialen.
0366-144X Belgisch-Nederlands tijdschrift voor oppervlakte technieken van metalen Vereniging voor Opppervlaktetechnieken van Metalen.
0005-8564 Bell Laboratories record Bell Telephone Laboratories
0160-3612 Beltsville symposia in agricultural research Beltsville Agricultural Research Center.
0365-8856 Bengal agricultural journal [s.n.].
0365-9852 Bengal Public Health Journal [s.n.]
0366-0028 Bengal Veterinarian The Bengal Veterinary College, Students' Union
1000-2200 Bengbu Yixueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0522-9030 Benzole Digest [s.n.]
0106-1542 Beretning Fællesudvalget for Statens Mejeri- og Husdyrbrugsforsøg.
0366-3221 Beretning Statens Forsøgsmejeri.
0005-8904 Beretning fra Forsøgslaboratoriet Statens Husdyrbrugsudvalg; Landhusholdningsselskabets Forlag
0105-6883 Beretning fra Statens Husdyrbrugsforsøg Statens Husdyrbrugsforsøg
0365-9917 Bergakademie Dt. Verl. für Grundstoffindustrie
0365-9682 Bergbau Archiv Glückauf
0366-2977 Bergbaurundschau Berg-Verlag
0365-9941 BERGBAUTECHNIK [S.n.]
0365-9666 Bergbau und Energiewirtschaft Verl. Technik
0366-0044 Bergbau und Wirtschaft Berg-Verlag
0365-9240 Bergbauwissenschaften Hübener
0365-9690 Bergcultures Bureau van het Algemeen
0366-1261 Bergens museums °arbok. Naturvitenskapelig rekke Bergens museum.
0365-981X Bergens museums skrifter Bergens museum
0067-5768 Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte Springer-Verlag
0365-9747 Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte der Montanistischen Hochschule in Leoben Springer
0365-9739 Berg- und Huettenmaennisches Jahrbuch der Montanistischen Hochschule in Leoben Springer
1613-7531 Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte Springer
0366-9963 Bericht Wissenschaftliches Sekretariat der Deutschen Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
0417-2000 Bericht Beuth-Vertriebs GmbH.
0721-5320 Bericht Fraunhofer-Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit Darmstadt.
1436-2198 Bericht Bergische Universität, Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, Fachbereich 9, Physikalische Chemie.
0367-0961 Bericht / Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Industrie, Bauwesen und Gewerbe Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Industrie, Bauwesen und Gewerbe
0170-611X Bericht der Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Stuttgart, wissenschaftliche Institute an der Universität Stuttgart Institut für Textilchemie (u.a.).
0365-9844 Bericht der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Hannover Naturhistorische Gesellschaft
0365-9720 Bericht der Oberhessischen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde zu Giessen, Naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung Wilhelm Schmitz Verlag
0084-3091 Berichte Vulkan-Verlag Dr. W. Classen
0171-2187 Berichte Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mineralölwissenschaft und Kohlechemie e.V!.
0937-9762 Berichte Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V.
0938-068X Berichte Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V.; DGMK.
0341-8561 Berichte aus dem Institut für Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel Institut für Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel.
0409-1108 Berichte aus der Bauforschung Ernst in Komm.
0939-4931 Berichte aus der ökologischen Forschung Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Zentralbibliothek.
0942-332X Berichte aus Technik und Wissenschaft Linde AG.; Linde.
0942-914X Berichte aus Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft, Technische Universität München [Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Lehrstuhls für Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft].
0722-7728 Berichte aus Wassergütewirtschaft und Gesundheitsingenieurwesen, Technische Universität München Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Lehrstuhls für Wassergütewirtschaft und Gesundheitsingenieurwesen der Technischen Universität München.
0515-1074 Berichte der Abwassertechnischen Vereinigung e.V. Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Abwassertechnik e.V.
0933-5463 Berichte der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung Karlsruhe.
0940-483X Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft VCH
0365-9631 Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft [S.n.]
0365-9496 Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft Verlag Chemie GmbH
0365-947X Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft Abteilung A: Vereins-Nachrichten Verlag Chemie GmbH
0365-9488 Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft Abteilung B: Abhandlungen Verlag Chemie GmbH
0418-8624 Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaften Akad.-Verl.
0365-9542 Berichte der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft eV
0365-9925 Berichte der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft.
0012-0987 Berichte der Deutschen Wissenschaftlichen Kommission für Meeresforschung Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Kommission für Meeresforschung.
0435-4192 Berichte der Geologischen Gesellschaft in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik für das Gesamtgebiet der geologischen Wissenschaften Akad.-Verl.
0365-978X Berichte der Gesellschaft für Kohlentechnik [s.n.]
0534-6665 Berichte der Internationalen Gesellschaft fuer Getreidechemie Internationale Gesellschaft fuer Getreidechemie
0366-0885 Berichte der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich Kernforschungsanlage Jülich.
0461-4798 Berichte der Limnologischen Flussstation Freudenthal, Aussenstelle der Hydrobiologischen Anstalt der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Limnologische Flussstation Freudenthal, Aussenstelle der Hydrobiologischen Anstalt der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
0028-0917 Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg i. Br. Aedificatio Verlag
0366-1504 Berichte der Oesterreichischen Studiengesellschaft fuer Atomenergie Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft fuer Atomenergie GmbH.
0366-3094 Berichte der Schweizerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft Schweizerische Botanische Gesellschaft
0253-522X Berichte der SNG zur Kernenergie Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft.
0366-3884 Berichte der Technisch-Wissenschaftlichen Abteilung des Verbandes Keramischer Gewerke in Deutschland [s.n.]
0072-4130 Berichte des Deutschen Wetterdienstes [S.n.]
0944-2952 Berichte des Forschungszentrums Jülich Forschungszentrum, Zentralbibliothek
0722-382X Berichte des Institutes für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Universität Frankfurt/Main Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Universität Frankfurt/Main.
0376-1665 Berichte des Instituts für Tabakforschung Dresden VEB Wissenschaft und Technik Tabakindustrie, Dresden.
0365-9860 Berichte des Ohara Instituts fuer Landwirtschaftliche Biologie, Okayama Universitaet Okayama Universität. Ohara Instituts für Landwirtschaftliche Biologie.
0365-9879 Berichte des Ohara Instituts fuer Landwirtschaftliche Forschungen, Okayama Universitaet Ohara Instituts.
0365-9887 Berichte des Ohara Instituts fuer Landwirtschaftliche Forschungen in Kurashiki Okayama Daigaku. Näogyäo Seibutsu Kenkyäujo.
0067-5873 Berichte des Osteuropa-Instituts an der Freien Universität Berlin Osteuropa-Institut an der Freien Universität Berlin
0365-9763 Berichten van de afdeling tropische producten van het Koninklijk instituut voor de tropen Konninklijk instituut voor de tropen
0005-9048 Berichte Physiologie, physiologische Chemie und Pharmakologie
0005-9072 Berichte über die gesamte Biologie. Abteilung A, Berichte über die wissenschaftliche Biologie Springer.
0366-0214 Berichte über die gesamte Physiologie und experimentelle Pharmakologie
0366-001X Berichte über die Verhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse.
0366-0036 Berichte über die Verhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig Hirzel
0005-9080 Berichte über Landwirtschaft Kohlhammer
0365-9895 Berichte ueber die Petroleum-Industrie Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen
0171-1911 Berichte - Umwelt-Bundes-Amt E. Schmidt.
0170-6233 Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte VCH
1522-2365 Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0436-1199 Bericht - Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung.
0170-5954 Bericht - Studiengruppe für Systemforschung e. V Studiengruppe für Systemforschung.
0171-2144 Bericht über das ... Internationale Kolloquium für die Verhütung von Arbeitsunfällen und Berufskrankheiten in der Chemischen Industrie Sekretariat Berufsgenossenschaft der Chemischen Industrie.
0444-3101 Bericht über die physikalisch-chemische Untersuchung des Rheinwassers Internationale Kommission zum Schutze des Rheins gegen Verunreinigung.
0070-427X Bericht über die Zusammenkunft - Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft.
0368-0320 Bericht über Forschungsarbeiten Institut für Kerntechnik
0365-9038 Bericht van het Algemeen Proefstation der AVROS Research Institute of the Sumatra Planters Association.
0126-6241 Berita farmasi Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society.
0005-9145 Berita Selulosa Lembaga Penelitian Selulosa, Divisi Penelitian.
0126-1657 Berkala ilmu kedokteran Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada
1097-0967 Berkeley scientific Society of Young Scientists (Berkeley, Calif.)
0344-5089 Berliner Beiträge zur Archäometrie Rathgen-Forschungslabor, Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz
0172-8784 Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Reihe A, Geologie und Paläontologie Reimer
0366-0974 Berliner klinische Wochenschrift
0365-9984 Berliner tierärztliche Wochenschrift Schoetz
1439-0299 Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift Schlüter
0005-9366 Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift Paul Parey
0366-0834 Berlinisches Jahrbuch für die Pharmacie
0005-9498 Berufs-Dermatosen Editio Cantor KG
0409-2341 Berufskrankheiten in der keramischen und Glas-Industrie Berufsgennossenschaft der Keramischen und Glas-Industrie.
0914-1820 Bessatsu fudo kemikaru Shokuhin Kagaku Shinbunsha
0771-4181 BESWA Revue Belgian Solid Wastes Association.
0521-484X Beszámoló a Vízgazdálkodási Tudományos Kutatóintézet ... munkájáról Műsz. Kvk
0005-9846 Beton Beton Verlag GmbH
0365-995X Betong Betongföreningen
0409-2708 Betongtekniske publikasjoner Forskningsinstituttet for cement og betong
0005-9919 Betonituote Suomen betoniteollisuuden keskusjärjestö.
0005-9889 Beton i železobeton Strojizdat
0320-6343 Beton i železobeton Institut stroitelʹnoj mehaniki i sejsmostojkosti.
0005-9927 Betonstein-Zeitung Bauverlag
0365-9968 Betonstrasse [s.n.]
0409-2740 Betontechnische Berichte Forschungsinstitut der Zementindustrie
0365-9674 Beton und Eisen Ernst
0005-9900 Beton- und Stahlbetonbau Verlag Wilhelm Ernst und Sohn
1437-1006 Beton- und Stahlbetonbau (e-vir) Wiley; Ernst & Sohn
0373-4331 Betonwerk und Fertigteil-technik Bauverlag
0006-0089 Better crops with plant food Potash & Phosphate Institute (Atlanta, Ga.); International Plant Nutrition Institute.
0096-4921 Better enameling Chicago Vitreous Enamel Product Company.
0409-2961 Bezopasnost' truda v promyšlennosti Nedra
0320-7498 Bezopasnostʹ gornyh rabot Novočerkasskij politehničeskij institut im. Sergo Ordžonikidze.
0320-748X Bezopasnostʹ vzryvnyh rabot v ugolʹnyh šahtah.; Безопасность взрывных работ в угольных шахтах Makeevskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut bezopasnosti rabot v gornoj promyšlennosti; Макеевский научно-исследовательский институт безопасности работ в горной промышленности.
1684-6435 Bezopasnostʹ žiznedeâtelʹnosti Novye tehnologii.
1210-7085 Bezpečnost jaderné energie Ústav jaderných informací
1614-3795 BfR-Wissenschaft Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung.; BfR.
0949-2224 BfS-ISH-Berichte Wirtschaftsverl. NW, Verl. für Neue Wiss..
1611-8707 BfS-SG-Berichte Deutschland
1616-7333 BfS-SH-Berichte Deutschland
0172-8792 BGA-Berichte Reimer.
0932-2361 BGA-Schriften Bundesgesundheitsamt.; Bga.
0948-0307 Bgvv-Hefte Bundesinstitut für Gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und Veterinärmedizin.; BgVV.
0254-6779 Bhäaräat käa räajapatra Mirmäan tathäa äaväasa maniträalaya, Prakäaśana vibhäaga.
0367-6587 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Report Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
0976-4631 Bhartiya krishi anusandhana patrika (e-vir) Indianjournals.com
0303-3821 Bhartiya krishi anusandhana patrika = Agricultural Research Communication Centre.
0005-8912 BHM Springer
0005-3074 BHP technical bulletin Broken Hill Proprietary Company.
1006-1703 Biaoji mianyi fenxi yu linchuang Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1001-3660 Biaomian jishu Wusi Yanjiusuo Qikanshe; Biaomian Jishu Bianjibu
0173-0487 BIA-Report Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitsschutz.; Hauptverband der Gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitsschutz.; BIA.
0366-0338 Bibliographia Chimica Verl. Chemie
0074-1833 Bibliographical series International Atomic Energy Agency.
0073-9480 Bibliographic series Institute of Paper Chemistry (Appleton, Wis.)
0368-8593 Bibliographie générale de l'artillerie technique Imprimerie nationale,
0067-7094 Bibliographies in paint technology R.H. Chandler Ltd.
0451-7709 Bibliographische Reihe der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich Zentralbibliothek der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH.
0584-2360 Bibliography and subject index of South African geology Government Printer.
0523-297X Bibliography of Reviews in Chemistry
0097-370X Bibliography of scientific and industrial reports United States.; United States.
0096-8897 Bibliography of technical reports United States.
0539-1156 Bibliography on the High Temperature Chemistry and Physics of Gases and Plasmas, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Commission on High Temperatures in Gases and on Plasma Chemistry
0366-0265 Bibliography on the high temperature chemistry and physics of materials International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Commission on High Temperatures and Refractory Materials
0539-1164 Bibliography on the High Temperature Chemistry and Physics of Materials in the Condensed State, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Commission on High Temperatures and Refractories
0440-3843 Bibliography - United Kingdom, Atomic Energy Research Establishment Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
0366-0249 Biblioteca Haematologica Edizioni di Haematologica.
0067-7647 Biblioteka Elektroniki Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
0006-1786 Bibliotek for læger (1821) Den Almindelige Danske Lægeforening
0067-7833 Bibliotheca anatomica Karger,
0067-7906 Bibliotheca Cardiologica S. Karger AG
0067-7949 Bibliotheca gastroenterologica S. Karger,
0301-3197 Bibliotheca gynaecologica Karger,
0067-7957 Bibliotheca Haematologica S. Karger AG
1436-1698 Bibliotheca lichenologica Cramer.
0067-8058 Bibliotheca microbiologica Karger,
0067-8198 Bibliotheca Nutritio et dieta Institut für Ernährungsforschung (Rüschlikon)
0067-8090 Bibliotheca ophthalmologica S. Karger,
0301-3286 Bibliotheca oto-rhino-laryngologica S. Karger AG
0301-357X Bibliotheca Paediatrica S. Karger,
0067-8112 Bibliotheca phycologica Cramer in d. Gebr.-Borntraeger-Verl.-Buchh..
0067-8147 Bibliotheca Psychiatrica S. Karger
0366-256X Bibliotheca psychiatrica et neurologica S. Karger,
0300-1121 Bibliotheca tuberculosea Karger
0067-818X Bibliotheca tuberculosea et medicinae thoracalis Karger,
0365-9208 Bibliothèque britannique Bibliothèque britannique,
0366-4643 Bibliothèque universelle, Revue suisse et étrangère, nouvelle période Bureau de la Bibliothèque universelle; A. Delafontaine [etc.]
0366-4619 Bibliothèque universelle de Genève B. Glaser ;; Chez Anselin,
0366-399X Bibliothèque universelle des sciences, belles-lettres et arts Bibliothèque universelle,
0366-418X Bibliothèque universelle et Revue de Genève Payot; Payot
0366-452X Bibliothèque universelle et Revue suisse Bureau de la Bibliothèque universelle; Delafontaine et Rouge; Bureau des archives
0006-2154 Bienenwelt Leopold Stocker Verlag
0146-8944 Biennial report - Hawaii Institute of Geophysics University of Hawaii.
0085-3801 Biennial reviews - National Institute for Research in Dairying National Institute for Research in Dairying.
0286-9306 Bifidobacteria and microflora Nihon Bifizusukin Sentäa.
0365-8864 Bihar Agricultural College Magazine [s.n.]
1823-5530 Biij Department of Biomedical Imaging, University of Malaya
0006-2324 Biken Journal c/o Osaka Daigaku Biseibutsubyo Kenkyujo Yamada-Kami
0938-7668 Bilateral Seminars of the Interantional Bureau Forschungszentrum
0006-2375 Bild der Wissenschaft Konradin-Medien
0006-2383 Bild und Ton Fotokinoverlag
0376-0995 Billings Geological Society, Annual Field Conference, Guidebook
0354-9097 Bilten Instituta za nuklearne nauke Vinča Institut za nuklearne nauke "Vinča"
0430-0890 Bilten na Farmaceutskoto društvo na SR Makedonija Farmaceutskoto društvo na SRM
0350-333X Bilten za hmelj i sirak Institut za poljoprivredna istraživanja
0317-6908 Bi-monthly research notes Canadian Forestry Service.
1000-8721 Bingdu xuebao Zhongguo Weishengwu Xuehui,
1000-3223 Bingduxue zazhi Kexue Chubanshe
1000-1093 Binggong xuebao Guofang Gongye Chubanshe
1004-9193 Binggong xuebao Zhongguo Binggong Xuehui Huozhayao Xuehui
0733-222X Bio/technology Nature Pub.
2331-3684 Bio/technology (e-vir) Nature Pub. Group
0921-0687 Bioactive molecules Elsevier
0147-7552 Biobehavioral reviews ANKHO International.
1878-0776 Biobehavioral reviews (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
1346-5376 Bio bencha Youdosha.
0886-4454 Biocatalysis Harwood Academic Publishers
1024-2422 Biocatalysis and biotransformation Harwood Academic Publishers
1026-5503 Biocatalysis and biotransformation (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1029-2446 Biocatalysis and biotransformation Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0327-9545 Biocell Instituto de Histología y Embriología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo/CONICET
1667-5746 Biocell (e-vir) Instituto de Histología y Embriología Dr. Mario Burgos, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
1097-7201 BioCentury (e-vir) BioCentury Publicattions; BioCentury Inc.
0139-9608 Biochemia clinica bohemoslovaca Československá lekárska spoločnosť J.E. Purkyňu
1330-0962 Biochemia medica Hrvatsko društvo medicinskih biokemičara
1846-7482 Biochemia medica (e-vir) Hrvatsko društvo medicinskih biotehničara; Medicinska naklada
0946-1310 Biochemica Boehringer Mannheim
0309-2518 Biochemical and biophysical perspectives in marine biology Academic Press.
0006-291X Biochemical and biophysical research communications Academic Press
1090-2104 Biochemical and biophysical research communications (e-vir) Academic Press
0972-5075 Biochemical and Cellular Archives P.R. Yadav
0724-407X Biochemical and clinical aspects of pteridines De Gruyter.
1077-3150 Biochemical and molecular medicine Academic Press, Inc.
0749-5331 Biochemical archives M.B.R. Press,
0096-4220 Biochemical bulletin Columbia University Biochemical Association.
0307-4412 Biochemical education Pergamon
1369-703X Biochemical engineering journal Elsevier
1873-295X Biochemical engineering journal (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0710-0620 Biochemical engineering research reports Biochemical Engineering, Facultry of Engineering Science, University of Western Ontario.
0006-2928 Biochemical genetics Plenum Press
1573-4927 Biochemical genetics (e-vir) Springer International Publishing
0264-6021 Biochemical journal Biochemical Society
1470-8728 Biochemical journal online (e-vir) Portland Press
0006-2944 Biochemical medicine Academic Press.
0885-4505 Biochemical medicine and metabolic biology Academic Press
0006-2952 Biochemical pharmacology Pergamon Press
1873-2968 Biochemical pharmacology (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0067-8686 Biochemical preparations J. Wiley
0365-9429 Biochemical Reviews The Society of Biological Chemists, India
0305-6988 Biochemical Society special publication Biochemical Soc..
1744-1439 Biochemical Society symposia Portland Press.
0067-8694 Biochemical Society Symposia Biochemical Society
0300-5127 Biochemical Society transactions Biochemical Society
1470-8752 Biochemical Society transactions online Portland Press.
0045-2025 Biochemical systematics Pergamon Press
0305-1978 Biochemical systematics and ecology Pergamon Press
0015-3796 Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen Gustav Fischer
0366-0753 Biochemische Zeitschrift Springer
0006-2960 Biochemistry American Chemical Society
0006-2979 Biochemistry Consultants Bureau [etc.]
1520-4995 Biochemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1608-3040 Biochemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0829-8211 Biochemistry and cell biology National Research Council Canada
1208-6002 Biochemistry and cell biology NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada.
0366-0060 Biochemistry and Experimental Biology Liviana Editrice.
1470-8175 Biochemistry and molecular biology education 2000-
1539-3429 Biochemistry and molecular biology education (e-vir) ASBMB
1039-9712 Biochemistry and molecular biology international International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
0158-5231 Biochemistry international Academic Press
0971-510X Biochemistry - Life Science Advances Council of Scientific Research Integration.
0887-6495 Biochemistry of the elements Plenum Press,
1098-1969 Biochemistry on-line (e-vir) ArachNet WWW Pub.
1879-2618 Biochimica and biophysica acta (e-vir) Elsevier
0006-2987 Biochimica Applicata Dr Cesare Maccari.
0006-2995 Biochimica e Biologia Sperimentale Liviana editrice.
0005-2728 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier
0005-2736 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier
0005-2795 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier
0006-3002 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier/North Holland
0167-4838 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier
0167-4889 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier
0925-4439 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier Science Publishers
0926-6526 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier
0926-6534 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier
0926-6550 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier
0926-6569 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier
0926-6577 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier
0926-6585 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier
0926-6593 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier
1570-9639 Biochimica et biophysica acta Elsevier
1878-1454 Biochimica et biophysica acta (e-vir) Elsevier
1879-2561 Biochimica et biophysica acta (e-vir) Elsevier
1879-2588 Biochimica et biophysica acta (e-vir) Elsevier
1879-260X Biochimica et biophysica acta (e-vir) Elsevier
1879-2642 Biochimica et biophysica acta (e-vir) Elsevier
1879-2960 Biochimica et biophysica acta (e-vir) Elsevier
0005-2760 Biochimica et biophysica acta. Lipids and lipid metabolism Elsevier
1388-1981 Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular and cell biology of lipids Elsevier
0304-4157 Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on biomembranes Elsevier
0304-4173 Biochimica et biophysica acta (ER) Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co.
0304-4165 Biochimica et biophysica acta (G). General subjects Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co.
0005-2787 Biochimica et biophysica acta (N) Elsevier
0167-4781 Biochimica et biophysica acta (N) Elsevier
0304-419X Biochimica et biophysica acta CR Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co.
0924-1086 Biochimica et biophysica acta E Elsevier
0366-3833 Biochimica e Terapia Sperimentale Società italiana di biochimica.
0300-9084 Biochimie Masson & cie
1638-6183 Biochimie (e-vir) Ed. scientifiques et médicales Elsevier
0888-4404 BioChromatography Eaton Pub. Co.,
0919-8237 Bio clinica Hokuryäukan
1043-1802 Bioconjugate chemistry American Chemical Society
1520-4812 Bioconjugate chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1386-6141 BioControl Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-8248 BioControl (e-vir) Kluwer
1342-4815 Biocontrol science Society for Antibacterial and Antifungal Agents, Japan
0276-5055 BioCycle JG Press
0923-9820 Biodegradation Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-9729 Biodegradation (e-vir) Kluwer
1173-8804 BioDrugs Adis International
1179-190X BioDrugs (e-vir) Adis International
0006-3010 Biodynamica Biodynamica
0006-2863 Bio-dynamics Bio-dynamic Farming and Gardening Association.
1422-4208 Bioelectrochemistry Birkhäuser,
1567-5394 Bioelectrochemistry Elsevier
1878-562X Bioelectrochemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
Y504-2836 Bioelectrochemistry Elsevier
Y504-2844 Bioelectrochemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
0302-4598 Bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics Birkhäuser
0197-8462 Bioelectromagnetics Wiley-Liss
1521-186X Bioelectromagnetics (e-vir) Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0178-2029 Bioengineering Resch
0277-1063 Bioengineering Pergamon.
0266-3082 Bioengineering and the skin International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin.
0265-9247 BioEssays Cambridge University Press
1521-1878 BioEssays (e-vir) [Published for ICSU Press by Cambridge University Press]; Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
0951-6433 BioFactors IRL Press
1872-8081 BioFactors IOS Press
0006-3029 Biofizika Nauka
0301-2425 Biofizika živoj kletki Institut biologičeskoj fiziki.
0940-0079 Bioforum Git Verlag
1611-597X Bioforum Europe GIT-Verl.
1434-2693 Bioforum international GIT-Verl..
0892-7014 Biofouling Harwood Academic Publishers
1026-7867 Biofouling (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1029-2454 Biofouling Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0294-3506 Biofutur Edinter
1769-7174 Biofutur (e-vir) Elsevier
0731-0684 Biogas and alcohol fuels production JG Press
0168-8561 Biogenic amines Unité de neuropharmacologie; VNU Science Press; Pergamon Press; VSP
1569-3910 Biogenic amines VSP; International Medart, Society of Integrated Sciences
0168-2563 Biogeochemistry Nijhoff/Junk
1573-515X Biogeochemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
1726-4170 Biogeosciences Copernicus
1726-4189 Biogeosciences (e-vir) Copernicus Publ.
1389-5729 Biogerontology Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-6768 Biogerontology (e-vir) Kluwer
0077-2933 Biographical memoirs National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
0080-4606 Biographical memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society The Society
1748-8494 Biographical memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society (e-vir) Royal Society
0320-9717 Biohimiâ Belorusskoe biohimičeskoe obŝestvo.
0320-9725 Biohimiâ Nauka
0366-0346 Biohimiâ čajnogo proizvodstva [s.n.].
0520-1748 Biohimiâ kulʹturnyh rastenij Moldavii Institut fiziologii i biohimii rastenij.; Moldavskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut orošaemogo zemledeliâ i ovoŝevodstva.
0366-0591 Biohimiâ plodov i ovoŝej.; Биохимия плодов и овощей Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk SSSR; Издательство Академии наук СССР.
0523-6479 Biohimiâ zerna i hlebopečeniâ "Nauka".
0136-9377 Biohimiâ životnyh i čeloveka.; Биохимия животных и человека Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0919-2719 Bioimages Bioimageing Society
0966-9051 Bioimaging Institute of Physics; American Institute of Physics
1361-6374 Bioimaging IOP Publishing.
0910-6545 Bio industry CMC; Shiemushi shuppan
0972-7655 Bioinformatics Bioinformatics Institute of India.
1367-4803 Bioinformatics Oxford University Press
1367-4811 Bioinformatics (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0006-3061 Bioinorganic chemistry American Elsevier Pub. Co.
1565-3633 Bioinorganic chemistry and applications (e-vir) Freund Publishing House
1748-3182 Bioinspiration & biomimetics Institute of Physics Publishing
1748-3190 Bioinspiration & biomimetics (e-vir) Institute of Physics and IOP Pub.
1559-4106 Biointerphases (e-vir) American Vacuum Society
1934-8630 Biointerphases American Vacuum Society
0099-9776 Biokemia Dow Chemical Co., Bioproducts Department.
0366-1067 Biologe [s.n.]
0006-3088 Biologia Veda
0006-3096 Biologia Biological Society of Pakistan.
0554-811X Biologia Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
1336-9563 Biologia (e-vir) Botanický ústav SAV
2313-206X Biologia (e-vir) Biological Society of Pakistan
0133-3844 Biológia Akad. Kiadó
0210-895X Biología & clínica hematológica Hospital de la Santa Cruz y San Pablo (Barcelona); Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
0320-9644 Biologiâ Baltijskogo morâ Institut biologii.
0392-1298 Biologia contemporanea Associazione Nazionale Laureati in Scienze Biologiche
0204-8817 Biologia et immunologia reproductionis Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite.; Academia scientiarum bulgarica.
0366-0427 Biologia generalis Springer
0324-1904 Biologiâ i himiâ Ministerstvo na narodnata prosveta.
0006-3142 Biológiai közlemények Akadémiai Kiadó,
0366-0583 Biologia Medica Instituto Vetal Brasil
0134-3475 Biologiâ morâ Izdatel'stvo Nauka
0523-6525 Biologia neonatorum Karger,
0006-3134 Biologia plantarum Academia
1573-8264 Biologia plantarum (e-vir) Kluwer
0137-8031 Biologia w Szkole Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne; "Dr Josef Raabe"; Forum Media Polska
0300-9866 Biológica Universidad de Chile. Instituto de Biología Juan Noé.
0918-6158 Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin Pharmacetical Society of Japan
1347-5215 Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
0006-3169 Biological abstracts BioSciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts
1058-4129 Biological Abstracts on Compact Disc (e-vir) Silver Platter
0144-8765 Biological agriculture & horticulture A B Academic Publishers.
2165-0616 Biological agriculture & horticulture (e-vir) A B Academic Publishers
0376-2483 Biological antioxidants Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.
0006-3150 Biologica Latina Idos.
0365-9127 Biological Board of Canada, Progress Reports of Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B. C., and Pacific Fisheries Experimental Station, Prince Rupert, B. C
1939-8697 Biological bulletin (e-vir) Press of the New Era Printing Company
0254-2900 Biological bulletin of India Biological Society of India.
1426-5656 Biological bulletin of Poznań Poznań Society for the Advancement of the Arts and Sciences; Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Biology
1431-6730 Biological chemistry Walter de Gruyter
1437-4315 Biological chemistry de Gruyter.
0177-3593 Biological chemistry Hoppe-Seyler W. de Gruyter
0520-1799 Biological Conferences Oholo Proceedings Israel Institute for Biological Research.
1049-9644 Biological control Elsevier
1090-2112 Biological control (e-vir) Academic Press; Elsevier
0523-6576 Biological Journal [s.n.]
0520-1810 Biological Journal of Okayama University Okayama University. Faculty of Science. Department of Biology.; Okayama daigaku. Seibutsugaku kyoshitsu.
0024-4066 Biological journal of the Linnean Society Academic Press
1095-8312 Biological journal of the Linnean Society (e-vir) Published for the Linnean Society of London by Academic Press
1644-7700 Biological letters Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Biology; 2002-
1734-7467 Biological Letters Adam Mickiewicz University. Faculty of Biology; Poznań Society for the Advancement of the Arts and Sciences.
0067-8775 Biological macromolecules Dekker
0192-6020 Biological magnetic resonance Plenum Press,
1052-9306 Biological mass spectrometry Wiley
0379-8097 Biological memoirs International Publishers
0897-7550 Biological monitoring CRC Press,
0073-490X Biological notes Illinois.
0161-3243 Biological papers of the University of Alaska University of Alaska (System); University of Alaska Fairbanks. Institute of Arctic Biology.
1480-9222 Biological procedures online (e-vir) Springer New York
0006-3223 Biological psychiatry Elsevier
1873-2402 Biological psychiatry (e-vir) Elsevier
0266-2124 Biological psychiatry, new prospects John Libbey.
0301-0511 Biological psychology North-Holland Pub. Co.
1873-6246 Biological psychology (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0271-9355 Biological regulation and development Plenum Press,
0716-9760 Biological research Chilean Biology Society
0717-6287 Biological Research (e-vir) Sociedad de Biología de Chile
1099-8004 Biological research for nursing Sage Publications
1552-4175 Biological research for nursing (e-vir) Sage Publications
0724-438X Biological research in pregnancy and perinatology Dustri-Verlag Feistle.
0356-1062 Biological research reports from the University of Jyväskylä University of Jyväskylä.
0736-7414 Biological responses in cancer Plenum Press,
1464-7931 Biological reviews Cambridge University Press
1469-185X Biological reviews (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0301-7699 Biological reviews and biological proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Cambridge Philosophical Society.
0006-3231 Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Cambridge University Press
0929-1016 Biological rhythm research Swets & Zeitlinger
1744-4179 Biological rhythm research (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.
1045-1056 Biologicals Academic Press
1016-0922 Biological signals S. Karger AG
1422-4933 Biological signals and receptors S. Karger
1422-4992 Biological signals and receptors (e-vir) S. Karger
0096-4123 Biological symposia Jaques Cattell Press
0163-4984 Biological trace element research Humana Press
1559-0720 Biological trace element research Humana Press
0269-7483 Biological wastes Elsevier Applied Science
0233-4755 Biologičeskie membrany Izdatel'stvo "nauka"
0320-9636 Biologičeskie preparaty i immunologičeskaâ reaktivnostʹ organizma Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo universiteta.
0366-5119 Biologičeskij žurnal Armenii Izdatel'stvo AN ArmSSR
0366-0486 Biologické listy Public,; Academia,; Spolek českých lékařů,
0037-6930 Biologicke prace [S.n.]
0067-8805 Biologie du sol Association internationale de la science du sol, Commission 3.
0006-3258 Biologie et gastro-entérologie Masson.
0045-205X Biologie in unserer Zeit Wiley-VCH
1521-415X Biologie in unserer Zeit (e-vir) Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland
0006-3266 Biologie médicale Biologie médicale,
1392-0146 Biologija Lietuvos mokslu akademija leidykla = Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Publishers
2029-0578 Biologija (e-vir) Lietuvos mokslu akademijos leidykla
0320-9652 Biologija vnutrennih vod Nauka; Rossijskaja akademija nauk
0006-3290 Biologische Rundschau =Gustav= Fischer Verlag
0006-3304 Biologisches Zentralblatt Georg Thieme
0366-0818 Biologisch jaarboek De Sikkel
0366-3612 Biologiske skrifter Munksg°ard
0006-3347 Biologist Institute of Biology
0523-6738 Biologizace a chemizace výživy zvířat Státní zemědělské nakladatelství.
0139-8571 Biologizace a chemizace živočišné výroby. Veterinaria Státní zemědělské nakladatelství
0178-2762 Biology and fertility of soils Springer
1432-0789 Biology and fertility of soils Springer.
1608-3059 Biology bulletin (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
0098-2164 Biology bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Akademiia nauk SSSR.; Consultants Bureau.
1062-3590 Biology bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences Consultants Bureau
1745-6150 Biology direct (e-vir) BioMed Central
0253-2069 Biology international IUBS.; International Union of Biological Sciences.
1744-9561 Biology letters Royal Society
1744-957X Biology letters (e-vir) Royal Society
1083-8791 Biology of blood and marrow transplantation Kluge Carden Jennings Pub. Co.
1523-6536 Biology of blood and marrow transplantation (e-vir) Carden Jennings Pub.
0090-1652 Biology of brain dysfunction Plenum Press
0730-7918 Biology of carbohydrates Wiley,
1570-6222 Biology of growing animals Elsevier
0933-5854 Biology of metals Springer Internat..
0006-3363 Biology of reproduction Society for the Study of Reproduction
1529-7268 Biology of reproduction (e-vir) Society for the Study of Reproduction
1768-322X Biology of the cell (e-vir) Elsevier
0248-4900 Biology of the Cell Société française de microscopie électronique
0006-3126 Biology of the Neonate S. Karger AG
1463-9203 Biology of world resources series Cambridge University Press.
0366-0435 Biološki glasnik Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo
1525-7797 Biomacromolecules American Chemical Society
1526-4602 Biomacromolecules (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1177-2719 Biomarker insights (e-vir) Libertas Academia
1354-750X Biomarkers Taylor & Francis Ltd
1366-5804 Biomarkers (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0144-4565 Biomass Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0961-9534 Biomass & bioenergy Elsevier
1873-2909 Biomass & bioenergy (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0142-9612 Biomaterials Butterworth Scientific Limited
0890-5533 Biomaterials, artificial cells, and artificial organs Marcel Dekker
1055-7172 Biomaterials, artificial cells, and immobilization biotechnology Marcel Dekker
0090-5488 Biomaterials, medical devices, and artificial organs [M. Dekker]
1617-7940 Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology (e-vir) Springer
1617-7959 Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology Springer
0232-766X Biomedica biochimica acta Akademie-Verlag
0887-6134 Biomedical & environmental mass spectrometry J. Wiley
0167-8450 Biomedical and clinical aspects of coenzyme Q Elsevier/North-Holland
0895-3988 Biomedical and environmental sciences Academic Press; Elsevier
2214-0190 Biomedical and environmental sciences (e-vir) Elsevier Singapore
0929-6743 Biomedical and health research IOS Press
1068-7408 Biomedical applications of biotechnology Technomic Pub. Co.,
0067-883X Biomedical Applications of Gas Chromatography Plenum Publishing Corp.
0269-3879 Biomedical chromatography Heyden & Son
1099-0801 Biomedical chromatography (e-vir) Heyden & Son Limited
0006-2898 Biomedical engineering United Trade Press Ltd
0006-3398 Biomedical engineering Consultants Bureau.
0013-5585 Biomedical engineering de Gruyter
1573-8256 Biomedical engineering Kluwer
0730-8027 Biomedical Laboratory technical report United States. Army Medical Research and Development Command.
0961-088X Biomedical letters Faculty Press.
0306-042X Biomedical mass spectrometry Heyden
1748-6041 Biomedical materials Institute of Physics Publishing
1748-605X Biomedical materials (e-vir) Institute of Physics Pub.
0959-2989 Bio-medical materials and engineering Pergamon
1878-3619 Bio-medical materials and engineering (e-vir) Elsevier
0099-9288 Biomedical Materials Symposium Interscience Publishers.
1387-2176 Biomedical microdevices (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1572-8781 Biomedical microdevices (e-vir) Kluwer
1213-8118 Biomedical papers Palacky University
1804-7521 Biomedical Papers (e-vir) Palacký University
1353-8616 Biomedical peptides, proteins & nucleic acids Mayflower Worldwide.
0388-6107 Biomedical research Biomedical Research Foundation, Tokyo
0976-1683 Biomedical research (e-vir) Scientific Publishers of India
1880-313X Biomedical research Biomedical Research Press
0970-938X Biomedical Research Scientific Publishers of India.
0271-292X Biomedical research applications of scanning electron microscopy Academic Press,
0916-717X Biomedical research on trace elements Nihon Biryō Genso Gakkai
1314-1929 Biomedical Reviews (e-vir) Bulgarian-American Center
1310-392X Bio-Medical Reviews Bulgarian-American Center; Bulgarian Society for Cell Biology
0955-9701 Biomedical science Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR.
1051-2020 Biomedical science and technology Academic Press,
0285-2977 Biomedical sciences Mejikaru Byäusha.
0067-8856 Biomedical sciences instrumentation Instrument Society of America
0300-0893 Biomedicine Masson et cie,
0970-2067 Biomedicine Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists.
0753-3322 Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy Masson
1950-6007 Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy (e-vir) Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier
0300-0885 Biomedicine express Masson et cie
1560-4136 Biomedicinskaâ radioèlektronika Izdatel#skoe predpriâtie redakcii žurnala "Radiotehnika".; Radiotehnika
1862-278X Biomedizinische Technik (e-vir) de Gruyter
0067-8864 Biomembranes Plenum Press
0966-0844 Biometals Rapid Communications of Oxford
1572-8773 BioMetals (e-vir) Kluwer
1018-6255 BioMethods Birkhäuser,
0323-3847 Biometrical journal Akademie-Verlag
1521-4036 Biometrical journal (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0006-341X Biometrics Biometric Society [etc.]
1541-0420 Biometrics (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0099-4987 Biometrics bulletin (e-vir) Biometrics Section, American Statistical Association
2326-1439 Biometrics bulletin (e-vir) American Statistical Association.
0006-3444 Biometrika Biometrika Trust
1464-3510 Biometrika (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0006-3452 Biometrische Zeitschrift Akademie-Verlag
1932-1058 Biomicrofluidics (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
1059-0153 Biomimetics Plenum Press,
0300-0079 Biomineralisation Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz.
1389-0344 Biomolecular engineering Elsevier
1349-9343 Bionics Ohmsha.
0366-1423 Bionika.; Бионика Gosudarstvennaâ publičnaâ naučno-tehničeskaâ biblioteka; Государственная публичная научно-техническая библиотека.
0968-0896 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Pergamon
1464-3391 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0960-894X Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters Pergamon
1464-3405 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (e-vir) Elsevier
0045-2068 Bioorganic chemistry Academic Press.
1090-2120 Bioorganic chemistry (e-vir) Academic Press
0938-7234 Bioorganic chemistry frontiers Springer.
0132-3423 Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ Akademiâ Nauk SSSR
0935-7092 Bioorganic marine chemistry Springer.
1075-7996 Bioorganic photochemistry John Wiley,
0862-9684 Biopharm Vetpres - vydavatelství Výzkumného ústavu pro biofaktory a veterinární léčiva
1040-8304 Biopharm Aster Pub. Corp.
0142-2782 Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition Wiley.
1099-081X Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
1542-166X Biopharm international Advanstar Communications
1939-1862 Biopharm international Advanstar Communications, Inc.
1040-8045 Biopharm manufacturing Cassandra Pub.,
0301-4622 Biophysical chemistry North-Holland
1873-4200 Biophysical chemistry (e-vir) North-Holland
0006-3495 Biophysical journal Published for the Biophysical Society by the Rockefeller University Press
1542-0086 Biophysical journal (e-vir) Biophysical Society
1793-7035 Biophysical reviews and letters (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
0006-3509 Biophysics Pergamon Press.
1349-2942 Biophysics (e-vir) Biophysical Society of Japan
1555-6654 Biophysics (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0138-0818 Biophysics of Membrane Transport Agricultural University of Wrocław.
0340-1057 Biophysics of structure and mechanism Springer
1793-0480 Biophysics reviews and letters World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd.
0006-3517 Biophysik Springer-Verlag
0233-7657 Biopolimery i kletka Naukova dumka
0006-3525 Biopolymers John Wiley & Sons
1097-0282 Biopolymers (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1993-6842 Biopolymers and cell Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics
0523-6827 Biopolymers Symposia Interscience Publishers.
1615-7591 Bioprocess and biosystems engineering Springer
1615-7605 Bioprocess and biosystems engineering (e-vir) Springer
Y504-6904 Bioprocess and biosystems engineering Springer
0178-515X Bioprocess engineering Springer
1542-6319 BioProcess International BioProcess International
0888-7470 Bioprocess technology Dekker,
0006-3533 Bioquímica clínica Federación de Especialistas de Análisis Biológicos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
0269-7572 Biorecovery AB Academic Publishers.
1088-9868 Bioremediation journal CRC Press
1547-6529 Bioremediation journal (e-vir) CRC Press
0253-7095 Bioresearch Vikram University, School of studies in zoology.
0006-3541 Bioresearch index BioSciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts.
0960-8524 Bioresource technology Elsevier Applied Science
1873-2976 Bioresource technology (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0006-355X Biorheology Pergamon Press
1878-5034 Biorheology IOS Press
0005-3155 Bios Beta Beta Beta National Biological Society]
0366-2284 Bios Union générale nationale des syndicats de la brasserie française.
1943-6289 Bios (e-vir) Beta Beta Beta Biological Fraternity
0006-3568 Bioscience American Institut of Biology Sciences
1525-3244 BioScience (e-vir) American Institute of Biological Sciences
0916-8451 Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
1347-6947 Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry (e-vir) Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
1342-1441 Bioscience and microflora Center for Academic Publications Japan.
0144-8463 Bioscience reports Biochemical Society
1573-4935 Bioscience reports Kluwer
0970-0889 Bio-science research bulletin A.K. Sharma.
2320-3161 Bio-science research bulletin (e-vir) BPAS Research
2456-2602 Biosciences biotechnology research asia (e-vir) Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia
0973-1245 Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia Oriental Scientific Publishing Company
0265-928X Biosensors Elsevier Applied Science
0956-5663 Biosensors & bioelectronics Elsevier Science Publishers
1873-4235 Biosensors & bioelectronics (e-vir) Elsevier
0923-179X Bioseparation Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-8272 Bioseparation Kluwer
1478-5382 Biosilico Elsevier Science
1878-1209 Biosilico (e-vir) Elsevier
0197-7571 Biosources digest Neus.
1075-4261 Biospectroscopy (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1520-6343 Biospectroscopy Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
0947-0867 BIOspektrum Spektrum Akad. Verl..
1868-6249 BIOspektrum Spektrum, Akad. Verl.
1527-2486 Biostatistics Marcel Dekker, Inc.
0301-0708 Biosynthesis Chemical Society (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0523-6886 Biosynthesis of antibiotics Academic Press,
0303-2647 Biosystems North-Holland
0393-9146 Biotec Clas; Centro di Biotecnologie Avanzate,
0931-1408 Biotec Fischer.
0937-2725 BioTec Vogel
0941-2387 BioTechForum Hüthig.
0938-7501 Biotech forum Europe Hüthig
0263-8029 Biotech news Microinfo Limited.
1473-7760 Biotechnic & histochemistry (e-vir) BIOS Scientific Publishers
1052-0295 Biotechnic and Histochemistry BIOS Scientific Publishers; Taylor & Francis
0736-6205 Biotechniques Eaton Pub. Co.
1940-9818 Biotechniques (e-vir) Eaton Pub. Co.
1520-3182 Biotechniques molecular laboratory methods series Biotechniques Books.
0860-7796 BioTechnologia Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
2353-9461 BioTechnologia (e-vir) Committee of Biotechnology. Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry. Polish Academy of Sciences
1370-6233 Biotechnologie, agronomie, société et environnement Bibliothèque de la Faculté universitaire des sciences agronomiques
1780-4507 Biotechnologie, agronomie, société et environnement (e-vir) Bibliothèque de la Faculté universitaire des sciences agronomiques
0740-7378 Biotechnology [Addison-Wesley, Advanced Book Program/World Science Division]
1682-296X Biotechnology ANSInet.
1682-2978 Biotechnology Asian Network for Scientific Information.
1055-2162 Biotechnology, current progress Technomic Pub. Co.,
1310-2818 Biotechnology & biotechnological equipment Diagnosis Press
1314-3530 Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment (e-vir) Diagnosis Press.
0264-8725 Biotechnology & genetic engineering reviews Intercept
0734-9750 Biotechnology advances Pergamon
1873-1899 Biotechnology advances (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0885-4513 Biotechnology and applied biochemistry Published for the International Union of Biochemistry by Academic Press
1470-8744 Biotechnology and applied biochemistry online Portland Press.
0006-3592 Biotechnology and bioengineering Wiley
1097-0290 Biotechnology and bioengineering John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0572-6565 Biotechnology and bioengineering symposium John Wiley & Sons
1976-3816 Biotechnology and bioprocess engineering (e-vir) Korean society for biotechnology and bioengineering
1226-8372 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering.
2046-5556 Biotechnology and genetic engineering reviews (e-vir) Intercept
1387-2656 Biotechnology annual review Elsevier
0965-9595 Biotechnology business news Financial Times Business Information.
0955-6621 Biotechnology education Pergamon
1052-6153 Biotechnology handbooks Plenum Press,
0934-943X Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry Springer.
0960-202X Biotechnology in agriculture series C.A.B. International,
1527-246X Biotechnology intelligence unit R.G. Landes Co..
1860-6768 Biotechnology journal Wiley-VCH.
1860-7314 Biotechnology journal (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0141-5492 Biotechnology letters Science and Technology Letters
1573-6776 Biotechnology letters (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
0930-8938 Biotechnology monographs Springer.
0273-3226 Biotechnology news CTB International Pub. Co.,
1520-6033 Biotechnology progress (e-vir) American Institute of Chemical Engineers
8756-7938 Biotechnology progress American Institute of Chemical Engineers
0951-208X Biotechnology techniques Science & Technology Letters
1573-6784 Biotechnology techniques (e-vir) Kluwer
0898-2813 Biotech patent news Biotech Patent News]
0864-4551 Biotecnología aplicada Sociedad iberoamericana de biotecnología aplicada a la salud
1027-2852 Biotecnología aplicada Revista biotecnología aplicada.
0234-2758 Biotehnologiâ Glavnoe upravlenie mikrobiologičeskoj promyšlennosti pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR
0205-2067 Biotehnologiâ & Biotehnika Nacionalen sʺvet po biotehnologiâ kʺm Dʺržavniâ komitet po izsledovaniâ i tehnologii
0861-0444 Biotehnologiâ i himiâ Asociaciâ Biotehnologiâ i himičeska promišlenost
0261-1597 Biotest bulletin Biotest.
0921-299X Biotherapy Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-8280 Biotherapy Kluwer
0914-2223 Biotherapy = Kani Shobō; Gan to kagaku ryohosha; 癌と化学療法社
1340-3850 Biotherapy today Biotherapy Conference.; BTC.
0185-0326 Biótica : publicación del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones sobre Recursos Bióticos Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones sobre Recursos Bióticos
0303-8815 BIOTROP bulletin SEAMEO. Regional Center for Tropical Biology.
0006-3606 Biotropica Association for Tropical Biology
1744-7429 Biotropica (e-vir) Association for Tropical Biology
0366-3892 Biotypologie Société de biotypologie (France)
1660-8984 BioValley monographs BioValley Central Association.
0971-0108 Bioved Bioved Research Society.
0250-507X Biovigyanam Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Science-Research Institute
0366-0605 BIP. Boletín de informaciones petrolíferas Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales.
1398-5647 Bipolar disorders Munksgaard
1399-5618 Bipolar disorders (e-vir) International Society for Bipolar Disorders.
0006-3746 Birmingham University Chemical Engineer Birmingham University Chemical Engineering Society.
0547-6844 Birth defects original article series A. R. Liss
1542-0752 Birth defects research Teratology Society.
1542-0760 Birth defects research (e-vir) Wiley-Liss Inc.
1542-9733 Birth defects research Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1542-9741 Birth defects research (e-vir) Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1542-975X Birth defects research Wiley-Liss
1542-9768 Birth defects research (e-vir) Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0914-3734 Biryäo kinzoku taisha Ogata Igaku Kagaku Kenkyäujo.
0092-4334 BIS conference report Brain Information Service, University of California.
0911-2707 Biseibutsu Igaku Shuppan Sentäa.
0193-0052 Bismuth United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0366-2934 BISRA open report British Iron and Steel Research Association.
0006-386X Bitamin Nippon Bitamin Gakkai
0254-5470 Bitki Bitki
0406-3597 Bitki koruma bulteni Zirai Mucadele Ilac ve Aletleri Enstitsu
0376-0588 Bitki Koruma Bulteni Zirai Mucadele Ilac ve Aletleri Enstitusu
0006-3916 Bitumen Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bitumen-Industrie eV
0006-3924 Bitumen, Teere, Asphalte, Peche und Verwandte Stoffe Strassenbau-, Chemie- u. Technik-Verl.-Ges.
0137-2157 Biuletyn Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Genetyki i Hodowli Zwierzęat.
0324-847X Biuletyn Polska Akademia Nauk. Zakład Ochrony Środowiska Regionów Przemysłowych (Warszawa).
0366-0710 Biuletyn Instytut Geologiczny.
0551-4169 Biuletyn Polska Akademia Nauk. Zakład Badan Naukowych Górnoślęaskiego Okręegu Przemysłowego.
1505-828X Biuletyn Wojskowy Instytut Chemii i Radiometrii. Ośrodek Naukowej Informacji Wojskowej.
0365-9348 Biuletyn Centralnego Laboratorium Technologii Przetwórstwa i Przechowalnictwa Zbóż w Warszawie Centralne Laboratorium Technologii Przetwórstwa i Przechowalnictwa Zbóż, Warszawa.
0137-1525 Biuletyn Centralnej Stacji Oceny Pasz Instytut Zootechniki w Polsce. Zootechniczny Zakład Doświadczalny Czechnica.
0406-3732 Biuletyn Geograficzny Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne.
0507-9209 Biuletyn Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej Wydawnictwo "Arkady".
0137-9828 Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Przemysłu Tworzyw i Farb, Branżowy Ośrodek Informacji Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej.
0209-1259 Biuletyn Informacyjny Barwniki i Środki Pomocnicze Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Przemysłu Barwników "Organika" w Zgierzu.
0137-9984 Biuletyn Informacyjny Centralnego Laboratorium Przemysłu Tytoniowego Centralne Laboratorium Przemysłu Tytoniowego.
0366-0494 Biuletyn Informacyjny Centralnego Laboratorium Technologii Przetwórstwa i Przechowalnictwa Zbóż w Warszawie Centralne Laboratorium Technologii Przetwórstwa i Przechowalnictwa Zbóź, Warszawa.
0366-0575 Biuletyn Informacyjny-Instytut PrzemysŁu Wiaźacych MateriaŁów Budowlanych Instytut PrzemysŁu MateriaŁów Budowlanych.
0138-0788 Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytutu Materiałów Ogniotrwałych Zjednoczenie Przemysłu Materiałów Ogniotrwałych, Branżowy Ośrodek Informacji Technicznej i Ekonomicznej przy Instytucie Materiałów Ogniotrwałych.
0507-9322 Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytutu Zbożowego w Warszawie Instytut Zbożowy w Warszawie.
0137-9836 Biuletyn Informacyjny Komisji Krystalografii PAN Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych.
0324-8488 Biuletyn Informacyjny Przemysłu Farb i Lakierów Instytut Badawczo-Projektowy Przemysłu Farb i Lakierów, Branżowy Ośrodek Informacji Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej.
0867-700X Biuletyn Instytutu Leków Instytut Leków (Warszawa)
0366-0524 Biuletyn Instytutu Mechaniki Precyzyjnej Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej, Warszawa.
0030-2317 Biuletyn Instytutu Metali Nieżelaznych Instytut Metali Nieżelaznych (Gliwice). Branżowy Ośrodek Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej i Ekonomicznej.
0020-448X Biuletyn Instytutu Ochrony Roślin Instytut Ochrony Roślin w Poznaniu.
1506-1949 Biuletyn Instytutu Odlewnictwa Instytut Odlewnictwa (Kraków)
0366-0648 Biuletyn Instytutu Roślin Leczniczych Państwowy Instytut Naukowy Leczniczych Surowców Roślinnych w Poznaniu.; Instytut Przemysłu Zielarskiego w Poznaniu.; Państwowy Instytut Naukowy Leczniczych Surowców Roślinnych (Poznań); Instytut Przemysłu Zielarskiego (Poznań)
0366-0699 Biuletyn Instytutu Spawalnictwa oraz Biuletyn Informacyjny Branżowego Ośrodka Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej i Ekonomicznej Instytut Spawalnictwa w Gliwicach.
0366-0729 Biuletyn Instytutu Węeglowego, Komunikat Instytut Węeglowy.
0137-1576 Biuletyn Instytutu Ziemniaka Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne
1233-3867 Biuletyn ITN Instytut Technologii Nafty.; Instytut Technologii Nafty imienia profesora Stanisława Pilata.; Instytut Technologii Nafty (Kraków); Instytut Technologii Nafty im. prof. Stanisława Pilata (Kraków)
0366-0931 Biuletyn Koksownika [Wydawnictwo Śląsk]
0459-9551 Biuletyn Lubelskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. Biologia Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
0460-2358 Biuletyn Lubelskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. Geografia Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
0460-2366 Biuletyn Lubelskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. Matematyka, Fizyka, Chemia Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
0300-2438 Biuletyn Przemysłowego Instytutu Automatyki i Pomiarów MERA-PIAP Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów MERA-PIAP.
0451-548X Biuletyn Służby Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej Województwa Katowickiego Wojewódzka Stacja Sanitarno-Epidemiologiczna w Katowicach.
0509-6839 Biuletyn Warzywniczy Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne
1234-5865 Biuletyn Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej Wydawnictwo Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej
0366-4988 Biuletyn Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej im. Jarosława Dęabrowskiego Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dęabrowskiego.
0387-9186 Biyäo no igaku Nihon Biyäo Igaku Kenkyäukai
1365-2125 BJCP. British journal of clinical pharmacology (e-vir) [Blackwell Science].
1311-0160 BJMG Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
1470-0328 BJOG Blackwell Science
1471-0528 BJOG (e-vir) Blackwell Science Ltd.
0961-2653 BJR supplement British Institute of Radiology.
1464-4096 BJU international Blackwell Science
1464-410X BJU international (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0366-1318 Bjulleten' moskovskogo obščestva ispytatelej prirody. Otdel geologičeskij Izdatel'stvo moskovskogo universiteta
0097-6881 Black Rock Forest papers Black Rock Forest (Institution : Cornwall on Hudson, N.Y.)
0365-916X Blad för Bergshandteringens vänner Bergshandteringens vänner
0366-0990 Blakiston Aomori-kenritsu Hirosaki Kotogakko Seibutsu-club.
0006-4599 Blast furnace and steel plant Steel Publications
0067-9127 Blätter für Technikgeschichte Technisches Museum
0366-1008 Blätter für Zuckerrübenbau Verlag Die Dt. Zuckerindustrie
0366-1040 Blech Prost und Meiner
0006-4688 Blech, Rohre, Profile Meisenbach
0006-4971 Blood Grune and Stratton.
1528-0020 Blood (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1078-0491 Blood cell biochemistry Plenum Press
0340-4684 Blood cells Springer
1079-9796 Blood cells, molecules & diseases Blood Cells Foundation
1096-0961 Blood cells, molecules & diseases (e-vir) Blood Cells Foundation,
0376-1940 Blood clotting and allied problems Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.
0957-5235 Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis Rapid Communications
1473-5733 Blood coagulation and fibrinolysis (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
0803-7051 Blood pressure Scandinavian University Press; Scandinavian University Press
0803-8023 Blood pressure Scandinavian University Press; Informa Healthcare
1651-1999 Blood pressure (e-vir) Scandinavian University Press
1651-2480 Blood pressure (e-vir) Scandinavian University Press; Informa Healthcare
0253-5068 Blood purification S. Karger
1421-9735 Blood purification (e-vir) S. Karger
0268-960X Blood reviews Churchill Livingstone
1532-1681 Blood reviews (e-vir) Churchill Livingstone
0303-6847 Blood vessels S. Karger
0006-5242 Blut Springer
0006-5250 Blutalkohol Steintor-Verlag Hamburg GmbH
1471-2253 BMC anesthesiology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2105 BMC bioinformatics (e-vir) BioMed Central
1741-7007 BMC biology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6750 BMC biotechnology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2326 BMC blood disorders (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2407 BMC cancer (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2261 BMC cardiovascular disorders (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2121 BMC cell biology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6769 BMC chemical biology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6890 BMC clinical pathology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6904 BMC clinical pharmacology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6882 BMC complementary and alternative medicine (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-5945 BMC dermatology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-213X BMC developmental biology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6815 BMC ear, nose, and throat disorders (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6785 BMC ecology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-227X BMC emergency medicine (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6823 BMC endocrine disorders (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2148 BMC evolutionary biology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2296 BMC family practice (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-230X BMC gastroenterology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2156 BMC genetics (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2164 BMC genomics (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2318 BMC geriatrics (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6963 BMC health services research (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2172 BMC immunology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2334 BMC infectious diseases (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-698X BMC international health and human rights (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6920 BMC medical education (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6939 BMC medical ethics (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2350 BMC medical genetics (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2342 BMC medical imaging (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6947 BMC medical informatics and decision making (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2288 BMC medical research methodology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1741-7015 BMC medicine (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2180 BMC microbiology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2199 BMC molecular biology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2474 BMC musculoskeletal disorders (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2369 BMC nephrology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2377 BMC neurology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2202 BMC neuroscience (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2385 BMC nuclear medicine (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6955 BMC nursing (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2415 BMC ophthalmology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6831 BMC oral health (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-684X BMC palliative care (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2431 BMC pediatrics (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2210 BMC pharmacology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6793 BMC physiology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2229 BMC plant biology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2393 BMC pregnancy and childbirth (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-244X BMC psychiatry (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2458 BMC public health (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2466 BMC pulmonary medicine (e-vir) BioMed Central
1472-6807 BMC structural biology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2482 BMC surgery (e-vir) BioMed Central
1752-0509 BMC systems biology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1471-2490 BMC urology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1746-6148 BMC veterinary research (e-vir) BioMed Central.
1472-6874 BMC women's health (e-vir) BioMed Central
0913-7556 BME Nihon ME Gakkai; Shäujunsha
0959-8146 BMJ. British medical journal British Medical Association
1470-0557 BMR Group conference series publication Mechanical Engineering Publications.
0312-9608 BMR journal of Australian geology and geophysics Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geolgy and Geophysics.
0005-6693 BMT Bauverlag
0307-3548 BNF bulletin British Nutrition Foundation.
0141-9684 BNF nutrition bulletin British Nutrition Foundation
0197-8659 BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory, Associated Universities, inc.
0197-8640 BNWL Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories.
0006-5420 Bochu-Kagaku Bochu Kagaku Kenkyusho.
0006-5471 Bodenkultur WUV-Universitätsverlag
0366-2136 Bodenkunde und Pflanzenernährung Verl. Chemie
0006-5528 Boei Eisei Boei Eisei Kyokai; Nihon boei eisei gakkai
0304-9167 Boerhaave series for postgraduate medical education Leiden University Press
0379-587X Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Dergisi. Mühendislik Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
0379-5888 Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Dergisi. Temel Bilimler Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
0254-5489 Boğaziçi üniversitesi dergisi. Temel bilimler, kimya Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
0320-0213 Bogoslovskie trudy.; Богословские труды Izdanie moskovskoj patriarhii; Издание московской патриархии.
1673-0569 Bohai Daxue xuebao Bohai Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
0520-3856 Bohren, Sprengen, Räumen Barth.
0366-1814 Bohrtechniker-Zeitung [s.n.]
0096-3550 Boiler maker and plate fabricator Simmons-Boardman Pub. Corp.]
0385-941X Boira gishi Nenryäo oyobi Nenshäosha.
0387-0162 Boira kenkyu Nihon kikan kyokai; Nihon Boira Kyokai
0006-579X Bois et forêts des tropiques Société pour le développement de l'utilisation des bois tropicaux [puis]; Centre technique forestier tropical
1777-5760 Bois et forêts des tropiques (e-vir) CIRAD
1266-2925 Boissons bios conditionnement PCI,
0385-5201 Bōkin bōbai Bokin bobai kenkyukai; 防菌防黴研究会; Nihon Bōkin Bōbai Gakkai
0365-8945 Bokkerij-Wetenschap Vereniging van bakkerijleraren
0004-5195 Boletim Associação Brasileira de Pesquisas Sobre Plantas Aromaticas e Oleos Essencias
0100-0659 Boletim Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear.
0100-3577 Boletim Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral, Ministério das Minas e Energia
0101-5400 Boletim Departamento de geologia, CCE/UFRN
0366-1113 Boletim Departamento Nacional da Producao Mineral, Laboratorio de Producao Mineral
0366-1172 Boletim Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral, Divisão de Fomento da Produção Mineral.
0366-287X Boletim Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral, Divisão de Geologia e Mineralogia.
0367-0139 Boletim Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
0368-0398 Boletim Instituto de Tecnologia Industrial.
0369-1454 Boletim Serviços de geologia e minas.; Serviços de indústria, geologia e minas.; Direcção dos Serviços de geologia e minas.
0376-2467 Boletim Instituto de Biologia e Pesquisas Tecnologicas.
0484-1212 Boletim Universidade do Recife, Instituto de Geologia
0870-1180 Boletim Sociedade Portuguesa de Química
0365-8708 Boletim ABCP Associação Técnica Brasileira de Celulose e Papel.
0100-2384 Boletim científico Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura.
0366-2012 Boletim da Academia Nacional de Farmacia Academia Nacional de Farmácia
0001-3838 Boletim da Academia Nacional de Medicina Academia Nacional de Medicina
0365-0715 Boletim da Associação Brasileira de Metais Associação Brasileira de Metais.
0366-158X Boletim da Associação Brasileira de Pharmaceuticos Associação Brasileira de Pharmaceuticos.
0366-1598 Boletim da Associação Brasileira de Química Associação Brasileira de Química
0366-0079 Boletim da Escola de Farmácia Universidade de Coimbra. Escola de Farmácia
0366-1717 Boletim da Escola de Farmácia, Universidade de Coimbra Universidade de Coimbra. Escola de Farmácia
0079-4023 Boletim da Escola de Geologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Geociências, Escola de Geologia.
0366-323X Boletim da Escola Superior de Farmácia, Universidade de Lisboa Escola Superior de Farmácia
0041-8757 Boletim da Faculdade de Farmácia Faculdade de Farmácia
0366-0117 Boletim da Faculdade de Farmácia Universidade de Coimbra. Faculdade de Farmácia
0366-0095 Boletim da Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Farmácia
0378-9608 Boletim da Faculdade de Farmácia de Coimbra Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade de Coimbra
0372-4751 Boletim da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Universidade de São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras.
0372-4824 Boletim da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Universidade de São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras
0372-4832 Boletim da Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras, Universidade de São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras
0558-3187 Boletim da Fundação Gonçalo Moniz Fundação Gonçalo Moniz, Instituto de Saúde Pública.
0366-1563 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Agronomia Sociedade Brasileira de Agronomia.
0583-7804 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia
0583-7847 Boletim da Sociedade Cearense de Agronomia Sociedade Cearense de Agronomia
0366-1857 Boletim da Sociedade de Chimica de Sao Paulo Sociedade de Química de São Paulo
0366-1687 Boletim da Sociedade de Engenharia do Rio Grande do Sul Sociedade de Engenharia do Rio Grande do Sul.
0366-2101 Boletim da Sociedade Geológica de Portugal Sociedade Geológica de Portugal
0304-4750 Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia S.P.C.
0366-2349 Boletim da Superintendência dos Serviços do Café Superintendência dos Serviços do Café, Secretaria da Fazenda.
0070-1823 Boletim da Universidade Federal do Paraná Universidade Federal do Paraná, Instituto de Geologia
0540-1275 Boletim de Agricultura Secretaria da Agricultura, Indústria, Comércio e Trabalho, Departamento de Produção Vegetal
0365-9550 Boletim de Dentística Operatória Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba
0366-1679 Boletim de divulgação do Instituto de Oleos Ministério da Agricultura, Centro Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisas Agronómicas, Serviço Nacional de Pesquisas Agronómicas, Instituto de Oleos.
0524-3963 Boletim de estudos Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste, Departamento de Recursos Naturais
0101-4242 Boletim de Fisiologia Animal Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Biociências.
0370-7644 Boletim de Geologia Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Geociências.
0067-9615 Boletim de indústria animal Instituto de Zootecnia
1981-4100 Boletim de indústria animal Instituto de Zootecnia
0366-1180 Boletim de matemática, estatística e física Universidade do Estado de Sõ Paulo, Departamento de Matemática e Estatística
0101-630X Boletim de pesquisa Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos
0101-904X Boletim de pesquisa Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental
0476-0468 Boletim didático da Escola de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel Escola de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel.
0102-0323 Boletim do Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos Universidade Federal do Paraná, Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos
1983-9774 Boletim do Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos
0365-950X Boletim do Departamento de Engenharia Quimica da Escola Politecnica, Universidade de Sao Paulo Escola Politécnica. Universidade de São Paulo.
0250-510X Boletim do hospital Hospital Geral de Santo António.
0366-3418 Boletim do Hospital da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade da Bahia Universidade da Bahia, Faculdade de Medicina.
0079-113X Boletim do INPA Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia.
0366-2454 Boletim do INPA Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia.
0020-3661 Boletim do Instituto Biológico da Bahia Instituto Biológico da Bahia.
0020-3912 Boletim do Instituto de investigação científica de Angola Instituto de investigação científica de Angola.
0366-0540 Boletim do Instituto de Microbiologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Microbiologia.
0366-0559 Boletim do Instituto de Oleos Ministerio da Agricultura, Instituto de Oleos.
0367-9853 Boletim do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas
0366-2195 Boletim do Instituto de Quimica Agricola Ministerio da Agricultura, Centro Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisas Agronomicas.
0366-0281 Boletim do Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos
0304-5196 Boletim do Instituto do Azeite e Produtos Oleaginosos Portugal.
0250-5088 Boletim do Instituto dos Produtos Florestais. Portugal.
0250-5096 Boletim do Instituto dos Produtos Florestais. Portugal.
0367-7877 Boletim do Instituto Geográfico e Geológico Instituto Geográfico e Geológico
0373-5524 Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto Oceanográfico.
0368-0517 Boletim do Instituto Tecnológico do Rio Grande do Sul ITERS.
0558-5732 Boletim do Instituto Zimotécnico Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Instituto Zimotecnico
0407-0283 Boletim do INT Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia
0006-5951 Boletim do Leite e seus Derivados Otto Frensel
0366-1237 Boletim do Museu e Laboratorio Mineralogico e Geologico da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade de Lisboa
0080-3200 Boletim do Museu Nacional Museu Nacional.
0077-2224 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi.
0366-0206 Boletim dos Serviços de geologia e minas Serviços de geologia e minas de Moçambique
0003-3456 Boletim dos Serviços de geología e minas de Angola Serviços de geología e minas de Angola.
0366-175X Boletim fitossanitario Ministério da Agricultura, Divisão de Defesa Sanitária Vegetal, Departamento Nacional da Produção Vegetal
0100-3879 Boletim IG Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências.
0102-6283 Boletim IG-USP Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências.
0100-1167 Boletim Informativo ABIA/SAPRO Associação Brasileira das Indústrias da Alimentação, Setor de Alimentos Calóricos-Protéicos.
0366-1245 Boletim mineralógico Clube de Mineralogia de Recife
0067-964X Boletim paranaense de geociências Editora UPFR
0366-2470 Boletim pecuário Direcção Geral dos Serviços Pecuários.; Portugal. Direcção Geral dos Serviços Pecuários.
0100-0845 Boletim Técnico Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira, Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau
0100-1949 Boletim Técnico Centro de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento.
0100-2848 Boletim Técnico Escola superior de agricultura Luiz de Queiroz commissão de energia nuclear, Centro de energia nuclear na agricultura
0100-2996 Boletim Técnico Cooperativa Central dos Produtores de Açúcar e Álcool do Estado de São Paulo
0100-3011 Boletim Técnico Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Trópico Úmido - CPATU
0100-3100 Boletim Técnico Instituto Agronômico de Campinas
0101-112X Boletim Técnico Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Agronomia, Departamento de Solos
0365-866X Boletim Técnico Instituto Agronômico do Nordeste.
0374-6658 Boletim Técnico Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra as Secas
0486-1582 Boletim Técnico Instituto de Pesquisas Agronômicas de Pernambuco
0071-1306 Boletim técnico-científico - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz ESALQ
0100-3747 Boletim técnico da Divisão de Tecnologia Agrícola e Alimentar Ministério da Agricultura, Escritório de Pesquisas e Experimentação, Divisão de Tecnologia Agrícola e Alimentar
0006-6117 Boletim Técnico da Petrobras Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento "Leopoldo A. Miguez de Mello"
1676-6385 Boletim Técnico da Petrobras (e-vir) Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento "Leopoldo A. Miguez de Mello"
0067-527X Boletim Técnico do Instituto Agronômico do Norte Ministério da Agricultura, Centro Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisas Agronômicas, Instituto Agronômico do Norte
0520-8114 Boletim técnico do Instituto Agronômico do Sul Ministério da Agricultura, Centro Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisas Agronômicas, Serviço Nacional de Pesquisas Agronômicas, Instituto Agronômico do Sul.
0100-2619 Boletim Técnico do Instituto de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Norte IPAN
0524-3149 Boletim Técnico do Instituto de Pesquisas e experimentação Agropecuárias do Norte IPEAN
0303-7592 Boletim técnico - Instituto de Pesquisas e Experimentação Agropecuárias do Sul Instituto de Pesquisas e Experimentação Agropecuárias do Sul.
0037-8461 Boletin Sociedad Colombiana de Quimicos Farmaceuticos,
0413-6969 Boletin Laboratorio Quimico Nacional,
0020-3939 Boletín Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas.
0066-7153 Boletín Dirección Nacional de Geología y Minería
0067-9828 Boletín Servicio geológico de Bolivia
0077-1260 Boletín Universidad de la Republica, Facultad de Agronomía.
0325-285X Boletín Servicio Nacional Minero Geológico
0325-626X Boletín Servicio Geológico Nacional
0365-964X Boletín Ministerio de agricultura, Oficina técnica de información agraria
0366-1199 Boletín Ministerio de minas y petróleo, Departamento nacional de geología
0366-7162 Boletín Comité Directivo para la Investigación de los Recursos Minerales de México
0367-8016 Boletín Instituto Geológico del Uruguay
0369-9218 Boletín Comisión carta geologica nacional
0376-0936 Boletín Instituto Nacional para la Investigación de Recursos Minerales
0480-1377 Boletín Ministerio de fomento y obras públicas
0570-8400 Boletín Instituto Nacional de Geología y Minería
0365-7329 Boletín - Asociación Mexicana de Técnicos de las Industrias de la Celulosa y del Papel Asociación Mexicana de Técnicos de las Industrias de la Celulosa y del Papel.; ATCP.
0366-2438 Boletín azucarero mexicano [s.n.].
0366-1911 Boletín biológico Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Cátedra de Microbiología y Micrología.
0365-9402 Boletín chileno de parasitología Programa de Parasitología, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas, Universidad de Chile
0120-0542 Boletín científico CIOH Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas.
2215-9045 Boletín Científico CIOH (e-vir) Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas
0539-5526 Boletín - Consejo de Recursos Naturales no Renovables Consejo de Recursos Naturales no Renovables.
0212-9051 Boletin da Academia Galega de Ciencias Academia Gallega de Ciencias
0376-1894 Boletín de ciencia y tecnología Universidad de Costa Rica
0067-9666 Boletín de estudios médicos y biológicos Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas
0539-3078 Boletín de extensión - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias.
0366-1733 Boletin de Farmacia Militar s.n.
0006-6281 Boletín de geología Ministerio de Energía y Minas, Dirección General Sectorial de Minas y Geología
2145-8553 Boletín de geología (e-vir)
0120-0283 Boletín de Geología Universidad Industrial de Santander.
0505-1169 Boletín de geología publicación especial Venezuela. Dirección de Geología.
0366-063X Boletín de información bromatológica Sociedad Española de Bromatología
0006-6311 Boletín de información dental del Ilustre Consejo General de Colegios de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de España Consejo General de Colegios de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de España
0366-1830 Boletin de Informaciones Cientificas Nacionales [s.n.]
0366-0613 Boletín de informaciones parasitarias chilenas Departamento de Microbiología y Parasitología. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile; Servicio Nacional de Salud
0366-0508 Boletín de información técnica del Departamento de Metales no Férreos Patronato Juan de la Cierva de Investigación Técnica. Departamento de Metales no Férreos
0366-1075 Boletín de ingenieros [s.n.].
0366-1482 Boletín de la Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físico-Químicas y Naturales Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales (Madrid)
0366-1652 Boletín de la Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales
0325-2051 Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Academia Nacional de Ciencias.
0366-1490 Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Electrotécnicos Asociación Argentina de Electrotécnicos
0004-4849 Boletín de la Asociación Médica de Puerto Rico Asociación Médica de Puerto Rico.
0366-1997 Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geologos Petroleros Asociación Mexicana de Geologos Petroleros.
0366-1822 Boletin de la Asociacion Nacional de Ingenieros Agronomos Asociacion Nacional de Ingenieros Agronomos.
0403-5488 Boletín de la Asociación Uruguaya para el Progreso de la Ciencia Impresora LIGU.
0366-1547 Boletín de la Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo.
0010-3977 Boletín de la Compañia Administradora del Guano Compañia Administradora del Guano
0366-2462 Boletín de la Dirección de agricultura y ganadería Dirección de agricultura y ganadería
0366-1660 Boletín de la Dirección general de agricultura Ministerio de agricultura, Dirección de agricultura y ganadería
0210-2536 Boletin de la estacion central de ecologia [S.n.]
0461-8564 Boletín de la Facultad de Ciencias Forestales - Universidad de Los Andes Facultad de Ciencias Forestales
0366-0109 Boletín de la Facultad de Ingeniería de Montevideo Facultad de Ingeniería y Ramas Anexas
0027-013X Boletín de la Facultad de Ingeniería y Agrimensura de Montevideo Facultad de Ingeniería y Agrimensura, Montevideo Universidad
0366-1725 Boletín de la Federación médica del Ecuador Federación médica del Ecuador
0030-0632 Boletín de la Oficina sanitaria panamericana OPS.; Organización panamericana de la salud.; OSP.; Oficina sanitaria panamericana.
0365-9755 Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural
0583-7510 Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural, Seccion Geologica Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural
0366-3272 Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. Sección biológica Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural
0366-2128 Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México Sociedad Botánica de México.
0366-3140 Boletín de la Sociedad Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología Sociedad Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología
0366-1644 Boletín de la Sociedad Chilena de Química Sociedad Chilena de Química
0037-850X Boletín de la Sociedad de Biología de Concepción Sociedad de Biología de Concepción.
0366-3159 Boletín de la Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay [s.n.].
0366-1741 Boletin de la Sociedad de Fomento Fabril Sociedad de Fomento Fabril.
0037-8550 Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica Sociedad Española de Cerámica
0366-3175 Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio Sociedad Española de Cerámica y vidrio
2173-0431 Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (e-vir) Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio
0079-1091 Boletín de la Sociedad geológica del Perú Sociedad geológica del Perú
0366-1784 Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Sociedad Geológica Mexicana.
0462-0801 Boletín de la Sociedad Médica del Centro Materno Infantil "Gral. Maximino Avila Camacho" Sociedad Médica del Centro Materno Infantil "Gral. Maximino Avila Camacho"
0187-4713 Boletín de la Sociedad mexicana de física Sociedad mexicana de física.
0366-2063 Boletín de la Sociedad nacional de minería del Perú Sociedad nacional de minería del Perú
0366-2039 Boletín de la Sociedad nacional de minería y petróleo Sociedad nacional de minería
0037-8623 Boletín de la Sociedad química del Perú Sociedad química del Perú
0583-7731 Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Espeleología Sociedad Venezolana de Espeleología
0583-774X Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Geologos Sociedad Venezolana de Geologos.
0211-1128 Boletín del Centro Nacional de Alimentación y Nutrición Centro Nacional de Alimentación y Nutrición (España)
0366-2160 Boletín del Colegio de químicos de Puerto Rico Colegio de químicos de Puerto Rico.
0366-1636 Boletín del Cuerpo de ingenieros de minas del Perú Cuerpo de ingenieros de minas del Perú
0185-0873 Boletín del Departamento de Geología Uni-Son Universidad de Sonora, Departamento de Geología
0367-6455 Boletín del Hospital de Viña del Mar Hospital Gustavo Fricke.
0018-5760 Boletín del Hospital Oftalmológico de Nuestra Señora de la Luz Hospital Oftalmológico de Nuestra Señora de la Luz.
0374-6224 Boletín del Instituto Bacteriológico de Chile Instituto Bacteriológico de Chile
0085-1914 Boletín del Instituto boliviano del petróleo Instituto boliviano del petróleo
0366-1571 Boletín del Instituto botánico de la Universidad central Instituto botánico de la Universidad central
0480-8010 Boletín del Instituto de ciencias naturales, Universidad central del Ecuador Instituto de ciencias naturales, Universidad central del Ecuador
0366-1695 Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Médicos y Biológicos, Universidad Nacional de México Universidad Nacional de México
0366-2020 Boletín del Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad de Nuevo León Universidad de Nuevo León.Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas.
0074-0128 Boletín del Instituto de Investigaciones Veterinaria Instituto de Investigaciones Veterinaria.
0210-251X Boletín del Instituto de Investigación Textil y de Cooperación Industrial Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona
0366-1865 Boletín del Instituto de Medicina Experimental para el Estudio y Tratamiento del Cáncer, Buenos Aires Instituto de Medicina Experimental para el Estudio y Tratamiento del Cáncer
0366-2144 Boletin del Instituto de Patologia Medica, Madrid Instituto de Patología Médica.
0076-745X Boletín del Instituto de Química de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Química.
0716-1387 Boletín del Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile
0303-7584 Boletín del Instituto de Tonantzintla Instituto de Tonantzintla
0074-0195 Boletin del instituto espanol de oceanografia [S.n.]
0366-0168 Boletín del Instituto Geológico y Minero de España Instituo Geológico y Minero de España
0020-4056 Boletín del Instituto interamericano del niño Instituto interamericano del niño.
0366-1849 Boletín del Instituto internacional americano de protección a la infancia Instituto internacional americano de protección a la infancia.
0366-1806 Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Higiene de Alfonso XIII Instituto Nacional de Higiene de Alfonso XIII
0020-4137 Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agronómicas Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agronómicas (España); España. Dirección General de Agricultura
0367-9292 Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Experiencias Agronómicas y Forestales Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Experiencias Agronómicas y Forestales (España); España. Dirección General de Agricultura y Montes.
0020-417X Boletín del Instituto Oceanográfico de la Universidad de Oriente Universidad de Oriente. (Venezuela). Instituto Oceanográfico.
0366-2179 Boletín del Instituto Psiquiátrico. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Rosario Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto Psiquiátrico.
0366-2152 Boletín del Instituto sudamericano del petróleo, Montevideo Instituto sudamericano del petróleo.
0366-1121 Boletín del petroleo [s.n.].
0366-192X Boletín del químico peruano [s.n.]
0584-7885 Boletín del Servicio de Plagas Forestales Ministerio de Agricultura. Servicio de Plagas Forestales.; Ministerio de Agricultura. Dirección General de Montes, Caza y Pesca Fluvial.; España. Servicio de Plagas Forestales.; España. Dirección General de Montes, Caza y Pesca Fluvial.
0549-1495 Boletín del Servicio geológico nacional Servicio geológico nacional, Ministerio de economía
0366-239X Boletín de minas y petroleo [s.n.]
0366-211X Boletín de Obras Sanitarias de la Nación Obras Sanitarias de la Nación
0520-433X Boletin de Patologia Medica Garsi.
0366-2381 Boletín de patología vegetal y entomología agrícola Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Experiencias Agronómicas y Forestales, Servicio Fitopatológico Agrícola.; España. Servicio Fitopatológico Agricola.; Estación de Fitopatología Agrícola (Madrid)
0366-2217 Boletín de radiactividad Instituto Nacional de Geofísica.
0366-1709 Boletín epidemiológico Dirección de Epidemiología y Campañas Sanitarias.
0564-4011 Boletín - Estación Experimental Agrícola de la Provincia de Tucumán Estación Experimental Agrícola de Tucumán.
0370-8896 Boletines y trabajos Nocito y Rano
0325-8319 Boletín genético Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Agronómicas, INTA
0367-7923 Boletín geológico Instituto geográfico nacional
0120-1425 Boletín Geológico Ingeominas
0366-0176 Boletín geológico y minero Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
2253-6167 Boletín geológico y minero (e-vir) Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
0185-0059 Boletín I.I.E División de adiestramiento y comunicación. IIE.
0406-6111 Boletín iberoamericano de cultura técnica Instituto Iberoamericano de Investigaciones y Enseñanzas Técnicas.; Oficina de Educación Iberoamericana.
0365-9372 Boletin informativo Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Cafe
0325-2469 Boletín informativo Dirección Nacional de Química
0367-9926 Boletín informativo Instituto de química aplicada a la farmacia
0571-4338 Boletín informativo - Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo.
0366-0362 Boletin Informativo de Circular Farmaceutica Muy Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Farmaceuticos de Barcelona.
0561-3787 Boletín informativo del Instituto Nacional del Carbón Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Nacional del Carbón.
0366-0311 Boletín informativo - Estación Experimental Agrícola de Tucumán Estación Experimental Agrícola de Tucumán.
0376-723X Boletín informativo - IMME Universidad Central de Venezuela. Instituto de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales.
0099-295X Boletin - Instituto de Agricultura Tropical, Universidad de Puerto Rico
0367-8105 Boletín - Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias (Madrid)
1131-6756 Boletín Intexter del Instituto de Investigación Textil y de Cooperación Industrial Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
0539-6115 Boletín médico del Hospital infantil de México Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez
0539-6123 Boletín médico del Hospital infantil de México Hospital infantil de México
1665-1146 Boletín médico del Hospital Infantil de México (e-vir) Elsevier España
0366-208X Boletín mensual del Observatorio del Ebro Observatorio de Física Cósmica del Ebro.; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Patronato Alfonso El Sabio. Observatorio del Ebro.; Observatorio del Ebro.
0366-1091 Boletín minero [s.n.].
0366-1938 Boletín minero e industrial Centro Industrial de Vizcaya.
0211-0121 Boletín oficial de la propiedad industrial. II, Patentes y modelos de utilidad España. Registro de la Propiedad Industrial.; España. Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas.
0366-1555 Boletín oficial del Colegio de químicos de Puerto Rico Colegio de químicos de Puerto Rico.
0366-2357 Boletín - Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales.
0374-9053 Boletin técnico CIAAB, La Estanzuela.
0325-6278 Boletín técnico Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial.; INTI.
0574-203X Boletín técnico Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería
0366-8738 Boletín técnico - Departamento nacional de agricultura Departamento nacional de agricultura
0100-3054 Boletin técnico - IAPAR Fundação instituto agronomico do Paraná.
0539-3183 Boletín técnico - Instituto Provincial Agropecuario Instituto Provincial Agropecuario de Mendoza. Departamento de Biblioteca, Publicaciones y Canje.
0539-3086 Boletín técnico - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias.
0372-3852 Boletín - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria.
0372-4662 Boletín - Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Agronomía. Laboratorio de Zoología Agrícola Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Agronomía.
1003-0999 Boligang Fuhe cailiao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-2871 Boli yu tangci Quanguo Boli Tangci Gongye Ke Ji Qingbaozhan
0365-9062 Bollettino Società Adriatica di Scienze
0366-1873 Bollettino Società Medico-Chirurgica di Pisa, Clinica Pediatrica della Università di Pisa.
0006-6648 Bollettino chimico-farmaceutico Societá editoriale farmaceutica
0520-4909 Bollettino d'Informazioni per l'Industria Olearia e Saponiera Centro Sperimentale per l'Industria degli Olii, dei Grassi e dei Saponi.
0006-677X Bollettino d'Oculistica Casa Editrice L. Cappelli.
0393-2826 Bollettino dei chimici dell'Unione italiana dei laboratori provinciali. Parte scientifica Unione italiana dei laboratori provinciali.
1722-2079 Bollettino dei chimici igienisti. Parte scientifica [s.n.]
0520-4860 Bollettino dei laboratori chimici provinciali Associazione dei chimici dei laboratori provinciali di igiene.
0373-4110 Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti biologici dell'Università di Genova Università degli Studi di Genova
0366-189X Bollettino dell'Associazione italiana delle industrie dello zucchero e dell'alcool Associazione italiana delle industrie, dello zucchero e dell'alcool.
0365-8902 Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana pro Piante Medicinali, Aromatiche ed Altre Utili Associazione Italiana pro Piante Medicinali.
0366-1881 Bollettino dell'Istituto agrario di Scandicci [s.n.].
0391-5972 Bollettino dell'Istituto centrale per la patologia del libro "Alfonso Gallo" Istituto centrale per la patologia del libro Alfonso Gallo
0392-4610 Bollettino dell'Istituto dermatologico S. Gallicano Istituto dermatologico S. Gallicano.
0366-1962 Bollettino dell'Istituto di Alimentazione e Dietologia
0366-1512 Bollettino dell'Istituto di Patologia del Libro "Alfonso Gallo" Istituto di Patologia dell Libro "Alfonso Gallo"
0021-2547 Bollettino dell'Istituto Sieroterapico Milanese Istituto Sieroterapico Milanese
0366-2292 Bollettino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano dell'Arte Sanitaria Istituto storico italiano dell'arte sanitaria.
0366-2314 Bollettino dell'ufficio geologico d'Italia Servizio geologico d'Italia.
0366-1954 Bollettino della Accademia Medica Pistoiese "Filippo Pacini" Accademia Medica Pistoiese.
0366-2276 Bollettino della Associazione Italiana di Chimica Tessile e Coloristica
0391-7827 Bollettino della Associazione Italiana Tecnici Industrie Vernici Affini Associazione Italiana Tecnici Industrie Vernici Affini.
0366-1628 Bollettino della cotoniera Federazione nazionale fascista degli Industriali cotonieri sperimentale della carta, fibre tessili vegetali ed artificiali.
0366-1903 Bollettino della Laniera Associazione fascista dell'Industria laniera italiana.
0366-1539 Bollettino della R. Accademia medica di Genova Ed. Minerva medica.
0366-2209 Bollettino della R. Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Pelli e delle Materie Concianti Stazione sperimentale per l'industria delle pelli e delle materie concianti.
0366-2233 Bollettino della Regia Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria della Carta e lo Studio delle Fibre Tessili Vegetali
0366-3078 Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Società Adriatica di Scienze
0366-2047 Bollettino della Societa dei Naturalisti in Napoli Societa dei Naturalisti in Napoli
0366-161X Bollettino della Società di biologia sperimentale Tipografia della R. Università di Achille Cimmaruta
0366-2225 Bollettino della Società di medicina e chirurgia del Salento Società di medicina e chirurgia del Salento.
0366-3558 Bollettino della Societa Eustachiana Università di Camerino.
0037-8763 Bollettino della Società geologica italiana Società geologica italiana
0037-8771 Bollettino della Società italiana di biologia sperimentale Premiato Stab. tip. N. Jovene; Idelson,
0037-878X Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Cardiologia Pensiero Scientifico.
0489-4030 Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Ematologia Tipografia Viscontea.
0037-8798 Bollettino della Società italiana di farmacia ospitaliera [s. n.]; Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore,
0489-4111 Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Patologia Istituto di Anatomia e Istologia Patologica della Universita.
0037-8852 Bollettino della Società medico-chirurgica, Cremona Società medico-chirurgica, Cremona.
0366-1601 Bollettino della Societa medico-chirurgica bresciana Società medico-chirurgica bresciana.
0366-1989 Bollettino della Societa Medico-Chirurgica della Provincia di Varese Ed. Minerva medica.
0366-3426 Bollettino della Societa Medico-Chirurgica di Catania Clinica Medica, Ospedale Vittorio Emanuele.
0366-3434 Bollettino della Società medico-chirurgica di Modena Società medico-chirurgica di Modena.
0366-3531 Bollettino della Stazione di patologia vegetale Stazione di patologia vegetale
0366-2810 Bollettino del R. Istituto superiore agrario di Pisa R. Istituto Superiore agrario di Pisa.
0366-2306 Bollettino del Reparto Fibre Tessili Vegetali della Regia Stazione Sperimentale per la Cellulosa, Carta, e Fibre Tessili Vegetali ed Artificiali [s.n.].
0366-2241 Bollettino del Servizio Geologico d'Italia Servizio Geologica d'Italia
0006-6729 Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata Morelli editore
0006-6575 Bollettino di pesca, piscicoltura e idrobiologia Ministero dell'agricoltura e delle foreste, Laboratorio centrale di idrobiologia.; Ispettorato generale della pesca.; Italia. Ministero dell'agricoltura e delle foreste.
0366-2187 Bollettino di Ricerche, Regione Siciliana, Centro Sperimentale Enologico "F. Paulsen", Marsala Luigi Scialpi Editore.
0366-2713 Bollettino di Ricerche e Informazioni del Centro Regionale Sperimentale per l'Industria Enologica "F. Paulsen", Marsala Luigi Scialpi editore.
0366-2403 Bollettino di Zoologia Agraria e Bachicoltura Università degli studi, Milano. Istituto di Entomologia Agraria.
0489-4049 Bollettino ed Atti della Societa Italiana de Endocrinologica Arti grafiche Pacini Mariotti.
0366-1970 Bollettino e Memorie della Societa Piemontese de Chirurgia Societa Piemontese di Chirurgia.
0489-4359 Bollettino e Memorie della Societa Tosco-Umbro-Emiliana di Medicina Interna
0366-1776 Bollettino Schermografico Associazione italiana di schermografia.
0366-3205 Bollettino Scientifico della Facolta di Chimica Industriale di Bologna Lanichelli
0366-1946 Bollettino tecnico R. Istituto sperimentale per le coltivazioni dei tabacchi "Leonardo Angeloni"; Ministero delle finanze.; Italia. Ministero delle finanze.
0366-2322 Bollettino Ufficiale della Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Essenze e dei Derivati dagli Agrumi in Reggio Calabria Reggio Calabria, Stazione sperimentale per l'industria delle essenze e dei derivati degli agrumi.
0406-6774 Bologna Medica Cappelli editore.
0067-9925 Bombay Technologist Technological Association, Dept. of Chemical Technology, University of Bombay
0914-7047 Bone Medikaru Rebyūsha
1873-2763 Bone (e-vir) International Bone and Mineral Society
8756-3282 Bone Pergamon Press; Elsevier Science
0169-6009 Bone and mineral Elsevier Science Publishers; Elsevier
1878-0628 Bone and mineral (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0168-051X Bone and mineral research Excerpta Medica
0268-3369 Bone marrow transplantation Macmillan
1476-5365 Bone marrow transplantation (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0192-2971 Book of A.S.T.M. standards American Society for Testing Materials.
0192-3005 Book of A.S.T.M. tentative standards American Society for Testing Materials.
0195-783X Book of ASTM standards; American Society for Testing and Materials.
0192-4699 Book of papers American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists.
0892-2713 Book of papers American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists.
0384-112X Book of papers for the Canadian Textile Seminar (International) Textile Technical Federation of Canada.; Canadian Textile Seminar (International)
0271-9290 Book of proceedings of the annual Industrial Air & Water Pollution/Contamination Control Seminar Rossnagel & Associates.; American Institute of Plant Engineers.
0163-9196 Book of proceedings of the annual Industrial Air Pollution/Contamination Control Seminar Rossnagel & Associates.; American Institute of Plant Engineers.
0197-4629 Book of proceedings of the annual Industrial Air Pollution Control Seminar Rossnagel & Associates.; American Institute of Plant Engineers.
1000-4556 Bopuxue zazhi Zhongguo Kexueyuan Wuhan Wuli Yanjiusuo
0021-7867 Bordeaux médical [s.n.]
0006-7679 Borden's review of nutrition research Borden, Inc.
1239-6095 Boreal environment research Finnish Environment Institute
1797-2469 Boreal environment research Finnish Environment Institute
0300-9483 Boreas Scandinavian University press
1502-3885 Boreas (e-vir) Universitetsforlaget.
0006-7652 Bőr- és cipőtechnika Bőripari Tudományos Egyesület.; Bőr- és Cipőtechnikusok Tudományos Egyesülete.
1219-8706 Bőr- és cipőtechnika, -piac Bőr-, Cipő- és Bőrfeldolgozóipari Tudományos Egyesület.
0006-7741 Borgazdaság MITE Boripari Szakosztálya.; Élelmiszeripari Minisztérium Boripari Igazgatósága.
0006-7768 Bőrgyógyászati és venerológiai szemle Ifjusági Lapk.
0520-6340 Bosei Kanri Nippon Bosho Kyokai.
0524-1162 Boston Medical Quarterly
0932-8629 Botanica acta Thieme; Thieme Med. Publ.
0096-526X Botanical abstracts Board of Control of Botanical Abstracts,
0006-8071 Botanical gazette [s.n.]
1392-1665 Botanica Lithuanica Botanikos institutas; Botanikos institutas; Gamtos tyrimų centro Botanikos institutas; Gamtos tyrimų centras
2029-932X Botanica Lithuanica (e-vir) Botanikos institutas
0024-4074 Botanical journal of the Linnean Society Academic Press.
1095-8339 Botanical journal of the Linnean Society (e-vir) Published for the Linnean Society of London by Academic Press
0006-808X Botanical magazine Nippon Shokubutsu Gakkai
0389-2433 Botanical magazine, Tokyo. Special issue Nippon Shokubutsu Gakkai.
0068-0389 Botanical Monographs Blackwell Scientific Publications
0006-8098 Botanical Museum leaflets, Harvard University The Museum
1817-406X Botanical studies Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica; Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica
1999-3110 Botanical studies (e-vir) Springer
0006-8055 Botanica marina De Gruyter
0524-1375 Botanica marina De Gruyter
1437-4323 Botanica marina de Gruyter.
0366-2004 Botanica Öconomica Keune.
0006-8136 Botaničeskij žurnal Nauka
0507-4665 Botanika Akademiâ nauk Belorusskoj SSR. Otdelenie biologičeskih nauk.
0006-8144 Botanikai közlemények Akad. Kiadó
0006-8152 Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie Schweizerbart
0366-1520 Botanisches Archiv ????
0006-8195 Botaniska notiser Lunds botaniska förening
0366-2055 Botaniska Notiser, Supplement Lunds botaniska förening
0006-8187 Botanisk tidsskrift Dansk Botanisk Forening
1019-1593 Botswana journal of technology Botswana Polytechnic.
0366-3752 Bottling Brewers' Society (London, England)
0102-1966 Botucatu científica Faculdade de Ciências Medicas e Biológicas de Botucatu
0102-1974 Botucatu Científica Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Botucatu
0366-2330 Bouw Stichting Bouw
0307-6164 BP & R MCM Publishing
0721-9245 BPT-Bericht Gesellschaft für Strahlen- und Umweltforschung mbH, Bereich-Projektträgerschaften.
0377-8223 Brabant agricole et horticole Brabant agricole et horticole.
0948-9983 Brach-Flächen-Recycling Verlag Glückauf
0006-8705 Bragantia Instituto Agronômico
1678-4499 Bragantia (e-vir) Instituto Agronômico.
0006-8950 Brain Macmillan Journals
1460-2156 Brain (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
0889-1591 Brain, behavior, and immunity Academic Press
1015-6305 Brain pathology International Society of Neuropathology
1750-3639 Brain pathology (e-vir) International Society of Neuropathology
0006-8993 Brain research Elsevier
1872-6240 Brain research (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1385-299X Brain research. Brain research protocols Elsevier
0926-6410 Brain research. Cognitive brain research Elsevier Science publishers
1567-133X Brain research. Gene expression patterns Elsevier
0361-9230 Brain research bulletin Pergamon Journals, Inc.
1873-2747 Brain research bulletin (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0165-0173 Brain research reviews Elsevier/North-Holland
0285-9386 Brains of chemical engineer Nihon Kagaku Gijutsu Kabushiki Gaisha.
1433-7398 Brain tumor pathology Springer.
1861-387X Brain tumor pathology (e-vir) Springer
0138-5844 Brandschutz, Explosionsschutz Staatsverlag der DDR
0863-1433 Brandschutz, Explosionsschutz, Havarieschutz Haufe.
0006-9094 Brandschutz. Bundesausgabe Verlag W. Kohlhammer
0006-9159 Branntweinwirtschaft Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Spiritusfabrikation
0006-9167 Brasil açucareiro Instituto do Açúcar e do Álcool.
0006-9205 Brasil-Médico Policlínica Geral do Rio de Janeiro, Serviço de Reumatologia
0520-7274 Brasil textil Sindicato das Indústrias de Fiação e Tecelagem em GeralAssociação Textil do Estado de São Paulo.
0366-2675 Brasserie Edicta,
0366-2667 Brasserie et malterie [s.n.],
0366-2985 Brass Founder and Finisher
0972-1517 Brassica News Mustard Research and Promotion Consortium.
0366-3019 Brass World [s.n.]
0524-2150 Brass World
1336-0345 Bratislava medical journal (e-vir) School of Medicine, Comenius University
0006-9248 Bratislavske lekarske listy AEPress, s. r. o.
0379-7716 Brauerei-Rundschau Versuchsstation Schweiz. Brauereien
1018-2535 Brauerei- und Getränke-Rundschau Versuchsstation Schweizerischer Brauereien (Zürich)
0341-7115 Brauindustrie Sachon.
0341-1060 Braunkohle Zeitschriftenverlag RBDV, Rhein.-Berg. Dr.-u. Verl.-Ges.
1431-2719 Braunkohle Trans Tech Publications
0006-9299 Braunkohle, Wärme und Energie Verlag "Die Braunkohle"
0366-3361 Braunschweigische Konserven-Zeitung Oeding
0366-3051 Brau- und Malzindustrie [s.n.]
0724-696X Brauwelt Verlag Hans Carl
0006-9337 Brauwissenschaft Carl,Hans
1678-4324 Brazilian archives of biology and technology Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná.
1516-8913 Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná, Núcleo de Informação e Extensão Tecnológica.
0100-8404 Brazilian Journal of Botany Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo.
0104-6632 Brazilian journal of chemical engineering Brazilian Society of Chemical Engineering.
1678-4383 Brazilian journal of chemical engineering (e-vir) Brazilian Society of Chemical Engineering
1519-0900 Brazilian journal of food technology (e-vir) Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos
1516-7275 Brazilian Journal of Food Technology Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos
1981-6723 Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (e-vir) Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos
0100-8455 Brazilian Journal of Genetics Sociedade Brasileira de Genética.
1678-4502 Brazilian Journal of Genetics = (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Genética.
1415-7004 Brazilian journal of materials science and engineering Universidade Luterana do Brasil.
0100-879X Brazilian journal of medical and biological research Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica
1414-431X Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (e-vir) Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica.
1517-8382 Brazilian journal of microbiology Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia.
1678-4405 Brazilian journal of microbiology Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia.
0101-2800 Brazilian Journal of Nephrology Elsevier Editora Ltda.
0103-9733 Brazilian journal of physics Sociedade Brasileira de Física
1678-4448 Brazilian journal of physics Sociedade Brasileira de Física.
1677-0420 Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology Sociedade Brasileira de Fisiologia Vegetal.
0263-0060 Brazing & soldering British Association for Brazing and Soldering.
0361-3828 Breast: diseases of the breast CPC Communications, inc.
0161-0112 Breast cancer Plenum Medical Book Co.
1465-5411 Breast cancer research BioMed Central Ltd.
1465-542X Breast cancer research (e-vir) BioMed Central
0167-6806 Breast cancer research and treatment Nijhoff; Springer
1573-7217 Breast cancer research and treatment (e-vir) Springer
0888-6008 Breast disease Elsevier
1558-1551 Breast disease Elsevier; IOS Press
1344-7610 Breeding science Japanese Society of Breeding
1347-3735 Breeding science Japanese Society of Breeding
0342-4383 Bremer Briefe zur Chemie Atelier im Bauernhaus.
0366-2918 Brennerei-Zeitung [s.n.]
0006-9620 Brennstoff-Chemie Girardet
0006-9612 Brennstoff-Wärme-Kraft Springer VDI-Verlag
0520-9455 Breviora Geologica Asturica Instituto de Geología Aplicada de la Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
0006-9736 Brewer Incorporated Brewers' Guild.
0366-2764 Brewers' Guild journal Incorporated Brewers' Guild.
0096-6614 Brewers journal [Gibson Pub. Co.]
0096-445X Brewery age Brewery Age Pub. Co..
0308-1265 Brewing & distilling international William Reed
0099-9717 Brewing Chemists' News Letter
0006-9752 Brewing Trade Review [s.n.]
0096-4468 Brick [Windsor and Kenfield]
0006-9760 Brick and clay record Kenfield-Leach
1467-5463 Briefings in bioinformatics Henry Stewart
1477-4054 Briefings in bioinformatics (e-vir) Henry Stewart; Oxford Journals
1473-9550 Briefings in functional genomics & proteomics Henry Stewart
1477-4062 Briefings in functional genomics and proteomics (e-vir) Henry Stewart; Oxford Journals
0096-8064 Brigham Young University research studies Brigham Young University.
0955-1514 Brighton Crop Protection Conference British Crop Protection Council.
0007-019X Bristol medico-chirurgical journal Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society.
0197-8756 Bristol-Myers cancer symposia Bristol-Myers Company.
0742-8405 Bristol-Myers nutrition symposia Bristol-Myers Company.
1057-6606 Bristol-Myers Squibb/Mead Johnson nutrition symposia Academic Press,
0365-8635 British abstracts Bureau of Abstracts
0365-8643 British abstracts Bureau of Abstracts
0365-8651 British abstracts Bureau of Abstracts
0365-8740 British abstracts Bureau of Abstracts
0365-8880 British abstracts Bureau of Abstracts
0365-8929 British abstracts Bureau of Abstracts
0365-902X British abstracts Bureau of Abstracts
0365-8996 British abstracts of medical sciences Biological and Medical Abstracts Ltd
0366-2640 British Agricultural Bulletin British Council.
0365-9275 British and colonial druggist British and Colonial Druggist.
0264-2689 British Association for Psychopharmacology Monograph Oxford University Press.
0007-0378 British Bulletin of Spectroscopy Association of British Spectroscopists.
0266-7606 British ceramic. Transactions and journal British Ceramic Society
0268-4373 British ceramic proceedings British Ceramic Society
0967-9782 British ceramic transactions Institute of Materials
1743-2766 British ceramic transactions (e-vir) Money Pub.
0365-9259 British chemical abstracts. A. Pure chemistry Bureau of Chemical Abstracts
0365-9291 British chemical abstracts. B. Applied chemistry Chemical Society.; Society of Chemical Industry.
0366-2705 British chemical digest British Chemical Digest
0007-0424 British Chemical Engineering Engineering, Chemical and Marine Press Limited
0300-4325 British clayworker Turrent Press
0365-9380 British Columbia Department of Mines, Non-Metallic Mineral Investigations Report
0524-5753 British communications and electronics Heywood
0407-2391 British constructional engineer British Constructional Engineer.
2048-2892 British corrosion journal (e-vir) Maney on behalf of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
0007-0599 British Corrosion Journal Metals Society
0407-2413 British Dental Annual [s.n.]
0007-0610 British Dental Journal British Medical Association
0007-070X British food journal Peterson Publishing Co
1758-4108 British food journal (e-vir) Peterson Publishing
0007-0718 British foundryman Institute of British Foundrymen.
0007-0769 British Heart Journal British Medical Association
0366-2756 British Industrial Finishing [s.n.]
0007-0831 British Ink Maker Society of British Printing Ink Manufacturers.
0306-2120 British Institute of Radiology British Institute of Radiology.
0007-0874 British journal for the history of science Blackwell Scientific
0366-0761 British journal of actinotherapy and physiotherapy Academic Press
0007-0890 British journal of addiction to alcohol & other drugs Longman Group
1471-6771 British journal of anaesthesia (e-vir) Oxford University Press; Elsevier
0007-0912 British Journal of Anaesthesia Macmillan Journals
0508-3443 British journal of applied physics Institute of Physics and the Physical Society
0521-1131 British Journal of Applied Physics Institute of Physics and the Physical Society
0967-4845 British journal of biomedical science Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences
2474-0896 British journal of biomedical science (e-vir) Frontiers Publishing Partnerships
1532-1827 British journal of cancer (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0007-0920 British Journal of Cancer H. K. Lewis and Co.; Macmillan Press
0306-9443 British journal of cancer. Supplement H.K. Lewis & Co.
0366-2837 British journal of children's diseases Adlard & Son & West Newman.
0306-5251 British journal of clinical pharmacology Macmillan Journals
0007-0947 British journal of clinical practice Harvey and Blythe Ltd
0366-2748 British Journal of Dental Science and Prosthetics [s.n.]
0007-0963 British journal of dermatology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2133 British journal of dermatology [Blackwell Science].
0366-077X British Journal of dermatology, Supplement Blackwell Scientific Publications
0366-2845 British Journal of Dermatology and Syphilis H.K.Lewis & Co
0007-0971 British journal of diseases of the chest Bailliere-Tindall
0007-1021 British Journal of Experimental Pathology H. K. Lewis and Co, Ltd
1365-2141 British journal of haematology (e-vir) [Blackwell Science].
0007-1048 British Journal of Haematology Blackwell Scientific Publications
0007-1056 British Journal of Herpetology British Herpetological Society C/o the Zoological Society of London.
0007-1064 British Journal of Hospital Medicine Hospital Medicine Publications
0007-1072 British Journal of Industrial Medicine British Medical Association
0366-080X British journal of industrial safety Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.; Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.
0366-0796 British journal of inebriety Society for the Study of Inebriety (Alcoholism and Drug Addiction); Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and Other Drugs.
0007-1129 British Journal of Medical Psychology Cambridge University Press
0007-1137 British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing Non-Destructive Testing Society of Great Britain
1475-2662 British journal of nutrition (e-vir) Cambridge University Press; CAB International
0007-1145 British Journal of Nutrition Cambridge University Press
0306-5456 British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
1365-215X British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (e-vir) Elsevier
0007-1161 British journal of ophthalmology British Medical Journal
1468-2079 British journal of ophthalmology (e-vir) BMJ Publishing
0144-8803 British journal of pharmaceutical practice [Medical News Group].
1476-5381 British journal of pharmacology (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0007-1188 British Journal of Pharmacology Macmillan Journals
0366-0826 British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy Macmillan Journals
0007-1196 British Journal of Photography Henry Greenwood and Co.
0068-2217 British Journal of Photography Annual Henry Greenwood and Co Ltd.
0007-1226 British Journal of Plastic Surgery E. & S. Livingstone
0007-1242 British journal of preventive & social medicine British Medical Association
0007-1250 British Journal of Psychiatry Headley Brothers
0007-1285 British Journal of Radiology British Institute of Radiology
0263-7103 British journal of rheumatology Baillière Tindall
0366-0842 British journal of social medicine British Medical Association
0306-3674 British journal of sports medicine British Association of Sport and Medicine
1473-0480 British journal of sports medicine (e-vir) Butterworths
1365-2168 British journal of surgery (e-vir) [Blackwell Science].
0007-1323 British Journal of Surgery John Wright & Sons; Williams & Wilkins Co
0366-0850 British Journal of Tuberculosis Baillière, Tindall and Cox.
1878-190X British journal of tuberculosis and diseases of the chest (e-vir) Elsevier
1365-2176 British journal of urology (e-vir) [Blackwell Science]
0007-1331 British Journal of Urology E. & S. Livingstone
0007-134X British Journal of Venereal Diseases British Medical Association
0309-1635 British journal on alcohol and alcoholism Medical Council on Alcoholism.
0007-1358 British kinematography British Kinematograph Society.; British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society.
0308-2385 British Library Research and Development reports British Library. Research and Development Department.
1471-8391 British medical bulletin (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0007-1420 British Medical Bulletin British Council, Medical Dep
0007-1447 British medical journal British Medical Association
0275-0287 British Mycological Society symposium series British Mycological Society.
0366-2942 British Paper and Board Makers' Association, Proceedings of the Technical Section [s.n.]
0366-2489 British petroleum equipment news Council of British Manufacturers of Petroleum Equipment.
0007-1625 British Plastics Iliffe Books
0366-2853 British Plastics and Moulded Products Trader xx
0007-1641 British Polymer Journal Society of Chemical Industry
1466-1799 British poultry science (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0007-1668 British Poultry Science Taylor & Francis
0524-6555 British power engineering Heywood
0366-2993 British rayon & silk journal British Rayon and Silk Journal
0367-3928 British Regional Geology [s.n.]
0366-3442 British Science News Combined Sciences Department, British Council
0366-3000 British Soap Manufacturer Raggett & Co.
0309-1805 British Society for Cell Biology symposium Cambridge University Press.
0266-8777 British Society for Developmental Biology Symposium Cambridge University Press.
0143-8298 British Steel Corporation. General Steels Division Corporate Development Laboratory, British Steel Corporation.
0007-1838 British Steelmaker British Steel Maker
0007-1854 British Sugar Beet Review British Sugar Corporation
0366-3027 British Territories in Borneo, Annual Report of the Geological Survey Department [s.n.]
0007-1935 British Veterinary Journal Bailliere Tindall
0524-6806 British Welding Journal British Welding Journal
0007-196X Brittonia New York Botanical Garden
1938-436X Brittonia (e-vir) New York Botanical Garden
0156-983X Broadsheet - Royal College of Pathologists of Australia Royal College of Pathologists of Australia.
0366-3035 Bromatologia Asociación de Técnicos Bromatólogos.
0365-9445 Bromatologia i Chemia Toksykologiczna Polskie Towarzystwo Farmaceutyczne.
0566-9294 Brookhaven National Laboratory lectures in science Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Inc.
0068-2799 Brookhaven symposia in biology Brookhaven National Laboratory.
0099-751X Brooklyn Botanic Garden Memoirs
0096-5251 Brooklyn Botanic Garden record Brooklyn Botanic Garden.; Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences.
0007-2427 Brotéria. Ciências naturais Província Portuguesa de Companhia de Jesus.
0007-2419 Brot und Gebäck Rheinish-westflischer Backer-verlag
0365-9232 Brown Boveri Mitteilungen Brown Boveri & Cie
0007-2486 Brown Boveri review Brown, Boveri and Co, Ltd
0007-2664 Brühl Fachbuchverlag.
0007-2680 Bruns' Beiträge zur klinischen Chirurgie Urban u. Schwarzenberg.
0068-3027 Bruxelles médical J. Van den Branden
0007-2737 Brygmesteren Dansk Brygmester Forening.; Norsk bryggerlaug.; Sveriges brygmästare förening.; Sveriges bryggeritekniske förening.
0258-3348 Bryophytorum bibliotheca Cramer in d. Gebr.-Borntraeger-Verl.-Buchh..
0263-967X BSAP occasional publication BSAP.
2053-5953 BSAP occasional publication (e-vir) BSAP
0176-4985 BTF. Biotech-Forum Hüthig
0366-3698 BTH Activities Associated Electrical Industries Rugby Ltd
0972-8341 BTRA Scan Bombay Textile Research Association.
1229-4829 Bu'sig gwa bangsig Corrosion Science Society of Korea.
0068-3361 Bücherei des Augenarztes Enke,Ferdiand
0068-337X Bücherei des Frauenarztes Enke,Ferdiand
0521-4327 Budapesti Müszaki Egyetem Élelmiszerkémiai Tanszékének Közleményei Budapesti Müszaki Egyetem. Élelmiszerkémiai Tanszék.
0407-5897 Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Mezőgazdasági Kémiai Technológiai Tanszékének évkönyve Budapesti Müszaki Egyetem. Mezögazdasági Kémiai Technológiai Tanszék.
0007-2974 Budìvnlenì materìali ì konstrukcìï.; Будівнлені матеріали і конструкції Budivelʹnik; Будивельник.
0366-1059 Builder The Builder
0701-5232 Building Research note National Research Council of Canada. Division of Building Research
0007-3628 Building science Pergamon Press.
1878-6073 Building science (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0083-1794 Building science series / United States.
0002-2284 Building systems design B.S.D., inc.
0378-9802 Buletin de informare Institutul Central de Fizicæa,
0254-2269 Buletin de informare pentru invenţii şi mæarci Oficiul de Stat pentru Invenţii şi Mæarci.
0126-9674 Buletin fizik Institut Fizik Malaysia
0563-573X Buletini i shkencave bujquesore [S.n.]
0254-5276 Buletini i shkencave gjeologjike Instituti i studimeve dhe i projektimeve të gjeologjisë dhe të minierave; Fakulteti i gjeologjisë dhe i minierave i Universitetit
2306-9600 Buletini i shkencave gjeologjike (e-vir) Shërbimi Gjeologjik Shqiptar
0368-7503 Buletin informativ Laboratorul Central Coloristic.
1013-5162 Buletin i shkencave natyrore Universiteti i Tiranës
0302-900X Buletin i Universitetit shtetëror të Tiranës Universiteti shtetëror i Tiranës
0563-5756 Buletin i Universitetit Shtetëror të Tiranës Universiteti shtetëror i Tiranës
0379-7643 Buletin i Universitetit të Tiranës "Enver Hoxha" Universiteti i Tiranës "Enver Hoxa"
1220-6105 Buletin oficial de proprietate industrială Editura O.S.I.M
1012-8883 Buletin pentru invenţii şi mæarci Oficiul de Stat pentru Invenţii şi Mæarci.
0126-3560 Buletin - Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi Mineral Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi Mineral.
0365-6284 Buletin ştiinţific Editura Academiei R.P. Române
0366-3086 Buletin ştiinţific Institutul Pedagogic
0515-1317 Buletin ştiinţific Editura Academiei R.P. Române
0365-625X Buletin ştiinţifice Editura Academiei R.P. Române
0366-3728 Buletin tehnico-informativ al Laboratorului Central de Cercetæari pentru Lacuri şi Cerneluri Bucureşti Laboratorul Central de Cercetæari pentru Lacuri şi Cerneluri
0367-6749 Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova Akademiâ Nauk Moldavskoj SSR
0020-4226 Buletinul de cercetări piscicole Institutul de Cercetări Piscicole
0366-3841 Buletinul de standardizare Comisia de Standardizare.
1010-3589 Buletinul informativ al ASAS Centrul de Material Didactic şi Propagandă Agricolă; Ceres
0378-0554 Buletinul Institutului Agronomic Cluj-Napoca Institutul Agronomic "Dr. Petru Groza"
0557-465X Buletinul Institutului agronomic Cluj-Napoca. Seria Agriculturîa Institutul agronomic "Dr. Petru Groza" Cluj-Napoca
0557-4668 Buletinul Institutului agronomic Cluj-Napoca. Seria Zootehnie şi medicinîa veterinarîa Institutul agronomic "Dr. Petru Groza" Cluj-Napoca
0365-9399 Buletinul Institutului de Cercetæari şi Proiectæari Piscicole Institutul de Cercetæari şi Proiectæari Piscicole.
0485-6414 Buletinul Institutului de Petrol, Gaze şi Geologie CARTIMEX
0376-4516 Buletinul Institutului de Petrol şi Gaze Ploieşti Institutul de Petrol şi Gaze Ploieşti.
0374-4841 Buletinul Institutului de Studii şi Proiectæari Energetice Institutul de Studii şi Proiectæari Energetice Bucureşti.
0256-4580 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic "Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej" Bucureşti Institutul Politehnic "Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej" Bucureşti.
0366-0419 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic "Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej" Bucureşti Institutul Politehnic "Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej"
0378-9624 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic "Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej" Bucureşti Institutul Politehnic "Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej" Bucureşti.
0378-9632 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic "Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej" Bucureşti Institutul Politehnic "Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej" Bucureşti.
0257-7798 Buletinul Institutului politehnic "Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej" Bucureşti. Seria Chimie Institutul politehnic "Gheorghe Gheorghiu-dej"
0378-9616 Buletinul Institutului politehnic "Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej" Bucureşti. Seria chimie-metalurgie Institutul politehnic "Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej"
0020-4242 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Bucuresti Institutuli politechnik
1012-3210 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Bucureşti Institutul Politehnic Bucureşti.
1012-3229 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Bucureşti Institutul Politehnic Bucureşti.
0032-6100 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi Institutul Politehnic din Iaşi
0253-1119 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi Institutul Politehnic din Iaşi.
0254-7104 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi Politehnium,
0304-5188 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi Institutul Politehnic din Iaşi.; Polytechnic Institute of Iassy.; Asski Politehniceski Institut.
0373-3246 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi Institutul Politehnic din Iaşi.
0373-3270 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi Institutul Politehnic din Iaşi.
0366-3566 Buletinul Societæaţii de Ştiinţe Geologice din Republica Socialistæa România Societatea de Ştiinţe Geologice din Republica Socialistæa România.
0366-3868 Buletinul Societăţii de Ştiinţe din Cluj Societatea de Ştiinţe din Cluj,
0376-589X Buletinul ştiinţific al Institutului Politehnic Cluj [s.n.]
0578-5383 Buletinul ştiinţific al Institutului Politehnic Cluj [s.n.]
0253-1720 Buletinul ştiinţific al Institutului Politehnic Cluj-Napoca [s.n.]
1224-6018 Buletinul ştiinţific al Universitaţii "Politehnica" din Timişoara Editura Politehnica,
0378-9675 Buletinul ştiinţific şi tehnic al Institutului politehnic "Traian Vuia" Timişoara Institutul politehnic "Traian Vuia"
0253-2018 Buletinul ştiinţific şi tehnic al Institutului Politehnic "Traian Vuia Timişoara Institutului Politehnic "Traian Vuia" Timişoara
0366-3779 Buletinul ştiinţific şi tehnic al Institutului Politehnic Timişoara Institutul Politehnic Timişoara
0254-5535 Buletinul Universitæaţii din Galaţi Universitatea din Galaţi.
0254-5543 Buletinul Universitæaţii din Galaţi Universitatea din Galaţi.
0254-5608 Buletinul Universitæaţii din Galaţi Universitatea din Galaţi.
0253-178X Buletinul Universităţii din Braşov Universitatea din Braşov
0254-4385 Buletinul Universitaţii din Galaţi Universitatea din Galaţi,
0365-9216 Buletinul Universităţilor "V. Babeş" şi "Bolyai" Cluj [s.n.]
0324-0568 Bûletin za naučno-tehničeska i ikonomičeska informaciâ Naučnoizsledovatelski institut po sʺobŝeniâta
0366-3337 Bulettin of the State Institute of Marine and Tropical Medicine in Gdańsk, Poland Państwowy Instytut Medycyny Morskiej i Tropikalnej (Gdańsk)
0861-9808 Bulgarian chemical communications Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Bulgarian chemical society
2534-9899 Bulgarian chemical communications (e-vir) Institute of Chemical Engineering-BAS
1311-1663 Bulgarian Chemistry and Industry Union of Chemists in Bulgaria
1310-0157 Bulgarian Journal of Physics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski; Union of Physicists of Bulgaria.
1310-4586 Bulgarian journal of plant physiology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Acad. M. Popov Institute of Plant Physiology.
0173-9980 Bulk solids handling Trans Tech Publications
0521-6737 Bulleid memorial lectures University of Nottingham.
0027-1403 Bûlleten` Moskovskogo obščtestva ispytatelej prirody. Biologičeskij [S.n.]
0365-9615 Bûlleten' eksperimental'noj biologii i mediciny Medicina
0007-7690 Bûlleten' stroitel'noj tehniki Strojizdat
0366-4899 Bûlleten' Vsesoûznogo ordena Lenina naučno-issledovatel'skogo instituta °eksperimental'noj veterinarii imeni Â. R. Kovalenko Vsesoûznyj ordena Lenina naučno-issledovatel'skij institut °eksperimental'noj veterinarii imeni Â. R. Kovalenko
0368-8232 Bûlleteni Leningradskogo otdeleniâ. Institut udobrenij i agropočvovedeniâ.; Бюллетени Ленинградского отделения. Институт удобрений и агропочвоведения Institut udobrenij i agropočvovedeniâ; Институт удобрений и агропочвоведения.
0366-4880 Bûlletenʹ Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut čajnoj promyšlennosti.
0365-8899 Bûlletenʹ Azerbajdžanskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta hlopkovodstva Azerbajdžanskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut hlopkovodstva.
0366-502X Bûlletenʹ Glavnogo botaničeskogo sada.; Бюллетень Главного ботанического сада Nauka; Наука; Naučtehlitizdat; Научтехлитиздат
0513-1634 Bûlletenʹ Gosudarstvennogo Nikitskogo botaničeskogo sada.; Бюллетень Государственного Никитского ботанического сада Nikitskij botaničeskij sad; Никитский ботанический сад
0366-0893 Bûlletenʹ Kavkazskogo instituta mineralʹnogo syrʹâ "KIMS" Kavkazskij institut mineralʹnogo syrʹâ.; "KIMS"
0366-0907 Bûlletenʹ Komissii po izučeniû četvertičnogo perioda Nauka.
0366-0915 Bûlletenʹ Komissii po kometam i meteoram Astronomičeskogo soveta AN SSSR Akademiâ nauk SSSR.; AN SSSR. Astronomičeskij sovet.; Akademiâ nauk Tadžikskoj SSR.; AN Tadž SSR. Komissiâ po komitetam i meteoram.
0365-8937 Bûlletenʹ naučno-tehničeskoj informacii Armânskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut zemledeliâ.; ArmNIIZ.
0366-1458 Bûlletenʹ naučno-tehničeskoj informacii.; Бюллетень научно-технической информации Metallurgizdat; Металлургиздат.
0366-0923 Bûlletenʹ naučno-tehničeskoj informacii Krasnoârskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta selʹskogo hozâjstva.; Бюллетень научно-технической информации Красноярского научно-исследовательского института сельского хозяйства Krasnoârskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut selʹskogo hozâjstva; Красноярский научно-исследовательский институт сельского хозяйства.
0457-4362 Bûlletenʹ naučno-tehničeskoj informacii po agronomičeskoj fizike Gidrometeoizdat.
0321-0286 Bûlletenʹ naučnyh rabot - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut životnovodstva.; Бюллетень научных работ - Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт животноводства Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut životnovodstva; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт животноводства.
2312-4202 Bûlletenʹ Počvennogo instituta im. V.V. Dokučaeva (e-vir) Počvennyj institut im. V.V. Dokučaeva
0136-1694 Bûlletenʹ Počvennogo instituta imeni V.V. Dokučaeva.; Бюллетень Почвенного института имени В.В. Докучаева Počvennyj institut imeni V.V. Dokučaeva; Почвенный институт имени В.В. Докучаева
0455-6917 Bûlletenʹ tehničeskoj informacii Glavleningradstroj.
1026-3039 Bûlletenʹ Vserossijskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta fiziologii, biohimii i pitaniâ selʹskohozâjstvennyh životnyh Rossijskaâ akademiâ selʹskohozâjstvennyh nauk.
0366-4902 Bûlletenʹ Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta fiziologii i biohimii selʹskohozâjstvennyh životnyh.; Бюллетень Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института физиологии и биохимии сельскохозяйственных животных Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut fiziologii i biohimii selʹskohozâjstvennyh životnyh; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт физиологии и биохимии сельскохозяйственных животных.
0459-0864 Bûlletenʹ Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta zaśity rastenij VIZR.
0366-4929 Bûlletenʹ Vsesoûznogo ordena Lenina instituta rastenievodstva im. N.I. Vavilova.; Бюллетень Всесоюзного ордена Ленина института растениеводства им. Н.И. Вавилова Vsesoûznyj institut rastenievodstva im. N.I. Vavilova; Всесоюзный институт растениеводства им. Н.И. Вавилова.
0581-1929 Bûlletenʹ Vsesoûznogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni instituta gelʹmintologii imeni K.I. Skrâbina Vsesoûznyj institut gelʹmintologii imeni K.I. Skrâbina.
0366-5089 Bûlletenʹ vulkanologičeskih stancij "Nauka".
0003-0694 Bulletin American Railway Engineering Association
0007-0262 Bulletin British Antarctic Survey.; Natural Environment Research Council (Great Britain)
0008-1000 Bulletin California.
0008-6371 Bulletin Cardiovascular Research Center.; Baylor University. College of Medicine.; Baylor College of Medicine.
0008-9397 Bulletin Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute
0018-5647 Bulletin Hospital for Joint Diseases (New York, N.Y. : 1992)
0034-5172 Bulletin Research Council of Alberta.
0038-4518 Bulletin Southern Research Institute (Birmingham, Ala.)
0041-9478 Bulletin Chamber of Mines Precambrian Research Unit, Dep. of Geology, University of Cape Town
0043-2326 Bulletin Welding Research Council of the Engineering Foundation
0068-144X Bulletin British Columbia.
0068-7537 Bulletin Fisheries Research Board of Canada.; Canada.; Canada.
0068-7626 Bulletin Geological Survey of Canada.
0068-7944 Bulletin National Museum of Canada.
0070-3273 Bulletin Delaware Geological Survey.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0073-2834 Bulletin Texas Research Foundation.
0073-442X Bulletin Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology.; Geological Survey (U.S.); University of Idaho.
0073-4918 Bulletin Illinois.
0076-3128 Bulletin Government Printer
0076-9169 Bulletin Minnesota Geological Survey.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0077-1090 Bulletin Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology.
0077-9040 Bulletin Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva
0078-3994 Bulletin Ohio State University
0078-4389 Bulletin The Survey
0078-5709 Bulletin Oregon.
0082-9129 Bulletin United States.
0083-5757 Bulletin Vermont Geological Survey.
0084-313X Bulletin Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station.; University of Wyoming. Agricultural Extension Service.
0084-7089 Bulletin Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics.
0085-6479 Bulletin South Dakota Geological Survey.
0095-8646 Bulletin Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station.
0096-0683 Bulletin California Agricultural Experiment Station.
0096-0969 Bulletin Pennsylvania State College.
0096-297X Bulletin Portland Cement Association.; Portland Cement Association.; Portland Cement Association.
0096-4573 Bulletin University of Arizona.
0096-4581 Bulletin New Mexico.
0096-5103 Bulletin Montana State College. Engineering Experiment Station.
0096-5529 Bulletin North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (Fargo)
0096-5545 Bulletin Mississippi.
0096-6045 Bulletin Washington (State). Division of Mines and Geology.
0096-6053 Bulletin Geological Survey of Wyoming.
0096-6061 Bulletin Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.; Texas A & M University System.; Texas Agricultural Extension Service.
0096-6088 Bulletin Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.; Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station.
0096-6398 Bulletin New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station.
0096-6401 Bulletin State College of Washington. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0096-6932 Bulletin North Dakota Geological Survey.
0096-7696 Bulletin The Station
0096-7718 Bulletin Utah Agricultural Experiment Station.
0096-7866 Bulletin Tennessee.
0096-8234 Bulletin South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station.
0096-8706 Bulletin Society for Applied Spectroscopy.
0096-9036 Bulletin National Canners Association.
0097-0204 Bulletin Maine Geological Survey.
0097-028X Bulletin New York State Museum and Science Service.
0097-0891 Bulletin Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-0905 Bulletin Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-0999 Bulletin University of Rhode Island.
0097-1243 Bulletin North Dakota.; North Dakota.
0097-1251 Bulletin Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-126X Bulletin University of Florida.; United States.; Florida State College for Women.
0097-1367 Bulletin University of Delaware. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-1642 Bulletin Harper Hospital.
0097-2193 Bulletin Engineering Experiment Station, University of Tennessee.
0097-2576 Bulletin Ohio. Division of Water.; Ohio. Water Resources Board.; Geological Survey (U.S.). Water Resources Division.
0097-2584 Bulletin Virginia Water Resources Research Center.
0097-2592 Bulletin Yale University. School of Forestry.
0097-2711 Bulletin Northeastern Wood Utilization Council (U.S.)
0097-3491 Bulletin Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-4471 Bulletin University of Kansas Publications
0097-5451 Bulletin South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-546X Bulletin North Carolina State University.
0097-5966 Bulletin New York State Agricultural Experiment Station.
0099-2623 Bulletin Auburn University. Engineering Experiment Station.
0099-4340 Bulletin Minnesota. Division of Waters.; Geological Survey (U.S.). Water Resources Division.
0099-4448 Bulletin Life Sciences and Agriculture Experiment Station.
0099-7196 Bulletin American Meat Institute Foundation.
0099-7447 Bulletin Medical College of Virginia.
0145-0611 Bulletin Washington State University. College of Agriculture.
0147-7773 Bulletin New Jersey. Bureau of Geology and Topography.
0192-2653 Bulletin Minnesota. Division of Waters, Soils, and Minerals.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0193-0117 Bulletin The Center
0226-7497 Bulletin British Columbia.
0253-035X Bulletin Schweizerische Gesellschaft für klinische Chemie.
0300-9823 Bulletin Office international des épizooties
0302-2404 Bulletin Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
0360-9804 Bulletin Illinois State Water Survey.; Illinois.
0361-4417 Bulletin South Carolina State Development Board.; South Carolina State Development Board.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0361-9354 Bulletin New Hampshire.
0363-3101 Bulletin Washington (State). Geology and Earth Resources Division.
0363-8707 Bulletin University of California (System).; United States.
0365-2483 Bulletin Société géologique de Belgique
0365-9364 Bulletin British Columbia. Dept. of Mines.
0366-0370 Bulletin Zhōnyāng yánjiūyuàn huàxué yánjiūsuǒ
0366-0672 Bulletin Indian Society of Soil Science, Indian Agricultural Research Institute
0366-1016 Bulletin Agrarische Publiciteitsdienst
0366-3930 Bulletin [s.n.]
0366-8231 Bulletin Centre textile de contrôle et de recherche scientifique (Roubaix, Nord); Chambre de commerce et d'industrie (Lille)
0366-922X Bulletin [s.n.]
0367-2565 Bulletin Ministry of Agriculture,
0367-2581 Bulletin Department of Agriculture
0367-3030 Bulletin Fuel Research Institute of South Africa
0367-4363 Bulletin Geological Survey Department
0367-4819 Bulletin Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society
0367-8067 Bulletin [s.n.]
0367-8636 Bulletin [s.n.]
0367-8717 Bulletin Indian Lac Research Institute
0368-2978 Bulletin Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
0368-8372 Bulletin Ministry of Agriculture
0368-914X Bulletin Dep Mines and Geology
0369-0601 Bulletin Publications Branch, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
0369-2965 Bulletin Soil Science Division, Division of Agriculture
0369-3309 Bulletin National Research Council of the Philippines.
0369-5514 Bulletin Geological Survey
0370-3282 Bulletin Research Council of Alberta.
0370-3371 Bulletin Staatsdrukker
0370-5218 Bulletin Rhodesia Geological Survey
0370-7040 Bulletin PRIM
0370-7822 Bulletin [s.n.]
0375-0647 Bulletin South Africa Department of Agricultural Technical Services
0376-1770 Bulletin Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
0403-7383 Bulletin Association technique de l'industrie papetière (France)
0433-471X Bulletin [s.n.]
0448-1992 Bulletin Geological Survey Dep, Director
0448-2050 Bulletin Department of Science and Agriculture
0459-2204 Bulletin Bureau of Natural Resources and Surveys
0462-8128 Bulletin Mississippi Board of Water Commissioners.
0526-863X Bulletin s.n.
0533-8239 Bulletin Tr, Geochemical Society of India
0539-7545 Bulletin Michigan. Geological Survey Division.
0542-3775 Bulletin Government Printing Office
0554-7407 Bulletin Portland Cement Association.
0583-2233 Bulletin ????
0038-3872 Bulletin / Southern California Academy of Sciences.
0075-5559 Bulletin / Kentucky.; Kentucky.; Kentucky Geological Survey,; Kentucky Oil and Gas Association,
0084-8263 Bulletin / California.; California.
0095-8638 Bulletin / State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut.
0097-0921 Bulletin / Alaska Agricultural Experiment Station.; Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations (U.S.); University of Alaska (College).; United States.; United States.
0097-1227 Bulletin / Alabama Polytechnic Institute.
0097-272X Bulletin / (e-vir) Texas Engineering Experiment Station.
0097-5486 Bulletin / University of Puerto Rico (Río Piedras Campus).
0097-5494 Bulletin / Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama.
0097-580X Bulletin / North Carolina.
0361-2937 Bulletin / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
0454-4293 Bulletin / Korrosionsinstitutet
0537-9458 Bulletin / Institute of Metals.
0367-522X Bulletin / Geological Survey of Finland Geologinen tutkimuslaitos; Valtion painatuskeskus [jakaja]
0371-0831 Bulletin / Schweizerische Vereinigung der Lack - und Farben-Chemiker Schweizerische Vereinigung der Lack- und Farbenchemiker.
0096-6096 Bulletin ... of the West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station West Virginia University.
0270-5001 Bulletin - [North Carolina, Geological Survey Section] [North Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Land Resources, Geological Survey Section],
0518-5416 Bulletin A United States. Dept. of Agriculture.; University of Arizona. Cooperative Extension Service.; University of Arizona. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0352-5740 Bulletin - Académie serbe des sciences et des arts. Classe des sciences mathematiques et naturelles. Sciences naturelles Académie serbe des sciences et des arts
0097-2266 Bulletin - Acid Open Hearth Research Association, Inc Acid Open Hearth Research Association.
0365-8848 Bulletin Agricole du Congo Ministère des affaires étrangères et du commerce extérieur.
0557-8213 Bulletin agricole du Rwanda Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'élevage.
0097-3963 Bulletin - Agricultural Experiment Station, New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts New Mexico State University.
0097-3483 Bulletin - Agricultural Experiment Station, North Carolina State College North Carolina State College.
0096-8552 Bulletin - Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wisconsin Madison Wisconsin. Agricultural Experiment Station, Madison.
0068-4007 Bulletin agronomique Institut de recherches agronomiques tropicales et des cultures vivrières (France); France; Centre de recherches agronomiques (Bambey, Sénégal)
0568-8078 Bulletin - Alabama Geological Society
0383-5359 Bulletin - Alberta Research Council Alberta Research Council.
0099-4979 Bulletin American Foundrymen's Association
0099-7501 Bulletin - American Society of Hospital Pharmacists
0366-3124 Bulletin annuel de la Société suisse de chronométrie et du Laboratoire suisse de recherches horlogères Laboratoire suisse de recherches horlogères; Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Zeitmesskunde
0521-6761 Bulletin apicole de documentation scientifique et technique et d'information Laboratoire de recherches apicoles (Nice)
0097-529X Bulletin - Arkansas, Geological Commission Arkansas Geological Commission.
0365-0847 Bulletin - Association belge de photographie et de cinématographie Photo.
0004-5691 Bulletin - Association of Engineering Geologists Association of Engineering Geologists.; Association of Engineering Geologists.
0572-7405 Bulletin astronomique Observatoire de Paris
0365-7736 Bulletin - Australia, Commonwealth, Advisory Council of Science and Industry Advisory Council of Science and Industry (Australia)
0365-6845 Bulletin - Australia, Commonwealth, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Australia)
0365-3455 Bulletin - Australia, Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry Institute of Science and Industry (Australia)
0096-1094 Bulletin B Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station.; United States. Dept. of Agriculture.
0366-3981 Bulletin Belgicatom Belgicatom. A.B.D.P.E.A.
0367-763X Bulletin bimestriel Association amicale des anciens élèves de l'Ecole supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la Ville de Paris.
0303-9064 Bulletin bimestriel - INACOL INACOL.
0365-9143 Bulletin Bio Farma P.N. Bio Farma.
0365-9119 Bulletin - Biological Board of Canada Biological Board of Canada.
0007-4187 Bulletin biologique de la France et de la Belgique L. Lhomme; Dulau
0366-4597 Bulletin - Bureau for Inspecting and Testing Commercial Commodities
0374-1443 Bulletin C.E.T.I.O.M Centre technique interprofessionnel des oléagineux métropolitains
0181-0928 Bulletin - C.R.F.B Centre de recherches du fer blanc, Thionville.
0097-0913 Bulletin - Campbell Soup Company, Department of Agricultural Research Campbell Soup Co., Dept. of Agricultural Research.
0366-5631 Bulletin - Canada, Department of Agriculture
0253-7664 Bulletin - Central Soil Salinity Research Institute Central Soil Salinity Research Institute.
0411-6461 Bulletin - Coconut Research Institute Coconut Research Institute.
0375-6157 Bulletin - Colorado Geological Survey Colorado Geological Survey.
0069-701X Bulletin - Commonwealth Bureau of Pastures and Field Crops Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux.
0365-124X Bulletin - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0376-1959 Bulletin - Connecticut, University, Engineering Experiment Station
0366-5518 Bulletin - Cyprus, Geological Survey Department Geological Survey Department.
0366-4112 Bulletin d'études et de recherches techniques Institut de Documentation, Bibliographie et Éditions Techniques Bucarest.
0365-0545 Bulletin d'information - Association belge pour le développement pacifique de l'énergie atomique Association belge pour le développement pacifique de l'énergie atomique.
0001-270X Bulletin d'information - ATEN Association technique pour la production et l'utilisation de l'énergie nucléaire
0005-8408 Bulletin d'information - Belgicatom Belgicatom
0537-829X Bulletin d'information de l'INEAC Institut national pour l'étude agronomique du Congo Belge.; INEAC.; NILCO.; Nationaal Instituut voor Landbouwindustrie in Belgisch-Congo.
0374-1346 Bulletin d'information des géologues du bassin de Paris Association des géologues du Bassin parisien.
0379-2978 Bulletin d'informations de l'Association nationale des services d'eau Association nationale des services d'eau.
0007-4543 Bulletin d'informations scientifiques et techniques, Commissariat á l'énergie atomique Dunod
0411-793X Bulletin d'informations techniques Charbonnages de France
0375-8680 Bulletin d'Instrumentation Nucleaire Commissariat à l'énergie atomique.
0539-0532 Bulletin de documentation Association internationale des fabricants de superphosphate
0577-1382 Bulletin de documentation Centre d'information du chrome dur (Paris)
0435-2033 Bulletin de L`institut Agronomique et des Station de Recherches de Gembloux [S.n.]
0374-6011 Bulletin de l'Académie de Médecine de Roumanie Académie de Médecine de Roumanie.
0378-8997 Bulletin de l'Académie des sciences agricoles et forestières Académie des sciences agricoles et forestières.; Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences.; Centre de matériel didactique et de propagande agricole.
0365-8716 Bulletin de l'Académie des Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles, Académie Royale Serbe Serie A: Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques Académie Royale Serbe
0365-8724 Bulletin de l'Académie des Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles, Académie Royale Serbe Serie B: Sciences Naturelles Académie Royale Serbe
0366-4473 Bulletin de l'Académie malgache Académie malgache
0001-4079 Bulletin de l'Académie nationale de médecine Masson & Cie
0375-829X Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences Polska Akademia Nauk.
0554-5897 Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Classe Troisiéme Polska Akademia Nauk.
0001-4087 Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Biologiques Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0001-4095 Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Chimiques Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0366-2594 Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Chimiques, Géologiques et Géographiques Polska Akademia Nauk.
0001-4109 Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences de la Terre Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0366-2497 Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Géologiques et Géographiques Polska Akademia Nauk.
0001-4117 Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0137-6403 Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Physiques et Astronomiques Polska Akademia Nauk.
0001-4125 Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Techniques Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0001-4168 Bulletin de l'Académie royale de médecine de Belgique Académie royale de médecine de Belgique
0001-4192 Bulletin de l'Académie vétérinaire de France Vigot Frères
0153-9248 Bulletin de l'ARERS Association régionale pour l'enseignement et la recherche scientifique et technologique (Champagne-Ardenne)
0066-8915 Bulletin de l'association des anatomistes L'Association des anatomistes
0365-8821 Bulletin de l'Association des anciens élèves de l'Institut supérieur des fermentations de Gand Association des anciens élèves de l'institut supérieur des fermentations
0366-4406 Bulletin de l'Association des anciens étudiants de l'Ecole supérieure de brasserie de l'Université de Louvain Institut agronomique, Section de brasserie.
0366-3965 Bulletin de l'Association des anciens étudiants en brasserie de l'Université de Louvain Institut agronomique, Section de brasserie.
0706-0742 Bulletin de l'Association des biochimistes des hôpitaux du Québec Association des biochimistes des hôpitaux du Québec.
0366-4538 Bulletin de l'Association des chimistes Association des chimistes et ingénieurs de sucrerie, distillerie et industries agricoles de France et des colonies
0366-4759 Bulletin de l'Association des chimistes de sucrerie, de distillerie et des industries agricoles de France et des colonies Association des chimistes et ingénieurs de sucrerie, distillerie et industries agricoles de France et des colonies
0366-4678 Bulletin de l'Association des chimistes de sucrerie et de distillerie de France et des colonies Association des chimistes et ingénieurs de sucrerie, distillerie et industries agricoles de France et des colonies
0365-8813 Bulletin de l'Association française des chimistes des industries du cuir et Documents scientifiques et techniques des industries du cuir Revue technique des industries du cuir
0004-5462 Bulletin de l'Association francaise des ingénieurs, chimistes et techniciens des industries du cuir et Documents et informations du Centre technique du cuir Secy Gen
0366-4155 Bulletin de l'Association française des ingénieurs et techniciens du cinema Association Française Des Ingénieurs Et Techniciens Du Cinéma. [Paris.]
0004-5497 Bulletin de l'Association française pour l'étude du cancer Alcan,
0335-1653 Bulletin de l'Association française pour l'étude du sol AFES
0571-5849 Bulletin de l'Association internationale des documentalistes et techniciens de l'information Association internationale des documentalistes et techniciens de l'information
0403-7227 Bulletin de l'Association permanente des congrès belges de la route Maison de la route.
0365-8775 Bulletin de l'Association royale des anciens étudiants en brasserie de l'Université de Louvain Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Section brasserie.
0004-587X Bulletin de l'Association suisse des électriciens Fachschriftenverlag
0366-4724 Bulletin de l'Association technique de fonderie Association technique de fonderie (France)
0066-9814 Bulletin de l'Association technique maritime Association technique maritime et aéronautique (France)
0366-4090 Bulletin de l'Ecole de la meunerie belge Institut supérieur des fermentations.
0469-5291 Bulletin de l'Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique de Nancy Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique.
0376-0626 Bulletin de l'Institut agronomique et des stations de recherches de Gembloux Institut agronomique de l'état
0433-2903 Bulletin de l'Institut agronomique et des stations de recherches de Gembloux. Hors série Institut agronomique et des stations de recherches de Gembloux.
0524-0832 Bulletin de l'Institut de Geologie du Bassin d'Aquitaine Institut de Geologie du Bassin d'Aquitaine
0366-371X Bulletin de l'Institut de l'émail vitrifié Institut de l'émail vitrifié.
0020-2258 Bulletin de l'Institut du Desert d'Egypte Ma'Had al-Sahara al-Misriyah
0366-2527 Bulletin de l'Institut du pin Institut du pin (Bordeaux)
0366-4813 Bulletin de l'Institut du verre Institut du verre (Paris)
0534-0918 Bulletin de l'Institut équatorial de recherches et d'études géologiques et minières, Républiques centrafricaine, du Congo, gabonaise et du Tchad Institut équatorial de recherches et d'études géologiques et minières, Républiques centrafricaine, du Congo, gabonaise et du Tchad
0529-9403 Bulletin de l'Institut et Observatoire de physique du globe du Puy-de-Dôme Observatoire de physique du globe (Clermont-Ferrand); Université de Clermont-Ferrand
0018-9634 Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire. Série A: Sciences naturelles I.F.A.N., Université de Dakar.
0020-6970 Bulletin de l'Institut international du froid [s.n.]
0366-0443 Bulletin de l'Institut national d'hygiène Institut national d'hygiène,
0020-2452 Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur Elsevier
0374-6232 Bulletin de l'Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique
0374-6429 Bulletin de l'Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique Institut Royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique
0020-2576 Bulletin de l'Institut textile de France Institut textile de France
0366-4015 Bulletin de l'Observatoire du Puy-de-Dôme Observatoire de physique du globe (Clermont-Ferrand); Université de Clermont-Ferrand
0365-8783 Bulletin de l'Office colonial France
0366-4562 Bulletin de l'Ordre des pharmaciens Chambre des pharmaciens
0366-3876 Bulletin de l'Union des physiciens Union des professeurs de physique et de chimie (France)
0001-4141 Bulletin de la Classe des sciences. Académie royale de Belgique Académie royale de Belgique
0365-9283 Bulletin de la Commission géologique de Finlande Geologinen tutkimuslaitos.; Suomen geologinen toimikunta.
0575-741X Bulletin de la Direction des mines et de la géologie Direction des mines et de la géologie.
0365-1754 Bulletin de la Direction des mines et de la géologie, Afrique équatoriale [s.n.]
0366-4244 Bulletin de la Faculte des Sciences de l'Universite Franco-Chinoise de Peiping
0366-4139 Bulletin de la Fédération des industries chimiques de Belgique Fédération des industries chimiques de Belgique.
0046-3515 Bulletin de la Fédération des sociétés de gynécologie et d'obstétrique de langue française Fédération des gynécologues et obstétriciens de langue française.
0366-4171 Bulletin de la Fédération internationale des associations des chimistes du textile et de la couleur Fédération internationale des associations des chimistes du textile et de la couleur
0429-6990 Bulletin de la protection des végétaux Inspection générale de l'agriculture.; Inspection de l'agriculture.
0081-0746 Bulletin de la Société belge d'ophtalmologie Société belge d'ophtalmologie.
0379-1807 Bulletin de la Société belge de géologie Société belge de géologie
0037-8909 Bulletin de la Société belge de géologie, de paléontologie et d'hydrologie Société belge de géologie, de paléontologie et d'hydrologie
0560-4966 Bulletin de la Societe Belge de Physique Société Belge de Physique. ;; Société belge de physique.
0037-9530 Bulletin de la Société belge des électriciens Société belge des électriciens
0365-9178 Bulletin de la Société belge des ingénieurs et des industriels Société royale belge des ingénieurs et des industriels
0037-8941 Bulletin de la Société botanique de France Société botanique de France
0181-1797 Bulletin de la Société botanique de France Société botanique de France.
0181-1789 Bulletin de la societe botanique de France. Seria B, Actualites Botaniques [S.n.]
0366-3108 Bulletin de la Société botanique de Genève Société botanique (Genève)
0037-8968 Bulletin de la Société chimique de France Masson
0366-3116 Bulletin de la Société chimique de France Société chimique de France.
0366-3132 Bulletin de la Société chimique de France. Mémoires Société chimique de France.
0366-3191 Bulletin de la Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale (France)
0374-0994 Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord Faculté des Sciences d'Alger
0758-4113 Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse, Faculte des Sciences
0366-3280 Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle du Doubs Société d'histoire naturelle du Doubs
0366-3485 Bulletin de la Société d'ophtalmologie de Paris Société d'ophtalmologie de Paris.; Société d'ophtalmologie de Lyon.
0037-9042 Bulletin de la Société de chimie biologique Masson
0366-3329 Bulletin de la Société de l'industrie minérale Société de l'industrie minérale (France)
0037-9085 Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique Société de pathologie exotique; Société médico-chirurgicale française de l'Ouest africain; Société des sciences médicales de Madagascar
0037-9093 Bulletin de la Société de pharmacie de Bordeaux Société de pharmacie (Bordeaux)
0366-3507 Bulletin de la Societe de Pharmacie de Lille Societe de Pharmacie de Lille
0560-5237 Bulletin de la Société de pharmacie de Marseille Société de pharmacie (Marseille)
0037-9123 Bulletin de la Société de pharmacie de Nancy Société de pharmacie de Nancy.
0037-9131 Bulletin de la Société de Pharmacie de Strasbourg Société de pharmacie de Strasbourg.
0366-4775 Bulletin de la Société des agriculteurs de France AgriDées (France)
0366-306X Bulletin de la Société des Amis des Sciences de Poznań Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk.
0079-4570 Bulletin de la Société des Amis des Sciences et des Lettres de Poznań Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0366-2624 Bulletin de la Société des Amis des Sciences et des Lettres de Poznań Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk.
0551-7516 Bulletin de la société des amis des sciences et des lettres de Poznań. Série C. Médecine Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk.
0366-3167 Bulletin de la Société des ingénieurs civils de France Société des ingénieurs civils de France
0366-3604 Bulletin de la Société des sciences de Nancy. Académie lorraine des sciences.
0376-0472 Bulletin de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Łódź Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe.
0458-1652 Bulletin de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Łódź Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe.
0459-6854 Bulletin de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Łódź Société des Sciences et des Lettres
0037-9247 Bulletin de la Société des sciences médicales du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Société des sciences médicales du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.
0366-3450 Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc
0037-9255 Bulletin de la Société des Sciences naturelles et physiques du Maroc Société des Sciences naturelles et physiques du Maroc
0560-5466 Bulletin de la Société et minéralogique de Bretagne Société géologique et minéralogique de Bretagne
0037-931X Bulletin de la Société française de céramique Société française de céramique
0049-1071 Bulletin de la Société française de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie Masson
0366-3264 Bulletin de la Société française de microscopie Société française de microscopie.
0366-3248 Bulletin de la Société française de minéralogie.. Société française de minéralogie et de cristallographie
0037-9328 Bulletin de la Société française de minéralogie et de cristallographie Masson
0761-8328 Bulletin de la Société française de parasitologie Société française de parasitologie
0375-961X Bulletin de la Société française de physiologie végétale Société française de physiologie végétale.
0037-9360 Bulletin de la Société francaise de physique Société française de physique
0366-3213 Bulletin de la Société française des électriciens [s.n.]
0366-3256 Bulletin de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles.
0037-9409 Bulletin de la Société géologique de France Société géologique de France
0750-7461 Bulletin de la Société géologique de France Société géologique de France.
1777-5817 Bulletin de la Société géologique de France (e-vir) Société géologique de France
0366-3299 Bulletin de la Société industrielle d'Amiens Société industrielle
0366-3310 Bulletin de la Société industrielle de Rouen Société industrielle (Rouen)
0037-945X Bulletin de la Société internationale de chirurgie Société internationale de chirurgie
0366-3302 Bulletin de la Société internationale des électriciens Société française des électriciens
0366-3388 Bulletin de la Societe Linneenne de Normandie Société linnéenne de Normandie
0366-340X Bulletin de la Societe lorraine des sciences Académie lorraine des sciences.
0049-1101 Bulletin de la Société médicale d'Afrique noire de langue française Faculté Mixte de médecine et de pharmacie, Université de Dakar.
0366-4252 Bulletin de la Société nationale d'horticulture de France Société nationale d'horticulture de France
0366-3469 Bulletin de la Société neuchâteloise des sciences naturelles Société neuchâteloise des sciences naturelles
0366-3515 Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris Société philomathique (Paris)
0366-354X Bulletin de la Société roumaine de neurologie, psychiatrie, psychologie et endocrinologie [s.n.]
0037-9522 Bulletin de la Société royale belge de gynécologie et d'obstétrique Société royale belge de gynécologie et d'obstétrique.
0037-9557 Bulletin de la Société royale de botanique de Belgique Société royale de botanique de Belgique
0366-2500 Bulletin de la Societe Royale de Pharmacie de Bruxelles Jules Leherte.
0037-9565 Bulletin de la Société royale des sciences de Liège Société royale des sciences de Liège
0366-3574 Bulletin de la Société scientifique d'hygiène alimentaire et d'alimentation rationnelle Société scientifique d'hygiène alimentaire (France)
0037-9581 Bulletin de la Société scientifique de Bretagne Société scientifique de Bretagne
0037-9603 Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles
0037-962X Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France Société Zoologique de France, Institut Océanographique
1961-9049 Bulletin de la SPE (e-vir) Société de pathologie exotique
0242-8466 Bulletin de liaison Groupe Polyphénols.
0458-5860 Bulletin de liaison des laboratoires des ponts et chaussées Laboratoire central des ponts et chaussées
0366-4872 Bulletin de microscopie appliquée Société française de microscopie théorique et appliquée
0180-9210 Bulletin de minéralogie Masson
0370-1670 Bulletin - Department of agriculture research of the Royal tropical institute Koninklijk instituut voor de tropen
0366-4635 Bulletin de pharmacie du Sud-Est Fédération des sociétés de pharmacie du Sud-Est et des syndicats fédérés.
0007-439X Bulletin de physio-pathologie respiratoire Chaire de physio-pathologie respiratoire
0516-6101 Bulletin de renseignements agricoles, Direction de l'agriculture et des forêts [s.n.]
0036-7494 Bulletin der Schweizerischen Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften
0366-4848 Bulletin der Vereinigung schweiz. Petroleum-Geologen und -Ingenieure Vereinigung Schweizerischer Petroleum-Geologen und -Ingenieure
0365-8791 Bulletin des anciens élèves de l'École de meunerie École nationale supérieure de meunerie et des industries céréalières
0366-3922 Bulletin des anciens élèves de l'Ecole française de meunerie Ecole Henry Chaslas
0365-9186 Bulletin des biologistes pharmaciens Association syndicale des biologistes pharmaciens
0366-4023 Bulletin des caoutchoucs Institut français d'Outre-Mer
0396-2687 Bulletin des centres de recherches exploration-production Elf-Aquitaine Société nationale Elf-Aquitaine, production
0366-404X Bulletin des céréales et plantes à fécule de l'Institut colonial de Marseille Institut français d'Outre-Mer.
0563-5594 Bulletin de science et technique de la Polytechnique de Timişoara Universitatea "Politehnica" din Timişoara
0366-4163 Bulletin des filiales de la Société de biologie de Paris Société de biologie de Paris.
0374-6682 Bulletin des Laboratoires de géologie, minéralogie, géophysique et du Musée géologique de l'Université de Lausanne Musée cantonal de géologie; Université de Lausanne; Université de Lausanne
1269-1496 Bulletin des laboratoires des ponts et chaussées LCPC
0366-1202 Bulletin des matières grasses Institut colonial de Marseille,
0366-3493 Bulletin des sciences pharmacologiques s.n.
0365-6578 Bulletin des séances de l'Académie royale des sciences coloniales Académie royale des sciences coloniales.
0001-4176 Bulletin des séances de l'Académie royale des sciences d'Outre-mer Académie royale des sciences d'outre-mer
0367-6935 Bulletin des séances de l'Institut royal colonial belge Institut royal colonial belge.
0151-1335 Bulletin des séances de la Société royale et centrale d'agriculture Société royale et centrale d'agriculture (France); Société nationale d'agriculture de France
0037-9646 Bulletin des Sociétés chimiques belges [Universiteit]
0081-1270 Bulletin des sociétés d'ophtalmologie de France Société d'ophtalmologie de Paris.; Société d'ophtalmologie de l'Est.; Société d'ophtalmologie de Lyon.; Société d'ophtalmologie du Midi.; Société d'ophtalmologie de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest.; Société d'ophtalmologie du nord de la France.
0366-3825 Bulletin des travaux de la Société de pharmacie de Bordeaux Société de pharmacie (Bordeaux)
0037-9107 Bulletin des travaux de la Société de pharmacie de Lyon Publications périodiques spécialisées
0379-5381 Bulletin - Direction des mines et de la géologie Direction des mines et de la géologie.
0582-6454 Bulletin - Direction des mines et de la géologie Direction des mines et de la géologie.
0097-5478 Bulletin - Division of Geological Survey Ohio.
0153-8446 Bulletin du Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (France)
0300-9351 Bulletin du Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières,
0532-3460 Bulletin du Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (France)
0007-6090 Bulletin du Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières. Section 2, Géologie appliquée Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières,
0153-6540 Bulletin du Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières. Section 2, Géologie des gîtes minéraux Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières
0007-6120 Bulletin du Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières. Section 3, Hydrogéologie Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières
0007-4551 Bulletin du cancer Masson; Editions scientifiques Elsevier; John Libbey eurotext
1769-6917 Bulletin du cancer (e-vir) John Libbey eurotext
0528-4465 Bulletin du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Scientifiques Biarritz Centre d'études et de recherches scientifiques (Biarritz, Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
0407-5196 Bulletin du Centre de physique nucléaire de l'Université libre de Bruxelles Centre de physique nucléaire, Université libre
0008-9672 Bulletin du Centre de recherches de Pau Société nationale des pétroles d'Aquitaine
1279-8215 Bulletin du Centre de recherches Elf exploration production Elf exploration production
0443-7721 Bulletin du Centre international des engrais chimiques Centre international des engrais chimiques
0366-4104 Bulletin du Cercle d'études des métaux Cercle d'études des métaux (Saint-Etienne)
0429-3320 Bulletin du Groupe francais des argiles Groupe français des argiles
0303-7479 Bulletin du groupement européen pour la recherche scientifique & stomatologie et odontologie Institut universitaire de stomatologie.
0533-3288 Bulletin du Groupement international pour la recherche scientifique en stomatologie Institut universitaire de stomatologie. Hôpital Saint-Pierre
0366-4368 Bulletin du Laboratoire maritime de Dinard Laboratoire maritime de Dinard.
0366-449X Bulletin du Musée royal d'histoire naturelle de Belgique Musée royal d'histoire naturelle.
0027-4070 Bulletin du Muséum d'histoire naturelle Imprimerie nationale d'histoire naturelle; Muséum national
2419-6452 Bulletin du Muséum d'histoire naturelle (e-vir) Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris)
0366-4392 Bulletin du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Marseille Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Marseille
0181-0634 Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle Muséum national d'histoire naturelle
0181-0642 Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle Muséum national d'histoire naturelle
0240-8937 Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle Muséum national d'histoire naturelle
0300-9386 Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris)
0376-4427 Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris)
0376-4443 Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris)
0376-4478 Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris)
0376-446X Bulletin du Museum national d'histoire naturelle. Sciences de la terre Museum national d'histoire naturelle
0037-2560 Bulletin du Service de la carte géologique d'Alsace et de Lorraine Université de Strasbourg (1583-1970)
0367-3588 Bulletin du Service de la carte géologique de l'Algérie. 4è série, Géophysique Service de la carte géologique.
0367-3618 Bulletin du Service de la carte géologique de l'Algérie. Série 1, Paléontologie Service de la carte géologique de l'Algérie.
0367-3634 Bulletin du Service de la carte géologique de l'Algérie. Série 2, Stratigraphie Office national de la recherche géologique et minière.
0367-3596 Bulletin du Service de la carte géologique de l'Algérie. Série 3, Géologie appliquée Service de la carte géologique de l'Algérie.
0367-3626 Bulletin du Service de la carte géologique de l'Algérie. Série 5, Pétrographie Service de la carte géologique de l'Algérie.
0367-360X Bulletin du Service de la carte géologique de l'Algérie. Série 6, Métallogénie Service de la carte géologique de l'Algérie.
0366-4201 Bulletin du Service de la carte géologique de la France France; France
0557-5621 Bulletin du Service géologique Ministère du commerce, des mines et de l'industrie, Service géologique
0366-015X Bulletin du Service géologique du Luxembourg Service géologique du Luxembourg
0097-3718 Bulletin - Engineering Experiment Station State College Station.
0097-5273 Bulletin - Engineering Experiment Station Engineering Experiment Station,
0096-3569 Bulletin - Engineering Experiment Station, College of Engineering, University of Kentucky University of Kentucky. Engineering Experiment Station.
0091-7974 Bulletin - Engineering Experiment Station. Kansas State University Kansas State University.
0373-4617 Bulletin Escher Wyss Escher Wyss S.A.
0377-8231 Bulletin et mémoires de l'Académie royale de médecine de Belgique Académie royale de médecine de Belgique.
0366-1253 Bulletin et mémoires de la Faculté nationale de médecine et de pharmacie de Dakar Faculté nationale de médecine et de pharmacie de Dakar.
0395-3890 Bulletin européen de physiopathologie respiratoire Entretiens de physio-pathologie respiratoire.; Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France); Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (France).
0250-5118 Bulletin - Fédération internationale de laiterie Fédération internationale de laiterie.; International Dairy Federation.; IDF.
0078-5873 Bulletin - Forest Research Laboratory Oregon State University. Forest Research Laboratory.
0097-1855 Bulletin for medical research of the National Society for Medical Research National Society for Medical Research (U.S.)
1053-4385 Bulletin for the history of chemistry American Chemical Society.; University of Cincinnati.; Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry,
0081-0991 Bulletin fo the Entomological Society of Egypt. Economic series [S.n.]
0373-0514 Bulletin Francais de Pisciculture Conseil Superieur de la Peche
0097-5109 Bulletin G Pennsylvania.
0016-5913 Bulletin - Geisinger Medical Center Geisinger Medical Center.
0379-9603 Bulletin - Geological and Mineral Resources Department Geology Dep., University of Khartoum.
0082-0008 Bulletin - Geological Survey and Mines Department Geological Survey and Mines Department.
0522-5612 Bulletin - Geological Survey Department Geological Survey Department.
0097-3262 Bulletin - Geological Survey of Alabama Geological Survey of Alabama.
0085-0985 Bulletin - Geological Survey of Ireland Geological Survey of Ireland
0367-5300 Bulletin - Geological Survey of Nigeria The Federal Government of Nigeria.
0365-4400 Bulletin - Geological Survey of South Australia Geological Survey of South Australia.; South Australian. Dept. of Mines and Energy.
0367-5343 Bulletin - Geological Survey of Tanzania Tanzania Geological Survey.
0097-1006 Bulletin - Georgetown University Medical Center Georgetown University.
0367-441X Bulletin Gold Coast, Geological Survey Geological Survey Department.
0096-641X Bulletin GW New York (State). Water Power and Control Commission.; New York (State). Water Resources Commission.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0099-944X Bulletin - Highway Research Board
0366-7294 Bulletin - Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.
0073-5272 Bulletin - Illinois, University, Engineering Experiment Station Engineering Publications Office.
0379-5098 Bulletin - Indian Geologists' Association Indian Geologists' Assoc..
0514-5929 Bulletin - Institute for Geological and Geophysical Research, Belgrade. Series A: Geology Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.
0514-5937 Bulletin - Institute for Geological and Geophysical Research, Belgrade. Series B: Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.
0514-5945 Bulletin - Institute for Geological and Geophysical Research, Belgrade. Series C: Applied Geophysics Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.
0368-0177 Bulletin - Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique. Biologie J. Goemaere
0374-6291 Bulletin - Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique. Sciences de la terre Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique
0074-0993 Bulletin - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.; Comisión interamericana del atún tropical.
0366-0303 Bulletin International de l'Académie des Sciences de Cracovie Akademia Umiejęetności.
0366-4422 Bulletin International de l'Académie des Sciences de Cracovie Akademia Umiejęetności.
0365-0553 Bulletin International de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres Polska Akademia Umiejętnoŝci.
0366-029X Bulletin International de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres Polska Akademia Umiejętnoŝci.
0366-2535 Bulletin International de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres Polska Akademia Umiejęetności.
0366-2578 Bulletin International de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres Polska Akademia Umiejętnoŝci.
0366-4384 Bulletin International de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres Polska Akademia Umiejęetności.
0366-0680 Bulletin international des services de santé des armees de terre, de mer et de l'air Office international de documentation de médecine militaire
0099-457X Bulletin - Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Engineering Experiment Station
0126-0529 Bulletin ISFI Jatim Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia Jawa Timur.
0075-1200 Bulletin - Israel, Geological Survey Geological Survey of Israel
0366-4333 Bulletin - Jeallot's Hill Research Station Jeallot's Hill Research Station.
0451-3517 Bulletin - Kansas, Environmental Health Services Kansas State Dep of Health, Environmental Health Services.
0097-5117 Bulletin M Pennsylvania.
0376-2300 Bulletin - Maine, Agricultural Experiment Station
0076-4779 Bulletin - Maryland Geological Survey Maryland Geological Survey.
0110-7933 Bulletin - Massey University, Department of Horticulture Massey University, Department of Horticulture.
0368-9026 Bulletin - Mauritius Department of Agriculture Mauritius Department of Agriculture.
0369-1918 Bulletin - Mauritius Department of Agriculture, Sugar Cane Research Station Mauritius Department of Agriculture. Sugar Cane Research Station.
0376-0170 Bulletin médical de l'AOF Société médicale de l'Afrique occidentale française.
0528-4341 Bulletin mensuel - Centre belge d'étude et de documentation des eaux Centre belge d'étude et de documentation des eaux Belgisch studie en documentatiecentrum voor water.
0366-4708 Bulletin mensuel d'information de l'Association technique de fonderie Association technique de fonderie
0366-4449 Bulletin mensuel de l'ITERG Institut technique d'études et de recherches des corps gras (Paris)
0366-4465 Bulletin mensuel de l'Office international d'hygiène publique World Health Organization
0366-1326 Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Lyon Société linnéenne
0383-1825 Bulletin - Microscopical Society of Canada Microscopical Society of Canada.
0309-2542 Bulletin - Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food H.M.S.O.
0707-9397 Bulletin - Ministry of Mines and Petroleum Resources Province of British Columbia Min. of Mines and Petroleum Resources.
0099-6572 Bulletin - Minnesota, University, Engineering Experiment Station
0099-6092 Bulletin - Missouri, University, School of Mines and Metallurgy. General Series School of Mines and Metallurgy, University of Missouri.
0096-638X Bulletin - Montana State College, Agricultural Experiment Station United States. Soil Conservation Service.
0365-9224 Bulletin - Murphy & Son Limited. Bureau of Bio-technology [s.n.]
0375-7005 Bulletin - Museum of Northern Arizona
0096-7440 Bulletin - Natural Resources Research Institute University of Wyoming, College of Engineering, Natural Resources Research Institute,
0470-5459 Bulletin - Nebraska, University, Engineering Experiment Station
0097-5281 Bulletin - Nevada Bureau of Mines University of Nevada, Reno.; Mackay School of Mines.; Geological Survey (U.S.); Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology.
0097-191X Bulletin - Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Mackay School of Mines.; Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering.
0028-6133 Bulletin - New Mexico Academy of Science New Mexico Academy of Science.
0099-7498 Bulletin - New York Medical College, Flower and Fifth Avenue Hospitals [s.n.].
0097-5133 Bulletin - New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Geological Survey (U.S.)
0099-782X Bulletin - New York State Flower Growers
0099-748X Bulletin - New York State Flower Industries Mr Charles Wilton, Secy, Steuben Co.
0332-5768 Bulletin - Norges geologiske undersøkelse Universitetsforlaget
0029-2370 Bulletin - North American Gladiolus Council New England Gladiolus Society, inc.
0149-3507 Bulletin - North Carolina, Department of Natural and Economic Resources, Division of Resource Planning & Evaluation, Mineral Resources Section North Carolina, Dept. of Natural and Economic Resources, Division of Resource Planning & Evaluation, Mineral Resources Section
0546-4196 Bulletin - North Carolina, Department of Water Resources, Division of Stream Sanitation and Hydrology North Carolina.
0546-4609 Bulletin - North Carolina State College, Department of Engineering Research
0097-4994 Bulletin - North Dakota Research Foundation North Dakota Research Foundation,
0250-8052 Bulletin OEPP Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2338 Bulletin OEPP (e-vir) [Blackwell Science]
0197-0216 Bulletin of alloy phase diagrams American Society for Metals.; United States.
0096-459X Bulletin of American Zinc Institute, Inc American Zinc Institute.
0378-9721 Bulletin of animal health and production in Africa Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources.
0365-8910 Bulletin of Astronomical institutes of the Netherlands. Supplement series Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands
0521-7237 Bulletin of Brewing Science Brewing Scientific Research Institute.
0007-4802 Bulletin of Canadian petroleum geology Canadian Soc. of Petroleum Geologists
1229-053X Bulletin of Catholic Research Institutes of Medical Science Catholic Research Institutes of Medical Science.
0149-2268 Bulletin of chemical thermodynamics International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
0366-435X Bulletin of Chungking Institute of Industrial Research
0256-1654 Bulletin of Electrochemistry Central Electrochemical Research Institute
0007-4845 Bulletin of endemic diseases Institute of Endemic Diseases
1435-9529 Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment Springer
1435-9537 Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment (e-vir) Springer
0007-4853 Bulletin of entomological research Commonwealth Bureau of Entomology
1475-2670 Bulletin of entomological research (e-vir) CABI Pub
0007-4861 Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology SpringerNature
1432-0800 Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology (e-vir) Springer
0007-487X Bulletin of epizootic diseases of Africa East African Literature Bureau.
0007-4888 Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-8221 Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine = Kluwer
0040-8883 Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, Tokushima University University of Tokushima. Faculty of Engineering.
2090-9101 Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University (e-vir) Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University; Elsevier B.V.
1110-0931 Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University (Print) Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University.
0366-4554 Bulletin officiel de l'Office international du cacao et du chocolat Office international du cacao et du chocolat.
0366-4546 Bulletin officiel de la Direction des recherches scientifiques et industrielles et des inventions France
0151-0592 Bulletin officiel de la propriété industrielle Institut national de la propriété industrielle (France)
0429-4076 Bulletin officiel de la propriété industrielle Institut national de la propriété industrielle (France)
0750-7674 Bulletin officiel de la propriété industrielle Institut national de la propriété industrielle (France)
0253-4800 Bulletin of geophysics National Central University
1214-1119 Bulletin of geosciences Česká geologická služba = Czech Geological Survey
1802-8225 Bulletin of Geosciences (e-vir) Czech Geological Survey
1345-3807 Bulletin of glaciological research Japanese Society of Snow and Ice
0007-4896 Bulletin of Grain Technology Foodgrain Technologists' Research Association of India.
0304-9515 Bulletin of Haffkine Institute Haffkine Institute.
0366-4236 Bulletin of Hygiene Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases
0582-4656 Bulletin of Japan Petroleum Institute Japan Petroleum Institute.
0250-5126 Bulletin of Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Education and Research Jawaharlal Institute of Post- Graduate Education and Research.
0386-4111 Bulletin of JSAE Jidäosha Gijutsukai.
0385-1443 Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College Kanagawa Dental College Press
0163-559X Bulletin of magnetic resonance Franklin Institute Press
0007-4977 Bulletin of marine science University of Miami Press
1553-6955 Bulletin of marine science University of Miami Press
0096-8900 Bulletin of marine science of the Gulf and Caribbean University of Miami.; University of Miami.
0973-7669 Bulletin of materials science Springer India
0250-4707 Bulletin of Materials Science Indian Academy of Sciences.
0092-8240 Bulletin of mathematical biology Pergamon Press.
0253-6889 Bulletin of medico-ethno-botanical research Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha
0366-4457 Bulletin of miscellaneous information - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew H.M.S.O.
0280-0977 Bulletin of molecular and structural biochemistry [s.n.].
0391-481X Bulletin of molecular biology and medicine Idelson Scientific Publications
0550-5836 Bulletin of national institute of geology Lembaga Geologi dan Pertambangan Nasional.
1342-3258 Bulletin of Osaka Prefecture University. Series A, Engineering and natural sciences Osaka Furitsu Daigaku.
1342-3266 Bulletin of Osaka Prefecture University. Series B, Agriculture and life sciences Osaka Furitsu Daigaku.
0031-689X Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Osaka Yakugaku Kenkyujo
1110-0052 Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Assiut University Assiut University Press
0096-6940 Bulletin of Pharmacy ????.
0970-6569 Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences. Sec. D, Physics A.K. Sharma.
0970-0765 Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences. Section A, Animal Science Zoology A.K. Sharma.
0253-6897 Bulletin of radiation protection Indian Association for Radiation Protection
0096-1841 Bulletin of research Underwriters' Laboratories.; National Board of Fire Underwriters.; American Insurance Association.
0385-7832 Bulletin of Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery and Electronics Tokyo Institute of Technology. Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery and Electronics
1223-9631 Bulletin of the "Tranisilvania" University of Braşov Universitatea "Transilvania" din Braşov
1223-964X Bulletin of the "Transilvania" University of Braşov Universitatea "Transilvania" din Braşov
0001-4311 Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine, Toronto Academy of Medicine (Toronto, Ont.)
0568-5249 Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.; Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R Akademii͡a nauk SSSR.; American Geophysical Union.; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.); Pergamon Institute.; National Science Foundation (U.S.)
0366-3957 Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, India [s.n.]
0001-432X Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Akademii͡a nauk SSSR.; Академия наук СССР.; Академия наук СССР.; Columbia Technical Translations.
0568-5230 Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Science Akademii͡a nauk SSSR.; Consultants Bureau.
0568-0824 Bulletin of the Afghan Geological and Mineral Survey Afghan Geological and Mineral Survey.
0097-448X Bulletin of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas.
0375-8397 Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan
0096-7874 Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station.; Louisiana State Board of Agriculture and Immigration.; North Louisiana Experiment Station.
0096-6592 Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska University of Nebraska (Lincoln campus). Agricultural Experiment Station.
0040-3148 Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Tennessee, state agricultural and mechanical college University of Tennessee (Knoxville campus).
0370-3185 Bulletin of the Agricultural Society, Cairo, Technical Section Agricultural Society, Technical Section]
0099-7471 Bulletin of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
0002-8045 Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons American College of Surgeons.
0376-1916 Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers
0003-0007 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society American Meteorological Society
1520-0477 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (e-vir) American Meteorological Society
0003-0090 Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History American Museum of Natural History
0096-6789 Bulletin of the American Pharmaceutical Association American Pharmaceutical Association.
0003-0503 Bulletin of the American Physical Society Published by the American Institute of Physics for the American Physical Society
Y507-6323 Bulletin of the American Physical Society (e-vir) American Physical Society
0147-0701 Bulletin of the American Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathologists American Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathologists.
0096-8560 Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America [Antivenin Institute of America]
0096-7211 Bulletin of the Associated State Engineering Societies Illinois Society of Engineers.; Engineering Society of Wisconsin.; Iowa Engineering Society.
0004-6248 Bulletin of the astronomical institutes of czechoslovakia Academia
0304-9523 Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India Astronomical Society of India.
0096-3402 Bulletin of the atomic scientists Atomic Scientists of Chicago
1938-3282 Bulletin of the atomic scientists (e-vir) Bulletin of the atomic scientists
0099-7463 Bulletin of the Ayer Clinical Laboratory of the Pennsylvania Hospital
0365-9194 Bulletin of the Belgian Physical Society Editeur, Institut d'Astrophysique
0097-0123 Bulletin of the Bell Museum of Pathobiology Bell Museum of Pathology.; University of Minnesota.
0097-1375 Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Bingham Oceanographic Collection.; Bingham Oceanographic Foundation.; Bingham Oceanographic Laboratory.
0006-7784 Bulletin of the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences Institut za nuklearne nauke
0507-0155 Bulletin of the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Biology Institut za Nuklearne Nauke "Boris Kidric"
0507-0163 Bulletin of the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Ceramics and Metallurgy Institut za Nuklearne Nauke "Boris Kidric"
0366-0877 Bulletin of the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Chemistry Institut za Nuklearne Nauke "Boris Kidric"
0507-0171 Bulletin of the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Electronics Institut za Nuklearne Nauke "Boris Kidric"
0507-018X Bulletin of the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Nuclear Engineering Institut za Nuklearne Nauke "Boris Kidric"
0507-0198 Bulletin of the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Physics Institut za Nuklearne Nauke "Boris Kidric"
0006-811X Bulletin of the Botanical Society of Bengal Botanical Society of Bengal
0366-4058 Bulletin of the British Cast Iron Research Association British Cast Iron Research Association, Council
0007-1471 Bulletin of the British Museum, Natural History. Geology British Museum (Natural History)
0007-148X Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) British Museum (Natural History)
0099-7455 Bulletin of the Buffalo General Hospital
0096-4131 Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences.
0365-9097 Bulletin of the Bureau of Agricultural Intelligence and Plant Diseases Istituto internazionale di agricoltura, Bureau of Agricultural Intelligence and Plant Diseases.; Istituto internazionale di agricoltura.
0096-8579 Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards Govt. Print. Off.
0096-4476 Bulletin of the Bussey Institution Bussey Institution.
0068-5372 Bulletin of the Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine.
0008-302X Bulletin of the Canadian Biochemical Society Canadian Biochemical Society.
0474-0238 Bulletin of the Cancer Institute, Okayama University Medical School Okayama University Medical School
0557-3211 Bulletin of the Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, India [s.n.]
0366-4066 Bulletin of the Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore [s.n.]
0365-9305 Bulletin of the Central Inspection Institute of Weights and Measures, Tokyo Käogyäo Gijutsuin Chäuäo Keiryäo Kenteijo.
0365-933X Bulletin of the Central Leather Research Institute Madras [s.n.]
0577-084X Bulletin of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
0366-2519 Bulletin of the Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur, India [s.n.]
0496-280X Bulletin of the Central Research Institute [s.n.]
0250-5134 Bulletin of the Centre of Excellence in Geology University of Peshawar, Centre of Excellence in Geology
1011-3924 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia Chemical Society of Ethiopia.
1726-801X Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia (e-vir) Chemical Society of Ethiopia.
0009-2673 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan Chemical Society of Japan
1348-0634 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan (e-vir) Chemical Society of Japan
0412-2291 Bulletin of the Chinese Association for the Advancement of Science Chinese Association for the Advancement of Science
0366-4260 Bulletin of the Chinese Botanical Society
0366-4074 Bulletin of the Cleveland Scientific and Technical Institution Cleveland Scientific and Technical Institution.
0365-9267 Bulletin of the College of Agriculture, Tokyo Imperial University Tokyo Imperial University.
0572-7707 Bulletin of the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
0097-4498 Bulletin of the Copper & Brass Research Association Copper & Brass Research Association (U.S.)
0366-4082 Bulletin of the Department of Agriculture, Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Department of Agriculture
0365-9526 Bulletin of the Department of Geology Geological Institute of Israel
0454-7675 Bulletin of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University
0079-0591 Bulletin of the Earth and Mineral Sciences Experiment Station Pennsylvania State University, Earth and Mineral Sciences Experiment Station.
0040-8972 Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo [s.n.]
0193-2462 Bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station of the University of Rhode Island Engineering Experiment Station, University of Rhode Island,
0013-8754 Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America The Society
2376-9041 Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America (e-vir) Entomological Society of America.
0425-1067 Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Nigeria Entomological Society of Nigeria.
1612-0876 Bulletin of the European Ceramic Society European Ceramic Society.; ECERS.
1012-8832 Bulletin of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah Faculty of Earth Sciences, King Abdulaziz University.
0575-1381 Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University Cairo University Press
0513-2592 Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University Yokohama National University. Faculty of Engineering.
0568-9589 Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering. Alexandria University Alexandria University Press
0287-5772 Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries Prefectural University of Edobashi [S.n.]
0370-4971 Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, Riyad University Faculty of Science, Riyad University.
1110-0958 Bulletin of the Faculty of Science. A, Physics Assiut University, Faculty of Science
1010-2671 Bulletin of the Faculty of Science. Assiut University. B. Chemistry Faculty of Science, Assiut University
0568-9619 Bulletin of the Faculty of Science Alexandria University Alexandria University
1344-2139 Bulletin of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University Hirosaki Daigaku. Rikäogakubu.; HIST.
0588-4225 Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Station, Ceylon Ceylon Fisheries Research Station.
0253-6366 Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Station, Sri Lanka. Ceylon Fisheries Research Station.
0366-4147 Bulletin of the Fishery Experiment Station of the Government-General of Chosen. Series B Fishery Experiment Station.
0366-0125 Bulletin of the Forests Department, Western Australia Western Australia, Forests Dep.
0016-7576 Bulletin of the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India Geology Dep, Calcutta University
0302-2749 Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala Almqvist & Wiksell
0126-3161 Bulletin of the geological research and development centre Departmen Pertambangan dan Energi, Direktorat Jenderal Pertambangan Umum, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi.
0011-6297 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark Hans Reitzels Forlag
2245-7070 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark Dansk Geologisk Forening
0367-5211 Bulletin of the Geological society of Finland Geological society of Finland
1799-4632 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland The Geological Society of Finland
0072-1093 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia Persatuan Geology Malaysia
0366-4198 Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Great Britain H.M.S.O
0537-4219 Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Indonesia Geological Survey of Indonesia.
0072-9337 Bulletin of the Geophysical Observatory Haile Selassie I University.; Geophysical Observatory.; Yaqadäamäawi íHäayla Śeläasé yunivérsiti.
0016-8114 Bulletin of the Georgia Academy of Science G. T. May, Secy.
0433-9347 Bulletin of the Ghana Geological Survey Ministry of Information.
0368-7961 Bulletin of the Health Organisation, League of Nations League of Nations
0495-7792 Bulletin of the Heart Institute of Japan Tokyo Joshi Ika Daigaku
0007-5140 Bulletin of the history of medicine (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
1086-3176 Bulletin of the history of medicine (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
0366-4279 Bulletin of the Imperial Institute Imperial Institute (Great Britain)
0378-6242 Bulletin of the Indian National Science Academy Indian National Science Academy.
0970-2334 Bulletin of the Indian Vacuum Society Indian Vacuum Society
0366-0397 Bulletin of the India Section, the Electrochemical Society [s.n.]
0023-6071 Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University Kyoto Daigaku Kagaku Kenkyusho.
0367-7702 Bulletin of the Institute of Filipino Geologists Institute of Filipino Geologists, Bureau of Mines.
0366-4309 Bulletin of the Institute of Marine and Tropical Medicine of the Medical Academy in Gdańsk, Poland Akademia Lekarska (Gdańsk). Instytut Medycyny Morskiej i Tropikalnej.
0324-8542 Bulletin of the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine in Gdynia Instytut Medycyny Morskiej i Tropikalnej (Gdynia)
0443-3726 Bulletin of the Institute of Metal Finishing Institute of Metal Finishing.
0096-9680 Bulletin of the Institute of Paper Chemistry Institute of Paper Chemistry.
0575-1772 Bulletin of the Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research
0001-3943 Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia sinica Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica
0366-4376 Bulletin of the Institution of Sanitary Engineers Institution of Sanitary Engineers (Great Britain)
0074-1612 Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology International Association of Engineering Geology
0366-046X Bulletin of the International Institute of refrigeration Institut international du froid.
0021-0854 Bulletin of the Iranian Petroleum Institute Iranian Petroleum Institute.
0366-4716 Bulletin of the Iron and Steel Institute British Iron and Steel Research Association.
0582-4206 Bulletin of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering [s. n.]
0097-1383 Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Johns Hopkins Hospital.; Benjamin Franklin Collection (Library of Congress)
0021-3764 Bulletin of the JSME Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
0253-2964 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Korean Chemical Society
1229-5949 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (e-vir) Korean Chemical Society
0454-8221 Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology, Mathematics, Natural Science Kyushu Kogyo Daigaku
0024-659X Bulletin of the Los Angeles neurological societies Los Angeles Society of Neurology and Psychiatry.; Southern California Neurological Society.
0460-4008 Bulletin of the Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Department [s.n.]
0096-6118 Bulletin of the Margaret Hague Maternity Hospital Post Graduate Educational Fund]
0366-4481 Bulletin of the Marine Biological Station of Asamushi, Tohoku University Tohoku Daigaku Fuzoku Rinkai Jikkensho
0096-8242 Bulletin of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station [Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station]
0025-4657 Bulletin of the Mason Clinic Mason Clinic.
0025-7338 Bulletin of the Medical Library Association Medical Library Association.
0045-9550 Bulletin of the medical staff of the Methodist Hospitals of Dallas Methodist Hospitals of Dallas.
0025-9284 Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic Menninger Foundation
0540-0821 Bulletin of the Millard Fillmore Hospital
0026-4563 Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitusu
0023-6098 Bulletin of the Misaki Marine Biological Institute, Kyoto University Misaki Marine Biological Institute.
0027-4100 Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology Museum of Comparative Zoology
0289-9965 Bulletin of the Naniwa University. Series A; Engineering and natural sciences Naniwa Daigaku.
0474-7852 Bulletin of the Naniwa University. Series B, Agricultural and natural science Naniwa University,
0077-3484 Bulletin of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers
0097-0506 Bulletin of the National Formulary Committee American Pharmaceutical Association. Committee on National Formulary.
0027-9382 Bulletin of the National Geophysical Research Institute National Geophysical Research Institute
0027-9528 Bulletin of the National Institute of Sciences of India National Institute of Sciences of India
1110-0591 Bulletin of the National Research Center National Research Center
2522-8307 Bulletin of the National Research Centre (e-vir) Springer
0096-5227 Bulletin of the National Research Council National Research Council (U.S.)
0451-6109 Bulletin of the National Research Laboratory of Metrology, Tokyo National Research Laboratory of Metrology, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
0385-2423 Bulletin of the National Science Museum National Science Museum
0028-0119 Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo Monbu-sho Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan.
0385-2431 Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series B Botany National Science Museum
0387-8511 Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series E, Physical science & engineering National Science Museum
0028-0186 Bulletin of the National Society for Medical Research National Society for Medical Research.
0028-0216 Bulletin of the National Speleological Society The National Speleological Society
0096-5561 Bulletin of the Neurological Institute of New York Neurological Institute of New York.
0028-7091 Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine The Academy
0373-8361 Bulletin of the Nippon Veterinary and Zootechnical College Nippon Veterinary and Zoological College.; Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University.
0366-1393 Bulletin of the Nutrition Institute of the United Arab Republic National Information and Documentation Centre
0030-2856 Bulletin of the Ontario College of Pharmacy [s.n.].
0916-2844 Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College Osaka Medical College
0030-6142 Bulletin of the Osaka Medical School Osaka Ika Daigaku.
0366-1342 Bulletin of the Osaka Medical School, Supplement Osaka Ika Daigaku.
0048-2986 Bulletin of the Parenteral Drug Association Parenteral Drug Association.
0366-2586 Bulletin of the Patna Science College Philosophical Society [s.n.]
0476-5141 Bulletin of the Philadelphia Astronautical Society
2300-1917 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences (e-vir) Division IV Technical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
0239-751X Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Biology Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0239-7285 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Chemistry Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0239-7277 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Earth Sciences Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0239-7528 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0376-2327 Bulletin of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America
2573-251X Bulletin of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America (e-vir) Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America,
0090-5054 Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society Psychonomic Society.
2197-9979 Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society (e-vir) Psychonomic Society
0300-094X Bulletin of the Quezon Institute, Manila Bus mgr, Quezon Institute.
0547-874X Bulletin of the Radio and Electrical Engineering Division, National Research Council of Canada National Research Council of Canada. Radio and Electrical Engineering Division.
0447-3418 Bulletin of the Regional Research Laboratory, Jammu, India [s.n.]
0578-8994 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel Research Council of Israel
0366-2780 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section A: Chemistry The Weizman Science Press of Israel
0366-2829 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section A: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry The Weizman Science Press of Israel
0578-9028 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section B: Biology and Geology Research Council of Israel.
0375-9156 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section B: Zoology The Weizmann Science Press of Jerusalem
0578-9036 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section C: Technology Research Council of Israel.
0376-091X Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section E: Experimental Medicine Research Council of Israel.
0366-2802 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section G: Geo-Sciences Research Council of Israel.
0375-9148 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel. Section D: Botany Research Council of Israel.
0494-0008 Bulletin of the Research Institute University of Kerala, Central Research Institute
0585-9093 Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Sumatra Plantations Association Research Institute of Sumatra Planters' Association.
0387-6144 Bulletin of the Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors Tokyo Institute of Technology. Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors
0068-4139 Bulletin of thermodynamics and thermochemistry International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Commission on Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry.; IUPAC.
0366-4651 Bulletin of the Rubber Growers' Association British Rubber Publicity Association.; British Rubber Development Board.
0080-8318 Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
0037-1106 Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America Seismological Society of America, etc.
0366-4783 Bulletin of the Sericultural Experiment Station, Government-General of Chosen Sericultural Experiment Station.
0366-4805 Bulletin of the Shanghai Science Institute Shanghai Science Institute],
0129-5772 Bulletin of the Singapore National Institute of Chemistry Singapore National Institute of Chemistry.
0099-4952 Bulletin of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education
0096-395X Bulletin of the Society of Arts Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Society of Arts.
0366-3582 Bulletin of the Society of Scientific Photography of Japan Society of Scientific Photography of Japan
0146-6429 Bulletin of the Society of Vector Ecologists Society of Vector Ecologists.
0254-1831 Bulletin of the South African Institute of Assayers and Analysts South African Institute of Assayers and Analysts.
0096-414X Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science South Carolina Academy of Science]
2168-4650 Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science (e-vir) South Carolina Academy of Science.
0099-7439 Bulletin of the Southern Pacific General Hospital
0099-7420 Bulletin of the St. Francis Hospital and Sanatorium, Roslyn, N. Y
0254-4121 Bulletin of the Technical University of Istanbul İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
0366-3736 Bulletin of the Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo Institute of Technology
0371-6007 Bulletin of the Tokyo University Forests The Tokyo University Forests
0366-3760 Bulletin of the Toronto East Medical Association Toronto East General and Orthopaedic Hospital.
0040-9618 Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club Torrey Botanical Club.
2325-8055 Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club (e-vir) Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club
0096-7882 Bulletin of the United States Institute for Textile Research, Inc United States Institute for Textile Research.
0096-2961 Bulletin of the United States National Museum G. P. O.
0008-0705 Bulletin of the University College of Medicine, Calcutta University University College of Medicine
0025-438X Bulletin of the University of Maryland School of Medicine and College of Physicians and Surgeons University of Maryland (1812-1920). School of Medicine and College of Physicians and Surgeons.
0366-3353 Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture. Series B, Agriculture and biology University of Osaka Prefecture
0366-4821 Bulletin of the Vancouver Medical Association Vancouver Medical Association; Canadian Medical Association.
0042-4870 Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy National Veterinary Research Institute.
2300-3235 Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy (e-vir) National Veterinary Research Institute
0096-6959 Bulletin of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia Wagner Free Institute of Science.
0513-1812 Bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical School Yamaguchi Kenritsu Ika Daigaku, Medical Library; Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
0040-8891 Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College Tokyo Shika Daigaku Shuppan-bu
0040-8921 Bulletin of Tokyo Medical and Dental University Tokyo Ika Shika Daigaku
0099-4944 Bulletin of Tufts New England Medical Center
0474-7844 Bulletin of University of Osaka Prefecture. Series A; Engineering and natural sciences Osaka Furitsu Daigaku.
0258-8900 Bulletin of volcanology Springer
1432-0819 Bulletin of volcanology (e-vir) Springer
0366-4864 Bulletin of war medicine Medical Research Council (Great Britain); Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases.; Great Britain.
0096-1833 Bulletin - Oklahoma Planning and Resources Board, Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources.
0007-523X Bulletin on narcotics United Nations; Division of Narcotics Drugs
0713-2328 Bulletin - Ontario Department of Agriculture Ontario. Dept. of Agriculture.; Ontario Agricultural College.
0007-5248 Bulletin on the rheumatic diseases The Foundation
0096-4883 Bulletin - Pacific Rocket Society Pacific Rocket Society.
0126-1436 Bulletin penelitian hortikultura Lembaga Penelitian Hortikultura.
0548-6696 Bulletin P - New South Wales Department of Agriculture. Division of Plant Industry New South Wales Dep of Agriculture.
0231-9950 Bulletin potravinárskeho výskumu Výskumný ústav potravinársky
0376-0162 Bulletin - Psychopharmacology Service Center
0534-7157 Bulletin RILEM Réunion internationale des laboratoires d'essais et de recherches sur les matériaux et les constructions.; International Association of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures.; RILEM.
0370-6559 Bulletin - Royal Society of New Zealand The Royal Society of New Zealand.
0099-9571 Bulletin - Rutgers University, Bureau of Mineral Research
0366-4430 Bulletins Pusat Penyelidekan Perubatan
0376-2475 Bulletin - School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin Extension Division
0350-1558 Bulletin scientifique Conseil des académies des sciences et des arts de la RSF de Yougoslavie
0368-962X Bulletin scientifique France. Section technique d'agriculture tropicale.
0581-8702 Bulletin Scientifique - Conseil des Academies de la RSF de Yougoslavie Conseil des academies de la RSF de Yougoslavie
0366-3345 Bulletin scientifique de l'Institut textile de France Institut Textile de France
0366-4600 Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique O. Doin,; Georges Carré :; Paul Klincksieck ;; Dulau & Co ;; Friedländer & Sohn,; Laboratoire d'évolution des êtres organisés :; Georges Carré :; Paul Klincksieck ;; Dulau & Co ;; Friedländer & Sohn,; Laboratoire d'évolution des êtres organisés,; Laboratoire d'évolution des êtres organisés :; Paul Klincksieck ;; Dulau & Co ;; Friedländer & Sohn,; Laboratoire d'évolution des êtres organisés :; Léon Lhomme ;; Dulau & Co ;; Friedländer & Sohn,; Laboratoire d'évolution des êtres organisés :; Léon Lhomme ;; Dulau & Co,
0516-6012 Bulletin scientifique et économique du Bureau de recherches minières de l'Algérie Bureau de recherches minières de l'Algérie.; B.R.M.A.
0366-4627 Bulletin scientifique et industriel de la Maison Roure-Bertrand fils de Grasse Roure (Firme)
0366-3183 Bulletin Sécheron SA des ateliers de Sécheron (Genève)
0095-6015 Bulletin series - Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station.
0366-130X Bulletins et Mémoires de l'Ecole Nationale de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Dakar Ecole nationale de médecine et de pharmacie de Dakar.
0366-2551 Bulletins et mémoires de l'Ecole préparatoire de médecine et de pharmacie de Dakar Ecole préparatoire de médecine et de pharmacie de Dakar.
0366-1229 Bulletins et mémoires de la Faculté mixte de médecine et de pharmacie de Dakar Faculté mixte de médecine et de pharmacie de Dakar.
0366-466X Bulletins et mémoires de la Société de chirurgie de Paris Académie nationale de chirurgie (France)
0366-1334 Bulletins et mémoires de la Société médicale des hôpitaux de Paris [s.n.],
0366-4503 Bulletins et mémoires de la Société nationale de chirurgie Académie nationale de chirurgie (France)
0587-1433 Bulletins from the Ecological Research Committee Swedish Natural Science Research Council.
0322-7960 Bulletin Skloprojektu Skloprojekt, Oborové středisko VTEI
0465-4102 Bulletins - Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute.; MSIRI.
0366-0656 Bulletins of Indian Industrial Research [s.n.]
0445-622X Bulletins of the Geological Survey of India Mgr of Publications
0536-8782 Bulletins of the Geological Survey of India Mgr of Publications
0372-5898 Bulletins of the Geological Survey of Victoria Dept. of Mines.
0097-2274 Bulletin - South Dakota School of Mines, Departments of Geology and Mineralogy South Dakota School of Mines, Departments of Geology and Mineralogy.
0097-3238 Bulletin - State of Indiana, Indiana Department of Conservation, Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources,
0096-9508 Bulletin - State of Maryland, Board of Natural Resources, Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources State of Maryland, Board of Natural Resources, Dept. of Geology, Mines and Water Resources,
0096-5553 Bulletin - State of New York, Water Resources Commission New York (State).; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0585-847X Bulletin - Sudan, Geological Survey Department Geological Survey Dep.
0491-4457 Bulletin - Sudan, Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture.
0516-5288 Bulletins - University of Alberta, Faculty of Agriculture
0371-7216 Bulletin - Tanganyika, Geological Survey Department Government Printer.
0494-8491 Bulletin - Tea Research Institute of Ceylon Tea Research Institute of Ceylon.
0370-0542 Bulletin technique Gattefossé.
0397-7617 Bulletin technique Gattefossé.
0042-2355 Bulletin technique. Valorisation et utilisation des combustibles Institut national des industries charbonnières.
0379-2986 Bulletin technique "Polymères" Institut national des industries extractives.
0366-0273 Bulletin Technique AIBr A.I.B.R..
0375-894X Bulletin technique d'information des ingénieurs des services agricoles Ministère de l'agriculture
0366-3671 Bulletin technique de la Société française des constructions Babcock and Wilcox Société française des constructions Babcock and Wilcox
0007-5744 Bulletin technique de la suisse romande SEATU
0376-0502 Bulletin - Texas, Water Commission
0096-9591 Bulletin - Texas Board of Water Engineers Board of Water Engineers.
0037-9441 Bulletin trimestriel Société industrielle (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin)
0425-9173 Bulletin trimestriel Fédération française des sociétés de sciences naturelles
0501-140X Bulletin trimestriel Union des sociétés françaises d'histoire naturelle
0395-7527 Bulletin trimestriel de la Société mycologique de France Société mycologique de France
0411-4302 Bulletin trimestriel du CEBEDEAU Centre belge d'étude et de documentation des eaux.
0379-041X Bulletin trimestriel - INACOL INACOL.
0567-6576 Bulletin trimestriel-societe des sciences de Nancy [S.n.]
0126-3803 Bulletin triwulan Balai Penelitian Industri Balai Penelitian Industri Departemen Perindustrian.
0139-990X Bulletin Uniprojektu Uniprojekt, oborové středisko VTEI
0099-8230 Bulletin - University of Colorado, Engineering Experiment Station
0372-3976 Bulletin - University of Durham, King's College, Department of Civil Engineering King's College, Department of Civil Engineering.
0096-607X Bulletin - University of Florida, Agricultural Experiment Stations University of Florida, Agricultural Experiment Stations],
0072-1271 Bulletin - University of Georgia College of Agriculture Experiment Stations University of Georgia.
0097-3971 Bulletin - University of Hawaii, Agricultural Experiment Station Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station.; United States.
0096-770X Bulletin - University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Experiment Station.
0192-2688 Bulletin - University of Nevada, Agricultural Experiment Station University of Nevada.
0097-6342 Bulletin - University of Washington, Engineering Experiment Station University of Washington. Bureau of Industrial Research.
0160-3639 Bulletin - Utah Engineering Experiment Station University of Utah,
0096-9605 Bulletin - Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey.; University of Utah.
0165-3075 Bulletin van de Coördinatiecommissie biochemisch onderzoek van de sectie geestelijke gezondheidszorg van de Nationale ziekenhuisraad Tijdstroom
0168-1885 Bulletin van de Coördinatiecommissie Klinisch, Chemisch en Neurobiologisch Onderzoek van de Sectie Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg van de Nationale Ziekenhuisraad Nationale Ziekenhuisraad. Sectie Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg. Coördinatiecommissie Klinisch, Chemisch en Neurobiologisch Onderzoek.
0096-8226 Bulletin - Virginia Division of Geology Division of Geology.
0097-5303 Bulletin - Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Virginia Division of Mineral Resources.
0083-6486 Bulletin - Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Research Division
0366-483X Bulletin volcanologique Stab. tip. F. Giannini
2385-2666 Bulletin volcanologique (e-vir) Stab. tip. F. Giannini; International association of volcanology and chemistry of the earth's interior
0097-398X Bulletin W Pennsylvania. Bureau of Topographic and Geologic Survey.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0096-8072 Bulletin - Washington State Institute of Technology Washington State University. College of Engineering.
0083-8640 Bulletin - West Virginia University, Engineering Experiment Station Engineering Experiment Station.
0099-5134 Bulletin - Wisconsin, University, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Research Division College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin.
0099-3816 Bulletin - Wisconsin, University, Engineering Experiment Station
0361-4425 Bulletin - Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Yale University.
0253-0503 Bulletin - Zimbabwe Geological Survey Zimbabwe Geological Survey.
0366-4570 Bullettino dell'Orto Botanico della Regia Università di Napoli Napoli, Università degli studi, Orto botanico.
0007-5787 Bullettino delle scienze mediche presso Alessio Nobili e comp; Sinergie
0535-8329 Bülten - İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Nükleer Enerji Enstitüsü İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
0371-8204 Bulteni - Turkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Turkiye Jeoloji Kurumu, Genel Sekreter
0407-8780 Bumagodelatelʹnoe mašinostroenie CNIIbummaš.
0365-9577 Bumažnaâ i derevoobrabatyvaûŝaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Бумажная и деревообрабатывающая промышленность Institut tehničeskoj informacii; Институт технической информации.
0007-5817 Bumažnaâ promyšlennost' "Lesnaâ promyšlennost'"
1342-0240 Bunkazai Hozon Shäufuku Gakkaishi Japan Society for the Conservation of Cultural Property.
0038-7002 Bunko Kenkyu Nippon Bunko Gakkai
1343-7860 Bunri gijutsu Society of Separation Process Engineers, Japan.; SSPEJ.
0386-2178 Bunseki Nihon Bunseki Kagakukai
0525-1931 Bunseki Kagaku Nippon Bunseki Kagakkai
0366-094X Bunseki Kagaku, Shimpo Sosetsu Nippon Bunseki Kagakkai.
0386-1899 Bunseki kiki Sanpatsu.
0366-4511 Bunseki to shiyaku Kagaku Bunseki Kyäokai.
1225-0163 Bunseog gwahag.; 분석과학 Han'gug bunseog gwahaghoe; 한국분석과학회
0555-781X Bunseog hwahag Gwahagweon culpansa :; Chiao Liu Publication Service
0385-0560 Bunshiken retäazu Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan.
1342-436X Bunshi Kokyūkibyō Sentan Igaku-sha
1346-8995 Bunshi nokekkanbyo Sentan igakusha,
1345-9082 Bunshi seishin igaku Sentan Igakusha
1345-2355 Bunshi shinkekkambyäo Sentan Igakusha
1344-0861 Bunshi täonyäobyäogaku no shimpo Kanehara Shuppan.
0198-0033 Bureau of Mines open file report prepared for the U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
0091-1801 Bureau of Standards journal of research United States.
1345-5958 Burein tekuno nyäusu Bio-oriented Technology Research Advancement Institution.; Nogyo Seibutsukei Tokutei Sangyo Gijutsu Kenkyu Kiko Seibutsukei Tokutei Sangyo Gijutsu Kenkyu Shien Senta.
0007-6295 Burma medical journal Burma Medical Association
0250-3387 Busan su'san daehag'gyo haeyang gwahag yeon'guso yeon'gu bo'go Pusan su'san daehag'gyo haeyang gwahag yeon'guso
0919-7087 Bushitsu Käogaku Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo häokoku National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research.
0196-8602 Business & trade Welt Pub. Co.]
0190-6275 Business America U.S. Department of Commerce
0007-7135 Business week McGraw-Hill
0366-4694 Bussei Maki Shoten.
0385-9843 Busseiken dayori Tokyo Daigaku. Bussei Kenkyujo; Tokyo daigaku bussei kenkyujo
0525-2997 Bussei Kenkyu Bussei Kenkyu Kanko-Kai, c/o Kyoto Daigaku Yukawa Kinenkan
0366-4341 Busseiron kenkyu Busseiron Kondankai; Busseiron kondankai; Busseiron kondankai; Busseiron kondankai
0521-9140 Butane-Propane News Chilton Co.
0096-4336 Butler University botanical studies Butler University.
2334-3885 Butler University botanical studies (e-vir) Dept. of Botany, Butler University
0211-4305 Butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Ciències Físiques, Químiques i Matemàtiques Societat Catalana de Ciències Físiques, Químiques i Matemàtiques
0210-721X Butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Pediatria Sociedad Catalana de Pediatría
0099-7412 Butter and cheese journal Wisconsin Butter Makers' Association.; Wisconsin Cheese Makers' Association.; Central Wisconsin Cheesemakers' Association.; Wisconsin American Cheese Makers' Association.; Southern Wisconsin Cheesemakers' & Dairymen's Association.
1463-919X Butterworth-Heinemann international medical reviews Butterworth-Heinemann.
0260-0072 Butterworths international medical reviews. Clinical endocrinology Butterworths.
0260-0099 Butterworths international medical reviews. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics Butterworth Scientific
0260-0129 Butterworths international medical reviews. Hematology Butterworths.
0260-0161 Butterworths international medical reviews. Pediatrics Butterworth Scientific.
1436-4883 BWK (e-vir) Springer VDI-Verlag
1618-193X BWK Springer VDI-Verlag
0334-424X Bwlîtyn - Mkwn wwlqny, Mynhl hmîhqr hîhqlyď Agricultural Research Organization.
0917-5814 Byäori gijutsu Japanese Society of Pathological Technology.; J.S.P.H.
0286-2190 Byäotai seiri Nagai Shoten.
0007-7593 Byggnadskonst Byggnadskonst,; Byggnadskonst,; Förlags AB Tidning för byggnadskonst,
0096-493X By gum! Reichhold Chemicals, Inc.
0389-9098 Byoin yakugaku Nippon Byoin Yakuzaishikai ;; Nihon Byoin Yakugakkai
0287-3745 Byori to rinsho Bunkodo
0521-6680 Bʹlgarski tûtûn [S.n.]
0370-8454 C.S.I.R. annual report Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
0007-9103 C.S.I.R.O. wildlife research CSIRO.
0304-5137 C.S.I.R. research report Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
0090-0591 C.T.F.A. cosmetic journal Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association
1970-0393 C+CA Techna Group
0007-9235 CA American Cancer Society
1542-4863 CA (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0007-9324 Cacao Departamento de fitotecnia del Centro de enseñanza e investigación del Instituto interamericano de ciencias agrícolas de la OEA
0366-5186 Cacao, chocolade en suikerwerken Kruyt
0409-7718 Cacao en Colombia Compañia Nacional del Cacao,
0007-9340 Cacau atualidades Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira.
0526-717X Cactaceas y suculentas mexicanas Sociedad mexicana de cactología.
0100-2732 Caderno Ômega Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação
0409-7785 Cadernos científicos Instituto Pasteur de Lisboa
0366-6948 Cadernos mensais de estatística e informação Portugal. Instituto do Vinho do Porto
0193-0044 Cadmium United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Branch of Industrial Minerals.; United States. Bureau of Mines.
0366-5216 Caduceus [s.n.]
0007-9510 Café, cacao, thé Institut français du café, du cacao et autres plantes stimulantes; Association pour la science et l'information sur le café; Institut de recherches du café et du cacao (France); ORSTOM (France)
0526-7528 Café peruano Comité cafetalero del Perú
0821-722X Cahier d'information Université du Québec à Rimouski. Département d'océanographie.
0429-3312 Cahier du Groupe français d'études de rhéologie Service de documentation scientifique et technique de l'armement
0008-039X Cahiers ORSTOM (France)
0029-7259 Cahiers ORSTOM (France)
0007-9685 Cahiers d'anesthésiologie Librairie Arnette
0008-0500 Cahiers d'études biologiques Laboratoire de zoologie et biologie (Lyon)
0007-9723 Cahiers de Biologie Marine Editions de la station biologique de Roscoff
1027-4820 Cahiers de l'Association scientifique européenne pour l'eau et la santé Association scientifique européenne pour l'eau et la santé
0251-0898 Cahiers de l'ONAREST Office national de la recherche scientifique et technique.; ONAREST.
0485-8360 Cahiers de la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université Mohammed 5. Série Biologie Animale [s.n.].
0526-7951 Cahiers de la recherche agronomique Institut national de la recherche agronomique.; Centre de recherche agronomique de Rabat.; Service de la recherche agronomique et de l'expérimentation agricole.
0010-0978 Cahiers de médecine Expansion scientifique française,
0376-7639 Cahiers de médecine du travail Association professionnelle belge des médecins du travail.; Belgische beroepsvereniging voor arbeidsgeneesheren.
0007-9960 Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique Société TEST
2352-4960 Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique (e-vir) Société Française de Nutrition
0366-5291 Cahiers de physique Ed. de la revue d'optique théorique et instrumentale
0008-0039 Cahiers des Naturalistes Les Naturalistes parisiens
0526-8109 Cahiers de synthese organique Masson,
0765-1570 Cahiers de toxicologie clinique et expérimentale Association lyonnaise de médecine légale
0008-9850 Cahiers du Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment G.-M. Perrin
0375-877X Cahiers du Collège de médecine des hôpitaux de Paris Expansion scientifique française,
0373-5699 Cahiers du Groupe français de rhéologie Groupe français de rhéologie
0068-5143 Cahiers du Pacifique Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris)
0008-0241 Cahiers géologiques Cahiers géologiques-Faculté des sciences,
0338-1439 Cahiers médicaux Cahiers médicaux (Villeurbanne, Rhône)
0008-0357 Cahiers médicaux lyonnais Cahiers médicaux (Villeurbanne, Rhône)
0008-0411 Cahiers océanographiques France
0366-7553 Cahiers océanographiques France. Service hydrographique et océanographique de la marine.
0532-3606 Cahiers techniques du Centre national de coordination des études et recherches sur la nutrition et l'alimentation CNRS,
1001-1560 Cailiao baohu Guojia Jixie Wei Wuhan Cailiao Baohu Yanjiusuo,
1001-4381 Cailiao gongcheng Gai Kan Bianjibu
0379-6906 Cáiliào käexué Zhäongguó cáiliào käexué xuéhuì.; Chinese Soc. for materials science.
1003-1545 Cailiao kaifa yu yingyong Luoyang Chuanbo Cailiao Yanjiusuo,
1000-8500 Cailiao kexue jinzhan Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-793X Cailiao kexue yu gongcheng Zhejiang Daxue Chubanshe
1673-2812 Cailiao kexue yu gongcheng xuebao Zhejiang Daxue Chubanshe
1005-0299 Cailiao kexue yu gongyi Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1005-3093 Cailiao yanjiu xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1671-6620 Cailiao yu yejin xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0171-967X Calcified tissue international Springer
1432-0827 Calcified tissue international (e-vir) Springer
0008-0594 Calcified tissue research Springer Internat..
0008-0667 Calcutta Medical Journal Calcutta Medical Club, C. M. C. House
0366-5232 Caldasia Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Ciencias. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales
2357-3759 Caldasia (e-vir)
0366-5240 Caliche Instituto Científico e Industrial del Salitre.
0008-168X California's Health Editor, State Dep of Public Health, Bureau of Health Education.
0008-0845 California agriculture California Agricultural Experiment Station, etc.
2160-8091 California agriculture (e-vir) California Agricultural Experiment Station, etc.]
0008-0861 California air environment University of California (System). Statewide Air Pollution Research Center.
0008-087X California air quality data for .. California.
0093-4038 California and western medicine California Medical Association.; Utah State Medical Association.; Nevada State Medical Association.
0008-1078 California fish and game California.; California.; California.
0008-1094 California Forestry and Forest Products California Agricultural Experiment Station.
0008-1159 California highways and public works Dept. of Public Works, State of California
0096-1558 California journal of mines and geology / California.
0008-1264 California medicine California Medical Association.
0161-9950 California oil world Petroleum Publishers.
0096-1574 California sewage works journal California Sewage Works Association.
0377-8126 Calitatea producţiei şi metrologie Institutul de Metrologie.
1154-3132 Calorimétrie et analyse thermique Association française de calorimétrie et d'analyse thermique.
1873-2984 Calphad Elsevier Science
0364-5916 CALPHAD Pergamon Press
1359-0243 Cambridge environmental chemistry series Cambridge University Press.
0965-6200 Cambridge monographs on particle physics, nuclear physics, and cosmology Cambridge University Press.
0959-6208 Cambridge studies in modern optics Cambridge University Press.
0366-8355 Cambridge University Medical Society Magazine [s.n.]
0008-2074 Camera Heering
0527-3919 Camera Craft
0097-5818 Camera magazine Camera, Inc.
0366-533X Camera World Camera World.
0375-6009 Canada, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Inland Waters Branch, Report Series Inland Waters Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources.
0366-7359 Canada, Mines Branch Investigation Report Information Canada.
0045-4192 Canada gazette Canada.
0045-4206 Canada gazette. Part II Canada.
0045-432X Canadian agricultural engineering Canadian Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Food, and Biological Systems..
0008-2856 Canadian Anaesthetists' Society journal Canadian Anaesthetists' Society
0008-3097 Canadian building digest National Research Council Canada.; National Research Council Canada. Division of Building Research.
0706-6503 Canadian bulletin of fisheries and aquatic sciences Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.
0366-5488 Canadian cement and concrete review Canadian Cement and Concrete Review.
1486-0945 Canadian ceramics Canadian Ceramic Society.
0831-2974 Canadian ceramics quarterly Harold L. Taylor Enterprises
0008-3178 Canadian chemical education Chemical Institute of Canada.
0315-8519 Canadian chemical journal Canadian Institute of Chemistry.
0823-5228 Canadian chemical news = Chemcan Publishers.
0008-3186 Canadian chemical processing Southam Business Publ..
0315-8497 Canadian chemistry, metallurgy Canadian Institute of Chemistry.
0315-8489 Canadian chemistry and process industries Westman Publ.
0366-5593 Canadian colorist and textile processor Westman Press.
0008-3283 Canadian controls and instrumentation Maclean-Hunter.
0366-5658 Canadian Dairy and Ice Cream Journal National Business Publications
0706-6465 Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans
0366-5208 Canadian druggist W.J. Dyas.
0366-7251 Canadian Dyer and Color User
0316-2184 Canadian engineer Monetary Times Printing.
0008-347X Canadian Entomologist Entomological Society of Canada.
0366-7286 Canadian Fish Culturist Director, Information and Consumer Service, Dep of Fisheries.
0037-0002 Canadian fisherman National Business Publ.
0008-3593 Canadian food industries National Business Publ.
0317-1175 Canadian food packer Federation Publications.
0366-7278 Canadian Foundryman
0226-7446 Canadian gemmologist Canadian Gemmological Association.
0008-3674 Canadian geotechnical journal National Research Council of Canada
1208-6010 Canadian geotechnical journal (e-vir) NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada
0704-3694 Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans
0315-5463 Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology journal Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology.
0008-3860 Canadian Institute of Food Technology journal Canadian Institute of Food Technology.
0366-6557 Canadian Journal of Agricultural Science National Committee on Agricultural Services
0832-610X Canadian journal of anaesthesia Canadian Anaesthetists' Society
1205-6685 Canadian journal of analytical sciences and spectroscopy Polyscience Publications for the Spectroscopy Society of Canada.
1496-8975 Canadian journal of anesthesia (e-vir) Springer
0008-3984 Canadian journal of animal science Agricultural Institute of Canada
1918-1825 Canadian journal of animal science (e-vir) Canadian Science Publishing
1183-7306 Canadian journal of applied spectroscopy Spectroscopy Society of Canada.
0700-3978 Canadian journal of applied sport sciences Canadian Association of Sports Sciences.
0008-4018 Canadian journal of biochemistry National Research Council of Canada
0714-7511 Canadian journal of biochemistry and cell biology National Research Council Canada
0576-5544 Canadian journal of biochemistry and physiology National Research Council of Canada
0008-4026 Canadian journal of botany National Research Council of Canada
1916-7075 Canadian journal of cardiology (e-vir) Canadian Cardiovascular Society
0008-4034 Canadian journal of chemical engineering Canadian Soc. for Chemical Engineering
0008-4042 Canadian journal of chemistry National Research Council of Canada
1480-3291 Canadian journal of chemistry NRC Research Press, National Research Council Canada.
0315-1468 Canadian journal of civil engineering National Research Council of Canada
1208-6029 Canadian journal of civil engineering (e-vir) NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada.
0008-4050 Canadian journal of comparative medicine Canadian Veterinary Medical Association.
0316-5957 Canadian journal of comparative medicine and veterinary science National Business Publications.
1499-2671 Canadian journal of diabetes Canadian Diabetes Association = Association canadienne du diabète.
2352-3840 Canadian journal of diabetes (e-vir) Canadian Diabetes Association; Elsevier
1480-3313 Canadian journal of earth sciences National Research Council Canada.
0008-4077 Canadian journal of earth sciences = National Research Council Canada.
1205-7533 Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences (e-vir) National Research Council Canada
0706-652X Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans
0045-5067 Canadian journal of forest research National Research Council of Canada
1208-6037 Canadian journal of forest research (e-vir) NRC Research Press, National Research Council Canada.
0008-4093 Canadian journal of genetics and cytology Genetics Society of Canada
0008-4123 Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy University Hospital, Pharmacy Dep.
0316-4403 Canadian journal of medical sciences National Research Council of Canada.
0008-4158 Canadian journal of medical technology Canadian Society of Laboratory Technologists.
0366-7316 Canadian Journal of Medicine and Surgery [s.n]
0008-4166 Canadian journal of microbiology National Research Council of Canada
1480-3275 Canadian journal of microbiology (e-vir) NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada.
0317-1671 Canadian journal of neurological sciences s.n.
0008-4182 Canadian journal of ophthalmology Canadian Ophthalmological Soc.
1715-3360 Canadian journal of ophthalmology Canadian Ophthalmological Association; Elsevier
0008-4190 Canadian journal of pharmaceutical sciences Canadian Pharmaceutical Association.
0008-4204 Canadian journal of physics National Research Council of Canada
1208-6045 Canadian journal of physics NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada.
0008-4212 Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology National Research Council of Canada
1205-7541 Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada.
0706-0661 Canadian journal of plant pathology = Canadian Phytopathological Society.
1715-2992 Canadian journal of plant pathology = Canadian Phytopathological Society
1918-1833 Canadian journal of plant science (e-vir) Canadian Science Publishing
0008-4220 Canadian Journal of Plant Science Agricultural Institute of Canada
0008-4263 Canadian journal of public health = Canadian Public Health Association.
1920-7476 Canadian journal of public health = Canadian Public Health Association
1712-7971 Canadian journal of remote sensing (e-vir) Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
0315-2030 Canadian journal of research National Research Council of Canada
0366-7383 Canadian journal of research Micromedia
0366-7391 Canadian journal of research National Research Council of Canada
1923-4287 Canadian journal of research NRC Research Press
0366-6581 Canadian Journal of Research National Research Council of Canada.
0366-7413 Canadian Journal of Research National Research Council of Canada.
0366-743X Canadian Journal of Research National Research Council of Canada.
0366-7405 Canadian journal of research. Section C, Botanical sciences National Research Council of Canada.
1918-1841 Canadian journal of soil science (e-vir) Canadian Science Publishing
0008-4271 Canadian Journal of Soil Science Agricultural Institute of Canada.
0045-5105 Canadian journal of spectroscopy Spectroscopy Society of Canada.
0833-1235 Canadian journal of sport sciences Canadian Association of Sport Sciences.
0008-428X Canadian journal of surgery Canadian Medical Association
0315-2014 Canadian journal of technology National Research Council
0830-9000 Canadian journal of veterinary research = Canadian Veterinary Medical Association = Association canadienne des vétérinaires
0008-4301 Canadian journal of zoology National Research Council of Canada
1480-3283 Canadian journal of zoology (e-vir) National Research Council Canada.
0317-2767 Canadian machinery Maclean-Hunter
0008-4379 Canadian machinery and metalworking MacLean-Hunter Pub.,
0706-6473 Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.
0008-4409 Canadian Medical Association journal Canadian Medical Association
0008-4433 Canadian metallurgical quarterly Pergamon
1879-1395 Canadian metallurgical quarterly (e-vir) Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
0316-9634 Canadian metals Hugh C. MacLean Pub..
0316-9626 Canadian metalworking Southam Business Pub..
0316-960X Canadian metalworking production Southam Business Pub..
0317-1930 Canadian milling & feed Sanford Evans Pub.
0008-4476 Canadian mineralogist Mineralogical Association of Canada.
0008-4484 Canadian mining and metallurgical bulletin Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
0008-4492 Canadian mining journal National Business Publ.
0366-7197 Canadian municipal utilities Southam Business Publications
0366-7219 Canadian Nuclear Association Report Canadian Nuclear Association.
0576-5811 Canadian nuclear technology Maclean-Hunter.
0008-4654 Canadian packaging Rogers Media etc.
1929-6592 Canadian packaging (e-vir) Business Information Group Inc.
0008-4662 Canadian paint and finishing Maclean-Hunter.
0315-8586 Canadian paint and varnish Maclean-Hunter.
0317-199X Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal Canadian Pharmaceutical Association.
0317-6401 Canadian plains proceedings University of Regina. Canadian Plains Research Center.
0008-4778 Canadian plastics Southam Business Publ.
0008-4824 Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal Canadian Psychiatric Association.
0008-4867 Canadian pulp and paper industry Maclean-Hunter
0319-1974 Canadian research Maclean-Hunter
0008-493X Canadian research and development Maclean-Hunter
0706-6481 Canadian special publication of fisheries and aquatic sciences Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.
0008-5057 Canadian spectroscopy Spectroscopic Society of Canada.
0706-6457 Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.
0008-5170 Canadian textile journal Canadian Textile Journal Pub. Co. etc.
0008-5286 Canadian veterinary journal Canadian Veterinary Medical Assoc.
0366-5267 Canapa Consorzio industriale canapien.
0008-543X Cancer Wiley; American Cancer Society
0366-5283 Cancer Ligue nationale belge contre le cancer.
1097-0142 Cancer (e-vir) Wiley; American Cancer Society
0305-7232 Cancer biochemistry biophysics Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
1538-4047 Cancer biology & therapy Landes Bioscience
1555-8576 Cancer biology & therapy (e-vir) Landes Bioscience
0198-6473 Cancer biology reviews Marcel Dekker,
1062-8401 Cancer biotherapy Mary Ann Liebert
1084-9785 Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticals Mary Ann Liebert
1557-8852 Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticals (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0342-8893 Cancer campaign Fischer.
1535-6108 Cancer cell Cell Press
1878-3686 Cancer cell (e-vir) Elsevier
1475-2867 Cancer cell international (e-vir) BioMed Central
0743-2194 Cancer cells Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
1042-2196 Cancer cells Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
0921-4410 Cancer chemotherapy and biological response modifiers Elsevier
0344-5704 Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology Springer
1432-0843 Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology Springer
0069-0112 Cancer chemotherapy reports National Cancer Institute (U.S.); National Cancer Institute (U.S.).; National Institutes of Health (U.S.)
0069-0120 Cancer chemotherapy reports National Cancer Institute (U.S.); National Cancer Institute (U.S.).; National Institutes of Health (U.S.)
0069-0139 Cancer chemotherapy reports National Cancer Institute (U.S.).; National Cancer Institute (U.S.).; National Cancer Institute (U.S.).; National Institutes of Health (U.S.)
0576-6559 Cancer chemotherapy reports National Cancer Institute (U.S.); Cancer Chemotherapy National Service Center (U.S.)
0190-1206 Cancer clinical trials Masson Pub. USA.
0955-3541 Cancer communications Pergamon.
0576-6621 Cancer cytology Papanicolaou Cancer Research Institute.; Cancer Cytology Foundation of America.; Pan American Cancer Cytology Society.; National Cancer Cytology Center.
0361-090X Cancer detection and prevention Alan R. Liss
1873-443X Cancer detection and prevention (e-vir) International Study Group for the Detection and Prevention of Cancer; International Society for Preventive Oncology
0732-9482 Cancer drug delivery M.A. Liebert,
1055-9965 Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention American Association for Cancer Research
1538-7755 Cancer epidemiology biomarkers & prevention (e-vir) American Association for Cancer Research
0311-306X Cancer forum Australian Cancer Soc..
1344-8919 Cancer frontier Iyaku Jäanarusha
0929-1903 Cancer gene therapy Appleton & Lange
1476-5500 Cancer gene therapy (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0165-4608 Cancer genetics and cytogenetics Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
1109-6535 Cancer genomics & proteomics International Institute of Anticancer Research
1790-6245 Cancer Genomics & Proteomics Iäoannäis Deläinasios
1432-0851 Cancer immunology, immunotherapy Springer
0340-7004 Cancer immunology and immunotherapy Springer International
1176-9351 Cancer informatics (e-vir) Libertas Academica
0735-7907 Cancer investigation Marcel Dekker
1532-4192 Cancer investigation (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0304-3835 Cancer letters Elsevier
1872-7980 Cancer letters Elsevier Science
0167-7659 Cancer metastasis reviews Nijhoff
1573-7233 Cancer metastasis reviews (e-vir) Kluwer
1110-5313 Cancer Molecular Biology Ain Shams University
0008-5472 Cancer research Waverly Press
1538-7445 Cancer research (e-vir) American Association for Cancer Research
0892-0001 Cancer research monographs Praeger,
1347-9032 Cancer science Japanese Cancer Association
1349-7006 Cancer science Japanese Cancer Association
0261-2429 Cancer surveys Oxford University Press
0927-3042 Cancer treatment and research
0361-5960 Cancer treatment reports U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health
0305-7372 Cancer treatment reviews Academic Press
1532-1967 Cancer treatment reviews (e-vir) Elsevier
0008-5480 Cancro Istituto di Oncologia dell'Ospedale Maggiore di S. Giovanni Battista e della Cita di Torino.
0008-5553 Cane Growers Quarterly Bulletin Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations, Queensland.
0705-5196 CANMET report Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology.
0008-557X Canner/packer Triad Pub. Co.
0096-0713 Canning age Vance Pub. Corp..
0008-560X Canning Trade ????.
0713-7052 CanPlast Mary Nash Information Services.
0257-4799 Canye kexue Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan Canye Yanjiusuo,
1154-1105 Caoutchoucs & plastiques Société d'expansion technique et économique
0366-5550 Caoutchoucs et latex artificiels Editions textile et technique,
1001-0629 Caoye kexue Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0096-1590 Carbide engineering Society of Carbide Engineers.
0576-7172 Carbohydrate chemistry Chemical Society (Great Britain)
1073-5070 Carbohydrate letters Harwood Academic Publishers.
0144-8617 Carbohydrate polymers Applied Science Publishers
1879-1344 Carbohydrate polymers (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0008-6215 Carbohydrate research Elsevier
1873-426X Carbohydrate research (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0008-6223 Carbon Pergamon Press.
1873-3891 Carbon (e-vir) Elsevier
0891-2556 Carbonates and evaporites Northeastern Science Foundation, Inc.
1878-5212 Carbonates and evaporites Springer
1750-0680 Carbon balance and management (e-vir) BioMed Central
0193-0036 Carbon black U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
0366-7901 Carbone Federazione naz. fascista commercianti dei combustibili solidi.
0305-9545 Carbonization research report British Carbonization Research Assoc.
0143-3334 Carcinogenesis IRL Press Limited
1460-2180 Carcinogenesis (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0147-4006 Carcinogenesis. A comprehensive survey Raven Press,
0145-0115 Carcinogenesis technical report series Carcinogenesis Program (U.S.)
0915-874X Cardiac practice Medikaru Rebyäusha.
0366-5313 Cardiologia S. Karger,
0008-6339 Cardiologia pratica Edizioni mediche italiane.
0008-6312 Cardiology S. Karger AG; Albert J. Phiebig Inc
1421-9751 Cardiology (e-vir) S. Karger
1871-5257 Cardiovascular & hematological agents in medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6182 Cardiovascular & hematological agents in medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers.
1871-529X Cardiovascular & hematological disorders drug targets Bentham Science Publishers
0069-0384 Cardiovascular clinics F. A. Davis
1475-2840 Cardiovascular diabetology (e-vir) BioMed Central
0093-3546 Cardiovascular diseases Texas Heart Institute.
0897-5957 Cardiovascular drug reviews Raven Press
1527-3466 Cardiovascular drug reviews (e-vir) Neva Press
0161-5734 Cardiovascular drugs University Park Press,
0920-3206 Cardiovascular drugs and therapy Nijhoff
1573-7241 Cardiovascular drugs and therapy (e-vir) Kluwer
0145-403X Cardiovascular medicine Group Medicine Publications]
1088-7180 Cardiovascular pathobiology Woodland,
1054-8807 Cardiovascular pathology Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
1879-1336 Cardiovascular pathology (e-vir) Elsevier
1755-3245 Cardiovascular research (e-vir) British Medical Association; Oxford University Press
0008-6363 Cardiovascular Research British Medical Association
0069-0392 Cardiovascular Review
0197-3118 Cardiovascular reviews & reports Cardiovascular Reviews & Reports, Inc., etc.
1530-7905 Cardiovascular toxicology Humana Press
1559-0259 Cardiovascular toxicology (e-vir) Springer
2212-4063 Cardiovasular & hematological disorders (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0362-1464 CA report Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0318-0395 Caret Lakehead University. Faculty of Science.
0576-744X Cargèse lectures in physics Institut d'études scientifiques de Cargèse.
0366-5321 Caribbean forester [s.n.].
0008-6452 Caribbean journal of science University of Puerto Rico (Mayagüez Campus).; University of Puerto Rico (Mayagüez Campus).; University of Puerto Rico (Río Piedras Campus).
0411-0862 Caribbean technological abstracts [s.n.]
1421-976X Caries research (e-vir) S. Karger
0008-6568 Caries Research S. Karger AG
0374-6771 Carinthia II Naturwissenschaftlicher Vereins für Kärnten
0375-6068 Carinthia II Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Kärntern
0098-0153 Carle selected papers Carle Clinic Association, Urbana, Ill.; Carle Foundation Hospital (Urbana, Ill.)
0105-1938 Carlsberg research communications Carlsberg Laboratory; Springer-Verlag
0099-4936 Carnegie Institution of Washington publication Carnegie Institution of Washington.
0368-010X Carnegie Scholarship memoirs Iron and Steel Institute.
0148-9739 Carolina biology readers Carolina Biological Supply Company.
0577-8042 Carta Instituto de investigaciones geológicas
0008-7114 Caryologia Istituto Botanico Universita
2165-5391 Caryologia (e-vir) Ex Officina Francisci Pacini
0300-4503 Case studies in atomic physics North Holland Publ. Co.
0008-7335 Časopis lékař°u českých Avicenum
0521-2359 Časopis Moravského muzea. Vědy přírodní Moravské muzeum
0366-5275 Časopis Národního musea Nákladem Matice české
0008-7351 Časopis Národního muzea Orbis
0008-7378 Časopis pro mineralogii a geologii Academia
1461-1236 CAST Rose Ward Publishing.
0008-7475 Castanea Published for the Club at West Virginia University
1938-4386 Castanea (e-vir) Published for the Club at West Virginia University
0342-3115 Castellania Acron-Verlag Bolschakoff.
0008-7513 Casting engineering Continental Communications]
0273-9607 Casting engineering & foundry world Continental Communications,
0008-7521 Castings F.W. Publications.
0096-2198 Castings Gardner Printing Co.,
0008-7459 Cast Iron Pipe News Cast Iron Pipe Research Association.
0953-4962 Cast metals F & M Scientific and Technical Publications.
0008-7467 Cast metals research journal American Foundrymen's Society.
0140-0568 Catalysis Chemical Society (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0920-4652 Catalysis by metal complexes Reidel; Kluwer Academic Publishers; Springer
1566-7367 Catalysis communications Elsevier Science; Elsevier
1873-3905 Catalysis communications (e-vir) Elsevier
0197-534X Catalysis in organic syntheses Academic Press.
1011-372X Catalysis letters J. C. Baltzer
1572-879X Catalysis letters (e-vir) Kluwer
0008-7645 Catalysis reviews M. Dekker
0161-4940 Catalysis reviews: science and engineering M. Dekker.
1520-5703 Catalysis reviews: science and engineering (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1571-1013 Catalysis surveys from Asia Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
1574-9266 Catalysis surveys from Asia (e-vir) Kluwer
1384-6574 Catalysis surveys from Japan Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers; Baltzer Science Publishers
1572-8803 Catalysis surveys from Japan Kluwer
0920-5861 Catalysis today Elsevier
1873-4308 Catalysis today (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0008-767X Catalyst American Chemical Society. Philadelphia Section.
0309-5770 Catalysts in chemistry R.H. Chandler Ltd.
0341-8162 Catena Elsevier
1872-6887 Catena (e-vir) Elsevier
0411-2776 Catholic University of America, Biological Studies ????.
1384-6566 CaTTech Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers :; Baltzer Science Publishers
1572-8811 CaTTech Kluwer
0528-3280 Caucho Federación Argentina de la Industria del Caucho.
0195-8577 Cavitation and Polyphase Flow Forum; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.; Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering.
1879-0445 CB (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0346-6906 CBI forskning / Svenska forskningsinstitutet för cement och betong vid Tekniska högskolan i Stockholm
1347-6297 CBI journal Jouhou keisan kagaku seibutsu gakkai.; CBI Gakkai.
0346-8240 CBI rapport / Svenska forskningsinstitutet för cement och betong vid Tekniska högskolan i Stockholm; Cement och betong institutet
0341-2601 CCB. Review for chocolate, confectionery and bakery Beckmann.
0252-5720 CCOP/TP United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
0100-8528 CCS Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Universidade Federal da Paraiba.
0157-9762 CEA Institution of Engineers, Australia. College of Chemical Engineers.; Institution of Chemical Engineers (Australia)
0008-8676 Cecidologia Indica Cecidological Society of India
0009-2479 CEE. Chemical engineering education Chemical Engineering Division, American Society for Engineering Education.
0197-4548 CEEDO-TR Air Force Systems Command, Civil and Environmental Engineering Development Office.
0009-2436 CEER. Chemical economy & engineering review Kagaku Keizai Kenkyäujo.
0305-7194 CEGB research Central Electricity Generating Board. Research Dep..
0528-9173 Čehoslovackaâ biologiâ Přírodovědecké vydavatelství
0008-8692 CEIBA Escuela Agrícola Panamericana.
1004-1338 Cejing jishu Xi'an Shiyou Kantan Yiqi Zongchang
0092-8674 Cell MIT Press
1097-4172 Cell (e-vir) Cell Press
1475-9268 Cell & chromosome (e-vir) BioMed Central
1432-0878 Cell & tissue research Springer.
1061-5385 Cell adhesion and communication Harwood Academic Publishers.
1023-7046 Cell adhesion and communications Harwood Academic Publishers.
0253-6919 Cell and Chromosome Newsletter Association for Cell and Chromosome Research
0254-2935 Cell and Chromosome Research Association for Cell and Chromosome Research
0730-9554 Cell and muscle motility Plenum Press,
1389-9333 Cell and tissue banking Kluwer Online
1573-6814 Cell and tissue banking (e-vir) Kluwer
0008-8730 Cell and Tissue Kinetics Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd
0302-766X Cell and tissue research Springer New York; Springer
1085-9195 Cell biochemistry and biophysics Humana Press
1559-0283 Cell biochemistry and biophysics (e-vir) Humana Press
0263-6484 Cell biochemistry and function Butterworth Scientific Ltd.; John Wiley & Sons
1099-0844 Cell biochemistry and function John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
0742-2091 Cell biology and toxicology (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-6822 Cell biology and toxicology (e-vir) Kluwer
1065-6995 Cell biology international Published for the International Federation for Cell Biology by Academic Press
1095-8355 Cell biology international (e-vir) Academic Press
0309-1651 Cell biology international reports Academic Press
0163-4992 Cell biophysics Humana Press.
0143-4160 Cell calcium Churchill Livingstone
1532-1991 Cell calcium (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
1541-9061 Cell communication & adhesion Informa Healthcare
1543-5180 Cell communication & adhesion (e-vir) Gordon and Breach.
1478-811X Cell communication and signaling (e-vir) BioMed Central
1538-4101 Cell cycle Landes Bioscience
1551-4005 Cell cycle (e-vir) Landes Bioscience
1350-9047 Cell death and differentiation Edward Arnold
1476-5403 Cell death and differentiation (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0045-6039 Cell differentiation North-Holland
0922-3371 Cell differentiation and development Elsevier Scientific Ireland
1747-1028 Cell division (BMC) (e-vir) BioMed Central
1044-9523 Cell growth and differentiation The Association
0869-4923 Celljuloza, bumaga, karton Celljuloza, bumaga, karton
0740-784X Cell membranes, methods and reviews
1550-4131 Cell metabolism Cell Press
1932-7420 Cell metabolism (e-vir) Cell Press
0160-6700 Cell monograph series MIT Press,
0271-6585 Cell motility Liss
0886-1544 Cell motility and the cytoskeleton Liss
1097-0169 Cell motility and the cytoskeleton (e-vir) Wiley-Liss, Inc.]
1538-344X Cell preservation technology Mary Ann Liebert
1557-8119 Cell preservation technology (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0960-7722 Cell proliferation Blackwell scientific publications
1365-2184 Cell proliferation (e-vir) [Blackwell Science]
1044-2030 Cell regulation American Society for Cell Biology.
1748-7838 Cell research (e-vir) Science Press
1001-0602 Cell Research Science Press
1051-6794 Cells and materials Scanning Microscopy International
1060-9989 Cells and materials Scanning Microscopy International,
0915-907X Cell science Igaku Shuppan Sentäa.
1422-6405 Cells tissues organs S. Karger
1422-6421 Cells tissues organs S. Karger
1355-8145 Cell stress & chaperones Churchill Livingstone
1466-1268 Cell stress & chaperones (e-vir) Churchill Livingstone
0386-7196 Cell structure and function Nihon Saibou Seibutsu Gakkai.
1347-3700 Cell structure and function Japan Society for Cell Biology
0378-6110 Cell surface reviews North-Holland
1425-8153 Cellular & molecular biology letters University, Institute of Biochemistry, Department of Genetic Biochemistry
Y502-6148 Cellular & molecular biology letters University, Institute of Biochemistry, Department of Genetic Biochemistry
0968-8773 Cellular & molecular biology research Pergamon Press
2042-0226 Cellular & molecular immunology (e-vir) Chinese Society of Immunology
1672-7681 Cellular & Molecular Immunology Chinese Society of Immunology
0145-5680 Cellular and molecular biology Pergamon
1165-158X Cellular and molecular biology (e-vir) CMB association
1689-1392 Cellular and molecular biology letters (e-vir) University of Wrocław
1420-682X Cellular and molecular life sciences Birkhäuser
1420-9071 Cellular and molecular life sciences (e-vir) Springer International Publishing AG
1052-5882 Cellular and molecular mechanisms of inflammation Academic Press
0272-4340 Cellular and molecular neurobiology Plenum Press
1573-6830 Cellular and molecular neurobiology Kluwer
1049-0302 Cellular clocks Dekker,
1357-5481 Cellular engineering International Federation for Medical & Biological Engineering.
0008-8749 Cellular immunology Academic Press.
1090-2163 Cellular immunology (e-vir) Academic Press
1462-5814 Cellular microbiology Blackwell Science
1462-5822 Cellular microbiology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1570-5870 Cellular oncology IOS
1875-8606 Cellular oncology IOS Press
1566-0400 Cellular origin and life in extreme habitats Kluwer Academic Publishers
1351-3214 Cellular pharmacology Macmillan
1015-8987 Cellular physiology and biochemistry S. Karger
1421-9778 Cellular physiology and biochemistry (e-vir) S. Karger
0262-4893 Cellular polymers Applied Science Publishers Ltd
1478-2421 Cellular polymers (e-vir) Applied Science
0190-146X Cellular senescence and somatic cell genetics Institute for Medical Research (Camden, N.J.)
0898-6568 Cellular signalling Pergamon Press.
0366-6700 Celluloid-Industrie [s.n.]
0366-6719 Celluloid und Plastische Massen [s.n.]
0346-6302 Cellulosa Ingenjörsförlaget,
0008-8765 Cellulosa e Carta Ente nazionale per la cellulosa e per la carta.
0366-6816 Cellulose
0969-0239 Cellulose Chapman & Hall; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-882X Cellulose (e-vir) Kluwer
0576-9787 Cellulose chemistry and technology Editura Academiei Romane
1342-730X Cellulose communications Cellulose Society of Japan.
0205-6283 Cellûloza, bumaga i karton VNIPIÈIlesprom
1073-1180 Cell vision International Society of Molecular Morphology.; Institute of Molecular Morphology.
0204-238X Čelovek i biosfera Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta.
0204-6377 Celuloza i hartiâ Ministerstvo na gorite i gorskata promišlenost.
0008-879X Celuloză şi hârtie Ministerul Industriei Chimice
1220-9848 Celulozǎ şi hǎrtie Technical association for Romanian pulp and paper industry
0008-8803 Cement Cement Manufacturers' Association.
0008-882X Cement JUCEMA, poslovno udruženje jugoslavenskih proizvođača cementa i azbest cement
0041-4867 Cement Izdatel'stvo literatury po stroitel'stvu. Leningradskoe otdelenie
0097-4722 Cement Progress Pub. Co.
0364-0876 Cement United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Branch of Industrial Minerals.; United States. Bureau of Mines.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0366-7057 Cement Zjednoczenie Fabryk Cementu
0528-3671 Cement Consultants Bureau.
0149-6123 Cement, concrete and aggregates American Society for Testing and Materials
0008-8862 Cement, Lime and Gravel British Limemaster
0322-7162 Cement, vápno, azbestocement, sádra SNTL - Nakladatelství technické literatury
1425-8129 Cement, Wapno, Beton Stowarzyszenie Producentów Cementu i Wapna.; Stowarzyszenie Producentów Cementu.
0008-8897 Cement, Wapno, Gips Arkady
0008-8870 Cement & Betong Svenska cementföreningen.
1873-393X Cement & concrete composites (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0958-9465 Cement & Concrete Composites Elsevier Applied Science
0097-3998 Cement age Cement Age Co.
0366-6921 Cement and cement manufacture Concrete Publications
0008-8846 Cement and concrete research Pergamon Press
1873-3948 Cement and concrete research (e-vir) Pergamon
Y503-0927 Cement and concrete research (e-vir) Pergamon
0096-0152 Cement and engineering news Cement and engineering news.
0366-5720 Cement and Lime Manufacture Cement and Concrete Association
1607-8837 Cement i ego primenenie Žurnal cement
1610-6199 Cement international
0095-9952 Cement-mill & quarry National Trade Journals]
0008-8919 Cemento-Hormigon Cemento Hormigon
0099-4928 Cement Record
0363-8642 Cements research progress American Ceramic Society. Cements Division.
0008-8854 Cement Technology Cement and Concrete Association
0099-9709 Cement World
0250-3379 Cenąnenmur Hwahag ąNyenguso ąNyengu Bogo ąNyeąnnam Daihaggyo Cenąnenmur Hwahag ąNyenguso.
0120-0275 Cenicafe Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Cafe
0008-8994 Centaurus Munksgaard
1600-0498 Centaurus (e-vir) Munksgaard
0008-9176 Central African journal of medicine Central African Journal of Medecine
0379-5292 Centralblatt für das Gesamte Forstwesen Österreichischer Agrarverlag
1895-104X Central European journal of biology Central European Science Journals
1644-3632 Central European Journal of Biology Central European Science Journals; "Versita"; Springer Verlag
1644-3624 Central European journal of chemistry (e-vir) Central European Science Journals
1895-1066 Central European Journal of Chemistry Central European Science Journals.
1733-7178 Central European Journal of Energetic Materials Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry.
1644-4124 Central European Journal of Immunology (e-vir) Blackhorse; "Termedia"
1426-3912 Central-European Journal of Immunology Polish Society for Immunology.; Polskie Towarzystwo Immunologiczne.
1644-3608 Central European journal of physics (e-vir) Central European Science Journals
1895-1082 Central European Journal of Physics Central European Science Journals; "Versita"; "Springer"
1210-7778 Central European journal of public health Czech Medical Association
1803-1048 Central European Journal of Public Health (e-vir) National Institute of Public Health
1871-5249 Central nervous system agents in medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publsihers
1875-6166 Central nervous system agents in medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
0097-3106 Central pharmaceutical journal Central Pharmaceutical Journal Inc.
0366-5771 Central-Zeitung für Optik und Mechanik Verl. für Spezialliteratur.
0253-5769 Centro Universidad central de Las Villas
0253-5793 Centro Universidad central de Las Villas
0255-8300 Centro Universidad central de Las Villas
0253-5785 Centro agrícola Universidad central de Las Villas, Facultad de ciencias agrícolas
2072-2001 Centro agrícola (e-vir) Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas
0253-5777 Centro azúcar Universidad central de Las Villas, Consejo científico del azúcar y derivados
0253-3065 Ceonmun haghoeji Han'gug ceonmun haghoe
0333-1024 Cephalalgia Scandinavian University Press
1468-2982 Cephalalgia (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0366-5801 Ceramica Federceramica.
0366-6913 Cerâmica Associação Brasileira de Cerâmica.
1678-4553 Cerâmica Associação Brasileira de Cerâmica.
0095-9960 Ceramic abstracts American Ceramic Society.
0009-0182 Ceramic age Business Communications
1413-4608 Cerâmica industrial Associação Brasileira de Cerâmica.
0009-0271 Ceramica informazione Gruppo Editoriale Faenza Editrice.
0325-0229 Cerámica y cristal Ed. Ciclo
0196-6219 Ceramic engineering and science proceedings American Ceramic Society
0009-0212 Ceramic forum [publisher not identified]
0366-8010 Ceramiche e Laterizi Federazione nazionale fascista degli industriali della ceramica e dei laterizi.
0009-0220 Ceramic industry Cahners Pub. Co., etc.
0009-0301 Ceramics Turret Press
0366-8002 Ceramics College of Ceramic Technology
0862-5468 Ceramics Institute of the Chemistry of Glass and Ceramic Materials of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic
8756-8179 Ceramics and civilization American Ceramic Society.; American Ceramic Society.
0146-5694 Ceramics and glass. Science and technology Dekker.
0272-8842 Ceramics international Ceramurgica s.p.a.
1873-3956 Ceramics International (e-vir) Elsevier
0009-031X Ceramics Japan Ceramic Society of Japan.
1804-5847 Ceramics-Silikáty (e-vir) Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic v.v.i.
1042-1122 Ceramic transactions American Ceramic Society
1505-1269 Ceramika. Materiały Ogniotrwałe Polskie Towarzystwo Ceramiczne, Kraków.
0366-8118 Céramique, verrerie, émaillerie Les Journaux corporatifs français
0366-7863 Céramiques industrielles Association des élèves de l'Ecole nationale supérieure de céramique industrielle (Limoges)
0095-9979 Ceramist Ceramics Pub. Co..
0045-6152 Ceramurgia Ceramurgica SpA
0390-5519 Ceramurgia international Ceramurgica
0524-8140 Cercetæari metalurgice Institutul de Cercetæari Metalurgice.
1221-5503 Cercetæari metalurgice şi de noi materiale Institutul de Cercetæari Metalurgice
0577-3385 Cercetæari miniere Ministerul Minelor şi Energiei Electrice. Institutul de Cercetæari Miniere.
0009-0352 Cereal chemistry American Association of Cereal Chemists.
1943-3638 Cereal chemistry (e-vir) American Association of Cereal Chemists
0099-653X Cereal Chemists Bulletin
0146-6283 Cereal foods world American Association of Cereal Chemists
0133-3720 Cereal research communications Cereal Res. Non-profit Co.
1788-9170 Cereal research communications Akadémiai Kiadó
0009-0360 Cereal science today American Association of Cereal Chemists
0069-2255 Cerebral vascular diseases American Heart Association.; American Neurological Association.; Council on Cerebrovascular Disease (American Heart Association); American Heart Association.
1743-8454 Cerebrospinal fluid research (e-vir) BioMed Central
0146-6917 Cerebrovascular diseases American Neurological Association.; American Heart Association.
1015-9770 Cerebrovascular diseases S. Karger
1421-9786 Cerebrovascular diseases S. Karger
0366-5798 Ceres Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Escola Superior de Agricultura e Veterinária.
0770-1713 Cerevisia Association royale des anciens étudiants de brasserie de l'UCL
1373-7163 Cerevisia Cerevisia
2034-1962 Cerevisia (e-vir) Cerevisia.
0778-2640 Cerevisia and biotechnology Associations d'anciens étudiants des écoles de brasserie belges et du Belgian journal of food chemistry and biotechnology.
0009-0433 Certified Milk American Association of Medical Milk Commissions, Inc., and Certified Milk Producers Association of America, Inc.
0366-581X Cervello
0300-4481 Cerveza y malta Asoc. española de técnicos de cerveza y malta
1210-7816 Česká a slovenská farmacie Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně
1805-4439 Česká a slovenská farmacie (e-vir) MeDitorial s.r.o.
1210-7824 Česká a slovenská gastroenterologie Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně
1213-323X Česká a slovenská gastroenterologie a hepatologie Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně; Galén s.r.o.; Ambit Media a.s.
0009-0476 Česká mykologie Academia
0411-6038 Československá biologie Přírodovědecké vydavatelství
0009-0514 Československá dermatologie Avicenum
0009-0522 Československá epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie Avicenum
0009-0530 Československá farmacie Avicenum
0009-0565 Československá gastroenterologie a výživa Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně
0009-0573 Československá hygiena Státní zdravotnické nakladatelství; Avicenum; Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně
0366-662X Československá mikrobiologie Nakladatelství Československé akademie věd
0009-0581 Československá neurologie Avicenum
0301-0597 Československá neurologie a neurochirurgie Avicenum
0009-059X Československá oftalmologie Státní tiskárna; Zdravotnické nakladatelství; Avicenum; Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně
0009-0603 Československá otolaryngologie Avicenum
0366-578X Československá parasitologie Československá akademie věd
0009-0611 Československá patologie Státní zdravotnické nakladatelství; Avicenum
0069-2328 Československá pediatrie Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně.
0009-0654 Československá stomatologie Avicenum
0009-0700 Československý časopis pro fyziku Academia
0135-227X Četvertičnyj period.; Четвертичный период Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0009-0824 Ceylon Coconut Quarterly Coconut Research Institute, Chief Administrative Officer.
0045-6195 Ceylon Forester The Hony, Editor, The Ceylon Forester, Forest Dep.
0011-2232 Ceylon Journal of Medical Science The Librarian, University of Ceylon.
0069-2379 Ceylon Journal of Science, Biological Sciences The Librarian, University of Ceylon.
0366-8460 Ceylon Journal of Science. Section A, Botany [s.n.].
0366-8479 Ceylon Journal of Science. Section B, Zoology [s.n.].
0366-8444 Ceylon Journal of Science. Section C, Fisheries [s.n.].
0366-8452 Ceylon journal of science. Section D, Medical science University of Ceylon.
0009-0891 Ceylon veterinary journal Ceylon Veterinary Association.; University of Ceylon, Department of Veterinary Science.
0173-9913 CFI Bauverlag
0887-6533 CFTA scientific monograph series Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association.
0369-4666 Ch'ih Ling Hsueh Pao s.n.]
0529-3804 Ch'oesin Uihak Choesin euihagsa.
0366-6123 Chagyäo gijutsu kenkyäu Näorinshäo Chagyäo Shikenjäo.
0528-7820 Chagyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku National Research Institute of Tea, Kanaya.; Tea Research Station, Kanaya.; Näorinshäo Chagyäo Shikenjäo.
0366-6190 Chagyo kenkyu hokoku Nihon Chagyo Gijutsu Kyokai; Nihon chagyo gijutsu kyokai; Nihon chagyo gakkai
0069-2387 Chain shoe stores & leased shoe department operators Rumpf Pub. Co..
1584-8663 Chalcogenide letters (e-vir) I.N.O.E.
1841-4834 Chalcogenide letters I.N.O.E.
0366-6131 Chaleur et industrie Chaleur et industrie
0069-2417 Chalmers tekniska högskolas handlingar
0253-6072 Changchun Dizhi Xueyuan xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1009-3818 Changde Shifan Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-8227 Changjiang liuyu ziyuan yu huanjing Zhongguo Kexueyuan Wuhan Wenxian Qingbao Zhongxin,
1006-7140 Changsha Dianli Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-9779 Changsha Jiaotong Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-9331 Changsha Ligong Daxue xuebao Changsha Ligong Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
1340-3818 Chäodendäo Kagaku Kenkyäu Sentäa häokoku Kyushu University. Faculty of Engineering. Research Institute of Superconductivity.; Kyushu University. Research Institute of Superconductivity.
0914-6318 Chäodendäo Magunetto Kenkyäu Sentäa häokoku Kyäushäu Daigaku. Käogakubu. Fuzoku Chäodendäo Magunetto Kenkyäu Sentäa.
1054-1500 Chaos American Institute of Physics
1873-2887 Chaos, solitons & fractals (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0960-0779 Chaos, solitons and fractals Pergamon
0366-0133 Chäosen Säotokufu Suisan Shikenjäo häokoku Chäosen Säotokufu. Suisan Shikenjäo.
1089-7682 Chaos online (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
1673-1433 Chaoying cailiao gongcheng Gai Kan Bianjibu
0309-6017 Chartered municipal engineer Institution of Municipal Engineers (Great Britain)
0578-2228 Chäuäo Daigaku Rikäo Gakubu kiyäo Chuo University. Faculty of Science and Engineering.
0529-682X Chäuäo Keiryäo Kenteijo häokoku Käogyäo Gijutsuin. Chäuäo Keiryäo Kenteijo.
0366-6182 Chäuäo Keiryäo Kenteisho chäosa häokoku Chäuäo Keiryäo Kenteisho.
0915-8014 Chäuäo Suisan Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Fishery Agency. Natioal Research Institute of Fisheries Science.; Japan. Suisan chäo. Chäuäo Suisan Kenkyäujo.
0910-8629 Chäubu Daigaku Käogakubu kiyäo College of engineering, Chubu university
0386-1732 Chäubu käogyäo Daigaku kiyäo. A Chäubu Käogyäo Daigaku.
0910-1764 Chäudokukenhäo Kumamoto Daigaku. Igakubu. Chäudoku Kenkyäu Shisetsu.
0285-0141 Chäugai iyaku Chugai Pharmaceutical Company.
1340-606X Chäugoku Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo häokoku Chugoku National Industrial Research Institute.
0009-6229 Chäugoku näogyäo kenkyäu Näorinshäo Chäugoku Näogyäo Shikenjäo.; Chugoku Agricultural Research Association.
0366-6247 Chäugoku Näogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Chugoku Agricultural Experiment Station.
0366-7227 Chäugoku Näogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku. A, Sakumotsubu Chugoku National Agricultural Experiment Station.; Chugoku Agricultural Experiment Station.
0366-7464 Chäugoku Näogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku. B, Chikusanbu Chugoku National Agricultural Experiment Station.; Chugoku National Agricultural Experiment Station.
0366-726X Chäugoku Näogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku. E, Kankyäobu Chugoku National Agricultural Experiment Station.; Chugoku Agricultural Experiment Station.
0289-4181 Chäuken häokoku Waseda University. Castings Research Laboratory.
0386-8389 Chäukyäo Joshi Daigaku kiyäo Chukyo Women's College.
0387-0502 Chäutanzäo to netsushori Shin Nippon Chäutanzäo Kyäokai.
1342-0429 Chäuzäo käogaku Japan Foundry Engineering Society.
0377-8428 Chayanicæa geological Hindustan Publ. Cporp..
0577-8921 Chaye Zhejiang Sheng Kexue Jishu Xiehui
1000-369X Chaye kexue Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan Chaye Yanjiusuo,
0340-3335 ChED. Chemie, Experiment+Didaktik Thieme.
0379-542X Cheiron Madras Veterinary College
0069-2867 Chelates in Analytical Chemistry Marcel Dekker Inc.
0703-1149 Chem 13 news University of Waterloo, Department of Chemistry
1210-7409 Chemagazín Miloslav Rotrekl; Agentura pro chemicko-inženýrské aktivity
0270-3238 Chemalog hi-lites Chemical Dynamics Corp.
1439-4227 ChemBioChem Wiley-VCH
1439-7633 ChemBioChem (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl..
1347-0442 Chem-bio informatics journal Chem-Bio Informatics Society
0366-6042 Chemia Centro de Estudiantes del Doctorado en Química.
0554-8241 Chemia Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza
1428-1325 Chemia, Dydaktyka, Ekologia Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej.
1640-9019 Chemia, Dydaktyka, Ekologia, Metrologia Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej.; Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej.
2084-4506 Chemia, Dydaktyka, Ekologia, Metrologia Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
0009-2223 Chemia Analityczna Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
1231-7098 Chemia i Inżynieria Ekologiczna Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej.; Society of Ecological Chemistry and Engineering.; Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej.
0208-6271 Chemia Plazmy Uniwersytet Warszawski.
0376-0898 Chemia Stosowana Polska Akademia Nauk, Komitet Nauk Chemicznych.
0528-9262 Chemia Stosowana Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Nauk Chemicznych.
0009-2231 Chemia Stosowana. Seria A Polska Akademia Nauk, Komitet Nauk Chemicznych.
0009-224X Chemia Stosowana. Seria B Polska Akademia Nauk, Komitet Budowy Maszyn.
0411-8634 Chemia w Szkole "Dr Josef Raabe".
0190-4094 Chemical, biomedical, and environmental instrumentation [M. Dekker]
0095-8395 Chemical, color & oil record Trades Reporting Bureau
0099-6521 Chemical, Color and Oil Daily
1846-5153 Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (e-vir) Croatian Association of Chemical Engineers
0095-9146 Chemical & engineering data series American Chemical Society.
0095-8476 Chemical & metallurgical engineering McGraw-Hill
1347-5223 Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
0009-2371 Chemical & process engineering Leonard Hill Technical Group
0095-8867 Chemical age McCready Pub. Co. [etc.]
0300-3248 Chemical Age International Benn Brothers Ltd
0009-2320 Chemical Age of India Technical Press Publications; Keith and Slater Ltd.
0069-2883 Chemical analysis Interscience Publishers,
0352-9568 Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers
0009-2347 Chemical and engineering news The Society
1520-605X Chemical and engineering news (e-vir) The American Chemical Society
0971-2151 Chemical and Environmental Research Karakush Publishers & Media (Pvt) Ltd.
0009-2355 Chemical and petroleum engineering Consultants Bureau.
1573-8329 Chemical and petroleum engineering Kluwer
0009-2363 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin Japan Publications Trading Co Inc
0277-1128 Chemical and physical processes in combustion / s.n.
2300-1925 Chemical and Process Engineering (e-vir) Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering; "Versita"
1747-0277 Chemical biology & drug design Blackwell
1747-0285 Chemical biology & drug design (e-vir) Blackwell
0009-2401 Chemical bulletin American Chemical Society (Chicago Section)
1222-4022 Chemical Bulletin of the Technical University Timişoara [s.n.]
0731-8774 Chemical business [S.n.]
0009-241X Chemical communications Chemical Society
0366-5607 Chemical communications Institute of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, University of Stockholm
1359-7345 Chemical communications Royal Society of Chemistry
1364-548X Chemical communications (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0097-4501 Chemical composition of Texas surface waters Geological Survey (U.S.)
0379-0428 Chemical concepts [s.n.]
0095-8611 Chemical corps journal Chemical Corps Association.; Chemical Warfare Association.
2832-921X Chemical corps journal (e-vir) Chemical Warfare Association
0517-497X Chemical Division Transactions, American Society for Quality Control American Society For Quality Control, Inc.
0095-8875 Chemical engineer McCready Pub. Co.
0302-0797 Chemical engineer Institution of Chemical Engineers
0009-2460 Chemical engineering McGraw-Hill
1945-368X Chemical engineering (e-vir) McGraw-Hill
0375-9261 Chemical engineering. Abridged edition in English Society of Chemical Engineers.
0930-7516 Chemical engineering & technology Wiley-VCH
1521-4125 Chemical engineering & technology (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl..
0366-6220 Chemical Engineering and Mining Review Tait.
0255-2701 Chemical engineering and processing Elsevier Sequoia
1873-3204 Chemical engineering and processing (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0366-6107 Chemical Engineering and the Works Chemist s.n..
0083-3452 Chemical Engineering Bulletin. Tennessee Valley Authority National Fertilizer Development Center.
0098-6445 Chemical engineering communications Gordon and Breach Science.
1026-7379 Chemical engineering communications (e-vir) Gordon and Breach.
1563-5201 Chemical engineering communications (e-vir) Gordon and Breach.
0577-6074 Chemical Engineering Costs Quarterly
0723-0966 Chemical engineering fundamentals Vereinigte Fachverlage Krauskopff, Ingenieur-Digest.
0375-8699 Chemical engineering journal Loughborough University Chemical Engineering Society.
1385-8947 Chemical engineering journal Elsevier Sequoia
1873-3212 Chemical engineering journal (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0167-4188 Chemical engineering monographs Elsevier
0360-7275 Chemical engineering progress American Institute of Chemical Engineers
1945-0710 Chemical engineering progress (e-vir) American Institute of Chemical Engineers
0577-6090 Chemical engineering progress monograph series American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
0069-2948 Chemical engineering progress symposium series American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
0096-4603 Chemical engineering report Tennessee Valley Authority.
0263-8762 Chemical engineering research & design Institution of Chemical Engineers
1744-3563 Chemical engineering research and design (e-vir) Institution of Chemical Engineers
0379-7678 Chemical engineering research bulletin Chemical Engineering Department, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
2072-9510 Chemical engineering research bulletin (e-vir) Chemical Engineering Department, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
1873-4405 Chemical engineering science (e-vir) Elsevier
0009-2509 Chemical Engineering Science Pergamon Press
0009-2517 Chemical Engineering World Industrial Publications.
0095-9987 Chemical equipment preview Putman Pub. Co.,
0009-2533 Chemical era L.K. Pandeya.
1434-3584 Chemical fibers international Internat. Business Press Publ.
0009-2541 Chemical geology Elsevier
1074-9098 Chemical health & safety Elsevier Science
1066-5315 Chemical heritage Chemical Heritage Foundation
2375-981X Chemical heritage (e-vir) Chemical Heritage Foundation.; American Chemical Society.; American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
1015-0145 Chemical immunology Karger
1660-2242 Chemical immunology and allergy S. Karger
0095-8883 Chemical industries McGraw-Hill
0737-8025 Chemical industries Dekker
0095-8409 Chemical industries week McGraw-Hill
0354-7531 Chemical industry Yugoslav Association of Chemical Engineering
0366-6980 Chemical Industry [s.n.]
1451-9372 Chemical industry & chemical engineering quarterly Association of Chemical Engineers
2217-7434 Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly Association of Chemical Engineers
0366-6514 Chemical Industry and Engineering E.G. Holt Publishing.
0302-7678 Chemical Industry Developments Colour Publications Private Limited
0971-5266 Chemical Industry Digest BLOCKDALE.
0009-2576 Chemical Industry News Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association.
1527-4799 Chemical Innovation American Chemical Society
0009-2592 Chemical instrumentation [M. Dekker]
1523-1623 Chemical journal on internet (e-vir) Molecular Diversity Preservation International
0884-948X Chemically modified surfaces Gordon & Breach Science Publishers
0090-0907 Chemical marketing reporter Schnell Pub. Co.
1092-0110 Chemical market reporter Schnell Publishing Co.
0095-8344 Chemical markets Chemical Markets, inc..
0093-6855 Chemical mutagens Environmental Mutagen Society.
1072-2459 Chemical oxidation Technomic Pub. Co.,
1336-9075 Chemical papers (e-vir) Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences;; Versita;; Springer; De Gruyter
2585-7290 Chemical papers (e-vir) Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences; Versita; Springer
0301-0104 Chemical physics North-Holland Pub. Co.
1873-4421 Chemical Physics (e-vir) North-Holland
0009-2614 Chemical Physics Letters North-Holland Publishing Co
1873-4448 Chemical Physics Letters (e-vir) Elsevier
0142-3401 Chemical physics of solids and their surfaces Chemical Society (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0724-1054 Chemical plants + processing Konradin-Verl. Kohlhammer
0095-9995 Chemical preview Putman Pub. Co.,
0009-2622 Chemical processing IPC Business Press
0009-2630 Chemical processing Putman Pub. Co.; Putman Media Inc.
0411-8812 Chemical Processing Lawson Press Pty. Ltd..
0009-2649 Chemical Processing & Engineering Colour Publications Pvt. Ltd.
0146-681X Chemical processing and engineering Dekker.
0366-7804 Chemical Processing and Engineering Colour Publications Pvt, Ltd.
0069-3014 Chemical processing preview Putman Pub. Co.,
0366-7766 Chemical Products and Aerosol News John Trundell & Partners
0366-7790 Chemical Products and Chemical News John Trundell Publishers
0161-0910 Chemical quality series Kansas Geological Survey.
0095-8417 Chemical Record-Age
0148-7973 Chemical regulation reporter Bureau of National Affairs
2210-3171 Chemical research in Chinese universities Elsevier
1005-9040 Chemical Research in Chinese Universities Higher Education Press
0893-228X Chemical research in toxicology American Chemical Society
1520-5010 Chemical research in toxicology (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0009-2665 Chemical reviews American Chemical Society Publications
1520-6890 Chemical reviews (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0009-2754 Chemicals; United States. Business and Defense Services Administration.; United States. Business and Defense Services Administration.; United States. Bureau of Domestic Commerce.; United States. Bureau of Domestic Commerce.; United States. Business and Defense Services Administration.
0461-0318 Chemical Safety Data Sheet. Manufacturing Chemists' Association Manufacturing Chemists' Association.
0379-5438 Chemicals and petro-chemicals journal Chary Publ..
0379-864X Chemical senses Oxford University Press
1464-3553 Chemical senses (e-vir) [IRL Press]
0302-2471 Chemical senses and flavor Reidel
0927-0094 Chemicals in agriculture Elsevier
1068-5588 Chemicals-in-progress bulletin United States.; United States.
0306-0012 Chemical Society reviews Chemical Society
1460-4744 Chemical Society reviews (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1523-4487 Chemical specialties Chemical Week Associates.
0954-2299 Chemical speciation and bioavailability Science and Technology Letters
2047-6523 Chemical speciation and bioavailability (e-vir) Science and Technology Letters
0945-9618 Chemical technology Europe VCH
0305-9731 Chemical thermodynamics Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0149-2381 Chemical times & trends Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association.
0366-8266 Chemical trade journal & chemical engineer Davis Bros CTJ
0948-1907 Chemical vapor deposition Wiley-VCH
1521-3862 Chemical vapor deposition (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0095-859X Chemical warfare bulletin United States.
0009-272X Chemical week McGraw-Hill
0045-6500 Chemical weekly Sevak publications.
0366-6336 Chemical World J. & A. Churchill.
0004-2056 Chemica scripta Cambridge University Press
0009-2770 Chemické listy Academia
1213-7103 Chemické listy (e-vir) Česká společnost chemická
1803-2389 Chemické listy (e-vir) Česká společnost chemická
0366-6832 Chemické listy pro vědu a průmysl Česká společnost chemická; Československá společnost chemická
1335-8391 Chemické rozhělady Iuventa Bratislava.
0528-9432 Chemické vlákna Výskumný ústav chemických vláken
0366-6352 Chemické zvesti Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences;; De Gruyter
0009-2789 Chemický pr°umysl SNTL - Nakladatelství technické literatury
0009-2797 Chemico-biological interactions Elsevier
1872-7786 Chemico-Biological Interactions (e-vir) Elsevier
0138-2209 Chemie Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig K-G
0366-7154 Chemie, Mikrobiologie, Technologie der Lebensmittel Redaktion Chemie, Mikrobiologie, Technologie der Lebensmittel
0376-4737 Chemie & instrument Leidsche drukkerij
0009-2827 Chemie & techniek Nederlandse analysten vereniging
0366-8274 Chemie & techniek revue Nederlandse analysten vereniging
0577-6236 Chemie a lidé Průmyslové vydavatelství; Státní nakladatelství technické literatury; Institut ministerstva průmyslu; Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická
0009-2800 Chemie-Anlagen + Verfahren Konradin-Verl. Kohlhammer
0009-2819 Chemie der Erde Gustav Fischer Verlag
1611-5864 Chemie der Erde (e-vir) Elsevier
0340-3327 Chemiefasern Deutscher Fachverlag
0340-3343 Chemiefasern, Textil-Industrie Deutscher Fachverlag
0009-2835 Chemie für Labor und Betrieb Umschau Verlag, Breidenstein K G
0009-2843 Chemie in der Schule Volk und Wissen, Volkseigener Verlag
0009-286X Chemie Ingenieur Technik Wiley-VCH
1522-2640 Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0577-6244 Chemie in Nichtwaessrigen Ionisierenden Loesungsmitteln [s.n.]
0009-2851 Chemie in Unserer Zeit Verlag Chemie GmbH
1521-3781 Chemie in Unserer Zeit (e-vir) Willey-VCH
0340-9961 Chemie-Technik Hüthig
0235-7216 Chemija Lietuvos mokslu akademijos leidykla = Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
0009-2886 Chemik Centralny Zarząd Przemysłu Chemicznego w Polsce.; Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Chemicznego.
0366-6050 Chemika Chronika. Section A Enōsī Ellīnōn Chīmikōn
0009-2894 Chemiker-Zeitung Hüthig
0375-8710 Chemiker-Zeitung, Chemische Apparatur Alfred Hüthig Verlag
0366-7472 Chemik o Nowych Urzęadzeniach [Wydawnictwa Czasopism Technicznych NOT]
1392-1231 Cheminąe technologija Technologija.
0392-906X Chemioterapia Tipografia "Il Sedicesimo"
0391-9862 Chemioterapia antimicrobica Editrice Giuntina.
0392-0968 Chemioterapia oncologica Editrice Giuntina.
1389-0433 Chemisch2Weekblad ten Hagen & Stam; Bèta Publishers; Vakbladen.com
0009-2940 Chemische Berichte Verlag Chemie GmbH
0009-2959 Chemische Industrie Verlag Handelsblatt GmbH
0009-2967 Chemische Industrie international Verl. Handelsblatt.
0366-7960 Chemische Revue über die Fett- und Harz-Industrie Allen
0009-2975 Chemischer Informationsdienst VCH-Verl.-Ges.
0300-5135 Chemischer Informationsdienst Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker.
0300-5151 Chemischer Informationsdienst Verl. Chemie
0009-2983 Chemische Rundschau Vogt-Schild AG
0366-7995 Chemische Rundschau für Mitteleuropa und den Balkan Magyar Chemikusok Egyesülete.
0528-9491 Chemisches Zentralblatt Akad.-Verl. :; Verl. Chemie
0045-6519 Chemische Technik Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie
0366-8320 Chemische Umschau auf dem Gebiete der Fette, Öle, Wachse und Harze Wissenschaftliche Verlags-Gesellschaft
0167-2746 Chemisch magazine Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging.
0368-928X Chemisch-Metallurgische Zeitschrift [s.n.]
0366-631X Chemisch-Technische Fabrikant [s.n.]
0366-8215 Chemisch-Technische Rundschau und Anzeiger der Chemischen Industrie [s.n.]
0258-1396 Chemisch-technische Übersicht Verl. der Chemiker-Zeitung v. Halem
0138-225X Chemisch-technische Umschau VEB Kombinat Agrochemie Piesteritz, Stammbetrieb VEB Stickstoffwerk Piesteritz, Betriebssektion der Kammer der Technik.
0009-2932 Chemisch weekblad Sigma Chemie
0378-1895 Chemisch weekblad. Magazine Stam Tijdschriften
0009-3025 Chemist American Institute of Chemists.
0009-3033 Chemist & druggist Benn Brothers
0366-6085 Chemist & druggist export review Morgan Brothers (Publishers)
0095-8484 Chemist-analyst J. T. Baker Chemical Co.
0009-305X Chemistry American Chemical Society.; Science Service.
0947-6539 Chemistry Wiley-VCH
1521-3765 Chemistry (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0577-6341 Chemistry, Oil and Gas in Romania [s.n.]
0972-8376 Chemistry : an Indian Journal Trade Science Inc..
1612-1872 Chemistry & biodiversity Helvetica chimica acta
1612-1880 Chemistry & biodiversity (e-vir) Helvetica chimica acta
1879-1301 Chemistry & biology (e-vir) Cell Press
1074-5521 Chemistry & Biology Current Biology Ltd
1475-5319 Chemistry & industry Society of Chemical Industry.
0111-7734 Chemistry & industry and laboratory management Trade Publications.
1861-471X Chemistry - an Asian journal (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
1861-4728 Chemistry - an Asian journal Wiley-VCH
0069-3111 Chemistry and biochemistry of amino acids, peptides, and proteins M. Dekker
0275-7540 Chemistry and ecology Taylor & Francis
1029-0370 Chemistry and ecology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
2047-6329 Chemistry and industry (e-vir) Society of Chemical Industry; Wiley-Blackwell
0009-3068 Chemistry and Industry Society of Chemical Industry
0737-8033 Chemistry and pharmacology of drugs Wiley,
0069-3138 Chemistry and physics of carbon M. Dekker [etc.]; CRC Press
0009-3084 Chemistry and physics of lipids North-Holland
1873-2941 Chemistry and physics of lipids (e-vir) Elsevier Ireland
0009-3092 Chemistry and technology of fuels and oils Consultants Bureau
1573-8310 Chemistry and technology of fuels and oils Kluwer
0911-9566 Chemistry express Kinki Kagaku Kyäokai.
0314-4240 Chemistry in Australia Royal Australian Chemical Institute
1839-2539 Chemistry in Australia (e-vir) Royal Australian Chemical Institute.; EBSCO Publishing (Firm)
0009-3106 Chemistry in Britain Chemical Society
0009-3114 Chemistry in Canada Chemical Institute of Canada
0110-5566 Chemistry in New Zealand New Zealand Institute of Chemistry.
0250-5142 Chemistry in Sierra Leone University of Sierra Leone, Fourah Bay College, Chemistry Department.
1012-8999 Chemistry in Sri Lanka Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon.
0193-6484 Chemistry international Pergamon Press
1365-2192 Chemistry international (e-vir)
1348-0715 Chemistry letters (e-vir) Chemical Society of Japan
0366-7022 Chemistry Letters Nippon Kagakukai
0009-3122 Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds Faraday Press
0069-3154 Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds Wiley-Interscience
1573-8353 Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds Kluwer
0897-4756 Chemistry of materials American Chemical Society
1520-5002 Chemistry of materials (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0009-3130 Chemistry of natural compounds Springer
1573-8388 Chemistry of natural compounds Springer
0723-6271 Chemistry of peptides and proteins De Gruyter.
0937-2148 Chemistry of plant protection Springer.
1470-0565 Chemistry of solid state materials Cambridge University Press.
0959-8464 Chemistry review University of York.
0129-8070 Chemistry Seminar for Honours Students Chemistry Dept., University of Singapore
1473-7604 Chemistry world Royal Society of Chemistry; RSC
1749-5318 Chemistry world (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1362-9530 Chemists' conference British Steel. Research and Development Department.
0366-6271 Chemists' Quarterly Chemical Society of the Philippines
0209-1267 Chemoautomatyka Wydawnictwa Czasopism i Księażek Technicznych "Sigma".
0937-7409 Chemoecology G. Thieme; Thieme Medical Publ
1423-0445 Chemoecology (e-vir) Birkhäuser; Springer
0169-7439 Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems Elsevier
0045-6535 Chemosphere Pergamon Press.
1465-9972 Chemosphere Pergamon
1879-1298 Chemosphere (e-vir) Pergamon
1608-2265 Chemotaxis and migration VICER Publishing
0366-7170 Chemotherapia S. Karger,
0940-6735 Chemotherapie-Journal Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft für Chemotherapie e.V.
0009-3157 Chemotherapy S. Karger
0009-3165 Chemotherapy Japan Society of Chemotherapy.
1421-9794 Chemotherapy S. Karger
0099-6386 Chemotherapy fact sheet National Cancer Institute (U.S.). Chemotherapy Area.
1439-4235 ChemPhysChem Wiley-VCH
1439-7641 ChemPhysChem (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0379-4687 CHEMSA New Chemical Publ.
0009-2703 Chem tech American Chemical Society
0895-4445 Chemtracts Chemtracts
0899-7810 Chemtracts
0899-7829 Chemtracts Copublished by Data Trace Chemistry Publishers and J. Wiley,
1045-2680 Chemtracts Data Trace Chemistry Publishers and J. Wiley,
1048-7840 Chemtracts Data Trace Inc. and John Wiley & Sons,
1051-7227 Chemtracts Data Trace Chemistry Publishers,
1431-9268 Chemtracts Springer-Verlag; Data Trace Pub.
0267-5900 Chemtronics Butterworth Scientific.
0253-2263 Chengdu ke-ji daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1671-9727 Chengdu Ligong Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-9539 Chengdu Ligong Xueyuan xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1013-0829 Chénggäong dàxué xuébào. Käejì, yäixué piäan Guólì chénggäong dàxué.; National Cheng Kung University.
1002-1264 Chengshi huanjing yu chengshi shengtai Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue Chubanshe,
1000-0550 Chenji xuebao Gansu Renmin Chubanshe
0317-1558 Chercheurs Université de Montréal. Vice-rectorat à la recherche.
0009-3262 Chesapeake science Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
2168-8060 Chesapeake science (e-vir) Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
0012-3692 Chest American College of Chest Physicians
1931-3543 Chest (e-vir) American College of Chest Physicians
0342-6696 ChET. Chemie, Experiment + Technologie Thieme.
0411-9584 Chiang-Hsi Chung I Yao Jiangxi Zhongyi Xueyuan,
0009-3440 Chiang Mai Medical Bulletin Dean's Office, The Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University
0366-5623 Chiba Daigaku Bunri Gakubu kiyäo Chiba University. College of Arts and Sciences.
0069-3227 Chiba Daigaku Engeigakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku Chiba University. Faculty of Horticulture.
0069-3219 Chiba Daigaku Engeigakubu Tokubetsu Hokoku Chiba Daigaku Engeigakubu.
0366-564X Chiba Daigaku Fuhai Kenkyusho Hokoku Chiba Daigaku Fuhai Kenkyusho
0287-3710 Chiba Daigaku Haikibutsu Shori Shisetsuhäo Chiba Daigaku. Yäugai Haikibutsu Shori Shisetsu.
0386-2119 Chiba Daigaku kankyäo kagaku kenkyäu häokoku Environmental Research Organization of Chiba University.
0577-6848 Chiba Daigaku Kogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Chiba Daigaku Kogakubu.
0304-2049 Chiba Daigaku Seibutsu Kassei Kenkyujo hokoku Chiba Daigaku. Seibutsu Kassei Kenkyujo
0009-3459 Chiba Igakkai zasshi Chiba Igakkai
0303-5476 Chiba igaku zasshi Chiba Igakkai
0389-4584 Chiba Keiai Tanki Daigaku kiyo Chiba Keiai Tanki Daigaku; Chiba keiai tanki daigaku
0386-5673 Chiba-ken Chikusan Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Chiba Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station.
1346-9746 Chibaken Chikusan Sougou Kenkyuu Senta kenkyuu houkoku Chiba Prefectural Livestock Research Center.
0386-6742 Chiba-ken Eisei Kenkyūjo kenkyū hōkoku Chiba-ken Eisei Kenkyūjo
1348-2602 Chibaken kankyo kenkyu senta nenpo =; 千葉県環境研究センター年報 Chibaken kankyo kenkyu senta; 千葉県環境研究センター
0286-5599 Chiba-ken Käogai Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Chiba Prefectural Research Institute for Environmental Pollution.
0914-4706 Chiba-ken Käogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Chiba Prefectural Industrial Research Institute.
0577-6880 Chiba-Ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo Kenkyu hokoku Chiba-Ken Agricultural Experiment Station.; Chiba Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station.
0366-6654 Chiba-ken Sangyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Chinba Sericultural Experiment Station.
1348-8457 Chibaken sangyo shien gijutsu kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku; 千葉県産業支援技術研究所研究報告 Chibaken Sangyo Shien Gijutsu Kenkyujo; 千葉県産業支援技術研究所
0385-7026 Chiba Kogyo Daigaku kenkyu hokoku. Riko-hen Chiba Kogyo Daigaku
0095-8603 Chicago dairy produce Chicago Produce Co., Inc.,
0009-3629 Chicago Medical School Quarterly [s.n.].
1341-6731 Chichibu Onoda kenkyäu häokoku Chichibu Onoda Cement Corporation. Central Research Laboratory.
0529-1356 Chieh P'ou Hsueh Pao Zhongguo Jiepou Xuehui,
0366-5933 Chigaku kenkyu Nippon Kobutsu Syumi-no-kai; Nihon chigaku kenkyukai; Masutomi chigaku kaikan
0022-135X Chigaku Zasshi Tokyo Chigaku Kyokai
0577-7534 Chiha Suwon Chosa Pogo Taehan Min Guk Sanggongbu Kungnip Chijil Chosaso.
0366-6670 Chih Kung Yeh
0412-0876 Chih Ping Chih Shih
0412-0914 Chih Wu Ping Li Hsueh Pao Chinese Society for Plant Pathology
0441-0785 Chika Shigen Chōsajo hōkoku Hokkaidoritsu Chika Shigen Chosajo
0009-3874 Chikusan no kenkyu Yokendo
0388-9955 Chikusan Shikenbu shiken kenkyäu häokoku Kyoto-fu Näogyäo Shidäosho. Chikusan Shikenbu.
0368-0908 Chikusan Shikenjäo häokoku Näorinshäo. Chikusan Shikenjäo.
0077-488X Chikusan Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku National Institute of Animal Husbandry, Ibaraki.; National Institute of Animal Industry, Chiba, Japan.; Näorinshäo Chikusan Shikenjäo.
1347-0825 Chikusan sochi kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku Nogyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko chikusan sochi kenkyujo,; Nogyo, seibutsukei tokutei sangyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko chikusan sochi kenkyujo; Nogyo, Shokuhin Sangyo Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyu Kiko Chikusan Sochi Kenkyujo
0386-4073 Chikyäukagaku Nihon Chikyäukagakukai.
0366-6611 Chikyu Kagaku Shiseisha; Chigaku Shuppan Shiseisha; Minshu Shugi Kagakusha Kyokai Chigaku Dantai Kenkyu Bukai; Minshu Shugi Kagakusha Kyokai Chigaku Dantai Kenkyu Bukai; Chigaku Dantai Kenkyu-kai
1342-999X Chikyū kankyō Nikkō Fōramusha; Nihon kougyou shimbun shinsha
0009-3920 Child development Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Society for Research in Child Development
1467-8624 Child development (e-vir) Blackwell Synergy
0366-6867 Chile maderero Corporación Chilena de la Madera
0193-323X Chilton's food engineering Chilton Co.
0148-4478 Chilton's food engineering international Chilton Co.
0360-8565 Chilton's oil & gas energy Chilton Book Co.]
0009-4293 Chimia Birkhäuser
2673-2424 Chimia (e-vir) Swiss Chemical Society
0009-4307 Chimica Soc. ed. La Chimica
0379-5896 Chimica acta turcica İstanbul Üniversitesi.
0340-2088 Chimica didacta Franzbecker, Didaktischer Dienst.
1973-8250 Chimica oggi (e-vir) Edizioni teknoscienze
0392-839X Chimica oggi = Chemistry today Edizioni Teknoscienze
0009-4323 Chimie actualités [s.n.]
0366-6883 Chimie analitică Centrul de Documentare al Industriei Chimice şi Petroliere; Cartimex
0009-4331 Chimie analytique Société de productions documentaires
0009-434X Chimie des peintures Industrie belge des vernis, peintures, mastics, encres, d'imprimerie et couleurs d'art.
0366-7839 Chimie des peintures, des encres, des plastiques, des adhésifs et de leurs composants Industrie belge des vernis, peintures, mastics, encres, d'imprimerie et couleurs d'art.
0009-4358 Chimie et industrie [s.n.]
0366-6433 Chimie et industrie, Génie chimique Société de productions documentaires
0009-4366 Chimie et technique Frameries.
0529-2727 Chimie moderne Association amicale des anciens élèves de l'Ecole supérieure de chimie industrielle de Lyon et de l'Ecole supérieure du cuir et des peintures, encres et adhésifs.
0771-730X Chimie nouvelle Société chimique de Belgique
0009-4374 Chimie thérapeutique Editions DIMEO.
0366-5496 Chīmika Chronika. Epistīmonikī Ekdosis Enōsī Ellīnōn Chīmikōn
0366-5526 Chīmika Chronika. Genikī Ekdosis Enōsī Ellīnōn Chīmikōn
0378-9780 Chimizarea agriculturii Editura Academiei R.S. România
1004-4493 China's Refractories Editorial Committee of China's Refractories,
0731-7700 China business & trade The Company,
0894-2536 China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (World Laboratory) Symposium/Workshop proceedings Gordon and Breach.
1002-1450 China Chemical Reporter Scientific & Technical Information Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry
0366-7243 China Clay Trade Review [s.n.]
0253-9543 China Daily China Daily
0748-6154 China daily = China Daily Distribution Corp.
1085-9063 China daily business weekly China Daily Distribution Corp.
0923-6805 China earth sciences VSP
1003-1189 China Environmental Science Shenghuo-Dushu-Xinzhi Joint Pub. Co.,
2365-9459 China foundry (e-vir)
1672-6421 China Foundry Foundry Journal Agency
0009-4390 China Journal
0366-6212 China Medical Journal [s.n.]
2210-4763 China particuology (e-vir) Elsevier
1672-2515 China Particuology Science Press
1008-6234 China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology Press,
0009-448X China trade report Far Eastern Economic Review
1004-5341 China Welding Harbin Research Institute of Welding
1001-8417 Chinese Chemical Letters Chinese Chemical Society
1479-2362 Chinese journal of agricultural biotechnology CABI Publishing
1479-2370 Chinese journal of agricultural biotechnology (e-vir) CABI Publishing
1872-2040 Chinese journal of analytical chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
1009-9271 Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics Science Press.
1944-446X Chinese journal of cancer (e-vir) Landes Bioscience; Zhongshan yi ke da xue fu shu zhong liu yi yuan
1993-0631 Chinese journal of cancer research (e-vir) Springer
1000-9604 Chinese Journal of Cancer Research Chinese Journal of Cancer Research
1872-2067 Chinese journal of catalysis (e-vir) Elsevier
1004-9541 Chinese journal of chemical engineering Chemical Industry Press
2210-321X Chinese journal of chemical engineering (e-vir) Elsevier; Chemical Industry Press
1001-604X Chinese journal of chemistry Science Press
1614-7065 Chinese journal of chemistry (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl.
1872-2059 Chinese journal of chromatography Elsevier
1993-5145 Chinese journal of clinical oncology (e-vir) Springer
1672-7118 Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology
1443-9573 Chinese journal of digestive diseases Blackwell Science Asia
1443-9611 Chinese journal of digestive diseases Chinese Medical Association.; Chinese Society of Gastroenterology.
1022-4653 Chinese journal of electronics Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Electronics; The Institution of Engineering and Technology; China National Knowledge Infrastructure
1993-0364 Chinese journal of geochemistry Science Press; Springer
1000-9426 Chinese Journal of Geochemistry Science Press
1993-0402 Chinese journal of integrative medicine Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine; China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine
1672-0415 Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine; China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine
1000-3029 Chinese journal of metal science & technology Metallurgical Industry Press
0009-4587 Chinese journal of microbiology Chinese Society of Microbiology; Graduate Institute of Microbiology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
1875-5364 Chinese journal of natural medicines (e-vir) Elsevier
2095-6975 Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines Science Press
1001-6031 Chinese journal of nuclear physics China Ocean Press
0254-4059 Chinese journal of oceanology and limnology Science Press.
1993-5005 Chinese journal of oceanology and limnology Science Press
2309-9097 Chinese journal of physics (e-vir) Physical Society of the Republic of China
2666-0059 Chinese journal of physiology (e-vir) Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
0366-6573 Chinese Journal of Physiology, Report Series
1793-7043 Chinese journal of polymer science (e-vir)
0256-7679 Chinese Journal of Polymer Science Science Press
2325-4262 Chinese journal of population resources and environment (e-vir) Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment.
1004-7646 Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers Institute of Polymer Chemistry, Nankai University,
1607-2286 Chinese journal of the practical Chinese with modern medicine Zhäonghuá yäiyào xuéhuì.; Shìjiè zhäong-xäi yäiyào xuéhuì.
1008-1275 Chinese journal of traumatology Editorial board of Chinese journal of traumatology
0366-6999 Chinese medical journal Chinese Medical Association
2542-5641 Chinese medical journal (e-vir) Chinese Medical Association
2352-4014 Chinese medical sciences journal (e-vir) Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd
1001-9294 Chinese Medical Sciences Journal Editorial Board of The Chinese Medical Sciences Journal
1749-8546 Chinese medicine (e-vir) BioMed Central
1671-7694 Chinese optics letters Science in China Press
1741-4199 Chinese physics (e-vir) Chinese Physical Society
1009-1963 Chinese Physics Chinese Physical Society
1741-3540 Chinese physics letters (e-vir) Institute of Physics
0256-307X Chinese Physics Letters Chinese Physical Society
1861-9541 Chinese science bulletin Science Press; Springer
1001-6538 Chinese Science Bulletin Science Press
0385-7034 Chinetsu Japan Geothermal Energy Association.
0285-1717 Chinetsu gijutsu Geothermal Energy Research and Development Company, Tokyo.
0899-0042 Chirality Alan R. Liss
1520-636X Chirality (e-vir) Alan R. Liss, Inc.
0009-4730 Chirurgia Editura Medicală
0366-6026 Chirurgia [s.n.].
0009-4757 Chirurgia e patologia sperimentale Idos
0366-5895 Chirurgia generale A.C.O.I.; Associazione Chirurghi Ospedalieri Italiani.
0009-4773 Chirurgia Italiana Società Italiana di Chirurgia
0009-479X Chirurgia Narzęadów Ruchu i Ortopedia Polska Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
0366-6298 Chirurgia Toracica Edizioni La chirurgia toracica.
0001-4001 Chirurgie Masson et Cie
0171-0338 Chirurgie aktuell Perimed-Verlag Straube.
0303-6227 Chirurgisches Forum ... für Experimentelle und Klinische Forschung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie.
0386-8109 Chiryäogaku Life Science Publishing Company.
0022-5207 Chiryo Nanzando.
0016-7665 Chishitsu Chosajo Geppo Kogyo Gijutsu-in Chishitsu Chosajo
0366-5542 Chishitsu Chosajo Hokoku Kougyou gijutsuin chishitsu chousajo.
1346-4272 Chishitsu chosa kenkyu hokoku National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Geological Survey of Japan.
0385-8545 Chishitsugaku ronshäu Geological Society of Japan.
0016-7630 Chishitsugaku Zasshi Nippon Chishitsu Gakkai
1349-9963 Chishitsugaku zasshi = Nihon chishitsu gakkai
0009-4854 Chishitsu nyäusu Käogyäo Gijutsuin Chishitsu Chäosajo.; Geological Survey of Japan.
1341-1713 Chitan Japan Titanium Society.
0366-614X Chitaniumu Japna Titanium Society.
0577-9391 Chitaniumu Jirukoniumu Chitaniumu Konwakai.
0253-5459 Chittagong University studies University of Chittagong
0736-4555 CHOC news Center for History of Chemistry (U.S.)
0009-4943 Chocolaterie, confiserie de France Société d'éditions et de publicités agricoles, industrielles et commerciales,
1157-741X Chocs Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (France)
0366-6166 Chomi Kagaku Nihon Shoyu Gijutsukai.
0254-4172 Chŏn'gi hakhoe nonmun chi Taehan chŏn'gi hakhoe
1000-582X Chongqing Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-8905 Chongqing Shifan Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-8348 Chongqing yixue Gai Kan Bianjibu
0366-6662 Choson Minjujuui Inmin Konghwaguk Kwahagwon Tongbo Kwahagwon Chulpansa; Chiao Liu Publication Service
0125-2208 Chot Mai Het Thang Phaet Medical Association of Thailand.
1348-9658 Choudendou Shisutemu Kagaku Kenkyuu Senta houkoku Kyushu University. Research Institute of Superconductor Science and Systems.; RISS.
0961-0901 Chromatin Faculty.
1053-8097 Chromatogram Beckman Instruments, inc. Altex Division.
0009-5893 Chromatographia Vieweg; Pergamon Press
1612-1112 Chromatographia Vieweg
0412-3425 Chromatographic Methods
0009-5907 Chromatographic reviews Elsevier
0069-3936 Chromatographic science [Marcel Dekker]
0940-032X Chromatographie GIT-Verl.
1342-8284 Chromatography Society for Chromatographic Sciences; Kuromatogurafi kagakkai; Kuromatogurafi kagakkai
1026-0234 Chromatography: principles and practice Harwood Academic Publishers
0095-2214 Chromatography newsletter Perkin-Elmer Corp.]
0166-2732 Chromatography symposia series Elsevier
0366-7944 Chrome dur Office professionnel général de la transformation des métaux.
0364-0884 Chromium United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0009-5915 Chromosoma Springer-Verl. New York; Springer
1432-0886 Chromosoma (e-vir) Springer
0967-3849 Chromosome research Rapid Communications; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-6849 Chromosome research (e-vir) Kluwer
1344-1051 Chromosome science Society of Chromosome Research; Society of Chromosome Research; Society of Chromosome Research
0069-3944 Chromosomes today J. Wiley,
0578-0381 Chronica Botanica The Ronald Press Co.
0366-6239 Chronica Naturae Natuurkubdige Vereeniging.
0366-7367 Chronica Nicotiana Deutscher Tabak-Verlag
0377-8258 Chronique aluminium Centre d'Information de l'Aluminium pour le Benelux.
0182-564X Chronique de la recherche minière Centre d'études géologiques et minières; Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières, Direction des relations extérieures
0009-6075 Chronique des mines et de la recherche minière Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (France)
0390-0037 Chronobiologia Il Ponte
0742-0528 Chronobiology international Taylor & Francis
1525-6073 Chronobiology international (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1004-1699 Chuangan jishu xuebao Dongnan Daxue Chubanshe,
1348-3676 Chubu; 宙舞 Jidosha gijutsukai chubu shibu; 自動車技術会中部支部; Jidosha gijutsukai chubu shibu; 自動車技術会中部支部
0914-3777 Chūdoku kenkyū Yakugyō Jihōsha; Jiho; じほう; Herusu shuppan; へるす出版; Nihon chudoku gakkai; 日本中毒学会
0412-3638 Chu Kung
1343-0815 Chūkyō Joshi Daigaku kenkyū kiyō Chukyo joshi daigaku daigakuin kenko kagakubu jinbungakubu tanki daigakubu; Chukyo joshi daigaku daigakuin kenko kagaku kenkyuka kenko kagakubu jinbungakubu tanki daigakubu
0389-2735 Chūkyō Joshi Daigaku kiyō Chūkyō Joshi Daigaku, Chūkyō Joshi Daigaku Tanki Daibaku-bu; Chukyo Joshi Daigaku Daigakuin Taiiku Gakubu Kasei Gakubu Tanki Daigakubu
0125-6483 Chulalongkorn Wetchasan Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
0578-123X Chunchon Nongkwa Taehak Yon'gu Nonmunjip Chunchon nonggwadaihag
0578-1280 Chung-Hua Chieh Ho Ping K'o Tsa Chih
0529-5637 Chung-Hua Chi Sheng Ch'ung Ping Ch'uan Jan Ping Tsa Chih
0529-567X Chung-Hua Fu Ch'an K'o Tsa Chih Zhonghua Yixuehui,
0529-5807 Chung-Hua Ping Li Hsueh Tsa Chih Zhonghua Yixuehui,
0412-4057 Chung-Hua Shen Ching Ching Shen K'o Tsa Chih Zhonghua Yixuehui
0529-5815 Chung-Hua Wai K'o Tsa Chih Zhonghua Yixuehui,
0412-4081 Chung-Hua Yen K'o Tsa Chih Zhonghua Yixuehui,
0412-4219 Chung-Kuo Hsu Mu Hsueh Tsa Chih
0366-6697 Chung-Kuo K'o Hsueh Yuan Ying Yung Hua Hsueh Yen Chiu So Chi K'an
0578-1744 Chung-Kuo Nung Pao
0529-5998 Chung-Kuo Shou I Hsueh Tsa Chih Kexue Chubanshe,
0366-6158 Chung-Kuo Wu Li Hsueh [s.n.]
1225-4797 Chungnamgwahagyeon-guji Chungnam daehaggyo jayeon gwahag yeon'guso.; Chungnamdaehakgyo gichogwahagyeon-guwon
1005-8370 Chunjian gongye Huagongbu Zhijian Gongye Yanjiusuo,
1343-0068 Chuo Daigaku Rikogaku Kenkyujo ronbunshu Chuo Daigaku. Rikogaku Kenkyujo,
0095-9367 Chymia University of Pennsylvania Press
2327-7386 Chymia (e-vir) Edgar F. Smith Memorial Collection.; American Chemical Society.
0009-4919 Chłodnictwo Federacja Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych NOT.
0529-715X Ciba Foundation Colloquia on Ageing
0578-2457 Ciba Foundation Colloquia on Endocrinology Proceedings ????.
0069-4037 Ciba Foundation Study Group Churchill Livingstone :; Williams & Wilkins Co..
0300-5208 Ciba Foundation symposium Churchill Livingstone; Excerpta Medica ;; Elsevier ;; North-Holland; Pitman; Chichester
0366-5380 Ciba-Geigy journal Ciba-Geigy (Basel)
0366-5984 Ciba-Geigy review Ciba-Geigy (Basel)
0007-8395 Ciba journal Ciba (Basel)
0529-7184 Ciba Lectures in Microbial Biochemistry John Wiley and Sons.
0366-6530 Ciba review Ciba (Basel)
0366-5453 Ciba-Rundschau Ciba
0374-0625 Ciba symposium Ciba (Basel)
0009-6709 Ciel et terre Société royale d'astronomie de météorologie et dephysique du globe
1405-6550 Ciencia Academia Mexicana de Ciencias
0100-9257 Ciência Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e Biológicas de Botucatu, Departamento Científico do Centro Acadêmico Pirajá da Silva.
0103-944X Ciência & engenharia Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
0210-0819 Ciencia & industria farmacéutica Universidad de Barcelona
0045-6888 Ciência Agronômica Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências Agrárias
0378-875X Ciência biológica. C, Biologia molecular e celular Universidade de Coimbra
0326-3169 Ciencia del suelo Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo
1850-2067 Ciencia del suelo (e-vir) Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo, Universidad de Buenos Aires
1413-7054 Ciência e Agrotecnologia Universidade Federal de Lavras
1981-1829 Ciência e Agrotecnologia Universidade Federal de Lavras
0009-6725 Ciência e Cultura Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência.
2317-6660 Ciência e Cultura (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência
0009-6733 Ciencia e investigación Asociación Argentina para el Progreso de las Ciencias
0304-5609 Ciencia e investigación agraria Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0718-1620 Ciencia e investigación agraria (e-vir) Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0718-3267 Ciencia e investigación agraria (e-vir) Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0100-8307 Ciência e Natura Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas
0100-3267 Ciência e Prática Escola Superior de Agricultura de Lavras.
0254-0223 Ciência e técnica vitivinícola Estação vitivinícola nacional
0009-675X Ciencia interamericana Pan American Union.; Pan American Union.; Organization of American States.
1131-5253 Ciencia pharmacéutica Alpe.
0103-8478 Ciência rural Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais
1678-4596 Ciência rural (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais.
0009-6776 Ciencias Asociación Española para el Progreso de las Ciencias
1315-2076 Ciencias LUZ, Facultad Experimental de Ciencias
0255-8602 Ciencias de la agricultura Academia de ciencias de Cuba.
0185-3880 Ciencias marinas UABC. Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas
2395-9053 Ciencias marinas (e-vir) UABC. Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas.
0009-6792 Ciencias neurológicas Instituto de Ciencias Neurológicas. Madrid
0253-7397 Ciencias técnicas, físicas y matemáticas Academia de ciencias de Cuba
0254-0800 Ciencias veterinarias Colegio de Médicos Veterinarios de Aragua
0529-7389 Ciencias veterinarias [s.n.].
0529-732X Ciencia y cultura [s. n.]
0185-0008 Ciencia y desarrollo Dirección de Divulgación Tecnológica y Científica. CONACYT
0009-6768 Ciencia y naturaleza Instituto de ciencias naturales
0366-8223 Ciencia y técnica Escuela de Ingenieria Química, Universidad Central
0559-5754 Ciencia y técnica Centro de Estudiantes de Ingeniería La Línea Recta.
0529-7354 Ciencia y técnica de la soldadura Instituto de la Soldadura
1010-1578 Ciencia y técnica en la agricultura. Protección de plantas Instituto de investigaciones de sanidad vegetal.
0253-5750 Ciencia y técnica en la agricultura. Veterinaria Centro de información y documentación agropecuario.
1135-8122 Ciencia y tecnología alimentaria Asociación de Licenciados en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos de Galicia
0864-4497 Ciencia y tecnología de alimentos Instituto de Investigaciones para la Industria Alimenticia
1024-6746 Ciencia y tecnología nuclear Direción general de energía nuclear
1575-3409 Ciencia y tecnología pharmacéutica Alpe
0100-0039 Científica Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal
0137-3676 Ciepłownictwo Ogrzewnictwo Wentylacja Polskie Zrzeszenie Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych.
0379-5616 CIFA technical paper Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa
0317-0926 CIM bulletin Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
0254-5403 Çimento bülteni Turkiye çimento müstahsilleri birliægi.
0376-463X Cimento müstahsilleri bülteni Cimento müstahsilleri Birligi dernegi
1301-0859 Çimento ve beton dünyasű Türkiye Çimento Müstahsilleri Birliægi.
0397-006X Ciments, bétons, plâtres, chaux Septima
0366-6387 Ciment şi beton Institutul de Arte Grafice "Lupta",
1718-4177 CIM magazine Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
0713-7672 CIM special volume Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
0366-6506 Cinchona Visser
0009-6873 Cincinnati journal of medicine Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati.
0392-2960 CI news Ceramurgica s.r.l.
0301-0031 CIPAC monograph Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council.
0305-6120 Circuit world WELA Publ.
1758-602X Circuit world (e-vir) Wela
0366-7936 Circulaire Corrosie-instituut TNO
0366-6476 Circulaire - Centraal Instituut voor Materiaal Onderzoek, Afdeling Hout TNO
0366-645X Circulaire - Centraal instituut voor materiaal onderzoek. Afdeling Corrosie TNO
0008-963X Circulaire d'informations techniques Centre de documentation sidérurgique (Paris)
0367-620X Circulaire - Houtinstituut TNO Houtinstituut TNO
0366-6492 Circulaire van het Centraal Instituut voor Materiaalonderzoek, Afdeling Verf en Corrosie Centraal Instituut voor Materiaalonderzoek, Afdeling Verf en CorrosieTNO
0372-5626 Circulaire - Verfinstituut TNO Verfinstituut TNO
0073-4926 Circular Illinois. Natural History Survey Division.
0073-506X Circular The Survey
0080-6595 Circular Saskatchewan Research Council.
0096-0721 Circular California Agricultural Experiment Station.; University of California Agricultural Extension Service.
0096-073X Circular United States.
0096-4948 Circular New Mexico.
0096-7890 Circular Montana Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-0867 Circular Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-2924 Circular Utah Geological and Mineral Survey.
0097-3149 Circular United States.; Geological Survey of Alabama.
0097-3505 Circular Auburn University.
0097-5516 Circular South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-5524 Circular Illinois State Water Survey.
0099-3379 Circular University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign campus).; University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign campus).
0099-5460 Circular University of Nebraska (Lincoln campus).
0099-5770 Circular South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station.
0100-0454 Circular Instituto de Pesquisas Agropecuárias do Sul
0100-3402 Circular Governo do Estado de São Paulo, Secretaria da Agricultura, Coordenadoria da Pesquisa Agropecuaria.
0160-3647 Circular Oregon State University. Engineering Experiment Station.
0161-2670 Circular University of Arizona. Geological Survey Branch.
0192-2696 Circular Oregon State College. Engineering Experiment Station.
0195-7570 Circular Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations (U.S.)
0275-6218 Circular West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey.
0360-9812 Circular University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
0367-7796 Circular Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture
0462-5773 Circular Instituto Agronomico.
0524-3157 Circular Instituto de Pesquisas e Experimentação Agropecuárias do Sul
0096-6967 Circular / Mississippi Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-0859 Circular / New York (State).
0097-5532 Circular / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.; United States.
0096-7734 Circular - Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, West Virginia University Agricultural Experiment Station.
0366-5615 Circular - Canada, Department of Agriculture
0198-0122 Circular - College of Agriculture Research Center College of Agriculture Research Center, Washington State University.
0418-5188 Circular - Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station.
0366-6379 Circular do Instituto de Pesquisas e Experimentação Agropecuárias do Norte Instituto Pesquisas e Experimentação Agropecuárias do Norte.
0367-0155 Circular - Estación Experimental Agrícola de Tucumán Estación Experimental Agrícola de Tucumán.
0009-7314 Circular farmacèutica Col.legi de Farmacèutics de la Provincia de Barcelona.
0099-7900 Circular - Florida, Agricultural Experiment Station Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
0099-9962 Circular - Florida, University, Agricultural Extension Service Florida Agricultural Extension Service, University of Florida.
0435-4656 Circular - Georgia, Agricultural Experiment Stations
0097-4315 Circular - Georgia Institute of Technology, Engineering Experiment Station
0438-7619 Circular - Hawaii, Division of Water and Land Development
0486-1590 Circular - Instituto de Pesquisas Agronomicas de Pernambuco Instituto de Pesquisas Agronomicas de Pernambuco.
0099-619X Circular - National Canners' Association, Research Laboratory
0099-6378 Circular - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
0548-3255 Circular - Nevada, Agricultural Experiment Station
0096-6584 Circular - New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station.; New Jersey Agricultural College Experiment Station.
0096-6428 Circular of the Bureau of Standards United States.
0099-9555 Circular - Ohio State University, Engineering Experiment Station
0078-4397 Circular - Oklahoma Geological Survey Oklahoma Geological Survey
0079-0613 Circular - Pennsylvania State University, Earth and Mineral Sciences Experiment Station Pennsylvania State University, Earth and Mineral Sciences Experiment Station.
0097-1944 Circular series University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign campus).
0492-8946 Circular - Texas, University, Bureau of Engineering Research
0495-2871 Circular - Texas Water Commission
0097-0514 Circular - University of Hawaii, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Experiment Station.
0096-8587 Circular - Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State Agricultural College Utah Agricultural Experiment Station.
0099-9679 Circular - Washington, Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Experiment Station, Washington State University.
0099-9687 Circular - Washington State Institute of Technology
0511-2656 Circular - Washington State University, College of Engineering Washington State University, College of Engineering.
0512-4360 Circular - Wyoming, Agricultural Experiment Station Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station.
0009-7322 Circulation American Heart Association, etc.
1524-4539 Circulation (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Highwire Press
0264-6900 Circulation et métabolisme du cerveau Société de circulation et métabolisme du cerveau.
1346-9843 Circulation journal Japanese Circulation Society,; Japanese Circulation Society
1347-4820 Circulation journal Japanese Circulation Society
0009-7330 Circulation research Grune & Stratton
1524-4571 Circulation research (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Highwire Press
0092-6213 Circulatory shock Alan R. Liss, inc.
0371-2354 Cirkulaer - Statens Provningsanstalt, Stockholm Statens Provingsanstalt.
0368-3427 Cirkulär Jordbrukstekniska institutet.
0007-8506 CIRP annals Technische Rundschau; Hallwag Verlag; Colibri; Elsevier
1726-0604 CIRP annals (e-vir) CIRP
0009-739X Cirugia Española Paz Montalvo; Doyma1; Elsevier Doyma
1578-147X Cirugía española Doyma; Elsevier Doyma
1885-8465 Cirugía española (e-vir) Asociación Española de Cirujanos
0009-7411 Cirugía y cirujanos [s.n.].
2444-054X Cirugía y cirujanos (e-vir) Elsevier España
0574-9549 CIS. Chromosome information service Senshokutai Gakkai.
0201-8268 Čislennye metody mehaniki splošnoj sredy Akademiâ nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe otdelenie.
0302-6086 Čislennye metody v dinamike razrežennyh gazov [s.n.].
0231-6757 Čistota ovzdušia Odborové informačné stredisko VTEI Hydrometeorologického ústavu,
0041-3771 Citologiâ Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie
0564-3783 Citologiâ i genetika Naukova dumka
0009-7578 Citrograph Western Agricultural Pub. Co., etc.]
0366-6549 Citrus [s.n.].
0099-6513 Citrus Grower
0099-6505 Citrus Leaves
0009-7853 Civil engineering American Society of Civil Engineers
0099-9849 Civilian Defense
0009-8183 Civilta delle Macchine Edindustria
0264-9381 Classical and quantum gravity Institute of Physics
1361-6382 Classical and quantum gravity (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0009-8523 Clausthaler Geologische Abhandlungen Pilger
0578-4697 Clausthaler Hefte zur Lagerstättenkunde und Geochemie der mineralischen Rohstoffe Borntraeger
0366-8428 Claycraft London and Sheffield Publishing Co.Ltd
0009-8582 Claycraft + structural ceramics London and Sheffield Publishing Co Ltd
1471-8030 Clay minerals (e-vir) Mineralogical Society
0009-8558 Clay Minerals Blackwell Scientific publications
0412-7528 Clay minerals bulletin Mineralogical Society (Great Britain).
0366-8495 Clay Products Journal of Australia Australian Clay Products Association.
0366-8487 Clay Products News and Ceramic Record [s.n.]
0095-8352 Clay record [Clay Record Pub. Co.]
0255-7193 Clay research The Clay Minerals Society of India
0974-4509 Clay research (e-vir) The Clay Minerals Society of India
0069-4592 Clay resources bulletin Louisiana.; Louisiana Geological Survey.
0009-8604 Clays and clay minerals Pergamon Press.
1552-8367 Clays and clay minerals Clay Minerals Society
0009-8574 Clay Science Clay Science Society of Japan
0943-6677 CLB Umschau-Zeitschr.-Verl. Breidenstein
0722-6764 CLB. Chemie für Labor und Betrieb Umschau-Verl. Breidenstein
0009-8647 Clean air Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand.
0300-5143 Clean Air National Society for Clean Air
0378-8849 Clean air journal National Association for Clean Air.
1618-954X Clean technologies and environmental policy Springer
1618-9558 Clean technologies and environmental policy (e-vir) Springer
0164-2030 Clearwaters New York Water Pollution Control Association.
0298-6248 Clefs CEA Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (France)
1625-9718 Clefs CEA (e-vir) Commissariat à l'énergie atomique, [Direction de la communication et des affaires publiques]
0009-8787 Cleveland Clinic quarterly Cleveland Clinic Foundation.; Cleveland Clinic Educational Foundation.
0099-6475 Cleveland Medical Journal
1369-7137 Climacteric Parthenon Publishing
1473-0804 Climacteric (e-vir) CRC Press
0009-8930 Climate control All India Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Association.
0165-0009 Climatic change Reidel
1573-1480 Climatic change (e-vir) Kluwer
0366-6778 Clinica Licinio Cappelli Editore.
0366-6727 Clínica, higiene e hidrologia Henriques Torres
0009-8981 Clinica chimica acta Elsevier
1873-3492 Clinica Chimica Acta (e-vir) Elsevier
0391-2035 Clinica e laboratorio Il Pensiero Scientifico
0009-9007 Clinica Europea Edizioni Clinica Europea
0529-9608 Clinica Ginecologica Clinica ostetrica e ginecologica.
1740-2522 Clinical & developmental immunology Taylor & Francis Health Sciences
1740-2530 Clinical & developmental immunology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Health Sciences
1365-2222 Clinical & experimental allergy (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1472-9725 Clinical & experimental allergy reviews Blackwell Science
0262-0898 Clinical & experimental metastasis Springer
1573-7276 Clinical & experimental metastasis (e-vir) Kluwer
1699-048X Clinical & translational oncology Doyma; FESEO
1699-3055 Clinical & translational oncology Doyma; FESEO
0009-9090 Clinical Allergy Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd
1075-7910 Clinical allergy and immunology Dekker
1529-1049 Clinical and applied immunology reviews Elsevier
1878-5441 Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews (e-vir) Elsevier
1076-0296 Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis Raven Press
1938-2723 Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis (e-vir) Raven
0095-4861 Clinical and biochemical analysis Dekker.
1071-412X Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology American Society for Microbiology
1098-6588 Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology American Society for Microbiology
0954-7894 Clinical and experimental allergy Blackwell Scientific Publications
1472-9733 Clinical and experimental allergy reviews (e-vir) Blackwell
0307-6938 Clinical and experimental dermatology John Wiley & Sons
1365-2230 Clinical and experimental dermatology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0276-5497 Clinical and experimental dialysis and apheresis M. Dekker,
0148-3927 Clinical and experimental hypertension [Marcel Dekker]
0730-0077 Clinical and experimental hypertension Dekker
0730-0085 Clinical and experimental hypertension Dekker
1064-1963 Clinical and experimental hypertension Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1525-6006 Clinical and experimental hypertension (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
0009-9104 Clinical and experimental immunology Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd
1365-2249 Clinical and experimental immunology (e-vir) Blackwell Scientific
0308-1494 Clinical and experimental immunoreproduction Cambridge University Press
1591-9528 Clinical and experimental medicine (e-vir) Springer
1591-8890 Clinical and Experimental Medicine Springer-Verlag Italia
1342-1751 Clinical and experimental nephrology Springer
1437-7799 Clinical and experimental nephrology (e-vir) Springer
0196-6383 Clinical and experimental neurology Australian Association of Neurologists.
0888-7748 Clinical and experimental nutrition Dekker,
0390-6663 Clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecology S. N.
2709-0094 Clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecology (e-vir) IMR Press
0143-9294 Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology Blackwell Scientific.
0305-1870 Clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology Blackwell Scientific Publ.
1440-1681 Clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology Blackwell Science
0392-856X Clinical and experimental rheumatology Pacini
1593-098X Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology (e-vir) Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology.
0147-958X Clinical and investigative medicine Pergamon Press
1488-2353 Clinical and investigative medicine (e-vir) Canadian Medical Association
0141-9854 Clinical and laboratory haematology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2257 Clinical and laboratory haematology [Blackwell Science]
1476-7961 Clinical and molecular allergy (e-vir) BioMed Central
1556-679X Clinical and vaccine immunology (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
1556-6811 Clinical and vaccine immunology American Society for Microbiology
0009-9112 Clinical Anesthesia FA Davis Co.
0412-796X Clinica Latina Minerva medica.
0009-9120 Clinical biochemistry Elsevier.
1873-2933 Clinical biochemistry (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0272-9881 Clinical biochemistry reviews Wiley,
1526-8209 Clinical breast cancer Cancer Information Group, LP
1938-0666 Clinical breast cancer (e-vir) CIG Media Group
0047-6706 Clinical bulletin Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
0917-5857 Clinical calcium Iyaku Janarusha
1078-0432 Clinical cancer research American Association for Cancer Research
1557-3265 Clinical cancer research (e-vir) American Association for Cancer Research
0160-9289 Clinical cardiology Foundation for Advances in Medicine and Science
1932-8737 Clinical cardiology (e-vir) Foundation for Advances in Medicine and Science [etc.]
0009-9147 Clinical chemistry P.B. Hoeber
1530-8561 Clinical chemistry (e-vir) American Association for Clinical Chemistry
0892-2187 Clinical chemistry and enzymology communications Harwood Academic Publishers
1434-6621 Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine Walter de Gruyter
1437-4331 Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine (e-vir) de Gruyter
0392-9825 Clinical chemistry newsletter Società italiana di biochimica clinica.
1533-0028 Clinical colorectal cancer Cancer Information Group
1938-0674 Clinical colorectal cancer (e-vir) CIG Media Group
1053-9697 Clinical dermatology Dekker
1750-306X Clinical dermatology Mediscript
0733-933X Clinical disorders in pediatric nutrition Dekker,
1173-2563 Clinical drug investigation ADIS Press
1179-1918 Clinical drug investigation Adis
0300-0664 Clinical endocrinology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2265 Clinical endocrinology (e-vir) [Blackwell Science]
0069-4819 Clinical Endocrinology Grune and Stratton Inc.
0392-1905 Clinical enzymology symposia International Symposium on Clinical Enzymology.
1542-3565 Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology W.B. Saunders for the American Gastroenterological Association
1542-7714 Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology (e-vir) American Gastroenterological Association.; AGA Institute.
0009-9163 Clinical genetics Munksgaard
1399-0004 Clinical genetics (e-vir) Blackwell
1558-7673 Clinical genitourinary cancer Cancer Information Group
1938-0682 Clinical genitourinary cancer (e-vir) CIG Media Group
0271-5198 Clinical hemorheology Pergamon Press
1386-0291 Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation IOS Press
1875-8622 Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation (e-vir) IOS Press
0097-1014 Clinical immunobiology Academic Press
1521-6616 Clinical immunology Academic Press
0090-1229 Clinical immunology and immunopathology Academic Press.
0277-9366 Clinical immunology reviews Marcel Dekker,
1058-4838 Clinical infectious diseases The University of Chicago Press
1537-6591 Clinical infectious diseases (e-vir) Oxford University Press; University of Chicago Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America
1176-9092 Clinical interventions in aging Society for Applied Research in Aging.
1178-1998 Clinical interventions in aging (e-vir) Dove Medical Press
1555-9041 Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology American Society of Nephrology
1555-905X Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology (e-vir) American Society of Nephrology
1527-0289 Clinical journal of women's health W.B. Saunders Company.
0278-5870 Clinical laboratory annual Appleton Century Crofts,
1525-7304 Clinical lung cancer Cancer Information Group
1938-0690 Clinical lung cancer (e-vir) CIG Media Group
0167-4080 Clinically important adverse drug interactions Elsevier/North-Holland
1526-9655 Clinical lymphoma Cancer Information Group
2331-4486 Clinical lymphoma (e-vir) Cancer Information Group.
1557-9190 Clinical lymphoma & myeloma Cancer Information Group
1938-0712 Clinical lymphoma & myeloma (e-vir) Cancer Information Group.
0267-6605 Clinical materials Edward Arnold
1878-6979 Clinical materials (e-vir) Elsevier
0412-7994 Clinical medicine Medical Digest, Inc.]
1539-4182 Clinical medicine & research Marshfield Clinic
1554-6179 Clinical medicine & research Marshfield Clinic
0092-6477 Clinical medicine and surgery [publisher not identified]
1198-743X Clinical microbiology and infection Decker Europe
1469-0691 Clinical microbiology and infection (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0893-8512 Clinical microbiology reviews American Society for Microbiology
1098-6618 Clinical microbiology reviews (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
0301-0430 Clinical nephrology Dustri-Verlag Feistle
0362-5664 Clinical neuropharmacology Raven Press
1537-162X Clinical neuropharmacology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1388-2457 Clinical neurophysiology Elsevier
1566-2772 Clinical neuroscience research Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease.
0069-4827 Clinical neurosurgery Williams & Wilkins
0261-5614 Clinical nutrition Elsevier
1532-1983 Clinical nutrition (e-vir) Harcourt Publishers
1744-1161 Clinical nutrition supplements Elsevier
1878-3368 Clinical nutrition supplements (e-vir) European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.
0009-9201 Clinical obstetrics and gynecology Medical Dept., Harper & Row.
1532-5520 Clinical obstetrics and gynecology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0095-8654 Clinical orthopaedics [Lippincott],
0009-921X Clinical orthopaedics and related research Lippincott
1528-1132 Clinical orthopaedics and related research (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
0009-9228 Clinical pediatrics Lippincott.
0883-7198 Clinical pediatrics [Dekker],
1938-2707 Clinical pediatrics (e-vir) Westminster Publications
0312-5963 Clinical pharmacokinetics ADIS Press
1179-1926 Clinical pharmacokinetics Adis International; Adis International
0892-001X Clinical pharmacology Dekker,
1532-6535 Clinical pharmacology & therapeutics (e-vir) Mosby; Nature Publishing Group
0165-1285 Clinical pharmacology and drug epidemiology North-Holland
0009-9236 Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics C. V. Mosby.
0263-9408 Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics series Praeger.
0278-2677 Clinical pharmacy American Society of Hospital Pharmacists.
0144-5979 Clinical physiology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2281 Clinical physiology [Blackwell Science]
0252-1164 Clinical physiology and biochemistry S. Karger
1475-0961 Clinical physiology and functional imaging Blackwell Publishing
1475-097X Clinical physiology and functional imaging (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1349-4252 Clinical practice; Clinical practice Eruzebia Japan; エルゼビア・ジャパン
0366-7782 Clinical proceedings Medical Association of South Africa
1540-0352 Clinical prostate cancer Cancer Information Group
2374-8435 Clinical prostate cancer (e-vir) Cancer Information Group.
1542-6416 Clinical proteomics Humana Press
1559-0275 Clinical proteomics (e-vir) Humana
1738-1088 Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience Korean College of Neuropsychopharmacology
1365-229X Clinical radiology (e-vir) Saunders
0009-9260 Clinical Radiology Longman
0725-556X Clinical reproduction and fertility Blackwell Scientific Publications
0009-9279 Clinical research Slack, Inc.
1861-0684 Clinical research in cardiology Steinkopff; Springer-Medizin-Verl..
1861-0692 Clinical research in cardiology Springer
0096-0004 Clinical research proceedings American Federation for Clinical Research.
0260-8367 Clinical research reviews Janssen Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
0272-7587 Clinical respiratory physiology Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France); Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (France)
0529-9659 Clinical Review and Research Notes
0731-8235 Clinical reviews in allergy Elsevier Biomedical
1080-0549 Clinical reviews in allergy & immunology Humana Press
1559-0267 Clinical reviews in allergy & immunology (e-vir) Humana Press
1534-8644 Clinical reviews in bone and mineral metabolism (e-vir) Humana Press
1559-0119 Clinical reviews in bone and mineral metabolism Humana Press
0770-3198 Clinical rheumatology Acta Medica Belgica
0143-5221 Clinical science Medical Research Society; Biochemical Society
0144-9664 Clinical science Medical Research Society
0301-0538 Clinical science and molecular medicine Blackwell Scientific Publications.
0144-4107 Clinical science and molecular medicine. Supplement Medical Research Society; Biochemical Society
1470-8736 Clinical science online (e-vir) Portland Press
0366-6840 Clinical studies Elsevier
1879-114X Clinical therapeutics Elsevier
0149-2918 Clinical Therapeutics Excerpta Medica
0009-9309 Clinical toxicology M. Dekker
1556-3650 Clinical toxicology Taylor & Francis
1556-9519 Clinical toxicology (e-vir) Taylor and Francis, Inc.
0196-3384 Clinical toxicology consultant Clinical Toxicology Consultant]
0366-6972 Clinica Medica Italiana Vallardi
0009-9031 Clinica moderna Il pensiero scientifico.
0366-6786 Clinica Nuova Loto editore.
0366-6794 Clinica odontoiatrica Accademia stomatologica.
0366-6808 Clinica Odonto-Protesica [s.n.].
0529-9616 Clinica odonto-protesica e stomatologica [s.n.].
0009-9023 Clinica Ortopedica La Garangola
0009-9058 Clinica Pediatrica Clinica Pediatrica.
0009-9082 Clinica veterinaria Milano, Istituto sieroterapico milanese Serafino Belfanti.
0366-6751 Clínica y laboratorio [Clínica y Laboratorio]
0097-3521 Clinics Lippincott
0261-9881 Clinics in anaesthesiology W.B. Saunders
0262-1614 Clinics in critical care medicine Churchill Livingstone.
0069-4835 Clinics in developmental medicine William Heinemann Medical Books; J.B.Lippincott Co
0300-595X Clinics in endocrinology and metabolism W. B. Saunders Company Ltd
0300-5089 Clinics in gastroenterology W. B. Saunders Company Ltd
0308-2261 Clinics in haematology W.B.Saunders
0260-4639 Clinics in immunology and allergy W.B. Saunders Company Ltd.
0261-9873 Clinics in oncology W.B. Saunders
0095-5108 Clinics in perinatology Saunders.
1557-9840 Clinics in perinatology (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
0307-742X Clinics in rheumatic diseases W.B. Saunders Company.
0097-1863 Clinics of the Virginia Mason Hospital Virginia Mason Hospital, Seattle.
1520-4553 Cloning Mary Ann Liebert
2331-4559 Cloning (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1536-2302 Cloning and stem cells Mary Ann Liebert
1557-7457 Cloning and stem cells (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0115-0405 CLSU scientific journal Central Luzon State University.
1222-2119 Clujul medical Universitatea de Medicinæa şi Farmacie "Iuliu Haţieganu"
2066-8872 Clujul medical Editura Universitaræa "Iuliu Haţieganu"
0379-7651 CM chemie magazine Koninklijke Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging en Technipress.
0306-9532 CME. Chartered mechanical engineer Mechanical Engineering Publ.
0378-2387 CMFRI Bulletin Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
1521-740X CMS workshop lectures Clay Minerals Society.
0098-1494 CNRS research Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France); Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France).
1871-5273 CNS & neurological disorders Bentham Science Publishers
1996-3181 CNS & neurological disorders Bentham Science Publishers
1080-563X CNS drug reviews Neva Press, Inc.
1527-3458 CNS drug reviews (e-vir) Neva Press
1172-7047 CNS drugs Adis International Ltd.
1179-1934 CNS drugs Adis International
1040-7820 Coal Maclean Hunter Pub. Co.
0530-0029 Coal, gold and base minerals of Southern Africa Pithead Press
0009-9910 Coal age McGraw-Hill, etc.
1091-0646 Coal age Intertec Pub. Corp.
0366-7103 Coal and base minerals of Southern Africa Pithead Press
0366-7677 Coal Carbonisation s.n..
0198-8506 Coal exploration Miller Freeman Publications
0364-8621 Coal-geology bulletin West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey.
0749-1948 Coal mining Maclean Hunter Pub. Co.
0009-9961 Coal mining & processing [Maclean-Hunter Pub. Corp.]
0734-9343 Coal preparation Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1545-5831 Coal preparation (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0578-5588 Coal Preparation Thunderbird Enterprises.
0147-1708 Coal processing technology American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
0831-8271 Coal report Alberta Research Council. Coal Research Dept.
0084-9022 Coal Research in CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
0730-5397 Coal science Academic Press
0167-9449 Coal science and technology Elsevier Scientific
0489-8133 Coal survey memoir Department of Mines; Department of Economic Affairs
0095-8786 Coal technology American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers.
0270-3661 Coal technology International Coal Utilization Conference and Exhibition.
0096-0012 Coal utilization Mechanization, Inc.,
0938-0949 Coastal and estuarine studies American Geophysical Union.
1384-6434 Coastal systems and continental margins Kluwer Academic Publishers :; Springer
0160-6638 Coastal water research project annual report for the year ended .. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
0275-8733 Coastal water research project biennial report for the years .. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project.
0590-8450 Coating Brunner Annoncen und Verlag AG
0099-0701 Coatings and plastics preprints American Chemical Society.
0010-0048 Cobalt Centre d'information du cobalt
0364-0892 Cobalt United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0366-7502 Cobalt Centre d'information du cobalt
0366-757X CODATA Bulletin ICSU CODATA Central Office
0379-5624 CODATA special report International Council of Scientific Unions.
0366-7588 Coelum Osservatorio Astronomico Universitario di Bologna
0892-256X Coenzymes and cofactors Wiley,
0010-0234 Coeur et médecine interne J.-B. Baillière
0010-0242 Coffee and cacao journal Coffee and Cacao Institute of the Philippines.
0096-0020 Coffee and tea industries and the flavor field E.F. Simmons.
0163-9161 Coherence and quantum optics Plenum
0366-7642 Coir Coir Board.
0366-7650 Coke and Gas Tothill Press
0366-7669 Coke and Smokeless-Fuel Age s.n..
0730-7543 Coke plant report United States. Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric, and Alternate Fuels.
0010-0528 Coke Research Report British Coke Research Association.
0010-0544 Colada Asociación Técnica de Fundición (Madrid); Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (España)
0165-232X Cold regions science and technology Elsevier
1872-7441 Cold regions science and technology (e-vir) Elsevier
0097-5230 Cold Spring Harbor conferences on cell proliferation Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
0270-1847 Cold Spring Harbor monograph series Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
0276-4695 Cold Spring Harbor reports in the neurosciences Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
0091-7451 Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology Biological Laboratory
0366-8150 Cold Storage and Produce Review Cold Storage & Produce Review.
0210-3354 Colección monografías INIA INIA.; I.N.I.A.; Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (España); Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Technología Agraria y Alimentaria.
0366-7618 Colegio Farmacéutico Colegio Farmacéutico
0366-7693 Colegio Médico Colegio Médico de Chile
0413-3145 Colegio médico - vida médica Colegio Médico de Chile
0366-7855 Colegio Químico - Farmacéutico Colegio de Químicos Farmacéuticos de Chile
0100-350X Coletânea do Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos
0174-173X Collagen and related research Fischer
0391-206X Collana Accademica [s.n.]; CEDAM,
0403-8142 Collana di Monografie de l'Ateneo Parmense Edizioni "L'Ateneo Parmense".
0366-7081 Collana di monografie di Rassegna medica sarda Edizione Rassegna medica sarda.
0391-7193 Collana di Monografie sugli oli essenziali e sui derivati agrumari Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Essenze e dei Derivati Agrumari.
0366-7685 Collectanea Pharmaceutica Suecica Farmaceutiska institutets bibliotek
0366-7812 Collected papers from the Faculty of Science, Osaka Imperial University, Series A: Mathematics Osaka imoerial university
0369-7363 Collected papers from the Faculty of Science, Osaka Imperial University, Series B. Physics Osaka University. Faculty of Science.
0369-7339 Collected papers from the Faculty of Science, Osaka Imperial University, Series C. Chemistry Osaka Imperial University. Faculty of Science.
0369-7983 Collected papers from the Faculty of Science, Osaka University, Series B. Physics Osaka University. Faculty of Science.
0366-7723 Collected papers from the Faculty of Science, Osaka University. Series C, Chemistry [Osaka University. Faculty of Science].
0099-4901 Collected Papers from the Research Laboratory of Parke, Davis and Company
0543-1867 Collected papers in medicine from the Mayo Clinic and the Mayo Foundation Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
0369-0342 Collected Papers - Macaulay Institute for Soil Research Macaulay Institute for Soil Research.
0095-9677 Collected papers of the Mayo Clinic and the Mayo Foundation Mayo Clinic.; Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
0386-3395 Collected papers on earth sciences Nagoya University. Faculty of Science. Department of Earth Sciences.
0447-7901 Collected Reprints - Chesapeake Bay Institute and Department of Oceanography, Johns Hopkins University Chesapeake Bay Institute of the Johns Hopkins University.
0369-3295 Collected researches National Physical Laboratory (Great Britain)
0073-8360 Collection Colloques et séminaires Institut français du pétrole.
0338-263X Collection de biologie évolutive Masson,
0335-4660 Collection de biologie moléculaire Masson.
0399-4198 Collection de la Direction des études et recherches d'Électricité de France Electricité de France. Direction des études et recherches.
0398-9119 Collection de médecine légale et de toxicologie médicale Masson.
1161-0573 Collection de notes internes de la Direction des études et recherches Electricité de France. Direction des études et recherches.
1161-0611 Collection de notes internes de la Direction des études et recherches Electricité de France. Direction des études et recherches.
0010-0765 Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications Academia
1212-6950 Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications (e-vir) Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR
0366-6824 Collective phenomena Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0010-0870 College & research libraries American Library Association.
2150-6701 College and research libraries (e-vir) American Library Association
0161-3197 College of Tropical Agriculture miscellaneous publication University of Hawaii. College of Tropical Agriculture.
0350-6134 Collegium antropologicum Croatian Anthropological Society
1848-9486 Collegium antropologicum (e-vir) Croatian Anthropological Society
0096-0543 Colliery Engineer
0366-7596 Colliery Engineering Tothill Press
0010-1281 Colliery Guardian Fuel & Metallurgical Journals
0366-5917 Colliery guardian and journal of the coal and iron trades Colliery Guardian Company
0303-402X Colloid and polymer science Steinkopff
1435-1536 Colloid and polymer science (e-vir) Springer
0097-353X Colloid chemistry Reinhold Pub. Corp..
1563-1702 Colloid journal Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing
1608-3067 Colloid journal (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
1061-933X Colloid journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences Consultants Bureau
0166-6622 Colloids and surfaces Elsevier
0927-7757 Colloids and surfaces Elsevier
0927-7765 Colloids and surfaces Elsevier
1873-4359 Colloids and surfaces (e-vir) Elsevier
1873-4367 Colloids and surfaces (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0305-9723 Colloid science Chemical Society (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0095-8506 Colloid symposium monograph Williams & Wilkins Co.
0560-4990 Colloque. Société botanique de France.
0069-5807 Colloque de métallurgie Colloque de métallurgie.
1029-3701 Colloque scientifique international sur le café Association scientifique internationale du café.; ASIC.
0366-7634 Colloques internationaux du Centre national de la recherche scientifique CNRS,
0583-8037 Colloquis - Societat Catalana de Biología Societat Catalana de Biología.
0366-5887 Colloquium der Gesellschaft für Biologische Chemie Gesellschaft für Biologische Chemie.
0072-4246 Colloquium der Gesellschaft für Physiologische Chemie Springer
0306-5057 Colloquium proceedings - Potassium Institute Potassium Institute.
0366-5402 Colloquiumsberichte des Instituts für Gerbereichemie der Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt [s.n.]
0185-0776 Colmena universitaria Universidad de Guanajuato.
0366-595X Colonial geology and mineral resources Colonial Geological Surveys (Great Britain).
0366-5968 Colonial geology and mineral resources Mineral Resources Division, Colonial Geological Surveys.
0413-7442 Colonial plant and animal products Great Britain.
0366-7499 Colonies autonomes Agence économique des territoires africains sous mandat
0099-4898 Colorado A & M News
0163-9153 Colorado School of Mines quarterly Colorado School of Mines Press
1068-2937 Colorado School of Mines quarterly review of engineering, science, education and research CSM Press, Colorado School of Mines
0099-488X Colorado State University News
0092-2684 Colorado water resources circular Colorado Water Conservation Board.
1472-3581 Coloration technology Blackwell
1478-4408 Coloration technology (e-vir) Society of Dyers and Colourists.
Y503-955X Coloration technology Blackwell
0010-1478 Color engineering Chromatic Communications]
0010-1788 Colores y Pinturas S. Medina- Castellanos
0366-7529 Coloristica Laboratorul Central Coloristic.
1520-6378 Color research & application (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0361-2317 Color research and application Wiley
0095-8433 Color trade journal Color Trade Journal, Inc.
0095-876X Color trade journal and textile chemist Color Trade Journal, inc.]
0010-1826 Colourage Colour Publications Pvt Ltd.
0588-5108 Colourage Annual Colour Publications Pvt Ltd.
0366-6859 Coltivatore [s.n.].
0010-1850 Coltivatore e giornale vinicolo italiano Società fratelli Ottavi
0010-2075 Column [s.n.]
1386-2073 Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5402 Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening Bentham Science Publishers
0366-7707 Combustibles Instituto del Combustible
0010-2172 Combustion Combustion Pub. Co.
0010-5082 Combustion, explosion, and shock waves Consultants Bureau [etc.]
1573-8345 Combustion, explosion, and shock waves Kluwer Academic Publishers
0010-2180 Combustion and flame Elsevier
1556-2921 Combustion and flame (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0069-6390 Combustione e Combustibili
0010-2199 Combustion Institute Paper. Western States Section Combustion Institute.
0010-2202 Combustion science and technology Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
1563-521X Combustion science and technology (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1364-7830 Combustion theory and modelling Institute of Physics Publishing
1741-3559 Combustion theory and modelling (e-vir) Institute of Physics Publishers
0094-8128 Combustion toxicology Technomic Pub. Co.
0391-5697 Comitato nazionale energia nucleare, [Rapporto tecnico] RT/BIO CNEN.
0391-5700 Comitato nazionale energia nucleare, [Rapporto tecnico] RT/CHI Comitato nazionale energia nucleare.; CNEN.
0391-5743 Comitato nazionale energia nucleare, [Rapporto tecnico] RT/FI CNEN.
0391-5751 Comitato nazionale energia nucleare, [Rapporto tecnico] RT/FIMA CNEN.
0391-5794 Comitato nazionale energia nucleare, [Rapporto tecnico] RT/ING CNEN.
0391-5689 Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare. RT. AI Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare. Servizio Pubblicazioni.
0391-5727 Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare. RT. EC Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare. Servizio Pubblicazioni.
0391-5735 Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare. RT. EL Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare. Servizio Pubblicazioni.
0391-576X Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare. RT. GEN Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare. Servizio Pubblicazioni.
0391-5778 Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare. RT. GEO Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare. Servizio Pubblicazioni.
0391-5786 Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare. RT. GIU Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare. Servizio Pubblicazioni.
0393-3032 Comitato nazionale energia nucleare - CNEN - RT / FARE-SIN CNEN.
0393-294X Comitato nazionale per la ricerca e per lo sviluppo dell'energia nucleare e delle energie alternative, [Rapporte tecnico] ENEA-RT/BIO ENEA.
0393-3008 Comitato nazionale per la ricerca e per lo sviluppo dell'energia nucleare e delle energie alternative, [Rapporto tecnico] ENEA-RT/CHI ENEA.
0393-3067 Comitato nazionale per la ricerca e per lo sviluppo dell'energia nucleare e delle energie alternative, [Rapporto tecnico] ENEA-RT/FI ENEA.
0393-3075 Comitato nazionale per la ricerca e per lo sviluppo dell'energia nucleare e delle energie alternative, [Rapporto tecnico] ENEA-RT/FIMA ENEA.
0393-3083 Comitato nazionale per la ricerca e per lo sviluppo dell'energia nucleare e delle energie alternative, [Rapporto tecnico] ENEA-RT/ING ENEA.
0393-3091 Comitato nazionale per la ricerca e per lo sviluppo dell'energia nucleare e delle energie alternative, [Rapporto tecnico] ENEA-RT/PROT ENEA.
0069-6455 Comité consultatif d'électricité Bureau international des poids et mesures
0069-6447 Comité consultatif de photométrie Bureau international des poids et mesures
0069-6463 Comité consultatif de thermométrie Bureau international des poids et mesures
0379-5640 Comité consultatif pour lesétalons de mesure des rayonnements ionisants Bureau international des poids et mesures
0379-5632 Comité Consultatif pour les étalons de mesure des rayonnements ionisants Bureau international des poids et mesures
0379-5659 Comité Consultatif pour les étalons de mesure des rayonnements ionisants Bureau international des poids et mesures
0379-5667 Comité consultatif pour les étalons de mesure des rayonnements ionisants. Section 4 : étalons d'énergie alpha Bureau international des poids et mesures.; BIPM.
0730-6733 Commentaries in plant science Pergamon.
0194-1666 Commentaries on research in breast disease Air. Liss
0554-6648 Commentarii - Pontificia Academia Scientiarum Ex Adiebus Academicis in Civitate Vaticana.
0069-6579 Commentationes biologicae Societas scientiarum Fennica
0069-6609 Commentationes physico-mathematicae Societas scientiarum Fennica
0358-9307 Commentationes physico-mathematicae [s. n.]
0370-2111 Commentationes Pontificiae Accademiae Scientiarum Pontificia Accademia Scientiarum.
0146-2970 Comments on astrophysics Gordon and Breach Science Publishers SA
0010-2679 Comments on astrophysics and space physics Gordon and Breach]
0010-2687 Comments on atomic and molecular physics Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers
1548-9574 Comments on inorganic chemistry (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0143-8123 Comments on modern biology Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0886-5140 Comments on modern biology Gordon & Breach.
0260-3594 Comments on modern chemistry Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0892-2101 Comments on modern chemistry Gordon & Breach.
0885-4483 Comments on modern physics Gordon & Breach
1560-5892 Comments on modern physics Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0010-2709 Comments on nuclear and particle physics Gordon and Breach.
0374-2806 Comments on plasma physics and controlled fusion Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0308-1206 Comments on solid state physics Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers
1545-584X Comments on toxicology (e-vir) Taylor and Francis
0010-2725 Commerce Revue Commerce.
0361-0438 Commerce America United States.
0020-6385 Commerce Today U.S. Government Printing Office.
0099-4871 Commercial Fertilizer
0097-2738 Commercial fertilizer and plant food industry W. W. Brown Pub. Co.]
0096-0039 Commercial fertilizer year book W. W. Brown Pub. Co..
0010-2989 Commercial fisheries review U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.; United States.; United States.
0099-4863 Commercial standards monthly United States. National Bureau of Standards.
0375-5681 Commission, Bulletin - Arizona Water
0198-0025 Committee assignment report, CAR Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0069-7001 Commonwealth Bureau of Horticulture and Plantation Crops Technical Communication [s.n.]
0366-8398 Commonwealth Engineer Tait.
0069-7648 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Land Research Series Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0069-7591 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Soil Publication Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0367-7850 Communication / Institution of Gas Engineers.; Institution of Gas Engineers.; Institution of Gas Engineers.
0588-7992 Communicationes Veterinariae Institute of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
0366-7030 Communication from the N.V. Koninklijke Nederlandsche springstoffenfabrieken Koninklijke Nederlandsmche springstoffenfabrieken
0367-5068 Communication - Gas Research Board Gas Research Board.
0010-356X Communications Cardiff Publishing Co.
0570-1406 Communications de la faculte des sciences de l''''universite Fen Fakultesi Dekanligi
0366-6956 Communications de la Faculte des Sciences de l'Universite d'Ankara Université d'Ankara
0570-1414 Communications de la Faculte des Sciences de l'Universite d'Ankara, Serie B: Chimie Université d'Ankara
0378-6269 Communications de la Faculté des sciences de l'Université d'Ankara. Série A2, Physique Université d'Ankara
0570-1422 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université d'Ankara. Serie C: Sciences Naturelles Université d'Ankara
1029-7685 Communications - Electron Microscopy Society of Southern Africa Electron Microscopy Society of Southern Africa.; Elektronmikroskopievereniging van Suidelike Afrika.; Dental Research Institute, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Witwatersrand.
0459-9993 Communications from the Department of Anatomy / (e-vir) Lunds universitet.
0366-7014 Communications from the Kamerlingh Onnes laboratory of the University of Leiden University of Leiden. Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory
0022-8141 Communications from the Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory of the University of Leiden Kamerlingh Onnes laboratory
0366-7065 Communications from the Physical laboratory of the University of Leiden Physical laboratory
0562-5416 Communications from the Sugar Milling Research Institute Sugar Milling Research Institute, University of Natal
1379-1176 Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences University Gent. Department of Plant Production
0913-8188 Communications in applied cell biology Japan Applied Cell Biology Research Association.
1432-0916 Communications in mathematical physics (e-vir) Springer
0010-3616 Communications in Mathematical Physics Springer-Verlag
0868-3166 Communications in physics Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
0145-5699 Communications in psychopharmacology Pergamon
0010-3624 Communications in soil science and plant analysis M. Dekker
1532-2416 Communications in soil science and plant analysis Marcel Dekker; Taylor & Francis
1572-9494 Communications in theoretical physics (e-vir) Huazhong (Central China) University of Science and Technology Press
0253-6102 Communications in Theoretical Physics International Academic Publishers
0369-2426 Communications - Metaalinstituut TNO Metaalinstituut TNO
0001-0782 Communications of the ACM Association for Computing Machinery
1557-7317 Communications of the ACM (e-vir) Association for Computing Machinery
0525-4981 Communications of the Balai Penjelidikan dan Pemakaian Karet Balai Penjelidikan dan Pemakaian Karet.
0366-7006 Communications of the Jajasan Penjelidikan dan Pemakaian Karet Archipel.
0562-5777 Communications of the Research Institute of the SPA. Rubber series ????.
0306-9486 Communications on Physics Taylor and Francis
0110-6449 Communication - Wool Research Organisation of New Zealand Wool Research Organisation of New Zealand.
0099-6440 Communist Chinese Scientific Abstracts Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information :; [s.n.].
1531-6912 Comparative and functional genomics Wiley
1532-6268 Comparative and functional genomics (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
0010-4035 Comparative and general pharmacology Pergamon Press
0304-5374 Comparative animal nutrition S. Karger,
0010-406X Comparative biochemistry and physiology Pergamon Press
0306-4492 Comparative biochemistry and physiology Pergamon Press
1095-6433 Comparative biochemistry and physiology Elsevier Science
1096-4959 Comparative biochemistry and physiology Pergamon; Elsevier
1531-4332 Comparative biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1532-0456 Comparative biochemistry and physiology Elsevier Science
1744-117X Comparative biochemistry and physiology Elsevier
1878-0407 Comparative biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) Elsevier
1878-1659 Comparative biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) Elsevier
1879-1107 Comparative biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) Elsevier
1879-3029 Comparative biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) Elsevier
0742-8413 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Pergamon
1618-5641 Comparative clinical pathology Springer-Verlag London Ltd.
0938-7714 Comparative haematology international Springer
1433-2973 Comparative haematology international (e-vir) Kluwer
1476-5926 Comparative hepatology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1532-0820 Comparative medicine American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
0147-2917 Comparative Medicine East and West Institute for Advanced Research in Asian Science and Medicine.
0161-6935 Comparative pathobiology Plenum Press
0379-0436 Comparative physiology and ecology K.G. Purohit.
0341-6852 Compendium Industrieverl. von Hernhaussen,
0097-0131 Compensation medicine American Academy of Compensation Medicine.
0366-5399 Compilacion de los estudios geologicos oficiales en Colombia Ministerio de Minas y Petroleos,
0231-5262 Compilation of research work accomplished in the Welding Research Institute Bratislava Výskumný ústav zváračský
0253-5076 Complement S. Karger,
1012-8204 Complement and inflammation S. Karger,
1320-0682 Complexity international Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University,
1424-8492 Complexus S. Karger
1424-8506 Complexus (e-vir) S. Karger
1342-4904 Complication Medikaru Rebyäusha
0927-6440 Composite interfaces VSP
1568-5543 Composite interfaces VSP
0095-4497 Composite materials Academic Press.
0927-0108 Composite materials series Elsevier
0952-6919 Composite polymers Rapra Technology
0010-4361 Composites Butterworth Scientific Limited
1359-835X Composites Elsevier
1359-8368 Composites Elsevier
1879-1069 Composites (e-vir) Elsevier
0961-9526 Composites engineering Pergamon
1878-6359 Composites engineering (e-vir) Elsevier
1084-841X Composites fabrication Composites Fabricators Association.
0956-7143 Composites manufacturing Butterworths
0266-3538 Composites science and technology Elsevier Applied Science
1879-1050 Composites science and technology (e-vir) Elsevier
0733-9011 Composites technology review American Society for Testing and Materials
0573-1992 Composite Wood [s.n.]
0010-4388 Compost science Rodale Press
0160-7413 Compost science/land utilization JG Press
0149-1148 Comprehensive immunology [Plenum Medical Book Co.],
0010-440X Comprehensive psychiatry Grune & Stratton
1532-8384 Comprehensive psychiatry (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1541-4337 Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety (e-vir) Institute of Food Technologists
0010-4426 Compressed air Compressed Air Magazine, etc.
0097-1952 Compressed air magazine Compressed Air Magazine Co.
0099-4855 Compressed Gas Association, Technical Supplement to Annual Report Compressed Gas Association Inc.
0367-696X Compte rendu IIRB
0367-8075 Compte rendu définitif de l'assemblée IIRB
0366-5674 Compte rendu des réunions d'études Groupe français des argiles
0583-8401 Compte rendu des séances de la Société de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Genève Société de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Genève
0366-7987 Compte-rendu du ... Congrès de l'industrie du gaz Congrès de l'industrie du gaz; Association technique de l'industrie du gaz en France
0074-7491 Compte rendu du Colloque de l'Institut international de la potasse Institut international de la potasse
0037-9417 Compte rendu sommaire des séances de la Société géologique de France Société géologique de France
1631-0691 Comptes rendus Elsevier
1631-0705 Comptes rendus Elsevier
1631-0713 Comptes rendus Académie des sciences; Elsevier
1631-0721 Comptes rendus Elsevier
1631-0748 Comptes rendus Ed. scientifiques et médicales Elsevier
1778-7025 Comptes rendus (e-vir) Elsevier
1878-1535 Comptes rendus (e-vir) Elsevier Masson
1878-1543 Comptes rendus (e-vir) Académie des sciences
1768-3238 Comptes rendus Biologies (e-vir) Elsevier
0989-6988 Comptes rendus de l'Académie d'agriculture de France Académie d'agriculture de France
0764-4469 Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences Centrale des revues
1287-4620 Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences Publications Elsevier
1296-2147 Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences Elsevier
1387-1609 Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences Elsevier
1620-7742 Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences Elsevier
1251-8050 Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Gauthier-Villars; Elsevier
1251-8069 Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Gauthier-Villars
0764-4450 Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 2, Mécanique, Physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'univers, Sciences de la Terre Centrale des revues
0254-5128 Comptes rendus de la ... Assemblée générale de la Commission internationale technique de sucrerie Commission internationale technique de sucrerie, Secrétariat général.
0542-2485 Comptes rendus de la semaine géologique Comité national malgache de géologie
0509-3929 Comptes Rendus de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Wrocław Wrocławskie Towarzystwo Naukowe.
0366-8061 Comptes rendus de la Société française de gynécologie Société française de gynécologie.
0366-8053 Comptes rendus de recherches - I.R.S.I.A. Instituut tot aanmoediging van het wetenschappelijk onderzoek in nijverheid en landbouw.; I.W.O.M.L.; Institut pour l'encouragement de la recherche scientifique dans l'industrie et l'agriculture.; I.R.S.I.A.
0366-791X Comptes rendus des congrés internationaux de chimie industrielle Fédération des industries chimiques de Belgique.
0378-9691 Comptes rendus des Journées d'électronique Ecole polytechnique fédérale (Lausanne)
0367-8008 Comptes rendus des séances Institut Géologique de Roumanie.; Institutul Geologic al României.
0750-7623 Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des science Gauthier-Villars
0249-6321 Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des sciences Gauthier-Villars
0249-6313 Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Série 3, Sciences de la vie Gauthier-Villars
0366-8088 Comptes rendus des séances de l'Academie des Sciences de Roumanie Academie des Sciences de Roumanie
0037-9026 Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie et de ses filiales Masson
0366-807X Comptes rendus des travaux de la Faculté des sciences Université d'Aix-Marseille.
0008-6657 Comptes-rendus des travaux du laboratoire Carlsberg H. Hagerup.
0366-8096 Comptes rendus des travaux du laboratoire Carlsberg. Série chimique Laboratoire Carlsberg.
0366-810X Comptes rendus des travaux du laboratoire Carlsberg. Série physiologique Laboratoire Carlsberg.
0074-378X Comptes rendus du Congrès international de néphrologie = Karger,
0001-4036 Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences Bachelier; Gauthier-Villars
0567-6541 Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences Gauthier-Villars
0567-655X Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences Gauthier-Villars
1873-7234 Comptes rendus mecanique (e-vir) Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier
1466-7266 Computational and experimental methods WIT Press
1089-3156 Computational and theoretical polymer science Elsevier
1476-9271 Computational biology and chemistry Elsevier
1476-928X Computational biology and chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
1369-734X Computational engineering WIT Press
0927-0256 Computational materials science Elsevier
1879-0801 Computational materials science (e-vir) Elsevier BV
1052-0643 Computational polymer science PRA Press
1462-6063 Computational studies WIT Press
0036-8113 Computer & control abstracts Institution of Electrical Engineers; Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
0143-9901 Computer analysis of thermochemical data J.B. Pedley.
0266-7061 Computer applications in the biosciences IRL Press
1460-2059 Computer applications in the biosciences (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0724-0031 Computer applications in the laboratory Huethig Verlag; Huethig Pub. Co.
0734-3051 Computer enhanced spectroscopy Wiley Heyden
1083-3455 Computer modeling and simulation in engineering Sage Science Press
1407-5806 Computer modelling and new technologies Transporta un sakaru institūts
0010-4655 Computer physics communications North-Holland
1879-2944 Computer physics communications (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0167-7977 Computer physics reports North-Holland
0098-1354 Computers & chemical engineering Pergamon Press
1873-4375 Computers & chemical engineering (e-vir) Pergamon Press
Y506-0745 Computers & chemical engineering (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0097-8485 Computers & Chemistry Pergamon
1879-0763 Computers & Chemistry (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0045-7930 Computers & Fluids Pergamon Press.
1879-0747 Computers & Fluids (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0271-0420 Computers & geology Pergamon Press.
1873-7803 Computers & geosciences (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0098-3004 Computers & Geosciences Pergamon Press
0045-7949 Computers & Structures Elsevier
1879-2243 Computers & Structures (e-vir) Elsevier
0010-4795 Computers and automation [Edmund C. Berkeley and Associates]
0010-4809 Computers and biomedical research Academic Press
0361-1442 Computers and people Berkeley Enterprises
1879-0534 Computers in biology and medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
0010-4825 Computers in Biology and Medicine Pergamon Press.
0095-8778 Computers in chemical and biochemical research Academic Press
0146-7115 Computers in chemistry and instrumentation Dekker..
0894-1866 Computers in physics American Institute of Physics
1432-9360 Computing and visualization in science Springer
1433-0369 Computing and visualization in science (e-vir) Springer
1521-9615 Computing in science & engineering AIP; IEEE Computer Society
1558-366X Computing in science & engineering (e-vir) AIP; IEEE Computer Society
Y503-3535 Computing in science & engineering AIP; IEEE Computer Society
1574-0404 Computing letters (e-vir) Brill
0010-4884 Computing reviews Association for Computing Machinery
1530-6585 Computing reviews Association for Computing Machinery
0095-9669 Comsat technical review Communications Satellite Corp.
0367-8113 Comunicación Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias
0366-5577 Comunicaciones Dirección del Instituto de ciencias naturales y matemáticas, Universidad de El Salvador
0326-1956 Comunicaciones biológicas Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Biología Celular.
0366-6875 Comunicaciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales.
0366-6905 Comunicaciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales.
0210-2560 Comunicaciones I.N.I.A Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones. Madrid.
0211-1314 Comunicaciones I.N.I.A. Serie Higiene y sanidad animal Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias.; Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (Madrid)
0210-3303 Comunicaciones I.N.I.A. Serie Producción animal Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias. Madrid.
0302-8755 Comunicaciones I.N.I.A. Serie Proteccioń vegetal Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias
0212-7466 Comunicaciones presentadas a las ... Jornadas del Comité Español de la Detergencia Asociacion de Investigacion de Detergents, Tensioactivos y Afines.
0211-0539 Comunicación técnica - Instituto Nacional del Carbón y sus Derivados Francisco Pintado Fe Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Nacional del Carbón y sus Derivados Francisco Pintado Fe.
0100-3313 Comuniçacões Científicas da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia
0379-5675 Comunicações do Congresso - Congresso internacional de fundição Congresso internacional de fundição.
0037-2730 Comunicacões dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal Serviços Geológicos de Portugal
0367-9497 Comunicado - INTA Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeronáutica Esteban Terradas.
0553-6960 Comunicado Tecnico Universidad Rural de Pernambuco
0100-8676 Comunicado Técnico Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Trópico Úmido
0366-5305 Comunicările Academiei Republicii Populare Române Editura Academiei R.P. Române
0099-6408 Concentrated Milk Industries
1043-7347 Concepts in magnetic resonance NMR Concepts
1099-0534 Concepts in magnetic resonance (e-vir) [NMR Concepts]; Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
1546-6086 Concepts in magnetic resonance Wiley
1552-5023 Concepts in magnetic resonance (e-vir) Wiley
1552-5031 Concepts in magnetic resonance Wiley
1552-504X Concepts in magnetic resonance (e-vir) Wiley
0254-8739 Concepts in toxicology S. Karger AG
1029-2136 Conceptual advances in brain research Harwood Academic Publishers
0366-7545 Concimi e Concimazioni Confederazione General Italiana della Tecnica Agricola.
1020-6167 Concise international chemical assessment document World Health Organization
0010-5309 Concours médical Concours médical
0010-5317 Concrete Palladian Publications
0097-4331 Concrete Concrete Pub. Co.
0366-550X Concrete and Constructional Engineering [s.n.]
0095-9685 Concrete-cement age Concrete-Cement Age Pub. Co.,
0010-5333 Concrete construction Concrete Construction Publications, inc.
0095-9693 Concrete engineering [Technical Pub. Co.,
1460-5856 Concrete engineering international Palladian Publications
1742-352X Concrete engineering international Concrete Society.
0162-4075 Concrete international American Concrete Institute.
1944-7388 Concrete international (e-vir) American Concrete Institute
1295-2826 Concrete science and engineering RILEM publications,
0305-1986 Concrete Society technical report Concrete Society.
1056-7046 Condensed matter news Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1607-324X Condensed matter physics Institute for Condensed Matter Physics.
2224-9079 Condensed matter physics Institute for Condensed Matter Physics
0893-861X Condensed matter theories Plenum Press; Nova Science Publishers; World Scientific
0573-2506 Confectionery manufacture Maclaren & Sons
0010-5473 Confectionery Production Specialised Publications Ltd
0729-2341 Conference Australasian Corrosion Association.
0305-4640 Conference digest - Institute of Physics Institute of Physics.
0208-8584 Conference on Applied Crystalography. Proceedings Silesian University in Katowice.; Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy in Gliwice.
0139-9233 Conference on Clay mineralogy and petrology Univerzita Karlova
0276-2404 Conference papers American Meteorological Society.; Air Pollution Control Association.
0258-6894 Conference papers - EIRMA EIRMA.; European Industrial Research Management Association.
0143-2540 Conference papers - Institute of Metallurgical Technicians Institute of Metallurgical Technicians.
0306-7874 Conference proceedings of the U.K. Section International Solar Energy Society.
0704-3430 Conference proceedings - Research Program for the Abatement of Municipal Pollution under Provisions of the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality Training and Technology Transfer Division (Water), Environmental Protection Service, Fisheries and Environment Canada. ;; Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Pollution Control Branch.
0160-8592 Conference record, IAS annual meeting IEEE Industry Applications Society.; IEEE Industry Applications Society.
1041-7249 Conference record of ... Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Industry Applications Society.
0160-8371 Conference record of the ... IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Electron Devices Society.
0164-2006 Conference record of the IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation / IEEE Group on Electrical Insulation.; IEEE Electrical Insulation Society.; IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society.
0728-7178 Conference series - Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
0305-2346 Conference series - Institute of Physics Institute of Physics; American Institute of Physics
0416-6604 Conferences publiques Université de Damas
0584-7281 Conferencias - Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agronómicas Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agronómicas. Madrid.
0010-5678 Confinia neurologica Karger
0010-5686 Confinia psychiatrica International Society of Art and Psychopathology.
0342-5800 Confructa JV Journal-Verlagsgellschaft-mbH
0914-3505 Congenital anomalies Japanese Teratology Society
1741-4520 Congenital anomalies (e-vir) Blackwell
1527-5299 Congestive heart failure CHF, Inc..
1751-7133 Congestive heart failure (e-vir) Blackwell
0258-8609 Công nghiêp hoá chât Tông gîuc hóa chât.
0459-3189 Congrès et colloques de l'Université de Liège Service des congrès et colloques de l'Université de Liège.
0430-2222 Congrés F.A.T.I.P.E.C. F.A.T.I.P.E.C.; Fédération d'Associations de techniciens des industries des peintures, vernis, émaux,encres d'imprimerie de l'Europe continentale.
0579-0646 Congressi, Convegni e Simposi Scientifici - Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche.
0363-7239 Congressional record United States.
0010-597X Connaissance de la vigne et du vin Association des anciens élèves de l'Institut d'oenologie de l'Université de Bordeaux
0010-6003 Connaissance des plastiques [s.n.],
0010-6127 Connecticut health bulletin Connecticut. State Dept. of Health.
0010-6135 Connecticut Industry Connecticut Business and Industry Association, Inc.
0010-6178 Connecticut medicine Connecticut State Medical Society.
0096-0179 Connecticut state medical journal Connecticut State Medical Society.; Connecticut Hospital Association.
0589-400X Connecticut water resources bulletin Geological Survey (U.S.); Connecticut. Dept. of Environmental Protection.
0916-572X Connective tissue Nihon Ketsugäo Soshiki Gakkai.
0300-8207 Connective tissue research Gordon and Breach
1026-7433 Connective tissue research (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1607-8438 Connective tissue research (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0589-0926 Connective tissues Conference on Connective Tissues.; Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.
0573-7044 Conserva Moormans periodieke pers
1646-043X Conservar património A.R.P.
2182-9942 Conservar património (e-vir) ARP Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal
0361-3658 Conservation and recycling Pergamon
1878-2795 Conservation and recycling (e-vir) Elsevier
1572-9737 Conservation genetics (e-vir) Kluwer
1566-0621 Conservation Genetics Kluwer
0160-8355 Conservation paper United States. Federal Energy Administration.
0565-2421 Conservation research report United States.; United States.
0573-7265 Conserve e Derivati Agrumari
0366-5534 Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Commissione nazionale italiana per la cooperazione geofisica internazionale. Pubblicazione n. ... Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Commissione nazionale italiana per la cooperazione geofisica internazionale
0366-8134 Construcciones Cámara Argentina de la Construcción.
0573-7419 Constructia de Masini CARTIMEX
0589-4719 Constructiematerialen Hofstad-Vakpers
0373-7748 Construcţii Comitetul de Stat pentru Construcţii, Architecturæa şi Sistematizare
0010-6682 Construction Dunod,
0010-695X Constructional Review Concrete Publishing Co Proprietary Ltd.
0097-451X Construction series Asphalt Institute.
0010-7093 Consulting engineer Northwood Publications
0360-1358 Contact and intraocular lens medical journal Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists.
0105-1873 Contact dermatitis Munksgaard
1600-0536 Contact dermatitis (e-vir) Blackwell
0010-728X Contact lens medical bulletin Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists.
0171-9599 Contactologia Enke
0010-7301 Contact point University of the Pacific. School of Dentistry.; San Francisco. College of Physicians and Surgeons.
0187-0238 Contaminación ambiental Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala; Asociación Mexicana contra la Contaminación del Agua y del Aire
1533-4155 Contaminated soil sediment & water Association for Environmental Health and Sciences.
0191-247X Contemporary anesthesia practice F.A. Davis Co.,
0197-1379 Contemporary biophysics M. Dekker,
1551-7144 Contemporary clinical trials Elsevier
1559-2030 Contemporary clinical trials (e-vir) Elsevier
0196-8653 Contemporary endocrinology Plenum Medical Book Co.
1313-6569 Contemporary engineering sciences Hikari Ltd
0197-3649 Contemporary hematology/oncology Plenum Medical Book Co.,
0736-4369 Contemporary issues in clinical nutrition Churchill Livingstone.
0893-8822 Contemporary issues in fetal and neonatal medicine Blackwell Scientific Publications,
0888-7756 Contemporary issues in infectious diseases Churchill Livingstone.
0161-9934 Contemporary issues in nephrology Churchill Livingstone,
0193-340X Contemporary metabolism Plenum Medical Book Co.,
0278-1700 Contemporary nephrology Plenum Medical Book Co.,
0069-9446 Contemporary neurology series F.A. Davis Co.
0198-0009 Contemporary nutrition General Mills, Inc.
1350-4894 Contemporary organic synthesis Royal Society of Chemistry
1366-5812 Contemporary physics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0010-7514 Contemporary Physics Taylor and Francis Ltd
0093-5166 Contemporary problems in cardiology Futura Pub. Co.
0160-3620 Contemporary topics in analytical and clinical chemistry Plenum Press
0093-4054 Contemporary topics in immunobiology Plenum Press.
1060-0558 Contemporary topics in laboratory animal science American Association for Laboratory Animal Science.
0090-8800 Contemporary topics in molecular immunology Plenum Press
0160-6727 Contemporary topics in polymer science Plenum Press,
0069-9519 Conti-Elektro-Berichte Continental-Elektroindustrie-Aktiengesellschaft.
1006-7825 Continental Dynamics Institute of Geology, CAGS,
0366-8282 Continental Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering [s.n.]
0278-4343 Continental Shelf Research Pergamon Press
0148-1010 Continuing education lectures Southeastern Chapter, Society of Nuclear Medicine,
0935-1175 Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics Springer
1432-0959 Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics (e-vir) Springer
0010-7824 Contraception Butterworth Publishers
0143-6112 Contraceptive delivery systems MTP Press Limited.
0376-4419 Contractor report - European space research organization European space research organization.
0316-2230 Contract record and engineering review Hugh C. MacLean Publ..
1555-4309 Contrast media & molecular imaging John Wiley & Sons
1555-4317 Contrast media & molecular imaging (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0366-5410 Contribución al estudio de las ciencias físicas y matemáticas Facultad de Ciencias Fisicomatemáticas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
0366-5429 Contribución al estudio de las ciencias físicas y matemáticas Facultad de Ciencias Fisicomatemáticas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
0716-0127 Contribuciones cientiáficas y tecnoloǵicas Direccioń de Planificacioń y Desarrollo II. Universidad de Santiago de Chile
0521-5323 Contribuciones científicas Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales.
0524-9376 Contribuciones del Instituto Antártico Argentino Argentina
0367-665X Contributi Istituto di Ricerche Agrarie Montecatini Edison
0391-8041 Contributi del Centro linceo interdisciplinare di scienze matematiche e loro applicazioni Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
0069-9616 Contribuţii botanice Risoprint
0575-4941 Contribution University of California (System).
0580-5481 Contribution University of Massachusetts (Amherst campus). Dept. of Geology.
0446-8546 Contribution ... of the McCollum-Pratt Institute The Johns Hopkins Press
0361-0446 Contribution (Kansas Water Resources Research Institute) United States. Office of Water Resources Research.; United States. Office of Water Research and Technology.; Kansas Water Resources Research Institute.
0099-6548 Contributions - Carnegie Institute of Technology, Coal Research Laboratory
0041-9168 Contributions de l'Institut Botanique de l'Université de Montréal Université de Montréal. Institut botanique.
0366-5356 Contributions de la Station Biologique du St.-Laurent, Canada
0480-9300 Contributions du Department de Biologie, Universite Laval, Quebec Département de Biologie, Université Laval.
0080-1534 Contribution series Research Council of Alberta.
0006-8543 Contributions from Boyce Thompson Institute Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
0095-8557 Contributions from Iowa Corn Research Institute Iowa State College. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0366-5364 Contributions from the Biological Laboratory of the Science Society of China, Zoological Series s.n.],
0366-5372 Contributions from the Danish Pharmacopoeia Commission Danish Pharmacopoeia Commission.
0099-6394 Contributions from the Department of Limnology Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Division of Limnology and Ecology.
0567-9206 Contributions from the Geophysical Observatory Haile Sellassie I University, Faculty of Science
0366-6395 Contributions from the Institute of Chemistry, National Academy of Peiping
0376-1924 Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University Hokkaido Daigaku. Teion Kagaku Kenkyäujo.
0073-2931 Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Series A Hokkaido Daigaku Teion Kagaku Kenkyujo.
0366-5445 Contributions from the Institute of Physics, National Academy of Peiping s.n.],
0096-6975 Contributions from the Perkins Observatory Perkins Observatory.; Ohio Wesleyan University.; Ohio State University.
0099-3085 Contributions from the Perkins Observatory Perkins Observatory.; Ohio State University.; Ohio Wesleyan University.
0195-7465 Contributions from the Perkins Observatory, Ohio Wesleyan University and Ohio State University Ohio State University.
0080-8326 Contributions from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
0097-1618 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Smithsonian Institution Press
0082-3449 Contributions in marine science University of Texas Marine Science Institute.; Port Aransas Marine Laboratory.
0348-9302 Contributions in microbial geochemistry Department of geology, University of Stockholm.
0126-1894 Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture Central Research Institute of Agriculture
2962-9217 Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture (e-vir) Central Research Institute For Agriculture
1335-1842 Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso Slovenská akadémia vied v Bratislave.
1336-0337 Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso (e-vir) Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
0386-0809 Contributions of the Geophysical Institute, Kyoto University Kyoto University. Faculty of Science. Geophysical Institute.
0253-0767 Contributions of the Hong Kong Biochemical Association Hong Kong Biochemical Association.
0096-2805 Contributions of the Meteoritical Society Meteoritical Society.
0096-2813 Contributions of the Society for Research on Meteorites Society for Research on Meteorites.
0303-4186 Contributions to atmospheric physics Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft.
0366-5348 Contributions to Canadian Biology and Fisheries Biological Board of Canada.
2511-6428 Contributions to entomology (e-vir)
0377-3574 Contributions to epidemiology and biostatistics S. Karger AG
0010-7980 Contributions to geology University of Wyoming.
0304-4246 Contributions to gynecology and obstetrics Karger
1420-9519 Contributions to microbiology S. Karger
0301-3081 Contributions to microbiology and immunology S.Karger
1432-0967 Contributions to mineralogy and petrology Springer
0010-7999 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Springer-Verlag
0302-5144 Contributions to nephrology S. Karger
1521-3986 Contributions to plasma physics (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0863-1042 Contributions to Plasma Physics Akademie-Verlag
0343-4125 Contributions to sedimentology Schweizerbart
0391-6014 Contributi scientifico-pratici per una migliore conoscenza ed utilizzazione del legno Istituto del Legno
0589-5901 Control Morgan Brothers (Publishers)
0090-5267 Control and dynamic systems Academic Press
0010-8022 Control and instrumentation Morgan-Grampian
0010-8049 Control engineering Technical Pub. Co., etc.
0197-2456 Controlled clinical trials Elsevier
0888-773X Controlled drug bioavailability Wiley,
0096-722X Control series bulletin University of Massachusetts.
0197-307X Convention - Battery Council International Battery Council International.
0573-9608 Co-Operative Electrical Research Electrical Research Association.
0536-4736 Cooperative ground-water report Illinois State Geological Survey.; Illinois State Water Survey.
0074-431X Cooperative research report International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
0105-3213 Cooperative research report International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
0148-4400 Cooperative resources report Illinois State Water Survey.; Illinois State Geological Survey.
0096-2775 Cooper Union bulletin Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art.
0069-9845 Coordination chemistry Pergamon.
0010-8545 Coordination chemistry reviews Elsevier Scientific; Elsevier; Elsevier Science
1873-3840 Coordination chemistry reviews (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0045-8511 Copeia American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.
1938-5110 Copeia (e-vir) [publisher not identified]
0010-857X Copper CIDEC
0350-6142 Copper Work organization "Press, Radio and Film"
0589-6800 Copper Conseil international pour le développement du cuivre
0589-6827 Copper Abstracts Copper Development Association
0366-7537 Copper and Brass
0364-1805 Copper-base mill and foundry products United States. Bureau of the Census.; United States. Bureau of Domestic Commerce.
0364-0914 Copper industry United States. Bureau of Mines.
0742-3934 Copper in the United States United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Bureau of Mines.
0364-782X Copper production in . United States. Bureau of Mines.
0364-7838 Copper sulfate in the . United States. Bureau of Mines.
0722-4028 Coral reefs Springer.
1432-0975 Coral reefs Springer.
0010-8650 Cor et vasa Praha Publishing
1803-7712 Cor et Vasa (e-vir) MedProGo s.r.o.; Medical Tribune CZ s.r.o.; Elsevier Urban & Partner; Elsevier Sp. z o. o; Česká kardiologická společnost, z.s.
0277-3740 Cornea Masson Pub. USA
1536-4798 Cornea (e-vir) Lippincot
0363-8693 Cornell international agriculture bulletin New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
0589-7483 Corning Research Corning Glass Works.
0171-1792 Coronary heart disease Thieme.
0366-5836 Correo fotográfico sudamericano [s.n.]
0366-5461 Correspondenz-Blatt für Schweizer Ärzte J. Dalp. ;; B. Schwabe,
0010-9207 Corriere del Farmacista Dott. Armando Giordano
0366-7626 Corriere Fotografico [s.n.].
0010-9312 Corrosion National Association of Corrosion Engineers
1938-159X Corrosion (e-vir) Association for Materials Protection and Performance
0377-8711 Corrosion & coatings. South Africa South African Corrosion Institute.
0253-7117 Corrosion & maintenance Specialised Publications.
1326-1932 Corrosion & materials Australasian Corrosion Association; Asian Pacific Materials and Corrosion Association
1442-0139 Corrosion & prevention (e-vir) Australasian Corrosion Association.
0010-9339 Corrosion abstracts National Association of Corrosion Engineers.
0095-9707 Corrosion and material protection Corrosion Pub. Co.]
0589-8390 Corrosion and metal finishing [s.n.]
0155-6002 Corrosion Australasia Australasian Corrosion Association.
0253-7109 Corrosion Bulletin Central Electrochemical Research Institute
0366-7952 Corrosion engineer British Association of Corrosion Engineers.
1743-2782 Corrosion engineering, science, and technology (e-vir) Maney for the Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining
1478-422X Corrosion engineering, science and technology Maney on behalf of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
0010-9363 Corrosion et Anticorrosion Société de productions documentaires
0148-2866 Corrosion in marine environment Hemisphere Pub. Corp.,
0010-9371 Corrosion prevention & control Scientific Surveys
0334-6005 Corrosion reviews de Gruyter
2191-0316 Corrosion reviews (e-vir) de Gruyter
0010-938X Corrosion science Pergamon Press
1879-0496 Corrosion science (e-vir) Elsevier
1598-6462 Corrosion Science and Technology Corrosion Science Society of Korea
1521-4494 Corrosion technology M. Dekker,
0589-8404 Corrosion Technology Grampian Press
0045-8686 Corse-Méditerranée médicale s.n.,
0579-0670 Corsi e Seminari di Chimica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche e Fondazione "F. Giordani" Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Fondazione F. Giordani.
0525-8499 Cortisone Investigator
0143-926X Cosmatom Cosmatom
1125-6222 Cosmetic news SEPEM,; Tecniche Nuove,
1121-1377 Cosmetics & toiletries. Ed. italiana Cosmeo Editrice.
0090-6581 Cosmetics and perfumery Allured Pub. Corp.
0361-4387 Cosmetics and toiletries Allured Pub. Corp.
0197-1344 Cosmetic science Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Great Britain.
0887-6541 Cosmetic science and technology series M. Dekker; CRC Press
0195-3036 Cosmetic technology Cosmetic Technology..
1127-6312 Cosmetic technology CEC
0348-9329 Cosmic and subatomic physics report Fysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet.
0010-9525 Cosmic research Consultants Bureau
1608-3075 Cosmic research (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
0964-2749 COSPAR colloquia series Committee on Space Research.
1439-7676 COSSMA Braun Fachverlage GmbH
0010-9614 Cost Engineering Industrial Research Service, Inc.
0010-9711 Coton et fibres tropicales Société d'éditions techniques continentales
0366-5879 Coton et fibres tropicales Institut de recherche du coton et des textiles exotiques (France)
0099-4812 Cotton and Cotton Oil News
0099-4804 Cotton and Cotton Oil Press
0897-5531 Cotton dust National Cotton Council of America.; Cotton Foundation (Memphis, Tenn.)
0010-9819 Cotton growing review Cotton Research Corporation.
0010-9851 Couleurs Centre d'information de la couleur (Paris)
1013-5502 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research special report Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
0366-7561 Countryman [s.n.].
0073-4438 County report Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology.
0075-5567 County report Kentucky Geological Survey.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0575-3104 County report California.
0096-7904 County report / Geological Survey of Alabama
0197-8578 County report - Mississippi Board of Water Commissioners Geological Survey (U.S.)
0149-8185 County resource series Geological Survey of Wyoming,
0341-4116 Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft
0011-0485 Courrier de la normalisation AFNOR
0254-1971 Courses and lectures - International Centre for Mechanical Sciences Springer
0590-7225 Cours et documents de biologie Gordon & Breach.
0366-760X Coventry Engineering Society Journal Coventry Engineering Society.
0045-8678 CP. Corrosión y protección O.Y.P.
0366-7774 CPE Lomond Technical Press
0589-1485 CPEM ... digest Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
2160-0171 CPEM ... digest (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
0272-5118 CPIA publication Chemical Propulsion Information Agency, Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory.
0011-0787 Cranberries; Wareham Courrier [etc.]
0097-2207 Crane valve world Crane Co.]
0045-6411 CRC critical reviews in biochemistry Chemical Rubber Company,
0045-642X CRC critical reviews in bioengineering Chemical Rubber Company.; Chemical Rubber Company.
0091-6536 CRC critical reviews in clinical radiology and nuclear medicine CRC Press]
0007-9006 CRC critical reviews in food technology Chemical Rubber Company.
0007-9014 CRC critical reviews in radiological sciences Chemical Rubber Company.
1547-6561 CRC critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences (e-vir) CRC Press
0011-085X CRC critical reviews in solid state sciences Chemical Rubber Co.
0097-1405 Creation and detection of the excited state Dekker.
0195-6671 Cretaceous research Elsevier
1095-998X Cretaceous research (e-vir) Elsevier
0366-7979 Crisol [s.n.].
0749-0704 Critical care clinics W.B. Saunders Co.
1557-8232 Critical care clinics (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0090-3493 Critical care medicine Williams & Wilkins Co.
1530-0293 Critical care medicine (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0263-5917 Critical reports on applied chemistry Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain)
1040-8347 Critical reviews in analytical chemistry CRC Press
1547-6510 Critical reviews in analytical chemistry (e-vir) CRC Press
1549-7798 Critical reviews in biochemistry & molecular biology (e-vir) [CRC Press]
1040-9238 Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology CRC Press
0748-5204 Critical reviews in biocompatibility CRC Press
0738-8551 Critical reviews in biotechnology CRC Press
1549-7801 Critical reviews in biotechnology (e-vir) CRC Press
1040-8363 Critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences CRC Press
1549-781X Critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences (e-vir) CRC Press
0742-941X Critical reviews in clinical neurobiology CRC Press
1040-838X Critical reviews in environmental control CRC Press
1064-3389 Critical reviews in environmental science and technology CRC Press
1547-6537 Critical reviews in environmental science and technology (e-vir) CRC Press
1045-4403 Critical reviews in eukaryotic gene expression CRC Press
2162-6502 Critical reviews in eukaryotic gene expression (e-vir) Begell House
1549-7852 Critical reviews in food science & nutrition (e-vir) CRC Press
1040-8398 Critical reviews in food science and nutrition CRC Press
1040-8401 Critical reviews in immunology CRC Press
2162-6472 Critical reviews in immunology CRC Press; Begell House
1040-841X Critical reviews in microbiology CRC Press
1549-7828 Critical reviews in microbiology (e-vir) CRC Press
0892-0915 Critical reviews in neurobiology CRC Press
2375-0014 Critical reviews in neurobiology (e-vir) CRC Press
0893-9675 Critical reviews in oncogenesis CRC Press
2162-6448 Critical reviews in oncogenesis CRC Press; Begell House
1045-4411 Critical reviews in oral biology and medicine CRC Press
1544-1113 Critical reviews in oral biology and medicine (e-vir) International & American Associations for Dental Research
0735-2689 Critical reviews in plant sciences CRC Press
1549-7836 Critical reviews in plant sciences (e-vir) CRC Press
1040-8436 Critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences CRC Press
1049-9407 Critical reviews in surface chemistry CRC Press,
0743-4863 Critical reviews in therapeutic drug carrier systems CRC Press
2162-660X Critical reviews in therapeutic drug carrier systems Begell House, Inc.
1040-8444 Critical reviews in toxicology CRC Press
1547-6898 Critical reviews in toxicology (e-vir) CRC Press
1018-1997 Critical reviews of optical science and technology International Society for Optical Engineering.
0253-0309 CR-Magazin Vogt-Schild AG,
0011-1643 Croatica chemica acta The Croatian Chemical Society
1334-417X Croatica chemica acta (e-vir) The Croatian Chemical Society
0366-7898 Croce azzurra Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dellŰAbruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"
0574-4741 Cronache di Chimica s.n.
0011-1783 Cronache Farmaceutiche Societa Italiana di Scienze Farmaceutiche
0011-1805 Cronica médica [s.n.]
1518-7853 Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology Sociedade Brasileira de Melhoramento de Plantas.
1984-7033 Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology Sociedade Brasileira de Melhoramento de Plantas
0574-4814 Croplife
1535-3923 Croplife Meister Pub. Co.
0261-2194 Crop protection Butterworth Scientific Limited
0264-3049 Crop research Scottish Academic Press
0110-1978 Crop research news Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Crop Research Division.
0011-183X Crop science Crop Science Society of America
1435-0653 Crop science (e-vir) Crop Science Society of America
0099-8133 Cross and Crucible College of the Holy Cross, Dep Chemistry.
0097-4536 Crossties Railway Tie Association.
0381-8047 Crucible Science Teachers' Association of Ontario.
0263-9459 Cruciferae newsletter Scottish Plant Breeding Station.; Eucarpia.
0162-623X Crude petroleum, petroleum products, and natural gas liquids United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.
0191-4448 Crude petroleum, petroleum products, and natural gas liquids United States.; United States.
0288-5980 Cruise report Käogyäo Gijutsuin Chishitsu Chäosajo.
0366-5941 Crushing-grinding, mining and quarrying journal
0168-6356 Crustacean issues Balkema
0011-2240 Cryobiology Academic Press.
0011-2275 Cryogenics Butterworth Scientific
1879-2235 Cryogenics (e-vir) Elsevier
0011-2267 Cryogenic technology Cryogenic Society of America.
1742-0644 Cryoletters (e-vir) CryoLetters
0143-2044 Cryo-letters Cryoletters
0181-1568 Cryptogamie Museum national d'histoire naturelle
0181-1576 Cryptogamie Laboratoire de cryptogamie (Paris)
0181-1584 Cryptogamie Laboratoire de cryptogamie
1776-0984 Cryptogamie (e-vir) Elsevier
1776-100X Cryptogamie (e-vir) Elsevier
1463-0184 Crystal engineering Pergamon
0574-5136 Crystal Front
1528-7483 Crystal growth & design American Chemical Society
1528-7505 Crystal growth & design (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0011-2305 Crystal lattice defects Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0732-8699 Crystal lattice defects and amorphous materials Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1063-7745 Crystallography reports American Institute of Physics
1562-689X Crystallography reports (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.
0889-311X Crystallography reviews Gordon and Breach Science
1476-3508 Crystallography reviews (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1013-5049 Crystal properties and preparation Trans Tech Publications
1521-4079 Crystal research and technology Wiley-VCH
0232-1300 Crystal Research and Technology Akademie-Verlag; VCH Publishers, Inc.
0172-5076 Crystals Springer.
2073-4352 Crystals (e-vir) MDPI
0302-1742 Crystal structure communications Universita degli studi di Parma
1466-8033 CrystEngComm (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0007-912X CSIRO Abstracts Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0007-9138 CSIRO Food Preservation Quarterly CSIRO.; Commonwealth Scientific and IndustrialResearch Organization.
0310-9070 CSIRO food research quarterly CSIRO Division of Food Research
0366-8185 CSIRO Science Index CSIRO.
0379-5993 CSIR report CENG Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.
0007-9162 CSIR research review South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.
0254-3427 CSNI report Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
0366-8207 CSTA Review Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturalists.
0122-5383 CT&F Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro Ecopetrol
2382-4581 CT&F Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro (e-vir) Ecopetrol
0490-2696 Cuaderno Patronato Juan de la Cierva de Investigación Técnica.; Patronato Juan de la Cierva de Investigación Científica y Técnica. Departamento de Fermentaciones Industriales.
0368-8550 Cuaderno - Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agronomicas Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agronómicas. Madrid.
0213-6708 Cuadernos da área de ciencias mariñas Seminario de Estudios Gallegos.
0366-600X Cuadernos de geología Universidad de Granada. Sección de Geología.
0378-102X Cuadernos de geología ibérica Instituto de Geología Económica (Madrid); Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Estratigrafía
0584-6404 Cuadernos de investigación - Instituto Eduardo Torroja de la Construcción y del Cemento Instituto Eduardo Torroja de la Construcción y del Cemento.
0590-2916 Cuba azúcar Ministerio de la industria azucarera de Cuba.
0864-0408 Cuban journal of agricultural science Instituto de ciencia animal
2079-3480 Cuban journal of agricultural science (e-vir) Instituto de Ciencia Animal
0584-5785 CŰentraluri nervuli sistemis mokŰmedebisa da aągnagobis tŰanamedrove problemebi MecŰniereba.
0145-014X CUERS report Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Center for Urban and Environmental Research and Services.
0253-9837 Cuihua xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
0366-8371 Cuivre, laitons, alliages CIDEC
0526-3824 Cuivre, laitons, alliages Editions techniques Riéyel; Centre d'information cuivre, laitons, alliages
0366-8347 Cuivre et Laiton [s.n.],
0011-2720 Cukoripar Lapkiadó
0521-3762 Cukoripari Kutatóintézet Közleményei Cukoripari Kutatóintézet.
0250-5150 Çukurova Üniversitesi Tűp Fakültesi dergisi Çukurova Üniversitesi
0378-6013 Culegere de lucræari de meteorologie ale Institutului de Meteorologie şi Hidrologie Institutul de Meteorologie şi Hidrologie.
0317-2066 Culture Association de recherches sur les sciences religieuses et profanes du Canada.
0045-9259 Cultured dairy products journal American Cultured Dairy Products Institute.
0253-6307 Čunćnam nćüi-dai jabji Čunćnam daihaggyo.
0011-3034 Cuoio, Pelli, Materie Concianti Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Pelli e delle Materie Concianti
0300-8894 Cuore e circolazione L. Pozzi
0137-2815 Cuprum Zakłady Badawcze i Projectowe Miedzi "Cuprum"; Cuprum.; Kombinat Górniczo-Hutniczy Miedzi. Zakłady Badawcze i Projektowe Miedzi "Cuprum" (Wrocław); Kombinat Górniczo-Hutniczy Miedzi "Cuprum" Centrum Badawczo-Rozwojowe (Wrocław)
0366-8312 Curierul farmaceutic [s.n.],
0971-6947 Current Agricultural Research Association of Agricultural Scientists
0254-1092 Current agriculture Books & Periodicals Agency.
1529-7322 Current allergy and asthma reports Current Science Inc.
1534-6315 Current allergy and asthma reports (e-vir) Current Science
1567-2050 Current Alzheimer research Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5828 Current Alzheimer research Bentham Science Publishers
1573-4110 Current analytical chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6727 Current analytical chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0956-4632 Current aspects of the neurosciences Macmillan Press.
1523-3804 Current atherosclerosis reports Current Science
1534-6242 Current atherosclerosis reports Current Science Inc.
1574-8936 Current bioinformatics Bentham Science Publishers
2212-392X Current bioinformatics (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0960-9822 Current biology Elsevier
1568-0096 Current cancer drug targets Bentham Science Publishers
1873-5576 Current cancer drug targets (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1573-3947 Current cancer therapy reviews Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6301 Current cancer therapy reviews (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1573-403X Current cardiology reviews Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6557 Current cardiology reviews (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0094-6168 Current cardiovascular topics Stratton Intercontinental Medical Book Corp.
0590-3807 Current Chemical Papers Chemical Society
1574-8847 Current clinical pharmacology Bentham Science Publishers
2212-3938 Current clinical pharmacology (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0168-6917 Current clinical practice series Excerpta Medica
1063-8806 Current communications in cell & molecular biology Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,
1573-4099 Current computer-aided drug design Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6697 Current computer-aided drug design (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
Y504-6769 Current computer-aided drug design Bentham Science Publishers
0090-0443 Current concepts in nutrition John Wiley and Sons,
1468-6694 Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine (e-vir) BioMed Central
0097-8361 Current developments in psychopharmacology Spectrum Publications.
1534-4827 Current diabetes report Current Science
1539-0829 Current diabetes report (e-vir) Current Science Inc.
1573-3998 Current diabetes reviews Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6417 Current diabetes reviews Bentham Science Publishers
1567-2018 Current drug delivery Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5704 Current drug delivery Bentham Science Publishers
1570-1638 Current drug discovery technologies Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6220 Current drug discovery technologies (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1389-2002 Current drug metabolism Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5453 Current drug metabolism Bentham Science Publishers
1574-8863 Current drug safety Bentham Science Publishers
2212-3911 Current drug safety (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1389-4501 Current drug targets Bentham Science Publishers
1568-0053 Current drug targets Bentham Science Publishers
1568-0061 Current drug targets Bentham Science Publishers.
1568-007X Current drug targets Bentham Science Publishers; Bentham Science Publishers
1568-0088 Current drug targets Bentham Science Publishers
1568-010X Current drug targets Bentham Science Publishers
1873-5592 Current drug targets (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5852 Current drug targets (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5895 Current drug targets (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5917 Current drug targets (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5933 Current drug targets (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
2212-5299 Current drug targets (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1574-8855 Current drug therapy Bentham Science Publishers
2212-3903 Current drug therapy (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1573-4080 Current enzyme inhibition Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6662 Current enzyme inhibition Bentham Science Publishers
0271-3683 Current eye research IRL Press Ltd
1460-2202 Current eye research (e-vir) IRL Press
0198-8085 Current gastroenterology Houghton Mifflin, Medical Division,
1566-5232 Current gene therapy Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5631 Current gene therapy Bentham Science Publishers
0172-8083 Current genetics Springer
1432-0983 Current genetics Springer
1389-2029 Current genomics Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5488 Current genomics Bentham Science Publishers
1546-9530 Current heart failure reports Current Science
1546-9549 Current heart failure reports (e-vir) Current Science
0272-085X Current hematology Wiley,
0739-4810 Current hematology and oncology Fairbanks, Virgil F
1540-3408 Current hematology reports Current Science
0198-8093 Current hepatology Houghton Mifflin, Medical Division,
1570-162X Current HIV research Bentham Science Publishers
1873-4251 Current HIV research (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1522-6417 Current hypertension reports Current Science
1534-3111 Current hypertension reports (e-vir) Current Science
1573-4021 Current hypertension reviews Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6506 Current hypertension reviews Bentham Science Publishers
1573-3955 Current immunology reviews Bentham Science Publishers
1875-631X Current immunology reviews (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0145-5109 Current industrial reports United States.; United States.; United States.
0145-5168 Current industrial reports United States.
0145-5176 Current industrial reports United States.
0145-5230 Current industrial reports United States.; United States.
0145-5257 Current industrial reports United States.
0146-566X Current industrial reports United States.
0146-5678 Current industrial reports United States.; United States.
0146-5686 Current industrial reports United States.
0161-0406 Current industrial reports United States.
0195-7228 Current industrial reports United States. Bureau of the Census.
0197-8624 Current industrial reports United States.; United States.
0364-1856 Current industrial reports United States.
0364-1864 Current industrial reports United States.
0364-2720 Current industrial reports United States.; United States.; United States.
0364-2739 Current industrial reports United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.
1466-531X Current issues in intestinal microbiology Horizon Scientific
1467-3037 Current issues in molecular biology Caister Academic
1467-3045 Current issues in molecular biology (e-vir) Caister Academic.
0963-3480 Current Japanese materials research Elsevier Applied Science :; Elsevier
0011-3611 Current Laboratory Practice Gelman Instrument Company.
1573-4056 Current medical imaging reviews Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6603 Current medical imaging reviews (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0011-3700 Current Medical Practice Current Technical Literature Co, Private, Ltd.
0300-7995 Current medical research and opinion Clayton-Wray Publications Limited
1473-4877 Current medical research and opinion LibraPharm.
0929-8673 Current medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1568-0118 Current medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1568-0126 Current medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1568-0134 Current medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1568-0142 Current medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1568-0150 Current medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1568-0169 Current medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1875-533X Current medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science
1875-5968 Current medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1875-600X Current medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6107 Current medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6131 Current medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6158 Current medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6174 Current medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0738-0720 Current methods in cellular neurobiology John Wiley
0343-8651 Current microbiology Springer-Verlag
1432-0991 Current microbiology Springer-Verl. New York.
1566-5240 Current molecular medicine Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5666 Current molecular medicine Bentham Science Publishers
1573-4137 Current nanoscience Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6786 Current nanoscience Bentham Science Publishers
0148-4265 Current nephrology Year Book Medical Publishers
0161-780X Current neurology Mosby
1528-4042 Current neurology and neuroscience reports Current Science Inc.
1534-6293 Current neurology and neuroscience reports (e-vir) Current Science
1570-159X Current neuropharmacology Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6190 Current neuropharmacology (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1567-2026 Current neurovascular research Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5739 Current neurovascular research (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1573-4013 Current nutrition & food science Bentham Science Publishers
2212-3881 Current nutrition & food science (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1523-3790 Current oncology reports Current Science
1534-6269 Current oncology reports Current Science
1473-6322 Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
1528-4050 Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1464-8458 Current opinion in anti-infective investigational drugs Current Drugs.
1464-8474 Current opinion in anti-inflammatory & immunomodulatory investigational drugs Current Drugs Ltd.
0958-1669 Current opinion in biotechnology Current Biology
1464-8482 Current opinion in cardiovascular pulmonary and renal investigational drugs Current Drugs Ltd.
0955-0674 Current opinion in cell biology Current Science
1879-0410 Current Opinion in Cell Biology (e-vir) Elsevier Current Trends Journals
1367-5931 Current opinion in chemical biology Current Biology
1879-0402 Current opinion in chemical biology (e-vir) Elsevier
1563-311X Current opinion in clinical and experimental research VICER
1363-1950 Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care Rapid Science; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1473-6519 Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1535-3885 Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1359-0294 Current opinion in colloid & interface science Current Chemistry
1879-0399 Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science (e-vir) Elsevier
1464-844X Current opinion in CPNS investigational drugs Current Drugs Ltd.
1367-6733 Current opinion in drug discovery & development Current Drugs; Thomson Scientific
2040-3437 Current opinion in drug discovery & development Thomson Reuters (Scientific)
1068-3097 Current opinion in endocrinology & diabetes Current Science
1080-8205 Current opinion in endocrinology & diabetes, with evaluated MEDLINE (e-vir) National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
1531-7064 Current opinion in endocrinology and diabetes (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
1607-6524 Current opinion in European medicine VICER Publishing
0267-1379 Current opinion in gastroenterology Gower Academic Journals
1531-7056 Current opinion in gastroenterology (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
0959-437X Current opinion in genetics & development Current Biology
1879-0380 Current Opinion in Genetics & Development (e-vir) Elsevier Current Trends Journals
1065-6251 Current opinion in hematology Current Science
1531-7048 Current opinion in hematology (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
0952-7915 Current opinion in immunology Current Science
0951-7375 Current opinion in infectious diseases Gower Academic Journals
1473-6527 Current opinion in infectious diseases (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
1535-3877 Current opinion in infectious diseases (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0967-8298 Current opinion in investigational drugs Current Drugs
1472-4472 Current opinion in investigational drugs Current Drugs Ltd.
2040-3429 Current opinion in investigational drugs Thomson Reuters (Scientific)
0957-9672 Current opinion in lipidology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1473-6535 Current opinion in lipidology (e-vir) Lippincot
1369-5274 Current opinion in microbiology Current Biology
1879-0364 Current opinion in microbiology (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
1464-8431 Current opinion in molecular therapeutics Current Drugs
2040-3445 Current opinion in molecular therapeutics (e-vir) Thomson Reuters
1535-3842 Current opinion in nephrology & hypertension (e-vir) Lippincott Williamms & Wilkins
1062-4821 Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension Rapid Science
1473-6543 Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension (e-vir) Current Science
0959-4388 Current opinion in neurobiology Current Biology Ltd
1350-7540 Current opinion in neurology Current Science
1473-6551 Current opinion in neurology (e-vir) Lippincot
1464-8466 Current opinion in oncologic, endocrine & metabolic investigational drugs Current Drugs Ltd
1040-8746 Current opinion in oncology Current Science; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1531-703X Current opinion in oncology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1471-4892 Current opinion in pharmacology Elsevier.
1471-4973 Current opinion in pharmacology (e-vir) Elsevier
1369-5266 Current opinion in plant biology Current Biology
1879-0356 Current Opinion in Plant Biology (e-vir) Elsevier Current Trends Journals
1070-5287 Current opinion in pulmonary medicine Current Science; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1531-6971 Current opinion in pulmonary medicine (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
1040-8711 Current opinion in rheumatology Current Science
1531-6963 Current opinion in rheumatology (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
1359-0286 Current opinion in solid state & materials science Current Science
1879-0348 Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science (e-vir) Elsevier
0959-440X Current opinion in structural biology Current Biology
1879-033X Current Opinion in Structural Biology (e-vir) Elsevier Current Trends Journals
0962-2594 Current opinion in therapeutic patents Current Patents
1385-2728 Current organic chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5348 Current organic chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1570-1794 Current organic synthesis Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6271 Current organic synthesis Bentham Science Publishers
0072-5595 Current papers Aeronautical Research Council (Great Britain)
1573-3963 Current pediatric reviews Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6336 Current pediatric reviews (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1573-4129 Current pharmaceutical analysis Bentham Science Publishers
1875-676X Current pharmaceutical analysis (e-vir) Bentham Science
1389-2010 Current pharmaceutical biotechnology Bentham Science Publishers
1873-4316 Current pharmaceutical biotechnology (e-vir) Bentham Science
1381-6128 Current pharmaceutical design Bentham Science Publishers
1873-4286 Current pharmaceutical design (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1570-1603 Current pharmacogenomics Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6204 Current pharmacogenomics (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1877-9468 Current physical chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1877-9476 Current physical chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
0924-1949 Current plant science and biotechnology in agriculture Kluwer Academic
0253-5114 Current Practices in Environmental Engineering International Book Traders; Geo-Environ Academia
0970-0668 Current Practices in Environmental Science and Engineering International Book Traders; Geo-Environ Academia
0147-197X Current problems in anesthesia and critical care medicine Year Book Medical Publishers.
0950-4591 Current problems in epilepsy J. Libbey Eurotext,; J. Libbey,; J. Libbey Eurotext,
8756-0410 Current problems in obstetrics, gynecology and fertility Year Book Medical Publishers
1875-5550 Current protein & peptide science Bentham Science Publishers
1389-2037 Current protein and peptide science Bentham Science Publishers
1570-1646 Current proteomics Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6247 Current proteomics (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1573-4005 Current psychiatry reviews Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6441 Current psychiatry reviews (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0163-7800 Current pulmonology Year Book Medical Publishers
0083-8381 Current report West Virginia University. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0099-8125 Current researches in anesthesia & analgesia International Anesthesia Research Society.
0704-2884 Current research - Geological Survey of Canada Geological Survey of Canada.
1367-6725 Current research in molecular therapeutics Current Drugs Ltd.
0253-7125 Current research on medicinal and aromatic plants Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants.
0256-6885 Current research reporter Mahatma Phule Agricultural University.
0253-7133 Current research - University of Agricultural Sciences University of Agricultural Sciences, Communication Council.
1573-398X Current respiratory medicine reviews Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6387 Current respiratory medicine reviews (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0167-7209 Current reviews in biomedicine Elsevier/North-Holland
1523-3774 Current rheumatology reports Current Science
1534-6307 Current rheumatology reports (e-vir) Current Science
1573-3971 Current rheumatology reviews Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6360 Current rheumatology reviews (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0011-3891 Current Science Current Science Association.
0891-0006 Current separations Bioanalytical Systems Inc.
1574-3624 Current signal transduction therapy Bentham Science Publishers
2212-389X Current signal transduction therapy Bentham Science Publishers
0161-8504 Currents in alcoholism Grune & Stratton
0011-4014 Currents in modern biology North-Holland
0192-7736 Current status of modern therapy University Park Press,
1574-888X Current stem cell research and therapy Bentham Science Publishers
0258-0330 Current studies in hematology and blood transfusion S. Karger
0149-7944 Current surgery Lippincott.
0742-2725 Current themes in tropical science Pergamon Press.
1879-0313 Current therapeutic research (e-vir) Elsevier
0011-393X Current Therapeutic Research Excerpta Medica, Inc., etc.
0972-4451 Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry Research Trends.
0094-2081 Current topics in biochemistry Academic Press.
0070-2129 Current topics in bioenergetics Academic Press
1232-9630 Current Topics in Biophysics Wydawnictwo "Protext"
0918-2985 Current topics in cardiology Raifu Medikomu.
0972-4508 Current Topics in Catalysis Research Trends.
0070-2137 Current topics in cellular regulation Academic Press
0095-0289 Current topics in clinical chemistry American Association of Clinical Chemists.
0090-8584 Current topics in comparative pathobiology Academic Press,
0376-4249 Current topics in critical care medicine S. Karger AG
0972-4834 Current Topics in Crystal Growth Research Research Trends.
1557-8933 Current topics in developmental biology (e-vir) Academic Press
0070-2153 Current Topics in Developmental Biology Academic Press.
0972-4443 Current topics in electrochemistry Research Trends
0091-7397 Current topics in experimental endocrinology Academic Press,
0190-2970 Current topics in eye research Academic Press
0190-1486 Current topics in hematology A.R. Liss
0165-1854 Current topics in materials science North-Holland Pub. Co.; Elsevier North-Holland
0177-4204 Current topics in medical mycology Springer.
1568-0266 Current topics in medicinal chemistry Bentham Science
1873-4294 Current topics in medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1063-5823 Current topics in membranes Academic Press
0070-2161 Current topics in membranes and transport Academic Press
0070-217X Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology Springer-Verlag
0094-6761 Current topics in molecular endocrinology Plenum Press.
0093-4747 Current topics in neurobiology Plenum Press,
0972-477X Current Topics in Neurochemistry Research Trends.
0723-1229 Current topics in neuroendocrinology Springer.
2641-452X Current topics in nutraceutical research (e-vir) New Century Health Publishers
1540-7535 Current topics in nutraceuticals research New Century Health Publishers
0191-2453 Current topics in nutrition and disease A. Liss,
0070-2188 Current Topics in Pathology Springer-Verlag
0972-4524 Current Topics in Peptide & Protein Research Research Trends.
0972-4559 Current Topics in Pharmacology Research Trends.
1053-122X Current topics in photovoltaics Academic Press,
0972-4796 Current Topics in Phytochemistry Research Trends.
0972-4575 Current Topics in Plant Biology Research Trends.
1057-6576 Current topics in plant physiology American Society of Plant Physiologists.
0890-1449 Current topics in pulmonary pharmacology and toxicology Elsevier,
0011-3964 Current topics in radiation research North-Holland
0375-880X Current topics in radiation research quarterly North-Holland
0742-3616 Current topics in reproductive endocrinology University of London.
0747-5454 Current topics in research on synapses Alan R. Liss,
0070-2196 Current Topics in Surgical Research Academic Press.
0972-8228 Current Topics in Toxicology Research Trends (P) Ltd.
0165-4586 Current topics in veterinary medicine Nyjhoff
0166-2333 Current topics in veterinary medicine and animal science Nijhoff
0972-4591 Current Topics in Virology Research Trends.
1069-4587 Current toxicology Nova Science Publishers,
1125-8233 Current toxicology and therapy Casa editrice Maccari.
0972-947X Current Trends in Endocrinology Research Trends (P) Ltd
0378-7540 Current trends in life sciences Today and Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers.
0972-7736 Current Trends in Microbiology Research Trends (P) Ltd.
0972-8252 Current Trends in Neurology Research Trends (P) Ltd.
1465-3540 Current trends in pharmaceutical discovery Current Patents.
0972-446X Current Trends in Polymer Science Research Trends.
1570-1611 Current vascular pharmacology Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6212 Current vascular pharmacology Bentham Science Publishers
0070-2218 Current veterinary therapy W.B. Saunders.
1573-4048 Current women's health reviews Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6581 Current women's health reviews (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0561-3647 Cursillos y conferencias del Instituto Lucas Mallada Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Lucas Mallada.
0210-9891 Cursos - Escuela de Optica Cuántica Sociedad Española de Optica. ;; Universidad. Cátedra de Optica.
1556-9527 Cutaneous and ocular toxicology Taylor & Francis, Inc.
1556-9535 Cutaneous and ocular toxicology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis, Inc.
0132-0785 Cvetnaâ metallurgiâ.; Цветная металлургия CNII êkonomiki i informacii cvetnoj metallurgii; ЦНИИ экономики и информации цветной металлургии; Giprocvetmet; Гипроцветмет
0372-2929 Cvetnye metally.; Цветные металлы Ruda i metally; Руда и металлы; Metallurgiâ; Металлургия
0041-4905 Cvetovodstvo Kolos.
0366-8436 Cyanamid International Mitteilungen Cyanamid-GmbH.
0590-4633 Cyanamid International Veterinary Bulletin
0011-4235 Cybernetics Consultants Bureau.
0378-1860 CYP Editorial Garsi; OYP, S.A.
0366-841X Cyprus agricultural journal [s.n.].
1355-428X Cystic fibrosis. Current topics John Wiley.
0070-2463 Cytobiologie Wiss. Verl.-Ges.
0379-8003 Cytobiologische Revue Ott,
0011-4529 Cytobios The Faculty Press
1424-8581 Cytogenetic and genome research S. Karger
1424-859X Cytogenetic and genome research S. Karger
0011-4537 Cytogenetics S. Karger,
0301-0171 Cytogenetics and cell genetics S. Karger
1043-4666 Cytokine Saunders
1359-6101 Cytokine & growth factor reviews Elsevier Science
1879-0305 Cytokine & growth factor reviews (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
1013-9982 Cytokines S. Karger AG
1368-4736 Cytokines, cellular & molecular therapy Dunitz
1355-6568 Cytokines and molecular therapy M. Dunitz.
0011-4545 Cytologia c/o Botanical Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo; Japan Mendel Society
0095-4527 Cytology and genetics Allerton Press
1934-9440 Cytology and genetics (e-vir) Allerton Press
0196-4763 Cytometry Wiley-Liss
1097-0320 Cytometry (e-vir) Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1552-4922 Cytometry Wiley-Liss
1552-4930 Cytometry (e-vir) Wiley-Liss
1552-4949 Cytometry Wiley-Liss
1552-4957 Cytometry (e-vir) Wiley-Liss
0289-3681 Cyto-protection & biology Saitopurotekushon Kenkyâukai.; Cytoprotection Kenkyâukai.
0920-9069 Cytotechnology Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
1573-0778 Cytotechnology (e-vir) Kluwer
1465-3249 Cytotherapy ISIS Medical Media
1477-2566 Cytotherapy (e-vir) Martin Dunitz Ltd
0011-4553 Czasopismo Stomatologiczne PTS.; Polska Izba Lekarsko-Dentystyczna.; Polskie Towarzystwo Stomatologiczne.
0011-4561 Czasopismo techniczne Wydawnictwo Politechniki Krakowskiej
2353-737X Czasopismo Techniczne (e-vir) Wydawnictwo Politechniki Krakowskiej
0366-8509 CZ-Chemie-Technik Hüthig.
1212-1819 Czech Journal of Animal Science Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací; Česká akademie zemědělských věd
1805-9309 Czech Journal of Animal Science (e-vir) Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
1212-1800 Czech Journal of Food Sciences Česká akademie zemědělských věd; Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací
1805-9317 Czech Journal of Food Sciences (e-vir) Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
0011-4618 Czechoslovak Heavy Industry Chamber of Commerce of Czechoslovakia; Rapid
0011-4626 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics academia, Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
1572-9486 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Kluwer
0139-9179 Czechoslovak Medicine Avicenum
0137-9801 Człowiek i Nauka Wiedza Powszechna.
0392-8950 D.A. Difesa ambientale Centro internazionale studi giornalistici.
0253-5467 Dacca University studies Dacca University
1001-1552 Dadi gouzao yu chengkuangxue Gai Kan Bianjibu
0366-9726 Dæari de seamæa ale şedinţelor Institutul Geologic al României.
0378-0589 Dæari de seamæa ale şedinţelor Institutul de Geologie şi Geofizicæa.
0011-5266 Daedalus MIT Press Journals
1548-6192 Daedalus (e-vir) American Academy of Arts and Sciences
0070-2528 Dædalus Tekniska museet
0254-5918 Daehag'weon nonmunjib - Dong'a daehag'gyo Graduate School, Dong'a University.
0496-6872 Daehan am'hag hoeji daehan am haghoe
0378-6471 Daehan an'gwa hag'hoeji daehan an-gwa hakoe
0379-1149 Daehan byeongri hag'hoeji daehan byeongni hakoe
0250-3352 Daehanchijugwahakoeji; 대한치주과학회 Daehan chiju gwahakoe; 대한치주과학회
0376-4672 Daehan ci'gwa yisa hyeob'hoeji Daehan chi'gwa uisa hyeobhoe
1225-1550 Daehan geumsog haghoe hoebo daehan geumsok hakoe
0253-3847 Daehan geumsog haghoeji Daehan geumsog haghoe
1738-8228 Daehan-geumsok.jaeryohakoeji; 대한금속.재료학회지 Daehan geumsog jae'lyo haghoe; 대한금속재료학회
1010-0695 Daehanhanuihakoeji Daehan han'ui haghoe
0418-2472 Daehan hwahag hoeji Daehan hwahaghoe
0366-9173 Daehan Hyulek Hakhoe Chapji Daehan Hyulek Hakhoe
1598-8155 Daehan jeonhae'jil dae'sa yeon'guhoeji Daehan jeonhae'jil dae'sa yeon'guhoe
0253-3162 Daehan misaengmul haghoeji Daehan misaengmul haghoe
0494-4712 Daehan naegwa hag'hoe jabji daehan naegwa haghoe
0494-4739 Daehan pibu'gwa haghoeji Daehan pibu'gwa haghoe
1225-7044 Daehansin-gyeonggwahakoeji; 대한신경과학회지 Daehan sin'gyeong gwahaghoe; 대한신경과학회
1225-0015 Daehan sinjang haghoeji daehan sinjang haghoe
0377-9459 Daehan yag'rihag jabji daehan yangni hakoe
0285-5372 Daidäo Käogyäo Daigaku kiyäo Daidäo Käogyäo Daigaku
0379-7511 Daihan gwaṅsanhag hoi ji Daihan gwaṅsanhag hoi
0250-3409 Daihan Haigąnüihag hoi jabji Daihan Haigąnüihag hoi.
0011-5355 Daiichi Käogyäo Seiyaku shahäo Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku, Co., Ltd.
0286-8016 Daiichi Yakka Daigaku kenkyäu nempäo Daiichi College of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
0366-9998 Dai Nippon Yäogyäo Kyäokwai zasshi Japanese Ceramic Association.
0366-8568 Dairy Dairy
0011-5568 Dairy Council digest National Dairy Council
0366-855X Dairy Engineering Lomond Technical Press
0049-6103 Dairyfarming digest Victoria. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE.
0011-5622 Dairy Industries United Trade Press
0308-8197 Dairy industries international UnBell Bublishing
0099-4790 Dairy Plant Production
0011-5673 Dairy record Dairy Record Pub. Co.; Gorman Pub. Co.
0011-5681 Dairy Science Abstracts Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
0366-998X Dairy World and the British Dairy Farmer [s.n.]
0386-1074 Daitäo Bunka Daigaku kiyäo. Shakai, shizen kagaku Daito Bunka University.
0912-2346 Daitäo Bunka Daigaku kiyäo. Shizen kagaku Daito Bunka University.
0366-8533 Daitäo Säakyuräa Osaka Täogyäo Kabushiki Gaisha.
1344-4050 Daizu tampakushitsu kenkyäu Fuji Foundation for Protein Research.
0288-6219 Daizu Tanpakushitsu Eiyäo Kenkyäukai kaishi Research Committee of Soy Protein Nutrition, Japan.
0919-9535 Daizu Tanpakushitsu Kenkyūkai kaishi Daizu Tanpakushitsu Kenkyūkai
0253-0031 Dalian Gongxueyuan xuebao Dalian Gongxueyuan
0494-4429 Dalian gongxueyuan xuekan [s. n.],
1006-7736 Dalian Haishi Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1000-8608 Dalian Ligong Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-4014 Dalian Qinggongye Xueyuan xuebao Editorial Office of Journal of Dalian Institute of Light Industry
1000-9957 Dalian Shuichan Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-1670 Dalian Tiedao Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-7295 Dalian Yike Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1470-479X Dalton Royal Society of Chemistry
1477-9226 Dalton transactions Royal Society of Chemistry
1477-9234 Dalton transactions (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0136-5142 Dalʹnevostočnyj akustičeskij sbornik Dalʹnevostočnyj politehničeskij institut im. V.V. Kujbyševa.
1671-0460 Dangdai huagong Dangdai Huagong Zazhishe
1009-6809 Dangdai shiyou shihua Gai Kan Bianjibu
0270-3777 Dangerous properties of industrial materials report Van Nostrand Reinhold,
0907-8916 Danish medical bulletin Den Almindelige Danske Lægeforening.; Dansk Medicinsk Selskab.
0366-9351 Danish medical bulletin. Suppl Danish Medical Association.
0253-9632 Dànjiāng xuébào Dànjiāng xuéyuàn chūbǎn bù
0366-9122 Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse
0366-9130 Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse
0366-9149 Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse
0366-9157 Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse
0366-9165 Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse
0011-6335 Dansk kemi TechMedia
1902-360X Dansk kemi (e-vir) TechMedia
0011-6416 Dansk patenttidende Danmark. Patent- og Varemærkestyrelsen.
0011-6424 Dansk pelsdyravl Dansk Pelsdyravl.
0011-6475 Dansk Skovforenings tidsskrift Dansk Skovforening
0011-6513 Dansk tidsskrift for farmaci Danmarks Farmaceutiske Selskab
0385-7328 Däo Japan Copper Development Association.
0044-5118 Däobutsugaku zasshi Zoological Society of Japan.
0289-6583 Däobutsu seiri Japan Society for General and Comparative Physiology.
0386-2402 Däojäo jäoka shisutemu Nihon Dojäo Jäoka JigyäoKenkyäukai.
0289-6605 Däonen gihäo Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation.
0253-2751 Däongwú huàxué Däongwú dàxué huàxué xuéhuì.
0250-3255 Däongwú shùlěixué bào Däong-wú dàxué.; Soochow University.
0254-5853 Däongwùxué yánjiäu Yúnnán rénmín chäubǎnshè
0385-3519 Däoyaku kenkyäu Bayer Japan Kabushiki Gaisha.; Baieru.; Baieru medikaru doubutsuyou yakuhin jigyoubu.
0366-9637 Dapim Refuiim [s.n.]
1000-1891 Daqing Shiyou Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0144-6495 Daresbury Laboratory. DL/NUC/R Daresbury Laboratory
0144-5650 Daresbury Laboratory. DL/R Daresbury Laboratory.
0144-5677 Daresbury Laboratory. DL/SCI/R Daresbury Laboratory.
0144-5669 Daresbury Laboratory. DL/SRF/R Daresbury Laboratory.
0144-4085 Daresbury Nuclear Physics Laboratory. DNPL/R Daresbury Nuclear Physics Laboratory.
2008-2231 Daru (e-vir) Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy
1560-8115 Daru = Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy
0011-6793 Darwiniana Instituto de Botánica Darwinion
1850-1699 Darwiniana (e-vir) Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Academia Argentina de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales
0366-8754 Das deutsche Druckgewerbe Wirtschaftsgruppe Druck.
0432-742X Das Grünland Schaper.
0023-9887 Das Leben Institut für Biologie, Umwelt und Lebensschutz.; Bund für Lebensschutz.; Internationale Union für Gesunde Lebensgrundlagen für Mensch, Tier und Pflanze.; International Union for Protection of Life.; Union Internationale pour la Protection de la Vie.
0025-8466 Das medizinische Laboratorium Hirzel.
0049-7711 Das wirtschaftseigene Futter DLG-Verlags-GmbH
0162-4105 Database Online, inc.
0922-3487 Data handling in science and technology Elsevier
2212-1250 Data handling in science and technology (e-vir) Elsevier
0011-6963 Datamation Technical Pub. Co., etc.
0379-7309 Dàtäong xuébào Dàtäong gäongxuéyuàn.; Tatung Institute of Technology.
0011-6874 Data Processing Magazine North American Publ.Co..
0099-4782 Data processing magazine's data dynamics North American Pub.,
1683-1470 Data science journal (e-vir) Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council for Science.
0170-608X Daten und Dokumente zum Umweltschutz Dokumentationsstelle der Universität Hohenheim.
0270-2657 Davison catalagram W.R. Grace & Co. Davison Chemical Division.
1000-8438 Daxue huaxue Beijing Daxue Chubanshe,
1000-4041 Daziran tansuo Sichuan Kexue Jishu Chubanshe,
0381-4319 DBR paper National Research Council Canada. Division of Building Research.
0385-0129 DE. Journal of dental engineering Shika Rikō Gakkai; Nihon shika rikou gakkai
0934-3792 DECHEMA biotechnology conferences Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chemisches Apparatewesen, Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.; DECHEMA.
0070-315X Dechema-monographien Verlag Chemie
0366-872X Decheniana Naturhistorischer Verein der Rheinlande und Westfalens
0416-833X Decheniana, Beihefte Naturhistorischer Verein der Rheinlande und Westfalens
0366-8851 Déchets et régénérés [s.n.]
1878-2477 Deep sea research (e-vir) Elsevier
0146-6291 Deep-sea research Pergamon Press
0198-0149 Deep-sea research Pergamon
0967-0637 Deep-sea research Pergamon
0967-0645 Deep-sea research Pergamon
0011-7471 Deep-sea research and oceanographic abstracts Pergamon Press
0012-009X DEFAZET. Deutsche Farben-Zeitschrift Edition Lack u. Chemie Moeller
0366-8975 Defazet-Aktuell Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
1662-9507 Defect and diffusion forum (e-vir) Trans Tech Publications
0130-3082 Defektoskopiâ Nauka
0976-464X Defence science journal (e-vir) Indianjournals.com
0011-748X Defence Science Journal Defence Science Laboratory, Scientific Information Bureau
0011-7579 Défense des végétaux Ligue nationale de lutte contre les ennemis des cultures, Paris.
1814-4632 Deformaciâ i razrušenie materialov Nauka i tehnologii
0016-2302 De fruitteelt Nederlandse fruittelers organisatie
0366-8797 Degussa-Brief Degussa, GB Dental und Goldhalbzeug.; Degussa.
0019-9249 De industrieele eigendom Bureau voor den Industrieelen Eigendom.; Bureau voor de Industriële Eigendom (Octrooiraad)
1343-3881 Dekomisshoningu gihäo Research Association for Nuclear Facility Decommissioning.; Radwaste and Decommissioning Center.; RANDEC.
0011-7781 Delaware medical journal Medical Society of Delaware.
0092-7295 Delaware state medical journal Medical Society of Delaware.
0165-2311 Delft progress report Technische Hogeschool Delft.
0165-2567 Delft progress report Technische Hogeschool Delft.
0302-2307 Delft progress report Technische Hogeschool Delft.
0304-985X Delft progress report Delft University of Technology.
0416-928X Delpinoa Napoli, Università degli studi, Istituto e orto botanico.
1012-5965 Delta Journal of Science Faculty of Science, Tanta University
2735-5306 Delta Journal of Science (e-vir) Faculty of Science, Tanta University
2459-4113 Deltion Ellīnikīs Mikroviologikīs Etaireias; Δελτίον Ελληνικής Μικροβιολογικής Εταιρείας (e-vir) Ellīnikī Mikroviologikī Etaireia; Ελληνική Μικροβιολογική Εταιρεία
0438-9573 Deltion Ellīnikīs Mikroviologikīs Etaireias.; Δελτίον Ελληνικής Μικροβιολογικής Εταιρείας Ellīnikī Mikroviologikī Etaireia
0366-9254 Deltion tou Institoutou Technologias Fytikäon Proiontäon Konti
0438-9557 Deltio tīs Ellīnikīs Geōlogikīs Etaireias.; Δελτίο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρείας Ellīnikī Geōlogikī Etaireia; Ελληνική Γεωλογική Εταιρεία,
0913-6835 Dementia Sekai Hoken Tsäushinsha. ;; äEsu äAto (1995 - 1996).
1420-8008 Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders Karger
1421-9824 Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders (e-vir) S. Karger
1342-646X Dementia Japan Esu Ato; Nihon chiho gakkai; Nihon Ninchisho Gakkai
1066-5056 Dementia reviews Marcel Dekker,
0366-8800 Demir ve çelik Ağ%r Sanayi Mühendisleri Derneği
0385-9827 Dempun Nihon Dempun Gakkai. Chäubu Shibu :; Nihon ouyou toushitsu kagakkai chuubu shibu.
0366-9068 Dempunto Gijutsu Kenkyu Kaiho Dempunto Gijutsu Kenkyukai.
1641-1307 Dendrobiology Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
2083-8387 Dendrobiology (e-vir) Institute of Dendrology
0961-0898 Dendron Faculty Press.
0286-5629 Denkai chikudenki hyoron Denkai Chikudenki Kenkyukai
0386-8753 Denki gijutsu Nihon Tanpa Häosäo.; Nihon Denki Gijutsusha Kyäokai.
0366-9440 Denki Kagaku Denki Kagaku Kyokai
0918-1083 Denki Kagaku Kyōkai gijutsu, kyōiku kenkyū ronbunshi Denki Kagaku Kyōkai. Gijutsu, Kyōiku Kenkyū Kondankai
0366-9297 Denki kagaku oyobi kōgyō butsuri kagaku Denki Kagaku Kyokai; Denki Kagakkai
0011-8389 Denki Seiko Denki Seiko Kenkyukai; Daido Tokushuko Kenkyu Kaihatsu Honbu
0366-8886 Denki Shikenjo Iho Electrotechnical Laboratory,Agency of Industrial Science and Technology.
0366-9661 Denki Shikensho Chosa Hokoku Electronical Laboratory.
0366-9696 Denki Shikensho Kenkyu Hokoku Agency of Industrial Science and Technology. Electrotechnical Laboratory.
0493-4253 Denki Tsäushin Daigaku gakuhäo University of Electro-communications, Tokyo.
0915-0935 Denki Tsäushin Daigaku kiyäo University of Electro-communications, Tokyo.
0415-3200 Denki Tsäushin Kenkyäujo kenkyäu jitsuyäoka häokoku Nippon Denshin Denwa Kabushiki Gaisha. Kenkyäu Kaihatsu Gijutsu Honbu. Gijutsu Jäohäo Senta.; Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. Electrical Communications Laboratories.; Nippon Denshin Denwa Käosha. Denki Tsäushin Kenkyäujo.; Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation. Electrical Communication Laboratories.
0918-9890 Denki zairyo gijutsu zasshi Denki Zairyo Gjutsu Kondankai; Denki zairyo gijutsu kondankai
0366-970X Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft
1344-8692 Dennetsu Heat Transfer Society of Japan.
0910-7851 Dennetsu kenkyäu Heat Transfer Society of Japan.
0021-5406 Denpun Kagaku Japanese Society of Starch Science.
0416-9662 Denpun Käogyäo Gakkaishi Technological Society of Starch.; Japanese Society of Starch Science.
0366-8819 Denshi gijutsu Nikkan Käogyäo Shimbunsha.
0366-9084 Denshi Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyujo Chosa Hokoku Electrotechnical Laboratory.
0366-9092 Denshi Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyujo Iho Denshi Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyujo.
0366-9106 Denshi Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku Electrotechnical Laboratory.
0913-5723 Denshi Jäohäo Tsäushin Gakkai ronbunshi. C Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Tokyo.
0417-0326 Denshi kenbikyäo Nihon Denshi Kenbikyäo Gakkai
0387-916X Denshi Shashin Gakkaishi Society of Electrophotography of Japan.
0385-0773 Denshi Tsäushin Gakkai gijutsu kenkyäu häokoku Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan.; IECEJ.
0373-6121 Denshi Tsushin Gakkaishi Denshi Tsushin Gakkai.
0387-0774 Denshi zairyäo Nihon Denshi Zairyäo Gijutsu Kyäokai.
0388-0273 Dental bulletin of Osaka University Osaka Daigaku Shigakkai.
0011-8532 Dental clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
1558-0512 Dental clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0011-8567 Dental digest Dental Protective Association of the United States.
0096-0195 Dental items of interest [Dental Items of Interest Pub. Co.]
0366-9270 Dental journal of Australia Australian Dental Association.
0109-5641 Dental materials Munksgaard
0287-4547 Dental materials journal Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices
0099-8095 Dental Outlook
0418-6966 Dental Progress
0045-9941 Dental radiography and photography Eastman Kodak Company.; Eastman Kodak Company. Medical Division.
0418-6982 Dental Review
0011-8788 Dental survey [Dental Survey Publications, etc.]
1600-4469 Dental traumatology International Association for Dental Traumatology.
1600-9657 Dental traumatology (e-vir) Blackwell
0911-2626 Denzaiken gihäo Sumitomo Metal Mining Company. Electronics Materials Laboratory.
0031-1413 De papierwereld Bond voor Materialenkennis. Kring Vezels en Cellulose. Afdeling Papier en Papierverwerking.; Stichting Papiergeschiedenis.
0091-1283 Departmental paper - College of Tropical Agriculture, Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Hawaii Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station,
0097-0824 Department bulletin / United States.
0527-6969 Department of Forestry publication Canada. Dept. of Forestry.
1091-4269 Depression and anxiety Wiley-Liss
1520-6394 Depression and anxiety (e-vir) Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1347-8893 Depression frontier Iyaku janarusha,
0003-2417 Der Anaesthesist Springer
1432-055X Der Anaesthesist Springer.
0365-8961 Der Balneologe Springer.
0172-5467 Der Brauereitechniker (Verlag Deutsche Brauwirtschaft).
0045-2718 Der Brauer und Mälzer Sachon.
0520-7568 Der Brauer- und Mälzer-Lehrling Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei.
0009-1308 Der Champignon Bund Deutscher Champignonzüchter
0340-2657 Der Chemieunterricht Friedrich.
0009-4722 Der Chirurg Springer-Verlag
1433-0385 Der Chirurg Springer.
0012-0820 Der deutsche Tabakbau Konradin,
1010-0962 De re metallica Instituto geológico minero y metalúrgico
0011-9008 Derevoobrabatyvaûŝaâ promyšlennost' Lesnaâ promyšlennost'
0415-4657 Derevopererabatyvaûśaâ i lesohimičeskaâ promyšlennostʹ Ministerstvo lesnoj i bumažnoj promyšlennosti SSSR.
0367-3111 Der Fischeinzelhändler Görg
0015-7961 Der Forst- und Holzwirt Schaper
0256-7180 Dergisi Lalahan Zootekni Araştirma Enstitüsü
0017-5994 Der Gynäkologe Springer
1433-0393 Der Gynäkologe (e-vir) Springer
0017-8470 Der Hautarzt Springer-Verlag
1432-1173 Der Hautarzt (e-vir) Springer
0020-9554 Der Internist Springer
1432-1289 Der Internist Springer
0368-1815 Der junge Destillateur und Brenner Team-Fachverlag.
0368-7074 Der Kunststoffmarkt
0368-7945 Der Lebensmitteltierarzt Schaper.
0024-2845 Der Lichtbogen Hüls AG.
0025-4517 Der Maschinenschaden Allianz Versicherungs-AG
0011-9032 Dermatologia ESI.
0096-1108 Dermatologia Internationalis
0130-3058 Dermatologiâ i venerologiâ.; Дерматология и венерология Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя
0096-1116 Dermatologia tropica et ecologica geographica International Society of Tropical Dermatology.
0011-9075 Dermatologica S. Karger AG; [s. n.]
0733-8635 Dermatologic clinics W.B. Saunders Co.
1558-0520 Dermatologic clinics (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
1076-0512 Dermatologic surgery Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1524-4725 Dermatologic surgery (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1438-776X Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt Dustri-Verl. Dr. Karl Feistle
1616-7090 Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt (e-vir) Dustri-Verl. Feistle
0417-0792 Dermatologija i vinerologija Medicina i fizkultura
0011-9083 Dermatologische Monatsschrift J.A. Barth
0366-8940 Dermatologische Wochenschrift Barth.
0366-8878 Dermatologische Zeitschrift Springer. ;; Karger,
0742-3217 Dermatology Dekker,
1018-8665 Dermatology S.Karger
1421-9832 Dermatology S. Karger
0196-6197 Dermatology times Dermatology Times, Inc.
2150-6523 Dermatology times Dermatology Times
0343-2432 Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt Editio Cantor, Verl. für Med. u. Naturwiss.
0011-9024 Dermato-venerologia Editura Medicală
0303-8890 Dermofarmacia Edizioni Minerva Medica.
0366-886X Dermosifilografo Edizioni Minerva medica.
0028-0828 Der Naturbrunnen Genossenschaft Deutscher Brunnen eGmbH.
0028-2804 Der Nervenarzt Springer
1433-0407 Der Nervenarzt Springer
0723-7065 Der Nuklearmediziner Demeter
1439-5800 Der Nuklearmediziner Thieme.
0941-293X Der Ophthalmologe Springer
1433-0423 Der Ophthalmologe (e-vir) Springer
0369-8378 Der Parfümeur [Verlag für Chem. Industrie Ziolkowsky].
0031-6733 Der Pflanzenarzt Scholle Verlag
0480-2624 Der pharmazeutische Betrieb Editio Cantor.
0038-9145 Der Stahlbau Ernst
1437-1049 Der Stahlbau (e-vir) Ernst
0040-7240 Der Tiefbau Bertelsmann-Fachverlag Mohn
0372-5499 Der VEB Wasserwirtschaft [Verl. Technik].
0372-7084 Der Wald Ministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft.
0514-0641 Der Züchter Springer-Verlag
0011-9164 Desalination Elsevier
1873-4464 Desalination (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1022-5404 Desalination & water reuse International Desalination Association ; Lineal Publishing Company
0302-8038 Desert Institute bulletin. A.R.E National Information and Documentation Centre
0271-3020 Design & management for resource recovery Ann Arbor Science Publishers,
1385-772X Designed monomers and polymers VSP
1568-5551 Designed monomers and polymers (e-vir) VSP
0199-5308 Design engineering [Morgan-Grampian Pub. Co.]
0011-9407 Design news Cahners Pub. Co.
0366-8894 Desinfektion [s.n.]
0366-967X Desinfektion Hygiene-Verl. Deleiter
0415-4835 Desinfektion und Gesundheitswesen Neuer Hygiene-Verl. im Medizin.-Literar. Verl. Blume
0366-9734 Desinfektion und Schädlingsbekämpfung [s.n.]
0418-7741 Destillat Verlag Chemie
0417-111X Destillateur-Lehrling Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Spiritusfabrikation
0366-8843 Destillateur und Likörfabrikant [s.n.]
0039-6133 De Surinaamse Landbouw Agrarische Publiciteitsdienst
0130-3066 Detali mašin Tehnika
0096-0063 Detergent age Dorland Pub. Corp..
0011-958X Detergents and specialties [Dorland Pub. Corp.]
0367-2174 Det Forstlige Forsøgsvæsen i Danmark Statens Forstlige Forsøgsvæsen
0368-7198 Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs skrifter Munksgaard,
0368-6310 Det Kongelige Norske videnskabers selskabs Universitetsforlaget
0099-8087 Detroit Chemist [s.n.].
0321-2262 Detskie infekcii.; Детские инфекции Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0011-9784 Deutsche Agrartechnik Verlag Technik
0366-8622 Deutsche Apotheker Verlag Der Dt. Apotheker
0011-9857 Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung Dt. Apotheker-Verl.
0370-9280 Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung Dt. Apotheker-Verl..
0011-992X Deutsche Baumschule Haymarket Media GmbH & Co. KG
0418-8241 Deutsche Bienenwirtschaft Deutscher Imkerbund e. V..
0366-8711 Deutsche Chemiker-Zeitschrift Apotheker- u. Chemiker-Verl..
0366-8770 Deutsche Destillateur-Zeitung Neuer Verl. Dt. Destillateur-Zeitungen
0012-0057 Deutsche Eisenbahntechnik Verlag Technik
0366-8835 Deutsche Elektrotechnik Verlag Technik
0012-0073 Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift Akademie Verlag
0366-8916 Deutsche Essigindustrie Parey.
0366-9041 Deutsche Faserstoffe und Spinnpflanzen Deutsche Flachsbau-Gesellschaft, Abteilung Bayern.
0366-8991 Deutsche Fischerei-Rundschau Seyfarth
0012-0111 Deutsche Fischerei-Zeitung VVB Binnenfischerei Peitz.
0012-0146 Deutsche Gartenbau Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
0012-0138 Deutsche Gärtnerbörse Verl. Dt. Gärtnerbörse
0012-0219 Deutsche Gesundheitswesen Verlag Volk und Gesundheit
0012-0235 Deutsche Gewässerkundliche Mitteilungen Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
0366-9114 Deutsche Goldschmiede-Zeitung Diebener
0012-0308 Deutsche hydrographische Zeitschrift Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie
0070-4210 Deutsche kraftfahrtforschung und strassenverkehrstecnik [S.n.]
0366-9300 Deutsche Landwirtschaftliche Tierzucht Schaper.
0012-0413 Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
0366-9335 Deutsche Licht- und Wasserfach-Zeitung [s.n.]
0070-4245 Deutsche Luft- und Raumfahrt Wissenschaftliches Berichtswesen der DFVLR
0070-4253 Deutsche Luft- und Raumfahrt Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
0418-8888 Deutsche Medizinische Forschung Verlag für Gesamtmedizin
1439-4413 Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift Thieme.
0012-0472 Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift Georg Thieme Verlag
0012-0480 Deutsche Milchwirtschaft Mann
0366-9424 Deutsche Molkerei-Zeitung Volkswirtschaftlicher Verlag GmbH
0366-9432 Deutsche Nahrungsmittel-Rundschau Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft
0344-7103 Deutsche Optikerzeitung Opt. Fachveröffentlichung-GmbH
0366-953X Deutsche optische Wochenschrift Fachbuchverl..
0366-9513 Deutsche optische Wochenschrift und Central-Zeitung für Optik und Mechanik Borkmann.
0366-9548 Deutsche Papier-Zeitung Keppler
0366-9556 Deutsche Parfümerie-Zeitung Merkur-Verlag
0171-7197 Deutscher Ausschuß für Stahlbeton Ernst (in Komm.)
0344-3787 Deutscher Färber-Kalender Dt. Fachverl..
0366-8576 Deutsches Archiv für klinische Medizin J. F. Bergmann.
0366-9815 Deutsches Handels-Archiv Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft; Bundesstelle für Aussenhandelsinformation (Vertrieb)
0012-1320 Deutsches Medizinisches Journal Medicus Verlag GmbH.
0012-0790 Deutsche Stomatologie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Stomatologie.
0366-9858 Deutsches Tuberkulose-Blatt Thieme.
0366-9793 Deutsche Tabak-Zeitung [s.n.]
0366-9807 Deutsche Technik [s.n.]
0366-8932 Deutsche Textilgewerbe [s.n.]
0012-0839 Deutsche Textiltechnik Fachbuchverl.
0366-9874 Deutsche Textilwirtschaft [s.n.]
0012-0847 Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift Schaper.
0366-9904 Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift, Tierärztliche Rundschau Schaper; Gauverl. Mark Brandenburg
0366-9882 Deutsche Töpfer und Ziegler Zeitung [s.n.]
0012-0979 Deutsche Weinbau Zeitschriftenverlag Dr Bilz und Dr Fraund
0366-8967 Deutsche Wein-Zeitung Diemer
0366-9890 Deutsche Wollen-Gewerbe [s.n.]
0012-1010 Deutsche Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde.
0366-9939 Deutsche zahnärztliche Wochenschrift Lehmann.
0012-1029 Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift Carl Hanser
0367-0023 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie Springer
0367-0031 Deutsche Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Gerichtliche Medizin Springer; Bergmann
0367-004X Deutsche Zeitschrift für Nervenheilkunde Springer
0344-5925 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag
2510-5264 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin (e-vir) Dynamic Media Sales Verlag
0012-1053 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie der DDR.
0366-9920 Deutsche Zuckerindustrie Verlag Die Dt. Zuckerindustrie
0366-9742 Deutschoesterreichische Spirituosen-Zeitung [s.n.]
0950-1991 Development Company of Biologists
1477-9129 Development Company of Biologists.
0949-944X Development, genes and evolution Springer.
1432-041X Development, genes and evolution (e-vir) Springer
0012-1592 Development, growth & differentiation Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists
1440-169X Development, growth & differentiation Blackwell Science
0145-305X Developmental and comparative immunology Pergamon Press
0012-1606 Developmental biology Academic Press.
1095-564X Developmental biology (e-vir) Academic Press
0165-3806 Developmental brain research Elsevier/North-Holland
1534-5807 Developmental cell Cell Press
1878-1551 Developmental cell (e-vir) Elsevier
1058-8388 Developmental dynamics Wiley-Liss
1097-0177 Developmental dynamics (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0192-253X Developmental genetics (e-vir) A.R. Liss
1520-6408 Developmental genetics (e-vir) [A.R. Liss]; Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1029-2357 Developmental immunology (e-vir) Harwood Academic
1044-6672 Developmental immunology Harwood Academic Publishers.
0378-5866 Developmental neuroscience S. Karger
1421-9859 Developmental neuroscience S. Karger
0379-8305 Developmental pharmacology and therapeutics S. Karger
0012-1630 Developmental psychobiology International Society for Developmental Psychobiology.
1098-2302 Developmental psychobiology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0165-2168 Development in mammals North-Holland : :; Elsevier
0262-1576 Developments in adhesives Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0166-2287 Developments in agricultural and managed-forest ecology Elsevier
0167-4137 Developments in agricultural engineering Elsevier
0167-5168 Developments in animal and veterinary sciences Elsevier
0070-4555 Developments in applied spectroscopy Society for Applied Spectroscopy.
0167-9309 Developments in aquaculture and fisheries science Elsevier ;; Elsevier scientific
1567-6919 Developments in arid regions research Balkema
0167-5117 Developments in atmospheric science Elsevier
0165-1714 Developments in biochemistry Elsevier/North-Holland
0262-1568 Developments in biodegradation of hydrocarbons Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0166-0861 Developments in bioenergetics and biomembranes Elsevier/North-Holland
1424-6074 Developments in biologicals S. Karger
0301-5149 Developments in biological standardization International Association of Biological Standardization; S. Karger AG
0264-8393 Developments in block copolymers / Applied Science
0163-6146 Developments in cancer research Elsevier/North-Holland : :; Elsevier Biomedical
0166-9842 Developments in cardiovascular medicine Kluwer Academic
0165-2265 Developments in cell biology North-Holland
0268-0424 Developments in cell biology [s.n.]
0969-1855 Developments in chemical engineering and mineral processing Science and Technology Letters.
1747-3659 Developments in chemical engineering and mineral processing (e-vir) Curtin University of Technology.
0260-4221 Developments in chromatography Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0167-4978 Developments in clinical biochemistry Nijhoff
0260-423X Developments in composite materials Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0378-519X Developments in crop science Elsevier Scientific ;; Kodansha; Elsevier; Elsevier ;; Japan Scientific Societies Press
0263-6204 Developments in crystalline polymers Elsevier Applied Science.
0264-8407 Developments in dairy chemistry Applied Science.
0168-6178 Developments in economic geology Elsevier
1572-7785 Developments in ecosystems Elsevier
0165-1900 Developments in endocrinology Elsevier/North Holland
0167-6334 Developments in endocrinology Nijhoff
0260-0862 Developments in environmental control and public health Applied Science Publishers
0167-8892 Developments in environmental modelling Elsevier
1474-8177 Developments in environmental science Elsevier
0260-4345 Developments in food carbohydrate Applied Science Publishers
0262-1606 Developments in food colours Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0264-2670 Developments in food microbiology Applied Science Publishers.
0263-3752 Developments in food packaging Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0263-4376 Developments in food preservation Applied Science Publishers Ltd.; Elsevier Applied Science
0263-3728 Developments in food preservatives Applied Science
0263-4708 Developments in food proteins Applied Science Publishers.
0167-4501 Developments in food science Elsevier
0921-3198 Developments in geochemistry Elsevier
0167-4455 Developments in halophilic microorganisms Elsevier/North-Holland
0263-371X Developments in heat exchanger technology Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
1369-7331 Developments in heat transfer WIT Press
0167-448X Developments in hematology Nůhoff
0167-9201 Developments in hematology and immunology Nijhoff ;; Kluwer Academic
0167-8418 Developments in hydrobiology Junk :; Kluwer Academic Publishers :; Springer
0163-5921 Developments in immunology Elsevier-North Holland,
0070-4563 Developments in industrial microbiology Society for Industrial Microbiology (U.S.); Society for Industrial Microbiology (U.S.).
0260-4213 Developments in injection moulding Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0264-7982 Developments in ionic polymers Applied Science Publishers.
0163-6995 Developments in marine biology Elsevier/North-Holland :; Elsevier
0144-8811 Developments in meat science Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0419-0262 Developments in mechanics Distributed by Plenum Press,
0167-4528 Developments in mineral processing Elsevier
0167-8256 Developments in molecular virology Nijhoff
0167-8205 Developments in nephrology Nijhoff
0166-5960 Developments in neurology Elsevier Biomedical : :; Elsevier
0165-7003 Developments in neuroscience North-Holland
0167-9074 Developments in nuclear medicine Nijhoff; Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston
0167-6504 Developments in nutrition and metabolism Elsevier/North-Holland
0167-8302 Developments in obstetrics and gynecology Nijhoff
0167-4927 Developments in oncology Ny@"hoff
0250-3751 Developments in ophthalmology S. Karger
0264-3022 Developments in oriented polymers Elsevier Applied Science.
0920-5446 Developments in palaeontology and stratigraphy Elsevier
0167-6385 Developments in perinatal medicine Nijhoff
0260-4248 Developments in petroleum geology Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0376-7361 Developments in petroleum science Elsevier Scientific
0167-2894 Developments in petrology Elsevier
0167-6431 Developments in pharmacology Nijhoff
0167-840X Developments in plant and soil sciences Junk :; Nijhoff ;; Kluwer Academic Publishers
0166-2538 Developments in plant biology Elsevier
1381-673X Developments in plant breeding Kluwer Academic Press
0168-7972 Developments in plant genetics and breeding Elsevier
0929-1318 Developments in plant pathology Kluwer Academic Publishers
0260-4264 Developments in polymer characterization Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0260-4310 Developments in polymer degradation Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0260-4329 Developments in polymer fracture Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0260-4337 Developments in polymerisation Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0262-8708 Developments in polymer photochemistry Applied Science Publishers.
0262-155X Developments in polymer stabilisation Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0260-4361 Developments in polyurethane Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0166-2635 Developments in precambrian geology Elsevier
0166-2481 Developments in psychiatry Elsevier
0260-9185 Developments in reinforced plastics Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0262-1592 Developments in rubber and rubber composites Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0262-1584 Developments in rubber technology Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0070-4571 Developments in sedimentology Elsevier
0950-642X Developments in soft drink technology Applied Science Publishers.
0166-0918 Developments in soil science Elsevier
0950-6438 Developments in sweeteners Applied Science Publishers.
0165-2214 Developments in toxicology and environmental science North-Holland
0167-5648 Developments in water science Elsvier scientific
2542-646X Developments in water science (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
0263-3736 Developments in water treatment Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0042-3904 De verfkroniek Vereniging van Vernis- en Verffabrikanten in Nederland.; Vereniging van Verf- en Drukinktfabrikanten.
1613-4257 DEV plus Wasserchemische Gesellschaft.
0372-7289 De West-Indische gids Boek-en Handelsdrukkerij v.h. Ipenbuir & Van Seldam ;; Nijhoff
2214-8981 De West-Indische gids Brill
0011-4898 DEW Technische Berichte Deutsche Edelstahlwerke Aktiengesellschaft
0324-1076 Dezinfekciâ, dezinsekciâ i deratizaciâ.; Дезинфекция, дезинсекция и дератизация MA. CNIMZ; МА. ЦНИМЗ
0366-9017 DFL-Bericht Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
0532-274X DGLR-Fachbuchreihe Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.
1433-9013 DGMK-Tagungsbericht Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V.; DGMK.
0276-4733 DHHS publication United States.
0338-1684 Diabète et métabolisme Masson
0012-1789 Diabète et nutrition Société d'éditions médicales et alimentaires relatives au diabète,
0012-1797 Diabetes American Diabetes Association
1939-327X Diabetes (e-vir) American Diabetes Association; Stanford University
0394-3402 Diabetes, nutrition & metabolism Editrice Kurtis
1463-1326 Diabetes, obesity & metabolism (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1462-8902 Diabetes, obesity and metabolism Blackwell Science
1520-7552 Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews Wiley
0742-4221 Diabetes/metabolism reviews Wiley
1099-0895 Diabetes/metabolism reviews (e-vir) Wiley
1520-7560 Diabetes/metabolism reviews and research (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, ltd..
1262-3636 Diabetes & metabolism Masson
0149-5992 Diabetes care American Diabetes Association
1935-5548 Diabetes care (e-vir) American Diabetes Association
0915-6593 Diabetes frontier Medikaru Rebyäusha.
0341-8812 Diabetes-Journal Deutscher Diabetiker-Bund; Deutsche Diabetes-Union
0146-2792 Diabetes mellitus American Diabetes Association. Committee on Professional Education.
0419-0475 Diabetes mellitus American Diabetes Association.
0265-5985 Diabetes research Teviot-Kimpton Publications.
0168-8227 Diabetes research and clinical practice Elsevier
1872-8227 Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice (e-vir) Elsevier
1520-9156 Diabetes technology & therapeutics Mary Ann Liebert
1557-8593 Diabetes technology & therapeutics (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert
0742-3071 Diabetic medicine Blackwell Sci.
1464-5491 Diabetic medicine (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0012-186X Diabetologia Springer-Verlag
1432-0428 Diabetologia (e-vir) Springer
0351-0042 Diabetologia Croatica Zavod za dijabetes, endokrinologiju i bolesti metabolizma Vuk Vrhovac
1643-3165 Diabetologia Doświadczalna i Kliniczna Polskie Towarzystwo Diabetologiczne.
1233-4723 Diabetologia Polska Polskie Towarzystwo Diabetologiczne.
0416-5497 DIA Boletin Tecnico [s.n.].
0178-8345 Diagnose & Labor Med. Verl.-Ges.
0366-9823 Diagnostica e Tecnica di Laboratorio [s.n.].
0272-7749 Diagnostic histopathology Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
0732-8893 Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
1879-0070 Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease (e-vir) Elsevier
1052-9551 Diagnostic molecular pathology Raven Press
1746-1596 Diagnostic pathology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1054-9609 Diagnostics intelligence CTB International Pub.
0340-5680 Diagnostik MEDICA, Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Medizinischen Diagnostik.
0344-6999 Diagnostik & Intensivtherapie Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Medizinischen Diagnostik.
0867-4043 Diagnostyka Laboratoryjna i Wiadomości PTDL Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Laboratoryjnej.; Polish Society of Laboratory Diagnostics.
0366-9203 Diagrammes Editions du CAP
0419-0556 Diagrammes du monde Editions du CAP
0308-9401 Dialysis, transplantation, nephrology European Dialysis and Transplant Association.
0090-2934 Dialysis & transplantation Dialysis & Transplantation, inc.
1932-6920 Dialysis & transplantation (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0925-9635 Diamond and related materials Elsevier; Elsevier Sequoia
1879-0062 Diamond and related materials (e-vir) Elsevier
0917-4540 Diamond films and technology Scientific Publishing Division of MYU.
0070-4679 Diamond research Industrial Diamond Information Bureau.; De Beers Industrial Diamond Division.
1001-1579 Dianchi Hu'nan Qinggong Yanjiusuo,
1008-7923 Dianchi gongye Dianchi Gongye Zazhishe
1003-8337 Dianci bileiqi Xi'an Dianci Yanjiusuo,
1000-4742 Diandu yu huanbao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1001-3849 Diandu yu jingshi Tianjin Shi Diandu Gongcheng Xuehui,
1004-227X Diandu yu tushi Guangzhou Shi Er-Qing Gongye Yanjiusuo,
1006-3471 Dian huaxue Dian Huaxue Bianjibu
1002-087X Dianyuan jishu Jixie Dianzi Gongyebu Dianyuan Zhuanye Qingbaowang,
0258-798X Dianzi kexue xuekan Kexue Chubanshe
1005-9490 Dianzi qijian Dongnan Daxue Dianzi Gongchengxi,; Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-6281 Dianzi xianwei xuebao Zhongguo Dianzi Xianweijing Xuehui,
0372-2112 Dianzi xuebao Zhongguo Dianzi Xuehui
0253-4207 Dianzixue tongxun Kexue Chubanshe
1001-2028 Dianzi yuanjian yu cailiao Dianzi Gongyebu Zurong Yuanjian Zhuanye Ke Ji Qingbaowang,
0930-5637 Diätetische Lebensmittel in Praxis und Wissenschaft Bundesverband der Diätetischen Lebensmittelindustrie e.V.
1436-526X Dichtungstechnik
1042-9611 DICP Harvey Whitney Books Co.
1341-3201 DIC technical review Dainihon inki kagaku kougyou.
0003-3146 Die angewandte makromolekulare Chemie Hüthig und Wepf
1522-9505 Die angewandte makromolekulare Chemie (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
0570-4723 Die Apothekenhelferin Dt. Apotheker-Verl..
0341-1052 Die Bautechnik. Ausgabe A Ernst
0340-5044 Die Bautechnik. Ausgabe B Verlag Wilhelm Ernst und Sohn
2719-5430 Die Bodenkultur (e-vir) De Gruyter Poland
0366-2683 Die Brauerei Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin
0366-2691 Die Brauerei Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin.
0012-253X Die casting engineer Society of Die Casting Engineers.
0366-6115 Die Chemische Fabrik Verlag Chemie
0170-0456 Die chemische Produktion Europa-Fachpresse-Verl..
0366-869X Die deutsche Brauerei Carl.
0366-9009 Die deutsche Fischwirtschaft Reichsnährstandsverl.
0012-0391 Die deutsche Landwirtschaft Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
0366-936X Die deutsche Molkerei- und Fettwirtschaft
0367-309X Die Fischwirtschaft mit "Die Fischindustrie" und "Fischereiwelt" Görg
0016-4798 Die Gartenwelt P. Parey
0343-2246 Die Kälte und Klimatechnik Gentner
0368-6108 Die Kleinwelt Deutsche Mikrologische Gesellschaft.
0305-974X Dielectric and related molecular processes Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0417-4615 Dielectrics Heywood & Company.
0366-9319 Dièlektriki.; Диэлектрики Izdatelʹstvo Kievskogo universiteta; Издательство Киевского университета.
0136-3328 Dièlektriki i poluprovodniki.; Диэлектрики и полупроводники Viŝa škola; Вища школа.
0025-116X Die makromolekulare Chemie Hüthig & Wepf
0253-5904 Die makromolekulare Chemie Hüthig & Wepf
1018-5054 Die makromolekulare Chemie Hüthig & Wepf Verlag
0173-2803 Die Makromolekulare Chemie Hüthig und Wepf
0258-0322 Die Makromolekulare Chemie Hüthig & Wepf
0342-1147 Die Medizinische Schattauer.
0027-769X Die Nahrung Akademie-Verlag
0930-2115 Die Offizin Thieme.
0369-7193 Die Ölfeuerung Fachverband Ölfeuerungen e.V.
0369-7711 Die Optik Fachabteilung Optik der Wirtschaftsgruppe Einzelhandel.; Reichsinnungsverband des Augenoptikerhandwerks.
0031-8418 Die Phosphorsäure Tellus-Verlag
0369-9633 Die photographische Industrie Fachabteilung Photo, Kino, Röntgen der Fachgruppe VI der Wirtschaftsgruppe Einzelhandel.
0722-1029 Die PTA in der Apotheke Umschau-Zeitschr.-Verl.,
0417-4631 Diergeneeskundig memorandum Stichting Diergeneeskundig Memorandum.
0258-879X Di-Er Jun-Yi Daxue xuebao Di-Er Jun-Yi Daxue Xunlianbu
0341-3101 Die schweisstechnische Praxis Deutscher Verlag für Schweisstechnik.
0096-1612 Diesel power Diesel Publication, Inc.
0096-0071 Diesel power & diesel transportation Diesel Publications, Inc.
0038-9056 Die Stärke VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft
0039-1255 Die Sterne J. A. Barth
0254-3486 Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir natuurwetenskap en tegnologie Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns
0040-1099 Die Technik Verlag Technik
0376-2505 Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette
0417-4658 Diététique et collectivités Institut de diététique et de nutrition (Paris)
0366-919X Dietología Asociación Argentina de Nutrición y Dietología
0417-4690 Dietologia e Dietoterapia
0372-4409 Die Umschau Bechhold
0722-8562 Die Umschau Brönner-Verlag Breidenstein; Umschau-Verlag Breidenstein
0049-6057 Die Veterinärmedizin Terra-Verlag.
0341-6364 Die Weinwirtschaft Deutscher Weinwirtschaftsverlag Meininger
0723-1369 Die Weinwirtschaft Deutscher Weinwirtschaftsverlag Meininger
0514-4213 Die Zuckererzeugung Fachbuchverl..
0301-4681 Differentiation Springer
1432-0436 Differentiation (e-vir) Springer-Verlag
0377-6883 Diffusion and defect data Tans Tech S.A; Trans Teach Publ
1012-0386 Diffusion and defect data, solid state data Scitec Publications; distributed by Trans Tech Publications
0250-9776 Diffusion and defect monograph series Trans Tech Publications
0136-8206 Diffuziâ, fazovye prevraśeniâ, mehaničeskie svojstva metallov i splavov Vsesoûznyj zaočnyj mašinostroitelʹnyj institut.
0012-2823 Digestion S. Karger AG; Albert J. Phiebig Inc
1421-9867 Digestion (e-vir) S. Karger
1878-3562 Digestive and liver disease (e-vir) Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana; Elsevier
1590-8658 Digestive and Liver Disease Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana
0163-2116 Digestive diseases and sciences Plenum Pub. Corp.
1573-2568 Digestive diseases and sciences (e-vir) Kluwer
0253-4886 Digestive surgery S. Karger
1421-9883 Digestive surgery (e-vir) S. Karger
0070-4865 Digest of Literature on Dielectrics National Academy of Sciences.
0012-2769 Digest of Neurology and Psychiatry Institute of Living.
0074-6843 Digests of the Intermag Conference Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Magnetics Society.; American Institute of Physics.
1149-0195 Dimanches biologiques de Lariboisière . Dimanches biologiques de Lariboisière.; Association des pharmaciens directeurs de laboratoires d'analyses biologiques (France)
0093-0458 Dimensions U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0419-1544 Dinamika i pročnostʹ mašin.; Динамика и прочность машин Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo universiteta; Издательство Харьковского университета
0320-006X Dinamika izlučaûśego gaza Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0420-0497 Dinamika splošnoj sredy Institut gidrodinamiki.
0366-9572 Dinglers Polytechnisches Journal [s.n.]
1064-2714 DIPPR data series Design Institute for Physical Property Data (U.S.); American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
0379-1726 Diqiu huaxue Zhongguo Kexueyuan Guyang Diqiu Huaxue Yanjiusuo
1000-2383 Diqiu kexue Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-6561 Diqiu kexue yu huanjing xuebao Chang'an Daxue Zazhishe
0495-5366 Diqiuwuli kantan Dizhi Chubanshe,
0001-5733 Diqiu wuli xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1006-3021 Diqiu xuebao Dizhi Chubanshe
1672-9250 Di qiu yu huan jing Gai Kan Bianjibu
1560-456X Diräasäat. Al-Śuläum al-asäasiyyaćt ŚImäadaćt al-baîhűt al-Śilmäi, al-ğäamiŚaćt al-urdunniyyaćt
0254-0347 Diräasäat - Ğäami'atć al-Riyäaîd, Kulliyyatć al-tarbiyatć Ğäami'atć al-Riyäaîd, Kulliyyatć al-tarbiyatć.
1026-3756 Dirāsāt ’Imādaẗ al-baḥṯ al-’ilmī, Al-Ǧāmi’aẗ al-urdunniyyaẗ
1026-3772 Dirāsāt ’Imādaẗ al-baḥṯ al-’ilmī al-ǧāmi’aẗ al-urdunniyyaẗ
1560-4551 Dirāsāt ’Imādaẗ al-baḥṯ al-’ilmī, Al-Ǧāmi’aẗ al-urdunniyyaẗ
0255-8033 Dirasat - University of Jordan. Humanities University of Jordan
0253-424X Dirasat - University of Jordan. Series B University of Jordan.; Al-ĞäamiŰatć al-urduniyyatć.
0366-9211 Direct-Information Nuklearmedizin Verlag G. Braun
0366-9246 Direct-Information Strahlenschutz Verlag G. Braun
1000-5404 Di-san junyi daxue xuebao Di-San Junyi Daxue Xunlianbu
0012-3625 Discovery Peabody Museum of Natural History.
1015-079X Discovery and innovation Academy Science Publishers.
1026-0226 Discrete dynamics in nature and society Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1607-887X Discrete dynamics in nature and society (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0515-1139 Discursos de recepción... - Real Academia de Farmacia de Barcelona Academia de Farmacia. Barcelona.
0366-9033 Discussions of the Faraday Society Faraday Society
0011-5029 Disease-a-month Year Book Publishers
1557-8194 Disease-a-month (e-vir) Mosby, Harcourt
1173-8790 Disease management & health outcomes Adis International
0278-0240 Disease markers Wiley; ASFRA; IOS Press
1574-0153 Disease markers IOS Press
1875-8592 Disease markers (e-vir) IOS Press
1875-8630 Disease markers (e-vir) IOS Press
0177-5103 Diseases of aquatic organisms Inter-Research
1616-1580 Diseases of aquatic organisms Inter-Research.
0096-0217 Diseases of the chest Federation of American Sanatoria
0012-3706 Diseases of the colon & rectum Lippincott
1530-0358 Diseases of the colon & rectum (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0012-3714 Diseases of the nervous system Physicians Postgraduate Press
0099-8117 DISI Bulletin
1000-2790 Di-Si Junyi Daxue xuebao Fourth Military Medical University
0532-2413 Diskussionstagung Forschungskreis der Ernährungsindustrie e.V.; FEI.
0136-5398 Dispersnye sistemy i ih povedenie v èlektričeskih i magnitnyh polâh Leningradskij tehnologičeskij institut im. Lensoveta.
0141-9382 Displays IPC Science and Technology Press
1872-7387 Displays (e-vir) Elsevier
0099-3123 Dissertation abstracts University Microfilms.
0419-4217 Dissertation abstracts international University Microfilms
1042-7279 Dissertation abstracts international UMI
0301-1615 Dissertationes Pharmaceuticae Polska Akademia Nauk.
0012-3870 Dissertationes Pharmaceuticae et Pharmacologicae Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
1521-298X Dissolution technologies Dissolution Technologies
2376-869X Dissolution technologies (e-vir)
0012-401X District heating International District Heating Association.
0288-559X Ditäeruman Mikusu.
0099-796X Diuretic Review
0340-2037 Divice Didaktischer Dienst Franzbecker.
0365-5296 Divisional report - CSIRO Division of Soils CSIRO Division of Soils.
0365-0111 Division of Applied Chemistry technical paper Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia.
0312-1909 Division of Applied Organic Chemistry technical paper CSIRO. Division of Applied Organic Chemistry.
0157-7654 Division of Applied Physics technical paper Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Applied Physics.
0159-8112 Division of Atmospheric Physics technical paper Division of Atmospheric Physics, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0311-6662 Division of Chemical Technology technical paper. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Australia Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia.
0365-7795 Division of Industrial Chemistry technical paper CSIRO. Division of Industrial Chemistry.
0069-746X Division of Land Research technical paper Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0726-6596 Division of Land Use Research technical paper Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia). Division of Land Use Research.
0365-723X Division of Soils technical paper CSIRO. Division of Soils.
0155-4069 Division of Tropical Agronomy technical paper CSIRO Division of Tropical Agronomy.
0155-4077 Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures technical paper CSIRO Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures.
0366-9262 Divulgacion Dental [s.n.].
0476-3807 Divulgaciones e informaciones Dirección general de agricultura, Ministerio de agricultura del Perú
0253-3634 Diwen wuli Kexue chubanshe
1000-3258 Diwen wuli xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1005-2321 Dixue qianyuan Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1000-2588 Di yi junyi daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjishi
0303-092X Dìzhì Zhäongguó dìzhì xuéhuì.; Geological Society of China.; Jäingìbù zhäongyäang dìzhì diàochásuěo.; Central Geological Survey.
1008-0244 Dizhi diqiu huaxue Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-7849 Dizhi ke-ji qingbao Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue
0563-5020 Dizhi kexue Kexue Chubanshe,
0371-5736 Dizhi lunping Dizhi Chubanshe,
1671-2552 Dizhi tongbao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
0001-5717 Dìzhìxué bào Kexue Chubanshe
0495-5331 Dizhi yu kantan Yejin Gongye Chubanshe
1671-1947 Dizhi yu ziyuan Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-1412 Dizhi zhaokuang luncong Yejin Gongyebu Tianjin Dizhi Yanjiuyuan,
0947-4129 DKV-Statusbericht des Deutschen Kälte- und Klimatechnischen Vereins Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein e.V.; DKV.
0172-8849 DKV-Tagungsbericht Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein e.V.
0011-5010 Dlz. Die landtechnische Zeitschrift BLV-Verl.-Ges..
1617-2795 Dmz
0938-9369 DMZ Lebensmittelindustrie und Milchwirtschaft WGMBH Volkwirtschaftlische Verlag
0198-0238 DNA Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0277-8203 DNA United States. Defense Nuclear Agency.
1044-5498 DNA and cell biology Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-7430 DNA and cell biology (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert
1568-7864 DNA repair Elsevier
1568-7856 DNA Repair (e-vir) Elsevier
1340-2838 DNA research Kazusa DNA Research Institute; Universal Academy Press; Oxford University Press
1756-1663 DNA research (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1026-7913 DNA sequence (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1029-2365 DNA sequence (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers
1042-5179 DNA sequence Harwood Academic Publishers.
1010-7630 Doæga. Türk fizik ve astrofizik dergisi Türkiye bilimsel ve teknik araştirma kurumu
1347-2542 Dobutsu eisei kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku Nogyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko dobutsu eisei kenkyujo,; Nogyo, seibutsukei tokutei sangyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko dobutsu eisei kenkyujo; Noken kiko dobutsu eisei kenkyujo
0388-7421 Dobutsu Iyakuhin Kensajo nenpo Norin Suisansho. Dobutsu Iyakuhin Kensajo
0419-4985 Dobyča i pererabotka nerudnyh stroitelʹnyh materialov "Strojizdat".
0419-4993 Doc-Air-Espace Service de documentation et d'orientation technique de l'aéronautique
0733-902X Document Illinois. Dept. of Energy and Natural Resources.
0366-9378 Documenta de medicina geographica et tropica Documenta de medicina geographica et tropica
0012-4508 Documentaliste Association Francaise des Documentalistes et des Bibliothecaires Specialises
0366-9459 Documenta neerlandica et indonesica de morbis tropicis Documenta neerlandica et indonesica de morbis tropicis
0012-4486 Documenta ophthalmologica Junk
1573-2622 Documenta ophthalmologica (e-vir) Kluwer
0303-6405 Documenta ophthalmologica. Proceedings series Kluwer Academic Publishers : :; W. Junk
0376-2513 Documentation abstracts [s.n.]
0366-9467 Documentation Bulletin of the National Research Centre William A. Nahas
0369-0806 Documentation du Bureau géologique Service géologique, Ministère d'Etat chargé de l'économie nationale
0980-6547 Documentation scientifique Société Le Pyrex.
0419-5221 Documenta veterinaria SZN
0198-0041 Document - Illinois Institute of Natural Resources State of Illinois, Institute of Natural Resources.
0419-5469 Documentos de investigación hidrológica Centro de Estudios, Investigación y Aplicaciones del Agua. Barcelona.
0221-2536 Documents Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (France)
0076-1672 Documents des Laboratoires de géologie de la Faculté des sciences de Lyon Laboratoires de géologie (Villeurbanne, Rhône)
0577-5558 Documents techniques Charbonnages de France. Centre d'études et recherches.
0020-238X Documents Techniques - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie.
0270-6512 DOE/ER U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Energy Research.
0275-1291 DOE/EV U.S. Dept. of Energy.
0272-9253 DOE/METC Technical Information Center, U.S. Dept. of Energy.
0275-1305 DOE/TIC United States. Dept. of Energy.
0164-2022 DOE symposium series United States.
0250-5169 Doğa Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
1010-7576 Doğa. Türk biyoloji dergisi Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
1011-0887 Doğa. Türk botanik dergisi Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
1010-7614 Doğa. Türk kimya dergisi Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
1010-7606 Doğa. Türk mühendislik ve çevre bilimleri dergisi Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
1010-7649 Doğa. Türk tarım ve ormancılık dergisi Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
1010-7584 Doğa. Türk tıp ve eczacılık dergisi Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
1010-7592 Doğa. Türk veterinerlik ve hayvancılık Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
1011-0895 Doğa. Türk zooloji dergisi Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
0254-5497 Doğa bilim dergisi. seri A, temel bilimler Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
1011-0941 Doğa bilim dergisi. Seri A1. Matematik, fizik, kimya, astronomi Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
0254-5500 Doğa bilim dergisi. seri B, mühendislik, çevre araştırma Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
0254-2331 Doğa bilim dergisi. seri C, tıp Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
0254-5519 Doğa bilim dergisi. seri D, veterinerlik ve hayvancılık, tarım ve ormancılık Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu
0012-4931 Dohányipar Magyar Élelmezésipari Tudományos Egyesület Dohányipari Szakosztálya.
0521-3770 Dohánykutató Intézet közleményei Mezőgazdasági és Élelmiszeripari Tudományos Egyesület
0366-9483 Doitai To Hoshasen Doitai To Hoshasen Kenkyukai.
0385-1516 Dojin nyusu Dojin Yakkagaku Kenkyujo; Dojin kagaku kenkyujo; Dojin kagaku kenkyujo
0911-5900 Dokkyäo Igakukai zasshi Dokkyo Medical Society.; Dokkyäo Igakkai.
0385-5023 Dokkyo journal of medical sciences Dokkyo Medical Society
0002-3469 Dokladhoi Akademiâi fanhoi RSS točikistoi Akademiâ nauk Tadžiskoj SSR
1026-9541 Dokladh̦oi Akademiâi ilmh̦oi C̦umh̦urii Toc̦ikiston.; Докладҳои Академияи илмҳои Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон Akademiâi ilmh̦oi C̦umh̦urii Toc̦ikiston; Академияи илмҳои Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон
1310-1331 Dokladi na B'lgarskata akademija na naukite B'lgarska akademija na naukite
0012-4958 Doklady Consultants Bureau
0012-4966 Doklady Consultants Bureau Enterprises.
0012-4974 Doklady Consultants Bureau Enterprises
0012-4982 Doklady Consultants Bureau
0012-4990 Doklady Consultants Bureau
0012-5016 Doklady Consultants Bureau
1573-8442 Doklady (e-vir) Kluwer
1573-8957 Doklady (e-vir) Kluwer
0869-5652 Doklady Akademii nauk Nauka
1023-6287 Doklady Akademii nauk Belarusi Nauka i tehnika.
0002-354X Doklady Akademii nauk BSSR Nauka i tehnika
0002-3264 Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR Nauka
0012-5008 Doklady akademii nauk SSSR. Khimiä [S.n.]
0201-8454 Doklady Akademii nauk ukrainskoj SSR Naukova dumka
0868-8044 Doklady Akademii nauk Ukrainskoj SSR Naukova dumka
0134-4307 Doklady Akademii Nauk UzSSR Akademii Nauk UzSSR
1727-2769 Doklady Akademii nauk vysšej školy Rossii Novosibirskoe otdelenie AN VŠ
0516-2815 Doklady Akademii pedagogičeskih nauk RSFSR; Доклады Академии педагогических наук РСФСР Izdatelʹstvo Akademii pedagogičeskih nauk; Издательство Академии педагогических наук
1607-6729 Doklady biochemistry and biophysics MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing
1608-3091 Doklady biochemistry and biophysics (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1608-3105 Doklady biological sciences (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
1573-8930 Doklady biophysics (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum
0366-8681 Doklady Bolgarskoj akademija nauk Izdatelstvo na B'lgarska akademija na naukite
1608-3113 Doklady chemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1028-334X Doklady earth sciences Nauka/Interperiodika Publishing
1531-8354 Doklady earth sciences (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0321-1347 Doklady i naučnye soobŝeniâ - Lʹvovskij politehničeskij institut.; Доклады и научные сообщения - Львовский политехнический институт Viŝa škola; Вища школа.
0568-6563 Doklady Instituta geografii Sibiri i Dalʹnego Vostoka Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie.
0374-7263 Doklady Irkutskogo protivočumnogo instituta [s.n.].
0320-2364 Doklady i soobśeniâ po kormoproizvodstvu Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut kormov im. V.R. Vilʹâmsa.
0458-5283 Doklady Lʹvovskogo politehničeskogo universiteta.; Доклады Львовского политехнического университета Izdatelʹstvo Lʹvovskogo universiteta; Издательство Львовского университета.
1561-8323 Doklady Nacionalʹnoj akademii nauk Belarusi.; Доклады Национальной академии наук Беларуси Belaruskaâ navuka; Беларуская навука
1608-3121 Doklady physical chemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1028-3358 Doklady physics Maik Nauka/Interperiodica
1562-6903 Doklady physics (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1681-0031 Doklady sibirskogo otdeleniâ Akademii nauk vysšej školy Novosibirskoe otdelenie Akademii nauk vysšej školy.
0366-9718 Doklady Sočinskogo otdela geografičeskogo obśestva SSSR Geografičeskoe obśestvo SSSR.
0419-5868 Doklady Soil Science Soil Science Society of America.
0366-984X Doklady TSKHA Moskovskaâ ordena Lenina sel'skohozâjstvennaâ akademiâ imeni K.A. Timirâzeva
0042-9244 Doklady Vsesoûznoj ordena Lenina akademii sel'skohozâjstvennyh nauk im. V.I.Lenina Kolos
0366-8746 Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola
0214-0659 Dolor Permanyer
1698-7632 Dolor (e-vir) Permanyer
0739-7240 Domestic animal endocrinology Elsevier
1879-0054 Domestic animal endocrinology (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0366-8827 Domestic engineering, heat and ventilation Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers (Great Britain)
0386-2682 Domyaku koka Nihon Domyaku Koka Gakkai
1347-7056 Domyaku koka yobo Mejikaru byusha,
1005-3026 Dongbei Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0253-4258 Dongbei Gongxueyuan xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0253-2271 Dongbei Linxueyuan Xuebao Dongbei Linxueyuan Xuebao Bianji Weiyuanhui,
0253-228X Dongbei Nongxueyuan xuebao Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
0529-0260 Dongbei Renmin Daxue Ziran Kexue xuebao S.n.
1000-1832 Dongbei Shi-Da xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0564-447X Donghai xuebao Xie Mingshan
1671-0444 Donghua Daxue xuebao Donghua Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
0440-2510 Dongmul hag'hoeji han-gug dongmul haghoe
1001-0505 Dongnan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-6264 Dongnan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1019-5858 Dòngwù xuékān Guólì Táiwān dàxué lǐxuéyuàn dòngwù xuéxì
0250-3263 Dongwuxue zazhi Kexue Chubanshe,
0002-3523 Dopovąidąi Akademąii nauk Ukraïns'koï RSR. Serąiâ B. Geologąiâ, geofąizika, hąimąiâ ta bąiologąiâ Naukova dumka
0868-8052 Dopovidi Akademiï nauk Ukraïni Naukova dumka
1024-767X Dopovidi Akademiï nauk Ukraïni Naukova dumka
0002-3531 Dopovidi Akademiï nauk Ukraïnskoï RSR Naukova dumka
0377-9785 Dopovìdì Akademìï nauk Ukraïnsʹkoï RSR. Serìâ B, Geologìčnì, hìmìčnì ta bìologìčnì nauki.; Доповіді Академії наук Української РСР. Серія Б, Геологічні, хімічні та біологічні науки Akademìâ nauk Ukraïnsʹkoï RSR; Академія наук Української РСР.
2518-153X Dopovidi Nacional#noï akademiï nauk Ukraïni (e-vir) Dopovidi Nacional#noï akademiï nauk Ukraïni
1025-6415 Dopovidi Nacionalʹ noï akademiï nauk Ukraïny Nacionalʹ na akademija nauk Ukrainy
0366-9955 Dopovìdì ta povìdomlenniâ - Lʹvìvsʹkij deržavnij pedagogìčnij ìnstitut, Sekcìâ bìologìï ì hìmìï.; Доповіді та повідомленния - Львівський державний педагогічний інститут, Секція біології і хімії Lʹvìvsʹkij deržavnij pedagogìčnij ìnstitut; Львівський державний педагогічний інститут.
0417-9927 Doriana Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria
1559-3258 Dose-response (e-vir) International Hormesis Society
0036-8172 Doshisha Daigaku Rikogaku Kenkyu Hokoku Doshisha Daigaku Rikogaku Kenkyusho; Doshisha daigaku rikogaku kenkyujo
0418-0038 Doshisha Joshi Daigaku gakujutsu kenkyu nempo Doshisha Joshi Daigaku; Doshisha joshi daigaku gakujutsu johobu
0419-6767 Doshisha Kogakkaishi Doshisha Kogakkai
0378-9713 Dossier technique Association nationale pour la protection contre l'incendie.
0132-4039 Dostiženiâ veterinarnoj nauki i peredovogo opyta-životnovodstvu Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut èksperimentalʹnoj veterinarii im. S.N. Vyšelesskogo.
1347-7234 Do to dogokin.; 銅と銅合金 Nihon shindo kyokai; 日本伸銅協会
0099-8079 Double Bond [s.n.].
0012-5709 Double liaison Association française des techniciens des peintures, vernis et encres d'imprimerie
1166-4398 Double liaison Association française des techniciens des peintures, vernis, encres d'imprimerie, colles et adhésifs
0291-8412 Double liaison, Chimie des peintures Presses continentales
0012-5725 Dow diamond Dow Chemical Company.
0095-8581 Dowflakes Dow Chemical Company.
0012-5792 Down to earth Dow Chemical USA.; Dow Chemical Company.
0070-4296 DPW. Deutsche Papierwirtschaft Dpw-Verl.-Ges..
0012-5857 Draeger-Hefte Drägerwerk AG, Sicherheitstechnik
0366-9610 Dräger review Dräger Sicherheitstechnik GmbH.; Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA.
0366-9645 Dragoco-Report DRAGOCO, Gerberding & Co. Aktiengesellschaft.; DRAGOCO.
0931-5454 Dragoco-Report DRAGOCO, Gerberding & Co. Aktiengesellschaft.; DRAGOCO.
0720-1249 Dragoco-Report, flavoring information service DRAGOCO, Gerberding & Co. Aktiengesellschaft.
0012-5911 Draht Meisenbach
0012-592X Draht-Welt Vogel
0012-6136 Drevársky výskum Alfa
0012-6144 Drevo Štátny drevársky výskumný ústav
0012-6179 Drexel technical journal Drexel University.; Drexel Institute of Technology.
0366-9653 Drogista közlöny Drogista Ifjak Egyesülete
0012-6357 Drogownictwo Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji.
1619-2478 Druckguss-Praxis Schiele u. Schön
0097-188X Drug, vitamin, and allied industries Drug, vitamin, and allied industries]
0012-6527 Drug & cosmetic industry Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
0891-2025 Drug action and drug resistance in bacteria University Park Press.
1053-3818 Drug and alcohol abuse reviews Humana Press,
0376-8716 Drug and alcohol dependence Elsevier Sequoia
0099-8060 Drug and Allied Industries [s.n.].
0366-9629 Drug and chemical exports Morgan Brothers
0148-0545 Drug and chemical toxicology Dekker
0888-8337 Drug and chemical toxicology M. Dekker
1525-6014 Drug and chemical toxicology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.; CRC Press
0099-8052 Drug Bulletin
1071-7544 Drug delivery Academic Press
1521-0464 Drug delivery (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0913-5006 Drug delivery system Iyaku janarusha; Nihon DDS Gakkai; Nihon DDS gakkai
1472-4715 Drug delivery systems & sciences United Kingdom and Ireland Controlled Release Society.
1537-2898 Drug delivery technology Drug Delivery Technology, LLC
0884-2884 Drug design and delivery Harwood Academic Publishers
1026-7921 Drug design and discovery (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1029-2322 Drug design and discovery (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1055-9612 Drug design and discovery Harwood Academic Publishers.
1567-2697 Drug design reviews (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0343-4842 Drug development and evaluation Fischer.
0363-9045 Drug development and industrial pharmacy Dekker
1520-5762 Drug development and industrial pharmacy (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
0095-5183 Drug development communications M. Dekker]
0272-4391 Drug development research Alan R. Liss
1098-2299 Drug development research Alan R. Liss, Inc.]; Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1524-783X Drug discovery & development Cahners
1558-6022 Drug discovery & development (e-vir) Cahners Business Information
1359-6446 Drug discovery today Elsevier Science
1740-6749 Drug discovery today (e-vir) Elsevier
1740-6757 Drug discovery today (e-vir) Elsevier
1740-6765 Drug discovery today (e-vir) Elsevier
1740-6773 Drug discovery today (e-vir) Elsevier
1741-8364 Drug discovery today Elsevier
1741-8372 Drug discovery today Elsevier
1878-0997 Drug discovery today Elsevier
1878-7363 Drug discovery today (e-vir) Elsevier
0160-6697 Drug fate and metabolism M. Dekker
0099-4766 Druggists Circular
0586-2779 Drug-induced diseases Gorcum : :; Excerpta Medica Foundation
0921-2582 Drug-induced disorders Elsevier
0092-8615 Drug information journal Pergamon
2164-9200 Drug information journal Pergamon; Sage Publications
0389-4061 Drug information news Hiroshima-ken Byōin Yakusaishikai
0012-6578 Drug intelligence & clinical pharmacy Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy, Inc.
0114-2402 Drug investigation ADIS Press
0090-9556 Drug metabolism and disposition American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, etc.
1521-009X Drug metabolism and disposition (e-vir) American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
0792-5077 Drug metabolism and drug interactions de Gruyter
2191-0162 Drug metabolism and drug interactions (e-vir) de Gruyter
1347-4367 Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (e-vir) Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
1880-0920 Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
0360-2532 Drug metabolism reviews M. Dekker
1097-9883 Drug metabolism reviews (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0214-0934 Drug news & perspectives s.n.
0272-3530 Drug-nutrient interactions A.R. Liss
0366-9076 Drug Research [s.n.]
1368-7646 Drug resistance updates Churchill Livingstone
1532-2084 Drug resistance updates (e-vir) Harcourt
0012-6667 Drugs S. Karger; Australasian Drug Information Services
1179-1950 Drugs (e-vir) Springer Nature Switzerland
0095-8735 Drugs, oils & paints G. B. Heckel
1179-1969 Drugs & aging Adis International
1170-229X Drugs & Aging ADIS International
0114-5916 Drug safety ADIS Press
1179-1942 Drug safety (e-vir) Adis International; Springer Nature Switzerland
0360-2583 Drugs and the pharmaceutical sciences Dekker; Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare
1066-7008 Drugs in development Neva Press,
0168-8677 Drugs in psychiatry Elsevier
1174-5886 Drugs in R&D Adis International
1179-6901 Drugs in R&D Adis
0012-6683 Drugs Made in Germany Editio Cantor
0070-7406 Drugs of choice C.V. Mosby Co.
0377-8282 Drugs of the future Prous
1699-3993 Drugs of today Prous Science
1355-5618 Drug stability Radcliffe Medical Press
0096-0225 Drug standards American Pharmaceutical Association.
0378-6501 Drugs under experimental and clinical research Bioscience Ediprint
1058-241X Drug targeting and delivery Harwood Academic Publishers.
0001-7094 Drug therapy Biomedical Information Corp.
0012-6624 Drug Trade News Topics Publishing Co..
0012-6772 Drvna industrija Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu; Hrvatsko šumarsko društvo; Croatiadrvo, d. d.; Exportdrvo, p. o.
1847-1153 Drvna industrija Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
0099-8044 Dry Ice News
0737-3937 Drying technology M. Dekker
1532-2300 Drying technology (e-vir) M. Dekker; Taylor & Francis
0414-9114 DSI Bulletin Dairy Society International.
0077-961X DSIR bulletin Institute of Nuclear Sciences.; New Zealand.
1441-0176 DSTO Defence Science and Technology Organisation (Australia)
0341-6593 DTW. Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift Schaper
1000-3940 Duanya jishu Jixie Gongyebu Beijing Jidian Yanjiusuo,
0070-7449 Dudley Observatory reports Dudley Observatory.
0366-9971 Dunai Vasmű műszaki-gazdasági közleményei Dunai Vasmű.; Országos Bányászati és Kohászati Egyesület Dunaújvárosi Csoportja.
0012-7183 Duodecim Suomalainen lääkäriseura Duodecim.
0020-1626 Du Pont Innovation [s.n.].
0095-8859 Duquesne Science Counselor Duquesne University Press.
0167-3890 Durability of building materials Elsevier
0366-9947 Durferrit-Hausmitteilungen Degussa, Geschäftsbereich Durferrit und Industrieofenbau
0418-1867 Dusenia Sociedade Paranaense de Ciencias Naturais
0419-8638 Dust Topics
0342-5657 DVGW-Schriftenreihe Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V.; DVGW.
0342-5630 DVGW-Schriftenreihe. Wasser Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e. V.; ZfGW-Verlag
0320-1074 Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniâ Zapadno-Sibirskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo, Omskoe otdelenie.
0419-8719 Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniâ Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo universiteta
2411-0531 Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniâ.; Двигатели внутреннего сгорания (e-vir) Nacionalʹnyj tehničeskij universitet "Harʹkovskij politehničeskij institut"; Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт"
0131-1735 Dvojnoj sloj i adsorbciâ na tverdyh èlektrodah Tartu Riiklik Ülikool.; Eesti NSV Kõrg- ja Keskerihariduse Ministeerium.; Eesti NSV Riiklik Hariduskomitee.; Akademiâ nauk SSSR. Naučnyj sovet po èlektrohimii.; SSSR,. Ministerstvo himičeskoj promyšlennosti.; SSSR. Ministerstvo vysšego i srednego special'nogo obrazovaniâ.; SSSR. Gosudarstvennyj komitet po narodnomu obrazovaniÕ.
0418-9639 DVS-Berichte Deutscher Verband für Schweisstechnik e.V.
1436-1639 DVWK-Materialien Deutscher Verband für Wasserwirtschaft und Kulturbau e.V.; DVWK.
0942-301X DWI-Reports Deutsches Wollforschungsinstitut an der Technischen Hochschule Aachen e.V.; DWI.
0198-6295 DWMI International Technical Symposium Diamond Wheel Manufacturers Institute.
0366-9831 Dyer, Textile Printer, Bleacher and Finisher [s.n.]
0250-0019 Dyers Dyegest George Warman Publications.
0095-8689 Dyes and Chemicals Technical Bulletin E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co, Inc, Organic Chemicals Dep, Dyes and Chemicals Division.
0416-5136 Dyes and Chemicals Technical Bulletin. Paper Industry Issue E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Co, Organic Chemicals Dep, Dyes and Chemicals Division.
0143-7208 Dyes and pigments Elsevier
1873-3743 Dyes and pigments (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0959-0641 Dyes in history and archaeology Association of Researchers into Dyes in History and Archaeology.
0095-845X Dyestuffs Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation. National Aniline Division.; Jay I. Kislak Collection (Library of Congress)
0012-7361 Dyna [s. n.]; Federación de Asociaciones de Ingenieros Industriales de España
1989-1490 Dyna (e-vir) Federación de Asociaciones de Ingenieros Industriales
2346-2183 Dyna (e-vir)
0012-7353 DYNA Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Minas
0367-0007 Dynamic Mass Spectrometry [s.n.]; [s.n.]
1476-5918 Dynamic medicine (e-vir) BioMed Central
1021-1225 Dynamic nutrition research S. Karger AG
0272-510X Dynatech report United States. Dept. of Energy.
0324-122X Dʺrvoobrabotvaŝa i mebelna promišlenost Ministerstvo na gorite i gorskata promišlenost.
0367-1011 E. Mercks Jahresbericht über Neuerungen auf den Gebieten der Pharmakotherapie und Pharmazie E.-Merck-Aktiengesellschaft Darmstadt.
0938-040X E&M. Endocrinology and metabolism Springer.
0259-322X EAAP publication EAAP.; European Association for Animal Production.
0099-4758 E and MJ Metal and Mineral Markets McGraw-Hill
0376-4729 EAPR abstracts of conference papers European association for potato research
1468-2060 eARD (e-vir) BMJ Publishing
0378-3782 Early human development Elsevier/North-Holland
1872-6232 Early human development (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1354-4195 Early pregnancy: biology and medicine Society for the Investigation of Early Pregnancy.
0912-2834 Earozoru kenkyäu Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology.; JAAST.
0288-9781 Ear research Japan Nippon Kiso Jika Gakkai
0167-9295 Earth, moon, and planets Reidel
1573-0794 Earth, moon, and planets Springer
1343-8832 Earth, planets and space Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS); Sesmological Society of Japan.; Volcanological Society of Japan.; Geodetic Society of Japan.; Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences.
1880-5981 Earth, planets and space (e-vir) Springer
0070-7902 Earth and extraterrestrial sciences Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0026-4539 Earth and mineral sciences Pennsylvania State University. College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.
0012-821X Earth and planetary science letters North-Holland; Elsevier
1385-013X Earth and planetary science letters (e-vir) Elsevier
0174-0199 Earth evolution sciences Vieweg
1087-3562 Earth interactions American Meteorological Society; American Geophysical Union
0706-0548 Earth research Kayen Pub..
0012-8236 Earth science bulletin Wyoming Geological Association.
0095-8514 Earth science digest Earth Science Institute.; Midwest Federation of Mineralogical Societies.
1876-777X Earth science frontiers (e-vir) Elsevier
0012-8244 Earth Science Journal Bus Mgr, Earth Science Journal.
0012-8252 Earth-science reviews Elsevier
1872-6828 Earth-Science Reviews (e-vir) Elsevier
1068-6517 Earth science series Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources.
0821-2538 Earth sciences report Alberta Research Council.
1794-6190 Earth sciences research journal Unibiblos
2339-3459 Earth sciences research journal (e-vir)
1026-2660 Earth Space Institute book series Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0360-1269 Earth surface processes J. Wiley.
0197-9337 Earth surface processes and landforms Wiley
1096-9837 Earth surface processes and landforms (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1633-4760 EAS publications series EDP sciences
1638-1963 EAS publications series (e-vir) EDP sciences
1065-6790 East/West business & trade Welt Pub. Co.,
0145-1421 East/West technology digest Welt Pub. Co. [etc.]
0012-8325 East African agricultural and forestry journal Tecwyn Jones
2313-450X East African agricultural and forestry journal (e-vir) Kenya Forestry Research Institute
0367-0074 East African agricultural journal of Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda and Zanzibar Tecwyn Jones
0012-835X East African medical journal East African Medical Journal.
0070-8038 East African wildlife journal East African Wild Life Society.
0012-8805 Eastern Fruit Grower [s.n.].
1301-0883 Eastern journal of medicine Yüzüncü Yűl Üniversitesi
1309-3886 Eastern journal of medicine (e-vir) Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Medicine
0012-8856 Eastern Metals Review Asian Industry & Information Services Pvt. Ltd.
0012-8872 Eastern Pharmacist Eastern Pharmacist
0096-221X Eastman organic chemical bulletin Eastman Kodak Company.
0315-2081 Eau du Québec Association québécoise des techniques de l'eau.
0385-096X Ebara - Infiruko jihäo Ebara - Infiruko Kabushiki Gaisha.
0385-3004 Ebara jihäo Ebara Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
1524-8909 E-biomed (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert,
0168-6100 Echinoderm studies Balkema :; Balkema
0012-9194 Echo de la Brasserie Echo de la Brasserie.
0100-4670 Eclética química Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Instituto de Química
1678-4618 Eclética química (e-vir) Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Instituto de Química
1420-9128 Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae Birkhäuser
0012-9402 Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae Birkhaeuser Verlag
0014-2875 ECN IPC Industrial Press
0165-0319 ECN Netherlands Energy Research Foundation ECN.; Stichting Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland.
1381-1460 ECN Netherlands Energy Research Foundation ECN.; Stichting Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland.
1381-1479 ECN Stichting Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland.; Netherlands Energy Research Foundation ECN.
1642-3593 Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology International Centre for Ecology, Polish Academy of Sciences
1342-3037 Eco industry CMC Co. Ltd.
0149-8398 Ecolibrium Shell Oil Company.
0367-0252 Ecologia SERT
0346-6868 Ecological bulletins Munksgaard.
1470-160X Ecological indicators Elsevier
1872-7034 Ecological indicators (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0304-3800 Ecological modelling Elsevier
1872-7026 Ecological modelling (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0012-9615 Ecological monographs Ecological Society of America
1557-7015 Ecological monographs (e-vir) Duke University Press
0912-3814 Ecological research Springer
1440-1703 Ecological research (e-vir) Springer Japan
0070-8356 Ecological studies Springer
0012-9658 Ecology Ecological Society of America
1939-9170 Ecology (e-vir) Brooklyn Botanic Garden
0971-765X Ecology, Environment and Conservation Enviro Media.
0367-0244 Ecology of food and nutrition Gordon and Breach
1543-5237 Ecology of food and nutrition Gordon and Breach; Routledge
1066-5080 Economic and medicinal plant research Academic Press,
0317-4476 Economic and technical review report Canada. Environmental Protection Service.
0013-0001 Economic botany New York Botanical Garden
1874-9364 Economic botany (e-vir) New York Botanical Garden Press; Springer
0531-8246 Economic Bulletin Geological Survey Headquarters
0379-9751 Economic bulletin. Geological Survey Department Ministry of Industries and Scientific Affairs.
0361-0128 Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists Economic Geology Pub. Co.
1554-0774 Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists Society of Economic Geologists
0317-445X Economic geology report Geological Survey of Canada.
0449-4814 Economic geology report Geological Survey Department
0370-3940 Economic Geology Report Research Council of Alberta.
0379-296X Economic investigation Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources.Geological Survey Department
0141-2620 Economic microbiology Academic Press.
0097-2290 Economic papers North Carolina Geological Survey (1883-1905); North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey.; North Carolina. Division of Forestry.; North Carolina. Dept. of Conservation and Development.; North Carolina. Division of Mineral Resources.; North Carolina. Geological Survey Section.
0367-1224 Economic proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society Royal Dublin Society.
0084-4748 Economic report - Geological Survey Department Geological Survey Department.
1525-2531 EContent Online, Inc.
1432-9840 Ecosystems Springer
1435-0629 Ecosystems (e-vir) Springer
0963-9292 Ecotoxicology Chapman & Hall
1573-3017 Ecotoxicology (e-vir) Kluwer
0147-6513 Ecotoxicology and environmental safety Academic Press.
1090-2414 Ecotoxicology and environmental safety (e-vir) Academic Press
0367-0236 Eczacılık bülteni İstanbul Üniversitesi
0367-0309 Edel-Erden und -Erze [s.n.]
0013-0842 Édesipar Lapkiadó
0367-0104 Edgar Allen news Edgar Allen & Co.
0362-5842 Edgewood Arsenal special publication Dept. of the Army, Headquarters, Edgewood Arsenal.
0367-0287 Edinburgh journal of science Thomas Clark. ;; T. Cadell. ;; Millikin & Son.
0367-1038 Edinburgh medical journal Oliver and Boyd; Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.
0250-5177 Edirne Tűp Fakültesi dergisi İstanbul Üniversitesi.
1354-3822 Edited proceedings - Cadmium Association Cadmium Association.
0161-3200 EDRO SARAP research technical reports United States. Food and Drug Administration.
0187-893X Educación química Facultad de Química. HNAM.
0013-1644 Educational and psychological measurement Educational and Psychological Measurement, etc.
1552-3888 Educational and psychological measurement (e-vir) Sage Publications
0424-575X Educational executives' overview Buttenheim Pub. Corp.]
0095-9162 Educational film guide H.W. Wilson Company.
0097-2754 Educational focus Bausch & Lomb Optical Company.
0094-2693 Educational series Florida.; Florida.; University of Miami.
0888-6326 Educational series North Carolina. Mineral Resources Section.; North Carolina. Division of Mineral Resources.; North Carolina. Geological Survey Section.
0013-1350 Education in Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry
1749-5326 Education in Chemistry (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
Y505-0138 Education in Chemistry (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0216-8669 Edukasi Kota Tanjungbalai: Majalah Ilmiah Pendidikan Sains, Teknologi dan Seni Tanjungbalai (Kota). Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
0095-9219 E electrical/west [Miller Freeman Pub.]
0197-8675 EES report Engineering Experiment Station, College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin.
0013-2144 Eesti NSV teaduste akadeemia toimetised Perioodika = Periodika
0201-8136 Eesti NSV teaduste akadeemia toimetised Kirjastus "Perioodika"
0367-1429 Eesti NSV teaduste akadeemia toimetised Periodika
0420-817X Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia
0424-6373 Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia
0424-6365 Eesti NSV teaduste akadeemia toimetised. Füüsika-matemaatika ja tehnikateaduste seeria Eesti NSV teaduste akadeemia
0201-8128 Eesti NSV teaduste akadeemia toimetised. Keemia Kirjastus "Perioodika"
1018-7650 Eesti teaduste akadeemia toimetised Perioodika
0013-2217 Effluent & Water Treatment Journal Thunderbird Enterprises Ltd.
0731-0633 EFOC ... fiber optics & communications proceedings Information Gatekeepers
0013-2268 Egészségtudomány Magyar Higiénikusok Társasága.
0367-1577 Ege Universitesi, Ziraat Fakultesi, Yayinlari Ege Üniversitesi
0252-9718 Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi dergisi Ege Üniversitesi
0254-5527 Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi dergisi. Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi.; Ege University, Faculty of science.
0367-1550 Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi dergisi, seri A Ege Üniversitesi
0367-0392 Egyptian Cotton Gazette The Alexandria Cotton Exporters' Association
0379-3575 Egyptian Journal of Agronomy National Information and Documentation Centre
1687-1804 Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia (Online) (e-vir) Central Society of Egyptian Anaesthesiologists
1110-1849 Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia (Print) Egyptian Society of Anaesthesiologists; Elsevier
1110-1857 Egyptian Journal of Analytical Chemistry Egyptian Society of Analytical Chemistry
0302-4520 Egyptian Journal of Animal Production National Information and Documentation Center
0301-8849 Egyptian Journal of Bilharziasis National Information and Documentation Centre
1110-6379 Egyptian Journal of Biomedical Sciences Egyptian Society of Biotechnology
1110-8525 Egyptian journal of biophysics and biomedical Engineering National Information and Documentation Center
1110-6093 Egyptian Journal of Biotechnology Egyptian Society for Biotechnology, ESB
0375-9237 Egyptian Journal of Botany National Information and Documentation Center
0449-2285 Egyptian Journal of Chemistry National Information and Documentation Center
2357-0245 Egyptian Journal of Chemistry (e-vir) National Information and Documentation Center
0378-2700 Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science Egyptian Society of Dairy Science
0022-1384 Egyptian Journal of Geology National Information and Documentation Center
1110-0206 Egyptian Journal of Horticulture National Information and Documentation Center
0022-2704 Egyptian Journal of Microbiology National Information and Documentation Centre
0301-5068 Egyptian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences National Information and Documentation Centre
1110-0214 Egyptian Journal of Physics National Information and Documentation Center
0301-8660 Egyptian Journal of Physiological Science National Information and Documentation Centre
0302-6701 Egyptian Journal of Soil Science National Information and Documentation Center
1110-600X Egyptian Journal of Textile and Polymer Science and Technology National Information and Documentation Center
1110-0222 Egyptian Journal of Veterinary Science National Information and Documentation Center
0367-0457 Egyptian Pharmaceutical Bulletin (s.n.)
0285-6107 Ehime Daigaku Käogakubu kiyäo Ehime University. Faculty of Engineering.
0422-7743 Ehime Daigaku Kiyo, Dai-3-Bu: Kogaku Ehime Daigaku Kogakubu.
0422-7700 Ehime Daigaku kiyō. Shizen kagaku. B shirīzu, Seibutsugaku Ehime Daigaku
0422-7719 Ehime Daigaku kiyō. Shizen kagaku. C shirīzu, Kagaku Ehime Daigaku
0424-6829 Ehime Daigaku Nogakubu Kiyo Ehime Daigaku Nogakubu
0286-3677 Ehime igaku Ehime Igakkai; Ehime igakkai
0389-2859 Ehime-ken Chikusan Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Ehime Prefectural Animal Husbandry Experiment Station.; Ehime Prefectural Animal Husbandry Experimental Station.
1341-0393 Ehime-ken Kankyäo Hozen Sentäa shohäo Ehime Prefectural Research Center for Environmental Protection.
0288-6901 Ehime-ken Käogai Gijutsu Sentäa shohäo Ehime Prefectural Research Institute for Environmental Science.
0286-1844 Ehime-ken Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Industrial Research Center of Ehime Prefecture.
0388-7782 Ehime-ken Nōgyō Shikenjō kenkyū hōkoku Ehime-ken Nōgyō Shikenjō
0915-7174 Ehime-ken Rinsho Kensa Gishikaishi Ehimeken rinsho eisei kensa gishikai; Ehimeken rinsho kensa gishikai
0386-3476 Ehime Kenritsu Eisei Kenkyäujo nempäo Ehime Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0367-1399 Ehime-ken Seishi Shikenjäo häokoku Ehime-ken Seishi Shikenjäo.
0388-2098 Ehime-ken Suisan Shikenjo kenkyu hokoku Ehime-ken Suisan Shikenjo; Ehimeken Chuyo Suisan Shikenjo
1029-256X Èho nauki Nacionalʹnaâ akademiâ nauk kyrgyzskoj respubliki.; Kyrgyz respublikasynyn uluttuk ilimder akademiâsy.
1542-4359 EHP toxicogenomics National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
0934-9820 Eicosanoids Springer Internat..
1042-251X EI digest Environmental Information Ltd.
0532-940X EIFAC technical paper Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission.
0531-6758 EIR-Bericht Eidgenössisches Institut für Reaktorforschung (Würenlingen)
0424-7086 Eisei Dobutsu Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology.
0013-273X Eisei kagaku Yakuji nipposha; Nihon Yakugakkai ;; Nihon Yakuzaishi kyokai; Nihon yakugakukai
0386-4308 Eisei Käogyäo Kyäokaishi Society of Domestic and Sanitary Engineering.
0367-052X Eisei kensa Japanese Association of Medical Technologists.; Nihon Eisei Kensa Gishikai.
0077-4715 Eisei Shikenjo häokoku National Hygiene Laboratory.; National Institute of Hygienic Sciences.
0363-8685 Eisenhower Consortium bulletin Eisenhower Consortium for Western Environmental Forestry Research,
0367-1410 Eisen-Zeitung Elsner
0367-0538 Eis- und Kälte-Industrie Ziemsen.
0424-7116 Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart Deutsche Quartärvereinigung; Vertrieb E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
2199-9090 Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart (e-vir) Geozon Science Media
0420-9001 Eiweiss-Forschung Keune
0911-2618 Eiyäo asesumento Eiyäo Asesumento Kenkyäukai.
0021-5147 Eiyäogaku zasshi Kokumin eiyou shinkoukai.; Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics.; JSND.
0915-759X Eiyō, hyōka to chiryō Medikaru Rebyūsha
0367-0554 Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkai
0021-5376 Eiyo To Shokuryo Nippon Eiyo, Shokuryo Gakkai
1167-1122 EJD John Libbey eurotext
1018-4813 EJHG. European journal of human genetics Nature Publishing Group
0992-4663 EJHP Association européenne des pharmaciens des hôpitaux.
1025-4617 ëKazaëkstan geologiâsy ëKazaëkstan respublikasy ůlttyq ągylym akademiâsy.; ëKazaëkstan respublikasy geologiâ žťane žer qojnaularyn qorągau ministrlűgű.; ëKazaëkstan respublikasynyën bűlűm žťane ągylym ministrlűgű.; Ministerstvo geologii i ohrany nedr RK.; Ministerstvo obrazovaniâ i nauki RK.; Nacionalʹnaâ akademiâ nauk RK.; National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.; Ministry of Geology and Protection of Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1025-9120 ëKazaëkstan respublikasy ůlttyëk ągylym akademiâsynyën baândamalary ëKazaëkstan respublikasy ůlttyëk ągylym akademiâsynyën.; ëKazaëkstan respublikasy ągylym akademiâsynyën.; Nacionalʹnaâ akademiâ nauk respubliki Kazahstan.; Akademiâ nauk respubliki Kazahstan.
1027-3611 ëKazaëkstan respublikasy ůlttyëk ągylym akademiâsynyën habaršysy ëKazaëkstan respublikasy ůlttyëk ągylym akademiâsynyën.; ëKazaëkstan respublikasy ągylym akademiâsynyën.
1880-6449 Ekisho Nihon ekisho gakkai jimukyoku,
0204-7675 Ekologiâ Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite.
0367-0597 Ekologiâ Nauka
1335-342X Ekológia Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences [etc.]
1337-947X Ekológia (e-vir) Ústav krajinnej ekológie Slovenskej akadémie vied; De Gruyter
0862-9129 Ekológia ČSFR Veda
0231-7044 Ekológia ČSSR Veda
1816-0395 Èkologiâ i promyšlennostʹ Rossii.; Экология и промышленность России Kalvis; Калвис; Kalvis; Rossijskij universitet družby narodov; Калвис ;; Российский университет дружбы народов
1230-462X Ekologia i Technika Bydgoskie Towarzystwo Naukowe.
0203-4646 Ekologiâ morâ [S.n.]
0420-9036 Ekologia Polska Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii.; Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Ecology.
2411-9202 Èkologičeskaâ genetika (e-vir) Èkologičeskaâ genetika
1811-0932 Èkologičeskaâ genetika.; Экологическая генетика N-L; Н-Л; Èko-Vektor; Эко-Вектор
0136-2909 Ekologičeskie i fiziologičeskie osobennosti rastenij Ûžnogo Urala i ih resursy Čelâbinskij pedagogičeskij institut.
0235-7224 Ekologija Lietuvos mokslu akademijos leidykla = Publishing House of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
1300-1361 Ekoloji çevre dergisi Çevre Koruma ve Araştűrma Vakfű
0013-3094 Ekonomika sel'skogo hozâjstva Kolos
1027-3247 Èkotehnologii i resursosbereženie.; Экотехнологии и ресурсосбережение Naukova Dumka; Наукова Думка
0204-3564 Eksperimental'naâ onkologiâ Naukova Dumka
0367-0724 Eksperimental'naâ vodnaâ toksikologiâ Zinatne
0514-7484 Ēksperimental ev klinikakan bzhshkutʹyun Haykakan Kh.S.H. gitutʹyunneri akademiayi hratarakchʹutʹyun
0367-0643 Eksperimentalna medicina i morfologija Medicina i fizkultura
0367-0619 Èksperimentalʹnaâ hirurgiâ Medgiz.
0013-3329 Èksperimentalʹnaâ hirurgiâ i anesteziologiâ Medicina
0869-2092 Èksperimentalʹnaâ i kliniceskaâ farmakologiâ Medicina
0367-0589 Èksperimentalʹnaâ i kliničeskaâ farmakoterapiâ Institut organičeskogo sinteza Latvijskoj Akademii nauk.
0367-0678 Èksperimentalʹnaâ i kliničeskaâ radiologiâ.; Экспериментальная и клиническая радиология Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0320-5622 Èksperimentalʹnaâ i kliničeskaâ stomatologiâ Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut stomatologii.
0367-0635 Èksperimentalʹna medicina.; Экспериментальна медицина Deržavne medične vidavnictvo Ukraïni; Державне медичне видавництво України.
1609-6371 Eksperimentalʹna ta klìnìčna fìzìologìâ ì bìohìmìâ.; Експериментальна та клінічна фізіологія і біохімія Svìt; Світ.
1335-0676 Ekt Výskumný ústav káblov a izolantov VÚKI.
0128-1828 Elaeis Institut Penyelidikan Kelapa Sawit
0146-0706 Elastomerics Palmerton Pub. Co.
0742-2717 Elastomerics extra Communication Channels, Inc.
1427-3519 Elastomery Instytut Przemysłu Gumowego Stomil. Zakład Informacji i Dokumentacji Naukowo-Technicznej; Instytut Inżynierii Materiałów Polimerowych i Barwników; Oddział Zamiejscowy Elastomerów i Technologii Gumy; Instytut Inżynierii Materiałów Polimerowych i Barwników; Oddział Zamiejscowy Elastomerów i Technologii Gumy. Zespół Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej; Instytut Inżynierii Materiałów Polimerowych i Barwników; Oddział Elastomerów i Technologii Gumy. Zespół Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej; Instytut Inżynierii Materiałów Polimerowych i Barwników; Oddział Elastomerów i Technologii Gumy; Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz-Instytut Inżynierii Materiałów Polimerowych i Barwników
0011-2747 El Cultivador moderno [s.n.]
1265-1532 Eldata, the international electronic journal of physico-chemical data Institut de topologie et de dynamique des systèmes (Paris)
0367-0775 Electric accumulator Electric Accumulator Printing and Publishing Co.
0036-8105 Electrical and Electronics Abstracts Institution of Electrical Engineers; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
0013-4252 Electrical communication International Western Electric Co.
0361-4395 Electrical contacts Illinois Institute of Technology.; IIT Research Institute.
0097-1960 Electrical engineer Electrical Engineer.
0013-4309 Electrical Engineer Tait Publishing Co.
0095-9197 Electrical engineering American Institute of Electrical Engineers [etc.]
0370-8152 Electrical Engineering Abstracts [s. n.]
0020-3300 Electrical Engineering Transactions Institution of Engineers.
0095-9189 Electrical manufacturing C-M Technical Publications
0013-4368 Electrical news & engineering Southam Business Publ.
0013-4384 Electrical Review IPC Electrical-Electronic Press
0013-4457 Electrical world McGraw-Hill
0367-0805 Electrician Benn
0013-4481 Electricité Union des Exploitants Electriques en Belgique
0308-4124 Electricity Council Research Centre Electricity Council Research Centre.
0013-4120 Electric light and power Winston, Inc.
0422-8626 Electric Power [s.n.]
0378-7796 Electric power systems research Elsevier Sequoia
1873-2046 Electric power systems research (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0095-9715 Electric railway journal McGraw Hill Pub. Co.
0141-9811 Electric vehicle developments Institution of Electrical Engineers.; Electric Vehicle Development Group.; Electronics & Power.
0745-4309 Electri-onics Lake Pub. Corp.
0422-888X Electroacoustique Laboratoire d'acoustique appliquée de l'Université de Liège.
1040-0397 Electroanalysis VCH
1521-4109 Electroanalysis (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0070-9778 Electroanalytical chemistry CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group
1061-9526 Electro- and magnetobiology M. Dekker
1525-6081 Electro- and magnetobiology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0096-008X Electrochemical and metallurgical industry [Electrochemical Pub. Co.]
1099-0062 Electrochemical and solid-state letters The Electrochemical Society
1944-8775 Electrochemical and solid-state letters (e-vir) Electrochemical Society
0963-5637 Electrochemical science and technology of polymers Elsevier Applied Science.
0424-8090 Electrochemical technology Electrochemical Society.
0305-9979 Electrochemistry The Royal Society of Chemistry
1344-3542 Electrochemistry Denki Kagakkai
2186-2451 Electrochemistry (e-vir) Denki kagakkai
1388-2481 Electrochemistry communications Elsevier
1873-1902 Electrochemistry communications Elsevier Science
0306-4832 Electrochemistry in Industrial Processing & Biology Scientific Information Consultants.
1873-3859 Electrochimica acta (e-vir) Elsevier
0013-4686 Electrochimica Acta Pergamon Press
0424-8112 Electrochimica Metallorum Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia.
0305-3091 Electrocomponent science and technology Gordon and Breach.
0300-9416 Electrodeposition and surface treatment Elsevier Sequoia
0168-5597 Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology Elsevier
0424-8155 Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. Supplement Elsevier; [s. n.]; [s. n.]
1738-5997 Electrolyte & Blood Pressure Korean Society of Electrolytes Metabolism
1536-8378 Electromagnetic biology and medicine M. Dekker
1536-8386 Electromagnetic biology and medicine (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
Y504-5800 Electromagnetic biology and medicine M. Dekker
0929-5054 Electromagnetic waves Elsevier
0424-8007 Electro-Metalia s.n..
0367-0864 Electrometallurgy [s.n.]
0099-474X Electromet Metals and Alloys Review [s.n.].
0096-0098 Electromet review Electrometallurgical Co., Division of Union Carbide Corp..
0146-8057 Electron and ion beam science and technology; American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.; Electrochemical Society. Electrothermics and Metallurgy Division.; Metallurgical Society of AIME. Institute of Metals Division.
0013-5054 Electrónica y física aplicada Centro de Investigaciones Físicas "Leonardo Torres Quevedo"
0424-821X Electronic Communicator
0013-4902 Electronic engineering CMP Electronics Group
0095-9200 Electronic industries Caldwell-Clements,
0367-0562 Electronic industries & tele-tech [Chilton Co.]
0099-4731 Electronic Industries and Electronic Instrumentation
0717-3458 Electronic Journal of Biotechnology (e-vir) Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; Comisión Nacional de Investigació Científica y Tecnológica
1542-3891 Electronic journal of boundary elements (e-vir) Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities
1579-4377 Electronic journal of environmental, agricultural and food chemistry Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo.
1292-8933 Electronic journal of oncology (e-vir) [Intersciences]
1505-0297 Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej.
1082-4928 Electronic journal of theoretical chemistry Wiley
1729-5254 Electronic journal of theoretical physics (e-vir) Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics
1738-8090 Electronic materials letters Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
2093-6788 Electronic materials letters = Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
1369-4049 Electronic materials series Chapman & Hall.
0306-333X Electronic production Kiver-Patterson Publ.
0013-4961 Electronic progress Raytheon Manufacturing Company.; Raytheon Company.
0013-5070 Electronics McGraw-Hill
0013-5127 Electronics+power Institution of Electrical Engineers
1521-4591 Electronics and biotechnology advanced (EL.B.A.) forum series Plenum Press.
0420-977X Electronics Digest
0304-9876 Electronics information & planning Information, Planning and Analysis Group.
0013-5194 Electronics letters Institution of Electrical Engineers
1350-911X Electronics letters (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers
0367-0902 Electronics reliability & microminiaturization Pergamon Press
0305-9766 Electronic structure and magnetism of inorganic compounds Chemical Society (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0013-5232 Electronics world Ziff-Davis Pub. Co., c1959-c1971.
0046-175X Electronique & microélectronique industrielles Ed. Radio
0275-5262 Electron microscopy in biology Wiley
1464-4622 Electron paramagnetic resonance Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0305-9758 Electron spin resonance Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0070-9816 Electron Technology Institute of Electron Technology.; Instytut Technologii Elektronowej (Warszawa)
0424-8457 Electro-optical systems design Milton S. Kiver Publications
0745-5003 Electro optics Cahners Pub. Co.
0148-9046 Electro-optics series Marcel Dekker,
0173-0835 Electrophoresis VCH
1522-2683 Electrophoresis (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl..
0367-0783 Electroplater and Electroplating [s.n.]
0422-9223 Electroplating, India [s.n.]
0013-5305 Electroplating & metal finishing Wheatland Journals
0253-0619 Electroquímica e corrosão Instituto nacional de investigação industrial.
0367-0848 Electrotechnical journal Denki Gakkai.
0367-0929 Electrotechnics Indian Institute of Science
0271-9363 Electrotechnology Ann Arbor Science Publishers,
0013-4643 Electro Technology Society of Electronic Engineers.
0099-3778 Electro-technology newsletter Industrial Research, Inc.
0376-4745 Electrotehnica, electronica, automatica Ministerul Industriei Electrotehnice
0422-9274 Električeskaâ i teplovoznaâ tâga Transport
0201-4564 ELEKTRIČESKIE STANCII Energija Izdatel'stvo
0013-5380 Električestvo Energiâ
0013-5399 Elektrie Technik
0367-0651 Elektrische Nachrichten-Technik [s.n.]
0013-5496 Elektrizitätswirtschaft Verl.-u. Wirtschaftsges. d. Elektrizitätswerke
0367-0767 Elektrochemische Zeitschrift Brandenburgische Buchdruckerei u. Verl.-Anst..
0422-9398 Èlektrofizičeskaâ apparatura Atomizdat.
0424-8570 Elektrohimiâ Nauka
1680-9505 Èlektrohimičeskaâ ènergetika; Электрохимическая энергетика (e-vir) Èlektrohimičeskaâ ènergetika; Электрохимическая энергетика
1608-4039 Èlektrohimičeskaâ ènergetika.; Электрохимическая энергетика Saratovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet; Саратовский государственный университет
0322-7111 Elektroizolačná a káblová technika Výskumný ústav káblov a izolantov,
1436-025X Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit biologischer Systeme VDE-Verl..
0424-8597 Elektromedizin, medizinische Elektronik Schiele und Schön
1684-5781 Èlektrometallurgiâ Nauka i tehnologii.
0013-5658 Elektronik Franzis
0033-2089 Elektronika Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Książek Technicznych "Sigma"
1561-5405 Èlektronika MIÈT
1392-1215 Elektronika ir elektrotechnika Technologija
2029-5731 Elektronika ir elektrotechnika (e-vir) Technologija
0367-0732 Elektron in Wissenschaft und Technik Elektron-Verlag
0367-0686 Elektronische Rundschau Verlag für Radio-Foto-Kinotechnik
0013-5739 Elektronnaâ obrabotka materialov Štiinca
0207-6357 Èlektronnaâ promyšlennostʹ Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut "Èlektronika".
0204-3572 Elektronnoe modelirovanie Nauka Dumka
0204-0557 Èlektronnye i ionnye processy v ionnyh kristallah Latvijskij universitet im. P. Stučki. Problemnaâ laboratoriâ fiziki poluprovodnikov.
0013-5763 Elektropromišlenost i priborostroene NTS po elektronika, elektrotehnika i s''obšeniâ
0367-0694 Elektroschweissung [s.n.]
0013-5771 Elektrosvâz' Svâz'
0013-578X Elektrotechnický časopis Vydavateĺstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied
0013-5798 Elektrotechnický obzor SNTL, Nakladatelství technické literatury
0013-5801 Elektrotechniek Moormans Periodieke Pers.
0013-581X Elektrotechnik Vogel-Verlag; Vogel Verlag
0367-0708 Elektrotechnika Lapkiadó
0424-0200 Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift VDE-Verlag
0131-1190 Èlektrotehničeskaâ promyšlennostʹ Informèlektro.
0131-1204 Èlektrotehničeskaâ promyšlennostʹ Informèlektro.
0320-5665 Èlektrotehničeskaâ promyšlennostʹ Informèlektro.
0013-5844 Elektrotehnika Hrvatski elektroinženjerski savez
0013-5860 Elektrotehnika. Energiâ
0013-5879 Elektroteknikeren Elektroteknikeren
0550-2381 Èlektrovozostroenie.; Электровозостроение Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij, proektno-konstruktorskij i tehnologičeskij institut èlektrovozostoroeniâ; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский, проектно-конструкторский и технологический институт электровозостороения.
0367-0791 Elektrowärme Industrie-Verlag
0020-9147 Elektrowärme international Vulkan-Verlag Dr. W. Classen
0945-8840 Elektrowärme international
0340-3521 Elektrowärme international. Edition B, Industrielle Elektrowärme Vulkan-Verlag Classen
0013-5909 Élelmezési ipar Lapkiadó
0013-5917 Élelmiszertudomány Központi Élelmiszeripari Kutató Intézet.
0422-9576 Élelmiszervizsgálati közlemények Lapk.
0013-5933 Elementa
0531-8475 Èlementarnye časticy i kosmičeskie luči Moskovskij inženerno-fizičeskij institut; Ministerstvo vyšsego i srednego specialʹnogo obrazovaniâ
1811-5209 Elements Mineralogical Society of America; Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland; Mineralogical Association of Canada; Geochimical Society; Clay Minerals Society
1811-5217 Elements Mineralogical Society of America; Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland; Mineralogical Association of Canada; Geochimical Society; Clay Minerals Society
0367-1453 Elettricista Casa editrice l'elettricista.
0013-6093 Elettrificazione Delfino
0367-0821 Elga Progress [s.n.]
0099-4723 Elgin Papers
0212-1735 Elhuyar Elhuyar.
0376-9399 Elläinikäi anaisthäisiologia Elläinikäi Anaisthäisiologikäi Etaireia
0018-0068 Elläinikäi Ktäiniatrikäi Elläinikäi Ktäiniatrikäi Etaireia
0131-1247 Elmi ąesąerler - S.M. Kirov adyna Azerbajčan dovlet universitetinin. Keolokija-čofrafija elmleri serijasy S.M. Kirov adyna Azerbajčan dovlet universitetinin nešri.
0132-7038 Elmi ąeserler - S.M. Kirov adyna Azerbajčan dovlet universitetinin. Biolokija elmleri serijasy S.M. Kirov adyna Azerbajčan dovlet universitetinin nešri.
0404-6668 Èlmi a̋sa̋rla̋r ADU na̋šrijâty
0463-1536 El Monitor de la farmacia y la terapéutica Centro Farmacéutico Nacional.
1226-8526 Elraseu to'meo han-guk gomu hakoe
0422-9894 Elsevier oceanography series Elsevier
0927-4995 Elsevier studies in applied electromagnetics in materials Elsevier
1438-1818 Email
0367-1054 Émaillerie [s.n.]
0367-1046 Emailwaren-Industrie Fachblatt Emailwaren-Industrie
0350-3607 Emajl-keramika-staklo Udruženje emajliraca Jugoslavije
1469-221X EMBO reports Oxford University Press
1469-3178 EMBO reports (e-vir) Wiley
0367-0228 Embryologia Embryologia Society
0367-102X EMD IPC Industrial Press
1361-9195 Emerging drugs Ashley
1080-6040 Emerging infectious diseases National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
1080-6059 Emerging infectious diseases (e-vir) National Center for Infectious Diseases; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1061-6098 Emerging pharmaceuticals CTB International Pub.,
1460-0412 Emerging therapeutic targets Ashley Publications.
0950-1398 EMIS datareviews series Institution of Electrical Engineers.; INSPEC (Information service)
0270-6490 EML Environmental Measurements Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy :; available from National Technical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce]
0367-0260 Empire cotton growing review Empire Cotton Growing Corporation.
0367-0988 Empire forestry review Empire Forestry Association.
2055-5237 Empire forestry review (e-vir) Empire Forestry Association
0376-1703 Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture G. Cumberlege
1064-2706 EMPMD monograph series Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.
1448-5540 Emu (e-vir)
0143-7151 Emulsion polymerisation Solihull Chemical Services.
0421-1529 Enamelist Bulletin
1024-2430 Enantiomer Gordon and Breach Publishers
0367-021X Enbi to porimäa Institute of Polymer Industry, Inc.
0424-0014 Ènciklopediâ izmerenij, kontrolâ i avtomatizacii.; Энциклопедия измерений, контроля и автоматизации Gosènergoizdat; Госэнергоиздат
0196-9110 Encyclia Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters
0160-9327 Endeavour Pergamon Press
1873-1929 Endeavour (e-vir) Elsevier Current Trends Journals
1355-008X Endocrine Macmillan
1559-0100 Endocrine (e-vir) Springer
1871-5303 Endocrine, metabolic & immune disorders Bentham Science Publishers
2212-3873 Endocrine, metabolic & immune disorders Bentham Science Publishers
0071-0253 Endocrine Bioassay Data National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health.
1421-7082 Endocrine development Karger,
0918-8959 Endocrine journal Japan Endocrine Society
0969-711X Endocrine journal Macmillan
1348-4540 Endocrine journal (e-vir) Japan Endocrine Society
1046-3976 Endocrine pathology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1559-0097 Endocrine pathology (e-vir) Springer
1210-0668 Endocrine regulations Slovak Academic Press
1336-0329 Endocrine regulations Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Slovak Academy of Sciences
1351-0088 Endocrine-related cancer Journal of Endocrinology Ltd
1479-6821 Endocrine-related cancer (e-vir) Society for Endocrinology
0743-5800 Endocrine research Marcel Dekker
1532-4206 Endocrine research (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0093-6391 Endocrine research communications [M. Dekker]
0163-769X Endocrine reviews Endocrine Society
1945-7189 Endocrine reviews (e-vir) Endocrine Society
1566-0729 Endocrine updates
0421-1715 Endocrinologia [s.n.]
0211-2299 Endocrinología Sociedad Española de Endocrinología; Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición
0013-7197 Endocrinologia e scienza della costituzione Licinio Cappelli.
0013-7200 Endocrinologia experimentalis Slovenská akadémia vied.
0013-7219 Endocrinologia Japonica Nihon Naibunpitsu Gakkai.
1575-0922 Endocrinología y nutrición Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición
1579-2021 Endocrinología y nutrición (e-vir) Doyma
0013-7227 Endocrinology Published for the Endocrine Society by J.B. Lippincot Co.
1945-7170 Endocrinology (e-vir) Endocrine Society
1074-939X Endocrinology and metabolism Ballière Tindall
0889-8529 Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
1558-4410 Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0264-0767 Endocrinology and metabolism series Praeger.
0109-2502 Endodontics & dental traumatology Munksgaard
1600-0595 Endodontics & dental traumatology (e-vir) Munksgaard International
1680-1466 Endokrinologìa.; Ендокринологіа Ìnstitut endokrinologìï ta obmìnu rečovni ìm V.P. Komisarenka; Ìнститут ендокринології та обміну речовни ім В.П. Комисаренка
0135-2148 Èndokrinologiâ.; Эндокринология Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0013-7251 Endokrinologie =J.A.= Barth
1734-3321 Endokrynologia, Otyłość i Zaburzenia Przemiany Materii Via Medica.
1734-9044 Endokrynologia, Otyłość i Zaburzenia Przemiany Materii (e-vir) Polskie Towarzystwo Badań nad Otyłością
0423-104X Endokrynologia Polska Polskie Towarzystwo Endokrynologiczne.
2299-8306 Endokrynologia Polska = "Via Medica"
1384-1270 Endothelial cell research series Harwood Academic Publishers
1026-793X Endothelium (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1029-2373 Endothelium (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers
1062-3329 Endothelium Harwood Academic Publishers; Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare
1124-7932 ENEA. [Rapporti tecnici] RT/ERG ENEA.; Ente per le nuove tecnologie l'energia e l'ambiente.
0393-3016 ENEA-RT ENEA
1348-5008 ENEOS technical review Shin nihon sekiyu junkatsuyu jigyobu,; JX Nikko Nisseki Enerugi Kenkyu Kaihatsu Kikakubu; JX nikko nisseki enerugi chuo gijutsu kenkyujo; JX enerugi chuo gijutsu kenkyujo
0423-1082 Energetica Editura ICEMENERG
0367-0414 Energetica şi hidrotehnica [s.n.],
0367-0376 Ènergetičeskij bûlletenʹ.; Энергетический бюллетень Rostoptehizdat; Ростоптехиздат.
0424-9844 Ènergetičeskoe mašinostroenie.; Энергетическое машиностроение Viŝa škola; Вища школа.
0131-1328 Energetičeskoe stroitel`stvo za rubežom [S.n.]
0582-5822 Energetics in metallurgical phenomena Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Inc.
0013-7278 Energetik. Energiâ
0324-1521 Energetika Ministerstvo na energetikata
0424-9879 Energetika i elektrifikaciâ Tehnika
0423-1120 Ènergetika i èlektrotehničeskaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Энергетика и электротехническая промышленность Institut tehničeskoj informacii; Институт технической информации.
0013-7294 Energetyka Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna; Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Księażek Technicznych "Sigma"; Zakład Wydawniczy "Energetyka" Centralny Ośrodek Szkolenia i Wydawnictw SEP; Oficyna Wydawnicza "Energia" COSiW SEP
0100-6371 Energia Assessoria de Promoção e Cultura Editora Ltda.
0210-2056 Energía Ed. Ingeniería Química, S.A.
0186-811X Energía del fuego al átomo Agueda Ruíz.
0378-9578 Energía e industria Asociación Venezolana de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Mecánica.
0013-7316 Energia és Atomtechnika Lapkiadó
0021-0757 Energiagazdálkodás ETE
0013-7324 Energía nuclear Junta de Energía Nuclear (España)
0013-7332 Energia nucleare ENEA
0100-3593 Energia Nuclear e Agricultura Escola de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura
0367-116X Energia Termica
0013-7359 Energie Energiewirtschaft-u.-Technik-Verl.-Ges.
1436-6134 Energie-, Wasser-Praxis Wirtschafts- und Verl.-Ges. Gas und Wasser
0944-3169 Energieanwendung Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie
0013-7375 Energie nucléaire Publications techniques associées
0165-2117 Energiespectrum Stichting Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland.
0167-4358 Energie studie centrum Energie Studie Centrum.
0013-7421 Energietechnik Dt. Verl. für Grundstoffindustrie
1433-5646 Energietechnik. Ferienkurs Energieforschung Forschungszentrum Jülich
0013-7391 Energie und Technik L. A. Klepzig Verlag
0013-7448 Energija [Zajednica elektroprivrednih poduzeća Hrvatske; Institut za elektroprivredu]
1849-0751 Energija (e-vir) Hrvatska elektroprivreda
0421-188X Ènergohozâjstvo za rubežom Ènergiâ.
0131-1336 Energomašinostroenie "Mašinostroenie"
0367-1437 Ènergotehnologičeskoe ispolʹzovanie topliva.; Энерготехнологическое использование топлива "Nauka"; "Наука".
0360-5442 Energy Pergamon Press
1873-6785 Energy (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1301-8361 Energy, education, science and technology Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi.
1382-4260 Energy & environment Kluwer Academic Publishers
0887-0624 Energy & fuels The Society
1520-5029 Energy & fuels (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0160-6522 Energy and the environment American Institute of Chemical Engineers.; American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
0273-4796 Energy and the environment CRC Press,
0097-8159 Energy communications M. Dekker]
0013-7480 Energy conversion Pergamon Press.
0196-8904 Energy conversion and management Pergamon
1879-2227 Energy conversion and management (e-vir) Elsevier
0157-9754 Energy conversion technical report Dept. of Engineering Physics, Research School of Physical Sciences, Australian National University.
0161-8091 Energy developments in Japan Rumford Pub. Co.
0367-1119 Energy Digest Allens Clerkenwell
0144-5987 Energy exploration & exploitation Graham & Trotman Ltd
2048-4054 Energy exploration & exploitation (e-vir) Multi Science Publishing
2352-4669 Energy for sustainable development (e-vir) Elsevier
0277-7851 Energy from biomass and wastes Institute of Gas Technology.
0167-5826 Energy in agriculture Elsevier
0093-0512 Energy pipelines and systems Chilton Co.]
0319-5759 Energy processing Canada Sanford Evans Pub. (Alta.).
0278-4521 Energy progress American Institute of Chemical Engineers
0167-692X Energy research Elsevier
0160-3604 Energy research abstracts United States.; United States.
0197-1417 Energy science and technology Addison-Wesley,
0090-8312 Energy sources Taylor & Francis [etc.]
1521-0510 Energy sources (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1556-7036 Energy sources Taylor & Francis
1556-7230 Energy sources Taylor and Francis
1556-7249 Energy sources Taylor and Francis
1556-7257 Energy sources Taylor and Francis
0973-0826 Energy Sustainable Development International Energy Initiative
0161-6048 Energy technology Government Institutes
0288-5417 Enerugäi henkan gijutsu Nihon Kagaku Gijutsu Shinkäo Zaidan.; Japan Society of Direct Energy Conversion.
0285-0494 Enerugi, shigen Enerugi, Shigen Kenkyukai; Enerugi, Shigen Gakkai
0013-7588 Enfermedades del Tórax y Tuberculosis Instituto Chileno de Neumotisiología
0100-7947 Engarrafador Moderno Engarrafador Moderno.
0013-7626 Engei Gakkai zasshi Horticultural Association of Japan.; Japanese Society for Horticultural Science.
0452-9812 Engeigaku kenkyäu shäuroku Kyoto Daigaku. Näogakubu. Engeigaku Kenkyäushitsu.
1347-2658 Engeigaku kenkyu Engei gakkai,; Engei gakkai; Engei gakkai
0424-995X Engei Shikenjäo häokoku. A Horticultural Research Station, Hiratsuka.
0013-7642 Engelhard Industries technical bulletin Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corp.
0013-7685 Engenharia, Mineracao, Metalurgia Revista de Engenharia, Mineração e Metalurgia ltda.
0100-6916 Engenharia agrícola Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciencias Agronomicas, Departamento de Engenharia Rural.
1808-4389 Engenharia agrícola (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola
1809-4430 Engenharia Agrícola (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola
0100-2201 Engenharia Civil SM2 Empresa Jornalística.
0367-0465 Engenharia e Quimica Associação Brasileira de Química
0100-0608 Engenharia na Indústria Engetec.
0367-1127 Engineer and foundryman Viking Publications (PTY) Ltd.
1523-4371 Engineered casting solutions American Foundrymen's Society.
0013-7782 Engineering Design Council
0013-7804 Engineering & contract record Southam Business Publications.
0367-0198 Engineering and boilerhouse review Engineering and Boilerhouse Review
0096-0101 Engineering and cement world International Trade Press.
0367-0384 Engineering and chemical digest [s.n.]
0095-9723 Engineering and contracting [Gillette Pub. Co.]
0095-8948 Engineering and mining journal McGraw Hill Pub. Co.
0095-9731 Engineering and mining journal-press McGraw-Hill Pub. Co.,
0096-011X Engineering and mining world McGraw-Hill Pub. Co.
0013-7812 Engineering and science California Institute of Technology
0270-2576 Engineering aspects of magnetohydrodynamics Columbia University Press,
0099-5053 Engineering bulletin Alabama Polytechnic Institute.
0271-9959 Engineering Conference Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0013-788X Engineering cybernetics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
0141-5573 Engineering design guides Design Council.; British Standards Institution.; Council of Engineering Institutions.
0013-7901 Engineering digest Canadian Engineering Publications.
0423-1376 Engineering Digest
0371-2540 Engineering Division Report. Saskatchewan Research Council Saskatchewan Research Council, Engineering Division.
0022-0809 Engineering education American Society for Engineering Education.
0097-501X Engineering Experiment Station bulletin Ohio State University. Engineering Experiment Station.
0097-5028 Engineering Experiment Station news Engineering Experiment Station, Ohio State University
0277-822X Engineering Experiment Station publication West Virginia University. Engineering Experiment Station.
0512-1019 Engineering Experiment Station report University of Wisconsin--Madison.
0097-3335 Engineering Experiment Station research bulletin West Virginia University.
0096-3909 Engineering Experiment Station series Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
0096-6126 Engineering Experiment Station technical papers University of Minnesota, Institute of Technology.
1350-6307 Engineering failure analysis Pergamon
1873-1961 Engineering failure analysis (e-vir) Elsevier
0013-7944 Engineering fracture mechanics Pergamon Press.
1873-7315 Engineering fracture mechanics (e-vir) Elsevier
0013-7952 Engineering geology Elsevier
0094-923X Engineering geology Association of Engineering Geologists.
1872-6917 Engineering geology (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1618-0240 Engineering in life sciences Wiley-VCH-Verl..
1618-2863 Engineering in life sciences Wiley-VCH-Verl..
0360-7577 Engineering in medicine Springer-Verlag,
0093-8343 Engineering issues American Society of Civil Engineers
0013-8010 Engineering journal Engineering Institute of Canada
0129-6531 Engineering journal of Singapore Faculty of Engineering, University of Singapore.
0096-3682 Engineering magazine Engineering Magazine Co.
0097-1979 Engineering materials & processing methods Reinhold Pub. Corp.
0013-8045 Engineering materials and design Heywood
0096-3690 Engineering news McGraw-Hill Pub. Co.
0013-807X Engineering news-record McGraw-Hill
0013-8088 Engineering outlook - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. College of Engineering.
0079-0559 Engineering proceedings Pennsylvania State University. College of Engineering and Architecture.; Pennsylvania State University. College of Engineering.
0367-1143 Engineering Progress [s.n.]
0096-3704 Engineering record McGraw Pub. Co.
0096-3968 Engineering report Iowa Engineering Experiment Station.
0462-887X Engineering Reprint Series - Missouri, University, Engineering Experiment Station Engineering Experiment Station, Director.
0075-0433 Engineering research Engineering Research Institute.
0097-4099 Engineering research bulletin University of Michigan. Research Institute.; University of Michigan. Engineering Research Institute.
0097-5036 Engineering research bulletin / Rutgers University.; Rutgers University.
0097-5826 Engineering Research Bulletin. Louisiana State University, Division of Engineering Research Louisiana State University, Division of Engineering Research.
0013-810X Engineering research news North Carolina State University.
0097-4358 Engineering world International Trade Press.
0013-8169 Engineers' Digest United Trade Press
0097-4102 Engineers and engineering Engineers Club of Philadelphia.
0423-1716 English Abstracts of Selected Articles from Soviet Bloc and Mainland China Technical Journals, Series 1: Physics and Mathematics
0423-1724 English Abstracts of Selected Articles from Soviet Bloc and Mainland China Technical Journals, Series 2: Chemistry
0423-1732 English Abstracts of Selected Articles from Soviet Bloc and Mainland China Technical Journals, Series 3: Metals
0423-1759 English Abstracts of Selected Articles from Soviet Bloc and Mainland China Technical Journals, Series 5: Electronics and Electrical Engineering
0423-1767 English Abstracts of Selected Articles from Soviet Bloc and Mainland China Technical Journals, Series 6: Bio-Sciences
0367-0317 English Electric Journal xx
0423-1880 Engrais [S.n.]
1563-5074 Enhanced heat transfer (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishing Group
1695-7296 Enólogos Federación Española de Asociaciones de Enólogos.
0367-1372 Enseignement scientifique [s.n.],
0389-4290 Enshäo Nihon Enshäo Gakkai
0918-8371 Enshäo to men'eki Sentan Igakusha.
0376-0707 Enshäurin shäuhäo Kyushu University Forests.
1346-8022 Enshou saisei Japanese Society of Inflammation and Regeneration.
0013-8703 Entomologia experimentalis et applicata Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging; Blackwell
1570-7458 Entomologia experimentalis et applicata (e-vir) Kluwer
0013-872X Entomological news American Entomological Society.
0013-8738 Entomological review Scripta Technica, Inc., in cooperation with the Entomological Society of America
1555-6689 Entomological review (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0367-1445 Entomologičeskoe obozrenie Nauka Leningradskoe otdelenie
0013-8800 Entomologie et phytopathologie appliquées Département général des recherches pour la protection des plantes et quarantaine.; Institut de recherches entomologiques et phytopathologiques.
0013-8843 Entomologische Zeitschrift mit Insektenbörse E. Ulmer
0377-9335 Entomon Assoc. for Advancement of Entomology, Dep. of Zoology, University of Kerala.
0013-8959 Entomophaga Librairie Le Francois
1099-4300 Entropy (e-vir) MDPI
0724-6870 Entsorgungspraxis Bertelsmann-Fachzeitschriften-GmbH
0013-9157 Environment Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation
1939-9154 Environment (e-vir) [Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation]
1383-8598 Environment & chemistry Kluwer Academic Publishers
1086-5683 Environmental & nutritional interactions Taylor & Francis,
0046-2225 Environmental affairs Published by Environmental Affairs, in association with the Environmental Law Center, Boston College Law School]
1392-740X Environmental and chemical physics Institute of Physics
1352-8505 Environmental and ecological statistics Chapman & Hall
1573-3009 Environmental and ecological statistics (e-vir) Kluwer
1873-7307 Environmental and experimental botany (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
0098-8472 Environmental and Experimental Botany Pergamon Press
0893-6692 Environmental and molecular mutagenesis Alan R. Liss, Inc.
1098-2280 Environmental and molecular mutagenesis (e-vir) [A.R. Liss]; Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1555-5267 Environmental bioindicators Taylor and Francis
1555-5275 Environmental bioindicators Taylor & Franics
0046-2233 Environmental biology and medicine Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0378-1909 Environmental biology of fishes Junk
1573-5133 Environmental biology of fishes (e-vir) Kluwer
1635-7922 Environmental biosafety research EDP sciences
1635-7930 Environmental biosafety research (e-vir) EDP sciences
0147-1848 Environmental chemicals: Colorado State University.; United States.
0305-7712 Environmental chemistry Chemical Society (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
1448-2517 Environmental chemistry CSIRO Publishing
1449-8979 Environmental chemistry CSIRO Publishing
1610-3653 Environmental chemistry letters Springer
1610-3661 Environmental chemistry letters Springer.
0364-2755 Environmental Conference Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0376-8929 Environmental conservation Elsevier Sequoia
1469-4387 Environmental conservation (e-vir) Elsevier Sequoia
0036-2514 Environmental control & safety management A.M. Best Co.]
1582-9596 Environmental engineering and management journal Ecozone.
1843-3707 Environmental engineering and management journal (e-vir) Ecozone
1092-8758 Environmental engineering science Mary Ann Liebert
1557-9018 Environmental engineering science (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1079-3186 Environmental engineering world McGraw-Hill,
0046-225X Environmental entomology Entomological Society of America..
1938-2936 Environmental entomology Entomological Society of America
1522-7987 Environmental epidemiology and toxicology Stockton press
1567-7419 Environmental fluid mechanics Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-1510 Environmental fluid mechanics (e-vir) Kluwer
1527-5922 Environmental forensics Harcourt
1527-5930 Environmental forensics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
Y505-7000 Environmental forensics Harcourt
0269-4042 Environmental geochemistry and health Science and Technology Letters
1573-2983 Environmental geochemistry and health (e-vir) Kluwer
0099-0094 Environmental geology Springer
0943-0105 Environmental geology Springer
1432-0495 Environmental geology (e-vir) Springer
0177-5146 Environmental geology and water sciences Springer
0091-4495 Environmental geology bulletin West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey.
0073-5086 Environmental geology notes Illinois State Geological Survey.
1075-9565 Environmental geosciences Blackwell Science, Inc.
1526-0984 Environmental geosciences (e-vir) Blackwell Science, Inc.
0013-9289 Environmental health [s.n.]
1476-069X Environmental health (e-vir) BioMed Central
1342-078X Environmental health and preventive medicine Japanese Society for Hygiene
1347-4715 Environmental health and preventive medicine Japanese Society for Hygiene
0091-6765 Environmental health perspectives U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service
1078-0475 Environmental health perspectives U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service
1552-9924 Environmental health perspectives (e-vir) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
0013-9300 Environmental letters Dekker
0364-152X Environmental management Springer-Verlag
0287-0517 Environmental medicine Nagoya Daigaku. Kankyäo Igaku Kenkyäujo.
1462-2912 Environmental microbiology Blackwell Science
1462-2920 Environmental microbiology (e-vir) Blackwell Science; Wiley-Blackwell
0167-6369 Environmental monitoring and assessment Reidel
1573-2959 Environmental monitoring and assessment (e-vir) Kluwer; Springer
0192-2521 Environmental mutagenesis A. R. Liss
1012-9634 Environmental mutagens and carcinogens Korean Environmental Mutagen Society.; Han'guk hwan'gyěong sěongtolyěonbyěoni-baramwěon hakhoeji.
1021-8726 Environmental news Institute of Environmental Engineering & Research.; NED University of Engineering & Technology.
1392-4168 Environmental Physics Fizikos institutas
0300-547X Environmental physiology Munksgaard
0300-5429 Environmental physiology & biochemistry Munksgaard.
0013-9327 Environmental pollution Applied Science Publishers
0269-7491 Environmental pollution Elsevier Applied Science Publishers
1873-6424 Environmental Pollution (e-vir) Elsevier
0143-1471 Environmental pollution. Series A. Ecological and biological Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0143-148X Environmental pollution. Series B. Chemical and physical Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
0367-150X Environmental Pollution Management Polcon Publishing Ltd
1466-0466 Environmental practice Oxford University Press
1466-0474 Environmental practice (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0278-4491 Environmental progress American Institute of Chemical Engineers
1547-5921 Environmental progress American Institute of Chemical Engineers
0300-824X Environmental quality and safety Thieme. ;; Academic Press.
0340-4714 Environmental quality and safety Thieme.
0013-9343 Environmental quarterly Environmental Equipment Institute (New York, N.Y.); Institute of Environmental Engineers.
0161-5742 Environmental quarterly Environmental Measurements Laboratory (U.S.)
0509-769X Environmental radiation surveillance in Washington State; annual report [s.n.]
0731-7751 Environmental report Environmental Measurements Laboratory (U.S.)
0013-9351 Environmental research Academic Press
1096-0953 Environmental research (e-vir) Academic Press
1421-0274 Environmental research forum Trans Tech Publications
1748-9326 Environmental research letters (e-vir) Institute of Physics Publishing.
1208-6053 Environmental reviews NRC Research Press, National Research Council Canada.
1181-8700 Environmental reviews = National Research Council Canada.
1462-9011 Environmental science & policy Elsevier Science
1873-6416 Environmental science & policy (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0013-936X Environmental science & technology American Chemical Society
1520-5851 Environmental science & technology (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0944-1344 Environmental science and pollution research Springer
1614-7499 Environmental science and pollution research (e-vir) Springer
1382-3124 Environmental science and technology library Kluwer Academic Publishers
0090-0427 Environmental science research Plenum Press
0915-955X Environmental sciences Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research.
0276-5799 Environmental sciences and applications International Society for Ecological Modelling.
1099-4459 Environmental sciences research report Wiley,
1462-6098 Environmental studies WIT Press.
1029-0400 Environmental studies: Sections A & B Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0959-3330 Environmental technology Selper
1479-487X Environmental technology (e-vir) Selper
0143-2060 Environmental technology letters Science & Technology Letters.
1068-7432 Environmental testing & analysis Target Group
1046-5294 Environmental topics Gordon and Breach Science Publishers,
1520-4081 Environmental toxicology John Wiley & Sons
1522-7278 Environmental toxicology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0730-7268 Environmental toxicology and chemistry Pergamon
1552-8618 Environmental toxicology and chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1382-6689 Environmental toxicology and pharmacology Elsevier
1872-7077 Environmental toxicology and pharmacology (e-vir) ElsevierBV
1053-4725 Environmental toxicology and water quality John Wiley
1098-2256 Environmental toxicology and water quality Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
0935-0209 Environmental toxin series Springer,
0970-0420 Environment and Ecology MKK Publication.
0147-9377 Environment and man Academic Press.,
0160-4120 Environment international Elsevier
1873-6750 Environment international (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0324-8828 Environment protection engineering Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej
1099-095X EnvironMetrics (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1180-4009 EnvironMetrics John Wiley & Sons
0013-9432 Enzyme S. Karger
1019-6773 Enzyme & protein Karger
0141-0229 Enzyme and microbial technology Butterworth Scientific Ltd
1879-0909 Enzyme and microbial technology (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0094-8500 Enzyme engineering American Institute of Chemical Engineers.; New York Academy of Sciences.
0091-0155 Enzyme technology digest New Extensions for Utilizing Scientists, inc.
0013-9424 Enzymologia Dr. W. Junk
0425-1423 Enzymologia biologica et clinica Karger,
0146-8049 Enzymology Dekker,
0013-9440 Eos Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (España); Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España). Instituto Español de Entomología
0392-6699 Eos Sigma-Tau
0270-7853 EPA United States.
1011-4246 EPA newsletter European Photochemistry Association.
0013-9475 Epatologia Società Editrice Universo.
0425-1482 Epidemiologiâ, mikrobiologiâ i infekciozni bolesti Medicina i fizkultura
0013-9556 Epidemiological review Centralny Instytut Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej i Ekonomicznej.; National Center for Scientific, Technical and Economic Information. Foreign Scientific Publications Department.; National Library of Medicine (U.S.); National Science Foundation (U.S.)
0950-2688 Epidemiology and infection Cambridge University Press
1469-4409 Epidemiology and infection (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0013-9580 Epilepsia E. Munksgaard
1528-1167 Epilepsia (e-vir) Blackwell Science Inc.
0920-1211 Epilepsy research Elsevier
0922-9833 Epilepsy research Elsevier
1872-6844 Epilepsy research (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0705-3797 Episodes Geological Survey of Canada
0379-539X Epistäimonikäi Epetäiris täis Scholäis täon Fysikäon kai Mathäimatikäon Epistäimäon. Aristoteleio Panepistäimio Thessalonikäis Aristoteleio Panepistäimio Thessalonikäis. Scholäi täon Fysikäon kai Mathäimatikäon Epistäimäon.; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.
0165-0904 Episteme Reidel
1011-6583 Epitheäoräesäe Klinikäes farmakologias kai farmakokinäetikäes PHARMAKON-Press
0940-9912 Epithelial cell biology Springer-Verlag London Limited
1011-6575 Epitheōrīsī Klinikīs farmakologias kai farmakokinītikīs Farmakon - Typos
0013-970X Épitőanyag Lapk.
2064-4477 Építőanyag (e-vir) SZTE
1286-0042 EPJ EDP Sciences
1435-3725 EPJ direct (e-vir) Springer
1618-5587 EPP Europe Konradin-Verl. Kohlhammer.
0276-0681 EPRI Electric Power Research Institute.
0362-3416 EPRI journal Electric Power Research Institute.
0385-5716 Equilibrium research Japan Society for Equilibrium Research.
0096-5669 Equipment preview for the chemical and process industries Putman Pub. Co.,
1300-199X Erciyes t%p dergisi Erciyes Üniversitesi
1382-4309 ERCOFTAC series Kluwer Academic Publishers
2215-1826 ERCOFTAC series (e-vir) European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion
0361-9869 ERDA energy research abstracts United States.
0361-9877 ERDA research abstracts United States. Energy Research and Development Administration.
0361-5979 ERDA symposium series United States.
0735-2840 Erde international Erde International (USA),
0584-1291 Erdészeti és Faipari Egyetem Tudományos Közleményei Erdészeti és Faipari Egyetem.
0367-1291 Erdészeti kisérletek Magyar Királyi Erdészeti Kisérleti Állomás.
0521-3851 Erdészeti Kutatások Mezógazdasági Könyvkiadó
0367-1313 Erdészeti lapok Országos Erdészeti Egyesület.
0423-3034 Erdészettudományi közlemények Erdőmérnöki Főiskola.
0724-8555 Erdoel, Erdgas Urban
0342-5584 Erdoel-Erdgas-Zeitschrift. International edition Urban.
0367-133X Erdoel und Teer Union
0367-1542 Erdoel-Zeitschrift für Bohr- und Fördertechnik Urban-Verlag
0179-3187 Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle Urban
0014-004X Erdöl-Erdgas-Zeitschrift Urban
0367-1305 Erdöl und Kohle Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen
0014-0058 Erdöl und Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochemie Erdol und Kohle
0367-0716 Erdöl und Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochemie vereinigt mit Brennstoff-Chemie Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen KG
0421-3513 Erekutoronikusu äOmusha.
1343-9677 Erekutoronikusu Jissō Gakkaishi Erekutoronikusu Jissō Gakkai
1439-4294 Erfahrungsheilkunde Haug in Medizinverl. Stuttgart
0014-0082 Erfahrungs-Heilkunde = Haug in Medizinverl. Stuttgart
0367-1232 Ergebnisse der Agrikulturchemie [s.n.]
0367-0112 Ergebnisse der allgemeinen Pathologie und pathologischen Anatomie Springer.
0367-0147 Ergebnisse der Aminosaeuren-Saeulenchromatographie [s.n.]
0071-1098 Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte Springer.
0531-9307 Ergebnisse der Angiologie Schattauer.
0367-1259 Ergebnisse der Biologie Springer
0367-0325 Ergebnisse der Exakten Naturwissenschaften Springer
0374-7506 Ergebnisse der experimentellen Medizin Gesellschaft für Experimentelle Medizin.
0367-0481 Ergebnisse der Gesamten Lungen- und Tuberkuloseforschung Georg Thieme Verlag
0367-049X Ergebnisse der Gesamten Zahnheilkunde [s.n.]
0367-0503 Ergebnisse der Hygiene, Bakteriologie, Immunitätsforschung und Experimentellen Therapie Springer
0071-111X Ergebnisse der Inneren Medizin und Kinderheilkunde Springer-Verlag
0367-066X Ergebnisse der kosmischen Physik Akad. Verl.-Ges.
0367-1267 Ergebnisse der Laboratoriumsmedizin Medicus-Verlag
0071-1128 Ergebnisse der Limnologie E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagbuchhandlung
0367-1003 Ergebnisse der Mikrobiologie, Immunitätsforschung und Experimentellen Therapie Springer
0080-2042 Ergebnisse der Physiologie, biologischen Chemie und experimentellen Pharmakologie Springer
1422-6413 Ergebnisse der Werkstoff-Forschung Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
0075-4609 Ergebnisse landwirtschaftlicher Forschung an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Landesausschuß für Wirtschaftsberatung, Hessischen Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Forsten
0014-0139 Ergonomics Taylor & Francis
1366-5847 Ergonomics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1672-108X Erke yaoxue zazhi Erke Yaoxue Zazhishe
0423-3441 Erlanger Forschungen, Reihe B: Naturwissenschaften Universitätsbund Erlangen-Nürnberg eV, c/o Universitätsbibliothek
0071-1160 Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen Institut für Geologie der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
0250-1554 Ernährung Fachzeitschriftenverlagsges
1438-9002 Ernährung & Medizin Hippokrates-Verl. im Med.-Verl. Stuttgart.
1439-1635 Ernährung & Medizin Verband für Ernährung und Diätetik
0421-3815 Ernährung der Pflanze Deutscher Innen- und Aussenhandel - Bergban.
0379-2536 Ernährung in der Medizin Karger,
0071-1179 Ernährungsforschung Akademie-Verlag
0367-0899 Ernährungs-Lehre und -Praxis Umschau-Zeitschr.-Verl.
0174-0008 Ernährungs-Umschau Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag
0341-9118 Ernst-Rodenwaldt-Archiv Acron-Verlag.
0947-6075 Ernst Schering Research Foundation workshop Ernst Schering Research Foundation.
1431-7133 Ernst Schering Research Foundation workshop Springer.
0367-1585 Èroziâ počv i ruslovye processy Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta.
0361-9524 ERRL publication United States. Agricultural Research Service. Eastern Regional Research Laboratory]
0044-2658 Erzmetall Verlag Chemie
0250-1589 ESA BR European Space Agency.
0367-1356 ESAB revue ESAB
0367-1364 ESAB revue ESAB
0376-4265 ESA bulletin European Space Agency
0379-6566 ESA SP ESA Scientific & technical publications; European Space Agency
1609-042X ESA SP (e-vir) ESA Publications Division.
1609-0438 ESA SP (e-vir) ESA Publications Division
0379-4067 ESA STR ESA Scientific & Technical Publications.
0367-1402 Escher Wyss news Escher Wyss und Cie
0367-0341 Escuela de farmacia Facultad de ciencias químicas y farmacia de Guatemala
0546-4552 ESE notes Dept. of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of North Carolina,
0371-3423 Esitelmät ja pöytäkirjat - Suomalainen tiedeakatemia Suomalainen tiedeakatemia
0197-8543 ESL-TR United States. Air Force. Air Force Engineering and Services Center. Engineering and Services Laboratory.
1744-1358 Essays in biochemistry Portland Press.
0071-1365 Essays in Biochemistry Academic Press
0071-1373 Essays in Chemistry Academic Press.
0301-4703 Essays in fundamental immunology Blackwell Scientific Publications
0306-2872 Essays in medical biochemistry Biochemical Society.; Association of Clinical Biochemists.
0147-0205 Essays in neurochemistry and neuropharmacology Wiley.
0071-1438 Essays in Physics Academic Press.
0071-1446 Essays in toxicology Academic Press,
0014-0902 Essenze, derivati agrumari Reggio Calabria, Stazione sperimentale per l'industria delle essenze e dei derivati agrumari.
0378-5211 ESTEL - Berichte aus Forschung und Entwicklung unserer Werke ESTEL. Centrale technologie
0014-1364 Estomatologia e Cultura Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru
0257-9839 Estonian contributions to the International Biological Programme Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia.; Rahvusvaheline Bioloogiaprogramm. Eesti Komitee.
1736-4728 Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences Estonian Academy Publishers
1736-7557 Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences (e-vir) Estonian Academy Publishers
1736-7522 Estonian Journal of Engineering (e-vir) Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia.; Tartu Ülikool.; Tallinna Ülikool.; Tallinna Tehnikaülikool.; Eesti Põllumajandusülikool.
0160-8347 Estuaries Estuarine Research Federation
1559-2758 Estuaries (e-vir) Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
1559-2723 Estuaries and coasts Estuarine Research Federation
1559-2731 Estuaries and coasts (e-vir) Estuarine Research Federation
0272-7714 Estuarine, coastal and shelf science Academic Press in association with the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association
1096-0015 Estuarine, coastal and shelf science (e-vir) Elsevier
1878-3023 Estuarine and coastal marine science (e-vir) Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association
0302-3524 Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science Academic Press
0425-3396 Estuarine Bulletin ????.
0367-0449 Estudios geológicos Museo nacional de ciencias naturales del Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas
1988-3250 Estudios geológicos (e-vir) Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales
0421-5427 Estudios sobre esterilidad Asociación mexicana para estudio de la esterilidad.
0554-775X Estudos, ensaios e documentos - Junta de Investigações do Ultramar Junta de Investigações do Ultramar.
0370-0607 Estudos, notas e trabalhos do Serviço de Fomento Mineiro Direcção-Geral de Minas e Serviços Geológicos
0014-1585 Estudos agronómicos Missão de Estudos Agronómicos do Ultramar.; Portugal. Missão de Estudos Agronómicos do Ultramar.
0367-1380 Estudos de química Portugal. Instituto Nacional de Investigação Industrial
0014-1607 Estudos leopoldenses Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos.
0874-2502 Estudos notas e trabalhos do Instituto Geológico e Mineiro Instituto Geológico e Mineiro
0100-7645 Estudos sedimentologicos Imprensa Universitária UFRN.
0520-8696 Estudos técnicos Ministério da Agricultura, Serviço de Informação Agrícola.
0341-3934 ETG-Fachberichte VDE-Verlag
0014-1755 Ethiopian medical journal Ethiopian Medical Association
1029-5933 Ethiopian pharmaceutical journal Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association.
0199-9966 Ettore Majorana international science series Plenum Press,
0270-188X Ettore Majorana international science series Plenum Press
0706-1080 Etude environnementale [s.n.].
0539-2616 Etudes et Travaux de l'Ecole Marocaine d'Agriculture, Publication
0373-3327 Etude Speciale - Ministere des Richesses Naturelles du Quebec Quebec Department of Natural Resources.
0170-1711 ETZ VDE-Verlag
0302-265X ETZ. Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift. Ausgabe A VDE-Verlag
0367-0759 ETZ. Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift. Ausgabe B VDE-Verlag
0341-1362 ETZ-A VDE-Verlag
0012-8031 ETZ-B Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker
0014-228X Euclides Euclides
0097-2762 Eugenics quarterly American Eugenics Society.
1535-9778 Eukaryotic cell American Society for Microbiology
1535-9786 Eukaryotic cell (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
1225-6110 Eung'yong yagmul haghoeji Han-gug eung-yong yagmul haghoe
0014-2336 Euphytica Springer
1573-5060 Euphytica (e-vir) Kluwer
1018-5593 EUR Commission of the European Communities
1831-9424 EUR (e-vir) Publications Office
1562-3920 Eurasian chemico-technological journal Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University
2522-4867 Eurasian chemico-technological journal (e-vir) Institute of Combustion Problems
1345-8221 Eurasian journal of forest research Hokkaido University Forests
1687-4145 EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Hindawi Publishing Corporation
1687-4153 EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (e-vir)
0376-2521 Euratom Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique
0367-0090 EURATOM report. European Atomic Energy Community European Atomic Energy Community, Commission
0367-1178 Eurisotop Office Information Booklet Commission of the European Communities, Eurisotop Office
0423-6017 Euro-Ceramic Dokter
0306-1841 Euroclay London and Sheffield Publ. Co.
0925-6679 Euro courses Kluwer Academic Publishers
0926-9789 Euro courses Kluwer Academic Publishers
0927-1007 Euro courses Kluwer Academic Publishers
0927-4057 Euro courses Kluwer Academic Publishers
0929-0354 Euro courses Kluwer Academic Publishers
1380-6874 Euro courses Kluwer Academic Publishers
1384-5225 Euro courses Kluwer Academic Publishers
0014-245X Euro nuclear Morgan Brothers.
0014-2484 Europa-Chemie Handelsblatt-GmbH
0531-7355 Europäische Hochschulschriften P. Lang,
0531-7363 Europäische Hochschulschriften P. Lang,
0170-9305 Europäisches Patentblatt Europäisches Patentamt ;; Liber Förlag/Allmänna Förlaget,
1478-9574 European adhesives & sealants DMG World Media
0272-4626 European applied research reports Commission of the European Communities. Directorate-General for Scientific and Technical Information and Information Management.
0379-4229 European applied research reports Commission of the European Communities. Directorate-General for Scientific and Technical Information and Information Management.
0175-7571 European biophysics journal Springer
1432-1017 European biophysics journal (e-vir) Springer
0765-2046 European biotechnology newsletter Biofutur
1473-2262 European cells & materials (e-vir) University of Wales
0930-3847 European coatings journal Vincentz
1148-5493 European cytokine network John Libbey eurotext
1952-4005 European cytokine network (e-vir) J. Libbey Eurotext
1354-5116 European Federation of Corrosion publications Institute of Materials (Great Britain); European Federation of Corrosion.
1438-2385 European food research & technology Springer
1438-2377 European Food Research and Technology Springer
0195-668X European heart journal University Press
1522-9645 European heart journal (e-vir) Harcourt; Oxford University Press
1520-765X European heart journal. Supplement Saunders
1554-2815 European heart journal supplements (e-vir) Elsevier Science; Oxford University Press
1161-0301 European journal of agronomy Gauthier-Villars
1873-7331 European Journal of Agronomy (e-vir) Elsevier
0265-0215 European journal of anaesthesiology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2346 European journal of anaesthesiology (e-vir) [Blackwell Science].
0956-7925 European journal of applied mathematics Cambridge University Press.
1469-4425 European journal of applied mathematics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0340-2118 European journal of applied microbiology Springer
0171-1741 European journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology Springer
1439-6319 European journal of applied physiology Springer-Verlag
1439-6327 European journal of applied physiology (e-vir) Springer-Verlag
Y504-9318 European journal of applied physiology Springer-Verlag
0301-5548 European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology Springer-Verlag
1121-4201 European journal of basic and applied histochemistry Liuigi Ponzio e figlio
0014-2956 European journal of biochemistry Springer
0945-5795 European journal of biochemistry (e-vir) Federation of European Biochemical Societies.; FEBS.
1432-1033 European journal of biochemistry (e-vir) Springer Internat..
0014-2964 European journal of cancer Pergamon Press
1879-0852 European journal of cancer (e-vir) Elsevier
1879-2995 European journal of cancer (e-vir) Elsevier
0959-8049 European Journal of Cancer Pergamon
0277-5379 European journal of cancer & clinical oncology Pergamon
1878-5980 European journal of cancer and clinical oncology (e-vir) European Organization for Research on Treatment of Cancer.
0959-8278 European journal of cancer prevention Rapid Communications of Oxford
1473-5709 European journal of cancer prevention (e-vir) Rapid Communications of Oxford; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0301-4711 European journal of cardiology Excerpta medica
0171-9335 European journal of cell biology Elsevier, Urban u. Fischer
1618-1298 European journal of cell biology (e-vir) Urban and Fischer
0014-2972 European journal of clinical investigation John Wiley & Sons
1365-2362 European journal of clinical investigation (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0722-2211 European journal of clinical microbiology Vieweg
0934-9723 European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases Vieweg
1435-4373 European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases Springer.
0954-3007 European journal of clinical nutrition John Libbey
1476-5640 European journal of clinical nutrition Nature Publishing Group.
1432-1041 European journal of clinical pharmacology (e-vir) Springer
0031-6970 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Springer
1952-4013 European journal of dermatology (e-vir) J. Libbey Eurotext
0378-7966 European journal of drug metabolism and phamacokinetics Edifor; Médecine et hygiene
2107-0180 European journal of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (e-vir) Springer France
0804-4635 European journal of endocrinology European Federation of Endocrine Societies.
0804-4643 European journal of endocrinology BioScientifica
1479-683X European journal of endocrinology (e-vir) Scandinavian University Press
1802-8829 European journal of entomology (e-vir) Institute of Entomology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
1210-5759 European Journal of Entomology Institute of Entomology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
0393-2990 European journal of epidemiology Tipografia La Commerciale
1573-7284 European journal of epidemiology (e-vir) Kluwer
0803-5288 European journal of experimental musculoskeletal research Scandinavian University Press,
0300-1237 European journal of forest pathology Parey
1612-4677 European journal of forest research (Internet) (e-vir) Springer
1612-4669 European journal of forest research (Print) Springer
0954-691X European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology Current Science
1473-5687 European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
0902-4441 European journal of haematology Munksgaard
1600-0609 European journal of haematology (e-vir) Munksgaard
0902-4506 European journal of haematology. Supplementum Munksgaard
1388-9842 European journal of heart failure Elsevier
1879-0844 European Journal of Heart Failure (e-vir) Elsevier
1121-760X European journal of histochemistry Luigi Ponzio e figlio
2038-8306 European journal of histochemistry (e-vir) PagePress Publications
1611-4426 European journal of horticultural science International Society for Horticultural Science
1611-4434 European journal of horticultural science (e-vir) International Society for Horticultural Science
Y504-7870 European journal of horticultural science International Society for Horticultural Science
1476-5438 European journal of human genetics (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0960-7420 European journal of immunogenetics Blackwell Scientific
1365-2370 European journal of immunogenetics (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0014-2980 European Journal of Immunology Verlag Chemie GmbH; Academic Press
1521-4141 European Journal of Immunology (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl.
2058-7392 European journal of inflammation (e-vir) Biolife
1721-727X European Journal of Inflammation Biolife
1099-0682 European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
1434-1948 European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Wiley-VCH
0340-0964 European journal of intensive care medicine Springer
0953-6205 European journal of internal medicine Elsevier
1879-0828 European Journal of Internal Medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
1122-8652 European journal of laboratory medicine Centro di ricerca biomedica.
1438-7697 European journal of lipid science and technology Wiley-VCH
1438-9312 European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (e-vir) Wiley InterScience
1469-0667 European journal of mass spectrometry IM Publications
1751-6838 European journal of mass spectrometry (e-vir) IM Publications
0379-8399 European journal of mass spectrometry in biochemistry, medicine and environmental research Médecine et hygiène
0949-2321 European journal of medical research Holzapfel
2047-783X European journal of medical research (e-vir) I. Holzapfel; BioMed Central
0223-5234 European journal of medicinal chemistry Edifor; Elsevier
1768-3254 European journal of medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
0935-1221 European journal of mineralogy s.n.
1617-4011 European journal of mineralogy (e-vir) Schweizerbart
1303-0868 European journal of mineral processing and environmental protection Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi
0340-6997 European journal of nuclear medicine Springer
1619-7070 European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging Springer
1619-7089 European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging (e-vir) Springer
1436-6207 European journal of nutrition Steinkopff
1436-6215 European journal of nutrition (e-vir) Steinkopff
Y503-7468 European journal of nutrition Steinkopff
0301-2115 European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Excerpta Medica
2590-1613 European journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
1872-7654 European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology (e-vir) Elsevier
0028-2243 European journal of obstetrics and gynecology Bohn
0909-8836 European journal of oral sciences Munksgaard International Publishers, Ltd.
1600-0722 European journal of oral sciences (e-vir) Munksgaard
1434-193X European journal of organic chemistry Wiley-VCH
1099-0690 European Journal of Organic Chemistry (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
1090-3801 European journal of pain Wiley
1532-2149 European journal of pain (e-vir) Wiley
0340-6199 European journal of pediatrics Springer
1432-1076 European journal of pediatrics (e-vir) Springer
0928-0987 European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Elsevier
1879-0720 European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (e-vir) Elsevier
0939-6411 European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics Medpharm Scientific Publ.
1873-3441 European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0922-4106 European journal of pharmacology Elsevier Science
0926-6917 European journal of pharmacology Elsevier Science Publishers
1879-0712 European journal of pharmacology (e-vir) Elsevier
0014-2999 European Journal of Pharmacology North-Holland
0967-0262 European journal of phycology Cambridge University Press
1469-4433 European journal of phycology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0143-0807 European journal of physics Institute of Physics
1361-6404 European journal of physics (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0929-1873 European journal of plant pathology Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-8469 European journal of plant pathology Kluwer
0720-048X European journal of radiology Elsevier Science Publishers
1872-7727 European Journal of Radiology (e-vir) Elsevier
0106-4339 European journal of respiratory diseases Munksgaard
0140-1610 European journal of rheumatology and inflammation Cameron Publishers Ltd.
1164-5563 European Journal of Soil Biology Gauthier-Villars
1351-0754 European journal of soil science Blackwell
1365-2389 European journal of soil science (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0992-4361 European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry Gauthier-Villars
0018-3768 European journal of wood and wood products Springer-Verlag
1436-736X European journal of wood and wood products (e-vir) Springer Verlag
1356-1049 European mass spectrometry IM Publications
0927-5010 European Materials Research Society monographs European Materials Research Society.
0927-5002 European Materials Research Society symposia proceedings European Materials Research Society.
1421-9913 European neurology S. Karger
0014-3022 European Neurology S. Karger AG
0924-977X European neuropsychopharmacology Elsevier Science Publishers
1873-7862 European Neuropsychopharmacology (e-vir) Elsevier
1434-601X European physical journal Springer
1434-6036 European physical journal (e-vir) Springer
1434-6052 European physical journal (e-vir) Springer
0306-3534 European plastics news IPC Industrial Press Ltd
1873-1945 European polymer journal (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0014-3057 European Polymer Journal Pergamon Press
0963-8474 European polymers paint colour journal FMJ International Publications
0367-1216 European potato journal European Association for Potato Research
0903-1936 European respiratory journal Munksgaard
1399-3003 European respiratory journal (e-vir) European Respiratory Society
1025-448X European respiratory monograph European Respiratory Society Journals Ltd..
0531-4445 European review of endocrinology European Association of Endocrinology.
0367-1283 European Review of Endocrinology, Supplement [s.n.]; [s.n.]
0266-4151 European rubber journal Crain Communications
0305-2222 European rubber journal Maclaren Publishers
0260-5317 European rubber journal + urethanes today MacLaren Publishers
1387-6589 European School of Oncology scientific updates European School of Oncology.
0014-309X European shipbuilding Ship Technical Society.
0307-0026 European spectroscopy news Association of British Spectroscopists.
0014-312X European surgical research European Society of Experimental Surgery; S. Karger AG
1421-9921 European surgical research S. Karger
0302-2838 European urology Karger
1878-1500 European urology (e-vir) Elsevier
1569-9056 European urology supplements Elsevier
1461-6971 European water management T. Dalton
0925-5060 European water pollution control European Water Pollution Control Association; Elsevier
0378-2271 Europhysics conference abstracts European Physical Society
0295-5075 Europhysics letters Les Ed. de physique
1286-4854 Europhysics letters (e-vir) EDP Sciences; Societa italiana di fisica
0531-7479 Europhysics news European Physical Soc.
1432-1092 Europhysics news (e-vir) Springer
0367-1488 Europlastics monthly IPC Industrial Press
0531-495X Everyman's Science Indian Science Congress Association.
0201-8977 ÈVM v proektirovanii i proizvodstve "Mašinostroenie", Leningradskoe otdelenie.
0014-3820 Evolution Society for the Study of Evolution; Wiley Periodicals
1558-5646 Evolution (e-vir) Society for the Study of Evolution
1520-541X Evolution & development Blackwell Science
1525-142X Evolution & development (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1176-9343 Evolutionary bioinformatics online (e-vir) Libertas Academica
0071-3260 Evolutionary biology Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers; Appleton-Century-Crofts; Plenum Press
1934-2845 Evolutionary biology Springer Science + Business Media
0731-7697 Evolving life sciences series Wiley.
0014-4339 Excerpta medica Excerpta Medica
0367-1062 Excerpta medica Excerpta Medica
0375-8877 Excerpta medica Excerpta Medica
0014-4053 Excerpta Medica. Section 1. Anatomy, anthropology, embryology and histology Excerpta Medica
0014-4142 Excerpta Medica. Section 10. Obstetrics and gynecology Excerpta Medica
0014-4150 Excerpta Medica. Section 11. Oto-, rhino-, laryngology Excerpta Medica
0014-4169 Excerpta Medica. Section 12. Ophthalmology Excerpta Medica
0014-4177 Excerpta Medica. Section 13. Dermatology and venereology Excerpta Medica
0014-4185 Excerpta Medica. Section 14. Radiology Excerpta Medica
0014-4193 Excerpta Medica. Section 15. Chest diseases, thoracic surgery and tuberculosis Excerpta Medica
0014-4207 Excerpta Medica. Section 16. Cancer Excerpta Medica
0014-4215 Excerpta medica. Section 17, Public health, social medicine and hygiene Excerpta Medica
0014-4061 Excerpta Medica. Section 2. Physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology Excerpta Medica
0014-4274 Excerpta Medica. Section 23. Nuclear medicine Excerpta Medica
0300-5372 Excerpta Medica. Section 29. Clinical biochemistry Excerpta Medica
0014-407X Excerpta Medica. Section 3. Endocrinology Excerpta Medica
0014-4347 Excerpta Medica. Section 30. Pharmacology and toxicology Excerpta Medica
0367-1070 Excerpta Medica. Section 4. Medical microbiology, immunology and serology Excerpta Medica
0167-4285 Excerpta Medica. Section 4. Microbiology Excerpta Medica
0014-4096 Excerpta Medica. Section 5. General pathology and pathological anatomy Excerpta Medica
0014-410X Excerpta Medica. Section 6. Internal medicine Excerpta Medica
0014-4118 Excerpta Medica. Section 7. Pediatrics Excerpta Medica
0014-4134 Excerpta Medica. Section 9. Surgery Excerpta Medica
0093-1713 Excited states Academic Press.
0091-6331 Exercise and sport sciences reviews Journal Pub. Affiliates [etc.]
1538-3008 Exercise and sport sciences reviews (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1424-4616 Exogenous dermatology S. Karger
1424-4624 Exogenous dermatology (e-vir) International contact dermatitis research group
0014-4754 Experientia Birkhäuser Verlag
0071-335X Experientia Birkhäuser Verlag,
0014-4762 Experientiae UFV
0168-8162 Experimental & applied acarology Elseviers Science Publishers
1572-9702 Experimental & applied acarology (e-vir) Kluwer
0361-073X Experimental aging research Beech Hill Enterprises
1096-4657 Experimental aging research (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Group
1469-4441 Experimental agriculture (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0014-4797 Experimental Agriculture Cambridge University Press
1205-6626 Experimental and clinical cardiology (e-vir) Pulsus Group.
0232-7384 Experimental and clinical endocrinology Barth; Hüthig
0947-7349 Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes Thieme
1439-3646 Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes Thieme
0353-9245 Experimental and clinical gastroenterology Mladost; Medical Faculty, University of Zagreb; Pergamon Press
0254-9670 Experimental and clinical immunogenetics S. Karger
0272-6408 Experimental and clinical psychiatry Dekker,
1064-1297 Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology American Psychological Association
1936-2293 Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology (e-vir) American Psychological Association
2092-6413 Experimental and molecular medicine (e-vir) Korean Society of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
1226-3613 Experimental and Molecular Medicine Korean Society of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
0014-4800 Experimental and molecular pathology Academic Press.
1096-0945 Experimental and molecular pathology (e-vir) Academic Press
0531-5522 Experimental and Molecular Pathology, Supplement Academic Press.
0940-2993 Experimental and toxicologic pathology Fischer
1341-1357 Experimental animals Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science
1881-7122 Experimental animals Nihon jikken doubutsu gakkai
0176-8638 Experimental biology Springer.
0071-3384 Experimental biology and medicine Karger,
1535-3699 Experimental biology and medicine Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
1535-3702 Experimental biology and medicine Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine; SAGE Publications Ltd; RSM Press
1430-3418 Experimental biology online (e-vir) Springer
1435-3237 Experimental biology online annual Springer,
0071-3392 Experimental Botany Academic Press.
1432-1106 Experimental brain research Springer
0014-4819 Experimental Brain Research Springer-Verlag
0172-9039 Experimental brain research. Supplementum Springer.
0932-4011 Experimental brain research series Springer
0304-3568 Experimental cell biology Karger
0014-4827 Experimental cell research Academic Press.
0099-9539 Experimental cell research Albert Bonnier; Academic Press
1090-2422 Experimental cell research (e-vir) Academic Press
0906-6705 Experimental dermatology Munksgaard
1600-0625 Experimental dermatology (e-vir) Blackwell
1543-8600 Experimental diabesity research Taylor & Francis
1543-8619 Experimental diabesity research (e-vir) Taylor and Francis, Inc.
0306-2090 Experimental embryology and teratology Elek Sciences
1096-0007 Experimental eye research (e-vir) Academic Press
0014-4835 Experimental Eye Research Academic Press
0531-5565 Experimental Gerontology Pergamon Press.
1873-6815 Experimental Gerontology (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0891-6152 Experimental heat transfer Hemisphere Pub.
1521-0480 Experimental heat transfer (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0301-472X Experimental hematology Springer Internat.
0251-0170 Experimental hematology today Karger
0071-3406 Experimental horticulture Great Britain.
0071-3414 Experimental husbandry Great Britain.
0190-2148 Experimental lung research Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1521-0499 Experimental lung research Taylor and Francis; Informa Healthcare
0271-1869 Experimental magnetism Wiley.
0014-4851 Experimental mechanics Springer etc.]
1741-2765 Experimental mechanics (e-vir) Society for Experimental Stress Analysis
0014-486X Experimental Medicine and Microbiology Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
0014-4878 Experimental medicine and surgery Brooklyn Medical Press.
1079-4042 Experimental methods in the physical sciences Academic Press
0147-5975 Experimental mycology Academic Press.
1018-7782 Experimental nephrology S.Karger
0014-4886 Experimental neurology Academic Press.
0531-559X Experimental neurology Academic Press
1090-2430 Experimental neurology (e-vir) Academic Press
1812-9269 Experimental oncology Morion
2312-8852 Experimental oncology (e-vir) Morion
0014-4894 Experimental parasitology Academic Press.
0232-1513 Experimental Pathology Fischer
1311-6851 Experimental Pathology and Parasitology Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House
0958-0670 Experimental physiology Cambridge University Press
1469-445X Experimental physiology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0948-2148 Experimental technique of physics Heldermann.
0894-1777 Experimental thermal and fluid science Elsevier
1879-2286 Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (e-vir) Elsevier
0014-4908 Experimentelle Pathologie Fischer
1432-864X Experimentelle Strahlentherapie und klinische Strahlenbiologie Symposium Experimentelle Strahlentherapie und Klinische Strahlenbiologie.
0014-4924 Experimentelle Technik der Physik Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften
0367-1534 Experimentelle Veterinärmedizin Hirzel.
0723-4864 Experiments in fluids Springer
1432-1114 Experiments in fluids Springer.
0367-1518 Experiments in Physiology and Biochemistry Academic Press.
0097-689X Experiment station record United States.; United States.
1471-2598 Expert opinion on biological therapy Taylor & Francis
1744-7682 Expert opinion on biological therapy (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1742-5247 Expert opinion on drug delivery Ashley Publications; Informa Healthcare
1744-7593 Expert opinion on drug delivery (e-vir) Ashley Publications
1746-0441 Expert opinion on drug discovery Informa Healthcare
1746-045X Expert opinion on drug discovery (e-vir) Informa Healthcare
1742-5255 Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology Ashley Publications; Informa
1744-7607 Expert opinion on drug metabolism and toxicology (e-vir) Ashley Publications
1474-0338 Expert opinion on drug safety Ashley Publications
1744-764X Expert opinion on drug safety (e-vir) Ashley Publications; Informa Healthcare
1472-8214 Expert opinion on emerging drugs Ashley; Informa
1744-7623 Expert opinion on emerging drugs (e-vir) Ashley Publications
1354-3784 Expert opinion on investigational drugs Ashley
1744-7658 Expert opinion on investigational drugs (e-vir) Ashley Publications
1465-6566 Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy Ashley
1744-7666 Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy (e-vir) Ashley Publications
1354-3776 Expert opinion on therapeutic patents Ashley
1744-7674 Expert opinion on therapeutic patents (e-vir) Ashley Publications
1472-8222 Expert opinion on therapeutic targets Ashley Publications.
1744-7631 Expert opinion on therapeutic targets (e-vir) Ashley Publications
1473-7140 Expert review of anticancer therapy Future Drugs
1744-8328 Expert review of anticancer therapy (e-vir) Future Drugs
1478-7210 Expert review of anti-infective therapy Future Drugs
1744-8336 Expert review of anti-infective therapy (e-vir) Future Drugs
1477-9072 Expert review of cardiovascular therapy Future Drugs
1744-8344 Expert review of cardiovascular therapy (e-vir) Future Drugs
1744-666X Expert review of clinical immunology Future Drugs.
1744-8409 Expert review of clinical immunology (e-vir) Future Drugs
1746-9872 Expert review of dermatology Future Drugs
1746-9880 Expert review of dermatology (e-vir) Future Drugs
1744-6651 Expert review of endocrinology & metabolism Future Drugs
1744-8417 Expert review of endocrinology & metabolism (e-vir) Future Drugs
1743-4440 Expert review of medical devices Future Drugs
1745-2422 Expert review of medical devices (e-vir) Future Drugs
1473-7159 Expert review of molecular diagnostics Future Drugs
1744-8352 Expert review of molecular diagnostics (e-vir) Future Drugs
1473-7175 Expert review of neurotherapeutics Future Drugs
1744-8360 Expert review of neurotherapeutics (e-vir) Future Drugs
1747-4108 Expert review of obstetrics & gynecology Future Drugs
1747-4116 Expert review of obstetrics & gynecology (e-vir) Future Drugs
1746-9899 Expert review of ophthalmology Future Drugs
1746-9902 Expert review of ophthalmology (e-vir) Future Drugs
1478-9450 Expert review of proteomics 2004-
1744-8387 Expert review of proteomics (e-vir) Future Drugs Ltd.
Y506-2985 Expert review of proteomics 2004-
1476-0584 Expert review of vaccines Future Drugs
1744-8395 Expert review of vaccines (e-vir) Future Drugs
1462-3994 Expert reviews in molecular medicine (e-vir) Published by Cambridge University Press in association with the Clinical and Biomedical Computing Unit of the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine
1010-545X Explanation of sheets Geological Survey of South Africa.
0071-3465 Exploding wires Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories (U.S.).; Air Force Cambridge Research Center (U.S.).; Lowell Technological Institute Research Foundation.
0964-1823 Exploration and mining geology Pergamon.
1878-6715 Exploration and mining geology (e-vir) Geological Society of CIM.
0970-9231 Exploration and Research for Atomic Minerals Atomic Minerals Division, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India.; India, Department of Atomic Energy, Atomic Minerals Division.
0443-2959 Exploration du Parc national Albert Institut des parcs nationaux du Congo Belge.
0071-3473 Exploration geophysics Consultants Bureau.
0812-3985 Exploration geophysics Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
1834-7533 Exploration geophysics CSIRO Publishing
0367-1526 Explosifs S.A. Nobel-Explosifs. Centre de recherches.
0916-801X Explosion Industrial Explosives Society, Japan.
0193-0028 Explosives United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0014-5068 Explosivstoffe Barth
0367-1240 Export review of the British drug & chemical industries Morgan Brothers
1023-294X EXS Birkhäuser Verlag,
0160-7464 Extended abstracts and program - Biennial Conference on Carbon American Carbon Society.; University of Pittsburgh.
0096-6568 Extension bulletin State College of Washington.
0379-7597 Extension bulletin - ASPAC. Food & Fertilizer Technology Center ASPAC. Food & Fertilizer Technology Center.; Asian and Pacific Council. Food & Fertilizer Technology Center.
0097-1626 Extension Bulletin - Minnesota, University, Agricultural Extension Service Agricultural extension service, University of Minnesota.
0099-3824 Extension Bulletin - Washington State University, Cooperative Extension Service Washington State University, Cooperative Extension Service.
0099-6114 Extension Circular - Nebraska, University, College of Agriculture and Home Economics, Extension Service Nebraska Cooperative Agricultural Extension Service.
0090-4821 Extension folder / North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service.
0099-5576 Extension Folder - Minnesota, University, Agricultural Extension Service University of Minnesota, Agricultural Extension Service.
0099-4715 Exterminators log National Pest Control Association.
0304-3681 Extern Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs Limburg.
0344-5437 Externer Bericht - Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Kernforschungszentrum-Karlsruhe-GmbH.
0342-2801 Extracta gynaecologica Springer Medizin
1431-0651 Extremophiles Springer
1433-4909 Extremophiles (e-vir) Springer.
0950-222X Eye Springer Nature
1476-5454 Eye (e-vir) Springer Nature
0014-5491 Eye, ear, nose & throat monthly [Insight Pub. Co., etc.]
0367-2298 F.I.D. communicationes F.I.D.
1478-5765 F.O. Licht's world ethanol & biofuels report F.O. Licht (Firm)
0340-1952 F & M. Feinwerktechnik & Messtechnik Hanser
0933-5927 F & S. Filtrieren und Separieren Umschau-Verl. Breidenstein in d. Unternehmensgruppe Brönner-Umschau
0270-5125 FAA-AM United States.
1300-4182 FABAB farmasötik bilimler dergisi = Farmasötik Bilimler Ankara Derneægi
0367-181X Faberg-Mitteilungen Verlag Glückauf
0722-7566 FAC. Fortschritte der antimikrobiellen und antineoplastischen Chemotherapie Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft für Chemotherapie e.V.
0325-4216 FACENA Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
0415-5858 Fachausschussbericht der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft
0070-4199 Fachausschussbericht - Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft e.V..
0173-6922 Fachberichte für Metallbearbeitung Sprechsaal-Verlag
0014-6323 Fachberichte für Oberflächentechnik Verlag des Sprechsaal Müller und Schmidt
0340-8043 Fachberichtehuttenpraxis metallweiterverarbeitung [S.n.]
0427-8682 Fachbuchreihe Schweisstechnik Deutscher Verlag für Schweisstechnik GmbH, Vertriebsabteilung
0367-1917 Fachgenosse [s.n.]
0367-1933 Fachhefte Chemigraphie, Lithographie, Tiefdruck Schweizerischer Lithographenbund; Verband der Schweizer Druckindustrie; Verein Schweizerischer Lithographiebesitzer
0029-9537 Fachliche Mitteilungen der Oesterreichischen Tabakregie Austria Tabakwerke AG, Generaldirektion
0736-6825 Facial plastic surgery Thieme-Stratton, Inc.
1098-8793 Facial plastic surgery Thieme Medical Publishers
1066-503X FACT American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Fuels and Combustion Technologies Division.; American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Fuels and Combustion Technologies Division.
0096-0535 Factors regulating blood pressure Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.
0096-056X Factory McGraw-Hill
0096-0578 Factory and industrial management McGraw-Shaw Co.
0096-0756 Factory management and maintenance McGraw-Hill
0097-4226 Facts about sugar International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists.
0099-3751 Facts and Methods
0427-8941 Facts and Methods for Scientific Research
0367-1712 Faergeriteknik Färgeriteknik.
0972-2114 FAFAI Journal Fragrances and Flavours Association of India.; FAFAI.
1000-7032 Faguang xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu; Kexue Chubanshe
0146-8111 Failure modes in composites Metallurgical Society of AIME.
0913-6150 Fain kemikaru CMC.
0014-6897 Faipar Lapkiadó
1726-7536 Faîslnäamah-i pizishkäi-i bäarvaräi va näabäarvaräi Pizhäuhishkadah-i Ibn-i Säinäa
1735-8507 Faîslnäamah-i pizishkäi-i bäarvaräi va näabäarvaräi = Pizhäuhishkadah-i Ibn-i Säinäa
0301-1690 Faktory vnešnej sredy i ih značenie dlâ zdorovʹâ naseleniâ.; Факторы внешней среды и их значение для здоровья населения Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0161-5580 Falk Symposium University Park Press.
0364-278X Fall Coating and Graphic Arts Division Week Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
1389-9600 Familial cancer Springer
1573-7292 Familial cancer (e-vir) Springer
0374-776X Family Physician Kupat-Holim Health Insurance Institution of the General Federation of Labour in Israel.
1001-9375 Faming zhuanli gongbao Zhuanli Wenxian Chubanshe,
0427-9735 Fang Chih Chi Shu
1008-9810 Fangshe mianyixue zazhi Tongji Daxue Chubanshe
1006-8341 Fangzhi gao-xiao jichu kexue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0254-6469 Fǎngzhī gōngchéng xuékān Sīlì féngjiǎ dàxué fǎngzhī gōngchéng yánjiūsuǒ
0251-0804 Fǎngzhī kēxué Féngjiǎ dàxué fǎngzhī gōngchéng Xuéhuì
0253-9721 Fangzhi xuebao Fangzhi Gongye Chubanshe
1027-5940 Fannī va muhandisī-i Mudarris.; فنی و مهندسی مدرس Dānishgāh-i tarbiyat-i Mudarris; دانشگاه تربیت مدرس
0071-6987 FAO agricultural studies FAO; Columbia University Press
0254-6019 FAO animal production and health paper Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0071-6979 FAO atomic energy series FAO
0376-172X FAO fisheries bulletin FAO
0429-9337 FAO fisheries report Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0429-9345 FAO fisheries technical paper Research Information Section, Fishery Resources Division, FAO
0254-4725 FAO food and nutrition paper Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0099-9857 FAO forestry and forest products studies FAO
0367-2786 FAO forestry development paper FAO
0071-707X FAO nutrition meetings report series FAO ;; WHO
0014-5637 FAO plant protection bulletin Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0253-2050 FAO soils bulletin FAO.
1359-6640 Faraday discussions Royal Society of Chemistry
1364-5498 Faraday discussions (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0301-7249 Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society Faraday Division, Royal Society of Chemistry
0301-5696 Faraday symposia of the Chemical Society Faraday Division, Royal Society of Chemistry
2050-8441 Faraday symposia of the Chemical Society (e-vir) Chemical Society (Great Britain).; Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain).
0014-7680 Farbe Musterschmidt-Verlag
0014-7702 Farbe & Raum Verlag für Bauwesen
0014-7699 Farbe + Lack Curt R. Vincentz Verlag
0367-2441 Farben, Lacke, Anstrichstoffe Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft
0014-7710 Farben-Chemiker Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen KG
0367-1755 Farben-Zeitung [s.n.]
0097-3734 Far Eastern ceramic bulletin Far Eastern Ceramic Group.
0367-2085 Far Eastern Review
0367-2050 Far East medical journal Far East Trade Press
0427-9107 Färg och fernissa Becker Industrial Coatings; Becker Acroma; Beckers; AB Arvid Lindgren; AB Ferbo
0106-7559 Färg och lack Scandinavia Skandinaviska Lackteknikers Förbund.
0276-5020 Farm, ranch and home quarterly Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska--Lincoln.
0014-8172 Farmaceutický obzor Inštitút pre ďalšie vzdelávanie pracovníkov v zdravotníctve; Slovensko.
0367-1607 Farmacêutico Brasileiro Bayer.
0369-9714 Farmaceutisch tijdschrift voor België Algemene Pharmaceutische Bond; P. Nijs
0771-2367 Farmaceutisch tijdschrift voor België Algemene Pharmaceutische Bond
0367-1720 Farmaceutisk tidende Dansk Farmaceutforening,
0367-259X Farmaceutiskt notisblad Suomen farmaseuttinen yhdistys.
0014-8202 Farmaceutski glasnik Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo
0367-3057 Farmacevtičnij žurnal Zdorov'â
2617-9628 Farmacevtičnij žurnal (e-vir) Deržavne pìdpriêmstvo %Deržavnij ekspertnij centr Mìnìsterstva ohoroni zdorov%â Ukraïni%
0014-8210 Farmacevtisk Revy Sveriges Farmacevtfoerbund
0014-8237 Farmacia Editura Medicala
0367-262X Farmacia Sociedad Nacional de Dependientes de Farmacia.
0367-3014 Farmaciâ Medicina
0367-2611 Farmácia Osveta
0301-5394 Farmaciâ.; Фармация Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0367-1674 Farmaciâ.; Фармация Narkomzdrav SSSR, Medgiz; Наркомздрав СССР, Медгиз.
0367-2980 Farmacia argentina Colegio Farmacéutico de Santa Fe.
0367-1623 Farmacia Chilena Farmo Química del Pacífico.
0212-6583 Farmacia clínica Línea Editorial
1130-6343 Farmacia hospitalaria Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria.
2171-8695 Farmacia hospitalaria Elsevier Doyma; Aula Médica
0367-164X Farmaciâ i farmakologiâ Narodnyj komissariat zdravoohraneniâ SSSR.
0367-2689 Farmacia nueva [s.n.].
0367-3006 Farmacia peruana [s.n.]
0367-2727 Farmacia y química [s.n.]
0428-0296 Farmacija Medicina i fizkultura
0367-2999 Farmacista Federozione Ordini Farmacisti Italiani.
0014-8261 Farmacja Polska Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
2544-8552 Farmacja Polska (e-vir) Polskie Towarzystwo Farmaceutyczne
0430-0912 Farmaco, Edizione Pratica Farmaco
0430-0920 Farmaco, Edizione Scientifica Farmaco
0014-8288 Farmacognosia Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. instituto José Celestino Mutis de Farmacognosia
0367-1593 Farmacoterapia Actual s.n..
1105-4999 Farmakeutikī Farmakeutikes Ekdoseis. L. & S. Papathanasopoulou; Zita Congress
0031-708X Farmakeutikon Deltion. Epistīmonikī Ekdosis Panellīnia Farmakeutikī Etaireia; Panhellenic Pharmaceutical Association
0367-1690 Farmakologiâ Akademiâ medicinskih nauk SSSR.
0014-8318 Farmakologiâ i toksikologiâ Medicina
0430-0939 Farmakologiâ i toksikologiâ.; Фармакология и токсикология Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0428-0288 Farmakoterapeutické zprávy Obzor
0533-0300 Farmakoterapeutické zprávy. Supplementum Spofa
0014-8326 Farmakoterapi Nyegaard & Co, NYCO.
0325-8300 Farmalecta Instituto Massone.
0046-3302 Farm and food research Foras Talúntais
0092-0053 Farm chemicals [Meister Pub. Co.]
0096-235X Farm chemurgic journal National Farm Chemurgic Council.
0099-2941 Farm Economics Bulletin. Tennessee, Agricultural Experiment Station
0014-8350 Farmer Jamaica Agricultural Society
0706-4853 Farmers' bulletin Dept. of Agriculture.
0071-4011 Farmers' Bulletin. United States, Department of Agriculture US Government Printing Office.
0367-2670 Farming Jarrold & Sons
0014-8490 Farming in South Africa Dep of Agricultural Technical Services, Secy
0367-2379 Farm journal of Guyana Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources
0096-1124 Farm research New York State Agricultural Experiment Station.; Cornell University.
0014-8601 Farumashia Nippon Yakugakkai
0098-2385 FASEB monographs Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
0014-8628 Faserforschung und textiltechnik Akademie-Verlag
0367-3219 Faserstoffe und Spinnpflanzen Verlag der Kunstseide
1684-0240 Faṣlnāmah-i giyāhān-i dārūyī.; فصلنامه گیاهان دارویی Pizhūhishkadah-i giyāhān-i dārūyī va farāvardah/hā-yi ṭabī'ī; پژوهشکده گیاهان دارویی و فرآورده‌های طبیعی
1563-4809 Faṣlnāmah-i ̒ulūm va tiknuluzhī-i muḥīt-i zīst.; فصلنامه علوم و تکنولوژی محیط زیست Dānishgāh-i āzād-i islāmī, vāḥid-i ̒ulūm va taḥqīqāt-i Tihrān; Anjuman-i mutikhaṣṣisān-i Īrān
0333-0087 Fast avfall Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige forskningsr°ad, Utvalg for fast avfall.
0427-8143 FAST Journal Florida Association of Science Teachers, University School, Florida State University.
1460-2695 Fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures (e-vir) Wiley
8756-758X Fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures Blackwell Publishing
0160-4112 Fatigue of engineering materials and structures Pergamon Press
0367-1747 FATIS Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
0367-1739 FATIS review Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
0933-050X FAT-Schriftenreihe Forschungsvereinigung Automobiltechnik e.V.; FAT.; Verband der Automobilindustrie, Forschungsvereinigung Automobiltechnik.
1004-5619 Fayixue zazhi Sifabu Sifa Jianding Kexue Jishu Yanjiusuo
0137-0650 Fazovye ravnovesiâ Kalininskij universitet
0934-7054 FBM Sprechsaal Publ. Group
0731-065X FCS publ American Fisheries Society. Fish Culture Section.
0378-4843 FCTL. Folia Chimica Theoretica Latina Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Laboratorio de Química Cuántica del Instituto de Estructura de la Materia
0270-7160 FDA/BVM National Technical Information Service]
0092-5225 FDA by-lines United States. Food and Drug Administration.
0362-1332 FDA consumer U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0014-5750 FDA papers United States.
0192-3676 FDDL-F Texas Agricultural Extension Service.
0192-3684 FDDL-S Texas Agricultural Extension Service.
1742-464X FEBS journal Blackwell
1742-4658 FEBS journal (e-vir) Blackwell
0014-5793 FEBS letters North-Holland
1873-3468 FEBS Letters (e-vir) Elsevier
0071-4402 FEBS symposium Walter de Gruyter.
0888-8116 FED ASME
0097-6326 Federal register United States.; National Archives (U.S.); United States.; United States.
2167-2520 Federal register (e-vir) [Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration]
0099-3743 Federal Science Progress
0366-5976 Fédération nationale de l'industrie des corps gras Fédération nationale de l'industrie des corps gras.
0367-2573 Federation of Malaya, Department of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture
0367-2603 Federation of Malaya, Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture, Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States,
0014-9446 Federation proceedings Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
0099-801X Federation series on coatings technology Federation of Societies for Paint Technology.; Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology.
0918-2772 FED jäanaru Research and Development Association for Future Electron Devices (FED)
1341-7746 FED journal. Supplement Research and Development Association for Future Electron Devices (FED)
0071-450X Feed additive compendium Miller Publishing Company.
0430-280X Feed Forum [s.n.]
0928-124X Feed Mix Misset International
0014-9624 Feedstuffs Miller Pub. Co.
1945-3000 Feedstuffs (e-vir) Miller Pub. Co.
0014-9659 Fegato Editrice C.E.P.I..
0253-2298 Feijinshukuang Jiancai Bu Jinshu Qingbao Biaozhun Yanjiusuo,
0014-9683 Feingerätetechnik Verlag Technik
0367-2719 Feinmechanik und Präzision [s.n.]
0014-9713 Feinwerktechnik Carl Hanser Verlag
0340-2053 feinwerktechnik [und] Micronic Hanser
0430-2966 Felsmechanik und Ingenieurgeologie Springer
0133-4913 Felületvédelem és klimatizáció KGM Felületvédelmi és Klimatizációs Központ.
0014-9772 Felʹdšer i akušerka Medicina.
1574-695X FEMS immunology and medical microbiology (e-vir) Blackwell
0928-8244 FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology Elsevier; Federation of European Microbiological Societies
0168-6496 FEMS microbiology, ecology Elsevier
1574-6941 FEMS Microbiology Ecology (e-vir) Elsevier
0920-8534 FEMS microbiology immunology Elsevier
0378-1097 FEMS microbiology letters Elsevier
1574-6968 FEMS microbiology letters (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0168-6445 FEMS microbiology reviews Blackwell Publishing
1574-6976 FEMS Microbiology Reviews (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0163-9188 FEMS symposium Federation of European Microbiological Societies.; Society for Applied Bacteriology.; Society for General Microbiology.
1567-1356 FEMS yeast research Blackwell Publishing
1567-1364 FEMS Yeast Research (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0367-1925 Féngjiǎ xuébào Féngjiǎ dàxué.; Fengchia University.
1006-6543 Fenmo yejin gongye Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0015-0010 Fennia Geographical Society of Finland
1798-5617 Fennia (e-vir) Geographical society of Finland
1000-3800 Fenxi ceshi tongbao Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1004-4957 Fenxi ceshi xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1006-2750 Fenxi ceshi yiqi tongxun Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0253-3820 Fenxi huaxue Jilin renmin chubanshe
1006-6144 Fenxi kexue xuebao Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1000-0720 Fenxi shiyanshi Beijing daxue chubanshe,
1001-232X Fenxi yiqi Beijing Fenxi Yiqi Yanjiusuo,
1001-3555 Fenzi cuihua Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0253-3677 Fenzi kexue xuebao Huazhong Gongxueyuan Chubanshe
1673-520X Fenzi xibao shengwu xuebao Shanghai Kexue Jishu Chubanshe
1672-416X Fenzi zhiwu yuzhong Gai Kan Bianjibu
1341-688X Feramu Nihon Tekko Kyokai
0015-0053 Fermentatio Association royale des anciens étudiants de l'ISFG.
0367-2034 Fermentforschung [s.n.]
0367-3197 Fermentnaâ i spirtovaâ promyšlennost' Piŝevaâ promyšlennost'
0015-0126 Fernmeldetechnik Verlag Technik
0015-0142 Fernseh- und Kinotechnik Hüthig
0167-7004 Fernström foundation series Elsevier
0340-3572 Fernwärme international Verlag und Wirtschaftsgesellschaft der Elektrizitatswerke
0367-2069 Ferrania Ed. Ariminum.
0015-0185 Ferrocarriles y tranvías [Ferrocarriles y tranvías]
1026-5430 Ferroelectric letters (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0015-0193 Ferroelectrics Gordon and Breach
0731-5171 Ferroelectrics Gordon and Breach
1026-7484 Ferroelectrics (e-vir) Gordon and Breach.
1563-5112 Ferroelectrics Gordon and Breach
1563-5228 Ferroelectrics (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0275-9608 Ferroelectrics and related phenomena Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
1025-580X Ferroelectrics review Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0364-7846 Ferrosilicon U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
0367-2077 Ferrum Knapp.
0177-8846 Fertigungstechnik Hanser; Union; Heymann
0367-3251 Fertigungstechnik Verlag Technik
0015-024X Fertigungstechnik und Betrieb Verlag Technik
0378-6293 Fertiliser, farming & food Coleur Publications.
0367-2182 Fertiliser and feeding stuffs journal Fertiliser Journal.
0015-0266 Fertiliser News Fertiliser Association of India
0179-1796 Fertilität Springer
0015-0282 Fertility and sterility American Fertility Society
1556-5653 Fertility and sterility (e-vir) American Society for Reproductive Medicine
0100-6274 Fertilizantes Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo, Centro de Estudos de Fertilizantes
0099-8001 Fertilizer Green Book
0015-0304 Fertilizer International British Sulphur Corp, Ltd
0167-1731 Fertilizer research Nijhoff
0096-0977 Fertilizer review National Fertilizer Association (1925-1955)
0254-4997 Fertilizers and agriculture International Fertilizer Industry Association.; Association internationale de l'industrie des engrais.
0071-4623 Fertilizer science and technology series Marcel Dekker,
0367-3073 Fertilizer Society of South Africa journal Fertilizer Society of South Africa
0015-0312 Fertilizer solutions National Fertilizer Solutions Association.
0378-0430 Fertilizer technology Fertilizer Corp. of India Ltd, Planning and Development Division
0430-3393 Festkörperprobleme Vieweg
1551-3815 Fetal and pediatric pathology Taylor & Francis
1551-3823 Fetal and pediatric pathology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0931-5985 Fett VCH
0367-2107 Fettchemische Umschau
0015-038X Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen
0367-3278 Fette und Seifen Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen
0720-8731 Fett in der parenteralen Ernährung Zuckschwerdt.
0430-3423 Fettstoffwechsel Pallas Verlag
0426-0570 Feuerfest
0367-2115 Feuerschutztechnik [s.n.]
0015-0401 Feuerungstechnik Bundesverband Energie, Umwelt, Feuerungen e.V., Reutlingen.
0367-2093 Feuerungstechnik FVÖ-Verl.-Ges..
0366-3949 Feuille de renseignements de l'Office colonial France. Office colonial.
0428-2779 Feuillets de biologie Éd. Varia; Éditions Orion
0177-7963 Few-body systems Springer
1432-5411 Few-body systems Springer
0177-8811 Few-body systems. Supplementum Springer
0253-9616 FFTC book series ASPAC.; Asian and Pacific Council. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center.; FFTC.
0172-7818 FH-Texte Fachhochschule Aachen mit Sozialwerk Bauhütte e.V.
0146-8030 Fiber and integrated optics Taylor & Francis [etc.]
1096-4681 Fiber and integrated optics Taylor & Francis
0361-4921 Fiber producer W. R. C. Smith Pub. Co.
1229-9197 Fibers and polymers Korean Fiber Society
1875-0052 Fibers and polymers (e-vir) Springer Netherlands
0071-4682 Fiber science series M. Dekker,
0015-0533 Fibre and Fabric Fibre and Fabric Publishing Co
0015-0541 Fibre chemistry Consultants Bureau.
1573-8493 Fibre chemistry Kluwer
0099-4707 Fibre Containers
0097-2770 Fibre containers and paperboard mills Board Products Pub. Co.,
0015-055X Fibre e colori [s.n.]
0367-228X Fibres Leonard Hill.
0367-2123 Fibres, fabrics and cordage H.R. Carter Publications
0367-1852 Fibres & Polymers Colour Publications Pvt Ltd.
1230-3666 Fibres & textiles in Eastern Europe Institute of Chemical Fibres
2300-7354 Fibres & textiles in Eastern Europe (e-vir) Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres
Y500-3547 Fibres & textiles in Eastern Europe Institute of Chemical Fibres
0367-2131 Fibres and fabrics journal H.R. Carter and Son
0367-2344 Fibres and plastics Leonard Hill Technical Group
0015-0568 Fibre Science and Technology Applied Science Publishers
0268-9499 Fibrinolysis Churchill Livingstone
1369-0191 Fibrinolysis & proteolysis Churchill Livingstone
0015-0606 Fichero médico terapéutico Purissimus Instituto de Terapéutica Purissimus S.A.
1040-0451 Fidia Research Foundation symposium series Fidia Research Foundation.
0096-042X Field & laboratory Southern Methodist University.
1520-6521 Field analytical chemistry & technology J. Wiley
1086-900X Field analytical chemistry and technology Wiley
0077-8567 Field Conference New Mexico Geological Society.; Arizona Geological Society.
0015-069X Field Crop Abstracts Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
0015-0746 Fieldiana Chicago Natural History Museum.; Field Museum of Natural History.
0015-0754 Fieldiana Chicago Natural History Museum
0096-2651 Fieldiana Chicago Natural History Museum
0097-3572 Fieldiana Chicago Natural History Museum.
0426-0805 Field Reporter
0046-3744 Fields and quanta Gordon and Breach.
0015-0738 Field station record CSIRO.
0015-0886 Fiji agricultural journal Department of Agriculture
0015-0908 Fiji farmer Department of Agriculture.
1475-2883 Filaria journal (e-vir) BioMed Central
0426-1240 Filipino Forester
0367-231X Filtration Uplands Press.
1479-0602 Filtration Filtration Society
0015-1882 Filtration & separation Uplands Press Ltd
0339-3283 Filtration et techniques séparatives Compagnie française d'éditions
0174-7363 Financial times The Financial Times Limited
0884-6782 Financial times F.T. Publications
0015-234X Finish Leuze
0097-630X Finish [Dana Chase Publications]
0264-2506 Finishing Wheatland Journals
0309-3018 Finishing industries Wheatland Journals
0161-2220 Finnigan spectra Finnigan Corporation.
0303-4100 Finnish chemical letters Suomen kemian seura.; Association of Finnish Chemical Societies.
0789-7286 Finnish journal of dairy science Meijeritieteellinen seura.
0357-1076 Finnish marine research Institute of Marine Research.
0015-2498 Finska kemistsamfundets meddelanden Suomen kemistiseura.
0015-2501 Finska läkaresällskapets handlingar Finska läkaresällskapet.
0308-0501 Fire and materials Heyden.
1099-1018 Fire and materials (e-vir) Heyden]; John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
0367-2360 Fire and Water Engineering
0015-2560 Fire command National Fire Protection Association.
0015-2579 Fire control notes United States.
0015-2587 Fire engineering Technical Pub., etc.
0015-2617 Fire journal National Fire Protection Association.
0428-4720 Firemen
0309-6866 Fire prevention Fire Protection Association
0305-7844 Fire prevention science and technology Fire Protection Assoc..
0096-2228 Fire protection Fire Marshals Association of North America.
0378-7761 Fire research Elsevier Sequoia
0071-545X Fire research technical paper H.M.S.O.
0161-2409 Fire retardants Alena Enterprises of Canada.
0379-7112 Fire safety journal Elsevier
1873-7226 Fire safety journal (e-vir) Elsevier
0733-6721 Fire science & technology Comtex Scientific Corporation.
0285-9521 Fire science and technology Science University of Tokyo. Research Institute for Science and Technology. Center for Fire Science and Technology; Tokyo University of Science. Center for Fire Science and Technology
0077-5495 Fire study of the Division of Building Research National Research Council of Canada. Division of Building Research.
0015-2684 Fire technology National Fire Protection Association.
1572-8099 Fire technology (e-vir) Kluwer
0428-4984 Fischerei-Forschung Institut für Hochseefischerei und Fischverarbeitung Rostock-Marienehe.
0367-2301 Fische und Fischwaren Fischindustrie-Verl.
0340-9066 Fisch und Umwelt = Fischer Verlag
0367-3138 Fischwaren- und Feinkost-Industrie Fischindustrie-Verl.
0428-5018 Fischwirt Verlagsgesellschaft Allgemeine Fischerei-Zeitung AFZ-Fischwaid
0367-3103 Fischwirtschaft Weserdr.
1050-4648 Fish & shellfish immunology Academic Press
1095-9947 Fish & shellfish immunology (e-vir) Academic Press
0155-9435 Fisheries research bulletin Western Australian Marine Research Laboratories, Department of Fisheries and Fauna.
0099-3387 Fisheries Research Bulletin New York Conservation Dep.
0919-9268 Fisheries science Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
1444-2906 Fisheries science Blackwell Science Asia..
1937-4518 Fishery bulletin U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, NMFS Scientific Publications Office
0090-0656 Fishery bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service The Service, U.S. Govt Print. Off.
0501-6452 Fishery Industrial Research ????.
0097-1022 Fishery market news United States. Bureau of Fisheries.; United States. Division of Commercial Fisheries.
0015-3001 Fishery Technology Fishery technology.
0015-3044 Fishing news international Heighway; IntraFish Media London
0920-1742 Fish physiology and biochemistry Springer
1573-5168 Fish physiology and biochemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
0367-3081 Física [s.n.].
0391-9757 Fisica e tecnologia Società italiana di fisica.
0367-2328 Fisiologia e Medicina Istituto bibliografico italiano.
0332-5083 Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter Directorate of Fisheries.; Norge, Fiskeridirektoratet.
0015-3117 Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter. Serie Havundersøkelser Directorate of Fisheries.; Institute of Marine Research.; Norge, Havforskningsinstituttet.
0015-3133 Fiskets gang Norge, Fiskeridirektoratet.
0324-0975 Fitologija Izdatelstvo na B''lgarskata Akademija na Naukite
0430-6155 Fitopatología Asociación Latinoamericana de Fitopatología (Chile)
0100-4158 Fitopatologia Brasileira Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia.
0120-0143 Fitopatologia colombiana Asociacion Colombiana de Fitopatologia y Ciencias Afines,
0367-2352 Fitosanitarias Universidad de La Plata. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Sanidad.
0100-4204 Fitossanidade Fitossanitaristas do Estado do Ceará
0185-2701 Fitotecnia Sociedad Mexicana de Fitogenética.
0015-3168 Fitotecnia latinoamericana Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences
0367-326X Fitoterapia Elsevier
0235-5493 Fizičeskaâ himiâ.; Физическая химия Himiâ; Химия.
0136-9164 Fizičeskaâ himiâ i tehnologiâ silikatov i neorganičeskih materialov Leningradskij tehnologičeskij institut im. Lensoveta.
1683-805X Fizičeskaâ mezomehanika Izdatel'stvo Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk
0206-3328 Fizičeskie issledovaniâ Karagandinskij universitet.
0136-362X Fizičeskie metody issledovaniâ tverdogo tela Uralʹskij politehničeskij institut im. S.M. Kirova.
0320-5487 Fizičeskie processy gornogo proizvodstva Leningradskij gornyj institut im. G.V. Plehanova.
0136-3638 Fizičeskie svojstva metallov i splavov Ministerstvo vysšego i srednego obrazovaniâ RSFSR.
0367-2190 Fìzična geografìâ ta geomorfologìâ.; Фізична географія та геоморфологія Vidavnictvo Kiïvsʹkogo unìversitetu; Видавництво Київського університету; Viŝa škola; Вища школа
0015-3206 Fizika Commission for physics of the Yugoslav Union of Mathematical and Physical Societies; Yugoslav Committee of IUPAP
0204-6946 Fizika Ministerstvo na narodnata prosveta
1330-0008 Fizika Croatian Physical Society
0321-2998 Fizika.; Физика Izdatelʹstvo MPI; Издательство МПИ
1333-9125 Fizika A (e-vir) Croatian Physical Society
0367-1631 Fizika aèrodispersnyh sistem.; Физика аэродисперсных систем Izdatelʹstvo Kievskogo universiteta; Издательство Киевского университета.
0135-1419 Fizika atmosfery Mokslas
1029-5941 Fizika atomnogo âdra i èlementarnyh častic Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk.
1330-0016 Fizika B Physical Society of the Republic of Croatia
1333-9133 Fizika B (e-vir) Croatian Physical Society
0367-2026 Fizika elementarnyh častic i atomnogo âdra Atomizdat
0430-6228 Fizika goreniâ i vzryva Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie.
0135-6909 Fizika i èlektronika tverdogo tela Udmurtskij universitet im. 50-letiâ SSSR.
0367-2158 Fizika i fiziko-himiâ židhostej Idatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta.
0015-3214 Fizika i himiâ obrabotki materialov "Nauka"
0132-6651 Fizika i himiâ Stekla "Nauka", Lenningradskoe otdelenie
0134-7071 Fizika i himiâ stekloobrazuûŝih sistem Latvijskij universitet im. P. Stučki.; Problemnaâ laboratoriâ poluprovodnikov.
0136-3743 Fizika i himiâ tverdogo tela NIFHI im. D.Â. Karpova.
2309-8589 Fìzika ì hìmìâ tverdogo tìla (e-vir) Prikarpatsʹkij nacìonalʹnij unìversitet ìmenì Vasilâ Stefanika
1729-4428 Fìzika ì hìmìâ tverdogo tìla.; Фізика і хімія твердого тіла Prikarpatsʹkij unìversitet ìmenì Vasilâ Stefanika; Прикарпатський університет імені Василя Стефаника
0015-3257 Fizikai szemle Lapk.
0015-3222 Fizika i tehnika poluprovodnikov Nauka. Leningradskoe otdelenie
0203-4654 Fizika i tehnika vysokih davlenij Naukova dumka.
0868-5924 Fizika i tehnika vysokih davlenij.; Физика и техника высоких давлений Naukova dumka; Наукова думка; Doneckij fiziko-tehničeskij institut im. A.A. Galkina; Донецкий физико-технический институт им. А.А. Галкина
0321-2718 Fizika magnitnyh materialov; Физика магнитных материалов Kalininskij universitet; Калининский университет
0321-2726 Fizika metallov i ih soedinenij.; Физика металлов и их соединений Uralʹskij universitet im. A.M. Gorʹkogo; Уральский университет им. А.М. Горького.
0015-3230 Fizika metallov i metallovedenie Nauka
0204-0050 Fizika mežfaznyh âvlenij.; Физика межфазных явлений Kabardino-Balkarskij universitet; Кабардино-Балкарский университет.
0206-3638 Fizika mnogočastičnyh sistem.; Физика многочастичных систем Akademiâ nauk Ukrainskoj SSR, Institut teoretičeskoj fiziki; Академия наук Украинской ССР, Институт теоретической физики.
0131-176X Fizika molekul.; Физика молекул "Naukova dumka"; "Наукова думка".
0132-6414 Fizika nizkih temperatur Izdatel'stvo "Naukova Dumka"
0430-6244 Fizika nizkih temperatur [S.n.]
1816-0328 Fizika nizkih temperatur Fiziko-tehničeskij institut nizkih temperatur im. B.I. Verkina
0134-5052 Fizika plazmy Izdatelʹstvo "Nauka".
0320-0221 Fizika plazmy Institut fiziki.
0367-2921 Fizika plazmy Nauka
0367-2948 Fizika plazmy i problemy upravlâemogo termoâdernogo sinteza.; Физика плазмы и проблемы управляемого термоядерного синтеза Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0532-9922 Fizika poluprovodnikov i poluprovodnikovaâ èlektronika Izdatelʹstvo Saratovskogo universiteta.
0135-3047 Fizika pročnosti, plastičnosti metallov i èlektrodinamičeskie âvleniâ v veśestve Kujbyševskij aviacionnyj institut im. S.P. Koroleva.
0321-3129 Fizika pročnosti, plastičnosti metallov i èlektrodinamičeskih âvlenij v ferritah.; Физика прочности, пластичности металлов и электродинамических явлений в ферритах Redakcionno-izdatelʹskij otdel; Редакционно-издательский отдел.
0015-3249 Fizika tverdogo tela [S.n.]
0203-9966 Fizika tverdogo tela Turkmenskij universitet.
0367-3294 Fizika tverdogo tela "Nauka
0302-5470 Fizika židkogo sostoâniâ.; Физика жидкого состояния Viŝa škola; Вища школа.
0367-2409 Fiziko-himičeskaâ mehanika i liofilʹnostʹ dispersnyh sistem.; Физико-химическая механика и лиофильность дисперсных систем Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0430-6252 Fiziko-himičeskaâ mehanika materialov Fizyko-Mekhanichnyi Institut im. G.V. Karpenka
0204-5958 Fiziko-himičeska mehanika B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite. Centralna laboratoniâ po fiziko-himičeska mehanika.
0135-7298 Fiziko-himičeskie issledovaniâ massoobmennyh processov Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut sintetičeskogo kaučuka im. akad. S.V. Lebedeva.
0321-4842 Fiziko-himičeskie issledovaniâ metallurgičeskih processov Uralʹskij politehničeskij institut.
0136-9911 Fiziko-himičeskie metody analiza i kontrolâ proizvodstva.; Физико-химические методы анализа и контроля производства Dagestanskij universitet; Дагестанский университет.
0136-8486 Fiziko-himičeskie osnovy i tehnologiâ pererabotki himičeskogo syrʹâ.; Физико-химические основы и технология переработки химического сырья Altajskij politehničeskij institut im I.I. Polzunova; Алтайский политехнический институт им И.И. Ползунова.
0320-5460 Fiziko-himičeskie osnovy piśevoj tehnologii Voronežskij tehnologičeskij institut.
0136-4413 Fiziko-himičeskie osnovy sinteza i pererabotki polimerov Gorʹkovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet.
0135-7077 Fiziko-himičeskoe izučenie neorganičeskih soedinenij Čuvašskij gosudarstvennyj universitet.
0015-3265 Fiziko-matematičesko spisanie Bťlgarska Akademiâ na naukite
0015-3273 Fiziko-tehničeskie problemy razrabotki poleznyh iskopaemyh Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie
0367-1844 Fiziologiâ, biohimiâ i patologiâ èndokrinnoj sistemy.; Физиология, биохимия и патология эндокринной системы Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0131-1646 Fiziologiâ čeloveka "Nauka"
0532-9310 Fiziologiâ i biohimiâ kulʹturnyh rastenij.; Физиология и биохимия культурных растений Naukova dumka; Наукова думка
0367-1895 Fìzìologìâ ì bìohìmìâ sìlʹsʹkogospodorsʹkih tvarin.; Фізіологія і біохімія сільськогосподорських тварин Urožaj; Урожай.
0324-0290 Fiziologiâ na rasteniâta [S.n.]
0015-3281 Fiziologia normală şi patologică Editura Medicală
0015-3303 Fiziologiâ rastenij [s. n.]
0533-1153 Fiziologičeski aktivnye veŝestva.; Физиологически активные вещества Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0201-8489 Fiziologičeskij žurnal Naukova Dumka
0015-329X Fiziologičeskij žurnal SSSR im. I.M. Sečenova Nauka. Leningradskoe otdelenie
0015-3311 Fìzìologìčnij žurnal.; Фізіологічний журнал Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
1735-0581 Fiziyuluzhi va farmakuluzhi Anjuman-i fiziyuluzhi va farmakuluzhi-i Iran
0554-825X Fizyka Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Chemii.
0137-8996 Fizyka Dielektryków i Radiospektroskopia Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0367-3456 Fizyka i Chemia Państwowe Zakłady Wydawnictw Szkolnych.
0426-3383 Fizyka w Szkole Państwowe Zakłady Wydawnictw Szkolnych; Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne. Zakład Czasopism Pedagogicznych; "Dr Josef Raabe"; Agencja AS Józef Szewczyk
0137-1282 Fizykochemiczne Problemy Mineralurgii Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
0288-9803 FJ. Fragrance journal Fureguransu Jānarusha
0015-346X Flame notes Beckman Instruments, inc.
0361-6320 Flame retardancy of polymeric materials M. Dekker.
0882-5734 Flavour and fragrance journal Wiley
1099-1026 Flavour and fragrance journal (e-vir) J. Wiley
0015-3532 Flavour industry United Trade Press,
0367-245X Flavours G. Street & Co. Ltd.
0367-214X Flavours, fruit juices and spices review G. & M. Press.
0430-6422 Fleck Lecture University of Glasgow.
0015-3567 Fleet owner McGraw-Hill
0015-3575 Fleisch Fachbuchverlag
0015-363X Fleischwirtschaft Deutscher Fachverlag
0015-3710 Flight international Iliffe
2059-3864 Flight international (e-vir)
0725-783X Flinders University of South Australia, Institute for Atomic Studies, FIAS-R Flinders University of South Australia, Institute for Atomic Studies.
0178-3092 Flock Internat. Services and Publ.
0367-2506 Flora [s.n.]
0367-2530 Flora Gustav Fischer Verlag
0367-1615 Flora oder Allgemeine botanische Zeitung Fischer
0367-1801 Flora oder Allgemeine botanische Zeitung Fischer
0367-1836 Flora oder Allgemeine botanische Zeitung Fischer.
0428-5832 Flora Salutaris Prof Mario Bolli, c/o Instituto di Botanica, Universita degli Studi.
0085-0675 Florida Department of Natural Resources Marine Research Laboratory Leaflet Series
0099-5304 Florida Grower
0015-4091 Florida grower & rancher FGR Inc., etc.]
0095-0157 Florida marine research publications Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, Marine Research Laboratory
0098-4590 Florida scientist Florida Academy of Sciences.
0015-4407 Florist and Nursery Exchange [s.n.]
0097-3351 Flour & feed Flour & feed]
0367-2522 Flour Problems [s.n.]
0098-5384 Flow, its measurement and control in science and industry American Institute of Physics.; Instrument Society of America.
1386-6184 Flow, turbulence and combustion Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-1987 Flow, turbulence and combustion (e-vir) Kluwer
0955-5986 Flow measurement and instrumentation Butterworth
1873-6998 Flow measurement and instrumentation (e-vir) Elsevier
Y502-2711 Flow measurement and instrumentation Butterworth
1043-2558 Fluid/particle separation journal American Filtration Society.; American Filtration and Separations Society.
0015-4628 Fluid dynamics Consultants Bureau [etc.]
1573-8507 Fluid dynamics Kluwer
0367-2468 Fluid handling Fuel & Metallurgical Journals
0096-0764 Fluid mechanics: Soviet research Scripta Pub. Co.
0926-5112 Fluid mechanics and its applications Kluwer Academic Publishers; Springer
0378-3812 Fluid phase equilibria Elsevier
1879-0224 Fluid phase equilibria (e-vir) Elsevier
0015-4709 Fluorescence news American Instrument Company.
0015-4725 Fluoride International Society for Fluoride Research.
2253-4083 Fluoride (e-vir) International Society for Fluoride Research
0430-8050 Fluoride abstracts Kettering Laboratory.
0370-5978 Fluoride quarterly reports International Society for Fluoride Research.
0430-8069 Fluorine chemistry reviews M. Dekker
0301-8938 Fluorocarbon and related chemistry Chemical Society.
0364-7854 Fluorspar United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0015-4539 Flüssiges Obst Confructa medien GmbH
0586-1470 FOA Reports Foersvarets Forskningsanstalt.
0015-4997 Focus Amateur Fotograven Vereniging.; Ned. Amateur Fotograven Vereniging.; Ned. Kleinbeeld Vereniging.
0015-5004 Focus The Society
0176-3857 Focus MHL Rektorat der Medizinischen Universität zu Lübeck.
2498-8170 Fogorvosi szemle (e-vir) Magy. Fogorv. Egyes
0015-5314 Fogorvosi Szemle Ifjúsági Lapkiadó
0340-708X Fogra-Forschungsbericht Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft für Druck- und Reproduktionstechnik.
0015-5330 Fogra-Mitteilungen Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft für Druck- und Reproduktionstechnik e.V.
1359-0278 Folding & design Current Biology
0015-5403 Földrajzi értesítő MTA, Földrajztudományi Kutatóintézet
2559-902X Földtani közlöny (e-vir) Magyarhoni Földt. Társ.
0015-542X Földtani Közlöny Akadémiai Kiadó
0015-5454 Folha Medica Cidade - Editora Científica Ltda.
0015-5470 Folia allergologica Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore
0303-8432 Folia allergologica et immunologica clinica Il Pensiero scientifico.
0367-1666 Folia Anatomica Japonica Redaktion der Folia Anatomica Japonica
0428-8262 Folia Balcanica Zavod za ribarstvo na SR Makedonija
0015-5489 Folia biochimica et biologica Graeca Greek Biochemical Society.; Hellenic Society of Marine Biology and Oceanography.; Hellenic Society of Marine Biology.
0208-614X Folia Biochimica et Biophysica Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego
0015-5497 Folia biologica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0015-5500 Folia biologica Academia
0367-2751 Folia biologica Instituto Bacteriológico del Departamento Nacional de Higiene.
0237-0743 Folia biotechnologica OMIKK.; OMFB.
0367-1909 Folia Clinica, Chimica et Microscopica Cappelli.
0015-5519 Folia Clínica et Biológica Faculdade de Medicina de São Paulo.
0015-5527 Folia Clinica Internacional Editorial Glarma
0139-9144 Folia dendrologica Veda
0015-5535 Folia Endocrinologica Università degli Studi La Sapienza, Roma. Istituto di patologia speciale medica e metodologica
1210-9614 Folia facultatis scientiarum naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis. Physica Masarykova univerzita
0521-2588 Folia facultatis scientiarum naturalium Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0323-0082 Folia facultatis scientiarum naturalium Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis. Biologia Univerzita J.E. Purkyně
0323-0287 Folia facultatis scientiarum naturalium Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis. Physica Univerzita J.E. Purkyně
0015-5543 Folia forestalia Metsäntutkimuslaitos
2199-5907 Folia forestalia Polonica (e-vir) de Gruyter
0071-6677 Folia Forestalia Polonica. Seria A. Leśnictwo Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0071-6685 Folia Forestalia Polonica. Seria B. Drzewnictwo Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0015-556X Folia haematologica [S.n.]
0323-4347 Folia haematologica Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest und Portig
0367-2247 Folia haematologica Klinkhardt. ;; Stechert.
0367-2255 Folia haematologica Klinkhardt. ;; Stechert.
0015-5578 Folia Hereditaria et Pathologica [s.n.].
0239-8508 Folia histochemica et cytobiologica Vesalius University Medical Publisher
1897-5631 Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica Polish Histochemical and Cytochemical Society; "Versita"
0015-5586 Folia Histochemica et Cytochemica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0367-2476 Folia Limnologica Scandinavica Universitetsforlaget,
0015-5608 Folia medica Università degli studi, Napoli. Istituto di medicina preventiva dei lavoratori e medicina del lavoro
0204-8043 Folia medica University of Medicine.
1314-2143 Folia Medica (e-vir) Medical University
0015-5616 Folia Medica Cracoviensia Komisja Nauk Medycznych (Polska Akademia Nauk)
0352-9630 Folia medica Facultatis medicinae Universitatis Saraeviensis Medicinski fakultet
2303-6141 Folia medica Facultatis medicinae Universitatis Saraeviensis (e-vir) Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu
0071-6731 Folia Medica Lodziensia Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe.
0015-5624 Folia medica neerlandica Nederlandsche Internisten Vereeniging.
0015-5632 Folia microbiologica Springer
1874-9356 Folia microbiologica (e-vir) Springer
0015-5640 Folia morphologica Academia
0015-5659 Folia Morphologica Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
0300-2888 Folia Morphologica Polish Anatomical Association.
1644-3284 Folia Morphologica (e-vir) "Via Medica"
1509-572X Folia Neuropathologica (e-vir) Termedia
1641-4640 Folia Neuropathologica Severus Publishing House
0323-4932 Folia ophthalmologica Thieme.
0015-5683 Folia parasitologica Institute of Parasitology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
1803-6465 Folia Parasitologica (e-vir) Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centrum the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
0139-939X Folia pharmaceutica Univerzita Karlova
0428-8300 Folia pharmaceutica [s.n.]
1210-9495 Folia pharmaceutica Universitatis Carolinae Karolinum
0015-5705 Folia Phoniatrica S. Karger AG
0015-5713 Folia primatologica S. Karger
1421-9980 Folia primatologica S. Karger
0015-5721 Folia Psychiatrica et Neurologica Japonica Nihon Seishin Shinkei Gakkai.; Folia Publishing Society.; Folia Kankäokai.
0015-573X Folia Quaternaria Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich
0367-2913 Folia universitaria [s.n.]
1506-1965 Folia Universitatis Agriculturae Stetinensis Akademia Rolnicza (Szczecin)
0015-5748 Folia veterinaria Vydavateĺstvo slovenskej akadémie vied
2453-7837 Folia veterinaria (e-vir) Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach; De Gruyter
0301-0724 Folia veterinaria latina Il Ponte
0581-5207 Folleto técnico - Universidad Autónoma Potosina, Instituto de Geología y Metalurgía Universidad Autónoma Potosina, Instituto de Geología y Metalurgía.
0428-8777 Fomento de Puerto Rico [s.n.].
0015-6078 Fonderia Editoriale Tecnica Macchine
0015-6094 Fonderie Editions techniques des industries de la fonderie
0249-3136 Fonderie, Fondeur d'aujourd'hui Editions techniques des industries de la fonderie
0367-2743 Fontilles. Revista de leprología Sanatorio de San Francisco de Borja
0367-2840 Food s.n.
0015-6361 Food, drug, cosmetic law journal Commerce Clearing House
2692-1510 Food, drug, cosmetic law journal (e-vir) Commerce Clearing House
0099-636X Food, drug, cosmetic law quarterly Commerce Clearing House
2692-1502 Food, drug, cosmetic law quarterly (e-vir) Commerce Clearing House
0918-6786 Food & food ingredients journal FFI Jäanaru Henshäu Iinkai.
0265-203X Food additives and contaminants Taylor & Francis Ltd
1464-5122 Food additives and contaminants (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0954-0105 Food and agricultural immunology Carfax Publishing.
1465-3443 Food and agricultural immunology (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0253-6862 Food and beverages Food and beverages.
0960-3085 Food and bioproducts processing Institution of Chemical Engineers.
0278-6915 Food and chemical toxicology Elsevier
1873-6351 Food and chemical toxicology Elsevier Science
0015-6264 Food and cosmetics toxicology Pergamon Press
1878-6049 Food and cosmetics toxicology (e-vir) British Industrial Biological Research Association.
0251-1932 Food and nutrition bulletin supplement United Nations University.
1032-5298 Food Australia Council of Australian Food Technology Associations.; Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology.
0890-5436 Food biotechnology Dekker
0952-357X Food biotechnology Elsevier Applied Science
1532-4249 Food biotechnology (e-vir) Dekker
1556-7125 Foodborne pathogens & disease Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1535-3141 Foodborne pathogens and disease Mary Ann Liebert
0308-8146 Food chemistry Applied Science Publishers
1873-7072 Food Chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
0956-7135 Food control Butterworth Scientific
1873-7129 Food Control (e-vir) Elsevier
0015-637X Food engineering McGraw-Hill
0015-6396 Food farming and agriculture L.K. Pandeya.
0268-005X Food hydrocolloids IRL Press
1873-7137 Food hydrocolloids (e-vir) Elsevier
0015-6442 Food in Canada Maclean-Hunter
0096-2236 Food industries McGraw-Hill
0428-9994 Food Industries Weekly [s.n.]
0015-6477 Food Manufacture Morgan-Grampian Ltd
0097-1987 Food materials & equipment Food materials & equipment.
0740-0020 Food microbiology Elsevier
1095-9998 Food microbiology (e-vir) Academic Press
0730-5419 Food microstructure Scanning Electron Microscopy
0095-9227 Food packer Vance Pub. Corp.
0095-9383 Food packer and canning age Vance Pub. Corp..
0367-2867 Food Preservation Quarterly Commonwealth Scientific and IndustrialResearch Organisation.
0015-6523 Food processing Putman Pub. Co.
0367-293X Food processing and marketing Harlequin Press
0367-2859 Food processing and packaging Tothill Press
0015-6531 Food processing industry N.T.P. Business Journals; IPC Consumer Industries Press.
0015-654X Food product development Magazines for Industry, etc.]
0095-974X Food research The Institute
0963-9969 Food research international Elsevier Applied Science
1873-7145 Food research international (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0257-8867 Food review South African Association of Food Science & Technology.
1525-6103 Food reviews international (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
8755-9129 Food reviews international M. Dekker
0277-0229 Foods, nutrition, and dental health American Dental Association.
0919-9772 Foods & food ingredients journal of Japan FFI jānaru Henshū Iinkai
0071-7223 Food science Dekker]
0532-0968 Food Science [s.n.]
0367-3065 Food science abstracts Department & Scientific and Industrial Research.
1560-4152 Food science and agricultural chemistry Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology.; Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society.; National Taiwan University.
2092-6456 Food science and biotechnology (e-vir) Korean Society of Food Science & Technology
1226-7708 Food Science and Biotechnology Korean Society of Food Science and Technology
0891-8961 Food science and technology Marcel Dekker,
0101-2061 Food Science and Technology Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos
1678-457X Food Science and Technology (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos.
1341-7592 Food science and technology, international Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology.; Nihon Shokuhin Kagaku Kougakkai.
1082-0132 Food science and technology international Chapman & Hall
1532-1738 Food science and technology international (e-vir) Chapman & Hall
1344-6606 Food science and technology research Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
1881-3984 Food science and technology research Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
0968-7084 Food Science reviews Ellis Horwood.
0954-3465 Food sciences and nutrition John Libbey.
1046-705X Food structure Scanning Microscopy International
1343-9502 Food style 21 Shokuhin Kagaku Shimbunsha.
0141-8521 Food surveillance paper Steering Group on Food Surveillance.; Great Britain. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
0111-6606 Food technologist New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology.
0015-6639 Food technology Food technology, etc.
0367-2891 Food technology Newman
1330-9862 Food technology and biotechnology Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology
1334-2606 Food technology and biotechnology (e-vir) Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology University of Zagreb
Y502-2681 Food technology and biotechnology Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology
0015-6647 Food technology in Australia Council of Australian Food Technology Associations.; Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology.
0015-6655 Food technology in New Zealand Trade Publications
1084-5984 Food testing & analysis Target Group,
0096-0772 Foote prints Foote Mineral Company.
0095-9375 Foote-prints on chemicals, metals, alloys and ores Foote Mineral Company.
0379-0444 Forage research Indian Society of Forage Research.
0140-0010 Foraminifera Academic Press,
0015-6914 Forbes Forbes
0015-7074 Forecast
0097-3041 Foreign commerce weekly United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.
0300-3493 Foreign compound metabolism in mammals Chemical Society (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0095-9391 Foreign petroleum technology A. A. Boehtlingk..
0300-9432 Forensic science Elsevier Sequoia
1547-769X Forensic science, medicine and pathology Humana Press
1556-2891 Forensic science, medicine and pathology (e-vir) Humana Press
0379-0738 Forensic science international Elsevier Sequoia; Elsevier Scientific; Shannon
1872-6283 Forensic science international (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0930-1461 Forensic science progress Springer.
0378-1127 Forest Ecology and Management Elsevier
1872-7042 Forest Ecology and Management (e-vir) Elsevier
1335-048X Forest genetics Arbora Publishers
0015-7430 Forest industries M. Freeman Publications
0097-1294 Forest leaves Pennsylvania Forestry Association.
0071-7509 Forest pest leaflet United States. Forest Service.
0015-7473 Forest products journal Forest Products Research Society
2376-9637 Forest products journal (e-vir) Forest Products Society
0365-2335 Forest Products Newsletter Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0071-7517 Forest products research Forest Products Research Laboratory.
0367-5238 Forest products research HMSO; Her Majesty's Stationery Office
0071-755X Forest resource report United States. Forest Service.
0015-752X Forestry Oxford University Press
1464-3626 Forestry (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0015-7538 Forestry Abstracts Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
0367-4320 Forestry Commission leaflet H.M.S.O.
0099-9482 Forestry Note. Illinois, Agricultural Experiment Station University of Illinois, Agricultural Experiment Station.
0532-1689 Forestry research notes University of Wisconsin. College of Agriculture.; University of Wisconsin--Madison. College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.; University of Wisconsin--Madison. School of Natural Resources.; University of Wisconsin--Madison. Department of Forestry.; Wisconsin. Conservation Department.; Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources.; Wisconsin. Division of Conservation.
0510-338X Forestry Research Notes of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company
0091-1313 Forestry research report University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
0924-5480 Forestry sciences Nijhoff ;; Nijhoff ;; Kluwer Academic Publishers ;; Springer
1993-0372 Forestry studies in China Beijing Forestry University; Springer
1008-1321 Forestry Studies in China Editorial Office of Forestry Studies in China
0083-5978 Forestry technical papers Forests Commission Victoria.
0381-1786 Forestry technical report Canada Forestry service.
0015-7589 Forests and people Louisiana Forestry Association.
0015-749X Forest science Society of American Foresters
1938-3738 Forest science (e-vir) Society of American Foresters]
0071-7568 Forest Science Monographs Society of American Foresters
0161-0635 Forest Service research note NE Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
0163-3538 Forest service research paper NE Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station
0097-2789 Forest survey release Appalachian Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.); Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.)
0500-358X Forest Survey Release. United States Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station
0368-6302 Forhandlinger Tapir
0015-7732 Formage et traitement des métaux Compagnie française d'édition
0426-9551 Formica journal Formica.
0333-2217 Forming i skolen Landslaget Forming i skolen.
0130-5824 Formirovanie i kontrolʹ kačestva poverhnostnyh vod.; Формирование и контроль качества поверхностных вод "Naukova dumka"; "Наукова думка".
0917-690X Form tech review Amada Kinzoku Kakō Kikai Gijutsu Shinkō Zaidan; Amada zaidan; 天田財団
1082-801X Formulary Advanstar Communications, Inc.
1938-1166 Formulary (e-vir) Advanstar Communications
0367-2778 Forno Elettrico
0115-0456 Forpride digest Forest Product Research and Industries Development.
0367-2204 Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens VDI-Verl.
0930-3243 Forschungen zur Geschichte der Optik Springer.
0015-7899 Forschung im Ingenieurwesen VDI-Verlag GmbH
1434-0860 Forschung im Ingenieurwesen = Springer
0171-0060 Forschungsbericht [s.n.],
0171-1342 Forschungsbericht Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
0172-7613 Forschungsbericht Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung Berlin.
0171-1903 Forschungsbericht aus der Wehrmedizin Dokumentations- und Fachinformationszentrum der Bundeswehr.
0340-5915 Forschungsbericht - Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Unfallforschung, Dortmund Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Unfallforschung.
0170-6098 Forschungsbericht - Bundesministerium für Bildung und wissenschaft. K, Kernforschung Bundesministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft.
0170-6144 Forschungsbericht - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft. W, Weltraumforschung Zentralstelle für Luft- und Raumfahrtdokumentation und -information der Deutschen Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V..
0171-7618 Forschungsbericht - Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie. HA, Humanisierung des Arbeitslebens Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie. ;; Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik GmbH, Karlsruhe.
0170-8996 Forschungsbericht - Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie. ID, Information und Dokumentation Zentralstelle für Atomkernenergie-Dokumentation.
0340-8647 Forschungsbericht - Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie. K, Kernforschung Zentralstrelle für Atomkernenergie-Dokumentation.
0340-8868 Forschungsbericht - Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie. M, Meeresforschung Zentralstelle für Luft- und Raumfahrtdokumentation und -information der Deutschen Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V..
0340-7608 Forschungsbericht - Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie. T, Technologische Forschung und Entwicklung Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik GmbH Karlsruhe.
0170-1312 Forschungsbericht - Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie. W, Weltraumforschung Zentralstelle für Luft- und Raumfahrtdocumentation und - information der Deutschen Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft und Raumfahrt e. V.
0724-5335 Forschungsbericht - Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie. Wassertechnologie und Schlammbehandlung Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Wassergüte und Abfallwirtschaft der Universität Stuttgart, Chemische Abteilung.
0367-2492 Forschungsberichte des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Westdeutscher Verlag
0367-3421 Forschungsberichte des Wirtschafts- und Verkehrministeriums Nordrhein-Westfalen [s.n.]
0171-1881 Forschungsberichte - Forstliche Forschungsanstalt München Universitätsbuchhandlung Heinrich Frank
0934-5124 Forschungsberichte zum Forschungsprogramm des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Luftverunreinigungen und Waldschäden Minister für Umwelt, Raumordnung und Landwirtschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.
0171-189X Forschungsbericht - Institut für Zuckerindustrie Berlin Institut für Zuckerindustrie.
0367-3154 Forschungshefte der Studiengesellschaft für Höchstspannungsanlagen [s.n.]
0549-8791 Forschung und Beratung. Reihe C, Wissenschaftliche Berichte und Diskussionsbeiträge Landesausschuss für Landwirtschaftliche Forschung, Erziehung und Wirtschaftsberatung beim Ministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft un Forsten des landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. ;; Landwirtschaftsverlag in Komm..
0015-7937 Forskning och framsteg Forskning och framsteg; Sällskapet för forskningsinformation; Forskningsrådens nämnd för forskningsinformation
0429-1913 Forskning og forsøk i landbruket Statens forskningsstasjoner i landbruk.; Kontoret for landbruksforskning.
0300-4112 Forstarchiv Schaper
0174-1810 Forstliche Forschungsberichte München Universitätsbuchhandlung Heinrich Frank
0174-0342 Forst und Holz Schaper.
0367-2808 Forst und Jagd Dt. Landwirtschaftsverl.
0367-3413 Forstwirtschaft, Holzwirtschaft Ministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
0015-8003 Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt Paul Parey
1439-0337 Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt Springer.
0015-8011 Försvarsmedicin / Statens medicinska forskningsråd.; Försvarsmedicinska forskningsdelegationen
0015-8054 Fort Hare papers Fort Hare University.
0429-2146 Fortpflanzung, Zuchthygiene und Haustierbesamung [s.n.].
0341-1664 Fortschrittberichte der VDI-Zeitschriften. Reihe 5, Grund- und Werkstoffe Verein Deutscher Ingenieure.
0178-9503 Fortschritt-Berichte VDI VDI-Verlag
0178-9449 Fortschritt-Berichte VDI. Reihe 12, Verkehrstechnik / Fahrzeugtechnik VDI.
0178-9570 Fortschritt-Berichte VDI. Reihe 14, Landtechnik / Lebensmitteltechnik VDI.
0178-9589 Fortschritt-Berichte VDI. Reihe 15, Umwelttechnik VDI.
0178-9600 Fortschritt-Berichte VDI. Reihe 17, Biotechnik VDI-Verlag.
0178-9457 Fortschritt-Berichte VDI. Reihe 18, Mechanik/Bruchmechanik VDI.
0178-9465 Fortschritt-Berichte VDI. Reihe 19, Wärmetechnik, Kältetechnik VDI.
0178-9481 Fortschritt-Berichte VDI. Reihe 21, Elektrotechnik VDI-Verl..
0178-952X Fortschritt-Berichte VDI. Reihe 5, Grund- und Werkstoffe VDI.
0178-9414 Fortschritt-Berichte VDI. Reihe 6, Energieerzeugung VDI.
0178-9538 Fortschritt-Berichte VDI. Reihe 7, Strömungstechnik VDI.
0178-9546 Fortschritt-Berichte VDI. Reihe 8, Mess-, Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik VDI.
0178-9422 Fortschritt-Berichte VDI. Reihe 9, Elektronik VDI.
0367-2220 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen [s.n.]
0015-8151 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin Georg Thieme Verlag
0367-2239 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen Vereinigt mit Röntgenpraxis Thieme
0301-5726 Fortschritte der Andrologie Grosse Verlag.
0071-7878 Fortschritte der Botanik Springer
0071-7894 Fortschritte der chemischen Forschung Springer
0065-2997 Fortschritte der Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie Karger,
0138-2306 Fortschritte der Hämatologie J. A. Barth
0341-020X Fortschritte der Hochpolymeren-Forschung Springer
0071-7908 Fortschritte der Immunitätsforschung Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag
0367-2425 Fortschritte der Kardiologie Karger,
0367-2557 Fortschritte der Landwirtschaft [s.n.]
0015-8178 Fortschritte der Medizin Urban und Vogel
0015-8186 Fortschritte der Mineralogie E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
0375-8931 Fortschritte der Mineralogie Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft.
0367-2654 Fortschritte der Mineralogie, Kristallographie und Petrographie Fischer.
0015-8194 Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie und ihrer Grenzgebiete Georg Thieme
0323-5084 Fortschritte der Onkologie Zentralinstitut für Krebsforchung der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Berlin-Buch.
0723-8045 Fortschritte der Ophthalmologie Springer
0015-8208 Fortschritte der Physik Akademie-Verlag
0429-2170 Fortschritte der Physik Physikalische Gesellschaft in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
1521-3978 Fortschritte der Physik (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0071-7924 Fortschritte der Physikalischen Chemie Dr Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag
0176-3253 Fortschritte der Teerfarbenfabrikation und verwandter Industriezweige Springer.
0367-3286 Fortschritte der Therapie
0071-7975 Fortschritte der Urologie und Nephrologie Steinkopff.
0532-2731 Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik VDI-Verlag
0340-5001 Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik. Abteilung A, Grundlagen der Verfahrenstechnik Verein Deutscher Ingenieure.; VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen.
0340-501X Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik. Abteilung B, Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik Verein Deutscher Ingenieure.; VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen.
0340-5036 Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik. Abteilung C, Thermische Verfahrenstechnik Verein Deutscher Ingenieure.; VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen.
0340-5052 Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik. Abteilung D, Reaktionstechnik Verein Deutscher Ingenieure.; VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen.
0340-4048 Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik. Abteilung E, Planung und Betrieb von Anlagen Verein Deutscher Ingenieure.; VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen.
0340-4064 Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik. Abteilung F, Spezielle Technologien Verein Deutscher Ingenieure.; VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen.
0301-2794 Fortschritte der Veterinärmedizin Parey.
0071-7983 Fortschritte der Wasserchemie und ihrer Grenzgebiete Chemische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
0071-7991 Fortschritte der Zoologie Fischer Verlag,Gustav
1013-4506 Fortschritte im Strahlenschutz Fachverband für Strahlenschutz
0367-1658 Fortschritte in der Anorganisch-Chemischen Industrie [s.n.]
0176-7984 Fortschritte in der atomspektrometrischen Spurenanalytik VCH.
0071-8009 Fortschritte in der Geologie von Rheinland und Westfalen Geologisches Landesamt Nordrhein-Westfalen
0301-2743 Fortschritte in der Tierphysiologie und Tierernährung Parey.
0367-1798 Fortschrittsberichte der Chemiker-Zeitung Verl. d. Chemiker-Zeitung von Halem
0177-6983 Fortschrittsberichte der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft.
0418-8098 Fortschrittsberichte für die Landwirtschaft Deutsche Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften zu Berlin. Institut für Landwirtschaftliche Information und Dokumentation
0232-220X Fortschrittsberichte für die Landwirtschaft und Nahrungsgüterwirtschaft Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften der DDR. Institut für Landwirtschaftliche Information und Dokumentation
0071-8017 Fortschrittsberichte über Kolloide & Polymere
0015-8259 Fortune Time,inc.,etc.,
0723-6891 Forum der Brauerei Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin.
0427-0444 Forum medicum [s.n.]
0170-8244 Forum Mikrobiologie GIT-Verlag Giebeler
1660-0347 Forum of nutrition Karger,
0727-3088 Forum report - Science and Industry Forum of the Australian Academy of Science Australian Academy of Science.
0342-202X Forum Städte-Hygiene Patzer
1436-5758 Forum Stress- und Schlafforschung LIT.
0340-2290 Forum Umwelt-Hygiene Patzer
0135-7115 Fosforoorganičeskie soedineniâ i polimery Čuvašskij universitet im. I.N. Ulʹânova.
1008-0171 Foshan Kexue Jishu Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0367-3243 Fotofreund Hackebeil
0015-8836 Fotografie Fotokinoverlag
0367-2417 Fotohimičeskaâ promyšlennostʹ Sovet narodnyh komissarov SSSR.
0367-2433 Foto-Kino-Technik Verl. für Radio-, Foto-, Kino-Technik
0340-6660 Fotomagazin DPV Network; Jahr-Top-Special-Verl.
0340-5206 Foto-Prisma Baumann. ;; Knapp.
0780-6655 Foundation for Biotechnical and Industrial Fermentation Research Foundation for Biotechnical and Industrial Fermentation Research :; Akateeminen kirjakauppa [jakaja].
1386-4238 Foundations of chemistry Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8463 Foundations of chemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
1721-7245 Foundeq Europe EDIMET
0015-9034 Foundry Penton Pub. Co.
0360-8999 Foundry management & technology Penton Pub. Co.
0015-9042 Foundry trade journal Fuel & Metallurgical Journals, Ltd
0015-9271 Fracastoro Istituti Ospedalier di Verona
0218-348X Fractals World Scientific
1793-6543 Fractals (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
0197-0984 Fractions Beckman Instruments, inc. Spinco Division.; Spinco Co.
0197-2766 Fracture mechanics of ceramics Plenum Press
0015-9247 Fra fysikkens verden Norsk fysisk selskap; Fysikkforeningen i Oslo.
0350-3615 Fragmenta herbologica Jugoslavica Institut za zaštitu bilja
0367-2697 Fragmenta Mineralogica et Palaeontologica Népművelési és Propaganda Iroda
0367-3480 Frankfurter Zeitschrift für Pathologie J. F. Bergen
0016-0296 Freddo Propaganda Editoriale Grafica
1873-4596 Free radical biology & medicine (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0891-5849 Free Radical Biology & Medicine Elsevier Science
1029-2470 Free radical research Overseas Publishers Association.
1071-5762 Free radical research Informa Healthcare
8755-0199 Free radical research communications G+B/Harwood
0367-343X Freezing and Cold Storage
0071-9390 Freiberger Forschungshefte Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie
0071-9404 Freiberger Forschungshefte Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie
0071-9412 Freiberger Forschungshefte TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
0071-9420 Freiberger Forschungshefte Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg.
0071-9455 Freiburger Symposion an der Medizinischen Universitäts-Klinik Springer
0937-0633 Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry Springer
1432-1130 Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry (e-vir) Springer
0016-1152 Fresenius' Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie Springer Internat.
1018-4619 Fresenius environmental bulletin Parlar Scientific Publications
1365-2427 Freshwater biology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0046-5070 Freshwater Biology Blackwell Scientific Publications
0367-2972 Freude am Leben Bermühler
0111-8129 FRI bulletin Forest Research Institute.
0532-6990 Friction and wear in machinery American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0016-1403 Friesia Foreningen til Svampekundskabens Fremme
0016-1535 Friuli Medico Tipografia Agostino Pellegrini
1029-841X Frontiers in animal diabetes research Harwood Academic Publishers
1067-1897 Frontiers in biomedicine and biotechnology ATL Press,
1093-4715 Frontiers in bioscience (e-vir) [s.n.
1093-9946 Frontiers in bioscience Frontiers in Bioscience Publications
0959-5902 Frontiers in biotransformation Taylor & Francis.
1351-8208 Frontiers in carbohydrate research Elsevier.
0097-3173 Frontiers in chemistry Western Reserve University.
0251-5342 Frontiers in diabetes S. Karger,
1574-0889 Frontiers in drug design & discovery Bentham Science Publishers
1124-1292 Frontiers in endocrinology Ares-Serono symposia publications.
1072-429X Frontiers in foods and food ingredients ATL Press,
1342-1484 Frontiers in gastroenterology Medikaru Rebyäusha.
1066-8322 Frontiers in headache research
1353-6508 Frontiers in neurobiology Portland Press.
0091-3022 Frontiers in neuroendocrinology Raven Press
1742-9994 Frontiers in zoology (e-vir) BioMed Central
0071-965X Frontiers of biology North-Holland
1047-0506 Frontiers of chemistry American Chemical Society.
0887-3658 Frontiers of clinical neuroscience Williams & Wilkins,
0302-0665 Frontiers of gastrointestinal research S. Karger,
1420-2433 Frontiers of oral biology S. Karger,
0301-536X Frontiers of oral physiology S. Karger
0016-2167 Frontiers of plant science Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.
0071-9676 Frontiers of radiation therapy and oncology University Park Press,; S. Karger
0915-8502 Frontiers science series Universal Academy
0367-2735 Front nauki i tehniki.; Фронт науки и техники Soûz rabotnikov vysšej školy i naučnyh učreždenij; Союз работников высшей школы и научных учреждений.
0367-1704 Fróúskaparrit Mentunargrunnur Føroya Løgtings
0427-6833 Fruchtsaft-Industrie Horn
0016-2248 Fruit belge [s. n.]
0939-4435 Fruit processing Confructa medien GmbH
0097-3742 Fruit products journal and American vinegar industry Avi Pub. Co.]
0248-1294 Fruits Société d'éditions techniques continentales; Elsevier; EDP sciences
1625-967X Fruits (e-vir) EDP sciences
0137-1479 Fruit Science Reports Research Institute of Pomology
0367-2816 Fruits d'Outre-mer Société d'éditions techniques coloniales
0091-3642 Fruit varieties journal American Pomological Society.
1131-5660 Fruticultura profesional Agro Latino
0253-0244 FS Fachverband für Strahlenschutz.
0258-7564 FSSA publication IPI.; International Potash Institute.; FSSA.; Fertilizer Society of South Africa.
0270-7845 FTAS/TR Case Western Reserve University. Dept. of Fluid, Thermal and Aerospace Sciences.
0532-7709 Ftiziatriâ Medicina i fizkultura.
0016-2329 Ftiziologia Editura Medicală
0367-2166 FTZ Vieweg
0427-7104 Fudan xuebao Shanghai Kexue Jishu Chubanshe
1672-8467 Fudan xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
0911-2286 Fudo kemikaru Shokuhin Kagaku Shinbunsha
0016-2361 Fuel Elsevier
1873-7153 Fuel (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0367-3308 Fuel Abstracts xx
0016-2388 Fuel Abstracts and Current Titles Institute of Fuel
0744-0421 Fuel alcohol U.S.A Gasahol U.S.A.,
1615-6846 Fuel cells Wiley-VCH
1615-6854 Fuel cells (e-vir) Wiley
0532-7822 Fuel Cells Reinhold Publishing Corp.
0367-3316 Fuel economist
0429-8160 Fuel Economy [s.n.]
0367-3324 Fuel economy review Federation of British Industries.
0429-8179 Fuel efficiency
0367-3367 Fuel in science and practice Coal Research Club (London, England)
0016-2418 Fueloil & oil heat Heating Publishers
0095-9413 Fuel oil and temperature journal Oil Trade Journal, Inc.,
0097-1995 Fuel oil journal [S.n.,
0193-001X Fuel oils by sulfur content United States. Energy Information Administration.; United States. Bureau of Mines.
1873-7188 Fuel processing technology (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0378-3820 Fuel Processing Technology Elsevier
1062-3744 Fuel reformulation Information Resources Inc.
0367-4037 Fuel research Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.
0367-3898 Fuel Research, Survey Paper. Great Britain, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Great Britain.
0367-3901 Fuel Research Board technical paper Great Britain.
0367-2964 Fuel Research Institute News Central Fuel Research Institute.
0095-9421 Fuels and furnaces F.C. Andresen and Associates]
0884-3759 Fuel science & technology international Marcel Dekker
0254-3567 Fuel science and technology Central Fuel Research Institute
1000-3851 Fuhe cailiao xuebao Kexue Chubanshe,
0515-9911 FŰizikis institutis šromebi Akademiâ nauk gruzinskoj SSR.; SakŰartŰvelos SSR mecŰnierebatŰa akademia.
1009-8143 Fujian fenxi ceshi Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
0427-7082 Fujian Nongxueyuan xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0253-2301 Fujian nongye ke-ji Fujian Sheng Nongye Kexueyuan,
1000-5277 Fujian Shifan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1002-2600 Fujian yiyao zazhi Fujian Sheng Yixue Kexue Yanjiusuo,
0429-8284 Fuji Electric review Fuji Electric Co., Ltd; Fuji Electric Holdings Co., Ltd; Fuji Electric Co., Ltd
0915-1478 Fuji Film research & development Fuji Shashin Fuirumu Kabushiki Gaisha. Ashigara Kenkyūjo. Gijutsu Shiryōshitsu; Fuji shashin fuirumu R & D sokatsu honbu zairyo kenkyu honbu; 富士写真フイルムR&D総括本部材料研究本部; Fuji firumu kabushiki gaisha R & D tokatsu honbu gijutsu senryakubu; 富士フィルム株式会社R&D統括本部技術戦略部; Fuji firumu kabushiki gaisha R & D tokatsu honbu ashigara toshoshitsu; 富士フィルム株式会社R&D統括本部足柄図書室
0367-3332 Fuji jihäo Fuji Electric Company.; Fuji Denki Seizäo Kabushikia Gaisha.; Fuji Electric Manufacturing Company.
0429-8357 Fujikura Densen Giho Fujikura Densen K. K..
0912-2761 Fujikura gihō Fujikura Densen Kabushiki Gaisha; Fujikura; フジクラ
0429-8306 Fuji Seitetsu gihäo Fuji Seitetsu.
0367-3189 Fuji Shashin Fuirumu kenkyäu häokoku Fuji Photo Film Company. Ashigara Research Laboratories. Technical Information Office.
0288-5441 Fujita Gakuen Igakkaishi Fujita Gakuen Igakkai
0912-2524 Fujitsu General Fujitsu General.
0016-2523 Fujitsu scientific & technical journal Fujitsu
0288-2736 Fuji X-rei kenkyäu Fuji Shashin Firumu Kabushiki Gaisha.
0367-1682 Fukien Academy Research Bulletin [s.n.],
0367-195X Fukien Christian University Science Journal [Fukien Christian University]
0367-1968 Fukui Daigaku Käogakubu Sen'i Käogyäo kenkyäu Shisetsu häokoku Fukui University. Faculty of Engineering. Textile Research Institute.
0429-8373 Fukui Daigaku Kogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Fukui Daigaku Kogakubu
0912-182X Fukui-ken Käogai Sentäa nenpäo Environmental Pollution Research Center of Fukui Prefecture.
0388-7790 Fukui-ken Nōgyō Shikenjō hōkoku Fukui-ken Nōgyō Shikenjō
0388-7804 Fukui-ken Nōgyō Shikenjō tokubetsu hōkoku Fukui-ken Nōgyō Shikenjō
0289-5625 Fukui-ken Yäogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Fukui-ken Yäogyäo Shikenjäo.
0386-3352 Fukui Kōgyō Kōtō Senmon Gakkō kenkyū kiyō. Shizen kagaku, kōgaku Fukui Kōgyō Kōtō Senmon Gakkō
0388-8800 Fukuoka Daigaku Kenkyäujohäo Fukuoka University. Institute for Advanced Research.
0285-2799 Fukuoka Daigaku kōgaku shūhō Fukuoka Daigaku. Kenkyūjo; Fukuoka daigaku sogo kenkyujo; 福岡大学総合研究所; Fukuoka daigaku kenkyu suishinbu; 福岡大学研究推進部
0386-118X Fukuoka Daigaku rigaku shūhō Fukuoka Daigaku. Kenkyūjo; Fukuoka daigaku sogo kenkyujo; 福岡大学総合研究所; Fukuoka daigaku kenkyu suishinbu; 福岡大学研究推進部
0913-1736 Fukuoka Daigaku yakugaku kiyō Fukuoka Daigaku. Sōgō Kenkyūjo
1346-1559 Fukuoka Daigaku yakugaku shūhō Fukuoka Daigaku. Sōgō Kenkyūjo
0429-842X Fukuoka Gakugei Daigaku, Dai-3-Bu, Rika-Hen Fukuoka Gakugei Daigaku.
0016-254X Fukuoka-Igaku-Zasshi Fukuoka Igakkai
0288-3953 Fukuoka Joshi Daigaku Kasei Gakubu kiyäo Fukuoka Women's University. Faculty of Home Life Science.
1341-4909 Fukuoka Joshi Daigaku Ningen Kankyo Gakubu kiyo Fukuoka joshi daigaku ningen kankyo gakubu,
0388-2721 Fukuoka-ken Fukushima Käogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Fukushima Industrial Research Institute, Fukuoka Prefecture.
0289-1158 Fukuoka-ken Kitakyūshū Kōgyō Shikenjō kenkyū hōkoku Fukuoka-ken Kitakyūshū Kōgyō Shikenjo
0388-2756 Fukuoka-ken Nōgata Kōgyō Shikenjō kenkyū hōkoku Fukuoka-ken Nōgata Kōgyō Shikenjō
0913-509X Fukuoka-ken Nogyo Sogo Shikenjo tokubetsu hokoku Fukuoka-ken Nogyo Sogo Shikenjo
0388-7855 Fukuoka Kenritsu Nōgyō Shikenjō kenkyū hōkoku
0911-050X Fukuoka Kogyo Daigaku Erekutoronikusu Kenkyujo shoho Fukuoka Kogyo Daigaku. Erekutoronikusu Kenkyujo; Fukuoka kogyo daigaku sogo kenkyu kiko erekutoronikusu kenkyujo
0532-811X Fukuoka Kyoiku Daigaku Kiyo, Dai-3-Bu, Rika-Hen Fukuoka Kyoiku Daigaku
0388-6166 Fukuoka-shi Eisei Shikenjohäo Fukuoka City Institute of Public Health.; Fukuoka City Hygienic Laboratory.
0385-0064 Fukuoka Shika Daigaku Gakkai zasshi Fukuoka Shika Daigaku Gakkai
0387-0855 Fukushima Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu ronshäu rika häokoku Fukushima University. Faculty of Education.
1880-3903 Fukushima daigaku ningen hattatsubun kagakurui ronshu =; 福島大学人間発達文化学類論集 Fukushima daigaku ningen hattatsu bunka gakurui; 福島大学人間発達文化学類
0016-2582 Fukushima Igaku Zasshi Fukushima Igaku Zasshi Kankokai, c/o Fukushima-kenritsu Ika Daigaku Toshokan; Fukushima igakkai; 福島医学会
0016-2590 Fukushima journal of medical science Fukushima Medical College; Fukushima Society of Medical Science
0286-1593 Fukushima Käogyäo Käotäo Senmon Gakkäo kiyäo Fukushima National College of Technology.; Fukushima Technical College.
0289-3665 Fukushima-ken Eisei Käogai Kenkyäujo nempäo Fukushima Institute for Public Health and Environmental Science.
0429-8462 Fukushima-Ken Eisei Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku Fukushima-Ken Eisei Kenkyusho.
0387-4907 Fukushima-ken Naisuimen Suisan Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Fukushima Prefectural Inland Water Fisheries Experimental Station.
0367-3200 Fukushima-Ken Sangyo Shikenjo Hokoku Fukushima-ken Sangyo Shikenjo.
0288-724X Fukuyama Daigaku Yakugakubu kenkyäu nenpäo Fukuyama University. Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences.
0385-8308 Fukuyama Sen'i Käogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Hiroshima Kenritsu Fukuyama Sen'i Käogyäo Shikenäo.
1536-383X Fullerenes, nanotubes, and carbon nanostructures Marcel Dekker
1536-4046 Fullerenes, nanotubes and carbon nanostructures Marcel Dekker
1064-122X Fullerene science and technology Marcel Dekker, Inc.
0144-7769 Fulmer special report Fulmer Research Institute.
0532-8268 Fumi & polveri Publiteca Europea.
1438-793X Functional & integrative genomics Springer
1438-7948 Functional & integrative genomics Springer.
0862-8416 Functional and developmental morphology Academia; Ústav experimentální medicíny Akademie věd České republiky
1027-5495 Functional materials Institute for Single Crystals
2218-2993 Functional materials (e-vir) Institute for Single Crystals
1445-4408 Functional plant biology CSIRO Publishing
1445-4416 Functional plant biology (e-vir) CSIRO Publishing
0377-8355 Fundación Juan March. Serie universitaria Fundación Juan March.
0429-887X Fundamenta Balneo-Bioclimatologica [s.n.]
1472-8206 Fundamental & clinical pharmacology (e-vir) Elsevier
1164-5571 Fundamental and applied nematology Gauthier-Villars; ORSTOM
0272-0590 Fundamental and applied toxicology The Society
1095-6832 Fundamental and applied toxicology (e-vir) Academic Press
1067-5264 Fundamental and clinical cardiology Informa (Firm). Informa Healthcare.
0767-3981 Fundamental and clinical pharmacology Elsevier
0071-9854 Fundamental Phenomena in the Material Sciences Plenum Publishing Corp.
0532-8594 Fundamental problems in statistical mechanics North-Holland
0271-1842 Fundamental research in homogeneous catalysis Plenum Press
0379-8135 Fundamentals in respiratory diseases Belgian Soc. of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Dep. of Chest Diseases, State University.
0094-5846 Fundamentals of cosmic physics Gordon and Breach.
0168-1222 Fundamental theories of physics Springer Internat. Publ.,
0367-3359 Fundamenta Radiologica [s.n.]
0100-6398 Fundição e Matérias Primas Associação Brasileira de Fundição.
0429-8950 Fundidor Cámara de Industriales Fundidores de la Asociación de Industriales Metalúrgicos.
1087-1845 Fungal genetics and biology Academic Press
1096-0937 Fungal genetics and biology (e-vir) Academic Press
0148-9038 Fungicide and nematicide tests American Phytopathological Society.
0342-0426 Funk-Technik. Ausgabe ZV Hüthig und Pflaum.
0722-3684 Funktionelle Biologie & Medizin VCH.
0340-0840 Funktionsanalyse biologischer Systeme Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse.
0367-3383 Funk und Ton Verlag für Radio-Foto-Kinotechnik
0429-9051 Funsai Hosokawa Funtai-Kogaku Kenkyusho; Hosokawa mikuron funtai kogaku kenkyujo; Hosokawa funtai gijutsu kenkyujo; Hosokawa Mikuron
0386-6157 Funtai Kogakkaishi Funtai Kogakkai
0532-8799 Funtai oyobi fummatsu yakin Funtai oyobi funmatsu yakin kankokai; 粉体及び粉末冶金刊行会; Funtai yakin gijutsu kyokai; 粉体冶金技術協会; Funtai Fummatsu Yakin Kyokai
0287-6280 Funtai to käogyäo Nihon Funtai Käogyäo Gijutsu Kyäokai.; Association of Powder Process Industry & Engineering.
1300-9818 Fűrat tűp dergisi = Fűrat Üniversitesi
0254-5411 Fűrat Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi dergisi Fűrat Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dekanlűægű.; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Fűrat.
0095-943X Furniture manufacturer National Service Periodicals]
1348-1789 Furukawa denko jiho; 古河電工時報 (e-vir) Furukawa Denki Kogyo; 古河電気工業
0911-9280 Furukawa review Furukawa Denki Käogyäo Kabushiki Gaisha.
0367-3340 Fusäo Kinzoku Fusäo Kinzoku Käogyäo :; Shin fusou kinzoku kougyou.
0427-7775 Fusen Fusen Kenkyukai; Shigen Shori Gijutsu Kenkyukai
1000-8187 Fushe fanghu Yuanzineng Chubanshe,
1000-3436 Fushe yanjiu yu fushe gongyi xuebao Shanghai Science and Technology Press
1002-6495 Fushi kexue yu fanghu jishu Zhongguo Kexueyuan Jinshu Fushi Yu Fanghu Yanjiusuo,
1005-748X Fushi yu fanghu Shanghai Fushi Kexue Jishu Xuehui,
1005-3883 Fushun Shiyou Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0853-9936 Fusi Badan Tenaga Aton Nasional.
0016-3155 Fusion American Scientific Glassblowers Society.
0148-0537 Fusion Fusion Energy Foundation.
0920-3796 Fusion engineering and design North Holland
1873-7196 Fusion engineering and design (e-vir) Elsevier
1536-1055 Fusion science and technology American Nuclear Society
1943-7641 Fusion science and technology American Nuclear Society
0748-1896 Fusion technology American Nuclear Society
0429-9183 Fusso jushi Fusso Jushi Kenkyäukai.
0367-3170 Fusso Kagaku Nippon Fusso Kagaku Kyokai.
0910-447X Fusso kenkyu Fusso kenkyukai; Nihon fusso kenkyukai; Nihon fusso kenkyukai
0367-3375 Futterkonservierung [s.n.]
1479-6678 Future cardiology Future Medicine Ltd.
1744-8298 Future cardiology (e-vir) Future Medicine
1746-0875 Future lipidology Future Medicine
1746-0883 Future lipidology (e-vir) Future Medicine
1746-0913 Future microbiology Future Medicine
1746-0921 Future microbiology (e-vir) Future Medicine
1479-6708 Future neurology Future Medicine Ltd
1748-6971 Future neurology (e-vir) Future Medicine
1479-6694 Future oncology Future Medicine Ltd.
1744-8301 Future oncology (e-vir) Future Medicine
1746-0816 Future rheumatology Future Medicine
1746-0824 Future rheumatology (e-vir) Future Medicine
1746-0794 Future virology Future Medicine
1746-0808 Future virology (e-vir) Future Medicine
1672-3813 Fuza xitong yu fuzaxing kexue Kexue Chubanshe
1000-2243 Fuzhou daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0367-3405 FVOE, Fachzeitschrift fuer Oelfeuerung, Gasfeuerung und Energiewirtschaft FVÖ-Verlagsgesellschaft
0943-7169 FWG-Report FWG,
0015-9026 FWP journal South African Institute for Production Engineering.
0197-6087 FWS/OBS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.; Biological Services Program (U.S.)
0072-0038 Fysiatrický a reumatologický věstník Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně
0016-3368 Fysiatrický věstník Státní zdravotnické nakladatelství
0016-3392 Fysisk tidsskrift G. E. C. Gad
0532-9132 Fyzikálny časopis Slovenská akadémia vied.
1436-3976 FZR Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V.; FZR.
0918-9408 G.I. research Sentan Igakusha.
1434-2634 G.I.T. laboratory journal G.I.T. Verlag
0078-5717 G.M.I. short paper Oregon.
0379-7317 Gäang tiě yánjuäi Táng Ráng tiě gäongchǎng gěufìn yěonxiàn gäongsäi.
0251-0790 Gäaoděng xuéxiào huàxué xuébào Guójì Shäudiàn; Jílín dàxué
0133-0918 Gabonaipar Lapk.
0367-3553 Gaceta farmacéutica Impresores Unidos
0367-3715 Gaceta médica Hospital Luis Vernaza
0304-4858 Gaceta médica de Bilbao Academia de Ciencias Médicas (Bilbao)
2173-2302 Gaceta médica de Bilbao (e-vir) Elsevier Doyma
0367-4762 Gaceta médica de Caracas Congreso Venezolano de Ciencias Médicas; Academia Nacional de Medicina
0430-9405 Gaceta médica del Uruguay Imp. Lanus
0016-3813 Gaceta Medica de Mexico Unidad de Congresos del Centro Medico Nacional
2696-1288 Gaceta médica de México (e-vir) Publicidad Permanyer
0367-3812 Gaceta veterinaria Librart
0454-3742 Gacîug Uisain yengu-so-bo Gacug Uisain yengu-so.
0287-802X Gakujutsu rombunshu Chosen Shogakukai
0287-6779 Galaxea University of the Ryukyus. Sesoko Marine Science Center
0016-3996 Galaxia Asociación Argentina de Químicos y Coloristas Textiles.
0016-4011 Galenica acta Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Patronato Alfonso el Sabio
0016-4224 Galvano [s.n.]
0302-6477 Galvano organo [s.n.]
0982-7870 Galvano organo traitements de surface [s.n.]
0367-3693 Galvano-techniek Reflex
0016-4232 Galvanotechnik E. G. Leuze
0433-1427 Galvanotechnik und Oberflächenschutz Verband galvanotechnischer Anstalten der Schweiz.; Schweizerische galvanotechnische Gesellschaft.
0016-4240 Galvanotecnica Associazione Italiana di Galvanotecnica
1120-6454 Galvanotecnica & nuove finiture Associazione Italiana Finiture dei Metalli
0869-5326 Galʹvanotehnika i obrabotka poverhnosti.; Гальванотехника и обработка поверхности Galʹvanotehnika i obrabotka poverhnosti; Гальванотехника и обработка поверхности
0148-7280 Gamete research Liss
0016-4380 Gamma Nederlandse Vereniging van Radiologische Laboranten.; Nederlandse Vereniging Medische Beeldvorming en Radiotherapie.
0108-0954 Gamma Gamma,
0431-0055 Gamma Fédération nationale des syndicats des cadres de la chimie G G C
0435-1096 Gamma field symposia Institute of Radiation Breeding, NIAR, MAFF; Institute of Radiation Breeding, NIAS; Institute of Radiation Breeding, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
0130-1047 Gamma-globulin i drugie preparaty krovi Leningradskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut èpidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. Pastera.
1347-6955 Gan bunshi hyoteki chiryo; がん分子標的治療 Medikaru Rebyusha; メディカルレビュー社
0449-749X Gangtie Yejin Gongye Chubanshe,
1004-7638 Gang tie fan tai Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1001-0963 Gangtie yanjiu xuebao Yejin Gongye Chubanshe
1003-3874 Ganguang cailiao Huaxue Gongyebu Ganguang Cailiao Gongye Keji Qingbao ZHongxinzhan
1000-3231 Ganguang kexue yu guanghuaxue Kexue Chubanshe
0914-9783 Gankō Nihon Ganseki Kōbutsu Kōshō Gakkai
0016-450X Gann Japanese Cancer Association c/o Cancer Institute; Japan Publications Trading
0072-0151 Gann monograph on cancer research Japan Scientific Societies Press.; Taylor & Francis.
0099-9296 Gannon College Chemistry Journal
0021-4949 Gan No Rinsho Ishiyaku Publishers, Inc.
0387-6667 Ganryäu aminosan Research Society for Sulfur-containing Amino Acids.
0021-4825 Ganseki Käobutsu Käoshäo Gakkaishi Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists.
1345-630X Ganseki kōbutsu kagaku Nihon Kōbutsu gakkai, Nihon Ganseki Kōbutsu Kōsyō Gakkai; Nihon Kobutsu Kagakkai; 日本鉱物科学会
1000-5889 Gansu Gongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0254-606X Gansu Shi-da xuebao Gansu Shi-da Xuebao Bianjibu
0385-0684 Gan to kagaku ryäohäo Gan to Kagaku Ryäohäosha
1000-7555 Gaofenzi cailiao kexue yu gongcheng Chengdu Ke-Ji Daxue Gaofenzi Yanjiusuo,
1003-3726 Gaofenzi tongbao Huaxue Gongye Chubanshe,
0453-2880 Gaofenzi tongxun Kexue Chubanshe
1000-3304 Gaofenzi xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1002-0470 Gaojishu tongxun Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Qingbao Yanjiusuo
0253-4266 Gaoneng wuli Kexue Chubanshe
0254-3052 Gaoneng wuli yu he wuli Kexue Chubanshe
0253-3189 Gäongyè jìshù Gäongyè jìshù yánjiäuyuàn.
0287-8623 Gäosei gomu Japan Synthetic Rubber Company.
0387-0936 Gäosei jushi Gäosei Jushi Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäukai.; Japan Society of Plastics Technology.
0911-1166 Gäosei Senzai Kenkyäukaishi Japanese Research Society for Synthetics Detergents.; Research Society for Synthetic Detergents, Tokyo.
1006-7493 Gaoxiao dizhi xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1003-9015 Gao-xiao huaxue gongcheng xuebao Zhejiang Daxue,
0257-5655 Gāoxióng yīxué Kéxué zázhì Gāoxióng yīxué yuàn
1006-2866 Gaoxueya zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1001-1609 Gaoya dianqi Shaanxi Renmin Chubanshe,
1000-5773 Gaoya wuli xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1007-3809 Gaoyuan yixue zazhi Qinghai Sheng Yiyao Weisheng Xuehui Lianhe Bangongshi,
0016-4569 Garcia de Orta Junta de Investigações do Ultramar
0253-0597 Garcia de Orta Junta de Investigações do Ultramar,
0378-8032 Garcia de Orta. Série de estudos agronómicos Junta de Investigações Científicas do Ultramar.
0378-1240 Garcia de Orta. Série de geologia Junta de Investigações científicas do Ultramar.
0016-4682 Gardeners chronicle, the horticultural trade journal Haymarket Publishing
0379-5683 GARP publications series World Meteorological Organization, International Council of Scientific Unions.; World Meteorological Organization.; International Council of Scientific Unions.
0367-357X Gartenbau-Forschung [s.n.]
0016-478X Gartenbauwissenschaft Bayerischer Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH
0046-5437 Gartneryrket Norsk gartnerforening; Norsk gartnerforbund
0253-634X Garyounis scientific bulletin Garyounis University. Research Center.
0016-4828 Gas Vereeniging van Gasfabrikanten in Nederland.; Koninklijke Vereniging van Gasfabrikanten in Nederland.; Stichting Tijdschrift Openbare Gasvoorziening.
0016-4836 Gas Pacific Coast Gas Association.
0367-374X Gas Industrie-Verlag
0367-3766 Gas Casa editrice Fratelli Palombi.
0036-8008 Gas, Wasser, Abwasser Schweizerischer Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches
0016-5018 Gas, Wasser, Waerme Oesterreichische Vereinigung fuer das Gas- und Wassfach
0016-4852 Gas & oil power Whitehall Press
0016-4844 Gas abstracts Institute of Gas Technology.
0096-0780 Gas age Harbrace Publications
0095-9448 Gas age-record Robbins Pub. Co.]
0095-9456 Gas Age-Record and Natural Gas
0340-6067 Gas aktuell Messer-Griesheim-GmbH, Industriegase Krefeld.
0367-3537 Gas and Coke Tothill Press.
0538-7590 Gas chromatography Institute of Petroleum (Great Britain).
0538-7604 Gas Chromatography, International Symposium
0433-1931 Gas Council Research Communication [s.n.]
0072-0283 Gasdynamics M. Dekker.
0306-6444 Gas Engineering and Management Institution of Gas Engineers.
0156-9481 Gases in research and industry Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited (Australia)
0016-4917 Gas in Canada [s.n.].
0095-9464 Gas industry Light Pub. Co.,
0095-9472 Gas industry Periodicals Pub. Co.,
0433-1974 Gas in industry Walter King.
0099-930X Gas Institute News
0309-6890 Gas kinetics and energy transfer Chemical Society (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0390-5845 Gaslini Masson Editrice
0367-3758 Gasmaske [s.n.]
0039-6834 Gasnytt Svenska gasföreningen.
0431-042X Gas Record
0367-3731 Gas Review [s.n.]
0367-3707 Gasschutz und Luftschutz [s.n.]
0950-4214 Gas separation & purification Butterworth Scientific.
0367-3790 Gas Times [s.n.]
1078-3954 Gastips Gas Research Institute
1436-3291 Gastric cancer Springer
1436-3305 Gastric cancer (e-vir) Springer
0301-164X Gastroenterologia Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie
0367-5203 Gastroenterologiâ.; Гастроентерология Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя
0435-1339 Gastroenterologia Japonica The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
0399-8320 Gastroentérologie clinique et biologique Masson
0342-4421 Gastroenterologie und stoffwechsel Thieme.
0302-9255 Gastroenterologische Fortbildungskurse für die Praxis Karger,
0016-5085 Gastroenterology Elsevier North Holland
1528-0012 Gastroenterology (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0367-3545 Gas- und Elektro-Wärme Droste
0367-3774 Gas und Wasser Oesterreichischer Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachmaennern
0016-4909 Gas- und Wasserfach Oldenbourg Industrieverlag
0367-3839 Gas- und Wasserfach [S.n.]
0016-3651 Gas- und Wasserfach. Wasser, Abwasser Oldenbourg
0016-5182 Gasverwendung ZfGW-Verlag.
0375-9067 Gas Waerme S.n.
0020-9384 Gaswärme international Vulkan-Verlag Dr W. Classen
0016-5026 Gas world Benn Brothers
0367-5491 Gas world and gas & coke [s.n.]
0367-5505 Gas world and gas journal Benn Brothers
0096-1159 GATF research progress report Graphic Arts Technical Foundation.
0397-7625 Gattefossé report Gattefossé.
0016-5352 Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna Polskie Zrzeszenie Gazowników, Wodociągowców i Techników Sanitarnych.; Związek Gospodarczy Gazowni i Zakładów Wodociągowych w Państwie Polskim.; Polski Komitet Techniki Sanitarnej i Higieny Miast.; Polskie Zrzeszenie Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych.
0016-5328 Gaz d'aujourd'hui Journal des usines à gaz
0367-3847 Gaz de combat [s.n.],
0367-3529 Gazeta Clinica [s.n.]
0016-5395 Gazeta Cukrownicza Wydawnictwa Czasopism Technicznych NOT
0367-3561 Gazeta de física G.M.,
0367-4835 Gazeta mďica portuguesa Paulo Marques
0018-487X Gazette des hôpitaux civils et militaires Gazette des hôpitaux,
0301-0589 Gazette of Kasr-el-Aini Faculty of Medicine Cairo University, Faculty of Medicine
0420-8587 Gazette of the Egyptian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Egyptian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
1300-056X Gazi medical journal Gazi University Faculty of Medicine; Gazi Üniversitesi Tűp Fakültesi
0367-3820 Gaz i Woda Zrzeszenie Gazowników i Wodocięagowców Polskich.; Zwięazek Gospodarczy Gazowni i Zakładów Wodocięagowych w Państwie Polskim.; Polski Komitet Techniki Sanitarnej i Higieny Miast.
0201-6745 Gazodinamika i teploobmen Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0016-5581 Gazovaâ promyšlennost' Nedra
0205-8812 Gazovaâ promyšlennostʹ VNIIÈgazprom.
0205-8820 Gazovaâ promyšlennostʹ VNIIÈgazprom.
0205-8944 Gazovaâ promyšlennostʹ VNIIÈgazprom.
0202-571X Gazovaâ promyšlennostʹ. Seriâ, Korroziâ i zaśita truboprovodov, skvažin, gazopromyslovogo i gazopererabatyvaûśego oborudovaniâ VNIIÈgazprom.
0202-5744 Gazovaâ promyšlennostʹ. Seriâ, Podgotovka i pererabotka gaza i gazovogo kondensata VNIIÈgazprom.
0205-8863 Gazovaâ promyšlennostʹ gazovyh i gazokondensatnyh mestoroždenij VNIIÈgazprom.
0028-1166 Gazovoe delo.; Газовое дело [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0016-5603 Gazzetta chimica italiana Bardi editore
0433-2253 Gazzetta degli ospedali e delle cliniche Clinica medica generale dell'Università.
0016-5662 Gazzetta Internazionale di medicina e chirurgia E.M.E.S Edizioni mediche scientifiche.
0016-5670 Gazzetta Medica Italiana Minerva Medica.
0393-3660 Gazzetta medica italiana. Archivio per le scienze mediche Edizioni Minerva Medica
1827-1812 Gazzetta medica italiana archivio per le scienze mediche (e-vir) Edizioni Minerva Medica
0367-4797 Gazzetta medica italo-argentina [s.n.].
0540-1585 Gazzetta medica siciliana Ed. Minerva Medica.
0930-4320 GBF-Monographien Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung mbH Braunschweig-Stöckheim.
0388-1288 GC-MS news Kurume Daigaku. Igakubu. Gasu Kuromato Shitsuryäo Bunseki Igaku äOyo Kenkyu Shisetsu.
0433-485X Geäologikai Anagnäoriseis Ekthesis Institouto Geäologias Ereunäis Ypedafous
0367-5009 Geäoponika Geäoponikos sullogos Makedonias-Thrakäes
0016-5751 Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde Thieme
0367-3650 GEC-AEI journal of science and technology General Electric Company (Great Britain); Associated Electrical Industries.
0433-0455 GEC atomic energy review General Electric Company (Great Britain)
0140-0886 GEC bibliography GEC Power Engineering Ltd. Library.
0302-2587 GEC journal of science & technology General Electric Company
0267-9337 GEC review General Electric Company
0949-8036 Gefahrstoffe, Reinhaltung der Luft Springer VDI-Verlag
1436-4891 Gefahrstoffe, Reinhaltung der Luft (e-vir) Springer VDI-Verlag
0433-2644 Geka chiryäo Nagai Shoten
0389-5564 Geka to taisha, eiyäo Nihon Geka Taisha Eiyäo Gakkai
0285-6220 Gekkan haikibutsu Nippo ;; Nippo bijinesu ;; Nippo ai, bi
0386-4766 Gekkan saibäo New Science Co.
0911-3924 Gekkan shokuhin Shokuhin Kenkyäusha.
0016-5980 Gekkan yakuji Yakuji Kenkyäukai.
0367-472X Gelatine, Leim, Klebstoffe Elsner
0930-4606 Gelernt, vergessen [Umschau-Verlag Breidenstein].
0130-0997 Geliotehnika Fan
0254-542X Gelişme raporu Marmara Bilimsel ve Endüstriyel Araştirma Enstitüsü. Malzseme Araştirma Ünitesi.
0435-1991 Gematologiâ i perelivanie krovi.; Гематология и переливание крови Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0234-5730 Gematologiâ i transfuziologiâ Medicina
0367-4185 Gemmologist [s.n.]
0433-3004 Gemologia Associação Brasileira de Gemologia e Mineralogia.
0210-2528 Gemología Asociación Española de Gemología
0016-626X Gems & gemology Gemological Institute of America
0016-6278 Gems and minerals California Federation of Mineralogical Societies.
0016-3503 Gen. Gastroenterología, endocrinología y nutrición Sociedad Venezolana de Gastroenterología, Endocrinología y NutriciónSociedad Venezolana de Gastroenterología.
0375-8982 Gencho Hiroshima Igaku Hiroshima igakkai.; Hiroshima Medical Association.
0433-3047 Gendai Igaku Aichi-ken Ishikai
0533-7259 Gendai iryäo Gendai Iryäosha.
0386-961X Gendai kagaku Tokyo Kagaku Dojin
0910-4747 Gendai kagaku. Zäokan Tokyo Kagaku Däojin
0388-6719 Gendai Täoyäo igaku Medical Publication Center, Tokyo.
0378-1119 Gene Elsevier
1879-0038 Gene (e-vir) Elsevier
0275-2778 Gene amplification and analysis Elsevier/North-Holland,
0735-0651 Gene analysis techniques Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
0016-643X Geneeskunde Medica Publishers; Medpharm Publications
0016-6464 Geneeskundige gids G. Naeff
0367-5394 Geneeskundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie Geneeskundige Wetenschappen.
1052-2166 Gene expression Chicago Medical School Press
1555-3884 Gene expression Chicago Medical School Press
1438-7506 Gene function & disease Wiley-VCH
1438-826X Gene function & disease Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0016-6472 Genen en phaenen Nederlandse Genetische Vereniging.; Nederlandsche Genetische Vereeniging.
0158-0760 General and applied entomology Entomological Society of Australia (N.S.W.).
0016-6480 General and comparative endocrinology Academic Press.
0435-2440 General and comparative endocrinology Academic Press.
0141-2140 General and synthetic methods Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0099-9318 General contracting Engineering and Contracting Pub. Co.
0435-2467 General cytochemical methods Academic Press,
0095-9480 General Electric review General Electric Co.
0363-8626 General heterocyclic chemistry series Wiley
0435-2718 General Motors Engineering Journal
0306-3623 General Pharmacology Pergamon
0231-5882 General physiology and biophysics Veda
0097-1634 General practice clinics Washington Institute of Medicine.
0077-8443 General report Department of Geology, Mines & Rural Water Supplies.
0370-2995 General Report of the Minister of Mines, Quebec Dep of Mines.
0097-0352 General science quarterly W.G. Whitman
0367-178X General Series Circular - Fisheries Research Board of Canada Fisheries Research Board of Canada.
1075-7937 General technical report NC North Central Forest Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
0196-2094 General technical report PSW Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
0197-6109 General technical report WO / United States.
1601-183X Genes, brain, and behavior (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
1601-1848 Genes, brain and behavior Blackwell Munksgaard
1045-2257 Genes, chromosomes & cancer Alan R. Liss, Inc.
1098-2264 Genes, chromosomes & cancer Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0890-9369 Genes & development Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in association with the Genetical Society of Great Britain
1549-5477 Genes & development Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press in Association with the Genetical Society of Great Britain
1880-5779 Genes & genetic systems Genetics Society of Japan
1341-7568 Genes & genetic systems = Genetics Society of Japan
1555-8932 Genes & nutrition
1865-3499 Genes & nutrition (e-vir) Springer
1880-7046 Genes and environment Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society,
1880-7062 Genes and environment (e-vir) Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society
1360-7413 Genes and function Blackwell Science
1365-4624 Genes and function Blackwell Science
1466-4879 Genes and immunity Stockton
1476-5470 Genes and immunity (e-vir) Stockton
1466-9218 GeneScreen Blackwell Science.
1466-920X Gene Screen Blackwell Science
1526-954X Genesis Wiley-Liss
1526-968X Genesis Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1356-9597 Genes to cells Blackwell Science
1365-2443 Genes to cells (e-vir) Blackwell Science Limited
0969-7128 Gene therapy Macmillan
1476-5462 Gene therapy Nature Publishing Group.
1388-9532 Gene therapy and regulation VSP
1568-5586 Gene therapy and regulation VSP
0016-6707 Genetica Nijhoff; Junk
1573-6857 Genetica (e-vir) Kluwer
0016-6685 Genetica Agraria Istituto sperimentale per la cerealicoltura.
0016-6693 Genetica Iberica Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
1469-5073 Genetical research (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0016-6723 Genetical Research Cambridge University Press
1050-3862 Genetic analysis Elsevier Science Publishers; Elsevier
0732-8079 Genetic and cellular technology Dekker,
0016-6715 Genetica Polonica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0887-8307 Genetic engineering Academic Press,
0196-3716 Genetic engineering; Plenum Press
0270-6377 Genetic engineering news M. A. Liebert
1931-8413 Genetic engineering news (e-vir) M. A. Liebert
0925-9864 Genetic resources and crop evolution Kluwer Academic
1573-5109 Genetic resources and crop evolution (e-vir) Kluwer
0016-6731 Genetics Genetics Society of America
1943-2631 Genetics (e-vir) Genetics Society of America
1415-4757 Genetics and Molecular Biology Sociedade Brasileira de Genética.
1678-4685 Genetics and Molecular Biology (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Genética
1676-5680 Genetics and molecular research (e-vir) Fundação de Pesquisas Científicas de Ribeirão Preto.
1098-3600 Genetics in medicine Williams & Wilkins; Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; Nature Publishing Group
1530-0366 Genetics in medicine (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Nature Publishing Group
0072-081X Genetics lectures Oregon State University.
0999-193X Genetics selection evolution Elsevier
1297-9686 Genetics selection evolution (e-vir) EDP sciences
0272-9032 Genetic technology news Technical Insights,
1090-6576 Genetic testing Mary Ann Liebert
1557-7473 Genetic testing (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,
1479-0556 Genetic vaccines and therapy (e-vir) BioMed Central
0016-6758 Genetika Nauka
0534-0012 Genetika Unija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije
1820-6069 Genetika (e-vir) Serbian Genetics Society
0016-6766 Genetika i selekciâ Bťlgarska Akademiâ na naukite
0320-0035 Genetika i selekciâ v Azerbajdžane Obŝestvo genetikov i selekcionerov Azerbajdžana.
0754-0264 Génétique sélection évolution Institut national de la recherche agronomique
0433-3713 Génie chimique [s.n.]
0016-6812 Génie Civil B.P.I.,Ed
0266-4348 Genitourinary medicine British Medical Association
0831-2796 Genome The Council
1480-3321 Genome (e-vir) NRC research press
1050-8430 Genome analysis Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
1465-6906 Genome biology BioMed Central
1465-6914 GenomeBiology.com (e-vir) BioMed Central
1660-9263 Genome dynamics S. Karger,
1537-3053 Genome letters American Scientific Publishers,
1088-9051 Genome research Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
1549-5469 Genome research (e-vir) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
1070-2830 Genome science & technology Mary Ann Liebert
0888-7543 Genomics Academic Press
1089-8646 Genomics (e-vir) Academic Press
1672-0229 Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics Science Press
2210-3244 Genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics (e-vir) Elsevier
1536-7495 Genomics & proteomics Reed Business Information
0367-4169 Genshikaku Kenkyu Genshikaku danwakai; Genshikaku danwakai ;; Koenerugi dokokai; Genshikaku danwakai; Genshikaku kenkyu henshu iinkai; Genshikaku kenkyu henshu iinkai
1343-4446 Genshiryoku bakku endo kenkyu Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai
1343-3563 Genshiryoku eye Nikkan Käogyäo Shimbunsha.
0433-4000 Genshiryoku hatsuden Korona-sha.
0433-4035 Genshiryoku käogyäo Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun-sha.
1721-8039 GeoActa Università, Dipartimento di scienze della terra e geologico-ambientali
0390-2196 Geo-Archeologia Associazione Geo-Archeologica Italiana.
1472-4669 Geobiology (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
1472-4677 Geobiology Blackwell
0251-1223 Geobios University of Jodhpur
0016-7002 Geochemical Journal Geochemical Society of Japan, Department of Earth Sciences, Nagoya University
0065-5732 Geochemical report Alaska. Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys.; Alaska. Division of Mines and Geology.; Alaska. Division of Geological Survey.; Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals.
1467-4866 Geochemical transactions (e-vir) Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry in collaboration with the Division of Geochemistry of the American Chemical Society
0139-5181 Geochemie Ústřední ústav geologický,
0435-3269 Geochemistry [s.n.].
2041-4943 Geochemistry (e-vir) Geological Society Publishing House
1525-2027 Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems (e-vir) AGU and the Geochemical Society
1467-7873 Geochemistry: exploration, environment, analysis Geological Society Publishing House
0016-7029 Geochemistry international Scripta Technica
1556-1968 Geochemistry international Scripta Technica
0096-3089 Geochimica Plenum, China Program
0102-9800 Geochimica Brasiliensis Sociedade Brasileira de Geoquímica.
2358-2812 Geochimica Brasiliensis (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Geoquímica
0016-7037 Geochimica et cosmochimica acta Pergamon Press.
0046-564X Geochimica et cosmochimica acta Pergamon.
1872-9533 Geochimica et cosmochimica acta (e-vir) Elsevier
0367-4614 Geodætisk Instituts skrifter Geodætisk Institut.
0016-7061 Geoderma Elsevier
1872-6259 Geoderma (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0361-4433 Geodesy, mapping, and photogrammetry American Geophysical Union.; Scripta Technica, inc.
0016-7088 Geodesy and aerophotography / American Geophysical Union.; Scripta Technica, inc.
0016-7142 Geoexploration Elsevier
0016-7150 Geofisica e Meteorologia Societa Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia
0016-7169 Geofísica internacional El Instituto.
0367-4355 Geofisica pura e applicata [s. n.]; Istituto geofisico italiano,
0435-3374 Geofizičeskaâ apparatura Nedra, Leningradskoe otdelenie.
0433-4191 Geofizičeskaâ razvedka "Nedra".
0130-0180 Geofizičeskie metody razvedki v Arktike Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut geologii Arktiki.
0568-6989 Geofizičeskij sbornik Naukova dumka
0203-3100 Geofizičeskij žurnal Naukova Dumka
2524-1052 Geofizičeskij žurnal; Геофизический журнал (e-vir) Printing firm "Essay"
0016-7177 Geofizikai közlemények Eötvös Loránd Geophysical Institute of Hungary
1468-8115 Geofluids Blackwell Science
1468-8123 Geofluids (e-vir) Blackwell Science Ltd
0435-3404 Geofysikální sborník ... Academia; Nakladatelství Československé akademie věd
0072-1174 Geofysiske publikasjoner Geofysiske kommission.; Norske videnskaps-akademi.
0391-9838 Geografia fisica e dinamica quaternaria Comitato glaciologico italiano
0072-0917 Geografinis metrastis Lietuvos TSR mokslu akademijos Geografijos skyrius, Lietuvos TSR geografine draugija
0016-7282 Geographia Polonica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0435-3765 Geographical Bulletin Roger Duhamel, Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery.
0016-7428 Geographical review American Geographical Society
1931-0846 Geographical review (e-vir) American Geographical Society
0367-4398 Geographische en geologische mededelingen Oosthoek
0016-7525 Geohimiâ Nauka
0130-1128 Geohimiâ i rudoobrazovanie Naukova dumka
0431-2139 Geohimičeskie metody poiskov nefti i gaza "Gostoptehizdat".
0324-1718 Geohimija, mineralogija i petrologija BAN
0046-5720 Geologi Suomen geologinen seura.
0138-0974 Geologia AGH, Uczelniane wydawnictwa naukowo-dydaktyczne
0136-3212 Geologiâ Kazahskij politehničeskij institut.
0130-1071 Geologiâ, poiski i razvedka nerudnyh poleznyh iskopaemyh [s.n.].
0130-108X Geologiâ, poiski i razvedka rudnyh mestoroždenij Irkutskij politehničeskij institut; Irkutskij gosudarstvennyj tehničeskij universitet
0202-1285 Geologiâ, razvedka i razrabotka gazovyh i gazokondensatnyh mestoroždenij Severnogo Kavkaza VNIIÈgazprom.
0435-3870 Geologia Applicata e Idrogeologia Istituto di Geologia Applicata, Facolta di Ingegneria, Universita di Bari.
0072-0992 Geología Colombiana Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
1330-030X Geologia Croatica Institut za geološka istraživanja = Institute of Geology
1333-4875 Geologia Croatica online (e-vir) Institute of Geology
0016-7886 Geologiâ i geofizika Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie
0135-2164 Geologiâ i geohimiâ gorûčih iskopaemyh Naukova Dumka
0869-0774 Geologìâ ì geohìmìâ gorûčih kopalin; Геологія і геохімія горючих копалин Ìnstitut geologìï ì geohìmìï gorûčih kopalin NAN Ukraïni; Інститут геології і геохімії горючих копалин НАН України
1310-2265 Geologiâ i mineralni resursi.; Геология и минерални ресурси Izdatelstvo Geologiâ i mineralni resursi OOD; Издателство Геология и минерални ресурси ООД
0135-1605 Geologiâ i neftegazonosnostʹ Turkmenistana Turkmenskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij geologo-razvedočnyj institut.
0320-443X Geologiâ i razvedka gazovyh i gazokondensatnyh mestoroždenij.; Геология и разведка газовых и газоконденсатных месторождений [s.n.]
0367-5130 Geologiâ i rudonosnostʹ ûga Ukrainy.; Геология и рудоносность юга Украины Dnepropetrovskij universitet im. 300-letiâ vossoedineniâ Ukrainy s Rossiej; Днепропетровский университет им. 300-летия воссоединения Украины с Россией.
0202-5876 Geologiâ metamorfičeskih kompleksov Sverdlovskij gornyj institut im. V.V. Vahruševa.
0367-4681 Geologiâ morâ Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut geologii Arktiki.
0367-4193 Geologiâ nefti.; Геология нефти "Gostoptehizdat"; "Гостоптехиздат".
0016-7894 Geologiâ nefti i gaza "Nedra"
0016-7770 Geologiâ rudnyh mestoroždenij Nauka
0072-100X Geologia Sudetica Instytut Nauk Geologicznych PAN; Instytut Nauk Geologicznych, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
1519-874X Geologia USP Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências
2316-9095 Geologia USP. Série Científica Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências.
0435-4176 Geologìâ uzberežžâ ì dna Čornogo Azovsʹkogo morìv u mežah URSR.; Геологія узбережжя і дна Чорного Азовського морів у межах УРСР Vidavnictvo Kiïvsʹkogo unìversitetu; Видавництво Київського університету.
0016-7533 Geologia y Metalurgia Instituto de Geologia y Metalurgia de la Universidad Autonoma Potosina.
0433-4841 Geologiâ zakaspiâ Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0367-4215 Geologica [s.n.]
1695-6133 Geologica acta Institut de Ciències de la Terra "Jaume Almera" (CSIC)
1696-5728 Geologica acta Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona.
0324-0894 Geologica balcanica BAN
0016-755X Geologica Bavarica Bayerisches Geologisches Landesamt
1374-8505 Geologica Belgica Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
1335-0552 Geologica Carpathica Veda
1336-8052 Geologica Carpathica (e-vir) Veda, vydavatelstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied
1210-2695 Geologica Carpathica Clays Slovak Academic Press
0367-4150 Geologica Hungarica. Series Geologica [S.n.]
0085-0608 Geological bulletin Florida. Geological Dept.; Florida State Geological Survey.; Florida Geological Survey.; Florida. Division of Geology.; Florida. Bureau of Geology.
0096-3720 Geological bulletin Louisiana.; Louisiana.; Louisiana Geological Survey.
0097-4234 Geological bulletin Rhode Island. Industrial Commission.; Rhode Island. Port and Industrial Development Commission.; Rhode Island Development Council.; Rhode Island. Water Resources Coordinating Board.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0367-4045 Geological bulletin University of Peshawar.
0079-8037 Geological bulletin of the Panjab University Institute of Geology
0082-3309 Geological circular Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas.
0474-1706 Geological circular Ontario Department of Mines.
0479-2009 Geological investigation series of the Geological Survey of Pakistan Geological Survey of Pakistan
0072-1050 Geological journal Liverpool Geological Society and Manchester Geological Association
1099-1034 Geological journal John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
1469-5081 Geological magazine (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0016-7568 Geological Magazine Cambridge University Press
0368-9786 Geological Memoirs of the Geological Survey of China Geological Survey of China,
0368-9794 Geological Memoirs of the Geological Survey of China, Series B
0069-0619 Geological paper - Carleton University. Department of Geology Carleton University. Dept. of Geology.
0376-4540 Geological papers Jabatan Kajibumi Malaysia.
0472-9889 Geological report Ontario. Division of Mines.
0079-8738 Geological Report Québec (Province).; Québec (Province).; Québec (Province).; Québec (Province).
0459-2964 Geological Section bulletin Ministry of Industry, Geological Section
0096-896X Geological series University of New Mexico.
2041-4927 Geological Society, London, special publications (e-vir) Geological Society
0016-7606 Geological Society of America bulletin The Society
0921-4054 Geological Society of Zimbabwe Geological Society of Zimbabwe.
0580-4051 Geological Studies Dep Mines and Geology
0371-2575 Geological Survey bulletin Rhodesia Geological Survey
0364-6017 Geological Survey circular Geological Survey (U.S.)
0126-9046 Geological survey district memoir Geological survey of Malaysia
0537-2925 Geological Survey mineral economics series Indiana.
0367-4002 Geological Survey of Great Britain, Memoirs of the Geological Survey: Scotland [s.n.]
0077-8745 Geological Survey of New South Wales, Geological Survey Report New South Wales Dep of Mines.
0369-6715 Geological Survey of New South Wales, Mineral Industry of New South Wales New South Wales Dep of Mines.
0096-0446 Geological Survey professional paper U.S. G.P.O
0371-7186 Geological Survey Record. Tasmania Tasmania Geological Survey.
0371-7240 Geological Survey Report. Tasmania Tasmania Geological Survey.
0537-2933 Geological Survey special report Indiana. Geological Survey.
0083-1131 Geological Survey water-supply paper Geological Survey (U.S.)
0352-1206 Geologica Macedonica Univerzitet "Goce Delčev", Fakultet za prirodni i tehnički nauki = The "Goce Delčev" University, Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences
0435-3927 Geologica Romana Università degli studi "La Sapienza"
0099-4162 Geologic Atlas of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Geological Survey.
0072-1026 Geologica ultraiectina Rijksuniversiteit. Faculteit Aardwetenschappen.; Rijksuniversiteit. Instituut voor Aardwetenschappen.; Universiteit. Faculteit Aardwetenschappen.
0433-4779 Geologičeskij sbornik "Gosgeoltehizdat".
0435-4087 Geologičeskij sbornik.; Геологический сборник Lʹvovskij universitet; Львовский университет.
0367-4290 Geologičeskij žurnal Naukova dumka
0132-7003 Geologičeskoe stroenie i poleznye iskopaemye Nižnego Povolžʹâ Privolžskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0431-218X Geologické práce Geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra
0433-4795 Geologické práce Veda
2453-9767 Geologické práce (e-vir) Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra
0016-772X Geologický pr°uzkum NIS-Národní informační středisko ČR
0016-7738 Geologický zborník Veda
0016-7703 Geologìčnij žurnal.; Геологічний журнал Naukova dumka; Наукова думка
1025-6814 Geologìčnij žurnal.; Геологічний журнал Ìnstitut geologìčnih nauk NAN Ukraïni; Ìнститут геологічних наук НАН України
0016-7541 Geologic notes South Carolina Geological Survey.; South Carolina State Development Board. Division of Geology.
0065-5740 Geologic report Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals.; Alaska. Division of Mines and Geology.; Alaska. Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys.
0046-5747 Geologie Akad.-Verl.,
0367-3685 Géologie alpine Laboratoire de géologie de la Faculté des sciences de Grenoble; Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique
0367-3723 Géologie appliquée et prospection minière Association amicale des ingénieurs anciens élèves Ecole nationale supérieure de géologie (Nancy)
0246-0874 Géologie de la France Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (France)
0016-7746 Geologie en mijnbouw Koninklijk Nederlandsch Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap
1573-9708 Geologie en mijnbouw (e-vir) G.A. Tiesing
0397-2844 Géologie méditerranéenne Editions de l'Université de Provence
0367-4126 Geologie und Bauwesen Springer
0341-4043 Geologische Abhandlungen Hessen Hessisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung.
0016-7797 Geologische Blätter für Nordost-Bayern und Angrenzende Gebiete Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Geologie und Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Geologie
0016-7827 Geologische Mitteilungen Geologisches Institut, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
0016-7835 Geologische Rundschau F. Enke
1432-1149 Geologische Rundschau = Springer.
0016-7851 Geologisches Jahrbuch Niedersächsische Landesamt für Bodenforschung
0005-8017 Geologisches Jahrbuch. Beihefte Bundesanstalt für Bodenforschung
0341-6399 Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe A, Allgemeine und regionale Geologie BR Deutschland und Nachbargebiete, Tektonik, Stratigraphie, Paläontologie Schweizerbart in Komm
0341-6402 Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe B, Regionale Geologie Ausland Schweizerbart in Komm
0341-6410 Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe C, Hydrogeologie, Ingenieurgeologie Schweizerbart in Komm
0341-6429 Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe D, Mineralogie, Petrographie, Geochemie, Lagerstättenkunde Schweizerbart in Komm
0341-6437 Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe E, Geophysik Schweizerbart in Komm
0341-6445 Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe F, Bodenkunde Schweizerbart in Komm
0341-4027 Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen Hessisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung
0016-786X Geologiska föreningens i Stockholm förhandlingar Geologiska föreningen i Stockholm
0091-7613 Geology Geological Society of America.
1943-2682 Geology (e-vir) Geological Society of America
0097-2401 Geology and mining series Nevada State Bureau of Mines.; Mackay School of Mines.; Nevada Bureau of Mines.
1075-7015 Geology of ore deposits Russian Academy of Sciences
1555-6476 Geology of ore deposits (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0068-1016 Geology studies Brigham Young University.
0350-0608 Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva Department of Geology and Department of Palaeontology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University
2406-0747 Geološki anali Balkanskog poluostrva (e-vir) Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
0350-235X Geološki glasnik Federalni zavod za geologiju
0435-4249 Geološki glasnik Zavod za geološka istraživanja SR Crne Gore
0016-7924 Geološki vjesnik Geološko-rudarski institut Ministarstva industrije i rudarstva N.R. Hrvatske
0016-7932 Geomagnetism and aeronomy American Geophysical Union.
1555-645X Geomagnetism and aeronomy (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0016-7940 Geomagnetizm i aeronomiâ Nauka
0276-0460 Geo-marine letters Springer
1432-1157 Geo-marine letters Springer
1748-6025 Geomechanics and geoengineering Taylor & Francis
1748-6033 Geomechanics and geoengineering (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0149-0451 Geomicrobiology journal Crane, Russak & Co.
1521-0529 Geomicrobiology journal (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0185-1314 Geomimet : Organo de difusión de la Asociación de Ingenieros de Minas, Metalurgistas y Geologos de México Asociación de Ingenieros de Minas Metalurgistas y Geólogos de México
0016-7975 Geominas Núcleo de Bolívar, Universidad de Oriente
0435-4281 Geomorfologiâ. Nauka
0435-4311 Geonews Geological Survey of Pakistan
0324-525X Geonómia és Bányászat Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. Föld- és Bányászati Tudományok Osztálya.
0376-0642 Geonotes Geological Society of Jamaica
0367-4231 Geophysica Geophysical Society of Finland
0016-7983 Geophysical abstracts Geological Survey; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0309-1929 Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
1029-0419 Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0952-4592 Geophysical journal Royal Astronomical Society.; Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft.; European Geophysical Society.
0956-540X Geophysical journal international Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-246X Geophysical journal international (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0016-8009 Geophysical journal of the Royal Astronomical Society Blackwell Scientific Publications
0016-8017 Geophysical Magazine Kisho-cho
0065-8448 Geophysical monograph American Geophysical Union.
0016-8025 Geophysical prospecting Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd
1365-2478 Geophysical prospecting (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0378-6307 Geophysical Research Bulletin National Geophysical Research Institute
0431-2309 Geophysical research in Norway Geofysiske kommisjon
0094-8276 Geophysical research letters American Geophysical Union.
1944-8007 Geophysical research letters (e-vir) American Geophysical Union
0096-0454 Geophysical research papers Air Force Cambridge Research Center (U.S.). Base Directorate for Geophysical Research.; Air Force Cambridge Research Center (U.S.). Geophysics Research Division.
0016-8033 Geophysics Society of Exploration Geophysicists
1942-2156 Geophysics (e-vir) Society of Exploration Geophysicists
0138-2357 Geophysik und Geologie Akademie-Verlag
0435-4354 Geophysik und Geologie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaften.
0016-8106 Georgetown medical bulletin Georgetown University.
0435-4672 Georgia, Agricultural Experiment Stations, Mimeograph Series
0016-8122 Georgia agricultural research University of Georgia. College of Agriculture.
0147-9369 Georgia journal of science Georgia Academy of Science
2169-8481 Georgia journal of science (e-vir) Georgia Academy of Science.
0097-3750 Georgia mineral newsletter Georgia Geologic Survey.; Georgia. Dept. of Mines, Mining, and Geology.
0197-1425 Georgia tobacco research-extension report University of Georgia.; Georgia Tobacco Committee.
0253-9489 Geōrgikī Ereuna Ypourgeio Geōrgias. Ypīresia Geōrgikōn Ereunōn; Agricultural Research Service of the Ministry of Agriculture
0435-5601 Geos Universidad Central de Venezuela. Escuela de Geología y Minas.
0435-5628 Geoscience abstracts American Geological Institute
0252-1970 Geoscience journal Nav Jyoti Scientific Publications.
0381-1778 Geoscience report Ontario. Division of Mines.
1226-4806 Geosciences Journal Geological Society of Korea.
1598-7477 Geosciences Journal (e-vir) Korean Association of Geoscience Societies.
0704-2604 Geoscience study Ministry of Natural Resources.; Ontario. Division of Mines.
0164-2049 Geoscience Wisconsin Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey.
1639-4488 Geostandards and geoanalytical research CRGP; Association scientifique pour la géologie et ses application
1751-908X Geostandards and geoanalytical research (e-vir) Association scientifique pour la géologie et ses applications with the assistance of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique]
0150-5505 Geostandards newsletter Association nationale de la recherche technique (France); Centre de recherches pétrographiques et géochimiques (France)
1072-6349 Geosynthetics international ICE Publishing
1751-7613 Geosynthetics international (e-vir) ICE Publishing
2166-3394 Geosystem engineering (e-vir) Taylor & Francis; 1998-
0895-0563 Geotechnical special publication American Society of Civil Engineers
0149-6115 Geotechnical testing journal ASTM
1945-7545 Geotechnical testing journal (e-vir) American Society for Testing and Materials
0016-8505 Geotechnique Institution of Civil Engineers
1751-7656 Geotechnique (e-vir) Institution of Civil Engineers; Telford
0016-8521 Geotectonics American Geophysical Union
1556-1976 Geotectonics American Geophysical Union
0367-5378 Geoteknillisiä julkaisuja Geologinen tutkimuslaitos.
0016-853X Geotektonika Nauka
0324-1661 Geotektonika, tektonofizika i geodinamika BAN
0016-8548 Geotektonische Forschungen Schweizerbart
0375-6505 Geothermics Pergamon Press
1879-3576 Geothermics (e-vir) Elsevier
0253-679X Geoviews Geoviews.
0723-0834 Geowissenschaften in unserer Zeit Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung.
0016-8572 Gép Gépipari Tudományos Egyesület
1587-4648 Gépgyártás Gépipari Tudományos Egyesület.
0016-8580 Gépgyártástechnológia Lapkiadó
0367-5076 Gerber [s.n.]
0016-867X Geriatrics Advanstar Communications
0016-8696 Gerlands Beiträge zur Geophysik Geest und Portig
0343-5539 German chemical engineering VCH
0941-2921 German journal of ophthalmology Springer
0046-5844 German Medicine Thieme
0367-4266 Germanskaâ tehnika [s.n.]
0734-0664 Gerodontology Beech Hill Enterprises, Inc..
1741-2358 Gerodontology (e-vir) Blackwell
0016-898X Gerontologia S. Karger
0016-8998 Gerontologia clinica British Geriatrics Society.
1758-5341 Gerontologist (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0304-324X Gerontology S. Karger
1423-0003 Gerontology (e-vir) S. Karger
0367-3669 Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur Kenntnis der Kohle [s.n.]
0367-4029 Gesammelte Berichte aus Betrieb und Forschung der Ruhrgas Aktiengesellschaft Ruhrgas AG
0939-334X Geschichte der Pharmazie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Pharmazie e.V.
0016-9161 Gesnerus Sauerlaender AG
0369-8181 Gestencilde verslagen van interprovinciale proeven Plantenziektenkundige dienst.; Proefstation voor de Akker- en Weidebouw.; Proefstation voor de Akkerbouw.
0021-4639 Gesuidō Kyōkaishi Nihon Gesuidō Kyōkai
0367-4223 Gesunde Pflanzen Springer
1439-0345 Gesunde Pflanzen Springer
0367-4339 Gesundheitsführung des Deutschen Volkes [s.n.]
0016-9277 Gesundheits-Ingenieur R. Oldenbourg
0435-852X Gesundheitstechnik BAG Brunner,
1420-3219 Gesundheits- und Umwelttechnik Schweizerische Vereinigung für Gesundheits- und Umwelttechnik.
0016-9315 Gesundheitswesen und Desinfektion Neuer Hygiene Verlag
0367-4274 Gesundheit und Wohlfahrt Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gesundheitspflege.
0254-4946 Geterogennyj kataliz Bʺlgarska akademiâ nauk, Centr po himii.; Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Centre of Chemistry.
0367-4177 Getreide, Mehl und Brot Rheinisch-Westfälischer Bäcker-Verlag
0046-5879 Getreide und Mehl Schäfer
0454-627X Geumsog haghoeji Daehan geumsog haghoe
0253-3081 Geumsog pyomyeon ceo'ri Han'gug geumsog pyomyeon gonghaghoe
0376-4567 Gewasproduksie SA Vereniging vir Gewasproduksie.
0342-6068 Gewässerschutz, Wasser, Abwasser Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft an der Technischen Hochschule e. V..
0367-5483 Gewerbefleiss [s.n.]
0367-4282 Gewerschaftliche Rundschau für die Bergbau- und Energiewirtschaft Berg-Verlag GmbH.
1103-5897 GFF Swedish Science Press
2000-0863 GFF (e-vir) The Geological Society of Sweden
0253-0236 GF-Spectrum Georg Fischer AG (Schaffhausen)
0855-0484 Ghana Journal of Chemistry Department of Chemistry, University of Cape Coast.
0016-9544 Ghana Journal of Science Ghana Universities Press.
0932-6200 GI. Gesundheits-Ingenieur Oldenbourg
0016-965X Giardino fiorito Edagricole ;; EPE
0207-0111 Gibridnye vyčislitelʹnye mašiny i kompleksy.; Гибридные вычислительные машины и комплексы Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0253-6293 Gičo gwahag ąnyenguso nonmunjib Inha daihaggyo.
1593-6104 GIDM. Giornale Italiano di Diabetologia e Metabolismo Utet Periodici Scientifici.
0320-0051 Gidrataciâ i tverdenie cementov.; Гидратация и твердение цементов Uralʹskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektnyj institut stroitelʹnyh materialov; Уральский научно-исследовательский и проектный институт строительных материалов.
0435-9666 Gidravlika i gidrotehnika.; Гидравлика и гидротехника Tehnìka; Техніка.
0375-8990 Gidrobiologičeskij žurnal Institut gidrobiologii NAN Ukrainy
0207-9968 Gidrogeologiâ i gidrogeohimiâ.; Гидрогеология и гидрогеохимия Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta; Издательство Ленинградского университета.
0136-3360 Gidrogeologiâ i inženernaâ geologiâ Urala Izdatel'stvo Ural'skogo politehničeskogo instituta
0435-9712 Gidrogeologiâ i karstovedenie Permskij universitet im. A.M. Gorʹkorgo.
0320-1007 Gidrohimiâ Urala [s.n.].
0367-4665 Gidrohimičeskie materialy Gidrometeoizdat.
0016-9706 Gidroliznaâ i lesohimičeskaâ promyšlennostʹ [S.n.]
0320-4456 Gidroliznoe proizvodstvo.; Гидролизное производство [s.n.]
0367-4088 Gidromehanika.; Гидромеханика Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0016-9714 Gidrotehničeskoe stroitel'stvo Energiâ
0016-9722 Gidrotehnika i melioraciâ VO Agropromizdat
0435-9755 Giessener Beiträge zur Entwicklungsforschung. Reihe 1, Symposien Fischer.
0340-0654 Giessener geologische Schriften Lenz.
0016-9765 Giesserei Giesserei
0367-5386 Giesserei, Technisch-Wissenschaftliche Beihefte, Giessereiwesen und Metallkunde Giesserei-Verlag
0046-5933 Giessereiforschung Giesserei-Verlag GmbH
0367-4592 Giesserei-Praktiker Schiele und Schön
0016-9781 Giessereipraxis Fachverlag Schiele und Schön GmbH
0016-979X Giesserei-Rundschau Verlag Lorenz
0016-9803 Giessereitechnik Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie
0367-4584 Giesserei- und Maschinenbau-Zeitung [s.n.]
0367-4630 Giesserei-Zeitung Mosse
0367-4509 Gieterij De Hofstad
0304-5145 GIFT. Grupo Interuniversitario de Física Teórica de Altas Energías Grupo Interuniversitario de Física Teórica. España.
0072-4521 Gifu Daigaku Igakubu Kiyo Gifu Daigaku Igakubu.
0376-0332 Gifu Daigaku Kogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Gifu Daigaku Kogakubu.
0286-3251 Gifu Daigaku Kyäoyäobu kenkyäu häokoku Gifu University. Faculty of General Education.
0533-9529 Gifu Daigaku Kyoiku Gakubu Kenkyu Hokoku, Shizen Kagaku Gifu Daigaku Kyoikugakubu
0072-4513 Gifu Daigaku Näogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Gifu University. Faculty of Agriculture.
0376-0340 Gifu Ika Daigaku kiyäo Gifu Kenritsu Ika Daigaku.
0286-8644 Gifu Joshi Daigaku kiyo Gifu Joshi Daigaku
0385-1575 Gifu-ken Eisei Kenkyäujohäo Gifu Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
1340-2676 Gifu-ken Hoken Kankyo Kenkyujoho Gifuken hoken kankyo kenkyujo; Gifuken hoken kankyo kenkyujo
0385-1583 Gifu-ken Käogai Kenkyäujo nenpäo Gifu-ken Käogai Kenkyäujo.
0916-6998 Gifu-ken Sanshi Kenkyäujo yäohäo Gifu Prefectural Institute of Sericultural Science.
0389-6927 Gifu-ken Suisan Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Gifu Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station.; Gifu Prefectural Fisheries Research Institute.
0386-4332 Gifu Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kiyo Gifu Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko; Gifu kogyo koto senmon gakko; Gifu kogyo koto senmon gakko
0367-5246 Gifu Näorin Senmon Gakkäo Gakujutsu Häokoku Gifu Näorin Senmon Gakkäo.
0386-5665 Gifu Shika Daigaku Shingakubu kenkyu hokoku Gifu Shika Daigaku. Shingaku Katei
0434-0094 Gifu Yakka Daigaku Kiyo Gifu Yakka Daigaku
0321-2238 Gigiena, fiziologiâ i èpidemiologiâ na železnodorožnom transporte.; Гигиена, физиология и эпидемиология на железнодорожном транспорте Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut železnodorožnoj gigieny; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожной гигиены.
0320-0043 Gigiena i professionalʹnye zabolevaniâ Rižskij medicinskij institut.
0016-9900 Gigiena i sanitarija Narodnyî komessarijat zdravoohranenija SSSR
0367-5408 Gigiena i toksikologiâ pesticidov i klinika otravlenij.; Гигиена и токсикология пестицидов и клиника отравлений Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut gigieny i toksikologii pesticidov, polimernyh i plastičeskih mass; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт гигиены и токсикологии пестицидов, полимерных и пластических масс.
0130-1144 Gigiena i toksikologiâ polimernyh stroitelʹnyh materialov Rostovskij medicinskij institut.
0367-5025 Gigiena primeneniâ, toksikologiâ pesticidov i klinika otravlenij Medicina.
0376-253X Gigiena truda.; Гигиена труда Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0016-9919 Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevaniâ Medicina
0131-1697 Gigieničeskie aspekty ohrany okružaûŝej sredy.; Гигиенические аспекты охраны окружающей среды Institut obŝej i kommunalʹnoj gigieny im. A.N. Sysina; Институт общей и коммунальной гигиены им. А.Н. Сысина.
1341-3422 Gijutsubu gijutsu kenkyäu häokoku Tohoku University. Institute for Materials Research. Technical Services Division.; IMR.
0544-5795 Gijutsu shiryäo - Mitsubishi Sekiyu Kabushiki Gaisha Mitsubishi Sekiyu Kabushiki Gaisha.
0285-7561 Gijutsu to jäohäo Hokkaido Jäohäo Chäosakai.
0435-9976 Gillett Memorial Lecture
0300-9041 Ginecología y obstetricia de México Asociación Mexicana de Ginecología y Obstetricia
0017-0011 Ginekologia Polska Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
2543-6767 Ginekologia Polska (e-vir) Polskie Towarzystwo Ginekologiczne.
0017-0070 Giornale botanico italiano Società botanica italiana
0017-016X Giornale del genio civile Istituto poligrafico dello Stato
0017-0224 Giornale dell'arteriosclerosi Società italiana per lo studio della arteriosclerosi.
0367-4770 Giornale della Accademia di medicina di Torino Accademia di medicina.
0390-5462 Giornale di batteriologia, virologia ed immunologia Ospedale Maria Vittoria.
0017-0267 Giornale di batteriologia, virologia ed immunologia ed annali dell'Ospedale Maria Vittoria di Torino Ospedale Maria Vittoria.
0301-1453 Giornale di batteriologia, virologia ed immunologia ed annali dell'Ospedale Maria Vittoria di Torino. Parte I, Sezione microbiologica Ospedale Maria Vittoria di Torino.
0301-1445 Giornale di batteriologia, virologia ed immunologia ed annali dell'Ospedale Maria Vittoria di Torino. Parte II, Sezione clinica Ospedale Maria Vittoria di Torino.
0367-3952 Giornale di batteriologia e immunologia Ospedale Maria Vittoria.
0434-0272 Giornale di Biochimica Pensiero Scientifico.
0367-3987 Giornale di Biologia e Medicina Sperimentale
0367-3936 Giornale di Biologia Industriale, Agraria ed Alimentare [s. n.]
0367-4460 Giornale di chimica applicata [s.n.]
0367-4479 Giornale di chimica industriale Editrice di chimica.
0367-4053 Giornale di chimica industriale ed applicata Società di Chimica Industriale.
0017-0275 Giornale di clinica medica Cappelli,; Piccin,
0367-4312 Giornale di Farmacia, di Chimica e di Scienze Affini Società di farmacia.
1827-6156 Giornale di fisica della società italiana di fisica Springer
0017-0283 Giornale di fisica della Società italiana di fisica Editrice Compositori
0017-0291 Giornale di Geologia Istituto di Geologia e Paleontologia
0017-0305 Giornale di gerontologia Società italiana di gerontologia e geriatria
0367-4533 Giornale di gerontologia. Supplemento Società italiana di gerontologia e geriatria.
0017-0313 Giornale di igiene e medicina preventiva Università degli studi, Genova. Istituto di igiene e medicina preventiva
0017-0321 Giornale di Malattie Infettive e Parassitarie Giornale di Mallatie Infettive e Parassitarie
0017-0364 Giornale di medicina militare Italia. Stato maggiore dell'esercito
0017-0380 Giornale di Microbiologia Edizioni S.R.L. Quadrifoglio.
0367-4908 Giornale di ostetricia e ginecologia Società di ostetricia e ginecologia della Sicilia orientale.
0431-8889 Giornale di pneumologia Società Tosco-Emiliana di Pneumologia
0017-0399 Giornale di psichiatria e di neuropatologia Ospedale psichiatrico provinciale.
0367-4606 Giornale di Risicoltura Ed. La Sesia S.p.A..
0367-5289 Giornale di scienze mediche Associazione triveneta dei primari ospedalieri.
0367-4495 Giornale italiano della tubercolosi [s.n.].
0367-4622 Giornale italiano della tubercolosi e delle malattie del torace [s.n.].
0017-0437 Giornale italiano delle malattie del torace Giornale italiano delle malattie del torace.
0367-4452 Giornale Italiano di Anestesia e di Analgesia Edizioni Minerva Medica.
0367-4541 Giornale Italiano di Anestesiologia Edizioni Minerva Medica.
0046-5968 Giornale italiano di cardiologia Pozzi s.p.a
0017-0445 Giornale Italiano di Chemioterapia Edizoni Minerva Medica
0392-2227 Giornale italiano di chimica clinica Piccin Editore.
0017-0453 Giornale Italiano di Chirurgia Istituto Patologia Chirurgica, Policlinico
0376-0901 Giornale italiano di dermatologia Edizioni Minerva medica.
0367-4487 Giornale italiano di dermatologia e sifilologia Edizioni Minerva medica
0392-0488 Giornale italiano di dermatologia e venereologia Minerva medica
1827-1820 Giornale italiano di dermatologia e venereologia (e-vir) Edizioni Minerva Medica
0391-7525 Giornale Italiano di Diabetologia Utet Periodici Scientifici.
0391-9889 Giornale italiano di medicina del lavoro Fondazione Clinica del Lavoro.
0367-455X Giornale italiano di oftalmologia [s.n.]
0017-047X Giornale Italiano di Patologia e di Scienze Affini C.E.M. editrice.
0367-5475 Giornale veneto di scienze mediche Industrie grafiche Sorteni
0367-3855 Gipertoničeskaâ boleznʹ ateroskleroz i koronarnaâ nedostatočnostʹ.; Гипертоническая болезнь атеросклероз и коронарная недостаточность Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0272-5126 GI synopsis Gerhard Witzstrock Pub. House.
0016-3538 GIT Hoppenstedt Wirtschaftsverlag GmbH
1611-6038 GIT laboratory journal Europe GIT-Verl..
0017-0666 Givaudan Flavorist Givaudan Corp.
0271-7824 GJBX United States. Energy Research and Development Administration.; United States. Dept. of Energy.; Bendix Field Engineering Corporation.
0017-0682 Gjuteriet Tidskriften Gjuteriet.
0344-9629 GKSS GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH
0017-0690 Glaces et Verres [s.n.]
0099-5274 Gladiolus Magazine
0099-9954 Gladiolus Supplement
0081-3974 Glas Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
0371-4039 Glas Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
0374-0803 Glas SANU
0374-7956 Glas Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
0017-0763 Glas-, Email-, Keramo-Technik Verlag für Publizität
0367-4711 Glas + Instrumenten-Technik Hoppenstedt-Wirtschaftsverlag
0431-9397 Glasapparatetechnik
0017-0844 Glasers Annalen Georg Siemens Verlagsbuchhandlung
0367-4800 Glasgow Medical Journal [s.n.]
0367-4703 Glas-Industrie [s.n.]
0367-4444 Glasnik hemičara i tehnologa Bosne i Hercegovine Hemijski institut Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta
2232-7266 Glasnik hemičara i tehnologa Bosne i Hercegovine (e-vir) Prirodno-matematički fakultet
0017-0941 Glasnik Hemijskog društva Beograd Srpsko hemijsko društvo
0367-4428 Glasnik Hemiskog društva Kraljevine Jugoslavije Hemijsko društvo
0367-4789 Glasnik matematičko-fizički i astronomski Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo
0350-0136 Glasnik na hemičarite i tehnolozite na Makedonija Sojuz na hemičarite i tehnolozite na Makedonija
0367-5033 Glasnik Prirodnjackog Muzeja Srpske Zemlje Prirodnjački muzej
0367-4983 Glasnik Prirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu. Serija A: Mineralogija, geologija, paleontologija Prirodnjački muzej u Beogradu
0374-7948 Glasnik Republičkog zavoda za zaštitu prirode i Prirodnjačkog muzeja u Titogradu Republički zavod za zaštitu prirode
0409-0241 Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, Univerzitet u Beogradu Šumarski fakultet
2303-4130 Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine (e-vir) Zemaljski muzej Bosne i Hercegovine
2303-4149 Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine (e-vir) Zemaljski muzej Bosne i Hercegovine
0581-7528 Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu. Zemaljski muzej Bosne i Hercegovine
0017-0984 Glass Fuel and Metallurgical Journals Ltd
0096-2368 Glass & pottery world Trade Magazine Association..
0361-7610 Glass and ceramics Consultants Bureau.
1573-8515 Glass and ceramics Kluwer
0072-4637 Glass containers Glass Container Manufacturers Institute.
0017-1018 Glass digest Ashlee Pub. Co.]
0143-7836 Glass international Fuel & Metallurgical Journals Limited
0096-1752 Glass packaging Ogden Pub.,
0096-1930 Glass packer/processor Glass Pub.,
1087-6596 Glass physics and chemistry Interperiodica
1608-313X Glass physics and chemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0927-4472 Glass science and technology Elsevier
0946-7475 Glass science and technology Verl. d. Dt. Glastechn. Ges.
0017-1050 Glass technology Society of Glass Technology
0379-0460 Glass Udyog All India Glass Manufacturers Federation
0376-1754 Glass Worker
0017-1085 Glastechnische Berichte Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft
0017-1093 Glasteknisk tidskrift Glasforskningsinstitutet.
0367-469X Glas- und Hochvakuum-Technik Lang
0017-1107 Glaswelt A. W. Gentner
0017-114X Gleanings in bee culture A. I. Root Co.
0886-6236 Global biogeochemical cycles American Geophysical Union
1944-9224 Global biogeochemical cycles (e-vir) American Geophysical Union
1523-9470 Global cosmetic industry An advanstar Publication
1343-8808 Global environmental research Association of International Research Initiatives for Environmental Studies
1596-6798 Global journal of geological sciences Achudo Publishers
1118-0579 Global journal of pure and applied sciences Achudo Publishers
0163-3171 Global tectonics and metallogeny Laboratory of Global Tectonics and Metallogeny
0340-7896 Glückauf Verlag Glückauf
0017-1387 Glückauf-Forschungshefte Verlag Glückauf
0959-6658 Glycobiology IRL Press
1460-2423 Glycobiology (e-vir) IRL Press
0282-0080 Glycoconjugate journal [s.n.]
1573-4986 Glycoconjugate journal (e-vir) Kluwer
1349-9416 Glycoforum (e-vir) Seikagaku Corporation
0969-3653 Glycosylation & disease Rapid Communications
1432-3419 GMM-Fachbericht
0435-4265 GMT. Geo Marine Technology
0017-1417 Gnomon C. H. Beck
1225-0260 Go'bunja gwahag gwa gi'sul.; 고분자과학과기술 Han'gug go'bunja haghoe; 한국고분자학회
1229-8980 Go'mu gi'sul han-guk gomu hakoe
0253-3138 Go'mu haghoeji han-guk gomu hakoe
0253-3049 Goąndai ąnyengu bogo. Seąnur daihaggyo Seąnur daihaggyo, Goąngwa daihag.
0436-1075 Godinik na visšite tehničeski učebni zavedenija. Fizika Tehnika
0560-2270 Godišen zbornik Prirodno-matematički fakultet
0367-5548 Godisen Zbornik, Prirodno-Matematicki Fakultet na Univerzitetot, Skopje, Matematika, Fizika i Hemija Prirodno-Matematicki Fakultet na Univerzitetot
0353-0493 Godišen zbornik. Biologija Institut za biologija
0367-5564 Godišen zbornik - Filozofski fakultet na Univerzitetot, Skopje. Prirodno-matematicki oddel Filozofski fakultet
0065-1214 Godišen zbornik na Medicinskiot fakultet vo Skopje Medicinski fakultet
0351-8868 Godišen zbornik na Šumarskiot fakultet na Univerzitetot Skopje Šumarski fakultet
0351-9112 Godišen zbornik na Zemjodelskiot fakultet na Univerzitetot vo Skopje Zemjodelski fakultet
0367-5572 Godišen zbornik na Zemjodelsko-šumarskiot fakultet na Univerzitetot, Skopje Zemjodelsko-šumarski fakultet na Univerzitetot
0367-5580 Godišen zbornik na Zemjodelsko-šumarskiot fakultet na Univerzitetot, Skopje Zemjodelsko-šumarski Fakultet na Univerzitetot
0367-5556 Godišen zbornik - Prirodno-matematički fakultet na Univerzitetot, Skopje Prirodno-matematički fakultet
1311-4190 Godišnik na Himikotehnologičniâ i metalurgičen universitet Himikotehnologičen i metalurgičen universitet
0204-7799 Godišnik na Instituta po cvetna metalurgiâ Asociaciâ Metalurgiâ i mineralni surovini
0367-4568 Godišnik na Naučnoizsledovatelskiâ institut po neftoprerabotvane i neftohimiâ Izdatelstvo Tehnika
0367-4886 Godišnik na Naučnoizsledovatelskiâ i proektno-konstruktorski institut po cvetna metalurgiâ Tehnika
0081-1823 Godišnik na Sofijskiâ universitet. Biologičeski fakultet. 2, botanika, mikrobiologiâ, fiziologiâ i biohimia na rasteniata [S.n.]
0081-1858 Godišnik na Sofijskiâ universitet. Fakultet po matematika i mehanika Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0584-0287 Godišnik na Sofijskiâ universitet. Geologo-geografski fakultet Nauka i izkustvo.
0204-9937 Godišnik na Sofijskiâ universitet "Sv. Kliment Ohridski", Biologičeski fakultet Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Ohridski"
0204-9929 Godišnik na Sofijskiâ universitet Kliment Ohridski. Biologičeski fakultet Izdatelstvo na Bʺlgarskata akademiâ na naukite
0205-1672 Godišnik na Sofijskiâ universitet Kliment Ohridski. Fizičeski fakultet Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0205-1680 Godišnik na Sofijskiâ universitet Sv. Kliment Ohridski Universitetsko izdatelstvo Sv.Kliment Ohridski
0324-0525 Godišnik na Sofijskiâ universitet Sv. Kliment Ohridski. Geologo-geografski fakultet. Kniga 2. Geografiâ Universitetsko izdatelstvo Sv. Kliment Ohridski
0584-0317 Godišnik na Sofijskie universitet "Kliment Ohridski". Himičeski fakultet Nauka i izkustvo
0584-0279 Godišnik na Sofijskija universitet. Fizičeski fakultet [s. n.]
0204-9902 Godišnik na Sofijskija universitet "Sv. Kliment Ohridski", Biologičeski fakultet Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Ohridski"
0204-9910 Godišnik na Sofijskija universitet "Sv. Kliment Ohridski", Biologičeski fakultet Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Ohridski"
0324-0479 Godišnik na Sofijskija Universitet Geologo-Geografski Fakultet. Kniga 1, Geologija Sofijski Universitet, Geologo-Geografski Falultet
0367-5459 Godišnik na Visšiâ himikotehnologičeski institut Visš himikotehnologičeski institut.
0489-6211 Godišnik na Visšiâ himikotehnologičeski institut-Sofiâ Tehnika
0205-0439 Godišnik na Visšiâ institut po arhitektura i stroitelstvo-Sofiâ Visš institut po arhitektura i stroitelstvo
0489-622X Godišnik na Visšiâ Mašinno-elektrotehničeski institut Visši mašinno-elektrotehničeski institut.
0204-4218 Godišnik na Visšiâ pedagogičeski institut v Šumen Nauka i izkustvo
0367-5467 Godišnik na Visšija minno-geoložki institut- Sofija Tehnika
0436-1091 Godišnik na Visšite tehničeski učebni zavedenija. Priložna mehanika Tehnika
1226-9328 Goesystem Engineering Korean Institute of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineering
0364-7862 Gold and silver in . United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Bureau of Mines.
1027-8591 Gold bulletin World Gold Council
2190-7579 Gold bulletin (e-vir) Springer
0017-1557 Gold Bulletin World Gold Council
1016-5339 Gold bulletin & gold patent digest World Gold Council.
0161-2824 Golden's diagnostic radiology Williams & Wilkins,
0367-4991 Gold placer deposits at the foot of the Eastern Cordillera of Bolivia [s.n.]
0340-8507 Goldschmidt informiert Th.-Goldschmidt-AG.
0017-1689 Goldschmiede-Zeitung Zentralverband für das Juwelier-, Gold- und Silberschmiede-Handwerk, Bremen.
0367-4649 Goldsmiths Journal and Gemmologist [s.n.]
0432-0646 Goma S.n..
1019-8180 Gomal University journal of research Gomal University.
0367-4924 Gomu Nihon Gomu Kyäokai
0496-7194 Gōnchéng xuékān Zhōnghuá mínguó Táiběishì guólì Táiwān dàxué gōnxuéyuàn
1342-937X Gondwana research International Association for Gondwana Research. Department of Geoscience.; Osaka City University. Faculty of Science.
1878-0571 Gondwana research (e-vir) Elsevier
0253-231X Gongcheng rewu li xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1001-3539 Gongcheng suliao yingyong Guojia Dianjibu Di-153 Yanjiusuo
1225-0112 Gong-eopwahak; 공업화학 Han-guk gong-eop hwahakoe
1001-9731 Gongneng cailiao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-4252 Gongneng cailiao yu qijian xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1008-9357 Gongneng gaofenzi xuebao Huadong Huagong Xueyuan Chubanshe,
1008-1143 Gongye cuihua Huagongbu Xibei Huagong Yanjiuyuan
1002-1639 Gongye jiare Jixie Dianzi Gongyebu Xi'an Dianlu Yanjiusuo,
1005-829X Gongye shui chuli Huagongbu Gongye Shui Chuli Ke-Ji Xinxizhan,
1001-6678 Gongye weishengwu Quanguo Gongye Weishengwu Ke-ji Qingbaozhan,
1000-7164 Gongye weisheng yu zhiyebing An-Gang Laodong Weisheng Yanjiusuo,
1009-2455 Gongye yongshui yu feishui Gai Kan Bianjibu
0161-0872 Good roads American Road Builders' Association.
0161-1488 Good roads magazine League of American Wheelmen.; American Road Builders' Association.
0017-2243 Gordian Nahrungs- und Genussmittel-Fachverl. Gordian
1683-3902 Gorenie i plazmohimiâ K̦azak̦ universitetì
0350-350X Goriva i maziva Hrvatsko društvo za goriva i maziva
0208-189X Gorjučie slancy Estonian Academy Publishers
0367-5084 Gornaâ èlektromehanika i avtomatika Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo universiteta.
0138-0990 Górnictwo Ślęask
1732-6702 Górnictwo i Geoinżynieria Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków)
0043-2075 Górnictwo Odkrywkowe Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0131-1778 Gornoe davlenie i kreplenie gornyh vyrabotok Institut gornoj mehaniki im. G.A. Culukidze.
0017-2278 Gornyj žurnal Nedra
0367-4959 Gorodskoe hozjajstvo Moskvy Moskovskij rabočij
0017-2286 Gorsko-stopanska nauka [S.n.]
0204-6547 Gorsko stopanstvo Ministerstvo na gorite i gorskata promišlenost
0367-519X Gorûčie slancy [s.n.]
0378-0058 Gorye ṅüi-gi-dai jabji Gorye Daihaggyo ṅüihag gisur čogüb deihag
1016-2615 Goryeo insam haghoeji goryeo insam hakoe
0367-4967 Gospitalʹnoe delo.; Госпитальное дело Ministerstvo zdravoohraneniâ SSSR; Министерство здравоохранения СССР.
0367-4916 Gospodarka Mięsna Centrala Mięsna.; Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Spożywczego.; Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Spożywczego.
0017-2413 Gospodarka Paliwami i Energięa SEP.; Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich.; Polski Komitet Gospodarki Energetycznej FSNT-NOT.
0860-0953 Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi = Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe; Wydawnictwo IGSMiE PAN
2299-2324 Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi = "Versita"
0017-2448 Gospodarka Wodna Stowarzyszenie Członków Kongresu Gospodarki Wodnej.; Stowarzyszenie Gospodarki Wodnej.; Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Wodnych i Melioracyjnych.; Federacja Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych NOT.
0371-1331 Gosudarstvennaâ torgovlâ.; Государственная торговля CNIINTÈItorgovli; ЦНИИНТЭИторговли.
0367-4673 Göteborgs kungl. vetenskaps- och vitterhets-samhälles handlingar Vetenskaps- och vitterhets-samhället i Göteborg
0072-5056 Gothenburg studies in physics
0722-8775 Göttinger Pflanzenzüchter-Seminar Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung, Universität Göttingen.
0379-6035 Government of India. Reactor Research Centre Reactor Research Centre, Atomic Energy Commission.
0096-0799 Government reports announcements National Technical Information Service.
0097-9007 Government reports announcements & index U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service
0367-4657 Goz Klinigi Bulteni Goz Klinigi Bulteni
0016-3600 GP American Academy of General Practice.
0436-2624 Gradinarska i lozarska nauka Selskostopanska akademiâ.
0324-1025 Gradinarstvo .; Градинарство Nacionalen agrarno-promišlen s˝ûz; Национален аграрно-промишлен съюз
0082-3198 Graduate studies Texas Tech University.; International Center for Arid and Semi-arid Land Studies.
0367-4118 Græadina, via şi livada Ministerul Agriculturii şi Silviculturii.; ASIT.
0721-832X Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology Springer
1435-702X Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology (e-vir) Springer
0367-5041 Graellsia Sociedad de Amigos del Museo nacional de ciencias naturales
1989-953X Graellsia (e-vir) Sociedad de Amigos del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales
1522-1628 Graft Landes Bioscience
2160-0066 Graft (e-vir) Landes Bioscience; Sage Pub.
0367-505X Granja Editora Centaurus Ltda.
1434-5021 Granular matter Springer.
1434-7636 Granular matter (e-vir) Springer
2169-3439 Graphene Scientific Research Pub.
2169-3471 Graphene Scientific Research Pub.
0017-3312 Graphic arts monthly and the printing industry Cahners Pub. Co.
0017-3363 Graphic arts unionist Graphic Arts International Union.
0436-3213 Graphic Technology [s.n.]
0017-3495 Grasas y aceites CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones
1988-4214 Grasas y aceites Departamento de Publicaciones del CSIC
0072-5544 Grass Association of Green Crop Driers (Great Britain); British Association of Green Crop Driers.
0142-5242 Grass and forage science Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2494 Grass and forage science (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1744-6961 Grassland science Blackwell Publishing Asia
1744-697X Grassland science (e-vir) Blackwell
0202-2893 Gravitation & cosmology Russian Gravitational Society
1995-0721 Gravitation and cosmology (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0017-3606 Graždanskaâ aviaciâ.; Гражданская авиация Ministerstvo graždanskoj aviacii SSSR; Министерство гражданской авиации СССР.
2217-8139 Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije Society for Materials and Structures Testing of Serbia = Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije
2335-0229 Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije (e-vir) Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije
0160-239X Great Basin naturalist memoirs Brigham Young University.
2331-2742 Great Basin naturalist memoirs (e-vir) Brigham Young University
1463-9262 Green chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry
1463-9270 Green chemistry (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0367-5092 Greinar Vísindafélag Íslendinga
0367-5114 Grenzgebiete der Medizin [s.n.]
0303-2396 Gripp i respiratornye virusnye infekcii.; Грипп и респираторные вирусные инфекции Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0017-4319 Grits and grinds Norton Company.
0017-4491 Groenten en fruit Centraal Bureau van de Tuinbouwveilingen in Nederland.
0017-467X Ground water Water Well Journal Pub. Co.
1745-6584 Ground water (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0468-5067 Ground-water bulletin North Carolina. Division of Ground Water.; Geological Survey (U.S.); North Carolina. Groundwater Section.
0563-3516 Ground Water Bulletin. Thailand, Department of Mineral Resources Thailand Dep of Mineral Resources.
0549-7523 Ground-Water Circular. North Carolina, Division of Ground Water North Carolina, Dep of Water Resources, Division of Ground Water.
1047-9023 Ground water management Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers (U.S.)
1069-3629 Ground water monitoring & remediation Ground Water Pub. Co.
1745-6592 Ground water monitoring & remediation Blackwell Publishing
0277-1926 Ground water monitoring review Water Well Journal Pub. Co.
0473-1883 Ground water report Oregon. State Engineer.; Oregon. Water Resources Dept.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0096-8919 Ground-water report New Mexico.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0193-0761 Ground water series Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas,
0160-0974 Ground water series: circular Geological Survey (U.S.); Colorado Water Conservation Board.
0017-4793 Growth George Banta Pub. Co.
1041-1232 Growth, development, and aging Growth Pub.
0743-0779 Growth and maturation factors Wiley,
0897-7194 Growth factors Harwood Academic Publishers.
1026-7964 Growth factors (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1029-2292 Growth factors (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1096-6374 Growth hormone & IGF research Churchill Livingstone
1532-2238 Growth hormone & IGF research (e-vir) Churchill Livingstone
0072-7814 Growth of Crystals Plenum Publishing Corp.
0956-523X Growth regulation Churchill Livingstone.
0170-1991 GRS-Bericht Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit mbH.; Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbH.; GRS.
0017-4904 Grundfoerbattring Institutionen för markvetenskap, Lantbrukshögskolan.
1430-483X Grundwasser Springer
1432-1165 Grundwasser Springer
0134-8434 Gruntovedenie i inženernaâ geologiâ Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0367-5149 Gruźlica Związek Przeciwgruźliczy.; Polski Związek Przeciwgruźliczy.; Towarzystwo Badań Naukowych nad Gruźlicą.; Polskie Towarzystwo Badań Naukowych nad Gruźlicą.; Instytut Gruźlicy (Warszawa); Polskie Towarzystwo Ftizjopneumonologiczne.
0017-4955 Gruźlica i Choroby Płuc Polskie Towarzystwo Ftizjopneumonologiczne.; Instytut Gruźlicy (Warszawa)
0721-1694 GSF-Bericht GSF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH.
0344-6964 GSF-Bericht. BT Gesellschaft für Strahlen- und Umweltforschung mbH.
0344-6972 GSF-Bericht. Ö Gesellschaft für Strahlen- und Umweltforschung mbH.
0172-9446 GSF-Bericht. P Gesellschaft für Strahlen- und Umweltforschung mbH München.
0300-0133 GSF-Bericht. S Gesellschaft für Strahlen- und Umweltforschung.
0720-8235 GSF-Bericht. TOX Gesellschaft für Strahlen- und Umweltforschung mbH München.
0171-4554 GSI-Bericht Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH.
0171-4546 GSI-Report GSI,
1348-5725 GS news technical report (e-vir) Nihon denchi kenkyuu kaihatsu senta GS News Technical Report henshuu iinkai; Ji esu yuasa koporeshon kenkyuu kaihatsu senta GS News Technical Report henshuu iinkai
1349-7618 GS Yuasa technical report (e-vir) Ji Esu Yuasa Koporeshon Kenkyu Kaihatsu Senta GS Yuasa Technical Report Henshu Iinkai
0433-0544 GT & E Research and Development Journal
0253-2239 Guäanxué xuébào Shànghǎi Käexué jìshù chäubǎnshè.
1005-488X Guangdianzi jishu Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-887X Guangdong gongxueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-7162 Guangdong Gongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-1865 Guangdong huagong Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1006-446X Guangdong weiliang yuansu kexue Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1007-9939 Guangdong yaoxue Zhongguo Yaoxuehui Guangdong Fenhui
1006-8783 Guangdong Yaoxueyuan xuebao Guangdong Yaoxueyuan
1001-9448 Guangdong yixue Guangdong Sheng Yixue Qingbao Yanjiusuo,
1005-2607 Guangdong Yiyao Xueyuan xuebao Guangdong Yiyao Xueyuan
1003-7837 Guangdong youse jinshu xuebao Guangdong Youse Jinshu Yanjiuyuan
1004-8138 Guangpu shiyanshi Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-0593 Guangpuxue yu guangpu fenxi Beijing Daxue Chubanshe
1001-7445 Guangxi Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu.
1003-0840 Guangxi huagong Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-9164 Guangxi kexue Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1007-0311 Guangxi Minzu Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1008-3464 Guangxi nongye shengwu kexue Guangxi Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
1001-6600 Guangxi Shifan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui.
1005-930X Guangxi Yike Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0253-4304 Guangxi yixue Zhonghua Yixuehui Guangxi Fenhui :; Guangxi Yixue Kexue Qingbao Yanjiusuo,
1000-3142 Guangxi zhiwu Guangxi Zhiwu Xuehui
1004-924X Guangxue jingmi gongcheng Zhongguo Kexueyuan Changchun Jingmi Jixie Yanjiusuo; Kexue Chubanshe
1671-4229 Guangzhou Daxue Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-9677 Guangzhou huagong Guangzhou Shi Huaxue Huagong Xuehui
1009-220X Guangzhou huaxue Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-2596 Guangzhou Shiyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjishi,
1007-3213 Guangzhou Zhongyiyao Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1004-4213 Guangzi xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
0165-1358 GUA papers of geology. Series 1 Stichting GUA
1671-1505 Gudili xuebao Dizhi Chubanshe
0454-675X Gùgäong jíkäan Guálì Gùgäong Bówu Yuàn.
0253-2999 Gugrib bogen ąnyenguąnwen bo Gugrib bogen ąnyenguąnwen.
0368-606X Gug-rib gong-eob yeon-guso bogo Gug-rib gong-eob yeon-guso
0368-0134 Gûhatntesakan gitutûnneri teghekagir Ministerstvo sel'skogo hozâjstva ArmSSR.
0317-1922 Guidebook ... Annual Field Conference Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists. Field Conference.; Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists.
0367-9705 Guidebook - Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Field Conference
0096-8080 Guidebook to the geology of Utah Utah Geological Society.; Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists (U.S.)
0364-2577 Guidelines to metabolic therapy Upjohn Co.
1004-0676 Guijinshu Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1006-544X Guilin Gongxueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-2545 Guilin Yejin Dizhi Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-1625 Guisuanyan tongbao Nanjing Boli Xianwei Shejiyuan,
0454-5648 Guisuanyan xuebao Zhongguo Jianzhu Gongye Chubanshe
1000-2707 Guiyang yixueyuan xuebao Guiyang Yixueyuan
1000-2685 Guizhou gongxueyuan xuebao Gaikan Bianjibu
1007-6832 Guizhou Gongye Daxue xuebao Gaikan Bianjibu
1009-0193 Guizhou Gongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-5570 Guizhou Shifan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1000-744X Guizhou yiyao Guizhou Yiyao Zazhishe,
0250-5193 Gujarat Agricultural Universities Research Journal Gujarat Agricultural University.; S.D. Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar; Anand Agricultural University, Anand; Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh; Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari.
0042-4404 Gujizhui dongwu yu gurenlei Kexue Chubanshe
0379-3559 Gujvet Gujarat College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry.
1302-0471 Gülhane tűp dergisi = Gülhane Askeri Tűp Akademisi
0533-6627 Gumma Daigaku Kyoikugakubu Kiyo, Geijutsu, Gijutsu Hen Gunma daigaku; 群馬大学; Gumma Daigaku Kyoikugakubu
0017-5668 Gumma Daigaku Kyoiku Gakubu kiyo. Shizen kagaku-hen Gumma Daigaku Kyoiku Gakubu
1341-0245 Gumma-ken Käogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Gunma Prefectural Industrial Technology Research Laboratory.
0017-5595 Gummi, Asbest, Kunststoffe Gentner
0176-1625 Gummi, Fasern, Kunststoffe Gupta
0017-5609 Gummibereifung
0367-5424 Gummi und Asbest Gentner
0367-3782 Gummi- und Asbest-Zeitung [s.n.]
0367-5432 Gummi-Zeitung [s.n.]
0367-5521 Gummi-Zeitung und Kautschuk [s.n.]
0367-407X Gunma Daigaku kiyō. Shizen Kagaku-hen Gunma Daigaku
0367-4061 Gunma Daigaku Kyoyobu Kiyo Gunma Daigaku Kyoyobu.
0017-565X Gunma Journal of Medical Sciences Gunma University School of Medicine.
0434-9628 Gunma journal of medical sciences, supplementum Gunma University. School of Medicine.
0387-4559 Gunma-ken Eisei Kenkyujo, Gunma-ken Kogai Kenkyu Senta nenpo Gunma-ken Eisei Kenkyujo ;; Gunmaken kogai kenkyu senta
0387-4567 Gunma-ken Eisei Kōgai Kenkyūjo nenpō Gunmaken eisei kogai kenkyujo
0913-1523 Gunma-ken Kakuigaku Kenkyūkai kaishi Gunma-ken Kakuigaku Kenkyūkai
0285-7650 Gunma-ken Käogyäo Shikenjäo nenpäo Gunmaken Industrial Research Laboratory.
1349-4465 Gunma kenritsu sangyo gijutsu senta kenkyu hokoku Gunma kenritsu gunma sangyo gijutsu senta,
0289-4610 Gunma näogyäo kenkyäu. A, Säogäo Gunma Agricultural Research Center.
0386-0760 Gunma reports on medical sciences Gunma University. School of Medicine.
0533-6724 Gunma Symposia on Endocrinology Gumma Daigaku Naibumpi Kenkyusho.
0367-5254 Gunze Seishi Kabushiki Gaisha Kenkyäujo, kenkyu ihäo Gunze Seishi Kabushiki Gaisha. Kenkyäujo.
1009-606X Guocheng gongcheng xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1001-2486 Guofang Keji Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1673-2588 Guoji bingli kexue yu linchuang zazhi Zhongnan Daxue Chubanshe
1673-4130 Guoji jianyan yixue zazhi Chongqing Shi Weisheng Xinxi Zhongxin
1673-4378 Guoji mazuixue yu fusu zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1673-4394 Guoji mianyixue zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1673-4181 Guoji shengwu yixue gongcheng zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1673-4211 Guoji shengwu zhipinxue zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-5123 Guoji yanke zazhi Guoji Yanke Zazhishe
0376-4680 Guólì Táiwäan dàxué zhíwù bìng chónghài xuékäan Guólì Táiwäan dàxué zhíwù bìng chónghài xuéxì.; National Taiwan University.
0077-5819 Guólì Táiwān dàxué nóngxué yuàn yánjiū bàogào Guólì Táiwān dàxué nóngxué yuàn
0028-0275 Guólì Táiwān dàxué yīxuéyuàn yánjiū bàogào Táiwān dàxué yīxuéyuàn
0253-3197 Guólì zhäongguó yäiyào yánjiäusuěo yánjiäu bàogào Guóli zhäongguó yäiyào yánjiäusuěo.; National Research Institute of Chinese medicine.
1017-0537 Guólì Zhäongshäan dàxué xuébào Guólì Zhäongshäan dàxué.; National Sun Yat-Sen University.
0368-5012 Guólì zhōngyāng dàxué dìqiú wùlǐ yánjiūsuǒ xuékān Guólì zhōngyāng dàxué dìqiú wùlǐ yánjiūsuǒ
1009-9980 Guoshu xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-6591 Guowai yixue Weishengbu Shanghai Shengwu Zhipin Yanjiusuo
1001-0971 Guowai yixue Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-1005 Guowai yixue Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-103X Guowai yixue Ha'erbin Yike Daxue
1001-1110 Guowai yixue Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan Shengwu Yixue Gongcheng Yanjiusuo
1001-1773 Guowai yixue Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-2369 Guowai yixue Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1006-3730 Guowai yixue Chongqing Shi Yixue Qingbaosuo
1001-8751 Guowai yiyao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0017-5749 Gut British Medical Assoc.
1468-3288 Gut (e-vir) BMJ Publishing
0017-5838 Guthrie Clinic bulletin Donald Guthrie Foundation for Medical Research.; Donald Guthrie Foundation for Medical Education and Research.; Guthrie Clinic (Sayre, Pa.); Robert Packer Hospital.
1000-3819 Guti dianzixue yanjiu yu jinzhan Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1006-2793 Guti huojian jishu Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-4084 Guti runhua Zhongguo Kexueyuan Lanzhou Huaxue Wuli Yanjiusuo
2008-756X Guväarish = Anjuman-i mutikhaîsîsiîsäin-i guväarish va kabid-i äIräan
1560-7186 Guvārish.; گوارش Anjuman-i mutikhaṣṣiṣīn-i guvārish va kabid-i Īrān
2008-7578 Guvārish.; گوارش (e-vir) Anjuman-i mutikhaṣṣiṣīn-i guvārish va kabid-i Īrān
0017-5870 Guy's hospital gazette Committee of Guy's Hospital Gazette
0017-5889 Guy's Hospital Reports Guy's Hospital.
0253-0708 Guyana journal of science Faculty of Natural Sciences
1018-760X GWA Schweizerischer Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches.; Verband Schweizer Abwasser- und Gewässerschutzfachleute.
0254-5926 Gwahag gyoyug noncong jeonbug daehaggyo, gwahag gyo-yug yeon-guso
1226-4520 Gwang'hag'gwa gisul Optical Society of Korea.
0378-0066 Gyeol'haeg mic hoheubgi jilhwan Daehan gyeolhaeg mich hoheubgi haghoe; Daehan gyeolhaeg haghoe
0017-5900 Gyermekgyógyászat Ifjusági Lapk.
0367-5513 Gynaecologia S. Karger,
1610-2908 Gynäkologische endokrinologie (e-vir) Steinkopff
1610-2894 Gynäkologische Endokrinologie Springer-Medizin-Verl.
0951-3590 Gynecological endocrinology Informa Healthcare; Parthenon Publishing Group
1473-0766 Gynecological endocrinology (e-vir) Parthenon Publishing
0378-7346 Gynecologic and obstetric investigation S. Karger
1423-002X Gynecologic and obstetric investigation (e-vir) S. Karger
0017-5986 Gynecologic investigation S. Karger
2571-6581 Gynecologic investigation (e-vir) S. Karger
0090-8258 Gynecologic oncology Elsevier
1095-6859 Gynecologic oncology (e-vir) Elsevier
0017-601X Gynécologie et obstétrique Masson,
0017-6028 Gynecologie Pratique Vigot Freres, Editeurs
0388-788X Gyobyo kenkyu Gyobyo kenkyu danwakai; Nihon gyobyo gakkai
0434-9784 Gyógyszereink Gyógyszerip. Közp. Orvtud. Oszt.
0017-6036 Gyógyszerészet Magy. Gyógysz. Társ.
0301-8024 Gyógyszerésztudományi értesítő Magyar Gyógyszerésztudományi Társaság.
0021-5090 Gyoruigaku Zasshi Nippon Gyogaku Shinkokai; Nihon Gyorui Gakkai
0193-0001 Gypsum United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
1439-0353 H + G Blackwell.
0301-0481 H + G. Zeitschrift für Hautkrankheiten Grosse
0367-6234 Ha'erbin gongye daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0132-6112 Hǎbǎrlǎri - Azǎrbaěijan SSR elmlǎr akademiěiasynym. Bioloągiěia elmlǎri seriěiasy "Elm" nǎšriěiěiaty
1542-9660 Habitation Cognizant Communication Corp.
0379-5918 Hacettepe bulletin of natural sciences and engineering Hacettepe Üniversitesi
0072-9221 Hacettepe fen ve mühendislik bilimleri dergisi. Seri A Hacettepe Üniversitesi
1300-0608 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacűlűk Fakültesi dergisi Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacűlűk Fakültesi.; Hacettepe Universty Faculty of Pharmacy.
0162-5519 Hadronic journal Hadronic Press
0882-5394 Hadronic journal supplement Hadronic Press,
0367-5718 Haegun Kunuidan Chapchi ROK Naval Medical Center.
1108-2682 Haema Ellīnikī Aimatologikī Etaireia; Ελληνική Αιματολογική Εταιρεία
0017-6559 Haematologia VSP
0367-6005 Haematologia Akad. Kiadó
1568-5594 Haematologia (e-vir) Brill
0367-5599 Haematologia Hungarica Országos Vértranszfuziós Szolgálat. Központi Kutató Intézet.
0390-6078 Haematologica I Pensiero Scientifico
1592-8721 Haematologica (e-vir) Fondazione Ferrata Storti
0017-6575 Haematologica Latina Libreria Scientifica Goerliche C..
1824-9337 Haematologica reports Fondazione Ferrata Storti
0171-7111 Haematology and blood transfusion Springer.
0366-693X Häemika Hronika. Nea Seira Enäosäe Elläenäon Häemikäon
1351-8216 Haemophilia Blackwell Science
1365-2516 Haemophilia (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0301-0147 Haemostasis S. Karger
1006-7043 Haerbin Gongcheng Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1011-2723 Haeyang yeon'gu Han'gug haeyang yeon'guso
0254-1777 Haeyang yeon'guso so'bo Hangug haeyang yeon'guso
0253-6285 Hagsur nÿenguji - Čunćnam daihaggyo, Janÿen gwahag nÿenguso Čunćnam daihaggyo.
0017-6621 Hahnemannian Arland A. Lebo, M D.
0936-0891 Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin GmbH Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin GmbH.
0440-0836 Hahn-Meitner-Institut für Kernforschung Berlin GmbH Hahn-Meitner-Institut für Kernforschung Berlin GmbH.
0386-9628 Haigan Nihon Haigan Gakkai; Nihon haigan gakkai; %%%%%%
1001-2214 Hai-huyan yu huagong Qinggongyebu Zhiyan Kexue Yanjiusuo
0385-9894 Haikan gijutsu Nihon KäogyäoShuppan.
0917-0855 Haikibutsu Gakkaishi Japan Society of Waste Management Experts.
1671-8747 Hainan Shifan Xueyuan xuebao Hainan Shifan Xueyuan Xueshu Qikanshe
1003-6350 Hainan yixue Hainan Yixue Zazhishe
0253-6161 Haiṅyaṅ gaibar ṅyenguso sobo Haiṅyaṅ gaibar ṅyenguso
0440-0852 Hai to shin Kokuseido Publishing Company.
1007-2705 Haixia yufang yixue zazhi Fujian Sheng Weisheng Fangyizhan,
0254-6078 Haiyang dizhi yanjiu Dizhi bu haiyang dizhi yanjiusuo
0256-1492 Haiyang dizhi yu disiji dizhi Guoji Shudian,
1004-1281 Haiyang huanjing kexue Haiyang Chubanshe,
1000-3096 Haiyang kexue Haiyang Chubanshe,
0438-380X Haiyang kexue jikan Kexue Chubanshe
1671-6647 Haiyang kexue jinzhan Haiyang Chubanshe
1008-2336 Haiyang shiyou Gai Kan Bianjibu
0253-4193 Haiyang xuebao Haiyang Chubanshe
0253-505X Hǎiyáng xuébào China Ocean Press
0029-814X Haiyang yu huzhao Kexue chubanshe,
0792-4275 Hakiyma'iy beYiśra'el Haîhebrah HaYiśre'eliyt Lekiymyah.
0367-5629 Hakkäo Kyäokaishi Hakkäo Kyäokai.
0386-0701 Hakkäo to käogyäo Baioindusutoräi Kyäokai.
0385-6151 Hakkōkōgaku Kaishi Nippon Seibutsu Kōgakkai
0367-5963 Hakkō kōgaku zasshi Nippon Hakkō Kōgakkai
0517-6174 Hakko To Taisha Aminosan, Kakusan Shudankai, c/o Tokyo Daigaku Oyo Biseibutsu Kenkyusho.
0286-5491 Hakodate Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kiyo Hakodate Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0440-1123 Haksurwon Nonmunjip, Cha'yon Kwahak P'yon Secretariat, National Academy of Sciences.
0367-5637 Halbmonatliches Literaturverzeichnis der Fortschritte der Physik Vieweg; Reimer
0138-3647 Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften Haack
0367-5602 Hallesches Jahrbuch für mitteldeutsche Erdgeschichte Teubner.
0367-5998 Hamatekhet Technion Research and Development Foundation, Ltd, Israel Institute of Metals.
0440-0607 Hämatologie und Bluttransfusion J. F. Lehmanns Verlag
0438-4806 Hamburger Beiträge zur Angewandten Mineralogie, Kristallphysik und Petrogenese [s.n.]
1436-171X Hamburger Berichte Economica-Verl..
0724-0783 Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Gesellschaft zur Förderung und Entwicklung der Umwelttechnologien an der Technischen Universität Hamburg-Harburg e.V..
0440-1700 Hamburger Kuestenforschungen [s.n.]
0334-3812 Hamehandes Histadrąwt Hamehandesiym.
0720-9355 Hämostaseologie Schattauer.
2567-5761 Hämostaseologie (e-vir) Gesellschaft für Thrombose- und Hämostaseforschung
0253-312X Han'gug bu'sig haghoeji Han'gug bu'sig haghoe
0367-5807 Han'gug cugsan haghoeji Han'gug chugsan haghoe
1225-6285 Han'gug gwanghag hoeji; 한국광학회지 Han-guk gwanghakoe; 한국광학회
1738-4087 Han'gug hwan'gyeong bo'geon haghoeji Han'gug hwan'gyeong bo'geon haghoe
1225-5629 Han'gug hwan'gyeong wisaeng haghoeji han-guk hwan-gyeong wisaeng hakoe
1225-0562 Han'gug jaeryo haghoeji Han'gug jaeryo haghoe
1225-5688 Han'gug jaweon gonghag hoeji han-guk jawon gonghakoe
1598-642X Han'gug mi'saengmul saengmyeong gong haghoeji; 한국 미생물 생명공학회지 Han'gug mi'saengmul.saengmyeong gong haghoe; 한국미생물.생명공학회
0253-2980 Han'gug nagnong haghoeji Han'gug nagnong haghoe.
0253-3146 Han'gug nong'gong haghoeji han-gug nonggong hakoe
0368-2897 Han'gug nonghwahag hoeji Han'gug nonghwahaghoe
1229-7801 Han'gug se'la'mig haghoeji Han'gug se'la'mig haghoe
1226-3311 Han'gug sigpum yeong'yang gwahag hoeji Han'gug yeong'yang sigryang haghoe; Han'gug sigpum yeong'yang gwahaghoe
0253-6498 Han'gug weon'ye haghoeji Han'gug won'ye haghoe
0253-3154 Han'gug yeong'yang sigryang haghoeji Han'gug yeong'yang sigryang haghoe
0257-2362 Han'gug yujeon gonghagji Research Institute for Genetic Engineering.
0254-5934 Han'gug yujeon haghoeji Han-gug yujeon haghoe
0367-6285 Han'guk Sikmul Poho Hakhoe Chi Korean Society of Plant Protection.
0367-6293 Han'guk Sikp'um Kwahakhoe Chi Korean Society of Food Science and Technology.
0301-407X Han'il byeong'weon imsang jabji Han'il byeong'weon.
0082-3325 Handbook - Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin University of Texas at Austin.
0141-0326 Handbook of astronomy, astrophysics, and geophysics Gordon and Breach,
1383-8121 Handbook of biological physics Elsevier
0171-2004 Handbook of experimental pharmacology Springer
1865-0325 Handbook of experimental pharmacology (e-vir) Springer
0168-6275 Handbook of exploration geochemistry Elsevier
0924-6541 Handbook of hypertension Elsevier
0163-9102 Handbook of lipid research Plenum,
1521-446X Handbook of natural toxins M. Dekker,
1570-8659 Handbook of numerical analysis North-Holland ;; Elsevier Science
0167-3785 Handbook of powder technology Elsevier
1386-2766 Handbook of sensors and actuators Elsevier
0560-9208 Handbook - Republic of South Africa. Geological survey Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs.
0073-0033 Handbuch der experimentellen Pharmakologie Springer.
0367-5696 Handbuch der Keramik DVS-Verl..
0374-8006 Handbuch der Urologie Springer.
0436-7731 Handel en industrie De Hofstad
0367-5645 Handelingen van het Nederlands Natuurt- en geneeskundig congres Nijhoff : :; Bohn
0368-069X Handlingar - Ingenioersvetenskapsakademien Generalstabens litografiska anstalt.
1005-5053 Hangkong cailiao xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1002-0837 Hangtian yixue yu yixue gongcheng Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1738-2203 han-gugeung-yongsaengmyeonghwahakoeji Han'gug eung'yong saengmyeong hwa haghoe.
0253-651X Hangug gynnhaghoi ji Hangug gynnhaghoi
0440-2332 Hangug jamsa haghoi ji Hangug jamsa haghoi
0379-1521 Hangug ngüígwahag Hangug ngüígwahag.
0253-6501 Hangug sainćhwar gwahag nÿengunćwen rončonć Rihwa nyeja daihaggyo.
1226-0193 Han-gug yangsig hag-hoeji Han-gug yangsig hag-hoe
0367-6463 Han-gugyeong-yanghakoeji Han-gug yeong-yang hakoe
1598-9429 Han-gukdongmuljawon-gwahakoeji han-guk dongmul jawon gwahakoe
1225-6625 Han-gukgageumhakoeji; 한국가금학회지 Han'gug ga'geum haghoe; 한국가금학회
2383-5249 han-gukgyunhakoeji (e-vir) Han-gukgyunhakoe
1225-8024 Han-gukpyomyeon-gonghakoeji; 한국표면공학회지 Han-gug pyomyeon gong-hag-hoe; 한국표면공학회
1225-1089 Han-gukseomyugonghakoeji - han-gukseomyugonghakoe; 한국섬유공학회지 - 한국섬유공학회 Han-guk seomyu gonghakoe
2234-0491 Han-guk seramik hakoeji; 한국세라믹학회지 (e-vir) Han-gukseramikakoe; 한국세라믹학회
1225-4339 Han-guksikpumyeong-yanghakoeji Han'gug sigpum yeong'yang haghoe
0374-8111 Han-guksusanhakoeji Hangug susan haghoi; Han-guksusan-gwahakoe
0367-6315 Han-guk toyang biryo hakoeji Han-guktoyangbiryohakoe
0253-3618 Hangzhou Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0253-360X Hanjie xuebao Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng Xuehui Hanjie Xuehui
1006-9941 Hanneng cailiao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0254-5942 Hanṅyaṅ ṅüi-dai hagsur ji Hanṅyaṅ daihaggyo ṅigwa daihag
1431-4223 Hans Selye symposia on neuroendocrinology and stress Springer.
0302-0029 Hanzaigaku zasshi Hanzaigaku Zasshi Hakkojo; Nihon Hanzai Gakkai
0915-9606 Häochäudoku Japanese Association of Forensic Toxicology.
0367-6137 Häoi, kanshiki narabini shakai igaku zasshi Häoi, Kanshiki narabini Shakai Igaku Zasshi Hakkäosho.
0286-0201 Häosei Daigaku Ion Bäimu Käogaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Hosei University. Research Center of Ion Beam Technology.
0367-6099 Häoshasen igaku seibutsugaku Nihon Daigaku. Häoshasen Igaku Seibutsugaku Kenkyäukai.
0017-7865 Harãwqeaîh haibriy Histadrąwt Harãwqeîhiym beYiśrael.
1006-6780 Harbin Jianzhu Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-5897 Harbin Kexue Jishu Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-2683 Harbin Ligong Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1672-0946 Harbin Shangye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-1905 Harbin Yike Daxue xuebao Harbin Yike Daxue Qingbaoshi,
0453-7971 Harčova promislovistʹ.; Харчова промисловисть Tehnìka; Техніка
0017-7660 Hardware Age Chilton Co.
0096-2384 Hardwood record Hardwood Co..
0017-7768 Harefuah Harefuah :; American Physicians' Fellowship Committee.
0438-6124 Harlem Hospital Bulletin
1568-9883 Harmful algae Elsevier
1878-1470 Harmful algae (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1087-4003 Hart's fuel technology & management Hart Publications,
0367-6331 Härterei-Technik und Wärmebehandlung [s.n.]
0017-6583 Härterei-Technische Mitteilungen Rudolf Haufe Verlag
0017-7970 Hartford Hospital bulletin Hartford Hospital.
1063-0627 Harvard AIDS Institute series on gene regulation of human retroviruses Harvard AIDS Institute.
0073-0475 Harvard books in biophysics Harvard Univ. Press,
0097-2304 Harvard Forest papers Harvard Forest (Research facility)
0091-0597 Harvard pathophysiology series MIT Press]
0378-8865 Harvest Department of Primary Industry.; Department of Agriculture and Livestock.
0367-5610 Haryana Agricultural University Journal of Research Haryana Agricultural University
0970-2873 Haryana Journal of Horticultural Sciences Horticultural Society of Haryana.
0017-8314 Hasadeh Yarîhãwn Hasadeh.
0367-6323 Hatano Tabako Shikenjo Hokoku Nihon senbai kosha hatano tabako shikenjo; Nippon Senbai Kosha Hatano Tabako Shikenjo
0073-0912 Hattori Shokubutsu Kenkyujo hokoku Hattori Shokubutsu Kenkyujo
0172-8199 Haustechnik, Bauphysik, Umwelttechnik Oldenbourg
0367-5661 Hauszeitschrift der VAW und der Erftwerk AG fur Aluminium [s.n.]
0099-9393 Hawaii, Agricultural Experiment Station, Station Progress Notes
0099-4650 Hawaiian Planters' Monthly
0073-1358 Hawaiian planters' record Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association.
0046-6948 Hawaii farm science Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station.
0017-8594 Hawaii medical journal Hawaii Medical Association.; Hawaii Society of Medical Technologists.; University Clinical, Education & Research Associates.
0097-1030 Hawaii medical journal and inter-island nurses' bulletin Hawaii Medical Association.; Hawaii Nurses' Association.; Hawaii Pharmaceutical Association.; Hawaii Society of Medical Technologists.; Hospital Association of Hawaii.
1829-3999 Hayastani gitut'yunneri azgayin akademiaji teghekagir. Mekhanika (e-vir) Hayastani hanrapetut'yan gitut'yunneri azgayin akademiayi mekhanikayi istitut
1561-4190 Hayastani kŰimiakan handes Hayastani hanrapetutŰyan gitutŰyunneri azgayin akademia.; Nacionalʹnaâ akademiâ nauk Respubliki Armeniâ.
0730-5427 Hazard assessment of chemicals Academic Press,
1044-0631 Hazardous and industrial waste Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute.
0163-9099 Hazardous and toxic substances Marcel Dekker,
0738-6168 Hazardous waste Mary Ann Liebert
0882-5696 Hazardous waste & hazardous materials Mary Ann Liebert
1003-4978 He'nan Daxue xuebao Gai-kan Bianjibu
1673-2383 He'nan Gongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1003-3467 He'nan huagong Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1000-2340 He'nan nongye daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1000-2367 He'nan Shifan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1006-4095 He'nan shiyou He'nan Petroleum Journal Agency
1000-1069 He'nan Yike Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0017-8748 Headache American Association for the Study of Headache.
1526-4610 Headache (e-vir) Blackwell Science; American Headache Society
1561-8404 Health, hormones and disease Harwood Academic Publishers
0372-4166 Health and Safety Code, Authority Code. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
0361-2341 Health and Safety Laboratory environmental quarterly United States.
0017-9035 Health laboratory science American Public Health Association.
0017-9078 Health physics Pergamon Press
1538-5159 Health physics (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0090-2918 Health services reports Health Services Administration.
2327-6347 Health services reports (e-vir) United States.; United States.
1878-5891 Hearing research (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0378-5955 Hearing Research Elsevier/North-Holland
1355-6037 Heart BMJ
1468-201X Heart (e-vir) BMJ
1443-9506 Heart, lung and circulation Blackwell Science Asia.
1444-2892 Heart, lung and circulation (e-vir) Blackwell Science Asia..
0147-9563 Heart & lung C. V. Mosby Co.
0910-8327 Heart and vessels Springer Internat.
0099-9407 Heart Center Bulletin of St. Francis Hospital, Roslyn, N. Y St. Francis Hospital.
1521-737X Heart disease (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1422-9528 HeartDrug S. Karger
1424-0556 HeartDrug (e-vir) S. Karger
1470-8590 Heart failure monitor Remedica.
1382-4147 Heart failure reviews Kluwer Online
1573-7322 Heart failure reviews (e-vir) Kluwer
0947-7411 Heat and mass transfer Springer; Springer-Verl. New York
1432-1181 Heat and mass transfer Springer.
0392-8764 Heat and Technology Pitagora Editrice
0367-5742 Heating John D. Troup
0017-940X Heating, piping, and air conditioning Domestic Engineering Co.
0096-0594 Heating and ventilating National Trade Journals
0890-4332 Heat recovery systems & CHP Pergamon Press
0017-9337 Heat technology Selas Corporation of America.
1520-6556 Heat transfer, Japanese research Scripta Technica, Inc.
0096-0802 Heat transfer: Japanese research Scripta Technica, Inc.
0440-5749 Heat transfer: Soviet research American Society of Mechanical Engineers.; Scripta Technica, inc.
0145-7632 Heat transfer engineering Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1521-0537 Heat transfer engineering (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0017-9345 Heat treating Chilton Pub. Co. [etc.]
0096-2392 Heat treating and forging Steel Publications.
1536-2558 Heat treating progress ASM International.; ASM Heat Treating Society.
0305-4829 Heat treatment of metals Wolfson Heat Treatment Centre
0437-1291 Heat Treat Review Surface Combustion Division, Midland-Ross Corp.
1000-1565 Hebei Daxue Xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1001-9707 Hebei Dizhi Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-5358 Hebei Gongxueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1007-2373 Hebei Gongye Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1008-1534 Hebei gongye ke-ji Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-6743 Hebei Jianzhu Ke-Ji Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjishi
1008-1542 Hebei ke-ji daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-2829 Hebei Ligong Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-1573 Hebei Nongye Daxue xuebao Hebei Nongye Daxue
1001-9383 Hebei Sheng Kexueyuan xuebao Hebei Sheng Kexueyuan Xuebao Zazhishe,
1000-5854 Hebei shifan daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1007-3205 Hebei Yike Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1006-6233 Hebei yixue Hebei Sheng Yixuehui,
1000-1581 Hebei yixueyuan xuebao Hebei Yixueyuan
1002-7386 Hebei yiyao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1008-9519 Hebei Zhiye Jishu Shifan Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-1511 Hecheng huaxue Zhong-Ke-Yuan Chengdu Youji Huaxuesuo Tushu Qingbaoshi,
1672-4364 Hecheng runhua cailiao Hecheng Runhua Cailiao Zazhishe,
1002-1396 Hecheng shuzhi ji suliao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1000-1255 Hecheng xiangjiao gongye Zhongguo Shiyou Huagong Zonggongsi Hecheng Xiangjiao Jishu Kaifa Zhongxin; Hecheng Xiangjiao Ke-Ji Qingbao Zhongxinzhan
1001-0041 Hecheng xianwei gongye Zhongguo Shi-Hua Zonggongsi He-Xian Qingbao Zhongxinzhan,
0258-0934 Hedianzixue yu tance jishu Yuanzineng Chubanshe,
0197-8667 HEDL-TME Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory.
0258-0926 Hedongli gongcheng Yuanzineng Chubanshe,
0367-5734 Hedwigia Heinrich.
1003-5060 Hefei Gongye Daxue xuebao Hefei Gongye Daxue Xuebao Zazhishe,
1000-1980 Hehai Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0253-9950 He huaxue yu fangshe huaxue Yuanzineng Chubanshe
0367-5769 Heidelberger Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie Springer.
1001-7011 Heilongjiang Daxue ziran kexue xuebao Heilongjiang Daxue Chubanshe
1671-0118 Heilongjiang Ke-Ji Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-7034 Heilongjiang xumu shouyi Heilongjiang Xumu Shouyi Zazhishe,
1006-2882 Heilongjiang yiyao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0367-5777 Heil- und Gewürz-Pflanzen Hippokrates-Verlag
0341-0285 Heizung, Lüftung, Haustechnik VDI-Verlag
0017-9906 Heizung, Lüftung/Klima, Haustechnik VDI
0253-3219 He jishu Kexue Chubanshe
0254-6086 Hejubian yu dengliziti wuli Yuanzineng Chubanshe,
0174-3597 Helgolander meeresuntersuchungen biologische anstalt helgoland [S.n.]
0017-9957 Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen Biologische Anstalt Helgoland
1083-4389 Helicobacter Blackwell Science
1523-5378 Helicobacter (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing.
1342-4319 Helicobacter research Sentan Igakusha
1365-7291 Hellenic medical journal Smith-Gordon.
0440-6605 Helminthologia Slovak Academic Press Ltd.
1336-9083 Helminthologia Parazitologický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied
1455-2329 Helsinki University of Technology publications in materials science and metallurgy Helsinki University of Technology. Department of Materials Science and Rock Engineering.; Helsinki University of Technology. Department of Materials Science and Engineering.; Aalto University School of Science and Technology. Department of Materials Science and Engineering.; Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Materiaalien muokkauksen ja lämpökäsittelyn laboratorio.; Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Materiaali- ja kalliotekniikan osasto.; Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Materiaalitekniikan osasto.; Aalto-yliopiston teknillinen korkeakoulu. Materiaalitekniikan laitos.
0018-019X Helvetica Chimica Acta Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
1522-2675 Helvetica Chimica Acta (e-vir) Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta AG
0018-0181 Helvetica Chirurgica Acta Schwabe & Co.Verlag
0018-0203 Helvetica medica acta Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie.; Schweizerische Gesellschaft für innere Medizin.; Gynäkologische Gesellschaft der deutschen Schweiz.; Société d'obstétrique et de gynécologie de la Suisse romande.; Schweizerische Röntgengesellschaft.; Freie Vereinigung der schweizerischen Pathologen.
0367-5971 Helvetica medica acta B. Schwabe,
0073-1803 Helvetica Odontologica Acta Berichthaus,
0073-1811 Helvetica paediatrica acta B. Schwabe,
0018-022X Helvetica Paediatrica Acta Schwabe und Co
0367-6250 Helvetica physica acta Birkhäuser
0018-0238 Helvetica Physica Acta Birkhaeuser Verlag
0367-6226 Helvetica physiologica et pharmacologica acta B. Schwabe,
0367-6242 Helvetica physiologica et pharmacologica acta B. Schwabe
0278-0232 Hematological oncology Wiley
1099-1069 Hematological oncology John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
0073-1838 Hematologic reviews Dekker
1264-7527 Hématologie Société française d'hématologie
1766-0327 Hématologie (e-vir) Société française d'hématologie
1950-6368 Hématologie (e-vir) J. Libbey Eurotext
1024-5332 Hematology Harwood Academic Publishers.
1607-8454 Hematology (e-vir) Harwood Academic.
1466-4860 Hematology journal Macmillan
1082-8893 Hematopathology and molecular hematology Marcel Dekker,
0018-0289 Hemel en dampkring Wolters-Noordhoff
0437-2514 Hemera Zoa Drs Suratno, Bagian Ilmj Penjakit, Menular, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan dan Peternakan, Universitas Indonesia.
0046-7235 Hemicrania Sandoz Ltd.
0367-598X Hemijska industrija Savez hemičara i tehnologa Jugoslavije
2217-7426 Hemijska industrija (e-vir) Savez hemičara i tehnologa Srbije
0367-5793 Hemijska vlakna "Viskoza"
0440-6826 Hemijski pregled Srpsko hemijsko društvo
0363-0269 Hemoglobin Marcel Dekker
1532-432X Hemoglobin (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0917-5768 Hen'i gensei shiken SECC.; Safety Evaluation Center of Chemicals.
0387-9712 Hen'igen to dokusei Fuji Tekunoshisutemu.; Science Forum, Tokyo.
1004-437X Henan yixue yanjiu Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-2510 Hengyang Yixueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-8551 He nong xue bao Nongye Chubanshe
0096-1868 Henry Ford Hospital medical bulletin Henry Ford Hospital.; Edsel B. Ford Institute for Medical Research.
0018-0416 Henry Ford Hospital medical journal Edsel B. Ford Institute for Medical Research.
1499-3872 Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseases international Zhejiang University School of Medicine
2352-9377 Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseases international (e-vir) Elsevier
0172-6390 Hepato-gastroenterology Thieme
0161-0538 Hepatology Canadian Hepatic Foundation.
0270-9139 Hepatology Williams & Wilkins
1527-3350 Hepatology (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1386-6346 Hepatology research Elsevier
1872-034X Hepatology research Elsevier Science; Blackwell
1019-3316 Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences Interperiodica
1555-6492 Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0998-4399 Herba gallica Institut technique interprofessionnel des plantes à parfum, médicinales et aromatiques (Chemillé, Maine-et-Loire)
0018-0602 Herbage Abstracts Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
0367-5785 Herbage reviews Imperial Bureau of Pastures and Forage Crops.; Imperial Bureau of Plant Genetics: Herbage Plants.
0018-0580 Herba Hungarica Mezőgazdasági K.
1609-4573 Herbals and complementary medicine VICER Publishing
0018-0599 Herba Polonica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Oddział w Poznaniu
2449-8343 Herba Polonica (e-vir) Institute Fibres and Medicinal Plants
0018-0629 Hercules chemist Hercules Incorporated.
0018-0637 Hercynia Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest und Portig
0982-3816 Hercynica Société géologique et minéralogique de Bretagne
1731-2302 Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice Termedia
1897-4287 Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice (e-vir) Termedia
0018-0661 Hereditas Mendelska sällskapet; Mendelian Society of Lund
1601-5223 Hereditas (e-vir) Mendelska sällskapet i Lund
0018-067X Heredity Longman Group
1365-2540 Heredity (e-vir) Genetical Society of Great Britain
0439-0377 Hermsdorfer technische Mitteilungen Vorstand der Tridelta AG.
0018-0831 Herpetologica Herpetologists' League.
1938-5099 Herpetologica (e-vir) Chicago Academy of Sciences
0046-7324 Herz, Kreislauf Pflaum
0018-098X Hesperia American School of Classical Studies at Athens
1553-5622 Hesperia (e-vir) Harvard University Press
0439-0709 Hessisches Lagerstättenarchiv Hessisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung, Wiesbaden.
1042-7163 Heteroatom chemistry VCH Publishers
1098-1071 Heteroatom chemistry (e-vir) VCH Publishers
0385-5414 Heterocycles Sendai Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry
0144-8773 Heterocyclic chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0793-0283 Heterocyclic communications Freund Publishing House
2191-0197 Heterocyclic communications de Gruyter
0099-9423 Heterocyclic Compounds John Wiley and Sons.
1068-6983 Heterogeneous chemistry reviews J. Wiley
0020-1235 Het ingenieursblad Ingenieurshuis.
1003-9988 Hewuli dongtai Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0029-5647 Hézěi Käexué Zhäonghuá mínguó hénéng xuéhuì.
0073-2079 Hickory Task Force Report Southeastern Forest Experiment Station.
0073-2087 Hidrobiologia Cartimex; Editura Academiei Române
0324-0924 Hidrobiologiâ Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite.
0018-1323 Hidrológiai közlöny Lapk.
2939-8495 Hidrológiai közlöny (e-vir) Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság
0439-0962 Hidrotehnica Hidrotehnica.
0018-134X Hidrotehnica, gospodæarirea apelor, meteorologie Consiliul Naţional al Inginerilor şi Tehnicienilor.; Comitetul de Stat al Apelor.
0018-1390 Hifu Nihon Hifuka Gakkai. Osaka Chihokai
0368-2846 Hifuka hinyokika zasshi Nihon Hifuka Gakkai
0368-3524 Hifuka seibyoka zasshi Nihon Hifuka Gakkai
1347-1813 Hifu no kagaku Nihon hifuka gakkai osaka chihokai, keiji chihokai,
0440-4866 HIG Hawaii Institute of Geophysics.; United States. Office of Naval Research.
0910-9722 Higashi Nippon shigaku zasshi Higashi Nippon Dental Society.
1527-0297 High altitude medicine & biology Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-8682 High altitude medicine & biology Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1179-1985 High blood pressure & cardiovascular prevention Editrice Kurtis s.r.l.; Adis International
1120-9879 High blood pressure & Cardiovascular prevention Editrice Kurtis.; Wolters Kluwer Health; Adis
0018-1439 High energy chemistry Consultants Bureau
1608-3148 High energy chemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1574-1818 High energy density physics Elsevier Science
1878-0563 High energy density physics (e-vir) Elsevier
0018-1668 Highlights of agricultural research Auburn University.; Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station.
1539-2996 Highlights of astronomy International Astronomical Union.; Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
1342-3428 High performance computing in RIKEN Institute of Physical and Chemical Research. Computation Center.
0270-8531 High-performance liquid chromatography Academic Press,
0954-0083 High performance polymers Carfax
1361-6412 High performance polymers (e-vir) Carfax
1469-0071 High performance structures and materials WIT Press
0073-2109 High polymers, [Interscience Publishers]
0895-7959 High pressure research Gordon and Breach
1477-2299 High pressure research (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0315-1484 High school chemistry teachers' magazine Chemical Institute of Canada.
0146-4752 High solids coatings Technology Marketing Corp.]
0099-9431 High Speed Testing Interscience Publishers.
0277-2981 High technology Technology Pub. Co.,
0895-8432 High technology business Infotechnology Pub. Corp.
1006-6748 High Technology Letters Editorial Department of High Technology Letters
0018-151X High temperature Consultants Bureau.
1608-3156 High temperature (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1080-1278 High temperature and materials science Humana Press
1093-3611 High temperature material processes Begell House
1940-4360 High temperature material processes Begell House
0334-6455 High-temperature materials and processes Freund Pub. House.
2191-0324 High-temperature materials and processes de Gruyter
0460-1181 High Temperature Reaction Rate Data [s.n.]
0018-1544 High Temperatures. High Pressures Pion Limited
0018-1536 High temperature science Humana Press
1472-3441 High temperatures - high pressures (e-vir) Pion
0261-9180 High temperature technology Butterworth Scientific Limited-Journals Division
1471-5724 High-throughput screening [Elsevier Science]
0018-1730 Highway research abstracts Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences
0376-4788 Highway research bulletin Indian Roads Congress
0073-2206 Highway research record National Research Council (U.S.).
0368-5519 Higiena Ministerstvo na narodnoto zdrave i socialnite griži.
0368-5241 Higiena, epidemiologija i mikrobiologija Medicina i fizkultura
0018-8247 Higiena i zdraveopazvane Medicina i fizkultura
0437-4509 Higiene Higiene Sociedad Mexicana de Salud Publica, Director.
0367-584X Higijena vlasnik Savez lekarskih društava FNRJ
0367-5866 Hi-hakai kensa Hihakai kensaho kenkyukai; Nihon Hi-hakai Kensa Kyokai
0018-1803 Hikaku Gijutsu Nihon Hikaku Gijutsu Kyokai, c/o Kogyo Gijutsu-in Tokyo Kogyo Shikenjo Dai-7-bu.
0018-1811 Hikaku Kagaku Nippon Hikaku Gijutsu Kyokai; Nihon hikaku gijutsu kyokai
0916-3786 Hikaku seiri seikagaku Nihon Hikaku Seiri Seikagakkai; Nihon Hikaku Seiri Seikagakkai; Nihon hikaku seiri seikagakkai; Nihon hikaku seiri seikagakkai
1341-1659 Hikaku shakai bunka Kyushu daigaku daigakuin hikaku shakai bunka kenkyuka; Kyushu daigaku daigakuin hikaku shakai bunka gakufu
0917-026X Hikari araiansu Nihon Käogyäo Shuppan.
0367-5882 Hiken Kaiho Nihon Hiryo Kentei Kyokai.
0073-2230 Hilgardia California Agricultural Experiment Station
0440-8128 Hilger journal Hilger and Watts Ltd.
0970-1281 Himalayan Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin Garhwal University.
0379-5101 Himalayan geology Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology
0970-2903 Himalayan Journal of Environment and Zoology B.D. Joshi
1343-229X Himan kenkyu Nihon Himan Gakkai; Nihon himan gakkai
0917-0901 Himeji Käogyäo Daigaku Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Himeji Institute of Technology. Faculty of Engineering.
0439-1535 Himeji Käogyäo Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku. A Himeji Institute of Technology.; Himeji Technical College.
1347-9202 Himeji kougyou daigaku daigakuin kougaku kenkyuuka kenkyuu houkoku Himeji Institute of Technology. Graduate School of Engineering.
0861-9255 Himiâ.; Химия Ministerstvo na obrasovanieto i naukata; Министерство на образованието и науката.
0368-4903 Himiâ belka.; Химия белка Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta; Издательство Московского университета.
0201-7474 Himiâ drevesiny "Zinatne"
0201-6699 Himiâ èlementoorganičeskih soedinenij Gorʹkovskij universitet im. N.I. Lobačevskogo.
0132-6244 Himiâ geterocikličeskih soedinenij "Zinatne"
0368-5985 Himiâ i himičeskaâ tehnologiâ
0368-6043 Himiâ i himičeskaâ tehnologiâ Kazahskij universitet im. S.M. Kirova.
1310-6716 Himiâ i industriâ.; Химия и индустрия Sʺûz na himicite v Bʺlgariâ; Съюз на химиците в България
0130-5980 Himiâ i tehnologiâ bumagi Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0132-7046 Himiâ i tehnologiâ cellûlozy.; Химия и технология целлюлозы Leningradskaâ lesotehničeskaâ akademiâ im. S.M. Kirova; Ленинградская лесотехническая академия им. С.М. Кирова
0131-7423 Himiâ i tehnologiâ cellûlozy i volokna Institut himii i tehnologii hlopkovoj cellûlozy.
0302-5462 Himiâ i tehnologiâ molibdena i volʹframa.; Химия и технология молибдена и вольфрама Kabardino-Balkarskij gosudarstvennyj universitet; Кабардино-Балкарский государственный университет.
0023-1169 Himiâ i tehnologiâ topliv i masel Himiâ
0204-3556 Himiâ i tehnologiâ vody "Naukova dumka"
0454-8833 Himiâ i termodinamika rastvorov Idatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0130-5972 Himiâ i zizn' Akademiâ nauk SSSR
0023-1150 Himiâ prirodnyh soedinenij Fan
0134-4927 Himiâ-proizvodstvu.; Химия-производству "Znanie"; "Знание".
1029-5143 Himiâ rastitel#nogo syr#â (e-vir) Himiâ rastitel#nogo syr#â
1029-5151 Himiâ rastitelʹnogo syrʹâ.; Химия растительного сырья Izdatelʹstvo Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta; Издательство Алтайского государственного университета
0451-8357 Himiâ redkih èlementov Nauka.
0137-0340 Himiâ tverdogo tela Uralʹskij politehničeskij institut im. S.M. Kirova.
0023-1177 Himiâ tverdogo topliva "Nauka"
0869-8538 Himiâ v interesah ustojčivogo razvitiâ.; Химия в интересах устойчивого развития Izdatelʹstvo Sibirskogo otdeleniâ RAN; Издательство Сибирского отделения РАН
0023-1185 Himiâ v sel'skom hozâjstve Agropromizdat
0368-5632 Himiâ v škole [S.n.]
0023-1193 Himiâ vysokih energij Nauka
0207-401X Himičeskaâ fizika Nauka.
0368-5586 Himičeskaâ nauka i promyšlennostʹ "Goshimizdat".
0368-6612 Himičeskaâ pererabotka drevesiny Leningradskaâ ordena Lenina lesotehničeskaâ akademiâ imeni S.M. Kirova
0023-110X Himičeskaâ promyšlennost' "Himiâ"
0203-7556 Himičeskaâ promyšlennostʹ Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut tehniko-èkonomičeskih issledovanij.
0204-3998 Himičeskaâ promyšlennostʹ NIITÈHIM.
0204-3882 Himičeskaâ promyšlennostʹ. Seriâ, Avtomatizaciâ himičeskih proizvodstv.; Химическая промышленность. Серия, Автоматизация химических производств NIITÈHIM; НИИТЭХИМ.
0368-556X Himičeskaâ tehnologiâ Naukova dumka
1684-5811 Himičeskaâ tehnologiâ Nauka i tehnologii.
0136-3840 Himičeskaâ tehnologiâ pererabotki nefti i gaza Kazanskij ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni himiko-tehnologičeskij institut im. S.M. Kirova.
0320-023X Himičeskaâ tehnologiâ voloknistyh materialov.; Химическая технология волокнистых материалов Moskovskij tekstilʹnyj institut; Московский текстильный институт.
0023-1118 Himičeskie volokna Himiâ
0023-1126 Himičeskoe i neftânoe mašinostroenie Mašinostroenie
0451-8314 Himičeskoe mašinostroenie Glavnoe upravlenie himičeskogo i bumažnogo mašinostroeniâ.
0451-8306 Himičeskoe mašinostroenie.; Химическое машиностроение Tehnika; Техника.
0368-5764 Himija i industrija [S.n.]
0368-5500 Himiko-farmacevtičeskaâ promyšlennostʹ Vsesoûznoe obʺedinenie himiko--farmacevtičeskoj promyšlennosti.
0023-1134 Himiko-farmacevtičeskij žurnal Medicina
0235-2516 Himizaciâ sel'skogo hozâjstva Agropromizdat
0453-8269 Himizaciâ selʹskogo hozâjstva Baškirii Vsesoûznoe himičeskoe obśestvo im. D.I. Mendeleeva.
0368-5535 Himstroj Soûz rabočih azotnoj promyšlennosti i speshimii.
0018-1935 Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin Hindustan Antibiotics, Ltd.
0018-1994 Hinyokika Kiyo Kyoto University. Medical Faculty. Department of Urology.; Kyoto University. Faculty of Medicine. Department of Urology.
1050-9631 Hippocampus Churchill Livingstone
1098-1063 Hippocampus Churchill Livingstone]; Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0018-2001 Hippokrates Hippokrates-Verl..
0521-3916 Híradástechnikai Ipari Kutató Intézet közleményei Híradástechnikai Ipari Kutató Intézet.
0073-229X Hirosaki Daigaku Näogakubu gakujutsu häokoku Hirosaki University. Faculty of Agriculture.
1344-8897 Hirosaki Daigaku Näogaku Seimei Kagakubu gakujutsu häokoku Hirosaki University. Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science.
0439-1721 Hirosaki igaku Hirosaki Daigaku. Igakubu; Hirosaki daigaku daigakuin igaku kenkyuka; Hirosaki Daigaku Shuppankai
0289-5137 Hiroshima Bunkyäo Shokumotsu Eiyäo Kenkyäukaishi Hiroshima Bunkyäo Shokumotsu Eiyäo Kenkyäukai
0073-2303 Hiroshima Daigaku Chigaku Kenkyu Hokoku Hiroshima Daigaku Rigakubu Chishitsugaku Kobutsugaku Kyoshitsu.
1347-7218 Hiroshima daigaku daigakuin kougaku kenkyuuka kenkyuu houkoku Hiroshima University. Graduate School of Engineering.
0387-4869 Hiroshima Daigaku Gakkâo Kyâoiku Gakubu kiyâo. Dai 2-bu Hiroshima University. Faculty of School Education.
0018-2087 Hiroshima Daigaku Igaku Zasshi Hiroshima Daigaku Igakubu Saikingaku Kyoshitsu.
0018-2060 Hiroshima Daigaku Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Hiroshima Daigaku Käogakubu.
0385-7166 Hiroshima Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kiyäo. Dai 3-bu Hiroshima University. Faculty of Education.
0367-5912 Hiroshima Daigaku Seibutsu Gakkaishi Biological Society of Hiroshima University.
0387-7647 Hiroshima Daigaku Seibutsu Seisan Gakubu kiyäo Hiroshima University. Faculty of Applied Biological Science.
0046-7472 Hiroshima Daigaku shigaku zasshi Hiroshima University Dental Society.
0440-8756 Hiroshima Daigaku Sui-Chikusangakubu Kiyo Hiroshima Daigaku Sui-Chikusangakubu.
0367-5904 Hiroshima igaku Hiroshima Medical Association.
0374-8057 Hiroshima Jogakuin Daigaku ronshū Hiroshima Jogakuin Daigaku
0385-5066 Hiroshima Joshi Daigaku Kasei Gakubu kiyäo Hiroshima Women's University.
1341-6987 Hiroshima Joshi Daigaku Seikatsu Kagakubu kiyäo Hiroshima Women's University. Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Science.
0018-2052 Hiroshima journal of medical sciences Hiroshima Medical College; Hiroshima University School of Medicine; Hiroshima University Medical Press
0385-1672 Hiroshima Käogyäo Daigaku kenkyäu kiyäo Hiroshima Institute of Technology.
0388-2616 Hiroshima-ken Byōin Yakuzaishikai gakujutsu nenpō Hiroshima-ken Byōin Yakuzaishikai,
0389-1380 Hiroshima-ken Eisei Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Hiroshima Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0439-1772 Hiroshima-Ken Eisei Kenkyushoho Hiroshima-ken Eisei Kenkyusho.
0919-8466 Hiroshima-ken Hoken Kankyäo Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Hiroshima Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environment.
0389-0082 Hiroshima-ken Kankyäo Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Hiroshima Prefectural Research Center for Environmental Science.
0387-6454 Hiroshima Kenritsu Byäoin ishi Hiroshima Prefectural Hospital.
0387-6020 Hiroshima Kenritsu Byäoin nenpäo Hiroshima Prefectural Hospital.
0910-4429 Hiroshima Kenritsu Seibu Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa häokoku Industrial Research Institute, Hiroshima Prefecture, West.
0915-194X Hiroshima Kenritsu Seibu Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Industrial Research Institute, Hiroshima Prefecture, West.; Western Hiroshima Prefecture Industrial Research Institute.
0911-0801 Hiroshima Kenritsu Shokuhin Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Hiroshima Prefectural Food Technological Research Center.; Hiroshima Prefectural Food Technology Research Center.
0439-1837 Hiroshima-ken Shokuhin Käogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Food Industrial Experiment Station, Hiroshima Prefecture.
0367-6307 Hiroshima-ken Shokuhin Käogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Hiroshima Food Research Institute.; Food Industrial Experiment Station, Hiroshima Prefecture.
0387-6039 Hiroshima-ken Suisan Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Hiroshima Fisheries Experimental Station.
0018-2079 Hiroshima mathematical journal Hiroshima University. Faculty of Science; Hiroshima University. Graguate Shcool of Science. Department of Mathmatics.
0440-8772 Hiroshima Nogyo Tanki Daigaku Kenkyu Hokoku Hiroshima Nogyo Tanki Daigaku.
0911-2073 Hiroshima-shi Eisei Kenkyūjo nenpō Hiroshima-shi Eisei Kenkyūjo
0023-1207 Hirurgiâ Medicina
0450-2167 Hirurgija Medicina i fizkul'tura
0385-2776 Hiruzen Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Okayama College of Science. Hiruzen Research Institute.
0387-2718 Hiryō kagaku Hiryō Kagaku Kenkyūjo
0018-2125 Hispalis Medica Hispalis Médica
0387-4141 Hissu aminosan kenkyu Hissu Aminosan Kenkyu Iinkai
0720-8820 Histidine Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
1573-6865 Histochemical journal Kluwer
0018-2214 Histochemical Journal Chapman and Hall
0018-2222 Histochemie Springer.
0073-2338 Histochemische Methoden R. Oldenbourg Verlag
0301-5564 Histochemistry Tokyo; Springer
0948-6143 Histochemistry and cell biology Springer
1432-119X Histochemistry and cell biology Springer.
0106-1593 Histocompatibility testing Munksgaard.
0213-3911 Histology and histopathology F. Hernández
1699-5848 Histology and histopathology Francisco Hernández, Juan F. Madrid
0142-3304 Historical metallurgy Historical Metallurgy Society
0727-3061 Historical records of Australian science Australian Academy of Science
1448-5508 Historical records of Australian science (e-vir) Australian Academy of Science
0890-9997 Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences University of California Press
1533-8355 Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences (e-vir) University of California Press
Y505-5075 Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences (e-vir) University of California Press
0073-2672 Historical studies in the physical sciences University of California Press
0367-5874 Hitachi Hyoron Hitachi Ltd
0916-0930 Hitachi Kinzoku gihō Hitachi Kinzoku Kabushiki Gaisha
0018-277X Hitachi review Hitachi
0018-2788 Hitachi Zosen Giho Hitachi Zosen K. K. Gijutsu Kenkyusho; Hitachi Zosen Gijutsu Honbu
0073-2788 Hitotsubashi journal of arts and sciences Hitotsubashi Academy
0437-6056 Hitsaustekniikka Suomen hitsausteknillinen yhdistys.
1464-2662 HIV medicine Blackwell Science
1468-1293 HIV medicine (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
0023-1215 Hlebopekarnaâ i konditerskaâ promyšlennost' Piŝevaâ promyšlennost'
0368-5551 Hlebopekarnaâ promyšlennostʹ Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut hlebopekarnoj promyšlennosti.
0235-2508 Hleboprodukty Agropromizdat; Hleboprodukty
0368-5624 Hlopčatobumažnaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Хлопчатобумажная промышленность Narodnyj komissariat tekstilʹnoj promyšlennosti SSSR; Народный комиссариат текстильной промышленности СССР.
0368-5616 Hlopkovaâ promyšlennostʹ Gosudarstvennyj planovyj komitet Soveta Ministrov Uzbekskoj SSR.
0023-1231 Hlopkovodstvo.; Хлопководство Kolos; Колос.
0368-5497 Hlopkovoe delo.; Хлопковое дело Narodnyj komissariat zemledeliâ; Народный комиссариат земледелия.
0235-2567 Hlopok "Agropromizdat".
0895-3260 HMCRI's hazardous materials control Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute.
1433-0458 HNO Springer
0017-6192 HNO. Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenärzte Springer-Verlag
0367-6056 Hoan eisei Bäoeichäo.
0018-2958 Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektroakustik Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest und Portig
0170-6101 Hochschuldidaktik der Naturwissenschaften
0018-3040 Hodowla Roślin, Aklimatyzacja i Nasiennictwo Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne
0073-2877 Hoehnea Instituto de Botânica.
2236-8906 Hoehnea (e-vir) Instituto de Botânica.
0018-3156 Hoesch-Berichte aus Forschung und Entwicklung unserer Werke Hoesch AG, Arbeitskreis Forschung und Entwicklung
0437-6404 Höfchen-Briefe Bayer Crop Protection Department
0340-9783 Hohenheimer Arbeiten Ulmer.
1436-1116 Hohenheimer Umwelttagung Heimbach.
0210-3346 Hojas técnicas INIA Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias. Madrid.
1884-7560 Hoken butsuri (e-vir) Nihon Hoken Butsuri Gakkai
0367-6110 Hoken Butsuri = Nihon hoken butsuri kyougikai; Nihon hoken butsuri gakkai
0385-602X Hokkaidäo Daigaku Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Hokkaidäo Daigaku. Käogakubu.
0367-5726 Hokkaidäo Daigaku Näogakubu Häobun Kiyäo Hokkaido University. Faculty of Agriculture.
0367-6072 Hokkaidäo Gakugei Daigaku kiyäo. Dai 2-bu Hokkaido Gakugei University.
1340-3966 Hokkaidäo Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo häokoku Hokkaido National Industrial Research Institute.
0367-5939 Hokkaidäo Kyäoiku Daigaku kiyäo. Dai 2-bu, A. Säugaku, butsurigaku, kagaku, käogaku-hen Hokkaidäo Kyoiku Daigaku.
0018-3393 Hokkaidäo Kyäoiku Daigaku kiyäo. Dai 2-bu, B. Seibutsugaku, chigaku, näogaku-hen Hokkaido University of Education.
0018-3407 Hokkaidäo Näogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station.
0018-3415 Hokkaidäo Näogyäo Shikenjäo ihäo Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station.
0367-5955 Hokkaidäo Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station.
0917-1851 Hokkaidäoritsu Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Hokkaidäoritsu Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa.; Hokkaido Industrial Technology Center, Hakodate.
0367-6048 Hokkaidäoritsu Näogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Hokkaido Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Stations.
0286-6536 Hokkaidäoritsu Suisan Fukajäo kenkyäu häokoku Hokkaido Fish Hatchery.
0441-084X Hokkaidäoritsu Suisan Shikenjäo häokoku Hokkaido Central Fisheries Experimental Station.
0914-6830 Hokkaidäoritsu Suisan Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Hokkaido Central Fisheries Experimental Station.
0441-0769 Hokkaidäo Sake, Masu Fukajäo kenkyäu häokoku Hokkaido Salmon Hatchery.
1347-0981 Hokkaido daigaku enshurin kenkyu hokoku Hokkaido daigaku hoppo seibutsuken firudo kagaku senta shinrinken suteshon,
0385-504X Hokkaido Daigaku Men'eki Kagaku Kenkyäujo kiyäo Hokkaido University. Institute of Immunological Science.
0385-6445 Hokkaido Daigaku Näogakubu Näojäo kenkyäu häokoku Hokkaido University. University Farm.
0367-6129 Hokkaido Daigaku Nogakubu Enshurin Kenkyu Hokoku Hokkaido Daigaku Nogakubu Enshurin
0018-3458 Hokkaidō Daigaku Suisan Gakubu kenkyū ihō Hokkaidō Daigaku Suisan Gakubu; Hokkaidō Daigaku. Daigakuin. Suisan Kagakubu
1346-1842 Hokkaido daigaku suisan kagaku kenkyu iho Hokkaido daigaku daigakuin suisan kagaku kenkyuka henshu shuppan iinkai,; Hokkaido Daigaku Daigakuin Suisan Kagaku Kenkyuin Henshu Shuppan Iinkai
0285-5852 Hokkaido gijutsu jäohäo Hokkaido Jäohäo Chäosakai.
0367-6102 Hokkaido Igaku Zasshi Hokkaido Igakkai, c/o Hokkaido Daigaku Igakubu.
0285-7731 Hokkaido Jidosha Tanki Daigaku kenkyu kiyo Hokkaido Jidosha Tanki Daigaku
0916-8656 Hokkaido Kankyäo Kagaku Kenkyäu Sentäa shohäo Hokkaido Institute of Environmental Sciences.
0286-0945 Hokkaido Käogai Bäoshi Kenkyäujohäo Hokkaido Research Institute for Environmental Pollution.
0914-2630 Hokkaido käoshäu eiseigaku zasshi Hokkaido Käoshäu Eisei Gakkai ;; Hokkaido koshu eisei gakkai ;; Hokkaido koshu eisei kyokai
0385-0862 Hokkaido Kogyo Daigaku kenkyu kiyo Hokkaido Kogyo Daigaku
0441-0734 Hokkaido Kogyo Kaihatsu Shikenjo Hokoku Tsusho Sangyo-sho Kogyo Gijutsu-in Hokkaido Kogyo Kaihatsu Shikenjo.
0513-2541 Hokkaido-ku Suisan Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Hokkaido Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory.; Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute.
0073-2923 Hokkaido Näogyäo Shikenjäo dojäo chäosa häokoku Näorinshäo Hokkaido Näogyäo Shikenjäo.
0386-7277 Hokkaido Ringyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Hokkaidäoritsu Ringyäo Shikenjäo.
0367-6269 Hokkaido Ringyo Shidojo Geppo Hokkaido Ringyo Shidojo.
1345-3815 Hokkaidoritsu Chishitsu Kenkyujo hokoku Hokkaidoritsu Chishitsu Kenkyujo
0441-0793 Hokkaidoritsu Eisei Kenkyushoho Hokkaidoritsu Eisei Kenkyusho.
0441-7402 Hokkaidoritsu Kogyo Shikenjo hokoku Hokkaido kogyo shikenjo; Hokkaidoritsu kogyo shikenjo; Hokkaidoritsu Kogyo Shikenjo
0441-0807 Hokkaidoritsu Nogyo Shikenjo Shuho Hokkaido Central Agricultural Experiment Station.
0367-6277 Hokkaido Sanka Fujinka Gakkai kaishi Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai. Hokkaido Chihäo Bukai ;; Hokkaido sanka fujinka gakkai
0910-8343 Hokkaido Sōchi Kenkyūkaihō Hokkaido sochi kenkyukai; Hokkaido sochi kenkyukai; Hokkaido sochi kenkyukai
0385-6089 Hokkaido University Medical Library series Hokkaido University. School of Medicine
0386-3530 Hokuriku Koshu Eisei Gakkaishi Hokuriku Koshu Eisei Gakkai; Hokuriku koshu eisei gakkai; Hokuriku koshu eisei gakkai
0367-5947 Hokuriku Masuigaku Zasshi Hokuriku Branch of Japan Society of Anesthesiology.
0439-3600 Hokuriku Näogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Hokuriku National Agricultural Experiment Station.; Näorinshäo Hokuriku Näogyäo Shikenjäo.; Hokuriku Agricultural Experiment Station.
0018-3504 Hokusuishi geppäo Hokkaido Central Fisheries Experimental Station.
0385-4256 Hokuto Kōgyō Tanki Daigaku kenkyū kiyō Hokuto Kōgyō Tanki Daigaku
0105-9327 Holarctic ecology Munksgaard
0018-3512 Holectechniek Samenwerkende Electrotechnische Fabrieken Holec.
0023-124X Holodil'naâ tehnika "Piŝevaâ promyšlennost'"
2409-6792 Holodil#naâ tehnika i tehnologiâ (e-vir) Odesskaâ nacional#naâ akademiâ piśevyh tehnologij
0453-8307 Holodilʹnaâ tehnika i tehnologiâ Tehnika
0368-5020 Holodilʹnoe delo.; Холодильное дело Glavnoe upravlenie holodilʹnoj promyšlennosti; Главное управление холодильной промышленности.
0018-375X Holz Holzverlag GmbH und Co KG
0018-3830 Holzforschung de Gruyter
1437-434X Holzforschung (e-vir) Walter de Gryter Gmbh & Co.
0018-3849 Holzforschung und Holzverwertung Oesterreichischer Agrarverlag
0018-3857 Holzindustrie Fachbuchverlag
0018-3784 Holz Kurier Oesterreichischer Agrarverlag
0018-3873 Holztechnik Zeitschriftenverlag Dr Bilz und Dr Fraund KG
0018-3881 Holztechnologie Fachbuchverlag
0018-3792 Holz-Zentralblatt DRW-Verlags-GmbH
0073-3075 Home and Garden Bulletin. United States, Department of Agriculture US Government Printing Office.
0073-3113 Home economics research report United States. Agricultural Research Service.
0367-6145 Home farmer Great Britain.
0018-4357 Hommes et fonderie Edima,; Dominante
0367-6153 Hompäo käokusu käogyo no saikin no shimpo Nenryäo Kyäokai :; Shigen Shimpäosha.
0378-8776 Hong Kong engineer Asia Trade Journals Ltd..
0441-1994 Hong Kong University fisheries journal Hong Kong University.
0258-7114 Hongwai yanjiu Shanghai Kexue Jishu Wenxian Chubanshe
1001-9464 Hongwai yanjiu Shanghai Kexue Jishu Wenxian Chubanshe,
1001-9014 Hongwai yu haomibo xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
0018-4888 Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie Walter de Gruyter and Co
0096-2708 Horizons in biochemistry and biophysics Addison-Wesley Pub., Advanced Book Program
0439-5689 Hormigón y acero Asociación Española de Hormigón Prensado, Instituto Eduardo Torroja de la Construcción y del Cemento, Patronato Juan de la Cierva de Investigación Técnica del C.S.I.C.
2605-1729 Hormigón y acero (e-vir) Asociación Científico-Técnica del Hormigón Estructural (ACHE)
0439-5697 Hormolog
1439-4286 Hormone and metabolic research Thieme
0018-5043 Hormone and Metabolic Research Thieme-Stratton; Thieme
0170-5903 Hormone and metabolic research. Supplement Thieme-Stratton; Thieme
1340-220X Hormone frontier in gynecology Medikaru Rebyūsha
0301-0163 Hormone research S. Karger
0367-6161 Hormones Organon
0018-506X Hormones and behavior Academic Press.
0166-0969 Hormones and cell regulation North-Holland
1094-0103 Hormones and signaling Academic Press,
0018-5108 Horological journal British Clock and Watch Manufacturers' Association.; British Clock Manufacturers' Association.; British Horological Institute.; British Horological Federation.
0439-5816 Horticultural Advance [s.n.]
0018-5299 Horticultural Research Scottish Academic Press
0163-7851 Horticultural reviews Wiley-Blackwell
0018-5345 HortScience American society for horticultural science
1063-0198 HortTechnology American Society for Horticultural Science
1943-7714 HortTechnology (e-vir) American Society for Horticultural Science
0045-7167 Horumon To Rinsho Igaku no Sekai-Sha
0439-5891 Hosei Daigaku Kogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Hosei Daigaku Kogakubu.
0385-5090 Hoseki Gakkaishi Hoseki Gakkai Nihon; Hoseki gakkai Nihon
0285-3604 Hōshasen Ōyō Butsuri Gakkai. Hōshasen Bunkakai
0286-6722 Hoshasen kagaku Nihon Hoshasen Kagakkai; Nihon hoshasen kagakkai
0441-2540 Hoshasen kagaku Jitsugyo Kohosha; Hoshasen Igaku Sogo Kenkyujo
0439-5964 Hoshasen Kobunshi Hoshasen Kobunshi Kankokai.
0441-747X Hoshasen seibutsu kenkyu Hoshasen Seibutsu Kenkyukai; Hoshasen seibutsu kenkyukai; Hoshasen seibutsu kenkyukai; Hoshasen seibutsu kenkyukai
0441-2559 Hoshi Yakka Daigaku Kiyo Hoshi Yakka Daigaku
0367-6196 Hosiery Times Hosiery Times
0018-5469 Hospital Sociedade Médica do Hospital São Francisco de Assis.
0098-6909 Hospital formulary s.n.
0018-568X Hospital general Ciudad sanitária Provincial Francisco Franco
0340-997X Hospital-Hygiene Medizinisch-Literarische Verlagsgesellschaft.
0018-5744 Hospital management [Crain Pub. Co.]
0018-5973 Hospitals The Association
0018-5868 Hospital topics Heldref Publications
1939-9278 Hospital topics Heldref Publications]; Routledge
1571-3105 Hot topics in thermal analysis and calorimetry Kluwer Academic Publishers
0018-6368 Houille blanche Houille blanche
0408-9111 Houille et Derives Institut national de l'Industrie charbonniere
0090-8878 Household & personal products industry Rodman Pub. Corp., etc.
0367-6447 Houtim South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
1342-4327 Hozen seitaigaku kenkyu Hozen Seitaigaku Kenkyukai; [Nihon seitai gakkai] Hozen seitaigaku kenkyu henshu iinkai; [Nihon seitai gakkai] Hozen seitaigaku kenkyu henshu iinkai
2424-1431 Hozen seitaigaku kenkyu (e-vir) Nihon seitai gakkai
0287-0606 Hozon kagaku Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties.; Bunkazai kenkyuujo toukyou bunkazai kenkyuujo.; Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties, Tokyo. Independaent Administrative Institution.
0018-6872 Hrana i ishrana Savez društava za unapređenje ishrane naroda Jugoslavije
0205-3837 Hranitelna promišlenost Institut po kriobiologiâ i liofilizaciâ.
0205-177X Hranitelnopromišlena nauka B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite
1521-4168 HRC Wiley-VCH.
0935-6304 HRC. Journal of high resolution chromatography Hüthig
0344-7138 HRC & CC Hüthig
0367-5920 Hsiang-Kang Ch'in Hui Hsueh Yuan Hsueh Pao Xianggang jinhui xueyuan.; Hong Kong Baptist College.
0439-6995 Hsi Nan Nung Yeh K'o Hsueh Hsi Nan Nung Yeh K'o Hsueh Yen Chu So.,
0439-7010 Hsi Pei Nung Hsueh Yuan Hsueh Pao Shen Hsi Jen Min Chu Pan She
0439-7029 Hsi Pei Nung Yeh K'o Hsueh
0083-1204 HSMHA health reports [U.S. Health Services and Mental Health Administration]
2327-6339 HSMHA health reports (e-vir) United States.
0272-5673 HTD American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Heat Transfer Division.
0341-101X HTM Hanser
1672-7304 Hu'nan Chengshi Xueyuan xuebao Hu'nan Chengshi Xueyuan Xuebao Bianjibu
1001-943X Hu'nan Daxue xuebao Hu'nan Daxue Chubanshe,
1001-6074 Hu'nan Jiaoyu Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-9102 Hu'nan Keji Daxue xuebao Hu'nan Keji Daxue Qikanshe
1000-2480 Hu'nan ke ji daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian Wei Hui,
1672-5298 Hu'nan Ligong Xueyuan xuebao Hu'nan Ligong Xueyuan Xuebao Bianjibu
1007-1032 Hu'nan Nongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1000-2537 Hu'nan Shifan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1672-6146 Hu'nan Wenli Xueyuan xuebao Hu'nan Wenli Xueyuan Xuebao Bianjibu
1000-5625 Hu'nan Yike Daxue xuebao Hunan Yike Daxue
1000-5633 Hu'nan Zhongyi Xueyuan xuebao Hu'nan Zhongyi Xueyuan
1007-3701 Hua'nan dizhi yu kuangchan Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0438-119X Hua'nan Gongxueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1000-5463 Hua'nan Shifan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1007-2691 Huabei Dianli Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1006-5431 Huabei Gongxueyuan xuebao Huabei Gongxueyuan Chubanbu
0253-2433 Huadong Fangzhi Gongxueyuan xuebao Huadong Fangzhi Gongxueyuan
0253-9683 Huadong Huagong Xueyuan xuebao Huadong Huagong Xueyuan Chubanshe
1006-3080 Huadong Li-Gong Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0438-1262 Huadong nongye kexue tongbao Jiangsu Renmin Chubanshe :; Shanghai Kexue Jishu Chubanshe,
1000-5641 Huadong Shifan Daxue xuebao Huadong Shifan Daxue Chubanshe
1000-2170 Huadong yejin xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1006-7779 Huafei gongye Huagongbu Shanghai Huagong Yanjiuyuan
1006-1878 Huagong huan-bao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-6613 Huagong jinzhan Zhongguo Huagong Xuehui,
1671-9905 Huagong jishu yu kaifa Gai Kan Bianjibu
0254-6094 Huagong jixie Huaxue Gongyebu Huagong Jixie Yanjiuyuan
1008-0511 Huagong ke-ji Ji-Hua Jituan Gongsi
1004-3012 Huagong kuangshan jishu Huagongbu Huagong Kuangshan Sheji Yanjiuyuan
1008-7524 Huagong kuangwu yu jiagong Gai Kan Bianjibu
1006-6829 Huagong shengchan yu jishu Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1002-154X Huagong shikan Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1006-3536 Huagong xinxing cailiao Zhongguo Huagong Xinxi Zhongxin,
0438-1157 Huagong xuebao HuaXue Gongye Chubanshe
1001-2052 Huagong yejin Zhongguo Kexueyuan Huagong Yejin Yanjiusuo
1000-3932 Huagong zidonghua ji yibiao Huagongbu Zidonghua Yanjiusuo,
0367-5831 Hua Hsueh Kung Yeh
0441-3776 Hua Hsueh Tung Pao Kexue Chubanshe,
1008-3499 Huaihai gongxueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-6685 Huaihai Gongxueyuan xuebao Huaihai Gongxueyuan Xueshu Qikanshe
1008-7044 Huaihai yiyao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1009-7961 Huaiyin Gongxueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-6876 Huaiyin Shifan Xueyuan xuebao Huaiyin Shifan Xueyuan Xuebao Bianjibu
1000-565X Huanan ligong daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian Wei Hui
0438-1203 Hua Nan Nung Yeh K'o Hsueh
0367-6374 Huang Hai
1001-1277 Huangjin Yejin Gongyebu Changchun Huangjin Yanjiusuo,
0253-9705 Huanjing baohu Huanjing Baohu Zazhishe,
0254-0010 Huánjìng bǎohù Zhäonghuá mínguó huánjìng bǎohù xuéhuì.; Chinese Environmental Protection Society.
1000-8942 Huanjing gongcheng Yejin Gongye Chubanshe
0254-6108 Huanjing huaxue Zhongguo kexueyuan Huanjing Huaxue yanjiusuo; Zhongguo Kexue Xuehui Huanjing Huaxue Zhuanye Weiyuanhui
0250-3301 Huanjing Kexue Kexue Chubanshe,
1003-2487 Huanjing kexue congkan Zhongguo Kexueyuan Shengtai Huanjing Yanjiu Zhongxin
0253-2468 Huanjing kexue xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1001-3865 Huanjing wuran yu fangzhi Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1008-9241 Huanjing wuran zhili jishu yu shebei Zhongguo Kexueyuan Shengtai Huanjing Yanjiu Zhongxin
1001-5914 Huanjing yu jiankang zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1000-5013 Huaqiao Daxue xuebao Huaqiao Daxue,
1007-9319 Huaren xiaohua zazhi Shijie Wei-Changbingxue Zazhishe
1008-2409 Huaxia yixue Huaxia Yixue Zazhishe
1000-1182 Huáxī kǒuqiāng yīxué zázhi.; 华西口腔医学杂志 Huáxī kǒuqiāng yīxué zázhi; 华西口腔医学杂志
1006-0103 Huaxi yaoxue zazhi Huaxi Yike Daxue Yaoxueyuan,
1002-0179 Huaxi yixue Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0441-3768 Huà xué Zhäongguó huàxuéhuì.; Chinese Chemical Society.
1008-2298 Huaxue chuan'ganqi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-7631 Huaxue fanying gongcheng yu gongyi Zhejiang Daxue,
1008-6145 Huaxue fenxi jiliang Huaxue Fenxi Jiliang Zazhishe
0367-5815 Huaxue gongcheng Huaxue Gongyebu Di-liu Shejiyuan Wanchengshi
1005-9954 Huaxue gongcheng Huaxue Gongyebu Di-Liu Shejiyuan,
1002-1124 Huaxue gongchengshi Heilongjiang Sheng Huagong Yanjiusuo,
0439-8181 Huaxue gongye [s.n.],
0439-819X Huaxue gongye yu gongcheng Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-9533 Huaxue gongye yu gongcheng Editorial Board of Chemical Industry and Engineering
1006-7906 Huaxue gongye yu gongcheng jishu Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-1672 Huaxue jiancai Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-281X Huaxue jinzhan Zhongguo Kexueyuan Wenxian Qingbao Zhongxin,
1007-2896 Huaxue qingxi Gai kan Bianjibu
0258-3283 Huaxue shiji Huaxue Shiji Bianjibu
0367-6358 Huaxue shijie Shanghai Shi Huaxue Huagong Xuehui,
1003-7713 Huaxue wuli xuebao Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Daxue Chubanshe
0567-7351 Huaxue xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1008-1011 Huaxue yanjiu Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-1656 Huaxue yanjiu yu yingyong Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1672-5425 Huaxue yu shengwu gongcheng Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-0017 Huaxue yu zhanhe Heilongjiang Sheng Huaxue Xuehui,
0253-4274 Huazhong Gongxueyuan xuebao Huazhong Gongxueyuan Chubanshe
1671-4512 Huazhong Keji Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-0741 Huazhong Keji Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-8616 Huazhong Ligong Daxue xuebao Huazhong Ligong Daxue Chubanshe
1000-2421 Huazhong Nongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-1190 Huazhong Shifan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0255-7142 Huazhong Shi-yuan xuebao Huazhong Shi-yuan Xuebao Bianjibu
1007-5534 Huazhong yixue zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-2375 Hubei daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1004-0404 Hubei huagong Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1008-8423 Hubei Minzu Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1008-0724 Hubei Yike Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0424-6489 Hudrobioloogilised uurimused = Hydrobiological researches = Gidrobiologiceskie issledovani©a = Hydrobiologische Untersuchungen Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut.
1013-767X Huěoyào jìshù Zhäonghuá mínguó huěoyào xuéhuì.; Society of Explosives and Propellants.
0018-7127 Hule mexicano y plásticos [s.n.].
1549-7860 Human & ecological risk assessment CRC Press
1477-0903 Human & experimental toxicology (e-vir) Macmillan
1080-7039 Human and ecological risk assessment Amherst Scientific Publishers
0960-3271 Human and experimental toxicology Macmillan
1093-2607 Human antibodies Forefront Publishing; IOS Press
1875-869X Human antibodies (e-vir) IOS Press
0956-960X Human antibodies and hybridomas Butterworths,
0018-7143 Human biology Wayne State University Press
1534-6617 Human biology (e-vir) Warwick & York, Inc.
0167-5680 Human cancer immunology Elsevier/North-Holland
1389-2142 Human cell culture Kluwer Academic Publishers
1464-7273 Human fertility Journals of Reproduction and Fertility.
1742-8149 Human fertility (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0099-4642 Human Fertility
1043-0342 Human gene therapy Mary Ann Liebert
1557-7422 Human gene therapy (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0172-7699 Human genetics Springer
0340-6717 Human genetics Springer
1432-1203 Human genetics Springer
0018-7348 Humangenetik Springer
1473-9542 Human genomics Henry Stewart Publications
1479-7364 Human genomics (e-vir) Henry Stewart Publications
1423-0062 Human heredity (e-vir) S. Karger
0001-5652 Human Heredity S. Karger AG
0198-8859 Human Immunology Elsevier/North-Holland.
0144-3909 Human lymphocyte differentiation W. B. Saunders,
0964-6906 Human molecular genetics Oxford University Press
1460-2083 Human molecular genetics (e-vir) IRL
1059-7794 Human mutation Wiley-Liss
1098-1004 Human mutation Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0721-9075 Human neurobiology Springer
0263-8290 Human nutrition John Libbey
0263-8495 Human nutrition. Applied nutrition John Libbey
0952-8954 Human nutrition. Food sciences and nutrition John Libbey.
0441-4101 Human Organization Clearinghouse Bulletin
0046-8177 Human pathology W. B. Saunders
1532-8392 Human pathology (e-vir) Elsevier
0362-1197 Human physiology (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1608-3164 Human physiology (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0885-6222 Human psychopharmacology John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
1099-1077 Human psychopharmacology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0268-1161 Human reproduction IRL Press
1460-2350 Human reproduction (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
1355-4786 Human reproduction update Oxford University Press
1460-2369 Human reproduction update (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
0165-7100 Human reproductive medicine North Holland
0144-5952 Human toxicology Macmillan Publishers Ltd
1554-8600 Human vaccines Landes Bioscience.
1554-8619 Human vaccines (e-vir) Landes Bioscience
0367-6404 Humus ET/AS.
1005-8435 Hunan huagong Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1001-9421 Hunan yixue Gai Kan Bianjibu
0253-3170 Hunan yixueyuan xuebao Hu'nan Yixueyuan
0018-7720 Hungarian building bulletin Építésügyi Tájékoztatási Központ.; Informationszentrale für Bauwesen.; Hungarian Information Centre of Building.
0439-9072 Hungarian Forestry Science Review Országos Erdészeti Egyesület.
0018-7755 Hungarian heavy industries Hungarian Heavy Industries Foreign Trade Co. ŁNIKÝ.
0133-0276 Hungarian journal of industrial chemistry Lapk.
2450-5102 Hungarian journal of industry and chemistry (e-vir) University of Pannonia; De Gruyter Open
0367-6420 Hungarian scientific instruments BME
0018-7771 Hungarian technical abstracts Lapk.
0367-6390 Hungarica acta biologica Academia Scientiarum Hungaricae.
0367-634X Hungarica Acta Chimica Academia Scientiarum Naturalium Hungaricae.
0367-6366 Hungarica Acta Medica Academia Scientiarum Hungaricae.
0367-6382 Hungarica acta physica Acad. Sci. Hung.
2064-3039 Hungarica acta physica (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó; Springer
0367-5653 Hungarica acta physiologica Academia Scientiarum Naturalium Hungaricae.; Hungarian Academy of Natural Sciences.; Académie hongroise des sciences naturelles.; Ungarische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften.
0191-7773 Huntington Alloys Huntington Alloys.
1003-1480 Huogongpin Jixie Dianzi Gongyebu Di-213 Yanjiusuo,
1672-9374 Huojian tuijin Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-9363 Huozhayao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1007-7812 Huozhayao xuebao Zhongguo Bingqi Gongye Di-204 Yanjiusuo
1003-5427 Hupo kexue Gai-kan Bian-wei-hui
0106-1895 Husholdningsr°adets tekniske meddelelser Statens Husholdningsr°ad.; Husholningsr°adet.
0018-800X Húsipar MITE Húsipari Szakosztálya.; Élelmiszeripari Minisztérium Húsipari Igazgatósága.
0322-8525 Hutnické aktuality SNTL,; Výzkumný ústav hutnictví železa,; Výzkumný ústav hutnictví železa,; Informetal,
0018-8069 Hutnické listy SNTL, Nakladatelství technické literatury
0018-8077 Hutnik Wydawnictwo Ślęask
1230-3534 Hutnik, Wiadomości Hutnicze Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Hutniczego w Polsce.
0018-8085 Hűtőipar Tata Hűtőtechnika.; MÉTE Hűtőipari Szakosztály.; Refrigeration Section of the MÉTE.
1078-9669 HVAC & R research ASHRAE
1938-5587 HVAC & R research (e-vir) ASHRAE
0073-4128 Hvalr°adets skrifter Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for marin biologi.; Statens institutt for hvalforskning.; Universitetets biologiske laboratorium.
0304-128X Hwahag gonghag Han'gug hwahag gong haghoe
0439-9838 Hwahag gwa goṅṅeb ṅüi jinbo Daihan hwahaghoi
0439-982X Hwahag gwa hwahag gongeob Gwahagweon culpansa :; Chiao Liu Publication Service
0304-5277 Hwahag gyoyug Korean Chemical Society.
1225-004X Hwahag se'gye Daehan hwahaghoe
0146-9533 Hyacinth control journal Hyacinth Control Society.
0385-7638 Hyäogo Ika Daigaku Igakkai zasshi Medical Society of Hyogo College of Medicine.
1341-0326 Hyäogo-ken Näogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku. näogyäo hen Hyogo Prefectural Agricultural Institute.
0385-8790 Hyäogo-ken Näogyäo Säogäo Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Hyogo Prefectural agricultural Center for Experiment, Extension and Education.
0367-6471 Hyäogo-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Hyogo-kenritsu Nogyo Shikenjo.
0915-0331 Hyäogo Kenritsu Chäuäo Näogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku. Näogyäo-hen Hyogo Prefectural Agricultural Institute.
0385-9312 Hyäogo Kenritsu Eisei Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Public Health Institute of Hyogo Prefecture.; Hyäogo-ken Eisei Kenkyäujo.
1342-6745 Hyäogo Kenritsu Eisei Kenkyäujo nempäo Hyogo Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0385-9290 Hyäogo Kenritsu Käogai Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Environmental Science Institute of Hyogo Prefecture.; Hyäogo-ken Käogai Kenkyäujo.
0389-4738 Hyäogo Kenritsu Ringyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Hyäogo Kenritsu Ringyäo Shikenjäo.
0289-9493 Hyäogo Kenritsu Sen'i Käogyäo Shidäosho kenkyäu häokoku Textile Research Institute of Hyogo Prefecture.; Hyogo Prefectural Institute of Research. Technical Center for Textiles (1989)
0440-0151 Hyäogo Kenritsu Suisan Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Hyogo Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station.
0911-6230 Hyäogo Kyäoiku Daigaku kenkyäu kiyäo Hyogo University of Teacher Education.
0367-603X Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku, Käobe Daigaku Näogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku. ;; Käobe Daigaku. Näogakubu.
0367-6021 Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku.
0440-0216 Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku.
0441-5450 Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku, chikusangaku-hen Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku.
0441-5426 Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku, näogyäo seisan käogaku-hen Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku.
0547-020X Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku, shizen kagaku-hen Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku.
0367-6013 Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku. Engei, näogaku-hen Hyogo University of Agriculture.
0441-5442 Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku. Shokubutsu bäoekigaku-hen Hyogo University of Agriculture.
0441-5396 Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku kiyäo Hyäogo Näoka Daigaku.
0917-5156 Hyäomen zissäo gijutsu Nikkan Käogyäo Shinbunsha.
0265-3028 Hybrid circuits Wela Publications
0272-457X Hybridoma M.A. Liebert
1554-0014 Hybridoma Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-8348 Hybridoma (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert
2168-7897 Hybridoma (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert
1536-8599 Hybridoma and hybridomics Mary Ann Liebert
1557-8097 Hybridoma and hybridomics (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert
0914-2568 Hybrids Society for Hybrid Microelectronics.
0139-8822 Hydinárstvo Príroda
0097-6598 Hydraulic engineering [Palmer Publications, etc.]
0018-8131 Hydraulic Pneumatic Power Trade & Technical Press
0018-8158 Hydrobiologia Junk
1573-5117 Hydrobiologia (e-vir) Kluwer
0165-1404 Hydrobiological bulletin Nederlandse Hydrobiologische Vereniging.; Netherlands Hydrobiological Society.
0018-8166 Hydrobiological journal Scripta Technica
1943-5991 Hydrobiological journal Scripta Technica [etc.]
0577-3644 Hydrobiological Studies Academia,
1073-8452 Hydrocarbon contaminated soils Lewis Publishers
1071-6963 Hydrocarbon contaminated soils and groundwater Lewis Publishers,
1468-9340 Hydrocarbon engineering Palladian Publications
0018-8190 Hydrocarbon processing Gulf Pub. Co.
0887-0284 Hydrocarbon processing [Gulf Pub. Co.]
0096-2406 Hydrocarbon processing & petroleum refiner Gulf Pub Co.
0170-0669 Hydrochemische und hydrogeologische Mitteilungen Institut für Wasserchemie und Chemische Balneologie, Lehrstuhl für Hydrogeologie und Hydrochemie, Technische Universität München.
1431-2174 Hydrogeology journal Heise
1435-0157 Hydrogeology Journal (e-vir) Springer
0250-5223 Hydrographica Société nationale des distributions d'eau.
0161-2468 Hydro-lab journal Hydro-Lab Underwater Research Program.
0885-6087 Hydrological processes Wiley
1099-1085 Hydrological processes (e-vir) Wiley
0303-6936 Hydrological sciences bulletin Blackwell Scientific Publications
0262-6667 Hydrological sciences journal Blackwell Scientific Publications
2150-3435 Hydrological sciences journal (e-vir) Published for the International Association of Hydrological Sciences by Blackwell Scientific Publications
0482-9166 Hydrologic bulletin Rhode Island. Water Resources Coordinating Board.; Rhode Island. Water Resources Board.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0090-709X Hydrologic report New Mexico. Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources.
1439-1783 Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
1027-5606 Hydrology and earth system sciences European Geophysical Society
1607-7938 Hydrology and earth system sciences (e-vir) European Geophysical Society
0304-386X Hydrometallurgy Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co.
1879-1158 Hydrometallurgy (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0018-8220 Hydrotechnical construction Consultants Bureau, etc.]
1930-630X Hydrotechnical construction (e-vir) Kluwer Academic-Plenum-Human Sciences Press
0263-4171 Hydrotransport BHRA The Fluid Engineering Centre.
0096-1876 Hygeia American Medical Association.
1210-7840 Hygiena Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně
0441-5310 Hygiene and sanitation United States. Environmental Protection Agency.; United States. Public Health Service.
0367-6536 Hygiène de la viande et du lait impr. de C. Hérissey et fils,; [s.n.]
0367-6528 Hygienische Rundschau [s.n.]
0018-8255 Hygienisk revy Svenska kommunförbundet.; Riksförbundet för allmän hälsov°ard.
1433-5158 Hyle Institute of Philosophy, University of Karlsruhe
1617-4240 Hyle (e-vir) University of Karlsruhe, Institute of Philosophy
0367-6498 Hyogo-Ken Ringyo Shikenjo Gyomuseiseki Hokoku Hyogo-Ken Ringyo Shikenjo.
0388-3116 Hyōgo Kenritsu Chikusan Shikenjō kenkyū hōkoku
1349-855X Hyogo kenritsu daigaku daigakuin kogaku kenkyuka kenkyu hokoku University of Hyogo. Graduate School of Engineering.
0918-0192 Hyōgo Kenritsu Kōgyō Gijutsu Sentā hōkokusho Hyōgo Kenritsu Kōgyō Gijutsu Sentā
1347-7722 Hyogo kenritsu norin suisan gijutsu sogo senta kenkyu hokoku Hyogo kenritsu norin suisan gijutsu sogo senta,
1347-7730 Hyogo kenritsu norin suisan gijutsu sogo senta kenkyu hokoku Hyogo kenritsu norin suisan gijutsu sogo senta,
1349-3981 Hyogo kyoiku daigaku kenkyu kiyo Hyogo kyoiku daigaku,; Hyogo kyoiku daigaku
0367-648X Hyomen Koshinsha; Koshinsha
0915-1869 Hyomen gijutsu Hyomen Gijutsu Kyokai
0388-5321 Hyomen kagaku Nihon Hyomen Kagakkai
1349-9637 Hyougo kenritsu kenkou kankyou kagaku kenkyuu senta kiyou Hyogo Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences.
1348-107X Hyougo Kenritsu Kenkou Kankyou Kagaku Kenkyuu Senta nempou Hyogo Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences.
0367-6501 Hyoyakukai Hyogo-ken Yakuzaishikai; Hyogoken yakuzaishi kyokai; Hyogoken yakuzaishikai
0304-3843 Hyperfine interactions J.C. Baltzer A.G.
1572-9540 Hyperfine interactions (e-vir) Kluwer
0194-911X Hypertension American Heart Association
1524-4563 Hypertension (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; HighWire Press
1343-9383 Hypertension frontier Iyaku Jäanarusha
1064-1955 Hypertension in pregnancy Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1525-6065 Hypertension in pregnancy (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
0916-9636 Hypertension research Japanese Society of Hypertension.
1348-4214 Hypertension research Japanese Society of Hypertension
0928-1606 Hyperthermia and oncology VSP
0367-651X Hyphé Ed. Dixi,
1466-4151 HypoCCS series BioScientifica.
0197-6125 I.A.G. bulletin King Abdulaziz University. Institute of Geology.
0376-7124 I.E.T.C.C. Instituto Eduardo Torroja de la Construcción y del Cemento Instituto Eduardo Torroja de la Construcción y del Cemento.
0378-0627 I.R.E. Institut national des radioéléments Institut national des radioéléments
0770-1160 I.R.E. Revue Institut National des Radioéléments.
0097-8388 I & SM Iron and Steel Society of AIME.
0169-4200 I2-procestechnologie Nederlandse Ingenieursvereniging NIRIA.; Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs KIvI.
0394-5871 IA. Ingegneria ambientale Centro di ingegneria per la protezione dell'ambiente.
0074-1892 IAEA safety series International Atomic Energy Agency.
1011-4289 IAEA-Tecdoc International Atomic Energy Agency
0144-7815 IAHS-AISH publication International Association of Hydrological Sciences = Association Internationale des Sciences Hydrologiques
1024-4891 IAHS special publication International Association of Hydrological Sciences.; IAHS.
0301-3944 IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to man International Agency for Research on Cancer
1014-4307 IARC monographs supplement International Agency for Research on Cancer
0300-5038 IARC scientific publications International Agency for Research on Cancer
0304-0178 IASF special publication series International Atlantic Salmon Foundation.
0304-4483 Iatrikī epitheōrīsis enoplōn dynameōn.; Ιατρικη επιθεωρησις ενοπλων δυναμεων Ygeionomika Sōmata Stratou Nautikou kai Aeroporias; Υγειονομικα Σωματα Στρατου Ναυτικου και Αεροποριας,
0939-9658 IAVCEI proceedings in volcanology IAVCEI.
0445-1686 Ibaraki Daigaku Bunrigakubu Kiyo, Shizen Kagaku Ibaraki Daigaku Bunrigakubu.
0367-7389 Ibaraki Daigaku Kogakubu Kenkyu Shuho Ibaraki Daigaku Kogakubu.
0367-7362 Ibaraki Daigaku Kogakubu Kiyo Ibaraki Daigaku Kogakubu.
0445-1694 Ibaraki Daigaku Näogakubu Gakujutsu Häokoku Ibaraki Daigaku Näogakubu.
0915-308X Ibaraki kakuigaku Ibaraki-ken Rinshäo Kakuigaku Kenkyäukai
0367-8415 Ibaraki-Ken Jozo Shikensho Hokoku Ibaraki-Ken Jozo Shikensho.
0387-8988 Ibaraki-ken Naisuimen Suisan Shikenjäo chäosa kenkyäu häokoku Ibaraki Prefectural Freshwater Fisheries Experimental Station.
0385-0013 Ibaraki-ken Sangyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Ibaraki-ken Sangyäo Shikenjäo.
0286-3391 Ibaraki Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kenkyu iho Ibaraki Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko; Ibaraki kogyo koto senmon gakko
0485-1587 IBBD Boletim Informativo Instituto Brasileiro de Bibliografia e Documentação.
0367-7001 IBBD Notícias Diversas Instituto Brasileiro de Bibliografia e Documentação.
0019-0985 Ibérica Ibérica Pub. Co.
0018-8646 IBM journal of research and development International Business Machines Corp.
0018-8670 IBM systems journal International Business Machines Corp.
0742-504X IBRO handbook series International Brain Research Organization.
0195-9417 IC, Infection control Charles B. Slack, Inc.
0019-1035 Icarus Academic Press, Inc.
1090-2643 Icarus (e-vir) Elsevier
0191-7765 ICAS for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.]
1381-1339 ICASE/LaRC interdisciplinary series in science and engineering Kluwer Academic Publishers
0536-1222 ICC Bulletin International computation centre
1066-5048 ICE American Society of Mechanical Engineers
0367-7141 Ice and Cold Storage Ice & Cold Storage.
0097-2215 Ice and refrigeration Nickerson & Collins Co.
0096-2546 Ice cream field Ice Cream Press Co.
0536-2598 Ice Cream Field and Ice Cream Trade Journal
0096-2023 Ice cream review H.P. Olsen
0096-2031 Ice cream trade journal Cutler-Williams Co.
1054-3139 ICES journal of marine science Published by Academic Press for International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
1095-9289 ICES journal of marine science (e-vir) Published for ICES by Academic Press
0285-4538 Ichimura Gakuen Daigaku, Ichimura Gakuen Tanki Daigaku Shizen Kagaku Kenkyäukai kaishi Ichimura Gakuen University.; Ichimura Gakuen Junior College.
0285-452X Ichimura Gakuen Tanki Daigaku Shizen Kagaku Kenkyäukai kaishi Ichimura Gakuen Junior College.
0019-1108 Ichthyologica International Society of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology
2410-8529 ICIDCA sobre los derivados de la caña de azúcar (e-vir) Instituto Cubano de Investigaciones de los Derivados de la Caña de Azúcar
0972-2998 ICI Journal Indian Concrete Institute.; ICI.
0551-0589 ICI Plastics today Imperial Chemical Industries Limited. Plastics Division.
1750-1504 ICIS chemical business Reed Business Information
0287-1785 ICMR annals Käobe Daigaku. Igakubu. Igaku Kenkyäu Kokusai Käoryäu Sentäa.
1386-4556 ICN. Industrial catalysis news Baltzer Science Publishers
0097-9023 ICN-UCLA symposia on molecular & cellular biology ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; University of California, Los Angeles.
0018-8999 ICOM news International Council of Museums = Conseil International des Musées
0073-4411 Iconographia mycologica Junk
2214-7004 Iconographia mycologica (e-vir) Springer
0197-8616 ICP Allied Chemical Corp.. Idaho Chemical Programs; available from National Technical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Springfield, VA.
0390-2358 ICP Eris
0161-6951 ICP information newsletter Dept. of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts.
1342-0321 ICR annual report Kyoto University. Institute for Chemical Research
0074-2740 ICRP publication Pergamon Press
1340-3745 ICRR-report University of Tokyo. Institute for Cosmic Ray Research.
0536-1338 ICSU review Elsevier
0367-7338 ICSU review of world science Elsevier
0952-1097 ICSU short reports Cambridge University Press.
1010-4232 IDA magazine International Desalination Association.; IDA.
0019-1442 Ideggyógyászati szemle Lit. Med.
0915-5732 Idemitsu gihō Idemitsu Kōsan; Idemitsu kosan; 出光興産
0387-0022 Iden Shokabo; Enu, ti, esu
0388-1725 Iden dokusei oyobi kanren ryäoki no däokäo to kaisetsu Fuji Technosystem Company.
0021-504X Idengaku Zasshi Nihon Iden Gakkai
1343-0971 Idenshi igaku Medikaru Du
1349-2527 Idenshi igaku mook Medikaru du
0073-4675 Idesia Instituto de Agronomía, Universidad de Tarapacá
0718-3429 Idesia (e-vir) Instituto de Agronomía, Universidad de Tarapacá
0306-4980 IDF bulletin Kirchheim
0018-9081 Idia Argentina
0536-1435 Idia INTA
0367-7443 Időjárás Országos Meteorológiai Intézet.
0019-8145 IDR De Beers Industrial Diamond Division
0315-9981 IDRC reports International Development Research Centre
0445-2380 Idrocarburi Casa Editrice SEDIC.
1369-7056 IDrugs Current Drugs; Thomson Scientific
2040-3410 IDrugs Current Drugs Ltd.; Thomson Reuters (Scientific); Thomson Reuters
0537-9989 IEE conference publication Institution of Electrical Engineers
1545-5963 IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics IEEE Computer Society
1557-9964 IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics (e-vir) IEEE Computer Society
Y505-1754 IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics IEEE Computer Society
1078-8891 IEEE/NPSS Symposium [on] Fusion Engineering IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
1070-9924 IEEE computational science & engineering IEEE Computer Society
0741-3106 IEEE electron device letters Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-0563 IEEE electron device letters (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0090-7294 IEEE international convention digest IEEE Press
0536-1494 IEEE international convention record Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0074-8811 IEEE International Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium record Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
1082-7285 IEEE international reliability physics proceedings IEEE Electron Devices Society.; IEEE Reliability Society.
0190-1494 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society.
0364-9059 IEEE journal of oceanic engineering Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Council on Oceanic Engineering
1558-1691 IEEE journal of oceanic engineering (e-vir) IEEE Council on Oceanic Engineering.; Oceanic Engineering Society (U.S.)
0018-9197 IEEE journal of quantum electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-1713 IEEE journal of quantum electronics (e-vir) [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
1077-260X IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-4542 IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics (e-vir) IEEE
0018-9200 IEEE journal of solid-state circuits Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-173X IEEE journal of solid-state circuits (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
0149-645X IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
0262-1770 IEE energy series Peter Peregrinus Ltd.
1041-1135 IEEE photonics technology letters Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1941-0174 IEEE photonics technology letters (e-vir) [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
1530-437X IEEE sensors journal Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-1748 IEEE sensors journal (e-vir) IEEE Sensors Council
0018-9235 IEEE spectrum Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1939-9340 IEEE spectrum (e-vir) IEEE
0096-3518 IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1521-3323 IEEE transactions on advanced packaging Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0536-1516 IEEE transactions on aerospace Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-9251 IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1557-9603 IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems (e-vir) [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
2371-9877 IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society.
0096-1957 IEEE transactions on aerospace and navigational electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-926X IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-2221 IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation (e-vir) [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
0536-1524 IEEE transactions on applications and industry Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1051-8223 IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-2515 IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0096-1620 IEEE transactions on audio Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-9278 IEEE transactions on audio and electroacoustics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-9286 IEEE transactions on automatic control Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-2523 IEEE transactions on automatic control (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
2334-3303 IEEE transactions on automatic control (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Control Systems Society.
0096-0616 IEEE transactions on bio-medical electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-9294 IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-2531 IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers for the Bio-Medical Engineering Group
0018-9308 IEEE transactions on broadcast and television receivers Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-9316 IEEE transactions on broadcasting Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1557-9611 IEEE transactions on broadcasting Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0098-4094 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
0018-9324 IEEE transactions on circuit theory Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0536-1532 IEEE Transactions on Communication and Electronics IEEE
0096-1965 IEEE transactions on communications systems Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-9332 IEEE transactions on communication technology Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0097-6601 IEEE transactions on component parts Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0148-6411 IEEE transactions on components, hybrids, and manufacturing technology Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1070-9886 IEEE transactions on components, packaging, and manufacturing technology Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1070-9894 IEEE transactions on components, packaging, and manufacturing technology Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1521-3331 IEEE transactions on components and packaging technologies Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1557-9972 IEEE transactions on components and packaging technologies (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Society,
0018-9340 IEEE transactions on computers Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1557-9956 IEEE transactions on computers (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
1530-4388 IEEE transactions on device and materials reliability Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-2574 IEEE transactions on device and materials reliability (e-vir) IEEE
1070-9878 IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
1558-4135 IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
0018-9359 IEEE transactions on education Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1557-9638 IEEE transactions on education (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-9367 IEEE transactions on electrical insulation Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
0018-9375 IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-187X IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility (e-vir) [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
0018-9383 IEEE transactions on electron devices Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1557-9646 IEEE transactions on electron devices (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
0367-7508 IEEE transactions on electronic computers Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., for the Professional Technical Group on Electronic Computers
1521-334X IEEE transactions on electronics packaging manufacturing Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-0822 IEEE transactions on electronics packaging manufacturing (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-9391 IEEE transactions on engineering management Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-0040 IEEE transactions on engineering management (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-9413 IEEE transactions on geoscience electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0096-249X IEEE transactions on human factors in electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0099-4553 IEEE transactions on industrial electronics Professional Technical Group on Industrial Electronics
0018-9421 IEEE transactions on industrial electronics and control instrumentation Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
0018-943X IEEE transactions on industry and general applications Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0093-9994 IEEE transactions on industry applications Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
1939-9367 IEEE transactions on industry applications (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
0018-9448 IEEE transactions on information theory Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1557-9654 IEEE transactions on information theory (e-vir) [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
0018-9456 IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
1557-9662 IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-9464 IEEE transactions on magnetics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1941-0069 IEEE transactions on magnetics (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers for the Magnetics Group
0046-838X IEEE transactions on manufacturing technology Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-9480 IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1557-9670 IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques (e-vir) Professional Technical Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0536-1559 IEEE transactions on military electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-9499 IEEE transactions on nuclear science Professional Technical Group on Nuclear Science
1558-1578 IEEE transactions on nuclear science (e-vir) Professional Technical Group on Nuclear Science
0361-1000 IEEE transactions on parts, hybrids, and packaging Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
0018-9502 IEEE transactions on parts, materials, and packaging Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0093-3813 IEEE transactions on plasma science Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1939-9375 IEEE transactions on plasma science (e-vir) IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society
0018-9510 IEEE transactions on power apparatus and systems Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0885-8977 IEEE transactions on power delivery Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1937-4208 IEEE transactions on power delivery (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0097-4544 IEEE transactions on product engineering and production Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0018-9529 IEEE transactions on reliability Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-1721 IEEE transactions on reliability (e-vir) [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
0018-9537 IEEE transactions on sonics and ultrasonics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0096-2414 IEEE transactions on space electronics and telemetry Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
0096-2503 IEEE transactions on vehicular communications Professional Technical Group on Vehicular Communications
0018-9545 IEEE transactions on vehicular technology Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1939-9359 IEEE transactions on vehicular technology (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0308-6976 IEE journal on microwaves, optics and acoustics Institution of Electrical Engineers.
2053-9029 IEE journal on microwaves, optics and acoustics (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
0308-6968 IEE journal on solid-state and electron devices I.E.E
2053-9037 IEE journal on solid-state and electron devices (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
1931-4973 IEEJ transactions on electrical and electronic engineering J. Wiley & Sons
1931-4981 IEEJ transactions on electrical and electronic engineering John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0305-9596 IEE medical electronics monographs Institution of Electrical Engineers.
0143-702X IEE proceedings Institution of Electrical Engineers, Publishing Department
0143-7054 IEE proceedings Institution of Electrical Engineers, Publishing Department
0143-7097 IEE proceedings Institution of Electrical Engineers, Publishing Department
0143-7100 IEE proceedings Institution of Electrical Engineers, Publishing Department
0267-3932 IEE proceedings Institution of Electrical Engineers, Publishing Department
0960-7641 IEE proceedings Institution of Electrical Engineers
1350-2344 IEE proceedings Institution of Electrical Engineers
1350-2379 IEE proceedings Institution of Electrical Engineers
1350-2433 IEE proceedings Institution of Electrical Engineers
1359-7035 IEE proceedings (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
1359-7078 IEE proceedings (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
1359-7094 IEE proceedings (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
1478-1581 IEE proceedings Institution of Electrical Engineers
1740-9748 IEE proceedings (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
2053-7905 IEE proceedings (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
2053-793X IEE proceedings (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
2053-7980 IEE proceedings (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
2053-9088 IEE proceedings (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
2054-0337 IEE proceedings (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
2053-7972 IEE proceedings. Part H, Microwaves, optics and antennas (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
0367-7656 IEE reviews Institution of Electrical Engineers.
0538-0006 IERE conference proceedings Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers.
0377-2063 IETE journal of research Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers.
0974-780X IETE journal of research (e-vir) The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers
0341-3756 IF. Die Industriefeuerung Vulkan-Verlag Classen.
0962-9505 IFAC symposia series Pergamon
1520-4561 IFSCC magazine International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists.
0730-9198 IFT basic symposium series AVI Pub. Co.
0076-597X Igaku Kenkyu Daido-Gakkan shuppan-bu.
0915-8669 Igaku kensa Nihon Rinsho Eisei Kensa Gishikai
0039-2359 Igaku no ayumi Ishiyaku Publishers, Inc.
0019-1604 Igaku to seibutsugaku Igaku seibutsugaku sokuhokai; Gakujutsu shoin; Nihon igaku zasshi; Igaku shoin; Ogata igaku kagaku kenkyujo igaku seibutsugaku sokuhokai
0445-2429 Igaku toshokan Nihon Igaku Toshokan Kyokai
0389-3898 Igaku to yakugaku Shizen Kagakusga
0970-2210 IGCAR Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
0367-4134 I Georgofili Accademia Economico-Agraria dei Georgofili.
0370-5587 IGG Instituto Geográfico e Geológico.
0019-1620 Igiena Editura Medicală
0019-1639 Igiene e Sanita Pubblica
0270-1022 IGT gaScope Institute of Gas Technology.
0536-1702 IGY Rocket Report
0378-8768 íHaräiîtatć ğiyäuläuğiyyatć Wizäaratć al-baträul wa-al-äitarwatć al-maŰdiniyyatć, al-madäiriyyatć al-Űäammatć li-l-äitarwatć al-maŰdiniyyatć.; Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Directorate General of Mineral Resources.
0073-4705 Iheringia Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, Museu de Ciências Naturais.
0073-4713 Iheringia Museu de Ciências Naturais da Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul.
2446-8231 Iheringia (e-vir) Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, Museu de Ciências Naturais
0018-9820 IHI engineering review Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries; Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries1; IHI; IHI
0376-4664 Ihwa üihaghoi-ji Ewha Medical Assoc..
0164-0410 IIASA proceedings series. Environment International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
0365-740X IIC Abstracts International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
0912-8573 Iida Joshi Tanki Daigaku kiyō Iida Joshi Tanki Daigaku
0145-0131 IIEQ document Illinois. Institute for Environmental Quality.
0018-9898 IIRB IIRB
1347-9733 IJOMS Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo
1026-7107 IJPAC. International journal of analysis and characterization (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishers.
1023-666X IJPAC. International journal of polymer analysis and characterization Gordon and Breach
0914-5117 Ikagaku äOyäo Kenkyäu Zaidan kenkyäu häokoku Suzuki Kenzäo Kinen Ikagaku äOyäo Kenkyäu Zaidan.; Suzuken Memorial Foundation.
0386-345X Ikuei Käogyäo Käotäo Semmon Gakkäo kenkyäu kiyäo Salesian Polytechnic.; Ikuei Technical College.
0388-8177 Ikushugaku saikin no shimpo Nihon Ikushu Gakkai.
0536-3683 Ikushugaku zasshi Japanese Society of Breeding.
0386-1163 Ikutoku Kōgyō Daigaku kenkyū hōkoku. B, Rikōgaku-hen Ikutoku Kōgyō Daigaku
0367-8733 ILAB Report, Serie A Industrilaboratoriet AB.
1084-2020 ILAR journal Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources (U.S.)
1930-6180 ILAR journal (e-vir) National Research Council, Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources
0008-1760 Il calore ANCC
0008-8900 Il Cemento Il Cemento.
0366-6891 Il Cemento armato Il Cemento
0367-2646 Il Farmacista italiano Sindacato nazionale fascista dei farmacisti.
0014-827X Il Farmaco Società Chimica Italiana
0367-3227 Il Farmaco. Scienza e tecnica Società Chimica Italiana.
0430-4578 Il filo metallico Meisenbach.
0017-0135 Il Giornale degli allevatori Aretusa.
0023-8864 Il Lattante Tipografie Riunite Donati.
0023-9097 Il Lavoro neuropsichiatrico Ospedale psichiatrico S. Maria della Pietà.; Centro d'igiene mentale dell'Amministrazione provinciale di Roma.
0099-9628 Illinois, University, Engineering Experiment Station, Reprint Series
0019-1973 Illinois dental journal Illinois State Dental Society.
0019-2015 Illinois engineer Illinois Society of Professional Engineers.
0019-2090 Illinois Labor Bulletin Illinois Dep of Labor.
0097-6369 Illinois medical and dental monographs University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign campus).
0094-9442 Illinois minerals note Illinois State Geological Survey.
0073-5108 Illinois petroleum Illinois State Geological Survey.; Illinois.
0099-6912 Illinois State Florists' Association Bulletin Illinois State Florists' Association.
0096-2554 Illinois Tech engineer Illinois Institute of Technology
0536-5163 Illinois Veterinarian
0367-8687 Illuminating engineer Illuminating Engineering Society (Great Britain).; Association of Public Lighting Engineers (Great Britain)
0019-2333 Illuminating engineering Illuminating Engineering Society
0367-8768 Illustrierte Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung [s.n.]
0368-9123 Il Mondo del latte Editoriale Il mondo del latte
0369-1292 Il Mondo tessile Istituto Editoriale Lombardo
1827-6121 Il Nuovo cimento (e-vir) Springer
0369-3546 Il nuovo cimento. A Editrice Compositori
0392-6737 Il nuovo cimento. D Editrice Compositori
0370-1042 Il Politecnico Tip. e lit. degli ingegneri.
0341-0587 ILR-Bericht Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität, Abteilung Publikationen.
0167-4072 ILRI publication International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement
0370-8365 Il Sangue [s.n.]
0039-8713 Il Tabacco Istituto scientifico sperimentale per il tabacco.
0367-889X Image Roche F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
0019-2651 Image technology Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers.
0973-2632 I-Manager's Journal on Future Engineering and Technology I-Manager Publications
0019-2708 Imballaggio E.T.A.S. Kompass
0517-2640 IMD special report series Metallurgical Society of America, Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.
0144-0799 I Mech E conference publications Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Great Britain)
1356-1448 IMechE conference transactions Mechanical Engineering Publications
1357-9193 IMechE seminar publication Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
0367-8881 IMF Symposium Publication Institute of Metal Finishing.
1341-2051 IMJ Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation; Japan International Cultural Excange Foundation; Japan Health Sciences University
0192-4680 IMMR University of Kentucky.
0887-7750 Immune intervention Academic Press,
0340-1162 Immunität und Infektion Pflaum
1074-7613 Immunity Cell Press
1097-4180 Immunity (e-vir) Cell Press
1742-4933 Immunity and ageing (e-vir) BioMed Central
0940-1547 Immunity and environment Urban & Fischer
0367-8814 Immunity Bulletin Immunity Scientific Association, Bengal Immunity Research Institute
0262-8740 Immunoassay. Supplement University of Sheffield Biomedical Information Service.
0930-9160 Immunoassay technology de Gruyter.
0171-2985 Immunobiology Fischer
0019-2791 Immunochemistry Pergamon Press
1067-795X Immunodeficiency Harwood Academic Publishers.
0093-7711 Immunogenetics Springer
1432-1211 Immunogenetics (e-vir) Springer
0206-4952 Immunologiâ.; Иммунология Medicina; Медицина; GÈOTAR-Media; ГЭОТАР-Медиа
0300-0567 Immunologiâ.; Иммунология Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0130-2019 Immunologiâ i allergiâ.; Иммунология и аллергия Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя
0324-8534 Immunologia Polska Polskie Towarzystwo Immunologiczne.
0090-0877 Immunological communications M. Dekker
0882-0139 Immunological investigations Marcel Dekker
1532-4311 Immunological investigations (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0277-7894 Immunological methods Academic Press
0105-2896 Immunological reviews Munksgaard; Williams & Wilkins Co
1600-065X Immunological reviews (e-vir) Munksgaard International Publishers
0257-277X Immunologic research S. Karger
1559-0755 Immunologic research Humana Press
0019-2805 Immunology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2567 Immunology (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
1871-5222 Immunology, endocrine and metabolic agents in medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6115 Immunology, endocrine and metabolic agents in medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0890-0191 Immunology & hematology research Immunology Research Foundation.
0889-8561 Immunology and allergy clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
1557-8607 Immunology and allergy clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0818-9641 Immunology and cell biology University of Adelaide
1440-1711 Immunology and cell biology (e-vir) University of Adelaide]
0959-4957 Immunology and infectious diseases Rapid Communications of Oxford.
0165-2478 Immunology letters Elsevier/North-Holland
0092-6019 Immunology series M. Dekker,
0167-4919 Immunology today Elsevier/North-Holland
1745-7580 Immunome research (e-vir) BioMed Central
1058-6687 ImmunoMethods Academic Press
0073-5531 Immunopathology International Symposium on Immunopathology.
0162-3109 Immunopharmacology Elsevier/North-Holland; Elsevier Science Publishers; Elsevier
0892-3973 Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology Marcel Dekker
1532-2513 Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
1073-2160 Immunopharmacology reviews Plenum Press,
1380-2933 Immunotechnology Elsevier
0021-4396 Imono Casting Institute Japan.; Japan Foundrymen's Society.; Japanese Foundry Engineering Society.
0019-2872 Impact of science on society Unesco
0390-6132 Impianti Franco Angeli
0883-5896 Important advances in oncology Lippincott,
0379-7422 Impulstechniken R. Oldenbourg Verlag
0253-6242 Imsan e'neoji han-gug imsan eneoji haghoe
0144-0047 IMS report Department of Trade and Industry.
0391-7363 IMU ERIS Edizioni per l'Industria
0391-8629 Incontri di anestesia rianimazione e scienze affini s.n..
0197-758X INCRA research report International Copper Research Association.
0367-6609 Index analyticus cancerologiae Ligue française contre le cancer
0367-3944 Index to the Literature of Food Investigation [s.n.]
0019-4336 Indian Agriculturist Agricultural Society of India
0367-7478 Indian and Eastern Chemist [s.n.]
0367-7486 Indian and Eastern Druggist [s.n.]
0019-4352 Indian and Eastern Engineer [s.n.]
0367-7591 Indian and Eastern Motors s.n.
0099-961X Indiana University Publications. Science Series Indiana University Press.
0442-7696 Indiana Water Quality Indiana State Board of Health and Stream Pollution Control Board.
0019-4425 Indian bee journal All India Beekeepers' Association.
0302-7554 Indian biologist Indian Assoc. of Biological Sciences.
0970-1389 Indian Botanical Contractor Avichal Science Foundation.
0254-4091 Indian botanical reporter Marathwada University.
0367-7311 Indian Central Cotton Committee [s.n.]
0019-4492 Indian Ceramics S.N. Roy
0253-6838 Indian Chemical abstracts Techno-doc publications.
0975-007X Indian chemical engineer Taylor and Francis
0019-4506 Indian Chemical Engineer Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Jadavpur University Campus.
0019-4514 Indian Chemical Journal K.S.S. Raghavan, Sevak Press
0376-9801 Indian chemical journal. Annual Sevak Publ..
0367-7222 Indian Chemical Manufacturer Indian Chemical Manufacturer
0367-7257 Indian Chemical Manufacturer [s.n.]
0367-7281 Indian Coconut Journal India, Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Coconut Development Board
0019-4549 Indian Coffee Coffee Board.
0019-4565 Indian Concrete Journal ACC Limited
0367-7206 Indian Cotton Growing Review [s.n.]
0367-9136 Indian Cotton Journal [s.n.]
0019-4603 Indian Dairyman Indian Dairy Science Association, Secy.
0019-462X Indian drugs Indian Drug Manufacturers' Assoc..
0367-9187 Indian Engineering [s.n.]
0019-4786 Indian Farming Indian Council of Agricultural Research
0019-4808 Indian Food Packer The All India Food Preservers' Association.
0073-635X Indian Forest Bulletin Mgr of Publications
0073-6368 Indian Forest Leaflet Mgr of Publications
0073-6422 Indian Forest Records [s.n.]
0073-6376 Indian Forest Records, Botany Manager of Publications
0073-6392 Indian Forest Records, Entomology Mgr of Publications
0442-6827 Indian Forest Records, Wood Anatomy Forest Research Institute
0445-7617 Indian Forest Records, Wood Preservation [s.n.]
0379-5446 Indian foundry journal Institute of Indian Foundrymen.
0046-8983 Indian geotechnical journal Indian Geotechnical Soc
2277-3347 Indian geotechnical journal Springer (India) P. Ltd.
2213-3763 Indian heart journal (e-vir) Cardiology Society of India
0019-4832 Indian Heart Journal Cardiological Society of India.
0019-4891 Indian Industries [s.n.]
0970-6399 Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry Indian Society of Agricultural Biochemists
0367-8229 Indian Journal of Agricultural Chemistry Indian Society of Agricultural Chemists
0367-8245 Indian Journal of Agricultural Research Agricultural Research Communication Centre.
0976-058X Indian Journal of Agricultural Research (e-vir) Indianjournals.com
0974-4460 Indian journal of agronomy (e-vir) Indian Society of Agronomy
0537-197X Indian Journal of Agronomy Indian Society of Agronomy.
0250-5231 Indian journal of air pollution control Indian Association for Air Pollution Control.
0019-5057 Indian Journal of Animal Health West Bengal Veterinary Association.
0970-3209 Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition Animal Nutrition Society of India
0367-6722 Indian Journal of Animal Research Agricultural Research Communication Centre.
2394-3327 Indian journal of animal sciences (e-vir) Indian Agricultural Research Institute
0367-8318 Indian Journal of Animal Sciences Indian Council of Agricultural Research
0970-2091 Indian Journal of Applied and Pure Biology Shaukat Saeed Khan.
0019-5065 Indian Journal of Applied Chemistry Indian Chemical Society
0019-5081 Indian Journal of Biochemistry Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
0975-0959 Indian journal of biochemistry and biophysics (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0301-1208 Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR)
0975-0967 Indian journal of biotechnology (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0972-5849 Indian Journal of Biotechnology CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR)
0250-829X Indian Journal of Botany Indian Journal of Botany.
1998-4774 Indian journal of cancer Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd.
0970-2563 Indian Journal of Cancer Chemotherapy Indian Association of Cancer Chemotherapists.
0367-8261 Indian Journal of Chemical Education Prof V. Ramakrishna, Chemistry Dep. I.I.T.
0970-7905 Indian Journal of Chemical Sciences Birla Institute of Scientific Research
0975-0991 Indian journal of chemical technology (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0971-457X Indian Journal of Chemical Technology National Institute of Science Communication, CSIR
0376-4710 Indian journal of chemistry National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources; Council of Scientific and Industrial research
0975-0975 Indian journal of chemistry (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0975-0983 Indian journal of chemistry (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0019-5103 Indian Journal of Chemistry Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
2583-1321 Indian Journal of Chemistry (e-vir) CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR)
0376-4699 Indian journal of chemistry. Sect. B: organic chemistry, including medical chemistry Council of scientific and industrial research
0445-7684 Indian Journal of Child Health [s.n.]
0970-1915 Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry Association of Clinical Biochemists of India.
0255-7150 Indian journal of comparative animal physiology Indian Society for Comparative Animal Physiologists.
0376-9844 Indian journal of criminology Indian Society of Criminology
0379-0479 Indian journal of cryogenics Indian Cryogenics Council
0019-5162 Indian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology Indian Association of Dermatologists & Venereologists
0379-5128 Indian journal of earth sciences Indian Soc. of Earth Sciences.
0304-5250 Indian journal of ecology Indian Ecological Society.
0971-4588 Indian journal of engineering and materials sciences National Institute of Science Communication, CSIR.
0975-1017 Indian journal of engineering and materials sciences (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0367-8288 Indian Journal of Entomology Entomological Society of India
0367-827X Indian Journal of Environmental Health Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute
0253-7141 Indian journal of environmental protection Kalpana Publications.
0972-1215 Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning Society of Environmental Sciences.
0975-1009 Indian journal of experimental biology (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0019-5189 Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
0253-715X Indian journal of farm sciences Chandrashekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology.
0973-1822 Indian Journal of Fertilisers The Fertiliser Association of India
0975-1025 Indian journal of fibre & textile research (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0971-0426 Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR.
0537-2003 Indian Journal of Fisheries India, Ministry of Food and Agriculture
0970-1982 Indian Journal of Forensic Sciences Forensic Science Society of India
0250-524X Indian Journal of Forestry Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh.
0019-5200 Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding
0970-9088 Indian Journal of Geochemistry Indian Association of Geochemists.
0019-5219 Indian journal of gerontology Indian Gerontological Association
0374-826X Indian Journal of Heredity Genetic Assoc. of India.
0971-1627 Indian journal of heterocyclic chemistry R S Verma
2454-9991 Indian journal of history of science (e-vir) Indian National Science Academy
0019-5235 Indian Journal of History of Science Indian National Science Academy
0019-5251 Indian Journal of Horticulture Indian Academy of Horticultural Science
0971-6866 Indian journal of human genetics Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd.
1998-362X Indian journal of human genetics Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd.
0367-8326 Indian Journal of Malariology Malaria Research Center
0379-5136 Indian journal of marine sciences National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0975-1033 Indian journal of marine sciences (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0255-0857 Indian journal of medical microbiology Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists.
1998-3646 Indian journal of medical microbiology Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd.
1998-3654 Indian journal of medical sciences Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd.
0019-5359 Indian Journal of Medical Sciences Board of the Indian Journal of Medical Sciences Trust
0376-4796 Indian Journal of Meteorology, Hydrology & Geophysics India Meteorological Department
0019-5383 Indian Journal of Meteorology & Geophysics India Meteorological Department
0046-8991 Indian Journal of Microbiology Association of Microbiologists of India.
0537-2054 Indian Journal of Mycological Research Indian Mycological Society
0303-4097 Indian journal of mycology and plant pathology Soc. of Mycology an Plant pathology
0970-129X Indian Journal of Natural Products Indian Society of Pharmacognosy.
0970-2431 Indian Journal of Natural Rubber Research Rubber Research Institute of India
0303-6960 Indian journal of nematology Nematological Soc. of India.
0974-4444 Indian journal of nematology (e-vir) Nematological Society of India
0019-5391 Indian Journal of Occupational Health Indian Association of Occupational Health, Bombay Branch.
1998-3689 Indian journal of ophthalmology Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd.
0301-4738 Indian Journal of Ophthalmology All-India Ophthalmological Society.
0019-5421 Indian journal of otolaryngology Dep. of Otolaryngology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences.
0253-7168 Indian Journal of Parasitology Indian Society for Parasitology.
0019-5448 Indian Journal of Pathology & Bacteriology Indian Association of Pathologists
0973-7693 Indian journal of pediatrics (e-vir) Springer India
0019-5456 Indian Journal of Pediatrics All India Institute of Medical Sciences
0019-5464 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Dep of Pharmacy, Birla Institute of Technology and Science
1998-3743 Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd.
0250-474X Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Indian Pharmaceutical Association.
0253-7613 Indian Journal of Pharmacology Indian Pharmacological Society.
0254-2943 Indian Journal of Physical and Natural Sciences K.S. Sinha
0970-0811 Indian Journal of Physical and Natural Sciences. Section A K.S. Sinha.
0378-8156 Indian journal of physical anthropology and human genetics Ethnographic and Folk Culture Soc..
0974-9845 Indian journal of physics (e-vir) Springer India Pvt. Ltd.
0973-1458 Indian Journal of Physics Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
0252-9262 Indian journal of physics A and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of science A Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
0019-5480 Indian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
0252-9254 Indian journal of physics B and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of science B Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
0367-8350 Indian Journal of Physiology and Allied Sciences Shri A.K. Dasgupta.
0019-5499 Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Dr. SK. Manchanda, Dep. of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
2582-2799 Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (e-vir) Dr K K Deepak
0974-0252 Indian journal of plant physiology Indian Society for Plant Physiology
0019-5502 Indian Journal of Plant Physiology Indian Society for Plant Physiology
0253-4355 Indian journal of plant protection Plant Protection Association of India
0970-0404 Indian Journal of Plant Sciences Scientific Publishers.
0019-5529 Indian Journal of Poultry Science Indian Poultry Science Association
1998-3794 Indian journal of psychiatry Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd.
0019-5545 Indian Journal of Psychiatry S. C. S. Master.
2229-7693 Indian journal of public health Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd.
0019-557X Indian Journal of Public Health Indian Public Health Association.
0975-1041 Indian journal of pure & applied physics (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0019-5596 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
0975-105X Indian journal of radio & space physics (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0367-8393 Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR)
0019-5618 Indian Journal of Science & Industry Indian Journal of Science & Industry
0367-8296 Indian Journal of Science & Industry. Section A, Agricultural Sciences Indian Journal of Science & Industry.
0367-830X Indian Journal of Science & Industry. Section B, Animal Sciences Indian Journal of Science & Industry.
0445-7722 Indian Journal of Sericulture Central Silk Board.
0367-8407 Indian Journal of Sugarcane Research and Development [s.n.]
0019-5650 Indian Journal of Surgery
0019-5669 Indian Journal of Technology Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
0377-8436 Indian Journal of Textile Research Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
0019-5693 Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics Institute of Theoretical Physics
2589-1278 Indian journal of tuberculosis (e-vir) Tuberculosis Association of India
0250-4758 Indian journal of veterinary pathology Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists
0019-5715 Indian Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry Indian Council of Agricultural Research
0253-8040 Indian journal of weed science Indian Society of Weed Science
0302-7562 Indian journal of zoology Dep. of Zoology, Saifia College.
0019-5855 Indian Medical Forum [s.n.]
0019-5863 Indian Medical Gazette [s.n.]
0019-5871 Indian Medical Journal East India Pharmaceutical Works Limited
0019-5898 Indian Medical Record [s.n.]
0367-9012 Indian Medical Research Memoirs [s.n.]
0019-5928 Indian Mineralogist Mineralogical Society of India
0019-5936 Indian Minerals Geological Survey of India
0367-8911 Indian Mining Journal [s.n.]
0019-6045 Indian Oil and Soap Journal Indian Oil and Soap Journal
0445-7951 Indian Oilseeds Journal Indian Central Oilseeds Committee.
0974-7559 Indian pediatrics (e-vir) Indian Academy of Pediatrics
0019-6061 Indian Pediatrics Indian Pediatric.
0019-607X Indian Perfumer Essential Oil Association of India.
0367-9713 Indian Pharmacist [s.n.]
0367-9764 Indian Physico-Mathematical Journal [s.n.]
2248-9800 Indian phytopathology (e-vir) Indian Phytopathological Society
0367-973X Indian Phytopathology The Indian Phytopathological Society.
0019-6150 Indian poultry review G. N. Ghosh.
0019-6169 Indian Practitioner Indian Practitioner
0019-6185 Indian Print and Paper [s.n.]
0019-6231 Indian Pulp and Paper R. H. Humphrey and Co, Ltd.
0379-0487 Indian Refractory Makers Association Journal Indian Refractory Makers Association
0253-4436 Indian review of life sciences University, Department of Botany.
0019-6320 Indian Rubber Bulletin Association of Rubber Manufacturers
0019-6339 Indian Science Abstracts National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources
0367-9470 Indian Soap Journal [s.n.]
0019-6401 Indian Spices Spices Export Promotion Council
0019-6428 Indian Sugar The Indian Sugar Mills Association
0019-6444 Indian Trade Journal Government of India, Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics.; India, Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics.
0019-6479 Indian veterinary journal Indian Veterinary Association
0250-5266 Indian Veterinary Medical Journal U.P. Veterinary Association (India)
0046-9092 Indian Welding Journal Indian Institute of Welding
0368-0983 Indian Zoologist Society of Indian Zoologists
0096-5782 India rubber & tire review India Rubber Review Co.,
0367-9985 India Rubber Journal MacLaren&Sons
0096-5790 India rubber world Bill Brothers Publishing Corp.
0019-6967 Indicatore Grafico Ente nazionale per la cellulosa e per la carta.; Associazione nazionale italiana industrie grafiche cartotecniche e trasformatrici.
0367-8857 Indische mercuur Van Dorp : :; De Bussy
0160-6662 Individual onsite wastewater systems National Sanitation Foundation (U.S.); Technology Transfer Program (U.S.)
0537-4243 Indonesia, Direktorat Geologi, Publikasi Teknik, Serie Geologi Ekonomi Departamen Perindustrian Dasar/Pertambangan, Direktorat Geologi.
0019-7319 Indonesian Abstracts Council for Sciences of Indonesia.
0367-8334 Indonesian Journal for Natural Science Perhimpunan Ilmu Alam Indonesia.
1423-0070 Indoor + built environment (e-vir) S. Karger; Sage Publications
0905-6947 Indoor air Munksgaard International Publishers
1600-0668 Indoor air (e-vir) Danish Technical Press
1420-326X Indoor and built environment S. Karger
1016-4901 Indoor environment Indoor Air International
0367-9462 Industria Sociedad de Fomento Fabril.
0446-0197 Industria alimentaræa Ministerul Industriei Alimentare.
0446-0200 Industria alimentaræa Ministerul Industriei Alimentare.
0446-0219 Industria alimentaræa Ministerul Industriei Alimentare.
0367-7214 Industria chimica [s.n.].
0367-7265 Industria chimica, mineraria e metallurgica [s.n.].
0019-7483 Industria Conserve Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Conserve Alimentari in Parma
0367-7249 Industria construcţiilor şi a materialelor de construcţii [s.n.]
0019-7491 Industria cotoniera Associazione cotoniera italiana.
0446-0243 Industria dei Farmaci Industrie dei farmaci.
0367-9217 Industria del gas e degli acquedotti Associazione italiana gas e acqua.
0019-7548 Industria della Carta Tecniche Nuove.
0367-7117 Industria della Carta e delle Arti Grafiche
0367-7192 Industria della ceramica e silicati Associazione nazionale degli industriali della ceramica e degli abrasivi.
0019-7564 Industria della Vernice Edizioni "Ariminum" :; International Media Representa.
0019-7521 Industria del Legno L'Industria del Legno e del Mobile
0367-8695 Industria del Legno, Mobile e Ambiente
0019-7599 Industria dolciaria internazionale [s.n.].
0367-9209 Industria farmacéutica venezolana s.n.
0446-0278 Industria Farmaceútica y Bioquímica Justo Emilio Menes Garcia.
0019-7610 Industria Italiana dei Laterizi Associazione Nazionale degli Industriali dei Laterizi.
0367-8148 Industria Italiana del Freddo Istituto Italiano del freddo.
0367-9284 Industria Italiana delle Conserve Stazione sperimentale per l'industria delle conserve alimentari in Parma
0367-8083 Industria Italiana delle Conserve Alimentari Stazione sperimentale per l'industria delle conserve alimentari in Parma.
0019-7866 Industrial & engineering chemistry American Chemical Society
0097-6423 Industrial & engineering chemistry American Chemical Society,
1541-4655 Industrial & engineering chemistry American Chemical Society
1541-5724 Industrial & engineering chemistry American Chemical Society
1541-5759 Industrial & engineering chemistry American Chemical Society
0196-4313 Industrial & engineering chemistry fundamentals American Chemical Society
1541-4833 Industrial & engineering chemistry fundamentals American Chemical Society
0196-4305 Industrial & engineering chemistry process design and development American Chemical Society.
1541-5716 Industrial & engineering chemistry process design and development American Chemical Society
0196-4321 Industrial & engineering chemistry product research and development American Chemical Society
1541-4841 Industrial & engineering chemistry product research and development American Chemical Society
0888-5885 Industrial & engineering chemistry research American Chemical Society
1520-5045 Industrial & engineering chemistry research (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0096-4484 Industrial and engineering chemistry American Chemical Society
0019-7947 Industrial and process heating Factory Publications
0367-8776 Industria lattiera e zootecnica [s.n.]
1550-9087 Industrial biotechnology GEN Pub.
1931-8421 Industrial biotechnology Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0019-803X Industrial bulletin New York (State).
0367-9098 Industrial Bulletin Director of Industries, Government of Maharashtra
0004-3605 Industrial Bulletin of Arthur D. Little, Inc Arthur D. Little, Inc.
0019-8056 Industrial Canada Canadian Manufacturers' Association.
1121-7588 Industrial ceramics Ceramurgica
0367-9160 Industrial Chemist Tothill Press Ltd
0367-7133 Industrial Chemist and Chemical Manufacturer [s.n.]
0261-9253 Industrial chemistry bulletin Royal Society of Chemistry.
0926-9614 Industrial chemistry library Kodansha :; Elsevier
0926-6690 Industrial crops and products Elsevier Science Publishers
1872-633X Industrial crops and products (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0148-7582 Industrial development Conway Publications]
0446-043X Industrial Diamond Abstracts [S.n.]
0046-9181 Industria lechera Centro de la Industria Lechera.
0019-7653 Industria lemnului Consiliul Naţional al Inginerilor şi Tehnicienilor din R.S.R.
0367-8644 Industria lemnului Ministerul Industriei Lemnului, Hârtiei şi Celulozei
0019-8234 Industrial engineering The Institute
0073-7453 Industrial Fibres review Sisal Publications
0019-8315 Industrial finishing Wheatland Journals
0019-8323 Industrial finishing Hitchcock Pub. Co.
0039-6001 Industrial Finishing and Surface Coatings Wheatland Journals
0367-7710 Industrial Finishing Journal and Paint Colour Record [s.n.]
0073-747X Industrial finishing yearbook Wheatland Journals
0019-834X Industrial Gas Moore Publishing Co
1880-8026 Industrial health National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
0019-8366 Industrial Health National Institute of Industrial Health :; National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
0317-4301 Industrial health review Canada.
0019-8374 Industrial heating Business News Publ. Co.
0367-8024 Industrial Heating Engineer John D. Troup
0073-7542 Industrial Hygiene Highlights Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, Inc.
0019-8412 Industrial India [s.n.]
0096-1671 Industrial laboratories F.D. Thompson Publications, etc.]
0019-8447 Industrial laboratory Consultants Bureau.; Instrument Society of America.; Consultants Bureau Enterprises.
1758-5775 Industrial lubrication and tribology (e-vir) MCB University Press
0036-8792 Industrial Lubrication and Tribology Peterson Publishing Co
0096-168X Industrial management Engineering Magazine Co.
0093-2183 Industrial medicine American Association of Industrial Physicians and Surgeons.
0019-8536 Industrial medicine and surgery American Association of Industrial Physicians and Surgeons.
0474-1714 Industrial mineral report Ontario. Division of Mines.
0019-8544 Industrial Minerals Metal Bulletin P.L.C
0548-9776 Industrial minerals and rocks New Zealand Geological Survey.; New Zealand. Science Information Division.
0073-4853 Industrial minerals notes Illinois State Geological Survey.
0093-3589 Industrial pharmacology Futura Pub. Co.,
0019-8595 Industrial photography Photography in Business Inc.,
0096-4611 Industrial plastics Huebner Publications
0367-9829 Industrial power, steam, heat, light, and air, and the fuel economist
0367-9772 Industrial power and mass production British Thomson-Houston Co.
0367-9411 Industrial power and production [Sawell]
0361-2031 Industrial process design for pollution control American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
0367-942X Industrial Radiography
0096-204X Industrial radiography & non-destructive testing American Industrial Radium and X-Ray Society.
0096-8099 Industrial refrigeration Nickerson & Collins Co.
0019-8676 Industrial relations Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California.
1468-232X Industrial relations (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0019-8722 Industrial research Magazine Division, Dun-Donnelley Pub. Co., etc.
0160-4074 Industrial research/development Technical Pub. Co.
0442-994X Industrial Review [s.n.]
0367-9489 Industrial safety survey International Labour Office
0446-0847 Industrial Science and Engineering
0096-2848 Industrial South Southern Association of Science and Industry (U.S.)
0097-2932 Industrial standardization American Standards Association.
0097-2940 Industrial standardization and commercial standards monthly American Standards Association.; United States.
0277-6804 Industrial waste University of Delaware.
0046-9262 Industrial wastes Scranton Gillette Communications
1067-5337 Industrial wastewater Water Environment Federation.
0537-5525 Industrial water & wastes [Scranton Pub. Co.]
0019-8862 Industrial water engineering Wakeman-Walworth]
1058-3645 Industrial water treatment Tall Oaks Pub.
0446-091X Industrial Wood Processing [s.n.]
0019-8889 Industrial world Johnston International Publishing Corp.
0367-9365 Industria minera Unión Minera Argentina.
0391-1586 Industria mineraria Jandi Sapi editori
0367-892X Industria mineraria d'Italia e d'oltremare Associazione mineraria industria estrattiva.
0019-7734 Industria Saccarifera Italiana Associazone Nazionale fra i Tecnici dello Zucchero e dell'Alcole
0019-8943 Industrias de la alimentaciòn "Editorial Cosmos".
0368-0576 Industria Tessile e Tintoria
0442-9281 Industria textil [s.n.].
0019-7750 Industria textila CARTIMEX
1222-5347 Industria textilæa Certex
0368-0606 Industria textil Sud Americana Editesa SA
0019-7785 Industria uşoaræa Ministerul Industriei Uşoare.
1017-2254 Industria uşoaræa. Textile, tricotaje, confecţii textile [s.n.]
0368-0819 Industria y química Asociación Química Argentina
0073-7755 Industrieabwässer Deutscher Kommunal-Verlag GmbH
0019-9001 Industrie Agrarie ????.
0019-901X Industrie Alimentari Chiriotti editore
0019-9036 Industrie-Anzeiger Konradin-Fachzeitschr
0019-9052 Industrie Chimique Belge Federation des Industries Chimiques de Belgique
0367-9349 Industrie de la parfumerie [s.n.]
0390-0541 Industrie delle bevande Chiriotti
0367-8180 Industrie des plastiques modernes Publications techniques associées
0367-9756 Industrie des plastiques modernes et élastomères Publications techniques associées
0980-1367 Industrie du cuir Société des publications le Cuir
0367-9659 Industrie du pétrole Lesourd
0019-9060 Industrie du pétrole en Europe éditions Olivier Lesourd
0367-7516 Industrie-Elektronik in Forschung und Fertigung Elektro Spezial GmbH
0368-0665 Industriekurier Becker und Wrietzner Verlag
0019-9109 Industrie-Lackier-Betrieb Curt R. Vincentz Verlag
0367-939X Industrielle Obst- und Gemüseverwertung Hempel
0019-9257 Industriell teknik Svenska uppfinnareföreningen.; Tekniska läroverkens ingenjörsförbund.; Sveriges galvanotekniska förening.; Konstruktionstekniska föreningen.; Instrumenttekniska föreningen.; ScanVAVE.; Föreningen för oförstörande provning.; Svenska mekanisters riksförening.; Sveriges rationaliseringsförbund.; Föreningen Underh°allsteknik.
0302-2129 Industrie minérale Société de l'industrie minérale
0367-8962 Industrie minérale Industrie minérale
0367-8989 Industrie minérale Société de l'industrie minérale (France)
0766-1207 Industrie minérale, mines et carrières. Les techniques GEDIM; Société de l'industrie minérale
0367-9071 Industries agricoles et alimentaires [s.n.]
0019-9311 Industries alimentaires et agricoles SEPAIC
0019-932X Industries atomiques R. Kister; SADESI
0367-6838 Industries atomiques & spatiales Sertna
0046-9300 Industries de l'Alimentation Animale SEPAIC
0367-9640 Industries de la parfumerie et de la cosmétique Presses documentaires,
0245-4505 Industries des céréales Association pour le progrès des industries des céréales
0367-9748 Industries des plastiques Presses documentaires,
0377-886X Industri og miljø Teknisk presse,
0096-2589 Industry and welding Industrial Publication
0367-8865 Industry of Metals [s.n.]
1420-3448 Infectiology S. Karger AG
0300-8126 Infection MMV-Medizin-Verlag
1439-0973 Infection Urban u. Vogel
1567-1348 Infection, genetics and evolution Elsevier
1567-7257 Infection, genetics and evolution (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0019-9567 Infection & immunity American Society for Microbiology
1098-5522 Infection and immunity (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
0919-1011 Infection control Medika Shuppan; Medika shuppan
1750-9378 Infectious agents and cancer (e-vir) BioMed Central
1056-2044 Infectious agents and disease Raven Press
1043-2981 Infectious disease and therapy M. Dekker; Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare
0090-6549 Infectious disease reviews Futura Pub. Co.
0734-4627 Infectious diseases and antimicrobial agents Dekker,
1064-7449 Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology Wiley-Liss
1098-0997 Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology (e-vir) Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1871-5265 Infectious disorders Bentham Science Publishers
2212-3989 Infectious disorders (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0185-0628 Infectología Asociación Mexicana de Infectología.
0212-3800 Infectológika Grupo Técnico Editorial
0537-5959 Infektionskrankheiten und ihre Erreger Fischer
0160-7626 Infertility M. Dekker
0360-3997 Inflammation Kluwer Online
1573-2576 Inflammation Kluwer
1871-5281 Inflammation & allergy Bentham Science Publishers
2212-4055 Inflammation & allergy (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0923-9405 Inflammation and drug therapy series Kluwer Academic Publishers
1880-8190 Inflammation and regeneration (e-vir) Nihon Ensho Saisei Igakkai
1880-9693 Inflammation and regeneration Japanese Society of Inflammation and Regeneration.
1023-3830 Inflammation research Birkhäuser
1420-908X Inflammation research (e-vir) Birkhäuser
1047-5028 Inflammatory disease and therapy Dekker,
0925-4692 Inflammopharmacology Kluwer Academic Publishers
1568-5608 Inflammopharmacology (e-vir) Springer
1286-0921 Info chimie magazine Société d'expansion technique et économique (France)
1528-9303 Inform American Oil Chemists' Society.
0100-9109 Informação IEA Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
0101-3386 Informação IPEN Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
0367-908X Informacion Agricola s.n..
0367-777X Información de química analítica Sindicato Vertical de Industrias Químicas (España); Sindicato Nacional de Industrias Químicas (España)
0368-0088 Informaciones sobre grasas y aceites Instituto Argentino de Grasas y Aceites. Departamento de Estadísticas e Informaciones.
0367-9039 Informaciones y memorias de la Sociedad de ingenieros del Perú Sociedad de ingenieros del Perú
0258-7572 Información express agrícola Centro de información y documentación agropecuario
0367-7095 Informacionnyj bûlletenʹ.; Информационный бюллетень "Medgiz"; "Медгиз".
0457-4613 Informacionnyj bûlletenʹ Instituta geologii Arktiki Ministerstvo geologii i orhany nedr SSSR.
0136-1430 Informacionnyj bûlletenʹ sovetskoj antarktičeskoj èkspedicii Gidrometeoizdat.
0457-5032 Informacionnyj sbornik Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij geologičeskij institut.
0716-8756 Información tecnológica Centro de Información Tecnológica
0718-0764 Información tecnológica (e-vir) Centro de Información Tecnológica
0019-9915 Informatik Die Wirtschaft
0549-5466 Information [s.n.]
0367-7451 Information and Documentation Problems Institutul Central de Documentare Tehnicæa.
0099-4588 Information Bulletin, Bituminous Coal Research
0018-8948 Information bulletin - International Center of Information on Antibiotics International Center of Information on Antibiotics.
0535-1936 Information Bulletin - International Research Group on Refuse Disposal
0019-9982 Information Bulletin on Isotopic Generators European Nuclear Energy Agency
0076-4795 Information circular Maryland Geological Survey.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0078-0340 Information circular Newfoundland.
0085-0616 Information circular Florida.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0096-8617 Information circular Washington (State). Division of Mines and Geology.
0097-5605 Information circular Ohio.
0097-5974 Information circular Arkansas Geological and Conservation Commission.
0097-6644 Information circular Georgia.
0369-3880 Information circular Newfoundland. Geological Survey.
0433-5473 Information circular Georgia.; Georgia.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0512-0640 Information circular Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0409-0845 Information Circular [s.n.]
0147-1783 Information circular / Washington (State).
0365-1339 Information Circular - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Mining Department, University of Melbourne, Ore Dressing Investigations Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
0376-0529 Information Circular - Florida Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Geology
0073-4446 Information circular - Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology,
0068-7847 Information circular - Mines Branch Canada. Mines Branch.
0544-3105 Information circular - Minnesota Geological Survey University of Minnesota.
0553-5719 Information Circular - Pennsylvania, Topographic and Geologic Survey Topographic and Geologic Survey.
0370-0909 Information Circular - Philippines, Bureau of Mines ????.
0492-7079 Information circular - State of Tennessee, Department of Conservation, Division of Geology State of Tennessee, Dept. of Conservation, Division of Geology,
0083-632X Information circular - Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Virginia.
0097-5591 Information Circular - Wyoming, University, Natural Resources Research Institute University of Wyoming, Natural Resources Research Institute.
0020-0042 Information display Society for Information Display.
0336-5646 Information et documentation - Association nationale de la recherche technique Association nationale de la recherche technique.; ANRT.
0443-1251 Information medicale roumaine Editura Medicală
0313-542X Information paper - Australian Atomic Energy Commission Australian Atomic Energy Commission.
0306-4573 Information processing & management Pergamon Press
1873-5371 Information processing & management (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0552-8518 Information release Pakistan Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geological Survey
0704-7673 Information report Northern Forest Research Centre (Canada)
0045-429X Information report - Western Forest Products Laboratory Canada. Western Forest Products Laboratory.
0176-4217 Informationsberichte des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft Bayerisches Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft.
0367-2042 Informationsblatt Foederation Europaeischer Gewaesserschutz
0020-045X Informations Chimie x
0020-0239 Information science abstracts Documentation Abstracts, inc.
0020-0247 Information science in Canada Pendragon House Ltd.
0020-0255 Information sciences North-Holland
0020-0263 Information Scientist Institute of Information Scientists
0001-2254 Informationsdienst Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
0147-5061 Information series Colorado State University.
0198-8735 Information series Colorado Water Resources Research Institute.
0568-7888 Information series Geological Survey (U.S.); Geological Survey of Alabama.
0034-5180 Information Series Research Council of Alberta.
0271-0285 Information series / Colorado Geological Survey.; Colorado.
0077-9636 Information series / Department of Scientific and Industrial Research New Zealand.
0701-5178 Information series - Alberta Research Council Alberta Research Council.
0097-4560 Information series - Asphalt Institute Asphalt Institute.
0167-5265 Information services & use IOS Press
1875-8789 Information services & use (e-vir) IOS Press
0374-1451 Informations techniques Centre technique interprofessionnel des oléagineux et du chanvre (France)
0020-0271 Information storage and retrieval Pergamon Press.
0720-3616 Information zu Energie und Umwelt. Teil A Universität Bremen, Presse- und Informationsamt.
0720-3624 Information zu Energie und Umwelt. Teil C Universität Bremen, Presse- und Informationsamt.
0441-3342 Informativní přehled Státní výzkumný ústav sklářský
0019-0233 Informativo do INT Ministério da Indústria e Comércio, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia
0020-0700 Informatore del marmista s.n.
0020-0735 Informatore fitopatologico Edagricole
0367-9373 Informatore Medico ????.
0020-0867 Informe Biblioteca, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
0367-7494 Informe Estación experimental agrícola de "La Molina"
0367-8040 Informe Instituto interamericano de ciencias agrícolas de la OEA, Centro tropical de investigación y enseñanza para graduados
0325-1403 Informe CNEA Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
0378-8601 Informe de investigación Centro de investigaciones tecnológicas.
1316-9688 Informe médico Educación Médica Continua
0367-8938 Informe mensual Estación experimental agrícola de "La Molina"
0325-1225 Informes Buenos Aires (Provincia). Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas.
0020-0883 Informes de la construcción Instituto Técnico de la Construcción y del Cemento; Instituto de la Construcción y del Cemento "Eduardo Torroja"; Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja
1988-3234 Informes de la construcción (e-vir) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Eduardo Torroja de la Construcción y del Cemento
0304-5161 Informes técnicos del Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras. Barcelona
0590-7012 Informes técnicos y notas geológicas Dirección de geologia, Escuela de geologia centroamericana
0372-3968 Informe Tecnico Universidad de Chile.
0518-4819 Informe técnico - Dirección Nacional de Geología y Minería Dirección Nacional de Geología y Minería.
0379-5691 Informe técnico ICAITI Instituto centroamericano de investigación y tecnología industrial.
0211-0601 Informe técnico - Instituto Nacional del Carbón y sus Derivados Francisco Pintado Fe Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Nacional del Carbón y sus Derivados Francisco Pintado Fe.
0378-1836 Informe - Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Ingeniería, Escuela de Geología y Minas, Laboratorio de Espectografía y Geoquímica Universidad Central de Venezuela. Escuela de Geología y Minas. Laboratorio de Espectografía y Geoquímica.
0367-8970 Informe y memorias del Instituto Mexicano de Minas y Metalurgía Instituto Mexicano de Minas y Metalurgía.
0020-0891 Infrared Physics Pergamon Press, Inc., Journals Division
1879-0275 Infrared physics & technology (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
1350-4495 Infrared Physics & Technology The Oxford Fulfilment Centre
0378-0791 Infusionstherapie und klinische Ernährung Karger
0035-6263 Ingegneria Editore Ulrico Hoepli
0020-093X Ingegneria Chimica Edizioni Ariminum.
0020-0956 Ingegneria Ferroviaria Presso Direzione Generale Ferrovie dello Stato
0367-9314 Ingegneria Italiana
0020-0972 Ingegneria Nucleare Instituto Propaganda Internazionale.
0020-0980 Ingegneria sanitaria Maggioli editore
0367-925X Ingenieria Gumersindo Garcia, SA.
0367-6552 Ingeniería agronómica Acme Agency
0020-1022 Ingeniería civil Editora Cedictec
0020-1030 Ingeniería e industria Indupress Ed.
0120-5609 Ingeniería e Investigación Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
2248-8723 Ingeniería e Investigación (e-vir)
0253-5645 Ingeniería energética Instituto superior politécnico José Antonio Etcheverría
0020-1057 Ingenieria hidráulica en México : Publicación técnica de la Secretaría de Recursos Hidráulicos Secretaría de Recursos Hidraúlicos
0020-1073 Ingeniería naval Asociación de Ingenieros Navales de España
0367-9934 Ingenieria quimica Universidad de Antioquia,
0020-1081 Ingeniería química [s.n.].
0210-2064 Ingeniería química: Imp. CEDESA
0446-2416 Ingenieria química e industrias Ingenieros químicos e industriales
0367-6862 Ingenieria y Arquitectura ????.
0250-8303 Ingenieria y ciencia química Colegia federado de químicos y de ingenieros de Costa-Rica
1264-9147 Ingénieries CEMAGREF-DICOVA
0443-2010 Ingeniero geologo Universidad nacional mayor de San Marcos
0020-1138 Ingénieur Association des diplômés de Polytechnique.
0020-1154 Ingenieur-Archiv Springer
0367-9233 Ingenieur in Indonesie Group Indonesie van het Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs.
0367-9381 Ingenieur in Nederlandsch-Indie Groep Ned. - Indie van het Koniklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs.
0020-1197 Ingenieurs Nationale Unie der Technische Ingenieurs.
0446-2467 Ingénieurs arts et métiers Ingénieurs arts et métiers
0020-1200 Ingénieurs de l'automobile Société des ingénieurs de l'automobile
0020-1227 Ingénieurs et techniciens Association des ingénieurs et techniciens de l'Institut normal électrotechnique et de l'Institut moderne polytechnique
0368-0614 Ingénieur Textile Association des ingénieurs de l'industrie textile sortis de l'Ecole supérieur des textiles de Verviers.
0105-6220 Ingeniøren Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark
0367-3391 Ingeniøren Dansk Ingeniørforening.
0446-2483 Ingeniøren Dansk Ingeniørforening,
0367-9276 Ingeniørvidenskabelige skrifter Akademiet for Tekniske Videnskaber.; Dansk Ingeniørforening.
0367-9454 Ingeniørvidenskabelige skrifter. B Dansk Ingeniøforening.
0020-1278 Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademiens meddelande Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien.; IVA.; Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien.
1594-0543 Ingredienti alimentari Chiriotti Editori.
0895-8378 Inhalation toxicology Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1091-7691 Inhalation toxicology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0073-8042 Inland Printer Maclean-Hunter
0020-1502 Inland printer, American lithographer [Maclean-Hunter Pub. Co.]
0213-9626 Inmunología Doyma
2173-9145 Inmunología (e-vir) Sociedad Española de Inmunología
0210-7082 Inmunologika Grupo Técnico Editorial
0716-6311 Innovación Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad de Antofagasta
1465-0460 Innovations in food technology Print Workshop Publications
0218-7566 Innovations in materials research World Scientific
1471-7204 Innovations in pharmaceutical technology Samedan
1466-8564 Innovative food science & emerging technologies Elsevier Science
1878-5522 Innovative food science and emerging technologies (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0020-1693 Inorganica Chimica Acta Prof Ugo Croatto
1873-3255 Inorganica Chimica Acta (e-vir) Elsevier
0073-8085 Inorganica Chimica Acta, Reviews Editor, The University.
1878-3538 Inorganica Chimica Acta, Reviews (e-vir) Elsevier
0020-1650 Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters Pergamon Press]
0142-9698 Inorganic biochemistry Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain); Chemical Society (Great Britain)
1075-8615 Inorganic bonded wood and fiber composite materials Forest Products Research Society.; Forest Products Society.
0020-1669 Inorganic chemistry American Chemical Society
1520-510X Inorganic chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1387-7003 Inorganic chemistry communications Elsevier
1879-0259 Inorganic chemistry communications (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0305-697X Inorganic chemistry of the main-group elements Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0305-9774 Inorganic chemistry of the transition elements Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0020-1677 Inorganic macromolecules reviews Elsevier
0020-1685 Inorganic materials Consultants Bureau
1608-3172 Inorganic materials (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0378-3790 Inorganic perspectives in biology and medicine Elsevier/North-Holland
0305-8255 Inorganic reaction mechanisms Chemical Society (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
1028-6624 Inorganic reaction mechanisms Gordon and Breach.
1607-8470 Inorganic reaction mechanisms Gordon and Breach.
0073-8077 Inorganic syntheses J. Wiley & Sons
0001-4982 Inquinamento Etas Kompass Periodici tecnici S.p.a.
0106-1577 Inre spänningar i lackskikt Scandinavian Paint and Printing Ink Research.; Nordiska Institutet för Färgforskning.
0379-5454 INSA bulletin Indian National Science Academy.
0367-8547 Insatsu-Kyoku Kenkyäujo häokoku Okura-shäo Insatsu-kyoku Kenkyäujo :; Zaimushou insatsukyoku kenkyuujo.
0020-1758 Insatsu Zasshi Insatsu zasshisha; Nihon insatsu bunka kyokai; Insatsu Gakkai Shuppan-bu
0020-1790 Insect biochemistry Pergamon Press.
1879-2928 Insect biochemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
0965-1748 Insect biochemistry and molecular biology Pergamon
1879-0240 Insect biochemistry and molecular biology (e-vir) Elsevier
1420-9098 Insectes sociaux Birkhäuser
0020-1812 Insectes sociaux = Masson; Birkhäuser
0962-1075 Insect molecular biology Blackwell Scientific
1365-2583 Insect molecular biology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1672-9609 Insect science Blackwell
1744-7917 Insect science (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
0191-9040 Insect science and its application African Association of Insect Scientists; International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
0443-2452 Inseki To Intetsu Nihon Inseki Kenkyukai.
0378-0546 INSERM symposium Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale.
1354-2575 Insight British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
1754-4904 Insight (e-vir) British Institute of Non-destructive Testing.
1386-6338 In silico biology IOS Press; Bioinformation Systems
1434-3207 In silico biology (e-vir) IOS Press
0146-2520 In situ [Dekker]
0073-6783 Inspection report Purdue University. Agricultural Experiment Station.; Purdue University. Office of Agricultural Research Programs.; Indiana. Office of the State Chemist.
0198-8727 Institute for Environmental Medicine report Institute for Environmental Medicine.
0495-7822 Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo Reports Tokyo Daigaku, Genshikaku Kenkyujo.
0537-9024 Institute of Biology's studies in biology Edward Arnold.
0367-7680 Institute of Fuel bulletin Institute of Fuel (Great Britain)
0144-0020 Institute of Fuel symposium series Institute of Fuel.
0367-780X Institute of Fuel war time bulletin Institute of Fuel.
0149-2756 Institute of Marine Science report Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska.
0073-9464 Institute of Metals, Monograph and Report Series The Institute of Metals.
0309-1880 Institute of Petroleum [report] Institute of Petroleum (Great Britain)
0367-9810 Institute of Petroleum Review [s.n.]
0951-3248 Institute of physics conference series Adam Hilger
0239-7412 Institute of Physics reports - Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences.
0537-9709 Institute of Vitreous Enamellers bulletin Institute of Vitreous Enamellers.
0099-6904 Institute Spokesman. National Lubricating Grease Institute
0722-7698 Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Universität Karlsruhe Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Universität Karlsruhe
0307-0492 Institution of Chemical Engineers symposium series Institution of Chemical Engineers
0020-3424 Institution of Fire Engineers Quarterly Institution of Fire Engineers.
0367-8032 Instituto del Hierro y del Acero Instituto del Hierro y del Acero.
0374-1982 Institut Teknologi Bandung. Proceedings. Supplement Institut Teknologi Bandung
0020-4366 Instrumentation Honeywell Industrial Products Group
1067-6988 Instrumentation, controls, and automation in the power industry Electric Power Research Institute.; Instrument Society of America.; ISA (Society).
0096-7238 Instrumentation in the aerospace industry Instrument Society of America.
0074-0551 Instrumentation in the chemical and petroleum industries Instrument Society of America.
0145-3696 Instrumentation in the cryogenic industry Instrument Society of America.
0095-0777 Instrumentation in the food and beverage industry; proceedings Instrument Society of America. Food Industry Division.
0096-7459 Instrumentation in the iron and steel industry Instrument Society of America.
0096-7467 Instrumentation in the metals industries Instrument Society of America.
0361-3070 Instrumentation in the mining and metallurgy industries Instrument Society of America.
0074-056X Instrumentation in the power industry Instrument Society of America.
0361-4719 Instrumentation in the pulp and paper industry Instrument Society of America.
0538-2467 Instrumentation Nucleaire s.n.
0099-8443 Instrumentation Papers - United States Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.
0883-7201 Instrumentation-research Perkin-Elmer Corporation.
1073-9149 Instrumentation science & technology Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1525-6030 Instrumentation science & technology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
0020-4382 Instrumentation technology Instrument Society of America
0367-9144 Instrument Construction [s.n.]
0538-2343 Instrument Engineer [s.n.]
0141-0733 Instrument evaluation National Radiological Protection Board.
0096-2619 Instrument manufacturing Instruments Pub. Co.,
0096-1183 Instrument news Perkin-Elmer Corporation.
0367-9403 Instrument Practice United Trade Press
0368-024X Instrument review Morgan
0367-9969 Instrument revue Nederlandse analysten vereniging
0096-2066 Instruments Instruments Pub. Co.]
0020-4404 Instruments & control systems Chilton
0096-2627 Instruments and automation [Instruments Pub. Co.]
0020-4412 Instruments and experimental techniques Consultants Bureau
1608-3180 Instruments and experimental techniques (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0020-4420 Instruments et laboratoires Dunod
0047-0376 Instruments India [s.n.]
0340-8655 Instrument und Forschung Colora-Messtechnik-GmbH.
0020-4552 Insulation Allens Clerkenwell.
0375-9040 Insulation Lake Publishing Corp.
0020-4544 Insulation/circuits Lake Pub. Corp.
0096-2074 Insurance engineering Insurance Press]
0192-303X InTech Instrument Society of America
0538-2696 Integral industrial Sociedad de Ingenieros Quimicos,
1551-3777 Integrated environmental assessment and management Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
1551-3793 Integrated environmental assessment and management (e-vir) SETAC
1026-7530 Integrated ferroelectrics (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishers.
1058-4587 Integrated ferroelectrics Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1607-8489 Integrated ferroelectrics Gordon and Breach.
1540-7063 Integrative and comparative biology Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
1557-7023 Integrative and comparative biology (e-vir) Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
1738-6357 Integrative Biosciences Zoological society of Korea
1534-7354 Integrative cancer therapies Sage Publications
1552-695X Integrative cancer therapies (e-vir) Sage Publications
0020-5044 Intégré CHU Librairie Maloine, SA
0889-8308 Intelligent instruments & computers Huethig Pub.
0391-8637 In tema di medicina e cultura Edizioni Minerva Medica.
0136-8419 Intensifikaciâ processov domennoj plavki i osvoenie pečej bolʹšogo obʹema Metallurgiâ
0270-1855 Intensive care in the newborn Masson Pub. USA,
0342-4642 Intensive care medicine Springer
1432-1238 Intensive care medicine (e-vir) Springer
0303-6251 Intensivmedizin Sektion Neurologie der DGIM.; Sektion Intensivmedizin im Berufsverband Deutscher Internisten e.V.; Österreichische Gesellschaft für Internistische Intensivmedizin.; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internistische Intensivmedizin.
0368-0541 Intensivobstbau Deutsche Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften zu Berlin.
0957-0799 Intercellular and intracellular communication Cambridge University Press.
0020-5214 Interceram Schmid
0096-4956 Interchemical review Interchemical Corporation.
0378-1844 Interciencia Asociación Interciencia
2244-7776 Interciencia (e-vir) Asociación Interciencia,
0308-0188 Interdisciplinary science reviews J.W. Arrowsmith
1743-2790 Interdisciplinary science reviews (e-vir) Heyden
0074-1132 Interdisciplinary Topics in Gerontology S. Karger AG
0173-0258 Interdisziplinäre Gastroenterologie Springer.
0367-9500 Inter fac Librairie Maloine
0161-0120 Interface Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health.
0927-7056 Interface science Kluwer
1573-2746 Interface science Kluwer; Springer
1573-4285 Interface science and technology Elsevier Academic
0276-1076 Interferon Academic Press
0258-9222 Interferón y biotecnología Sociedad iberolatinoamericana para investigaciones sobre interferón.
1081-0625 InterJournal Center for Computational Science, Boston University
0253-7192 Interlink PSG College of Technology and Polytechnic, Graduate's Students Association.
0966-9795 Intermetallics Elsevier Applied Science
1879-0216 Intermetallics (e-vir) Elsevier
0375-6637 Intermet bulletin University of Utah.
0918-2918 Internal medicine Japanese Society of Internal Medicine.
1349-7235 Internal medicine Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
1444-0903 Internal medicine journal Blackwell Science Asia
1445-5994 Internal medicine journal (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0368-0347 Internationaal tijdschrift voor brouwerij en mouterij Vereniging voor Brouwerij-Onderzoek en -Onderwijs
0020-5818 International abstracts of biological sciences Pergamon Press
0367-6870 International Abstracts of Surgery
1019-2069 International Academy for Biomedical and Drug Research International Academy for Biomedical and Drug Research.
0140-072X International advances in nondestructive testing Gordon and Breach.
0190-1575 International advances in surgical oncology A.R. Liss.
0020-5842 International aerospace abstracts Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Inc.; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.; United States.; Institute of the Aerospace Sciences.; ProQuest (Firm)
0236-8722 International Agrophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Agrophysics
2300-8725 International Agrophysics (e-vir) Instytut Agrofizyki im. B. Dobrzańskiego PAN
0951-3051 International analyst Maclaren Publishers.
0020-5907 International anesthesiology clinics Little, Brown
1537-1913 International anesthesiology clinics Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0020-5915 International archives of allergy and applied immunology S. Karger
2571-6662 International archives of allergy and applied immunology (e-vir) S. Karger
1018-2438 International archives of allergy and immunology S. Karger
1423-0097 International archives of allergy and immunology (e-vir) S. Karger
0340-0131 International archives of occupational and environmental health Springer
0020-6067 International Atomic Energy Agency bulletin International Atomic Energy Agency
0265-3036 International biodeterioration Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
0964-8305 International biodeterioration & biodegradation Elsevier Applied Science
0020-6164 International Biodeterioration Bulletin Biodeterioration Information Centre, University of Aston in Birmingham.
0361-0462 International Brain Research Organization monograph series International Brain Research Organization.
0020-6210 International brewing and distilling William Reed Ltd,
0096-266X International bulletin of bacteriological nomenclature and taxonomy International Association of Microbiological Societies.; International Association of Microbiologists.; International Association of Microbiological Societies.; International Association of Microbiologists.; International Association of Microbiological Societies.; International Association of Microbiologists.
0367-6978 International bulletin of information on refrigeration Institut international du froid.
0367-7044 International bulletin of plant protection Istituto internazionale di agricoltura.; Istituto internazionale di agricoltura.
0362-1723 International cast metals journal American Foundrymen's Society.
1474-4996 International cement & lime journal CCL Industrial.
1365-9219 International cement journal CCL Industrial
0367-715X International Chemical and Export Industry [s.n.]
0020-6318 International chemical engineering American Institute of Chemical Engineers
0367-7168 International Chemical Engineering and Processing Industries [s.n.]
1608-0688 International Chinese journal of dentistry Hong Kong Tranfor
0813-9008 International clinical nutrition review Integrated Therapies
0735-1933 International communications in heat and mass transfer Elsevier B.V.
1879-0178 International communications in heat and mass transfer (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0270-2584 International Conference on Environmental Problems of the Extractive Industries Wright Co.]
1094-2734 International Conference on Thermoelectrics American Institute of Physics.
0277-111X International Conference on Uranium Mine Waste Disposal Society of Mining Engineers of AIME.
0969-2622 International congress, symposium and seminar series Parthenon
0142-2367 International congress and symposium series - Royal Society of Medicine Royal Society of Medicine; Academic Press.; Grune & Stratton.
0748-5638 International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
0531-5131 International congress series Excerpta Medica Foundation
0936-3912 International contributions to hydrogeology International Association of Hydrogeologists.
0361-4409 International corrosion conference series National Association of Corrosion Engineers.
0367-729X International Criminal Police Review General Secretariat of the International Criminal Police Organization
1025-8515 International Dairy Federation special issue International Dairy Federation.; Fédération internationale de laiterie.; IDF.; FIL.
0958-6946 International dairy journal Elsevier Limited (Corporate Office)
1879-0143 International dairy journal (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0020-6539 International dental journal Sijthoff
1875-595X International dental journal (e-vir) Sijthoff; Elsevier
0020-658X International dyer World Textile Publications
0367-7060 Internationale Beiträge zur Pathologie und Therapie der Ernährungsstörungen, Stoffwechsel- und Verdauungskrankheiten [s.n.]
0020-9236 Internationale Elektronische Rundschau Elektro-Welt-Verlag Hüthig
0172-8911 Internationale Jahrestagung Institut für Chemie der Treib- und Explosivstoffe.
0722-4087 Internationale Jahrestagung Fraunhofer-Institut für Treib- und Explosivstoffe.
0535-4099 Internationale Leichtmetalltagung Vereinigte Metallwerke Ranshofen-Berndorf
0367-8792 Internationale Mitteilungen fuer Bodenkunde Internationale Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft
0443-9473 International Enamelist Dana Chase Publications, Inc
0141-4836 International environment & safety Labmate Ltd.
0020-9309 Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie Akademie-Verlag
0535-4137 Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie Akad.-Verl..
0020-5923 Internationales Archiv für Arbeitsmedizin Springer.
0367-9977 Internationales Archiv für Gewerbepathologie und Gewerbehygiene Springer
0722-7787 Internationales Jahrbuch der Tribologie Expert-Verl.. ;; Vincentz.
0374-3365 Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium Technische Hochschule Ilmenau.
0943-7207 Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium Technische Universität Ilmenau, Thüringen.
0368-0851 Internationales Zentralblatt fuer Baukeramik und Glasindustrie [s.n.]
0367-9179 International Export Chemist [s.n.]
0535-420X Internationale Zeitschrift der Landwirtschaft Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
0368-0843 Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Bohrtechnik, Erdoelbergbau und Geologie [s.n.]
0020-9376 Internationale Zeitschrift für angewandte Physiologie einschliesslich Arbeitsphysiologie Springer
0340-353X Internationale Zeitschrift für Elektrowärme Vulkan-Verlag Classen.
0368-0932 Internationale Zeitschrift für Gas Wärme Vulkan-Verlag Dr. W. Classen
0368-0975 Internationale Zeitschrift für Metallographie [s.n.]
0020-9406 Internationale Zeitschrift für Vitaminforschung H. Huber,
1073-2136 International fiber science and technology series M. Dekker,
0306-6517 International flavours and food additives United Trade Press,
0924-5863 International food ingredients Expoconsult
1477-7320 International genomic/proteomic technology ISC UK.
0020-6814 International geology review V.H. Winston & Son
1938-2839 International geology review (e-vir) V.H. Winston & Son
1368-8766 International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme book series Cambridge University Press
1359-4974 International glass review Contract Communications.
0197-7393 International goat and sheep research Dairy Goat Journal Pub. Co.]
1349-2365 International heart journal International Heart Journal Association
1349-3299 International heart journal (e-vir) International Heart Journal Association
0953-8178 International immunology Oxford University Press
1460-2377 International immunology (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
1567-5769 International immunopharmacology Elsevier
1878-1705 International immunopharmacology (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0269-7815 International industrial biotechnology Biotechnology Centre Wales.
0367-8172 International Industry Leonard Hill
1550-2287 International journal for computational methods in engineering science and mechanics Taylor and Francis, Inc.
1550-2295 International journal for computational methods in engineering science and mechanics Taylor and Francis
1435-6163 International journal for ion mobility spectrometry Springer
1865-4584 International journal for ion mobility spectrometry Springer
0363-9061 International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics J. Wiley
1096-9853 International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0271-2091 International journal for numerical methods in fluids Wiley
1097-0363 International journal for numerical methods in fluids John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
0020-7519 International Journal for Parasitology Pergamon Press
0020-7055 International journal for radiation physics and chemistry Pergamon Press
0300-9831 International journal for vitamin and nutrition research H. Huber
0373-0883 International journal for vitamin and nutrition research H. Huber
1664-2821 International journal for vitamin and nutrition research (e-vir) H. Huber, Hogrefe
0143-7496 International journal of adhesion and adhesives Elsevier Science
1816-4897 International journal of agricultural research Asian Network for Scientific Information
2152-2553 International journal of agricultural research Academic Journals
1814-9596 International journal of agriculture & biology = Friends Science Publishers
1560-8530 International journal of agriculture and biology Friends Science Publishers
0367-682X International journal of air and water pollution Pergamon
0367-8237 International Journal of Air Pollution [s.n.]
0143-0750 International journal of ambient energy Construction Press
2162-8246 International journal of ambient energy Construction Press; Longman Group; Ambient Press; Taylor & Francis
0105-6263 International journal of andrology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2605 International journal of andrology (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0106-1607 International journal of andrology. Supplement Scriptor
0535-1030 International Journal of Anesthesia
1061-1711 International journal of angiology Springer
1615-5939 International journal of angiology (e-vir) Springer
0924-8579 International journal of antimicrobial agents Elsevier Science Publishers
1872-7913 International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (e-vir) Elsevier
1546-542X International journal of applied ceramic technology American Ceramic Society
1744-7402 International journal of applied ceramic technology (e-vir) Blackwell
Y503-1451 International journal of applied ceramic technology American Ceramic Society
0973-9734 International journal of applied chemistry (e-vir) Research India Publications
0973-1792 International Journal of Applied Chemistry Research India Publications
0391-3988 International journal of artificial organs Wichtig editore
1473-5504 International journal of astrobiology Cambridge University Press
1475-3006 International journal of astrobiology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0218-1274 International journal of bifurcation and chaos in applied sciences and engineering World Scientific
1793-6551 International journal of bifurcation and chaos in applied sciences and engineering (e-vir) World Scientific
1019-7648 International journal of biochemiphysics College of Biological and Physical Sciences
1357-2725 International journal of biochemistry & cell biology Elsevier Science Ltd
1068-0659 International journal of bio-chromatography Harwood Academic Publishers.
0367-8253 International journal of bioclimatology and biometeorology International Society of Bioclimatology and Biometeorology
1744-5485 International journal of bioinformatics research and applications Inderscience Enterprises,
1744-5493 International journal of bioinformatics research and applications (e-vir) Inderscience Enterprises Ltd
0141-8130 International journal of biological macromolecules Butterworth Scientific Ltd; Elsevier
1879-0003 International journal of biological macromolecules (e-vir) Elsevier
0173-8593 International journal of biological research in pregnancy Dustri-Verlag Feistle.
1449-2288 International journal of biological sciences (e-vir) Ivyspring International Publisher
1810-2719 International journal of biology and biotechnology University of Karachi, Department of Botany
0020-7101 International journal of bio-medical computing Applied Science Publishers
0099-6955 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering Midwest Publishers :; Uchida Rokakuho Publishing House.
1756-0799 International journal of biomedical nanoscience and nanotechnology Inderscience Publishers
1756-0802 International journal of biomedical nanoscience and nanotechnology (e-vir) Inderscience Enterprises Ltd
Y506-4562 International journal of biomedical nanoscience and nanotechnology Inderscience Publishers
0020-7128 International journal of biometeorology Springer-Verl. New York; Springer
1811-9700 International journal of botany Asian Network for Scientific Information.
1811-9719 International journal of botany Asian Network for Scientific Information
0020-7136 International journal of cancer Wiley
0898-6924 International journal of cancer A.R. Liss
1097-0215 International journal of cancer (e-vir) Wiley
0253-9551 International journal of cancer control and prevention International Laboratory for Zoonoses.
1811-9727 International journal of cancer research Asian Network for Scientific Information.
1811-9735 International journal of cancer research Asian Network for Scientific Information.
0167-5273 International journal of cardiology Elsevier/North-Holland
1874-1754 International journal of cardiology (e-vir) Elsevier Ireland
1364-0461 International journal of cast metals research Cast Metals Development; Maney
1743-1336 International journal of cast metals research (e-vir) Taylor & Frances Group
0737-1454 International journal of cell cloning AlphaMed Press,
0262-5075 International journal of cement composites and lightweight concrete Construction Press
0538-8066 International journal of chemical kinetics Wiley.
1097-4601 International journal of chemical kinetics (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1941-3955 International journal of chemical modeling Nova Science Publishers
2374-0809 International journal of chemical modeling (e-vir) Nova Science Publishers
1542-6580 International journal of chemical reactor engineering (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
0972-768X International Journal of Chemical Sciences Sadguru Publications.
1176-9106 International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Dove Medical Press,
0300-9998 International journal of chronobiology Gordon and Breach.
0940-5437 International journal of clinical & laboratory research Springer .
1434-4467 International journal of clinical & laboratory research (e-vir) Springer
1341-9625 International journal of clinical oncology Springer
1437-7772 International journal of clinical oncology (e-vir) Springer
0174-4879 International journal of clinical pharmacology, therapy and toxicology Dustri-Verlag Feistle
0300-9718 International journal of clinical pharmacology, therapy and toxicology Urban & Schwarzenberg
0340-0026 International journal of clinical pharmacology and biopharmacy Dustri-Verlag Feistle
0946-1965 International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics Dustri-Verl. Feistle
0251-1649 International journal of clinical pharmacology research Bioscience Ediprint
1368-5031 International journal of clinical practice Medicom International
1742-1241 International journal of clinical practice (e-vir) Blackwell
1368-504X International journal of clinical practice. Supplement Blackwell
0166-5162 International journal of coal geology Elsevier
1872-7840 International journal of coal geology (e-vir) Elsevier BV
1523-9063 International journal of condensed matter research Nova Science Publishers
0020-7179 International journal of control Taylor and Francis
1366-5820 International journal of control (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1178-2005 International journal of COPD (e-vir) Dove Medical Press
0142-5463 International journal of cosmetic science Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd
1468-2494 International journal of cosmetic science (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0167-7314 International journal of crude drug research Swets & Zeitlinger
1364-727X International journal of dairy technology Blackwell
1471-0307 International journal of dairy technology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1056-7895 International journal of damage mechanics Technomic Pub.
1530-7921 International journal of damage mechanics (e-vir) Technomic Pub. Co.
0011-9059 International journal of dermatology Decker Periodicals
1365-4632 International journal of dermatology (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0736-5748 International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience Pergamon
1606-7754 International journal of diabetes and metabolism Management Council of the International Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism
2073-5944 International journal of diabetes and metabolism Management Council of the International Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism
1437-3254 International journal of earth sciences Springer
1437-3262 International journal of earth sciences Springer
1743-5242 International journal of ecodynamics WIT Press
0377-015X International journal of ecology and environmental sciences National Institute of Ecology
2320-5199 International journal of ecology and environmental sciences (e-vir) National Institute of Ecology
1452-3981 International Journal of Electrochemical Science (e-vir) Electrochemical Science Group
0020-7217 International journal of electronics Taylor and Francis Ltd
1362-3060 International journal of electronics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1726-913X International journal of endocrinology and metabolism Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Endocrine Research Center; Kowsar Medical
1726-9148 International journal of endocrinology and metabolism (e-vir) Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Endocrine Research Center; Kowsar Medical
0363-907X International journal of energy research Wiley-Interscience.
1099-114X International journal of energy research (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0226-1472 International journal of energy systems Acta Press
1735-9244 International journal of engineering (e-vir) Materials and Energy Research Center
0893-3960 International journal of engineering fluid mechanics Gulf Pub. Co.,
0020-7225 International journal of engineering science Pergamon Press.
1681-066X International journal of engineering science Iran University of Science and Technology
1879-2197 International journal of engineering science (e-vir) Elsevier
1468-0874 International journal of engine research Professional Engineering Publishing
2041-3149 International journal of engine research (e-vir) Professional Engineering Publishing
0306-7319 International journal of environmental analytical chemistry Gordon and Breach.
1026-7468 International journal of environmental analytical chemistry (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishers.
1029-0397 International journal of environmental analytical chemistry (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0960-3123 International journal of environmental health research Taylor & Francis
1369-1619 International journal of environmental health research (e-vir) Taylor and Francis
1660-4601 International journal of environmental research and public health (e-vir) MDPI
1661-7827 International journal of environmental research and public health MDPI
1735-1472 International journal of environmental science and technology Iranian Society of Environmentalists, Center for Environment and Energy Research and Studies
1735-2630 International journal of environmental science and technology (e-vir) Iranian Society of Environmentalists, Center for Environment and Energy Research and Studies
1466-2132 International journal of environmental technology and management Inderscience Enterprises
1741-511X International journal of environmental technology and management (e-vir) Inderscience Enterprises
0957-4352 International journal of environment and pollution Interscience Enterprises
1741-5101 International journal of environment and pollution (e-vir) Inderscience Enterprises
1742-8297 International journal of exergy Inderscience Publishers
1742-8300 International journal of exergy (e-vir) Inderscience Enterprises
Y505-2238 International journal of exergy Inderscience Publishers
0933-0453 International journal of experimental and clinical chemotherapy Ecomed
1365-2613 International journal of experimental pathology (e-vir) Blackwell Scientific Publications
0142-1123 International journal of fatigue Elsevier
1879-3452 International journal of fatigue (e-vir) Elsevier
0020-725X International Journal of Fertility International Fertility Association, Tr
1069-3130 International journal of fertility and menopausal studies Medical Science Pub. International, Inc.
1534-892X International journal of fertility and women's medicine United States International Foundation for Studies in Reproduction.
1459-0255 International journal of food, agriculture & environment - JFAE WFL Publisher
1459-0263 International journal of food, agriculture and environment (e-vir) World Food
1556-3758 International journal of food engineering (e-vir) de Gruyter
2194-5764 International journal of food engineering
0168-1605 International journal of food microbiology Elsevier
1879-3460 International Journal of Food Microbiology (e-vir) Elsevier; Elsevier
1094-2912 International journal of food properties Dekker
1532-2386 International journal of food properties (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0950-5423 International journal of food science & technology Wiley-Blackwell
1365-2621 International journal of food science & technology (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0963-7486 International journal of food sciences and nutrition Macmillan Press
1465-3478 International journal of food sciences and nutrition (e-vir) Taylor and Francis
1198-8975 International journal of forensic document examiners Shunderson Communications.
1292-7775 International journal of forming processes Hermès
0376-9429 International journal of fracture Sijthoff & Noorahoff
1573-2673 International journal of fracture Kluwer; Springer
0020-7268 International journal of fracture mechanics Wolters-Noordhoff
0146-4981 International journal of fusion energy Fusion Energy Foundation.
1537-3649 International journal of gastrointestinal cancer Humana Press
1559-0739 International journal of gastrointestinal cancer (e-vir) Springer
0218-1932 International journal of genome research World Scientific.
1364-8233 International journal of geriatric psychopharmacology Stockton Press.
1543-5075 International journal of green energy Marcel Dekker
1543-5083 International journal of green energy Marcel Dekker; Taylor & Francis
0020-7292 International journal of gynaecology & obstetrics Hoeber Medical Division, Harper & Row
1879-3479 International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics (e-vir) Elsevier
0142-727X International journal of heat and fluid flow Elsevier Science
0017-9310 International journal of heat and mass transfer Pergamon Press
1879-2189 International journal of heat and mass transfer (e-vir) Elsevier
0925-5710 International journal of hematology Elsevier Science Publishers; Garden Jennings Publishing
1865-3774 International journal of hematology Springer Japan
0129-1564 International journal of high speed electronics World Scientific.
1793-6438 International journal of high speed electronics and systems (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
0267-3762 International journal of high technology ceramics Elsevier Applied Science Publishers
2456-6330 International journal of human genetics (e-vir) Kamla-Raj Enterprises
0972-3757 International Journal of Human Genetics Kamla-Raj Enterprises.
1364-3177 International journal of hydrocarbon engineering Palladian Publications.
0360-3199 International journal of hydrogen energy Pergamon Press.
1879-3487 International journal of hydrogen energy (e-vir) Elsevier
1438-4639 International journal of hygiene and environmental health Elsevier
1618-131X International journal of hygiene and environmental health (e-vir) Elsevier
0265-6736 International journal of hyperthermia Taylor & Francis
1464-5157 International journal of hyperthermia (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1744-3121 International journal of immunogenetics Blackwell
1744-313X International journal of immunogenetics (e-vir) Blackwell
0394-6320 International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology Università di Chieti.
2058-7384 International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology (e-vir) Biomedical Research Press
0192-0561 International Journal of Immunopharmacology Pergamon
0255-9625 International journal of immunotherapy Bioscience Ediprint,
0955-9930 International journal of impotence research Stockton
1476-5489 International journal of impotence research (e-vir) Stockton Press
1201-9712 International journal of infectious diseases International Society for Infectious Diseases
1878-3511 International journal of infectious diseases (e-vir) Elsevier
0195-9271 International journal of infrared and millimeter waves Plenum Press.
1572-9559 International journal of infrared and millimeter waves (e-vir) Kluwer
1466-6049 International journal of inorganic materials Elsevier
0020-7322 International journal of insect morphology & embryology Pergamon
0165-1269 International journal of invertebrate reproduction Elsevier/North-Holland
0168-8170 International journal of invertebrate reproduction and development International Society of Invertebrate Reproduction.; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
0148-916X International journal of leprosy and other mycobacterial diseases Allen Press.
1544-581X International journal of leprosy and other mycobacterial diseases (e-vir) International Leprosy Association.
1477-6545 International journal of low radiation Inderscience Enterprises,
1741-9190 International journal of low radiation (e-vir) Inderscience Enterprises
0020-7365 International Journal of Magnetism Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0020-7373 International journal of man-machine studies Academic Press.
1387-3806 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry Elsevier
1873-2798 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry (e-vir) Elsevier
0020-7381 International journal of mass spectrometry and ion physics Elsevier
0168-1176 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes Elsevier
1873-2801 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes (e-vir) Elsevier
1741-5209 International journal of material & product technology (e-vir) Inderscience Enterprises
0268-1900 International journal of materials & product technology Inderscience Enterprises
0141-5530 International journal of materials in engineering applications Scientific and Technical Press
1862-5282 International journal of materials research Hanser
2195-8556 International journal of materials research (e-vir) Hanser
0020-7403 International journal of mechanical sciences Pergamon
1879-2162 International journal of mechanical sciences (e-vir) Elsevier
1569-1713 International journal of mechanics and materials in design Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-8841 International journal of mechanics and materials in design (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
0969-6857 International journal of mechanochemistry and mechanical alloying Cambridge Interscience Publishing.
1438-4221 International journal of medical microbiology Urban & Fischer
1618-0607 International journal of medical microbiology (e-vir) Urban u. Fischer
1449-1907 International journal of medical sciences (e-vir) Ivyspring International
1521-9437 International journal of medicinal mushrooms Begell House
1940-4344 International journal of medicinal mushrooms (e-vir) Begell House Publishers
1128-935X International Journal of Medicine, Biology and the Environment Assoc. médecine biologie environnement.
0167-6865 International journal of microcirculation. Clinical and experimental Nijhoff
1023-6228 International journal of microelectronic packaging Gordon and Breach Publishers
1741-8410 International journal of microstructure and materials properties Inderscience Publishers
1741-8429 International journal of microstructure and materials properties (e-vir) Inderscience Publishers
Y505-9690 International journal of microstructure and materials properties Inderscience Publishers
0301-7516 International journal of mineral processing Elsevier
0255-6960 International journal of mine water University of Granada. Department of Hydrogeology
1748-0930 International journal of mining, reclamation and environment Taylor & Francis
1748-0949 International journal of mining, reclamation and environment (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0217-751X International journal of modern physics A World Scientific Publishing
1793-656X International journal of modern physics A (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
0217-9792 International journal of modern physics b World Scientific
1793-6578 International journal of modern physics B (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing
0129-1831 International journal of modern physics C World Scientific
1793-6586 International journal of modern physics C (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
0218-2718 International journal of modern physics D World Scientific
1793-6594 International journal of modern physics D (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
0218-3013 International journal of modern physics E World Scientific
1793-6608 International journal of modern physics E (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
1107-3756 International Journal of Molecular Medicine D. A. Spandidos
1791-244X International Journal of Molecular Medicine (e-vir) D. A. Spandidos
1422-0067 International journal of molecular sciences (e-vir) MDPI
1661-6596 International journal of molecular sciences Molecular Diversity Preservation International MDPI
0301-9322 International journal of multiphase flow Pergamon
1879-3533 International journal of multiphase flow (e-vir) Elsevier
1176-9114 International journal of nanomedicine Dove Medical Press
1178-2013 International journal of nanomedicine (e-vir) Dove Medical Press
0219-581X International journal of nanoscience World Scientific
1793-5350 International journal of nanoscience (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing
1475-7435 International journal of nanotechnology Interscience Enterprises.
1741-8151 International journal of nanotechnology (e-vir) Inderscience Publishers
0020-7446 International Journal of Neurology Letras S.A..
0375-9458 International Journal of Neuropharmacology Elsevier
1745-1183 International journal of neuroprotection and neuroregeneration RPA Pub.
0538-8163 International journal of neuropsychiatry Research in Organic Psychiatry,
0538-8171 International Journal of Neuropsychiatry. Supplement Research In Organic Psychiatry, Inc.
0020-7454 International journal of neuroscience Gordon and Breach.
1026-7085 International journal of neuroscience (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1563-5279 International journal of neuroscience (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0020-7470 International Journal of Nondestructive Testing Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Ltd
1368-9290 International journal of non-equilibrium processing AB Academic Publishers.
1472-085X International journal of non-linear modelling in science and engineering Cambridge International Science Publishing.
0218-1991 International journal of nonlinear optical physics World Scientific
1565-1339 International journal of nonlinear sciences and numerical simulation de Gruyter
2191-0294 International journal of nonlinear sciences and numerical simulation (e-vir) de Gruyter
1476-914X International journal of nuclear desalination Inderscience Enterprises
1741-9204 International journal of nuclear desalination (e-vir) Inderscience Publishers
1741-6361 International journal of nuclear energy, science and technology Inderscience Enterprises
1741-637X International journal of nuclear energy, science and technology (e-vir) Inderscience Publishers
0047-0740 International journal of nuclear medicine & biology Pergamon Press
0961-5539 International journal of numerical methods for heat & fluid flow Emerald
1758-6585 International journal of numerical methods for heat & fluid flow (e-vir) Emerald
Y503-5651 International journal of numerical methods for heat & fluid flow Emerald
0307-0565 International journal of obesity Newman Publishing Ltd
1476-5497 International journal of obesity (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group.
1077-3525 International journal of occupational and environmental health Hanley & Belfus
2049-3967 International journal of occupational and environmental health (e-vir) Hanley & Belfus
1080-3548 International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics Ablex Pub. Corp..
2376-9130 International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics (e-vir) Ablex Pub. Corp.
0538-8198 International Journal of Oceanology and Limnology ????.
0973-2667 International journal of oceans and oceanography Research India Publications
0974-4827 International journal of oceans and oceanography (e-vir) Research India Publications
1053-5381 International journal of offshore and polar engineering International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.
1019-6439 International journal of oncology Editorial Academy of the International Journal of Oncology
1791-2423 International journal of oncology (e-vir) D. A. Spandidos
0951-5992 International journal of optical sensors Newman-Hemisphere
0300-9785 International journal of oral surgery International Association of Oral Surgeons.
0169-4197 International journal of pancreatology International Association of Pancreatology
1477-268X International journal of pavement engineering (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0391-6510 International journal of pediatrics nephrology Wichtig Editore; Read-More Publications, Incorporated
0367-8377 International journal of peptide and protein research Munksgaard
1573-3149 International journal of peptide research and therapeutics Springer
1573-3904 International journal of peptide research and therapeutics (e-vir) Springer Netherlands
0967-0874 International journal of pest management Taylor & Francis
1366-5863 International journal of pest management (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1082-3093 International journal of pharmaceutical advances Technomic Pub. Co.,
1092-4221 International journal of pharmaceutical compounding IJPC
0260-6267 International journal of pharmaceutical technology & product manufacture Childwall University Press Ltd
0378-5173 International journal of pharmaceutics Elsevier/North-Holland
0925-1618 International journal of pharmacognosy Swets & Zeitlinger
1811-7775 International journal of pharmacology Asian Network for Scientific Information
1812-5700 International journal of pharmacology Asian Network for Scientific Information
1815-459X International journal of phycology and phycochemistry Phycology and phycochemistry lab., M.A.H. Qadri Biological Research Centre, University of Karachi.; M.A.H. Qadri Biological Research Centre.; University of Karachi.
1522-6514 International journal of phytoremediation CRC Press
1549-7879 International journal of phytoremediation CRC Press
0129-0835 International journal of PIXE World Scientific
1058-5893 International journal of plant sciences University of Chicago Press
1537-5315 International journal of plant sciences (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0749-6419 International journal of plasticity Pergamon Press
1879-2154 International journal of plasticity (e-vir) Elsevier Sciense
0972-656X International journal of plastics technology Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology.
0975-072X International journal of plastics technology Springer India Pvt. Ltd.
1563-5341 International journal of polymer analysis and characterization (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0091-4037 International journal of polymeric materials Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
1026-7751 International journal of polymeric materials (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1563-535X International journal of polymeric materials (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0020-7535 International journal of powder metallurgy American Powder Metallurgy Institute
0888-7462 International journal of powder metallurgy American Powder Metallurgy Institute.
0308-0161 International journal of pressure vessels and piping Elsevier
0164-0291 International journal of primatology Plenum.
1573-8604 International journal of primatology Kluwer
1366-588X International journal of production research (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0020-7543 International Journal of Production Research Taylor & Francis
0020-7551 International journal of protein research Munksgaard.
1365-1501 International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice Martin Dunitz
1471-1788 International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice (e-vir) Martin Dunitz
0020-7586 International journal of psychobiology Plenum Press,
0020-7608 International journal of quantum chemistry Wiley
0161-3642 International journal of quantum chemistry Wiley.
0360-8832 International journal of quantum chemistry Wiley
0538-821X International journal of quantum chemistry Wiley.
1097-461X International journal of quantum chemistry (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
0955-3002 International journal of radiation biology Taylor & Francis
1362-3095 International journal of radiation biology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0020-7616 International journal of radiation biology & related studies in physics, chemistry & medicine Taylor and Francis Ltd
1562-1154 International journal of radiation medicine Morion; Морион.
0145-1464 International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics Pergamon Press.
0360-3016 International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics Elsevier; American Society for Radiation Oncology
1879-355X International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (e-vir) Elsevier
0957-476X International journal of radioactive materials transport Nuclear Technology Publishing
0265-0916 International journal of rapid solidification AB Academic Publishers.
0263-4368 International journal of refractory & hard metals MPR Publishing Services
0958-0611 International journal of refractory metals & hard materials MPR Publishing Services
2213-3917 International journal of refractory metals and hard materials (e-vir) Elsevier
0140-7007 International journal of refrigeration Elsevier Science
0218-5393 International journal of reliability, quality, and safety engineering World Scientific
1793-6446 International journal of reliability, quality and safety engineering (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
1466-8297 International journal of risk assessment and management Inderscience Enterprises
1741-5241 International journal of risk assessment and management (e-vir) Inderscience Enterprises Ltd
0257-7828 International journal of science & engineering Euclidean publishers.
0891-5083 International journal of science and technology Foundation for International Development.
1061-3862 International journal of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis Allerton Press
1934-788X International journal of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis Allerton Press, Inc.
0142-5919 International journal of solar energy Harwood Academic Publishers.
1477-2752 International journal of solar energy (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0020-7683 International journal of solids and structures Pergamon Press
1879-2146 International Journal of Solids and Structures (e-vir) Pergamon
1050-1606 International journal of sport nutrition Human Kinetics Publishers
1526-484X International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism Human Kinetics Publishers
1543-2742 International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism (e-vir) Human Kinetics Publishers
0172-4622 International journal of sports medicine Thieme
1439-3964 International journal of sports medicine (e-vir) Thieme
0047-0775 International journal of sulfur chemistry Intra-Science Research Foundation.
0094-9345 International journal of sulfur chemistry Intra-Science Research Foundation.
0367-8423 International journal of sulfur chemistry Intra-Science Research Foundation; Gordon and Breach
0368-0061 International journal of sulfur chemistry Intra-Science Research Foundation.
1389-5265 International journal of surface mining, reclamation and environment Swets Blackwell :; Balkema
1744-5000 International journal of surface mining, reclamation and environment (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.
1066-8969 International journal of surgical pathology Sage Publications
1940-2465 International journal of surgical pathology (e-vir) Sage Publications
1466-5026 International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology The Microbiology Society
1466-5034 International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology (e-vir) Society for General Microbiology.
0020-7713 International journal of systematic bacteriology Published for the International Association of Microbiological Societies by the American Society for Microbiology, etc.
0916-782X International journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering Japan Society for Precision Engineering
0020-7748 International journal of theoretical physics Plenum Press.
1572-9575 International journal of theoretical physics Kluwer
1525-4674 International journal of theoretical physics, group theory, and nonlinear optics Nova Science Publishers.
1290-0729 International journal of thermal sciences Elsevier
1778-4166 International journal of thermal sciences (e-vir) Elsevier
0195-928X International journal of thermophysics Plenum Press
1572-9567 International journal of thermophysics (e-vir) Kluwer
1347-9725 International journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of Japan
0165-2516 International journal of the sociology of language Mouton de Gruyter
1613-3668 International Journal of the sociology of language (e-vir) Mouton de Gruyter
0943-1675 International journal of thymology Thymus Med. Fachbuchverl..
1091-5818 International journal of toxicology Taylor & Francis
1092-874X International journal of toxicology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis; CatchWord [distributor]
0971-2615 International Journal of Toxicology, Occupational and Environmental Health Wiley Eastern Ltd..
1028-6578 International journal of transport phenomena Gordon and Breach.
1540-0069 International journal of transport phenomena Old City Pub.
0254-8755 International journal of tropical agriculture Vidya international publishers.
1742-7584 International journal of tropical insect science CABI Publishing
1742-7592 International journal of tropical insect science (e-vir) CABI Publishing
0919-8172 International journal of urology Churchill Livingstone
1442-2042 International journal of urology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1465-6620 International journal of water Information Press
1741-5322 International journal of water (e-vir) Inderscience Enterprises
1448-5516 International journal of wildland fire CSIRO Publishing
0142-0976 International journal of wood preservation Construction Press Ltd
1811-9778 International journal of zoological research Asian Network for Scientific Information.
1811-9786 International journal of zoological research Asian Network for Scientific Information.
0377-0168 International journal of zoonoses International Laboratory for Zoonoses.
0250-0868 International journal on tissue reactions Bioscience Ediprint,
0010-2164 International laboratory International Scientific Communications
0950-6608 International materials reviews Institute of Metals; ASM International
1743-2804 International materials reviews (e-vir) Institute of Metals; ASM International
0367-8784 International Medical Abstracts and Reviews [s.n.]
0096-0624 International medical digest Medical Dept., Harper & Row
0367-9020 International metallurgical reviews Institute of Metals.; Metals Society.; American Society for Metals.
0308-4590 International metals reviews Metals Society.; American Society for Metals.; Institute of Metals.
1139-6709 International microbiology Springer; Viguera
1618-1905 International microbiology Springer; Viguera
0897-8026 International news on fats, oils and related materials The Society
1527-2494 International nonwovens journal Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry.
1540-8108 International oil daily (e-vir) Energy Intelligence Group.
0165-5701 International ophtalmology Junk; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-2630 International ophthalmology (e-vir) Kluwer
0782-7784 International peat journal International Peat Society.; Internationale Moor- und Torfgesellschaft.; MeØzdunarodnoe obØsØcestvo po torf.
0020-8248 International Perfumer I.P. Presse.
1751-6919 International pest control Research Information
0020-8256 International Pest Control McDonald Publications.
0096-7475 International petroleum technology National Petroleum Pub. Co..
0020-8264 International pharmaceutical abstracts American Society of Hospital Pharmacists
1077-3770 International pharmaceutical abstracts (e-vir) SilverPlatter
0020-8272 International pharmacopsychiatry Karger,
1010-0423 International pharmacy journal International Pharmaceutical Federation
0020-8299 International photographer Local 659, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Machine Picture Operators of the United States and Canada.
0392-3967 International physic series Editrice Compositori
0149-1156 International physics workshop series Ettore Majorana International Centre for Scientific Culture.
0367-9799 International pipes & pipelines Scientific Surveys Ltd.
0930-777X International polymer processing Hanser
2195-8602 International polymer processing (e-vir) Hanser
0147-0671 International progress in urethanes Technomic Pub. Co.
0020-8426 International psychiatry clinics Little, Brown and Co.
0096-0632 International record of medicine [Hermes Press, etc.]
0097-1650 International record of medicine and general practice clinics Washington Institute of Medicine.
0376-0766 International review of agriculture IIA.; International Institute of Agriculture.; Istituto internazionale di agricoltura.
1232-9142 International Review of Allergology & Clinical Immunology Polskie Towarzystwo Alergologiczne.
0147-7366 International review of biochemistry University Park Press,
0074-767X International review of connective tissue research Academic Press
0074-7696 International review of cytology Academic Press
0074-770X International review of cytology Academic Press
0074-7718 International review of experimental pathology Academic Press.
0074-7726 International Review of Forestry Research Academic Press.
0074-7734 International review of general and experimental zoology Academic Press.
1522-2632 International review of hydrobiology (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
1434-2944 International Review of Hydrobiology Wiley-VCH
0074-7742 International review of neurobiology Academic Press
0091-5432 International review of neurobiology Academic Press.
0217-9474 International review of nuclear physics World Scientific.
0363-3918 International review of physiology University Park Press
0368-0010 International review of the science and practice of agriculture IIA.; Istituto internazionale di agricoltura.; International review of agriculture.; Istituto internazionale di agricoltura.
0074-7777 International review of tropical medicine Academic Press
0074-7785 International Reviews in Aerosol Physics and Chemistry [s.n.]
0144-235X International reviews in physical chemistry Taylor & Francis
1366-591X International reviews in physical chemistry (e-vir) Butterworths
0883-0185 International reviews of immunology Harwood Academic Publishers.
1026-8006 International reviews of immunology (e-vir)
1563-5244 International reviews of immunology (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0538-9550 International Rice Commission newsletter FAO.
1051-1067 International SAMPE Electronics Conference Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering.
1075-7929 International SAMPE Environmental Conference Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering.
0891-0138 International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering.
0892-2624 International SAMPE Technical Conference series Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering.
0097-3777 International science and technology Conover Mast Publications
0146-5589 International series in the science of the solid state Pergamon.
0146-5570 International series of monographs in the science of the solid state Pergamon Press.
0074-8099 International Series of Monographs on Analytical Chemistry Pergamon Press.
0535-2339 International Series of Monographs on Nuclear Energy [s.n.]
0950-5563 International series of monographs on physics Clarendon Press
0074-8269 International Series of Monographs on Pure and Applied Biology, Division: Biochemistry Pergamon Press.
1470-014X International series on astronomy and astrophysics Oxford University Press.
0146-8197 International series on biomechanics International Society of Biomechanics.
1461-6513 International series on progress in water resources WIT Press
0160-0559 International series on sport sciences Human Kinetics
0934-5965 International steel & metals magazine Sprechsaal Publ. Group.
0020-8841 International Sugar Journal International Sugar Journal
0147-7358 International Sugar Research Symposium International Sugar Research Foundation.
0020-8868 International Surgery The International College of Surgeons
0237-2215 International Symposium of the Technical Committee on Photon-detectors International Measurement Confederation.
0166-6118 International symposium on aquatic weeds European Weed Research Society.
0539-0990 International Union of Crystallography, Commission on Crystallographic Apparatus, Bibliography Oosthoek ;; Polycrystal Book Service
0953-3060 International Union of Crystallography crystallographic symposia International Union of Crystallography.
1352-7932 International Union of Crystallography monographs on crystallography International Union of Crystallography.
0539-1148 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Information Bulletin, Appendices on Tentative Nomenclature, Symbols, Units, and Standards IUPAC Secretariat
0301-1623 International urology and nephrology Akadémiai K.
1573-2584 International urology and nephrology (e-vir) Kluwer
0099-6858 International Veterinary Bulletin
0535-3866 International Veterinary News
0074-9567 International virology S. Karger AG
0074-9664 International zoo yearbook Zoological Society of London
1748-1090 International zoo yearbook (e-vir) Zoological Society of London
1538-6414 Internet electronic journal of molecular design (e-vir) Biochem Press
1099-8292 Internet journal of chemistry s.n.]
1462-2149 Internet journal of science. Biological chemistry [s.n.]
1470-1782 Internet photochemistry & photobiology Internet Photochemistry & Photobiology.
1437-0573 Internet symposium on food allergens (e-vir) Food Allergens Online Publisher Dr. Matthias Besler.
0392-3800 Interplastics Tecniche Nuove
0539-1997 Interscience Library of Chemical Engineering and Processing John Wiley and Sons.
0074-9931 Interscience monographs and texts in physics and astronomy J. Wiley],
0379-3001 Intertecnic Ets Dessart.
0379-2609 Inter-Union Commission on Geodynamics scientific report E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.
0300-5526 Intervirology S.Karger
1423-0100 Intervirology S. Karger
0098-8626 Intracranial pressure Springer.
0020-9848 Intra-Science Chemistry Reports Intra-Science Research Foundation.
0579-4005 Ìntrodukcìâ ta aklìmatizacìâ roslin na Ukraïnì.; Ìнтродукція та акліматизація рослин на Україні Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0197-5803 INTSOY series International Soybean Program.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. College of Agriculture.
0251-1789 Invasion and metastasis Karger
1423-0119 Invasion and metastasis (e-vir) S. Karger
0539-2330 Invenţii şi inovaţii Oficiul de Stat pentru Invenţii şi Mæarci.
1026-7549 Inverse problems in engineering (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishers
1029-0281 Inverse problems in engineering Gordon and Breach Publishing Group
1068-2767 Inverse problems in engineering Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1741-5977 Inverse problems in science & engineering Taylor & Francis
1741-5985 Inverse problems in science and engineering (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Group
1354-2516 Invertebrate neuroscience Springer
1439-1104 Invertebrate neuroscience (e-vir) Springer
0792-4259 Invertebrate reproduction & development International Society of Invertebrate Reproduction.
2157-0272 Invertebrate reproduction & development (e-vir) Balaban
1445-5226 Invertebrate systematics Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
1447-2600 Invertebrate systematics (e-vir) CSIRO; Australian Academy of Science
0213-5000 Investigación agraria. Producción y protección vegetales Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
0304-5617 Investigación agrícola Univesidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas.
0535-5133 Investigación clínica Universidad del Zulia. Instituto de Investigación Clínica.
0259-0395 Investigación clínica. Suplemento Instituto de Investigación Clínica
0535-5141 Investigacion e Informacion Textil Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas.
0302-5268 Investigación e información textil de tensioactivos Patronato Juan de la Cierva de Investigación Científica y Técnica.
0367-6676 Investigaciones agropecuarias del Perú Dirección general de investigaciones agropecuarias
0367-8709 Investigaciones del Laboratorio de Química Biológica. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Laboratorio de Química Biológica.
0186-5102 Investigaciones marinas CICIMAR Centro interdisciplinario de ciencias marinas, Instituto politécnico nacional, SEP
0539-2438 Investigaciones Zoologicas Chilenas Centro de Investigaciones Zoologicas. Universidad de Chile.
0378-1879 Investigación pediátrica Publicaciones Controladas.
0020-9953 Investigación pesquera Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras (Barcelona)
0304-5579 Investigación y progreso agrícola Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias.; INIA.
0368-0789 Investigación y técnica del papel Graf. Espejo
0167-6997 Investigational new drugs Martinus Nijhoff Publishers; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-0646 Investigational new drugs Kluwer
0069-7478 Investigation Report - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Mineral Chemistry Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0156-9953 Investigation report - CSIRO Institute of Earth Resources CSIRO Institute of Earth Resources
0084-8999 Investigation report - CSIRO Minerals Research Laboratories CSIRO
0565-0704 Investigations in fish control U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.; United States.
0146-7611 Investigative & cell pathology John Wiley & Sons
0020-9988 Investigative ophthalmology Association for Research in Ophthalmology.; Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
0146-0404 Investigative ophthalmology & visual science Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
1552-5783 Investigative ophthalmology & visual science (e-vir) C.V. Mosby
0020-9996 Investigative radiology J. B. Lippincott.
1536-0210 Investigative radiology (e-vir) Lippincott
0021-0005 Investigative urology Williams and Wilkins Co.
0073-5655 In vitro Tissue Culture Association
1097-9336 In vitro & molecular toxicology Mary Ann Liebert
1557-8887 In vitro & molecular toxicology (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0883-8364 In vitro cellular & developmental biology The Association
1054-5476 In vitro cellular & developmental biology Springer; Society for in vitro biology; International association for plant biotechnology
1071-2690 In vitro cellular & developmental biology Tissue Culture Association
1475-2689 In vitro cellular & developmental biology Springer
1543-706X In vitro cellular & developmental biology (e-vir) Tissue Culture Association
0888-319X In vitro toxicology Mary Ann Liebert,
0258-851X In vivo In vivo
0733-1398 In vivo Channing, Weinberg & Co.
1791-7549 In Vivo (e-vir) The International Institute of Anticancer Research
0204-3483 Inženernaâ èkologiâ.; Инженерная экология Inženernaâ èkologiâ; Инженерная экология
0204-7934 Inženerna geologija i hidrogeologija B'garska akademija na naukite
1312-5702 Inženerni nauki.; Инженерни науки BAN. Institut po metaloznanie Akademik Angel Balevski; БАН. Институт по металознание Академик Ангел Балевски
0021-0285 Inženerno-fizičeskij žurnal Nauka i tehnika
0367-9551 Inženernyj sbornik.; Инженерный сборник Akademiâ nauk SSSR, Otdelenie tehničeskih nauk, Institut mehaniki; Академия наук СССР, Отделение технических наук, Институт механики.
0021-0293 Inženernyj žurnal Nauka
0541-4180 Inženernyj žurnal Nauka
0021-0277 Inženýrské stavby Alfa
0368-0878 Inżynieria Chemiczna Polska Akademia Nauk, Komitet Inyżnierii Chemicznej.
0208-6425 Inżynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa Polska Akademia nauk.
0368-0827 Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna SIMPress.
1505-3695 Inżynieria i Ochrona Środowiska Politechnika Częstochowska.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
1640-4920 Inżynieria Mineralna Polskie Towarzystwo Przeróbki Kopalin.
1426-1723 Inżynieria powierzchni Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej.
0096-2856 Iodine abstracts and reviews Iodine Educational Bureau (New York, N.Y.); Chilean Iodine Educational Bureau (New York, N.Y.)
0270-4951 IOM publication Institute of Medicine (U.S.)
0367-9594 Ion [s.n.]
0375-9083 Ion Centro de Estudios de Ingenieria Quimica, Universidad Industrial de Santander.
0375-9091 Ión Sindicato Vertical de Industrias Químicas (España); Sindicato Nacional de Industrias Químicas (España)
1059-7514 Ion channels Plenum Press,
0075-0328 Ion exchange M. Dekker.
0091-0619 Ion exchange and membranes Gordon and Breach
0092-0193 Ion exchange and solvent extraction M. Dekker.; CRC Press
0535-5435 Ion Exchange Progress Elga Group.
0947-7047 Ionics Institute for Ionics c/o Chr.-Albrechts-University, Technical Faculty, Chair for Sensors and Solid State Ionics
1862-0760 Ionics Springer
0130-6359 Ionnye rasplavy.; Ионные расплавы Naukova dumka; Наукова думка
0234-4483 Ionnye rasplavy i tverdye èlektrolity.; Ионные расплавы и твердые электролиты Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0136-8443 Ionnyj obmen i ionometriâ Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0191-5371 Ion-selective electrode reviews Pergamon
0269-8986 IOP short meetings series Institute of Physics.
0096-2678 Iowa farm science Iowa State College.; Iowa State University.; Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station.
0578-6061 Iowa Geological Survey water atlas Iowa Geological Survey.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0096-2783 Iowa State College journal of science Iowa State College,
0099-5266 Iowa State College Veterinarian
0092-6345 Iowa State journal of research Iowa State University.
0021-0684 Iowa state journal of science Iowa State University.; Society of the Sigma Xi.
0099-5851 Iowa State University veterinarian Iowa State University.
0367-7613 Ipari energiagazdálkodás Energiagazdálkodási Tudományos Egyesület.
0147-7331 IPC magazine Scranton Pub. Co..
0557-0204 IPCR cyclotron progress report Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
0192-4664 IPC-TR Institute of Printed Circuits.
0343-334X IPE. Industrial & production engineering Hanser
0100-4557 IPEF Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais.
0378-6064 IPI-bulletin International Potash Institute.; IPI.
0379-0495 IPI research topics International Potash Institute.
0046-9033 IPIRI journal Indian Plywood Industries Research Institute.
0019-0357 IPPF medical bulletin International Planned Parenthood Federation
0379-5462 IPPTA Institute of Paper Technology.
0210-4229 Iq Sindicato Nacional de Industrias Químicas (España)
1013-9885 Iran agricultural research = College of Agriculture. Shiraz University.
1028-852X Iranian biomedical journal Pasteur Institute of Iran
2008-823X Iranian biomedical journal Pasteur Institute of Iran
1607-4033 Iranian international journal of science University of Tehran, Faculty of Science
0376-4524 Iranian journal of agricultural research College of Agriculture.
1735-1502 Iranian journal of allergy, asthma and immunology Immunology, Asthma and Allergy Research Institute
1735-5249 Iranian journal of allergy, asthma and immunology Immunology, Asthma and Allergy Research Institute
1728-3043 Iranian journal of biotechnology National Research Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.
1021-9986 Iranian journal of chemistry & chemical engineering Cultural Division of Jihad Daneshgahi
2008-1820 Iranian journal of diabetes and lipid disordres (e-vir) Tehran University of Medical Sciences; : Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Center
1735-2746 Iranian journal of environmental health science & engineering (e-vir) Iranian Association of Environmental Health; Tehran University of Medical Sciences Publications
1735-1979 Iranian journal of environmental health sciences & engineering Iranian Association of Environmental Health
1735-0808 Iranian journal of materials science and engineering Iran University of Science and Technology :; ; Iranian Metallurgical Society :; ; Iranian Ceramic Society
2383-3882 Iranian journal of materials science and engineering (e-vir) Iran University of Science and Technology; ; Iranian Metallurgical Society; ; Iranian Ceramic Society
0253-0716 Iranian journal of medical sciences Shiraz University Publications
1735-3688 Iranian journal of medical sciences Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
1735-2657 Iranian journal of pharmacology & therapeutics (e-vir) Razi Institute for Drug Research of IUMS
1017-6020 Iranian journal of polymer science & technology Polymer Research Center of Iran
1680-6433 Iranian journal of reproductive medicine Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
2008-2177 Iranian journal of reproductive medicine (e-vir) Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
0360-1307 Iranian journal of science and technology Pergamon Press
1026-1265 Iranian polymer journal Iran Polymer and Petr Institute
1735-5265 Iranian polymer journal (e-vir) Iran Polymer and Petr Institute
0075-0530 Iraqi journal of agricultural science College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad.
2410-0862 Iraqi journal of agricultural science (e-vir) College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad
0067-2904 Iraqi journal of science University of Baghdad. College of Science.
0144-0012 IRCCOPR seminar report Natural Environment Research Council.
0268-8220 IRCS medical science Elsevier-IRCS.
0305-6651 IRCS medical science. Library compendium International Research Communications System.
0096-3739 IRE international convention record Institute of Radio Engineers.
0097-6318 IRE National Convention Record Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-1639 IRE transactions on aeronautical and navigational electronics Professional Group on Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics, Institute of Radio Engineers
2331-0804 IRE transactions on aeronautical and navigational electronics (e-vir) Institute of Radio Engineers.
0096-1647 IRE transactions on aerospace and navigational electronics Professional Group on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics, Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-1973 IRE transactions on antennas and propagation Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-1981 IRE transactions on audio Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-199X IRE transactions on automatic control Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-1884 IRE transactions on bio-medical electronics Professional Group on Bio-medical Electronics, Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-1655 IRE transactions on broadcast and television receivers Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-1663 IRE transactions on broadcasting Institute of Radio Engineers
0099-6866 IRE transactions on broadcast transmission systems Institute of Radio Engineers for the Professional Group on Broadcast Transmission Systems
0096-2007 IRE transactions on circuit theory Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-2244 IRE transactions on communications systems Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-2422 IRE transactions on component parts Professional Group on Component Parts, Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-2430 IRE transactions on electron devices Institute of Radio Engineers
0367-9950 IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-2252 IRE transactions on engineering management Professional Group on Engineering Management
0099-4561 IRE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-1000 IRE transactions on information theory Professional Group on Information, Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-2260 IRE transactions on instrumentation Institute of Radio Engineers
0097-1049 IRE transactions on medical electronics Institute of Radio Engineers
0097-2002 IRE transactions on microwave theory and techniques Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-2511 IRE transactions on military electronics Professional Group on Military Electronics, Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-2015 IRE transactions on nuclear science Professional Group on Nuclear Science
0096-1760 IRE transactions on product engineering and production Professional Group on Product Engineering and Production, Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-1779 IRE transactions on production techniques Professional Group on Production Techniques, Institute of Radio Engineers
0099-4545 IRE Transactions on radio frequency interference Professional Group on Radio Frequency Interference
0097-4552 IRE transactions on reliability and quality control Professional Group on Reliability and Quality Control, Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-252X IRE transactions on space electronics and telemetry Professional Group on Space Electronics and Telemetry, Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-2538 IRE transactions on telemetry and remote control Professional Group on Telemetry and Remote Control, Institute of Radio Engineers
0096-1019 IRE transactions on ultrasonics engineering Professional Group on Ultrasonic Engineering.
0097-6628 IRE transactions on vehicular communications Professional Group on Vehicular Communications
0536-1974 IRI Research Institute Bulletin IRI Research Institute.
0367-8121 Irish and international fibres and fabrics journal H.R. Carter and Son
0021-115X Irish engineers Irish Engineering Publications
0021-1192 Irish forestry Society of Irish Foresters.
0791-6833 Irish journal of agricultural and food research Teagasc
2009-9029 Irish journal of agricultural and food research (e-vir) Teagasc
0578-7483 Irish Journal of Agricultural Research An Foras Taluntais, Information Officier
0790-1763 Irish journal of earth sciences Royal Irish Academy
2009-0064 Irish journal of earth sciences (e-vir) Royal Irish Academy
0332-1665 Irish journal of environmental science Foras Forbartha.
0332-0375 Irish journal of food science and technology Teagasc
2009-9010 Irish journal of food science and technology (e-vir) Teagasc (Organization)
0021-1265 Irish journal of medical science Springer
1863-4362 Irish journal of medical science (e-vir) Springer
0332-3102 Irish medical journal Irish Medical Association
0021-1311 Irish naturalists' journal "Irish naturalists' journal" committee
2633-9404 Irish naturalists' journal (e-vir)
0368-0762 Irish veterinary journal Britmark
2046-0481 Irish veterinary journal (e-vir) Veterinary Ireland]; BioMed Central
0250-5304 IRMA Journal Indian Refractory Makers Association
0258-770X IRNE. Institutul de Reactori Nucleari Energetici Comitetul de Stat pentru Energia Nuclearæa.; Institutul de Reactori Nucleari Energetici.
0368-0053 Iron & steel of Canada National Business Publications
1547-0423 Iron & steel technology Association for Iron & Steel Technology
0367-732X Iron and Coal Trades Review [s.n.]
0021-1524 Iron and steel Iliffe Industrial Publications
0021-1559 Iron and steel engineer Association of Iron and Steel Engineers, etc.
0368-0118 Iron and Steel Industry [Louis Cassier]
0368-0096 Iron and Steel Institute, London, Bibliographical Series [s.n.]
0308-9142 Iron and steel international Butterworth Scientific Ltd
0275-8687 Iron and steelmaker [S.n.]
0192-9992 Iron and steel scrap United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0367-7761 Iron Foundry [s.n.]
0301-9233 Ironmaking & steelmaking Metals Society; American Society for Metals
1743-2812 Ironmaking & steelmaking (e-vir) Maney Pub.
0364-7870 Iron ore United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0375-913X Irradiation des Aliments Centre Europeen d'Information pour l'Irradiation des Aliments
0378-6331 Irrigation and drainage paper Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0367-9993 Irrigation and Power Mgr of Publications, Government of India
0572-0184 Irrigation research stations technical paper CSIRO.
0342-7188 Irrigation science Springer
1432-1319 Irrigation science Springer
0115-3862 IRRI research paper series IRRI.; International Rice Research Institute.
1346-342X Iryäo yakugaku Japanese Scoeity of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences.
0021-1699 Iryo Iryo Dokokai; Kokuritsu Iryo Gakkai
1347-0434 Iryo to kensa kiki, shiyaku Rabo, sabisu,; Rabo, sabisu ;; Uchudo yagi shoten
0271-9339 IS Texas Dept. of Water Resources.
1099-4491 IS Texas Water Commission.
0096-0810 ISA journal Instrument Society of America.; Instrument Society of America.
0019-0578 ISA transactions Instrument Society of America; Elsevier
1751-2816 ISBT science series Blackwell
1751-2824 ISBT science series (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1345-7020 Ischemic heart disease IHD frontier Iyaku Jäanarusha
0170-6071 ISD-Bericht Institut für Statik und Dynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrtkonstruktionen Universität Stuttgart.
0175-4254 ISH-Heft Institut für Strahlenhygiene.; ISH.
0578-7904 Ishikawajima-Harima giho Ishikawajima-Harima Jukogyo K. K. Gijutsu-gyomu-bu ;; Ishikawajima Harima Jukogyo Gijutsu Kaihatsu Honbu Kanribu
0285-869X Ishikawa-ken Käogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa.
0289-8934 Ishikawa-ken Kogyo Shikenjo kenkyu hokoku Ishikawa-ken Kogyo Shikenjo
0388-8134 Ishikawa-ken Nōgyō Shikenjō kenkyū hōkoku
0389-9977 Ishikawa-ken Nogyo Tanki Daigaku kenkyu hokoku Ishikawa-ken Nogyo Tanki Daigaku
0389-9969 Ishikawa näogyäo no kenkyäu Ishikawa-ken Näogyäo Tanki Daigaku.
0915-8715 Ishinomaki Senshū Daigaku kenkyū kiyō Ishinomaki Senshū Daigaku
0890-9083 ISI atlas of science Institute for Scientific Information.
0894-3745 ISI atlas of science Institute for Scientific Information.
0894-3753 ISI atlas of science Institute for Scientific Information.
0894-3761 ISI atlas of science Institute for Scientific Information.
0019-0632 ISI Bulletin Indian Standards Institution
0915-1559 ISIJ international Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
1347-5460 ISIJ international (e-vir) Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
0021-1753 Isis University of Wisconsin
1545-6994 Isis (e-vir) Published by the University of Chicago Press for the History of Science Society
0304-5218 Islamabad journal of science Quaid-i-Azam University.; University of Islamabad.
0368-0142 Íslenzkar landbúnaðarrannsóknir Rannsóknastofnun Landbúnaðarins
0099-6882 Isochron/west Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology.; New Mexico.
0373-1618 Isolation, revêtements et architecture évolutive Éditions techniques Riégel
1065-6081 Isolation and purification Gordon and Breach Science Publishers; International Publishers Distributor
0172-7834 Isolierung Bundesfachgruppe Wärme-, Kälte-, Schall- und Brandschutz im Zentralverband des Deutschen Baugewerbes.
0021-1907 Isotope and radiation research = Middle Eastern Regional Radioisotope Centre for Arabe Countries.
0167-6695 Isotope geoscience Elsevier
0021-1915 Isotopenpraxis Akademie-Verlag
0021-1923 Isotopes and radiation technology U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.; Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
1025-6016 Isotopes in environmental and health studies Gordon and Breach Publishers
1477-2639 Isotopes in environmental and health studies (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0007-8077 Isotopic Generator Information Centre newsletter [s.n.]
0535-7330 Isotopics
0160-3787 Isozymes Alan R. Liss, Inc.,
0367-794X Ispolʹzovanie gaza v narodnom hozâjstve.; Использование газа в народном хозяйстве VNIIÈGazprom; ВНИИЭГазпром.
0130-643X Ispolʹzovanie mikroorganizmov dlâ borʹby s vrednymi nasekomymi v lesnom i selʹskom hozâjstve Irkutskij universitet im. A.A. Ždanova.
0130-6413 Ispolʹzovanie vtoričnyh ènergoresursov i ohlaždenie agregatov v černoj metallurgii Metallurgiâ.
0075-0956 Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Proceedings, Section of Sciences Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
0021-1958 Israel annals of psychiatry and related disciplines Israel Psychiatric Association.
0021-2059 Israel exploration journal Israel Exploration Society
0021-2121 Israel Journal of Agricultural Research Exec Ed, Division of Scientific Publications, Volcani Institute of Agricultural Research.
0021-213X Israel journal of botany. Basic and applied plant sciences Weizmann Science Press of Israel.
1869-5868 Israel journal of chemistry (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0021-2148 Israel Journal of Chemistry Weizmann Science Press; William Dawson and Sons Ltd
0021-2164 Israel Journal of Earth-Sciences Weizmann Science Press; William Dawson and Sons Ltd
0075-1243 Israel journal of entomology Entomological Society of Israel; Laser Pages Publishing Ltd.
2224-6304 Israel journal of entomology (e-vir) Entomological Society of Israel
0535-806X Israel Journal of Experimental Medicine National Council for Research and Development.
0021-2172 Israel journal of mathematics Weizmann Science Press; William Dawson
1565-8511 Israel journal of mathematics Hebrew University Magnes Press
0021-2180 Israel journal of medical sciences Israel medical Association
0792-9978 Israel journal of plant sciences Laser Pages Publishing.
2223-8980 Israel journal of plant sciences Laser Pages Publishing Ltd
0021-2202 Israel Journal of Technology Weizmann Science Press :; William Dawson and Sons Ltd.
0021-2210 Israel Journal of Zoology Weizmann Science Press; William Dawson and Sons Ltd
0368-0150 Israel Medical Journal Israel Medical Association.
0334-2603 Israel Pharmaceutical Journal Pharmaceutical Association of Israel.
1608-280X ISSI scientific report ESA Publications Division.
0367-7427 Issledovaniâ Dalʹnevostočnyh morej SSSR "Nauka".
0368-007X Issledovaniâ fauny morej.; Исследования фауны морей Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie; Наука, Ленинградское отделение.
0130-6480 Issledovaniâ fazovyh perehodov i fizikohimičeskih svojstv veśestva metodom molekulârnoj akustiki Tulʹskij pedagogičeskij institut im. L.N. Tolstogo.
0321-4516 Issledovaniâ po fizike kipeniâ Stavropolʹskij pedagogičeskij institut.
0578-9508 Issledovaniâ po genetike Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0135-3748 Issledovaniâ po geomagnetizmu, aèronomii i fizike solnca Nauka
0136-8478 Issledovaniâ poluprovodnikovyh soedinenij složnogo sostava i r-p perehodov na ih osnove Izdatelʹstvo Kalmyckogo universiteta.
0578-9540 Issledovaniâ po mikrobiologii Institut èksperimentalʹnoj i kliničeskoj mediciny.
0321-480X Issledovaniâ po nelinejnoj optike i spektroskopii.; Исследования по нелинейной оптике и спектроскопии Izdatelʹstvo Saratovskogo universiteta; Издательство Саратовского университета.
0578-9575 Issledovaniâ po teorii plastin i oboloček.; Исследования по теории пластин и оболочек Izdatelʹstvo Kazanskogo universiteta; Издательство Казанского университета.
0578-9583 Issledovaniâ po uprugosti i plastičnosti Leningradskij universitet.
0535-8248 Issledovaniâ po žaropročnym splavam Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk SSSR.
0368-0746 Issledovaniâ vâžuŝih veŝestv i izdelij na ih osnove.; Исследования вяжущих веществ и изделий на их основе Izdatelʹstvo Lʹvovskogo universiteta; Издательство Львовского университета.
0130-6499 Issledovaniâ v oblasti fiziki tverdogo tela Irkutskij universitet im. A.A. Ždanova.
0234-8748 Issledovanie èkosistemy Baltijskogo morâ.; Исследование экосистемы Балтийского моря Gidrometeoizdat; Гидрометеоиздат.
0130-6472 Issledovanie sistem Dalʹnevostočnyj naučnyj centr.
0205-9614 Issledovanie zemli iz Kosmosa Nauka
0740-8242 Issues and reviews in teratology Plenum Press,
0733-9046 Issues and studies National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.)
1350-7583 Issues in environmental science and technology The Royal Society of Chemistry
1465-1874 Issues in environmental science and technology (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1660-1890 Issues in infectious diseases S. Karger,
0367-7273 İstanbul Contribution to Clinical Science İstanbul Contribution to Clinical Science
0367-7893 İstanbul Göz Klinigi Bulteni İstanbul Göz Klinigi Bulteni
0368-0223 Istanbul seririyati Istanbul seririyati
0368-0355 İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi bülteni İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
0368-0584 İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi dergisi İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
0301-7362 İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi mecmuası İstanbul Üniversitesi
0535-8418 Istanbul Universitesi, Orman Fakultesi Dergisi, Seri A Orman Fakultesi Dergisi Buyukdere
1015-5295 İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi astronomi ve fizik dergisi İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi.; University of Istanbul, Faculty of Science.
0367-7753 İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi mecmuas%. Seri B: tabii ilimler İstanbul Üniversitesi
0367-7745 İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakultesi Mecmuasi, Seri A: Matematik-Fizik-Kimya İstanbul Üniversitesi
0444-7298 İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi mecmuası, Seri C: Astronomie-Physique-Chimie İstanbul Üniversitesi
0368-0657 İstanbul Üniversitesi observatuari yazıları İstanbul Üniversitesi
0374-1656 Istanbul Universitesi Tib Fakultesi Mecmuasi İstanbul Üniversitesi
0250-2836 İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi dergisi İstanbul Üniversitesi
0915-0617 ISTEC journal Kokusai Chäodendäo Sangyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäu Sentäa.
0493-9271 Istituto di chimica applicata. Facoltà di ingegneria. Università degli studi di Trieste Università degli studi di Trieste. Istituto di chimica applicata.
0392-081X Istituto di chimica applicata e industriale. Facoltà di ingegneria. Università degli studi di Trieste Università degli studi di Trieste. Istituto di chimica applicata e industriale.
0391-4909 Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Laboratori di Fisica (Lectures) ISS L Istituto Superiore di Sanità
0390-6191 Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Laboratori di Fisica. (Preprints) ISS P Istituto Superiore di Sanità
0391-4895 Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Laboratori di Fisica. (Reports and Reviews) ISS R Istituto Superiore di Sanità
0391-4917 Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Laboratori di Fisica. (Technical Notes) ISS T Istituto Superiore di Sanità
0390-6485 Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Laboratorio delle radiazioni. (Technical Notes) ISS T Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Laboratorio delle radiazioni
0390-6469 Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Laboratorio delle Radiazioni. Preprints, ISS P Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Laboratorio delle Radiazioni
0579-0204 Istorija i metodologija estestvennyh nauk Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta
0270-6431 ISU-ERI-AMES Iowa State University. Engineering Research Institute.; Iowa State University. Engineering Extension.
0368-0266 ISWA information bulletin Research Committee of ISWA
0367-7184 Italia e i Cereali Segetes.
0021-2776 Italia Forestale e Montana Istituto di Assestamento Forestale della Facolta Agraria e Forestale
1122-6714 Italian journal of anatomy and embryology Editrice Il Sedicesimo
2038-5129 Italian journal of anatomy and embryology (e-vir) Firenze university press
0021-2938 Italian Journal of Biochemistry Il Pensiero Scientifico
1120-1770 Italian journal of food science Chiriotti Editori
2239-5687 Italian journal of food science (e-vir) Chiriotti Editori
1125-8055 Italian journal of gastroenterology and hepatology Pacini editore
1121-1709 Italian journal of mineral & electrolyte metabolism Edizioni Minerva Medica
1748-5851 Italian journal of zoology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0021-2865 Italia Vinicola ed Agraria
0303-2434 ITC journal International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences
0865-0497 ITD. Izotóptechnika, diagnosztika Izot. Intéz
1531-2046 ITE letters on batteries, new technologies & medicine (with news) Ernest B. Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences.
0932-6022 ITG-Fachberichte VDE-Verlag.
0233-6715 Itogi nauki i tehniki Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii.
0137-026X Itogi nauki i tehniki. Farmakologiâ, himioterapevtičeskie sredstva.; Итоги науки и техники. Фармакология, химиотерапевтические средства VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-8174 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Generatory prâmogo preobrazovaniâ teplovoj i himičeskoj ènergii v èlektričeskuû.; Итоги науки и техники. Генераторы прямого преобразования тепловой и химической энергии в электрическую VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0302-9751 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Himičeskaâ termodinamika i ravnovesiâ.; Итоги науки и техники. Химическая термодинамика и равновесия VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-7984 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Kristallohimiâ.; Итоги науки и техники. Кристаллохимия VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-7143 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Počvovedenie i agrohimiâ VINITI.
0202-0742 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Astronomiâ.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Астрономия VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-8166 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Atomnaâ ènergetika.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Атомная энергетика VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-795X Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Biologičeskaâ himiâ.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Биологическая химия VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-7313 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Fizika zemli.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Физика земли VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-7186 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Fiziologiâ rastenij.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Физиология растений VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0301-391X Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Genetika čeloveka.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Генетика человека VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-733X Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Geologičeskie i geohimičeskie metody poiskov poleznyh iskopaemyh. Metody razvedki i ocenka mestoroždenij. Razvedočnaâ i promyslovaâ geofizika.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Геологические и геохимические методы поисков полезных ископаемых. Методы разведки и оценка месторождений. Разведочная и промысловая геофизика VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-7356 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Gidrogeologiâ, inženernaâ geologiâ.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Гидрогеология, инженерная геология VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-8069 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Himiâ i tehnologiâ vysokomolekulârnyh soedinenij.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Химия и технология высокомолекулярных соединений VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-8085 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Hromatografiâ.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Хроматография VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-7046 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Immunologiâ.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Иммунология VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-0734 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Issledovanie kosmičeskogo prostranstva.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Исследование космического пространства VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-7968 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Kinetika i kataliz.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Кинетика и катализ VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-7976 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Korroziâ i zaŝita ot korrozii.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Коррозия и защита от коррозии VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0302-542X Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Mestoroždeniâ gorûčih poleznyh iskopaemyh.; Итоги науки и техники. Месторождения горючих полезных ископаемых VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-7739 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Metallovedenie i termičeskaâ obrabotka.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Металловедение и термическая обработка VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-7747 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Metallurgiâ cvetnyh i redkih metallov.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Металлургия цветных и редких металлов VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0579-1960 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Metallurgičeskaâ teplotehnika, oborudovanie, kontrolʹno- izmeritelʹnye pribory i avtomatizaciâ metallurgičeskogo proizvodstva VINITI.
0257-8581 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Mikrobiologiâ VINITI.
0202-7089 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Morfologiâ čeloveka i životnyh, antropologiâ.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Морфология человека и животных, антропология VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-7119 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Obŝaâ èkologiâ, biocenologiâ, gidrobiologiâ.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Общая экология, биоценология, гидробиология VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-7097 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Obŝaâ genetika.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Общая генетика VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0579-1685 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Obśie voprosy patologii VINITI.
0137-0251 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Organičeskaâ himiâ.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Органическая химия VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0137-0243 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Požarnaâ ohrana.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Пожарная охрана VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-8018 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Processy i apparaty himičeskoj tehnologii.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Процессы и аппараты химической технологии VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0579-2045 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Prokatnoe voločilʹnoe proizvodstvo VINITI.
0131-1743 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Rastvory, rasplavy.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Растворы, расплавы VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-778X Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Svarka.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Сварка VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-7178 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Toksikologiâ.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Токсикология VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0134-7780 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Zaśita rastenij VINITI.
0134-2681 Itogi nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Životnovodstvo i veterinariâ.; Итоги науки и техники. Серия, Животноводство и ветеринария VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0202-8093 Itogi nauki i tehniki - Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii. Seriâ °Elektrohimiâ VINITI
0208-2330 Itogi nauki i tehniki - Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii. Seriâ Biotehnologiâ VINITI
0202-7992 Itogi Nauki i tehniki - Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii. Seriâ Neorganičeskaâ himiâ VINITI
0303-2361 Itogi nauki i tehniki - Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii. Tehnologiâ organičeskih veŝestv VINITI
0144-3143 ITRI publication International Tin Research Institute.; ITRI.
0075-2010 Itsuu Kenkyusho Nempo Itsuu Kenkyusho.
1521-6543 IUBMB life Taylor & Francis
1521-6551 IUBMB life (e-vir) Taylor & Francis, Inc.
0275-0910 IUPAC chemical data series International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
1528-2503 IUPAC series on analytical and physical chemistry of environmental systems Wiley.
0039-8535 IVA Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien
0347-8696 IVL Institutet för vatten- och luftvårdsforskning
1387-6864 IVSLA series Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti.
0888-6881 IVTAN reviews of the High Temperature Institute Academy of Sciences of the USSR Institut vysokikh temperatur (Akademiňińa nauk SSSR)
0388-8169 Iwata Tabako Shikenjäo häokoku Japan Tobacco & Salt Public Corporation. Iwata Tobacco Experiment Station.
0376-0537 Iwate Daigaku Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Iwate University. Faculty of Engineering.
0367-7370 Iwate Daigaku Kyoiku Gakubu Kenkyu Nempo Iwate Daigaku Kyoiku Gakubu
0579-2746 Iwate Daigaku Nogakubu Hokoku Iwate Daigaku Nogakubu.
0021-3284 Iwate Igaku Zasshi Iwate Igakkai; Iwate igakkai
0385-4132 Iwate Ika Daigaku Kyäoyäobu kenkyäu nenpäo Iwate Medical University. School of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
0917-7922 Iwate-ken Eisei Kenkyâujo nempâo Iwate Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0387-4966 Iwate-ken Jōzō Shokuhin Shikenjō hōkoku
1348-1886 Iwateken kankyo hoken kenkyu senta nenpo Iwateken kankyo hoken kenkyu senta,
0388-7685 Iwate-ken Sangyäo Shikenjäo yäohäo Iwate-ken Sangyäo Shikenjäo.
1343-0114 Iwate-ken Suisan Gijutsu Senta kenkyu hokoku Iwate-ken Suisan Gijutsu Senta
0537-796X IWL-Forum Institut für Gewerbliche Wasserwirtschaft und Luftreinhaltung e. V..
0943-7355 IWS-Schriftenreihe Institut für Wassergefährdende Stoffe an der Technischen Universität Berlin.; Trägerverein des Instituts für Wassergefährdende Stoffe e.V. an der Technischen Universität Berlin.
0287-0894 Iyakuhin kenkyäu Society of Japanese Pharmacopoeia.
0385-5015 Iyakuhin sogo sayo kenkyu Iyakuhin Sogo Sayo Kenkyukai; Iyakuhin sogo sayo kenkyukai; Iyakuhin sogo sayo kenkyukai; Iyakuhin sogo sayo kenkyukai
0082-4739 Iyäo Kizai Kenkyäujo häokoku Tokyo Medical and Dental University. Institute for Medical and Dental Engineering.
0910-870X Iyäo Masu Kenkyäukai käoenshäu Japanese Society for Medical Mass Spectrometry.
0021-3292 Iyo denshi to seitai kogaku Koronasha; Nihon emui gakkai
0560-2300 Izdanija - Zavod za ribarstvo na SR Makedonija Zavod za ribarstvo na SR Makedonija
0368-0940 Izdanja - Zavod za hidrotehniku Građevinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu Zavod za hidrotehniku
0368-0959 Iz istorii biologii Nauka.
0368-1025 Izmeritel'naâ tehnika Izdatel'stvo standartov
0368-0460 Izmeritelʹnaâ tehnika i poveročnoe delo.; Измерительная техника и поверочное дело Glavnaâ palata mer i vesov; Главная палата мер и весов.
0324-1157 Izobrazitelstvo i ratsionalizatorstvo [S.n.]
0004-7201 Izotóptechnika Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Izotóp Intézete.
0579-2940 Izotopy v SSSR Atomizdat.
0303-4089 Izsledvahiâ po biologičnata borba s vreditelite na rasteniâta Izdatelstvo na Bʺlgarskata Akademiâ na naukite.
0367-813X Izvanredna izdanja Farmakoloskog instituta u Zagrebu [S.n.]
0368-0169 Izvestiâ Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva Armânskoj SSR.
0368-4032 Izvestiâ Akademii krupnogo Socialističeskogo selʹskogo hozâjstva imeni K.A. Timirâzeva.; Известия Академии крупного Социалистического сельского хозяйства имени К.А. Тимирязева [s.n.); [с.н.).
1023-6317 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk Nauka
1026-3527 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Fizika zemli Nauka.
1026-3470 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ Nauka.
1026-3489 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ fizičeskaâ Nauka
1026-3500 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ himičeskaâ Nauka
0002-3051 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Armânskoj SSR Izdatelʹstvo AN ArmSSR.
0367-6560 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Armânskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Armânskoj SSR.
0367-6625 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Armânskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Armânskoj SSR.
0367-6579 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Armânskoj SSR. Biologičeskie nauki Akademiâ nauk Armânskoj SSR.
0002-3035 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Armânskoj SSR. Fizika = Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk Armenii.
0367-6668 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Armânskoj SSR. Geologičeskie i geografičeskie nauki Akademiâ nauk Armânskoj SSR.
0367-6846 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Armânskoj SSR. Himičeskie nauki Akademiâ nauk Armânskoj SSR.
0515-961X Izvestiâ Akademii Nauk Armânskoj SSR. Nauki o Zemle Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk Armânskoj SSR
0568-4706 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Armânskoj SSR. Seriâ fiziko-matematičeskih nauk Akademiâ nauk Armânskoj SSR
0002-306X Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Armânskoj SSR. Seriâ tehničeskih nauk Izdatel'stvo AN ArmSSR
0367-6757 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Azerbajdžanskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Azerbajdžanskoj SSR.
0002-3108 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Azerbajdžanskoj SSR. Seriâ fiziko-tehničeskih i matematičeskih nauk Elm
0002-3124 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Azerbajdžanskoj SSR. Seriâ nauk o zemle Elle
0367-8431 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR.
0367-844X Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR.
0367-8490 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR.
0367-8504 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR.
0367-8520 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR.
0516-009X Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR.
0516-012X Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR.
0516-0189 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR.
0568-4935 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR.
0002-3183 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR. Seriâ biologičeskaâ Nauka KazSSR
0516-0103 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR. Seriâ botaniki i počvovedeniâ Nauka
0002-3191 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR. Seriâ fiziko-matematičeskaâ Nauka KazSSR
0002-3205 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR. Seriâ himičeskaâ Nauka KazSSR
0367-8458 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSSR Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR.
0002-3221 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kirgizskoj SSR Ilim
0568-5176 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kirgizskoj SSR Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk Kirgizskoj SSR.
0235-0076 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kirgizskoj SSR. Fiziko-tehničeskie i matematičeskie nauki "Ilim"
0568-5168 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Kirgizskoj SSSR Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk Kirgizskoj SSR.
0002-3248 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Latvijskoj SSR. Seriâ himičeskaâ Zinäatne
0321-169X Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Moldavskoj SSR. Seriâ fiziko-tehničeskih i matematičeskih nauk "Štiinca"
0002-3310 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR Nauka
0002-3353 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR Nauka
0321-1703 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR Nauka
0367-6684 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR Akademiâ nauk SSSR
0367-6706 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR Akademiâ nauk SSSR
0367-6765 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR Nauka
0367-6773 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR Akademiâ nauk SSSR
0367-679X Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk SSSR
0516-0553 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR Nauka
0568-5265 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR "Nauka"
0568-5273 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR Nauka
0568-529X Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR Akademii Nauk SSSR
0572-3299 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR "Nauka"
0002-3515 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana Nauka.
0002-3337 Izvestiâ Akademii Nauk SSSR. Fizika Zemli "Nauka"
0568-5303 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Metally Nauka
0367-9586 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdelenie matematičeskih i estestvennyh nauk.; Известия Академии наук СССР. Отделение математических и естественных наук Akademiâ nauk SSSR; Академия наук СССР
0002-3329 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ biologičeskaâ Nauka
0368-0363 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Tadžikskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Tadžikskoj SSR.
0368-0371 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Tadžikskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Tadžikskoj SSR.
0368-0525 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Tadžikskoj SSR.; Известия Академии наук Таджикской ССР Akademiâ nauk Tadžikskoj SSR; Академия наук Таджикской ССР
0002-3477 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Tadžikskoj SSR. Otdelenie biologičeskih nauk Doniš
0002-3485 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Tadžikskoj SSR. Otdelenie fiziko-matematičeskih i geologo-himičeskih nauk Doniš
0321-1746 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Turkmenskoj SSR. Seriâ biologičeskih nauk Ylym
0002-3507 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Turkmenskoj SSR. Seriâ fiziko-tehničeskih, himičeskih i geologičeskih nauk Ylym
0367-6889 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Uzbekskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Uzbekskoj SSR.
0368-0673 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Uzbekskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Uzbekskoj SSR.
0401-0507 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Uzbekskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Uzbekskoj SSR.
0516-2599 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Uzbekskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Uzbekskoj SSR.
0516-2602 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Uzbekskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Uzbekskoj SSR.
0131-8012 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Uzbekskoj SSR. Seriâ fiziko-matematičeskih nauk Fan
0516-2629 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk Uzbekskoj SSR. Seriâ tehničeskih nauk Fan
0516-2904 Izvestiâ Akademii stroitelʹstva i arhitektury SSSR.; Известия Академии строительства и архитектуры СССР "Gosstrojizdat"; "Госстройиздат".
1561-9443 Izvestiâ Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta Izdatelʹstvo Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
1561-9451 Izvestiâ Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta; Известия Алтайского государственного университета (e-vir) Altajskij gosudarstvennyj universitet; Алтайский государственный университет
0568-4951 Izvestiâ Astrofizičeskogo instituta Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR. Astrofizičeskij institut.
0367-6943 Izvestiâ Biologičeskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta i Biologičeskoj stancii pri Permskom gosudarstvennom universitete.; Известия Биологического научно-исследовательского института и Биологической станции при Пермском государственном университете Biologičeskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut; Biologičeskaâ stanciâ pri Permskom gosudarstvennom universitete; Биологический научно-исследовательский институт; Биологическая станция при Пермском государственном университете.
0367-7079 Izvestiâ Biologičeskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta pri Molotovskom gosudarstvennom universitete im. A.M. Gorʹkorgo.; Известия Биологического научно-исследовательского института при Молотовском государственном университете им. А.М. Горькорго [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0368-0339 Izvestiâ Centralʹnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo biohimičeskogo instituta piŝevoj i vkusovoj promyšlennosti SSSR.; Известия Центрального научно-исследовательского биохимического института пищевой и вкусовой промышленности СССР [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0368-0428 Izvestiâ Centralʹnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta koževennoj promyšlennosti.; Известия Центрального научно-исследовательского института кожевенной промышленности Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut koževennoj promyšlennosti; Центральный научно-исследовательский институт кожевенной промышленности.
0367-7575 Izvestiâ Ènergetičeskogo instituta im. G.M. Kržižanovskogo.; Известия Энергетического института им. Г.М. Кржижановского [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0376-1991 Izvestiâ Estestvennonaučnogo instituta pri Permskom ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni gosudarstvennom universitete im. A.M. Gorʹkogo Estestvenno-naučnyj institut.
0535-6857 Izvestiâ Fiziko-himičeskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta pri Irkutskom gosudarstvennom universitete im. A.A. Ždanova Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0367-7966 Izvestiâ Glavnoj astronomičeskoj observatorii v Pulkove Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie.
0367-7931 Izvestiâ Gosudarstvennogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta kolloidnoj himii.; Известия Государственного научно-исследовательского института коллоидной химии Gosudarstvennyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut kolloidnoj himii; Государственный научно-исследовательский институт коллоидной химии.
0367-8601 Izvestiâ hlopčatobumažnoj promyšlennosti.; Известия хлопчатобумажной промышленности Narodnyj komissariat tekstilʹnoj promyšlennosti SSSR; Народный комиссариат текстильной промышленности СССР.
0367-7729 Izvestiâ Instituta fiziko-himičeskogo analiza.; Известия Института физико-химического анализа [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0367-8156 Izvestiâ Instituta po izučeniû platiny i drugih blagorodnyh metallov.; Известия Института по изучению платины и других благородных металлов [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0204-7764 Izvestiâ - Institut po ribni resursi-Varna Institut po ribni resursi.
0516-1320 Izvestiâ Karelʹskogo i Kolʹskogo filialov Akademii nauk SSSR.; Известия Карельского и Кольского филиалов Академии наук СССР [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0568-6105 Izvestiâ Kazanskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR "Rostehizdat".
0568-6121 Izvestiâ Kazanskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR "Rostehizdat".
0367-8598 Izvestiâ Kievskogo ordena Lenina politehničeskogo instituta.; Известия Киевского ордена Ленина политехнического института Izdatelʹstvo Kievskogo universiteta; Издательство Киевского университета.
0367-8555 Izvestiâ Kirgizskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR Kirgiskij filiala Akademii nauk SSSR.
0367-8628 Izvestiâ Kirgizskogo filiala Vsesoûznogo obŝestva počvovedov Vsesoûznoe obŝestvo počvovedov. Kirgizskij filial.
0130-1705 Izvestiâ Komi filiala Geografičeskogo obśestva SSSR Geografičeskoe obśestvo SSSR.
0367-8466 Izvestiâ Krymskoj astrofizičeskoj observatorii Nauka.
0367-8652 Izvestiâ Lesotehničeskoj akademii.; Известия Лесотехнической академии [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0367-8873 Izvestiâ Moldavskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR Moldavskij filial Akademii Nauk SSSR
0373-9112 Izvestiâ na Botaničeskiâ institut Izdatelstvo na BAN
0525-0684 Izvestiâ na Bʺlgarskata akademiâ na naukite. Otdelenie za fiziko-matematičeski i tehničeski nauki.; Известия на Българската академия на науките. Отделение за физико-математически и технически науки Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite; Българска академия на науките,
0068-371X Izvestiâ na Centralnata helmintologična laboratoriâ Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite. Centralna helmintologična laboratoriâ.
0068-3663 Izvestiâ na Centralnata laboratoriâ po biohimiâ BAN. Centralna laboratoriâ po biohomiâ
0324-1084 Izvestiâ na Centralnata naučnoizsledovatelska laboratoriâ po hidravličeski izsledvaniâ.; Известия на Централната научноизследователска лаборатория по хидравлически изследвания Visš inženerno-stroitelen institut; Висш инженерно-строителен институт
0323-9438 Izvestiâ na D''ržavniâ institut za kontrol na lekarstvenite sredstva Ministerstvo na zdraveopazvaneto. Cent''r za naučna informaciâ po medicina i zdraveopazvane.
0204-6555 Izvestiâ na Filiala po sladkovodno ribarstvo Zemizdat
0525-0706 Izvestiâ na Fizičeskiâ institut s ANEB Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite.
0068-3736 Izvestiâ na Geofizicniâ Institut Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0572-7383 Izvestiâ na Geologiceskiâ institut Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0068-3760 Izvestiâ na Geologičeskiâ institut B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite.
0367-7885 Izvestiâ na Geologičeskiâ institut Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0367-7958 Izvestiâ na Geologičeskiâ institut B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite
0367-7990 Izvestiâ na Geologičeskiâ institut Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite.
0525-0722 Izvestiâ na Geologičeskiâ institut B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite
0525-0749 Izvestiâ na Geologičeskiâ institut B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite.
0367-8563 Izvestiâ na Hidravličeskata laboratoriâ.; Известия на Хидравлическата лаборатория Visš inženerno-stroitelen institut; Висш инженерно-строителен институт
0324-0185 Izvestiâ na Instituta po biohimiâ.; Известия на Института по биохимия BAN. Institut po biohimiâ; БАН. Институт по биохимия
0525-079X Izvestiâ na Instituta po elektronika Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0068-3922 Izvestiâ na Instituta po fiziologiâ Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0007-3970 Izvestiâ na Instituta po fiziologiâ na rasteniâta Metodij Popov Izdatelstvo na Bʺalgarskata akademiâ na naukite
0367-8164 Izvestiâ na Instituta po hidrologiâ i meteorologiâ B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite. Institut po hidrologiâ i meteorologiâ.
0521-6494 Izvestiâ na Instituta po hranene Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite. Institut po hranene.
0068-3817 Izvestiâ na Instituta po morfologiâ Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0324-0339 Izvestiâ na Instituta po obŝa i sravnitelna patologiâ Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0204-6512 Izvestiâ na Instituta po okeanografiâ i ribno stopanstvo B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite
0205-0455 Izvestiâ na Instituta po sladkovodno ribov''dstvo Institut po sladkovodno ribov''dstvo.
0521-6516 Izvestiâ na Instituta po sravnitelna patologiâ na životnite B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite
0068-385X Izvestiâ na Instituta po tehničeska kibernetika B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite
0068-3892 Izvestiâ na Instituta po tehničeska mehanika Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite. Institut po tehničeska mehanika.
0515-9482 Izvestiâ na Instituta za gorata.; Известия на Института за гората BAN; БАН
0068-3957 Izvestiâ na Mikrobiologičeskiâ institut Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite. Edinen centʺr za nauka i podgotovka na kadri po biologiâ i mediko-biologičeski problemi.
0254-4857 Izvestiâ na Naučnoizsledovatelskiâ geologičeski institut pri Glavno upravlenie po geologiâ Naučnoizsledovatelski geologičeski institut pri Glavnoto upravlenie po geologiâ.
0560-706X Izvestiâ na Naučnoizsledovatelskiâ institut po kinematografiâ i radio Tehnika
0367-9438 Izvestiâ na Naučnoizsledovatelskiâ institut za ribno stopanstvo i okeanografiâ D''ržavno izdatelstvo
0324-0789 Izvestiâ na NII po okeanografiâ i pibno stopanstvo-Varna NII po okeanografiâ i pibno stopanstvo
0068-3868 Izvestiâ na Otdelenieto za himičeski nauki Izdatelstvo na Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0525-0897 Izvestiâ na Sekciâta po astronomiâ Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite.
0068-3981 Izvestiâ na Zoologičeskiâ institut s muzej B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite
0401-0280 Izvestiâ Otdeleniâ estestvennyh nauk. Akademiâ nauk Tadžikskoj SSR Akademiâ nauk Tadžikskoj SSR
0367-9624 Izvestiâ Permskogo biologičeskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta.; Известия Пермского биологического научно-исследовательского института Permskij biologičeskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut; Пермский биологический научно-исследовательский институт.
0324-1130 Izvestiâ po himiâ Bulgarska akademiâ na naukite
0365-9828 Izvestiâ Saratovskogo obŝestva estestvoispytatelej.; Известия Саратовского общества естествоиспытателей Saratovskoe obŝestvo estestvoispytatelej; Саратовское общество естествоиспытателей.
0367-7737 Izvestiâ Sektora fiziko-himičeskogo analiza.; Известия Сектора физико-химического анализа Akademiâ nauk SSSR; Академия наук СССР.
0367-9616 Izvestiâ Sektora platiny i drugih blagorodnyh metallov.; Известия Сектора платины и других благородных металлов Institut obŝej i neorganičeskoj himii im. N.S. Kurnakova; Институт общей и неорганической химии им. Н.С. Курнакова.
0368-0045 Izvestiâ Selʹskohozâjstvennoj akademii im. K.A. Timirâzeva.; Известия Сельскохозяйственной академии им. К.А. Тимирязева Selʹskohozâjstvennaâ akademiâ im. K.A. Timirâzeva; Сельскохозяйственная академия им. К.А. Тимирязева.
0321-3005 Izvestiâ Severo-Kavkazskogo naučnogo centra vysšej školy. Seriâ estestvennyh nauk.; Известия Северо-Кавказского научного центра высшей школы. Серия естественных наук Izdatelʹstvo Rostovskogo-na-Donu universiteta; Издательство Ростовского-на-Дону университета.
0321-2653 Izvestiâ Severo-Kavkazskogo naučnogo centra vysšej školy. Seriâ tehničeskih nauk Izdatelʹstvo Rostovskogo-na-Donu universiteta.
0368-1017 Izvestiâ Sibirskogo mehaniko-mašinostroitelʹnogo instituta.; Известия Сибирского механико-машиностроительного института Sibirskij mehaniko-mašinostroitelʹnyj institut; Сибирский механико-машиностроительный институт.
0568-6547 Izvestiâ Sibirskogo otdeleniâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ biologičeskih nauk NAUKA. Sibirskoe otdelenie
0002-3426 Izvestiâ Sibirskogo otdeleniâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ himičeskih nauk Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie
0002-3434 Izvestiâ Sibirskogo otdeleniâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ tehničeskih nauk Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie
0368-0231 Izvestiâ Sibirskogo tehnologičeskogo instituta.; Известия Сибирского технологического института Sibirskij tehnologičeskij institut; Сибирский технологический институт.
0869-1347 Izvestiâ SO RAN. Sibirskij biologičeskij žurnal Nauka
0368-0495 Izvestiâ tekstilʹnoj promyšlennosti i torgovli.; Известия текстильной промышленности и торговли [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0021-342X Izvestiâ Timirâzevskoj sel'skohozâjstvennoj akademii Kolos
0368-0401 Izvestiâ Tomskogo industrialʹnogo instituta im. S.M. Kirova.; Известия Томского индустриального института им. С.М. Кирова Tomskij industrialʹnyj institut im. S.M. Kirova; Томский индустриальный институт им. С.М. Кирова.
0368-0487 Izvestiâ Tomskogo ordena Oktâbrʹskoj revolûcii i ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo znameni politehničeskogo instituta im. S.M. Kirova Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo Universiteta.
0365-3374 Izvestiâ Uralʹskogo politehničeskogo instituta.; Известия Уральского политехнического института Uralʹskij politehničeskij institut; Уральский политехнический институт.
0368-0622 Izvestiâ Uzbekistanskogo filiala Geografičeskogo obŝestva SSSR Geografičeskoe obŝestvo SSSR. Uzbekistanskij filial.
0368-0738 Izvestiâ VNIIG im. B.E. Vedeneeva.; Известия ВНИИГ им. Б.Е. Веденеева Ènergiâ. Leningradskoe otdelenie; Энергия. Ленинградское отделение; VNIIG im. B.E. Vedeneeva; ВНИИГ им. Б.Е. Веденеева
0368-072X Izvestiâ Voronežskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogičeskogo instituta Voronežskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogičeskij institut
0368-0711 Izvestiâ Vostočnyh filialov Akademii nauk SSSR.; Известия Восточных филиалов Академии наук СССР Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Книжное издательство.
0368-0754 Izvestiâ Vsesoûznogo ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni teplotehničeskogo instituta imeni Feliksa Dzeržinskogo Gosènergoizdat
0021-3462 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenii. Radiofizika Gorʹkovskii universitet im. N.I. Lobačevskogo
0368-0797 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij MISiS
0536-1052 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij Inženerno Stroitel'nyj Institut imeni V. V. Kujbyševa
0579-2983 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij Izdanie belorusskogo ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni Politehničeskogo instituta
2618-8708 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij (e-vir) Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj geologorazvedočnyj universitet im. Sergo Ordžonikidze
0579-2975 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Aviacionnaâ tehnika x
0021-3438 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Cvetnaâ metallurgiâ [S.n.]
0021-3411 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Fizika Izdatel'stvo Tomskogo universiteta
0536-101X Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Geodeziâ i aerofotos'emki s. n.
0016-7762 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Geologiâ i razvedka [S.n.]
0536-1028 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Gornyj žurnal
0579-2991 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Himiâ i himičeskaâ tehnologiâ Tehnika
0536-1036 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Lesnoj žurnal [S.n.]
0536-1044 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Mašinostroenie xx
0579-3009 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Piŝevaâ tehnologiâ Ministerstvo vysšego i srednego special'nogo obrazovaniâ SSR
0021-3454 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Priborostroenie
0021-3470 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Radioelektronika [S.n.]
1026-2237 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Severo-Kavkazskij region. Estestvennye nauki.; Известия высших учебных заведений. Северо-Кавказский регион. Естественные науки Izdatelʹstvo Severo-Kavkazskogo naučnogo centra vysšej školy; Издательство Северо-Кавказского научного центра высшей школы.
1019-6390 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Stroitelʹstvo Novosibirskij inžnerno-stroitelʹnyj institut imeni V.V. Kujbyševa.
0021-3497 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Tehnologiâ tekstil'noj promyšlennosti Ivanovskij tekstil'nyj institut im. M.V.Frunze
1029-7448 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij i ènergetičeskih obʺedinennij SNG Belosrusskaâ gosudarstennaâ politehničeskaâ akademiâ
2414-0341 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij i ènergetičeskih obʺedinennij SNG (e-vir) Belorusskij nacionalʹnyj tehničeskij universitet
0374-342X Izvestiia na VMEY "Lenin" Fehnika
0321-1673 Izvestija Akademii nauk Latvijskoj SSR Zinatne
0002-3388 Izvestija Akademii nauk SSSR Nauka
0367-6781 Izvestija Akademii nauk SSSR Akademija nauk SSSR
0373-2444 Izvestija Akademii nauk SSSR Nauka
0568-5281 Izvestija Akademii nauk SSSR Nauka
0568-5338 Izvestija of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Geologic Series
1026-3535 Izvestija Rossijskoj akademii nauk Nauka
0445-0108 Izvestija visšyh učebnyh zavedenij. Neft i gaz Institut Nefti i Hemii
0021-3489 Izvestija vysših učebnyh zavedenij Kievskij tehnologičeskij institut legkoj promyšlennosti; Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet tehnologii i dizajna
0001-4354 Izvestiya, Academy of Sciences, USSR Akademii͡a nauk SSSR.; Академия наук СССР.; American Geophysical Union.; Geological Society of America.
0368-4547 Izvestiya i Trudy Harbinskogo Politehnicheskogo Instituta Harbinskii Politehnicheskii Institut,
0096-5804 J.P.L. quarterly technical review Jet Propulsion Laboratory (U.S.)
0004-5446 JAAMI Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.
0253-6277 Jaąnyen gwahag daihag nonmunjib Senür daihaggyo jaąnyen gwahag daihag.
0165-0416 Jaarboek Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie; Stichting Instituut voor Kernphysisch onderzoek; Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek; FOM; IKO; NWO
0074-0403 Jaarboek - Instituut voor biologisch en scheikundig onderzoek van landbouwgewassen, Wageningen Instituut voor biologisch en scheikundig onderzoek van landbouwgewassen
0490-9925 Jaarboekje van de Stichting voor coordinatie van cultuur en onderzoek van broodgraan Stichting voor coordinatie van cultuur en onderzoek van broodgraan
0406-8386 Jaarboek - Proefstation voor de boomkwekerij te Boskoop Proefstation voor de boomkwekerij
0254-1912 Jaarlikse Seminaar oor Teoretiese Fisika Organisasie van Teoretiese Fisici.; Organization of Theoretical Physicists.
0434-6785 Jaarverslag - Instituut voor Bodemvruchtbaarheid, Groningen Instituut voor Bodemvruchtbaarheid.; Institute for Soil Fertility.
0773-6339 JACC reviews ECETOC
0448-116X Jaderná energie SNTL, Nakladatelsví technické literatury
0204-6989 Jadrena Energija Bulgarska akademija na naukite
1738-7507 Jae'lyo ma'dang Daehan geumsog jae'lyo haghoe
0084-6090 Jahrbuch Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; in Kommission beim Verlag C. H. Beck
0341-0218 Jahrbuch ... Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
0409-1809 Jahrbuch ... der Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin Versuchs- und Lehranst. für Brauerei,
0366-6441 Jahrbuch chemische Industrie Vogt-Schild AG,
0368-1130 Jahrbuch der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Fütterungsberatung Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Fütterungsberatung.
0016-7800 Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Geologische Bundesanstalt
0368-296X Jahrbuch der Lederwirtschaft Oesterreichs Verlag A. M. Hontschik
0076-5635 Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e. V Generalverwaltung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e. V.
0368-3117 Jahrbuch der Milchwirtschaft [s.n.]
0368-3567 Jahrbuch der Philosophischen Fakultät II der Universität Bern Universität (Bern). Philosophische Fakultät (2)
0368-1262 Jahrbuch der Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt [s.n.]
0368-1270 Jahrbuch der Reichsstelle für Bodenforschung [s.n.]
0376-2556 Jahrbuch des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines, Gesellschaft für Landeskunde Oberösterreichischer Musealverein
0376-0316 Jahrbuch des Staatlichen Museums für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden Staatliches Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden.
0368-1254 Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde Nassauischer Verein für Naturkunde,
0368-136X Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Botanik
0368-1203 Jahrbuch für Kinderheilkunde Karger,
0044-3107 Jahrbuch für Morphologie und mikroskopische Anatomie. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest und Portig
0368-3583 Jahrbuch für Photographie und Reproduktionstechnik
0075-2819 Jahrbuch Oberflächentechnik Leuze
0077-2089 Jahrbuch - Technische Universität München; Bund der Freunde der Technischen Universität München e. V Technische Universität; Bund der Freunde der Technischen Universität München e. V
0341-8790 Jahresbericht Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH.
0942-6809 Jahresbericht Institut für Hydrologie, GSF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit.
0341-0528 Jahresbericht ... der Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung (BAM) Berlin Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung Berlin.
0521-2804 Jahresbericht - Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Berlin und Braunschweig Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft.
0368-1785 Jahresbericht der Chemisch-Technischen Reichsanstalt [s.n.]
0368-1521 Jahresbericht der Pharmazie Institut für Arzneimittelforschung und Arzneimittelprüfung München.
0078-2947 Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins
0341-5317 Jahresbericht - Medizinisches Institut für Lufthygiene und Silikoseforschung Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Lufthygiene und Silikoseforschung.
0520-6286 Jahresbericht - Tuberkulose-Forschungsinstitut Borstel, Institut für Experimentelle Biologie und Medizin Tuberkulose-Forschungsinstitut Borstel.
0368-2137 Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte auf dem Gesamtgebiete der Agrikulturchemie [s.n.]
0368-1793 Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Chemie und Verwandter Teile Anderer Wissenschaften [s.n.]
0368-2234 Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Physiologie
0368-4539 Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Thierchemie
0368-2307 Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde in Württemberg Gesellschaft für Naturkunde in Württemberg
0408-1560 Jahreshefte des Geologischen Landesamtes in Baden-Württemberg Geologisches Landesamt Baden-Württemberg
1617-1330 Jahreshefte des Landesamts für Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau Baden-Württemberg Landesamt für Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau Baden-Württemberg.; LGRB.
0368-4717 Jahreshefte des Vereins für Vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg Verein für Vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg
0368-105X Jahreskurse für Ärztliche Fortbildung [s.n.]
0172-8857 Jahrestagung - Institut für Chemie der Treib- und Explosivstoffe der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Institut für Chemie der Treib- und Explosivstoffe.
0720-9207 Jahrestagung Kerntechnik Deutsches Atomforum
1525-4135 JAIDS. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,Inc.
0379-7333 Jäingäong Jäinshěu gäongyè fäazhǎn zhäongxäin.; Metal Industries Development Centre.
0379-7341 Jäinrì lěugè Táiwäan lěugè gěufin yǎnxiàn gäongsäi.
0379-735X Jäinshěu biǎomiàn jìshù zázhì Jäinshěu biǎomiàn jìshù zázhì shè.
1535-5535 JALA Association for Laboratory Automation
1540-2452 JALA (e-vir) Association for Laboratory Automation
0098-7484 JAMA American Medical Association
1538-3598 JAMA (e-vir) American Medical Association
0368-1238 Jamaica Medical Review [s.n.].
0771-4602 Janssen Chimica Acta Janssen Pharmaceutica
0165-8352 Janssen Research Foundation series Janssen Research Foundation
0021-4264 Janus [s.n.]
0919-6501 Jäokasäo kenkyäu Japan Education Centre of Environmental Sanitation.
0368-2803 Jäoken hansha Keiou gijuku daigaku igakubu seirigaku kyoushitsu.; Kanagawa shika daigaku koukou seirigaku kyoushitsu.
0912-9405 Jäomyaku, Keichäo Eiyäo Kenkyäukaishi Japanese Society for Pareteral and Enteral Nutrition.
0301-2662 Jäosai Shika Daigaku kiyäo Josai Dental University.
0368-153X Jäozäogaku zasshi Osaka Jäozäo Gakkai
0167-5036 Japan annual reviews in electronics, computers & telecommunications Ohmsha. ;; North-Holland.
0448-8571 Japan chemical quarterly Kagaku Keizai Kenkyäujo.
0047-1755 Japan chemical week Chemical Daily Co.
0021-4388 Japan economic journal Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha
0047-1828 Japanese Circulation Journal Nippon Junkanki Gakkai, c/o Kyoto Daigaku Igakubu Naikagaku Dai-3-Koza, Sakyo-ku
0021-4868 Japanese Heart Journal Nankodo Co, Ltd
0368-2781 Japanese journal of antibiotics Nihon Kōsei Busshitsu Gakujutsu Kyōgikai; Nihon kansensho iyakuhin kyokai; 日本感染症医薬品協会
0021-4922 Japanese journal of applied physics Physical Society of Japan; Japan Society of Applied Physics
1347-4065 Japanese journal of applied physics (e-vir) Japanese Society of Applied Physics
0368-3486 Japanese journal of astronomy National Research Council of Japan.
0368-346X Japanese journal of astronomy and geophysics National Research Council of Japan.
0075-3424 Japanese journal of botany Science Council of Japan.
0910-5050 Japanese journal of cancer research Japanese Cancer Association
1876-4673 Japanese journal of cancer research (e-vir) Elsevier
0368-1181 Japanese journal of chemistry National Research Council of Japan.
0368-2811 Japanese journal of clinical oncology Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, Editorial Committee
1465-3621 Japanese journal of clinical oncology online (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
0368-282X Japanese journal of dermatology. Series B Nihon Hifuka Gakkai.
1343-0718 Japanese journal of deuterium science Nihon Jäusuiso Kagaku Kenkyäukai.
0368-3540 Japanese journal of engineering, abstracts National Research Council.
0021-5031 Japanese Journal of Experimental Medicine Prof Nobuo Kusano, The Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo
0021-5058 Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography Nippon Gakujutsu Kaigi.
0021-5066 Japanese journal of geophysics Science Council of Japan
0916-8478 Japanese journal of human genetics Nihon Jinrui Iden Gakkai.
1344-6304 Japanese journal of infectious diseases National Institute of Infectious Diseases
1884-2836 Japanese journal of infectious diseases (e-vir) National Institute of Infectious Diseases
0021-5112 Japanese Journal of Medical Science & Biology National Institute of Health
0368-3656 Japanese journal of medical sciences, part 1. Anatomy National Research Council of Japan.
0368-3710 Japanese journal of medical sciences, part 10. Ophthalmology National Research Council of Japan.
0368-3672 Japanese journal of medical sciences, part 11. Gynecology and tocology National Research Council of Japan.
0368-3729 Japanese journal of medical sciences, part 12. Oto-rhino-laryngology National Research Council of Japan.
0368-3761 Japanese journal of medical sciences, part 13. Dermatology and urology National Research Council of Japan.
0368-3664 Japanese journal of medical sciences, part 2. Biochemistry National Research Council of Japan.
0368-3737 Japanese journal of medical sciences, part 3. Biophysics National Research Council of Japan.
0368-3745 Japanese journal of medical sciences, part 4. Pharmacology National Research Council of Japan.
0368-3753 Japanese journal of medical sciences, part 5. Pathology National Research Council of Japan.
0368-3702 Japanese journal of medical sciences, part 6. Bacteriology and parasitology National Research Council of Japan.
0368-3680 Japanese journal of medical sciences, part 7. Social medicine and hygiene National Research Council of Japan.
0368-3699 Japanese journal of medical sciences, part 8. Internal medicine, pediatry and psychiatry National Research Council of Japan.
0368-377X Japanese journal of medical sciences, part 9. Surgery, orthopedy and odontology National Research Council of Japan.
0021-5120 Japanese journal of medicine Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
0021-5139 Japanese Journal of Microbiology Publication and Editorial Office, Department of Microbiology, Keio University School of Medicine.
0368-2870 Japanese Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry Komine Institution.
0368-3338 Japanese journal of obstetrics and gynecology Gynecological and Obstetrical Institute of the Imperial University, Kyoto.
1613-2246 Japanese journal of ophthalmology Springer
0021-5155 Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology Maruzen Co, Ltd
1347-3506 Japanese journal of pharmacology Japan pharmacology Society
0021-5198 Japanese Journal of Pharmacology Nippon Yakuri Gakkai, c/o Kyoto Daigaku Igakubu Yakurigaku Kyoshitsu Yoshida Konoe-cho, Sakyo-ku
0368-119X Japanese journal of physics National Research Council of Japan.
0021-521X Japanese Journal of Physiology Dr Yas Kuno
0912-2036 Japanese journal of psychiatry and neurology Folia Publishing Society
0047-1909 Japanese Journal of Surgery Japan Surgical Society, c/o Japan Medical Association
2186-1811 Japanese journal of tropical medicine and hygiene (e-vir) Nihon Nettai Igakkai
0021-5279 Japanese Journal of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Kokuritsu Daigaku Kekkaku Kenkyusho Danwakai
0047-1917 Japanese journal of veterinary research Hokkaidō Daigaku, Jūigakubu; Hokkoidō Daigaku. Daigakuin. Jūigaku Kenkyuuka
0021-5295 Japanese journal of veterinary science Nihon Jui Gakkai
0368-2889 Japanese journal of zoology Science Council of Japan.
0368-3095 Japanese medical journal National Institute of Health of Japan
0368-3060 Japanese Medical Literature China Medical Journal
0090-0176 Japanese studies in the history of science Nippon Kagakusi Gakkai.
1058-7292 Japanese technology reviews Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0368-1122 Japan Food Science Nihon Syokuhin Eisei Kyokai c/o Kangin Yuraku-cho Shiten; Nihon shokuhin shuppan
0368-3214 Japan Medical World Nippon no Ikai Sha.
0368-265X Japan Pesticide Information Japan Plant Protection Association.
0021-4574 Japan Plastics Kogyo Chosakai Publishing Co, Ltd.
0021-4582 Japan Plastics Age Plastics Age Co, Ltd.
0368-3478 Japan Plastics Age News Plastics Age Co..
0285-726X Japan pulp & paper Shigyäo Taimususha.
0447-5666 Japan Science Review, Biological Sciences Japanese Association of Agricultural Science Societies.
0368-4318 Japan Science Review, Medical Sciences Giho-do.
0368-4334 Japan science review. Mining & metallurgy Joint Publication Committee of the Japan Science Review. Mining & Metallurgy.
0368-444X Japan Steel Works, Technical News Japan Steel Works, Ltd
0021-4752 Japan Textile News Osaka Senken Ltd; Maruzen Co, Ltd
0289-8497 JAPC. Journal of the Association of Personal Computer for Chemists Association of Personal Computer for Chemists.
0894-0630 JAPCA [APCA]
2376-6050 JAPCA (e-vir) APCA (Association : U.S.),; Air & Waste Management Association,
0021-5481 Jardins de France Société nationale d'horticulture de France
0075-3343 JARE data reports National Institute of Polar Research
0021-5511 Járművek, mezőgazdasági gépek Géripari Tudományos Egyesület.
0021-3551 JARQ. Japan agricultural research quarterly Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; Tropical Agriculture Research Center, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; Tropical Agriculture Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
0916-3492 JASCO report Nihon Bunkäo Käogyäo Kabushiki Gaisha.; Japan Spectroscopic Company.
0368-1211 JAST Journal Mr T. Chinloy, c/o Sugar Manufacturers' Association (of Jamaica) Ltd, Research Dep
0368-122X JAST Quarterly [s.n.]
0387-2548 Jäuikai Takeda Chemical Industries.
1345-921X Jäui seikagaku Japanese Society of Veterinary Biochemistry.
0286-7109 Jäumonji Gakuen Joshi Tanki Daigaku kenkyäu kiyäo Jäumonji Gakuen Joshi Tanki Daigaku :; Juumonji gakuen joshi daigaku tanki daigakubu.
1225-8326 Jaweon recycling Han-gug ja-won lissa-ikeulling haghoe
1226-9220 Jayeon jaweon nonjib College of Natural Resources , Korea University.
0949-8257 JBIC Springer.
1432-1327 JBIC Springer.
1512-0856 JBPC s.n.
1355-2910 JCP BMJ
0361-8773 JCT, Journal of coatings technology Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology
2168-815X JCT, Journal of coatings technology (e-vir) [Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology]
1547-0083 JCT coatingstech Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology
1547-0091 JCT research Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology
0021-3608 JEE Dempa Publications
0385-4507 JEE Dempa Publications
0447-6441 Jemná mechanika a optika SNTL - Nakladatelství technické literatury
0301-4754 Jenaer Harnsteinsymposium Gesellschaft für Urologie der DDR.
0021-5856 Jenaer Jahrbuch Fischer
0368-203X Jenaer Rundschau Verlag Technik
0448-9497 Jena Review Verlag Technik
0446-8856 Jener publications Joint Establishment for Nuclear Energy Research.
0446-8864 Jener report Joint Establishment for Nuclear Energy Research.
0447-6549 Jen Min Pao Chien
0368-198X Jentgen's Artificial Silk Review [s.n.]
0368-1998 Jentgen's Kunstseiden-Woche [s.n.]
0368-2021 Jentgen's Rayon Review [s.n.]
0368-2005 Jentgens Kunstseide und Zellwolle Jentgen.
0388-0427 JEOL news Japan Electron Optics Laboratory Company
0385-4418 JEOL news, analytical instruments/application JEOL Ltd.
0385-4426 JEOL news, electron optics instruments/application JEOL Ltd.
1013-0772 Jeon'gi hag'hoeji Daehan jeon'gi haghoe
1229-1935 Jeon-gihwahakoeji; 전기화학회지 Han'gug jeon'gi hwahaghoe; 한국전기화학회
0127-2810 Jernal sains nuklear Pusat Penyelidikan Atom Malaysia.
0021-5902 Jernkontorets annaler Jernkontoret
0289-4343 JETI. Japan energy & technology intelligence Sekiyu bunkasha; 石油文化社; Jeti; ジェティ
0021-3640 JETP letters American Institute of Physics.
1090-6487 JETP letters (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodika; [distributed by the] American Institute of Physics
0095-8751 Jet propulsion American Rocket Society.
0317-400X Jeune scientifique Jeune scientifique.
0916-4553 JFCC review Japan Fine Ceramics Center.
0249-8715 JFE Société des presses alpines
1348-0669 JFEgiho JFE horudingusu,
0258-7092 Ji'nan Daxue xuebao Ji'nan Daxue Xuebao Bianjishi
1000-9965 Ji'nan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-3559 Ji'nan Daxue xuebao Ji'nan Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
1000-9752 Jianghan Shiyou Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1671-7775 Jiangsu Daxue xuebao Jiangsu Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
1671-7783 Jiangsu Daxue xuebao Jiangsu Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
1003-6474 Jiangsu dizhi Editorial Office of Jiangsu Geology
1002-1116 Jiangsu huagong Information Centre of the Chemical Industry of Jiangsu Province Co. Ltd.
1673-4807 Jiangsu Keji Daxue xuebao Jiangsu Keji Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
1007-1741 Jiangsu Ligong Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-8893 Jiangsu Shiyou Huagong Xueyuan xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0253-3685 Jiangsu yiyao Jiangsu Yixue Zazhishe
1006-9070 Jiangsu yufang yixue Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0253-9799 Jiangsu zhongyi zazhi Jiangsu yiyao,
0529-0392 Jiangxi Nongxueyuan xuebao Jiangxi Nongxueyuan Chubanshe,
1000-2286 Jiangxi nongye daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1000-5862 Jiangxi shifan daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1000-2294 Jiangxi Yixueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjishi
1006-2238 Jiangxi yiyao Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1007-9629 Jianzhu cailiao xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0379-7325 Jiāotōng dàxué xuébào Jiāotōng dàxué
1008-6013 Jibing kongzhi zazhi Jibing Kongzhi Zazhishe
0387-0308 Jichi Ika Daigaku kiyäo Jichi Medical School.
0385-8421 Jidäosha Gijutsukai Chäubu Shibuhäo Jidousha gijutsu kyoukai.
1007-7073 Jidi yanjiu Kexue Chubanshe
0385-7298 Jidōsha gijutsu Jidōsha Gijutsukai
0287-8321 Jidosha Gijutsukai ronbunshu Jidosha Gijutsukai
1008-9926 Jiefangjun yaoxue xuebao Zhongguo Renmin Jiefangjun Zong Houqinbu Weishengbu Yaopin Yiqi Jianyansuo
0577-7402 Jiefangjun yixue zazhi Renmin Junyi Chubanshe
1001-5248 Jiefangjun yufang yixue zazhi.; 解放军预防医学杂志 Zhongguo Renmin Jiefangjun Yufang Yixue Zhongxin; 中国人民解放军预防医学中心; Jiefangjun Yufang Yixue Zazhi Bianjibu; 《解放军预防医学杂志》编辑部
0254-5861 Jiegou huaxue Gai Kan Bian-wei-hui
0254-0045 Jièmiàn huàxué huìxun Táiwäan-shěng jièmiàn huàxué xuéhui.; Taiwwan Association of Surface Scientists and Engineers.
0258-7084 Jièmiàn käexué Surface Science Association of R.O.C.; National Cheng Kung University. Chemistry Department.; Zhäonghuá mínguó jièmiàn Käexué xuéhuì.
1026-325X Jièmiàn käexué huìzhì Zhäonghuá mínguó jièmiàn käexué xuéhuì.; Chinese Colloid and Interface Society.
1002-6339 Jieneng jishu Guofang Keji Gongye Jie'neng Jishu Fuwu Zhongxin
1006-2947 Jiepou kexue jinzhan Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1671-0770 Jiepouxue yanjiu Guangdong Sheng Jiepou Xuehui; Zhongshan Yike Daxue
1001-1633 Jiepouxue zazhi Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1007-7146 Jiguang shengwu xuebao Jiguang Shengwu Xuebao Zazhishe
1001-5078 Jiguang yu hongwai Huabei Guang-Dian Jishu Yanjiusuo,
0253-2743 Jiguang zazhi Gai Kan Bian-wei-hui
0368-4962 Jigu murri hwahag tamsa ąnyengu bogo Daihan mingug gwahag gisur ce gugrib jijir jsaso.; Geological Survey of Korea.
0577-7585 Jijil gwa jiri Chiao Liu Publication Service
0435-4036 Jijilhakoeji; 지질학회지 Daihan jijirhag hoi
0379-1513 Jïjir gwangmur jósa yengu bogose Geological and Mineral Institute of Korea.
0021-6968 Jikeikai medical journal Tokyo Jikeikai School of Medicine
0910-7967 Jikken chiryäo Jikken chiryosha ;; Takeda Yakuhin Käogyäo Kabushiki Gaisha
0007-5124 Jikken Dobutsu Nippon Jikken Dobutsu Kenkyukai
0288-5514 Jikken igaku Yäodosha.
0449-1343 JILA Information Center report University of Colorado.
1671-5489 Jilin Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-5497 Jilin Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-587X Jilin Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-5888 Jilin Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0529-0279 Jilin Daxue Ziran Kexue xuebao Jilin Daxue
1006-2939 Jilin Gongxueyuan xuebao Editorial Board, Journal of Jilin Institute of Technology
1007-2853 Jilin Huagong Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1009-0185 Jilin Jianzhu Gongcheng Xueyuan xuebao Gai kan Bianjibu
1000-5684 Jilin Nongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0253-2719 Jilin yike daxue xuebao Jilin yike daxue
1004-0412 Jilin yixue Jilin Sheng Yixue Qikanshe,
1473-2300 JIMR on-line (e-vir) Sage Publications
1006-852X Jin'gangshi yu moliao moju gongcheng Jin'gangshi yu Moliao Moju Gongcheng Zazhishe
0255-8289 Jìnán lěi-yäi xuébào Jìnán dàxué.
0577-9138 Jīngjìbù liánhé gōngyè yánjiūsuǒ bàogào Jīngjìbù liánhé gōngyè yánjiūsuǒ
1003-5214 Jingxi huagong Zhongguo Huagong Xuehui,
1009-9212 Jingxi huagong zhongjianti Jingxi Huagong Zhongjianti Zazhishe
1003-9384 Jingxi shiyou huagong Zhongguo Shi-Hua Zonggongsi Jingxi Shiyou Huagong Ke-Ji Qingbao Zhongxinzhan,
1009-8348 Jingxi shiyou huagong jinzhan Jinling Fengongsi Jinxin Gongsi; Zhongguo Shihua Gufen Youxian Gongsi Jingxi Shiyou Huagong Keji Qingbao Zhongxinzhan
1008-1100 Jingxi yu zhuanyong huaxuepin Zhongguo Huagong Xinxi Zhongxin Qikanchu,
1341-1594 Jinkäo ketsueki Society of Blood Substitutes, Japan.
0370-3673 Jinkenkai Bäoshoku Zasshi-sha.
0300-0818 Jinkō Zōki Nihon Jinkō Zōki gakkai
0021-5074 Jinrui idengaku zasshi Nihon Jinrui Iden Gakkai.
0254-6051 Jin shu re chu li = Ji xie gong ye bu ji dian yan jiu suo; Zhongguo ji xie gong cheng xue hui re chu li xue hui
0254-587X Jinshu rechuli xuebao Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng Xuehui Rechuli Xuehui
0412-1961 Jinshu xuebao Yejin Gongye Chubanshe,
0385-2156 Jin to täoseki Tokyo Igakusha.
1007-533X Jinzhou Shifan Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1341-710X JIRCAS working report Japan. Näorin Suisanshäo. Kokusai Näorin Suisangyäo Kenkyäu Sentäa.
1672-2116 Jishengchongbing yu ganranxing jibing Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1005-0507 Jishengchong yu yixue kunchong xuebao Gai-Kan Bianweihui,
1007-2985 Jishou Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0254-5888 Jìshù yěu xùnliàn Zhäongguó gäangtiě ğufèn yvouxiàn gäongsäi.; China Steel Corporation.
0368-2838 Jissen Joshi Daigaku Kiyo, Shizen Kagaku, Kaseigaku Jissen Joshi Daigaku, Jissen Joshi Gakuen Tanki Daigaku.
1001-4160 Jisuanji yu yingyong huaxue Kexue Chubanshe,
0285-2926 Jisuberi Jisuberi Gakkai; Nihon jisuberi gakkai
0386-3409 JITA nyäusu Japan Industrial Technology Association.
0385-8502 Jitchäuken, zenrinshäo kenkyäuhäo Central Institute for Expermental Animals, Kawasaki.
0368-2358 Jitsumu hyōmen gijutsu Kinzoku Hyōmen Gijutsu Kyōkai
1000-3738 Jixie gongcheng cailiao Jixie Gongyebu Shanghai Cailiao Yanjiusuo,
0577-6686 Jixie gongcheng xuebao Jixie Gongye Chubanshe; Editorial Office of Journal of Mechanical Engineering
1000-775X Jixie gongren Jixie Gongye Zazhishe
1226-0983 Jiyeog sahoe yeong-yang hag-hoeji Daehan jiyeog sahoe yeong-yang hag-hoe
0914-9090 JJAP series äOyäo Butsurigaku äObunshi Kankäokai.
0280-4239 JkA Jernkontoret.; Järnbruksförbundet.; Föreningen Bergskamraterna.; Nordiska st°alförbundet.; Svenska bergsmannaföreningen.; Svenska gruvföreningen.; Svenska metallografförbundet.
0280-0985 JkA °arsbok Jernkontoret.
1121-8428 JN. Journal of Nephrology Wichtig editore.
1724-6059 JN. Journal of Nephrology (e-vir) Springer International Publishing
0021-3721 JNKVV research journal JNKVV Research Journal, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya
0893-6188 JNMM Institute of Nuclear Materials Management.
1562-9422 Joannea Mineralogie Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum
0355-6824 Joensuun korkeakoulun julkaisuja Joensuun korkeakoulu,
0355-6832 Joensuun korkeakoulun julkaisuja Joensuun korkeakoulu,
0270-5214 Johns Hopkins APL technical digest Johns Hopkins University.; Johns Hopkins University.; Johns Hopkins University.
0091-7400 Johns Hopkins medical journal Johns Hopkins University Press.
0375-6718 Johns Hopkins University, Studies in Geology
0368-3354 Joho Kagaku Joho Kagaku Kenkyusho.
0021-7298 Joho kanri Nihon Kagaku Gijutsu Joho Senta; Kagaku Gijutsu Shinko Kiko
0913-3801 Joho no kagaku to gijutsu Joho Kagaku Gijutsu Kyokai
0954-1497 Joining & materials Welding Institute
0963-7060 Joining sciences F. & M. Scientific and Technical Publications
1297-319X Joint bone spine Editions Elsevier
0447-8207 Joint Commission Rural Reconstruction in China Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction
0449-0576 Jökull Jöklarannsóknafélag áIslands.; Jarúfræúafélag áIslands.
1047-4838 JOM The Society (TMS)
1543-1851 JOM Elsevier Science Pub. Co.; Published by Springer Science Business + Media, LLC, in cooperation with Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
0368-3370 Jönköpings läns hush°allningssällskaps tidskrift Jönköpings läns hush°allningssällskap.
0166-2430 Jonxis lectures Excerpta Medica
0332-5229 Jord og myr Norske jord- og myrselskap.
0368-3435 Jornada médica [s.n.]
0368-3311 Jornadas agronómicas y veterinarias - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria.
0211-0288 Jornadas técnicas papeleras Asociación de Investigación Técnica de la Industria Papelera Española.
0368-1416 Jornal Brasileiro de Ginecologia Centro de Estudos da Maternidade - Escola do Rio de Janeiro
0047-2077 Jornal Brasileiro de Medicina Editora de Publicaçoes científicas Ltda.
2175-8239 Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia (e-vir) Elsevier Editora Ltda.
0021-7514 Jornal Brasileiro de Neurologia ECN-Editora Cientifica Nacional Ltda..
0104-8090 Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínica.; Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia.; Sociedade Brasileira de Citopatologia.
1676-2444 Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínical/Medicina Laboratorial ;; Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia ;; Sociedade Brasileira de Citopatologia
1678-4774 Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínical/Medicina Laboratorial; Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia; Sociedade Brasileira de Citopatologia
0047-2085 Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Psiquiatria
1982-0208 Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria (e-vir) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Psiquiatria
0021-7549 Jornal de Mineralogia Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
0368-430X Jornal de sciências mathematicas, physicas e naturaes Academia das Ciências de Lisboa
0375-9180 Jornal do Clube de Mineralogia Universidade do Recife, Curso de Geologia.
0368-2129 Jornal dos farmacêuticos Sindicato Nacional dos Farmacêuticos
0100-3844 Jornal Sul-Americano de Medicina Arte e Ciência Ltda.
0253-3863 Josa ąnyengu bogo - Jaąnwen gaibar ąnyenguso Jaąnwen gaibar ąnyenguso.
0286-0511 Joshi Eiyäo Daigaku kiyäo Kagawa Nutrition College.
0940-8789 JOT. Journal für Oberflächentechnik Vieweg
0008-0977 Journal The Association.
0008-5030 Journal Canadian Society of Forensic Science
0015-4032 Journal Florida Engineering Society.
0043-1303 Journal The Federation
0075-0654 Journal Stationery Office
0096-6770 Journal Brooklyn Hospital.
0146-2776 Journal American Intra-Ocular Implant Society.
0368-2404 Journal [s.n.]
0369-867X Journal [s.n.]
0379-6051 Journal SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.; SWA Scientific Society.; SWA Wetenskaplike Vereniging.; S.W.A. Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.; South West Africa Scientific Society.; Suidwes Afrika Wetenskaplike Vereniging.; Süd West Afrika-Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.
0534-1701 Journal Institute of Chemistry of Ireland
2327-7467 Journal (e-vir) Water Pollution Control Federation
2332-1660 Journal (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0549-0650 Journal, Newark Beth Israel Hospital Newark Beth Israel Hospital.
0019-6568 Journal / Indiana Dental Association.
0020-3432 Journal / Institution of Gas Engineers.
0083-825X Journal / West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute.
0096-7009 Journal / Missouri State Medical Association.
0016-4941 Journal. Gas [s.n.]
0096-5685 Journal - American Bakers Association and American Institute of Baking American Bakers Association.; American Institute of Baking.
0587-503X Journal - American Peanut Research and Education Association American Peanut Research and Education Association.
0368-3451 Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [s.n.]
0368-0215 Journal and proceedings of the Institute of Sewage Purification Institute of Sewage Purification.
0368-3648 Journal and Proceedings of the Institution of Chemists, Calcutta [s.n.]
0376-1789 Journal and Proceedings of the Oil Technologists' Association
0035-9173 Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales Royal Society of New South Wales
0368-3907 Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Western Australia Govt. Printer.
0368-3885 Journal and Proceedings of the Sydney Technical College Chemical Society [Sydney Technical College Chemical Society].
0037-9867 Journal and transactions - Society of Engineers Society of Engineers.
0368-1556 Journal belge d'urologie Société belge d'urologie.
0378-9500 Journal belge de médecine physique Société royale de médecine physique et de réabilitation.; Koninklijke Belgische genootschap voor fysische geneeskunde en rehabilitatie.
0368-1459 Journal belge de médecine physique et de rhumatologie Société belge de mèdecine physique et de réadaptation.
0368-1408 Journal belge de neurologie et de psychiatrie Société belge de neurologie et de psychiatrie.
0021-7646 Journal Belge de Radiologie Societe Belge de Radiologie
0021-7654 Journal belge de rhumatologie et de médecine physique Société belge de médecine physique et de réadaptation.; Société belge de rhumatologie.
0308-3845 Journal - Camborne School of Mines Camborne School of Mines.
0368-1149 Journal d'agriculture pratique, de jardinage et d'économie domestique Librairie de la Maison rustique du XIXe siècle,
0368-1165 Journal d'agriculture tropicale [s.n.],
0021-7662 Journal d'agriculture tropicale et de botanique appliquée Museum national d'histoire naturelle,
0368-2641 Journal d'informations techniques des industries de la fonderie [s.n.]
0248-0018 Journal d'urologie Masson
0021-8200 Journal d'Urologie et de Nephrologie Masson et Cie, Editeurs
0368-4679 Journal d'Urologie Medicale et Chirurgicale Masson
0301-3952 Journal de biologie buccale Société nouvelle de publications médicales et dentaires,
0295-6195 Journal de biomatériaux dentaires Collège francais de biomatériaux dentaires.
0368-167X Journal de chimie médicale, de pharmacie et de toxicologie Société de chimie médicale (France)
0021-7689 Journal de chimie physique Société de chimie physique
0021-7743 Journal de Genetique Humaine Editions Medecine et Hygiene
0368-2315 Journal de gynécologie obstétrique et biologie de la reproduction Masson
0368-3788 Journal de l'anatomie et de la physiologie normales et pathologiques de l'homme et des animaux G. Baillière,; F. Alcan
0368-2013 Journal de l'Ecole polytechnique [s.n.]
0253-1208 Journal de la Société chimique de Tunisie Société chimique de Tunisie.
1295-0661 Journal de la Société de biologie Société de biologie (France)
1113-1810 Journal de la Société marocaine de chimie Université Mohamed V, Faculté des sciences, Société marocaine de chimie.
0796-6687 Journal de la Société ouest-africaine de chimie Presses universitaires.
0021-7832 Journal de mécanique Gauthier-Villars
0021-7840 Journal de mécanique et de physique de l'atmosphère Société météorologique de France
0750-7240 Journal de mécanique théorique et appliquée Gauthier-Villars
0021-7859 Journal de médecine de Besançon École nationale de médecine et de pharmacie (Besançon); Centre hospitalier régional (Besançon)
0368-3001 Journal de médecine de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest [s.n.],
0021-7875 Journal de Medecine de Caen Ecole Nationale de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Caen.
0021-7883 Journal de médecine de Lyon [s.n.],
0021-7891 Journal de médecine de Montpellier Faculté de médecine,
0249-6208 Journal de médecine légale droit médical Masson
0992-3039 Journal de médecine nucléaire et biophysique Gauthier-Villars; CDR
0021-7921 Journal de microscopie Société française de microscopie électronique
0395-9260 Journal de microscopie et de biologie cellulaire Société française de microscopie électronique
0395-9279 Journal de microscopie et de spectroscopie électroniques Société française de microscopie électronique
0374-8553 Journal - Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture.; Ireland. Department of Agriculture.
0368-3613 Journal de pharmacie Société de pharmacie
0291-1981 Journal de pharmacie clinique Lavoisier,
1952-4064 Journal de pharmacie clinique (e-vir) J. Libbey Eurotext
0047-2166 Journal de pharmacie de Belgique Drukkerij Ceuterick
0368-3591 Journal de pharmacie et de chimie Académie nationale de pharmacie (France)
0368-3869 Journal de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires Colas,
0021-793X Journal de pharmacologie Masson
0301-4762 Journal de pharmacologie clinique Edifor.
0449-1939 Journal de physiologie Masson,
0021-7948 JOURNAL de Physiologie Masson et Cie, Editeurs
0368-3834 Journal de physiologie et de pathologie générale Masson,
0302-072X Journal de physique Société française de physique
0302-0738 Journal de physique Société française de physique
1155-4304 Journal de physique Ed. de physique
1155-4312 Journal de physique Ed. de physique
1155-4320 Journal de physique Ed. de physique
1155-4339 Journal de physique Ed. de physique
1764-7177 Journal de physique (e-vir) EDP sciences
0449-1947 Journal de physique. Colloque Société française de physique
0368-3842 Journal de Physique et le Radium Revue générale de l'électricité
0368-3893 Journal de physique théorique et appliquée Société française de physique
0368-394X Journal de radiologie, d'électrologie & Archives d'électricité médicale Masson
0368-3966 Journal de radiologie, d'électrologie et de médecine nucléaire Masson,
0368-3923 Journal de radiologie et d'électrologie Société française d'électroradiologie médicale et filiales.
0397-5347 Journal de recherche océanographique Union des Océanographes de Frances
0021-7972 Journal de recherches atmosphériques Observatoire de physique du globe (Clermont-Ferrand)
0368-2080 Journal des fabricants de sucre [s.n.]
0368-2528 Journal des industries du gaz [s.n.]
0021-8065 Journal des ingénieurs R. Goethals
0368-2773 Journal des Ingénieurs de l'URTB U.R.T.B..
0368-3389 Journal des observateurs Imprimerie nouvelle de Marseille
0368-4008 Journal des Recherches du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique [s.n.]
1274-2244 Journal des sciences et techniques de la tonnellerie Tonnellerie Demptos.
0021-8111 Journal des sciences médicales de Lille Faculté libre de médecine et de pharmacie,
0368-4652 Journal des usines à gaz Société technique de l'industrie du gaz en France
0753-2830 Journal de toxicologie clinique et expérimentale Ed. A Lacassagne; Masson
0249-6216 Journal de toxicologie médicale Masson
0368-2226 Journal du four électrique Publications minières et métallurgiques
0368-3559 Journal du pétrole et des industries qui s'y rattachent Société d'éditions scientifiques et industrielles,
1023-6368 Journal européen d'hydrologie Association scientifique européenne pour l'eau et la santé
0015-7368 Journal - Forensic Science Society Forensic Science Society
0335-9581 Journal français d'hydrologie Association pharmaceutique française pour l'hydrologie
0368-2218 Journal français d'oto-rhino-laryngologie SIMEP éditions
0021-8332 Journal français d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et chirurgie maxillo-faciale Société ORL de Lyon et de la région.
0021-8324 Journal français de médecine et chirurgie thoraciques Société française de pathologie respiratoire
1563-2873 Journal für Ernährungsmedizin Krause & Pachernegg GmbH.
1609-6029 Journal für Ernährungsmedizin Krause & Pachernegg GmbH.; Verlagshaus der Ärzte
1680-9432 Journal für Ernährungsmedizin (e-vir) Krause & Pachernegg.
0368-2277 Journal für Gasbeleuchtung und verwandte Beleuchtungsarten, sowie für Wasserversorgung Oldenbourg
0368-2943 Journal für Landwirtschaft Parey
0368-301X Journal für makromolekulare Chemie
2192-869X Journal für Oberflächentechnik Vieweg u. Teubner/Springer-Fachmedien Wiesbaden
1439-0361 Journal für Ornithologie Wiley-VCH
0021-8375 Journal für Ornithologie = Blackwell
0021-8383 Journal für praktische Chemie Johann Ambrosius Barth
1436-9966 Journal für praktische Chemie Wiley-VCH
1521-3897 Journal für praktische Chemie (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0941-1216 Journal für praktische Chemie, Chemiker-Zeitung Barth; Hüthig
0368-3877 Journal für Psychologie und Neurologie Barth.
1810-2107 Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie Krause & Pachernegg
1810-9292 Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie = Krause & Pachernegg
0323-598X Journal für Signalaufzeichnungsmaterialien VEB Fotochemisches Kombinat Wolfen.
1661-5751 Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit Springer
1661-5867 Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit = (e-vir) Springer
0368-2323 Journal - Geochemical Society of India Geochemical Soc. of India.
0368-3079 Journal - Institution of Mechanical Engineers Institution of Mechanical Engineers
0096-3976 Journal - Instrument Society of America Instrument Society of America.
1151-0285 Journal international des sciences de la vigne et du vin Vigne et vin publications internationales
0367-7125 Journal - Irish Chemical Association Irish Chemical Association.; Cumann Ceimicidhe na hÉireann.
1008-9632 Journaliste Afro-Asialique Association des Journalistes Afro-Asialiques,
0126-8368 Journal kajian kejuruteraan Mara Institute of Technology. School of Engineering
0459-8288 Journal - Loughborough University of Technology, Chemical Engineering Society Loughborough College of Technology.; Loughborough University of Technology.
0021-8405 Journal mondial de pharmacie Fédération internationale pharmaceutique
0361-3704 Journal - North Carolina Section, American Waterworks Association and North Carolina Water Pollution Control Association North Carolina Water Pollution Control Association.
0021-843X Journal of abnormal psychology American Psychological Association.
1939-1846 Journal of abnormal psychology (e-vir) American Psychological Association
0730-0050 Journal of acoustic emission Acoustic Emission Group
Y507-6706 Journal of acoustic emission (e-vir) Acoustic Emission Working Group - AEWG
0894-9255 Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes [Raven Press Books]
1944-7884 Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
2331-2289 Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (e-vir) [Raven Press Books]
1077-9450 Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology Raven Press
1026-5414 Journal of adhesion (e-vir) OPA (Overseas Publishers Association),
0169-4243 Journal of adhesion science and technology VSP
1568-5616 Journal of adhesion science and technology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1461-5185 Journal of adhesive dentistry Quintessence Publishing
1346-8014 Journal of advanced concrete technology Japan Concrete Institute.
0969-6849 Journal of advanced materials Cambridge Interscience
1070-9789 Journal of advanced materials Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering
1203-8407 Journal of advanced oxidation technologies STI, Science & Technology Integration.
0915-5651 Journal of advanced science Haiteku Kyäokai.
0253-7214 Journal of advanced zoology Association for the Advancement of Zoology.
1479-4810 Journal of advances in chemical physics Cambridge International Science Publishing; Circa Ltd
0894-2684 Journal of aerosol medicine Mary Ann Liebert
1557-9026 Journal of aerosol medicine (e-vir) International Society for Aerosols in Medicine.
0021-8502 Journal of aerosol science Pergamon Press
0165-0327 Journal of affective disorders Elsevier/North-Holland
1573-2517 Journal of affective disorders (e-vir) Elsevier
0731-7247 Journal of African earth sciences Pergamon.
1464-343X Journal of African earth sciences Pergamon.
1879-1956 Journal of African earth sciences (e-vir) Elsevier
0899-5362 Journal of African earth sciences, and the Middle East Pergamon
0021-8561 Journal of agricultural and food chemistry American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division
1520-5118 Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1523-5475 Journal of agricultural and urban entomology South Carolina Entomological Society.
0021-8634 Journal of agricultural engineering research Academic Press, etc.
0735-939X Journal of agricultural entomology South Carolina Entomological Society.
0095-9758 Journal of agricultural research United States.; Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations.; Association of Land-Grant Colleges.; Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities.
0253-407X Journal of agricultural research Riyad University Libraries.
2076-7897 Journal of agricultural research (e-vir) Directorate of Agricultural Information, Punjab
0368-1157 Journal of Agricultural Research Department of Agriculture, Government of Punjab.
0782-4386 Journal of agricultural science in Finland Suomen maataloustieteellinen seura
0021-860X Journal of Agriculture Director of Agriculture.
0021-8626 Journal of Agriculture of South Australia Dep of Agriculture.
0094-2391 Journal of agronomic education American Society of Agronomy.
0931-2250 Journal of agronomy and crop science Wiley-Blackwell
1439-037X Journal of agronomy and crop science (e-vir) Blackwell
0021-8669 Journal of aircraft American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
1533-3868 Journal of aircraft American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
0021-8707 Journal of Allergy Mosby Company
0970-1478 Journal of Alloy Phase Diagrams Indian Institute of Metals
0925-8388 Journal of alloys and compounds Elsevier Sequoia
1387-2877 Journal of Alzheimer's disease IOS Press
1875-8908 Journal of Alzheimer's disease (e-vir) IOS Press
0002-8061 Journal of American Concrete Institute American Concrete Institute.
0095-8999 Journal of American Steel Treaters Society American Steel Treaters Society.
2231-2730 Journal of anaesthesiology clinical pharmacology Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd.
0970-9185 Journal of Anaesthesiology-Clinical Pharmacology Research Society of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology.
0165-2370 Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis Elsevier
1873-250X Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis (e-vir) Elsevier
0267-9477 Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry The Royal Society of Chemistry
1364-5544 Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry (e-vir) [Royal Society of Chemistry]
1061-9348 Journal of analytical chemistry Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing; Consultants Bureau
1608-3199 Journal of analytical chemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0146-4760 Journal of analytical toxicology Preston Publications.
1945-2403 Journal of analytical toxicology (e-vir) Preston Publications
1469-7580 Journal of anatomy (e-vir) Cambridge University Press.
0021-8782 Journal of Anatomy Cambridge University Press
0196-3635 Journal of andrology Published for the American Society of Andrology by the J.B. Lippincott Co.
1939-4640 Journal of andrology Published for the American Society of Andrology by J.B. Lippincott
1680-5593 Journal of animal and veterinary advances ANSInet.
1993-601X Journal of animal and veterinary advances Medwell Online
0931-2668 Journal of animal breeding and genetics Parey; Wiley
1439-0388 Journal of animal breeding and genetics (e-vir) Blackwell
0021-8790 Journal of Animal Ecology Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd
0021-8804 Journal of Animal Morphology and Physiology Dep of Zoology, Faculty of Science
0931-2439 Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition Blackwell
1439-0396 Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0449-2161 Journal of Animal Production of the United Arab Republic National Information and Documentation Centre
0021-8812 Journal of animal science American Society of Animal Science
1525-3163 Journal of animal science (e-vir) American Society of Animal Science
1094-5458 Journal of anti-aging medicine Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0447-8991 Journal of antibiotics Japan Antibiotics Research Association.
1881-1469 Journal of antibiotics Japan Antibiotics Research Association
0021-8820 Journal of Antibiotics Japan Antibiotics Research Association
0368-1173 Journal of antibiotics, series A Japan Antibiotics Research Association
0305-7453 Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy Academic Press
1460-2091 Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy (e-vir) Academic Press for the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
1060-3271 Journal of AOAC International AOAC International
1944-7922 Journal of AOAC International AOAC International
2078-6913 Journal of apicultural research (e-vir) International Bee Research Association
0021-8839 Journal of Apicultural Research Bee Research Association
0971-2119 Journal of applied animal research Francis & Taylor
0974-1844 Journal of applied animal research (e-vir) Garuda Scientific Publications; Taylor & Francis
1088-8705 Journal of applied animal welfare science L. Erlbaum Associates
1532-7604 Journal of applied animal welfare science (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates.
2056-5232 Journal of applied bacteriology (e-vir) Academic Press
0021-8847 Journal of Applied Bacteriology Academic Press
0161-7354 Journal of applied biochemistry International Union of Biochemistry.
1045-4861 Journal of applied biomaterials Society for Biomaterials.
1549-9316 Journal of applied biomaterials John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1722-6899 Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Biomechanics Wichtig editore
1724-6024 Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Biomechanics (e-vir) Wichtig
1214-021X Journal of Applied Biomedicine Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of South Bohemia
1214-0287 Journal of Applied Biomedicine (e-vir) Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of South Bohemia
0949-5460 Journal of applied botany Blackwell-Wiss.-Verl.
1439-040X Journal of applied botany and food quality (e-vir) Julius Kühn-Institut
1613-9216 Journal of applied botany and food quality L. Halm
0883-2935 Journal of applied cardiology Pergamon.
0021-8871 Journal of applied chemistry Society of Chemical Industry
0449-2196 Journal of Applied Chemistry, Abstracts [s.n.]
0375-9210 Journal of Applied Chemistry & Biotechnology Blackwell Scientific Publications
0368-1084 Journal of Applied Chemistry & Biotechnology, Abstracts [s.n.]
0392-8543 Journal of applied cosmetology International Ediemme
1600-5767 Journal of applied crystallography (e-vir) Blackwell
0021-8898 Journal of Applied Crystallography Munksgaard
1365-2664 Journal of applied ecology (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0021-8901 Journal of Applied Ecology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1572-8838 Journal of applied electrochemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
0021-891X Journal of Applied Electrochemistry Chapman and Hall
0931-2048 Journal of applied entomology Parey
1439-0418 Journal of applied entomology (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
1044-4300 Journal of applied fire science Baywood Pub. Co.
1541-4183 Journal of applied fire science Baywood Pub. Co.
0972-1967 Journal of Applied Geochemistry Indian Society of Applied Geochemists
1344-7882 Journal of applied glycoscience Nihon Ōyō Tōshitsu Kagakkai
0972-1045 Journal of Applied Horticulture Society for the Advancement of Horticulture.
0971-670X Journal of Applied Hydrology Association of Hydrologists of India.
0175-8659 Journal of applied ichthyology Blackwell
1439-0426 Journal of applied ichthyology (e-vir) Blackwell
0021-8928 Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics Pergamon Press
0021-8936 Journal of applied mechanics American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
1528-9036 Journal of applied mechanics (e-vir) ASME
0021-8944 Journal of applied mechanics and technical physics Consultants Bureau [etc.]
1573-8620 Journal of applied mechanics and technical physics (e-vir) Kluwer
1523-360X Journal of applied medical polymers Society of Plastics Engineers.
0377-0400 Journal of Applied Medicine Living Media Pvt. Ltd..
0162-9700 Journal of applied metalworking American Society for Metals]
2168-8125 Journal of applied metalworking (e-vir) American Society for Metals.; American Society for Metals.; Society of Manufacturing Engineers.; American Deep Drawing Research Group.
0021-8952 Journal of applied meteorology American Meteorological Society.
2163-534X Journal of applied meteorology (e-vir) American Meteorological Society
1364-5072 Journal of applied microbiology Blackwell Science
1365-2672 Journal of applied microbiology (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0098-7298 Journal of applied photographic engineering Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers.
0921-8971 Journal of applied phycology Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-5176 Journal of applied phycology Kluwer; Springer
0021-8979 Journal of applied physics American Institute of Physics.
1089-7550 Journal of applied physics (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
0021-8987 Journal of applied physiology American Physiological Society.
1522-1601 Journal of applied physiology (e-vir) American Physiological Society
8750-7587 Journal of applied physiology American Physiological Society
0161-7567 Journal of applied physiology: Respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology American Physiological Society.
0021-8995 Journal of applied polymer science Wiley
0271-9460 Journal of applied polymer science Wiley
1097-4628 Journal of applied polymer science (e-vir) J. Wiley
1537-0437 Journal of applied poultry research (e-vir) Applied Poultry Science, Inc.
1542-6629 Journal of applied poultry research (e-vir) Poultry Science Association.
1119-8362 Journal of Applied Science & Environmental Management Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt.
1812-5654 Journal of applied sciences Asian Network for Scientific Information
1812-5662 Journal of applied sciences (e-vir) Asian Network for Scientific Information
0021-9037 Journal of applied spectroscopy Consultants Bureau [etc.]
1573-8647 Journal of applied spectroscopy (e-vir) Kluwer
1029-2659 Journal of applied therapeutic research Harwood Academic Publishers
1072-1754 Journal of applied therapeutics Harwood Academic Publishers
0260-437X Journal of applied toxicology Heyden & Son
1099-1263 Journal of applied toxicology (e-vir) J. Wiley
0197-5420 Journal of aquariculture Written Word,
0733-2076 Journal of aquariculture & aquatic sciences Written Word,
0971-4235 Journal of Aquatic Biology Indian Association of Aquatic Biologists, Hyderabad.
1386-1980 Journal of aquatic ecosystem stress and recovery Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-5141 Journal of aquatic ecosystem stress and recovery (e-vir) Kluwer
1049-8850 Journal of aquatic food product technology Food Products Press
1547-0636 Journal of aquatic food product technology Food Products Press
0146-6623 Journal of aquatic plant management Aquatic Plant Management Society.
0278-5226 Journal of arboriculture International Society of Arboriculture
0970-1303 Journal of Archaeological Chemistry Birla Archaeological and Cultural Research Institute
0305-4403 Journal of archaeological science Academic Press
1095-9238 Journal of archaeological science (e-vir) Academic Press
0379-5470 Journal of Armament Studies Institute of Armament Technology
1434-7229 Journal of artificial organs Springer.
1619-0904 Journal of artificial organs Springer
1028-6020 Journal of Asian natural products research Gordon and Breach Science
1477-2213 Journal of Asian natural products research Gordon and Breach Science; Taylor & Francis
1226-8615 Journal of Asia Pacific Entomology Korean Society of Applied Entomology.
1876-7990 Journal of Asia-Pacific entomology (e-vir) Korean Society of Applied Entomology; Taiwan Entomological Society; Malaysian Plant Protection Society
0004-5772 Journal of Association of Physicians of India Association of the Physicians of India.
1532-4303 Journal of asthma (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
1546-962X Journal of ASTM International (e-vir) ASTM International
Y505-8627 Journal of ASTM International (e-vir) ASTM International
0250-6335 Journal of astrophysics and astronomy Indian Academy of Sciences.
0973-7758 Journal of astrophysics and astronomy (e-vir) Springer India
1340-3478 Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis Japan Atherosclerosis Society.
1880-3873 Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis Japan Atherosclerosis Society
0368-1319 Journal of atherosclerosis research Elsevier
1364-6826 Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics Pergamon
1879-1824 Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics (e-vir) Elsevier
0021-9169 Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics Pergamon Press
0167-7764 Journal of atmospheric chemistry Reidel
1573-0662 Journal of atmospheric chemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
0971-3263 Journal of Atomic Mineral Science Atomic Minerals Division, Department of Atomic Energy, India.
0021-9185 Journal of autism and childhood schizophrenia Plenum Press
1740-2557 Journal of autoimmune diseases (e-vir) BioMed Central
0896-8411 Journal of autoimmunity Academic Press
1095-9157 Journal of autoimmunity (e-vir) Academic Press
1463-9246 Journal of automated methods & management in chemistry Taylor & Francis
1464-5068 Journal of automated methods & management in chemistry Taylor & Francis
0144-1795 Journal of autonomic pharmacology Galen Press
1365-2680 Journal of autonomic pharmacology Blackwell Science
0095-991X Journal of aviation medicine Aerospace Medical Association
0021-9193 Journal of bacteriology American Society for Microbiology
1098-5530 Journal of bacteriology (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
1598-2467 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Korean Society for Microbiology; Korean Society for Virology
1311-0527 Journal of Balkan ecology PublishScieSet-Agri
0146-4140 Journal of ballistics Douglas Documentation Systems.
0378-8121 Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences Bangladesh Academy of Sciences; Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
2224-7270 Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (e-vir) Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
0972-7167 Journal of Basic and Applied Mycology Society for Basic and Applied Mycology
1814-8085 Journal of basic and applied sciences Educational Forum, University of Karachi
0021-9223 Journal of basic engineering American Society of Mechanical Engineers
0233-111X Journal of basic microbiology Akademie-Verlag
1521-4028 Journal of basic microbiology Wiley-VCH
1735-0611 Journal of basic science University of Mazandaran
1004-0579 Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing Institute of Technology
0368-1386 Journal of Bihar Agricultural College Bihar Agricultural College
0883-9115 Journal of bioactive and compatible polymers Technomic Pub. Co.
1530-8030 Journal of bioactive and compatible polymers (e-vir) Technomic Pub. Co.
0165-022X Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods Elsevier Science Publishers
1872-857X Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0368-1467 Journal of biochemical and microbiological technology and engineering Interscience
1095-6670 Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology Wiley
1099-0461 Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology (e-vir) Wiley
1065-9668 Journal of biochemical organization Nova Science Publishers,
0887-2082 Journal of biochemical toxicology VCH Publishers
1522-7146 Journal of biochemical toxicology VCH Publishers]; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0021-924X Journal of Biochemistry Nippon Seikagakkai; Japan Publications Trading Co, (U.S.A.) Inc.
1025-8140 Journal of biochemistry, molecular biology and biophysics Harwood Academic Publishers.
1607-8527 Journal of biochemistry, molecular biology and biophysics (e-vir) Harwood Academic
1225-8687 Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemical Society of the Republic of Korea
0730-823X Journal of bioelectricity M. Dekker
0449-5705 Journal of bioenergetics Plenum Press,
1573-6881 Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes Springer
0145-479X Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes [Online] (e-vir) Kluwer Online
0145-3068 Journal of bioengineering Pergamon Press
0219-7200 Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology Imperial College Press
1757-6334 Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology Imperial College Press]; World Scientific [distributor]
1083-351X Journal of biological chemistry (e-vir) American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
0021-9266 Journal of biological education Academic Press
2157-6009 Journal of biological education (e-vir) Academic Press; Routledge
1347-2194 Journal of biological macromolecules Nihon seibutsu kobunshi gakkai,
0092-0606 Journal of biological physics Kluwer Online
1573-0689 Journal of biological physics (e-vir) Kluwer
0393-974X Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents Wichtig Editore
2241-5793 Journal of biological research (e-vir) School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
0970-2075 Journal of Biological Research Pawel Scientific Publishers.
1790-045X Journal of Biological Research Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
0732-6580 Journal of biological response modifiers Raven Press
0748-7304 Journal of biological rhythms Guilford Press
1552-4531 Journal of biological rhythms (e-vir) Sage Publications
1727-3048 Journal of biological sciences ANSInet
1812-5719 Journal of biological sciences (e-vir) Asian Network for Scientific Information
0021-9282 Journal of Biological Sciences [s.n.]
1012-344X Journal of Biological Sciences [S.n.]
0092-1157 Journal of biological standardization Academic Press.
1878-2329 Journal of biological standardization (e-vir) International Association of Biological Standardization.
0218-3390 Journal of biological systems World Scientific
1793-6470 Journal of biological systems (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
1475-4924 Journal of biology (e-vir) BioMed Central
0449-2242 Journal of biology, Osaka City University Osaka City University. Faculty of Science
0884-3996 Journal of bioluminescence and chemiluminescence Wiley & Sons
1099-1271 Journal of bioluminescence and chemiluminescence (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
0885-3282 Journal of biomaterials applications Technomic
1530-8022 Journal of biomaterials applications (e-vir) Technomic Pub. Co.
0920-5063 Journal of biomaterials science VSP
1568-5624 Journal of biomaterials science (e-vir) VSP
0148-0731 Journal of biomechanical engineering American Society of Mechanical Engineers
1528-8951 Journal of biomechanical engineering (e-vir) ASME
1747-5333 Journal of biomedical discovery and collaboration (e-vir) BioMed Central
0141-5425 Journal of biomedical engineering Butterworth Scientific Limited
1532-0464 Journal of biomedical informatics Academic Press
1532-0480 Journal of biomedical informatics (e-vir) Elsevier
Y505-088X Journal of biomedical informatics Academic Press
0021-9304 Journal of biomedical materials research Wiley.
1097-4636 Journal of biomedical materials research John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1549-3296 Journal of biomedical materials research John Wiley & Sons
1552-4965 Journal of biomedical materials research (e-vir) Wiley
1552-4973 Journal of biomedical materials research John Wiley & Sons
1552-4981 Journal of biomedical materials research (e-vir) Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
1550-7033 Journal of biomedical nanotechnology American Scientific Publishers
1550-7041 Journal of biomedical nanotechnology American Scientific Publishers
1083-3668 Journal of biomedical optics SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering; International Biomedical Optics Society
1560-2281 Journal of biomedical optics (e-vir) SPIE-The International Society for Optical Imaging
1021-7770 Journal of biomedical science S. Karger
1423-0127 Journal of biomedical science (e-vir) Karger
1110-7243 Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology Däar al-Našr al-Ilikträunäi
1110-7251 Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology (Online) (e-vir) Däar al-Našr al-Ilikträunäi
0925-2738 Journal of biomolecular NMR ESCOM
1573-5001 Journal of biomolecular NMR (e-vir) Kluwer
1087-0571 Journal of biomolecular screening Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1552-454X Journal of biomolecular screening (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert
0739-1102 Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics Adenine Press; Taylor & Francis
1538-0254 Journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics (e-vir) Adenine Press; Taylor & Francis
0957-7548 Journal of biopharmaceutical sciences St. Cosmas-Damian Scientific.
0095-9901 Journal of biophysical and biochemical cytology Rockefeller Institute Press.
0368-1432 Journal of biophysics Journal of Biophysics.
0128-4541 Journal of bioscience Universiti Sains Malaysia
1347-4421 Journal of bioscience and bioengineering (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1389-1723 Journal of bioscience and bioengineering University, Faculty of Engineering; Elsevier Science
0973-7138 Journal of biosciences (e-vir) Springer India
0250-5991 Journal of Biosciences Indian Academy of Sciences
1469-7599 Journal of biosocial science (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0021-9320 Journal of Biosocial Science Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd
0300-9645 Journal of biosocial science. Supplement Galton Foundation.
0168-1656 Journal of biotechnology Elsevier
0971-1643 Journal of Bombay veterinary college Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association
0021-9355 Journal of bone and joint surgery Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, inc.
0301-620X Journal of bone and joint surgery E. & S. Livingstone
1535-1386 Journal of bone and joint surgery (e-vir) American Orthopaedic Association
0914-8779 Journal of bone and mineral metabolism Springer.
1435-5604 Journal of bone and mineral metabolism (e-vir) Springer
0884-0431 Journal of bone and mineral research Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1523-4681 Journal of bone and mineral research (e-vir) Blackwell Science, Inc.
0368-1513 Journal of Botany, British and Foreign [s.n.]
0021-9363 Journal of Botany of the United Arab Republic National Information and Documentation Center
1341-5301 Journal of brain science Japan Brain Science Society; [Japan Brain Science Society]; [Japan Brain Science Society]
1744-2583 Journal of building physics (e-vir) Sage Publications
1744-2591 Journal of building physics Sage Publications
0273-8481 Journal of burn care & rehabilitation JBC Pub. Co.
0021-9487 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
0378-2360 Journal of cancer University of Tehran School of Medecine
1816-0735 Journal of cancer molecules MedUnion Press
0171-5216 Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology Springer
1432-1335 Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology (e-vir) Springer.
1998-4138 Journal of cancer research and therapeutics (e-vir) Medknow Publications
0973-1482 Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics Medknow Publications
1529-9775 Journal of cannabis therapeutics Haworth Integrative Healing Press; Haworth Herbal Press
1529-9783 Journal of cannabis therapeutics (e-vir) Haworth Press
1079-5383 Journal of capillary electrophoresis ISC Technical Publications,
0732-8303 Journal of carbohydrate chemistry M. Dekker
1532-2327 Journal of carbohydrate chemistry (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0094-0585 Journal of carbohydrates, nucleosides, nucleotides Dekker
0974-6773 Journal of carcinogenesis Medknow Publications Ltd.
1477-3163 Journal of carcinogenesis (e-vir) BioMed Central
1071-9164 Journal of cardiac failure Churchill Livingstone
1532-8414 Journal of cardiac failure (e-vir) W.B. Saunders.
1053-0770 Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia Grune & Stratton
1532-8422 Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0160-2446 Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology Raven Press
1533-4023 Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1074-2484 Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics Churchill Livingstone, Inc.
1940-4034 Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics (e-vir) Westminster Publications, Inc.
0021-9509 Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery Edizioni Minerva Medica
0021-9517 Journal of catalysis Academic Press.
1090-2694 Journal of catalysis (e-vir) Academic Press
1873-4502 Journal of cataract & refractive surgery (e-vir) American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
0886-3350 Journal of cataract and refractive surgery American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
1090-6924 Journal of caves and karst studies The National Speleological Society
0973-0028 Journal of cell and tissue research CTR Associates
0974-0910 Journal of cell and tissue research (e-vir) CTR Associates
0021-9533 Journal of cell science Cambridge University Press
1477-9137 Journal of cell science (e-vir) Company of Biologists
0269-3518 Journal of cell science. Supplement Company of Biologists.
0095-9898 Journal of cellular and comparative physiology Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology.
1582-1838 Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine.
1582-4934 Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (e-vir) University Press "Carol Davila"
0730-2312 Journal of cellular biochemistry A.R. Liss
1097-4644 Journal of cellular biochemistry (e-vir) A. R. Liss
0939-1096 Journal of cellular pharmacology
0021-9541 Journal of cellular physiology Liss
1097-4652 Journal of cellular physiology (e-vir) Wiley-Liss
1530-7999 Journal of cellular plastics (e-vir) Technomic Pub. Co.
0021-955X Journal of Cellular Plastics Technomic Publishing Co.
1005-9784 Journal of Central South University of Technology Editorial Office of Journal of Central South University of Technology
1993-0666 Journal of Central South University of Technology Central South University of Technology; Springer
0733-5210 Journal of cereal science Academic Press
1095-9963 Journal of cereal science (e-vir) Academic Press
1559-7016 Journal of cerebral blood flow & metabolism (e-vir) Raven Press
0271-678X Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism Raven Press
1520-5134 Journal of chemical & engineering data (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1058-5834 Journal of chemical and biochemical kinetics Nova Science Publishers,
0021-9568 Journal of chemical and engineering data American Chemical Society
1074-1542 Journal of chemical crystallography Plenum Press
1572-8854 Journal of chemical crystallography (e-vir) Kluwer
0021-9576 Journal of chemical documentation American Chemical Society
1541-5732 Journal of chemical documentation American Chemical Society
0098-0331 Journal of chemical ecology Plenum Pub. Corp.
1573-1561 Journal of chemical ecology Kluwer
0021-9584 Journal of chemical education Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society
1050-4281 Journal of chemical education (e-vir) American Chemical Society. Division of Chemical Education.
1050-429X Journal of chemical education (e-vir) American Chemical Society. Division of Chemical Education.
1050-4303 Journal of chemical education (e-vir) American Chemical Society. Division of Chemical Education.
1050-6942 Journal of chemical education American Chemical Society. Division of Chemical Education.
1066-4157 Journal of chemical education American Chemical Society. Division of Chemical Education.
1938-1328 Journal of chemical education (e-vir) Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society
0449-2269 Journal of Chemical Engineering Education
1881-1299 Journal of chemical engineering of Japan (e-vir)
0021-9592 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan Maruzen Co, Ltd
1871-5532 Journal of Chemical health & safety Elsevier Science
1878-0504 Journal of chemical health and safety (e-vir) Elsevier
1549-9596 Journal of chemical information and modeling American Chemical Society
1549-960X Journal of chemical information and modeling (e-vir) Amrican Chemical Society
Y505-8074 Journal of chemical information and modeling American Chemical Society
0891-0618 Journal of chemical neuroanatomy Wiley; Elsevier
1873-6300 Journal of chemical neuroanatomy (e-vir) Elsevier BV
1089-7690 Journal of chemical physics (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
0308-2342 Journal of chemical research Chemical Society
0308-2350 Journal of chemical research Chemical Society
1364-5560 Journal of chemical research [Royal Society of Chemistry]
0377-8444 Journal of chemical sciences Guru Nak Dev University.
0973-7103 Journal of chemical sciences Springer India
0974-3626 Journal of chemical sciences Indian Academy of Sciences
0918-0761 Journal of chemical software Kagaku Sofutouea Gakkai
0142-0356 Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology Blackwell Scientific Publications
0264-3413 Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology Blackwell Scientific
0264-3421 Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology Blackwell Scientific
0268-2575 Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology John Wiley & Sons
1097-4660 Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1549-9618 Journal of chemical theory and computation American Chemical Society
1549-9626 Journal of chemical theory and computation (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0021-9614 Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Academic Press
1056-7860 Journal of chemical vapor deposition Technomic Pub.,
0886-9383 Journal of chemometrics Wiley
1099-128X Journal of chemometrics (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1120-009X Journal of chemotherapy Edizioni Riviste Scientifiche
1973-9478 Journal of chemotherapy (e-vir) Edizioni riviste scientifiche
1673-002X Journal of China Ordnance Editorial Board of Journal of China Ordnance
1000-1484 Journal of China Textile University China Textile University
1002-0705 Journal of China University of Geosciences China University of Geosciences
1006-1266 Journal of China University of Mining and Technology Editorial Board of Journal of CUMT
2212-4578 Journal of China University of Mining and Technology (e-vir) Elsevier
1003-1057 Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Beijing Medical University
1671-8224 Journal of Chongqing University Editorial Board of Journal of Chongqing University-English Edition
0021-9665 Journal of chromatographic science Preston Publications.
1945-239X Journal of chromatographic science (e-vir) Preston Technical Abstract Company
0021-9673 Journal of chromatography Elsevier
0378-4347 Journal of chromatography Elsevier
1387-2273 Journal of chromatography Elsevier
1570-0232 Journal of chromatography Elsevier
1872-812X Journal of chromatography (e-vir) Elsevier
1873-376X Journal of chromatography (e-vir) Elsevier
1873-3778 Journal of chromatography A (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0301-4770 Journal of chromatography library Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co.
0021-9681 Journal of chronic diseases C. V. Mosby
1740-3391 Journal of circadian rhythms (e-vir) BioMed Central
1092-5732 Journal of clean technology, environmental toxicology, and occupational medicine Princeton Scientific Pub.,
1052-1062 Journal of clean technology and environmental sciences International Association for Clean Technology.
0894-8755 Journal of climate American Meteorological Society
1520-0442 Journal of climate (e-vir) American Meteorological Society
0733-3021 Journal of climate and applied meteorology American Meteorological Society.
2163-5366 Journal of climate and applied meteorology (e-vir) American Meteorological Society
0141-2760 Journal of clinical & laboratory immunology Teviot Scientific Publications Ltd,
1561-2775 Journal of clinical and basic cardiology Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
0192-1193 Journal of clinical and experimental gerontology M. Dekker]
0197-002X Journal of clinical and experimental psychopathology Washington Institute of Medicine.
0447-9122 Journal of clinical and experimental psychopathology & quarterly review of psychiatry and neurology [publisher not identified]
0143-3180 Journal of clinical and hospital pharmacy Blackwell Scientific Publications.
0952-8180 Journal of clinical anesthesia Butterworth Publishers
1873-4529 Journal of clinical anesthesia (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0912-0009 Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition [Institute of Applied Biochemistry]; [Japanese Society of Clinical Nutrition] ;; [Japanese Society of Lipid Peroxide and Free Radical Research]; [Japanese Society of Lipid Peroxide and Free Radical Research]; Society for Free Radical Research Japan
1880-5086 Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition Japanese Society of Lipid Peroxide and Free Radical Research; Japanese Society of Clinical Nutrition
0340-076X Journal of clinical chemistry and clinical biochemistry Walter de Gruyter
0368-1610 Journal of clinical endocrinology Charles C. Thomas.
2578-7241 Journal of clinical endocrinology (e-vir) Association for the Study of Internal Secretions (U.S.)
0192-0790 Journal of clinical gastroenterology Raven Press
1539-2031 Journal of clinical gastroenterology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0162-9360 Journal of clinical hematology and oncology Wadley Institutes of Molecular Medicine.
0736-4393 Journal of clinical immunoassay Clinical Ligand Assay Society (U.S.); European Ligand Assay Society.
0271-9142 Journal of clinical immunology Plenum Press
1573-2592 Journal of clinical immunology Kluwer
0887-8013 Journal of clinical laboratory analysis Alan R. Liss., Inc.
1098-2825 Journal of clinical laboratory analysis (e-vir) Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0095-1137 Journal of clinical microbiology American Society for Microbiology.
1098-660X Journal of clinical microbiology (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
0967-5868 Journal of clinical neuroscience Churchill Livingstone
0732-183X Journal of clinical oncology Grune and Stratton
1527-7755 Journal of clinical oncology (e-vir) American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
0021-9746 Journal of clinical pathology British Medical Association
1472-4146 Journal of clinical pathology (e-vir) BMJ Publishing Group; British Medical Association
0144-0349 Journal of Clinical Pathology. Supplement. Association of Clinical Pathologists symposia British Medical Association.
0144-0330 Journal of Clinical pathology. Supplement. Royal College of Pathologists symposia Royal College of Pathologists.
0303-6979 Journal of clinical periodontology Munksgaard
1600-051X Journal of clinical periodontology (e-vir) Blackwell
0308-6593 Journal of clinical pharmacy Blackwell Scientific Publications.
0269-4727 Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics Blackwell Scientific
1365-2710 Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0021-9762 Journal of clinical psychology Clinical Psychology Pub. Co.
1097-4679 Journal of clinical psychology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0271-0749 Journal of clinical psychopharmacology Williams & Wilkins
1533-712X Journal of clinical psychopharmacology (e-vir) Lippincot
1386-6532 Journal of clinical virology Elsevier
1873-5967 Journal of Clinical Virology (e-vir) Elsevier
1040-7278 Journal of cluster science Plenum Press
1572-8862 Journal of cluster science (e-vir) Kluwer
0093-4658 Journal of coated fabrics Technomic Pub. Co.
0047-2298 Journal of Coated Fibrous Materials Technomic Publishing Co, Inc.
1935-3804 Journal of coatings technology and research (e-vir) Springer Boston
0368-170X Journal of coconut industries [s.n.].
0374-8537 Journal of Coffee Research [s.n.]
0887-381X Journal of cold regions engineering American Society of Civil Engineers
1943-5495 Journal of cold regions engineering (e-vir) American Society of Civil Engineers
0047-231X Journal of college science teaching National Science Teachers Association.
1943-4898 Journal of college science teaching (e-vir) National Science Teachers Association
0021-9797 Journal of colloid and interface science Academic Press
1095-7103 Journal of colloid and interface science (e-vir) Academic Press
0095-8522 Journal of colloid science Academic Press
0097-3580 Journal of colloid science Academic Press.
1520-4766 Journal of combinatorial chemistry American Chemical Society
1520-4774 Journal of combinatorial chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1593-2052 Journal of commodity science CLUEB
0021-9967 Journal of comparative neurology Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology
1532-3129 Journal of comparative pathology (e-vir) Harcourt
0021-9975 Journal of Comparative Pathology Academic Press
0368-1742 Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics [s.n.]
0340-7594 Journal of comparative physiology. A, Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology Springer
0174-1578 Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology Springer
1432-136X Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology (e-vir) Springer
1432-1351 Journal of comparative physiology A (e-vir) Springer
0735-7036 Journal of comparative psychology American Psychological Association
1939-2087 Journal of comparative psychology (e-vir) American Psychological Association
0021-9983 Journal of composite materials Technomic Pub. Co.
1530-793X Journal of composite materials (e-vir) Technomic Pub. Co.
1090-0268 Journal of composites for construction American Society of Civil Engineers, Structural Division
1943-5614 Journal of composites for construction (e-vir) American Society of Civil Engineers, Structural Division
0884-6804 Journal of composites technology & research ASTM
1546-1955 Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience American Scientific
1546-1963 Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience American Scientific Publishers
1066-5277 Journal of computational biology Mary Ann Liebert
1557-8666 Journal of computational biology (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0192-8651 Journal of computational chemistry Wiley.
1096-987X Journal of computational chemistry (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1569-8025 Journal of computational electronics Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8137 Journal of computational electronics (e-vir) Kluwer
1472-7978 Journal of computational methods in sciences and engineering Cambridge International Science; IOS Press
1875-8983 Journal of computational methods in sciences and engineering (e-vir) IOS Press
0021-9991 Journal of computational physics Elsevier
1090-2716 Journal of computational physics (e-vir) Academic Press
0928-1045 Journal of computer-aided materials design ESCOM Science Publishers
1573-4900 Journal of computer-aided materials design Kluwer
0920-654X Journal of computer-aided molecular design ESCOM
1573-4951 Journal of computer-aided molecular design (e-vir) Kluwer
1347-1767 Journal of computer chemistry, Japan Nihon konpyuta kagakkai,
1347-3824 Journal of computer chemistry, Japan (e-vir) Nihon Konpyuta Kagakkai
0169-7722 Journal of contaminant hydrology Elsevier
1873-6009 Journal of contaminant hydrology (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1081-1818 Journal of contemporary neurology (e-vir) MIT Press
0099-4537 Journal of Contraception [S. l.]
0168-3659 Journal of controlled release Elsevier
1873-4995 Journal of controlled release (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0095-8972 Journal of coordination chemistry Taylor & Francis
1029-0389 Journal of coordination chemistry (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
1525-7886 Journal of cosmetic science Society of Cosmetic Chemists (U.S.)
2689-5153 Journal of cosmetic science (e-vir) Society of Cosmetic Chemists
1475-7516 Journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics (e-vir) Institute of Physics Pub.
1524-3303 Journal of cotton science Cotton Foundation
0270-4145 Journal of craniofacial genetics and developmental biology Liss
1600-0552 Journal of craniofacial genetics and developmental biology (e-vir) Blackwell
0883-9441 Journal of critical care Grune & Stratton
1557-8615 Journal of critical care (e-vir) W. B. Saunders
1542-7528 Journal of crop improvement Food Products Press
1542-7536 Journal of crop improvement Food Products Press, an imprint of The Haworth Press, Inc.; Taylor & Francis Group
1092-678X Journal of crop production Food Production Press
1540-4110 Journal of crop production (e-vir) Haworth Press
0278-0372 Journal of crustacean biology The Society
1937-240X Journal of crustacean biology (e-vir) Crustacean Society
0308-4086 Journal of crystal and molecular structure Plenum Press.
0022-0248 Journal of crystal growth Elsevier B.V.; North-Holland
1873-5002 Journal of crystal growth (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0277-8068 Journal of crystallographic and spectroscopic research Plenum Press
0256-0011 Journal of current biosciences Premier publications.
0303-6987 Journal of cutaneous pathology Munksgaard
1600-0560 Journal of cutaneous pathology (e-vir) Blackwell
0746-3898 Journal of cyclic nucleotide and protein phosphorylation research Raven Press
0095-1544 Journal of cyclic nucleotide research Raven Press]
1569-1993 Journal of cystic fibrosis Elsevier Science
1873-5010 Journal of cystic fibrosis Elsevier Science
0253-7605 Journal of cytology and genetics Society of Cytologists and Geneticists.
1469-7629 Journal of dairy research (e-vir) Cambridge University Press.
0022-0299 Journal of Dairy Research Cambridge University Press
0022-0302 Journal of dairy science Elsevier
1525-3198 Journal of dairy science (e-vir) American Dairy Science Association]
0096-0241 Journal of dental medicine American Academy of Dental Medicine.
0022-0345 Journal of dental research Journal of Dental Research, Inc.
1544-0591 Journal of dental research (e-vir) International & American Associations for Dental Research
0300-5712 Journal of dentistry J. Wright & Sons
1879-176X Journal of Dentistry (e-vir) Elsevier
0022-0353 Journal of dentistry for children American Society of Dentistry for Children.
0923-1811 Journal of dermatological science Elsevier
1574-0757 Journal of dermatological science Elsevier
1878-0822 Journal of dermatological science (e-vir) Elsevier
1471-1753 Journal of dermatological treatment (e-vir) [M. Dunitz and Macmillan Press]
0919-651X Journal of deuterium science Jäusuiso Däoitai Kenkyäukai.
0141-9846 Journal of developmental physiology Blackwell Scientific
0378-5254 Journal of dietetics and home economics South African Dietetics and Home Economics Association.
0193-2691 Journal of dispersion science and technology M. Dekker
1532-2351 Journal of dispersion science and technology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
1551-319X Journal of display technology The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-9323 Journal of display technology (e-vir) IEEE
1758-7379 Journal of documentation (e-vir) MCB University Press
0022-0418 Journal of Documentation Aslib
1672-5220 Journal of Donghua University Donghua University
1773-2247 Journal of drug delivery science and technology Elsevier B.V.
2588-8943 Journal of drug delivery science and technology (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
0952-9500 Journal of drug development Gardiner-Caldwell Communications.
1357-9215 Journal of drug development and clinical practice Gardiner-Caldwell Communications.
1472-3522 Journal of drug evaluation Parthenon.
1472-3557 Journal of drug evaluation. Obstetrics and gynecology Parthenon.
1026-7158 Journal of drug targeting (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1029-2330 Journal of drug targeting Harwood Academic.
1061-186X Journal of drug targeting Harwood Academic Publishers.
0022-0434 Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control American Society of Mechanical Engineers
1528-9028 Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control (e-vir) ASME
0332-1851 Journal of earth sciences Royal Dublin Society
0973-774X Journal of earth system science (e-vir) Springer India
2347-4327 Journal of earth system science Springer India
0970-9037 Journal of Ecobiology Palani Paramount Publications.
0869-3498 Journal of ecological chemistry Thesa.
1365-2745 Journal of ecology (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0022-0477 Journal of Ecology Blackwell Scientific Publications
0022-0493 Journal of economic entomology Entomological Society of America
1938-291X Journal of economic entomology (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0974-0805 Journal of ecophysiology & occupational health Academy of Environmental Biology
0972-4397 Journal of Ecophysiology & Occupational Health Academy of Environmental Biology.
0971-0965 Journal of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Monitoring Palani Paramount Publications.
1533-4112 Journal of ECT (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0197-3940 Journal of educational modules for materials science and engineering EMMSE.
0307-5133 Journal of Egyptian archaeology Egypt Exploration Society
1530-8006 Journal of elastomers and plastics (e-vir) Technomic Pub. Co.
0725-2986 Journal of electrical and electronics engineering, Australia Institution of Engineers, Australia.; Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers, Australia.
1335-3632 Journal of electrical engineering The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Slovak University of Technology; The Institute of Electrical engineering of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
1339-309X Journal of Electrical Engineering (e-vir) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Slovak University of Technology; The Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
0368-1874 Journal of electroanalytical chemistry Elsevier
0368-1890 Journal of electroanalytical chemistry Elsevier
0022-0728 Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry Elsevier
1385-3449 Journal of electroceramics Kluwer
1573-8663 Journal of electroceramics (e-vir) Kluwer
0361-5235 Journal of electronic materials Minerals, Metals & Materials Society; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1543-186X Journal of electronic materials (e-vir) Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
1043-7398 Journal of electronic packaging American Society of Mechanical Engineers
1528-9044 Journal of electronic packaging (e-vir) ASME
0368-1955 Journal of electronics Taylor & Francis
0368-1947 Journal of electronics and control Taylor & Francis
0960-3131 Journal of electronics manufacturing Chapman & Hall
2047-6078 Journal of electronics manufacturing (e-vir) World Scientific
0022-0744 Journal of electron microscopy Japanese Society of Electron Microscopy
1477-9986 Journal of electron microscopy (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0741-0581 Journal of electron microscopy technique Alan R. Liss
1553-0817 Journal of electron microscopy technique John Wiley & Sons
0368-2048 Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena Elsevier
1873-2526 Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena Elsevier Science
1349-9394 Journal of electrophoresis Japanese Electrophoresis Society
1349-9408 Journal of electrophoresis Japanese Electrophoresis Society
0304-3886 Journal of electrostatics Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co.
1873-5738 Journal of electrostatics (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0022-0752 Journal of embryology and experimental morphology Cambridge University Press
0391-4097 Journal of endocrinological investigation Editrice Kurtis
1720-8386 Journal of endocrinological investigation (e-vir) Kurtis.
0022-0795 Journal of Endocrinology Journal of Endocrinology Ltd
0971-913X Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction P. Govindarajulu
0968-0519 Journal of endotoxin research Churchill Livingstone
0737-0652 Journal of energetic materials Dowden, Brodman & Devine
1545-8822 Journal of energetic materials (e-vir) Taylor and Francis, Inc.
0146-0412 Journal of energy American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
1555-5917 Journal of energy American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
0970-9991 Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer Regional Centre for Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer for Asia and the Pacific
0733-9402 Journal of energy engineering American Society of Civil Engineers
1943-7897 Journal of energy engineering (e-vir) American Society of Civil Engineers
0195-0738 Journal of energy resources technology American Society of Mechanical Engineers
1528-8994 Journal of energy resources technology (e-vir) ASME
1558-9250 Journal of engineered fibers and fabrics (e-vir) INDA
1816-949X Journal of engineering and applied sciences Medwell Journals
0742-4795 Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power American Society of Mechanical Engineers
1528-8919 Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power (e-vir) ASME
0022-0817 Journal of engineering for industry American Society of Mechanical Engineers
0022-0825 Journal of engineering for power American Society of Mechanical Engineers
0094-4289 Journal of engineering materials and technology American Society of Mechanical Engineers
1528-8889 Journal of engineering materials and technology (e-vir) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
0022-0833 Journal of engineering mathematics Noordhoff International; Sijthoff & Noordhoff
1573-2703 Journal of engineering mathematics (e-vir) Kluwer
0022-0841 Journal of engineering physics Consultants Bureau.
1062-0125 Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics Consultants Bureau
1573-871X Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics Kluwer
0377-9254 Journal of engineering sciences College of Engineering, University of Riyadh.
1810-2328 Journal of engineering thermophysics Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS
1990-5432 Journal of engineering thermophysics (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1350-6501 Journal of engineering tribology Mechanical Engineering Publications
1026-5511 Journal of enhanced heat transfer (e-vir) Gordon & Breach Publishers.
1065-5131 Journal of enhanced heat transfer Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0378-9519 Journal of entomological research Malhotra Publishing House
0974-4576 Journal of entomological research (e-vir) Malhotra Publishing House
0749-8004 Journal of entomological science Georgia Entomological Society.
0047-2409 Journal of entomology Royal Entomological Society of London.
0308-5007 Journal of entomology Royal Entomological Society of London
1812-5670 Journal of entomology Asian Network for Scientific Information.
1812-5689 Journal of entomology Asian Network for Scientific Information.
0095-8530 Journal of entomology and zoology Pomona College (Claremont, Calif.).
0254-8704 Journal of environmental biology Academy of environmental biology.
0733-9372 Journal of environmental engineering American Society of Civil Engineers
1943-7870 Journal of environmental engineering (e-vir) American Society of Civil Engineers
1496-256X Journal of environmental engineering and science (e-vir) National Research Council Canada.
1496-2551 Journal of environmental engineering and science = National Research Council Canada.
0022-0892 Journal of environmental health National Environmental Health Association
0738-2898 Journal of environmental horticulture Horticultural Research Institute.
0301-4797 Journal of environmental management Elsevier
1095-8630 Journal of environmental management (e-vir) Elsevier
1099-1301 Journal of environmental medicine (e-vir) J. Wiley
1095-1539 Journal of environmental medicine. John Wiley & Sons
1464-0325 Journal of environmental monitoring Royal Society of Chemistry
1464-0333 Journal of environmental monitoring (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0731-8898 Journal of environmental pathology, toxicology, and oncology Chem-Orbital
2162-6537 Journal of environmental pathology, toxicology, and oncology Chem-Orbital]
0146-4779 Journal of environmental pathology and toxicology American College of Toxicology.
0309-7714 Journal of environmental planning and pollution control Mercury House Business Publications.
1064-7546 Journal of environmental polymer degradation Plenum Press,
1572-8900 Journal of environmental polymer degradation Springer
1311-5065 Journal of environmental protection and ecology Scientific Bulgaria Communications
0047-2425 Journal of environmental quality Published cooperatively by American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America
1537-2537 Journal of environmental quality (e-vir) Published cooperatively by American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America
0265-931X Journal of environmental radioactivity Elsevier Applied Science Publishers
1879-1700 Journal of environmental radioactivity (e-vir) Elsevier
0360-1226 Journal of environmental science and health M. Dekker
0360-1234 Journal of environmental science and health M. Dekker
0360-1242 Journal of environmental science and health M. Dekker]
0736-3001 Journal of environmental science and health M. Dekker
1059-0501 Journal of environmental science and health Taylor & Francis
1077-1204 Journal of environmental science and health M. Dekker
1093-4529 Journal of environmental science and health Marcel Dekker
1532-4095 Journal of environmental science and health Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1532-4109 Journal of environmental science and health Marcel Dekker; Taylor & Francis
1532-4117 Journal of environmental science and health (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
1878-7320 Journal of environmental sciences (e-vir) IOS Press; Elsevier
1110-192X Journal of Environmental Sciences. Mansoura University Mansoura University
1001-0742 Journal of Environmental Sciences(China) Elsevier
1026-5457 Journal of enzyme inhibition (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
8755-5093 Journal of enzyme inhibition Harwood Academic Publishers
1475-6366 Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry Taylor & Francis
1475-6374 Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry (e-vir) Gordon and Breach; Taylor & Francis
0972-060X Journal of essential oil-bearing plants H. K. L. Bhalla
0976-5026 Journal of essential oil-bearing plants (e-vir) H.K. L. Bhalla
0378-8741 Journal of ethnopharmacology Elsevier Sequoia
1872-7573 Journal of ethnopharmacology (e-vir) International Society of Ethnopharmacology.
0022-0930 Journal of evolutionary biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1608-3202 Journal of evolutionary biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) Nauka/Interpariodica
1010-061X Journal of evolutionary biology Birkhäuser
1420-9101 Journal of evolutionary biology Birkhäuser
1743-1050 Journal of experimental & clinical assisted reproduction (e-vir) Sims Institute Press
0392-9078 Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research Associazione Promozione studi immunologia dei Tumori
1063-7761 Journal of experimental and theoretical physics American Institute of Physics
1090-6509 Journal of experimental and theoretical physics (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
0939-8600 Journal of experimental animal science Fischer
0022-0949 Journal of Experimental Biology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1460-2431 Journal of experimental botany (e-vir) Clarendon Press
0022-0957 Journal of Experimental Botany Clarendon Press
0022-0981 Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology North-Holland
1879-1697 Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0730-8485 Journal of experimental pathology Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0958-4625 Journal of experimental pathology Blackwell Scientific
0022-1015 Journal of experimental psychology American Psychological Association.
1359-4117 Journal of experimental therapeutics & oncology Rapid Science
1533-869X Journal of experimental therapeutics and oncology (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
1097-010X Journal of experimental zoology Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1548-8969 Journal of experimental zoology Wiley-Liss
1552-499X Journal of experimental zoology Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1552-5007 Journal of experimental zoology Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology,
1552-5015 Journal of experimental zoology Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1053-4245 Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology Princeton Scientific Pub. Co.
1559-0631 Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology Nature Pub. Group
1559-064X Journal of exposure science and environmental epidemiology (e-vir) Nature Pub. Group
2969-8960 Journal of extracorporeal technology (e-vir) American Society of Extracorporeal Technology
0022-1058 Journal of extra-corporeal technology American Society of Extra-Corporeal Technology
0250-4782 Journal of Fact Technical Society Fact Technical Society
0366-8304 Journal of Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Chulalongkorn Hospital, Chongkolnee Bldg.
1015-9592 Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Gazi University Gazi Üniversitesi Eczacűlűk Fakültesi Dekanlűægű.; Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University.
1335-3683 Journal of Farm Animal Science Výskumný ústav živočíšnej výroby
0922-338X Journal of fermentation and bioengineering University, Faculty of Engineering; Elsevier Science
0385-6380 Journal of fermentation technology Society of Fermentation Technology
1878-2108 Journal of fermentation technology (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0748-4690 Journal of fertilizer issues National Fertilizer Solutions Association.; Fluid Fertilizer Foundation.
0093-4690 Journal of field archaeology Boston University.
2042-4582 Journal of field archaeology (e-vir) Boston University
0734-9041 Journal of fire sciences Technomic Pub. Co.
1530-8049 Journal of fire sciences (e-vir) Technomic Pub. Co.
0022-1112 Journal of fish biology John Wiley & Sons; Fisheries Society of the British Isles
1095-8649 Journal of fish biology Academic Press.
0140-7775 Journal of fish diseases Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2761 Journal of fish diseases (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
1226-9204 Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Korean Fisheries Society
0305-716X Journal of flour and animal feed milling Turrel Press
0911-775X Journal of flow injection analysis Furo Injekushon Bunseki Kenkyukai; Nihon Bunseki Kagakkai Furo Injekushon Bunseki Kenkyu Kondankai; Nihon Bunseki Kagakkai Furo Injekushon Bunseki Kenkyu Kondankai; Nihon Bunseki Kagakkai Furo Injekushon Bunseki Kenkyu Kondankai
0022-1120 Journal of Fluid Mechanics Cambridge University Press
1469-7645 Journal of Fluid Mechanics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0098-2202 Journal of fluids engineering American Society of Mechanical Engineers
1528-901X Journal of fluids engineering (e-vir) American Society for Mechanical Engineers
1053-0509 Journal of fluorescence Plenum Press
1573-4994 Journal of fluorescence Kluwer
0022-1139 Journal of fluorine chemistry Elsevier
1873-3328 Journal of fluorine chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0392-9507 Journal of foetal medecine S.E.M.E.S.
1336-8672 Journal of food and nutrition research Výskumný ústav potravinársky
1338-4260 Journal of food and nutrition research (e-vir) Výskumný ústav potravinársky
0145-8884 Journal of food biochemistry Wiley Periodicals
1745-4514 Journal of food biochemistry (e-vir) Blackwell
0889-1575 Journal of food composition and analysis Academic Press
1096-0481 Journal of food composition and analysis (e-vir) Academic Press; Elsevier
0260-8774 Journal of food engineering Applied Science Publishers
1873-5770 Journal of food engineering (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1065-7258 Journal of food lipids Food & Nutrition Press
1745-4522 Journal of food lipids (e-vir) Food & Nutrition Press]
1369-1082 Journal of food mycology Chapman & Hall
0145-8876 Journal of food process engineering Food & Nutrition Press
1745-4530 Journal of food process engineering (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0145-8892 Journal of food processing and preservation Food & Nutrition Press; Blackwell
1745-4549 Journal of food processing and preservation (e-vir) Willey-Blackwell
0362-028X Journal of food protection International Association for Food Protection
1944-9097 Journal of food protection (e-vir) International Association for Food Protection
0146-9428 Journal of food quality Wiley Periodicals
1745-4557 Journal of food quality (e-vir) Wiley Hindawi
0149-6085 Journal of food safety Food & Nutrition Press; Blackwell
1745-4565 Journal of food safety (e-vir) Blackwell
0022-1147 Journal of food science Institute of food technologists
1750-3841 Journal of food science (e-vir) Blackwell
1226-332X Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Korean Society of Food and Nutrition; Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
0975-8402 Journal of food science and technology (e-vir) Springer
0022-1155 Journal of Food Science and Technology Association of Food Scientists and Technologists
1541-4329 Journal of food science education (e-vir) Institute of Food Technologists
0022-1163 Journal of food technology Blackwell Scientific
1684-8462 Journal of food technology Grace Publications network
0096-1191 Journal of foraminiferal research Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research.
0022-1171 Journal of Forensic Medicine Juta and Co.
0971-1929 Journal of forensic medicine and toxicology Medico Legal Society
0022-1198 Journal of forensic sciences Callaghan and Co.
1556-4029 Journal of forensic sciences (e-vir) ASTM
1341-6979 Journal of forest research Japanese Forestry Society
1610-7403 Journal of forest research (e-vir) Springer
0022-1201 Journal of forestry Society of American Foresters.
1938-3746 Journal of forestry (e-vir) Society of American Foresters
1993-0607 Journal of forestry research Editorial Board of Journal of Forestry Research
1007-662X Journal of Forestry Research Editorial Board of Journal of Forestry Research
1212-4834 Journal of forest science Institute of agricultural and food information
1805-935X Journal of Forest Science (e-vir) Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
0748-5514 Journal of free radicals in biology & medicine Pergamon
1878-2639 Journal of free radicals in biology & medicine (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0270-5060 Journal of freshwater ecology Oikos Publishers; Taylor & Francis
2156-6941 Journal of freshwater ecology (e-vir)
1231-0948 Journal of fruit and ornamental plant research Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture
2300-8849 Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research (e-vir) Instytut Ogrodnictwa (Skierniewice)
0022-121X Journal of fuel & heat technology Turret
1550-624X Journal of fuel cell science and technology ASME
1551-6989 Journal of fuel cell science and technology (e-vir) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
2079-4983 Journal of functional biomaterials (e-vir) MDPI
0164-0313 Journal of fusion energy Plenum
1572-9591 Journal of fusion energy Kluwer
0096-2686 Journal of gas chromatography Preston Technical Abstract Co., etc.
0368-234X Journal of Gas Lighting, Water Supply and Sanitary Improvement [s.n.]
0944-1174 Journal of gastroenterology Springer International
1435-5922 Journal of gastroenterology Springer Japan
0815-9319 Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1440-1746 Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology (e-vir) Blackwell
0022-1252 Journal of gemmology and proceedings of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain Gemmological Association of Great Britain.
0022-1260 Journal of General and Applied Microbiology Microbiology Research Foundation
0022-1287 Journal of General Microbiology Cambridge University Press
1345-2630 Journal of general plant pathology Springer Japan
1610-739X Journal of general plant pathology (e-vir) Springer Japan
1465-2099 Journal of general virology (e-vir) Society for General Microbiology.
0022-1317 Journal of General Virology Cambridge University Press
0973-7731 Journal of genetics Springer India
0022-1333 Journal of Genetics Indian Academy of Sciences.
0394-9257 Journal of genetics & breeding Istituto sperimentale per la cerealicoltura.
0375-6742 Journal of geochemical exploration Elsevier Scientific Publishing
1879-1689 Journal of geochemical exploration (e-vir) Elsevier
0022-1368 Journal of geological education. Association of Geology Teachers
0022-1392 Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences.; Society of Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity of Japan.
0340-062X Journal of geophysics Springer
0449-2560 Journal of Geosciences, Osaka City University Osaka-Shiritsu Daigaku Rigakubu
1090-0241 Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering American Society of Civil Engineers
1943-5606 Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering (e-vir) American Society of Civil Engineers
0733-9410 Journal of geotechnical engineering American Society of Civil Engineers
1671-5411 Journal of Geriatric Cardiology Institute of Geriatric Cardiology, Chinese PLA General Hospital.
0022-1422 Journal of gerontology Published quarterly for the Gerontological Society, Inc. by C.C. Thomas
2093-4947 Journal of ginseng research (e-vir) Korean Society of Ginseng; Elsevier Korea LLC
1226-8453 Journal of Ginseng Research = goryeo insam hakoe
1727-5652 Journal of glaciology International Glaciological Society.
0022-1430 Journal of Glaciology International Glaciological Society
0075-4250 Journal of glass studies Corning Museum of Glass.
0380-1330 Journal of Great Lakes research International Association for Great Lakes Research.
1120-3536 Journal of gynaecological endocrinology S.O.G..
1005-9113 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin Institute of Technology
0954-027X Journal of hard materials Carfax
1341-7649 Journal of hard tissue biology Japanese Society of Hard Tissue Research & Technology; Hard Tissue Biology Network Association
1880-828X Journal of hard tissue biology (e-vir) Kososhiki Saisei Seibutsu Gakkai
0304-3894 Journal of hazardous materials Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co.
1873-3336 Journal of Hazardous Materials (e-vir) Elsevier
1090-7025 Journal of hazardous substance research (e-vir) Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Center
1344-9702 Journal of health science Nihon Yakugakkai
0198-7593 Journal of heat recovery systems Pergamon
0022-1481 Journal of heat transfer American Society of Mechanical Engineers
1528-8943 Journal of heat transfer American Society of Mechanical Engineers
0190-9177 Journal of heat treating Springer
1475-2697 Journal of helminthology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0022-149X Journal of Helminthology London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
1061-6128 Journal of hematotherapy Mary Ann Liebert
2168-6556 Journal of hematotherapy (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., Publishers
1525-8165 Journal of hematotherapy & stem cell research Mary Ann Liebert
2168-6580 Journal of hematotherapy & stem cell research (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., Publishers
0168-8278 Journal of hepatology Elsevier
1600-0641 Journal of Hepatology (e-vir) Elsevier
1522-8940 Journal of herbal pharmacotherapy Haworth Herbal Press
1522-9106 Journal of herbal pharmacotherapy (e-vir) Haworth Press
1049-6475 Journal of herbs, spices & medicinal plants Food Products Press
1540-3580 Journal of herbs, spices & medicinal plants Haworth Press
1465-7333 Journal of heredity (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0022-1511 Journal of herpetology Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
1937-2418 Journal of herpetology (e-vir) Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
0022-152X Journal of heterocyclic chemistry HeteroCorporation
1943-5193 Journal of heterocyclic chemistry Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry
1240-4292 Journal of high temperature chemical processes Société des hautes températures et des réfractaires (France.
1551-5044 Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry (e-vir) Histochemical Society; HighWire Press
0147-8885 Journal of histotechnology Mayo Publications
2046-0236 Journal of histotechnology (e-vir) Maney
1462-0308 Journal of HIV therapy Mediscript
0022-1589 Journal of Horticultural Science Headley Bros
1672-0733 Journal of huazhong university of science and technology Editorial Department of Journal of Tongji Medical College of HUST
1993-1352 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology = Huazhong University of Science and Technology
1434-5161 Journal of human genetics Springer
1435-232X Journal of human genetics (e-vir) Springer
0950-9240 Journal of human hypertension Scientific & Medical Division, Macmillan Press
1476-5527 Journal of human hypertension (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0308-4329 Journal of human nutrition Newman
1090-9508 Journal of human virology Lippincott-Raven Publishers
1879-2707 Journal of hydrology (e-vir) Elsevier
0022-1694 Journal of Hydrology North-Holland; Elsevier
1338-4333 Journal of hydrology and hydromechanics (e-vir) Veda - vydavatelstvo SAV;; De Gruyter
0042-790X Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics Institute of Hydrology SAS; Institute of Hydrodynamics AS CR, v. v. i.
0022-1724 Journal of Hygiene Cambridge University Press
0022-1732 Journal of hygiene, epidemiology, microbiology and immunology Avicenum
0263-6352 Journal of hypertension Gower Medical Publishing
1473-5598 Journal of hypertension (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins
0032-9452 Journal of ichthyology Scripta Pub. Co.
1555-6425 Journal of ichthyology (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
8750-9237 Journal of imaging science Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers.; SPSE--the Society for Imaging Science and Technology.
1062-3701 Journal of imaging science and technology The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
0747-3583 Journal of imaging technology IS & T--the Society for Imaging Science and Technology.; Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers.
1476-8518 Journal of immune based therapies and vaccines (e-vir) BioMed Central
0197-1522 Journal of immunoassay [M. Dekker]
2332-4090 Journal of immunoassay (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1532-1819 Journal of immunoassay & immunochemistry (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
1532-4230 Journal of immunoassay & immunochemistry (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0305-1811 Journal of immunogenetics Blackwell Scientific Publ..
1872-7905 Journal of immunological methods (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0022-1759 Journal of Immunological Methods North-Holland
0163-0571 Journal of immunopharmacology Marcel Dekker.
1524-9557 Journal of immunotherapy Society for Biological Therapy.
1537-4513 Journal of immunotherapy (e-vir) Lippincott-Raven Publishers
1067-5582 Journal of immunotherapy with emphasis on tumor immunology Society for Biological Therapy.
1547-6901 Journal of immunotoxicology Taylor and Francis
1547-691X Journal of immunotoxicology Taylor & Francis Health Sciences
0167-7861 Journal of inclusion phenomena Reidel
1388-3127 Journal of inclusion phenomena and macrocyclic chemistry Springer
1573-1111 Journal of inclusion phenomena and macrocyclic chemistry (e-vir) Springer
0923-0750 Journal of inclusion phenomena and molecular recognition in chemistry Kluwer Academic Publishers
2212-1765 Journal of inclusion phenomena and molecular recognition in chemistry (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
0970-8480 Journal of Indian Association for Environmental Management Indian Association for Environmental Management
0368-2617 Journal of Indian Botany [s.n.]
0019-5758 Journal of Indian Leather Technologists' Association Indian Leather Technologists' Association.
0970-275X Journal of Indian Water Works Association Indian Water Works Association
1226-086X Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
1876-794X Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry (e-vir) Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry; Elsevier
1088-1980 Journal of industrial ecology Wiley-Blackwell
1530-9290 Journal of industrial ecology (e-vir) MIT Press; Wiley
0276-7953 Journal of industrial fabrics Industrial Fabrics Association International.
1537-7881 Journal of industrial hemp The Haworth Press
1537-789X Journal of industrial hemp (e-vir) Haworth Press
0735-7923 Journal of industrial irradiation technology Marcel Dekker,
0169-4146 Journal of industrial microbiology Elsevier Science
1367-5435 Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology Stockton
1476-5535 Journal of industrial microbiology and biotechnology Springer
0970-2083 Journal of Industrial Pollution Control Environmental Publications.
1528-0837 Journal of industrial textiles Technomic Pub. Co.
1530-8057 Journal of industrial textiles (e-vir) Technomic Pub. Co.
1532-2742 Journal of infection (e-vir) Harcourt
1341-321X Journal of infection and chemotherapy Churchill Livingstone.
1068-7777 Journal of infectious disease pharmacotherapy Pharmaceutical Products Press
1078-7852 Journal of inflammation John Wiley
1476-9255 Journal of inflammation (e-vir) BioMed Central
1025-6008 Journal of information recording Gordon and Breach Publishers.
0863-0453 Journal of Information Recording Materials Fotochemisches Kombinat, Wolfen.
0165-5515 Journal of information science North-Holland
1741-6485 Journal of information science (e-vir) Cambridge Scientific Abstracts.
0141-8955 Journal of inherited metabolic disease M.T.P. Press; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-2665 Journal of inherited metabolic disease (e-vir) Kluwer
0022-1902 Journal of inorganic & nuclear chemistry Pergamon Press
1053-0495 Journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers Plenum Press
1572-8870 Journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers
1574-1443 Journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers and materials Kluwer Academic Publishers
1574-1451 Journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers and materials (e-vir) Kluwer
0162-0134 Journal of inorganic biochemistry Elsevier.
1873-3344 Journal of inorganic biochemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
1346-8073 Journal of insect biotechnology and sericology Japanese Society of Sericultural Science
0095-9049 Journal of insect pathology Academic Press
0022-1910 Journal of Insect Physiology Pergamon Press
1536-2442 Journal of insect science (e-vir) Oxford Academic
1748-0221 Journal of instrumentation (e-vir) Institute of Physics Publishing
1672-9072 Journal of integrative plant biology Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty
1744-7909 Journal of integrative plant biology (e-vir) Chinese Academy of Sciences
1045-389X Journal of intelligent material systems and structures Technomic Pub. Co.
1530-8138 Journal of intelligent material systems and structures (e-vir) Technomic Pub. Co.
0022-1945 Journal of interdisciplinary cycle research Swets & Zeitlinger
1079-9907 Journal of interferon & cytokine research Mary Ann Liebert
1557-7465 Journal of interferon & cytokine research (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0197-8357 Journal of interferon research M.A. Liebert
0954-6820 Journal of internal medicine Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2796 Journal of internal medicine Blackwell Science.
0955-7873 Journal of internal medicine.Supplement Blackwell Scientific Publications
0260-0765 Journal of international biomedical information and data. Ibid MCS Consultants.
0300-0605 Journal of international medical research Cambridge Medical Publications Ltd
0022-2011 Journal of invertebrate pathology Academic Press
1018-9068 Journal of investigational allergology & clinical immunology Hogrefe and Huber; Esmon Publicidad
1698-0808 Journal of investigational allergology & clinical immunology (e-vir) Esmon Publicidad
1523-1747 Journal of investigative dermatology (e-vir) Elsevier Science; Blackwell Pub.; Nature Publishing Group
1081-5589 Journal of investigative medicine Slack
1708-8267 Journal of investigative medicine American Federation for Clinical Research; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
2210-3988 Journal of iron and steel research, international (e-vir)
1006-706X Journal of iron and steel research international Gangtie Yanjiu Xuebao
1342-3606 Journal of Japanese Society for Dental Products Nihon Shika Sangyo Gakkai
0914-0697 Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists.
0368-2854 Journal of J J Group of Hospitals and Grant Medical College [s.n.]
2213-1558 Journal of King Saud University (e-vir) King Saud University
2213-686X Journal of King Saud University (e-vir) Elsevier
1011-8934 Journal of Korean medical science Korean Academy of Medical Science
1598-6357 Journal of Korean Medical Science (e-vir) Korean Academy of Medical Sciences
0259-2347 Journal of Korean Pharmaceutical Sciences Korean Society of Pharmaceutics
0022-2135 Journal of labelled compounds Presses académiques européennes
0362-4803 Journal of labelled compounds & radiopharmaceuticals Wiley.
1099-1344 Journal of labelled compounds & radiopharmaceuticals (e-vir) J. Wiley
0022-2151 Journal of Laryngology and Otology Headley Brothers Ltd
1042-346X Journal of laser applications Laser Institute of America
1938-1387 Journal of laser applications (e-vir) Chapman & Hall
1115-1498 Journal of leather and chemical technology National Research Institute for Chemical Technology.
0741-5400 Journal of leukocyte biology Society for Leukocyte Biology
1938-3673 Journal of leukocyte biology (e-vir) Society for Leukocyte Biology
0022-2240 Journal of library automation American Library Association
0332-1800 Journal of life sciences Royal Dublin Society.
0387-8805 Journal of light & visual environment Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan
1349-8398 Journal of light & visual environment (e-vir) Illuminating Enginerring Institute of Japan
0733-8724 Journal of lightwave technology Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-2213 Journal of lightwave technology (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0921-8319 Journal of lipid mediators Elsevier Science
0929-7855 Journal of lipid mediators and cell signalling Elsevier
0022-2275 Journal of lipid research Lipid Research, inc.
1539-7262 Journal of lipid research (e-vir) Rockefeller Institute Press; American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
0973-6379 Journal of Lipid Science and Technology Oil Technologists' Association of India
0898-2104 Journal of liposome research Marcel Dekker
1532-2394 Journal of liposome research (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0148-3919 Journal of liquid chromatography Dekker
1082-6076 Journal of liquid chromatography & related technologies Marcel Dekker
1520-572X Journal of liquid chromatography & related technologies (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1050-6934 Journal of long-term effects of medical implants CRC Press
1940-4379 Journal of long-term effects of medical implants (e-vir) CRC Press
0022-2291 Journal of low temperature physics Plenum Press
1573-7357 Journal of low temperature physics Kluwer
0022-2305 Journal of lubrication technology American Society of Mechanical Engineers
0022-2313 Journal of luminescence North-Holland
1872-7883 Journal of luminescence Elsevier Science
0449-2730 Journal of Macromolecular Chemistry
0022-2321 Journal of macromolecular science [M. Dekker]
0022-233X Journal of macromolecular science M. Dekker
0022-2348 Journal of macromolecular science M. Dekker
0022-2356 Journal of macromolecular science M. Dekker,
0736-6574 Journal of macromolecular science M. Dekker
1060-1325 Journal of macromolecular science M. Dekker
1520-5738 Journal of macromolecular science (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1520-5746 Journal of macromolecular science (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1525-609X Journal of macromolecular science Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1532-1797 Journal of macromolecular science Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1532-9038 Journal of macromolecular science (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0022-2364 Journal of magnetic resonance Academic Press.
1064-1858 Journal of magnetic resonance Academic Press
1064-1866 Journal of magnetic resonance Academic Press
1090-7807 Journal of magnetic resonance Academic Press
1096-0856 Journal of magnetic resonance (e-vir) Academic Press
1873-4766 Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0304-8853 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials North-Holland Publishing Co
1083-4729 Journal of magnetohydrodynamics and plasma research NOVA Science Pub.
0378-2395 Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural Universities College of Agriculture
0022-2372 Journal of mammalogy American Society of Mammalogists
1545-1542 Journal of mammalogy (e-vir) American Society of Mammalogists
0941-2905 Journal of marine biotechnology Springer-Verl. New York.
1432-1408 Journal of marine biotechnology Springer-Verl. New York.
1026-7603 Journal of marine environmental engineering (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1029-0427 Journal of marine environmental engineering Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
1061-026X Journal of marine environmental engineering Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0022-2402 Journal of marine research Sears Foundation for Marine Research.
1543-9542 Journal of marine research (e-vir) Sears Foundation for Marine Research,
0364-1988 Journal of marine science Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium.; Marine Science Institute.
1076-5174 Journal of mass spectrometry Wiley
1096-9888 Journal of mass spectrometry (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1438-4957 Journal of material cycles and waste management Springer
1611-8227 Journal of material cycles and waste management Springer.
0022-2453 Journal of materials American Society for Testing and Materials
0959-9428 Journal of materials chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry
1364-5501 Journal of materials chemistry (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
2050-7488 Journal of materials chemistry RSC Publications
2050-7496 Journal of materials chemistry (e-vir) RSC Publications
Y507-3030 Journal of materials chemistry RSC Publications
Y507-3049 Journal of materials chemistry (e-vir) RSC Publications
0931-7058 Journal of materials engineering Springer International.
1059-9495 Journal of materials engineering and performance Springer
1544-1024 Journal of materials engineering and performance Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
0162-9719 Journal of materials for energy systems American Society for Metals]
2168-8133 Journal of materials for energy systems (e-vir) American Society for Metals.; American Society for Metals.
0899-1561 Journal of materials in civil engineering American Society of Civil Engineers, Materials Engineering Division
1943-5533 Journal of materials in civil engineering (e-vir) American Society of Civil Engineers
1062-0656 Journal of materials processing & manufacturing science Technomic Pub. Co.
1530-8065 Journal of materials processing & manufacturing science (e-vir) Technomic Pub. Co.
0924-0136 Journal of materials processing technology Elsevier
1873-4774 Journal of materials processing technology (e-vir) Elsevier
0884-2914 Journal of materials research Published for the Materials Research Society by the American Institute of Physics
2044-5326 Journal of materials research (e-vir) Materials Research Society
0957-4522 Journal of materials science Springer
1573-4803 Journal of materials science (e-vir) Kluwer
1573-482X Journal of materials science (e-vir) Springer
1573-4838 Journal of materials science (e-vir) Kluwer
0022-2461 Journal of Materials Science Chapman and Hall
0957-4530 Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine Chapman and Hall
1005-0302 Journal of materials science & technology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metal research
Y507-1011 Journal of materials science & technology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metal research
0861-9786 Journal of Materials Science and Technology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
0261-8028 Journal of materials science letters Chapman and Hall
1573-4811 Journal of materials science letters Kluwer
0931-704X Journal of materials shaping technology Springer Internat.
1064-7562 Journal of materials synthesis and processing Plenum Press
1573-4870 Journal of materials synthesis and processing Kluwer
0259-9791 Journal of mathematical chemistry J.C. Baltzer AG
1572-8897 Journal of mathematical chemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
0022-2488 Journal of mathematical physics American Institute of Physics.
1089-7658 Journal of mathematical physics online (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
0095-9057 Journal of mathematics and mechanics Graduate Institute for Mathematics and Mechanics, Indiana University
1943-5274 Journal of mathematics and mechanics (e-vir) Graduate Institute for Mathematics and Mechanics, Indiana University
0097-1421 Journal of mathematics and physics The Institute
0304-9906 Journal of mathematics and sciences University of Islamabad.
0022-2550 Journal of Mechanical Laboratory of Japan Tsäushäo Sangyäoshäo Käogyäo Gijutsuin Kikai Shikenjo.
0378-3804 Journal of mechanical working technology Elsevier
1727-7191 Journal of mechanics Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
1811-8216 Journal of mechanics (e-vir) Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
0091-6552 Journal of mechanochemistry & cell motility Plenum Pub. Corp.
1365-280X Journal of medical & veterinary mycology (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0268-1218 Journal of medical and veterinary mycology Carfax
0368-3028 Journal of Medical College in Keijo Verlag der Medizinischen Akademie zu Keijo.
1876-4797 Journal of medical colleges of PLA (e-vir) People's Liberation Army
1000-1948 Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA Editorial Board of Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA
0309-1902 Journal of medical engineering & technology Taylor & Francis
1464-522X Journal of medical engineering & technology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0022-2585 Journal of medical entomology Entomology Dept., B.P. Bishop Museum.
0146-6631 Journal of medical entomology Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum.
1938-2928 Journal of medical entomology (e-vir) Entomology Department, Bishop Museum
1468-6244 Journal of medical genetics (e-vir) BMJ Publishing Group
0022-2593 Journal of Medical Genetics British Medical Association
0368-3109 Journal of Medical Laboratory Technology [s.n.]
0022-2615 Journal of medical microbiology Livingstone; Society for General Microbiology
1473-5644 Journal of medical microbiology (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins
0047-2565 Journal of medical primatology Karger
1600-0684 Journal of medical primatology (e-vir) Blackwell Munksgaard
1682-4474 Journal of medical sciences ANSInet
1812-5727 Journal of medical sciences Asian Network for Scientific Information
2542-4939 Journal of medical sciences (e-vir) Wolters Kluwer India
0741-5397 Journal of medical technology American Medical Technologists and the American Society for Medical Technology
0146-6615 Journal of medical virology Alan R. Liss
1096-9071 Journal of medical virology (e-vir) Wiley-Liss
0095-9065 Journal of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry American Chemical Society
1943-2992 Journal of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0022-2623 Journal of medicinal chemistry American Chemical Society
1520-4804 Journal of medicinal chemistry (e-vir) ACS Publications
1096-620X Journal of medicinal food Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-7600 Journal of medicinal food (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0092-6469 Journal of medicine Academy Journal Pub. Co.
0025-7850 Journal of medicine; S. Karger
1453-1321 Journal of Medicine and Biochemistry Universitatea din Bucureşti,
0376-7388 Journal of membrane science Elsevier
1873-3123 Journal of membrane science Elsevier Science
0022-264X Journal of Mental Deficiency Research National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children
0972-4257 Journal of metallurgy and materials science National Metallurgical Laboratory
0148-6608 Journal of metals Metallurgical Society of AIME
0263-4929 Journal of metamorphic geology Blackwell Scientific
1525-1314 Journal of metamorphic geology (e-vir) Blackwell Scientific Publications
1422-6375 Journal of metastable and nanocrystalline materials Trans Tech Publications
2297-6620 Journal of metastable and nanocrystalline materials (e-vir) Trans Tech Publications Inc.
0095-9634 Journal of meteorology American Meteorological Society
2163-5374 Journal of meteorology (e-vir) American Meteorological Society.
0256-8551 Journal of Microbial Biotechnology Biotech Publications.
0972-1487 Journal of Microbial World Microbiologists Society.
0167-7012 Journal of microbiological methods Elsevier
1872-8359 Journal of microbiological methods Elsevier Science
1225-8873 Journal of microbiology Microbiological society of Korea
1976-3794 Journal of microbiology (e-vir) Microbiological society of Korea
0449-2811 Journal of microbiology, epidemiology and immunobiology Pergamon Press.
1995-9133 Journal of microbiology, immunology and infection (e-vir) Scientific Communications International Limited; Elsevier Taiwan LLC
1017-7825 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Korean society for microbiology and biotechnology
1738-8872 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology (e-vir) Korean society for microbiology and biotechnology
1057-7157 Journal of microelectromechanical systems Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1941-0158 Journal of microelectromechanical systems (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1551-4897 Journal of microelectronics and electronic packaging International Microelectronics and Packaging Society
1555-8037 Journal of microelectronics and electronic packaging (e-vir) International Microelectronics and Packaging Society.; Sidney J. Stein Educational Foundation.
0265-2048 Journal of microencapsulation Taylor & Francis
1464-5246 Journal of microencapsulation (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0022-2712 Journal of micrographics National Micrographics Association,; National Microfilm Association,
1537-1646 Journal of microlithography, microfabrication, and microsystems SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
1817-6461 Journal of microlithography, microfabrication, and microsystems (e-vir) SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
0960-1317 Journal of micromechanics and microengineering Institute of Physics Publishing
1361-6439 Journal of micromechanics and microengineering (e-vir) IOP Publishing
1389-2258 Journal of micromechatronics VSP
1568-5632 Journal of micromechatronics VSP
0266-349X Journal of micronutrient analysis Elsevier Applied Science Publishers
1365-2818 Journal of microscopy (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0022-2720 Journal of Microscopy Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd
0022-2747 Journal of milk and food technology The Association
0095-9766 Journal of milk technology International Association of Milk Sanitarians.
1345-6296 Journal of mineralogical and petrological sciences Mineralogical Society of Japan; Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists; Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
0022-2755 Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels Books and Journal Private Ltd
0022-2763 Journal of Mining and Geology Nigerian Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Society.
1450-5339 Journal of mining and metallurgy Technical Faculty and Copper Institute
1450-5959 Journal of mining and metallurgy Technical Faculty and Copper Institute
2560-3159 Journal of Mining and Metallurgy. Section A. Mining (e-vir) Technical Faculty; Copper Institute
2217-7175 Journal of Mining and Metallurgy. Section B: Metallurgy (e-vir) Technical Faculty; Copper Institute
0950-0340 Journal of modern optics Taylor & Francis
1362-3044 Journal of modern optics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0271-6801 Journal of molecular and applied genetics Raven Press
1095-8584 Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology (e-vir) Academic Press
0022-2828 Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Academic Press Inc, Ltd
0724-6803 Journal of molecular and cellular immunology Springer-Verlag,
1747-0862 Journal of molecular and genetic medicine (e-vir) Library Publishing Media
0022-2836 Journal of molecular biology Academic Press
1089-8638 Journal of molecular biology (e-vir) Academic Press
0304-5102 Journal of molecular catalysis Elsevier
1381-1169 Journal of molecular catalysis Elsevier
1873-314X Journal of molecular catalysis (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
1873-3158 Journal of molecular catalysis (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
1381-1177 Journal of Molecular Catalysis Elsevier
1525-1578 Journal of molecular diagnostics Association for Investigative Pathology
0748-7991 Journal of molecular electronics John Wiley
0952-5041 Journal of molecular endocrinology Journal of Endocrinology
1479-6813 Journal of molecular endocrinology (e-vir) Society for Endocrinology
0022-2844 Journal of molecular evolution Springer International
0263-7855 Journal of Molecular Graphics Butterworth Scientific
1093-3263 Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling Elsevier Science, Inc.
1873-4243 Journal of molecular graphics and modelling (e-vir) Elsevier
1567-2379 Journal of molecular histology Kluwer Academic Publishers
1567-2387 Journal of molecular histology Kluwer
0167-7322 Journal of molecular liquids Elsevier
1873-3166 Journal of molecular liquids (e-vir) Elsevier
0377-046X Journal of molecular medecine Elsevier
0946-2716 Journal of molecular medicine s. n.]
1432-1440 Journal of molecular medicine (e-vir) Springer
1464-1801 Journal of molecular microbiology and biotechnology S. Karger
1660-2412 Journal of molecular microbiology and biotechnology Horizon Scientific Press; Karger
0948-5023 Journal of molecular modeling (e-vir) Springer
1610-2940 Journal of molecular modeling Springer
0895-8696 Journal of molecular neuroscience Birkhäuser Boston
1559-1166 Journal of molecular neuroscience (e-vir) Humana Press
0952-3499 Journal of molecular recognition Heydon & Son
1099-1352 Journal of molecular recognition (e-vir) Heydon & Son]; John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
1000-9035 Journal of Molecular Science Higher Education Press
1750-2187 Journal of molecular signaling (e-vir) BioMed Central
0022-2852 Journal of molecular spectroscopy Academic Press.
0022-2860 Journal of molecular structure Elsevier
1872-7999 Journal of molecular structure (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1872-8014 Journal of molecular structure (e-vir) Elsevier
0166-1280 Journal of Molecular Structure. Theochem Elsevier
0362-2525 Journal of morphology Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology
1097-4687 Journal of morphology (e-vir) Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology
0095-9626 Journal of morphology and physiology Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology.
1046-0756 Journal of muscle foods Wiley Periodicals
1745-4573 Journal of muscle foods (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0142-4319 Journal of muscle research and cell motility Chapman and Hall
1573-2657 Journal of muscle research and cell motility (e-vir) Kluwer
1108-7161 Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions Hylonome. Parask. Liritis
0971-9393 Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology
1477-3155 Journal of nanobiotechnology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1687-4110 Journal of nanomaterials Hindawi Publishing Corporation
1687-4129 Journal of Nanomaterials (e-vir) Hindawi
1388-0764 Journal of nanoparticle research Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-896X Journal of nanoparticle research (e-vir) Kluwer
1533-4880 Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology American Scientific Publishers
1533-4899 Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology (e-vir) American Scientific Publishers
1345-0069 Journal of Nara Medical Association Nara Igakkai.; Nara Kenritsu Ika Daigaku.; Nara Igaku Zasshi Henshäubu.
1544-046X Journal of natural fibers (e-vir) Haworth Press
1544-0478 Journal of natural fibers The Haworth Press
1003-9953 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academia Sinica
1861-0293 Journal of natural medicines (e-vir) Springer
0163-3864 Journal of natural products American Society of Pharmacognosy.
1520-6025 Journal of natural products (e-vir) American Chemical Society and American Society of Pharmacognosy
0972-5547 Journal of Natural Remedies Informatics Publishing Ltd. and Natural Remedies Pvt. Ltd
2320-3358 Journal of Natural Remedies Natural Remedies Pvt. Ltd.
0127-7065 Journal of natural rubber research Institut Penyelidikan Getah Malaysia
0022-2941 Journal of natural sciences and mathematics Government College.
1058-8108 Journal of natural toxins Alaken, Inc.
0022-2968 Journal of Near Eastern studies University of Chicago Press
1545-6978 Journal of Near Eastern studies (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0967-0335 Journal of near infrared spectroscopy NIR Publications.
1748-8567 Journal of near infrared spectroscopy (e-vir) NIR Publications
1751-6552 Journal of near infrared spectroscopy (e-vir) NIR Publications
0022-300X Journal of nematology Society of Nematologists.
2640-396X Journal of nematology (e-vir) Society of Nematologists
1012-8611 Journal of Nepal Chemical Society Nepal Chemical Society.
0022-3018 Journal of nervous and mental disease [S. E. Jelliffe etc.]
0300-9564 Journal of neural transmission Springer-Verlag
1435-1463 Journal of neural transmission (e-vir) Springer
0936-3076 Journal of neural transmission. Parkinson's disease and dementia section Springer
0303-6995 Journal of neural transmission. Supplementum Springer
0792-8483 Journal of neural transplantation & plasticity Freund Publishing House
0022-3034 Journal of neurobiology Wiley-Interscience.
1097-4695 Journal of neurobiology John Wiley & Sons
0022-3042 Journal of neurochemistry Raven Press
1471-4159 Journal of neurochemistry (e-vir) Blackwell
0300-4864 Journal of neurocytology Chapman and Hall
1573-7381 Journal of neurocytology (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
0953-8194 Journal of neuroendocrinology Oxford University Press
1365-2826 Journal of neuroendocrinology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0167-7063 Journal of neurogenetics Harvard Academic :; Elsevier
1563-5260 Journal of neurogenetics Harwood Academic Publishers.
0165-5728 Journal of neuroimmunology Elsevier/North-Holland
1872-8421 Journal of Neuroimmunology (e-vir) Elsevier
1742-2094 Journal of neuroinflammation (e-vir) BioMed Central
0340-5354 Journal of neurology Springer
1432-1459 Journal of neurology (e-vir) Steinkopff
1619-800X Journal of neurology Springer Internat.
1468-330X Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry (e-vir) BMJ Publishing
0022-3050 Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry British Medical Association
0368-329X Journal of neurology and psychiatry British Medical Association.
0167-594X Journal of neuro-oncology M. Nijhoff
1573-7373 Journal of neuro-oncology (e-vir) Kluwer
1543-7698 Journal of neuropathic pain & symptom palliation Haworth Medical Press
1543-7701 Journal of neuropathic pain & symptom palliation (e-vir) Haworth Press
1554-6578 Journal of neuropathology & experimental neurology (e-vir) Lippincot
0022-3069 Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology Association of the Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology
0022-3077 Journal of neurophysiology American Physiological Society
1522-1598 Journal of neurophysiology (e-vir) American Physiological Society
0449-282X Journal of neuropsychiatry Journal of Neuropsychiatry, Inc.,
0447-9378 Journal of Neuropsychiatry, Supplement [s.n.].
0165-0270 Journal of neuroscience methods Elsevier/North-Holland
1872-678X Journal of neuroscience methods (e-vir) Elsevier
0360-4012 Journal of neuroscience research Wiley-Liss
1097-4547 Journal of neuroscience research (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0022-3085 Journal of neurosurgery American Association of Neurological Surgeons
1933-0693 Journal of neurosurgery (e-vir) American Association of Neurological Surgeons
1355-0284 Journal of neurovirology Stockton
1538-2443 Journal of neurovirology Springer
0022-3026 Journal of neuro-visceral relations Springer
0075-4323 Journal of neuro-visceral relations Springer
1023-8166 Journal of neutron research Gordon and Breach Publishers.; IOS Press
1029-2179 Journal of neutron research (e-vir) IOS Press
1477-2655 Journal of neutron research (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1086-8259 Journal of new energy Fusion Information Center.
1480-2422 Journal of new materials for electrochemical systems École Polytechnique
0029-0432 Journal of Nihon University School of Dentistry Nihon University School of Dentistry
1347-3409 Journal of Nippon Medical School (e-vir) Nihon ika daigaku igakkai
1345-4676 Journal of Nippon Medical School = Medical Association of Nippon Medical School.
0022-3093 Journal of non-crystalline solids North-Holland Publishing Co
1873-4812 Journal of non-crystalline solids (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
0340-0204 Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics De Gruyter
1437-4358 Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics de Gruyter.
1793-6624 Journal of nonlinear optical physics & materials (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
0218-8635 Journal of nonlinear optical physics and materials World Scientific
0938-8974 Journal of nonlinear science Springer
1432-1467 Journal of nonlinear science (e-vir) Springer
0090-3477 Journal of nonmetals Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0140-1653 Journal of nonmetals and semiconductors Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0377-0257 Journal of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co
1873-2631 Journal of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics Elsevier Science
1006-8104 Journal of Northeast Agricultural University Northeast Agricultural University
0253-8261 Journal of NPA Nepal Pharmaceutical Association.; NPA.
0379-5489 Journal of Nuclear Agriculture an Biology Nuclear Research Laboratory, Indian Agricultural Research Institute.
1345-4749 Journal of nuclear and radiochemical sciences Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences; Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences
0368-3249 Journal of nuclear biology and medicine Minerva medica
0022-3107 Journal of nuclear energy Pergamon Press
0368-3230 Journal of nuclear energy Pergamon Press
0368-3265 Journal of nuclear energy Pergamon Press
0368-3273 Journal of nuclear energy Pergamon Press.
0368-3281 Journal of nuclear energy Pergamon Press
0022-3115 Journal of nuclear materials North-Holland
1873-4820 Journal of nuclear materials (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
0091-4916 Journal of nuclear medicine technology Society of Nuclear Medicine.
1535-5675 Journal of nuclear medicine technology (e-vir) Society of Nuclear Medicine, Technologist Section
1881-1248 Journal of nuclear science and technology (e-vir) Atomic Energy Society of Japan
0022-3131 Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai
0736-8283 Journal of nutrition, growth and cancer Food & Nutrition Press,
1359-0847 Journal of nutritional & environmental medicine Carfax
1364-6907 Journal of nutritional & environmental medicine (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1049-5150 Journal of nutritional immunology Haworth Medical Press
2374-9946 Journal of nutritional immunology (e-vir)
0301-4800 Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology University of Tokyo Press
0368-3257 Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College
0144-3615 Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology John Wright and Sons Ltd
1340-9654 Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Asia and Oceania Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
1364-6893 Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology (e-vir) John Wright
0022-3190 Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of India Federation of obstetrics and gynaecology.
0022-3204 Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
0307-1871 Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British Empire Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (Great Britain)
1341-8076 Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research Asia and Oceania Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; University of Tokyo Press Production Center.
1447-0756 Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing Asia
1545-9624 Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene Taylor and Francis, Inc.
1545-9632 Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene (e-vir) Taylor and Francis, Inc.
1076-2752 Journal of occupational and environmental medicine Williams & Wilkins
1536-5948 Journal of occupational and environmental medicine (e-vir) Williams & Wilkins
1341-9145 Journal of occupational health Japan Society for Occupational Health.
1348-9585 Journal of occupational health Japan Society for Occupational Health
0096-1736 Journal of occupational medicine Hoeber Medical Division, Harper & Row
2332-3795 Journal of occupational medicine (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1054-044X Journal of occupational medicine and toxicology International Society of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology.
1745-6673 Journal of occupational medicine and toxicology (e-vir) Biomed Central.
0916-8370 Journal of oceanography Kluwer Academic Publishers :; Terra Scientific Publishing Company
1573-868X Journal of oceanography (e-vir) Kluwer
1672-5182 Journal of Ocean University of China Editorial Office of Journal of Ocean University of China
1993-5021 Journal of Ocean University of China Science Press; Springer-Verlag GmbH
1671-2463 Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao Editorial Office of Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao.
8756-3320 Journal of ocular pharmacology Mary Ann Liebert,
1080-7683 Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics The Association
1557-7732 Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0095-9774 Journal of oil & fat industries American Oil Chemists' Society
2168-8079 Journal of oil & fat industries / (e-vir) American Oil Chemists' Society.; SpringerLink (Online service)
1511-2780 Journal of oil palm research Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia.
0970-2776 Journal of Oilseeds Research Indian Society of Oilseeds Research
1345-8957 Journal of oleo science Japan Oil Chemists' Society
1347-3352 Journal of oleo science (e-vir) Japan Oil Chemists' Society
1078-1552 Journal of oncology pharmacy practice Appleton & Lange
1477-092X Journal of oncology pharmacy practice Arnold.
0173-4911 Journal of optical communications de Gruyter
2191-6322 Journal of optical communications (e-vir) de Gruyter
1070-9762 Journal of optical technology Optical Society of America
1091-0786 Journal of optical technology Optical Society of America
0150-536X Journal of optics Masson
1464-4258 Journal of optics Institute of Physics Publishing
1464-4266 Journal of optics Institute of Physics Publishing
1741-3567 Journal of optics (e-vir) Institute of Physics Publishing.
1741-3575 Journal of optics (e-vir) Institute of Physics Publishing.
1454-4164 Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials INOE 2000
1349-0079 Journal of oral biosciences Japanese Association for Oral Biology
1880-3865 Journal of oral biosciences (e-vir) Shika Kiso Igakkai
0022-3247 Journal of oral medicine American Academy of Dental Medicine.; American Academy of Oral Medicine.
0300-9777 Journal of oral pathology Munksgaard
0904-2512 Journal of oral pathology & medicine Munksgaard
1600-0714 Journal of oral pathology & medicine (e-vir) Munksgaard International Publishers
0305-182X Journal of oral rehabilitation Blackwell Scientific Publ.
1365-2842 Journal of oral rehabilitation (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
1343-4934 Journal of oral science Nihon University School of Dentistry
1880-4926 Journal of oral science (e-vir) Nihon University School of Dentistry
0022-3255 Journal of oral surgery American Dental Association.
0095-9618 Journal of oral surgery, anesthesia, and hospital dental service American Dental Association.
0449-2889 Journal of Oral Therapeutics and Pharmacology
0022-3263 Journal of organic chemistry American Chemical Society.
1520-6904 Journal of organic chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0022-328X Journal of organometallic chemistry Elsevier Sequoia
1872-8561 Journal of organometallic chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
0378-5203 Journal of organometallic chemistry library Elsevier
0317-0209 Journal of orthomolecular psychiatry Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry.
0736-0266 Journal of orthopaedic research Elsevier Science
1554-527X Journal of Orthopaedic Research (e-vir) Elsevier
0949-2658 Journal of orthopaedic science Springer.
1436-2023 Journal of orthopaedic science (e-vir) Springer
0475-2058 Journal of Osaka Dental University Library, Osaka Dental University
0473-4599 Journal of Osaka University Dental School Osaka University. Faculty of Dentistry
1584-9953 Journal of Ovonic Research (e-vir) INOE
1842-2403 Journal of Ovonic Research INOE.
0885-3924 Journal of pain and symptom management Elsevier
1873-6513 Journal of pain and symptom management (e-vir) Elsevier
0022-3360 Journal of paleontology Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
1937-2337 Journal of paleontology (e-vir) Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
0022-3379 Journal of palynology Palynological Soc. of India.
0971-7196 Journal of parasitic diseases Indian Society for Parasitology
0975-0703 Journal of parasitic diseases (e-vir) Springer India Pvt. Ltd.
0971-2208 Journal of Parasitology and Applied Animal Biology Ravishankar University, School of Life Sciences.
0148-6071 Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
1941-2444 Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition (e-vir) American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; Sage
0279-7976 Journal of parenteral science and technology Parenteral Drug Association
0368-3494 Journal of pathology and bacteriology Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
0334-018X Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism Freund Publishing House
2191-0251 Journal of pediatric endocrinology and metabolism de Gruyter
0277-2116 Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition Raven Press
1536-4801 Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1077-4114 Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology Raven Press
1536-3678 Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology (e-vir) Raven Press
1304-2580 Journal of pediatric neurology Society of Pediatric Science
1875-9041 Journal of pediatric neurology (e-vir) IOS Press
1397-002X Journal of peptide research Munksgaard
1399-3011 Journal of peptide research (e-vir) Munksgaard International Publishers
1075-2617 Journal of peptide science John Wiley & Sons
1099-1387 Journal of peptide science (e-vir) European Peptide Society; John Wiley & Sons
0300-5577 Journal of perinatal medicine de Gruyter
1619-3997 Journal of perinatal medicine (e-vir) de Gruyter
0743-8346 Journal of perinatology W.B. Saunders
1476-5543 Journal of perinatology (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group.
0075-4331 Journal of periodontal research Munksgaard.
1600-0765 Journal of periodontal research (e-vir) Blackwell Munksgaard
0022-3484 Journal of Periodontal Research Munksgaard
0022-3492 Journal of periodontology American Academy of Periodontology.
1943-3670 Journal of periodontology (e-vir) American Academy of Periodontology
1348-589X Journal of pesticide science Nihon Noyaku Gakkai
1349-0923 Journal of pesticide science (e-vir) Pesticide Science Society of Japan
1612-4758 Journal of pest science Springer
1612-4766 Journal of pest science (e-vir) Springer
0141-6421 Journal of petroleum geology Scientific Press Ltd
1747-5457 Journal of petroleum geology (e-vir) Scientific Press]
1012-8603 Journal of petroleum research Scientific Research Council.; Petroleum Research Centre.
0920-4105 Journal of petroleum science & engineering Elsevier
1873-4715 Journal of petroleum science & engineering (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0149-2136 Journal of petroleum technology AIME
0022-3530 Journal of petrology Clarendon Press
1460-2415 Journal of petrology (e-vir) Clarendon
1596-8499 Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences Department of Pharmaceutics
0731-7085 Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis Pergamon Press
1873-264X Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis Elsevier Science
2249-1953 Journal of pharmaceutical research and opinion (e-vir) B. R. Nahata College of Pharmacy
0022-3549 Journal of pharmaceutical sciences The Association
1520-6017 Journal of pharmaceutical sciences (e-vir) American Chemical Society and American Pharmaceutical Association; Elsevier
0022-3557 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the United Arab Republic National Information and Documentation Center
0386-846X Journal of pharmacobio-dynamics Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
0090-466X Journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics Plenum Pub. Corp.
1567-567X Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics Kluwer
1573-8744 Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1056-8719 Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods Elsevier
1873-488X Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods Elsevier Science
1347-8613 Journal of pharmacological sciences Japanese Pharmacological Society
1347-8648 Journal of pharmacological sciences (e-vir) Japan Pharmacology Society; Elsevier B.V.
0140-7317 Journal of pharmacotherapy House of Pearse.
0253-8288 Journal of pharmacy University of the Punjab, Faculty of Pharmacy
0257-3865 Journal of pharmacy University of Karachi. Faculty of Pharmacy.
0795-039X Journal of pharmacy Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria
1482-1826 Journal of pharmacy & pharmaceutical sciences (e-vir) Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences.
2042-7158 Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology (e-vir) Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; Wiley]
0022-3573 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
1054-9714 Journal of phase equilibria ASM International
1544-1032 Journal of phase equilibria Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
1547-7037 Journal of phase equilibria and diffusion ASM International
1863-7345 Journal of phase equilibria and diffusion (e-vir) Springer
0278-2901 Journal of photoacoustics Marcel Dekker,
0099-4510 Journal of Photochemical Etching [s.n.].
0047-2670 Journal of photochemistry Elsevier Sequoia
1010-6030 Journal of photochemistry and photobiology Elsevier Sequoia
1389-5567 Journal of photochemistry and photobiology Japanese Photochemistry Association.
1873-2666 Journal of photochemistry and photobiology (e-vir) Elsevier
1873-2682 Journal of photochemistry and photobiology (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
1011-1344 Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology Elsevier Sequoia
0022-3638 Journal of Photographic Science Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain
0914-9244 Journal of photopolymer science and technology Fotoporimäa Konwakai.; SPST.
1225-8555 Journal of Photoscience Korean Society of Photoscience Department of Chemistry, Chungnam National University.
0022-3646 Journal of phycology Phycological Society of America.
1529-8817 Journal of phycology (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
0092-7023 Journal of physical & colloid chemistry Williams & Wilkins Co.
0047-2689 Journal of physical and chemical reference data American Chemical Society.
1063-0651 Journal of physical and chemical reference data American Chemical Society.; American Institute of Physics.; National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.)
1529-7845 Journal of physical and chemical reference data (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
1546-5969 Journal of physical and chemical reference data (e-vir) American Institute of Physics.
1932-7455 Journal of physical chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0894-3230 Journal of physical organic chemistry John Wiley
1099-1395 Journal of physical organic chemistry (e-vir) J. Wiley
0022-3727 Journal of physics Institute of Physics
0022-3735 Journal of physics Institute of Physics; The Physical Society; American Institute of Physics
0301-0015 Journal of physics Institute of Physics
0305-4470 Journal of physics Institute of Physics
0368-3400 Journal of physics Academy of Sciences of the USSR
0953-4075 Journal of physics IOP Publishing
0953-8984 Journal of physics IOP Publishing
0954-3899 Journal of physics IOP Publishing
1361-6447 Journal of physics (e-vir) IOP Publishing
1361-6455 Journal of physics (e-vir) IOP Publishing
1361-6463 Journal of physics (e-vir) IOP Publishing
1361-6471 Journal of physics (e-vir) IOP Publishing
1361-648X Journal of physics (e-vir) IOP Publishing
1742-6588 Journal of physics Institute of Physics Publishing
1742-6596 Journal of physics (e-vir) Institute of Physics Publishing
2051-5685 Journal of physics (e-vir) Institute of Physics (Great Britain)
0022-3719 Journal of Physics Institute of Physics
0022-3689 Journal of physics. A, Proceedings of the Physical Society. General Institute of Physics and The Physical Society
0022-3700 Journal of physics. B. Atomic and molecular physics Institute of Physics
1879-2553 Journal of physics and chemistry of solids (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0250-5312 Journal of physics education National Council of Science Education.
0305-4608 Journal of physics F. Metal physics Institute of Physics
0305-4616 Journal of physics G. Nuclear physics Institute of Physics
0022-3743 Journal of Physics of the Earth Japan Publications Trading Co, Ltd
0928-4257 Journal of Physiology Pergamon; Elsevier
1138-7548 Journal of physiology and biochemistry Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra.
1877-8755 Journal of physiology and biochemistry = Springer
0867-5910 Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Polish Physiological Society
0970-5767 Journal of Phytological Research Phytological Society.
0931-1785 Journal of phytopathology Wiley-Blackwell
1439-0434 Journal of phytopathology (e-vir) Wiley
0742-3098 Journal of pineal research Munksgaard International Publishers
1600-079X Journal of pineal research (e-vir) Munksgaard International Publishers
1789-0993 Journal of planar chromatography, modern TLC (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó
0142-7873 Journal of plankton research Information Retrieval Inc.]; Oxford University Press
1464-3774 Journal of plankton research (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0304-5242 Journal of plantation crops Indian Society for Plantation Crops
0974-1275 Journal of plant biochemistry and biotechnology (e-vir) Society for Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
0971-7811 Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology S. L. Mehta
0972-3862 Journal of Plant Biology Society for Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.
1226-9239 Journal of Plant Biology Botanical Society of Korea.
0142-968X Journal of plant foods Newman
0721-7595 Journal of plant growth regulation Springer
1435-8107 Journal of plant growth regulation (e-vir) Springer.
1742-9145 Journal of plant interactions Taylor & Francis
1742-9153 Journal of plant interactions (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0190-4167 Journal of plant nutrition Taylor & Francis
1532-4087 Journal of plant nutrition (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
1436-8730 Journal of plant nutrition and soil science Wiley-Blackwell
1522-2624 Journal of plant nutrition and soil science (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl.
1125-4653 Journal of plant pathology Edizioni ETS.
2239-7264 Journal of plant pathology (e-vir)
1618-1328 Journal of plant physiology (e-vir) Urban u. Fischer
0176-1617 Journal of Plant Physiology Gustav Fischer Verlag
0973-1717 Journal of Plant Protection and Environment Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology.
1427-4345 Journal of Plant Protection Research Instytut Ochrony Roślin (Poznań); Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ochrony Roślin.; Polskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Roślin.
1899-007X Journal of Plant Protection Research Institute of Plant Protection; Committee of Plant Protection of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Polish Society of Plant Protection
0918-9440 Journal of plant research Botanical Society of Japan
1618-0860 Journal of plant research Springer
0976-3880 Journal of plant science research (e-vir) MD Publications Pvt. Ltd.
1816-4951 Journal of plant sciences Asian Network for Scientific Information
0022-3778 Journal of plasma physics Cambridge University Press
1469-7807 Journal of plasma physics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
8756-0879 Journal of plastic film & sheeting Technomic Pub. Co.
1530-8014 Journal of plastic film and sheeting Technomic Pub. Co.
0334-6447 Journal of polymer engineering Freund Publishing House
2191-0340 Journal of polymer engineering de Gruyter
0970-0838 Journal of Polymer Materials Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd..
1022-9760 Journal of polymer research Springer
1572-8935 Journal of polymer research (e-vir) Springer
1566-2543 Journal of polymers and the environment Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press
1572-8919 Journal of polymers and the environment (e-vir) Kluwer
0022-3832 Journal of polymer science Interscience Publishers.
0098-1273 Journal of polymer science Interscience Publishers
0360-6384 Journal of polymer science Interscience Publishers
0360-8905 Journal of polymer science Wiley
0449-2951 Journal of polymer science Interscience Publishers.
0449-296X Journal of polymer science Interscience Publishers.
0449-2986 Journal of polymer science Interscience Publishers
0449-2994 Journal of polymer science Interscience
0887-624X Journal of polymer science Wiley
0887-6258 Journal of polymer science Wiley
0887-6266 Journal of polymer science Wiley
1099-0488 Journal of polymer science (e-vir) Wiley
1099-0518 Journal of polymer science (e-vir) Wiley
1543-0472 Journal of polymer science (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1543-0480 Journal of polymer science John Wiley & Sons
1936-0959 Journal of polymer science (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0376-0383 Journal of Polymer Science Interscience Publishers
0368-3621 Journal of pomology and horticultural science
1380-2224 Journal of porous materials Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-4854 Journal of porous materials (e-vir) Kluwer
1091-028X Journal of porous media Marcel Dekker
1934-0508 Journal of porous media (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
1088-4246 Journal of porphyrins and phthalocyanines Wiley.
1099-1409 Journal of porphyrins and phthalocyanines J. Wiley
0022-3859 Journal of postgraduate medicine (e-vir) Seth G. S. Medical College and K. E. M. Hospital
0972-2823 Journal of postgraduate medicine Seth G.S. Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital
1346-7395 Journal of poultry science Japan Poultry Science Association
1349-0486 Journal of poultry science (e-vir) Japan Poultry Science Association
0147-698X Journal of powder & bulk solids technology International Powder Institute.
0378-7753 Journal of power sources Elsevier Sequoia
1873-2755 Journal of power sources (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0094-9930 Journal of pressure vessel technology American Society of Mechanical Engineers
1528-8978 Journal of pressure vessel technology (e-vir) ASME
0959-1524 Journal of process control Butterworth-Heinemann
1873-2771 Journal of process control Elsevier Science
0569-7964 Journal of professional practice American Society of Civil Engineers
0748-4658 Journal of propulsion and power American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
1533-3876 Journal of propulsion and power American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
1059-941X Journal of prosthodontics W.B. Saunders Co.
1532-849X Journal of prosthodontics (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0277-8033 Journal of protein chemistry Plenum Press
1573-4943 Journal of protein chemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
1535-3893 Journal of proteome research American Chemical Society
1535-3907 Journal of proteome research (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0022-393X Journal of psychedelic drugs Haight-Ashbury Medical Clinic.; Medical Center Psychopharmacology Study Group (San Francisco, Calif.); Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic.; Student Association for the Study of Hallucinogens.
1879-1379 Journal of psychiatric research (e-vir) Elsevier
0022-3956 Journal of Psychiatric Research Pergamon Press
0279-1072 Journal of psychoactive drugs Published by Haight-Ashbury Publications in association with the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic
2159-9777 Journal of psychoactive drugs (e-vir) Haight-Ashbury Publications in association with the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic
0269-8811 Journal of psychopharmacology Oxford University Press
1461-7285 Journal of psychopharmacology (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0449-3044 Journal of Psychopharmacology
0022-3999 Journal of psychosomatic research Pergamon Press
1879-1360 Journal of psychosomatic research (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0826-6220 Journal of pulp and paper science Technical Section. Canadian Pulp and Paper Association
0255-3643 Journal of pure and applied sciences Islamia University, Faculty of Science.
0022-4057 Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences Middle East Technical University
0256-4637 Journal of pure and applied ultrasonics Ultrasonic Society of India.
1082-3999 Journal of pyrotechnics Journal of Pyrotechnics
0022-4073 Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer Pergamon Press
1089-2796 Journal of quantitative trait loci (e-vir) Crop Science Society of America.
0361-6428 Journal of radiation curing Technology Marketing Corp.
0449-3060 Journal of radiation research Japan Radiation Research Society.
1349-9157 Journal of radiation research (e-vir) Japan Radiation Research Society
0236-5731 Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry Elsevier; Akadémiai K
1588-2780 Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers
0952-4746 Journal of radiological protection IOP Publishing
1361-6498 Journal of radiological protection (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0095-9596 Journal of radiology Radiological Society of North America.; American College of Radiology and Physiotherapy.
0972-6306 Journal of Rajasthan Academy of Physical Sciences Rajasthan Academy of Physical Sciences.; RAOPS.
0377-0486 Journal of Raman spectroscopy Wiley
1097-4555 Journal of Raman spectroscopy (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0022-409X Journal of range management Society for Range Management, etc.]
2162-2728 Journal of range management (e-vir) American Society of Range Management.; Society for Range Management.
1060-3999 Journal of rapid methods and automation in microbiology Food & Nutrition Press
1745-4581 Journal of rapid methods and automation in microbiology Food & Nutrition Press; Blackwell Publishing; Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
0970-1990 Journal of Recent Advances in Applied Sciences Evoker Research Perfecting Co..
1079-9893 Journal of receptor and signal transduction research Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1532-4281 Journal of receptor and signal transduction research (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0197-5110 Journal of receptor research Dekker
0731-6844 Journal of reinforced plastics and composites Technomic Pub. Co.
1530-7964 Journal of reinforced plastics and composites (e-vir) Technomic Pub. Co.
0916-8818 Journal of reproduction and development Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction
1348-4400 Journal of reproduction and development Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction
0022-4251 Journal of Reproduction and Fertility Journals of Reproduction and Fertility Ltd
0449-3087 Journal of reproduction and fertility. Supplement Journals of Reproduction and Fertility Ltd
0254-3583 Journal of reproductive biology and comparative endocrinology Society for Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology.
0165-0378 Journal of reproductive immunology Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press; Elsevier
1872-7603 Journal of Reproductive Immunology (e-vir) Elsevier
0024-7758 Journal of reproductive medicine Journal of reproductive medicine,Inc.
0502-2568 Journal of research, National Bureau of Standards The Bureau; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0048-6019 Journal of Research, Punjab Agricultural University Agricultural Information Officer
1021-1012 Journal of research, science Bahauddin Zakariya University
0250-5320 Journal of research. Visva-Bharati Visva-Bharati.
0365-9313 Journal of research and development - British Cast Iron Research Association British Cast Iron Research Association.
0258-1728 Journal of Research - Assam Agricultural University Directorate of Research, Assam Agricultural University.; Assam Agricultural University, Directorate of Research.
0378-5939 Journal of research communication studies Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company
1735-1995 Journal of research in medical sciences Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
1735-7136 Journal of research in medical sciences (e-vir) Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
0022-4308 Journal of research in science teaching Wiley
1098-2736 Journal of research in science teaching Wiley
0022-4316 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards The Bureau; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0022-4332 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards [U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards]
0022-4340 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards The Bureau; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0160-1741 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
2376-5704 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards (e-vir) United States.
1044-677X Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology; U.S. G.P.O., distributor
2165-7254 Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (e-vir) U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Technology Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology
1544-8053 Journal of residuals science and technology DEStech Publications,
0097-0360 Journal of rheology American Institute of Physics,; Society of Rheology (U.S.),; Chemical Foundation (U.S.),
0148-6055 Journal of rheology J. Wiley for the Society of Rheology
1520-8516 Journal of rheology online American Institute of Physics for the Society of Rheology
0315-162X Journal of rheumatology Journal of rheumatology Publ.
0380-0903 Journal of rheumatology. Supplement s.n.
1747-0854 Journal of RNAi and gene silencing (e-vir) Library Publishing Media
0378-2409 Journal of root crops Indian Soc. for Root Crops
1511-1768 Journal of rubber research Lembaga Getah Malaysia
2524-3993 Journal of rubber research (e-vir) Springer Singapore
0972-9054 Journal of Rural Technology Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
1071-2836 Journal of Russian laser research Consultants Bureau
1573-8760 Journal of Russian laser research (e-vir) Kluwer
0581-3190 Journal of Saint Barnabas Medical Center Saint Barnabas Medical Center (Livingston, N.J.)
1530-7972 Journal of sandwich structures & materials (e-vir) Technomic Pub. Co.
1319-6103 Journal of Saudi Chemical Society Saudi Chemical Society
2212-4640 Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (e-vir) Saudi Chemical Society
0387-5253 Journal of S C C J Nihon Keshohin Gijutsushakai; Nihon keshohin gijutsushakai
0374-8618 Journal of science [s.n.].
0377-9947 Journal of science Tri-Chandra Campus Science Association.
0022-4413 Journal of Science and Engineering Research Indian Institute of Technology, Shri B. N. Banerjea, Librarian and Secy
0250-5339 Journal of science and technology Department of Zoology, University of Peshawar.
0124-5481 Journal of science education Revista de educación en ciencias
1059-0145 Journal of science education and technology Plenum Press
1573-1839 Journal of science education and technology (e-vir) Kluwer
0370-5862 Journal of science of labour. Part 2 Institute for Science of Labour, Tokyo and Kawasaki.
0439-173X Journal of Science of the Hiroshima University Hiroshima Daigaku. Rigakubu
0386-3034 Journal of science of the Hiroshima University. Series A Physics and chemistry Hiroshima University
0368-4113 Journal of Science of the Hiroshima University. Series B, Division 1, Zoology Hiroshima Daigaku.
0075-4374 Journal of Science of the Hiroshima University. Series C, Geology and Mineralogy Hiroshima Daigaku.
1026-5139 Journal of science of the University of Tehran Faculty of Science, University of Tehran
1016-1104 Journal of sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran University of Tehran
2345-6914 Journal of sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran (e-vir) University of Tehran
0022-4448 Journal of Science Technology [s.n.]
0022-4456 Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
0368-4202 Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
0368-4210 Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
0368-4229 Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
0368-4237 Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
0354-5695 Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research Yugoslav Association of Agriculture Engineers and Technicians
0975-1084 Journal of scientific and industrial research (e-vir) National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR
0368-4253 Journal of scientific instruments Institute of Physics
0447-0125 Journal of scientific instruments. Supplement Institute of Physics
0368-4261 Journal of scientific instruments and of physics in industry Institute of Physics
0253-7230 Journal of scientific research Saifia College, Department of Zoology.
0555-7674 Journal of scientific research University of the Punjab
0017-5706 Journal of Scientific Research Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya
0447-0133 Journal of Scientific Research in Indonesia Organization for Scientific Research in Indonesia.
0253-7249 Journal of scientific research in plants & medicines Yogi Pharmacy.
0447-9483 Journal of Scientific Research of the Banaras Hindu University Department of Spectroscopy
1385-1101 Journal of sea research Netherlands Institute of Sea Research; Elsevier Science
1873-1414 Journal of sea research (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0022-4472 Journal of sedimentary petrology Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
1073-130X Journal of sedimentary research SEPM
1527-1404 Journal of sedimentary research SEPM
0146-3071 Journal of seed technology Association of Official Seed Analysts
0887-8250 Journal of sensory studies Wiley Periodicals
1745-459X Journal of sensory studies (e-vir) Blackwell
0260-6275 Journal of separation process technology Childwall University Press Ltd
1615-9306 Journal of separation science Wiley-VCH
1615-9314 Journal of separation science (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl.
1350-7702 Journal of serotonin research Euroscience Press.
0368-4415 Journal of Severance Union Medical College Severance Union Medical College
1001-6686 Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University Shanghai Second Medical University
1007-6417 Journal of Shanghai University Shanghai University Press
1863-236X Journal of Shanghai University (e-vir) Springer
0730-8000 Journal of shellfish research National Shellfisheries Association
1943-6319 Journal of shellfish research (e-vir) National Shellfisheries Association.
0250-5347 Journal of Shivaji University. Science Shivaji University.
0368-4199 Journal of Shivaji University (Humanities and social sciences) Shri Chhatrapati Shivasi University.
0022-4510 Journal of Small Animal Practice Blackwell Scientific Publications
1884-8796 Journal of smooth muscle research (e-vir) Nihon Heikatsukin Gakkai
1342-8152 Journal of smooth muscle research. Japanese Section Nihon Heikatsukin Gakkai
0916-8737 Journal of smooth muscle research = Nihon Heikatsukin Gakkai; Nihon heikatsukin gakkai
0970-339X Journal of Society for Pure and Applied Natural Sciences Society for Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
0022-4561 Journal of soil and water conservation Soil Conservation Society of America
1941-3300 Journal of soil and water conservation (e-vir) Soil Conservation Society of America
0022-457X Journal of soil and water conservation in India Soil Conservation Society of India
1058-8337 Journal of soil contamination Lewis Publishers
1439-0108 Journal of soils and sediments Wiley
1614-7480 Journal of soils and sediments (e-vir) Springer
0022-4588 Journal of Soil Science Clarendon Press
0449-3176 Journal of Soil Science of the United Arab Republic National Information and Documentation Center
0199-6231 Journal of solar energy engineering American Society of Mechanical Engineers
1528-8986 Journal of solar energy engineering (e-vir) ASME
0375-9865 Journal of Solar Energy Science and Engineering
0928-0707 Journal of sol-gel science and technology Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-4846 Journal of sol-gel science and technology (e-vir) Kluwer
Y502-2665 Journal of sol-gel science and technology Kluwer Academic Publishers
0146-0641 Journal of solid-phase biochemistry Plenum Press
0022-4596 Journal of solid state chemistry Academic Press.
1095-726X Journal of solid state chemistry (e-vir) Academic Press
1432-8488 Journal of solid state electrochemistry Springer
1433-0768 Journal of solid state electrochemistry (e-vir) Springer
0095-9782 Journal of solution chemistry Plenum Publishing Corp.
1572-8927 Journal of solution chemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
0022-4618 Journal of South African botany National Botanic Gardens of South Africa
0895-9811 Journal of South American earth sciences Pergamon; Earth Sciences and Resources Institute, University of South Carolina
1873-0647 Journal of South American earth sciences Elsevier Science
1003-7985 Journal of Southeast University Editorial Department of Journal of Southeast University
0022-4650 Journal of spacecraft and rockets American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
1533-6794 Journal of spacecraft and rockets American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
0022-4685 Journal of speech and hearing research The Association
0022-4707 Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness Edizioni Minerva Medica
1742-5468 Journal of statistical mechanics (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0022-4715 Journal of statistical physics Plenum Press.
1572-9613 Journal of statistical physics (e-vir) Kluwer
0022-4731 Journal of Steroid Biochemistry Pergamon Press
0960-0760 Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Pergamon Press
0022-474X Journal of Stored Products Research Pergamon Press
0309-3247 Journal of strain analysis for engineering design Mechanical Engineering Publications
1345-711X Journal of structural and functional genomics Springer Science+Business Media (formerly Kluwer Academic Press)
1570-0267 Journal of structural and functional genomics Kluwer Academic Publishers
1047-8477 Journal of structural biology Academic Press
0022-4766 Journal of structural chemistry Consultants Bureau [etc.]
1573-8779 Journal of structural chemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
1873-1201 Journal of structural geology (e-vir) Elsevier
0191-8141 Journal of Structural Geology Pergamon
0096-882X Journal of studies on alcohol Journal of Studies on Alcohol, inc.
0363-468X Journal of studies on alcohol Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University
1946-6005 Journal of studies on alcohol (e-vir) Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies.
0022-4782 Journal of submicroscopic cytology Editrice Compositori
1122-9497 Journal of submicroscopic cytology and pathology Editrice Compositori.
0368-4423 Journal of sugarcane research [s.n.]
1741-5993 Journal of sulfur chemistry Taylor & Francis
1741-6000 Journal of sulfur chemistry (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0896-1107 Journal of superconductivity Plenum Press
1572-9605 Journal of superconductivity (e-vir) Kluwer
1557-1939 Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism Springer
1557-1947 Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism (e-vir) Springer Science + Business Media
1472-7862 Journal of supramolecular chemistry Elsevier
0091-7419 Journal of supramolecular structure Alan R. Liss.
0275-3723 Journal of supramolecular structure and cellular biochemistry A.R. Liss,
1341-1756 Journal of surface analysis Surface Analysis Society of Japan.
0970-1893 Journal of Surface Science and Technology Indian Society for Surface Science and Technology
1097-3958 Journal of surfactants and detergents AOCS Press
1558-9293 Journal of surfactants and detergents AOCS Press
0022-4790 Journal of surgical oncology A. R. Liss
1096-9098 Journal of surgical oncology (e-vir) Wiley
1095-8673 Journal of surgical research (e-vir) Elsevier
1823-8556 Journal of sustainability science and management Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia
2672-7226 Journal of Sustainability Science and Management (e-vir)
0909-0495 Journal of synchrotron radiation Munksgaard International Publishers
1600-5775 Journal of synchrotron radiation (e-vir) published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard
0265-6582 Journal of synthetic lubrication Leaf Coppin
1557-6841 Journal of synthetic lubrication (e-vir) Leaf Coppin Pub.]
0022-4820 Journal of systems engineering Department of Systems Engineering, University of Lancaster
0971-6408 Journal of Teaching and Research in Chemistry Vidyapuri.
0324-8313 Journal of Technical Physics Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0047-2824 Journal of Technology Bengal Engineering College
0090-3973 Journal of testing and evaluation American Society for Testing and Materials
1945-7553 Journal of testing and evaluation (e-vir) American Society for Testing and Materials]
0368-4563 Journal of Textile Science [s.n.]
0022-4901 Journal of texture studies Wiley Periodicals
1745-4603 Journal of texture studies (e-vir) D. Reidel Pub. Co.
0095-9804 Journal of the A.I.E.E American Institute of Electrical Engineers.
2376-5976 Journal of the A.I.E.E (e-vir) American Institute of Electrical Engineers.
1557-735X Journal of the ACM (e-vir) The Association for Computing Machinery
0253-7257 Journal of the Acoustical Society of India Acoustical Society of India.
0095-9820 Journal of the aero/space sciences Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences (U.S.); Institute of the Aerospace Sciences.
0095-9812 Journal of the aeronautical sciences Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences
0193-3078 Journal of the Aero-Space Transport Division The Society
0368-1327 Journal of the Agricultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago Agricultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago
0368-1335 Journal of the Agricultural Society - University College of Wales University College of Wales, Aberystwyth.
1047-3289 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association The Association
1096-2247 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Air and Waste Management Association
2162-2906 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (e-vir) Air and Waste Management Association
0002-2470 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association Air Pollution Control Association
2376-6107 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association (e-vir) Air Pollution Control Association,
0317-4107 Journal of the Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists.
0378-634X Journal of the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences All-India Institute of Medical Sciences.
0516-6861 Journal of the All-India Institute of Mental Health [s.n.]
0044-7307 Journal of the All-India Ophthalmological Society All-India Ophthalmological Society
0095-9839 Journal of the American Academy of Applied Nutrition American Academy of Applied Nutrition.
0002-7243 Journal of the American Analgesia Society American Analgesia Society.
1547-3317 Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association (e-vir) American Animal Hospital Association
0099-7048 Journal of the American Association for Hygiene and Baths
1559-6109 Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
0099-703X Journal of the American Association for Promoting Hygiene and Public Baths
0095-9847 Journal of the American Association of Cereal Chemists American Association of Cereal Chemists.
0002-7820 Journal of the American Ceramic Society American Ceramic Society
1551-2916 Journal of the American Ceramic Society (e-vir) American Ceramic Society
0002-7863 Journal of the American Chemical Society American Chemical Society
1520-5126 Journal of the American Chemical Society (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0735-1097 Journal of the American College of Cardiology Elsevier Biomedical
1558-3597 Journal of the American College of Cardiology (e-vir) Excerpta Medica
0731-5724 Journal of the American College of Nutrition A.R. Liss
1541-1087 Journal of the American College of Nutrition (e-vir) American College of Nutrition
0730-0913 Journal of the American College of Toxicology American College of Toxicology.
1044-2049 Journal of the American College of Toxicology American College of Toxicology.
0002-8223 Journal of the American Dietetic Association s. n.
0002-8614 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Elsevier Science Pub. Co. for the American Geriatrics Society, etc.
1532-5415 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0197-1360 Journal of the American Institute for Conservation American Institution for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works
1945-2330 Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (e-vir) American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
0002-8967 Journal of the American Institute of Homœopathy American Institute of Homeopathy.
0002-9963 Journal of the American Medical Technologists American Medical Technologists.
0091-7427 Journal of the American Medical Women's Association American Medical Women's Association.
1943-6270 Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association The American Mosquito Control Association
8756-971X Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association The Association
0003-021X Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society American Oil Chemists' Society
1558-9331 Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (e-vir) American Oil Chemists' Society Press
0003-0244 Journal of the American Optometric Association American Optometric Association.
0095-9855 Journal of the American Peat Society American Peat Society.
0003-0465 Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association American Pharmaceutical Association
0095-9553 Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association American Pharmaceutical Association
0095-9561 Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association American Pharmaceutical Association
1086-5802 Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association American Pharmaceutical Association.
0095-9073 Journal of the American Rocket Society The American Rocket Society
0003-1062 Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science American Society for Horticultural Science
2327-9788 Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science (e-vir) American Society for Horticultural Science
0002-8231 Journal of the American Society for Information Science John Wiley & Sons
1097-4571 Journal of the American Society for Information Science (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1532-2882 Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1532-2890 Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
Y503-941X Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1044-0305 Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
1879-1123 Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (e-vir) Springer
0095-9650 Journal of the American Society of Agronomy American Society of Agronomy.
0361-0470 Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists American Society of Brewing Chemists.
1943-7854 Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists (e-vir) American Society of Brewing Chemists
0095-9081 Journal of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers.
0095-909X Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0099-7056 Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers American Society of Naval Engineers
1046-6673 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Williams & Wilkins
1533-3450 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (e-vir) Williams & Wilkins
0003-1216 Journal of the American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists
0162-1459 Journal of the American Statistical Association American Statistical Association
1537-274X Journal of the American Statistical Association (e-vir) American Statistical Association
0003-1488 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association American Veterinary Medical Association.
1943-569X Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (e-vir) [American Veterinary Medical Association]
1093-474X Journal of the American Water Resources Association AWRA
1752-1688 Journal of the American Water Resources Association (e-vir) American Water Resources Association
0003-150X Journal of the American Water Works Association The Association
1551-8833 Journal of the American Water Works Association (e-vir) Waverly Press; American Water Works Association; American Water Works Association
0368-1378 Journal of the American Zinc Institute
0003-2778 Journal of the Anatomical Society of India Dep of Anatomy, Medical College.
2352-3050 Journal of the Anatomical Society of India (e-vir) Elsevier
0368-1246 Journal of the Annamalai University [s.n.]
0517-8738 Journal of the Annamalai University. Part B: Sciences Annamalai University.
0368-4695 Journal of the Arab Veterinary Medical Association (s.n.)
0004-1378 Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science Arizona Academy of Science
2169-2076 Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science (e-vir) Arizona Academy of Science
0193-8509 Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science Arizona Nevada Academy of Science
1533-6085 Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science (e-vir) Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science
0004-2625 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Arnold Arboretum.
2474-3283 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum (e-vir) [Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University]
0368-3303 Journal of the Asiatic Society Asiatic Society
0368-4326 Journal of the Asiatic Society. Science Asiatic Society.
0368-1068 Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Asiatic Society of Bengal
0368-1300 Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Letters Asiatic Society of Bengal.
0368-1076 Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Science Asiatic Society of Bengal.
0587-1921 Journal of the Assam Science Society Assam Science Society.
0884-0776 Journal of the ASSE The Society
0004-5411 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery Association for Computing Machinery
0304-5269 Journal of the Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in Africa. Supplement Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in Africa.; Association pour l'avancement en Afrique des sciences de l'agriculture.
0095-9545 Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges Association of American Medical Colleges,
0095-9103 Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies Association of Engineering Societies (U.S.)
0368-1882 Journal of the Association of Engineers and Architects in Israel Association of Engineers and Architects in Israel.
0368-1092 Journal of the Association of Engineers and Architects in Palestine Association of Engineers and Architects in Palestine.
0095-9111 Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists The Association
0004-5756 Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists The Association of Official Analytical Chemists
0004-5780 Journal of the Association of Public Analysts Association of Public Analysts
0950-7817 Journal of the Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.
0022-4928 Journal of the atmospheric sciences American Meteorological Society.
1520-0469 Journal of the atmospheric sciences (e-vir) American Meteorological Society
1018-6689 Journal of the Australasian Ceramic Society Australasian Ceramic Society.
0004-881X Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society Australian Ceramic Society, c/o Dep of Ceramic Engineering, The University of New South Wales.
0004-9050 Journal of the Australian Entomological Society Australian Entomological Society.
0045-0545 Journal of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science Australian Institute of Agricultural Science.
0004-9352 Journal of the Australian Institute of Metals Australian Institute of Metals.
0165-1838 Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System Elsevier
1310-4772 Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association SciBulCom Co Ltd.
1022-016X Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society Department of Chemistry, University of Dhaka
0368-1424 Journal of the Biological Board of Canada Biological Board of Canada.
0006-3215 Journal of the Biological Photographic Association Biological Photographic Association.
0366-0702 Journal of the Birla Institute of Technology and Science Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Faculty of Engineering and Technology
0368-1440 Journal of the Birmingham Metallurgical Society Birmingham Metallurgical Society.
0569-7921 Journal of the Board of Direction ASCE Board of Direction.
0006-6982 Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society Bombay Natural History Society.
0006-8012 Journal of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers Boston Society of Civil Engineers.
0099-6653 Journal of the Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest College
0103-5053 Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society Brazilian Chemical Society
1678-4790 Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
0524-5133 Journal of the British Ceramic Society British Ceramic Society
0368-1394 Journal of the British Dental Association Baillière, Tindall & Cox.
0007-0750 Journal of the British Grassland Society British Grassland Society
0538-0022 Journal of the British Institution of Radio Engineers British Institution of Radio Engineers
0007-084X Journal of the British Interplanetary Society the Society
0521-131X Journal of the British Nuclear Energy Conference British Society for Nuclear Energy
0007-1587 Journal of the British Nuclear Energy Society Thomas Telford
0368-1564 Journal of the British Wood Preserving Association [s.n.]
0099-4502 Journal of the California State Dental Association and the Nevada State Dental Society
0008-2902 Journal of the Canadian Association of Radiologists Canadian Association of Radiologists.
0068-8444 Journal of the Canadian Ceramic Society Canadian Ceramic Society
0008-3372 Journal of the Canadian Dental Association Canadian Dental Association.
0008-3399 Journal of the Canadian Dietetic Association Canadian Dietetic Association.
0368-1599 Journal of the Cancer Research Committee of the University of Sydney Australasian Medical Publishing Co..
0368-1602 Journal of the Central Bureau for Animal Husbandry and Dairying in India Imperial Council of Agricultural Research (India)
1360-4015 Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management.
0368-1661 Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa Chemical and Metallurgical Society of South Africa
0366-8126 Journal of the Chemical and Metallurgical Society of South Africa Chemical and Metallurgical Society of South Africa
0022-4936 Journal of the Chemical Society Chemical Society
0022-4944 Journal of the Chemical Society Chemical Society
0022-4952 Journal of the Chemical Society Chemical Society
0045-6470 Journal of the Chemical Society Chemical Society
0300-922X Journal of the Chemical Society Chemical Society
0300-9246 Journal of the Chemical Society Chemical Society
0300-9580 Journal of the Chemical Society The Royal Society of Chemistry
0300-9599 Journal of the Chemical Society Faraday Division of the Chemical Society
0368-1645 Journal of the Chemical Society J. Van Voorst
0368-1769 Journal of the Chemical Society The Chemical Society
0956-5000 Journal of the Chemical Society Royal Society of Chemistry
1364-5447 Journal of the Chemical Society (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1364-5455 Journal of the Chemical Society (e-vir) [Royal Society of Chemistry]
1364-5463 Journal of the Chemical Society (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1364-5471 Journal of the Chemical Society (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1472-7773 Journal of the Chemical Society Royal Society of Chemistry
1472-7781 Journal of the Chemical Society Royal Society of Chemistry
1472-779X Journal of the Chemical Society Royal Society of Chemistry
2050-5450 Journal of the Chemical Society (e-vir) Chemical Society (Great Britain)
2050-5671 Journal of the Chemical Society Chemical Society; Royal Society of Chemistry
2050-8255 Journal of the Chemical Society Chemical Society
0300-9238 Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday transactions Faraday Division of the Chemical Society
0590-9791 Journal of the Chemical Society. Abstracts [s.n.].
0253-5106 Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan Chemical Society of Pakistan.
0717-9324 Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society Sociedad Chilena de Química
0717-9707 Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society (e-vir) Sociedad Chilena de Química
0379-7368 Journal of the Chinese Biochemical Society Chinese Biochemical Society
0009-4536 Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society The Chinese Chemical Society
0375-8745 Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society [s. n.]
2192-6549 Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society (e-vir) Wiley Online Library]
1876-1062 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers (e-vir) Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers
0368-1653 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers = Chemical Engineering Dep, National Taiwan University
0253-3839 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Zhäongguó gäongchéngshäi xuéhui
1728-7731 Journal of the Chinese Medical Association (e-vir) Chinese Medical Association; Elsevier
1726-4901 Journal of the Chinese Medical Association = Chinese Medical Association.
0304-3541 Journal of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chinese University Publ. Office
0368-1696 Journal of the Chosen Medical Association Jo'seon uihaghoe.
0193-0796 Journal of the City Planning Division The Society
0099-8281 Journal of the Clay Products Institute of America
0096-1701 Journal of the Cleveland Engineering Society Cleveland Engineering Society.
0368-1718 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University Hokkaido Imperial University. College of Agriculture.
0368-1726 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Tohoku Imperial University Tohoku Imperial University. College of Agriculture.
0368-1580 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Tokyo Imperial University Tokyo Imperial University.
0368-1629 Journal of the College of Engineering and Technology, Jadavpur University P. C. V. Mallik
0368-2110 Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo Imperial Univerisity of Tokyo. College of Science.
0735-9799 Journal of the College of Science, King Saud University King Saud University.
0096-2279 Journal of the Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science,
0588-5094 Journal of the Colour Society The Colour Society
0099-4499 Journal of the Connecticut State Medical Society
0569-7948 Journal of the Construction Division American Society of Civil Engineers
0368-1734 Journal of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Australia)
1210-8197 Journal of the Czech Geological Society Česká geologická společnost
0011-8516 Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa Dental Association of South Africa.; Tandheelkundige Vereniging van Suid-Afrika.
0368-1831 Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Kyushu Imperial University, Fukuoka Kyushu Imperial University. Department of Agriculture
0368-1823 Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Union of South Africa Journal of the Department of Agriculture
0368-184X Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Victoria, Australia Dept. of Agriculture.
0368-1858 Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia [Dept. of Agriculture].
0368-1807 Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Porto Rico Department of Agriculture of Porto Rico.; Porto Rico Board of Commissioners of Agriculture.
0304-4513 Journal of the Diabetic Association of India Diabetic Association of India
0013-2411 Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association Dar-El-Hekmah
0013-2446 Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association The Egyptian Public Health Association
2090-262X Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association (Online) (e-vir) The Egyptian Public Health Association
1945-7111 Journal of the electrochemical society (e-vir) Electrochemical Society
0013-4651 Journal of the Electrochemical Society Electrochemical Society
0013-466X Journal of the Electrochemical Society of India The Electrochemical Society of India
0013-4678 Journal of the Electrochemical Society of Japan Electrochemical Society of Japan
0013-6220 Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society (Chapel Hill, N.C.); North Carolina Academy of Science.; University of North Carolina (1793-1962)
0190-8294 Journal of the Energy Division American Society of Civil Engineers
1743-9671 Journal of the Energy Institute The Energy Institute
1746-0220 Journal of the Energy Institute (e-vir) Energy Institute
0044-7951 Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division American Society of Civil Engineers
0071-0725 Journal of the Entomological Society of Australia N.S.W Entomological Society of Australia (N.S.W.)
0071-0733 Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia Entomological Soc. of British Columbia.
1929-7890 Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia (e-vir) Entomological Society of British Columbia.
0013-8789 Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa Entomological Society of Southern Africa.
0090-3914 Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division American Society of Civil Engineers.
0955-2219 Journal of the European ceramic society Elsevier
1873-619X Journal of the European Ceramic Society (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0022-5002 Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
1938-3711 Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
0368-2072 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University Hokkaido Imperial University. Faculty of Agriculture.
0018-344X Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University Hokkaido Daigaku. Näogakubu.
0023-6152 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University Kyushu Daigaku Nogakubu
0082-5360 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University Tottori daigaku nougakubu.; Maruzen.
0368-2099 Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Imperial University Tokyo Imperial University. Faculty of Engineering.
0368-2102 Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo University of Tokyo. Faculty of Engineering.
0037-3818 Journal of the Faculty of Engineering. Shinshu University Shinshu University. Faculty of Engineering.
0563-7945 Journal of the Faculty of Engineering. University of Tokyo. Series A. Annual report University, Faculty of Engineering
0563-7937 Journal of the Faculty of Engineering. University of Tokyo. Series B c/o Chairman of the Committee, Central Library of the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Daigaku.
1012-8840 Journal of the Faculty of Marine Science Faculty of Marine Science.
0367-7524 Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy of İstanbul Üniversity İstanbul Üniversitesi
0368-2242 Journal of the faculty of radiologists [s.n.]
0368-2188 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University Hokkaido University. Faculty of Science.
0368-217X Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 2: Physics Hokkaido University.
0368-2153 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 3: Chemistry Hokkaido Daigaku, Rigakubu.
0018-3474 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4: Geology and Mineralogy Hokkaido Daigaku, Rigakubu
0368-2145 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 5: Botany Hokkaido University. Faculty of Science
0441-067X Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics Hokkaido Daigaku. Rigakubu.
0371-7720 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Section 1. Mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry Imperial University of Tokyo.
0040-8999 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Section 2. Geology, mineralogy, geography, seismology Imperial University of Tokyo. Faculty of Science.
0371-7712 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, section 3. Botany Imperial University of Tokyo
0371-7739 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, section 4. Zoology Imperial University of Tokyo. Faculty of Science.
0549-4834 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Niigata University, Series 1. Mathematics, physics, and chemistry Niigata University. Faculty of Science
0549-4842 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Niigata University, series 2. Biology, Geology, and Mineralogy Niigata University. Faculty of Science.
0253-4061 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Riyad University Riyad University Libraries.
0583-063X Journal of the Faculty of Science, Shinshu University Faculty of Science, Shinshu University.
0368-2269 Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo University of Tokyo :; Maruzen.
0040-8980 Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 1A: Mathematics Maruzen Co, Ltd
0368-2250 Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 2: Geology, Mineralogy, Geography, Geophysics Maruzen Co, Ltd
0368-2196 Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 3: Botany Maruzen Co, Ltd :; University of Tokyo
0368-220X Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 4: Zoology Maruzen Co, Ltd.
0373-4722 Journal of the Faculty of Science. University of Tokyo Section 5. Anthropology Faculty of Science
0368-4555 Journal of the Faculty of Textile and Sericulture, Shinshu University, Series A : Biology Shinshäu Daigaku. Sen'i Gakubu.
0583-0656 Journal of the Faculty of Textile and Sericulture, Shinshu University, Series B. Textile engineering Shinshu University. Faculty of Textile and Sericulture
0559-8621 Journal of the Faculty of Textile and Sericulture, Shinshu University, Series C: Chemistry Shinshäu Daigaku. Sen'i Gakubu.
0368-4350 Journal of the Faculty of Textile and Sericulture, Shinshu University, Series D Arts and sciences Shinshäu Daigaku. Sen'i Gakubu.
0559-863X Journal of the Faculty of Textile and Sericulture, Shinshu University, series E. Sericulture Shinshu University. Faculty of Textile and Sericulture.
0368-4598 Journal of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Series A: Biology Shinshu Daigaku Sen'igakubu.
0368-4628 Journal of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Series B: Textile Engineering Shinshu University. Faculty of Textile Science and Technology.
0368-4601 Journal of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Series C: Chemistry Shinshäu Daigaku. Sen'i Gakubu.
0368-458X Journal of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Series D: Arts Shinshu Daigaku Sen'igakubu.
0368-461X Journal of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Series E: Agriculture and Sericulture Shinshu Daigaku Sen'igakubu
0368-4571 Journal of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Series F: Physics and Mathematics Shinshu Daigaku Sen'igakubu
0015-296X Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada Canada. Fisheries Research Board.
0099-8273 Journal of the Florida Academy of General Practice
0160-0958 Journal of the Fluorescent Mineral Society Fluorescent Mineral Society.
0096-5693 Journal of the Forest Products Research Society Forest Products Research Society.
0929-6646 Journal of the Formosan Medical Association Excerpta Medica Asia; Formosan Medical Association; Elsevier
1876-0821 Journal of the Formosan Medical Association (e-vir) Formosan Medical Association; Elsevier Singapore
0016-0032 Journal of the Franklin Institute Pergamon Press
0016-7649 Journal of the Geological Society Geological Society
2041-479X Journal of the Geological Society (e-vir) Geological Society
0016-7614 Journal of the Geological Society of Australia Geological Society's Office Science House.
1018-7057 Journal of the Geological Society of China Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica.; Geological Society of China.
0016-7622 Journal of the Geological Society of India Geological Society of India.
0974-6889 Journal of the Geological Society of India Springer India
0533-8301 Journal of the Geological Society of Iraq Geological Society of Iraq
0435-401X Journal of the Geological Society of Jamaica Geological Society of Jamaica
0016-8238 Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society Georgia Entomological Society.
1341-7932 Journal of the Graduate School and Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo. Series B Tokyo Daigaku. Käogakubu. Käogakukei Kenkyäuka.
0569-7972 Journal of the highway division American Society of Civil Engineers
0440-8152 Journal of the Hillside Hospital International Universities Press.
0022-5037 Journal of the history of ideas Journal of the History of Ideas, Inc.
1086-3222 Journal of the history of ideas (e-vir) Journal of the History of Ideas, Inc.
0022-5045 Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences H. Schuman.
1468-4373 Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
0044-796X Journal of the Hydraulics Division American Society of Civil Engineers
1473-6691 Journal of the ICRU Oxford University Press
1742-3422 Journal of the ICRU (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1052-2883 Journal of the IES Institute of Environmental Sciences.; Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology.
1098-4321 Journal of the IEST Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology
1557-2196 Journal of the IEST (e-vir) Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology.
0099-4480 Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society Illuminating Engineering Society
0368-2560 Journal of the Imperial Fisheries Institute Imperial Fisheries Institute.
0368-2439 Journal of the Incorporated Brewers' Guild Incorporated Brewers' Guild.
0368-2447 Journal of the Incorporated Clerks of Works Association of Great Britain [s.n.]
0579-4749 Journal of the Indian Academy of Forensic Sciences Secy Tr, Indian Academy of Forensic Sciences
0379-5160 Journal of the Indian Academy of Geoscience Osmania University, Dep. of Geology.
0019-4468 Journal of the Indian Botanical Society Indian Botanical Society
0368-2633 Journal of the Indian Ceramic Society [s.n.]
0019-4522 Journal of the Indian Chemical Society Indian Chemical Society
0375-9008 Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, Industrial and News Edition [s.n.]
0971-5037 Journal of the Indian Council of Chemists Indian Council of Chemists
0019-4611 Journal of the Indian Dental Association Indian Dental Association
0019-4964 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science Indian Institute of Science
0368-2668 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science Indian Institute of Science
0368-2676 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science Indian Institute of Science
0368-2684 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science. Section C Indian Institute of Science.
0019-5847 Journal of the Indian Medical Association Indian Medical Association
0368-2625 Journal of the Indian Medical Profession United Asia Publications Pvt. Ltd.
0537-2380 Journal of the Indian Pediatric Society [s.n.]
0046-905X Journal of the Indian Roads Congress Indian Roads Congress
0019-638X Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science Indian Society of Soil Science,Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry.
0974-0228 Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science (e-vir) Indian Society of Soil Science
0368-2609 Journal of the India Society of Engineers [s.n.]
0379-3435 Journal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute.
0367-911X Journal of the Institute of Biology Institute of Biology.
0046-9750 Journal of the Institute of Brewing J. Wiley & Sons
2050-0416 Journal of the Institute of Brewing (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0368-2706 Journal of the Institute of British Foundrymen Institute of British Foundrymen
0368-248X Journal of the Institute of Clerks of Works of Great Britain Incorporated G. W. Harris
0144-2600 Journal of the Institute of Energy Institute of Energy
0020-2886 Journal of the Institute of Fuel Institute of Fuel
0368-251X Journal of the Institute of Geology, Vikram University Vikram University, Institute of Geology
0020-2932 Journal of the Institute of mathematics and its applications Academic Press
0020-2975 Journal of the Institute of Metals Institute of Metals
0020-3068 Journal of the Institute of Petroleum Institute of Petroleum
0474-7976 Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University, series C. Chemistry Osaka City University. Institute of Polytechnics.
0473-4785 Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University, series E. Engineering Osaka City University. Institute of Polytechnics.
0368-3818 Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University, Series G. Geoscience Osaka City University.
0368-380X Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University.Series D: Biology Osaka City University. Institute of Polytechnics
0368-4091 Journal of the Institute of Science Technology Institute of Science Technology.
0020-3203 Journal of the Institute of Wood Science The Institute of Wood Science
2041-9430 Journal of the Institute of Wood Science (e-vir) Maney
0368-2412 Journal of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, London Institution of Automobile Engineers.
0368-1041 Journal of the Institution of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineers Institution of Automotive Engineers, Australia.
0368-2463 Journal of the Institution of Certificated Engineers, South Africa Simon Brookes Associates
0020-3254 Journal of the Institution of Chemists, Calcutta S. N. Mitra Institution of Chemists (India), Chemical Dep, Medical College.
0368-2455 Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers Institution of Civil Engineers
0368-2692 Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Institution of Electrical Engineers.
0020-3351 Journal of the Institution of Engineers Editor, Institution of Engineers (India)
0020-3394 Journal of the Institution of Engineers Editor, Institution of Engineers (India)
0368-1920 Journal of the Institution of Engineers Institution of Engineers
0368-1939 Journal of the Institution of Engineers Editor, Institution of Engineers India
0368-2498 Journal of the Institution of Engineers [s.n.]
0020-336X Journal of the Institution of Engineers. India. Civil Engineering Division Institution of Engineers.
0251-110X Journal of the Institution of Engineers. India. Environmental engineering division BT Nagrani.
0257-4411 Journal of the Institution of Engineers. India. Metallurgy & Material Science Division Institution of Engineers. India.
0379-4318 Journal of the Institution of Engineers Bangladesh Institution of Engineers
0368-2390 Journal of the Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers
0020-3505 Journal of the Institution of Municipal Engineers Institution of Municipal Engineers (Great Britain)
0368-2595 Journal of the Institution of Nuclear Engineers Institution of Nuclear Engineers
0368-2722 Journal of the Institution of Petroleum Technologists Institution of Petroleum Technologists.
0368-2757 Journal of the Institution of Production Engineers [s.n.]
0970-3195 Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, India Institution of Public Health Engineers, India
0368-2765 Journal of the Institution of Sanitary Engineers Institution of Sanitary Engineers
0020-353X Journal of the Institution of Telecommunication Engineers Institution of Telecommunication Engineers
0951-7359 Journal of the Institution of Water and Environmental Management Institution of Water and Environmental Management.
0020-3556 Journal of the Institution of Water Engineers Institution of Water Engineers
0309-1600 Journal of the Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists
0970-9983 Journal of the Instrument Society of India Instrument Society of India.
1466-2094 Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology FDI World Dental Press
0020-5958 Journal of the International Association for Mathematical Geology Plenum Pub. Corp.
0309-6858 Journal of the International Association of Dentistry for Children International Association of Dentistry for Children
1051-2292 Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry Published by International Scientific Communications for the Federation
0020-6695 Journal of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics [s.n.].
1355-6177 Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society Cambridge University Press
1469-7661 Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0021-0587 Journal of the Iowa Medical Society Iowa Medical Society.
1735-207X Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Iranian Chemical Society
1735-2428 Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Iranian Chemical Society
0019-0462 Journal of the IRI Rubber & Technical Press Ltd
0021-1567 Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute The Iron and Steel Institute
0044-7978 Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division American Society of Civil Engineers
0368-279X Journal of the Jamaica Agricultural Society [s.n.]
1346-8804 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute Sekiyu gakkai; Maruzen (Hatsubai); 石油学会 ;; 丸善 (発売); Sekiyu gakkai; Maruzen yushodo, Hatsubai; 石油学会 ;; 丸善雄松堂 (発売)
1349-273X Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute Sekiyu gakkai
0021-4728 Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
0368-2862 Journal of the Junior Institution of Engineers [s.n.]
0022-8567 Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society The Society
1937-2353 Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society (e-vir) Kansas Entomological Society
0453-3348 Journal of the Karnatak University The Editor, Extension Service and Publications, Karnatak University
1811-5934 Journal of the Kenya Chemical Society Kenya Chemical Society.
1017-2548 Journal of the Korean Chemical Society Korean Chemical Society
2234-8530 Journal of the Korean Chemical Society Korean Chemical Society
1738-1428 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association Daehan sin'gyeong gwahaghoe
0372-7327 Journal of the Korean Nuclear Society Korean Nuclear Society
0374-4884 Journal of the Korean Physical Society Korean Physical Society
1976-8524 Journal of the Korean Physical Society (e-vir) Korean Physical Society
0023-5776 Journal of the Kuwait Medical Association Kuwait Medical Association
0368-2951 Journal of the Leeds University Textile Students' Association [s.n.]
0457-3331 Journal of the Leeds University Union Chemical Society [Leeds University Union Chemical Society]
0022-5088 Journal of the less-common metals Elsevier Sequoia S.A.
0377-9688 Journal of the Limnological Society of Southern Africa Limnological Society of Southern Africa University of the Orange Free State.
0368-3168 Journal of the Madras Agricultural Students' Union [s.n.]
0464-3607 Journal of the Madras Institute of Technology [s.n.]
0368-3192 Journal of the Madras University
0368-3184 Journal of the Madras University. Section B: Mathematical, Physical and Biological Sciences University of Madras
0025-0422 Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
0368-2994 Journal of the Malaria Institute of India [s.n.]
0368-3125 Journal of the Malaya Branch of the British Medical Association
0025-3146 Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India Marine Biological Association of India
0025-3154 Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom Cambridge University Press
1469-7769 Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (e-vir) Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
1340-8097 Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan.
2191-0243 Journal of the mechanical behavior of materials de Gruyter
0334-8938 Journal of the mechanical behaviour of materials Freund Publishing House
0022-5096 Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids Pergamon Press
1873-4782 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (e-vir) Elsevier
0368-2986 Journal of the Medical Association of Éire Medical Association of Éire
0025-7028 Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia Medical Association of Georgia.
0368-3052 Journal of the Medical Association of South Africa Medical Association of South Africa
0025-7524 Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey Medical Society of New Jersey.; Medical Society of New Jersey.
0368-3176 Journal of the Metallurgical Club, Royal College of Science and Technology Metallurgical Club (Royal College of Science and Technology (Glasgow, Scotland))
0368-3044 Journal of the Metallurgical Club, University of Strathclyde Metallurgical Club (Royal College of Science and Technology (Glasgow, Scotland))
0026-1165 Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan Nippon Kisho Gakkai
1665-9686 Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society Sociedad Química de México
1870-249X Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society Sociedad Química de México
1079-8501 Journal of the Microscopy Society of America Microscopy Society of America.
0368-3133 Journal of the Mie Medical College Prefectural Medical College of Mie.
0368-3206 Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa Associated Scientific and Technical Societies of South Africa
0568-7365 Journal of the Mining College, Akita University, Series A: Mining Geology Akita Daigaku Kozangakubu
0026-539X Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science Minnesota Academy of Science (1932- )
0076-9436 Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi Academy of Sciences.
0096-4255 Journal of the Missouri Water and Sewerage Conference Missouri.
0960-0175 Journal of the Moscow Physical Society Moscow Physical Society.
0099-9695 Journal of the Mount Sinai Hospital, New York Mount Sinai Hospital (New York, N.Y.); Mount Sinai Hospital (New York, N.Y.).
0368-3222 Journal of the Mysore Agricultural and Experimental Union [s.n.]
0547-3616 Journal of the National Agricultural Society of Ceylon National Agricultural Soc. of Ceylon.
0027-8874 Journal of the National Cancer Institute United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare
1052-6773 Journal of the National Cancer Institute U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health; Oxford University Press
1460-2105 Journal of the National Cancer Institute (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1745-6614 Journal of the National Cancer Institute (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1540-1405 Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Jones and Bartlett; Cold Spring; Harborside Press
1540-1413 Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (e-vir) National Comprehensive Cancer Network
0077-4790 Journal of the National Institute of Agricultural Botany National Institute of Agricultural Botany (Great Britain); National Institute of Agricultural Botany (Great Britain)
0027-9684 Journal of the National Medical Association Appleton-Century-Crofts
1943-4693 Journal of the National Medical Association (e-vir) [Appleton-Century-Crofts]
0028-0011 Journal of the National Research Council of Thailand.; วารสารสำนักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแห่งชาติ National Research Council
0300-9254 Journal of the National Science Council of Sri Lanka National Science Council.
1391-4588 Journal of the National Science Foundation National Science Foundation.
2362-0161 Journal of The National Science foundation of Sri Lanka (e-vir) National Science Foundation
0271-776X Journal of the National Technical Association National Technical Association (U.S.)
0022-510X Journal of the neurological sciences Elsevier
1878-5883 Journal of the neurological sciences (e-vir) Elsevier
0028-8845 Journal of the Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Newark Beth Israel Medical Center (Newark, N.J.)
0028-4939 Journal of the New England Water Works Association New England Water Works Association.
0028-7199 Journal of the New York Entomological Society (e-vir) Allen Press
1937-2361 Journal of the New York Entomological Society New York Entomological Society
0545-6258 Journal of the New York Medical College, Flower and Fifth Avenue Hospitals
0110-635X Journal of the New Zealand Dietetic Association New Zealand Dietetic Association.
0028-8225 Journal of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry New Zealand Institute of Chemistry.
0078-0715 Journal of the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research
1343-9944 Journal of the Nippon dental university Society of the Nippon Dental University
0374-8049 Journal of the Oceanological Society of Korea Hangug haeyanghag hoe
0030-1337 Journal of the Oil and Colour Chemists' Association Oil and Colour Chemists' Association
0970-4094 Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India Oil Technologists' Association of India
0096-3984 Journal of the Operations Research Society of America Operations Research Society of America.
0030-3941 Journal of the Optical Society of America The Society
1084-7529 Journal of the Optical Society of America The Society
1520-8532 Journal of the Optical Society of America (e-vir) The Society
1520-8540 Journal of the Optical Society of America (e-vir) The Society
0740-3224 Journal of the Optical Society of America.Series B,optical physics. The Society
0093-4119 Journal of the Optical Society of America and review of scientific instruments Optical Society of America.
1226-4776 Journal of the optical society of Korea Optical Society of Korea
2093-6885 Journal of the Optical society of Korea (e-vir) Optical Society of Korea
0219-6336 Journal of theoretical & computational chemistry World Scientific
1793-6888 Journal of theoretical and computational chemistry (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
0022-5193 Journal of theoretical biology Academic Press.
1095-8541 Journal of theoretical biology (e-vir) Academic Press
0727-761X Journal of theoretical neurobiology Australian Scientific Press.
1529-3548 Journal of theoretics (e-vir) Journal of Theoretics
0030-6207 Journal of the Oslo City Hospitals Oslo City Hospital Board
0368-3362 Journal of the Osmania University [s.n.]
0030-9982 Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association Pakistan Medical Association
0161-1933 Journal of the Parenteral Drug Association Parenteral Drug Association.
0096-3577 Journal of the Patent Office Society Patent Office Society
0097-6792 Journal of the PCA Research and Development Laboratories Portland Cement Association.
1044-6753 Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science Pennsylvania Academy of Science.
2475-1898 Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science (e-vir) Pennsylvania Academy of Science
0099-8265 Journal of the Pennsylvania Water Works Operators' Association Raymond N. Snyder.
1085-9489 Journal of the peripheral nervous system Woodland Publications
1529-8027 Journal of the peripheral nervous system (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0375-8737 Journal of the Pharmaceutical Association of Thailand Pharmaceutical Association of Thailand.
0379-5500 Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society. Pilani Birla Institute of Technology & Science.
0099-4472 Journal of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
0480-2756 Journal of the Philadelphia General Hospital
0368-3605 Journal of the Philippine Islands Medical Association Philippine Medical Association.
0031-7748 Journal of the Philippine Medical Association Philippine Medical Association.
0368-3826 Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Philippine Pharmaceutical Association.
0096-5812 Journal of the Photographic Society of America Photographic Society of America.
0368-363X Journal of the Photomicrographic Society [s.n.]
0031-9015 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Physical Society of Japan
1347-4073 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (e-vir) Physical Society of Japan
0569-8014 Journal of the Pipeline Division The Society
0554-4742 Journal of the Polarographic Society Hafner Publishing Co.
0537-0981 Journal of the Post-Graduate School, Indian Agricultural Research Institute Shri A. P. Talwar
0569-8030 Journal of the Power Division The Society
0368-3915 Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club Quekett Microscopical Club (London, England)
1752-8976 Journal of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (e-vir) JRAAS Ltd.
0554-7415 Journal of the Research and Development Laboratories, Portland Cement Association
0034-530X Journal of the Research Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido University Research Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido University.
0485-2044 Journal of the Rio Grande Valley Horticultural Society Rio Grande Valley Horticultural Society.
0368-4466 Journal of thermal analysis Heyden & Son; Akadémiai Kiadó.
1388-6150 Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1588-2926 Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers
Y503-2733 Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers
0306-4565 Journal of Thermal Biology Pergamon Press
1879-0992 Journal of Thermal Biology (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0253-7265 Journal of thermal engineering Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
1097-1963 Journal of thermal envelope and building science Technomic Pub. Co.
0148-8287 Journal of thermal insulation Technomic Pub. Co.]
1065-2744 Journal of thermal insulation and building envelopes Technomic Pub. Co.,
1993-033X Journal of thermal science Science Press; Springer
1003-2169 Journal of Thermal Science Science Press
1059-9630 Journal of thermal spray technology ASM International
1544-1016 Journal of thermal spray technology ASM International; Springer
1607-8829 Journal of thermoelectricity Institute of Thermoelectricity
0887-8722 Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
1533-6808 Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
0892-7057 Journal of thermoplastic composite materials Technomic Pub. Co..
1530-7980 Journal of thermoplastic composite materials Technomic Pub. Co.
0368-3931 Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society Royal Aeronautical Society
0368-4016 Journal of the Royal African Society Macmillan
0080-4134 Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England Royal Agricultural Society of England
0035-8665 Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps Royal Army Medical College
2052-0468 Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps (e-vir) Great Britain.
0035-8681 Journal of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps Royal Army Veterinary Corps.
0368-3990 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal. Science Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal.
0035-8827 Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
0035-8924 Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society Royal Horticultural Society (Great Britain)
0368-3958 Journal of the Royal Institute of Chemistry Royal Institute of Chemistry
2050-9235 Journal of the Royal Institute of Chemistry (e-vir) Royal Institute of Chemistry.
0368-3982 Journal of the Royal Institute of Public Health Royal Institute of Public Health (Great Britain)
2753-555X Journal of the Royal Institute of Public Health (e-vir) The Institute
0368-3974 Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society [s.n.]
0035-9033 Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service Great Britain.; Royal Naval Medical School (Great Britain)
0370-7245 Journal of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce Secy, Royal Society for Arts.
1742-5662 Journal of the Royal Society interface (e-vir) Royal Society
1742-5689 Journal of the Royal Society interface The Royal Society
0035-9114 Journal of the Royal Society of Arts Published for the Society by George Bell
0141-0768 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Royal Society of Medicine
1758-1095 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (e-vir) Academic Press
0303-6758 Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand Royal Society of New Zealand
1175-8899 Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis
0035-922X Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia [S.n.]
0250-5355 Journal of the Royal Swaziland Society of Science and Technologie Royal Swaziland Society of Science and Technology.
0035-9289 Journal of the Royal United Service Institution Royal United Service Institution (Great Britain)
0035-953X Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya Rubber Research Institute of Malaya.
0044-7986 Journal of the sanitary engineering division American Society of Civil Engineers
1344-2929 Journal of the School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo Tokyo Daigaku Käogakubu, Käogakukei Kenkyäuka.
0368-427X Journal of the Science Association, Maharajah's College [s.n.]
0368-4083 Journal of the Science Club Publication Officer, The Science Club
0022-5142 Journal of the science of food and agriculture Academic Press
0449-3257 Journal of the science of food and agriculture Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain)
1097-0010 Journal of the science of food and agriculture (e-vir) Published for SCI by John Wiley & Sons
0303-8122 Journal of the Science Society of Thailand Science Soc. of Thailand.
0024-8835 Journal of the Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland Suomen maataloustieteellinen seura
0096-3755 Journal of the scientific laboratories, Denison University Denison University.; Denison Scientific Association.
0036-8822 Journal of the Scientific Research Council of Jamaica Scientific Research Council of Jamaica
0368-4342 Journal of the Scientific Research Institute, Tokyo Scientific Research Institute.
0368-4393 Journal of the Scientific Society, Harcourt Butler Technological Institute and National Sugar Institute, Cawnpore, India Harcourt Butler Technological Institute and Indian Institute of Sugar Technology
0352-5139 Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society Serbian Chemical Society
1820-7421 Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (e-vir) Serbian Chemical Society
0368-413X Journal of the Shanghai Science Institute Shanghai Science Institute
0368-4164 Journal of the Shanghai Science Institute Shanghai Science Institute
0368-4369 Journal of the Shanghai Science Institute Director, Shanghai Science Institute
0368-4121 Journal of the Shanghai Science Institute, Section 2: Geology, Palaeontology, Mineralogy, and Petrology
0368-4180 Journal of the Shanghai Science Institute, Section 3: Systematic and Morphological Biology [s.n.]
0368-4148 Journal of the Shanghai Science Institute, Section 5: General
0080-9209 Journal of the Sheffield University Metallurgical Society University of Sheffield.
1071-5576 Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation Elsevier
1556-7117 Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation (e-vir) Elsevier
0368-4245 Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
0887-4603 Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
1071-0922 Journal of the Society for Information Display The Society
1938-3657 Journal of the Society for Information Display Society for Information Display
0099-8257 Journal of the Society for Non-Destructive Testing
0260-2814 Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection Society for Radiological Protection
1747-390X Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection (e-vir) Society for Radiological Protection
0368-1572 Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain)
0368-1750 Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain)
0368-1777 Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain)
0368-4075 Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London The Society of Chemical Industry
0037-9832 Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists The Society
0037-9840 Journal of the Society of Dairy Technology Society of Dairy Technology
0037-9859 Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists Society of Dyers and Colourists
0368-4105 Journal of the Society of Glass Technology [s.n.]
1345-3769 Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan Muki Materiaru Gakkai
0144-0322 Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists
0037-9921 Journal of the Society of Leather Trades Chemists Society of Leather Trades Chemists
0097-5834 Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers The Society
0514-8499 Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan Society of Naval Architects of Japan
0301-0023 Journal of the Society of Occupational Medicine John Wright & Sons
0044-7994 Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division The Society
0368-4377 Journal of the Soil Science Society of the Philippines Soil Society of the Philippines.
0368-4024 Journal of the South African Association of Analytical Chemists South African Chemical Institute
0038-2078 Journal of the South African Chemical Institute South African Chemical Institute
0375-9873 Journal of the South African Forestry Association South African Forestry Association.; Suid-Afrikaanse Bosbouvereniging.
0368-1114 Journal of the South African Institution of Engineers South African Institution of Engineers
0038-2809 Journal of the South African Veterinary Medical Association South African Veterinary Medical Association
0368-4431 Journal of the Southeastern Agricultural College, Wye, England South-Eastern Agricultural College (Wye, England)
0038-223X Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
2411-9717 Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (e-vir) Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
0561-6832 Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute Sports Turf Research Institute (Bingley, England)
0044-8001 Journal of the Structural Division American Society of Civil Engineers
0569-8073 Journal of the Surveying and Mapping Division American Society of Civil Engineers.
0040-313X Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science Tennessee Academy of Science
2168-8338 Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science (e-vir) Tennessee Academy of Science.
0040-3318 Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association Tennessee Medical Association.
0368-4636 Journal of the Textile Association Textile Association (India)
0368-4474 Journal of the Textile Institute, Abstracts Textile Institute
0368-4482 Journal of the Textile Institute, Proceedings [s.n.]
0368-4504 Journal of the Textile Institute, Proceedings and Abstracts [s.n.]
0368-4490 Journal of the Textile Institute, Transactions Textile Institute
0040-5043 Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan Nippon Sen'i Kikai Gakkai
0377-936X Journal of the Timber Development Association of India Timber Development Assoc..
0368-4458 Journal of the Tokyo College of Fisheries Tokyo College of Fisheries.
0040-9014 Journal of the Tokyo University of Fisheries Tokyo Suisan Daigaku
0097-3785 Journal of the United States artillery Artillery School (Fort Monroe, Va.); Coast Artillery School (U.S.).; Coast Artillery Training Center (U.S.)
0547-1591 Journal of the University Geological Society, Nagpur University Dep of Geology
0368-4644 Journal of the University of Bombay Manager, Journal of the University of Bombay
1314-3859 Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (e-vir) University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
1311-7629 Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy = University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
0435-1428 Journal of the University of Gauhati University of Gauhati
0376-4818 Journal of the University of Kuwait. Science Faculty of Science.
0079-1113 Journal of the University of Peshawar University of Peshawar
0551-4932 Journal of the University of Poona, Science and Technology University of Poona
0368-4687 Journal of the University of Saugar [s.n.]
0582-9747 Journal of the University of Sheffield Geological Society University of Sheffield Geological Society,[1951]-
0569-8081 Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division The Society
0043-0439 Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences Washington Academy of Sciences (Washington, D.C.)
2573-2110 Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences (e-vir) Washington Academy of Sciences
0044-8028 Journal of the Waterways, Harbors, and Coastal Engineering Division The Society
0508-3397 Journal of the West African Institute of Oil Palm Research ????.
0043-3020 Journal of the West African Science Association West African Science Association.
0096-3585 Journal of the Western Society of Engineers Western Society of Engineers (Chicago, Ill.)
0893-8849 Journal of the World Aquaculture Society The Society
1749-7345 Journal of the World Aquaculture Society (e-vir) The Society
0735-0147 Journal of the World Mariculture Society World Mariculture Society.; Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.).; Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.).
0049-8769 Journal of the Zoological Society of India Zoological Society of India.
0022-5223 Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery C.V. Mosby.
0096-5588 Journal of thoracic surgery C. V. Mosby.
1538-7836 Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis (e-vir) Blackwell
1538-7933 Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis Blackwell Publishing
0929-5305 Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-742X Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis (e-vir) Kluwer
0271-8057 Journal of tissue culture methods Tissue Culture Association; Society for In Vitro Biology
0257-716X Journal of Tongji Medical University Tongji Medical University
0388-1350 Journal of toxicological sciences Doku sayo kenkyukai; Doku sayo kenkyukai; Nihon doku kagakkai; Nihon doku kagakkai; Nihon tokishikoroji gakkai; Nihon dokusei gakkai
1880-3989 Journal of toxicological sciences Japanese Society of Toxicology
0914-9198 Journal of toxicologic pathology Japanese Society of Toxicologic Pathology
1881-915X Journal of toxicologic pathology (e-vir) Japanese Society of Toxicological Pathology
0731-3810 Journal of toxicology Marcel Dekker
0731-3829 Journal of toxicology Marcel Dekker
0731-3837 Journal of toxicology M. Dekker
1525-6057 Journal of toxicology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
0098-4108 Journal of toxicology and environmental health Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1087-2620 Journal of toxicology and environmental health (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Health Sciences
1093-7404 Journal of toxicology and environmental health Taylor & Francis
1521-6950 Journal of toxicology and environmental health Taylor & Francis, Inc.
1528-7394 Journal of toxicology and environmental health Taylor & Francis
1226-8399 Journal of Toxicology and Public Health Korean Society of Toxicology
0733-4680 Journal of trace and microprobe techniques M. Dekker
0931-2838 Journal of trace elements and electrolytes in health and disease de Gruyter
0946-672X Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology Elsevier
1880-1447 Journal of traditional medicines Wakan iyaku gakkai,
1479-5876 Journal of translational medicine (e-vir) BioMed Central
0742-4787 Journal of tribology American Society of Mechanical Engineers
1528-8897 Journal of tribology (e-vir) ASME
0971-636X Journal of Tropical Agriculture Kerala Agricultural University.
0973-5399 Journal of Tropical Agriculture Kerala Agricultural University
0970-1494 Journal of Tropical Forestry Society of Tropical Forestry Scientists.
0022-5304 Journal of tropical medicine and hygiene Blackwell Scientific Publications
1607-4106 Journal of tropical microbiology Kenya Society of Microbiology.
1814-7607 Journal of tropical microbiology and biotechnology (e-vir) Kenya Society of Microbiology
0300-9920 Journal of tropical pediatrics and environmental child health J.M.P. Services]
0886-3849 Journal of tumor marker oncology Mary Ann Liebert
1070-437X Journal of turfgrass management Food Products Press
0378-8024 Journal of turkish phytopathology Türkiye fitopatoloji derneægi.; Turkish Phytopathological Society.
2319-8036 Journal of ultra chemistry (e-vir) Ultra Scientist
0973-3450 Journal of Ultra Chemistry Ultra Scientist
0889-1605 Journal of ultrastructure and molecular structure research Academic Press
0022-5320 Journal of ultrastructure research Academic Press
0075-4404 Journal of ultrastructure research Academic Press
1541-6003 Journal of undergraduate chemistry research Virginia Military Institute. Chemistry Dept.
1005-8850 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing Editorial Board of Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing
2212-6430 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (e-vir) University of Science and Technology Beijing
0387-821X Journal of UOEH Sangyo ika daigaku; 産業医科大学
0097-0751 Journal of Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute of Roerich Museum Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute of Roerich Museum.
0734-2101 Journal of vacuum science & technology Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics
0734-211X Journal of vacuum science & technology Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics
1071-1023 Journal of vacuum science & technology American Institute of Physics.
1520-8567 Journal of vacuum science & technology (e-vir) Published for the American Vacuum Society by the American Institute of Physics
1018-1172 Journal of vascular research S.Karger
1423-0135 Journal of vascular research (e-vir) S. Karger
0972-9062 Journal of Vector Borne Diseases M.A. Ansari.
1548-1689 Journal of vegetable science Food Products Press
0096-7025 Journal of venereal disease information United States.
1351-6574 Journal of veterinary anaesthesia R & W Publications
0891-6640 Journal of veterinary internal medicine J.B. Lippincott
1939-1676 Journal of veterinary internal medicine (e-vir) J.B. Lippincott]; American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine; Wiley Periodicals
0916-7250 Journal of veterinary medical science Japanese Society of Veterinary Science.
1347-7439 Journal of veterinary medical science (e-vir) Japanese Society of Veterinary Science
1439-0442 Journal of veterinary medicine Blackwell
0931-184X Journal of veterinary medicine. Series A Parey
0931-1793 Journal of veterinary medicine. Series B Parey
1439-0450 Journal of veterinary medicine. Series B Blackwell
0972-8872 Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology.
0140-7783 Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2885 Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0972-7485 Journal of Veterinary Public Health Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists
0368-4709 Journal of Veterinary Science of the United Arab Republic National Information and Documentation Center
1083-5601 Journal of vinyl & additive technology Society of Plastics Engineers
1548-0585 Journal of vinyl & additive technology Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc.
0193-7197 Journal of vinyl technology Society of Plastics Engineers.
0166-0934 Journal of virological methods Elsevier/North-Holland
1879-0984 Journal of virological methods (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0022-538X Journal of virology American Society for Microbiology.
1098-5514 Journal of virology (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
1343-8875 Journal of visualization äOmusha
1875-8975 Journal of visualization Springer
0022-5398 Journal of Vitaminology Nippon Rinsyosya; Vitamin Society of Japan
0377-0273 Journal of volcanology and geothermal research Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co
1872-6097 Journal of volcanology and geothermal research (e-vir) Elsevier BV
1477-8920 Journal of water and health IWA Publishing
1996-7829 Journal of water and health (e-vir) IWA Publishing; World Health Organization
0163-4526 Journal of water borne coatings Technology Marketing Corp.
0257-7712 Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences West China University of Medical Sciences
1524-511X Journal of wide bandgap materials Technomic Pub.
1530-8081 Journal of wide bandgap materials (e-vir) Technomic Pub. Co.
0090-3558 Journal of wildlife diseases Wildlife Disease Association
1943-3700 Journal of wildlife diseases (e-vir)
0277-3813 Journal of wood chemistry and technology Marcel Dekker
1532-2319 Journal of wood chemistry and technology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
1435-0211 Journal of wood science Springer-Verlag
1611-4663 Journal of wood science (e-vir) Springer.
1000-2413 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology Editorial Office of the Journal of the University
1993-0437 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan University of Technology
1000-923X Journal of Xi'an Medical University Xi'an Medical University
0895-3996 Journal of X-ray science and technology Academic Press; IOS Press
1095-9114 Journal of X-ray science and technology Academic Press; IOS Press
1009-3095 Journal of Zhejiang University Zhejiang University Press
1673-1581 Journal of Zhejiang University Zhejiang University Press
1862-1783 Journal of Zhejiang University Zhejiang University Press; Springer
0253-7273 Journal of zoological research Sardar Nahmood Khan.
0022-5460 Journal of zoology Academic Press
0269-364X Journal of zoology Zoological Society of London.
0952-8369 Journal of zoology Zoological Society of London
1469-7998 Journal of zoology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0379-1130 Journal - Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka.
0368-4296 Journal scientifique de la météorologie Société météorologique de France.
0370-9523 Journal - Society of Engineers Society of Engineers.
0370-8233 Journal - South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
0097-2614 Journal - Southeastern Section, American Water Works Association Ralph R. Silver, Bus Mgr :; American Water Works Association.
0368-4040 Journal suisse d'apiculture Société romande d'apiculture.
0368-4156 Journal suisse d'horlogerie Société des arts de Genève. Classe d'industrie et de commerce.
0368-4172 Journal suisse d'horlogerie et de bijouterie Société des arts de Genève. Classe d'industrie et de commerce.; Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Zeitmesskunde.
0399-029X Journées parisiennes de pédiatrie Flammarion,
0447-9874 Journées pharmaceutiques françaises Société française des sciences et techniques pharmaceutiques.
0288-3996 Jozo ronbunshu Nihon Joyukai
0933-4173 JPC. Journal of planar chromatography, modern TLC Hüthig
0892-9661 JPL publication Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.
0197-8993 JPL SP Jet Propulsion Laboratory (U.S.); United States. Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology.
1470-3203 jraas JRAAS
0389-4304 JSAE review Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
0913-185X JSME international journal Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
0914-8809 JSME international journal Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
0914-8817 JSME international journal Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
1340-8054 JSME international journal Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
1344-7653 JSME international journal Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
1344-7912 JSME international journal Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
1347-5363 JSME international journal (e-vir) Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
1347-5371 JSME international journal (e-vir) Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
0385-5376 JSW technical review Japan Steel Works, Ltd
1005-1902 Ju'anzhi gongye Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0352-1311 Jugoslavenska medicinska biokemija Društvo medicinskih biokemičara Jugoslavije
0448-0171 Jugoslavenska pedijatrija Udruženje pedijatara Jugoslavije
0354-3447 Jugoslovenska medicinska biohemija Farmaceutski fakultet. Zavod za medicinsku biohemiju.
0022-6130 Jugoslovensko vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo Institut za spoljnu trgovinu
0350-2155 Jugoslovensko voćarstvo Jugoslovensko naučno voćarsko društvo
0344-5798 Jül-Conf Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH, Zentralbibliothek.
0073-1749 Julkaisu / Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos.; Statens tekniska forskningsanstalt.; State Institute for Technical Research.
1009-7937 Juluyixi Gai Kan Bianjibu
0529-553X Jungang Uihak Jung-ang uihagsa
0253-6250 Jungang yidaeji Institute of Medical Science, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine.
0389-1844 Junkan seigyo Kodama Kabushiki Gaisha. Shuppanbu
0449-4156 Junkatsu Japan Society of Lubrication Engineers.
1000-5501 Junshi Yixue Kexueyuan yuankan Zhongguo Renmin Jiefangjun Junshi Yixue Kexueyuan
0081-3397 Junta de Energia Nuclear Junta de Energía Nuclear (España)
0022-6769 Juntendō Igaku Juntendō Igakkai
1007-3515 Junwu xitong Kexue Chubanshe
1672-6472 Junwu xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1672-3538 Junwu yanjiu Junwu Yanjiu Zazhishe
1221-5260 Jurnal de medicină preventivă Editura Dosoftei
0128-0333 Jurnal Fizik Malaysia Malaysian Institute of Physics.
0126-9569 Jurnal sains Institut Penyelidikan Getah Malaysia
0126-8376 Jurnal sains farmasi Malaysia Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society.
0128-0155 Jurnal sains nuklear Malaysia Malaysian Nuclear Society
0126-6136 Jurnal sains Pusat Penyelidikan Getah Malaysia Pusat Penyelidikan Getah Malaysia
0368-4660 Jushi kakäo Käobunshi Kagaku Kankäokai.
0075-4617 Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie Verlag Chemie GmbH
0389-5556 Jutsugo Taisha Kenkyäukaishi Jutsugo Taisha Kenkyäukai.
0022-7226 Juzen Igakkai Zasshi Kanazawa Daigaku Juzen Igakkai.
1008-8261 Juzhi gongye Gai Kan Bianjibu
0271-2466 K Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant.; United States. Dept. of Energy.
0368-7015 K'at'ollik Taehak Uihakpu Nonmunjip K'at'ollik Uikwa Taehak.
0452-2176 K'o Hsueh Chi Lu
0452-2206 K'o Hsueh Chin Chan Hsia-men Ta Hsueh Chiao Yen Ch'u,
0368-5489 K'o Hsueh Yu Chi Shu: I K'o Chung Kuo Chuan Kuo Tzu Jan K'o Hsueh Chuan Men Hsueh Hui Lien Ho Hui Sian Fen Hui Pien,
0452-2265 K'o Hsueh Yu Chi Shu: Kung K'o Chung Hua Chuan Kuo Tzu Jan K'o Hsueh Chuan Men Hsueh Hui Lien Ho Hui Sian Fen Hui,
0452-2273 K'o Hsueh Yu Chi Shu: Li K'o Chung Hua Chuan Kuo Tzu Jan K'o Hsueh Chuan Men Hsueh Hui Lien Ho Hui Sian Fen Hui,
1616-430X KA. Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser, Abfall Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Abwassertechnik e.V..
0368-6892 Kačestvennaâ stalʹ.; Качественная сталь Glavnoe upravlenie kačestvennyh stalej i ferrosplavov; Главное управление качественных сталей и ферросплавов.
0453-0527 Kačestvo poverhnosti detalej mašin Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk SSSR.
0385-9932 Kachiku hanshokugaku zasshi Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction.
0453-0551 Kachiku Hanshoku Kenkyukai-Shi Näorinshäo Kachiku Hanshoku Kenkyäukai.
0451-1905 Kachiku Hoken Eisei Gijutsu Kenkyukai-Ho Kachiku Hoken Eisei Gijutsu Kenkyukai, Kachiku Eisei Shikenjo Kenkyu Shijo.
0911-4319 Kachiku Kōkinzai Kenkyūkaihō Kachiku Kōkinzai Kenkyūkai
1340-5535 Kachiku seikagaku Japanese Society of Animal Biochemistry.
0285-9254 Kachiku Seikagaku Kenkyäukaihäo Japanese Society of Animal Biochemistry.
0368-4776 Kaelte-Industrie Hanseatische Verlags-Anstalt
0250-1651 Käexué Fäazhǎn Xíngzhèngyuàn guójiäa käexué wěiyuánhuì.; National Science Council.
0250-7862 Käexué täongbào Science Press
0250-331X Käexué yuèkäan Käexué Yuèkäan shè.
0022-7625 Kagaku Iwanami Shoten.
0451-1964 Kagaku Kagakusha ;; Riko shuppansha ;; Maki shoten ;; Kagaku Dojin
0368-5470 Kagaku, Zokan Kagaku Dojin
0368-4741 Kagaku Asahi Asahi Shinbun-sha.
0385-6003 Kagaku gijutsu bunken sokuho Nihon Kagaku Gijutsu Joho Senta; Kagaku gijutsu shinko jigyodan; Kagaku Gijutsu Shinko Kiko; Ji, sachi
0388-3213 Kagaku Gijutsu Kenkyäujo häokoku National Chemical Laboratory for Industry.
0386-216X Kagaku käogaku ronbunshäu Kagaku Käogakkai
0288-8882 Kagaku käogyäo shiryäo Käogyäo Gijutsuin Kagaku Gijutsu Kenkyäujo.
0285-7960 Kagaku Keisatsu Kenkyäujo häokoku. Häokagaku-hen National Police Agency, Tokyo. National Research Institute of Police Science.; National Research Institute of Police Science, Tokyo.
1881-347X Kagaku keisatsu kenkyujo hokoku; 科学警察研究所報告 Kagaku Keisatsu Kenkyujo; 科学警察研究所
0453-0683 Kagaku keizai Kagaku Keizai Kenkyujo; Kagaku kogyo nipposha
0368-5934 Kagaku Kenkyäusho häokoku Kagaku Kenkyäusho.
0368-4784 Kagaku kikai Kagaku Kikai Kyäokai.
0375-9253 Kagaku kōgaku
0451-2014 Kagaku Kogyo Komine kogyo shuppan; 小峰工業出版; Komine kogyo gijutsu; 小峰工業技術; Kagaku kogyosha; 化學工業社
0451-2030 Kagaku Kojo Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun-Sha
0386-2151 Kagaku kyoiku Nippon Kagakukai
0453-0721 Kagaku no jikken Kyoritsu Shuppan K.K..
0366-628X Kagaku no kenkyäu Asakura Shoten.
0022-2070 Kagaku No Ryoiki Nankodo.
0368-6299 Kagaku No Ryoiki, Zokan Nankodo.
0368-671X Kagaku Ryäohäo Kenkyäujo ihäo Chemotherapeutic Institute for Medical Research, Ichikawa.
0913-2384 Kagaku ryäohäo no ryäoiki Kagaku Ryäohäo Kenkyäukai.
0451-2049 Kagaku Ryoho Kaken Kagaku K K.
0022-7692 Kagakushi kenkyu Nippon Kagakushi Gakkai; Iwanami shoten; 岩波書店; Nihon kagakushi gakkai; 日本科学史学会
0386-9512 Kagakushi kenkyu Kagakushi Kenkyukai; Kagakushi gakkai; Kagakushi gakkai; Kagakushi gakkai
0368-4849 Kagaku Sochi Kogyo Chosakai
0388-2675 Kagaku to jikken Kyäoritsu Shuppan.
0022-7684 Kagaku to käogyäo Chemical Society of Japan.
0368-5918 Kagaku To Kogyo Osaka Koken Kyokai
0368-4830 Kagaku to säosa Keisatsuchäo Kagaku Säosa Kenkyäujo.
0453-073X Kagaku to seibutsu Tokyo Daigaku Shuppan-kai ;; Nihon nougei kagakkai
0918-0869 Kagaku to sofuto'uea Chemical Software Society of Japan.
0289-1700 Kagaku to yakugaku no kyäoshitsu Hirokawa Shoten.
0367-438X Kagami Kenkyäu Häokoku Gifu Käotäo Näorin Gakkäo.
0389-3057 Kagawa Daigaku Kyōiku Gakubu kenkyū hōkoku. Dai 2-bu Kagawa Daigaku. Kyōiku Gakubu
0368-5128 Kagawa Daigaku Nogakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku Kagawa Daigaku Nogakubu
0453-0764 Kagawa Daigaku Nogakubu Kiyo Kagawa Daigaku Nogakubu.
0389-3553 Kagawa-ken Chikusan Shikenjō kenkyū hōkoku Kagawa-ken Chikusan Shikenjō
0289-6737 Kagawa-ken Eisei Kenkyäujohäo Kagawa Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0368-5640 Kagawa-Ken Hakkäo Shokuhin Shikenjäo häokoku Kagawa Prefectural Fermentation and Food Experimental Station.; Kagawa Prefectural Fermented Food Experimental Station.
0918-3124 Kagawa-ken Kankyäo Kenkyäu Sentäa Shohäo Kagawa Prefecture Environmental Research Center.
1347-698X Kagawaken kankyo hoken kenkyu senta shoho Kagawaken kankyo hoken kenkyu senta,
0288-0024 Kagawa-ken Käogai Kenkyäu Sentäa shohäo Kagawa Prefectural Research Center for Environmental Pollution Control.
0388-9548 Kagawa-ken Meizen Tanki Daigaku kenkyäu kiyäo Kagawa-ken Meizen Junior College.
0374-8804 Kagawa-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Kagawa-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo ;; Kagawaken nogyo shikenjo
0368-6000 Kagawa Kenritsu Näoka Daigaku kiyäo Kagawa Kenritsu Näoka Daigaku.
0368-5993 Kagawa Kenritsu Noka Daigaku Gakujutsu Hokoku ????.
0368-6884 Kagawa-ken shäoyu Shikenjäo häokoku Kagawa-ken Shäoyu Shikenjäo.
0389-6439 Kagawa-ken Suisan Shikenjō shiken hōkoku Kagawa-ken Suisan Shikenjō
0388-3744 Kagiken nyäusu, kagaku käogyäo shiryäo Käogyäo Gijutsuin Kagaku Gijutsu Kenkyäujo.
0368-5055 Kagoshima Daigaku Habu Kenkyäukai häokokushäu Kagoshima Daigaku. Igakubu.
0368-5063 Kagoshima Daigaku Igaku Zasshi Kagoshima daigaku igakubu; Kagoshima daigaku igakkai
0288-3724 Kagoshima Daigaku Käogakubu kiyäo Kagoshima University. Faculty of Engineering.
0451-212X Kagoshima Daigaku Kogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Kagoshima Daigaku Kogakubu
0389-6692 Kagoshima Daigaku Kyōiku Gakubu kenkyū kiyō. Shizen kagaku-hen Kagoshima Daigaku. Kyōiku Gakubu
0389-9454 Kagoshima Daigaku Näogakubu Enshäurin häokoku Kagoshima University. Faculty of Agriculture. Research Institution of University Forests.
0453-0845 Kagoshima Daigaku Nogakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku Kagoshima Daigaku Nogakubu
0368-6728 Kagoshima Daigaku Rigakubu kiyäo Kagoshima University. Faculty of Science.
1345-6938 Kagoshima Daigaku Rigakubu kiyäo Kagoshima University. Faculty of Science.
0385-4019 Kagoshima Daigaku Rigakubu kiyäo. Chigaku, seibutsugaku Kagoshima University. Faculty of Science.
0385-4027 Kagoshima Daigaku Rigakubu kiyäo. Säugaku, butsurigaku, kagaku Kagoshima University. Faculty of Science.
0368-5136 Kagoshima Daigaku rika häokoku Kagoshima Daigaku. Kyäoyäobu.
0453-087X Kagoshima Daigaku Suisan Gakubu kiyo Kagoshima Daigaku. Suisan Gakubu
0911-4785 Kagoshima-ken Chagyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Kagoshima Tea Experiment Station.
0289-7512 Kagoshima-ken Eisei Kenkyäujohäo Kagoshima Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
1346-2393 Kagoshima-ken Kankyäo Hoken Sentäa shohäo Kagoshima Prefectural Institute for Environmental Research and Public Health.
0910-5158 Kagoshima-ken Kankyäo Sentäa shohäo Kagoshima Prefectural Institute of Environmental Science.
0388-2012 Kagoshima-ken Käogai Eisei Kenkyäujohäo Kagoshima-ken Käogai Eisei Kenkyäujo.
0916-3905 Kagoshima-ken Kogyo Gijutsu Senta kenkyu hokoku Kagoshima-ken Kogyo Gijutsu Senta; Kagoshimaken kogyo gijutsu senta
0388-8215 Kagoshima-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Kagoshima Agricultural Experiment Station.
0286-1208 Kagoshima Kenritsu Tanki Daigaku kiyo Kagoshima Kenritsu Tanki Daigaku
0389-9314 Kagoshima Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kenkyu hokoku Kagoshima Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko; Kagoshima kogyo koto senmon gakko
0022-7722 Kaibogaku Zasshi Nihon Kaibo Gakkai, c/o Tokyo Daigaku Igakubu Kaibogaku Kyoshitsu
0288-3708 Kaigi Daigakko kenkyu hokoku Kaigi Daigakko
0287-2951 Kaijo Hoan Daigakko kenkyu hokoku. Rikogaku-kei Kaijo Hoan Daigakko
0451-2278 Kaiser Foundation Medical Bulletin
0099-8206 Kaiser Foundation Medical Bulletin, Abstract Issue
0285-4775 Kaishi - Kanagawa-ken Byoin Yakuzaishikai Kanagawa-ken Byoin Yakuzaishikai
1345-1006 Kaisui Sōgō Kenkyūjo kenkyū hōkoku
0386-5177 Kaiyäo Seibutsu, Shinyäo Kenkyäukai häokoku Kaiyäo Seibutsu, Shinyäo Kenkyäukai.
0047-309X Kajian veterinaire Assoc. of Veterinary Surgeons Malaysia-Singapore
1347-3549 Kaju kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku Nogyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko kaju kenkyujo,; Nogyo, seibutsukei tokutei sangyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko kaju kenkyujo; Nogyo, Shokuhin Sangyo Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyu Kiko Kaju Kenkyujo
0916-5851 Kaju Shikenjäo häokoku Fruit Tree Research Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
0385-2326 Kaju Shikenjäo häokoku. A Fruit Tree Research Station, Hiratsuka.; Norinshäo Kaju Shikenjäo, Hiratsuka.; Näorin Suisanshäo Kaju Shikenjäo, Tsukuba.; Fruit Tree Research Station, Tsukuba.
0302-0096 Kaju Shikenjäo häokoku. B Fruit Tree Research Station. Okitsu Branch.; Näorinshäo Kaju Shikenjäo. Okitsu Shijäo.
0385-2334 Kaju Shikenjäo häokoku. C Fruit Tree Research Station. Morioka Branch.; Näorinshäo Kaju Shikenjäo. Morioka Shijäo.
0387-9011 Kaju Shikenjäo häokoku. D Fruit Tree Research Station. Kuchinotsu Branch.; Näorinshäo Kaju Shikenjäo. Kuchinotsu Shijäo.
0385-1915 Kaju Shikenjäo häokoku. E Fruit Tree Research Station. Akitsu Branch.; Näorinshäo Kaju Shikenjäo. Akitsu shijäo.
0386-6041 Kakō gijutsu Sen'isha; Faiba, japan; ファイバー・ジャパン
0385-4876 Kaku däetäa nyäusu Shiguma Iinkai. Jimukyoku :; Nihon genshiryoku kenkyuujo enerugi shisutemu kenkyuubu kaku deta senta.
0022-7854 Kaku igaku Nihon Kaku Igakkai
0289-100X Kakuigaku gijutsu Nippon Kakuigaku Gijutsu Kenkyukai; Nihon kaku igaku gijutsu gakkai
0385-2105 Kakuriken kenkyu hokoku Tohoku daigaku rigakubu fuzoku genshikaku rigaku kenkyu shisetsu; Tohoku daigaku daigakuin rigaku kenkyuka fuzoku genshikaku rigaku kenkyu shisetsu; Tohoku daigaku denshi korigaku kenkyu senta
0451-2375 Kaku Yäugäo Kenkyäu Purazuma, Kaku Yäugäo Gakkai Daigaku Purazuma Kenkyusho Toshoshitsu.; Kaku Yäugäo Kondankai Bunken Sentäa.; Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research.
0368-4806 Kali Knapp
0368-718X Kali, Verwandte Salze und Erdöl [s.n.]
0170-2181 Kali-Briefe Landwirtschaftliche Forschungsanstalt Büntehof
0115-0553 Kalikasan, the Philippine journal of biology Kalikasan Press club :; Synergistic Consultants Inc..
1614-1210 Kali und Steinsalz Kaliverein e.V..; VKS
0368-721X Kali und Verwandte Salze [s.n.]
0022-7501 Kälte Gentner
0368-4865 Kältetechnik Müller
0368-4792 Kältetechnik, Klimatisierung Verlag C. F. Müller
0368-4733 Kältetechnischer Anzeiger E. Reif
0375-8826 Kalt-Walz-Welt [s.n.]
0451-2758 Kamaishi Giho Kamaishi Gijutsu Kenkyukai, c/o Fuji Seitetsu K. K. Kamaishi Seitetsusho.
0285-5194 Kami, parupu Japan Pulp and Paper Council.; Japan Pulp and Paper Association.; Japan Paper Association.
0022-815X Kamipagikyoshi Kami Parupu Gijutsu Kyokai
0453-1507 Kami parupu gijutsu taimusu Tekku Taimusu
0389-7613 Kami to purasuchikku Kakäo Gijutsu Kenkyäukai.
0368-6221 Kam Yum Korean Society of Infectious Diseases
0389-4991 Kan, tan, sui, Japan Kokusai Isho Shuppan :; äAku Media.
0368-5381 Kanagawa Daigaku Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Kanagawa Daigaku.
1343-0777 Kanagawa Daigaku Kogakubu hokoku Kanagawa Daigaku. Kogakubu
0387-0324 Kanagawa Daigaku Kogaku Kenkyujo shoho Kanagawa Daigaku. Kogaku Kenkyujo
0389-6404 Kanagawa-ken Chikusan Shikenjō kenkyū hōkoku Kanagawa-ken Chikusan Shikenjō
0451-3150 Kanagawa-Ken Eisei Kenkyäusho nempo Kanagawa-ken Eisei Kenkyäujo
0303-0350 Kanagawa-ken Eisei Kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku Kanagawa-ken Eisei Kenkyujo; Kanagawaken eisei kenkyujo
0917-8279 Kanagawa-ken Kankyäo Kagaku Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Kanagawa Environmental Research Center.
0389-9365 Kanagawa-ken Käogai Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Kanagawa Prefectural Environmental Center.
0289-2065 Kanagawa-ken Käogai Sentäa nenpäo Kanagawa Prefectural Public Hazards Prevention Center.
0451-3169 Kanagawa-Ken Kogyo Shikensho Kenkyu Hokoku Kanagawa-ken Kogyo Shikensho.
0911-369X Kanagawa-ken Onsen Kenkyäujo häokoku Hot Spring Research Institute, Kanagawa Prefecture.
0388-6042 Kanagawa Kenritsu Eisei Tanki Daigaku kiyäo Kanagawa Prefectural Junior College of Nursing and Medical Technology.; Kanagawa Prefectural College of Nursing and Medical Technology.
0286-696X Kanagawa Kenritsu Eiyäo Tanki Daigaku kiyäo Kanagawa Prefectural Junior College of Nutrition.
0912-3423 Kanagawa-ken taiki osen chäosa kenkyäu häokoku Kanagawa-ken. Kikaku Chäosabu.; Kanagawa-ken Keihin Käogyäo Chitai Taiki Osen Bäoshi Taisaku Gijutsu Shäoiinkai.; Kanagawa Prefectural Government. Environmental Department.
0916-1902 Kanagawa Koka Daigaku kenkyu hokoku. B, Rikogaku-hen Kanagawa Koka Daigaku
0454-8302 Kanagawa shigaku Kanagawa Shika Daigaku Gakkai
0368-5047 Kanazawa Daigaku Gan Kenkyusho Nempo Kanazawa University. Cancer Research Institute.
0022-832X Kanazawa Daigaku Käogakubu Kiyo Kanazawa Daigaku Kogakubu.
0376-2564 Kanazawa Daigaku Kekkaku Kenkyäujo nenpäo Kanazawa Daigaku Kekkaku Kenkyäujo.
0387-0995 Kanazawa Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kiyäo. Shizen kagaku-hen Kanazawa University. Faculty of Education.
0451-3231 Kanazawa Daigaku Yakugakubu kenkyäu nenpäo Kanazawa Daigaku Yakugakubu.
0385-5759 Kanazawa Ika Daigaku zasshi Kanazawa Ika Daigaku Igakkai; Kanazawa ika daigaku shuppankyoku; 金沢医科大学出版局
0022-8311 Kanazawa Irigaku Sosho Maruzen Co, Ltd.
0388-5801 Kanazawa Käogyäo Daigaku kenkyäu kiyäo. A Kanazawa Institute of Technology.
0386-1880 Kanazawa Käogyäo Käotäo Senmon Gakkäo kiyäo Kanazawa Käogyäo Käotäo Senmon Gakkäo.
0254-6116 Kangshengsu Gai Kan Bianjibu
0368-7031 Kangwon Taehak Yon'gu Nonmunjip Kangwon Taehak.
0461-5956 Kanko Shikiso Kanko Shikiso Kenkyukai.
0910-0865 Kankyäo hen'igen kenkyäu Environmental Mutagen Society of Japan.
0917-2149 Kankyäo hozen gijutsu Kankyäo Hozen Gijutsu Kenkyäukai.
0385-1486 Kankyäo kagaku kenkyäu Hiroshima University. Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences.
0285-5895 Kankyäo Kagaku Säogäo Kenkyäujo nenpäo Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Environmental Sciences.
0285-5232 Kankyäo säozäo J. I. P..
0913-7025 Kankyō eisei kōgaku kenkyū Kyoto Daigaku Kankyō Eisei Kōgaku Kenkyūkai
0388-9459 Kankyō gijutsu Kankyō Gijutsu Kenkyūkai; Kankyo Gijutsu Gakkai; 環境技術学会
0368-5438 Kankyo Gijutsu Kenkyusho Hokoku Kubota Tekko Kabushiki Kaisha.
0389-6633 Kankyō jōhō kagaku Kankyō Jōhō Kagaku Sentā
0917-2408 Kankyo kagaku Kankyo Kagaku Kenkyukai; Kankyo Kagakukai
0285-9769 Kankyo kenkyu Kogai chosa senta; Kankyo Chosa Senta; Hitachi kankyo zaidan; Hitachi zaidan
0917-1533 Kankyo seigyo Okayama Daigaku. Kankyo Kanri Senta
0389-1232 Kankyo shisetsu Kogyo Shuppansha; Kokyo toshi janarusha
0914-6407 Kanpäo to men'eki arerugäi Medical Tribune, Tokyo.; Hakata Shinpojäumu Iinkai.; Hakata Symposium.
0387-1002 Kansai Byōchūgai Kenkyūkaihō Kansai Byōchūgai Kenkyūkai; Kansai byochugai kenkyukai; 関西病虫害研究会; Kansai byochugai kenkyukai; 関西病虫害研究会
0451-341X Kansai igaku Kansai Igaku Hakkäojo.
0022-8400 Kansai Ika Daigaku Zasshi Kansai Ika Daigaku Igakkai; Kansai ika daigaku igakkai
0099-6769 Kansas Ground Water Basic-Data Release Kansas State Geological Survey.
0387-1010 Kansen, ensho, men'eki Igaku no Monsha; Torii yakuhin
0387-5911 Kansenshōgaku zasshi Nihon Kansenshō Gakkai
0387-2556 Kantäo Gakuin Daigaku Käogaku Säogäo Kenkyäujohäo Kanto Gakuin University. Institute of Technology.
0388-3442 Kantäo Seikei Geka Saigai Gekakai zasshi Kanto Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology.
0389-7087 Kanto Seikei Saigai Geka Gakkai zasshi Kanto Seikei Saigai Geka Gakkai
0452-487X Kantō Tōsan Nōgyō Shikenjō kenkyū hōkoku Nōrinshō Kantō Tōsan Nōgyō Shikenjō
0368-5373 Kantou Gakuin Daigaku Kougakubu kenkyuu houkoku Kantou Gakuin Daigaku Kougakubu; Kanto Gakuin Daigaku Kogakubu Kogakkai; Kanto gakuin daigaku kogakkai; Kanto gakuin daigaku kogakubu kogakkai
0451-4203 Kanzäo Japan Society of Hepatology.
0286-1933 Kanzei Chäuäo Bunsekishohäo Central Customs Laboratory, Matsudo.
1340-976X Kanzo Foramu kirokushu Iji Shuppan-sha
0410-9716 Kanzume Jiho Nippon Kanzume Kyokai; Nihon kanzume binzume retoruto shokuhin kyokai
0368-5454 Käoatsu Gasu Kyäokaishi Käoatsu Gasu Kyäokai.
0919-7419 Käobe Daigaku Hattatsu Kagaku-bu kenkyäu kiyäo Kobe University. Faculty of Human Development.
0075-6431 Käobe Daigaku Igakubu kiyäo Kobe University.
0287-5551 Käobe Daigaku käogaku shäuhäo Käobe Daigaku. Käogakubu.
0450-6103 Käobe Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu Kenkyäu Shäuroku Kobe University. Faculty of Education.
1344-9117 Käobe Daigaku Näogakubu gakujutsu häokoku Kobe University. Faculty of Agriculture.
0452-2370 Käobe Daigaku Näogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Kobe University. Faculty of Agriculture.
0368-5969 Käobe Kaiyäo Kishäodai ihäo Kobe Marine Observatory.
0286-9950 Käobe Seikäo Kobe Steel Works.
0286-9969 Käobe Seikäo gihäo Kobe Steel Works.
0450-609X Käobe Shäosen Daigaku Kiyäo Kobe University of Mercantile Marine.
0389-0473 Käochi Daigaku gakujutsu kenkyäu häokoku. Näogaku Käochi University.
0389-0244 Käochi Daigaku gakujutsu kenkyäu häokoku. Shizen kagaku Käochi University.
0389-0228 Käochi Daigaku gakujutsu kenkyäu häokoku. Shizen kagaku 1 Käochi University.
0389-0236 Käochi Daigaku gakujutsu kenkyäu häokoku. Shizen kagaku 2 Kochi University.
0387-9763 Käochi Daigaku Kaiyäo Seibutsu Kyäoiku Kenkyäu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Kochi University. Usa Marine Biological Institute.
0389-0449 Käochi Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kenkyäu häokoku. Dai 3-bu Käochi University. Faculty of Education.
0452-2486 Käochi Joshi Daigaku kiyäo. Shizen kagaku-hen Kochi Joshi Daigaku.
0385-4868 Käochi-ken Käogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Käochi-ken Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa.; Kochi Prefectural Industrial Technology Center.; Kochi Prefectural industrial Reserach Institute.
0454-9015 Käogai National Research Institute for Pollution and Resources.; Nippon Paburishitäi.
0387-0030 Käogai kenkyäu Iwanami Shoten.
0288-2108 Käogai Shigen Kenkyäujo ihäo National Research Institute for Pollution and Resources, Ibaraki.
0454-9023 Käogai to taisaku Käogai Taisaku Gijutsu Däoyäukai.
0453-2902 Kaogu xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
0015-0061 Käogyäo Gijutsuin, Hakkäo Kenkyäujo kenkyäu Häokoku Käogyäo Gijutsuin. Hakkäo Kenkyäujo.
0368-5365 Käogyäo Gijutsuin Biseibutsu Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Fermentation Research Institute, Chiba.; Fermentation Research Institute, Tsukuba.
0454-1499 Käogyäo kanetsu Japan Industrial Furnace Manufacturers Association.; JIFMA.
0286-6943 Käogyäo täosäo Toryäo Häochi Shinbunsha
0365-0065 Käokin busshitsu kenkyu Käokin Busshitsu Danwakai.
0386-4405 Käonan Joshi Daigaku kenkyäu kiyäo Konan Women's College.; Konan Women's University.
0387-1096 Käoon Gakkaishi High Temperature Society of Japan.
0368-6914 Käoru täaru Japan Tar Industry Association.
0910-6073 Käosankinbyäo Kenkyäusho zasshi Täohoku Daigaku Käosankinbyäo Kenkyäusho Kenkyäukai.
0911-3045 Käosei busshitsu kara kagaku ryäohäo no ryäoiki Iyaku Jäanarusha.
0388-2268 Käoseido Japan Society of Precision Engineering. Ultra-precision Machining Committee.; Ultra-precision Machining Committee.; Chäo-seimitsu Kakäo Senmon Iinkai.
0020-3106 Käoshäu Eiseiin kenkyäu häokoku Institute of Public Health, Tokyo.
0286-5548 Käoshien Daigaku kiyäo Koshien University.
0913-5537 Käoshien Daigaku kiyäo. A, Eiyäo Gakubu-hen Koshien University.
0022-5274 Käotsäu igaku Japanese Association of Transportation Medicine.
0026-5209 Käozan chishitsu Society of Mining Geologists of Japan.
0250-5363 Karachi University journal of science University; University of Karachi
0368-7309 Karakulevodstvo i zverovodstvo Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva SSSR.
1230-0446 Karbo Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Księażek Technicznych Sigma
0022-9040 Kardiologiâ Medicina
0022-9032 Kardiologia Polska "Termedia"
1897-4279 Kardiologia Polska (e-vir) "Termedia"
1340-3397 Karei Igaku Kenkyäusho zasshi Täohoku Daigaku. Karei Igaku Kenkyäusho Kenkyäukai ;; Touhoku daigaku karei igaku kenkyuujo kenkyuukai dousoukai
0379-5306 Karinthin Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Kärnten
0047-3243 Karjantuote Valio oy.; Voinvientiosuusliike Valio.
0047-3251 Karjatalous Valio oy.; Valio meijerien keskusosuusliike.; Voinvientiosuusliike Valio.
0722-3846 Karlsruher Beiträge zur Entwicklungsphysiologie der Pflanzen Botanisches Institut II (Pflanzenphysiologie) der Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.).
0172-8709 Karlsruher Berichte zur Ingenieurbiologie Institute für Ingenieurbiologie und Biotechnologie des Abwassers, Universität Karlsruhe.
0943-8599 Karlsruher geochemische Hefte Institut für Petrographie und Geochemie.
1618-2677 Karlsruher mineralogische und geochemische Hefte Institut für Mineralogie und Geochemie, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
0075-5168 Karnatak University journal of science Karnatak University.
0453-3402 Karstenia Suomen sieniseura
0451-4688 Karszt- és barlangkutatás MTESZ
0022-9148 Kartofel' i ovoŝi Kolos
0449-9042 Kasai Nihon Kasai Gakkai
0286-7036 Kaseigaku kenkyäu Home Economics Association of Nara Women's University.
0449-9069 Kaseigaku Zasshi Nippon Kasei Gakkai
0368-475X Kasen Geppo Nihon Kagaku Sen'i Kyokai ;; Sen'i sogo kenkyujo shiryo hanpukai
0288-5859 Kasenshi Kenkyūkaishi
0912-7305 Kasokuki kagaku Aionikusu Kabushiki Gaisha.
0022-9237 Kasr El-Aini Journal of Surgery Cairo University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery
0915-8847 Kassei sanso, furäi rajikaru Medical Review Company.
0912-5582 Kata gijutsu Nikkan Kogyo Shinbunsha
0130-2132 Katalitičeskaâ konversiâ uglevodorodov.; Каталитическая конверсия углеводородов Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0453-3585 Kataliz i katalizatory.; Катализ и катализаторы Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
1816-0387 Kataliz v promyšlennosti.; Катализ в промышленности Kalvis; Калвис
0324-0401 Katalog izdanij informacionnyh organov NRB.; Каталог изданий информационных органов НРБ Gosudarstvennyj komitet nauki i tehniki progressa. Centralʹnyj institut Naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii; Государственный комитет науки и техники прогресса. Центральный институт научной и технической информации
0357-4296 Katsauksia Työterveyslaitos.
0022-9466 Kaučuk i rezina Himiâ.
0386-4081 Käuki chäowa, eisei käogaku Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan.
0023-5032 Käuki seijäo Japan Air Cleaning Association.
0451-5536 Kaunas/Lietuvos veterinarijos akademijos Darbai Lietuvos Veterinarijos Akademijos.
0368-4873 Kautschuk [s.n.]
0449-9662 Kautschuk Anwendungen [s.n.]
0948-3276 Kautschuk-Gummi-Kunststoffe Hüthig
0368-4768 Kautschuk und Gummi Dr. Alfred Hüttig Verlag
0022-9520 Kautschuk und Gummi, Kunststoffe Verlag für Radio-Foto-Kinotechnik GmbH
0368-542X Kautschuk und Gummi, Kunststoffe, Asbest [s.n.]
0368-5446 Kautschuk und Gummi Kunststoffe, Plastomere, Elastomere, Duromere Springer
0451-565X Kawamata Kagaku Geppo Kawamata Kagaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha.
0917-7841 Kawamura Rikagaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Kawamura Institute of Chemical Researsh.
0368-5411 Kawasaki gihäo Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
0386-5924 Kawasaki Igakkaishi Kawasaki Igakkai
1341-5077 Kawasaki journal of medical welfare Kawasaki Medical Welfare Society
0385-0234 Kawasaki medical journal Kawasaki Medical School; Kawasaki Medical Society
0368-7236 Kawasaki Seitetsu giho Kawasaki Seitetsu
0911-3010 Kawasaki-shi Kogai Kenkyujo nenpo Kawasaki-shi Kogai Kenkyujo; Kawasakishi
0387-8104 Kawasaki Steel technical bulletin Kawasaki Seitetsu Kabushiki Gaisha.
0388-9475 Kawasaki Steel technical report Kawasaki Seitetsu Kabushiki Gaisha.
1340-2781 Kayaku Gakkaishi Kayaku Gakkai
1349-5801 Kayanomori Kinki daigaku sangyo riko gakubu,
0002-3175 K̦azak̦ SSR ġylym akademiâsynyn̦ habarlary K̦azak̦ SSR ġylym akademiâsy
1025-9341 K̦azak̦stan respublikasy u̇lttyk̦ ġylym akademiâsynyn̦ habarlary Ġylym
1025-9333 K̦azak̦stan Respublikasy U̇lttyk̦ ġylym akademiâsynyn̦ habarlary "Ġylym"
0453-4360 Kazan Nippon Kazan Gakkai
0368-4814 Kazanskij medicinskij žurnal Izdatelʹstvo Tatarskogo obkoma KPSS
2587-9359 Kazanskij medicinskij žurnal (e-vir) Èko-vektor
0348-7504 KBS teknisk rapport Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co.; Swedish Nuclear Fuel Supply Co. Division KBS.; Svensk kärnbränslehantering AB.; Svensk kärnbränsleförsörjning AB. Avdelningen för kärnkraftsavfallets behandling och slutförvaring.
0355-0427 Kehittyvä maatalous Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus.; Lantbrukets forskningscentral.
0369-9188 Keiäo Gijuku Daigaku Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Keiäo Gijuku Daigaku. Käogakubu.
0368-5179 Keiäo igaku Keio Medical Society.
0285-709X Keibyäo Kenkyäukaihäo Japanese Society on Poultry Diseases.
0368-5195 Keijo Journal of Medicine Medical faculty, Keijo Imperial University.
0451-5994 Keikinzoku Japan Institute of Light Metals.
0368-5306 Keikinzoku yosetsu Keikinzoku yosetsu kyokai; Keikinzoku Yosetsu Kozo Kyokai; Keikinzoku Yosetsu Kyokai
0368-5152 Keio Engineering Reports Editorial Office, Faculty of Engineering, Keio University.
0368-5403 Keio Gijuku Daigaku Kogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku, Bessatsu Keio Gijuku Daigaku Kogakubu.
0022-9717 Keio journal of medicine School of Medicine, Keio University
0286-4215 Keio science and technology reports Keio University. Faculty of Science and Technology
0368-5861 Keiryäo Kenkyäujo chäosa häokoku Käogyäo Gijutsu-in. Keiryäo Kenkyäujo.
0285-7421 Keiryäoken nyäusu Käogyäo Gijutsuin Keiryäo Kenkyäujo.
0368-6051 Keiryo Kenkyujo Hokoku AIST. National Research Laboratory of Metrology.
0368-5780 Keiso Kogyo Gijutsu-sha
0385-9886 Keisoku gijutsu Nihon Käogyäo Shuppan.
0140-0819 Keith Shipton Developments special study Keith Shipton Developments Ltd :; Woodhead-Faulkner Ltd.
0368-7287 Keizyo Journal of Medicine Keizyo Imperial University.
0022-9776 Kekkaku Nippon Kekkakubyo Gakkai
0368-6019 Kekkaku kenkyäu no shinpo Igaku Shoin.
0075-5354 Kekkaku no kenkyäu Hokkaido University. Research Institute for Tuberculosis.
1345-9031 Kekkan igaku Medikaru Rebyusha
0917-5318 Kekkan to naihi Medikaru Rebyäusha.
0342-7102 KEM. Konstruktion, Elemente, Methoden Konradin-Verlag Kohlhammer
0167-8590 Kema scientific and technical reports KEMA.
0355-1628 Kemia Suomen kemian seura.; Suomalaisten Kemistien Seura.; Kemiallisteknillinen yhdistys.; Suomen kemistiseura.
0022-9814 Kémiai közlemények Akadémiai Kiadó
0022-9822 Kemian teollisuus Kemian keskusliitto.; Kemian teollisuusyhdistys.
0022-9830 Kemija u industriji Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa
1334-9090 Kemija u industriji (e-vir) Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa
0387-1037 Kemikaru enjiniyaringu Kagaku Kōgyōsha; Kagaku kogyosha; 化学工業社
0368-5225 Kémikusok lapja Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete.; Verein Ungarischer Chemiker.; Associazione ungherese di chimica.; Société des chimistes hongrois.; Hungarian Chemical Society.
0022-9857 Kemio Internacia Comunidad del Sur.
0105-9386 Kemisk analyse af mineraler og bjergarter Institut for Mineralogi. Geologisk Centralinstitut. Københavns Universitet.
0368-5233 Kemisk Maanedsblad og nordisk Handelsblad for kemisk industri Kemisk Forening,
0039-6605 Kemisk Tidskrift Svenska Kemistsamfundet
1104-2788 Kemisk tidskrift, Kemivärlden Svenska kemistsamfundet.; Svenska kemiingenjörers riksförening.
1650-0725 Kemivärlden Svenska kemistsamfundet; Svenska kemiingenjörers riksförening
1349-0958 Kenbikyo Nihon kenbikyo gakkai,
0385-9851 Kenchiku setsubi to haikan käoji Nihon Käogyäo Shuppan.
0913-3798 Kenkiseikin kansensho kenkyu Ezai; Kenkisei Kin Kansensho Kenkyukai
0289-0216 Kenkyäu häokoku - Chiba-ken Kikai Kinzoku Shikenjäo Machinery and Metallurgy Research Institute of Chiba Prefecture.; Chiba Prefectural Machinery and Metallurgy Research Institute.
0916-8230 Kenkyäu häokoku - Fukuoka-ken Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa Fukuoka Industrial Technology Center.
0386-8346 Kenkyäu häokoku - Gifu-ken Sen'i Shikenjäo Gifu-ken Sen'i Shikenjäo.
0918-5984 Kenkyäu häokoku - Kagawa-ken Shokuhin Shikenjäo, Kagawa-ken Hakkäo Shokuhin Shikenjäo Kagawa Prefectural Government. Food Research Institute.; Kagawa Prefectural Government. Fermentation & Food Experimental Station.
0540-3340 Kenkyäu häokoku - Mishima Gakuen Joshi Tanki Daigaku Däo Joshi Daigaku Mishima Gakuen Women's Junior & Senior College.
0285-7030 Kenkyäu häokokushäu - Kagaku Gijutsuchäo Kinzoku Zairyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo National Institute for Metals, Tokyo.; National Institute for Metals, Tsukuba.
0289-5838 Kenkyäu häokokushäu - Tokushima-ken Käogyäo Shikenjäo Tokushima-ken Käogyäo Shikenjäo.
0386-1007 Kenkyäu häokokusho - Kyoto-fu Orimono Shidäosho Kyoto-fu Orimono Shidäosho,
1344-4867 Kenkyäu häokoku - Tokyo Toritsu Sangyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute.
0286-9098 Kenkyäu jihäo - Akita-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo Akita-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo
0918-3914 Kenkyäujo gihäo Tokyo Gas.
0385-9371 Kenkyäujo häokoku - Osaka Shiritsu Eisei Kenkyäujo Osaka Shiritsu Eisei Kenkyäujo.
0385-938X Kenkyäujo häokoku - Osaka Shiritsu Kankyäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo Osaka Shiritsu Kankyäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo.
0285-0354 Kenkyäujohäo - Musashi Käogyäo Daigaku. Genshiryoku Kenkyäujo Musashi Institute of Technology. Atomic Energy Research Laboratory.
0288-0997 Kenkyäu kiyäo - Aichi-ken Kyäoiku Sentäa Aichi-ken Kyäoiku Sentäa.
0385-9258 Kenkyäu kiyäo - Tokushima-ken Kyäoiku Kenshäu Sentäa Tokushima-ken Kyäoiku Kenshäu Sentäa.
0387-1363 Kenkyäu kiyäo - Tokyo Toritsu Käokäu Käogyäo Tanki Daigaku Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology.
0388-4791 Kenkyäu nenpäo - Nihon Daigaku. Bunri Gakubu Nihon University. Mishima College of Humanities and Sciences.
0388-4805 Kenkyäu nenpäo - Nihon Daigaku. Bunri Gakubu, Mishima. Jinbun, shakai kagaku-hen Nihon University. Mishima College of Humanities and Sciences.
0387-0057 Kenkyäu shiryäo - Chäubu Denryoku Kabushiki Gaisha Chäubu Denryoku Kabushiki Gaisha.
1340-5799 Kenkyu hokoku Wakayama-ken Kogyo Gijutsu Senta
1349-2608 Kenkyu hokoku.; 研究報告 Tochigiken Sangyo Gijutsu Senta; 栃木県産業技術センター
1348-7779 Kenkyu hokoku =; 研究報告 (e-vir) Iwateken kogyo gijutsu senta; 岩手県工業技術センター
1341-6529 Kenkyū hōkoku - Kanagawa-ken Sangyō Gijutsu Sōgō Kenkyūjo Kanagawa-ken. Sangyō Gijutsu Sōgō Kenkyūjo
1343-9391 Kenkyu hokoku - Shige-ken Kogyo Gijutsu Sogo Senta Shige-ken Kogyo Gijutsu Sogo Senta; Shigaken kogyo gijutsu sogo senta; Shigaken kogyo gijutsu sogo senta ;; Shigaken kogyo gijutsu sogo senta shigaraki yogyo gijutsu shikenjo
0388-4597 Kenkyū hōkoku - Tochigi-ken Sen'i Kōgyō Shikenjō Tochigi-ken Sen'i Kōgyō Shikenjō
1343-3555 Kenkyujo hokoku Osaka Furitsu Sangyo Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyujo
0285-5364 Kenkyu kiyo - Akita Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko Akita Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0386-7617 Kenkyu nenpo - Seicho Kagaku Kyokai Seicho Kagaku Kyokai
1346-7816 Kenritsu hiroshima joshi daigaku seikatsu kagakubu kiyou Hiroshima Prefectural Women's University.
0301-2611 Kensa to gijutsu Igaku Shoin
0385-9878 Kensetsu kikai Nihon Käogyäo Shuppan.
0288-9994 Kensetsu Ko#gaku Kenkyu# Shinko#kai nenpo# Kensetsu Ko#gaku Kenkyu# Shinko#kai
0374-3659 Kent technical review George Kent Ltd.
0453-5707 Kentucky Farm and Home Science
0368-7260 Kentucky Medical Journal
0368-5160 Kenya Farmer R. B. Jessop, Esquire, c/o UNDP/SF-FAO
0250-8265 Kenya Journal of Science and Technology. Series A, Physical and chemical sciences Kenya National Academy for Advancement of Arts and Sciences.
0250-8257 Kenya journal of science and technology. Series B, Biological sciences Kenya National Academy for Advancement of Arts and Sciences.
0023-0480 Kép- és hangtechnika Optikai és Kinotechnikai Tudományos Egyesület.; Optikai és Kinotechnikai Egyesület.
0374-8774 Kerala Journal of Veterinary Science Kerala Agricultural University
0135-4175 Keramičeskaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Керамическая промышленность CNIITÈILEGPROM; ЦНИИТЭИЛЕГПРОМ.
0368-6760 Keramičeskij sbornik.; Керамический сборник Naučno-issledovatelʹskij keramičeskij institut; Научно-исследовательский керамический институт.
0368-525X Keramika.; Керамика Narodnyj komissariat mestnoj promyšlennosti RSFSR; Народный комиссариат местной промышленности РСФСР.
0368-5292 Keramika i steklo.; Керамика и стекло Ministerstvo promyšlennosti stroitelʹnyh materialov SSSR; Министерство промышленности строительных материалов СССР.
0253-6358 Keramik Magazin A.R. Gantner Verlag KG.
0368-5284 Keramische Rundschau und Kunst-Keramik
0023-0561 Keramische Zeitschrift Verlag Schmid GmbH
0368-5268 Keramos [s.n.]
0320-0078 Keramzit i keramzitobeton.; Керамзит и керамзитобетон Gosudarstvennyj vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut stroitelʹnyh materialov i konstrukcij; Государственный всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт строительных материалов и конструкций.
0023-0642 Kernenergie Akademie-Verlag
0303-4003 Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Kernforschungszentrum- Karlsruhe-GmbH.
0368-5276 Kerntechnik Verlag Karl Thiemig
0932-3902 Kerntechnik Hanser
2195-8580 Kerntechnik (e-vir) Hanser
0368-6957 Kerntechnik, Isotopentechnik und -Chemie Thiemig
0388-6409 Kesshäo Kaiseki Kenkyäu Sentäa dayori Osaka University. Institute for Protein Research. Crystallographic Research Center.
0368-6183 Keszthelyi Mezőgazdasági Akadémia kiadványai Keszthelyi Mezögazdasági Akadémia.
0368-7023 Ketavim Exec Ed, Division of Scientific Publications, Volcani Institute of Agricultural Research.
1340-4598 Ketsuatsu Sentan Igaku-sha
1341-5824 Ketsueki, men'eki, shuyäo Medhikaru rebyäusha.
0915-8529 Ketsueki, shuyäoka Kagaku Hyäoronsha
1344-6940 Ketsueki furontia Iyaku Janarusha
0386-9717 Ketsueki to myakukan Nihon Kessen Shiketsu Gakkai; Kagaku Hyōronsha
0389-7079 Ketsugäo soshiki Japanese Society for Connective Tissue Research.; Ketsugäo Soshiki Kenkyäukai.; Japanese Society of Connective Tissue Researchers.
0075-5974 Kew bulletin Springer
1874-933X Kew bulletin (e-vir) Springer
0368-6396 Kexue Shanghai Kexue Jishu Chubanshe,
0452-2230 Kexue nongye [s. n.],
0379-4156 Kexue shiyan Kexue chubanshe,
0023-074X Kexue tongbao Kexue Chubanshe
0097-7411 Kexue tongbao (Scientia) Plenum/China Program.
1013-9826 Key engineering materials distributed by Trans Tech Publications
1662-9795 Key engineering materials (e-vir) Trans Tech Publications
1662-9809 Key engineering materials (e-vir) Trans Tech Publications Ltd
0368-5330 KFKI Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. Központi Fizikai Kutató Intézet.
0368-5322 KFKI közlemények Központi Fizikai Kutató Intézet.; Centralʹnyj institut fizičeskih issledovanij.; Central Research Institute for Physics.
0340-756X KfK-Nachrichten Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH; Hauptabteilung Bibliotheks- und Kommunikationsdienste des Kernforschungszentrums
0558-1664 Khao-Cúu Nien-San Khao-Hîoc Đai-Hîoc Duong [s.n.].
0945-0459 KI Müller
0023-1274 Kibernetika Naukova dumka
0206-0809 Kibernetika i avtomatika Kazahskij politehničeskij institut im. V.I. Lenina.
0454-9910 Kibernetika i vyčislitel'naâ tehnika Naukova dumka
1340-9778 Kichin, kitosan kenkyū Kichin, Kitosan Kenkyūkai; Nihon kichin, kitosan gakkai; 日本キチン・キトサン学会; Nihon kichin, kitosan gakkai; 日本キチン・キトサン学会
1420-4096 Kidney & blood pressure research Karger
1423-0143 Kidney & blood pressure research (e-vir) S. Karger
0270-062X Kidney disease M. Dekker,
1369-3050 Kidney forum Sheffield Academic Press
0085-2538 Kidney international Springer
1523-1755 Kidney international (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0098-6577 Kidney international. Supplement Springer-Verlag
0910-2205 Kidorui Rare Earth Society of Japan.; Kidorui Kenkyäukai.
0023-1339 Kieler Meeresforschungen Kommissionverlag Walter G Mühlau
0172-7893 Kieler Meeresforschungen. Sonderheft Institut für Meereskunde an der Universität Kiel.
0023-1347 Kieler Milchwirtschaftliche Forschungsberichte Verlag Mann GmbH
0368-5950 Kiito Kensajo Kenkyu Hokoku Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Yokohama & Kobe Silk Conditioning Houses.
0285-0567 Kiito kensa kenkyäu häokoku Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Yokohama & Kobe Agricultural and Forestry Products Inspection Institute.; Agricultural and Forestry Products Inspection Institute, Yokohama.; Agricultural and Forestry Products Inspection Institute, Käobe.; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Yokohama & Kobe Center for Quality Control and Consumer Service.
0368-5683 Kikai Enjiniya Sanpäo.
0451-9396 Kikai gijutsu Nikkan Kōgyō Shinbunsha; Nikkan kogyo shuppan purodakushon; Nikkan kogyo shinbunsha
0286-2255 Kikai Gijutsu Kenkyäujo häokoku Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Ibaraki.
0388-4252 Kikai Gijutsu Kenkyäujo shohäo Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Ibaraki.; Kikai Gijutsu Kyäokai.
0368-5713 Kikai No Kenkyu Yokendo
0910-2159 Kikai no songai Nihon Kikai Hoken Renmei,
0563-7260 Kikai Shikensho Hokoku Käogyäo Gijutsuin Kikai Shikenjo.
0387-1053 Kikai to käogu Käogyäo Chäosakai
1342-5722 Kikan kagaku säosetsu Gakkai Shuppan Sentäa.
0126-9070 Kimia Institiut Kimia Malaysia.
0115-2130 Kimika Chemical Society of the Philippines
0023-1428 Kimya annali Türkiye Kimya Cemiyeti.
0368-5748 Kimya Muhendisligi
0368-7163 Kimya ve sanayi Türkiye Kimya Cemiyeti
0185-125X Kinam. Revista de física Asociacioń H.A. Lorentz.
0286-4835 Kinäo zairyäo C M C.
0023-1495 Kinderärztliche Praxis =Georg= Thieme
0233-7665 Kinematika i fizika nebesnyh tel Naukova Dumka
0023-1584 Kinetics and catalysis Consultants Bureau
1608-3210 Kinetics and catalysis (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0453-8811 Kinetika i kataliz Nauka
1475-9292 Kinetoplastid biology and disease (e-vir) BioMed Central
0254-413X King Abdulaziz medical journal King Abdulaziz Medical Journal.
0285-6689 Kinki Aruminyäumu Hyäomen Shori Kenkyäukai kaishi Aluminium Finishing Society of Kinki.; AFSK.
0385-311X Kinki Chäuugoku näogyäo kenkyäu Kinki Chugoku Agcultural Research Association.
1347-6238 Kinki chugoku shikoku nogyo kenkyu Kinki chugoku shikoku nogyo kenkyu kyogikai,
0374-8715 Kinki Daigaku Genshiryoku Kenkyäujo nenpäo Kinki University. Atomic Energy Research Institute.
0385-8367 Kinki Daigaku igaku zasshi Kinki Daigaku Igakkai; Kinki daigaku igakkai; Kinki daigaku igakkai
0287-5071 Kinki Daigaku kankyäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo kenkyäo häokoku Kinki University. Environmental Science Research Institute.
0386-491X Kinki Daigaku Kōgakubu kenkyū hōkoku Kinki Daigaku. Kōgakubu
1345-9430 Kinki Daigaku Kyäushäu Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Kinki University. Kyushu School of Engineering.
0288-738X Kinki Daigaku Kyäushäu Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku. Rikäogaku-hen Kinki University. Faculty of Engineering (Kyushu); Kinki University in Kyushu. Faculty of Engineering.
0919-3022 Kinki Daigaku Näogaku Säogäo Kenkyäujo häokoku Kinki University. Institute for Comprehensive Agricultural Sciences.
0453-8889 Kinki Daigaku Nogakubu kiyo Kinki daigaku nogakubu; Kinki daigaku nogakubu; Kinki daigaku nogakubu
0386-4928 Kinki Daigaku Rikogakubu kenkyu hokoku Kinki daigaku riko gakubu; Kinki Daigaku. Rikogakubu
0023-1657 Kinki Daigaku Yakugakubu Kiyo Kinki Daigaku Yakugakubo.
0288-5867 Kinōshi Kenkyūkaishi Kinōshi Kenkyūkai; Kinoshi Kenkyukai
0368-5799 Kino-Technik Hesse.
0368-6337 Kinzoku Agne Gijutsu Center.
0453-9206 Kinzoku butsuri Agune Shuppansha.
0385-9819 Kinzoku butsuri seminäa Agune Gijutsu Sentäa.
0285-8452 Kinzoku Hakubutsukan kiyäo Nippon Kinzoku Gakkai. Fuzoku Kinzohu Hakubutsukan
0368-5527 Kinzoku hyäomen gijutsu genba panfuretto Kinzoku Hyäomen Gijutsu Kyäokai
0026-0614 Kinzoku hyōmen gijutsu Kinzoku Hyōmen Gijutsu Kyōkai
0368-590X Kinzoku no kenkyäu Täohoku Teikoku Daigaku. Kinzoku Zairyäo Kenkyäujo.
0451-9809 Kinzoku zairyäo Nikkan Käogyäo Shinbunsha.
0450-2922 Kinzoku Zairyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Kagaku Gijutsuchäo Kinzoku Zairyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo.
0137-0154 Kipenie i kondensaciâ Ministerstvo vysšego i srednego specialʹnogo obrazovaniâ Latvijskoj SSR.
0348-7199 KI rapport Korrosionsinstitutet
0285-7901 Kisarazu Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kiyo Kisarazu Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0368-5705 Kišečnye infekcii.; Кишечные инфекции Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0021-5171 Kiseichäugaku zasshi Japanese Society of Parasitology.
0368-6809 Kisengchunghak Chapji Korean Society for Parasitology, Dep of Parasitology, Catholic Medical College.
0023-1878 Kisérletes orvostudomány Ifjusági Lapk.
0368-573X Kísérletügyi közlemények Földmívelésügyi M. Kir. Ministerium Mezőgazdasági Kísérletügyi Központi Bizottsága.
0368-5845 Kísérletügyi közlemények Földművelésügyi Minisztérium.
0368-5853 Kísérletügyi közlemények Földművelésügyi Minisztérium.
0368-587X Kísérletügyi közlemények Földművelésügyi Minisztérium.
0368-5691 Kishäochäo ihäo Kishäochäo.
0387-5369 Kishäo kenkyäu näoto Nihon Kishäo Gakkai.
0447-3868 Kishocho Gijutsu Hokoku Kisho-cho
0368-5942 Kishocho Kenkyu Jiho Kisho-cho
2186-9057 Kisho shushi (e-vir) Nihon kisho gakkai
0368-5772 Kislorod Gošimizdat
0285-6905 Kiso, kankyäo kagaku kenkyäu Hiroshima University. Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences.
0368-7244 Kisul Yon'guso Pogo Yuggun gisul yeonguso
0023-1908 Kitakantäo Igaku Kitakantäo Igakkai
1343-2826 Kitakanto medical journal Kitakanto Medical Society
0285-5283 Kitakyushu Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kenkyu hokoku Kitakyushu Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0387-7035 Kitami Käogyäo Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku Kitami Institute of Technology.
0368-6035 Kitami Kogyo Tanki Daigaku kenkyu hokoku Kitami Kogyo Tanki Daigaku
0368-623X Kitanihon Byogaichu Kenkyukaiho Tohoku byogaichu kenkyukai; Kitanihon byogaichu kenkyukai; Kitanihon byogaichu kenkyukai; Kitanihon byogaichu kenkyukai; Kitanihon byogaichu kenkyukai
0023-1916 Kitano Byōin kiyō Tazuke Kōfūkai Igaku Kenkyūjo
0023-1924 Kitasato archives of experimental medicine kitasato Institute for Infectious Diseases
0385-5449 Kitasato igaku Kitasato Medical Society.
0288-3317 Kiyäo - Matsumoto Shika Daigaku. Ippan kyäoyäo Matsumoto Shika Daigaku,
0792-609X Kiymyah handasah kiymiyt Association of Engineers & Architects in Israel.
0386-8397 Kiyō - Chūkyō Joshi Daigaku, Chūkyō Joshi Daigaku. Tanki Daigakubu Chūkyō Joshi Daigaku. Tanki Daigaku
0368-7007 Kiyo - Tokyo Shashin Tanki Daigaku Tokyo Shashin Tanki Daigaku.
0534-4050 Kjeller report Institutt for atomenergi.
0023-1983 Kjemi Norsk kjemisk selskap; Norske sivilingeniørers forening; Norges ingeniørorganisasjon - NITO
0943-1454 Kleben & dichten Vogel-Fachzeitschriften-GmbH
0368-6116 Klei Vereeniging van Nederlandsche Baksteenfabrikanten.
1813-7008 Klei, germetiki, tehnologii Nauka i tehnologii
0167-5001 Klei, glas, keramiek Nederlandse Keramische Federatie.; Vereniging Klei Industrie.
0023-2041 Klei en keramiek Vereniging Klei Industrie.; Nederlandse Keramische Vereniging.
0023-2076 Kleintierpraxis M. H. Schaper
0172-1984 Klima, Kälte, Heizung Müller
0340-398X Klima-+Kälteingenieur Müller
0368-6094 Klimschs Druckerei-Anzeiger Klimsch.
0869-2084 Kliničeskaâ laboratornaâ diagnostika.; Клиническая лабораторная диагностика Medicina; Медицина; ÈKOlab; ЭКОлаб; Èko-Vektor; Эко-Вектор :
0023-2149 Kliničeskaâ medicina Medicina
1210-7921 Klinická biochemie a metabolismus Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně; LexisNexis CZ s.r.o.; Novatrix; Stapro s.r.o.; Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně
1335-0013 Klinická imunológia a alergológia Bonus C.C.S. s.r.o.
1562-725X Klìnìčna farmacìâ.; Клінічна фармація Vidavnictvo UkrFA; Видавництво УкрФА; NFaU; НФаУ
2522-1396 Klìnìčna hìrurgìâ (e-vir) Klìnìčna hìrurgìâ
0023-2130 Klìnìčna hìrurgìâ.; Клінічна хірургія Klìnìčna hìrurgìâ; Клінічна хірургія; Lìga-ìnform; Ліга-інформ
0023-2157 Klinika Oczna Towarzystwo Okulistów Polskich.; Polskie Towarzystwo Okulistyczne.
1017-7833 Klinik psikofarmakoloji bülteni = Kadiköy Hachette yayincilik
0368-6140 Klinik und Praxis Urban und Schwarzenberg
0341-5023 Klinische Anästhesiologie und Intensvtherapie Springer.
0174-2469 Klinische Ernährung Zuckschwerdt.
0368-6132 Klinische Medizin [s.n.]; Verlag Urban & Schwarzenberg Ges.M.B.H.
0023-2165 Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde Thieme
1439-3999 Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde (e-vir) Thieme
0300-8630 Klinische Pädiatrie Thieme
1439-3824 Klinische Pädiatrie (e-vir) Thieme
0941-2131 Klinisches Labor Verl. Klinisches Labor.
1433-6510 Klinisches Labor Verlag Klinisches Labor GmbH
0174-2752 Klinische und experimentelle Urologie Zuckschwerdt.
0023-2173 Klinische Wochenschrift Springer
0342-443X Klinisch-radiologisches Seminar Thieme.
0556-3003 Knihovna Ústředního ústavu geologického Academia; Nakladatelství ČSAV; Přírodověd. vydav
0521-2634 Knižnice odborných a vědeckých spisů Vysokého učení technického v Brně Vysoké učení technické v Brně
0231-5394 Knižnice odborných a vědeckých spisů Vysokého učení technického v Brně. Svazek A Vysoké učení technické
0368-6582 Knižnice odborných a vědeckých spisů Vysokého učení technického v Brně. Svazek B Vysoké učení technické
0452-2311 Koatsu Gasu Koatsu Gasu Hoan Kyokai.
0917-639X Kōatsuryoku no kagaku to gijutsu Nihon Kōatsuryoku Gakkai; Nihon koatsuryoku gakkai
0023-1266 Kobalt Centre d'information du cobalt.
0452-232X Kobayashi Rigaku Kenkyusho Hokoku Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research.
1341-5905 Kobe Joshi Daigaku Kasei Gakubu kiyo Kobe Joshi Daigaku
0389-584X Kōbe Joshi Daigaku kiyō Kōbe Joshi Daigaku Gakkai; Kobe joshi daigaku
0023-2513 Kobe Journal of the Medical Sciences Kobe University. Graduate Scool of Medicine.
0913-4794 KOBELCO technology review Kobe Steel
0368-6272 Kobunkazai no kagaku Association of Scientific Research of Antiques.
0454-1138 Kobunshi Kobunshi Gakkai
0023-2556 Kobunshi Kagaku Kobunshi Gakkai
0023-2564 Kobunshi Kako Kobunshi Kankokai
0386-2186 Kōbunshi ronbunshū Kōbunshi Gakkai
0454-1146 Kōbutsugaku Zasshi Nihon Kōbutsu Gakkai
1344-8250 Kochi Joshi Daigaku kiyo. Seikatsu Kagakubu-hen Kochi Joshi Daigaku
0454-1170 Kōchi Kōgyō Kōtō Senmon Gakkō gakujutsu kiyō Kōchi Kōgyō Kōtō Senmon Gakkō
0270-4986 Kodak laboratory chemicals bulletin Eastman Kodak Company.
0368-6361 Koeltechniek Nederlandse Vereniging voor Koeltechniek.
0368-685X Kogai Shigen Kenkyujo hokoku Kogyo Gijutsuin. Kogai Shigen Kenkyujo
0389-6625 Kogaku Oyo Butsuri Gakkai. Kogaku Konwakai; Nihon kogakkai
0368-5098 Kogakuin Daigaku Kenkyu Hokoku Kogakuin Daigaku
0386-863X Kōgyō gijutsu kenkyū hōkokusho Niigata-ken Kōgyō Gijutsu Sentā
0368-6450 Kōgyō kayaku Kōgyō Kayaku Kyōkai
0368-5977 Kōgyō Kayaku Kyōkaishi Kōgyō Kayaku Kyōkai
0368-654X Kogyo Reametaru Arumu Shuppan-sha
0454-1545 Kogyo Yosui Japan Industrial Water Association.; JIWA.
0452-2834 Kogyo Zairyo Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun-sha; Nikkan kogyo shuppan purodakushon ;; Nikkan kogyo shinbunsha; Nikkan kogyo shinbunsha
0368-6469 Kohászati lapok Országos Magyar Bányászati és Kohászati Egyesület.
0368-6493 Kohlensäure und Mineralwasser [s.n.]
0368-7228 Kohlenwasserstoffgase [s.n.]
0368-637X Kohle und Erz Phönix-Verlag Siwinna
0913-4689 Kōkagaku Kokagaku kyokai; 光化学協会; Kokagaku kyokai; 光化学協会
0023-2823 Koks, Smoła, Gaz Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Księażek Technicznych ŐSigmaŸ
0023-2815 Koks i himiâ Metallurgiâ
0300-9149 Kokubyo Gakkai Zasshi Kokubyo Gakkai
0023-2831 Koku Eisei Gakkai Zasshi Koko eisei gakkai; Nihon koko eisei gakkai
0368-6353 Kokumin eisei Japanese Association of Preventive Medicine.
0368-5209 Kokuritsu Eiyo Kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku Kokuritsu Eiyo Kenkyujo,
1343-4292 Kokuritsu Iyakuhin Shokuhin Eisei Kenkyujo hokoku Kokuritsu Iyakuhin Shokuhin Eisei Kenkyujo. Kagaku Busshitsu Johobu; Kokuritsu iyakuhin shokuhin eisei kenkyujo anzen johobu; Kokuritsu iyakuhin shokuhin eisei kenkyujo anzen johobu
1341-3643 Kokuritsu Kankyäo Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Kankyäochäo. Kokuritsu Kankyäo Kenkyäujo
1340-6418 Kokuritsu Kankyäo Kenkyäujo tokubetsu kenkyäu nenpäo NIES. National Institute for Environmental Studies.
1341-3635 Kokuritsu Kankyo# Kenkyu#jo tokubetsu kenkyu# ho#koku Kankyo#cho#. Kokuritsu Kankyo# Kenkyu#jo
0285-7405 Kokuritsu Ryäoyäojo kyäodäo kenkyäu nenpäo Kokuritsu Ryäoyäojo Chäuäo Kenkyäu Shingikai.
0368-508X Kokushikan Daigaku Käogakubu kiyäo Kokushikan University. Department of Engineering.; Kokushikan University. Faculty of Engineering.
0915-4299 Kokushikan Daigaku Rikäogaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Kokushikan University. Science and Engineering Research Institute.
0286-9314 Kokyu Resupireshon Risachi Faundeshon; Kokyu kenkyu
0452-3458 Kokyu to junkan Igaku Shoin
0368-6477 Kolhoznoe proizvodstvo Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva SSSR
0368-6345 Kolloid-Beihefte
0368-4946 Kolloidchemische Beihefte
0023-2912 Kolloidnyj žurnal "Nauka"
0368-6590 Kolloid-Zeitschrift Steinkopff
0023-2904 Kolloid-Zeitschrift & Zeitschrift für Polymere Steinkopff
0454-1294 Kölner Geographische Arbeiten Geographisches Institut der Universitat Koln
0368-6388 Kolonialforstliche Mitteilungen [s.n.]
0023-2939 Kolorisztikai értesítő Központi Kolorisztikai Kutató Laboratórium.
0568-6199 Komety i meteory Akademiâ nauk Tadžikskoj SSR.; AN Tadž SSR.
0138-5798 Kommentare zum Arzneibuch der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Akad.-Verl..
0450-7169 Kommunalwirtschaft Deutscher Kommunal-Verlag GmbH
0202-1382 Kompleksnoe ispol'zovanie mineral'nogo syr'â Izdalel'stvo Nauka
0132-5701 Kompleksnoe ispolʹzovanie rud černyh metallov Institut Uralmehanobr.
0203-8706 Kompleksnoe razvitie KMA.; Комплексное развитие КМА Kurskoj magnitnoj anomalii im. L.D. Ševâkova; Курской магнитной аномалии им. Л.Д. Шевякова.
0368-5802 Kompleksnye issledovaniâ vodohraniliś Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta.
0203-8722 Kompleksnye metalloorganičeskie katalizatory polimerizacii olefinov.; Комплексные металлоорганические катализаторы полимеризации олефинов Institut himičeskoj fiziki; Институт химической физики.
0321-2734 Kompleksoobrazovanie v okislitelʹno-vostanovitelʹnyh sistemah Tadžikskij universitet im. V.I. Lenina.
0203-3275 Kompozicionnye polimernye materialy = Institut himii vysokomolekulârnyh soedinenij
1641-8611 Kompozyty Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częestochowskiej.
1335-4205 Komunikácie Edis - vydavateělstvo Žilinskej univerzity
0288-4534 Kona Council of Powder Technology (Japan)
1348-0383 Konan Daigaku kiyo Konan daigaku,
2187-5537 Kona powder and particle journal Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation
0911-2316 Konbäatekku Kakäo Gijutsu Kenkyäukai.
0938-6521 Konferenzen des Forschungszentrums Jülich Forschungszentrum Jülich
0254-6124 Kongjian kexue xuebao; 空间科学学报 Kexue Chubanshe; 科学出版社
0023-401X Kongjung Poken Chapchi Senür daihaggyo bogen daihaginwen.
0452-473X Kongyon Rebyu Kungnip Kongop Yonguso.
0368-6531 Konishiroku review Konishiroku Shashin Käogyäo. Hino Käojäo Kenkyäubu.
0387-1061 Konkuräito käogaku Japan Concrete Institute.
1340-4733 Konkurito kogaku rombunshu Nihon Konkurito Kogaku Kyokai
0288-6766 Konnichi no igaku Baieru Yakuhin Kabushiki Gaisha.
0368-640X Konserven-Industrie Serger und Hempel
0023-3587 Konservnaâ i ovoŝesušil'naâ promyšlennost Piŝevaâ promyšlennost'
0454-3335 Konstanzer Universitätsreden Druckerei und Verlagsanst. Konstanz, Universitätsverl..; Universitätsverlag
0454-3343 Konstituciâ i svojstva mineralov.; Конституция и свойства минералов Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0341-6615 Konstruieren + Giessen VDI-Verlag
0134-9392 Konstrukcionnye materialy na osnove ugleroda.; Конструкционные материалы на основе углерода "Metallurgiâ"; "Металлургия".
0172-8717 Kontakte E. Merck
0170-0200 Kontakt-Studium Technische Akademie Esslingen.
0368-6418 Kontrolʹno-izmeritelʹnaâ tehnika.; Контрольно-измерительная техника Izdatelʹstvo pri Lʹvovskom universitete; Издательство при Львовском университете.
0869-6772 Konversiâ v mašinostroenii.; Конверсия в машиностроении [Informkonversiâ]; [Информконверсия]
0722-7744 Konzepte eines zeitgemässen Physikunterrichts Schroedel.
0452-5132 Konzerv- és paprikaipar Lapk.
0368-6523 Konzervipar Magyar Konzervgyárosok Országos Szövetsége.
0023-3811 Kooperation Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
0132-344X Koordinacionnaâ himiâ "Nauka"
0134-2665 Kora i verhnââ mantiâ zemli.; Кора и верхняя мантия земли Izdatelʹstvo moskovskogo universiteta; Издательство московского университета.
0454-353X Kora vyvetrivaniâ Nauka.
0023-3900 Korea Journal Korean National Commision for Unesco
2733-9343 Korea journal (Online) (e-vir) Academy of Korean Studies
0378-8512 Korean Journal of Biochemistry Korean Society of Medical Biochemisty and Molecular Biology; Korean Biochemical Society
1226-5071 Korean Journal of Biological Sciences Korean Association of Biological Sciences
2287-5174 Korean journal of breeding science (e-vir) Korean Society of Breeding Science
1229-974X Korean Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases Korean Society of Circulation.
1225-9381 Korean Journal of Ceramics Korean Ceramic Society.
1975-7220 Korean journal of chemical engineering (Online) (e-vir) Korean institute of chemical engineers
0256-1115 Korean journal of chemical engineering (Print) Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers
1226-3303 Korean journal of internal medicine Korean association of internal medicine
1598-6535 Korean Journal of Laboratory Medicine Daehan jindan geomsa uihaghoe
1225-0058 Korean Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Korean Chemical Society.
1226-4512 Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Korean Physiological Society; Korean Society of Pharmacology
0258-2368 Korean Journal of Toxicology Korean Society of Toxicology
1229-6791 Korean Membrane Journal Hangugmaghaghoe.
1225-5947 Korea polymer journal The Polymer Society of Korea
0368-6027 Kormi ta godìvlâ sìlʹsʹkogospodarsʹkih tvarin.; Корми та годівля сільськогосподарських тварин Urožaj; Урожай.
0368-6973 Koroido to kaimen-kasseizai Koroido to Kaimen Kagaku Kankäokai.
0452-599X Koroze a ochrana materiálu Státní výzkumný ústav ochrany materiálu; Asociace korozních inženýrů
1804-1213 Koroze a ochrana materiálu (e-vir) Asociace korozních inženýrů
0341-1478 Korrespondenz Abwasser Abwassertechnische Vereinigung e.V.; Fachgruppe Wasserchemie in der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker.
0368-4938 Korrespondenzbriefe für Zuckerfabriken Bartens
0075-6938 Korrosion Verlag Chemie GmbH.
0233-0741 Korrosion VEB Zentralinstitut für Okonomischen Metalleinsatz. Zentralstelle für Korrosionsschutz, Dresden.; Zentralstelle für Korrosionsschutz, Dresden.
0023-4141 Korrosion och ytskydd Förlags AB Plastvärlden,; Förlags AB Plastvärlden,; Förlags AB Plastvärlden/Fackpressförlaget AB,; Fackpressförlaget AB/Hälsingborgsgruppen,; Fackpressförlaget i Hälsingborg AB,
0342-1759 Korrosionsverhalten von Zink Zinkberatung e. V..
0368-6191 Korrosion und Metallschutz Verlag Chemie.
0047-3634 Korrosjons-nytt Studiegruppen for korrosjonsproblemer.
1813-7016 Korroziâ : materialy, zaśita Nauka i tehnologii
0131-1816 Korroziâ i zaŝita metallov.; Коррозия и защита металлов Kaliningradskij universitet; Калининградский университет.
0130-2558 Korroziâ i zaśita skvažin gazopromyslovogo i gazopererabatyvaûśego oborudovaniâ [s.n.].
0133-2546 Korróziós figyelõ (e-vir) Vekor
0454-4323 Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry [s.n.]
0366-2373 Korte mededeling - Bosbouwproefstation T.N.O Bosbouwproefstation T.N.O.
0370-8586 Korte mededeling-Stichting bosbouwproefstation "De Dorschkamp" Stichting bosbouwproefstation "De Dorschkamp"
0368-6558 Koryo c/o Nitta Bldg, 8-8, Ginza Nishi, Chuo-ku.
0368-6078 Kosankinbyo Kenkyu Zasshi Kosankinbyo Kenkyukai.
0368-5187 Koshu Eisei Igaku Shoin
0377-8304 Kosmetika BAG Brunner-Verlag,
1681-3545 Kosmetika & medicina Firma Klavelʹ
0342-2976 Kosmetik international Tessner
0342-2968 Kosmetik-Journal Terra
0368-6604 Kosmetik-Parfum-Drogen Rundschau [s.n.]
0321-5040 Kosmičeskaâ biologiâ i aviakosmičeskaâ medicina Medicina
0023-4192 Kosmičeskaâ biologiâ i medicina Medicina.
0023-4206 Kosmičeskie issledovaniâ Nauka
0321-4508 Kosmičeskie issledovaniâ na Ukraine.; Космические исследования на Украине Izdatelʹstvo Naukova dumka; Издательство Наукова думка.
1561-8889 Kosmìčna nauka ì tehnologìâ.; Космічна наука і технологія Golovna astronomìčna observatorìâ NANU; Головна астрономічна обсерваторія НАНУ.
0023-4249 Kosmos Polskie Towarzystwo Przyrodników im. Kopernika.
0452-6201 Kosmos Polskie Towarzystwo Przyrodników im. Kopernika.
0368-6213 Kosmos / (e-vir) Svenska fysikersamfundet
0452-6236 Koso Kagaku Shimpojiumu
0454-4544 Kotai butsuri Agune Gijutsu Sentäa.
0388-368X Kotai haibutsu Käogyäo Shuppansha.
0356-7591 Kotieläinhoidon tutkimuslaitoksen tiedote Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus. Kotieläinhoidon tutkimuslaitos.; Agricultural Research Centre. Institute of Animal Husbandry.
0289-503X Kotingu jiho Asahikasei Kogyo Kabushiki Gaisha. Tokushu Kagakuhin Jigyobu; Asahi kasei; Asahi Kasei Kemikaruzu Kinosei Kotingu Jigyobu; Asahi kasei kokino materiaruzu jigyo honbu kinosei kotingu jigyobu
1349-3620 Koube daigaku kaiji kagakubu kiyou Kobe University. Faculty of Maritime Sciences.
1003-9872 Kouqiang yixue Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-7651 Kouqiang yixue yanjiu Gai Kan Bianjibu
0023-432X Kovové materiály Slovenská Akadémia Vied. Vedecké kolégium náuky o materiáloch
0450-8726 Koža i obuća Hrvatsko društvo kožara i obućara
1849-9767 Koža i obuća (e-vir) Hrvatsko društvo kožara i obućara
0287-9840 Kozan Nihon kogyo kyokai ;; Kinzoku kozankai; Kinzoku kozankai
0368-7295 Kožarska i obuvna promišlenost : KOP Ministerstvo na proizvodstvoto i t''rgoviâta s''s stoki za narodno potreblenie
0023-4338 Kožařství Obuvnický pr°umysl. Svit
0375-9288 Koževenno-obuvnaâ promyšlennostʹ SSSR.; Кожевенно-обувная промышленность СССР Glavnoe upravlenie koževennoj promyšlennosti; Главное управление кожевенной промышленности.
0023-4354 Kozhevno-obuvnaâ promyšlennost` [S.n.]
0324-4296 Közlemények az összehasonlító élet- és kórtan köréből Magyar Országos Állatorvos-Egyesület.
0521-3991 Központi Élelmiszeripari Kutató Intézet Közleményei Központi Élelmiszeripari Kutató Intézet
0368-5357 Kraftfahrtechnische Forschungsarbeiten VDI-Verlag
0023-4427 Kraftfutter Deutscher Fachverlag
0724-2093 Kraftstoff Union Deutsche Verl.-Ges.
0075-7071 Krankenhaus-Apotheke Deutscher Apotheker-Verlag
0173-7597 Krankenhauspharmazie Deutscher Apotheker-Verlag
0452-6945 Krásy domova Sportovní a turistické nakladatelství
0503-1346 Kratkie soobśeniâ Burâtskogo kompleksnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta Burâtskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo
0455-0595 Kratkie soobśeniâ po fizike Fizičeskij institut im. P.N. Lebedeva
0368-6698 Krebsarzt Verlag Adolf Holzhausens Nachfolger
0096-5219 Kresge Eye Institute bulletin Kresge Eye Institute.; Kresge Eye Institute.
0023-4702 Kriminalistik und forensische Wissenschaften Kriminalistik-Verl.
0233-7673 Kriobiologiâ.; Криобиология Naukova dumka; Наукова думка
0130-2663 Kriobiologiâ i kriomedicina.; Криобиология и криомедицина Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0321-2785 Kriogennaâ i vakuumnaâ tehnika.; Криогенная и вакуумная техника Fiziko-tehničeskij institut nizkih temperatur; Физико-технический институт низких температур.
0454-5303 Krishik Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, College of Agriculture
0023-4761 Kristallografija Nauka
0023-4753 Kristall und Technik Akad.-Verl..
0023-4850 Krmiva Hrvatsko agronomsko društvo
1848-901X Krmiva (e-vir) Hrvatsko agronomsko društvo
0323-0740 Krmivářství a služby Státní zemědělské nakladatelství
0361-0489 Kroc Foundation series Kroc Foundation.
0023-4885 Krolikovodstvo i zverovodstvo.; Кролиководство и звероводство Agropromizdat; Агропромиздат; Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut pušnogo zverovodstva i krolikovodstva imeni V.A. Afanasʹeva; Научно-исследовательский институт пушного звероводства и кролиководства имени В.А. Афанасьева
0860-3006 Kronika Farmaceutyczna Zwięazek Zawodowy Farmaceutów Pracowników w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.
0368-6736 Krovoobraŝenie Akademiâ nauk Armânskoj SSR.
0368-6779 Kruppsche Monatshefte Fried.-Krupp-AG.
0454-5524 Krystalinikum Academia
0208-9386 Krzepnięecie Metali i Stopów Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich
0484-3363 Ktavim Israel Agricultural Research Station.
1000-6532 Kuangchan zonghe liyong Gai Kan Bianjibu
0258-7106 Kuangchuang dizhi Dizhi Chubanshe
0254-6132 Kuangchuang Dizhi Yanjiusuo suokan, Zhongguo Dizhi Kexueyuan Dizhi Chubanshe
1000-4734 Kuangwu xuebao Guizhou Renmin Chubanshe,
1001-6872 Kuangwu yanshi Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1007-2802 Kuangwu yanshi diqiu huaxue tongbao Zhongguo Kuangwu Yanshi Diqiu Huaxue Xuehui,
1005-7854 Kuangye Yejin Gongye Chubanshe
0451-0011 Kuàng-yě Zhäongguó kuàng-yě gäongchéng xuéhuì.; Chinese Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers.
0253-6099 Kuangye gongcheng "Kuangye gongcheng"bianjibu
0138-2071 Kühlungsborner Kolloquium Akad.-Verl.
0023-5008 Kühn-Archiv Akademie-Verlag
0368-7090 Kujbyševskaâ neftʹ.; Куйбышевская нефть Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Книжное издательство.
0023-5040 Kukuruza Kolos
0075-7209 Kulturpflanze Akademie-Verlag
0023-5296 Kumamoto Daigaku Kogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Kumamoto Daigaku Kogakubu.
0454-6121 Kumamoto Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kiyäo Kumamoto University. Faculty of Education.
0454-6148 Kumamoto Daigaku Kyoiku Gakubu kiyo Kumamoto Daigaku, Kyoiku Gakubu
0023-530X Kumamoto Daigaku Taishitsu Igaku Kenkyujo Hokoku Kumamoto Daigaku Taishitsu Igaku Kenkyujo.
0300-919X Kumamoto Igakkai Zasshi Kumamoto Igakkai, c/o Kumamoto Daigaku Igakubu.
0368-5837 Kumamoto Joshi Daigaku Gakujutsu Kiyo Kumamoto Joshi Daigaku.
0368-6795 Kumamoto Journal of Science, Biology Kumamoto University. Faculty of Science.; Kumamoto daigaku. Rigakubu.
0452-8220 Kumamoto Journal of Science, Series B, Section 1: Geology Kumamoto Daigaku. Rigakubu.
0386-0787 Kumamoto journal of Science. Geology Kumamoto University. Faculty of Science.
0023-5318 Kumamoto journal of science. Series A, Mathematics, physics and chemistry Kumamoto Daigaku Rigakubu.
0452-8212 Kumamoto journal of science. Series B, Biology and geology Kumamoto University. Faculty of Science
0454-6202 Kumamoto journal of science. Series B, Section 2, Biology Kumamoto University. Faculty of Science
0385-132X Kumamoto Käogyäo Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku Kumamoto Institute of Technology.
0914-0395 Kumamoto-ken Eisei Käogai Kenkyäujohäo Kumamoto Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
1341-6480 Kumamoto-ken Hoken Kankyo Kagaku kenkyushoho Kumamoto-ken Hoken Kankyo Kagaku Kenkyusho; Kumamotoken hoken kankyo kagaku kenkyujo
1345-5877 Kumamoto Kenritsu Daigaku Kankyäo Kyäosei Gakubu kiyäo Prefectural University of Kumamoto. Faculty of Environmental and Symbiotic Sciences.
1340-9042 Kumamoto Kenritsu Daigaku Seikatsu Kagakubu kiyäo Prefectural University of Kumamoto. Faculty of Human Life Sciences.
0368-7120 Kumamoto-Ken Sangyo Shikenjo Hokoku Kumamoto-ken Sangyo Shikenjo.
0023-5326 Kumamoto Medical Journal Kumamoto Daigaku Igakubu, Library
0454-6210 Kumamoto pharmaceutical bulletin University of Kumamoto. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
0454-6296 Kunchong Xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1002-0926 Kunchongxue yanjiu jikan Shanghai Kexue Jishu Chubanshe,
0452-8255 Kunchong zhishi Science Press
0367-1348 Kung Ch'eng Hsueh Pao
0368-5349 Kungl. Fysiografiska sällskapets i Lund förhandlingar Royal Physiographic Society at Lund.; Kungl. Fysiografiska sällskapet i Lund.
0368-6086 Kungl. Lantbruksakademiens tidskrift Kungl. Lantbruksakademien
0075-7233 Kungl. Skogs- och lantbruksakademiens tidskrift (e-vir) Kungl. Skogs- och lantbruksakademien
0023-5350 Kungl. Skogs- och lantbruksakademiens tidskrift = Kungl. Skogs- och lantbruksakademien
0023-5377 Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademiens handlingar Almquist and Wiksell.
0367-391X Kung Shang Pu Chung Yang Ti Ch'ih T'iao Ch'a So Ti Ch'ih Hui Pao
0170-0693 Kunstharz-Nachrichten Hoechst-Aktiengesellschaft.
0368-7104 Kunstseide Jentgen
0368-7139 Kunstseide und Zellwolle Jentgen.
0167-9597 Kunststof en rubber Kunststoffen en Rubber Instituut TNO
0023-5520 Kunststoffberater Kunststoff-Verlag
0172-6374 Kunststoffberater Kunststoff-Verlag Giesel; Umschau-Verlag (in Komm.)
0340-8442 Kunststoffberater, -rundschau + -technik Kunststoff -Verlag Giesel; Umschau -Verlag
0368-6787 Kunststoff-Berichte [s.n.]
0023-5563 Kunststoffe Hanser
0179-8472 Kunststoffe-Fortschrittsberichte Hanser.
0343-3129 Kunststoffe im Bau Hanser
0023-5598 Kunststoffe Plastics Vogt-Schild,
1021-0601 Kunststoffe Synthetics Vogt-Schild,
0047-3766 Kunststoffjournal Verl. Moderne Industrie.
0023-5555 Kunststoffrundschau Verlag für Publizität
0023-5601 Kunststofftechnik Krauskopf Verlag Fur Wirtschaft
0368-6965 Kunststoff-Technik und Kunststoff-Anwendung Springer
0375-9296 Kunststoff und Gummi [s.n.]
0368-7112 Kunst- und Pressstoffe [s.n.]
0366-1385 Kuo-Li Peiping Yen Chiu Yuan Yuan Wu Hui Pao
0357-3346 Kuopion korkeakoulun julkaisuja Kuopion korkeakoulu.
0301-4843 Kupat-holim year book Kupat Holim, Health Insurance Institution of Histadrut.
0023-5628 Kupfer-Mitteilungen Deutsches Kupfer-Institut.; DKI.
0917-1819 Kuräin tekunorojäi Nihon Käogyäo Shuppan
0368-4954 Kurashiki Chuo Byoin Nempo Kurashiki Chuo Byoin
0385-8669 Kure Käogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Hiroshima Kenritsu Kure Käogyäo Shikenjäo.
0917-3048 Kuromatogurafi Kuromatogurafi Kagakkai; Kuromatogurafi kagakkai
0368-7066 Kurortologiâ i fizioterapiâ Medicina i fizkultura
1342-0852 KURRI-KR .. Kyoto Daigaku. Genshiro Jikkenjo
0287-9808 KURRI-TR Kyoto Daigaku. Genshiro Jikkenjo
0368-5144 Kurume Daigaku ronsäo Kurume Daigaku. Ippan Kyäoiku Kenkyäukai.; Kurume Kurume University. Faculties of Law and Commerce & Premedical Course.; Society for the Study of Liberal Education at Kurume University.
0368-5810 Kurume Igakkai Zasshi Kurume Igakkai, c/o Kurume Daigaku Igakubu.
0389-9748 Kurume Käogyäo Käotäo Semmon Gakkäo kenkyäu häokoku Kurume Technical College.
0389-6897 Kurume Kogyo Daigaku kenkyu hokoku Kurume kogyo daigaku kenkyu hokoku henshu iinkai
0023-5679 Kurume Medical Journal Kurume University. School of Medicine.
0287-6485 Kusuri no chishiki Sumitomo kagaku toukyou shisha :; Raifu saiensu shuppan.
0286-8393 Kusuri no hiroba Kusuri o Kanshi suru Kokumin Undäo no Kai.
0368-7147 Kvantovaâ elektronika İzdatel'stvo "Sovetskoe radio"
0368-7155 Kvantovaâ èlektronika.; Квантовая электроника Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0023-5830 Kvasný pr°umysl Pivovary a sladovny; Spofa, s.p.
2570-8619 Kvasný průmysl (e-vir) Výzkumný ústav pivovarský a sladařský a.s.
0496-6937 Kwangsan Hakhoe Chi Korean Institute of Mining
0454-7306 Kwansei Gakuin University annual studies Kwansei Gakuin Daigaku.
1342-887X Kwansei Gakuin University natural sciences review Kwansei Gakuin University
0023-5873 Kwartalnik Geologiczny Wydawnictwa Geologiczne
0023-589X Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
0452-9510 Kwayon Huibo Gugbang gwahag yeonguso
0368-5829 Kyäorin Igakkai zasshi Kyorin Medical Society.; Kyorin Society of Medicine and Medical Technology.
0388-3655 Kyäoritsu Joshi Tanki Daigaku Kaseika kiyäo Kyoritsu Women's Junior College. Department of Domestic Science.; Kyoritsu Women's Junior College. Department of Home Economics.
0917-2300 Kyäoritsu Joshi Tanki Daigaku Seikatsu Kagakuka kiyäo Kyoritsu Women's Junior College. Department of the Science of Living.
0454-7586 Kyäosai ihäo Federation of National Public Service Personnel Mutual Aid Associations.
0911-3398 Kyäotsäu Shisetsu gijutsu kenkyäu häokoku Täohoku Daigaku. Kinzoku Zairyäo Kenkyäujo.
0388-1717 Kyäushäu Daigaku Daigakuin Säogäo Rikäogaku Kenkyäuka häokoku Kyushu University. Graduate School of Engineering Sciences.; Kyushu University. Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences.
0368-7252 Kyäushäu Daigaku käogaku ihäo Kyushu University. Faculty of Engineering.
0023-2718 Kyäushäu Daigaku käogaku shäuhäo Kyushu University. Faculty of Engineering.
0368-5071 Kyäushäu Daigaku Kekkaku Kenkyäujo kiyäo Kyäudai Kekkaku Kenkyäujo.
0914-3793 Kyäushäu Daigaku Kinäo Busshitsu Kagaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Kyushu University. Institute of Advanced Material Study.
0453-0284 Kyäushäu Daigaku Näogakubu Enshäurin häokoku Kyusyu University Forests.
0385-8278 Kyäushäu Daigaku Rigakubu kenkyäu häokoku. Chishitsugaku Kyushu University. Faculty of Science. Department of Geology.
0385-8286 Kyäushäu Daigaku Rigakubu Shimabara Kazan Kansokujo kenkyäu häokoku Kyushu University. Faculty of Science. Shimabara Volcano Observatory.
0368-6841 Kyäushäu Daigaku Seisan Kagaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Kyushu University. Research Institute of Industrial Science.
0286-7575 Kyäushäu Joshi Daigaku kiyäo Kyushu Women's University.
1340-3958 Kyäushäu Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo häokoku Kyushu National Industrial Research Institute.
0385-9436 Kyäushäu Käogyäo Gijutsu Shikenjäo häokoku Government Industrial Research Institute, Kyushu.
0368-5926 Kyäushäu Käozan Gakkaishi Mining Institute of Kyushu.
0911-9485 Kyäushäu Kyäoritsu Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku. Käogakubu Kyushu Kyoritsu university. Faculty of Engineering.
0376-0685 Kyäushäu Näogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. The Kyushu National Experiment Station.
0451-162X Kyäushäu Näogyo Shikenjäo ihäo Näorinshäo. Kyäushäu Näogyäo Shikenjäo.
0910-8823 Kyäushäu Näoshi nempäo Kyushu Agricultural Experiment Station.; National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region.
0286-8180 Kyäushäu Täokai Daigaku Näogakubu kiyäo Kyushu Tokai University. Faculty of Agriculture.; Kyushu Tokai University. School of Agriculture.
0368-492X Kybernetes MCB university press
1758-7883 Kybernetes (e-vir) MCB University Press
0023-5970 Kylteknisk tidskrift Svenska kyltekniska föreningen.
0452-9685 Kyoka Purasuchikkusu Kyoka Purasuchikkusu Gijutsu Kyokai; Kyouka purasuchikku kyoukai.
0388-3612 Kyoritsu Joshi Daigaku Kasei Gakubu kiyo Kyoritsu Joshi Daigaku. Kasei Gakubu
0452-9731 Kyoritsu Yakka Daigaku Kenkyu Nempo Kyoritsu Yakka Daigaku.
0386-4634 Kyosoba Sogo Kenkyujo hokoku Nihon Chuo Keibakai. Kyosoba Sogo Kenkyujo
0368-5039 Kyoto Daigaku Genshi Enerugi Kenkyusho Iho Kyoto Daigaku Genshi Enerugi Kenkyusho.
0917-1746 Kyoto Daigaku Genshiro Jikkenjo Gakujutsu Kōenkai hōbunshū Kyoto Daigaku. Genshiro Jikkenjo
0287-9131 Kyoto Daigaku Genshiro Jikkensho Gakujutsu Kōenkai kōen yōshishū Kyoto Daigaku. Genshiro Jikkensho.
0370-4157 Kyoto Daigaku Kagaku Kenkyäujo käoenshäu Kyoto Teikoku Daigaku. Kagaku Kenkyäujo.; Kyoto University. Institute for Chemical Research.
0451-1492 Kyoto Daigaku Käogaku Kenkyäujo ihäo Kyoto Daigaku Käogaku Kenkyäujo.
0452-9820 Kyoto Daigaku Kekkaku Kenkyäujo kiyäo Kyoto Daigaku. Kekkaku Kenkyäujo.
0452-9839 Kyoto Daigaku Kekkaku Kenkyäujo nenpäo Kyoto Daigaku. Kekkaku Kenkyäujo,
0009-3378 Kyoto Daigaku Kekkaku Kyäobu Shikkan Kenkyäujo kiyäo Kyoto Daigaku. Kekkaku Kyäobu Shikkan Kenkyäujo.
0289-5250 Kyoto Daigaku Kyäoyäobu chigaku häokoku Kyoto University. College of Liberal Arts. Institute of Earth Science.
0368-511X Kyoto Daigaku Näogakubu Enshäurin häokoku Kyoto University Forests.
0368-6280 Kyoto Daigaku Nippon Kagaku Sen'i Kenkyusho koenshu Kyoto Daigaku, Nippon Kagakuseni Kenkyusho
0368-6248 Kyoto Daigaku Nogakubu Enshurin iho Kyoto Daigaku. Nogakubu. Fuzoku Enshurin
0910-5395 Kyoto Daigaku Rigakubu Chikyäu Butsurigaku Kenkyäu Shisetsu häokoku Kyoto University. College of Science. Geophysical Research Station, Beppu.
0451-1476 Kyoto Daigaku Shokuryäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Kyoto University, Research Institute for Food Science.
0389-5041 Kyoto-fu Eisei Kōgai Kenkyūjo nenpō Kyoto-fu Eisei Kōgai Kenkyūjo
1341-4232 Kyoto-fu Hoken Kankyō Kenkyūjo nenpō Kyoto-fu Hoken Kankyō Kenkyūjo
0075-739X Kyoto Furitsu Daigaku gakujutsu häokoku. Rigaku, seikatsu kagaku Kyoto Furitsu Daigaku. Gakujutsu Häokokuk Iinkai.
0075-7373 Kyoto Furitsu Daigaku Gakujutsu Hokoku, Nogaku Kyoto Furitsu Daigaku Nogakubu.
1343-3954 Kyoto Furitsu Daigaku gakujutsu hōkoku. Ningen kankyōgaku, nōgaku Kyoto Furitsu Daigaku. Gakujutsu Hōkoku Iinkai
0023-6012 Kyoto Furitsu Ika Daigaku zasshi Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine.; Kyoto Ika Daigaku Gakujutsu Kenkyäukai.; Kyoto Furitsu Ika Daigaku Igakkai.; Medical Society of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine.; Medizinische Akademie zu Kioto.
0288-111X Kyoto-fu Yakuzaishikai Shiken Kenkyäu Sentäa nenpäo Kyoto Prefectural Pharmaceutical Association. Laboratory.
0453-0039 Kyoto Igakkai Zasshi Kyoto-fu Ishikai Igakkai
0289-3827 Kyoto Joshi Daigaku Shokumotsu Gakkaishi Kyoto Joshi Daigaku Shokumotsu Gakkai
0368-5896 Kyoto Käogei Sen'i Daigaku Sen'i Gakubu gakujutsu häokoku Kyoto Käogei Sen'i Daigaku. Sen'i Gakubu
0023-6101 Kyoto Kyäoiku Daigaku kiyäo. B, Shizen kagaku Kyoto University of Education.
0914-2177 Kyoto Pasteur Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Institut Pasteur de Kyoto, Japon.
0287-7902 Kyoto Sangyō Daigaku ronshū Kyoto Sangyō Daigaku
0454-7993 Kyoto Yakka Daigaku gakuhäo Kyoto Yakka Daigaku.
0289-2596 Kyōzome to seiren senshoku Kyōzome Kenkyūkai ;; Seiren Senshoku Kenkyūkai; Kyozome seiren senshoku kenkyukai
1019-5270 Kyrgyz Respublikasy ilimder akademiâsynyn kabarlary Ilim
1026-9401 Kyrgyz Respublikasy ilimder akademiâsynyn kabarlary Ilim
0235-0084 Kyrgyz SSR ilimder Akademiâsynyn Kabarlary. Himiko-tehnologičeskie i biologičeskie nauki Ilim
0385-6410 Kyushu Byogaichu Kenkyukaiho Kyushu Byogaichu Kenkyukai; Kyushu byogaichu kenkyukai; Kyushu byogaichu kenkyukai
0916-0892 Kyushu Daigaku Chuo Bunseki Senta hokoku Kyushu Daigaku. Chuo Bunseki Senta
1346-7883 Kyushu daigaku daigakuin sogo rikogaku hokoku Kyushu daigaku daigakuin sogo riko gakufu,
0453-0268 Kyushu Daigaku Kyobu Shikkan Kenkyusho Kiyo Kyushu Daigaku Kyobu Shikkan Kenkyusho.
0453-0276 Kyushu Daigaku Kyoyobu Chigaku Kenkyu Hokoku
0368-6264 Kyushu Daigaku Nogakubu Gakugei Zasshi Kyushu Daigaku Nogakubu.
0453-0330 Kyushu journal of medical science Kyushu University. Faculty of Medicine.
0453-0357 Kyushu Kogyo Daigaku Kenkyu Hokoku, Kogaku Kyushu Kogyo Daigaku :; Kyuushuu kougyou daigaku kougakubu
1346-0994 Kyushu Kyoritsu Daigaku Kogakubu kenkyu hokoku Kyushu Kyoritsu Daigaku. Kogakubu; Kyushu kyoritsu daigaku kogakubu tosho henshu iinkai
0368-6205 Kyushu Memoirs of Medical Sciences Kyushu University. Faculty of Medicine.
0286-7826 Kyūshū Sangyō Daigaku Kōgakubu kenkyū hōkoku Kyūshū Sangyō Daigaku. Kōgakubu
0368-6833 Kyushu Shika Gakkai Zasshi Kyushu shika gakkai; Kyushu shika gakkai
0023-6144 Kyushu Shinkei Seishin Igaku Nishi Nippon Shinkei Seishin Igakkai, c/o Kyushu Daigaku Igakubu Shinkei Seishin Igaku Kyoshitsu
0368-7279 Kyushu Yakugakkai Kaiho Kyushu Yakugakkai; Kyushu Yamaguchi Yakugakkai
0742-3896 L.E.R.S. monograph series Laboratoires d'études et de recherches Synthélabo.
0151-9093 L'Actualité chimique Société chimique de France
0365-7442 L' Aerotecnica missili e spazio Tamburini
0394-2945 L'Agricoltura coloniale Istituto agricolo coloniale italiano.
0375-8389 L'Agricoltura italiana Università degli studi di Pisa, Istituto di agronomia e coltivazioni erbacee.
0365-2688 L'Agriculture pratique Société des agriculteurs de France
0002-1946 L'Agronomie tropicale Institut de recherches agronomiques
0065-6267 L'Alimentation et la vie Lanore
0003-5017 L' Année biologique Fédération des sociétés de sciences naturelles; Schleicher
0003-6463 L'Apicoltore d'Italia Sezione apicoltori Italiani della C.F.A.
0518-1259 L'Apicoltore moderno Istituto di apicoltura dell'Università di Torino, etc.]
0365-5482 L'Apiculteur Société centrale d'apiculture (France)
0365-6063 L'Argile [s.n.],
0004-6531 L'Ateneo parmense Ospedale Maggiore.; Università degli studi di Parma. Società di medicina e di scienze naturali.; Università degli Studi, Parma. Società di medicina e scienze naturali.
0376-057X L'Ateneo parmense Ospedale Maggiore.; Università degli studi di Parma. Società di medicina e di scienze naturali.; Università degli studi di Parma. Facoltà di medicina.; Università degli studi di Parma. Facoltà di scienze naturali.; Università degli studi di Parma. Facoltà di farmacia.
0004-654X L'Ateneo parmense. Acta naturalia Ospedale Maggiore
0365-8244 L'Avenir médical [s.n.],
0005-2361 L'Avvenire Agricolo Consorzio Agrario Provinciale
0367-0171 L'Eau L'eau
0367-0368 L'efficience textile Association des ingénieurs techniciens, techniciens etétudiants de l'Ecole supérieure des textiles de Tournai.
0013-6131 L'Elettrotecnica Associazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica Italiana
0013-7006 L'Encéphale Delarue
0013-7308 L' Energia Elettrica AEI
0014-3847 L'Évolution médicale Action sanitaire et sociale
1769-6674 L'Evolution psychiatrique (e-vir) Elsevier
0439-4224 L'homme et l'espace Actualité scientifique et technique (Lausanne)
0019-1655 L'Igiene moderna Società italiana d'igiene, medicina preventiva e sanità pubblica.; Istituto di microbiologia, Università cattolica.; Società Italiana d'Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e Sanità Pubblica.
0019-7416 L'Industria Società Editrice Il Mulino
1973-8137 L'Industria Il Mulino
0376-0677 L' Industria degli olii minerali e dei grassi [s.n.]
0019-7556 L'Industria della gomma GESTO
1127-011X L'Industria della gomma elastica Associazione nazionale fra le industrie della gomma, cavi elettrici e affini.; Assogomma.
0019-7513 L'Industria del latte Centro sperimentale del latte
0019-7637 L'industria italiana del cemento AITEC
0368-0037 L'Industria saponiera e degli olii, steariniera, profumiera [s.n.].
0019-9044 L'Industrie céramique Société d'éditions scientifiques, techniques et artistiques
1169-873X L'Industrie céramique & verrière Industrie céramique; Société de l'industrie minérale
0367-9225 L'Industrie des corps gras Fédération nationale de l'industrie des corps gras.
0367-9357 L'Industrie laitière Industrie laitière
0019-9133 L'Industrie nationale Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale (France)
0019-9176 L'Industrie textile Ceritex
0020-0018 L'Information dentaire [s.n.],
0020-0905 L'Ingegnere A.N.I.A.I.
0020-1162 L'ingénieur chimiste Association royale des anciens étudiants de l'institut Maurice-Chimie.
0021-275X L'Italia agricola Ramo Editoriale degli Agricoltori.
0030-0462 L'Officiel des plastiques et du caoutchouc Société anonyme d'exploitation d'éditions professionnelles,
0369-7509 L'Olivicoltore Federazione nazionale dei consorzi per l'olivicoltura.; Società nazionale degli olivicoltori.
0369-7517 L'Olivicoltura Società italiana degli olivicoltori.; Ente morale e dei consorzi per l'olivicoltura.
0048-2366 L'Ouest médical Expansion scientifique française ;; Groupe Région santé,
0372-4433 L'Union pharmaceutique Pharmacie centrale de France et Maison de droguerie Ménier réunies (Paris)
0365-3862 L'Université de Lyon en.. Université de Lyon
0372-4786 L'Usine [s.n.]; [s.n.]
0042-126X L'Usine nouvelle Société des périodiques techniques et industriels
0362-1774 L A Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
0390-069X Lab Comitato italiano per la standardizzazione dei metodi ematologici e di laboratorio.; CISMEL.
1861-5341 LabCiencia con noticias técnicas del laboratorio
0368-7430 Labdev. Part A Physical Sciences Defence Research Laboratory (Materials)
0458-5720 Labdev Journal of Science and Technology Defence Research Laboratory (Materials)
0368-7376 Labdev Journal of Science and Technology. Part B Life Sciences Defence Research Laboratory (Materials)
0365-9976 La Betterave.. [s.n.]; [s.n.]
0368-7368 Lab-instrumenten Epona : :; PressCorp : :; Adex
1473-0189 Lab on a chip (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1473-0197 Lab on a chip Royal Society of Chemistry
0023-6470 Labo-pharma Spéci pharma,
0458-5747 Labo Pharma, Problèmes et techniques Labo Pharma, Problèmes et techniques
0455-1184 Laboratoires [s.n.]
0023-6691 Laboratorio Hoteles de Belen, Calle B
0368-7384 Laboratorio Edizioni Arminum.
1120-8376 Laboratorio 2000 Morgan Edizioni Tecniche ;; Tecniche Nuove
0368-7538 Laboratorio Clinico Laboratório Clínico Silva Araújo
0368-7910 Laboratorio de Ensayo de Materiales e Investigaciones Tecnológicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Publicaciones Serie 2 Buenos Aires (Provincia). Ministerio de Obras Públicas.
0391-3570 Laboratorio di patologia clinica Laboratorio di patologia clinica.
0455-1222 Laboratorio nella Diagnosi Medica
0455-1230 Laboratorio Scientifico Pabisch.
0368-7333 Laboratorium Provinciaal instituut voor hygiëne.
0023-673X Laboratoriumsblätter Med. Verl.-Ges.
0342-3026 Laboratoriumsmedizin Kirchheim
1439-0477 LaboratoriumsMedizin = de Gruyter
0023-6748 Laboratornoe delo Medicina
0160-8584 Laboratory and research methods in biology and medicine Alan R. Liss,
0023-6772 Laboratory animals Laboratory Animals Ltd
1758-1117 Laboratory animals (e-vir) [Laboratory Animals Ltd.]
0023-6764 Laboratory animal science American Association for Laboratory Animal Science.
1381-141X Laboratory automation & information management Elsevier Science
0023-6829 Laboratory equipment digest Morgan-Grampian Process Press Ltd
1080-2924 Laboratory hematology International Society for Laboratory Hematology.
0023-6837 Laboratory investigation Williams & Wilkins
1530-0307 Laboratory investigation (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0007-5027 Laboratory medicine Lippincott
1943-7730 Laboratory medicine (e-vir) [American Society of Clinical Pathologists, etc.]
0262-2955 Laboratory microcomputer Science and Technology Letters.
0023-6853 Laboratory Practice United Trade Press
0427-4199 Laboratory Report, Franklin Institute
0895-7533 Laboratory robotics and automation VCH Publishers
1098-2728 Laboratory robotics and automation Wiley
0384-3157 Laboratory technical report LTR National Aeronautical Establishment (Canada)
0075-7535 Laboratory techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology North Holland Publishing Company; Elsevier
0099-8168 Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.
0170-205X Labor-Medizin GIT-Verlag Giebeler
0344-1733 Labor-Praxis Vogel
0008-8757 La cellule Vander N.V..
0366-8029 La Céramique Union céramique et chaufournière de France,
0366-8045 La Céramique, la verrerie Bernard imprimeur-éditeur,
0009-4315 La Chimica e l'industria Editrice di Chimica
2283-544X La Chimica e l'industria (e-vir) Societa Chimica Italiana
0366-6360 La Chimica nella industria, nella agricoltura, nella biologia e nelle realizzazioni corporative [s.n.].
0392-8942 La Chimica nella scuola Editrice di Chimica
0009-4749 La Chirurgia degli organi di movimento L. Cappelli
1973-2538 La Chirurgia degli organi di movimento Springer Verlag Italia
0366-7324 La Chronique des mines coloniales Comité d'études minières pour la France d'Outre-mer; Bureau d'études géologiques et minières coloniales (France)
0366-7340 La Chronique des mines d'Outre-mer Bureau d'études géologiques et minières coloniales (France)
0366-7332 La Chronique des mines d'Outre-mer et de la recherche minière Bureau d'études géologiques et minières coloniales (France)
0368-7635 Lack- und Farben-Chemie = W.A. Colomb,
0368-7678 Lack- und Farben-Zeitschrift [s.n.]
0009-9074 La Clinica terapeutica Società Editrice Universo
0390-8712 La Clinica termale R. Università di Roma.; Associazione medica italiana di idroclimatologia talassologica e terapia fisica.; Università degli studi, Roma La Sapienza.
0366-7731 La Corse médicale N. Ambrosini,
0366-8789 La Défense aérienne Union nationale pour la défense aérienne et pour la protection des populations civiles
0012-1894 La Diagnosi, laboratorio e clinica [s.n.].
0015-6108 La fonderie belge Belgische Technische Gieterijvereniging vzw
0367-2824 La Fonderie moderne [s.n.],
0367-2832 La Fonte Centre de recherches de fonderie des hauts fourneaux de Saulnes,
0532-5749 La France et ses parfums [s.n.]
0023-7256 Lagena Universidad de Oriente (Venezuela). Instituto Oceanográfico.
0017-680X La Halle aux cuirs [s.n.]; Publications Charles Vincent
0023-7299 Lahey Clinic Foundation bulletin Lahey Clinic Foundation.
1958-5551 La Houille blanche (e-vir) Société hydrotechnique de France; EDP sciences
0325-0326 La industria azucarera [s.n.]
0368-7767 Laiterie et les industries de la ferme [s.n.],
0368-735X Laka industrija [S.n.]
0023-7205 Läkartidningen Sveriges läkarförbund
1652-7518 Läkartidningen Läkartidningen förlag
0361-8188 Lake Michigan water quality report Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
1320-5331 Lakes & reservoirs Blackwell Science
1440-1770 Lakes & reservoirs (e-vir) Blackwell Science..; Willey
0130-9013 Lakokrasočnye materialy i ih primenenie Himiâ; Pèjnt-media
0368-7341 La laiterie belge Union professionnelle des directeurs de laiterie.
0984-452X La Lettre du pharmacologue Edimark,; Edimark
0368-8143 La Lettura Gruppo Rizzoli-Corriere della Sera
0368-8178 La Lumière électrique [s.n.]
0368-9344 La Médecine [s.n.],
0368-9255 La Médecine aéronautique Service de santé de l'Air, Paris
0025-6773 La Médecine infantile Librairie Maloine
0025-7818 La Medicina del lavoro Società italiana di medicina del lavoro.; Mattioli 1885
0461-6154 La Medicina Internazionale Raffaello Cortina Editore.
0026-0886 La Métallurgie et la construction mécanique [s.n.]
0026-1181 La Météorologie Société météorologique de France
0245-5536 La Meunerie française Association nationale de la meunerie française
0391-5891 Lamiera Casa Editrice Tecniche Nuove
0369-1195 La Moisson S.n..
0369-3392 La nature Masson
2589-3858 La Nature (e-vir) Masson
0369-5786 La Nature science progrès Dunod
1474-5488 Lancet oncology (e-vir) Elsevier; Lancet
0458-6859 Landbauforschung Völkenrode Forschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft Braunschweig-Völkenrode
0376-0723 Landbauforschung Völkenrode, Sonderheft Forschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft Braunschweig Völkenrode
0023-7787 Landbouwkundid tijdschrift Nederlandsch genootschap voor landbouwwetenschap
0023-7795 Landbouwmechanisatie Stichting Mechanisatie Centrum.
0368-749X Landbouwvoorlichting Ministerie van landbouw, visserij en voedselvoorziening. Directie van de landbouw
0943-0660 Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg, Projekt "Angewandte Ökologie" Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg.; LfU.
0173-0495 Landschaftsentwicklung und Umweltforschung Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität Berlin, Abteilung Publikationen.
0023-8082 Landtechnik Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft
2700-7898 Landtechnik (e-vir)
0458-6735 Land- und Forstwirtschaftliche Forschung in Österreich Österreichischer agrarverlag
0341-0072 Landwirtschaft, angewandte Wissenschaft Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten.; Land- und Hauswirtschaftlicher Auswertungs- und Informationsdienst e.V.
0023-8147 Landwirtschaftliche Forschung J. D. Sauerländer's Verlag
0457-110X Landwirtschaftliche Forschung, Sonderheft J. D. Sauerlaender's Verlag
0368-8194 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher [s.n.]
0368-7457 Landwirtschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen [s.n.]
0171-371X Landwirtschaftliche Schriftenreihe Boden, Pflanze, Tier Parey.
0023-8171 Landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch der Schweiz Schweiz.; Schweiz.; Schweiz.; Schweiz.
0023-8236 Langenbecks Archiv für Chirurgie Springer
0743-7463 Langmuir American Chemical Society
1520-5827 Langmuir (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0368-7406 Laniera Alberto Matarelli S.p.A.
0083-4653 Lantbrukshoegskolans Meddelanden, Serie A Lantbrukshögskolan
0368-7880 Lantbrukshoegskolans Meddelanden, Serie B Lantbrukshögskolan
0368-7325 Lantbrukshögskolans annaler = Annals of the Agricultural College of Sweden = Annalen der Landwirtschaftlichen Hochschule Schwedens = Annales de L'École supérieure d'agriculture de la Suède Lantbrukshögskolan
8755-5301 Lanthanide and actinide research Reidel
0023-8449 Lantmannen (e-vir) Sveriges lantbruksförbund; Lantbrukarnas riksförbund
0369-6391 La Nuova chimica PAN Editrice.
0391-6448 La Nuova selezione tessile Edizioni Tecniche Publiedi.
0455-2059 Lanzhou Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1673-5196 Lanzhou Ligong Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0369-8343 La Panificazione [s.n.].
0369-8327 La Parfumerie moderne [s.n.]
0369-9412 La Pathologie générale Éditions médicales et scientifiques,
0369-9684 La Photo pour tous [s.n.]
0126-4575 Laporan - Lembaga Metallurgi Nasional Lenbaga Metallurgi Nasional.
0523-8358 Laporan Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan.
0032-745X La prensa médica argentina Prensa Médica Argentina
Y506-8029 La Presse Medicale (e-vir) Masson
0755-4982 La Presse médicale Masson
0151-5845 La Psychomotricité Fédération française des psychorééducateurs.
1826-6983 La Radiologia medica (e-vir) Springer Verlag Italia
0370-4181 La Rassegna di clinica, terapia e scienze affini Istituto farmacologico Serono.
0242-9462 LARC médical Université catholique de Lille. Faculté libre de médecine.; Université de Picardie. Faculté de médecine.; Université de Rouen. Faculté de médecine et de pharmacie.; Université de Caen. Faculté de médecine et de pharmacie.
0029-5671 La Recherche Societe d'editions scientifiques
1625-9955 La Recherche (e-vir) Société d'éditions scientifiques; Sophia publications
0370-3533 La Recherche aéronautique Office national d'études et de recherches aéronautiques
0034-1223 La Recherche aérospatiale Office national d'études et de recherches aérospatiales
0370-4912 La Revue de fonderie moderne [s.n.],
0370-517X La revue de Genève Impr. suisse
2492-7988 La Revue de l'énergie (e-vir) Éditions Technip & Ophrys
0370-4033 La Revue des combustibles liquides [s.n.],
0370-6796 La Revue des produits chimiques [s.n.]
0370-6656 La Revue des produits chimiques et l'Actualité scientifique réunies [s.n.]
0035-2640 La Revue du praticien Baillière
0048-8062 La Revue francaise d'endocrinologie clinique, nutrition et métabolisme ÃLes ÄEditions de médecine pratique,
0370-4920 La Revue française de photographie et de cinématographie [s.n.]
0484-8888 La Revue libérale [s.n.] :; Éditions de Minuit [dépositaire],
0556-798X La Revue lyonnaise de médecine [s.n.],
0035-3647 La Revue Médicale de Dijon A. Marin ;; Société d'Information Médicale et d'Enseignement Post- universitaire,
0370-7520 La Revue trimestrielle canadienne Association des diplômés de Polytechnique.; École polytechnique (Montréal, Québec).
0035-5011 La Ricerca scientifica Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
0485-0726 La Ricerca scientifica CNR
0556-9672 La Ricerca scientifica Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
0556-9680 La Ricerca scientifica Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
0556-9699 La Ricerca scientifica Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
0035-5259 La Riforma Medica E.M.S.A. Edizioni Mediche.
0370-5463 La Rivista dei Combustibili Tamburini Editore
0391-4887 La Rivista della Società Italiana di Scienza dell'Alimentazione Società italiana di scienza dell'alimentazione.; FO.SA.N.
0392-3827 La Rivista del latte Associazione Licenziati dell'Istituto Sperimentale di Caseificio.
0393-697X La rivista del nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica Editrice Compositori
1826-9850 La Rivista del nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica Editrice Compositori
1128-7969 La Rivista di scienza dell'alimentazione Società italiana di scienza dell'alimentazione; Fondazione per lo studio degli alimenti e della nutrizione
0035-6778 La Rivista italiana del petrolio Tipografia editrice italia
0457-1827 Larvacide Log
0340-1588 Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie Thieme
0302-9379 Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie und ihre Grenzgebiete G. Thieme
0023-852X Laryngoscope Laringoscope Co
0371-3113 La Science du sol Laboratoires agronomiques Georges Truffaut, Versailles.; Laboratoires Georges Truffaut, Versailles.
0370-971X La Scienza del farmaco [s.n.].
0037-1777 La Semaine des hôpitaux de Paris Doin
0370-9590 La semana médica [s.n.]
0037-184X La Semana vitivinícola Salvador Estela Alfonso.
0263-0346 Laser and particle beams Cambridge University Press
1469-803X Laser and particle beams (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1121-0656 Laser and technology Wichtig Editore
0361-7297 Laser applications Academic Press
0278-6273 Laser chemistry Harwood Academic Publishers
1026-8014 Laser chemistry (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1476-3516 Laser chemistry (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0023-8589 Laser focus International Data Pub. Co.
0740-2511 Laser focus Pennwell Pub. Co., Advanced Technology Group
0190-1451 Laser focus with fiberoptic communications Advanced Technology Publication
0275-1399 Laser focus with fiberoptic technology Advanced Technology Publications
1043-8092 Laser focus world PennWell Pub. Co.
0148-0987 Laser interaction and related plasma phenomena Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.; Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.)
0023-8597 Laser journal Laser Industry Association.
1054-660X Laser physics Interperiodica Publishing
1555-6611 Laser physics (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1612-2011 Laser physics letters Wiley-VCH-Verl.
1612-202X Laser physics letters (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0075-8035 Lasers M. Dekker
0458-7871 Lasers et Optique Non Conventionelle Banque Europeenne d'Informations; European Abstracts Service
0898-1507 Lasers in engineering Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1026-7069 Lasers in engineering (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1029-029X Lasers in engineering (e-vir) Old City Publishing
0196-8092 Lasers in surgery and medicine Liss
1096-9101 Lasers in surgery and medicine (e-vir) Wiley
0037-2927 La Settimana medica Centro editoriale pubblicitario italiano.
0023-8694 Lastechniek Wyt
0371-4004 La Sucrerie belge Sucrerie belge
0371-0335 La Sucrerie indigène Comité central des fabricants de sucre de France
0040-1250 La technique moderne [s.n.]
0327-0793 Latin American applied research Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química, CONICET / Universidad Nacional del Sur
1851-8796 Latin American applied research (e-vir) Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Universidad Nacional del Sur; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
0960-8702 Latin American economy & business Latin American Newspapers
0041-1787 La Trasfusione del sangue Il Pensiero Scientifico; SIMTI Servizi,
0007-8115 La tribune du CEBEDEAU CEBEDOC
0041-4131 La Tunisie médicale Société tunisienne des sciences médicales et conseil de l'ordre des médecins; Société tunisienne des sciences médicales de Tunis
0868-8257 Latvian journal of physics and technical sciences LZA Fizikalas energetikas instituts
2255-8896 Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences (e-vir) LZA Fizikalas energetikas instituts.
0371-9405 Latviešu jaunrades dejas E. Melngaiëla Republikas Tautas mäakslas un kultäuras izgläit. darba zin. met. centrs.
0868-8249 Latvijas èkäimijas žurnäals Zinäatne
1407-0871 Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes raksti Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Universitāte
0132-6422 Latvijas PSR zinäatènu akadäemijas väestis Zinäatne
2592-8848 Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis. A daļa, Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes (e-vir) Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija
0317-4204 Laundry and dry cleaning journal of Canada Westman Publications.
0393-4365 Lavaggio industriale Rivista del Colore.
0023-9046 Laval médical Université Laval. Faculté de médecine.
0762-0969 La Vie des sciences Gauthier-Villars; Diffusion Centrale des revues
0042-5583 La Vie médicale Vie médicale,
0368-7848 Lavoirs et laveries Syndicat national des maîtres laveurs blanchisseurs (France)
0368-7473 Lavori dell'Istituto Botanico e del Giardino Coloniale di Palermo Istituto botanico di Palermo.; Giardino coloniale di Palermo.
0368-7414 Lavori dell'Istituto di Anatomia e Istologia Patologica Istituto di Anatomia e Istologia Patologica, Università degli Studi di Perugia
0023-9127 Lavoro umano Marves.
0023-9143 Lavoura Arrozeira Instituto Rio Grandense do Arroz.
0195-721X LBL Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
0746-0252 LC [Aster Pub. Corp.]
1471-6577 LC GC Europe Advanstar Communications
0888-9090 LC GC - Magazine of separation science Aster Pub. Corp.
1527-5949 LC GC North America Advanstar Communications
1939-1889 LC GC North America (e-vir) Advanstar Communications
0074-316X Lead European Lead Development Committee.; Lead Development Association.
0364-7889 Lead industry United States.; United States.; United States.
0364-7897 Lead production United States. Bureau of Mines.
0004-6272 Leaflet / Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
0096-7742 Leaflet - Agricultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute Agricultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute.
0435-4664 Leaflet - Georgia, Agricultural Experiment Stations
0482-9131 Leaflet of the Division of Engineering Research and Development University of Rhode Island.
0097-6652 Leaflet series - Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station.
1072-0502 Learning & memory Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
1549-5485 Learning & memory Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
0023-9739 Leather Benn Brothers
0023-9771 Leather Science Central Leather Research Institute
0368-8135 Leather Trades' Review Acc
0455-4868 Leather World [s.n.]
0099-829X Leaves from a Paint Research Notebook
0455-4884 Lebanese pharmaceutical journal Ordre des pharmaciens du Liban
1561-3410 Lebanese science journal National Council for Scientific Research
2413-371X Lebanese science journal (e-vir) National Council for Scientific Research
0937-1478 Lebensmittelchemie VCH
1521-3811 Lebensmittelchemie Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0724-8784 Lebensmittelchemie, Lebensmittelqualität Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
0341-5309 Lebensmittelchemie und gerichtliche Chemie VCH
0024-0028 Lebensmittelindustrie Fachbuchverlag
0254-9298 Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologie Verein Österreichischer Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologen
0023-6438 Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie Academic Press
0024-0044 Lebensversicherungs-Medizin Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft e. V
0303-4283 Leben und Umwelt Biologie-Verl.
0300-8622 Leber, Magen, Darm Pflaum
0405-6701 Le Betteravier français Confédération générale des planteurs de betteraves (France)
0366-2632 Le Brasseur français [s.n.],
0029-7127 Le Bulletin de l'OIV Félix Alcan
1770-1368 Le Bup physique chimie Union des professeurs de physique et de chimie (France)
0366-5224 Le Caoutchouc et la gutta-percha [s.n.]
0366-712X Le chimiste S. Coulier.
0366-6484 Le Ciment Impr. de la Société anonyme de publications industrielles et d'imprimerie administrative,
0723-8878 Lectins, biology, biochemistry, clinical biochemistry De Gruyter.
0099-8397 Lecture Notes - Division Technical Conference, Society of Plastics Engineers, Vinyl Plastics Division Society of Plastics Engineers.
0341-633X Lecture notes in biomathematics Springer
0342-4901 Lecture notes in chemistry Springer
0930-0317 Lecture notes in earth sciences Springer
0075-8434 Lecture notes in mathematics Springer
0075-8450 Lecture notes in physics Springer
0940-7677 Lecture notes in physics Springer.
0724-5890 Lecture notes on coastal and estuarine studies Springer
0436-9459 Lectures [s.n.]
0370-5455 Lectures, Monographs, and Reports / Royal Institute of Chemistry.
0377-8312 Lecture series van Kareman Institute for fluid dynamics
0557-403X Lecture series Royal Institute of Chemistry.
1573-4196 Lecture series on computer and computational sciences VPS
0090-2268 Lectures in heterocyclic chemistry Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry.
0081-9360 Lectures in theoretical physics Interscience Publishers
0075-8523 Lectures on mathematics in the life sciences American Mathematical Society.
0457-3242 Lectures on the scientific basis of medicine British Postgraduate Medical Federation.
0366-8339 Le Cuir [s.n.],
0366-8363 Le Cuir technique [s.n.],
0024-0176 Leder Eduard Roether Verlag
0368-7821 Leder Kurier Julius Dressler, Buch Zeitschriftenverlag
0455-5163 Lederle Bulletin
0368-7597 Ledertechnische Rundschau Verlag der Leder-Literatur,
0342-7641 Leder- und Häutemarkt Umschau-Verlag
0012-1770 Le Diabète Association de langue française pour l'étude du diabète et des maladies métaboliques (France)
0458-9491 Leeds & Northrup Technical Journal
0367-3022 Le Froid Association française du froid
1344-6223 Legal medicine Elsevier
1873-4162 Legal Medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
0075-8590 Legal medicine annual Appleton-Century-Crofts.
0073-750X Legal series - Industrial Health Foundation Industrial Health Foundation.
0368-8011 Legkaâ promyšlennostʹ Kazahstana.; Легкая промышленность Казахстана [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0135-230X Legka promislovìstʹ.; Легка промисловість Tehnìka; Техніка; Kiïvsʹkij nacìonalʹnij unìversitet tehnologìj ta dizajnu; Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну
0250-5371 Legume research Agricultural Research Communication Centre.
0976-0571 Legume research (e-vir) Indianjournals.com
0024-0621 Leica-Fotografie Umschau-Verl. Breidenstein.
0458-9920 Leicester Chemical Review [s.n.]
0368-7589 Leichtmetall Aluminium-Walzwerke,
0368-7805 Leichtmetall [s.n.]
0075-8639 Leidse geologische mededelingen Rÿksmuseum van geologie en mineralogie
0457-4176 Leitz-Mitteilungen für Wissenschaft und Technik Ernst Leitz Wetzlar GmbH
0457-4184 Lejeunia Ed. de Lejeunia
0368-2366 Le Journal de l'Hotel Dieu de Montreal Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal
0457-4206 Lékařské zprávy Lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Hradci Králové Karolinum; Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0457-4214 Lekársky obzor Slovensko.; Slovenská postgraduálna akadémia medicíny
0303-8823 Lekarstvennye sredstva Dalʹnego Vostoka.; Лекарственные средства Дальнего Востока Habarovskij gosudarstvennyj medicinskij institut; Хабаровский государственный медицинский институт.
0024-0745 Lekarz Wojskowy [s.n.].
0455-6224 Lekovite sirovine Institut za proučavanje lekovitog bilja "Dr Josif Pančić"
2560-3965 Lekovite sirovine (e-vir) Institut za proučavanje lekovitog bilja "Dr. Josif Pančić"
0023-7302 Le Lait Lait; Ed. du Boisbaudry; INRA
0125-9644 Lembaran publikasi Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi "Lemigas" Bidang Data dan Informasi Lemigas.
0368-8852 Le Mois chimique et électro-chimique [s.n.]
0369-0903 Le Mois minier et métallurgique [s.n.]
0369-2140 Le Mois scientifique et industriel [s.n.],
0153-9167 Le Monde et les minéraux Le Monde et les minéraux.
0369-0784 Le Moniteur de la maille Textil office
0369-108X Le Moniteur de la photographie Leiber
0369-1403 Le Moniteur des produits chimiques pour l'industrie, les sciences & les arts, et du matériel de ces industries [s.n.],
0028-0798 Le Naturaliste canadien Société linnéenne de Québec.; Université Laval.; Société Provancher d'histoire naturelle du Canada.
0366-5739 Le Nickel et ses alliages International nickel France
0366-5747 Le Nickel et ses alliages International nickel France
0366-5755 Le Nickel et ses alliages International nickel France
0366-5763 Le Nickel et ses alliages International nickel France
0024-418X Len i konoplâ.; Лен и конопля "Kolos"; "Колос".
1042-6922 Lens and eye toxicity research International Society of Ocular Toxicology. Congress.; International Society of Ocular Toxicology.
0738-1441 Lens research Marcel Dekker,
0024-0907 Lenzinger Berichte Chemiefaser Lenzing AG
0370-1174 Le Papier [s.n.],
0031-6938 Le Pharmacien de France Fédération des syndicats pharmaceutiques de France.
0369-9560 Le Photographe [s.n.],; Société Photovision
0032-5821 Le Poumon et le coeur Société française de chirurgie thoracique et cardio-vasculaire.; Syndicat des chirurgiens de sanatoriums publics (France)
0033-0450 Le Progrès médical Librairie A. Duval
0397-8060 Le Progrès technique Association nationale de la recherche technique (France)
0305-7518 Leprosy review Academic Press.
2162-8807 Leprosy review (e-vir) LEPRA
0370-3223 Le Radium Masson
0024-1040 Lerindustrien Nordens Samvirkende Teglværksforeninger.
0341-518X Lernen + Leisten Umschau-Verlag Breidenstein.
0323-0996 Les Príroda
0339-4433 Les Agriculteurs de France AgriDées (France)
0398-7582 Les Annales d'hygiène de langue française. Médecine et nutrition La Simarre
0249-650X Les Arts du feu Association scientifique et technique de céramique.; Fédération nationale de la céramique et de la verrerie.
0526-7625 Les Cahiers Albert le Grand Association française des pharmaciens catholiques; Association catholique des étudiants en pharmacie
0395-3971 Les Cahiers d'oto-rhino-laryngologie, de chirurgie cervico-faciale et d'audiophonologie Simarre
0007-9952 Les Cahiers de notes documentaires Institut National de Securite
0036-5440 Le scalpel Scalpel.
0293-1915 Les Colloques de l'INRA INRA
0366-5852 Les Conférences du Palais de la découverte Palais de la découverte (Paris)
0366-5909 Les Corps gras industriels [s. n.]
0368-7619 Lesnaâ promyšlennost'. Lesnaâ promyšlennost'
0322-9254 Lesnická práce Státní zemědělské nakladatelství
0368-7562 Lesnicky časopis [S.n.]
0024-1105 Lesnictví Ústav vědeckotechnických informací pro zemědělství
0455-7549 Lesnictví v zahraničí Československá akademie zemědělských věd
0024-1113 Lesnoe hozâjstvo "Lesnaâ promyšlennost'"
0373-7292 Lesnoe hozâjstvo, lesnaâ, bumažnaâ i derevoobrabatyvaûŝaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Лесное хозяйство, лесная, бумажная и деревообрабатывающая промышленность Budìvelʹnik; Будівельник
0136-9830 Lesnoe hozâjstvo i agrolesomelioraciâ v Kazahstane Kazahskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut lesnogo hozâjstva.
0130-9137 Lesohimiâ i podsočka [s.n.].
0368-7627 Lesohimičeskaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Лесохимическая промышленность Narodnyj komissariat lesnoj promyšlennosti SSSR; Народный комиссариат лесной промышленности СССР.
0130-9129 Lesohozâjstvennaâ informaciâ Gosudarstvennyj komitet lesnogo hozâjstva Soveta Ministrov SSSR; VNIILM
0255-6472 Lesotho law journal National University of Lesotho
0024-1148 Lesovedenie Nauka
0459-1216 Lesovodstvo i agrolesomelioraciâ Urožaj
0369-8157 Les Parfums de France [s.n.]
0546-8175 Les prix Nobel = Nobelstiftelsen
1296-9281 Les Techniques de l'industrie minérale Société de l'industrie minérale (France)
0373-2916 Le Strade Casa Editrice La Fiaccola
0371-5086 Le Tabac Fédération Internationale des Techniciens Agronomes
0337-9965 Le Technicien biologiste Société française d'éditions médicales,
0372-2341 Le Teinturier pratique [s.n]
0204-8078 Letopisi na higienno-epidemiologičnata služba Institut po higiena i profesionalni zabolâvaniâ.
0041-1868 Le Travail humain PUF
2104-3663 Le Travail humain (e-vir) [Presses universitaires de France]
0374-2261 Le tréfilé Meisenbach.
1827-613X Lettere al nuovo cimento (e-vir) Springer
0024-1318 Lettere al Nuovo Cimento Editrice Compositori
0375-930X Lettere al Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica Editrice Compositori
0090-6913 Letters in applied & engineering sciences Pergamon Press.
0266-8254 Letters in applied microbiology Blackwell Scientific
1472-765X Letters in applied microbiology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1570-1808 Letters in drug design & discovery Bentham Science Publishers
1875-628X Letters in drug design & discovery Bentham Science Publishers
0094-4548 Letters in heat and mass transfer Pergamon Press.
0377-9017 Letters in mathematical physics Reidel
1573-0530 Letters in mathematical physics (e-vir) Kluwer
1570-1786 Letters in organic chemistry Bentham Science
1875-6255 Letters in organic chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
0929-5666 Letters in peptide science ESCOM Science Publishers
1573-496X Letters in peptide science (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
0099-8303 Letters on Brewing
0951-287X Leukaemia and lymphoma research Leukaemia Research Fund.
0887-6924 Leukemia Williams & Wilkins
1476-5551 Leukemia (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1026-8022 Leukemia & lymphoma (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1042-8194 Leukemia & lymphoma Harwood Academic Publishers; Distributed by STBS
1029-2403 Leukemia and lymphoma Harwood Academic Publishers.
0145-2126 Leukemia Research Pergamon Press
1873-5835 Leukemia Research (e-vir) Pergamon
1550-2716 Leukos (e-vir) Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
1550-2724 Leukos Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
1266-0167 Le Vide SFV
0223-4335 Le Vide, les couches minces Société française du vide
0374-3691 LEW-Nachrichten Kombinat VEB Lokomotivbau-Elektrotechnische Werke "Hans Beimler"
0024-1601 Lex et scientia / International Academy of Law and Science.
0455-8324 Leybold Polarographische Berichte Staufen-Verlag
0271-9304 LF Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute.
1000-3215 Liangqi paxing dongwu xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1007-5461 Liangzi dianzi xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1002-106X Lianyou sheji Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1000-5846 Liaoning Daxue xuebao Liaoning Daxue
1008-0562 Liaoning Gongcheng Jishu Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-1735 Liaoning shifan daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1672-6952 Liaoning Shiyou Huagong Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0568-9368 Library Bibliography. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Atomic Weapons Research Establishment [s.n.]
0305-2559 Library compendium MTP International Research Communications :; University Park Press.
0024-2543 Library Science with a Slant to Documentation Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science
0300-8142 Libri oncologici Croatian league against cancer; University hospital for tumors
2584-3826 Libri oncologici (e-vir) University Hospital Center Sestre milosrdnice
0368-7481 Libyan journal of science Faculty of Science, University of Libya
0024-2829 Lichenologist Academic Press
0368-752X Licht Franckh; Franckh
0075-9317 Lick Observatory bulletins [Lick Observatory, University of California, etc.]
2378-9263 Lick Observatory bulletins (e-vir) Lick Observatory.
0947-3440 Liebigs Annalen VCH
0170-2041 Liebigs Annalen der Chemie VCH
0453-4034 Lietuvos Darbo raudonosios veliavos ordino zemes ukio akademijos mokslo darbai Mokslas
0024-2969 Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys Fisica
1392-1932 Lietuvos fizikos žurnalas Fisica
0235-7208 Lietuvos Mokslęu Akademija Mokslas
0235-7232 Lietuvos Mokslęu Akademija. Eksperimentinąe biologija Academia
0459-3391 Lietuvos TSR aukštųjų mokyklų mokslo, darbai. Chémija ir cheminis technologija "Mokslas".
0459-3480 Lietuvos TSR aukštuju mokyklu mokslo darbai Valstybine politines ir mokslines literaturos leidykla,; Valstybine politines ir mokslines literaturos leidykla,; Mintis,; Mokslas,; Kauno medicinos akademija,; Medicina,
0202-3288 Lietuvos TSR aukštųjų mokyklų mokslo darbai Mokslas
0368-8127 Lietuvos TSR aukštųjų mokyklų mokslo darbai Mintis; Mintis; KPI; Lietuvos TSR aukštojo ir specialiojo vidurinio mokslo ministerija; Lietuvos TSR liaudies švietimo ministerija
0457-8287 Lietuvos TSR aukštųjų mokyklų mokslo darbai Valstybinė politinės ir mokslinės literatūros leidykla; Valstybinė politinės ir mokslinės literatūros leidykla; Mintis
0459-3383 Lietuvos TSR aukštųjų mokyklų mokslo darbai Valstybinė politinės ir mokslinės literatūros leidykla; Valstybinė politinės ir mokslinės literatūros leidykla; Mintis; Mokslas; Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
0459-3448 Lietuvos TSR aukstuju mokyklu mokslo darbai. Geografija ir geologija Lietuvos TSR Aukstojo ir specialiojo vidurinio mokslo ministerija.
0202-327X Lietuvos TSR aukštuju mokyklu mokslo darbai. Geologija Mokslas.
0132-2729 Lietuvos TSR mokslèu akademijos darbai. B serija, Chemija, technika, fizinąe geografija Lietuvos TSR mokslèu akademija
0131-3851 Lietuvos TSR mokslęu akademijos darbai. C serija, biologijos mokslai Mokslas
0375-3778 Lietuvos Veterinarijos mokslinio tyrimo instituto darbai Leidykla "Mintis".
0320-054X Lietuvos zemdirbystes mokslinio tyrimo instituto darbai Mintis
0386-7455 Lifechem Hirokawa Shoten.
0278-6281 Life chemistry reports Harwood Academic.
0892-0419 Life chemistry reports Harwood Academic Publishers.
0255-6642 Life science advances Life science advances
0024-3205 Life Sciences Pergamon Press
1879-0631 Life Sciences (e-vir) Pergamon
0075-9422 Life sciences and space research Committee on Space Research.; COSPAR.
0300-8762 Life sciences monographs Pergamon Press :; Vieweg.
0340-8132 Life sciences research reports Springer
1069-9422 Life support & biosphere science Cognizant Communication Corp.
0261-989X Life support systems W.B. Saunders
0024-340X Lighter Canada Dep of Agriculture
0096-9052 Lighting journal
0024-3345 Light metal age R. Fellom, Jr.
0147-0809 Light metals American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.; Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.; TMS Light Metals Committee.; Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.
0368-7759 Light Metals [s.n.]
0368-7929 Light Metals & Metal Industry [s.n.]
0366-2659 Light metals bulletin British Aluminium Company Limited. Intelligence Department.
0365-8953 Light metals research British Aluminium Company.
0365-897X Light metals review British Aluminium Company.
1001-4020 Li hua jianyan Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng Xuehui Lihua Jianyan Xuehui,
0024-3477 Liječnički vjesnik Hrvatski liječnički zbor
1330-4917 Liječnički vjesnik Hrvatski liječnički zbor
1849-2177 Liječnički vjesnik (e-vir) Hrvatski liječnički zbor
0459-1887 Li kung hsüeh pao Guólì zhäongxäing dàxué lěigäong.; College of Science & Engineering, National Chung Hsing University.
0024-3493 Lille chirurgical Société de chirurgie de Lille
0024-3507 Lille médical Université de Lille. Faculté de médecine.
0099-832X Lilly Scientific Bulletin
0193-0087 Lime United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Branch of Industrial Minerals.; United States. Bureau of Mines.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0075-9511 Limnologica [b.i.]
1439-8621 Limnology Springer.
1439-863X Limnology Springer Japan.
0024-3590 Limnology and oceanography American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
1541-5856 Limnology and oceanography, methods (e-vir) American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
1005-3433 Linchan huagong tongxun Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0253-2417 Linchan huaxue yu gongye Zhongguo Linye Kexue Yanjiuyuan Linchan Huaxue Gongye Yanjiusuo,
1000-3606 Linchuang erke zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0456-1082 Linchuang jianyan zazhi Renmin Weisheng Chubanshe,
1001-764X Linchuang jianyan zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1005-3220 Linchuang jingshen yixue zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1004-5805 Linchuang mazuixue zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1001-9057 Linchuang neike zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Hubei Fenhui,
1000-4963 Linchuang pifuke zazhi Linchuang Pifuke Zazhishe,
1004-1648 Linchuang shenjingbingxue zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1671-2587 Linchuang shuxue yu jianyan Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1005-541X Linchuang xiaohuabing zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1003-3548 Linchuang yixue Gai-kan Bianjibu,
1001-7399 Linchuang yu shiyan binglixue zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Anhui Fenhui,
0379-0509 Lindane. Supplement Karl Schillinger.
0105-0761 Lindbergia Nordic Bryological Society; Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society
2001-5909 Lindbergia (e-vir) Nordic Bryological Society
0024-3728 Linde-Berichte aus Technik und Wissenschaft Linde-Aktiengesellschaft.
1612-2232 Linde technology Linde AG, Corporate Communications,
1007-6220 Linfei yu fufei Zhengzhou Gongye Daxue,
0368-7449 Lingnan Agricultural Review
0368-8054 Lingnan Science Journal [s.n.]
0161-6366 Linnean Society symposium series Linnean Society of London.
1001-7488 Linye Kexue Kexue Chubanshe
0915-6607 Lipid Medikaru Rebyūsha
1521-4133 Lipid (e-vir) Wiley
0368-7783 Lípidos S.n..
0950-5857 Lipid review Current Medical Literature.
0024-4201 Lipids American Oil Chemists' Society.
1558-9307 Lipids Springer
1476-511X Lipids in health and disease (e-vir) BioMed Central
0956-666X Lipid technology
1863-5377 Lipid technology Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0267-8292 Liquid crystals Taylor & Francis
1366-5855 Liquid crystals (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0146-5597 Liquid crystals and ordered fluids Plenum Press
1358-314X Liquid crystals today Taylor & Francis
1464-5181 Liquid crystals today (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1299-6793 Liquides & conditionnement PCI
0737-7266 Liquid fuels technology Dekker,
0302-3354 Liquid scintillation counting [s.n.]
0720-8499 LIS-Berichte Landesanst.,
0321-5091 Listoprokatnoe proizvodstvo Metallurgiâ.
0024-4449 Listy cukrovarnické SNTL, Nakladatelství technické literatury
1210-3306 Listy cukrovarnické a řepařské Cukrspol; VUC Praha a.s.
1805-9708 Listy cukrovarnické a řepařské (e-vir) VUC Praha a.s.
1680-2373 Lìtasfera Instytut gealagìčnyh navuk
0024-449X Litejnoe proizvodstvo Mašinostroenie
0340-4919 Literaturberichte über Wasser, Abwasser, Luft und Boden Fischer
0541-5179 Literature Review on Oils and Fats [s.n.]
0562-0368 Literatuuroverzicht - Centrum voor landbouwpublikaties en landbouwdocumentatie Centrum voor landbouwpublikaties en landbouwspublikaties
0954-1381 Lithium Churchill Livingstone
0024-4902 Lithology and mineral resources Consultants Bureau.
1608-3229 Lithology and mineral resources (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0024-4929 Lithoprinter Haymarket Publishing.
0024-4937 Lithos Elsevier
1648-8504 Lithuanian journal of physics Lithuanian Physical Society; Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
0131-1719 Litologiâ i paleogeografiâ.; Литология и палеогеография Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta; Издательство Ленинградского университета.
0024-497X Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye Nauka
1002-1507 Liusuan gongye Gai Kan Bianjibu
0456-2933 Livarstvo Savez livaca SR Srbije
0106-9543 Liver Munksgaard
1600-0676 Liver Blackwell
0163-9021 Liver, normal function and disease M. Dekker,
0096-0519 Liver injury Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.
1478-3223 Liver international Blackwell Munksgaard
1478-3231 Liver international (e-vir) Blackwell
0376-0324 Liverpool and Manchester Geological Journal Liverpool Geological Society.; Manchester Geological Association.
0301-6226 Livestock Production Science Elsevier
0459-1879 Lixue xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1001-5493 Lizi jiaohuan yu xifu Nankai Daxue Gaofenzi Huaxue Yanjiusuo,
0024-5402 Ljevarstvo Savez ljevača SR Hrvatske
0024-5461 Lloydia Lloyd Library and Museum
0365-1479 Location report - Coal Research Laboratory CSIRO. Coal Research Laboratory.
0365-1320 Location report - Division of Mineral Chemistry CSIRO. Division of Mineral Chemistry.
0458-144X Lockheed Symposia on Magnetohydrodynamics
0163-920X Long Ashton Symposium Academic Press.
0273-7116 Los Alamos science Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.; Los Alamos National Laboratory.
0361-8617 Los Angeles Council of Engineers and Scientists proceedings series Western Periodicals Co.,
0038-7355 Lo Sperimentale Accademia medico fisica fiorentina.
0097-2312 Loss prevention American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
0368-7988 Lotos Verlag des deutschen naturwissenschaftlich-medicinischen Vereines fuer Boehmen "LOTOS"
0024-6638 Lotta contro la tubercolosi Federazione italiana nazionale fascista per la lotta contro la tubercolosi.
0368-7546 Lotta contro la tubercolosi e le malattie polmonari sociali Federazione italiana contro la tubercolosi e le malattie polmonari sociali.
0368-8070 Loughborough University of Technology, Department of Chemistry, Summaries of Final Year Student Project Theses [s.n.]
0024-6735 Louisiana agriculture Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station.
0024-6778 Louisiana conservationist Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries Commission.; Louisiana.
0024-6956 Louvain médical Université catholique de Louvain. Faculté de médecine.; Association des médecins anciens étudiants.; Cercle médical Saint-Luc.
1063-777X Low temperature physics American Institute of Physics
1090-6517 Low temperature physics (e-vir) The Institute
0458-4244 Lozarstvo i vinarstvo [Ministerstvo na zemedelieto]
0024-7103 Lp-gas Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publications.
0161-5297 LPI contribution Lunar and Planetary Institute.
1540-9120 LPI contribution (e-vir) Lunar and Planetary Institute
1945-7014 LPI contribution (e-vir) Lunar and Planetary Institute.
0730-966X LPI technical report Lunar and Planetary Institute.
0145-143X LSI contribution Lunar Science Institute.
0024-0192 LSL, Leder. Schune. Lederwaren Fachbuchverlag.
0024-7146 Lubrication Texas Company.; Texaco, inc.
0024-7154 Lubrication engineering American Society of Lubrication Engineers.
0954-0075 Lubrication science Leaf Coppin
1557-6833 Lubrication science (e-vir) Wiley
0368-7465 Lubrificazione Stazione sperimentale per le industrie degli oli e dei grassi.
0024-7170 Lucas engineering review Joseph Lucas (Industries); Lucas Industries.
1012-8891 Lucræari de cercetare Institutul de Chimie Alimentaræa.
0368-7724 Lucræarile Institutului de Cercetæari Alimentare Institutul de Cercetæari Alimentare Bucureşti.
0368-7732 Lucræarile Institutului de Cercetæari Veterinare şi Biopreparate Pasteur Institutul de Cercetæari Veterinare şi Biopreparate "Pasteur"
0368-8003 Lucræarile Institutului de Petrol, Gaze şi Geologie din Bucureşti Institutul de Petrol, Gaze şi Geologie.
0368-8062 Lucræarile ştiinţifice ale Institutului de Cercetæari Zootehnice Institutul de Cercetæari Zootehnice Bucureşti.
0524-8167 Lucræarile ştiinţifice ale Institutului de Patologie şi Igienæa Animalæa Institutul de Patologie şi Igienæa Animalæa.
0521-3452 Lucræarile ştiinţifice ale Institutului de Seruri şi Vaccinuri Pasteur Institutul de Seruri şi Vaccinuri Pasteur.
0075-3513 Lucræari ştiinţifice Institutul Agronomic "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" Iaşi.
0254-8585 Lucræari ştiinţifice Institutul de Cercetæari pentru Creşterea Taurinelor Corbeanca.
0557-4641 Lucræari ştiinţifice Institutul Agronomic "Dr. Petru Groza"
0521-341X Lucræari Stiinţifice - Institutul Agronomic "Nicolae Bæalcescu". Seria B, Horticultura Centrul de material didactic şi propagandæa agricolæa
0524-8108 Lucræari ştiinţifice - Institutul agronomic "Nicolae Bæalcescu". Seria C. Zootehnie şi medicinæa veterinaræa Institutul Agronomic "N. Balcescu"; Editura Agrosilvica
0521-3401 Lucræari Ştiinţifice - Institutul Agronomic Nicolae Bæalcescu". Seria A, Agronomie Centrul de material didactic şi propagandæa agricolæa
0254-8577 Lucrări de cercetare Institutul de Cercetări pentru Industria şi Chimia Alimentară,
0301-9144 Lucrări de cercetare Editura Tehnică
0368-7775 Lucrările Institutului de Petrol şi Gaze din Bucureşti Institutul de Petrol şi Gaze
0257-778X Lucrările seminarului de matematică şi fizică al Institutului Politehnic "Traian Vuia" Timişoara Institutul Politehnic "Traian Vuia"
0254-8593 Lucrări ştiinţifice Institutul de Învăţământ Superior
0367-6714 Lucrări ştiinţifice Institutul Agronomic "Dr. Petru Groza"
0475-039X Lucrări ştiinţifice Institutul Pedagogic
0521-3371 Lucrări ştiinţifice [s.n.],
0563-5586 Lucrări ştiinţifice Institutul Agronomic din Timişoara
0563-5578 Lucrari Stiintifice, Institutul Agronomic Timisoara, Seria Agronomie Institutul Agronomic Timisoara
0368-8089 Lucrari Stiintifice, Institutul Politehnic Galati Institutul Politehnic Galati; Editura Tehnica
0368-7643 Luftfahrt-Forschung Zentrale für Wissenschaftliches Berichtswesen über Luftfahrtforschung des Generalluftzeugmeisters.
0368-7651 Luftfahrtmedizin Springer
0341-2849 Lufthygiene und Silikoseforschung Girardet.
0368-816X Lufttechnik Gentner.
0024-7251 Luft- und Kältetechnik Müller
0460-2374 Luftverunreinigung Verein für Kommunalwirtschaft und Kommunalpolitik
0368-0703 LŰ Industria del vetro e della ceramica [s.n.]
1008-133X Lujian gongye Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1522-7235 Luminescence Wiley & Sons
1522-7243 Luminescence (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
0197-274X Lunar and planetary science Lunar and Planetary Institute.; United States.; Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.
0368-8151 Lunds universitets årsskrift Kungl. Fysiografiska sällskapet i Lund; Lunds universitet
0341-2040 Lung Springer
1432-1750 Lung (e-vir) Springer
0362-3181 Lung biology in health and disease Dekker
0919-5742 Lung perspectives Medikaru Rebyūsha
1006-8171 Luntai gongye Huagongbu Beijing Xiangjiao Gongye Yanjiu Shejiyuan,
0961-2033 Lupus Scientific & Medical Division, Macmillan
1477-0962 Lupus (e-vir) Arnold.
0251-0154 Luso University of Malaãwi. Faculty of Science.
1010-5425 LWT-Edition Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und -technologie.
1096-1127 LWT - Food science and technology (e-vir) Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology by Academic Press
1539-6851 Lymphatic research and biology Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-8585 Lymphatic research and biology Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0368-8208 Lymphatologia Kyoto Daigaku. Igakubu. Kaibäogaku Kyäoshitsu.
1056-5477 Lymphokine and cytokine research Mary Ann Liebert
0197-596X Lymphokine reports; Academic Press.
0277-6766 Lymphokine research Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0277-013X Lymphokines Academic Press
0024-7766 Lymphology International Society of Lymphology
0024-7782 Lyon chirurgical Masson et Cie
0024-7790 Lyon médical Société médicale des hôpitaux de Lyon; Société médico-chirurgicale des hôpitaux (Saint-Etienne)
0014-3855 Lʹ Évolution Psychiatrique Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier
0759-0644 M.A.N. Microbiologie, aliments, nutrition Société Informations études et édition en nutrition et alimentation
0368-9875 M. Kir. Szőlő és Borgazdasági Központi Kísérleti Állomás (Ampelologiai Intézet) évkönyve Magy. Királyi Ampelol. Intéz
0024-7944 M & B Laboratory Bulletin May & Baker
0460-2390 M & B Pharmaceutical Bulletin [s.n.]
0541-5276 M & I Morgan-Grampian
0266-0245 M & M, D & D John Libbey EUROTEXT.
1436-0446 M & T Metallhandwerk Coleman
0041-9419 Ma#allat Kulliyyat al-tibb Bagdad College of Medicine, University of Baghdad.
0250-538X Maadini Gecamines.
0254-1327 Maægallat al-maægmaŚ al-Śilmäi al-Śiräaquäi Al-maægmaŚ al-Śilmäi al-Śiräaqäi
0256-4548 Maægallatć al-íhaläiæg al-'arabäi li-l-buîhäuít al-'ilmiyyatć Maktab al-tarbiyatć al-'arabäi li-duwal al-íhaläiæg.; Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States.
0368-8801 Maandblad voor den Landbouwvoorlichtingsdienst Landbouwvoorlichtingsdienst.
0024-869X Maandschrift voor Kindergeneeskunde Van Doesburgh :; Stenfert Kroese
0460-2951 Maatalous ja koetoiminta Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus.
0460-3192 Macdonald College bulletin Macdonald College.
0541-6388 Machine building industry Chary Publications.
0024-9114 Machine design Penton/IPC, etc.
0024-9130 Machine Moderne Societe de Publications Mecaniques
0024-9181 Machinery Machinery Publications Corp., etc.
0368-8941 Machinery Machinery
0368-8542 Machines et métaux Syndicat général des industries mécaniques et transformatrices des métaux (France); Fédération des industries mécaniques (France); Société française des mécaniciens
1091-0344 Machining science and technology Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1532-2483 Machining science and technology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
1616-5187 Macromolecular bioscience Wiley-VCH
1616-5195 Macromolecular bioscience (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0144-2988 Macromolecular chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0076-2075 Macromolecular Chemistry
1022-1352 Macromolecular chemistry and physics Hüthig & Wepf
1521-3935 Macromolecular chemistry and physics (e-vir) Wiley
1438-7492 Macromolecular materials and engineering Wiley
Y503-9576 Macromolecular materials and engineering Wiley
1439-2054 Macromolecular materials and enginering (e-vir) Wiley
1022-1336 Macromolecular rapid communications Wiley-VCH
1521-3927 Macromolecular rapid communications (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
1060-278X Macromolecular reports M. Dekker
1598-5032 Macromolecular research Polymer Society of Korea
2092-7673 Macromolecular research Polymer Society of Korea
0076-2083 Macromolecular reviews John Wiley & Sons
1022-1360 Macromolecular symposia Hüthig & Wepf Verlag
1521-3900 Macromolecular symposia Wiley-VCH-Verl..
0076-2091 Macromolecular syntheses Wiley
1022-1344 Macromolecular theory and simulations Hüthig & Wepf
1521-3919 Macromolecular theory and simulations (e-vir) Wiley
0024-9297 Macromolecules American Chemical Society
1520-5835 Macromolecules (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1545-438X Macromolecules containing metal and metal-like elements J. Wiley & Sons,
0024-9416 Madencilik TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası
0369-223X Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitüsü mecmuasi Maden tetkik ve arama enstitüsü.
0368-8682 Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitusu Yayinlarindan [s.n.]
0368-8690 Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitusu Yayinlarindan [s.n.]
0368-8704 Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitusu Yayinlarindan [s.n.]
0517-8061 Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitusu Yayinlarindan Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitüsü
0368-8674 Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitusu Yayinlarindan, Seri A: Bildirigler Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitusu.; METAE.; Mining Research Institute of Turkey.
0717-3644 Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología Universidad del Bío-Bío
0718-221X Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología (e-vir) Universidad del Bío-Bío
0024-9424 Madhumeh Diabetic Association of India
0368-8747 Madhya Bharati Saugor University Library
0541-7406 Madjalah Perusahaan Gula Balai Penjelidikan Perusahaan Perkebunan Gula.
0024-9602 Madras Agricultural Journal Agricultural College and Research Institute.
0379-0517 Madras Veterinary College annual Madras Veterinary College.
0024-9637 Madroño California Botanical Society.
1943-6297 Madroño (e-vir) California Botanical Society
0024-9645 Mælkeritidende Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening.; Foreningen af Mejeriledere og Funktionærer.
0350-3321 MAG Ekonomska politika
1319-1012 Mağalatć ğameatć al-maläik Abdul Aziz. Al-ulum = King Abdul Aziz University. Scientific Publishing Centre.
0023-9852 Mağallaćt al-îtibbiyaćt al-lubnäaniyyaćt Niqäabaćt al-aîtibbäaď fäi Lubnäan
0258-3275 Maǧallaẗ Asyuṭ al-'ulūm al-zirā'iyyaẗ al-Hayʼaẗ al-'āmmaẗ li-šuʼūn al-maṭba'ī al-amīriyyaẗ
1012-3466 Mağallatć al-buîhäuít al-ziräaŰiyyatć wa-al-mawäarid al-mäaŰiyyatć. Al-Intäağ al-îhayawäanäi Mağlis al-baîhít al-Űilmäi.; Markaz al-buîhäuít al-ziräaŰiyyatć wa-al-mawäarid al-mäaŰiyyatć.; Scientific Research Council.; Agriculture and Water Resources Research Center.
1012-3474 Mağallatć al-buîhäuít al-ziräaŰiyyatć wa-al-mawäarid al-mäaŰiyyatć. Al-Intäağ al-nabäatäi Mağlis al-baîhít al-Űilmäi.; Markaz al-buîhäuít al-ziräaŰiyyatć wa-al-mawäarid al-mäaŰiyyatć.; Scientific Research Council.; Agriculture and Water Resources Research Center.
1012-3482 Mağallatć al-buîhäuít al-ziräaŰiyyatć wa-al-mawäarid al-mäaŰiyyatć. Al-Turbatć wa-maîsäadir al-miyäah Mağlis al-baîhít al-Űilmäi.; Markaz al-buîhäuít al-ziräaŰiyyatć wa-al-mawäarid al-mäaŰiyyatć.; Agriculture and Water Resources Research Center.
0379-8321 Mağallatć al-ĞamŰiyyatć al-Käimiyäaiyyatć al-Űiräaqiyyatć Iraqi Chemical Society.
0259-8930 Mağallatć al-íhaläiğ al-'arabäi li-l-buîhäuít al-'ilmiyyatć. A, Al-'uläum al-riyäaîdiyyatć wa-al-fäiziyäa'iyyatć Maktab al-tardiyatć al-'arabäi li-duwal al-íhaläiğ.; Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States.
0259-8949 Mağallatć al-íhaläiğ al-arabäi li-l-buîhäuít al-ilmiyyatć. B, Al-uläum al-ziräaiyyatć wa-al-iîhyäa'iyyatć Maktab al-tardiyatć al-arabäi li-duwal al-íhaläiğ.; Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States.
1024-8684 Mağallatć al-Kuwayt li-l-Űuläum wa-al-handasatć Mağlis al-našr al-Űilmäi.
0256-7911 Mağallatć buîhäuít al-îtäaqatć al-Šamsiyyatć Solar Energy Research Center.; Mağlis al-baîhít al-ilmäi.; Markaz buîhäuít al-îtäaqatć al-šamsiyyatć.; Scientific Research Council.
1018-3647 Mağallatć ğäamiʹatć al-malik Saʹäud. al-ʹUläum Ğäamiʹatć al-malik Saʹäud.
1018-3590 Mağallatć ğäamiʹatć al-malik Saʹäud. al-ʹUläum al-ziräaʹiyyatć Ğäamiʹatć al-malik Saʹäud.; King Saud University.; ʹImäadatć šuäun al-maktabäat.; University Libraries.
1018-3728 Mağallatć ğäamiʹatć al-malik ʹabd al-ʹazäiz. ʹUläum al-arîd Markaz al-našr al-ʹilmäi, Ğgäamiʹatć al-malik ʹabd al-ʹazäiz.
1021-0806 Mağallatć kulliyyatć al-Űuläum U.A.E. University. Faculty of Science.; United Arab Emirates University. Faculty of Science.; ĞamiŰatć imäaräat al-Űarabiyyatć al-muttaîhidatć kulliyyatć al-Űuläum.
1018-3639 Magallat gami#at al-malik Sa#ud. al-#Ulum al-handsiyyat Gami#at al-malik Sa#ud.
1727-2114 Maǧallaẗ ǧāmi’aẗ al-naǧāḥ al-abḥāṭ ʿImādaẗ al-baḥṯ al-ʿilmī Ǧāmiʿaẗ al-naǧāḥ al-waṭaniyyaẗ
2410-8057 Mağallat kulliyyat al-tibb (e-vir) Kulliyyat al-tibb, Ğami%at Bagdad
1751-763X Magazine of concrete research Thomas Telford
0024-9831 Magazine of Concrete Research Cement and Concrete Association
0097-2959 Magazine of standards American National Standards Institute, etc.
0369-1004 Magazin für die Neuesten Erfahrungen, Entdeckungen und Berichtigungen im Gebiete der Pharmacie [s.n.]
0369-1462 Magazin für Pharmacie
0391-5417 Maglieria PAN Editrice
0968-5243 Magma Chapman & Hall
0193-0095 Magnesium United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0252-1156 Magnesium S. Karger
1015-3845 Magnesium and trace elements American Society for Magnesium Research; S. Karger AG
0172-908X Magnesium-Bulletin Verlag für Medizin Fischer
1590-959X Magnesium industry Edimet.
0953-1424 Magnesium research Société internationale pour le développement des recherches sur le magnésium (France)
1952-4021 Magnesium research (e-vir) J. Libbey Eurotext
0369-1640 Magnesium Review and Abstracts [s.n.]
1026-5465 Magnetic and electrical separation (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishers
1029-0303 Magnetic and electrical separation (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishing Group
1055-6915 Magnetic and electrical separation Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0730-725X Magnetic resonance imaging Pergamon Press
1873-5894 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (e-vir) Elsevier
0275-6579 Magnetic resonance in biology Wiley.
0749-1581 Magnetic resonance in chemistry Wiley Heyden
1097-458X Magnetic resonance in chemistry (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
1347-3182 Magnetic resonance in medical sciences Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
1880-2206 Magnetic resonance in medical sciences (e-vir) Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
0740-3194 Magnetic resonance in medicine Academic Press
1522-2594 Magnetic resonance in medicine (e-vir) Wiley-Liss
0097-7330 Magnetic resonance review Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0464-4387 Magnetism Academic Press.
0541-9042 Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Digest
0308-6011 Magnetism letters Gordon and Breach
0024-998X Magnetohydrodynamics Consultants Bureau [etc.]
0891-9801 Magnetohydrodynamics International Liaison Group on Magnetohydrodynamic Electrical Power Generation.
1574-0579 Magnetohydrodynamics (e-vir) University of Latvia. Institute of Physics
0025-0015 Magnitnaâ gidrodinamika Zinatne
0076-2369 Magon Institut de recherches agronomiques du Liban
0076-2377 Magon Institut de recherches agronomiques du Liban
1880-7208 Magune Nihon oyo jiki gakkai,; Nihon Jiki Gakkai
0913-4867 Maguneshäumu Japanese Society of Magnesium Research.
0368-9840 Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet évkönyve Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet
0025-004X Magyar állatorvosok lapja Magy. Mezőgazd. Kft.
0025-0058 Magyar alumínium LKV
0506-807X Magyar Ásványolaj és Földgáz Kísérleti Intézet közleményei Magyar Ásványolaj és Földgáz Kísérleti Intézet.
0133-5464 Magyar belorvosi archívum Magyar Belgyógyász Társaság.
0301-7850 Magyar belorvosi archívum és ideggyógyászati szemle Orvos-Egészségügyi Szakszervezet.
0324-2331 Magyar chemikusok lapja Magyar Chemikusok Egyesülete.
0368-9816 Magyar energiagazdaság Állami Villamosművek Részvénytársaság.; Magyar Elektrotechnikai Egyesület.; Magyar Mérnökök és Technikusok Szabad Szakszervezete.
0025-0104 Magyar fizikai folyóirat Magyar Tudományos Akadémia III. Osztálya.
0025-0120 Magyar geofizika Magy. Geofiz. Egyes; Műszaki Könyvkiadó1; Lapkiadó; Delta; ELGI; Magyar Állami Eötvös Loránd Geofizikai Intézet; Magyar Geofizikusok Egyesülete
0479-480X Magyar grafika Nyomda-, a Papíripari Dolgozók Szabad Szakszervezete.; Papír- és Nyomdaipari Műszaki Egyesület.
0025-0155 Magyar kémiai folyóirat Lapkiadó
1418-9933 Magyar kémiai folyóirat, Kémiai közlemények MKE
0025-0163 Magyar kémikusok lapja Lapkiadó
0368-9883 Magyar közlekedés, mély- és vízépítés Műszaki és Természettudományi Egyesületek Szövetsége.
0025-021X Magyar nőorvosok lapja Ifjusági Lapk.
0025-0244 Magyar onkológia Ifjusági Lapk.
2060-0399 Magyar onkológia = InforMed; Akadémiai Kiadó
0368-9948 Magyar orvosi archívum Budapesti Királyi Magyar Tudományegyetem. Orvoskari Tanári Testület.
0025-0287 Magyar radiológia Ifjusági Lapk.
0025-0295 Magyar sebészet Ifjusági Lapk.
1789-4301 Magyar sebészet = Akadémiai Kiadó
0324-7074 Magyar technika Magyar Mérnökök és Technikusok Szabad Szakszervezete.
0025-0309 Magyar textiltechnika Lapk.
0541-9425 Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Agrártudományok Osztályának közleményei Akadémiai K.
0521-4017 Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Központi Fizikai Kutató Intézetének közleményei Akadémiai K.
0464-4883 Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Központi Kémiai Kutató Intézetének Közleményei Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. Központi Kémiai Kutató Intézet.
0374-3640 Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Műszaki Fizikai Kutató Intézetének közleményei. O sor., Original works Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. Müszaki Fizikai Kutató Intézet
0375-9423 Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Műszaki Tudományok Osztályának közleményei Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. Müszaki Tudományok Osztálya.
0460-6132 Maharaja Sayajirao Memorial Lectures Mgr, University Publications Sales Unit, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Press (Sadhana Press).
0542-0938 Mahasagar National Institute of Oceanography.
0285-1466 Maikotokishin Maikotokishin Kenkyukai; Nihon Maikotokishin Gakkai
1009-1041 Mailei zuowu xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0099-2992 Maine basic-data report. Ground-water series Maine. Public Utilities Commission.
0368-9301 Maine Coast Fisherman
0097-6350 Maine farm research Maine Agricultural Experiment Station.
0092-7007 Maine medical journal Maine Medical Association.
1024-1221 Main group chemistry Gordon and Breach Publishers.
1026-7581 Main group chemistry (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishers
1745-1167 Main group chemistry (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1068-3119 Main group chemistry news Gordon and Breach Science Pub..
0792-1241 Main group metal chemistry de Gruyter
2191-0219 Main group metal chemistry de Gruyter
0025-0899 Maintenance engineering Cleworth Pub. Co.]
0340-4404 Mainzer geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen Landesamt für Geologie und Bergbau Rheinland-Pfalz.
0286-3839 Maizuru Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kiyo Maizuru Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0303-2876 Majalah Jln. Cinere Pasar Jumat Kotak Pos 7043/JKSKL Jakarta 12440
0126-1037 Majalah farmasi Indonesia Universitas Gajah Mada.
2301-4792 Majalah Farmasi Indonesia (Online) (e-vir) Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Gadjah Mada
0126-0278 Majalah ilmiah Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas.
0303-7932 Majalah Kedokteran Surabaya Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga.
1015-2849 Majallah-'i shäimäi Markaz-i nashri-i däanishgäahäi.
1025-4285 Majallah-i 'ilmī-i dānishgāh-i 'ulūm-i pizishkī va khadamāt-i bihdāshtī darmānī-i Hamadān.; مجله علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی و خدمات بهداشتی درمانی همدان Dānishgāh-i 'ulūm-i pizishkī va khadamāt-i bihdāshtī darmānī-i Hamadān; دانشگاه علوم پزشکی و خدمات بهداشتی درمانی همدان
1016-1058 Majallah-i 'ulūm-i dānishgāh-i Tihrān; مجله علوم دانشگاه تهران Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, pardīs-i ̒ulūm
1028-7655 Majallah-i 'ulum-i kishavarzi va manabi'-i tabi'i danishgah-i san'ati-i Isfahan Danishgah-h sanati-i Isfahan, danishkadah-i kishavarzi
1025-2495 Majallah-i bayn-al-milalī-i muhandisī.; مجله بین المللی مهندسی Markaz-i taḥqīqāt-i 'ilmī-i kishvar; مرکز تحقیقات علمی کشور
0304-4556 Majallah-i bihdäasht-i äIräan Anjuman-i bihdäasht-i đumäumäi-i äIräan; Däanishgäah-i đuläum-i pizishkäi va khadamäat-i bihdäashtäi darmäanäi-i Tihräan
1726-3689 Majallah-i bulūr/shināsī va kānī/shināsī-i Īrān.; مجله بلورشناسی و کانی‌شناسی ایران Anjuman-i bulūr/shināsī va kānī/shināsī-i Īrān; انجمن بلور شناسی و کانی‌شناسی ایران
0254-4547 Majallah-i Däanishkadah-i däaräusäazäi Däanishgah-i Tihräan.; University of Tehran.
0254-4520 Majallah-i Däanishkadah-i pizishkäi Däanishgah-i Jundäi Shäapäur Däanishgah-i Jundäi Shäapäur.; Jundi Shapur University.
0254-4512 Majallah-i Däanishkadah-i pizishkäi Jundäi Shäapäur Däanishkadah-i pizishkäi Jundäi Shäapäur.; Jundi Shapur Medical School.
1022-646X Majallah-i dānishkadah-i dāmpizishkī.; مجله دانشکده دامپزشکی Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, dānishkadah-i dāmpizishkī
1726-7544 Majallah-i diyäabit va läipäid-i äIräan Däanishgäah-i đuläum-i pizishkäi-i Tihräan, markaz-i taîhqäiqäat-i ghudad-i daräun/räiz va mitäabuläism
1726-7552 Majallah-i diyābit va līpīd-i Īrān; مجله دیابت و لیپید ایران (e-vir) Dānishgāh-i ̒ulūm-i pizishkī-i Tihrān, markaz-i taḥqīqāt-i ghudad-i darūn/rīz va mitābulīsm
1683-4844 Majallah-i ghudad-i darūn/rīz va mitābulīsm-i Īrān.; مجله غدد درون ریز و متابولیسم ایران Dānishgāh-i ̒ulūm-i pizishkī va khadamāt-i bihdāshtī- darmānī-i shahīd Bihishtī, markaz-i taḥqīqt-i ghudad-i darūn/rīz va mitābulīsm
1025-1316 Majallah-i manābi̒-i ṭabī̒ī-i Īrān.; مجله منابع طبیعی ایران Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, dānishkadah-i manābi̒-i ṭabi̒ī
1682-6957 Majallah-i pizhuhish-i fizik-i Iran Anjuman-i fizik-i Iran.; Danihsgah-i san%ati-i Isfahan.
2345-3664 Majallah-i pizhuhish-i fizik-i Iran (e-vir) Anjuman-i fizik-i Iran.; Danihsgah-i san%ati-i Isfahan.
2251-662X Majallah-i Űilmäi-i däanishgäah-i Űuläum-i pizishkäi va khadamäat-i bihdäashtäi darmäanäi-i Hamadäan = Däanishgäah-i Űuläum-i pizishkäi va khadamäat-i bihdäashtäi darmäanäi-i Hamadäan
1017-5652 Majallah-i ̒ulūm-i kishāvarzī-i Īrān.; مجله علوم کشاورزی ایران Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, dānishkadah-i kishavarzī
1608-6015 Majallah-i ̒ulūm-i pāyah-i pizishkī-i Īrān.; مجله علوم پایه پزشکی ایران Dānishgāh-i ̒ulūm-i pizishkī-i Mashhad
2676-5861 Majallah-i ̒ulūm va funūn-i hastah/ī; مجله علوم و فنون هسته‌ای (e-vir) Pizhūhishgāh-i ̒ulūm va funūn-i hastah/ī; پژوهشگاه علوم و فنون هسته ای
1735-1871 Majallah-i ̒ulūm va funūn-i hastah/ī.; مجله علوم و فنون هسته‌ای Sāzmān-i inirzhī-i atumī-i Īrān; سازمان انرژی اتمی ایران
0301-7842 Major problems in dermatology Saunders.
1409-5157 Makedonska zemjodelska revija Sojuz na zemjodelskite inženeri na Republika Makedonija
0025-1119 Makerere medical journal Makerere University
0139-813X Makromolekulární látky Státní nakladatelství technické literatury,; Alfa,
0139-9381 Makrotest ... Dům techniky ČVTS
0385-1036 Maku Kitami Shobäo :; Nihon maku gakkai
0417-1810 MAK- und BAT-Werte-Liste Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
0076-2997 Malacologia Institute of Malacology
1475-2875 Malaria journal (e-vir) BioMed Central
0542-268X Malattie cardiovascolari [s.n.]
1019-7079 Malawi journal of science & technology University of Malawi. Research and Publication Committee.
0368-8461 Malayan Agricultural Journal Dept. of Agriculture
0025-1275 Malayan forester Forest Department.
0369-2469 Malayan tin and rubber journal Times of Malaya Offices.
0025-1321 Malaysian Agricultural Journal Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Business Mgr
0126-5458 Malaysian agricultural research University of Malaya
0126-8643 Malaysian applied biology = Malaysian Society of Applied Biology.
0302-2935 Malaysian forester Forest Research Institute
1511-2616 Malaysian Journal of biochemistry and molecular biology Malaysian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
1823-8343 Malaysian journal of mathematical sciences University Putra Malaysia Press
2289-750X Malaysian journal of mathematical sciences (e-vir) University Putra Malaysia Press
0126-7906 Malaysian journal of science University of Malaya. Faculty of Science.
1394-3065 Malaysian Journal of Science Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya
1394-1712 Malaysian Journal of Science Series A Life Sciences University of Malaya.
0356-3014 Mallas ja olut Panimolaboratorio.
0025-1380 Mallasjuomat Suomen panimoteollisuusliitto.; Suomen panimoteollisuuden harjoittajain liitto.; Panimoteollisuusliitto.
0542-4577 Malting, Brewing and Allied Processes [s.n.]
0938-8990 Mammalian genome Springer
1432-1777 Mammalian genome (e-vir) Springer
0918-5976 Mammalian Mutagenicity Study Group Communications Nihon Kankyäo Hen'igen Gakkai. Honyäu Däobutsu Shiken Bunkakai.
0197-3967 Managing corrosion with plastics National Association of Corrosion Engineers.
1082-5878 Managing the modern laboratory ISC Management Publications,
0364-7900 Manganese United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0025-2255 Manitoba medical review Manitoba Medical Association.
0369-0989 Man-made textiles Harlequin Press
0369-2477 Man-made textiles and Skinner's record
0377-7537 Man-made textiles in India Silk & Art Silk Mills' Research Association
0368-8453 Manshu igaku zasshi Toyo Igaku-sha.
1110-1318 Mansoura Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University
1110-4562 Mansoura Science Bulletin. A, Chemistry Mansoura University
0076-4183 Manual of the textile industry of Canada Canadian Textile Journal
0099-5258 Manufactured Milk Products Journal
0461-0296 Manufacturers' Record
0262-4230 Manufacturing chemist Morgan-Grampain Process Press Ltd
0368-8313 Manufacturing chemist Hall Oak Press
0025-2557 Manufacturing Chemist and Aerosol News Grampian Press Ltd
0363-700X Manufacturing engineering transactions Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
0096-9060 Manufacturing industries Ronald Press Co.; Ahrens Publishing Co.
0368-8569 Manufacturing Perfumer Leonard Hill.
0701-7618 Manuscript report Canada. Fisheries and Marine Service.; Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.
1003-1456 Maofang ke-ji Fangzhi Gongyebu Ke-ji Qingbao Yanjiusuo,
0097-3793 Map and chart series New York State Museum.; New York State Geological Survey.; New York State Museum and Science Service.; New York State Museum.
0304-5862 Map bulletin Ministry of Lands and Mines
0516-3757 Map - Geological Survey of Alabama Geological Survey of Alabama
0253-7281 Marathwada University journal of sciences Marathwada University
0374-938X Marathwada University Journal of Sciences [s.n.]
0374-9398 Marathwada University Journal of Sciences, Section B, Biological Sciences [s.n.]
0025-2794 Marcellia Marcellia
0025-2883 Marconi Review GEC-Marconi Electronics
0951-4252 MARC report Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre.
0126-5709 MARDI buletin penyelidikan Institut Penyelidikan dan Kemajuan Pertanian Malaysia MARDI.
0368-9182 Marganec Gosudarstvennyj komitet Soveta Ministrov Gruzinskoj SSR po nauke i tehnike.
0369-1691 Marginalia dermatologica [s.n.]
0369-1314 Marginalia otolaryngologica [s.n.]
0969-0301 Mariani Foundation paediatric neurology series John Libbey
0264-2697 MariChem Gastech.
1323-1650 Marine & freshwater research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
1448-6059 Marine & freshwater research CSIRO Publishing
1023-6244 Marine and freshwater behaviour and physiology Gordon and Breach Science Publishers SA.
1029-0362 Marine and freshwater behaviour and physiology (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0264-8172 Marine and petroleum geology Elsevier
1873-4073 Marine and petroleum geology (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0091-181X Marine behaviour and physiology Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0025-3162 Marine Biology Springer-Verlag
1432-1793 Marine Biology (e-vir) Springer-Verlag
0165-859X Marine biology letters Elsevier/North-Holland
1436-2228 Marine biotechnology Springer.
1436-2236 Marine biotechnology Springer.
0304-4203 Marine Chemistry Elsevier etc.
1872-7581 Marine Chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
1660-3397 Marine drugs (e-vir) MDPI
0171-8630 Marine ecology Inter-Research
0173-9565 Marine ecology Blackwell
1439-0485 Marine ecology Blackwell
1616-1599 Marine ecology (e-vir) Inter-Research
0096-9435 Marine engineering and shipping review Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co.
0368-8364 Marine Engineers Journal [s.n.]
0141-1136 Marine environmental research Applied Science publishers
1879-0291 Marine environmental research (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0099-9970 Marine Fisheries Review. U s National Marine Fisheries Service
0025-3227 Marine geology Elsevier
1872-6151 Marine geology (e-vir) Elsevier BV
1064-119X Marine georesources & geotechnology Taylor & Francis
1521-0618 Marine georesources & geotechnology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0360-8867 Marine geotechnology Taylor & Francis
0297-8148 Marine microbial food webs Masson; Annales de l'Institut océanographique
0149-0397 Marine mining Taylor & Francis, etc.
0461-0970 Marine News New York Marine News Company
0025-326X Marine pollution bulletin Macmillan
1879-3363 Marine pollution bulletin (e-vir) Elsevier
0076-4493 Marine research HMSO.
0160-273X Marine science United States.
0362-1707 Marine science M. Dekker,
0098-8383 Marine science communications [M. Dekker]
0732-7137 Marine sciences Comtex Scientific Corporation.
0318-2401 Marine Sciences Centre manuscript report McGill University.
0542-7045 Marine sciences instrumentation Instrument Society of America.
0025-3316 Marine technology Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
0025-3324 Marine Technology Society journal Marine Technology Society
0025-3456 Maritime Sediments Editor, c/o Bedford Institute of Oceanography
0082-9781 Marketing research report United States.; United States.
1011-3398 Marmara Üniversitesi eczacılık dergisi Marmara Üniversitesi
0025-388X Maroc médical Maroc médical.
0097-0158 Marquette Medical Review
0025-4045 Marseille chirurgical Société de chirurgie de Marseille
0025-4053 Marseille médical Marseille médical
0285-4961 Maruzen Sekiyu gihäo Maruzen Sekiyu Kabushiki Gaisha.
0096-9079 Maryland Academy of Sciences bulletin Maryland Academy of Sciences.
0025-4258 Maryland historical magazine Maryland Historical Society.
0025-4363 Maryland State medical journal Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland.
0198-0106 MASCA journal University of Pennsylvania.
1048-5325 MASCA research papers in science and archaeology University of Pennsylvania.
0025-4479 Maschinenbau Verlag Technik
0025-4495 Maschinenbautechnik Verlag Technik
0025-4509 Maschinenmarkt Vogel Verlag
0369-2485 Mašinno-traktornaâ stanciâ.; Машинно-тракторная станция Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva SSSR; Министерство сельского хозяйства СССР
0025-455X Mašinostroene Mašinintelekt OOD
0203-2791 Mašinostroenie Vyšejšaâ škola; BNTU
0465-126X Mašinostroenie.; Машиностроение Institut tehničeskoj informacii; Институт технической информации.
0025-4568 Mašinostroitel'. Mašinostroenie
0025-4576 Mašinovedenie Nauka
0130-9501 Mašiny i apparaty himičeskoj tehnologii Kazanskij himiko-tehnologičeskij institut imeni S.M. Kirova.
0028-1174 Mašiny i neftânoe oborudovanie.; Машины и нефтяное оборудование [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0130-9528 Mašiny i oborudovanie cellûlozno-bumažnyh proizvodstv Leningradskij tehnologičeskij institut cellûlozno-bumažnoj promyšlennosti.
0130-9536 Mašiny i orudiâ dlâ mehanizacii lesozagotovok Leningradskaâ lesotehničeskaâ akademiâ imeni S.M. Kirova
0369-304X Maslobojno-žirovoe delo.; Маслобойно-жировое дело Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut žirov; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт жиров.
0369-190X Maslo-sapunena promišlenost Naučnoizsledovatelski, proektno-konstruktorski i tehnologičen institut po zʹrnâni hrani, rastitelni masla, sapuni i miešči sredstva.
0025-4649 Maslo-žirovaâ promyšlennostʹ Piŝevaâ promyšlennostʹ
0369-0938 Mâsnaâ i moločnaâ promyšlennostʹ SSSR.; Мясная и молочная промышленность СССР Narodnyj komissariat mâsnoj i moločnoj promyšlennosti SSSR; Народный комиссариат мясной и молочной промышленности СССР.
0027-5492 Mâsnaâ industriâ SSSR Piŝevaâ promyšlennostʹ
0502-1499 Massachusetts Basic-Data Report, Ground-Water Series U.S. Geological Survey.
0148-0979 Massachusetts hydrologic-data report Geological Survey (U.S.); Massachusetts. Dept. of Public Works.
0733-4265 Masson monographs in diagnostic pathology Masson Pub., USA,
0135-1869 Massovaâ kristallizaciâ Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut himičeskih reaktivov i osobočistyh himičeskih veśestv.
0368-8658 Mass Production [S.n.]; [S.n.]
0305-9987 Mass spectrometry Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0099-6319 Mass Spectrometry, New Instruments and Techniques American Society for Testing and Materials.
0277-7037 Mass spectrometry reviews John Wiley & Sons
1098-2787 Mass spectrometry reviews (e-vir) Wiley
0369-1373 Master Painter of Australia John F. Stanley.
0021-4892 Masui Nippon Masui Gakkai; Kokuseido shuppan
0385-1664 Masui to sosei Hiroshima Masui Igakkai
0340-6253 Match University of Kragujevac; Faculty of Science
3009-4399 Match (e-vir) Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
0369-237X Matekhet Israel Institute of Metals.
1994-6538 Matematičeskaâ biologiâ i bioinformatika (e-vir) Institut matematičeskih problem biologii Rossijskoj akademii nauk
0542-9986 Matematičeskaja fizika Naukova dumka
0130-9420 Matematičeskie metody i fiziko-mehaničeskie polâ Naukova dumka
0368-8666 Matematičeskij sbornik Nauka
2305-2783 Matematičeskij sbornik.; Математический сборник (e-vir) Matematičeskij sbornik; Математический сборник; Matematičeskij institut im. V.A. Steklova Rossijskoj akademii nauk; Математический институт им. В.А. Стеклова Российской академии наук
0130-9455 Matematičeskoe modelirovanie i teoriâ èlektričeskih cepej Naukova dumka
0543-0038 Matematičko fizički list za učenike srednjih škola Društvo matematičara i fizičara Hrvatske
0543-0046 Matematicko-fizikálny časopis Vidavatelstvo Slovenskej Akadémie Vied
0025-5173 Matematický časopis Vydavateľstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied
0023-3323 Matematisk-fysiske meddelelser Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab; commissioner Munksgaard
0023-3331 Matematisk-fysiske skrifter Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab; Munksgaard
1340-2625 Materia Nihon Kinzoku Gakkai
1884-5843 Materia (e-vir) Nihon kinzoku gakkai
0369-2698 Materiae vegetabiles International Commission for Plant Raw Materials.
0376-6845 Material + Technik Schweizerischer Verband für die Materialprüfungen der Technik.; Schweizerischer Verband für die Materialtechnik.
0253-0201 Materiale de construcţii Procema.
0025-5289 Materiale plastice Syscom 18
2537-5741 Materiale plastice (e-vir) Syscom 18; Revista de chimie
0465-2754 Materiales, Maquinaria y Metodos para la Construccion Palestra.
0465-2746 Materiales de construcción Instituto Técnico de la Construcción y del Cemento
1988-3226 Materiales de construcción [Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas]
0947-5206 Materialien Landesumweltamt Nordrhein-Westfalen,
0170-2823 Materialien - Umwelt-Bundesamt E. Schmidt.
0944-4637 Materialien zur Ermittlung und Sanierung von Altlasten Landesumweltamt NRW.
0170-589X Materialkundlich-technische Reihe Borntraeger.
0106-4037 Materialnyt Dansk Selskab for Materialeprøvning og -forskning.
1684-579X Materialovedenie Nauka i tehnologii
0204-7535 Materialoznanie i tehnologiâ Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0147-734X Materials/metalworking technology series American Society for Metals.
0264-1275 Materials & design Scientific and Technical Press
1873-4197 Materials & design (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0096-4875 Materials & methods Reinhold Pub. Corp.
0947-5117 Materials and corrosion Wiley-VCH
1521-4176 Materials and corrosion (e-vir) Wiley VCH
1042-6914 Materials and manufacturing processes Marcel Dekker
1532-2475 Materials and manufacturing processes (e-vir) Marcel Dekker; Taylor & Francis
1359-5997 Materials and structures E. & F. N. Spon; RILEM Publications
1871-6873 Materials and structures (e-vir) Springer Netherlands
0960-3409 Materials at high temperatures Butterworth-Heinemann
1878-6413 Materials at high temperatures (e-vir) Elsevier
0818-3597 Materials Australasia Institute of Metals and Materials Australasia.; Australasian Institute of Metal Finishing.
1037-7107 Materials Australia Institute of Metals and Materials Australasia.
1044-5803 Materials characterization Elsevier
1873-4189 Materials characterization (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0390-6035 Materials chemistry CENFOR
0254-0584 Materials chemistry and physics Elsevier Sequoia S.A.
1879-3312 Materials chemistry and physics (e-vir) Elsevier
0025-5319 Materials engineering Reinhold Pub. Corp.
1075-8577 Materials engineering Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1120-7302 Materials engineering Mucchi Editore
0025-5327 Materials evaluation American Society for Nondestructive Testing
1447-6738 Materials forum (e-vir) Institute of Materials Engineering, Australasia.
0465-2886 Materials in Design Engineering
0261-3069 Materials in engineering Scientific and Technical Press
1344-7858 Materials integration TIC.; Technical Information Center.
0096-7920 Materials journal Society of Aerospace Material and Process Engineers.
0167-577X Materials letters North-Holland
1873-4979 Materials letters (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0313-7554 Materials note - Department of Defence, Australian Defence Scientific Service, Aeronautical Research Laboratories Australian Defence Scientific Service. Aeronautical Research Labatories.
0094-1492 Materials performance National Association of Corrosion Engineers
1605-2730 Materials physics and mechanics Advanced Study Center Co.; Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; Sankt-Peterburgskij politehničeskij universitet Petra Velikogo; Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого
1605-8119 Materials physics and mechanics (e-vir) Advanced Study Center Co.; Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences; Sankt-Peterburgskij politehničeskij universitet Petra Velikogo; Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences ;; Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого
0167-790X Materials processing, theory and practices North-Holland
0025-5378 Materials protection and performance National Association of Corrosion Engineers
1516-1439 Materials research UFSCar - Dep. de Engenharia de Materiais
1980-5373 Materials research (e-vir) UFSCar - Dep. de Engenharia de Materiais
0369-1713 Materials Research [s.n.]
0025-5394 Materials research and standards American Society for Testing and Materials
0025-5408 Materials research bulletin Pergamon
1873-4227 Materials research bulletin Elsevier Science
0374-3799 Materials Research in AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.
1432-8917 Materials research innovations Maney Publishing
1433-075X Materials research innovations (e-vir) Maney Publishing
0272-9172 Materials Research Society symposia proceedings North Holland
1068-820X Materials science (e-vir) Consultants Bureau
1573-885X Materials science Kluwer
0137-1339 Materials Science Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
0921-5107 Materials science & engineering Elsevier Sequoia
0927-796X Materials science & engineering Elsevier Sequoia
0928-4931 Materials science & engineering Elsevier
1873-0191 Materials science & engineering (e-vir) Elsevier
0921-5093 Materials Science & Engineering Elsevier
0025-5416 Materials science and engineering Elsevier Sequoia
1873-4936 Materials science and engineering (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0267-0836 Materials science and technology Institute of Metals
1743-2847 Materials science and technology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0255-5476 Materials science forum Trans Tech
1662-9752 Materials science forum (e-vir) Trans Tech Publications
1662-9760 Materials science forum (e-vir) Trans Tech Publications Ltd
1422-3597 Materials science foundations Trans Tech Publications
2297-7570 Materials science foundations (e-vir) ttp trans tech publications Inc.,
2297-7589 Materials science foundations (e-vir) Trans Tech Publications
1369-8001 Materials science in semiconductor processing Pergamon
1873-4081 Materials science in semiconductor processing (e-vir) Elsevier
0166-6010 Materials science monographs Elsevier
1316-2012 Materials science of technology physics division Centro de Investigación y Reproducción de Especies Silvestres.
0920-2307 Materials science reports North-Holland
0076-5201 Materials science research Plenum Press
1341-1683 Materials science research international The Society of Materials Science, Japan
0275-6552 Materials science research studies series Research Studies Press.
1211-5894 Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology Krystalografická společnost
1805-4382 Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology (e-vir) Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association
1066-7857 Materials technology Maney Publishing
1753-5557 Materials technology (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0025-5300 Materials testing Hanser
2195-8572 Materials testing (e-vir) Hanser
0096-4867 Materials today American Society for Metals
1369-7021 Materials today Elsevier Science
1873-4103 Materials today (e-vir) European Materials Research Society.
1345-9678 Materials transactions Japan Institute of Metals.
1347-5320 Materials transactions (e-vir) Japan Institute of Metals
0916-1821 Materials transactions, JIM Japan Institute of Metals
0967-8638 Materials world Institute of Metals
0025-5270 Material und Organismen Duncker und Humblot
0375-9318 Material und Organismen Duncker und Humblot
0933-5137 Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik Wiley VCH
1521-4052 Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik (e-vir) Wiley VCH
1607-9922 Materialy, tehnologii, instrumenty Institut mehaniki metallopolimernyh sistem im. V.A. Belogo NANB.; V.A. Belyi Metal-Polymer Research Institute of NASB.
0369-2418 Materialy Centralʹnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta bumažnoj promyšlennosti.; Материалы Центрального научно-исследовательского института бумажной промышленности Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut bumažnoj promyšlennosti; Центральный научно-исследовательский институт бумажной промышленности.
0369-2515 Materialy Centralʹnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta po tekstilʹnoj promyšlennosti.; Материалы Центрального научно-исследовательского института по текстильной промышленности Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut po tekstilʹnoj promyšlennosti; Центральный научно-исследовательский институт по текстильной промышленности.
0369-0547 Materialy Harʹkovskogo otdela Geografičeskogo obśestva Ukrainy Nedra.
0369-013X Materialy i issledovaniâ po arheologii Nauka.
0301-1801 Materialy k itogovoj naučnoj konferencii.; Материалы к итоговой научной конференции Permskij gosudarstvennyj medicinskij institut; Пермский государственный медицинский институт.
0568-6644 Materialy Komissii po izučeniû podzemnyh vod Sibiri i Dalʹnego Vostoka Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie.
0369-0830 Materialy Komissi mineralogii i geohimii Karpato Balkanskaâ geologičeskaâ associaciâ.; Материалы Комисси минералогии и геохимии Карпато Балканская геологическая ассоциация Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0369-1438 Materialy k poznaniû fauny i flory SSSR. Novaâ seriâ, Otdel botaničeskij Nauka.
0543-0577 Materialy po èvolûcionnoj fiziologii Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0568-6571 Materialy po genetičeskoj i èksperimentalʹnoj mineralogii Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie.
0543-0631 Materialy po geologii Centralʹnogo Kazahstana Moskovskij universitet.
0465-3327 Materialy po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym Âkutskoj ASSR.; Материалы по геологии и полезным ископаемым Якутской АССР Âkutskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Якутское книжное издательство
0543-0607 Materialy po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym Čitinskoj oblasti "Nedra".
0368-9964 Materialy po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym Dalʹnevostočnogo kraâ.; Материалы по геологии и полезным ископаемым Дальневосточного края [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0465-3351 Materialy po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym Krasnoârskogo kraâ Krasnoârskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0130-3759 Materialy po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym Orenburgskoj oblasti Ûžno-Uralʹskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0461-4208 Materialy po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym Urala "Nedra".
0368-9980 Materialy po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym Vostočnoj Sibiri.; Материалы по геологии и полезным ископаемым Восточной Сибири Irkutskoe geologičeskoe upravlenie; Иркутское геологическое управление.
0369-0083 Materialy po geologii Tuvinskoj ASSR Tuvknigoizdat.
0320-1279 Materialy po geologii vostoka Russkoj platformy Izdatelʹstvo Kazanskogo universiteta.
0369-0091 Materialy po geologii Zapadnoj Sibiri.; Материалы по геологии Западной Сибири "Nedra"; "Недра".
0465-3394 Materialy po geologii Zapadno-Sibirskoj nizmennosti Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo universiteta.
0369-0881 Materialy po metalličeskim konstrukciâm.; Материалы по металлическим конструкциям Strojizdat; Стройиздат.
0130-3805 Materialy po mineralogii, geohimii i petrografii Zabajkalʹâ Vsesoûznoe mineralogičeskoe obśestvo.
0321-3137 Materialy po mineralogii, petrografii i geohimii osadočnyh porod i rud.; Материалы по минералогии, петрографии и геохимии осадочных пород и руд Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0369-1268 Materialy po obmenu peredovym opytom i naučnymi dostiženiâmi v himiko-farmacevtičeskoj promyšlennosti.; Материалы по обмену передовым опытом и научными достижениями в химико-фармацевтической промышленности Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij himiko-farmacevtičeskij institut im. S. Ordžonikidze; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский химико-фармацевтический институт им. С. Орджоникидзе.
0461-4267 Materialy po toksikologii radioaktivnyh veśestv Medicina.
0369-2833 Materialy po voprosam gigieny truda, promyšlennoj toksikologii i kliniki professionalʹnyh boleznej.; Материалы по вопросам гигиены труда, промышленной токсикологии и клиники профессиональных болезней Gorʹkovskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut gigieny truda i profboleznej; Горьковский научно-исследовательский институт гигиены труда и профболезней.
0465-3572 Materialy rybohozâjstvennyh issledovanij Severnogo bassejna Polârnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektnyj institut morskogo rybnogo hozâjstva i okeanografii im. N.M. Kmipoviča.
0369-2388 Materialy teoretičeskoj i kliničeskoj mediciny Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo universiteta.
0369-2728 Materialy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo geologičeskogo instituta.; Материалы Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского геологического института Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij geologičeskij institut; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский геологический институт.
0372-6339 Materialy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta bumažnoj i cellûloznoj promyšlennosti.; Материалы Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института бумажной и целлюлозной промышленности Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut bumažnoj i cellûloznoj promyšlennosti; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт бумажной и целлюлозной промышленности.
0025-5238 Materia Medica Nordmark Abt. Medizin der Nordmark-Arzneimittel GmbH
0025-5246 Materia Medica Polona Wydawnictwa Handlu Zagranicznego
0915-3594 Materiaru raifu Materials Life Society, Japan.
1346-0633 Materiaru Raifu Gakkaishi Materials Life Society, Japan.
1778-3771 Matériaux & techniques (e-vir) EDP sciences
0025-5432 Matériaux et constructions Dunod-Gauthier-Villars; Secrétariat de la RILEM; Société de diffusion des techniques du bâtiment et des travaux publics
0032-6895 Materiaux et Techniques Dunod,Editeur
0209-0058 Materiały Elektroniczne Wydawnictwa Przemyslu Maszynowego "WEMA"
0079-3574 Materiały i Prace - Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Geofizyki Polska Akademia Nauk.
0208-6832 Materiały Ogniotrwałe Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Hutniczego
0209-0783 Materiały Seminarium Naukowego Wydziału Matematyczno-Przyrodniczego - Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Częestochowie Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Częestochowie.
0208-4414 Materiały Sesji Naukowej Instytutu Ochrony Roślin Instytut Ochrony Roślin, Poznań.
0076-5236 Materiały Zachodniopomorskie Muzeum Narodowe
0368-8577 Materie plastiche Editrice Industrie - Pubblicazioni audiovisin
0025-5459 Materie Plastiche ed Elastomeri Editrice L'Industria Srl
0543-0798 Materijali i konstrukcije Jugoslovensko društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija
0025-5548 Mathematical algorithms s.n.],
0025-5564 Mathematical biosciences Elsevier.
1049-2801 Mathematical chemistry Abacus Press,
0885-9418 Mathematical concepts and methods in science and engineering Plenum Press
0882-8121 Mathematical geology Plenum
1573-8868 Mathematical geology Kluwer
0218-2025 Mathematical models and methods in applied sciences World Scientific
1793-6314 Mathematical models and methods in applied sciences (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd.
0165-2419 Mathematical physics and applied mathematics PWM : :; Reidel
0305-0041 Mathematical proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Cambridge University Press
1469-8064 Mathematical proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0173-685X Mathematik-Arbeitspapiere Universität Bremen, FB 3 Mathematik/Informatik
0025-5874 Mathematische Zeitschrift Springer-Verlag
1432-1823 Mathematische Zeitschrift (e-vir) Springer
0368-9999 Matières Grasses [s.n.],
0934-8832 Matrix Fischer
0945-053X Matrix biology Fischer
0386-7552 Matsue Käogyäo Käotäo Semmon Gakkäo kenkyäu kiyäo Matsue Technical College.
0386-7579 Matsue Käogyäo Käotäo Semmon Gakkäo kenkyäu kiyäo. Rikäo-hen Matsue Technical College.; Matsue National College of Technology.
0385-1613 Matsumoto shigaku Matsumoto Shika Daigaku Gakkai
0285-5054 Matsushita Denkäo gihäo Matsushita Electric Works.
1343-9529 Matsushita technical journal Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
0389-8768 Matsuyama Shinonome Tanki Daigaku kenkyu ronshu Matsuyama Shinonome Tanki Daigaku
0253-9314 Matsya Indian Society of Ichthyologists.
0378-5122 Maturitas Elsevier/North-Holland
0197-6346 Maurice Ewing series American Geophysical Union.
0302-086X Mauri Ora Biological Society. University of Canterbury.
0172-8105 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e. V., Projektgruppe für Laserforschung Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e. V., Projektgruppe für Laserforschung.
0340-8914 Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik Garching bei München Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik.
0025-6153 Maydica Istituto sperimentale per la cerealicoltura
2279-8013 Maydica (e-vir) Istituto sperimentale per la cerealicoltura
0025-6196 Mayo Clinic proceedings Mayo Foundation
1942-5546 Mayo Clinic Proceedings (e-vir) Mayo Medical Ventures for Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; Elsevier
0288-0601 Mazda gihäo Täoyäo Käogyäo Kabushiki Gaisha ;; Matsuda Shohin Senryaku Honbu Gijutsu Kikakubu
1344-3380 MBL jiko men'eki repäoto Medical & Biological Laboratories.; MBL.
0275-8679 MBL lectures in biology Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole, Mass.)
0192-365X MCD U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water Program Operations :; available from General Services Administration (8FFS), Centralized Mailing Lists Services]
0024-905X McGill Medical Journal McIntyre Medical Sciences Centre.
0099-8370 MCIC report Metals and Ceramics Information Center.
0227-5503 McMaster Symposium on Iron and Steelworking McMaste University.
1071-6939 MD American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0002-3078 Me"ruzeler - Azerbajčan SSR elmler Akademijasy "Elm"
0190-0749 Mead Johnson symposium on perinatal and developmental medicine Mead Johnson & Company.
0020-2940 Measurement and control Institute of Measurement and Control
0465-4366 Measurement and control Iliffe Production Publications
2051-8730 Measurement and control (e-vir) Institute of Measurement and Control
1366-4506 Measurement note. CMMT (MN) National Physical Laboratory.
0957-0233 Measurement science & technology IOP Publishing
1361-6501 Measurement science & technology (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0543-1972 Measurement techniques Published by Consultants Bureau under the editorial direction of the Instrument Society of America]
1573-8906 Measurement techniques Kluwer
0309-1740 Meat science Applied Science Publishers
1873-4138 Meat science (e-vir) Elsevier
0368-8933 Mécanique Société française des mécaniciens
0025-6439 Mécanique, matériaux, électricité Science et industrie
0369-1616 Mécanique électricité Science et industrie
0025-6455 Meccanica Tamburini Editore SpA
1572-9648 Meccanica (e-vir) Kluwer
0391-6618 Meccanica italiana Asmeccanica.
0020-3327 Mechanical & chemical engineering transactions Institute of Engineers, Australia.
0252-1059 Mechanical and corrosion properties Trans Tech S.A.. ;; Trans Tech Publications,
0252-1067 Mechanical and corrosion properties Trans Tech S.A.. ;; Trans Tech Publications,
0025-6501 Mechanical engineering American Society of Mechanical Engineers
0899-3858 Mechanical engineering M. Dekker,
0379-5527 Mechanical engineering bulletin Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute.
0156-9473 Mechanical engineering note Aeronautics Research Laboratories.
0430-6066 Mechanical engineering report Aeronautical Research Laboratories.
0470-2646 Mechanical engineering report MP National Research Council of Canada. Division of Mechanical Engineering.
0077-555X Mechanical engineering report MS National Aeronautical Establishment (Canada)
0368-8976 Mechanical Power [S.n.]
0140-1009 Mechanical sciences. Mashinovedeniye Scientific Information Consultants.
0097-1774 Mechanical topics International Nickel Company.
0147-7781 Mechanical working and steel processing Metallurgical Society of AIME. Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Committee.; Metallurgical Society of AIME. Shaping and Forming Committee.; Iron and Steel Society of AIME. Mechanical Working & Steel Processing Division.; Iron and Steel Society. Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Division.
1075-878X Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference proceedings Iron and Steel Society.
0369-2868 Mechanical World and Engineering Record [S.n.]Emmot & Co.
1537-6494 Mechanics of advanced materials and structures Taylor and Francis
1537-6532 Mechanics of advanced materials and structures (e-vir) Taylor and Francis
1082-5010 Mechanics of cohesive-frictional materials Wiley.
1099-1484 Mechanics of cohesive-frictional materials J. Wiley
0191-5665 Mechanics of composite materials (e-vir) Consultants Bureau.
1573-8922 Mechanics of composite materials (e-vir) Kluwer
1075-9417 Mechanics of composite materials and structures Wiley
1521-0596 Mechanics of composite materials and structures (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0167-6636 Mechanics of materials North-Holland
1872-7743 Mechanics of materials (e-vir) Elsevier
1934-7936 Mechanics of solids Allerton Press
0025-6544 Mechanics of solids = = Allerton Press, c1972-c1991.
1385-2000 Mechanics of time-dependent materials Kluwer
1573-2738 Mechanics of time-dependent materials (e-vir) Kluwer
0093-6413 Mechanics Research Communications Pergamon.
0025-6552 Mechanik Wydawnictwa Czasopism Technkicznych NOT
0047-6374 Mechanism of ageing and development Elsevier Sequoia; Elsevier
1872-6216 Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (e-vir) Elsevier
0925-4773 Mechanisms of development Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland ltd
0269-2198 Mechanisms of drug action Macmillan.
0740-8900 Mechanisms of inorganic and organometallic reactions Plenum Press,
0076-5791 Mechanisms of molecular migrations Wiley-Interscience.
0543-2081 Mechanisms of reactions of sulfur compounds Intra-Science Research Foundation.
0465-4536 Mechanizace v chemickém průmyslu Chemoprojekt
0379-5535 MECON journal Metallurgical & Engineering Consultants.
0081-5713 Meddelande Statens väginstitut
0356-8172 Meddelande Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland.; Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland.
0368-3419 Meddelande Swedish Institute of Agricultural Engineering.; Jordbrukstekniska institutet.
0368-6175 Meddelande Statens husdjursförsök.; Kungl. Lantbrukshögskolan och Statens lantbruksförsök.; Lantbrukshögskolan och Statens lantbruksförsök. Statens husdjursförsök.
0368-7716 Meddelande Husdjursförsöksanstalten, Lantbrukshögskolan.
0368-7813 Meddelande Jordbrukstekniska Institutet
0039-6869 Meddelande / Svenska mejeriernas riksförening
0367-4347 Meddelande / Grafiska forskningslaboratoriet
0368-6167 Meddelande / Statens jordbruksförsök
0491-0508 Meddelande fr°an Institutet för maltdrycksforskning Institutet för maltdrycksforskning.
0368-8631 Meddelande från Alnarpsinstitutets mejeriavdelning och Statens mejeriförsök Alnarpsinstitutet.; Statens mejeriförsök
0369-2094 Meddelande från Statens mejeriförsök Statens mejeriförsök
0039-0275 Meddelanden Statens växtskyddsanstalt.
0346-5756 Meddelanden LBS.; Lantbruksstyrelsen.
0346-7090 Meddelanden Svenska träskyddsinstitutet.
0368-8380 Meddelanden fr°an °Abo Akademis geologisk-mineralogiska institut °Abo Akademi. Institutionen för geologi och mineralogi.; °Abo Akademi. Geologisk-mineralogiska institutionen.
0356-7109 Meddelanden fr°an Stiftelsens för °Abo Akademi forskningsinstitut Research Institute of the °Abo Akademi Foundation.; Stiftelsens för °Abo Akademi forskningsinstitut.
0369-0644 Meddelanden från Lunds geologisk-mineralogiska institution Lunds geologisk-mineralogiska institution
0369-2167 Meddelanden från Statens skogsforskningsinstitut Statens skogsforskningsinstitut
0369-2213 Meddelanden från Svenska textilforskningsinstitutet, Göteborg Svenska textilforskningsinstitutet
0369-2205 Meddelanden fran Sveriges Kemiska Industrikontor Sveriges kemiska industrikontor
0303-7037 Meddelande - Statens lantbrukskemiska laboratorium Statens lantbrukskemiska laboratorium.
0371-2362 Meddelande - Statens Provningsanstalt, Stockholm Statens provningsanstalt.
0105-9696 Meddelelse Geodætisk Institut.
0369-1446 Meddelelse Norwegian Pulp and Paper Research Institute.; Papirindustriens forskningsinstitutt.
0546-3297 Meddelelse fra Metallurgisk komit Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige forskningsråd, Metallurgisk komit
0107-1114 Meddelelser fra Bioteknisk Institut, A.T.V.. Afdelingen for bioteknologi ATV.
0106-5564 Meddelelser fra Bioteknisk Institut, A.T.V.. Afdelingen for foderstofteknologi ATV.
0070-3435 Meddelelser fra Danmarks Fiskeri- og Havundersøgelser Danish Institute for Fishery and Marine Research.; Danmarks Fiskeri- og Havundersøgelser.
0025-6668 Meddelelser fra Det norske myrselskap Norske myrselskap.
0105-4171 Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Danmarks Fiskeri- og Havundersøgelser. Serie Fiskeri Danish Institute for Fisheries and Marine Research.; Danmarks Fiskeri- og Havundersøgelser.
0029-1927 Meddelelser fra Norsk farmaceutisk selskap Norsk farmaceutisk selskap.
0332-5709 Meddelelser fra Norsk institutt for skogforskning Norsk institutt for skogforskning
0369-2701 Meddelelser fra Vestlandets forstlige forsøksstasjon Forest Research Institute of West Norway.; Vestlandets forstlige forsøksstasjon.
0025-6676 Meddelelser om Grønland Museum Tusculanum Press
0106-1046 Meddelelser om Grønland Dansk Polarcenter.
0302-0800 Médecine. Biologie. Environnement Institut européen d'écologie et de cancérologie.; INEC.; European Institute of Ecology and Cancer.
0465-4676 Médecine dans le monde Expansion scientifique française,
1373-1025 Médecine du travail & ergonomie Association professionnelle belge des médecins du travail.; Belgische Beroepsvereniging voor arbeidsgeneesheren.; Belgian Ergonomics Society.; Vlaamse Wetenschappelijke Vereniging voor Arbeidsgezondheidskunde.; Société belge de médecine et d'hygiène du travail d'expression française.
0300-4937 Médecine et armées Association pour le développement et la diffusion de l'information militaire
0025-6749 Médecine et hygiène S.N.
0398-7604 Médecine et nutrition La Simarre
0241-6751 Médecine légale, toxicologie Masson,
0025-679X Médecine légale et dommage corporel Société française de médecine legale.
0025-6803 Médecine moderne du Canada Editions Southam.
1952-4072 Médecine thérapeutique cardiologie (e-vir) J. Libbey Eurotext
0025-682X Médecine tropicale Institut de médecine tropicale du Service de santé des armées (Marseille)
0920-0916 Mededeeling / Afdeeling Handelsmuseum, Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam. Afdeeling Handelsmuseum.
0369-0598 Mededeelingen van de Landbouwhoogeschool en van de daaraan verbonden instituten Landbouwhoogeschool Wageningen.; Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen.
0369-1551 Mededeelingen van het Algemeen Proefstation der AVROS Archipel.
0369-0237 Mededeelingen van het Indonesisch Instituut voor Rubberonderzoek Indonesich Instituut voor Rubberonderzoek
0369-0733 Mededeeling van het Laboratorium voor Scheikundig Onderzoek te Buitenzorg Dept. van Economische Zaken
0443-5362 Mededeelung uit het Instituut voor moderne veevoeding "De Schothorst" te Hoogland bij Amesterfoort Cooperatieve aan - en verhoopvereeniging Centraal Bureau uit het Nederlandsch landbouw-comité G.A.
0366-6468 Mededeling Centraal Instituut voor Materiaal Onderzoek. Afdeling Corrosie.
0366-7928 Mededeling - Corrosie-Instituut TNO Corrosie-instituut TNO
1373-7503 Mededelingen - Faculteit landbouwkundige en toegepaste biologische wetenschappen Universiteit Gent.
0509-5484 Mededelingen - Instituut voor biologisch en scheikundig onderzoek van landbouwgewassen, Wageningen Instituut voor biologisch en scheikundig onderzoek van landbouwgewassen
0369-8459 Mededelingen - Proefstation voor de akker - en weidebouw, Wageningen Proefstation voor de akker - en weidebouw
0516-6667 Mededelingen - Proefstation voor de groenteteelt in de volle grond in Nederland Proefstation voor de groenteteelt in de volle grond in Nederland
0165-1951 Mededelingen - Rijks geologische dienst. Nieuwe serie Ernest van Aelst
0369-0709 Mededelingen uit het laboratorium voor physiologische chemie der Universiteit van Amsterdam Laboratorium voor physiologische chemie der Universiteit van Amsterdam.
0369-0717 Mededelingen uit het Laboratorium voor Physiologische Chemie der Universiteit van Amsterdam en uit het Instituut voor Volksvoeding Universiteit van Amsterdam. Laboratorium voor Physiologische Chemie.; Instituut voor Volksvoeding.; University of Amsterdam. Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry.; Netherlands Institute of Nutrition.
0368-9239 Mededelingen van de directie tuinbouw Ministerie van Landbouw en visserij
0303-9102 Mededelingen van de Faculteit dierengeneeskunde. Rijksuniversiteit Gent Rijksuniversiteit. Faculteit dierengeneeskunde
0368-9697 Mededelingen van de Faculteit landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent Rijksuniversiteit, faculteit landbouwwetenschappen
0369-285X Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse academie voor wetenschappen, letteren en schone kunsten van België. Klasse der wetenschappen. Koninklijke Vlaamse academie voor wetenschappen, letteren en schone kunsten van België
0369-0695 Mededelingen van de Landbouwhogeschool en de Opzoekingsstations van de Staat te Gent ????
0369-1128 Mededelingen van de Nederlandse vereniging voor koeltechniek Nederlandse vereniging voor koeltechniek
0369-1721 Mededelingen van de Rijksfaculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Te Gent Rijksfaculteit landbouwwetenschappen
0369-1802 Mededelingen van de Rubber-Stichting Rubber-Stichting.; Fondation du Caoutchouc.; Rubber-Foundation.; Kautschuk-Stiftung.
0366-6263 Mededelingen van de Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie.
0369-2787 Mededelingen van de Vlaamse chemische vereniging Vlaamse chemische vereniging, V.C.V..
0369-0326 Mededelingen van het Instituut voor rationele suikerproductie Instituut voor rationele suikerproductie
0369-0660 Mededelingen van het Laboratorium voor houttechnologie Rijkslandbouwhogeschool
0369-1756 Mededelingen van het Rijks-instituut voor pharmaco-therapeutisch onderzoek Sijthoff
0303-9072 Mededelingen van het rijksstation voor zeevisserij Bestuur voor landbouwkundig onderzoek.
0369-2779 Mededelingen van het Vezelinstituut T.N.O Vezelinstituut T.N.O.
1015-6941 Mededeling - Geologisch Mijnbouwkundige Dienst van Suriname Geologisch Mijnbouwkundige Dienst van Suriname.; Surinam Government Geological and Mining Service.; Ministerie van Opbouw, Bosbouw en Domeinen.; Department of Mines, Forests and Lands.; Ministerie van Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen en Energie.; Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy.; Department of Natural Resources and Energy.
0369-0741 Mededeling van het lederinstituut T.N.O Lederinstituut T.N.O.
0962-9351 Mediators of inflammation Rapid Communications
1466-1861 Mediators of inflammation (e-vir) Carfax
0025-696X Medical & biological engineering Pergamon
0140-0118 Medical & biological engineering & computing Peter Peregrinus
1741-0444 Medical & biological engineering & computing (e-vir) Springer
0025-6978 Medical and biological illustration Institute of Medical and Biological Illustration.; British Medical Association.
0971-4219 Medical and Nutritional Research Communications Kunneth Institute of Medical Sciences.
0098-1532 Medical and pediatric oncology Alan R. Liss
1096-911X Medical and pediatric oncology Wiley-Liss
0099-4405 Medical Annals
0025-6986 Medical annals of the District of Columbia Medical Society of the District of Columbia.
0025-6994 Medical arts and sciences Loma Linda University.; College of Medical Evangelists (Los Angeles, Calif.)
1027-0256 Medical biochemistry Harwood Academic.
0302-2137 Medical biology Finnish Medical Society Duodecim.; Suomalainen lääkäriseura Duodecim.
0033-1864 Medical bulletin Providence Hospital (Southfield, Mich.)
0378-6358 Medical bulletin of İstanbul Medical Faculty İstanbul Üniversitesi
0368-9107 Medical Bulletin of Istanbul University İstanbul University
0096-7041 Medical clinics of Chicago
1557-9859 Medical clinics of North America (e-vir) Saunders
0194-844X Medical device & diagnostic industry Canon Communications
0025-7184 Medical Digest [s.n.]
0465-5036 Medical documentation Medical documentation.
0368-9271 Medical electronics & biological engineering Pergamon
0918-4287 Medical electron microscopy Springer
1437-773X Medical electron microscopy (e-vir) Springer
0306-9877 Medical hypotheses Elsevier Science
1532-2777 Medical hypotheses (e-vir) Harcourt
1361-8415 Medical image analysis Oxford University Press
1361-8423 Medical Image Analysis (e-vir) Elsevier
0910-3740 Medical immunology Kokusai Isho Shuppan.
1476-9433 Medical immunology (e-vir) BioMed Central
0090-6689 Medical instrumentation Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.
1080-3645 Medical intelligence unit R.G. Landes Co. :; Distributed worldwide by CRC Press
0543-2723 Medical journal National Library of Medicine (U.S.); National Science Foundation (U.S.); United States.; Zbor liječnika Hrvatske.
0096-5510 Medical journal and record [Medical Journal and Record Pub. Co.]
1326-5377 Medical journal of Australia (e-vir) Australasian Medical Pub. Co.
0025-729X Medical Journal of Australia Medical Journal of Australia
0465-5141 Medical Journal of Chulalongkorn Hospital Medical School, Bangkok
0116-1334 Medical journal of EAC Emilio Aguinaldo College of Medicine; University Medical center; Medical Center Manila
0025-7303 Medical Journal of Malaya Straits Times Press (M) Berhad, Times House.
0300-5283 Medical journal of Malaysia Straits Times Press
0030-6169 Medical Journal of Osaka University Osaka University Medical School
0375-9849 Medical Journal of Shinshu University Shinshu University. Faculty of Medicine.
0369-0458 Medical journal of the South West Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society.
0308-3616 Medical Laboratory Sciences Academic Press
0022-2607 Medical laboratory technology Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology (Great Britain)
0140-3028 Medical laboratory world United Trade Press
0465-515X Medical Mentor [s.n.].
0739-5868 Medical microbiology Academic Press,
0300-8584 Medical microbiology and immunology Springer-Verlag
1432-1831 Medical microbiology and immunology Springer
1018-4627 Medical microbiology letters Birkhäuser
1860-1480 Medical molecular morphology Springer Japan
1860-1499 Medical molecular morphology (e-vir) Springer
1369-3786 Medical mycology BIOS Scientific Publishers
1460-2709 Medical mycology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1357-0560 Medical oncology Science and Technology letters
1559-131X Medical oncology (e-vir) Springer
0736-0118 Medical oncology and tumor pharmacotherapy Pergamon Press
0094-2405 Medical physics American Institute of Physics
2473-4209 Medical physics (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
0368-9492 Medical Press [s.n.]
0369-139X Medical Press and Circular [s.n.]
0369-1411 Medical Press of Egypt (s.n.)
0025-7443 Medical Proceedings Juta and Co, Ltd.
0377-9963 Medical progress Medical Progress Publications Ltd..
0465-5214 Medical Progress
0047-6552 Medical Progress through Technology Springer-Verlag
0099-9865 Medical Quarterly of the Indiana University School of Medicine
0025-746X Medical radiography and photography Eastman Kodak Company.
0096-6797 Medical record Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress)
0025-7508 Medical research engineering Medical-Research-Technology]
1234-1010 Medical Science Monitor Medical Science International
1643-3750 Medical Science Monitor (e-vir) Medical Science Int.
0500-4667 Medical Science Publication, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
0269-8951 Medical science research Elsevier Applied Science
0928-9550 Medical science symposia series Kluwer Academic Publishers
0073-7518 Medical series, bulletin Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America.
0368-9204 Medical services journal, Canada Canada. Dept. of National Defence.; Canada. Dept. of National Health and Welfare.; Canada. Dept. of Veterans Affairs.
0543-2898 Medical technicians bulletin Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.,
0389-1887 Medical technology Ishiyaku Publishers.
0461-6049 Medical Technology Review
0092-7309 Medical times [The Medical Times]
0112-5966 Medical toxicology ADIS Press
1043-1837 Medical virology Elsevier Biomedical.
0096-6819 Medical woman's journal Pan American Medical Women's Alliance.; Medical Women's National Association.; American Medical Women's Association.; Washington Institute of Medicine.
0025-7621 Medical world Association of Scientific Technical and Managerial Staffs.
0025-7648 Medicamenta Instituto Farmacológico Latino.
0210-3575 Medicamenta Instituto Farmacológico Latino.
0025-7656 Medicamentos de actualidad Prous
0025-7664 Medicamundi Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken; Philips Medical Systems1; Philips Medical Systems Nederland; Philips Nederland/Medical Systems
0025-7680 Medicina Fundación Revista Medicina
0025-7699 Medicina Igaku Shoin
0025-7702 Medicina Medicina.
0025-7710 Medicina [s.n.]
0025-7729 Medicina Hrvatski liječnički zbor, podružnica Rijeka
0368-9336 Medicina
0392-6516 Medicina USES.
1669-9106 Medicina (e-vir) Fundación Revista Medicina
0368-8879 Medicina, Cirurgia, Farmacia Laboratórios Silva Araujo Roussel, S.A.
0025-7753 Medicina clínica Doyma; Elsevier España
1575-4677 Medicina clínica (e-vir) Doyma
1578-8989 Medicina clínica (e-vir) Doyma
0025-7761 Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale Il Pensiero Scientifico.
0368-931X Medicina colonial Instituto Español de Medicina Colonial.
0025-7826 Medicina dello sport Minerva medica
1827-1863 Medicina dello sport (e-vir) Edizioni Minerva Medica
0461-6103 Medicina de Occidente
0100-0780 Medicina do Esporte Federação Brasileira de Medicina Desportiva.
0254-4148 Medicina e cirurgia Medicográfica.
0025-7842 Medicina espanola Artística Palleter
0543-3002 Medicina et pharmacologia experimentalis Karger,
0543-3010 Medicina experimentalis Karger,
0391-4844 Medicina geriatrica Associazione nazionale italiana medici e operatori geriatrici.
0025-7869 Medicina internă Editura Medicală
0369-0415 Medicina italiana Edizione Minerva Medica.
1027-4502 Medicinal and aromatic plants Harwood Academic Publishers
0076-6054 Medicinal chemistry Academic Press]
1573-4064 Medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6638 Medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
0543-310X Medicinal Chemistry
1054-2523 Medicinal chemistry research Birkhäuser Boston
1554-8120 Medicinal chemistry research (e-vir) Springer
1567-2034 Medicinal chemistry reviews (e-vir) Bentham Science
0369-058X Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni ????.
0076-6062 Medicinal research [Marcel Dekker, Inc.]
0198-6325 Medicinal research reviews Wiley
1098-1128 Medicinal research reviews Wiley
0368-9069 Medicina LSSR Sveikatos apsaugos Liaudies komisariatas.; Med. Darb. Profesinąe sajunga.; Kauno universiteto Medicinos fakultetas.
0025-7877 Medicina nei secoli Università degli studi, Perugia; Università degli studi La Sapienza, Roma. Istituto di storia della medicina
0025-7885 Medicina Nucleare, Radiobiologica Latina Istituto per la Diffusione di Opere Scientifiche.
0465-5443 Medicina revuo Japana Esperanto Medicina Asocia.
0369-2116 Medicina sportiva Federazione medico sportiva italiana ;; Minerva Medica,
0580-9320 Medicina termale e climatologia Edizioni Libreria dello Studente di F. Lucisano.
0368-9220 Medicina thoracalis S. Karger
2571-7278 Medicina thoracalis (e-vir)
0025-7958 Medicina tropical Instituto Español de Medicina Tropical
1026-9428 Medicina truda i promyšlennaâ èkologiâ Institut mediciny truda; Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut mediciny truda imeni akademika N.F. Izmerova
0368-9603 Medicina y cirugia Sociedad Medico Quirurgica Lombana Barreneche,
0461-6243 Medicina y cirugía zootécnicas Sociedad Mexicana de Medicina y Cirugía Zootécnicas.
0465-546X Medicina y seguridad del trabajo Instituto Nacional de Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo (España); Escuela Nacional de Medicina del Trabajo (España)
1989-7790 Medicina y seguridad del trabajo Escuela Nacional de Medicina del Trabajo
0025-7974 Medicine Williams & Wilkins Co.
1536-5964 Medicine (e-vir) Lippincot
2042-1818 Medicine, science and the law (e-vir) Royal Society of Medicine Press
0025-8024 Medicine, Science and the Law John Wright & Sons
1530-0315 Medicine & science in sports & exercise (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0025-7990 Medicine and science in sports American College of Sports Medicine.
0195-9131 Medicine and science in sports and exercise American College of Sports Medicine
0076-6070 Medicine and sport International Council of Sport and Physical Education. Research Committee.
0254-5020 Medicine and sport science S. Karger,
0025-8326 Medicinskaâ parazitologiâ i parazitarnye bolezni Medicina
0369-1586 Medicinskaâ promyšlennostʹ SSSR.; Медицинская промышленность СССР Ministerstvo zdravoohraneniâ SSSR; Министерство здравоохранения СССР.
0025-8334 Medicinskaâ radiologiâ Medicina
1024-6177 Medicinskaâ radiologiâ i radiacionnaâ bezopasnostʹ.; Медицинская радиология и радиационная безопасность [s.n.]; [с.н.]; Federalʹnyj medicinskij biofizičeskij centr im. A.I. Burnazâna; Федеральный медицинский биофизический центр им. А.И. Бурназяна
0025-8342 Medicinskaâ sestra Medicina
0025-8075 Medicinskaâ tehnika Medicina
0025-8067 Medicinska revija Galenika
0352-602X Medicinski anali Klinički bolnički centar Split
0025-830X Medicinskij žurnal Uzbekistana "Medicina" UzSSR
0369-1527 Medicinski podmladak SSO Medicinskog fakulteta
2466-5525 Medicinski podmladak (e-vir) Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
0025-8105 Medicinski pregled Društvo lekara Vojvodine
1820-7383 Medicinski pregled (e-vir) Društvo lekara Vojvodine
0543-3142 Medicinski zbornik Klinička bolnica
1681-2557 Medična hìmìâ.; Медична хімія Ukrmedkniga; Укрмедкнига
0461-6367 Médico Ed. Profesionales SA.
0302-1637 Medico-legal and criminological review Medico-Legal Society (Great Britain)
0025-8172 Medico-Legal Journal Dramrite Printers
0025-8210 Medicus Q Publications
0126-0901 Medika Gabungan Perusahaan Farmasi Indonesia
0323-9802 Mediko-biologični problemi Medicina i fizkultura
0304-4823 Medikon European Press.
0794-3733 Medipharm medical journal Literamed Limited.
0368-9131 Medisch Maandblad De Vereeniging to Bevordering der Geneeskundige Wetenschappen in Nederlandch Indie
0387-5601 Medi science Medical Information Services.
0522-9200 Medisinske avhandlinger - Universitetet i Bergen Universitetet i Bergen.
0341-0730 Medizin in unserer Zeit Verlag Chemie.
0933-9051 Medizinische Forschung Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse.
0936-5931 Medizinische Genetik Verl. Med. Genetik
1863-5490 Medizinische Genetik Springer
0465-5753 Medizinische Grundlagenforschung [s.n.]
0723-5003 Medizinische Klinik Urban und Vogel
1615-6722 Medizinische Klinik Springer
0368-9247 Medizinische Kosmetik Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Aesthetische Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete.
0025-8474 Medizinische Monatsschrift Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
0342-9601 Medizinische Monatsschrift für Pharmazeuten Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
0025-8520 Medizinischer Monatsspiegel E. Merck AG
0025-8490 Medizinische Sachverständige Gentner
0025-8504 Medizinische Technik Gentner.
0025-8512 Medizinische Welt F. K. Schattauer-Verlag GmbH
0368-9174 Medizinisch-Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv [s.n.]
0344-9416 Medizintechnik Fachverband Biomedizinische Technik
0369-3031 Medizin und Chemie Verlag Chemie GmbH.
0025-8407 Medizin und Ernährung Georg Thieme Verlag
0025-8415 Medizin und Sport Verlag Volk und Gesundheit
0011-6564 Medlemsblad for Den Danske Dyrlægeforening Den Danske Dyrlægeforening.
0369-6545 Medlemsblad for Den norske veterinærforening Norske veterinærforening
0025-8601 Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia Państwowy Zakład Higieny.; Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów.; Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego - Państwowy Zakład Higieny.
0368-9212 Medycyna Doświadczalna i Społeczna Państwowy Zakład Higieny.
2353-1339 Medycyna pracy (e-vir) Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine
0465-5893 Medycyna Pracy Polskie Towarzystwo Medycyny Pracy; Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. J. Nofera.
0025-8628 Medycyna Weterynaryjna Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne
0047-7230 MEED. Middle East economic digest Middle East Economic Digest Ltd
0341-6836 Meeresforschung Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Kommission für Meeresforschung.
0369-1160 Mehaničeskaâ obrabotka drevesiny.; Механическая обработка древесины VNIPIÈIlesprom; ВНИПИЭИлеспром.
0136-9326 Mehanika deformiruemyh tverdyh tel Institut matematiki i mehaniki.
1029-6670 Mehanika kompozicionnyh materialov i konstrukcij Institut prikladnoj mehaniki RAN
0203-1272 Mehanika kompozitnyh materialov [S.n.]
0025-8865 Mehanika polimerov Zinäatne
0369-0474 Mehanizaciâ hlopkovodstva Gosudarstvennyj planovyj komitet Soveta Ministrov Uzbekskoj SSR.
0025-8873 Mehanizaciâ i avtomatizaciâ proizvodstva Mašinostroenie
0543-4149 Mehanizaciâ i avtomatizaciâ uptsblrniâ [S.n.]
0320-2119 Mehanizaciâ lesorazrabotok i transport lesa Belorusskij tehnologičeskij institut im S.M. Kirova.
0135-1656 Mehanizmy patologičeskih processov Ministerstvo zdravoohraneniâ Uzbekskoj SSR. Učenyj medicinskij sovet.; Taškentskij medicinskij institut. Problemnaâ komissiâ po obŝej patologii.; Naučno-medicinskoe obŝestvo patofiziologov Uzbekistana.
0465-6016 Méhészet Hirlapkiadó
0368-9360 Mehlprobleme [s.n.]
0368-9298 Mehl und Brot [s.n.]
0910-0717 Meidai Uchäusen Kenkyäushitsu kiji Nagoya Daigaku. Rigakubu. Uchäusen Kenkyäushitsu.; Nagoya University. Faculty of Science. Cosmic-Ray Research Laboratory.; Nagoya University. Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory. Cosmic-Ray Research Laboratory.
0387-5385 Meiden review. International edition Meidensha.
0025-8741 Meidensha review Meidensha Electric Mfg Co, Ltd.
0025-8776 Meieriposten Norske meierifolks landsforening
1005-9598 Mei huagong Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0910-3376 Meijäo Daigaku Näogakubu gakujutsu häokoku Meijo University. Faculty of Agriculture.
0386-4952 Meijäo Daigaku Rikäogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Meijäo University. Faculty of Science and Technology.
0367-2387 Meijeritieteellinen aikakauskirja Meijeritieteellinen seura.
0386-4944 Meiji Daigaku Kagaku Gijutsu Kenkyūjō kiyō Meiji Daigaku. Kagaku Gijutsu Kenkyūjo
0543-3916 Meiji Daigaku Kagaku Gijutsu Kenkyujo nenpo Meiji Daigaku Kagaku Gijutsu Kenkyujo
0465-6075 Meiji Daigaku Kōgakubu kenkyū hōkoku Meiji daigaku kogakubu; Meiji Daigaku. Kōgakubu
0465-6083 Meiji Daigaku Nogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Meiji Daigaku Nagakubu.
0911-4556 Meiji Gomu Kasei gihou Meiji Gomu Kasei.
0465-6105 Meiji Seika kenkyäu nempäo Meiji Seika Kaisha. Pharmaceutical Research Center.; Meiji Seika Kabushiki Gaisha. Chäuäo Kenkyäujo.; Meiji Seika Kaisha. Research Laboratories.
0543-3975 Meiji Yakka Daigaku kenkyäu kiyäo Meiji College of Pharmacy.; Meiji Pharmaceutical University.
1344-8099 Meijō Daigaku Sōgō Kenkyūjo kiyō Meijō Daigaku Sōgō Kenkyūjo
0916-0701 Meikai Daigaku shigaku zasshi Meikai University. School of Dentistry.; Meikai daigaku fuzoku shigakubu toshokan un'ei iinkai.
1881-4298 Meikai shika igaku Meikai Shika Igakkai,
0388-130X Meisei Daigaku kenkyäu kiyäo. Rikäo Gakubu Meisei University.
1008-8725 Meitan jishu Gai Kan Bianjibu
0253-2336 Meitan kexue jishu Guozi Shudian
0253-9993 Meitan xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1004-4248 Meitan zhuanhua Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1528-5189 Mei Zhong guo ji yan ke za zhi U.S. Chinese Medical Association.
0543-4041 Mejikaru byäu Mejikaru Byäu-sha.
0960-8931 Melanoma research Rapid Communications of Oxford
1473-5636 Melanoma research (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0025-8946 Meldinger fra Norges landbrukshøgskole Norges landbrukshøgskole
0368-9433 Melhoramento Portugal. Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária. Estação Nacional de Melhoramento de Plantas
0235-2524 Melioraciâ i vodnoe hozâjstvo Agropromizdat
0507-2166 Melioraciâ i vodnoe hozâjstvo.; Мелиорация и водное хозяйство Urožaj; Урожай
0947-9163 Melliand international Deutscher Fachverlag
0341-0781 Melliand Textilberichte Deutscher Fachverlag
0025-8989 Melliand-Textilberichte Melliand-Textilberichte-KG
0375-9350 Melliand Textilberichte International Melliand Textilberichte KG
0368-959X Melliand Textilchemie [s.n.]
0096-4638 Melliand textile monthly Textile Manufacturers Monthly
0369-089X Melsunger Medizinische Mitteilungen B. Braun
0369-1500 Melsunger Medizinisch Pharmazeutische Mitteilungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis [s.n.]
0025-9039 Mélyépítéstudományi szemle Lapk.
1226-0088 Membeure-in; 멤브레인 Han-gug mag hag-hoe
0149-046X Membrane biochemistry Crane Russak
0161-2883 Membrane proteins M. Dekker,
0076-6356 Membranes Marcel Dekker.
0927-5193 Membrane science and technology series Elsevier
0160-2462 Membrane transport processes Raven Press
0065-731X Memoir American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
0068-7634 Memoir Geological Survey of Canada.
0072-1069 Memoir The Society]
0075-5753 Memoir Kenya Geological Survey
0076-3136 Memoir Government Printer
0077-1120 Memoir Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology.
0078-2343 Memoir Nova Scotia. Dept. of Mines.
0096-7254 Memoir New York State College of Agriculture
0097-143X Memoir Michigan State College. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0272-0779 Memoir Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Dept. of Geological Sciences.
0367-4096 Memoir [s.n.]
0367-536X Memoir Government Printer
0369-3945 Memoir Geological Survey Department
0370-3401 Memoir Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs.; Departement van Mineraal- en Energiesake.; Geological Survey.; Geologiese Opname.
0433-9568 Memoir Director, Soil Research Institute, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
0548-5975 Memoir New Mexico.
0548-8265 Memoir New York State Museum and Science Service.
0512-493X Memoir / Geological Survey of Wyoming.
0703-1130 Memoir - Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists.
0379-1300 Mémoire du Département de minéralogie de l'Université de Genève Université (Genève). Département de minéralogie.
0249-6410 Mémoire hors-série Société géologique de France,
0365-2491 Mémoires Société géologique de Belgique
0367-701X Mémoires Institut royal colonial belge
0579-6733 Mémoires - Association internationale des hydrogéologues Association internationale des hydrogéologues.; International Association of Hydrogeologists.; Meždunarodnaǎ associaciâ gidrogeologov.
0368-8291 Mémoires de l'Académie de chirurgie Académie nationale de chirurgie (France)
0369-1896 Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres de Toulouse Académie des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres (Toulouse)
0368-9263 Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences de l'Institut de France Académie des sciences (France)
0065-0595 Mémoires de l'Académie royale de médecine de Belgique Académie royale de médecine de Belgique.
0369-0172 Memoires de l'Institut d'Egypte National Information and Documentation Centre
0397-9520 Mémoires de l'Institut de géologie du bassin d'Aquitaine Institut de géologie du bassin d'Aquitaine
0374-9126 Mémoires de l'Institut de recherche scientifique de Madagascar Institut de recherche scientifique de Madagascar
0369-0210 Mémoires de l'Institut géologique de l'Université de Louvain Institut géologique de l'Université de Louvain.
0365-0952 Mémoires de la Classe des sciences Palais des académies
0365-0936 Mémoires de la Classe des sciences. Académie royale de Belgique. Collection in 8 Palais des académies
0489-4464 Mémoires de la Société belge de géologie, de paléontologie et d'hydrologie Société belge de géologie, de paléontologie et d'hydrologie.; Belgische Vereniging voor Geologie, Paleontologie en Hydrologie.
0369-156X Mémoires de la société botanique de France Société botanique de France.
0371-0203 Mémoires de la Société des ingénieurs civils Société des ingénieurs civils
0369-2183 Mémoires de la Société des sciences de Nancy Académie lorraine des sciences.
0583-8487 Mémoires de la Société des sciences naturelles du Maroc Société des sciences naturelles du Maroc.
0371-2133 Mémoires de la Société des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux Imprimerie des ouvriers associés
0369-1969 Mémoires de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles.
0369-1977 Mémoires de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles.
0369-1985 Mémoires de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles.
0369-1993 Mémoires de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles.
0369-2000 Mémoires de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles.
0369-2019 Mémoires de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles.
0369-2027 Mémoires de la Société géologique de France Société géologique de France.
0370-9892 Memoires de la Societe Geologique et Mineralogique de Bretagne Institut de Geologie, Faculte des Sciences
0583-8819 Mémoires de la Société royale de botanique de Belgique Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la culture française.; Ministère de l'agriculture.; Fondation universitaire.
0369-1799 Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège Société Royale des Sciences de Liège.
0369-2159 Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege, Collection in 4 Societe Royale des Sciences
0560-5687 Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege, Volume Hors Serie Societe Royale des Sciences, c/o Universite de Liege.
0037-9611 Mémoires de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles
0071-8246 Mémoires du BRGM Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (France)
0369-173X Mémoires du Centre national de recherches métallurgiques. Section du Hainaut Centre national de recherches métallurgiques
0078-9763 Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris)
0078-9747 Mémoires du Museum national d'histoire naturelle. Série A, Zoologie Éd. du Muséum
0078-9771 Memoires du Museum national d'histoire naturelle. Série D, Sciences physico-chimiques Editions du Museum
0080-9020 Mémoires du Service de la carte géologique d'Alsace et de Lorraine Université de Strasbourg (1583-1970)
0245-8292 Mémoires et études scientifiques de la Revue de métallurgie Editions de la Revue de métallurgie
0367-6994 Mémoires - Institut royal colonial belge Institut royal colonial belge
0369-1578 Mémoires publiés par la Société botanique de France Société botanique de France.
0025-9128 Mémoires scientifiques de la Revue de métallurgie [s.n.]
0371-2508 Mémoires - Société Royale Belge des Ingénieurs et des Industriels Société royale belge des ingénieurs et des industriels
0372-395X Mémoires - Université catholique de Louvain. Institut agronomique Université catholique, Institut agronomique
0435-4001 Memoir - Geological Society of India Geological Society of India.
0574-8259 Memoir - Geological Survey Department Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Geological Survey Department.
0577-4454 Memoir - Geological Survey of Ceylon Geological Survey of Ceylon, Dep of Mineralogy.
0369-0040 Memoir - Geological Survey of Victoria Geological Survey of Victoria.
0486-4875 Memoir - Research Council of Alberta, Geological Division
0368-055X Memoirs Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture, Low Temperature Research Station
0368-0568 Memoirs Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture
0370-1840 Memoirs Pakistan Academy of Sciences
0371-0084 Memoirs [s.n.]
0372-4298 Memoirs [s.n.]
0076-3721 Memoirs and proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society.
1342-8969 Memoirs of Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University Tokyo Toritsu Daigaku. Käogakubu.
0082-4747 Memoirs of Faculty of Technology, Tokyo Metropolitan University Tokyo Metropolitan University. Faculty of Technology.
1343-8743 Memoirs of Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University Tokyo Metropolitan University. Graduate School of Engineering,
1346-8693 Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University Kinki daigaku sentan gijutsu sogo kenkyujo,
0369-0849 Memoirs of Mineral Resources of the Geological Survey of Szechuan s.n.],
0386-0744 Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue Kokuritsu Kyokuchi Kenkyäujo.
0371-1005 Memoirs of Research Division. Sudan, Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture.
0096-6134 Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences The Academy.]
2327-7521 Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (e-vir) American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
0065-9738 Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society American Philosophical Society.
0368-8615 Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [s.n.]
0388-2330 Memoirs of the College of Agriculture, Kyoto University Kyoto Imperial University. College of Agriculture; Kyoto University. College of Agriculture
0368-9425 Memoirs of the College of Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University Kyoto Imperial University. College of Engineering.
0368-9476 Memoirs of the College of Engineering, Kyushu Imperial University Kyushu Imperial University. College of Engineering.
0369-206X Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University Kyoto Imperial University. College of Science.
0369-2051 Memoirs of the College of Science, University of Kyoto, Series A Kyoto Imperial University. College of Science.
0368-8887 Memoirs of the College of Science, University of Kyoto, Series A: Mathematics Laboratórios Silva Araujo Roussel, S.A..
0368-8895 Memoirs of the College of Science, University of Kyoto, Series B [University of Kyoto. College of Science]
0369-2078 Memoirs of the College of Science and Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University Kyoto Imperial University. College of Science and Engineering.
0069-8970 Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts & Sciences Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences
0025-9136 Memoirs of the Defense Academy. Mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering Bäoei Daigakkäo.
0367-7397 Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India [s.n.]
0367-7419 Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India [s.n.]
0367-8806 Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India [s.n.]
0368-9034 Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India [s.n.]
0453-0853 Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University
0544-6058 Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Miyazaki University of Miyazaki. Faculty of Agriculture
0073-2311 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University Hiroshima University. Faculty of Engineering.
0368-9352 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido Imperial University Hokkaido Imperial University. Faculty of Engineering.
0368-9379 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University Hokkaido Daigaku Kogakubu.
0368-9638 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University Käobe Daigaku Käogakubu
0023-5334 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University Kumamoto Daigaku Kogakubu
0023-6063 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University Kyoto Unviersity. Faculty of Engineering.
0368-9417 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Imperial University Kyushu Imperial University. Faculty of Engineering.
0023-6160 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University Kyushu Daigaku Kogakubu.
1345-868X Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University Kyäushäu Daigaku. Daigakuin. Käogaku Kenkyäuin.
0540-4924 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University ;; Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki
0027-7657 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University Nagoya Daigaku. Käogakubu.
0078-6659 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University; Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University
0911-0305 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kyoto Institute of Technology. Series of science and technology Kyoto Institute of Technology. Faculty of Engineering and Design
0018-3466 Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University Hokkaidō Daigaku Suisan Gakubu; Hokkaido University. Graduate School of Fishries Sciences and Faculty of Fishries
0014-6773 Memoirs of the Faculty of Industrial Arts, Kyoto Technical University. Science and technology Kyoto Technical University. Faculty of Industrial Arts
0389-0279 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kochi University. Series C, Chemistry Käochi Daigaku. Rigakubu.
0368-9689 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series of Physics, Astrophysics, Geophysics and Chemistry Kyoto Daigaku Rigakubu.
0454-7802 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. Series of biology Kyoto Daigaku. Rigakubu.
0085-2627 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Series B: Physics Kyushu Daigaku Rigakubu.
0085-2635 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Series C: Chemistry Kyushu University. Faculty of Science.
0023-6179 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Series D: Geology Kyushu Daigaku Rigakubu
0454-7810 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science. Kyoto University. Series of Geology and Mineralogy Faculty of Science.
0368-9735 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University Waseda University. Faculty of Science and Engineering.
0367-3979 Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. England and Wales Natural Environment Research Council (Great Britain); Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain)
0369-0024 Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India Geological Survey of India.
1344-9958 Memoirs of the Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University Kyäushäu Daigaku. Daigakuin. Käogaku Kenkyäuka.
0078-6705 Memoirs of the Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University Institute for Protein Research
0369-0369 Memoirs of the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University Osaka Sangyo Kagaku Kenkyujo, Osaka Daigaku.
0444-177X Memoirs of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists
0369-0539 Memoirs of the Kobe Marine Observatory Käobe Kaiyäo Kishäodai.
0452-4160 Memoirs of the Konan University, Science Series Konan Daigaku.
0369-0512 Memoirs of the Kyushu Institute of Technology, Engineering Kyushu Kogyo Daigaku
0388-4112 Memoirs of the National Defense Academy. Mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering Bäoei Daigakkäo.
0083-5986 Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria National Museum of Victoria.
0077-8931 Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden New York Botanical Garden
0079-8835 Memoirs of the Queensland Museum Queensland Museum
0485-9707 Memoirs of the Raman Research Institute Raman Research Institute
0452-9995 Memoirs of the Research Institute for Food Science, Kyoto University Kyoto University. Research Institute for Food Science.
0369-1780 Memoirs of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal [s.n.]
0369-1829 Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society Blackwell Scientific Publications.
1342-7202 Memoirs of the School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Kinki University.
0919-0805 Memoirs of the School of Engineering, Nagoya University Nagoya Daigaku. Käogakubu.
0475-0071 Memoirs of the School of Engineering, Okayama University Okayama Daigaku Kogakubu
0369-1950 Memoirs of the School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University Waseda Daigaku Rikogakubu.
2343-7049 Memoirs of the Scientific Sections of the Romanian Academy (e-vir) Editura Academiei Române
0081-136X Memoirs of the Society for Endocrinology Cambridge University Press.
0372-0322 Memoirs of the Tokyo University of Agriculture Tokyo Näogyäo Daigaku.
0097-3807 Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club Torrey Botanical Club.
2470-6019 Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club (e-vir) Torrey Botanical Club
0369-2221 Memoirs of the Tottori Agricultural College Tottori Agricultural College.
0440-3797 Memoirs of the University Laboratory of Physical Chemistry Related to Medicine and Public Health, Harvard University
0097-0379 Memoirs of the University of California University of California, Berkeley.
0368-0290 Memorandum Indian Tea Association, Tocklai Experimental Station
0372-3755 Memorandum [s.n.]
0308-3632 Memorandum - Meat Research Institute Meat Research Institute.
0369-1675 Memorandum - Medical Research Council H.M.S.O.
0495-2901 Memorandum Report - Texas Water Commission
0317-1884 Memorandum series - Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys. Mines Branch Canada. Mines Branch.
0372-4174 Memorandum - United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Authority Health and Safety Branch Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
0372-4107 Memorandum - United Kingdom Atomic Energy Research Establishment Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
0068-3450 Memoria Buenos Aires (Provincia). Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas.
0367-9918 Memoria Instituto de Química Agrícola
0524-2983 Memória Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral, Divisão de Fomento da Produção.
0066-8559 Memoria - Asociación latinoamericana de producción animal Asociación latinoamericana de producción animal.
0037-8518 Memoria de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle
0369-0229 Memoria del Instituto Geológico y Minero de España Instituto Geológico y Minero de España :; Ministerio de Industria y Energía. Servicio de Publicaciones.
0367-7915 Memoria general Instituto Geológico y Minero de España.
0369-0822 Mémorial de la Météorologie nationale France; Office national météorologique (France)
0369-1535 Mémorial des poudres et salpêtres France
0369-1926 Mémorial des services chimiques de l'Etat Institut national de recherche chimique appliquée (France); France
0091-5041 Memorials - The Geological Society of America Geological Society of America.
0369-1179 Memórias Portugal. Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil.
0369-0431 Memórias da Junta de Investigações do Ultramar Portugal. Junta de Investigações do Ultramar
0368-8321 Memorias de la Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físico- Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza Academia de Ciencias.
0211-1721 Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de Madrid. Serie de ciencias exactas Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales.
0210-3648 Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de Madrid. Serie de ciencias físico-químicas Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales Madrid.
0210-363X Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Física y Naturales de Madrid. Serie de ciencias naturales Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales.
0368-8283 Memorias de la Real academia de ciencias y Artes de Barcelona Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts
0369-1861 Memorias de la Sociedad Científica "Antonio Alzate" Sociedad Científica "Antonio Alzate"
0368-895X Memorias del Consejo Oceanografico Ibero-Americano Consejo Oceanográfico Ibero-Americano.
0369-0199 Memorias del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia Instituto Esapñol de Oceanografía.
0073-9901 Memórias do Instituto Butantan Instituto Butantan.
0100-2007 Memórias do Instituto de Biociências Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Instituto de Biociências
0074-0276 Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
1678-8060 Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (e-vir) Fundação Oswaldo Cruz.
0370-0623 Memórias dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal Portugal.
0373-6474 Memórias e notícias Universidade de Coimbra
0369-0997 Memorias y revista de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias "Antonio Alzate" Academia Nacional de Ciencias "Antonio Alzate"
0589-2813 Memoria técnica - ILAFA. Congreso latinoamericano de siderurgia Instituto latinoamericano del fierro y el acero.; ILAFA.
0368-993X Memorie degli Istituti di geologia e mineralogia dell'Università di Padova Università di Padova, Istituto di geologia e mineralogia.
0374-9118 Memorie dell`istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia Dottore Marco de Marchi [S.n.]
0369-0792 Memorie della Accademia di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche ????.
0369-0350 Memorie della Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. R. Accademia d'Italia R. Accademia d'Italia. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali.
0376-0847 Memorie della R. Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. Classe di scienze fisiche Accademia delle scienze dell'istituto di Bologna.
0368-8402 Memorie della Reale Accademia d'Italia, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Biologia [s.n.].
0368-8410 Memorie della Reale Accademia d'Italia, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Chimica [s.n.].
0368-8429 Memorie della Reale Accademia d'Italia, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Fisica [s.n.].
0368-8437 Memorie della Reale Accademia d'Italia, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Ingegneria [s.n.].
0368-8445 Memorie della Reale Accademia d'Italia, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Matematica [s.n.].
0037-8720 Memorie della società astronomica italiana Società Astronomica Italiana
1824-016X Memorie della società astronomica italiana (e-vir) Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
0037-8747 Memorie della Società entomologica italiana Fratelli Pagano
0375-9857 Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana Società Geologica Italiana
0369-0911 Memorie del Museo di Storia Naturale della Venezia Tridentina Museo di Storia Naturale.
0392-6729 Memorie del Museo tridentino di scienze naturali Museo tridentino di scienze naturali
0536-0242 Memorie descrittive della carta geologica d'Italia Servizio geologico d'Italia
0390-492X Memorie di biologia marina e di oceanografia Istituto di zoologia dell'Università
0391-8602 Memorie di scienze geologiche Pitagora Tecnoprint
0366-5712 Memorie ed Atti - Centro di Studi per l'Ingegneria Agraria Centro di Studi per l'Ingegneria Agraria.
0368-976X Memorie e Note dell'Istituto di Geologia Applicata dell'Universita di Napoli Istituto di Geologia Applicata
0367-8946 Memorie e Rapporti - Istituto Sperimentale dei Metalli Leggeri Istituto Sperimentale dei Metalli Leggeri.
0374-7832 Memorie Geopaleontologiche dell'Università di Ferrara Azzoguidi; Editografica,
0020-4234 Memorii Comitetul de Stat al Geologiei.
1224-1407 Memoriile secţiilor ştiinţifice Editura Academiei Române
0099-5657 Memphis and Mid-South Medical Journal ????.
0099-8354 Memphis Medical Journal
0917-0774 Men'eki, immunology frontier Medikaru Rebyäusha.
1342-3967 Men'eki, shuyäo kakuigaku Immuno-Oncological Nuclear Medicine Study Group.
0289-3371 Men'eki Yakuri Shinpojäumu DMW Japan.
0369-142X Menara Perkebunan Balai Penjelidikan Perkebunan Besar.
0970-9649 Mendel Mendelian Society of India.
0025-925X Mendeleev chemistry journal Allerton Press [etc.]
0959-9436 Mendeleev communications Published jointly by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Royal Society of Chemistry
1364-551X Mendeleev communications (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry]
0025-9632 Mental health National Council for Mental Hygiene.; Provisional National Council for Mental Health.; National Association for Mental Health (Great Britain)
0096-5502 Mental hospitals American Psychiatric Association.; American Psychiatric Association.
0025-9683 Mental hygiene National Association for Mental Health (U.S.); National Committee for Mental Hygiene.
0503-1540 Mer Nichi-Futsu Kaiyō Gakkai
0047-5955 MER. Marine engineers review Marine Media Management
0270-6393 MERC/SP Morgantown Energy Research Center, ERDA [etc.]
0025-990X Mercian Geologist East Midlands Geological Society
0543-5080 Merck Sharp and Dohme Seminar Report
0364-7919 Mercury United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Bureau of Mines.
0025-9985 Merentutkimuslaitoksen julkaisu Merentutkimuslaitos.
0025-9993 Mérés és automatika Lapk.
0308-3675 Merlewood research and development paper Institute of Terrestrial Ecology.
0543-5420 Merzlotnye issledovaniâ Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta.
0162-7619 MESA New York Bight atlas monograph Marine EcoSystems Analysis Program.; New York Sea Grant Institute.
0379-7791 Mesopotamia journal of agriculture Mosul University. College of Agriculture and Forestry.
0026-0347 Messen, steuern, regeln Verlag Technik
0026-0339 Messen+Prüfen Holzmann
1431-9934 MessTec GIT-Verl..
1439-7463 MessTec & Automation GIT-Verl.,
0026-041X Messtechnik Vieweg
0947-4234 MessTec spezial GIT-Verl..
0399-046X Mesures Comité d'éditions techniques
0026-0193 Mesures. Régulation. Automatisme Cie. française d'éditions
0369-2574 Mesures et Controle Industriel Information Electonique et Telecoms
0026-0487 Metaalbewerking C.V. v.h. De Vey Mestdagh
0277-9382 Metabolic, pediatric, and systemic ophthalmology International Society on Metabolic Eye Disease.; International Society of Pediatric Ophthalmology.; World Society on Systemic Ophthalmology.
0191-2771 Metabolic and pediatric ophthalmology International Society on Metabolic Eye Disease.; International Society of Pediatric Ophthalmology.
0167-725X Metabolic aspects of cardiovascular disease Elsevier/North-Holland
0221-8747 Metabolic bone disease & related research Pergamon
1878-061X Metabolic bone disease and related research (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0885-7490 Metabolic brain disease Plenum
1573-7365 Metabolic brain disease Kluwer
1096-7176 Metabolic engineering Elsevier
1096-7184 Metabolic engineering (e-vir) Academic Press
0361-3674 Metabolic ophthalmology International Society on Metabolic Eye Disease.
1540-4196 Metabolic syndrome and related disorders Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-8518 Metabolic syndrome and related disorders (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0026-0495 Metabolism, clinical and experimental Grune & Stratton.
1532-8600 Metabolism, clinical and experimental (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1762-3065 Métabolismes, hormones, diabètes et nutrition Vivactis Media
1287-5473 Métabolismes-hormones-nutrition Médica-press
0026-0509 Metabolismo Edizioni CEPI.
1573-3882 Metabolomics Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-3890 Metabolomics (e-vir) Springer
0793-0291 Metal-based drugs Freund Publishing House
0026-0533 Metal Bulletin Metal Bulletin P.L.C
0373-4064 Metal Bulletin Monthly Metal Bulletin P.L.C
0096-7939 Metal cleaning and finishing [Iron and Steel Pub. Co.
0307-7896 Metal construction Helding Institute
0026-0541 Metal construction & British welding journal Fuel & Metallurgical Journals
0369-2396 Metalen De Hofstad
0539-4546 Metales no férreos Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (España); Patronato Juan de la Cierva de Investigación Técnica.
0026-0576 Metal finishing Elsevier Science
0026-0592 Metal finishing journal Institute of Vitreous Enamellers.
0026-0606 Metal finishing plant & processes Finishing Publications Ltd.
0026-0622 Metal forming fuel & Metallurgical Journals Ltd
0369-0318 Metal Industries Review [s.n.]
0368-9387 Metal Industry [S.n.]
0161-5149 Metal ions in biological systems Dekker
0271-2911 Metal ions in biology Wiley,
1257-2535 Metal ions in biology and medecine Ed. John Libbey Eurotext,
0026-0746 Metall Metall-Verlag
0375-9377 Metall Elsner
0369-2248 Metall.; Металл Vysšij sovet narodnogo hozâjstva SSSR; Высший совет народного хозяйства СССР.
0368-9441 Metallen Svenska metallverken.
0179-4833 Metallforschung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Metallkunde.
0203-9214 Metalličeskie konstrukcii i ispytaniâ sooruženij Leningradskij inženerno-stroitelʹnyj institut.
0369-0679 Metalli Leggeri e Loro Applicazioni
1068-7440 Metallized plastics Plenum Press
0461-9382 Metalllic bulletin Metallic Industry.
0026-0797 Metalloberfläche Hanser
0204-3580 Metallofizika Naukova dumka
2617-1511 Metallofizika i novejšie tehnologii; Металлофизика и новейшие технологии (e-vir) Institut metallofiziki im. G. V. Kurdûmova NAN Ukrainy; Институт металлофизики им. Г. В. Курдюмова НАН Украины
1024-1809 Metallofizika i novejšie tehnologii.; Металлофизика и новейшие технологии Ìnstitut metalofìziki ìm. G. V. Kurdûmova NAN Ukraïni; Akademperìodika; Інститут металофізики ім. Г. В. Курдюмова НАН України ;; Академперіодика; Akademperìodika; Академперіодика
0375-6904 Metallogeničeskie i geologičeskie issledovaniâ Institut mineralogii, geohimii i kristallohimii redkih èlementov.
0026-0800 Metallography American Elsevier Pub. Co.
0235-0114 Metalloorganičeskaâ himiâ Nauka.
0253-9519 Metallourgikaí éreunai.; Μεταλλουργικαί έρευναι Institoúto geōlogikṓn kai metalleutikṓn ereunṓn; Ινστιτούτο γεωλογικών και μεταλλευτικών ερευνών
0369-1144 Metallovedenie i obrabotka metallov.; Металловедение и обработка металлов "Mašgiz"; "Машгиз".
0026-0819 Metallovedenie i termičeskaâ obrabotka metallov Mašinostroenie
0369-2442 Metallpraxis Sprechsaal-Verlag
0369-1810 Metall-Reinigung + Vorbehandlung Garrels
0026-0827 Metallurg Metallurgiâ
0026-0835 Metallurgia Kennedy Press
0369-2450 Metallurgiâ Belorusskij politehničeskij institut.
0368-945X Metallurgia and Metal Forming Fuel and Metallurgical Journals Ltd
0321-298X Metallurgiâ černyh metallov Kazahskij politehničeskij institut im. V.I. Lenina.
0543-5765 Metallurgiâ i koksohimiâ.; Металлургия и коксохимия Tehnìka; Техніка.
0321-317X Metallurgiâ i metallovedenie Kazahskij politehničeskij institut.
0130-2892 Metallurgiâ i obogaŝenie Kazahskij politehničeskij institut im. V.I. Lenina.
0026-0843 Metallurgia Italiana Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia
2217-8961 Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
2812-9105 Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (e-vir) Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
0428-3171 Metallurgical abstracts Institute of Metals
1073-5615 Metallurgical and materials transactions Minerals, Metals & Materials Society; ASM International
1073-5623 Metallurgical and materials transactions Minerals, Metals & Materials Society; ASM International
1543-1916 Metallurgical and materials transactions (e-vir) Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
1543-1940 Metallurgical and materials transactions (e-vir) Published jointly by the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International
0369-2310 Metallurgical Engineer [s.n.]
0369-061X Metallurgical Engineer-IIT, Bombay Indian Institute of Technology
0369-0628 Metallurgical journal University of Strathclyde.
0935-7254 Metallurgical plant and Technology International [S.n.]
0026-0851 Metallurgical reports - C.R.M. Centre national de recherches métallurgiques a.s.b.l.
0366-8037 Metallurgical reports - CNRM Centre national de recherches métallurgiques.
0289-6214 Metallurgical review of MMIJ Mining & Metallurgical Institute of Japan; Mining & Materials Processing Institute of Japan
0076-6690 Metallurgical reviews Institute of Metals.; Metals and Metallurgy Trust.
0393-6074 Metallurgical science and technology TEKSID
0543-5714 Metallurgical Society conferences Metallurgical Society of AIME.
0360-2133 Metallurgical transactions The Metallurgical Society of AIME; American Society for Metals.
0360-2141 Metallurgical transactions American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers; American Society for Metals.
0026-086X Metallurgical transactions. Published jointly by Metallurgical Society of AIME and American Society for Metals
0543-5749 Metallurgičeskaâ i gornorudnaâ promyšlennost' Promin'
0130-2884 Metallurgičeskaâ teplotehnika Metallurgiâ.
0461-9501 Metallurgie
0369-0059 Metallurgie und Giessereitechnik
0026-0894 Metallurgist Consultants Bureau.
0543-5773 Metallurgist [s.n.]
1573-8892 Metallurgist = Kluwer
0306-526X Metallurgist and materials technologist Naylor
1230-2325 Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków)
0026-0908 Metallverarbeitung Technik
0369-2876 Metallwaren-Industrie und Galvanotechnik Leuze.
0368-9581 Metallwirtschaft, Metallwissenschaft, Metalltechnik Lüttke
0369-2884 Metall-Woche [s.n.]
0869-5733 Metally Nauka
0860-7583 Metaloznawstwo. Obróbka Cieplna. Inżynieria Powierzchni Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej.
0137-3854 Metaloznawstwo i Obróbka Cieplna Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej.
0369-1608 Metal physics Institute of Physics and the Physical Society.
0096-8102 Metal products manufacturing Dana Chase Publications]
0026-0665 Metal progress American Society for Metals, etc.
0096-4646 Metal record and electroplater Metal Record & Electroplater Pub. Co.
0096-5847 Metals/materials today American Society for Metals
0026-0924 Metals Abstracts Metals Society; American Society for Metals
0096-7262 Metals and alloys Reinhold Pub. Corp.
0026-0940 Metals and materials Metals Society
0266-7185 Metals and materials Mechanical Engineering Publications
1225-9438 Metals and Materials Daehan geumsog hag-hoe
1598-9623 Metals and materials international Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
2005-4149 Metals and materials international Korean Institute of Metals and Meterials
0026-0959 Metals and Minerals Review [s.n.]
0156-174X Metals Australasia Australian Institute of Metals.
0047-6897 Metals Australia Australian Institute of Metals.
0306-3453 Metal science Metals Soc
0026-0673 Metal science and heat treatment Consultants Bureau.
1573-8973 Metal science and heat treatment Kluwer
0026-0681 Metal science journal Institute of Metals.; Metals and Metallurgy Trust.; Iron and Steel Institute.
0096-4654 Metalscope Brooks & Perkins, inc.
0026-0967 Metals engineering quarterly American Society for Metals
0160-7952 Metals forum Pergamon Press
0970-423X Metals Materials and Processes Meshap Science Publishers.
0096-5715 Metals review American Society for Metals
0096-5855 Metals technology American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers.
0307-1693 Metals technology Metals Society
0026-0711 Metal treating Metal Treating Institute.
0368-9549 Metal treatment Industrial Newspapers
0369-2280 Metal Treatment and Drop Forging [S.n.]
0126-3188 Metalurgi Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
0026-0983 Metalurgia Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
0461-9579 Metalurgia CARTIMEX
0104-0898 Metalurgia & Materiais Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
0137-6535 Metalurgia i Odlewnictwo Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica.
0368-8909 Metalurgia şi construcţia de maşini [s.n.]
0026-0991 Metalurgia y Electricidad Metyel
0354-6306 Metalurgija Savez inženjera metalurgije Jugoslavije
0461-9587 Metalurgija [S.n.]
0543-5838 Metalurgija [s. n.]
0543-5846 Metalurgija Metalurški fakultet; Hrvatsko metalurško društvo
1334-2576 Metalurgija (e-vir) Hrvatsko metalurško društvo (HMD)
1334-2584 Metalurgija (e-vir) Hrvatsko metalurško društvo (HMD) : =; Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS); Društvo inženjera i tehničara (DIT) : =; Society of Engineers and Technician Sisak (SET)
0316-9596 Metalworking Don Quick Pub..
0197-2774 Metalworking interfaces Mk Infotech Co.]
0319-0528 Metalworking management Don Quick Pub.
0099-5649 Metal Working Press
0026-1033 Metalworking production McGraw-Hill
0368-9484 Metano, Petrolio e Nuove Energie
0272-5819 Metastasis G.K. Hall,
0026-1084 Métaux. Corrosion industries Editions Métaux
0369-2930 Métaux & corrosion Publications spécialisées
0153-9035 Métaux déformation Colombot
0369-2949 Métaux et civilisations [s.n.],
0461-9625 Métaux et industries [s.n.],
0369-2957 Métaux et machines Science et industrie,
0198-876X METC/SP U.S. Dept. of Energy, Morgantown Energy Technology Center.
0543-5900 Meteor-Forschungsergebnisse. Reihe A, Allgemeines, Physik und Chemie des Meeres Gebrüder Borntraeger.
0721-8761 Meteor-Forschungsergebnisse. Reihe A/B, Allgemeines, Physik und Chemie des Meeres, maritime Meteorologie Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
0543-5919 Meteor-Forschungsergebnisse. Reihe B, Meteorologie und Aeronomie Gebrüder Borntraeger.
0543-5927 Meteor-Forschungsergebnisse. Reihe C, Geologie und Geophysik Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
0026-1106 Meteoritica Spectrum Translation and Research, Inc.
0026-1114 Meteoritics Meteoritical Society.; Arizona State University.; University of New Mexico.
1086-9379 Meteoritics & planetary science Meteoritical Society at the University of Arkansas, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry
1945-5100 Meteoritics & planetary science (e-vir) Meteoritical Society at the University of Arkansas, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry
0369-2507 Meteoritika Nauka.
0369-1772 Meteornoe rasprostranenie radiovoln [s.n.].
0130-2906 Meteorologiâ i gidrologiâ Gidrometeoizdat
0026-1130 Meteorological and geoastrophysical abstracts American Meteorological Society.
0026-1173 Meteorologické zprávy HMÚ
0026-1211 Meteorologische Rundschau Springer-Verlag
0369-1845 Meteorologische Zeitschrift Vieweg.
0539-4716 Meteoros Argentina. Ministerio de Defensa. Secretaría de Aeronáutica Militar.; Servicio Meteorológico Nacional. Dirección General.
0590-9678 Méthode de mesure - Centre de recherches routières Centre de recherches routières.
0026-122X Méthodes physiques d'analyse Groupement pour l'avancement des méthodes spectroscopiques et physico-chimiques d'analyse (France)
0303-6278 Methodische Fortschritte im medizinischen Laboratorium Verlag Chemie.
0263-7812 Methodological surveys. Sub-series B. Biochemistry Ellis Horwood Limited. ;; Halsted Press.
1464-3421 Methodological surveys in bioanalysis of drugs Royal Society of Chemistry.
0276-9646 Methodological surveys in biochemistry E. Horwood ;; Halsted Press,
0748-6715 Methodological surveys in biochemistry and analysis Royal Society of Chemistry.
0369-2361 Methodos Feltrinelli Editore.
1046-2023 Methods Academic Press
1095-9130 Methods (e-vir) Academic Press
0076-681X Methods and Achievements in Experimental Pathology S. Karger AG; Yearbook Medical Publishers Inc
0379-0355 Methods and findings in experimental and clinical pharmacology J.R. Prous
0377-9025 Methods and phenomena Elsevier
1432-4636 Methods and principles in medicinal chemistry VCH; Wiley-VCH
0141-075X Methods for the examination of waters and associated materials H.M.S.O.
0076-6852 Methods in cancer research Academic Press,
0097-3602 Methods in carbohydrate chemistry Academic Press,
0091-679X Methods in cell biology Academic Press.
0091-6579 Methods in cell physiology Academic Press
1381-5741 Methods in cell science Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-0603 Methods in cell science (e-vir) Kluwer
0931-5209 Methods in clinical pharmacology Vieweg.
1059-7530 Methods in computational chemistry Plenum Press,
0076-6860 Methods in computational physics Academic Press
0076-6879 Methods in enzymology Academic Press
0076-6887 Methods in free-radical chemistry M. Dekker,
0076-6895 Methods in geochemistry and geophysics Elsevier
0277-8599 Methods in hematology Churchill Livingstone
0076-6917 Methods in immunology and immunochemistry Academic Press.
0272-5614 Methods in laboratory medicine Praeger,
0094-9590 Methods in medical research Year Book Medical Publishers
0093-4771 Methods in membrane biology Plenum Press,
0580-9517 Methods in microbiology Academic Press
0898-7750 Methods in molecular and cellular biology J. Wiley & Sons
0097-0816 Methods in molecular biology [Dekker]
1064-3745 Methods in molecular biology Humana Press
1940-6029 Methods in molecular biology Humana Press
1067-2389 Methods in molecular genetics Academic Press,
1043-9471 Methods in neurosciences Academic Press
0091-3030 Methods in pharmacology Plenum Press [etc.,
0092-5411 Methods in physiological psychology Academic Press.
1521-4605 Methods in physiology series American Physiological Society (1887- )
1059-7522 Methods in plant biochemistry Academic Press,
0309-6718 Methods in psychobiology Academic Press.
0097-1065 Methods in subnuclear physics Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
1063-3677 Methods in toxicology Academic Press,
0076-6933 Methods in virology Academic Press.
0076-6941 Methods of biochemical analysis Wiley
0543-6141 Methods of Elemento-Organic Chemistry North-Holland : :; World Publishing Company
0076-695X Methods of experimental physics Academic Press
0099-4391 Methods of Forensic Science Interscience Publishers.
0026-1270 Methods of information in medicine F. K. Schattauer-Verlag
0076-6925 Methods of neurochemistry Dekker.
1063-8814 Methods of surface characterization Plenum Press,
0392-1425 Metodi analitici per le acque. Notiziario CNR. IRSA.; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Istituto di ricerca sulle acque.
0516-1150 Metodičeskie materialy Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0076-6984 Metodické příručky experimentální botaniky Nakladatelství ČSAV
0130-2981 Metodika prepodavaniâ inostrannyh âzykov v vuze Moskovskij pedagogičeskij institut inostrannyh âzykov im. Morisa Toreza.
0026-1319 Metodiky pro zavádění výsledků výzkumu do praxe Ústav vědeckotechnických informací pro zemědělství
0231-9470 Metodiky pro zavádění výsledků výzkumu do zemědělské praxe Ústav vědeckotechnických informací pro zemědělství
0368-8607 Metody analiza himičeskih reaktivov i preparatov [s.n.].
0320-0086 Metody analiza i kontrolâ proizvodstva v himičeskoj promyšlennosti.; Методы анализа и контроля производства в химической промышленности Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut tehniko-èkonomičeskih issledovanij; Научно-исследовательский институт технико-экономических исследований.
0369-268X Metody analiza veŝestv osoboj čistoty i monokristallov.; Методы анализа веществ особой чистоты и монокристаллов Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut monokristallov, scintillâcionnyh materialov i osobo čistyh himičeskih veŝestv; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт монокристаллов, сцинтилляционных материалов и особо чистых химических веществ.
0539-5070 Metody a pochody chemické technologie SNTL
0137-0189 Metody i pribory avtomatičeskogo nerazrušaûŝego kontrolâ Ministerstvo vysšego i srednego specialʹnogo obrazovaniâ Latvijskoj SSR.
0320-2135 Metody i pribory dlâ analiza sostava veŝestva.; Методы и приборы для анализа состава вещества Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut analitičeskogo priborostroeniâ; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт аналитического приборостроения.
0539-5100 Metody ispytanij detalej mašin i priborov "Gosatomizdat".
0539-5143 Metody polučeniâ himičeskih reaktivov i preparatov [s.n.].
0369-1837 Metody razvedočnoj geofiziki Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut geofizičeskih metodov razvedki.
0026-1394 Metrologia Bureau international des poids et mesures
1681-7575 Metrologia (e-vir) Bureau international des poids et mesures
0377-8134 Metrologia aplicatæa Institutul Naţional de Metrologie.
0539-5232 Metrologia aplicatæa CARTIMEX
0096-9087 Metropolitan Detroit science review Metropolitan Detroit Science Club.
0369-2752 Metropolitan-Vickers Gazette Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co.
0026-1610 Metsantutkimuslaitoksen Julkaisuja [s.n.]
0369-0865 Mexican mining journal [s.n.].
0026-1785 México farmacéutico Revista técnica de farmacia y medicina.
0376-7396 Meyler's side effects of drugs Elsevier
0167-5885 Meyler and Peck's drug-induced diseases Elsevier/North-Holland
0076-7689 Meyniana Universitätsbibliothek
0026-1882 Meždunarodnyj sel'skohozâjstvennyj žurnal [s.n.]
0369-3058 Mezőgazdaság és ipar Magyar Mérnökök és Technikusok Szabad Szakszervezete.
0369-3066 Mezőgazdasági Kisérletügyi Központ évkönyve Mezőgazdasági Kisérletügyi Központ
0369-3074 Mezögazdasági Kutatások Királyi Magyar Természettudományi Társulat. Mezögazdasági Szakosztály.
0369-1063 Mezőgazdasági Növénynemesítési és Növénytermesztési Kutatóintézet közleményei, Sopronhorpács Mezögazdasági Növénynemesitési és Növénytermesztési Kutatóintézet.
0369-3090 Mezőgazdasági tudományos közlemények Mezőgazdasági Tudományos Központ.
0202-2877 Mežvuzovskij sbornik naučnyh trudov Èrevanskij politehničeskij institut im. K. Marksa.
0136-2925 Mežvuzovskij sbornik naučnyh trudov - Âroslavskij ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gosudarstvennyj pedagogičeskij institut imeni K.D. Usinskogo Âroslavskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogičeskij institut imeni K.D. Usinskogo.
0230-0710 MFKI ... évkönyv MTA MFKI
1432-1874 MGG Springer
0026-8925 MGG. Molecular & general genetics Springer
0097-0808 Miami winter symposia Papanicolaou Cancer Research Institute.
1000-7415 Mian fangzhi jishu Fangzhi Gongyebu Ke-Ji Qingbao Yanjiusuo,
1000-8861 Mianyixue zazhi Di San Junyi Daxue,
0026-2005 Michigan academician Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters
2167-8634 Michigan academician Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters
0026-203X Michigan botanist Michigan Botanical Club.
2166-4374 Michigan botanist Michigan Botanical Club]; MPublishing
0026-2293 Michigan medicine Michigan State Medical Society.
0388-8347 Michurin seibutsugaku kenkyäu Agrobiological Society of Japan.
0390-0460 Micologia Italiana Edagricole
0278-1727 Microbeam analysis Microbeam Analysis Society.; Microscopy Society of America.
1061-3420 Microbeam analysis Microbeam Analysis Society.
1286-4579 Microbes and infection Editions Elsevier
0397-0906 Microbia Association des diplômés de microbiologie de la Faculté de pharmacie de Nancy.
1090-6592 Microbial & comparative genomics Mary Ann Liebert
2168-6637 Microbial & comparative genomics (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1751-7907 Microbial biotechnology Wiley-Blackwell
1751-7915 Microbial biotechnology (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
1475-2859 Microbial cell factories (e-vir) BioMed Central
1076-6294 Microbial drug resistance M. A. Liebert
1931-8448 Microbial drug resistance (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0095-3628 Microbial ecology Springer-Verlag.
1432-184X Microbial ecology (e-vir) Springer International Publ.
0891-060X Microbial ecology in health and disease Scandinavian University Press
1651-2235 Microbial ecology in health and disease (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0026-2579 Microbial genetics bulletin Oak Ridge National Laboratory.; Ohio State University.; Carnegie Institution of Washington.; Downstate Medical Center (N.Y.)
0882-4010 Microbial pathogenesis Academic Press
1096-1208 Microbial pathogenesis (e-vir) Academic Press
0940-9653 Microbial releases Springer Internat..
0464-543X Micro bioassay Micro Bioassay Shäudankai.
0213-4101 Microbiología Garsi
0026-2595 Microbiología española Sociedad de Microbiólogos Españoles; Sociedad Española de Microbiología; Instituto "Jaime Ferrán" de Microbiología
0391-5352 Microbiologica Ponzio e Figlio
0944-5013 Microbiological research Urban u. Fischer; Elsevier
1618-0623 Microbiological research (e-vir) Urban u. Fischer
0146-0749 Microbiological reviews American Society for Microbiology
0265-1351 Microbiological sciences Blackwell Scientific Publications
0026-2609 Microbiologie, parazitologie, epidemiologie Editura Medicală
0026-2617 Microbiology Consultants Bureau [etc.]
0098-1540 Microbiology American Society for Microbiology.
1350-0872 Microbiology Society for General Microbiology
1465-2080 Microbiology (e-vir)
1608-3237 Microbiology (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0385-5600 Microbiology and immunology Center for Academic Publications Japan
1348-0421 Microbiology and immunology Center for Academic Publications Japan
1092-2172 Microbiology and molecular biology reviews American Society for Microbiology
1098-5557 Microbiology and molecular biology reviews (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
0092-6027 Microbiology series M. Dekker,
0026-2633 Microbios The Faculty Press
0307-5494 Microbios letters Faculty Press.
0026-265X Microchemical journal Academic Press.
1095-9149 Microchemical journal (e-vir) Elsevier
0544-0165 Microchemical Journal, Symposium Series
0026-3672 Microchimica acta Springer
0275-4177 Microcirculation M. Dekker,
1073-9688 Microcirculation Chapman & Hall
1549-8719 Microcirculation Chapman & Hall
0740-9451 Microcirculation, endothelium, and lymphatics Deerfield Scientific Publishers,
1096-665X Microelectromechanical systems American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0167-9317 Microelectronic engineering Elsevier
1873-5568 Microelectronic engineering (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0026-2692 Microelectronics Mackintosh Publications
0026-2714 Microelectronics and reliability Pergamon
1356-5362 Microelectronics international Wela Publications
1758-812X Microelectronics international (e-vir) MCB University Press
1872-941X Microelectronics reliability (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0099-4375 Microfilm abstracts University Microfilms.; Special Libraries Association.
1613-4982 Microfluidics and nanofluidics Springer
1613-4990 Microfluidics and nanofluidics Springer
0735-9829 Microform publication Geological Society of America.
0938-0108 Microgravity, science and technology Hanser.; Springer
1875-0494 Microgravity science and technology (e-vir) Springer Netherlands
1074-407X Microlithography world Penn Well Publication
0047-7206 Micron Structural
0968-4328 Micron Pergamon
0739-6260 Micron and microscopica acta Pergamon Press
0026-2803 Micropaleontology American Museum of Natural History, Dept. of Micropaleontology
1937-2795 Micropaleontology (e-vir) Dept. of Micropaleontology, American Museum of Natural History
1387-1811 Microporous and mesoporous materials Elsevier
1873-3093 Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (e-vir) Elsevier
0927-6513 Microporous materials Elsevier
1089-3954 Microscale thermophysical engineering Taylor & Francis
1091-7640 Microscale thermophysical engineering (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0368-8992 Microscope and Crystal front Microscope Publications
0369-0180 Microscope and Entomological Monthly [s.n.]
0326-3142 Microscopía electrónica y biología celular Sociedad Latinoamericana de Microscopía Electrónica; Sociedad Iberoamericana de Biología Celular; Sociedad Iberoamericana de Histoquímica y Citoquímica; Federación Iberoamericana de Biología Celular y Molecular
0044-376X Microscopica Acta S Hirzel Verlag
0342-958X Microscopica acta. Supplement Hirzel.
0026-2838 Microscopy Quekett Microscopical Club (London, England)
1431-9276 Microscopy and microanalysis Springer-Verlag
1435-8115 Microscopy and microanalysis Springer.
Y503-0390 Microscopy and microanalysis Springer-Verlag
1154-2799 Microscopy microanalysis microstructures Ed. de physique
1059-910X Microscopy research and technique Wiley-Liss
1097-0029 Microscopy research and technique Wiley-Liss
1551-9295 Microscopy today Microscopy Society of America.
2150-3583 Microscopy today (e-vir) Microscopy Today
1461-1732 Microspheres, microcapsules & liposomes Citrus Books
0361-1213 Microstructural science International Metallographic Society.; American Society for Metals.; ASM International.
1366-5510 Microstructure of high temperature materials Institute of Materials (Great Britain)
0026-2846 Microstructures A.Z. Publishing Corp.
1389-2134 Microsystems Kluwer Academic Publishers
0946-7076 Microsystem technologies Springer
1432-1858 Microsystem technologies Springer
0026-2854 Microtecnic Administration Microtechnic, Scriptar S A
0026-2862 Microvascular research Academic Press.
1095-9319 Microvascular research (e-vir) Academic Press
0068-2845 Microwave Research Institute symposia series Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn.; Polytechnic Institute of New York.
0141-0342 Midland macromolecular monographs Gordon and Breach,
0270-8418 Mid-South Neuroscience Development Group publication Mid-south Neuroscience Development Group.
0026-3370 Midwest engineer Western Society of Engineers (Chicago, Ill.); Western Society of Engineers (Chicago, Ill.)
0385-3381 Mie Daigaku kankyäo kagaku kenkyäu kiyäo Mie Universtiy.
0462-4408 Mie Daigaku Näogakubu gakujutsu häokoku Mie University. Faculty of Agriculture.
0915-0471 Mie Daigaku Seibutsu Shigen Gakubu kiyäo Mie University. Faculty of Bioresources.
0385-0978 Mie igaku Mie University. School of Medicine.
0912-5752 Mie-ken Eisei Kenkyäujo nempäo Mie Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
1345-4595 Mie-ken Hoken Kankyäo Kenkyäujo nempäo. Eisei Bumon Mie Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences.
1346-1001 Mie-ken Hoken Kankyo Kenkyujo nempo Mie-ken Kagaku Gijutsu Shinko Senta. Hoken Kankyo Kenkyujo
1345-4587 Mie-ken Hoken Kankyo Kenkyujo nempo. Kankyo Bumon Mie-ken Kagaku Gijutsu Shinko Senta. Hoken Kankyo Kenkyujo,
1346-9517 Mieken Kagaku Gijutsu Shinko Senta Hoken Kankyo Kenkyubu nenpo Mieken Kagaku Gijutsu Shinko Senta Hoken Kankyo Kenkyubu,
0388-2640 Mie-ken Kankyo Kagaku Senta kenkyu hokoku Mie-ken Kankyo Kagaku Senta; Mieken Kagaku Gijutsu Shinko Senta Kankyo Kagaku Senta
0388-8290 Mie-ken Näogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Mie Agricultural Research Center.; Mie Agricultural Technical Center.
0462-4424 Mie-Kenritsu Daigaku Kenkyu Nempo, Dai-2-Bu, Shizenkagaku Mie Kenritsu Daigaku Kyoyo-bu.
0539-998X Mie Kenritsu Daigaku Suisangakubu Kiyo Mie Kenritsu Daigaku Suisangakubu.
0026-3532 Mie Medical Journal Mie University. School of Medicine.
0462-4432 Mie Medical Journal, Supplement Mie-Kenritsu Daigaku Igakubu.
0388-726X Mikawa Sen'i kenkyäu shiryäo Aichi-ken Mikawa Sen'i Gijutsu Sentäa.
0026-3648 Mikologiâ i fitopatologiâ "Nauka"
0138-1008 Mikrobielle Umwelt und antimikrobielle Massnahmen Barth
0026-3656 Mikrobiologiâ Izdatel'stvo "Nauka"
0369-1853 Mikrobiologičeskij sbornik Akademiâ nauk Armânskoj SSR. Sektor mikrobiologii.
0201-8462 Mikrobiologičeskij žurnal Naukova Dumka
0026-3664 Mikrobiologičnij žurnal "Naukova dumka"
1028-0987 Mìkrobìologìčnij žurnal.; Мікробіологічний журнал Ìnstitut mìkrobìologìï ì vìrusologìï NAN Ukraïni; Ìнститут мікробіології і вірусології НАН України; Ìnstitut mìkrobìologìï ì vìrusologìï ìm. D.K. Zabolotnogo NAN Ukraïni; Ìнститут мікробіології і вірусології ім. Д.К. Заболотного НАН України; Akademperìodika; Академперіодика
0374-9096 Mikrobiyoloji bülteni Ankara Mikrobiyoloji Derneægi.; Ankara Microbiology Society.
0369-0261 Mikrochemie Springer.
0369-2795 Mikrochemie vereinigt mit Mikrochimica acta Springer
0076-8642 Mikrochimica acta Springer.
1436-5073 Mikrochimica acta (e-vir) Springer
0369-0504 Mikrochimica et Ichnoanalytica Acta Springer
0544-1269 Mikroelektronika Nauka
1607-9957 Mikroèlementy v medicine Tovariśestvo naučnyh izdanij KMK; [Rossijskoe obśestvo medicinskoj èlementologii]
0544-1277 Mikroèlementy v medicine.; Микроэлементы в медицине Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0544-1285 Mikroèlementy v selʹskom hozâjstve i medicine.; Микроэлементы в сельском хозяйстве и медицине Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0544-1293 Mikroèlementy v Sibiri.; Микроэлементы в Сибири Burâtskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Бурятское книжное издательство.
0540-0163 Mikroelementy v SSSR Zinatne
0544-1307 Mikroèlementy v životnovodstve i rastenievodstve Akademiâ nauk Kirgizskoj SSR.; AN KirgSSR. Institut biohimii i fiziologii im. N.I. Zaharʹeva.
0026-3680 Mikrokosmos Franckh
0720-0536 Mikroökologie und Therapie Herborn Litterae
0131-2197 Mikroprovod i pribory soprotivleniâ Kartâ Moldovenâske
1684-6419 Mikrosistemnaâ tehnika Novye tehnologii.
0026-3702 Mikroskopie Verlag Georg Fromme und Co
0254-5195 Mikrozirkulation in Forschung und Klinik S. Karger,
0323-5424 Milchforschung, Milchpraxis Institut für Milchwirtschaft Oranienburg.
0544-1706 Milchwirtschaftliche Berichte aus den Bundesanstalten Wolfpassing und Rotholz Bundes- Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt fuer Milchwirtschaft in Wolfpassing
0368-9700 Milchwirtschaftliche Forschungen Springer.
0369-2906 Milchwirtschaftliche Zeitung [s.n.]
0369-2914 Milchwirtschaftliche Zeitung fuer den Alpen-, Sudeten- und Donauraum [s.n.]
0026-3788 Milchwissenschaft AVA Agrar-Verlag
0540-0651 Milchwissenschaftliche Berichte [s.n.]
0363-4698 Miles international symposium series Miles Laboratories.
0097-4285 Military electronics [Military Electronics]
2571-113X Military medical science letters (e-vir) Univerzita obrany, Fakulta vojenského zdravotnictví
0026-4075 Military medicine Association of Military Surgeons, United States
1930-613X Military medicine (e-vir) Association of Military Surgeons of the United States
0358-755X Miljöv°ardsserien Nordforsk.
0368-9190 Milk and dairy research, report / (e-vir) Alnarps lantbruks-, mejeri- och trädgårdsinstitut
0462-4955 Milk Board Journal New South Wales Milk Board.
0097-3289 Milk dealer Olsen Pub. Co..
0026-4172 Milk Industry National Dairymen's Association
0097-4528 Milk Industry Foundation, Convention Proceedings, Laboratory Section
0099-5606 Milk Industry Foundation, Convention Proceedings, Milk Supplies Section
0099-5592 Milk Industry Foundation, Convention Proceedings, Plant Section
0097-6903 Milk plant monthly National Milk Pub. Co.,
0026-4180 Milk producer Great Britain.
0099-5584 Milk Sanitarian
2567-9538 Milk science international (e-vir) AVA-Verlag Allgäu
0369-2353 Milk Trade Gazette [s.n.]
0026-4296 Milling Turret Press Ltd.
0140-4059 Milling feed and fertiliser Turret Press Ltd
0370-338X Mimeographed Circular - Research Council of Alberta Research Council of Alberta.
0099-5010 Mimeograph series Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
0540-1259 Minami Osaka Byoin Igaku Zasshi Minami Osaka Byoin.
0250-3115 Mine, Petrol şi Gaze Ministerul Minelor, Petrolului şi Geologiei
0369-1624 Mine & quarry engineering Tothill Press
0369-1632 Mine and quarry Ashire Pub. Ltd
0100-6908 Mineração Metalurgia Editora Scorpio ltda
0378-0392 Mineral and Electrolyte Metabolism Karger
0375-653X Mineral dossier Institute of Geological Sciences. Mineral Resources Division.; Department of Industry. Mineral Resources Consultative Committee.
0096-4964 Mineral dressing notes American Cyanamid Co.,
0026-458X Minerales Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas de Chile.
0369-2086 Mineralia Slovaca Alfa
1338-3523 Mineralia Slovaca (e-vir) Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra
0231-6935 Mineralia Slovaca Monografia Slovenská geologická spoločnosť
0379-5357 Mineralienfreund Urner Mineralienfreunde.
0097-2320 Mineral industries Pennsylvania State University. College of Mineral Industries.; Pennsylvania State University. College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.
0010-1745 Mineral industries bulletin Colorado School of Mines.; Colorado School of Mines. Research Foundation.; Colorado School of Mines. Research Institute.
0544-2494 Mineral Industries Journal
0068-7812 Mineral information bulletin Canada. Mineral Resources Division.; Canada. Mineral Resources Branch.
1432-1866 Mineralium deposita (e-vir) Springer
0026-4598 Mineralium Deposita Springer-Verlag
0544-2567 Mineralogiâ i geohimiâ Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta im. A.A. Ždanova.
0206-0558 Mineralogiâ i geohimiâ èndogennyh mestoroždenij Srednej Azii Ministerstvo geologii Uzbekskoj SSR. Sredneaziatskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut geologii i mineralʹnogo syrʹâ.; SAIGIMS.
0204-2312 Mineralogiâ i petrografiâ Urala UPI.
0131-2200 Mineralogiâ osadočnyh obrazovanij.; Минералогия осадочных образований Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0032-6267 Mineralogia Polonica Polskie Towarzystwo Mineralogiczne.; Mineralogical Society of Poland.; Polskie Towarzystwo Mineralogiczne.
0540-1437 Mineralogica et Petrographica Acta Istituto di Mineralogia e Petrografia dell'Universita di Bologna
0026-4601 Mineralogical abstracts Mineralogical Society of Great Britain; Mineralogical Society of America
0544-2540 Mineralogical journal
1471-8022 Mineralogical magazine (e-vir) Mineralogical Society
0026-461X Mineralogical Magazine Mineralogical Society, London
0369-0148 Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society [S.n.]
0362-1758 Mineralogical Society of America short course notes Mineralogical Society of America.
0376-1827 Mineralogičeskij sbornik Viŝa škola. Izdatel'skoe ob'edinenie
0204-3548 Mineralogičeskij žurnal Naukova dumka
0373-4218 Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen Springer-Verlag.
0930-0708 Mineralogy and petrology Springer
1438-1168 Mineralogy and petrology (e-vir) Springer
0369-030X Mineralöle Allgemeiner Industrie-Verlag Knorre
0341-1893 Mineralöltechnik UNITI-Mineralöltechnologie GmbH,
1357-4795 Mineral price watch Industrial Mineral Information
0882-7508 Mineral processing and extractive metallurgy review Gordon and Breach.
1547-7401 Mineral processing and extractive metallurgy review (e-vir) Taylor and Francis, Inc.
0735-9632 Mineral processing and technology review Gordon and Breach,
0540-1372 Mineral processing information note Department of Industry.
0068-7820 Mineral report Canada.; Canada.; Canada.; Canada.
0096-2635 Mineral report Oklahoma Geological Survey.
0099-7749 Mineral resource circular University of Texas. Bureau of Economic Geology.; University of Texas at Austin. Bureau of Economic Geology.
0077-8737 Mineral resources Geological Survey of New South Wales.
0160-8517 Mineral resources bulletin Dept. of Conservation, Louisiana Geological Survey,
0581-8621 Mineral resources bulletin Saudia Arabia Directorate General of Mineral Resources.
0373-2711 Mineral Resources Bulletin Geological Survey of Western Australia Geological Survey of Western Australia.
0507-0791 Mineral resources circular Virginia.
0950-6098 Mineral resources engineering Imperial College Press
0072-9124 Mineral resources pamphlet Guyana Geology and Mines Commission
0073-4454 Mineral resources report Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology.; University of Idaho.
0083-6338 Mineral resources report Virginia Division of Mineral Resources,
0099-6807 Mineral resources report State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology.
0408-7585 Mineral resources report Geological Survey Department.
0078-0359 Mineral Resources Report. Newfoundland and Labrador, Mineral Resources Division Dep of Mines, Agriculture and Resources, Mineral Resources Division.
0369-1764 Mineral Resources Report of Investigations. Saudi Arabia, Directorate General of Mineral Resources Directorate General of Mineral Resources.
0370-9388 Mineral Resources Research, Directorate General of Mineral Resources, Saudi Arabia Directorate General of Mineral Resources.
0026-525X Mineral resources review South Australia. Dept. of Mines.; South Australia. Dept. of Mines and Energy.
0160-015X Mineral resources series South Carolina State Development Board. Division of Geology.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0192-5288 Mineral resources series West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey.
0548-4731 Mineral Resources Survey. New Hampshire, Division of Economic Development New Hampshire Dep of Resources and Economic Development, Division of Economic Development.
0097-2029 Mineral resource survey New Hampshire. State Planning and Development Commission.; New Hampshire. Division of Economic Development.; New Hampshire. Dept. of Resources and Economic Development.
0747-9182 Minerals & metallurgical processing Society of Mining Engineers of AIME
0378-6366 Minerals & Metals Review Asian Industry & Information Services Pvt. Ltd.
0142-7245 Minerals and the environment Science and Technology Letters.
0892-6875 Minerals engineering Pergamon Press
0026-4644 Minerals Processing Minerals Processing Inc.
0026-4660 Minerals science and engineering National Institute for Metallurgy
0076-8952 Minerals yearbook / United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0026-4571 Mineral Wealth Directorate of Geology & Mining, Government of Gujarat.; Gujarat, Directorate of Geology & Mining.
0540-1402 Mineralʹnoe syrʹe Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut mineralʹnogo syrʹâ.
0369-0407 Mineralʹnoe syrʹe.; Минеральное сырье Vsesoûznyj institut mineralʹnogo syrʹâ; Всесоюзный институт минерального сырья
0369-2191 Mineralʹnoe syrʹe i cvetnye metally.; Минеральное сырье и цветные металлы Vsesoûznyj institut mineralʹnogo syrʹâ; Всесоюзный институт минерального сырья
0369-1942 Mineralʹnoe syrʹe i ego pererabotka.; Минеральное сырье и его переработка Vsesoûznyj institut mineralʹnogo syrʹâ; Всесоюзный институт минерального сырья
0369-2604 Mineralʹnye udobreniâ i insektofungisidy.; Минеральные удобрения и инсектофунгисиды Naučnyj institut po udobreniâm i insektofungisidam; Научный институт по удобрениям и инсектофунгисидам.
0026-4679 Minería Instituto de ingenieros de minas del Perú
0369-0156 Minería [s.n.]
0462-6044 Minería boliviana Camara nacional de minería
0369-3015 Minería y metalurgia Véritas.
0540-1488 Minería y metalurgía Asociación de Ingenieros de Minas Metalurgistas y Geologos de México.
0047-7443 Minería y metalurgia, plásticos y electricidad [s.n.]
0375-9393 Minerva anestesiologica Edizioni Minerva medica
1827-1596 Minerva anestesiologica (e-vir) Edizioni Minerva Medica
0374-8952 Minerva biologica Edizioni Minerva Medica.
1827-1618 Minerva cardioangiologica (e-vir) Edizioni Minerva Medica
0026-4725 Minerva Cardioangiologica Edizioni Minerva Medica
0026-4733 Minerva chirurgica Edizioni Minerva Medica
1827-1626 Minerva chirurgica Edizioni Minerva Medica
0026-4741 Minerva dermatologica Edizioni Minerva medica.
0026-475X Minerva dietologica Edizoni Minerva medica.
0391-1993 Minerva dietologica e gastroenterologica Edizioni Minerva medica
0391-1977 Minerva endocrinologica Minerva Medica.
1827-1634 Minerva endocrinologica Edizioni Minerva Medica
0540-1569 Minerva Farmaceutica Edizioni Minerva Medica.
0544-2648 Minerva fisiconucleare Edizoni Minerva medica
0369-0202 Minerva fisioterapica Edizioni Minerva medica.
0368-9719 Minerva fisioterapica e radiobiologica Edizioni Minerva medica.
0026-4776 Minerva gastroenterologica Edizioni Minerva medica.
1827-1650 Minerva ginecologica Edizioni Minerva Medica
0026-4784 Minerva Ginecologica Edizioni Minerva Medica
1827-1669 Minerva medica Edizioni Minerva Medica
0026-4806 Minerva Medica Edizioni Minerva Medica
0026-4822 Minerva medica siciliana Minerva medica.
0026-4849 Minerva medicolegale Minerva medica; Associazione italiana di medicina legale e delle assicurazioni
1827-1677 Minerva medicolegale Edizioni Minerva Medica
0026-4873 Minerva Nefrologica Edizioni Minerva Medica.
0026-489X Minerva nipiologica Società italiana di nipiologia.
0369-0288 Minerva nucleare Associazione italiana di fisica sanitaria; Società italiana di biologia e medicina nucleare
0026-4911 Minerva ortopedica Edizoni Minerva Medica.
0026-4938 Minerva otorinolaringologica Edizioni Minerva Medica.
0026-4946 Minerva pediatrica Edizoni Minerva medica
1827-1715 Minerva pediatrica Edizioni Minerva Medica
0026-4962 Minerva radiologica Edizioni Minerva medica
0544-2656 Minerva radiologica, fisioterapica e radio-biologica Edizioni Minerva medica.
1827-174X Minerva stomatologica Edizioni Minerva Medica
0026-4970 Minerva Stomatologica Edizioni Minerva Medica
0026-4989 Minerva Urologica Edizoni Minerva Medica.
0251-4079 Mines, géologie et énergie Ministère de l'énergie et des mines
0999-5714 Mines & carrières SIM
0026-5020 Mines and minerals Mgr of Publications, Government of India; [s.n.]
0096-7270 Mines and minerals Mines and minerals
0085-3070 Mines Branch Publications. Manitoba Department of Mines and Natural Resources Manitoba, Dep Mines and Natural Resources.
0540-8733 Mines et géologie Ministère de l'industrie et des mines, Direction des mines et de la géologie
0026-5047 Mines et métallurgie Publications minières et métallurgiques
0096-4859 Mines magazine Colorado School of Mines.
1025-9112 Mine water and the environment Springer
1616-1068 Mine water and the environment Springer.
0368-9018 Miniature Camera World Miniature Camera World
0096-5863 Minicam photography [Automobile Digest Pub. Corp.]
0369-0245 Miniera Italiana
0834-4515 Mining, engineering and electrical record Technical Press.
0368-8860 Mining and Chemical Engineering Review Tait.
0369-1012 Mining and Engineering Review Peter G. Tait.
0096-4840 Mining and engineering world Mining and Engineering World]
0076-8979 Mining and geological journal Victoria. Mines Dept.
0369-027X Mining and industrial magazine of Southern Africa [s.n.]
0096-7289 Mining and metallurgy The American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers
0544-2737 Mining and metallurgy quarterly Nolit
0026-5152 Mining and Minerals Engineering Ashire Publishing Ltd.
0096-5723 Mining and scientific press [Dewey Pub. Co.]
0026-5179 Mining Engineer The Institution of Mining Engineers
0026-5187 Mining engineering Society of Mining Engineers of AIME
0097-3114 Mining journal Miller Freeman Publications [etc.]
0026-5225 Mining Journal Mining Journal Ltd
0308-6631 Mining magazine Mining journals
0365-6985 Mining Review R.E.E. Rogers, Government Printer.
0097-2037 Mining science E.G. Reinert; distribution by Colorado New Co.
0167-9031 Mining science & technology Elsevier
2213-0985 Mining science and technology (e-vir) Elsevier
0097-2045 Mining technology American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers.
0096-5731 Mining world Miller Freeman Publications
0197-1409 Mining year book Colorado Mining Association.
1389-5575 Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5607 Mini-reviews in medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
1570-193X Mini-reviews in organic chemistry (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1875-6298 Mini-reviews in organic chemistry Bentham Science Publishers
0096-655X Minnesota farm and home science University of Minnesota.
0099-4332 Minnesota forestry notes University of Minnesota.; Minnesota.
0544-3555 Minnesota forestry research notes University of Minnesota.
0544-3598 Minnesota Journal of Science
0026-556X Minnesota medicine [Minnesota Medical Association.]
1945-3051 Minnesota medicine (e-vir) Minnesota Medical Association.; Minnesota State Medical Association.
0271-1893 Minnesota Nutrition Conference University of Minnesota.
0026-5616 Minnesota pharmacist Minnesota Pharmacists Association.; Minnesota. State Board of Pharmacy.; Twin City Retail Druggists Association.
0861-5713 Minno delo i geologiâ Komitet po energetika.
0368-9395 Minzoku Eisei Nippon Minzoku Eisei Gakkai
1346-0986 Mirai zairyäo NTS.
0265-0762 MIRCEN journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology MIRCEN (Organization); Unesco.
0465-4390 MIRINZ Meat Industry Research Institute of New Zealand.; MIRINZ Food Technology & Research (Organization); AgResearch. Food Systems & Technology.
1343-0289 Miruku saiensu Nihon Rakuno Kagakukai; Nihon rakuno kagakkai
0440-2413 Misaiṅmurhag hoiji Hangug misaiṅmurhag hoi
0082-6685 Miscelánea Facultad de Agronomía
0332-8430 Miscellanea Kongelige norske videnskabers selskab, Museet
0097-3823 Miscellaneous contributions Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology.
0376-0553 Miscellaneous Investigations - South Dakota, State Geological Survey South Dakota State Geological Survey, University of South Dakota.
0078-5725 Miscellaneous paper Oregon. Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries.
0317-1787 Miscellaneous paper Ontario.
0474-1730 Miscellaneous paper Ontario. Dept. of Mines.
0730-1170 Miscellaneous paper D Environmental Effects Laboratory (U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station)
0305-0394 Miscellaneous paper - Geological Society Geological Soc..
0083-6990 Miscellaneous papers / Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen.
0565-9507 Miscellaneous Paper - United States, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station
0097-0212 Miscellaneous publication U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; Supt. of Docs., U.S.G.P.O., distributor
0097-2967 Miscellaneous publication Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-6334 Miscellaneous publication Texas Agricultural Extension Service,; Texas Agricultural Experiment Station,
0471-4091 Miscellaneous publication Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station.
0573-6218 Miscellaneous Publication - Connecticut, Agricultural Experiment Station
0579-4706 Miscellaneous publication - Geological Survey of India Geological Survey of India.
0071-0717 Miscellaneous publications of the Entomological Society of America The Society
1012-005X Miscellaneous publications of the International Tin Research and Development Council International Tin Research and Development Council.
0498-8930 Miscellaneous Release - United States, Central States Forest Experiment Station
0561-0176 Miscellaneous report South Carolina State Development Board. Division of Geology.
0307-9058 Miscellaneous report / Centre for Overseas Pest Research (Great Britain)
0519-5616 Miscellaneous Report - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Coal Research CSIRO. Division of Coal Research.
0308-3667 Miscellaneous report - Laboratory of the Government Chemist Laboratory of the Government Chemist.
0099-4367 Miscellaneous Report - Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station
0361-0519 Miscellaneous report - State of Ohio, Division of Geological Survey Ohio.
0078-1576 Miscellaneous series - North Dakota Geological Survey North Dakota Geological Survey.
0095-8662 Miscellaneous series - State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut.
0374-7794 Miscellaneous special publication Fisheries Research Board of Canada.
0701-7650 Miscellaneous special publication Canada. Fisheries and Marine Service.
0085-3364 Miscellany - Geological Survey Division, State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources State of Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources, Geological Survey Division,
0580-6402 Mises à jour scientifiques Gauthier-Villars :; Association amicale des anciens élèves de la Faculté des sciences de Paris,
0294-0671 Mises au point de biochimie pharmacologique Masson,
0544-4179 Mises au point de chimie analytique organique pharmaceutique et bromatologique Masson,
0369-1381 Mises au point de chimie analytique pure et appliquée et d'analyse bromatologique Masson,
0369-1047 Miso No Kagaku To Gijutsu Zenkoku Miso Gijutsukai
0369-3104 Misset's zuivel Misset
0373-014X Misset's zuivelbereiding en -handel Misset
0096-9702 Missiles and rockets American Aviation Publications
0369-2175 Missili A.I.R.; Associazione italiana razzi.
0026-6019 Missili e spazio A.I.R..
0026-6221 Mississippi farm research Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station.; Mississippi Agricultural Experiment Station.
0540-374X Mississippi geologic research papers Mississippi Geological, Economic, and Topographical Survey.
0096-5480 Mississippi Valley medical journal Radiologic Review Pub. Co.]
0099-3360 Missouri, Division of Geological Survey and Water Resources Reports Missouri Division of Geological Survey and Water Resources.
0099-4308 Missouri, University, School of Mines and Metallurgy, Bulletin, Technical Series
0026-6620 Missouri medicine Missouri State Medical Association.
1567-7249 Mitochondrion Elsevier
1872-8278 Mitochondrion (e-vir) Elsevier
0364-3972 Mitre technical report Mitre Corporation.
0271-244X MIT Sea Grant report. MITSG MIT Sea Grant Program.
0388-2217 Mitsubachi kagaku Tamagawa Daigaku. Mitsubachi Kenkyujo; Tamagawa daigaku mitsubachi kagaku kenkyu shisetsu; Tamagawa Daigaku Mitsubachi Kagaku Kenkyu Senta
0369-2302 Mitsubishi Denki Giho Mitsubishi Denki Giho-sha
0026-6795 Mitsubishi Denki laboratory reports Central Research Laboratory. Mitsubishi Electric
0388-3396 Mitsubishi genshiryoku gihäo Mitsubishi Jäukäogyäo Kabushiki Gaisha.
0387-2432 Mitsubishi Juko giho Mitsubishi Jukogyo Kabushiki Gaisha; Mitsubishi jukogyo; Mitsubishi jukogyo
0916-7358 Mitsubishi Sekiyu gijutsu shiryäo Mitsubishi Sekiyu Kabushiki Gaisha.
0026-6825 Mitsui Zosen giho Mitsui zosen tamano zosenjo; Mitsui zosen
0176-7739 Mitteilung Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt.
0366-9025 Mitteilung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Kommission zur Prüfung Fremder Stoffe bei Lebensmitteln.; Kommission zur Prüfung Fremder Stoffe bei Lebensmitteln.
0417-1802 Mitteilung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Farbstoff-Kommission.; Farbstoffkommission.
0341-8758 Mitteilung ... der Kommission für Wasserforschung in Verbindung mit der Kommission zur Prüfung von Lebensmittelzusatz-und Inhaltstoffen Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / Kommission für Wasserforschung.
0933-2022 Mitteilung ... der Senatskommission für Wasserforschung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / Kommission für Wasserforschung.
0341-8820 Mitteilung - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Kommission zur Erforschung der Luftverunreinigung Boldt.
0341-8804 Mitteilung - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Kommission zur Prüfung von Rückständen in Lebensmitteln Boldt.
0341-8731 Mitteilung - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Kommission für Pflanzenschutz, Pflanzenbehandlungs- und Vorratsschutzmittel Boldt.
0343-1045 Mitteilungen Institut für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen.
0343-8090 Mitteilungen Leibniz Universität Hannover; Leibniz Universität Hannover; Universität Hannover
0934-8506 Mitteilungen Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Fachgruppe Geschichte der Chemie.
0722-7736 Mitteilungen aus dem Ausschuss für Pulvermetallurgie Ausschuss für Pulvermetallurgie.
0368-9530 Mitteilungen aus dem Eisenhuettenmaennischen Institut der Technischen Hochschule, Aachen [s.n.]
0369-2817 Mitteilungen aus dem Forschungsinstitut der Vereinigten Stahlwerke Aktiengesellschaft, Dortmund [s.n.]
0026-6841 Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete der Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Hygiene Bundesamt für Gesundheitswesen
2813-4710 Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete der Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Hygiene (e-vir) Schweiz; Schweiz; Eidgenössisches Gesundheitsamt; Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Analytische und Angewandte Chemie; Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lebensmittelhygiene
0373-0131 Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Institut der Eidgenoessischen Technischen Hochschule und der Universitaet Zürich. Serie A Birkhäuser AG
0369-0016 Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Staatsinstitut in Hamburg Geologisches Staatsinstitut
0072-1115 Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut der Universität
0072-9612 Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum der Universität
0344-5615 Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Allgemeine Botanik Hamburg Institut für Allgemeine Botanik Hamburg
0369-0571 Mitteilungen aus dem Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Eisenforschung zu Düsseldorf Verlag Stahleisen.
0373-7977 Mitteilungen aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie; Institut für Stratosphärenphysik; Institut für Ionosphärenphysik
0369-2345 Mitteilungen aus den Arbeitsbereichen Metallgesellschaft-AG Frankfurt am Main.
0368-9646 Mitteilungen aus den Forschungsanstalten von Gutehoffnungshütte-Konzerns [s.n.]
0065-4280 Mitteilungen aus den Forschungslaboratorien der AGFA-Gevaert-AG Leverkusen, München Springer-Verlag
0369-111X Mitteilungen aus den Gebieten der Naturwissenschaft und Technik Vieweg & Sohn
0369-0105 Mitteilungen aus den Hamburgischen Staatskrankenanstalten [s.n.]
0369-0725 Mitteilungen aus den Laboratorien der Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt Vertriebsst. d. Preuss. Geol. Landesanstalt,
0369-0636 Mitteilungen aus den Laboratorien des Geologischen Dienstes Berlin Akad.-Verl.,
0067-5849 Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Parey Paul; Bibliothek der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft
0369-2299 Mitteilungen aus der Dachpappen-Industrie [s.n.]
0408-6937 Mitteilungen aus der Landesanstalt für Tierzucht in Grub bei München Ludwigsburg :; Ulmer.
1424-1307 Mitteilungen aus Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Hygiene Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lebensmittelhygiene; Schweiz; Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lebensmittel- und Umweltchemie
0257-4217 Mitteilungen der Abteilung für Mineralogie am Landesmuseum Joanneum Abteilung für Mineralogie am Landesmuseum Joanneum
0369-2264 Mitteilungen der Abteilung für Trinkbranntwein- und Likörfabrikation am Institut für Gärungsgewerbe in Berlin [s.n.]
0368-878X Mitteilungen der Badischen Geologischen Landesanstalt [s.n.]
0005-3031 Mitteilungen der BEFA Beratungsstelle für Autogentechnik GmbH.
0368-8798 Mitteilungen der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft Reinbek bei Hamburg Wiedebusch.
0070-3958 Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft Schaper; Ulmer
0012-0065 Mitteilungen der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft Friedländer
0368-9093 Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Holzforschung e. V Beuth-Vertriebs GmbH.
0368-9166 Mitteilungen der Deutschen Materialprüfungsanstalten, Sonderhefte [s.n.]
0012-0561 Mitteilungen der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft.
0341-0404 Mitteilungen der DLG DLG-Verlag-GmbH
0374-9010 Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft in der BRD Entomologische Gesellschaft in der BRD.
1617-5301 Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker.; GDCh-Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie.
0374-9029 Mitteilungen der Forstlichen Bundes-versuchsanstalt Mariabrunn [s.n.]
0374-9037 Mitteilungen der Forstlichen Bundes-versuchsanstalt Wien < Österreichischer Agrarverlag
0072-1123 Mitteilungen der Geologischen Gesellschaft in Wien Sekretariat der Geologischen Gesellschaft
0435-8104 Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Geologie- und Bergbaustudenten in Wien Gesellschaft der Geologie- und Bergbaustudenten, Universitaet Wien, Geologisches Institut
0369-2892 Mitteilungen der Hoeheren Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Wein- und Obstbau, Klosterneuburg Typographische Anstalt
0369-0482 Mitteilungen der Kohle- und Eisenforschung GmbH [s.n.]
0369-2493 Mitteilungen der Materialprüfungsanstalt an der Technischen Hochschule, Darmstadt [s.n.]
0077-6130 Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern Naturhistorisches Museum
0369-1039 Mitteilungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft in Winterthur Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (Winterthur)
0471-0568 Mitteilungen der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fuer Holzforschung Österreichische Gesellschaft für Holzforschung
0369-1284 Mitteilungen der Oesterreichischen Sanitaetsverwaltung Brueder Hollinek
0341-9665 Mitteilungen der Pollichia Verein für Naturforschung und Landespflege
0369-1543 Mitteilungen der Pollichia des Pfälzischen Vereins für Naturkunde und Naturschutz Naturwissenschaftliches Museum
0036-7575 Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft Schweizerische Entomologische Gesellschaft
0369-2531 Mitteilungen der Textilforschungs-Anstalt Krefeld [s.n.]
0369-2736 Mitteilungen der Vereinigung der Grosskesselbesitzer Verlag Stahleisen in Komm.
0042-3785 Mitteilungen der Vereinigung der Grosskesselbetreiber Stahleisen,Verlag
0369-271X Mitteilungen der Versuchsstation fuer das Gaerungsgewerbe Wien Versuchsstation fuer das Gaerungsgewerbe
0369-2744 Mitteilungen der VGB [s.n.]
0368-8399 Mitteilungen des Alpenlaendischen Geologischen Vereines Alpenlaendischer Geologischer Verein
0009-2991 Mitteilungen des Chemischen Forschungsinstitutes der Wirtschaft Oesterreichs Chemisches Forschunginstitut der Wirstchaft Osterreichs
0368-8968 Mitteilungen des Chemischen Forschungsinstitutes der Wirtschaft Oesterreichs und des Oesterreichischen Kunststoffinstitutes Chemisches Forschungsinstitut der Wirtschaft Oesterreichs
1438-1826 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Email-Verbandes e.V Deutscher Email-Verband e.V.; Dev.
0369-0520 Mitteilungen des Kaeltetechnischen Instituts und der Reichsforschungsanstalt fuer Lebensmittelfrischhaltung an der Technischen Hochschule Karlsruhe Müller
0369-0857 Mitteilungen des Museums für Bergbau, Geologie und Technik am Landesmuseum "Joanneum", Graz Landesmuseum "Joanneum"
0369-1888 Mitteilungen des Schweizerischen Apotheker-Vereins Schweizerischer Apothekerverein.
0340-7098 Mitteilungen des Sonderforschungsbereichs 79 für Wasserforschung im Küstenbereich der Technischen Universität Hannover Sonderforschungsbereich 79 für Wasserforschung im Küstenbereich der Technischen Universität Hannover.
0042-3823 Mitteilungen des Vereins Deutscher Emailfachleute e. V Verlag Brunke Garrels
0938-9865 Mitteilungen des Vereins Deutscher Emailfachleute e.V. Verein Deutscher Emailfachleute e.V.
0723-886X Mitteilungen des Vereins Deutscher Emailfachleute e.V. und des Deutschen Email-Zentrums e.V Deutsches Email-Zentrum e.V.; Verein Deutscher Emailfachleute e.V.
0369-0768 Mitteilungen fuer die Landwirtschaft [s.n.]
0540-4789 Mitteilungen fuer die Schweizerische Landwirtschaft Huber und Co AG
0540-4738 Mitteilungen für den Landbau BASF-Aktiengesellschaft. ;; Landwirtschaftliche Versuchsstation.
0538-4680 Mitteilungen - Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie Schweizerbart'Sche Verlagbuchhandlung
0007-5922 Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg Rebe und Wein, Obstbau und Früchteverwertung Höhere Bundeslehranstalt und Bundesamt für Wien
0368-8585 Mitteilungen uber Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie Kaiserliche Tohoku Universität zu Sendai.
0505-2858 Mitteilungen - Vereinigte Metallwerke Ranshofen-Berndorf Vereinigte Metallwerke Ranshofen-Berndorf
0368-9913 Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin der Naturwissenschaften und Technik [s.n.]
0368-9921 Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften [s.n.]
0178-4927 Mitteilungsblatt Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Fachgruppe Chemie-Information.
0411-8987 Mitteilungsblatt Chemische Gesellschaft der DDR.
0939-0065 Mitteilungsblatt Springer
0434-3867 Mitteilungsblatt - Abteilung für Mineralogie am Landesmuseum Joanneum Abteilung für Mineralogie am Landesmuseum Joanneum
0572-5801 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
0171-1776 Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e.V., DGS Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e.V.; DGS.
0368-7511 Mitteilungsblatt der GDCh-Fachgruppe Lebensmittelchemie und Gerichtliche Chemie Fachgruppe Lebensmittelchemie und Gerichtliche Chemie der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
0462-9388 Mitteilungsblätter für den jungen Gerberei-Techniker Roether.
0340-4455 Mitteilungsblatt für die amtliche Materialprüfung in Niedersachsen Zentrale für Amtliches Materialprüfwesen in Niedersachsen.
0369-1136 Mittheilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Steiermark
0910-9250 Miyagi-ken Eisei Kenkyäujo häokoku Miyagi-ken Eisei Kenkyäujo.
0912-3490 Miyagi-ken Genshiryoku Senta nenpo Miyagi-ken Genshiryoku Senta; Miyagiken genshiryoku senta; Miyagiken kankyo hoshasen kanshi senta
0910-9293 Miyagi-ken Hoken Kankyo Senta nenpo Miyagi-ken Hoken Kankyo Senta
0386-8370 Miyagi-ken Näogyäo Tanki Daigaku kiyäo Miyagi Agricultural College.
0388-3671 Miyagi-ken Nogyo Senta kenkyu hokoku Miyagi-ken Nogyo Senta.
0540-4894 Miyagi-Ken Nogyo Tanki Daigaku Gakujutsu Hokoku Miyagi-Ken Nogyo Tanki Daigaku.
0286-3707 Miyagi Kōgyō Kōtō Senmon Gakkō kenkyū kiyō Miyagi Kōgyō KōtōSenmon Gakkō
0289-4424 Miyagi Kyäoiku Daigaku kiyäo. Dai 2-bunsatsu, Shizen kagaku, kyäoiku kagaku Miyagi University of Education.
0286-116X Miyakonojō Kōgyō Kōtō Senmon Gakkō kenkyū hōkoku Miyakonojō Kōgyō Kōtō Senmon Gakkō
0285-8509 Miyazaki Daigaku Gakugei Gakubu kenkyu jiho Miyazaki Daigaku. Gakugei Gakubu
0540-4932 Miyazaki Daigaku Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Miyazaki University. Faculty of Engineering.
0285-8576 Miyazaki Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kiyäo. Shizen kagaku Miyazaki University. Faculty of Education.
0544-6066 Miyazaki Daigaku Nogakubu, Kenkyu Hokoku Miyazaki Daigaku Nogakubu
0303-8017 Miyazaki käoto näorin gakkäo gokujutsu hokoku Miyazaki Käotäo Näorin Gakkäo.
0917-3331 Miyazaki-ken Eisei Kankyäo Kenkyäujo nenpäo Miyazaki Prefectural Institute for Public Health and Environment.
0388-8312 Miyazaki-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Miyazaki Agricultural Experiment Station.
0916-8958 Mizu Kankyäo Gakkaishi Japan Society on Water Environment.
0385-9045 Mizu no shori Käogyäo Shuppanska.
0026-7015 Mizu Shori Gijutsu Nippon Mizu Shori Gijutsu Kenkyukai
0139-6986 Mlékařské listy Státní zemědělské nakladatelství
0026-704X Mljekarstvo Hrvatsko mljekarsko društvo
1846-4025 Mljekarstvo.com (e-vir) Hrvatska mljekarska udruga
0270-644X MLM Mound Laboratory.
0277-1101 MLM Mound Facility.
0026-7058 Mlýnsko-pekárenský pr°umysl a technika skladoyáni obilí Mlýny a pekárny
0195-3966 MMI Press symposium series Harwood Academic.
0341-3098 MMW. Münchener medizinische Wochenschrift MMW-Medizin-Verl.
0025-5866 MNU Dümmler; Hirschgraben
1004-0595 Mocaxue xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
0198-0092 Modeling and simulation University of Pittsburgh.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; Instrument Society of America.
0234-8993 Modelirovanie i optimizaciâ himičeskih processov Akademiâ nauk Azerbajdžanskoj SSR.; AN AzSSR. Institut teoretičeskih problem himičeskoj tehnologii.
0764-583X Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique Dunod
1290-3841 Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique (e-vir) EDP sciences
1259-5977 Modelling, measurement & control Association for the advancement of modelling and simulation techniques in enterprises
0965-0393 Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering Institute of Physics Publishing
1361-651X Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering (e-vir) IOP Pub.
0259-1340 Models in dermatology S. Karger AG
0275-360X Modern aging research A.R. Liss
0076-9924 Modern aspects of electrochemistry Springer
0544-6457 Modern Aspects of the Vitreous State [s.n.]
0096-4972 Modern brewer Modern Brewer, Inc.,
0026-7538 Modern brewery age Brewery Age Pub. Co.
0368-8836 Modern camera magazine
0026-7562 Modern casting American Foundrymen's Society
0096-4662 Modern castings and American foundryman American Foundrymen's Society.
0745-3000 Modern cell biology Alan R. Liss,
0747-7406 Modern chlor-alkali technology Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0026-7600 Modern concepts of cardiovascular disease American Heart Association.
0026-7651 Modern Daily Typing Association newsletter Maccan Pub..
0097-2223 Modern developments in powder metallurgy Metal Powder Industries Federation.; American Powder Metallurgy Institute.; Metallurgical Society of AIME.
1099-8209 Modern drug discovery American Chemical Society.
1532-4486 Modern drug discovery (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0096-5472 Modern drugs Reuben H. Donnelly Corp.
0340-630X Moderne Arzneimittel-Therapie Urban und Schwarzenberg.
0368-9468 Modern Engineer Australian Welding Institute.
0077-0086 Moderne Probleme der Pädiatrie Karger
1056-4497 Modern genetics Harwood Academic Publishers.
0026-7775 Modern geology Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0026-783X Modern hospital McGraw-Hill.
0047-7710 Modern kemi Förlags AB Plastvärlden :; Fackpressförlaget,; Förlags AB Plastvärlden :; Fackpressförlaget,; Fackpressförlaget/Hälsingborgsgruppen,; Fackpressförlaget,; Fackpressförlaget,
0026-797X Modern Lithography Modern Lithography, Inc.
0077-0000 Modern materials Academic Press
0026-8070 Modern medicine Modern Medicine Publications, etc.
0377-1504 Modern medicine of Asia Far East Trade Press.
0386-9741 Modern medicine of Japan Asahi Shinbunsha.
0099-555X Modern Metal Finishing
0026-8127 Modern metals Modern Metals Pub. Co.
0732-7218 Modern methods in pharmacology A.R. Liss
0937-8340 Modern methods of plant analysis Springer.
0096-7297 Modern miller [s.n.]
0096-6541 Modern mining Modern Mining Pub. Co.
0096-4670 Modern nutrition American Academy of Applied Nutrition.; American Nutrition Society.
0026-8224 Modern packaging Morgan-Grampian Pub. Co.
0077-0035 Modern packaging encyclopedia McGraw-Hill.
0098-7786 Modern paint and coatings Palmerton Pub. Co.
0893-3952 Modern pathology Williams & Wilkins
1530-0285 Modern pathology (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0092-0150 Modern pharmacology Dekker.
0098-6925 Modern pharmacology-toxicology [M. Dekker],
0580-8162 Modern photography annual Modern Photography]
1793-6632 Modern physics letters (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
1793-6640 Modern physics letters (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
0217-7323 Modern physics letters A World Scientific Publishing
0217-9849 Modern physics letters B World Scientific
0026-8275 Modern plastics Breskin & Charleton Pub. Corp.
1554-8589 Modern plastics worldwide Canon Communications LLC
0026-8313 Modern power & engineering Maclean-Hunter.
0077-0078 Modern problems in ophthalmology Karger,
0303-884X Modern problems in paediatrics S. Karger,
0077-0094 Modern problems of pharmacopsychiatry Karger
0369-1705 Modern Refrigeration Maclaren Publishers
0369-1659 Modern Refrigeration and Air Control News Maclaren Publishers
1439-7595 Modern rheumatology (e-vir) Springer
1439-7609 Modern rheumatology Springer Japan
0097-1073 Modern solid state physics Simon Fraser University. Summer School on Solid State Physics.
0369-2108 Modern Sugar Planter
0176-7615 Modern synthetic methods Schweizerischer Chemikerverband.
0096-4980 Modern textiles Rayon Pub. Corp.]
0146-0420 Modern theoretical chemistry Plenum Press,
0544-6775 Modern Trends in Anaesthesia [s.n.]; [s.n.]
0144-0756 Modern trends in cardiology [s.n.]
0090-6972 Modern trends in dermatology Appleton-Century-Crofts; Butterworths
0369-2272 Modern Trends in Drug Dependence and Alcoholism [s.n.]; [s.n.]
0544-6813 Modern Trends in Endocrinology [s.n.]; [s.n.]
0308-3810 Modern trends in forensic medicine Butterworths.
0544-6872 Modern trends in neurology Appleton-Century-Crofts [etc.]
0302-3540 Modern trends in oncology Butterworth.
0308-3829 Modern trends in paediatrics Butterworths.
0544-6910 Modern Trends in Pharmacology and Therapeutics [s.n.]
0091-343X Modern trends in psychosomatic medicine Appleton-Century-Crofts [etc.,
0308-3837 Modern trends in toxicology Butterworths.
0026-8542 Modern veterinary practice American Veterinary Publications.
0302-8321 Modern ytbehandling Fackpressförlaget i Helsingborg; Fackpressförlaget i Helsingborg; Specialtidningsförlaget
0324-4571 Módszertani közlemények Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet.
0254-6140 Mo fenli kexue yu jishu Zhongguo Mo Fenli Kexue Yu Jishu Yanjiusuo
0021-4795 Mokuzai Gakkaishi Nippon Mokuzai Gakkai
0285-7049 Mokuzai kenkyäu, shiryäo Kyoto University. Wood Research Institute.
0026-8917 Mokuzai Kogyo Shinrin bunkakai ;; Ringyo keizai kenkyujo ;; Nippon Mokuzai Kako Gijutsu Kyokai
0286-2611 Mokuzai to gijutsu Toyama Wood Products Research Institute.
0386-5495 Mol äOmusha.
1422-8599 Molbank (e-vir) MDPI
1535-9476 Molecular & cellular proteomics American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
1535-9484 Molecular & cellular proteomics American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
0166-6851 Molecular and biochemical parasitology Elsevier-North-Holland Biomedical Press; Elsevier Science Publishers
1470-0573 Molecular and cell biology of human diseases Chapman & Hall.
0300-8177 Molecular and cellular biochemistry Kluwer Academic
1573-4919 Molecular and cellular biochemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
0270-7306 Molecular and cellular biology American Society for Microbiology
1098-5549 Molecular and cellular biology (e-vir) American Society for Microbiology
1065-3074 Molecular and cellular differentiation CRC Press,
0303-7207 Molecular and cellular endocrinology North-Holland
1872-8057 Molecular and cellular endocrinology (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1095-9327 Molecular and cellular neuroscience (e-vir) Academic Press
1044-7431 Molecular and cellular neurosciences Academic Press
0890-8508 Molecular and cellular probes Academic Press
1096-1194 Molecular and cellular probes (e-vir) Academic Press
1044-7393 Molecular and chemical neuropathology Humana Press
1521-4664 Molecular and supramolecular photochemistry Marcel Dekker; CRC Press, Taylor & Francis
0167-6970 Molecular aspects of cellular regulation Elsevier/North-Holland
0098-2997 Molecular aspects of medicine Pergamon Press
1872-9452 Molecular aspects of medicine (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0026-8933 Molecular biology Consultants Bureau.
1608-3245 Molecular biology (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0077-0221 Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics Springer
0735-1313 Molecular biology & medicine Academic Press.
0737-4038 Molecular biology and evolution The University of Chicago Press
1537-1719 Molecular biology and evolution (e-vir) Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution
1431-0414 Molecular biology intelligence unit Springer. ;; Landes.
1059-1524 Molecular biology of the cell American Society for Cell Biology
1939-4586 Molecular biology of the cell (e-vir) American Society for Cell Biology
0301-4851 Molecular biology reports D. Reidel Publ. Co.
1573-4978 Molecular biology reports (e-vir) Kluwer
1468-5698 Molecular biology today Caister Academic Press.
1742-2051 Molecular biosystems (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1742-206X Molecular bioSystems Royal Society of Chemistry
1073-6085 Molecular biotechnology Humana Press
1559-0305 Molecular biotechnology (e-vir) Humana Press
0169-328X Molecular brain research Elsevier
1380-3743 Molecular breeding Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-9788 Molecular breeding Kluwer
1476-4598 Molecular cancer (e-vir) BioMed Central
1541-7786 Molecular cancer research American Association for Cancer Research
1557-3125 Molecular cancer research (e-vir) American Association for Cancer Research
1535-7163 Molecular cancer therapeutics American Association for Cancer Research
1538-8514 Molecular cancer therapeutics (e-vir) American Association for Cancer Research
0899-1987 Molecular carcinogenesis Alan R. Liss, Inc.
1098-2744 Molecular carcinogenesis (e-vir) Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1097-2765 Molecular cell Cell Press
1097-4164 Molecular cell (e-vir) Cell Press
1522-4724 Molecular cell biology research communications Academic Press
1021-6758 Molecular comparative physiology S. Karger AG
0091-0082 Molecular complexes Crane, Russak.
0369-1152 Molecular crystals Gordon and Breach
0026-8941 Molecular crystals and liquid crystals Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0140-6566 Molecular crystals and liquid crystals Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0731-7689 Molecular crystals and liquid crystals Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
1542-1406 Molecular crystals and liquid crystals Taylor and Francis
1563-5287 Molecular crystals and liquid crystals (e-vir) Taylor and Francis, Inc.
1058-725X Molecular crystals and liquid crystals science and technology Gordon and Breach
1058-7268 Molecular crystals and liquid crystals science and technology Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1058-7276 Molecular crystals and liquid crystals science and technology Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1026-5473 Molecular crystals and liquid crystals scienceand technology. Section B, Nonlinear optics (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishers.
1026-762X Molecular crystals and liquid crystals science and technology. Section C, Molecular materials (e-vir) Gordon and Breach.
1026-5422 Molecular crystals and liquid crystals science technology. Section A, Molecular crystals and liquid crystals Gordon and Breach Publishers
1084-8592 Molecular diagnosis Churchill Livingstone
1177-1062 Molecular diagnosis & therapy
1179-2000 Molecular diagnosis & therapy (e-vir)
1381-1991 Molecular diversity Kluwer; Kluwer/ESCOM
1573-501X Molecular diversity (e-vir) Kluwer
0962-1083 Molecular ecology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-294X Molecular ecology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1471-8278 Molecular ecology notes Blackwell Science
1471-8286 Molecular ecology notes (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0888-8809 Molecular endocrinology Endocrine Society
1944-9917 Molecular endocrinology (e-vir) Endocrine Society
0925-5125 Molecular engineering Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8951 Molecular engineering Kluwer
1057-2805 Molecular genetic medicine Academic Press,
1617-4615 Molecular genetics and genomics Springer-Verlag
1617-4623 Molecular genetics and genomics (e-vir) Springer
1096-7192 Molecular genetics and metabolism Academic Press
1096-7206 Molecular genetics and metabolism (e-vir) Academic Press.
1360-9947 Molecular human reproduction Oxford University Press
1460-2407 Molecular human reproduction (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
1535-3508 Molecular imaging MIT Press
1536-0121 Molecular imaging (e-vir) MIT Press
0161-5890 Molecular Immunology Pergamon Press.
1868-1743 Molecular informatics Wiley-VCH-Verl
1868-1751 Molecular informatics (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0278-078X Molecular interactions Wiley
1534-0384 Molecular interventions American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.
1543-2548 Molecular interventions American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
1053-6426 Molecular marine biology and biotechnology Springer.
1435-0637 Molecular marine biology and biotechnology (e-vir) Springer
0268-2680 Molecular medicine IRL Press.
0918-6557 Molecular medicine Nakayama Shoten
1076-1551 Molecular medicine Blackwell Scientific Publications
1528-3658 Molecular medicine (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
1357-4310 Molecular medicine today Elsevier Trends Journals
0968-7688 Molecular membrane biology Taylor & Francis
1464-5203 Molecular membrane biology (e-vir) Taylor and Francis Health Sciences
0950-382X Molecular microbiology Blackwell Scientific
1365-2958 Molecular microbiology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0893-7648 Molecular neurobiology Humana Press
1559-1182 Molecular neurobiology Humana Press
1750-1326 Molecular neurodegeneration (e-vir) BioMed Central
0959-5244 Molecular neuropharmacology British Pharmacological Society.
1613-4125 Molecular nutrition & food research Wiley-VCH
1613-4133 Molecular nutrition & food research (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
1744-8069 Molecular pain (e-vir) BioMed Central
1543-8384 Molecular pharmaceutics American Chemical Society
1543-8392 Molecular pharmaceutics (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0026-895X Molecular pharmacology American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, etc.
1521-0111 Molecular pharmacology (e-vir) American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
0026-8968 Molecular photochemistry M. Dekker]
1055-7903 Molecular phylogenetics and evolution Academic Press
1095-9513 Molecular phylogenetics and evolution (e-vir) Academic Press
1362-3028 Molecular physics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0026-8976 Molecular Physics Taylor & Francis
1505-1250 Molecular Physics Reports Ośrodek Wydawnictw Naukowych
0166-3178 Molecular physiology Elsevier/North-Holland
0894-0282 Molecular plant-microbe interactions APS Press
1943-7706 Molecular plant-microbe interactions (e-vir) APS Press
1364-3703 Molecular plant pathology (e-vir) British Society for Plant Pathology.
1464-6722 Molecular plant pathology Blackwell Science
1359-4184 Molecular psychiatry Stockton Press
1476-5578 Molecular psychiatry Nature Publishing Group.
1040-452X Molecular reproduction and development A.R. Liss
1098-2795 Molecular reproduction and development (e-vir) Wiley
0892-7022 Molecular simulation Gordon and Breach
1029-0435 Molecular simulation Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0305-9782 Molecular spectroscopy Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0893-6307 Molecular structure and energetics VCH Publishers,
0305-9790 Molecular structure by diffraction methods Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0377-2012 Molecular structures and dimensions. Bibliography Bohr, Scheltema & Holkema
1744-4292 Molecular systems biology (e-vir) Nature Pub. Group
1525-0016 Molecular therapy Academic Press
1525-0024 Molecular therapy (e-vir) Academic Press
0883-9492 Molecular toxicology Hemisphere Pub. Corp.,
1091-5362 Molecular urology M.A. Liebert
1557-9069 Molecular urology (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1090-0535 Molecular vision (e-vir) [s.n.]
1420-3049 Molecules (e-vir) MDPI
0219-1032 Molecules and cells (e-vir) Springer-Verlag
1016-8478 Molecules and Cells Korean Society of Molecular Biology
1433-1373 Molecules online (e-vir) Springer
0026-8984 Molekulârnaâ biologiâ Nauka
0375-9415 Molekulârnaâ biologiâ.; Молекулярная биология Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0134-8485 Molekulârnaâ fizika i biofizika vodnyh sistem Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0136-491X Molekulârnaâ genetika i biofizika.; Молекулярная генетика и биофизика Izdatelʹstvo pri Lʹvovskom universitete; Издательство при Львовском университете.
0208-0613 Molekulârnaâ genetika mikrobiologiâ i virusologiâ.; Молекулярная генетика микробиология и вирусология Medicina; Медицина; Media sfera; Медиа сфера
1728-2918 Molekulârnaâ medicina Medicina; Izdatelʹskij dom "Russkij vrač"
1310-7798 Molekulârna medicina Naučno sdruženie Molekulârna medicina.
1001-442X Moliao moju yu moxiao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0026-9018 Molini d'Italia [s. n.] ;; Avenue media,
0540-6013 Molkerei- und Käserei-Zeitung Mann
0369-3082 Molkerei-Zeitung
0369-1217 Molkerei-Zeitung Berlin Verlag der Molkerei-Zeitung
1323-5818 Molluscan research Malacological Society of Australasia
1448-6067 Molluscan research CSIRO Publishing
0026-9026 Moločnaâ promyšlennost' Agropromizdat
0026-9034 Moločnoe i mâsnoe skotovodstvo Kolos
0369-092X Moločno-maslodelʹnaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Молочно-маслодельная промышленность Ministerstvo mâsnoj i moločnoj promyšlennosti SSSR; Министерство мясной и молочной промышленности СССР.
0544-7453 Moločno-mʼâsne skotarstvo.; Молочно-мʼясне скотарство Urožaj; Урожай.
1021-6138 Molten salt forum Trans Tech Publications
0026-9107 Molybdän-Dienst [s.n.]
0364-7927 Molybdenum United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0163-1888 Molybdenum mosaic Climax Molybdenum Company.
0011-9814 Monatsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin Akademie-Verlag.
0371-4349 Monatsbulletin / Schweizerischer Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachmännern = Schweizerischer Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachmännern
0369-0121 Monatshefte fuer Tierheilkunde [s.n.]
0026-9247 Monatshefte für Chemie Springer
1434-4475 Monatshefte für Chemie (e-vir) Springer
0369-1934 Monatshefte für Seide und Kunstseide Kleinsche Druckerei
0026-9263 Monatshefte für Veterinärmedizin =Gustav= Fischer Verlag
0026-9328 Monatsschrift fuer Ohrenheilkunde und Laryngo-Rhinologie Urban und Schwarzenberg
0369-1233 Monatsschrift für Brauerei Westkreuz-Verlag
1613-2041 Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft (e-vir)
0368-9867 Monatsschrift für Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie Karger
0026-9298 Monatsschrift für Kinderheilkunde Springer
0369-0466 Monatsschrift für Krebsbekämpfung Lehmann.
0026-931X Monatsschrift für Lungenkrankheiten und Tuberkulosebekämpfung Fischer
0369-1519 Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie = S. Karger,; S. Karger
1433-0474 Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde Springer
0369-0113 Moniteur d'hygiène et de salubrité publique, domestique, agricole, industrielle [s.n.],
0368-8984 Moniteur de la céramique et de la verrerie et Journal du céramiste et du Chaufournier réunis [s.n.],
0369-1357 Moniteur de la Papeterie Belge Groupement des fabricants de pâtes, papier et carton de Belgique.
0369-1365 Moniteur de la papeterie française et de l'industrie du papier Syndicat des fabricants de papier et carton de France
0369-2256 Moniteur de la teinture des apprêts et de l'impression des tissus [s.n.]
0369-1594 Moniteur du pétrole roumain Institutul de Arte Grafice "Eminescu",
0369-1187 Monitore ostetrico-ginecologico [s.n.].
0026-9778 Monitore ostetrico-ginecologico di endocrinologia e del metabolismo Università degli Studi, Genova.
0369-1241 Monitore tecnico ????.
0026-9786 Monitore zoologico italiano Università degli studi
0234-9140 Monitoring fonovogo zagrâzneniâ prirodnyh sred.; Мониторинг фонового загрязнения природных сред Gidrometeoizdat; Гидрометеоиздат.
0314-4321 Monitor - Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers Australia Institution of Radio and ELectronics Engineers Australia.
0366-0184 Monografia Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral, Divisão de Geologia e Mineralogia.
0860-097X Monografia Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki.
0325-1233 Monografías Buenos Aires (Provincia). Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas.
0327-5426 Monografías de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales.
0077-0485 Monografie Biochemiczne Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne.
0107-5438 Monograph Fysisk Laboratorium II, H.C. Ørsted Institutet, Københavns Universitet.
0362-1715 Monograph - American Fisheries Society American Fisheries Society,
0306-3941 Monograph - British Crop Protection Council British Crop Protection Council.
0952-6463 Monograph - British Plant Growth Regulator Group British Plant Growth Regulator Group.
0197-8594 Monograph - California Policy Seminar California Policy Seminar.; University of California, Berkeley.
0068-7863 Monograph - Canada, Mines Branch Information Canada.
0250-5401 Monograph - Cement Research Institute of India Cement Research Institute of India.
0255-7045 Monograph - European Brewery Convention European Brewery Convention.; EBC.
0077-0639 Monographiae biologicae Junk; Kluwer Academic Publishers; Springer
0081-1025 Monographie annuelle de la Société française de biologie clinique Expansion scientifique française,
0376-0464 Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Neurologie und Psychiatrie Springer
0077-0671 Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Psychiatrie Springer
0938-6505 Monographien des Forschungszentrums Jülich Forschungszentrum Jülich,
0534-1299 Monographies - Institut interuniversitaire des sciences nucléaires Institut interuniversitaire des sciences nucléaires.
0369-0954 Monographies Medicales et Scientifiques [s.n.],
0544-8379 Monographies techniques sur l'utilisation des aciers spéciaux Chambre syndicale des producteurs d'aciers fins et spéciaux (Paris)
0144-1485 Monograph - Mineralogical Society Mineralogical Society.
0773-6347 Monographs ECETOC
0077-0744 Monographs and textbooks in material science Marcel Dekker.
0065-7107 Monograph series - American Association of Cereal Chemists American Association of Cereal Chemists]
0155-3399 Monograph series - Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
0146-0447 Monograph series of the European Organization for Research on Treatment of Cancer Raven Press.
0439-3465 Monograph Series of the Research Institute of Applied Electricity, Hokkaido University Hokkaido Daigaku Oyodenki Kenkyusho.
0341-6356 Monograph series on mineral deposits Borntraeger.
0512-3038 Monograph series - World Health Organization World Health Organization.
0077-0760 Monographs in allergy American Elsevier Publishing Co.
0303-254X Monographs in anaesthesiology Excerpta Medica : :; Elsevier
0736-6604 Monographs in applied toxicology Wiley.
1420-2441 Monographs in clinical neuroscience S. Karger,
0077-0825 Monographs in developmental biology Karger,
0165-196X Monographs in fetal physiology North-Holland
0077-0876 Monographs in Human Genetics Karger, S.,Verlagsbuchhandlung Fur Medizin
0170-5873 Monographs in modern chemistry Verlag Chemie.
0300-5186 Monographs in neural sciences S. Karger,
0077-0914 Monographs in Paediatrics S. Karger AG
0077-0922 Monographs in pathology International Academy of Pathology,
0364-2569 Monographs in pharmacology and physiology Spectrum Publications; distributed by Halsted Press,
0740-9729 Monographs in primatology A.R. Liss
0077-0965 Monographs in virology Karger,
0164-0585 Monographs of the American College of Nutrition American College of Nutrition (U.S.)
0197-1638 Monographs of the Giovanni Lorenzini Foundation SP Medical & Scientific Books; distributed by Halsted Press,
0148-4427 Monographs of the Physiological Society of Philadelphia Spectrum Publications.
0077-099X Monographs on atherosclerosis Karger,
0077-1015 Monographs on endocrinology Springer-Verlag
0077-104X Monographs on oceanographic methodology UNESCO
0362-0387 Monographs on plastics M. Dekker,
0463-2052 Monographs on Tea Production in Ceylon Tea Research Institute.
0969-3386 Monographs on the physics and chemistry of materials Oxford University Press
1335-308X Monographs Series of the International Conferences on Coordination Chemistry held periodically at Smolenice in Slovakia Slovenská technická univerzita.
0306-6576 Monograph - Steel Castings Research and Trade Association Steel Castings Research and Trade Assoc..
0544-8581 Monsanto Technical Review
0390-6736 Montanaro d'Italia. Monti e boschi Gruppo giornalistico edagricole
0027-0040 Montažnye i special'nye raboty v stroitel'stve Strojizdat
0027-0105 Montes Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Montes (España); Colegio de Ingenieros de Montes; Asociación de Ingenieros de Montes (España)
0097-5311 Monthly abstract bulletin from the Kodak Research Laboratories Eastman Kodak Company.
0365-9461 Monthly Bulletin - British Coal Utilisation Research Association Leatherhead
0368-8739 Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Intelligence and of Plant Diseases Istituto internazionale di agricoltura, Bureau of Agricultural Intelligence and of Plant Diseases.; Istituto internazionale di agricoltura.
0368-864X Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Science and Practice [s.n.].
0098-602X Monthly bulletin of Di Cyan & Brown Di Cyan & Brown (Firm)
0150-9942 Monthly bulletin of information on refrigeration Association internationale du froid; Institut international du froid
0096-0691 Monthly bulletin of the Department of Agriculture, State of California California. Dept. of Agriculture.
0368-8828 Monthly bulletin of the International Railway Congress Association International Railway Congress Association.
0368-881X Monthly Bulletin of the Ministry of Health and the Public Health Laboratory Service Great Britain.; Great Britain.
0035-8711 Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2966 Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0731-0188 Monthly petroleum statement United States.
0096-7483 Monthly review / American Electroplaters' Society.
0099-4235 Monthly Review - New York State Department of Labor, Division of Industrial Hygiene
0027-061X Monthly technical review Verl. Technik.
0027-0644 Monthly weather review War Dept., Office of the Chief Signal Officer
1520-0493 Monthly weather review (e-vir) American Meteorological Society
0027-0660 Monti e boschi Edagricole
0369-1225 Montpellier médical [s.n.]
0369-1470 Montreal pharmaceutical journal H. Miles.
0165-0807 Moon and the planets Reidel
0368-9727 Morfogenez i regeneraciâ.; Морфогенез и регенерация Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
1026-3543 Morfologiâ.; Морфология Gippokrat; Гиппократ; Èko-vektor; Эко-вектор
0027-1063 Morfologia normalæa şi patologicæa Societatea de Ştiinţe Medicale din Republica Socialistæa România.
0388-8304 Morioka Tabako Shikenjo hokoku Nihon Senbai Kosha. Morioka Tabako Shikenjo
0540-889X Morphologiai és igazságügyi orvosi szemle Medicina
0377-5038 Morphologie et embryologie Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie,
0027-1187 Morris Arboretum bulletin University of Pennsylvania. Morris Arboretum.
0581-1899 Morskie gidrofizičeskie issledovaniâ.; Морские гидрофизические исследования Morskoj gidrofizičeskij institut; Морской гидрофизический институт.
0369-1276 Morskoj flot "Transport"
0364-0639 Mosaic Climax Molybdenum Co.
0096-3925 Moscow University biological sciences bulletin Allerton Press
1934-791X Moscow University biological sciences bulletin Allerton Press
0099-5517 Moscow University Bulletin, Series 3: Physics and Astronomy Aztec School of Languages, Inc.
0027-1314 Moscow University chemistry bulletin Allerton Press.
1935-0260 Moscow University chemistry bulletin Allerton Press]
0145-8752 Moscow University geology bulletin Allerton Press.
1934-8436 Moscow University geology bulletin (e-vir) Allerton Press
0027-1322 Moscow University mathematics bulletin Allerton Press [etc.]
1934-8444 Moscow University mathematics bulletin (e-vir) Allerton Press
0027-1330 Moscow University mechanics bulletin Allerton Press..
1934-8452 Moscow University mechanics bulletin Allerton Press
0027-1349 Moscow University physics bulletin Allerton Press.
1934-8460 Moscow University physics bulletin Allerton Press
0147-6874 Moscow University soil science bulletin Allerton Press.
1934-7928 Moscow University soil science bulletin Allerton Press
0580-0269 Mosonmagyaróvári Agrártudományi Főiskola közleményei Mosonmagyaróvári Agrártudományi Főiskola.; Vysšee učebnoe zavedenie agrarnyh nauk Mosonmadârovar.; Agrarwissenschaftliche Hochschule Mosonmagyaróvár.; College of Agricultural Sciences Mosonmagyaróvár.
0027-142X Mosquito news American Mosquito Control Association.; Eastern Association of Mosquito Control Workers (U.S.)
0077-0213 Mössbauer effect methodology New England Nuclear Corporation.; Technical Measurement Corporation.
0163-9587 Mössbauer effect reference and data journal Mössbauer Effect Data Center, University of North Carolina.
0369-0164 Mostra Internazionale delle Industrie per le Conserve Alimentari, Congressi Ente Autonomo Mostra Conserve Alimentari.
0027-1632 Motion picture technical bulletin Processlabs.
0096-6150 Motive power [Gillette Pub. Co.]
2192-8843 Motortechnische Zeitschrift (e-vir) Springer Automotive Media, Springer-Fachmedien Wiesbaden
0369-1330 Motorwagen Krayn
0099-5509 Mountain States Mineral Age
0369-1349 Mouseion Unesco
1366-8714 MP. Molecular pathology BMJ Publishing Group
0722-401X MPA-Seminar Staatliche Materialprüfungsanstalt, Universität Stuttgart.; MPA.
0146-9320 MPC American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0047-5386 MPI applications notes McKee-Pedersen Instruments.
0171-4511 MPT. Metallurgical plant and technology German Iron and Steel Institute.
0024-8339 MR + V Sprechsaal-Verlag
0144-9001 MRC Laboratory Animals Centre symposium Macillan Press Ltd.
1010-2744 MRL bulletin of research and development Industrial Technology Research Institute. Materials Research Laboratories.
1039-1371 MRL technical report DSTO Materials Research Laboratory.
0883-7694 MRS bulletin The Society
1938-1425 MRS bulletin (e-vir) Materials Research Society
1092-5783 MRS Internet journal of nitride semiconductor research (e-vir) Materials Research Society
1946-4274 MRS proceedings (e-vir) Materials Research Society
0116-0559 MSAC research journal Mountain State Agricultural College
1426-854X MST News Poland Neuxpan National Contact Point.; Institute of Electronic Materials Technology.
0930-4622 Mta Deutscher Verband Technischer Assistenten in der Medizin e.V.; Verband der Diplomierten Med.-Techn. Assistenten Österreichs.
1439-071X MTA-Dialog Deutscher Verband Technischer Assistentinnen/Assistenten in der Medizin e.V.; Dvta.
0171-8037 MTA-Journal Bundesverband der Arbeitsgemeinschaften Technischer Assistenten der Medizin Deutschland e.V.; Verband der Diplomierten Medizinisch-Technischen Assistenten Österreichs.
1774-8747 MT cardio John Libbey Eurotext
1952-4080 MT cardio (e-vir) J. Libbey Eurotext
1762-410X MT cardiologie John Libbey Eurotext
0144-0578 MTP international review of science Butterworths :; University Park Press,
0309-2550 MTP international review of science. Physiology Butterworths. ;; University Park Press.
0024-8525 MTZ Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Abteilung Technik; GWV-Fachverlag
0369-2566 Műanyag Gépipari Tudományos Egyesület.; Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete.
0027-2914 Műanyag és gumi Lapkiadó,; Delta; GTE
0369-2639 Műegyetemi közlemények József Nádor Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem.
0369-2590 Muehlenlaboratorium [s.n.]
1563-1745 Muhandisäi-i mitäaläurzhäi Anjuman-i muhandisäin-i mitäaläurzhäi-i äIräan.
1029-5135 Muhandisī-i jūsh; مهندسی جوش Markaz-i pizhūhish va muhandisī-i jūsh-i Īrān
1025-8620 Muḥīṭ/shināsī; محیط‌شناسی Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, mu̓assisah-i muṭāli'āt-i muḥīṭ-i zīst
0369-2582 Mühle Hans Kunis, Stellvertreter Kurt Klaus Kunis
0193-0753 MUJWRRC report Montana University Joint Water Resources Research Center.
1340-7899 Muki materiaru Sekko Sekkai Gakkai; Muki materiaru gakkai
0387-2092 Mukogawa Joshi Daigaku kiyäo. Hifuku-hen Mukogawa Joshi Daigaku.
0387-2084 Mukogawa Joshi Daigaku kiyäo. Shokumotsu-hen Mukogawa Women's University.
0389-5831 Mukogawa Joshi Daigaku kiyō. Kasei Gakubu-hen Mukogawa Joshi Daigaku
0916-3123 Mukogawa Joshi Daigaku kiyō. Shizen kagaku-hen Mukogawa Joshi Daigaku
0387-2106 Mukogawa Joshi Daigaku kiyō. Yakugakubu-hen Mukogawa Joshi Daigaku
0131-2413 Mukomolʹno-èlevatornaâ i kombikormovaâ promyšlennostʹ Ministerstvo zagotovok SSSR.
0369-2647 Müllerei Hugo Matthaes Verlag
0027-2957 Müll und Abfall Bielefeld; E. Schmidt
1863-9763 Müll und Abfall (e-vir) Schmidt
1573-6105 Multidiscipline modeling in materials and structures VSP
1573-6113 Multidiscipline modeling in materials and structures VSP
0276-1459 Multiphase science and technology Hemisphere
1943-6181 Multiphase science and technology Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1352-4585 Multiple sclerosis Stockton
1477-0970 Multiple sclerosis (e-vir) Arnold; Sage
1540-3459 Multiscale modeling & simulation Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
1540-3467 Multiscale modeling & simulation (e-vir) Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
0027-2973 Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift Spatz
0369-2523 Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift Hueber
0368-8275 Münchner Beiträge zur Abwasser-, Fischerei- und Flussbiologie Oldenbourg
0027-3376 Mundo textil argentino Asociación Química Textil Argentina.
0027-3414 Munibe Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi
0096-5464 Municipal and county engineering Engineering Pub. Co.,
0097-4129 Municipal engineering Municipal Engineering Co.,
0369-2620 Municipal Journal
0369-2612 Municipal Journal and Engineer
0096-6169 Municipal journal and public works [Municipal Journal and Engineer, Inc.,
0096-6177 Municipal news Gillette Pub. Co.,
0096-6185 Municipal news & water works [Gillette Pub. Co.]
0097-3378 Municipal sanitation Case-Shepperd-Mann Pub. Corp.]
0369-2671 Municipal utilities magazine Municipal utilities magazine
0027-3619 Munkavédelem Szakszervezetek Országos Tanácsa Munkavédelmi Tudományos Kutató Intézete.; Országos Munka- és Üzemegészségügyi Intézet.
0236-607X Munkavédelem, munka- és üzemegészségügy Szakszervezetek Országos Tanácsa Munkavédelmi Tudományos Kutató Intézete.; Országos Munka- és Üzemegészségügyi Intézet.
0368-9654 Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie Verein der Geologie-Studenten in Münster e. V.
0259-9805 Muon catalyzed fusion J.C. Baltzer
0369-2655 Murex Review [s.n.]
0580-2393 Muroran Käogyäo Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku Muroran Institute of Technology.; Muroran University of Engineering.; Muroran College of Technology.
0148-639X Muscle & nerve Wiley, etc.
1097-4598 Muscle & nerve (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0090-0532 Muscle biology Institute for Muscle Biology.
0027-416X Museums journal Museums Association
0144-0551 Mushroom journal Mushroom Growers' Association
0077-2364 Mushroom science Centre for Agricultural Publications and Documentation
0133-1418 Műszaki élet Műszaki és Természettudományi Egyesületek Szövetsége.
0027-5085 Müszaki Tudomány Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. Müszaki Tudományok Osztálya.
0267-8357 Mutagenesis IRL Press
1464-3804 Mutagenesis (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0027-5107 Mutation Research Elsevier
0027-5115 MUTECH Chemical Engineering Journal University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology Union. Joint Chemical Engineering Societies
0348-7172 MVC-rapport Miljöv°ardscentrum, Tekniska högskolan i Stockholm.
0173-0452 MvP-Berichte Max-von-Pettenkofer-Institut des Bundesgesundheitsamtes.
0276-5772 MWRRC report Montana University Joint Water Resources Research Center.
1229-8093 Mycobiology Korean Society of Mycology
2092-9323 Mycobiology (e-vir) Korean Society of Mycology
0027-5514 Mycologia New York Botanical Garden.
1557-2536 Mycologia (e-vir) New Era Print. Co. for the New York Botanical Garden
0953-7562 Mycological research Cambridge University Press
0110-0904 Mycology and plant pathology report Victoria University of Wellington. Botany Dept.; Victoria University of Wellington. School of Biological Sciences.; Plant Doctors Ltd.
0730-9597 Mycology series Marcel Dekker
0301-486X Mycopathologia Junk
1573-0832 Mycopathologia Kluwer
0027-5530 Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata Junk
0940-6360 Mycorrhiza Springer Internat.
1432-1890 Mycorrhiza (e-vir) Springer
1340-3540 Mycoscience Springer Japan
1618-2545 Mycoscience Springer Japan
0933-7407 Mycoses Grosse
1439-0507 Mycoses (e-vir) Blackwell
0178-7888 Mycotoxin research Hans W. Schmidt
1867-1632 Mycotoxin research (e-vir) Springer
0027-5557 Mykosen Grosse Verlag GmbH
0344-7677 Mykosen Grosse.
0369-2973 Mysore Agricultural Journal [s.n.]
0047-8539 Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences Comptroller, University of Agricultural Sciences
0097-2053 N.B.F.U. research report National Board of Fire Underwriters.
0096-574X N.E.L.A. bulletin National Electric Light Association.
0713-9241 N.R.C.C. bulletin National Research Council of Canada.
0369-3287 Naarden news Chemische Fabriek "Naarden"
0374-9487 NAAS quarterly review Great Britain.
0948-0919 Nachrichten Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH.; Forschungszentrum Karlruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft.
0341-5163 Nachrichten aus Chemie, Technik und Laboratorium VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft
0027-738X Nachrichten aus Chemie und Technik Verlag Chemie GmbH
1439-9598 Nachrichten aus der Chemie Wiley-VCH
1868-0054 Nachrichten aus der Chemie Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
0027-7479 Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes Eugen Ulmer
0369-3600 Nachrichtenblatt für den Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienst Biologische Reichsanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Berlin-Dahlem.
0369-5352 Nachrichtenblatt für den Pflanzenschutzdienst in der DDR Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
0323-5912 Nachrichtenblatt für den Pflanzenschutz in der DDR Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
0369-3163 Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen [s.n.]
0369-3929 Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, 2B: Biologisch-Physiologisch-Chemische Abteilung [s.n.]
0065-5295 Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. 2, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
0027-7436 Nachrichten für Dokumentation VCH
0138-1628 Nachrichten Mensch-Umwelt Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Institut für Geographie und Geooekologie.
0027-7495 Nachrichtentechnik Verlag Technik
0323-4657 Nachrichtentechnik Elektronik VEB Verlag Technik
0469-4325 Nachrichtentechnische Fachberichte VDE-Verlag.
0369-6650 Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen Commissionsverlag der Dieterich'schen Universitätsbuchhandlung
0369-6693 Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, Fachgruppe 1: Mathematik [s.n.]
0369-6707 Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, Fachgruppe 2: Physik, Astronomie, Geophysik, Technik [s.n.]
0369-6677 Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, Fachgruppe 3: Chemie, Einschliesslich Physikalische Chemie [s.n.]
0369-6685 Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, Fachgruppe 4: Geologie und mineralogie [s.n.]
0369-6669 Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, Fachgruppe 6: Biologie [s.n.]
1023-8956 NAC report National Accelerator Centre.; NAC.; Nasionale Versneller-Sentrum.; NVS.
1428-5851 Nadciŝnienie Tętnicze Polskie Towarzystwo Nadciŝnienia Tętniczego.
0027-7541 Nafta Wydawnictwo "Ślęask"
0027-755X Nafta Jugoslavenski komitet svjetskih kongresa za naftu
0867-8871 Nafta Gaz Instytut Górnictwa Naftowego i Gazownictwa.; Instytut Technologii Nafty.
0387-9070 Nagano-ken Eisei Käogai Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Nagano Research Institute for Health and Pollution.
1881-3151 Naganoken kougyou gijutsu sougou senta shokuhin gijutsu bumon kenkyuu houkoku Nagano Prefecture General Industrial Technology Center. Food Technology Department.
0915-0730 Nagano-ken Seimitsu Käogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Nagano Prefecture General Industrial Technology Center. Precision and Electronics Technology Department.
0286-102X Nagano-ken Shokuhin Käogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Nagano State Laboratory of Food Technology.; Food Technology Research Institute of Nagano Prefecture.; Nagano Prefecture General Industrial Technology Center. Food Technology Department.
0289-3045 Nagano-ken Suisan Shikenjo kenkyu hokoku Nagano-ken Suisan Shikenjo; Nagano-ken Suisan Shikenjo
0286-1178 Nagano-ken Tanki Daigaku kiyo Nagano-ken Tanki Daigaku
0388-5631 Nagaoka Gijutsu Kagaku Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku Technological University of Nagaoka.; Nagaoka University of Technology.
0027-7568 Nagaoka Kōgyō Kōtō Senmon Gakkō kenkyū kiyō Nagaoka Kōgyō Kōtō Senmon Gakkō
0369-4712 Nagaoka Kogyo Tanki Daigaku, Koto Senmon Gakko kenkyu kiyo Nagaoka Kogyo Tanki Daigaku; Nagaoka Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0286-3154 Nagare Nihon Ryūtai Rikigakkai; Nihon ryutai rikigakkai
0041-3267 Nagasaki Daigaku fäudobyäo kiyäo Nagasaki University. Research Institute of Endemics.
0286-0902 Nagasaki Daigaku Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Nagasaki University. Faculty of Engineering.
0386-443X Nagasaki Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu shizen kagaku kenkyäu häokoku Nagasaki University. Faculty of Education.
1345-1359 Nagasaki Daigaku Kyoiku Gakubu kiyo. Shizen kagaku Nagasaki Daigaku. Kyoiku Gakubu
0547-1427 Nagasaki Daigaku Suisangakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Nagasaki daigaku suisan gakubu; Nagasaki Daigaku Suisan gakubu
0369-3228 Nagasaki Igakkai Zasshi Nagasakai Igakkai.
0386-8559 Nagasaki-ken Chigakkaishi Nagasaki-ken Chigakkai
0914-0301 Nagasaki-ken Eisei Käogai Kenkyäujohäo Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences.
0916-6726 Nagasaki-ken Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Technology Center of Nagasaki.; Industrial Technology Center of Nagasaki.
0547-1486 Nagasaki säogäo käoshäu eiseigaku zasshi Nagasaki Säogäo Käoshäu Eisei Kenkyäukai.
0387-527X Nagasaki Sogo Kagaku Daigaku kiyo Nagasaki sogo kagaku daigaku
0369-3570 Nagoya Daigaku Kankyo Igaku Kenkyujo nenpo Nagoya Daigaku. Kankyo Igaku Kenkyujo
0370-4491 Nagoya Daigaku Kogakubu kenkyu hokoku Nagoya Daigaku. Kogakubu
0387-4532 Nagoya Daigaku Kyäoyäobu kiyäo. B, Shizen kagaku, shinrigaku Nagoya University. College of General Education.; Nagoya University. Department of General Education.
0385-0056 Nagoya Gakuin Daigaku ronshu. Jinbun, shizen kagaku-hen Nagoya Gakuin Daigaku. Sangyo Kagaku Kenkyujo; Nagoya gakuin daigaku sogo kenkyujo; Nagoya gakuin daigaku sogo kenkyujo
0369-6723 Nagoya Igakkai Zasshi Nagoya Medical Association.
0387-1134 Nagoya igaku Nagoya Medical Association.
2186-3326 Nagoya journal of medical science Nagoya University Medical Library
0027-7622 Nagoya Journal of Medical Science Nagoya Daigaku Igakubu
0369-3171 Nagoya Käogyäo Daigaku gakuhäo Nagoya Institute of Technology.
0918-595X Nagoya Käogyäo Daigaku kiyäo Nagoya Institute of Technology.
1340-3729 Nagoya Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo häokoku National Industrial Research Institute of Nagoya.
0027-7614 Nagoya Käogyo Gijutsu Shikenjo häokoku Government Industrial Research Institute, Nagoya.
1348-8058 Nagoya keizai daigaku shizen kagaku kenkyukai kaishi Nagoya keizai daigaku shizen kagaku kenkyukai,
0301-9829 Nagoya Kogyo Gijutsu Shikensho Kenkyu Hokoku Nagoya Kogyo Gijutsu Shikensho.
0027-7649 Nagoya medical journal Nagoya City University Medical School :; Nagoya City University, Graduate School of Medical Sciences :; Nagoya City University Medical Association
0369-3252 Nagoya Sangyäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Nagoya Sangyäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo.
0287-5241 Nagoya-shi Eisei Kenkyäujohäo Nagoya City Health Research Institute.
0369-3333 Nagoya-Shi Kogyo Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku Nagoya-shi Kogyo Kenkyusho.
0027-7606 Nagoya Shiritsu Daigaku Igakkai Zasshi Nagoya-Shiritsu Daigaku Igakkai
0465-7772 Nagoya Shiritsu Daigaku Kyäoyäobu kiyäo. Shizen kagaku-hen Nagoya City University. College of General Education.; Nagoya City University. Department of General Education.
1341-7495 Nagoya Shiritsu Daigaku Yakugakubu jiko tenken, hyäoka häokokusho kenkyäu nempäo Nagoya City University. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
0369-5611 Nagoya Shiritsu Daigaku Yakugakubu Kenkyu Nempo Nagoya-Shiritsu Daigaku Yakugakubu.
0469-4805 Nagoya Shiritsu Daigaku Yakugakubu kiyäo Nagoya Shiritsu Daigaku. Yakugakubu.
0374-9460 Nagpur College of Agriculture Magazine [s.n.]
0369-3406 Nagpur University Journal [s.n.]
1012-8778 Nagra informiert Nagra
1521-3803 Nahrung = Wiley-VCH-Verl..
0469-4929 Naibumpi To Taisha Igaku Shoin.
1341-3724 Naibunpi, täonyäobyäoka Kagaku Hyäoronsha
1001-1935 Naihuo cailiao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0021-4809 Naika Hokan Naika Hokan Kankokai c/o Kyoto Daigaku Igakubu Naikagaku Kyoshitsu.
0469-4961 Naika no ryäoiki Ishiyaku Shuppan.
0303-6855 Nairobi journal of medicine Assoc. of Medical Students, University of Nairobi.
0288-142X Naka Nihon Jidäosha Tanki Daigaku ronsäo Nakanihon Automotive College.
0042-0123 Nāmah-i Dānishkadah-i dāmpizishkī Dānishkadah-i Tihrān
1672-6030 Nami jishu yu jingmi gongcheng Gai Kan Bianjibu
1006-0456 Nanchang Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1007-1229 Nanfang yejin xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1673-4254 Nanfang Yike Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-7444 Nanhua Daxue xuebao Nanhua Daxue Qikanshe
0469-5097 Nanjing Daxue xuebao Nanjing Daxue xuebao Bianweihui
1005-2615 Nanjing Hangkong Hangtian Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1007-7537 Nanjing Huagong Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1000-5994 Nanjing Huagong Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-9830 Nanjing Ligong Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0258-204X Nanjing linchan gongye xueyuan xuebao Nanjing Linchan Gongye Xueyuan
1000-2448 Nanjing Linxueyuan Xuebao Nanjing Linxueyuan
1000-2006 Nanjing Linye Daxue xuebao Nanjing Linye Daxue
0465-7918 Nanjing Nongxueyuan xuebao Nanjing Nongxueyuan
1000-2030 Nanjing Nongye Daxue xuebao Nanjing Nongye Daxue
1001-4616 Nanjing Shi-da xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-1292 Nanjing Shifan Daxue xuebao Nanjing Shifan Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
0254-5055 Nanjing yaoxueyuan xuebao Nanjing Yaoxueyuan
1007-4368 Nanjing Yike Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-5331 Nanjing Yixueyuan xuebao Nanjing Yixueyuan
0465-7942 Nankai Daxue xuebao Nankai DaXue
0027-7789 Nankai-ku Suisan Kenkyäujo häokoku Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory.
1793-2920 Nano World Scientific Pub.
1793-7094 Nano (e-vir) World Scientific
0958-3165 Nanobiology Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.; Carfax.
1551-1286 Nanobiotechnology Humana Press
1551-1294 Nanobiotechnology Humana Press
1813-8586 Nano- i mikrosistemnaâ tehnika.; Нано- и микросистемная техника Novye tehnologii; Новые технологии
1530-6984 Nano letters American Chemical Society
1530-6992 Nano letters (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1549-9634 Nanomedicine Elsevier
1549-9642 Nanomedicine (e-vir) Elsevier
1743-5889 Nanomedicine Future Medicine
1748-6963 Nanomedicine (e-vir) Future Medicine
1614-7847 NanoS VDI, Field of Competence Nanotechnology.
1556-7265 Nanoscale and microscale thermophysical engineering Taylor and Francis
1556-7273 Nanoscale and microscale thermophysical engineering (e-vir) Taylor and Francis
1556-276X Nanoscale research letters (e-vir) Springer Verlag New York
1931-7573 Nanoscale research letters Springer
Y506-0125 Nanoscale research letters Springer
1555-4880 Nanoscience American Association of Nanoscience and Technology.
2617-3794 Nanosistemi, nanomaterìali, nanotehnologìï; Наносистеми, наноматеріали, нанотехнології (e-vir) Ìnstitut metalofìziki ìm. G.V. Kurdûmova NAN Ukraïni; Інститут металофізики ім. Г.В. Курдюмова НАН України
1816-5230 Nanosistemi, nanomaterìali, nanotehnologìï.; Наносистеми, наноматеріали, нанотехнології Ìnstitut metalofìziki ìm. G.B. Kurdûmova; Ìнститут металофізики ім. Г.Б. Курдюмова
0965-9773 Nanostructured Materials Pergamon
0957-4484 Nanotechnology IOP Publishing
1361-6528 Nanotechnology (e-vir) IOP Pub.
2589-5540 Nanotechnology and precision engineering (e-vir) Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.
0388-841X Nansei Kaiku Suisan Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Nansei National Fisheries Research Institute.; Nansei Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory.
1673-2340 Nantong Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-5314 Nantong Gongxueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-6132 Nanyang Shifan Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0369-5115 Näogaku Asakura Shoten.
0029-0874 Näogaku kenkyäu Okayama University. Ohara Institute for Agricultural Biology.
0288-0105 Näogyäo Agricultural Society of Japan.
0286-8725 Näogyäo denka Näogyäo Denka Kyäokai
0549-575X Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo häokoku, E. Engei Näorinshäo. Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo.
0077-4855 Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäusho häokoku, D. Seiri, Iden National Institute of Agricultural Sciences.
0077-4820 Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäusho häokoku. A, Butsuri, täokei Näorinsho Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäusho.
0077-4839 Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäusho häokoku. B, Dojäo, hiryäo Näorinshäo Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäusho.
0077-4847 Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäusho häokoku. C, Byäori,konchäu Näorinshäo Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäusho.
0549-5776 Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäusho häokoku. G, Chikusan National Institute of Agricultural Sciences.
0077-4863 Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäusho häokoku. H, Keiei, tochi riyäo Näorinshäo Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäusho.
0546-2177 Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäusho shiryäo. B, Dojäo, hiryäo National Institute of Agricultural Sciences.
0386-3255 Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäusho shiryäo. D Seiri, iden Näorinshäo Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäusho.
0911-6575 Näogyäo Seibutsu Shigen Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku National Institute of Agrobiological Resources, Ibaraki.
1343-4144 Näo no kagaku Seiwa Shoten Co. Ltd.
0388-2403 Näorin Suisanshäo Kachiku Eisei Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku National Institute of Animal Health, Tsukuba.
0369-5174 Näosan Kakäo Gijutsu Kenkyäukaishi Näosan Kakäo Gijutsu Kenkyäukai
0301-2603 Näo shinkei geka Igaku Shoin
0910-8475 Näoshi repäoto Ishikawa-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo.
0912-0726 Näosotchäu Nihon Näosotchäu Gakkai
0029-0831 Näo to hattatsu Japanese Society of Child Neurology.; Nihon Shäoni Shinkeigaku Kenkyäukai.; Japanese Society of Pediatric Neurology.
0385-9401 Näoyaku kenykäu Nihon Tokushu Näoyaku Seizäo Kabushiki Gaisha :; Nihon baieru agurokemu.
0289-2324 Näoyaku tsäushin Ihara Näoyaku Kabushiki Gaisha.
1006-351X Nao yu shenjing jibing zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0389-2204 Nara Daigaku kiyo Nara Daigaku
0369-321X Nara Gakugei Daigaku kiyäo Nara Gakugei Daigaku.
0369-3937 Nara Gakugei Daigaku kiyo, shizen kagaku Nara Gakugei Daigaku.
0469-5550 Nara igaku zasshi Nara Igakkai.
0369-447X Nara Joshi Daigaku Seibutsu Gakkaishi Nara Joshi Daigaku Seibutsu Gakkai, c/o Nara Joshi Daigaku.
0911-1670 Nara-ken Eisei Kenkyäujo nempäo Nara Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0289-5609 Nara-ken Kogyo Shikenjo kenkyu hokoku Nara-ken Kogyo Shikenjo
0388-8371 Nara-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Nara Agricultural Experiment Station.
0389-2905 Nara-ken Ringyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Nara Prefectural Forest Experiment Station.
0387-1150 Nara Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kenkyu kiyo Nara Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0547-2407 Nara Kyoiku Daigaku kiyo Nara Kyoiku Daigaku
0346-7104 Näringsforskning Swedish Nutrition Foundation.; Svensk näringforskning.; Stiftelsen Svensk näringsforskning.
0320-0647 Narisi z ìstoriï prirodoznavstva ì tehnìki.; Нариси з істориї природознавства і техніки Naukova dumka; Наукова думка
0369-4704 Narodnoe hozâjstvo Sovetskoj Latvii Centralʹnoe bûro tehničeskoj informacii
0369-4720 Narodnoe hozâjstvo Uzbekistana Sovet Ministrov Uzbekskoj SSR. Gosudarstvennaâ planovaâ komissiâ.
0191-7811 NASA conference publication United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
0565-7059 NASA contractor report United States.
0499-9304 NASA Memorandum
0499-9363 NASA republication United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
0565-7075 NASA Special Publication Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.
0499-9320 NASA technical memorandum United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
0502-2487 NASA Technical Publications Announcements
1015-8545 Nashriyyah-i 'ilmī Sāzmān-i inirzhī-i atumī-i Īrān Sāzmān-i inirzhī-i atumī-iĪrān
1026-0803 Nashriyyah-i dānishkadah-i fannī.; نشریه دانشکده فنی Dānishgāh-i Tihrān; دانشگاه تهران
1028-3080 Nashrīyyah-i dānishkadah-i muhandisī.; نشریه دانشکده مهندسی Dānishgāh-i Firdawsī-i Mashhad, mu̒avinat-i pizhūhish va fanāvarī
1028-3706 Nashriyyah-i inirzhī-i Īrān; نشریه انرژی ایران Kumītah-i millī-i inirzhī-i jumhūrī-i islāmī-i Īrān
1022-7768 Nashriyyah-i shīmī va muhandisī-i shīmī-i Īrān.; نشریه شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران Jihād dānishgahī; جهاد دانشگاهی
0027-7312 Na strojkah Rossii.; На стройках России Sovetskaâ Rossiâ; Советская Россия
0332-8678 NAT. Norges apotekerforenings tidsskrift Norges apotekerforening
1066-7121 NATAS notes North American Thermal Analysis Society.
0028-0461 Nation's agriculture American Farm Bureau Federation.
0369-478X Nationaal lucht - en ruimtevaartlaboratorium Nationaal lucht - en ruimtevaartlaboratorium
2250-1754 National Academy Science letters (e-vir) National Academy of Sciences, India
0250-541X National Academy Science Letters National Academy of Sciences, India.
0193-676X National Air Pollution Control Administration publication APTD United States.
0097-2800 National and American miller National Miller Publications,
0097-2061 National bottlers' gazette Keller Pub. Co.]
0077-359X National building studies. Research paper Building Research Station (Great Britain)
0096-9648 National Bureau of Standards circular United States.
0083-1824 National Bureau of Standards handbook United States.
0096-963X National Bureau of Standards miscellaneous publication United States. National Bureau of Standards.
0099-5320 National butter and cheese journal Olsen Pub. Co.
0099-7625 National butter journal Olsen Pub. Co.
0083-1921 National Cancer Institute monograph National Cancer Institute
0099-5061 National Cheese Journal
0469-8568 National Clay Products and Quarrying Horwitz Publications.
0097-2231 National cleaner and dyer R.H. Donnelley Corp., etc.]
0313-6922 National conference publication - Institute of Engineers. Australia Institution of Engineers, Australia.
0097-0794 National fertilizer review National Fertilizer Association (1925-1955)
0027-9250 National fisherman [Atlantic Fisherman]
0369-3201 National Gas Bulletin National Gas Association of Australia.
0027-9390 National glass budget National Glass Budget
0027-951X National Institute of Animal Health Quarterly Kikaku-Renraku-Shitsu, Kaichiku Eisei Shikenjo.
0361-8595 National Institute on Drug Abuse Research monograph series National Institute on Drug Abuse.; National Institute on Drug Abuse.
0096-9710 National lithographer National Lithographer Pub. Co.]
0312-1917 National Measurement Laboratory technical paper Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0369-3244 National Medical Journal of China [s.n.]
0270-3009 National meeting - American Chemical Society, Division of Environmental Chemistry American Chemical Society.
0096-9427 National miller Market Place Pub. Co.,
0097-2819 National miller and American miller National Miller Publications,
0096-9095 National paint bulletin Hobart Pub. Co..
0096-9524 National painters magazine Painting & Decorating Contractors of America.
0369-5476 National Research Council bulletin National Research Council
0028-0100 National safety news National Safety Council.
0147-9598 National SAMPE symposium and exhibition Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering.
0147-9601 National SAMPE Technical Conference series Society of Aerospace Material and Process Engineers.; Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering.
0069-7664 National Standards Laboratory technical paper National Standards Laboratory (Australia)
0028-0291 National technical report Matsushita Electric Industry Co., Ltd.; National/Panasonic.
0547-003X National Vitamin Foundation, Nutrition Symposium Series
0254-2676 NATO. CCMS North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society.; NATO. CCMS.; OTAN. CDSM.
0161-0449 NATO advanced study institutes series Plenum Press
0258-1221 NATO advanced study institutes series North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
0168-132X NATO Advanced Study Institutes series NATO Scientific Affairs Division.
0258-123X NATO Advanced Study Institutes series NATO Scientific Affairs Division
0377-2071 NATO Advanced Study Institutes series D. Reidel Publ. Co.
1383-715X NATO ASI series NATO Scientific Affairs Division.
1383-7168 NATO ASI series NATO Scientific Affairs Division.
1431-7125 NATO ASI series NATO.
1431-7141 NATO ASI series NATO Scientific Affairs Division.
0258-1213 NATO ASI series. Series A : Life sciences NATO Scientific Affairs Division.; North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
0258-2023 NATO ASI series. Series C : Mathematical and physical sciences D. Reidel.
0258-1256 NATO ASI series. Series G : Ecological sciences NATO Scientific Affairs Division.; North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
1010-8793 NATO ASI series. Series H. Cell biology NATO.; North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
0730-9600 NATO challenges of modern society North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
0164-2057 NATO conference series North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Scientific Affairs Division.
0197-4475 NATO conference series North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
0197-5145 NATO conference series Plenum Press,
1387-6686 NATO science series IOS Press
1387-6694 NATO science series IOS Press
1388-6576 NATO science series NATO Scientific Affairs Division.
1389-1820 NATO science series Kluwer Academic Publishers
1389-1839 NATO science series NATO Scientific Affairs Division.
1389-2185 NATO science series Kluwer Academic Publishers
1566-7693 NATO science series Ohmsha :; IOS Press
1871-465X NATO security through science series Springer
1871-4676 NATO security through science series (e-vir) NATO
0369-5921 Náttúrufraedingurinn Stefan Stefannsson, Boksali
0369-6308 Natur Thomas.
0028-0674 Natura Societatea Ştiinţelor Biologice din România,
0369-6235 Natura Tipografia "Gutenberg" Joseph Göbl; Tipografia "Gutenberg" Joseph Göbl S-sori; Editura şi Tipografia "Cultura Naţională"; Tipografia "Bucovina"; Societatea de Ştiinţe Naturale şi Geografice
0369-6243 Natura Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali; Museo Civico di Storia Naturale
0369-6316 Natura Christo g. Danov
0028-0682 Natural and Applied Science Bulletin College of Arts and Sciences.
1063-066X Natural and synthetic gas United States.
1567-7818 Natural computing Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-9796 Natural computing (e-vir) Kluwer
0096-9729 Natural gas Natural Gas Pub. Co.
0191-4464 Natural gas United States. Bureau of Mines.
0097-2339 Natural gas and gasoline journal [Periodicals Pub. Co.],
0097-2347 Natural gas industry Periodicals Pub. Co.,
0191-4472 Natural gas liquids, monthly U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
0096-9737 Natural gas magazine Natural Gas Pub. Co.
0737-1713 Natural gas monthly The Office; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0731-9479 Natural gas monthly report United States.; United States.
2385-0442 Natural history sciences Società italiana di scienze naturali di Milano
2385-0922 Natural History Sciences (e-vir) Società italiana di scienze naturali e museo civico di storia naturale
0101-1944 Naturalia Universidade Estadual de São Paulo, Instituto de Biociências, Departamento de Botânica
1018-8916 Natural immunity S. Karger
1423-0178 Natural immunity (e-vir) Society of Natural Immunity
0254-7600 Natural immunity and cell growth regulation S. Karger
0028-0771 Naturalist Yorkshire Naturalists' Union.; West-Riding Consolidated Naturalists' Society.
0369-6111 Naturaliste malgache [s.n.]
1340-3443 Natural medicines = Springer Japan
0547-9592 Natural Philosopher
1555-9475 Natural product communications Natural Product Inc.
1934-578X Natural product communications Natural Product Communications
1026-8049 Natural product letters (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1029-2349 Natural product letters (e-vir) Harwood Academic
1057-5634 Natural product letters Harwood Academic Publishers.
0265-0568 Natural product reports Royal Society of Chemistry
1460-4752 Natural product reports (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1478-6419 Natural product research Taylor & Francis
1478-6427 Natural product research (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Health Sciences
1226-3907 Natural Product Sciences Korean Society of Pharmacognosy
0378-9586 Natural products technical notes series Ceylon Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research.
1079-4115 Natural protectants and natural toxicants in food Technomic Pub.,
0165-0203 Natural resources forum Reidel
1477-8947 Natural resources forum (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing.
0167-4110 Natural resources forum Library D. Reidel Publishing Company.
0077-6092 Natural resources research Unesco.
1520-7439 Natural resources research Kluwer Academic
1573-8981 Natural resources research (e-vir) Kluwer
Y503-6569 Natural resources research Kluwer Academic
0369-559X Natural Science Bulletin of the University of Amoy [s.n.],
0029-8190 Natural science report of the Ochanomizu University Ochanomizu joshi daigaku
0253-830X Natural sciences World Science Publishers.
1056-9014 Natural toxins Wiley-Liss
1522-7189 Natural toxins J. Wiley
0028-0836 Nature Macmillan
0300-8746 Nature Macmillan Journals
1476-4687 Nature (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
2395-3454 Nature, environment and pollution technology (e-vir) Technoscience Publications
0972-6268 Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology Technoscience Publications
1087-0156 Nature biotechnology Nature Biotechnology
1546-1696 Nature biotechnology (e-vir) Nature America
1465-7392 Nature cell biology Macmillan Magazines Ltd
1476-4679 Nature cell biology (e-vir) Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
1552-4450 Nature chemical biology 2005-
1552-4469 Nature chemical biology (e-vir) Nature Pub. Group
Y505-9844 Nature chemical biology 2005-
1743-4297 Nature clinical practice cardiovascular medicine Nature
1743-4300 Nature clinical practice cardiovascular medicine (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1745-8366 Nature clinical practice endocrinology & metabolism Nature
1745-8374 Nature clinical practice endocrinology and metabolism (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1743-4378 Nature clinical practice gastroenterology & hepatology Nature Publishing Group
1745-8323 Nature clinical practice nephrology Nature Publishing Group
1745-8331 Nature clinical practice nephrology (e-vir) International Society of Nephrology.
1745-834X Nature clinical practice neurology Nature Pub. Group
1745-8358 Nature clinical practice neurology (e-vir)
1743-4254 Nature clinical practice oncology Nature Publishing Group
1743-4262 Nature clinical practice oncology (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1745-8382 Nature clinical practice rheumatology Nature Publishing Group
1745-8390 Nature clinical practice rheumatology (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1743-4270 Nature clinical practice urology Nature Publishing Group
1061-4036 Nature genetics Nature Pub. Co.
1546-1718 Nature genetics (e-vir) Nature America, Inc.
1529-2908 Nature immunology Nature Amerca Inc.
1529-2916 Nature immunology (e-vir) Springer Nature
1476-1122 Nature materials Nature Pub. Group
1476-4660 Nature Materials (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1078-8956 Nature medicine Macmillan Publishers
1546-170X Nature medicine (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1548-7091 Nature methods Nature Publishing Group
1548-7105 Nature methods (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0028-0887 Naturen Universitetet i Bergen
1504-3118 Naturen (e-vir) Universitetsforlaget
1748-3387 Nature nanotechnology Nature Publishing Group
1748-3395 Nature nanotechnology (e-vir) Nature Publishing
1097-6256 Nature neuroscience Nature America Inc.
1546-1726 Nature neuroscience (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0028-0895 Naturens verden Naturens Verdens Fond.
1745-2473 Nature physics Nature Pub.
1745-2481 Nature physics (e-vir) Nature Pub. Group
1750-2799 Nature protocols (e-vir) Nature Pub. Group
1754-2189 Nature protocols Nature Pub. Group
1471-003X Nature reviews Nature Publishing Group
1471-0048 Nature reviews (e-vir) Nature Pub. Group
1471-0056 Nature reviews Nature Publishing Group
1471-0064 Nature reviews (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1471-0072 Nature reviews Nature Publishing Group
1471-0080 Nature reviews (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1474-1733 Nature reviews Nature Publishing Group
1474-1741 Nature reviews (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1474-175X Nature reviews Nature Publishing Group
1474-1768 Nature reviews (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1474-1776 Nature reviews Nature Publishing Group
1740-1526 Nature reviews Nature Publishing Group.
1740-1534 Nature reviews (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1474-1784 Nature reviews. Drug Discovery (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group.
1545-9985 Nature structural & molecular biology (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1545-9993 Nature structural & molecular biology Nature Pub. Group
1072-8368 Nature structural biology Nature Pub. Co.
0369-3198 Naturforscher Bermühler
0105-1202 Naturkampen Naturkampen.
0028-1301 Natur und Museum Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft
0369-5913 Natur und Technik Rascher,
0369-3422 Natur und Volk Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft
0028-1042 Naturwissenschaften Springer-Verlag
1432-1904 Naturwissenschaften (e-vir) Springer-Verlag
0342-5460 Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht
0946-2139 Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Friedrich
0342-5479 Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht. Physik, Chemie Aulis-Verlag Deubner
0028-1050 Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
0369-3430 Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift F. Dümmlers Verlagsbuchh.
0369-3449 Naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Forst- und Landwirtschaft [s.n.]
0028-1093 Natuur & techniek Centrale uitgeverij en adviesbureau : :; Veen Magazines : :; Kluwer : :; Segment
0369-3260 Natuur en mensch Mees
0369-6340 Natuurkundige Voordrachten Van Stockum
1573-6083 Natuurwetenschap & techniek Veen Magazines ;; Veen Media
0369-335X Natuurwetenschappelijk Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie Natuurkundige Vereeniging.
0257-3881 Naučnaja Apparatura Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich
1451-2025 Naučni skupovi Srpska akademija nauka i imetnosti. Odeljenje za matematiku, fiziku i geo-nauke.
0204-5346 Naučni trudove Plovdivski universitet Paisij Hilendarski
0369-6227 Naučni trudove Plovdivski universitet Paisij Hilendarski
0369-5964 Naučni trudove.; Научни трудове Zemizdat; Земиздат
0369-6138 Naučni trudove.; Научни трудове Visš lesotehničeski institut; Висш лесотехнически институт
0369-626X Naučni trudove.; Научни трудове Visš lesotehničeski institut; Висш лесотехнически институт
0489-6394 Naučni trudove.; Научни трудове Visš lesotehničeski institut; Висш Лесотехнически институт
0369-4984 Naučni trudove .; Научни трудове Naučnoizsledovatelski institut po konservna promišlenost; Научноизследователски институт по консервна промишленост
0369-5026 Naučni trudove .; Научни трудове Cent˝r za Naučnoizsledovatelska, razvojna i proektantska dejnost po vinarska promišlenost; Център за научноизследователска, развойна и проектантска дейност по винарска промишленост
0584-0384 Naučni trudove. Visš veterinarnomedicinski institut prof. d-r G. Pavlov Zemizdat
0205-0447 Naučni trudove - Institut po rastitelni masla, protein i mieŝi sredstva Zemizdat.
0369-6286 Naučni trudove na Centralniâ naučnoizsledovatelski institut po tehnologiâ na mašinostroeneto Tehnika
0369-6278 Naučni trudovena ISUL.; Научни трудове на ИСУЛ ISUL; ИСУЛ
0525-0889 Naučni trudove na Visšiâ medicinski institut-Sofiâ Medicina i Fizkultura
0204-9120 Naučni trudove po transportna medicina.; Научни трудове по транспортна медицина Medicina i fizkultura; Медицина и физкултура.
0204-9597 Naučni trudove - Visš Institut po Zootehnika i Veterinarna Medicina, Veterinarnomedicinski Fakultet, Stara Zagora Visš Institut po Zootehnika i Veterinarna Medicina, Stara Zagora.
0205-0463 Naučni trudove - Visš institut po zootehnika i veterinarna medicina. Zootehničeski fakultet Zemizdat
0584-035X Naučni trudove - Visš selskostopanski institut G. Dimitrov. Agronomičeski fakultet. Seriâ Obŝo zemedelie = Zemizdat.
0584-0376 Naučni trudove - Visš selskostopanski institut G. Dimitrov. Zootechničeski fakultet Zemizdat
0204-6385 Naučni trudove - Visš selskostopanski institut Vasil Kolarov Visš selskostopanski institut.
0868-5886 Naučnoe priborostroenie.; Научное приборостроение Nauka; Наука; Institut analitičeskogo priborostroeniâ RAN; Институт аналитического приборостроения РАН
0369-609X Naučno-issledovatelʹskie trudy Litovskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut tekstilʹnoj promyšlennosti.; LitNIITP.
0444-969X Naučno-issledovatelʹskie trudy "Legkaâ industriâ".
0369-6103 Naučno-issledovatelʹskie trudy.; Научно-исследовательские труды "Legkaâ industriâ"; "Легкая индустрия".
0369-6154 Naučno-issledovatelʹskie trudy.; Научно-исследовательские труды Moskovskij tekstilʹnyj institut; Московский текстильный институт.
0369-6626 Naučno-issledovatelʹskie trudy.; Научно-исследовательские труды Gizlegprom; Гизлегпром.
0463-540X Naučno-issledovatelʹskie trudy - Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut šerstânoj promyšlennosti "Legkaâ industriâ".
0369-6588 Naučno-issledovatelʹskie trudy - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut plenočnyh materialov i iskusstvennoj koži.; Научно-исследовательские труды - Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт пленочных материалов и искусственной кожи "Legkaâ industriâ"; "Легкая индустрия".
0369-3481 Naučno-praktičeskaâ informaciâ.; Научно-практическая информация Centralʹnyj aptečnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut; Центральный аптечный научно-исследовательский институт.
0548-0019 Naučno-tehničeskaâ informaciâ VINITI
0548-0027 Naučno-tehničeskaâ informaciâ VINITI
0235-960X Naučno-tehničeskij bûlletenʹ.; Научно-технический бюллетень VASHNIL; ВАСХНИЛ.
0457-4680 Naučno-tehničeskij bûlletenʹ Naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta mehanizacii rybnoj promyšlennosti Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut morskogo rybnogo hozâjstva i okeanografii.
0135-4582 Naučno-tehničeskij referativnyj sbornik. Vinodelʹčeskaâ promyšlennostʹ Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut informacii i tehniko-èkonomičeskih issledovanij piśevoj promyšlennosti.
0135-4639 Naučno-tehničeskij referativnyj sbornik - Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut informacii i tehniko-èkonomičeskih issledovanij piŝevoj promyšlennosti. Maslo-žirovaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Научно-технический реферативный сборник - Центральный научно-исследовательский институт информации и технико-экономических исследований пищевой промышленности. Масло-жировая промышленность CNIITÈIpiŝeprom; ЦНИИТЭИпищепром.
0135-4701 Naučno-tehničeskij referativnyj sbornik - Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut informacii i tehniko-èkonomičeskih issledovanij piśevoj promyšlennosti. Tabačnaâ promyšlennostʹ CNIITÈIpiśeprom.
0350-0667 Naučno tehnički pregled Vojnotehnički institut
0203-7157 Naučno-tematičeskij sbornik Ufimski neftânoj institut.
1560-1048 Naučnye doklady Komi naučnyj centr
0470-4622 Naučnye doklady vysšej školy.; Научные доклады высшей школы "Vysšaâ škola"; "Высшая школа".
0470-4630 Naučnye doklady vysšej školy.; Научные доклады высшей школы "Sovetskaâ nauka"; "Советская наука".
0470-4606 Naučnye doklady vysšej školy. Biologičeskie nauki Vysšaâ škola
0320-2461 Naučnye i prikladnye problemy ènergetiki Belorusskij politehničeskij institut.
0869-1002 Naučnye i tehničeskie aspekty ohrany okružaûŝej sredy.; Научные и технические аспекты охраны окружающей среды VINITI; ВИНИТИ
0130-979X Naučnye osnovy ohrany prirody Centralʹnaâ laboratoriâ ohrany prirody.
0130-9803 Naučnye osnovy razvitiâ životnovodstva v Belorussii Belorusskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut životnovodstva.
0135-2245 Naučnye osnovy tehnologii obrabotki vody.; Научные основы технологии обработки воды Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0548-0205 Naučnye raboty institutov ohrany truda VCSPS Profizdat.
0369-3317 Naučnye raboty studentov.; Научные работы студентов Moskovskij gornyj institut im. I.V. Stalina; Московский горный институт им. И.В. Сталина.
0369-3953 Naučnye raboty studentov.; Научные работы студентов Novočerkasskij politehničeskij institut; Новочеркасский политехнический институт.
0369-4836 Naučnye raboty studentov.; Научные работы студентов Moskovskij farmacevtičeskij institut; Московский фармацевтический институт.
0369-5530 Naučnye raboty studentov.; Научные работы студентов Sverdlovskij gornyj institut; Свердловский горный институт.
0401-0639 Naučnye soobśeniâ Gosstrojizdat.
0540-9365 Naučnye soobśeniâ "Strojizdat".
0568-5540 Naučnye soobśeniâ Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0568-5737 Naučnye soobśeniâ Nauka.
0130-9811 Naučnye soobŝeniâ Armânskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektnyj institut cvetnoj metallurgii.
0369-6561 Naučnye soobŝeniâ.; Научные сообщения VODGEO; ВОДГЕО.
0425-2128 Naučnye soobŝeniâ - Armânskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut stroitelʹnyh materialov i sooruženij Armânskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut stroitelʹnyh materialov i sooruženij.
0540-939X Naučnye soobśeniâ - Institut gornogo dela im. A.A. Skočinskogo Institut gornogo dela im. A.A. Skočinskogo.
0201-7164 Naučnye trudy Gruzinskij politehničeskij institut im. V.I. Lenina.
0423-3352 Naučnye trudy Erevanskij universitet.
0423-3387 Naučnye trudy Erevanskij universitet.
0540-2964 Naučnye trudy Naučno-issledovatelʹskij veterinarnyj institut.
0369-433X Naučnye trudy.; Научные труды "Nedra"; "Недра".
0369-4410 Naučnye trudy.; Научные труды Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut selʹskogo hozâjstva Ûgo-Vostoka; Научно-исследовательский институт сельского хозяйства Юго-Востока.
0369-4623 Naučnye trudy.; Научные труды Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo universiteta; Издательство Харьковского университета.
0369-6146 Naučnye trudy.; Научные труды Moskovskij tehnologičeskij institut legkoj promyšlennosti; Московский технологический институт легкой промышленности.
0369-6383 Naučnye trudy.; Научные труды Žitomirskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut; Житомирский сельскохозяйственный институт.
0374-9746 Naučnye trudy.; Научные труды Gosselʹhozizdat USSR; Госсельхозиздат УССР.
0374-9959 Naučnye trudy.; Научные труды Novosibirskij medicinskij institut; Новосибирский медицинский институт.
0369-5891 Naučnye trudy aspirantov.; Научные труды аспирантов Odesskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut; Одесский сельскохозяйственный институт.
0564-3716 Naučnye trudy - Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut olovânnoj promyšlennosti Zapadno-sibirskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0321-2742 Naučnye trudy instituta - Sibirskij gosudarstvennyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektnyj institut cvetnoj metallurgii.; Научные труды института - Сибирский государственный научно-исследовательский и проектный институт цветной металлургии Krasnoârskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Красноярское книжное издательство.
0369-6014 Naučnye trudy - Irkutskij medicinskij institut.; Научные труды - Иркутский медицинский институт Irkutskij medicinskij institut; Иркутский медицинский институт.
0321-2297 Naučnye trudy - Kalmyckij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut mâsnogo skotovodstva.; Научные труды - Калмыцкий научно-исследовательский институт мясного скотоводства Kalmyckoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Калмыцкое книжное издательство.
0452-9367 Naučnye trudy - Kuzneckij naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektno-konstruktorskij institut ugleobogaśeniâ Kuzneckij naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektno-konstruktorskij institut ugleobogaśeniâ.
0131-5102 Naučnye trudy Majkopskoj opytnoj stancii Krasnodarskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo. Adygejskoe otdelenie.
0369-3589 Naučnye trudy - Metallurgičeskij institut Metallurgiâ.
0131-5145 Naučnye trudy - Moskovskij institut stali i splavov "Metallurgiâ".
0540-9691 Naučnye trudy - Moskovskij lesotehničeskij institut Moskovskij lesotehničeskij institut.
0131-5153 Naučnye trudy - Moskovskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut glaznyh boleznej im. Gelʹmgolʹca Moskovskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut glaznyh boleznej im. Gelʹmgolʹca.
0369-6170 Naučnye trudy - Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut selʹskogo hozâjstva centralʹnyh rajonov nečernozemnoj zony Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut selʹskogo hozâjstva centralʹnyh rajonov nečernozemnoj zony.
0131-5161 Naučnye trudy Naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta ovoŝe-bahčevyh kulʹtur i kartofelâ Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut ovoŝe-bahčevyh kulʹtur i kartofelâ.
0472-934X Naučnye trudy - Omskij institut inženerov železnodorožnogo transporta Omskij institut inženerov železnodorožnogo transporta.
0369-6197 Naučnye trudy Omskogo veterinarnogo instituta Omskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut im. S.M. Kirova.
0553-6731 Naučnye trudy - Permskij farmacevtičeskij institut Permskij medicinskij institut.
0480-0494 Naučnye trudy - Permskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij ugolʹnyj institut Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0466-6402 Naučnye trudy po obogaśeniû i briketirovaniû uglej "Ugletehizdat".
0131-5188 Naučnye trudy - Râzanskij medicinskij institut im. akad. I.P. Pavlova Râzanskij medicinskij institut im. akad. I.P. Pavlova.
0374-986X Naučnye trudy - Stavropolʹskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut.; Научные труды - Ставропольский сельскохозяйственный институт Stavropolʹskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut; Ставропольский сельскохозяйственный институт.
0369-5956 Naučnye trudy studentov Gruzinskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut.
0130-9838 Naučnye trudy - Voronežskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut im. K.D. Glinki Voronežskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut im. K.D. Glinki.
0130-9846 Naučnye trudy - Vsesoûznyj zaočnyj mašinostroitelʹnyj institut Priokskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0369-6367 Naucnye trudy vyssih ucebnyh zavedenij Litovskoj SSR. Ul'trazvuk Technologija
0369-6766 Naučnye zapiski.; Научные записки Belocerkovskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut; Белоцерковский сельскохозяйственный институт.
0369-6898 Naučnye zapiski.; Научные записки Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo universiteta; Издательство Харьковского университета.
0369-6928 Naučnye zapiski.; Научные записки Izdatelʹstvo Lʹvovskogo universiteta; Издательство Львовского университета.
0369-3457 Naučnye zapiski èksperimentalʹnogo instituta saharnoj promyšlennosti.; Научные записки экспериментального института сахарной промышленности Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut saharnoj promyšlennosti; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт сахарной промышленности.
0369-5573 Naučnye zapiski po saharnoj promyšlennosti.; Научные записки по сахарной промышленности Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut saharnoj promyšlennosti; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт сахарной промышленности.
0369-5824 Naučnye zapiski po saharnoj promyšlennosti.; Научные записки по сахарной промышленности Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut saharnoj promyšlennosti; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт сахарной промышленности.
0369-6944 Naučnye zapiski po saharnoj promyšlennosti.; Научные записки по сахарной промышленности Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut institut saharnoj promyšlennosti; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт институт сахарной промышленности.
0369-3139 Naučnyj bûlletenʹ Leningradskogo ordena Lenina gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.A. Ždanova.; Научный бюллетень Ленинградского ордена Ленина государственного университета им. А.А. Жданова Leningradskij gosudarstvennyj universitet im. A.A. Ždanova; Ленинградский государственный университет им. А.А. Жданова.
0369-3147 Naučnyj bûlletenʹ Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta po hlopku Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut po hlopku.; "SoûzNIKhI"
0472-4968 Naučnyj ežegodnik.; Научный ежегодник Odesskij universitet im. I.I. Mečnikova.Odessa. Biologičeskij fakulʹtet; Одесский университет им. И.И. Мечникова.Одесса. Биологический факультет.
0472-4976 Naučnyj ežegodnik.; Научный ежегодник Odesskij universitet im. I.I. Mečnikova.Odessa. Fiziko-matematičeskij fakulʹtet; Одесский университет им. И.И. Мечникова.Одесса. Физико-математический факультет.
0472-4984 Naučnyj ežegodnik.; Научный ежегодник Odesskij universitet im. A.A. Mečnikova.Odessa. Himičeskij fakulʹtet; Одесский университет им. А.А. Мечникова.Одесса. Химический факультет.
0077-6173 Nauheimer Fortbildungs-Lehrgänge Steinkopff.
0077-6181 Nauka dla Wszystkich Polska Akademia Nauk. Oddział w Krakowie.
0548-0345 Nauka i čelovečestvo.; Наука и человечество Izdatelʹstvo "Znanie"; Издательство "Знание".
0470-4878 Nauka i peredovoj opyt v selʹskom hozâjstve Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva SSSR.
0130-7126 Nauka-proizvodstvu Akademiâ nauk Gruzinskoj SSR.
0203-4425 Nauka v SSSR Izdanie Akademii Nauk SSSR
0374-3896 Naukovedenie i informatika Naukova dumka.
0369-6871 Naukovì pracì.; Наукові праці Lʹvìvsʹkij sìlʹsʹkogospodarsʹkij ìnstitut; Львівський сільськогосподарський інститут
0451-9116 Naukovì pracì.; Наукові праці Ukraïnsʹkij naukovo-doslìdnij ìnstitut zemlerobstva; Український науково-дослідний інститут землеробства
2519-8890 Naukovì vìstì Nacìonalʹnogo tehnìčnogo unìversitetu Ukraïni "Kiïvsʹkij polìtehnìčnij ìnstitut" (e-vir) Nacìonalʹnij tehnìčnij unìversitet Ukraïni ʹKiïvsʹkij polìtehnìčnij ìnstitutʹ
1810-0546 Naukovì vìstì Nacìonalʹnogo tehnìčnogo unìversitetu Ukraïni "Kiïvsʹkij polìtehnìčnij ìnstitut".; Наукові вісті Національного технічного університету України "Київський політехнічний інститут" Nacìonalʹnij tehnìčnij unìversitet Ukraïni «Kiïvsʹkij polìtehnìčnij ìnstitut»; Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут»
0365-9992 Naukovì zapiski Ukraìnsʹkogo bìohìmìčnogo ìnstitutu.; Наукові записки Украінського біохімічного інституту Ukrainskij biohimičeskij institut; Украинский биохимический институт.
0028-1298 Naunyn Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology Springer Verlag
1432-1912 Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology Springer
0365-2009 Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für Experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie Springer
0340-5249 Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für Pharmakologie Deutsche Pharmakologische Gesellschaft.
0365-5423 Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für Pharmakologie und Experimentelle Pathologie Springer
0028-1425 Naval engineers journal American Society of Naval Engineers.
1559-3584 Naval engineers journal (e-vir) American Society of Naval Engineers
0028-145X Naval research reviews United States.
0164-4580 Naval stores review Naval Stores Review
0028-1530 Navigation Institut français de navigation
0028-1611 Navitecnia Navitecnia S.A.P.E.C.I.M.F.
0204-2142 Nazemnye i vodnye èkosistemy Gorʹkovskij universitet im. N.I. Lobačevskogo.
0197-4505 NBSIR United States. National Bureau of Standards.
0083-1832 NBS monograph United States.
0083-1883 NBS special publication United States. National Bureau of Standards.
0083-1913 NBS technical note United States.
0197-8683 NCMC proceedings Nassau County Medical Center (N.Y.)
0083-209X NCRP report National Committee on Radiation Protection (U.S.); National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurements (U.S.); National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements.
1879-1174 NDT & E international (e-vir) Elsevier
0963-8695 NDT & E International Butterworth-Heinemann
0308-9126 NDT international Butterworth Scientific Limited
0341-0323 Ndz. Neue Deliwa-Zeitschrift Deliwa-Berufsvereinigung für das Energie- und Wasserfach e.V.
0028-1727 Nea Agrotikäi Epitheäoräisis Spirus Spirou & Son House of Agriculture
0099-5452 Nebraska Experiment Station quarterly University of Nebraska (Lincoln campus). Agricultural Experiment Station.
1348-8341 NEC journal of advanced technology NEC Media Products.
0547-051X NEC research & development NEC Corporation.; Nippon Electric Company.; Nippon Denki Kabushiki Gaisha.
0369-3724 Nederlandsch maandschrift voor geneeskunde Van Doesburgh
0028-2162 Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor geneeskunde Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst; Vereniging Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
0369-3821 Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor hygiene, microbiologie en serologie Van Doesburgh
0470-6021 Nederlandse chemische industrie Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie.
0369-545X Nederlandse rubberindustrie Nederlandse vereniging van rubberfabrikanten
1380-3689 Nederlands tijdschrift voor klinische chemie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Chemie.
1570-8306 Nederlands tijdschrift voor klinische chemie en laboratoriumgeneeskunde Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Chemie en Laboratoriumgeneeskunde
0028-2189 Nederlands tijdschrift voor natuurkunde Nijhoff
0926-4264 Nederlands tijdschrift voor natuurkunde Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging.
0378-6374 Nederlands tijdschrift voor natuurkunde. A Nederlandse natuurkundige vereniging
0047-9233 Nederlands tijdschrift voor vacuum techniek Nederlandse vacuumvereniging
0548-1414 Neftânaâ i gazovaâ promyšlennost' Tehnika
0369-402X Neftânaâ i gazovaâ promyšlennostʹ Srednej Azii Turkmenskij respublikanskij institut naučno-tehničeskoj informacii i propagandy.; TurkmenINTI.
0205-9665 Neftânaâ promyšlennost' Ministerstvo neftânoj promyšlennosti
0132-7070 Neftânaâ promyšlennostʹ VNIIOÈNG.
0234-1581 Neftânaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Нефтяная промышленность VNIIOÈNG; ВНИИОЭНГ.
0028-243X Neftânik Nedra
0028-2448 Neftânoe hozâjstvo Nedra
0369-3694 Neftânoe i slancevoe hozâjstvo.; Нефтяное и сланцевое хозяйство Ministerstvo neftânoj promyšlennosti SSSR; Министерство нефтяной промышленности СССР.
0028-1182 Neftegazovaâ geologiâ i geofizika.; Нефтегазовая геология и геофизика [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0028-2421 Neftehimiâ "Nauka"
0204-5109 Neftena i v''gliŝna geologiâ B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite
0320-0094 Neftepererabotka i neftehimiâ Kazanskij himiko-tehnologičeskij institut im. S.M. Kirova.
0548-1406 Neftepererabotka i neftehimiâ Naukova dumka
0233-5727 Neftepererabotka i neftehimiâ.; Нефтепереработка и нефтехимия [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0207-2351 Neftepromyslovoe delo.; Нефтепромысловое дело VNIIOÈNG; ВНИИОЭНГ; Izdatelʹskij dom "Gubkin"; Издательский дом "Губкин"
0321-2580 Neftepromyslovoe stroitelʹstvo.; Нефтепромысловое строительство VNIIOÈNG; ВНИИОЭНГ.
1726-4685 Neft kimyasi və neft emali prosesləri Akademik Y.H. Məmmədəliyev adına neft kimya prosesləri institutu, Azərbaycan milli elmlər akademiyası
0369-3708 Neftʹ.; Нефть NKTP SSSR; НКТП СССР.
0130-7533 Neftʹ i gaz Kazahskij politehničeskij institut im. V.I. Lenina.
0369-4852 Nehézipari Műszaki Egyetem idegennyelvű közleményei Müszaki K. :; Nehézipari Müszaki Egyetem
1000-1638 Neimenggu Daxue xuebao Neimenggu Daxue,
1001-8735 Neimenggu Shi-Da xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-0925 Neiranji gongcheng Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0028-2561 Nejrofiziologiâ Naukova dumka
1027-8133 Nejrohimiâ Izdatelʹstvo AN Armânskoj SSR
0208-0427 Nejtronno-aktivacionnyj analiz i ego primenenie v narodnom hozâjstve Akademiâ nauk Gruzinskoj SSR.; AN GruzSSR.; Institut fiziki.
0302-6922 Nekotorye aktualʹnye voprosy biologii i mediciny Vtoroj moskovskij ordena Lenina gosudarstvennyj medicinskij institut.
0135-762X Nekotorye voprosy sovremennoj èlektrohimičeskoj kinetiki Dalʹnevostočnyj universitet Redakcionno-izdatelʹskij otdel.
0305-1439 NEL report National Engineering Laboratory.
0028-2596 Nematologica Brill
1875-2926 Nematologica Brill
1388-5545 Nematology Brill
1568-5411 Nematology (e-vir) Brill
0028-2618 Nemzetközi mezőgazdasági szemle Kölcsönös Gazdasági Segítség Tanácsa Mezőgazdasági Ökonómiai és Tudományos-Műszaki Együttműködés Állandó Bizottsága.
0470-6455 Nendo Kagaku Nendo kenkyukai; Nihon nendo gakkai; Nihon nendo gakkai; Nihon nendo gakkai
0369-3732 Nendo Kagaku No Shimpo Nendo Kenkyu Kai.
0379-7376 Néngyuán jìkäan Jäingjì b nèngyuán wěiyuán huì.
1008-8857 Nengyuan yanjiu yu xinxi Gai Kan Bianjibu
0369-3740 Nenryäo Kenkyäujo gijutsu shiryäo Käogyäo Gijutsu-chäo. Nenryäo Kenkyäujo.
0366-4317 Nenryäo Kenkyäujo ihäo Nenryäo Kenkyäujo.
0370-4963 Nenryäo Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Shäokäoshäo. Nenryäo Kenkyäujo.
0371-2044 Nenryäo Kenkyäujo shiken häokoku Shäokäo-shäo. Nenryäo Kenkyäujo.
0369-3783 Nenryäo oyobi nenshäo Nenryo Oyobi Nensho-sha.
0369-3759 Nenryo Kenkyusho Hokoku [s.n.].
0369-3775 Nenryo Kyokaishi Nenryo Kyokai
0918-5712 Nenshäo no kagaku to gijutsu Science Communications International.
0286-6501 Nenshō kenkyū Nihon Nenshō Kenkyūkai
1476-5586 Neoplasia (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group.
1522-8002 Neoplasia Stockton Press
0028-2685 Neoplasma Cancer Research Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
1338-4317 Neoplasma (e-vir) AEPress; Cancer Research Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
0369-3791 Néoplasmes [s.n.],
0369-5425 Neopsichiatria Arti Grafice Pacini Mariotti.
0002-337X Neorganičeskie materialy Nauka
0132-7267 Neorganičeskie stekla, pokrytiâ i materialy Ministerstvo vysšego i srednego specialʹnogo obrazovaniâ Latvijskoj SSR.
1519-566X Neotropical entomology Entomological Society of Brazil
1678-8052 Neotropical entomology Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil.
0369-3805 Népegészségügy Egészségügyi Minisztérium.
0250-4960 Néphrologie Société de néphrologie.
1769-7255 Néphrologie & thérapeutique Elsevier
0341-5384 Nephrologie in Klinik und Praxis Dustri-Verlag Feistle.
1440-1797 Nephrology Blackwell Science
0931-0509 Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation Springer-Verlag New York; Springer
1320-5358 Nephrology. Blackwell Science
1460-2385 Nephrology dialysis transplantation (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0028-2766 Nephron S Karger AG; Albert J Phiebig Inc
1423-0186 Nephron S. Karger
0321-3307 Nepreryvnaâ razlivka stali Izdatelʹstvo Metallurgiâ.
0078-1673 NEREM record Lewis Winner,
0470-6625 Nervnaâ sistema Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0099-4286 Nervous Child
0285-113X Nesshō Nihon Nesshō Gakkai
0253-0457 Nestlé Foundation publication series Fondation Nestlé pour l'étude des problèmes de l'alimentation dans le monde (Lausanne)
0742-2806 Nestlé Nutrition workshop series Nestlé Nutrition S.A.
1422-7584 Nestlé Nutrition workshop series Nestec.
0028-2928 Netherlands journal of agricultural science Koninklijk genootschap voor landbouwwetenschap
1380-8427 Netherlands journal of aquatic ecology Netherlands Society of Aquatic Ecology
0300-2977 Netherlands journal of medicine Scheltema & Holkema
1872-9061 Netherlands journal of medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
0028-2944 Netherlands journal of plant pathology Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereniging.; Koninklijke Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereniging.; Royal Netherlands Society of Plant Pathology.
0077-7579 Netherlands journal of sea research [s.n.]; Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
1873-1406 Netherlands journal of sea research (e-vir) Netherlands Institute for Sea Research; Netherlands Zoological Society; Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee; Nederlandse Dierkundige Vereniging
0028-2960 Netherlands journal of zoology Brill
1568-542X Netherlands journal of zoology (e-vir) Brill
0028-209X Netherlands milk and dairy journal Centen
0913-946X Netsu bussei Nihon Netsu Bussei Kenkyukai; Nihon netsu bussei kenkyukai; Nihon netsu bussei gakkai; Nihon netsu bussei gakkai
0028-3029 Netsu kanri Chuo Netsu Kanri Kyogikai
0302-1289 Netsu kanri to kogai Nihon Netsu Enerugi Gijutsu Kyokai
0388-4384 Netsu kokasei jushi Gosei Jushi Kogyo Kyokai
0288-0490 Netsu shori Nihon Netsu Shori Gijutsu Kyokai
0386-2615 Netsu sokutei Nihon Netsu Sokutei Gakkai
0289-8373 Netsu sokutei no shinpo Nihon Netsu Sokutei Gakkai.; Society of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, Japan.
0470-7710 Netsu to keiei Kantäo Shin'etsu Netsu Kanri Kyäokai.
0385-5643 Nettai igaku Nagasaki University. Institute for Tropical Medicine.; Nagazaki Daigaku. Fäudobyäo Kenkyäujo.; Nagasaki University. Institute of Tropical Medicine.
0369-495X Nettai Näogaku Kaishi Nettai Näogakukai.; Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku ImperialUniversity.
0021-5260 Nettai Nogyo Tropical Agriculture Research Association Japan.; Tropical Agriculture Research Association of Japan.; Japanese Society for Tropical Agriculture.; JSTA.
1342-0577 Nettowaku porima Gosei Jyushi Kogyo Kyokai
1092-7360 Network science (e-vir) Network Science Corporation.
0369-3325 Neue Arzneimittel, Spezialitäten und Geheimmittel [s.n.]
0548-2674 Neue Arzneimittel und Spezialitäten Deutsche Apotheker-Verlag
0303-4267 Neue Aspekte der Trasylol-Therapie Schattauer.
0047-9403 Neue Bergbautechnik Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie
0369-3619 Neue deutsche Papier-Zeitung Keppler.
0369-3848 Neue Giesserei Verlag Die Neue Giesserei
0028-3207 Neue Hütte Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie
0470-7893 Neue Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Kinderheilkunde Berger
0028-3312 Neue Physik Neue Physik
2363-717X Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie (e-vir) Schweizerbart Science Publ.
0077-7749 Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen Schweizerbart
0028-3630 Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Monatshefte Schweizerbart
2363-7161 Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie (e-vir) Schweizerbart Science Publ.
0369-4518 Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Referate
0369-4496 Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen. Abt. B, Geologie, Paläontologie
0369-4488 Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen. Abteilung A, Mineralogie, Gesteinskunde
0369-4526 Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Monatshefte. Abteilung A, Mineralogie, Gesteinskunde
0369-450X Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Monatshefte. Abteilung B, Geologie, Paläontologie
0077-7757 Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie. Abhandlungen Schweizerbart
0028-3649 Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Monatshefte E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchandlung
0369-4542 Neues Journal der Physik Barth
0028-3398 Neue Technik Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Automatik.
0369-6049 Neue Technik Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Automatik
0369-6057 Neue Technik Schweizerische Vereinigung für Atomenergie
0028-3428 Neue Verpackung Weiss
0548-3018 Neue wissenschaftliche Bibliothek Kiepenheuer und Witsch.
0369-6936 Neue Zeitschrift für Rübenzucker-Industrie [s.n.]
0379-1327 Neujahrsblatt herausgegeben von der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich Orell Füssli
0028-3746 Neumología y cirugía de torax Unidad de Patología, Sanatorio de Huipulco; Sociedad Mexicana De Neumología Y Cirugía De Tórax
1749-8104 Neural development (e-vir) BioMed Central
0191-3581 Neurobehavioral toxicology Ankho International.
0275-1380 Neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology ANKHO International Inc.,
0300-8819 Neurobiology Munksgaard.
1216-8068 Neurobiology Akadémiai Kiadó,
0197-4580 Neurobiology of aging Pergamon Journals, Inc.
0969-9961 Neurobiology of disease Blackwell Science
1095-953X Neurobiology of disease (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1074-7427 Neurobiology of learning and memory Academic Press, Inc.
1095-9564 Neurobiology of learning and memory (e-vir) Academic Press
1683-5506 Neurobiology of lipids (e-vir) Neurobiology of lipids; Neurobiology of lipids.
0734-600X Neurochemical pathology Humana Press
0364-3190 Neurochemical research Plenum Press.
1573-6903 Neurochemical research Kluwer
0197-0186 Neurochemistry International Pergamon Press
1872-9754 Neurochemistry International (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0369-3864 Neurocirugia Sociedad de Neurocirugía de Chile.
0369-366X Neurocirugía Hospital Obrero
1541-6933 Neurocritical care Humana Press
1556-0961 Neurocritical care (e-vir) Springer
1660-2854 Neurodegenerative diseases S. Karger
1660-2862 Neurodegenerative diseases S. Karger
1424-8522 Neuroembryology S. Karger
1424-8530 Neuroembryology (e-vir) S. Karger
1661-3406 Neuroembryology and aging S. Karger
1661-3414 Neuroembryology and aging S. Karger
0168-0617 Neuroendocrine perspectives Elsevier Biomedical Press :; Sole distributors for the USA and Canada, Elsevier North Holland Inc.,
0028-3835 Neuroendocrinology S. Karger AG; Albert J. Phiebig Inc
1423-0194 Neuroendocrinology (e-vir) S. Karger
0172-780X Neuro-endocrinology letters Mattes.
0947-0875 Neuroforum Elsevier, Spektrum Akad. Verl.
2363-7013 Neuroforum (e-vir) De Gruyter
1364-6745 Neurogenetics Springer
1364-6753 Neurogenetics (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1567-7443 Neuroimmune biology Elsevier
1021-7401 Neuroimmunomodulation S.Karger
1423-0216 Neuroimmunomodulation (e-vir) S. Karger
0028-386X Neurologia, Psihiatria, Neurochirurgia CARTIMEX
0028-3843 Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska Polskie Towarzystwo Neurologiczne; Polskie Towarzystwo Neurochirurgów
1058-7535 Neurological disease and therapy Dekker,
0161-6412 Neurological research Forefront Publishing Group
1743-1328 Neurological research (e-vir) Butterworths
0350-9559 Neurologija Neurološka klinika i Zavod za neuropatologiju, KBC Rebro
0028-3878 Neurology Wolters Kluwer
1526-632X Neurology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1526-8748 Neurology & clinical neurophysiology MIT Press
1538-4098 Neurology & clinical neurophysiology MIT Press
0736-4563 Neurology and neurobiology A.R. Liss,
0028-3886 Neurology India
1998-4022 Neurology India Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd.
0893-2336 Neuromethods Humana Press; Springer
1535-1084 Neuromolecular medicine Humana Press
1559-1174 Neuromolecular medicine Humana Press
0896-6273 Neuron Cell Press
1097-4199 Neuron (e-vir) Cell Press
0470-8121 Neurone Amministrazione provinciale.
0166-3518 Neurooncology Elsevier/North-Holland
1522-8517 Neuro-oncology Carden Jennings Pub.
1523-5866 Neuro-oncology (e-vir) Carden Jennings Pub.; Duke University Press; Oxford University Press
0028-3797 Neuropädiatrie Hippokrates-Verl.
1365-2990 Neuropathology & applied neurobiology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0305-1846 Neuropathology and applied neurobiology Blackwell Scientific Publ.
0028-3894 Neuropatologia Polska Association of Polish Neuropathologists.; Medical Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences.
0174-304X Neuropediatrics Hippokrates-Verlag
1439-1899 Neuropediatrics Thieme
0143-4179 Neuropeptides Churchill Livingstone
1532-2785 Neuropeptides (e-vir) Churchill Livingston
0028-3908 Neuropharmacology Pergamon Press.
1873-7064 Neuropharmacology (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0090-2977 Neurophysiology (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-9007 Neurophysiology Kluwer
1058-6741 NeuroProtocols Academic Press
0028-3916 Neuropsichiatria Istituto psichiatrico di Genova.
0047-9438 Neuropsihijatrija Neurološka klinika; Zavod za neuropatologiju
1176-6328 Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment Dove Medical Press
1178-2021 Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment (e-vir) Dove Medical Press
0302-282X Neuropsychobiology Karger
1423-0224 Neuropsychobiology (e-vir) S. Karger
0893-133X Neuropsychopharmacology Elsevier
1740-634X Neuropsychopharmacology (e-vir) Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
0959-4965 Neuroreport Rapid Communications
1473-558X NeuroReport (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
1545-5343 NeuroRx American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics.
0306-4522 Neuroscience Pergamon Press.
0735-2743 Neuroscience Comtext Scientific Corporation.
1873-7528 Neuroscience & biobehavioral reviews (e-vir) Elsevier
0097-0549 Neuroscience and behavioral physiology (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-899X Neuroscience and behavioral physiology (e-vir) Kluwer
0149-7634 Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews Pergamon
1995-8218 Neuroscience bulletin Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Springer-Verlag GmbH
1673-7067 Neuroscience Bulletin Science Press.
1431-0406 Neuroscience intelligence unit Springer. ;; Landes.
0304-3940 Neuroscience letters Elsevier/North Holland Publ. Co.
1872-7972 Neuroscience letters (e-vir) Elsevier Ireland
1086-9956 Neuroscience-net (e-vir) Scientific Design and Information
1027-6599 Neuroscience news Magazines Unlimited Ltd..
0168-0102 Neuroscience research Elsevier
0893-6609 Neuroscience research communications (e-vir) Wiley
1520-6769 Neuroscience research communications Wiley-Liss
0388-7448 Neurosciences Nihon Näo Kenkyäukai.; Näo Kenkyäukai.; Neurosciences Research Association, Käobe.
0077-7846 Neurosciences research Academic Press,
0028-3967 Neurosciences Research Program bulletin Neurosciences Research Program.; Neurosciences Research Program.
0077-7854 Neurosciences research symposium summaries Neurosciences Research Program.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
0160-7170 Neuroscience symposia Society for Neuroscience.
1424-862X NeuroSignals S. Karger
1424-8638 NeuroSignals S. Karger
1029-8428 Neurotoxicity research Harwood Academic Publishers
1476-3524 Neurotoxicity research Springer
0161-813X Neurotoxicology Intox Press, Inc., etc.
1872-9711 NeuroToxicology (e-vir) Elsevier
0892-0362 Neurotoxicology and teratology Pergamon
0278-6214 Neurotransmitter receptors Wiley,
0733-2467 Neurourology and urodynamics Allen R. Liss
1520-6777 Neurourology and urodynamics (e-vir) Wiley Periodicals
0277-4291 Neutron physics and nuclear data in science and technology Pergamon Press.
0548-3794 Nevrologiâ, psihiatriâ i nevrohirurgiâ Ministerstvo na zdraveopazvaneto.; Naučni družestva na nevrolozi, psihiatri i nevrohirurzi.
0369-6596 Nevrologiâ i psihiatriâ.; Неврология и психиатрия Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0971-0647 New Agriculturist Bioved Research Society.
0096-5111 Newark engineering notes Newark College of Engineering.
0307-6695 New aspects of breast cancer William Heinemann Medical Books.
0303-4275 New aspects of trasylol therapy Schattauer.
1384-1076 New Astronomy Elsevier
1384-1092 New Astronomy (e-vir) North-Holland
1387-6473 New astronomy reviews Elsevier
0891-3692 New cardiovascular drugs Raven Press
0167-7306 New comprehensive biochemistry Elsevier/North-Holland; Elsevier
1875-7901 New comprehensive biochemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
0935-1906 New developments in biosciences
1344-9931 New diamond and frontier carbon technology Scientific Publishing Division of MYU
1610-8264 New drugs Vogel Industrial Media
0742-387X New drugs annual Raven Press
1687-1219 New Egyptian journal of microbiology Egyptian Society for Biotechnology (E.S.B)
0742-2814 New England and regional allergy proceedings New England Society of Allergy.; American Association of Certified Allergists.
0028-4718 New England dairyman New England Milk Producers' Association.
0099-779X New England Engineer
0099-426X New England fruit meetings Massachusetts Fruit Growers' Association.
0547-0277 New food industry Shokuhin Shizai Kenkyukai; Enuefuai
1463-6778 New genetics and society Carfax
1469-9915 New genetics and society (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0369-3716 New Guinea agricultural gazette Department of Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries
0502-1502 New Hampshire basic-data report. Ground-water series Geological Survey (U.S.); New Hampshire Water Resources Board.
0887-7238 New Hampshire hydrologic-data report Geological Survey (U.S.); New Hampshire Water Resources Board.
1063-7389 New horizons Society of Critical Care Medicine.
0096-5456 New international clinics J.B. Lippincott Co.
0028-5447 New İstanbul Contribution to Clinical Science Tıp Teknik Kitabevi
0096-6193 New Jersey agriculture Rutgers University.
1144-0546 New journal of chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry
1369-9261 New journal of chemistry (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1367-2630 New journal of physics (e-vir) Institute of Physics Publishing; Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
0265-3443 New materials. Japan Elsevier International Bulletins
0742-3993 New materials & new processes JEC Press,
0731-7743 New materials & new processes in electrochemical technology JEC Press,
0213-411X New methods in drug research J.R. Prous.
0028-6184 New Mexico extension news New Mexico State University.; New Mexico State University of Agriculture, Engineering, and Science.; New Mexico State University.; New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.
0196-948X New Mexico geology New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources
0270-3017 New Mexico journal of science New Mexico Academy of Science
0167-630X New perspectives in clinical microbiology Nijhoff
0146-9711 New perspectives in powder metallurgy Metal Powder Industries Federation.
0169-6424 New polymeric materials VNU Science Press
1052-0414 News Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry.; American Chemical Society.; American Institute of Chemical Engineers.; University of Pennsylvania.
0501-5324 News Bulletin - Argonne National Laboratory
0262-4079 New scientist New Science Publications
2059-5387 New scientist (e-vir) New Scientist
0369-5808 New scientist and science journal New Scientist
1356-1766 New scientist CD-ROM (e-vir) Bowker-Saur; IPC magazines
0097-6415 News edition American Chemical Society
0028-9205 News in engineering Ohio State University. Engineering Experiment Station.; Ohio State University. College of Engineering.
0886-1714 News in physiological sciences The Union and the Society
0375-717X Newsletter New Zealand Geochemical Group.
0379-7600 Newsletter - ASPAC. Food & Fertilizer Technology Center Asian and Pacific Council.
0364-2003 Newsletter - Fusion Energy Foundation Fusion Energy Foundation.
0379-5551 Newsletter - Indian Society for Nuclear Techniques in Agriculture and Biology Nuclear Research Laboratory, Indian Agricultural Research Institute.
0028-5463 Newsletter of the New Jersey Academy of Science New Jersey Academy of Science.
0376-740X Newsletter on the application of nuclear methods in biology and agriculture Association Euratom-ITAL
0146-0714 News log Palmerton Pub. Co.]
0563-2188 News - Texas, Engineering Experiment Station
0028-6869 New technical books New York Public Library.
0301-374X New techniques in biophysics and cell biology John Wiley,
1075-7899 New technology education series American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
0077-8885 New trends in chemistry teaching Unesco Publications Center
1028-5342 New trends in electrochemical technology Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0099-5223 New York's food and life sciences bulletin New York State Agricultural Experiment Station.
0028-7210 New York fish and game journal New York (State).; New York (State).; New York (State).
0097-319X New York medical journal A.R. Elliot.
0028-7377 New York medicine Medical Society of the County of New York.
0097-3386 New York produce review and American creamery New York produce review and American creamery.
0028-7571 New York state dental journal Dental Society of the State of New York.
0028-7628 New York State journal of medicine Medical Society of the State of New York
0097-0271 New York State Museum bulletin New York State Museum.
0749-1158 New York State Museum memoir New York State Museum.
0028-808X New Zealand Engineering New Zealand Institution of Engineers.
0110-6287 New Zealand environment Ecology Action (N.Z.)
0465-7209 New Zealand fertiliser journal New Zealand Fertiliser Journal.
0077-9989 New Zealand forestry research notes Forest Research Institute (N.Z.)
0077-9628 New Zealand Geological Survey bulletin New Zealand Geological Survey
1175-8775 New Zealand journal of agricultural research (e-vir) Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis
0028-8233 New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research Dep. of Scientific and Industrial Research, Publications Officer
0028-8241 New Zealand journal of agriculture Wilson & Horton
1175-8643 New Zealand journal of botany Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis
0028-825X New Zealand Journal of Botany RSNZ Publishing
0114-0671 New Zealand journal of crop and horticultural science DSIR Publishing
1175-8783 New Zealand journal of crop and horticultural science Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis
0300-1342 New Zealand journal of dairy science and technology New Zealand Society of Dairy Science and Technology.
0110-6465 New Zealand journal of ecology New Zealand Ecological Society
1177-7788 New Zealand journal of ecology (e-vir) New Zealand Ecological Society
0301-5521 New Zealand journal of experimental agriculture Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.
0028-8284 New Zealand Journal of Forestry New Zealand Institute of Foresters, Inc..
0048-0134 New Zealand journal of forestry science Forest Research Institute (N.Z.); New Zealand Forest Research Institute.; Scion (Organization : N.Z.)
1179-5395 New Zealand journal of forestry science Springer
0028-8306 New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research]; Royal Society of New Zealand
1175-8791 New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis
1175-8805 New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis
0028-8349 New Zealand journal of medical laboratory technology New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology.
0028-8365 New Zealand Journal of Science Dep. of Scientific and Industrial Research, Publications Officer.
0369-6952 New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Section A: Agricultural Research Section Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.
0369-6960 New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology. Section B : General Section New Zealand. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.
0112-3890 New Zealand journal of technology Science Information Publishing Centre, DSIR.
1175-8821 New Zealand journal of zoology Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis
0028-8446 New Zealand medical journal Southern Colour Print.
0083-7903 New Zealand Oceanographic Institute memoir New Zealand Oceanographic Institute.; DSIR Marine and Freshwater (N.Z.)
1175-9003 New Zealand plant protection New Zealand Plant Protection Society
0028-8667 New Zealand science review New Zealand Association of Scientists.
0304-1735 New Zealand Soil Bureau scientific report New Zealand. Soil Bureau.
0028-8772 New Zealand Timber Journal Tidmarsh Publications Ltd.
1176-0702 New Zealand veterinary journal (e-vir) New Zealand Veterinary Association.
1176-0710 New Zealand veterinary journal New Zealand Veterinary Association; Taylor & Francis
0048-0169 New Zealand Veterinary Journal Editorial Services Ltd.
0028-8330 New Zeland Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research [S.n.]
0301-4223 New Zeland Journal of Zoology [S.n.]
0742-521X NFCR Cancer Research Association symposia N.F.C.R. Cancer Research Association.
0027-6553 NHK gijutsu kenkyäu Nippon Häosäo Kyäokai. Häosäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo.; Nippon Häosäo Kyäokai. Säogäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo.; Japan Broadcasting Corporation. Science and Technical Research Laboratories.; Japan Broadcasting Corporation. Technical Research Laboratories.
0027-6561 NHK Giken geppäo Nippon Häosäo Kyäokai. Häosäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo.; Nippon Häosäo Kyäokai. Säogäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo.; Nippon Häosäo Kyokai. Häosäo Kagaku Kiso Kenkyäujo.
0077-2631 NHK Technical Monograph ????.
1002-8110 Niangjiu Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0078-0847 NIBS Bulletin of biological research Nippon Seibutsu Kagaku Kenkyäuzyo.
0029-0424 Nichidai Igaku Zasshi Nippon Daigaku Igakkai
0385-0145 Nichidai koku kagaku Nihon daigaku matsudo shika daigaku; Nihon Daigaku. Matsudo Shigakubu; Nihon daigaku matsudo shigakubu koko kagaku kenkyujo; Nihon daigaku koko kagakukai
0285-3922 Nichi-Futsu Rikōkakaishi Nichi-Futsu Rikōkakai
0191-4456 Nickel United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.); Geological Survey (U.S.).; Geological Survey (U.S.).
0369-4070 Nickel Centro di Informazioni del Nickel
0369-4054 Nickel-Berichte International-Nickel-Deutschland-GmbH, Nickel-Informationsbüro
0097-532X Nickel bulletin International Nickel Co., etc.
0096-4689 Nickel cast iron news International Nickel Company.
0096-7319 Nickel steel topics International Nickel Company.
1462-2203 Nicotine & tobacco research Carfax
1469-994X Nicotine & tobacco research (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Health Sciences
0300-5224 Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten Dustri-Verlag Feistle
0369-6618 Nieuwe verhandelingen van het Bataafsch genootschap der proefondervindelijke wijsbegeerte Bataafsch genootschap der proefondervindelijke wijsbegeerte
1349-2357 Nigataken hoshasen kanshi senta nenpo Nigataken hoshasen kanshi senta,
0300-368X Nigerian agricultural journal Agricultural Society of Nigeria.
0029-0076 Nigerian Field Nigerian Field Society.
0331-4324 Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Sciences National Science and Technology Development Agency.
0331-2062 Nigerian journal of animal production Nigerian Society for Animal Production.
1119-0221 Nigerian Journal of Chemical Research Ahmadu Bello University.
0331-0094 Nigerian journal of entomology Entomological Society of Nigeria.
0331-4316 Nigerian Journal of medical sciences National Science and Technology Development Agency.
0331-4308 Nigerian Journal of natural sciences National Science and Technology Development Agency.
0189-0913 Nigerian journal of nutritional sciences Nutrition Society of Nigeria.
0189-322X Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Ahmadu Bello University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
0331-670X Nigerian journal of pharmacy Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria
0794-859X Nigerian journal of physiological Sciences Physiological Society of Nigeria.
0029-0114 Nigerian Journal of Science Ibadan University Press
1340-4806 Nihon Aji to Nioi Gakkaishi Nihon Aji to Nioi Gakkai
0021-4914 Nihon äOyäo Däobutsu Konchäu Gakkaishi Nihon äOyäo Däobutsu Konchäu Gakkai c/o Norin-sho Nogyo Gijutsu Kenkyusho
1341-8963 Nihon Arukoru, Yakubutsu Igakkai zasshi Nihon Arukoru, Yakubutsu Igakkai; Nihon arukoru, adikushon igakkai; Nihon arukoru, yakubutsu igakkai
1347-0191 Nihon bunri daigaku kankyo kagaku kenkyujo hokoku Nihon bunri daigaku,
0029-0181 Nihon Butsuri Gakkaishi Nihon Butsuri Gakkai
1341-8815 Nihon Byäoin Yakuzaishikai zasshi Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists.
0300-9181 Nihon Byäori Gakkai kaishi Japanese Pathological Society.
0369-3562 Nihon Daigaku Bunri Gakubu Shizen Kagaku Kenkyūsho kenkyū kiyō Nihon Daigaku. Bunri Gakbu. Shizen Kagaku Kenkyūsho
0285-6174 Nihon Daigaku Käogakubu kiyäo. Bunrui A, Käogaku-hen Nihon University. College of Engineering.
0078-0839 Nihon Daigaku Näojäui Gakubu gakujutsu kenkyäu häokoku Society of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Nihon University.
0286-8067 Nihon Daigaku Näo-Jäui Gakubu ippan kyäoyäo kenkyäu kiyäo Nihon University. College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.
0369-4313 Nihon Daigaku Rikäogaku Kenkyäujo shohäo Nihon daigaku rikougaku kenkyuujo.; Nihon University. Research Institute of Science and Technology.
0286-7370 Nihon Daigaku Riko Gakubu Ippan Kyoiku Kyoshitsu iho Nihon Daigaku. Riko Gakubu. Ippan Kyoiku Kyoshitsu
0385-9800 Nihon Daigaku Seisan Käogakubu häokoku Nihon Daigaku. Seisan Käogakubu.
0385-4442 Nihon Daigaku Seisan Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku. A, Rikäokei Nihon University. College of Industrial Technology.
0385-4450 Nihon Daigaku Seisan Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku. B, Bunkei Nihon University. College of Industrial Technology.
0369-4321 Nihon Daigaku yakugaku kenkyäu häokoku Nihon University. College of Science and Engineering. Pharmaceutical Institute.; Nihon University. College of Science & Technology. Department of Pharmacy.
0549-3072 Nihon Däoro Käodan Shikenjo häokoku Japan Highway Public Corporation. Laboratory.
0386-6572 Nihon Denshi news Nihon Denshi
0285-3833 Nihon Denshi Zairyō Gijutsu Kyōkai kaihō Nihon Denshi Zairyō Gijutsu Kyōkai
0546-1618 Nihon Eisei Kensa Gishikai zasshi Japan Association of Medical Technologists.
0916-8753 Nihon Enerugäi Gakkaishi Nihon Enerugäi Gakkai
1882-6121 Nihon enerugi gakkaishi (e-vir) Nihon Enerugi Gakkai
0385-2563 Nihon Fukugo Zairyo Gakkaishi Nihon Fukugo Zairyo Gakkai
0021-4671 Nihon Gan Chiryo Gakkaishi Nihon Gan Chiryo Gakkai
0029-0203 Nihon Ganka Gakkai zasshi Nihon Ganka Gakkai
0029-0211 Nihon Gasu Kyäokaishi Japan Gas Association.
1344-4425 Nihon Gazäo Gakkaishi Imaging Society of Japan.
0003-9152 Nihon geka häokan Chirurgische Universitätsklinik, Kyoto.
1347-2879 Nihon genshiryoku gakkai wabun ronbunshi =.; 日本原子力学会和文論文誌 Nihon genshiryoku gakkai; 日本原子力学会
0029-022X Nihon gomu kyokaishi Society of Rubber Industry of Japan.; Japanese Rubber Society.; Society of Rubber Industry, Japan.; Society of Rubber Science and Technology, Japan.; TSRJ.
0388-3051 Nihon Hakuyäo Kikan Gakkaishi Marine Engineering Society in Japan.; MESJ.
0918-5283 Nihon Häosäo Gakkaishi Society of Packaging Science & Technology, Japan.
0549-3315 Nihon Häoshasen Käobunshi Kenkyäu Kyäokai nenpäo Nihon Häoshasen Käobunshi Kenkyäu Kyäokai.
0374-3527 Nihon Heikatsukin Gakkai zasshi Japanese Society of Smooth Muscle Research.
0021-499X Nihon Hifuka Gakkai zasshi Nihon Hifuka Gakkai.
0369-4046 Nihon Hikaku Gijutsu Kyäokaishi Japanese Association of Leather Technology.
0048-0428 Nihon Igaku Häoshasen Gakkai zasshi Japan Radiological Society.
1349-8975 Nihon ika daigaku igakkai zasshi Nihon Ika Daigaku Igakkai.
0915-860X Nihon Ion Käokan Gakkaishi Japan Association of Ion Exchange.
0021-4493 Nihon Ishikai zasshi Nihon Ishikai
1882-0476 Nihon ishinkin gakkai zasshi (e-vir) Nihon Ishinkin Gakkai
0916-4804 Nihon Ishinkin Gakkai zasshi = Nihon Ishinkin Gakkai
0916-085X Nihon Iyäo Masu Supekutoru Gakkai käoenshäu Japanese Society for Biomedical Mass Spectrometry.
0914-9457 Nihon Jiki Kyōmei Igakkai zasshi Nihon Jiki Kyōmei Igakkai; Nihon Jiki Kyomei Igakkai
0385-2385 Nihon Jinzō Gakkaishi Nihon Jinzō Gakkai
0919-1593 Nihon Joshi Daigaku kiyō. Rigakubu Nihon Joshi Daigaku. Rigakubu
0387-1851 Nihon Kafun Gakkai kaishi Nihon Kafun Gakkai; Nihon kafun gakkai
0369-4208 Nihon Kagakkaishi Nippon Kagakukai
0369-4577 Nihon Kagaku Kaishi Nihon Kagakkai
1340-7007 Nihon Kagaku Ryoho Gakkai zasshi Nihon Kagaku Ryoho Gakkai
0029-0637 Nihon kagaku säoran Japan Information Center of Science and Technology.
0288-8262 Nihon Kaimen Igakkai zasshi Japanese Medical Society for Biological Interface.
0029-8131 Nihon Kaiyo Gakkaishi Nippon Kaiyo Gakkai
0389-0805 Nihon Kankyō Eisei Sentā shohō Nihon Kankyō Eisei Sentā
0369-4194 Nihon Käogyäokaishi Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Japan.; Mining Institute of Japan.
0369-4674 Nihon Käoryäo Kyäokai geppäo Nihon Käoryäo Kyäokai.
0287-1238 Nihon Käoshäohin Kagakkaishi Japanese Cosmetic Science Society.
0546-0794 Nihon Kasai Gakkai ronbunshu Nihon Kasai Gakkai
0913-5227 Nihon Kasei Gakkaishi Japan Society of Home Economics.
0915-7441 Nihon Kessen Shiketsu Gakkaishi Nihon Kessen Shiketsu Gakkai
0369-4585 Nihon Kesshō Gakkaishi Nihon Kesshō Gakkai
0385-6275 Nihon Kessho Seicho Gakkaishi Nihon Kessho Seicho Gakkai; Nihon kessho seicho gakkai
0001-5806 Nihon Ketsueki Gakkai zasshi Japan Hematological Society.
0387-5008 Nihon Kikai Gakkai ronbunsyuu Nihon Kikai Gakkai
0387-5016 Nihon Kikai Gakkai ronbunsyuu Nihon Kikai Gakkai
0387-5024 Nihon Kikai Gakkai ronbunsyuu Nihon Kikai Gakkai
1880-6880 Nihon Kinzoku Gakkaishi = Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials (e-vir) Nihon Kinzoku Gakkai
0374-9851 Nihon Kontakuto Renzu Gakkai Kaishi Nihon Ganka Kiyokai; Nihon kontakuto renzu gakkaishi henshubu; Nihon kontakuto renzu gakkaishi henshubu
1880-2532 Nihon koshohin gakkaishi Nihon Koshohin Gakkai,
0546-1766 Nihon koshu eisei zasshi Nihon Koshu Eisei Gakkai
0910-0067 Nihon Kotsu Taisha Gakkai zasshi Japanese Society of Bone Metabolism Research.; Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research.
0369-4739 Nihon Kyäobu Geka Gakkai zasshi Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery.
0385-3667 Nihon kyäobu rinshäo Kokuseidäo Shuppan.
0386-9725 Nihon Monaikei Gakkai kaishi Nihon Monaikei Gakkai
0021-5384 Nihon Naika Gakkai zasshi Japanese Society of Internal Medicine.
1347-1864 Nihon nensho gakkaishi Nihon nensho gakkai,; Nihon nensho gakkai
0304-2146 Nihon Nettai Igakkai zasshi = Nihon Nettai Igakkai
0368-3796 Nihon nikkeru jihäo Nihon Nikkeru Jihäokyoku.
0369-4240 Nihon Onsen Kiko Gakkai zasshi Nihon Onsen Kiko Gakkai
0285-0192 Nihon Ōyō Jiki Gakkaishi Nihon Ōyō Jiki Gakkai; Nihon Jiki Gakkai
0913-3348 Nihon Ōyō Kōso Kyōkaishi Nihon Ōyō Kōso Kyōkai
0386-3980 Nihon Raigakkai zasshi Nihon Raigakkai
1344-4905 Nihon Reitäo Käuchäo Gakkai rombunshäu Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers.
0910-0040 Nihon Reitäo Kyäokai rombunshäu Japanese Association of Refrigeration.
0285-6867 Nihon Reito Kyokai Gakujutsu Koenkai koen ronbunshu Nihon Reito Kyokai
0387-1533 Nihon Reorojäi Gakkaishi = Nihon Reorojäi Gakkai
2186-4586 Nihon reoroji gakkaishi (e-vir) Nihon Reoroji Gakkai
0021-4981 Nihon Rinshäo Denshi Kenbikyäo Gakkaishi Clinical Electron Microscopy Society of Japan.
0912-3326 Nihon Rinshäo Kagakukai Shikoku Shibu kaishi Nihon Rinshäo Kagakukai. Bunseki Bukai. Shikoku Shibu.
0917-5059 Nihon rinshō biseibutsugaku zasshi Nihon Rinshō Biseibutsu Gakkai
0286-8202 Nihon Rinshō Eiyō Gakkai zasshi
0021-4930 Nihon saikingaku zasshi Nihon Saikin Gakkai
1349-0990 Nihon sakumotsu gakkai kiji (e-vir) Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai
0011-1848 Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai kiji Crop Sicence Society of Japan.
0285-8096 Nihon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Kantäo Rengäo Chihäo Bukai kaihäo Nihon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai. Kantäo Rengäo Chihäo Bukai
0037-2455 Nihon sanshigaku zasshi Nihon Sanshi Gakkai
0369-4399 Nihon Seikagakkai-shi Nihon Seikagakkai
0021-5007 Nihon Seitai Gakkaishi Nihon seitai gakkai; 日本生態学会; Nihon seitai gakkai; 日本生態学会; Nihon seitai gakkai; 日本生態学会
0916-7900 Nihon Sekigaisen Gakkaishi Nihon Sekigaisen Gakkai; Nihon sekigaisen gakkai
0916-4812 Nihon Setchaku Gakkaishi Nihon Setchaku Gakkai
0001-8201 Nihon Setchaku Kyäokaishi Adhesion Society of Japan.
0288-5409 Nihon Shäoni Eiyäo Hatsuiku Kenkyäukai kaishi Nihon Shäoni Eiyäo Hatsuiku Kenkyäukai.
1342-6753 Nihon Shäoni Rinshäo Yakuri Gakkai zasshi Japan Society of Developmental Pharmacology and Therapeutics.; Nihon Shäoni Rinshäo Yakuri Gakkai.
0286-7958 Nihon Shäoyu Kenkyäujo zasshi Japan Soy Sauce Research Institute.
0369-5662 Nihon Shashin Gakkaishi Nihon Shashin Gakkai
0387-4346 Nihon Shika Igakkai kaiho Nihon Shika Igakkai
0369-5697 Nihon Shika Ishikai Gakujutsu Kaigi kaishi Nihon Shika Ishikai.
0386-5835 Nihon Shika Masui Gakkai zasshi Nihon Shika Masui Gakkai
0369-4380 Nihon Shika Zairyäo Kikai Gakkai zasshi Japan Research Society of Dental Materials & Appliances.
1340-2544 Nihon shinkei seishin yakurigaku zasshi Nihon Shinkei Seishin Yakuri Gakkai
1349-8509 Nihon shinrin gakkaishi =; 日本森林学会誌 Nihon shinrin gakkai; 日本森林学会
0369-5646 Nihon Shio Gakkaishi Nihon Shio Gakkai
0385-0110 Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai kaishi Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai
0446-6586 Nihon Shokakibyo Gakkai zasshi Nihon Shokakibyo Gakkai
1340-8267 Nihon Shokuhin Biseibutsu Gakkai zasshi Nihon Shokuhin Biseibutsu Gakkai
1344-1213 Nihon Shokuhin Hozäo Kagakkaishi Japan Association of Food Preservation Scientists.
1341-2094 Nihon Shokuhin Kagaku Gakkaishi Nihon Shokuhin Kagaku Gakkai; Nihon Shokuhin Kagaku Gakkai; 日本食品化学学会
1344-8935 Nihon Shokuhin Shinsozai Kenkyäukaishi Advanced Food Ingredients Council.; Japan Confectionery and Innovative Food Ingredients Research Center.
1346-9770 Nihon shokuseikatsu gakkaishi =; 日本食生活学会誌 Nihon shokuseikatsu gakkai; 日本食生活学会; Nihon shokuseikatsu gakkai; 日本食生活学会
0911-2588 Nihon Tei Taion Kenkyäukai kaishi Japanese Society for Hypothermia.
0546-0352 Nihon University journal of medicine Nihon University School of Medicine
0369-4461 Nihon yakubutsugaku zasshi Nihon Yakubutsugaku Zasshi Henshukyoku; Nihon Yakuri Gakkai Henshubu
0015-5691 Nihon yakurigaku zasshi Nihon Yakuri Gakkai; Nihon yakuri gakkai
1347-8397 Nihon yakurigaku zasshi = Nihon yakuri gakkai
0288-5522 Nihon Yōsha Kyōkaishi Nihon Yōsha Kyōkai
1341-8327 Nihon yukagaku kaishi Japan Oil Chemists' Society.; JOCS.
0737-6863 NIH publication National Institutes of Health (U.S.)
0288-3422 Niigata Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kiyäo. Shizen kagaku-hen Niigata University. Faculty of Education.
1344-2961 Niigata Daigaku Kyäoiku Ningen Kagakubu kiyäo. Shizen kagaku-hen Niigata University. Faculty of Educaton and Human Sciences.
0369-3597 Niigata Daigaku Näogakubu gakujutsu häokoku Niigata Daigaku. Näogakubu.
0385-8634 Niigata Daigaku Nogakubu kenkyu hokoku Nigata Daigaku. Nogakubu
0369-3627 Niigata Daigaku Rigakubu Chishitsu Kobutsugaku Kyoshitsu Kenkyu Hokoku Niigata Daigaku Rigakubu Chishitsu Kobutsugaku Kyoshitsu.
0029-0440 Niigata Igakkai Zasshi Niigata Igakkai
0913-1671 Niigata-ken Eisei Käogai Kenkyäujo nempäo Niigata Prefectural Research Laboratory for Health and Environment.
1344-3518 Niigata-ken Hoken Kankyäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo nempäo Niigata Prefectural Research Laboratory for Health and Environment.
0387-9658 Niigata-ken Käogai Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Environmental Pollution Control Laboratory, Niigata Prefecture.
0549-4869 Niigata-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Niigata Agricultural Experiment Station.
1344-1604 Niigata-ken Nōgyō Sōgō Kenkyūjo Shokuhin Kenkyū Sentā kenkyū hōkoku Niigata-ken Nōgyō Sōgō Kenkyūjo. Shokuhin Kenkyū Sentā
0369-5719 Niigata-ken Shokuhin Kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku Niigata-ken Shokuhin Kenkyujo
0546-1510 Niigata Norin Kenkyu Niigata Daigaku Nogakubu.
0286-7125 Niigata rikagaku Niigata Environmental and Hygienic Technologists Association.
0385-0153 Niigata Shigakkai zasshi Niigata Shigakkai.
0285-3663 Niigata Yakka Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku Niigata College of Pharmacy.
0286-2743 Niihama Käogyäo Käotäo Senmon Gakkäo kiyäo. Rikäogaku-hen Niihama Technical College.; Niihama National College of Technology.
1342-6540 Niihama Kōgyō Kōtō Senmon Gakkō kiyō Niihama Kōgyō Kōtō Senmon Gakkō
0369-4151 NIImaš.; НИИмаш NIImaš; НИИмаш.
0029-0483 Nikkakyäo geppäo Japan Chemical Industry Association.
0918-5348 Nikkei weekly Nihon Keizai Shimbun
0369-4224 Nimbus [s.n.]
1349-5526 Ningen kagaku kenkyu =; 人間科學研究 (e-vir) Kitami kogyo daigaku; 北見工業大学
0286-438X Ningen to kankyo Kankyo kogai shinbunsha; Kankyo kagaku sogo kenkyukai jikko iinkai; Nihon kankyo gakkai; Nihon kankyo gakkai; Nihon kankyo gakkai; Nihon kankyo gakkai
0253-2328 Ningxia Daxue xuebao Ningxia Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu,
1671-7244 Ningxia gongcheng jishu Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-3058 Ningxia shiyou huagong Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-5949 Ningxia yixue zazhi Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu Weishengting,
0332-5652 NIPH annals National Institute of Public Health.; Statens institutt for folkehelse.
0913-0446 Nippikyäo jäanaru Japanese Society for Cutaneous Health.; Japanese Industrial Hygiene and Dermatology Association.
0287-3044 Nippon Bunri Daigaku Kankyäo Kagaku Kenkyäujohäo Nippon Bunri University. Environmental Science and Technology Laboratory.
0287-3036 Nippon Bunri Daigaku kiyo Nippon Bunri Daigaku
0021-5309 Nippon Chikusan Gakkai-ho Nihon chikusan gakkai; Nihon chikusan gakkai
0047-1801 Nippon Daicho Komonbyo Gakkai Zasshi Nippon Daicho Komonbyo Gakkai
0021-4817 Nippon Densembyo Gakkai zasshi Nippon Densembyo Gakkai
0029-0610 Nippon dojō hiryōgaku zasshi Nippon Dojō Hiryō Gakkai; Nihon dojo hiryo gakkai
0021-5082 Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi Nippon Eisei Gakkai; Nihon eisei gakkai
0287-3516 Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkai
0029-0629 Nippon Funin Gakkai Zasshi Nippon Funin Gakkai.
0015-5667 Nippon Ganka Kiyo Nippon Ganka Gakkai, c/o Osaka Daigaku Igakubu Gankagaku Kyoshitsu ;; Nippon Ganka Kiyokai
0301-4894 Nippon Geka Gakkai zasshi Nankodo; Nippon Geka Gakkai
0004-7120 Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkaishi Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai
0369-3961 Nippon Genshiryoku Kenkyusho, Kokai JAERI-Memo Nippon Genshiryoku Kenkyusho.
0369-4275 Nippon Genshiryoku Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku Nippon Genshiryoku Kenkyusho.
0021-5287 Nippon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi Nippon Hinyokika Gakkai
0047-1887 Nippon Hōigaku zasshi Nippon Hōi Gakkai c/o Tokyo Daigaku Igakubu Hōigaku Kyōshitsu
0914-5818 Nippon Hosenkin Gakkaishi Nippon Hosenkin Gakkai
0286-6730 Nippon Hōsenkin Kenkyūkai kaihō Nippon Hōsenkin Kenkyūkai; Nihon hosenkin gakkai
0369-4305 Nippon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai Zasshi Nippon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai, c/o Kyoto Daigaku Igakubu Fuzoku Byoin Hoshasen Igaku Kyoshitsu
0389-892X Nippon Ika Daigaku kiso kagaku kiyo Nippon Ika Daigaku; Nihon ika daigaku
0048-0444 Nippon Ika Daigaku zasshi Nippon Medical College.; Nippon Medical School.
0040-0874 Nippon Insatsu Gakkai ronbunshu Nippon Insatsu Gakkai
0914-3319 Nippon Insatsu Gakkaishi Nippon Insatsu Gakkai
0030-6622 Nippon Jibi Inkoka Gakkai Kaiho Nippon Jibi Inkoka Gakkai
0914-7314 Nippon Jozo Kyokaishi Nippon Jozo Kyokai
0369-416X Nippon Jōzō Kyōkai zasshi Nippon Jōzō Kyōkai
0446-6454 Nippon Juishikai Zasshi Nippon Juishikai
0369-4569 Nippon Kagaku Kogyo Kagaku Kogyo Gijutsu Doyukai Shuppan-bu.
0369-5387 Nippon kagaku zasshi Nippon Kagakukai
0369-4550 Nippon Kaisui Gakkai-Shi Nippon Kaisui Gakkai; Nihon kaisui gakkai; 日本海水学会
0029-0254 Nippon Kakin Gakkaishi Japan Publications Trading Co Ltd; Nihon Kakin Gakkai
0546-1707 Nippon Kankoh Shikiso Kenkyäusho hokoku Japanese Research Institute for Photosensitizing Dyes Co., Ltd.
0029-0289 Nippon Kingakkai Kaiho Nihon Kin Gakkai; Nihon Kin Gakkai; Nihon Kin Gakkai
0021-4426 Nippon Kinzoku Gakkai Kaiho Nippon Kinzoku Gakkai
0021-4876 Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi Nippon Kinzoku Gakkai
0369-4607 Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi Nippon Kinzoku Gakkai
0369-4615 Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi Nippon Kinzoku Gakkai
0389-2514 Nippon Kogyo Daigaku kenkyu hokoku Nippon Kogyo Daigaku
0546-1731 Nippon Kokan technical report overseas Nippon Käokan Kabushiki Gaisha.
0029-0297 Nippon Kokoka Gakkai Zasshi Nihon Kokoka Gakkai, c/o Tokyo Daigaku Igakubu Koko Gekagaku Kyoshitsu
0029-0661 Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai zasshi Japan Endocrinological Society.
0002-1407 Nippon Näogei Kagakukaishi Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan.; Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry.; Nihon Näogei Kagakkai.
0369-4976 Nippon Nogyo Kenkyusho Nempo Nippon Nogyo Kenkyusho.
0385-1559 Nippon Nōyaku Gakkaishi Nippon Nōyaku Gakkai
0916-9962 Nippon Nōyaku Gakkaishi Nippon Nōyaku Gakkai
0369-4232 Nippon Onkyo Gakkaishi Nippon Onkyo Gakkai
0029-0343 Nippon Onsen Kiko Butsuri Igakkai zasshi Nippon Onsen Kiko Butsuri Igakkai
0021-485X Nippon Rin Gakkai-Shi Japanese Forestry Society.
0047-1852 Nippon Rinsho Nippon Rinsho-sha
0546-1790 Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Chäugoku Shikoku Gäodäo Chihäo Bukai zasshi Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai. Chäugoku Shikoku Rengäo Chihäo Bukai.
0300-9165 Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai zasshi Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai
0914-8280 Nippon Sanso gihäo Nippon Sanso Kabushiki Gaisha.
0021-5325 Nippon Seikei Geka Gakkai zasshi Nippon Seikei Geka Gakkai
0369-562X Nippon Seiko-sho Giho Nippon Seiko-sho.
0031-9341 Nippon Seirigaku Zasshi Dainihon seiri gakkai; Nippon Seiri Gakkai
0369-4372 Nippon Sembai Kosha Chuo Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku Nippon Sembai Kosha Chuo Kenkyusho.
0438-699X Nippon Sembai Kosha Hatano Tabako Shikenjo Tokubetsu Hokoku ????.
0914-5400 Nippon Seramikkusu Kyäokai gakujutsu rombunshi Nippon Seramikkusu Kyäokai
0385-1605 Nippon Shika Daigaku kiyo. Ippan kyoiku-kei Nippon Shika Daigaku
0369-5689 Nippon Shikaigakkai Kaishi Japan Dental Association.
0047-1763 Nippon Shika Ishikai Zasshi Nippon Shika Ishikai.
0031-9473 Nippon Shokubutsu Byori Gakkaiho Phytopathology Society of Japan.
1341-027X Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Käogaku kaishi Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology.
0029-0394 Nippon Shokuhin Käogyäo Gakkaishi Nippon Shokuhin Käogyäo Gakkai
0001-6543 Nippon Shonika Gakkai Zasshi Japan Pediatric Society.; Societas Paediatrica Japonica.
0447-5933 Nippon Sochi Gakkaishi Nippon Sochi Gakkai; Nihon sochi gakkai
0021-5392 Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi Nippon Suisan Gakkai
0369-5735 Nippon Suisan Kabushiki Gaisha Chäuäo Kenkyäujo häokoku Nippon Suisan Co., Ltd.
0369-4402 Nippon Suisan Kabushiki Gaisha kenkyäujo häokoku Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd. Research Laboratory.
0288-092X Nippon Sutenresu gihäo Nippon Sutenresu Kabushiki Gaisha.
0446-6578 Nippon Taishitsugaku zasshi Nippon Taishitsu Kenkyubai.
0388-0664 Nippon Tungsten review Nippon Tangusuten Kabushiki Gaisha.
0369-674X Nippon Yakuzaishikai Zasshi Nippon Yakuzaishikai
0546-1448 Nippon Yuketsu Gakkai zasshi Nippon Yuketsu Gakkai
0286-4010 Nippon Zairyo Kyodo Gakkaishi Nippon Zairyo Kyodo Gakkai; Nihon zairyo kyodo gakkai; Nihon zairyo kyodo gakkai
0468-155X Nisha yanjiu Shuili Dianli Chubanshe,
1344-0934 Nishiyama kinen gijutsu käoza Iron and Steel Institute of Japan.
0385-9266 Nissan giho Nissan Jidosha; Nissan jidosha gijutsu kaihatsu kikakushitsugijutsu joho senta; Nissan jidosha sharyo senko kaihatsubu; Nissan jidosha gijutsu kikakubu; Nissan jidosha sogo kenkyujo kenkyu suishinbu; Nissan jidosha sogo kenkyujo shakai furontia kenkyujo; Nissan jidosha sogo kenkyujo kenkyu kikakubu
0301-2581 Nissei Byōin igaku zasshi Nissei Byōin; Nihon seimei saiseikai fuzoku nissei byoin; 日本生命済生会付属日生病院; Nihon seimei saiseikai nihon seimei byoin
1344-5871 Nisseki Mitsubishi rebyäu Nippon Mitsubishi Oil Corporation.; Nisseki Mitsubishi.
0285-5275 Nisseki rebyäu Nippon Sekiyu Kabushiki Gaisha.
0369-4143 Nisshin igaku Nisshin igaku zasshisha.
0387-2327 Nisshin Seiko giho Nisshin Seiko Kabushiki Gaisha
1048-776X NIST special publication National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.)
1089-8603 Nitric oxide Academic Press
0369-4429 Nitrocellulose W. Pansegrau
0029-0777 Nitrogen British Sulfur Corp, Ltd
1462-2378 Nitrogen & methanol British Sulphur Publishing
0029-0785 Niwatori no kenkyäu Niwatori no Kenkyäusha.
0131-1786 Nizkotemperaturnoe i vakuumnoe materialovedenie.; Низкотемпературное и вакуумное материаловедение Fiziko-tehničeskij institut nizkih temperatur; Физико-технический институт низких температур.
0548-1090 NIZO-rapporten Nederlands Instituut voor Zuivelonderzoek.
0372-638X NIZO-verslagen Nederlands Instituut voor Zuivelonderzoek.
0915-0544 NKK technical review Nippon Käokan Kabushiki Gaisha.
0027-6782 NLGI spokesman National Lubricating Grease Institute.
0361-0497 NM/MIRD pamphlet Society of Nuclear Medicine (1953- ).
1590-3729 NMCD. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases (e-vir) Medikal Press; Elsevier
0027-6839 NML Technical Journal [s.n.]
0170-5989 NMR Springer.
0286-1364 NMR igaku Maruzen; Kaku jiki kyomei igaku kenkyukai; Nihon jiki kyomei igakkai
0952-3480 NMR in biomedicine Heyden & Son
1099-1492 NMR in biomedicine (e-vir) J. Wiley
0172-8830 NMV. Noticias médico-veterinarias Division Productos Veterinarios, Bayer AG.
0077-7595 NN Netherlands Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry. Agricultural Bureau.; Landbouwkundig Bureau der Nederlandse Stikstofmeststoffen Industrie.
0094-680X NOAA technical report NMFS CIRC United States.; United States.
0094-4580 NOAA technical report NMFS SSRF United States.; United States.
0346-8313 Nobel symposia Nobel Foundation :; Academic Press,
0368-4059 Nogaku Kai-häo Tokyo Teikoku Daigaku. Näogakubunai Näogakkai.
0369-5131 Noguchi Kenkyusho Jiho Noguchi Kenkyusho.
0369-5123 Nogyo Doboku Gakkai-Shi Nogyo Doboku Gakkai, c/o Tokyo Daigaku Nogakubu
0911-9450 Nōgyō Kankyō Gijutsu Kenkyūsho hōkoku Nogyo kankyo gijutsu kenkyujo; Nogyo kankyo gijutsu kenkyujo
0369-5247 Nogyo Oyobi Engei Yokendo.
0549-5865 Noise control American Institute of Physics.; Acoustical Society of America.
0549-5873 Nōji Shikenjō kenkyū hōkoku Nōrin Suisanshō Nōji Shikenjō
0369-5204 Nomenclatura Chimica
0568-6830 Nomografičeskij sbornik Vyčislitelʹnyj centr AN SSSR.
0096-7955 Nondestructive testing Society for Nondestructive Testing.
0029-1021 Non-destructive testing IPC Science and Technology
1878-2825 Non-destructive testing (e-vir) Elsevier
1058-9759 Nondestructive testing and evaluation Taylor & Francis
1477-2671 Nondestructive testing and evaluation (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0275-9292 Nonequilibrium problems in the physical sciences and biology [Wiley]
0253-3871 Nong'eob gi'sul yeon'gu bo'go Chungnam daehag'gyo nong'eob gi'sul yeon'guso
1001-5906 Nongcun shengtai huanjing Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue Chubanshe
1225-2220 Nong-eopgwahagyeon-gu (Chungnamdaehakgyo); 농업과학연구 Chungnam daehaggyo nong-eob gwahag yeon-guso; 충남대학교 농업과학연구소
0550-3744 Nóng-lín xuébào Guólì zhōngxīng dàxué nóngxuéyuàn
0075-6865 Nongsa sihŏm yŏn'gu pogo Nongch'on chinhǔng ch'ŏng
1006-0413 Nongyao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1002-5480 Nongyao kexue yu guanli Nongyebu Nongyao Jiandingsuo,
1008-7303 Nongyaoxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1002-6819 Nongye gongcheng xuebao Zhongguo Nongye Gongcheng Xuehui
1672-2043 Nongye huanjing kexue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-1298 Nongye jixie xuebao Zhongguo Nongye Jixie Xuehui,
0369-6480 Nongye Kexue Tongxun [s.n.]
0369-6731 Nóngyè yánjiäu Táiwäan-shěng nóngyè shì yànsuěo.
0369-464X Nongʼeob gwahagʼweon hagbo Nongʼeob gwahagʼweon
0253-3030 Nonhag ąnyengu. Seąnur daihaggyo Seoul daihaggyo, noąngwa daihag.
0550-8398 Non-ionizing radiation Kendervic Ltd
1392-5113 Nonlinear analysis Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
1878-5719 Nonlinear analysis (e-vir) Elsevier
2335-8963 Nonlinear analysis (e-vir) Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
1468-1218 Nonlinear analysis: real world applications Pergamon
1540-1421 Nonlinearity in biology, toxicology, medicine CRC Press
1540-143X Nonlinearity in biology, toxicology, medicine (e-vir) International Hormesis Society.
1053-3729 Nonlinear optics Gordon and Breach Science Publishers; Distributed by STBS Ltd.
1543-0537 Nonlinear optics, quantum optics Old City Pub.
1944-8325 Nonlinear optics, quantum optics (e-vir) Old City Pub.
1386-288X Nonlinear phenomena and complex systems Kluwer Academic Publishers
1561-4085 Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems Education and upbringing publishing company
1817-2458 Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems (e-vir) Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems
Y503-2423 Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems Education and upbringing publishing company
0938-9008 Nonlinear science today Springer.
0096-7505 Nonmetallic minerals processing Ceramic Publications]
0253-388X Nonmunjib Chungnam daehaggyo, gong-eob gisul gaebal yeon-guso
0253-6234 Nonmunjib Inha daehaggyo, san-eob gwahag gisul yeon-guso
1229-5000 Nonmunjib Research Institute of Industrial Technology, Chungnam National University.
0961-1444 Nonrenewable resources Oxford University Press
0197-4513 Non-wood plant fiber pulping Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.; Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0163-4429 Nonwovens industry Rodman Publications
0369-5107 Norddeutsche Farben-Zeitung [s.n.]
0029-1277 Nordic hydrology Nordic Association for Hydrology; IWA Publishing
1996-9694 Nordic hydrology (e-vir) IWA Publishing
0107-055X Nordic journal of botany Council for Nordic Publications in Botany
1756-1051 Nordic journal of botany (e-vir) Board of the Nordic Journal of Botany; Wiley-Blackwell [distributor]
0283-2631 Nordic pulp & paper research journal Swedish Association of Pulp and Paper Engineers
2000-0669 Nordic pulp & paper research journal (e-vir) Swedish Association of Pulp and Paper Engineers
0029-1307 Nordisk betong Nordiska betongförbundet.
0300-9122 Nordisk hygienisk tidskrift
0029-1374 Nordisk Hygienisk Tidskrift Hygieniska inst., Umeå universitet
0546-2878 Nordisk jordbrugsforskning Nordiske jordbrugsforskeres forening
0048-0495 Nordisk jordbruksforskning Nordiske Jordbrugsforskeres Forening
0029-1420 Nordisk medicin Sveriges läkarförbund.
0029-1439 Nordisk mejeri-tidsskrift D.K.F. Danske Konsummælksmejeriers Fællesrepræsentation.
0029-1463 Nordisk psykologi Dansk psykologisk Forlag
0029-1498 Nordisk Tidskrift foer Fotografi Fotografi.
0029-1528 Nordisk tidsskrift for kriminalvidenskab Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab
2446-3051 Nordisk tidsskrift for kriminalvidenskab (e-vir) Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab
0365-3250 Nordiskt medicinskt arkiv [s.n.].
0369-4879 Nordiskt medicinskt arkiv [s.n.].
0029-1579 Nordisk veterinærmedicin Nordisk veterinærmedicin.
0029-1625 Norelco reporter North American Philips Co.; Philips Electronics, Inc.; Philips Electronic Instruments, Inc.
0029-1730 Norges vel Kgl. selskap for Norges vel.
0369-4593 Norinsho Kachiku Eisei Shikensho Kenkyu Hokoku Norin-sho Kachiku Eisei Shikensho.
0585-8917 Norinsho Suisan Koshujo kenkyu hokoku Norinsho Suisan Koshujo
0029-1900 Norsk fagfoto Norges fotografforbund.
0029-1935 Norsk farmaceutisk tidsskrift Norges farmaceutiske forening
0369-5085 Norsk fiskeritidende Selskapet for de norske fiskeriers fremme
0369-5093 Norsk fotografisk tidsskrift Norges fotografforbund.
0029-196X Norsk geologisk tidsskrift Universitetsforlaget
1502-5322 Norsk geologisk tidsskrift (e-vir) Geological Society of Norway
0369-5158 Norsk hvalfangst-tidende Whaling, Guano and Herring-Oil industries.; Norwegian Whaling Association.; International Association of whaling Companies.; Norske hvalfangerforening.; Hvalfangst, guano- og sildoljeindustri.
0333-3280 Norsk institutt for vannforskning Norsk institutt for vannforskning,
0803-6969 Norsk patenttidende Styret for det industrielle rettsvern
0369-5255 Norsk pelsdyrblad Norges pelsdyralslag; Norges sølvrevavlslag
0029-2087 Norsk skogbruk Det norske skogselskap; Norsk forstmannsforening; Norges skogteknikerforbund
0029-2206 Norsk tidende for det industrielle rettsvern Styret for det industrielle rettsvern.
1358-3344 North American minerals news Industrial Minerals Information
0029-2559 North Carolina medical journal (e-vir) North Carolina Medical Society
2379-4313 North Carolina medical journal (e-vir) Medical Society of the State of North Carolina.; North Carolina Medical Society.; North Carolina Public Health Association.
0097-5338 North Dakota farm research North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (Fargo)
0096-705X North Dakota Geological Survey circular North Dakota Geological Survey.
0546-515X North Dakota ground-water studies North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission.; North Dakota State Water Commission.
0730-630X Northeastern environmental science Northeastern Science Foundation (U.S.)
0083-2499 Northeastern Technical Committee on Utilization of Beech, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Beech Utilization Series
0549-9038 Northern Ireland, Memoirs of the Geological Survey [s.n.]
0029-3539 Northwestern Miller Miller Publishing Co.
0096-7769 Northwest geology University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994).; Tobacco Root Geological Society.; Tobacco Root Geological Society.; Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.); Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.).
0029-3385 Northwest medicine Washington Medical Library Association.
0029-344X Northwest science Northwest Scientific Association.
0800-2606 Norvegica pharmaceutica acta Norsk farmaceutisk selskap.
0029-3652 Norwegian archaeological review Universitetsforlaget
1502-7678 Norwegian archaeological review (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0029-6864 Norwegian journal of zoology Universitetsforlaget,
0369-5700 Nosokomeiaka Chronika.; Νοσοκομειακα Χρονικα Medical Center "Evangelismos"; Therapeutīrion "Euaggelismos"; Medical Center "Evangelismos" ;; Θεραπευτηριον "Ευαγγελισμος"
0029-3865 Notas de Física Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas.
0372-4530 Notas del Museo de La Plata Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Museo.
0372-4549 Notas del Museo de La Plata Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
0372-4557 Notas del Museo de La Plata Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
0079-4031 Notas e estudos Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Geociências, Escola de Geologia.
0366-0192 Notas preliminares e estudos Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral, Divisão de Geologia e Mineralogia.; Ministério da Agricultura, Serviço Geológico e Mineralogico.
0369-5441 Notas quirúrgicas del Sanatorio Deschamps Sanatorio Deschamps.
0369-5050 Notas y comunicaciones del Instituto Geológico y Minero de España Instituto Geológico y Minero de España.
0362-0050 Notebook of empirical petrology K. Perry.
0532-3800 Note CEA Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (France)
0369-3910 Note di Frutticultura [s.n.].
0391-0067 Note e riviste di psichiatria Ospedale psichiatrico provinciale
0372-3682 Notes and Memoirs United Arab Republic, Ministry of Agricultural, Hydrobiological Dep
0020-7934 Notes and Tips Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc, Medical Dep.
0376-4648 Notes de recherche - Fondation universitaire luxembourgeoise Fondation universitaire luxembourgeoise.
0496-456X Notes du Service géologique Service des mines de l'industrie et de l'énergie.
0369-1748 Notes et Memoires du Service Geologique Editions du Service Geologique du Maroc
0369-5042 Notes from the Botanical School of Trinity College Dublin Dublin University
0546-689X Notes marocaines Société de géographie du Maroc
0077-5304 Notes on applied science National Physical Laboratory.
0313-6957 Notes on soil techniques Division of soils, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0078-3781 Note technique Office national d'études et de recherches aérospatiales (France)
0369-7614 Note technique Office national d'études et de recherches aéronautiques.; ONERA, Châtillon-sous-Bagneux.
0772-1005 Note technique - Centre scientifique et technique de l'industrie textile belge Centre scientifique et technique de l'industrie.
0771-0607 Note technique du centre de Recherches Agronomiques de l'Etat Centre de Recherches Agronomiques. Service des Relations Publiques.
0029-4209 Notícias farmacêuticas Escola de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbra
0120-2170 Noticias quimicas Asoquimico,
1618-6915 Noticias técnicas del laboratorio High Tech Promotion
0369-514X Notizblatt des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung zu Wiesbaden Hessisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung.
0369-5069 Notiziario chimico-industriale Federazione nazionale fascista industrie chimiche e affini.
0392-6648 Notiziario CISP CISP.; Centro italiano smalti porcellanati.
0535-9554 Notiziario de "La Ricerca scientifica" Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
0392-7121 Notiziario del CNEN Comitato Nazionale per l'Energia Nucleare.
0392-7822 Notiziario dell'ENEA Comitato Nazionale per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo dell'Energia Nucleare e delle Energie Alternative.
0374-387X Notiziario dell'Istituto di Automatica dell'Universita di Roma Universita Degli studi.
0369-4453 Notiziario dell'Istituto Vaccinogeno Antitubercolare Istituto vaccinogeno antitubercolare.
0369-5077 Notiziario Enologico ed Alimentare
0577-3075 Notiziario informativo CISP.; Centro italiano smalti porcellanati.
0392-7091 Notiziario - Società italiana di biochimica clinica Società italiana di biochimica clinica.
0468-9291 Notiziario sulle malattie delle piante Istituto botanico dell'Università
0468-9348 Notizie di Mineralogia Siciliana e Calabrese
0006-8969 No To Shinkei Igaku Shoin
0029-4608 Notulae naturae The Academy of Natural Sciences
0369-531X Nourrisson [s.n.],
0398-9836 Nouveau journal de chimie Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France)
0468-9674 Nouveautés Medicales Academia.
0301-1518 Nouvelle presse médicale Masson
0335-7368 Nouvelle revue d'optique Masson
0029-4780 Nouvelle revue d'optique appliquée Masson
0753-4515 Nouvelle revue de médecine de Toulouse Revue de médecine de Toulouse,
0029-4810 Nouvelle revue francaise d'hématologie Masson; Doin; Springer international
0337-5587 Nouvelles agronomiques des Antilles et de la Guyane Centre de recherches agronomiques des Antilles et de la Guyane.
0029-4853 Nouvelles Archives Hospitalières Sélections médicales et scientifiques,
0771-7369 Nouvelles de la science et des technologies Institut de sociologie. Université Libre de Bruxelles.
0369-4771 Nova acta Leopoldina Barth
0369-5034 Nova acta Leopoldina Barth
0029-5000 Nova acta Regiae societatis scientiarum Upsaliensis Almqvist och Wiksell.
0374-5929 Nova acta Regiae Societatis scientiarum Upsaliensis Vetenskapssocieteten i Uppsala.
0130-4208 Novaâ tehnika v astronomii.; Новая техника в астрономии Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie; Наука, Ленинградское отделение.
0369-5336 Nova Guinea Brill
0550-1636 Nova Guinea, Geology Brill
1528-2511 Novartis Foundation symposium Novartis Foundation.
0029-5094 Nova Scotia medical bulletin Medical Society of Nova Scotia.
0369-5271 Nova Thalassia Edizioni LINT
0320-474X Novejšaâ tektonika, novejšie otloženiâ i čelovek Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta.
0560-8503 Növénynemesítési és Növénytermesztési Kutató Intézet közleményei, Sopronhorpács Növénynemesitési és Növénytermesztési Kutató Intézet.
0546-8191 Növénytermelés Hirlapkiadó
2060-8543 Növénytermelés = Akadémiai Kiadó
0133-0829 Növényvédelem Hirlapk
0524-8752 Növényvédelmi Kutató Intézet évkönyve Mezögazdasági Kvk.
0568-4528 Novoe v proizvodstve stroitelʹnyh materialov.; Новое в производстве строительных материалов Gosstrojizdat USSR; Госстройиздат УССР.
0550-2586 Novoe v žizni, nauke, tehnike. Himiâ Znanie
0300-9106 Novosti medicinskogo priborostroeniâ Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut medicinskogo priborostroeniâ.
0321-2165 Novosti medicinskoj tehniki.; Новости медицинской техники Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut medicinskogo priborostroeniâ; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт медицинского приборостроения.
0369-5212 Novosti mediciny.; Новости медицины Akademiâ medicinskih nauk SSSR; Академия медицинских наук СССР.
0369-4917 Novosti neftânoj i gazovoj tehniki.; Новости нефтяной и газовой техники VNIIOÈNG; ВНИИОЭНГ.
0369-4925 Novosti neftânoj i gazovoj tehniki.; Новости нефтяной и газовой техники VNIIOÈNG; ВНИИОЭНГ.
0369-4933 Novosti neftânoj i gazovoj tehniki.; Новости нефтяной и газовой техники [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0369-4941 Novosti neftânoj i gazovoj tehniki.; Новости нефтяной и газовой техники VNIIOÈNG; ВНИИОЭНГ.
0369-4968 Novosti neftânoj i gazovoj tehniki.; Новости нефтяной и газовой техники VNIIOÈNG; ВНИИОЭНГ.
0369-4992 Novosti neftânoj i gazovoj tehniki.; Новости нефтяной и газовой техники VNIIOÈNG; ВНИИОЭНГ.
0369-5018 Novosti neftânoj tehniki.; Новости нефтяной техники CIMTnefti; ЦИМТнефти.
0369-5344 Novosti neftânoj tehniki. Stroitelʹstvo i montaž CIMTneftʹ.
0568-5435 Novosti sistematiki nizših rastenij Nauka, S.-Peterburgskoe otdelenie; Marafon
0369-5298 Novosti tehniki.; Новости техники Institut tehniko-èkonomičeskoj informacii; Институт технико-экономической информации.
0369-528X Novosti tehniki bureniâ Glavnoe upravlenie neftânoj promyšlennosti SSSR.; Glavneftʹ.; Centralʹnyj institut socialističeskogo obmena opytom neftânoj promyšlennosti SSSR.; CISON.
0369-5301 Novosti tehniki neftedobyči Glavnoe upravlenie neftânoj promyšlennosti SSSR.; Glavneftʹ.; Centralʹnyj institut socialističeskogo obmena opytom neftânoj promyšlennosti SSSR.; CISON.
0204-9562 Novosti v celulozno-hartienata promišlenost Naučno-izsledovatelski institut po celuloza i hartiâ.
0203-5626 Novye dannye o mineralah SSSR Izdatelʹstvo Nauka
0134-4897 Novye dannye po geologii boksitov.; Новые данные по геологии бокситов Vsesoûznyj naučno- issledovatelʹskij institut mineralʹnogo syrʹâ; Всесоюзный научно- исследовательский институт минерального сырья.
0130-7622 Novye dannye po geologii i neftegazonosnosti USSR.; Новые данные по геологии и нефтегазоносности УССР UkrNIGRI; УкрНИГРИ
0369-3635 Novye dannye po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym Zapadnoj Sibiri [s.n.].
0131-1662 Novye issledovaniâ po vozrastnoj fiziologii.; Новые исследования по возрастной физиологии "Pedagogika"; "Педагогика".
0550-2810 Novye issledovaniâ v pedagogičeskih naukah Pedagogika.
0546-8736 Novye lekarstvennye sredstva Medicina.
0130-7703 Novye metody ispytanij metallov Metallurgiâ.
0369-5182 Novyj hirurgičeskij arhiv.; Новый хирургический архив Narodnyj komissariat zdravoohraneniâ USSR; Народный комиссариат здравоохранения УССР.
0208-6255 Nowoŝci Warzywnicze Instytut Warzywnictwa (Skierniewice); Instytut Ogrodnictwa (Skierniewice)
0137-4451 Nowości Weterynarii Zjednoczenie Przemysłu Farmacutycznego "Polfa"; Zjednoczenie Przemysłu i Zaopatrzenia Weterynaryjno-Zootechnicznego.
0029-540X Nowotwory Polski Komitet do Zwalczania Raka; Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich; Polskie Towarzystwo Onkologiczne, Centrum Onkologii - Instytut im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie
2300-2115 Nowotwory (e-vir) "Via Medica"
0029-5426 Nōyaku jidai Nippon Sōda Kabushiki Gaisha
0369-4658 Noyaku Kensasho Hokoku Norinsho, Noyaku Kensasho; Noyaku Kensajo
0369-5654 Noyaku Seisan Gijutsu Noyaku Kogyokai, c/o Nihonbashi Kurabu Kaikan.
1361-4061 NPL report CMMT (A) National Physical Laboratory.
0143-7313 NPL report DMA(A) National Physical Laboratory
0959-2423 NPL report DMM (A) National Physical Laboratory (Great Britain)
0309-3069 NPL report MOM National Physical Laboratory (Great Britain); NPL Division of Mechanical and Optical Metrology.
0309-3050 NPL report Qu Department of Industry.
1380-3638 NPT procestechnologie Nederlandse Procestechnologen.
0144-7734 NR background Malaysian Rubber Producers Research Association.
0115-1304 NRCP research bulletin National Research Council of the Philippines.
0502-3378 NRL memorandum report Naval Research Laboratory (U.S.)
0547-9614 NRPRA Technical Bulletin [s.n.]
0369-5549 NR Technical Bulletin Natural Rubber Bureau.
0307-9007 NR technology Malaysian Rubber Producer's Research Assoc
0252-8177 NSC symposium series National Science Council
0115-2777 NSDB technology journal Philippines. National Science Development Board.
0500-0076 NSF, National Science Foundation U.S. G.P.O.]
0191-779X NSF/RA National Technical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce.
0289-6672 NSG technical report Nippon Itagarasu Kabushiki Gaisha.
0097-0395 NSRDS-NBS United States.
0115-9275 NSTA technology journal Philippines. National Science and Technology Authority
0392-4521 NT. Notiziario tecnico AMMA Associazione Metallurgici Meccanici Affini.
0341-0196 NTG-Fachberichte VDE-Verlag
0036-6978 NTM Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig
1420-9144 NTM (e-vir) Birkhäuser
1556-522X NTP GMM National Toxicology Program (U.S.)
0915-2326 NTT R & D Nippon Denshin Denwa Kabushiki Gaisha. Gijutsu Jäohäo Senta.; Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
0915-2334 NTT review Telecommunications Association
1348-3447 NTT technical review Telecommunications Association
0027-707X NTZ VDE-Verlag GmbH
0170-172X NTZ-Archiv VDE-Verlag
0546-8884 Nubila Unione Nazionale Antigrandine.
0344-3752 Nuc compact, compact news in nuclear medicine GIT-Verl.
0732-7102 Nuclear & radiochemistry Comtex Scientific Corporation.
0048-1025 Nuclear active Atomic Energy Board.
0191-815X Nuclear and chemical waste management Pergamon
0550-3035 Nuclear and particle physics annual Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Inc.
0550-3043 Nuclear applications & technology American Nuclear Society
0550-306X Nuclear data Academic Press
0090-3752 Nuclear data sheets Academic Press.
0090-0214 Nuclear data tables Academic Press
0564-9064 Nuclear Data Tables, United States Atomic Energy Commission
0029-5485 Nuclear energy Institution of Nuclear Engineers
0140-4067 Nuclear energy British Nuclear Energy Society
0262-5091 Nuclear engineer Institution of Nuclear Engineers
0369-6405 Nuclear engineering Temple Press
0167-899X Nuclear engineering and design North-Holland
1878-2906 Nuclear engineering and design (e-vir) Elsevier
0029-5493 Nuclear Engineering and Design North-Holland
1738-5733 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Korean Nuclear Society
0029-5507 Nuclear engineering international IPC Electrical-Electronic Press
0120-7067 Nucleares Instituto de Asuntos Nucleares,
0212-1891 Nuclear España Sociedad Nuclear Española
1137-2885 Nuclear España Senda Editorial
0254-8348 Nuclear Europe European Nuclear Society
1016-5975 Nuclear Europe worldscan European nuclear Society
0029-5515 Nuclear fusion International Atomic Energy Agency
1741-4326 Nuclear fusion (e-vir) Institute of Physics Publishing
0589-1469 Nuclear fusion supplement International Atomic Energy Agency.
1745-2058 Nuclear future S&K Pub.
0369-6421 Nuclear hematology Institution of Nuclear Engineers
0369-643X Nuclear instruments North-Holland
0167-5087 Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research North-Holland Pub. Co.
0168-583X Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research North-Holland
0029-554X Nuclear instruments and methods North-Holland
0168-9002 Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research Elsevier
1872-9576 Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1872-9584 Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0305-9804 Nuclear magnetic resonance Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain); Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0362-0034 Nuclear materials management Institute of Nuclear Materials Management.
0969-8051 Nuclear medicine and biology Pergamon
0272-0108 Nuclear medicine annual Raven Press.
0143-3636 Nuclear medicine communications Chapman and Hall
1473-5628 Nuclear medicine communications (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
0029-5566 Nuclear-Medizin F. K. Schattauer-Verlag
0550-3175 Nuclear-Medizin, Supplementum F. K. Schattauer Verlag
0167-8973 Nuclear methods monographs Elsevier
0029-5574 Nuclear news American Nuclear Society.
0029-5582 Nuclear physics North-Holland
0375-9474 Nuclear physics North-Holland
0550-3213 Nuclear physics North-Holland
0920-5632 Nuclear physics North-Holland
1873-1554 Nuclear physics (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
1873-1562 Nuclear physics (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1873-3832 Nuclear physics (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
0546-8981 Nuclear power Rowse Muir
1478-1336 Nuclear receptor (e-vir) BioMed Central
1550-7629 Nuclear receptor signaling (e-vir) Nuclear Receptor Signaling Atlas (Program)
0253-0740 Nuclear research Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Nuclear Information Centre.
0029-5604 Nuclear safety Office of Scientific and Technical Information U.S. Department of Energy
0029-5612 Nuclear science abstracts Oak Ridge Directed Operations, Technical Information Division
0550-3248 Nuclear Science Abstracts of Japan Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Division of Technical Information.
0078-2637 Nuclear science and applications Atomic Energy Centre
0369-5557 Nuclear science and applications Atomic Energy Centre
0369-6510 Nuclear science and applications Atomic Energy Centre
1016-197X Nuclear science and applications Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission
0029-5639 Nuclear science and engineering Academic Press
1943-748X Nuclear science and engineering Academic Press
2210-3147 Nuclear science and techniques (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1001-8042 Nuclear Science and Techniques Science Press
0546-9015 Nuclear science and technology Academic Press.
0191-1686 Nuclear science applications Harwood Academic Publishers.
0029-5620 Nuclear Science Information of Japan Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Division of Technical Information
0250-4375 Nuclear science research conference series Harwood Academic Publishers.
0369-5816 Nuclear structural engineering North-Holland
0029-5450 Nuclear technology American Nuclear Society
1943-7471 Nuclear technology (e-vir) [American Nuclear Society]
0272-3921 Nuclear technology/fusion American Nuclear Society
1451-3994 Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection Vinča Instituta of Nuclear Sciences
1452-8185 Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection (e-vir) Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences
0145-224X Nuclear track detection Pergamon Press
0191-278X Nuclear tracks Pergamon.
0969-8078 Nuclear tracks & radiation measurements Pergamon
0550-3280 Nucleic Acids
0933-1891 Nucleic acids and molecular biology Springer
0305-1048 Nucleic acids research Oxford University Press
0309-1872 Nucleic acids research. Special publication Information Retrieval Limited.
1362-4962 Nucleic acids research online (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0261-3166 Nucleic acids symposium series Information Retrieval Limited.
1746-8272 Nucleic acids symposium series (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
0366-2071 Núcleo Ilustre Colegio de Químicos de Madrid.
0550-3310 Nucleon University of Natal
1210-2660 Nucleon Nuclear Research Institute
0096-6207 Nucleonics McGraw-Hill.
1525-7770 Nucleosides, nucleotides & nucleic acids Marcel Dekker
1532-2335 Nucleosides, nucleotides & nucleic acids (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0732-8311 Nucleosides & nucleotides M. Dekker
0716-0054 Nucleotécnica Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear
0115-2300 Nucleus Philippine Atomic Energy Commission.
0469-1652 Nucleus Northern Section, American Chemical Society, Tufts University, Dep of Chemistry.
0550-3329 Nucleus Dunod
0864-084X Nucleus Centro de información de la energía nuclear
2075-5635 Nucleus CUBAENERGIA
0254-5950 Ṅüihag gisur nonjib Gorye daihaggyo bogen jenmun daihag
0723-0893 Nukleare Entsorgung VCH.
0029-5914 Nuklearna energija Savezna komisija za nuklearnu energiju
0351-689X Nuklearna tehnologija Institut za nuklearne nauke "Boris Kidrič", Vinča
0302-8542 Nukleon Ústřední informační středisko pro jaderný program
0550-3612 Nukleonik Springer
0029-5922 Nukleonika Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology
1508-5791 Nukleonika (e-vir) Blackhorse
0286-2794 Numazu Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kenkyu hokoku Numazu Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
1040-7782 Numerical heat transfer Taylor & Francis
1040-7790 Numerical heat transfer Taylor & Francis
1521-0626 Numerical heat transfer (e-vir) Hemisphere Pub. Corp
1521-0634 Numerical heat transfer (e-vir) Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
0029-6120 Nuntius Radiologicus Societa Editrice Universo.
0369-6502 Nuova rivista olii vegetali e saponi [s.n.].
0029-6279 Nuova Veterinaria Facoltá di Medicina Veterinaria.
0029-6287 Nuovi annali d'igiene e microbiologia Istituto di igiene "Giuseppe Sanarelli"
0369-3112 Nuovi annali dell'agricoltura Italia. Ministero per l'agricoltura.
0029-6341 Nuovo cimento Zanichelli
0369-3554 Nuovo cimento. B Editrice Compositori
1124-1861 Nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. A, Nuclei, particles and fields Editrice Compositori
1826-9869 Nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. A, Nuclei, particles and fields Editrice Compositori
1124-1896 Nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. C, Geophysics and space physics Editrice Compositori
1826-9893 Nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. D Condensed matter, atomic, molecular and chemical physics, biophysics Editrice Compositori
0369-6413 Nuovo giornale botanico italiano Società botanica italiana.
0270-6482 NUREG/CP United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission :; [available from the National Technical Information Service],
0278-1670 NUREG/CR U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
0369-6529 NU science Science Students Council of the University of Natal
1598-6195 Nutraceuticals and Food Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
1720-4011 Nutracos B5 srl
0167-4587 Nutricia symposium Nůhoff
0550-4023 Nutrición, bromatología, toxicología Sociedad Chilena de Nutrición, Bromatología y Toxicología
0211-6057 Nutrición clínica, dietética hospitalaria Sociedad Española de Nutrición; Sociedad Española de Dietética y Ciencias de la Alimentación
1989-208X Nutrición clínica y dietética hospitalaria Sociedad Española de Dietética y Ciencias de la Alimentación
0212-1611 Nutrición hospitalaria Aula Médica
1699-5198 Nutrición hospitalaria Aula Médica
1385-1314 Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-0867 Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems Kluwer; Springer
0148-0952 Nutrient requirements of domestic animals National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.).
2072-6643 Nutrients (e-vir) MDPI
1387-5248 Nutrients in ecosystems Kluwer Academic Publishers
1519-8928 Nutrire Sociedade Brasileira de Alimentação e Nutrição
2316-7874 Nutrire (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Alimentação e Nutrição
0550-4031 Nutritio et dieta S. Karger,
2571-6492 Nutritio et dieta (e-vir) S. Karger AG
0029-6600 Nutrition British Dietetic Association.
0369-3155 Nutrition [s.n.],
0899-9007 Nutrition Nutrition
1873-1244 Nutrition (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0939-4753 Nutrition, metabolism and cardiovascular diseases Springer-Verlag
0034-6659 Nutrition & food science Forbes
1758-6917 Nutrition & food science (e-vir) MCB University Press
1743-7075 Nutrition & metabolism (e-vir) BioMed Central
0029-6619 Nutrition abstracts & reviews Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Nutrition
1542-1821 Nutritional genomics and functional foods New Century Health Publishers,
1028-415X Nutritional neuroscience Harwood Academic Publishers
1476-8305 Nutritional neuroscience (e-vir) Gordon and Breach; Taylor & Francis Health Sciences
1229-232X Nutritional Sciences Korean Nutrition Society
0279-9480 Nutritional support services [Nutritional Support Services]
0733-4575 Nutrition and behavior Alan R. Liss,
0163-5581 Nutrition and cancer Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; Franklin Institute Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1532-7914 Nutrition and cancer (e-vir) Taylor&Francis
0360-7259 Nutrition and clinical nutrition Dekker,
0099-7862 Nutrition and Dental Health
0260-1060 Nutrition and health AB Academic Publishers
2047-945X Nutrition and health (e-vir) AB Academic Publishers
0029-6678 Nutrition and metabolism S. Karger
2571-6506 Nutrition and metabolism (e-vir) S. Karger AG
0149-2667 Nutrition and the brain Raven Press,
1548-601X Nutrition bytes (e-vir) University of California (System).
0985-0562 Nutrition clinique et métabolisme Arnette éditions; 23 rue Linois, 75724 Cedex 15; Elsevier; Double V
1768-3092 Nutrition clinique et métabolisme (e-vir) Elsevier
0160-2470 Nutrition in health and disease Raven Press,
0888-1294 Nutrition international Western Nutrition Education and Cancer Research Foundation.; Sociedade Brasileira de Nutrição Parenteral e Enteral.; Australian Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.
1475-2891 Nutrition journal (e-vir) BioMed Central
0469-2721 Nutrition Monograph Series
0369-6456 Nutrition Notes
1556-1895 Nutrition noteworthy (e-vir) David Geffen School of Medicine.
0029-6635 Nutrition reports international Butterworths
0097-0166 Nutrition research Sunkist Growers, inc.
0271-5317 Nutrition research Pergamon Press
1879-0739 Nutrition research (e-vir) Elsevier
0369-5468 Nutrition Research Bulletin Sze-chuan Ta Hsueh, Nung Hsueh Yuan,
0954-4224 Nutrition research reviews Cambridge University Press
1475-2700 Nutrition research reviews (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0029-6643 Nutrition reviews Intenational Life Sciences Institute
1753-4887 Nutrition reviews (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0735-4762 Nutrition update John Wiley & Sons
0145-0816 NVO U.S. Dept. of Energy, Nevada Operations Office.
0145-4382 NWSIA journal National Water Supply Improvement Association (U.S.)
0550-4201 Nyasaland farmer and forester Nyasaland Tea Association
0916-4057 Nyäu seramikkusu Nyäu Seramikkusu Konwakai.; New Ceramics Forum.; Täi, Ai, Shäi.
0250-3395 Nyengu Bogo Yeung Nam Daehaggyo Goaneob Gisur Nyeonguso
0388-4120 Nyosan Nyosan Kenkyukai
0550-8754 Ny teknik Civilingenjörsförbundet; Svenska teknologföreningen; Svenska ingenjörssamfundet
0105-791X Nyt fra Miljøstyrelsens referencelaboratorium p°a det kemiske vandanalyseomr°ade Miljøstyrelsens referencelaboratorium.
0469-3043 Nytt och nyttigt Hässle.
0545-686X NYU Engineering Research Review
1343-2028 Nyugan kiso kenkyu Igaku Hyoronsha ;; Nyugan Kiso Kenkyukai Jimukyoku; Nyugan kiso kenkyukai jimukyoku
0110-618X NZOI records New Zealand Oceanographic Institute.
1019-8954 O'zbekiston respublikasi Fanlar akademiyasining ma'ruzalari O'zbekiston respublikasi Fanlar akademiyasining "FAN"
1388-6541 O&C Vereniging voor Oppervlaktetechnieken van Materialen VOM.; Nederlands Corrosie Centrum NCC.
0365-2726 O Agronômico Instituto Agronomico.
0029-7453 Obaly Výzkumný ústav obalový
0385-9657 Ōbayashi-gumi Gijutsu Kenkyūjohō Ōbayashi-gumi Tokyo Honsha
0029-7488 Oberfläche Bertelsmann-Fachzeitschr.-GmbH.
0048-1270 Oberfläche Forster-Verlag AG
0170-4044 Oberfläche + JOT Vogel-Fachzeitschriften-GmbH.
1422-3511 Oberflächen Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Oberflächentechnik; Verband Galvanobetriebe der Schweiz; Vereinigung Galvanotechnischer Lieferfirmen für die Schweiz
1024-0624 Oberflächen, Werkstoffe Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Oberflächentechnik.
0369-7010 Oberflächentechnik [s.n.]
0369-7967 Oberflächentechnik Sprechsaal-Verlag
0340-4498 Oberhessische naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Schmitz
0078-2939 Oberrheinische geologische Abhandlungen E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller)
1930-7381 Obesity NAASO, the Obesity Society
1930-739X Obesity (e-vir) NAASO, The Obesity Society; Nature Pub. Group
1071-7323 Obesity research North American Association for the Study of Obesity
1467-7881 Obesity reviews Blackwell Science
1467-789X Obesity reviews (e-vir) Wiley
0470-925X Obihiro Chikusan Daigaku gakujutsu kenkyäu häokoku. Dai 1-bu Obihiro Zootechnical University.; Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.
0919-3359 Obihiro Chikusan Daigaku gakujutsu kenkyäu häokoku. Shizen kagaku Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.
1347-6556 Obihiro chikusan daigaku gakujutsu kenkyu hokoku (e-vir) Obihiro Chikusan Daigaku
1348-5261 Obihiro chikusan daigaku gakujutsu kenkyuu houkoku (e-vir) Obihiro chikusan daigaku
0286-7354 Obihiro Ohtani Tanki Daigaku kiyo Obihiro Ohtani Tanki Daigaku; Obihiro otani tanki daigaku
0366-0567 O Biológico Instituto Biológico
0470-9381 Obogaśenie i briketirovanie uglâ [s.n.].
0321-2246 Obogaŝenie nemetalličeskih poleznyh iskopaemyh.; Обогащение неметаллических полезных ископаемых Sverdlovskij gornyj institut; Свердловский горный институт.
0130-7312 Obogaŝenie poleznyh iskopaemyh.; Обогащение полезных ископаемых Tehnìka; Техніка
0134-5303 Obogaśenie rud Irkutskij politehničeskij institut.
0202-3776 Obogaŝenie rud Institut "Mehanobr"
1729-6552 Oboronnyj kompleks naučno-tehničeskomu progressu Rossii VIMI
0134-8604 Obrabotka i interpretaciâ fizičeskih èksperimentov Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta.
0320-2038 Obrabotka metallov davleniem Uralʹskij politehničeskij institut im. S.M. Kirova.
0473-7210 Obrabotka metallov davleniem v mašinostroenii Viśa škola.
0472-4313 Obróbka Plastyczna Instytut Obróbki Plastycznej.
0473-7326 Obśaâ ènergetika Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0369-7045 Obŝaâ i prikladnaâ himiâ Belorusskij tehnologičeskij institut im. S.M. Kirova.
0324-1998 Obšča i sravitelna patologija ťBlgarska Akademija na Naukite
0369-7037 Obŝee mašinostroenie.; Общее машиностроение Narodnyj komissariat obŝego mašinostroeniâ SSSR; Народный комиссариат общего машиностроения СССР.
0470-9659 Obśestvennoe pitanie Èkonomika.
0029-7828 Obstetrical & gynecological survey Williams & Wilkins.
1533-9866 Obstetrical & gynecological survey (e-vir) Lippincot
0029-781X Obstetrică şi ginecologie Editura Medicală
0029-7836 Obstetricia y ginecología latino-americanas Federación Argentina de Sociedades de Ginecología y Obstetricia.; Sociedad Argentina de Fertilidad y Esterilidad.
1873-233X Obstetrics & gynecology (e-vir) Lippincot
0029-7844 Obstetrics and gynecology Elsevier North Holland, etc.
0091-3332 Obstetrics and gynecology annual Appleton-Century-Crofts.
0369-7029 Obst- und Gemüse-Verwertungs-Industrie Serger und Hempel.
0302-315X Obzory po otdelʹnym proizvodstvam himičeskoj promyšlennosti.; Обзоры по отдельным производствам химической промышленности Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut tehniko-èkonomičeskih issledovanij; Научно-исследовательский институт технико-экономических исследований.
0075-4722 Occasional paper Department of Geography, Makerere University
0142-4815 Occasional paper British Museum
0148-0944 Occasional paper Missouri Academy of Science.
0069-2107 Occasional Paper Tropical Science Center
0447-3124 Occasional Paper Geological Survey Dep
0144-0845 Occasional paper - Department of Industry. Laboratory of the Government Chemist Department of Industry. Laboratory of the Government Chemist.
0369-7746 Occasional paper from the Department of Biochemistry, Makerere University Makerere University
0129-6582 Occasional paper - Institute of Natural Sciences, College of Graduate Studies, Nanyang University Institute of Natural Sciences, College of Graduate Studies, Nanyang University.
0369-2035 Occasional paper - Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute.
0821-7181 Occasional paper - Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources.; Ontario. Ministry of Northern Affairs.; Ontario. Ministry of Energy.
0027-9730 Occasional papers National Museums of Rhodesia.
0068-5461 Occasional papers of the California Academy of Sciences California Academy of Sciences.
0304-5315 Occasional papers of the National Museums and Monuments of Rhodesia National Museums and Monuments of Rhodesia.
0306-7343 Occasional papers on technology Pitt Rivers Museum.
0148-0960 Occasional papers - University of Arkansas Museum University of Arkansas Museum.
0097-4366 Occasional papers - University of Hawaii University of Hawaii (Honolulu)
0084-6147 Occasional publication University of Alaska. Institute of Marine Science.
1351-0711 Occupational and environmental medicine BMJ Publishing Group
1470-7926 Occupational and environmental medicine (e-vir) BMJ Pub. Group.
0029-7909 Occupational hazards Penton
0362-4064 Occupational health & safety Medical Publications
0029-7941 Occupational health review Canada. Department of National Health and Welfare. Occupational Health Division.
1061-0251 Occupational hygiene Gordon & Breach Science Publishers.
0141-7568 Occupational hygiene monograph University of Leeds Industrial Services Ltd.
0096-0659 Occupational medicine American Medical Association.
0885-114X Occupational medicine Hanley & Belfus
0078-3129 Occupational safety and health series International Labour Office.; ILO.
1598-141X Ocean and Polar Research Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute; Korea Institiute of Ocean Science and Technology
2234-7313 Ocean and polar research(Online) Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute; Korea Institiute of Ocean Science and Technology
0704-2701 Ocean dumping report Fisheries and Environment Canada , Fisheries and Marine Service, Scientific Information and Publications Branch.
0029-8018 Ocean engineering Pergamon Press
1873-5258 Ocean engineering (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0126-4001 Oceanographical Cruise Report Institute of Marine Research.; National Institute of Oceanology.; Indonesian Institute of Sciences.
0369-707X Oceanographical Magazine Kisho-cho
0245-9418 Océanographie tropicale ORSTOM (France).
0078-3218 Oceanography and Marine Biology Aberdeen University Press
0078-3234 Oceanologia Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich
2300-7370 Oceanologia (e-vir) Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
0399-1784 Oceanologica Acta Gauthier-Villars
1730-413X Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies Institute of Oceanography University of Gdańsk.
1897-3191 Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies Institute of Oceanography University of Gdańsk
1505-232X Oceanological Studies Institute of Oceanography University of Gdańsk.; Institute of Marine Sciences University of Szczecin.; Uniwersytet Gdański. Instytut Oceanografii, Gdynia.; Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Instytut Nauk o Morzu, Szczecin.
0029-8158 Oceanology American Aviation Publications.
1812-0792 Ocean science (e-vir) Copernicus Publ.
1812-0784 Ocean Science EGU
0275-2220 Ocean science and engineering Dekker
1561-5928 Ocean science and technology Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1738-5261 Ocean science journal Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute; Korea Institiute of Ocean Science and Technology
2005-7172 Ocean science journal Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute; Korea Institiute of Ocean Science and Technology
0029-8182 Oceanus Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
1559-1263 Oceanus Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
0320-6386 Očerki fiziko-himičeskoj petrologii Nauka.
0472-4674 Ochanomizu Igaku Zasshi Ochanomizu igakkai; お茶の水医学会
0322-8185 Ochrana ovzduší Státní zemědělské nakladatelství
0137-3714 Ochrona Powietrza Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Hutniczego.
1230-7408 Ochrona Powietrza i Problemy Odpadów Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Hutniczego.
0029-8220 Ochrona Pracy Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna.; Państwowa Inspekcja Pracy.
0369-7754 Ochrona Przeciwpożarowa w Przemyśle Chemicznym Ministerstwo Przemysłu Chemicznego.
0473-7733 Ochrona przed Korozją Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Chemicznego.; Ministerstwo Przemysłu Chemicznego.; Ministerstwo Budownictwa i Przemysłu Materiałów Budowlanych.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
0369-772X Očistka i povtornoe ispolʹzovanie stočnyh vod na Urale.; Очистка и повторное использование сточных вод на Урале Sredne-Uralʹskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Средне-Уральское книжное издательство.
1258-8210 OCL John Libbey Eurotext
2272-6977 OCL. Oilseeds & fats crops and lipids EDP Sciences
0309-3239 Octagon papers Department of Extra-Mural Studies, University of Manchester.
0927-3948 Ocular immunology and inflammation Aeolus Press BV
1744-5078 Ocular immunology and inflammation (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger
1730-2250 Odlewnictwo, Nauka i Praktyka Instytut Odlewnictwa (Kraków)
0375-0183 Odonatologica University
2751-0875 Odonatologica (e-vir) Societas Internationalis Odonatologica
0029-8441 Odontologisk revy Sydsvenska tandläkare-sällskapet.
0472-514X Odontologisk tidskrift Nordiska odontologiska föreningen; Odontologiska sällskapet i Stockholm
0100-0187 Odontólogo Moderno Serviços de Publicações Especializadas Ltda.
1618-1247 Odontology Springer-Verlag
1618-1255 Odontology (e-vir) Springer Japan
0029-8549 Oecologia Springer International
1432-1939 Oecologia (e-vir) Springer
0029-8557 Oecologia Plantarum Gauthier-Villars,
0253-5270 OEFZS Ber Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Atomenergie GmbH.
0029-8670 Oel & Gas und Feuerungstechnik Technischer Fachverlag G. Kopf GmbH
0472-5328 Oel + Gas Kopf.
0369-7207 Oelfeuer-Technik Kopf.
0029-8662 Oel- und Gasfeuerung A. W. Gentner
0369-7487 Oel- und Gasmaschine [s.n.]
0369-7177 Oel und Kohle Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen
0078-3420 Oerlikon. Schweissmitteilungen Oerlikon Bührle; Oerlikon Elektrodenfabrik
0473-811X Oesterreichische Abwasser-Rundschau Verlag Oesterreichische Abwasser-Rundschau
0029-8859 Oesterreichische Apotheker Zeitung Oesterreichische Apotheker-Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
0369-7061 Oesterreichische Chemiker-Zeitung [s.n.]
0369-7185 Oesterreichische Kunststoff-Rundschau [s.n.]
0029-926X Oesterreichische Kunststoff-Zeitschrift Verlag Lorenz
0029-9286 Oesterreichische Leder- und Haeutewirtschaft Julius Dressler, Buch Zeitchriftenverlag
0369-7835 Oesterreichische Leder-Zeitung Julius Dressler, Buch Zeitschriftenverlag
0369-786X Oesterreichische Milchwirtschaft Oesterreichischer Agrarverlag, Druck- und Verlags-Gesellschaft mbH.
0369-7894 Oesterreichische Milchwirtschaftliche Zeitung [s.n.]
0369-7886 Oesterreichische Molkerei-Zeitung [s.n.]
0369-7819 Oesterreichisches Ingenieur-Archiv Springer
0369-7215 Oesterreichische Spirituosen-Zeitung (s.n.]
0473-8365 Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft fuer Atomenergie, SGAE Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft fuer Atomenergie, SGAE
0029-9553 Oesterreichische Textilzeitschrift Oesterreichische Textilzeitschrift
0029-9588 Oesterreichische Wasserwirtschaft Springer
0369-805X Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Erforschung und Bekaempfung der Krebskrankheit Verlag Adolf Holzhausens Nachfolger
0369-8076 Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Kinderheilkunde und Kinderfuersorge Springer
0369-8084 Oesterreichische Zoologische Zeitschrift Springer
0369-7797 Oesterreichs Forst- und Holz-Wirtschaft [s. n.]
0171-2209 Öffentliche Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verstärkte Kunststoffe e.V Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V..
0097-2827 Official digest - Federation of Paint and Varnish Production Clubs Federation of Paint and Varnish Production Clubs.
0097-2835 Official digest - Federation of Societies for Paint Technology Federation of Societies for Paint Technology.
0098-1133 Official gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Patent and Trademark Office; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0041-8021 Official gazette of the United States Patent Office The Office
0378-6978 Official journal of the European Communities Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
0378-6986 Official journal of the European Communities Office for Official publications of the European Communities
0301-5483 Official journal of the international association on the artificial prolongation of the human specific lifespan International Association on the artificial prolongation of the human specific lifespan.
0099-4200 Official Printing Ink Maker
0739-4977 Official proceedings Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania.
0569-2628 Official proceedings, annual meeting - American Association of Feed Microscopists University of Maryland, Center of Adult Education [etc.]
0074-4638 Official proceedings ... annual meeting of the International District Heating Association International District Heating Association.
0097-207X Official proceedings ... annual meeting of the National District Heating Association National District Heating Association.
0096-0276 Official proceedings of the ... Annual Convention held at ... American Society of Municipal Engineers.
0519-1017 Official Publication - Association of American Fertilizer Control Officials
0094-8764 Official publication - Association of American Plant Food Control Officials Association of American Plant Food Control Officials.
0369-7576 Officiel des matières plastiques Officiel des matières plastiques,
0473-9035 Officina Sindacato Nazionale Fascista dei Farmacisti e degli Ordini dei Farmacisti
0171-9971 Offizinpharmazie Thieme.
0030-0608 Offshore Industrial Publications
0391-2612 Ofioliti Pitagora Editrice
0030-0675 Oftal'mologičeskij žurnal Zdorov'â
0030-0667 Oftalmologia Editura Medicală
0374-2105 Oftalmologiâ Naučno družestvo Oftalmologiâ
0369-7231 Oftalʹmologiâ.; Офтальмология Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0369-7991 Öfversigt af Finska vetenskaps-societetens förhandlingar Finska vetenskaps-societeten.
0285-4554 Ogata Igaku Kagaku Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Ogata Institute for Medical and Chemical Research.
0369-7274 Ogawa Käoryäo jihäo Ogawa Käoryäoten.
0369-7290 Ogneupory Metallurgiâ
1028-0812 Ogneupory i tehničeskaâ keramika Metallurgiâ
0030-0756 Ogrodnictwo Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Ogrodnictwa, Warszawa.
0097-1456 Ohio home and farm research Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station.
0030-1043 Ohio report on research and development Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.; Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station.
0160-6670 Ohio State University biosciences colloquia Ohio State University Press.
0474-0343 Ohrana prirody Centralʹno-Černozemnoj polosy Centralʹno-Černozemnoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0474-0319 Ohrana prirody Moldavii Akademiâ nauk Moldavskoj SSR.; AN Moldavskoj SSR. Otdel geografii, Komissiâ po ohrane prirody.
0136-9466 Ohrana truda i okružaûśej sredy Saratovskij politehničeskij institut.
0321-4133 Ohrana truda i tehnika bezopasnosti v černoj metallurgii [s.n.].
0369-8041 Ohrana zdorovʹâ detej i podrostkov.; Охрана здоровья детей и подростков Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя
0916-2313 Ohu Daigaku shigakushi Ohu University Dental Society.; äOu Daigaku Shigakkai.
0257-2451 Oikoassay Oikoassay.
0030-1299 Oikos Munksgaard
0078-4265 Oikos Munksgaard.
1600-0706 Oikos (e-vir) Ejnar Munksgaard
0096-2597 Oil [Chilton Class Journal Co.]
0342-5622 Oil, gas Urban
0030-1469 Oil, paint and drug reporter Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter Publ. Co.
0269-8579 Oil & chemical pollution Elsevier Applied Science
0369-7088 Oil & colour trades journal Scott Greeewood
0095-9502 Oil & fat industries American Oil Chemists' Society.
1294-4475 Oil & gas science and technology Éd. Technip
1953-8189 Oil & gas science and technology (e-vir) Institut français du pétrole
0143-7127 Oil & petrochemical pollution Elsevier Applied Science Publishers
0030-137X Oil and gas international Petroleum Publishing Company
0099-8737 Oil and Gas News
0095-9510 Oil and soap American Oil Chemists' Society.
0472-7657 Oil and Soap The Arabic Oil and Soap Technologists Association
0369-7371 Oil Bulletin
1529-4366 Oil daily (e-vir) Energy Intelligence Group.
0191-1627 Oildom [Oildom Pub. Co.]
0369-7347 Oil engineering & finance [s.n.]
0369-7355 Oil engineering and technology [s.n.]
0095-9529 Oil field engineering Chilton Class Journal Co.
0923-1730 Oilfield review Elsevier Science. ;; Schlumberger Educational Services. ;; The Long Barn.
0369-7320 Oil in Canada Stovel-Advocate Publications.
0030-1442 Oil mill gazetteer Oil Mill Superintendents' Association,; National Oil Mill Superintendents' Association,; Tri-States Cotton Seed Oil Mill Superintendents' Association,; Tri-States Oil Mill Superintendents Association,; International Oil Mill Superintendents Association,
0095-9537 Oil news Shaw Pub. Co.,
1511-7634 Oil palm bulletin Malaysian Palm Oil Board.
0048-1580 Oil palm news Tropical Products Institute (Great Britain).
0369-769X Oils and Oilseeds Journal Bombay Oilseeds and Oils Exchange Ltd.
2257-6614 Oilseeds and fats, crops and lipids (e-vir) EDP Sciences
1736-7492 Oil Shale (e-vir) Estonian Academy Publishers
0271-0315 Oil Shale Symposium proceedings Colorado School of Mines.; Laramie Energy Research Center.; Laramie Energy Technology Center.
0369-741X Oil Technologist Ganesh Flour Mills Co, Ltd.
0030-1515 Oilweek Maclean-Hunter.
0369-738X Oil Weekly
0369-7096 Oita Daigaku Gakugeigakubu Kenkyu Kiyo, Shizenkagaku Oita daigaku gakugei gakubu
0916-846X Ōita-ken Eisei Kankyō Kenkyū Sentā nenpō Ōita-ken Eisei Kankyō Sentā
0388-8576 Oita-ken Nogyo Gijutsu Senta kenkyu hokoku Oita-ken Nogyo Gijutsu Senta
0285-2748 Ōita Kōgyō Daigaku kiyō Ōita Kōgyō Daigaku
0030-154X Okajimas folia anatomica japonica Redaktion der Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica ;; Keio University
1341-9099 Okayama Daigaku Kankyäo Rikäo Gakubu kenkyäu häokoku Okayama University. Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology.
0369-7134 Okayama Daigaku Nogakubu Dojo Hiryogaku Kyoshitsu Hokoku Okayama Daigaku Nogakubu Dojo Hiryogaku Kyoshitsu.
0474-0254 Okayama Daigaku Nogakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku Okayama University. Faculty of Agriculture.
0369-7142 Okayama Daigaku Onsen Kenkyäujo häokoku Okayama University. Institute for Thermal Spring Research.
0916-930X Okayama Daigaku Shigen Seibutsu Kagaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Okayama University. Research Institute for Bioresources.
0030-1558 Okayama Igakkai Zasshi Okayama Igakkai, c/o Okayama Daigaku Igakubu
0914-9309 Okayama-ken Kankyäo Hoken Sentäa nempäo Okayama Prefectural Research Center of Environment and Public Health.; Okayama Prefectural Institute for Environmental Science and Public Health.
0386-149X Okayama-ken Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa häokoku Industrial Technology Center of Okayama Prefecture.; Okayama Prefecture Industrial Technology Center.
0388-631X Okayama-ken Rakunō Shikenjō kenkyū hōkoku Okayama-ken Rakunō Shikenjō
0369-7444 Okayama Kenritsu Näogyo Shikenjäo rinji häokoku Okayama Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station.
0285-6646 Okayama Rika Daigaku kiyäo Okayama University of Science.
0285-7685 Okayama Rika Daigaku kiyō. A, Shizen kagaku Okayama Rika Daigaku
0913-3941 Okayama Shigakkai zasshi Okayama Dental Society.; Okayama Daigaku. Shigakubu.; Okayama University. Dental School.
0474-0297 Okayama Tabako Shikenjäo häokoku Japan Tobacco and Salt Public Corporation. Okayama Tobacco Experiment Station.
0030-1574 Okeanologiâ Nauka
0324-0878 Okeanologiâ.; Океанология Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite; Българска академия на науките
0286-892X Oki Denki kenkyäu kaihatsu Oki Electric Industry Company.
0385-0676 Okinawa-ken Käogai Eisei Kenkyäujohäo Okinawa Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0097-5648 Oklahoma Engineering Experiment Station publication Oklahoma Engineering Experiment Station.
0030-1736 Oklahoma geology notes Oklahoma Geological Survey
0944-3290 Ökologisches Wirkungskataster Baden-Württemberg Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg
0943-5719 Ökosystemanalyse und Umweltforschung Fischer
0472-8602 Olaj, szappan, kozmetika Lapk.
1431-6579 Old Herborn University Seminar monograph Institute for Microbiology and Biochemistry.
0369-724X Öle, Fette, Wachse, Seife, Kosmetik Verlag für Fachliteratur
0030-2082 Oléagineux Société d'éditions techniques continentales
1950-697X Oléagineux corps gras lipides (e-vir) J. Libbey Eurotext
0030-2090 Olearia Associazione nazionale dell'industria olearia, dei grassi, saponi ed affini.; Consorzio nazionale Produttori olio dalle sanse.; Consorzio nazionale degli industriali produttori di olio dalle sanse.
0369-7460 Olfactologia La Simarre
0369-7479 Oli, grassi, derivati Associazione italiana tecnici olii grassi alimentari.
1545-4576 Oligonucleotides Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-8526 Oligonucleotides Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0369-7495 Olii, grassi, saponi Case Editrice Aracue.
0369-7541 Olii minerali, grassi e saponi, colori e vernici Stazione sperimentale per l'industria degli olii e dei grassi.
0369-7258 Olii minerali, olii e grassi, colori e vernici [s.n.].
0461-6375 O médico Sopime
1536-2310 Omics Mary Ann Liebert
1557-8100 Omics (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert
0439-9587 OMMI kiadványai Országos Mezőgazdasági Minőségvizsgáló Intézet.; OMMI.
0369-755X Omnia Medica Edizioni Omnia Medica del laboratorio chimico farmaceutico V Baldacci.
0369-7525 Omnia Medica. Supplemento Edizioni Omnia Medica del laboratorio chimico farmaceutico V. Baldacci.
0030-2260 Omnia Medica et Therapeutica Edizioni Omnia Medica.
0390-6825 Omnia medica et therapeutica. Archivio Nistri-Lischi Editori
0369-7592 Omnia Therapeutica
0030-4921 OMR. Organic magnetic resonance Heyden.
0474-1315 Omron Technics Tateishi denki ;; Omuron gijutsu hombu
0030-493X OMS Wiley Heyden
0167-1618 Oncodevelopmental biology and medicine Elsevier/North-Holland
0950-9232 Oncogene Macmillan Press
1476-5594 Oncogene (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group.
0890-6467 Oncogene research Harwood Academic Publishers.
0286-1135 Oncologia Onkorojiasha.
0369-7606 Oncologia Schweizerische Nationalliga für Krebsbekämpfung; Schweizerische Nationalliga für Krebsbekämpfung und Krebsforschung
0378-4835 Oncología Alpe
0030-2406 Oncologia şi radiologia Editura Medicală
1292-3818 Oncologie Springer-Verlag France
1765-2839 Oncologie (e-vir) Springer
0030-2414 Oncology S. Karger
1423-0232 Oncology (e-vir) S. Karger
1021-335X Oncology reports D. A. Spandidos
1791-2431 Oncology Reports (e-vir) D. A. Spandidos
0965-0407 Oncology research Pergamon Press
1555-3906 Oncology research (e-vir) Elsevier Science Pub. Co.; Cognizant Communication Corporation; Tech Science Press
0030-2430 Onde électrique Masson
0030-2465 Onderstepoort journal of veterinary research Government Printer
2219-0635 Onderstepoort journal of veterinary research (e-vir) AOSIS OpenJournals
0369-7428 Onderstepoort journal of veterinary science and animal industry Government Printer
0537-0094 ONGC bulletin Oil & Natural Gas Corporation
0369-7630 Onken Kiyo Kyushu Daigaku Onsen Chiryogaku Kenkyusho.
0369-7649 Onkologiâ Specializirana bolnica za aktivno lečenie po onkologiâ EAD
0369-7436 Onkologiâ.; Онкология Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
1734-3542 Onkologia w Praktyce Klinicznej Polskie Towarzystwo Onkologii Klinicznej.
1734-6460 Onkologia w Praktyce Klinicznej (e-vir) Via Medica
0378-584X Onkologie S. Karger
1423-0240 Onkologie (e-vir) S. Karger
0146-5422 Online Information Today, Inc.
1353-2642 Online & CD ROM review Learned Information
2396-9105 Online & CD ROM review (e-vir) Learned Information (Europe)
1468-4527 Online information review MCB University Press
1468-4535 Online information review (e-vir) MCB University Press
0286-3200 Online kensaku Nippon Tammatsuki Kenkyūkai. Kantō Chiku Bukai
0309-314X On-line review Learned Information
2396-9091 On-line review (e-vir) Learned Information
0385-9665 Onoda kenkyäu häokoku Onoda Semento Kabushiki Gaisha. Chäuäo Kenkyäujo.
0369-7657 Onoda Kenkyäu ihäo Onoda Semento. Chäuäo Kenkyäujo.
0369-7665 Onsen Kogakkai-shi Onsen Kogakkai
0030-266X Ons fruitteeltblad Landelijke fruitteeltbond.
0704-2752 Ontario Geological Survey miscellaneous paper Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources.; Ontario. Geological Branch.; Ontario Geological Survey.
0704-2582 Ontario Geological Survey report Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources.
0827-181X Ontario Geological Survey special volume Ontario Geological Survey.; Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources.
0704-2590 Ontario Geological Survey study Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources.; Ontario Geological Survey.
0369-7312 Ontario Hydro Research News Research Division, Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
0030-2988 Ontario Hydro research quarterly Ontario Hydro. Research Division.
0030-302X Ontario Medical Review Ontario Medical Association.
0030-3143 Öntöde Országos Magyar Bányászati és Kohászati Egyesület.
0369-7789 Ontogenetičeskoe razvitie životnyh Institut zoologii.
0475-1450 Ontogenez Nauka.
0031-1057 O Papel Associação Brasileira Técnica de Celulose e Papel.
0030-3372 Open Centrale Vereniging voor Openbare Bibliotheken.; Centrum voor Literatuuronderzoekers.; Nederlands Instituut voor Informatie, Documentatie en Registratuur.; Nederlandse Vereniging van Bedrijfsarchivarissen.; Nederlandse Vereniging van Bibliothecarissen, Documentalisten en Literatuuronderzoekers.; Nederlands Bibliotheek en Lektuur Centrum.
0078-5237 Opera botanica Lunds botaniska förening
0078-5245 Opera lilloana Ministerio de Educación y Cultura.; Fundación Miguel Lillo.
0099-4243 Operations Data. New York State Department of Health, Division of Laboratories and Research
0030-364X Operations research Operations Research Society of America.
1526-5463 Operations research (e-vir) INFORMS
0107-5896 Ophelia Københavns Universitet. Marinbiologisk Laboratorium.
1381-6810 Ophthalmic genetics Aeolus Press
1744-5094 Ophthalmic genetics (e-vir) Aeolus Press
1423-0259 Ophthalmic research S. Karger
0030-3747 Ophthalmic Research S. Karger; A. J. Phiebig
0369-7703 Ophthalmologia ibero-americana Associação panamericana de oftalmologia.
0030-3755 Ophthalmologica S. Karger
1423-0267 Ophthalmologica S. Karger
0161-6420 Ophthalmology Published for the American Academy of Ophthalmology by J.B. Lippincott Co., etc.
1549-4713 Ophthalmology (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0099-877X Ophthalmology in the War Years
1571-9995 Oppervlaktetechnieken Vereniging voor Oppervlaktetechnieken van Materialen
0030-3909 Optica Acta Taylor and Francis Ltd
0078-5466 Optica Applicata Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej
0306-8919 Optical and quantum electronics Chapman and Hall
1572-817X Optical and quantum electronics (e-vir) Kluwer
0091-3286 Optical engineering Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
0892-354X Optical engineering Marcel Dekker,
1560-2303 Optical engineering (e-vir) SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering.
1068-5200 Optical fiber technology Academic Press
1095-9912 Optical fiber technology (e-vir) Academic Press
0161-5300 Optical fiber transmission; Optical Society of America.; IEEE Quantum Electronics Council.
1056-5825 Optical materials Dekker,
1873-1252 Optical materials (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0925-3467 Optical Materials North-Holland
1340-6000 Optical review Optical Society of Japan
1349-9432 Optical review (e-vir) Optical Society of Japan.
0066-7609 Optical Sciences Center newsletter University of Arizona. Optical Sciences Center.
0030-395X Optical spectra Optical Pub. Co.
0030-3917 Optica Pura y Aplicada A. Hidalgo
1023-5086 Optičeskij žurnal Vserossijskij naučnyj centr.
1541-3721 Optics & photonics news (e-vir) Optical Society of America
0030-3992 Optics and laser technology Elsevier
1879-2545 Optics and Laser Technology (e-vir) Elsevier
1047-6938 Optics and photonics news Optical Society of America
0030-400X Optics and spectroscopy American Institute of Physics
1562-6911 Optics and spectroscopy (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.
0030-4018 Optics Communications North-Holland
1094-4087 Optics express (e-vir) Optical Society of America
0146-9592 Optics letters Optical Society of America
1539-4794 Optics letters (e-vir) The Society
0030-4026 Optik Elsevier
1618-1336 Optik (e-vir) Urban and Fischer
0030-4034 Optika i spektroskopiâ Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie
0030-4042 Optiko-mehaničeskaâ promyšlennost' [S.n.]
1023-6619 Optoelectronic properties of semiconductors and superlattices Gordon and Breach Publishers.
0912-5434 Optoelectronics Mita Shuppankai.
0030-4077 Opto-electronics Chapman and Hall
1230-3402 Opto-electronics review Centralny Ośrodek Szkolenia i Wydawnictw Stowarzyszenia Elektryków Polskich
1896-3757 Opto-electronics review (e-vir) Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich
1011-6559 Optoèlektronika i poluprovodnikovaâ tehnika.; Оптоэлектроника и полупроводниковая техника Naukova dumka; Наукова думка
0030-414X OPUSCULA medica [S.n.]
0473-1018 Opuscula medica. Supplementum [s. n.]
0286-9659 Oputoronikusu Riko shinsha; Oputoronikususha
0030-4204 Oral health Business Information Group etc..
0902-0055 Oral microbiology and immunology Munksgaard
1399-302X Oral microbiology and immunology (e-vir) Wiley
1368-8375 Oral Oncology Elsevier Science
1879-0593 Oral Oncology (e-vir) Elsevier
0030-4212 Oral research abstracts American Dental Association.
0300-4759 Oral sciences reviews Munksgaard.
0030-4220 Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology C. V. Mosby Co.
0474-3334 Orbital Institute of Chemistry of Ireland.
0030-4557 Ordnance Army Ordnance Association (U.S.); American Ordnance Association.
2833-0420 Ordnance (e-vir) The Army Ordnance Association
0169-1368 Ore geology reviews Elsevier
1872-7360 Ore geology reviews (e-vir) Elsevier Science BV
1345-8949 Oreo saiensu Nihon Yuka gakkai
0096-171X Ores and metals Ores and Metals Pub. Co. [etc.]
1340-5152 Organ biology Nihon Zōki Hozon Seibutsu Igakkai
0369-7266 Organ für die Fortschritte des Eisenbahnwesens Kreidel
1477-0539 Organic & biomolecular chemistry (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
1477-0520 Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry
Y504-8109 Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry
0078-611X Organic chemistry Academic Press
0883-2676 Organic coatings M. Dekker,
0732-7528 Organic coatings and applied polymer science proceedings American Chemical Society.
0161-214X Organic coatings and plastics chemistry American Chemical Society, Division of Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry
0305-9812 Organic compounds of sulphur, selenium and tellurium Chemical Soc
1566-1199 Organic electronics Elsevier; North-Holland
0135-7646 Organičeskie reaktivy v analize Izdatelʹstvo Saratovskogo universiteta.
0096-2112 Organic finishing [Finishing Publications]
0099-5193 Organic Gardening
0030-4913 Organic gardening and farming Rodale Press.
0146-6380 Organic Geochemistry Pergamon Press.
1523-7052 Organic letters (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1523-7060 Organic letters American Chemical Society
0078-6144 Organic photochemical syntheses Wiley-Interscience,
0078-6152 Organic photochemistry M. Dekker,
0030-4948 Organic preparations and procedures international Organic Preparations and Procedures, inc.
1945-5453 Organic preparations and procedures international (e-vir) Organic Preparations and Procedures]
1083-6160 Organic process research & development American Chemical Society; Royal Society of Chemistry
1520-586X Organic process research & development (e-vir) American Chemical Society; Royal Society of Chemistry
0474-4772 Organic reaction mechanisms Interscience Publishers
0078-6179 Organic Reactions John Wiley and Sons
0131-8314 Organic reactivity Tartu Riiklik Ülikool.; Tartu Ülikool.
0369-7908 Organic sulfur compounds Pergamon
0078-6209 Organic syntheses John Wiley & Sons
1047-773X Organic synthesis JAI Press,
0137-9933 Organika Instytut Przemysłu Organicznego.
1521-463X Organized assemblies in chemical analysis JAI Press,
1547-6278 Organogenesis Landes Bioscience; Taylor & Francis
1555-8592 Organogenesis Landes Bioscience
1026-4892 Organohalogen compounds Federal Environmental Agency
0301-0074 Organometallic chemistry Chemical Society (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0030-5111 Organometallic chemistry reviews Elsevier ;; Elsevier Sequoia
0030-512X Organometallic chemistry reviews Elsevier; Elsevier Sequoia
0474-6384 Organometallic chemistry reviews Elsevier
0917-1274 Organometallic news Kinki Kagaku Kyokai. Yuki Kinzoku Bukai
0078-6497 Organometallic reactions Wiley-Interscience,
0161-6943 Organometallic reactions and syntheses Plenum Press,
0276-7333 Organometallics American Chemical Society
1520-6041 Organometallics (e-vir) American Chemical Society
0030-5162 Organometallics in chemical synthesis Elsevier Sequoia
0306-0713 Organophosphorus chemistry Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0369-7762 Organorama Organon
1099-8268 Organosulfur chemistry Academic
0030-5294 Oriental economist Oriental Economist
2231-5039 Oriental journal of chemistry S. Iqbal
0970-020X Oriental Journal of Chemistry S.A. Iqbal
0474-6767 Origin Origin Electric Company.
0302-1688 Origins of life International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life.
0169-6149 Origins of life and evolution of the biospheres Reidel
1573-0875 Origins of life and evolution of the biospheres (e-vir) Kluwer; Springer
0301-1569 ORL Karger
1423-0275 ORL S. Karger
0030-5685 Ornis fennica Suomen lintutieteellinen yhdistys
0270-1936 ORNL/FE United States. Dept. of Energy.
0192-3668 ORNL/RSIC Oak Ridge National Laboratory :; available from National Technical Information Service]
0192-3935 ORNL-NSF-EP National Science Foundation (U.S.); U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
0149-5526 ORNL-TM Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company. Atomic Energy Division.
0272-4774 ORO U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.; United States. Energy Research and Development Administration.; United States. Dept. of Energy.; United States. Dept. of Energy.
0731-776X ORPRC symposia on primate reproductive biology Oregon Regional Primate Research Center.
0439-9595 Országos Mezőgazdasági Minőségvizsgáló Intézet évkönyve Országos Mezögazdasági Minöségvizsgáló Intézet.
0317-0217 Orthomolecular psychiatry Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry.
0099-8796 Orthopedics
0030-5987 Ortopediâ, travmatologiâ i protezirovanie Medicina
0369-7924 Ortopedia e traumatologia dell'apparato motore Istituto di clinica ortopedica e traumatologica della R. Università di Roma.
0473-4424 Orvos és technika Egészségügyi Minisztérium Orvosi Műszerügyi Intézete.
1788-6120 Orvosi hetilap Akadémiai Kiadó
0030-6002 Orvosi Hetilap Medicina
0030-6029 Orvosi szemle [s.n.]
0030-6045 Orvostudomány Magyar Tudományos Akadémia V. Orvosi Tudományok Osztálya.
0253-9462 Oryktós ploútos.; Ορυκτός πλούτος Epistīmonikī́ Etaireía Technológōn Oryktoú Ploútou; Επιστημονική Εταιρεία Τεχνολόγων Ορυκτού Πλούτου
0474-7615 Oryza Association of Rice Research Workers
0030-6096 Osaka City medical journal Oosaka shiritsu ika daigaku.; Osaka City University Medical School.; Oosaka shiritsu daigaku igakubu.; Osaka City Medical Center.; Oosakashi igakkai.
0919-3952 Osaka Daigaku Chäodendäo Erekutoronikusu Kenkyäu Sentäa häokoku Osaka University. Research Center for Superconducting Materials and Electronics.
0369-710X Osaka Daigaku Igaku Zasshi Osaka University Society
0473-4572 Osaka Daigaku Onkyäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo kiyäo Osaka Daigaku. Onkyäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo.
0473-4629 Osaka Daigaku shigaku zasshi Osaka University Dental Society.
0388-8592 Osaka-fu Näorin Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Osaka Agricultural Research Center.
0285-5267 Osaka Furitsu Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo häokoku Osaka Prefectural Industrial Research Institute.
0286-0953 Osaka Furitsu Käoshäu Eisei Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku. Käogai eisei-hen Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0289-5897 Osaka Furitsu Käoshäu Eisei Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku. Käoshäu eisei-hen Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0475-0675 Osaka Furitsu Käoshäu Eisei Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku. Räodäo eisei-hen Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0303-8033 Osaka Furitsu Käoshäu Eisei Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku. Shokuhin eisei-hen Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0289-5919 Osaka Furitsu Käoshäu Eisei Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku. Yakuji shidäo-hen Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0369-7223 Osaka Furitsu Kogyo-Shoreikan Hokoku Osaka Furitsu Kogyo Shoreikan.
1343-2923 Osaka Furitsu Kōshū Eisei Kenkyūjo kenkyū hōkoku Osaka Furitsu Kōshū Eisei Kenkyūjo
0286-2425 Osaka Furitsu Sen'i Gijutsu Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Textile Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture.
0287-475X Osaka-fu Suisan Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Osaka Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station.
0030-6118 Osaka Ika Daigaku zasshi Osaka Ika Daigaku Igakkai
1340-4288 Osaka Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo häokoku Osaka National Research Institute.
1340-427X Osaka Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo kihäo Osaka National Research Institute.
0375-0191 Osaka Kōgyō Daigaku kiyō. Rikō-hen Osaka Kōgyō Daigaku
0472-1438 Osaka Kogyo Gijutsu Shikenjo Hokoku Tsusho Sangyo-sho Kogyo Gijutsu-in Osaka Kogyo Gijutsu Shikenjo.
0472-142X Osaka Kogyo Gijutsu Shikensho Kiho Osaka Kogyo Gijutsu Shikensho.
1340-2943 Osaka Kokusai Joshi Daigaku kiyäo Osaka International University for Women.; Osaka International College for Women.
0919-4274 Osaka Kun'ei Joshi Tanki Daigaku kenkyäu kiyäo Osaka Kun'ei Women's College.; Osaka Kun'ei Women's Junior College.; Osaka Kunei Women's Junior College.
1345-7209 Osaka Kyoiku Daigaku Osaka Kyoiku Daigaku
0388-2624 Osaka Sangyō Daigaku Sangyō Kenkyūjo shohō Osaka Sangyō Daigaku. Sangyō Kenkyujō
0386-4103 Osaka-shi Igakkai zasshi Osaka-shi Igakkai
0472-1446 Osaka Shiritsu Daigaku Igaku Zasshi Osaka shiritsu daigaku igakubu; Osaka-shi Igakkai
0473-4742 Osaka Shiritsu Daigaku Kasei Gakubu kiyäo Osaka City University. Faculty of the Science of Living.
0385-8642 Osaka Shiritsu Daigaku Seikatsu Kagakubu kiyäo Osaka City University. Faculty of Science of Living.; Osaka City University. Faculty of Human Life Science.
0285-5801 Osaka Shiritsu Kankyo Kagaku Kenkyujo hokoku. Chosa, kenkyu nenpo Osaka Shiritsu Kankyo Kagaku Kenkyujo; Osaka kenko anzen kiban kenkyujo
0385-857X Osaka Shiritsu Kogyo Kenkyujo hokoku Osaka Shiritsu Kogyo Kenkyujo
1094-5695 OSA trends in optics and photonics Optical Society of America.
0369-7827 Osiris Saint Catherine Press
1933-8287 Osiris (e-vir) Saint Catherine Press
0030-6223 Osnovaniâ, fundamenty i mehanika gruntov Strojizdat
0475-1132 Osnovaniâ i fundamenty.; Основания и фундаменты Budìvelʹnik; Будівельник.
0321-2386 Osnovnoj organičeskij sintez i neftehimiâ.; Основной органический синтез и нефтехимия Âroslavskij politehničeskij institut; Ярославский политехнический институт.
0584-0821 O Solo Centro Acadêmico Luiz de Queiroz, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
0369-7843 Ospedale Maggiore Masson Italia Periodici.
0369-7878 Ospedale Maggiore di Novara Societa di Cultura Medica.
0048-2285 Ospedale Psichiatrico Ospedale psichiatrico provinciale.
0369-7851 Ossature Metallique Centre Belgo-Luxembourgeois d'information de l'acier
1211-3778 Osteologický bulletin Panax; Trios s.r.o.
0191-4324 Osteopathic profession Osteopathic Press]
0937-941X Osteoporosis international Springer Internat.
1433-2965 Osteoporosis international (e-vir) Springer
0029-8948 Österreichische botanische Zeitschrift [C. Gerold's Sohn]
2199-6881 Österreichische botanische Zeitschrift (e-vir) Springer
0379-5314 Österreichische Chemie-Zeitschrift Vereins Österreichischer Chemiker
0029-9219 Österreichische Ingenieur-Zeitschrift Springer
0253-5327 Österreichisches Patentblatt Österreichisches Patentamt
0945-358X Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft Springer
1613-7566 Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft (e-vir) Springer
0377-2004 Österreichische Zeitschrift für Onkologie Adolf Holzhausens NFG
0369-7568 Ostmaerkische Milchwirtschaftliche Zeitung [s.n.]
0369-7916 Ostmaerkische Spirituosen-Zeitung [s.n.]
0303-2329 Ostrye respiratornye zabolevaniâ.; Острые респираторные заболевания Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0131-2537 Osušenie mestoroždenij, specialʹnye gornye raboty, rudničnaâ geologiâ, markšejderskoe delo [s.n.].
0473-5447 Otaru-Shi Iji Kenyukai-Shi Otaru-Shi Iji Kenyukai, c/o Shiritsu Otaru Byoin.
0474-8662 Otbor i peredača informacii Naukova dumka
0869-7175 Otečestvennaâ geologiâ.; Отечественная геология Nedra; Недра; CNIGRI; ЦНИГРИ
0021-3373 Otkrytiâ, izobreteniâ, promyšlennye obrazcy, tovarnye znaki Komitet SSSR po delam izobretenij i otkrytij.
0208-287X Otkrytiâ izobreteniâ Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po izobreteniâm i otkrytiâm.
0371-2451 Otolaringologiâ.; Отоларингология Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0030-6657 Otolaryngologia Polska Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
0161-6439 Otolaryngology American Academy of Otolaryngology.; American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology.
0194-5998 Otolaryngology and head and neck surgery American Academy of Otolaryngology
1097-6817 Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery (e-vir) Mosby, Inc.; Elsevier Science; Sage
0917-2025 Otology Japan Nihon Jika Gakkai
0369-7975 Oto-Noro Oftalmoloji [A. Süheyl Ünver]
0131-2553 Otoplenie, ventilâciâ i stroitelʹnaâ teplofizika Belorusskij politehničeskij institut.
0473-5609 Otorinolaringologiâ Ministerstvo na narodnoto zdrave.; Naučno družestvo na otorinolaringolozite.
0030-6649 Oto-rino-laringologia Editura Medicală
0938-409X Otto-Graf-Journal Forschungs- und Materialprüfungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg, Otto-Graf-Institut
0358-528X Oulun yliopiston kemian laitoksen raporttisarja [Oulun yliopisto]
0780-9727 Oulun yliopiston ydintekniikan laitoksen julkaisuja Oulun yliopisto. Ydintekniikan laitos.
0030-7270 Outlook on agriculture Plant Protection Division, ICI
2043-6866 Outlook on agriculture (e-vir) IP Publishing
1743-1026 Outlooks on pest management Research information
1743-1034 Outlooks on pest management (e-vir) Research Information
0030-7572 Ovcevodstvo Kolos
0030-7467 Overseas geology and mineral resources Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain).; Overseas Geological Surveys (Great Britain).; British Geological Survey.
0369-7282 Overseas geology and mineral resources HMSO
0308-5325 Overseas memoir - Institute of Geological Sciences H.M.S.O..
0434-4464 Overseas Technical Report. Great Britain, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research [s.n.]
0369-7169 Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs forhandlinger Høst & søn,
0368-7201 Oversigt over Selskabets Virksomhed Munksgaard International Booksellers and Publishers
0204-6997 Ovoštarstvo [S.n.]
0302-4199 Oxford chemistry series Clarendon Press.
1352-240X Oxford monographs on medical genetics Oxford University Press.
1354-4152 Oxford series in optical and imaging sciences Oxford University Press.
0264-861X Oxford surveys of plant molecular and cell biology Clarendon Press.
0265-0738 Oxford surveys on eukaryotic genes Oxford University Press.
0030-7696 Oxidation and combustion reviews Elsevier
0209-4541 Oxidation communications Scientific Bulgarian Communications Ltd.; Akademiai Kiado; Eslsevier Publishing Company
0030-770X Oxidation of metals Plenum Press.
1573-4889 Oxidation of metals (e-vir) Kluwer
0197-8950 Oxides and oxide films M. Dekker,
0096-5758 Oxy-acetylene tips Linde Air Products Company.
0288-2825 Oyama Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kenkyu kiyo Oyama Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0369-8009 Oyo butsuri Oyo Butsuri Gakkai
0300-8533 Oyo yakuri Oyo Yakuri Kenkyukai
0191-9512 Ozone: science & engineering Lewis Publishers
1547-6545 Ozone: science & engineering (e-vir) Taylor and Francis
1527-2478 P/M science & technology briefs Metal Powder Industries Federation.
0725-4814 P.R. - Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratories Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratories.
0364-2801 PAABS symposium Pan-American Association of Biochemical Societies.
0156-949X PACE. Process and chemical engineering Thomson's Publications.
0099-880X Pacific Chemical and Metallurgical Industries
0099-8818 Pacific Coast Medicine
0096-2864 Pacific fisherman M. Freeman Publications]
0552-7333 Pacific Geology Tsukiji Shokan Publishing Co.
0099-8826 Pacific Medicine and Surgery
0270-367X Pacific Northwest Laboratory annual report for ... to the USAEC Division of Biology and Medicine Pacific Northwest Laboratory.; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Biology and Medicine.; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research.; United States. Energy Research and Development Administration.; United States. Energy Research and Development Administration.; United States. Dept. of Energy.
0099-8834 Pacific Pharmacist
0097-2258 Pacific plastics Society of the Plastics Industry. Pacific Coast Section.
0096-4999 Pacific pulp & paper industry Miller Freeman Publications.
0097-2983 Pacific rockets Pacific Rocket Society.
0030-8870 Pacific science University Press of Hawaii
1534-6188 Pacific science (e-vir) University of Hawai'i Press
0099-8842 Pacific Wine and Spirit Review
0030-9001 Pack Fackpressförlaget
0145-5273 Package development & systems Scarborough Pub. Co.]
0030-9044 Package engineering [Cahners Pub. Co., etc.]
0098-7778 Package printing and diecutting North American Pub. Co.]
1746-5095 Packaging, transport, storage & security of radioactive material Ramtrans Publishing
1746-5109 Packaging, transport, storage & security of radioactive material (e-vir) Ramtrans
0030-9087 Packaging Abstracts Pira.
0030-9125 Packaging India Indian Institute of Packaging.
0274-4996 Packaging technology Business Publications]
0894-3214 Packaging technology & science Wiley
1099-1522 Packaging technology & science (e-vir) Wiley
0096-588X Packer/processor Glass Pub.,
0257-8727 PACT Conseil de l'Europe
1613-7558 Pädiatrie & pädologie (e-vir) Springer
0030-9338 Pädiatrie und Pädologie Springer
0078-7795 Pädiatrische Fortbildungskurse für die Praxis S. Karger AG
0030-9303 Paediatria Universitatis Tokyo Department of Pediatrics.
1463-0095 Paediatric and perinatal drug therapy Royal Liverpool Children's NHS Trust.
0255-7177 PAFAI journal Perfumes and Flavours Association of India.
0030-9427 Pahlavi Medical Journal Pahlavi University Medical School Publication Committee.
0304-3959 Pain Elsevier-North Holland Publ. Co.
1872-6623 Pain (e-vir) Elsevier
0255-3910 Pain and headache Karger,
0968-1302 Pain reviews Arnold
0096-7521 Paint, oil and chemical review Trade Review Co.
0030-9516 Paint, Oil and Colour Journal Fuel and Metallurgical Journals
0953-9891 Paint & ink international FMJ international publications
0261-5746 Paint & resin Wheatland Journals Ltd
1464-0139 Paint & resin international Turret RAI.
1476-0274 Paint & resin times Gresham House
0369-8610 Paint and Colour Journal of the Master Painter of Australia ????.
0369-8645 Paint and Colour Record [s.n.]
0099-4189 Paint and varnish production manager [Paint and Varnish Production Manager]
0556-4409 Paintindia Colour Publications, Ltd.
0030-9540 Paintindia, Annual Colour Publications, Ltd.
0096-7513 Paint industry Heckel Pub. Co.
0096-6533 Paint industry magazine Heckel Pub. Co.
0030-9494 Paint Journal Broadwall Publications Ltd.
0370-0178 Paint Journal of Australia and New Zealand Johnston-Bell.
0030-9508 Paint Manufacture Wheatland Journals
0378-8784 Paints in Pakistan [s.n.]
0030-9524 Paint technology Sawell Publications
0030-9699 Pakistan cottons [s.n.]
0552-8879 Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research bulletin Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
0030-9753 Pakistan engineer Council of the Institute of Engineers
0369-9331 Pakistan geographical review Department of Geography, University of the Punjab
0251-0480 Pakistan journal of agricultural research Pakistan Agricultural Research Council.
2227-8311 Pakistan journal of agricultural research (e-vir) Pakistan Agricultural Research Council
1680-9955 Pakistan journal of analytical chemistry Center of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry, University of Sindh.
1607-8926 Pakistan journal of applied sciences Science Publications.
0300-8185 Pakistan journal of biochemistry Pakistan Society of Biochemists
0078-8244 Pakistan journal of biological and agricultural sciences [s.n.].
1028-8880 Pakistan journal of biological sciences Capricorn Publications.
1812-5735 Pakistan journal of biological sciences Asian Network for Scientific Information
0556-3321 Pakistan journal of botany Pakistan Botanical Society
2070-3368 Pakistan journal of botany (e-vir) Pakistan Botanical Society; University of Karachi, Department of Botany
1562-1286 Pakistan journal of marine biology Centre of Excellence in Marine Biology, University of Karachi.
1019-8415 Pakistan journal of marine sciences University of Karachi
1011-601X Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical Sciences University of Karachi. Faculty of Pharmacy.
0255-7088 Pakistan journal of pharmacology Pakistan Pharmacological Society
1019-956X Pakistan journal of pharmacy Faculty of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab
0030-9877 Pakistan Journal of Science Pakistan Association for the Advancement of Science
0030-9885 Pakistan journal of scientific and industrial research Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
0552-9050 Pakistan journal of scientific research Pakistan Association for the Advancement of Science
0030-9923 Pakistan journal of zoology Panjab University.
0030-9788 Pakistan medical forum [s.n.].
0031-000X Pakistan medical journal [s.n.].
0048-2757 Pakistan textile journal Mazhar Yusuf.
0253-8318 Pakistan veterinary journal University of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Science.
2074-7764 Pakistan veterinary journal Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture
0031-0182 Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology Elsevier
1872-616X Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology (e-vir) Elsevier
0883-1351 Palaios Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
1938-5323 Palaios (e-vir) Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
0094-8373 Paleobiology Paleontological Society.
1938-5331 Paleobiology (e-vir) Paleontological Society
0204-7217 Paleontologija, stratigrafija i litologija B"lgarska akademija na naukite
0369-8505 Palestine Journal of Botany Research Council of Israel
0370-0194 Palestine Journal of Botany Research Council of Israel
0370-0186 Palestine Journal of Botany and Horticultural Science Research Council of Israel
0120-2421 Palestra oftalmologica panamericana L. Canal y Asociados.,
0048-2773 Palette Sandoz AG (Basel)
0369-8262 Paliva SNTL, Nakladatelství technické literatury
0369-8289 Paliva a voda Plynárenský, vodárenský a zdravotně-technický svaz
0031-0476 Palontorjuntatekniikka / Suomen palontorjuntaliitto.; Palo- ja pelastustieto.
0379-6957 Pamięetnik farmaceutyczny Biblioteka Stanilewiczów.
0552-9778 Pamięetnik Puławski Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne
0320-2852 Paminklosaugos informacija Lietuvos TSR paminklu apsaugos ir krastotyros draugija.
0365-0227 Pamphlet - Australia, Commonwealth, Advisory Council of Science and Industry Advisory Council of Science and Industry (Australia)
0365-1509 Pamphlet - Australia, Commonwealth, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Australia)
0365-3226 Pamphlet - Australia, Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry Institute of Science and Industry (Australia)
0073-4462 Pamphlet - Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0366-2950 Pamphlets [s.n.]
0096-1213 Pan American fisherman Sando Publications.
0885-3177 Pancreas Raven Press
1536-4828 Pancreas Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1424-3903 Pancreatology Karger
1424-3911 Pancreatology (e-vir) S. Karger; Elsevier
1827-1898 Panminerva medica (e-vir) Edizioni Minerva Medica
0031-0808 Panminerva Medica Edizoni Minerva Medica
0309-7943 PANS Centre for Overseas Pest Research (Great Britain)
0369-8467 Papeis avulsos do Departamento de Zoologia Secretaria de Agricultura, Industria e Comercio, Departamento de Zoologica
0068-7650 Paper Geological Survey of Canada.
0097-4137 Paper Maine Technology Experiment Station.
0226-9430 Paper British Columbia.; British Columbia.
0306-8234 Paper Benn
0372-3674 Paper Ministry of Industry, Geological Survey and Mineral Research Dep
0553-1438 Paper Paper, Inc..
0031-1138 Paper, film and foil converter Maclean-Hunter Pub. Corp.
0097-4269 Paper & printing digest [Cleveland Paper Co., etc.]
1933-3684 Paper360 Questex
0402-1215 Paper - American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0720-3543 Paperback APV Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.V. Mainz.
0031-1227 Paperboard packaging Advanstar Communications
0707-3496 Paper - Department of Mines Province of Nova Scotia,Dept. of Mines.
0821-817X Paper - Department of Mines and Energy Nova Scotia. Dept. of Mines and Energy.
0031-1243 Paperi ja puu Paperi- ja puutavaralehti
0370-1352 Paperi ja puu Suomen paperi- ja puutavaralehti
0370-1360 Paperi ja puu Suomen paperi- ja puutavaralehti
0073-8654 Paper - Institute for Defense Analyses Institute for Defense Analyses.
0031-1154 Paper maker and British paper trade journal s.n.
0370-0518 Paper Makers' Association of Great Britain and Ireland, Proceedings of the Technical Section [s.n.]
0370-0666 Paper Makers' Monthly Journal [s.n.]
0738-0313 Papermakers Conference Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0197-5153 Papermakers Conference proceedings Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry,
0096-1892 Paper mill news L. D. Post
0096-8730 Paper - Portland Cement Association Fellowship at the National Bureau of Standards Portland Cement Association Fellowship at the National Bureau of Standards,
0198-6309 Papers - Aluminum Industry Energy Conservation Workshop Aluminum Association.
0312-8059 Papers - Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science Congress University of New South Wales.
0079-8932 Papers - Department of Geology. University of Queensland University of Queensland Press.
0099-622X Papers from the Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington Carnegie Institution.
0031-126X Papers in meteorology and geophysics Meteorological Research Institute
1880-6643 Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics (e-vir) Kishocho Kisho Kenkyujo
0370-131X Papers in Science Series E. Constantinides.
0197-2782 Papers - International Conference on Liquefied Natural Gas International Gas Union.; International Institute of Refrigeration.; Institute of Gas Technology.
0096-2694 Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters.; Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters.; University of Michigan.
0096-512X Papers presented - American Chemical Society, Division of Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry American Chemical Society.
0083-8799 Papers presented at the ... annual convention Western Canada Water and Sewage Conference.
0263-4112 Papers presented at the ... International Conference on Fluid Sealing BHRA Fluid Engineering.
0032-3934 Papers presented at the ... meeting American Chemical Society.
0254-2544 Papers presented at the International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism International Council on Alcohol and Addictions.
0254-2536 Papers presented at the International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependance International Council on Alcohol and Addictions.
0147-6831 Papers presented before the Research and Applied Technology Symposium on Mined-Land Reclamation National Coal Association.
0147-1864 Papers presented before the Symposium on Coal Management Techniques National Coal Association.
0085-7068 Papers presented before the Symposium on Coal Mine Drainage Research National Coal Association.
0147-1856 Papers presented before the Symposium on Coal Preparation Bituminous Coal Research, Inc.; National Coal Association.
0147-183X Papers presented before the Symposium on Coal Utilization National Coal Association.
0733-6284 Papers presented before the Symposium on Management McGraw-Hill, Mining Information Services
0147-684X Papers presented before the Symposium on Mine and Preparation Plant refuse Disposal National Coal Association.
0733-6306 Papers presented before the Symposium on Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation McGraw-Hill, Mining Information Services
0147-1872 Papers presented before the Symposium on Surface Mining and Reclamation National Coal Association.
0147-1880 Papers presented before the Symposium on Underground Mining National Coal Association.
0372-4670 Papers - University of Queensland. Department of Chemistry University of Queensland. Dept. of Chemistry.
0197-5161 Paper Synthetics Conference Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0958-6024 Paper technology PITA
0031-1189 Paper Technology British Paper and Board Industry Federation, Technical Section
0306-252X Paper technology and industry Technical Section, British Paper and Board Industry Federation
0031-1197 Paper trade journal Vance Pub. Corp., etc.
0096-1795 Paper world E.B. Fritz,; Fritz Publications
0031-1308 Papeterie Papeterie
0031-1340 Papier Eduard Roether Verlag
0031-1367 Papier carton et cellulose Compagnie française d'édition,
0031-1383 Papiergeschichte Forschungsstelle Papiergeschichte; Verein der Zellstoff- und Papier-Chemiker und -Ingenieure; Deutsches Museum von Meisterwerken der Naturwissenschaft und Technik
0031-1375 Papier und Druck Fachbuchverlag
0883-1394 Papillion times [Papillion Pub. Co.]
0031-1421 Papír a celulóza SNTL, Nakladatelství technické literatury
0370-095X Papír- és nyomdatechnika Papír- és Nyomdaipari Tudományos Egyesület.
0031-1448 Papiripar Müszaki Könyvkiadó
0369-8351 Papir-journalen Norske papirfabrikanters forening.; Papirindustriens tekniske forening.
0370-078X Papua and New Guinea agricultural gazette Department of Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries.
0031-1464 Papua New Guinea agricultural journal Department of Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries.
0250-8087 PAR, Pseudo-allergic reactions S. Karger AG
0141-9838 Parasite immunology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-3024 Parasite immunology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0031-1812 Parasitica Association pour les études et recherches de zoologie appliquée et de phyto-pathologie
0730-9562 Parasitic diseases Marcel Dekker,
0303-688X Parasitologia Hungarica Magyar Parazitológusok Társasága.; Hungarian Society of Parasitologists.; Societas Hungarica Parasitologorum.; Természettudományi Múzeum.
0031-1820 Parasitology Cambridge University Press
1469-8161 Parasitology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1383-5769 Parasitology international Elsevier
1873-0329 Parasitology International (e-vir) Elsevier
0932-0113 Parasitology research Springer.
1432-1955 Parasitology research (e-vir) Springer
0169-4758 Parasitology today Elsevier
0048-2951 Parassitologia Il pensiero scientifico; Lombardo Editore,
0130-7762 Paraziti, parazitozi ta šlâhi ïh lìkvìdacii.; Паразити, паразитози та шляхи їх ліквідации Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0031-1847 Parazitologiâ Nedra Leningradskoe otdelenie
0370-1794 Parazitologičeskij sbornik Zoologičeskij institut RAN.
0553-2108 Parazity životnyh i rastenij Institut zoologii.
0369-836X Parfumerie Éd. des presses documentaires,
0369-9099 Parfumerie, cosmétique, savons Les Presses documentaires,
0031-1952 Parfümerie und Kosmetik Dr. Alfred Hüthig Verlag GmbH
0337-3029 Parfums, cosmétiques, arômes Société d'expansion technique et économique
0369-870X Parfums, cosmétiques, savons Syndicat national de la parfumerie française
0031-1960 Parfums, cosmétiques, savons de France Société de productions documentaires
1267-0812 Parfums cosmétiques actualités Société d'expansion technique et économique,
0369-8300 Paris médical [s.n.]
0325-9684 Parodiana CONICET. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y de Principios Naturales. Unidad Botánica.; CEFYBO.; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.; CONICET.; Universidad Nacional de San Luis.; UNSL.
0031-2339 Parodontologie Association for Research on Periodontal Diseases.
0369-8092 Parodontologie and Academy review Buchdr. Berichthaus,
0031-2452 Particle Dunbar Ailkens, Bus Mgr, Particle, Inc.
0934-0866 Particle & particle systems characterization VCH
1521-4117 Particle & particle systems characterization Wiley-VCH
0031-2460 Particle accelerators Gordon and Breach
1743-8977 Particle and fibre toxicology (e-vir) BioMed Central
0176-2265 Particle characterization VCH
0031-2479 Particles and nuclei Fazl-I-Umar Research Institute.
1068-7424 Particles on surfaces Plenum Press; VSP
0272-6351 Particulate science and technology Hemisphere Pub. Co.
1548-0046 Particulate science and technology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0370-0704 Partijnoe rukovodstvo deâtelʹnostʹû naučnyh kollektivov.; Партийное руководство деятельностью научных коллективов Institut naučnoj informacii obŝestvennyh nauk; Институт научной информации общественных наук.
0370-0313 Parupu kami kogyo zasshi Parupu oyobi Kami Gijutsu Kyokai
0371-8689 Parusa.; Паруса Omskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Омское книжное издательство.
1549-4446 PAT Russell Pub.,
0729-0470 Patent abridgement supplement to the Australian official journal of patents, trade marks and designs Australia. Patent Trade Marks and Design Office.
0031-2894 Patentblatt Heymann
0031-286X Patentjoernaal insluitende handelsmerke, modelle en outeursreg in rolprente Government Printer.
0008-4670 Patent Office record Canada. Patent Office.
0334-3332 Patents and design journal Commissioner of Patents and Designs.
0031-2916 Patenttilehti Patent- och registerstyrelsen.; Patentti- ja rekisterihallitus.
1015-2008 Pathobiology S. Karger
1423-0291 Pathobiology S. Karger
0362-3025 Pathobiology annual Appleton-Century-Crofts
1024-5359 Pathogenesis Harwood Academic Publishers
0031-2959 Pathologia et microbiologia Karger
0031-2967 Pathologia Europaea Presses Academiques Europeennes
0369-9056 Pathologia Europaea, Supplement Presses Academiques Europeennes
0031-2975 Pathologia veterinaria Karger,
0031-2983 Pathologica Ospedali Galliera
0369-8114 Pathologie et biologie Expansion scientifique française
0031-3025 Pathology Sydney University Press
1465-3931 Pathology (e-vir) Modern Medicine; Sydney University Press; Carfax International Publishers; Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1618-0631 Pathology, research and practice (e-vir) Urban u. Fischer
0257-2761 Pathology and immunopathology research S. Karger,
1532-2807 Pathology and oncology research Harcourt; Harcourt; Springer
0079-0184 Pathology annual Appleton-Century-Crofts
1320-5463 Pathology international Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications for the Japanese Society of Pathology
1440-1827 Pathology international Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications for the Japanese Society of Pathology
1219-4956 Pathology oncology research Tud. Kiadó
1542-2305 Pathology patterns reviews American Society of Clinical Pathologists.
2327-9761 Pathology patterns reviews (e-vir) American Society of Clinical Pathologists
0344-0338 Pathology research and practice Fisher
0928-4680 Pathophysiology Elsevier
1873-149X Pathophysiology (e-vir)
1424-8832 Pathophysiology of haemostasis and thrombosis Karger
1424-8840 Pathophysiology of haemostasis and thrombosis S. Karger
0031-3106 Patología Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica
0304-0313 Patologia e clinica ostetrica e ginecologica Pozzi.
0031-3114 Patologia Polska Polskie Towarzystwo Patologów.; Polish Society of Pathologists.
0369-8440 Patologia Sperimentale [s.n.].
0031-2991 Patologičeskaâ fiziologiâ i eksperimental'naâ terapiâ Medicina
0553-416X Pavlov Journal of Higher Nervous Activity [s.n.].
0031-3297 Pavo Dep. of zoology
1609-5707 Payām-i bāvar.; پیام باور Dānishgāh-i jāmi̒-i Imām Ḥusiyn; دانشگاه جامع امام حسین
0099-9938 PB Report. United States Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information
0099-8567 PB Report. United States Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services
0099-8583 PB Report. United States National Technical Information Service National Technical Information Service (NTIS).
1463-9084 PCCP (e-vir) RSC
1463-9076 PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics Royal Society of Chemistry
Y503-2881 PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics Royal Society of Chemistry
0204-6393 Pčelarstvo Nacionalen agrarno promišlen sťûz
0369-8629 Pčelovodstvo Kolos
0191-9059 PCH Pergamon
0030-7866 PCM-PCE; photo chemical machining - photo chemical etching Scientech Pub. Co.]
1054-9803 PCR methods and applications Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
0250-7757 PCT gazette WIPO.; World Intellectual Property Organization.
1071-6920 PD American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Petroleum Division.
1079-7440 PDA journal of pharmaceutical science and technology Parenteral Drug Association.
0095-3679 Peanut science American Peanut Research and Education Association.; American Peanut Research and Education Society.
0540-1968 Peat resources of Minnesota; Minnesota.; Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
0031-3726 Peche Maritime La peche maritime
0031-3890 Pediatria Clinica Pediatrica.
0031-3904 Pediatria Editura Medicală
0031-403X Pediatriâ Medicina
0375-9563 Pediatría Departamento de Pediatría, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
0031-4048 Pediatriâ, akušerstvo i ginekologiâ Zdorov'â
0369-8130 Pediatria, Archivio di Patologia e Clinica Pediatrica
0369-8793 Pediatria Espanola s.n..
0476-0069 Pediatria internazionale Società editrice Universo.
0391-5387 Pediatria medica e chirurgica Tipografia UTIV
2420-7748 Pediatria medica e chirurgica (e-vir) PagePress
0031-3939 Pediatria Polska T. Kopeć
2300-8660 Pediatria Polska (e-vir) Elsevier Urban & Partner
0031-3947 Pediatria prática Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo
0304-4254 Pediatric and adolescent endocrinology S. Karger AG
1017-5989 Pediatric and adolescent medicine S. Karger
1093-5266 Pediatric and developmental pathology Springer
1615-5742 Pediatric and developmental pathology (e-vir) Springer
0917-2394 Pediatric dental journal Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry
1880-3997 Pediatric dental journal (e-vir) Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry
0888-0018 Pediatric hematology and oncology Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1521-0669 Pediatric hematology and oncology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0300-1245 Pediatrician Karger,
0097-5257 Pediatric nephrology Plenum Press
0931-041X Pediatric nephrology Springer-Verlag New York; Springer
1432-198X Pediatric nephrology (e-vir) Springer
0255-7975 Pediatric neuroscience S. Karger
1522-7952 Pediatric pathology & molecular medicine Taylor & Francis
0270-322X Pediatric pharmacology Alan R. Liss
0301-0449 Pediatric radiology Springer
1432-1998 Pediatric radiology Springer
0031-3998 Pediatric research Williams & Wilkins Co.
1530-0447 Pediatric research (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0031-4005 Pediatrics American Academy of Pediatrics
1098-4275 Pediatrics (e-vir) American Academy of Pediatrics
1328-8067 Pediatrics international Blackwell Science Asia
1442-200X Pediatrics international (e-vir) Blackwell Science Asia
0163-1713 Pediatrics update [Elsevier]
1397-3142 Pediatric transplantation Munksgaard International Publishers
1399-3046 Pediatric transplantation (e-vir) Munksgaard International Publishers
0031-4021 Pédiatrie Pédiatrie
0479-7876 Pediatrija [S.n.]
0211-3465 Pediátrika Grutesa; Alpe
0031-4056 Pedobiologia =Gustav= Fischer Verlag
0079-0419 Pédologie Société belge de pédologie
0031-4064 Pedorojisuto Secy-Gen, Group of Japanese Pedologists, c/o National Institute of Agricultural Sciences; Nihon pedoroji gakkai
1002-0160 Pedosphere Science Press
2210-5107 Pedosphere (e-vir) Soil Science Society of China; Institute of Soil Science; Chinese Academy of Sciences; State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, China
0476-028X Pei Ching K'uang Yeh Hsueh Yuan Hsueh Pao Pei Ching K'uang Yeh Hsueh Yuan
0031-4102 Peintures, Pigments, Vernis Societe de Productions Documentaires
0370-0801 Peking Natural History Bulletin
0584-1844 PEL (Pretoria, South Africa) Nuclear Development Cooperation of South Africa.; NUCOR.
0724-1720 PEM Sprechsaal-Verl. Müller
0216-9959 Penelitian pertanian Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Bogor.
0216-4213 Penerbitan Teknik - Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi Mineral
0368-3532 Penishirin Japan Penicillin Research Association.
1063-8822 Pennington Center nutrition series Pennington Biomedical Research Center.
0099-4170 Pennsylvania, Topographic and Geologic Survey. Bulletin C Dep of Internal Affairs, Topographic and Geologic Survey.
0099-8877 Pennsylvania fruit news State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania.
0031-4595 Pennsylvania medicine Pennsylvania Medical Society.
0370-0569 Penny Mechanic and the Chemist [s.n.]
0031-4803 Pensez plastiques J. de Berne,
0370-0933 Pentacol University of Wales.
0253-3200 Peolpeu jong'i gi'sul Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry of Korea.
0731-1753 Peptide and protein reviews Marcel Dekker
0388-3698 Peptide chemistry Tampakushitsu Kenkyäu Shäoreikai.
1040-5704 Peptide research Eaton Pub. Co.
0196-9781 Peptides Pergamon
1873-5169 Peptides (e-vir) Elsevier
1344-7661 Peptide science Tampakushitsu Kenkyäu Shäoreikai.
0506-1873 Peredovoj proizvodstvennyj (naučnyj) opyt v himičeskom i neftânom mašinostroenii, rekomenduemyj dlâ vnedreniâ CINTIhimneftemaš.
0130-7975 Pererabotka gaza i gazovogo kondensata.; Переработка газа и газового конденсата [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0320-6793 Pererabotka margancevyh i polimetalličeskih rud Gruzii Institut neorganičeskoj himii i èlektrohimii.
0272-2666 Perfumer & flavorist Allured Pub. Corp.
0376-2580 Perfumers' journal Joseph Byrne,
0369-8998 Perfumery and Essential Oil Record [s.n.]
1470-1804 Pergamon materials series Pergamon.
0271-0935 Pergamon series on environmental science Pergamon.
1352-2388 Pergamon studies in neuroscience Pergamon.
0340-1316 Perinatale Medizin Thieme.
0031-5338 Periodica polytechnica Akad. Kiadó
0324-5853 Periodica polytechnica Technical University Budapest
0553-6626 Periodica polytechnica Faculty of Civil Engineering
1216-0563 Periodica polytechnica Tech. Univ. Bp.
1587-3765 Periodica polytechnica BUTE
1587-3773 Periodica polytechnica (e-vir) Faculty of Civil Engineering
0258-7645 Periodic bulletin - International Office of Cocoa and Chocololate International Office of Cocoa and Chocolate.; International Sugar Confectionery Manufacturers Association.
0369-8963 Periodico di mineralogia Tipografia del Senato del dott. G. Bardi
2239-1002 Periodico di mineralogia (e-vir) Bardi Editore
0369-0032 Periodic review Metallgesellschaft.
0031-5362 Periodicum biologorum Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo
1849-0964 Periodicum biologorum (e-vir) Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo
0896-8608 Peritoneal dialysis international Pergamon Press
1718-4304 Peritoneal dialysis international (e-vir) Pergamon Press
1470-4358 Perkin 1 Royal Society of Chemistry
1470-1820 Perkin 2 Royal Society of Chemistry
0309-2690 Perkin-Elmer analytical news Perkin-Elmer.
0553-6774 Permanence/durability of the book W.J. Barrow Research Laboratory.; W.J. Barrow Research Laboratory.
0099-8893 Permanente Foundation Medical Bulletin ????.
0370-1638 Permbledhje Studimesh Instituti i Studimeve dhe Kerkimeve Industriale e Minerale
0079-0931 Personality and psychopathology Academic Press.
1741-0541 Personalized medicine Future Medicine
1744-828X Personalized medicine (e-vir) Future Medicine
0480-1008 Perspective Focal Press
0738-4688 Perspectives in asthma Academic Press,
0031-5982 Perspectives in biology and medicine University of Chicago Press.
1529-8795 Perspectives in biology and medicine Johns Hopkins University Press
0361-0527 Perspectives in cardiovascular research Raven Press,
0928-2866 Perspectives in drug discovery and design ESCOM Science Publishers
1573-9023 Perspectives in drug discovery and design Kluwer
0360-0602 Perspectives in human reproduction C.S. Mott Center for Human Growth and Development.
0391-7223 Perspectives in inherited metabolic diseases Edi Ermes
0344-4325 Perspectives in mathematical logic Springer
0168-7069 Perspectives in medical virology Elsevier
1875-791X Perspectives in medical virology (e-vir) Elsevier
0361-0225 Perspectives in neuroendocrine research Plenum Press.
0079-1032 Perspectives in Powder Metallurgy Plenum Publishing Corp.
0162-7627 Perspectives in quantum chemistry and biochemistry John Wiley & Sons,
0079-1059 Perspectives in Structural Chemistry John Wiley and Sons.
1521-1525 Perspectives in supramolecular chemistry Wiley & Sons,
0090-8827 Perspectives in the brain sciences University of California, Los Angeles. Brain Information Service.
0169-7277 Perspectives in vertebrate science Junk
0072-9086 Perspectives in virology Rutgers University.
1062-239X Perspectives on bioinorganic chemistry JAI Press,
1568-2501 Perspectives on critical care infectious diseases Kluwer Academic Publishers
1064-0517 Perspectives on developmental neurobiology Gordon & Breach Science Publishers.
1028-978X Perspektivnye materialy Interkontakt nauka.
0126-6128 Pertanika Universiti Pertanian Malaysia
1511-3701 Pertanika journal of tropical agricultural science Universiti Pertanian Malaysia
2231-8542 Pertanika journal of tropical agricultural science Universiti Putra Malaysia
0320-4936 Peščery [Permskij gosudarstvennyj universitet]
0100-204X Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa Informação Tecnológica
0304-372X Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa
1678-3921 Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira Embrapa Informação Tecnológica
0100-8501 Pesquisa Agropecuária Pernambucana Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco
0048-3567 Pesquisa Médica Faculdade Católica de Medicina
0031-6121 Pest control Harvest Pub. Co., etc.
0103-7277 Pesticidas Universidade Federal do Paraná, Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos
1983-9847 Pesticidas (e-vir) Universidade Federal do Paraná, Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos
0146-0501 Pesticide & toxic chemical news Food Chemical News
0048-3575 Pesticide biochemistry and physiology Academic Press.
1095-9939 Pesticide biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) Academic Press
0956-1250 Pesticide outlook Royal Society of Chemistry
1465-8933 Pesticide outlook (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0160-774X Pesticide research bulletin Stanford Research Institute.
0970-6763 Pesticide research journal Society of Pesticide Science, India
0068-7898 Pesticide research report Canada. Committee on Pesticide Use in Agriculture.
0031-6148 Pesticides Colour Publications, Private Ltd.
0031-613X Pesticide science John Wiley & Sons
1096-9063 Pesticide science (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0258-7602 Pesticides-CIPAC methods and proceedings series CIPAC.; Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council.
0031-6156 Pesticides monitoring journal United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Council on Environmental Quality (U.S.).; United States.; Council on Environmental Quality (U.S.).; Council on Environmental Quality (U.S.).
0352-9029 Pesticidi Privredni pregled
1820-3949 Pesticidi i fitomedicina Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine; Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije
2406-1026 Pesticidi i fitomedicina (e-vir) Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection; Serbian Plant Protection Society
1526-498X Pest management science John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1526-4998 Pest management science (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
0970-3012 Pestology Scientia Publications Pvt. Ltd..
0096-2139 Pests National Pest Control Association.
0096-2147 Pests and their control National Pest Control Association.
0370-2227 Pest technology Rhodes Industrial Services
0208-8703 Pestycydy Instytut Przemysłu Organicznego. Zakład Dokumentacji i Informacji Technicznej.
0031-6253 Petit journal du brasseur Agefi-Sobeli S.A.N.V.
0379-590X Petkim dergisi Petkim Petrokimya A.S. Müdürlüægü
0386-2763 Petorotekku Sekiyu Gakkai
0031-6326 Petro/Chem Engineer Petroleum Engineer Publishing Co.
0379-7619 Petrochem Chinese Petroleum Institute.
0031-6342 Petrochemical news William F. Bland.
0370-2154 Petrochemie Výskumný ústav pre petrochémiu
0152-5425 Pétrole et techniques Edirep
0093-7851 Petróleo internacional Pennwell Pub. Co. etc.]
0096-753X Petroleum Petroleum Pub. Co.,
0369-9021 Petroleum [s.n.]
0369-9048 Petroleum Verlag für Fachliteratur
0250-5436 Petroleum & Chemical Industry Developments Colour Publications Private Limited
0553-884X Petroleum & Hydrocarbons Technical Press Publications; Keith & Slater Ltd.
0096-4506 Petroleum age Petroleum Age Pub. Co., etc.]
1335-3055 Petroleum and Coal Slovnaft.; Slovenská spoločnosť priemyselnej chémie.
1337-7027 Petroleum and Coal (e-vir) Slovnaft VÚRUP a.s.
0370-226X Petroleum and petrochemical international Petroleum Publishing Company
1354-0793 Petroleum geoscience Geological Society of London.; European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists.
2041-496X Petroleum geoscience (e-vir) Geological Society Publishing House
0301-6242 Petroleum international Petroleum Publishing Company
0096-7556 Petroleum Magazine
0096-4514 Petroleum management Petroleum Engineer Pub. Co.
0096-6215 Petroleum marketer Shaw Pub. Co.]
0096-6525 Petroleum processing [McGraw-Hill, etc.]
0096-6517 Petroleum refiner Gulf Pub. Co.
0197-3711 Petroleum refineries in the United States and U.S. territories United States.; United States.; United States.
0020-3076 Petroleum review Institute of Petroleum
0375-9024 Petroleum Review [s.n.]
1995-8226 Petroleum science China University of Petroleum; Springer-Verlag GmbH
1672-5107 Petroleum Science Editorial Office of Petroleum Science
1091-6466 Petroleum science and technology Marcel Dekker
1532-2459 Petroleum science and technology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0733-0553 Petroleum supply monthly United States.; United States.
0099-8907 Petroleum Technical Review
0369-9013 Petroleum technology / American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers.
0193-2489 Petroleum world Petroleum World Pub. Co..
0369-903X Petroleum World [s.n.]
0193-2497 Petroleum world and oil age [F. Palmer Publications]
0031-6563 Petrolieri d'Italia Editoriale d'Italia.
0391-9919 Petrolieri international Editoriale d'Italia.
0869-5903 Petrologiâ Nauka
0869-5911 Petrology Pleiades publishing; Nauka/Interperiodica
1556-2085 Petrology (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0369-9005 Petromine Petromine.
0370-2324 Petros Students' Geological Society
0961-785X Pezcoller Foundation symposia Pezcoller Foundation.
0480-2365 Pfizer, Chas. and Co., Inc., Agricultural Research and Development Department, Conference Series
0374-7557 Pfizer Medical Monographs University of Edinburgh [s.n.]
0257-5280 Pflanzenschutz Bundesanstalt für Pflanzenschutz
0031-675X Pflanzenschutzberichte Bundesanstalt fuer Pflanzenschutz
0079-1342 Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Farbenfabriken Bayer AG
0170-0405 Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Bayer Bayer CropScience AG.
0340-1723 Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Bayer Bayer AG
0031-6768 Pflügers Archiv Springer
1432-2013 Pflügers Archiv (e-vir) Springer
0365-267X Pflügers Archiv für die Gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere Springer
0501-2619 PG Reports. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Production Group [s.n.]
0369-9617 pH Asociación Estudiantes de Farmacia.
0285-4937 Pharma Yakugyo Jiho Company; Oriox Japan.
0031-6857 Pharmaca Udruga poslodavaca u zdravstvu
0129-5675 Pharmaceutica Pharmaceutical Society, University of Singapore.
0370-1433 Pharmaceutica Annales societatis belgicae pharmaceuticae
0031-6865 Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae ELsevier
0096-6835 Pharmaceutical abstracts American Pharmaceutical Association.
0939-9488 Pharmaceutical and pharmacological letters Springer International
0099-8915 Pharmaceutical Archives
1388-0209 Pharmaceutical biology Swets & Zeitlinger
1744-5116 Pharmaceutical biology (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.
1078-0467 Pharmaceutical biotechnology Plenum Press. ;; Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
1364-5013 Pharmaceutical biotechnology international Sterling
0369-9471 Pharmaceutical bulletin Nihon Yakugakkai.
0956-0661 Pharmaceutical business news Financial Times Newsletters.; Financial Times Business Information.
0091-150X Pharmaceutical chemistry journal (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-9031 Pharmaceutical chemistry journal Kluwer
1083-7450 Pharmaceutical development and technology Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1097-9867 Pharmaceutical development and technology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0369-9587 Pharmaceutical Industry of Yugoslavia Koordinacioni odbor farmaceutske industrije
0301-5432 Pharmaceutical journal and pharmacist Pharmaceutical Soc. of Great Britain.
0553-9234 Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Yearbook Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association.
0951-9696 Pharmaceutical manufacturing international Sterling Publications.
0265-0673 Pharmaceutical medicine Macmillan Press.
0724-8741 Pharmaceutical research Springer New York LLC; Springer Nature
1573-904X Pharmaceutical research (e-vir) Kluwer
0096-9133 Pharmaceutical review Pharmaceutical Review Pub. Co.
1424-8247 Pharmaceuticals (e-vir) MDPI, Molecular Diversity Preservation International
0369-9501 Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics [s.n.]
1461-5347 Pharmaceutical science & technology today Elsevier Trends Journals
1351-6337 Pharmaceutical science communications Rapid Communications.
1356-6881 Pharmaceutical sciences Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
0147-8087 Pharmaceutical technology Aster Pub. Corp., etc.
1543-2521 Pharmaceutical technology Advanstar Communications
2150-7376 Pharmaceutical technology (e-vir) Advanstar Communications
0164-6826 Pharmaceutical technology international Pharmaceutical Technology International
1534-2131 Pharmaceutical technology North America Advanstar Communications
0031-6911 Pharmaceutisch weekblad Nederlandsche Maatschappij ter Bevordering der Pharmacie; Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter Bevordering der Pharmacie
0167-6555 Pharmaceutisch weekblad Royal Dutch Association for Advancement of Pharmacy.; European Society of Clinical Pharmacy.
1720-4003 Pharmachem B5.
0480-2551 Pharmacia Farmaceutsko društvo SR BiH; Farmaceutsko društvo Federacije BiH
2603-557X Pharmacia (e-vir) Pensoft
0369-9579 Pharmacie hospitalière française L. Perrot,
0553-9323 Pharmacien Biologiste Association des pharmaciens directeurs de laboratoires d'analyses de Paris.
0553-9331 Pharmacien d'Aquitaine Fédération des syndicats pharmaceutiques d Aquitaine Bordeaux.
0031-6954 Pharmacien Rural Synthese Publicite,
0369-9676 Pharmacie-Produits pharmaceutiques. Bulletin documentaire [s.n.],
0165-7208 Pharmacochemistry library Elsevier
1170-7690 PharmacoEconomics Adis International
1179-2027 PharmacoEconomics (e-vir) Springer Internat. Publ.
1053-8569 Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety Wiley
1099-1557 Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety (e-vir) J. Wiley
0960-314X Pharmacogenetics Chapman & Hall
1744-6872 Pharmacogenetics and genomics Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1744-6880 Pharmacogenetics and genomics (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1462-2416 Pharmacogenomics Ashley Publications.
1744-8042 Pharmacogenomics (e-vir) Future Medicine
1470-269X Pharmacogenomics journal Nature Publishing.
0973-1296 Pharmacognosy magazine Phcog.Net
0976-4062 Pharmacognosy magazine (e-vir) Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd.
0369-9498 Pharmacologia Clinica Springer
0161-2603 Pharmacological and biochemical properties of drug substances Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
1734-1140 Pharmacological Reports Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences
2299-5684 Pharmacological Reports (e-vir) Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences
1043-6618 Pharmacological research Academic Press
1096-1186 Pharmacological research (e-vir) Academic Press
0031-6989 Pharmacological research communications Published for the Italian Pharmacological Society by Academic Press.
0031-6997 Pharmacological reviews Williams and Wilkins Co.
1521-0081 Pharmacological reviews (e-vir) American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
0031-7012 Pharmacology S Karger; Albert J Phiebig
1423-0313 Pharmacology (e-vir) S. Karger
0091-3057 Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior Pergamon Journals
1873-5177 Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0163-7258 Pharmacology & therapeutics Pergamon Press
0362-5478 Pharmacology & therapeutics Pergamon Press
0362-5486 Pharmacology & therapeutics International Union of Pharmacology
1879-016X Pharmacology & therapeutics (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0901-9928 Pharmacology & toxicology Munksgaard
1600-0773 Pharmacology & toxicology Blackwell Publishing.
0306-039X Pharmacology and therapeutics Pergamon Press
0001-4389 Pharmacology and therapeutics in dentistry Association of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Teachers in Dentistry (U.S.)
1011-291X Pharmacology and the skin S. Karger,
0480-2586 Pharmacology and Toxicology
1026-8081 Pharmacology communications (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1060-4456 Pharmacology communications Harwood Academic Publishers.
1827-8620 Pharmacologyonline Unisa Webstaff; Società italo-latinoamericana di etnomedicina
1028-8945 Pharmacology reviews and communications Harwood Academic Publishers.
0720-4280 Pharmacopsychiatria Thieme
0176-3679 Pharmacopsychiatry Thieme
1439-0795 Pharmacopsychiatry (e-vir) Thieme
0277-0008 Pharmacotherapy Pharmacotherapy Publications, Inc.
1875-9114 Pharmacotherapy IOS Press
1460-8081 Pharmacy and pharmacology communications The Royal Pharmaceutical Society
0031-7047 Pharmacy in history American Institute of the History of Pharmacy
2329-5031 Pharmacy in history (e-vir) American Institute of the History of Pharmacy
0167-3157 Pharmacy international Elsevier, North-Holland
0369-965X Pharmacy Pakistan [s.n.]
0928-1231 Pharmacy world & science Royal Dutch Association for Advancement of Pharmacy
1573-739X Pharmacy world & science Kluwer
0301-1348 Pharma international Pharma Verlag
0031-7098 Pharmakopsychiatrie, Neuro-Psychopharmakologie Georg Thieme Verlag
0344-7154 Pharmakotherapie Dustri-Verlag Feistle.
0289-5803 Pharma medica Medikaru Rebyūsha
0250-6068 Pharmanual S. Karger AG
0931-9700 Pharma-Technologie-Journal Concept Heidelberg.
0308-051X Pharmatherapeutica Clayton-Wray Publications
0031-6849 Pharmatimes Indian Pharmaceutical Association.
0031-711X Pharmazeutische Industrie Editio Cantor, Verl. für Medizin u. Naturwiss.
0369-9609 Pharmazeutische Monatshefte S.n.
0369-9668 Pharmazeutische Post Oesterreichischer Apotheker-Vereines
0048-3656 Pharmazeutische Praxis Verlag Volk und Gesundheit
0370-1379 Pharmazeutische Presse [s.n.]
0370-1387 Pharmazeutische Presse, Wissenschaftlich-Praktische Hefte Oesterreichische Apotheker-Verlagsgesellschaft
0031-7128 Pharmazeutische Rundschau Keppler, Abt. Pharma
0173-1890 Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik heute Dt. Apotheker-Verl.
0031-7136 Pharmazeutische Zeitung Govi-Verl.
0369-9803 Pharmazeutische Zeitung-Nachrichten Govi-Verl.
0369-9781 Pharmazeutische Zentralhalle Steinkopff.
0369-9773 Pharmazeutische Zentralhalle für Deutschland Steinkopff
0031-7144 Pharmazie Verlag Volk und Gesundheit
0369-979X Pharmazie heute Dt.-Apotheker-Verl..
0048-3664 Pharmazie in Unserer Zeit VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft
1615-1003 Pharmazie unserer Zeit Wiley-VCH
0379-556X Pharmstudent Pharmaceutical Society, Banaras Hindu University
0910-4739 Pharm tech Japan Yakugyäo Jihäosha.
0141-1594 Phase transitions Gordon and Breach.
1029-0338 Phase transitions (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishing Group
1062-7901 Phase transitions and critical phenomena Academic Press
1392-2076 Pheromones Institute of Ecology.; Ekologijos institutas.; Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.; Lietuvos Mokslęu akademija.
0480-2993 Philippine Agricultural Engineering Journal Philippine Society of Agricultural Engineers
0369-8386 Philippine Agricultural Review Agricultural Information Division, Ministry of Agriculture.
0031-7454 Philippine agriculturist College of Agriculture and Central Experiment Station.
0480-3515 Philippine Atomic Energy Commission Reports Philippine Atomic Energy Commission.
0369-9536 Philippine Entomologist Philippine Association of the Entomologists.
0031-7551 Philippine geographical journal Philippine Geographical Society.
0031-756X Philippine Geologist [s.n.].
0369-9595 Philippine Journal of Agriculture ????.
0115-2386 Philippine journal of anesthesiology The Society.
0048-3761 Philippine Journal of Animal Industry Bureau of Animal Industry.
0031-7608 Philippine Journal of Cancer Office of the Philippine Cancer Society, Cancer Detection Center.
0115-2025 Philippine journal of crop science Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research.
0115-5172 Philippine journal of food science and technology Philippine Association of Food Technologists, Inc..
0048-3788 Philippine Journal of Forestry Bureau of Forest Development, Ministry of Natural Resources.
0556-0071 Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine College of Medicine, University of the Philippines.
0031-7640 Philippine Journal of Nutrition Philippine Association of Nutrition
0048-3826 Philippine Journal of Plant Industry Bureau of Plant Industry
0031-7683 Philippine Journal of Science National Institute of Science and Technology.
0370-0232 Philippine Journal of Science, Section A: Chemical Sciences National Science Development Board.
0370-0259 Philippine Journal of Science, Section B: Medical Sciences National Science Development Board
0370-0208 Philippine Journal of Science, Section C: Botany Agricultural Information Division, Ministry of Agriculture.
0370-0267 Philippine Journal of Surgery and Surgical Specialties Philippine College of Surgeons.
0031-7691 Philippine journal of surgical specialties (print) Philippine College of Surgeons
0115-2173 Philippine journal of veterinary and animal science Philippine Society of Animal Science; Philippine Veterinary Medical Association.
0031-7705 Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine University of the Philippines, College of Veterinary Medicine
0031-7756 Philippine mining journal Philippine Management and Financial Controllers, Inc..
0115-0804 Philippine phytopathology Philippine Phytopathological Society.
0079-1466 Philippine Scientist University of San Carlos.
0079-1490 Philippines nuclear journal Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
0048-3869 Philippine Sugar Institute quarterly Philippine Sugar Institute.
0115-2351 Philippine textile information digest National Science Development Board Philippine Textile Research Institute.
0115-0855 Philippine weed science bulletin Weed Science Society, of the Philippines Inc. University of the Philippines at Los Baños.
0165-5817 Philips journal of research Philips research laboratories; Elsevier Science Publishers
0031-7918 Philips research reports Philips Research Laboratories
0554-0615 Philips research reports Philips Research Laboratories
0031-7926 Philips technical review Uitgeversmaatschappij Centrex
0369-8696 Philosophical collections [Printed for John Martyn, Printer to the Royal Society]
1364-2812 Philosophical magazine Taylor & Francis
1463-6417 Philosophical magazine Taylor & Francis
1478-6435 Philosophical magazine Taylor & Francis
1478-6443 Philosophical magazine (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Group
0031-8086 Philosophical Magazine Taylor and Francis Ltd
0141-8610 Philosophical magazine. A. Physics of condensed matter. Defects and mechanical properties Taylor & Francis
0950-0839 Philosophical magazine letters Taylor & Francis
1362-3036 Philosophical magazine letters (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0370-2316 Philosophical transactions Royal Society
0962-8436 Philosophical transactions Royal Society
1364-503X Philosophical transactions Royal Society
2053-9207 Philosophical transactions (e-vir) Royal Society (Great Britain)
1471-2962 Philosophical Transactions (e-vir) RS
1471-2970 Philosophical Transactions (e-vir) RS
0191-443X Phosphate rock United States.
0375-9571 Phosphore et agriculture ISMA
1026-7719 Phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon and the related elements (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1042-6507 Phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon and the related elements Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1563-5325 Phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon and the related elements Gordon and Breach
0031-8426 Phosphorus and Potassium The British Sulphur Corp Ltd
0308-664X Phosphorus and sulfur and the related elements Gordon and Breach
0369-9722 Phosphorus and the related Group V elements Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0031-8434 Phosphorus in agriculture International Fertilizer Industry Association
0917-9976 Phosphorus letter Nihon Muki Rin Kagakukai
0918-4783 Phosphorus research bulletin Japanese Associetion of Inorganic Phosphorus Chemistry; Japanese Associetion of Inorganic Phosphorus Chemistry
0369-9625 Photo Photo.
0097-5869 Photo art monthly [Photo Art Publisher]
0165-8646 Photobiochemistry and photobiophysics Elsevier/North-Holland
0269-7297 Photobiology bulletin British Photobiology Society.
2578-5478 Photobiomodulation, photomedicine, and laser surgery (e-vir) M. A. Liebert
1474-905X Photochemical & photobiological sciences RSC
1474-9092 Photochemical & photobiological sciences (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0363-499X Photochemical and photobiological reviews Plenum Press.
0556-3860 Photochemistry Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0031-8655 Photochemistry and photobiology Pergamon Press.
1751-1097 Photochemistry and photobiology (e-vir) Blackwell
0991-9198 Photo cinéma [s.n.]
0369-9641 Photo ciné revue Éditions de Francia,
0108-9684 Photodermatology Munksgaard.
0905-4383 Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine Munksgaard International Publishers
1600-0781 Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine (e-vir) Munksgaard
1572-1000 Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy Elsevier
1873-1597 Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy (e-vir) European Platform for Photodynamic Medicine
0079-1814 Photoelectric Spectrometry Group bulletin Photelectric Spectrometry Group.
0097-5885 Photo-era magazine A.H. Beardsley
0031-8671 Photogrammetric engineering American Society of Photogrammetry
0099-1112 Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing American Society of Photogrammetry.
0031-8736 Photographic journal Royal Photographic Society
0370-0224 Photographic Journal Royal photographic society
0370-0240 Photographic Journal Royal photographic society
0031-8760 Photographic science and engineering Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers.
0480-4619 Photographic Science and Technique [s.n.].
0554-1093 Photographic Sensitivity Maruzen Co, Ltd.
0302-4210 Photographic techniques in scientific research Academic Press.
0369-9552 Photographie für Alle
0369-9544 Photographie und Forschung Zeiss Ikon
0554-1107 Photographie und Wissenschaft Agfa-Aktiengesellschaft
0031-8795 Photographische Korrespondenz Helwich
1549-5418 Photomedicine and laser surgery Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-8550 Photomedicine and laser surgery (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert
0912-232X Photomedicine and photobiology Japanese Society for Photomedicine and Photobiology; Japanese Society for Photomedicine and Photobiology
1067-5345 Photonics and optoelectronics Allerton Press,
1023-6600 Photonics science news Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0731-1230 Photonics spectra Optical Publishing
0090-6999 Photophysiology Academic Press,
0300-3604 Photosyntetica Academia
0166-8595 Photosynthesis research Junk; Nijhoff; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-5079 Photosynthesis research (e-vir) Kluwer
1573-9058 Photosynthetica Kluwer
0031-8574 Photo-technik Und-wirtschaft Verlag für Radio-Foto-Kinotechnik
0097-5893 Photo technique McGraw-Hill Pub. Co.]
1075-8011 Phthalocyanines VCH Publishers,
0031-8884 Phycologia International Phycological Society
2330-2968 Phycologia (e-vir) International Phycological Society
1322-0829 Phycological research Japanese Society of Phycology
1440-1835 Phycological research Blackwell Science
0554-1182 Phykos Phycological Society (India)
1460-2733 PhysChemComm (e-vir) RSC Publishing
0031-8914 Physica Nijhoff; Elsevier
0378-4371 Physica North-Holland
0921-4526 Physica North-Holland
0921-4534 Physica North-Holland
1386-9477 Physica North-Holland
1872-8022 Physica (e-vir) Elsevier BV
1873-1759 Physica (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1873-2119 Physica (e-vir) Elsevier BV
1873-2135 Physica (e-vir) Elsevier
1873-2143 Physica (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0378-4363 Physica, B + C North-Holland
0370-2707 Physica. Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor natuurkunde Nederlandsche natuurkundige vereniging
0167-2789 Physica D North-Holland
0031-8922 Physica Fennica Finnish Physical Societies.
0177-7823 Physical, chemical, and earth sciences research reports Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft.
1114-3800 Physical & Chemical news [s. n.],
0893-388X Physical acoustics Academic Press
0340-8116 Physical and chemical sciences research reports Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft.
0736-458X Physical bioinorganic chemistry series Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.,
1478-3967 Physical biology IOP Publishing
1478-3975 Physical biology (e-vir) Institute of Physics
0079-1881 Physical chemistry Academic Press.
1018-113X Physical chemistry National Centre of Excellence in Physical Chemistry, University of Peshawar.
0144-963X Physical chemistry of fast reactions Plenum Press.
0770-0520 Physicalia Magazine Belgische Natuurkundige Vereniging
0480-4732 Physical Methods in Chemical Analysis
0556-0179 Physical Methods in Macromolecular Chemistry Marcel Dekker Inc.
0863-4947 Physical Research Akademie-Verlag.
0031-899X Physical review American Institute of Physics
0556-2805 Physical review Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics.
0556-2813 Physical review American Institute of Physics
0556-2821 Physical review Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics
1050-2947 Physical review American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
1063-651X Physical review American Physical Society
1089-490X Physical review (e-vir) American Physical Society
1094-1622 Physical review (e-vir) American Physical Society
1098-0121 Physical review The American Institute of Physics
1536-6065 Physical review (e-vir) Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics
1539-3755 Physical review Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
1550-235X Physical review (e-vir) American Physical Society
1550-2376 Physical review (e-vir) Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics.
0369-9706 Physical Review, Supplement
0031-9007 Physical review letters American Physical Society
1079-7114 Physical review letters online (e-vir) American Physical Society
1098-4402 Physical review special topics (e-vir) American Physical Society
0099-8451 Physical sciences research papers Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories (U.S.). Optical Physics Laboratory.
1478-6478 Physical separation in science and engineering Taylor & Francis.
1478-6486 Physical separation in science engineering Taylor & Francis.
0031-8930 Physica Norvegica Universitetetsforlaget,
0031-8949 Physica scripta Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
0281-1847 Physica scripta Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
1402-4896 Physica scripta (e-vir) Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
0031-8957 Physica status solidi Akademie-Verlag
0031-8965 Physica status solidi Akademie-Verlag
0370-1972 Physica status solidi Akademie-Verlag
1521-3951 Physica status solidi (e-vir) Akademie-Verlag
1521-396X Physica status solidi (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
1610-1634 Physica status solidi Wiley-VCH-Verl..
1610-1642 Physica status solidi (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0379-7686 Physicist Bangladesh Physical Society.
0092-8437 Physics American Institute of Physics.
0554-128X Physics Physics Pub. Co.
1063-7869 Physics, Uspekhi Turpion and Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk
0036-8091 Physics abstracts Institution of Electrical Engineers; Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
0139-9861 Physics and applications Veda,
0031-9090 Physics and Chemistry of Glasses Society of Glass Technology
0031-9104 Physics and chemistry of liquids Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
1026-7727 Physics and chemistry of liquids (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishers.
1029-0451 Physics and chemistry of liquids Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0378-1917 Physics and chemistry of materials with layered structures Reidel
0924-6339 Physics and chemistry of materials with low-dimensional structures Kluwer Academic
0342-1791 Physics and chemistry of minerals Springer Nature
1432-2021 Physics and chemistry of minerals (e-vir) Springer
0369-8726 Physics and chemistry of solids Pergamon Press
0079-1946 Physics and chemistry of the earth Pergamon
0163-2051 Physics and contemporary needs Plenum Press.
0555-4055 Physics and mathematics Pergamon Press
0170-7434 Physics briefs VCH
0031-9112 Physics Bulletin Physics Trust
0565-8055 Physics Division annual progress report for period ending . Oak Ridge National Laboratory :; Available from National Technical Information Service
1063-7753 Physics-Doklady.; Physics-Доклады American Institute of Physics; Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk; Российская академия наук
0031-9120 Physics education Institute of Physics
1361-6552 Physics education (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0836-1398 Physics essays University of Toronto Press
0733-8996 Physics in collision Plenum,
1361-6560 Physics in medicine & biology (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0031-9155 Physics in Medicine & Biology American Institute of Physics
0305-4624 Physics in technology Institute of Physics
1948-9803 Physics international Science Publications
1948-9811 Physics international (e-vir) Science Publications
Y507-4037 Physics international Science Publications
0370-2693 Physics letters North-Holland
0375-9601 Physics letters North-Holland
1873-2429 Physics letters (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1873-2445 Physics letters (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0031-9163 Physics Letters North-Holland
0253-7583 Physics news Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Indian Physics Association.
1063-7788 Physics of atomic nuclei American Institute of Physics
1562-692X Physics of atomic nuclei (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.
0340-2347 Physics of condensed matter Springer
0097-2088 Physics of failure in electronics Rome Air Development Center.
0899-8213 Physics of fluids The Institute
0899-8221 Physics of fluids The Institute of Physics
1070-6631 Physics of fluids American Institute of Physics
1089-7666 Physics of fluids (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
0351-8604 Physics of ionized gases Institute of Physics
1063-7796 Physics of particles and nuclei American Institute of Physics
1531-8559 Physics of particles and nuclei (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
1531-8567 Physics of particles and nuclei letters (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1547-4771 Physics of particles and nuclei letters Pleiades Publishing :; Nauka/Interperiodica
1070-664X Physics of plasmas American Institute of Physics
1089-7674 Physics of plasmas online (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
0161-3731 Physics of quantum electronics Addison-Wesley,
0031-9198 Physics of sintering The Boris Kidrič Institute of Nuclear Sciences
1023-2427 Physics of the alive Scientific Research Center Vidhuk
1872-7395 Physics of the earth and planetary interiors (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0031-9201 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors North-Holland
1063-7834 Physics of the solid state American Institute of Physics
1090-6460 Physics of the solid state (e-vir) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodika
0079-1970 Physics of thin films Academic Press
0370-1573 Physics reports North-Holland
0303-4070 Physics reports of the Kumamoto University Kumamoto University
0031-9228 Physics today American Institute of Physics
1945-0699 Physics today (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
1468-4780 Physics Uspekhi (e-vir) Turpion
0953-8585 Physics world IOP Publishing
2058-7058 Physics world (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0369-9757 Physikalische Belustigungen Voss.
0031-9260 Physikalische Berichte Vieweg und Sohn,Friedrich
0031-9279 Physikalische Blätter Physik-Verlag
0369-9374 Physikalische Grundlagen der Medizin Thieme.
0554-1344 Physikalische Verhandlungen Physik-Verlag
0344-8401 Physik-Daten Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe.; Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftlich-Technische Information mbH.
0138-192X Physik der Halbleiteroberfläche Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Elektronenphysik.; ZIE.
0031-9236 Physik der Kondensierten Materie Springer
0369-9692 Physik in Regelmässigen Berichten Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth
1521-3943 Physik in unserer Zeit (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0031-9252 Physik in Unserer Zeit Verlag Chemie GmbH
1617-9439 Physik-Journal Physik-Verlag
1619-6597 Physik-Journal Wiley-VCH.
0369-948X Physik und Chemie [s.n.]
0369-9463 Physiologia bohemoslovaca Academia
0031-9309 Physiologia-bohemoslovaca [S.n.]
0369-8637 Physiologia comparata et oecologia Junk
0079-2012 Physiologia plantarum Munksgaard.
1399-3054 Physiologia plantarum (e-vir) Blackwell
0031-9317 Physiologia Plantarum Wiley-Blackwell
0369-9447 Physiological abstracts Physiological Society (Great Britain)
1522-2152 Physiological and biochemical zoology University of Chicago Press
1537-5293 Physiological and biochemical zoology (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0885-5765 Physiological and molecular plant pathology Academic Press
1096-1178 Physiological and molecular plant pathology (e-vir) Elsevier
0031-9325 Physiological chemistry and physics Pacific Press
0748-6642 Physiological chemistry and physics and medical NMR Pacific Press
0307-6962 Physiological entomology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-3032 Physiological entomology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1094-8341 Physiological genomics American Physiological Society
1531-2267 Physiological genomics (e-vir) American Physiological Society
0048-4059 Physiological Plant Pathology Academic Press,Inc.
0090-5046 Physiological psychology Psychonomic Society]
0862-8408 Physiological research Academia
1802-9973 Physiological Research (e-vir) Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
0099-8931 Physiological Researches
0031-9333 Physiological reviews American Physiological Society.
1522-1210 Physiological reviews American Physiological Society
0031-935X Physiological zoology University of Chicago Press
1937-4267 Physiological zoology (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
1011-6206 Physiologie Academii replicii socialiste romäania
1548-9213 Physiology International Union of Physiological Sciences; American Physiological Society
1548-9221 Physiology (e-vir) American Physiological Society
0031-9384 Physiology & behavior Pergamon Press.
0974-0430 Physiology and molecular biology of plants (e-vir) H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society & Springer India
0971-5894 Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants Department of Environmental Sciences, BBA University
0141-2841 Physiology and pathophysiology of the skin Academic Press.
0031-9414 Physis Leo Olschki Editore
0373-6709 Physis Asociación Argentina de Ciencias Naturales
0958-0344 Phytochemical analysis Wiley
1099-1565 Phytochemical analysis J. Wiley
0031-9422 Phytochemistry Pergamon Press
1568-7767 Phytochemistry reviews Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-980X Phytochemistry reviews (e-vir) Kluwer
1164-6993 Phytoma, La Défense des végétaux Ruralia; Le Carrousel
0944-7113 Phytomedicine Fischer
0031-9449 Phytomorphology International Society of Plant Morphologists.
0031-9457 Phyton Fundación Rómulo Raggio
0079-2047 Phyton Apud Ferdinandum & fil.
1851-5657 Phyton; Φυτον (e-vir) Fundacion Romulo Raggio
0334-2123 Phytoparasitica Agricultural Research Organization.
1876-7184 Phytoparasitica (e-vir) Springer
0031-9465 Phytopathologia Mediterranea Mediterranean Phytopathological Union; Firenze University press
1593-2095 Phytopathologia Mediterranea (e-vir) Firenze University Press, Mediterranean Phytopathological Union
0031-9481 Phytopathologische Zeitschrift Parey
0031-949X Phytopathology American Phytopathological Society
1943-7684 Phytopathology (e-vir) American Phytopathological Society]
0031-9511 Phytoprotection Station de Recherches
1710-1603 Phytoprotection (e-vir) Société de protection des plantes du Québec
1624-8597 Phytothérapie Ed. de Condé; Springer-Verlag France
1765-2847 Phytothérapie (e-vir) Springer-Verlag France
0951-418X Phytotherapy research Heyden & Son
1099-1573 Phytotherapy research (e-vir) J. Wiley
0706-0599 PIEH. Prairie Institute of Environmental Health Prairie Institute of Environmental Health.
1004-8960 Pige huagong Dandong Qinghuagong Yanjiuyuan
0253-3642 Pige keji Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-7964 Pige kexue yu gongcheng Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0096-8277 Pig iron rough notes United States Pipe and Foundry Co..
0369-9420 Pigment & resin technology Sawell Publications
1758-6941 Pigment & resin technology (e-vir) Sawell Publications Ltd
0301-0139 Pigment cell S. Karger AG
0893-5785 Pigment cell research Munksgaard International Publishers
0906-9305 Pigment cell research Munksgaard ;; Blackwell Munksgaard
1600-0749 Pigment cell research Blackwell
0738-4955 Pineal research reviews A.R. Liss,
0099-894X Pineapple Quarterly
0096-8285 Pine Institute of America abstracts. Chemical section Pine Institute of America, inc.; Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, Pittsburg.
0099-6610 Pine Institute of America Technical Bulletin
0031-9953 Pinturas y acabados industriales [Pinturas y Acabados Industriales]
0476-840X Piombo e Zinco Istituto Italiano piombo e zinco.
0148-4443 Pipeline Oildom Pub. Co. of Texas
0096-8293 Pipeline engineer Petroleum Engineer Pub. Co.,
0032-0145 Pipe line industry Gulf Pub. Co.
0370-0011 Pipes and pipelines Pipes and Pipelines
0320-0108 Pis'ma v astronomičeskij žurnal Meždunarodnaja akademičeskaja izdatel'skaja kompanija "Nauka"
0320-0116 Pis'ma v Žurnal tehničeskoj fiziki Izdatel'stvo Nauka
0136-9172 Piŝevaâ promyšlennost' Tehnika
0235-2486 Piŝevaâ promyšlennost' Gosudarstvennyj agropromyšlennyj komitet SSSR
0370-0151 Piŝevaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Пищевая промышленность Narodnyj komissariat snabženiâ SSSR; Народный комиссариат снабжения СССР.
0208-3345 Piśevaâ promyšlennostʹ. Seriâ 1, Vinodelʹčeskaâ promyšlennostʹ CNIITÈIpiśeprom.
0208-3337 Piŝevaâ promyšlennostʹ. Seriâ 2, Drožževaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Пищевая промышленность. Серия 2, Дрожжевая промышленность CNIITÈIpiŝeprom; ЦНИИТЭИпищепром.
0208-3299 Piŝevaâ promyšlennostʹ. Seriâ 5, Krahmalo-patočnaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Пищевая промышленность. Серия 5, Крахмало-паточная промышленность CNIITÈIpiŝeprom; ЦНИИТЭИпищепром.
0370-1182 Piŝevaâ promyšlennostʹ SSSR.; Пищевая промышленность СССР Ministerstvo piŝevoj promyšlennosti SSSR; Министерство пищевой промышленности СССР.
0376-0138 Pisʹma v redakciû "Nauka".
0370-274X Pisʹma v žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki Nauka
0032-0293 Pit & quarry Pit & Quarry Publications, etc.
0048-4245 Pitture e Vernici GBP Communications.
1386-341X Pituitary Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-7403 Pituitary (e-vir) Kluwer; Springer
0378-813X PKV Research Journal Punjabrao Krishi Vidyapeeth.
1608-5523 Placebo VICER Publishing
0143-4004 Placenta W.B. Saunders Company Ltd
1532-3102 Placenta (e-vir) Harcourt
0265-7023 Placenta. Supplement Praeger.
1873-5088 Planetary and space science (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0032-0633 Planetary and Space Science Pergamon Press
0370-0356 Planovoe hozâjstvo Ekonomika
0032-0765 Planseeberichte fuer Pulvermetallurgie P. Schwarzkopf
1365-3040 Plant, cell & environment (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0140-7791 Plant, cell and environment Wiley-Blackwell
1214-1178 Plant, soil and environment Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
1805-9368 Plant, Soil and Environment (e-vir) Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
0278-4513 Plant/operations progress American Institute of Chemical Engineers
1471-9053 Plant & cell physiology (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0032-0935 Planta Springer-Verlag
1432-2048 Planta Springer
0100-8358 Planta daninha Sociedade Brasileira da Ciência das Plantas Daninhas
1806-9681 Planta Daninha (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira da Ciência das Plantas Daninhas
1439-0221 Planta medica (e-vir) Thieme.
0032-0943 Planta Medica Thieme; Thieme-Stratton
0032-0781 Plant and cell physiology Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists
0255-7169 Plant and nature International Society for Plant and Nature.
0032-079X Plant and soil Springer
1573-5036 Plant and soil (e-vir) Kluwer
1254-7670 Plantations, recherche, développement Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (France). Département des cultures pérennes.
0379-5578 Plant biochemical journal Indian Agricultural Research Institute.
0894-4563 Plant biology A.R. Liss,
1435-8603 Plant biology G. Thieme; Thieme
1438-8677 Plant biology Thieme
1342-4580 Plant biotechnology Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
1347-6114 Plant biotechnology (e-vir) Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
1367-1170 Plant biotechnology Blackie.
1467-7644 Plant biotechnology journal Blackwell
1467-7652 Plant biotechnology journal Blackwell.
0179-9541 Plant breeding Wiley-Blackwell
1439-0523 Plant breeding (e-vir) Blackwell
0730-2207 Plant breeding reviews American Society for Horticultural Science.
0167-6857 Plant cell, tissue and organ culture Springer
1573-5044 Plant cell, tissue and organ culture (e-vir) Kluwer
0972-2025 Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology (e-vir) Society for Biology and Biotechnology; I.K. Press
0721-7714 Plant cell reports Springer
1432-203X Plant cell reports (e-vir) Springer
0191-2917 Plant disease American Phytopathological Society
1943-7692 Plant disease (e-vir) American Phytopathological Society
0032-082X Plant engineering Cahners Pub. Co., etc.
0126-575X Planter Incorporated Society of Planters.
0032-096X Planters' Bulletin of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya Rubber Research Institute of Malaya
0032-0994 Plantes Medicinales et Phytotherapie Centre d'Etudes des Plantes Medicinales.Faculte Mixte de Medecine et de Pharmacie
0554-2715 Plant Food Review
0921-9668 Plant foods for human nutrition Kluwer Academic
1573-9104 Plant foods for human nutrition Kluwer
0306-2686 Plant foods for man Newman Books Ltd
1479-2621 Plant genetic resources CABI Publishing; Cambridge University Press
1479-263X Plant genetic resources (e-vir) CABI Publishing
0167-6903 Plant growth regulation Nijhoff; Junk; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-5087 Plant growth regulation (e-vir) Kluwer
0370-7067 Planting Manual [s.n.]
0378-2417 Plant Maintenance & Import Substitution Fact Technical Society
1746-4811 Plant methods (e-vir) BioMed Central
0167-4412 Plant molecular biology Nijhoff/Junk; Nijhoff/Junk; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-5028 Plant molecular biology (e-vir) Kluwer
0733-0537 Plant molecular biology newsletter Plant Molecular Biology Association.
0735-9640 Plant molecular biology reporter Liebert; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-9818 Plant molecular biology reporter (e-vir) Kluwer
1365-3059 Plant pathology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0032-0862 Plant Pathology Her Majesty's Stationery Office
0032-0889 Plant physiology American Society of Plant Physiologists
1532-2548 Plant physiology (e-vir) American Society of Plant Physiologists
0254-3591 Plant physiology & biochemistry Society for Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.
0981-9428 Plant physiology and biochemistry Gauthier-Villars; Centrale des revues
1873-2690 Plant physiology and biochemistry (e-vir) ElsevierMasson
1343-943X Plant production science Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai.
1349-1008 Plant production science (e-vir) Crop Science Society of Japan
0378-0449 Plant protection bulletin Plant Protection Adviser to the Governement of India.
0370-1255 Plant Protection Overseas Review Plant Protection.
0815-2195 Plant protection quarterly Inkata Press
0168-9452 Plant science Elsevier
0378-8709 Plant science Assoc. for Advancement of Plant Science.
1873-2259 Plant science (e-vir) Elsevier
0304-4211 Plant science letters Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co.
1878-2310 Plant science letters (e-vir) Elsevier
0172-6668 Plant systematics and evolution Springer.
0378-2697 Plant systematics and evolution Springer
1615-6110 Plant systematics and evolution (e-vir) Springer
0476-9864 Plasma Editore Delfino.
0272-4324 Plasma chemistry and plasma processing Plenum Press
1572-8986 Plasma chemistry and plasma processing (e-vir) Kluwer
1029-4929 Plasma devices and operations Gordon and Breach.
1051-9998 Plasma devices and operations Gordon & Breach.; S.T.B.S. Ltd..
0032-1028 Plasma physics Pergamon Press
0741-3335 Plasma physics and controlled fusion Institute of Physics
1361-6587 Plasma physics and controlled fusion (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0555-4136 Plasma physics and thermonuclear research Pergamon Press.
1063-780X Plasma physics reports MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
1562-6938 Plasma physics reports (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1612-8850 Plasma processes and polymers Wiley-VCH.
1612-8869 Plasma processes and polymers (e-vir) Wiley
1288-3255 Plasmas & ions Ed. scientifiques et médicales Elsevier
1084-0184 Plasmas and polymers Plenum Press
1572-8978 Plasmas and polymers Kluwer
1009-0630 Plasma Science & Technology Science Press, Beijing
2058-6272 Plasma science and technology (e-vir)
0963-0252 Plasma sources science & technology I0P Publishing
1361-6595 Plasma sources science & technology (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0196-4267 Plasma therapy Haemonetics Research Institute.
0278-6222 Plasma therapy & transfusion technology Laux Co.
0147-619X Plasmid Academic Press.
1095-9890 Plasmid (e-vir) Academic Press
0391-7401 Plast ERIS Edizioni per l'Industria.
0048-4350 Plaste und Kautschuk Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie
0032-1044 Plastic Plast-Sammenslutningen.; Plast-industriens Arbejdsgiverforening.
0370-0372 Plastica Nederlandse Vereniging-Federatie voor Kunststoffen.
0032-1052 Plastic and reconstructive surgery Williams & Wilkins.
1529-4242 Plastic and reconstructive surgery (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
0096-8501 Plastic and reconstructive surgery and the transplantation bulletin American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.; American Association of Plastic Surgeons.
0554-2901 Plastičeskie massy Himiâ
0129-5195 Plastichem Polymer Society of the Singapore Polytechnic.
0032-1109 Plastické hmoty a kaučuk Ministerstvo chemického průmyslu; SNTL
0032-1117 Plasticonstruction Hanser
0032-1125 Plásticos Cámara Argentina de la Industria Plástica.
0032-1133 Plásticos em Revista Plásticos em Revista Ed..
0551-0481 Plásticos modernos [s.n.].
0303-4011 Plásticos universales Hanser; Nova Ágora1; Interempresas Media
0032-1141 Plásticos y resinas Catalina Ramirez de Arellano.
0096-9141 Plastic products Plastics Publications,
0097-2096 Plastics Vincent Edwards & Co., etc.]
0097-5907 Plastics Neckwear Pub. Co.,
0370-0364 Plastics [s.n.]
0032-1222 Plastics, paint and rubber Thomson Newspapers
1465-8011 Plastics, rubber and composites Institute of Materials
1743-2898 Plastics, rubber and composites (e-vir) Maney Pub..
0959-8111 Plastics, rubber and composites processing and applications Elsevier Science.
0035-9459 Plastics, Rubbers, Textiles Rubber and Technical Press
0300-3582 Plastics & Polymers Plastics Institute.
0370-1166 Plastics & polymers conference supplement [s.n.]
1464-391X Plastics additives & compounding Elsevier Science
0551-0503 Plastics Age K. K. Purasuchikkusu Eji; Purasuchikkusu eji; プラスチックスエージ
0370-0690 Plastics and Molded Products
0096-915X Plastics and resins General Business Publications]
0308-311X Plastics and Rubber Plastics and Rubber Institute.
0307-9414 Plastics and rubber. Materials and applications Plastics and Rubber Institute.
0307-9422 Plastics and rubber. Processing Plastics and Rubber Institute.
0309-4561 Plastics and rubber international Plastics and Rubber Institute.
0378-9756 Plastics and rubber news Thomson Publ..
0144-6045 Plastics and rubber processing and applications Applied Science Publishers Ltd
0148-9119 Plastics compounding Industry Media]
0032-1176 Plastics design & processing [Lake Pub. Co.]
0091-9578 Plastics engineering Society of Plastics Engineers.
1040-2527 Plastics engineering M. Dekker,
1941-9635 Plastics engineering (e-vir) Society of Plastics Engineers
0032-1184 Plastics in Australia Bell Publications.
0096-9168 Plastics industry [V. Edwards etc.]
0253-3235 Plastics industry World Trade Publications
0032-1206 Plastics Industry News Institute of Polymer Industry, Inc
0144-8714 Plastics in medicine and surgery Plastics and Rubber Institute.
0369-9900 Plastics Institute, Transactions and Journal, Conference Supplement [s.n.]
0370-0402 Plastics Institute Transactions
0369-9943 Plastics Institute Transactions and Journal
0554-2995 Plastics Progress in India [s.n.]
0032-2660 Plastics Southern Africa Primedia Publishing; George Warman Publications
0032-1257 Plastics technology Bill Communications, Inc.,
2169-7566 Plastics technology (e-vir) Gardner Publications
0096-8323 Plastics trends Plastics Industries Technical Institute.
0032-1273 Plastics world Cahners Pub. Co.
0351-8787 Plastika i guma Savez hemičara i tehnologa Jugoslavije
0551-0597 Plastiques Édition des Presses documentaires,
1776-1395 Plastiques & caoutchoucs magazine
0375-8788 Plastiques et industrie [s.n.],
0032-1303 Plastiques modernes et élastomères Publications techniques associées
0240-9917 Plastiques renforcés, fibres de verre textile Centre de documentation du verre textile et des plastiques renforcés
0370-0739 Plastische Massen in Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag Physik.
0032-1311 Plastnytt Norsk plastforening.
0106-1720 Plast panorama Scandinavia Plastindustrien i Danmark
0032-132X Plastvärlden Svenska plastföreningen
0032-1338 Plastverarbeiter Zechner und Huthig Verlag
0322-7340 Plasty a kaučuk SNTL - Nakladatelství technické literatury
0953-7104 Platelets Churchill Livingstone
1369-1635 Platelets (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0096-8331 Platers' guide [Brass World Pub. Co.,
0032-1397 Plating The Society
0370-2162 Plating [s.n.],
0360-3164 Plating and surface finishing American Electroplaters' Society
0160-8576 Plating in the electronics industry American Electroplaters' Society.
0191-4421 Platinum United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Bureau of Mines.
1471-0676 Platinum metals review (e-vir) Johnson Matthey
0032-1400 Platinum Metals Review Johnson, Matthey and Co, Ltd
1544-9173 PLoS biology Public Library of Science
1545-7885 PLoS biology (e-vir) Public Library of Science
1555-5887 PLoS clinical trials (e-vir) Public Library of Science
1553-734X PLoS computational biology Public Library of Science
1553-7358 PLoS computational biology (e-vir) Public Library of Science
1553-7390 PLOS genetics Public Library of Science
1553-7404 PLOS genetics (e-vir) Public Library of Science
1549-1277 PLoS medicine Public Library of Science
1549-1676 PLoS medicine (e-vir) Public Library of Science
1553-7366 PLOS pathogens Public Library of Science
1553-7374 PLOS pathogens (e-vir) Public Library of Science
0554-3215 Plutonium Abstracts Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.
0032-1729 Plutonium-Dokumentation Gesellschaft für Kernforschung mbH, Literaturabteilung
0032-1761 Plyn SNTL, Nakladatelství technické literatury
0370-0496 Plyn a voda Státní nakladatelství technické literatury
0370-2618 Plyn voda a zdravotní technika Státní nakladatelství technické literatury
0551-1038 Plzeňský lékařský sborník SPN; Karolinum
0163-464X PM. Pharmacy management Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science.
0377-8452 PMAI Newsletter Powder Metallurgy Association of India.
0048-5012 PMI. Powder metallurgy international Verlag Schmid GmbH
1550-6703 PMSE preprints (e-vir) American Chemical Society.
0044-4626 PMTF Izdatel'stvo Nauka Sibirskoe otdelenie
0867-7077 Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska Polskie Towarzystwo Ftizjopneumonologiczne.; Polskie Towarzystwo Alergologiczne.; Instytut Gruźlicy i Chorób Płuc (Warszawa); Polskie Towarzystwo Chorób Płuc.
2299-8292 Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska (e-vir) "Via Medica"
0376-4761 Pneumonologia Polska Polskie Towarzystwo Ftizjopneumonologiczne.; Instytut Grużlicy (Warszawa); Instytut Gruźlicy i Chorób Płuc (Warszawa)
0033-4073 Pneumonologie = Springer.
0324-1491 Pnevmologiâ i ftiziatriâ.; Пневмология и фтизиатрия CMB; ЦМБ
0270-6458 PNL Pacific Northwest Laboratory.
0271-9320 PNL-SA Pacific Northwest Laboratory.
0370-0062 Počvennye issledovaniâ i primenenie udobrenij Belorusskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut počvovedeniâ i agrohimii.
0032-180X Počvovedenie "Nauka"
0130-8475 Počvovedenie i agrohimiâ Uradžaj; Institut počvovedeniâ i agrohimii NAN Belarusi
2534-9864 Počvoznanie, agrohimiâ i ekologiâ; Почвознание, агрохимия и екология (e-vir) Selskostopanska akademiâ; Селскостопанска академия
0861-9425 Počvoznanie, agrohimiâ i ekologiâ.; Почвознание, агрохимия и екология Geâ; Гея
0205-1931 Počvoznanie, agrohimiâ i rastitelna zaŝita B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite
0554-341X Počvoznanie i agrohimija Selskostopanska akademija Georgi Dimitrov
0136-992X Počvy i produktivnostʹ rastitelʹnyh soobŝestv.; Почвы и продуктивность растительных сообществ Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta; Издательство Московского университета.
0477-0625 Podstawowe Problemy Współczesnej Techniki Polska Akademia Nauk, Wydział Nauk Technicznych.
1231-868X Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy Mięedzyresortowa Komisja do Spraw Aktualizacji Wykazu Najwyższych Dopuszczalnych Stęeżeń i Natęeżeń Czynników Szkodliwych dla Zdrowia w Środowisku Pracy.; Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Socjalnej.; Ministerstwo Zdrowia i Opieki Społecznej.
0477-0641 Podzemnaâ gazifikaciâ uglej.; Подземная газификация углей Ugletehizdat; Углетехиздат.
0205-9649 Podzemnaâ razrabotka mośnyh rudnyh mestoroždenij Magnitogorskij gorno-metallurgičeskij institut im. G.I. Nosova.
0231-6412 Pokroky chemie Academia
0032-2423 Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie Jednota českých matematik°u a fyzik°u; Jednota slovenských matematikov a fyzikov
0322-9769 Pokroky práškové metalurgie Pramet - Výzkumný ústav pro práškovou metalurgii; Ústav materálového výskumu SAV
0551-2085 Pokroky vo vinohradníckom a vinárskom výskume Výskumný ústav vinohradnícky a vinársky
0722-4060 Polar biology Springer.
1432-2056 Polar biology Springer.
0032-2490 Polarforschung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Polarforschung; Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung
2190-1090 Polarforschung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Polarforschung e.V. c/o G. Kleinschmidt c/o Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität
0551-2964 Polarographische Berichte Staufen-Verlag
1475-3057 Polar record (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0032-2636 Policlinico, Sezione Chirurgica Pozzi,Luigi,Editore.
0048-4717 Policlinico, Sezione Medica Pozzi,Luigi,Editore.
0032-2644 Policlinico. Sezione pratica Pozzi Luigi Editore.
0032-2717 Poligrafiâ Kniga
0134-9147 Poligrafičeskaâ promyšlennostʹ Kniga.
0321-4281 Poligrafičeskaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Полиграфическая промышленность "Kniga"; "Книга".
0373-9864 Poligrafika Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów Mechaników Polskich (SIMP), Sekcja Poligrafów.
0351-1871 Polimeri Društvo plastičara i gumaraca = Society of plastics and rubber engineers
1846-0828 Polimeri (e-vir) Društvo za plastiku i gumu
0370-2014 Polimeri. Sbornik ot naučni trudove po kaučukova promišlenost DI Tehnika
0370-2561 Polimerim Vehomarim Plastiim Israel Plastics Society, Center for Industrial Research.
0204-2711 Polimernye materialy i ih issledovanie Institut fiziko-tehničeskih problem ènergetiki. Respublikanskoe pravlenie.; Vsesoûznoe himičeskoe obŝestvo im. D.I. Mendeleeva.
0134-4242 Polimernye stroitelʹnye materialy.; Полимерные строительные материалы Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektno-konstruktorskij institut polimernyh stroitelʹnyh materialov; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский и проектно-конструкторский институт полимерных строительных материалов.
0370-0410 Polimeros Ministério da Indústria e do Comércio, Superintendência da Borracha.
0104-1428 Polímeros Associação Brasileira de Polímeros.
1678-5169 Polímeros (e-vir) Associação Brasileira de Polímeros.
1984-7386 Polímeros (e-vir) Associação Brasileira de Polímeros.
0032-2725 Polimery Instytut Chemii Przemysłowej=Industrial Chemistry Research Institute
0370-0429 Polimery v mašinostroenii Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo universiteta.
0130-8246 Polimery v melioracii i vodnom hozâjstve Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut po primeneniû polimernyh materialov v melioracii i vodnom hozâjstve.; VNIIvodpolimer.
0370-0747 Polimery w Medycynie Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
2451-2699 Polimery w Medycynie (e-vir) Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Piastów Śląskich
0370-1077 Poliplasti Et/AS editrice.
0032-2768 Poliplasti e plastici rinforzati Etas-Kompass Editrice.
0324-8763 Polish ecological studies Polish Scientific Publishers
0032-2857 Polish Endocrinology Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.
0369-898X Polish engineering review Association of Polish Engineers in Canada.
0867-8928 Polish Journal of Applied Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee of Chemistry.
1509-8117 Polish Journal of Chemical Technology Stały Komitet Polskich Kongresów Technologii Chemicznej.; Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny (Szczecin)
1899-4741 Polish Journal of Chemical Technology (e-vir) "Versita"
0137-5083 Polish Journal of Chemistry Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
1505-2249 Polish journal of ecology Centre for Ecological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
2299-9884 Polish Journal of Entomology (e-vir) Polskie Towarzystwo Entomologiczne
1230-1485 Polish journal of environmental studies "Hard"
2083-5906 Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (e-vir) Polish Journal of Environmental studies
1230-0322 Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
2083-6007 Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of Polish Academy of Sciences
0209-164X Polish Journal of Human Nutrition and Metabolism Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
1233-0167 Polish Journal of Immunology Polish Society for Immunology.
1733-1331 Polish Journal of Microbiology Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów.
2544-4646 Polish Journal of Microbiology (e-vir) Polish Society of Microbiologists
1233-9687 Polish Journal of Pathology Polish Society of Pathologists; "Termedia"
2084-9869 Polish Journal of Pathology "Termedia"
1230-6002 Polish Journal of Pharmacology Institute of Pharmacology
0301-0244 Polish Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
0079-2985 Polish Journal of Soil Science Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej (Lublin)
1505-1773 Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee of Veterinary Sciences.
2300-2557 Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences (e-vir) Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Veterinary Sciences; University of Warmia and Mazury
0032-2938 Polish Medical Journal Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich.
0554-4963 Polish Review of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information. J.P.R.S..
0032-3004 Polish Technical and Economic Abstracts Central Office for Scientific Technical and Economic Information.; Centrum Informacji Naukowej Technicznej i Ekonomicznej.
0032-3012 Polish Technical Review Publishers of Technical Periodicals of the Central Technical Organization; Publishers of Technical Periodicals and Books "Sigma-NOT"
0032-3055 Politécnica Escuela Politecnica Nacional
0554-5579 Poljoprivreda i šumarstvo Savez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara SRCG
1800-9492 Poljoprivreda i šumarstvo (e-vir) Biotehnički institut
0370-0291 Poljoprivredna znanstvena smotra Poljoprivredni nakladni zavod
0208-8711 Pollena Stowarzyszenie Producentów Kosmetyków i Chemii Gospodarczej, Warszawa.; Association of Producers for Cosmetics and Household Chemicals, Warsaw.
0032-3632 Pollution atmosphérique Pollution atmosphérique
0032-3640 Pollution engineering Pudvan Pub. Co., etc.
0148-4435 Pollution engineering and technology [M. Dekker]
0307-6725 Pollution paper - Department of the Environment. Central Unit on Environmental Pollution H.M.S.O..
0141-2744 Pollution report Great Britain. Central Unit on Environmental Pollution.
0257-8050 Pollution research Indian Association for Pollution Chemists and Biologists.
0370-2456 Polska Akademia Umiejetnosci, Prace Muzeum Przyrodniczego
1644-115X Polska Medycyna Paliatywna "Via Medica"
0032-3764 Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0032-3772 Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnęetrznej Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
1897-9483 Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnęetrznej (e-vir) "Medycyna Praktyczna"
0079-3647 Polskie Archiwum Weterynaryjne Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe; Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0032-3780 Polskie pismo entomologiczne Polish Entomological Society
0137-1606 Polskie Towarzystwo Gleboznawcze. Komisja Biologii Gleby Polskie Towarzystwo Gleboznawcze.
1426-9686 Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski MEDPRESS.
2299-2847 Polski Przegląd Chirurgiczny (e-vir) Towarzystwo Chirurgów Polskich.
0032-373X Polski Przeglęad Chirurgiczny = Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich; Fundacja Polski Przeglęad Chirurgiczny
0137-7183 Polski Przeglęad Radiologii i Medycyny Nuklearnej Polskie Lekarskie Towarzystwo Radiologiczne.
0032-3756 Polski Tygodnik Lekarski Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
0135-874X Polučenie i analiz čistyh veśestv Gorʹkovskij universitet im. N.I. Lobačevskogo.
0321-3404 Polučenie i svojstva tonkih plenok.; Получение и свойства тонких пленок Institut problem materialovedeniâ; Институт проблем материаловедения.
0321-3390 Poluprovodnikovaâ èlektronika.; Полупроводниковая электроника Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta; Издательство Ленинградского университета.
0554-6222 Poluprovodnikovaâ tehnika i mikroèlektronika.; Полупроводниковая техника и микроэлектроника Naukova dumka; Наукова думка
0554-6249 Poluprovodnikovye pribory v tehnike èlektrosvâzi Svâzʹ.
1026-7743 Polycyclic aromatic compounds (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1040-6638 Polycyclic aromatic compounds Gordon and Breach
1563-5333 Polycyclic aromatic compounds (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0032-3845 Polygraph Polygraph Verlag GmbH
0277-5387 Polyhedron Pergamon Press
1873-3719 Polyhedron (e-vir) Elsevier
0032-3861 Polymer Butterworth Scientific Limited
0032-387X Polymer Age Rubber and Technical Press Ltd
0096-834X Polymer bulletin Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn.
0170-0839 Polymer bulletin Springer
1436-2449 Polymer bulletin (e-vir) Springer
1759-9954 Polymer chemistry RSC Publishing
1759-9962 Polymer chemistry (e-vir) RSC Publishing
0263-6476 Polymer communications Butterworth Scientific
0272-8397 Polymer composites Society of Plastics Engineers; Wiley
1548-0569 Polymer composites (e-vir) Society of Plastics Engineers; Wiley
0141-3910 Polymer degradation and stability Applied Science Publishers Ltd
1873-2321 Polymer Degradation and Stability (e-vir) Elsevier
0032-3888 Polymer engineering and science Society of Plastics Engineers
1548-2634 Polymer engineering and science (e-vir) Society of Plastics Engineers; Wiley
0250-8079 Polymer engineering reviews Elsevier Sequoia
0966-7822 Polymer gels and networks Elsevier
0743-0515 Polymeric materials science and engineering American Chemical Society
0959-8103 Polymer international Elsevier Applied Science
1097-0126 Polymer international (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
1349-0540 Polymer journal Society of Polymer Science, Japan
0032-3896 Polymer Journal Society of Polymer Science, Japan
0032-390X Polymer mechanics Consultants Bureau.
1181-9510 Polymer networks & blends ChemTec Publishing.
0032-3918 Polymer news Gordon and Breach.
0144-2880 Polymer photochemistry Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
1878-2698 Polymer photochemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
0360-2559 Polymer-plastics technology and engineering M. Dekker
1525-6111 Polymer-plastics technology and engineering (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
0735-7931 Polymer process engineering Marcel Dekker
1054-3414 Polymer reaction engineering M. Dekker
1532-2408 Polymer reaction engineering (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0969-5990 Polymer recycling Rapra Technology.
0032-3926 Polymer Report Prima Kogyo Kenkyujo.
0079-3736 Polymer reviews Interscience Publishers,
1558-3716 Polymer reviews (e-vir) Taylor and Francis, Inc.
1558-3724 Polymer reviews Taylor and Francis Group, LLC
0967-3911 Polymers & polymer composites RAPRA Technology
1478-2391 Polymers and polymer composites (e-vir)
0732-7161 Polymer science & technology Comtex Scientific Corporation.
0093-6286 Polymer science and technology Plenum Press.; Longman.; Chapman & Hall.; Kluwer Academic Publishers.
0926-9118 Polymer science library Elsevier Scientific Publishers
0032-3950 Polymer science USSR Pergamon
1878-268X Polymer science USSR (e-vir) Elsevier
1042-7147 Polymers for advanced technologies VCH Publishers
1099-1581 Polymers for advanced technologies (e-vir) Wiley Interscience
0272-6335 Polymers in biology and medicine Wiley,
0370-1158 Polymers paint colour journal Fuel & Metallurgical Journals Ltd, John Adam House
1357-731X Polymers paint colour journal FMJ International
0142-9418 Polymer testing Applied Science Publishers Ltd
1873-2348 Polymer testing (e-vir) Elsevier
0738-1743 Polymer yearbook Harwood Academic Publishers.
0987-7819 Polyphénols actualités Groupe Polyphénols (Bordeaux)
0589-1477 Polysaccharides in Biology, Transactions of the Conference ????.
0370-2391 Polytechnisch tijdschrift Nederlands Instituut voor Register-Ingenieurs en Afgestudeerden van Hogere Technische Scholen.
0925-5680 Polytechnisch tijdschrift Stam Tijdschriften
0370-2669 Polytechnisch weekblad Holdert
0032-4140 Pomiary, Automatyka, Kontrola Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna.; Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich.; Polskie Stowarzyszenie Pomiarów Automatyki i Robotyki POLSPAR.
0377-9971 Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarum scripta varia Pontificia Academia Scientiarum.
0032-4299 Poona Agricultural College Magazine College of Agriculture
0032-4582 Popular photography CBS Magazines, etc.
0253-7303 Popular plastics Colour Publications Pvt. Limited
0032-4604 Popular Plastics Colour Publications Pvt Ltd.
0971-0078 Popular Plastics & Packaging Colour Publications Pvt. Limited.
0253-7311 Popular plastics & rubber Colour Publications Pvt. Limited
0370-1123 Popular Plastics Annual Colour Publications Pvt Ltd.
0091-9276 Population reports George Washington University.; George Washington University.; Johns Hopkins University.
0554-7083 Poriechiren Yusei-sha.
0386-3700 Porimäa daijesuto Rabäa Daijesutosha.
0127-0249 PORIM bulletin Institiut Penyelidikan Minyak Kelapa Sawit Malaysia.
0032-4795 Poroškovaâ metallurgiâ Naukova dumka
0321-348X Poroškovaâ metallurgiâ.; Порошковая металлургия Kujbyševskij aviacionnyj institut; Куйбышевский авиационный институт.
0139-9330 Porozimetrie a její použití ČSTV-Dům techniky,
0379-153X Porrime Hangug gobunja haghoi
0966-4068 Portland Press proceedings Portland Press.
0964-5845 Portland Press research monograph Portland Press.
0032-5147 Portugaliae acta biologica I.B.F.C.L.; L.P.V.V.A.; S.P.B.
0872-1904 Portugaliae electrochimica acta A.C.L.
1647-1571 Portugaliae electrochimica acta (e-vir) V.M.M. Lobo
0048-4903 Portugaliae physica Laboratorio de Fisica de Faculdade de Ciencias
0408-9952 Posebna izdanja Institut za zaštitu bilja
0435-4257 Posebna izdanja Geološkog glasnika Geološki zavod
0367-7036 Posebna izdanja - Institut za geološko-rudarska istraživanja i ispitivanja nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina Institut za geološko-rudarska istraživanja i ispitivanja nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina
0449-3966 Posebne publikacije - Jugoslovensko društvo za proučavanje zemljišta Jugoslovensko društvo za proučavanje zemljišta
0096-8358 Posselt's textile journal E. A. Posselt.
0253-5963 POST. Kenya POST : Kenya.
0032-5414 Postęepy Astronomii Polskie Towarzystwo Astronomiczne.; Polskie Towarzystwo Astronomiczne.
0137-8465 Postęepy Fizyki Medycznej Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyki Medycznej.; Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyki Medycznej.
0032-5449 Postęepy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
1732-2693 Postęepy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej Medical Science International.
0032-5457 Postęepy Nauk Rolniczych Polska Akademia Nauk. Wydział Nauk Rolniczych, Leśnych i Weterynaryjnych.
0137-4478 Postęepy Technologii Maszyn i Urzęadzeń Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Budowy Maszyn. Sekcja Podstaw Technologii, Warszawa.
0370-2650 Postęepy Wiedzy Rolniczej Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne.
0390-5942 Poste e telecomunicazioni nello sviluppo della società Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
0373-5982 Postępy Astronautyki Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich
0032-5422 Postępy Biochemii Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
0324-833X Postępy Biologii Komórki Polskie Towarzystwo Anatomiczne.; Polskie Towarzystwo Biologii Komórki.; Fundacja Biologii Komórki i Biologii Molekularnej.
0032-5430 Postępy Fizyki Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
0079-4252 Postępy Mikrobiologii Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów.
2545-3149 Postępy Mikrobiologii (e-vir) Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów
0733-0561 Postgraduate dental handbook series John Wright-PSG Inc.,
0032-5473 Postgraduate medical journal Blackwell Scientific Publications
1469-0756 Postgraduate medical journal (e-vir) BMJ Publishing Group
0370-0593 Postgraduate medical journal. Supplement Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd
0032-5481 Postgraduate medicine McGraw-Hill
1941-9260 Postgraduate medicine (e-vir) [Vendome Group, LLC]
0925-5214 Postharvest biology and technology Elsevier
1873-2356 Postharvest biology and technology (e-vir) Elsevier
0554-8438 Potash and tropical agriculture Internationale handelsmaatschappij voor meststoffen
0370-1107 Potasse Société commerciale des potasses d'Alsace,
0014-3065 Potato research European association for potato research; Springer
1871-4528 Potato research Springer
0370-0984 Potravinářská a chladící technika Státní zemědělské nakladatelství
0862-8653 Potravinářské vědy Česká akademie zemědělských věd - Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací; Ústav vědeckotechnických informací pro zemědělství
0138-2454 Potsdamer Forschungen der Pädagogischen Hochschule Karl Leibknecht Potsdam Pädagogische Hochschule Karl Liebknecht Potsdam.
0370-100X Pottery and Glass Stratford Press
0370-1018 Pottery and glass record Pottery and Glass Record
0370-1115 Pottery Gazette and Glass Trade Review Scott Greenwood and Son, Ltd
0032-5791 Poultry science Oxford University Press
1525-3171 Poultry science (e-vir) Poultry Science Association
0207-3528 Poverhnost'. Fizika, himiâ, mehanika Izdatel'stvo "Nauka"
0321-4273 Poverhnostnye âvleniâ v dispersnyh sistemah.; Поверхностные явления в дисперсных системах Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0551-7354 Povrchové úpravy LD, s.r.o. - Prager Publishing; Vydavatelství Press Agency - Ing. Václav Vaňkát; Press Agency s.r.o.; Kovofiniš; Merkur
0320-2747 Povyšenie èffektivnosti primeneniâ cementnyh i asfalʹtovyh betonov v Sibiri Sibirskij avtomobilʹno-dorožnyj institut im. V.V. Kujbyševa.
0897-6627 Powder and bulk engineering CSC Pub.]
0163-4542 Powder coatings Technology Marketing Corp.
0885-7156 Powder diffraction JCPDS - International Centre for Diffraction Data
1945-7413 Powder diffraction (e-vir) International Centre for Diffraction Data
0934-7348 Powder handling & processing Trans Tech Publ.
1743-2901 Powder metallurgy (e-vir) Powder Metallurgy Joint Group
0032-5899 Powder Metallurgy Metals Society
1068-1302 Powder metallurgy and metal ceramics Consultants Bureau
1573-9066 Powder metallurgy and metal ceramics Kluwer
0096-8374 Powder metallurgy bulletin P. Schwarzkopf
0149-3922 Powder metallurgy in defense technology Metal Powder Industries Federation.
1335-8987 Powder metallurgy progress Institute of Materials Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences
1339-4533 Powder metallurgy progress (e-vir) Institute of Materials Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences
0971-0728 Powder Metallurgy Science and Technology Powder Metallurgy Development Centre.
0032-5910 Powder technology Elsevier Sequoia
1873-328X Powder technology (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0144-2627 Powder technology publication series Powder Advisory Centre.
0032-5929 Power McGraw-Hill
0032-5937 Power & plant in Southern Africa Thomson Publications.
0369-9307 Power and Fuel Bulletin [s.n.]
0370-2634 Power and works engineering Tothill Press
0370-0992 Power engineer Power Engineer
0032-5961 Power engineering PennWell Pub.
0160-5216 Power engineering Allerton Press.
0097-2843 Power generation Technical Pub. Co.
0370-1026 Power House
1438-5325 PowerPlant chemistry
0097-241X Power plant engineering Technical Pub. Co.]
0097-5346 Power reactor technology United States Atomic Energy Commission.
0743-7137 Power sources Great Britain. Joint Services Electrical Power Sources Committee.
0137-3846 Powłoki Ochronne Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej.
0551-7508 Požarnoe delo Ministerstvo vnutrennih del SSSP
0869-7493 Požarovzryvobezopasnostʹ.; Пожаровзрывобезопасность Associaciâ "Požnauka"; Ассоциация "Пожнаука"; Požnauka; Пожнаука
0137-5350 Poznańskie Roczniki Medyczne Akademia Medyczna w Poznaniu.; Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk. Oddział w Poznaniu.
1687-4765 PPAR research (e-vir) Hindawi Pub. Corp.
1687-4757 PPAR Research Hindawi Publishing Corporation
1086-1386 PPG technology journal PPG Industries.
0370-1212 PPI. Planen, prüfen, investieren [Techn. Verl. Resch].
0285-5429 PPM Nihon Käogyäo Shinbunsha :; Nikkäo Fäoramusha.
0370-1530 PR [s.n.]
0367-7869 Prace Instytut Geologiczny.
0551-8628 Práce a studie Státní ústav hydrologický; Státní ústavy hydrologický a hydrotechnický T.G. Masaryka; Ústavy hydrologický a hydrotechnický v Praze; Státní ústavy hydrologický a hydrotechnický T.G. Masaryka; Státní hydrologický ústav T.G.M.; Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský
0374-1370 Práce a štúdie Výskumný ústav vodného hospodárstva
0322-7898 Práce a štúdie Vysokej školy dopravnej v Žiline Vysoká škola dopravy a spojov v Žiline
0369-8556 Práce brněnské základny Československé akademie věd Československá akademie věd. Brněnská základna
0509-6510 Prace Centralnego Instytutu Ochrony Pracy Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy.
0554-8977 Prace Chemiczne Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk. Wydział Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy.
0369-934X Prace Głównego Instytutu Górnictwa, Komunikat Główny Instytut Górnictwa.
0369-9358 Prace Głównego Instytutu Przemysłu Rolnego i Spożywczego Ministerstwo Przemysłu Rolnego i Spożywczego.; Ministerstwo Przemysłu Rolnego i Spożywczego.; Główny Instytut Przemysłu Rolnego i Spożywczego (Warszawa)
0511-1382 Prace i Materiały Naukowe - Instytut Matki i Dziecka Instytut Matki i Dziecka.; National Research Institute of Mother and Child.; Naučno Issledovatelskij Institut Materi i Rebenka.; Instytut Matki i Dziecka (Warszawa)
0137-1649 Prace i Materiały Zootechniczne Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0370-0674 Prace Instytuti Maszyn Matematycznych Instytut Maszyn Matematycznych (Warszawa); Zjednoczenie Przemysłu Automatyki i Aparatury Pomiarowej "Mera" (Warszawa)
0551-7575 Prace Instytutów Hutniczych Ministerstwo Przemysłu Ciężkiego.; Ministerstwo Hutnictwa.; Instytut Metalurgii Żelaza im. Stanisława Staszica (Gliwice)
0554-9043 Prace Instytutów i Laboratoriów Badawczych Przemysłu Spożywczego Wydawnictwo Naukowo-Techniczne
0369-9951 Prace Instytutów Mechaniki Ministerstwo Przemysłu Cięeżkiego.; Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej, Warszawa.; Instytut Obrabiarek i Obróbki Skrawaniem, Kraków.; Instytut Obróbki Skrawaniem, Kraków.; Ministerstwo Przemysłu Cięeżkiego.
0369-9870 Prace Instytutu Badawczego Leśnictwa Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne
0137-2556 Prace Instytutu Efektywności Wykorzystania Materiałów Instytut Efektywności Wykorzystania Materiałów.
0032-6216 Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Instytut Elektrotechniki
0137-6594 Prace Instytutu Fizyki PAN Zakład, Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
0324-8380 Prace Instytutu Fizyki - Politechnika Warszawska Politechnika Warszawska.; Warsaw University of Technology.
0209-0724 Prace Instytutu Górnictwa Naftowego i Gazownictwa Ministerstwo Górnictwa.; Instytut Górnictwa Naftowego i Gazownictwa (Kraków)
0074-0586 Prace Instytutu Gospodarki Wodnej Instytut Gospodarki Wodnej (Warszawa)
0208-4457 Prace Instytutu - Instytut Przemysłu Więażęacych Materiałów Budowlanych w Opolu. Oddział w Krakowie Instytut Mineralnych Materiałów Budowlanych w Opolu. Oddział w Krakowie.
0208-7634 Prace Instytutu - Instytut Techniki Budowlanej Instytut Techniki Budowlanej.
0137-2254 Prace Instytutu Inżynierii Chemicznej Politechnika Warszawska.
0860-8652 Prace Instytutu Inżynierii Chemicznej i Procesowej Politechnika Warszawska.
0208-7685 Prace Instytutu Krajowych Włókien Naturalnych Instytut Krajowych Włókien Naturalnych.; Institute of Natural Fibres.; Ministerstwo Przemysłu.; Instytut Krajowych Włókien Naturalnych (Poznań); Ministerstwo Przemysłu.
0509-6669 Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa Ministerstwo Przemysłu Maszynowego.; Zjednoczenie Przemysłu Lotniczego i Silnikowego "PZL"; Instytut Lotnictwa (Warszawa)
2300-5408 Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa (e-vir) Wydawnictwa Naukowe Instytutu Lotnictwa
0079-3205 Prace Instytutu Maszyn Przepływowych Póznań; Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0507-911X Prace Instytutu Mechaniki Precyzyjnej Ministerstwo Przemysłu Maszynowego.
0137-589X Prace Instytutu Metali Nieżelaznych Instytut Metali Nieżelaznych. Branżowy Ośrodek Infor- macji Naukowo-Technicznej i Ekonomicznej.
0137-9941 Prace Instytutu Metalurgii Żelaza im. Stanisława Staszica Ministerstwo Gospodarki.
0032-6232 Prace Instytutu Naftowego Instytut Naftowy (Kraków); Ministerstwo Górnictwa.; Ministerstwo Górnictwa i Energetyki.; Instytut Górnictwa Naftowego i Gazownictwa (Kraków)
0450-8955 Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa Instytut Odlewnictwa.
0370-002X Prace Instytutu Przemysłu Mleczarskiego Centralny Zwięazek Spółdzielni Mleczarskich.; Ministerstwo Przemysłu Mięesnego i Mleczarskiego.; Instytut Przemysłu Mleczarskiego.
0509-6790 Prace Instytutu Przemysłu Skórzanego Insytut Przemysłu Skórzanego.
0551-648X Prace Instytutu Przemysłu Włókien Łykowych Ministerstwo Przemysłu Lekkiego.
0137-1630 Prace Instytutu Sadownictwa. Seria E. Materiały ze Zjazdów i Konferencji Instytut Sadownictwa.
0208-5933 Prace Instytutu Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa w Skierniewicach. Seria A. Prace Doświadczalne z Zakresu Sadownictwa Instytut Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa
0509-6804 Prace Instytutu Sadownictwa w Skierniewicach. Seria A. Prace Doświadczalne z Zakresu Sadownictwa Instytut Sadownictwa
0138-0796 Prace Instytutu Techniki Budowlanej Instytut Techniki Boudowlanej.
0032-6240 Prace Instytutu Technologii Drewna PWN
0079-3248 Prace Instytutu Technologii Elektronowej Instytut Technologii Elektronowej przy Naukowo-Produkcyjnym Centrum Półprzewodników.
0370-016X Prace Instytutu Włókiennictwa Ministerstwo Przemysłu Lekkiego.
0208-5658 Prace IPPT Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki (Warszawa)
0209-0066 Prace ITME Instytut Technologii Materiałów Elektronicznych.
0079-4619 Prace Komisji Biologicznej Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk. Wydział Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy.
0079-3264 Prace Komisji Ceramicznej Polska Akademia Nauk.
0370-2251 Prace Komisji Farmaceutycznej Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0079-3272 Prace Komisji Filologii Klasycznej Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich
0079-4686 Prace Komisji Matematyczno-Przyrodniczej Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk. Wydział Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy.
0370-2243 Prace Komisji Matematyczno-Przyrodniczej Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk.; Societé Scientifique de Poznań.
0079-3345 Prace Komisji Metalurgiczno-Odlewniczej Polska Akademia Nauk.
0860-3340 Prace Komisji Nauk Ceramicznych Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polskie Towarzystwo Ceramiczne.
0208-9505 Prace Komisji Naukowych Polskie Towarzystwo Gleboznawcze.; Polskie Towarzystwo Gleboznawcze.
0208-953X Prace Komisji Naukowych Polskie Towarzystwo Gleboznawcze.; Polskie Towarzystwo Gleboznawcze.
0208-9548 Prace Komisji Naukowych Polskie Towarzystwo Gleboznawcze.; Polskie Towarzystwo Gleboznawcze.
0079-4694 Prace Komisji Nauk Podstawowych Stosowanych Poznańsie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk. Wydział Nauk Technicznych.
0079-4708 Prace Komisji Nauk Rolniczych i Komisji Nauk Leśnych Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe -av
0079-4724 Prace Komisji Technologii Drewna Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0137-9763 Prace Komitetu Krystalografii Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
0507-9330 Prace Laboratorium Jedwabiu Naturalnego Ministerstwo Przemysłu Lekkiego.; Zakłady Jedwabiu Naturalnego "Milanówek" w Milanówku k. Warszawy.; Branżowy Ośrodek Informacji Technicznej i Ekonomicznej Laboratorium Jedwabiu Naturalnego.; Ministerstwo Przemysłu Lekkiego.; Zakłady Jedwabiu Naturalnego "Milanówek"; Laboratorium Jedwabiu Naturalnego (Warszawa). Branżowy Ośrodek Informacji Technicznej i Ekonomicznej.
0079-3396 Prace Mineralogiczne Wydawnictwa Geologiczne
0370-0526 Práce Moravskoslezské akademie věd přírodních Moravskoslezská akademie věd přírodních
0072-0496 Prace Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego Morski Instytut Rybacki (Gdynia)
0072-050X Prace Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego Morski Instytut Rybacki (Gdynia)
0032-6275 Prace Muzeum Ziemi Wydawnictwo Geologiczne
0137-2300 Prace Naukowe Politechnika Warszawska.
0209-0791 Prace Naukowe Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Częestochowie.
0324-8445 Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej imienia Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Akademii Ekonomicznej
0084-277X Prace Naukowe Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu Akademia Medyczna we Wrocławiu.
0324-9778 Prace Naukowe Institutu Energoelektryki Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Konferencje Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
0324-9875 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Budownictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Monografie Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wroclsawskiej.
0324-9840 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Chemii Nieorganicznej i Metalurgii Pierwiastków Rzadkich Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Monografie Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
1429-2645 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Chemii Organicznej, Biochemii i Biotechnologii Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Monografie Politechnika Wrocławska. Instytut Chemii Organicznej, Biochemii i Biotechnologii.
0370-081X Prace Naukowe Instytutu Chemii Organicznej i Fizycznej Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Studia i Materiały Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
0370-0828 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Fizyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Monografie Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
0324-9697 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Fizyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Studia i Materiały Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
0370-0836 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Geotechniki Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Konferencje Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej
0324-9670 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej; Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
0084-2850 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inżynierii Chemicznej i Urządzeń Cieplnych Politechniki Wrocławskiej Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej
0370-0844 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inżynierii Lęadowej Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Studia i Materiały Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
0370-0925 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inżynierii Sanitarnej i Wodnej Politechniki Wrocławskiej Politechnika Wrocławska.
0370-0917 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Materiałoznawstwa i Mechaniki Technicznej Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Studia i Materiały Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
0324-9549 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Metrologii Elektrycznej Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Monografie Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
0554-8004 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Ochrony Roślin Instytut Ochrony Roślin.
0370-0852 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Podstaw Elektrotechniki i Elektrotechnologii Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Studia i Materiały Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
0370-0887 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Elektronowej Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Konferencje Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
0370-0879 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Organicznej i Tworzyw Sztucznych Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Studia i Materiały Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
0084-294X Prace Naukowe Instytutu Układów Elektromaszynowych Politechniki Wrocławskiej Politechnika Wrocławska.
0208-7138 Prace Naukowe Politechniki Szczecińskiej. Instytut Inżynierii Chemicznej i Chemii Fizycznej Politechnika Szczecińska. Instytut Inżynierii Chemicznej i Chemii Fizycznej, Szczecin.
0208-6336 Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe; Uniwersytet Ślęaski w Katowicach
0208-4422 Prace ONPMP Ośrodek Naukowo-Produkcyjny Materiałów Pólprzewodnikowych.
0137-9909 Prace Ośrodka Badawczo-Rozwojowego Elektroniki Próżniowej UNITRA OBREP.; Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Elektroniki Próżniowej, Warszawa.
0208-9092 Prace Ośrodka Badawczo-Rozwojowego Przetworników Obrazu Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Techniki Telewizyjnej Unitra Polkolor, Warszawa.
0137-1436 Prace Ośrodka Metodycznego Uniwersyteckich Studiów dla Pracujęacych - Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
0509-7053 Prace Przemysłowego Instytutu Elektroniki Przemysłowy Instytut Elektroniki.
0370-1891 Práce štátneho geologického ústavu Práca
0370-2421 Práce Ústavu geologického inženýrství Ústav geologického inženýrství,
0370-2464 Práce Ústavu pro naftový výzkum SNTL; Ústav pro naftový výzkum
0477-9657 Práce Ústavu pro výzkum a využití paliv SNTL
0370-260X Práce Výzkumného ústavu Čs. naftových dolů Výzkumný ústav Čs. naftových dolů
0139-763X Práce Výzkumného ústavu geologického inženýrství Výzkumný ústav geologického inženýrství
0084-3024 Prace Wrocławskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego Wrocławskie Towarzystwo Naukowe.
0083-4238 Prace Wydziału Biologii i Nauk o Ziemi Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza
0076-0412 Prace Wydziału III Nauk Matematyczno-Przyrodniczych Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe.
0076-0420 Prace Wydziału IV Nauk Lekarskich Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe.
0138-0087 Prace Wydziału Nauk Przyrodniczych Bydgoskie Towarzystwo Naukowe.
0138-0095 Prace Wydziału Nauk Przyrodniczych. Seria B Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
0860-3979 Prace Wydziału Nauk Technicznych Bydgoskie Towarzystwo Naukowe.
0138-0060 Prace Wydziału Nauk Technicznych. Seria B Bydgoskie Towarzystwo Naukowe.
0369-9366 Pracì - Ìnstitut geologìï korisnih kopalin.; Праці - Ìнститут геології корисних копалин Vidavnictvo Akademìï nauk Ukraïnsʹkoï RSR; Видавництво Академії наук Української РСР.
0032-6291 Pracovní lékařství Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně; Avicenum; Státní zdravotnické nakladatelství; Československá společnost pracovního lékařství
0556-2996 Practica farmaceuticæa Ministerul Sæanæatæaţii. Direcţia Farmaceuticæa şi a Aparaturii Medicale.
0477-8979 Practical Colloid Chemistry [s.n.]
0097-210X Practical engineer Technical Pub. Co..
0369-8955 Practical Engineering George Newnes
2195-8599 Practical metallography (e-vir) Hanser
0370-1336 Practical Plastics Practical Plastics Publishing.
0370-1131 Practical Plastics in Australia and New Zealand A.M. and D.C. Johnston-Bell.
0148-9054 Practical spectroscopy M. Dekker
0032-6305 Practica oto-rhino-laryngologica Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenärzte
0289-4947 Practice Ishiyaku Shuppan
1090-025X Practice periodical of hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste management American Society of Civil Engineers
1944-8376 Practice periodical of hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste management (e-vir) American Society of Civil Engineers
0370-0720 Prager medizinische Wochenschrift F. Tempský,
1214-6994 Prague Medical Report Charles University in Prague, Karolinum
2336-2936 Prague Medical Report (e-vir) Charles University in Prague, Karolinum
0032-6739 Praktický lékař Avicenum
0554-9957 Praktikantenbriefe Deutscher Apotheker-verlag Dr.Roland Schmiedel
0369-8106 Praktika tës Akadëmias Athënon Akadëmia Athënon
0302-7600 Praktische Anästhesie, Wiederbelebung und Intensivtherapie Thieme
0477-9932 Praktische Blätter für Pflanzenbau u. Pflanzenschutz Bayerische Landesanstalt für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenschutz.
0370-1409 Praktische Chemie Verlag B. M. Leitner
0370-1441 Praktische Desinfektor [s.n.]
0032-678X Praktische Metallographie Dr. Riederer-Verlag GmbH
0343-3579 Praktische Metallographie. Sonderband Riederer
0032-681X Praktische Tierarzt Schlütersche Buchdruckerei, Verlagsanstadt
0304-4289 Pramäana Indian Academy of Sciences
0321-3609 Prâmoe polučenie železa i poroškovaâ metallurgiâ.; Прямое получение железа и порошковая металлургия Metallurgiâ; Металлургия.
0370-1220 Präparative Pharmazie A. Fröhlich
0032-6542 Präparator Verband Deutscher Präparatoren e. V.
0032-6909 Pratique de soudage Institut belge de la soudure
0369-8394 Praxis Hallwag
0946-901X Praxis der klinischen Pharmazie ADKA-Ausschuss für Klinische Pharmazie.
0177-8374 Praxis der Naturwissenschaften Aulis-Verl. Deubner
0177-8382 Praxis der Naturwissenschaften Aulis-Verl. Deubner
0177-9516 Praxis der Naturwissenschaften Aulis-Verl. Deubner
1617-5689 Praxis der Naturwissenschaften Aurelius
1617-5697 Praxis der Naturwissenschaften, Biologie in der Schule Aulis
1617-5638 Praxis der Naturwissenschaften, Chemie in der Schule Aulis
Y504-295X Praxis der Naturwissenschaften, Chemie in der Schule Aulis
0032-7069 Praxis der Pneumologie Georg Thieme Verlag
0032-7077 Praxis der Psychotherapie Springer.
0934-4969 Praxis der Sicherheitstechnik DECHEMA, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chemisches Apparatewesen, Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.
0369-920X Praxis und Forschung Landwirtschaftliche Förderungsgemeinschaft Weser-Ems e. V
0342-7498 Praxis und Klinik der Pneumologie Thieme
0350-4441 Praxis veterinaria Pliva
0301-9268 Precambrian research Elsevier
1872-7433 Precambrian research (e-vir) Elsevier BV
8756-0917 Precious metals Pergamon
0141-6359 Precision engineering IPC Science and Technology Press
1873-2372 Precision engineering (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0032-714X Precision metal [Penton Pub., etc.]
0096-9176 Precision metal molding [Industrial Pub. Co.]
0131-1263 Precizionnye splavy.; Прецизионные сплавы Metallurgiâ; Металлургия.
1542-9431 Preclinica Eaton Pub.
1345-7810 Precursor to challenging investigation series Universal Academy Press,Inc..
0369-8777 Predelʹno dopustimye koncentracii atmosfernyh zagrâznenij.; Предельно допустимые концентрации атмосферных загрязнений "Medicina"; "Медицина".
0353-6564 Prehrambena industrija Savez hemičara i tehnologa Jugoslavije
0352-9193 Prehrambeno-tehnološka i biotehnološka revija Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
0556-4158 Prehrambeno-tehnološka revija Prehrambeno-tehnološki institut
0910-2531 Preliminary report of African studies, Nagoya University Nagoya Daigaku Rigakubu Afurika Chäosa Kenkyäukai.; Nagoya University. Faculty of Science. Department of Earth Sciences.
0375-7498 Preliminary Report - Quebec Department of Natural Resources
0512-4425 Preliminary report - The Geological Survey of Wyoming Geological Survey of Wyoming.
1359-8635 Prenatal and neonatal medicine Parthenon Publishing Group
0197-3851 Prenatal diagnosis Wiley
1097-0223 Prenatal diagnosis John Wiley & Sons
0032-7468 Prensa médica mexicana CAMEP.; Centro de Asistencia Médica para Enfermos Pobres.
0096-9184 Preparation and properties of solid state materials M. Dekker,
0032-7484 Preparative biochemistry [Dekker]
1082-6068 Preparative biochemistry & biotechnology M. Dekker
1532-2297 Preparative biochemistry & biotechnology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0890-9075 Preparative chromatography Gordon and Breach
0079-4988 Preparative inorganic reactions Wiley-Interscience Publishers.
0096-5189 Preprint Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences (U.S.)
0309-7145 Preprint - Daresbury Laboratory Daresbury Laboratory.
0587-5722 Preprinted papers - Australasian Corrosion Association, Annual Conference Australasian Corrosion Association.
0569-3799 Preprints American Chemical Society.
0712-144X Preprints - Canadian Symposium on Catalysis Chemical Institute of Canada, Catalysis Division.
0198-8182 Preprints of ... Annual Scientific Meeting Aerospace Medical Association.
1524-6434 Preprints of extended abstracts American Chemical Society.; American Chemical Society.
0093-3066 Preprints of papers American Chemical Society.
0569-3772 Preprints of papers American Chemical Society.
0096-2155 Preprints of papers - Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute Stanford University Press.
1521-4648 Preprints of symposia American Chemical Society.
0272-9261 Present concepts in internal medicine Letterman General Hospital (San Francisco, Calif.); Letterman Army Medical Center.
0032-7786 Preslia Česká botanická společnost
2570-950X Preslia (e-vir) Czech Botanical Society
0032-7867 Presse Medicale Carré
0032-7875 Presse thermale et climatique Librairie des Facultés de Médecine et de Pharmacie; Expansion Scientifique Française
0370-1468 Pressluft-Industrie [s.n.]
1126-1498 Pressocolata & Tecnologia Edimet
1827-6407 Pressocolata e tecniche fusorie Edimet
0032-8006 Prevention Rodale Press
1520-037X Preventive cardiology CHF
1751-7141 Preventive cardiology (e-vir) CHF
0091-7435 Preventive medicine Academic Press
1096-0260 Preventive medicine (e-vir) Academic Press
0099-6637 Preventive Medicine
0203-2805 Priborostroenie Belorusskij politehničeskij institut.
0555-1013 Priborostroenie Mašinostroenie.
0130-853X Priborostroenie.; Приборостроение Tehnika; Техника.
0032-8154 Pribory i sistemy upravleniâ Mašinostroenie
0032-8162 Pribory i tehnika eksperimenta Nauka
0370-2715 Prikladnaâ âdernaâ spektroskopiâ Ènergoizdat.
0555-1099 Prikladnaâ biohimiâ i mikrobiologiâ Nauka
0132-7569 Prikladnaâ èlektrohimiâ Kazanskij himiko-tehnologičeskij institut im. S.M. Kirova.
0371-3970 Prikladnaâ geofizika Nedra.
0320-6785 Prikladnaâ i teoretičeskaâ fizika Kazahskij universitet im. S.M. Kirova.
0032-8235 Prikladnaâ matematika i mehanika Nauka
0032-8243 Prikladnaâ mehanika Naukova dumka
0351-3254 Prilozi Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite. Oddelenie za biološki i medicinski nauki
0581-0833 Prilozi - Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite. Oddelenie za prirodo-matematički nauki Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite
0323-9853 Priložna mikrobiologiâ Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0929-9637 Primary sensory neuron VSP
1879-5323 Primary sensory neuron (e-vir) Brill
0032-8324 Primate news Oregon Regional Primate Research Center.
0032-8332 Primates Springer
1610-7365 Primates (e-vir) Springer
0079-5119 Primates in medicine Karger,
0370-243X Primenenie ulʹtraakustiki k issledovaniû veŝestva.; Применение ультраакустики к исследованию вещества Vsesoûznyj zaočnyj mašinostroitelʹnyj institut; Всесоюзный заочный машиностроительный институт.
0032-8480 Principes International Palm Society.; Palm Society.
0552-0959 Principia cardiológica [s.n.].
1071-9768 Principles and practices for diesel contaminated soils Association of American Railroads.; Association for the Environmental Health of Soils.
0094-9264 Principles and techniques of human research and therapeutics Futura Pub. Co.
0096-9400 Printing equipment engineer Willsea Pub. Co.
0552-1130 Printing magazine Walden-Mott Corp.
0032-8650 Printing management Penton Pub. Co.]
0362-8760 Printing management with printing magazine Inter/Com]
0191-7749 Printing production Penton Pub. Co.]
0032-8731 Priroda Bťlgarska Akademiâ na naukite
0032-874X Priroda Nauka
0136-6203 Priroda Ivanovskoj oblasti Verhne-Volžskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
1810-9810 Prirodnye resursy Nacionalʹnaâ akademiâ nauk Belarusi
0136-9334 Prirodnye sorbenty Povolžʹâ Saratovskij pedagogičeskij institut.
0207-9917 Prirodnye usloviâ Zapadnoj Sibiri.; Природные условия Западной Сибири Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo Universiteta; Издательство Московского Университета.
0032-8758 Přírodovědné práce Ústav°u Československé akademie věd v Brn Academia
0370-2103 Prisadki k smazočnym maslam Institut himii prisadok.
0370-1417 Proanálisis [s.n.]
1355-185X Probe microscopy Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1867-1306 Probiotics and antimicrobial proteins Springer
1867-1314 Probiotics and antimicrobial proteins Springer
0369-8238 Problemas Agricolas e Industriales de México Servimos Suscripciones Dentro y Fuera del País.
0032-9231 Probleme agricole Ministerul Agriculturii.
0254-7279 Probleme de agrofitotehnie teoretică şi aplicată [s.n.],
0032-924X Probleme de Informare si Documentare Institutul Central de Documentare Tehnica, Serviciul Relatii si Indrumare Metodologica
0254-2293 Probleme de protecţia plantelor [s.n.],
0301-7656 Probleme der Ernährungs - und Lebensmittelwissenschaft Maudrich
0079-564X Probleme der Festkörperelektronik Verlag Technik.
0300-1423 Probleme der perinatalen Medizin Wilhelm Maudrich Verlag.
0478-3522 Probleme de terapeutică Editura Academiei R.P. Române
0555-2354 Problèmes actuels de biochimie appliquée Masson,
0369-9064 Problemes de Farine [s.n.]
0398-771X Problèmes pratiques d'endocrinologie Centre hospitalier universitaire Henri Mondor (Créteil)
0552-170X Probleme zootehnice şi veterinare Ministerul Agriculturii.; Societatea de Ştiinţe Agricole din Republica Popularæa Românæa.
0369-8408 Problemi attuali di scienza e di cultura Accademia nazionale dei Lincei
0204-4102 Problemi na biologiâta Narodna prosveta.
0323-9659 Problemi na farmacijata Medicina i fizkul'tura
0205-3659 Problemi na farmakologiâta i farmaciâta Medicinska akademiâ. Cent''r za naučna informaciâ po medicina i zdraveopazvane.
0323-9179 Problemi na higienata [S.n.]
0323-925X Problemi na hirurgijata Medicina i fizkul'tura
0205-003X Problemi na hraneneto Medicina i fizkultura.
0323-9306 Problemi na nevrologijata, psihiatrijata i nevrohirurgijata Medicina i fizkul'tura
0323-9209 Problemi na onkologijata Medicina i fizkul'tura
0323-9357 Problemi na pnevmologiâta i ftiziatriâta Medicinska akademiâ
0205-0420 Problemi na rentgenologiâta i radiobiologiâta Centʺr za naučna informaciâ po medicina i zdraveopazvane.
0323-9454 Problemi na s'rdečno-s'dovite zaboljavanija Medicina i fizkultura
0323-9403 Problemi na stomatologiâta Medicinska akademiâ
0323-9500 Problemi na vʺtrešnata medicina Medicinska akademiâ
0323-9551 Problemi na zaraznite i parazitnite bolesti Medicina i fizkultura
0555-2524 Problems in Biology [s.n.]
0208-5232 Problems of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering.
0589-1507 Problems of consciousness Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.
0370-2529 Problems of Control and Information Theory Akadémiai K.
0555-2567 Problems of cybernetics Pergamon Press.
0148-2858 Problems of drug dependence National Research Council (U.S.).; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
0099-4839 Problems of early infancy Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.
0555-2583 Problems of Hematology and Blood Transfusion
0195-7201 Problems of human reproduction John Wiley & Sons]
0096-0527 Problems of infancy and childhood Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.
0204-9155 Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Medicinska akademiâ; National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
2815-2808 Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (e-vir) National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
0032-9460 Problems of information transmission Consultants Bureau [etc.]
1608-3253 Problems of information transmission (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0097-1464 Problems of low temperature physics and thermodynamics International Institute of Refrigeration.
0552-1963 Problems of Oncology
0370-1247 Problems of Psychiatry and Neuropathology Problems of Neuropathology.
0131-3142 Problemy Âdernoj fiziki i kosmičeskih lučej Vaša škola, Izdatelʹskoe obʺedinenie.
0137-6586 Problemy Agrofizyki Polska Akademia Nauk. Zakład Agrofizyki w Lublinie.
0370-2677 Problemy analitičeskoj himii Izdatelʹstvo "Nauka".
0555-2648 Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki.; Проблемы Арктики и Антарктики Gidrometeoizdat; Гидрометеоиздат; AANII; ААНИИ
0555-2656 Problemy bioniki.; Проблемы бионики Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni A.M. Gorʹkogo; Издательство Харьковского Ордена Трудового Красного Знамени государственного университета имени А.М. Горького
0552-2021 Problemy botaniki Izdatelʹstvo "Nauka", Sibirskoe otdelenie.
0207-2564 Problemy èkologičeskogo monitoringa i modelirovaniâ èkosistem Institut prikladnoj geofiziki; IGKÈ Rosgidrometa i RAN; Institut globalʹnogo klimata i èkologii imeni akademika Û.A. Izraèlâ
0032-9509 Problemy ekologii Izdatel'stvo Tomskogo universiteta
0375-9660 Problemy endokrinologii Medicina
0556-3119 Problemy èvolûcii Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie.
0540-9179 Problemy fizičeskoj himii "Goshimizdat".
0552-2056 Problemy fiziki atmosfery Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0556-3127 Problemy fiziologii gipotalamusa.; Проблемы физиологии гипоталамуса Izdatelʹstvo Kievskogo universiteta; Издательство Киевского университета.
0552-2064 Problemy fiziologii i patologii vysšej nervnoj deâtelʹnosti Medicina. Leningradskoe otdelenie.
0555-2710 Problemy gastroènterologii Akademiâ nauk Tadžikskoj SSR.; AN TadžSSR. Institut gastroènterologii.
0552-2080 Problemy gematologii i perelivaniâ krovi Medicina
0320-2755 Problemy geologii nefti Nedra.
0131-2804 Problemy gidroènergetiki i vodnogo hozâjstva Kazahskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut ènergetiki.
0131-2782 Problemy gigieny i organizacii zdravoohraneniâ v Uzbekistane Taškentskij medicinskij institut.
0370-2685 Problemy glubokih mikozov Centralʹnyj institut usoveršenstvovaniâ vračej.
0303-5778 Problemy grippa i ostryh respiratornyh zabolevanij.; Проблемы гриппа и острых респираторных заболеваний Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut grippa; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт гриппа.
0369-9935 Problemy inženernoj geologii Severnogo Kavkaza [s.n.].
0555-277X Problemy kibernetiki Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo fiziko-matematičeskoj literatury
0370-0305 Problemy kinetiki i kataliza Izdatelʹstvo Nauka.
0135-2253 Problemy kontrolâ i zaŝita atmosfery ot zagrâzneniâ.; Проблемы контроля и защита атмосферы от загрязнения Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0555-2788 Problemy kosmičeskoj biologii Nauka.
0555-2796 Problemy kosmičeskoj fiziki.; Проблемы космической физики Viŝa škola; Вища школа.
1026-1230 Problemy kriobiologii.; Проблемы криобиологии Naukova dumka; Наукова думка
0556-4255 Problemy kriolitologii Moskovskij universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova.
0235-3601 Problemy kristallohimii.; Проблемы кристаллохимии "Nauka"; "Наука".
0131-2928 Problemy mašinostroeniâ.; Проблемы машиностроения Naukova dumka; Наукова думка; Problemy mašinostroeniâ; Проблемы машиностроения
0235-7119 Problemy mašinostroeniâ i nadežnosti mašin Nauka
0234-6206 Problemy mašinostroenija i avtomatizacii
0303-2264 Problemy Medycyny Wieku Rozwojowego Instytut Matki i Dziecka.; National Research Institute for Mother and Child.; Instytut Matki i Dziecka (Warszawa)
0370-0615 Problemy metallovedeniâ i fiziki metallov Metallurgiâ.
0320-0124 Problemy nefti i gaza Tûmeni Zapadno-Sibirskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij geologorazvedočnyj neftânoj institut; Tûmenskij industrialʹnyj institut.
0301-1674 Problemy nejrohirurgii.; Проблемы нейрохирургии Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0320-1961 Problemy obogaśeniâ tverdyh gorûčih iskopaemyh Nedra.
0203-3763 Problemy obŝej i molekulârnoj biologii.; Проблемы общей и молекулярной биологии Viŝa škola; Вища школа.
0131-2995 Problemy ohrany vod.; Проблемы охраны вод VNIIVO; ВНИИВО.
0555-2893 Problemy osadočnoj geologii dokembriâ Nauka.
2658-719X Problemy osobo opasnyh infekcij (e-vir) Rossijskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij protivočumnyj institut %Mikrob%
0370-1069 Problemy osobo opasnyh infekcij.; Проблемы особо опасных инфекций Mikrob; Микроб; Rossijskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij protivočumnyj institut «Mikrob»; Российский научно-исследовательский противочумный институт «Микроб»
0032-9428 Problemy osvoeniâ pustyn' Ylym
0323-9608 Problemy pediatrii Medicinska akademiâ. Centr naučnoj informacii po medicine izdravoohraneniû.
0555-2923 Problemy peredači informacii Nauka
0131-3010 Problemy Polesʹâ Akademiâ nauk Belorusskoj SSR. Naučnyj sovet po problemam kompleksnogo ispolʹzovaniâ prirodnyh resursov i razvitiâ proizvoditelʹnyh sil Polesskoj nizmennosti.
0556-171X Problemy pročnosti Naukova dumka
1025-7217 Problemy reprodukcii Media Sfera
0555-2982 Problemy Severa Redakcionno-izdatelʹskij otdel.
0370-1964 Problemy sovetskoj geologii.; Проблемы советской геологии Ministerstvo geologii SSSR; Министерство геологии СССР.
0136-8079 Problemy sovremennoj analitičeskoj himii Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0555-3008 Problemy sovremennoj himii koordinacionnyh soedinenij Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0233-7681 Problemy special'noj °elektro-metallurgii Naukova Dumka
0131-1611 Problemy specialʹnoj èlektrometallurgii.; Проблемы специальной электрометаллургии Naukova dumka; Наукова думка
0370-2219 Problemy Techniki w Medycynie Centralny Ósrodek Techniki Medycznej.
0556-3135 Problemy tehničeskoj èlektrodinamiki.; Проблемы технической электродинамики Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0370-2189 Problemy teorii gravitacii i èlementarnyh častic Ènergoizdat.
0370-2197 Problemy treniâ i iznašivaniâ Tehnika.
0032-9533 Problemy tuberkuleza Medicina
1728-2993 Problemy tuberkuleza i boleznej legkih Medicina
0534-2783 Proceeding of the Institution of Electrical Engineers [s.n.]
0045-8058 Proceedings University of Michigan.; University of Michigan.; International Association for Great Lakes Research.
0066-9997 Proceedings Astronomical Society of Australia.
0073-9677 Proceedings Institute of Refrigeration
0076-9533 Proceedings Mississippi State University.
0079-4457 Proceedings PSC Publications Committee,
0080-455X Proceedings Royal Society of Edinburgh.
0082-2299 Proceedings Technical Association of the Graphic Arts.; Inter-Society Color Council.
0090-5607 Proceedings Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
0090-5631 Proceedings National Independent Meat Packers Association.; University of Georgia.; University of Georgia.
0091-7702 Proceedings United States.
0093-450X Proceedings Philip Morris.
0094-7202 Proceedings Nassau County Medical Center (N.Y.)
0096-0128 Proceedings Metallurgical Society of AIME.; Iron and Steel Society of AIME.; Iron and Steel Society.
0096-0136 Proceedings American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers.; American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.; Metallurgical Society of AIME.
0096-4522 Proceedings Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida.
0096-7564 Proceedings The Institute,
0097-2355 Proceedings American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.; Iron and Steel Society of AIME. National Open Hearth and Basic Oxygen Steel Division.
0097-2371 Proceedings [publisher not identified]
0097-4145 Proceedings American Concrete Institute.
0097-417X Proceedings The Society
0099-3336 Proceedings The Institute,
0146-955X Proceedings American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
0160-3663 Proceedings American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.; American Association of Petroleum Geologists.; American Institute of Chemical Engineers.; American Society of Civil Engineers.; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
0160-855X Proceedings American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.; Society of Automotive Engineers.
0161-5769 Proceedings International Magnesium Association.
0161-6374 Proceedings Electrochemical Society
0164-0755 Proceedings American Water Works Association.; AWWA Research Foundation.; American Water Works Association.
0229-5288 Proceedings Veterinary Infectious Disease Organization.
0269-7270 Proceedings Royal Society of Edinburgh
0271-194X Proceedings Chas. Pfizer & Co.; Pfizer Inc.
0275-0104 Proceedings Fertilizer Institute.
0275-4290 Proceedings s.n.,
0277-8211 Proceedings Maclean-Hunter Pub. Corp.]
0308-2105 Proceedings The Royal Society
0360-814X Proceedings American Water Works Association.
0366-6735 Proceedings [s.n.]
0367-2956 Proceedings Fertiliser Association of India
0367-9675 Proceedings FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East; FAO
0369-8807 Proceedings Distillers Feed Research Council (Cincinnati, Ohio)
0376-1010 Proceedings U.S. Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory.; U.S. Army Signal Engineering Laboratories.
0507-6773 Proceedings Vertebrate Pest Council.
0511-8131 Proceedings National Association of Corrosion Engineers.
0545-7890 Proceedings New Zealand Society of Soil Science.
0554-8896 Proceedings U.S. Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory.
0714-0975 Proceedings National Research Council Canada. Energy Project Office.
0733-8988 Proceedings University of Pittsburgh.; Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center.
0742-5546 Proceedings Distillers Feed Research Council (Cincinnati, Ohio)
0886-8921 Proceedings Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.
0955-1506 Proceedings British Crop Protection Council.
0962-8452 Proceedings Royal Society
1051-0117 Proceedings IEEE
1052-6102 Proceedings Air & Waste Management Association,
1066-1557 Proceedings American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
1075-7961 Proceedings University of Pittsburgh.
1473-7124 Proceedings (e-vir) Royal Society of Edinburgh
2053-5910 Proceedings (e-vir) Royal Society of Edinburgh.
8756-8470 Proceedings Society of Automotive Engineers.
0099-412X Proceedings, Annual Conference on Energy Conversion and Storage Oklahoma State University, Engineering and Industrial Extension.
0099-4111 Proceedings, Annual Convention, Natural Gasoline Association of America, Technical Papers
0097-2363 Proceedings, annual convention: technical papers - Natural Gas Processors Association Natural Gas Processors Association.
0096-8870 Proceedings, annual convention - Gas Processors Association Gas Processors Association.
0099-9172 Proceedings, Annual Convention - Milk Industry Foundation
0099-4103 Proceedings, Annual Convention of the Flavoring Extract Manufacturers' Association of the United States Flavoring Extract Manufacturers Association of the United States.
0099-6831 Proceedings, Annual Fall Meeting - Western Gas Processors and Oil Refiners Association Western Gas Processors and Oil Refiners Association.
0198-7267 Proceedings, annual meeting - New Jersey Mosquito Control Association, inc New Jersey Mosquito Control Association.; American Mosquito Control Association.
0096-7327 Proceedings, annual meeting - Texas Pecan Growers Association Texas Pecan Growers Association.
0569-7832 Proceedings, annual meeting - Western Section, American Society of Animal Science American Society of Animal Science.; Colorado State University.
0097-2436 Proceedings, annual open meeting - American Society of Enologists American Society of Enologists.
0193-9688 Proceedings, APCA annual meeting Air Pollution Control Association.
0099-6696 Proceedings, Arkansas Water and Pollution Control Conference and Short School Arkansas Water Works and Pollution Control Association, University of Arkansas.
0097-2851 Proceedings, general meeting - American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists
0197-7512 Proceedings, IEEE Minicourse on Fusion University of Illinois. Fusion Studies Laboratory.
0896-2367 Proceedings, NOBCChE National Organization for Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers.
0362-4463 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society Southern Weed Science Society (U.S.)
0569-7468 Proceedings, symposium on the art of glassblowing American Scientific Glassblowers Society.
0096-7963 Proceedings; Texas A & M University.
0362-8752 Proceedings; annual meeting - AFMA Nutrition Council American Feed Manufacturers Association.
0097-2428 Proceedings: annual meeting - Metal Powder Association Metal Powder Industries Federation.
0084-2176 Proceedings / Applied Science Publishers
0096-8382 Proceedings / Soil Science Society of Florida.; Soil Science Society of Florida.
0145-5958 Proceedings / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.
0191-2739 Proceedings / Arkansas Feed Manufacturers Association.; University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
0369-9277 Proceedings / Fertiliser Society.; International Fertiliser Society.
0369-9838 Proceedings / Institution of Automobile Engineers.
0730-7985 Proceedings / Oklahoma State University.; Oklahoma State University.; Oklahoma State University.; Oklahoma State University.
1059-2644 Proceedings / National Cotton Council of America.
1065-2221 Proceedings / IEEE Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology Society.
1079-4700 Proceedings / IEEE Electron Devices Society.; IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society.; Cornell University.
0227-1907 Proceedings ... Annual Conference Canadian Nuclear Society.; Canadian Nuclear Society.
1070-6488 Proceedings ... annual general meeting The Institute,
0099-4081 Proceedings ... Annual Meeting Air Pollution Control Association
0424-8201 Proceedings ... annual meeting, Electron Microscopy Society of America Electron Microscopy Society of America.; Microbeam Analysis Society.; Microscopical Society of Canada.
1075-8313 Proceedings ... annual Pittsburgh Coal Conference University of Pittsburgh.; Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center.
0067-8945 Proceedings ... Bird Control Seminar Bowling Green State University.; United States.; National Pest Control Association.; Bowling Green State University.; United States.
0144-1949 Proceedings - ... Public Health Engineering Conference Loughborough University of Technology. Department of Civil Engineering.
0146-6275 Proceedings. Annual conference - Microbeam Analysis Society Microbeam Analysis Society.
0096-0845 Proceedings. Annual meeting - American Society of Brewing Chemists American Society of Brewing Chemists.
2576-1315 Proceedings. Annual meeting - American Society of Brewing Chemists (e-vir) American Society of Brewing Chemists
0195-7899 Proceedings. Annual meeting and joint fall meeting - Materials & Equipment and Whitewares Divisions, American Ceramic Society American Ceramic Society.; American Ceramic Society.
0073-9227 Proceedings. Technical Meeting - Institute of Environmental Sciences National Office of the Institute of Environment Sciences.
0568-5508 Proceedings (Trudy) of the P.N. Lebedev Physics Institute Fizicheskii institut imeni P.N. Lebedeva.; Consultants Bureau.
0074-6991 Proceedings [of the] annual technical meeting International Metallographic Society.
0096-5006 Proceedings - American Gas Association American Gas Association.
0096-9532 Proceedings - American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association, Midyear and Eastern Section Meeting
0097-4153 Proceedings - American Society for Testing and Materials American Society for Testing and Materials.
0160-6751 Proceedings and papers of the annual conference of the California Mosquito and Vector Control Association California Mosquito and Vector Control Association.
0091-6501 Proceedings and papers of the annual conference of the California Mosquito Control Association, inc California Mosquito Control Association.; American Mosquito Control Association.
0099-4146 Proceedings and Papers of the Graphic Arts Conference
0067-5350 Proceedings and reports - Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society.
0099-4138 Proceedings and Transactions of Texas Academy of Science
0370-2294 Proceedings and transactions of the Rhodesia Scientific Association M.O. Collins (Pvt.) Ltd.
0316-4616 Proceedings and transactions of the Royal Society of Canada Royal Society of Canada.
0370-2626 Proceedings Annual Meeting - Western Division, American Dairy Science Association
0160-6611 Proceedings - Annual Public Water Supply Engineers' Conference University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
0147-1716 Proceedings - Annual Purdue Air Quality Conference s.n.]
0570-5134 Proceedings - Aquatic Weed Control Society
0066-9466 Proceedings - Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Technical Sessions Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists.
0370-1824 Proceedings - Association of Southern Agricultural Workers S. C. Stribling, Secy-Tr.
0004-8364 Proceedings - Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
0365-5334 Proceedings - Australian Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Association Australian Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Association.
0161-3219 Proceedings - Biennial Cornell Electrical Engineering Conference Cornell University.
0096-5138 Proceedings - Blast Furnace, Coke Oven, and Raw Materials Committee of the Iron and Steel Division, The Metallurgical Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers Metallurgical Society of AIME.
0097-1731 Proceedings - California Weed Conference California Weed Conference
0700-5741 Proceedings - Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congress Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congress.
0589-171X Proceedings - Conference on the Kidney National Kidney Disease Foundation.; National Kidney Foundation.
0192-2661 Proceedings - Distillers Feed Research Council Conference Distillers Feed Research Council (Cincinnati, Ohio)
0197-2758 Proceedings - Divers' Gas Purity Symposium Battelle Memorial Institute. Columbus Laboratories.; United States. Naval Sea Systems Command.
0569-6909 Proceedings - Division of Refining American Petroleum Institute.
0569-5503 Proceedings - Electronic Components Conference Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
0700-5733 Proceedings - Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress.
0312-4738 Proceedings - Endocrine Society of Australia Endocrine Society of Australia.
0379-5586 Proceedings - Fertiliser Association of India Fertiliser Assoc. of India.
0071-4607 Proceedings - Fertilizer Industry Round Table, Washington, D.C Fertilizer Industry Round Table (Washington, D.C.)
0270-3025 Proceedings FOC Information Gatekeepers, Inc.
0161-5319 Proceedings - Frontiers of Power Technology Conference Oklahoma State University. School of Electrical Engineering.
0919-9454 Proceedings Genome Informatics Workshop University Academy Press
0271-180X Proceedings - Geopressured Geothermal Energy Conference United States.; University of Texas at Austin.
0270-1863 Proceedings - Georgia Nutrition Conference for the Feed Industry University of Georgia.; Georgia Feed & Grain Association, Inc.; American Feed Manufacturers' Association.
0072-5560 Proceedings - Grassland Society of Southern Africa Grassland Society of Southern Africa.; Weidingsvereniging van Suidelike Afrika.
0020-3262 Proceedings - Institution of Civil Engineers Institution of Civil Engineers
0020-3483 Proceedings - Institution of Mechanical Engineers Institution of Mechanical Engineers
0367-8849 Proceedings - Institution of Mechanical Engineers Institution of Mechanical Engineers
0522-2133 Proceedings - Institut Teknologi Bandung Institut Teknologi Bandung.
0192-463X Proceedings - International Conference of the Center for High Energy Forming University of Denver.
0192-4648 Proceedings - International Conference on High Energy Rate Fabrication Denver Research Institute.
0254-4687 Proceedings - International Conference on Liquid Metal Technology in Energy Production American Nuclear Society.; Department of Energy.
1466-1314 Proceedings - International Fertiliser Society International Fertiliser Society.
0099-6890 Proceedings - International Shade Tree Conference Noel B. Wysong, Ed.
0099-6874 Proceedings - Ironmaking Conference Iron and Steel Society of AIME.
0195-7198 Proceedings - Khemichno-bilogichna-medichna sekňtńsiňińa [Shevchenko Scientific Society]
0198-0130 Proceedings - Lightwood Research Conference Pulp Chemicals Association.; Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.)
0161-5327 Proceedings - Lightwood Research Coordinating Council Lightwood Research Coordinating Council.; Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.); Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.)
0093-268X Proceedings - Meat Processing Conference University of California, Davis. Dept. of Food Science and Technology.
1028-3455 Proceedings - Microscopy Society of Southern Africa Microscopy Society of Southern Africa.; Mikroskopievereniging van Suidelike Afrika.
0077-3670 Proceedings - National Cancer Conference National Cancer Institute (U.S.); American Cancer Society.
0146-132X Proceedings - North American Metalworking Research Conference Battelle's Columbus Laboratories.
0099-8990 Proceedings of ... annual convention of the Southeastern Pecan Growers Association Southeastern Pecan Growers Association.
0098-3543 Proceedings of ... annual meeting American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians.; United States Animal Health Association.
0085-3763 Proceedings of ... National Incinerator Conference American Society of Mechanical Engineers.; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0145-4781 Proceedings of ... National Waste Processing Conference American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
1013-3461 Proceedings of ... Pakistan Congress of Zoology University of the Punjab.; Zoological Society of Pakistan.
0069-8520 Proceedings of ... Perugia quadrennial international conference on cancer Perugia Quadrennial international conference on cancer.
0146-6267 Proceedings of ... Synthetic Pipeline Gas Symposium American Gas Association.; United States.; International Gas Union.; United States.; Gas Research Institute.
0362-2479 Proceedings of ... the Electrical/Electronics Insulation Conference Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; National Electrical Manufacturers Association.; Institute of Printed Circuits.; International Coil Winding Association.; Electrical Manufacturing & Coil Winding Association.
0709-8766 Proceedings of Alberta Sulphur Gas Research Workshop Alberta. Dept. of the Environment. Research Secretariat.
0160-6719 Proceedings of American Peanut Research and Education Association American Peanut Research and Education Association.
0197-8748 Proceedings of American Peanut Research and Education Society, Inc American Peanut Research and Education Society.
0197-8985 Proceedings of annual Marine Coatings Conference National Paint and Coatings Association.
0099-6815 Proceedings of annual meeting North Central Weed Control Conference.
0096-7572 Proceedings of annual meeting - Western Shade Tree Conference [Western Shade Tree Conference]
0097-7160 Proceedings of Association of Iron & Steel Electrical Engineers Association of Iron and Steel Electrical Engineers (U.S.)
0369-8688 Proceedings of Chinese Physiological Society, Chengtu Branch [s.n.],
0208-9947 Proceedings of Conferences in Physics Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Physics.
0073-4225 Proceedings of Hydrology Symposium Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery.
0306-6916 Proceedings of hydrotransport International Conference on the Hydraulic Transport of Solids in Pipes.
0915-1699 Proceedings of Japanese Symposium on Plasma Chemistry Purazuma Kagaku Gäodäo Shinpojäumu Soshiki Iinkai.; Purazuma Kagaku Gäodäo Shinpojäumu Un'ei Iinkai.
0973-7685 Proceedings of mathematical science (e-vir) Springer India
0271-4329 Proceedings of Midwest Conference on Endocrinology and Metabolism University of Missouri-Columbia.
0271-4337 Proceedings of Midwest Conference on the Thyroid and Endocrinology University of Missouri-Columbia,
0946-7238 Proceedings of MoBBEL Molekularbiologische und Biotechnologische Entwicklungsliga.; MoBBEL.
0198-6287 Proceedings of Scotts Turfgrass Research Conference O.M. Scott.
1996-756X Proceedings of SPIE (e-vir) The International Society of Optical Engineering
0277-786X Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering SPIE, International Society for Optical Engineering
0270-3254 Proceedings of Symposium on Sharing of Computer Programs and Technology in Nuclear Medicine, Computer Assisted Data Processing Society of Nuclear Medicine (1953- ). Council on Computers.; United States. Energy Research and Development Administration.
0110-1358 Proceedings of technical groups - The New Zealand Institution of Engineers New Zealand Institution of Engineers.
1075-7988 Proceedings of the ... AESF annual technical conference American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society.
0066-538X Proceedings of the ... annual Appalachian Underground Corrosion Short Course West Virginia University.
0272-5266 Proceedings of the ... annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium s.n.]
0743-8141 Proceedings of the ... annual Conference North American Lake Management Society.; United States.
0589-1019 Proceedings of the ... annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Alliance for Engineering in Medicine and Biology.
0198-0084 Proceedings of the ... annual Conference on Restoration of Coastal Vegetation in Florida Florida Audubon Society.; Tampa Audubon Society (Tampa, Fla.); Hillsborough Community College.; Tampa Port Authority.
0373-045X Proceedings of the ... Annual Congress of the South African Sugar Technologists' Association South African Sugar Association Experiment Station.; South African Sugar Technologist's Association.
0833-5192 Proceedings of the ... annual convention, including the ... annual convention of the Western Canada Section, American Water Works Association, and the ... annual convention of the Western Canada Pollution Control Association, Water Pollution Control Federation Western Canada Water and Sewage Conference.
0096-0268 Proceedings of the ... annual convention of the American Railway Engineering Association American Railway Engineering Association.
0731-4191 Proceedings of the ... annual Convention of the Wire Association International, inc Wire Association International.
0071-0318 Proceedings of the ... Annual Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium Idaho.; Idaho.
1050-6527 Proceedings of the ... Annual ISA Analysis Division Symposium Instrument Society of America.; Instrument Society of America.
0096-7068 Proceedings of the ... annual meeting The Conference
0099-5231 Proceedings of the ... annual meeting New York State Horticultural Society.
0164-0399 Proceedings of the ... annual meeting World Mariculture Society.; Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.).; Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.).; Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.).
1086-9506 Proceedings of the ... annual meeting Adhesion Society.
0096-5146 Proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the American Institute of Refrigeration American Institute of Refrigeration,
0066-1198 Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the American Wood-Preservers' Association s.n.],
0195-7740 Proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements.
0078-1703 Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society Northeastern Weed Science Society (U.S.).
0097-0727 Proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science (U.S.)
1536-9463 Proceedings of the ... annual meeting technical program of the FSCT Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology.
0091-7923 Proceedings of the ... annual National Dairy and Food Engineering Conference Michigan State University.; Michigan State University.; Michigan State University.; Michigan State University.
0547-6127 Proceedings of the ... annual National Dairy Engineering Conference Michigan State University.; Michigan State University.; Michigan State University.; National Association of Dairy Equipment Manufacturers.; Michigan State University.
0072-9019 Proceedings of the ... annual session Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute.; Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science.; University of Miami.
0253-6374 Proceedings of the ... annual session - Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
0361-5987 Proceedings of the ... annual Southwestern Petroleum Short Course Southwestern Petroleum Short Course Association.; Texas Technological College.; Texas Tech University.
0161-6404 Proceedings of the ... Annual Symposium on Frequency Control Electronic Industries Association.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; U.S. Army Signal Engineering Laboratories.; U.S. Army Electronics Research and Development Laboratory.; Electronic Components Laboratory (U.S.).; Electronics Technology and Devices Laboratory (U.S.); IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society.
0161-5343 Proceedings of the ... annual Texas Nutrition Conference J.C. Glidewell Printers
0044-7870 Proceedings of the ... ASIS annual meeting Learned Information
0145-8701 Proceedings of the ... biennial conference Institute for Briquetting and Agglomeration.
0145-9414 Proceedings of the ... biennial conference / International Briquetting Association.
1092-4515 Proceedings of the ... Biennial Waste Processing Conference American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
1088-9299 Proceedings of the ... Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting IEEE Electron Devices Society.; IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.; IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
0144-1612 Proceedings of the ... British Crop Protection Conference. Pests and Diseases British Crop Protection Council.
0144-1604 Proceedings of the ... British Crop Protection Conference. Weeds British Crop Protection Council.
0571-6144 Proceedings of the ... British Weed Control Conference British Crop Protection Council.
0737-8041 Proceedings of the ... conference The Conference,
0740-5162 Proceedings of the ... conference The Conference,
0370-0968 Proceedings of the ... Conference New Zealand Weed Control Conference,
0209-8970 Proceedings of the ... Conference of Fluid Machinery Akadémiai Kiadó
0139-9535 Proceedings of the ... Conference on Coordination Chemistry Slovak Technical University
0732-619X Proceedings of the ... Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique Society of Explosives Engineers.
0097-1480 Proceedings of the ... Conference on Hot Laboratories and Equipment American Nuclear Society.
0069-8644 Proceedings of the ... Conference on Remote Systems Technology / American Nuclear Society.
0074-6045 Proceedings of the ... Congress of the Fédération Internationale de la Précontrainte Fédération Internationale de la Précontrainte.
0885-7687 Proceedings of the ... Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers Cornell University. School of Nutrition.; New York State College of Agriculture. Dept. of Animal Husbandry.; New York State College of Agriculture. Dept. of Poultry Husbandry.; American Feed Manufacturers' Association.
0891-0057 Proceedings of the ... DOE Nuclear Airborne Waste Management and Air Cleaning Conference United States.; Harvard Air Cleaning Laboratory.
0144-8846 Proceedings of the ... European Conference on Mixing BHRA Fluid Engineering.
0073-1153 Proceedings of the ... Hawaii Topical Conference in Particle Physics University of Hawaii Press,
0253-6633 Proceedings of the ... High Energy Physics Symposium Department of Atomic Energy.
1075-6787 Proceedings of the ... IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society.; Army Research Laboratory (Fort Monmouth, N.J.); EIA Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association.
0265-0770 Proceedings of the ... Industrial Minerals International Congress Metal Bulletin.
0073-7682 Proceedings of the ... Industrial Waste Conference Purdue University.; Purdue University.; Purdue University.; Purdue University.
0258-3232 Proceedings of the... International Conference of ESNA Working Group on "Waste Irradiation" European Society of Nuclear Methods in Agriculture.; ESNA.
1068-8242 Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Cement Microscopy International Cement Microscopy Association.
0074-3089 Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Fluid Sealing BHRA Fluid Engineering.
1091-8043 Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management.; University of Pennsylvania.; Widener University.
0144-0772 Proceedings of the ... International Conference on the Internal and External Protection of Pipes BHRA Fluid Engineering.
1078-9642 Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Thermoelectrics University of Texas at Arlington.; International Thermoelectrics Society.; University of Texas at Arlington.; Denki Gakkai (1888)
0254-5144 Proceedings of the ... International Congress of Quantum Chemistry held at .. Académie internationale des sciences moléculaires quantiques.; International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science.
0736-5721 Proceedings of the ... International Gas Research Conference Gas Research Institute.
0146-9525 Proceedings of the ... International Microelectronics Symposium International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics.
1022-0178 Proceedings of the ... International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials
0139-8245 Proceedings of the... International Symposium on Nuclear Medicine Universita Karlova
0171-1784 Proceedings of the ... International Workshop on Nude Mice Fischer.
0257-6791 Proceedings of the ... IPI-Congress International Potash Institute.; IPI.
0090-2780 Proceedings of the ... National Conference on the Administration of Research
0270-1820 Proceedings of the ... New England (Northeast) Bioengineering Conference Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Center for Biomedical Engineering.
1172-0719 Proceedings of the ... New Zealand Plant Protection Conference New Zealand Plant Protection Society.
0370-2804 Proceedings of the ... New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference The Conference,
0097-0735 Proceedings of the ... rep National Fertilizer Association (1925-1955)
0730-6490 Proceedings of the ... Sugar Processing Research Conference Sugar Processing Research, Inc.; United States. Agricultural Research Service.; Sugar Processing Research Institute.
0198-0114 Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Nondestructive Evaluation American Society for Nondestructive Testing.; Southwest Research Institute.; Nondestructive Testing Information Center.; Nondestructive Testing Information Analysis Center.
0082-0989 Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Thermophysical Properties American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0197-7288 Proceedings of the ... Technical Session on Cane Sugar Refining Research United States.; Cane Sugar Refining Research Project, Inc.
0097-6806 Proceedings of the ... Texas Water Works and Sewerage Short School Texas Water Works and Sewerage Short School,
1057-7009 Proceedings of the ... Washington State University International Particleboard/Composite Materials Series Washington State University.; Washington State University.; Washington State University.
0276-2420 Proceedings of the ... Washington State University International Symposium on Particleboard Washington State University.; Washington State University.
0739-4209 Proceedings of the ... WVU Conference on Coal Mine Electrotechnology West Virginia University.; United States.; IEEE Industry Applications Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; West Virginia University.
0971-2461 Proceedings of the Academy of Environmental Biology Academy of Environmental Biology.
0097-3157 Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Scientific Publications, Academy of Natural Sciences
1938-5293 Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (e-vir) Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
0370-1808 Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences, United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, India [s.n.]
0161-5335 Proceedings of the AEC Air Cleaning Conference s.n.]
0370-2030 Proceedings of the Agricultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago Agricultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago
0369-8319 Proceedings of the Alumni Association of Malaya [Alumni Association Malaya]
0065-6836 Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the National Institute of Arts and Letters American Academy of Arts and Letters.; National Institute of Arts and Letters (U.S.)
0097-286X Proceedings of the American Cranberry Growers' Association
0097-1472 Proceedings of the American Diabetes Association; American Diabetes Association]
0099-4073 Proceedings of the American Documentation Institute
0097-4609 Proceedings of the American Gas Institute Published by the Institute
0097-2444 Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers American Institute of Electrical Engineers]
2376-7758 Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (e-vir) American Institute of Electrical Engineers.
0002-9939 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society American Mathematical Society
1088-6826 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (e-vir) American Mathematical Society
0096-9540 Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association, annual meeting American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association.
0003-049X Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society The American Philosophical Society
2326-9243 Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (e-vir) American Philosophical Society
0147-779X Proceedings of the American Phytopathological Society American Phytopathological Society.
0097-2126 Proceedings of the American Power Conference Illinois Institute of Technology
1084-7243 Proceedings of the American Society for Composites ... Technical Conference Technomic Pub. Co.
0099-4065 Proceedings of the American society for horticultural science The Society
1546-3222 Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society American Thoracic Society
1943-5665 Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society (e-vir) American Thoracic Society
0306-1396 Proceedings of the analytical division of the Chemical Society Chemical Soc.
0272-9571 Proceedings of the annual ASME Symposium American Society of Mechanical Engineers. New Mexico Section.
0078-5857 Proceedings of the annual Biology Colloquium Oregon State University Press
0099-6718 Proceedings of the Annual Blueberry Open House
0077-5746 Proceedings of the Annual Conference [s.n.]
0368-0304 Proceedings of the Annual Conference [s.n.]
0097-3394 Proceedings of the annual conference, the Maryland-Delaware Water and Sewage Association Maryland-Delaware Water and Sewage Association.
0706-0602 Proceedings of the annual conference - British Columbia Water and Waste Association British Columbia Water and Waste Association.
0317-168X Proceedings of the annual conference - Canadian Nuclear Association Canadian Nuclear Association.
0712-2470 Proceedings of the annual conference of Canadian Technical Asphalt Association Canadian Technical Asphalt Association.
0097-1081 Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the United States Public Health Service with the State and Territorial Health Officers
0573-3456 Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Automatic Control in the Petroleum and Chemical Industries
0160-9750 Proceedings of the annual conference - Reinforced Plastics-Composites Institute Society of the Plastics Industry.
0096-4530 Proceedings of the annual convention National Fertilizer Association (1925-1955)
0099-670X Proceedings of the Annual Convention - Association of American Pesticide Control Officials
0099-9466 Proceedings of the Annual Convention - Idaho State Horticultural Association
0126-1126 Proceedings of the annual convention - Indonesian Petroleum Association Indonesian Petroleum Association.
0097-2630 Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Water Works Association American Water Works Association.
0099-2895 Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Oil Technologists' Association
0370-1344 Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Philippine Sugar Association Philippine Sugar Association
0370-2057 Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Sugar Technologists' Association of India Sugar Technologists' Association of India
0424-1940 Proceedings of the Annual Eastern Theoretical Physics Conference W.A. Benjamin Inc.
0099-6726 Proceedings of the Annual Fall Meeting of the California Natural Gasoline Association
0362-5672 Proceedings of the annual Industrial Air Pollution Control Conference University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
0459-858X Proceedings of the Annual Instrumentation Conference
0146-4566 Proceedings of the annual meeting, American Section of the International Solar Energy Society International Solar Energy Society.; International Solar Energy Society.
0065-4485 Proceedings of the annual meeting - Agricultural Pesticide Society Agricultural Pesticide Society.
0099-7153 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Animal Nutrition Research Council Animal Science Research, Merck. Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories.
0227-7980 Proceedings of the annual meeting - Canadian Pest Management Society Canadian Pest Management Society. Meeting.
0097-5060 Proceedings of the annual meeting - Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association.
0099-6734 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Compressed Gas Association Compressed Gas Association Inc.
0097-0743 Proceedings of the annual meeting - Connecticut Pomological Society Connecticut Pomological Society.
0099-6424 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Connecticut Vegetable Growers' Association Ray Cocconi, Secy, Connecticut Vegetable Growers' Association.
0096-1027 Proceedings of the annual meeting - Highway Research Board National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council
0097-1316 Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association.
0099-6793 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers
0096-5596 Proceedings of the annual meeting of the New Jersey Mosquito Extermination Association American Mosquito Control Association.
0099-6777 Proceedings of the Annual Midwest Fertilizer Conference National Plant Food Institute.
0078-1797 Proceedings of the annual Northwest Wood Products Clinic Washington State University.; Forest Products Research Society.
0198-8999 Proceedings of the annual Reciprocal Meat Conference of the American Meat Science Association in cooperation with the National Live Stock and Meat Board American Meat Science Association.; National Live Stock and Meat Board.
0193-3035 Proceedings of the annual Rochester Conference on High Energy Nuclear Physics University of Rochester.; National Science Foundation (U.S.)
0148-1002 Proceedings of the annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium Instrument Society of America.
0366-516X Proceedings of the Annual Session - Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science.
0070-7945 Proceedings of the annual symposium of the East African Academy East African Literature Bureau.
0198-0017 Proceedings of the annual symposium of the Eastern Pennsylvania Branch of the American Society for Microbiology University Park Press.
0370-2375 Proceedings of the annual technical meeting - Technical Association of the Graphic Arts Technical Association of the Graphic Arts.
0099-6823 Proceedings of the Annual Tung Industry Convention Tung Center.
0161-6390 Proceedings of the annual UMR-MEC Conference on Energy University of Missouri-Rolla-Missouri Energy Council.
0508-4113 Proceedings of the Annual West Texas Oil Lifting Short Course
0198-8522 Proceedings of the annual WWEMA Industrial Pollution Conference Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association.
0097-4374 Proceedings of the Arkansas Academy of Science Arkansas Academy of Science.
2326-0513 Proceedings of the Arkansas Academy of Science (e-vir) Arkansas Academy of Science
0160-8363 Proceedings of the Army Materials Technology Conference Battelle Memorial Institute.
0369-8416 Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Asiatic Society of Bengal
1081-650X Proceedings of the Association of American Physicians Blackwell Science
1525-1381 Proceedings of the Association of American Physicians (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0369-8564 Proceedings of the Association of Clinical Biochemists [s.n.]
0097-1324 Proceedings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts The Association
2332-3132 Proceedings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts (e-vir) Association of Official Seed Analysts.
0369-822X Proceedings of the Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers.
0084-7224 Proceedings of the Australian Association of Neurologists Australian Association of Neurologists.
0067-1703 Proceedings of the Australian Biochemical Society Proceedings of the Australian Biochemical Society
0155-9796 Proceedings of the Australian Ceramic Conference Australian Ceramic Conference.
0067-2084 Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society
0067-2149 Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production J. A. Roberts.
0367-8822 Proceedings of the Automobile Division, Institution of Mechanical Engineers Institution of Mechanical Engineers
0072-0224 Proceedings of the Biennial Gas Dynamics Symposium Northwestern University Press.
0523-5723 Proceedings of the Bihar Academy of Agricultural Sciences Bihar Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
0068-1040 Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' Society Bristol Naturalists' Society.
0369-8475 Proceedings of the British Association of Refrigeration [s.n.]
0524-5141 Proceedings of the British Ceramic Society British Ceramic Society
0524-613X Proceedings of the British Insecticide and Fungicide Conference British Crop Protection Council.
0369-8521 Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Production British Society of Animal Production.
0068-547X Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences California Academy of Sciences
0271-9312 Proceedings of the California Conference on Rubber-Toughened Plastics Carlhaven Corporation.
0097-0441 Proceedings of the California Zoological Club California Zoological Club.
0068-6735 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society Cambridge Philological Society
2053-5899 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society (e-vir) Trübner; Cambridge University Press
0708-7624 Proceedings of the Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science.
0068-8436 Proceedings of the Canadian Cancer Research Conference [s.n.]
0576-6125 Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science Canadian Society of Forensic Science.
0370-9078 Proceedings of the Chemical Engineering Group Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain).
0369-8718 Proceedings of the Chemical Society Chemical Society
0258-8757 Proceedings of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Peking Union Medical College Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences; Peking Union Medical College
0094-6044 Proceedings of the Clinical Dialysis and Transplant Forum American Society for Artificial Internal Organs.
0481-0341 Proceedings of the College of Medicine University of the Philippines
0378-8520 Proceedings of the College of Natural Sciences. Section 2. Physics, astronomy Seoul National University.
0378-8539 Proceedings of the College of Natural Sciences. Section 3. Chemistry Seoul National University.
0378-8547 Proceedings of the College of Natural Sciences. Section 4. Life sciences Seoul National University.
0378-8555 Proceedings of the College of Natural Sciences. Section 5. Geology, meteorology, oceanography Seoul National University. College of Natural Sciences.
0253-6331 Proceedings of the College of Natural Sciences. Section IV. Biological sciences Seoul National University, College of Natural Sciences.
0533-3180 Proceedings of the Colloque AMPERE North-Holland
0740-8706 Proceedings of the Conference on Electron Beam Melting and Refining--State of the Art Bakish Materials Corporation.
0367-018X Proceedings of the Congress European Brewery Convention.
0074-7505 Proceedings of the Congress of the International Potash Institute International Potash Institute.
0534-1671 Proceedings of the Convention - Institute of Brewing. Australian Section Institute of Brewing, Australian Section.
0367-6897 Proceedings of the Convention - Institute of Brewing Australian and New Zealand Section Institute of Brewing-Australia and New Zealand Section.
0193-9408 Proceedings of the DOE Nuclear Air Cleaning Conference United States. Dept. of Energy.; Harvard Air Cleaning Laboratory.
0078-2092 Proceedings of the Easter School in Agricultural Science, University of Nottingham Butterworths.
0097-4188 Proceedings of the Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania.
0316-9049 Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia Entomological Society of British Columbia.
0315-2146 Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Manitoba Entomological Society of Manitoba.
0071-0768 Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario Entomological Society of Ontario.; Ontario. Dept. of Agriculture and Food.
0013-8797 Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington Entomological Society
0161-5777 Proceedings of the Environmental Engineering and Science Conference University of Louisville.; Louisville Engineering & Scientific Societies Council.
0160-8088 Proceedings of the ERDA Air Cleaning Conference United States.; Harvard Air Cleaning Laboratory.
1406-0086 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Estonian Academy Publishers
1406-0108 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Estonian Academy Publishers
1406-0124 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Estonian Academy Publishers
1406-0132 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Estonian Academy Publishers
1406-0175 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Estonian Academy Publisher
1406-0914 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Estonian Academy Publishers
2228-0820 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (e-vir) Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia.; Tartu Ülikool.; Tallinna Ülikool.; Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool.; Tallinna Tehnikaülikool.; Eesti Põllumajandusülikool.
0071-2736 Proceedings of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association European Dialysis and Transplant Association.
0071-3090 Proceedings of the European society for the study of drug toxicity Excerpta Medica
0166-6169 Proceedings of the European society of toxicology Excerpta Medica
0388-0788 Proceedings of the Faculty of Engineering of Tokai University Täokai Daigaku. Käogakubu.
0563-6795 Proceedings of the Faculty of Science of Tokai University Täokai Daigaku Shuppankai
0097-0581 Proceedings of the Florida Academy of Sciences [Rose Print. Co., etc.]
2573-0983 Proceedings of the Florida Academy of Sciences (e-vir) Florida Academy of Sciences,
0369-9250 Proceedings of the Fujihara Memorial Faculty of Engineering, Keio University Keiäo Gijuku Daigaku. Fujihara Kinen Käogakubu.
0474-067X Proceedings of the Gas Conditioning Conference University of Oklahoma. Continuing Engineering Education.
0433-3616 Proceedings of the Genetics Society of Canada Genetics Society of Canada.
0072-1034 Proceedings of the Geological Association of Canada Geological Association of Canada.
0369-9439 Proceedings of the Geological Society of South Africa Geological Society of South Africa
0016-7878 Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Geologists' Association
0433-5023 Proceedings of the Geophysical Society of Tulsa Geophysical Society of Tulsa.
0073-134X Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society Hawaiian Entomological Society.
0097-059X Proceedings of the Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute Printed and distributed by Stanford University Press for the Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute
0018-0130 Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington Helminthological Society of Washington.
0914-4404 Proceedings of the ICMR Seminar Käobe Daigaku. Igakubu. Fuzoku Igaku Kenkyäu Kokusai Käoryäu Sentäa.
0018-9219 Proceedings of the IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1558-2256 Proceedings of the IEEE (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0097-2878 Proceedings of the Illinois Mining Institute Illinois Mining Institute
0369-9846 Proceedings of the Imperial Academy Imperial Academy of Japan
0073-6767 Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science Indiana Academy of Science
0253-4096 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Engineering Sciences Indian Academy of Sciences
0253-4118 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Animal sciences Indian Academy of Sciences
0253-4134 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Chemical sciences Indian Academy of Sciences
0253-4126 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Earth and planetary sciences Indian Academy of Sciences
0253-4142 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical sciences Indian Academy of Sciences
0253-410X Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Plant sciences Indian Academy of Sciences
0370-0089 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Section A Physical Sciences Indian Academy of Sciences
0370-0097 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Section B Biological Sciences Indian Academy of Sciences
0250-5444 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Section C, Engineering Sciences Indian Academy of Sciences.
0369-9897 Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science [s.n.]
0073-6600 Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Indian National Science Academy
0370-0046 Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Indian National Science Academy
0373-0786 Proceedings of the Indian Science Congress Indian Science Congress Association.
0369-9862 Proceedings of the Institute of British Foundrymen Institute of British Foundrymen.
0097-2118 Proceedings of the Institute of Food Technologists
0950-8708 Proceedings of the Institute of Petroleum Institute of Petroleum.
0370-0100 Proceedings of the Institute of Sewage Purification Institute of Sewage Purification.
0370-0143 Proceedings of the Institute of Vitreous Enamellers [s.n.]
0369-8599 Proceedings of the Institution of Chemists, Calcutta [s.n.]
1753-7789 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (e-vir) Institution of Civil Engineers
0020-3270 Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Institution of Electrical Engineers
0369-8882 Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers The Institution of Electrical Engineers
0369-8912 Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers [S.n.]
0369-8920 Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers The Institution of Electrical Engineers
0369-8939 Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers The Institution of Electrical Engineers
0369-8947 Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers The Institution of Electrical Engineers
0954-4054 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Engineering Publications
0954-4062 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Engineering Publications
0954-4100 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Engineering Publications
0954-4119 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Engineering Publications
0957-6509 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Engineering Publications
1464-4207 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Professional Engineering Publishing
2041-2967 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (e-vir) Professional Engineering Publishing
2041-2975 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (e-vir) Professional Engineering Publishing
2041-2983 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (e-vir) Professional Engineering Publishing
2041-3025 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (e-vir) Professional Engineering Publishing
2041-3033 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (e-vir) Professional Engineering Publishing; Sage
2041-305X Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (e-vir) Professional Engineering Publishing
2041-3076 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (e-vir) SAGE
0534-2880 Proceedings of the Institution of Rubber Industry [s.n.]
0534-2791 Proceedings of the Institutions of Electrical Engineers [s.n.]
0369-8432 Proceedings of the International Association for Testing Materials International Association for Testing Materials
0099-507X Proceedings of the International Association of Milk Dealers [s.n.]
0370-0135 Proceedings of the International Association of Veterinary Food Hygienists International Association of Veterinary Food Hygienists
0074-1795 Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress Pergamon Press, PWN Polish Scientific Publishers.
0272-880X Proceedings of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer Hemisphere Publishing Corporation
0534-8269 Proceedings of the International Commission on Glass International Commission on Glass
0197-8586 Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Materials Product Safety Corporation.
0193-306X Proceedings of the International Conference on Fire Safety University of San Francisco. Fire Safety Center.
0190-4132 Proceedings of the International Conference on Lasers STS Press
0734-7499 Proceedings of the International Conference on Thermal Insulation Product Safety Corporation.
0270-8310 Proceedings of the International Conference on Thermoelectric Energy Conversion Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; University of Texas at Arlington.; University of Texas at Arlington.; University of Texas at Arlington.; Institut national polytechnique de Lorraine.
0308-5422 Proceedings of the International Cryogenic Engineering Conference IPC Science and Technology Press.
0277-7576 Proceedings of the International Instrumentation Symposium Instrument Society of America.; Instrument Society of America.; ISA (Society).; ISA (Society).
0270-1081 Proceedings of the International Leukocyte Culture Conference Academic Press,
0270-1898 Proceedings of the International Pyrotechnics Seminar Denver Research Institute.; Illinois Institute of Technology.
0145-7594 Proceedings of the International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement.
0074-784X Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" Società Italiana di Fisica.; Italian Physical Society.
0074-7874 Proceedings of the International Seaweed Symposium Inveresk (Scotland). Institute of Seaweed Research.; Norsk institutt for tang-og tareforskning.
0020-8663 Proceedings of the International Seed Testing Association International Seed Testing Association.; Internationale Vereinigung fuer Saatgutpruefung.; Internationale Vereinigung fuer Samenkontrolle.; Association Internationale d'Essais de Semences.
0370-0119 Proceedings of the International Society of Soil Science International Society of Soil Science
0096-7580 Proceedings of the International Society of Sugarcane Technologists International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists.
0379-7708 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Brain-Endocrine Interaction Karger,
0378-2298 Proceedings of the International symposium on Fresh Water from the Sea International Symposium on Fresh Water from the Sea.; European Federation of Chemical Engineering. Working Party on Fresh Water from the Sea.
0720-8715 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt.
0085-2236 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science [b.i.]
0555-3075 Proceedings of the Iraqi Scientific Societies Iraqi Scientific Societies
0096-8390 Proceedings of the IRE Institute of Radio Engineers
0158-0736 Proceedings of the IREE Australia IREE Australia.
0197-8934 Proceedings of the Irwin Strasburger Memorial Seminar on Immunology Grune & Stratton.
0021-4280 Proceedings of the Japan Academy Nippon Gakushiin
0386-2194 Proceedings of the Japan Academy Japan Academy
1349-2896 Proceedings of the Japan Academy Japan Academy
0386-2208 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B Physical and biological sciences Japan Academy
0368-3141 Proceedings of the Japan Congress on Materials Research Nippon Zairyäo Shiken Kyäokai.
0514-5171 Proceedings of the Japanese Congress for Testing Materials Japan Society for Testing Materials.
0370-0216 Proceedings of the Japanese Pharmacological Society [s.n.].
0275-617X Proceedings of the Johns Hopkins Workshop on Current Problems in Particle Theory Johns Hopkins University
0253-7575 Proceedings of the Joint Convention of S.T.A.I., D.S.T.A. & S.I.S.T.A Sugar Technologists' Association of India.
0023-3358 Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen North-Holland
0023-3374 Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen North-Holland
0023-3366 Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen North-Holland
0920-2250 Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen North-Holland
0924-8323 Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen.
1407-009X Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Latvian Academy of Sciences
2255-890X Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B, Natural, Exact and Applied Sciences (e-vir) De Gruyter Open
0887-6746 Proceedings of the Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference University of Oklahoma.
0369-9986 Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society.
0096-9389 Proceedings of the Leucocyte Culture Conference Academic Press [etc.]
0370-0461 Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London Linnean Society of London]
1747-2741 Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (e-vir) Linnean Society of London]
0370-047X Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales Linnean Society of New South Wales.
0370-0399 Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society Liverpool Geological Society.
0197-1743 Proceedings of the Maine Biomedical Symposium University of Maine at Orono.
0126-9208 Proceedings of the Malaysian Biochemical Society Conference Persatuan Biokimia Malaysia.
0099-5940 Proceedings of the Maryland-Delaware Water and Pollution Control Association Maryland-Delaware Water and Pollution Control Association, c/o State Dep of Health.
0252-9408 Proceedings of the Mathematical and Physical Society of Egypt Mathematical and Physical Society of Egypt
0543-2014 Proceedings of the Meat Industry Research Conference American Meat Institute Foundation.; American Meat Science Association.
0369-819X Proceedings of the Meeting of the Animal Husbandry Wing of the Board of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in India Indian Council of Agricultural Research
0369-8548 Proceedings of the Meeting of West Indies Sugar Technologists West Indies Sugar Association, Inc.
0161-3227 Proceedings of the meeting - Textile Information Users Council, Inc Textile Information Users Council.
0076-2431 Proceedings of the Microbiological Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Microbiological Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
0381-1751 Proceedings of the Microscopical Society of Canada Microscopical Society of Canada.
0544-0327 Proceedings of the Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference University of Delaware.
0097-2975 Proceedings of the mid-year meeting - Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association.
0160-0206 Proceedings of the Mineral Waste Utilization Symposium IIT Research Institute.; United States.
0096-9397 Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Science Minnesota Academy of Science (1932- ).; Minnesota Academy of Science (1932- )
0096-9206 Proceedings of the Montana Academy of Sciences Montana Academy of Sciences.
0369-3236 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India
2250-1762 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section A, physical sciences (e-vir) National Academy of Sciences
0369-8211 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section B: biological sciences National Academy of Science, India, General Secy.
2250-1746 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section B : biological sciences (e-vir) National Academy of Sciences
0369-8203 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A, Physical sciences National Academy of Science, India, General Secy.
0027-8424 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America National Academy of Sciences
1091-6490 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (e-vir) National Academy of Sciences
0097-238X Proceedings of the national annual meeting - Forest Products Research Society Forest Products Research Society.
1029-8932 Proceedings of the National Centre for Science and Technology of Vietnam National Centre for Science and Technology of Vietnam.
0077-4413 Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference National Engineering Conference
0470-035X Proceedings of the National Food Engineering Conference
0370-0860 Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India National Institute of Sciences of India
0547-7565 Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India. Part A, Physical Sciences National Institute of Sciences of India.
0470-1399 Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India. Part B, Biological Sciences National Institute of Sciences of India.
0250-1643 Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China National Science Council
0255-6588 Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China National Science Council
0255-6596 Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China National Science Council
0253-8415 Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China. Part A, Applied sciences National Science Council.
0253-6870 Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China. Part B, Basic science National Science Council.
0077-5711 Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association National Shellfisheries Association.; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
0163-1896 Proceedings of the New England Bioengineering Conference Pergamon Press.
0097-045X Proceedings of the New Hampshire Academy of Science New Hampshire Academy of Science.
0096-8935 Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society New Jersey Historical Society.
0369-3902 Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association New Zealand Grassland Association.; New Zealand Grassland Association.
0370-2731 Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production Editorial Services.
1176-5283 Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production (e-vir) New Zealand Society of Animal Production
0914-5621 Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites National Institute of Polar Research
0099-5177 Proceedings of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America Entomological Society of America.
0096-9214 Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science University of North Dakota]; University of North Dakota, North Dakota State University, Minot State College; North Dakota Academy of Science
0078-2521 Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science Nova Scotian Institute of Science
0029-6651 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society Cambridge University Press
1475-2719 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (e-vir) CABI Publishing
0314-1004 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of Australia Nutrition Society of Australia.
0110-4187 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand Nutrition Society of New Zealand. Conference.
0547-0021 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of Southern Africa Nutrition Society of Southern Africa
0884-5883 Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Ocean Drilling Program.; National Science Foundation (U.S.); Joint Oceanographic Institutions Incorporated.
0884-5891 Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program (e-vir) Ocean Drilling Program.; National Science Foundation (U.S.); Joint Oceanographic Institutions Incorporated.
0271-2946 Proceedings of the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Conference United States.; Johns Hopkins University.
0099-5185 Proceedings of the Ohio State Horticultural Society Ohio State Horticultural Society.
0078-4303 Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science Oklahoma Academy of Science.; University of Oklahoma.; Oklahoma Junior Academy of Science.
0078-4893 Proceedings of the Ontario Industrial Waste Conference Ontario. Ministry of the Environment.; Ontario Industrial Waste Conference.
0370-1093 Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science Oregon Academy of Science.
0479-0979 Proceedings of the Pacific Northwest Industrial Waste Conference Washington State University, College of Engineering.
0377-2969 Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences Pakistan Academy of Sciences
0079-0273 Proceedings of the Paving Conference .. University of New Mexico.
0096-9222 Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science Pennsylvania Academy of Science.
2573-9964 Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science (e-vir) Pennsylvania Academy of Science.
0476-4897 Proceedings of the Pharmaceutical Society of Egypt (s.n.)
0370-1328 Proceedings of the Physical Society Institute of Physics and the Physical Society
0370-1298 Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section A Physical Society
0370-1301 Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B Physical Society
0370-1239 Proceedings of the Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan
0731-1664 Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulator Society of America The Society,
0149-7685 Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulator Working Group; Plant Growth Regulator Working Group.
0079-3949 Proceedings of the Porcelain Enamel Institute Technical Forum Porcelain Enamel Institute, Inc.
0079-8851 Proceedings of the Queensland Society of Sugar Cane Technologists L. J. Woods c/o Australian Sugar Producers Association.
0485-9529 Proceedings of the Rajasthan Academy of Sciences [s.n.]
0099-5959 Proceedings of the Research Conference Sponsored by the Research Council of the American Meat Institute Foundation at the University of Chicago
0099-5975 Proceedings of the Rio Grande Valley Horticultural Institute
0557-1588 Proceedings of the Robert A. Welch Foundation Conferences on Chemical Research Robert A. Welch Foundation.
0096-4166 Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science Rochester Academy of Science.
1454-8267 Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Editura Academiei Române
0035-8746 Proceedings of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute Royal Australian Chemical Institute.
0080-4304 Proceedings of the Royal Canadian Institute Royal Canadian Institute.
0483-4550 Proceedings of the Royal Horticulture Society [s.n.]
0035-8959 Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain Royal Institution of Great Britain.
0035-8975 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Royal Irish Academy
0035-8983 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section B, Biological, geological and chemical science Royal Irish Academy
0370-1190 Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow.
1471-2954 Proceedings of the Royal Society (e-vir) Royal Society
1364-5021 Proceedings of the royal society A The Royal Society Publishing
1471-2946 Proceedings of the royal society A (e-vir) RS
0080-4517 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada = The Society
0080-4541 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh The Royal Society
0370-1646 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Neill and Co.
2059-9153 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (e-vir) Royal Society of Edinburgh.
0308-2113 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B. Natural environment Royal Society of Edinburgh
0370-1662 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Harrison and Sons
0035-9157 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine Royal Society of Medicine
0557-4161 Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand High Commissioner for New Zealand
0080-469X Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland Royal Society of Queensland
0035-9211 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria Royal Society's Hall
2204-1362 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria (e-vir)
0485-5752 Proceedings of the Ruakura Farmers' Conference Week Department of Agriculture.
0126-9054 Proceedings of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia planters' conference Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia.
0080-4797 Proceedings of the Rudolf Virchow Medical Society in the City of New York S. Karger AG :; Ferdinand Berger und Soehne OHG.
0271-1109 Proceedings of the S.P.I. annual Urethane Division, Technical Conference Society of the Plastics Industry. Urethane Division.
0095-5876 Proceedings of the San Diego Biomedical Symposium San Diego Biomedical Symposium.
0919-5025 Proceedings of the School of Science of Tokai University Tokai University. School of Science
0370-1905 Proceedings of the Science Institution, Kinki University Kinki Daigaku. Kagakuin.
0096-5014 Proceedings of the Scientific Section of the Toilet Goods Association Toilet Goods Association.
0370-0348 Proceedings of the Section of Sciences, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam North-Holland
0730-9627 Proceedings of the Serono clinical colloquia on reproduction Academic Press ;; Grune & Stratton.
0308-5503 Proceedings of the Serono Symposia Academic Press.
0037-9697 Proceedings of the Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Division. Chemical Society The Society for Analytical Chemistry
0370-1778 Proceedings of the Society for Applied Bacteriology The Society
1747-3446 Proceedings of the Society for Applied Bacteriology (e-vir) Society for Applied Bacteriology.; Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain).
0037-9727 Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine Academic Press.
1525-1373 Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0096-3593 Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Stress Analysis Society for Experimental Stress Analysis.
0562-4142 Proceedings of the Society for the Study of Fertility Society for the Study of Fertility.
0370-2073 Proceedings of the Society for Water Treatment and Examination [s.n.]
0370-1786 Proceedings of the Society of Agricultural Bacteriologists The Society
1747-3454 Proceedings of the Society of Agricultural Bacteriologists (e-vir) Society of Agricultural Bacteriologists (Great Britain)
0370-1832 Proceedings of the Society of Biological Chemists, India Society of Biological Chemists
0361-0748 Proceedings of the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers.
0560-6454 Proceedings of the Society of Protozoologists
0081-2536 Proceedings of the South African Society of Animal Production South African Society of Animal Production.
0096-378X Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science South Dakota Academy of Science.
0099-4057 Proceedings of the Southern Municipal and Industrial Waste Conference
0081-3109 Proceedings of the Southern Water Resources and Pollution Control Conference c/o Dep of Environment Science and Engineering, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina.
0099-5991 Proceedings of the Southern Weed Conference [s.n.].
0147-2003 Proceedings of the Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics [publisher not identified]
0740-8897 Proceedings of the SPI ... annual Technical/Marketing Conference Society of the Plastics Industry.
0197-856X Proceedings of the SPI Structural Foam Conference Society of the Plastics Industry. Structural Foam Division.
0092-699X Proceedings of the staff meetings of the Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic.; Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
0099-5983 Proceedings of the State College of Washington Institute of Dairying
0193-1326 Proceedings of the State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania.
0099-6009 Proceedings of the Steel Treating Research Society
0094-7474 Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference Association for Computing Machinery.; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.; American Institute of Chemical Engineers.; American Geophysical Union.; Society for Computer Simulation.; Society for Modeling and Simulation International.
0193-0745 Proceedings of the Summer Conference on Spectroscopy and Its Application John Wiley & Sons.
0069-6277 Proceedings of the Symposium of the Colston Research Society Scientechnica.
0146-6828 Proceedings of the Symposium of the Educational Foundation of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Mosby.
0099-6017 Proceedings of the Symposium on Industrial Waste Control
0082-0903 Proceedings of the Symposium on Physics and Nondestructive Testing Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Inc.
0145-4803 Proceedings of the Symposium on Textile Flammability LeBlanc Research Corporation.
0272-7269 Proceedings of the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0731-5023 Proceedings of the technical program Cahners Exposition Group.
0271-938X Proceedings of the technical program - Electro-Optical Systems Design Conference Electro-Optical Systems Design Conference.; Industrial and Scientific Conference Management Inc.
0197-8977 Proceedings of the technical program - Electro-Optics/Laser Conference & Exposition Industrial and Scientific Conference Management Inc.
0163-917X Proceedings of the technical program - International Microelectronics Conference Industrial and Scientific Conference Management]
0099-6025 Proceedings of the Technical Sessions on Bone Char
0099-4049 Proceedings of the Texas Water and Sewage Works Short School
0134-126X Proceedings of the Thihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry Hungarian Chemical Society.
0160-6603 Proceedings of the Topical Meeting on the Technology of Controlled Nuclear Fusion United States.; American Nuclear Society.; American Nuclear Society.; Electric Power Research Institute.
0071-2507 Proceedings of the triennial conference of the European association for potato research European association for potato research
0254-2528 Proceedings of the Tropical Region - American Society for Horticultural Science American Society for Horticultural Science, Tropical Region.
0096-3801 Proceedings of the United States National Museum Smithsonian Institution
0041-798X Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute The Institute
0369-8858 Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society University of Durham.
0078-0251 Proceedings of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne Philosophical Society University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
0566-3954 Proceedings of the Ussher Society Ussher Society.
0083-4823 Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters The Academy
0099-6262 Proceedings of the Washington State Horticultural Association Washington State Horticultural Association.
0099-8982 Proceedings of the Washington State University Institute of Dairying Washington State University College of Agriculture, Dep of Animal Sciences.
0164-0402 Proceedings of the Water-borne and Higher-solids Coatings Symposium University of Southern Mississippi.; Southern Society for Coatings Technology.
0083-8969 Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society (e-vir) Western Pharmacology Society.
0091-4487 Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science Western Society of Weed Science (U.S.)
0091-4363 Proceedings of the Western Weed Control Conference
0096-4263 Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science West Virginia Academy of Science.
0096-7971 Proceedings of the Yale Mineralogical Society Yale Mineralogical Society.
0044-0604 Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society Yorkshire Geological Society
2041-4811 Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society (Online) (e-vir) Geological Society
0972-6683 Proceedings of the Zoological Society of India Zoological Society of India
0370-2774 Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London Academic Press.
0032-9576 Proceedings of Vibration Problems Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research.; Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki, Warszawa.
0147-1732 Proceedings of Washington State University Symposium on Particleboard Washington State University.
0094-8780 Proceedings of Western Poultry Disease Conference and Poultry Health Symposium University of California, Davis.
0197-727X Proceedings - Pacific Chemical Engineering Congress American Institute of Chemical Engineers.; Inter-American Confederation of Chemical Engineering.; Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering.
0078-8406 Proceedings - Pakistan Philosophical Congress Pakistan Philosophical Congress.
0078-8430 Proceedings - Pakistan Science Conference Pakistan Association for the Advancement of Science.
0364-4030 Proceedings - Refining Department American Petroleum Institute
0370-9086 Proceedings - Society of Chemical Industry of Victoria Society of Chemical Industry :; Fraser & Morphen.
0038-0776 Proceedings - Soil Science Society of America Soil Science Society of America.
0161-5572 Proceedings - Thermal Power Conference Washington State University.; Washington State University.; Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission.
0096-4271 Proceedings volume of the Geological Society of America for .. Geological Society of America.
0160-662X Proceedings - Water Quality Conference University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.; American Water Works Association.; Illinois.
0370-0976 Process
0946-2856 Process Vogel-Life-Science-Medien
0970-1729 Process & Plant Engineering Shanvik Publications Pvt. Ltd..
0032-9592 Process biochemistry Wheatland Journals
1359-5113 Process biochemistry Elsevier Applied Science
1873-3298 Process biochemistry Elsevier Science
0963-4940 Process biochemistry international Turrent Group
0079-6514 Process chemistry McGraw-Hill Book Co. ;; Pergamon Press,
0552-234X Process control and automation Guardian Technical Journals
0924-3089 Process control and quality Elsevier Science Publishers
1568-5667 Process control and quality Elsevier
0097-3408 Processed series Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station.; United States. Dept. of Agriculture.
0171-9114 Process engineering Sprechsaal-Verlag
0370-1859 Process engineering Centaur Media
0826-7243 Process industries Canada Southam Business Publications.
0254-1823 Processing South African Coal Processing Society.
0305-439X Processing IPC Industrial Press
0960-3158 Processing of advanced materials Chapman & Hall
0370-1654 Process Instrumentation United Trade Press
0957-5820 Process safety and environmental protection Institution of Chemical Engineers
1744-3598 Process safety and environmental protection (e-vir) Institution of Chemical Engineers
1066-8527 Process safety progress American Institute of Chemical Engineers
1547-5913 Process safety progress (e-vir) American Institute of Chemical Engineers
1075-8607 Process Technology Conference proceedings Iron and Steel Society.
0144-185X Process technology international IPC Industrial Press Ltd
0921-8610 Process technology proceedings Elsevier
1619-9073 Process worldwide Vogel Life Science Media
2707-1626 Processy litʹâ (e-vir) Fiziko-tehnologičeskij institut metallov i splavov NAN Ukrainy
0235-5884 Processy litʹâ.; Процессы литья Naukova dumka; Наукова думка; Fiziko-tehnologičeskij institut metallov i splavov NAN Ukrainy; Физикo-тeхнoлoгичeский институт мeтaллов и сплавoв НАН Укрaины; Vidavničij dìm Akademperìodika NAN Ukraïni; Видавничий дім Академперіодика НАН України
0206-2283 Processy prokatki Institut metallurgii im. 50-letiâ SSSR.
0924-7343 Proces technologie Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs.; Nederlandse Ingenieursvereniging NIRIA.
0370-2588 Procès-verbaux de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux Société linnéenne de Bordeaux.
0370-2596 Procès-verbaux des séances Bureau international des poids et mesures
0369-8750 Prodotti Alimentari Associazione Italiana per le Ricerche sugli Alimenti.
0032-9673 Prodotto chimico & aerosol selezione Spigo e Turco editori.
0096-5162 Producers monthly Producers Pub. Co.]
0478-4030 Producir Argentina. Ministerio de Economía. Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería.
0099-7587 Product Bulletin - Baker, J. T., Chemical Company J. T. Baker Chemical Co.
0032-9754 Product engineering Morgan-Grampian Pub. Co.
0032-9762 Product Finishing Sawell Publications Ltd
0250-5452 Producţia vegetalæa. Cereale şi plante tehnice Centrul de material didactic şi propagandæa agricolæa
0032-9851 Production engineer Institution of Production Engineers
2053-7859 Production engineer (e-vir) Institution of Production Engineers (Great Britain)
0082-979X Production research report United States. Dept. of Agriculture.; United States. Agricultural Research Service.; United States. Dept. of Agriculture.; United States. Forest Service.
0990-0632 Productions animales INRA
0032-9940 Products finishing Gardner Publications
0032-9959 Produits et problèmes pharmaceutiques Editions des presses documentaires
0370-1565 Produits pharmaceutiques Editions des presses documentaires
1436-7505 Produktion von Leiterplatten und Systemen Fachverband Bauelemente der Elektronik.; Verband der Leiterplattenindustrie e.V.; International Microelectronics and Packaging Society - Deutschland e.V.; Fachverband Elektronik-Design e.V.; FED.; ZVEI.
0033-0000 Produzione Animale Istituto di Produzione Animale, Facoltà di Agraria.
0069-6056 Professional contributions of Colorado School of Mines Colorado School of Mines.
0096-7076 Professional paper Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research.
0250-4855 Professional paper - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
1612-0485 Professional papermaking Deutscher Fachverlag
1012-8786 Professional papers - Deputy Ministry for Mineral Resources Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources.; Deputy Ministry for Mineral Resources.
0131-5617 Profilaktika i lečenie tuberkuleza.; Профилактика и лечение туберкулеза Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя
0136-8583 Profilaktika osobo opasnyh infekcij Izdatelʹstvo Saratovskogo universtiteta.
0033-0337 Program Aslib
1758-7301 Program (e-vir) Aslib
0369-8173 Progrès agricole et viticole Le progrès agricole et viticole
0369-9269 Progreso Fotografico s.n..
0211-8351 Progresos en psicofarmacología Centro de Estudios Psiquiátricos y Psicológicos. Barcelona.
0733-9003 Progress and topics in cytogenetics A.R. Liss,
0033-0469 Progrès scientifique DGRST
0555-4357 Progressi in Biochimica Edizioni Minerva Medica.
0079-6026 Progress in aeronautical sciences Pergamon
0079-6034 Progress in allergy S. Karger AG; Albert J. Phiebig Inc
0160-4139 Progress in analytical atomic spectroscopy Pergamon Press
0079-6042 Progress in analytical chemistry Plenum Press]
0884-1837 Progress in analytical spectroscopy Pergamon Press
0099-1546 Progress in anesthesiology Raven Press.
0919-6390 Progress in anesthetic mechanism Nihon Masui Mekanizumu Kenkyäu Guräupu.
0555-3830 Progress in applied materials research Temple Press Books Ltd; Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Inc.
0079-6050 Progress in astronautics and aeronautics Academic Press
0096-4824 Progress in astronautics and rocketry Academic Press
0085-5189 Progress in atomic medicine Grune & Stratton
1011-0267 Progress in basic and clinical pharmacology S. Karger,
1099-4467 Progress in batteries & battery materials JEC Press Inc.,
0198-7259 Progress in batteries & solar cells JEC Press.
0079-6085 Progress in biochemical pharmacology S. Karger,
0192-6551 Progress in biomass conversion Academic Press,
0920-5438 Progress in biomedical engineering Elsevier
0377-9033 Progress in biometeorology Swets & Zeitlinger
0079-6077 Progress in bioorganic chemistry John Wiley & Sons
0096-4174 Progress in biophysics and biophysical chemistry Pergamon Press :; Butterworth-Springer.
1873-1732 Progress in biophysics and molecular biology (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0079-6107 Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology Pergamon Press
0921-0423 Progress in biotechnology Elsevier
0079-6115 Progress in Boron Chemistry [s.n.]
0340-4773 Progress in botany Springer
2197-8492 Progress in botany (e-vir) Springer
0079-6123 Progress in brain research Elsevier
1875-7855 Progress in brain research Elsevier
0145-3726 Progress in cancer research and therapy Raven Press
0097-109X Progress in cardiology Lea & Febiger.
0033-0620 Progress in cardiovascular diseases Grune & Stratton.
1873-1740 Progress in cardiovascular diseases (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
1220-8698 Progress in Catalysis Zecasin
1087-2957 Progress in cell cycle research Plenum Press; Editions " Life in Progress"
0924-8315 Progress in cell research Elsevier
0079-614X Progress in ceramic science Pergamon
0361-0233 Progress in chemical fibrinolysis and thrombolysis Churchill Livingstone.
0079-6158 Progress in chemical toxicology Academic Press]
0361-7742 Progress in clinical and biological research Liss
0177-8757 Progress in clinical biochemistry and medicine Springer.
0079-6166 Progress in clinical cancer Grune & Stratton.
0090-3310 Progress in clinical immunology Grune & Stratton.
0378-4045 Progress in clinical neurophysiology S. Karger,
0079-6174 Progress in clinical pathology Grune & Stratton
0721-4049 Progress in clinical pharmacology Dustri-Verlag Feistle.
0167-5028 Progress in clinical pharmacy Elsevier/North-Holland
0340-255X Progress in colloid & polymer science Steinkopff
0369-8734 Progress in combustion science and technology Pergamon,
1468-4349 Progress in computational fluid dynamics Inderscience Enterprises
1741-5233 Progress in computational fluid dynamics (e-vir) Inderscience Publishers
0277-5352 Progress in contraceptive delivery systems Hall Medical Publishers
0097-1502 Progress in Cosmic Ray Physics
0079-6220 Progress in Cryogenics Academic Press.
0146-3535 Progress in crystal growth and characterization Pergamon
1878-4208 Progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials (e-vir) Elsevier
0960-8974 Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials Pergamon Press
0478-4995 Progress in Crystal Physics [s.n.]
0478-5002 Progress in Dielectrics Academic Press.
0364-8974 Progress in drug metabolism Wiley,
0071-786X Progress in drug research Birkhaeuser Verlag
0253-665X Progress in ecology International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Toxicology.
1043-626X Progress in electromagnetics research Elsevier
0079-6247 Progress in elementary particle and cosmic ray physics North-Holland
0370-0127 Progressi nelle Industrie Tintorie e Tessili [s.n.].
0890-7048 Progress in endocrine research and therapy Raven Press,
0360-1285 Progress in energy and combustion science Pergamon Press.
1873-216X Progress in energy and combustion science (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1460-4094 Progress in environmental science Arnold.
1389-1774 Progress in experimental cardiology Kluwer Academic Publishers
0079-6263 Progress in experimental tumor research S. Karger AG
0091-6145 Progress in extractive metallurgy Gordon and Breach.
0262-0790 Progress in fibrinolysis Churchill Livingstone.
0167-6938 Progress in filtration and separation Elsevier
0048-5497 Progress in fire retardancy series Technomic Publ. Co..
0306-0632 Progress in food and nutrition science Pergamon Press
0079-6271 Progress in gastroenterology Grune & Stratton,
0955-2235 Progress in growth factor research Pergamon
1878-6456 Progress in growth factor research (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0079-6298 Progress in gynecology Grune & Stratton,
0079-631X Progress in heat and mass transfer Pergamon
0079-6301 Progress in hematology Grune & Stratton.
0362-6350 Progress in hemostasis and thrombosis Grune & Stratton,
1335-4957 Progress in hepato-pharmacology Liver and Drug Foundation
0959-6380 Progress in heterocyclic chemistry Pergamon.
2542-680X Progress in heterocyclic chemistry (e-vir) International Society of Heterocyclic Chemistry
0555-3954 Progress in High Polymers CRC Press :; Iliffe Books, Ltd.
1873-2186 Progress in histochemistry and cytochemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
0079-6336 Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry G. Fischer
0711-1800 Progress in hormone biochemistry and pharmacology Eden Press :; Eden Medical Research.
0920-9832 Progress in HPLC VNU Science Press : :; VSP
1385-4100 Progress in HPLC-HPCE VSP
0923-4020 Progress in hypertension VSP
0079-6344 Progress in immunobiological standardization Karger,
1476-8917 Progress in industrial ecology Inderscience Enterprises,
1478-8764 Progress in industrial ecology (e-vir) Inderscience Publishers
0079-6352 Progress in industrial microbiology Churchill :; Livingstone :; Gordon and Breach Science Publishers :; Elsevier
0079-6360 Progress in Infrared Spectroscopy Plenum Publishing Corp.
0079-6379 Progress in inorganic chemistry J. Wiley & Sons
0884-6790 Progress in leukocyte biology Reticuloendothelial Society.
0163-7827 Progress in lipid research Pergamon Press
1873-2194 Progress in lipid research (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
1060-913X Progress in liver diseases Grune & Stratton; [W.B. Saunders]
0079-6417 Progress in low temperature physics North-Holland
0195-4237 Progress in macrocyclic chemistry Wiley,
1873-2208 Progress in materials science (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0079-6425 Progress in Materials Science Pergamon Press
0079-6441 Progress in medical genetics Grune & Stratton,
0724-441X Progress in medical microbiology Fischer.
0730-2339 Progress in medical radiation physics Plenum,
0079-645X Progress in medical virology S. Karger.
0079-6468 Progress in Medicinal Chemistry North-Holland Publ. Co.
0502-8205 Progress in Metal Physics Butterworth
0262-6330 Progress in migraine research Pitman.
1585-1176 Progress in mining and oilfield chemistry Akadémiai Kiadó,
0079-6484 Progress in molecular and subcellular biology Springer
0731-2849 Progress in mutation research International Program on Chemical Safety.
1745-5391 Progress in natural science (e-vir) Elsevier
1002-0071 Progress in Natural Science Science Press
1873-5118 Progress in neurobiology Elsevier Science
0301-0082 Progress in Neurobiology Pergamon Press
0079-6492 Progress in Neurological Surgery Karger
0079-6506 Progress in neurology and psychiatry Grune & Stratton
0099-9016 Progress in neuropathology Raven Press
0364-7722 Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology Pergamon Press.
1879-2863 Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0278-5846 Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry Pergamon
0552-3028 Progress in non-destructive testing Heywood
0079-6522 Progress in nuclear energy Pergamon
0079-6530 Progress in nuclear energy Pergamon
0079-6549 Progress in nuclear energy Pergamon
0079-6557 Progress in nuclear energy Pergamon
0555-4063 Progress in nuclear energy Pergamon
0555-408X Progress in nuclear energy Pergamon
0555-4098 Progress in nuclear energy Pergamon
0555-4101 Progress in nuclear energy Pergamon
0555-411X Progress in nuclear energy Pergamon
1878-4224 Progress in nuclear energy (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0149-1970 Progress in Nuclear Energy Pergamon
0079-6565 Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Pergamon Press
1873-3301 Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0079-6573 Progress in nuclear medicine S. Karger,
0079-659X Progress in nuclear physics Pergamon Press
0555-4160 Progress in nuclear techniques and instrumentation North-Holland
0079-6603 Progress in nucleic acid research and molecular biology Academic Press
1129-8723 Progress in nutrition Mattioli 1885
0962-7936 Progress in obesity research John Libbey; John Libbey eurotext
0079-6611 Progress in oceanography Pergamon Press
1873-4472 Progress in oceanography (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
1535-9980 Progress in oncology Jones and Bartlett,
0478-5010 Progress in Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
0079-6638 Progress in optics Interscience Publishers; North-Holland Publishing Company
0555-4195 Progress in Organic Chemistry [s.n.]; [s.n.]
0300-9440 Progress in organic coatings Elsevier Sequoia
1061-1452 Progress in paper recycling Doshi & Associates, Inc.
0146-6410 Progress in particle and nuclear physics Pergamon Press
0968-896X Progress in pathology Churchill Livingstone.
0146-1540 Progress in pediatric hematology/oncology Pub. Sciences Group,
0079-6654 Progress in Pediatric Surgery Urban und Schwarzenberg
0730-1898 Progress in pesticide biochemistry Wiley,
0887-6142 Progress in pesticide biochemistry and toxicology Wiley,
1464-3456 Progress in pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis Elsevier Science.
0340-465X Progress in pharmacology Fischer.
0934-9545 Progress in pharmacology and clinical pharmacology Fischer
0552-3052 Progress in photography Focal Press
1062-7995 Progress in photovoltaics Wiley
1099-159X Progress in photovoltaics John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
0167-8574 Progress in phycological research Elsevier
0079-6662 Progress in physical organic chemistry Wiley [etc.,
0736-7422 Progress in physics Birkhäuser,
0096-428X Progress in physiological sciences Consultants Bureau.
0079-6689 Progress in phytochemistry Pergamon Press
1427-4337 Progress in Plant Protection Instytut Ochrony Roślin (Poznań); Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Roślin.; Instytut Ochrony Roślin - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy (Poznań)
0079-6700 Progress in polymer science Pergamon Press
0286-2999 Progress in polymer science, Japan Kodansha.
0079-6719 Progress in powder metallurgy Metal Powder Industries Federation
0168-9614 Progress in protein-lipid interactions Elsevier
0161-2611 Progress in psychiatric drug treatment Brunner/Mazel,
1070-1443 Progress in psychiatry series American Psychiatric Press.
0363-0951 Progress in psychobiology and physiological psychology Academic Press
0079-6727 Progress in quantum electronics Pergamon
1873-1627 Progress in quantum electronics (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0079-6735 Progress in Radiation Therapy Grune and Stratton Inc.
0167-5176 Progress in radiopharmacology Elsevier/North-Holland
0079-6743 Progress in Reaction Kinetics Pergamon Press
1468-6783 Progress in reaction kinetics and mechanism Science and Technology Letters
1471-406X Progress in reaction kinetics and mechanism (e-vir)
0304-4262 Progress in reproductive biology S. Karger,
0254-105X Progress in reproductive biology and medicine S. Karger
1358-8702 Progress in reproductive medicine Parthenon.
0079-6751 Progress in Respiration Research Karger
1422-2140 Progress in respiratory research S. Karger,
1350-9462 Progress in retinal and eye research Elsevier
1873-1635 Progress in Retinal and Eye Research (e-vir) Pergamon
0278-4327 Progress in retinal research Pergamon.
1878-1985 Progress in retinal research (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
1477-7606 Progress in rubber, plastics and recycling technology Rapra Technology
1478-2413 Progress in rubber, plastics and recycling technology (e-vir) Rapra Technology
0266-7320 Progress in rubber and plastics technology Plastics and Rubber Institute; Rubber and Plastics Research Association of Great Britain
0555-4268 Progress in Semiconductors John Wiley and Sons.
0721-9156 Progress in sensory physiology Springer
0079-676X Progress in separation and purification Interscience Publishers.
1873-1643 Progress in solid state chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0079-6786 Progress in Solid State Chemistry Pergamon Press
0079-6808 Progress in stereochemistry Butterworths Scientific Publications; Academic Press]
0096-4298 Progress in surface and membrane science Academic Press.
1878-4240 Progress in surface science (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
0079-6816 Progress in Surface Science Pergamon Press
0079-6824 Progress in Surgery S. Karger
0555-4306 Progress in the astronautical sciences North-Holland
0079-6832 Progress in the chemistry of fats and other lipids Pergamon Press
0079-6859 Progress in theoretical biology Academic Press
1567-7354 Progress in theoretical chemistry and physics Kluwer Academic Publishers
0165-2362 Progress in theoretical organic chemistry Elsevier
0079-6840 Progress in the science and technology of the rare earths Pergamon
0268-2613 Progress in transfusion medicine Churchill Livingstone.
0144-1868 Progress in vacuum microbalance techniques Heyden
0255-3686 Progress in veterinary microbiology and immunology S. Karger AG
0306-6746 Progress in water technology Pergamon Press
1436-1930 Progress in zoology Deutsche Zologische Gesellschaft.
0096-4697 Progressive age Progressive Age Pub. Co.
0099-9024 Progressive Perfumery and Cosmetics
0033-0809 Progressive plastics Maclean-Hunter.
0556-5464 Progressivnaâ tehnologiâ mašinostroeniâ Belorusskij politehničeskij institut.
0145-0204 Progress notes Walter Reed Army Medical Center
0478-5215 Progresso agricolo Associazione nazionale commercianti di prodotti per l'agricoltura.
0033-0868 Progresso fotografico Editrice Progresso.
0306-3542 Progress of Rubber Technology Institution of the Rubber Industry.; Plastics and Rubber Institute.
0033-068X Progress of theoretical physics Publication Office, Progress of Theoretical Physics
1347-4081 Progress of theoretical physics (e-vir) Progress of Theoretical Physics. Publication Office.
0375-9687 Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement Publication Office, Progress of Theoretical Physics
0370-1514 Progresso medico Leonardo Edizioni Scientifiche
0370-2170 Progresso Terapeutico
0097-4013 Progress report Pennsylvania State University. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-5354 Progress report Pennsylvania.
0099-5142 Progress report Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.
0163-190X Progress report Washington (State). Dept. of Fisheries.
0096-5022 Progress report / Michigan.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0569-0021 Progress report - Committee on Alkali Reactions in Concrete. Serie A The Danish National Institute of Building Research and The Academy of Technical Sciences.
0569-0048 Progress report - Committee on Alkali Reactions in Concrete. Serie D The Danish National Institute of Building Research and The Academy of Technical Sciences.
0569-0064 Progress report - Committee on Alkali Reactions in Concrete. Serie F The Danish National Institute of Building Research and The Academy of Technical Sciences.
0569-0072 Progress report - Committee on Alkali Reactions in Concrete. Serie H The Danish National Institute of Building Research and The Academy of Technical Sciences.
0569-0110 progress report - Committee on Alkali Reactions in Concrete. Serie N The Danish National Institute of Building Research and The Academy of Technical Sciences.
0098-7077 Progress report - New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources,
0531-1039 Progress reports - Ceylon, Fisheries Research Station. Biological and technological Fisheries Research Station.
0099-6270 Progress report series - Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University.
0367-0279 Progress reports from experiment stations Empire Cotton Growing Corporation.
0365-9100 Progress reports of Atlantic Biological Station, St. Andrew's, N.B., and Atlantic Fisheries Experimental Station, Halifax, N.S Biological Board of Canada.
0367-1860 Progress reports of the Atlantic Coast stations Fisheries Research Board of Canada.
0367-1879 Progress reports of the Pacific Coast stations Fisheries Research Board of Canada.
0096-8110 Progress thru research James Ford Bell Technical Center.; General Mills, inc.; General Mills, inc.
0370-0585 Progressus medicinae [s.n.]
0131-5463 Proizvodstvo èlektrostali Metallurgiâ.
0321-432X Proizvodstvo ferrosplavov.; Производство ферросплавов "Metallurgiâ"; "Металлургия".
0131-5455 Proizvodstvo himičeskih volokon Redakcionno-izdatelʹskij otdel.
0236-1639 Proizvodstvo i ispolʹzovanie èlastomerov.; Производство и использование эластомеров CNIITÈIneftehim; ЦНИИТЭИнефтехим
0131-5439 Proizvodstvo i pererabotka plastmass i sintetičeskih smol Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut plastičeskih mass.
0206-3425 Proizvodstvo i primenenie mikrobnyh fermentnyh preparatov Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut prikladnoj ènzimologii.
0132-9456 Proizvodstvo koksa.; Производство кокса Metallurgiâ; Металлургия.
0320-507X Proizvodstvo lista Metallurgiâ.
0132-5183 Proizvodstvo ogneuporov [s.n.].
0320-5088 Proizvodstvo perekisi vodoroda židkofaznym okisleniem izopropilovogo spirta Institut prikladnoj himii.
1684-257X Proizvodstvo prokata Nauka i tehnologii.
0321-4966 Proizvodstvo specialʹnyh ogneuporov Metallurgiâ.
0201-873X Proizvodstvo stali v kislorodno-konvertornyh i martenovskih cehah Metallurgiâ.
0136-7633 Proizvodstvo tolstolistovoj stali.; Производство толстолистовой стали Ministerstvo černoj metallurgii USSR; Министерство черной металлургии УССР.
0103-7757 Projeções EDUSF
0191-5630 Project United World College of the Atlantic.
0263-9637 Project record - Land Resources Development Centre Overseas Development Administration.
0369-5875 Project Reports - New South Wales, Forestry Commission, Division of Wood Technology Forestry Commission of New South Wales, Division of Wood Technology.
0379-8313 Proje kesin raporu - Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştirma Kurumu. Polimer Kimyasi Ünitesi Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
0348-9426 Projektrapport GFL.; Grafiska forskningslaboratoriet.
0032-9096 Pro Metal Metallverband.
0340-5273 Prometheus Valentin.
0033-1155 Promyšlennaâ energetika "Energiâ"
0131-5498 Promyšlennaâ i sanitarnaâ očistka gazov CINTIHimneftemaš.
0204-3602 Promyšlennaâ teplotehnika Naukova dumka
0369-8491 Promyšlenno-èkonomičeskij bûlletenʹ.; Промышленно-экономический бюллетень Sovet narodnogo hozâjstva Ivanovskogo èkonomičeskogo administrativnogo rajona; Совет народного хозяйства Ивановского экономического административного района.
0033-118X Promyšlennoe stroitelʹstvo.; Промышленное строительство Strojizdat; Стройиздат
0033-1163 Promyšlennostʹ Armenii Gosudarstvennyj planovyj komitet Armânskoj SSR.
0131-5528 Promyšlennostʹ gornohimičeskogo syrʹâ NIITÈHIM.
0552-3427 Promyšlennostʹ himičeskih reaktivov i osobo čistyh veśestv Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut himičeskih reaktivov i osobo čistyh himičeskih veśestv.
0320-6378 Promyšlennostʹ himičeskih volokon.; Промышленность химических волокон NIITEHIM; НИИТЕХИМ.
0320-510X Promyšlennostʹ mineralʹnyh udobrenij i sernoj kisloty.; Промышленность минеральных удобрений и серной кислоты Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut po udobreniâm i insektofungicidam im. Â.V. Samojlova; Научно-исследовательский институт по удобрениям и инсектофунгицидам им. Я.В. Самойлова.
0135-4515 Promyšlennostʹ sintetičeskogo kaučuka CNIITÈneftehim.
0320-2836 Promyšlennostʹ tovarov bytovoj himii Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut tehniko-èkonomičeskih issledovanij.
0369-3384 Pro natura Schweizerischer Bund für Naturschutz.; International Union for the Protection of Nature.
0721-3115 Propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics VCH
1521-4087 Propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics Wiley-VCH
0340-7462 Propellants and explosives Verlag Chemie.
0141-3376 Prospecting in areas of glaciated terrain Institution of Mining and Metallurgy.
0090-6980 Prostaglandins Butterworths Publishers
1532-2823 Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids (e-vir) Elsevier
0952-3278 Prostaglandins, leukotrienes and essential fatty acids Churchill Livingstone
2212-196X Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0161-4630 Prostaglandins and medicine Churchill Livingstone.
1878-0636 Prostaglandins and medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
1098-8823 Prostaglandins and other Lipid Mediators Elsevier Science Inc.
0275-3618 Prostaglandins and related lipids A.R. Liss,
0262-1746 Prostaglandins leukotrienes and medicine Churchill Livingstone.
1879-2847 Prostaglandins leukotrienes and medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
0278-8233 Prostaglandins research studies series Research Studies Press,
0742-3926 Prostaglandins series Research Studies Press.
1365-7852 Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases Stockton Press
1476-5608 Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases Nature Publishing Group.
0370-1689 Protar Schweizerischer Luftschutzverband; Schweizerische Luftschutz-Offiziersgesellschaft; Schweizerische Gesellschaft der Offiziere des Territorialdienstes
0378-4339 Protection ecology Elsevier
0033-1732 Protection of metals Consultants Bureau
1608-327X Protection of metals (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0042-7454 Protectio Vitae IVG-Verlag.
0079-7030 Protective coatings on metals Consultants Bureau.
1875-5305 Protein & peptide letters (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0736-4547 Protein abnormalities A.R. Liss,
0269-2139 Protein engineering IRL Press
1460-213X Protein engineering (e-vir) IRL
1741-0126 Protein engineering, design & selection Oxford University Press
1741-0134 Protein engineering, design and selection (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1046-5928 Protein expression and purification Academic Press
1096-0279 Protein expression and purification (e-vir) Academic Press
0929-8665 Protein peptide letters Bentham Science Publishers
1070-3667 Protein profile Academic Press
0887-3585 Proteins Alan R. Liss
1097-0134 Proteins (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0961-8368 Protein science Cambridge University Press
1469-896X Protein science (e-vir) Cambridge University Press.
0931-9506 Protein sequences & data analysis Springer Internat.
0079-7049 Protein synthesis Dekker,
1477-5956 Proteome science (e-vir) BioMed Central
1615-9853 Proteomics Wiley-VCH
1615-9861 Proteomics Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0131-5595 Protezirovanie i protezostroenie.; Протезирование и протезостроение Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut protezirovaniâ i protezostroeniâ; Центральный научно-исследовательский институт протезирования и протезостроения.
0079-7065 Protides of the biological fluids Pergamon Press.
1434-4610 Protist Elsevier.
1618-0941 Protist (e-vir) Urban u. Fischer
0033-1821 Protistologica Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
1680-0826 Protistology Omsk State Pedagogical University.
0438-4555 Protokolle zur Fischereitechnik Institut für Fangtechnik der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei.
0033-183X Protoplasma Springer
1615-6102 Protoplasma (e-vir) Springer
0079-7073 Protoplasmatologia Springer
0136-7439 Protozoologiâ Nauka.
0303-4062 Proučvaniâ vʺrhu mikroelementite i mikrotororete v Bʺlgariâ Akademiâ na Selskoslopanskite Nauki.
0033-1988 Průmysl potravin MK Press
0552-4172 Przegląd Elektroniki Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
2449-9544 Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (e-vir) Sigma-NOT
0033-2143 Przegląd geograficzny Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
2299-002X Przegląd geologiczny (e-vir) PIG-PIB
0033-216X Przegląd Górniczy Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Książek Technicznych <Sigma=
0033-2259 Przegląd Mechaniczny Centralny Zarząd Przemysłu Metalowego.; Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich.; Instytut Mechanizacji Budownictwa i Górnictwa Skalnego (Warszawa)
0033-2291 Przegląd Papierniczy Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Książek Technicznych <Sigma =
0033-2364 Przegląd Spawalnictwa Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Księażek Technicznych "Sigma"
2449-7959 Przegląd Spawalnictwa (e-vir) Agenda Wydawnicza SIMP
0033-2399 Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich.
0033-2410 Przegląd Włókienniczy Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Książek Technicznych "Sigma"
0033-2461 Przeglad Zbozowo-Mlynarski [Polskie Wydawn. Gospodarcze]
0033-247X Przegląd Zoologiczny Polskie Towarzystwo Zoologiczne.
0033-2526 Przeglęad Dermatologiczny Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
2084-9893 Przeglęad Dermatologiczny "Termedia"
0478-6513 Przeglęad Dermatologii i Wenerologii Państwowy Instytut Dermatologii i Wenerologii.; Polskie Towarzystwo Dermatologiczne.; Instytut Dermatologii i Wenerologii.
0369-884X Przeglęad Dokumentacyjny Nafty Główny Instytut Naftowy.; Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Naftowego.
0033-2097 Przeglęad Elektrotechniczny Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Księażek Technicznych "Sigma"
0033-2100 Przeglęad Epidemiologiczny Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
0033-2151 Przeglęad Geologiczny Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny
0033-2240 Przeglęad Lekarski Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
0478-6599 Przeglęad Mleczarski Lacpol.
0075-6997 Przeglęad Naukowo-Techniczny Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej. Seria G, Górnictwo Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie.
0075-7004 Przeglęad Naukowo-Techniczny Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej. Seria H, Hutnictwo Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie.
0033-2275 Przeglęad Odlewnictwa Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Księażek Technicznych "Sigma"
0370-1743 Przeglęad Skórzany Główna Komisja Skórzana Stowarzyszenai Włókienników Polskich.
1731-8645 Przeglęad Włókienniczy SIGMA-NOT.
1230-0381 Przeglęad włókienniczy technik włókienniczy Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Księażek Technicznych SIGMA NOT Spółka z o.o.
0209-0732 Przejścia Fazowe i Zjawiska Krytyczne Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych.
0033-2496 Przemysł Chemiczny Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Ksiéażek Technicznych "Sigma"
0373-9856 Przemysł Drzewny Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Technikow Leŝnictwo i Drzewnictwa.
0370-1476 Przemysł Fermentacyjny Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Spożywczego.
0137-2645 Przemysł Fermentacyjny i Owocowo-Warzywny Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Spożywczego.
0555-5264 Przemysł Fermentacyjny i Rolny Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Spożywczego.
0370-159X Przemysł Rolny i Spożywczy Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Spożywczego.; Stowarzyszenie Techników Przemysłu Spożywczego.
0033-250X Przemysł Spożywczy Wydawictwo Czasopism i Ksiéażek Technicznych "Sigma"
0370-1700 Przemysł Włókienniczy Ministerstwo Przemysłu Lekkiego.; Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Włókienniczego.
0030-8277 PSA journal Photographic Society of America
0099-3069 PSA Journal, Section B. Photographic Science and Technique [s.n.].
1019-0643 PSI-Bericht Paul-Scherrer-Institut (Villigen)
1019-6447 PSI-proceedings Paul-Scherrer-Institut (Villigen)
0033-2615 Psyche [Cambridge Entomological Club]
1687-7438 Psyche (e-vir) Hindawi
0033-2666 Psychiatria, neurologia, neurochirurgia Elsevier Pub. Co.
0033-264X Psychiatria clinica Karger
0353-5053 Psychiatria Danubina Medicinska naklada
1849-0867 Psychiatria Danubina (e-vir) Medicinska naklada
0370-1956 Psychiatria et neurologia S. Karger,
0033-2674 Psychiatria Polska Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich
2391-5854 Psychiatria Polska (e-vir) Komitet Redakcyjno-Wydawniczy Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego
0033-2720 Psychiatric quarterly Kluwer
1573-6709 Psychiatric quarterly (e-vir) Kluwer Online
0555-5434 Psychiatric research report American Psychiatric Association.
0033-2739 Psychiatrie, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie =S.= Hirzel Verlag
2752-1230 Psychiatrie, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie (e-vir) Hirzel
0033-2747 Psychiatry Guilford Press
1943-281X Psychiatry (e-vir) Guilford Publications
1323-1316 Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences Blackwell Science
1440-1819 Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0033-2771 Psychiatry digest [Medical Digest, etc.]
1738-3684 Psychiatry investigation Korean neuropsychiatric association
1976-3026 Psychiatry investigation (e-vir) Korean neuropsychiatric association
0165-1781 Psychiatry research Elsevier/North-Holland
0925-4927 Psychiatry research Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland
1872-7123 Psychiatry Research (e-vir) Elsevier
0096-9745 Psychobiology Williams & Wilkins Co.
0889-6313 Psychobiology Psychonomic Society,
0278-1719 Psychobiology and psychopathology Boxwood Press
0033-2917 Psychological medicine Cambridge University Press
1469-8978 Psychological medicine (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0340-0727 Psychological research Springer
1430-2772 Psychological research = Springer.
0198-0165 Psychomycological studies Herbal Medicine Research Foundation.
0306-4530 Psychoneuroendocrinology Pergamon Press.
0254-4962 Psychopathology S. Karger
1423-033X Psychopathology S. Karger
0033-3158 Psychopharmacologia Springer
0161-0139 Psychopharmacology Dekker],
0167-9198 Psychopharmacology Excerpta Medica
0179-8456 Psychopharmacology Springer
1432-2072 Psychopharmacology Springer
0048-5764 Psychopharmacology bulletin The Clearinghouse
0098-616X Psychopharmacology communications [M. Dekker]
0931-6795 Psychopharmacology series Springer
0048-5772 Psychophysiology Society for Psychophysiological Research
1469-8986 Psychophysiology (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0033-3174 Psychosomatic medicine Elsevier
1534-7796 Psychosomatic medicine (e-vir) Lippincot
0033-3182 Psychosomatics Elsevier [etc.]
1545-7206 Psychosomatics (e-vir) Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine.
0478-7013 Psychotherapy Robbins Institute.
0478-7080 Pszczelarstwo Polski Związek Pszczelarski
0552-4563 Pszczelnicze zeszyty naukowe Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Lesne
0032-4094 Pt Nederlandse Ingenieursvereniging, NIRIA.
0032-4108 Pt NIRIA.
0302-167X PTA heute Deutscher Apotheker-Verlag
0370-212X Ptahìvnictvo.; Птахівництво Urožaj; Урожай; Ìnstitut tvarinnictva NAAN; Ìнститут тваринництва НААН
0344-3760 PTA in der praktischen Pharmazie Umschau-Verlag Breidenstein.
0342-8397 PTA-Repetitorium Umschau-Zeitschr.-Verl.
0172-7095 PTB-Bericht Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.; PTB Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig und Berlin, Referat Schrifttum.
0177-316X PTB-Bericht Institut Berlin der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt.; Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.; PTB.
0341-6666 PTB-Bericht Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.; Institut Berlin der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt.; PTB.
0341-6674 PTB-Bericht Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig und Berlin, Referat Schrifttum.; Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.; PTB.
0341-6690 PTB-Bericht Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig und Berlin.; PTB.
0341-6712 PTB-Bericht Wirtschaftsverl. NW, Verl. für Neue Wiss.
0341-6720 PTB-Bericht Institut Berlin der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt.; Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.; PTB.
0341-6739 PTB-Bericht Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig und Berlin, Referat Schrifttum.
0341-6747 PTB-Bericht Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig und Berlin, Referat Schrifttum.; Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.; PTB.
0572-7170 PTB-Bericht Institut Berlin der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt.; Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.; PTB.
0721-0892 PTB-Bericht Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.
0936-0492 PTB-Bericht Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.; PTB Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig und Berlin, Referat Schrifttum.
1434-2391 PTB-Bericht Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig und Berlin, Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.
0341-6682 PTB-Bericht. Abteilung Allgemeine Technisch-Wissenschaftliche Dienste Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Abteilung Allgemeine Technisch-Wissenschaftliche Dienste.; Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.; PTB.
0030-834X PTB-Mitteilungen Vieweg
0933-4807 Pteridines de Gruyter
2195-4720 Pteridines (e-vir) de Gruyter
0033-3239 Pticevodstvo Kolos
0946-0101 PTS-CTP-Deinking Symposium Papiertechnische Stiftung
0937-2091 PTS-Forschungsbericht Papiertechnische Stiftung für Forschung und Ausbildung in Papiererzeugung und Papierverarbeitung.; Papiertechnische Stiftung für Papiererzeugung und Papierverarbeitung.; PTS.
0942-749X PTS-Manuskript Papiertechnische Stiftung für Papiererzeugung und Papierverarbeitung.; PTS.
0945-7798 PTS-Vortragsband PTS-Verl..
0528-5496 Pubblicazione - Centro di Studi per la Lotta Antitermitica
0432-0980 Pubblicazione - Istituto Chimico Agrario Sperimentale di Gorizia, Nuovi Annali Istituto Chimico Agrario Sperimentale.
0367-7982 Pubblicazione - Istituto di Geologia della Università de Milano. Serie G Istituto de Geologia, Università degli Studi di Milano.
0370-209X Pubblicazione - Regia Stazione Chimico-Agraria Sperimentale di Roma
0493-9395 Pubblicazione - Universita degli Studi di Trieste, Facolta di Economia e Commercio, Istituto di Merceologia Del Bianco Editore.
0496-2230 Pubblicazione - Universita degli Studi di Trieste, Facolta di Scienze, Istituto di Mineralogia ????.
0069-6811 Pubblicazioni Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Commissione Italiana per la Geofisica
0082-6456 Pubblicazioni Istituto Sperimentale Talassografico
0462-4556 Pubblicazioni Chimiche, Biologiche e Mediche, Istituto "Carlo Erba" per Ricerche Terapeutiche
0370-2405 Pubblicazioni del Centro di Studio per la Citogenetica Vegetale del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Centro di studio per la citogenetica vegetale.
0071-4577 Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Geologia e Mineralogia della Universita di Ferrara Istituto di Geologia e Mineralogia della Universita di Ferrara.
0370-2502 Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Scienze e d'Ingegneria dell'Università di Trieste. Serie A Università degli studi di Trieste.
0370-2510 Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Scienze e d'Ingegneria dell'Università di Trieste. Serie B Università degli studi di Trieste.
0039-081X Pubblicazioni della Stazione zoologica di Napoli Hoepli
0370-2413 Pubblicazioni della Università degli studi Firenze. Facoltà di scienze matematiche, fisiche e naturali Università degli studi di Firenze. Facoltà di scienze matematiche, fisiche e naturali.
0496-2133 Pubblicazioni - Universita degli Studi di Trieste, Facolta di Scienze, Istituto di Chimica ????.
0372-4840 Pubblicazioni - Universita degli Studi di Trieste, Facolta di Scienze, Istituto di Geologia ????.
0484-1093 Publicacao Instituto de Pesquisas Agronômicas de Pernambuco
0101-7020 Publicação Sociedade Brasileira de Nematologia
0300-1334 Publicação Instituto de pesquisas tecnológicas
0524-3130 Publicação Instituto de Pesquisas da Marinha.
0100-7092 Publicação Aciesp Academia de Ciências do Estado de São Paulo
0370-1395 Publicacao Avulsa Departamento de Tecnologia, Escola de Quimica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
0366-273X Publicação do Departamento Nacional de Obras contra as Secas, Serviço de Piscicultura Departamento Nacional de Obras contra as Secas, Serviço de Piscicultura.
0409-0527 Publicação do Instituto de Pesquisas Radioativas Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Pesquisas Radioativas
0520-8262 Publicação do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia.
0079-404X Publicação especial da Escola de Geologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Geociências, Escola de Geologia.
0369-9919 Publicação IEA Instituto de Energia Atômica
0101-3084 Publicação IPEN Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
0069-3588 Publicación Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Geología.
0365-4338 Publicación Dirección Nacional de Geología y Minería
0372-445X Publicación Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Física.
0253-8431 Publicación - Centro de investigaciones tecnológicas Centro de investigaciones tecnológicas.
0368-900X Publicación - Consejo de Recursos Naturales No Renovables Consejo de Recursos Naturales no Renovables.
0369-8815 Publicación de la Dirección General de Geología y Minas, República del Ecuador Dirección General de Geología y Minas
0033-3867 Publicaciones científicas Alter Alter
0402-9488 Publicaciones de la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
0518-4274 Publicaciones de la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
0518-4282 Publicaciones de la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica.
0365-5938 Publicaciones de la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Argentina Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
0402-947X Publicaciones de la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Argentina Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
0518-4266 Publicaciones de la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Informe Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica.
0372-4492 Publicaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Fisicomatemáticas Universidad Nacional de La Plata
0372-4581 Publicaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Fisocomatemáticas Universidad Nacional de La Plata
0370-2499 Publicaciones de la Universidad autónoma de Santo Domingo Universidad autónoma de Santo Domingo.
0369-8602 Publicaciones del Centro de Investigaciones Tisiológicas Centro de Investigaciones Tisiológicas
0020-3769 Publicaciones del Instituto de Biologia Aplicada Instituto de Biologia Aplicada (Barcelona)
0490-2246 Publicaciones del Instituto de Fisica "Alonso de Santa Cruz" Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Físicas Alonso de Santa Cruz.
0365-9534 Publicaciones del Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas de la Diputación de Barcelona Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas. Barcelona
0369-996X Publicaciones del Instituto de Investigaciones Microquímicas. Universidad Nacional del Litoral Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Investigaciones Microquímicas.
0370-0070 Publicaciones del Instituto de Quimica Fisica "Rocasolano" Instituto de Química Física "Rocasolano"
0369-9978 Publicaciones del Instituto Nacional de la Nutrición Instituto Nacional de la Nutrición.
0365-4176 Publicaciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"
0370-0577 Publicaciones de Medicina Experimental, Universidad de Chile Universidad de Chile.
0073-9936 Publicaciones geológicas del ICAITI Instituto centroamericano de investigación y tecnologia industrial
0120-078X Publicaciones geologicas especiales del Ingeominas Ingeominas,
0378-8040 Publicaciones misceláneas agrícolas Universidad de Chile. Facultad de agronomía.
0210-2552 Publicaciones técnicas Patronato de Investigación Científica y Técnica Juan de la Cierva.
0521-520X Publicación IAA Dirección Nacional del Antártico. Instituto Antártico Argentino.
0378-2301 Publicación INCAP Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá.; INCAP.
0211-3422 Publicación INCAR Instituto Nacional del Carbón y sus Derivados "Francisco Pintado Fe" (INCAR).
0372-3860 Publicación - Instituto de Anatomía. Universidad de Buenos Aires Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Anatomía.
0372-3933 Publicación - Instituto del Petróleo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales.; Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto del Petróleo.
0538-169X Publicación - Instituto Nacional de Nutrición Instituto Nacional de Nutrición.
0077-1279 Publicación miscelanea Facultad de Agronomía de Montevideo.
0365-0170 Publicación miscelánea Argentina. Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería. Dirección de Informaciones.
0367-0163 Publicación miscelánea Estación Experimental Agro-industrial Obispo Colombres.
0367-7532 Publicación técnica - Instituto Experimental de Investigación y Fomento Agrícola-Ganadero, Santa Fe Instituto Experimental de Investigación y Fomento Agrícola-Ganadero.
0365-0197 Publicación técnica - Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería Argentina. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería.
0372-4476 Publicación Trimestral Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
0367-6064 Publicación trimestral - Hospital Central Militar, Lomas de Sotelo Hospital Central Militar.
0372-4883 Publicación - Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Ingeniería Química Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Ingeniería Química.
0484-1042 Publicações avulsas do Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhaes Instituto Nacional de Endemias Rurais.
0369-8297 Publicações avulsas do Instituto Aggeu Magalhaes Instituto Aggeu Magalhaes.
0375-0337 Publicações do Instituto de Botânica Dr. Gonçalo Sampaio da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Ciências. Instituto de Botânica Doutor Gonçalo Sampaio
0370-0631 Publicacoes do Museu e Laboratorio Mineralogico e Geologico da Faculdade de Ciencias do Porto Museu e Laboratorio Mineralogico e Geologico da Faculdade de Ciencias do Porto
0369-9285 Publicacoes Farmaceuticas Publicações Farmacêuticas
0078-379X Publication Office national d'études et de recherches aérospatiales (France)
0079-8800 Publication Geological Survey of Queensland.
0096-2759 Publication Field Museum of Natural History.
0097-3637 Publication Field Columbian Museum.
0226-9643 Publication Rapeseed Association of Canada.
0366-2969 Publication [s.n.]
0369-7622 Publication Office national d'études et de recherches aérospatiales (France)
0370-8403 Publication Commission for Technical Co-Operation in Africa.; Conseil Scientifique pour l'Afrique au Sud du Sahara.; CSA.; Scientific Council for Africa.
0370-9701 Publication Stations fédérales d'essais agricoles (Lausanne)
0376-1711 Publication Field Museum of Natural History.
0536-2016 Publication [s.n.]
0542-9315 Publication University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
0543-9396 Publication University of Michigan.
0546-2134 Publication Centre technique forestier tropical,
0569-9010 Publication American University of Beirut, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
0097-5664 Publication / Michigan.
0355-3396 Publication / Technical Research Centre of Finland. Electrical and Nuclear Technology Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Sähkö-ydinteknologia.; Technical Research Centre of Finland. Electrical and Nuclear Technology.
0355-3388 Publication / Technical Research Centre of Finland. Materials and Processing Technology Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Materiaali- ja prosessitekniikan tutkimusosasto.; Technical Research Centre of Finland. Materials and Processing Technology.
0273-4559 Publication ... of the Mathematics Research Center, the University of Wisconsin Academic Press
0270-0611 Publication - American Institute of the History of Pharmacy American Institute of the History of Pharmacy.
0093-5875 Publication AP United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
0361-2945 Publication APTD [United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards]
0096-1728 Publication - California State Water Resources Control Board State Water Resources Control Board.
0068-7340 Publication - Canada. Department of Agriculture Canada. Dept. of Agriculture.
0412-8753 Publication - Coffee Brewing Institute The Coffee Brewing Center.
0365-5970 Publication de la Fondation agathan de potter Académie royale de Belgique, classe de science Palais desacadémies.
0369-9390 Publication du Groupement pour l'avancement des méthodes spectrographiques Groupement pour l'avancement des méthodes spectographiques.; GAMS.
0379-0525 Publication du laboratoire de biochimie de la nutrition Faculté des sciences agronomiques.
0362-1766 Publication - Eastern Regional Research Center Eastern Regional Research Center.
0084-7496 Publication EP-RR - Department of Engineering Physics, Research School of Physical Sciences, Australian National University Australian National University.
0430-7488 Publication - Florida, University, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
0706-7070 Publication - Institute for Environmental Studies. University of Toronto University of Toronto. Institute for Environmental Studies.
0367-9632 Publication - Iwata Institute of Plant Biochemistry Iwata Shokubutsu Seiri Kagaku Kenkyäujo.
0096-8943 Publication - Malt Research Institute Malt Research Institute.
0710-6955 Publication - Mineral Resources Division Manitoba Department of Mines, Resources and Environmental Management, Mineral Resources Division.
0547-8464 Publication - National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council National Academy of Sciences, Printing and Publishing Office.
0565-7261 Publication - National Air Pollution Control Administration
0197-1735 Publication NMAB National Research Council (U.S.). National Materials Advisory Board.
0110-2125 Publication of Geology Department, Victoria University of Wellington Victoria University of Wellington. Geology Department.
0099-9032 Publication of technical papers and proceedings of the annual meeting of Sugar Industry Technologists, Inc Sugar Industry Technologists, inc.
0065-7085 Publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science [s.n.].
0253-6846 Publication of the Centre of Advanced Study in Geology Panjab University, Department of Geology.
0316-0114 Publication of the Environmental Secretariat National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committee on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality.
0554-0089 Publication - Philippines, Bureau of Mines, Special Projects Series Philippine Bureau of Mines.
0099-3166 Publication QIP. National Bituminous Concrete Association, Quality Improvement Program
0557-3947 Publication - Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.
0096-4182 Publications Puget Sound Biological Station.
0358-5069 Publications Technical Research Centre of Finland.; Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus.
0372-4603 Publications Transvaal University College, Faculty of Agriculture
1323-3580 Publications Astronomical Society of Australia.
0569-5384 Publications - American Institute of Biological Sciences
0270-7802 Publication - School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University.
0369-9927 Publications de l'Association des ingénieurs de la Faculté polytechnique de Mons Association des ingénieurs de la Faculté polytechnique de Mons
0370-1611 Publications de l'Institut de recherches de la sidérurgie Institut de recherches de la sidérurgie française
0370-162X Publications de l'Institut de recherches de la sidérurgie Institut de recherches de la sidérurgie française
0369-9072 Publications de la Faculté d'agronomie, Université de Téhéran Université de Téhéran, Faculté d'agronomie.
0335-8259 Publications du Centre national pour l'exploitation des océans Centre national pour l'exploitation des océans (France)
0336-3112 Publications du Centre national pour l'exploitation des océans Centre océanologique de Bretagne
0339-2899 Publications du Centre national pour l'exploitation des océans Centre national pour l'exploitation des océans (France)
0370-1875 Publications du Service géologique de Luxembourg Service géologique du Luxembourg
0068-5313 Publications from Cairo University Herbarium Koeltz.
0458-4732 Publications from the Institutes of mineralogy, paleontology and quaternary geology / Lunds universitet.; Lunds universitet.; Lunds universitet.
0096-7092 Publications from the Laboratories of the Jefferson Medical College Hospital Jefferson Medical College Hospital.
0306-5154 Publication - Shirley Institute Shirley Institute.
0368-0002 Publications in foreign languages - Research Institute for Water Resources Development Research Institute for Water Resources Development.
0020-255X Publications - Institut royal météorologique de Belgique. Série A Institut royal météorologique de Belgique
0309-6874 Publications - Natural Environment Research Council. Series D Natural Environment Research Council.
0096-4301 Publications of the Allegheny Observatory of the University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Central Print. Office],
1448-6083 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (e-vir) CSIRO Publishing
0004-6264 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan Astronomical Society of Japan; Maruzen Company
2053-051X Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (e-vir) Astronomical Society of Japan; Oxford University Press on behalf of the Astronomical Society of Japan
0004-6280 Publications of the astronomical society of the pacific Astronomical Society of the Pacific
1538-3873 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (e-vir) Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
1324-6240 Publications of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
0369-7150 Publications of the Dominion Observatory, Ottawa Canada. Observatories Branch.; Dominion Observatory (Canada)
0373-4838 Publications of the Earth Physics Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Department of Energy, Mines and Resources.
0209-8083 Publications of the Hungarian Central Institute for the Development of Mining KBFI.; Hungarian Central Institute for the Development of Mining.; Institut central de développement minier de Hongrie.; Centralʹnyj institut po razvitiû gornoj promyšlennosti.; Ungarisches Zentralinstitut für die Entwicklung des Bergbaus.; BKI.; Mining Research Institute.; Institut de recherches minières.; Forschungsinstitut für Bergbau.; Gorno-issledovatelʹskij institut.; Bányaterv.; Mining-Design Insitute.; Institut des projets miniers.; Projektierungsinsitut für Bergbau.; Gorno-proektnyj institut.
0524-8523 Publications of the Hungarian Mining Research Institute Hungarian Mining Research Institute.; Institut de recherches minières de Hongrie.; Ungarisches Forschungsinstitut für Bergbau.; Vengerskij gorno-issledovatelʹskij institut.; Bányászati Kutató Intézet.
0138-0125 Publications of the Institute of Geophysics Polska Akademia Nauk.
0096-431X Publications of the Institute of Marine Science University of Texas.
0370-0534 Publications of the Marine Biological Station, al-Ghardaqa, Red Sea Cairo University Press
0076-8227 Publications of the Museum, Michigan State University. Biological Series Museum, Michigan State University.
0076-8421 Publications of the Observatory of the University of Michigan
0037-2870 Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory Seto Marine Biological Laboratory
0369-8335 Publications of the South African Institute for Medical Research South African Institute for Medical Research
0370-9167 Publications of the State Institute of Agricultural Chemistry Valtion maatalouskemian laitos.; State Institute of Agricultural Chemistry.
0324-4679 Publications of the Technical University for Heavy Industry NME
0324-4628 Publications of the Technical University for Heavy Industry. Series A, Mining NME
0097-5141 Publications of the University of California at Los Angeles in biological sciences University of California, Los Angeles.
0097-6377 Publications of the University of California at Los Angeles in mathematical and physical sciences University of California, Los Angeles.
0096-4190 Publications of the Wagner Free Institute of Science Wagner Free Institute of Science.
0193-2527 Publication SP American Concrete Institute.
0370-1697 Publications relatives au Congo Belge et aux Régions voisines M. Vaillant-Carmane
0305-2001 Publications - Royal Observatory, Edinburgh Science Research Council.
0370-3959 Publications - Ryojun College of Engineering
0002-533X Publications scientifiques de l'Université d'Alger. Série B, Sciences physiques Université.
0370-1999 Publications scientifiques et techniques du Ministère de l'air France
0370-2006 Publications scientifiques et techniques du Ministère de l'air E. Blondel La Rougery :; Gauthier-Villars,
0370-2022 Publications scientifiques et techniques du Ministère de l'air Service de documentation et d'information technique de l'aéronautique :; E. Blondel La Rougery :; Gauthier-Villars,
0365-7701 Publications - Université d'Ankara, Faculté de l'Agriculture Université d'Ankara
0370-2472 Publications - University of Pretoria. Series 2: Natural sciences University.
0082-3341 Publications - University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas.
0372-1140 Publication - Tin Research Institute, Greenford Tin Research Institute :; Tin Research Institute.
0500-3148 Publication - United States, Public Health Service U.S. Government Printing Office.
0099-9040 Publication - West Texas Geological Society West Texas Geological Society.
0512-3348 Publication - World Meteorological Organization World Meteorological Organization.
0485-3830 Publicazioni del Centro di sperimentazione agricola e forestale Centro di Sperimentazione Agricola e Forestale
0033-3506 Public health Academic Press
0300-5925 Public health engineer Sterling Professional Publications
0096-6444 Public health engineering abstracts United States. Public Health Service.
0079-7596 Public Health Monograph. United States, Public Health Service US Government Printing Office :; Public Inquiries Branch, U. S. Public Health Service.
0555-6015 Public health papers World Health Organization
0033-3549 Public health reports U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
1468-2877 Public health reports Oxford University Press
0160-3655 Public information circular Geological Survey of Wyoming.
0375-6653 Public information circular - Iowa Geological Survey Iowa Geological Survey,
0033-3735 Public roads U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Offices of Research and Development; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0033-3840 Public works Municipal Journal & Engineer, Inc.
0096-400X Public works engineers' yearbook American Public Works Association.; Public Works Congress.; American Society of Municipal Engineers.; International Association of Public Works Officials.; Western Public Works Congress.
0522-8441 Publikacije Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu Elektrotehnički fakultet
0254-1904 Publikasies - Universiteit van Zoeloeland. Reeks III. Valkpublikasies University of Zululand.
0552-0347 Publikasies van die Universiteit van Pretoria Van Schaik's Boekhandel (Edms.), Bpk
0370-0895 Publikasjoner fra det Norske institutt for kosmisk fysikk Norsk institutt for kosmisk fysikk.
0369-2434 Publikatie van het Metaalinstituut T.N.O Metaalinstituut T.N.O.
0009-1111 Publikation Institutionen för vattenförsörjnings- och avlopssteknik Chalmers tekniska högskola.
0106-8423 Publikation Statens Levnedsmiddelinstitut
0280-4026 Publikation Chalmers tekniska högskola. Institutionen för vattenförsörjnings- och avloppsteknik.
0903-9783 Publikation Sundhedsministeriet, Levnedsmiddelstyrelsen.
0355-0362 Publikation / Nordforsk. Miljöv°ardssekretariatet Nordforsk. Miljöv°ardssekretariatet.; Nordforsk. Secretariat of Environmental Sciences.
1435-4632 Publikationen der Jung-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung Jung-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung.
0370-2065 Publikationen herausgegeben von der Stiftung Vulkaninstitut Immanuel Friedländer Stiftung Vulkaninstitut Immanuel Friedländer (Zürich); Birkhäuser
0370-1492 Puerto Rico health bulletin [s.n.].
0738-0658 Puerto Rico health sciences journal University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus.
2373-6011 Puerto Rico health sciences journal (e-vir) University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus
0370-1506 Puerto Rico journal of public health and tropical medicine [s.n.].
0552-5764 Puglia Chirurgica Tipografia Gaudolfo.
0952-0600 Pulmonary pharmacology Churchill Livingstone
1094-5539 Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics Academic Press
1522-9629 Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics (e-vir) Academic Press
0033-412X Pulp, paper, and board; quarterly industry report United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.
0033-4081 Pulp & paper Miller Freeman Publications.
0316-4004 Pulp & paper Canada National Business Publ
1370-754X Pulp & paper Europe Headquarters.
0096-4816 Pulp & paper industry Miller Freeman Publications.
0033-4103 Pulp & paper magazine of Canada National Business Publ.
0738-0917 Pulp & paper week Paperloop
0033-409X Pulp and paper international Miller Freeman Publications.
0275-0899 Pulping Conference TAPPI Press
0256-6028 Pulse Communications Group Technical Press Division.
0942-8194 Pulver & Schüttgut Sprechsaal-Verl.
0301-682X Pulʹmonologiâ.; Пульмонология Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0033-4340 Punjab Medical Journal [s.n.]
1016-1597 Punjab University journal of zoology Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab
2313-8556 Punjab University journal of zoology (e-vir) Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab
0287-7414 Puräetingu to käotingu Japan Plating Society.
0387-1223 Purasuchikku materiaru Purasuchikku sangyo shinbunsha; プラスチック産業新聞社; Za Purasuchikku
0555-7887 Purasuchikkusu Kogyo Chosakai ;; Nihon kougyou shuppan
0370-2545 Purasuchikku Zairyo Purasuchikku Materiaru; プラスチック・マテリアル
0918-7928 Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkaishi Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai
0289-7008 Purazumaken dayori Nagoya Daigaku. Purazuma Kenkyäujo.
1340-3214 Purazuma ōyō kagaku Purazuma Ōyō Kagaku Kenkyūkai; Purazuma oyo kagakkai; Purazuma oyo kagakkai; Purazuma oyo kagakkai
1340-9557 Purazuma oyo to fukugo kino zairyo Purazuma Oyo Kagaku Kenkyukai; Purazuma Oyo Kagakkai
0033-4545 Pure and applied chemistry Pergamon Press
1365-3075 Pure and applied chemistry (e-vir) de Gruyter
0079-8150 Pure and Applied Cryogenics [s.n.]
1420-9136 Pure and applied geophysics (e-vir) Birkhäuser Verlag
0033-4553 Pure and Applied Geophysics Birkhaeuser Verlag
0963-9659 Pure and applied optics Institute of Physics
1361-6617 Pure and applied optics (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0079-8193 Pure and applied physics Academic Press.
0285-192X Pure chemicals Daiichi Daiichi Pure Chemicals Company.
0096-8633 Pure products Scientific Station for Pure Products.
0916-2836 Purin, pirimijin taisha Nihon Purin, Pirimijin Taisha Gakkai
1573-9538 Purinergic signalling Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-9546 Purinergic signalling (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
0131-5714 Puti povyšeniâ urožajnosti polevyh kulʹtur Belorusskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut zemledeliâ.
0277-027X PVP American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Pressure Vessels and Piping Division.
0197-8608 PVP-PB American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0048-6043 Pyrethrum Post The Pyrethrum Bureau
0555-8344 Pyrodynamics Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0272-6521 Pyrotechnica R.G. Cardwell
0348-6613 Pyroteknikdagen Sektionen för detonik och förbränning.; Svenska nationalkommitt<en för mekanik. Sektionen för detonik och förbränning.
0945-5566 PZ Prisma
0935-5901 PZ Wissenschaft Zentrallaboratorium Deutscher Apotheker e.V.; Arzneimittelkommission der Deutschen Apotheker und Arzneimittelinformationsstelle der ABDA.; Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Apothekerverbände.; Deutsches Arzneiprüfungsinstitut.; ABDA.
0255-6677 Qatar University science bulletin Qatar University. Faculty of Science.
1023-8948 Qatar University science journal University of Qatar. Faculty of Science.
1001-4322 Qiang ji guang yu li zi shu Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1006-9798 Qingdao Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1006-1037 Qing dao da xue xue bao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1672-4488 Qingdao Daxue Yixueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-1862 Qingdao Haiyang Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian Wei Hui
1001-4764 Qingdao huagong xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1672-6987 Qingdao Keji Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-4047 Qingdao Yixueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-3795 Qinghai yiyao zazhi Qinghai Sheng Yiyao Weisheng Xuehui Lianhe Bangongshi,
1000-0054 Qinghua daxue xuebao Qinghua Daxue Chubanshe,
1671-8909 Qingxi shijie Qingxi Shijie Zazhishe
0099-314X QIP Report, National Asphalt Pavement Association National Asphalt Pavement Association.
1611-020X QSAR & combinatorial science Wiley-VCH
1611-0218 QSAR & combinatorial science Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0390-6329 Quaderni Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.; Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Istituto di ricerca sulle acque.
0556-9664 Quaderni de "La Ricerca Scientifica" Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
0391-5905 Quaderni del Giornale di Fisica Società italiana di fisica.
0370-288X Quaderni dell'ingegnere chimico italiano Editrice di Chimica
0370-2839 Quaderni della Coagulazione Edizioni Omnia Medica del Laboratorio Chimico Farmaceutico V. Baldacci.
0033-488X Quaderni della Nutrizione Istituto Nazionale Nutrisione.
0586-8246 Quaderni della Sezione Perugina della Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale Liberia Natale Simonelli Editrice.
0515-2976 Quaderni di Acta Neurologica Acta Neurologica, Clinica delle Malattie Nervose e Mentali, Policlinico.
0370-2847 Quaderni di Chimica Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Ufficio Pubblicazioni.
0033-491X Quaderni di Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica Dr Cesare Maccari.
0370-2863 Quaderni di Geofisica Applicata Fondazione ing. C. M. Lerici e do Istituto di geofisica applicata del Politecnico di Milano.
0523-9559 Quaderni di Merceologia Istituto di Merceologia Universita di Bologna.
0048-6086 Quaderni di radiologia Tipografia del seminario.
0370-3002 Quaderni di Studi e Notizie - Società Generale Italiana Edison di Elettricita Edison Volta S.p.a..
0480-8843 Quaderni di Urologia Policlinico Umberto I riparto urologico.
0033-4979 Quaderni Sclavo di Diagnostica Clinica e di Laboratorio Istituto Sieroterapico e Vaccinogeno Toscano 'Sclavo'.
0589-3720 Quadrangle report State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut.
0377-3205 Qualitas plantarum Junk
0033-5134 Qualitas plantarum et materiae vegetabiles Confoederatio internationalis ad qualitates plantarum edulium perquirendas.
1052-9411 Quality assurance Academic Press
0898-2112 Quality engineering Marcel Dekker
1532-4222 Quality engineering (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0464-8005 Quality publication Malting Barley Improvement Association.; American Malting Barley Association.
0166-2589 Quantitative mass spectrometry in life sciences Elsevier
0931-8771 Quantitative structure-activity relationships VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft
1521-3838 Quantitative structure-activity relationships Wiley-VCH-Verl..
1355-5111 Quantum and semiclassical optics European Optical Society.; Institute of Physics (Great Britain)
1361-6625 Quantum and semiclassical optics (e-vir) IOP Publishing
1063-7818 Quantum electronics American Institute of Physics
1468-4799 Quantum electronics (e-vir) [Institute of Physics and Turpion]
1533-7146 Quantum information & computation Rinton Press
1570-0755 Quantum information processing Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-1332 Quantum information processing (e-vir) Kluwer
0954-8998 Quantum optics IOP Publishing
1747-3861 Quantum optics (e-vir) European Optical Society.
0370-3061 Quarry and Roadmaking [s.n.]
0099-5398 Quarterly American Petroleum Institute.
1042-3524 Quarterly / Plant Growth Regulator Society of America.
0097-014X Quarterly bulletin Indiana University Medical Center.
0375-992X Quarterly bulletin British Sulphur Corporation, ltd.
0562-5424 Quarterly bulletin Sugar Milling Research Institute
0367-7176 Quarterly Bulletin [s.n.]
0370-9620 Quarterly Bulletin [s.n.]
0195-4865 Quarterly bulletin / The Association,
0004-5721 Quarterly Bulletin - Association of Food and Drug Officials of the United States Editorial Committee, Association of Food and Drug Officials of the United States.
0097-6911 Quarterly bulletin - Michigan State University, Agricultural Experiment Station [Michigan State University. Agricultural Experiment Station]
0042-0131 Quarterly bulletin of the Faculty of Science, Tehran University Tehran University. Faculty of Science.
0370-2820 Quarterly bulletin of the Health Organisation of the League of Nations Health Organisation of the League of Nations
0375-9806 Quarterly circular - Rubber Research Institute of Ceylon Rubber Research Institute of Ceylon.
0736-4598 Quarterly coal report / United States.
0584-3219 Quarterly geological notes Geological Survey of South Australia.
0370-3169 Quarterly journal Royal Agricultural Society of Kenya
0370-7083 Quarterly Journal Rubber Research Institute of Malaya
0033-5525 Quarterly journal of crude drug research Swets & Zeitlinger
0481-2085 Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd
1470-9236 Quarterly journal of engineering geology and hydrogeology Geological Society Publishing House
2041-4803 Quarterly journal of engineering geology and hydrogeology (e-vir) Geological Society
0144-8757 Quarterly journal of experimental physiology Physiological Society (Great Britain)
0370-2901 Quarterly journal of experimental physiology Physiological Society (Great Britain)
0033-5541 Quarterly journal of experimental physiology and cognate medical sciences Livingstone,
0370-2987 Quarterly Journal of Liverpool University Institute of Commercial Research in the Tropics [s.n.]
1464-3855 Quarterly journal of mechanics and applied mathematics (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0033-5614 Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics Oxford University Press
0033-5622 Quarterly Journal of Medicine Clarendon Press
0370-2952 Quarterly journal of microscopical science Clarendon Press
0370-2960 Quarterly journal of pharmacy and allied sciences Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
0370-2979 Quarterly journal of pharmacy and pharmacology Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
0370-2944 Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and the Arts [s.n.]
0079-8312 Quarterly journal of studies on alcohol Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies.; Yale Center of Alcohol Studies.
0033-5649 Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol Journal of Studies on Alcohol, inc.(?)
0033-5657 Quarterly Journal of Surgical Sciences Dr. M. P. Vaidya, c/o Surgical Research Laboratories, Institute of Medical Sciences
0015-3850 Quarterly journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences Florida Academy of Sciences
2573-1025 Quarterly journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences (e-vir) Florida Academy of Sciences,
0016-7584 Quarterly Journal of the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India, Geology Dep, Calcutta University.
0370-291X Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London [s.n.]
0370-2928 Quarterly Journal of the Indian Chemical Society [s.n.]
0370-2936 Quarterly Journal of the Indian Institute of Science [s.n.]
0035-8738 Quarterly journal of the royal astronomical society Blackwell Scientific Publications
1477-870X Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (e-vir) Royal Meteorological Society.
0035-9009 Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Royal Meteorological Society
0378-6390 Quarterly journal - Rubber Research Institute of Ceylon Rubber Research Institute of Ceylon.
0033-569X Quarterly of applied mathematics Brown University, Division of Applied Mathematics.
1552-4485 Quarterly of applied mathematics (e-vir) Brown University
0010-1753 Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines The School
0096-7106 Quarterly of the National Fire Protection Association National Fire Protection Association.
0407-3274 Quarterly Poultry Bulletin [s.n.]
0033-5738 Quarterly reports on sulfur chemistry Intra-Science Research Foundation.
0115-5474 Quarterly research report Aquaculture Department Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
0033-5770 Quarterly review of biology The University of Chicago press
0096-7114 Quarterly review of medicine Washington Institute of Medicine.
0096-9230 Quarterly review of obstetrics and gynecology Washington Institute of Medicine.
0097-0107 Quarterly review of pediatrics [MD Publications, etc.]
0096-7122 Quarterly review of surgery Washington Institute of Medicine.
0096-543X Quarterly review of surgery, obstetrics and gynecology Hermes Press]
0096-7130 Quarterly review of surgery and surgical specialties Washington Institute of Medicine.
0099-4022 Quarterly Review of the American Electroplaters' Society
0097-1898 Quarterly review of urology Washington Institute of Medicine.
0009-2681 Quarterly reviews - Chemical Society Thanet Press
1469-8994 Quarterly reviews of biophysics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0033-5835 Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics Cambridge University Press
0085-5235 Quaternaria Blanc
0033-5894 Quaternary research Academic Press
1096-0287 Quaternary research (e-vir) Elsevier
0277-3791 Quaternary science reviews Pergamon Press
1873-457X Quaternary science reviews (e-vir) Elsevier
0370-3053 Quebec Laitier
0021-6127 Québec science Revue Québec science.
1490-0939 Québec science (e-vir) Logiciels de Marque.
0033-6149 Queensland government mining journal Queensland. Dept. of Mines.
0033-6173 Queensland journal of agricultural and animal sciences Queensland.
0370-2898 Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science
1001-5337 Qufu Shifan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0033-6408 Quick frozen foods E.W. Williams Publications
0370-3010 Quimia Sindicato Provincial de Industrias Químicas.
0370-3037 Quimica Acadêmico da Escola Nacional de Química, Directório
0874-2294 Química Sociedade Portuguesa de Química
0210-4334 Química analítica Ediciones y Publicaciones Populares
0212-0569 Química analítica Springer-Verlag Ibérica
1139-2436 Química clínica Sociedad Española de Bioquímica Clínica y Patología Molecular
0370-2871 Quimica e industria Sociedad Colombiana de Ciencias Quimicas
0370-3029 Quimica e Industria Cámara Nacional de Industrias Químicas.
0033-6521 Química e industria Asociación Nacional de Químicos de España
0370-3045 Química e industria Sindicato dos Químicos do Estado de São Paulo.
0480-7936 Química Industrial [s.n.]
0100-4042 Química Nova Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
1678-7064 Química Nova (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
0104-8899 Química Nova na Escola Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
2175-2699 Química Nova na Escola Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
1666-7948 Química viva (e-vir) Departamento de Química Biológica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires
0370-2855 Química y Farmacia Asociación de Química y Farmacia del Uruguay.
0192-3692 R Rand Corporation.
0373-8868 R & D Käobe Seikäo gihäo Käobe Seikäojo
0370-3215 Rabäa daijesuto Rabäa Daijesuto-sha.
0370-341X Rabočij metallurg.; Рабочий металлург NKČM SSSR; НКЧМ СССР.
0370-6621 Raccolta d'opuscoli scientifici, e filologici appresso Cristoforo Zane; presso Simone Occhi,
0370-4742 Raccolta Fisico-Chimica Italiana
0370-3657 Radex Rundschau Oesterreichisch-Amerikanische Magnesit AG
0137-0057 Radiacionnaâ bezopasnostʹ i zaŝita AÈS.; Радиационная безопасность и защита АЭС Atomizdat; Атомиздат.
0869-8031 Radiacionnaâ biologiâ radioèkologiâ Nauka.
0485-8638 Radiacionnaâ fizika Akademiâ nauk Latvijskoj SSR, Institut fiziki.
0557-6733 Radiacionnaâ tehnika Atomizdat.
0301-634X Radiation and environmental biophysics Springer
1432-2099 Radiation and environmental biophysics (e-vir) Springer
0033-7560 Radiation botany Pergamon
1878-0725 Radiation botany (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0285-8797 Radiation Center of Osaka Prefecture technical report Osaka Furitsu Häoshasen Chäuäo Kenkyäujo.
0146-4604 Radiation curing Technology Marketing Corp.]
0091-6722 Radiation data and reports United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
0033-7579 Radiation effects Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1029-4953 Radiation effects and defects in solids Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
1042-0150 Radiation effects and defects in solids Gordon & Breach
0888-7322 Radiation effects express Gordon & Breach Science Publishers
0884-8343 Radiation effects letters section OPA, Ltd.
1350-4487 Radiation measurements The Oxford Fulfilment Centre
1879-0925 Radiation measurements (e-vir) Elsevier
0288-2043 Radiation medicine Springer Japan
1862-5274 Radiation medicine (e-vir) Springer
1748-717X Radiation oncology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1065-7541 Radiation oncology investigations Wiley-Liss
1520-6823 Radiation oncology investigations Wiley-Liss
0969-806X Radiation physics and chemistry Pergamon
1879-0895 Radiation physics and chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier BV
2250-0995 Radiation protection and environment Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd.
0972-0464 Radiation Protection and Environment Indian Association for Radiation Protection
0144-8420 Radiation protection dosimetry Nuclear Technology Publishing
1742-3406 Radiation protection dosimetry (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0740-0640 Radiation protection management Techrite Co.,
0033-7587 Radiation research Academic Press
0485-8611 Radiation research Academic Press
1938-5404 Radiation research (e-vir) Academic Press
0033-7595 Radiation research reviews Elsevier
0097-6660 Radio & television news Ziff-Davis Pub. Co.
0142-2405 Radioactive waste management Harwood Academic Publishers.
0275-7273 Radioactive waste management New York, NY :; Harwood Academic Publishers.
1065-609X Radioactive waste management and environmental restoration Harwood.
0739-5876 Radioactive waste management and the nuclear fuel cycle Harwood Academic Publishers
0898-8161 Radioactive waste management handbook Harwood
1045-845X Radioactivity & radiochemistry Caretaker Publications
0252-9440 Radioaktive Isotope in Klinik und Forschung Egermann
0033-7722 Radio and electronic engineer Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers
0033-8192 Radiobiologiâ Nauka
0033-8176 Radiobiologia, Radioterapia e Fisica Medica Casa Editrice Licinio Cappelli.
0033-8184 Radiobiologia, Radiotherapia Verlag Volk und Gesundheit
0370-3134 Radiobiologia şi biologia moleculară Editura Medicală
0375-9334 Radiobiologica Latina Idos.
0033-8222 Radiocarbon American journal of science
1945-5755 Radiocarbon (e-vir) Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona
0079-9483 Radiochemical and radioanalytical letters Elsevier Sequoia; Akadémiai Kiadó
0301-0716 Radiochemistry Chemical Society (Great Britain)
1066-3622 Radiochemistry Consultants Bureau
1608-3288 Radiochemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
2193-3405 Radiochimica acta Oldenbourg-Wiss.-Verl.
0033-8230 Radiochimica Acta Oldenbourg
0321-222X Radioèlektronika i èlektrosvâzʹ Ministerstvo vysšego i srednego specialʹnogo obrazovaniâ Latvijskoj SSR.
0033-8273 RADIOGRAPHER Australian institute of Radiology
0033-8281 Radiography Soc. of Radiographers.
0033-8311 Radiohimiâ "Nauka" Leningradskoe otdelenie
0033-8303 Radioisotopes Nippon Hoshasei Doigenso Kyokai
0322-8657 Radioisotopy Ústav pro výzkum, výrobu a využití radioisotopů,
0321-4923 Radioizlučenie Solnca Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0390-7759 Radiologia Istituto bibliografico italiano.
0370-3118 Radiologia Austriaca Verlag Urban und Schwarzenberg
0376-6748 Radiologia clinica S. Karger,
0033-8346 Radiologia clinica et biologica S. Karger,
0033-8354 Radiologia diagnostica Volk und Gesundheit
0033-8362 Radiologia Medica Edizioni Minerva Medica
0370-4211 Radiologica [s.n.]
0097-4021 Radiological health data United States.
0033-8400 Radiological health data and reports United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.
0096-1906 Radiologic review and Mississippi Valley medical journal Mississippi Valley Medical Society.
0033-8419 Radiology Radiological Society of North America.
1527-1315 Radiology (e-vir) Radiological Society of North America; High Wire Press
0033-8435 Radiometer news Radiometer.
0481-6714 Radiometer polarographics Radiometer.
0033-8443 Radiophysics and quantum electronics Consultants Bureau
1573-9120 Radiophysics and quantum electronics (e-vir) Kluwer
0033-8451 Radioprotection Ed. Dunod; EDP Sciences
1769-700X Radioprotection (e-vir) EDP Sciences
0048-6604 Radio science American Geophysical Union
1944-799X Radio science (e-vir) American Geophysical Union
0131-8098 Radiospektroskopiâ Permskij universitet im. A.M. Gorʹkogo.
0033-8486 Radiotehnika Svâz'
0033-8494 Radiotehnika i elektronika "Nauka"
0485-8972 Radiotekhnika Osnova; Основа; Harʹkovskiĭ nacionalʹnyĭ universitet radioèlektroniki; Харьковский национальный университет радиоэлектроники
0370-7016 Radioterapia, Radiobiologia e Fisica Medica Casa editrice Licinio Cappelli.
1879-0887 Radiotherapy & Oncology (e-vir) Elsevier
0167-8140 Radiotherapy and oncology Elsevier
0352-3675 Rad i sigurnost Zavod za istraživanje i razvoj sigurnosti
0096-2287 Radium [Radium Chemical Co., etc.]
0375-1015 Rad Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti
0537-846X Radovi Geoinstitut
0350-0047 Radovi - Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine . Odjeljenje prirodnih i matematičkih nauka Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine
0370-5595 Radovi Instituta za geološko-rudarska istraživanja i ispitivanja nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina Institut za geološko-rudarska istraživanja i ispitivanja nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina
0033-8575 Radovi Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
0033-8583 Radovi Poljoprivredno-prehrambenog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu Poljoprivredni fakultet
1056-0793 RadTech report RadTech International North America.
0289-8411 Räezäa kagaku kenkyäu Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Wakäo.
1304-950X Ragnarök online türkiye : european ragnarok online Türkiye (e-vir) DOĞAN BURDA DERGİ YAYINCILIK VE PAZARLAMA A.Ş.
1028-3897 Räikhtahgaräi Jäamiʹah-i räikhtahgaräan-i äIräan.; Iranian Foundrymen's Society.
0097-6679 Railroad gazette
0033-8826 Railway age Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co.
0096-2317 Railway age gazette
0097-6687 Railway engineering and maintenance Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co.
0033-8907 Railway Gazette Iliffe N. T. P. Inc; [s. n.]
0033-8915 Railway locomotives and cars Simmons-Boardman Pub. Corp.]
0097-6695 Railway mechanical engineer Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co., etc.]
0097-2150 Railway review [W. A. Smith]
0361-7580 Railways Engineering and Contracting Pub. Co.
0033-9016 Railway track and structures Simmons Boardman Pub. Corp.; Simmons-Boardman Pub. Corp.
2160-2514 Railway track and structures (e-vir) Simmons Boardman Pub. Corp.; Simmons-Boardman Pub. Corp.
0370-3479 Raion
0370-3525 Raketentechnik und Raumfahrtforschung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Raketentechnik und Raumfahrt e.V. Stuttgart.
0365-2831 Raksti LPSR Augstäakäas un vidäejäas speciäaläas izgläitäibas ministrija.; P. Stučkas LVU Botäaniskais däarzs.
0069-570X Rakuno Gakuen Daigaku kiyo Rakuno Gakuen Daigaku.
0388-001X Rakuno Gakuen Daigaku kiyo. Shizen kagaku-hen Rakuno Gakuen Daigaku
0385-0218 Rakuno kagaku, shokuhin no kenkyu Nihon Rakuno Kagakkai; Nihon rakuno kagakkai
0370-5919 Rakuno Kagaku No Kenkyu Nippon Rakuno Kagaku Kenkyukai, c/o Tohoku Daigaku Nogakubu.
0379-5926 Raman Türkiye Petrolleri A.O.
0370-3258 Rame CIDEC
0483-9315 Rame CISAR - Centro Italiano Sviluppo e Applicazioni del Rame.
1006-6632 Ranliao gongye Huagongbu Shenyang Huagong Yanjiuyuan
0253-2409 Ranliao huaxue xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1672-1179 Ranliao yu ranse Gai Kan Bianjibu
1006-8740 Ranshao kexue yu jishu Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0386-9636 Räodäo eisei Chäuäo Räodäo Saigai Bäoshi Kyäokai.
0557-2304 Räodäo Eisei Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Räodäoshäo. Räodäo Eisei Kenkyäujo.
0485-3431 Räodäo kagaku kihäo Osakafuritsu Räodäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo.
0951-4198 Rapid communications in mass spectrometry Heyden
1097-0231 Rapid communications in mass spectrometry John Wiley & Sons
0302-9034 Raport Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica, Instytut Fizyki i Techniki Jęadrowej.; University of Mining and Metallurgy, Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques.; Gorno-Metallurgičeskaâ Akademiâ, Fakul'tet Fiziki Âdernoj Tehniki.
0367-9888 Raport Instytut Fizyki Jęadrowej im. Henryka Niewodniczańskiego.
1425-7343 Raporty IChTJ Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology.; Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jęadrowej (Warszawa)
1425-7351 Raporty IChTJ Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jęadrowej.; Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology.; Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jęadrowej (Warszawa)
0081-5721 Rapport Statens väginstitut
0280-7963 Rapport Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Institutionen för radioekologi.
0333-225X Rapport Sentralinstitutt for industriell forskning.
0348-1034 Rapport Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för växtodling.; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Plant Husbandry.; Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Institutionen för växtodling.
0348-2170 Rapport Institutionen för radiobiologi, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
0418-6559 Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse
0429-3460 Rapport Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (France)
1401-1859 Rapport Chalmers tekniska högskola. Institutionen för vattenförsörjnings- och avloppsteknik.
0304-5285 Rapport annuel de la Section de géologie, de minéralogie et de paléontologie du Musée royal de l'Afrique Centrale Musée royal de l'Afrique Centrale.
0524-7705 Rapport annuel du Comité permanent au conseil général Centre de recherches scientifiques et techniques de l'industrie des fabrications metalliques.; CRIF.
0542-2663 Rapport annuel du Service géologique, Malagasy Service géologique
0443-3211 Rapport annuel - Institut interuniversitaire des sciences nucléaires Fonds national de la recherche scientifique.
0521-2928 Rapport - C.E.N. Centre d'étude de l'énergie nucléaire.; C.E.N.
0369-2132 Rapport d'activité - Service central de protection contre les rayonnements ionisants Service central de protection contre les rayonnements ionisants, Paris.
0703-2196 Rapport d'information Centre de recherches forestières des Laurentides.
0370-6958 Rapport de la Société de Québec pour la protection des plantes Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants.
0085-2643 Rapport de recherche Laboratoire central des ponts et chaussées (France)
0528-4686 Rapport de recherche - Centre de recherches routières, Bruxelles Centre de recherche routières.
0378-9594 Rapport de recherche - Centre nucléaire TRICO Centre nucléaire TRICO.
0378-2344 Rapport de recherche - Centre régional d'études nucléaires de Kinshasa Centre régional d'études nucléaires de Kinshasa.; C.R.E.N.-K.
0222-8394 Rapport de recherche - LPC Laboratoire central des ponts et chaussées (France)
0367-3502 Rapport du Conseil de l'Experimentation et des Recherches Agronomiques, Inspection Generale de l'Agriculture
0303-7185 Rapporter fr°an Laboratoriet för klinisk stressforskning, Karolinska institutet, Stockholm Departments of Medicine and Psychiatry, Karolinska sjukhuset.
0346-7236 Rapporter och avhandlingar - Institutionen för växtodling, Lantbrukshögskolan Institutionen för växtodling, Lantbrukshögskolan.
0349-2176 Rapporter och meddelanden / (e-vir) Sveriges geologiska undersökning
1120-9429 Rapporti e studi Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Commissione di studio dei provvedimenti per la conservazione e difesa della laguna e della città di Venezia.
1123-3117 Rapporti ISTISAN Istituto Superiore di sanitá
0434-6793 Rapport - Instituut voor Bodemvruchtbaarheid Instituut voor bodemvruchtbaarheid
0481-6943 Rapport intérieur d'une étude effectuée au laboratoire J. Dedek raffinerie tirlemontoise Laboratoire J. Dedek Raffinerie.
0392-9671 Rapporto interno Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.; Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Istituto di ricerca sulle acque.
0702-0287 Rapport préliminaire - Direction générale des mines Gouvernement du Québec. Ministère des richesses naturelles. Direction générale des mines.
0367-8091 Rapports et discussions - Institut international de chimie Solvay. Conseil de chimie International Institute of Chemistry.; Institut international de chimie Solvay.
0074-4336 Rapports et procés-verbaux des réunions Conseil international pour l'exploration de la mer
0373-434X Rapports et Proces Verbaux des Réunions - Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée Commission internationale pour l'exploration scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée
0371-3083 Rapport - Studiecentrum T.N.O. voor scheepsbouw en navigatie Studiecentrum T.N.O. voor scheepsbouw en navigatie
0528-4325 Rapport Technique - Centre Belge d'Etude de la Corrosion Centre Belge d'Etude de la Corrosion.
0889-3144 Rapra review reports Pergamon
0434-5479 RARDE memorandum Great Britain.
0539-0613 Rarefied gas dynamics Academic Press
1867-7185 Rare metals Springer
1001-0521 Rare Metals Press of Metallurgical Industry
0379-7635 Rasäayana samäiks Rasäayana vibhäaga Räajasthäana višvavidyäalaya.
0370-355X Rasayanam [s.n.]
0341-9789 Rasen Hortus-Verlag
0235-0106 Rasplavy Nauka.
0136-3484 Raspredelenie i sžiganie gaza Saratovskij politehničeskij institut.
0370-3622 Rassegna AITOGA AITOGA.; Associazione Italiana tra i Tecnici, Tecnologi e i Professionisti del Industria degli Oli e Grassi.
0033-9334 Rassegna Chimica Unione nazionale chimici italiani.
0370-4165 Rassegna Clinico-Scientifica Istituto biochimico italiano.
0033-9490 Rassegna di Dermatologia e di Sifilografia Maccari editore.
0033-9520 Rassegna di Fisiopatologia Clinica e Terapeutica Pensiero Scientifico.
0370-6044 Rassegna di medicina applicata al lavoro industriale ENPI.
0370-6265 Rassegna di medicina industriale Ente nazionale per la prevenzione degli infortuni.
0370-6249 Rassegna di medicina industriale e di igiene del lavoro ENPI.
0033-9555 Rassegna di Medicina Sperimentale Casa Editrice V. Idelson.
0370-6427 Rassegna di Medicina Sperimentale, Supplemento Casa Editrice V. Idelson.
0370-3444 Rassegna di neuropsichiatria e scienze affini Ospedale Psichiatrico Consortile, Nocera Inferiore
0033-9636 Rassegna di Studi Psichiatrici Ospedale Psichiatrico.
0370-758X Rassegna di Terapia e Patologia Clinica Pensiero scientifico.
0370-4289 Rassegna Economica dell'Africa Italiana Libreria dello Stato. Istituto poligrafico dello Stato.
0370-4319 Rassegna Economica delle Colonie Libreria dello Stato. Istituto poligrafico dello Stato.
0033-9652 Rassegna ed Archivio di Chirurgia Clinica Chirurgica.
0370-5129 Rassegna giuliana di medicina Floriano Zigiotti.
0300-0672 Rassegna italiana d'ottalmologia Università di Torino. Clinica oculistica.
0481-7931 Rassegna Italiana di Chirurgia e Medicina Clinica chirurgica.
0483-9811 Rassegna Italiana di Gastro-Enterologia Societa Editrice Universo.
0370-5234 Rassegna Italiana di Gastro-Enterologia. Supplemento Società Editrice Universo.
0370-3398 Rassegna medica Gruppo Lepetit.
0370-4203 Rassegna medica Gruppo Lepetit.
0033-9768 Rassegna medica e culturale Gruppo Lepetit.
0033-9776 Rassegna medica sarda Università degli studi di Cagliari, Facoltà di medicina e chirurgia società tra i cultori delle scienze mediche e naturali.; Università degli studi, Cagliari. Facoltà di medicina e chirurgia.
0370-6400 Rassegna Medica Sarda. Supplemento Clinica Dermatologica dell'Università di Cagliari.
0033-9911 Rassegna trimestrale di odontoiatria Istituto stomatologico italiano.
0568-465X Rasteniev'dni nauki Izdatelstvo na B'lgarska akademija na naukite
2534-9848 Rastenievʺdni nauki; Растениевъдни науки (e-vir) Selskostopanska akademiâ; Селскостопанска академия
0033-9946 Rastitel'nye resursy Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie
0486-0438 Rastitelʹnostʹ Krajnego Severa SSSR i ee osvoenie Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie.
0370-3592 Rauch und Staub [s.n.]
0034-0103 Raumfahrtforschung Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Luft-und Raumfahrt
0097-692X Raw material Gage Pub. Co.
0097-6709 Rayon Rayon Pub. Co.]
0097-6717 Rayon and Melliand textile monthly [Rayon Pub. Co.]
0097-6725 Rayon and synthetic textiles [Rayon Pub. Corp.]
0097-6938 Rayon and synthetic yarn journal Rayon Pub. Co.]
0097-6946 Rayon and the rayon journal Rayon Pub. Co.]
0370-8039 Rayonne Comité international de la rayonne et des fibres synthétiques
0370-3665 Rayonne fibranne, et fibres synthétiques Comité international de la rayonne et des fibres synthétiques
0397-9210 Rayonnements ionisants Association des techniciens supérieurs en radio protection
0370-7008 Rayon record Skinner
0096-2457 Rayon textile monthly [Rayon Pub. Corp.]
0390-7740 Rays Centro Minerva Medica
0205-0722 Razkopki i proučvanija NOUS
0320-0760 Razlivka stali v slitki i ih kačestvo Metallurgiâ.
0204-0530 Razmytye fazovye perehody Latvijskij universitet im. P. Stučki
0131-8179 Razrabotka i èkspluataciâ gazovyh i gazokondensatnyh mestoroždenij [s.n.].
0486-0675 Razrabotka mestoroždenij poleznyh iskopaemyh.; Разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых Tehnìka; Техніка.
0370-6516 Razrabotka neftânyh i gazovyh mestoroždenij.; Разработка нефтяных и газовых месторождений Izdatelʹstvo Lʹvovskogo universiteta; Издательство Львовского университета.
0486-0705 Razrabotka rudnyh mestoroždenij.; Разработка рудных месторождений Tehnìka; Техніка.
0320-2933 Razrabotka ryhlyh porod kompleksami nepreryvnogo dejstviâ Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut po problemam KMA im. L.D. Ševâkova.
0034-026X Razvedka i ohrana nedr [S.n.]
0486-0691 Razvedka i razrabotka neftânyh i gazovyh mestoroždenij.; Разведка и разработка нефтяных и газовых месторождений Izdatelʹstvo Lʹvovskogo universiteta; Издательство Львовского университета.
0370-8128 Razvedka nedr Ministerstvo geologii SSSR
0486-0713 Razvedočnaâ geofizika Nedra.
0377-8460 RB Cement Research Institute of India.
1516-9332 RBCF. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Farmacêuticas Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas.
1809-4562 RBCF. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Farmacêuticas (e-vir) Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas
0102-2687 RBE. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Química.
0101-563X RBM Sociedade Brasileira de Mandioca
0033-6831 RCA review; Radio Corporation of America.
0481-4991 RCN-bulletin Reactor Centrum Nederland.
0483-7533 RCN mededeling Reactor centrum Nederland
0370-4076 RCN report Reactor centrum Nederland
0034-5199 RD, research development Technical Pub. Co.]
0034-0294 Re:search from the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Cook College New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station.
0305-7704 Reaction kinetics Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0133-1736 Reaction Kinetics & Catalysis Letters Akadémiai kiadó
1588-2837 Reaction kinetics and catalysis letters Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers
0033-7080 Reaction Research Society News Reaction Research Society.
1381-5148 Reactive & functional polymers Elsevier ; Elsevier
1873-166X Reactive and functional polymers (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0190-8375 Reactive intermediates John Wiley & Sons
0270-3033 Reactive intermediates Plenum Press,
0923-1137 Reactive polymers Elsevier
0167-6989 Reactive polymers. Ion exchangers, sorbents Elsevier
0341-2377 Reactivity and structure Springer.
0168-7336 Reactivity of solids Elsevier
0370-4297 Reactor [s.n.]
0097-4617 Reactor and fuel-processing technology Atomic Energy Commission.
0486-0756 Reactor fuel processing U.S. Argonne National Laboratory.
0372-4093 Reactor Group Memoranda. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
0486-0764 Reactor materials Battelle Memorial Institute
0034-0332 Reactor technology U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Office of Information Services.
0557-692X Reading University geological reports Geology Department, University of Reading.
0320-2909 Reakcionnaâ sposobnostʹ i mehanizm reakcij organičeskih soedinenij Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0375-9520 Reakcionnaâ sposobnostʹ organičeskih soedinenij Tartuskij universitet
0370-7628 Reaktor-Bulletin Reaktor AG (Würenlingen)
0034-057X Reaktorn Studsvik energiteknik AB.
0173-0924 Reaktortagung Kerntechnische Gesellschaft im Deutschen Atomforum e. V. ;; Zentralstelle für Atomkernenergie-Dokumentation, Kenforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Vertrieb.
0309-2305 Recent advances in anaesthesia and analgesia Churchill Livingstone.
0269-5642 Recent advances in animal nutrition Butterworths
0376-2122 Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry
0143-6740 RECENT ADVANCES IN BLOOD COAGULATION Churchill Livingstone
0951-807X Recent advances in cardiac arrhythmias John Libbey.
0143-6767 Recent advances in clinical biochemistry Churchill Livingstone.
0308-2458 Recent advances in clinical nuclear medicine Churchill Livingstone
0260-8170 Recent advances in clinical nutrition John Libbey & Company Limited.
0143-6759 Recent advances in clinical pathology Churchill Livingstone.
0143-8735 Recent advances in clinical pharmacology Churchill Livingstone.
0730-8019 Recent advances in clinical therapeutics Academic Press,
1023-6201 Recent advances in coal processing Gordon and Breach Publishers.
0264-7397 Recent advances in diabetes Churchill Livingstone.
0140-9123 Recent advances in endocrinology and metabolism Churchill Livingstone.
0370-4483 Recent advances in engineering science Scientific Publishers [etc.],
0079-9912 Recent advances in food science Butterworths.
0141-5581 Recent advances in gastroenterology Little, Brown; J. & A. Churchill; Churchill Livingstone; Royal Society of Medicine Press
0144-0519 Recent advances in geriatric medicine Churchill Livingstone.
0143-697X Recent advances in haematology Churchill Livingstone.
0144-1078 Recent advances in infection Churchill Livingstone.
0144-0535 Recent advances in neuropathology Churchill Livingstone.
0163-6170 Recent advances in nuclear medicine Grune & Stratton
0306-7548 Recent advances in obesity research Association for the Study of Obesity.
0079-9920 Recent advances in phytochemistry Phytochemical Society of North America.; Plant Phenolics Group of North America.
0309-2429 Recent advances in renal disease [s.n.]
0309-2283 Recent advances in rheumatology Churchill Livingstone.
0363-5872 Recent advances in studies on cardiac structure and metabolism University Park Press
0363-8480 Recent advances in tobacco science Beltsville Agricultural Research Center.
0309-2739 Recent advances in urology Churchill Livingstone.
0738-422X Recent developments in alcoholism American Medical Society on Alcoholism.; Research Society on Alcoholism (U.S.); National Council on Alcoholism.; American Society of Addiction Medicine.
0079-9947 Recent Developments in the Chemistry of Natural Carbon Compounds Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Chemical Department.
0079-9955 Recent Developments of Neurobiology in Hungary Committee of Neurobiological Research.
0484-0836 Recentia Medica Loto Editore.
0034-1193 Recenti Progressi in Medicina Il Pensiero Scientifico
1574-8928 Recent patents on anti-cancer drug discovery Bentham Science Publishers
2212-3970 Recent patents on anti-cancer drug discovery Bentham Science Publishers
1574-891X Recent patents on anti-infective drug discovery Bentham Science Publishers
2212-4071 Recent patents on anti-infective drug discovery Bentham Science Publishers
1574-8901 Recent patents on cardiovascular drug discovery Bentham Science Publishers
2212-3962 Recent patents on cardiovascular drug discovery (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
1574-8898 Recent patents on CNS drug discovery Bentham Science Publishers
2212-3954 Recent patents on CNS drug discovery Bentham Science Publishers
0079-9963 Recent progress in hormone research Academic Press
1041-8083 Recent progress in many-body theories Plenum
0079-9971 Recent progress in surface science Academic Press
0286-715X Recent progress of natural sciences in Japan Japan. Nihon Gakujutsu Kaigi.
0080-0015 Recent Results in Cancer Research Springer
1166-7478 Récents progrès en génie des procédés Groupe français de génie des procédés; diff. Lavoisier
1052-8040 Receptor Humana Press,
0888-7500 Receptor biochemistry and methodology A.R. Liss,
1060-6823 Receptors & channels (Print) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1087-8475 Receptors & signal transduction Humana Press,
1607-856X Receptors and channels (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0161-908X Receptors and hormone action Academic Press,
0742-4108 Receptors and ligands in intercellular communication Dekker,
0309-2682 Receptors and recognition. Series A Chapman and Hall.
0141-5549 Receptors and recognition. Series B Chapman and Hall.
0557-6970 Recherches Roure (Firme)
0486-1310 Recherches d'hydrobiologie continentale Institut national de la recherche agronomique,
0370-4416 Recherches et inventions Office national des recherches scientifiques et industrielles et des inventions (France)
0486-1418 Recherches Veterinaires Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Service des Publications.
0481-942X Recién nacido [s.n.]
0167-644X Reclamation & revegetation research Elsevier
0160-788X Reclamation review Canadian Land Reclamation Association.
0034-1290 Rečnoj transport.; Речной транспорт CBNTI MRF; ЦБНТИ МРФ.
0883-5594 Recognition technologies today Recognition Technologies Users Association.
0190-5376 Recombinant DNA technical bulletin National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.). Office of Recombinant DNA Activities.
0196-0229 Recombinant DNA technical bulletin National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.).; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (U.S.).
0080-0260 Reconstruction Surgery and Traumatology Karger, S.,Verlagsbuchhandlung Fur Medizin
0034-1584 Record of chemical progress American Association for the Advancement of Science.; Friends of the Hooker Scientific Library.; Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates.; Friends of the Kresge-Hooker Scientific Library.
0090-3507 Record of conference papers Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
0096-0837 Record of proceedings of the annual meeting American Society of Animal Production.
0524-6849 Record of the Annual Convention of the British Wood Preserving Association British Wood Preserving Association.
0524-594X Records Geological Survey Department
0097-5435 Records of observations, Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California Press,
0484-1557 Records of oceanographic works in Japan, special number Japanese National Commission for UNESCO.
0080-0295 Records of oceanographic works in Japan. New series National Research Council of Japan; Science Council of Japan
0563-8011 Records of Researches in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo Committee of Faculty Library in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo.
0067-0464 Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum [b.i.]
2201-4349 Records of the Australian Museum (e-vir)
0067-1975 Records of the Australian Museum. Supplement [b.i.]
0370-3878 Records of the Canterbury Museum Canterbury Museum (Christchurch, N.Z.); Canterbury Museum Trust Board (Christchurch, N.Z.)
0372-8927 Records of the Geological Survey. Republic of Zambia Geological Survey Department.
0370-5161 Records of the Geological Survey Department Geological Survey Department, Northern Rhodesia
0370-5226 Records of the Geological Survey of India Mgr of Publications; High Commissioner for India, Gen Dep
0076-3144 Records of the Geological Survey of Malawi Government Printer
0549-2246 Records of the Geological Survey of Nigeria Federal Government Printer.
0078-8163 Records of the Geological Survey of Pakistan Mgr of Publications, Government of Pakistan.
0492-2301 Records of the Geological Survey of Tanganyika Government Printer.
0370-6419 Records of the Malaria Survey of India [s.n.]
0085-5278 Records of the Queen Victoria Museum Launceston Queen Victoria Museum (Launceston, Tas.),; Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery (Launceston, Tas.),
0486-1701 Record - United States Department of State
0370-4262 Recueil de conférences et de travaux d'information diffusé sous les auspices du Centre national de recherches métallurgiques, Section du Hainaut Centre national de recherches métallurgiques.
0034-1843 Recueil de médecine vétérinaire Gabon; Asselin et Houzeau; Vigot frères
0034-1851 Recueil des brevets d'invention Ministère des Affaires Economiques. Service de la propriété industrielle et commerciale.
0370-7504 Recueil des travaux botaniques néerlandais MacDonald
0165-0513 Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas Sÿthoff; Sigma Chemie
0370-7539 Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas et de la Belgique Sijthoff
0375-8656 Recueil de travaux de l'Institut de recherches sur la structure de la matiere, Belgrade [S.n.]
0250-4863 Recursos minerales Centro de Investigación Minera y Metalúrgica.; CIMM.
0309-3557 Recycling & waste disposal Marylebone Press.
1000-3053 Redai haiyang Kexue Chubanshe
1009-5470 Redai haiyang xuebao Kexue chubanshe
1005-3395 Redai yaredai zhiwu xuebao Zhongguo Kexueyuan Huanan Zhiwu Yanjiusuo
1672-3619 Redai yixue zazhi Guangdong Redai Yixue Zazhishe
0370-4327 Redia Istituto Sperimentale per la Zoologia Agraria
0557-8337 Redkie èlementy Institut mineralogii, geologii i kristallohimii redkih èlementov.
0370-6184 Redkie metally.; Редкие металлы Glavredmet; Главредмет.
1351-0002 Redox report Churchill Livingstone
1743-2928 Redox report (e-vir) Churchill Livingstone
1265-6534 REE SEE
0034-2335 Referativnyi žurnal. Farmakologiâ, himioterapevtičeskie sredstva, toksikologiâ [b.i.]
0034-2343 Referativnyj žurnal Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii.Moskva.VINITI
0034-2351 Referativnyj žurnal Akademiâ nauk SSSR
0034-2432 Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0034-2483 Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0034-2491 Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0034-2505 Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0034-2513 Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0034-2599 Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0131-3533 Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0131-355X Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0370-8098 Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0375-9717 Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0486-2236 Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0486-2244 Referativnyj žurnal Akademiâ nauk SSSR
0486-2309 Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0486-2325 Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0486-235X Referativnyj žurnal VINITI
0370-8071 Referativnyj žurnal.; Реферативный журнал Akademiâ nauk SSSR; Академия наук СССР.
0370-8063 Referativnyj žurnal - Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii. 46, Fotokinotehnika VINITI
0034-2653 Referativnyj žurnal - Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii. 50. Âdernye reaktory VINITI
0034-2548 Referativnyj žurnal - Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii. 57. Počvovedenie i agrohimiâ VINITI
0202-9219 Referativnyj žurnal - Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii. 75. Toksikologiâ VINITI
0206-5525 Referativnyj žurnal - Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii. 82, Veterinariâ.; Реферативный журнал - Всесоюзный институт научной и технической информации. 82, Ветеринария VINITI; ВИНИТИ.
0034-2300 Referativnyj žurnal - Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii. Biologiâ VINITI
0034-236X Referativnyj žurnal - Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii. Geofizika VINITI
0486-2368 Referativnyj žurnal - Vsesoûznyj institut naučnoj i tehničeskoj informacii. Seriâ 53, Obśie voprosy patologii, onkologiâ VINITI.
0376-0952 Referaty naučnyh rabot.; Рефераты научных работ "Piŝepromizdat"; "Пищепромиздат".
0267-0577 Reference book - Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food HMSO.
0096-0462 Refiner and natural gasoline manufacturer Gulf Pub. Co..
0034-3102 Refractories Consultants Bureau.; Consultants Bureau Enterprises.; Scripta Technica, inc.
1083-4877 Refractories and industrial ceramics (e-vir) Plenum Pub. Corp.
1573-9139 Refractories and industrial ceramics Kluwer
1537-6443 Refractories applications and news University of Missouri--Rolla.; Refractories Institute.; American Ceramic Society.
0034-3110 Refractories journal London and Sheffield Publishing Co, Ltd
0096-0470 Refrigerating engineering American Society of Refrigerating Engineers
0370-386X Refrigeration, cold storage and air conditioning Victorian Institute of Refrigeration.; Institute of Refrigerating Engineers (N.S.W.)
0370-467X Refrigeration and air conditioning National Business Publications.
0370-4424 Refrigeration journal Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating.
0340-434X Regelungstechnik Oldenbourg
0370-6001 Regelungstechnik Oldenbourg
0034-3226 Regelungstechnik und Prozess-Datenverarbeitung R. Oldenbourg Verlag
0340-4730 Regelungstechnische Praxis Oldenbourg
0340-5281 Regelungstechnische Praxis Oldenbourg
0375-9725 Regelungstechnische Praxis und Prozess-Rechentechnik R. Oldenburg
1746-0751 Regenerative medicine Future Medicine
1746-076X Regenerative medicine (e-vir) Future Medicine
0171-1946 Regional-Anaesthesie Springer
0146-521X Regional anesthesia Lippincott
1098-7339 Regional anesthesia and pain medicine Churchill Livingstone Inc.
1532-8651 Regional anesthesia and pain medicine (e-vir) Churchill Livingstone
0148-1835 Regional geology series North Carolina.
0253-6854 Regional Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer Regional Centre for Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer for Asia and the Pacific
0139-9098 Regionálna geológia Západných Karpát Geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra.
0517-2837 Regional Technical Meetings of American Iron and Steel Institute American Iron and Steel Institute.
0203-8188 Regionalʹnaâ geologiâ nekotoryh rajonov SSSR.; Региональная геология некоторых районов СССР Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta; Издательство Московского университета.
0203-8307 Regionalʹnaâ geologiâ Srednej Azii Sredneaziatskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut geologii i mineralʹnogo syrʹâ.; SAITIMS.
0096-7343 Regulatory bulletin Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.
0167-0115 Regulatory peptides Elsevier/North-Holland
0273-2300 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology Academic Press
1096-0295 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology (e-vir) International Society of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology.
1002-7432 Reguxing shuzhi Quanguo Huanyang Shuzhi Hangye Xiezuozu,
0370-3363 Reichhold-Albert-Nachrichten Reichhold-Albert-Chemie AG, Werbeabteilung
0370-4394 Reichsarbeitsblatt [s.n.]
0370-4378 Reichsgesundheitsblatt Reichsgesundheitsamt.
0408-6627 REIC Report Radiation Effects Information Center, Battelle Memorial Institute.
0080-0791 Reine und angewandte Metallkunde in Einzeldarstellungen Springer.
0034-3617 Reinforced plastics Elsevier
0097-5923 Reinforced plastics Cahners Pub. Co.
1873-1694 Reinforced plastics (e-vir)
0486-3410 Reinforced Plastics & Composites World
0034-3722 Reitäo käuchäo gijutsu Reitäo Gishikai.; Reitäo Käuchäo Gishikai.
0034-3714 Reito Nippon Reito Kyokai; Nihon reito kucho gakkai
0304-4408 Rejuvenation International Assoc. on the artificial prolongation of the human specific lifespan.
1549-1684 Rejuvenation research Mary Ann Liebert Inc.
1557-8577 Rejuvenation research (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert Inc.
1671-8097 Re kexue yu jishu Gai Kan Bianjibu
0392-0607 Relata technica Edizioni Istituto di Tecnologia Interdisciplinare.
0370-3584 Relazione sull'Attivita della Stazione Sperimentale di Praticoltura di Lodi Stazione Sperimentale di Praticoltura di Lodi.
0735-0791 Reliability physics IEEE Electron Devices Society.; IEEE Reliability Group.; IEEE Reliability Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
0370-4467 REM. Revista Escola de Minas Escola de Minas.
0034-4206 Remèdes des Corps et des Ames Ligue des droits de l'homme malade, Sceaux.
0886-022X Renal failure Marcel Dekker
1525-6049 Renal failure (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0378-5858 Renal physiology S. Karger,
1011-6524 Renal physiology and biochemistry S. Karger
0706-3539 Renal prostaglandins Eden Press.
0393-893X Rendiconti Reale istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere.
0535-8582 Rendiconti. Scienze biologiche e mediche, B Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere
0575-6995 Rendiconti degli Istituti Scientifici della Universita di Camerino Universita di Camerino.
0370-5803 Rendiconti dell'Istituto di sanità pubblica Istituto di sanità pubblica.
0375-9164 Rendiconti dell' Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere, classe di scienze matematiche e naturali Istituto lombardo, Accademia di scienze e lettere
0370-5811 Rendiconti dell'Istituto superiore di sanità Istituto superiore di sanità.
0444-8758 Rendiconti dell'Istituto superiore di sanità Istituto superiore di sanità.
0370-3460 Rendiconti della Accademia nazionale dei XL Accademia nazionale dei XL.
0391-4879 Rendiconti della riunione annuale dell'Associazione elettrotecnica ed elettronica italiana Associazione elettrotecnica ed elettronica italiana.
0370-7253 Rendiconti della Scuola Internazionale di Fisica "Enrico Fermi" Nicola Zanichelli.
0370-7199 Rendiconti della Società Chimica Italiana Società chimica italiana.
0037-8828 Rendiconti della Societa Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia Editrice Succ. Fusi
0370-7407 Rendiconti della Società mineralogica italiana Società mineralogica italiana.
0370-727X Rendiconti del Seminario della Facoltà di Scienze dell' Universita di Cagliari Libreria Cocco
0370-7377 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano c/o Universita degli Studi
0300-0877 Rendiconti di gastro-enterologia Italian Society of Gastroenterology.
0370-7369 Rendiconti e Atti della Accademia de Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche Accademia di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche della Societa Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
0021-2504 Rendiconti - Istituto lombardo. Accademia di scienze e lettere. A. Scienze matematiche, fisiche, chimiche e geologiche Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere
0392-9531 Rendiconti - Istituto lombardo. Accademia di scienze e lettere. B. Scienze chimiche e fisiche, geologiche, biologiche e mediche Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere
0370-3568 Rendiconto dell'Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche Liguori
1001-2060 Reneng dongli gongcheng Gai Kan Bian Wei Hui,
1364-0321 Renewable & sustainable energy reviews Elsevier Science
1879-0690 Renewable and sustainable energy reviews (e-vir) Pergamon
0960-1481 Renewable energy Pergamon
1879-0682 Renewable energy (e-vir) Elsevier
1001-0904 Rengong jingti Zhongguo Guisuanyan Xuehui Jingti Shengchang yu Cailiao Zhuanye Weiyuanhui
1000-985X Rengong jingti xuebao Huaxue Gongye Chubanshe
0099-9083 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Engineering and Science Series
0486-3992 Rentgenografiâ mineralʹnogo syrʹâ Nedra.
0486-400X Rentgenologija i radiologija Medicina i fizkultura
0253-3022 Renzao jin'gangshi yu shalun Di-1 Jixie gongyebu Zhengzhou Moliao Moju Moxiao Yanjiusuo,
0069-4657 Report Clemson University.
0078-0383 Report Newfoundland. Geological Survey.
0078-1525 Report Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina.; United States. Office of Water Resources Research.
0080-1607 Report Research Council of Alberta.
0080-6609 Report Saskatchewan Research Council.
0082-0032 Report Fiskeristyrelsen. Sötvattenslaboratoriet.; Swedish board of fisheries.; Institute of freshwater research, Drottningholm.; Sötvattenslaboratoriet.
0082-3562 Report Texas Water Development Board.
0083-7938 Report Welsh Soils Discussion Group.
0095-5264 Report Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology.; Mackay School of Mines.
0096-7599 Report United States. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
0097-1510 Report Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
0097-174X Report
0097-4625 Report U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory,
0110-2192 Report University of Waikato, Antarctic Research Unit.
0126-9305 Report Geological Survey Malaysia
0141-9676 Report Watt Committee on Energy.
0228-6106 Report National Research Council of Canada.
0273-4516 Report United States. Coast Guard.
0285-6808 Report The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
0365-0685 Report Board of Greenkeeping Research.; Sports Turf Research Institute (Bingley, England); Joint Advisory Committee of the English Golf Union, the Scottish Golf Union, the Golfing Union of Ireland and the Welsh Golfing Union, for the Scientific Investigation of Greenkeeping Problems.
0365-9151 Report Govt. Print. Office
0367-4851 Report Government Metallurgical Laboratory
0368-5004 Report ????
0369-1667 Report [s.n.]
0369-4348 Report National Institute for Metallurgy
0369-5522 Report Geological Survey
0370-7091 Report Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia
0372-3771 Report [s.n.]
0372-4115 Report [s.n.]
0372-4182 Report [s.n.]
0375-5975 Report University of California (System). Water Resources Center.
0378-973X Report Geological Survey of Papua New Guinea.; Department of Minerals and Energy.
0470-8202 Report Nevada Bureau of Mines.; Mackay School of Mines.
0508-1629 Report University of Natal
0508-4741 Report Geological Survey of Western Australia.
0542-3805 Report [s.n.]
0575-4968 Report California Water Resources Center.
0704-772X Report Forest Pest Management Institute (Canada)
0732-7935 Report Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics.
0800-0794 Report Sentralinstitutt for industriell forskning.; Nordisk PAH-prosjekt.
0815-9661 Report Materials Research Laboratories (Australia)
0821-8188 Report Nova Scotia. Dept. of Mines and Energy.
0902-9419 Report H.C. Ørsted Institute.; University of Copenhagen. Physics Laboratory.
0908-617X Report Niels Bohr Institutet. Ørsted Laboratoriet.
0943-4771 Report Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre.; Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre.
0076-1710 Report / Havsfiskelaboratoriet, Lysekil
0077-5614 Report / National Cooperative Highway Research Program.; National Research Council (U.S.).; National Research Council (U.S.).; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.).; American Association of State Highway Officials,; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,; United States.; United States.
0191-0426 Report / Texas.
0346-8666 Report / Havsfiskelaboratoriet
0356-1852 Report / Oulun yliopisto.
0368-7708 Report / Long Ashton Research Station.; Long Ashton Research Station.
0562-8490 Report / Sverige.
0785-5168 Report / Helsinki University of Technology, Faculty of Process Engineering and Materials Science, Department of Materials Science and Rock Engineering Helsinki University of Technology. Faculty of Process Engineering and Materials Science. Department of Materials Science and Rock Engineering.
0355-5712 Report / Helsinki University of Technology. Radio Laboratory Helsingin teknillinen korkeakoulu. Radiolaboratorio.; Helsinki University of Technology. Radio Laboratory.; Tekniska högskolan i Helsingfors. Radiolaboratoriet.
0370-4599 Report / Institute of Technology. Radio and Electronics Laboratories Technical University of Helsinki. Radio Laboratory.
0357-7708 Report / Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory.
0370-596X Report / Technical University of Helsinki. Radio Laboratory Technical University of Helsinki. Radio laboratory.
0365-8023 Report ACA Australian Council for Aeronautics.
0500-2001 Report ACR. United States Office of Naval Research National Technical Information Service.
0376-1061 Report - Aeronautical Research Institute, University of Tokyo University of Tokyo. Aeronautical Research Institute.
0094-4947 Report - Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Experiment Station,
0515-8214 Report - Air Pollution Foundation s.n.
0401-1945 Report - Alaska, Division of Mines and Minerals Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals, State of Alaska.
0701-5275 Report - Alberta Research Council Alberta Research Council.
0270-7829 Report and proceedings - Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities.
0084-7100 Report - Australia, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics.
0365-1150 Report - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Chemical Engineering Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization :; ????.
0365-4532 Report - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization and the Mining Department, University of Melbourne, Ore Dressing Investigations Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0365-4737 Report - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization and the School of Mines of Western Australia, Kalgoorlie, Ore Dressing Investigations Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0365-6640 Report - Australia, Defence Standards Laboratories Chief Superintendent, Defence Standards Laboratories.
0067-1568 Report - Australian Academy of Science Australian Academy of Science.
0313-6914 Report - C.S.I.R.O. Division of Textile Industry CSIRO Division of Textile Industry.
0576-2669 Report - Canada, Mines Branch
0145-0093 Report - Center for Energy Studies, Kansas State University Center for Energy Studies, Kansas State University.
0253-0023 Report - CENTO Scientific Programme CENTO.; Central Treaty Organization.
0309-2763 Report - Centre for Computer Studies, University of Leeds Centre for Computer Studies, University of Leeds.
0333-595X Report CE - Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Departement of Chemical Engineering Technion.
0704-7711 Report - Chemical Control Research Institute Canada. Chemical Control Research Institute.
0369-6790 Report - Chemistry Division. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.
0069-7370 Report - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Fisheries and Oceanography Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia). Division of Fisheries and Oceanography.
0253-8644 Report - CONCAWE CONCAWE.; Conservation of Clean Air and Water-Europe.
0725-4598 Report - CSIRO Marine Laboratories Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia). Marine Laboratories.
0099-8109 Report - Date Growers' Institute Mrs Maryann Grant, Secy.
0085-3259 Report - Department of Electrical Engineering. University of Melbourne Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Melbourne.
0308-3683 Report - Department of Engineering Science. University of Oxford Engineering Laboratory. University of Oxford.
0138-2500 Report der Staatlichen Zentrale für Strahlenschutz der DDR Staatliche Zentrale für Strahlenschutz der DDR.; Staatliche Zentrale für Strahlenschutz der DDR.; SZS.; SZS.; National Centre for Radiation Protection of the GDR.; National Centre for Radiation Protection of the GDR.; Centre National de Radioprotection de la R.D.A.; Centre National de Radioprotection de la R.D.A.; Central Nacional de Protección Radiológica de la RDA.; Gosudarstvennyj Centr po Radiacionnoj Bezopasnosti GDR.
0138-2551 Report des Staatlichen Amtes für Atomsicherheit und Strahlenschutz der DDR Staatliches Amt für Atomsicherheit und Strahlenschutz der DDR.; SAAS.
0810-8862 Report - Division of Mineral Engineering CSIRO, Division of Mineral Engineering.
0704-7738 Report - Eastern Forest Products Laboratory Canada. Eastern Forest Products Laboratory.
0306-6398 Report - East Malling Research Station East Malling Research Station
0319-9150 Report EM - Engineering Materials Office Ontario. Highway Engineering Division. Engineering Materials Office.
0823-0854 Report ERP, ERL Energy Research Laboratories (Canada)
0821-1086 Report ERP/PMRL Physical Metallurgy Research Laboratories (Canada)
0364-7455 Report for the year - Division of Mines and Geology Alaska.
0313-9379 Report from the Chemical Engineering Department. school of Engineering Monash University Monash University, Clayton, Victoria. DEPT. OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING.
0075-0484 Report - Geological Survey of Iran Geological Survey of Iran.
0079-8819 Report - Geological Survey of Queensland Geological Survey of Queensland.
0144-3623 Report IEA Coal Research. ICTIS/ER IEA Coal Research.
0142-1816 Report IEA Coal Research. ICTIS/TR IEA Coal Research.
0453-249X Report - Institute for Systems Design and Optimization Kansas State University. Institute for Systems Design and Optimization.
0379-9654 Report - Institute of Mining Research. University of Rhodesia University of Rhodesia. Institute of Mining Research.
0372-1418 Report - Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science, University of Tokyo Tokyo Daigaku Uchu Koku Kenkyusho.
0367-6617 Report - Israel Atomic Energy Commission Technical Information Dep, Israel Atomic Energy Commission.
0457-3269 Report - Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research
0376-0979 Report - Michigan, University, Institute of Science and Technology Institute of Science and Technology, University of Michigan.
0065-5961 Report - Mineral Industry Research Laboratory, University of Alaska Mineral Industry Research Laboratory, University of Alaska.
0160-9718 Report - Minerals Research Laboratory, School of Engineering, North Carolina State University Minerals Research Laboratory, North Carolina State University.
0254-1815 Report - Mintek Mintek.
0821-1078 Report MRP/PMRL Physical Metallurgy Research Laboratories (Canada)
0369-5395 Report - National Physical Laboratory National Physical Laboratory (Great Britain)
0308-5430 Report - National Radiological Protection Board National Radiological Protection Board.
0073-9359 Report - Natural Environment Research Council. Institute of Geological Sciences HMSO
0585-5713 Report - Nederlands scheepsstudiecentrum TNO Nederlands sheepsstudiecentrum TNO
0077-8672 Report - New South Wales, Department of Mines, Chemical Laboratory New South Wales Dep of Mines.
0110-1692 Report - New Zealand Energy Research and Development Committee New Zealand Energy Research and Development Committee.
0369-500X Report NIRL/R. National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science [s.n.]
0110-9561 Report no. IPD. TS New Zealand. Industrial Processing Division.
0701-7464 Report - Nova Scotia Department of Mines Department of Mines.
0369-5506 Report - Nuclear Research Center Democritus Greek Atomic Energy Commission. Nuclear Research Center "Democritus"
0548-9784 Report NZGS New Zealand Geological Survey.
0096-0675 Report of activities - International Cancer Research Foundation International Cancer Research Foundation.
0539-9998 Report of Faculty of Fisheries, Prefectural University of Mie Mie Kenritsu Daigaku. Suisangakubu.
0285-6921 Report of Fishery Research Laboratory, Kyushu University Kyäushäu University. Fishery Research Laboratory.
0077-8109 Report of investigation New Brunswick.
0096-0489 Report of investigation Florida.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0097-5672 Report of investigation Illinois State Water Survey.
0115-6551 Report of investigation - Bureau of Mines and Geo-Sciences Philippines. Bureau of Mines and Geo-Sciences.
0543-8497 Report of investigation - Geological Survey Division Michigan. Geological Survey Division.; Michigan State University. Dept. of Geology.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0099-2968 Report of Investigation - New York State Science Service, University of State of New York
0075-5591 Report of investigations Kentucky Geological Survey.
0076-4809 Report of investigations Maryland Geological Survey.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0082-335X Report of investigations University of Texas.
0083-6346 Report of investigations Virginia.
0083-8543 Report of investigations West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey.
0085-6495 Report of investigations South Dakota Geological Survey.
0096-6223 Report of investigations Washington (State). Division of Mines and Geology.
0099-4227 Report of investigations North Dakota Geological Survey,
0099-4316 Report of investigations Missouri.
0361-2554 Report of investigations Missouri.; Missouri.
0578-6045 Report of investigations Iowa Geological Survey.
1066-5552 Report of investigations United States.
0011-7749 Report of investigations / Delaware Geological Survey.
0016-7681 Report of Investigations. South Australia, Geological Survey Geological Survey of South Australia.
0589-3739 Report of Investigations - Connecticut, State Geological and Natural History Survey Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey.
0097-5680 Report of investigations - Division of Geological Survey Ohio.
0156-9511 Report of investigations - Government Chemical Laboratories, Western Australia Government Chemical Laboratories.
0073-5124 Report of Investigations - Illinois, State Geological Survey Illinois State Geological Survey.
0076-9177 Report of investigations - Minnesota Geological Survey Minnesota Geological Survey.; University of Minnesota.
0554-0070 Report of Investigations - Philippines, Bureau of Mines ????.
0584-3782 Report of Investigations - South Dakota, Water Resources Commission Water Resources Commission.
0497-2074 Report of investigations - Tennessee Division of Geology Tennessee. Division of Geology.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0364-4456 Report of investigations - The Geological Survey of Wyoming Geological Survey of Wyoming.
0099-3395 Report of Investigations - Washington, Division of Mines and Mining
0563-3532 Report of Investigation - Thailand, Department of Mineral Resources Thailand Dep of Mineral Resources.
0034-4672 Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan Tokyo Daigaku. Uchäu Käokäu Kenkyäujo.; Nihon Gakujutsu Kaigi. Denrisäo Kenkyäu Renraku Shäoiinkai.
0370-5773 Report of ionosphere research in Japan Nihon Gakujutsu Kaigi.
0500-0505 Report of NRL progress Naval Research Laboratory (U.S.)
0099-9091 Report of Proceedings - International Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers
0097-3645 Report of Progress - Indiana, Geological Survey Indiana Geological Survey.
0370-7059 Report of Rain-Making in Japan [s.n.].
0914-2908 Report of Research Center of Ion Beam Technology, Hosei University. Supplement Hosei Daigaku. Ion Bäimu Käogaku Kenkyäujo.
0072-0755 Report of the ... session - General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0365-8694 Report of the annual meeting British Association for the Advancement of Science.
0099-4413 Report of the Annual Meeting - Massachusetts Fruit Growers' Association
0511-1927 Report of the Castings Research Laboratory, Waseda University Waseda University. Castings Research Laboratory
0370-4068 Report of the Commonwealth Conference on Plant Pathology [s.n.]
0564-8742 Report of the Computer Centre, University of Tokyo Computer Centre, University of Tokyo.
0369-6758 Report of the Department of Agriculture New Zealand. Departement of Agriculture.
0370-3606 Report of the Department of Agriculture, New South Wales Dep of Agriculture of New South Wales.
0365-8465 Report of the Department of Mines for the year Western Australia. Dept. of Mines.
0372-3917 Report of the Director [s.n.]
0370-7954 Report of the Director of Veterinary Research Government Printer
0514-5473 Report of the Geological Survey Geological Survey Department, Ministry of Lands and Mines
0511-7003 Report of the Government Chemical Laboratories. Western Australia Government Printer.
0040-9006 Report of the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo Tokyo Daigaku, Seisan Gijutsu Kenkyujo.
0370-307X Report of the Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science.
0370-6508 Report of the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers
0078-0944 Report of the Noda Institute for Scientific Research Noda Institute for Scientific Research
0367-4010 Report of the Pest Infestation Research Board for the year ... Pest Infestation Laboratory (Great Britain)
0096-0829 Report of the proceedings of the American Mining Congress American Mining Congress.
0370-7024 Report of the Research Institute of Science and Technology, Nihon University Nihon University. Research Institute of Science and Technology.
0075-6229 Report of the Research Laboratories of Kirin Brewery Co., Ltd. Kirin Brewery Company
0385-3799 Report of the Research Laboratory of Engineering Materials Tokyo Institute of Technology. Research Laboratory of Engineering Materials
0557-3467 Report of the Ross Conference on Pediatric Research Ross Laboratories.
0370-7121 Report of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science South African Association for the Advancement of Science
0096-2465 Report of the Vermont Wood Products Conference Norwich University.
0370-7997 Report of the Waite Agricultural Research Institute Waite Agricultural Research Institute.
0254-0169 Report of the Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum Gordon Memorial College. Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories.
0511-0955 Report of the Welsh Plant Breeding Station Welsh Plant Breeding Station.
0486-2899 Report on cacao research Regional Research Centre of the British Caribbean
0436-4120 Report on Forest Research Her Majesty's Stationery Office
0370-4823 Report on the Fermentation Industries [s.n.]
0369-2841 Report on the results of the bacteriological, chemical and biological examination of the London waters Metropolitan Water Board (London, England)
0381-2162 Report - Province of Newfoundland. Dept. of Mines and Energy. Mineral Development Division Newfoundland. Mineral Development Division.
0099-9075 Report - Reaction Research Society
0519-1165 Report - Research Center, Association of American Railroads Association of American Railroads Research Center.
0099-958X Report - Robert A. Taft Water Research Center
0440-3134 Report RRL. Great Britain, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Road Research Laboratory Road Research Laboratory.
0440-4726 Report R - State of Hawaii, Division of Water and Land Development State of Hawaii, Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Water and Land Development.
0365-6098 Reports Institutul de Fizică Atomică
0366-5690 Reports European Organization for Nuclear Research; Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
0367-7672 Reports Comitetul de Stat pentru Energie Nuclearæa.; Institutul de Fizicæa Atomicæa.
1237-0959 Reports Helsinki University of Technology. Department of Forest Products Technology. Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry.; Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Puunjalostustekniikan laitos. Puunjalostuksen kemian laboratorio.; Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Puunjalostuksen kemian laboratorio.
0713-911X Report SCAT Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation :; Environment Canada.
0007-8328 Reports - CERN Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire
0097-5370 Report series Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
0332-5571 Report series Universitetet i Oslo, Fysisk institutt.
0801-6771 Report series Universitetet i Oslo, Fysisk institutt
0318-5869 Report series - Inland Waters Directorate Inland Waters Directorate, Water Resources Branch.
0355-5801 Report series in physics University of Helsinki. Department of physics
0355-3922 Reports from the Institute of Industrial Chemistry. °Abo akademi °Abo Akademi.
1048-2008 Reports in molecular theory CRC Press
0369-3414 Reports - Nankai University, Research Laboratory of Applied Chemistry
0583-0923 Reports of Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University Shizuoka University. Faculty of Science.
0370-498X Reports of Liberal Arts and Science Faculty, Shizuoka University, Natural Science Shizuoka University. Liberal Arts and Science Faculty.
0023-6195 Reports of Research Institute for Applied Mechanics Kyäushäu Daigaku. äOyäo Rikigaku Kenkyäujo.
0034-4842 Reports of statistical application research, Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers.
0096-7351 Reports of the Association of Hawaiian Sugar Technologists Association of Hawaiian Sugar Technologists.
0096-2872 Reports of the Biochemical Research Foundation of the Franklin Institute Franklin Institute (Philadelphia, Pa.). Biochemical Research Foundation.
0096-2880 Reports of the Chemical Laboratory of the American Medical Association Chemical Laboratory (American Medical Association)
0096-1035 Reports of the Hawaiian Sugar Technologists Hawaiian Sugar Technologists.
0370-579X Reports of the Institute for Science of Labour Institute for Science of Labour.
0370-5315 Reports of the Institute High Speed Mechanics, Täohoku University Täohoku Daigaku. Käosoku Rikigaku Kenkyäujo.
0370-5951 Reports of the Liberal Arts Faculty, Shizuoka University. Natural science Shizuoka University. Liberal Arts Faculty.
0563-6590 Reports of the Research Institute for Strength and Fracture of Materials, Tohoku University Tohoku Daigaku Kogakubu, Zairyo Kyodo Kenkyu Shisetsu.
0563-6531 Reports of the Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University Täohoku Daigaku. Denki Tsäushin Kenkyäujo.
0078-429X Reports of the Research Laboratory for Surface Science, Okayama University Okayama Daigaku Rigakubu Fuzoku Kaimen Kagaku Kenkyusho
0370-7423 Reports of the Steno Memorial Hospital and the Nordisk Insulinlaboratorium Steno Memorial Hospital.
0370-7210 Reports of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition, 1947-1948 Göteborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps- och vitterhetssamhälle.
0034-4877 Reports on mathematical physics North-Holland
1879-0674 Reports on mathematical physics (e-vir) Elsevier; Polish Scientific Publishers PWN
0075-3165 Reports on medical research problems of the Japan Anti- tuberculosis Association Japan Anti-tuberculosis Association.
1361-6633 Reports on progress in physics (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0034-4885 Reports on Progress in Physics Institute of Physics
0486-4476 Reports on Progress in Polymer Physics in Japan Gakujutsu Bunken Fukyukai.
0370-6648 Reports on the progress of applied chemistry Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain)
0369-853X Reports - Palestine, Board for Scientific and Industrial Research Board for Scientific and Industrial Research.
0099-3921 Reports - United States Tariff Commission
0371-8182 Report - Tokai Jigyo-sho, Doryoku-do, Kaku-nenryo Kaihatsu Jigyo-dan Tokai Jigyo-sho, Doryoku-do, Kaku-nenryo Kaihatsu Jigyo-dan.
0436-9734 Report - UKAEA Research Group Culham Laboratory.
0498-2401 Report - United States, Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service United States Dep of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library.
0106-7222 Report - University of Copenhagen. Physics Laboratory II University of Copenhagen, Physics Laboratory II II.; University of Copenhagen. H. C. Ørsted Institute. Physics Laboratory II.
0076-5600 Report - University of Nevada, Max C. Fleischmann College of Agriculture Max C. Fleischmann College of Agriculture, University of Nevada.
0099-6661 Report - University of Washington, Engineering Experiment Station
0097-5362 Report - US Army Medical Research Laboratory Army Medical Research Laboratory (U.S.); United States.
0110-0157 Report - Victoria University of Wellington, Chemistry Department Victoria University of Wellington. Chemistry Department.
0085-8021 Report - Water Research Foundation of Australia Water Research Foundation of Australia.
0110-6430 Report - Wool Research Organisation of New Zealand Wool Research Organisation of New Zealand.
0097-434X Reprint - Engineering Experiment Station, Georgia Institute of Technology Engineering Experiment Station, Georgia Institute of Technology,
0449-8194 Reprint - Kansas State University, Engineering Experiment Station Kansas State University, Engineering Experiment Stn..
0459-8733 Reprint series - Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Engineering Experiment Station Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Engineering Experiment Station.
0099-9725 Reprint - Wisconsin, Engineering Experiment Station University of Wisconsin, Engineering Experiment Sta.
0303-5220 Reproducción Reproducción; MTP Press
1470-1626 Reproduction Journals of Reproduction and Fertility Ltd.
1741-7899 Reproduction (e-vir) Journals of Reproduction and Fertility Ltd.
1448-5990 Reproduction, fertility, and development (e-vir) CSIRO Pub.
1031-3613 Reproduction, fertility and development CSIRO
0926-5287 Reproduction, nutrition, development Editions Scientifique Elsevier
0181-1916 Reproduction, nutrition, développement Institut national de la recherche agronomique
0936-6768 Reproduction in domestic animals Parey
1439-0531 Reproduction in domestic animals (e-vir) Blackwell
1297-9708 Reproduction nutrition development (e-vir) EDP sciences
0890-9989 Reproductive and perinatal medicine Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (Great Britain)
1477-7827 Reproductive biology and endocrinology (e-vir) BioMed Central
1041-2468 Reproductive biology of invertebrates Wiley.
1472-6483 Reproductive biomedicine online Reproductive Biomedicine Online.
1472-6491 Reproductive biomedicine online (e-vir) Reproductive Biomedicine Online
1742-4755 Reproductive health (e-vir) BioMed Central
1445-5781 Reproductive medicine and biology Japanese Society of Fertility and Sterility
1447-0578 Reproductive medicine and biology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0962-2799 Reproductive medicine review Edward Arnold
1469-9028 Reproductive medicine review Cambridge University Press.
1528-4840 Reproductive technologies B.C. Decker.
0890-6238 Reproductive toxicology Pergamon Press.
1873-1708 Reproductive Toxicology (e-vir) Pergamon
0370-4521 Reproduktion Klimsch.
0306-2880 Reprographics quarterly National Reprographic Centre for Documentation.
0024-1008 Repura National Institute for Leprosy Research
0370-4548 Requind [s.n.]
0033-6890 RES. Journal of the Reticuloendothelial Society Reticuloendothelial Society
1341-9757 RESCEU International Symposium series RESCEU.; Tokyo University. Research Center for the Early Universe.
0746-9179 Research & development Technical Pub.
0093-9714 Research advances in alcohol & drug problems J. Wiley.
0143-3083 Research and clinical forums MCS Consultants.
0080-1453 Research and clinical studies in headache Karger,
0363-5864 Research and development bulletin Portland Cement Association.
0485-7984 Research and Development for Industry British Aviation Publications
0500-2230 Research and development progress report United States.
0083-260X Research and development report United States. Office of Coal Research.
0362-5680 Research and development report - Mound Laboratory, Monsanto Research Corporation Available from the National Technical Information Servic.
0913-6045 Research and development review Mitsubishi Kasei Corporation.; Mitsubishi Kasei Käogyäo Kabushiki Gaisha. Säogäo Kenkyäujo.; Mitsubishi Chemical Industries Limited. Research Center.
0270-7861 Research and development technical report U.S. Army Electronics Command.
0034-513X Research and industry Sales and Distribution Officer, Publications and Information Directorate.
1284-8360 Research and practice in Alzheimer's disease N-Y [New York] :; Springer,
2475-0379 Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis (e-vir) Wiley
0097-1723 Research briefs Oregon.
0021-0692 Research bulletin Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station.
0078-3951 Research bulletin Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.
0096-7793 Research bulletin University of Missouri--Columbia. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0096-8641 Research bulletin University of Wisconsin. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-0689 Research bulletin Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-3416 Research bulletin Iowa State University.
0161-3804 Research bulletin University of Nebraska--Lincoln.
0253-6676 Research bulletin Birla Archaeological and Cultural Research Institute
0363-6011 Research bulletin Purdue University. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0435-4680 Research bulletin University of Georgia.
0557-157X Research bulletin [Robert A. Welch Foundation]
0424-6780 Research Bulletin Egyptian Sugar and Distillation Co
0379-7694 Research bulletin - BCSIR Laboratories, Chittatong B.C.S.I.R. Laboratories.; BCSIR Laboratories.; Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Laboratories.
0073-098X Research bulletin - Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Hawaii Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-2886 Research bulletin - Institute of Gas Technology American Gas Association. Gas Operations Research Committee.
0369-6499 Research Bulletin - National University of Peiping, College of Agriculture
0253-827X Research bulletin of Bunda College of Agriculture University of Malawi, Bunda College of Agriculture, School of Agriculture Research and Publications Committee.
0555-7623 Research Bulletin of the East Panjab University East Panjab University
0555-7631 Research Bulletin of the Panjab University. Science Panjab University.
0306-7300 Research bulletin of the West of Scotland Agricultural College West of Scotland Agricultural College.
0370-3789 Research bulletin - P.N. Bio Farma P.N. Bio Farma
0737-1683 Research circular Washington State University. Agricultural Research Center.
0376-0405 Research circular - Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station,
1080-8388 Research communications in alcohol and substances of abuse PJD Publications,
1087-111X Research communications in biochemistry and cell & molecular biology PJD Publications,
1087-0695 Research communications in biological psychology and psychiatry PJD Publications Ltd.,
0034-5164 Research communications in chemical pathology and pharmacology P.J.D. Publications.
1078-0297 Research communications in molecular pathology and pharmacology PJD Publications
1087-1101 Research communications in pharmacology and toxicology PJD Publications,
0362-2428 Research communications in psychology, psychiatry, and behavior PJD Publications Ltd.
0193-0818 Research communications in substance abuse PJD Publications,
0374-4353 Research Disclosure Industrial Opportunities
0090-8134 Research Division bulletin Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
0097-4307 Research engineer Georgia Institute of Technology.; Georgia Institute of Technology. Engineering Experiment Station.
0368-8348 Researches on Essential Oils of the Australian Flora Museum of Technology and Applied Science.
0105-1946 Research Establishment Risø Research Establishment Risø
0271-9916 Research extension series The Institute
0034-5202 Research film Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen Film.; Research Film Section of the International Scientific Film Association.; Encyclopaedia Cinematographica.; Section du Film de Recherche de l'Association Internationale du Cinéma Scientifique.; Sektion Forschungsfilm der International Scientific Film Association.
0278-5188 Research frontiers in fertility regulation Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Program for Applied Research on Fertility Regulation.
1380-6777 Research in chemical kinetics Elsevier
0300-9130 Research in experimental medicine Springer-Verlag
1433-8580 Research in experimental medicine Springer.
0790-1607 Research in food science and nutrition Boole Press
0080-164X Research in immunochemistry and immunobiology University Park Press
0923-2494 Research in Immunology Institut Pasteur; Elsevier
0923-2508 Research in Microbiology Institut Pasteur; Elsevier
0340-5400 Research in molecular biology Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse.
0048-7309 Research in prostaglandins Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology. Prostaglandin Information Center.; United States. Agency for International Development.
0034-5253 Research in Reproduction International Planned Parenthood Federation
0034-5261 Research in the life sciences Life Sciences and Agriculture Experiment Station.; Maine Agricultural Experiment Station.
1532-2661 Research in veterinary science (e-vir) Harcourt.
0034-5288 Research in Veterinary Science British Veterinary Association
0923-2516 Research in virology Institut Pasteur; Elsevier
0370-5846 Research Journal, Directorate General of Higher Education, Indonesia Directorate of Research and Community Service.
0258-171X Research journal - Faculty of Science, University of Kashmir University of Kashmir. Faculty of Science.
2231-606X Research journal of chemical sciences (e-vir) International Science Congress Association
0972-0626 Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment Success Advertisers and Publishers.
0377-8479 Research journal of sciences Giuru Nanak University.
1047-7624 Research journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation The Federation
2327-7475 Research journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation (e-vir) Water Pollution Control Federation
0253-9306 Research journal - University of Indore. Science Indore University.
0115-6454 Research journal - Western Mindanao State University, University Research Center The University
0096-3607 Research laboratory record Laboratory Record Pub. Co., etc.]
0732-3913 Research leaflet Oregon Forest Products Laboratory.
0286-6188 Research letters on atmospheric electricity Nihon Taiki Denki Gakkai.; Taiki Denki Kenkyäukai.
0379-5322 Research memorandum - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
0096-2902 Research methods in neurochemistry Plenum Press
0270-7772 Research monograph National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (U.S.)
0366-1431 Research Monograph [s.n.]
0099-6238 Research Monograph - Campbell Soup Company, Department of Agricultural Research
0378-6129 Research monographs in cell and tissue physiology North-Holland
0167-6091 Research monographs in immunology Elsevier/North-Holland
0145-0174 Research monograph - Texas A & M University, the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Caesar Kleberg Foundation for Wildlife Conservation.
0077-8133 Research Note New Brunswick Research and Productivity Council.; New Brunswick Research and Productivity Council.
0147-6823 Research note - Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin.
0085-3984 Research note - Forestry Commission of New South Wales Government Printer.
0361-2449 Research note NC North Central Forest Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
0099-3433 Research Note PNW. United States, Forest Service Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Sta.
0097-2398 Research notes Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Portland, Or.)
0367-8725 Research Notes Indian Lac Research Institute
0922-6168 Research of chemical intermediates Elsevier Science
1568-5675 Research on chemical intermediates Brill; Springer
0370-7466 Research on steroïds Societa Editrice Universo.
0078-592X Research paper Oregon State University.
0376-1088 Research paper Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Portland, Or.)
0405-4229 Research Paper [s.n.]
0565-8721 Research Paper NC. United States, Forest Service North Central Forest Experiment Station.
0077-5525 Research paper of the Division of Building Research National Research Council Canada.
0882-5165 Research paper PNW Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Portland, Or.); Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.)
0198-0076 Research paper - Resources for the Future Resources for the Future.
0371-9529 Research Papers [s.n.]
0502-5257 Research Paper SE. United States, Forest Service Southeastern Forest Experiment Station.
0082-4607 Research Paper - Tobacco Research Council Tobacco Research Council.
0093-6537 Research program report Washington State Highway Commission.
0099-5924 Research Progress, Lithographic Technical Foundation
0486-5111 Research progress in organic, biological and medicinal chemistry North-Holland Pub. Co.
0372-364X Research Progress Report [s.n.]
0073-6805 Research Progress Report - Indiana, Agricultural Experiment Station Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station.
0361-1140 Research project report - Graphic Arts Technical Foundation Graphic Arts Technical Foundation,
0313-4652 Research project series - Department of Agriculture, Victoria Victoria. Dept. of Agriculture.
0099-7668 Research publication Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
0091-7443 Research publications - Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease Raven Press
0484-4904 Research Quarterly Review. Rhode Island, Agricultural Experiment Station
0068-7871 Research report Canada.
0069-8997 Research report Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station.
0072-128X Research report University of Georgia. College of Agriculture.
0073-0998 Research report The Station,
0147-2186 Research report Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station.
0226-3955 Research report Ontario.; Ontario.; Ontario.; Ontario.; Ontario.
0453-5669 Research report University of Kentucky. Water Resources Institute.; United States. Office of Water Resources Research.; United States. Office of Water Research and Technology.
0548-5967 Research report New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.
0589-9036 Research report Council for British Archaeology
0825-0162 Research report Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board.
1041-5505 Research report Health Effects Institute.
0372-1469 Research Report Taiwan Sugar Experiment Station
0083-0941 Research report / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
0097-0603 Research report / United States.
0355-7774 Research report / Helsinki University of Technology. Laboratory of Physics Helsingin teknillinen korkeakoulu. Fysiikan laboratorio.
0092-8054 Research reporting series United States. Environmental Protection Agency.; United States. Environmental Protection Agency.; National Environmental Research Center (Corvallis, Or.)
0469-4732 Research Report - Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University Research Information Center, Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya Uiversity.
0915-6364 Research report NIFS-DATA series National Institute for Fusion Science
0915-6348 Research report NIFS-PROC series Kakuyäugäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo.
0915-633X Research report NIFS series National Institute for Fusion Science; National Institute for Fusion Science
0099-9547 Research report - North Central Weed Control Conference North Central Weed Control Conference.
0374-4345 Research Report of the Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University Niigata University. Faculty of Engineering.
0381-2146 Research report - Research Program for the Abatement of Municipal Pollution under Provisions of the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality Canada. Environmental Protection Service. Training and Technology Transfer Division (Water)
0704-7592 Research report series Brock University.
0378-9004 Research reports - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
0385-6208 Research reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Mie University Mie Daigaku. Käogakubu.
1342-3819 Research reports on information science and electrical engineering Kyushu University. Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
0096-3615 Research report - Texas Engineering Experiment Station, A. & M. College of Texas Texas Engineering Experiment Station.
0951-4260 Research report - University of Leeds. Department of Computer Studies University of Leeds. Department of Computer Studies.
0563-2536 Research report - University of Texas at Austin, Center for Highway Research Center for Highway Research, University of Texas at Austin.
0576-2901 Research Report - Western Section, National Weed Committee Chairman, National Weed Committee, Research Branch, Canada Agriculture, C.E.F..
0512-039X Research Report - Wisconsin, Agricultural Experiment Station ????.
0099-5347 Research Report - Wisconsin, University, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Research Division Bulletin Room, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin.
0227-9916 Research review Ontario Hydro. Research Division.
0312-9225 Research review - Division of Chemical Technology Australia. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. Division of Chemical Technology.
0193-1334 Research reviews United States.
0096-5421 Research series - Asphalt Institute Asphalt Institute.
0043-0838 Research studies Washington State University.
0486-5197 Research Techniques and Instrumentation [s.n.]
0096-2910 Research today Lilly Research Laboratories.
0192-6012 Research topics in physiology Academic Press],
0034-544X Research trends Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory.
0156-952X Residue Australian Government Analytical Laboratory, Dept. of Science.
0080-181X Residue reviews Springer
0034-5563 Resin News A. S. O'Connor and Co, Ltd.
0034-5571 Resin review Rohm and Haas Company. Resinous Products Division.
0143-0084 Res mechanica Applied Science Publishers Ltd
0144-7831 Res mechanica letters Applied Science Publishers.
0376-2130 Resoconti della Associazione Mineraria Sarda Associazione Mineraria Sarda
0971-8044 Resonance : journal of science and education Indian Academy of Sciences
1358-2283 Resource and environmental biotechnology AB Academic.
0160-3094 Resource atlas University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Conservation and Survey Division.
1344-1698 Resource geology Society of Resource Geology
1751-3928 Resource geology (e-vir) Society of Resource Geology
0304-3967 Resource recovery and conservation Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co
1878-2779 Resource recovery and conservation (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0166-3097 Resources and conservation Elsevier
0197-7490 Resource series Colorado Geological Survey.
0301-4207 Resources policy Elsevier Science
1873-7641 Resources policy (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0025-7931 Respiration S. Karger
1423-0356 Respiration (e-vir) S. Karger
0034-5687 Respiration physiology North-Holland
1569-9048 Respiratory physiology & neurobiology Elsevier
1878-1519 Respiratory physiology & neurobiology (e-vir) Elsevier
1465-9921 Respiratory research Current Science
1465-993X Respiratory research (e-vir) BroMed Central
0034-5806 Restaurator Munksgaard
1865-8431 Restaurator de Gruyter Saur
0169-0833 Restorative neurology Elsevier
0922-6028 Restorative neurology and neuroscience Elsevier Science
1878-3627 Restorative neurology and neuroscience (e-vir) Elsevier
0211-836X Resultados expediciones científicas Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Pesqueras. Barcelona.
0210-2544 Resultados expediciones científicas del buque oceanográfico "Cornide de Saavedra" Junta Consultiva de Investigación Científico-Pesquera (España)
0080-1844 Results and problems in cell differentiation Springer.
0370-6540 Results of the Norwegian Scientific Expedition to Tristan da Cunha 1937-1938 Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo
0300-9572 Resuscitation Middlesex Pub. Co.
1873-1570 Resuscitation (e-vir) Elsevier
0340-4617 Rete Gerstenberg.
1367-5559 Retinoids & lipid-soluble vitamins in clinical practice Mediscript
1742-4690 Retrovirology (e-vir) BioMed Central
0048-7449 Reumatismo Edizioni Internazionali EDIMES Edizioni Medico-Scientifiche.
2240-2683 Reumatismo Pagepress publications
0370-4610 Reumatismo. Supplemento Società italiana di reumatologia per lo studio del reumatismo e per la lotta contro le malattie reumatiche.
0034-6233 Reumatologia Instytut Reumatologiczny
2084-9834 Reumatologia "Termedia"
0370-7229 Reunión bienal - Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química.
0370-4645 Revêtement et Protection P. Bourgois L.S.C.M.
0362-0751 Review Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
0099-7315 Review - American Brewer's
0099-4014 Review - American Society for Metals
0097-1804 Review of allergy and applied immunology Review of allergy and applied immunology
0305-0076 Review of applied entomology Commonwealth Institute of Entomology
0305-0084 Review of applied entomology Commonwealth Institute of Entomology
0375-0671 Review of applied mycology Commonwealth Mycological Institute
1349-4724 Review of automotive engineering Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
1349-4732 Review of automotive engineering (e-vir) JSAE.; Jidousha gijutsukai.
1349-4740 Review of automotive engineering (e-vir) Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc.
0034-6470 Review of coal tar technology British Carbonization Research Assoc..
0370-4041 Review of Current Literature Relating to the Paint, Colour, Varnish and Allied Industries [s.n.]
0034-6497 Review of Czechoslovak Medicine Státní zdravotnické nakladatelství; Avicenum
0486-6029 Review of Eastern Medical Sciences Institute for the Study of the USSR
0253-2638 Review of Faculty of Science. University of Istanbul. Serie C İstanbul Üniversitesi
0096-4808 Review of metal literature American Society for Metals
0361-0535 Review of metals technology Battelle Memorial Institute.; United States.
0034-6675 Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Maruzen Co, Ltd
0034-6683 Review of physics in technology Institute of Physics
2057-2417 Review of physics in technology (e-vir) Institute of Physics (Great Britain)
0034-6438 Review of plant pathology Commonwealth Mycological Institute
0557-7527 Review of Plant Protection Research Phylopathological Society of Japan.
0034-6691 Review of Polarography Nippon Porarogurafu Gakkai
0557-9325 Review of progress in coloration Society of Dyers and Colourists
0743-0760 Review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation United States.; United States.; American Institute of Physics.
1041-5882 Review of psychiatry American Psychiatric Press.
0034-6748 Review of scientific instruments AIP - American Institute of Physics
1089-7623 Review of scientific instruments online (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
0034-6780 Review of surgery Lippincott.
0370-7601 Review of Textile Progress [s.n.]
0026-0770 Review of the activies Metallgesellschaft-AG Frankfurt am Main.
0029-067X Review of the Electrical Communications Laboratories Nippon Denshin Denwa Kabushiki Gaisha.; NTT.; Nippon Telegraph and Telehone Public Corporation. Musashino Electrical Communication Laboratory.; Nippon Denshin Denwa Käosha. Musashino Denki Tsäushin Kenkyäujo.; Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation. Electrical Communication Laboratory.; Nippon Denshin Denwa Käosha. Denki Tsäushin Kenkyäujo.
0386-0825 Review of the General Meeting - Cement Association of Japan. Technical session Cement Association of Japan
0365-3617 Review of the General Meeting - Japan Cement Engineering Association Nihon Semento Gijutsu Kyäokai.
0485-8832 Review - Radiochemical Centre Radiochemical Centre.
0538-4877 Review series International Atomic Energy Agency
0069-6927 Review series - Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Health Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux.
0069-7028 Review series - Commonwealth Bureau of Pastures and Field Crops Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux.
1542-961X Reviews in analgesia Cognizant Communication Corp.
1555-3876 Reviews in analgesia (e-vir) Cognizant Communication Corporation
0891-4117 Reviews in aquatic sciences [CRC Press]
0163-7673 Reviews in biochemical toxicology Elsevier North Holland,
0167-8299 Reviews in chemical engineering Reidel; Freund
2191-0235 Reviews in chemical engineering de Gruyter
0334-1534 Reviews in clinical and basic pharmacology Freund Publishing House
1127-0020 Reviews in Clinical and Experimental Hematology Forum service editore
1069-3599 Reviews in computational chemistry VCH; Wiley
0954-8602 Reviews in contemporary pharmacotherapy Marius Press
1389-9155 Reviews in endocrine and metabolic disorders Kluwer Online
1573-2606 Reviews in endocrine and metabolic disorders (e-vir) Kluwer
0080-2018 Reviews in engineering geology Geological Society of America.
2169-799X Reviews in engineering geology (e-vir) Geological Society of America.; Geological Society of America.
1572-9826 Reviews in environmental science and bio/technology (e-vir) Kluwer
1569-1705 Reviews in environmental science and bio-technology Kluwer Academic Publishers
0168-7255 Reviews in environmental toxicology Elsevier Science Publishers; Sole distributors for the USA and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
1064-1262 Reviews in fisheries science CRC Press
1547-6553 Reviews in fisheries science (e-vir) CRC Press
2330-8257 Reviews in fisheries science & aquaculture (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
0486-6207 Reviews in Food Science and Technology [s.n.]
0370-4785 Reviews in Food Technology [s.n.]
1398-1714 Reviews in immunogenetics Munksgaard International Publishers
0193-4929 Reviews in inorganic chemistry Freund; Wiley
2191-0227 Reviews in inorganic chemistry (e-vir) de Gruyter
0557-6458 Reviews in macromolecular chemistry M. Dekker
1052-9276 Reviews in medical virology John Wiley and Sons
1099-1654 Reviews in medical virology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0275-0279 Reviews in mineralogy The Society
1529-6466 Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry Mineralogical Society of America
1943-2666 Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry (e-vir) Mineralogical Society of America,; Geochemical Society,
0941-1445 Reviews in modern astronomy Springer.; WILEY-VCH; Astronomische Gesellschaft
1389-0352 Reviews in molecular biotechnology Elsevier
1063-5750 Reviews in particulate materials Metal Powder Industries Federation.
0362-5699 Reviews in perinatal medicine Raven Press
1062-3965 Reviews in pesticide toxicology North Carolina State University,
1094-4206 Reviews in process chemistry and engineering Taylor & Francis,
0197-2839 Reviews in pure & applied pharmacological sciences Freund Pub. House ;; Wiley,
0313-282X Reviews in rural science University of New England.
0334-1763 Reviews in the neurosciences Freund Publishing House
2191-0200 Reviews in the neurosciences de Gruyter
1382-6980 Reviews in toxicology IOS Press; Toxicology Communications
1875-9165 Reviews in toxicology (e-vir) IOS Press
0162-7546 Reviews of chemical intermediates Verlag Chemie International.
1875-2977 Reviews of chemical intermediates Brill
0179-5953 Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology Springer
2197-6554 Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology (e-vir) Springer
0096-1043 Reviews of geophysics American Geophysical Union,
1944-9208 Reviews of geophysics (e-vir) American Geophysical Union
8755-1209 Reviews of geophysics American Geophysical Union
0034-6853 Reviews of geophysics and space physics American Geophysical Union,
0272-507X Reviews of hematology PJD Publications,
0162-0886 Reviews of infectious diseases University of Chicago Press
0743-0752 Reviews of infrared and millimeter waves Plenum Press
0034-6861 Reviews of modern physics American Physical Society
1539-0756 Reviews of modern physics (e-vir) American Physical Society
0095-7550 Reviews of neuroscience Raven Press
0370-6850 Reviews of petroleum technology Institute of Petroleum (Great Britain)
0303-4240 Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology Springer
0080-2050 Reviews of plasma physics Springer
0034-687X Reviews of Pure and Applied Chemistry Royal Australian Chemical Institute.
1359-6004 Reviews of reproduction Journals of Reproduction and Fertility
0307-238X Reviews of research and practice of the Institute for Research into Mental and Multiple Handicap Associated Scientific Publ..
0218-1029 Reviews of solid state science World Scientific.
1042-4148 Reviews of weed science Weed Science Society of America.
1605-8127 Reviews on advanced materials science (e-vir) Advanced Study Center Co..
1606-5131 Reviews on advanced materials science Advanced Study Center Co. Ltd..
0048-7538 Reviews on coatings and corrosion Freund Publishing House Ltd.
0048-7546 Reviews on drug interactions Freund Pub. House.
0334-2190 Reviews on drug metabolism and drug interactions Freund Pub. House.
0260-0897 Reviews on endocrine-related cancer Imperial Chemical Industries Limited. Pharmaceuticals Division.
0260-0889 Reviews on endocrine-related cancer. Supplement Imperial Chemical Industries Limited. Pharmaceuticals Division.
0048-7554 Reviews on environmental health Scientific Publ. Division, Freund Publ. House
2191-0308 Reviews on environmental health de Gruyter
0915-6151 Reviews on heteroatom chemistry Oae, Shigeru.
0370-5331 Reviews on high temperature materials Freund Pub. House.
0952-7168 Reviews on immunoassay technology Macmillan Press.
0379-0002 Reviews on powder metallurgy and physical ceramics Elsevier Applied Science
0048-7562 Reviews on reactive species in chemical reactions Scientific Publ. Division, Freund Publ. House.
1574-8871 Reviews on recent clinical trials Bentham Science Publishers
1876-1038 Reviews on recent clinical trials Bentham Science Publishers
0048-7570 Reviews on silicon, germanium, tin and lead compounds Freund Publishing House.
0048-7589 Reviews on the deformation behavior of materials Freund Pub. House.
0141-3260 Review - Warren Spring Laboratory Warren Spring Laboratory.
1138-7165 Revisiones en psicofarmacología Publicaciones Permanyer
0255-027X Revista Ministerio de recursos naturales y energeticos
0325-4143 Revista Servicio Nacional Minero Geológico.
0370-3266 Revista Associação de Engenharia Química.
0570-8435 Revista Instituto Nacional de Geología y Minería
1132-6247 Revista Academia Gallega de Ciencias
0482-721X Revista "Roche" de Farmacia Roche, Químicose Farmacêuticos
0100-0993 Revista ABIA/SAPRO Associação Brasileira das Indústrias da Alimentação, Setor de Alimentos Calórico-Protéicos.
0486-6282 Revista agricola Ministerio de agricultura,
0375-1449 Revista agronomica La Bécarre
0080-2069 Revista agrónomica del noroeste argentino Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
0370-3355 Revista Alimentar Jayme Santa Rosa
0370-7776 Revista argentina de agronomía Sociedad Argentina de Agronomía.
0484-6400 Revista argentina de alergia [s.n.]
0370-7792 Revista argentina de anestesiología Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Anestesiología
0034-7000 Revista argentina de cardiología Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología
1850-3748 Revista argentina de cardiología (e-vir) Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología
0325-2787 Revista argentina de dermatología Asociación Argentina de Dermatología
1851-300X Revista argentina de dermatología (e-vir) Asociación Argentina de Dermatología
0370-3231 Revista argentina de dermatosifilología [s.n.]
0326-4610 Revista argentina de endocrinología y metabolismo Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo
1851-3034 Revista argentina de endocrinología y metabolismo (e-vir) Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo
0370-5188 Revista argentina de grasas y aceites Instituto Argentino de Grasas y Aceites
0325-7541 Revista argentina de microbiología Asociación Argentina de Microbiología
0370-3517 Revista argentina de química e industrias [s.n.]
0370-3541 Revista argentina de reumatología [s.n.]
0301-5289 Revista argentina de tuberculosis y enfermedades pulmonares Ateneo de la Tuberculosis
1851-7617 Revista argentina microbiología (e-vir) Asociación Argentina de Microbiología; Elsevier España
0370-3452 Revista argentino-norteamericana de ciencias médicas [s.n.]
0100-6762 Revista Árvore Sociedade de Investigações Florestais
1806-9088 Revista Árvore Sociedade de Investigações Florestais.
0370-7814 Revista azucarera [s.n.].
0482-4911 Revista Bagó Laboratorios Bagó
0250-5460 Revista boliviana de química Instituto de investigaciones químicas, Universidad mayor de San Andrés.
0370-369X Revista Brasileira de Analises Clinicas Sociedade Brasileira de Analises Clinicas
0034-7094 Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia.
1806-907X Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia.
0101-7659 Revista brasileira de aplicações de vácuo Sociedade Brasileira de Vácuo.
0100-3518 Revista brasileira de armazenamento Centro Nacional de Treinamento em Armazenagem, CENTREINAR.
0034-7108 Revista Brasileira de Biologia Instituto Internacional de Ecologia.
1806-9959 Revista brasileira de botânica (e-vir) Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo.
0034-7116 Revista Brasileira de Cancerologia Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva
2176-9745 Revista Brasileira de Cancerologia (e-vir) Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva
0370-3711 Revista brasileira de Chimica Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
0100-0683 Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.
1806-9657 Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.
0034-7124 Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cidade Ed. Científica.
0100-3232 Revista Brasileira de Clínica e Terapêutica Moreira Jr. Editora Medica.
0102-9843 Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Química Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Química
1806-1117 Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física Sociedade Brasileira de Física.
1806-9126 Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Física.
0370-372X Revista Brasileira de Farmácia Associação Brasileira de Farmacêuticos
0102-695X Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia.
1981-528X Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia; Elsevier
0374-4922 Revista brasileira de física Sociedade Brasileira de Física.
0103-3131 Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia Vegetal Sociedade Brasileira de Fisiologia Vegetal.
0100-2945 Revista brasileira de fruticultura Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura
1806-9967 Revista brasileira de fruticultura Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura.
0034-7221 Revista Brasileira de Gastroenterologia Sociedade Brasileira de Gastroenterologia e Nutrição; Sociedade Brasileira de Proctologia.
0375-7536 Revista Brasileira de Geociências Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia
0100-7203 Revista brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia Federação Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
1806-9339 Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (e-vir) Federação Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
0034-7248 Revista brasileira de leprologia Sociedade Paulista de Leprologia.
0034-7256 Revista Brasileira de Malariologia e Doenças Tropicais Superintendência de Campanhas de Saúde Pública, Setor de Informação e Divulgação
0375-9741 Revista Brasileira de Malariologia e Doenças Tropicais Departamento Nacional de Endemias Rurais, Divisão de Cooperação e Divulgação
0034-7280 Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia
1982-8551 Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia
0034-7299 Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial
1806-9312 Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia (e-vir) Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial
0034-7302 Revista Brasileira de Patologia Clínica Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínica :; Associação Latino-Americana de Patologia Clínica.
0034-7310 Revista Brasileira de Pesquisas Médicas e Biológicas Companhia Editora Médico-Biológica Brasileira.
1516-0572 Revista brasileira de plantas medicinais Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Instituto de Biociências
1983-084X Revista brasileira de plantas medicinais Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Instituto de Biociências
0370-3797 Revista Brasileira de Química Milton Pierre. ;; Publishing and Distributing Co, Ltd.
0482-5004 Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia
1809-4570 Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia
1415-2983 Revista Brasileira de Toxicologia Sociedade Brasileira de Toxicologia.
0370-3843 Revista Brasileira de Tuberculose e Doenças Torácicas Federação Brasileira das Sociedades de Tuberculose.
1516-3598 Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.
1806-9290 Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.
0100-2708 Revista CASL Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Medicina, Centro Acadêmico Sarmento Leite
0253-5688 Revista CENIC Centro nacional de investigaciones científicas; Editorial CENIC
1015-8553 Revista CENIC Centro nacional de investigaciones científicas; Editorial CENIC
2221-2442 Revista CENIC (e-vir) Editorial CENIC
2221-2450 Revista CENIC Editorial CENIC
2223-4861 Revista centro azúcar Universidad Central Marta Abreu
0034-737X Revista Ceres Universidade Rural do Estado de Minas Gerais
2177-3491 Revista Ceres (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Viçosa
0370-3983 Revista chilena de higiene y medicina preventiva Servicio Nacional de Salubridad
0370-4009 Revista chilena de ingeniería Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile
0034-7388 Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía
0717-9227 Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría (e-vir) Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía
0048-766X Revista chilena de obstetricia y ginecología Sociedad Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología
0717-7526 Revista chilena de obstetricia y ginecología (e-vir) Sociedad Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología
0370-4106 Revista chilena de pediatría Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría
0717-6228 Revista chilena de pediatría (e-vir) Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría
0716-0135 Revista chilena de tecnología médica Colegio de Tecnólogos Médicos de Chile.
0366-7235 Revista ciência Associação dos Estudantes da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.
1806-6690 Revista ciência agronômica (e-vir) Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências Agrárias.
1982-9329 Revista ciência agronômica (e-vir) Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências Agrárias.
0378-052X Revista Ciencia y Tecnología Universidad de Costa Rica.
2215-5708 Revista Ciencia y Tecnología (e-vir) Universidad de Costa Rica
0253-5548 Revista científica Universidad autónoma "Tomas Frias", Centro de investigaciones científicas
0482-5071 Revista científica Núcleo de Estudos Científicos, Faculdade Nacional de Filosofia.
1815-5901 Revista científica de ingeniería energética Facultad de ingeniería eléctrica; Facultad de ingeniería mecánica
0253-553X Revista científica de la Universidad boliviana "Tomas Frias" Universidad boliviana "Tomas Frias"
0375-0787 Revista clínica de São Paulo Sociedade Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia.
0014-2565 Revista clínica española Doyma
1578-1860 Revista clínica española (e-vir) Doyma
0375-8869 Revista clínica española, Europa médica Revista clínica española.
0123-3475 Revista colombiana de biotecnologia Universidad Nacional de Colombia
1909-8758 Revista colombiana de biotecnología (e-vir)
1909-6356 Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Quimico-Farmaceuticas (e-vir)
0034-7418 Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico - Farmacéuticas Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Departamento de Farmacia
0120-0488 Revista colombiana de entomologia Sociedad Colombiana de Entomologia
0120-2804 Revista colombiana de quimica Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Departamento de Quimica
2357-3791 Revista colombiana de química (e-vir)
0120-0682 Revista Comalfi Sociedad Colombiana de Control de Malezas y Fisiologia Vegetal,
0484-6656 Revista construcţiilor şi a materialelor de construcţii [s.n.]
2182-6587 Revista corrosão e protecção de materiais (e-vir) LNEG
1561-2945 Revista cubana de cirugía (e-vir) Editorial Ciencias Médicas.
0034-7493 Revista cubana de cirúgia Editorial Ciencias Médicas.
0034-7507 Revista cubana de estomatología Centro nacional de información de ciencias médicas
1561-297X Revista cubana de estomatología (e-vir) Editorial Ciencias Médicas
0034-7515 Revista cubana de farmacia Centro nacional de información de ciencias médicas
1561-2988 Revista cubana de farmacia (e-vir) Editorial Ciencias Médicas.
0253-9268 Revista cubana de física Universidad de La Habana, Dirección de información científica y técnica
2224-7939 Revista cubana de física (e-vir) Universidad de La Habana, Facultad de Física
0253-1151 Revista cubana de higiene y epidemiología Centro nacional de información de ciencias médicas.
1561-3003 Revista cubana de higiene y epidemiología (e-vir) Editorial Ciencias Médicas.
0034-7523 Revista cubana de medicina Centro nacional de información de ciencias médicas.
1561-302X Revista cubana de medicina (e-vir) Editorial Ciencias Médicas.
0034-7531 Revista cubana de pediatría Centro nacional de información de ciencias médicas.
1561-3119 Revista cubana de pediatría (e-vir) Editorial Ciencias médicas.
0258-5995 Revista cubana de química Ministerio de educación superior
2224-5421 Revista cubana de química Departamento de Ciencias Químicas de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales
0258-6495 Revista cubana de reproducción animal Centro de información y divulgación agropecuaria
0102-2105 Revista da AMRIGS Associação Médica do Rio Grande do Sul.
2317-6008 Revista da AMRIGS (e-vir) Associação Médica do Rio Grande do Sul
0004-5276 Revista da APCD Associação Paulista de Cirurgiões Dentistas.
0370-3126 Revista da Associacao Brasileira de Farmaceuticos Associação Brasileira de Farmaceuticos.
0004-5241 Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira Associação Médica Brasileira
0004-525X Revista da Associação Médica de Minas Gerais Associação Médica de Minas Gerais.
0004-5268 Revista da Associação Médica do Rio Grande do Sul Associação Médica do Rio Grande do Sul.
0370-3487 Revista da Associação Paulista de Medicina Associação Paulista de Medicina.
0100-2309 Revista da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Paraná Universidade Federal do Paraná, Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária
0075-9775 Revista da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. Série B, Ciências físico-químicas Faculdade de Ciências
0014-6668 Revista da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. Série C, Ciências naturais Faculdade de Ciências
0101-370X Revista da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas
0375-8893 Revista da Faculdade de Farmacia e Bioquimica, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Faculdade de Farmacia e Bioquimica, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
0014-6676 Revista da Faculdade de Farmácia e Bioquímica da Universidade de São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas
0014-6684 Revista da Faculdade de Farmácia e Odontologia de Araraquara Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", Faculdade de Farmácia e Odontologia de Araraquara
0100-0160 Revista da Faculdade de Farmácia e Odontologia de Ribeiráo Preto Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Farmácia e Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto
0301-7273 Revista da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade de São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária
0303-7525 Revista da Faculdade de medicina veterinária e zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de medicina veterinária e zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo
0581-6866 Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia
0300-1350 Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de Aracatuba Faculdade de Odontologia de Aracatuba.
0102-129X Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto
0301-1119 Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de São José dos Campos Faculdade de Odontologia de São José dos Campos.
0370-484X Revista da flora medicinal Laboratório da Flora Medicinal.
0304-2138 Revista da Fundação SESP Fundação Serviço Especial de Saúde Pública
0100-7246 Revista da Propriedade Industrial Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial.
0370-7156 Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Agronomia Sociedade Brasileira de Agronomia.
0370-7180 Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Química Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
0100-4859 Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.
0370-4629 Revista de Aeronáutica España. Ministerio del Aire; España. Jefatura de Aviación
0034-7671 Revista de agricultura Academia de ciencias de Cuba.
0370-3312 Revista de agricultura [s.n.]
0034-7655 Revista de Agricultura Revista de Agricultura
0370-3339 Revista de agricultura, industria y comercio de Puerto Rico Departamento de agricultura.
0034-768X Revista de agricultura de Puerto Rico Departmento de Agricultura.
0034-7698 Revista de agroquímica y tecnología de alimentos Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos
0034-7736 Revista de biologia F. Resende [etc.],
0486-6622 Revista de biologia oral Universidade de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, Departamento de Patologia.
0034-7744 Revista de biología tropical Universidad de Costa Rica
2215-2075 Revista de biología tropical (e-vir) Universidad de Costa Rica
0034-7752 Revista de chimie Syscom 18.
0377-4724 Revista de chirurgie, oncologie, radiologie, ORL, oftalmologie, stomatologie Editura Medicală
0377-4996 Revista de chirurgie, oncologie, radiologie, ORL, oftalmologie, stomatologie Editura Medicală
0377-7871 Revista de chirurgie, oncologie, radiologie, ORL, oftalmologie, stomatologie Editura Medicală
0103-8575 Revista de Ciência & Tecnologia Editora Unimep
0370-3886 Revista de Ciencia Aplicada Patronato Juan de la Cierva de Investigación Técnica. Madrid.
0034-7760 Revista de ciencias Universidad nacional mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de ciencias
0080-2123 Revista de ciências agronómicas Universidade de Lourenço Marques
0080-2131 Revista de ciências agronómicas Universidade de Lourenço Marques
1010-5956 Revista de ciências agronómicas Universidade de Lourenço Marques. Instituto superior de agronomia e silvicultura.
0258-6002 Revista de ciencias biológicas Ministerio de educación superior. Centro nacional de investigaciones científicas
0080-214X Revista de ciências biológicas Universidade de Lourenço Marques
0080-2158 Revista de ciências biológicas Universidade de Lourenço Marques
0101-322X Revista de Ciências Biomédicas Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho
0379-0533 Revista de Ciencias Farmacéuticas Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Costa Rica
0101-3793 Revista de Ciências Farmacêuticas Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas
1808-4532 Revista de Ciências Farmacêuticas Básica e Aplicada Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas
2179-443X Revista de Ciências Farmacêuticas Básica e Aplicada (e-vir) Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas
0080-2182 Revista de ciências geológicas Universidade de Lourenço Marques
0080-2239 Revista de ciências médicas Universidade de Lourenço Marques
0254-0525 Revista de ciencias químicas Centro nacional de investigaciones científicas.; CNIC.
0375-0809 Revista de ciências veterinárias Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Veterinárias
0370-7830 Revista de cirugía Sociedad de Cirugía del Hospital Juarez.
0370-7849 Revista de coroziune Centrul de Documentare al Industriei Chimice şi Petroliere
0870-1164 Revista de corrosão e protecção de materiais L.N.E.T.I.
0034-7973 Revista de diagnóstico biológico AEBM.; Asociación Española de Biopatología Clínica.; Asociación Española de Biopatología Médica.; Asociación Nacional de Médicos Especialistas en Análisis Clínicos de España.
0370-4440 Revista de engenharia Mackenzie Centro Acadêmico Horácio Lane
0301-7052 Revista de farmácia e bioquimica Universidade de Minas Gerais, Faculdade de Farmácia
0370-4726 Revista de Farmácia e Bioquímica da Universidade de São Paulo USP, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas
0034-8201 Revista de Farmácia e Odontologia Associação de Farmacêuticos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Odontologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica.
0377-4708 Revista de farmacia y bioquímica Universidad nacional mayor de San Marcos
0370-4947 Revista de Farmacia y Quimica [s.n.].
0213-0157 Revista de farmacología clínica y experimental J. R. Prous
0370-4831 Revista de Física Escola Nacional de Engenharia
0080-2263 Revista de física, química e engenharia Universidade de Lourenço Marques
0102-6895 Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação Sociedade Brasileira de Física
0556-591X Revista de fizica şi chimie Societatea de Ştiinţe Fizice şi Chimice din R.S. România,
1220-4099 Revista de fizica şi chimie Societatea de Ştiinţe Fizice şi Chimice din România,
0375-8907 Revista de fiziologie normală şi patologică Editura Medicală
0375-0906 Revista de gastroenterología de México [s.n.].
2255-5528 Revista de gastroenterología de México (e-vir) Elsevier España
0034-8279 Revista de geofísica Instituto Nacional de Geofísica (España)
0034-8287 Revista de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia Associação Maternidade de São PauloSociedade de Perinatologia.
0370-5269 Revista de higiene y medicina escolares Consejo Nacional de Educación.
0556-6010 Revista de horticulturæa şi viticulturæa CARTIMEX
0376-4494 Revista de igienă, bacteriologie, virusologie, parazitologie, epidemiologie, pneumoftiziologie Editura Medicală
0303-8440 Revista de igienă, bacteriologie, virusologie, parazitologie, epidemiologie, pneumoftiziologie. Seria igiena Editura Medicală
0367-8903 Revista de igienă, microbiologie şi epidemiologie Editura Medicală
0370-789X Revista de igienæa socialæa [s.n.]
0370-5382 Revista de indústria animal Secretaria da Agricultura, Indústria e Comércio, Departamento de Indústria Animal.
0482-5772 Revista de ingeniería Centro de Ingenieros de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
0716-2952 Revista de ingeniería de construcción Departamento de Ingeniería de Construcción. Escuela de Ingeniería. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0718-5073 Revista de ingeniería de construcción (e-vir) Departamento de Ingeniería de Construcción. Escuela de Ingeniería. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0370-5617 Revista de ingeniería industrial Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros Industriales.
0370-5757 Revista de Ingenieria Quimica Universidad de Concepción. Centro de Estudias de Ingeniería.
0556-6037 Revista de investigación Universidad de Guadalajara.
0034-8376 Revista de investigación clínica Hospital de Enfermedades de la Nutrición.
2564-8896 Revista de investigación clínica = (e-vir) Instituto Nacional de la Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
0034-8384 Revista de investigación en salud pública Instituto de Salubridad y Enfermedades Tropicales
0370-5366 Revista de investigaciones agrícolas Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria
0080-2298 Revista de investigaciones agropecuarias. Argentina
0080-2301 Revista de investigaciones agropecuarias. Argentina
0080-231X Revista de investigaciones agropecuarias. Argentina
0080-2328 Revista de investigaciones agropecuarias. Argentina
0080-2336 Revista de investigaciones agropecuarias. Argentina
0080-2344 Revista de investigaciones agropecuarias. Argentina
0484-7121 Revista de investigaciones forestales Administración Nacional de Bosques. Dirección de Investigaciones Forestales.
0484-713X Revista de investigaciones ganaderas Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria
0376-4370 Revista de investigaciones pecuarias Centro de investigación, Instituto veterinario de investigaciones tropicales y altura
0370-3908 Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales
2382-4980 Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales (e-vir) Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales
0370-3207 Revista de la Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físico-Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y Naturales.
0370-3428 Revista de la Administración Nacional del Agua Administración Nacional del Agua
0370-3088 Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Dietología Asociación Argentina de Dietología
0518-9152 Revista de la Asociación Argentina de los Químicos y Técnicos de la Industria del Cuero Asociación Argentina de los Químicos y Técnicos de la Industria del Cuero.
0325-1713 Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Microbiología Asociación Argentina de Microbiología
0325-0253 Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Mineralogía, Petrología y Sedimentología Asociación Argentina de Mineralogía, Petrología y Sedimentología
0370-3436 Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Nutrición y Dietología Asociación Argentina de Nutrición y Dietología
0004-4768 Revista de la Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Asociación Bioquímica Argentina
0370-3320 Revista de la Asociación de Ingenieros Agrónomos Asociación de Ingenieros Agrónomos.
0370-3630 Revista de la Asociación de tecnologos médicos y microscopistas de Puerto Rico Asociación de tecnologos médicos y microscopistas de Puerto Rico.
0210-6329 Revista de la Asociación Española de Farmacéuticos de Hospitales Asociación Española de Farmaceúticos de Hospitales.
0004-4822 Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina Asociación Geológica Argentina
1851-8249 Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina (e-vir) Asociación Geológica Argentina
2250-5571 Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina. (e-vir) Asociación Geológica Argentina
0004-4830 Revista de la Asociación Médica Argentina Asociación Médica Argentina
0004-4881 Revista de la Asociación Odontológica Argentina Asociación Odontológica Argentina
2683-7226 Revista de la Asociación Odontológica Argentina (e-vir) Asociación Odontológica Argentina
0370-7105 Revista de la Asociación Rural del Uruguay Asociación Rural del Uruguay
0041-8676 Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía Universidad Nacional de La Plata
1669-9513 Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía (e-vir) Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
0041-8285 Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Central de Venezuela Universidad Central de Venezuela. Facultad de Agronomía.
0370-470X Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de la República, Montevideo Universidad de la República, Facultad de Agronomía.
0376-0030 Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Alcance Universidad Central de Venezuela. Facultad de Agronomía.
0370-3649 Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria. Universidad de Buenos Aires Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria.
0473-6303 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Universidad de Oviedo
0370-4661 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
1853-8665 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (e-vir) Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
0328-6312 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Universidad de Morón Universidad de Morón. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales.
0370-4858 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Buenos Aires Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas.
0014-6722 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Córdoba Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
1853-0605 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Córdoba (e-vir) Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad de Córdoba
0325-9951 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
0496-3830 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales de Salta UNT.; Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales de Salta.
0370-4750 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas.
0457-1592 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de La Plata Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias
0041-8307 Revista de la Facultad de Farmacia Facultad de Farmacia
0543-517X Revista de la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Los Andes Facultad de Farmacia Universidad de Los Andes
0370-4815 Revista de la Facultad de farmacia y bioquímica Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica
0798-4065 Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería UCV, Facultad de Ingeniería
0374-2229 Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería Agronómica, Universidad Central de Venezuela Universidad Central de Venezuela. Facultad de Agricultura.
0376-0456 Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Universidad Nacional del Litoral Comisión de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Ingeniería Química.; Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química.
0026-1742 Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Facultad de Medicina.
2448-4865 Revista de la Facultad de Medicina (e-vir) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
0370-7989 Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia [s.n.]
0370-6966 Revista de la Facultad de química Universidad nacional mayor de San Marcos
0370-6923 Revista de la Facultad de Química Industrial y Agrícola Facultad de Química Industrial y Agrícola
0367-147X Revista de la Facultad de Química y Farmacia, Universidad Central del Ecuador Facultad de Química y Farmacia
0370-4890 Revista de la Facultad Nacional de Agronomia Facultad Nacional de Agronomia
0210-0800 Revista de la industria textil [Editecnia]
1137-2141 Revista de la Real academia de ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales Real academia de ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales
0034-0596 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de Madrid Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales
0375-9709 Revista de la Real Academia de Farmacia de Barcelona Real Academia de Farmacia de Barcelona.
0034-8430 Revista de la sanidad de policia [s.n.]
0037-8380 Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Biología Asociación Médica Argentina.
0214-753X Revista de la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria
0213-8514 Revista de la Sociedad Española de Química Clínica Sociedad Española de Química Clínica
2385-5746 Revista de la Sociedad Española de Química Clínica (e-vir) Sociedad Española de Química Clínica
0370-7288 Revista de la Sociedad Geológica Argentina Sociedad Geológica Argentina
0370-7385 Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Higiene
0370-7415 Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural.
0214-1159 Revista de la Sociedad Nuclear Española Sociedad Nuclear Española
1810-634X Revista de la Sociedad Química del Perú Sociedad Química del Perú.
2309-8740 Revista de la Sociedad Química del Perú (e-vir) Sociedad Química del Perú
0583-7693 Revista de la Sociedad Química de México Sociedad Química de México
1315-6551 Revista de la Sociedad Venezolana de Catalisis Sociedad Venezolana de Catalisis
0370-7474 Revista de la Sociedad Venezolana de Química Sociedad Venezolana de Química Universidad Central de Venezuela. Facultad de Ciencias.
0041-6932 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina Unión Matemática Argentina
1669-9637 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina (e-vir) Unión Matemática Argentina
0253-5882 Revista de la Universidad Católica Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
0370-7636 Revista de la Universidad del Cauca Universidad del Cauca,
0041-8811 Revista de la Universidad del Zulia Universidad del Zulia, Dirección de Cultura
2665-0428 Revista de la Universidad del Zulia (e-vir) Universidad del Zulia
0541-8607 Revista de la Universidad de Madrid Universidad de Madrid.
0041-8587 Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander Universidad Industrial de Santander
0120-0852 Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander U.I.S. División de Investigaciones
0120-0909 Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander Universidad Industrial de Santander,
0370-7687 Revista de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Dirección General de Publicaciones, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
0457-9054 Revista del Centro científico "Luis Pasteur" Centro científico "Luis Pasteur"
0370-4122 Revista del Centro de Químicos Industriales Centro de Químicos Industriales.
0370-3932 Revista del Centro Estudiantes de Farmacia y Bioquímica Centro de Estudiantes de Farmacia y Bioquímica.
0370-3967 Revista del Colegio de Farmacéuticos Nacionales Colegio de Farmacéuticos Nacionales.
0370-4017 Revista del Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela.
0370-4149 Revista del Colegio de químicos de Puerto Rico Colegio de químicos de Puerto Rico.
0378-2328 Revista del Colegio de químicos e ingenieros químicos de Costa Rica Colegio de quimicos e ingenieros químicos de Costa Rica
0413-3137 Revista del Colegio médico de Guatemala Colegio médico de Guatemala
0590-8531 Revista del departamento de quimica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia Departamento de química. Universidad Nacional.
0034-9062 Revista del Frio Centro Experimental del Frio
0301-3790 Revista del Hospital del niño Hospital del niño
0520-3600 Revista del Hospital San Juan de Dios Hospital San Juan de Dios,
0034-9089 Revista del IDIEM Instituto de Investigaciones y Ensayes de Materiales, Universidad de Chile
0370-5420 Revista del Instituto Bacteriológico "Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán" Instituto Bacteriológico "Carlos G. Malbrán"
0370-3762 Revista del Instituto Bacteriológico del Departamento Nacional de Higiene Instituto Bacteriológico del Departamento Nacional de Higiene
0325-8327 Revista del Instituto de Geología y Minería Instituto de Geología y Minería, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy
0370-5625 Revista del Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnologicas Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnologicas,
0370-5781 Revista del Instituto de Salubridad y Enfermedades Tropicales [s.n.].
0370-5692 Revista del Instituto Malbrán Instituto Malbrán.
0188-7319 Revista del Instituto Mexicano de Ingenieros Químicos Instituto Mexicano de Ingenieros Químicos.
0538-1428 Revista del Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo.
0120-0097 Revista del Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal de Colombia Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal de Colombia
1514-5158 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia e Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales
1853-0400 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales (e-vir) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia
0027-3880 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales. Geología Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales.
0372-462X Revista del Museo de La Plata Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
0372-4611 Revista del museo de La Plata. Seria botanica [S.n.]
0372-4638 Revista del Museo de La Plata. Seria zoologia [b.i.]
0541-8593 Revista del Patronato de Biología Animal España. Dirección General de Ganadería.
0370-4580 Revista del trabajo [s.n.].
0034-8554 Revista de Medicina Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina
2447-6595 Revista de Medicina da UFC (e-vir) Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Medicina
0100-1302 Revista de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Ceará Universidade Federal do Ceará.
0556-6177 Revista de medicina de la Universidad de Navarra Universidad de Navarra
0370-6222 Revista de Medicina del Estudio General de Navarra Escuela de Medicina del Estudio General de Navarra.
0482-5896 Revista de medicina do Rio Grande do Sul T.V. Faria.
0370-6192 Revista de medicina experimental Instituto nacional de salud
0377-497X Revista de medicină internă, neurologie, psihiatrie, neurochirurgie, dermatovenerologie Editura Medicală
0377-4988 Revista de medicină internă, neurologie, psihiatrie, neurochirurgie, dermato-venerologie Editura Medicală
0370-6281 Revista de Medicina Legal de Colombia Imprenta Nacional
1221-2229 Revista de medicină şi farmacie University Press,
0325-6391 Revista de medicina veterinaria Sociedad de Medicina Veterinaria
0048-7724 Revista de medicina veterinaria y parasitología Universidad Central de Venezuela. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria.
0375-104X Revista de medicina y alimentación <s.n.>
0370-6095 Revista de medicina y ciencias afines Asociación de Medicina y Ciencias Afines.
0034-8570 Revista de metalurgia Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas
1988-4222 Revista de metalurgia CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones
0001-3714 Revista de microbiologia Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia
1678-9881 Revista de microbiologia = Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia.
0210-8356 Revista de minas Universidad de Oviedo
0484-7091 Revista de minas e hidrocarburos Venezuela. Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos.
0482-5950 Revista de neurología clínica [Garví].
1415-5273 Revista de Nutrição Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Centro de Ciências da Vida, Faculdade de Nutrição
1678-9865 Revista de Nutrição (e-vir) Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Centro de Ciências da Vida, Faculdade de Nutrição
0556-6223 Revista de nutrición animal Sociedad Ibérica de Nutrición Animal.
0034-8619 Revista de obras públicas Escuela Especial de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (Madrid); Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
0034-8627 Revista de Obras Sanitarias de la Nación Obras Sanitarias de la Nación
0048-7732 Revista de obstetricia y ginecología de Venezuela Sociedad de Obstetricia y Ginecología de Venezuela
1808-6705 Revista de odontologia da UNESP (e-vir) Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara
0101-1774 Revista de Odontologia da UNESP Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba
1807-2577 Revista de Odontologia da UNESP (e-vir) Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara
1575-3018 Revista de oncología FESEO.; Federación de Sociedades Españolas de Oncología.
0034-8643 Revista de otorrinolaringología Sociedad Chilena de Otorrinolaringología
0303-8416 Revista de pediatrie, obstetrică şi ginecologie Editura Medicală
0370-4513 Revista de Plasticos Instituto de Plásticos y Caucho. Madrid.
0034-8708 Revista de Plasticos Modernos Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
0370-6834 Revista de psiquiatría Cátedra de Psiquiatría. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile
0370-6907 Revista de Quimica e Farmacia [s.n.]
0370-4114 Revista de quimica e farmacia militar [s.n.].
0370-6931 Revista de química industrial [s.n.]
0370-4084 Revista de química pura e aplicada Sociedade Portuguesa de Química e Física
0300-3418 Revista de química textil Asociación Española de Químicos y Coloristas Textiles
0370-6974 Revista de química y farmacia [s.n.]
0253-570X Revista de salud animal Centro nacional de salud animal
2224-4700 Revista de salud animal Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria
2304-7623 Revista de salud animal (e-vir) Centro nacional de sanidad agropecuaria.; CENSA.
0370-713X Revista de sanidad de aeronáutica Dirección General de Sanidad
0034-8899 Revista de sanidad e higiene pública España. Dirección General de Sanidad; Consejo Nacional de Sanidad (España). Secretaría; España. Dirección General de Salud Pública y Sanidad Veterinaria; España. Dirección General de Salud Pública; España. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo
0034-8910 Revista de saúde pública Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde Pública.
1518-8787 Revista de saúde pública (e-vir) Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde Pública.
0048-7759 Revista de soldadura Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (España)
0370-7563 Revista de tecnologia médica Asociación de tecnologos médicos y microscopistas de Puerto Rico.
0212-7113 Revista de toxicología Asociación Española de Toxicología
1697-0748 Revista de toxicología (e-vir) Asosiación Española de Toxicología
1224-2144 Revista de turnătorie Bren,
0370-7725 Revista de urología Sociedad Venezolana de Urología
0482-6140 Revista de veterinaria militar Dirección General de Remonta y Veterinaria
0370-811X Revista de zootehnie şi medicinæa veterinaræa Consiliul Superior al Agriculturii.
0482-6272 Revista do café português Junta de Exportação do Café.
0302-1858 Revista do Centro de Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Centro de Ciências da Saúde
0100-9001 Revista do Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Ciências da Saúde
0085-5901 Revista do Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais.
0365-8686 Revista do Departamento Nacional da Produção Animal Ministerio da Agricultura, Departamento Nacional da Produção Animal
0041-8781 Revista do Hospital das Clínicas Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina, Hospital das Clínicas
0370-5293 Revista do Hospital das Clínicas Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo.
1678-9903 Revista do Hospital das Clínicas Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina, Hospital das Clínicas
0073-9855 Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz Instituto Adolfo Lutz
0080-0228 Revista do Instituto de Antibióticos Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Instituto de Antibióticos
0100-3674 Revista do Instituto de Latícinios Cândido Tostes Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Laticínios Cândido Tostes
2238-6416 Revista do Instituto de Latícinios Cândido Tostes (e-vir) Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Laticínios Cândido Tostes
0036-4665 Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
1678-9946 Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (e-vir) Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
0034-9259 Revista dos Criadores Associação Brasileira de Criadores
0100-0101 Revista do Serviço Especial de Saúde Pública Fundação Serviço Especial de Saúde Pública.
0425-3981 Revista dos Estudos gerais universitários de Moçambique Estudos gerais universitários de Moçambique
0048-7775 Revista Ecuatoriana de Higiene y Medicina Tropical Instituo Nacional de Higiene "Leopoldo Izquieta Perez"
0034-9313 Revista ecuatoriana de medicina y ciencias biológicas Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana
0370-7857 Revista electrotécnica Asociación Argentina de Electrotécnicos
0034-9356 Revista española de anestesiología y reanimación Sociedad Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación
2340-3284 Revista española de anestesiología y reanimación (e-vir) Sociedad Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación; Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapia del Dolor
0300-8932 Revista española de cardiología Doyma; Elsevier España
1577-3698 Revista española de cardiología (e-vir) Sociedad Española de Cardiología
1579-2242 Revista española de cardiología (e-vir) Doyma; Elsevier España
1131-799X Revista española de ciencia y tecnología de alimentos Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)
1130-0108 Revista española de enfermedades digestivas Arán.
0034-9402 Revista española de fisiología Asociación Revista Española de Fisiología.
0034-9437 Revista española de las enfermedades del aparato digestivo Sociedad Española de Patología digestiva
0370-4343 Revista española de las enfermedades del aparto digestivo y de la nutrición Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva.; Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva.
0034-9445 Revista española de obstetricia y ginecología Facta
0482-640X Revista española de oncología Instituto Nacional de Oncología (España); Sociedad Española de Oncología.
0034-9453 Revista española de oto-neuro-oftalmología y neurocirugía Sociedad Luso-Española de Neurocirugía
0034-947X Revista española de pediatría Ergon
0048-7791 Revista española de reumatismo y enfermedades osteoarticulares Eco
0370-4572 Revista española de tuberculosis [s.n.].
0120-6230 Revista Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad de Antioquia Universidad de Antioquia. Facultad de Ingenieria
2422-2844 Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia (e-vir) Universidad de Antioquia
0034-9496 Revista farmacéutica Academia Argentina de Farmacia y Bioquímica.
0484-7644 Revista Farmaceutica da Bahia Sociedade de Farmácia. Universídade federal da Bahia.
0255-6537 Revista farmaceútica de Puerto Rico Colegio de farmaceúticos de Puerto Rico.
0482-6434 Revista farmacéutica peruana Farmacéutica Lucila Alvan de Bastidas
0370-436X Revista farmaciei [s.n.],
0370-4874 Revista Filipina de Medicina y Farmacia Philippine Pharmaceutical Association
0370-4718 Revista Financiera, Bursatil y Minera Administración y Dirección de la Bolsa de Comercio
0370-4998 Revista Financiera, Salitre y Minas Administración y Dirección de la Bolsa de Comercio
0556-6606 Revista forestal venezolana Oficina de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad de Los Andes
0716-0208 Revista geológica de Chile SERNAGEOMIN
0034-9585 Revista Goiana de Medicina Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Goias.
0034-9615 Revista ibérica de endocrinología Ariel, S.A..
0034-9623 Revista iberica de parasitología Asociación de Parasitólogos Españoles
0210-6604 Revista iberoamericana de corrosión y protección Instituto Español de Corrosión y Protección
0556-669X Revista iberoamericana de educación química Sociedad Química de México.
0574-7155 Revista IBPT Instituto de Biologia e Pesquisas Tecnologicas
0034-9658 Revista Ibys Instituto de Biología y Sueroterapia
0018-8794 Revista ICA Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario,
1025-3076 Revista ICIDCA sobre los derivados de la caña de azúcar (e-vir) ICIDCA.
1727-0286 Revista ICIDCA sobre los derivados de la caña de azúcar Instituto Cubano de Investigaciones de los Derivados de la Caña de Azúcar
0370-5404 Revista industrial y agrícola de Tucumán Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres
1851-3018 Revista industrial y agrícola de Tucumán (e-vir) Estación Experimental Agroindustrial "Obispo Colombres"
0370-5544 Revista Industrial y Fabril s.n..
0376-0650 Revista industriei alimentare Ministerul Industriei Alimentare Bucureşti.
0376-0669 Revista industriei alimentare Ministerul Industriei Alimentare.
0185-0962 Revista - Instituto de Geología. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México Instituto de Geologia. UNAM
0188-4999 Revista internacional de contaminación ambiental = Centro de ciencias de la Atmósfera. UNAM.; Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala.; ININ.
2145-8480 Revista Ion (e-vir)
0120-100X Revista ION Escuela de Ingeniería Química, Universidad Industrial de Santander; Universidad Industrial de Santander, Centro de Estudios de Ingeniería Química
0034-9763 Revista latinoamericana de anatomía patológica L. Potenza, M.D.
0250-5479 Revista latinoamericana de ciencias agrícolas Asociación latinoamericana de ciencias agrícolas
0034-9755 Revista latinoamericana de cirurgia plástica Sociedade Latinoamericana de Cirurgia Plãstica.
0325-0474 Revista latinoamericana de ingeniería química y química aplicada Sociedad Argentina de Investigadores en Ciencia de la Ingeniería Química y Química Aplicada
0187-4640 Revista latinoamericana de microbiología Asociación Mexicana de Microbiología
0484-7806 Revista latinoamericana de microbiología. Suplemento Asociación Mexicana de Microbiología.
0370-5986 Revista latinoamericana de microbiología y parasitología Asociacioń Mexicana de Microbiología
0370-5943 Revista latinoamericana de química Federación Latinoamericana de Química.
0034-9798 Revista latinoamericana de siderurgia Instituto Latinoamericano del Fierro
0325-4011 Revista latinoamericana de transferencia de calor y materia Comité Argentino de Transferencia de Calor y Materia.
0185-111X Revista médica. FF.CC.N., de M Asociación Médica de los Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México.
0370-6141 Revista médica da aeronáutica do Brasil Ministério da Aeronáutica, Diretoria de Saúde da Aeronáutica.
0034-9887 Revista médica de Chile Sociedad Médica de Santiago
0717-6163 Revista médica de Chile (e-vir) Sociedad Médica de Santiago
0370-6125 Revista médica de Córdoba Círculo Médico de Córdoba
0034-9909 Revista médica de Costa Rica y Centroamérica Asociación de Médicos Especialitas en Salud Pública.
0018-5604 Revista Medica del Hospital Colonia Hospital Colonia.
0539-6107 Revista médica del Hospital español Asociacion médica del Hospital español.
0457-9003 Revista médica del Hospital Obrero Hospital Obrero
0034-9917 Revista Médica de Valparaíso Sociedad Médica de Valparaíso.
0034-9941 Revista Médica do Estado da Guanabara Secretaria de Saúde do Estado da Guanabara.
0375-1120 Revista Médica do HSE Hospital dos Servidores do Estado, Centro de Aperfeiçoamento e Especialização Médica.
0100-2872 Revista Médica do IAMSPE Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual Francisco Morato de Oliveira ; Instituto de Assistência Médica ao Servidor Público Estadual
0034-995X Revista Medicala CARTIMEX
0370-6338 Revista Médica Municipal Prefeitura do Distrito Federal, Secretaria Geral de Saúde e Assistência.
0370-6389 Revista médico-quirúrgica de patología femenina Hospital Rivadavia.
0370-4459 Revista meteorológica Monteverde y Cia..
0484-7903 Revista mexicana de anestesiología Sociedad mexicana de anestesiología.
0185-1101 Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Astronomía
1405-2059 Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica. Serie de conferencias Grupo edición S.A..
1027-3956 Revista mexicana de ciencias farmacéuticas Asociación farmacéutica mexicana.
0370-6117 Revista mexicana de ciencias médicas y biológicas [s.n.].
0034-9984 Revista mexicana de cirurgía, ginecología y cancer Clínica Mexicana de Cirurgía y Radioterapía.
0370-6478 Revista mexicana de electricidad [s.n.].
0035-001X Revista mexicana de física Sociedad Mexicana de Física
1870-3542 Revista mexicana de física E Sociedad Mexicana de Física
1665-2738 Revista mexicana de ingeniería química UAM, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería
2395-8472 Revista mexicana de ingeniería química (e-vir) UAM, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería
0035-0036 Revista mexicana de la construcción [s.n.]
0370-6486 Revista mexicana de radiología Federación Mexicana de Sociedades de Radiología.
0370-6435 Revista mexicana de tuberculosis y enfermedades del aparato respiratorio [s.n.]
0035-0001 Revista mexicana de urología Sociedad Mexicana de Urología.
0370-6257 Revista militar Círculo Militar Argentino
0375-1171 Revista Militar de Remonta e Veterinária Quartel General do Exército, Sub-diretoria de Veterinária.
0035-0168 Revista minelor [s.n.]
1220-2053 Revista minelor Universitas
2247-8590 Revista minelor (e-vir) Universitas
0035-0176 Revista minera, geología y mineralogía Sociedad Argentina de Minería y Geología
0370-792X Revista mineria Asociacion colombiana de mineros,
0100-3631 Revista Minérios e Metais Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Politécnica, Centro Moraes Rêgo
0255-6790 Revista mjekësore Kombinati poligrafik; Instituti i Shëndetit publik
0370-6176 Revista Municipal de Engenharia Secretaria Geral de Viação e Obras, Departamento de Estrados de Rodagem.
0035-0222 Revista Nacional de Agricultura Imprenta de la Luz
0370-6494 Revista neurológica de Buenos Aires [s.n.]
0370-6575 Revista odontologica do Paraná Associação dos Cirurgiões Dentistas do Paraná.
0367-1976 Revista oficial de la Federación médica del Ecuador Federación médica del Ecuador
0035-029X Revista pæadurilor Societatea "Progresul silvic"
0250-5487 Revista pæadurilor - industria lemnului, celulozæa şi hârtie Consiliul Naţional al Inginerilor şi Tehnicienilor.; Ministerul Economiei Forestiere şi al Materialelor de Construcţii.
0250-5495 Revista pæadurilor - industria lemnului, celulozæa şi hârtie Consiliul Naţional al Inginerilor şi Tehnicienilor din R.S.R.; Ministerul Economiei Forestiere şi al Materialelor de Construcţii.
0258-2287 Revista pæadurilor - industria lemnului, celulozæa şi hârtie Consiliul Naţional al Inginerilor şi Tehnicienilor din R.S.R.; Ministerul Economiei Forestiere şi Materialelor de Construcţii.
0035-0362 Revista paulista de medicina Associação Paulista de Medicina.
0370-6877 Revista Paulista de Tisiologia e do Torax Sociedade dos Médicos do Instituto Clemente Ferreira
0378-9705 Revista peruana de bioquímica Sociedad peruana de bioquímica
1022-0194 Revista peruana de física Sociedad peruana de física
0482-7155 Revista peruana de salud pública Sociedad peruana de salud pública y asistencia social
0101-8876 Revista pesquisa e tecnologia FEI Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial da Fundação de Ciências Aplicadas
0370-6761 Revista Politécnica Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Politécnica.
0253-925X Revista portuguesa de bioquímica aplicada Matriz-Publicidade, Edições e Artes Gráficas
0035-0389 Revista portuguesa de ciências veterinárias Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Veterinárias.
0484-811X Revista portuguesa de farmácia Ordem dos Farmacêuticos
0482-7171 Revista portuguesa de medicina militar Estado-Maior do Exército
0035-0419 Revista portuguesa de química Sociedade Portuguesa de Química
0484-8152 Revista psiquiátrica peruana Asociación psiquiátrica peruana
0370-7946 Revista química [s.n.].
0370-6915 Revista Quimico Farmacéutica Asociación Chilena de Química y Farmacia
1135-5417 Revista - Real Academia Galega de Ciencias Real Academia Galega de Ciencias.
1583-3186 Revista româna de materiale Fundaţia "Şerban Solacolu"
2457-502X Revista română de materiale (e-vir) Fundaţia "Şerban Solacolu"
1222-0019 Revista românæa de petrol Institutul de Cercetæari şi Proiectæari Tehnologice Câmpina.
0378-9551 Revista seguridad Comisión de Seguridad en la Industria Siderometalúrgica
0370-7237 Revista sud-americana de endocrinología, immunología y quimioterapia [s.n.]
0102-3462 Revista Syniátrica Laboratório Orlando Rangel
0008-1949 Revista técnica - Camara Textil de México Camara Textil de México.
0254-0770 Revista técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Facultad de Ingeniería
0254-8267 Revista técnica - Universidad de la Republica, Facultad de agronomia Universidad de la Republica, Facultad de agronomia
0029-5736 Revista tecnológica Dirección de Investigaciones Tecnológicas, Ministerio de Industrias
1517-8048 Revista tecnológica Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Centro de Tecnologia.
2447-2476 Revista Tecnológica (e-vir) Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Centro de Tecnologia
0370-7962 Revista Theobroma Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira, Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau.
1414-0578 Revista Universidade Rural Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
2011-0839 Revista universitas medica Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
0370-6842 Revista Universităţii "C.I. Parhon" şi a Politehnicii Bucureşti Editura Tehnică
0303-7630 Revista uruguaya de patologia clínica y microbiologia Sociedades uruguayas de patologia clínica y de microbiologia.
0035-0583 Revista venezolana de sanidad y asistencia social Venezuela. Ministerio de Sanidad y Asistencia Social.
0035-0591 Revista venezolana de urología Sociedad Venezolana de Urología
0484-8284 Revista veterinaria venezolana Colegio de Médicos Veterinarios de VenezuelaAsociación Nacional de Medicina VeterinariaFederación de Colegios de Médicos Veterinarios de Venezuela.
0131-8322 Revmatizm.; Ревматизм Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя
0035-0656 Revue A Organe de la fédération IBRABIRA et du département régulation du KIvI.
0370-3576 Revue agricole et sucrière de l'Ile Maurice M. P. Rogers c/o Forges Tardieu Ltd.
0370-5021 Revue agronomique Association des anciens étudiants de l'Institut agronomique.
0252-1989 Revue algérienne de médecine Société de médecine d'Alger.
0556-719X Revue annuelle de chimiothérapie et de physiatrie du cancer Institut Solomidès (Sceaux, Hauts-de-Seine)
0370-4092 Revue annuelle de chimiothérapie et de prophylaxie du cancer Institut Solomidès (Sceaux, Hauts-de-Seine)
0375-068X Revue annuelle de physiatrie et de prophylaxie du cancer Institut Solomidès (Sceaux, Hauts-de-Seine)
0035-0885 Revue belge d'homoeopathie Societe Royale belge d'Homoeopathie.
0370-3770 Revue belge de pathologie et de médecine expérimentale Acta Medica Belgica.
0370-3746 Revue belge des industries verrières Compagnie internationale pour la fabrication mécanique du verre.
0370-3738 Revue belge des industries verrières, céramiques et de l'émaillerie Compagnie internationale pour la fabrication mécanique du verre.
0484-839X Revue belge des matières plastiques Fédération des industries chimiques de Belgique.
0370-3827 Revue belge des sciences médicales Publication Acta Medica Belgica.
0035-0915 Revue canadienne de biologie Presses de l'Université de Montréal
0714-6140 Revue canadienne de biologie expérimentale Presses de l'Université de Montréal
1066-7814 Revue canadienne de physiologie appliquée Human Kinetics Publishers
1543-2718 Revue Canadienne de physiologie appliquée (e-vir) Human Kinetics Publishers
0035-1822 Revue d'Ecologie et de Biologie du Sol Gauthier-Villars
0370-4300 Revue d'électrochimie et d'électrométallurgie [s.n.],
0370-4475 Revue d'Electroencephalographie et de Neurophysiologie Clinique Elsevier
0484-842X Revue d'électrotechnique et d'énergetique Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine.
0484-8438 Revue d'électrotechnique et d'énergetique Académie de la Republique Populaire Roumaine.
0484-8446 Revue d'électrotechnique et d'énergetique Academie de la Republique Populaire Roumaine.
0035-1865 Revue d'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux Institut d'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux (France)
1951-6711 Revue d'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux (e-vir) CIRAD, Département EMVT
0370-4386 Revue d'hématologie Centre national de transfusion sanguine (France).
0151-4105 Revue d'histoire des sciences Presses universitaires de France
1969-6582 Revue d'histoire des sciences (e-vir) [A. Colin]
0048-7996 Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications PUF
0035-242X Revue d'hygiène du travail Canada. Division de l'hygiène professionnelle.
0370-5277 Revue d'hygiène et de médecine infantiles et Annales de la polyclinique H. de Rothschild Octave Doin; O. Doin et fils
0370-5307 Revue d'hygiène et de police sanitaire G. Masson, éditeur,
0035-2454 Revue d'immunologie Masson,
0300-9815 Revue d'odonto-stomatologie Société odontologique de Paris
0370-6605 Revue d'Oka Institut agricole d'Oka.
0035-2489 Revue d'optique théorique et instrumentale [s.n.]
0035-1024 Revue de bio-mathématique Collot
0370-3681 Revue de botanique appliquée et d'agriculture coloniale Laboratoire d'agronomie coloniale (Paris)
0370-3991 Revue de chimie, Académie de la République populaire roumaine Académie de la République populaire roumaine
0035-1032 Revue de Chimie Minerale Gauthier-Villars
0035-1067 Revue de cytologie et de biologie végétales Laboratoire de botanique de la Sorbonne
0035-1164 Revue de géographie physique et de géologie dynamique Presses universitaires de France
0241-1407 Revue de géologie dynamique et de géographie physique Université Pierre et Marie Curie :; Masson,
0370-7873 Revue de géologie et des sciences connexes Institut de géologie, Université de Liège.
0556-7432 Revue de Geomorphologie Dynamique Société d'Edition d'Enseignement Supérieur
0035-1296 Revue de l'agriculture Ministère de l'agriculture
0242-6595 Revue de L'alimentation animale Sepaic
0151-0606 Revue de l'aluminium Société d'édition et de documentation des alliages légers
0370-3347 Revue de l'aluminium Revue de l'aluminium
0571-5415 Revue de l'Association des médecins de langue française Association des médecins de langue française.
0370-7806 Revue de l'athérosclérose Société de l'athérosclérose.
0556-7459 Revue de l'athérosclérose et des artériopathies périphériques Société de l'athérosclérose.
0303-240X Revue de l'énergie Éd. techniques et économiques
0482-7694 Revue de l'hygiène professionnelle Canada. Service de l'hygiène professionnelle.
0035-1431 Revue de l'industrie minérale Société de l'industrie minérale
0020-2274 Revue de l'Institut français du pétrole Technip
0370-5552 Revue de l'Institut français du pétrole et Annales des combustibles liquides Institut français du pétrole.
0250-5509 Revue de l'Université du Burundi Université du Burundi.
1029-7464 Revue de l'Université du Burundi Université du Burundi
0035-1180 Revue de la conserve ALTIL,
0370-4335 Revue de la documentation F.I.D.
0330-9681 Revue de la Faculté des sciences de Tunis Université de Tunis.
0376-2157 Revue de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie [s.n.],
0037-9549 Revue de la Société royale belge des ingénieurs et des industriels Société royale belge des ingénieurs et des industriels.
0370-730X Revue de la Société scientifique d'hygiène alimentaire et de l'alimentation rationnelle de l'homme Société scientifique d'hygiène alimentaire (France)
0035-127X Revue de la soudure Institut belge de la soudure
0370-4564 Revue de la soudure autogène Office central de l'acétylène et de la soudure autogène (Paris)
0370-4602 Revue de la tuberculose Masson,
0370-6052 Revue de mathématiques pures et appliquées Académie de la République populaire Roumaine
0370-6060 Revue de mécanique appliquée [Éditions de l'Academie de la Republique Populaire Roumaine]
0035-1512 Revue de médecine Germer Baillière,
0035-1520 Revue de médecine aéronautique et spatiale Information promotion française,
0370-7571 Revue de médecine de Toulouse Faculté de médecine,
0556-753X Revue de médecine de Toulouse Université de Toulouse (1896-1968). Faculté mixte de médecine et de pharmacie.; Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse). Faculté des sciences médicales Purpan.; Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse). Faculté des sciences médicales Rangueil.
0557-8582 Revue de médecine fonctionnelle Société de médecine fonctionnelle,
0370-6346 Revue de médecine navale Imprimerie nationale
0035-1555 Revue de Medecine Veterinaire Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Toulouse
0035-1563 Revue de métallurgie [s.n.]
0370-6397 Revue de métallurgie Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine.
1156-3141 Revue de métallurgie (e-vir) EPD Sciences; Revue de métallurgie
0370-6036 Revue de microbiologie appliquée à l'agriculture, à l'hygiène, à l'industrie [s.n.],
0484-8578 Revue de mycologie Laboratoire de cryptogamie (Paris)
0035-1636 Revue de pathologie comparée [s.n.],
0370-6664 Revue de pathologie comparée et d'hygiène générale [s.n.],
0373-2517 Revue de pathologie comparée et de médecine expérimentale Éditions médicales et scientifiques,
0370-6702 Revue de pathologie générale et comparée Éditions médicales et scientifiques,
0370-6788 Revue de pathologie générale et de physiologie clinique Éditions médicales et scientifiques,
0370-6893 Revue de pathologie végétale et d'entomologie agricole Société de pathologie végétale et d'entomologie agricole de France
0370-6885 Revue de pharmacologie et de thérapeutique expérimentale [s.n.],
0370-6818 Revue de physique Éditions de l'Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine
0035-1687 Revue de physique appliquée Société Française de Physique
0370-3290 Revue des agriculteurs de France Société des agriculteurs de France
0370-3274 Revue des agriculteurs de France et l'agriculture pratique Société des agriculteurs de France
0556-7890 Revue des anciens étudiants de l'Institut technique roubaisien Institut technique roubaisien.; Association des ingénieurs de l'Institut supérieur d'agriculture (Lille)
0375-8524 Revue des Archives Italiennes de Biologie [s.n.].
1169-7954 Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés Ed. Hermès
1958-5799 Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés (e-vir) International Information & Engineering Technology Association.
0035-1954 Revue des corps de santé des armées Centre de recherches du Service de santé des armées (La Tronche, Isère)
0035-2071 Revue des Fermentations et des Industries Alimentaires Société belge de zymologie pure et appliquée; C.E.P.I.A.
0370-534X Revue des hautes températures et des réfractaires Masson
0761-8425 Revue des maladies respiratoires Masson
1776-2588 Revue des maladies respiratoires (e-vir) Elsevier-Masson
0370-6362 Revue des marques, Parfums de France Revue des marques
0370-6370 Revue des marques de la parfumerie et de la savonnerie Revue des marques
0035-2144 Revue des matériaux de construction et de travaux publics [s.n.],
0370-6087 Revue des matériaux de construction et de travaux publics STAR,
0035-2160 Revue des questions scientifiques Masson
0992-7158 Revue des sciences de l'eau Institut national de la recherche scientifique (Québec, Canada); Groupement d'intérêt scientifique pour les sciences de l'eau (France); Association québecoise des techniques de l'eau
1718-8598 Revue des sciences de l'eau (e-vir) Lavoisier
0484-8632 Revue des sciences médicales Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine.
0035-1792 Revue de tuberculose et de pneumologie Masson,
0370-7903 Revue de viticulture P. Viala
0370-4173 Revue du Corps de santé militaire France; Corps de santé militaire; Corps vétérinaire de l armée
0370-6524 Revue du nickel International nickel France
0370-6753 Revue du Paludisme et de Medecine Tropicale Revue du paludisme et de médecine tropicale.
0035-2659 Revue du rhumatisme et des maladies osteo-articulaires Expansion scientifique française
0370-4432 Revue électrique Union technique de l'électricité (France)
0556-7734 Revue Energie Primaire Unie der Belgische technische tijdschriften.
0035-3019 Revue européenne d'études cliniques et biologiques Editions médicales Flammarion.
0035-2829 Revue forestière française Ecole nationale supérieure du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts
1951-6827 Revue forestière française (e-vir) Ecole nationale du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts
0370-4688 Revue française d'allergie L'Expansion scientifique française
2213-8889 Revue française d'allergie (e-vir) Société Française d'Allergie
0035-2845 Revue française d'allergologie Expansion scientifique française
2213-8935 Revue française d'allergologie (e-vir) Société française d'allergie
0335-7457 Revue française d'allergologie et d'immunologie clinique Expansion scientifique
0370-4807 Revue française d'endocrinologie Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris)
0370-4793 Revue Francaise d'Etudes Cliniques et Biologiques Editions médicales Flammarion.
0035-3043 Revue francaise d'odonto-stomatologie Société odontologique de Paris; Association des chirurgiens-dentistes indépendants (France)
0395-899X Revue française d'oenologie Union nationale des oenologues
0035-2896 Revue francaise de gérontologie Société de diffusion médicale scientifique,; Éd. de la Vie médicale
0035-290X Revue française de gynécologie et d'obstetrique Expansion scientifique française
0035-2934 Revue francaise de l'énergie Éditions techniques et économiques,
0370-4939 Revue francaise de pédiatrie Société de pédiatrie de Paris.
0035-3000 Revue francaise des corps gras Editions Teintex
0301-0279 Revue française des maladies respiratoires Masson
0750-7186 Revue française des sciences de l'eau Groupement d'intérêt scientifique pour les sciences de l'eau.
0035-2977 Revue française de transfusion Arnette
0338-4535 Revue française de transfusion et immuno-hématologie Société nationale de transfusion sanguine
0048-8097 Revue générale de botanique Klincksieck,
0368-3397 Revue générale de clinique et de thérapeutique [s.n.]
0035-3116 Revue générale de l'électricité Union des syndicats de l'électricité1917-
0370-5137 Revue générale de mécanique Science et industrie
0370-5153 Revue générale de mécanique Science et industrie
0370-5110 Revue générale des matières colorantes et des industries qui s'y rattachent [s.n.]
0370-5145 Revue générale des matières plastiques [s.n.]
0484-8780 Revue générale des sciences appliquées Association des ingénieurs sortis de l'Université libre de Bruxelles.
0370-5196 Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées Doin
0370-7431 Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées et Bulletin de l'Association française pour l'avancement des sciences Association française pour l'avancement des sciences; Société philomathique (Paris)
0370-520X Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées et Bulletin de la Société philomathique Société d'édition d'enseignement supérieur
0035-3159 Revue générale de thermique Editions européennes "Thermique et Industries"
0370-503X Revue générale du caoutchouc Revue générale du caoutchouc
0035-3175 Revue générale du caoutchouc et des plastiques Société d'études techniques continentales
0556-7866 Revue générale du caoutchouc et des plastiques Société d'études techniques continentales
0035-3205 Revue générale du froid Association française du froid
0370-5102 Revue générale du lait Joseph Van In.
0302-1394 Revue hebdomadaire de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie Doin,
0035-3302 Revue horticole Editions de la Maison rustique
0370-5323 Revue horticole suisse Centre horticole de Lullier
0370-5684 Revue industrielle [s.n.]
0035-3493 Revue internationale d'océanographie médicale Centre d'etudes et de recherches de biologie et d'oceanographie medicale
0370-5412 Revue internationale de botanique appliquée et d'agriculture tropicale [s.n.]
0370-3819 Revue internationale de brasserie et de malterie Association pour les recherches et l'enseignement brassicoles
0370-5471 Revue internationale de criminalistique Académie internationale de criminalistique
0035-3329 Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique M. Meichtry
0035-3345 Revue internationale de la chocolaterie Glättli,
0370-5498 Revue internationale de la documentation F.I.D.
0370-5714 Revue Internationale de Pharmacie Société royale de pharmacie.
0370-5765 Revue internationale de renseignements agricoles IIA.; Institut international d'agriculture.; Istituto internazionale di agricoltura.
0370-5560 Revue internationale des falsifications Commission internationale pour la répression des falsifications des denrées alimentaires
0370-4696 Revue Internationale des Falsifications et d'Analyse des Matieres Alimentaires Commission internationale pour la répression des falsifications des denrées alimentaires.
0035-3442 Revue Internationale des Industries Agricoles Centre de Documentation de la Commission Internationale des Industries Agricoles
0370-5706 Revue internationale des produits coloniaux et du matériel colonial Editions
0830-9590 Revue internationale des sciences de l'eau Association québécoise des techniques de l'eau.; INRS-Eau.
0035-3477 Revue internationale des tabacs [s.n.]
0370-5439 Revue internationale du bois Union des chambres de commerce mixtes et étrangères
0370-5447 Revue internationale du bois et des matières premières et produits industriels d'origine végétale Union des chambres de commerce mixtes et étrangères,
0035-3434 Revue Internationall des Hautes Temperatures et des Refractaires Masson
0035-3582 Revue l'Air liquide Air liquide
0035-3612 Revue-M. Mécanique Ministères de l'Education nationale et de la Culture.
0251-0758 Revue marocaine de médecine et santé Association des enseignants des Centres hospitalo- Universitaires du Maroc, Section Casablanca.
0377-4783 Revue médicale Editions médicales
0035-3655 Revue médicale de la Suisse romande Société médicale de la Suisse romande.
0370-6303 Revue médicale de Louvain Association des médecins anciens étudiants de l'Université de Louvain.
0370-6354 Revue médicale de Nancy [s.n.],
0370-632X Revue médicale du Moyen-Orient E. Pollak.
0370-6168 Revue médicale francaise [s.n.],; Société de diffusion médicale et scientifique,
0370-6311 Revue Medico-Chirurgicale des Maladies du Foie Editions du Creuset.
0370-6079 Revue mensuelle du blanchiment et des apprêts [s.n.]
0035-3787 Revue neurologique Masson
0370-6680 Revue pétrolifère La Revue pétrolifère
1013-1833 Revue pharmaceutique Association générale de médecine de la République socialiste du Vietnam.
0370-6710 Revue pharmaceutique libanaise Ordre des pharmaciens du Liban
0035-3868 Revue pratique du froid Revue pratique du froid
0370-6699 Revue pratique du froid et du conditionnement de l'air Pyc-edition
0482-8356 Revue romande d'agriculture, de viticulture et d'arboriculture Union des syndicats agricoles romands
0300-063X Revue roumaine d'embryologie Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie.
0556-8056 Revue roumaine d'embryologie et de cytologie Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie.
0035-4007 Revue roumaine d'embryologie et de cytologie. Serie d'embryologie Académie de la République socialiste roumaine
0035-4015 Revue roumaine d'endocrinologie Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de la Roumanie
0035-4082 Revue Roumaine d'Inframicrobiologie Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania
0001-4214 Revue Roumaine de Biochimie Editura Academiei Române
0035-3914 Revue roumaine de biologie Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de la Roumanie
0035-3922 Revue roumaine de biologie Editura Academiei Republicii socialiste România
0250-5517 Revue roumaine de biologie Editura Academiei Române
0377-8142 Revue roumaine de biologie Editura Academiei Române
0035-3930 Revue roumaine de chimie Editura Academiei Române
0035-3965 Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees CARTIMEX
0253-1801 Revue roumaine de médecine Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie
0303-822X Revue roumaine de médecine Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie
0377-1202 Revue roumaine de médecine Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie
0035-3973 Revue roumaine de médecine interne Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de la Roumanie
1220-4749 Revue roumaine de médecine interne Editura Academiei Române
0370-7075 Revue roumaine de métallurgie Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine.
0377-4945 Revue roumaine de morphologie et d'embryologie Académie République Socialiste de Roumanie.
0377-4953 Revue roumaine de morphologie et de physiologie Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie,
0035-3981 Revue roumaine de neurologie Académie de la République Socialiste de la Roumanie.
0301-7303 Revue roumaine de neurologie et de psychiatrie Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie.
0035-399X Revue roumaine de physiologie Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de la Roumanie
0035-4090 Revue roumaine de physique Éditions de l'Academie Roumaine
0556-8102 Revue roumaine de reologie, geophysique et geographie, Serie de geologie CARTIMEX
0035-4058 Revue roumaine de sciences techniques Académie de la République Socialiste de la Roumanie.
0035-4066 Revue roumaine des sciences techniques Editions de l'Académie de la République Populaire Roumanie
0035-4074 Revue roumaine des sciences techniques Editura Academiei Române
1018-0532 Revue roumaine de virologie Editura Academiei Republicii socialiste Romania
0250-989X Revue science et technique Délégation générale à la recherche scientifique et technique.
0257-3385 Revue science et technique. Série sciences agronomiques et zootechniques Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique.; Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
0370-4556 Revue Scientifique Bureau des revues
0370-7164 Revue scientifique du Bourbonnais et du Centre de la France Société scientifique du Bourbonnais pour l'étude et la protection de la nature,
0035-4376 Revues médicales normandes [s.n.]
0375-1325 Revue suisse d'agriculture Station fédérale de recherches agronomiques de Changins; Service romand de vulgarisation agricole
0375-1430 Revue suisse de viticulture, d'arboriculture et d'horticulture Station fédérale de recherches agronomiques de Changins; Service romand de vulgarisation agricole
0035-418X Revue suisse de zoologie [S.n.]
0483-7851 Revue technique de l'industrie alimentaire [s.n.],
0035-4236 Revue Technique des Industries du Cuir [s.n.]
0048-8194 Revue Technique du Feu Editions de l'entreprise moderne,
0035-4260 Revue technique luxembourgeoise [s.n.].
0035-4279 Revue technique - Thomson-C.S.F. Masson
0482-8402 Revue textilis Unitex.
0035-4341 Revue universelle des Mines, de la métallurgie de la mécanique, des travaux publics, des sciences et des arts appliqués à l'industrie Institut National de l'Industrie Charbonniere
0377-998X Revue universitaire du Burundi Université officielle de Bujumbura.
0370-7490 Reyon, Synthetica, Zellwolle Jentgen.
0370-8055 Reyon, Zellwolle und Andere Chemie-Fasern Deutscher Fachverlag
0387-0200 Reza kenkyu Reza konwakai; Reza Gakkai; Reza gakkai
0370-808X Rezanie i instrument Izdatelʹstvo pri Harʹkovskom universitete
0034-3153 Rfw'h wtąrynryt Israel Veterinary Medical Association
0151-0576 RGT Société européenne de publications et editions techniques et professionnelles
0035-4511 Rheologica acta D. Steinkopff
1435-1528 Rheologica acta (e-vir) Springer
0097-1529 Rheological memoirs s.n..
0939-5059 Rheology Kurt Vincentz
0035-4538 Rheology bulletin Society of Rheology (U.S.); American Institute of Physics.
0099-5916 Rheology Leaflet [s.n.].
0169-3107 Rheology series Elsevier
0370-5250 Rheumatism Charterhouse Rheumatism Clinic.
0080-2719 Rheumatismus Dietrich Steinkopff
1210-1931 Rheumatologia SAP-Slovak Academic Press s.r.o.
0035-4554 Rheumatologia, balneologia, allergologia Orvos-Egészségügyi Szakszervezet Rheumatológus Szakcsoportja.; Belgyógyász Szakcsoport Allergológiai Sectiója.
0080-2727 Rheumatology Karger
1462-0324 Rheumatology Oxford University Press
1462-0332 Rheumatology (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0003-4908 Rheumatology and physical medicine Baillière Tindall
0172-8172 Rheumatology international Springer.
1437-160X Rheumatology international Springer.
0093-6308 Rhode Island agriculture Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station.
0035-4627 Rhode Island medical journal Rhode Island Medical Society.
0035-4635 Rhode Island Resources [s.n.].
0370-8101 Rhodesia, Zambia and Malawi journal of agricultural research Ministry of Agriculture.
0035-4686 Rhodesia agricultural journal Ministry of Agriculture.
0035-4813 Rhodesian journal of agricultural research Rhodesian Ministry of Agriculture; Agricultural Research Council of Central Africa
0485-0610 Rhodesian tobacco Rhodesia Tobacco Association
0253-3278 Rhodesian veterinary journal Rhodesian Veterinary Association.
0035-4902 Rhodora New England Botanical Club.
1938-3401 Rhodora (e-vir) New England Botanical Club
0204-5079 Ribno stopanstvo Nacionalen agrarno promišlen sʺûz
0556-9621 Rice News Teller [s.n.]
0556-9648 Ricerca e Documentazione Tessile Piazza Leonardo da Vinci
0390-5748 Ricerca in clinica e in laboratorio I1 Ponte
0392-7474 Ricerca scientifica e ricostruzione Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.; Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche.
0373-6857 Ricerche astronomiche Specola vaticana.
0048-8291 Ricerche di Automatica E.S.I.A..
0391-559X Ricerche di bioingegneria Universita di Bologna, Facolta di Ingegneria, Istituto di Automatica.
0370-405X Ricerche di Morfologia
0370-7512 Ricerche e Studi Dell'Istituto Sperimentale Stradale della TCI e dell'ACI Touring Club Italiano
0393-5043 Ricerche e studi di medicina sperimentale ITER.
0370-744X Ricerche e Studi di Patologia Sperimentale Edizioni Iter.
0370-7342 Ricerche spettroscopiche Specola Vaticana
0035-4996 Rice University studies William Marsh rice university
0035-8940 RIC reviews The Society
2050-8468 RIC reviews (e-vir) Royal Institute of Chemistry.
0035-5194 Riechstoffe, Aromen, Körperpflegemittel Besselich
0341-440X Riechstoffe, Aromen, Kosmetica Westküsten-Verlag
0370-7148 Riechstoffe und Aromen Barsch.
0370-5641 Riechstoffindustrie und Kosmetik Riechstoffindustrie und Kosmetik; Riechstoffindustrie und Kosmetik
0913-302X Rigaku Denki jäanaru Rigaku denki.
1349-2209 Rigaku janaru Rigaku,
0913-543X Rigaku journal Rigaku Corporation
1407-7353 Rīgas Tehniskās Universitātes Zinātniskie raksti. Materiālzinātne un lietišk̦ā k̦īmija Izdevniecība RTU
0020-3084 Rika Gaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Institute of Physical and Chemical Research.
0366-2608 Rikagaku Kenkyäusho ihäo Rikagaku Kenkyäusho.
0370-5889 Rikagaku Kenkyusho Iho, Butsuri No Bu [s.n.].
0370-5897 Rikagaku Kenkyusho Iho, Kagaku No Bu [s.n.].
0919-3405 RIKEN review Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
0287-718X Rikka Gakkaishi Toyama-ken Rika Gakkai
0387-6837 Rikkyäo Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku. Shizen kagaku St. Paul's University. College of General Education.
0021-5104 Rikusuigaku Zasshi Nippon Rikusui Gakkai
1461-1147 RILEM proceedings RILEM.
1369-4448 RILEM report International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures.
0370-3975 Rin'ya dojäo chäosa häokiku Government Forest Experiment Station, Tokyo.
0370-5668 Rinascenza Medica
0370-4270 Rindertuberkulose [s.n.]
0485-1358 Rindertuberkulose und Brucellose [s.n.]
0082-4720 Ringyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Kukizaki.; Näorinshäo Ringyäo Shikenjäo.; Government Forest Experiment Station, Tokyo.
0289-5285 Ringyō to yakuzai Ringyō Yakuzai Kyōkai
0910-4186 Rinpagaku Japanese Society of Lymphology.; Nippon Rinpakei Kenkyäukai.
0370-7296 Rinsan Shikenjäo geppäo Hokkaido Forest Products Research Institute.
0913-140X Rinsan Shikenjäohäo Hokkaidäoritsu Rinsan Shikenjäo
0441-0815 Rinsan Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Hokkaidäoritsu Rinsan Shikenjäo
0370-3800 Rinshäo byäori. Tokushäu Nihon Rinshäo Byäori Gakkai.; Kanehara Shuppan.
1345-9236 Rinshäo byäori rebyäu. Tokushäu Rinshäo Byäori Kankäokai.
0386-9865 Rinshäo fujinka sanka Igaku Shoin
0386-9857 Rinshäo geka Igaku Shoin
0385-0323 Rinshäo kagaku Nihon Rinshäo Kagaku Kenkyäukai.
0289-5714 Rinshäo mizudenkaishitsu Shinkäo Käoeki Kabushiki Gaisha. Isho Shuppanbu.
0386-9814 Rinshäo seiri Shinko Trading Company. Publication Department of Medical Books.
0485-1455 Rinshäo shäokakibyäogaku Igaku Shoin.
0910-7029 Rinshäo to biseibutsu Kindai Shuppan.
0388-2209 Rinshäo to saikin Kindai Shuppan.
0913-7505 Rinshäo to yakubutsu chiryäo Elsevier Japan K.K.
0047-1860 Rinshō Byōri Nihon isho shuppan; 日本医書出版; Kanehara shuppan; 金原出版; Rinshō Byōri Kankōkai; Nippon Rinshō Byōri Gakkai; Nihon rinsho kensa igakkai; 日本臨床検査医学会
0485-1412 Rinsho Eiyo Ishiyaku Shuppan K.K..
0370-5579 Rinsho Ganka Igaku Shoin Ltd
0385-2393 Rinsho hinyokika Igaku Shoin
0370-5633 Rinsho Kagaku Nihon rinsho kagakkai; Nihon rinsho kagakkai; Nihon rinsho kagaku
0386-3417 Rinsho Kagaku Shinpojumu Sekai hoken tsushinsha; Nihon Rinsho Kagakukai
0485-1420 Rinsho kensa Igaku Shoin
0386-9695 Rinsho men'eki Toukyou igakusha; Kagaku Hyoronsha.
1881-1930 Rinsho men'eki, arerugika Kagaku hyoronsha,
0035-5488 Rinsho-Shika Rinsho-shika-sha.
0035-550X Rinsho Shoni Igaku Shoni Aiiku Kyokai, c/o Hokkaido Daigaku Igakubu Shonikagaku Kyoshitsu.
0021-4965 Rinsho To Kenkyu Daido Gakkan, c/o Kyushu Daigaku Igakubu
0303-8092 Rinsho to uirusu Nihon Rinsho Uirusu Gakkai; Nihon rinsho uirusu gakkai
0388-1601 Rinsho yakuri Rinsho yakurigaku kenkyukai; Nihon Rinsho Yakuri Gakkai
0370-4351 Risālaẗ al-'Ilm Association of Graduates of Faculties of Science
0390-3818 Riscaldamento Condizionamento Idrosanitaria Tecniche Nuove
0370-7202 Risicoltura Ente nazionale risi
0913-5057 RISIM report Research Institute for Special Inorganic Materials, Ibaraki.
0557-1154 Riso Ente Nazionale Risi.
1225-486X RIST yeongu nonmun Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology.
0418-6435 Risø-M Risø National Laboratory
0106-2840 Risø-R Forskningscenter Risø
1399-2236 Risø-R (e-vir) Forskningscenter Risø
0418-6443 Risø report Risø National Laboratory
0376-2599 Rit Vísindafélag Íslendinga
0370-4254 Ritsumeikan Daigaku Rikäogaku Kenkyäujo kiyäo Ritsumeikan University. Research Institute of Science and Engineering.; Ritsumeikan University. Institute of Science & Engineering.
0083-856X River basin bulletin West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
1123-9123 Rivestimenti & materiali compositi Edizioni Cada.
0035-5747 Rivista Aeronautica, Astronautica-Missilistica [s.n.]
0375-9776 Rivista Aeronautica, Astronautica-Missilistica. Supplemento Tecnico [s.n.].
0370-3924 Rivista critica di clinica medica [s.n.]
0370-6591 Rivista d'ostetricia e ginecologia pratica Associazione Ostetrici Ginecologi Ospedalieri Italiani.
0391-0970 Rivista d'ostetricia e ginecologia pratica e di medicina perinatale Edizioni Internazionali C.I.C. Gruppo Editoriale Medico.
0035-5836 Rivista degli infortuni e delle malattie professionali INAIL.; Istituto nazionale per l'assicurazione contro gli infortuni sul lavoro.
0035-5844 Rivista degli ospedali Il Pensiero scientifico.
0048-8348 Rivista del colore Verniciatura industriale Rivista del colore
0370-4955 Rivista del Freddo
0300-9904 Rivista dell'Istituto sieroterapico italiano [s. n.]; T.E.M.P. Tipografia editrice Mario Pierro,
0035-5968 Rivista della Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana Centro Miglioramento Piante da Frutto e da Orto del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
0391-4259 Rivista della Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro
0483-1454 Rivista della Tubercolosi e delle Malattie dell'Apparato Respiratorio Edizioni Mediche e Scientifiche.
0370-3304 Rivista di Agricoltura S.E.I..
0035-6026 Rivista di Agricoltura Subtropicale e Tropicale Istituto Astronomico per l'Oltremare di Firenze
0035-6034 Rivista di Agronomia Edagricole
0048-8364 Rivista di anatomia patologica e di oncologia Piccin editore.
0035-6050 Rivista di biologia Tilgher
0370-3703 Rivista di Biologia Coloniale
0391-1551 Rivista di biologia normale e patologica Centro Universitario di ricerca sui tumori. Università di Messina.
0035-6077 Rivista di clinica pediatrica Ospedale Anna Meyer. ;; Minerva Medica.
0390-6027 Rivista di clinica tossicologica Centro nazionale contro le intossicazioni.; Società italiana di tossicologia.
0370-419X Rivista di Cultura Marinara
0370-5501 Rivista di Ecologia
0302-1750 Rivista di farmacologia e terapia Istituto di farmacologia.
0370-4882 Rivista di Fisica, Matematica e Scienze Naturali Istituto di Zoologia dell' Università.
0370-5013 Rivista di frutticoltura Gruppo Giornalistico Edagricole.
0016-2310 Rivista di frutticoltura e di ortofloricoltura Gruppo Giornalistico Edagricole Bologna
0035-6255 Rivista di Gastro-Enterologia Casa Editrice Maccari.
0370-5064 Rivista di Geofisica Applicata Istituto di geofisica applicata del Politecnico.
0483-1535 Rivista di Gerontologia e Geriatria Abruzzini Editore
0048-8399 Rivista di Idrobiologia Rivista di Biologia.
0483-1543 Rivista di Ingegneria Hœpli
0485-2397 Rivista di Ingegneria Nucleare Associazione Nationale di Energia Nucleare.
0485-2400 Rivista di Istochimica Normale e Patologica Casa editrice Ediermes.
0370-565X Rivista di Malariologia Istituto di malariologia "E. Marchiofava". Policlinica.
0035-6301 Rivista di meccanica Etas-Kompass Periodici Tecnici spa.
0035-631X Rivista di medicina aeronautica e spaziale Servizio di sanità dell'Aeronautica militare.
0391-2825 Rivista di medicina del lavoro ed igiene industriale Casa Editrice V. Idelson.
1592-3479 Rivista di medicina di laboratorio Società italiana di medicina di laboratorio.; SIMeL.; Centro di ricerca biomedica.
0370-646X Rivista di Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnica Maccari editore.
0035-6328 Rivista di meteorologia aeronautica Italia. Ministero delle difesa. Servizio metereologico dell'aeronautica
0370-6109 Rivista di Mineralogia e Cristallografia Italiana
0035-6336 Rivista di Neurobiologia SNO.; Società dei neurologi neurochirurghi e neuroradiologi ospedalieri.
0035-6344 Rivista di neurologia Il Pensiero Scientifico.
0035-6352 Rivista di Neuropsichiatria e Scienze Affini Edizione Maccari.
0394-977X Rivista di ostetricia e ginecologia E.R.S. Edizioni Riviste scientifiche.
0035-6387 Rivista di Parassitologia Rivista di Parassitologia.
0035-6409 Rivista di patologia clinica e sperimentale Piccin Editore.
0370-5749 Rivista di Patologia dell'Apparato Respiratorio Associazione fra gli Istituti di Cura del Centro Sanatoriale di Arco.
0035-6417 Rivista di Patologia e Clinica Maccari editore.
0035-6425 Rivista di patologia e clinica della tubercolosi Associazione Emilia-Romagna della Federazione italiana contro la tubercolosi.
0035-6433 Rivista di Patologia Nervosa e Mentale Clinica Malattie Nervose e Mentali
0370-6826 Rivista di Patologia Sperimentale Edizioni Iter.
0391-2833 Rivista di patologia umana Arte tipografica.
0035-6441 Rivista di patologia vegetale Tipografia cooperativa
0390-6019 Rivista di tossicologia : Sperimentale e clinica Centro nazionale contro le intossicazioni.; Società italiana di tossicologia.; Associazione europea dei centri antiveleni.
0370-7865 Rivista di Viticoltura e di Enologia Scarpis
0035-6646 Rivista di zootecnia Tarmitalia.
0304-0607 Rivista di zootecnia e veterinaria Farmitalis.
0392-291X Rivista europea per le scienze mediche e farmacologiche Verducci publisher.
0485-2443 Rivista internazionale di agricoltura Figli di Raffaello Bertiri.
0035-6921 Rivista italiana d'igiene Nistri-Lischi ;; PLUS Pisa University press,
0035-6794 Rivista Italiana della Saldatura Istituto Italiano della Saldatura
0370-5528 Rivista italiana delle essenze, dei profumi e delle piante officinali [s.n.].
0370-5536 Rivista italiana delle essenze e profumi [s.n.].
0035-6808 Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria degli Olii e dei Grassi
0035-6786 Rivista Italiana del Tracoma e di Patologia Oculare Virale ed Esotica Istituto di Clinica Oculistica della Università
0392-4793 Rivista italiana di elettroencefalografia e neurofisiologia clinica Società italiana di elettroencefalografia e neurofisiologia.
0035-6840 Rivista Italiana di Ginecologia Cappelli,Licinio.
0035-6905 Rivista Italiana di Stomatologia Associazione Medici Dentisti Italiani.; Società italiana di stomatologia.; Sindacato Nazionale di Categoria.
0392-0445 Rivista italiana EPPOS Istituto Thetrahedron
0391-4658 Rivista italiana essenze, profumi, piante officinali, aromatizzanti, syndets, saponi, cosmetici, aerosols s.n.
0370-677X Rivista italiana essenze, profumi, piante officinali, aromi, saponi, cosmetici [s.n.].
0035-6948 Rivista italiana essenze, profumi, piante officinali, aromi, saponi, cosmetici, aerosol Rivista italiana essenze. P.A.S.C.A..
0370-5730 Rivista italiana essenze, profumi, piante officinali, olii vegetali, saponi [s.n.].
0035-6964 Rivista marittima Stato maggiore della marina
0391-9641 Rivista mineralogica italiana Rivista mineralogica italiana
0035-7006 Rivista Mineraria Siciliana S. F. Flaccovio Editore.
0048-8410 Rivista oto-neuro-oftalmologica Società italiana oto-neuro-oftalmologica.
0035-7014 Rivista Pediatrica Siciliana Università degli Studi, Catania.
0035-7049 Rivista siciliana della tubercolosi e delle malattie respiratorie Università degli Studi, Palermo.
0370-7261 Rivista sperimentale di freniatria e medicina legale delle alienazioni mentali Age
0370-7547 Rivista Tecnica d'Elettricità [s.n.].
0370-7555 Rivista Tecnica delle Ferrovie Italiane Collegio nazionale degli ingegneri ferroviari
0392-0852 Rivista Tecnica Selenia Industrie Elettroniche Associate Selenia
0370-5838 Rivista tessile Pan editrice.
0483-1675 Rivoluzione Industriale Etas editrice.
1001-1803 Riyong huaxue gongye Qinggongyebu Kexue Jishu Qingbao Yanjiusuo
1006-7264 Riyong huaxuepin kexue Quanguo Riyong Huaxue Gongye Xinxi Zhongxin,
0485-2524 Riz et riziculture & cultures vivrières tropicales Institut de recherches de l'économie alimentaire (France); Institut national de la recherche agronomique (France); Institut de recherches agronomiques tropicales et des cultures vivrières (France); ORSTOM (France)
0034-7264 RMB Moreira Jr
0370-629X RMLG Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Liège
2566-1566 RMLG (e-vir) Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Liège
1355-8382 RNA Cambridge University Press
1469-9001 RNA (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1547-6286 RNA biology Landes Bioscience
1555-8584 RNA biology (e-vir) Landes Bioscience
0370-6567 Road Abstracts Technical Information and Library Group, Road Research Laboratory
0080-3294 Road note [s.n.]
0073-6643 Road Research Bulletin Indian Roads Congress
0485-2559 Road Research Monographs Central Road Research Institute
0483-173X Road Research Notes [s.n.]
0069-1690 Road Research Papers Central Road Research Institute
0072-7059 Road research technical paper [s.n.]
0316-2176 Roads and bridges Monetary Times Printing.
0316-215X Roads and Engineering Construction Monetary Times Publications.
0035-7332 Roads and road construction Carriers Publishing Co. Ltd
0035-7340 Roads and streets
0483-2272 Rocket News Letter
0485-2893 Rocket Propulsion Technology Plenum Publishing Corp.
0096-2163 Rocketscience Detroit Rocket Society.
0035-7448 Rock Mechanics Springer-Verlag
0035-7464 Rock products Tradepress Pub. Corp.
0035-7529 Rocks and minerals Heldref Publications
1940-1191 Rocks and minerals (e-vir) Heldref Publications
0035-760X Rocky Mountain medical journal Colorado Medical Society.; Rocky Mountain Medical Conference.
0067-6489 Roczniki Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku Akademia Medyczna (Białystok)
0523-1507 Roczniki Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku. Suplement Akademia Medyczna.
0208-8436 Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu Akademia Rolnicza (Poznań); Akademia Rolnicza im. Augusta Cieszkowskiego (Poznań)
0035-7677 Roczniki Chemii Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0080-3642 Roczniki Gleboznawcze Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0138-080X Roczniki Instytutu Przemysłu Mięesnego i Tłuszczowego Instytut Przemysłu Mięesnego i Tłuszczowego (Warszawa); Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego (Warszawa). Oddział Technologii Mięesa i Tłuszczu.
0538-2513 Roczniki Instytutu Przemysłu Mleczarskiego Instytut Przemysłu Mleczarskiego.
0137-2920 Roczniki Naukowe Wyższa Szkoła Wychowania Fizycznego w Gdańsku.
0137-1657 Roczniki Naukowe Zootechniki Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne
0080-3693 Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ochrony Roślin.
0376-043X Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych Państwowy Instytut Wydawnictw Rolniczych; Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne
0080-3669 Roczniki nauk rolniczych. B, zootechniczna [S.n.]
0080-3650 Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych. Seria A, Produkcja Roślinna Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Uprawy Roślin.
0080-3685 Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych. Seria D, Monografie Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0485-3318 Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych. Seria E, Weterynarii Polska Akademia Nauk. Wydział Nauk Rolniczych i Leśnych.
0080-3707 Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych. Seria F, Melioracji i Użytków Zielonych Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0376-2173 Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych. Seria H, Rybactwo Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Nauk Zootechnicznych.
0370-6532 Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych i Leśnych Towarzystwo dla Popierania Polskiej Nauki Rolnictwa i Leśnictwa.
0035-7715 Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich.
2451-2311 Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny (e-vir) Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego - Państwowy Zakład Higieny
0066-1945 Roczniki Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej im. Gen. Karola Świerczewskiego w Szczecinie Pomorska Akademia Medyczna im. Gen. Karola Świerczewskiego w Szczecinie.
1427-440X Roczniki Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej w Szczecinie Pomorska Akademia Medyczna (Szczecin); Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny (Szczecin)
0080-374X Roczniki Technologii i Chemii Żywności Polska Akademia Nauk, Komitet Technologii i Chemii Żywności.
0370-8012 Roczniki Wyższej Szkoły Rolniczej w Poznaniu Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza, Poznań.
0370-8020 Roczniki Wyższej Szkoły Rolniczej w Poznaniu Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza.
0022-443X Rōdō kagaku. Part 1 Rōdō Kagaku Kenkyūjo; Ohara kinen rodo kagaku kenkyujo
0370-6583 Rodriguesia Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro
2175-7860 Rodriguésia (e-vir) Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro
0303-2590 Roentgen technology Indian Assoc. of Radiological Technologists.
0340-1618 RöFo. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin Thieme
0391-1136 Romagna medica Società medico-chirurgica della Romagna
1222-3891 Romanian Archives of Microbiology and Immunology Ilex; Total Publishing House
1224-5984 Romanian Biotechnological Letters Ars Docendi
1582-3318 Romanian journal of biochemistry Editura Academiei Române
1220-515X Romanian Journal of Biophysics Romanian Society of Pure and Applied Biophysics.
0370-6273 Romanian Journal of Chemistry Chemical Industry Ministry
1221-356X Romanian journal of endocrinology Editura Academiei Române
0254-2307 Romanian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asociaţia Română de Gerontologie şi Geriatrie Bucureşti
1582-3296 Romanian journal of internal medicine Editura Academiei Române
2501-062X Romanian Journal of Internal Medicine (e-vir) Editura Academiei Române
1220-0522 Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology Editura Academiei Române
2066-8279 Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology (e-vir) Editura Academiei Române
1221-146X Romanian journal of physics Editura Academiei Române
1223-4974 Romanian Journal of Physiology Editura Academiei Române,
0048-8585 Romanian Medical Review Editura Medicală
1221-1451 Romanian reports in physics Editura Academiei Române
0253-6315 Ronmunjib Chungnam daehaggyo, gong-eob gyo-yug yeon-guso
0300-8592 Röntgenblätter W. Girardet
0035-7820 Röntgenpraxis S Hirzel Verlag
0370-5994 Röntgen- und Laboratoriumspraxis Hirzel
1726-9784 Rossijskij bioterapevtičeskij žurnal NII Èksperimental#noj diagnostiki i terapii opuholej RONC im. N.N. Blohina RAMN
0869-8139 Rossijskij fiziologičeskij žurnal im. I.M. Sečenova Nauka
1024-6215 Rossijskij himičeskij žurnal Èlektrohimiâ
1728-2802 Rossijskij stomatologičeskij žurnal.; Российский стоматологический журнал Medicina; Медицина; Èko-vektor Aj-Pi; Эко-вектор Ай-Пи
1681-1178 Rossijskij žurnal nauk o zemle Rossijskij žurnal nauk o zemle.
0304-9604 ROSTAS bulletin Unesco Regional Office for Science and Technology in the Arab States.
0485-4802 Rost kristallov Institut kristallografii im. V.V. Kujbyševa.; Èrevanskij universitet.
0370-663X Rostlinná výroba Československá akademie zemědělská - Ústav vědeckotechnických informací pro zemědělství
0138-3140 Rostocker physikalische Manuskripte Universität Rostock.
0131-6060 Rostovye veśestva i rost rastenij Kalininskij universitet
0268-3091 Round table series / Royal Society of Medicine Services (Great Britain)
1347-4928 Rounembyou yobou Medical View.
0930-035X Roux's archives of developmental biology Springer.
0370-3150 Royal Australian Chemical Institute Journal and Proceedings Royal Australian Chemical Institute
0035-8878 Royal Engineers journal Royal Engineers' Institute (Great Britain); Institution of Royal Engineers (Great Britain)
0370-6230 Royal Melbourne Hospital Clinical Reports Royal Melbourne Hospital.
0080-438X Royal Observatory Bulletins Royal Greenwich Observatory.; Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope.
0370-7318 Royal Society for the Promotion of Health journal Royal Society of Health (Great Britain)
0035-9130 Royal Society of Health journal Royal Society of Health (Great Britain)
0035-936X Rozhledy v tuberkulose a v nemocech plicních Státní zdravotnické nakladatelství
0069-228X Rozpravy Československé akademie věd. Řada matematických a přírodních věd Československá akademie věd
0069-2301 Rozpravy Československé akademie věd-Řada technických věd Academia
0239-6467 Rozprawy Akademia Rolnicza w Szczecinie.; Akademia Rolnicza (Szczecin)
0585-265X Rozprawy Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie.
0867-6631 Rozprawy, Monografie Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków)
0035-9386 Rozprawy Elektrotechniczne Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0035-9394 Rozprawy Hydrotechniczne Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego.; Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Hydroengineering.
0079-3558 Rozprawy Komitetu Nauk Medycznych Polska Akademia Nauk, Komitet Nauk Medycznych.
0208-8096 Rozprawy - Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Politechniki Rzeszowskiej.
0370-694X RQI Associação Brasileira de Química
0379-3583 RRIC bulletin RRIC.; Rubber Research Institute of Ceylon.
0127-1873 RRIM technology Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia
0379-3591 RRISL bulletin RRISL.; Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka.
0144-1957 RRL report Road Research Laboratory.
0144-1922 RSRE newsletter & research review / Royal Signals and Radar Establishment (Great Britain)
0391-5719 RT Comitato nazionale energia nucleare.
0391-5808 RT Comitato nazionale energia nucleare.
0483-786X RTVA Editions Météore,
0483-4879 Rubber Rubber-Stichting.
0370-6745 Rubber & plastics weekly Maclaren and Sons Ltd.; Maclaren and Sons Ltd.
0370-761X Rubber Age [s.n.]
0370-3614 Rubber Age and Synthetics [S.n.]
0363-8650 Rubber age news-log Palmerton Pub. Co..
0370-7695 Rubber and Plastics Age [S.n.]
0035-9475 Rubber chemistry and technology [s.n.]
0035-9483 Rubber Developments Malaysian Rubber Producers' Research Association
0035-9491 Rubber India Indian Rubber Industries Association
0306-9583 Rubber industry Plastics and Rubber Institute.
0035-9505 Rubber Journal [s.n.]; [s.n.]
0370-5854 Rubber journal and international plastics Maclaren
0035-9513 Rubber News Polymer Publications
0035-9572 Rubber world Lippincott & Peto, etc.
0742-3268 Rubey Rubey, William Walden.
0035-9637 Rudarski glasnik Rudarski institut
0557-4382 Rudodobiv Ministerstvo na metalurgiâta
0204-5311 Rudoobrazuvatelni procesi i mineralni nahodišča B'lgarska akademija na naukite
0483-5093 Rudy SNTL, Nakladatelství technické literatury
0035-9696 Rudy i Metale Nieżelazne Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Książek Technicznych <Sigma=
0869-5997 Rudy i metally.; Руды и металлы Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij geologorazvedočnyj institut cvetnyh i blagorodnyh metallov; Центральный научно-исследовательский геологоразведочный институт цветных и благородных металлов
1002-3119 Runhuayou Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0254-0150 Runhua yu mifeng Jixie Dianzi Gongyebu Guangzhou Jichuang Yanjiusuo,
0032-7581 Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's medical bulletin Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center.
1066-5285 Russian chemical bulletin = Consultants Bureau
1573-9171 Russian chemical bulletin = (e-vir) Kluwer
0036-021X Russian chemical reviews British Library Lending Division, etc.]
1468-4837 Russian chemical reviews (e-vir) [Russian Academy of Sciences and Turpion Ltd]
1070-4272 Russian journal of applied chemistry Consultants Bureau
1608-3296 Russian journal of applied chemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1068-1620 Russian journal of bioorganic chemistry Consultants Bureau
1608-330X Russian journal of bioorganic chemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1070-3284 Russian journal of coordination chemistry Consultants Bureau
1608-3318 Russian journal of coordination chemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1062-3604 Russian journal of developmental biology Consultants Bureau
1608-3326 Russian journal of developmental biology (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1681-1208 Russian journal of earth sciences (e-vir) Russian journal of earth sciences.
1067-4136 Russian journal of ecology Consultants Bureau
1608-3334 Russian journal of ecology (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1023-1935 Russian journal of electrochemistry Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing
1608-3342 Russian journal of electrochemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1051-8053 Russian journal of engineering thermophysics Elsevier.; Institute of Thermophysics.
1070-3632 Russian journal of general chemistry Plenum Pub. Corp.
1608-3350 Russian journal of general chemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1022-7954 Russian journal of genetics Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing.
1608-3369 Russian journal of genetics (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1028-7221 Russian journal of immunology Russian Society of Immunology; Rossijskoe naučnoe obŝestvo immunologov; Izdatelʹstvo «Čelovek»; Российское научное общество иммунологов :; Издательство «Человек»
0036-0236 Russian journal of inorganic chemistry Chemical Society
1531-8613 Russian journal of inorganic chemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1063-0740 Russian journal of marine biology Plenum Pub. Corp.
1608-3377 Russian journal of marine biology (e-vir) Nauka/interperiodica
1061-8309 Russian journal of nondestructive testing Consultants Bureau
1608-3385 Russian journal of nondestructive testing (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1070-4280 Russian journal of organic chemistry Consultants Bureau
1608-3393 Russian journal of organic chemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0036-0244 Russian journal of physical chemistry Chemical Society
1531-863X Russian journal of physical chemistry (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1021-4437 Russian journal of plant physiology Interperiodica; Russian Academy of Sciences
1608-3407 Russian journal of plant physiology (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1468-4829 Russian mathematical surveys (e-vir) London Mathematical Society, Turpion Ltd, and the Russian Academy of Sciences
1473-2009 Russian mathematical surveys (e-vir) London Mathematical Society.; Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk.
0036-0279 Russian Mathematical Surveys London Mathematical Society
0036-0295 Russian metallurgy. Metally Scientific Information Consultants
1555-6255 Russian metallurgy. Metally (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0485-7364 Russian Metallurgy and Fuels [s.n.]
0485-7372 Russian Metallurgy and Mining [s.n.]
1063-7397 Russian microelectronics Consultants Bureau
1608-3415 Russian microelectronics (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0036-0325 Russian pharmacology and toxicology Euromed Publications.
1064-8887 Russian physics journal = Consultants Bureau
1573-9228 Russian physics journal = = Kluwer
1093-2984 Russian polymer news AM-RUSS Rubber and Plastics Consulting (Firm)
0370-7482 Russkij vrač Medicina.
0263-8355 Rutherford Appleton laboratory RAL Information Panel.; Scientific Administration Group.
0080-4991 Rutherford Laboratory Report [s.n.]
0289-1530 Ryäukyäu Daigaku Igakkai zasshi Ryäukyäu Daigaku Igakkai.; University of the Ryukyus Medical Association.
0389-102X Ryäukyäu Daigaku Käogakubu kiyäo University of the Ryukyus. Faculty of Engineering.
0370-4238 Ryäukyäu Daigaku Näokasei Gakubu gakujutsu häokoku University of Ryukyus. Agriculture & Home Economics Division.; University of Ryukyus. Division of Agriculture, Home Economics & Engineering.
0370-6672 Rybnaâ promyšlennostʹ Dalʹnego Vostoka.; Рыбная промышленность Дальнего Востока Glavdalʹvostokrybprom; Главдальвостокрыбпром.
0131-6184 Rybnoe hozâjstvo [S.n.]
0557-5672 Rybnoe hozâjstvo.; Рыбное хозяйство Urožaj; Урожай.
0557-5680 Rybohozâjstvennye issledovaniâ v bassejne Baltijskogo morâ Baltijskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut rybnogo hozâjstva.
0370-6982 Ryojun Koka Daigaku Hokoku
0289-0917 Ryukoku kiyo Ryukoku Daigaku Ryukoku Kiyo Henshukai; Ryukoku daigaku
0370-4246 Ryukyu Daigaku Nogakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku Ryuukyuu daigaku nougakubu.
0286-9640 Ryūkyū Daigaku Rigakubu kiyō Ryūkyū Daigaku. Rigakubu
1346-888X Ryukyu medical journal Ryukyu Medical Association.
0300-9157 Ryumachi Nihon Ryumachi gakkai.
0370-8047 Ryusan To Kogyo Ryusan Kyokai.
0096-5170 S.A.E. technical papers Society of Automotive Engineers.
0096-736X S.A.E. transactions Society of Automotive Engineers
2577-1531 S.A.E. transactions (e-vir) Society of Automotive Engineers
0583-9416 S.C.I. monograph / Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain)
0278-0720 S.E.P.M. Core Workshop Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists]
0758-6922 S.T.P. pharma Editions de santé
0562-7192 S'vremenna medicina Medicina i fizkultura
0557-983X S & F technische Mitteilungen Schoppe und Faeser-GmbH.
0370-8187 Saæglűk dergisi Saæglűk Bakanlűægű Saæglűk Eægitimi Genel Müdürlüægü.
1052-6781 SAAS bulletin, biochemistry and biotechnology Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists
0370-8500 Saatgutwirtschaft Hortus-Verlag in Komm
0563-0851 SABCO Journal SABCO Kenshukai.
0036-2174 Sabouraudia Longman Group
0100-6223 Saccharum Stab APC-Assessoria de Promoção e Cultura Ed..
0256-2499 Sadhana Indian Academy of Sciences
0973-7677 Sadhana (e-vir) Springer India
0558-1125 Sadìvnictvo.; Садівництво Urožaj; Урожай.
0131-3568 Sadovodstvo Kolos
0371-4594 Sadovodstvo, vinogradarstvo i vinodelie Moldavi CK KP Moldavii
0235-2591 Sadovodstvo i vinogradarstvo Agropromizdat
0233-9854 Sadovodstvo i vinogradarstvo Moldavii CK KP Moldavii
0371-1773 Sady i ogorody.; Сады и огороды Narodnyj komissariat zemledeliâ RSFSR; Народный комиссариат земледелия РСФСР.
0374-4914 Saemulli; 새물리 han-gung mulli hakoe
0253-3073 Saeng'yag haghoeji.; 생약학회지 Han'gug saeng'yag haghoe; 한국생약학회
1016-0884 Saenghwahag nyuseu han-gug saenghwahaghoe
0370-9884 Saengmulhag Jung'ang gwahag gisul tongbosa.
0560-6160 SAE Preprint Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
0097-5389 SAE quarterly transactions Society of Automotive Engineers.; Society of Automotive Engineers.
0148-7191 SAE technical paper series Society of Automotive Engineers
2688-3627 SAE technical paper series (e-vir) SAE International
Y509-8025 SAE technical paper series (e-vir) SAE International
1083-4958 SAE technical papers on CD-ROM (e-vir) Society of Automotive Engineers.
0096-5413 Safety engineering [A.H. Best. Co.]
0069-293X Safety in air and ammonia plants American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
0096-5405 Safety maintenance [Safety maintenance]
0096-5391 Safety maintenance and production A. M. Best.
0558-1265 SAFYBI Asociación Argentina de Farmacia y Bioquímica Industrial.
0581-2801 Saga Daigaku Nogakubu iho Saga Daigaku. Nogakubu
0385-6186 Saga Daigaku Riko Gakubu shuho Saga daigaku riko gakubu
0919-424X Saga-ken Kankyäo Sentäa shohäo Saga Prefectural Environmental Research Center.
0910-8289 Saga-ken Käogai Sentäa shohäo Environmental Research Center of Saga Prefecture.
0286-6250 Sagami Joshi Daigaku kiyō Sagami Joshi Daigaku
0916-7676 Sagami Joshi Daigaku kiyō Sagami joshi daigaku kiyo to henshu iinkai; Sagami joshi daigaku sagami joshi daigaku tanki daigakubu fakaruti, diberoppumento iinkai
0286-0910 Sagami Käogyäo Daigaku kiyäo Sagami Institute of Technology.
0197-2790 Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference proceedings Plenum Press,
0919-0414 Sagawa Sentan Kagaku Gijutsu Shinkäo Zaidan josei kenkyäu häokokusho Sagawa Sentan Kagaku Gijutsu Shinkäo Zaidan,
0036-3340 Saharnaâ promyšlennost' Piŝevaâ promyšlennost'
1560-4160 Saharnaâ promyšlennostʹ Saharnaâ promyšlennostʹ.
0036-3359 Saharnaâ svekla Kolos
0078-5342 Ṣaḥāʼif al-ǧam'iyyaẗ al-ramadiyyaẗ al-miṣriyyaẗ Mondiale press
0022-2119 Saibäokaku byäorigaku zasshi Saibäokaku Byäorigaku Zasshi Henshäubu.
0371-3180 Saibäo seibutsugaku shinpojäumu Japan Society for Cell Biology.
1346-7557 Saibo Nyu Saiensusha,
0287-3796 Saibo kogaku Shujunsha; Gakken Medikaru Shujunsha
0370-8217 Saikäo to hoan Käogyäo Gijutsuin Käogai Shigen Kenkyäujo.; National Research Institute for Pollution and Resources, Tsukuba.
0289-002X Saikin no kagaku käogaku Kagaku Käogaku Kyäokai. Kantäo Shibu.; Gakkaishi Kankäo Sentäa.; Gakkai Shuppan Sentäa.
0370-9329 Saikyäo Daigaku gakujutsu häokoku. Näogaku Saikyäo Daigaku. Näogakubu.
0370-9310 Saikyäo Daigaku gakujutsu häokoku. Rigaku oyobi kaseigaku Saikyäo Daigaku.
0126-804X Sainsab Association of Science and Mathematics Education, Penang.
0126-6039 Sains malaysiana Jawatankuasa Penerbitan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
0387-0332 Saisei to riyō Gesui Odei Shigen Riyō Kyōgikai; Nihon gesuido kyokai; 日本下水道協会
0370-8241 Saishin Igaku Saishin Igaku-sha
0389-7354 Saishin no kagaku to sono ōyō
0916-6394 Saitama Daigaku kiyäo. Käogakubu Saitama University.
0586-7266 Saitama Daigaku kiyäo. Rikäo Gakubu. Käogaku-kei Saitama Daigaku.
0387-9313 Saitama Daigaku kiyäo. Säugaku, shizen kagaku Saitama University. Faculty of Education.
0581-3662 Saitama Daigaku kiyäo. Shizen kagaku-hen Saitama University. College of Liberal Arts.
0385-308X Saitama Daigaku Kogakubu Jiban Suiri Jikken Shisetsu nempo Saitama daigaku riko gakubu jiban suiri jikken shisetsu; Saitama Daigaku. Kogakubu. Jiban Suiri Jikken Shisetsu
0385-5074 Saitama Ika Daigaku zasshi Saitama Medical School.; Medical Society of Saitama Medical University.
0918-8177 Saitama Käogyäo Daigaku kiyäo Saitama Institute of Technology.
0385-3675 Saitama-ken Engei Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Saitama Horticultural Experiment Station.
0389-0899 Saitama-ken Igakkai zasshi Saitama-ken Igakkai; Saitamaken igakkai
0558-2458 Saitama-Ken Jozo Shikenjo Hokoku Saitama-ken Jozo Shikenjo.
0289-6745 Saitama Kenritsu Eisei Tanki Daigaku kiyäo Saitama College of Health.
0388-9084 Saitama-ken Sangyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Saitama-ken Sangyäo Shikenjäo.
0388-9106 Saitama-ken Suisan Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Saitama-ken Suisan Shikenjäo.
0389-2948 Saitama-ken Yäokei Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Saitama Prefectural Poultry Experiment Station.
1996-840X SA journal of chemistry = Foundation for Education, Science and Technology
0257-9308 SA journal of sports medicine South African Sports Medicine Association.
0385-356X Sakana Suisanchäuo äuokai-ku Suisan Kenkyäuujo.
0321-1665 Sakartvelos SSR mecnierebata akademiis macne Mecniereba
1027-555X SakŰartŰvelos mecŰnierebatŰa akademiis macŰne. Biologiis seria SakŰartŰvelos mecŰnierebatŰa akademia.; Akademiâ nauk Gruzii.; Academy of Sciences of Georgia.
0388-1075 Sakyäu kenkyäu Sand Dune Research Society of Japan.
0132-6074 Sakʹartʹvelos SSR mecʹnierebatʹa akademiis macʹne. Kʹimiis seria Mecʹniereba
0391-979X Saldare Soc. Castolin Italiana S.r.l.
0191-3093 Sales of fuel oil and kerosine United States.; United States.
0162-900X Sales of liquefied petroleum gases and ethane in .. United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.
1746-1448 Saline systems (e-vir) BioMed Central
0581-3999 Salt Research and Industry Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute.
0370-8306 Salud
0558-292X Salud ocupacional Instituto de salud ocupacional
0038-2477 SA mining and engineering journal Thomson Publ. SA
0256-9574 SAMJ. South African medical journal Publications Division of the Medical Association of South Africa; Health and Medical Publishing Group (Pty) Ltd, HMPG
0370-8497 Sammlung von Vergiftungsfällen [s.n.]
0581-4634 Samoletostroenie i tehnika vozdušnogo flota Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo universiteta.
0091-1062 SAMPE journal SAMPE National Business Office
0036-0821 SAMPE quarterly Society of Aerospace Material and Process Engineers.; Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering.
0257-2389 San'eob misaengmul haghoeji Han'gug san'eob misaengmul haghoe
0558-4825 San'in bunka kenkyäu kiyäo Shimane Daigaku. San'in Bunka Kenkyäujo.; Shimane University. San-in Institute of Natural and Cultural Research.
0389-4053 San'yäo Gakuen Tanki Daigaku kenkyäu ronshäu Sanyo Gakuen Women's Junior College.
0387-2378 San'yäo gijutsu zasshi Sanyo Association for Advancement of Science & Engineering.; Sanyo Association for Advancement of Science & Technics.; Sanyo Association for Advancement of Science & Technology.
0036-4649 San'yäo Kasei nyäusu San'yäo Kasei Käogyäo Kabushiki Gaisha.
1341-0644 San'yō Gakuen Tanki Daigaku kiyō San'yō Gakuen Tanki Daigaku
0270-6520 SAND U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.; United States. Energy Research and Development Administration.
0370-9094 Sands, Clays and Minerals [s.n.]
0371-1447 Saneamiento Obras Sanitarias de la Nación
0910-8696 San-ei news San-ei Chemical Industries.
0558-471X Sanfujinka chiryäo Nagai Shoten
0386-9873 Sanfujinka no sekai Igaku no Sekaisha
0370-8446 Sanfujinka no shimpo Kinki Sanfujinka Gakkai :; Kinki sanka fujinka gakkai.
0370-8721 Sang Doin
0036-4355 Sangre Asociación Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia
0917-3927 Sangyäo Gijutsu Säogäo Kenkyäujo häokoku. Gijutsu shiryäo Osaka Prefectural Industrial Technology Research Institute.
0388-9963 Sangyäo Shikenbu kenkyäu häokoku Kyoto-fu Näogyäo Shidäosho.
1341-0725 Sangyō eiseigaku zasshi Nihon Sangyō Eisei Gakkai
0914-854X Sangyō Gijutsu Sōgō Kenkyūjo hōkoku Osaka Furitsu Sangyō Gijutsu Sōgō Kenkyūjo
0916-3727 Sangyō Gijutsu Tanki Daigakushi Sangyō Gijutsu Tanki Daigaku
0047-1879 Sangyo igaku Nihon Sangyo Eisei Kyokai; Nihon sangyo eisei gakkai
0388-337X Sangyō igaku jānaru Sangyō Igaku Shinkō Zaidan
0285-5380 Sangyo to kankyo Tsusan Shiryo Chosakai; Otome rebyusha; Rikku; Sangyo To Kankyo
0370-8144 Sanidad aeronáutica Dirección General de Sanidad
0581-5622 Sanitarnaâ tehnika.; Санитарная техника Budìvelʹnik; Будівельник.
0386-9792 Sanka to fujinka Shindan to Chiryäosha.
0285-9815 Sanken gihäo Sanken Electric Company.
0036-4452 Sankhya
0581-572X Sankhya, Series A Statistical Publishing Society
0581-5738 Sankhya, Series B Statistical Publishing Society
0080-6064 Sankyo Kenkyäusho nempäo Sankyäo K. K. Chäuäo Kenkyäusho.
0581-5851 Sanop Kwa Kisul Yonse Taehakkyo, Sanop Kisul Yunguso.
0915-2652 Sanshi, Konchäu Näogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological Science, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
0366-4325 Sanshigaku zasshi Ueda Sanshi Senmon Gakkäo.
0388-8630 Sanshi Kagaku Kenkyäujo ihäo Dai Nippon Raw Silk Foundation. Silk Science Research Institute.
0287-6434 Sanshi kagaku to gijutsu Zenkoku Yäosan Näogyäo Kyäodäo Kumiai Rengäokai.
0036-4495 Sanshi kenkyäu Sericultural Experiment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.; Näorinshäo Sanshi Shikenjäo.
0915-2660 Sanshi konchäu kenkyäu National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological Science, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
1881-0551 Sanshi konchu baiotekku Nihon Sanshi Gakkai,
0371-2931 Sanshi Shikenjäo häokoku Sericultural Experiment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.; Näorinshäo Sanshi Shikenjäo.; Imperial Sericultural Experiment Station, Tokyo.
0385-3594 Sanshi Shikenjo iho Norinsho sanshi shikenjo; Norin Suisansho Sanshi Shikenjo
0125-152X San Sirirat Faculty of Medicine, Sirirat Hospital
1347-1473 Sansouken keiryou hyoujun houkoku National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. National Metrology Institute of Japan.; AIST.; NMIJ.
0371-3520 Santo Tomas Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas. Faculty of Medicine & Surgery
1672-948X Sanxia Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0385-0196 Säochi Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku National Grassland Research Institute, Nishinasuno, Tochigi, Japan.; Näorinshäo Säochi Shikenjäo.
0371-1803 Säogäo igaku Nihon Igaku Zasshi Kabushiki Gaisha.
0389-9349 Säogäo imono Japan General Foundry Center.
0371-1900 Säogäo rinshäo Nagai Shoten
0371-3067 Säogäo Shikenjo nempäo Tokyo Daigaku Käogakubu Fuzoku Säogäo Shikenjo.
0285-6697 Säoken häokoku Kansai Denryoku Kabushiki Gaisha. Säogäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo.
0036-472X Sapporo Igaku Zasshi Sapporo Ika Daigaku.
0389-3944 Sapporo Ika Daigaku jinbun shizen kagaku kiyäo Sapporo Medical College.
0371-134X Sapporo Näorin Gakkaihäo Sapporo Näorin Gakkai.
1026-776X SAR and QSAR in environmental research (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishers.
1029-046X SAR and QSAR in environmental research Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
1062-936X SAR and QSAR in environmental research Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1357-714X Sarcoma Carfax; Hindawi Publishing Corporation
1369-1643 Sarcoma (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0036-4827 Sarsia Institute of Marine Biology
0562-102X Särtryck / (e-vir) Svenska forskningsinstitutet för cement och betong vid Tekniska högskolan i Stockholm
0386-4391 Sasebo Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kenkyu hokoku Sasebo Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0253-6692 Sasmira technical digest Silk & Art Silk Mills' Research Association.
0125-0620 Sattawaphaetthayasan Thai Veterinary Medical Association.
0305-6198 Saturated heterocyclic chemistry Chemical Society (Great Britain)
1319-0164 Saudi pharmaceutical journal Saudi Pharmaceutical Society
2213-7475 Saudi pharmaceutical journal (e-vir) Elsevier
0370-8470 Saugar University Journal [s.n.]
0386-2240 Säuri kagaku Saiensusha.
0373-2525 Saussurea Société botanique de Genève
0350-1205 Savremena poljoprivreda Dnevnik
0036-1003 SAWTRI Bulletin South African Wool and Textile Research Institute of the C.S.I.R
0258-4565 SAWTRI special publication SAWTRI.; South African Wool and Textie Research Institute.
0258-4557 SAWTRI technical report SAWTRI.; South African Wool and Textile Research Institute.
0370-8802 Sbírka vynálezů Úřad pro vynálezy a zlepšovací náměty
1064-5616 Sbornik American Mathematical Society
1468-4802 Sbornik (e-vir) London Mathematical Society; Turpion; Russian Academy of Sciences
0131-1638 Sbornik annotacij naučno-issledovatelʹskih rabot - Tomskij politehničeskij institut im. S.M. Kirova.; Сборник аннотаций научно-исследовательских работ - Томский политехнический институт им. С.М. Кирова Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo universiteta; Издательство Томского университета.
0370-856X Sbornik botaničeskih rabot Vsesoûznoe botaničeskoe obŝestvo. Belorusskoe otdelenie.
0528-6875 Sborník Československé vědecké technické společnosti pro zdravotní techniku a vzduchotechniku při ČSAV Nakladatelství ČSAV
0036-5297 Sborník geologickćh věd. Paleontologie Academia
0036-5270 Sborník geologických věd. Antropozoikum Academia
0581-9172 Sborník geologických věd. Geologie Academia
0036-5289 Sborník geologických věd. Hydrogeologie, inženýrská geologie Academia
0581-9180 Sborník geologických věd. Ložisková geologie, mineralogie Academia
0036-5300 Sborník geologických věd. Technologie, geochemie Academia
0036-5319 Sborník geologických věd. Užitá geofyzika ČSAV; Academia; Český geologický ústav
0139-7834 Sborník GPO Geologický průzkum Ostrava
0036-5327 Sborník lékařský Avicenum
0370-8675 Sbornik materialov Naučno-tehničeskogo soveta po glubokomu bureniû Nedra.
0036-5343 Sborník Národního muzea v Praze Národní muzeum
0204-5478 Sbornik naučni trudove. Obogatâvane - Naučnoizsledovatelski i proektantski institut za rudodobiv i obogatâvane Naučnoizsledovatelski i proektantski institut za rudodobiv i obogatâvane
0371-3717 Sbornik naučno-tehničeskih trudov.; Сборник научно-технических трудов Ûžno-Uralʹskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Южно-Уральское книжное издательство.
0506-0931 Sbornik naučnyh rabot Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut selʹskogo hozâjstva Centralʹno-Černozemnoj polosy im. V.V. Dokučaeva.
0507-259X Sbornik naučnyh rabot Volgogradskij pedagogičeskij institut.
0516-2696 Sbornik naučnyh rabot Akademiâ nauk Belorusskoj SSR.; AN BSSR. Institut obŝej i neorganičeskoj himii.
0370-8632 Sbornik naučnyh rabot.; Сборник научных работ Belorusskij lesotehničeskij institut
0371-4918 Sbornik naučnyh rabot.; Сборник научных работ Zaporožskij institut usoveršenstvovaniâ vračej im. M. Gorʹkogo; Запорожский институт усовершенствования врачей им. М. Горького.
0371-4977 Sbornik naučnyh rabot.; Сборник научных работ Zaočnyj institut sovetskoj torgovli; Заочный институт советской торговли.
0131-3762 Sbornik naučnyh rabot aspirantov i molodyh sotrudnikov Fizičeskogo fakulʹteta, Tadžikskij universitet im. V.I. Lenina Tadžikskij universitet im. V.I. Lenina. Fizičeskij fakulʹtet.
0370-8551 Sbornik naučnyh rabot aspirantov i soiskatelej - MITK MITK.
0371-1285 Sbornik naučnyh rabot aspirantov KBGU.; Сборник научных работ аспирантов КБГУ Kabardino-Balkarskij universitet; Кабардино-Балкарский университет.
0371-1323 Sbornik naučnyh rabot - Dagestanskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij veterinarnyj institut Dagestanskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0454-9546 Sbornik naučnyh rabot - Naučno-issledovatelʹskij sektor Kievskogo universiteta im. T.G. Ševčenko.; Сборник научных работ - Научно-исследовательский сектор Киевского университета им. Т.Г. Шевченко Izdatelʹstvo Kievskogo universiteta; Издательство Киевского университета.
0371-0610 Sbornik naučnyh rabot studentov Kirgizskij universitet.; Naučnoe studenčeskoe obŝestvo.
0370-9353 Sbornik naučnyh rabot studentov.; Сборник научных работ студентов Doneckij industrialʹnyj institut; Донецкий индустриальный институт.
0371-3210 Sbornik naučnyh rabot studentov.; Сборник научных работ студентов Saratovskij zootehničesko-veterinarnyj institut; Саратовский зоотехническо-ветеринарный институт.
0536-0617 Sbornik naučnyh rabot studentov Ivanovskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo instituta Ivanovskij gosudarstvennyj medicinskij institut.
0371-0769 Sbornik naučnyh rabot Sverdlovskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo kožno-venerologičeskogo instituta i kafedry kožnyh i veneričeskih boleznej SGMI.; Сборник научных работ Свердловского научно-исследовательского кожно-венерологического института и кафедры кожных и венерических болезней СГМИ Sverdlovskij medicinskij institut; Свердловский медицинский институт.
0542-2167 Sbornik naučnyh soobśenij kafedry obśej himii Dagestanskij universitet im. V.I. Lenina
0136-4502 Sbornik naučnyh soobŝenij Kafedry organičeskoj i fizkolloidnoj himii. Dagestanskij universitet.; Сборник научных сообщений Кафедры органической и физколлоидной химии. Дагестанский университет Dagestanskij universitet; Дагестанский университет
0376-0820 Sbornik naucnyh trudov Mokslas
0202-3938 Sbornik naučnyh trudov Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut po pererabotke nefti.
0369-593X Sbornik naučnyh trudov Taškentskij universitet im. V.I. Lenina.
0371-067X Sbornik naučnyh trudov Kazahskij politehničeskij institut.
0371-1234 Sbornik naučnyh trudov Mogilevskaâ oblastnaâ selʹskohozâjstvennaâ opytnaâ stanciâ.
0375-2283 Sbornik naučnyh trudov Kirgizskij medicinskij institut.
0457-4443 Sbornik naučnyh trudov Leningradskij gosudarstvennyj ordena Lenina institut usoveršenstvovaniâ vračej im. S.M. Kirova.
0485-4829 Sbornik naučnyh trudov Rostovskij-na-Donu medicinskij institut.
0130-8726 Sbornik naučnyh trudov.; Сборник научных трудов Leningradskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut lesnogo hozâjstva; Ленинградский научно-исследовательский институт лесного хозяйства
0320-0132 Sbornik naučnyh trudov.; Сборник научных трудов Magnitogorskij gornometallurgičeskij institut im. G.I. Nosova; Магнитогорский горнометаллургический институт им. Г.И. Носова
0371-0645 Sbornik naučnyh trudov.; Сборник научных трудов Kujbyševskij industrialʹnyj institut im. V.V. Kujbyševa; Куйбышевский индустриальный институт им. В.В. Куйбышева.
0371-1250 Sbornik naučnyh trudov.; Сборник научных трудов "Metallurgizdat"; "Металлургиздат".
0371-1307 Sbornik naučnyh trudov.; Сборник научных трудов Čitinskij medicinskij institut; Читинский медицинский институт.
0371-1366 Sbornik naučnyh trudov.; Сборник научных трудов "Metallurgizdat"; "Металлургиздат".
0371-1730 Sbornik naučnyh trudov.; Сборник научных трудов Vladimirskij politehničeskij institut; Владимирский политехнический институт.
0371-2052 Sbornik naučnyh trudov.; Сборник научных трудов Permskij gornyj institut; Пермский горный институт.
0371-3032 Sbornik naučnyh trudov.; Сборник научных трудов Moskovskij institut narodnogo hozâjstva im. G.V. Plehanova, Sverdlovskij filial; Московский институт народного хозяйства им. Г.В. Плеханова, Свердловский филиал.
0371-3601 Sbornik naučnyh trudov.; Сборник научных трудов Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Книжное издательство
0376-2408 Sbornik naučnyh trudov.; Сборник научных трудов Leningradskij institut usoveršenstvovaniâ veterinarnyh vračej; Ленинградский институт усовершенствования ветеринарных врачей.
0451-8136 Sbornik naučnyh trudov.; Сборник научных трудов Metallurgizdat; Металлургиздат.
0370-9515 Sbornik naučnyh trudov Èrevanskogo politehničeskogo instituta Èrevanskij politehničeskij institut.
0367-7974 Sbornik naučnyh trudov - Gosudarstvennyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut ozernogo i rečnogo rybnogo hozâjstva.; Сборник научных трудов - Государственный научно-исследовательский институт озерного и речного рыбного хозяйства Gosudarstvennyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut ozernogo i rečnogo rybnogo hozâjstva; Государственный научно-исследовательский институт озерного и речного рыбного хозяйства.
0432-6849 Sbornik naučnyh trudov Grodnenskogo selʹskohozâjstvennogo instituta [s.n.].
0371-1013 Sbornik naučnyh trudov Instituta metallofiziki.; Сборник научных трудов Института металлофизики Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0130-870X Sbornik naučnyh trudov - Kuzbasskij politehničeskij institut.; Сборник научных трудов - Кузбасский политехнический институт Kuzbasskij politehničeskij institut; Кузбасский политехнический институт.
0371-1714 Sbornik naučnyh trudov - Permskaâ selʹskohozâjstvennaâ opytnaâ stanciâ.; Сборник научных трудов - Пермская сельскохозяйственная опытная станция Permskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Пермское книжное издательство.
0371-3105 Sbornik naučnyh trudov po sanitarnoj tehnike Nižne-Volžskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0372-2333 Sbornik naučnyh trudov - Taškentskij politehničeskij institut imeni Abu Rajhana Beruni Taškentskij politehničeskij institut imeni Abu Rajhana Beruni.
0493-4776 Sbornik naučnyh trudov - Tomskij èlektromehaničeskij institut inženerov železnodorožnogo transporta Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo universiteta.
0562-7869 Sbornik naučnyh trudov - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut metallurgičeskoj teplotehniki "Metallurgiâ".
0130-8602 Sbornik naučnyh trudov - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut životnovodstva.; Сборник научных трудов - Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт животноводства Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut životnovodstva; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт животноводства.
0204-5370 Sbornikot trudove na Naučnoizsledovatelskiâ institut za rudodobiv i obogatâvane Naučnoizsledovatelski institut za rudodobiv i obogatâvane
0139-7397 Sborník Pedagogické fakulty v Plzni. Chemie Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0139-8903 Sborník Pedagogické fakulty v Ústí nad Labem. Řada chemická Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0520-7339 Sborník prác Chemická fakulta Slovenskej vysokej školy technickej
0139-6498 Sborník prací Pedagogické fakulty v Ostravě. Řada A Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0139-6544 Sborník prací Pedagogické fakulty v Ostravě. Řada E Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0472-9005 Sborník prací Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci Vydavatelství University Palackého
0452-6740 Sborník prací techniků Královopolské strojírny Královopolská strojírna
0551-8342 Sborník prací Ústavu pro výzkum rud [nákl. vl.]
0551-8334 Sborník prací ÚVP Ústav pro výzkum a využití paliv
0036-536X Sborník prací Vysoké školy dopravní a Výzkumného ústavu dopravního Nakladatelství dopravy a spojů
0514-2857 Sborník prací Výzkumného ústavu Železnorudných dolů a hrudkoven, n.p. Ejpovice Výzkum. ústav ŽDH
0558-8154 Sborník prací z výzkumu chemického využití uhlí, dehtu a ropy Výzkumný ústav pro chemické uhlovodíky; SNTL; Chemopetrol
0371-4640 Sbornik rabot.; Сборник работ Vsesoûznyj zaočnyj institut piŝevoj promyšlennosti; Всесоюзный заочный институт пищевой промышленности.
0372-0098 Sbornik rabot.; Сборник работ "Gizlegprom"; "Гизлегпром".
0372-4468 Sbornik rabot.; Сборник работ Ukrainskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut ogneuporov; Украинский научно-исследовательский институт огнеупоров.
0206-0914 Sbornik rabot Alma-Atinskoj gidrometeorologičeskoj observatorii Upravlenie gidrometeorologičeskoj služby Kazahskoj SSSR.
0419-859X Sbornik rabot aspirantov Tadžikskij universitet.
0457-4842 Sbornik rabot Centralʹnogo muzeâ počvovedeniâ imeni V.V. Dokučaeva [s.n.].
0494-1063 Sbornik rabot Cimlânskoj gidrometeorologičeskoj observatorii "Gidrometeoizdat".
0134-8175 Sbornik rabot Gorʹkovskoj, Volžskoj i Rybinskoj gidrometeorologičeskih observatorij Gidrometeoizdat.
0371-2745 Sbornik rabot instituta.; Сборник работ института Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut tehnologii mašinostroeniâ; Научно-исследовательский институт технологии машиностроения.
0370-8756 Sbornik rabot po biologii, tehnike rybolovstva i tehnologii.; Сборник работ по биологии, технике рыболовства и технологии Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Книжное издательство.
0455-650X Sbornik rabot po gidrologii Gidrometeoizdat.
0371-2621 Sbornik rabot po himičeskim istočnikam toka Ènergiâ, Leningradskoe otdelenie.
0371-263X Sbornik rabot po masličnym kulʹturam.; Сборник работ по масличным культурам Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Книжное издательство.
0516-1762 Sbornik rabot po silikozu AN SSSR, Uralʹskij filial.
0136-751X Sbornik statej Nižne-Volžskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0371-2842 Sbornik statej aspirantov i soiskatelej Ministerstvo vysšego i srednego specialʹnogo obrazovaniâ Kazahskoj SSR.
0450-1977 Sbornik statej o rabotah Instituta.; Сборник статей о работах Института Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Книжное издательство.
0558-8227 Sbornik statej po geologii i gidrogeologii "Gosgeoltehizdat".
0586-7576 Sbornik statej po gidrogeologii i geotermii Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut geologii Arktiki.
0371-2710 Sbornik statej po rezulʹtatam raboty Novgorodskoj gosudarstvennoj selʹskohozâjstvennoj opytnoj stancii.; Сборник статей по результатам работы Новгородской государственной сельскохозяйственной опытной станции "Rosselʹhozizdat"; "Россельхозиздат".
0554-9477 Sborník Státního výzkumného ústavu tepelné techniky SNTL
0371-2664 Sbornik studenčeskih naučno-issledovatelʹskih rabot.; Сборник студенческих научно-исследовательских работ Moskovskaâ veterinarnaâ akademiâ; Московская ветеринарная академия.
0518-2824 Sbornik studenčeskih naučno-issledovatelʹskih rabot - Arhangelʹskij lesotehničeskij institut im. V.V. Kujbyševa Arhangelʹskij lesotehničeskij institut im. V.V. Kujbyševa.
0540-9713 Sbornik studenčeskih naučnyh rabot Moskovskaâ selʹskohozâjstvennaâ akademiâ imeni K.A. Timirâzeva.
0553-6308 Sbornik studenčeskih rabot Penzenskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut.
0135-3217 Sbornik trudov Naučno-issledovatelʹskij ènergetičeskij institut im. G.M. Kržižanovskogo.
0370-8268 Sbornik trudov Azerbajdžanskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut kurortologii i fizioterapevtičeskih metodov lečeniâ im. S.M. Kirova.
0370-842X Sbornik trudov Tbilisskij zonalʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektnyj institut tipovogo i èksperimentalʹnogo proektirovaniâ žilyh i obŝestvennyh zdanij.; TbilZNIIÈp.
0370-9949 Sbornik trudov Gruzinskij zootehniko-veterinarnyj učebno-issledovatelʹskij institut.
0370-9965 Sbornik trudov Gruzinskij zootehničesko-veterinarnyj institut.
0371-0556 Sbornik trudov Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut kurortologii i fizioterapii.
0371-2680 Sbornik trudov Respublikanskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut ohrany materinstva i detstva.
0371-3563 Sbornik trudov Tbilisskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij himiko-farmacevtičeskij institut.
0400-9525 Sbornik trudov Akademiâ nauk Azerbajdžanskoj SSR.; AN AzSSR. Institut neftehimičeskih processov.
0463-5175 Sbornik trudov "Strojizdat".
0495-5897 Sbornik trudov Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut akušerstva i ginekologii.
0495-5919 Sbornik trudov Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut gigieny truda i profzabolevanij im. N.I. Mahvidladze.
0507-5106 Sbornik trudov Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut teploizolâcionnyh i akustičeskih stroitelʹnyh materialov i izdelij.; VNIITEPLOIZOLÂCIÂ.
0541-024X Sbornik trudov Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut sanitarnoj tehniki.
0541-1432 Sbornik trudov Moskovskij zaočnyj poligrafičeskij institut.
0370-8330 Sbornik trudov.; Сборник трудов [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0371-1811 Sbornik trudov.; Сборник трудов Odesskij inženerno-stroitelʹnyj institut; Одесский инженерно-строительный институт.
0371-1870 Sbornik trudov.; Сборник трудов Odesskij medicinskij institut; Одесский медицинский институт.
0371-2095 Sbornik trudov.; Сборник трудов Povolžskij lesotehničeskij institut im. M. Gorʹkogo; Поволжский лесотехнический институт им. М. Горького.
0371-2923 Sbornik trudov.; Сборник трудов Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Книжное издательство.
0371-361X Sbornik trudov.; Сборник трудов Kievskij tehnologičeskij institut legkoj promyšlennosti; Киевский технологический институт легкой промышленности.
0371-3911 Sbornik trudov.; Сборник трудов Ukrainskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut piŝevoj promyšlennosti; Украинский научно-исследовательский институт пищевой промышленности.
0450-1942 Sbornik trudov.; Сборник трудов Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Книжное издательство.
0453-8560 Sbornik trudov.; Сборник трудов Ukrainskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut cellûlozno-bumažnoj promyšlennosti; Украинский научно-исследовательский институт целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности.
0371-3733 Sbornik trudov Centralʹnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta bumagi Lesnaâ promyšlennostʹ.
0453-7920 Sbornik trudov - Dalʹnevostočnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut lesnogo hozâjstva Dalʹnevostočnyj naučno- issledovatelʹskij institut lesnogo hozâjstva.
0371-182X Sbornik trudove Medicina i fizkultira
0204-9171 Sbornik trudove na mladite naučni rabotnici i studentite. Plovdivski universitet P. Hilendarski Plovdivski universitet
0370-9906 Sbornik trudov - Gosudarstvennyj vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut stroitelʹnyh materialov i konstrukcij "Vniistrom" im. P.P. Budnikova Gosudarstvennyj vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut stroitelʹnyh materialov i konstrukcij "Vniistrom" im. P.P. Budonikova.
0371-0750 Sbornik trudov Harʹkovskogo veterinarnogo instituta.; Сборник трудов Харьковского ветеринарного института Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Книжное издательство.
0546-8485 Sbornik trudov instituta Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0452-9073 Sbornik trudov Instituta Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0370-9809 Sbornik trudov Instituta gornogo dela im. M.M. Fedorova.; Сборник трудов Института горного дела им. М.М. Федорова "Gosgortehizdat"; "Госгортехиздат".
0371-053X Sbornik trudov Kirgizskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta èpidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigieny Kirgizskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut èpidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigieny.
0371-0793 Sbornik trudov Klûčevskogo zavoda ferrosplavov.; Сборник трудов Ключевского завода ферросплавов "Metallurgiâ"; "Металлургия".
0371-0939 Sbornik trudov - Leningradskij inženerno-stroitelʹnyj institut.; Сборник трудов - Ленинградский инженерно-строительный институт Leningradskij inženerno-stroitelʹnyj institut; Ленинградский инженерно-строительный институт.
0458-5275 Sbornik trudov Lʹvovskogo instituta perelivaniâ krovi i neotložnoj hirurgii.; Сборник трудов Львовского института переливания крови и неотложной хирургии Lʹvovskij institut perelivaniâ krovi i neotložnoj hirurgii; Львовский институт переливания крови и неотложной хирургии.
0371-0416 Sbornik trudov - Moskovskij ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni, Inženerno-stroitelʹnyj institut im. V.V. Kujbyševa MISI.
0487-5621 Sbornik trudov po agronomičeskoj fizike Kolos.
0371-3024 Sbornik trudov Sverdlovskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo instituta.; Сборник трудов Свердловского государственного медицинского института Sverdlovskij gosudarstvennyj medicinskij institut; Свердловский государственный медицинский институт.
0371-4136 Sbornik trudov Ufimskogo neftânogo instituta Ufimskij neftânoj institut.
0371-4152 Sbornik trudov Ukrainskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta poligrafičeskoj promyšlennosti.; Сборник трудов Украинского научно-исследовательского института полиграфической промышленности Ukrainskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut poligrafii; Украинский научно-исследовательский институт полиграфии.
0321-3781 Sbornik trudov - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut cellûlozno-bumažnoj promyšlennosti.; Сборник трудов - Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut cellûlozno-bumažnoj promyšlennosti; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности.
0132-1064 Sbornik trudov - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut nerudnyh stroitelʹnyh materialov i gidromehanizacii Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut nerudnyh stroitelʹnyh materialov i gidromehanizacii.
0580-0005 Sbornik trudov - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut zavodskoj tehnologii sbornyh železobetonnyh konstrukcij i izdelij Strojizdat.
0370-8764 Sbornik trudov - Vsesoûznyj zaočnyj politehničeskij institut.; Сборник трудов - Всесоюзный заочный политехнический институт Vsesoûznyj zaočnyj politehničeskij institut; Всесоюзный заочный политехнический институт.
0452-9197 Sborník Ústavu nerostných surovin v Kutné Hoře Ústav nerostných surovin
0371-4209 Sborník Ústředního ústavu geologického. Oddíl geologický Přírodovědecké vydavatelství; Nakladatelství ČSAV; ČSAV; Geofond
0036-5378 Sborník ÚVTIZ. Genetika a šlechtění Československá akademie zemědělská, Ústav vědeckotechnických informací pro zemědělství
0036-5386 Sborník ÚVTIZ. Meliorace Ústav vědeckotechnických informací pro zemědělství
0553-2124 Sborník vědeckých prací Státní pedagogické nakladatelství; Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická; Ediční středisko VŠCHT
0049-5514 Sborník vědeckých prací lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Hradci Králové Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0474-8476 Sborník vědeckých prací Vysoké školy báňské-Technické univerzity Ostrava. Řada hornicko-geologická Vysoká škola báňská-Technická univerzita Ostrava
0474-8484 Sborník vědeckých prací Vysoké školy báňské-Technické univerzity Ostrava. Řada hutnická Vysoká škola báňská; Vysoká škola báňská-Technická univerzita Ostrava
0474-8468 Sborník vědeckých prací Vysoké školy báňské v Ostravě Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0322-9335 Sborník vědeckých prací Vysoké školy báňské v Ostravě. Řada strojní Státní pedagogické nakladatelsví
0231-5246 Sborník vědeckých prací Výzkumného ústavu výživy zvířat Pohořelice Ministerstvo zemědělství a výživy ČSR
0371-4659 Sbornik VIZRa.; Сборник ВИЗРа VIZR; ВИЗР.
0524-7462 Sborník Vysokého učení technického v Brně SPN; nákl. vl; Vysoké učení technické
0556-5294 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Analytická chemie Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0551-8393 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Anorganická chemie a technologie Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0139-973X Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Automatizované systémy řízení a výpočetní metody Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0139-9977 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Chemické inženýrství Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0556-1213 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Chemické inženýrství a automatizace Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0323-2484 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Chemie a technologie silikát°u Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická.
0371-4543 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Ekonomika a řízení chemického pr°umyslu Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická.
0139-682X Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Fysikální chemie Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0139-7575 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Fyzika materiálu a měřící technika Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0551-8407 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Mineralogie Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0554-9744 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Oddíl fakult anorganické a organické technologie
0554-9728 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Organická chemie a technologie Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0139-908X Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Polymery-chemie, vlastnosti a zpracování Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0554-9701 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Potraviny Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0554-9736 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Technologie paliv Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0554-971X Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Technologie vody Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0139-9632 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Technologie vody a prostředí Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0139-9683 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Události a vědeckovýzkumná činnost na Vysoké škole chemicko-technologické v Praze v roce ... Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0231-6994 Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Výchovně-vzdělávací proces Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0300-0036 Sborník Vysoké školy zemědělské v Brně. Řada B, Spisy fakulty veterinární Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0556-1221 Sborník Vysoké školy zemědělské v Praze Staťniá pedagogické nakladatelstviá
0556-123X Sborník Vysoké školy zemědělské v Praze. Fakulta agronomická. Řada B, Živočišná výroba Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0139-8598 Sborník Vysoké školy zemědělské v Praze provozně ekonomické fakulty v Českých Budějovicích. Biologická řada Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
1210-6259 Sborník Zemědělské fakulty Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích. Řada fytotechnická Vědecko-pedagogické nakladatelství
0144-2031 Scan Pye Unicam
1401-7431 Scandinavian cardiovascular journal Scandinavia University Press
1651-2006 Scandinavian cardiovascular journal (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0036-5513 Scandinavian journal of clinical & laboratory investigation Blackwell Scientific Publications
1502-7686 Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0085-591X Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation. Supplement Blackwell Scientific Publications
0029-845X Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research Munksgaard
1502-7708 Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology (e-vir) Scandinavian University Press; Informa Healthcare
0036-5521 Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology Universitetsforlaget
0085-5928 Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology. Supplement Universitetsforlaget
0036-553X Scandinavian journal of haematology Munksgaard
0080-6722 Scandinavian journal of haematology. Supplementum Munksgaard
0300-9475 Scandinavian journal of immunology Blackwell Sc. Publ.
1365-3083 Scandinavian journal of immunology (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0301-6323 Scandinavian journal of immunology. Supplement Universitetsforlaget
0036-5548 Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases Almqvist & Wiksell Periodical Co.
1651-1980 Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0300-8878 Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases. Supplement Almqvist & Wiksell Periodical Co.
0901-3393 Scandinavian journal of laboratory animal science Scand-LAS
2002-0112 Scandinavian journal of laboratory animal science (e-vir) Scandinavian Society for Laboratory Animal Science
0371-0459 Scandinavian journal of metallurgy Munksgaard
1600-0692 Scandinavian journal of metallurgy Blackwell
0036-5556 Scandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery Almqvist & Wiksell Periodical Co.
0036-5572 Scandinavian journal of respiratory diseases Munksgaard.
0080-6730 Scandinavian journal of respiratory diseases. Supplementum Munksgaard.
0300-9742 Scandinavian journal of rheumatology Almqvist & Wiksell
0301-3847 Scandinavian journal of rheumatology Almqvist & Wiksell
1502-7732 Scandinavian journal of rheumatology Taylor & Francis
0036-5599 Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology Almquist & Wiksell periodical company
1651-2065 Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0300-8886 Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology. Supplementum Almqvist & Wiksell periodical company
0355-3140 Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health Swedish Medical Society; Occupational Health Foundation; Work Research Institutes; Workers' Protection Fund
1795-990X Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health (e-vir) Institute of Occupational Health
0161-0457 Scanning Gerhard Witzstrock Pub. House
1932-8745 Scanning (e-vir) FAMS
0586-5581 Scanning electron microscopy IIT Research Institute.
0891-7035 Scanning microscopy Scanning Microscopy International
0892-953X Scanning microscopy Scanning Microscopy International.
0343-3560 Schaden-Prisma Grützmacher
0370-9019 Schädlingsbekämpfung Hygiene-Verlag; Kehrer
0721-4200 Schattauer-Praxis-Bücherei Schattauer.
0945-246X Schering Foundation workshop Schering Foundation.
0036-603X Schiff & Hafen Seehafen-Verl..
0371-294X Schiffbau, Schiffahrt und Hafenbau [s.n.]
0036-6129 Schizophrenia American Schizophrenia Association.; American Schizophrenia Foundation.
0371-0130 Schlachthofwesen und Lebensmittelueberwachung [s.n.]
0487-6245 Schlägel und Eisen Marklein
0371-2176 Schleif-, Polier- und Oberflächentechnik [s.n.]
0370-9159 Schleif- Poliertechnik [s.n.]
0370-8993 Schleif- und Poliertechnik [s.n.]
0371-5000 Schmelzschweissung [s.n.]
0170-0596 Schmerzstudien Fischer.
0370-9043 Schmiertechnik Gesellschaft für Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik.
0036-6218 Schmiertechnik + Tribologie Vincentz
0036-6226 Schmierungstechnik Verlag Technik
1607-8845 School of fundamental medicine journal Faculty of Fundamental Medicine.
0099-5886 School of Pharmacy Bulletin, University of Wisconsin Extension Division
0036-6803 School science and mathematics s.n.
1949-8594 School science and mathematics (e-vir) [publisher not identified]
0036-6811 School science review John Murray
0586-7665 Schott-Information Schott-
0370-9795 Schriften aus dem Gebiet der Brennstoff-Geologie [s.n.]
0342-1376 Schriften der GDMB, Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhütten- und Bergleute Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhütten- und Bergleute e.V.
1433-5506 Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Zentralbibliothek
1433-5522 Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Zentralbibliothek.
1433-5530 Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
1433-5549 Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Zentralbibliothek
1433-5581 Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich Forschungszentrum <Jülich> / Internationales Büro
0077-6165 Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schleswig-Holstein Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Schleswig-Holstein
1867-7428 Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schleswig-Holstein Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Schleswig-Holstein
0371-4608 Schriften des Vereines zur Verbreitung Naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse in Wien Verein zur Verbreitung Naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse
0946-4530 Schriftenreihe "Nachwachsende Rohstoffe" Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V.; FNR.
0341-9819 Schriftenreihe Arbeitsschutz Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz.
0172-536X Schriftenreihe aus dem Fachgebiet Getreidetechnologie Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie, Getreidetechnologie :; Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität, Abteilung Publikationen.
0941-8806 Schriftenreihe Biologische Abwasserreinigung
0558-9460 Schriftenreihe der ärztlichen Fortbildung Verl. Volk u. Gesundheit
0932-4712 Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz. Gefährliche Arbeitsstoffe Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz.
0932-4828 Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz. Tagungsbericht Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz.
1433-2086 Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin.
0342-4944 Schriftenreihe der Bundesapothekerkammer zur wissenschaftlichen Fortbildung Bundesapothekerkammer.
0721-1457 Schriftenreihe der Bundesapothekerkammer zur wissenschaftlichen Fortbildung Bundesapothekerkammer.
0341-860X Schriftenreihe der Bundesapothekerkammer zur wissenschaftlichen Fortbildung. Gelbe Reihe Werbe- und vertriebsgesellschaft Deutscher Apotheker mbH.
0417-1829 Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft Wolle Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Wolle.
0939-8929 Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Phytomedizinischen Gesellschaft Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft.
0171-2225 Schriftenreihe der erdwissenschaftlichen Kommissionen Springer.
0429-1727 Schriftenreihe der Forschungsgemeinschaft schweizerischer Lackfabrikanten Forschungsgemeinschaft schweizerischer Lackfabrikanten.; Verband schweizerischer Lack- und Farbenfabrikanten.
0436-1210 Schriftenreihe der Forstlichen Fakultät der Universität Göttingen und Mitteilungen der Niedersächsischen Forstlichen Versuchsanstalt J. D. Sauerlander's Verlag
0930-4312 Schriftenreihe der GBF Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung mbH Braunschweig-Stöckheim.
0720-1877 Schriftenreihe der GDMB, Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhütten- und Bergleute Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhütten- und Bergleute.
0723-9637 Schriftenreihe der GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH.; GTZ.
0535-2606 Schriftenreihe der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Nahrungs- und Vitalstoff-Forschung e.V Internationale Gesellschaft für Nahrungs und Vitalstoff-Forschung
0342-9474 Schriftenreihe der Landesanstalt für Immissionsschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Landesanstalt für Immissionsschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.; Landesanstalt für Immissionsschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen.
0172-7826 Schriftenreihe der Landesanstalt für Wasser und Abfall des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Landesanstalt für Wasser und Abfall Nordrhein-Westfalen.
0341-2199 Schriftenreihe der LIB, Landesanstalt für Immissions- und Bodennutzungsschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Essen Girardet.
0172-0031 Schriftenreihe der Medizinisch-orthopädischen Technik Gentner.
0344-8770 Schriftenreihe der Technischen Hochschule in Wien Springer in Komm.
0487-7217 Schriftenreihe der Zementindustrie Beton Verlag GmbH.
0370-8829 Schriftenreihe des Bundesministers für Atomkernenergie und Wasserwirtschaft. Kernenergierecht [s.n.]
0723-7847 Schriftenreihe des Bundesministers für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten.
0370-8594 Schriftenreihe des Bundesministers für Wissenschaftliche Forschung Gersbach und Sohn Verlag
0370-8810 Schriftenreihe des Bundesministers für Wissenschaftliche Forschung Gersbach und Sohn Verlag
0407-9000 Schriftenreihe des Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Kalkindustrie e. V Bauverlag.
0417-3376 Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Atomforums Das Deutsche Atomforum
0170-8147 Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Verbandes für Wasserwirtschaft und Kulturbau Parey in Komm..
0170-6322 Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Wollforschungsinstitutes an der Technischen Hochschule Aachen Deutsches Wollforschungsinstitut an der Technischen Hochschule Aachen e.V.
1618-9965 Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Experimentelle Toxikologie Institut für Experimentelle Toxikologie, Universitätsklinikum Kiel
0947-4250 Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Toxikologie der Universität Kiel Institut für Toxikologie, Universitätsklinikum Kiel
0371-1943 Schriftenreihe des Oesterreichischen Wasserwirtschaftsverbandes Springer-Verlag
0300-8665 Schriftenreihe des Vereins für Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene Verein für Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene e.V.
1436-1094 Schriftenreihe - Frauhofer-Institut Atmospärische Umweltforschung Fraunhofer-Institut für Atmosphärische Umweltforschung
0323-8946 Schriftenreihe für geologische Wissenschaften Akad.-Verl.,
0342-4448 Schriftenreihe Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Anästhesiologie Thieme.
0174-4003 Schriftenreihe Kunststoff-Forschung Univ.-Verl. der Technischen Universität Berlin
2197-814X Schriftenreihe Kunststoff-Forschung (e-vir) Univ.-Verl. der Technischen Universität Berlin
0582-1347 Schriftenreihen der Bauforschung. Reihe Technik und Organisation Bauakademie der DDR.
0371-3164 Schriftenreihe Schweissen + Schneiden Deutscher Verlag für Schweisstechnik GmbH.
0721-5282 Schriftenreihe WAR Bibliothek des Instituts WAR, Wasserversorgung, Abwassertechnik, Abfalltechnik, Umwelt- und Raumplanung der TU Darmstadt.
1430-0982 Schriftenreihe Wasserforschung Wasserforschung e.V.; Interdisziplinärer Forschungsverbund Wasserforschung.
0946-7939 Schüttgut Trans Tech Publ.
0371-4748 Schwachstrom Westphal
1027-3352 Schweiss- & Prüftechnik Österreichische Gesellschaft für Schweisstechnik
0036-7184 Schweissen + Schneiden Deutscher Verlag für Schweisstechnik GmbH
0036-7192 Schweisstechnik Verlag Technik
0253-5262 Schweisstechnik Österreichische Gesellschaft für Schweisstechnik
0376-2181 Schweisstechnik Schweizerische Vereins für Schweisstechnik
0371-3156 Schweiss- und Schneidbrenner [s.n.].
0036-7257 Schweizer Aluminium Rundschau Interessengemeinschaft der Schweizer Aluminium Rundschau
0036-7265 Schweizer Archiv Vogt-Schild AG
0036-7273 Schweizer Archiv fuer Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie Art. Institut Orell Fuessli AG
0036-7281 Schweizer Archiv fuer Tierheilkunde Orell Füssli Graphische Betriebe AG
0370-8373 Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie xx
1664-2848 Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde (e-vir) H. Huber, Hogrefe
0036-7311 Schweizer Brauerei-Rundschau Schweizer Brauerei-rundschau
0370-9264 Schweizer Chemiker-Zeitung und Technik-Industrie Schweizerischer Chemikerverband.
0036-7508 Schweizerische Apotheker-Zeitung Journal Suisse de Pharmacie
0036-7524 Schweizerische Bauzeitung Schweizerische Bauzeitung
0036-7540 Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung C. Langlois; Bienenzeitung Abonnementendienst
0036-7559 Schweizerische Blaetter fuer Heizung + Lueftung J. H. Waser and Soehne
0370-9051 Schweizerische Chemiker-Zeitung Rascher,
0370-968X Schweizerische Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift Schweizerischer Elektrotechnischer Verein.; Verband schweizerischer Elektrizitätswerke.
0253-5211 Schweizerische Laboratoriums-Zeitschrift Schweizerischer Laborpersonalverband.
0036-763X Schweizerische Landwirtschaftliche Forschung Benteli Verlag
0036-7648 Schweizerische Landwirtschaftliche Monatshefte Benteli AG
0036-7672 Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift Schwabe und Co
0250-5525 Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift Schwabe & Company
0255-9056 Schweizerische Milchwirtschaftliche Forschung Schweizerische Milchzeitung
0370-9108 Schweizerische Milchzeitung Kuehn und Co
0036-7699 Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen Verlag Leemann
0036-7702 Schweizerische Monatsschrift fuer Zahnheilkunde Buchdruckerei Berichthaus
0256-2855 Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin "Monatsschrift für Zahnmedicine"
0371-4721 Schweizerische Photo-Zeitung Schweizerischer Photographenverband
0036-7974 Schweizerisches Patent-, Muster- und Markenblatt / Eidgenössisches Amt für Geistiges Eigentum; Schweiz; Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum
0040-151X Schweizerische technische Zeitschrift Schweizerischer Technischer Verband - STV; STV-Verlags AG der Ingenieure und Architekten
0371-4667 Schweizerische Wochenschrift für Chemie und Pharmacie Schweizerische Wochenschrift für Chemie Pharmacie,
0371-4713 Schweizerische Wochenschrift für Pharmacie Schweizerische Wochenschrift für Pharmacie,
0036-7842 Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Hydrologie Birkhaeuser Verlag
0371-4942 Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Obst- und Weinbau Buchdruckerei A. Stutz & Co
0036-7885 Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Sportmedizin Medecine et Hygiene
0371-487X Schweizerische Zeitschrift für allgemeine Pathologie und Bakteriologie Karger,
0371-4888 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Biochemie Buchdruckerei W. Tschanz & H. Flück,
0036-7818 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen Schweizerischer Forstverein
0371-490X Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe Schwabe,
0371-4950 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Pathologie und Bakteriologie Karger,
0371-4969 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Pharmacie Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Pharmacie,
0371-4985 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose und Pneumonologie Schweizerische Vereinigung gegen die Tuberkulose; Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Tuberkulose-Ärzte
0036-7907 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessung, Photogrammetrie und Kulturtechnik Buchdruckerei Winterthur
0370-9213 Schweizer Strahler Schweizerische Vereinigung der Strahler und Mineraliensammler.; Schweizerische Vereinigung der Strahler, Mineralien- und Fossiliensammler.
0133-1027 Sciencaj komunikaãjoj - Budapeŝta Teritoria Komitato de Hungara Esperanto-Asocio Budapeŝta Teritoria Komitato de Hungara Esperanto-Asocio.
0048-9557 Scienca revuo Internacia scienca asocio esperantista.; ISAE.
0370-9183 Scienca Rondo [s.n.]
0036-8075 Science American Association for the Advancement of Science
0193-4511 Science American Association for the Advancement of Science
1095-9203 Science (e-vir) American Association for the Advancement of Science
0036-8164 Science & Engineering India Society of Engineers
0371-0343 Science & industrie [s.n.],
1876-4452 Science & justice (e-vir) Elsevier
1938-2774 Science & medicine (e-vir) Science & Medicine
0371-2729 Science & recherche odontostomatologiques EDIMS,
0765-1597 Science & sports Ed. scientifiques Elsevier
1778-4131 Science & sports (e-vir) Elsevier
0036-8245 Science & technology International Communications
0370-8861 Science abstracts Institution of Electrical Engineers.
0559-0949 Science Abstracts of China, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
0582-1932 Science Abstracts of China, Medicine Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China,
0559-0957 Science Abstracts of China, Technical Sciences Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China,
0099-5878 Science and Appliance
0586-9668 Science and archaeology Research Centre for Computer Archaeology.
0036-875X Science and Australian technology Research Publications.
0036-8156 Science and Culture Indian Science New Association
0792-1233 Science and engineering of composite materials Walter de Gruyter
2191-0359 Science and engineering of composite materials de Gruyter
0970-5139 Science and Environment Mohd. Abdul Munim.
0036-8199 Science and Industry c/o Publications Branch, Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
0370-906X Science and Industry Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry.
1355-0306 Science and justice Forensic Science Society
1087-3309 Science and medicine Science & Medicine
0731-1680 Science and practice of surgery [M. Dekker],
0080-7443 Science and psychoanalysis Academy of Psychoanalysis.; American Academy of Psychoanalysis.
0080-7451 Science and technology American Astronautical Society.
0156-1464 Science and technology Research Publications.
0371-3342 Science and Technology in China Natural Science Society of China
1468-6996 Science and technology of advanced materials Elsevier
1878-5514 Science and technology of advanced materials (e-vir) [Elsevier]
1347-9466 Science and technology of energetic materials Kayaku Gakkai.
1221-6909 Science and Technology of Environmental Protection Zecasin,
1743-2936 Science and technology of welding & joining (e-vir) Maney Pub..
1362-1718 Science and technology of welding and joining Institute of Materials
1513-1874 ScienceAsia (e-vir) Science Society of Thailand, under Royal Patronage and the National Research Council of Thailand
Y506-6417 ScienceAsia (e-vir) Science Society of Thailand
0038-1934 Science bulletin Department of Agricultural Technical Services
0497-1884 Science Bulletin - Desert Botanical Garden Desert Botanical Garden.
0369-5867 Science Bulletin - New South Wales, Department of Agriculture Alfred Henry Pettifer, Govt Printer.
0036-8261 Science Bulletin of the Science Foundation of the Philippines National Science Development Board, c/o Science Information Service.
0582-2009 Science chronicle Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
0115-7809 Science Diliman NSDB-UP Integrated Research Program.
2012-0818 Science Diliman University of the Philippines, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development
0036-8318 Science du sol Association francaise pour l'étude du sol
0767-2853 Science du sol A.F.E.S.
0036-8326 Science education W.G. Whitman
1098-237X Science education Wiley
0370-9221 Science et industrie [s.n.]
0371-1056 Science et industrie [s.n.],
0371-0378 Science et industries photographiques P. Montel
0036-8350 Science et pêche Institut scientifique et technique des pêches maritimes (France)
0151-1637 Science et technique du froid Institut international du froid = International Institute of Refrigeration
0097-5400 Science for the Farmer
0036-8393 Science forum University of Toronto Press.
0191-2151 Science in Alaska. Selected papers of the Alaskan Science Conference of the National Academy of Science, National Research Council Arctic Institute of North America.
0253-5831 Science in China Science Press
1001-652X Science in China Science Press
1006-9283 Science in China Science in China Press
1006-9291 Science in China Science in China Press; Springer
1006-9305 Science in China Science in China Press
1006-9313 Science in China Science in China Press
1006-9321 Science in China Science in China Press
1862-2771 Science in China Science China Press; Springer
1862-2798 Science in China Science China Press; Springer
1862-2801 Science in China Science China Press; Springer
1862-281X Science in China (e-vir) Springer; Science China Press
2095-0624 Science in China Science in China Press
2095-0640 Science in China Science in China Press
1001-6511 Science in China. Series A, Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy & Technological Sciences Science Press
0371-019X Science in Iceland Vísindafélag Íslendinga
0310-4303 Science in New Guinea University of Papua New Guinea.
0097-0611 Science in progress Yale University Press
1013-5316 Science international Publications International.
0582-2092 Science journal IPC Business Press
0379-0541 Science Journal of Shivaji University Shivaji University
0036-8423 Science news Science Service]
1943-0930 Science news (e-vir) Science Service
0371-1528 Science News and Journal of Physical Chemistry [s.n.]
0096-4018 Science news letter Science Service
0098-5600 Science of biology journal s.n.]
0080-7575 Science of Ceramics British Ceramic Society
0080-7583 Science of Light Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku. Kogaku Kenkyujo :; Institute for Optical Research
0350-820X Science of sintering Yugoslav Association for ETAN
1820-7413 Science of sintering (e-vir) International Institute for the Science of Sintering
0048-9697 Science of the total environment Elsevier
1879-1026 Science of the total environment (e-vir) Elsevier
0036-8490 Science progrès découverte Dunod
0371-2311 Science progrès la Nature Dunod
0036-8504 Science progress Science Reviews
2047-7163 Science progress (e-vir) John Murray
0371-246X Science Quarterly of the National University of Peking
0559-1244 Science Record Science Press
0036-8512 Science Reporter CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR)
0474-781X Science report - Osaka University. College of General Education Osaka Daigaku. Kyäoyäobu.
0371-3903 Science Reports, Tohoku University, Series 3, Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology Prof Yoshinori, Tohoku Daigaku
0371-2796 Science Reports, University of Chekiang
0371-1676 Science Reports of National Tsing Hua University s.n.],
0371-1668 Science Reports of National Tsing Hua University, Series C: Geological, Geographical, and Meteorological Sciences
0369-576X Science Reports of Niigata University, Series A: Mathematics Niigata Daigaku Rigakubu
0371-2699 Science Reports of Niigata University, Series B: Physics Niigata Daigaku Rigakubu.
0369-4356 Science Reports of Niigata University, Series C: Chemistry Niigata Daigaku Rigakubu.
0371-2672 Science Reports of Niigata University, Series D: Biology Niigata Daigaku Rigakubu.
0369-5638 Science Reports of Niigata University, Series E: Geology and Mineralogy Niigata University. Faculty of Science.
0558-2431 Science reports of Saitama University. Series A, Mathematics,physics, chemistry and biochemistry Saitama University. Faculty of Science
0371-2591 Science reports of the Faculty of Literature and Science, Hirosaki University Hirosaki Daigaku. Bunri Gakubu.
0367-6439 Science Reports of the Hirosaki University Hirosaki University. Faculty of Science.
0022-8338 Science reports of the Kanazawa University Kanazawa University; Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University; Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
0371-280X Science Reports of the National University of Peking
0376-1053 Science reports of the Research Institutes, Täohoku University. Series B Technology Täohoku Daigaku. Denki Tsäushin Kenkyäujo.
0040-8808 Science Reports of the Research Institutes, Tohoku University, Series A: Physics, Chemistry, and Metallurgy Prof. Tadao Fukuroi, Kinzoku Zairyo Kenkyusho
0371-2761 Science Reports of the Research Institutes, Tohoku University, Series C: Medicine Prof Dr S. Oka, Research Institute for Tuberculosis and Leprosy, Tohoku University
0082-4666 Science Reports of the Research Institutes, Tohoku University, Series D: Agriculture Director M. Sakamoto, Tohoku Daigaku Nogaku Kenkyusho
0558-244X Science reports of the Saitama University. Series B, Biology and earth sciences Saitama Daigaku
0371-2753 Science reports of the Society for the Research of Theoretical Chemistry Society for the Research of Physics-Chemistry.; Society for the Research of Theoretical Chemistry.; Kinki Daigaku. Butsuri Kagaku Kenkyäukai.
0371-3490 Science reports of the Täohoku Imperial University. First series, Mathematics, physics, chemistry Täohoku Teikoku Daigaku.
0388-5607 Science reports of the Täohoku University. Eighth series, Physics and astronomy Täohoku Daigaku. Rigakubu.; Touhoku daigaku daigakuin rigaku kenkyuuka.
0371-3504 Science reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, series 3. Mineralogy, petrology, economic geology Tohoku Imperial University.
0371-3482 Science reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, series 4. Biology Tohoku Imperial University.
0082-464X Science reports of the Tohoku University Tohoku University. Faculty of Science. Institute of Geology and Paleontology
0040-8786 Science reports of the Tohoku University, series 4. Biology Tohoku University.
0040-8778 Science reports of the Tohoku University. First series, Chemistry Täohoku Daigaku. Rigakubu.; Täohoku Daigaku. Daigakuin. Rigakukenkyäuka.
0371-5612 Science reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku ;; Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku
2518-136X Science Reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku (e-vir) Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku
0371-3334 Science reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, section A. Mathematics, physics, chemistry Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku. Physical Institute
0371-5620 Science reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, Section C Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku.
2518-1351 Science reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku (e-vir) Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku
0371-3547 Science Reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku
0371-3539 Science Reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Section A Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Isao Ono, Secy
0371-3555 Science Reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Section C: Geology, Mineralogy and Geography Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Masae Omori, Secy.
0085-8366 Science reports of the Yokohama National University. Section 1. Mathematics, physics, chemistry Yokohama Kokuritsu Daigaku. Kyoiku Gakubu.
0250-5533 Science Research News Science Research News.
0370-9175 Science Resource Letter Indian Institute of Technology
0253-6684 Science review Indian Science News Association.
0036-8520 Science Review National Science Development Board, Port Area.
0376-1231 Sciences AFAS
0377-5135 Sciences, techniques, informations CRIAC [s.n.]
0250-5541 Sciences, techniques, informations IRS Institut de recherches scientifiques.
0036-8644 Sciences & industries spatiales SADESI,
0370-8411 Sciences Agronomiques Rennes Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique de Rennes
0298-6663 Sciences de l'eau Groupement d'intérêt scientifique pour les sciences de l'eau (France)
0335-9255 Sciences de la terre Fondation scientifique de la géologie et de ses applications (Nancy); Université de Nancy I; Centre de recherches pétrographiques et géochimiques (France); Ecole nationale supérieure de géologie appliquée et de prospection minière (Nancy)
0371-3431 Sciences de la terre Fondation scientifique de la géologie et de ses applications, Nancy.
0582-2300 Sciences de la terre Ecole nationale supérieure de géologie appliquée et de prospection minière (Nancy)
0240-8813 Sciences des aliments Lavoisier abonnements
0190-1478 Science series Colorado State University. Range Science Dept.
0036-8628 Sciences et l'Enseignement des sciences Ed. scientifiques Hermann,
0823-0269 Sciences et techniques de l'eau Association québécoise des techniques de l'eau.
0373-1219 Sciences et techniques pharmaceutiques Société française des sciences et techniques pharmaceutiques.
0302-2684 Sciences géologiques Institut de géologie (Strasbourg)
0302-2692 Sciences géologiques Université Louis-Pasteur,
0048-9727 Sciences médicales SPEI [Société de propagande édition information],
1432-9492 Sciences of soils HintzeOnline.; Springer.
1323-1413 Science spectra (e-vir) EBSCO Publishing (Firm)
0301-0635 Sciences pharmaceutiques et biologiques de Lorraine Société de pharmacie de Nancy.
0096-4026 Science studies / St. Bonaventure College.; St. Bonaventure University.
0036-8598 Science tools LKB-produkter
0036-8679 Scientia Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.
0036-8687 Scientia Nora Bonetti
0103-9016 Scientia agrícola Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz.; Universidade de São Paulo, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura
1678-992X Scientia Agrícola (e-vir) Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz.; Universidade de São Paulo, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura
0582-2343 Scientia agriculturae bohemoslovaca Ústav vědeckotechnických informací; Československá akademie zemědělská - ÚVTIZ,Ústav vědeckotechnických informací pro zemědělství
0036-8695 Scientia electrica S. Hirzel
0370-9000 Scientia Genetica Rosenberg e Sellier.
0304-4238 Scientia horticulturae Elsevier
1879-1018 Scientia horticulturae (e-vir) Elsevier
1026-3098 Scientia iranica Sharif University of Technology
0214-8358 Scientia marina Instituto de Ciencias del Mar
1886-8134 Scientia marina Institut de Ciències del Mar
0559-1430 Scientia medica italica Il Pensiero scientifico.
0559-1449 Scientia medica italica Il Pensiero scientifico.
2218-0532 Scientia pharmaceutica (e-vir) Scientia pharmaceutica, 2006-
0036-8709 Scientia Pharmaceutica Oesterreichische Apotheker-Verlagsgesellschat MBH
0253-5823 Scientia sinica. Series B. Chemical, biological, agricultural, medical and earth sciences Science Press
0370-887X Scientific Agriculture National Committee on Agricultural Services.
0036-8733 Scientific American Munn & Co.
0096-3763 Scientific American [Munn and Co., etc.]
1946-7087 Scientific American (e-vir) Munn & Co.
1068-6746 Scientific American science & medicine Scientific American,
0036-8741 Scientific and technical aerospace reports NASA
0147-6882 Scientific and technical information processing Allerton Press.
1934-8118 Scientific and technical information processing (e-vir) Allerton Press
0583-6719 Scientific and Technical Report - Soap and Detergent Association The Soap and Detergent Association.
0144-2074 Scientific and technical surveys - British Food Manufacturing Industries Research Association British Food Manufacturing Industries Research Association.
0275-0112 Scientific basis for nuclear waste management Materials Research Society.
0080-7729 Scientific basis of medicine British Postgraduate Medical Federation.
1220-305X Scientific Bulletin Polytechnic Institute
1454-2331 Scientific Bulletin "Politehnica" University
1505-1013 Scientific Bulletin Politechnika Łódzka.
0381-2588 Scientific bulletin - Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology Canada. Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology.
0454-322X Scientific communications - Research department, N.V. Koninklijke pharmaceutische fabrieken v/h Brocades-Stheeman & Pharmacia Brocades
1930-5753 Scientific computing Reed Business Information
1930-6156 Scientific computing (e-vir) Reed Business Information
1524-2560 Scientific computing & instrumentation Cahners
0934-4365 Scientific drilling Springer Internat.
0080-7737 Scientific horticulture Horticultural Education Association.; Institute of Horticulture (Great Britain)
1565-1533 Scientific Israel: technological advantages Polymate Ltd.-Israel Research Center,
0371-0947 Scientific lubrication Scientific Publications,
0096-3623 Scientific lubrication and liquid fuel American Society of Lubrication Engineers.
0371-2214 Scientific papers from the Osaka University Osaka University. Faculty of Science.
1505-4217 Scientific Papers of Agricultural University of Poznań Agricultural University of Poznań.; Akademia Rolnicza, Poznań.
0096-6231 Scientific papers of the Bureau of Standards United States.
0289-7520 Scientific papers of the College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo University of Tokyo. College of Arts and Sciences
0040-8964 Scientific papers of the College of General Education, University of Tokyo University of Tokyo. College of General Education
0020-3092 Scientific Papers of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research Rikagaku Kenkyusho
1210-2547 Scientific Papers of the University of Chemical Technology Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická
1211-5541 Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series A, Faculty of Chemical Technology Univerzita Pardubice
0164-1999 Scientific presentations of the ... annual meeting American Animal Hospital Association.
0371-2303 Scientific proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society Royal Dublin Society
0080-4339 Scientific proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Series A Royal Dublin Society.
0080-4347 Scientific proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Series B Royal Dublin Society.
0367-1887 Scientific publication Freshwater Biological Association.; Freshwater Biological Association of the British Empire.
0555-8913 Scientific publication Pan American Health Organization
0367-5750 Scientific Publications - Hebrew Technical College, Haifa Technion Scientific Publications.
0371-5507 Scientific Publications Series Secy, Tea Board
1344-848X Scientific report of the College of Agriculture, Osaka Prefecture University Osaka Furitsu Daigaku. Näogakubu.
0068-1261 Scientific reports British Antarctic Survey.
0367-2018 Scientific reports Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey.; Great Britain.
0371-022X Scientific reports from the Government Institute for Infectious Diseases of Tokyo Imperial University Tokyo Imperial University. Government Institute for Infectious Diseases.
0371-2532 Scientific reports of the Ehime Agricultural College Ehime Agricultural College.
0579-0972 Scientific Reports of the Istituto superiore di sanità Istituto superiore di sanità.
0371-098X Scientific reports of the Matsuyama Agricultural College Matsuyama Agricultural College.
0036-8830 Scientific researches East Regional Laboratories, Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
0318-5850 Scientific series Canada. Inland Waters Directorate.
0576-2324 Scientific series Canada. Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. Inland Waters Branch.
0371-1021 Scientific Series. Department of Agriculture Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States Federated Malay States Government Press
0582-253X Scientific South Africa South African Associated Newspapers
0099-586X Scientific Tree Topics Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories.
1310-5817 Scientific Works of the Medical University of Pleven Medicina i fizkultura
0204-9546 Scientific works of the Medical University-Pleven Medicina i Fizkultura
0105-2403 Scientifur NJF's Fur Animal Division
0582-2556 Scientist Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
0138-9130 Scientometrics Springer; Akadémiai Kiadó
1588-2861 Scientometrics (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó; [Kluwer Academic Publishers]
0036-8865 Scienza dell'Alimentazione S.I.E.S.
0582-2580 Scienza e tecnica Società italiana per il progresso delle scienze
0390-6361 Scienza e tecnica lattiero-casearia Associazione italiana tecnici del latte; Quine,
0304-0410 Scienza e tecnologia degli alimenti Edagricole.
1353-114X SCI lecture papers series Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain)
0131-1808 Scintillâtory i organičeskie lûminofory.; Сцинтилляторы и органические люминофоры Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut monokristallov, scintillâcionnyh materialov i osobo čistyh himičeskih veŝestv; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт монокристаллов, сцинтилляционных материалов и особо чистых химических веществ.
0190-597X SciQuest American Chemical Society.
0271-972X SCOPE report International Council of Scientific Unions. Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment.
0036-9101 Scottish agriculture Great Britain.
0036-9217 Scottish Forestry Royal Scottish Foresty Society
0370-9760 Scottish forestry journal Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society.; Royal Scottish Forestry Society.
0036-9276 Scottish journal of geology Geological Society Publishing House
2041-4951 Scottish journal of geology (e-vir) Geological Society Publishing House
0036-9330 Scottish medical journal Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh.; Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow.; Edinburgh Obstetrical Society.
2045-6441 Scottish medical journal (e-vir) Royal Society of Medicine Press
0925-6164 Screening Elsevier
1878-3643 Screening (e-vir) International Society of Neonatal Screening
0143-7690 Scrip PJB Publications Ltd
1211-281X Scripta. Geology Masaryk University, Faculty of Science
0371-4144 Scripta facultatis scientiarum naturalium Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity J.E.Purkyně
0341-3772 Scripta geobotanica Goltze.
0375-7587 Scripta geologica Rijksmuseum van geologie en mineralogie
1876-2077 Scripta geologica Naturalis
0080-8369 Scripta Hierosolymitana Hebrew University
1359-6462 Scripta materialia Elsevier
1872-8456 Scripta Materialia (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
1211-3395 Scripta medica Facultatis medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae Masarykova univerzita
0036-9721 Scripta medica facultatis medicae Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis Univerzita J.E. Prukyně
0036-9748 Scripta Metallurgica Pergamon
0956-716X Scripta metallurgica et materialia Pergamon Press
0582-3250 Scripta scientifica medica Medicina i fizkultura.
1314-6408 Scripta scientifica medica (e-vir) Universitetsko izdatelstvo na MU-Varna
0375-0582 Scripta Varia - Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarum
0559-233X Scuola in Azione E.N.I..
0036-9942 Sdělovací technika Ministerstvo strojírenství
2336-8322 Sdělovací technika (e-vir) Sdělovací technika s.r.o.
1226-976X Se'ra'miseuteu.; 세라미스트 Han'gug yo'eob haghoe; 한국요업학회
0099-5843 Seafood Business
0097-6814 Seafood merchandising H. L. Peace Publications.
0129-5721 SEAISI Quarterly South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute.
0250-3336 Seąnur Daihaggyo ąNyaghag Ronmunjib Seoul Daihaggyo ąNyaghag Ronmun.
0037-0169 Seara Médica Neurocirúrgica Academia Brasileira de Neurocirurgia
0004-9549 Search Australian and New Zealand Society for the Advancement of Science
0362-2754 Search Cornell University. Agricultural Experiment Station.; New York State Agricultural Experiment Station.; New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
0748-5468 Search Cornell University.; New York State Agricultural Experiment Station.; New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.; New York State College of Agriculture.; New York State College of Human Ecology.
0096-6843 Sea View Hospital bulletin Clinical Society of Sea View Hospital.
0575-450X Sea Water Conversion Laboratory report University of California, Berkeley.
0037-0495 Secchaku Kobunshi Kankokai
0559-2593 Sechenov Physiological Journal of the USSR
0895-7479 Second messengers and phosphoproteins Marcel Dekker
0167-8523 Secretory process Elsevier
0037-0738 Sedimentary geology Elsevier
1879-0968 Sedimentary geology (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0576-2332 Sediment data, Canadian rivers Water Survey of Canada
0100-2821 Sedimentologia e Pedologia Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Laboratorio de Sedimentologia e Pedologia
0559-2704 Sedimentologija Zavod za geološka i geofizička istraživanja
0037-0746 Sedimentology Blackwell Publishing
1365-3091 Sedimentology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0726-2248 Seed & nursery trader
0370-9787 Seed and Garden Merchandising
0379-5594 Seed research Indian Agricultural Research Institute.
0251-0952 Seed science and technology International Seed Testing Association
0960-2585 Seed science research CAB International
1475-2735 Seed science research (e-vir) CABI Publications
0037-0797 Seed world Issues Ink
0266-7851 SEESOIL Wye College.
1347-4219 Seibutsu butsuri (e-vir) Nihon Seibutsu Butsuri Gakkai
0582-4052 Seibutsu Butsuri Nihon Seibutsu Butsuri Gakkai
0031-9082 Seibutsu butsuri kagaku Denki eido gakkai; Nihon denki eido gakkai
0045-2033 Seibutsu Kagaku Iwanami Shoten; Nihon seibutsu kagakusha kyokai
0919-3758 Seibutsu kōgaku kaishi Nippon Seibutsu Kōgakkai
1340-7376 Seibutsu no kagaku iden. Bessatsu Shokabo; Enu, Ti, Esu
0913-3763 Seibutsu shiryo bunseki Seibutsu shiryo bunseki kagaku kenkyukai; Seibutsu shiryo bunseki kagakkai; Seibutsu shiryo bunseki kagakkai
0287-7775 Seichäo Society for the Study of Growth.
0370-9493 Seide Kleinsche Druckerei.
0370-9507 Seifenfabrikant [s.n.]
0371-3296 Seifensieder-Zeitung Verlag für Chem. Industrie Ziolkowsky.
0371-1080 Sei-i-kai zasshi Tokyo Jikeikai Ika Daigaku
0037-1017 Seikagaku Nihon seikagakkai
0582-415X Seikai-ku Suisan Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Seikai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory.; Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute.
0582-4176 Seikatsu eisei Urban Living and Health Association.
0559-3042 Seikatsu Kagaku Fukuoka Joshi Daigaku Kaseigakubu
0386-7536 Seikatsu Kagaku Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Miyagi Gakuin Women's College. Institute of Living Sciences.
1346-6534 Seikatsu kankyo kagaku kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku Miyagi gakuin joshi daigaku seikatsu kankyo kagaku kenkyujo,
0037-1025 Seikatsu to kankyo Nihon kankyo eisei kyokai; Nihon Kankyo Eisei Senta
0919-9888 Seikei Daigaku käogaku kenkyäu häokoku Seikei University. Faculty of Engineering.
0582-4184 Seikei Daigaku Kogakubu Kogaku Hokoku Seikei Daigaku Kogakubu.
1880-2265 Seikei Daigaku Rikougaku kenkyuu houkoku Seikei University. Faculty of Science and Technology.
0915-4027 Seikei kakou Purasuchikku Seikei Kako Gakkai
0080-8539 Seiken Jiho Kihara Institute for Biological Research.; Yokohama City University. Kihara Institute for Biological Research.
0387-2289 Sei Marianna Ika Daigaku zasshi Sei Marianna Ika Daigaku; Sei marianna ika daigaku igakkai
0288-1578 Seimei Kagaku Kenkyujo kiyo Jochi Daigaku. Seimei Kagaku Kenkyujo
0919-5351 Seimei Käogaku Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku National Institute of Bioscience and Human-technology.
0374-3543 Seimitsu kikai Seiki kyokai; 精機協會
0912-0289 Seimitsu Kōgakkaishi Seimitsu Kōgakkai
0285-3299 Seirigaku Gijutsu Kenkyäukai häokoku Okazaki Kokuritsu Kyäodäo Kenkyäu Kikäo. Seirigaku Kenkyäujo. Gijutsuka.
0913-0322 Seirigaku Kenkyūjo Gijutsuka hōkoku Okazaki Kokuritsu Kyōdō Kenkyū Kikō. Seirigaku Kenkyūjo. Gijutsuka; Shizen kagaku kenkyuu kikou seirigaku kenkyuujo
0370-9612 Seiri Seitai Hoshino shoten; 星野書店
0037-105X Seisan-Kenkyu Tokyo Daigaku Seisan Gijutsu Kenkyujo
0387-2211 Seisan to gijutsu Seisan Gijutsu Shinko Kyokai
0385-1907 Seisäo gihäo Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Bureau of Pulic Cleansing.; Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Bureau of Waste Management.
0910-3627 Seitai bäogyo Raifu Saiensu.
1344-6924 Seitai Bunshi Kaiseki Kenkyäu Sentäa dayori Osaka University. Institute for Protein Research. Research Center for Structural Biology.
0371-0548 Seitaigaku Kenkyu Tohoku Daigaku Hokkadasan Shokubutsu Jikkenjo, c/o Tohoku Daigaku Kigakubu Seibutsugaku Kyoshitsu.
1347-443X Seitai ikogaku =; 生体医工学 Nihon emui gakkai; Nihon gakkai jimu senta; 日本エム・イー学会 ;; 日本学会事務センター; Nihon emui gakkai; 日本エム・イー学会; Nihon Seitai Iko Gakkai; 日本生体医工学会
0386-8141 Seitai kagaku Saientisutosha.
0370-9531 Seitai No Kagaku Igaku Shoin
0910-304X Seitai zairyäo Japanese Society for Biomaterials.; JJSB.
1343-4330 SEI tekunikaru rebyū Sumitomo Denki Kōgyō Kabushiki Gaisha
0370-9566 Seitetsu kenkyū Seitetsu kenkyukai; Yawata seitetsu; Shin nihon seitetsu
0370-9841 Seito Gijutsu Kenkyukaishi Seito Gijutsu Kenkyukai
0286-6366 Seitoku Eiyäo Tanki Daigaku kiyäo Seitoku Junior College of Nutrition.
0037-1122 Seiva UFV.
0559-3263 Seker Turkiye Seker Fabrikalari
0386-8044 Sekigaisen gijutsu Sekigaisen gijutsu kenkyukai; Sekigaisen Gijutsu Kenkyukai
0582-4664 Sekiyu Gakkaishi Japan Petroleum Institute.
0370-9868 Sekiyu Gijutsu Kyokaishi Sekiyu Gijutsu Kyokai
0288-884X Sekiyu kaihatsu jihäo Sekiyu Käogyäo Renmei.
0371-3830 Sekiyu To Sekiyu Kagaku Saiwai Shobo.
0285-5410 Sekkai Nihon Sekkai Kyäokai.
0370-954X Sekko Sekko Kenkyukai
0559-331X Sekko to Sekkai Sekko Sekkai Kenkyukai
0131-6397 Sel'skohozâjstvennaâ biologiâ Kolos
0370-9582 Selecta Chimica Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras, Associação dos Ex-Alunos de Química
0300-9963 Selected annual reviews of the analytical sciences Chemical Society
2050-845X Selected annual reviews of the analytical sciences (e-vir) Society for Analytical Chemistry.; Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0147-1503 Selected data on mixtures Texas Engineering Experiment Station.
0334-2050 Selected papers on the environment in Israel Hsàrwt Lyďkwt Hsbybh.
0535-9929 Selected Scientific Papers from the Istituto superiore di sanità Istituto superiore di sanità.
0219-1814 Selected topics in electronics and systems World Scientific,
1043-0733 Selective cancer therapeutics M.A. Liebert,
0894-3923 Selective electrode reviews Pergamon
0080-8660 Selective organic transformations Wiley-Interscience
0371-2826 Selekciâ, sortoizučenie, agrotehnika plodovyh i âgodnyh kulʹtur Orlovskaâ plodovo-âgodnaâ opytnaâ stanciâ.
0037-1459 Selekciâ i semenovodstvo Kolos
0582-5075 Selekciâ i semenovodstvo.; Селекция и семеноводство Urožaj; Урожай.
0191-4405 Selenium United States. Bureau of Mines.
0037-1467 Selenium and tellurium abstracts Selenium-Tellurium Development Association.; Selenium and Tellurium Development Committee.
0559-362X Seleplastic Edizioni Monti.
0393-652X Selezione chimica tintoria Nuove Tecniche Editoriali
0375-9962 Selezione di Tecnica Molitoria Chiariotti.
0037-1521 Selezione veterinaria Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell'Emilia.
0371-0017 Šëlk Gosudarstvennyj planovyj komitet Uzbekskoj SSR.; Gosplan UzSSR.; Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut naučno-tehničeskoj informacii i tehniko-èkonomičeskih issledovanij.; UzNIINTI.
0002-1636 Selskostopanska nauka Izdatelstvo na B'lgarska akademija na naukite
0037-1718 Selskostopanska nauka [S.n.]
0488-1907 Selʹskoe hozâjstvo Podmoskovʹâ "Moskovskaâ pravda".
0559-3719 Selʹskoe hozâjstvo Povolžʹâ Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva RSFSR.
0559-3735 Selʹskoe hozâjstvo Severo-Zapadnoj zony Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva RSFSR.
0454-2363 Selʹskoe hozâjstvo Turkmenistana Gosudarstvennyj agropromyšlennyj komitet TSSR.; Gosagroprom TSSR.
0371-0637 Selʹskohozâjstvennaâ mašina.; Сельскохозяйственная машина "Mašgiz"; "Машгиз".
0371-215X Selʹskohozâjstvennoe proizvodstvo Nečernozemnoj zony.; Сельскохозяйственное производство Нечерноземной зоны "Rosselʹhozizdat"; "Россельхозиздат".
0582-527X Selʹskohozâjstvennoe proizvodstvo Povolžʹâ Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva RSFSR.
0582-5326 Semaine des hôpitaux informations Expansion scientifique française,
0037-1785 Semaine médicale professionnelle et médico-sociale Expansion scientifique française
0541-0576 Semaine thérapeutique L'Expansion scientifique française,
0037-1890 Sementi elette Gruppo giornalistica edagricole s.r.l.
0371-0718 Semento, konkuräito Cement Association of Japan.; Japan Cement Association.
0916-3182 Semento, konkurito rombunshu Semento Kyokai
0370-9914 Semento gijutsu nenpō Gakujutsu tosho shuppansha; Nihon semento gijutsu kyokai1; Semento Kyōkai
0370-9663 Sementtituote Suomen betonialan teollisuus.; Finlands betongindustri-idkare.
1521-4656 Semiconductor, pure water and chemicals ... conference proceedings The Conference.
0163-3767 Semiconductor international Cahners Pub. Co., etc.
1007-0206 Semiconductor Photonics and Technology Editorial Office of SPAT,
1560-8034 Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NASU
1606-1365 Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics (e-vir) Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Ukraine
1605-6582 Semiconductor physics quantum electronics & optoelectronics (e-vir) Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NASU
0096-4034 Semiconductor products Cowan Pub. Corp.]
0096-3631 Semiconductor products and solid state technology [Cowan Pub. Corp.]
1063-7826 Semiconductors American Institute of Physics
1090-6479 Semiconductors (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
0309-5991 Semiconductors and insulators Gordon and Breach.
0080-8784 Semiconductors and semimetals Academic Press
0268-1242 Semiconductor science and technology Institute of Physics
1361-6641 Semiconductor science and technology (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0101-3742 Semina Universidade Estadual de Londrina.
1676-5451 Semina Universidade Estadual de Londrina
1676-546X Semina Universidade Estadual de Londrina
1679-0359 Semina (e-vir) Universidade Estadual de Londrina.
1679-0375 Semina (e-vir) Universidade Estadual de Londrina.
0371-1064 Séminaires de chimie de l'état solide Centre de documentation universitaire :; SEDES,; Masson,
0217-1821 Seminar - National University of Singapore, Department of Chemistry National University of Singapore. Dep. of Chemistry.
0313-9298 Seminar paper La Trobe University.
0309-6831 Seminar series - Society for Experimental Biology Society for Experimental Biology.
0277-0326 Seminars in anesthesia Grune & Stratton
1547-9951 Seminars in anesthesia, perioperative medicine, and pain Saunders
0049-0172 Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism Grune & Stratton.
1532-866X Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1044-579X Seminars in cancer biology Saunders Scientific Publications
1096-3650 Seminars in cancer biology (e-vir) Elsevier
1084-9521 Seminars in cell & developmental biology Academic Press
1096-3634 Seminars in cell & developmental biology (e-vir) Academic Press
1043-4682 Seminars in cell biology Saunders Scientific Publications
1085-5629 Seminars in cutaneous medicine and surgery W.B. Saunders
1044-5781 Seminars in developmental biology Saunders Scientific Publications
0091-6714 Seminars in drug treatment Grune & Stratton.
0037-1963 Seminars in hematology Grune & Stratton
1532-8686 Seminars in hematology (e-vir)
1044-5323 Seminars in immunology W.B. Saunders
1096-3618 Seminars in immunology (e-vir) Academic Press
0272-8087 Seminars in liver disease Thieme-Stratton
1098-8971 Seminars in liver disease Thieme Medical Publishers
0270-9295 Seminars in nephrology Grune & Stratton
1558-4488 Seminars in nephrology (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
0001-2998 Seminars in nuclear medicine Grune & Stratton
1558-4623 Seminars in nuclear medicine (e-vir) [Grune & Stratton]
0093-7754 Seminars in oncology Elsevier
1532-8708 Seminars in oncology (e-vir) Elsevier
1537-5897 Seminars in pain medicine Elsevier Inc.
1558-464X Seminars in pain medicine (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0037-1971 Seminars in psychiatry Grune & Stratton
1526-4564 Seminars in reproductive medicine Thieme Medical Publishers
1526-8004 Seminars in reproductive medicine Thieme Medical Publishers
0037-198X Seminars in roentgenology Grune & Stratton.
1558-4658 Seminars in roentgenology (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
1044-5765 Seminars in the neurosciences Saunders Scientific Publications
0094-6176 Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis Stratton Intercontinental Medical Book Corp.
1098-9064 Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis Thieme Medical Publishers
1044-5773 Seminars in virology Saunders Scientific Publications
0271-2431 SEMIN WR Water Resources Research Institute, Oregon State University.
0370-9604 Sen'i Nihon boshoku kenkyujo ;; Sen'i Gijutsu Kenkyäusha
0037-9875 Sen'i Gakkaishi Sen'i Gakkai
0286-987X Sen'i kagaku Nihon sen'i keizai kenkyujo; Nihon Sen'i Senta
0037-217X Sen'i kako Sen'i Kenkyäusha Co..
0371-0807 Sen'i Käobunshi Zairyäo Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Käogyäo Gijutsuin. Sen'i Käobunshi Zairyäo Kenkyäujo.
0916-8931 Sen'i Käogyäo Kenkyäu Kyäokai häokoku Fiber and Textile Research Foundation.
0371-0734 Sen'i Käogyäo Shikenjo kenkyäu häokoku Käogyäo Gijutsuin. Sen'i Käogyäo Shikenjo.
0371-0580 Sen'i Kikai Gakkaishi Nihon Sen'i Kikai Gakkai
0037-2072 Sen'i seihin sho#hi kagaku Nihon Sen'i Seihin Sho#hi Kagakkai
0371-070X Sen'iso kogyo Sen'iso Kyokai
0037-2102 Senckenbergiana biologica Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft; E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
0037-2110 Senckenbergiana Lethaea Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft; E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
0080-889X Senckenbergiana Maritima Kramer in Komm.
0916-7226 Sendai-shi Eisei Kenkyäujohäo Sendai Municipal Institute of Public Health.; Sendai City Institute of Public Health.
0387-9771 Sendai-shi Eisei Shikenjohäo Sendai Municipal Institute of Public Health.; Sendai-shi Eisei Kenkyäujo.
0253-3669 Sengong keji tongxun Zhongguo Linye Kexue Yanjiuyuan Keji Qingbao Yanjiusuo
0395-0506 Senologia Société internationale de sénologie.; Senologic international Society.; SIS.
0495-775X Senpaku Gijutsu Kenkyujo hokoku Un'yu-sho. Senpaku Gijutsu Kenkyujo; Kokudo kotsusho senpaku gijutsu kenkyujo
0370-9671 Senryäo to yakuhin Japan Dyestuffs Industry Association.
0370-9574 Senshoku käogyäo Nihon senshoku kogyo kenkyukai ;; Shikisensha
0389-6277 Senshoku kenkyu Kyoto Senshoku Kenkyukai
0385-4655 Senshokutai Senshokutai Gakkai
0559-4766 Senshoku to kakäo Nihon Senshoku Kakäo Kenkyäukai.
0132-7313 Sensibilizirovannaâ fluorescenciâ smesej parov metallov Latvijskij universitet im. P. Stučki.
1436-1620 Sensorik Expert-Verl..
1546-1971 Sensor letters (e-vir) American Scientific Publishers
1546-198X Sensor letters American Scientific Publishers
0235-0092 Sensornye sistemy.; Сенсорные системы Nauka; Наука.
0260-2288 Sensor review IFS
1758-6828 Sensor review (e-vir) IFS
1424-8220 Sensors (e-vir) MDPI
0250-6874 Sensors and actuators Elsevier Sequoia
0924-4247 Sensors and actuators Elsevier Sequoia
0925-4005 Sensors and actuators Elsevier Sequoia
1873-3077 Sensors and actuators (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1873-3069 Sensors and Actuators (e-vir) Elsevier
0914-4935 Sensors and materials Myu
2435-0869 Sensors and materials (e-vir) MYU
1432-2404 Sensors update Wiley-VCH-Verl.
1616-8984 Sensors update (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
1567-5157 Sensory neuron VSP
1568-5659 Sensory neuron (e-vir) Brill
0559-4782 Sentan Fuji Koho-sha.
0037-2285 Senten ijo Nihon senten ijo gakkai; Nihon Senten Ijo Gakkai
0582-6802 Seṅur ṙüidaihagsurji Seṅur daihaggyo nuigwa daihag
0253-3855 Seoul daehag'gyo saeng'yag yeon'guso eobjeogjib Seoul daehag'gyo saeng'yag yeon'guso.
1226-8984 Seoul daehaggyo suyidae nonmunjib Research Institute for Veterinary Science College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University.
0377-5232 Seoul National University Faculty papers. Biology and agriculture series. E Seoul National University.
0371-1455 Seoul National University faculty papers. Medicine and pharmacy series. D Seoul National University Library.
0371-165X Seoul National University Faculty papers. Science and technology series. C Seoul National University Library.
0360-2540 Separation and purification methods M. Dekker
1542-2119 Separation and purification reviews Marcel Dekker, Inc.; Taylor & Francis
1542-2127 Separation and purification reviews (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
1383-5866 Separation and purification technology Elsevier
1873-3794 Separation and purification technology (e-vir) Elsevier
0037-2366 Separation science M. Dekker
0149-6395 Separation science and technology M. Dekker
1520-5754 Separation science and technology (e-vir) Marcel Dekker, Inc.
0956-9618 Separations technology Butterworth-Heinemann; Elsevier
0160-0966 SEPM short course Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists.
1000-8713 Sepu Huaxue Zazhi Chubanshe
0334-4495 Seqiyrah maqdiymah Mnhl h-mîhîkr h-îhîkl'y.; Miynhal Hameîhqar Haîhaqla'iy.
0369-2760 Seqiyrah maqdiymah - Mekãwn Wãwlqaniy Leîheqer Haîhaqla'ąwt Mekãwn Wãwlqaniy Leîheqer Haîhaql'wt.
0917-8740 Seramikkusu Kenkyäu Shisetsu nempäo Nagoya Institute of Technology. Ceramics Research Laboratory.
1347-1694 Seramikkusu kiban kogaku kenkyu senta nenpo Nagoya Institute of Technology. Ceramics Research Laboratory.; CRL.
1450-698X Serbian astronomical journal Astronomical observatory; Department of astronomy, Mathematical faculty
1820-9289 Serbian Astronomical Journal Astronomical Observatory; Mathematical Faculty, Department of Astronomy
0273-4524 SERI Solar Energy Research Institute.
0271-2474 SERI/RP Solar Energy Research Institute.
0568-5192 Seriâ biologičeskih i himičeskih nauk Academia de Ştiinţe a RSS Moldovenești
1879-095X Serials review Elsevier
0098-7913 Serials Review JAI Press
0570-8842 Serie argentina - Subsecretaría de Minería Argentina. Ministerio de Economía de la Nación. Secretaría de Industria y Minería. Subsecretaría de Minería.
0366-5194 Série Bibliographies Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (France). Service de documentation.
0078-6314 Serie de biologia - Programa regional de desarrollo científico y tecnológico Secretaría general de la Organización de los estados americanos, Departamento de asuntos científicos, Programa regional de desarrollo científico y technológico.
0078-6322 Serie de fisica - Programa regional de desarrollo científico y tecnológico Secretaría general de la Organización de los estados americanos, Departamento de asuntos científicos, Programa regional de desarrollo científico y technológico.
0078-6349 Serie de química. Monografía Programma regional de desarrollo científico y tecnológico, Departamento de asuntos científicos.; Secretaría general de la Organización de los estados americanos.; OEA.
0524-398X Série Especial Superintendencia do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste, Divisao de Geologia
0524-3971 Série Geologia Econômica Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste, Divisão de Geologia.
0480-1385 Serie memorándum Instituto nacional de investigación y fomento mineros
0924-4611 Series entomologica Junk
0037-2463 Series haematologica Munksgaard.
0217-9911 Series in optics and photonics World Scientific.
0080-8636 Series of monographs on selected topics in solid state physics North-Holland
1793-0901 Series on advances in mathematics for applied sciences World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd.,
0218-0111 Series on advances in statistical mechanics World Scientific Publishing.
0197-3959 Series on mycology Dekker,
0955-9019 Series on semiconductor science and technology Clarendon Press.
0372-4565 Serie Técnica y didáctica Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
0103-7382 Série Tecnologia Mineral Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral ,; Centro de Tecnologia Mineral ,
0575-4410 SERL report Sanitary Engineering Research Laboratory, College of Engineering and School of Public Health, University of California.
0733-897X Serono symposia publications from Raven Press [Raven Press],
1057-624X Serono symposia series Raven Press,
0970-2466 SESI Journal Wiley Eastern Limited.
0515-1147 Sesión inaugural - Real Academia de Farmacia de Barcelona Real Academia de Farmacia de Barcelona.
1149-0276 Session d'études biennale de physique nucléaire Institut de physique nucléaire, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
0370-9639 Seta Artificiale Federazione nazionale fascista produttori fibre tessili artificiali.
0289-8225 Setchaku no gijutsu Nihon Setchaku Kyäokai.
0370-9477 Seuchenbekaempfung Brüder Hollinek
0582-8902 Severo-Zapad evropejskoj časti SSSR Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0096-364X Sewage and industrial wastes The Federation
2327-7459 Sewage and industrial wastes (e-vir) Federation of Sewage Works Associations
0096-4050 Sewage and industrial wastes engineering Case-Shepperd-Mann Pub. Corp.]
0371-2109 Sewage Purification, Land Drainage, Water and River Engineering [s.n.]
0096-9370 Sewage works engineering and municipal sanitation Case-Shepperd-Mann Pub. Corp.]
0096-9362 Sewage works journal Federation of Sewage Works Associations
2327-7505 Sewage works journal (e-vir) Federation of Sewage Works Associations
0148-5717 Sexually transmitted diseases J.B. Lippincott Co.
1537-4521 Sexually transmitted diseases (e-vir) Lippincot
0934-0882 Sexual plant reproduction Springer
1432-2145 Sexual plant reproduction Springer
0722-379X SFB 157 Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Dampfkesselwesen.
0972-2173 SGAT Bulletin Society of Geoscientists and Allied Technologists.
0370-9833 SGF publ Gummitekniska föreningen.; Sveriges gummitekniska förening.
1001-3857 Shaanxi Shi-da xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-4291 Shaanxi Shifan Daxue xuebao Shaanxi Shifan Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
1000-7377 Shaanxi yixue zazhi Shaanxi Renmin Chubanshe,
0129-9794 Shäeng Nù Quäan Biology Society, Nanyang University.
0379-7384 Shäengwù käexué Zhäongguò shäingwäuxué huì.; Biological Society of China.
0254-007X Shäiyuàn huàxué Shěngli gäaozióng shifàn xuéyuàn huàxuéxì.
0099-6645 Shale Review
0559-7234 Shandong Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1671-7554 Shandong Daxue xuebao.; 山东大学学报 Gai Kan Bianjibu; 该刊编辑部,; Shandong Daxue Keji Qikanshe; 山东大学科技期刊社,
1671-9352 Shandong Daxue xuebao.; 山东大学学报 Shandong Daxue Ziran Kexue Xuebao Bianjibu; 山东大学自然科学学报编辑部,; Shandong Daxue Keji Qikanshe; 山东大学科技期刊社,
1000-5927 Shandong Fangzhi Gongxueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0253-3588 Shandong haiyang xueyuan xuebao Shandong Haiyang Xueyuan
1008-021X Shandong huagong Shandong Sheng Huagong Xinxi Zhongxin
1002-3046 Shandong Jian-Cai Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1672-3767 Shandong Keji Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-2308 Shandong kuangye xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1005-0639 Shandong taoci Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-0496 Shandong Yike Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
0254-6159 Shandong Yixueyuan xuebao Shandong Yixueyuan xuebao Bianweihui
1002-266X Shandong yiyao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1007-2861 Shanghai Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0258-5898 Shanghai Dier Yike Daxue xuebao.; 上海第二医科大学学报 Shanghai Dier Yike Daxue Bianjishi
0253-3650 Shanghai diyi yixueyuan xuebao Shanghai Kexue jishu chubanshe
0253-309X Shanghai Fangzhi Gongxueyuan xuebao Shanghai Fangzhi Gongxueyuan
1009-444X Shanghai Gongcheng Jishu Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-5129 Shanghai Gongye Daxne xuebao Shanghai Gongye Daxue
1004-017X Shanghai huagong Shanghai Shi Huaxue Gongyeju Kexue Jishu Qingbao Yanjiusuo,
0253-4215 Shanghai Huagong Xueyuan xuebao Shanghai Huagong Xueyuan,
1000-3975 Shanghai huanjing kexue Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0253-9942 Shanghai jiaotong daxue xuebao Shanghai jiaotong daxue
0253-2344 Shanghai jinshu Shanghai Shi Jinshu Xuehui; Shanghai Shi Yejin Gongyeju
0258-7041 Shanghai Ke-Ji Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1006-7248 Shanghai kouqiang yixue Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0254-0053 Shanghai Lixue "Shanghai Lixue" bianjibu,
1006-1517 Shanghai shengwu yixue gongcheng Editorial Office of Shanghai Journal of Biomedical Engineering
1004-8448 Shanghai shiyan dongwu kexue Shanghai Shi Xumu Shouyi Xuehui Shiyan Dongwu Kexue Zhuanye Weiyuanhui
1004-7271 Shanghai Shuichan Daxue xuebao Editorial Board of JSFU
1009-1696 Shanghai tuliao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0257-8131 Shanghai Yike Daxue xuebao Shanghai Kexue Jishu Chubanshe; Shanghai Yike Daxue Chubanshe
0253-9934 Shanghai yixue Zhonghua Yixuehui Shanghai Fenhui,
1006-1533 Shanghai yiyao Shanghai Yiyao Zazhishe,
1005-2046 Shanghai youse jinshu Shanghai Shi Youse Jinshu Xuehui
1004-9231 Shanghai yufang yixue Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1008-861X Shanghai Zhongyiyao Daxue xuebao Shanghai Zhongyiyao Zazhishe; Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-3600 Shang qiu shi fan xue yuan xue bao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1008-2662 Shangqiu Shi-Zhuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0559-7374 Shangyi xuebao [s. n.]
0559-7226 Shan Tung I K'an Shandong Renmin Chubanshe,
0253-2395 Shanxi Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0253-9853 Shanxi xin yiyao Shanxi renmin chubanshe,
1007-6611 Shanxi Yike Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjishi
0253-9926 Shanxi yiyao zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Shanxi Fenhui,
0387-1819 Shäo enerugäi Japan Heat Management Association.; Energy Conservation Center, Tokyo.
0388-9734 Shäojinkai igakushi Shohjinkai Medical Society.; Panasonikku Kenko Hoken Kumiai Shojinkai.; Matsushita Denki Kenko Hoken Kumiai Shojinkai.
0289-8756 Shäokakika Shoukakika henshuu iinkai.
0286-7168 Shäokaki to men'eki Ishiyaku Shuppan.
0583-1180 Shäoni igaku Igaku Shoin.
0003-4495 Shäonika kiyäo Shäonika Kiyäo Kankäokai.
0371-0033 Shäoseki gihäo Showa Oil Co., Ltd. Shinagawa Research Laboratory.
0387-2181 Shäowa Densen Denran rebyäu Showa Electric Wire & Cable Company.
0371-0211 Shäowa Ika Daigaku kiyäo Shäowa Ika Daigaku.
0285-922X Shäowa Shigakkai zasshi Showa University Dental Society.
0371-4845 Shäowa Yakka Daigaku kiyäo Showa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences.; Showa Pharmaceutical University.
1028-7167 Sharīf.; شریف Dānishgah-i ṣan'atī-i Sharīf; دانشگاه صنعتی شریف
0037-332X Sharkara National Sugar Institute.
0285-0362 Sharp giho Shapu giho henshubu; Shapu giho henshubu; Shapu gijutsu honbu
0371-0106 Shashin Kogyo K. K. Shashin Kogyo Shuppan-sha
0971-4979 Shashpa. Journal of Entomological Research Shashpa Publishers.
0386-9881 Shäusanki igaku Tokyo Igakusha.
0037-3435 Sheet Metal Industries Fuel and Metallurgical Journals
0096-9249 Sheet metal worker Edwin A. Scott Pub. Corp.
0037-3508 Shell aviation news Shell International Petroleum Company.
0488-6003 Sheng Hua Hsueh Pao [s.n.],
0559-7765 Shengli kexue jinzhan Zhongguo Shengli Xuehui,
0371-0874 Shengli xuebao Zhongguo Yike Daxue Xuebao Bian-Wei-hui
1000-1336 Shengming de huaxue Zhongguo Shengwu Huaxuehui,
1007-7847 Shengming kexue yanjiu Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1673-5897 Shengtai duli xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1000-0933 Shengtai xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1000-4890 Shengtaixue zazhi Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Chubanshe,
1673-4831 Shengtai yu nongcun huanjing xuebao Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue Chubanshe
1005-0094 Shengwu duoyangxing Kexue Chubanshe
1003-3505 Shengwu gongcheng jinzhan Zhongguo Kexueyuan Wenxian Qingbao Zhongxin Chubanbu
1000-3061 Shengwu gongcheng xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1000-3282 Shengwu huaxue yu shengwu wuli jinzhan Kexue Chubanshe,
0582-9879 Shengwu huaxue yu shengwu wuli xuebao Shanghai Kexue Jishu Chubanshe
1000-8543 Shengwu huaxue zazhi Beijing Daxue Chubanshe
1672-3678 Shengwu jiagong guocheng Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-311X Shengwu jishu Heilongjiang Sheng Kexueyuan Yingyong Weishengwu Yanjiusuo
1002-5464 Shengwu jishu tongbao Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan Ke-Ji Wenxian Xinxi Zhongxin,
1009-0002 Shengwu jishu tongxun Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-6737 Shengwu wuli xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
0006-3193 Shengwuxue tongbao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1001-5515 Shengwu yixue gongchengxue zazhi Chengdu Ke-Ji Daxue Shengwu Yixue Gongcheng Yanjiu Zhongxin,
1009-7090 Shengwu yixue gongcheng yu linchuang Tianjin Shi Di-San Zhongxin Yiyuan
1673-5854 Shengwuzhi huaxue gongcheng Gai Kan Bianjibu
0371-0025 Shengxue xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1004-3845 Shengzhi yixue zazhi Guojia Jihua Shengyu Weiyuanhui Kexue Jishu Yanjiusuo,
0253-357X Shengzhi yu biyun Shanghai Kexue Jishu Chubanshe
1000-1646 Shenyang Gongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1003-1251 Shenyang Gongye Xueyuan xuebao Gai-kan Bianjibu,
1004-4639 Shenyang Huagong Xueyuan xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1000-1697 Shenyang Jianzhu Gongcheng Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-2021 Shenyang Jianzhu Gongcheng Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1673-5862 Shenyang Shifan Daxue xuebao Shenyang Shifan Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
1008-374X Shenyang Shifan Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1006-2858 Shenyang Yaoke Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1000-1727 Shenyang Yaoxueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1006-298X Shenzangbing yu touxi shenyizhi zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-2618 Shenzhen Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1672-0318 Shenzhen Zhiye Jishu Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0285-8800 Shibakusa kenkyu Nihon Shibakusa Kenkyukai
0378-8091 Shī-dà shēngwù xuébào Guólì Táiwān shīfàn dàxué shēngwù xuéhuì
0583-0249 Shidà xuébào Guólì Táiwan shifàn dàxué.
1340-7953 Shiga Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kiyäo. Shizen kagaku, kyäoiku kagaku Shiga University. Faculty of Education.
0488-6291 Shiga Daigaku Kyoiku Gakubu kiyäo. Shizenkagaku Shiga Daigaku. Kyäoiku Gakubu.
1342-9272 Shiga Daigaku Kyōiku Gakubu kiyō Shiga Daigaku. Kyōiku Gakubu
0912-3016 Shiga Ika Daigaku zasshi Shiga University of Medical Science.
1343-2613 Shiga-ken Chikusan Gijutsu Shinkäo Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Shiga Prefectural Livestock Research and Improvement Institute.
1880-5043 Shigaken chikusan gijutsu shinkou senta kenkyuu houkoku Shiga Prefectural Livestock Research and Improvement Institute.
1880-4519 Shigaken eisei kagaku sentashoho =.; 滋賀県衛生科学センター所報 Shigaken eisei kagaku senta; 滋賀県衛生科学センター
0559-7951 Shiga Kenritsu Eisei Kenkyushoho Shiga-kenritsu Eiseikenkyusho.
0559-796X Shiga Kenritsu Näogyo Tanki Daigaku gakujutsu häokoku. Dai 1-bu Shiga Kenritsu Näogyäo Tanki Daigaku.
0371-3385 Shiga-Kenritsu Tanki Daigaku Gakujutsu Zasshi Shiga Kenritsu Tanki Daigaku.
0488-6313 Shiga Kenritsu Tanki Daigaku zasshi A Shiga Kenritsu Tanki Daigaku.
0388-8665 Shiga-ken Shukeijäo kenkyäu häokoku Shiga-ken Shukeijäo.
0029-8484 Shigaku Society of the Nippon Dental University.
0387-2300 Shigen Shigen Kyäokai.
0918-2454 Shigen chishitsu Shigen Chishitsu Gakkai
0488-6321 Shigen Gijutsu Shikenjo Hokoku Käogyäo Gijutsuin. Shigen Gijutsu Shikenjo.
0371-0661 Shigen Kagaku Kenkyusho Iho Research Institute for Natural Resources.
0916-9989 Shigen Kankyäo Gijutsu Säogäo Kenkyäujo häokoku Agency of Industrial Science and Technology. National Institute for Resources and Environment.
0916-9172 Shigen kankyäo taisaku Käogai Taisaku Gijutsu Däoyäukai ;; Kankyo Komyunikeshonzu
0916-9997 Shigen to kankyäo Agency of Industrial Science and Technology. National Institute for Resources and Environment.
0916-1740 Shigen to sozai Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan.
1007-7383 Shihezi Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0488-6437 Shih P'in Kung Yeh [s.n.],
1009-0045 Shi-hua jishu yu yingyong Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-5589 Shijie dizhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-0636 Shijie hedizhi kexue Yuanzineng Chubanshe
1009-3079 Shi jie hua ren xiao hua za zhi Shi jie xiao hua xue wang.
1672-9188 Shijie linchuang yaowu Gai Kan Bianjibu
1009-6485 Shijie nongyao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0037-3710 Shika Gakuho Tokyo Shika Daigaku Gakkai
0389-1895 Shika gikäo Ishiyaku Publishers.
0030-6150 Shika igaku Osaka shika igaku senmon gakko koyukai henshubu; Osaka Shika Gakkai; Osaka shika gakkai
0385-0137 Shika Kiso Igakkai zasshi Japanese Association for Oral Biology.; JAOB.
0583-0273 Shika rikäogaku zasshi Japan Society for Dental Apparatus and Materials.
0288-1012 Shika yakubutsu ryōhō Shika Yakubutsu Ryōhō Kenkyūkai
0495-8004 Shika Zairyäo Kenkyäujo häokoku Tokyo Ika Shika Daigaku.
0286-5858 Shika zairyō, kikai Nihon Shika Rikō Gakkai
0919-6676 Shiken kenkyäu häokoku Fukushima Technology Centre.
0010-180X Shikizai Kyäokaishi Japan Society of Colour Material.
0037-3699 Shikoku igaku zasshi Shikoku igakkai; 四國醫学会; Tokushima daigaku igakubu; 徳島大学医学部; Tokushima Igakkai
0919-9403 Shikoku Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo häokoku Shikoku National Industrial Research Institute.; Käogyäo Gijutsuin. Shikoku Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo.
1340-5950 Shikoku Käogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Shikoku National Industrial Research Institute.
0389-1216 Shikoku Käogyäo Gijutsu Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Government Industrial Research Institute, Shikoku.; Käogyäo Gizyutuin Sikoku Käogyäo Gizyutsu Sikenzyäo.
0389-3375 Shikoku Käogyäo Gijutzu Shikenjo häokoku Government Industrial Research Institute, Sikoku.; Käogyäo Gijutsuin. Shikoku Käogyäo Gijutsu Shikenjo.
0912-8859 Shikoku Käokenkaihäo Shikoku Käogyäo Kenkyäukai.
0286-2964 Shikoku Kōshū Eisei Gakkai zasshi Shikoku Kōshū Eisei Gakkai; Shikoku koshu eisei gakkai; 四国公衆衛生学会
0371-1390 Shikoku näogyäo kenkyäu Shikoku Näogyäo Kenkyäu Kyäogikai.
0037-3702 Shikoku Näogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Shikoku National Agricultural Experiment Station.; Näorinshäo Shikoku Näogyäo Shiknejäo.; Shikoku Agricultural Experiment Station.
0914-6091 Shikoku Shigakkai zasshi Shikoku Shigakkai
0386-0515 Shikoku shokubutsu boēki kenkyū Shikoku Shokubutsu Boēeki Kenkyū Kyōgikai; Shikoku shokubutsu boeki kenkyu kyogikai; 四国植物防疫研究協議会; Shikoku shokubutsu boeki kenkyu kyogikai; 四国植物防疫研究協議会
0371-005X Shimadzu Hyoron Shimadzu Seisakusho.
0370-9434 Shimane Daigaku Bunri Gakubu kiyäo. Rigakka-hen Shimane University. Faculty of Literature and Science.
1343-9774 Shimane Daigaku chikyū shigen kankyōgaku kenkyū hōkoku Shimane Daigaku. Sōgō Rikō Gakubu. Chikyū Shigen Kankyōgaku Kyōshitsu; Shimane daigaku daigakuin sogo rikogaku kenkyuka chikyu shigen kankyogaku kyoshitsu
0287-816X Shimane Daigaku chishitsugaku kenkyū hōkoku Shimane Daigaku. Rigakubu. Chishitsugaku Kyōshitsu; Shimane daigaku sogo riko gakubu chikyu shigen kankyogaku kyoshitsu
0385-8375 Shimane Daigaku Näogakubu Enshäurin häokoku Shimane University Forests.
0370-940X Shimane Daigaku Nogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Shimane Daigaku, Nogakubu
0387-9925 Shimane Daigaku Rigakubu kiyäo Shimane University. Faculty of Science.
0488-6542 Shimane Daigaku ronshäu, shizen kagaku Shimane Daigaku.
1342-7113 Shimane Daigaku Säogäo Rikäo Gakubu kiyäo. Shiräizu A Shimane University. Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering.
1343-3644 Shimane Daigaku Seibutsu Shigen Kagakubu kenkyū hōkoku Shimane Daigaku. Seibutsu Shigen Kagakubu
0386-5959 Shimane journal of medical science Shimane Medical University; Shimane University. Faculty of Medicine
0915-9967 Shimane-ken Eisei Käogai Kenkyäujohäo Shimane Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Science.
0388-905X Shimane-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Shimane Agricultural Experiment Station.
0289-5455 Shimane Kenritsu Chūō Byōin igaku zasshi Shimane Kenritsu Chūō Byōin; Shimaneken jubyoishi henshu iinkai; 島根県中病医誌編集委員会
0388-8754 Shimane-ken Sangyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Shimane-ken Sangyäo Shikenjäo.
0559-8311 Shimane Noka Daigaku Kenkyu Hokoku [s.n.].
0559-8664 Shin'yaku to chiryäo Yamanouchi Seiyaku Kabushiki Gaisha.
0386-0604 Shin'yaku to chiryäo. Ao-ban Yamanouchi Seiyaku Kabushiki Gaisha.
0288-5395 Shinagawa gihäo Shinagawa Refractories Company.; Shinagawa Refractories Co.,Ltd.
0370-999X Shindan To Chiryo Kinsei igakusha; Shindan To Chiryo-sha
0370-985X Shindō Gijutsu Kenkyūkaishi Nihon Shindō Kyōkai
0559-8524 Shinkäu kagaku Japan Society of Vacuum Chemistry.
0371-0076 Shinkäu käogyäo Shinkäu Kiki Kyäokai
0001-8724 Shinkei Kenkyu No Shimpo Igaku Shoin
0388-7588 Shinkei seishin yakuri Seiwa Shoten.
0583-0516 Shinkin to shinkinsho Nihon Ishinkin Gakkai
0583-0419 Shin kinzoku käogyäo Shin Kinzoku Kyäokai.
0559-8516 Shinku Shinku Kyokai,
0285-3620 Shin näoyaku Sankyäo Kabushiki Gaisha.
0916-6971 Shin netsu sokutei no shinpo Nihon Netsu Sokutei Gakkai.; Society of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis of Japan.; Realize Inc.
1347-7293 Shin Nihon Sekiyu rebyu Nippon Oil Corporation.
0037-3745 Shin Nippon Denki gihō Shin Nippon Denki K. K
0918-8363 Shinpojiumu enshäo to men'eki Sentan Igakusha.
1341-8572 Shinrin kankyäo kagaku Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. University Forests.
0916-4405 Shinrin Sōgō Kenkyūjo kenkyū hōkoku Nōrin Suisanshō Rin'yachō Shinrin Sōgō Kenkyūjo; Shinrin sogo kenkyujo; 森林総合研究所
0371-0092 Shinryo Shinryo-sha, c/o Dai-ichi Bldg.
0559-8648 Shinshäu Daigaku Sen'i Gakubu kenkyäu häokoku Shinshäu Daigaku. Sen'i Gakubu.
0385-0307 Shinshin igaku Nihon Shinshin Igakkai; Nihon shinshin igakkai; 日本心身医学会
0488-6615 Shinshu Daigaku Bunri Gakubu kiyo Shinshu Daigaku. Bunri Gakubu
0583-0621 Shinshu Daigaku Nogakubu Kiyo Shinshu Daigaku Nogakubu; Shinshu daigaku nogakubu; Shinshu daigaku nogakubu
0037-3826 Shinshu Igaku Zasshi Nagano-ken Igakkai ;; Shinshu igakkai
0910-2493 Shinshu Miso Kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku Shinshu Miso Kenkyujo
0917-7175 Shinshu to men'eki Mejikaru Byusha
0917-0499 Shinsozai Nihon Käogyäo Shuppan.
0559-8672 Shinyaku To Rinsho Shinyaku To Rinsho-sha.
0586-4488 Shinzo Iji tsushinsha; Medikaru shuppan; Maruzen; Nihon shinzo zaidan; Nihon shinzo zaidan ;; Nihon junkanki gakkai; Nihon shinzo zaidan ;; Nihon junkanki gakkai
0559-8680 Shionogi kenkyusho nenpo Shionogi Seiyaku K. K. Kenkyusho
0387-5520 Shiono Käoryäo shäohäo Shiono Käoryäo Kabushiki Gaisha.
0253-8997 Shípěin käexué Zhäonghuá mínguó shípěinkäexué jìshu xuéhuì.
0253-990X Shípěin yěu fäajiào gäongyè Qäing gäongyè bù shípěin yěu fäajiào gäongyè käexué yánjiäusuěo.
1002-0306 Shipin gongye ke-ji Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-9989 Shipin ke-ji Shipin Ke-Ji Zazhishe
1002-6630 Shipin kexue Zhongguo Shipin Zazhishe
1673-1689 Shipin yu shengwu jishu xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1344-0942 Shiraishi kinen käoza Nihon Tekkäo Kyäokai.
0286-4746 Shiryō kenkyū hōkoku Nōrin Suisanshō Tokyo Hishiryō Kensajo; Hishiryō Kensajo; Norin Suisan Shohi Anzen Gijutsu Senta
1343-4594 Shishitsu eiyōgaku Nihon Shishitsu Eiyō Gakkai; Nihon shishitsu eiyo gakkai; 日本脂質栄養学会; Nihon shishitsu eiyo gakkai; 日本脂質栄養学会
0542-8645 Shitsuryo Bunseki Shitsuryo Bunseki Gakkai, Faculty of Science, Osaka University
0253-9586 Shìyàn bàogào di ... hào - Táiwäan-shěng línyè shìyàn suěo Táiwäan-shěng línyè shìyàn suěo.; Taiwan Forestry Research Institute.
1002-4956 Shiyan jishu yu guanli Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0001-5334 Shiyan Shengwu Xuebao Shanghai Kexue Jishu Chubanshe
1006-7167 Shiyanshi yanjiu yu tansuo Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1003-515X Shiyong erke linchuang zazhi Xinxiang Yixueyuan
1000-8357 Shiyongjun Shanghai Nong-Keyuan Qingbao Yanjiusuo,
1001-3733 Shiyong kouqiang yixue zazhi Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1003-9198 Shiyong laonian yixue Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1009-8194 Shiyong linchuang yixue Shiyong Linchuang Yixue Zazhishe
1001-9367 Shiyong xinxing zhuanli gongbao Zhuanli Wenxian Chubanshe,
1006-5725 Shiyong yixue zazhi Guangdong Sheng Yixue Qingbao Yanjiusuo,
1006-3110 Shiyong yufang yixue Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1001-1692 Shiyong zhongliu zazhi Gai Kan Bian Wei Hui,
0253-9845 Shíyóu Zhäongguó Shíyóu xuéhuì.
1000-5870 Shiyou Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-8144 Shiyou huagong Beijing Huagong Yanjiuyuan,
1007-015X Shiyou huagong fushi yu fanghu Zhongguo Shi-Hua Luoyang Shi-Hua Gongcheng Gongsi Shebeisuo,
1006-396X Shiyou huagong gaodeng xuexiao xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1000-7466 Shiyou huagong shebei Lanzhou Shiyou Jixie Yanjiusuo,
1005-8168 Shiyou huagong sheji Zhongguo Shi-Hua Zonggongsi Beijing Shiyou Huagong Gongcheng Gongsi,
1673-5285 Shiyou huagong yingyong Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-7324 Shiyou huagong zidonghua Shiyou Huagong Zidonghua Zazhishe
1022-9671 Shíyóu jìkäan Zhäongguó shíyóu xuéhuì.; Chinese Petroleum Institute.
1000-0747 Shiyou kantan yu kaifa Shiyou Gongyebu Shiyou Kantan Kaifa Kexue Yanjiuyuan
1001-4101 Shiyou lianzhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-2399 Shiyou lianzhi yu huagong Shiyou Lianzhi yu Huagong Zazhishe
1001-6112 Shiyou shiyan dizhi Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
0559-8214 Shíyóu täongxùn Zhäongguó shíyóu gěufèn yěouxiàn gäongsäi.; Chinese Petroleum Corporation.; CPC.
0253-2697 Shiyou xuebao Shiyou Gongye Chubanshe,
1001-8719 Shiyou xuebao Ting Jiagong Chubanshe,
0253-9985 Shiyou yu tianranqi dizhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-3426 Shiyou yu tianranqi huagong Gai Kan Bianjibu
0379-7392 Shíyóu zuäancǎi gäongchéng Zhäongguó shíyóu gěufin yěouxiàn gäongsäi.; Chinese Petroleum Institute.
1000-7393 Shiyou zuancai gongyi Huabei Shiyou Guanliju,
0387-0014 Shizen Chäuäo Käoronsha.
0441-0017 Shizen kagaku kenkyäu Hitotsubashi Daigaku Kenkyäu Nempäo Henshäu Iinkai.
1341-402X Shizen Kagaku Kenkyūjo kenkyū hōkoku Okayama rika daigaku shizen kagaku kenkyujo
0385-6283 Shizen to bunka Fukuoka Shika Daigaku. Shingaku Katei; Fukuoka shika daigaku kyoyo katei; Fukuoka shika daigaku fukuoka iryo tanki daigaku kiyo henshu iinkai
1008-0805 Shizhen guoyi guoyao Shizhen Guoyi Guoyao Zazhishe
0388-6298 Shizuoka Daigaku chikyū kagaku kenkyū hōkoku Shizuoka Daigaku. Rigakubu. Chikyū Kagaku Kyōshitsu; Shizuoka daigaku chikyu kagaku kyoshitsu; 静岡大学地球科学教室
0286-3383 Shizuoka Daigaku Denshi Käogaku Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Shizuoka University. Research Institute of Electronics.
0583-0915 Shizuoka Daigaku Kogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Shizuoka Daigaku Kogakubu.
0559-8850 Shizuoka Daigaku Nogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Shizuoka University. Faculty of Agiriculture.
0287-9786 Shizuoka-ken Eisei Kankyäo Sentäa häokoku Shizuoka Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Science.
0389-9438 Shizuoka-ken Eisei Kenkyäujo häokoku Shizuoka Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0916-8389 Shizuoka-ken Hamamatsu Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa häokoku Hamamatsu Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture.; Hamamatsu Technical Support Center.
0285-4171 Shizuoka-ken Hamamatsu Sen'i Käogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Shizuoka Prefectural Hamamatsu Textile Industrial Research Institute.
1343-246X Shizuoka-ken Kankyō Eisei Kagaku Kenkyūsho hōkoku Shizuoka-ken Kankyō Eisei Kagaku Kenkyūsho
0910-9323 Shizuoka-ken Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Shizuoka Prefectural Industrial Technology Center.
0385-9444 Shizuoka-ken Käogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Shizuoka-ken Käogyäo Shikenjäo.
0583-094X Shizuoka-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Shizuoka Agricultural Experiment Station.
0389-2921 Shizuoka-ken Ringyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Shizuoka Prefecture Forestry Experiment Station.
1348-2831 Shizuoka kenritsu daigaku tanki daigakubu tokubetsu kenkyuu houkokusho (e-vir) Shizuoka kenritsu daigaku tanki daigakubu
0371-3008 Shizuoka-ken Seishi Käogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku Shizuoka Pulp and Paper Industrial Research Institute.
0916-6572 Shizuoka-ken Shizuoka Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Shizuoka Industrial Technology Center.; Shizuoka Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture.
0583-0966 Shizuoka-ken Suisan Shikenjäo jigyäo häokoku Shizuoka-ken Suisan Shikenjäo
0386-3484 Shizuoka-ken Suisan Shikenjo kenkyu hokoku Shizuoka-ken Suisan Shikenjo; Shizuokaken suisan gijutsu kenkyuujo
0426-2700 Shobo Kenkyujo hokoku Kokka shobocho shobo kenkyujo; Kokka shobo honbu shobo kenkyujo; Jichisho. Shobocho. Shobo Kenkyujo; Somusho shobocho shobo kenkyujo; Shobo kenkyujo; Shobocho shobo kenkyu senta; Shobocho shobo kenkyu senta
1073-2322 Shock BioMedical Press
1540-0514 Shock BioMedical Press
0414-3698 Shock and Circulatory Homeostasis
0096-9257 Shoe and leather reporter [Shoe and Leather Reporter Co.]
0389-3626 Shoka to kyushu Shoka kyushu kenkyukai; Nihon Shoka Kyushu Gakkai
0559-8958 Shokubai Shokubai Gakkai
0387-0707 Shokubutsu Boäekijo chäosa kenkyäu häokoku Yokohama Plant Protection Station.
0037-4091 Shokubutsu boeki Noyaku Kyokai; Nippon Shokubutsu Boeki Kyokai
0001-6799 Shokubutsu bunrui, chiri Shokubutsu Bunrui Chiri Gakkai
0370-8845 Shokubutsu Byogai Kenkyu Dr Shigeyasu Akai.
1880-2028 Shokubutsu kankyo kogaku Nihon shokubutsu kojo gakkai,; Nihon seibutsu kankyo kogakkai
0918-6638 Shokubutsu Käojäo Gakkaishi Japanese Society of High Technology in Agriculture.; SHITA.
0022-2062 Shokubutsu kenkyū zasshi Shokubutsu Kenkyu Zasshisha; 植物研究雑誌社; Seikei gakuen shuppanbu; 成蹊学園出版部; Tsumura kenkyujo; 津村研究所; Tsumura; ツムラ
0388-9130 Shokubutsu no kagaku chosetsu Shokubutsu Kagaku Chosetsu Gakkai
1346-5406 Shokubutsu no seicho chosetsu Shokubutsu Kagaku Chosetsu Gakkai.
0289-5773 Shokubutsu soshiki baiyo Nihon Shokubutsu Soshiki Baiyo Gakkai; Nihon shokubutsu saibo bunshi seibutsu gakkai
0386-4774 Shokubutsu to shizen Nyäu Saiensusha.
0015-6426 Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi Nippon Shokuhin Eisei Gakkai
0559-8974 Shokuhin eisei kenkyäu Koseisho.; Koseisho kankyo eiseikyoku.
0583-1121 Shokuhin kaihatsu Shokuhin Kenkyäusha.
0912-4926 Shokuhin kikai sochi Bijinesu Sentasha
0559-8990 Shokuhin Kogyo Shokuryo gijutsu shuppan; Korin shoin; Korin
0288-5999 Shokuhin no shiken to kenkyū Zenkoku shokuhin kankei shiken kenkyujo shochokai; Zenkoku Shokuhin Kantei Shiken Kenkyūjo Shochōkai
0388-3388 Shokuhin Sangyäo Sentäa gijutsu kenkyäu häokoku Japan Food Industry Center.
0387-1975 Shokuhin shosha Nihon Shokuhin Shosha Kenkyu Kyogikai
0301-9780 Shokuhin Sōgō Kenkyūjo kenkyū hōkoku Nōrinshō Sōgō Kenkyūjo; Nogyo Shokuhin Sangyo Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyu Kiko Shokuhin Sogo Kenkyujo; 農業食品産業技術総合研究機構食品総合研究所
0037-4105 Shokuhin to kagaku Shokuhin to Kagakusha
0911-3932 Shokuhin to kaihatsu CMP japan.
0287-1734 Shoku no kagaku Nihon hyoronsha; Marunouchi shuppan; Korin
0370-8284 Shokuryäo kagaku kenkyäu Kyoto Daigaku Shokuryäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo.
0371-0653 Shokuryäo Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku National Food Research Institute, Tokyo.; Food Research Institute, Tokyo.
0371-1374 Shokuryäo no kagaku Nihon Shokuryäo Shinbun-sha. Shuppanbu
1880-8824 Shoku to midori no kagaku Chiba daigaku engei gakubu,; Chiba Daigaku Daigakuin Engeigaku Kenkyuka
0919-2549 Shonan Koka Daigaku kiyo Shonan Koka Daigaku Kiyo Iinkai
0021-518X Shōnika rinshō Nihon Shōni Iji Shuppansha
0381-1743 Short course handbook Mineralogical Association of Canada.
1207-5418 Short course series Mineralogical Association of Canada.
0371-7259 Short Paper - Tanganyika, Geological Survey Department Comrade Printing Works.
0377-9998 Short report - Rhodesia Geological Survey Rhodesia Geological Survey.
1006-7795 Shoudu Yike Daxue xuebao Shoudu Yike Daxue Qikanshe
1001-2389 Shoudu yixueyuan xuebao Shoudu Yixueyuan
1000-1050 Shoulei xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
0254-0142 Shouyi keji zazhi Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan Lanzhou Shouyi Yanjiusuo,
0037-4342 Showa Igakkai zasshi Showa daigaku ;; Showa igakkai
0915-6380 Showa University journal of medical sciences Showa Medical Association; Showa University; Showa University Society
0037-4377 Shoyakugaku Zasshi Nippon Shoyaku Gakkai.
1349-9823 Shoyu no kenkyu to gijutsu =.; 醤油の研究と技術 Nihon shoyu kenkyujo; 日本醤油研究所; Nihon Shoyu Gijutsu Senta; 日本醤油技術センター
1003-1111 Shuichan kexue Liaoning Sheng Shuichan Xuehui
1000-0615 Shuichan Xuebao Zhongguo Shuichan Xuehui
1004-2091 Shuichan yangzhi Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1000-3770 Shui chuli jishu Haiyang Chubanshe,
1001-6791 Shui kexue jinzhan Shuili Dianli Chubanshe
0559-9342 Shuili fadian Shuili Dianli Chubanshe,
1002-9877 Shuini Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1007-0389 Shuini gongcheng Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-3207 Shuisheng shengwu xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1000-3665 Shuiwen dizhi gongcheng dizhi Dizhi Chubanshe
1004-4337 Shuli yiyaoxue zazhi Hubei Yixueyuan,
0368-2919 Shusei Kyäokaishi Shusei Kyäokai.
0368-2579 SIA [s.n.]
0080-5084 SIAM-AMS proceedings American Mathematical Society.; Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
0036-1399 SIAM journal on applied mathematics Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
1095-712X SIAM journal on applied mathematics (e-vir) Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
0036-1402 SIAM journal on control SIAM Publications
0036-1445 SIAM review Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
1095-7200 SIAM review (e-vir) Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
0371-0408 Siam Science Bulletin Department of Science
0583-1768 Siberian Chemistry Journal Plenum Publishing Corp.
0869-1339 Sibirskij fiziko-tehničeskij žurnal Nauka
0869-2793 Sibirskij himičeskij žurnal Nauka - Sibirskoe otdelenie
0370-8799 Sibirskij vestnik selʹskohozâjstvennoj nauki; Сибирский вестник сельскохозяйственной науки Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie; Наука, Сибирское отделение; Sibirskij vestnik selʹskohozâjstvennoj nauki; Сибирский вестник сельскохозяйственной науки
0720-1370 Sicherheit in Chemie und Umwelt Verl. für Umwelt- u. Energiewirtschaft
1006-0707 Sichuan binggong xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1009-3087 Sichuan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-173X Sichuan Daxue xuebao.; 四川大学学报 Sichuang Daxue Xuebao Yixue Ban Bianjibu; 《四川大学学报(医学版)》编辑部,
1001-8395 Sichuan Shifan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian-wei-hui
1004-0501 Sichuan yixue Sichuan Yiyao Baokanshe,
0253-4290 Sichuan yixueyuan xuebao Sichuan yixueyuan
0371-0319 Sicilia medica Istituto di fisiologia
0371-0394 Sicilia Sanitaria La Casa Editrice G. Denaro.
0583-1881 Side effects of drugs Excerpta Medica
0378-6080 Side effects of drugs annual Excerpta Medica
0325-0520 Siderurgia Instituto Argentino de Siderurgia.
0379-7759 Siderurgia latinoamericana Instituto Latinoamericano del Fierro y el Acero
0092-4342 SID journal Society for Information Display.
0559-9822 Sieboldia Kyushu University. General Education Department. Biological Laboratory.
0370-9736 Siemens Forschungs- und Entwicklungsberichte Springer
0302-2528 Siemens Review Siemens AG
0302-251X Siemens Zeitschrift Siemens & Halske
0096-977X Sigma Xi quarterly Society of the Sigma Xi]
2327-7548 Sigma Xi quarterly (e-vir) Society of the Sigma Xi.
0583-421X Sigmulhag hoeji Han'gug sigmul haghoe
1615-4053 Signal transduction Wiley-VCH
1615-4061 Signal transduction Wiley-VCH-Verl..
0583-2624 Sigurnost u rudnicima Rudarski institut
0371-0696 Sikmul Poho Society of Plant Protection of Korea.
0371-0289 SIK-publikation Svenska Institutet för konserveringsforkning.
0436-2071 SIK-rapport SIK - Institutet för livsmedel och bioteknik
1002-2813 Siliao yanjiu Beijing Shi Yingyangyuan Yanjiusuo,
0037-5225 Silicates industriels Silicates industriels a.s.b.l.
0334-7575 Silicon, germanium, tin and lead compounds Freund Publishing House.
1569-0660 Silicon chemistry Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8994 Silicon chemistry Kluwer
0890-9326 Silicon in .. United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0560-0421 Silikat Journal Verlag Technischer Zeitschr. Aumann
0037-5233 Silikattechnik VEB Verlag für Bauwsen
0037-5241 Silikáty Academia
0371-0432 Silikat-Zeitschrift Verlag von Müller & Schmidt
0096-9281 Silk [R.H. McCready,
0371-0386 Silk and rayon Skinner
0096-929X Silk and rayon digest Fine Fabrics Publications, etc.]
0037-525X Silk and Rayon Industries of India Colour Publications Private Ltd.
0371-0262 Silk journal
0371-0483 Silk Journal and Rayon World Harlequin Press
0037-5284 Silliman Journal ????.
0139-9616 Silvaecultura tropica et subtropica Státní zemědělské nakladatelství
0037-5349 Silvae Genetica Sauerlander
2509-8934 Silvae Genetica (e-vir) De Gruyter
0037-5403 Simiente Sociedad Agronómica de Chile.
0037-5454 Simon Stevin Wolters-Noordhoff
0100-7297 Simpõsios Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência.
0037-5497 Simulation Sage Publications
1741-3133 Simulation (e-vir) Sage Publications
0364-2585 Simulation today Society for Computer Simulation.
0080-9624 Sind University research journal University of Sind, Department of Geology
0379-2897 Sinet Faculty of Science, Addis Ababa University
0129-3273 Singapore journal of obstetrics & gynaecology Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Singapore
0217-4251 Singapore journal of physics Institute of physics, Singapore
0129-6485 Singapore journal of primary industries Primary Production Department.
2737-5935 Singapore medical journal (e-vir) Singapore Medical Association
0037-5675 Singapore Medical Journal Andre Publications
1438-5163 Single molecules Wiley-VCH-Verl.
1438-5171 Single molecules Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0333-2578 SINTEF rapport SINTEF, Avdeling for samferdselsteknikk.
0586-4534 Sintetičeskie almazy.; Синтетические алмазы Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0371-0270 Sintetičeskij kaučuk.; Синтетический каучук [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0136-9237 Sintez i himičeskie prevraśeniâ polimerov Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0320-6734 Sintez i issledovanie svojstv kompleksnyh soedinenij.; Синтез и исследование свойств комплексных соединений Voronežskij tehnologičeskij institut; Воронежский технологический институт.
0583-4325 Sintezy geterocikličeskih soedinenij Institut tonkoj organičeskoj himii im. A.L. Mndžoâna.
0371-0351 Sirpur Industries Journal [s.n.]
0371-2605 Sisal review Sisal Publications
0049-0636 Sistema Nervoso Soc. editrice - Sez. Red..
0560-1711 Sistole Fundacion Procardias.
0417-1373 Sitzungsberichte Deutsche Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften zu Berlin.
0323-5335 Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR.
0138-3965 Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR. Akademie-Verlag
0371-4810 Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abteilung 1: Mineralogie, Biologie, Erdkunde Springer-Verlag
0371-4799 Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Abteilung III: Anatomie und Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere sowie Theoretische Medizin Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien
0065-5082 Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Bergbau, Hüttenwesen und Montangeologie Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Bergbau, Hüttenwesen und Montangeologie.
0065-5104 Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Chemie, Geologie und Biologie Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Chemie, Geologie und Biologie.
0515-8850 Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Gesellschaftswissenschaften Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Gesellschaftswissenschaften.
0065-5120 Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Mathematik, Physik und Technik Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Mathematik, Physik und Technik.
0515-8877 Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Mathematik und Allgemeine Naturwissenschaften Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Mathematik und Allgemeine Naturwissenschaften.
0065-5139 Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Medizin Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Medizin.
0515-8907 Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Technische Wissenschaften Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Technische Wissenschaften.
0065-0501 Sitzungsberichte der Finnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Suomalainen tiedeakatemia
0037-5942 Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin.
0370-8624 Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Gesamten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg [s.n.]
0371-0165 Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Springer.
0376-1037 Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München Becksche Verlagsbuchandlung C.H.
0371-2117 Sitzungsberichte der Physikalisch-Medizinischen Sozietät zu Erlangen Physikalisch-Medizinische Sozietät zu Erlangen.
0371-2435 Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse.
0371-327X Sitzungsberichte der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig Akademie-Verlag
0138-2608 Sitzungsberichte des Plenums und der Klassen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR.
0029-8808 Sitzungsberichte - Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Abteilung I, Biologie, Mineralogie, Erkunde und Verwandte Wissenschaften Springer-Verlag
0029-8816 Sitzungsberichte - Öterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch - Naturwissenschafliche Klasse. Abteilung II Mathematik, Astronomie. Physik, Meteorologie und Technik Springer-Verlag
0722-4052 Sitzungsberichte und Mitteilungen der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. Sonderheft Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.
1795-9926 SJWEH Supplements Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.; National Institute of Occupational Health, Denmark.; National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway.; National Institute for Working Life.; Työterveyslaitos.; Arbetsmiljöinstitutet (Ruotsi); Statens arbeidsmiljøinstitutt (Norja); Arbejdsmiljøinstituttet (Tanska)
0346-9069 Skandia international symposia Almqvist & Wiksell international.
0370-839X Skandinavisches Archiv für Physiologie de Gruyter
0037-6094 Skandinavisk tidskrift för färg och lack Federation of Scandinavian Paint and Varnish Technologists.
0370-9442 Skandinavisk tidskrift för textilindustri
0284-3757 SKB technical report Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management.; SKB.; Svensk kärnbränslehantering AB.
0371-2648 Skinner's Record of the Man-Made Fibres Industry [S.n.]
0371-313X Skinner's Silk and Rayon Record [S.n.]
1011-0283 Skin pharmacology S. Karger
1422-2868 Skin pharmacology and applied skin physiology S. Karger
1422-2906 Skin pharmacology and applied skin physiology (e-vir) S. Karger
1660-5527 Skin pharmacology and physiology S. Karger
1660-5535 Skin pharmacology and physiology (e-vir) S. Karger
0037-637X Sklář a keramik SNTL, Nakladatelství technické literatury
0037-640X Skogen Svenska skogsvårdsföreningen; Sveriges skogsvårdsförbund; Föreningen Skogen
0369-5417 Skrifter Norwegian Polar Institute.; Norsk polarinstitutt.
0372-3895 Skrifter Universitetet i Bergen
0029-2338 Skrifter - Det Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo. I, Mat.-naturv. klasse Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.; Norske videnskaps-akademi.
0377-8894 Skrifter - Norges geologiske undersøkelse Universitetsforlaget
0434-0825 Skrypty Uczelniane - Politechnika Ślęaska im. W. Pstrowskiego Politechnika Ślęaska im. W. Pstrowskiego.; Politechnika Ślęaska, Katowice.
0037-668X Slaboproudý obzor Nakladatelství technické literatury
1075-8003 SLAC report Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.; United States. Dept. of Energy.
0161-8105 Sleep Raven Press
1550-9109 Sleep (e-vir) Associated Professional Sleep Societies
1302-1192 Sleep and hypnosis Küre İletişim
0037-6825 Slévárenství SNTL, Nakladatelství technické literatury
1335-096X Slovak geological magazine Geological Survey of Slovak Republik, Dionýz Štúr Publishers
0132-4365 Složnye èlektromagnitnye polâ i èlektričeskie cepi Ufimskij aviacionnyj institut im. S. Ordžonikidze.
0893-5793 Sludge management series Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute.
1613-6810 Small Wiley-VCH
1613-6829 Small (e-vir) Wiley-VCH-Verl.
1522-8851 Small fruits review Haworth
1124-4003 Smalto porcellanato C.I.S.P.
2284-0257 Smalto porcellanato (e-vir) CISP Centro italiano smalti porcellanati
0376-7426 SM archives Sijthoff en Noordhoff ;; Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
0964-1726 Smart materials and structures IOP Publishing
1361-665X Smart materials and structures (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0081-0231 Smithsonian contributions to astrophysics Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
0081-024X Smithsonian contributions to botany [b.i.]
1938-2812 Smithsonian contributions to botany (e-vir) Smithsonian Institution Press
0096-9354 Smithsonian contributions to knowledge Smithsonian Institution.
0081-0274 Smithsonian contributions to the earth sciences Smithsonian Institution Press; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0096-8749 Smithsonian miscellaneous collections Smithsonian Institution.
0036-1682 SMPTE journal The Society
0144-2082 SMRE report Safety in Mines Research Establishment (Great Britain)
0533-1617 SMRE research report Great Britain.; Safety in Mines Research Establishment (Great Britain)
0386-3425 Snake Nihon Hebizoku Gakujutsu Kenkyäujo ;; Nihon hebizoku kenkyuukai
0037-7449 Sneha Sandesh Secy, All India Non-Edible Oil Industry Association
1340-2773 Snow brand R & D reports Yukijirushi Nyūgyō; Yukijirushi nyugyo gijutsu kenkyujo; 雪印乳業技術研究所
0346-7309 SNV PM Statens naturv°ardsverk.; Statens naturv°ardsverk. Laboratoriet för miljökontroll.; Miljöutredningen för Stenungsund.; Sewage works evaluation project.
0096-8412 Soap Mac Nair-Dorland Co., Inc.
0091-1372 Soap, cosmetics, chemical specialties Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association.
0081-0371 Soap, perfumery & cosmetics. Year book and buyers' guide United Trade Press.
0371-1994 Soap, Perfumery Cosmetic Trade Review [s.n.]
0037-7481 Soap & chemical specialties MacNair-Dorland.
1523-9225 Soap & cosmetics Soap & Cosmetics,
0376-2610 Soap and Sanitary Chemicals
0094-2731 Soap gazette and perfumer C.S. Berriman
0379-5608 Soaps, detergents and toiletries review Wadhera Publ..
0371-3776 Soap Trade and Perfumery Review [s.n.]
0371-3814 Soap Trade Review [s.n.]
0037-766X Social biology Society for the Study of Social Biology
0371-2982 Socialističeskoe selʹskoe hozâjstvo.; Социалистическое сельское хозяйство Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva SSSR; Министерство сельского хозяйства СССР.
0371-3016 Socialističeskoe selʹskoe hozâjstvo Uzbekistana Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva UzSSR.
0371-4926 Socialističeskoe životnovodstvo.; Социалистическое животноводство Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva SSSR; Министерство сельского хозяйства СССР.
0583-8924 Society for Applied Bacteriology [s.n.]
0267-4440 Society for applied bacteriology symposium series Blackwell Scientific Publications
0300-9610 Society for Applied Bacteriology symposium series Blackwell Scientific Publications
0740-6975 Society of Automotive Engineers technical paper series Society of Automotive Engineers.
0094-7733 Society of General Physiologists series Raven Press
0197-7520 Society of Petroleum Engineers journal Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME.
0038-0466 Socker Svenska sockerfabriks AB.
0371-179X Socker Svenska sockerfabriks AB.
0371-3768 Soda To Enso Japan Soda Industry Association.; Nihon soda kougyoukai.
0191-4391 Sodium compounds United States. Bureau of Mines.
1539-445X Soft materials Marcel Dekker
1539-4468 Soft materials (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
1744-683X Soft matter Royal Society of Chemistry
1744-6848 Soft matter (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0038-061X Software age Press Tech]
0173-5500 SÖFW Verlag für Chem. Industrie Ziolkowsky
0942-7694 SöFW-Journal Verlag für chemische Industrie
1383-5122 Soil & environment Kluwer Academic Publishers
1532-0383 Soil & sediment contamination Taylor & Francis
1549-7887 Soil & sediment contamination (e-vir) CRC Lewis Publishers
0167-1987 Soil & tillage research Elsevier
1879-3444 Soil & tillage research (e-vir) Elsevier
0038-0687 Soil and health Soil & Health Association of New Zealand.; New Zealand Organic Compost Society.; Soil Association of New Zealand.
0371-2028 Soil and plant food Society of the Science and Manure.
1069-3793 Soil biochemistry M. Dekker,
1613-3382 Soil biology Springer
0038-0717 Soil biology & biochemistry Pergamon Press
1879-3428 Soil biology and biochemistry (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0370-8616 Soil Bulletin, National Geological Survey of China
0077-9644 Soil Bureau bulletin New Zealand. Dept. Scientific and Industrial Research.
0081-1882 Soil Conservation Society of America, Annual Meeting, Proceedings
0038-0741 Soil mechanics and foundation engineering Consultants Bureau.
1573-9279 Soil mechanics and foundation engineering Kluwer
0371-1897 Soil Research
0038-0792 Soils and fertilizers Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
0370-9779 Soils and Fertilizers in Taiwan Chairman of the Society of Soils Scientists and Fertilizer Technologists of Taiwan
0532-0437 Soils bulletin FAO.
0038-075X Soil science Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Wolters Kluwer
1538-9243 Soil science Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1747-0765 Soil science and plant nutrition (e-vir) Society of the Science of Soil and Manure, Japan
0038-0768 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Nippon Dojo Hiryo Gakkai; Japan Publications Co., Inc.
2300-4967 Soil Science Annual Polskie Towarzystwo Gleboznawcze
2300-4975 Soil Science Annual (e-vir) "Versita"
1047-4986 Soil Science Society of America book series Soil Science Society of America.
0361-5995 Soil Science Society of America journal Soil Science Society of America
1435-0661 Soil Science Society of America journal Springer.
0097-5699 Soil survey report Iowa State College. Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station.
0258-4573 Soil survey report Department of Agriculture. Soil Survey Unit. Land Use Branch.
0266-0032 Soil use and management Blackwell Scientific
1475-2743 Soil use and management (e-vir) CABI Publishing.
0910-1985 Sokeizai Materials Process Technology Center, Tokyo.
0388-5208 Sokuho Chigaku Daitai Kenkyukai
0379-6787 Solar cells Elsevier Sequoia
1878-2655 Solar cells (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
0038-092X Solar energy Association for Applied Solar Energy; Elsevier
1471-1257 Solar Energy (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0165-1633 Solar energy materials North-Holland
0927-0248 Solar energy materials and solar cells North-Holland; Elsevier Science
1879-3398 Solar energy materials and solar cells (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0167-7950 Solar energy R&D in the European Community Commission of the European Communities.
0038-0938 Solar physics Kluwer Academic Publ.
1573-093X Solar physics (e-vir) Kluwer
0038-0946 Solar system research Consultants Bureau
1608-3423 Solar system research (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0386-5444 Solar terrestrial environmental research in Japan Tokyo Daigaku. Uchäu Käokäu Kenkyäujo.
0954-0911 Soldering & surface mount technology Wela Publications
1758-6836 Soldering & surface mount technology (e-vir) Wela Publications
0924-462X Solid earth sciences library Reidel
1053-2153 Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium proceedings University of Texas at Austin.
0361-5219 Solid fuel chemistry Allerton Press.
1934-8029 Solid fuel chemistry Allerton Press
0925-0042 Solid mechanics and its applications Springer; Kluwer Academic Publishers
0038-108X Solid state abstracts journal Cambridge Communications Corp.
0038-1098 Solid state communications Pergamon Press
1879-2766 Solid state communications (e-vir) Elsevier
1879-2405 Solid State Electronics (e-vir) Pergamon
0038-1101 Solid-state electronics Pergamon
0167-2738 Solid state ionics North-Holland
1872-7689 Solid state ionics (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
1527-3326 Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (e-vir) Academic Press; Elsevier Science
0926-2040 Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Elsevier
1012-0394 Solid state phenomena Trans Tech Publications
1662-9779 Solid state phenomena (e-vir) Trans Tech Publications
1662-9787 Solid state phenomena (e-vir) Trans Tech Publications Ltd
0081-1947 Solid state physics Academic Press
0081-1955 Solid state physics Academic Press
0097-1111 Solid state physics Simon Fraser University. Summer School on Solid State Physics.
1293-2558 Solid State Sciences Elsevier
0081-1971 Solid state surface science M. Dekker
0038-111X Solid state technology Cowan Pub. Corp.
1058-9074 Solid waste & power HCI Publications
0714-1033 Solid waste management report Environmental Protection Service.
0306-6509 Solid wastes Institute of Solid Wastes Management.
0552-5829 Solnečnye dannye Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie
0038-1209 Sols africains Bureau interafricain des sols.; Permanent Soils Bureau.; Inter-African Bureau for Soils.
0191-5622 Solubility data series [s.n.]
0099-5789 Solutions
0099-5797 Solutions ????.
1566-7685 Solvay pharmaceuticals conferences IOS Press :; Ohmsha
0736-6299 Solvent extraction and ion exchange M. Dekker
1532-2262 Solvent extraction and ion exchange (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1341-7215 Solvent extraction research and development, Japan Japanese Association of Solvent Extraction
0038-125X Solvent extraction reviews [M. Dekker]
0740-7750 Somatic cell and molecular genetics (e-vir) Plenum Press
1572-9931 Somatic cell and molecular genetics Kluwer
0098-0366 Somatic cell genetics Plenum Press
0736-7244 Somatosensory research (e-vir) Guilford Publications
1340-3508 Sonäi Risäachi Fäoramu ronbunshäu Sony.
0373-0190 Sonderbeilage zur Zeitschrift Zucker Schaper
0721-4367 Sonderforschungsbereich 80, Ausbreitungs- und Transportvorgänge in Strömungen, Universität Karlsruhe Sonderforschungsbereich 80, Ausbreitungs- und Transportvorgänge in Strömungen, Universität Karlsruhe.
0172-3278 Sonnenenergie [S.n.]
0371-036X Soobŝeniâ Institut agrohimičeskih problem i gidroponiki.
0370-8691 Soobŝeniâ Bûrakanskoj observatorii Bûrakanskaâ astrofizičeskaâ observatoriâ.
0371-4357 Soobŝeniâ Centralʹnogo instituta metallov.; Сообщения Центрального института металлов Centralʹnyj institut metallov; Центральный институт металлов.
0370-9248 Soobŝeniâ Čuvašskoj zonalʹnoj agrohimičeskoj laboratorii.; Сообщения Чувашской зональной агрохимической лаборатории Čuvašskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Чувашское книжное издательство.
0370-9299 Soobŝeniâ Dalʹnevostočnogo filiala imeni V.L. Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR.; Сообщения Дальневосточного филиала имени В.Л. Комарова Академии наук СССР Primorskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Приморское книжное издательство.
0038-1489 Soobŝeniâ Gosudarstvennogo astronomičeskogo instituta im. P.K. Šternberga.; Сообщения Государственного астрономического института им. П.К. Штернберга Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta; Издательство Московского университета.
0568-5850 Soobśeniâ instituta lesa Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0371-0815 Soobŝeniâ Laboratorii agrohimii Akademiâ nauk Armânskoj SSR.
0568-6385 Soobśeniâ laboratorii lesovedeniâ Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk SSSR.
0371-103X Soobŝeniâ Moskovskogo otdeleniâ Vsesoûznogo botaničeskogo obŝestva.; Сообщения Московского отделения Всесоюзного ботанического общества Akademiâ nauk SSSR; Академия наук СССР.
0506-1857 Soobśeniâ o naučno-issledovatelʹskih rabotah členov Primorskogo otdeleniâ Vsesoûznogo himičeskogo obśestva im. D.I. Mendeleeva AN SSSR, Dalʹnevostočnyj filial im. V.L. Komarova.
0371-1420 Soobŝeniâ o naučno-issledovatelʹskih rabotah i novoj tehnike.; Сообщения о научно-исследовательских работах и новой технике "Gošimizdat"; "Гошимиздат".
0371-2087 Soobŝeniâ o rabotah Mežduvedomstvennoj postoânnoj komissii po železu.; Сообщения о работах Междуведомственной постоянной комиссии по железу Akademiâ nauk SSSR; Академия наук СССР.
0371-2893 Soobŝeniâ Sahalinskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR.; Сообщения Сахалинского филиала Академии наук СССР Akademiâ nauk SSSR; Академия наук СССР.
0371-2990 Soobŝeniâ Sahalinskogo kompleksnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta.; Сообщения Сахалинского комплексного научно-исследовательского института Akademiâ nauk SSSR; Академия наук СССР.
0371-344X Soobŝeniâ Tadžikskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR Akademiâ nauk SSSR, Tadžikskij filial
0371-1099 Soproni Műszaki Egyetemi Karok Bányamérnöki és Földmérnöki Karok közleményei Soproni Müszaki Egyetemi Karok.
0560-8538 Söripar Magyar Sörgyártók Szövetsége.
0038-1578 Sorui Nippon Sorui Gakkai
0371-1838 Soryushiron Kenkyu Nihon Butsuri Gakkai; Nihon Butsuri Gakkai ;; Riron Butsurigaku Kankokai; Riron Butsurigaku Kanko-Kai; Soryushiron Gurupu
0038-1586 Sosei to kako Sosei kako kenkyukai
1882-0166 Sosei to kako (e-vir) Nihon sosei kako gakkai
0910-5042 Soshiran Nitchäu Men'eki Arerugäi Kaigi.
0300-8797 Sotilaslääketieteellinen aikakauslehti / Keskussotilassairaala.; Sotilaslääketieteen keskus.; Suomen lääkintäupseeriliitto.
0551-8369 Soubor prací Ústavu pro výzkum výživy lidu v Praze SZdN
0246-0963 Soudage et techniques connexes Publications de la Soudure autogène
0246-1900 Souder GEAD
0371-1854 Soudní lékařství Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně
0371-1889 Soudure et oxy-coupage Office central de la soudure autogene
0371-3369 Soudure et techniques connexes Publications de la soudure autogene
1346-7867 Soujou Daigaku Kougakubu kenkyuu houkoku Sojo University.
0371-3350 Soul Taehakkyo Kyoyang Kwajongbu Nonmunjip, Chayon Kwahak-Pyon Seoul National University, College of General Studies.
0560-8767 Soul Taehakkyo Nonmunjib, Chayon Kwahak Seoul Taehakkyo.
0560-8775 Soul Taehakkyo Nonmunjip, Chayon Kwahak, Ihak Kup Konghakke Graduate School of Seoul National University.
0584-1585 Soul Taehakkyo Nonmunjip, Chayon Kwahak, Saengnongge Graduate School of Seoul National University.
0560-8783 Soul Taehakkyo Nonmunjip, Chayon Kwahak, Uihak Kup Yahakke Graduate School of Seoul National University.
0584-1666 Sound, Its Uses and Control ????.
1751-0473 Source code for biology and medicine (e-vir) BioMed Central
0038-1993 South African bakery and confectionery review George Warman Publications.
0038-2019 South African bee journal South African Federation of Beekeepers Associations
0038-2043 South African cancer bulletin Juta and Co, Ltd.
0038-2086 South African chemical processing Thomson Newspapers
0370-8160 South African corrosion journal [s.n.].
0374-4930 South African electrical review [s.n.].
0379-6000 South African food review South African Association for Food Science & Technology.
0370-8225 South African industrial chemist Thomson Newspapers.
0253-939X South African Journal for Enology and Viticulture South African Society for Enology and Viticulture
0375-1589 South African journal of animal science [s.n.]
2221-4062 South African journal of animal science (e-vir) South African Society for Animal Science
0081-2455 South African journal of antarctic research Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research.
0254-6299 South African journal of botany Foundation for Education, Science and Technology. Bureau for Scientific Publications
1026-9185 South African journal of chemical engineering Elsevier; South African Institution of Chemical Engineers
2589-0344 South African journal of chemical engineering (e-vir) Institution of Chemical Engineers; South African Institution of Chemical Engineers
0379-4350 South African Journal of Chemistry Foundation for Education, Science and Technology
0560-9747 South African journal of clinical science Medical Association of South Africa
2224-7904 South African journal of enology and viticulture (e-vir) South African Society for Enology and Viticulture
1012-0750 South African journal of geology Bureau for Scientific Publications
0370-825X South African journal of industries [s.n.].
0038-2299 South African journal of laboratory and clinical medicine Medical Association of South Africa
0038-2302 South African journal of medical laboratory technology MIMS.
0038-2310 South African journal of medical sciences Witwatersrand University Press
0038-2329 South African journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Medical Association of South Africa; Health and Medical Publishing Group
2305-8862 South African journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Health and Medical Publishing Group
0379-4377 South African journal of physics Bureau for scientific publications.
0257-1862 South African journal of plant and soil Foundation for Education, Science and Technology. Bureau for Scientific Publications.; Stigting vir Onderwys, Wetenskap en Tegnologie. Buro vir wetenskaplike publikasies.; South African Society of Crop Production.; Suid- Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Gewasproduksie.; Soil Science Society of South Africa.; Grondkunde Vereniging van Suid Afrika.; Southern African Weed Science Society.; Suider-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Onkruidwetenskap.
2167-034X South African journal of plant and soil (e-vir) Bureau for Scientific Publications, Foundation for Education, Science and Technology
0038-2353 South African journal of science Associated Scientific and Technical Societies of South Africa; Bureau for Scientific Publications
1996-7489 South African journal of science = National Research Foundation (South Africa); Academy of Science of South Africa
0254-1858 South African journal of zoology Foundation for Education, Science and Technology
0038-2442 South African mechanical engineer Kelvin Publications Ltd.
0038-2469 South African medical journal Medical Association of South Africa
2078-5135 South African medical journal (e-vir) Health and Medical Publishing Group
0370-8349 South African mining journal Thomson Publ. S.A.
0370-8357 South African mining review [s.n.].
0370-8438 South African science South African Association for the Advancement of Science.; Suid-Afrikaanse Genootskap vir die Bevordering van Wetenskap.
0038-2728 South African sugar journal South African Sugar Journal.
0316-9588 Southam's metalworking Southam Business Pub..
0272-9873 South Carolina geology South Carolina Geological Survey.
0038-3295 South Dakota farm & home research South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station.
0038-3317 South Dakota journal of medicine South Dakota State Medical Association.; American Academy of Family Physicians. South Dakota Chapter.; American College of Surgeons. South Dakota Chapter.; South Dakota Psychiatric Association.
0096-8420 South Dakota journal of medicine and pharmacy South Dakota State Medical Association.; South Dakota Pharmaceutical Association.; Sioux Valley Medical Association.
0125-1562 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Regional Tropical Medicine and Public Health Project of SEAMEO.
0038-3651 Southeastern drug journal [publisher not identified]
0038-3678 Southeastern geology Duke University
0081-296X Southeastern geology s.n.],
1018-3469 Southern African journal of aquatic sciences Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists.
0038-3791 Southern Africa Textiles Thomson Publications.
0104-5431 Southern Brazilian Journal of Chemistry Southern Brazilian Journal of Chemistry
0099-5762 Southern Canner and Packer
0096-8439 Southern chemical industry Southern Association of Science and Industry (U.S.)
0191-3212 Southern chemist American Chemical Society.
0096-8498 Southern cooperative series bulletin Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station.; Mississippi Agricultural Experiment Station.; Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station.; Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station.; Virginia Truck Experiment Station.
0038-402X Southern dairy products journal Florida Trade Publications (etc.)
0096-8447 Southern fisherman H. L. Pearce Publications..
0096-8455 Southern food processor [Southern Pub. Co.]
0148-4419 Southern journal of applied forestry [Society of American Foresters]
1938-3754 Southern journal of applied forestry (e-vir) Society of American Foresters
0038-4348 Southern medical journal Southern Medical Association.
1541-8243 Southern medical journal Southern Medical Association
0099-5754 Southern Medicine and Surgery [s.n.].
0038-4410 Southern pharmaceutical journal [Southern pharmaceutical journal]
0096-5049 Southern plastics and chemicals Southern plastics and chemicals magazine..
0096-624X Southern power and industry [W.R.C. Smith Pub. Co.]
0096-6258 Southern power journal W.R.C. Smith Pub. Co.]
0270-5222 Southern pulp and paper [E.H. Abernethy Pub.]
0096-4700 Southern pulp and paper journal E.H. Abernethy Pub. Co.
0038-4488 Southern pulp and paper manufacturer E.H. Abernethy Pub. Co.]
0099-5169 Southern Seedsman ????.
0099-3735 Southern textile bulletin Clark Pub. Co.,
0110-0408 South Pacific marine geological notes Committee for the Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Southwest Pacific Offshore Areas.; CCOP-SOPAC.; ESCAP.
0196-0717 Southwest & Texas water works journal American Water Works Association. Southwest Section.; American Water Works Association. Texas Section.
0038-4860 Southwestern medicine Medical and Surgical Association of the Southwest.; Southwestern Medical Association.
0099-5746 Southwest Retort American Chemical Society, Dallas-Fort Worth Section.
0038-4720 Southwest water works journal American Water Works Association. Southwest Section.; American Water Works Association. Texas Section.
0135-9967 Soveršenstvovanie processov obrabotki metallov rezaniem Udmurtskij universitet.
0135-3829 Soveršenstvovanie sžiganiâ gaza i mazuta v topkah kotlov i sniženie vrednostej v produktah sgoraniâ Leningradskij inženerno-stroitelʹnyj institut.
0201-6524 Soveršenstvovanie tehnologii i avtomatizacii staleplavilʹnyh processov UPI.
0136-9679 Soveršenstvovanie tehnologii pererabotki himičeskih i iskusstvennyh volokon.; Совершенствование технологии переработки химических и искусственных волокон VNIIPHV; ВНИИПХВ.
0371-4225 Sovetskaâ agronomiâ Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva SSSR
0371-1757 Sovetskaâ botanika.; Советская ботаника Akademiâ nauk SSSR, Botaničeskij institut; Академия наук СССР, Ботанический институт
0371-1765 Sovetskaâ farmaciâ [s.n.].
0038-5069 Sovetskaâ geologiâ Nedra
0038-5077 Sovetskaâ medicina Medicina
0371-442X Sovetskaâ metallurgiâ.; Советская металлургия [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0371-4500 Sovetskaâ psihonevrologiâ.; Советская психоневрология Narodnyj kommissariat zdravoohraneniâ USSR; Народный коммиссариат здравоохранения УССР.
0371-1927 Sovetskaâ torgovlâ.; Советская торговля Èkonomika; Экономика.
0371-4934 Sovetskaâ zootehniâ.; Советская зоотехния Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva SSSR; Министерство сельского хозяйства СССР.
0490-0928 Sovětská věda. Chemie Československo-sovětský institut; Nakladatelství ČSAV
0371-1935 Sovetskie subtropiki Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut vlažnyh subtropikov.
0371-0505 Sovetskij kaučuk.; Советский каучук Kaučukonos; Каучуконос.
0371-1919 Sovetskij sahar.; Советский сахар Ministerstvo piŝevoj promyšlennosti SSSR; Министерство пищевой промышленности СССР.
0371-4284 Sovetskoe foto [s.n.]
0038-5239 Sovetskoe zdravoohranenie Medicina
0490-1177 Sovetskoe zdravoohranenie Kirgizii Izdanie Ministerstva zdravoohraneniâ Kirgizskoj SSR.
0371-4993 Sovetskoe zdravoohranenie Turkmenii Narodnyj komissariat zdravoohraneniâ Turkmenskoj SSR.
0038-5271 Soviet Antarctic Expedition Scripta Technica, inc.; American Geophysical Union.
0092-4695 Soviet business & trade Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR.; Porter International Company.
0731-7727 Soviet business & trade The Company,
0584-5440 Soviet Engineering Journal [s.n.].
0144-2139 Soviet instrumentation and control journal Robert Maxwell & Company Limited. ;; Transcripta Journals Limited.
0038-5476 Soviet journal of instrumentation and control Great Britain.
0038-5514 Soviet journal of optical technology Optical Society of America.; American Institute of Physics.
0038-5727 Soviet plastics Great Britain.; Rubber and Plastics Research Association of Great Britain.
0093-5190 Soviet public health United States. Joint Publications Research Service.
0584-5629 Soviet Radio Engineering s.n..
0097-1545 Soviet radiophysics Faraday Press
0038-5808 Soviet rubber technology Rubber and Plastics Research Association.
0146-5058 Soviet science Akademii͡a nauk SSSR,
0143-0394 Soviet scientific reviews Akademiňińa nauk SSSR.
0143-0408 Soviet scientific reviews Akademiňińa nauk SSSR.
0143-0424 Soviet scientific reviews Harwood Academic.
0143-0432 Soviet scientific reviews Harwood Academic.
0371-2192 Sovremennye problemy organičeskoj himii Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
1609-0446 Sovremennye problemy toksikologii.; Современные проблемы токсикологии Institut farmakologii i toksikologii AMN Ukrainy; Институт фармакологии и токсикологии АМН Украины
0561-2624 Sovremennye voprosy èndokrinologii Medicina.
0038-6014 Soybean digest American Soybean Association
0919-9853 Sozai busseigaku zasshi Sozai busseigaku kenkyukai; Nihon Sozai Bussei Gakkai
0132-1439 Sozdanie i issledovanie oborudovaniâ dlâ proizvodstva sintetičeskih volokon.; Создание и исследование оборудования для производства синтетических волокон Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut mašin dlâ proizvodstva sintetičeskih volokon; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт машин для производства синтетических волокон
0173-0460 SozEp-Berichte Institut für Sozialmedizin und Epidemiologie des Bundesgesundheitsamtes.
0303-8408 Sozial- und Präventivmedizin Vogt-Schild; Birkhäuser
1420-911X Sozial- und Präventivmedizin = Vogt-Schild; Birkhäuser
0099-5908 SP Society of Automotive Engineers.
1476-184X SP2 Avakado.
0885-9485 Space/Aeronautics Ziff-Davis Pub. Co.]
0038-6340 Spaceflight The British Interplanetary Society
0038-6286 Space life sciences Reidel
1041-2824 Space nuclear power systems Orbit Book Co.,
0883-6272 Space power Pergamon Press.
0204-9104 Space research of Bulgaria Bulgarian academy of sciences.
0377-7936 Space science instrumentation Reidel
0038-6308 Space science reviews Reidel
1572-9672 Space science reviews (e-vir) Springer
0191-9067 Space solar power review Sunsat Energy Council.
1389-1766 Space technology proceedings Kluwer Academic Publishers
0584-8024 Span Shell International Chemical Company.
0371-2443 Sparwirtschaft [s.n.]
0037-749X SPC United Trade Press
0081-2811 SPC handbook South Pacific Commission.
0713-7664 SPC report Saskatchewan Power Corporation.
0097-1693 Special bulletin Michigan State College. Agricultural Experiment Station.; State Agricultural College (Mich.). Experiment Station.; Michigan Agricultural College. Experiment Station.
0366-7456 Special Bulletin Secretariat, Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction
0099-6602 Special Bulletin - Wisconsin, Agricultural Experiment Station Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station.
0082-0954 Special ceramics British Ceramic Research Association c/o P. Popper
0097-062X Special circular - Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station.
0371-1978 Special contributions of Institute of Geophysics, National Central University, Miaoli, Taiwan National Central University.; Institute of Geophysics.
0454-7837 Special Contributions of the Geophysical Institute, Kyoto University Kyoto University. Geophysical Institute.
0370-9302 Special Discussions of the Faraday Society Academic Press Inc, Ltd.
0542-1136 Special economic studies series Maine Geological Survey,
0038-6855 Specialities Ashbourne Publications Ltd.
0584-8423 Specialities International [s.n.]
0262-2262 Speciality chemicals Fuel & Metallurgical Journals Ltd
0278-3703 Special paper Oregon. Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries.
0544-2559 Special paper Mineralogical Society of America.; International Mineralogical Association.
0155-2651 Special paper - Centre for Precambrian Research. University of Adelaide University of Adelaide.
0072-1042 Special Paper - Geological Association of Canada Geological Association of Canada.
0481-4614 Special Paper - Quebec Department of Natural Resources Dep of Natural Resources, Mineral Deposits Service.
0072-1077 Special papers Geological Society of America
2331-219X Special papers (e-vir) Geological Society of America.
0070-2242 Special publication Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research.
0075-5613 Special publication Kentucky Geological Survey.
0077-1139 Special publication Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology.
0085-0640 Special publication Florida.; Geological Survey (U.S.); Florida Geological Survey.
0097-3270 Special publication Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists.
0097-3866 Special publication University of New Mexico. Dept. of Geology.; University of New Mexico. Institute of Meteoritics.
0363-8634 Special publication Entomological Society of America.
0367-5335 Special publication Geological Society of South Africa
0370-8462 Special publication South African Association for the Advancement of Science
0731-1656 Special publication Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
1060-071X Special publication SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
0366-7480 Special Publication College of Agriculture.; National Taiwan University.
0260-6291 Special publication / Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0723-8835 Special publication ... of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits.
0334-2484 Special publication - Agricultural Research Organization Agricultural Research Organization.
0276-5810 Special publication ARLCD-SP Large Caliber Weapon Systems Laboratory (U.S.)
0306-4352 Special publication - British Carbonization Research Association British Carbonization Research Assoc..
0144-2147 Special publication - British Ceramic Research Association British Ceramic Research Association.
0577-618X Special publication - Chemical Society, London Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0099-6459 Special publication - Colorado Geological Survey Colorado Geological Survey.
0267-081X Special publication - Commonwealth Bureau of Soils Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux.
0160-3590 Special publication - Ecological Society of America Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross :; exclusive distributor: Halsted Press,
0824-2119 Special publication - Forintek Canada Corp Forintek Canada Corporation, Western Laboratory.
0072-1085 Special Publication - Geological Society of Australia Mr K. G. Mosher, Geological Society's Office,.
0438-735X Special Publication - Hawaii, Agricultural Experiment Station
0277-4305 Special publication IFDC International Fertilizer Development Center.
0099-5568 Special publication - Missouri Geological Survey and Water Resources Missouri Geological Survey and Water Resources,
0548-6327 Special publication - New Mexico Geological Society New Mexico Geological Society.
0193-0990 Special publication - North Carolina, Geology and Mineral Resources Section North Carolina Dept. of Natural and Economic Resources, Division of Earth Resources, Geology and Mineral Resources Section,
0305-8719 Special publication of the Geological Society of London Blackwell Scientific.
0141-3600 Special publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists Blackwell Scientific Publications.
0099-6327 Special Publication - Pennsylvania State University, Earth and Mineral Sciences Experiment Station Earth and Mineral Sciences Experiment Station.
0080-4487 Special publication - Royal Numismatic Society Royal Numismatic Society.
0149-1768 Special Publications, Museum Texas Tech University Museum Texas Tech University
0704-7622 Special publication - Saskatchewan Geological Society Saskatchewan Geological Society.
0076-9185 Special publication series Minnesota Geological Survey.; University of Minnesota.
0442-8544 Special Publications - Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council
0197-1751 Special publications of the Society for General Microbiology Society for General Microbiology.
0083-873X Special publications - Western Australian Museum Western Australian Museum.
0077-5622 Special report National Research Council (U.S.).
0084-8875 Special report Colorado.
0092-1602 Special report State of New Jersey, Dept. of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Resources.
0097-6954 Special report Georgia Institute of Technology. Engineering Experiment Station.
0360-3881 Special report Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys.
0360-859X Special report National Research Council (U.S.).
0512-5421 Special report University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee. Center for Great Lakes Studies.
0527-0014 Special report California.
0544-4977 Special report University of Missouri. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0886-7623 Special report New York State Agricultural Experiment Station.
1373-7244 Special report European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals.
0367-388X Special Report [s.n.]
0367-4525 Special Report [s.n.]
0099-6068 Special report / Geological Survey of Alabama.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0368-0126 Special report / Iron and Steel Institute.
0571-0189 Special report / Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
0588-4497 Special Report - Colorado Division of Game Fish and Parks
0096-5626 Special report - Division of Water Policy and Supply Geological Survey (U.S.)
0427-7457 Special Report - Fulmer Research Institute Fulmer Research Institute.
0453-2449 Special Report - Kansas Engineering Experiment Station, Manhattan, Kansas
0369-318X Special Report - National Geological Survey of China s.n.],
0543-940X Special report of the Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan University of Michigan.
0099-8850 Special Report - Packaging Institute Packaging Institute, Inc.
0369-1683 Special Report Series Medical Research Council (Great Britain)
0149-1164 Special reports - Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory.
0561-0559 Special Report - South Dakota, State Geological Survey South Dakota State Geological Survey, University of South Dakota.
0097-4277 Special report - Utah Agricultural Experiment Station Utah Water and Power Board.
0097-3653 Special scientific report--fisheries U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.; United States.
0085-0705 Special Scientific Report - Florida Department of Natural Resources Marine Research Laboratory
0096-123X Special scientific report--wildlife United States.; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.; Canadian Wildlife Service.
0258-7599 Special series - International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior.
0144-2341 Special steels review Market Promotion Department, British Steel Corporation
0305-6430 Special steels technical review British Steel Corp.
0098-115X Special studies - Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Utah Geological and Mineral Survey.; Utah.
0096-9656 Special symposia American Society of Limnology and Oceanography.
0066-0558 Special technical publication American Society for Testing Materials
0272-927X Specialty Conference on: the User and Fabric Filtration Equipment Air Pollution Control Association]
0131-1727 Specialʹnye stali i splavy.; Специальные стали и сплавы Metallurgiâ; Металлургия.
1635-947X Spectra analyse PCI,
0295-1967 Spectra biologie Société parisienne d'édition
0584-8520 Spectra-physics laser technical bulletin Spectra-Physics.
0584-8547 Spectrochimica acta Pergamon Press; Elsevier Science
1386-1425 Spectrochimica acta Pergamon Press; Elsevier Science
1873-3557 Spectrochimica acta (e-vir) Elsevier
1873-3565 Spectrochimica acta (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0958-319X Spectrochimica acta reviews Pergamon
0038-6995 Spectroscopia molecular F. F. Cleveland
0584-8555 Spectroscopic properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0712-4813 Spectroscopy J.R.J. Paré Establishment for Chemistry; Elsevier; IOS Press
0887-6703 Spectroscopy Aster Pub. Corp.
1875-922X Spectroscopy IOS Press
1939-1900 Spectroscopy (e-vir) Aster Pub. Corp.]
0966-0941 Spectroscopy Europe VCH; Michael
0038-7010 Spectroscopy letters M. Dekker
1532-2289 Spectroscopy letters (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0956-9820 Spectroscopy world Spectroscopy world
0038-7029 Spectrovision [s.n.]
0049-1861 Spectrum Akademie der Wissenschaften
0155-7785 Speculations in science and technology Western Australian Institute of Technology
1573-9309 Speculations in science and technology Kluwer
1064-6671 SPE drilling & completion Society of Petroleum Engineers (U.S.)
1930-0204 SPE drilling & completion (e-vir) Society of Petroleum Engineers
0885-923X SPE formation evaluation The Society
0036-1844 SPE journal Society of Plastic Engineers, Inc.
1086-055X SPE journal Society of Petroleum Engineers
1930-0220 SPE journal (e-vir) Society of Petroleum Engineers
0134-9007 Spektroskopiâ gazorazrâdnoj plazmy Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
1064-668X SPE production & facilities Society of Petroleum Engineers (U.S.)
1930-1855 SPE production & operations Society of Petroleum Engineers (U.S.)
1930-1863 SPE production & operations (e-vir) Society of Petroleum Engineers
0885-9221 SPE production engineering The Society
0885-9248 SPE reservoir engineering The Society
1094-6470 SPE reservoir evaluation & engineering Society of Petroleum Engineers (U.S.)
1930-0212 SPE reservoir evaluation & engineering (e-vir) Society of Petroleum Engineers
0371-2869 Sperimentale. Sezione di Chimica Biologica Accademia medico fisica fiorentina.
0096-8129 SPE transactions Society of Plastics Engineers.
0343-7639 Spezielle Berichte der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich Kernforschungsanlage Jülich.; Zentralbibliothek der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH.
0379-6043 SPIC industrial engineering & training bulletin Southern Petrochemical Industries Corp..
0036-1860 SPIE journal SPIE
0099-3093 SPIE newsletter SPIE
1353-2561 Spill science & technology bulletin Pergamon
0104-0774 Spin Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Departamento de Física e Química.
0362-2436 Spine Medical Dept., Harper & Row Publishers.
1528-1159 Spine (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
0038-7541 Spinner, Weber, Textilveredlung [s.n.]
0191-3301 Spirits Liquor Publications.
0371-2419 Spirituosen-Verkauf Team-VerlagMüller
0371-2338 Spirtovaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Спиртовая промышленность Narkompiŝeprom SSSR; Наркомпищепром СССР.
0371-4497 Spirto-vodočnaâ promyšlennostʹ [s.n.].
0007-3989 Spisanie na B'lgarskata Akademija na naukite B'lgarskata Akademija na naukite
0007-3938 Spisanie na Bťlgarskoto geologičesko druěstvo Bťlgarsko geologičesko družestvo
0371-084X Spisy Lékařské fakulty Masarykovy university, Brno Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy university
0371-2001 Spisy Pedagogické fakulty v Ostravě Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
0371-2125 Spisy vydávané Přírodovědeckou fakultou Masarykovy university Masarykova univerzita,
0038-7673 Spitalul Cartimex,
0081-3745 Spolia Zeylanica National Museums of Ceylon.
0306-2074 Spore research Academic Press.
0584-9144 Spores University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.; United States.
0371-3059 Sportarzt und Sportmedizin Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag GmbH.
0112-1642 Sports medicine ADIS Press
1179-2035 Sports medicine (e-vir) Adis International
0202-070X Sportsmen-podvodnik DOSAAF SSSR
0320-0361 Sposoby zapisi informacii na besserebrânyh nositelâh.; Способы записи информации на бессеребряных носителях Izdatelʹstvo pri Kievskom universitete; Издательство при Киевском университете.
0371-2265 Sprawozdania i Prace Polskiego Towarzystwa Fizycznego Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne.
0371-375X Sprawozdania Towarzystwa naukowego w Toruniu Towarzystwo naukowe w Toruniu
0371-4772 Sprawozdania Wrocławskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego Wrocławskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, Wrocław.
0371-4756 Sprawozdania Wrocławskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. Seria A Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich - Wydawnictwo
0371-4764 Sprawozdania Wrocławskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. Seria B Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich - Wydawnictwo
0341-0676 Sprechsaal Sprechsaal-Verlag
0340-5133 Sprechsaal für Keramik, Glas, Baustoffe Verlag des Sprechsaal Müller und Schmidt
0371-0572 Sprechsaal für Keramik, Glas, Email Sprechsaal-Verlag
0038-8548 Sprechsaal für Keramik, Glas, Email, Silikate Sprechsaal-Verlag
0371-2389 Sprengtechnik Barth
0930-8989 Springer proceedings in physics Springer
1867-4941 Springer proceedings in physics (e-vir) Springer
1432-2196 Springer seminars in immunopathology (e-vir) Springer
0932-2353 Springer series in biophysics Springer
1868-2561 Springer series in biophysics (e-vir) Springer
0172-6218 Springer series in chemical physics Springer
0931-7260 Springer series in electronics and photonics Springer.
0172-5734 Springer series in electrophysics Springer.
0933-033X Springer series in materials science Springer
0342-4111 Springer series in optical sciences Springer
1437-0379 Springer series in photonics Springer.
0171-1873 Springer series in solid-state sciences Springer
0931-5195 Springer series in surface sciences Springer
0172-7389 Springer series in synergetics Springer
1615-5653 Springer series on atomic, optical, and plasma physics Springer
2197-6791 Springer series on atomic, optical, and plasma physics (e-vir) Springer
0177-6495 Springer series on atoms + plasmas Springer
1612-7617 Springer series on chemical sensors and biosensors Springer,
1617-1306 Springer series on fluorescence Springer
1615-0430 Springer tracts in modern physics Springer.
0081-3869 Springer Tracts in Modern Physics Springer-Verlag
0097-5931 SPSE news Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers.
0096-5383 Squibb abstract bulletin Squibb Institute for Medical Research.
0711-2629 SRC publication Saskatchewan Research Council.
0709-8790 SRC report Saskatchewan Research Council.
0715-0407 SRC technical report Saskatchewan Research Council.
0372-4255 SRD Report. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Safety and Reliability Directorate [s.n.]
0490-6284 Sreden medicinski rabotnik Medicina i fizkultura
0563-1335 SRI Journal Stanford Research Institute.
0917-432X SR kagaku gijutsu jäohäo Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute.
0135-0765 Šromebi - Martvis sistemegis instituti Martvis sistemegis instituti.
0370-8179 Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo Srpsko lekarsko društvo
2406-0895 Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo (e-vir) Serbian Medical Society
0348-2502 SSF rapport Stiftelsen Svensk skeppsforskning.
0081-1904 SSSA special publication series Soil Science Society of America.
0490-6756 Ssu Ch'uan Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao - Tzu Jan K'o Hsueh Ssu Ch'uan Ta Hsueh,
0080-5467 St. Bonaventure Science Studies
0081-4148 Stadler genetics symposia University of Missouri--Columbia. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0038-9005 Städtehygiene Neuer Hygiene-Verlag im Medizinisch-Literaris chen Verlag, Dr. Blume and Co
0371-3377 Städtereinigung [s.n.]
0941-0821 Stahl
0138-1679 Stahlberatung Ministerium fuer Erzbergbau, Metallurgie und Kali, Stahlberatungsstelle.
0340-4803 Stahl und Eisen Verlag Stahleisen
0306-2988 Stainless steel industry Modern Metals Publ.
0038-9153 Stain technology Williams & Wilkins Co.
0339-722X STAL Association française des sciences et techniques de l'animal de laboratoire; Association des techniciens d'animaux de laboratoire
0038-920X Stal' Metallurgiâ
0135-728X Stalʹ i nemetalličeskie vklûčeniâ "Metallurgiâ".
0585-0312 Stalʹnye kanaty.; Стальные канаты Tehnìka; Техніка.
0097-2991 Standardization American Standards Association
0065-7115 Standard methods of clinical chemistry American Association of Clinical Chemists.
0371-3318 Standartizaciâ.; Стандартизация Izdatelʹstvo standartov; Издательство стандартов.
0131-8810 Standartnye obrazcy v černoj metallurgii Metallurgiâ.
0038-9692 Standarty i kačestvo Izdatel'stvo standartov
0376-2602 Stanford medical bulletin Stanford Medical Alumni Association.
0096-9559 Stanford studies in the medical sciences Stanford University.
0081-4350 Stanford University publications Stanford University.; Stanford University.
0097-4242 Stanford University publications Stanford University,
0099-5738 Stanford University Publications, University Series, Biological Sciences
0099-572X Stanford University Publications, University Series, Engineering
0099-5711 Stanford University Publications, University Series, Mathematics and Astronomy
0038-9811 Stanki i instrument Mašinostroenie
0096-7998 Starchroom laundry journal Laundrymen's National Association.
0165-2354 Staringia Nederlandse geologische vereniging
1521-379X Stärke (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
0075-4943 State Geological Survey special distribution publication Kansas Geological Survey.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0096-1078 Station bulletin Oregon State University. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0096-7378 Station bulletin Purdue University. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-3017 Station bulletin University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station
0362-8167 Station bulletin University of Minnesota.; United States.
0498-8949 Station Note - United States, Central States Forest Experiment Station
0376-0839 Station Paper. United States, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station
0367-4142 Station Paper. United States, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station
0372-7548 Stations Circular - Washington, Agricultural Experiment Stations
1544-6115 Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology (e-vir) de Gruyter
2194-6302 Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology
0099-538X Statistical bulletin American Petroleum Institute.
0305-9960 Statistical mechanics Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0375-989X Staub VDI Verlag
0039-0771 Staub, Reinhaltung der Luft Springer
0231-665X Stavby jadrovej energetiky Hydrostav
0039-078X Stavebnícky časopis Slovenská akadémia vied.
0039-0801 Stavivo SNTL, Nakladatelství technické literatury
0371-2834 Stazione sperimentale agrarie italiane Zanichelli.
0039-0828 Steam & Fuel Users' Journal Steam & Fuel Users' Association of India
0370-9485 Steam Engineer John D. Troup
0096-6266 Steam-plant engineering Steam Plant Engineering]
0371-3628 Steel & coal Fuel & Metallurgical Journals
0097-4323 Steel and iron National Iron & Steel Pub. Co..
0039-0917 Steel facts American Iron and Steel Institute.
0890-5991 Steel founders' research journal Steel Founders' Society of America.
1611-4442 Steel grips GRIPS media GmbH
0039-0925 Steel Horizons Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp.
0970-1311 Steel India Research & Development Centre for Iron & Steel, Steel Authority of India Limited.; Steel Authority of India Limited, Research & Development Centre for Iron & Steel.
0896-0429 Steelmaking Conference proceedings Iron and Steel Society of AIME.; Iron and Steel Society of AIME.
0096-5057 Steel processing and conversion Steel Publications.
0177-4832 Steel research Verlag Stahleisen
1611-3683 Steel research international Verlag Stahleisen
1869-344X Steel research international (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0039-095X Steel Times Fuel & Metallurgical Journals
0143-7798 Steel times international Fuel & Metallurgical Journals Limited
1362-5292 Steel world Institute of Materials (Great Britain)
0376-4826 Steirische Beiträge zur Hydrogeologie Technische Hochschule
0371-0181 Steklo Strojizdat.
0131-9582 Steklo i keramika Strojizdat
0371-0726 Stekolʹnaâ i keramičeskaâ promyšlennostʹ Ministerstvo promyšlennosti stroitelʹnyh materialov SSSR
0371-3792 Stekolʹnaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Стекольная промышленность Ministerstvo promyšlennosti stroitelʹnyh materialov SSSR; Министерство промышленности строительных материалов СССР.
0172-8903 Stellungnahmen zu Kernenergiefragen Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit mbH.
1550-8943 Stem cell reviews Humana Press Inc.
1558-6804 Stem cell reviews (e-vir) Humana Press
0250-6793 Stem cells S. Karger
1066-5099 Stem cells AlphaMed Press
1549-4918 Stem cells (e-vir) AlphaMed Press
1547-3287 Stem cells and development Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-8534 Stem cells and development (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0096-4204 Stereochemistry Stereochemical Pub. Co..
0924-3984 Stereochemistry of organometallic and inorganic compounds Elsevier
0039-1263 Sterne und Weltraum Sterne und Weltraum
1434-520X Sterne und Weltraum (e-vir) Sterne und Weltraum
0049-2221 Steroidologia S. Karger AG
0039-128X Steroids Holden-Day.
1878-5867 Steroids (e-vir) Elsevier
0585-2617 Steroids, Supplement
0300-0621 Steroids and lipids research S. Karger,
0490-9550 Stetoscopio Soc. Ed. Tip..
0172-729X STF-Report Staubforschungsinstitut des Hauptverbandes der Gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften e.V.; STF.
0172-0198 STH-Berichte Institut für Strahlenhygiene des Bundesgesundheitsamtes.
0585-3052 Ştiinţa solului S.N.R.S.S.,
1019-5289 Ştiinţe biologice şi chimice Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei
1222-0000 Ştiinţe şi tehnologii alimentare Institutul de Chimie Alimentaræa Bucureşti.
0585-3060 Stikstof Landbouwkundig Bureau van de Nederlandse Stikstofmeststoffen Industrie.; Stichting Landbouwkundig Bureau van de Nederlandse Meststoffenindustrie.
0355-7006 STL-A Institute of Radiation Protection.
0585-3532 Stockholm contributions in geology Almqvist och Wiksell
0039-1697 Stoma Hüthig.
0039-1719 Stomatologia Editura Medicală
0039-1735 Stomatologiâ Medicina
0039-1727 Stomatologica Università degli Studi, Genova
0302-4725 Stomatologie der DDR Verlag Gesundheit.
0491-0982 Stomatologija Medicina i fizkultura
0039-1743 Stomatološki glasnik Srbije Stomatološka sekcija Srpskog lekarskog društva
1452-3701 Stomatološki glasnik Srbije (e-vir) Stomatološka sekcija Srpskog lekarskog društva
1157-1497 STP pharma pratiques Ed. de santé
1157-1489 STP pharma sciences Ed. de santé
0081-5888 Strahlenschutz in Forschung und Praxis Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinischen Strahlenschutz.
0947-434X StrahlenschutzPraxis Verl. TÜV Rheinland
0039-2073 Strahlentherapie Urban u. Vogel
0371-3822 Strahlentherapie Urban und Schwarzenberg.
0179-7158 Strahlentherapie und Onkologie Springer
1439-099X Strahlentherapie und Onkologie Urban u. Vogel
0491-1377 Strasbourg médical [s.n.],
0039-2197 Strassen- und Tiefbau Giesel, Verlag für Publizität
0039-2189 Strasse und Verkehr Vereinigung Schweizerischer Strassenfachmänner
0039-2316 Strength of materials Consultants Bureau.
1573-9325 Strength of materials Kluwer
1025-3890 Stress Harwood Academic Publishers.
1607-8888 Stress (e-vir) Harwood Academic.
0039-2375 Stroitel' Strojizdat
0039-2391 Stroitel'nye i dorožnye mašiny Mašinostroenie
0585-430X Stroitel'nye materialy Strojizdat
0562-1836 Stroitelni materiali i silikatna promišlenost Ministerstvo na proizvodstvo i tʺrgoviâta sʺs sotki za narodno potreblenie.; Ministerstvo na stroitelstvoto, teritorialno-seliŝnoto ustrojstvo i arhitektura.
0562-1852 Stroitelstvo [s. n.]
0371-3806 Stroitelʹnaâ promyšlennostʹ.; Строительная промышленность Gosstrojizdat; Госстройиздат
0585-4296 Stroitelʹnye konstrukcii.; Строительные конструкции Budìvelʹnik; Будівельник.
0371-0491 Stroitelʹnye konstrukcii iz alûminievyh splavov.; Строительные конструкции из алюминиевых сплавов "Gosstrojizdat"; "Госстройиздат".
0371-1072 Stroitelʹnye materialy, detali i izdeliâ.; Строительные материалы, детали и изделия Budiìvelʹnik; Будиівельник
0371-1153 Stroitelʹnye materialy, izdeliâ i konstrukcii.; Строительные материалы, изделия и конструкции "Gosstrojizdat"; "Госстройиздат".
0204-0514 Stroitelʹnye materialy, izdeliâ i sanitarnaâ tehnika.; Строительные материалы, изделия и санитарная техника Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut stroitelʹnyh materialov i izdelij; Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut sanitarnoj tehniki; Научно-исследовательский институт строительных материалов и изделий; Научно-исследовательский институт санитарной техники.
1729-9209 Stroitelʹnye materialy, oborudovanie, tehnologii XXI veka RIA Komposit.
0371-3679 Stroitelʹnye materialy i betony Uralʹskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektnyj institut stroitelʹnyh materialov.
0136-7773 Stroitelʹnye materialy i konstrukcii.; Строительные материалы и конструкции Âroslavskij politehničeskij institut; Ярославский политехнический институт.
0371-3857 Stroitelʹstvo dorog.; Строительство дорог "Dorizdat"; "Дориздат".
0039-2413 Stroitelʹstvo i arhitektura Leningrada.; Строительство и архитектура Ленинграда Lenizdat; Лениздат.
0039-243X Stroitelʹstvo i arhitektura Uzbekistana Ministerstvo stroitelʹstva Uzbekskoj SSR.
0130-3872 Stroitelʹstvo neftânyh i gazovyh skvažin na suše i na more.; Строительство нефтяных и газовых скважин на суше и на море Izdatelʹskij dom "Gubkin" RGU nefti i gaza (NIU) imeni I.M. Gubkina; Издательский дом "Губкин" РГУ нефти и газа (НИУ) имени И.М. Губкина
0039-2448 Stroitelʹstvo truboprovodov.; Строительство трубопроводов Nedra; Недра.
0372-512X Stroitelʹstvo v rajonah Urala i Zapadnoj Sibiri SSSR.; Строительство в районах Урала и Западной Сибири СССР CBNTI; ЦБНТИ.
0562-1887 Strojarstvo Savez društava strojarskih i brodograđevnih inženjera i tehničara Hrvatske
1849-1448 Strojarstvo (e-vir) Hrvatski strojarski i brodograđevni inženjerski savez
0039-2464 Strojírenství SNTL, Nakladatelsví technické literatury
0039-2499 Stroke American Heart Association
1524-4628 Stroke (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; HighWire Press
0491-1776 Stromboli Rivista Stromboli.
0351-9597 Stručna izdanja JUGOMA Savez društava za primjenu goriva i maziva Jugoslavije
1040-0400 Structural chemistry VCH
1572-9001 Structural chemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
0585-4369 Structural concrete Reinforced Concrete Association.
0039-2553 Structural engineer Batiste Publications
0969-2126 Structure Elsevier Current Trends Journals
1878-4186 Structure (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0081-5993 Structure and Bonding Springer-Verlag
1366-0934 Structure energetics and reactivity in chemistry series Blackie Academic & Professional.
0081-6000 Structure of Glass Plenum Publishing Corp.
1462-6055 Structures and materials WIT Press
0156-9856 Structures note Aeronautical Research Laboratories (Australia)
0516-2416 Struktura i svojstva lityh splavov.; Структура и свойства литых сплавов Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk USSR; Издательство Академии наук УССР.
0321-463X Struktura i svojstva tverdyh tel.; Структура и свойства твердых тел Uralʹskij universitet im. A.M. Gorʹkogo; Уральский университет им. А.М. Горького.
0371-3245 Studenčeskie naučno-issledovatelʹskie raboty.; Студенческие научно-исследовательские работы Sibirskij tehnologičeskij institut; Сибирский технологический институт.
0096-7149 Student medicine Cornell University.; American College Health Association.
0189-0573 Student pharmacist Pharmaceutical Association of Nigeria Students.
0721-8672 Student und Praktikant Deutscher Apotheker-Verlag
0081-6337 Studia biophysica Akademie-Verlag
0370-923X Studia Chemica Universidad de Salamanca
0039-3150 Studia Forestalia Suecica Sveriges Skogsvardsfoerbund
0081-6426 Studia Geologica Polonica Wydawnictwa Geologiczne
0039-3169 Studia geophysica et geodaetica Academia
1573-1626 Studia geophysica et geodaetica (e-vir) Kluwer
0137-8864 Studia i Materiały Monograficzne Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra med. Jerzego Nofera.; Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra med. Jerzego Nofera (Łódź)
0208-421X Studia i Materiały Oceanologiczne Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Badań Morza.
0081-6604 Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Nauki Polskiej Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
0585-5322 Studia laboris & salutis / (e-vir) Arbetsmedicinska institutet
0562-2883 Studia medica Szegedinensia Universitas Scientiarum Medicinae de Alberto Szent-Györgyi Nominata.
0302-1483 Studia microbiologica Dreyer Drukkers.
0081-6760 Studia Naturae. Seria A. Wydawnictwa Naukowe Polska Akademia Nauk. Zakład Ochrony Przyrody.
0371-2222 Studia pneumologica et phtiseologica cechoslovaca Avicenum
0082-5581 Studia Societatis Scientiarum Torunensis. Sectio G. Physiologia Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
0082-5530 Studia Societatis Scientiarum Torunensis Toruń-Polonia Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu.
0039-3398 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai",
0255-6804 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Universitetea Babeş-Bolyai
0258-8730 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai",; Presa Universitara Clujeana,
0578-5413 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Universitatum Cluj
1224-7154 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Presa Universitaræa Clujeanæa
2065-9520 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai (e-vir) Presa Universitara Clujeana
0039-3436 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Universitatum Cluj
0370-8659 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Universitatea
0371-4047 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai s.n.
0371-4179 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Universitea Babes-bolyai
0578-5421 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Universitatea Babes-Bolyai
0373-1227 Studia Universitatis babes-bolyai. Mathematica-physica [S.n.]
0371-3687 Studi di medicina e chirurgia dello sport Tip. E. Pinci; Federazione medico sportiva italiana
0081-7333 Studien zur Medizingeschichte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
0479-7175 Studi e Ricerche dell'Istituto di Mineralogia e Petrografia della Universita di Pavia
0535-9422 Studi e Ricerche della Divisione Geomineraria, Comitato Nazionale per le Ricerche Nucleari
0391-5921 Studi e ricerche - Università nazionale Somala, Facoltà di agraria Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Facolta di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali; Facolta di Agraria dell'U.N.S..
0527-7582 Studies from the Stations of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Office of the Ed.
1383-7281 Studies in applied electromagnetics and mechanics IOS Press
0022-2526 Studies in applied mathematics Wiley-Blackwell
1467-9590 Studies in applied mathematics (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0039-3630 Studies in conservation International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works = L'Institut International pour la Conservation des Objets d'Art et d'Histoire
2047-0584 Studies in conservation (e-vir) Thomas Nelson and Sons; Maney
0143-1943 Studies in ecology University of California Press,
0167-403X Studies in electrical and electronic engineering Elsevier
0166-1116 Studies in environmental science Elsevier
1434-9922 Studies in fuzziness and soft computing Physica-Verl.
0149-1377 Studies in geology American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
0270-4730 Studies in high energy physics Harwood Academic Publishers.
0149-6700 Studies in history of biology Johns Hopkins University Press
0169-3158 Studies in inorganic chemistry Elsevier
1383-7303 Studies in interface science Elsevier
0260-9320 Studies in joint disease Pitman Medical Limited.
1024-8056 Studies in medicinal chemistry Harwood Academic Publishers.
0166-6061 Studies in modern thermodynamics Elsevier
0166-0616 Studies in mycology Centraalbureau voor schimmelcultures
1872-9797 Studies in mycology (e-vir) CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre; Elsevier B.V.
1351-8194 Studies in neuroscience Manchester University Press.
0165-3253 Studies in organic chemistry Elsevier
0167-6881 Studies in physical and theoretical chemistry Elsevier
0928-3420 Studies in plant science Elsevier
0922-5579 Studies in polymer science Elsevier
0099-3972 Studies in radiation effects on solids Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Inc.
0081-8542 Studies in statistical mechanics North-Holland
0167-2991 Studies in surface science and catalysis Elsevier
0081-8577 Studies in the foundations methodology and philosophy of science Springer.
0161-0465 Studies in the natural sciences University of Miami.
0081-8720 Studies in tropical oceanography University of Miami. Institute of Marine Science.; University of Miami. Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences.; Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science.
1050-3943 Studies of high temperature superconductors Nova Science Publishers,
0096-4328 Studies of the Institutum Divi Thomae Institutum Divi Thomae.
1065-7665 Studies of vacuum ultraviolet and x-ray processes AMS Press
0367-9683 Studii Institutul de Petrol şi Gaze
0521-3479 Studii de alimentæari cu apæa Institutul de Studii, Cercetæari şi Proiectæari pentru Gospodæarirea Apelor.
0373-9694 Studii de geotehnicæa, fundaţii şi construcţii hidrotehnice Institutul de Studii şi Cercetæari Hidrotehnice.
0370-9450 Studii de protecţia şi epurarea apelor Institutul de Studii şi Cercetări Hidrotehnice,
0378-9810 Studii şi cercetæari Institutul de Meteorologie şi Hidrologie.
0378-9829 Studii şi cercetæari Institutul de Meteorologie şi Hidrologie.
1220-5273 Studii şi cercetæari de biologie Academia Românæa.
0365-5962 Studii şi cercetæari de biologie. Seria Biologie animalæa CARTIMEX
0585-7538 Studii şi cercetæari de embriologie şi citologie CARTIMEX
0585-7546 Studii şi cercetæari de embriologie şi citologie CARTIMEX
0515-1635 Studii şi cercetæari de energeticæa Academia R.P. Române.; Institutul de Energeticæa.
0039-4025 Studii şi cercetæari de medicinæa internæa Academia Republicii Socialiste România. Institutul de Medicinæa Internæa.
0374-5058 Studii şi cercetări Editura Academiei R.P. Române
0567-6150 Studii şi cercetări de agronomie [s.n.]
0049-2396 Studii si Cercetari de Biochimie CARTIMEX
0365-5997 Studii şi cercetări de biologie Editura Academiei R.P. Române
0370-8934 Studii şi cercetări de biologie Editura Academiei R.S. România
0370-8950 Studii şi cercetări de biologie Editura Academiei R.S. România
0567-6169 Studii şi cercetări de biologie [s.n.]
0039-3908 Studii si Cercetari de Chimie CARTIMEX
0039-3916 Studii si Cercetari de Documentare si bibliologie Centrul de documentare stiintificǎ al Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romǎnia
0039-3924 Studii şi cercetări de endocrinologie [s.n.]
0515-1619 Studii şi cercetări de energetică Editura Academiei R.P. Române
0515-1627 Studii şi cercetări de energetică Editura Academiei R.P. Române
0039-3932 Studii şi cercetări de energetică şi electrotehnică Editura Academiei R.S. România
0039-3940 Studii şi cercetari de fizica Editura Academiei Române
0039-3959 Studii şi cercetări de fiziologie Editura Academiei R.P. Române
0378-6021 Studii şi cercetări de geologie, geofizică, geografie Editura Academiei R.S. România
0567-6096 Studii si Cercetari de Geologie Geofizica Geografie. Seria Geologie Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania
0039-3975 Studii şi cercetări de inframicrobiologie Editura Academiei R.S. România
0375-9911 Studii şi cercetări de inframicrobiologie, microbiologie şi parazitologie Editura Academiei R.P. Române
0039-4017 Studii si Cercetari de Mecanica Aplicata CARTIMEX
0039-4033 Studii şi cercetări de metalurgie Centrul de Cercetări Metalurgice
0370-9116 Studii şi cercetări de neurologie Editura Academiei R.P. Române
0303-531X Studii şi cercetări de virusologie Editura Academiei R.S. România
1582-540X Studii şi cercetari ştiinţifice Alma Mater Bacau
2344-5467 Studii şi cercetări ştiinţifice (e-vir) Universitatea "Vasile Alecsandri" din Bacău. Facultatea de Inginerie. Catedra de Chimie şi Tehnologia Produselor Alimentare
0374-146X Studii tehnice şi economice Institutul Geologic.
0376-4486 Studii tehnice şi economice Institutul de Geologie şi Geofizicæa.
0376-4834 Studii tehnice şi economice Institutul de Geologie şi Geofizicæa.
0378-9667 Studii tehnice şi economice Institutul de Geologie şi Geofizicæa.
0557-4609 Studii tehnice şi economice Institutul Geologic.
0323-2301 Studijní informace. Rostlinná výroba Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací
0371-3172 Studi sassaresi. Sezione 2: Archivio bimestrale di scienze mediche e naturali Società Sassarese di Scienze Mediche.
0562-2662 Studi sassaresi. Sezione 3: Annali della Facoltà di Agraria dell'Università di Sassari Società Sassarese di Scienze Mediche e Naturali.; Università degli studi di Sassari, Facoltà di Agraria.
0371-3229 Studi sassaresi. Sezione di scienze mediche e naturali Società Sassarese di Scienze Mediche e Naturali.
0371-3725 Studi trentini di scienze naturali Società di studi per la Venezia tridentina
0392-0534 Studi trentini di scienze naturali Museo tridentino di scienze naturali
0392-0542 Studi trentini di scienze naturali Museo tridentino di scienze naturali
0585-5608 Studi trentini di scienze naturali Museo tridentino di scienze naturali
0585-5616 Studi trentini di scienze naturali Museo tridentino di scienze naturali
0039-4149 Studium generale Springer.
0371-392X Studi Urbinati, Facoltà di Farmacia Università di Urbino, Facoltà di Farmacia.
0348-5358 Studsvik report AB Atomenergi.; Studsvik energiteknik AB.
0309-2585 Study group - Institute for Research into Mental Retardation Churchill Livingstone.
0165-0955 Study group of the Institute for Research into Mental and Multiple Handicap Institute for Research into Mental and Multiple Handicap.
0347-8645 STU-information STU.; STU:s informationssektion.; National Swedish Board for Technical Development.; Styrelsen för teknisk utveckling.
0781-1705 STUK-A Säteilyturvakeskus
0785-9325 STUK-YTO-TR Säteilyturvakeskus.; Str°alsäkerhetscentralen.; Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety.; Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority.; Säteilyturvakeskus.; Säteilyturvakeskus. Ydinturvallisuusosasto.
0340-935X Stuttgarter Berichte zur Abfallwirtschaft Oldenbourg-Industrieverl.
0585-7953 Stuttgarter Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Oldenbourg in Komm.
0347-7754 STU-utredning STU:s informationssektion, Styrelsen för teknisk utveckling.
0371-2788 Stvdia Universidad del Atlantico,
0039-1824 Støperitidende Norges støperitekniske forening
0585-8216 Suara Pharmasi ????.
0306-0225 Sub-cellular biochemistry Plenum Press
8756-4475 Subnuclear series Compositori
0039-4378 Subsidia Medica Verlag Brueder Hollinek
0191-8877 Substance and alcohol actions/misuse Pergamon.
1727-5725 Sučasna gastroenterologìâ.; Сучасна гастроентерологія VÌT-A-POL; ВÌТ-А-ПОЛ
0039-4483 Sucrerie Belge et/and Sugar Industry Abstracts Sucrerie belge
0254-0789 Sudan journal of food science and technology Food Research Centre.
0562-5084 Sudan journal of veterinary science and animal husbandry University of Khartoum.
0250-555X Sudan Medical Association congress series Sudan Medical Association.
0370-8527 Süddeutsche Apotheker-Zeitung Schmiedel
0370-9396 Süddeutsche Molkerei-Zeitung Volkswirtschaftl. Verl..
0371-4187 Süddeutsche Tabakzeitung Mainzer Verlagsanstalt u. Dr. Will u. Rothe
0039-4521 Sudebno-medicinskaâ ekspertiza Medicina
0039-4564 Sudhoffs Archiv Steiner-Verlag-Wiesbaden-GmbH
2366-2352 Sudhoffs Archiv (e-vir) Steiner
0365-2610 Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften Steiner
0039-4580 Sudostroenie Sudostroenie.
0135-2075 Sudostroenie.; Судостроение Viŝa škola; Вища школа.
0585-8690 Sudostroenie i morskie sooruženiâ.; Судостроение и морские сооружения Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo universiteta; Издательство Харьковского университета.
0371-4683 Südwestdeutscher Imker Walmar-Verl. Mayer.
0371-4675 Südwestdeutsches Ärzteblatt [s.n.]
0562-5351 Suelos ecuatoriales Sociedad Colombiana de la Ciencia del Suelo
0371-4195 Suelo Tico [s.n.]
1130-796X Suelo y planta Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)
0096-4794 Sugar R. Palmer, etc.]
0099-7080 Sugar Abstracts
0099-569X Sugar Beet [s.n.].
0039-4718 Sugar Beet Journal Farmers and Manufacturers Beet Sugar Association.
0370-8748 Sugar beet review and British beet grower [s.n.]
0370-8543 Sugar bulletin Ministry of Agriculture
0265-7406 Sugar cane International Sugar Journal
0371-4012 Sugar Cane [s.n.]
1468-6031 Sugar cane international International Media; Agra Informa Ltd.
0370-9140 Sugar Central and Planters' News Sugar News Press
0371-0173 Sugar Industry Abstracts Sucrerie belge
0039-4734 Sugar journal Sugar Journal, inc.
0099-6629 Sugar Research Foundation, Scientific Report Series
0974-0740 Sugar tech (e-vir) Springer India .
0972-1525 Sugar Tech World Media.
0081-9204 Sugar technology reviews Elsevier
0039-4742 Sugar y azúcar International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists.
1345-0050 Suginami-ku Eisei Shikenjo nempo Suginami-ku Eisei Shikenjo
0371-0688 Suhak Kwa Mulli Kwahagwon Ch'ulp'ansa; Chiao Liu Publication Service
0585-8860 Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir landbouwetenskap Department of Agriculture.
2222-4173 Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir natuurwetenskap en tegnologie (e-vir) AOSIS OpenJournals
0258-3321 Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir suiwelkunde Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir suiweltegnologie.; South African Society of Dairy Technology.
0379-6027 Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir suiweltegnologie Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Suiweltegnologie.
0371-0521 Suidäo Kenkyäujo häokoku Kubota Tekkäo. Suidäo Kenkyäujo.
0371-0785 Suido Kyokai Zasshi Nippon Suido Kyokai
0389-4630 Suinetsu Kagaku Jikkenjo häokoku Kochi University. Faculty of Science.; Käochi Daigaku. Bunri Gakubu.; Kochi University. Faculty of Arts and Sciences.; Kochi University. Faculty of Literature and Science.
0370-9361 Suisan Daigakkō kenkyū hōkoku Suisan Daigakkō
0286-651X Suisan Fukajäo shiken häokoku Hokkaido Fish Hatchery.
1346-9894 Suisan sogo kenkyu senta kenkyu hokoku Suisan sogo kenkyu senta,
0371-4217 Suisan Zoshoku Suisan zoshoku danwakai; Nihon suisan zoshoku gakkai1; Nihon suisan zoshoku gakkai; Nihon suisan zoshoku gakkai
0387-2025 Suishitsu odaku kenkyäu Japan Society on Water Pollution Research.; Nihon Suishitsu Odaku Kenkyäukai.; Nihon Mizu Kankyäo Gakkai.
0585-8925 Suishitsu odaku kenkyäu Shigen Kagaku Kenkyäujo.
1341-6995 Suiso enerugī sisutemu Suiso Enerugī Kyōkai
0371-408X Suiyokai-Shi Suiyokai.
0913-0071 Suizo Nihon Suizo Gakkai; Nihon suizo gakkai; Nihon suizo gakkai
0379-7228 Sùjiäao täongxùn Táiwäanqäu sùjiào gäongyè täongyè gäonghuì.; Taiwan Plastics Industry Association.
0379-4164 SUK-Kursotekstoj Someraj Universitataj Kursoj.
0191-4383 Sulfur United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0278-6117 Sulfur letters Harwood Academic Publishers.
1026-8138 Sulfur letters (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1029-0494 Sulfur letters (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers
0196-1772 Sulfur reports Harwood Academic Publishers.
1026-8146 Sulfur reports (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers.
1029-0508 Sulfur reports (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers
1001-9456 Suliao Beijing Suliao Yanjiusuo,
1005-5770 Suliao gongye Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1005-3360 Suliao ke-ji Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0039-4890 Sulphur The British Sulphur Corp Ltd
0160-0680 Sulphur in agriculture Sulphur Institute.
0039-4904 Sulphur Institute journal Sulphur Institute.
1660-9042 Sulzer technical review Sulzer Management Ltd
0039-4912 Sulzer Technical Review Sulzer Brothers Ltd
0350-1752 Šumarstvo Savez inženjera i tehničara šumarstva i industrije za preradu drveta SR Srbije
0285-8177 Sumitomo Byoin igaku zasshi Sumitomo Byoin
0562-5815 Sumitomo Denki Sumitomo Denki Kogyo K. K..
0387-1304 Sumitomo Jäukikai gihäo Sumitomo Heavy Industries.
0387-1312 Sumitomo kagaku. Tokushäu-gäo Sumitomo Kagaku Käogyäo Kabushiki Gaisha ;; Sumitomo kagaku ;; Sumitomo kagaku
0039-4963 Sumitomo keikinzoku giho Sumitomo Keikinzoku Kogyo
0371-411X Sumitomo kinzoku Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.
0081-928X Sumitomo sangyäo eisei Sumitomo Hospital. Institute of Industrial Health.
0585-9131 Sumitomo Search Sumitomo Metal Industries.
0287-1718 Sumitomo Tokushu Kinzoku gihäo Sumitomo Tokushu Kinzoku Kabushiki Gaisha.
0370-873X Summa Brasiliensis Biologiae Fundação Getúlio Vargas
0100-5405 Summa phytopathologica Grupo Paulista de Fitopatologia.
1980-5454 Summa phytopathologica (e-vir) Grupo Paulista de Fitopatologia
1983-2729 Summa phytopathologica (e-vir) Associação Paulista de Fitopatologia
0371-0629 Sumyu Konghak Hoeji han-guk seomyu gonghakoe
0253-3111 Sunceonhyang daehag nonmunjib Soonchunhyang daehag.
0039-5447 Sunshine State agricultural research report University of Florida. Agricultural Experiment Station.
0039-5471 Suo = Suoseura
0039-5501 Suomen eläinlääkärilehti = Suomen eläinlääkäriyhdistys
0039-551X Suomen hammaslääkäriseuran toimituksia Suomen hammaslääkäriseura.; Finnish Dental Society.; Finska tandläkarsällskapet.
0371-4128 Suomen karja Suomen karjanjalostusyhdistys.
0371-4098 Suomen kemistilehti Suomalaisten Kemistien Seura.
0371-4101 Suomen kemistilehti Suomalaisten kemistien seura.
0039-5595 Suomen maataloustieteellisen seuran julkaisuja Suomen maataloustieteellinen seura :; Karisto.
0371-2273 Suomen paperi- ja puutavaralehti Suomen puunjalostusteollisuuden keskusliitto.
2489-8740 Suo - mires and peat (e-vir)
1054-2698 Superconductivity review Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0953-2048 Superconductor science & technology IOP Publishing
1361-6668 Superconductor science & technology (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0749-6036 Superlattices and microstructures Academic Press
1096-3677 Superlattices and microstructures (e-vir) Academic Press
0371-2230 Superphosphat [s.n.]
0371-2257 Superphosphate [s.n.]
0930-4061 Supplement GIT-Verl. Giebeler
0151-1173 Supplément au Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France Société zoologique de France.
0550-3868 Supplemento al nuovo cimento Editrice Compositori
0277-7878 Supplement to the Southwestern entomologist Southwestern Entomological Society.
1029-0478 Supramolecular chemistry Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
1061-0278 Supramolecular chemistry Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0968-5677 Supramolecular science Elsevier
0257-8972 Surface & coatings technology Elsevier Sequoia
1879-3347 Surface & coatings technology (e-vir) Elsevier
0081-9573 Surface and colloid science Plenum Press,
0305-3873 Surface and defect properties of solids Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0142-2421 Surface and interface analysis Heyden & Son
1096-9918 Surface and interface analysis (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0371-2524 Surface Coatings [s.n.]
0815-709X Surface coatings Australia Oil and Colour Chemists' Association, Australia.
1356-0751 Surface coatings international Oil and Colour Chemists' Association
1476-4857 Surface coatings international SURFEX Limited
1476-4865 Surface coatings international SURFEX Limited
1742-0261 Surface coatings international (e-vir) Oil & Colour Chemists' Association.
0267-0844 Surface engineering Institute of Metals; Wolfson Institute for Surface Engineering
1743-2944 Surface engineering (e-vir) Maney Pub.
0931-3990 Surface mining, Braunkohle & other minerals GDMB Gesellschaft für Bergbau, Metallurgie, Rohstoff- und Umwelttechnik e.V.
0218-625X Surface review and letters World Scientific
1793-6667 Surface review and letters (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
0039-6028 Surface science North-Holland; Elsevier
1879-2758 Surface science (e-vir) Elsevier
1879-274X Surface science reports (e-vir) Elsevier
0167-5729 Surface Science Reports North-Holland
1055-5269 Surface science spectra American Institute of Physics for the American Vacuum Society
1520-8575 Surface science spectra (e-vir) American Institute of Physics for the American Vacuum Society
0376-4583 Surface technology Elsevier Sequoia
0307-7365 Surfacing journal Welding Institute.
0269-2848 Surfacing journal international Surface Engineering Society
0081-9603 Surfactant science series M. Dekker] ;; CRC Press
1068-5545 Surfactants in solution Plenum Press
0039-6060 Surgery C. V. Mosby Co.
1532-7361 Surgery (e-vir) Mosby
0039-6087 Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics Franklin H. Martin Memorial Foundation, etc.
0081-9638 Surgery annual [Appleton & Lange]
0941-1291 Surgery today Springer International
1436-2813 Surgery today Springer
1558-3171 Surgical clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0071-8041 Surgical forum American College of Surgeons.
0262-8724 Surgical science series Praeger Publishers.
0491-6220 Surrene Istituto biochimico ligure.
0707-9796 Surveillance report Environment Canada, Environmental Protection Service.
0253-438X Survey and synthesis of pathology research S. Karger,
0039-6206 Survey of anesthesiology Williams & Wilkins.
1536-7185 Survey of anesthesiology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0081-9697 Survey of Biological Progress
0253-4398 Survey of digestive diseases S. Karger,
0252-9564 Survey of immunologic research S. Karger AG
0039-6257 Survey of ophthalmology Survey of Ophthalmology, Inc.
1879-3304 Survey of Ophthalmology (e-vir) Elsevier
0081-976X Survey of progress in chemistry Academic Press
0371-4160 Surveyor Terminus Publications
0371-1048 Surveyor and municipal and county engineer St. Brides Press
0142-2413 Surveys in high energy physics Harwood Academic Publishers
0953-0320 Surveys in industrial wastewater treatment Longman Scientific & Technical ;; Wiley
0039-4653 Süsswaren Rhenania-Fachverlag
0173-7643 Süsswarentechnik Rhenania-Fachverlag
0562-7141 Sütőipar Lapk.
1007-2012 Suxing gongcheng xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1673-0399 Suzhou Daxue xuebao Suzhou Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
1673-047X Suzhou Daxue xuebao Editorial Committee of Journal of Suzhou University (Engineering science)
1672-0687 Suzhou Keji Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-1999 Suzhou Sichou Gongxueyuan xuebao Suzhou Sichou Gongxueyuan Ke-yanchu
0389-5025 Suzugamine Joshi Tandai kenkyu shuho. Shizen kagaku Suzugamine Joshi Tanki Daigaku
1341-6472 Suzuka Iryäo Kagaku Gijutsu Daigaku kiyäo Suzuka Universtiy of Medical Science and Technology.
1348-0227 Suzuka Iryou Kagaku Daigaku kiyou Suzuka Univesity of Medical Science.
0286-5483 Suzuka Kōgyō Kōtō Senmon Gakkō kiyō Suzuka Kōgyō Kōtō Senmon Gakkō
0285-094X Suzuken medikaru Suzuken.
0371-4578 Svarka.; Сварка VNIIavtogen; ВНИИавтоген.
0491-6441 Svaročnoe proizvodstvo Mašinostroenie.
0371-4268 Svâzannaâ voda v dispersnyh Sistemah Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta.
0371-4233 Svenska bryggareföreningens månadsblad Svenska bryggareföreningen; Svenska bryggmästareförbundet
0370-9876 Svenska gasföreningens m°anadsblad Svenska gasföreningen.
0370-9973 Svenska hydrografisk-biologiska kommissionens skrifter Svenska hydrografisk-biologiska kommissionen
0371-439X Svenska Laekartidningen Sveriges läkarförbund.
0039-6877 Svenska mejeritidningen Allmänna svenska mejeristföreningen; Svenska mejerikonsulentföreningen
0371-4446 Svenska mosskulturföreningens tidskrift Svenska mosskulturföreningen
0562-7605 Svenska skogsv°ardsföreningens tidskrift Svenska skogsv°ardsföreningen
0039-6923 Svenska vägföreningens tidskrift Svenska vägföreningen.
0371-4438 Svenska vall- och mosskulturföreningens meddelanden Svenska vall- och mosskulturföreningen
0039-646X Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift Svenska Botaniska Foreningen
0371-4241 Svensk bryggeritidskrift Sveriges bryggeriteknikers förening; Svenska bryggareföreningen; Svenska bryggmästareförbundet; Sveriges vattenfabrikanters riksförbund
0039-6524 Svensk Farmaceutisk Tidskrift Apotekarsocieteten
0039-6540 Svensk fotografisk tidskrift Svenska fotografernas förbund
0371-0742 Svensk Kemisk Tidskrift [Ingenjörsförlaget]
0371-4519 Svensk pappersförädlingstidskrift Svenska pappers- och cellulosaingeniörsföreningen.
0283-6831 Svensk papperstidning Svenska pappers- och cellulosaingenjörsföreningen
0346-2196 Svensk patenttidning Kungl. patent- och registreringsverket.
0039-6745 Svensk tandläkare-tidskrift / Svenska tandläkaresällskapet
0349-3806 Svensk tidskrift för biologisk medicin Svenska läkares förening för biologisk medicin.
0131-5366 Sverhprovodimostʹ : fizika himiâ tehnika Institut atomnoj ènergii im. I.V. Kurčatova
0868-8885 Sverhprovodimostʹ: issledovaniâ i razrabotki MÈI
0203-3119 Sverhtverdye materialy Naukova Dumka
0371-2184 Sveriges Pomologiska Foerening Arsskrift Sveriges pomologiska föreningsbyr°a.
0371-2907 Sveriges skogsv°ardsförbunds tidskrift Sveriges skogsv°ardsförbund.
0039-6990 Sveriges utsädesförenings tidskrift Sveriges utsädesförening
0354-9291 Sveske fizičkih nauka Institute of physics
0039-7067 Svetotehnika Energiâ
0346-8577 Svetsaren ESAB
0371-425X Svetsaren ESAB
0371-4276 Svetsaren ESAB
0039-7091 Svetsen Svetstekniska föreningen; Svetskommissionen
0371-4292 SVF-Fachorgan für Textilveredlung Schläpfer & Söhne
0371-4365 Svinarstvo.; Свинарство Urožaj; Урожай.
0039-713X Svinovodstvo (Moskva) Kolos
0347-9994 Swedish dental journal (e-vir) Sveriges tandläkarförbund; Svenska tandläkaresällskapet
0049-2701 Swedish Journal of Agricultural Research Almqvist och Wiksell
0251-1703 Swiss Chem Verlag Felix Wüst AG
0251-1681 Swiss Food Verlag Felix Wüst AG
1013-4476 Swiss materials Felix Wüst
1424-3997 Swiss medical weekly (e-vir) EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag
1424-7860 Swiss medical weekly EMH Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd
0251-169X Swiss plastics Arbeitsgemeinschaft der schweizerischen Kunststoffindustrie.
0039-7504 Swiss technics Schweizerische Zentrale für Handelsförderung.; Verein Schweizerischer Maschinenindustrieller.
0372-4794 Sydney University Medical Journal Sydney University Medical Society.
0082-0598 Sydowia Berger and Sohne, Ferdinand
0115-0022 Sylvatrop Forest Research Institute.
0039-7660 Sylwan Polskie Naukowe Towarzystwo Leśne
0334-5114 Symbiosis Balaban Publishers
1878-7665 Symbiosis Springer Netherlands
0082-0644 Symbolae botanicae Upsalienses Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis :; Almqvist & Wiksell International.
0082-0695 Symposia Biologica Hungarica Akad. Kiadó
0167-6407 Symposia - Fondation Merieux Kluwer Academic Publishers : :; Excerpta Medica
0082-0709 Symposia genetica et biologica Italica Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Centro di genetica.
0341-6321 Symposia medica Hoechst Schattauer.
0068-2497 Symposia of the British Society for Parasitology Blackwell Scientific Publications
0166-1167 Symposia of the Giovanni Lorenzini Foundation Elsevier/North-Holland
0537-9032 Symposia of the Institute of Biology Institute of Biology.
0074-8447 Symposia of the International Society for Cell Biology Academic Press.
0080-4363 Symposia of the Royal Entomological Society of London Royal Entomological Society of London.; Royal Entomological Society (Great Britain)
0097-3661 Symposia of the Section on Microbiology, the New York Academy of Medicine New York Academy of Medicine.
0081-1386 Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology Society for Experimental Biology (Great Britain)
0081-153X Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology Society for the Study of Human Biology.
0081-1548 Symposia of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism.
0082-0415 Symposia of the Swedish Nutrition Foundation Swedish Nutrition Foundation.; Svensk näringsforskning.; Stiftelsen Svensk näringsforskning.
0084-5612 Symposia of the Zoological Society of London Academic Press.
0733-9321 Symposia on frontiers of pharmacology Francis Clark Wood Institute for the History of Medicine.
0562-9314 Symposia on Research Advances Applied to Medical Practice Tufts College; S. Karger AG
0082-075X Symposia on theoretical physics and mathematics Institute of Mathematical Sciences (India)
0314-6154 Symposia series - Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
0082-0768 Symposia series in immunobiological standardization International Association of Microbiological Societies. Permanent Section of Microbiological Standardization.
0070-4059 Symposion der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie.
0073-8905 Symposium [s.n.]
0074-1809 Symposium International Astronomical Union.
0082-0784 Symposium (International) on Combustion Standing Committee on Combustion Symposia; Williams & Wilkins Co.
1878-027X Symposium international on combustion (e-vir) Combustion Institute (U.S.)
0068-1954 Symposium of the British Ecological Society British Ecological Society.
0266-8785 Symposium of the British Society for Developmental Biology Cambridge University Press.
0163-1551 Symposium of the Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics Group, International Association for Dental Research International Association for Dental Research.
0081-1394 Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology Society for General Microbiology.
0308-3888 Symposium on advanced medicine Royal College of Physicians of London.
0348-7180 Symposium on chemical problems connected with the stability of explosives Svenska nationalkommittén för mekanik.; Försvarets forskningsanstalt
0190-1214 Symposium on fundamental cancer research M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute.; University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Houston.
0082-0873 Symposium on Ocular Therapy American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology.; Association for Research in Ophthalmology.; Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
0919-7621 Symposium on plasma science for materials Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Committee 153.
0277-4267 Symposium on Salt Northern Ohio Geological Society.
0730-9589 Symposium on Turbulence University of Missouri--Rolla.; United States.
0142-5811 Symposium papers - Institution of Chemical Engineers. North Western Branch Institution of Chemical Engineers, North Western Branch.
0733-9038 Symposium series Oregon State University. School of Agriculture.
0260-0242 Symposium series - Medicine Publishing Foundation Medicine Publishing Foundation.
1015-6690 Symposium series - South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.; Council for Mineral Technology.; Chamber of Mines of South Africa.; School of Business leadership, University of South Africa.; SAIMM.; MINTEK.; COM.; UNISA.
0562-9764 Sympozjum Współczesnej Medycyny Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich.
0887-4476 Synapse Alan R. Liss, Inc.
1098-2396 Synapse (e-vir) Alan R. Liss
0723-3655 Synform Institut für Organische Chemie of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität at Frankfurt am Main.
0936-5214 Synlett Thieme
1437-2096 Synlett Thieme
0339-1779 Synthèse Colin
0586-3295 Syntheses of Heterocyclic Compounds
0039-7881 Synthesis Thieme; Thieme-Stratton
1437-210X Synthesis (e-vir) Thieme
1553-3174 Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic, metal-organic, and nano-metal chemistry Taylor & Francis
1553-3182 Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic, metal-organic, and nano-metal chemistry (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0094-5714 Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry Marcel Dekker
1532-2440 Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0039-789X Synthesis in Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry Marcel Dekker Inc
0378-4827 Synthetic Fachpresse,
0371-4829 Synthetic and Applied Finishes [s.n.]
0039-7911 Synthetic communications M. Dekker
1532-2432 Synthetic communications (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0379-6779 Synthetic metals Elsevier Sequoia
1879-3290 Synthetic metals (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0099-3417 Synthetic Organic Chemicals
0371-4837 Synthetics and by-products
0138-2128 SYSpur-Reporter VEB Synthesewerk Schwarzheide, Kombinat SYS.
0723-2020 Systematic and applied microbiology Fischer
0363-6445 Systematic botany [American Society of Plant Taxonomists]
1548-2324 Systematic botany American Society of Plant Taxonomists
0309-2593 Systematics Association special volume Systematics Association.
0039-7989 Systematic zoology Society of Systematic Zoology.
1741-2471 Systems biology IEE
1741-248X Systems biology (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
0200-0458 Szabadalmi közlöny Magyar Szabadalmi Bíróság
0200-044X Szabadalmi közlöny és központi védjegy-értesitő Országos Találmányi Hivatal.
0039-8071 Szabadalmi közlöny és védjegyértesítő Közgazdasági és Jogi Kiadó,; Lapkiadó; Pallas; Hírlapkiadó; Magyar Szabadalmi Hivatal
0370-9558 Szakmai és egyesületi közlemények - Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete
0082-125X Szczecińskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Szczecińskie Towarzystwo Naukowe; Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0082-1268 Szczecińskie Towarzystwo Naukowe. Wydział Nauk Matematycznych i Technicznych Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
0586-3686 Szegedi Pedagógiai Főiskola évkönyve Szegedi Pedagógiai Főiskola.
0039-8101 Szemészet Ifjusági Lapkiadó
0563-0746 Szeszipar Lapkiadó
0369-8653 Szilikátipari Konferencia Építőanyagipari Tudományos Egyesület.
0039-8144 Szkło i Ceramika Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Księażek Technicznych "Sigma"
0133-381X Szőlészet és borászat Szőlészeti és Borászati Kutató Intézet.; Institut de recherches viti-vinicoles.; Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology.; Forschungsinstitut für Weinbau und Kellerwirtschaft.
0586-3848 Szőlő- és gyümölcstermesztés Szőlészeti Kutató Intézet.; Institut de recherches viticoles.; Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut vinogradarstva.; Research Institute of Viticulture.; Forschungsinstitut für Weinbau.; 40. Sz. Főfeladat Koordináló Bizottsága.; Commission de coordination no. 40.; Koordinacionnyj komitet no. 40.; Coordinating Commission No. 40.; Koordinationskommission Nr. 40.
0324-0827 Sʺvremenni problemi na endokrinologiâta Bʺlgarska Akademiâ na Naukite.
0204-7527 Sʺvremenni problemi na infekcioznata patologiâ Medicina i fizkultura.
0324-0258 Sʺvremenni problemi na nevromorfologiâta Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite. Centralna laboratoratoriâ po problemite na regeneraciâta.
0039-8160 T.-I.-T. Journal of life sciences Tower International Technomedical Institute
0299-7258 T.S.M. Association générale des hygiénistes et techniciens municipaux
0494-5107 T'ai-Wan Shen Lin
0082-5433 T'oung pao Brill
1568-5322 T'oung pao Brill
0564-3910 T'u Jang Gai Chu
0564-3945 T'u Jang T'ung Pao Zhongguo Turang Xuehui
0494-1195 T'u Mu Kung Ch'eng
0040-1927 TA. Tecniche dell'automazione Etas periodici.
0250-3344 Taąniąne Gomu Daihan Taąniąne Goąnąneb Hyeb Hoi.
0371-5051 Tabacologia Internationale Tabakwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.
0039-873X Tabak [S.n.]
0371-5035 Tabak Gahl
0371-5043 Tabak-Forschung Mainzer Verlagsanstalt u. Dr. Will u. Rothe.
0371-5396 Tableware Maclaren Group
0371-506X Tabulae biologicae Junk
0286-7117 Tachikawa Tandai kiyäo Tachikawa College of Tokyo.
0023-4028 Taehan ěuihak hyěophoe chi Taehan ěuihak hyěophoe.; Korean Medical Association.
1015-6402 Taehan sǒnghyǒng oekwa hakhoe chi Taehan sǒnghyǒng oekwa hakhoe
0372-3461 Taehan Yakrihak Chapchi Taehan Yakrihakhoe.
0072-9302 TAE report Technion. Israel Institute of Technology, Department of Aeronautical Engineering.
0232-5683 Tagungsband KDT-Bildungszentrum Suhl.
0138-2659 Tagungsbericht Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften.
0417-1381 Tagungsbericht Deutsche Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften zu Berlin
0371-6910 Tagungsbericht der Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin der DDR.
0138-2705 Tagungsberichte Technische Hochschule, Karl-Marx-Stadt.
1018-7359 Taḥqīq-i - Pizhūhishgāh-i ṣan̒at-i naft; تحقیق پژوهشگاه صنعت نفت Pizhūhishgāh-i ṣan̒at-i naft
0253-3103 Taiąnyaąn ąneineji Hangug taiąnyaąn ąneineji haghoi.
1017-0529 Tái-diàn hénéng yuékäan Táiwäan diànlì gäongsäi hénéng guäanwù biäanjí wěiyuánhuì.; Jäingjì bù.
1344-8773 Taiheiyäo Semento kenkyäu häokoku Taiheiyo Cement Corporation. Central Research Laboratory.
0371-9987 Taihoku Norin Gakkaiho Taihoku Society of Agriculture and Forestry
0495-7865 Taiikugaku kiyäo University of Tokyo. College of General Education. Department of Physical Education.
0039-8993 Taikabutsu Taikabutsu Gijutsu Kyokai.
0285-0028 Taikabutsu overseas Technical Association of Refractories, Japan
0494-5549 Taika Zairyo Kurosaki Yogyo K. K; %%%%
1341-4178 Taiki Kankyō Gakkaishi Taiki Kankyō Gakkai
0386-7064 Taiki Osen Gakkaishi Taiki Osen Kenkyū Kyōkai
0039-9000 Taiki Osen Kenkyu Taiki Osen Kenkyu Zenkoku Kyogikai, c/o Kokuritsu Koshu Eisei-in
0039-9019 Taiki Osen Nyusu Taiki Osen Kenkyu Zenkoku Kyogikai.
1341-0865 Tairyoku, eiyäo men'ekigaku zasshi Society of physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology.
0389-9071 Tairyoku kenkyu Meiji Seimei Kosei Jigyodan Tairyoku Igaku Kenkyujo; Meiji Yasuda Kosei Jigyodan Tairyoku Igaku Kenkyujo
0387-2254 Taisei Kensetsu Gijutsu Kenkyäujohäo Taisei Corporation. Technical Research Institute.
1342-310X Taisekigaku kenkyu Taisekigaku Kenkyukai; Nihon Taiseki Gakkai
0372-1566 Taisha Nakayama Shoten.
0371-8271 Táiwäan gäongchéng jiè Zhäongguó gäongch<engshäi xuéhuì.
0379-718X Táiwäan huánjìng wäeishäeng Táiwäanshěng huájìng wäeishäeng xiéhuì.; Taiwan Environmental Sanitation Association.
0015-7791 Táiwäan käexué Táiwäan-shěng.; Formosan Association for Advancement of Science.
0379-7260 Táiwäan lěuyè gěufèn yěouxian gäongsäi yánjiäu fäazhǎn gäongzuò bàogào Táiwàn lěuyè gěufèn yěouxian gäongsäi.
1026-4469 Táiwäan línyè käexué Táiwäanshèng línyè shìyànsuěo.; Taiwan Forestry Research Institute.
0379-7201 Táiwäan méiqì Táiwäan méiqì zázhì shè.
0372-0284 Táiwäan nóngyè jìkäan Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Taiwan Provincial Government.
0253-276X Táiwäan nóngyè shuäangyuèkàn Táiwäanshěng shèngfěu nónglín täing.
0371-9456 Táiwäan shěng línyè shìyànsuěo bàogào Táiwäan shěng línyè shìyànsuěo.; Taiwan Forestry Research Institute.
0372-1698 Táiwäan shěng línyè shìyànsuěo hézuò bàogào guójiäa käexué wěiyuánhuì, zhäongguó nóngcäun fùxäing liánhé wěiyuánhuì, Táiwäan shěng línwù jú hézuò Táiwäan shěng línyè shìyànsuěo.; Taiwan Forestry Research Institute.; National Science Council, Joint Commisssion on Rural Reconstruction, Taiwan Forestry Bureau.
0371-9464 Táiwäan shěng línyè shìyànsuěo hézuò bàogào zhäongguó nóngcäun fùxäing liánhé wěiyuánhuì hézuò Táiwäan shěng línyè shìyànsuěo.; Taiwan Forestry Research Institute.; Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction.
0372-3348 Táiwäan shěng línyè shìyànsuěo línwù jú hézuò shìyàn bàogào Táiwäan shěng línyè shìyànsuěo.; Taiwan Forestry Research Institute.; Taiwan Forest Bureau.
0553-8890 Táiwäan Shíyóu dìzhì Zhäongguó Shíyóu xuéhuì.; Zhäongguó Shíyóu yěouxiàn gäongsäi.; Chinese Petroleum Institute.; Chinese Petroleum corporation.
0379-4180 Táiwäan shuěichǎnxué hui Käan Táiwäan shuěichǎnxué hui.
0372-333X Taiwania Botany Department of the National Taiwan University.
0372-3321 Taiwan Igakkai Zasshi [s.n.]
1605-2471 Taiwān nóngyè huàxué yǔ shípǐn kēxué Zhōngguó nóngyè huàxuìhuì; Zhōnghuá mínguó shípǐn kēxué jìshù xuéhuì
0366-4732 Táiwān shěng dìzhì diàochásuǒ huìkān Táiwān shěng dìzhì diàochásuǒ
0494-5271 Táiwānshěng nóngyè shìyànsuǒ yánjiū Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute
1682-6485 Táiwān shòuyīxué zázhì Zhōnghuá mínguó shòuyī xuéhuì
0492-1712 Taiwan sugar Taiwan Sugar Corporation
0368-4520 Táiwān yàoxué zázhì Zhōngguó yàoxuéhuì Táiwānshěng fēnhuì
0371-7682 Táiwān yīxuéhuì zázhì Táiwān yīxuéhuì
0254-0096 Taiyangneng xuebao Taiyangneng Xuehui
0388-9564 Taiyo enerugi Nihon Taiyo Enerugi Gakkai
1349-693X Taiyou nissan gihou Taiyou nissan gijutsu hombu gihou henshuu jimukyoku
0253-2387 Taiyuan Gongxueyuan xuebao Taiyuan Gongxueyuan
1000-1611 Taiyuan gongye daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-9432 Taiyuan Ligong Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0389-9268 Takamatsu Käogyäo Käotäo Semmon Gakkäo kenkyäu kiyäo Takamatsu National College of Technology.; Takamatsu Technical College.
0371-8670 Takamine Kenkyäujo nempäo Sankyäo Kabushiki Gaisha. Takamine Kenkyäujo.
0371-5167 Takeda Kenkyäusho Häo Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd. Pharmaceutical Research Division.
0371-5973 Takeda Kenkyusho Nempo
0039-9140 Talanta Pergamon Press
1873-3573 Talanta (e-vir) Elsevier
0136-3549 Tallinna Polütehnilise Instituudi toimetised = Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut.
0371-5981 Tamagawa Daigaku Kogakubu Kiyo Tamagawa daigaku kogakubu
0082-156X Tamagawa Daigaku Nogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Tamagawa Daigaku Nogakubu
0039-9450 Tampakushitsu Kakusan Koso Kyoritsu Shuppan Co, Ltd
0371-8565 Tampakushitsu Kakusan Koso, Bessatsu Kyoritsu Shuppan Co, Ltd.
0916-1554 Tampakushitsu Käogaku Kiso Kenkyäu Sentäa dayori Osaka University. Institute for Protein Research. Research Center for Protein Engineering.
0270-1952 TAMU-SG Texas A & M University. Sea Grant College Program.
0372-1647 Tanabe Seiyaku kenkyäu nenpäo Tanabe Seiyaku Co., Ltd.
0496-8409 Tanjen jijir jsa bogo Daihan mingug saąngoąn bu gugrib jijir josaso.; Geological Survey of Korea.
0492-2417 Tanken Sekitan Säogäo Kenkyäujo.
0371-5108 Tanko Gijutsu Hokkaido Tanko Gijutsukai.
0371-5345 Tanso Society of Carbon Research.; Carbon Society of Japan.
0049-4054 Tansui-ku Suisan Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Suisanchäo Tansui-ku Suisan Kenkyäujo.
1001-3741 Tansu jishu Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0521-4874 Tanulmányok és kutatási eredmények - Vízgazdálkodási Tudományos Kutató Intézet Vízgazdálkodási Tudományos Kutató Intézet.
1005-3174 Tanxingti Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1002-2872 Taoci Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1004-7840 Taoci Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1006-3048 Taoci gongcheng Taoci Gongcheng Zazhishe
1671-7643 Taoci kexue yu yishu Taoci Kexue yu Yishu Zazhishe
0387-7566 Täohäo Daigaku kyäoyäo kiyäo Toho University.
0372-1175 Täohäo Räeyon kenkyäu häokoku Toho Rayon Co., Ltd.
0916-7471 Täohoku Daigaku Han'näo Kagaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Tohoku University. Institute for Chemical Reaction Science.; Täohoku Daigaku. Hannäo Kagaku Kenkyäusho.
0493-394X Täohoku Daigaku Hisuiyäoeki Kagaku Kenkyäusho häokoku Tohoku University. Chemical Research Institute of Non-Aqueous Solutions.
0493-3966 Täohoku Daigaku Näogaku Kenkyäujo ihäo Täohoku Daigaku Näogaku Kenkyäujo ihäo.
0082-4658 Täohoku Daigaku Rigakubu Chishitsugaku Koseibutsugaku Kyäoshitsu kenkyu häobun häokoku Täohoku Daigaku. Rigakubu.
0919-4827 Täohoku Daigaku Sozai Käogaku Kenkyäujo ihäo Tohoku University. Institute for Advanced Materials Processing.; Sozaiken.
0919-8881 Tâohoku Kâogyâo Gijutsu Kenkyâujo hâokoku Tohoku National Industrial Research Institute.
0389-939X Täohoku Käogyäo Gijutsu Shikenjo häokoku Government Industrial Research Institute, Tohoku.
0372-0411 Täohoku Käozan Tohoku Mining Society.
0049-402X Täohoku-ku Suisan Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Tohoku Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory.; Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute.
0495-7318 Täohoku Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station.
0495-730X Täohoku Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu sokuhäo Näorin-shäo. Täohoku Näogyäo Shikenjäo.
0385-0161 Täohoku Shika Daigaku Gakkaishi Tohoku Dental University Society.
0495-7342 Täohoku Yakka Daigaku kenkyäu nempäo Tohoku College of Pharmacy.
0372-347X Täohoku Yakka Daigaku kiyäo Täohoku Yakka Daigaku.
0375-3271 Täokai Daigaku kiyäo. Kaiyäo Gakubu Tokai University. Faculty of Marine Science and Technology.; Tokai University. School of Marine Science and Technology.
0371-5884 Täokai Denkyoku gihäo Technical Research Laboratory of Tokai Electrode Mfg.
0082-4674 Täokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Täokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo.
0495-7431 Täokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku. Chagyäobu Täokai Kinki Agricultural Station. Tea Division.
0376-0510 Täokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku. Saibaibu Täokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo.
0371-8786 Täokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku. Saibai Dai 1-bu Täokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo.
0563-6825 Täokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku. Saibai Dai 2-bu Täokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo. Saibai Dai 2-bu.
0371-8832 Täokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo tokubetsu häokoku. Saibai Dai 1-bu Täokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo.
0495-7474 Täokai Kinki Näogyo Shikenjäo Engeibu tokubetsu häokoku Näorinshäo. Täokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo.
0040-8859 Täokai-ku Suisan Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Tokai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory.
0388-3736 Täokäoshi nyäusu, kagaku käogyäo shiryäo Käogyäo Gijutsuin Tokyo Käogyäo Shikenjo.
0285-8304 Täoyäo Daigaku Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Toyo University. Faculty of Engineering.
0285-8312 Täoyäo Daigaku Käogakubu Kyäoyäo kenkyäu häokoku Toyo University. Faculty of Engineering.
0368-5659 Täoyäo Kanzume Senshäu Gakkäo kenkyäu häokokusho Oriental Canning Institute.
0041-0144 Täoyäo Säoda kenkyäu häokoku Toyo Soda Manufacturing Company.
0258-6967 Tạp chí duọc học Hôi duọc học
0378-2336 Taṗ chí hóa hoċ Viêṅ Khoa Hoċ Viêṫ Nam
0255-2876 Taṗ chí khoa hoċ kỹ thuâṫ Viên khoa hoċ Viêṫ Nam
0378-8814 Tạp chí vât lý Viên khoa học Việt Nam
0039-8241 Tappi Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry
0364-2771 TAPPI Coating Conference Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0734-1415 Tappi journal Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry
0097-2169 TAPPI monograph series Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0375-9946 Tappi Special Technical Association Publication Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0439-2922 Tạp san hóa học Ban Toàn Ly Úy Ban Khoa Học Nhà Nuóc
0378-8822 Tạp san vât lý Úy Ban Khoa Học Và Ký Thuât Nhà Nuóc
0379-3397 Taqrīr al-hayʼaẗ al-'āmmaẗ li-l-misāḥaẗ al- ǧiyūlūǧiyyaẗ wa-al-mašrū'āt al-ta'dīniyyaẗ
1046-1906 Targeted diagnosis and therapy M. Dekker,
0099-7803 Target exploration report New Mexico. Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources.
1477-3627 Targets Elsevier Science London
1878-0989 Targets (e-vir) Elsevier
0494-7304 Tartu ülikooli toimetised Tartu ülikool
0167-9406 Tasks for vegetation science Junk ;; Kluwer Academic Publishers ;; Springer
0039-9817 Tasmanian Journal of Agriculture Tasmanian Dep of Agriculture.
0099-5681 Taste and Odor Control
0039-9884 Taste and odor control journal West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company. Chemical Division.
0139-4711 Tatabányai Szénbányák müszaki közgazdasági közleményei Tatabányai Szénbányák
0288-7916 Tatara kenkyu Tatara Kenkyukai
0371-5213 Tatarskaâ neftʹ.; Татарская нефть Tatarskoe naučno-tehničeskoe obŝestvo neftânoj i gazovoj promyšlennosti; Татарское научно-техническое общество нефтяной и газовой промышленности.
0172-7842 Tätigkeitsbericht des Instituts für Erdölforschung, Anstalt des Öffentlichen Rechts Institut für Erdölforschung, Anstalt des Öffentlichen Rechts.; IfE.
0386-524X Tatsuta Densen gihäo Tatsuta Electric Wire & Cable Company.
0082-2140 Tavruah
0040-0262 Taxon International bureau for plant taxonomy and nomenclature
1996-8175 Taxon (e-vir) International Bureau for Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature; International Association for Plant Taxonomy
0357-3265 Täydennyskoulutuskurssi / Suomen kemian seura Suomen kemian seura.
1024-7106 Tâželoe mašinostroenie Mašinostroenie
0361-0268 TCA manual Tissue Culture Association.
0250-359X TC Atom Enerjîsi Komîsyonu. Ankara Nükleer Araştirma Merkezi. K Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu
1349-4856 TCI meru Tokyo Kasei Kogyo.
0502-5338 TC publication United States Tariff Commission.
0040-0335 Tea Tea Board of Kenya.
0040-0343 Tea & coffee trade journal Lockwood
0424-6322 Teaduslike toode kogumik Eesti Maaviljeluse Instituut.; Eesti NSV PŽollumajandusministeerium. Info- ja juurutusvalitsus.
0253-5483 Tea journal of Bangladesh Bangladesh Tea Research Institute.
0040-036X Tea Quarterly Tea Research Institute of Ceylon, Director.
0040-0823 Tebiwa Idaho State University. Museum.
1192-2575 TecAd CRM Publ..
0040-084X Tech engineering news Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
0040-0866 Technica Birkhäuser Verlag
0253-6714 Technical Annual Indian Association for Water Pollution Control
0096-4557 Technical Association papers Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
0308-4191 Technical bibliographies - Birmingham Public Libraries Science and Technology Department. Birmingham Public Libraries.
0494-8939 Technical Book Review [S.n.]
0040-0890 Technical book review index JAAD Pub. Co.
0095-8549 Technical bul Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station.
0072-6729 Technical bulletin Great Britain.
0074-7807 Technical bulletin International Rice Research Institute
0082-9811 Technical bulletin United States.
0096-2937 Technical bulletin Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
0096-7815 Technical bulletin North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station.
0097-3009 Technical bulletin Oregon State University.
0097-5087 Technical bulletin Life Sciences and Agriculture Experiment Station.
0097-5710 Technical bulletin South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station.
0099-5215 Technical bulletin New York State Agricultural Experiment Station.
0311-8576 Technical bulletin New South Wales. Dept. of Agriculture.
0378-6447 Technical bulletin United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
0379-3567 Technical bulletin Egyptian Sugar and Distillation Company
0371-5442 Technical Bulletin [s.n.]
0372-3828 Technical Bulletin Editing, Publication and Library Sub-Dep, Dep of Agrarian Culture, Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform
0424-673X Technical Bulletin Egyptian Agricultural Organization
0096-8005 Technical bulletin / West Virginia University.; West Virginia University.
0097-6962 Technical bulletin (University of Arizona. Agricultural Experiment Station) University of Arizona.
0097-1553 Technical bulletin - Agricultural Experiment Station, Division of Agriculture, Oklahoma A. & M. College Agricultural Experiment Station.
0099-7285 Technical Bulletin - American Cyanamid Company
0096-7157 Technical bulletin - American Refractories Institute American Refractories Institute.
0379-7627 Technical bulletin - ASPAC. Food & Fertilizer Technology Center ASPAC. Food & Fertilizer Technology Center.; Asian and Pacific Council. Food & Fertilizer Technology Center.
0707-011X Technical bulletin - British Columbia Research Council British Columbia Research Council.
0306-3380 Technical bulletin - British Geomorphological Research Group Geo Abstracts.
0706-4764 Technical bulletin - Canada. Department of Agriculture Dept. of Agriculture.
0578-5790 Technical Bulletin - Cocoa Research Institute, Tafo, Ghana Cocoa Research Institute.
0145-0107 Technical bulletin - College of Agriculture Research Center, Washington State University Washington State University. College of Agriculture.
0372-5294 Technical Bulletin - Department of Agriculture, Victoria, Australia Victoria Department of Agriculture.
0435-4702 Technical Bulletin - Georgia, Agricultural Experiment Stations
0073-1005 Technical bulletin - Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Hawaii Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station.
0318-5842 Technical bulletin - Inland Waters Directorate Canada. Inland Waters Directorate.
0542-1012 Technical bulletin - Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Maine Agricultural Experiment Station.
0099-4278 Technical bulletin - Max C. Fleischmann College of Agriculture. Agricultural Experiment Station Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station, Max. C. Fleischmann College of Agriculure, University of Nevada Reno.
0097-3084 Technical bulletin - Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station (East Lansing) Michigan State University, Agricultural Experiment Station [etc.],
0576-2685 Technical bulletin - Mines Branch Dep. of Energy, Mines and Resources, Mines Branch.
0099-4324 Technical Bulletin - Mississippi, Agricultural Experiment Station Mississippi Agricultural Experiment Station.
0954-0520 Technical bulletin - National Institute for Research in Dairying National Institute for Research in Dairying.; Hannah Research Institute.
0097-0654 Technical bulletin of the Registry of Medical Technologists American Society of Clinical Pathologists.
0097-2479 Technical bulletin - Refractories Institute Refractories Institute.
0584-3316 Technical Bulletin - South Carolina, Agricultural Experiment Station South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Sta, Clemson University.
0081-9255 Technical bulletin - Sulphur Institute Sulphur Institute.
0147-2038 Technical bulletin - Texas Engineering Experiment Station Texas Engineering Experiment Station.
0367-0937 Technical Bulletin - United Arab Republic, Ministry of Agriculture (s.n.)
0096-865X Technical bulletin - Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station.
0509-7975 Technical Bulletin - Washington, Agricultural Experiment Station [s.n.].
0372-7165 Technical Bulletin - West African Cocoa Research Institute Cocoa Research Institute.
0510-3304 Technical Bulletin - Wet Ground Mica Association, Inc
0465-4110 Technical circular - Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute.
0081-217X Technical communication Government Printer
0459-7311 Technical Communication [s.n.]
0573-0678 Technical Communication [s.n.]
0365-1525 Technical Communication - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Coal Research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. Division of Coal Research.
0365-7809 Technical Communication - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Mineral Chemistry Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0156-9945 Technical communication - CSIRO Institute of Earth Resources CSIRO Institute of Earth Resources
0726-1772 Technical communication - CSIRO Institute of Energy and Earth Resources CSIRO Institute of Energy and Earth Resources
0519-5624 Technical communication - CSIRO Minerals Research Laboratories CSIRO Minerals Research Laboratories
0258-7629 Technical communication of the Commonwealth Bureau of Soils Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux.
0253-2840 Technical communication - Republic of South Africa. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
0366-4791 Technical Communications - Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations, Queensland Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations.
0160-7499 Technical conference proceedings Irrigation Association.
0364-5576 Technical conference proceedings Sprinkler Irrigation Association (U.S.); Sprinkler Irrigation Association (U.S.).
0099-7722 Technical Cybernetics Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.
1064-7775 Technical digest Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Electron Devices Society.; IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society.; IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society.
0163-1918 Technical digest / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Group on Electron Devices.; IEEE Electron Devices Society.
0277-8246 Technical document Naval Ocean Systems Center (U.S.)
0099-7595 Technical Documentary Report s.n.
0099-8494 Technical Documentary Report, ASD. United States Air Force Systems Command, Research and Technology Division National Technical Information Service, Operations Division.
0099-8478 Technical Documentary Report, ML. United States Air Force Systems Command, Air Force Materials Laboratory National Technical Information Service, Operations Division.
0379-5942 Technical journal - Ankara Nuclear Research and Training Center Ankara Nuclear Research and Training Center.; Ankara Nükleer Araştűrma ve Eægitim Merkezi.
0379-5934 Technical journal - Ankara Nuclear Research Center Ankara Nuclear Research Center.; Ankara Nükleer Araştűrma Merkezi.
0097-3874 Technical literature Technical Literature Co.;; Archibald Constable & Co., ltd.,
0144-0780 Technical magazine - Minerals Engineering Society University of Birmingham. Minerals Engineering Society.
0096-7602 Technical memorandum / United States.
0519-5926 Technical Memorandum - Australia, Defence Standards Laboratories Chief Superintendent, Defence Standards Laboratories.
0309-3883 Technical memorandum - Daresbury Nuclear Physics Laboratory Daresbury Nuclear Physics Laboratory.
0379-5713 Technical memorandum - ESRO Organisation européenne de recherches spatiales.
0545-9761 Technical memorandum - Federal Institute of Industrial Research Federal Institute of Industrial Research.
0068-5682 Technical memorandum - Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory (U.S.)
0072-7210 Technical monograph - Soil Survey Soil Survey.
0736-6965 Technical news Perkin-Elmer Corporation.
0027-8823 Technical news bulletin of the National Bureau of Standards The Bureau
0378-9527 Technical News Service Sarabhai M Chemicals.
0576-1891 Technical note Canada. Forest Products Research Branch.
0367-8741 Technical Note Indian Lac Research Institute
0097-2177 Technical note / United States.
0156-8213 Technical note - Department of Defence. Australian Defence Scientific Service. Materials Research Laboratories Australian Defence Scientific Service.
0308-3640 Technical note - Explosives Research and Development Establishment Procurement Executive, Ministry of Defence.; Rocket Propulsion Establishment.
0369-9293 Technical Note - Forest Products Research & Industries Development Commission, National Science Development Board Forest Products Research and Industries Development Commission, National Science Development Board.
0344-7200 Technical notes for the rubber industry Bayer-AG.
0099-9563 Technical Notes - United States, Forest Products Laboratory
0096-381X Technical note - University of Washington, Engineering Experiment Station University of Washington Press.
0066-698X Technical paper Arctic Institute of North America.
0110-4403 Technical paper Building Research Association of New Zealand.
0367-4517 Technical Paper [s.n.]
0516-8422 Technical Paper - ALCOA Research Laboratories Aluminum Company of America.
0271-1524 Technical paper - Association for Finishing Processes of SME Association for Finishing Processes of SME.
0069-7303 Technical Paper - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Building Research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0069-7338 Technical Paper - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Entomology Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
0365-2408 Technical Paper - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Fisheries Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.
0069-7389 Technical Paper - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Fisheries and Oceanography Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0572-0273 Technical Paper - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Food Preservation C.S.I.R.O..
0069-7427 Technical Paper - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Food Research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0069-7524 Technical Paper - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Mathematical Statistics Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0069-7516 Technical Paper - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Meteorological Physics Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0069-7567 Technical Paper - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Plant Industry Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0069-7613 Technical Paper - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Tropical Pastures Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
0519-5527 Technical Paper - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Mineragraphic Investigations C.S.I.R.O..
0198-8743 Technical paper - Clinton Laboratories Clinton Laboratories.
0097-4048 Technical paper - Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station.
0454-7292 Technical Paper - Geological Survey of Korea Chungang Chigil Kwangmul Yonguso.
0142-1719 Technical paper - Health and Safety Laboratories Health and Safety Executive.
0578-6053 Technical Paper - Iowa, Geological Survey Iowa State University Press.
0576-2693 Technical paper - Mines Branch Canada. Mines Branch.
0362-6210 Technical paper - New York State, Department of Environmental Conservation New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation.
0077-5533 Technical paper of the Division of Building Research National Research Council of Canada. Division of Building Research.
0376-2092 Technical Paper - Pan American Institute of Mining Engineering and Geology, United States Section
0583-9580 Technical papers Society of Plastics Engineers.
0149-3930 Technical papers, divisional technical conference Society of Plastics Engineers, Engineering Properties & Structures Division.
0099-3492 Technical papers, regional technical conference Society of Plastics Engineers.
0082-2310 Technical papers in hydrology Unesco, IASH
0161-1844 Technical paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
0161-1852 Technical paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
0161-1860 Technical paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
0161-1879 Technical paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
0161-1887 Technical paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
0161-6382 Technical paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers Society of Manufacturing Engineers.]
0191-0841 Technical paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
0191-085X Technical paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
0361-8765 Technical paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
0362-434X Technical papers of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
0270-1839 Technical papers - Pacific Technical Conference Society of Plastics Engineers.
0498-8957 Technical Paper - United States, Forest Service, Central States Forest Experiment Station
0097-1561 Technical paper - University of Puerto Rico, Agricultural Experiment Station University of Puerto Rico (Río Piedras Campus).
0099-9636 Technical Paper - Utah. University. Engineering Experiment Station
1063-7842 Technical physics American Institute of Physics
1090-6525 Technical physics (e-vir) American Institute of Physics
1063-7850 Technical physics letters American Institute of Physics
1090-6533 Technical physics letters (e-vir) Ioffe Institute
0569-8200 Technical preprints - American Society of Lubrication Engineers American Society of Lubrication Engineers.
0278-6206 Technical proceedings National Water Supply Improvement Association (U.S.).
0461-3686 Technical Proceedings, Anniversary Convention, Master Brewers Association of America
0160-8606 Technical proceedings. Annual conference of the National Water Supply Improvenent Association National Water Supply Improvement Association (U.S.)
0096-7610 Technical proceedings of the ... Annual Convention American Electroplaters' Society.
0071-6081 Technical Progress Report - Florida, University, Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station.
0096-5197 Technical publication Utah. Dept. of Natural Resources.
0097-2657 Technical publication ... of the State University College of Forestry at Syracuse University State University College of Forestry at Syracuse University.
0572-1512 Technical Publication - Australian Society of Dairy Technology Ramsay, Ware Publishing.
0470-200X Technical Publication - National Petroleum Refiners Association
0096-3666 Technical publications - Bell Telephone System Bell Telephone Laboratories, inc.]
0500-7739 Technical Publication - Utah, State Engineer
0508-5322 Technical Publication - Western Petroleum Refiners Association
0743-9407 Technical quarterly / Master Brewers Association of the Americas.
0072-6737 Technical report Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft.
0073-1307 Technical report University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Water Resources Research Center.
0081-2560 Technical report South African Wool Textile Research Institute
0145-0603 Technical report University of Wisconsin--Madison.
0198-005X Technical report West Virginia University. Coal Research Bureau.
0270-109X Technical report Colorado Water Resources Research Institute.
0284-480X Technical report Svensk kärnbränsleförsörjning, JSS project.; JSS project.
0367-6854 Technical report Institute for Applied Research on Natural Resources
0379-5403 Technical report University of Guam. Marine Laboratory.
0500-3563 Technical report Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center.
0528-3701 Technical report Cement and Concrete Association.
0545-3038 Technical report New Mexico. State Engineer Office.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0555-8026 Technical report Purdue University. Water Resources Research Center.
0736-4571 Technical report SRI International.
0773-8072 Technical report European Chemical Industry Ecology & Toxicology Centre
1358-6254 Technical report Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils.; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
1404-0344 Technical report Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co.; SKB.; Svensk kärnbränslehantering.
0099-3220 Technical Report, AFML. United States Air Force Systems Command, Air Force Materials Laboratory Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.
0099-8486 Technical Report, WADD. United States Air Force Systems Command, Research and Technology Division, Air Force Materials Laboratory National Technical Information Service, Operations Division.
0465-2398 Technical report / Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
0161-3235 Technical report - Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Department, University of Illinois Illinois. Engineering Experiment Station.
0099-8508 Technical report AFML-TR Air Force Materials Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
0312-9926 Technical report - Agricultural Chemistry Branch Queensland. Department of Primary Industries. Agriculture Chemistry Branch.
0111-1280 Technical report - Applied Biochemistry Division Applied Biochemistry Division, DSIR.
0192-4672 Technical report ARLCD-TR U.S. Army Armament Research and Development Command, Large Caliber Weapon Systems Laboratory.
0099-927X Technical Report - Bituminous Coal Research, Inc
0366-7421 Technical Report - Canadian Research Institute of Launderers and Cleaners
0147-2194 Technical report - Center for Research in Water Resources, Environmental Health Engineering Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Austin Center for Research in Water Resources, Environmental Health Engineering Laboratory, Civil Engineering Dept., University of Texas.
0369-6642 Technical Report CF - New South Wales, Department of Mines Coalfields Branch New South Wales Dep of Mines.
0378-8830 Technical report - Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa FAO/SIDA.; Desert Locus Control Organization for Eastern Africa.
0041-9370 Technical report - Division of Theoretical Chemistry. Department of Chemistry. University of Alberta University of Alberta. Departiment of Chemistry. Division of Theoretical Chemistry.
0824-2070 Technical report - Eastern Forest Products Laboratory Forintek Canada Corp., Eastern Forest Products Laboratory.
0361-9109 Technical report - Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, Vanderbilt University [Dept. of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering]
0308-3659 Technical report - Explosives Research and Development Establishment Procurement Executive. Ministry of Defence.; Rocket Propulsion Establishment.
0709-4523 Technical report - Forintek Canada Corp. Eastern Laboratory Forintek Canada Corp., Eastern Laboratory.
0435-4834 Technical Report - Georgia, Water Quality Control Board
0536-454X Technical Report - Illinois, University, Engineering Experiment Station
0529-0775 Technical report - Institute of Gas Technology American Gas Association.
0129-6388 Technical report - Institute of Natural Sciences, College of Graduate Studies, Nanyang University Institute of Natural Sciences, College of Graduate Studies, Nanyang University.
0068-5690 Technical report - Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory (U.S.); United States.
0458-3299 Technical report - Louisiana Department of Public Works Louisiana Dept. of Public Works.
0558-3594 Technical Report - Northern Nigeria, Regional Research Station Government Printer.
0911-4114 Technical report of ISEI. Series B Okayama Daigaku. Chikyäu Naibu Kenkyäu Sentäa.
0911-4122 Technical report of ISEI. Series C Okayama Daigaku. Chikyäu Naibu Kenkyäu Sentäa.
0950-8694 Technical report - Propellants, Explosives and Rocket Motor Establishment Ministry of Defence.
0115-4710 Technical report - SEAFDEC, Aquaculture Department Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
0888-8051 Technical report series U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health; Available for sale from National Technical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce
0314-8912 Technical report series - Department of Agriculture, Victoria Victoria. Dept. of Agriculture.
0381-2170 Technical report series - Dept. of the Environment. Fisheries and Marine Service. Fisheries Operations Directorate. Central Region Canada. Fisheries and Marine Service (Central Region)
0308-5589 Technical report series - Fisheries Laboratory Fisheries Laboratory.
0545-3682 Technical Reports - New South Wales, Department of Mines New South Wales. Dept. of Mines.
0196-9862 Technical report - Society of Manufacturing Engineers Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
0452-9847 Technical Reports of the Engineering Research Institute, Kyoto University Engineering Research Institute.
0372-1043 Technical Reports of the Institute of Atomic Energy, Kyoto University Institute of Atomic Energy, Kyoto University.
0584-0546 Technical Report - Soil Research Institute, Kumasi, Ghana Soil Research Institute.
0074-1914 Technical reports series International Atomic Energy Agency
0082-2078 Technical Reports - Tasmania, Department of Mines Director of Mines.
0471-2684 Technical report - State of Ohio, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Ohio.
0197-7504 Technical report system American Society for Metals.
0191-3336 Technical report - University of Wisconsin Sea Grant College Program University of Wisconsin Sea Grant College Program.
0511-2699 Technical Report - Washington State Institute of Technology
0306-5936 Technical report - Water Research Centre Medmenham Laboratory. Water Research Centre.
0270-9597 Technical report - Water Resources Research Center United States. Office of Water Resources Research.; United States. Office of Water Research and Technology.
0156-9082 Technical report - Weapons Systems Research Laboratory Defence Research Centre.
0511-4136 Technical report - Weed Research Organization Weed Research Organization.
0099-9350 Technical Reprint - Graver Water Conditioning Company Graver Water Conditioning Co.
0371-6228 Technical Review [s.n.]
0026-6817 Technical review - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd
1420-7559 Technical review Sulzer Gebrüder Sulzer (Winterthur)
0409-7653 Technical Service Laboratory Bulletin, Cabot, Inc
0096-9346 Technical studies in the field of the fine arts William Hayes Fogg Art Museum
0574-007X Technical survey Copper Development Association.
0099-7633 Technical Survey - National Board of Fire Underwriters
1366-2120 Technical tips online Elsevier Trends Journals.
0077-5606 Technical translation - Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information.
0231-5297 Technické příručky Státní výzkumný ústav pro stavbu strojů
0139-8679 Technicko-ekonomický zpravodaj Hutní projekt Praha Hutní projekt,
0322-8630 Technický zpravodaj Ústav pro výzkum rud
0040-1072 Technicuir SETIC
0040-1110 Technika Kossuth,; OMIKK; Innova Press; Technika Alapítvány; Népszava; Hírlapkiadó
0492-4878 Technika Centro de Ingenieros Polacos en la Argentina.
0371-635X Technikai kurír Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete
0371-6368 Technika Lotnicza Polski Zwięazek Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich, Sekcja Lotnicza.
0040-1145 Technika Lotnicza i Astronautyczna Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich, Sekcja Lotnicza.
0040-1153 Technika Motoryzacyjna Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich.; Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji.
0040-1161 Technika Poszukiwań Centralny Urzęad Geologii.
0304-520X Technika Poszukiwań Geologicznych Wydawnictwa Geologiczne
0497-0551 Technikas Apskats Latviesu Inzenieru Apvieniba Arzemes.
0137-9879 Technika Smarownicza Polski Komitet Techniki Smarowniczej.; Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Hutniczego w Polsce.
0137-9925 Technika Smarownicza Trybologia Polski Komitet Techniki Smarowniczej.; Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Hutniczego w Polsce.
0494-9234 Technika v chemii Chemoprojekt; SNTL, Nakladatelství technické literatury
0371-5426 Technik fuer Bauern und Gaertner [s.n.]
0040-117X Technikgeschichte Nomos
0372-1434 Technik und Industrie und Schweizer Chemiker-Zeitung Rascher,
0371-6376 Technik und Landwirtschaft Energie-Verlag GmbH.
0323-5181 Technik und Umweltschutz Kommission Umweltschutz beim Präsidium der Kammer der Technik.
0371-8956 Technik und Wirtschaft VDI
0492-4851 Technik Włókienniczy Stowarzyszenie Włókienników Polskich.
0040-1188 Technion Technion.
0371-6449 Technique Québec (Province). Ministère de la jeunesse.; Québec (Province). Ministère de l'éducation.
1043-4658 Technique Saunders Scientific Publications
0766-5725 Technique & biologie Société française d'éditions médicales,
0371-6147 Technique de l'eau et de l'assainissement Pierre Julin
0497-0616 Technique of Inorganic Chemistry [s.n.].
0082-240X Technique of Organic Chemistry
0040-1269 Technique pharmaceutique Société française des sciences et techniques pharmaceutiques.
0040-1277 Technique Routière Association Permanente des Congres Belges de la Route
0167-9244 Techniques and instrumentation in analytical chemistry Elsevier
2212-4098 Techniques and instrumentation in analytical chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
0082-2426 Techniques and methods of organic and organometallic chemistry M. Dekker,
0082-2434 Techniques and methods of polymer evaluation Marcel Dekker.
0245-9604 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur
0399-4090 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur,
0399-4104 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur,
0399-4112 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur,
0399-4120 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur
0399-4139 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur,
0399-4147 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur,
0399-4155 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur,
0399-4171 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur,
1282-9080 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur
1762-8725 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur
1762-8733 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur
1762-875X Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur
1762-8776 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur
1763-6817 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur
1764-0547 Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur,
1776-016X Techniques de l'ingénieur Techniques de l'ingénieur
1776-0178 Techniques de l'ingénieur. Matériaux fonctionnels Techniques de l'ingénieur
0397-734X Techniques des industries céréalières Société d'éditions et de publicité agricoles, industrielles et commerciales
0040-1323 Techniques du pétrole Techniques du pétrole,
0371-5272 Techniques et applications du pétrole [s.n.],
0372-1035 Techniques et recherches papetières Centre technique de l'industrie des papiers, cartons et celluloses.
0151-6973 Techniques et sciences municipales Association générale des hygiénistes et techniciens municipaux
1066-5072 Techniques in diagnostic pathology Academic Press.
0903-2606 Techniques in marine environmental sciences International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
0921-0709 Techniques in the behavioral and neural sciences Elsevier
0165-1064 Techniques in the life sciences. Biochemistry Elsevier/North-Holland
0262-8716 Techniques in visible and ultraviolet spectrometry Chapman and Hall.
0040-1382 Techniques nouvelles Techniques nouvelles.
0082-2523 Techniques of biochemical and biophysical morphology Wiley-Interscience,
0082-2531 Techniques of chemistry Wiley,
0082-254X Techniques of electrochemistry John Wiley & Sons.
0082-2558 Techniques of metals research Interscience Publishers,
0097-367X Techniques of surface and colloid chemistry and physics Dekker.
0006-789X Technische Berichte - Bosch Robert-Bosch-GmbH
0340-5060 Technische Berichte - Thyssen Thyssen-Aktiengesellschaft, Vorm. August-Thyssen-Hütte
0724-7265 Technische Berichte - Thyssen-Edelstahl Thyssen-Edelstahlwerke-AG
0082-2566 Technische Fortschrittsberichte Theodor Steinkopff.
0040-1439 Technische Mitteilungen Vulkan-Verl.
0371-9731 Technische Mitteilungen Krupp Fried.-Krupp-AG, Stabsabteilung Forschung und Entwicklung.
0930-9276 Technische Mitteilungen Krupp Fried.-Krupp-GmbH, Stabsabteilung Technik
0376-0812 Technische Mitteilungen Krupp. Ausgabe A, Forschungsberichte Fried.-Krupp-AG, Stabsabteilung Forschung und Entwicklung.
0371-9707 Technische Mitteilungen Krupp. Ausgabe B, Technische Berichte Fried.-Krupp-AG, Stabsabteilung Forschung und Entwicklung.
0494-9382 Technische Mitteilungen Krupp. Forschungsberichte Fried.-Krupp-GmbH, Stabsabteilung Technik
0494-9390 Technische Mitteilungen Krupp. Werksberichte Fried.-Krupp-GmbH, Stabsabteilung Technik
0040-1471 Technische Mitteilungen PTT Schweizerischer Post- Telephon- Und Telegraphenbetrieb
0172-8873 Technischer Bericht Heinrich-Hertz-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik Berlin GmbH.
1015-2636 Technischer Bericht / NAGRA, Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung Radioaktiver Abfälle Nagra.
0171-211X Technischer Bericht des Forschungsinstituts des FTZ Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamt
0342-6815 Technischer Bericht - Heinrich-Hertz-Institut Berlin-Charlottenburg Heinrich-Hertz-Institut.
0342-6823 Technischer Bericht - Heinrich-Hertz-Institut für Schwingungsforschung Berlin-Charlottenburg Heinrich Hertz-Institut für Schwingungsforschung.
0040-148X Technische Rundschau Hallwag
0372-1353 Technische Rundschau Sulzer Gebrüder Sulzer
0371-6821 Technisches Gemeindeblatt [s.n.]
2196-7113 Technisches Messen (e-vir) de Gruyter
0340-837X Technisches Messen atm Oldenbourg
0372-2457 Technische Überwachung Springer VDI-Verlag
0375-9954 Technische Überwachung [s.n.]
1434-9728 Technische Überwachung Springer VDI-Verlag GmbH
1436-4948 Technische Überwachung (e-vir) Springer VDI-Verlag GmbH
0371-6201 Technisch ingenieur Nationale Unie der Technische Ingenieurs.
0138-2020 Technisch-physikalische Monographien Akad. Verl.-Ges. Geest u. Portig
0371-6538 Technisch-wetenschappelijk tijdschrift Koninklijk Vlaamse ingenieursvereniging.
0371-5264 Technisch-Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen der Osram-Gesellschaft Springer
0721-4529 Technisch-wissenschaftliche Berichte der Staatlichen Materialprüfungsanstalt, Universität Stuttgart Staatliche Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart.
0173-8844 Technisch-wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe der ATV Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Abwassertechnik e. V..
0917-9216 Techno-cosmos Nippon Peinto Kabushiki Gaisha.
0084-9057 Technological Paper - Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Forest Products Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization :; ????.
0097-2908 Technological report series - Sugar Research Foundation, Inc Sugar Research Foundation.
0096-5200 Technologic papers of the Bureau of Standards United States.; United States.
0126-6225 Technologist - Universiti Sains Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia.
0040-1641 Technology Fertilizer Corp of India Ltd, Planning and Development Division; Technical Publications Officer
0492-519X Technology P.S.G. College of Technology.
0146-1214 Technology & conservation Technology Organization.
0276-1777 Technology and use of lignite; United States.; Grand Forks Energy Research Center (Grand Forks, N.D.); United States.; University of North Dakota.
0317-8153 Technology development report Canada. Environmental Protection Service.
1533-0338 Technology in cancer research and treatment (e-vir) Adenine Press
1533-0346 Technology in cancer research and treatment Adenine Press
0040-1684 Technology of the Textile Industry, USSR The Textile Institute.
0453-2198 Technology Reports of the Faculty of Engineering of the Kansai University [S.n.]
0030-6177 Technology Reports of the Osaka University Osaka Daigaku Kogakubu.
0372-1337 Technology reports of the Tohoku Imperial University Tohoku Imperial University.
0040-8816 Technology Reports of the Tohoku University Tohoku Daigaku Kogakubu
0386-3433 Technology reports of the Yamaguchi University Yamaguchi University. Faculty of Engineering.
0040-1692 Technology review Association of Alumni and Alumnae of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1099-274X Technology review Association of Alumni and Alumnae of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
0096-9338 Technology week American Aviation Publications
0040-1714 Técnica Associação de Estudantes do Instituto Superior Técnico,
0210-6639 Tecnica, investigación y tratamiento del medio ambiente Asociación de Investigación Técnica del Medio Ambiente
0371-5124 Tecnica Agricola [s.n.]
0040-1781 Técnica e industria E. R. Fedele
0497-087X Tecnica Idrologica e Termotecnica R. Dona' SAS.
0040-1838 Técnica industrial Asociación Nacional de Peritos e Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales; Consejo Superior de Colegios Oficiales de Peritos e Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales (España); Asociación Nacional de Peritos Industriales; Fundación Técnica Industrial
0040-1846 Tecnica Italiana Tecnica Italiana
0371-9537 Tecnica Metalurgica Asociación Técnica Española de Estudios Metalúrgicos. Barcelona.
0040-1862 Tecnica Molitoria Chiriotti Editore
0040-1889 Técnica pecuaria en México [s.n.]
0371-5728 Técnicas de laboratorio Publica
0497-0888 Técnica y práctica Asociación de Maestros Industriales de Barcelona.
0378-4819 Tecniterrae Iberica de Especialidades Geotécnicas
0367-9667 Tecnologia Instituto de Pesquisas e Experimentação Agropecuárias do Norte.
0186-6036 Tecnología, ciencia, educación Instituto Mexicano de Ingenieros Químicos.
0040-1943 Tecnología alimentaria [s.n.]
0564-6758 Tecnología de alimentos Asociación nacional de tecnólogos en alimentos de México.
0100-7696 Tecnologia de alimentos e bebidas AB-Alimentos e Bebidas.
1807-300X Tecnologia em Metalurgia e Materiais Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais.
0392-3835 Tecnologie alimentari Tecniche Nuove
0392-3452 Tecnologie chimiche Gruppo Editoriale Stammer.
0391-5409 Tecnopolimeri e resine Pan Editrice.
0371-5795 Tecnoquímica [s.n.]
0371-5825 Tectona Van Dorp
0040-1951 Tectonophysics Elsevier
1879-3266 Tectonophysics (e-vir) Elsevier
0371-6171 Teer und Bitumen [s.n.]
0040-2117 Tegel Sveriges tegelindustriförening; Sveriges tegelmästareförening
0040-2141 Tegl (København) Murerfagets Oplysningsråd; DanskeTegl
0040-215X Tegnikon Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en kuns
0040-2230 Tehničeskaâ estetika Vsesojuznyj naučno-issledovatelskij institut tehničeskoj estetiki
0371-8042 Tehničeskaâ informaciâ.; Техническая информация Sovet narodnogo hozâjstva Kujbyševskogo èkonomičeskogo administrativnogo rajona; Совет народного хозяйства Куйбышевского экономического административного района.
0040-2168 Tehničeska musyl [S.n.]
0350-0594 Tehnička fizika Univerzitet u Beogradu. Zavod za fiziku tehničkih fakulteta u Beogradu
0371-6287 Tehnički pregled [S.n.]
1330-3651 Tehnički vjesnik Strojarski fakultet; Elektrotehnički fakultet; Građevinski fakultet
1848-6339 Tehnički vjesnik (e-vir) Strojarski fakultet; Elektrotehnički fakultet; Građevinski fakultet
0040-2176 Tehnika Savez inženjera i tehničara Jugoslavije
2560-3086 Tehnika (e-vir) Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije
0321-3269 Tehnika i nauka Profizdat
0371-649X Tehnika ja Tootmine Eesti Masinatoostuse Liit; Majandusministeerium; Eesti Teadus- ja Inseneriuhingute Liit; Eesti NSV Ametiuhingute N♯oukogu; Eesti NSV Riiklik Plaanikomitee; Eesti Teaduslik-Tehniliste Uhingute N♯oukogu; Eesti NSV Teaduslike Uurimistoode Koordineerimise Komitee; Eesti NSV Rahvamajanduse N♯oukogu; Eesti NSV Teaduslik-Tehniline Komitee
0040-2249 Tehnika kino i televideniâ Iskusstvo
0497-1035 Tehnika podmazivanja i primena goriva Jugoslavensko društvo za primenu goriva i maziva
0371-8913 Tehnika vozdušnogo flota Ministerstvo aviacionnoj promyšlennosti SSSR.
0372-7998 Tehniki tereggi urunda Gosudarstvennyj planovyj komitet Soveta Ministrov Azerbajdžanskoj SSR.
0371-618X Tehniko-èkonomičeskij bûlletenʹ Ferganskogo sovnarhoza [s.n.].
0371-621X Tehniko-èkonomičeskij vestnik.; Технико-экономический вестник Vysšij sovet narodnogo hozâjstva; Высший совет народного хозяйства.
0421-5214 Tehniline Informatsioon Eesti NSV Teaduslik-Tehniline Komitee.
0131-7164 Tehnologiâ bureniâ neftânyh i gazovyh skvažin Ufimskij neftânoj institut.
0497-1116 Tehnologiâ i avtomatizaciâ mašinostroeniâ.; Технология и автоматизация машиностроения Tehnika; Техника.
0321-382X Tehnologiâ i oborudovanie derevoobrabatyvaûŝih proizvodstv.; Технология и оборудование деревообрабатывающих производств Leningradskaâ lesotehničeskaâ akademiâ im. S.M. Kirova; Ленинградская лесотехническая академия им. С.М. Кирова
0131-7202 Tehnologiâ i organizaciâ proizvodstva [S.n.]
0371-9820 Tehnologiâ mašinostroeniâ Izdatelʹstvo Tulʹskogo universiteta.
1562-322X Tehnologiâ mašinostroeniâ.; Технология машиностроения Tehnologiâ mašinostroeniâ; Технология машиностроения
1684-2499 Tehnologiâ metallov Nauka i tehnologii.
0131-162X Tehnologiâ nefti i gaza.; Технология нефти и газа Baškirskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Башкирское книжное издательство.
0203-8293 Tehnologiâ obogaŝeniâ poleznyh iskopaemyh Srednej Azii Sredneaziatskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut geologii i mineralʹnogo syrʹâ.; SAITIMS.
0372-2198 Tehnologiâ transportnogo mašinostroeniâ.; Технология транспортного машиностроения Vsesoûznyj proektno-tehnologičeskij institut; Всесоюзный проектно-технологический институт.
0134-7039 Tehnologičeskaâ mehanika betona Ministerstvo vysšego i srednego specialʹnogo obrazovaniâ Latvijskoj SSR.
0494-9846 Tehnologija mesa Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa; Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
0371-6325 Teijin Taimusu Teijin-sha.
0385-8553 Teikoku Gakuen kiyäo Teikoku Women's University.; Teikoku Women's Junior College.; Teikoku Joshi Tanki Daigaku.; Teikoku Joshi Daigaku.
0387-5547 Teikyäo igaku zasshi Teikyo University. School of Medicine.
0040-2192 Teintex [s.n.]
0040-2206 Teinture et apprêts Societe d'éditions techniques de la manutention textile
0439-3538 Teion Kagaku, Butsuri-Hen Hokkaido Daigaku Teion Kagaku Kenkyusho.
0439-3546 Teion Kagaku, Seibutsu-Hen Hokkaido Daigaku Teion Kagaku Kenkyusho.
0389-2441 Teion kōgaku Teion Kōgaku Kyōkai; Teion Kogaku Chodendo Gakkai; 低温工学・超電導学会
1341-1810 Teion Sentäa dayori Tokyo Daigaku Teion Sentäa.
0387-1320 Teishin igaku Hoken Dōjinsha
0371-6317 Tejgazdaság Magyar Királyi Tejgazdasági Kísérleti Állomás.
0494-9900 Tejipar Tejipari Igazgatóság.; MITE Tejipari Szakosztálya.
0371-8875 Tejipari kutatási közlemények Magyar Tejgazdasági Kisérleti Intézet.
0371-6198 Tekel Enstitüleri bilimsel ve teknik arastırmalar bülteni Tekel Genel Müdürlüğü
0371-6457 Tekel Enstitüleri raporları Tekel Genel Müdürlüğü
0040-2273 Tekkäo räodäo eisei Japan Iron & Steel Federation.
0286-5513 Tekkō Daigakushi Tekkō Tanki Daigaku
0494-9994 Tekkokai Nippon Tekko Renmei, c/o Tekko Bldg.
0040-2303 Tekniikka Insinöörilehdet
0378-4746 Teknik bülten - Petkim Petrokimya A.Ş. Araştirma Müdürlüğü Petkim Petrokimya AŞ Müdürlügü
0371-6341 Teknikk Norges ingeniørorganisasjon.
0371-6163 Teknillinen aikakauslehti / Suomalaisten teknikkojen seura.; Suomen teknillinen seura.
0359-6621 Teknillisen biokemian tiedote Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Kemian osasto. Biokemian ja elintarviketeknologian laboratorio.; Helsinki University of Technology. Department of Chemistry. Laboratory of Biochemistry and Food Technology.; Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Kemian tekniikan laitos. Biokemian ja mikrobiologian laboratorio.; Helsinki University of Technology. Department of Chemical Engineering. Laboratory of Biochemistry and Microbiology.; Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Prosessi- ja materiaalitekniikan osasto. Kemian tekniikan laitos. Biotekniikan ja elintarviketeknologian laboratorio.; Helsinki University of Technology. Faculty of Process Engineering and Materials Science. Department of Chemical Engineering. Laboratory of Biotechnology and Food Engineering.; Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Kemian tekniikan laitos. Bioprosessitekniikan laboratorio.; Helsinki University of Technology. Department of Chemical Technology. Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering.; Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Biokemian ja elintarviketeknologian laboratorio.; Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Biokemian ja mikrobiologian laboratorio.; Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Biotekniikan ja elintarviketeknologian laboratorio.; Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Bioprosessitekniikan laboratorio.
0371-8328 Teknillisen kemian aikakauslehti Kemian keskusliitto.
0371-6635 Tekniska föreningens i Finland förhandlingar Tekniska föreningen i Finland.
0372-1574 Tekniska Samfundets Handlingar Tekniska samfundet.
0040-2362 Tekniskt forum / Tekniska föreningen i Finland.
0040-2346 Teknisk tidskrift Ingenjörsförlaget
0106-1550 Teknisk tidsskrift for textil og beklædning Danmarks Textiltekniske Forening.
0040-2354 Teknisk ukeblad Norske sivilingeniørers forening; Norges ingeniørorganisasjon - NITO; Polytekniske forening
0040-2370 Tekstiililehti Suomen tekstiilimiesten liitto.; Suomen tekstiiliteknillinen liitto.
0492-5882 Tekstil Hrvatski inženjerski savez tekstilaca
1849-1537 Tekstil (e-vir) Hrvatski inženjerski savez tekstilaca
0040-2397 Tekstil'naâ promyšlennost' Legkaâ industriâ
0040-2389 Tekstilna industrija Savez inženjera i tehničara tekstilaca SR Srbije
2683-5665 Tekstilna industrija (e-vir) Savez inženjera i tehničara tekstilaca Srbije
0495-0046 Tekstilna promišlenost Ministerstvo na proizvodstvoto i tʺrgoviâta sʺs stoki za narodno potreblenie
0375-7773 Tektonìka ì stratigrafìâ.; Тектоніка і стратиграфія Naukova dumka; Наукова думка; Ìnstitut geologìčnih nauk Nacìonalʹnoï akademìï nauk Ukraïni; Ìнститут геологічних наук Національної академії наук України
0040-2427 Tele Kungl. Telestyrelsen.; Televerket.
0495-0127 Tele Televerket; Finansrutin TM-system
0495-0143 Telecommunications [s.n.]
0040-2508 Telecommunications and radio engineering Scripta Technica, Inc.
0497-1396 Telecommunications and radio engineering American Institute of Electrical Engineers.; Scripta Technica, inc.
0497-140X Telecommunications and radio engineering American Institute of Electrical Engineers.; Scripta Technica, inc.
1943-6009 Telecommunications and radio engineering Scripta Technica
0032-647X Television IPC Magazines Ltd
0495-0372 Television engineering Bryan Davis Pub. Co.
0040-2826 Tellus [S.n.]
0280-6509 Tellus Swedish geophysical society; Munksgaard
1600-0889 Tellus (e-vir) Blackwell
2153-3490 Tellus (e-vir) Wiley
0340-4927 Telma Deutsche Gesellschaft für Moor- und Torfkunde.
0372-1027 Temas de química y bibliografía química argentina [s.n.]
0040-2907 Temas odontologicos Sociedad Odontologica Antioqueña
0135-3764 Tematičeskij sbornik naučnyh trudov Alma-Atinskogo i Semipalatinskogo zooveterinarnyh institutov Alma-Atinskij zooveterinarnyj institut.; Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva SSSR.
0091-9322 Temperature American Institute of Physics.; United States.; United States.; Instrument Society of America.
0377-8363 Temperatur-Technik Forster-Verlag,
0210-6841 Temple Prensa XXI
0912-0890 Tenkan kenkyu Nihon Tenkan Gakkai; Nihon tenkan gakkai; Nihon tenkan gakkai
0546-0921 Tenki Nihon Kishō Gakkai
0040-3229 Tennessee farm and home science; University of Tennessee, Knoxville.; University of Tennessee (Knoxville campus).
0912-1048 Tensai Kenkyukaiho Kammi Shigen Shinkokai; Nogyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko hokkaido nogyo kenkyu senta ;; Kanmi shigen shinkokai; Nihon tensai kenkyukai; Nihon tensai kenkyukai; Gurin tekuno banku tensai kenkyukai
0497-2546 Tenside Hanser
0932-3414 Tenside, surfactants, detergents Hanser
2195-8564 Tenside, surfactants, detergents (e-vir) Hanser
0040-3490 Tenside Detergents Carl Hanser Verlag
0438-9840 Teollisuuden keskuslaboratorion tiedonantoja Keskuslaboratorio.
0131-7288 Teoretičeskaâ elektrotehnika Izdatel'stvo pri L'vovskom universitete
0497-2627 Teoretičeskaâ i eksperimental'naâ himiâ Naukova dumka
0131-6974 Teoretičeskaâ i èksperimentalʹnaâ biofizika Ministerstvo vysšego i srednego specialʹnogo obrazovaniâ RSFSR.
0564-6162 Teoretičeskaâ i matematičeskaâ fizika Nauka
0137-0235 Teoretičeskaâ i prikladnaâ mehanika Belorusskij politehničeskij institut.
0136-4545 Teoretičeskaâ i prikladnaâ mehanika.; Теоретическая и прикладная механика Viŝa škola; Вища школа; Doneckij nacionalʹnyj universitet; Донецкий национальный университет
0497-2635 Teoretičeskie i praktičeskie voprosy mikrobiologii i èpidemiologii.; Теоретические и практические вопросы микробиологии и эпидемиологии Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0040-3571 Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii Nauka
0204-6148 Teoretična i Priložna Mehanika B"lgarska Akademija na naukite
0040-3601 Teoriâ i praktika fizičeskoj kul'tury Fizkul'tura i sport
0372-0772 Teoriâ i praktika metallurgii.; Теория и практика металлургии Narodnyj komissariat černoj metallurgii SSSR; Народный комиссариат черной металлургии СССР.
0136-5568 Teoriâ i praktika podgotovki i koksovaniâ uglej Metallurgiâ.
0134-9430 Teoriâ i praktika proizvodstva širokopolosnoj stali "Metallurgiâ".
0131-7008 Teoriâ i praktika sorbcionnyh processov Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut hromatografii.
0470-4495 Teoriâ i praktika sžiganiâ gaza Nedra, Leningradskoe otdelenie.
0040-361X Teoriâ veroâtnostej i ee primeneniâ Nauka
0040-3636 Teploenergetika Energiâ
0131-7067 Teploènergetika Belorusskij politehničeskij institut.
0564-8637 Teplofizičeskie harakteristiki veśestv Izdatelʹstvo standartov.
0320-0523 Teplofizičeskie svojstva uglevodorodov, ih smesej, neftej i neftânyh frakcij Izdatelʹstvo standartov.
0134-3483 Teplofizičeskie svojstva veśestv Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0372-1922 Teplofizičeskie svojstva veśestv i materialov Izdatelʹstvo standartov.
0869-8635 Teplofizika i aèromehanika.; Теплофизика и аэромеханика Izdatelʹstvo SO RAN; Издательство СО РАН
0136-8710 Teplofizika i optimizaciâ teplovyh processov [s.n.].
0564-6170 Teplofizika i teplotehnika.; Теплофизика и теплотехника Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0040-3644 Teplofizika vysokih temperatur Nauka
0321-3951 Teplo- i massoobmen v himičeskoj tehnologii.; Тепло- и массообмен в химической технологии Kazanskij himiko-tehnologičeskij institut im. S.M. Kirova; Казанский химико-технологический институт им. С.М. Кирова.
0320-6475 Teploprovodnostʹ i diffuziâ Ministerstvo vysšego i srednego specialʹnogo obrazovaniâ Latvijskoj SSR.
0372-0640 Teplosilovoe hozâjstvo.; Теплосиловое хозяйство Narodnyj komissariat èlektrostancij SSSR; Народный комиссариат электростанций СССР.
0253-0589 Terapeutica Laboratorios Vitoria S.A.R.L..
0303-8866 Terapevtičeskaâ stomatologiâ.; Терапевтическая стоматология Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0040-3660 Terapevtičeskij arhiv Medicina
2309-5342 Terapevtičeskij arhiv (e-vir) Media Sfera
0040-3687 Terapia Istituto sieroterapico milanese Serafino Belfanti.
0040-3695 Terapia moderna Il Pensiero Scientifico.
0270-3211 Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis, and mutagenesis Alan R. Liss
1520-6866 Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis, and mutagenesis Alan R. Liss]; Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0040-3709 Teratology Alan R. Liss, inc., etc.
1096-9926 Teratology (e-vir) [Teratology Society]; [Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology]; Wiley-Liss
0374-3470 Terebijon Terebijon Gakkai; Nikkan kogyo shinbunsha; Terebijon gakkai
0386-6831 Terebijon Gakkaishi Terebijon Gakkai
0200-3112 Természettudomány Magyar Természettudományi Társulat.
0200-3120 Természettudományi közlöny K. M. Természettudományi Társulat.
0040-3717 Természet világa Hirlapk.
0321-4648 Termičeskaâ obrabotka i fizika metallov.; Термическая обработка и физика металлов Uralʹskij politehničeskij institut im. S.M. Kirova; Уральский политехнический институт им. С.М. Кирова.
0131-7075 Termičeskaâ obrabotka metallov Metallurgiâ.
1560-1056 Termobarogeohimiâ mineraloobrazuûśih processov Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk, Sibirskoe otdelenie, Ob#edinennyj institut geologii, geofiziki i mineralogii.
0320-0159 Termodinamika i stroenie rastvorov.; Термодинамика и строение растворов Ivanovskij himiko-tehnologičeskij institut; Ивановский химико-технологический институт.
0040-3725 Termotecnica [s.n.]
0350-218X Termotehnika Savez društava termičara Jugoslavije
0300-5992 Terpenoids and steroids Chemical Society (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0954-4879 Terra nova Blackwell Publishing
1365-3121 Terra nova (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0942-5675 TerraTech Vereinigte Fachverl..
0040-3881 Terres et eaux Publications techniques algériennes,; France-Alger éditions,
0096-8013 Terrestrial magnetism and atmospheric electricity University of Cincinnati
0529-2360 Tesis de Químicos Farmacéuticos Facultad de Química y Farmacia, Universidad de Chile
0563-1823 Tesla electronics Tesla
0097-3882 Test engineering Mattingley Pub. Co.,
0096-6274 Testing Pullman.
0097-420X Testing of polymers Interscience Publishers.
0495-2154 Testneveléstudomány Testnevelési Tudományos Tanács.
0951-4309 Tests of agrochemicals and cultivars Association of Applied Biologists.
0040-4012 Téthys Station marine d'Endoume,
0563-2048 Tetracol University of Wales.
0040-4020 Tetrahedron Pergamon Press
0563-2072 Tetrahedron Pergamon Press
1362-511X Tetrahedron (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1464-5416 Tetrahedron (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0957-4166 Tetrahedron: asymmetry Pergamon
0898-5529 Tetrahedron computer methodology Pergamon Press
0040-4039 Tetrahedron letters Pergamon Press
0388-9521 Tetsudäo gijutsu kenkyäu shiryäo Nihon Kokuyäu Tetsudäo. Tetsudäo Gijutsu Kenkyäujo.
0285-5607 Tetsudäo yakugaku kenkyäu nenpäo Tetsudäo Yakugaku Kenkyäukai.
0021-1575 Tetsu to hagane Nippon Tekkō Kyōkai
1883-2954 Tetsu to hagane (e-vir) Nihon Tekko Kyokai
0233-0911 Teubner-Texte zur Physik Teubner
0253-3804 Těumù shuěilì Häongguó těumù shuěilì gäongchéng xuéhuì.
0340-5125 TEW. Technische Berichte Thyssen-Edelstahlwerke AG.
0040-408X Tex Stichting De Tex
0049-349X Texas agricultural progress Texas Agricultural Extension Service.; Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.
0495-3185 Texas Journal of Pharmacy
0040-4470 Texas medicine Texas Medical Association.
0362-7926 Texas pharmacy Texas Pharmaceutical Association.
0040-4675 Texas reports on biology and medicine University of Texas, Medical Branch
0096-7165 Texas State journal of medicine Texas Medical Association.
0722-186X Texte Umweltbundesamt
0371-6546 Textielwezen Unitex.
0040-4829 Textil SNTL, Nakladatelsví technické literatury
0139-7656 Textil a chémia Slovenská vedeckotechnická spoločnosť; Výskumný ústav textilnej chémie
0340-4188 Textilbetrieb Vogel-Verlag
1490-8530 Textile CTJ-Inc.
0039-8179 Textile Abstracts [s.n.]
0099-7765 Textile Age
0495-3541 Textile and cordage quarterly H.R. Carter Publications
0372-3372 Textile Argus [s.n.]
0049-3554 Textile Asia Business Press publ.
0040-4896 Textile bulletin Clark Pub. Co.,
0040-490X Textile chemist and colorist American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
1526-2847 Textile chemist and colorist & American dyestuff reporter American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
0096-5901 Textile colorist Howes Pub. Co.
0096-591X Textile colorist and converter [Howes Pub. Co.]
0040-4926 Textile Dyer & Printer Sevak Publications
0040-4985 Textile industries W. R. C. Smith Pub. Co.
0254-0533 Textile industries dyegest. Southern Africa SA Dyers and Finishers Association.; SA Sections of the Textile Institute.
0372-3437 Textile industry and exporter
0039-8357 Textile Institute and industry Textile Institute
0144-2201 Textile Institute monograph series Textile Institute.
0040-5019 Textile Journal of Australia Merchandising Magazines Proprietary, Ltd.
0381-551X Textile manual CTJ-Inc.
0040-5108 Textile Manufacturer Textile Manufacturer
0096-5766 Textile manufacturers journal J.H. Bragdon..
0040-5116 Textile month IPC Industrial Press Ltd
0040-5167 Textile progress Taylor & Francis
1754-2278 Textile progress (e-vir) [Woodhead Publishing, Ltd.]
0372-3445 Textile quarterly H.R. Carter Publications
0372-1094 Textile recorder Harlequin Press
0096-5928 Textile research United States Institute for Textile Research.; Textile Research Institute (Princeton, N.J.); Textile Foundation.
0040-5175 Textile research journal Textile Research Institute
1746-7748 Textile research journal (e-vir) Textile Research Institute
0372-3399 Textiles chimiques Comité international de la rayonne et des fibres synthétiques
0920-4083 Textile science and technology Elsevier Scientific
0371-652X Textile Weekly Textile Press
0040-5213 Textile world McGraw-Hill, etc.
0096-5936 Textile world journal Bragdon, Lord & Nagle Co.,
0096-5944 Textile world record Lord & Nagle Co.,
0033-9067 Textilia PAN Periodici Aracne Nuova
0044-2577 Textil-Industrie Lapp, Heinrich
0040-5280 Textilis Unitex.
0040-4845 Textil och konfektion [s.n.]
0371-6430 Textil-Praxis Konradin-verlag Robert Kohlhammer
0040-4853 Textil-Praxis International Konradin-Verlag Robert Kohlhammer GmbH
0040-5302 Textilreinigung Fachbuchverlag
0371-6465 Textil-Rundschau Textil-Run
0323-3804 Textiltechnik Fachbuchverlag
0372-3429 Textil und Färberei-Zeitung [s.n.]
0372-3402 Textil- und Faserstofftechnik Verl. Technik
0040-5310 Textilveredlung Textilveredlung
0371-6554 Texture Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
0309-7951 Texture of crystalline solids Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0730-3300 Textures and microstructures Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
1026-5406 Textures and microstructures (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishers.
1029-4961 Textures and microstructures (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1006-6535 Tezhong youqicang Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1001-2249 Tezhong zhuzao ji youse hejin Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0039-8349 TGA cosmetic journal Toilet Goods Association.
0166-2384 TGO . Tijdschrift voor geneesmiddelenonderzoek Mefar
0049-3589 Thai Journal of Agricultural Science The Agricultural Science Society of Thailand under the Patronage of His Majesty the King
0371-7437 Thai Science Bulletin Department of Science
1472-9288 Thalamus & related systems Elsevier.
1744-8107 Thalamus & related systems (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0495-4025 Thalassia Jugoslavica Centar za istraživanje mora = Center for Marine Research
0250-3298 Thalassografika Institouton äOkeanografikäon kai Alieutikäon Ereunäon
0583-9009 The ... Symposium of the Society for Developmental Biology Academic Press
1550-7416 The AAPS Journal (e-vir) American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
1522-1059 The AAPS PharmSci American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
0732-0574 The Actinomycetes Waksman Institute of Microbiology.; International Centre for Theoretical and Applied Ecology.; Università di Udine.
0002-0028 The African journal of medical sciences Blackwell Scientific
1110-5879 The African Journal of Mycology and Biotechnology Itiḥaād al-Afrīqī lil-Fiṭriyyaāt
1206-4106 The Agbiotech bulletin Ag-West Biotech Inc.
1368-5538 The aging male Parthenon
1473-0790 The aging male (e-vir) CRC Press
0002-4252 The Alabama journal of medical sciences University of Alabama.
0305-9707 The alkaloids Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain); Chemical Society (Great Britain)
0099-9598 The Alkaloids Academic Press
0096-901X The Aluminum world and brass and copper industries Aluminum world and brass and copper industries.
0002-7464 The American Association of Petroleum Geologists bulletin American Association of Petroleum Geologists
0096-4360 The American bottler McFadden Business Publications.
0096-8889 The American chemist C.F. Chandler
0002-7936 The American city Buttenheim Pub. Corp. [etc.]
0096-4905 The American enameler Porcelain Enamel and Manufacturing Company.
0193-1792 The American food journal [American Food Journal, Inc., etc.]
0002-8703 The American heart journal C. V. Mosby Co.
0002-9106 The American journal of anatomy s.n.
1879-1913 The American journal of cardiology (e-vir) Elsevier
0002-9149 The American Journal of Cardiology Excerpta Medica
0887-8005 The American journal of cardiovascular pathology Field & Wood,
0192-415X The American journal of Chinese medicine Institute for Advanced Research in Asian Science and Medicine.
0097-1847 The American journal of clinical medicine American journal of clinical medicine.
0002-9165 The American journal of clinical nutrition American Society for Nutrition
1938-3207 The American journal of clinical nutrition (e-vir) The American Society for Nutrition, with the assistance of Highwire Press
0193-1091 The American journal of dermatopathology Raven Press [etc.]
0002-9211 The American journal of digestive diseases Plenum Pub. Corp., etc.]
2168-779X The American journal of digestive diseases (e-vir) American Gastroenterological Association.
0092-5640 The American journal of digestive diseases and nutrition American Gastroenterological Association.
0095-2990 The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse Marcel Dekker
0002-9270 The American journal of gastroenterology The Association
1572-0241 The American journal of gastroenterology (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1543-5946 The American journal of geriatric pharmacotherapy Elsevier
1876-7761 The American journal of geriatric pharmacotherapy (e-vir) Elsevier
0096-5286 The American journal of medical electronics American Journal of Medical Electronics.
0002-9343 The American journal of medicine Cahners Pub. Co.
0002-936X The American journal of nursing Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1538-7488 The American journal of nursing (e-vir) J.B. Lippincott Co.
0002-9440 The American journal of pathology American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists
1525-2191 The American journal of pathology (e-vir) American Society for Investigative Pathology
0192-8562 The American journal of pediatric hematology/oncology Raven Press
0002-953X The American journal of psychiatry American Psychiatric Association
1535-7228 The American journal of psychiatry (e-vir) American Psychiatric Association
1573-6741 The American journal of psychoanalysis (e-vir) Springer Science + Media
0002-9556 The American journal of psychology University of Illinois Press
1939-8298 The American journal of psychology (e-vir) E.C. Sanford
0092-5381 The American journal of roentgenology American Roentgen Ray Society.; American Radium Society.
0002-9580 The American journal of roentgenology, radium therapy, and nuclear medicine C. C. Thomas
0092-5632 The American journal of roentgenology and radium therapy / American Roentgen Ray Society.; American Radium Society.
0002-9599 The American journal of science J. D. & E. S. Dana
0099-5363 The American journal of science and arts S. Converse
1879-1883 The American journal of surgery (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0002-9610 The American Journal of Surgery Paul B. Hoeber
0002-9629 The American journal of the medical sciences J.B. Lippincott, Co.
1538-2990 The American journal of the medical sciences (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0096-6746 The American journal of tropical medicine American Society of Tropical Medicine.; American Society of Tropical Medicine.
0002-9637 The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene Allen Press, etc.
1476-1645 The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene (e-vir) American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
0003-0031 The American midland naturalist University of Notre Dame.
1938-4238 The American midland naturalist (e-vir) University of Notre Dame
0096-2643 The American mineralogical journal Printed by Collins & Co.
0003-004X The American mineralogist Mineralogical Society of America.
1945-3027 The American mineralogist (e-vir) Mineralogical Society of America
0003-0147 The American naturalist The University of Chicago Press
1537-5323 The American naturalist (e-vir) Essex Institute
0096-087X The American perfumer Robbins Pub. Co., etc.]
0096-0888 The American perfumer and essential oil review The Perfumer Publishing Company; Robbins Perfumer Co., etc.]
0097-3297 The American photo engraver [American photo engraver]
0096-0322 The American physics teacher American Association of Physics Teachers.; American Institute of Physics.
0096-0330 The American pressman International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union of North America.
0003-066X The American psychologist American Psychological Association
0003-0805 The American review of respiratory disease American Lung Association, etc.
0096-0381 The American review of tuberculosis National Tuberculosis Assoociation
0096-039X The American review of tuberculosis and pulmonary diseases National Tuberculosis Association.
0066-0000 The American rose annual American rose society
0096-0314 The American silk and rayon journal Clifford & Lawton, inc..
0096-0306 The American silk journal Silk Association of America.
1537-2731 The American statistician (e-vir) American Statistical Association
0003-1305 The AMERICAN statistician American Statistical Association
0003-1348 The American surgeon Lippincott.
1555-9823 The American surgeon (e-vir) Lippincott
0095-912X The American wool and cotton reporter [s.n.]
1552-4906 The anatomical record American Association of Anatomists.
0003-276X The Anatomical record A. R. Liss
0003-2956 The Andhra Agricultural Journal Andhra Agricultural Union.
2168-8990 The annals of mathematical statistics (e-vir) Edwards Bros
0003-4851 The ANNALS of mathematical statistics Institute of Mathematical Statistics
0003-4878 The annals of occupational hygiene Pergamon Press
1475-3162 The Annals of Occupational Hygiene (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0003-4894 The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology Annals Pub. Co.
1943-572X The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology (e-vir) Jones H. Parker
1542-6270 The annals of pharmacotherapy (e-vir) Harvey Whitney Books Co.
1060-0280 The Annals of pharmacotherapy Harvey Whitney Books Co.
0003-5009 The Annals of Zoology Academy of Zoology
0738-1751 The Antimicrobic newsletter Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
0003-5998 The Antiseptic Professional Publications (P) Ltd..
0084-7534 The APEA journal Australian Petroleum Exploration Association.
1326-4966 The APPEA journal Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association.; Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association. Conference.
0377-9211 The Arabian journal for science and engineering John Wiley & Sons
0097-4064 The Army medical bulletin United States.
0004-4997 The Assam Review and Tea News Assam Review Publishing Company.
0004-6256 The Astronomical journal American Institute of Physics
1538-3881 The Astronomical journal (e-vir) Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society
0364-9229 The astronomy quarterly Pergamon
1878-0865 The astronomy quarterly (e-vir) Elsevier
0004-637X The Astrophysical journal University of Chicago Press
0067-0049 The Astrophysical journal University of Chicago Press
1538-4357 The Astrophysical journal (e-vir) University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society]
1538-4365 The Astrophysical journal (e-vir) University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society
1938-4254 The auk (e-vir) Estes & Lauriat
0004-8038 The Auk American Ornithologists' Union
1034-6775 The AusIMM bulletin Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
1034-6783 The AusIMM proceedings Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
0004-8666 The Australian and New Zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Australian and New Zealand Council of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
1479-828X The Australian and New Zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology (e-vir) Australian and New Zealand Council of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
0045-0618 The Australian journal of forensic sciences Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences.
1834-562X The Australian journal of forensic sciences (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0045-0642 The Australian journal of optometry Australian Optometrical Association.
0365-3668 The Australian journal of science ANZAAS.; Australian National Research Council.
0004-9972 The Australian physicist Australian Institute of Physics.
0005-0318 The Australian sugar journal Australian Sugar Producers' Association.
0005-0369 The Australian timber journal and building products merchandiser Australian Timber Journal.
1047-5125 The Autonomic nervous system Harwood Academic Publishers.
0096-4433 The Baker's technical digest [Siebel Pub. Co.]
0253-5432 The Bangladesh journal of scientific research Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science; Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science
0361-4360 The Belle W. Baruch library in marine science Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research.; Belle W. Baruch Coastal Research Institute.
0005-8580 The Bell System technical Journal American Telephone and Telegraph Company
0006-0895 The Biblical archaeologist Scholars Press
0954-982X The Biochemist Biochemical Society
0146-5600 The Biochemistry of disease [Dekker],
0006-3185 The Biological bulletin Marine biological laboratory
0096-4239 The Biological review City University of New York. City College.
0096-4891 The Black Hills engineer South Dakota State School of Mines.; South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.
0096-4441 The Bleacher, finisher & textile chemist J. M. Matthews]
0730-9635 The Borderland between caries and periodontal disease Academic Press :; Grune & Stratton.
0096-6762 The Boston medical and surgical journal Massachusetts Medical Society.; New England Surgical Society.
0045-2629 The Botanica University Botanical Society.
0006-8101 The Botanical review New York Botanical Garden
1874-9372 The Botanical review (e-vir) Springer; New York Botanical Garden Press
1413-8670 The Brazilian journal of infectious diseases Sociedade Brasileira de Doenças Infecciosas
1678-4391 The Brazilian journal of infectious diseases (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Doenças Infecciosas; Elsevier España
1075-122X The breast journal Wiley
1524-4741 The breast journal (e-vir) Wiley
0006-971X The Brewer's digest Siebel Pub. Co.
0096-6606 The Brewer's technical review Siebel Pub. Co.,
0006-9728 The brewers' guardian PJB
1474-001X The British journal for the history of science (e-vir) British Society for the History of Science
1474-6514 The British journal of diabetes & vascular disease MediNews (Diabetes)
1753-4305 The British journal of diabetes & vascular disease (e-vir) MediNews (Diabetes)
0366-0788 The British journal of experimental biology British Association of Experimental Biologists.; Society for Experimental Biology (Great Britain); Company of Biologists.
0366-2616 The British journal of physical medicine Actinic
1472-1465 The British journal of psychiatry (e-vir) Royal Medico-psychological Association
1748-880X The British journal of radiology (e-vir) British Institute of Radiology
0366-0869 The British journal of tuberculosis and diseases of the chest Baillière, Tindall & Cox
1938-4378 The bryologist Sullivant Moss Chapter of the Agassiz Association]
0007-2745 The Bryologist American Bryological and Lichenological Society
0526-8613 The Bulletin, Faculty of Agriculture-Cairo University Prof Dr Ali K. Ghamrawy, Secy of the Board of Ed (The Bulletin), Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University
0096-610X The Bulletin of basic science research University of Cincinnati.
0007-4985 The Bulletin of mathematical biophysics Mathematical Biology, Inc.
0366-4295 The bulletin of the British Interplanetary Society British Interplanetary Society.
0258-6924 The bulletin of the faculty of engineering University. Faculty of engineering
0093-853X The Bulletin of the Missouri Academy of Science. Supplement Missouri Academy of Science.
0097-2606 The bulletin of the National District Heating Association National District Heating Association.
0094-1824 The Bulletin of the Society of Pharmacological and Environmental Pathologists Society of Pharmacological and Environmental Pathologists (U.S.)
0097-1596 The Bulletin of the Tulane medical faculty Tulane University.
0096-9443 The Bulletin of the U.S. Army Medical Department United States.
0097-0301 The bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section United States Golf Association. Green Section.
1110-2519 The Bulletin Tabbin Institute for Metallurgical Studies (TIMS) Tabbin Institute for Metallurgical Studies
0097-0174 The bulletin - The University of Miami School of Medicine and Jackson Memorial Hospital University of Miami.; Jackson Memorial Hospital.
0099-510X The Butter, cheese and milk products journal Olsen Pub. Co.
0096-1566 The California journal of technology University of California, Berkeley.
0008-1612 The California veterinarian California State Veterinary Medical Association.; California Veterinary Medical Association.
1918-3240 The Canadian entomologist Entomological Society of Canada
0366-5925 The Canadian Gas Journal Canadian Gas Association.; Gas and Petroleum Association of Ontario.; Natural Gas and Petroleum Association of Canada.
0828-282X The Canadian journal of cardiology Canadian Cardiology Publications.
1939-019X The Canadian journal of chemical engineering (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
2057-0155 The Canadian journal of neurological sciences (e-vir) Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences
0703-8992 The Canadian journal of remote sensing Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
1712-798X The Canadian journal of remote sensing (e-vir) National Research Council Canada
1499-1276 The Canadian mineralogist (e-vir) Mineralogical Association of Canada.
0576-6060 The Canadian scientist Pendragon House.
1540-336X The cancer journal (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Jones and Bartlett Publishers
0765-7846 The Cancer journal Association pour le développement de la communication cancérologique (Villejuif, Val-de-Marne)
1528-9117 The Cancer Journal Jones and Bartlett
0096-0705 The Canner Canner Pub. Co.
0096-1582 The Canner and freezer Canner Pub. Co.
0008-6460 The Caribbean journal of science and mathematics Caribbean Journal of Science and Mathematics, etc.]
0528-1725 The Carolina journal of pharmacy North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association.; North Carolina. Board of Pharmacy.
0096-1604 The Cement era Cement Era Pub. Co.
1473-4222 The cerebellum Martin Dunitz Ltd
1473-4230 The cerebellum (e-vir) Martin Dunitz Ltd
1430-4171 The chemical educator (e-vir) Boise State University
0947-0662 The chemical intelligencer
1527-8999 The chemical record Wiley
1528-0691 The chemical record (e-vir) Chemical Society of Japan; John Wiley & Sons
0095-8816 The Chemistry leaflet Chemistry leaflet.
0161-0732 The Chicago chemical bulletin American Chemical Society. Chicago Section.
0095-8492 The Chicago naturalist Chicago Academy of Sciences.
1610-1979 The Chinese-German journal of clinical oncology Editorial Office of The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology; Springer
1613-9089 The Chinese-German journal of clinical oncology (e-vir) Springer
1462-6446 The Chinese journal of dental research Chinese Stomatological Association.
1867-5646 The Chinese journal of dental research (e-vir) Quintessence Publishing
1680-0893 The Chinese journal of mechanics Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, R.O.C.
0304-4920 The chinese journal of physiology National Yang-Ming University
0257-2095 The Citrus and sub-tropical fruit journal Citrum Ltd..
0366-824X The Citrus grower Sundays River Citrus Cooperative Company.
0009-7594 The Citrus industry Citrus Industry,
0278-2197 The Citrus industry magazine Associated Publications Corp.,
0733-8902 The CLAO journal Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists.
0095-8425 The Clay-worker National Brick Manufacturers' Association of the United States of America.
0069-4649 The Clemson University review of industrial management and textile science Clemson University, College of Industrial Management and Textile Science.
0159-8090 The Clinical biochemist reviews Australian Association of Clinical Biochemists.; Australian Association of Clinical Biochemists.
0097-4005 The Clinical chemist American Association of Clinical Chemists.
0941-0198 The Clinical investigator Springer internat.
0366-6743 The clinical journal
0009-9341 The Clinician Cosme Matias Menezes Pvt. Ltd..
0095-8727 The Coal industry Andresen Co.
0095-8832 The Coast artillery journal Coast Artillery Training Center (U.S.); Coast Artillery School (U.S.); United States.; United States Coast Artillery Association.
0010-163X The Colorado journal of pharmacy Colorado. University.
0095-8719 The Colorado School of Mines magazine Colorado School of Mines. Alumni Association.
1074-097X The Columbus dispatch Dispatch Print. Co.
0010-292X The Commercial car journal Chilton Class Journal Co.
0097-2746 The commoner and glassworker Commoner Pub. Co.,
0010-4213 The Compass of Sigma Gamma Epsilon Sigma Gamma Epsilon.
1938-5129 The condor (e-vir) Cooper Ornithological Club
0010-5422 The Condor Cooper Ornithological Society
1068-6495 The Conte Institute series Conte Institute for Environmental Health.
0097-1871 The Cornell medical journal Cornell University. Medical College.
0010-8901 The Cornell veterinarian
0010-9800 The Cotton gin and oil mill press National Cottonseed Products Association.
0099-7919 The cotton oil press Interstate Cottonseed Crushers Association.; National Cottonseed Products Association.
0095-8700 The Creamery and milk plant monthly T.D. Cutler
0095-8565 The Creamery journal s.n..
0096-0047 The Crown Crown Cork & Seal Company.
0095-8573 The Dairy world Roscoe C. Chase ;; Dearborn Trade Journal Co. ;; Roscoe C. Chase ;; Dairy World Pub. Co.
0252-3353 The Date palm journal FAO Regional Project for Palm and Dates Research Centre in the Near East and North Africa.
0095-8387 The Del-chem bulletin Delaware Section of the American Chemical Society]
0096-0187 The Dental cosmos S.S. White Dental Manufacturing Co.
0041-7610 The Department of State bulletin Office of Public Communication, Bureau of Public Affairs; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
1022-2502 The Dhaka University journal of science Faculty of Science, Dhaka University
0011-5223 The Dhaka University studies Dacca University Library.; Dhaka University. Faculty of Arts.
0259-7365 The Dhaka University studies Dhaka University
0168-9282 The diabetes annual Elsevier
0096-0209 The Diplomate National Board of Medical Examiners.
0095-8441 The Dutch Boy quarterly National Lead Company.
1012-554X The Egyptian journal of biochemistry Egyptian Biochemical Society
2090-2603 The Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (e-vir) Egyptian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
1687-1502 The Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Print) = Egyptian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
1110-4902 The Egyptian Journal of Immunology Egyptian Association of Immunologists
0013-2438 The Egyptian pharmaceutical journal Gamiet al-savdala al-Masria.
0724-6706 The Einstein quarterly Springer
0367-0856 The electrical journal David B. Adams
0095-9170 The Electric journal Westinghouse Club.
1064-8208 The Electrochemical Society interface Electrochemical Society
1944-8783 The Electrochemical Society interface (e-vir) Electrochemical Society
1089-3032 The electronic journal of geotechnical engineering (e-vir) Mete Oner
0261-4189 The EMBO journal IRL Press
1460-2075 The EMBO journal (e-vir) Wiley
0158-4197 The Emu The Union
0095-8468 The Enamelist The Enamelist
1539-9192 The endocrinologist Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1051-2144 The Endocrinologist Williams & Wilkins
0013-7758 The engineer Morgan-Grampian
0736-6582 The Engineer Western Electric Company.
0367-1194 The Epicure [publisher not identified]
0162-7600 The European journal of cellular plastics Technomic Pub. Co.
1362-5187 The European journal of contraception & reproductive health care Parthenon
1473-0782 The European journal of contraception & reproductive health care (e-vir) [Parthenon Pub. Group]
1102-4151 The European journal of surgery Scandinavian University Press
1741-9271 The European journal of surgery Taylor & Francis Health Sciences.
1286-0050 The European physical journal (e-vir) EDP Sciences
1292-8941 The European physical journal EDP Sciences
1292-895X The European physical journal (e-vir) EDP Sciences
1434-6028 The European physical journal EDP Sciences; Springer-Verlag
1434-6044 The European physical journal Springer
1434-6060 The European physical journal Springer
1434-6079 The European physical journal (e-vir) EDP Sciences
2429-5299 The European physical journal Edition diffusion presse sciences; Società italiana di fisica; Springer-Verlag
Y502-1693 The European physical journal EDP Sciences; Springer-Verlag
1434-6001 The european physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei Springer
0099-7978 The Exchange for the flower, nursery and garden center trade A.T. De La Mare Co.
0096-5677 The Explosives engineer Hercules Powder Co.
0892-6638 The FASEB journal The Federation
1530-6860 The FASEB journal (e-vir) The Federation
0097-3343 The Feed bag Central Retail Feed Association.; Eastern Federation of Feed Merchants.; New England Retail Grain Dealers Association.; Northern Iowa Millers Association.
0146-0730 The Filamentous fungi Wiley,
0015-4040 The Florida entomologist The Society
1938-5102 The Florida entomologist (e-vir) Florida Entomological Society
0096-0861 The florists exchange and horticultural trade world A.T. De La Mare Co.
0260-4353 The Fluid mechanics of astrophysics and geophysics Gordon & Breach,
0046-4570 The Forensic science gazette Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences.
1499-9315 The forestry chronicle (e-vir) Canadian Science Publishing
0015-7546 The Forestry chronicle Secy Mgr.
0016-2086 The Frontier IIT Research Institute.; Armour Research Foundation (U.S.)
0095-9405 The Fruit products journal and American food manufacturer Avi Pub. Co.
0168-9339 The gastroenterology annual Elsevier
1367-0476 The GEC journal of technology General Electric Company
0959-020X The Genetic engineer and biotechnologist GB Technology
1943-2674 The Geological Society of America bulletin (e-vir) Geological Society of America
0016-9013 The Gerontologist Gerontological Society
0017-0674 The Givaudanian Givaudan-Delawanna, Inc.]
0096-283X The gladiolus New England Gladiolus Society, inc.; North American Gladiolus Council.
0017-1026 The Glass industry Ashlee Publishing Co., Inc., etc.
0096-2473 The Glass lining Pfaudler Co..
0097-5583 The Glass packer National Preservers Association (U.S.)
1086-8747 The Glass researcher New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University.; Industry-University Center for Glass Research.
0096-2376 The Golf course reporter Golf Course Superintendents Association of America.
0093-3724 The Grace Hospital bulletin Grace Hospital (Detroit, Mich.)
0017-3614 The Great Basin naturalist M.L. Bean Life Science Museum, Brigham Young University
0096-2481 The Greenkeepers' reporter National Association of Greenkeepers of America.; Greenkeeping Superintendents Association (U.S.); National Greenkeeping Superintendents Association (U.S.)
0367-6188 The H.E.A. yearbook Horticultural Education Association.
0096-185X The H.I.A. journal of modern watchmaking Horological Institute of America.
0073-0874 The Harvey lectures Harvey Society of New York.; New York Academy of Medicine.
0017-9248 The Heart bulletin American Heart Association.; American Academy of General Practice.; National Heart Institute (U.S.); National Heart and Lung Institute.
0096-0608 The Heating and ventilating magazine The Magazine,
1476-5632 The hematology journal (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0191-1775 The Hercules mixer Hercules Powder Company.
0046-7847 The Honeywell computer journal [Honeywell Information Systems Inc.]
0096-1949 The Hormone Harrower Laboratory.
0317-4050 The hospital pharmacist Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists.
0093-6057 The Howard University reviews of science Howard University, Department of Physics]
0218-0243 The ICTP series in theoretical physics World Scientific Publishing.
0019-2120 The Illinois medical journal Illinois State Medical Society.
1368-2199 The imaging science journal Royal Photographic Society
1743-131X The imaging science journal (e-vir) Royal Photographic Society
0940-6573 The IMA volumes in mathematics and its applications Springer
1192-5612 The Immunologist International Union of Immunological Societies.
0019-4131 The Indexer Society of Indexers
0367-7435 The Indian Archives National Archives of India.
0019-4816 The Indian Forester Forest Research Institute
0019-5022 The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences Indian Council of Agricultural Research
2394-3319 The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (e-vir) Indian Council of Agricultural Research
0970-2997 The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction Indian Society for the Study of Animal Reproduction
0019-509X The Indian Journal of Cancer Indian Cancer Society
0019-5111 The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases Indian Association for Chest Diseases; Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute
0019-5146 The Indian Journal of Dairy Science Indian Dairy Association
0019-526X The Indian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Indian Hospital Pharmacists Association.
0971-5916 The Indian journal of medical research Indian Council of Medical Research
0019-5340 The Indian Journal of Medical Research Indian Council of Medical Research
0022-3174 The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College for Women
1998-3751 The Indian journal of pharmacology Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd.
0019-5472 The Indian Journal of Pharmacy Indian Pharmaceutical Association
0019-5707 The Indian Journal of Tuberculosis Tuberculosis Association of India
0972-7914 The Indian Pharmacist Bazaz Publications.
0537-2437 The Indian Potato Journal Indian Council of Agricultural Research
0019-6142 The Indian Poultry Gazette Indian Poultry Club
0537-0507 The Indian Rubber Board Bulletin Indian Rubber Board
0368-0029 The Indian Safety Engineer R.V. Janaki.
0019-6436 The Indian Textile Journal Business Press Private Limited.
1082-1848 The industrial physicist American Institute of Physics
0096-2562 The Inland and American printer and lithographer Maclean-Hunter Publishing
0960-2526 The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications conference series Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.
0096-2600 The Instrument maker R. Rimbach,
0277-8270 The International journal for hybrid microelectronics International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics.
0793-6648 The International journal for manufacturing science & production Freund Publishing House Ltd.
0020-708X The International journal of applied radiation and isotopes Pergamon Press.
0962-4562 The International journal of aromatherapy Aromatherapy Publications
1724-6040 The International Journal of Artificial Organs (e-vir) Wichtig.
1809-2942 The International Journal of Atherosclerosis (e-vir) Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia, Departamento de Arterosclerose
0020-711X The International journal of biochemistry Pergamon Press
1878-5875 The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0393-6155 The international journal of biological markers Wichtig Editore
1724-6008 The International Journal of Biological Markers (e-vir) Wichtig
0142-095X The international journal of cement composites Construction Press
0214-6282 The international journal of developmental biology University of the Basque Country Press
1696-3547 The International journal of developmental biology University of the Basque Country Press.
0020-7233 The International journal of environmental studies Gordon and Breach.
1026-7476 The International journal of environmental studies (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishers
0306-9419 The international journal of forensic dentistry Forensic Dentistry
0948-3349 The international journal of life cycle assessment Springer
1614-7502 The international journal of life cycle assessment (e-vir) Springer
0142-0968 The international journal of lightweight concrete Construction Press
1063-1674 The International journal of microcircuits and electronic packaging International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics.; International Electronics Packaging Society.; International Microelectronics and Packaging Society.
1083-8139 The international journal of mushroom sciences R.H. Kurtzman
1461-1457 The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology Cambridge University Press
1469-5111 The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0093-2205 The International journal of occupational health & safety [Medical Publications]
0099-6963 The International journal of orthodontia, oral surgery, and radiography [Mosby]
1557-8356 The International journal of orthodontia, oral surgery, and radiography (e-vir) [Mosby]
0097-0522 The International journal of orthodontia and dentistry for children Mosby
1557-8461 The International journal of orthodontia and dentistry for children (e-vir) Mosby
1029-8436 The International journal of pavement engineering Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0361-3488 The International journal of powder metallurgy & powder technology American Powder Metallurgy Institute
0886-0130 The International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation Pergamon Press.
1049-8001 The International journal of wildland fire Fire Research Institute
0946-5448 The international tinnitus journal Neurootologisches Forschungsinstitut der 4-G-Forschung e.V.
0074-9575 The International Water Conference annual meeting Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania.
1532-0642 The Internet journal of asthma, allergy and immunology (e-vir) Internet Scientific Publications
1540-2606 The Internet journal of endocrinology (e-vir) Internet Scientific Publications
1540-2630 The Internet journal of genomics and proteomics Internet Scientific Publications
1528-8439 The Internet journal of gynecology and obstetrics Internet Scientific Publications
1540-2649 The Internet journal of hematology Internet Scientific Publications
1540-2665 The Internet journal of nephrology Internet Scientific Publications
1531-295X The Internet journal of neurology Internet Scientific Publications
1528-8331 The Internet journal of oncology Internet Scientific Publications
1531-2976 The Internet journal of pharmacology Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1362-671X The Internet journal of vibrational spectroscopy [www.ijvs.com] Perkin Elmer
1533-0001 The IP.com journal IP.com
0368-0592 The Irish textile journal
0021-1508 The Iron age David Williams
1038-4871 The island arc Blackwell Scientific
1440-1738 The island arc Blackwell Science
1565-1088 The Israel Medical Association Journal The Association
0392-0623 The Italian Journal of Gastroenterology Piccin Editore.
0393-8166 The Italian journal of medicine Il Pensiero Scientifico.
0392-0461 The Italian journal of neurological sciences Masson Italia
1126-5442 The Italian journal of neurological sciences (e-vir) Springer Verlag Italia
1125-0003 The Italian journal of zoology Mucchi Editore
0147-2046 The James Madison journal James Madison University.
0021-6585 The Jewish Memorial Hospital bulletin Jewish Memorial Hospital.
0021-7263 The Johns Hopkins medical journal Johns Hopkins Press
0096-0233 The Journal-lancet North Dakota State Medical Association.; South Dakota State Medical Association.; Montana State Medical Association.
1565-012X The journal od endocrine genetics Freud Publishing House
0096-851X The Journal of abnormal and social psychology Boyd Printing
1563-518X The journal of adhesion (e-vir) Gordon and Breach; Taylor and Francis
0021-8464 The Journal of adhesion Gordon and Breach.
1757-9988 The journal of adhesive dentistry (e-vir) Quintessence
1469-5146 The journal of agricultural science (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0021-8596 The Journal of Agricultural Science Cambridge University Press
0041-994X The journal of agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico (Río Piedras Campus).
1085-8725 The journal of allergy and clinical immunology (e-vir) American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.
1097-6825 The journal of allergy and clinical immunology (e-vir) Elsevier
0091-6749 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology Mosby
0095-9928 The journal of animal behavior Henry Holt and Co.
2374-9873 The journal of animal behavior (e-vir) [Henry Holt and Co.]
1365-2656 The journal of animal ecology (e-vir) University Press
0021-8960 The Journal of applied nutrition International College of Applied Nutrition.; American College of Nutrition (Los Angeles, Calif.); American Academy of Nutrition.
1056-6171 The Journal of Applied Poultry Research Oxford University Press
1537-064X The journal of applied research Therapeutic Solutions
2374-7285 The journal of applied research (e-vir) Therapeutic Solutions
1542-2666 The journal of applied research in veterinary medicine Therapeutic Solutions LLC
2374-7129 The journal of applied research in veterinary medicine (e-vir) Veterinary Solutions
1852-1428 The Journal of Argentine Chemical Society (e-vir) Asociación Química Argentina
0277-0903 The Journal of asthma Asthma Publications Society
0142-0453 The journal of automatic chemistry Taylor & Francis
1756-2651 The journal of biochemistry (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0021-9258 The Journal of biological chemistry American Society of Biological Chemists.
0021-9274 The Journal of biological psychology University of Michigan.
2327-7440 The journal of biophysical and biochemical cytology (e-vir) Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.; Rockefeller Institute.
0099-7013 The Journal of cancer research American Association for Cancer Research.
1827-191X The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (e-vir) Edizioni Minerva Medica
1540-8140 The journal of cell biology (e-vir) Rockefeller University Press
0021-9525 The Journal of cell biology Rockefeller University Press.
0021-9606 The Journal of chemical physics American Institute of physics
1096-3626 The journal of chemical thermodynamics (e-vir) Academic Press
1945-7197 The journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism (e-vir) Endocrine Society
0021-972X The Journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism Issued for the Endocrine Society by the Williams & Wilkins Co.
1524-6175 The journal of clinical hypertension Le Jacq Communication
1751-7176 The journal of clinical hypertension (e-vir) Blackwell
1558-8238 The journal of clinical investigation (e-vir) American Society for Clinical Investigation
0021-9738 The Journal of clinical investigation American Society for Clinical Investigation.
0276-8860 The Journal of clinical laboratory automation Appleton-Century-Crofts,
0095-9871 The Journal of clinical nutrition Nutritional Press
0214-2880 The Journal of clinical nutrition & gastroenterology Ediciones Ergon
1552-4604 The journal of clinical pharmacology (e-vir) American College of Clinical Pharmacology
0091-2700 The Journal of clinical pharmacology Hall Associates, etc.
0021-9754 The Journal of clinical pharmacology and new drugs American College of Clinical Pharmacology.
0095-9863 The journal of clinical pharmacology and the journal of new drugs [Fort Orange Press]
1555-2101 The journal of clinical psychiatry Physicians Postgraduate Press
0160-6689 The Journal of clinical psychiatry Physicians Postgraduate Press
0732-8087 The journal of coal quality Standard Laboratories. Coal Testing Conference Division.; Western Kentucky University. Center for Coal Science.
0091-4452 The Journal of color and appearance Gordon and Breach Publishers.
0362-1669 The Journal of combustion toxicology Technomic Pub. Co.
1088-7407 The journal of commerce Journal of Commerce
0361-5561 The journal of commerce and commercial Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin
0021-9940 The journal of comparative and physiological psychology American Psychological Association,
1096-9861 The Journal of comparative neurology (e-vir) Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology
0093-4127 The Journal of comparative psychology Williams & Wilkins
0362-1677 The Journal of consumer product flammability Technomic Pub. Co.
0149-0265 The Journal of continuing education in psychiatry Medical Digest]
1523-6919 The journal of cotton science (e-vir) Cotton Foundation
2160-0333 The journal of criminal law, criminology and police science (e-vir) Northwestern University School of Law
0022-0205 The Journal of criminal law, criminology and police science Northwestern University School of Law
2160-0325 The journal of criminal law & criminology (e-vir) Williams & Wilkins Co.
0091-4169 The Journal of criminal law & criminology Williams & Wilkins
0954-6634 The Journal of dermatological treatment Dunitz; Macmillan Scientific & Medical
0385-2407 The journal of dermatology Japanese Dermatological Association
1346-8138 The journal of dermatology (e-vir) Japanese Dermatological Association
0097-4250 The Journal of documentary reproduction American Library Association.
1472-3514 The journal of drug evaluation Parthenon.
1472-3549 The journal of drug evaluation Parthenon Publishing.
1479-1137 The journal of drug evaluation Parthenon
1747-5570 The journal of drug evaluation (e-vir) Parthenon; Taylor & Francis
0022-0442 The journal of earth sciences, Nagoya University Department of Earth Sciences, Nagoya University
0368-1904 The journal of economic biology Dulau & Co.
1095-0680 The journal of ECT Lippincott-Raven Publishers
2514-0582 The journal of Egyptian archaeology (e-vir) Egypt Exploration Fund
0095-2443 The Journal of elastomers and plastics Technomic Pub. Co.
0022-071X The Journal of elastoplastics Technomic Pub. Co.
1479-6805 The journal of endocrinology (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0096-0640 The Journal of engineering education Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education
0022-0906 The Journal of environmental sciences The Institute
0147-0833 The Journal of equine medicine and surgery Veterinary Publications.
1041-2905 The Journal of essential oil research Allured Pub. Corp.
2163-8152 The Journal of essential oil research Allured Publishing Corporation; Allured Business Media; Taylor & Francis
1550-7408 The journal of eukaryotic microbiology (e-vir) The International Society of Protistologists.
1066-5234 The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology Society of Protozoologists
1477-9145 The journal of experimental biology Company of Biologists.
1540-9538 The journal of experimental medicine (e-vir) Rockefeller University Press
0022-1007 The Journal of experimental medicine Rockefeller University Press
0022-104X The Journal of experimental zoology Wiley-Liss
0022-1104 The Journal of fire & flammability Technomic Pub. Co.
0097-0247 The Journal of fire and flammability [Technomic Pub. Co.]
0097-1162 The Journal of fire and flammability Technomic Pub. Co.]
0362-1693 The Journal of fire retardant chemistry Technomic Pub. Co.
1355-4565 The journal of gemmology Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain.
1099-498X The journal of gene medicine John Wiley & Sons
1521-2254 The journal of gene medicine (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
1540-7748 The journal of general physiology Rockefeller University Press
0022-1295 The Journal of general physiology Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
0022-1376 The journal of geology University of Chicago Press
1537-5269 The journal of geology (e-vir) University Press of Chicago
1129-2369 The Journal of headache and pain Springer Verlag Italia
1129-2377 The Journal of headache and pain (e-vir) Springer Verlag Italia
0022-1503 The Journal of heredity American Genetic Association
1029-8479 The journal of high energy physics (e-vir) SISSA
1126-6708 The Journal of high energy physics Società italiana di fisica
1538-4640 The journal of higher education (e-vir) Ohio State University Press
0022-1546 The Journal of higher education Ohio State University Press.
0022-1554 The Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry Williams & Wilkins Co.
0022-1570 The Journal of home economics American Home Economics Association
1462-0316 The journal of horticultural science & biotechnology Headley Brothers Ltd.
2380-4084 The journal of horticultural science & biotechnology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0022-1767 The journal of immunology Williams & Wilkins
1550-6606 The journal of immunology (e-vir) HighWire Press
1943-2968 The journal of industrial and engineering chemistry American Chemical Society
0095-9014 The Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry American Chemical Society
0095-9022 The Journal of industrial hygiene and abstract of the literature American Association of Industrial Physicians and Surgeons.; Harvard Medical School.; Harvard School of Public Health.
0095-9030 The Journal of industrial hygiene and toxicology with abstract of the literature American Industrial Hygiene Association.
0163-4453 The Journal of infection Academic Press
1537-6613 The journal of infectious diseases (e-vir) Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America
0022-1899 The Journal of infectious diseases University of Chicago Press
1087-0024 The journal of investigative dermatology Blackwell Science
1529-1774 The journal of investigative dermatology (e-vir) Blackwell Science, Inc.
0022-202X The Journal of investigative dermatology Williams & Wilkins
0022-2143 The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine C. V. Mosby.
1748-5460 The journal of laryngology & otology (e-vir) Headley Brothers; Cambridge University Press
0738-7989 The Journal of materials education EMMSE, Materials Research Laboratory, the Pennsylvania State University
1476-4954 The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine (e-vir) Taylor & Francis; Parthenon; Informa Healthcare
1476-7058 The Journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine Parthenon; Taylor & Francis
1520-6661 The journal of maternal-fetal medicine (e-vir) J. Wiley
1057-0802 The Journal of maternal-fetal medicine Wiley-Liss
0022-2577 The Journal of medical education Association of American Medical Colleges
0097-3599 The Journal of medical research American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists.
0022-2631 The journal of membrane biology Springer
1432-1424 The journal of membrane biology Springer.
0368-315X The journal of mental science Headley Brothers
0095-9642 The Journal of metabolic research Physiatric Institute (Morristown, N.J.)
1520-667X The journal of microcolumn separations J. Wiley
1040-7685 The Journal of microcolumn separations Aster Pub.
0022-2739 The Journal of microwave power International Microwave Power Institute.
1943-7811 The journal of molecular diagnostics (e-vir) American Society for Investigative Pathology and the Association for Molecular Pathology
0985-0856 The Journal of nature Association des institutions de recherche et de développement dans l'Océan Indien
1539-736X The journal of nervous and mental disease (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1545-7222 The journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences (e-vir) American Psychiatric Press
0895-0172 The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences American Psychiatric Press
1529-2401 The journal of neuroscience (e-vir) Society for Neuroscience
0270-6474 The Journal of neuroscience The Society
0096-0284 The journal of new drugs American College of Clinical Pharmacology and Chemotherapy,
0161-5505 The Journal of nuclear medicine Society of Nuclear Medicine
1535-5667 The Journal of nuclear medicine (e-vir) Society of Nuclear Medicine
0392-0208 The Journal of nuclear medicine and allied sciences Minerva Medica
0022-3166 The Journal of nutrition Oxford University Press
1541-6100 The Journal of nutrition (e-vir) American Institute of Nutrition
1279-7707 The Journal of nutrition, health & aging Serdi; Springer
1760-4788 The Journal of nutrition, health and aging (e-vir) Serdi
0955-2863 The Journal of nutritional biochemistry Butterworth Publishers
1873-4847 The Journal of nutritional biochemistry (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
1061-2130 The Journal of optimal nutrition Institute for the Study of Optimal Nutrition.
1526-5900 The journal of pain Churchill Livingstone
1937-2345 The journal of parasitology (e-vir) Henry B. Ward
0022-3395 The Journal of parasitology American Society of Parasitologists
0022-3417 The Journal of pathology Longman
1096-9896 The Journal of pathology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1097-6833 The journal of pediatrics (e-vir) Mosby
0022-3476 The Journal of pediatrics C. V. Mosby.
0145-5508 The Journal of pedodontics Journal of Pedodontics
1521-0103 The journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (e-vir) American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
0022-3565 The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics Williams & Wilkins
1549-4810 The journal of pharmacy technology (e-vir) Harvey Whitney Books
8755-1225 The journal of pharmacy technology Association of Pharmacy Technicians (U.S.)
1943-3018 The Journal of physical & colloid chemistry (e-vir) Williams & Wilkins
1089-5639 The journal of physical chemistry American Chemical Society
1520-5207 The journal of physical chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1520-5215 The journal of physical chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1520-6106 The journal of physical chemistry American Chemical Society
1541-5740 The journal of physical chemistry (e-vir) American Chemical Society
1932-7447 The journal of physical chemistry American Chemical Society
Y506-001X The journal of physical chemistry American Chemical Society
0022-3654 The Journal of physical chemistry American Chemical Society.
0022-3697 The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids Pergamon Press
0022-3751 The journal of physiology Cambridge University Press
1469-7793 The journal of physiology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0970-2539 The Journal of Plant Science Research Society for the Promotion of Plant Science Research.
0163-3910 The Journal of postgraduate pharmacy Council of Ohio Colleges of Pharmacy.
0368-3850 The journal of preventive medicine Royal Institute of Public Health (Great Britain)
2753-5568 The journal of preventive medicine (e-vir) [Baillière, Tindall and Cox]
1097-6841 The journal of prosthetic dentistry (e-vir) Mosby
0022-3913 The Journal of prosthetic dentistry C. V. Mosby Co.
0022-3921 The Journal of protozoology Society of Protozoologists.
0022-3980 The Journal of psychology Journal Press
1940-1019 The Journal of psychology (e-vir) Heldref Publications
0022-4286 The Journal of Research in Indian Medicine Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy
0022-4324 The journal of research on the Lepidoptera Lepidoptera Research Foundation.
1499-2752 The journal of rheumatology (e-vir) Journal of Rheumatology Pub. Co..
1099-6362 The journal of sandwich structures & materials Technomic Pub. Co.
1743-6109 The journal of sexual medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
1743-6095 The Journal of sexual medicine Elsevier
1748-5827 The journal of small animal practice (e-vir) BVA Publications
1088-1697 The Journal of solid waste technology and management Widener University.; University of Pennsylvania.
0095-9588 The journal of southern research Southern Association of Science and Industry (U.S.)
0095-9790 The Journal of space flight Chicago Rocket Society.
1827-1928 The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness (e-vir) Edizioni Minerva Medica
0368-4407 The journal of state medicine British Institute of Public Health.; Royal Institute of Public Health (Great Britain)
2753-5576 The journal of state medicine (e-vir) H. Renshaw
1879-1220 The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0022-4758 The journal of strain analysis Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Great Britain); Joint British Committee for Stress Analysis.
2041-3130 The journal of strain analysis for engineering design (e-vir) Professional Engineering Publishing
0896-8446 The Journal of supercritical fluids PRA Press
1872-8162 The Journal of supercritical fluids (e-vir) Elsevier
1544-6794 The journal of supportive oncology Biolink Communications, Inc.
1879-596X The journal of supportive oncology (e-vir) Biolink Communications, Inc.; Elsevier Oncology; Elsevier BioLink Communications; Elsevier Oncology; Elsevier Oncology; IMNG Medical Media; Frontline Medical Communications
0022-4804 The Journal of surgical research Academic Press
1520-9024 The journal of the Acoustical Society of America (e-vir) Acoustical Society of America through the American Institute of Physics
0001-4966 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America
1520-8524 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (e-vir) Acoustical Society of America
0149-3108 The Journal of the Adhesive and Sealant Council The Adhesive and Sealant Council.
0002-4112 The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science [Auburn University Printing Service]
2162-2922 The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science (e-vir) Alabama Academy of Science,
0002-4708 The Journal of the Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia Albert Einstein Medical Center.
0095-957X The Journal of the Allied Dental Societies Allied Dental Societies (U.S.)
0587-2871 The Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association American Animal Hospital Association
0002-7448 The Journal of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists American Association of Nurse Anesthetists.
0002-7979 The Journal of the American College of Dentists American College of Dentists.
0002-8177 The Journal of the American Dental Association American Dental Association
0375-8451 The Journal of the American Dental Association and the dental cosmos American Dental Association.
0002-9726 The Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association American Leather Chemists Association
0517-3116 The Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association American Leather Chemists Association,
0098-6151 The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association American Osteopathic Association.
0003-1208 The journal of the American Society of Safety Engineers American Society of Safety Engineers.
2834-3549 The journal of the American Society of Safety Engineers (e-vir) American Society of Safety Engineers
1852-1207 The journal of the Argentine Chemical Society (e-vir) AQA.; Asociación Química Argentina.
0004-1858 The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society Arkansas Medical Society.
0368-1106 The Journal of the Association of Engineers, India Association of Engineers, India
0021-9142 The Journal of the astronautical sciences
2195-0571 The Journal of the astronautical sciences (e-vir) Springer
0368-1475 The journal of the Board of Agriculture Great Britain.
0368-1505 The journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research Board of Greenkeeping Research.
0368-1688 The Journal of the Canadian Mining Institute Canadian Mining Institute.
0258-3216 The Journal of the Egyptian Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology Egyptian Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology
1471-8057 The journal of the Filtration Society Filtration Society.
0015-4148 The Journal of the Florida Medical Association Florida Medical Association.
0970-1974 The Journal of the Forensic Science Society of India Forensic Science Society of India
0368-2552 The Journal of the Imperial College Chemical Engineering Society Imperial College Chemical Engineering Society.
0368-2730 The journal of the Imperial College Chemical Society Imperial College Chemical Society.; Royal College of Science (Great Britain)
0019-6770 The Journal of the Indiana State Medical Association Indiana State Medical Association.
0099-2887 The journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers E. and F. N. Spon
0367-7540 The journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Institution of Electrical Engineers.
0367-7559 The journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Institution of Electrical Engineers.
0367-7567 The journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Institution of Electrical Engineers.
2054-0612 The journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (e-vir) Institution of Electrical Engineers.
0020-3319 The Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia Institution of Engineers, Australia.
0094-324X The journal of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine International Academy of Preventive Medicine.
0096-557X The journal of the International College of Surgeons International College of Surgeons.
0896-8381 The Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science The Academy
0022-8699 The journal of the Kansas Medical Society Kansas Medical Society]
0023-0294 The Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association Kentucky Medical Association.
0368-2935 The Journal of the Linnean Society Linnean Society of London,
0368-2927 The journal of the Linnean Society of London Linnean Society of London.
0024-6921 The Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society Louisiana State Medical Society.
0025-0694 The journal of the Maine Medical Association Maine Medical Association.
0096-3747 The journal of the Maryland Academy of Sciences Maryland Academy of Sciences.
0025-7044 The Journal of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama Medical Association of the State of Alabama.; Alabama State Board of Health.; Medical Association of the State of Alabama.; Alabama.
0026-2102 The Journal of the Michigan Dental Association Michigan Dental Association.
0368-3087 The journal of the Ministry of Agriculture Great Britain.
0097-1901 The Journal of the National Dental Association National Dental Association (1897-1922)
0096-7017 The Journal of the National Malaria Society National Malaria Society (U.S.); National Malaria Society (U.S.).; National Malaria Society (U.S.).
0030-1876 The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association Oklahoma State Medical Association.
0035-872X The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Royal Astronomical Society of Canada..
0370-5609 The journal of the Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene (Great Britain)
2753-5533 The journal of the Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene (e-vir) Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene
0097-2010 The Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers Society of Automotive Engineers.
0038-3139 The Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association South Carolina Medical Association.
0096-5820 The journal of the Technical Association of the Fur Industry Technical Association of the Fur Industry.
0040-3385 The Journal of the Tennessee Dental Association Tennessee Dental Association.
1754-2340 The journal of the Textile Institute (e-vir) Woodhead
0040-5000 The journal of The Textile Institute Taylor & Francis
0097-1812 The journal of the Western Society of Periodontology Western Society of Periodontology]
1085-8687 The journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery (e-vir) American Association for Thoracic Surgery.; Western Thoracic Surgical Association.
1097-685X The journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery (e-vir) Mosby, Inc.; Elsevier
1520-670X The journal of trace elements in experimental medicine Wiley-Liss
0896-548X The Journal of trace elements in experimental medicine Wiley-Liss
1529-8809 The journal of trauma (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins
0022-5282 The Journal of trauma Williams & Wilkins.
1079-6061 The journal of trauma, injury, infection, and critical care Williams & Wilkins
0449-3281 The journal of tropical pediatrics Effingham House
0368-4512 The journal of tropical pediatrics and African child health Amberley House
1527-3792 The journal of urology (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams & Willkins
0022-5347 The Journal of urology Williams and Wilkins Co.
0022-5355 The Journal of vacuum science and technology Published for the American Vacuum Society by the American Institute of Physics
0104-7930 The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins The Center for the Study of Venoms and Venomous Animals
1678-9180 The Journal of venomous animals and toxins including tropical diseases (e-vir) Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Centro de Estudos de Venenos e Animais Peçonhentos
1678-9199 The Journal of venomous animals and toxins including tropical diseases UNESP, Centro de Estudos de Venenos e Animais Peçonhentos.
1937-2817 The journal of wildlife management (e-vir) Wildlife Society
0022-541X The Journal of wildlife management Wildlife Society.
0368-4725 The journal of zoological research Dulau
1079-5006 The journals of gerontology Gerontological Society of America
1758-535X The journals of gerontology (e-vir) Gerontological Society of America
1607-551X The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences Kaohsiung Medical College
2410-8650 The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences (e-vir) Kaohsiung Medical College; Elsevier Korea LLC
0023-1304 The Kidney National Kidney Foundation.
0368-4881 The Korean biochemical journal Biochemical Society of Korea
2005-6648 The Korean journal of internal medicine (e-vir) Korean Association of Internal Medicine
1738-9364 The Korean journal of medicine Daehan nae'gwa haghoe; 대한내과학회
2093-3827 The Korean journal of physiology & pharmacology (e-vir) Korean Physiological Society and Korean Society of Pharmacology
0023-6756 The Laboratory Fisher Scientific Company.; Eimer & Amend.
0023-7418 The Lamp Standard Oil Company.; Exxon Corporation.; Exxon Mobil Corporation.
0140-6736 The Lancet J. Onwhyn; Elsevier
1474-4457 The Lancet (e-vir) [Lancet Publishing Group].
1474-547X The Lancet (e-vir) Elsevier; Lancet Publishing Group
1473-3099 The lancet infectious diseases The Lancet Publishing Group
1474-4422 The Lancet neurology Lancet Publishing Group; Elsevier
1474-4465 The Lancet neurology (e-vir) Lancet Publishing Group
1470-2045 The lancet oncology Lancet Oncology; Elsevier
0023-8457 The Lapidary journal Lapidary journal; Lapidary Journal
1531-4995 The Laryngoscope (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0023-9763 The Leather manufacturer Shoe Trades Pub. Co.
0377-9696 The Leech University of the Witwatersrand Medical School.; Medical Graduates Association.
0024-2233 The Library chronicle University of Pennsylvania.
0024-2519 The library quarterly University of Chicago Press
1549-652X The library quarterly (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
1010-3740 The Libyan journal of agriculture Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tripoli
1096-1135 The Lichenologist Academic Press.
0199-4794 The Ligand quarterly Clinical Radioassay Society.
0197-4041 The Ligand review Technical & Professional Services.
0721-7102 The liver Edition Cantor.
0167-5141 The Liver Excerpta Medica
0168-9231 The liver annual Elsevier
0096-5707 The Louisiana planter and sugar manufacturer Louisiana Sugar Planters' Association.; Louisiana Sugar Chemists' Association.; American Cane Growers' Association.
0097-563X The Lumberman Miller Freeman Publications, Inc.
0076-3810 The Manitoba entomologist Entomological Society of Manitoba; Manitoba.; Manitoba.
0025-3251 The Marine Observer Marin Division of the Meteorological Office
0096-9699 The Marshall review Marshall University.
0025-4347 The Maryland pharmacist Maryland Pharmaceutical Association.
0271-1982 The mathematics of finite elements and applications Brunel University.; Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications.
0196-5891 The medical bulletin of the Veterans Administration U.S. Govt. Print. Off.; for sale by the Supt. of Docs.
0025-7125 The Medical clinics of North America Saunders
0045-3803 The Medical Journal of Cairo University Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University
0025-7400 The medical officer Macmillan Journals
0099-9768 The medico-legal journal Medico-Legal Society of New York.; Society of Forensic Medicine.; National Association of Coroners.
2042-1834 The medico-legal journal (e-vir) Medico-Legal Society
0096-462X The Melliand The Melliand, Inc.
0193-0788 The Memph-ion American Chemical Society. Memphis Section.
0250-4820 The Menarini series on immunopathology Schwabe
0096-6142 The Mendel bulletin Villanova College. School of Science.; Villanova University. Dept. of Science.
0097-5842 The Merck report Merck & Co.
0026-1149 The Meteorological magazine HMSO
0026-282X The microscope Microscope Publications
0096-5499 The Midland druggist and pharmaceutical review Midland Pub. Co.
0026-3745 The Milbank Memorial Fund quarterly The Fund
2325-6974 The Milbank Memorial Fund quarterly (e-vir) Milbank Memorial Fund.
0096-6827 The military surgeon The Association
0099-7099 The Milk products journal Olsen Pub. Co.,
0096-509X The Mineral industry Scientific Pub. Co.
0026-4628 The mineralogical record Mineralogical Record, inc.
1367-3920 The Mineralogical Society series Mineralogical Society (Great Britain)
0369-0652 The Mineralogist Oregon Agate and Mineral Society.; Mineralogical Society of Southern California.
0368-8917 The Miniature camera magazine
0834-4507 The Mining and engineering record Technical Press.
0026-5160 The Mining congress journal American Mining Congress
0096-5871 The mining review Salt Lake Mining Review, Inc.
0026-5500 The Minnesota horticulturist Minnesota State Horticultural Society.
0145-0077 The MIT Press energy laboratory series Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
0096-7300 The monthly bulletin - American Bakers Association American Bakers Association.
0027-0903 The Moon Reidel
2214-7101 The Moon (e-vir) Springer
0027-254X The Mountain geologist Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists.
1931-7581 The Mount Sinai journal of medicine (e-vir) Mount Sinai School of Medicine
0027-2507 The Mount Sinai journal of medicine, New York Mount Sinai Hospital, Committee on Medical Education and Publications
0148-0995 The Muslim scientist Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers of North America.
0028-0496 The Nation's health The Association
0377-1644 The National Council for Research National Council for Research.
0097-0530 The National druggist [The National Druggist]
0027-9218 The National engineer National Association of Power Engineers (U.S.); National Association of Stationary Engineers (U.S.); National Association of Power Engineers (U.S.)
0027-996X The National provisioner National Provisioner, inc.
0145-6660 The National Research Council National Research Council (U.S.); National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.)
0091-6730 The Nebraska medical journal Nebraska Medical Association.; Nebraska State Medical Association.
0028-1956 The Nebraska state medical journal Nebraska State Medical Association.
0096-4492 The Neoprene notebook E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company.
0094-4866 The Neurosciences Neurosciences Research Program.
1073-8584 The neuroscientist Williams & Wilkins
1089-4098 The neuroscientist (e-vir) Williams & Wilkins
1043-4674 The New biologist W.B. Saunders Co.
0028-4793 The New England journal of medicine Massachusetts Medical Society
1533-4406 The New England journal of medicine (e-vir) Massachusetts Medical Society, NEJM Group
0276-7511 The New England Society of Allergy proceedings New England Society of Allergy.
0028-5773 The New Jersey journal of pharmacy New Jersey Pharmaceutical Association.
1121-7138 The New microbiologica L.A. Seragnoli, Department of Hematology and Oncologie Sciences Section of Microbiology, University of Bologna; Edizioni Internazionali
0097-1790 The New Orleans medical and surgical journal Louisiana State Medical Society.; Orleans Parish Medical Society.; American Society of Tropical Medicine.; Mississippi State Medical Association.
1469-8137 The new phytologist (e-vir) Cambridge University Press.
0028-646X The New phytologist Academic Press.
0028-7296 The New York journal of dentistry First District Dental Society of New York.
0196-6871 The New York medical quarterly New York Medical Pub. Corp.]
0362-4331 The New York times [H.J. Raymond & Co.]
1542-667X The New York times (e-vir) University Microfilms International.
1553-8095 The New York times on the Web (e-vir) New York Times
0077-9962 The New Zealand entomologist Taylor & Francis Group [etc.]
1179-3430 The New Zealand entomologist (e-vir) Entomological Society of New Zealand
0110-022X The New Zealand family physician New Zealand College of General Practitioners.
0097-5850 The North American veterinarian [American Veterinary Publications, etc.]
0146-9517 The NSS bulletin The Society
0976-7975 The nucleus (e-vir) Springer (India)
0029-568X The Nucleus Centre for Advanced Study in Cell and Chromosome Research, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta.
0029-5698 The Nucleus Director Scientific Informaion, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission.
2306-6539 The Nucleus Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
0029-6465 The Nursing clinics of North America W.B. Saunders Co.
1558-1357 The Nursing clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
0029-7704 The Observatory Royal Greenwich Observatory
0030-0330 The official journal (patents) Great Britain.
0030-0950 The Ohio journal of science Ohio Academy of Science
2471-9390 The Ohio journal of science (e-vir)
0030-1124 The Ohio State medical journal Ohio State Medical Association.
0030-1388 The Oil and gas journal Petroleum Pub. Co.
0097-224X The Oil miller and cotton ginner Oil Miller Pub. Co.
0096-2082 The Oil trade Oil Trade Journals Inc.,
0096-2090 The Oil trade journal H. Reavis,
1083-7159 The oncologist AlphaMed Press
1549-490X The oncologist (e-vir) AlphaMed Press
1846-0410 The online Acta stomatologica Croatica (e-vir) University of Zagreb, School of Dental Medicine; Croatian Dental Society-Croatian Medical Association
1059-2725 The Online journal of current clinical trials American Association for the Advancement of Science.; OCLC.
1876-8946 The open autoimmunity journal (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
Y506-5976 The open autoimmunity journal (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0096-2104 The Operative miller [Operative Miller Press]
0040-5744 Theoretica Chimica Acta Springer-Verlag
1872-7638 Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0167-8442 Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics North-Holland
1432-2242 Theoretical and applied genetics (e-vir) Springer
0040-5752 Theoretical and Applied Genetics Springer
1380-7323 Theoretical and computational chemistry Elsevier
0935-4964 Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics Springer
1432-2250 Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics Springer
0082-3953 Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics Marcel Dekker Inc.
0040-5760 Theoretical and experimental chemistry Consultants Bureau
1573-935X Theoretical and experimental chemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
0040-5779 Theoretical and mathematical physics Springer
1573-9333 Theoretical and mathematical physics (Dordrecht. Online) (e-vir) Springer
1742-4682 Theoretical biology and medical modelling BioMed Central
1825-6538 Theoretical biology forum (e-vir) Fabrizio Serra
0305-9995 Theoretical chemistry Chemical Society (Great Britain); Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
0361-0551 Theoretical chemistry Academic Press
1432-2234 Theoretical Chemistry accounts Springer.
1432-881X Theoretical Chemistry accounts Springer
0040-5795 Theoretical foundations of chemical engineering Consultants Bureau
1608-3431 Theoretical foundations of chemical engineering (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0803-4222 Theoretical Physics Seminar in Trondheim Fysiske seminar i Trondheim.; Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for fysikk.
0563-4350 Theoretische und klinische Medizin in Einzeldarstellungen Hüthig.
0096-0853 The Organic farmer [Rodale Press]
0970-728X The Orissa Journal of Agricultural Research Association of Agricultural Scientists
0924-6118 Theory and applications of transport in porous media Reidel; Kluwer Academic Publishers; Springer Netherlands
0375-3301 Theory and experiment in exobiology Wolters-Noordhoff
1431-7613 Theory in biosciences = Springer
1611-7530 Theory in biosciences = Springer
0040-585X Theory of probability and its applications Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
1095-7219 Theory of probability and its applications (e-vir) Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
0096-4832 The Pahasapa quarterly South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.
0030-9818 The Pakistan journal of forestry Pakistan Forest Institute
0031-0603 The Pan-Pacific entomologist Pacific Coast Entomological Society.
2162-0237 The Pan-Pacific entomologist (e-vir) Pacific Coast Entomological Society.; California Academy of Sciences.
0097-5656 The Paper industry E.B. Fritz,
0096-1787 The Paper industry and paper world Fritz Publications,
0096-2120 The Paper mill and wood pulp news [L.D. Post]
1470-1790 The patents and designs journal Great Britain.
0957-798X The Paton welding journal Welding Institute
0093-2213 The Pavlovian journal of biological science Pavlovian Society of America.
1479-1285 The PBM series Citus Books.
1557-8240 The pediatric clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0031-3955 The Pediatric clinics of North America W. B. Saunders Co.
0096-0667 The Pennsylvania medical journal Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania.
0146-0455 The Pennsylvania State University studies Pennsylvania State University.
0197-9000 The Peptides Academic Press,
0096-7548 The Petroleum gazette F.F. Murray]
0031-6547 The petroleum times Whitehall Press; IPC Industrial Press
0096-9125 The Pharmaceutical era D.O. Haynes & Co.
0031-6873 The Pharmaceutical journal Pharmaceutical Society
1473-1150 The pharmacogenomics journal (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0031-7004 The Pharmacologist American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.
0369-951X The Pharmacos Punjab University, Pharmaceutical Society.; Punjab University, Pharmaceutical Society.
0973-399X The Pharma Review Kongposh Publications Pvt. Ltd.
0146-3128 The PharmChem newsletter PharmChem Laboratories.; PharmChem Research Foundation.
0115-6500 The Philippine journal of coconut studies Philippine Coconut Research and Development Foundation.
2672-2836 The Philippine journal of fisheries (e-vir) National Fisheries Research and Development Institute
0048-377X The Philippine Journal of Fisheries National Fisheries Research and Development Institute.
0031-7667 The Philippine journal of pediatrics Philippine Pediatric Society.
0097-5877 The Photoengravers bulletin American Photoengravers Association.
0149-9912 The Physician's guide to practical gastroenterology Pharmaceutical Communications]
0031-9171 The Physics of fluids American Institute of Physics.
0031-918X The Physics of metals and metallography Nauka/Interperiodica
1555-6190 The Physics of metals and metallography (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0031-921X The physics teacher American Association of Physics Teachers]
1943-4928 The physics teacher (e-vir) American Association of Physics Teachers
0031-9376 The Physiologist American Physiological Society.
1530-6240 The pink sheet F-D-C Reports
1532-298X The plant cell (e-vir) American Society of Plant Physiologists
1040-4651 The Plant cell American Society of Plant Physiologists
0032-0811 The Plant disease reporter Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
0097-0778 The Plant disease reporter Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Dept. of Agriculture
0096-8315 The Planter and sugar manufacturer Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer Co.
0960-7412 The plant journal Blackwell Scientific
1365-313X The plant journal (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0096-8307 The Plant world Plant World Association.; Wild Flower Preservation Society (U.S.)
2381-5876 The Plant world (e-vir) Plant World Association
0032-2474 The Polar record Scott Polar Research Institute
0096-7335 The Porto Rico sugar manual A.B. Gilmore,
0096-8366 The Potash journal American Potash Institute.
0032-6518 The Practitioner The Practitioner
0370-145X The prescriber
0163-7894 The Primary care physician's guide to practical gastroenterology [Pharmaceutical Communications]
0370-2235 The Proceedings and transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science Nova Scotian Institute of Science.
0197-453X The proceedings of the ... International Conference on Fluidized-Bed Combustion United States.; Mitre Corporation.; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.; Electric Power Research Institute.; Tennessee Valley Authority.
1098-6189 The proceedings of the ... International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.; Offshore Mechanics and Polar Engineering Council.
0097-0573 The proceedings of the Colorado Scientific Society Colorado Scientific Society.
0091-746X The proceedings of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago Institute of Medicine of Chicago.
0369-8890 The Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Institution of Electrical Engineers
0369-8904 The Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Institution of Electrical Engineers
0096-9192 The proceedings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences Louisiana Academy of Sciences.
0033-0159 The Professional nutritionist Foremost Foods Company.
1548-8640 The progressive fish-culturist Bureau of Ficheries, U. S. Department of Commerce
0033-0779 The Progressive fish-culturist U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
1097-0045 The prostate Wiley-Liss
0270-4137 The Prostate Wiley
1572-3887 The protein journal Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
1875-8355 The Protein journal Kluwer Academic Publishers
0097-1103 The quarterly bulletin of Northwestern University Medical School Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.).
0096-5448 The quarterly bulletin of Sea View Hospital Clinical Society of Sea View Hospital.
1539-7718 The quarterly review of biology (e-vir) Williams & Wilkins
0096-2449 The Railway and engineering review Railway Review, Inc.
0370-8004 The Railway Engineer [s.n.]
1091-6660 Therapeutic apheresis Blackwell Science
1744-9979 Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis Blackwell Publishing Asia
1744-9987 Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing.
0163-4356 Therapeutic drug monitoring Raven Press
1536-3694 Therapeutic drug monitoring Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0096-6282 Therapeutic gazette G.S. Davis
0967-0149 Therapeutic immunology Blackwell,
0289-8020 Therapeutic research Life Science Publishing Co., Ltd. (Tokyo)
1176-6336 Therapeutics and clinical risk management Dove Medical Press
1178-203X Therapeutics and clinical risk management (e-vir) Dove Medical Press
0371-7410 Therapeutische Berichte Farbenfabriken Bayer AG
0371-7372 Therapeutische Halbmonatshefte
0371-7402 Therapeutische Monatshefte Springer.
0040-5930 Therapeutische Umschau H. Huber; Hogrefe AG; Aertzeverlag medinfo AG
1664-2864 Therapeutische Umschau H. Huber, Hogrefe
0133-3909 Therapia Hungarica Medicina
0040-5957 Thérapie Société de thérapeutique et de pharmacodynamie
1958-5578 Thérapie (e-vir) EDP sciences
0040-5965 Therapie der Gegenwart Urban und Vogel.
0563-4490 Therapie über das Nervensystem Hippokrates-Verlag GmbH.
0040-5973 Therapiewoche G. Braun GmbH
1475-0708 Therapy Future Drugs
1744-831X Therapy (e-vir) Future Drugs
0271-2903 The Rare earths in modern science and technology Plenum Press.
0097-6733 The Rayon journal Textile Reporting Corp..
0097-6741 The Rayon journal and cellulose fibers Textile Reporting Corp..
0267-2383 The research and experimental record of the Ministry of Agriculture, Northern Ireland H.M.S.O
0378-6404 The Research Journal of Mahatma Phule Agricultural University Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth
0096-2929 The Review of gastroenterology National Gastroenterological Association (U.S.)
0032-2776 The Review of the Polish Academy of Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences.
0097-4390 The Rice Institute pamphlets The Institute
0035-4961 The Rice journal Rice Journal
0093-691X Theriogenology Geron-X.
1879-3231 Theriogenology (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0163-9595 Thermal analysis application study Perkin-Elmer Corporation.
0163-9005 Thermal conductivity Technomic Pub.
0040-6015 Thermal engineering Pergamon Press
1555-6301 Thermal engineering (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0918-9963 Thermal science and engineering Heat Transfer Society of Japan; Heat Transfer Society of Japan
0040-6031 Thermochimica acta Elsevier
1872-762X Thermochimica acta (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0035-7847 The Rohm & Haas reporter Rohm and Haas Company.
0308-129X The Royal Society of Edinburgh communications, physical sciences Royal Society of Edinburgh.
0035-9270 The Royal Television Society journal Royal Television Society (Great Britain)
0973-0443 The Royal Veterinary Journal of India Balwant Nathhuji Meshram
0035-9440 The Rubber age Gardner, Moffat Co.,
0096-2333 The Rubber age and tire news Gardner, Moffat Co.,
0036-066X The SAE journal Society of Automotive Engineers
1013-3666 The SA journal of food science and nutrition Phase 4.
0096-6509 The Salt Lake mining review [publisher not identified]
0096-560X The Sanitarian National Association of Sanitarians (U.S.)
2577-9249 The Sanitarian (e-vir) [National Association of Sanitarians]
0080-682X The Schizophrenic syndrome; Brunner/Mazel.
0219-1806 The science and culture series--Physics World Scientific,
0197-1719 The Science and practice of clinical medicine Grune & Stratton
0097-1537 The Science counselor Duquesne University Press.
0096-5618 The Science leaflet American Institute of the City of New York.
1237-8976 The science of legumes University of Joensuu. Department of Biology.; International Summer School on Legumes.; Joensuun yliopisto. Biologian laitos.; International Summer School on Legumes.
0036-861X The Sciences New York Academy of Sciences.
2326-1951 The Sciences (e-vir) New York Academy of Sciences
0371-0467 The scientific journal of the Royal College of Science Royal College of Science (Great Britain)
2327-7513 The scientific monthly (e-vir) Science Press
0096-3771 The Scientific monthly American Association for the Advancement of Science, etc.]
0370-8918 The Scottish beekeeper Scottish Beekeepers' Association
0371-0440 The Scottish journal of agriculture Great Britain.; Board of Agriculture for Scotland.
0371-6104 Thèses de Docteur-Ingénieur, Université de Dakar. Séries sciences naturelles Université de Dakar, Faculté des sciences.
0096-9265 The Sibley journal of engineering Cornell University. College of Engineering.
0096-9273 The Siebel technical review [Siebel Pub. Co.]
0038-2116 The South African citrus journal Citrum Ltd.
0038-4313 The Southern lumberman Greysmith Pub., etc.
0147-1724 The Southwestern entomologist Southwestern Entomological Society; Society of Southwestern Entomologists
2162-2647 The Southwestern entomologist (e-vir) Southwestern Entomological Society.
0038-495X The Southwestern veterinarian American Veterinary Medical Association. Student Chapter, Texas A & M University.; Texas A & M University. College of Veterinary Medicine.
1044-5536 The Spectrum Bowling Green State University. Center for Photochemical Sciences.
0490-4176 The Spex speaker SPEX Industries.
0096-817X The Spice mill Spice Mill Pub. Co..
0099-9806 The Steel founder .. Steel Founders' Society of America.
0160-8614 The Strem chemiker Strem Chemicals.
0039-4726 The Sugar bulletin American Sugar Cane League.
0096-7386 The Sugar molecule Sugar Research Foundation.
0039-6109 The Surgical clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
1476-9581 The sustainable world WIT Press.
0096-3658 The Sylvania technologist Sylvania Electric Products, Inc.
0039-9442 The Tanner S. Raja
2331-8546 The tea & coffee trade journal (e-vir)
0097-4196 The Technical bulletin - E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
0096-9303 The Texas geographic magazine Texas Geographic Society.
0040-4403 The Texas journal of science Texas Academy of Science.
0096-5898 The Textile American Textile American Pub. Co..
1439-1902 The thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon (e-vir) Thieme
0171-6425 The Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon Thieme
0097-3092 The Timberman M. Freeman Publications
0371-5205 The transactions of the Association of Industrial Medical Officers [Association of Industrial Medical Officers]
0371-5744 The Transactions of the Canadian Mining Institute Canadian Mining Institute.; Mining Society of Nova Scotia.
1471-3640 The transactions of the Filtration Society Filtration Society.
0362-0018 The Trend in engineering at the University of Washington University of Washington.; University of Washington.
0963-6927 The TWI journal Welding Institute.
0736-7406 The University of Chicago Sickle Cell Center hemoglobin symposia University of Chicago. Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center.
0096-9788 The University of Colorado studies University of Colorado.
0022-8850 The University of Kansas science bulletin University of Kansas.
0041-9826 The University of Michigan Medical Center journal University of Michigan.
0076-9703 The University of Missouri studies University
0099-7757 The University of Texas publication University of Texas.; University of Texas at Austin.
0096-6878 The Urologic and cutaneous review Urologic & Cutaneous Press]
0096-5065 The Vancoram review Vanadium Corporation of America.
0196-9846 The Veterinary clinics of North America Saunders
1090-0233 The veterinary journal Ballière Tindall
1532-2971 The veterinary journal (e-vir) Harcourt
1875-5941 The Veterinary quarterly Euroscience
2042-7670 The veterinary record (e-vir) British Veterinary Association
1561-4409 The Victor Chang molecular cardiology series Harwood Academic Publishers
0099-9660 The Wall Street journal Dow Jones
0921-9986 The Wall Street journal Dow Jones
2574-9579 The Wall Street journal (e-vir) News Corporation.; Dow Jones & Co.
0096-7823 The Wasmann collector Wasmann Club.; Wasmann Biological Society.; University of San Francisco.; Loyola University of Los Angeles.
0043-0927 The Wasmann journal of biology University of San Francisco.
0372-7513 The water & sanitary engineer Dale, Reynolds
0511-3563 The water & waste treatment journal Dale, Reynolds & Co.
0372-7343 The welding industry Cassier
0372-7203 The welding journal
0372-7378 The Welsh journal of agriculture Welsh Agricultural Education Conference.
0043-3659 The Western Electric engineer Western Electric Company.
0093-0415 The Western journal of medicine BMJ Pub. [etc.]
0096-8471 The Wine review Occidental Pub. Co.]
0043-6585 The Wisconsin pharmacist Wisconsin Pharmacists Association.
0084-1013 The Wistar Institute Symposium monograph Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology.
1473-3412 The women's oncology review (e-vir) Parthenon Pub. Group; Parthenon Publishing; Taylor & Francis
0970-3144 The World Scientist Gowarsons Publishers Private Ltd.
0044-0086 The Yale journal of biology and medicine Yale Journal of Biology and medicine
1551-4056 The Yale journal of biology and medicine (e-vir) Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine
0044-0140 The Yale scientific magazine Yale University.
0084-3741 The Year book of endocrinology Year Book Medical Publishers
0084-3776 The Year book of general surgery Year Book Medical Publishers.
0084-3954 The Year book of pediatrics Year Book Medical Publishers
0084-4071 The Year book of urology Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc.
0146-4078 The Year in endocrinology Plenum Medical Book Co.
0160-7014 The Year in hematology Plenum Medical Book Co.
0147-4189 The Year in metabolism Plenum Medical Book Co.
0253-049X The Zimbabwe Rhodesia sciences news Rhodesia Scientific Association.
0495-4750 Thiemig-Taschenbücher Thiemig.
0040-6082 Thin films Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1079-4050 Thin films Academic Press,
1543-5016 Thin films and nanostructures Academic Press
0040-6090 Thin solid films Elsevier Sequoia
1879-2731 Thin solid films (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0040-6376 Thorax British Medical Association
1468-3296 Thorax (e-vir) BMJ Publishing Group
0040-6384 Thoraxchirurgie und vaskuläre Chirurgie Thieme
0340-6245 Thrombosis and haemostasis Schattauer
2567-689X Thrombosis and haemostasis (e-vir) Schattauer
0340-5338 Thrombosis et diathesis haemorrhagica Schattauer
0375-9997 Thrombosis et diathesis haemorrhagica Schattauer.
1477-9560 Thrombosis journal (e-vir) BioMed Central
0049-3848 Thrombosis research Pergamon Press.
0165-6090 Thymus Elsevier/North-Holland
1050-7256 Thyroid Mary Ann Liebert Publishers
1557-9077 Thyroid Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0190-0625 Thyroid today Flint Laboratories.
1612-2763 ThyssenKrupp techforum thyssenkrupp AG
1006-6853 Tianjin Chengshi Jianshe Xueyuan xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0493-2137 Tianjin Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1671-024X Tianjin Gongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1008-1267 Tianjin huagong Tianjin Shi Huagong Ke-Ji Xinxi Yanjiusuo,
1672-6510 Tianjin Keji Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1008-5394 Tianjin Nongxueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-1114 Tianjin Shifan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-0000 Tianjin Tiyu Xueyuan xuebao Tianjin Tiyu Xueyuan,
0253-9896 Tianjin yiyao Tianjin Yixue Zazhishe
0563-5160 Tianjin yiyao zhongliuxue fukan Tianjinshi Yiyao Kexue Jishu Qingbaozhan,
1005-7145 Tianjin Zhongyi Xueyuan xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1672-1519 Tianjin zhongyiyao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-6880 Tianran chanwu yanjiu yu kaifa Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-0976 Tianranqi gongye Sichuan Shiyou Guanliju,
1001-9219 Tianranqi huagong Gai Kan Bianjibu
0253-2379 Tianti wuli xuebao Kexue chubanshe
0001-5245 Tianwen xuebao Kexue chubanshe
0253-6080 Tiaowei fushipin keji Tiaowei Fushipin Keji Qingbao Zhongxinzhan,
0372-1906 Tîap san tòan-ly Ban Toàn Ly Úy Ban Khoa Hîoc Nhà Nuóc.
0968-0004 TiBS Elsevier Trends Journals
0563-5039 Ti Chih Yueh K'an Dizhi Chubanshe
0040-6872 Tidskrift för dokumentation Svensk förening för informationsspecialister
0024-5429 Tidskrift för ljuskultur Ljuskultur AB; Lysteknisk Selskab; Selskapet for lyskultur; Svenska belysningssällskapet; Svenska föreningen för ljuskultur; Sydsvenska belysningssällskapet; Västsvenska belysningssällskapet
0029-2001 Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening Norske legeforening.
0807-7096 Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening (e-vir) Den norske legeforening
0372-011X Tidsskrift for det norske landbruk Kgl. selskap for Norges vel.
0040-7062 Tidsskrift for hermetikindustri Norwegian Canners National Association.; Norske hermetikfabrikers landsforening.
0371-8360 Tidsskrift for kemi Norsk kemisk selskap
0371-8387 Tidsskrift for kemi, farmaci og terapi Norsk kemisk selskap
0040-7097 Tidsskrift for kjemi, bergvesen og metallurgi Norsk kjemisk selskap.; Norske ingeniørforening.; Polytekniske forening.
0371-8697 Tidsskrift for kjemi og bergvesen Norsk kjemisk selskap.; Den Norske ingeniørforening.; Den Polytekniske forening.
0371-6066 Tidsskrift for papirindustri [Tidsskrift for papirindustri],
0040-7135 Tidsskrift for planteavl Statens Planteavlsudvalg.; Statens Planteavlsforsøg.
0040-7178 Tidsskrift for skogbruk The Norwegian Forestry Society
0040-7208 Tidsskrift for textilteknik Danmarks Textiltekniske Forening.
0372-6878 Tiedoitus / Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos.; Statens tekniska forskningsanstalt.; Staatliche technische Forschungsanstalt in Finnland.
0355-3590 Tiedonanto Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Poltto- ja voiteluainelaboratorio.; Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Poltto- ja voiteluainelaboratorio.
0355-3663 Tiedonanto Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Reaktorilaboratorio.; Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Reaktorilaboratorio.
0357-3737 Tiedonanto / Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Betoni- ja silikaattitekniikan laboratorio Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Betoni- ja silikaattitekniikan laboratorio.
0355-354X Tiedonanto / Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Biotekniikan laboratorio Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Biotekniikan laboratorio.
0355-3558 Tiedonanto / Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Elintarvikelaboratorio Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Elintarvikelaboratorio.
0355-6395 Tiedonanto / Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Metallilaboratorio Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Metallilaboratorio.
0355-3485 Tiedonanto / Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Palotekniikan laboratorio Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Palotekniikan laboratorio.
0355-3639 Tiedonanto / Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Tekstiililaboratorio Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Tekstiililaboratorio.
0073-1773 Tiedotus / Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos.
0073-1757 Tiedotus - Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos. Sarja 1, Puu Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos.
0073-1765 Tiedotus - Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos. Sarja 2, Metalli Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos.
0073-1781 Tiedotus - Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos. Sarja 4, Kemia Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos.
0340-5079 Tiefbau, Ingenieurbau, Strassenbau Bertelsmann-Fachzeitschriften-GmbH
0371-7534 Tierärztliche Rundschau Kreisveterinärarzt a. D. Dr. Schaefer; 1903-
0371-7569 Tierärztliche Zeitschrift Schoetz
0138-4309 Tierernährung und Fütterung Dt. Landwirtschaftsverl.
0040-733X Tierra [s.n.].
0355-774X Tieteellisiä julkaisuja Helsingin teknillinen korkeakoulu.; Teknillinen korkeakoulu.
0207-4028 Tihookeanskaâ geologiâ Nauka
0371-8441 Tijdschrift der Koninklijke Nederlandsche Heidemaatschappij Koninklijke Nederlandsche Heidemaatschappij.
0371-9952 Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche dierkundige vereeniging Van Hengel & Eeltjes : :; Nijhoff
0770-1578 Tijdschrift van de Belgische Vereniging van Laboratorium-technologen Association belge des technologues de laboratoire.
0168-8472 Tijdschrift van de Nederlandse Vereniging vaan Klinische Chemie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Chemie
0371-5671 Tijdschrift voor chemie & instrument Leidsche drukkerij
0040-7453 Tijdschrift voor diergeneeskunde Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde :; Beijers
0049-3899 Tijdschrift voor Gastro-Enterologie Vlaamse Vereniging voor Gastro-enterologie
0371-683X Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde Nederlandstalige medische fakulteiten in België
0376-7442 Tijdschrift voor kindergeneeskunde Bohn Scheltema en Holkema :; Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum
1875-6840 Tijdschrift voor kindergeneeskunde Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum
0923-1722 Tijdschrift voor oppervlaktetechnieken en corrosiebestrijding Vereniging voor Oppervlaktetechnieken van Materialen.; VOM.; Nederlands Corrosie Centrum.; NCC.
0167-5095 Tijdschrift voor oppervlaktetechnieken van materialen Vereniging voor Oppervlaktetechnieken van Materialen.
0040-7569 Tijdschrift voor oppervlakte technieken van metalen Vereniging voor Opppervlaktetechnieken van Metalen.
0372-2708 Tijdschrift voor vergelijkende geneeskunde, gezondheidsleer, en parasitaire en infectieuze dierziekten Van Doesburgh
0938-9806 Tile & brick international Schmid
0371-8131 Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands Verkfræðingafélag Íslands
0371-8077 Timber Technology [S.n.]
0040-7798 Timber trades journal and woodworking machinery Benn Brothers
0099-7773 Timely Turf Topics [s.n.].
0563-5519 Times Science Review [s.n.]
0493-3079 Timişoara medicală Mirton
0364-7935 Tin United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0371-7895 Tin Tin Publications Limited.
0040-7984 Tinctoria Edizioni "Ariminum".
1006-7299 Tinglixue ji yanyu jibing zazhi Hubei Yike Daxue Fushu Di-Yi Yiyuan,
0040-7992 Tintas & Vernizes Sindicato da Industria de Tintas e Vernizes do Estado de Sao Paulo.
0371-6120 Tip Dunyasi Turkiye Akil Hifzisihhasi Cemiyeti
0369-7681 Tiré à part Office national d'études et de recherches aérospatiales (France)
0040-8085 Tire review Babcox Publications]
0563-587X Tiscia Tiszakutató Egyesület
0496-6546 TISCO c/o Public Relations Department, Tata Iron and Co Ltd.
0371-7992 TISCO Review [s.n.]
1532-3072 Tissue & cell (e-vir) Longman Group
0040-8166 Tissue & Cell Longman Group
0001-2815 Tissue antigens Munksgaard
1399-0039 Tissue antigens (e-vir) Munksgaard
1076-3279 Tissue engineering M. A. Liebert
1557-8690 Tissue engineering (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1527-2451 Tissue engineering intelligence unit R.G. Landes Co.
0364-7943 Titanium United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
1592-7024 Titanium industry EDIMET.
0722-9488 TIZ Sprechsaal-Verlag
0937-7271 TIZ international Sprechsaal-Verl.
0145-0123 TJS spec. publ Texas journal of science,
0171-8096 TM Oldenbourg
1360-2276 TM & IH. Tropical medicine and international health Blackwell Science
0041-3763 TMPM. Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen Springer
1550-2570 TMS letters (e-vir) Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.
0197-1689 TMS paper selection The Metallurgical Society of AIME.
0039-8446 TNO-nieuws Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO.
0040-828X Tobacco
1617-9625 Tobacco induced diseases (e-vir) International Society for the Prevention of Tobacco Induced Diseases
0049-3945 Tobacco International
0193-2519 Tobacco leaf Tobacco Leaf Pub. Co.]
0379-055X Tobacco research Tobacco Research Worker's Assoc. of India.
0369-0075 Többtermelés Ipari Termelési Tanács.
1342-6397 Tochigi-ken Hoken Kankyo Senta nenpo Tochigi-ken Kankyo Hoken Senta; Tochigiken hoken kankyo senta
0913-3100 Tochigi-ken Käogai Kenkyäujo nenpäo Tochigi Prefectural Research Institute for Environmental Pollution.
0040-8514 Today's health American Medical Association.
1138-8811 Todo citrus Agro Latino.
0040-8670 Toho Igakkai Zasshi Toho daigaku igakubu; 東邦大学医学部; Toho daigaku igakkai; 東邦大学医学会
0040-8689 Tohoku Daigaku Kagaku Keisoku Kenkyusho Hokoku Tohoku Daigaku Kagaku Keisoku Kenkyusho.
0040-8697 Tohoku Daigaku Nogaku Kenkyusho Hokoku Tohoku Daigaku Nogaku Kenkyusho.
0040-876X Tohoku Daigaku Senko Seiren Kenkyujo iho Tohoku Daigaku. Senko Seiren Kenkyujo.
1348-4052 Tohoku daigaku tagen busshitsu kagaku kenkyujo sozai kogaku kenkyu iho Tohoku daigaku tagen busshitsu kagaku kenkyujo,
0286-5904 Tohoku Gakuin Daigaku Kogakubu kenkyu hokoku Tohoku Gakuin Daigaku Kogakkai
0040-8794 Tohoku geophysical journal Tohoku University. Faculty of Science ;; Täohoku University. Graduate School of Science
0040-8700 Tohoku Igaku Zasshi Tohoku Igakkai.
0040-8719 Tohoku Journal of Agricultural Research Täohoku Daigaku. Daigakuin. Näogaku Kenkyäuka.; Täohoku Daigaku. Näogakubu.
0040-8727 Tohoku journal of experimental medicine Tohoku University Medical Press.
1349-3329 Tohoku journal of experimental medicine Tohoku University Medical Press
0285-3817 Tohoku Kogyo Daigaku kiyo Tohoku Kogyo Daigaku
1345-157X Tohoku Yakka Daigaku kenkyushi Tohoku Yakka Daigaku
0385-0005 Tokai journal of experimental and clinical medicine Täokai Daigaku. Igakubu.; Tokai University. School of Medicine.
0082-4682 Tokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu sokuhäo Näorinshäo. Täokai Kinki Näogyäo Shikenjäo.
0385-8561 Tokico review Tokico Kabushiki Gaisha.
0287-8712 Tokishikorojäi fäoramu Science Forum, Tokyo.
0495-7571 Toksikologiâ novyh promyšlennyh himičeskih veśestv Medicina.
0869-7922 Toksikologičeskij vestnik.; Токсикологический вестник Rossijskij registr potencialʹno opasnyh himičeskih i biologičeskih veŝestv; Российский регистр потенциально опасных химических и биологических веществ
1340-2927 Tokubetsu kenkyäu häokokusho University of Shizuoka. Hamamatsu College.
0286-9829 Tokushima Bunri Daigaku kenkyu kiyo Tokushima Bunri Daigaku
0075-4307 Tokushima Daigaku Gakugei Kiyo, Shizenkagaku Tokushima Daigaku Kyoikugakubu.
0371-5949 Tokushima Daigaku Kogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Tokushima Daigaku Kogakubu.
0563-6981 Tokushima Daigaku Kyäoyäobu kiyäo. Shizen kagaku University of Tokushima. College of General Education.
0371-6139 Tokushima Daigaku Yakugaku Kenkyu Nempo Tokushima Daigaku Yakugakubu.
0040-8875 Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine Tokushima Daigaku Igakubu
0289-5846 Tokushima-ken Kōgyō Shikenjō hōkoku Tokushima-ken Kōgyō Shikenjō
0388-9173 Tokushima-ken Nōsan Kakō Shidōsho kenkyū hōkoku Tokushima-ken Nōsan Kakō Shidōsho; Tokushimaken shokuhin kako shikenjo
0495-7644 Tokushuko Special Steel Association.
0082-4690 Tokyo astronomical bulletin Tokyo Astronomical Observatory.
0370-6990 Tokyo Daigaku Fukushasen Kagaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Tokyo Daigaku Fukushasen Kagaku Kenkyäujo.
0371-6090 Tokyo Daigaku Rikäogaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Tokyo Daigaku Rikäogaku Kenkyäujo.
0563-8100 Tokyo Daigaku Uchu Koku Kenkyusho Hokoku Tokyo Daigaku Uchu Koku Kenkyusho.
0389-617X Tokyo Denki Daigaku Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Tokyo Denki University. Faculty of Engineering.
0563-8119 Tokyo Denki Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku Tokyo Electrical Engineering College.
1880-4330 Tokyo gakugei daigaku kiyo Tokyo gakugei daigaku
0371-6813 Tokyo Gakugei Daigaku Kiyo, Dai-4-Bu: Sugaku, Shizen Kagaku Tokyo Gakugei Daigaku.
0371-8549 Tokyo Igaku Zasshi Tokyo Igakkai, Tokyo Daigaku Ishikai.
0371-800X Tokyo iji shinshi Tokyo Ijikyoku.
0385-1303 Tokyo Ika Daigaku kiyäo. Shingaku katei Tokyo Medical College.
0040-8905 Tokyo Ika Daigaku zasshi Tokyo Ika Daigaku Igakkai
0386-3492 Tokyo Ika Shika Daigaku Kyoyobu kenkyu kiyo Tokyo Ika Shika Daigaku. Kyoyobu
1345-2886 Tokyo Ika Shika Daigaku Seitai Zairyäo Käogaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Tokyo Medical and Dental University. Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering.
0303-0520 Tokyo jäuigaku chikusangaku zasshi Tokyo Society of Veterinary and Zootechnical Science.; Tokyo Society of Veterinary and Animal Science.; Nihon Daigaku Tokyo Jäui Chikusan Gakkai.
0375-9172 Tokyo Jikeikai Ika Daigaku zasshi Tokyo Jikeikai Ika Daigaku
0386-4006 Tokyo Joshi Daigaku ronshu. Kagaku bumon hokoku Tokyo Joshi Daigaku
0040-9022 Tokyo Joshi Ika Daigaku Zasshi Tokyo Joshi Ika Daigaku Gakkai, c/o Tokyo Joshi Ika Daigaku Toshokan
0371-8409 Tokyo Kagakkaishi Tokyo Kagakukai
0366-3817 Tokyo Kagaku Hakubutsukan kenkyäu häokoku Tokyo Kagaku Hakubutsukan.
0371-8808 Tokyo Käogyäo Shikenjo häokoku Tsäushäo Sangyäo-shäo Käogyäo Gijutsu-in Tokyo Käogyäo Shikenjo :; Käogyäo Gijutsuin Tokyo Käogyäo Shikenjo.
0385-1214 Tokyo Kasei Daigaku kenkyäu kiyäo. 2 Shizen kagaku Tokyo College of Domestic Science.
0387-6055 Tokyo Kogei Daigaku Kogakubu kiyo Tokyo Kogei Daigaku. Kogakubu
0371-8301 Tokyo Kogyo Daigaku Gakuho Tokyo Kogyo Daigaku.
0286-0503 Tokyo Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kenkyu hokokusho Tokyo Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0371-8298 Tokyo Kyäoiku Daigaku Chishitsugaku Käobutsugaku Kyäoshitsu kenkyäu häokoku Tokyo Kyäoiku Daigaku. Chishitsugaku Käobutsugaku Kyäoshitsu.
0916-8621 Tokyo Näogyäo Daigaku Aisotäopu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Tokyo University of Agriculture. Isotope Center.
0493-4423 Tokyo Näokäo Daigaku Näogakubu Gakujutsu häokoku Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Faculty of Agriculture.
0371-9944 Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku Ippan Kyoiku Gakujutsu Shuho Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku.
0375-9202 Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku nogaku shuho Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku
0371-9936 Tokyo Noko Daigaku Nogakubu Enshurin Hokoku Tokyo Noko Daigaku Nogakubu Fuzoku Enshurin.
0285-368X Tokyo Tanabe quarterly Tokyo Tanabe Seiyaku Kabushiki Gaisha
0289-6893 Tokyo Toritsu Aisotäopu Säogäo Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Tokyo Metropolitan Isotope Research Center.
0493-4482 Tokyo Toritsu Eisei Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory of Public Health.; Tokyo-to Laboratories for Medical Sciences.
0082-4771 Tokyo Toritsu Eisei Kenkyäujo kenkyäu nempäo Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory of Public Health.
0285-6670 Tokyo Toritsu Käogyäo Gijutsu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Center.; Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technic Institute.
0563-8496 Tokyo-Toritsu Kogyo Shoreikan Hokoku Tokyo-Toritsu Kogyo Soreikan.
0286-570X Tokyo-to Seisäo Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Tokyo-to Seisäo Kenkyäujo.
1340-8410 Tokyo-to Suginami-ku Eisei Shikenjo nempäo Suginami City Institute of Public Health Research.
0563-8534 Tokyo Yakka Daigaku kenkyäu nenpäo Tokyo Yakka Daigaku.
0388-6131 Tomakomai Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kiyo Tomakomai Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0253-374X Tongji Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0494-190X Tongji Daxue xuebao Tongji Daxue Chubanshe,
0258-2090 Tongji Yike Daxue xuebao Tongji Yike Daxue
1000-7512 Tongweisu Yuanzineng Chubanshe
0372-0446 Tonindustrie-Zeitung Chemisches Laboratorium für Tonindustrie
0040-9200 Tonindustrie-Zeitung und Keramische Rundschau Herman Hübener Verlag KG
0021-437X Tonyobyo Nihon Tonyobyo Gakkai
0493-4946 Toohugieeni kusimusi Eesti NSV p♯olevkivitoostuses Eksperimentaalse ja Kliinilise Meditsiini Instituut
0377-9408 Tool & alloy steels Alloy Steel Producers' Assoc. of India.
0096-3828 Tool & die journal Huebner Pub.
0040-9243 Tooling & production Huebner Publications, inc.
0366-709X Topical Report - Canada, Mines Branch, Radioactivity Division [s.n.].
0381-2545 Topical report - New Brunswick. Department of Natural Resources. Mineral Resources Branch New Brunswick. Mineral Resources Branch.
0262-8694 Topical reviews in haematology John Wright & Sons Ltd.
0168-7190 Topics in aging research in Europe Eurage
0140-0843 Topics in antibiotic chemistry E. Horwood; Halsted Press
0303-4216 Topics in applied physics Springer
0160-3183 Topics in bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics Wiley.
1437-7993 Topics in biological inorganic chemistry Springer.
0093-2221 Topics in carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy Wiley
1022-5528 Topics in catalysis Baltzer; Baltzer Science Publishers; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-9028 Topics in catalysis (e-vir) Kluwer
0277-5883 Topics in chemical engineering Gordon & Breach Publishers
0888-7519 Topics in chemical mutagenesis Plenum,
0340-1022 Topics in current chemistry Springer
1610-2096 Topics in current genetics Springer
0342-6793 Topics in current physics Springer.
0166-2082 Topics in environmental health Elsevier/North-Holland
0140-0835 Topics in enzyme and fermentation biotechnology Horwood
0924-6142 Topics in f-element chemistry Reidel ;; Kluwer Academic Publishers
0307-6598 Topics in gastroenterology Blackwell Scientific
0275-0120 Topics in geobiology Plenum,
0271-9282 Topics in hormone chemistry E. Horwood Ltd. :; Halsted Press.
0923-6732 Topics in inclusion science Kluwer Academic
0171-2160 Topics in infectious diseases Springer-Verlag.
0082-4968 Topics in Lipid Chemistry Interscience Publishers.
0082-4984 Topics in medicinal chemistry Wiley-Interscience [etc.],
0265-4377 Topics in molecular and structural biology
0927-0817 Topics in molecular organization and engineering Kluwer Academic Publishers
0167-7101 Topics in molecular pharmacology Elsevier/North-Holland
0952-2638 Topics in neurochemistry and neuropharmacology Taylor & Francis.
1436-6002 Topics in organometallic chemistry Springer
1616-8534 Topics in organometallic chemistry (e-vir)
0144-8668 Topics in paediatrics Pitman Medical.
0563-9018 Topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences ????.
0082-4992 Topics in phosphorus chemistry Interscience Publishers
0378-6099 Topics in photosynthesis Elsevier
0941-2646 Topics in physical chemistry Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie.
0082-500X Topics in stereochemistry John Wiley & Sons
0342-4545 Topics in sulfur chemistry Thieme.
0254-2315 Topics in theoretical physics Central Institute of Physics.
0141-1071 Topics in therapeutics Pitman Medical
0563-9034 Topola Opšte udruženje šumarstva, industrije za preradu drveta, celuloze i papira Jugoslavije
0915-1168 Toraiborojisuto Nihon Junkatsu Gakkai; Nihon toraiboroji gakkai
0287-4962 Toransupuranto Jinzäo Ishoku Fukyäukai.
0493-5225 Torch [s.n.]
0372-0470 Torfânoe delo.; Торфяное дело Ministerstvo èlektrostancij SSSR; Министерство электростанций СССР.
0096-3844 Torreya Torrey Botanical Club.
2325-8063 Torreya New Era Printing Company; Intelligencer Printing Company; George Banta Publishing Company; Free Press Interstate Printing Company
0387-1347 Toryo no kenkyu Kansai Peinto Kabushiki Gaisha
0372-0462 Toshiba rebyu Tokyo shibaura denki chuo toshokan; Toshiba nai toshiba revyu hakkojo
0303-416X Toshiba review Tokyo Shibaura Denki Kabushiki Gaisha.
0285-5259 Toshi to haikibutsu Kankyō Sangyō Shinbunsha
0372-0365 Tosō gijutsu Rikō Shuppansha
0914-3106 Tosoh kenkyäu häokoku Tosoh Corporation. R & D Division.; Täosäo Kabushiki Gaisha.; Täosäo Kabushiki Gaisha. Kagaku Kenkyäujo.
0285-3787 Toso kogaku Nihon Toso Gijutsu Kyokai
0372-0527 Toso To Toryo Toryo Hochi Shuppan-sha; Toryo shuppansha
0493-5608 Tottori Daigaku Gakugei Gakubu kenkyäu häokoku. Shizen kagaku Tottori Daigaku. Gakugei Gakubu.
0385-8596 Tottori Daigaku Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Tottori University. Faculty of Engineering.
0371-5965 Tottori Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kenkyäu häokoku. Shizen kagaku Tottori Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu.
0285-2845 Tottori Daigaku Näogakubu Sakyäu Kenkyäujo häokoku Tottori University. Faculty of Agriculture. Sand Dune Research Institute.
0372-0349 Tottori Daigaku Nogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Tottori University. Faculty of Agriculture.
0388-9211 Tottori-ken Nogyo Shikenjo kenkyu hokoku Tottori-ken Nogyo Shikenjo
0388-922X Tottori-ken Nogyo Shikenjo tokubetsu kenkyu hokoku Tottori-ken Nogyo Shikenjo; Norin suisan gijutsu kaigi jimukyoku ;; Tottoriken nogyo shikenjo; Tottoriken nogyo shikenjo
0387-6993 Tottori-ken Yasai Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Tottori Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Experiment Station.
0372-0438 Tottori Näogakkaihäo Tottori Näogakkai.
1348-9046 Toukyouto kenkou anzen kenkyuu senta kenkyuu nempou Toukyouto kenkou anzen kenkyuu senta
0372-042X Toulouse médical Société anatomo-clinique (Toulouse)
0372-0543 Tovarovedenie.; Товароведение Tehnìka; Техніка.
0894-0290 Toxic and hazardous waste Butterworth Publishers.
0271-9371 Toxic and hazardous waste disposal Ann Arbor Science
0884-8181 Toxicity assessment John Wiley & Sons
1521-4621 Toxicity report series National Toxicology Program (U.S.); United States. Department of Health and Human Services.
0264-5920 Toxicity review Health and Safety Executive.
0277-2248 Toxicological and environmental chemistry Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1029-0486 Toxicological and environmental chemistry Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0092-9867 Toxicological and environmental chemistry reviews Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
1176-2551 Toxicological reviews Adis International
2230-6099 Toxicological reviews (e-vir) Adis International
1096-0929 Toxicological sciences (e-vir) Academic Press
1096-6080 Toxicological sciences Academic Press
0192-6233 Toxicologic pathology Society of Toxicologic Pathologists
1533-1601 Toxicologic pathology Taylor & Francis
0300-483X Toxicology North-Holland Publishing
1879-3185 Toxicology (e-vir) Elsevier
1350-4592 Toxicology & ecotoxicology news Taylor & Francis
1364-8543 Toxicology & ecotoxicology news/reviews Taylor & Francis.
0041-008X Toxicology and applied pharmacology Academic Press.
0564-013X Toxicology and applied pharmacology Society of Toxicology (U.S.)
1096-0333 Toxicology and applied pharmacology (e-vir) Academic Press
1026-7832 Toxicology and environmental chemistry (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0748-2337 Toxicology and industrial health Princeton Scientific Pub. Co.
1477-0393 Toxicology and industrial health (e-vir) Stockton Press
0361-3410 Toxicology annual M. Dekker.
0257-795X Toxicology data sheets on chemicals Industrial Toxicology Research Centre.
0887-2333 Toxicology in vitro Pergamon
1879-3177 Toxicology in Vitro (e-vir) Pergamon
0378-4274 Toxicology letters Elsevier/North-Holland
1879-3169 Toxicology letters (e-vir) Elsevier
1537-6516 Toxicology mechanisms & methods Taylor & Francis
1537-6524 Toxicology mechanisms and methods (e-vir) Taylor and Francis
1051-7235 Toxicology methods Raven
1091-7667 Toxicology Methods (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1354-6724 Toxicology modeling Carfax.
0041-0098 Toxicomanies Québec (Province) Office de la prévention de l'alcoolisme et des autres toxicomanies.
0041-0101 Toxicon Pergamon press
1879-3150 Toxicon (e-vir) Elsevier .
1076-9188 Toxic substance mechanisms Taylor & Francis
0199-3178 Toxic substances journal Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1556-9543 Toxin reviews Taylor & Francis, Inc.
1556-9551 Toxin reviews (e-vir) Taylor & Francis, Inc.
0387-1339 Toyama Daigaku Käogakubu kiyäo Toyama University. Faculty of Engineering.
0495-9841 Toyama Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kiyäo Toyama University. Faculty of Education.
1344-641X Toyama Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kiyäo Toyama University. Faculty of Education.; Toyama University. Faculty of Human Development.
0285-9610 Toyama Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kiyäo. B, Rika-kei Toyama University. Faculty of Education.
0385-812X Toyama Daigaku Kyäoyäobu kiyäo. Shizen kagaku-hen Toyama University. College of Liberal Arts.
0916-8486 Toyama Daigaku Suiso Däoitai Kinäo Kenkyäu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Toyama University. Hydrogen Isotope Research Center.
1346-3675 Toyama Daigaku Suiso Doitai Kagaku Kenkyu Senta kenkyu hokoku Toyama Daigaku. Suiso Doitai Kagaku Kenkyu Senta; Toyama daigaku kenkyu suishin kiko suiso doitai kagaku kenkyu senta
0287-1408 Toyama Daigaku Torichäumu Kagaku Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku Toyama University. Tritium Research Center.
0386-6394 Toyama-ken Chikusan Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Toyama-ken Chikusan Shikenjäo.
0917-0707 Toyama-ken Eisei Kenkyäusho nenpäo Toyama Institute of Health.
1343-3792 Toyama-ken Kankyäo Kagaku Sentäa nenpäo. Kenkyäu häokoku Toyama Prefectural Environmental Science Research Center.
0386-085X Toyama-ken Nogyo Shikenjo kenkyu hokoku Toyama-ken Nogyo Shikenjo
0389-9330 Toyama Kenritsu Gijutsu Tanki Daigaku kenkyū hōkoku Toyama Kenritsu Gijutsu Tanki Daigaku
0919-6730 Toyama-ken Shokuhin Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku Toyama Food Reseach Institute.
1340-8011 Toyama-ken Yakuji Kenkyujo nenpo Toyama-ken Yakuji Kenkyujo; Toyamaken yakuji kenkyujo
0386-4413 Toyama Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kiyo Toyama Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0287-3427 Toyoda Gosei giho Toyoda Gosei; Toyoda Gosei; Toyota gosei
1346-8987 Toyo daigaku kiyo Toyo daigaku shizen kagaku kenkyushitsu,
0372-0330 Toyo Daigaku kiyo. Kyoyo Katei-hen. Shizen kagaku Toyo Daigaku. Kyoyo Katei
0372-039X Toyoda Kenkyu Hokoku Toyota rikagaku kenkyujo; 豊田理化學研究所; Toyoda Physical and Chemical Research Institute; Toyota rikagaku kenkyujo; 豊田理化学研究所; Toyota rikagaku kenkyujo; 豊田理化学研究所
0372-3496 Toyo Kohan Toyo Kohan K. K. Gijutsu-ka, c/o Kohan Bldg.
0564-0296 Toyo Shokuhin Kogyo Tanki Daigaku, Toyo Shokuhin Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokokusho Toyo Shokuhin Kogyo Tanki Daigaku; Toyo shokuhin kenkyujo
0385-1508 Toyota Chūō Kenkyūjo R & D rebyū Toyota Chūō Kenkyūjo; Toyota chuo kenkyujo
0385-8898 Toyota gijutsu Toyota jidosha kogyo; Toyota jidosha
0286-2603 Toyota Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kenkyu kiyo Toyota Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
0916-7501 Toyota technical review Toyota Jidōsha
0474-9588 Trabajos de geología Ediciones de la Universidad
1988-5172 Trabajos de geología Universidad de Oviedo, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Geología
0459-1011 Trabajos de la Estación Agrícola Experimental de León Estación Agrícola Experimental. León.
0377-8371 Trabajos del Departamento de Botánica Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Universidad Complutense de Madrid
0580-468X Trabajos del Departamento de Botánica y Fisiología Vegetal Universidad de Madrid; Universidad Complutense de Madrid
0211-8343 Trabajos del Instituto Cajal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Cajal.; Instituto de Neurología Santiago Ramón y Cajal.; Instituto Santiago Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)
0020-3696 Trabajos del Instituto Cajal de Investigaciones Biológicas Instituto Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)
0074-0209 Trabajos del Instituto Español de Oceanografía Instituto Español de Oceanografía
0371-7879 Trabajos del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas, Madrid Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Nationale de Ciencias Médicas.
0371-9022 Trabajos del Laboratorio de Bioquímica y Química Aplicada Instituto Alonso Barba.
0367-7699 Trabajos - Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias (Madrid)
0372-3879 Trabalhos e pesquisas Universidade do Brasil, Instituto de Nutrição.
0165-9936 TrAC Elsevier
0275-844X Trace analysis Academic Press,
0946-2104 Trace elements and electrolytes Dustri-Verl. Feistle
0174-7371 Trace elements in medicine Dustri-Verl. Feistle.
0927-5215 Trace metals in the environment Elsevier
0289-9906 Tracer Nagoya Daigaku. Aisotopu Sogo Senta
0361-5162 Trace substances in environmental health; University of Missouri--Columbia.; University of Missouri.; University of Missouri--Columbia.; University of Missouri--Columbia.
1879-3142 TrAC trends in analytical chemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
0371-9626 Tracts in mathematics and natural sciences Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Ltd.
0704-142X Trade news Department of Fisheries.
1398-9219 Traffic Munksgaard; Blackwell Science
1600-0854 Traffic (e-vir) Munksgaard; Blackwell Science
Y505-8422 Traffic Munksgaard; Blackwell Science
Y505-8430 Traffic (e-vir) Munksgaard; Blackwell Science
0041-0950 Traitement Thermique Traitement Thermique
0334-2018 Transaction Joint Annual Meeting - Israel Nuclear Society. Israel Health Physics Society Israel Nuclear Society.
0002-8606 Transactions American Geophysical Union
0019-2252 Transactions Illinois State Academy of Science
0020-2924 Transactions Marine Media Management
0037-9964 Transactions Society of Mining Engineers of AIME.; American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.
0076-3705 Transactions Manchester Association of Engineers.
0095-8697 Transactions Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.
0096-2171 Transactions Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.
0096-4719 Transactions American Foundrymen's Association.
0096-6290 Transactions National Tuberculosis Association.
0099-3956 Transactions American Association of Cereal Chemists.
0161-696X Transactions American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology.; American Academy of Otolaryngology.
0161-6978 Transactions American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology.; American Academy of Ophthalmology.
0193-5933 Transactions Geothermal Resources Council.
0226-7470 Transactions Canadian Nuclear Society.
0369-8424 Transactions Pakistan Academy of Sciences
0371-7453 Transactions Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
0371-7690 Transactions Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Jadavpur University Campus
0371-9553 Transactions Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
0372-0187 Transactions Newcomen Society
0731-4175 Transactions Society of Die Casting Engineers.
1743-2855 Transactions (e-vir) Institution of Mining & Metallurgy
2379-6723 Transactions (e-vir) American Geophysical Union.
0029-280X Transactions / North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders.
0076-6011 Transactions / Medical Society of London.
0533-6562 Transactions / Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies,; Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists.; Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists.; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies.
1358-3956 Transactions / Institute of Marine Engineers.
0002-7154 Transactions - American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology.
0066-0078 Transactions - American Society for Artificial Internal Organs American Society for Artificial Internal Organs.
0307-7357 Transactions and journal of the British Ceramic Society British Ceramic Society
0372-0578 Transactions and proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh Botanical Society of Edinburgh.
0372-0667 Transactions and proceedings of the Geological Society of South Africa Geological Society of South Africa.; Geologiese Vereniging van Suid-Afrika.
0372-0888 Transactions and proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia Royal Society of South Australia.
0010-1087 Transactions and Studies of the College of phisicians of Philadelphia. Serie 5, medicine and history [S.n.]
0374-6607 Transactions - Botanical Society of Edinburgh Botanical Society of Edinburgh.
0099-4618 Transactions Bulletin - Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, Mellon Institute.
0073-6740 Transactions - Indiana Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
0334-3014 Transactions Joint Annual Meeting - Nuclear Societies of Israel Israel Nuclear Society. Soreq Nuclear Centre.
0096-7416 Transactions of American Society for Metals American Society for Metals.
1009-6264 Transactions of heat treatment and heat treatment Transactions of materials and heat treatment
0970-3918 Transactions of Indian Society of Desert Technology Indian Society of Desert Technology
0379-0568 Transactions of Indian Society of Desert Technology and University Centre of Desert Studies Indian Society of Desert Technology; University Centre of Desert Studies
0387-4508 Transactions of J W R I Osaka University. Welding Research Institute
0099-7706 Transactions of Morris County Research Council [s.n.].
0453-9222 Transactions of National Research Institute for Metals Kagaku Gijutsu-cho Kinzoku Zairyo Gijutsu Kenkyusho.
1003-6326 Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China Central South University of Technology
0377-9416 Transactions of Powder Metallurgy Association of India Powder Metallurgy Assoc. of India.
1075-8623 Transactions of Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (U.S.); American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.
1073-2187 Transactions of Society of Mining Engineers, Inc Society of Mining Engineers of AIME.; American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.
0078-1355 Transactions of the ... North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference Wildlife Management Institute.
0097-6830 Transactions of the ... North American Wildlife Conference American Wildlife Institute.; Wildlife Management Institute.; General Wildlife Federation.
0569-0358 Transactions of the All-India Institute of Mental Health [s.n.]
0096-4727 Transactions of the American Brewing Institute American Brewing Institute.
0096-7394 Transactions of the American Ceramic Society containing the papers and discussions of the ... annual meeting American Ceramic Society.; American Ceramic Society. Meeting.
0065-7778 Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association American Clinical and Climatological Association.
0065-8006 Transactions of the American Crystallographic Association American Crystallographic Association.
0096-4786 Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society American Electrochemical Society.
0002-8487 Transactions of the American Fisheries Society American Fisheries Society
1548-8659 Transactions of the American Fisheries Society American Fisheries Society
0065-8375 Transactions of the American Foundrymen's Society American Foundrymen's Society.; American Foundrymen's Society.
0096-7173 Transactions of the American Goiter Association C.C. Thomas.
0065-8480 Transactions of the American Gynecological Society for the year .. American Gynecological Society.
0096-7408 Transactions of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
0096-3860 Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers American Institute of Electrical Engineers
0097-2185 Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers American Institute of Electrical Engineers
0097-2452 Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers American Institute of Electrical Engineers
0097-2460 Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers American Institute of Electrical Engineers
2330-9431 Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (e-vir) American Institute of Electrical Engineers.
0096-4778 Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Incorporated American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.; Metallurgical Society of AIME.; Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME.; Society of Mining Engineers of AIME.
0003-0023 Transactions of the American Microscopical Society American Microscopical Society]
2325-5145 Transactions of the American Microscopical Society (e-vir) American Microscopical Society.
0065-9479 Transactions of the American Neurological Association American Neurological Association.
0003-018X Transactions of the American Nuclear Society Academic Press
0065-9533 Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society annual meeting American Ophthalmological Society.
0096-6851 Transactions of the American Otological Society American Otological Society.
0065-9746 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society The Society
0096-476X Transactions of the American Society for Steel Treating American Society for Steel Treating.
0066-0604 Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers
0097-6822 Transactions of the American society of mechanical engineers The American society of mechanical engineers
0096-686X Transactions of the American Therapeutic Society American Therapeutic Society.
0096-4751 Transactions of the annual Anthracite Conference of Lehigh University Lehigh University]
0097-0093 Transactions of the annual meeting Pacific Coast Oto-Ophthalmological Society.
0149-6433 Transactions of the annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society Orthopaedic Research Society
0001-2351 Transactions of the ASAE American Society of Agricultural Engineers
0066-9458 Transactions of the Association of American Physicians Association of American Physicians.
0006-7903 Transactions of the Bose Research Institute Bose Research Institute
0371-5469 Transactions of the British Ceramic Society British Ceramic Society
0007-1536 Transactions of the British Mycological Society Cambridge University Press
0371-5701 Transactions of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and of the Mining Society of Nova Scotia Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.; Mining Society of Nova Scotia.
0069-1305 Transactions of the Cave Research Group of Great Britain British Cave Research Association
0371-5655 Transactions of the Ceramic Society Ceramic Society (Great Britain); Ceramic Society (Great Britain).; Ceramic Society (Great Britain).
0412-6300 Transactions of the Citrus Engineering Conference American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Florida Section.
0097-4587 Transactions of the conference - Conference on Problems of Aging Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.
0069-8989 Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences.
0371-5698 Transactions of the Cornish Institute of Engineers Cornish Institute of Engineers.
0371-6260 Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society Edinburgh Geological Society
2052-9414 Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society (e-vir) Geological Society
1012-6007 Transactions of the Egyptian Society of Chemical Engineers Egyptian Society of Chemical Engineers
0096-4743 Transactions of the Electrochemical Society Electrochemical Society.
0371-6236 Transactions of the English Ceramic Society English Ceramic Society.
0014-7672 Transactions of the Faraday Society Faraday Society
0371-7224 Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow Geological Society of Glasgow
2052-9422 Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow (e-vir) Geological Society
0096-8021 Transactions of the Illinois State Horticultural Society Illinois State Horticultural Society.
0097-1359 Transactions of the Illinois State Horticultural Society and the Illinois Fruit Council for the year .. Illinois State Horticultural Society.; Illinois Fruit Council.
0096-5952 Transactions of the Illuminating Engineering Society Illuminating Engineering Society.
0371-750X Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society Indian Ceramic Society, Secy; Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute.
2165-5456 Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society (e-vir) [Indian Ceramic Society]
0913-574X Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. Section E Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
0387-236X Transactions of the Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan. Section E Denshi Tsäushin Gakkai.
0142-3312 Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control Institute of Measurement and Control
1477-0369 Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control (e-vir) Arnold.
0020-2967 Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing Institute of Metal Finishing.
1745-9192 Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing (e-vir) Maney Publishing on behalf of the Institute of Metal Finishing
0371-7941 Transactions of the Institute of the Plastics Industry
0371-8158 Transactions of the Institute of Welding Institute of Welding
1876-4800 Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (e-vir) Elsevier
0371-7631 Transactions of the Institution of Gas Engineers Institution of Gas Engineers.
0371-7836 Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (Great Britain)
1474-9009 Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
1743-2863 Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (e-vir) Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
0371-9634 Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers The Institution of Mining Engineers
0371-7968 Transactions of the Institution of the Rubber Industry Institution of the Rubber Industry.
0371-814X Transactions of the Institution of Water Engineers Institution of Water Engineers.
0167-563X Transactions of the International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology.; Commission of the European Communities.; International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology.
1051-0508 Transactions of the Iron & Steel Society Iron and Steel Society.; ISS Foundation.
0737-0059 Transactions of the Iron & Steel Society of AIME ISS Foundation.; Iron and Steel Society of AIME.
0021-1583 Transactions of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
0287-041X Transactions of the Japan Foundrymen's Society Nippon Imono Kyäokai.
0021-4434 Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals Japan Institute of Metals
0549-3811 Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
0385-2571 Transactions of the Japan Society for Composite Materials Nihon Fukugäo Zairyäo Gakkai.
0385-9282 Transactions of the Japan Welding Society Japan Welding Society
0022-8443 Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science Kansas Academy of Science
1938-5420 Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science Kansas Academy of Science
0096-803X Transactions of the Kansas State Horticultural Society The Society,
0023-0081 Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science Kentucky Academy of Science.
0371-9081 Transactions of the Leeds Geological Association Leeds Geological Association.
1346-7948 Transactions of the Magnetics Society of Japan Magnetics Society of Japan
0096-4069 Transactions of the Maryland Academy of Sciences Maryland Academy of Sciences. Astronomical Section.
1382-3469 Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan Elsevier
0971-5304 Transactions of the Metal finishers Association of India Metal Finishers Association of India
0543-5722 Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME Metallurgical Society of AIME.; American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.
0371-9588 Transactions of the Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India
0544-540X Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science Missouri Academy of Science
0115-8848 Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology National Academy of Science and Technology
0028-0720 Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle-upon-Tyne Longman.
0144-221X Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria Natural History Society of Northumbria.; Natural History Society of Northumbria.
0077-6351 Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences Nebraska Academy of Sciences.
0163-9013 Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and affiliated societies Nebraska Academy of Sciences
2379-8688 Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and affiliated societies (e-vir) Nebraska Academy of Sciences.; Thomson Gale (Firm)
1750-3523 Transactions of the Newcomen Society (e-vir) Newcomen Society (Great Britain)
0467-412X Transactions of the New Jersey Obstetrical and Gynecological Society
0077-8605 Transactions of the New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology C.V. Mosby.
0028-7113 Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences [New York Academy of Sciences]
2164-0947 Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences (e-vir) [New York Academy of Sciences]
0110-134X Transactions of the New Zealand Institution of Engineers New Zealand Institution of Engineers.
0111-2740 Transactions of the New Zealand Institution of Engineers Incorporated. Electrical/mechanical/chemical engineering section New Zealand Institution of Engineers.
0078-5334 Transactions of the Ophthalmological Societies of the United Kingdom Printed for the Society by J.E. Adlard, Bartholomew Close
0300-8983 Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of New Zealand Ophthalmological Society of New Zealand.
0096-4565 Transactions of the Peninsula Horticultural Society Peninsula Horticultural Society.
0080-4312 Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute Royal Canadian Institute.
0372-1108 Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall Royal Geological Society of Cornwall.
0962-7375 Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society Royal Microscopical Society.
0035-9122 Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada = Royal Society of Canada..
0080-4568 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Royal Society of Edinburgh.
0263-5933 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Royal Society of Edinburgh.
0035-9181 Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand Royal Society of New Zealand.
0370-8136 Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand Royal Society of New Zealand.
0372-1361 Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand Royal Society of New Zealand.
0372-137X Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand Royal Society of New Zealand.
0372-1396 Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand Royal Society of New Zealand.
0372-1965 Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand Royal Society of New Zealand.
0557-417X Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand Royal Society of New Zealand.
2154-0098 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa Taylor & Francis; Unisa Press
0035-919X Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia [b.i.]
2204-0293 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia (e-vir) Taylor and Francis
0372-1426 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, Incorporated Royal Society of South Australia.
0035-9203 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1878-3503 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (e-vir) Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
0036-0678 Transactions of the SAEST Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology
0080-5947 Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History San Diego Society of Natural History.
0372-1825 Transactions of the Science Society of China
0096-6460 Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers The Society
0037-9972 Transactions of the Society of Occupational Medicine E & S Livingstone
0081-1696 Transactions of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME.
0038-0032 Transactions of the society of rheology Wiley
0038-2221 Transactions of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers South African Institute of Electrical Engineers.; Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut van Elektriese Ingenieurs.
0081-1718 Transactions of the SPWLA ... annual Logging Symposium Society of Professional Well Log Analysts.
0317-882X Transactions of the Technical Section - Canadian Pulp and Paper Association Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Assoc
0388-0966 Transactions of the Tokyo University of Fisheries Tokyo Suisan Daigaku.
0096-3879 Transactions of the Utah Academy of Sciences The Academy,
0096-3887 Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia Wagner Free Institute of Science.
0096-7181 Transactions of the Western Branch Society of the American Urological Association American Urological Association.
0084-0505 Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters
1006-4982 Transactions of Tianjin University Editorial Board of Transactions of Tianjin University
1995-8196 Transactions of Tianjin University Tianjin University; Springer-Verlag GmbH
2545-2835 Transactions on Aerospace Research (e-vir) De Gruyter Poland
0584-5009 Transactions - Southwestern Federation of Geological Societies
0081-1661 Transactions - The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (U.S.)
0324-7309 Transfusio Országos Hematológiai és Vértranszfúziós Intézet.
0041-1132 Transfusion American Association of Blood Banks, etc.
0372-1248 Transfusion Arnette
1537-2995 Transfusion (e-vir) American Association of Blood Banks
1878-2000 Transfusion (e-vir) Elsevier Masson
0962-8819 Transgenic research Chapman & Hall
1573-9368 Transgenic research (e-vir) Kluwer
1023-6171 Transgenics Harwood Academic Publishers
1607-8586 Transgenics Harwood Academic.
0082-5921 Transition metal chemistry Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
0340-4285 Transition metal chemistry Verlag Chemie.
1572-901X Transition metal chemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
0097-6849 Transit journal McGraw-Hill
0372-3666 Translation [s.n.]
0436-9769 Translation [s.n.]
1878-1810 Translational research (e-vir) Elsevier
1931-5244 Translational research Elsevier
0041-1337 Transplantation Williams & Wilkins Co.
1534-6080 Transplantation (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0564-1217 Transplantation Bulletin ????.
1873-2623 Transplantation proceedings (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0041-1345 Transplantation Proceedings Grune & Stratton
0082-5948 Transplantation reviews Munksgaard. ;; Williams & Wilkins Co.
1878-5492 Transplant immunology (e-vir) Elsevier
0966-3274 Transplant Immunology Edward Arnold
0934-0874 Transplant international Springer-Verl. New York; Springer
1432-2277 Transplant international (e-vir) Springer
0099-2879 Transport and Communications Review
0569-7891 Transportation engineering journal of ASCE; American Society of Civil Engineers.
0097-8515 Transportation research circular Transportation Research Board
Y508-9654 Transportation research circular (e-vir) Transportation Research Board
0361-1981 Transportation research record Transportation Research Board, Commission on Sociotechnical Systems, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences
2169-4052 Transportation research record Transportation Research Board, Commission on Sociotechnical Systems, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences
0131-4262 Transport i hranenie gaza Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut èkonomiki, organizacii proizvodstva i tehniko-èkonomičeskoj informacii v gazovoj promyšlennosti.
0131-4270 Transport i hranenie nefteproduktov i uglevodorodnogo syrʹâ Neftehim; Katalizatory, adsorbenty, tehnologii, servis
0028-1204 Transport i hranenie nefti i nefteproduktov [s.n.]
0169-3913 Transport in porous media Reidel
1573-1634 Transport in porous media (e-vir) Kluwer
0923-5280 Transport processes in engineering Elsevier
0041-1450 Transport theory and statistical physics M. Dekker
1532-2424 Transport theory and statistical physics (e-vir) Marcel Dekker
0041-1825 Trattamenti dei metalli ELTI.
0041-1833 Trattamenti e finitura Editoriale tecnica macchine
0743-6637 Trauma quarterly Aspen Systems Corp.; VSP
1568-5713 Trauma quarterly VSP International Science Publishers
0372-2791 Trävaruindustrien [s.n.].
0069-6501 Travaux BIPM
0366-6417 Travaux de Comité international pour l'étude des bauxites, des oxydes, et des hydroxydes d'aluminium Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti
0551-2018 Travaux de l'Institut de géologie et d'anthropologie préhistorique de la Faculté des sciences de Poitiers Institut de géologie et d'anthropologie préhistorique de la Faculté des sciences de Poitiers.; Université de Poitiers, Institut de géologie et d'anthropologie préhistorique.
0372-3836 Travaux de l'Institut de recherches sahariennes Institut de recherches sahariennes (Alger)
0483-7983 Travaux de l'Institut scientifique chérifien. Série Zoologie Institut scientifique chérifien.
0378-0007 Travaux de l'Institut scientifique chérifien et de la Faculté des sciences de Rabat. Série générale Institut scientifique chérifien.
0560-5385 Travaux de la section de pédologie. Société des sciences naturelles et physiques du Maroc Société des sciences naturelles et physiques du Maroc.
0073-8336 Travaux de la Section scientifique et technique. Institut français de Pondichéry Institut français de Pondichéry.
0037-9115 Travaux de la Société de pharmacie de Montpellier Société de pharmacie de Montpellier.
0041-1914 Travaux de peinture Presses documentaires; Société de productions documentaires
0750-6228 Travaux des Laboratoires des sciences de la terre Laboratoires des sciences de la terre
0008-9680 Travaux du Centre de recherches et d'études océanographiques Centre de recherches et d'études océanographiques, Paris
0350-7548 Travaux du Comité international pour l'étude des bauxites, de l'alumine et de l'aluminium Academie Yougoslave des Sciences et des Arts
0371-9103 Travaux du Laboratoire de géologie de la Faculté des sciences de Grenoble Laboratoire de géologie (Grenoble)
0371-909X Travaux du Laboratoire de géologie de la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Bordeaux Laboratoire d'hydrogéologie géochimie (Bordeaux)
0371-912X Travaux du Laboratoire de géologie de la Faculté des sciences de Lyon Laboratoires de géologie (Villeurbanne, Rhône)
0371-926X Travaux du Laboratoire de microbiologie de la Faculté de pharmacie de Nancy Laboratoire de microbiologie (Nancy)
0371-6023 Travaux et documents de l'ORSTOM ORSTOM (France)
0371-5574 Travaux et mémoires du Bureau international des poids et mesures Bureau international des poids et mesures
0161-9160 Treatise on materials science and technology Academic Press,
0161-262X Treatise on titrimetry Marcel Dekker,
1175-6349 Treatments in endocrinology Adis International
1177-4940 Treatments in endocrinology (e-vir) [Adis International]
1176-3450 Treatments in respiratory medicine Adis International
2230-6102 Treatments in respiratory medicine (e-vir) Adis International
0191-9024 TREE Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.; EG & G Idaho.
0829-318X Tree physiology Heron Pub.
1568-2544 Tree physiology Kluwer Academic Publishers
1758-4469 Tree physiology (e-vir) Heron
0931-1890 Trees Springer International; Springer
1432-2285 Trees (e-vir) Springer
0041-2295 Trend Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada.
0306-1086 Trend National Youth Temperance Council.
1819-3579 Trends in applied sciences research Asian Network for Scientific Information
2151-7908 Trends in applied sciences research Academic Journals, Inc.
0972-4516 Trends in Applied Spectroscopy Research Trends.
0197-0569 Trends in autonomic pharmacology Urban & Schwarzenberg.
1362-4326 Trends in biochemical sciences (e-vir) Elsevier
0167-7799 Trends in biotechnology Elsevier B. V.
0167-9430 Trends in biotechnology Elsevier
1879-3096 Trends in Biotechnology (e-vir) Elsevier Current Trends Journals
1050-1738 Trends in cardiovascular medicine Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
1873-2615 Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
0962-8924 Trends in cell biology Elsevier Science Publ.Ltd
1879-3088 Trends in cell biology Elsevier
0972-4346 Trends in Chemical Physics Research Trends.
1611-1508 Trends in clinical and experimental dermatology Shaker
0972-4826 Trends in Corrosion Research Research Trends (P) Ltd.
0972-8422 Trends in Developmental Biology Research Trends (P) Ltd
1043-2760 Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
1879-3061 Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism (e-vir) Elsevier Current Trends Journals
0190-1443 Trends in fluorescence Perkin-Elmer Corp..
0924-2244 Trends in food science & technology Elsevier Trends Journals
1879-3053 Trends in food science & technology (e-vir) Elsevier
1362-4555 Trends in genetics (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd. * Trends Journals
0168-9525 Trends in Genetics Elsevier B. V.
0972-4850 Trends in Geochemistry Research Trends.
0915-7352 Trends in glycoscience and glycotechnology FCCA; FCCA; FCCA ;; Nihon toshitsu gakkai; FCCA ;; Nihon toshitsu gakkai
0972-4842 Trends in Heat, Mass & Momentum Transfer Research Trends
1471-4906 Trends in Immunology Elsevier
1471-4981 Trends in Immunology (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd. * Trends Journals
0970-2504 Trends in Life Sciences Indian Society of Life Sciences.
1878-4380 Trends in microbiology Elsevier
0966-842X Trends in Microbiology Elsevier Trends Journals
1471-4914 Trends in molecular medicine Elsevier Science
1471-499X Trends in Molecular Medicine (e-vir) Elsevier Current Trends Journals
1878-108X Trends in neurosciences (e-vir) Elsevier
0166-2236 Trends in Neurosciences Elsevier/North-Holland
1471-4922 Trends in parasitology Elsevier Trends Journals,
1471-5007 Trends in Parasitology (e-vir) Elsevier Current Trends Journals
1873-3735 Trends in pharmacological sciences (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0165-6147 Trends in Pharmacological Sciences Elsevier
0972-4532 Trends in Photochemistry & Photobiology Research Trends.
0972-4435 Trends in Physical Chemistry Research Trends.
1360-1385 Trends in Plant Science Elsevier Science
1878-4372 Trends in Plant Science (e-vir) Elsevier Current Trends Journals
0966-4793 Trends in polymer science Elsevier Trends Journals
0972-8244 Trends in reproductive biology Research Trends (P) Ltd.
0924-6185 Trends in scientific research Reidel
0972-480X Trends in Statistical Physics Research Trends (P) Ltd.
0972-4486 Trends in Vacuum Science & Technology Research Trends.
0134-4919 Trenie, iznos i metody ispytaniâ asbofrikcionnyh materialov.; Трение, износ и методы испытания асбофрикционных материалов Neftehim; Нефтехим.
0202-4977 Trenie i iznos Nauka i tehnika
0501-2635 TRG Report. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Reactor Group [s.n.]
1745-6215 Trials (e-vir) BioMed Central
0041-2597 Triangle Sandoz Medical Publications
0372-1213 Tribologia e lubrificazione Stazione sperimentale per le industrie degli oli e dei grassi.
0724-3472 Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik Vincentz
0082-6405 Tribology Convention Tribology Group of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
0301-679X Tribology international Butterworth Scientific
1879-2464 Tribology international (e-vir) Elsevier
1023-8883 Tribology letters Baltzer; Baltzer Science Publishers
1573-2711 Tribology letters (e-vir) Kluwer
0167-8922 Tribology series Elsevier
1040-2004 Tribology transactions Society
1547-397X Tribology transactions (e-vir) Taylor and Francis, Inc.
1354-4063 Tribotest Leaf Coppin
1557-685X Tribotest Leaf Coppin Pub.; John Wiley & Sons
0371-6619 Tribuna Farmacêutica Universidade Federal do Paraná, Faculdade de Farmácia
0776-1155 Tribune de l'eau CEBEDOC.; Ministère de la Région Wallonne.; Centre belge d'étude et de documentation des eaux et de l'air.
0348-467X Trita-MEK Department of mechanics, The Royal Institute of technology.
0303-4208 Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie Deutsche Tropenmedizinische Gesellschaft.
0372-1272 Tropenpflanzer [s.n.]
0891-9925 Trophoblast research Plenum Medical Book Co.
0041-3216 Tropical agriculture School of Agriculture.
0388-9386 Tropical agriculture research series Näorin Suisanshäo Nettai Näogyäo Kenkyäu Sentäa.
0041-3224 Tropical agriculturist Department of Agriculture.
0157-9711 Tropical agronomy technical memorandum CSIRO. Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures.
0041-3232 Tropical and geographical medicine Royal Tropical Institute. Institute of Tropical Hygiene and Geographical Pathology.; Geographical Pathology Netherlands Society of Tropical Medicine.
1573-7438 Tropical animal health and production (e-vir) Kluwer
0049-4747 Tropical Animal Health and Production E. & S.Livingstone
0250-5576 Tropical animal production Consejo estadal del azucar; Fideicomiso del Gobierno del Estado de Quintana Roo; Banco de credito rural de México
0041-3240 Tropical Diseases Bulletin Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases
0049-4755 Tropical doctor Royal Society of Medicine (Great Britain)
1758-1133 Tropical doctor (e-vir) RSM Press
0564-3295 Tropical Ecology International Society for Tropical Ecology.
2661-8982 Tropical Ecology (e-vir) Springer
0304-5765 Tropical grain legume bulletin International Institute of Tropical Agriculture.
1365-3156 Tropical medicine & international health (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0177-2392 Tropical medicine and parasitology Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit.; Deutsche Tropenmedizinische Gesellschaft.
0143-6147 Tropical pest management Centre for Overseas Pest Research
0144-2325 Tropical Products Institute Ministry of Overseas Development.
0041-3291 Tropical science Tropical Products Institute
1556-9179 Tropical science John Wiley & Sons
0372-2635 Tropical Veterinary Bulletin [s.n.]
0097-6857 Tropical woods Yale University, School of Forestry
0305-1293 TRRL laboratory report Transport and Road Research Laboratory
0305-1315 TRRL supplementary report Transport and Road Research Laboratory.; Great Britain.
0367-4827 Trudove na Instituta.; Трудове на Института Ministerstvo na težkata promišlenost. D˝rzhavno stopansko obedinenie Energetika i v˝gliŝa; Министерство на тежката промишленост. Държавно стопанско обединение Енергетика и въглища
0204-7683 Trudove na Instituta po černa metalurgiâ Tehnika
0254-4822 Trudove na Instituta po elektrotehničeska promišlenost Ministerstvo na elektronikata i elektrotehnikata, DSO "Elprom"; Ministerium der Elektronik und Elektroteknik Staatliche Wirtschaftsvereinigung "Elprom"
0204-5338 Trudove na Naučnoizsledovatelskiâ institut po černa metalurgiâ = Tehnika
0204-6822 Trudove na NIPKTI po černa metalurgiâ = Tehnika
0201-8187 Trudy Vsesoûznyj gosudarstvennyj naučno-kontrolʹnyj institut veterinarnyh preparatov.
0320-3034 Trudy Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut kurortologii i fizioterapii imeni I.G. Koniašvili.
0371-5493 Trudy Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut vodosnabženiâ, kanalizacii, gidrotehničeskih sooruženij i inženernoj gidrogeologii. Bakinskij filial.
0371-7348 Trudy Akademiâ selʹskohozâjstvennyh nauk Gruzinskoj SSR.; Gruzinskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut životnovodstva i veterinarii.
0371-8107 Trudy "Mintis".
0371-9294 Trudy Mintis,; Mintis,; Mokslas,
0372-008X Trudy Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo
0372-3003 Trudy Vsesoûznyj neftânoj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut po tehnike bezopasnosti.; VNIITB.
0376-1517 Trudy Tadžikskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut.
0376-2637 Trudy Izdatelʹstvo Tbilisskogo universiteta
0452-2753 Trudy KTIRPiH.
0452-6791 Trudy Kubanskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut
0457-5164 Trudy "Gostoptehizdat".
0463-5914 Trudy Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut zerna i produktov ego pererabotki.
0504-8893 Trudy "Promstrojizdat".
0507-5009 Trudy "VNIIÂGG".
0515-9679 Trudy Institut vinodeliâ i vinogradarstva.
0516-1991 Trudy Institut himii.
0516-2068 Trudy Institut zoologii i parazitologii im. akademika E.N. Pavlovskogo.
0541-1165 Trudy [s.n.].
0541-1297 Trudy VASHNIL.
0544-3822 Trudy "Piśevaâ promyšlennostʹ".
0371-7275 Trudy.; Труды Golovnoj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut cementnogo mašinostroeniâ; Головной научно-исследовательский институт цементного машиностроения.
0371-8174 Trudy.; Труды Institut zemledeliâ; Институт земледелия.
0371-8468 Trudy.; Труды Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo universiteta; Издательство Харьковского университета.
0372-2813 Trudy.; Труды Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut po stroitelʹstvu obʺektov neftânoj i gazovoj promyšlennosti; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт по строительству объектов нефтяной и газовой промышленности.
0372-2864 Trudy.; Труды Piŝevaâ promyšlennostʹ; Пищевая промышленность
0372-3127 Trudy.; Труды [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0372-6363 Trudy.; Труды Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut cementov; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт цементов.
0375-3263 Trudy.; Труды Dalʹnevostočnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut lesnogo hozâjstva; Дальневосточный научно-исследовательский институт лесного хозяйства.
0376-1363 Trudy.; Труды "Piŝevaâ promyšlennostʹ"; "Пищевая промышленность".
0451-8063 Trudy.; Труды Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo universiteta; Издательство Харьковского университета.
0371-9782 Trudy (Moldavskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut životnovodstva i veterinarii) Moldavskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut životnovodstva i veterinarii
0513-1332 Trudy Âkutskogo NIISH Âkutskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0131-3908 Trudy ArmNIProcvetmeta Naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektnyj institut cvetnoj metallurgii.; "ArmNIProcvetmet"
0130-5131 Trudy Âroslavskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta životnovodstva i kormoproizvodstva Verhne-Volžskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0320-1597 Trudy - Azerbajdžanskij filial Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta prirodnyh gazov "VNIIGAZ" Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut prirodnyh gazov. Azerbajdžanskij filial.; VNIIGAZ.
0321-2149 Trudy Azerbajdžanskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta šelkovodstva Azerbajdžanskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut šelkovodstva.
0500-9758 Trudy - Baškirskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut po pererabotke nefti Baškirskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0371-5566 Trudy Belorusskogo naučno-issledovatel'skogo instituta piŝevoj promyšlennosti Belorusskij naučno-issledovatel'skij institut piŝevoj promyšlennosti.
0371-5582 Trudy Belorusskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta promyšlennosti prodovolʹstvennyh tovarov Belorusskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut promyšlennosti prodovolʹstvennyh tovarov.; BNIIPPT.
0205-9312 Trudy Biogeohimičeskoj laboratorii.; Труды Биогеохимической лаборатории Izdatelʹstvo "Nauka"; Издательство "Наука".
0371-7984 Trudy Biologičeskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta i Biologičeskoj stancii pri Permskom gosudarstvennom universitete im. M. Gorʹkogo.; Труды Биологического научно-исследовательского института и Биологической станции при Пермском государственном университете им. М. Горького Biologičeskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut; Biologičeskaâ stanciâ pri Permskom gosudarstvennom universitete; Биологический научно-исследовательский институт; Биологическая станция при Пермском государственном университете.
0520-1861 Trudy Biologičeskoj stancii "Borok" imeni N.A. Morozova Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0371-5418 Trudy Botaničeskogo instituta Botaničeskij institut.
0516-0693 Trudy Botaničeskogo instituta im. V.L. Komarova, Akademiâ nauk SSSR. Seriâ VI, Introdukciâ rastenij i zelenoe stroitelʹstvo Izd. Akademii nauk SSSR.
0521-3312 Trudy Brânskogo lesohozâjstvennogo instituta "Brânskij rabočij".
0521-6044 Trudy Buharskoj oblastnoj opytnoj selʹskohozâjstvennoj stancii Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva UzSSR. Redakcionno-izdatelʹskij otdel.
0503-1354 Trudy Burâtskogo kompleksnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta Burâtskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0457-4850 Trudy Centralʹnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo dizelʹnogo instituta Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij dizelʹnyj institut.
0372-2287 Trudy Centralʹnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta saharnoj promyšlennosti.; Труды Центрального научно-исследовательского института сахарной промышленности [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0516-1622 Trudy Centralʹnogo sibirskogo botaničeskogo sada Akademiâ nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe otdelenie.
0372-199X Trudy Centralʹnoj aèrologičeskoj observatorii Gidrometeoizdat.
0401-0167 Trudy Centralʹnoj naučno-issledovatelʹskoj laboratorii èlektričeskoj obrabotki materialov, Akademiâ nauk SSSR Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0462-3770 Trudy Centralʹnoj ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni genetičeskoj laboratorii im. I.V. Mičurina Centralʹnaâ genetičeskaâ laboratoriâ im. I.V. Mičurina.
0372-2228 Trudy - Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut morskogo flota Transport, Leningradskoe otdelenie.
0320-5835 Trudy CINAO CINAO.
0130-5093 Trudy CNIGRI CNIGRI.
0371-5809 Trudy Čuvašskogo selʹskohozâjstvennogo instituta Čuvašknigoizdat.
0516-0766 Trudy Dalʹnevostočnogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR Akademiâ nauk SSSR
0369-9153 Trudy Dalʹnevostočnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.; Труды Дальневосточного государственного университета Dalʹnevostočnyj gosudarstvennyj universitet; Дальневосточный государственный университет.
0371-6627 Trudy Dalʹnevostočnogo kraevogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta.; Труды Дальневосточного краевого научно-исследовательского института Dalʹnevostočnyj kraevoj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut; Дальневосточный краевой научно-исследовательский институт.
0505-8147 Trudy Dalʹnevostočnogo ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni regionalʹnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta Gidrometeoizdat.
0507-195X Trudy Dalʹnevostočnogo tehničeskogo instituta rybnoj promyšlennosti i hozâjstva Primorskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0371-5914 Trudy Darvinskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika Severo-Zapadnoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo. Vologodskoe otdelenie.
0371-6015 Trudy - Dnepropetrovskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut.; Труды - Днепропетровский сельскохозяйственный институт Dnepropetrovskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut; Днепропетровский сельскохозяйственный институт.
0371-604X Trudy DVPI Dalʹnevostočnyj politehničeskij institut im. V.V. Kujbyševa.
0131-937X Trudy Èrevanskogo medicinskogo instituta Èrevanskij medicinskij institut.
0371-6562 Trudy Èrevanskogo zooveterinarnogo instituta Èrevanskij zootehničesko-veterinarnyj institut.
0371-6694 Trudy Frunzenskogo politehničeskogo instituta Frunzenskij politehničeskij institut
0568-5524 Trudy Gelʹmintologičeskoj laboratorii Nauka.
0371-6848 Trudy Geofizičeskogo instituta.; Труды Геофизического института Geofizičeskij institut; Геофизический институт.
0371-6988 Trudy - Geoločeskij Institut im. A.L. Džanelidze Mecnieîreba
0002-3272 Trudy - Geologičeskij institut "Nauka".
0371-6929 Trudy Geologičeskogo instituta "Mecniereba".
0371-6937 Trudy Geologičeskogo instituta Geologičeskij institut.
0371-7046 Trudy Geologičeskogo instituta "Mecniereba".
0371-716X Trudy GIAP Otdel naučno-tehničeskoj informacii.
0371-6805 Trudy Glavnogo botaničeskogo sada.; Труды Главного ботанического сада Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk SSSR; Издательство Академии наук СССР.
0376-1274 Trudy Glavnoj geofizičeskoj observatorii im. A.I. Voejkova Gidrometeoizdat; Glavnaâ geofizičeskaâ observatoriâ im. A.I. Voejkova
0371-6953 Trudy Gorno-geologičeskogo instituta Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0371-7321 Trudy Gorno-geologičeskogo instituta.; Труды Горно-геологического института Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Книжное издательство.
0371-7313 Trudy Gorʹkovskogo instituta inženerov vodnogo transporta Gorʹkovskij institut inženerov vodnogo transporta.
0371-6902 Trudy Gorʹkovskogo inženerno-stroitelʹnogo instituta im. V.P. Čkalova Gorʹkovskij inženerno-stroitelʹnyj institut im. V.P. Čkalova.
0371-7127 Trudy Gorʹkovskogo politehničeskogo instituta im. A.A. Ždanova Gorʹkovskij politehničeskij institut im. A.A. Ždanova
0371-6791 Trudy Gosudarstvennogo astronomičeskogo instituta im. P.K. Šternberga Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta.
0455-6526 Trudy Gosudarstvennogo issledovatelʹskogo keramičeskogo instituta [s.n.].
0371-8069 Trudy Gosudarstvennogo naučno-èksperimentalʹnogo instituta graždanskih, promyšlennyh i inženernyh sooruženij.; Труды Государственного научно-экспериментального института гражданских, промышленных и инженерных сооружений [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0540-9292 Trudy Gosudarstvennogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta gornohimičeskogo syrʹâ Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut gornohimičeskogo syrʹâ.
0463-4659 Trudy Gosudarstvennogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta himičeskoj promyšlennosti Gosudarstvennyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut himičeskoj promyšlennosti.
0371-7143 Trudy Gosudarstvennogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta po promyšlennoj i sanitarnoj očistke gazov.; Труды Государственного научно-исследовательского института по промышленной и санитарной очистке газов [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0579-9066 Trudy Gosudarstvennogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta psihiatrii Ministerstva zdravoohraneniâ RSFSR Gosudarstvennyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut psihiatrii.
0463-4675 Trudy Gosudarstvennogo naučno-kontrolʹnogo instituta veterinarnyh preparatov Gosudarstvennyj naučno-kontrolʹnyj institut veterinarnyh preparatov.
0371-7119 Trudy Gosudarstvennogo okeanografičeskogo instituta.; Труды Государственного океанографического института "Gidrometeoizdat"; "Гидрометеоиздат".
0371-7100 Trudy Gosudarstvennogo optičeskogo instituta im. S.I. Vavilova.; Труды Государственного оптического института им. С.И. Вавилова Gosudarstvennyj optičeskij institut im. S.I. Vavilova; Государственный оптический институт им. С.И. Вавилова.
0371-6872 Trudy Gosudarstvennogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gidrologičeskogo instituta.; Труды Государственного ордена Трудового Красного Знамени гидрологического института Gidrometeoizdat; Гидрометеоиздат.
0131-1689 Trudy - Gosudarstvennyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektnyj institut neftânoj promyšlennosti. Geologiâ i razrabotka neftânyh mestoroždennij.; Труды - Государственный научно-исследовательский и проектный институт нефтяной промышленности. Геология и разработка нефтяных месторожденний Nedra; Недра.
0371-8379 Trudy Harʹkovskogo gosudarstvennogo farmacevtičeskogo instituta.; Труды Харьковского государственного фармацевтического института Harʹkovskij gosudarstvennyj farmacevtičeskij institut; Харьковский государственный фармацевтический институт.
0371-8417 Trudy Harʹkovskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo instituta.; Труды Харьковского государственного медицинского института Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo Universiteta; Издательство Харьковского Университета.
0371-859X Trudy Harʹkovskogo himiko-tehnologičeskogo instituta im. S.M. Kirova.; Труды Харьковского химико-технологического института им. С.М. Кирова Harʹkovskij himiko-tehnologičeskij institut im. S.M. Kirova; Харьковский химико-технологический институт им. С.М. Кирова.
0371-8263 Trudy Harʹkovskogo instituta gornogo mašinostroeniâ, avtomatiki i vyčislitelʹnoj tehniki.; Труды Харьковского института горного машиностроения, автоматики и вычислительной техники Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo universiteta; Издательство Харьковского университета.
0371-9006 Trudy Harʹkovskogo instituta inženerov železnodorožnogo transporta im. S.M. Kirova Transport.
0131-9388 Trudy Ilʹmenskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika Ilʹmenskij zapovednik.
0371-9758 Trudy i materialy.; Труды и материалы Doneckij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut fiziologii truda; Донецкий научно-исследовательский институт физиологии труда.
0457-2254 Trudy instituta Izdatelʹstvo Akademii Nauk Latvijskoj SSR.
0457-2300 Trudy instituta Akademiâ nauk Latvijskoj SSR, Institut mikrobiologii.
0506-4554 Trudy instituta Velikolukskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut. Velikie Luki.
0458-8339 Trudy Instituta AN LatvSSR. Institut geologii i poleznyh iskopaemyh
0516-2173 Trudy Instituta antisejsmičeskogo stroitelʹstva Akademiâ nauk Turkmenskoj SSR.; AN TurkmSSR.
0516-0936 Trudy Instituta biologičeskoj fiziki Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0516-155X Trudy Instituta biologii Akademiâ nauk SSSR.; AN SSSR. Moldavskij filial. Institut biologii.
0516-0391 Trudy Instituta botaniki Akademiâ nauk Kirgizskoj SSR.; AN KirgSSR. Institut botaniki.
0320-3263 Trudy instituta - Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut kurortologii i fizioterapii.; Труды института - Центральный научно-исследовательский институт курортологии и физиотерапии [s.n.]
0371-6473 Trudy Instituta èkologii rastenij i životnyh Institut èkologii rastenij i životnyh.
0320-3018 Trudy Instituta èksperimentalʹnoj biologii Institut èksperimentalʹnoj biologii.
0515-989X Trudy Instituta èksperimentalʹnoj i kliničeskoj hirurgii i gematologii Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk GSSR.
0515-9253 Trudy Instituta èksperimentalʹnoj i kliničeskoj onkologii Akademiâ nauk SSSR
0206-1082 Trudy Instituta èksperimentalʹnoj meteorologii. Seriâ, Fizika verhnej atmosfery Institut èksperimentalʹnoj meteorologii.
0371-6384 Trudy Instituta èksperimentalʹnoj morfologii Institut èksperimentalʹnoj morfologii im. A.N. Natišvili.
0568-6776 Trudy Instituta èlektrohimii Institut èlektrohimii.
0401-0582 Trudy Instituta ènergetiki Akademiâ nauk BSSR.; AN BSSR. Institut ènergetiki.
0371-6503 Trudy Instituta ènergetiki i vodnogo hozâjstva Akademiâ nauk KirgSSR.
0516-1010 Trudy Instituta fizičeskoj himii Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0371-6600 Trudy Instituta fiziki Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk AzSSR.
0134-627X Trudy Instituta fiziki = Fuusika Instituut.; Fuusika ja Astronoomia Instituut.
0376-1509 Trudy Instituta fiziologii.; Труды Института физиологии Èlm; Элм; Elm
0400-9878 Trudy Instituta geologičeskih nauk Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0516-0413 Trudy Instituta geologii Akademiâ nauk Kirgizskoj SSR. Institut geologii.; AN KirgSSR. Institut geologii.
0516-1975 Trudy Instituta geologii Institut geologii.
0516-219X Trudy Instituta geologii Institut geologii.
0568-6156 Trudy Instituta geologii Akademiâ nauk SSSR; Komi knižnoe izdatelʹstvo
0568-658X Trudy Instituta geologii i geofiziki "Nauka", Sibirskoe otdelenie.
0371-7291 Trudy Instituta geologii i geohimii Institut geologii i geohimii; Institut geologii i geohimii UrO RAN
0002-3299 Trudy Instituta geologii rudnyh mestoroždenij, petrografii, mineralogii i geohimii Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0568-5036 Trudy Instituta gidrogeologii i gidrofiziki Akademiâ nauk Kazahstoj SSR.; Institut gidrogeologii i gidrofiziki.
0562-7729 Trudy Instituta gornogo dela Institut gornogo dela.
0568-5761 Trudy Instituta gornogo dela Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0400-9584 Trudy Instituta gornogo dela im. G.A. Culukidze Akademiâ nauk Gruzinskoj SSR.; AN GSSR. Institut gornogo dela im. G.A. Culukidze.
0371-7666 Trudy Instituta gorûčih iskopaemyh.; Труды Института горючих ископаемых Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk SSSR; Издательство Академии наук СССР.
0371-7283 Trudy instituta - Gosudarstvennyj vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut cementnoj promyšlennosti Gosudarstvennyj vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut cementtnoj promyšlennosti.
0371-7747 Trudy Instituta himii Akademiâ nauk AzerbSSR.; AN AzerbSSR, Institut himii.
0516-1797 Trudy Instituta himii Uralʹskij rabočij.
0516-222X Trudy Instituta himii Akademiâ nauk TurkmSSR.; AN TurkmSSR. Institut himii.
0371-8662 Trudy Instituta himii i metallurgii.; Труды Института химии и металлургии Institut himii i metallurgii; Институт химии и металлургии.
0587-4661 Trudy Instituta himii nefti i prirodnyh solej Institut himii nefti i prirodnyh solej.
0371-7704 Trudy Instituta ispolʹzovaniâ gaza.; Труды Института использования газа Akademiâ nauk Ukrainskoj SSR; Академия наук Украинской ССР.
0568-5826 Trudy Instituta istorii estestvoznaniâ i tehniki, Akademiâ nauk SSSR Institut istorii estestvoznaniâ i tehniki.
0371-8611 Trudy Instituta karakulevodstva Institut karakulevodstva.
0453-4239 Trudy Instituta kliničeskoj i èksperimentalʹnoj hirurgii Institut kliničeskoj i èksperimentalʹnoj hirurgii.
0371-7755 Trudy Instituta kraevoj èksperimentalʹnoj mediciny Institut kraevoj èksperimentalʹnoj mediciny.
0371-7771 Trudy Instituta kristallografii.; Труды Института кристаллографии Akademiâ nauk SSSR; Академия наук СССР.
0516-1673 Trudy Instituta lesa i drevesiny Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0134-4889 Trudy Instituta matematiki i mehaniki Institut matematiki i mehaniki; Institut matematiki i mehaniki Uralʹskogo otdeleniâ RAN
0568-5869 Trudy Instituta merzlotovedeniâ. Akademiâ nauk SSSR Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0372-1221 Trudy Instituta metallofiziki i metallurgii.; Труды Института металлофизики и металлургии Institut metallofiziki i metallurgii; Институт металлофизики и металлургии.
0371-7852 Trudy Instituta metallov.; Труды Института металлов Institut metallov; Институт металлов.
0516-1134 Trudy Instituta metallurgii Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0568-5915 Trudy Instituta mikrobiologii Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk SSSR.
0131-4696 Trudy Instituta mikrobiologii i virusologii Institut mikrobiologii i virusologii.
0258-5723 Trudy Instituta morfologii životnyh im. A.N. Severcova.; Труды Института морфологии животных им. А.Н. Северцова Akademiâ nauk SSSR; Академия наук СССР.
0320-3220 Trudy instituta - Moskovskij himiko-tehnologičeskij institut im. D.I. Mendeleeva.; Труды института - Московский химико-технологический институт им. Д.И. Менделеева Moskovskij himiko-tehnologičeskij institut im. D.I. Mendeleeva; Московский химико-технологический институт им. Д.И. Менделеева.
0371-6783 Trudy instituta - Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut avtomatizacii proizvodstvennyh processov himičeskoj promyšlennosti i cvetnoj metallurgii Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut avtomatizacii proizvodstvennyh processov himičeskoj promyšlennosti i cvetnoj metallurgii. Otdel naučno-tehničeskoj informacii.
0470-4266 Trudy instituta - Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut kamnâ i silikatov Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut kamnâ i silikatov.; NIIKS.; Ministerstvo promyslennosti stroitelʹnyh materialov Arm. SSR.
0206-1074 Trudy instituta - Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut promyšlennogo stroitelʹstva Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut promyšlennogo stroitelʹstva.
0206-1066 Trudy instituta - Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut stroitelʹnoj fiziki.; Труды института - Научно-исследовательский институт строительной физики Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut stroitelʹnoj fiziki; Научно-исследовательский институт строительной физики.
0371-9960 Trudy Instituta nefti.; Труды Института нефти Akademiâ nauk SSSR; Академия наук СССР.
0371-7860 Trudy Instituta novogo lubânogo syrʹâ.; Труды Института нового лубяного сырья [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0233-9390 Trudy Instituta obśej fiziki Nauka.
0375-8419 Trudy Instituta okeanologii im. P.P. Širšova.; Труды Института океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова Nauka; Наука.
0516-0278 Trudy Instituta počvovedeniâ Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR. Institut počvovedeniâ.
0516-2637 Trudy Instituta počvovedeniâ Institut počvovedeniâ.
0540-2921 Trudy Instituta počvovedeniâ Belorusskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut počvovedeniâ.
0568-4609 Trudy Instituta poliomielita i virusnyh èncefalitov Institut poliomielita i virusnyh èncefalitov.
0371-8344 Trudy Instituta prikladnoj himii i èlektrohimii Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk GruzSSR.
0516-0065 Trudy Instituta stroitelʹnoj mehaniki i sejsmostojkosti "Mecniereba".
0372-1876 Trudy Instituta stroitelʹnyh materialov mineralʹnogo proishoždeniâ i stekla.; Труды Института строительных материалов минерального происхождения и стекла Institut stroitelʹnyh materialov mineralʹnogo proishoždeniâ i stekla; Институт строительных материалов минерального происхождения и стекла.
0372-1833 Trudy Instituta stroitelʹstva i strojmaterialov Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR. Institut stroitelʹstva i strojmaterialov.
0568-6016 Trudy Instituta teoretičeskoj astronomii Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie.
0371-8085 Trudy Instituta teoretičeskoj geofiziki.; Труды Института теоретической геофизики Institut teoretičeskoj geofiziki; Институт теоретической геофизики.
0400-9649 Trudy Instituta vinogradarstva i vinodeliâ Akademiâ nauk Gruzinskoj SSR.; AN GruzSSR. Institut vinogradarstva i vinodeliâ.
0132-7062 Trudy instituta - VNIIProektasbestcement.; Труды института - ВНИИПроектасбестцемент Strojizdat; Стройиздат.
0568-6040 Trudy Instituta vysšej nervnoj deâtelʹnosti Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0568-6059 Trudy Instituta vysšej nervnoj deâtelʹnosti Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0372-3534 Trudy Instituta zoologii Izdatelʹstvo AN GSSR.
0568-692X Trudy Instituta zoologii i parazitologii Akademiâ nauk Turkmenskoj SSR.; Institut zoologii i parazitologii.; Turkmenistan ylymlar akademiâsy.; Zoologiâ ve parazitologiâ instituty.
0320-3557 Trudy - Institut biologii vnutrennih vod Akademiâ nauk SSSR
0321-2890 Trudy - Institut èksperimentalʹnoj meteorologii. Gidrologiâ.; Труды - Институт экспериментальной метеорологии. Гидрология "Gidrometeoizdat"; "Гидрометеоиздат".
0371-6775 Trudy - Institut geofiziki Institut geofiziki.
0568-5028 Trudy - Institut geologičeskih nauk Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR.
0572-3302 Trudy - Institut geologii.; Труды - Институт геологии "Nauka", Leningradskoe otdelenie; "Наука", Ленинградское отделение.
0568-5923 Trudy - Institut mineralogii, geohimii i kristallohimii redkih èlementov. Akademiâ nauk SSSR Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0208-3205 Trudy Institutov inženerov železnodorožnogo transporta.; Труды Институтов инженеров железнодорожного транспорта MIIT; МИИТ.
0371-7828 Trudy Institutov Komiteta.; Труды Институтов Комитета Izdatelʹstvo standartov; Издательство стандартов.
0201-9965 Trudy - Institut prikladnoj geofiziki Gidrometeoizdat.
0371-7658 Trudy Irkutskogo gorno-metallurgičeskogo instituta.; Труды Иркутского горно-металлургического института Irkutskij gorno-metallurgičeskij institut; Иркутский горно-металлургический институт.
0301-2441 Trudy Irkutskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta èpidemiologii i mikrobiologii.; Труды Иркутского научно-исследовательского института эпидемиологии и микробиологии Irkutskij naučno-issledovatel'skij institut èpidemiologii i mikrobiologii; Иркутский научно-исследовательский институт эпидемиологии и микробиологии
0371-7976 Trudy Irkutskogo politehničeskogo instituta Irkutskij politehničeskij institut.
0131-4904 Trudy Kabardino-Balkarskoj gosudarstvennoj selʹskohozâjstvennoj opytnoj stancii Èlʹbrus.
0135-7328 Trudy Kabardino-Balkarskoj opytnoj stancii sadovodstva "Èlʹbrus".
0371-8255 Trudy kafedry "Avtomobili i traktory".; Труды кафедры "Автомобили и тракторы" "Mašgiz"; "Машгиз".
0320-6505 Trudy KAI KAI.
0454-9325 Trudy Kalininskogo politehničeskogo instituta Kalininskij politehničeskij institut
0371-8840 Trudy Kalininskogo torfânogo instituta.; Труды Калининского торфяного института Gosènergoizdat; Госэнергоиздат
0376-1347 Trudy Karadagskoj biologičeskoj stancii, Akademiâ nauk Ukrainskoj SSR.; Труды Карадагской биологической станции, Академия наук Украинской ССР Akademiâ nauk Ukrainskoj SSR; Академия наук Украинской ССР.
0368-6620 Trudy Kaunasskogo politehničeskogo instituta
0516-3056 Trudy Kazahskogo filiala Akademiâ stroitelʹstva i arhitektury SSSR
0516-7396 Trudy Kazahskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta mineralʹnogo syrʹâ Kazahskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut mineralʹnyj syrʹâ.
0075-529X Trudy Kazahskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta onkologii i radiologii Kazahskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut onkologii i radiologii.
0516-737X Trudy Kazahskogo regionalʹnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta Gidrometeoizdat.
0371-8964 Trudy Kazanskogo aviacionnogo instituta.; Труды Казанского авиационного института Kazanskij aviacionnyj institut; Казанский авиационный институт.
0516-1355 Trudy Kazanskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0371-8425 Trudy Kazanskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ geologičeskih nauk.; Труды Казанского филиала Академии наук СССР. Серия геологических наук Akademiâ nauk SSSR, Kazanskij filial; Академия наук СССР, Казанский филиал.
0371-8948 Trudy Kazanskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo veterinarnogo instituta.; Труды Казанского научно-исследовательского ветеринарного института Kazanskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij veterinarnyj institut; Казанский научно-исследовательский ветеринарный институт.
0371-8247 Trudy Kazanskoj gorodskoj astronomičeskoj observatorii Izdatelʹstvo Kazanskogo universiteta.
0375-3646 Trudy Kemerovskoj oblastnoj selʹskohozâjstvennoj opytnoj stancii Kemerovskaâ oblastnaâ selʹskohozâjstvennaâ opytnaâ stanciâ.
0320-0175 Trudy Kirgizskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. 50-letiâ SSSR. Seriâ biologičeskih nauk Kirgizskij gosudarstvennyj universitet im. 50-letiâ SSSR.
0376-0618 Trudy Kirgizskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta zemledeliâ Kirgizskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut zemledeliâ.
0371-8816 Trudy Kirgizskogo selʹskohozâjstvennogo instituta im. K.I. Skrâbina Legkaâ industriâ.
0506-1822 Trudy Kirovskogo otdeleniâ Vsesoûznogo fiziologičeskogo obśestva im. akademika I.P. Pavlova Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0371-8794 Trudy Kišinevskogo selʹskohozâjstvennogo instituta im. M. V. Frunze Kišinevskij sel'skohozâjstvennyh institut im. M. V. Frunze
0568-6148 Trudy Komi filiala Akademii nauk SSSR Akademiâ nauk SSSR, Komi filial.
1026-3373 Trudy Komi naučnogo centra UrO Rossijskoj akademii nauk Komi naučnyj centr UrO Rossijskoj akademii nauk
0516-1398 Trudy Komissii po borʹbe s korroziej metallov, Akademiâ nauk SSSR Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0371-8352 Trudy Kompleksnoj èkspedicii Saratovskogo universiteta po izučeniû Volgogradskogo i Saratovskogo vodohraniliś Izdatelʹstvo Saratovskogo universiteta.
0452-6317 Trudy Kostromskogo selʹskohozâjstvennogo instituta "Karavaevo" Kostromskoj selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut "Karavaevo".
0454-5060 Trudy Krasnodarskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta piśevoj promyšlennosti Krasnodarskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0301-1747 Trudy - Krymskij gosudarstvennyj medicinskij institut.; Труды - Крымский государственный медицинский институт Krymskij gosudarstvennyj medicinskij institut; Крымский государственный медицинский институт.
0371-8751 Trudy Krymskogo filiala, Akademiâ nauk Ukrainskoj SSR.; Труды Крымского филиала, Академия наук Украинской ССР Akademiâ nauk Ukrainskoj SSR; Академия наук Украинской ССР.
0568-4641 Trudy Laboratorii èlektromagnitnyh polej radiočastot ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni Instituta gigieny truda i professionalʹnyh zabolevanij AMN SSSR Institut gigieny truda i professionalʹnyh zabolevanij.
0457-4583 Trudy - Leningradskij inženerno-èkonomičeskij institut im. Palʹmiro Tolʹâtti Leningradskij inženerno-èkonomičeskij institut im. Palʹmiro Tolʹâtti.
0371-9189 Trudy Leningradskogo instituta kinoinženerov LIKI.
0371-943X Trudy Leningradskogo instituta vodnogo transporta.; Труды Ленинградского института водного транспорта Transport, Leningradskoe otdelenie; Транспорт, Ленинградское отделение.
0371-9243 Trudy Leningradskogo korablestroitelʹnogo instituta Leningradskij korablestroitelʹnij institut.
0455-6550 Trudy Leningradskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo psihonevrologičeskogo instituta im. V.M. Behtereva Medicina, Leningradskoe otdelenie.
0371-9316 Trudy Leningradskogo obśestva estestvoispytatelej Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0371-9367 Trudy Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigieničeskogo medicinskogo instituta Leningradskij sanitarno-gigieničeskij medicinskij institut.
0376-1312 Trudy LNIIA Leningradskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut antibiotikov.
0376-1304 Trudy LPI.; Труды ЛПИ Leningradskij politehničeskij institut im. M.I. Kalinina; Ленинградский политехнический институт им. М.И. Калинина.
0371-9685 Trudy Matematičeskogo instituta imeni V. A. Steklova Nauka
0234-9124 Trudy MÈI.; Труды МЭИ Izdatelʹstvo MÈI; Издательство МЭИ
0371-957X Trudy metrologičeskih institutov SSSR Izdatelʹstvo Standartov.
0579-8671 Trudy MIÈM MIÈM.
0371-9545 Trudy Moskovskogo ènergetičeskogo instituta Moskovskij ènergetičeskij instituta.
0130-4399 Trudy Moskovskogo instituta radiotehniki, èlektroniki i avtomatiki Moskovskij institut radiotehniki, èlektroniki i avtomatiki.
0301-2409 Trudy Moskovskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta èpidemiologii i mikrobiologii.; Труды Московского научно-исследовательского института эпидемиологии и микробиологии Moskovskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut èpidemiologii i mikrobiologii; Московский научно-исследовательский институт эпидемиологии и микробиологии.
0371-9677 Trudy Moskovskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta psihiatrii Moskovskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij Institut psihiatrii.
0371-9790 Trudy Moskovskogo obŝestva ispytatelej prirody.; Труды Московского общества испытателей природы Nauka; Наука
0371-9901 Trudy MVTU Moskovskoe vysšee tehničeskoe učiliśe im. N.E. Baumana.
0457-4656 Trudy Naučno-issledovatel'skogo instituta gidrometeorologičeskogo priborostroeniâ Gidrometeoizdat. Moskovskoe otdelenie
0320-0191 Trudy - Naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektnyj institut po gazoočistnym sooruženiâm, tehnike bezopasnosti i ohrane truda v promyšlennosti stroitelʹnyh materialov.; Труды - Научно-исследовательский и проектный институт по газоочистным сооружениям, технике безопасности и охране труда в промышленности строительных материалов [s.n.]
0372-0128 Trudy Naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta, Ministerstvo radiotehničeskoj promyšlennosti SSSR Ministerstvo radiotehničeskoj promyšlennosti SSSR.
0371-9928 Trudy Naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta biologii i biofiziki pri Tomskom ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gosudarstvennom universitete im. V.V. Kujbyševa.; Труды Научно-исследовательского института биологии и биофизики при Томском ордена Трудового Красного Знамени государственном университете им. В.В. Куйбышева Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo universiteta; Издательство Томского университета.
0202-1781 Trudy Naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta èlektronnoj introskopii pri Tomskom ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo znameni politehničeskom institute im. S.M. Kirova Atomizdat.
0130-4518 Trudy Naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta prikladnoj matematiki i mehaniki pri Tomskom ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gosudarstvennom universitete im V.V. Kujbyševa.; Труды Научно-исследовательского института прикладной математики и механики при Томском ордена Трудового Красного Знамени государственном университете им В.В. Куйбышева Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo universiteta; Издательство Томского университета.
0372-1256 Trudy Nikolaevskogo korablestroitelʹnogo instituta Nikolaevskij korablestroitelʹnyj institut.
0372-0179 Trudy Novočerkasskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni politehničeskogo instituta im. Sergo Ordžonikidze Novočerkasskij politehničeskij institut im. Sergo Ordžonikidze.
0372-0292 Trudy Novosibirskogo instituta inženerov železnodorožnogo transporta Novosibirskij institut inženerov železnodorožnogo transporta.
0371-7089 Trudy ordena Lenina Gidrometeorologičeskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo centra SSSR Gidrometeoizdat.
0376-1436 Trudy Orenburgskogo medicinskogo instituta Orenburgskij medicinskij institut.
0320-0205 Trudy - Permskij filial Vsesoûznogo naučno-proizvodstvennogo obʺedineniâ bumažnoj promyšlennosti.; Труды - Пермский филиал Всесоюзного научно-производственного объединения бумажной промышленности Permskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Пермское книжное издательство.
0376-1452 Trudy - Permskij gosudarstvennyj selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut im. akademika D.N. Prânišnikova.; Труды - Пермский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт им. академика Д.Н. Прянишникова [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0372-0594 Trudy Petergofskogo biologičeskogo instituta Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0564-3457 Trudy po himii i himičeskoj tehnologii Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut himii.
0130-4690 Trudy po pererabotke i primeneniû plastmass Plastik.
0372-0586 Trudy po prikladnoj botanike, genetike i selekcii.; Труды по прикладной ботанике, генетике и селекции Vsesosoûznaâ ordena Lenina i ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni akademiâ selʹskohozâjstvennyh nauk imeni V.I. Lenina; Всесосоюзная ордена Ленина и ордена Трудового Красного Знамени академия сельскохозяйственных наук имени В.И. Ленина
0372-087X Trudy po prikladnoj botanike, genetike i selekcii. Priloženie Vsesosoûznaâ ordena Lenina i ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni akademiâ selʹskohozâjstvennyh nauk imeni V.I. Lenina.
0130-4704 Trudy prepodavatelej i slušatelej universiteta naučno-tehničeskih znanij Izdatelʹstvo Tulʹskogo politehničeskogo instituta.
0372-1388 Trudy Rostovskogo-na-Donu instituta inženerov železnodorožnogo transporta Rostovskij-na-Donu institut inženerov železnodorožnogo transporta
0374-129X Trudy - Sahalinskij kompleksnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut Sahalinskij kompleksnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut.
0369-5778 Trudy Samarkandskogo medicinskogo instituta Samarkandskij medicinskij institut.
0375-4170 Trudy Saratovskogo otdeleniâ GosNIORH Privolžskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0581-7625 Trudy Saratovskogo selʹskohozâjstvennogo instituta Saratovskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut.
0321-2971 Trudy Seminara im. I.G.Petrovskogo Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta
0372-1639 Trudy Severo-Kavkazskogo gorno-metallurgičeskogo instituta.; Труды Северо-Кавказского горно-металлургического института Severo-Kavkazskij gornometallurgičeskij institut; Северо-Кавказский горнометаллургический институт.; Terek; Терек
0495-8438 Trudy Sibirskogo fiziko-tehničeskogo instituta im. akademika V.D. Kuznecova pri Tomskom ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gosudarstvennom universitete im. V.V. Kujbyševa Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
0583-1822 Trudy Sibirskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta geologii, geofiziki i mineralʹnogo syrʹâ Zapadno-Sibirskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0376-1487 Trudy Sovetskoj antarktičeskoj èkspedicii Arktičeskij i Antarktičeskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut.
0203-3070 Trudy - Sovmestnaâ sovetsko-mongolʹskaâ naučno-issledovatelʹskaâ geologičeskaâ èkspediciâ Nauka.
0372-1671 Trudy Stavropolʹskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta selʹskogo hozâjstva Stavropolʹskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut selʹskogo hozâjstva.
0562-7788 Trudy Sverdlovskogo selʹskohozâjstvennogo instituta Sverdlovskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut.
0868-4081 Trudy Tallinnskogo tehničeskogo universiteta [s.n.]
0372-2066 Trudy - Tatarskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektnyj institut neftânoj promyšlennosti.; Труды - Татарский научно-исследовательский и проектный институт нефтяной промышленности Tatarskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektnyj institut neftânoj promyšlennosti; Татарский научно-исследовательский и проектный институт нефтяной промышленности.
0134-4935 Trudy - Tihookeanskij okeanologičeskij institut. Geologiâ okrainnyh morej Tihogo Okeana.; Труды - Тихоокеанский океанологический институт. Геология окраинных морей Тихого Океана Tihookeanskij okeanologičeskij institut; Тихоокеанский океанологический институт.
0130-4917 Trudy TomNIIVS i TMI Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo universiteta.
0372-2090 Trudy Tomskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. V.V. Kujbyševa Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo universiteta.
0372-2120 Trudy - Tûmenskij industrialʹnyj institut.; Труды - Тюменский индустриальный институт Tûmenskij industrialʹnyj institut; Тюменский индустриальный институт.
0453-8579 Trudy - Ukrainskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij gidrometeorologičeskij institut Gidrometeoizdat.
0501-073X Trudy - Ulʹânovskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut Ulʹânovskij selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut
0579-9643 Trudy Universiteta družby narodov imeni Patrisa Lumumby Universitet družby narodov imeni Patrisa Lumumby.
0562-7834 Trudy Uralʹskogo lesotehničeskogo instituta Uralʹskij lesotehničeskij institut.
0372-2465 Trudy Uralʹskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta černyh metallov Uralʹskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut černyh metallov.
0566-3253 Trudy Uralʹskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta selʹskogo hozâjstva Uralʹskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut selʹskogo hozâjstva.
0376-1398 Trudy Uralʹskogo politehničeskogo instituta im. S.M. Kirova Uralʹskij politehničeskij institut im. S.M. Kirova.
0376-141X Trudy VGMI Volgogradskij gosudarstvennyj medicinskij institut.
0203-6703 Trudy VIÈV VIÈV.
0320-7439 Trudy VNIIAlmaza VNIIAlmaz.
0372-2945 Trudy VNIIAŠ VNIIAŠ.
0507-4983 Trudy VNIIÈTO Ènergiâ.
0372-0748 Trudy VNIIMetmaš VNIIMetmaš.
0371-4489 Trudy VNII poligrafii VNII poligrafii.
0131-4068 Trudy VNIITP VNIITP.
0372-3208 Trudy VNIITR VNIITR.
0131-4009 Trudy VNIIvagonostroeniâ VNIIvagonostroeniâ.
0320-1619 Trudy VNIKI "Cvetmetavtomatika" Metallugriâ.
0131-4173 Trudy - Volžskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut gidrotehniki i melioracii Privolžskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0376-1428 Trudy Voronežskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo instituta Voronežskij gosudarstvennyj medicinskij institut.
0506-1032 Trudy Voronežskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika Centralʹnoe-Černozemnoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0372-3046 Trudy Vostočnogo instituta ogneuporov Vostočnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij i proektnyj institut ogneupornoj promyšlennosti.
0371-7038 Trudy Vostočnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo gornorudnogo instituta Kemerovskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0301-1828 Trudy - Vsesoûznoe gidrobiologičeskoe obŝestvo.; Труды - Всесоюзное гидробиологическое общество Nauka; Наука.
0372-266X Trudy Vsesoûznogo èlektrotehničeskogo instituta Ènergiâ.
0372-2759 Trudy Vsesoûznogo instituta gelʹmintologii im. K.I. Skrâbina.; Труды Всесоюзного института гельминтологии им. К.И. Скрябина Vsesoûznyj institut gelʹmintologii im. K.I. Skrâbina; Всесоюзный институт гельминтологии им. К.И. Скрябина.
0372-2627 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo i konstruktorskogo instituta avtogennogo mašinostroeniâ VNIIavtogenmaš.
0463-568X Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta antibiotikov "Medgiz".
0372-2600 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta aviacionnyh materialov.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института авиационных материалов Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut aviacionnyh materialov; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт авиационных материалов.
0579-9848 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta avtogennoj obrabotki metallov "Mašinostroenie".
0372-2953 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta fiziologii, biohimii i pitaniâ selʹskohozâjstvennyh životnyh [s.n.].
0372-2694 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta galurgii.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института галургии "Nedra", Leningradskoe otdelenie; "Недра", Ленинградское отделение.
0201-9957 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta gidrometeorologičeskoj informacii-Mirovogo centra dannyh Gidrometeoizdat.
0371-9979 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta gidrotehniki i melioracii.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института гидротехники и мелиорации "Selʹhozgiz"; "Сельхозгиз".
0372-3178 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta iskusstvennogo židkogo topliva i gaza.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института искусственного жидкого топлива и газа "Gostoptehizdat"; "Гостоптехиздат".
0372-2988 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta konditerskoj promyšlennosti.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института кондитерской промышленности [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0372-2996 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta mineralʹnogo syrʹâ.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института минерального сырья Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut mineralʹnogo syrʹâ; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт минерального cырья.
0372-2821 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta pererabotki i ispolʹzovaniâ topliva.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института переработки и использования топлива "Gostoptehizdat"; "Гостоптехиздат".
0372-3119 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta po pererabotke slancev.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института по переработке сланцев "Gostoptehizdat"; "Гостоптехиздат".
0504-8877 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta pʹezooptičeskogo mineralʹnogo syrʹâ Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut pʹezooptičeskogo mineralʹnogo syrʹâ.
0131-4599 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta risa Krasnodarskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0201-9922 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta selʹskohozâjstvennoj mikrobiologii.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института сельскохозяйственной микробиологии Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut selʹskohozâjstvennoj mikrobiologii; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт сельскохозяйственной микробиологии.
0372-302X Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta standartnyh obrazcov i spektralʹnyh ètalonov.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института стандартных образцов и спектральных эталонов "Metallurgiâ"; "Металлургия".
0372-1949 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta sveklovičnogo polevodstva.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института свекловичного полеводства Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut sveklovičnogo polevodstva; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт свекловичного полеводства.
0404-584X Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta transportnogo stroitelʹstva "Transport".
0372-3232 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta vinodeliâ i vinogradarstva "Magarač".; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института виноделия и виноградарства "Магарач" Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut vinodeliâ i vinogradarstva "Magarač"; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт виноделия и виноградарства "Магарач"
0372-3542 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta zaŝity rastenij.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института защиты растений Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut zaŝity rastenij; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт защиты растений.
0372-3305 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta železnodorožnogo transporta Transport.
0372-3283 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta zernovogo hozâjstva Kolos.
0372-3631 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta životnogo syrʹâ i pušniny.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института животного сырья и пушнины Centrosoûz; Центросоюз.
0541-8798 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta zolota i redkih metallov Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut zolota i redkih metallov.
0463-5957 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta zvukozapisi "Iskusstvo".
0134-4900 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo i proektno-tehnologičeskogo instituta èlektrougolʹnyh izdelij.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского и проектно-технологического института электроугольных изделий Ènergiâ; Энергия.
0372-6428 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo i tehnologičeskogo instituta pticevodstva Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij i tehnologičeskij institut pticevodstva.
0372-283X Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo kinofotoinstituta Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij kinofotoinstitut.
0580-0064 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo konstruktorsko-tehnologičeskogo instituta podšipnikovoj promyšlennnosti [s.n.].
0372-3216 Trudy Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo vitaminnogo instituta.; Труды Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского витаминного института [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0506-1954 Trudy Vsesoûznogo obśestva fiziologov, biohimikov i farmakologov Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0371-6511 Trudy Vsesoûznogo ordena Lenina instituta èksperimentalʹnoj veterinarii Vsesoûznyj institut èksperimentalʹnoj veterinarii.
0459-0856 Trudy Vsesoûznogo ordena Lenina naučno-issledovatelʹskogo geologičeskogo instituta. Novaâ seriâ Izdatelʹstvo Leningraskogo Universiteta.
0494-7800 Trudy Vsesoûznogo ordena Lenina naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta hlopkovodstva Vsesoûznyj ordena Lenina naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut hlopkovodstva.
0372-2767 Trudy Vsesoûznogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta lʹna Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut lʹna.
0372-3054 Trudy Vsesoûznogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta ovcevodstva i kozovodstva Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut ovcevodstva i kozovodstva.
0372-2961 Trudy Vsesoûznogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni neftânogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo geologorazvedočnogo instituta.; Труды Всесоюзного ордена Трудового Красного Знамени нефтяного научно-исследовательского геологоразведочного института [s.n.]; [с.н.]
0321-3943 Trudy Vsesoûznogo proektno-konstruktorskogo i naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta avtomatizacii piŝevoj promyšlennosti.; Труды Всесоюзного проектно-конструкторского и научно-исследовательского института автоматизации пищевой промышленности Vsesoûznyj proektno-konstruktorskij i naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut avtomatizacii piŝevoj promyšlennosti "Piŝepromavtomatika"; Всесоюзный проектно-конструкторский и научно-исследовательский институт автоматизации пищевой промышленности "Пищепромавтоматика".
0372-3291 Trudy Vsesoûznogo selʹskohozâjstvennogo instituta zaočnogo obrazovaniâ Vsesoûznyj selʹskohozâjstvennyj institut zaočnogo obrazovaniâ.
0463-6007 Trudy Vsesoûznogo zaočnogo ènergetičeskogo instituta Gosènergoizdat.
0321-3811 Trudy - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij i konstruktorskij institut naučnogo priborostroeniâ.; Труды - Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский и конструкторский институт научного приборостроения [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0131-453X Trudy - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut biosinteza belkovyh veśestv, fermenty, polučenie i primenenie v narodnom hozâjstve [s.n.].
0371-8093 Trudy - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut cementnogo mašinostroeniâ.; Труды - Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт цементного машиностроения Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut cementnogo mašinostroeniâ; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт цементного машиностроения.
0507-648X Trudy - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut èfiromasličnyh kulʹtur.; Труды - Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт эфиромасличных культур Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut èfiromasličnyh kulʹtur; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт эфиромасличных культур.
0541-1025 Trudy - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut gidvogedogii i inženernoj geologii Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut gidrogeologii i inženernoj geologii.
0131-4602 Trudy - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut maslodelʹnoj i syrodelʹnoj promyšlennosti "Piśevaâ promyšlennostʹ".
0541-105X Trudy - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut mâsnoj promyšlennosti Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut mâsnoj promyšlennosti.
0463-5744 Trudy - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut moločnoj promyšlennosti "Piśevaâ promyšlennostʹ".
0507-505X Trudy - Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut prirodnyh gazov "Nedra".
0372-2899 Trudy Vtorogo Leningradskogo medicinskogo instituta.; Труды Второго Ленинградского медицинского института Vtoroj Leningradskij medicinskij institut; Второй Ленинградский медицинский институт.
0547-1869 Trudy Vysokogornogo geofizičeskogo instituta Gidrometeoizdat, Moskovskoe otdelenie.
0495-6036 Trudy Zakavkazskogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo gidrometeorologičeskogo instituta Gidrometeoizdat.
0514-5775 Trudy - Zapadno-Sibirskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij geologorazvedočnyj neftânoj institut Zapadno-Sibirskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij geologorazvedočnyj neftânoj institut.
0203-946X Trudy Zapadno-Sibirskogo regionalʹnogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo gidrometeorologičeskogo instituta.; Труды Западно-Сибирского регионального научно-исследовательского гидрометеорологического института Gidrometeoizdat Moskovskoe otdelenie; Гидрометеоиздат Московское отделение.
0132-702X Trudy ZSOVMO.; Труды ЗСОВМО Zapadno-Sibirskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Западно-Сибирское книжное издательство.
0208-7774 Trybologia Polskie Towarzystwo Tribologiczne.; Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy (Radom); Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich.
0494-0784 Tsao Chih Kung Yeh Ching Kung Yeh Chu Pan She
0369-1497 Tschermak's Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen Springer
1007-0214 Tsinghua Science and Technology Tsinghua University Press.
1878-7606 Tsinghua Science and Technology (e-vir) Elsevier
1344-9796 Tsufu to kakusan taisha Nihon Tsufu, Kakusan Taisha Gakkai
0916-2674 Tsukuba Daigaku gijutsu hōkoku Tsukuba Daigaku. Kenkyū Kyōryokubu; Tsukuba Daigaku Kenkyu Suishinbu; 筑波大学研究推進部
0386-7129 Tsukuba Daigaku Taiiku Kagaku-kei kiyäo University of Tsukuba. Institute of Health and Sport Science.
0385-020X Tsurumi shigaku Society for Tsurumi University School of Dental Medicine.
0286-1232 Tsuruoka Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko kenkyu kiyo Tsuruoka Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko
1749-4958 TSW TheScientificWorld
0355-2578 TTA. Tutkimus ja tekniikka Teknillisten tieteiden akatemia.; Akademin för tekniska vetenskap.
0340-9864 TUB-Dokumentation aktuell Presse- und Informationsreferat der Technischen Universität Berlin.
0721-6785 TUB-Dokumentation Kongresse und Tagungen Technische Universität Berlin, Der Präsident, Referat für Aussenbeziehungen :; Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität Berlin, Abt. Publikationen.
0041-3879 Tubercle E. & S.Livingstone
1472-9792 Tuberculosis Churchill Livingstone
0355-5011 Tuberculosis and respiratory diseases Suomen tuberkuloosin vastustamisyhdistys.; Föreningen för tuberkulosens bekämpande i Finland.; Finnish Anti-Tuberculosis Association.; Hengitys ja terveys.; Lunghälsan.; Finnish Lung Health Association.
0372-2449 Tuberkulosearzt [s. n.]
0496-3903 Tudomány és mezőgazdaság Hírlapk.
0524-8620 Tudományos értesítő - Agrártudományi Egyetem, Gödöllő Agrártudományi Egyetem.; Universitet agrarnyh nauk.; University of Agricultural Sciences.; Universität für Agrarwissenschaften.
0041-3917 Tudományos és Műszaki Tájékoztatás Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Országos Műszaki Információs Központ és Könyvtár
0133-3372 Tudományos közlemények - Szilikátipari Központi Kutató és Tervező Intézet Szilikátipari Központi Kutató és Tervező Intézet.
0041-3941 Tufts Dental Outlook
0564-4313 Tufts Folia Medica
0564-4356 Tuhá paliva Nakl. technické literatury
1001-4055 Tuijin jishu Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0300-2845 Tuinbouw mededelingen Ministerie van landbouw en visserij. Directie bedrijfsontwikkeling
0096-4077 Tulane studies in geology Tulane University.
0041-4018 Tulane studies in geology and paleontology Tulane University of Louisiana.
0253-4312 Tuliao gongye Huagongbu Tuliao Gongye Yanjiusuo,
0082-6804 Tulsa Geological Society digest Tulsa Geological Society.
1423-0380 Tumor biology (e-vir) S. Karger
0300-8916 Tumori journal Wichtig Publishing
2038-2529 Tumori journal (e-vir) Wichtig Editore
0041-4093 Tumor Research Sapporo Ika Daigaku Gan Kenkyusho
1351-8488 Tumor targeting Chapman & Hall.
1010-4283 Tumour biology S. Karger
0041-4107 Tungsram technische Mitteilungen Vereinigte Glühlampen und Elektrizitäts AG.
0191-4375 Tungsten United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0093-1144 Tung world Tung Growers Council of America.
0001-7302 Tung Wu Hsueh Pao s.n.
0372-2422 Tunisie agricole Société des agriculteurs de la Tunisie.
0253-9829 Turang Jiangsu renmin chubanshe,
1002-0616 Turang feiliao Zhongguo Nongxuehui Turang Feiliao Yanjiuhui
0564-3929 Turang xuebao Kexue Chubanshe,
0254-010X Turangxue jinzhan Zhongguo Kexueyuan Nanjing Turang Yanjiusuo; Turangxue jinzhan bianjibu
0147-7765 Turbulence in liquids University of Missouri--Rolla.
0096-7424 Turf culture United States Golf Association.
0496-4853 Turk Biologi Dergisi Turk Biologi Dernegi
0379-5950 Türk Cerrahî Cemiyeti Mecmuasi Türk Cerrahî Cemiyeti
0496-487X Türk Fizik Derneægi bülteni İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
1301-8825 Türk hematoloji-onkoloji dergisi Hacettepe Doktorlar Yayınevi
0377-9777 Türk hijiyen ve deneysel biyoloji dergisi Refik Saydam H%fz%ss%hha Merkezi Başkanl%ğ%
0049-4844 Türk hijiyen ve tecrübî biyoloji dergisi Refik Saydam Merkez Hıfzıssıhha Enstitüsü
1308-2523 Türk hijyen ve deneysel biyoloji dergisi (e-vir) Sağlik bakanliği refi̇k saydam hifzisihha merkezi̇ başkanliği
0371-7445 Türk hıfzıssıhha ve tecrübi biyoloji mecmuası Refik Saydam Merkez Hıfzıssıhha Enstitüsü
1300-011X Turkish journal of agriculture and forestry Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
1303-6173 Turkish journal of agriculture and forestry (e-vir) Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
0250-4685 Turkish journal of biochemistry Biyokimya Dernegi
1300-0152 Turkish journal of biology Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
1300-0527 Turkish journal of chemistry Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
1303-6130 Turkish journal of chemistry (e-vir) Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
1300-0985 Turkish journal of earth sciences Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
1300-0160 Turkish journal of engineering and environmental sciences Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
1300-7777 Turkish journal of haematology Turkish Society of Haematology
1301-109X Turkish journal of immunology İmmunoloji Derneægi.; Turkish Society of Immunology.
1300-0144 Turkish journal of medical sciences Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
1303-6165 Turkish journal of medical sciences (e-vir) Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
0254-5446 Turkish journal of nuclear sciences Turkish Atomic Energy Commission.; Türkiye Atom Enerji Kurumu.
0041-4301 Turkish Journal of pediatrics Hacettepe University
1304-530X Turkish journal of pharmaceutical sciences Türk Eczac%lar Birliği
2148-6247 Turkish journal of pharmaceutical sciences (e-vir) Türk Eczac%lar Birli%i
1300-0101 Turkish journal of physics Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
1300-0179 Turkish journal of zoology Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
0254-5454 Türkiye bitki koruma dergisi Ege Üniversitesi
0376-4621 Türkiye Cimento müstahsilleri bülteni Türkiye Cimento müstahsilleri birligi dernegi
0379-5969 Türkiye Genel Kimyagerler Kurumu. Dergisi-B Türkiye Genel Kimyagerler
1300-0292 Türkiye klinikleri tűp bilimleri dergisi = Hekimler Birliægi Vakfű
0372-2015 Türkiye Tűp Akademisi mecmuasű Türkiye Tűp Akademisi
0372-204X Türkiye Tűp Encümeni arşivi Türkiye Tűp Akademisi
0516-2149 Turkmenistan SSR-nin̦ ylymlar akademiâsynyn̦ habarlary Turkmenistan SSR-nin̦ ylymlar akademiâsynyn̦ neširâty
1026-3292 Turkmenistan ylymlar akademiâsynyn̦ habarlary Ylym
0494-2736 Turk Tip Cemiyeti Mecmuasi Turk Tip Cemiyeti
0377-2497 Türk Tip Derneğî dergîsî Türk Tip Derneğî
0041-4360 Turrialba Instituto interamericano de ciencias agrícolas
0096-3895 Turtox news General Biological Supply House.
0082-6979 Turun yliopiston julkaisuja Turun yliopisto.
0082-7002 Turun yliopiston julkaisuja Turun yliopisto.
0355-9483 Turun yliopiston julkaisuja Turun yliopisto.
0365-8082 Turun yliopiston julkaisuja Turun yliopisto.
0358-5077 Tutkimuksia / Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus.; Statens tekniska forskningscentral.; Technical Research Centre of Finland.
0781-4240 Tutkimusraportti Geologian tutkimuskeskus.
0430-5124 Tutkimusraportti / Geologinen tutkimuslaitos Geologinen tutkimuslaitos.
0494-3244 Tutun Institut za tutun
0372-2589 Tüzeléstechnika Magyar Mérnök- és Építész-Egylet.
0372-2686 TVF Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien
0939-0448 TW-Dermatologie Braun
0496-6201 Two and a Bud Tea Research Association, Tocklai Experimental Station.
0372-3313 Tworzywa. Guma. Lakiery Instytut Tworzyw Sztucznych
0372-3356 Tworzywa Sztuczne w Medycynie Zjednoczenie Przemysłu Ortopedycznego. Laboratorium Naukowo-Doświadczalne. Ośrodek Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej.; Zjednoczenie Przemysłu Ortopedycznego. Laboratorium Naukowo-Doświadczalne Przemysłu Ortopedycznego (Warszawa).; Centralny Ośrodek Techniki Medycznej (Warszawa). Resortowy Ośrodek Informacji Technicznej i Ekonomicznej.
0372-3364 Tworzywa Wielkoczęasteczkowe Instytut Tworzyw Sztucznych
0041-4786 Tydskrif vir natuurwetenskappe Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, Sekretaris
0372-3526 Tydskrif vir wetenskap en kuns Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, Sekretaris
0783-4098 Työ ja ihminen Työterveyslaitos.
0041-4859 Tyres and accessories Tyre Industry Publications
0170-9577 TZ für Metallbearbeitung Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen
0039-8667 TZ für praktische Metallbearbeitung Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen.
0372-1795 Tłuszcze, Środki Pioręace, Kosmetyki Zjednoczenie Przemysłu Chemii Gospodarczej "Pollena", Warszawa.
0495-6672 Tłuszcze i Środki Pioręace Instytut Przemysłu Tłuszczowego, Warszawa.; Branżowy Ośrodek Informacji Techniczno Ekonomicznej Zjednoczenia Przemysłowego Środków Pioręacych i Kosmetyków, Warszawa.
0371-9227 Tłuszcze Jadalne Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego.; Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego. Oddział Technologii Mięesa i Tłuszczu.; Instytut Przemysłu Tłuszczowego (Warszawa); Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego (Warszawa). Oddział Technologii Mięesa i Tłuszczu.
0074-9222 U.I.C.C. technical report series Union internationale contre le cancer
1538-5124 U.S. Chinese journal of lymphology and oncology U.S. Chinese Medical Association.; Shandong da xue. Yi xue yuan.
0094-4815 U.S.D.A. Forest Service general technical report FPL U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory ;; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.,
0093-1683 U.S.D.A. Forest Service research note FPL Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.)
0502-4994 U.S. Forest Service research note RM U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station
0099-667X U.S. Forest Service research note SE Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.)
0502-1170 U.S. Forest Service research paper FPL Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.)
0502-4463 U.S. Forest Service research paper PNW Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Portland, Or.)
0258-7734 U.S. Geological Survey saudi arabian project report U.S. Geological Survey.
0099-9156 U.S. Government research & development reports National Technical Information Service
0041-7696 U.S. Government research reports U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Office of Technical Services.
0082-5255 U.T.I.A.S. Report University of Toronto.
0386-4359 Ube Kogyo Koto Semmon Gakko kenkyu hokoku Ube Kogyo Koto Semmon Gakko
0303-6340 Übersichten zur Tierernährung DLG
0285-4465 Ube Tanki Daigaku Kankyäo Kagaku Kenkyäujo häokoku Ube Junior College. Environmental Science Laboratory.
0270-1901 UCB-FRG University of California, Berkeley.
0323-2514 Účelná farmakoterapie Obzor
0434-2038 Učenye trudy Volgo-Vâtskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0372-4247 Učenye zapiski Kirgizskij ženskij pedagogičeskij institut im. V.V. Maâkovskogo.
0372-5006 Učenye zapiski Azerbajdžanskij institut nefti i himii im. M. Azizbekova.; AZINEFTEHIM im. M. Azizbekova.
0372-5081 Učenye zapiski Kirovabadskij pedagogičeskij institut im. G. Zardabi.
0451-1085 Učenye zapiski Kurskij pedagogičeskij institut
0473-4858 Učenye zapiski Ošskij pedagogičeskij institut.
0483-0490 Učenye zapiski Zvaigzne
0494-7622 Učenye zapiski "Gosgeoltehizdat".
0541-0134 Učenye zapiski Moskovskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut gigieny im. F.F. Èrismana.
0541-3664 Učenye zapiski Muromskij pedagogičeskij institut.
0547-1885 Učenye zapiski Namanganskij pedagogičeskij institut im. Khamzy Khakim-zade Niâzi.
0550-5410 Učenye zapiski "Novgorodskaâ pravda".
0554-1506 Učenye zapiski Stavropolʹskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0555-5329 Učenye zapiski "Pskovskaâ pravda".
0558-6526 Učenye zapiski Saratovskij pedagogičeskij institut.
0372-4042 Učenye zapiski.; Ученые записки Pâtigorskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij balʹneologičeskij institut; Пятигорский научно-исследовательский бальнеологический институт.
0372-4220 Učenye zapiski.; Ученые записки Kaliningradskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogičeskij institut imeni M.I. Kalinina; Калининградский государственный педагогический институт имени М.И. Калинина
0372-4301 Učenye zapiski.; Ученые записки Leningradskij pedagogičeskij institut; Ленинградский педагогический институт.
0372-4395 Učenye zapiski.; Ученые записки Moskovskij gorodskoj pedagogičeskij institut im. V.P. Potemkina; Московский городской педагогический институт им. В.П. Потемкина.
0372-4425 Učenye zapiski.; Ученые записки Izdatelʹstvo Centrosoûza; Издательство Центросоюза.
0372-4514 Učenye zapiski.; Ученые записки Permskij gosudarstvennyj universitet im. M. Gorʹkogo; Пермский государственный университет им. М. Горького
0372-459X Učenye zapiski.; Ученые записки Permskij pedagogičeskij institut; Пермский педагогический институт
0372-4689 Učenye zapiski.; Ученые записки Rostovskij-na-Donu pedagogičeskij institut; Ростовский-на-Дону педагогический институт.
0372-4700 Učenye zapiski.; Ученые записки Rybinskij pedagogičeskij institut; Рыбинский педагогический институт.
0372-5065 Učenye zapiski.; Ученые записки Gorʹkovskij universitet im. N.I. Lobačevskogo; Горьковский университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского.
0372-5219 Učenye zapiski.; Ученые записки Primorskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Приморское книжное издательство.
0583-6638 Učenye zapiski.; Ученые записки Brânskij rabočij; Брянский рабочий
0321-3439 Učënye zapiski CAGI.; Учёные записки ЦАГИ Centralʹnyj aèro-gidrodinamičeskij institut im. prof. N.E. Žukovskogo; Центральный аэро-гидродинамический институт им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского
0507-1968 Učenye zapiski - Dalʹnevostočnyj universitet Dalʹnevostočnyj universitet.
0132-7011 Učenye zapiski - Ivanovskij universitet.; Ученые записки - Ивановский университет Ivanovskij universitet; Ивановский университет.
0451-5773 Učenye zapiski - Kazanskij pedagogičeskij institut Kazanskij pedagogičeskij institut.
0451-5838 Učenye zapiski Kazanskogo ordena Lenina gosudarstvennogo veterinarnogo instituta im. N.È. Baumana Ministrstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva SSSR.
0372-4352 Učenye zapiski Leningradskogo ordena Lenina gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.A. Ždanova.; Ученые записки Ленинградского ордена Ленина государственного университета им. А.А. Жданова Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta; Издательство Ленинградского университета.
0372-526X Učenye zapiski Leningradskogo ordena Lenina i ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gosudarstvennogo Universiteta imeni A.A. Ždanova. Seriâ geografičeskih nauk.; Ученые записки Ленинградского ордена Ленина и ордена Трудового Красного Знамени государственного Университета имени А.А. Жданова. Серия географических наук Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta; Издательство Ленинградского университета.
0372-4506 Učenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.; Ученые записки Петрозаводского государственного университета Gosizdat Karelʹskoj ASSR; Госиздат Карельской АССР
0372-5170 Učenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.; Ученые записки Петрозаводского государственного университета Petrozavodskij gosudarstvennyj universitet; Петрозаводский государственный университет
0372-4778 Učenye zapiski - Sverdlovskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogičeskij institut.; Ученые записки - Свердловский государственный педагогический институт Sverdlovskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogičeskij institut; Свердловский государственный педагогический институт.
0494-7568 Učenye zapiski - Taškentskij gosudartsvennyj pedagogičeskij institut imeni Nizami Taškentskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogičeskij intitut imeni Nizami. Kaffedra dialektičeskogo i istoričeskogo materializma.
0376-270X Učenye zapiski - Ulʹânovskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogičeskij institut imeni I.N. Ulʹânova. Seriâ fizičeskaâ Gosudarstvennyj pedagogičeskij institut.
0372-5227 Učenye zapiski - Vladimirskij pedagogičeskij institut im. L.I. Lebedeva-Polânskogo. Seriâ, Fizika.; Ученые записки - Владимирский педагогический институт им. Л.И. Лебедева-Полянского. Серия, Физика Vladimirskij pedagogičeskij institut im. L.I. Lebedeva-Polânskogo; Владимирский педагогический институт им. Л.И. Лебедева-Полянского.
0386-6971 Uchäusen kenkyäu Tokyo Daigaku. Uchäusen Kenkyäujo.
0387-0723 Uchu koku kankyo igaku Nihon Uchu Koku Kankyo Igakkai
1210-6313 Učitelské listy Agentura STROM
0082-7134 UCLA forum in medical sciences Academic Press
0735-9543 UCLA symposia on molecular and cellular biology University of California, Los Angeles.
0271-9444 UC report FM College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley.
0096-8188 UCRL Lawrence Radiation Laboratory.
0916-5703 Ueisuto risäosu Society of Waste & Resource Research.
0948-9452 UFZ-Bericht Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH
0041-5782 Ugeskrift for læger Lægeforeningen
0041-5790 Ugol' Nedra
0041-5804 Ugol' Ukrainy Tehnika
0041-5812 Uhlí Nakladatelství technické literatury
1210-1699 Uhlí-Rudy Zaměstnavatelský svaz důlního a naftového průmyslu
1210-7697 Uhlí-Rudy-Geologický průzkum Zaměstnavatelský svaz důlního a naftového průmyslu
1306-133X UHOD : Uluslararasý hematoloji - onkoloji dergisi akademi doktorlar yayinevi
0042-6857 Uirusu Nihon uirusu gakkai; Nihon uirusu gakkai
0501-0047 Uirusugaku no shinten Kyoto Daigaku. Uirusugaku Kenkyäujo.
0562-035X Uitvoerige verslagen van de Stichting Bosbouwproefstation "De Dorschkamp" Stichting bosbouwproefstation "De Dorschkamp"
2415-8860 Ukrainian botanical journal (e-vir) M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, NAS of Ukraine
0503-1052 Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry Mifʼal Tirgume Madda
1816-2002 Ukrainian journal of physical optics Institute of Physical Optics
1609-1833 Ukrainian journal of physical optics = Institute of Physical Optics
0503-1060 Ukrainian Physics Journal Amerind Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd.
1814-9758 Ukrainica bioorganica acta Ìnstitut molekulârnoï bìologìï ì genetiki NAN Ukraìni
1814-9766 Ukrainica bioorganica acta Ìnstitut molekulârnoï bìologìï ì genetiki NAN Ukraìni
0372-3909 Ukrains'kij biohimičnij žurnal Naukova dumka
0201-8470 Ukrainskij biohimičeskij žurnal Izdatel'stva "Naukova Dumka"
0503-1265 Ukrainskij fizičeskij žurnal [S.n.]
0041-6045 Ukrainskij himičeskij žurnal Naukova dumka
0041-6053 Ukrainskij matematičeskij žurnal Naukova dumka
0372-400X Ukraïnsʹkij fìzičnij žurnal.; Український фізичний журнал Naukova dumka; Наукова думка; Institut teoretičnoï fìziki NAN Ukraïni; Институт теоретичної фізики НАН України
0372-4204 Ukraïnsʹkij hìmìčnij žurnal.; Український хімічний журнал Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
1605-7295 Ukraïnsʹkij terapevtičnij žurnal.; Український терапевтичний журнал Akademìâ medičnih nauk Ukraïni, Ìnstitut terapìï; Академія медичних наук України, Інститут терапії; VÌT-A-POL; ВІТ-А-ПОЛ
0372-4123 Ukrajin'skyj botaničnyj žurnal Vidavnictvo "Naukova dumka"
0270-6504 UKY bulletin University of Kentucky.
0351-9503 Uljarstvo YU-ULJE; Tehnološki fakultet; Poljoprivredni fakultet
0304-3991 Ultramicroscopy North-Holland Publ. Co.
1879-2723 Ultramicroscopy (e-vir) Elsevier
0747-8291 Ultrapure water Tall Oaks Publishing
0970-9150 Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences A.H. Ansari
0041-624X Ultrasonics Butterworth Scientific
1874-9968 Ultrasonics (e-vir) Elsevier
0140-2218 Ultrasonics international IPC Science and Technology Press
1350-4177 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry Butterworth-Heinemann; Elsevier Science
1873-2828 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (e-vir) Elsevier
0191-3123 Ultrastructural pathology Hemisphere
1521-0758 Ultrastructural pathology (e-vir) Taylor and Francis
1735-403X Ulum-i daruyi Danishgah-i ulum-i pizishki-i Tabriz, danishkadah-i darusazi
2645-4963 ̒Ulūm-i zamīn; علوم زمین (e-vir) Sāzmān-i zamīn/shināsī va iktishāfāt-i ma̒danī-i kishvar; سازمان زمین شناسی و اکتشافات معدنی کشور
1023-7429 ̒Ulūm-i zamīn.; علوم زمین Sāzmān-i zamīn/shināsī va iktishāfāt-i ma̒danī-i kishvar; سازمان زمین شناسی و اکتشافات معدنی کشور
2008-0883 Ulum va tiknuluzhi-i pulimir (e-vir) Pizhuhishgah-i pulimir va pitrushimi Iran
1016-3255 ̒Ulūm va tiknuluzhī-i pulīmir.; علوم و تکنولوژی پلیمر Pizhūhishgāh-i pulīmir va pitrushīmī Īrān
0049-5123 Umění Ústav dějin umění Akademie věd České republiky
0916-8362 Umi no kenkyäu Oceanographic Society of Japan.
1319-8904 Umm al-Qura University journal of science, medicine, engineering Umm al-Qura University
0041-6347 Umschau in Wissenschaft und Technik Umschau Verlag
0041-6355 Umwelt Springer VDI-Verlag
0174-3244 Umwelthygiene Medizinisches Institut für Umwelthygiene.; MIU.
0301-8997 Umwelthygiene Neuer Hygiene-Verlag
0173-363X Umweltmagazin Vogel
1436-4964 Umweltmagazin (e-vir) Springer VDI-Verlag
1430-8681 Umweltmedizin in Forschung und Praxis (e-vir) Ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft AG & Co. KG
1616-5829 Umweltpraxis Vieweg.
1436-0241 Umweltschutz, Umweltgestaltung Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig.
1018-1016 Umwelttechnik Schweizerische Vereinigung für Gesundheitstechnik.; Verband schweizerischer Öl- und Gasbrennerfabrikanten.; Aqua suisse.; Schweizerische Vereinigung für Gesundheits- und Umwelttechnik.
1431-3987 Umweltwissenschaften Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften und Verfahrenstechnik der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus.
0934-3504 Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung Ecomed-Verl.-Ges..
1865-5084 Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung Springer
0041-6436 Unasylva Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0915-4515 Undäo Seikagaku Public Welfare Institute of Scientific Research Foundation.
0082-2086 Underground Water Supply Paper. Tasmania, Department of Mines Tasmania Department of Mines.
1066-2936 Undersea & hyperbaric medicine The Society
0093-5387 Undersea biomedical research Undersea Medical Society
0924-6223 Understanding chemical reactivity Reidel
0302-3478 Underwater information bulletin Butterworth Scientific
0306-3887 Underwater journal information bulletin IPC Science and Technology Press
0082-0997 Underwater physiology National Research Council (U.S.).; United States.; Undersea Medical Society.
0375-8036 Unesco ecology and conservation series Unesco
0099-8427 Ungerer's Bulletin
0370-7717 União farmacêutica União Farmacêutica de São Paulo.
0497-6223 Unidia El grafico,
0503-2083 Union Carbide Metals Review
0041-6959 Union médicale du Canada Union médicale du Canada.
0503-2377 Union of Burma journal of life sciences Burma Medical Research Institute
0566-7542 Union of Burma journal of science and technology Union of Burma Applied Research Institute
0302-4512 United Arab Republic Journal of Animal Production National Information and Documentation Centre
0367-0430 United Arab Republic Journal of Geology National Information and Documentation Center
0301-5076 United Arab Republic Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences National Information and Documentation Centre
0372-3763 United Arab Republic Journal of Physics National Information and Documentation Center
0041-7165 United Arab Republic Journal of Veterinary Science National Information and Documentation Centre
0436-922X United Kingdom, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Analytical Method [s.n.]
0501-2511 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Industrial Group, IG Report [s.n.]
0099-989X United Nations Secretariat, Bureau of Social Affairs United Nations Secretariat
0372-4441 United Services Review [s.n.]
0501-7963 United States, Forest Service, Research Paper CS
0566-0777 United States Armed Forces medical journal United States.
0099-8516 United States Army Natick Laboratories, Technical Report, Microbiology Series
0099-8524 United States Atomic Energy Commission Unclassified and Declassified Reports Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.
0197-369X United States imports and exports of natural gas United States. Energy Information Administration.; United States. Energy Information Administration.; United States. Energy Information Administration.
0096-2945 United States naval medical bulletin United States.; United States.
0099-8591 United States Paper Maker
0041-8102 United States Steel News Personnel Services Dep, United States Steel Corp.
0253-9276 Universidad de La Habana Dirección de información científico-técnica
2708-5511 Universidad de La Habana (e-vir) : Universidad de La Habana
0300-1865 Università degli studi di Trieste. Facoltà di Farmacia. Istituto di tecnica farmaceutica Istituto di tecnica farmaceutica; Editoriale LINT, 198u
0041-9079 Universitas Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
0041-9095 Universitas Medica Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Medicina
0122-7483 Universitas scientiarum Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
1436-0616 Universität Bonn, Physikalisches Institut Universität Bonn, Physikalisches Institut.
1436-1221 Universität Bonn, Physikalisches Institut Universität Bonn, Physikalisches Institut.
0172-8733 Universität Bonn, Physikalisches Institut. HE Universität Bonn, Physikalisches Institut.
0172-8741 Universität Bonn, Physikalisches Institut. IR Universität Bonn, Physikalisches Institut.
0254-5659 Universitatea din Timişoara. Facultatea de Ştiinţe ale Naturii Universitatea din Timişoara
0254-5667 Universitatea din Timişoara. Facultatea de Ştiinţe ale Naturii Universitatea din Timişoara
0379-301X Université libre de Bruxelles and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Inter-University Institute for High Energies Universities of Brussels (ULB-VUB)
1369-5614 University chemistry education Royal Society of Chemistry. Tertiary Education Group.
0372-3798 University of Allahabad studies [s.n.]
0372-381X University of Allahabad studies [s.n.]
0372-3690 University of Allahabad Studies University of Allahabad
0372-3712 University of Allahabad Studies [s.n.]
0372-3720 University of Allahabad Studies [s.n.]
0372-378X University of Allahabad Studies [s.n.]
0372-3658 University of Allahabad Studies. Botany Section University of Allahabad.
0571-0413 University of Arkansas, Engineering Experiment Station research report [University of Arkansas, Engineering Experiment Station],
0068-6506 University of California publications The University Press
0097-6970 University of California publications in agricultural sciences University of California Press :; Cambridge University Press]
0068-6395 University of California publications in botany University of California, Berkeley.
0096-9311 University of California publications in engineering University of California, Berkeley.
0068-6417 University of California publications in entomology University of California (1868-1952); University of California, Berkeley.
0068-645X University of California publications in geological sciences University of California Press
0097-157X University of California publications in pathology University of California, Berkeley.
0096-9664 University of California publications in pharmacology University of California, Berkeley.
0097-0662 University of California publications in physiology University of California, Berkeley.
0096-8951 University of California publications in public health University of California, Berkeley.
0144-3291 University of Cambridge. Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. DAMTP Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge.
0309-7293 University of Cambridge. Department of Engineering. CUED/A-Aero University of Cambridge. Department of Engineering.
0309-6513 University of Cambridge. Department of Engineering. CUED/A-Thermo University of Cambridge. Department of Engineering.
0309-6521 University of Cambridge. Department of Engineering. CUED/A-Turbo University of Cambridge. Department of Engineering.
0309-6505 University of Cambridge. Department of Engineering. CUED/C-Mat University of Cambridge. Department of Engineering.
0096-9567 University of Colorado studies University of Colorado (Boulder campus),
0097-1766 University of Colorado studies University of Colorado (Boulder campus)
0099-6599 University of Colorado Studies, Series C: Studies in the Social Sciences
0069-617X University of Colorado Studies, Series in Biology ????.
0588-4721 University of Colorado Studies, Series in Chemistry and Pharmacy ????.
0099-6211 University of Florida Publications, Biological Science Series
0099-3913 University of Hawaii Research Publications
0075-5052 University of Kansas paleontological contributions University of Kansas Paleontological Institute
0198-0173 University of Kansas publications Geological Survey (U.S.); Kansas Geological Survey.
0099-3905 University of Kansas Science Bulletin. Supplement Exchange Department.
0192-4656 University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service.
0502-6709 University of Leeds Medical Journal [s.n.]
0099-5096 University of Michigan Medical Bulletin
0737-1276 University of Minnesota continuing medical education University of Minnesota Press,
0099-6157 University of Minnesota Medical Bulletin University of Minnesota.
0076-5619 University of Nevada, Max C. Fleischmann College of Agriculture. T Series University of Nevada, Max C. Fleischmann College of Agriculture.
0097-4420 University of New Mexico publications in geology University of New Mexico.
0097-0476 University of New Mexico publications in meteoritics University of New Mexico Press,
0500-6112 University of Pennsylvania Medical Bulletin
0079-886X University of Queensland, Computer Centre, Papers University of Queensland Press.
0079-8916 University of Queensland Papers Department of Entomology University of Queensland Press.
0557-3254 University of Roorkee Research Journal University of Roorkee
0096-9575 University of Texas Bulletin
0254-1890 University of the O.F.S. publication. Series C University of the Orange Free State.; University of the O.F.S.
0372-4859 University of Toronto biological series University of Toronto.
0372-4867 University of Toronto studies University of Toronto.
0372-4875 University of Toronto studies University of Toronto.
0372-4905 University of Toronto studies University of Toronto.
0372-4913 University of Toronto studies University of Toronto.
0372-4921 University of Toronto studies University of Toronto.
0257-7933 University of Udaipur research journal University of Udaipur.
0379-5217 University of Udaipur research journal University of Udaipur.
0503-0064 University of Udaipur Research Studies Dep of Agricultural Zoology and Entomology, Rajasthan College of Agriculture
0083-7571 University of Washington Publications in Biology
0193-2470 University of Washington publications in fisheries University of Washington.
0193-1342 University of Washington publications in geology University of Washington.; University of Washington Press.
0193-2454 University of Washington publications in oceanography University of Washington.
0084-3199 University of Wyoming publications University of Wyoming.
0250-5592 University science journal Faculty of Science, University of Dar es Salaam.
0042-0409 Universo Istituto Geografico Militare
0195-5489 Update, the heart McGraw-Hill,
1436-5944 Update : clinical immunology Pabst.
0933-6788 Update in intensive care and emergency medicine Springer.
0300-9734 Uppsala Journal of Medical Sciences [S.n.]
0372-4654 Uppsala universitets °arsskrift Akademiska bokhandeln.
0348-677X Uppsala University, Institute of Physics Uppsala University. Department of Physics.; Uppsala University. Institute of Physics.; Uppsala universitet. Fysiska institutionen.
0566-7275 Upravlâemye sistemy Institut matematiki SO AN SSSR.
0372-4743 Uprawa Roślin i Nawożenie Zjednoczone Fabryki Zwięazków Azotowych w Mościcach i Chorzowie.
0130-5395 Uprovlâûŝie sistemy i mašiny Naukova dumka
0300-9726 Upsala journal of medical sciences
2000-1967 Upsala journal of medical sciences Upsala Medical Society; Informa Healthcare
0372-4646 Upsala läkareförenings förhandlingar Uppsala läkareförening
0049-562X Urania Urania-Verlag
0167-5583 Uranium Elsevier
0502-7616 Uranium abstracts Canadian Uranium Research Foundation.
0265-430X Uranium and nuclear energy Uranium Institute.; Uranium Institute.
0951-3450 Uranium supply and demand Uranium Institute.
1463-9041 Urban air pollution Computational Mechanics.
0288-3155 Urban Kubota Kubota Tekkäo Kabushiki Gaisha,; Kubota
1462-0758 Urban water Elsevier Science
1744-9006 Urban water journal (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0740-1353 Uremia investigation M. Dekker
0378-9535 Urja Urja.
0971-2038 Urja Oil and Gas International Dipak Basu Chaudhuri.
0324-0118 Urologiâ Ministerstvo na narodnoto zdradve. Centʺr za naučna medicinska informaciâ.
0042-1154 Urologiâ i nefrologiâ Medicina
1423-0399 Urologia internationalis (e-vir) S. Karger
0042-1138 Urologia Internationalis Karger; Albert J. Phiebig Inc
0500-7208 Urologia Polska = Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
0300-5623 Urological research Springer-Verlag
1434-0879 Urological research Springer
1078-1439 Urologic oncology Elsevier Science
1477-2795 UroOncology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Group
1561-0950 UroOncology Taylor & Francis Health Sciences.
0197-8942 US/IBP synthesis series International Biological Programme.; International Biological Programme.
0272-9229 USAFA-TR United States Air Force Academy.
0094-4386 USDA Forest Service general technical report NE Northeastern Forest Experiment Station
0099-3468 USDA Forest Service research note INT U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and & Range Experiment Station
0191-2666 USDA Forest Service research paper NE Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
0191-1465 USDA Forest Service research paper PNW Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Portland, Or.)
0363-5988 USDA Forest Service research paper PSW Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Pacific Forest and Range Experiment Station :; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.],
0099-3875 USGA Journal
0099-3867 USGA Journal and Turf Management
0540-9624 Uskoriteli Ènergoizdat.
0115-5075 USM research journal University of Southern Mindanao.
0130-7371 Uspehi biologičeskoj himii Nauka.
0042-1294 Uspehi fizičeskih nauk Nauka
2617-0795 Uspehi fiziki metallov (e-vir) Institut metallofiziki im. G.V. Kurdûmova NAN Ukrainy
1608-1021 Uspehi fiziki metallov.; Успехи физики металлов Institut metallofiziki NAN Ukrainy; Институт металлофизики НАН Украины; G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the NAS of Ukraine; Akademperìodika; Академперіодика
0301-1798 Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk.; Успехи физиологических наук Nauka; Наука.
0566-3911 Uspehi fotoniki Leningradskij Universitet.
0320-6637 Uspehi gepatologii Rižskij medicinskij institut.
0042-1308 Uspehi himii "Nauka"
0372-4158 Uspehi himii fosforoorganičeskih i seraorganičeskih soedinenij.; Успехи химии фосфороорганических и сераорганических соединений Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0042-1316 Uspehi matematičeskih nauk Nauka
0566-392X Uspehi mikrobiologii.; Успехи микробиологии Nauka; Наука.
0205-0625 Uspehi na molekulârnata biologiâ Bʺlgarska Akademiâ na naukite.; Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
0502-823X Uspehi naučnoj fotografii Nauka.
0042-1324 Uspehi sovremennoj biologii Nauka
0566-3946 Uspehi sovremennoj genetiki Nauka
0135-3179 Uspehi v oblasti izučeniâ i proizvodstva antibiotikov Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut antibiotikov.
0941-2026 UTA GIT-Verl.
0099-2933 Utah basic-data release The Survey,
0097-1588 Utah farm and home science Utah Agricultural Experiment Station.
0375-8176 Utah Geological Association publication Utah Geological Association.
0363-1192 Utah geology Utah Geological and Mineral Survey.
0372-4808 Utah State Medical Journal
0392-6567 Utensil Editoriale Tecnica Macchine
0082-5247 UTIAS review University of Toronto. Institute for Aerospace studies.
0082-5263 UTIAS technical note University of Toronto. Institute for Aerospace Studies.
0099-9911 Utilization Research Report. United States, Department of Agriculture U. S. Government Printing Office.
0888-8108 UT M.D. Anderson Symposium on Fundamental Cancer Research M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute.
0372-3984 Utsunomiya Daigaku Gakugei Gakubu Kenkyu Ronshu, Dai-2-Bu S.n.
0286-6293 Utsunomiya Daigaku Kyäoyäobu kenkyäu häokoku. Dai 2-bu Utsunomiya University. Faculty of General Education.
0385-2415 Utsunomiya Daigaku Kyoiku Gakubu kiyo. Dai 2-bu Utsunomiya Daigaku. Kyoiku Gakubu
0566-4683 Utsunomiya Daigaku Nogakubu, Gakujutsu Hokoku Tokushu Utsunomiya Daigaku Nogakubu.
0566-4691 Utsunomiya Daigaku Nogakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku Utsunomiya Daigaku Nogakubu
0566-4705 Utsunomiya Käotäo Näorin Gakkäo gakujutsu häokoku, dai 1-shäu Utsunomiya Käotäo Näorin Gakkäo.
0303-5395 Uttar Pradesh Soochna Vibhag.
0144-2317 UV Spectrometry Group bulletin UV Spectrometry Group.
0139-9284 ÚVVVR-Report Ústav pro výzkum, výrobu a využití radioisotopů
0315-4378 UWO medical journal Undergraduates of the UWO Medical School
1025-8817 Uzbekiston fizika žurnali Izdatelʹstvo FAN Akademii nauk respublika Užbekistan
0042-1693 Uzbekiston Geologiâ žurnali Izdatel'stvo "Fan" UzSSR
0042-1707 Uzbekiston Himija žurnali Izdatel'stvo "Fan" UzSSR
0042-1685 Uzbekskij biologičeskij žurnal [S.n.]
0770-1926 V.C.V. Tijdingen Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging.
0372-5677 V.I.-pamflet Vezelinstituut T.N.O.
0372-6908 V''gliŝa Ministerstvo na energetikata
0506-2772 V'trešni bolesti [s. n.]
0042-2657 V°ar föda Statens livsmedelsverk.
0264-410X Vaccine Butterworth Scientific
1873-2518 Vaccine (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
2230-2298 Vaccine Dovepress
1056-7909 Vaccine research Mary Ann Liebert,
1066-5153 Vaccine research and developments Dekker
0042-207X Vacuum Pergamon Press
1879-2715 Vacuum (e-vir) Elsevier
0083-5064 Vacuum Microbalance Techniques Plenum Publishing Corp.
0372-5367 Vaermlaendska Bergsmannafoereningens Annaler Vaermlaendska Bergsmannaforeningen.
0504-9717 Vakciny i syvorotki.; Вакцины и сыворотки Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0934-9758 Vakuum in der Praxis VCH
0138-2756 Vakuum-Information VEB Hochvakuum Dresden.
0947-076X Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis Deutsche Vakuumgesellschaft e.V.; DVG.
1522-2454 Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis Wiley-VCH-Verl.
0869-1738 Vakuumnaâ tehnika i tehnologiâ.; Вакуумная техника и технология Univak; Унивак
0042-2266 Vakuum-Technik Lang
1347-0396 Valqua technology news Nihon baruka kogyo,; Baruka
0372-6282 Valtion maatalouskoetoiminnan julkaisuja Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus.
0364-7951 Vanadium United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0372-5316 Vanasarn Royal Forest Dep, Thailand.
0042-2509 Vand Teknisk Forlag.
0921-2574 Vangnet Vereniging van Assistenten in de Nucleaire Geneeskunde.
1567-2700 Vascular disease prevention Bentham Science Publishers
1875-5844 Vascular disease prevention (e-vir) Bentham Science Publishers
0506-4287 Vascular Diseases [s.n.].
1176-6344 Vascular health and risk management Dove Medical Press,
1178-2048 Vascular health and risk management (e-vir) Dovepress
1537-1891 Vascular pharmacology Elsevier Science
1879-3649 Vascular Pharmacology (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0042-2886 Vatten Föreningen Vatten; Föreningen för vattenhygien
0372-6800 Vattenhygien Föreningen för Vattenhygien.
0372-6401 Växt-närings-nytt Gödsel- och Kalkindustriernas Samarbetsdelegation; Sverige. ; Sverige. ; Sverige.
0372-5324 Växtodling Institutionen för växtodling vid Lantbrukshögskolan.; Department of plant husbandry at the Agricultural college of Sweden.; Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Institutionen för växtodling.
0042-2169 Växtskyddsnotiser Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.; Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.; Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet; Statens växtskyddsanstalt; Lantbrukshögskolan
0347-3236 Växtskyddsrapporter Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Research Information Centre.; Lantbrukshögskolan.; Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Konsulentavdelningen. Sektionen för växtskydd.; Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Institutionen för växt- och skogsskydd.
0348-341X Växtskyddsrapporter Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Research Information Centre.; Lantbrukshögskolan.; Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Konsulentavdelningen. Sektionen för växtskydd.; Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Institutionen för växt- och skogsskydd.
0348-3428 Växtskyddsrapporter Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
0372-5383 V borʹbe za tehničeskoj progress.; В борьбе за технической прогресс Knižnoe izdatelʹstvo; Книжное издательство.
0042-2924 Včelařství Státni zemědělské nakladatselství
0083-5560 VDI-Berichte VDI-Verlag
0042-174X VDI-Forschungsheft Verein Deutscher Ingenieure.; VDI.
0042-1758 VDI Nachrichten Vdi-verlag
0042-1766 VDI-Z Springer V.D.I. Verlag
0372-543X VDI-Zeitschrift VDI-Verl.
0173-8712 VDLUFA-Schriftenreihe Verband Deutscher Landwirtschaftlicher Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalten.; VDLUFA.
1200-670X Vecteur environnement Association québécoise des techniques de l'environnement.; Réseau environnement.
0374-1389 Veda a výskum praxi Výskumný ústav vodného hospodárstva
0503-7484 Věda a výzkum v průmyslu kožedělném SNTL; Svit
0503-7492 Věda a výzkum v průmyslu sklářském SNTL
0372-5502 VEDAG Buch [s.n.]
0322-9181 Vědecké informace Základní knihovna. Ústředí vědeckých informací ČSAV
0231-6900 Vědecké práce ovocnářské Výzkumný a šlechtitelský ústav ovocnářský Holovousy s.r.o.; Sempra; Státní zemědělské nakladatelství
2695-1347 Vědecké práce ovocnářské (e-vir)
0375-4928 Vedecké práce Výskumného ústavu lúk a pasienkov v Banskej Bystrici Výskumný ústav lúk a pasienkov v Banskej Bystrici
0375-4960 Vedecké práce Výskumného ústavu pôdoznalectva a výživy rastlín v Bratislave Výskumný ústav pôdoznalectva a výživy rastlín v Bratislave
0375-4987 Vedecké práce Výskumného ústavu rastlinnej výroby v Piešťanoch Výskumný ústav rastlinnej výroby v Piešťanoch
0375-5010 Vedecke prace vyskumneho ustavu živočišnej vyroby v Nitre [S.n.]
0139-9888 Vědecké práce Výzkumného a šlechtitelského ústavu bramborářského v Havlíčkově Brodě Státní zemědělské nakladatelství
0375-488X Vědecké práce Výzkumného ústavu bramborářského v Havlíčkově Brodě Státní zemědělské nakladatelství
0375-4901 Vědecké práce Výzkumného ústavu pro chov prasat v Kostelci nad Orlicí Výzkumný ústav pro chov prasat
0372-6665 Vědecké práce Výzkumného ústavu veterinárního lékařství SZN
0042-2991 Vědecký svět Melantrich
0505-0618 Veeteelt - en zuivelberichten Ministerie van landbouw, visserij en voedselvoorziening
1364-3150 Vegetarian nutrition MCB University Press Ltd
0503-762X Vegyipari Kutató Intézetek Közleményei Nehézipari Könyv- és Folyóiratkiadó
1025-627X Veitsch-Radex-Rundschau Veitsch-Radex GmbH
0042-3351 Veneficus Veneficus
0372-5421 Venereal Disease Information
0320-8036 Ventilâciâ i očistka vozduha Nedra.
0197-1670 Ventron alembic Ventron Corp.]
1422-6162 Verbandsbericht Verband Schweizer Abwasser- und Gewässerschutzfachleute.
0049-5921 Verbindungstechnik Vereinigte Fachverlage Krausskopf, Ingenieur-Digest
0174-738X Verdauungskrankheiten Dustri-Verlag Feistle
0372-5472 Vereinigte Destillateur-Zeitungen Vereinigte Destillateur-Zeitungen
0172-7869 Verfahrensberichte zur physikalisch-chemischen Behandlung von Abwässern Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V.
0049-5948 Verfahrenstechnik Krausskopf-Verlag für Wirtschaft GmbH und CoKG
0373-4668 Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen.; Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen.
0373-465X Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeling Natuurkunde North-Holland
0372-6916 Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke vlaamse academie voor wetenschappen, letteren en schone kunsten van Belgi Koninklijke vlaamse academie voor wetenschappen, letteren en schone kunsten van België
0372-6355 Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap.
0550-6069 Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap.
0371-7208 Verhandelinge van die Geologiese Vereniging van Suid-Afrika Die Vereniging
0435-9496 Verhandeling van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen te Gent Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen.
0171-1113 Verhandlungen Gesellschaft für Ökologie.; GfÖ.
0066-1562 Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft Elsevier, Urban u. Fischer
0372-5413 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Angewandte Entomologie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Angewandte Entomologie.
0174-2817 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Herz- und Kreislaufforschung Steinkopff.
0070-4067 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin J. F. Bergmann
0070-4075 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kreislaufforschung Steinkopff
0070-4113 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie Fischer
0070-4121 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie.
0301-3200 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten; S. Karger AG
0940-7065 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zytologie Fischer
0070-4342 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft Fischer
0016-7819 Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Geologische Bundesanstalt
0372-5731 Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Bundeslaenderserie Geologische Bundesanstalt
0172-0651 Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte Thieme
0077-6122 Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel Birkhaeuser Verlag
0080-7362 Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft
0084-5647 Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft
0372-6932 Verhandlungen des Vereins der Schweizer Physiologen Verein der Schweizer Physiologen
0368-0770 Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
0372-8595 Verhandlungsbericht der Urologentagung
0372-6096 Verkehrstechnik [s.n.]
0083-5714 Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin University of Vermont, Agricultual Experiment Station.
0042-4153 Vermont Farm & Home Science Publications Office, Morrill Hall.
0372-5634 Vernici [s.n.].
0372-6703 Verniciatura
0372-5510 Verniciature e Decorazioni Edeves.
0372-6118 Veröffentlichungen aus dem Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Silikatforschung in Berlin-Dahlem [s.n.]
0068-0885 Veröffentlichungen aus dem Überseemusem Bremen, Reihe A,Naturwissenschaften Übersee-Museums
0372-6312 Veröffentlichungen aus der Morphologischen Pathologie Fischer
0340-241X Veröffentlichungen aus der Pathologie Fischer.
0342-572X Veröffentlichungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Getreideforschung e. V., Detmold Granum-Verlag.
0721-5304 Veröffentlichungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kartoffelforschung e.V., Detmold Granum-Verlag.
1018-1407 Veröffentlichungen der Bundesanstalt für Agrarbiologie Linz/Donau Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft
0372-5332 Veröffentlichungen der Bundesanstalt für Alpine Landwirtschaft in Admont [s.n.]
0074-9729 Veröffentlichungen der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Pharmazie e.V Wiss. Verl.-Ges.
0379-5330 Veröffentlichungen der Landwirtschaftlich-Chemischen Bundesversuchanstalt Linz Landwirtschaftlich-Chemischen Bundesversuchanstalt
0179-2075 Veröffentlichungen der Strahlenschutzkommission Urban u. Fischer
0379-1459 Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck Universität
0138-4600 Veröffentlichungen des Forschungsbereichs Geo- und Kosmoswissenschaften Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Forschungsbereich Geo- und Kosmoswissenschaften.
0343-2203 Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Küsten- und Binnenfischerei Hamburg Institut für Küsten- und Binnenfischerei der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei.
0068-0915 Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven Leuwer,Franz
0524-4331 Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven Institut für Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven.; Institute of Marine Research Bremerhaven.
0372-5960 Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Technische Hochschule, Hannover Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft der Technischen Hochschule
0342-474X Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Wasserforschung GmbH Dortmund und der Hydrologischen Abteilung der Dortmunder Stadwerke AG Hydrologische Abteilung der Dortmunder Stadtwerke AG.
0138-1105 Veröffentlichungen des Meteorologischen Dienstes der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Meteorologischer Dienst der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
0372-6541 Veröffentlichungen des Reichsgesundheitsamtes Springer
0514-8790 Veröffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts für Physik der Erde Zentralinstitut für Physik der Erde.
0372-5871 Verpackung im Chemiebetrieb Verl. Handelsblatt.
0083-5811 Verpackungsfolien, Verpackungspapiere Keppler.
0083-5803 Verpackungs-Magazin P. Keppler KG
0372-5642 Verre Compagnie internationale pour la fabrication mécanique du verre.
0984-7979 Verre... Institut du verre-Prover
0372-6746 Verre et silicates industriels Association belge pour favoriser l'étude des verres et des composés siliceux.
0337-5676 Verres et réfractaires Institut du verre
0372-6681 Verres et réfractaires Institut du verre
0372-669X Verres et réfractaires Institut du verre
0506-7707 Verre Textile, Plastiques Renforcés Centre de Documentation du Verre Textile et des Plastiques Renforcés
0366-5828 Verslag Centraal Technisch Instituut TNO, Afdeling Warmtetechniek.; Nijverheidsorganisatie voor TNO, Centraal Technisch Instituut TNO, Afdeling Warmtetechniek.; Organization for Industrial Research TNO, Central Technical Institute, Heat Technology Department.
0372-560X Verslag Vereniging tot Exploitatie eener Proefzuivelboerderij te Hoorn.
0372-5405 Verslagen der Vereeniging van Chemisch-, Technisch- en Landbouwkundig Adviseurs Ingen.
0300-1024 Verslagen en mededeelingen betreffende de volksgezondheid Staatsuitgeverij
0548-1228 Verslagen en mededelingen / Commissie voor Hydrologisch Onderzoek T.N.O Commissie voor Hydrologisch Onderzoek T.N.O.; TNO Committee on Hydrological Research.; Ausschuss für Hydrologische Untersuchungen TNO.; Section TNO des recherches hydrologiques.
0165-2664 Verslagen van interprovinciale proeven Plantenziektenkundige dienst
0372-6150 Verslagen van Landbouwkundige Onderzoekingen A Rijkslandbouwproefstation en Bodemkundig Instituut.
0372-6169 Verslagen van Landbouwkundige Onderzoekingen B Bodemkundig Instituut.
0372-6177 Verslagen van Landbouwkundige Onderzoekingen C Rijkslandbouwproefstation.
0372-6185 Verslagen van Landbouwkundige Onderzoekingen D Rijksproefstation voor Zaadcontrole.
0372-6223 Verslagen van landbouwkundige onderzoekingen der rijkslandbouwproefstations Department van Landbouw en Visscherij. Directie van den Landbouw.; Pudoc.
0372-6193 Verslagen van Landbouwkundige Onderzoekingen E Rijkslandbouwproefstation voor Veevoederonderzoek.
0372-6207 Verslagen van Landbouwkundige Onderzoekingen F Rijkslandbouwproefstation.
0372-6215 Verslagen van Landbouwkundige Onderzoekingen G S.n.
1024-5898 Vescì Akademìì agrarnyh navuk Belarusì Akademiâ agrarnyh navuk Belarusì.; Akademiâ agrarnyh nauk Belarusi.
1024-591X Vescì Akademìì navuk Belarusì. Seryâ fizika-matematyčnyh navuk Navuka i tehnika.
1024-5901 Vescì Akademìì navuk Belarusì. Seryâ fizika-tehničnyh navuk Navuka i tehnika.
1025-5567 Vescì Akademìì navuk Belarusì. Seryâ himičnyh navuk Navuka i tehnika.
0002-3558 Vesci Akademii navuk BSSR Navuka i tehnika
0321-1657 Vescì Akademìì navuk BSSR Akademìâ navuk Belaruskaj SSR.; Akademìâ navuk Belarusì.; Akademìâ navuk BSSR.; Akademiâ nauk BSSR.
0374-4760 Vescì Akademìì navuk BSSR Navuka i tehnika
0002-3574 Vesci Akademii navuk BSSR. Seryja fizika-matematyčnyh navuk Navuka i tehnika
0002-3566 Vesci Akademii navuk BSSR. Seryja fizika-tehničnyh navuk Navuka i tehnika
0002-3590 Vesci Akademii navuk BSSR. Seryja himičnyh navuk Navuka i tehnika
1561-8358 Vescì Nacyânalʹnaj akadèmìì navuk Belarusì Belaruskaâ navuka
1680-6387 Vescì Nacyânalʹnaj akadèmìì navuk Belarusì Belaruskaâ navuka
1561-2430 Vescì Nacyânalʹnaj akadèmìì navuk Belarusì.; Весці Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі Belaruskaâ navuka; Беларуская навука
1561-8331 Vescì Nacyânalʹnaj akadèmìì navuk Belarusì.; Весці Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі Belaruskaâ navuka; Беларуская навука
1029-8940 Vescì Nacyânalʹnaj akadèmìì navuk Belarusì. Seryâ bìâlagìčnyh navuk Belaruskaâ navuka
0355-0982 Vesientutkimuslaitoksen julkaisuja Vesihallitus.; National Board of Waters.
0505-3838 Vesitalous Maa- ja vesitekniikan tuki.; Vesi- ja viemärilaitosyhdistys.; Ympäristöviestintä.; Vesihuoltoliitto.
0042-4544 Vesmír Academia
0514-5961 Vesnik Zavod za geološka i geofizička istraživanja
0514-597X Vesnik Zavod za geološka i geofizička istraživanja
0514-5988 Vesnik Zavod za geološka i geofizička istraživanja
0321-0367 Vesnik Belaruskaga dzjaržaunaga universitèta Belaruski universitèt
0514-5953 Vesnik Zavoda za geološka i geofizička istraživanja NR Srbije Zavod za geološka i geofizička istraživanja NR Srbije
1335-0129 Vestník Slovensko.
0002-3027 Vestnik Akademii medicinskih nauk SSSR "Medicina"
0002-3213 Vestnik Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR Nauka
0002-3442 Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR Nauka
0320-1147 Vestnik Âroslavskogo universiteta.; Вестник Ярославского университета Âroslavskij universitet; Ярославский университет
0372-5340 Vestnik Belorusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. V.I. Lenina Izdatelʹstvo BGU
0372-5375 Vestnik Belorusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni V.I. Lenina Izdatel'stvo BGU
1210-3527 Věstník Českého geologického ústavu Český geologický ústav
0322-7758 Věstník Československé akademie zemědělské Československá akademie zemědělská
0042-4595 Věstník Československé společnosti zoologické Academia
0042-4609 Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii Medicina
2313-6294 Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii (e-vir) Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii
0372-5561 Vestnik èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj èlektrotehniki.; Вестник экспериментальной и теоретической электротехники Vsesoûznyj èlektrotehničeskij institut; Всесоюзный электротехнический институт.
0372-5618 Vestnik èlektropromyšlennosti Ministerstvo èlektropromyšlennosti SSSR
0372-557X Vestnik èlektrotehniki.; Вестник электротехники [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0372-5839 Vestnik Glavnogo upravleniâ metallopromyšlennosti.; Вестник Главного управления металлопромышленности Narodnyj komissariat tâželogo, srednego i obŝego mašinostroeniâ SSSR; Народный комиссариат тяжелого, среднего и общего машиностроения СССР.
0453-7998 Vestnik Harʹkovskogo politehničeskogo instituta.; Вестник Харьковского политехнического института Izdatelʹstvo pri Harʹkovskom universitete; Издательство при Харьковском университете.
0042-4625 Vestnik hirurgii im. I.I.Grekova Medicina, Leningradskoe otdelenie
0372-5936 Vestnik inženerov i tehnikov.; Вестник инженеров и техников Vsesoûznyj sovet inženerno-tehničeskih obŝestv; Всесоюзный совет инженерно-технических обществ.
0203-6584 Vestnik Kievskogo politehničeskogo instituta Viśa škola
0203-6592 Vestnik Kievskogo politehničeskogo instituta.; Вестник Киевского политехнического института Viŝa škola; Вища школа.
0372-6045 Vestnik Kievskogo politehničeskogo instituta.; Вестник Киевского политехнического института Viŝa škola; Вища школа.
0372-6053 Vestnik Kievskogo politehničeskogo instituta.; Вестник Киевского политехнического института Viŝa škola; Вища школа; KPI; КПИ
0024-0826 Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo universiteta
0024-0834 Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo universiteta
0024-0850 Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo universiteta
0321-186X Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta Leningradskij universitet
0372-6126 Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta Leningradskij universitet.
0372-624X Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta.; Вестник Ленинградского университета Leningradskij universitet; Ленинградский университет.
0042-4633 Vestnik mašinostroeniâ Mašinostroenie
0372-6274 Vestnik metallopromyšlennosti.; Вестник металлопромышленности Narodnyj komissariat tâželogo, srednego i obŝego mašinostroeniâ SSSR; Народный комиссариат тяжелого, среднего и общего машиностроения СССР.
1606-4313 Vestnik Meždunarodnoj akademii holoda Meždunarodnaâ akademiâ holoda.
0372-6266 Vestnik mikrobiologii, èpidemiologii i parazitologii Gosudarstvennyj institut mikrobiologii Ûgo-Vostoka SSSR.
0236-3941 Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo tehničeskogo universiteta.; Вестник Московского государственного технического университета MGTU; МГТУ; MGTU imeni N.È. Baumana; МГТУ имени Н.Э. Баумана
0137-0944 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta
0137-0952 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta
0463-5434 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta Moskovskij universitet.
0579-9368 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta Izdatel'stvo Moskovskgo universiteta
0579-9384 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta
0579-9414 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta Izdateljstvo Moskovskogo unuversiteta
2949-6144 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta; Вестник Московского университета (e-vir) Izdatelʹskij dom Moskovskogo universiteta; Издательский дом Московского университета
0372-6320 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta.; Вестник Московского университета Moskovskij universitet; Московский университет.
0579-9392 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriâ 3. Fizika, astronomiâ Moskovskij universitet
0579-9406 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriâ 4, Geologiâ Izdatel'stvo Moskovskgo universiteta
0579-9422 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriâ 6, Biologiâ, počvovedenie.; Вестник Московского университета. Серия 6, Биология, почвоведение Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta; Издательство Московского университета.
0541-0770 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriâ biologii počvovedeniâ, geologii, geografii.; Вестник Московского университета. Серия биологии почвоведения, геологии, географии Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo Universteta; Издательство Московского Универстета.
1728-2101 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriâ Himiâ (e-vir) Himičeskij fakulʹtet MGU.
0579-9376 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriâ Matematiki, mehaniki, astronomii, fiziki, himii.; Вестник Московского университета. Серия Математики, механики, астрономии, физики, химии Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta; Издательство Московского университета.
0042-465X Vestnik oftal'mologii "Medicina"
0093-5158 Vestnik of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Akademiňińa mediňtńsinskikh nauk SSSR.; Joint Publications Research Service.
0042-4668 Vestnik otorinolaringologii Medicina
0042-4676 Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii Medicina; Lučevaâ diagnostika
2619-0478 Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii; Вестник рентгенологии и радиологии (e-vir) Lučevaâ diagnostika; Лучевая диагностика
0869-6047 Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii medicinskih nauk Medicina
2414-3545 Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii medicinskih nauk (e-vir) Pediatrʺ
0869-5873 Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk Nauka
0869-3730 Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii sel'skohozjajstvennyh nauk Nauka
1810-5378 Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.; Вестник Самарского государственного университета Samarskij universitet; Самарский университет
1024-8579 Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet.
1025-3106 Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet
1025-8604 Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet.
1029-7456 Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta.; Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета Izdatelʹstvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta; Издательство Санкт-Петербургского университета
0206-6335 Vestnik sel'skohozâjstvennoj nauki ŐKolosŸ
0042-4684 Vestnik selʹskohozâjstvennoj nauki Kazahstana Ministerstvo selʹskogo hozâjstva Kazahskoj SSR.; Astana Press
0372-6754 Vestnik socialističeskogo rastenievodstva.; Вестник социалистического растениеводства [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0372-5650 Vestnik standartizacii.; Вестник стандартизации Sovet narodnyh komissarov SSSR; Совет народных комиссаров СССР.
0372-6738 Věstník Státního geologického ústavu Československé republiky Státní geologický ústav Československé republiky
0372-6495 Vestnik studenčeskogo naučnogo obŝestva.; Вестник студенческого научного общества Kazanskij universitet im. V.I. Ulʹânova-Lenina; Казанский университет им. В.И. Ульянова-Ленина.
0320-8141 Vestnik svâzi Svâz'
0136-5835 Vestnik Tambovskogo gosudarstvennogo tehničeskogo universiteta Tambovskij gosudarstvennyj tehničeskij universitet
0372-6770 Vestnik tehničeskoj i èkonomičeskoj informacii.; Вестник технической и экономической информации "Goshimizdat"; "Госхимиздат".
0322-8967 Věstník Úřadu pro patenty a vynálezy Úřad pro patenty a vynálezy
0322-7693 Věstník Úřadu pro vynálezy a objevy Úřad pro vynálezy a objevy
0231-9942 Věstník Úřadu pro vynálezy a objevy. Část A, Vynálezy Úřad pro vynálezy a objevy
0231-9985 Věstník Úřadu pro vynálezy a objevy. Část B, Ochranné známky a průmyslové vzory Úřad pro vynálezy a objevy
1210-6569 Věstník Úřadu průmyslového vlastnictví. Část A, Vynálezy, užitné vzory, topografie Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví České republiky
1211-4197 Věstník Úřadu průmyslového vlastnictví. Část A, Vynálezy, užitné vzory, topografie, průmyslové vzory Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví České republiky
0042-4730 Věstník Ústředního ústavu geologického Academia
0042-4749 Vestnik Vsesoûznogo naučno-issledovatelʹskogo instituta železnodorožnogo transporta "Transport".
0574-8801 Věstník výzkumných ústavů zemědělských Úst. vědecko-techn. informací MZLVH
0084-5604 Vestnik zoologii Institut zoologii im. I. I. Ščmalʹ gauzena NAN Ukrainy
2073-2333 Vestnik zoologii (e-vir) I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology
0372-6940 Veszprémi Vegyipari Egyetem Tudományos Ülésszakának előadásai VVE
0301-5092 Veterinaria Universidad nacional autónoma.
0372-5987 Veterinaria Spofa.
0372-6827 Veterinaria Savez udruženja veterinara i veterinarskih tehničara BiH; Veterinarski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu; Zajednica preduzeća veterinarstva Sarajevo
0506-8142 Veterinaria Farmitalia.
2007-5472 Veterinaria (e-vir) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia
2233-1360 Veterinaria Veterinarski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu
0042-4846 Veterinariâ Kolos
0505-401X Veterinaria italiana Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"
1828-1427 Veterinaria italiana ISZ dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"
0042-482X Veterinária moçambicana Instituto de investigação científica de Moçambique.
0506-8185 Veterinarian [s.n.]
0083-5862 Veterinär-medizinische Nachrichten Elwert.
0321-0529 Veterinarnaâ nauka-proizvodstvu Naučno-issledovatelʹskij veterinarnyj institut.
1310-5825 Veterinarna medicina.; Ветеринарна медицина Nacionalna veterinarnomedicinska služba; Национална ветеринарномедицинска служба
0375-8427 Veterinární medicína Česká akademie zemědělských věd-Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací
1805-9392 Veterinární medicína (e-vir) Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
0324-1068 Veterinarno-medicinski nauki Selskostopanska akademija Georgi Dimitrov
0372-5480 Veterinarski arhiv Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
1331-8055 Veterinarski arhiv (e-vir) University of Zagreb, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
0350-2457 Veterinarski glasnik Veterinarski fakultet
2406-0771 Veterinarski glasnik (e-vir) Veterinarski fakultet
0505-4028 Veterinársky časopis Slovensko. Ministerstvo poělnohospodárstva a výživy SSR.
0506-8231 Veterinäřství Státní zemědělské nakladatelství
1467-2987 Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia Elsevier
1467-2995 Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1476-5810 Veterinary and comparative oncology Blackwell
1476-5829 Veterinary and comparative oncology (e-vir) Blackwell
0145-6296 Veterinary and human toxicology American College of Veterinary Toxicologists
0149-3949 Veterinary anesthesia Society of Veterinary Anesthesia.
0083-5870 Veterinary annual John Wright & Sons
0042-4854 Veterinary Bulletin Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
0275-6382 Veterinary clinical pathology Veterinary Practice Pub. Co.
1939-165X Veterinary clinical pathology (e-vir) Veterinary Practice Pub. Co.
0165-2427 Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology Elsevier
1873-2534 Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology (e-vir) Elsevier
0372-5545 Veterinary journal
1110-1423 Veterinary Medical Journal Giza Cairo University
0506-8274 Veterinary medical review Bayer Leverkusen, Veterinary Department.
0372-5588 Veterinary Medicine
0042-4889 Veterinary medicine, small animal clinician Veterinary Medicine Pub. Co.
0378-1135 Veterinary Microbiology Elsevier
1873-2542 Veterinary Microbiology (e-vir) Elsevier
1463-5216 Veterinary ophthalmology Blackwell Science
1463-5224 Veterinary ophthalmology (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
1873-2550 Veterinary parasitology (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0304-4017 Veterinary Parasitology Associated Scientific Publ.
0300-9858 Veterinary pathology American College of Veterinary Pathologists.
1544-2217 Veterinary pathology (e-vir) Karger
0165-2176 Veterinary quarterly Nijhoff
0042-4900 Veterinary record British Veterinary Association
0928-4249 Veterinary research Editions scientifiques d'Elsevier
1297-9716 Veterinary research (e-vir) EDP sciences; BioMed Central
0165-7380 Veterinary research communications Elsevier; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-7446 Veterinary research communications (e-vir) Kluwer
0378-4312 Veterinary science communications Elsevier
0091-5300 Veterinary toxicology American College of Veterinary Toxicologists.
0003-3685 Veteriner Fakültesi dergisi Ankara Üniversitesi
0210-7996 Veterin-extracta Publicaciones DIF; Laboratorios Andreu
0173-0479 VetMed-Berichte Institut für Veterinärmedizin des Bundesgesundheitsamtes.
0505-4079 Vetro e silicati Casa Editrice Palazzo Vecchio
0042-1804 VFDB Zeitschrift W. Kohlhammer GmbH
0372-5715 VGB-Kraftwerkstechnik Technische Vereinigung der Grosskraftwerksbetreiber e.V.; VGB-Kraftwerkstechnik GmbH
1435-3199 VGB powertech Technical Association of Large Power Plant Operators; VGB-Kraftwerkstechnik
0506-3248 VIA, Varian instrument applications Varian Associates. Instrument Division.
0042-5036 Viaţa medicalæa CARTIMEX
0090-1911 Vibrational spectra and structure Elsevier Scientific Publications
1873-3697 Vibrational spectroscopy (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0924-2031 Vibrational Spectroscopy Elsevier
0504-1104 Victoires sur le cancer Institut Solomidès (Sceaux, Hauts-de-Seine)
0504-152X Vida médica Consejo General del Colegio Médico de Chile
0042-5281 Vide Société française des ingénieurs techniciens du vide
0505-4753 Vidya. B. Sciences Gujarat University.
0506-8932 Vie et milieu. Serie C. Biologie Terrestre Hermann
0223-422X Vie marine Institut océanographique Paul Ricard.
0315-5153 Vie médicale au Canada français Université Laval. Faculté de médecine.
0372-5766 Vierteljahresschrift für Gerichtliche Medizin und Öffentliches Sanitätswesen
0372-6630 Vierteljahresschrift für praktische Pharmazie Deutscher Apotheker-Verein.
0042-5672 Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich Naturforschende Gesellschaft
0372-5863 Vietnamica chimica acta Secy, Vietnamese Chemical Society.
0083-6230 Viewpoints in biology Butterworths
0377-8487 Vignana bharathi s.n..
0390-0479 Vignevini Edagricole
0378-8717 Vigyan shikshak All India Science Teachers 'Assoc..
0505-5806 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika Vijnana Parishad
0042-6075 Vijnana Pragati CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR)
0042-6121 Vikram [s.n.]
0042-6210 Villamosság Lapkiadó
0042-630X Vini d'Italia Luigi Scialpi Editore
0042-6318 Vinodelie i vinogradarstvo SSSR Piŝevaâ promyšlennost'
0372-6304 Vinogradarstvo.; Виноградарство Urožaj; Урожай
0372-5847 Vinogradarstvo ì vinorobstvo.; Виноградарство і виноробство Urožaj; Урожай; NNC "ÌVìV ìm. V.Ê. Taïrova"; ННЦ "ÌВіВ ім. В.Є. Таїрова"
0042-6326 Vinohrad Výskumný ústav vinohradnícky a vinársky
0882-8245 Viral immunology Mary Ann Liebert
1557-8976 Viral immunology (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1432-2307 Virchows archiv (e-vir) Springer
0945-6317 Virchows Archiv Springer
0174-7398 Virchows Archiv. A, Pathological anatomy and histopathology Springer
0042-6423 Virchows Archiv. A, Pathology Springer-Verlag
0340-1227 Virchows Archiv. A. Pathological anatomy and histology Springer
0340-6075 Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology Springer
0376-0081 Virchows Archiv fuer Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fuer Klinische Medizin Springer
0099-3832 Virginia, Geological Survey, Reprint Series
0160-4643 Virginia Division of Mineral Resources publication Virginia. Division of Mineral Resources.
0097-1782 Virginia fruit Virginia State Horticultural Society.
0042-658X Virginia journal of science Virginia Academy of Science.
0092-8291 Virginia medical monthly [publisher not identified]
0042-6652 Virginia minerals Virginia.; Virginia.
0507-1216 Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Engineering Extension Series Circular
0042-6822 Virology Academic Press.
1096-0341 Virology (e-vir) Academic Press; Elsevier
1743-422X Virology journal (e-vir) Biomed Central.
0920-8569 Virus genes (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1572-994X Virus genes (e-vir) Kluwer
0168-1702 Virus Research Elsevier
1872-7492 Virus Research (e-vir) Elsevier
1518-5192 Visão acadêmica Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curso de Farmácia.
0254-0436 Viseîsa Prakaîsana - Bhäaratäiya Bhäuvaijñäanika Sarvekîsaîna Bhäaratäiya Bhäuvaijñäanika Sarvekîsaîna.
0042-6989 Vision Research Pergamon Press.
1878-5646 Vision Research (e-vir) Pergamon
1315-0855 Visión tecnológica Instituto Tecnológico Venezolano del Petróleo.
1562-7241 Vìsnik farmacìï.; Вісник фармації Vidavnictvo UkrFA; Видавництво УкрФА; NFaU; НФаУ
0453-8048 Visnik Harkivs'kogo universitetu Vidavnictvo pri Harkivs'komu universiteti
0372-6088 Visnik Kiívs'kogo universitetu. Seriâ himií Vidavnictvo Kiïvs'kogo universitetu
0321-2211 Vìsnik Kiïvsʹkogo polìtehnìčnogo ìnstitutu.; Вісник Київського політехнічного інституту Nacìonalʹnij tehnìčnij unìversitet Ukraïni "Kiïvsʹkij polìtehnìčnij ìnstitut ìmenì Ìgorâ Sìkorsʹkogo"; Національний технічний університет України "Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ìгоря Сікорського"
0372-607X Vìsnik Kiïvsʹkogo unìversitetu. Fìziki.; Вісник Київського університету. Фізики Viŝa škola; Вища школа.
0453-8587 Vìsnik Kiïvsʹkogo unìversitetu. Serìâ astronomìï.; Вісник Київського університету. Серія астрономії Vidavnictvo Kiïvsʹkogo unìversitetu; Видавництво Київського університету.
0453-8595 Vìsnik Kiïvsʹkogo unìversitetu. Serìâ bìologìï.; Вісник Київського університету. Серія біології Vidavnictvo Kiïvsʹkogo unìversitetu; Видавництво Київського університету.
0460-0444 Vìsnik Lʹvìvsʹkogo ordena Lenìna deržavnogo unìversitetu ìm. Ìvana Franka.; Вісник Львівського ордена Леніна державного університету ім. Ìвана Франка Lʹvìvsʹkij unìversitet; Львівський університет
0460-0509 Vìsnik Lʹvìvsʹkogo ordena Lenìna deržavnogo unìversitetu ìm. Ivana Franka. Serìâ hìmìčna; Вісник Львівського ордена Леніна державного університету ім. Ивана Франка. Серія хімічна Vidavnyctvo Lʹvìvsʹkogo unìversitetu; Видавныцтво Львівського університету.
0042-7020 Vìsnik sìlʹsʹkogo gospodarsʹkoï nauki.; Вісник сільського господарської науки Urožaj; Урожай.
0372-6436 Vïsnyk Akademïï nauk Ukraïnsʹ koï RSR Naukova dumka
0042-7047 Visserij Ministerie van Landbouw en Visserij. Directie van de Visserijen.
0498-2932 Vistas in Astronautics
0083-6656 Vistas in astronomy Pergamon Press
0507-1593 Vistas in Botany [s.n.]
0378-9454 Vistas in plant sciences Today and Tommorrow's Printers and Publishers.
1077-226X Visualization of engineering research (e-vir) Wiley.
0253-6765 Visva-Bharati journal of research. Science Visva-Bharati Research Publications Committee.
0372-6835 Vita Fédération des industries agricoles et alimentaires.
0121-4004 Vitae Universidad de Antioquia. Facultad de Quimica Farmaceutica
0507-1763 Vitalstoffe, Zivilisationskrankheiten Medici-Verl..
0721-7110 Vitamin D de Gruyter.
0099-9652 Vitamin D Digest
0083-6729 Vitamins and hormones Academic Press
2162-2620 Vitamins and hormones (e-vir) Academic Press
1131-5679 Viticultura enología profesional Agro Latino
0372-5855 Viticulture-Arboriculture Presses documentaires
0042-7500 Vitis Institut für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof des Julius Kühn-Instituts, Bundesforschungsanstalt für Kulturpflanzen
2367-4156 Vitis (e-vir) Bundesforschungsanstalt für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof; Institut für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof
0042-7519 Vitreous enameller Institute of Vitreous Enamellers.
0134-1316 Vituki közlemények Vízgazdálkodási Tudományos Kutató Központ.; Vituki.
0910-4003 Viva origino Society for the Study of the Origin and Evolution of Life.
0042-7616 Vízügyi közlemények Vizgazdálkodási Tudományos Kutatóintézet.
0303-9021 Vlaams dierengeneeskundig tijdschrift Rijksuniversiteit . Faculteit dierengeneeskunde
1335-0617 Vlákna a textil Výskumny ústav chemických vláken
0132-7089 Vliânie svojstv počv i udobrenij na kačestvo rastenij.; Влияние свойств почв и удобрений на качество растений Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta; Издательство Московского университета.
0365-8317 Vlugschrift - Algemeen Proefstation der Algemeene Vereniging van Rubberplanters ter Oostkust van Sumatra Algemeen Proefstation der Algemeene Vereeniging van Rubberplanters ter Oostkust van Sumatra.
0341-9851 VMR. Veterinary medical review Bayer Business Group, Animal Health Leverkusen.
0042-773X Vnitřní lékařství Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně; Facta Medica s.r.o.; Ambit Media a.s.; Medica Healthworld a.s.; Medica Publishing and Consulting s.r.o.; Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně; Avicenum; Státní zdravotnické nakladatelství
0372-6452 Voda Státní nakladatelství technické literatury
0507-214X Vodní hospodářství Státní nakladatelství technické literatury
0862-5549 Vodní hospodářství Zemědělské nakladatelství Brázda
1211-0760 Vodní hospodářství Vodní hospodářství s.r.o.; Nadace Voda a vzduch
0322-8282 Vodní hospodářství. Řada A Státní zemědělské nakladatelství
0322-8231 Vodní hospodářství. Řada B Státní zemědělské nakladatelství
1210-4191 Vodní hospodářství & Ochrana ovzduší Nadace VODA a VZDUCH
0321-0596 Vodnye resursy Nauka.
0139-7478 Vodohospodářské a vzduchotechnické aktuality Ústav pro výzkum rud
0322-8916 Vodohospodářské technicko-ekonomické informace Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský; Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T.G. Masaryka; Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T.G. Masaryka v.v.i.
0321-0618 Vodopodgotovka, vodnyj režim i himkontrolʹ na parosilovyh ustanovkah Ènergiâ.
0350-0519 Vodoprivreda Jugoslovensko društvo za odvodnjavanje i navodnjavanje
0320-0019 Vodosnabženie i kanalizaciâ Rižskij politehničeskij institut. Kafedra vodosnabženiâ i kanalizacii.
0321-4044 Vodosnabženie i sanitarnaâ tehnika Strojizdat
0042-7926 Voeding Stichting tot Wetenschappelijke Voorlichting op Voedinggebied.; Stichting Voeding Nederland.; Voedingscentrum.
0026-9050 Voenno-medicinskij žurnal "Krasnaâ zvezda"
0324-1211 Voennomedicinsko delo.; Военномедицинско дело D˝ržavno voenno izdatelstvo; Държавно военно издателство
0372-7025 Vojenské zdravotnické listy Univerzita obrany, Fakulta vojenského zdravotnictví; Vojenská lékařská akademie J.E. Purkyně; Naše vojsko; Tiskárna Ministerstva národní obrany; Vojensko-zdravotnický poradní sbor při Ministerstvu národní obrany
0042-8450 Vojnosanitetski pregled Sanitetska uprava Saveznog sekretarijata za narodnu odbranu
2406-0720 Vojnosanitetski pregled (e-vir) Vojno-medicinska akademija
0372-6517 Volksernährung [s.n.]
0096-5367 Volunteer firemen National Fire Protection Association.; National Fire Protection Association. Volunteer Firemen's Section.
0505-9526 Vom Wachs Farbwerke Hoechst AG
0083-6915 Vom Wasser VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft
0042-8809 Voporsy medicinskoj himii [S.n.]
0507-2921 Voprosy antropologii Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta
0202-3822 Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tehniki IAÈ; CNIIatominform; Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tehniki. Seriâ Termoâdernyj sintez
0205-4671 Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tehniki.; Вопросы атомной науки и техники Kurčatovskij institut; Курчатовский институт
0207-0472 Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tehniki.; Вопросы атомной науки и техники Harʹkovskij fiziko-tehničeskij institut; Харьковский физико-технический институт.
0207-0480 Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tehniki.; Вопросы атомной науки и техники Harʹkovskij fiziko-tehničeskij institut; Харьковский физико-технический институт.
0234-0763 Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tehniki.; Вопросы атомной науки и техники CNIIatominform; ЦНИИатоминформ; RFÂC-VNIIÈF; РФЯЦ-ВНИИЭФ
0134-5400 Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tehniki. Fizika radiacionnyh povreždenij i radiacionnoe materialovedenie.; Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение Harʹkovskij fiziko-tehničeskij institut; Харьковский физико-технический институт.
0321-4060 Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tehniki. Seriâ, Fizika vysokih energij i atomnogo âdra.; Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия, Физика высоких енергий и атомного ядра Fiziko-tehničeskij institut; Физико-технический институт.
0136-8575 Voprosy aviacionnoj himmotologii.; Вопросы авиационной химмотологии Kievskij institut inženerov graždanskoj aviacii; Киевский институт инженеров гражданской авиации.
0504-7277 Voprosy bezopasnosti v ugolʹnyh šahtah Vostočnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut po bezopasnosti rabot v gornoj promyšlennosti.
0507-2956 Voprosy biofiziki, biohimii i patologii èritrocitov Institut fiziki.
0507-2964 Voprosy biohimii Akademiâ nauk Armânskoj SSR.; Institut biohimii.
0320-8524 Voprosy biohimii i fiziologii mikroorganizmov Izdatelʹstvo Saratovskogo universiteta.
0507-2972 Voprosy biohimii mozga Institut biohimii.
0320-8532 Voprosy biohimii nervnoj sistemy Dagknigoizdat.
1560-9596 Voprosy biologičeskoj, medicinskoj i farmacevtičeskoj himii Medicina; Russkij vrač
0505-9607 Voprosy biologii i kraevoj mediciny Akademiâ nauk Uzbekskoj SSR. Otdelenie biologičeskih nauk.
0320-8508 Voprosy biologii životnyh i rastenij Turkmenistana Turkmenskij universitet im. A.M. Gorʹkogo.
0505-9615 Voprosy borʹby s silikozom v Sibiri Novosibirskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0320-8559 Voprosy botaniki, zoologii i počvovedeniâ Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo universiteta.
0320-8567 Voprosy botaniki i fiziologii rastenij Krasnoârskij pedagogičeskij institut.
0507-2999 Voprosy četvertičnoj geologii Zinātne
0321-236X Voprosy dinamiki i pročnosti Zinatne
0507-3030 Voprosy èksperimentalʹnoj i kliničeskoj radiologii.; Вопросы экспериментальной и клинической радиологии Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0507-3049 Voprosy èksperimentalʹnoj onkologii.; Вопросы экспериментальной онкологии Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0372-5596 Voprosy èndokrinologii i obmena veŝestv.; Вопросы эндокринологии и обмена веществ "Zdorovʹâ"; "Здоровья".
0372-6479 Voprosy ènergetiki Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk Latvijskoj SSR
0321-4753 Voprosy farmacii na Dalʹnem Vostoke Habarovskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0206-474X Voprosy fizičeskoj organičeskoj himii Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0320-0485 Voprosy fiziki formoobrazovaniâ i fazovyh prevraśenij Izdatelʹstvo Tulʹskogo politehničeskogo instituta.
0130-0504 Voprosy fiziki tverdogo tela Voronežskij politehničeskij institut.
0321-4680 Voprosy fiziki tverdogo tela Čelâbinskij pedagogičeskij institut.
0132-7054 Voprosy fiziko-himii polimerov.; Вопросы физико-химии полимеров Severo-Kavkazskij naučnyj centr vysšej školy; Северо-Кавказский научный центр высшей школы.
0372-5707 Voprosy fiziologii, biohimii, zoologii i parazitologii.; Вопросы физиологии, биохимии, зоологии и паразитологии Dagestanskij universitet im. V.I. Lenina; Дагестанский университет им. В.И. Ленина.
0505-9771 Voprosy fiziologii čeloveka i životnyh Belorusskij universitet im. V.I. Lenina.
0505-978X Voprosy fiziologii i biohimii kulʹturnyh rastenij Institut fiziologii i biohimii rastenij.
0132-5515 Voprosy gazotermodinamiki ènergoustanovok.; Вопросы газотермодинамики энергоустановок Harʹkovskij aviacionnyj institut; Харьковский авиационный институт.
0505-981X Voprosy gematologii, perelivaniâ krovi i krovezamenitelej.; Вопросы гематологии, переливания крови и кровезаменителей Gosmedizdat USSR; Госмедиздат УССР.
0372-5758 Voprosy geografii Mysl'
0505-9844 Voprosy geografii Kazahstana Akademiâ nauk Kazahskoj SSR. Sektor geografii.
0136-1813 Voprosy geohimii i tipomorfizm mineralov Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0507-3243 Voprosy geologii i genezisa poleznyh iskopaemyh Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0372-5782 Voprosy geologii i metodiki razvedki zolota.; Вопросы геологии и методики разведки золота Geografičeskoe obŝestvo SSSR; Географическое общество СССР.
0505-9887 Voprosy geologii i mineralogii Kolʹskogo poluostrova Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0320-8672 Voprosy geologii Tadžikistana Tadžikskij universitet imeni V.I. Lenina.
0505-9909 Voprosy geologii Uzbekistana Akademiâ nauk Uzbekskoj SSR.; AN UzSSR. Otdelenie geologo-himičeskih nauk.
0505-9917 Voprosy geologii vostočnoj okrainy Russkoj platformy i Ûžnogo Urala Institut geologii.
0505-9925 Voprosy geomorfologii i geologii Baškirii Akademiâ nauk SSSR.
0320-8702 Voprosy gidrodinamiki i teploobmena v kriogennyh sistemah Fiziko-tehničeskij institut nizkih temperatur.
0505-9976 Voprosy gidrotehniki Akademiâ nauk Uzbekskoj SSR.; AN UzSSR.
0372-6398 Voprosy gigieny naselennyh mest.; Вопросы гигиены населенных мест Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0320-8699 Voprosy gigieny truda, promyšlennoj toksikologii i professionalʹnoj patologii v otdelʹnyh otraslâh promyšlennosti Azerbajdžana Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut gigieny truda i professionalʹnyh zabolevanij imeni M.M. Èfedi-zade.
0131-1824 Voprosy ginekologičeskoj i akušerskoj èndokrinologii.; Вопросы гинекологической и акушерской эндокринологии Blagoveŝenskij medicinskij institut; Благовещенский медицинский институт.
0130-0601 Voprosy himii.; Вопросы химии Krasnoârskij pedagogičeskij institut; Красноярский педагогический институт.
0321-4095 Voprosy himii i himičeskoj tehnologii Izdatelʹstvo Harʹkovskogo universiteta.
2413-7987 Voprosy himii i himičeskoj tehnologii.; Вопросы химии и химической технологии (e-vir) Ukraïnsʹkij deržavnij hìmìko-tehnologìčnij unìversitet; Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет
0042-8752 Voprosy ihtiologii Nauka
0372-5952 Voprosy infekcionnoj patologii i immunologii.; Вопросы инфекционной патологии и иммунологии Medicina; Медицина.
0320-8826 Voprosy informacionnoj teorii i praktiki s.n.
0372-588X Voprosy inženernoj geologii i gruntovedeniâ Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta.
0507-3359 Voprosy issledovaniâ i ispolʹzovaniâ počv Moldavii Moldavskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut počvovedeniâ i agrohimii im. N.A. Dimo.
0372-641X Voprosy issledovaniâ neftej i nefteproduktov, razrabotki processov pererabotki nefti i obsledovaniâ zavodskih ustanovok Akademiâ nauk Azerbajdžanskoj SSR.; AN AzSSR. Institut neftehimičeskih processov.
0136-8044 Voprosy istorii i metodologii himii Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0321-2769 Voprosy kibernetiki Institut kibernetiki. Vyčislitelʹnyj centr.
0320-0027 Voprosy kinetiki i kataliza Ivanovskij himiko-tehnologičeskij institut.
0507-3545 Voprosy Kliničeskoj i Èksperimentalʹnoj Urologii Institut Urologii i Nefrologii im. A. P. Tsulukidze.
0130-0024 Voprosy kliničeskoj onkologii i nejroèndokrinnyh narušenij pri zlokačestvennyh novoobrazovaniâh Rostovskoe knižnoe izdatelʹstvo.
0507-3561 Voprosy kommunalʹnoj gigieny.; Вопросы коммунальной гигиены Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0507-357X Voprosy kosmologii Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk SSSR.
0130-0040 Voprosy kriogennoj tehniki Omskij politehničeskij institut.
0042-8787 Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii i lečebnoj fizičeskoj kulʹtury Medicina; Media Sfera
2309-1355 Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii i lečebnoj fizičeskoj kulʹtury.; Вопросы курортологии, физиотерапии и лечебной физической культуры (e-vir) Media Sfera; Медиа Сфера
0302-9131 Voprosy kurortologii i fizioterapii Kirgizskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut kurortologii i fizioterapii.
0372-6061 Voprosy kurortologii i revmatologii Akademiâ medicinskih nauk SSSR.; AMN SSSR.; Litovskij institut èksperimentalʹnoj mediciny.
0300-0060 Voprosy lejkozologii Räigas Medicäinas institäuts.
0507-360X Voprosy leprologii i dermatologii Izdatelʹstvo Rostovskogo universiteta.
0372-6231 Voprosy litologii i petrografii.; Вопросы литологии и петрографии Izdatelʹstvo Lʹvovskogo universiteta; Издательство Львовского университета.
0507-3642 Voprosy mehaniki realʹnogo tverdogo tela.; Вопросы механики реального твердого тела Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0321-219X Voprosy MGD-preobrazovaniâ ènergii.; Вопросы МГД-преобразования энергии Izdatelʹstvo Naukova dumka; Издательство Наукова думка.
0321-1851 Voprosy mikologii.; Вопросы микологии Gorʹkovskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij kožno-venerologičeskij institut; Горьковский научно-исследовательский кожно-венерологический институт.
0132-7097 Voprosy mikrodozimetrii.; Вопросы микродозиметрии Atomizdat; Атомиздат.
0507-3707 Voprosy mineralogii osadočnyh obrazovanij.; Вопросы минералогии осадочных образований Izdatelʹstvo Lʹvovskogo universiteta; Издательство Львовского университета.
0135-7824 Voprosy novoj tehnologii v otdelke hlopčatobumažnyh tkanej.; Вопросы новой технологии в отделке хлопчатобумажных тканей CNIHBI; ЦНИХБИ.
0042-8825 Voprosy ohrany materinstva i detstva Medicina
0507-3758 Voprosy onkologii "Medicina"
0375-3638 Voprosy on kologii i radiologii Kazahskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut. Onkologii i radiologii.
0136-5266 Voprosy optimalʹnogo rezaniâ metallov Ufimskij aviacionnyj institut im. S. Ordžonikidze.
0372-6622 Voprosy pediatrii i ohrany materinstva i detstva.; Вопросы педиатрии и охраны материнства и детства [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0042-8833 Voprosy pitaniâ Medicina; GÈOTAR-Media
0506-0419 Voprosy poroškovoj metallurgii i pročnosti materialov.; Вопросы порошковой металлургии и прочности материалов Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk Ukrainskoj SSR; Издательство Академии наук Украинской ССР.
0301-1712 Voprosy proizvodstva vakcin i syvorotok.; Вопросы производства вакцин и сывороток Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя.
0506-0478 Voprosy psihiatrii i nevropatologii "Medicina".
1816-9643 Voprosy radiacionnoj bezopasnosti.; Вопросы радиационной безопасности Maâk; Маяк
0302-556X Voprosy radiobiologii i biologičeskogo dejstviâ citostatičeskih preparatov.; Вопросы радиобиологии и биологического действия цитостатических препаратов Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo universiteta; Издательство Томского университета.
0372-6711 Voprosy radiobiologii i kliničeskoj radiologii.; Вопросы радиобиологии и клинической радиологии Centralʹnyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij rentgeno-radiologičeskij institut; Центральный научно-исследовательский рентгено-радиологический институт.
0507-3804 Voprosy razvedočnoj geofiziki "Nedra", Leningradskoe otdelenie.
0202-2478 Voprosy regionalʹnoj geologii Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0506-0540 Voprosy rentgenologii i onkologii Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut rentgenologii i onkologii im. V.A. Fanardžâna.
0042-885X Voprosy revmatizma.; Вопросы ревматизма Medicina; Медицина.
0504-7501 Voprosy rudničnogo transporta.; Вопросы рудничного транспорта Naukova dumka; Наукова думка.
0506-0559 Voprosy rudnoj geofiziki "Gosgeoltehizdat".
0372-6762 Voprosy stereohimii.; Вопросы стереохимии Izdatelʹstvo Kievskogo universiteta; Издательство Киевского университета.
0321-2491 Voprosy stroitelʹstva Latvijskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij i èksperimentalʹno-tehnologičeskij institut stroitelʹstva.
0506-063X Voprosy sudebnomedicinskoj èkspertizy Turkmenskij medicinskij institut.
0372-6851 Voprosy tehnologii i tovarovedeniâ izdelij legkoj promyšlennosti Belorusskij institut narodnogo hozâjstva im. V.V. Kujbyševa.
0132-5582 Voprosy tehnologii ulavlivaniâ i pererabotki produktov koksovaniâ.; Вопросы технологии улавливания и переработки продуктов коксования "Metallurgiâ"; "Металлургия".
0320-1139 Voprosy teoretičeskoj i kliničeskoj mediciny Kabardino-Balkarskij universitet.
0134-8426 Voprosy teorii atomnyh stolknovenij Leningradskij universitet im. A.A. Ždanova.
0203-6851 Voprosy teorii i rasčeta rabočih processov teplovyh dvigatelej Ufimskij aviacionnyj institut.
0130-0415 Voprosy teorii sistem avtomatičeskogo upravleniâ Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
0372-6797 Voprosy termodinamiki geterogennyh sistem i teorii poverhnostnyh âvlenij.; Вопросы термодинамики гетерогенных систем и теории поверхностных явлений Izdatelʹstvo Leningradskogo universiteta; Издательство Ленинградского университета.
0507-4088 Voprosy virusologii Medicina
2411-2097 Voprosy virusologii; Вопросы вирусологии (e-vir) Medicina; Медицина
0507-4096 Voprosy vodnogo hozâjstva "Soûzvodavtomatika". Vsesoûznoe naučno-proizvodstvennoe obʺedinenie.
0506-077X Voprosy vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i tehniki Akademiâ nauk Uzbekskoj SSR.; AN UzSSR. Institut mehaniki. Vyčislitelʹnyj centr.
0172-8814 Vorlesungsreihe Schering Schering-AG.
0372-6509 Vorratspflege und Lebensmittelforschung Neumann.
0506-1083 Vortex American Chemical Society, California Section
0172-889X Vorträge der ... Sitzung des Arbeitskreises Bruchvorgänge Arbeitskreis Bruchvorgänge.; Deutscher Verband für Materialprüfung / Arbeitskreis Bruchvorgänge.
0722-4079 Vorträge der ... Sitzung des Arbeitskreises Rastermikroskopie Arbeitskreis Rastermikroskopie.; Deutscher Verband für Materialprüfung e.V.
0066-5754 Vorträge - Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften. N, Natur-, Ingenieur- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Westdeutscher Verlag.
0366-9785 Vorträge und Schriften Akademie-Verl.,
0941-5262 Vorträge und Studien Zentrum für Umweltforschung der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster.; ZUFO.
0549-1703 Vortragsreihe der Niedersächsischen Landesregierung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung in Niedersachsen Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
0944-5501 Vortragsveranstaltung des Arbeitskreises Rastermikroskopie in der Materialprüfung Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und -prüfung e.V.; DVM.; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde.; DGM.; Arbeitskreis Rastermikroskopie in der Materialprüfung.
0425-3035 Vortragsveröffentlichungen - Haus der Technik Haus der Technik
0372-6525 Vostočnaâ neftʹ.; Восточная нефть Narodnyj komissariat neftânoj promyšlennosti SSSR; Народный комиссариат нефтяной промышленности СССР.
0042-9007 Vox Sanguinis Blackwell
1423-0410 Vox Sanguinis (e-vir) Wiley
0320-1198 Vozdejstvie režuŝego instrumenta na fizičeskie svojstva metallov Akademiâ nauk Armânskoj SSR.; Bûrakanskaâ optiko-mehaničeskaâ laboratoriâ.
0504-8060 Voz farmacéutica [s.n.]
0341-7131 VR. Verpackungs-Rundschau Keppler
0049-6804 Vračebnoe delo Zdorov'â
0507-4436 Vrednaâ i poleznaâ fauna bespozvonočnyh Moldavii Institut zoologii.
0372-5812 Vremennik Glavnoj palaty mer i vesov.; Временник Главной палаты мер и весов Vsesoûznyj naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut metrologii im. D.I. Mendeleeva; Всесоюзный научно-исследовательский институт метрологии им. Д.И. Менделеева.
0341-2644 VT Vereinigte Fachverlage Krausskopf-Ingenieur-Digest-GmbH
1235-0613 VTT julkaisuja VTT.; Statens tekniska forskningscentral.; Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus.
1235-0621 VTT publications Technical Research Centre of Finland.; VTT.; Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus.
0357-9387 VTT symposium Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus (VTT)
1235-0605 VTT tiedotteita VTT.; Statens tekniska forskningscentral.; Technical Research Centre of Finland.; Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus.
0203-0306 Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ Akademiâ nauk SSSR
0507-5386 Vyčislitel'nye metody i programmirovanie Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta
0568-661X Vyčislitelʹnye sistemy.; Вычислительные системы Institut matematiki; Институт математики.
0372-6991 Vynálezy a normalizace, ochranné známky, chráněné vzory Státní úřad pro normalizaci a vynálezy
0139-5033 Výskumné práce z odboru papiera a celulózy Výskumný ústav papiera a celulózy.
0506-2950 Výsledky banského výskumu SAV,
0524-7411 Vysoká škola zemědělská v Brně. Řada A, Spisy Fakulty agronomické a Fakulty provozně ekonomické Vysoká škola zemědělská
0235-0122 Vysokočistye veśestva Nauka.
0042-9368 Vysokomolekulârnye soedineniâ Nauka
0507-5483 Vysokomolekulârnye soedineniâ.; Высокомолекулярные соединения Nauka; Наука.
1023-3091 Vysokomolekulârnye soedineniâ. Seriâ A i seriâ B Meždunarodnaâ akademičeskaâ
0042-9406 Výživa a zdravie Slovenská spoločnosṫ pre výživu.; Slovenská technická univerzita. Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie.
0042-9414 Výživa lidu Společnost pro racionální výživu; Avicenum; Společnost pro racionální výživu
0322-7502 Výživa v rodině Společnost pro racionální výživu; Avicenum
0139-9136 Výzkumné práce Ústředního ústavu geologického Ústřední ústav geologický,
0372-7009 Vzryvnoe delo Nedra; Mežvedomstvennaâ komissiâ po vzryvnomu delu pri Akademii gornyh nauk
0172-7702 WaBolu-Berichte Institut für Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene des Bundesgesundheitsamtes.
0175-4211 WaBoLu-Hefte Institut für Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene des Umweltbundesamtes.; WaBoLu.
0097-5427 Wadley medical bulletin Wadley Institutes of Molecular Medicine.
1684-1182 Wäei-miǎn yěu gǎnrǎn zázhì Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Asia Ltd.; Scientific Communications International Limited
0289-730X Wakan Iyaku Gakkaishi Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for Wakan-Yaku.
1340-6302 Wakan Iyakugaku zasshi Medical and Phamaceutical Society for Wakan-yaku.
0507-8318 Wakayama Daigaku Gakugei Gakubu kiyäo, shizen kagaku Wakayama Daigaku. Gakugei Gakubu.
1342-4645 Wakayama Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kiyäo. Shizen kagaku Wakayama University. Faculty of Education.
0043-0013 Wakayama Igaku Wakayama Igakkai
0287-5381 Wakayama Käogyäo Käotäo Senmon Gakkäo kenkyäu kiyäo Wakayama Technical College.; Wakayama National College of Technology.
0915-3179 Wakayama-ken Eisei Käogai Kenkyäu Sentäa nempäo Wakayama Prefectural Research Center of Environment and Public Health.
0386-8354 Wakayama-ken Kaju Engei Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Wakayama Fruit Tree Experiment Station.
1349-1490 Wakayamaken Kankyo Eisei Kenkyu Senta nenpo Wakayamaken kankyo eisei kenkyu senta,
0511-084X Wakayama medical reports Wakayama Kenritsu Ika Daigaku.
0340-0905 Waking and sleeping Editio Asklepion.
0511-0939 Waldhygiene Krug
0043-0137 Wallerstein Laboratories communications Wallerstein Laboratories.
0097-2665 Wallerstein Laboratories communications on the science and practice of brewing Wallerstein Laboratories.
1002-0217 Wannan Yixueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0125-2526 Warasan Khana Witthayasat Maha Witthayalai Chiang Mai Khana Witthayasat, Maha Witthayalai Chiang Mai.
0125-1570 Warasan Phesatchasat Maha Witthayalai Mahidon Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University.
0857-4421 Warasan Wichai Witthayasat Kanphaet Sathaban Wichai Witthayasat Kanphaet.
0043-0323 Ward's bulletin Ward's Natural Science Establishment, inc.
0372-7114 Wärme Technischer Verlag Resch
0509-5387 Wärme, Kälte, Schall Grünzweig-und -Hartmann- und -Glasfaser-AG
0096-5634 War medicine American Medical Association.; National Research Council (U.S.).
0720-3438 Wärmetechnik Gentner Verlag
0372-7556 Wärme- und Kältetechnik Springer
0042-9929 Wärme- und Stoffübertragung Springer-Verlag
0215-1243 Warta IHP Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian.
0042-9937 Wäscherei- + Reinigungspraxis Westdeutsche Verlagsanstalt
0372-7181 Waseda Daigaku Rikogaku Kenkyusho Hokoku Waseda Daigaku Rikogaku Kenkyusho.
0372-7432 Waseda Oyo Kagaku Kaiho Waseda Oyo Kagakkai, c/o Waseda Daigaku Rikogakubu Oyo Kagaku-ka Kyoshitsu.
0099-2925 Washington State Forest Products Institute, Bulletins, New Wood-Use Series
0930-5459 Wasser, Abwasser, Abfall Fachgebiet Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Universität, Gesamthochschule Kassel.
0942-1327 Wasser-, Abwasser-Praxis Vieweg.
0043-0935 Wasser, Luft und Betrieb Krausskopf
0511-3520 Wasser-Kalender Erich Schmidt.
1436-9095 Wasser und Abfall
0508-122X Wasser und Abwasser Bundesanstalt für Wassergüte
0512-5030 Wasser und Abwasser in Forschung und Praxis Schmidt.
0043-0951 Wasser und Boden Paul Parey
0043-0978 Wasserwirtschaft Franckh
0043-0986 Wasserwirtschaft, Wassertechnik Verlag für Bauwesen
1438-5716 Wasserwirtschaft, Wassertechnik mit Abwassertechnik Verl. Bauwesen.
0275-6196 Waste management University of Arizona.
0956-053X Waste management Pergamon
1879-2456 Waste Management (e-vir) Pergamon
0097-3459 Wastes engineering Magazine Pub. Division, R. H. Donnelley
1040-8916 WasteTech news Schouweiler Communications Group,
0043-1109 Water Vereniging van Exploitanten van Waterleidingbedrijven in Nederland.; Vereniging voor Waterleidingsbelangen in Nederland.; Keuringsinstituut voor Waterleidingartikelen (KIWA); Rijksinstituut voor Drinkwatervoorziening.
0099-8729 Water American Water Works Association. Southwest Section.; American Water Works Association. Texas Section.
0310-0367 Water Australian Water and Wastewater Association.; Australian Water Association.
0770-7193 Water Ministerie van Volksgezondheid en Sociale Voorzorg.
1567-7230 Water, air & soil pollution Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-2932 Water, air & soil pollution (e-vir) Kluwer
1573-2940 Water, air & soil pollution Kluwer
0049-6979 Water, air and soil pollution Springer
0043-1176 Water, bodem, lucht Nederlandsche Vereeniging tegen Water-, Bodem- en Luchtverontreiniging.
0043-1117 Water & pollution control Southam Business Publications Ltd..
0043-1125 Water & sewage works Gillette Pub. Co.
0110-4144 Water & soil technical publication Water & Soil Conservation Organisation.
0043-115X Water & wastes engineering Technical Pub. Co., etc.
0043-1133 Water & waste treatment D.R.Publications Ltd.
0110-6252 Water & wastewater treatment plant operators newsletter Works Consultancy Services Ltd. Water Treatment Centre.; New Zealand. Ministry of Works.; Works Consultancy Services Ltd. Corporate Services.; Works Consultancy Services Ltd. Public Health Section.
0372-7122 Water and sanitation [s.n.]
0512-6134 Water and Wastes Engineering/Industrial Reuben H. Donnelley Corp.
0043-1168 Water and water engineering Fuel and Metallurgical Journals
0950-8686 Water chemistry of nuclear reactor systems British Nuclear Energy Society.
0272-9210 Water chlorination Ann Arbor Science Publishers,
0099-9245 Water Circular Department of Natural Resources.
0273-2238 Water engineering & management Scranton Gillette Communications
1044-9493 Water environment & technology The Federation
1938-193X Water environment & technology (e-vir) Water Pollution Control Federation
1074-2972 Water environment laboratory solutions Water Environment Federation.
1061-4303 Water environment research The Federation
1554-7531 Water environment research (e-vir) Water Environment Federation
0083-7652 Water in biological systems Consultants Bureau.
0511-3598 Water information bulletin Idaho. Dept. of Water Resources.; Idaho. Dept. of Reclamation.; Idaho. Dept. of Water Administration.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0250-8060 Water international International Water Resources Association [etc.]
1941-1707 Water international International Water Resources Association
0543-8500 Water investigation / Michigan.; Geological Survey (U.S.); Geological Survey (U.S.).
0043-129X Water pollution control Institute of Water Pollution Control
0512-5723 Water Pollution Control Research Series U.S. Government Printing Office.
0705-288X Water pollution research in Canada s.n.
0197-9140 Water pollution research journal of Canada Canadian Association on Water Pollution Research and Control; Canadian Association on Water Quality
0706-8158 Water quality bulletin WHO Collaborating Centre on Surface and Ground Water.
0096-6304 Water quality instrumentation Instrument Society of America.
0706-7062 Water quality interpretive report Canada. Inland Waters Directorate.
0362-174X Water quality report Washington (State). Dept. of Ecology.
1201-3080 Water quality research journal of Canada Canadian Association on Water Quality; International Water Association
0043-1354 Water research Pergamon Press
1879-2448 Water Research (e-vir) Pergamon
0730-9619 Water research topics Water Research Centre (Great Britain)
0162-6558 Water resource report Pennsylvania.
0097-8078 Water resources Consultants Bureau
1608-344X Water resources (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0548-3557 Water resources. Information series. Report Geological Survey (U.S.); Nevada. Division of Water Resources.
0043-1370 Water resources bulletin American Water Resources Assn
0146-5538 Water resources bulletin Nevada.; Nevada.; Nevada.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0459-8474 Water resources bulletin Louisiana. Dept. of Public Works.
0553-5220 Water resources bulletin Pennsylvania. Dept. of Environmental Resources.; Pennsylvania. Dept. of Forests and Waters.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0552-5101 Water resources bulletin. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico United States Geological Survey :; Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
0571-0278 Water resources circular Arkansas Geological and Conservation Commission.; Arkansas Geological Commission.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0545-2252 Water Resources Circular. New Jersey, Division of Water Policy and Supply New Jersey Division of Water Policy and Supply.
0147-2283 Water resources data Geological Survey (U.S.).
0092-332X Water-resources investigations Geological Survey (U.S.)
0096-932X Water resources pamphlet Louisiana Geological Survey.; Louisiana. Dept. of Public Works.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0576-419X Water resources paper S Canada. Water Resources Branch.
0092-3796 Water resources--reconnaissance series report Nevada.
0076-9614 Water resources report Missouri. Division of Geology and Land Survey.
0403-0699 Water resources report Arizona. State Land Department.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0584-3685 Water resources report South Dakota. Water Resources Commission.
0043-1397 Water resources research American Geophysical Union.
1944-7973 Water resources research (e-vir) American Geophysical Union
0495-1026 Water resources series Tennessee. Division of Water Resources.
0161-2867 Water resources special report Louisiana. Dept. of Public Works.; Geological Survey (U.S.); Louisiana. Office of Public Works.; Louisiana. Dept. of Transportation and Development.
0518-6374 Water resources summary Arkansas Geological Commission.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0083-7709 Water resources symposium University of Texas at Austin.
0161-6986 Water resources technical report Louisiana. Dept. of Public Works.; Geological Survey (U.S.); Louisiana. Office of Public Works.; Louisiana. Dept. of Transportation and Development.
0378-4738 Water SA Water Research Commission
1816-7950 Water SA (e-vir) Water Research Commission
1996-9732 Water science & technology (e-vir) IWA Publishing
0273-1223 Water science and technology Pergamon Press
1606-9749 Water science and technology: water supply IWA Publishing
1607-0798 Water science and technology: water supply (e-vir) IWA Publishing
0921-092X Water science and technology library Reidel :; Kluwer Academic Publishers :; Springer
0266-4615 Water science reviews Cambridge University Press.
0301-7028 Water services Fuel & Metallurgical Journals Ltd
1462-6071 Water studies WIT Press
0735-1917 Water supply International Water Supply Association.
0364-7714 Water supply & management Pergamon
0097-5737 Water supply bulletin Washington (State). Division of Water Resources.; Washington (State). Dept. of Water Resources.; Washington (State). Dept. of Ecology.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0096-2996 Water-Supply Bulletin. Iowa Geological Survey Iowa State University Press.
0436-4155 Water Supply Papers of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, Hydrogeological Report Geological Survey of Great Britain
0921-2639 Water Treatment China Ocean Press
0583-9246 Water Treatment and Examination Society for Water Treatment and Examination.
0096-7831 Water works [Gillette Pub. Co., etc.]
0096-6312 Water works & sewerage Gillette Pub. Co.,
0096-6320 Water works and wastes engineering Magazine Pub. Division, R. H. Donnelley Corp.
0096-784X Water works engineering [s.n.]
0304-4025 Wave electronics Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co.
0916-0035 Wayäo Joshi Daigaku kiyäo. Kaseikei-hen Wayäo Joshi Daigaku
0043-1648 Wear Elsevier
1873-2577 Wear (e-vir) Elsevier
0192-4990 Wear of materials American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
0043-1656 Weather Royal Meteorological Society
1477-8696 Weather (e-vir) Royal Meteorological Society; Wiley Interscience
0372-7173 Weather Development and Research Bulletin R.A.A.F. Meteorological Service.
0043-1672 Weatherwise Heldref Publications
1940-1310 Weatherwise Heldref Publications
0043-1729 Weed Abstracts Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
1444-6162 Weed biology and management Blackwell Science Asia
1445-6664 Weed biology and management (e-vir) Blackwell
1365-3180 Weed research (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0043-1737 Weed Research Wiley-Blackwell; European weed research society
0096-719X Weeds Weed Society of America
0375-3034 Weeds and weed control Department of plant husbandry and research information centre, Agricultural college of Sweden.
0043-1745 Weed science Weed Science Society of America
1550-2759 Weed science (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1358-6912 Weeds world M. Anderson.
0890-037X Weed technology The Society
1550-2740 Weed technology (e-vir) Weed Science Society of America
0096-154X Weekly bulletin California.
0733-0545 Weekly coal production United States.; United States.
0191-4367 Weekly coal report United States. Energy Information Administration.
0043-2156 Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wehrmedizin und Wehrphamazie e.V.; Bundesministerium der Verteidigung.
1006-5709 Weichangbingxue he ganbingxue zazhi Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1004-3365 Weidianzixue Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1005-5320 Weiliang yuansu yu jiankang yanjiu Weiliang Yuansu yu Jiankang Janjiu Zazhishe,
0372-7157 Weinbau und Kellerwirtschaft [s.n.]
0372-7238 Weinbau und Weinhandel [s.n.]
0508-2404 Weinberg und Keller Weinberg und Keller Verlag
0372-722X Wein und Rebe
0375-8818 Wein-Wissenschaft Fraund
1002-3127 Weisheng dulixue zazhi Beijing Shi Yufang Yixue Yanjiu Zhongxin,
0001-6209 Weishengwu xuebao Kexue Chubanshe,
0253-2654 Weishengwuxue tongbao Kexue Chubanshe,
1005-7021 Weishengwuxue zazhi Liaoning Sheng Weishengwu Yanjiusuo
1000-8020 Weisheng yanjiu Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
0083-7857 Weizmann Memorial Lectures Weizmann Institute of Science.
0043-2237 Welder BOC Murex
0099-7781 Welding [s.n.].
0372-7211 Welding [s.n]
1612-3433 Welding and cutting DVS Media GmbH,
0043-2245 Welding and metal fabrication Butterworth Scientific Ltd
1073-4511 Welding and surfacing reviews Harwood Academic Publishers.
0043-2253 Welding design & fabrication Industrial Pub.
0043-227X Welding engineer [Jefferson Publications]
0372-7246 Welding Fabrication and Design Australian Trade Publications for the Australian Welding Institute.
0043-2288 Welding in the world Springer
1878-6669 Welding in the world (e-vir) Springer
0043-2296 Welding journal American Welding Society.
0043-230X Welding Production Welding Institute
0096-7629 Welding research Welding Research Council (U.S.); American Welding Society.
0372-7386 Welding Research British Welding Research Association
0306-9427 Welding Research International Welding Institute.
0262-642X Welding review Fuel & Metallurgical Journals Ltd
0372-7351 Weltliteratur der Farbenchemie Elsner
0083-7989 Wenner-Gren Center international symposium series Macmillan.
1356-0409 Wenner-Gren international series Pergamon.
0511-4780 Wentia Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands.
1226-8763 Weon'ye gwahag gi'sulji.; 원예과학기술지 Han'gug weon'ye haghoe; 한국원예학회
0372-7491 Werft, Reederei, Hafen [s.n.]
0043-2806 Werkstattstechnik [S.n.]
0340-4544 Werkstattstechnik Springer; VDI-Verlag
0043-2792 Werkstatt und Betrieb Carl Hanser Verlag
0043-2822 Werkstoffe und Korrosion VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft
0372-7335 Werkzeugmaschine [s.n.]
0097-6636 WESCON convention record [WESCON]
0043-2989 West African Journal of Biological and Applied Chemistry Ibadan University Press.
0372-705X West African Journal of Biological Chemistry ????.
0303-691X West African journal of pharmacology and drug research Literamed Publ. Nigeria.
0043-3004 West African Medical Journal Journal and Magazine Production Service.
0043-3012 West African pharmacist J. M. P. Services ltd..
0098-4787 Westchester medical bulletin Westchester Academy of Medicine.; Westchester County Medical Society.
0096-7637 Western canner and packer Miller Freeman Publications of California]
0096-8668 Western chemist and metallurgist Western Association of Technical Chemists and Metallurgists (U.S.)
0043-356X Western city magazine League of California Cities.
0043-3616 Western Construction King Publications.
0097-4218 Western contractor Peters Pub. Co..
0099-5673 Western Druggist
0043-3721 Western fisheries Interpress Publications.
0099-9733 Western Frozen Foods
0097-3025 Western gas Pacific Coast Gas Association.; Southern California Meter Association.
1476-2978 Western journal of medicine (e-vir) California Medical Association
0099-5665 Western Journal of Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology
0099-9741 Western Locker
0043-3896 Western Machinery and Steel World James S. Hines Publishing.
0096-6487 Western metals Jenkins Pub. Co.]
0096-6479 Western metalworking Jenkins Pub. Co.]
1609-901X Western Pacific earth sciences Geological Society in Taipei.; Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica.
0043-4027 Western Paint Review Linley Publishing Co, Inc.
0043-406X Western Plastics [s.n.].
0096-8048 Western Society of Engineers bulletin Western Society of Engineers]
0511-568X West-European symposia on clinical chemistry Elsevier
0372-7254 Westfälische Bienenzeitung Verl. d. Westfäl. Bienenzeitung.
0511-5728 West Indian journal of engineering West Indian Journal of Engineering.
0043-3144 West Indian medical journal University of West Indies.
0043-4361 Westinghouse engineer Westinghouse Electric Corporation.; Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company.
0043-3179 West Pakistan journal of agricultural research Department of Agriculture of West Pakistan.
0197-1387 West Virginia forestry notes West Virginia University.
0097-403X West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey.
0043-3284 West Virginia medical journal West Virginia State Medical Association.
0125-6491 Wetchasan Sattawaphaet
0043-4442 Wetenschap en samenleving Verbond van Wetenschappelijke Onderzoekers.; Bond voor Wetenschappelijke Arbeiders.; Vereniging van Wetenschappelijke Werkers.; Vereniging voor Wetenschap & Samenleving.
0923-4861 Wetlands ecology and management SPB Academic Publishing
1572-9834 Wetlands ecology and management (e-vir) Kluwer
0043-4450 Wetter und Leben Wetter und Leben
0172-3928 WEV. Werkstoffe und ihre Veredlung Gerhard-Schöne-Verlag.
0191-2984 Weyerhaeuser Science Symposium Weyerhaeuser Company.
0191-3328 What's new Abbott Laboratories.
0193-0648 What's new in plant physiology George Fritz, etc.
0097-3467 Wheat studies of the Food Research Institute Stanford University, Food Research Institute
0099-9113 White Metal News Letter
0300-0923 WHO food additives series World Health Organization.
0303-7878 WHO offset publication World Health Organization
0378-9748 WHO pesticide residues series World Health Organization
0043-5090 Wiadomości Botaniczne Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Oddział
2543-6503 Wiadomości Botaniczne (e-vir) Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
0043-5104 Wiadomoŝci Chemiczne Komitet Studenckich Kół Chemicznych w Polsce.; Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne.
0043-5139 Wiadomości Hutnicze Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Hutniczego w Polsce.
0509-6677 Wiadomości Instytutu Melioracji i Użytków Zielonych Instytut Melioracji i Użytków Zielonych (Falenty)
0208-6263 Wiadomości Instytutu Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej.; Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej (Warszawa)
0043-5147 Wiadomości Lekarskie Polskie Towarzystwo Lekarskie.; Polskie Towarzystwo Lekarskie.; Śląska Akademia Medyczna (Katowice)
0137-2653 Wiadomości Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej (Warszawa)
0510-4270 Wiadomości Naftowe Stowarzyszenie NT Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Naftowego.; Zwiaèzek Zawodowy Górników Naftowców.
0043-5163 Wiadomości Parazytologiczne Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0043-5201 Wiadomości Urzędu Patentowego Wydawnictwo Urzędu Patentowego Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej
0372-7270 Wiener Chemiker-Zeitung Springer
0300-5178 Wiener klinische Wochenschrift Springer-Verlag
1613-7671 Wiener klinische Wochenschrift (e-vir) Springer
1869-2966 Wiener klinische Wochenschrift Springer
0043-5325 Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift Springer
0372-7394 Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung [s.n.]
0043-5341 Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift Brüder Hollinek
1563-258X Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift Springer
0301-7826 Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift. Supplement Hollinek
0379-5349 Wiener Mitteilungen. Wasser - Abwasser - Gewässer Technische Universität
0372-7297 Wiener Mitteilungen Photographischen Inhalts [s.n.]
0372-7483 Wiener Pharmazeutische Wochenschrift Oesterreichisches Apotheker-Vereines
0043-535X Wiener Tierärztliche Monatschrift OSTAG
0043-5384 Wiener Zeitschrift fuer Nervenheilkunde und Deren Grenzgebiete Springer
0043-5376 Wiener Zeitschrift für innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete Urban und Schwarzenberg
1507-0042 Wiertnictwo, Nafta, Gaz Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków).
0372-7149 Wild Barfield Heat-Treatment Journal [s.n.]
0084-0173 Wildlife monographs Wildlife Society.
1938-5455 Wildlife monographs (e-vir) Wildlife Society
1035-3712 Wildlife research CSIRO
1448-5494 Wildlife research CSIRO Publishing
0043-5511 Wildlife review U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.; Colorado State University.; United States.; Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.
1528-249X Wiley Polymer Networks Group review series Wiley.
1099-825X Wiley series in photoscience and photoengineering Wiley
1528-2481 Wiley series in solution chemistry Wiley.
0963-5823 Wiley series on molecular pharmacology of cell regulation Wiley.
0737-7290 Wiley series on new horizons in oncology Wiley,
0043-5546 Wilhelm Roux' Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen Springer :; Bergmann
0340-0794 Wilhelm roux archiv für entwicklungsmechanik der organismen [S.n.]
0511-9723 William L. Hutcheson Memorial Forest Bulletin William L. Hutcheson Memorial Forest Committee, c/o Rutgers State University.
0043-583X Wines & vines H.F. Stoll
0043-5996 Wire Meisenbach
0043-6003 Wire & wire products A. W. P. Trench.
0043-6011 Wire Industry The Wire Industry Ltd
0043-602X Wire journal Wire Journal, inc., etc.
0277-4275 Wire journal international Wire Journal, Inc.
0361-4565 Wire technology Huebner Publications, etc.]
0043-6046 Wireworld internatinonal Vogel
0043-6097 Wirkerei- und Strickerei-Technik Meisenbach
0043-6143 Wirtschaft und Statistik W. Kohlhammer GmbH
0512-1175 Wisconsin academy review Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters.
0363-3675 Wisconsin astrophysics Washburn Observatory.
0043-6453 Wisconsin engineer University of Wisconsin. College of Engineering.; University of Wisconsin--Madison. College of Engineering.
0043-6542 Wisconsin medical journal State Medical Society of Wisconsin.
0043-6593 Wisconsin Pharmacy Extension Bulletin Extension Services in Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin, University Extension.
0372-7416 Wis- en Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Noordhoff :; Vlaamsch Natuur- Wis en Geneeskundig Congres
0372-7076 Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen der Deutschen Materialprüfungsanstalten [s.n.]
0372-7106 Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen der Physikalisch-Technischen Reichsanstalt [s.n.]
0043-6933 Wissenschaftliche Aeitschrift Universitat Rostock. Gesellschafts und sprachwissenschaften [S.n.]
0509-0407 Wissenschaftliche Annalen Akademie-Verlag
0323-8555 Wissenschaftliche Beiträge Ingenieurhochschule Köthen.
0440-1298 Wissenschaftliche Beiträge Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
0043-6801 Wissenschaftliche Berichte AEG-Telefunken-Firmenverlag, Technische Publikationen
0323-6870 Wissenschaftliche Berichte der Ingenieurhochschule Zittau Ingenieurhochschule Zittau
0947-8620 Wissenschaftliche Berichte FZKA Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH
0539-3914 Wissenschaftliche Berichte Merck E. Merck.
0138-2179 Wissenschaftliche Berichte - Zentralinstitut fuer Festkörperphysik und Werkstofforschung Zentralinstitut für Festkörperphysik und Werkstofforschung.
0084-0920 Wissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse Steinkopff.
0170-1525 Wissenschaftliche Information MILUPA-AG, Med.-Wissenschaftliche Abteilung.
0372-7408 Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen des Pharmazeutischen Forschungs- und Fortbildungs-Institutes des Oesterreichischen Apotheker-Vereines Pharmazeutische Forschungs- und Fortbildungs-Institutes des Oesterreichischen Apotheker-Vereines
0170-5601 Wissenschaftliche Mitteilung - Institut für Atmosphärische Umweltforschung Garmisch-Partenkirchen Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e. V..
0541-332X Wissenschaftlicher Jahresbericht über die Tätigkeit des Instituts bzw. der Forschungsanstalt Süddeutsche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt für Milchwirtschaft Weihenstephan.; Institut für Milchwissenschaft der Technischen Universität München.; Staatliche Molkereischule in Weihenstephan.
0365-544X Wissenschaftliches Archiv für Landwirtschaft, Abteilung A: Archiv für Pflanzenbau [s.n.]
0365-7353 Wissenschaftliches Archiv für Landwirtschaft, Abteilung B: Archiv für Tierernährung und Tierzucht [s.n.]
0379-5373 Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe des Forschungsinstituts der Eidgenössischen Turn- und Sportschule Magglingen Eidgenössische Turn- und Sportschule (Magglingen). Forschungsinstitut.
0863-5544 Wissenschaftliche Tagungen der Technischen Universität Karl-Marx-Stadt Technische Universität, Karl-Marx-Stadt.
0372-7564 Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen aus den Siemens-Werken [s.n.]
0043-6828 Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung Dietrich Steinkopff
0372-7572 Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Technischen Hochschule, Darmstadt [s.n.]
0043-6836 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Friedrich-Schiller-Universität
0138-1504 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin-Luther-Universität Halle
0138-290X Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Pädagogische Hochschule Karl Liebknecht Potsdam.
0300-0540 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Karl-Marx-Universität
0457-3943 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Hochschule für Bauwesen Leipzig.
0939-3986 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Brandenburgische Landeshochschule.
0138-1067 Wissenschaftliche zeitschrift der ernst moritz arndt universitat. Medizinische Reihe [S.n.]
0138-2853 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt- Universität Greifswald. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität
0509-9773 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen Weimar Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen Weimar.
0863-0720 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen Weimar Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen
0372-7580 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Hochschule für Elektrotechnik Ilmenau Hochschule für Elektrotechnik Ilmenau.
0372-7599 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Hochschule für Schwermaschinenbau Magdeburg Hochschule für Schwermaschinenbau
0863-0658 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.; Universität, Berlin, DDR.
0522-9863 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Humboldt-Universität
0541-8933 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule "Otto von Guericke" Magdeburg Technische Hochschule "Otto von Guericke"
0372-7602 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Dresden Technische Hochschule Dresden.
0043-6909 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule für Chemie "Carl Schorlemmer" Leuna. Merseburg [s.n.]
0043-6917 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Ilmenau Technische Hochschule Ilmenau
0372-7610 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Karl-Marx-Stadt Technische Hochschule
0590-9813 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Karl-Marx-Stadt. Sonderheft Technische Hochschule, Karl-Marx-Stadt.
0323-6129 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Leipzig Technische Hochschule
0323-5270 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochshule "Carl Schorlemmer" Leuna-Merseburg TH Leuna-Merseburg
0863-0925 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität "Otto von Guericke" Magdeburg Technische Universität "Otto von Guericke"
0863-0615 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Chemnitz Technische Universität
0941-9950 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Chemnitz Technische Universität Chemnitz.
0043-6925 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden Technische Universität Dresden
0323-4681 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Wilhelm-Pieck-Universität Rostock Wilhelm-Pieck-Universität
0863-1204 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Wilhelm-Pieck-Universität Rostock. Wilhelm-Pieck-Universität
1437-322X Wissenschaftlich-technische Berichte Forschungszentrum Dreden-Rossendorf e.V.
0720-9991 Wissenschaftsmagazin Technische Universität Berlin
0510-6966 Wissenschaft und Fortschritt8 Akademie-Verlag
0170-6977 Wissenschaft und Umwelt Vieweg
0271-9347 Wistar symposium series Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology.
0372-753X Witayasatr Science Society of Thailand.
0075-5192 Witthayasan Kasetsat : Witthayasat Kasetsart University
0045-9917 Witthayasan Thantaphaetthayasat Dental Association of Thailand
1747-4485 WIT transactions on biomedicine and health Wessex Institute of Technology.
1743-3541 WIT transactions on ecology and the environment (e-vir) WIT Press
1746-448X WIT transactions on ecology and the environment WIT Press
1743-3533 WIT transactions on engineering sciences (e-vir) WIT Press
1746-4471 WIT transactions on engineering sciences (Print) WIT Press
1743-355X WIT transactions on modelling and simulation (e-vir) WIT Press
1746-4064 WIT transactions on modelling and simulation WIT Press
1743-3509 WIT transactions on the built environment (e-vir) WIT Press
1746-4498 WIT transactions on the built environment WIT Press
0341-2679 WLB. Wasser, Luft und Betrieb Vereinigte Fachverlage Krausskopf-Ingenieur-Digest-Gmbh
0938-8303 WLB. Wasser, Luft und Boden Vereinigte Fachverl. Krausskopf-Ingenieur-Digest
0043-7131 Wochenblatt für Papierfabrikation Güntter-Staib Verlag
0372-7521 Wochenschrift für Brauerei [s.n.]
0372-7440 Wollen- und Leinen-Industrie [s.n.]
0372-7467 Wölm Publication M. Wölm :; Alupharm Chemicals.
1745-5057 Women's health Future Medicine
1745-5065 Women's health (e-vir) Future Medicine
1473-3404 Women's oncology review Parthenon Publishing
0512-1914 Wonjaryok Yon'gu Nonmunjip Office of Atomic Energy, Republic of Korea.
0191-331X Wood Forest Products Research Society.
0372-7424 Wood Benn Brothers Ltd
0043-7654 Wood and fiber Society of Wood Science and Technology
0735-6161 Wood and fiber science The Society
0043-7662 Wood and wood products; Vance Publishing Corporation, etc.
0099-7846 Woodnotes. Northeastern Wood Utilization Council, Inc
0043-7697 Wood preserving American Wood Preservers Institute.
0096-8196 Wood-preserving American Wood-Preservers' Association.
0149-7200 Wood preserving news American Wood Preservers Institute.; American Wood-Preservers' Association.
0049-7916 Wood research Kyoto University. Wood Research Institute.
1336-4561 Wood research Slovak Forest Products Research Institute
2729-8906 Wood research (e-vir) Slovenský drevársky výskumný ústav
0043-7700 Wood science Forest Products Research Society.
1432-5225 Wood science and technology (e-vir) Springer
0043-7719 Wood Science and Technology Springer
0099-3794 Wood Technic
0043-7808 Wool & Woollens of India Indian Woollen Mills' Federation.
0043-7832 Wool Record and Textile World Textile Business Press
0043-7859 Wool Science Review International Wool Secretariat Technical Centre
0372-7459 Wool Technology School of Wool Technology, New South Wales University of Technology.
0043-7875 Wool technology and sheep breeding Wool Research Organisation of New Zealand.; University of New South Wales.; University of New England.
0300-3221 Work-environment-health Occupational Health Foundation of Finland.
2489-6810 Work-environment-health (e-vir) [The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health]
0516-1304 Works of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity. Pathophysiological Series [s.n.].
0568-6075 Works of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity. Physiological Series [s.n.].
0099-8974 World's Butter Review
0043-9320 World's Paper Trade Review Stonhill and Gillis Ltd
1743-4777 World's poultry science journal (e-vir) CABI Publishing; Cambridge University Press
0043-9339 World's Poultry Science Journal World's Poultry Science Association
0002-6697 World aluminum abstracts ASM Metals Information
0049-8025 World animal review Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0263-6050 World cement Palladian Publications
0308-8855 World cement technology Cement and Concrete Association
0043-8391 World crops World Crops Publications
1063-0678 World crude oil production annual United States. Bureau of Mines.; United States. Energy Information Administration.
0512-3054 World Health Organization, Technical report series World Health Organization
1708-5284 World journal of engineering Sun Light Publishing Canada
2515-8082 World journal of engineering (e-vir) [Sun Light Publishing Canada]
2219-2840 World journal of gastroenterology (e-vir) Baishideng
1007-9327 World Journal of Gastroenterology WJC Press
0959-3993 World journal of microbiology & biotechnology Rapid Communications of Oxford
1573-0972 World journal of microbiology & biotechnology (e-vir) Kluwer
1708-8569 World journal of pediatrics WJP Press
0364-2313 World journal of surgery Springer International
1432-2323 World journal of surgery (e-vir) Springer
0724-4983 World journal of urology Springer International
1433-8726 World journal of urology (e-vir) Springer
0049-8122 World medical journal World Medical Association.
0043-8707 World mining Miller Freeman Publications
1060-7587 World mining Miller Freeman Publications
0512-3380 World Neurology [s.n.].
1613-2394 World of metallurgy, Erzmetall GDMB-Verl.
1613-2408 World of mining GDMB Medienverlag
0512-3402 World of NPKS [s.n.]
0043-8790 World oil Gulf Pub. Co.
1353-2677 World paper Benn Publications.
0172-2190 World patent information Saur
1874-690X World patent information (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0043-8847 World petroleum M. Palmer
0372-7475 World Power [s.n.]
1524-9840 World refining Hart Publications
0043-8979 World Review of Animal Production World Association for Animal Production
0084-2230 World review of nutrition and dietetics S. Karger
0512-3607 World Review of Pest Control [s.n.]
1793-1037 World Scientific lecture notes in complex systems World Scientific Publishing Co.,
0532-0488 World soil resources reports FAO.
0096-8986 World survey Workers Library Publishers.
0097-6458 Worm runners digest University of Michigan.
0073-5442 WRC research report University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
0197-8551 WRRC special report University of Maryland Water Resources Research Center.
0163-9765 WRRI Oregon State University. Water Resources Research Institute.; United States. Office of Water Resources Research.
0097-5729 WRRI bulletin Auburn University. Water Resources Research Institute.
1109-9518 WSEAS transactions on biology and biomedicine WSEAS Press
2224-2902 WSEAS transactions on biology and biomedicine (e-vir) WSEAS
1790-5079 WSEAS transactions on environment and development WSEAS
2224-3496 WSEAS transactions on environment and development (e-vir) WSEAS
Y505-9453 WSEAS transactions on environment and development WSEAS
1790-5087 WSEAS transactions on fluid mechanics WSEAS
2224-347X WSEAS transactions on fluid mechanics (e-vir) WSEAS
Y505-3773 WSEAS transactions on fluid mechanics WSEAS
1790-5044 WSEAS transactions on heat and mass transfer WSEAS
2224-3461 WSEAS transactions on heat and mass transfer (e-vir) WSEAS
0730-9570 WSIA journal Water Supply Improvement Association (U.S.)
0253-9888 Wuhan Daxue xuebao Wuhan University
1671-8836 Wuhan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-8852 Wuhan Daxue xuebao Wuhan Daxue Qikanshe
1000-2405 Wuhan Gongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-4736 Wuhan Huagong Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-4431 Wuhan Ligong Daxue xuebao Wuhan Ligong Daxue Qikanshe
0509-397X Wu Han Ta Hsueh, Tzu Jan K'o Hsueh Hsueh Pao [s.n.]
1993-4998 Wuhan University journal of natural sciences Wuhan University journals Press; Springer
1007-1202 Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences Editorial Department of Wuhan University Journal
1000-470X Wuhan zhiwuxue yanjiu Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1000-324X Wuji cailiao xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1001-4861 Wuji huaxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1004-3594 Wu-jing yixue Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1008-5041 Wu-Jing yixueyuan xue bao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1006-4990 Wujiyan gongye Huagongbu Wujiyan Xinxizhan,
0379-4148 Wuli Kexue Chubanshe,
1000-6818 Wuli huaxue xuebao Beijing Daxue Chubanshe
0509-4038 Wuli tongbao Wuli Tongbao Zazhishe,
1000-3290 Wuli xuebao Kewue Chubanshe
0342-6807 Wuppertaler Hochschulreden Gesamthochschule Wuppertal.
1004-695X Wuran fangzhi jishu Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0372-7130 Württembergisches Ärzteblatt [s.n.]
1000-6656 Wusun jiance Jixie Gongyebu Shanghai Cailiao Yanjiusuo,
1001-1749 Wu-tan hua-tan jisuan jishu Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1000-8918 Wu-tan yu hua-tan Dizhi Chubanshe,
1009-038X Wuxi Qinggong Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-7453 Wu xi qing gong ye xue yuan xue bao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0208-4465 Wyniki Prac Badawczych Zakładu Hodowli Drobiu Instytut Zootechniki (Balice).; Instytut Zootechniki (Balice).
0509-495X Wyoming Range Management Range Management Section.
0509-4984 Wyoming Roundup
0208-7499 Włókna Chemiczne Instytut Włókien Sztucznych i Syntetycznych. Branżowy Ośrodek Informacji Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej Przemysłu Włókien Sztucznych i Fotochemicznego.; Instytut Włókien Sztucznych i Syntetycznych. Branżowy Ośrodek Informacji Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej Przemysłu Włókien Chemicznych.; Instytut Włókien Chemicznych. Branżowy Ośrodek Informacji Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej Przemysłu Włókien Chemicznych.; Instytut Włókien Sztucznych i Syntetycznych (Łódź). Branżowy Ośrodek Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej i Ekonomicznej Przemysłu Włókien Sztucznych i Fotochemicznego.; Instytut Włókien Sztucznych i Syntetycznych (Łódź). Branżowy Ośrodek Informacji Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej Przemysłu Włókien Chemicznych.; Instytut Włókien Chemicznych (Łódź). Branżowy Ośrodek Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej i Ekonomicznej Przemysłu Włókien Chemicznych.
1017-0553 Xäing-dà huángäong Guólì Zhäongxäing dàxué huánjìng gäongchéng xuéhuì.
0379-7244 Xäin xiäanwéi Xùmù bànyuèkäan shäe.
0049-8254 Xenobiotica Taylor and Francis
1366-5928 Xenobiotica (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1000-548X Xi'an Dizhi Xueyuan xuebao Xi'an Dizhi Xueyuan Xuebao Bianjishi
1671-850X Xi'an Gongcheng Keji Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-9955 Xi'an Gongcheng Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0253-987X Xi'an Jiaotong Daxue xuebao Xi'an Jiaotong Daxue Chubanshe,
1671-1912 Xi'an Ke-Ji Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1006-4710 Xi'an Ligong Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1673-064X Xi'an Shiyou Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-5361 Xi'an Shiyou Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0258-0659 Xi'an Yike Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-2634 Xi'nan shiyou xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0438-0479 Xiamen Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0253-4320 Xiandai huagong Huaxue Gongyebu Kexue Jishu Qingbao Yanjiusuo
1003-7632 Xiandai kouqiang yixue zazhi Xiandai Kouqiang Yixue Zazhishe,
1008-634X Xiandai linchuang yixue shengwu gongchengxue zazhi Guangzhou Yixueyuan Zazhishe
1009-8291 Xiandai miniao waike zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-5284 Xiandai nongyao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1673-6273 Xiandai shengwu yixue jinzhan House, Journal of Progress in Modern Biomedicine
1673-4610 Xiandai shipin yu yaopin zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-3055 Xiandai suliao jiagong yingyong Zhongguo Shiyou Huagong Zonggongsi Suliao Jiagong Yingyong Qingbao Zhongxinzhan,
1007-9548 Xiandai tuliao yu tuzhuang Lanzhou Zhongzheng Yinshua Youxian Zeren Gongsi
1003-8507 Xiandai yufang yixue Huaxi Yike Daxue Gonggong Weisheng Xueyuan
1001-8174 Xiandai zhenduan yu zhiliao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-4992 Xiandai zhongliu yixue Gai Kan Bianjibu
1008-8849 Xiandai zhong-xiyi jiehe zazhi Xiandai Zhong-Xiyi Jiehe Zazhishe
1673-6427 Xiandai zhongyao yanjiu yu shijian Xiandai Zhongyao Yanjiu yu Shijian Zazhishe
1672-0571 Xiandai zhongyiyao Xiandai Zhongyiyao Zazhishe
1000-890X Xiangjiao gongye Beijing Xiangjiao Gongye Yanjiu Shejiyuan,
1000-4475 Xiangliao xiangjing huazhuangpin Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1000-5900 Xiangtan Daxue Ziran Kexue xuebao Xiangtan Daxue
1000-9930 Xiangtan Kuangye Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-8259 Xian Jiaotong Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-8405 Xianweisu kexue yu jishu Zhongguo Kexueyuan Guangzhou Huaxue Yanjiusuo
1009-0029 Xiaofang kexue yu jishu Gai Kan Bianjibu
1002-8277 Xiaoxing neiranji Tianjin Neiranji Yanjiusuo
1671-0630 Xiaoxing neiranji yu motuoche Gai Kan Bianjibu
0001-6578 Xiǎoʼér kēyī xuéhuì zázhì Zhōnghuá mínguó xiǎoʼér kēyī xuéhuì
0253-9977 Xibao shengwuxue zazhi Shanghai Kexue Jishu Chubanshe
1007-8738 Xibao yu fenzi mianyixue zazhi Di-Si Junyi Daxue
1000-274X Xibei daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu; Kexue Chubanshe
1009-6248 Xibei dizhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-8622 Xibei guofang yixue zazhi Lanzhou Junqu Yixue Kexue Jishu Weiyuanhui
1000-5811 Xibei Qinggongye Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-988X Xibei Shifan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0254-6167 Xibei Shifan Xueyuan xuebao Xibei Shifan Xueyuan Xuebao Bianjibu
1004-2407 Xibei yaoxue zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-4025 Xibei zhiwu xuebao Shanxi Kexue Jishu Chubanshe; Xibei Zhiwu Xuebao Bianjibu
1004-5716 Xibu tankuang gongcheng Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1673-159X Xihua Daxue xuebao. Xihua Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
1004-0188 Xinan guofang yiyao Xinan Guofang Yiyao Zazhishe,
1000-5471 Xinan shifan daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-5062 Xin fei xueguanbing zazhi Beijing Shi Xin Fei Xueguan Jibing Yanjiusuo
1017-4397 Xīngdà gōngchéng xuébào Guólì zhōngxīng dàxué xīngdà gōngchéng xuébào biānjí wěiyuánhuì
1000-2839 Xinjiang Daxue xuebao Xinjiang Daxue Chubanshe
1000-8845 Xinjiang dizhi Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1007-8614 Xinjiang Nongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-4330 Xinjiang nongye kexue Xinjiang Renmin Chubanshe
1001-3873 Xinjiang shiyou dizhi Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1673-2677 Xinjiang shiyou tianranqi Xinjiang Shiyou Tianranqi Zazhishe
1009-5551 Xinjiang Yike Daxue xuebao Xinjiang Yike Daxue
1004-7239 Xinxiang yixueyuan xuebao Xinxiang Yixueyuan
1007-8827 Xinxing tancailiao Kexue Chubanshe
1004-3934 Xinxueguanbingxue jinzhan Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1008-0074 Xinxueguan kangfu yixue zazhi Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1003-0972 Xinyang Shifan Xueyuan xuebao Gai-kan Bianjibu,
1000-3843 Xinyao yu linchuang Zhongguo Yao Xuehui Shanghai Fenhui
0253-9802 Xin yixue Gai Kan Bianjibu
0376-656X Xin yiyaoxue zazhi Renmin Weisheng Chubanshe
1009-7236 Xinzang zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
0256-7415 Xin zhongyi Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0258-7076 Xiyou jinshu Yejin Gongye Chubanshe
1002-185X Xiyou jinshu cailiao yu gongcheng Xibei Youse Jinshu Yanjiuyuan.
1004-0536 Xiyou jinshu yu yingzhi hejin Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0049-8246 X-ray spectrometry Heyden
1097-4539 X-ray spectrometry (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0911-7806 X-sen bunseki no shinpo Agune Gijutsu Sentā
1001-3571 Xuanmei jishu Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1671-9824 Xuchang Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1006-0847 Xudianchi Shenyang Xudianchi Yanjiusuo,
1009-6213 Xueshuan yu xuexue Xueshuan yu Zhixuexue Qikanshe
0379-7236 Xùmù bànyuèkäan Xùmù bànyuèkäan shè.
0366-6964 Xumu shouyi xuebao Zhongguo Nongxuehui,
0529-5130 Xumu yu shouyi Nanjing Nongye Daxue
1007-6573 Xuzhou Shifan Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1000-2065 Xuzhou Yixueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0270-7810 Y U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Technical Information Service.; Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation. Y-12 Plant.; Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant.
0379-5977 Yaæglama Petrol Ofisi Genel Müdürlügü
1561-4921 Yäakhtah Pizhäuhishkadah-i Räuyäan-i jahäad-i däanishgäahäi
0254-6566 Yäanyè shìyànsuěo gäongzuò bàogào - Táiwäan-shěng yäanjiěu gäongmài jú Tobacco Research Institute, Taiwan Tobacco & Wine Monopoly Bureau.
1004-2474 Yadian yu shengguang Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0377-9556 Yaghag hoeji daehan yaghaghoe
0253-9578 Yäingyòng jièmiàn huàxué Táiwäan shěng jièmiàn huàxué xuéhuì.
1735-8086 Yākhtah; یاخته (e-vir) Pizhūhishkadah-i Rūyān-i jahād-i dānishgāhī
0044-0035 Yakkyoku Nanzando.
0513-126X Yakkyoku no ryäoiki Wakäo Shoin.
0285-5313 Yakubutsu, seishin, käodäo Japanese Society of Psychopharmacology.
0916-1139 Yakubutsu däotai Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics.
0387-219X Yakubutsu ryäohäo Iji Nippäosha.
0370-8969 Yakugaku Nanzandäo.
0914-4544 Yakugaku kenkyäu no shinpo Research Foundation for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo.
0372-7734 Yakugaku Kenkyu ????.
0386-2062 Yakugaku toshokan Nihon Yakugaku Toshokan Kyōgikai; Nihon yakugaku toshokan kyogikai; 日本薬学図書館協議会; Nihon yakugaku toshokan kyogikai; 日本薬学図書館協議会
0031-6903 Yakugaku zasshi Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.
1347-5231 Yakugaku zasshi = Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
0285-032X Yakult Kenkyujo kenkyu hokokushu Yakult Honsha, Chuo Kenkyujo
0386-3603 Yakuri to chiryäo Life Science Publishing.
0372-7831 Yakuyäo shokubutsu to shäoyaku Nihon Shäoyaku Gakkai.
0372-7629 Yakuzaigaku Yakuji Nippo-sha; Nihon yakugakkai; Nihon yakuzai gakkai; 日本薬剤学会
0372-7777 Yalkut Le-sivim, Tekhnologyah U-minhal Shel Tekstil [s.n.]
0371-7429 Yalqąwît lesiybiym, leîteknãwlãwgiyah ąwlemiynhal šel siybiym Haagąwdah haYiśreeliyt Leîteqsîtiyl.
0513-4676 Yamagata Daigaku Kiyo, Nogaku Yamagata Daigaku; Yamagata daigaku nogakubu; 山形大学農学部
0513-4692 Yamagata Daigaku Kiyo, Shizen Kagaku Yamagata Daigaku
0085-834X Yamagata Daigaku kiyo. Kogaku Yamagata Daigaku
0513-4706 Yamagata-ken Eisei Kenkyäujohäo Yamagata Prefectural Institute of Public Health.
0372-7785 Yamagata Norin Gakkaiho Yamagata Norin Gakkai, c/o Yamagata Daigaku Nogakubu
0372-7661 Yamaguchi Daigaku Käogakubu kenkyäu häokoku Yamaguchi University. Faculty of Engineering.
0513-1715 Yamaguchi Daigaku Näogakubu gakujutsu häokoku Yamaguchi University. Faculty of Agriculture.
0372-767X Yamaguchi Daigaku Rigakkaishi Yamaguchi Daigaku Rigakkai.
0513-1685 Yamaguchi Daigaku Rika Hokoku Yamaguchi Daigaku Bunrigakubu.
0513-1839 Yamaguchi Idai Sangyäo Igaku Kenkyäujo nenpäo Yamaguchi Medical School. Research Institute of Industrial Medicine.
0513-1731 Yamaguchi Igaku Yamaguchi Prefectural Medical College.; Yamaguchi University Medical Association.
0385-2946 Yamaguchi Joshi Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku. Dai 2-bu Shizen kagaku Yamaguchi Women's University.
0915-0498 Yamaguchi-ken Eisei Käogai Kenkyäu Sentäa gyäoseki häokoku Yamaguchi-ken Eisei Käogai Kenkyäu Sentäa.
1345-1944 Yamaguchi-ken Kankyäo Hoken Kenkyäu Sentäa gyäoseki häokoku Yamaguchi-ken Kankyäo Hoken Kenkyäu Sentäa.
1348-8759 Yamaguchiken Kankyo Hoken Kenkyu Senta shoho.; 山口県環境保健研究センター所報 Yamaguchiken Kankyo Hoken Kenkyu Senta; 山口県環境保健研究センター
0914-031X Yamaguchi-ken Käogai Sentäa nenpäo Yamaguchi Prefectural Environmental Pollution Research Center.
0388-9300 Yamaguchi-ken Naikai Suisan Shikenjō hōkoku Yamaguchi-ken Naikai Suisan Shikenjō
0388-9327 Yamaguchi-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Yamaguchi Agricultural Experiment Station.; Yamaguchi Agricultural and Forestry General Technology Center.
1344-4999 Yamaguchi Kenritsu Daigaku Seikatsu Kagakubu kenkyäu häokoku Yamaguchi Prefectural University. Faculty of Human Life Sciences.
0513-1863 Yamanashi Daigaku Hakko Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku Yamanashi University. Research Institute of Fermentation.; Yamanashi University. Institute of Enology and Viticulture.
0513-1871 Yamanashi Daigaku Kogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku University of Yamanashi. Faculty of Engineerring.
0385-8766 Yamanashi Daigaku Kyäoiku Gakubu kenkyäu häokoku. Dai 2-bunsatsu Shizen kagaku-kei Yamanashi University. Faculty of Education & Human Sciences.; Yamanashi University. Faculty of Liberal Arts & Education.
0912-0025 Yamanashi Ika Daigaku zasshi Yamanashi Ika Daigaku Igakkai :; Yamanashi Ika Daigaku Ishikai.
1348-5091 Yamanashi ikagaku zasshi Yamanashi daigaku igakkai,; Yamanashi daigaku igakkai
0915-437X Yamanashi-ken Eisei Käogai Kenkyäujo nenpäo Yamanashi Institute for Public Health.; Yamanashi kenritsu eisei kougai kenkyuujo.
0389-3588 Yamanashi-ken Kaju Shikenjo kenkyu hokoku Yamanashi-ken Kaju Shikenjo
0914-711X Yamanashi-ken Kogyo Gijutsu Senta kenkyu hokoku Yamanashi-ken Kogyo Gijutsu Senta,; Yamanashiken sangyo gijutsu senta
0389-3596 Yamanashi-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Yamanashi-ken Näogyäo Shikenjäo.
0910-8335 Yamanashi-ken Säogäo Näogyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Yamanashi Agricultural Research Center.; Yamanashi Prefectural Agricultural Research Center.
0388-9297 Yamanashi-ken Shokuhin Käogyäo Shidäosho kenkyäu häokoku Institute for Wine and Food Technology, Yamanashi Prefecture.
0287-2935 Yamanouchi Seiyaku kenkyäu häokoku Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Company.
0044-0183 Yamashina Chäorui Kenkyäujo Kenkyäu häokoku Yamashina Chäorui Kenkyäujo
1004-4353 Yanbian Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-1824 Yanbian yixueyuan xuebao Yanbian Yixueyuan,
1002-0861 Yancao ke-ji Zhongguo Yancao Zonggongsi Ke-Ji Qingbao Zhongxin,
1671-5322 Yancheng Gongxueyuan xuebao Yancheng Gongxueyuan Xuebao Bianjibu
1671-4652 Yangzhou Daxue xuebao Yangzhou Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
0372-0217 Yánjiäu bàogào ... - Guólì Táiwäan dàxué nungxuéyuan shíyàn lín Guólì Táiwäan dàxué nungxuéyuan shíyàn lín.; Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University.
0253-9039 Yánjiäu bàogào di ... - Shípěin gäongyè fäazhǎn yánjiäusuěo Shípěin gäongyè fäazhǎn yánjiäusuěo.
0065-1265 Yánjiäu bàogào - Guólì Táiwäan dàxué. Lěixuéyuàn dìzhìxué xì Guólì Táiwäan dàxué. Lěixuéyuàn dìzhìxué xì.; National Taiwan University. College of Science. Department of Geology.
0379-7481 Yánjiäu bàogào - Guólì Táiwäan dàxué lěixuéyuàn hǎiyáng yánjiäusuěo Guólì Táiwan dàxué lěixuéyuàn hǎiyáng yánjiäusuěo.; Institute of Oceanography, College of Science, National Taiwan University.
0255-5913 Yánjiäu huìbào - Táiwäan-shěng yäan-jiěu gäongmàijú yäanyè shìyànsuěo Táiwäan-shěng yäan-jiěu gäongmàijú yäanyè shìyànsuěo.
0379-7198 Yánjiäu zhuäanbào - Táiwäan féiliào gěufèn yěouxiàn gäongsäi Táiwäan féiliào gěufèn yěouxiäan gäongsäi.; Taiwan Fertilizer Company Ltd.
0372-2414 Yánjiū huìbào Táiwān tángyè shìyànsuǒ
0370-7326 Yánjiū shìyàn bàogào Zhōngguó shíyóu yǒuxiàn gōngsī Xīnzhú yánjiūyuàn
1004-4469 Yanke Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1003-5141 Yanke xinjinzhan He'nan Sheng Xinxiang Yixueyuan,
1000-4432 Yanke xuebao Zhongshan Yike Daxue Zhongshan Yanke Zhongxin,
1003-0808 Yanke yanjiu He'nan Sheng Yanke Yanjiusuo
0254-5357 Yankuang ceshi Dizhi Chubanshe
1007-791X Yanshan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-6524 Yanshi kuangwuxue zazhi Dizhi Chubanshe,
1000-0569 Yanshi xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1004-8820 Yantai Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0379-7279 Yánwù yuèkäan Yánwù yuèkäan.
0379-7287 Yányè yěu yángäong Yányè yěu yángäong yuèkäan shè.
1673-6850 Yanye yu huagong Gai Kan Bianjibu
0911-4769 Yäogyäo Gijutsu Kenkyäu Shisetsu nenpäo Nagoya Institute of Technology. Ceramic Engineering Research Laboratory.
0009-0255 Yäogyäo Kyäokaishi Yäogyäo Kyäokai
0372-7769 Yäogyäo Kyäokai zasshi Ceramic Society of Japan.; Japanese Ceramic Association.; Yäogyäo Kyäokwai.
0289-422X Yäosha gijutsu Thermal Spraying Society of Japan.; Spray Coating Society of Japan.
0389-5858 Yäoshoku Kenkyäujo kenkyäu häokoku National Research Institute of Aquaculture.
0254-1793 Yaowu fenxi zazhi Zhongguo Yaopin Shengwu Zhipin Jiandingsuo
1005-8915 Yaowu shengwu jishu Zhongguo Yiyao Ke-Ji Chubanshe,
1021-9498 Yàowù shípěin fäenxäi Xíngzhèng yuàn wèishäeng shěu yàowù shípěin jiǎnyàn jú.
2224-6614 Yàowù shípin fenxi (e-vir) Xíngzhèng yuàn wèisheng shu yàowù shípin jiǎnyàn jú; Elsevier Taiwan LLC
1671-2838 Yaoxue fuwu yu yanjiu Yaoxue Fuwu yu Yanjiu Zazhishe
1001-5094 Yaoxue jinzhan Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1006-0111 Yaoxue shijian zazhi Di-Er Junyi Daxue Yaoxueyuan; Zhongguo Yaoxuehui Shanghai Fenhui
0512-7343 Yaoxue tongbao Zhongguo Yaoxuehui
0513-4870 Yaoxue xuebao Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan Yaowu Yanjiusuo; Zhongguo Xiehe Yike Daxue Yaowu Yanjiusuo
1343-2206 Yasai, Chagyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. National Research Institute of Vegetables, Ornamental Plants and Tea.
0914-6652 Yasai, Chagyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku. B National Research Institute of Vegetables, Ornamental Plants and Tea, Japan.
0916-6858 Yasai, Chagyäo Shikenjäo kenkyäu häokoku. B, Chagyäo National Research Institute of Vegetables, Ornamental Plants and Tea.
1346-6984 Yasai chagyo kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku Nogyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko yasai chagyo kenkyujo,; Nogyo, seibutsukei tokutei sangyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko yasai chagyo kenkyujo; Nogyo, Shokuhin Sangyo Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyu Kiko Yasai Chagyo Kenkyujo; Nogyo, shokuhin sangyo gijutsu sogo kenkyu kiko yasai chagyo kenkyujo
0387-5407 Yasai Shikenjäo häokoku. A Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Research Station, Tsu.
0386-250X Yasai Shikenjäo häokoku. B Morioka Näorinshäo Yasai Shikenjäo. Morioka Shijäo.
0385-4663 Yasai Shikenjäo häokoku. C Kurume Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Research Station, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan.
0913-8463 Yäuki Gäosei Kagaku Kenkyäujo käoenshäu Research Institute for Organic Syntetic Chemistry.
0254-5551 Yayűn - Marmara Bilimsel ve Endüstriyel Araştűrma Enstitüsü, Beslenme ve Gűda Teknologisi Ünitesi Marmara Bilimsel ve endüstriyel araştirma enstitüsü.
0096-025X Yearbook American Public Works Association.
0069-066X Year book Carnegie Institution of Washington
0365-2513 Year book - Association of Green Crop Driers Association of Green Crop Driers.
0084-3652 Year book of anesthesia and pain management Year Book Medical Publishers.
0084-3733 Year book of drug therapy Year Book Medical Publishers.
0097-3122 Yearbook of Paper Industry Management Association Paper Industry Management Association.
0372-7688 Yearbook of Pharmacy [s.n.]
0096-4735 Yearbook of the American Iron and Steel Institute American Iron and Steel Institute.
0372-7815 Yearbook of the American Pulp and Paper Mill Superintendents Association
0096-5960 Yearbook of the California Avocado Society for the year .. California Avocado Society.
0425-3329 Yearbook of the Estonian Learned Society in America = Estonian Learned Society in America.; James H. Fraser Baltic Collection (Library of Congress),
0372-7823 Yearbook of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal
0749-503X Yeast Wiley
1097-0061 Yeast (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1000-7571 Yejin fenxi Yejinbu Gangtie Yanjiu Zongyuan.
1007-2780 Yejing yu xianshi Zhongguo Kexueyuan Changchun Wuli Yanjiusuo; Kexue Chubanshe
1226-8992 Yeon'gu bo'goseo hanguk jawon yeon-guso
0253-3227 Yeongnam daehag'gyo nonmunjib. jayeon gwahag pyeon Yeungnam daehag'gyo.
1671-6450 Yi'nanbing zazhi Yi'nanbing Zazhishe
1001-3725 Yibiao cailiao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0253-9772 Yichuan Kexue Chubanshe
0379-4172 Yichuan xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
0253-9594 Yichuan yu yuzhong Guoji Shudian,
1009-7783 Yingxiang cailiao Yingxiang Cailiao Zazhishe
0512-7955 Yingyang xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1002-2082 Yingyong guangxue Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1671-3206 Yingyong huagong Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-0518 Yingyong huaxue Kexue Chubanshe
1009-671X Yingyong keji Yingyong Keji Zazhishe,
0255-8297 Yingyong kexue xuebao Shanghai Kexue Jishi Chubanshe,1983-
1001-9332 Yingyong shengtai xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1006-687X Yingyong yu huanjing shengwu xuebao Kexue Chubanshe,
0513-2460 Ying Yung K'un Ch'ung Hsueh Pao
0254-3087 Yíqì yíbiǎo xuébào Zhäongguó yíqì yíbiǎo xuéhuì.
1671-3257 Yixianbingxue Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Pancreatology
1671-7120 Yixi gongye Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-8009 Yixue fenzi shengwuxue zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-7171 Yixue linchuang yanjiu Yixue Linchuang Yanjiu Zazhishe
1008-5157 Yixue qingbao gongzuo Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan Yixue Xinxi Yanjiusuo
1673-6036 Yixue xinxixue zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-5511 Yixue xinzhi zazhi Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1008-8199 Yixue yanjiusheng xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1011-4564 Yixué yánjiu zázhì Guófáng yixuéyuàn.
1004-0781 Yiyao daobao Hubei Sheng Yiyao Gongsi,
0255-7223 Yiyao gongye Guojia Yiyao Guanliju Yiyao Gongye Qingbao Zhongxinzhan; Shanghai Yiyao Gongye Yanjiuyuan
0254-5985 Yǒbang ǔihakhoe chi Yǒbang ǔihakhoe
0372-7807 Yoeob hoeji Korean Ceramic Industry Association.; Korean Ceramic Society.
0513-5532 Yokogawa giho Yokogawa Denki; Yokogawa hokushin denki; Yokogawa denki inobeshon honbu
0372-7726 Yokohama Igaku Yokohama igakkai; 横濱醫學會; Yokohama ika daigaku; Kanagawaken ishikai; 横浜医科大学 ;; 神奈川県医師会; Yokohama shiritsu daigaku igakubu; Kanagawaken ishikai; 横浜市立大学医学部 ;; 神奈川県医師会; Yokohama shidai igakkai; 横浜市大医学会; Yokohama shiritsu daigaku igakkai; 横浜市立大学医学会; Yokohama shiritsu daigaku igakkai; Yokohama sogo igaku shinko zaidan; 横浜市立大学医学会 ;; 横浜総合医学振興財団; Yokohama shiritsu daigaku igakkai; 横浜市立大学医学会
0286-584X Yokohama Kokuritsu Daigaku Kankyäo Kagaku Kenkyäu Sentäa kiyäo Yokohama National University. Institute of Environmental Science and Technology.
0044-0531 Yokohama Medical Bulletin Yokohama University School of Medicine.
0918-5720 Yokohama-shi Kankyäo Kagaku Kenkyäujohäo Yokohama Environmental Research Institute.
0911-7733 Yokohama Shiritsu Daigaku ronso. Shizen kagaku keiretsu Yokohama Shiritsu Daigaku Gakujutsu Kenkyukai
0513-2622 Yokosuka-shi Hakubutsukan kenkyū hōkoku. Shizen kagaku Yokosuka-shi Hakubutsukan; Yokosukashi shizen hakubutsukan; 横須賀市自然博物館; Yokosukashi shizen, jinbun hakubutsukan; 横須賀市自然・人文博物館
0372-7653 Yokufuen Chosa Kenkyu Kiyo Yokufuen
0513-5710 Yonago Acta Medica Tottori Daigaku Igakubu
0044-0558 Yonago igaku zasshi Yonago Igakkai
0287-7899 Yonago Käogyäo Käotäo Semmon Gakkäo kenkyäu häokoku Yonago Technical College.
1976-2437 Yonsei medical journal (e-vir) Yonsei university, College of medicine
0513-5796 Yonsei Medical Journal Yonsei University, College of Medicine
0375-5207 Yonsei reports on tropical medicine Institute of Tropical Medicine, Yonsei University.
0372-7858 Yonse Uidae Nonmunjip Yonse Taehakkyo Uigwa Taehak.
0288-4771 Yōsetsu Gakkai ronbunshū Yōsetsu Gakkai
0021-4787 Yosetsu Gakkai-Shi Yosetsu Gakkai
0372-7793 Yosetsukai Nippon Insatsu Shuppan K. K..
0916-6076 Yosha Nihon Yosha Kyokai; Nihon Yosha Gakkai
0513-5907 Yosui To Haisui Sangyo Yosui Chosakai.
1009-4369 Youjigui cailiao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0253-2786 Youji huaxue Kexue Chubanshe
1000-0658 Youkuang dizhi Yuanzineng Chubanshe,
1000-8063 You kuang ye Yuanzineng Chubanshe,
1001-0211 Youse jinshu Yejin Gongye Chubanshe,
1007-7545 Youse jinshu Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-9492 Youse jinshu Yejin Gongye Chubanshe,
0387-138X Yoyuen Denki Kagaku Kyokai. Yoyuen Iinkai; Denki kagaku kyokai yoyuen iinkai
0916-1589 Yoyuen oyobi koon kagaku Denki kagaku kyokai yoyuen iinkai; Denki kagakkai yoyuen iinkai
0512-9753 Yuan I T'ung Pao
0513-3564 Yuan Tzu Neng s.n.],
0253-3790 Yuanzihe wuli Yuanzineng Chubanshe
1007-4627 Yuanzihe wuli pinglun Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1000-6931 Yuanzineng kexue jishu Yuanzineng Chubanshe
0253-3596 Yuanzineng nongye yingyong Nongye chubanshe
0379-7171 Yuánzǐ néng wěiyuánhuì huìbào Yányè yǔ yángōng yuèkāmshè
1000-0364 Yuanzi yu fenzi wuli xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0513-6342 Yuasa jihäo Yuasa Corporation.
1008-620X Yueyang Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1006-4028 Yufang yixue qingbao zazhi Sichuan Sheng Weisheng Fangyizhan,
1007-2330 Yuhang cailiao gongyi Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0513-398X Yukagaku Japan Oil Chemists' Society.
0037-9980 Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokaishi Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokai
0082-4763 Yukijirushi Nyugyo Kenkyujo hokoku Yukijirushi Nyugyo Kabushiki Gaisha. Gijutsu Kenkyujo
0250-3360 Yukjong hakoeji Hangug nyugjon-hag hoi.
0258-7971 Yunnan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-8513 Yunnan Minzu Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-7188 Yunnan Minzu Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-390X Yunnan Nongye Daxue xuebao Yunnan Nongye Daxue,
1006-4141 Yunnan yiyao Zhonghua Yixuehui Yunnan Fenhui,
0253-2700 Yunnan zhiwu yanjiu Zhongguo Kexueyuan Kunming Zhiwu Yanjiusuo
1006-9674 Yunyang Yixueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0912-5396 Yushi Saiwai Shobäo.
0372-7742 Yushi Kagaku Kyäokaishi Nihon Yushu Kagaku Kyäokai
0139-8946 Zaápadné Karpaty. Mineraloǵia, petrografia, geochémia, metalogenéza Veda
0724-9004 ZAC. Zeitschrift für antimikrobielle, antineoplastische Chemotherapie Futuramed-Verlag
0044-1570 Zacchia c/o Instituto di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni dell'Universita di Roma
0514-1206 Za èkonomiû materialov "Gosènergoizdat".
0372-8455 Za èkonomiû topliva.; За экономию топлива "Gosènergoizdat"; "Госэнергоиздат".
0137-9690 Zagadnienia Biofizyki Współczesnej Polskie Towarzystwo Biofizyczne.; Polskie Towarzystwo Biofizyczne.
0324-8194 Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Uniwersytet Warszawski.; Uniwersytet Warszawski.; Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich.
0084-4454 Zagadnienia Tarcia, Zużycia i Smarowania Polska Akademia Nauk.
1110-5089 Zagazig Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Faculty of Pharmacy Zagazig University
1684-1107 Zagotovitelʹnye proizvodstva v mašinostroenii Mašinostroenie; Innovacionnoe mašinostroenie
0514-5848 Zahist roslin.; Захист рослин Urožaj; Урожай
0368-5578 Za hlopkovuû nezavisimostʹ "Sredažlopka". Obʺedinenie.
0372-7963 Zahnärztliche Rundschau Berlinische Verl.-Anst..
0372-8005 Zahnärztliche Welt Verl. Zahnärztl. Welt.
0372-8013 Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift Berliner Verl.-Anst..
0916-4456 Zaiken hōkoku Waseda Daigaku. Kagami Kinen Zairyō Gijutsu Kenkyūjo
0388-3930 Zairyäo kagaku Materials Science Society of Japan.
0372-7971 Zairyäo shiken Nihon Zairyäo Shiken Kyäokai.
0917-0480 Zairyäo to kankyäo Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering.; JSCE.
0514-5163 Zairyo Nippon Zairyo Gakkai.
0289-7709 Zairyō gijutsu Sōgō Gijutsu Shuppan; Zairyo gijutsu kenkyu kyokai; 材料技術研究協会; Zairyo gijutsu kenkyu kyokai; 材料技術研究協会; Zairyo gijutsu kenkyu kyokai; 材料技術研究協会
0285-2470 Zairyō shiken gijutsu Zairyō Shiken Gijutsu Kenkyūkai; Nihon zairyo shiken gijutsu kyokai; 日本材料試験技術協会
0231-6838 Zajímavosti ze zahraničního tisku v oboru textilním Státní výzkumný ústav textilní,
0207-3471 Zakonomernosti morfogeneza opornyh struktur pozvonočnika na različnyh ètapah ontogeneza Izdatelʹstvo Âroslavskogo universiteta.
0514-1958 Zakonomernosti razmeśeniâ poleznyh iskopaemyh Nauka.
0378-8857 Zambia journal of science and technology National Council for Scientific Research.
0250-5606 Zanco. Series A, Pure and applied sciences Sulaimaniyah University.
0385-1001 Zäosui gijutsu Water Re-use Promotion Center.
0369-7940 Za ovladenie tehnikoj v kamennougolʹnoj promyšlennosti.; За овладение техникой в каменноугольной промышленности [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0369-7959 Za ovladenie tehnikoj v kožobuvnom proizvodstve.; За овладение техникой в кожобувном производстве CNIKP; ЦНИКП.
0139-7389 Západné Karpaty Geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra
0139-8288 Západné Karpaty. Séria geológia Veda
0139-7583 Západné Karpaty. Séria hydrogelógia a inžinierska geológia Geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra
0372-7912 Zapiski Armânskogo otdeleniâ Vsesoûznogo mineralogičeskogo obŝestva Institut geologičeskih nauk.; Vsesoûznoe mineralogičeskoe obŝestvo. Armânskoe otdelenie.
0372-9257 Zapiski Leningradskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni selʹskohozâjstvennogo instituta Lenizdat.
0373-2703 Zapiski naučnyh seminarov Leningradskogo otdeleniâ ordena Lenina Matematičeskogo instituta im. V. A. Steklova Akademii nauk SSSR Nauka
0506-1881 Zapiski Tadžikskogo otdeleniâ Vsesoûznogo mineralogičeskogo obŝestva Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk Tadžikskoj SSR.
0507-472X Zapiski Vostočno-Sibirskogo otdeleniâ Vsesoûznogo mineralogičeskogo obśestva Institut zemnoj kory.
0869-6055 Zapiski Vserossijskogo mineralogičeskogo obščestva Nauka
0373-0255 Zapiski Vserossijskogo mineralogičeskogo obŝestva Vserossijskoe mineralogičeskoe obŝestvo
0044-1805 Zapiski Vsesojuznogo mineralogičeskogo obščestva Nauka
0372-9966 Zapisnici Srpskog geološkog društva Srpsko geološko društvo
0372-9648 Za progress proizvodstva Centralʹnoe bûro tehničeskoj informacii
0134-4978 Zaśita lesa Leningradskaâ lesotehničeskaâ akademiâ im. S.M. Kirova
0044-1856 Zaŝita metallov Nauka
0132-3547 Zaŝita ot korrozii i ohrana okružaûŝej sredy; Защита от коррозии и охрана окружающей среды VNIIOÈNG; ВНИИОЭНГ
0044-1864 Zaŝita rastenij Kolos
0130-1500 Zaŝita rastenij ot vreditelej i boleznej Glavnyj Botaničeskij sad ANSSSR
0514-2245 Zaśita truboprovodov ot korrozii [s.n.].
0372-798X Zasso Kenkyu Nihon Zasso Bojo Kenkyukai, c/o Tokyo Daigaku Nogakubu; Nihon zassou gakkai
0350-1973 Zaštita atmosfere Savez za čistoću vazduha Jugoslavije
0372-7866 Zaštita bilja Institut za zaštitu bilja
0351-9465 Zaštita materijala Savez inženjera i tehničara za zaštitu materijala Jugoslavije
2466-2585 Zaštita materijala (e-vir) Inženjersko društvo za koroziju
0373-0077 Za torfânuû industriû.; За торфяную индустрию [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0204-8345 Zavarâvane Institut po zavarâvane.
0513-8523 Zavarivač Društvo za tehniku zavarivanja BiH; Društvo za tehniku zavarivanja Makedonije; Društvo za unapređenje zavarivanja u Srbiji
0044-1902 Zavarivanje Hrvatsko društvo za tehniku zavarivanja; Ministarstvo znanosti, tehnologije i informatike
0354-7965 Zavarivanje i zavarene konstrukcije Društvo za unapređivanje zavarivanja u Srbiji
0321-4265 Zavodskaâ laboratoriâ Metallurgiâ
1028-6861 Zavodskaâ laboratoriâ. Diagnostika materialov Test-ZL
0036-5262 Zborník geologických vied Geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra
0302-8569 Zborník Lekárskej fakulty Košice Univerzita P.J. Šafárika. Lekárska fakulta.
0352-4906 Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke Matica srpska
2406-0828 Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke (e-vir) Matica srpska
0139-5092 Zborník pedagogickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave so sídlom v Trnave Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave.
0524-2185 Zborník prác Chemickotechnologickej fakulty SVŠT Slovenská vysoká škola technická. Chemickotechnologická fakulta.
0231-7834 Zborník prác Ústavu experimentálnej farmakológie Slovenskej akadémie vied Slovenská akadémia vied.
0351-2150 Zbornik radova Tehnički fakultet i Institut za bakar
0408-9626 Zbornik radova Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
0550-2187 Zbornik radova Tehnološki fakultet
0408-9618 Zbornik Radova Geoloskog Instituta "Jovan Žujović" Geološki insitut "Jovan Žujović"
0522-8530 Zbornik radova Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Poljoprivredni fakultet
0352-2296 Zbornik radova Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Prirodno-matematički fakultet
0409-0233 Zbornik radova Rudarsko-geološkog fakulteta Rudarsko-geološki fakultet
0231-5343 Zborník referátov-Seminár Pokroky vo výrobe a použití lepidiel v drevopriemysle Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
0232-0029 Zborník vedeckých prác Drevárskej fakulty Vysokej školy lesníckej a drevárskej vo Zvolene Vysoká škola lesnícka a drevárska.
0520-7355 Zborník vedeckých prác Stavebnej fakulty Slovenskej vysokej školy technickej v Bratislave Slovenská vysoká škola technická
0371-4616 Zborník vedeckých prác Vysokej školy technickej v Košiciach Vysoká škola technická v Košiciach
0139-8369 Zborník Výskumných prác Výskumného ústavu zváračského v Bratislave Výskumný ústav zváračský v Bratislave
0461-4461 Zbornik za prirodne nauke Matica srpska
0372-8242 ZDA Abstracts Zinc development association
0044-1945 Zdorovʹe Zdorovʹe.
0513-8728 Zdravoohranenie [s.n.]
0044-1961 Zdravoohranenie Belorussii Polymâ
0372-8277 Zdravoohranenie Kazahstana Ministerstvo zdravoohraneniâ Kazahskoj SSR.
0132-8867 Zdravoohranenie Kirgizii Ministerstvo zdravoohraneniâ Kirgizskoj SSR.
0514-2415 Zdravoohranenie Tadžikistana.; Здравоохранение Таджикистана Ministerstvo zdravoohraneniâ Tadžikskoj SSR; Министерство здравоохранения Таджикской ССР; Nigah̦dorii tandurustii Toc̦ikiston; Нигах̦дории тандурустии Тоҷикистон
0513-8736 Zdravoohranenie Turkmenistana Ministerstvo zdravoohraneniâ Turkmenskoj SSR.
0044-1988 Zdravotní technika a vzduchotechnika Academia
1545-8547 Zebrafish Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-8542 Zebrafish (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0172-8644 ZEBS-Berichte Zentrale Erfassungs- und Bewertungsstelle für Umweltchemikalien des Bundesgesundheitsamtes.
0044-2054 Zeiss information Carl Zeiss,
0941-7567 Zeiss information with Jena review Carl Zeiss; Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH,
0044-2062 Zeiss-Mitteilungen über Fortschritte der Technischen Optik Fischer
0372-8315 Zeitschrift der Dampfkesseluntersuchuengs- und Versicherungs-Gesellschaft [s.n.]
0012-0189 Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft; E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
0372-9583 Zeitschrift der Deutschen Oel- und Fett-Industrie [s.n.]
0373-028X Zeitschrift der Wiener Entomologischen Gesellschaft Hans Reisser.
0373-0344 Zeitschrift der Wirtschaftsgruppe Zuckerindustrie [s.n.]
0373-0336 Zeitschrift der Wirtschaftsgruppe Zuckerindustrie, Allgemeiner Teil [s.n.]
0373-0360 Zeitschrift der Wirtschaftsgruppe Zuckerindustrie, Technischer Teil [s.n.]
0372-7947 Zeitschrift des Allgemeinen Oesterreichischen Apotheker-Vereines Oesterreichisches Apotheker-Vereines
0372-8145 Zeitschrift des Bayerischen Revisions-Vereins [s.n.]
0372-9125 Zeitschrift des Internationalen Vereines der Bohringenieure und Bohrtechniker [s.n.]
0372-9605 Zeitschrift des Oesterreichischen Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereines Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein
0372-9591 Zeitschrift des Oesterreichischen Vereines von Gas- und Wasserfachmaennern Oesterreichischer Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachmaennern
0373-0212 Zeitschrift des Vereines der Deutschen Zucker-Industrie ????
0372-5456 Zeitschrift des Vereines der Deutschen Zucker-Industrie, Allgemeiner Teil ????
0372-5464 Zeitschrift des Vereines der Deutschen Zucker-Industrie, Technischer Teil ????
0372-9265 Zeitschrift fuer das Landwirtschaftliche Versuchswesen in Deutsch-Oesterreich [s.n.]
0372-9826 Zeitschrift fuer Papier, Pappe, Zellulose und Holzstoff [s.n.]
0372-8579 Zeitschrift fuer Schweisstechnik Schweizerische Vereins für Schweisstechnik
0373-0220 Zeitschrift fuer Vitamin-, Hormon- und Fermentforschung [s. n.]
0044-2151 Zeitschrift für Acker- und Pflanzenbau Paul Parey
0372-7882 Zeitschrift für Aerosol-Forschung und -Therapie Schattauer.
0044-2208 Zeitschrift für allgemeine Mikrobiologie Akademie-Verlag
0044-2224 Zeitschrift für Alternsforschung s.n.
0372-7920 Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie J. F. Bergmann
0044-2232 Zeitschrift für Anatomie und entwicklungeschichte Springer
0084-5280 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Bäder- und Klimaheilkunde F. K. Schattauer-Verlag
0044-2240 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie Verlag Paul Parey
0044-2259 Zeitschrift für angewandte Geologie Akademie-Verlag
0044-2267 Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik Wiley-VCH
1521-4001 Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0044-2275 Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik Birkhaeuser Verlag
1420-9039 Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (e-vir) Birkhäuser
0372-7904 Zeitschrift für angewandte Mikroskopie und klinische Chemie Hygienischer Verl..
0372-7939 Zeitschrift für angewandte Mineralogie Borntraeger.
0044-2283 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physik Springer
0720-227X Zeitschrift für angewandte Phytotherapie Deutscher Kartei-Verlag, Verl. für Medizin Mertinat.
0044-2291 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Zoologie Duncker und Humblot
0372-7874 Zeitschrift für anorganische Chemie Barth
0044-2313 Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie Wiley
1521-3749 Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
0044-2178 Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung Fischer
0372-8331 Zeitschrift für Astrophysik Springer
0372-834X Zeitschrift für Augenheilkunde S. Karger,
0372-8064 Zeitschrift für Beleuchtungswesen, Heizungs- und Lüftungstechnik [s.n.]
0049-8602 Zeitschrift für Bewässerungswirtschaft DLG-Verl.-GmbH
0044-2399 Zeitschrift für Bienenforschung Verlag Deutscher Imkerbund eV
0372-8358 Zeitschrift für Biochemie Biochemischer Bund Deutschlands.
0372-8366 Zeitschrift für Biologie Urban u. Schwarzenberg.
0372-8102 Zeitschrift für Botanik Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft.
0044-2402 Zeitschrift für Chemie Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie
0372-820X Zeitschrift für Chemie und Industrie der Kolloide
0372-8196 Zeitschrift für Chemische Apparatenkunde [s.n.]
0372-8226 Zeitschrift für Chemotherapie und verwandte Gebiete Thieme.
0372-8234 Zeitschrift für Chemotherapie und verwandte Gebiete Thieme.
0372-8293 Zeitschrift für Dampfkessel und Maschinenbetrieb [s.n.]
0372-8072 Zeitschrift für das Berg-, Hütten- und Salinenwesen im Deutschen Reich [s.n.]
0372-8161 Zeitschrift für das Berg-Hütten und Salinenwesen im Preussischen Staate [s.n.]
0372-8706 Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Brauwesen Carl
0372-882X Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Getreide- Mühlen- und Bäckereiwesen [s.n.]
0372-8749 Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Getreidewesen [s.n.]
0372-8862 Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Mühlenwesen [s.n.]
0372-8935 Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Schiess- und Sprengstoffwesen A. Schrimpff
0372-8250 Zeitschrift für Deutschlands Druckgewerbe Wirtschaftsgruppe Druck.
0373-689X Zeitschrift für die Binnenfischerei der DDR Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
0372-8722 Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Experimentelle Medizin Springer Verlag
0044-2534 Zeitschrift für die gesamte experimentelle Medizin einschliesslich experimenteller Chirurgie Springer.
0372-8730 Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Giessereipraxis Elsner
0049-8610 Zeitschrift für die gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete Verlag Volk und Gesundheit
0044-2542 Zeitschrift für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete Georg Thieme
0372-9133 Zeitschrift für die gesamte Kälte-Industrie VDI-Verlag
0372-879X Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Kälte-Industrie VDI-Verlag
0372-9141 Zeitschrift für die gesamte Kälte-Industrie, Beihefte, Reihe 2 VDI-Verlag
0372-915X Zeitschrift für die gesamte Kälte-Industrie, Beihefte, Reihe 3 VDI-Verlag
0372-8846 Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Mineralwasser- und Kohlensäureindustrie [s.n.]
0372-8870 Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Naturwissenschaft [s.n.]
0303-4194 Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie Springer.
0372-8900 Zeitschrift für die gesamte physikalische Therapie. Abteilung A, Originalien Springer.
0372-8943 Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Textilindustrie Verein Deutscher Färber
0373-0107 Zeitschrift für die Technische Überwachung [s.n.]
0044-2623 Zeitschrift für die Zuckerindustrie Verlag Dr Albert Bartens
0372-8439 Zeitschrift für Eis- und Kälte-Industrie [s.n.]
0372-8382 Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie Verlag Chemie
0372-8323 Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie und Angewandte Physikalische Chemie Verlag Chemie
1610-0646 Zeitschrift für Epileptologie Steinkopff.
1617-6782 Zeitschrift für Epileptologie Steinkopff.
0303-657X Zeitschrift für Erkrankungen der Atmungsorgane Barth.
1439-0116 Zeitschrift für Ernährungsökologie Ecomed-Verl.-Ges..
0044-264X Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft Steinkopff
0084-5337 Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft D. Steinkopff
1435-1293 Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft Steinkopff.
0372-848X Zeitschrift für Erzbergbau und Metallhüttenwesen Riederer
0323-5580 Zeitschrift für experimentelle Chirurgie Gesellschaft für Chirurgie der DDR, Sektion Experimentelle Chirurgie.
0232-7295 Zeitschrift für experimentelle Chirurgie, Transplantation und künstliche Organe Verlag Volk und Gesundheit
0044-2704 Zeitschrift für experimentelle Chirurgie und chirurgische Forschung Gesellschaft für Chirurgie der DDR.
0372-8552 Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Pathologie und Therapie
0372-865X Zeitschrift für Farben-Industrie [s.n.]
0372-8684 Zeitschrift für Farben- und Textil-Chemie [s.n.]
0044-2720 Zeitschrift für Fischerei und deren Hilfswissenschaften Neumann Verlag
0372-8676 Zeitschrift für Fleisch- und Milchhygiene [s.n.]
0044-2739 Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft und Raumfahrt
0342-068X Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung Springer Internat.
0044-2771 Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie Demeter
1439-7803 Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie (e-vir) Georg Thieme
0044-278X Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie Enke.
0300-967X Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Perinatologie F. Enke
0303-4534 Zeitschrift für geologische Wissenschaften Akademie-Verlag
0044-2798 Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Borntraeger
0372-8854 Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Gebrüder Borntraeger
1864-1687 Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie (e-vir) Schweizerbart
0044-2801 Zeitschrift für Geophysik [s.n.]
0044-281X Zeitschrift für Gerontologie Steinkopff.
0372-8919 Zeitschrift für Gesundheitstechnik und Städtehygiene Hiehold.
0044-2836 Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie Universitätsverlag Wagner
0372-8978 Zeitschrift für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-und-Ohrenheilkunde Springer.
0044-2844 Zeitschrift für Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten Grosse.
0372-8994 Zeitschrift für Hygienische Zoologie und Schädlingsbekämpfung Duncker und Humblot.
0340-904X Zeitschrift für Immunitätsforschung Fischer.
0044-2879 Zeitschrift für Immunitätsforschung, Allergie und klinische Immunologie Fischer.
0300-872X Zeitschrift für Immunitätsforschung, experimentelle und klinische Immunologie G. Fischer.
0340-1324 Zeitschrift für Immunitätsforschung, experimentelle und klinische Immunologie. Supplemente Fischer.
0343-3803 Zeitschrift für Immunitätsforschung. Supplemente Fischer.
0372-9052 Zeitschrift für Immunitätsforschung und experimentelle Therapie
0372-9044 Zeitschrift für Immunitätsforschung und experimentelle Therapie. I. Teil, Originale
0372-9060 Zeitschrift für Immunitätsforschung und experimentelle Therapie. II. Teil, Referate
0372-9001 Zeitschrift für Immunitäts- und Allergieforschung
0372-901X Zeitschrift Für Induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre Springer
0931-4474 Zeitschrift für Infektionskrankheiten, parasitäre Krankheiten und Hygiene der Haustiere Schoetz.
0372-8420 Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde Vieweg
0044-2887 Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft Paul Parey
0300-5860 Zeitschrift für Kardiologie D. Steinkopff
0303-6308 Zeitschrift für Kardiologie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie - Herz- und Kreislaufforschung e.V.
1435-1285 Zeitschrift für Kardiologie Steinkopff.
0044-2917 Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde Springer.
0372-8447 Zeitschrift für Kinderpsychiatrie = International Association for Child Psychiatry; Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie
0372-9184 Zeitschrift für Klinische Chemie Walter de Gruyter und Co.
0044-2933 Zeitschrift für Klinische Chemie und Klinische Biochemie Walter de Gruyter und Co.
0233-1608 Zeitschrift für klinische Medizin Verlag Volk und Gesundheit
0372-9192 Zeitschrift für klinische Medizin Springer.
0372-9168 Zeitschrift für Komprimierte und Flüssige Gase sowie für die Pressluft-Industrie Verlag von Carl Steinert
0177-347X Zeitschrift für Konstitutionslehre Springer :; Bergmann
0301-1585 Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung Springer-Verlag; J. F. Bergmann
0084-5353 Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung und Klinische Onkologie Springer; J. F. Bergmann
0044-295X Zeitschrift für Kreislaufforschung Steinkopff
0044-2968 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft
1433-7266 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Oldenbourg.
2197-4578 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie (e-vir) %de% Gruyter
0372-9176 Zeitschrift für Krystallographie und Mineralogie
0372-9982 Zeitschrift für Kulturtechnik [s.n.]
0044-2984 Zeitschrift für Kulturtechnik und Flurbereinigung Paul Parey
0514-6437 Zeitschrift für landwirtschaftliches Versuchs- und Untersuchungswesen
0044-3018 Zeitschrift für Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie und ihre Grenzgebiete Thieme
0044-3026 Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung Springer; J. F. Bergmann
1431-4630 Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung Springer
1432-2331 Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung (e-vir) Springer.
0372-9230 Zeitschrift für Leder- und Gerberei-Chemie [s.n.]
0343-8554 Zeitschrift für Lymphologie Schattauer.
0372-929X Zeitschrift für Medizinische Chemie [s.n.]
0514-2687 Zeitschrift für Medizinische Isotopenforschung und Deren Grenzgebiete Schattauer
0323-5637 Zeitschrift für medizinische Laboratoriumsdiagnostik Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie und Laboratoriumsdiagnostik der DDR.
0044-3069 Zeitschrift für medizinische Labortechnik Volk und Gesundheit.
0044-3077 Zeitschrift für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Immunologie Springer Verlag
0939-3889 Zeitschrift für medizinische Physik Urban und Fischer.
1876-4436 Zeitschrift für medizinische Physik (e-vir) Elsevier, Urban & Fischer
0375-5320 Zeitschrift für menschliche Vererbungs- und Konstitutionslehre Gesellschaft für Konstitutionsforschung.
0044-3093 Zeitschrift für Metallkunde Hanser
0084-5361 Zeitschrift für Meteorologie Akademie-Verlag
0514-8782 Zeitschrift für Militärmedizin Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität.Greifswald.Militärmedizinische Sektion.
0044-3131 Zeitschrift für Morphologie der Tiere Springer,
0372-9389 Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere Springer,
2365-0087 Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere (e-vir) Springer
0170-110X Zeitschrift für Mykologie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
0372-9451 Zeitschrift für Nahrungsmittel-Untersuchung, Hygiene und Warenkunde s.n.
0341-0471 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung
0372-9516 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung
0932-0776 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung
0939-5075 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung Verl. d. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung
1865-7109 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung (e-vir) Verl. d. Zeitschr. für Naturforschung
1865-7117 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung Verl. d. Zeitschr. für Naturforschung
1865-7125 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung Verl. d. Zeitschr. für Naturforschung
0932-0784 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. A, A journal of physical sciences Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung
0044-3166 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. Teil A, Astrophysik, Physik und physikalische Chemie Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung
0340-4811 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. Teil a, Physik, physikalische Chemie, Kosmophysik Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung
0340-5087 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. Teil b, Anorganische Chemie, organische Chemie Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung
0044-3174 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. Teil b, Chemie, Biochemie, Biophysik, Biologie und verwandte Gebiete Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung
0514-6461 Zeitschrift für naturwissenschaftlich-medizinische Grundlagenforschung B. Schwabe,
0012-1037 Zeitschrift für Neurologie Springer.
1432-2919 Zeitschrift für Onkologie Haug
0044-3255 Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde
0513-9090 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenschutz Bayerischer Landwirtschaftsverlag
0372-9702 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung, Düngung, Bodenkunde Verl. Chemie
0044-3263 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde VCH
0372-851X Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Düngung. Teil A, Wissenschaftlicher Teil Verl. Chemie.
0372-9737 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten Eugen Ulmer, Verlag für Landwirtschaft, Gartenbau und Naturwissenschaften
0044-3271 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten, Pflanzenpathologie, und Pflanzenschutz Eugen Ulmer
2364-995X Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten, Pflanzenpathologie und Pflanzenschutz (e-vir) Ulmer
0372-8528 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Gallenkunde Ulmer,
2364-6187 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Gallenkunde (e-vir) Ulmer
0340-8159 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz Ulmer
2364-9968 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz (e-vir) Ulmer
0044-328X Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie Fischer
0044-3298 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenzüchtung Paul Parey
0170-9739 Zeitschrift für Physic C. Particles and fields Springer
0044-3328 Zeitschrift für Physik Springer-Verlag
0939-7922 Zeitschrift für Physik Springer
1431-5831 Zeitschrift für Physik Springer
1431-584X Zeitschrift für Physik Springer
1431-5858 Zeitschrift für Physik Springer
1431-5866 Zeitschrift für Physik Springer
Y502-2630 Zeitschrift für Physik Springer
0340-2193 Zeitschrift für Physik. A, Atoms and nuclei Springer
0722-3277 Zeitschrift für Physik. B, Condensed matter Springer
0340-224X Zeitschrift für Physik. B, Condensed matter and quanta Springer
0178-7683 Zeitschrift für Physik. D, Atoms, molecules and clusters Springer
0930-1151 Zeitschrift für Physik- A, Atomic nuclei Springer
0044-3336 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie Oldenbourg
0323-4479 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest und Portig
0372-9656 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie Akad. Verl.-Ges. Becker u. Erler.
0372-9664 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Becker & Erler
0724-410X Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie Oldenbourg.
0372-8501 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, Stöchiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft.
0720-9762 Zeitschrift für physikalische Medizin, Balneologie, med. Klimatologie Demeter
0372-9672 Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie Trubner.
0722-348X Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie Hippokrates-Verlag
0044-3352 Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pilzkunde [etc.]
0044-3379 Zeitschrift für Präventivmedizin Orell Füssli,
0372-9745 Zeitschrift für psychische Hygiene Verband Deutscher Hilfsvereine für Geisteskranke.; Deutscher Verband für Psychische Hygiene.
0044-3433 Zeitschrift für Rechtsmedizin Springer-Verlag
0044-345X Zeitschrift für Rheumaforschung Steinkopff.
0340-1855 Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie Steinkopff
1435-1250 Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie Steinkopff.
0373-000X Zeitschrift für Spiritusindustrie [s.n.]
0373-0093 Zeitschrift für technische Physik Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Physik
0373-0069 Zeitschrift für Tierernährung und Futtermittelkunde Parey.
0044-3565 Zeitschrift für Tierphysiologie, Tierernährung und Futtermittelkunde Parey
0044-3581 Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie Parey
0044-359X Zeitschrift für Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie Deutsche Tropenmedizinische Gesellschaft.
0372-8587 Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose Barth.
0373-0050 Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose und Erkrankungen der Thoraxorgane Barth
0373-0174 Zeitschrift für Untersuchung der Lebensmittel Springer
0372-9419 Zeitschrift für Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel sowie der Gebrauchsgegenstände Springer
0044-3611 Zeitschrift für Urologie und Nephrologie Thieme
0372-8609 Zeitschrift für Vererbungslehre Springer.
0044-362X Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Physiologie Springer-Verlag
0044-3697 Zeitschrift für Versuchstierkunde =Gustav= Fischer Verlag
0373-0239 Zeitschrift für Vitaminforschung Huber,
0372-8617 Zeitschrift für Volksernährung [s.n.]
0044-3727 Zeitschrift für Wasser- und Abwasser-Forschung VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft
0368-1033 Zeitschrift für Wasser-Versorgung und Abwasserkunde Techn. Verl. Thiem.
0372-8625 Zeitschrift für Weltforstwirtschaft [s.n.]
0049-8688 Zeitschrift für Werkstofftechnik VCH
0044-3743 Zeitschrift für wirtschaftliche Fertigung Hanser
0932-0482 Zeitschrift für wirtschaftliche Fertigung und Automatisierung Hanser
2511-0896 Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb (e-vir) de Gruyter
0373-031X Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und für Mikroskopische Technik S. Hirzel
0044-3778 Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest und Portig.
0044-3794 Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie Springer
0044-3808 Zeitschrift für Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung Parey
0369-9315 Zeitschrift für Züchtung Gesellschaft zur Förderung Deutscher Pflanzenzucht.; Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung.; Bayerischer Saatzuchtverein.
1026-6496 Zekuytsner - Hayastani gitutyunneri azgayin akademia Hayastani gitutyunneri azgayin akademia
0321-1339 ZekuytsŚner - Haykakan SSîR gitutŚyunneri akademia Haykakan SSîR gitutŚyunneri akademia
0044-4448 Železnodorožnyj transport "Transport"
0044-3867 Zellstoff und Papier Fachbuchverlag
0372-9273 Zellwolle Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen
0373-0298 Zellwolle, Kunstseide, Seide Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen
0372-8285 Zellwolle und Deutsche Kunstseiden-Zeitung Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen
0372-9214 Zellwolle und Kunstseide Gemeinschaftsverlag Zellwolle u. Kunstseide
0513-9376 Zemědělství v zahraničí Československá akademie zemědělských věd
0372-9370 Zement Bauverlag GmbH aWiesbaden
0044-3905 Zement-Kalk-Gips Bauverlag
0514-2938 Zement-Taschenbuch Verein Deutscher Zementwerke
0372-9281 Zement und Beton Tonindustrie-Zeitung
0514-2946 Zement und Beton Zement + Beton Handels- und Werbeges.
0044-3948 Zemlâ i Vselennaâ Nauka
0044-3913 Zemledelie Kolos
0372-8498 Zemlerobstvo.; Землеробство Urožaĭ; Урожай; Edelʹveĭs; Едельвейс
0130-1551 Zemlevedenie Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta
0514-6658 Zemljište i biljka Unija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije
2560-4279 Zemljište i biljka (e-vir) Srpsko društvo za proučavanje zemljišta
1346-4965 Zenkoku Kankyoken kaishi Zenkoku Kankyoken Kaishi Jimukyoku
0385-1028 Zenkoku Käogaiken kaishi Zenkoku Käogaiken Kyäogikai. Henshäu Iinkai.; Environmental Laboratories Association.
0372-8021 Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung W. Ernst & Sohn
0372-8463 Zentralblatt der Experimentellen Medizin Urban und Schwarzenberg
0366-5704 Zentralblatt der Hütten- und Walzwerke [s.n.]
0375-524X Zentralblatt fuer das Gesamte Forstwesen Österreichischer Agrarverlag.
0372-8544 Zentralblatt fuer die Papierindustrie [s.n.]
0173-3338 Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz, Prophylaxe und Ergonomie Haefner.
0944-2502 Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie Haefner
2198-0713 Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie (e-vir) Haefner
0340-7047 Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Prophylaxe Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Unfallforschung.
0044-4049 Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin und Arbeitsschutz Dr Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag
0934-8840 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie Fischer
0941-018X Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie Fischer
0174-3015 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene Fischer
0176-6724 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene Fischer
0932-6073 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene Fischer
0174-3031 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene. 1. Abt. Originale. A, Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Infektionskrankheiten und Parasitologie Fischer
0721-9571 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene. 1. Abt. Originale. C, Allgemeine, angewandte und ökologische Mikrobiologie Fischer
0172-5629 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene. 1. Abtei- lung. Fischer
0514-7093 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene [s.n.]
0044-4057 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektions-krankheiten und Hygiene G. Fischer
0372-8110 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. 1. Abteilung, Medizinisch- hygienische Bakteriologie, Virusforschung und Parasitologie. Originale Fischer
0300-9688 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. 1. Abteilung. Originale. Reihe A, Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Parasitologie Fischer
0300-9661 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. 1. Abteilung. Originale. Reihe B, Hygiene, präventive Medizin Fischer.
0044-4073 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. 1. Abteilung. Referate, Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Parasitologie, Hygiene, präventive Medizin Fischer
0323-6056 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektions-krankheiten und Hygiene. 2 naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung, Mikrobiologie der Landwirtschaft, der Technologie und des Umweltschutzes Gustav Fischer Verlag
0302-590X Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektionskrankheiten Fischer
0172-5602 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie. 1. Abt. Originale. B, Hygiene, Krankenhaushygiene, Betriebshygiene, präventive Medizin Fischer
0172-5564 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie. 1. Abt. Originale. C, Allgemeine, angewandte und ökologische Mikrobiologie Fischer.
0172-5599 Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie. 1. Abt. Originale A, Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Infektionskrankheiten und Parasitologie Fischer
0372-803X Zentralblatt für Biochemie und Biophysik
0514-7107 Zentralblatt für biologische Aerosolforschung Fachausschuss für Aerosolfragen in der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung, München.
0044-409X Zentralblatt für Chirurgie J.A. Barth
1438-9592 Zentralblatt für Chirurgie (e-vir) Thieme
0372-8757 Zentralblatt für die Gesamte Hygiene mit Einschluss der Bakteriologie und Immunitätslehre [s.n.]
0372-8765 Zentralblatt für die Gesamte Hygiene und Ihre Grenzgebiete [s.n.]
0372-8897 Zentralblatt für die gesamte Physiologie und Pathologie des Stoffwechsels Urban und Schwarzenberg.
0340-5109 Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie. Teil 1, Allgemeine, Angewandte, Regionale und Historische Geologie E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
0044-4189 Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie. Teil 2, Paläontologie E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchandlung
0372-8773 Zentralblatt für Gewerbehygiene und Unfallverhütung Springer.
0044-4197 Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie [s. n.]
0934-8859 Zentralblatt für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin Fischer
0044-4235 Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete Springer
0232-4393 Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie Gustav Fischer Verlag
0514-7123 Zentralblatt für Mineralogie E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
0372-9338 Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie
0372-9362 Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Teil 1, Kristallographie und Mineralogie Schweizerbart
0372-932X Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Teil 2, Gesteinskunde, Lagerstättenkunde, Allgemeine und Angewandte Geologie Schweizerbart
0372-9346 Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Teil 3, Historische und regionale Geologie, Paläontologie
0372-8129 Zentralblatt für Pharmazie [s.n.]
0049-8696 Zentralblatt für Pharmazie, Pharmakotherapie und Laboratoriumsdiagnostik Verlag Volk und Gesundheit
0372-8536 Zentralblatt für Physiologie Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft
0044-4294 Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Parey
0300-8649 Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Parey
0514-714X Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Paul Parey
0514-7166 Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin, Reihe B: Infektions- und Invasionskrankheiten, Bakteriologie, Virologie, Parasitologie, Hygiene, Lebensmittelhygiene, Pathologie Paul Parey
0300-8711 Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin. Reihe A. Physiologie, Endokrinologie, Biochemie, Pharmakologie, innere Medizin, Chirurgie, Genetik, Tierzucht, Geburtshilfe, Gynäkologie, Andrologie, Tierernährung und -fütterung, allgemeine und spezielle Pathologie, ausser infektiöse und parasitäre Erkrankungen P. Parey
0372-8412 Zentral-Europaeische Giesserei-Zeitung [s.n.]
0138-2950 Zentralinstitut für Kernforschung Rossendorf bei Dresden Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR.
0144-2449 Zeolites Butterworth Scientific Limited
0918-7774 Zeoraito Zeoraito Kenkyäukai ;; Zeoraito gakkai
0372-9893 Zernovoe hozâjstvo Agropromizdat
0075-7055 Zeszyt Naukowy Politechnika Krakowska.
0867-7735 Zeszyt Naukowy Politechnika Krakowska.
0372-9486 Zeszyt Naukowy Politechnika Krakowska. Mechanika Politechnika Krakowska.
0072-4696 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechnika Śląska (Gliwice)
0072-470X Zeszyty Naukowe Politechnika Śląska (Gliwice)
0079-4546 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu.
0137-2564 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechnika Łódzka.
0137-2602 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechnika Łódzka.
0137-3870 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższa Szkoła Wychowania Fizycznego im. Jęedrzeja Śniadeckiego w Gdańsku.
0208-4554 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu.; Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna (Poznań)
0208-4902 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Ekonomiczna
0208-6360 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Techniczno-Rolnicza im. Jana i Jęedrzeja Śniadeckich w Bydgoszczy.; Akademia Techniczno-Rolnicza im. Jana i Jęedrzeja Śniadeckich (Bydgoszcz)
0209-0600 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechnika Łódzka.
0209-0775 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierska im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego w Radomiu.
0324-802X Zeszyty Naukowe Politechnika Śląska (Gliwice)
0324-9034 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im. Powstańców Ślęaskich w Opolu.
0372-9478 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechnika Warszawska.
0372-9494 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechnika Śląska (Gliwice)
0372-9508 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechnika Śląska (Gliwice)
0416-735X Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Gdańsku.; Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna (Gdańsk). Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Chemii.
0458-1555 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechnika Łódzka.
0458-1563 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechnika Łódzka.
0867-7379 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Rolnicza w Szczecinie.
1505-2095 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechnika Łódzka.
0372-8803 Zeszyty Naukowe - Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie. Rozprawy Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie.; Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow.
0208-7944 Zeszyty naukowe akademie ekonomiczna w Krakowie. Prace z zakresu ekonomii politycznej kapitalizmu [S.n.]
0372-9427 Zeszyty naukowe Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica
0070-9964 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków)
0138-0923 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków)
0372-8838 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza (Kraków); Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków)
0372-9400 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza (Kraków); Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków)
0372-9443 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza (Kraków); Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków)
0372-9559 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie.; Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza (Kraków); Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków)
0452-6457 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza.; Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica.; Stanisław Staszic University of Mining and Metallurgy.; Stanisław Staszic Academy of Mining and Metallurgy.; Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków)
0454-4811 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza (Kraków); Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków)
0860-0260 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków)
0860-1100 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków)
0075-7012 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica. Ceramika Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. S. Staszica
0239-9334 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej im. H. Kołłęataja w Krakowie. Rolnictwo Akademia Rolnicza.
0239-9350 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej im. H. Kołłęataja w Krakowie. Zootechnika Akademia Rolnicza
0137-1959 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej we Wrocławiu Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej
2083-8352 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej we Wrocławiu (e-vir) Akademia Rolnicza (Wrocław).
0137-1967 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej we Wrocławiu. Melioracja Akademia Rolnicza we Wrocławiu.
0137-1908 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Krakowie. Sesja Naukowa Akademia Rolnicza.
0324-9018 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa)
0324-9026 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie Szkoła Główna Gospodarstw Wiejskiego - Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa)
0324-9115 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa)
0324-9069 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie. Technologia Drewna Akademia Rolnicza. Dział Wydawnictw.
0324-9042 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie. Technologie Rolno-Spożywcza Akademia Rolnicza w Warszawie.
0137-1975 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Wrocławiu. Weterynaria Akademia Rolnicza
0137-2017 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Wrocławiu. Zootechnika Akademia Rolnicza
0324-9182 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczo-Technicznej w Olsztynie Akademia Rolniczo-Techniczna (Olsztyn)
0324-9190 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczo-Technicznej w Olsztynie Akademia Rolniczo-Techniczna (Olsztyn)
0324-9204 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczo-Technicznej w Olsztynie Akademia Rolniczo-Techniczna (Olsztyn)
0324-9212 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczo-Technicznej w Olsztynie Akademia Rolniczo-Techniczna (Olsztyn)
0324-9220 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczo-Technicznej w Olsztynie Akademia Rolniczo-Techniczna (Olsztyn)
0324-9239 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczo-Technicznej w Olsztynie Akademia Rolniczo-Techniczna (Olsztyn)
0138-0761 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuk Pięeknych w Krakowie Akademia Sztuk Pięeknych.
0208-8819 Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu.; Academy of Physical Education at Wrocław.
0372-9796 Zeszyty Naukowe - Politechnika Śląska Politechnika Śląska (Gliwice)
0434-0779 Zeszyty Naukowe - Politechnika Śląska Politechnika Śląska (Gliwice)
0434-0817 Zeszyty Naukowe - Politechnika Ślęaska. Mechanika Dział Wydawnictw Politechniki Ślęaskiej.
0528-9254 Zeszyty Naukowe - Politechnika Łódzka. Chemia Spożywcza Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
0076-0331 Zeszyty Naukowe - Politechnika Łodzka. Włókiennictwo Politechnika Łódzka
0372-9524 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Częestochowskiej. Nauki Techniczne. Hutnictwo Politechnika Częestochowska.
0137-6969 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Częestochowskiej. Nauki Techniczne. Mechanika Politechnika Częestochowska.
0372-9699 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Czstochowskiej. Metalurgia Politechnika Czstochowska.
0416-7341 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Gdańskiej. Chemia Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
0137-6896 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Poznańskiej. Chemia i Inżynieria Chemiczna Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej.
0209-2670 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej Politechnika Rzeszowska.; Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza.
0372-980X Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Szczecińskiej Politechnika Szczecińska.
0083-7288 Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa)
0373-0034 Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa)
0509-7134 Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego-Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego-Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa)
0511-1684 Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego-Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego-Akademia Rolnicza
0511-1692 Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego-Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa)
0512-4646 Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego-Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego-Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa)
0511-1706 Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego-Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie. Technologia Drewna Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademia Rolnicza
0509-7126 Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głownej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie. Technologia Rolno-Spożywcza Dział Wydawnictw Szkoły Głownej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademii Rolniczej.
0324-9085 Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego-Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie. Weterynaria Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego-Akademia Rolnicza.
0137-7361 Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego (Warszawa); Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - Akademia Rolnicza (Warszawa)
0372-9540 Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań.
0867-1095 Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiege. Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Chimica Uniwersytet Jagielloński
0302-8585 Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0083-4319 Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace Chemiczne Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0137-2351 Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace z Biologii Molekularnej Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0083-4416 Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace Zoologiczne Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0450-9005 Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Seria Nauk Matematyczno-Przyrodniczych. Matematyka Fizyka Chemia Uniwersytet Jagielloński.
0076-0366 Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Seria 2, Nauki Matematyczno-Przyrodnicze Uniwersytet Łódzki.
0078-5385 Zeszyty Naukowe - WSP w Opolu. Fizyka Wydawnictwa Wyzszej Szkoly Pedagogicznej im. Powstancow Slaskich w Opolu.
0302-3125 Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Biologii i Nauk o Ziemi Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Biologii i Nauk o Ziemi.
0208-4880 Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Matematyki, Fizyki i Chemii Uniwersytet Gdański.; Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Chemii.
0208-4899 Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Matematyki, Fizyki i Chemii Uniwersytet Gdański.; Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Chemii.
0209-0848 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Inżynierskiej w Opolu Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierska (Opole)
0209-0805 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Inżynierskiej w Opolu. Elektryka Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierska, Opole.
0209-0813 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Inżynierskiej w Opolu. Fizyka Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierska, Opole.
0239-5061 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Bydgoszczy. Studia Techniczne Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Bydgoszczy.
0520-9307 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Rolniczej we Wrocławiu Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza (Wrocław)
0520-9315 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Rolniczej we Wrocławiu Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza (Wrocław)
0520-9293 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Rolniczej we Wrocławiu. Melioracja Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
0520-9323 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Rolniczej we Wrocławiu. Zootechnika Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
0452-6716 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Rolniczej w Krakowie. Zootechnika Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza.
0078-4583 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Rolniczej w Olsztynie Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza (Olsztyn)
0084-5469 Zeszyty Problemowe "Nauki Polskiej" Polska Akademia Nauk.
0044-4383 Zeszyty Problemowe Górnictwa Polska Akademia Nauk.
0084-5477 Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskego (Warszawa).
0323-8776 ZfI-Mitteilungen Zentralinstitut für Isotopen- und Strahlenforschung Leipzig.; ZfI.
0722-5733 ZFL Hüthig
1001-5922 Zhanjie Hubei Sheng Kexue Jishu Qingbao Yanjiusuo,
0379-7252 Zhäongguó hángkäong-tàikäongxué huì huìkäan Zhäongguó hángkäong- tàikäongxué.
0258-7025 Zhäongguó jäigäuang Shànghǎi Käexúe Jäishù Chäabǎnshè
0258-8021 Zhäongguó shäengwù yäixué gäongchéng xuébào Zhäongguó shäengwù yäixué gäongchéng xuébào biäanjí wěiyuánhuì
0578-1434 Zhäonghuá nóngxué huìbào Zhäonghuá nóngxué huì.
1680-6115 Zhäonghuá yäixué yánjiäu zázhì Zhäonghuá línchuáng yäiyào xuéhuì.; Chinese Clinical Medical and Pharmaceutical Association.
1680-077X Zhäonghuá yäiyào zázhì Zhäonghuá línchuáng yäiyào xuéhuì.; Chinese Clinical Medical and Pharmaceutical Association.
0253-9861 Zhejiang Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1008-9209 Zhejiang Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1008-9497 Zhejiang Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1008-973X Zhejiang Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1008-9292 Zhejiang Daxue xuebao.; 浙江大学学报 Gai Kan Bianjishi; 该刊编辑部,; Zhejiang Daxue Chubanshe Youxian Zeren Gongsi; 浙江大学出版社有限责任公司
1000-209X Zhejiang Gongxueyuan xuebao Zhejiang Gongxueyuam Xuebao Bianjishi
1006-4303 Zhejiang Gongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-8798 Zhejiang Keji Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-5692 Zhejiang Linxueyuan xuebao Zhejiang Linxueyuan
1000-2111 Zhejiang Nongye Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjishi
1001-5051 Zhejiang Shifan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1000-2103 Zhejiang sichou gongxueyuan xuebao Zhejiang Sichou Gongxueyuan
1000-1743 Zhejiang Yike Daxue Xuebao Gai Kan Bianjishi
1006-2785 Zhejiang yixue Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1001-8212 Zhengzhou Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-6825 Zhengzhou Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-6833 Zhengzhou Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-6841 Zhengzhou Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-4945 Zhengzhou Fangzhi Gongxueyuan xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1671-1629 Zhengzhou Gongcheng Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-6492 Zhengzhou Gongye Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1000-2332 Zhengzhou Liangshi Xueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0256-1883 Zhenjun xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1002-0322 Zhenkong Gai Kan Bianjibu,
0253-9748 Zhenkong kexue yu jishu Zhenkong Kexue yu Jishu Zazhishe
1672-7126 Zhenkong kexue yu jishu xuebao Zhenkong Kexue yu Jishu Xuebao Zazhishe
0253-4339 Zhileng xuebao Xueshu Qikan Chubanshe,
1004-2997 Zhipu xuebao Atomic Energy Press
0529-1542 Zhiwu baohu Zhongguo Nongxuehui,
0577-7518 Zhiwu baohu xuebao Zhongguo Nongxuehui,
0577-750X Zhíwù bǎohùxué huì huìkān Zhōnghuá zhíwù bǎohùxué huì
1021-9544 Zhíwù bìnglǐxué huìkān Zhōnghuá mínguó zhíwù bìnglǐxuéhuì
0529-1526 Zhiwu fenlei xuebao Kexue chubanshe
0257-4829 Zhiwu shengli xuebao Science Press
0412-0922 Zhiwu shenglixue tongxun Kexue Chubanshe
1005-264X Zhiwu shengtai xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
1671-3877 Zhiwu shengwu yu fenzi shengwuxue xuebao Kexue Chubanshe
0577-7496 Zhíwùxué Bào Käexué chäubæan shé
1008-505X Zhiwu yingyang yu feiliao xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-0978 Zhiwu ziyuan yu huanjing Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1004-1257 Zhiye yu jiankang Zhiye Yu Jiankang Zazhishe,
1673-3193 Zhongbei Daxue xuebao Zhongbei Daxue Chubanbu
0253-2670 Zhongcaoyao Guojia Yiyao Guanliju Zhongcaoyao Qingbao Zhongxinzhan
1001-1528 Zhongchengyao Guojia Yiyao Guanliju Zhongchengyao Qingbao Zhongxinzhan,
1003-2754 Zhongfeng yu shenjing jibing zazhi Bethune Yike Daxue,
1007-3639 Zhongguo aizheng zazhi Shanghai Yike Daxue Fushu Zhongliu Yiyuan
1672-5662 Zhongguo aizibing xingbing Gai Kan Bianjibu
1003-5125 Zhongguo bingduxue Kexue Chubanshe
1000-4718 Zhongguo bingli shengli zazhi.; 中国病理生理杂志 Ji'nan Daxue; 暨南大学; Ji'nan Daxue Zhongguo Bingli Shengli Zazhi Bianjibu; 暨南大学《中国病理生理杂志》编辑部
1008-8830 Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi Zhongguo Dangdai Erke Zazhishe.
1000-4955 Zhongguo difangbingxue zazhi Harbin Yike Daxue
1000-3657 Zhongguo dizhi Dizhi Chubanshe; Kexue Chubanshe=; Science Press
0254-5063 Zhongguo Dizhi Kexueyuan Yichang Dizhi Kuangchan Yanjiusuo suokan Yichang Dizhi Kuangchan Yanjiusuo
0254-3176 Zhongguo Dizhi Kexueyuan yuanbao Dizhi Chubanshe
0431-2155 Zhōngguó dìzhì xuéhuì huìkān Zhōngguó dìzhì xuéhuì
0578-1825 Zhōngguó dìzhì xuéhuì zhuānkān Zhōngguó dìzhì xuéhuì
1007-3949 Zhongguo dongmai yinghua zazhi Hengyang Yixueyuan
1007-1520 Zhongguo er-bi-yanhou-ludi waike zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1008-6579 Zhongguo ertong baojian zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-1476 Zhongguo Fangzhi Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1999-6187 Zhongguo fei'ai zazhi (e-vir) Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer
1009-3419 Zhongguo feiai zazhi Huaxi Yike Daxue
1008-5548 Zhongguo fenti jishu Zhongguo Fenti Jishu Zazhishe
1005-4537 Zhongguo fushi yu fanghu xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1671-9638 Zhongguo ganran kongzhi zazhi Zhongguo Ganran Kongzhi Zazhishe
1001-0580 Zhongguo gonggong weisheng Zhongguo Gonggong Weisheng Zazhishe
1001-0572 Zhongguo gonggong weisheng xuebao Zhongguo Gonggong Weisheng Xuebao Zazhishe
1002-221X Zhongguo gongye yixue zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1003-0034 Zhongguo gushang Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1006-7108 Zhongguo guzhi shusong zazhi Zhongguo Guzhi Shusong Zazhishe
1673-1506 Zhongguo haishang youqi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-5174 Zhongguo Haiyang Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1002-3461 Zhongguo haiyang yaowu Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-6923 Zhongguo huanjing kexue Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue Chubanshe,
1004-2849 Zhongguo jiaozhanji Shanghai Shi Hecheng Shuzhi Yanjiusuo,
1008-6706 Zhongguo jiceng yiyao Zhongguo Jiceng Yiyao Zazhishe
1003-9430 Zhongguo jiguang yixue zazhi Zhongguo Jiguang Yixue Zazhishe
1002-1949 Zhongguo jijiu yixue Zhongguo Jijiu Yixue Zazhishe,
1000-4602 Zhongguo jishui paishui Zhongguo Shizheng Gongcheng Huabei Shejiyuan,
1001-1242 Zhongguo kangfu yixue zazhi Zhongguo Kangfu Yixue Zazhishe,
1009-7708 Zhongguo kangganran hualiao zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-8689 Zhongguo kangshengsu zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
0301-9632 Zhongguo kexue Kexue Chubanshe; Zhongguo Guoji Shudian Guowai Fahang
0253-2778 Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1672-3244 Zhongguo kouqiang hemian waike zazhi Shanghai Di-Er Yike Daxue Kouqiang Yixueyuan
1003-0174 Zhongguo liang-you xuebao Zhongguo Liang-You Xuehui,
1671-5926 Zhongguo linchuang kangfu Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1001-6821 Zhongguo linchuang yaolixue zazhi Zhongguo Yaoxuehui,
1007-4406 Zhongguo linchuang yaoxue zazhi Shanghai Yike Daxue Yaoxueyuan :; Zhongguo Yaoxuehui Shanghai Fenhui,
1008-5882 Zhongguo linchuang yingyang zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Beijing Fenhui
1008-1062 Zhongguo linchuang yixue yingxiang zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
0250-3271 Zhongguo linye kexue Kexue Chubanshe
1009-1785 Zhongguo lujian Zhongguo Lujian Gongye Xiehui,
1004-6194 Zhongguo manxingbing yufang yu kongzhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1003-8280 Zhongguo meijie shengwuxue ji kongzhi zazhi Hebei Sheng Shuyi Fangzhisuo,
1008-6455 Zhongguo meirong yixue Zhongguo Meirong Yixue Zazhishe
1000-484X Zhongguo mianyixue zazhi Jilin Yixue Zazhi Bianjibu,
1008-0848 Zhongguo nankexue zazhi Shanghai Di-Er Yike Daxue
1672-5921 Zhongguo naoxueguanbing zazhi Shoudu Yike Daxue Xuanwu Yiyuan
0254-5071 Zhongguo niangzao Zhongguo Weishengwu Xuehui Niangzao Xuehui
1007-4333 Zhongguo Nongye Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0578-1736 Zhōngguó nóngyè huàxué huìzhì Zhōngguó nóngyè huàxué huì
0578-1752 Zhongguo nongye Kexue Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan
1001-7089 Zhongguo pifu xingbingxue zazhi Xi'an Yike Daxue
1001-6813 Zhongguo pige Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-6947 Zhongguo putong waike zazhi Zhongguo Putong Waike Zazhishe
1007-9424 Zhongguo pu-wai jichu yu linchuang zazhi Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1007-9572 Zhongguo quanke yixue Zhongguo Quanke Yixue Zazhishe
1009-9727 Zhongguo redai yixue Zhongguo Redai Yixue Zazhishe
1002-2694 Zhongguo renshougonghuanbing zazhi Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1005-1678 Zhongguo sheng-hua yaowu zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1671-8135 Zhongguo shengwu gongcheng zazhi Zhongguo Kexueyuan Wenxian Qingbao Zhongxin
0258-705X Zhongguo shengwu huaxuehui zhuanti taolunhui wenji Kexue chubanshe
1007-7626 Zhongguo shengwu huaxue yu fenzi shengwu xuebao Zhongguo Shengwu Huaxue yu Fenzi Shengwu Xuehui
1004-5503 Zhongguo shengwuzhipinxue zazhi Weishengbu Changchun Shengwuzhipin Yanjiusuo.
1002-0152 Zhongguo shenjing jingshen jibing zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1008-0872 Zhongguo shenjing kexue zazhi Kexue Chubanshe
1006-2963 Zhongguo shenjing mianyixue he shenjingbingxue zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1009-7848 Zhongguo shipin xuebao.; 中国食品学报 Zhongguo Shipin Xuebao Bianjibu; 《中国食品学报》编辑部; Zhongguo Shipin Xuebao Zazhishe; 《中国食品学报》杂志社
1005-9903 Zhongguo shiyan fangjixue zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1009-2137 Zhongguo shiyan xueyexue zazhi Zhongguo Shiyan Xueyexue Zazhishe
1005-2194 Zhongguo shiyong neike zazhi Shiyong Yixue Zazhishe
1673-5005 Zhongguo Shiyou Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-0868 Zhongguo shouyi jishengchongbing Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan Shanghai Jiaxu Jishengchongbing Yanjiusuo
1673-4696 Zhongguo shouyi kexue Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-4545 Zhongguo shouyi xuebao Zhongguo Renmin Jiefangjun Nongmu Daxue
0529-6005 Zhongguo shouyi zazhi Nongye Chubanshe,
0529-6471 Zhōngguó shuǐchǎn Zhōngguó shuǐchǎn xiéhuì
1005-8737 Zhongguo shuichan kexue Zhongguo Shuichan Kexue Yanjiuyuan,
1001-7216 Zhongguo shuidao kexue Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1001-9278 Zhongguo suliao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1006-6187 Zhongguo tangniaobing zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Beijing Fenhui,
1006-2874 Zhongguo taoci gongye Zhongguo Taoci Gongye Zazhishe,
1006-9852 Zhongguo tengtong yixue zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Tengtong Xuehui; Beijing Yike Daxue Shenjing Kexue Zhongxin
1672-3651 Zhongguo tianran yaowu Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-9973 Zhongguo tiaoweipin Zhongguo Tiaoweipin Zazshishe,
1673-6257 Zhongguo turang yu feiliao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-376X Zhongguo weishengtaixue zazhi Zhonghua Yufang Yixuehui Weishengtai Xuehui,
1007-8568 Zhong guo wei xun huan.; 中国微循环 Zhongguo Weixunhuan Zazhishe
1003-0603 Zhongguo weizhongbing jijiu yixue Zhongguo Weizhongbing Jijiu Yixue Zazhishe
0577-9073 Zhongguó wùli xuékan Zhongguó wùli xuéhuì bianjí bù.
1009-9905 Zhongguo xiandai putong waike jinzhan Gai Kan Bianjibu
1672-6731 Zhongguo xiandai shenjing jibing zazhi Tianjin Shi Huanhu Yiyuan
1007-7693 Zhongguo xiandai yingyong yaoxue Zhongguo Xiandai Yingyong Yaoxue Zazhishe
1005-8982 Zhongguo xiandai yixue Zhongguo Xiandai Yixue Zazhishe
1673-4890 Zhongguo xiandai zhongyao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1001-7658 Zhongguo xiaoduxue zazhi Zhongguo Renmin Jiefangjun Yufang Yixue Zhongxin,
1673-4912 Zhongguo xiaoer jijiu yixue.; 中国小儿急救医学 Zhongguo Xiaoer Jijiu Yixue Bianjibu; 中国小儿急救医学编辑部,
1673-5323 Zhongguo xiaoer xueye yu zhongliu zazhi Zhongguo Xiaoer Xueye yu Zhongliu Zazhishe
1005-8559 Zhongguo xingwei yixue kexue Zhongguo Xingwei Yixue Kexue Zazhishe
1007-7669 Zhongguo xin yao yu linchuang zazhi Shanghai Shi Yiyao Guanliju Ke-Ji Qingbao Yanjiusuo; Zhongguo Yaoxuehui Shanghai Fenhui
1003-3734 Zhongguo xin yao zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-4343 Zhongguo xitu xuebao Yejin Gongye Chubanshe,
1002-1892 Zhongguo xiufu chongjian waike zazhi Huaxi Yike Daxue Di-Yi Fushu Yiyuan,
1009-881X Zhongguo xueye-liubianxue zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1671-7236 Zhongguo xumu shouyi Gai Kan Bianjibu
0258-7033 Zhongguo xumu zazhi Nongye Chubanshe
1001-0408 Zhongguo yaofang Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-5048 Zhongguo yaoke daxue xuebao Zhongguo Yaoke Daxue,
1001-1978 Zhongguo yaolixue tongbao Linchuang Yaoli Yanjiusuo
1000-3002 Zhongguo yaolixue yu dulixue zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1009-3656 Zhongguo yaopin biaozhun Zhongguo Yaopin Biaozhun Zazhishe
1002-7777 Zhongguo yaoshi Zhongguo Yaopin Shengwu Zhipin Jiandingsuo,
1008-049X Zhongguo yaoshi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-0108 Zhongguo yaowu huaxue zazhi Gai-Kai Bianjibu,
1006-902X Zhongguo yaowu lanyong fangzhi zazhi Zhongguo Yaowu Lanyong Fangzhi Zazhishe,
1007-9718 Zhongguo yaowu yilaixing zazhi Zhongguo Yaowu Yilaixing Yanjiusuo
1671-2560 Zhongguo yaowu yu linchuang Zhongguo Yaowu yu Linchuang Zazhishe
0366-6689 Zhongguo yaoxue zazhi [s.n.]
1001-2494 Zhongguo yaoxue zazhi Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1006-4931 Zhongguo yaoye Zhongguo Yaoye Zazhishe,
1008-1070 Zhongguo yikan Renmin Weisheng Chubanshe
0258-4646 Zhongguo Yike Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1000-6834 Zhongguo yingyong shenglixue zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1008-1372 Zhongguo yishi zazhi Zhongguo Yishi Zazhishe
1606-8025 Zhōngguó yīxué jiǎnyàn zázhì Zhōngguó yīxué jiǎnyàn zázhì shè
1000-503X Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan xuebao Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan :; Zhongguo Xiehe Yike Daxue,
1001-8255 Zhongguo yiyao gongye zazhi Shanghai Yiyao Gongye Yanjiuyuan
1005-4529 Zhongguo yiyuan ganranxue zazhi Zhongguo Renmin Jiefangjun Zongyiyuan,
1001-5213 Zhongguo yiyuan yaoxue zazhi Zhongguo Yao Xuehui Wuhan Fenhui,
1007-9084 Zhongguo youliao zuowu xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1004-0609 Zhongguo youse jinshu xuebao Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1003-7969 Zhongguo youzhi Zhongguo Liang You Xuehui Youzhi Zhuanye Xuehui
1009-6639 Zhongguo yufang yixue zazhi Zhonghua Yufang Yixuehui
1000-6710 Zhongguo yundong yixue zazhi Renmin Tiyu Chubanshe.
0254-508X Zhongguo zaozhi Zhongguo Zaozhi Xuehui
1000-6842 Zhongguo zaozhi xuebao Zhongguo Zaozhi Xuehui,
0255-2930 Zhongguo zhenjiu Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1004-0242 Zhongguo zhongliu Zhejiang Sheng Zhongliu Yiyuan,
1000-8179 Zhongguo zhongliu linchuang Tianjin Shi Yixue Zazhishe
1007-385X Zhongguo zhongliu shengwu zhiliao zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1008-9691 Zhongguo zhong-xiyi jiehe jijiu zazhi Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1007-6948 Zhongguo zhong-xiyi jiehe waike zazhi Tianjin Shi Zhong-Xiyi Jiehe Jifuzheng Yanjiusuo,
1671-038X Zhongguo zhongxiyi jiehe xiaohua zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1003-5370 Zhongguo zhongxiyi jiehe zazhi Zhongguo Zhongxiyi Jiehe Xuehui
1001-5302 Zhongguo zhongyao zazhi Zhogguo Yaoxuehui
1006-3250 Zhongguo zhongyi jichu yixue zazhi Zhongguo Zhongyi Jichu Yixue Zazhishe,
1005-7072 Zhongguo zhongyiyao ke-ji Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1006-9658 Zhongguo zhuzao zhuangbei yu jishu Zhongguo Zhuzao Zhuangbei yu Jishu Zazhishe
1008-7850 Zhongguo ziran yixue zazhi Zhongguo Ziran Yixue Zazhishe
1004-1850 Zhongguo zuzhi huaxue yu xibao huaxue zazhi Zhongguo Jiepou Xuehui,
1671-7600 Zhonghua chuangshang guke zazhi Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1001-8050 Zhonghua chuangshang zazhi Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1000-6680 Zhonghua chuanranbing zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Shanghai Fenhui,
0412-3948 Zhonghua er-bi-yanhouke zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui
0578-1310 Zhonghua erke zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui,
1005-1201 Zhonghua fangshexua zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui,
0254-5098 Zhonghua fangshe yixue yu fanghu zazhi Weishengbu Gongye Weisheng Shiyansuo; Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan Fangshe Yixue Yanjiusuo
1007-7480 Zhonghua fengshibingxue zazhi Zhonghua Fengshibingxue Zazhishe
1007-8118 Zhonghua gan-dan waike zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1007-3418 Zhonghua ganzangbing zazhi Chongqing Yike Daxue Di-Er Linchuang Xueyuan Bingduxing Ganyan Yanjiusuo,
1673-7245 Zhonghua gaoxueya zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1009-6906 Zhonghua hanghai yixue yu gaoqiya yixue zazhi Haijun Yixue Yanjiusuo
0253-9780 Zhonghua heyixue zazhi Jiangsu Sheng Yuanzi Yixue Yanjiusuo
1022-7636 Zhōnghuá huánjìng gōngchéng xuékān Zhōnghuá mínguó huánjìng gōngchéng xuéhuì
0368-1637 Zhonghua huaxue gongcheng xiehui huikan [s.n.]
1009-9158 Zhonghua jianyan yixue zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe
0253-2689 Zhonghua jiehe he huxixi jibing zazhi Zhongguo Fanglao Xiehui; Zhonghua Yixuehui Jiehebing Kexuehui
1006-7884 Zhonghua jingshenke zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe
1671-0282 Zhonghua jizhen yixue zazhi Zhonghua Jizhen Yixue Zazhishe
0371-5027 Zhōnghuá kēxué xiéjìnhuì niánhuì lùnwén zhuānzhì Zhōnghuá kēxué xiéjìnhuì
0412-4014 Zhonghua kouqiangke zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui
1002-0098 Zhonghua kouqiang yixue zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui
1001-9391 Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi Tianjin Shi Laodong Weisheng Zhiyebing Yanjiusuo,
1009-0126 Zhonghua laonian xin-nao-xueguanbing zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
0254-9026 Zhonghua laonian yixue zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Laonian Yixue Xuehui,
0254-6450 Zhonghua liuxingbingxue zazhi Zhongguo Yufang Yixue Kexueyuan Liuxingbingxue Weishengwuxue Yanjiusuo,
0254-1416 Zhonghua mazuixue zazhi Hebei Sheng Yixue Kexueyuan Qingbaosuo
0529-5769 Zhōnghuá mínguó mázuì xuéhuì Zhōnghuá mínguó mázuì xuéhuì
0253-9179 Zhōnghuá mínguó shòuyī xuéhuì zázhì Zhōnghuá mínguó shòuyī xuéhuì
0253-2662 Zhōnghuá mínguó wēishēngwù jí miǎnyìxué zázhì Zhōnghuá mínguó miǎnyì xuéhuì; Zhōnghuá mínguó wēishēngwù xuéhuì
1011-6958 Zhōnghuá mínguó yíngyǎng xuéhuì zázhì Zhōnghuá mínguó yíngyǎng xuéhuì
1000-6702 Zhonghua miniao waike zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Beijing Fenhui,
1009-3591 Zhonghua nankexue Gai Kan Bianjibu
1000-6699 Zhonghua neifenmi daixie zazhi Shanghai Shi Neifenmi Yanjiusuo,
0578-1426 Zhonghua neike zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui,
0376-477X Zhōnghuá nóngyè yánjiū Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute
0412-4030 Zhonghua pifuke zazhi Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan Pifubing Yanjiusuo,
0254-1785 Zhonghua qiguan yizhi zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Wuhan Fenhui
1009-2587 Zhonghua shaoshang zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1006-7876 Zhonghua shenjingke zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe
1671-2897 Zhonghua shenjing waike jibing yanjiu zazhi Di-Si Junyi Daxue Di-Yi Fushu Yiyuan
1671-8925 Zhonghua shenjing yixue zazhi Nanfang Yike Daxue Zhujiang Yiyuan
1001-7097 Zhonghua shenzangbing zazhi Zhongshan Yike Daxue,
1003-9279 Zhonghua shiyan he linchuang bingduxue zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Bingdu Xuehui,
1001-9030 Zhonghua shiyan waike zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Hubei Fenhui,
1007-9408 Zhonghua weichan yixue zazhi Beijing Yike Daxue Di-Yi Yiyuan
1671-2781 Zhonghua weisheng shachong yaoxie Gai Kan Bianjibu
0254-5101 Zhonghua weishengwuxue he mianyixue zazhi Weishengbu Beijing Shengwu Zhipin Yanjiusuo
0366-6344 Zhonghua weisheng zazhi [s.n.],
0254-1432 Zhonghua xiaohua zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Shanghai Fenhui
0253-3758 Zhonghua xinxueguanbing zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe
0253-2727 Zhonghua xueyexue zazhi Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan Xueyexue Yanjiusuo
1005-1015 Zhonghua yandibing zazhi Huaxi Yike Daxue Fushu Di-Yi Yiyuan
1016-1015 Zhōnghuá yàoxué zázhì Zhōngguó yàoxuéhuì; Taiwan yaoxue xuehui
0253-973X Zhonghua yixue jianyan zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe
1003-9406 Zhonghua yixue yichuanxue zazhi Huaxi Yike Daxue
0376-2491 Zhonghua yixue zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui
0578-1337 Zhōnghuá yīxué zázhì Chinese Medical Association; Excerpta Medica Asia
0253-9624 Zhonghua yufang yixue zazhi Zhonghua Yixuehui,
1007-9211 Zhonghua zhiye Zhonghua Zhiye Zazhishe
1673-5269 Zhonghua zhongliu fangzhi zazhi Zhonghua Zhongliu Fangzhi Zazhishe
0253-3766 Zhonghua zhongliu zazhi Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan Zhongguo Xiehe Yike Daxue Zhongliu Yanjiusuo Zhongliu Yiyuan,
1000-7431 Zhongliu Shanghai Shi Zhongliu Yanjiusuo
1000-8578 Zhongliu fangzhi yanjiu Zhonghua Yixuehui Hubei Fenhui
1009-4571 Zhongliu fangzhi zazhi Zhongliu Fangzhi Zazhishe
1671-170X Zhongliuxue zazhi Gai Kan Bianjibu
1006-9801 Zhongliu yanjiu yu linchuang Zhongliu Yanjiu yu Linchuang Zazhishe,
1672-7207 Zhongnan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1672-7347 Zhongnan Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-9792 Zhongnan Gongye Daxue xuebao Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
0253-4347 Zhongnan Kuangye Xueyuan xuebao Gai-Kan Bian-Wei-Hui
1672-4321 Zhongnan Minzu Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-3018 Zhongnan Minzu Xueyuan xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
0529-6579 Zhongshan Daxua Xuebao Gai-Kan Bianjibu
1673-579X Zhongwai nengyuan Gai Kan Bianjibu
1005-0264 Zhongxiyi jiehe ganbing zazhi Hubei Zhongyi Xueyuan,
1672-1977 Zhongxiyi jiehe xuebao Zhongxiyi Jiehe Zazhishe
0006-8063 Zhōngyāng yánjiūyuàn zhíwùxué huikān Zhōngyāng yánjiūyuàn zhíwùxué yánjiusuǒ; Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica; Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology
0258-5170 Zhōngyāng yánjiūyuàn zhíwù yánjiūsuǒ zhuānkān Zhōngyāng yánjiūyuàn zhíwù yánjiūsuǒ
1001-4454 Zhongyaocai Guojia Yiyao Guanliju,
0254-0029 Zhongyao tongbao Zhongguo Yaoxuehui; Zhongyi yanjiuyuan zhongyao yanjiusuo
1003-9783 Zhongyao xinyao yu linchuang yaoli Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui,
1008-7087 Zhongyao yanjiu yu xinxi Quanguo Zhongyao Jingji Yanjiuhui; Zhongguo Yaocai Gongsi
1001-859X Zhongyao yaoli yu linchuang Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1002-2392 Zhongyi-yao xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu,
1671-6906 Zhongyuan Gongxueyuan xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0253-956X Zhōngyuán xuébào Zhōngyuán lǐ-gōng xuéyuàn
1607-7466 Zhuäanlì gäongbào Jäingjìbù zhìhuì cáichǎn jú.; IPO.; Intellectual Property Office.
1672-9242 Zhuangbei huanjing gongcheng Zhongguo Bingqi Gongye Di-Wujiu Yanjiusuo Keji Qikanshe
1001-4977 Zhuzao Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng Xuehui Zhuzao Xuehui
1000-8365 Zhuzao jishu Xi'an Shi Zhuzao Xuehui,
0044-4693 ZI Bauverlag
0514-356X Židkofaznoe okislenie nepredelʹnyh organičeskih soedinenij Izdatelʹstvo Ministerstva vysšego, srednego, specialʹnogo i professionalʹnogo obrazovaniâ BSSR.
0372-8811 Ziegelwelt [s.n.]
0169-2720 Ziekenhuisfarmacie Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuisapothekers
0302-7716 Ziemniak Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne
0341-0552 ZI international Bauverlag
0044-4464 Žiliśnoe i kommunalʹnoe hozâjstvo Strojizdat.
0044-4731 Zinc abstracts Zinc Development Association
0191-4359 Zinc industry United States.
0191-4340 Zinc oxide U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
0191-4332 Zinc production United States.
0372-9028 Ziraat Dergisi Türk Yüksek Ziraat Mühendisleri Birligi
0253-9608 Ziran zazhi Guoji Shudian,
0193-0109 Zirconium and hafnium in . United States. Bureau of Mines.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
0044-1465 ZIS-Mitteilungen Zentralinstitut für Schweisstechnik der DDR
0351-0999 Žito hleb Zavod za tehnologiju žita i brašna
0044-4812 Živa Academia
0044-4847 Živočišná výroba Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací
0514-7441 Zivotnov'dni nauki B'lgarska akademiâ na naukite
0044-4480 Životnovodstvo Kolos
2534-9856 Životnovʺdni nauki; Животновъдни науки (e-vir) Selskostopanska akademiâ; Селскостопанска академия
0255-7940 Zizaniologia Elläinikäi zizaniologikäi etaireia ;; Weed Science Society of Greece
0514-7468 Žiznʹ zemli Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta.
0341-0560 ZKG. Zement, Kalk, Gips. Edition B Bauverlag
0722-4397 ZKG international Bauverlag
0722-4400 ZKG international. Edition B Bauverlag
0133-3682 Zoeldsegtermesztesi kutato intezet bulletinje [S.n.]
0733-3188 Zoo biology American Zoo and Aquarium Association.
1098-2361 Zoo biology (e-vir) [A.R. Liss]; Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0514-7956 Zooiatría Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Universidad de Chile
0372-9613 Zoologica Seoul National University, Dep of Zoology.
0044-507X Zoologica; New York Zoological Society.
0044-5096 Zoologica Africana Zoological Society of Southern Africa.; Soölogiese Vereniging van Suidelike Afrika.
0289-0003 Zoological science Zoological Society of Japan
1021-5506 Zoological studies Institute of Zoology
1810-522X Zoological studies (e-vir) Springer
0044-510X Zoologica Poloniae Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
2083-6112 Zoologica Poloniae Uniwersytet Wrocławski; "Versita"
0300-3256 Zoologica scripta Almqvist & Wiksell Periodical Co.
1463-6409 Zoologica scripta (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0044-5134 Zoologičeskij žurnal Nauka
0044-5150 Zoologische Beiträge Duncker u. Humblot.
0044-5177 Zoologische Jahrbücher Fischer
0044-5185 Zoologische Jahrbücher Fischer
0044-5231 Zoologischer Anzeiger G. Fischer
1873-2674 Zoologischer Anzeiger (e-vir) Elsevier
0373-0964 Zoologiska Bidrag fran Uppsala Almqvist and Wiksell /.
0944-2006 Zoology Elsevier
1873-2720 Zoology (e-vir) Elsevier
0346-508X Zoon Uppsala universitet.
0346-9123 Zoon Institute of zoology, University of Uppsala. ;; Almqvist & Wiksell periodical Co.
0044-5290 Zooprofilassi Istituto sperimentale zooprofilattico sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana
0044-5312 Zootechnia Federación Internacional Veterinaria de Zootecnia.; Asociación Internacional Veterinaria de Producción Producción Animal.; Sociedad Veterinaria de Zootecnia de España.
0044-5320 Zootecnia Instituto de Zootecnia
0514-4035 Zootecnia e Vita Istituto di Zootecnia Generale.
0392-0593 Zootecnia international Zootecnia international.
0390-0487 Zootecnica e nutrizione animale Gruppo Giornalistico Edagricole
0049-8777 Zootecnica e Veterinaria Zootecnica e Veterinaria.
0173-2595 ZPA. Zeitschrift für praktische Augenheilkunde Kaden.
1431-5874 ZPhys-e. A, Hadrons and nuclei (e-vir)
1431-7362 ZPhys-e. B, Condensed matter (e-vir)
1431-7370 ZPhys-e. C, Particles and fields (e-vir)
1431-7389 ZPhys-e. D, Atoms, molecules and clusters (e-vir) Springer
0044-5355 Zpravodaj VZLÚ SNTL, Nakladatelství technické literatury
0372-8986 Zprávy Hornického ústavu ČSAV Academia
0514-809X Zrošuvane zemlerobstvo.; Зрошуване землеробство Urožaj; Урожай.
1006-768X Zuancai gongyi Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
0044-5371 Zuchthygiene Paul Parey
0044-5401 Züchtungskunde Verlag Eugen Ulmer
0044-538X Zucker Schaper
0514-4205 Zucker-Beihefte Verein der Zuckerindustrie Hannover.
0344-8657 Zuckerindustrie Bartens
0373-0158 Zuckerindustrie Zuckerindustrie.
0372-9206 Zuckerrübenbau [s.n.]
0373-0204 Zucker- und Süsswaren-Wirtschaft Verlag Eduard F. Beckmann
1436-5928 Zukünftige Technologien VDI-Technologiezentrum Physikalische Technologien.
1811-7406 Zuowu, huanjing yu shengwu zixun Zhonghua nongyi xuehui.; Zhonghua nongyi qixiang xuehui.; Chinese Society of Agronomy.; Chinese Society of Agrometeorology.
0496-3490 Zuowu xuebao Zhongguo Nong Xuehui
0170-5938 Zur Didaktik der Physik und Chemie Leuchtturm-Verlag.
0044-4502 Žurnal analitičeskoj himii Nauka
0044-4510 Žurnal èksperimental'noj i teoretičeskoj fiziki Nauka
0044-4529 Žurnal evolûcionnoj biohimii i fiziologii Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie
0044-4537 Žurnal fizičeskoj himii Nauka
1027-4642 Žurnal fìzičnih doslidženʹ Lʹvivsʹkij deržavnij unìversitet imeni Ivana Franka
0372-8714 Žurnal gigieny, epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i immunologii Avicenum
1029-7693 Žurnal himii nevodnyh rastvorov Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk, Institut himii nevodnyh rastvorov.
0372-9311 Žurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii "Medicina"
2686-7613 Žurnal mikrobiologii, èpidemiologii i immunobiologii; Журнал микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунобиологии (e-vir) CNII Èpidemiologii Rospotrebnadzora; ЦНИИ Эпидемиологии Роспотребнадзора
0869-6144 Žurnal naučnoj i prikladnoj fotografii.; Журнал научной и прикладной фотографии Nauka; Наука.
0044-4561 Žurnal naučnoj i prikladnoj fotografii i kinematografii Nauka
0044-457X Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii Nauka
0044-4588 Žurnal nevropatologii i psihiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova Medicina
0044-4596 Žurnal obščej biologii Nauka
0044-460X Žurnal obŝej himii Nauka
0514-7492 Žurnal organičeskoj himii Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie
0044-4618 Žurnal prikladnoj himii Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie
0514-7506 Žurnal prikladnoj spektroskopii Nauka i tehnika
0372-9931 Žurnal rezinovoj promyšlennosti [s.n.].
0372-9907 Žurnal Russkogo metallurgičeskogo obŝestva.; Журнал Русского металлургического общества [s.n.]; [с.н.].
0136-7463 Žurnal strukturnoj himii Izdatel'stvo "Nauka". Sibirskoe otdelenie
0044-4642 Žurnal tehničeskoj fiziki Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie
0044-4650 Žurnal ušnyh, nosovyh i gorlovyh boleznej.; Журнал ушных, носовых и горловых болезней Zdorovʼâ; Здоровʼя
0042-8817 Žurnal voprosy neirohirurgii [S.n.]
0373-0247 Žurnal Vsesoûznogo himičeskogo obŝestva im. D.I. Mendeleeva Himiâ
0044-4669 Žurnal vyčislitel'noj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki Nauka
0044-4677 Žurnal vysšej nervnoj deâtel'nosti im. I.P. Pavlova Nauka
0322-9785 Zváračské správy Výskumný ústav zváračský
0514-454X Zváračský sborník Slovenská akadémia vied
0044-5525 Zváranie Alfa
0947-0085 ZWF Hanser
0084-5825 Zwierzeta Laboratoryjne Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
0044-166X ZWR Thieme
0301-1607 ZWR Hüthig.
0514-180X ZWR Hüthig.
1439-9148 ZWR (e-vir) Thieme
0967-1994 Zygote Cambridge University Press
1469-8730 Zygote (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0373-0379 Zymologica e Chimica dei Colloidi [s.n.]
0303-7851 Żywienie Człowieka Instytut Żywności i Żywienia.
1425-6959 Żywność, Technologia, Jakość Polskie Towarzystwo Technologów Żywności. Oddział Małopolski
0514-1184 Z Zagadnień Kryminalistyki Instytut Ekspertyz Sądowych im. prof. dra Jana Sehna (Kraków)
1230-7483 Z Zagadnień Nauk Sęadowych Instytut Ekspertyz Sęadowych

Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti iz spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Nekateri so tekoči, drugi kumulativni in vključujejo tudi starejše revije, ki ne izhajajo več (npr. iz časa nekdanje Jugoslavije, če je bil sedež izdajatelja v Sloveniji). Vključene niso revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznami revij sploh niso dostopni. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen.

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